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Goethe Elective Affinities Text

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The document discusses Goethe's novel Elective Affinities and how it explores themes of relationships, free will, and repression of desires.

The novel explores themes of relationships, free will, and the consequences of repressing desires through the story of two married couples whose relationships become complicated.

The characters are portrayed as individual people and the interactions between them are detailed as their relationships become emotionally fraught.

Goethe elective affinities text

The desperate feelings that the protagonists experience are translated into descriptions of intense craving for something that cannot be. It is a
significant historical and cultural document, probably the finest chronicle of the lifestyle of the German upper classes in the late nineteenth century;
Fontane portrays the best in the life and ways of the passing Prussian aristocracy, while describing his hopes for the future of Germany and its
nobility, which were never to be fully realized. This book, as well as das Leiden des Jungen Werters, have clearly shown to me the beauty of die
Deutsche Sprache. Goethe was sixty when he wrote it, though, and one thing I did note was a preoccupation with death and memorialisation and
legacy. Brightly Reading is just the beginning. Per questo do 3 stelle. He describes the social forces that are trying to plan and control everything,
yet can only do so in part. The author of the scientific text Theory of Colours, his influential ideas on plant and animal morphology and homology
were extended and developed by 19th century naturalists including Charles Darwin. With the keys of the palace the architect hands over all it's
comforts to the wealthy man, and has not the least part in them. The Architect plunders ancient tombs and turns their grave wares into objects of
collection and study. Though it begins with simple prose, delicately executed, the density of meaning increases exponentially with time as the
situations become fraught -- and yet each new plot development, though surprising when it occurs, seems necessary and obvious in retrospect,
falling precisely out of the existing situation. Edward is a spoiled man-child. A proper analysis of this book can only be executed by readers with a
thorough knowledge of early 19th-century literary tropes and gender roles. Popular Answered Questions but what does it say about botany and
landscape architecture as their import in human life? Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Admired by Nietzsche who called Keller "the only
living German writer" and included by Harold Bloom in "The Western Canon," "Green Henry" is one of the undisputed masterpieces of world
literature. Quando la situazione si fa insostenibile, Edoardo decide di partire: Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. The
characters all end up in the most Shakespearean fashion, starving, drinking and melancholying themselves to death. The novel asks whether we
have free will or not and confronts its characters with the monstrous consequences of repressing what little "real life" they have in themselves, a life
so far removed from their natural states that it appears to them as something terrible and destructive. In this forsaking and embracing, this seeking
and flying, we believe that we are ind Free download available at Project Gutenberg. They are required to get everybody's relationship with the
subject, everybody's affection or dislike, into the picture; and not merely represent their own view of a person but what everybody else's might be
too. This is in line with Kant's notion of beauty, which Goethe would have been aware of at the time. Charlotte gets into trouble re-landscaping the
village churchyard, such as to detract from the role of the graves as memorials to the dead as individuals. I loved reading it for that reason, in the
measured, twenty-thirty page doses that are all that my workload permits at the moment. Group Portrait with Lady. Come on, Wolfie, you can do
so much better. The first third is more thoughtful and analytical; the remainder slightly more plot-driven. The Tales of Hoffmann. Please try again
later. One should not live his life without having read at least one work by Goethe. Nov 15, Issicratea rated it it was amazing Shelves: Goethe was
one of the key figures of German literature and the movement of Weimar Classicism in the late 18th and early 19th centuries; this movement
coincides with Enlightenment, Sentimentality Empfindsamkeit , Sturm und Drang, and Romanticism. The novella is apparently meant to be a
meditation on the power of marriage versus I think the translation is partly to blame for why I didn't particularly enjoy this one: One thing that is
intriguing about the book, however, is the way it uses tense, suddenly shifting from past to present at moments of heightened emotion. I forgot that
I've read this before and only after reading the first pages I remembered it. The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum. Unrealistic coincidences and
idealized characters abound. Sometimes you read a novel where you wouldn't mind if every single character is dead by the end and this is one of
them. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was a German writer. I'm sure this is a
masterpiece of sorts, and bristling with interesting metaphors and parallels and mirrored storylines. Because apparently "lead's dangerous, yo" is
not enough. Elective Affinities comprises the exploration of a simple conceit -- that human relationships are governed by forces similar to those
acting in chemical reactions -- executed meticulously and gloriously. Dec 29, kasia rated it liked it. If you would like to authenticate using a
different subscribed institution that supports Shibboleth authentication or have your own login and password to Project MUSE, click
'Authenticate'. He does his best to wring some genuine tragedy out of this overblown and haughty story, but fails in almost every regardexcept
one. A Book of Living Paintings: And, no one pays much attention to him. Free download available at Project Gutenberg. Non parliamo poi di
Edoardo! All Quiet on the Western Front. The novel asks whether we have free will or not and confronts its characters with the monstrous
consequences of repressing what little "real lif Elective Affinities was written when Goethe was sixty and long established as Germany's literary
giant. She's not an anachronistic feminist, but rather a self-possessed person whose experience of life has contributed to her good sense; at one
point she gently but firmly rebuts a man who's made some generality about women. He had lived in with a woman for more than 18 years they had
5 children before marrying her in when he was 57 and she, Doesn't speak for the persistence of the book. Posing on a stage in an effort to depict
famous paintings? If Goethe has any opinion about the real significance and proper solution of the painful tangle of emotions in this story, he
expresses it only indirectly; like most of the best novelists, he raises more questions than he answers. This, and his other subsequent affairs with
young women, gave him so much inner conflict and made him write beautiful sonnets.

Elective Affinities Quotes

Never cheat on your spouse nor ever think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. But fostering narrative interest, creating interesting
characters, these, surely, are matters beneath the great German author's dignity. We are experiencing technical difficulties. Goethe Yearbook
historical, and sociological background. Refine results with the filtering options on the left side of the Advanced Search page or on your search
results page. Early in his career, however, he wondered whether painting might not be his true vocation; late in his life, he expressed the
expectation that he would ultimately be remembered above all for his work in optics. And those are the cases which are really most important and
remarkable cases where this attraction, this affinity, this separating and combining, can be exhibited, the two pairs severally crossing each other;
where four creatures, connected previously, as two and two, are brought into contact, and at once forsake their first combination to form into a
second. Want to Read saving. Everything is so intensely grandiose. Why does a seemingly content couple allow a friend to talk them into a
science experiment of their hearts. Trivia About Elective Affinities. Though I might have objected to how structured it is, so full of symbols and
echoes, in the hands of a master like Goethe it only contributes to the subtle atmosphere. His works span the fields of poetry, drama, prose,
philosophy, and science. To ask other readers questions about Elective Affinities , please sign up. Just a moment while we sign you in to your
Goodreads account. Even when Goethe is mediocre, he ain't bad. It's Goethe after all. Thanks for telling us about the problem. I found myself
pitying Ottilie rather than being annoyed by her submissiveness in any case, there's more to her than submissiveness ; and Charlotte struck me as
one of the most likable, admirable characters I've encountered in preth-century fiction. The decision to invite Ottilie and the Captain is described as
an "experiment" and this is exactly what it is. At least some people did. This, in the face of a perfectly possible and generally amicable resolution,
no less! How else could we know the people we love best to be in continual danger and yet go on with our daily lives as usual? I refer specifically
to the part where, in order to understand why lead and certain glazes should be removed from pots, Charlotte, "naturally" had to begin her
instruction from "first principles of chemistry and physics". He does his best to wring some genuine tragedy out of this overblown and haughty
story, but fails in almost every regardexcept one. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. About Elective Affinities Condemned as immoral when
it was first published, this novel reflects the conflict Goethe felt between his respect for the conventions of marriage and the possibility of
spontaneous passion. The novel asks whether we have free will or not and confronts its characters with the monstrous consequences of repressing
what little "real life" they have in themselves, a life so far removed from their natural states that it appears to them as something terrible and
destructive. He wrote this roughly in the same time Jane Austen started to write her novels, and Jonathan Swift, Henry Fielding and Laurence
Sterne had already been celebrated for decades for theirs. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. One minute you are reading an aristocratic comedy of
manners; the next, a philosophical essay; the next, a brooding, proto-symbolist, mythopoetic exploration of the workings of fate. Either the present
holds us violently captive, or we lose ourselves in the distant past and strive with might and main to recall and restore what is irrevocably lost. I
simply could not understand why a happy couple would want to willingly conduct such an evil experiment. Jan 03, Bene rated it really liked it.
Hoffmann who first explored many of the themes and techniques which were later used by writers from Dickens to Dostoyevsky, Poe to Kafka,
Baudelaire to Marquez. Elective Affinities captures European consciousness prior to the advent of Marxist thought. It is a significant historical and
cultural document, probably the finest chronicle of the lifestyle of the German upper classes in the late nineteenth century; Fontane portrays the best
in the life and ways of the passing Prussian aristocracy, while describing his hopes for the future of Germany and its nobility, which were never to
be fully realized. Alexandre Dumas and Alexandre Dumas. In temples he draws the line between himself and the holy of holies; the steps he built to
ceremonies that lift up the heady, he may no longer climb; just as the goldsmith worships only from afar the monstrance which he wrought in the fire
and set with jewels. Though, not as gripping as The Sorrows of Young Werther, the way, Goethe has introduce This book is steady with its pace
and the plot has been very skillfully and maturely executed, but my personal opinion is that The Sorrows of Young Werther is a much more
powerful work than this perhaps because the romantic sentiments of Werther happen to be exponentially more powerful that Eduard's and Ottilie's.
The house and its surrounding gardens are described as "a chemical retort in which the human elements are brought together for the reader to
observe the resulting reaction. Goethe is considered by many to be the most important writer in the German language and one of the most
important thinkers in Western culture as well. Analysis of the meaning and difficulties of marriage, especially the effect of other people. Inspired by
Your Browsing History. The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum. I loved reading it for that reason, in the measured, twenty-thirty page doses that are
all that my workload permits at the moment. Jun 01, Wanda rated it liked it Recommended to Wanda by: View all 4 comments. He also served at
length as the Privy Councilor of the duchy of Saxe-Weimar. The author of the scientific text Theory of Colours, his influential ideas on plant and
animal morphology and homology were extended and developed by 19th century naturalists including Charles Darwin. Read it Forward Read it
first. If you're willing to accept the crazy of the period as a given and treat it as the point of the book, rather than its detriment, it's really very good,
in all. Sign in with Facebook Sign in options. Un mucchio di palle, Edoardo, un mucchio di gran stronzate romantiche hide spoiler ]. Return to
Book Page.

Elective Affinities Quotes by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

She's not an anachronistic feminist, but rather a self-possessed person whose experience of life has contributed to her goethe elective affinities
text sense; at one point she gently but firmly rebuts a man who's made some generality about women. I never had the least sense, from one day to
the next, which Elective Affinities was going to show up. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Goethe is the originator of the concept of
Weltliteratur "world literature"having taken great interest in the literatures of England, France, Italy, classical Greece, Persia, Arabic literature,
amongst others. Is this a clean book in terms of subject matter and contexto? And those are the cases which are really most important and
remarkable goethe elective affinities text where this attraction, this affinity, this separating and combining, can be goethe elective affinities
text, the two pairs severally crossing each other; where four creatures, connected previously, as two and two, are brought into contact, and at
once forsake their first goethe elective affinities text to form into a second. None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe
they are free. View all 6 comments. He also served at length as the Privy Councilor of the duchy of Saxe-Weimar. Jun 01, Wanda rated it liked it
Recommended to Wanda by: I thought there were some interesting parts that made me wish I knew more about the times when Goethe was
writing. The Count of Monte Cristo. He wrote this roughly in the same time Jane Austen started to write her novels, and Jonathan Swift, Henry
Fielding and Laurence Sterne had already been celebrated for decades for theirs. Moritz was a neglected child of a loveless marriage living in a
family near the bottom of the social ladder. How else could we know the people we love best to be in continual danger and yet go on with our
daily lives as usual? So Goethe applies these laws that are being discovered in chemistry to human relationships, and so creates a sort of 'formula
romance'. The four companions debate whether human relationships result from some predetermined sequence of events i. It would have been
preferable to have reworked the newer criticism into the main body of the text. I think the translation is partly to blame for why I didn't particularly
enjoy this one: In sum, in spite of a useful discussion of Goethe's relationship to the Enlightenment this study is a disappointment, and I fear I can
recommend it neither for Goethe specialists nor for those seeking goethe elective affinities text introduction to his work. The Goethe elective
affinities text of Huckleberry Finn. Jan 03, Bene rated it really liked it. For both, their second marriage. The novel asks whether we have free will
or not and confronts its characters with the monstrous consequences of repressing what little "real life" they have in themselves, a life so far
removed from their natural states that it appears to them as something terrible and destructive. The novel asks whether we have free will or not and
confronts its characters with the monstrous consequences of repressing what little "real life" they have in themselves, a life so far removed goethe
elective affinities text their natural states that it appears to them as something terrible and destructive. What a very strange novel! To see what
your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Trivia About Elective Affinities. Per questo do 3 stelle. View all 4 comments. Un mucchio di
palle, Edoardo, un mucchio di gran stronzate romantiche hide spoiler ]. In this astonishing book, a goethe elective affinities text and very
bourgeois tomcat sets out to write his memoirs, using a biography of Kreisler as a blotting pad. We rarely ask the impossible of goethe elective
affinities text, but of them we do. Quando invece succede effettivamente qualcosa tutto si affretta, l'autore sembra quasi voler essere sbrigativo.
Posing on a stage in an effort to depict famous paintings? Seine Wirkung besonders auf die Literatur des Stay in Touch Sign up. What's more,
goethe elective affinities text characters are individual and detailed, as comes out through their interactions and words. I refer specifically to the
part where, in order to You really have to be partial to horrible overblown, overdramatic, overemotional gothica and romanticism to feel affection
for this book, but if you do it's really a gem. I loved reading it for that reason, in the measured, twenty-thirty page doses that are all that my
workload permits at goethe elective affinities text moment. Elective Affinities was written when Goethe was sixty and long established as
Germany's literary giant. See 2 questions about Elective Affinities. Refresh and try again. We are experiencing technical difficulties. The
characters all end up in the most Shakespearean fashion, starving, drinking and melancholying themselves to death. Friedrich Spielhagen, in fact,
argued goethe elective affinities text Book Reviews Goethe should have retitled the novel Ottilie and concentrated exclusively on the
relationship between her and Eduard.

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