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You and Your Septic Tank: A Guide To The Proper Operation and Maintenance of A Septic Tank System

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You and Your Septic Tank

You and Your Septic Tank

A Guide to the Proper Operation and Maintenance of a Septic Tank System


In South Florida, our

sole source of drinking
water is just a few feet
beneath the surface of
the land and is called
the Biscayne Aquifer.
All that separates us
from this underground
water supply is a thin
layer of sand.
Consequently, our
water supply is
extremely vulnerable
to contamination from
our activities both at
work and at home.
One potential source
of contamination to our water supply is wastewater from the use of septic tanks. The wastewater that is discharged
from septic tanks is diluted by mixing with underlying ground-water (the source of our drinking water supply).
Groundwater contaminated by septic tanks can also seep into nearby canals, rivers, and waterways.

The proper operation and maintenance of septic tank systems is critical to minimizing the impact on our health and
water resources.

Proper disposal and treatment of domestic wastewater is crucial for protecting our groundwater and preventing
exposure to water borne diseases.


In Broward County approximately 92% of domestic sewage is collected by sanitary sewer systems and treated at
wastewater treatment plants. The wastewater is treated to meet State and County standards and is either
discharged to the Atlantic Ocean via ocean outfall, injected deep into the earth, or re-used for irrigation or industrial

The remaining eight percent of the wastewater is treated in individual septic tank systems and discharged to
groundwater. Today there are roughly 67,000 homes and businesses in the County mainly in rural areas and in
older, urban areas. Domestic wastewater from these homes and businesses, after being treated by septic tanks, is
discharged through soil absorption drain fields to groundwater, the source of our drinking water supply.

Proper disposal and treatment of domestic wastewater is crucial for protecting our groundwater and preventing
exposure to water borne diseases.


Wastewater leaves your house via the plumbing system and enters the septic tank. The tank holds wastes for the
primary treatment, that is the separation of solids and liquids by gravity. The heavy solids, commonly called sludge,

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You and Your Septic Tank

accumulate at the bottom of the tank. The lighter greases and oils, called scum, float to the top of the liquid.
Bacteria partially decompose the sludge in the tank and reduce the amount of solid material by about 60%. Gases
generated as a natural part of the decomposition process are released through plumbing vents.

The liquid in the tank, called effluent, flows

by gravity to a distribution box. The
distribution box evenly distributes the
effluent from the septic tank to the
absorption drain-field. The drainfield is a
system of perforated pipes set underground
in a bed of crushed rock that allows the
effluent to seep slowly into the ground. The
effluent undergoes further treatment in the
absorption bed. Naturally occurring bacteria
and the filtering action of the sand reduces,
but does not eliminate, the pollutants and
levels of potentially harmful bacteria and
viruses. The effluent continues percolating
down through the soils until it reaches the
groundwater. The effluent is then diluted by
mixing with the groundwater and flows
away from the site with the underground
flow of water.

The treatment efficiency of a septic tank-

soil absorption drainfield system is
approximately 50% as compared to 90%
for wastewater treatment plants. Many
chemicals pass through the system without
being reduced in concentration. Toxic
organic and inorganic chemicals, bacteria
and viruses in the effluent are released to
the groundwater system. Many household
chemicals can not be treated by septic tank
systems and should not be disposed of
down the drain. For example, gasoline,
paints, and pesticides.

In Broward County, many non-sewered industries have been found to have contaminated the groundwater with
toxic chemicals. DPEP has been investigating the impact to ground and surface water from septic tank systems. In
one recent study, high levels of contaminants were found in the groundwater underlying an industrial area and a
residential area serviced by septic tanks.

What can you as a home owner do to help protect our water resources and the public health? As a home owner you
can 1) determine if you have a septic tank system; 2) properly maintain your system; and 3) properly use your


A little investigation may be necessary to find out if you have a septic tank system.

1. Contact the Department of Planning and Environment Protection. Please call 5191270.
Maps of known septic tank areas have been recently completed; we should be able to tell you if you are on
a septic tank.
2. Check your utility bill to see if you are being charged for wastewater treatment. If you are not, then you
most likely have a septic tank system.

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You and Your Septic Tank

If you are being charged for sewers, it means that your servicing utility has installed a sanitary sewer
collection system in your area and sanitary sewers are available for your property. In most cities connection
to sanitary sewers is required and enforced. Contact the collection services division of the local servicing
utility. Ask for their assistance in determining if your property is connected to a sanitary sewer. Ask if
connections are required and if that requirement is enforced by your utility. If not enforced, then you may
still be using a septic tank system and should continue your investigation as suggested below. If you
determine that you do have a septic tank and sewers are available you should call your utility customer
service and inquire about getting connected to sanitary sewers.
3. Contact your local building department. They may be able to provide a record of the building permit that
was required for the plumbing work needed to connect to the sanitary sewer lines.
4. Hire a qualified and state registered septic tank contractor to assist you in your investigation. The Broward
County Public Health Unit maintains a list of the registered contractors. The contractor can physically
determine if you have a septic tank system and conduct an inspection to determine if it is in good
operational condition.
5. Or find it your self.
Generally, septic tanks are located at a depth of two to four feet. The tank must be at least five feet away
from the foundation of the house. Look in an area that is not obstructed by large trees, property lines,
patios, etc. By probing the ground with a metal rod, you can usually locate the typical concrete septic tank.
If the concrete is broken up into pieces, chances are that the tank has been intentionally destroyed, as
required, and connection to the sewer main has been made.


A major advantage of the septic tank is that it has no moving

parts and needs very little routine maintenance. If properly
operated and maintained the system should work for about
10 years to 20 years. But there are problems that may show
up in the house plumbing, the septic tank, distribution pipes,
and the soil absorption drainfield over time or if the system
is improperly operated or maintained.


The most common problem with septic tank systems is a

failure of the soil absorption drainfield. The symptoms of a
failed drainfield are many.

Sewage backups in the house plumbing or sluggish flow is either caused by a clogged pipe or a failed drainfield.
Even if the sewage does not back up in the house plumbing, a drainfield that may not be functioning properly and
the effluent may rise to the surface of the ground or enter the groundwater at too fast a rate. In either case, these
types of failures can also be a threat to public health and potentially cause degradation of the water quality of
nearby lakes, canals, and groundwater. For example, pooled effluent in your yard can be a health hazard to your
children playing in the area. Also, it can be washed into nearby lakes, canals, rivers, and waterways where it may
cause a hazard for those swimming' there. It may also impact the ecology of the water body.

It is estimated by the Environmental Protection Agency that as many as one-half of all existing septic tank-soil
absorption systems in the United States are not operating satisfactorily. Over time, all drainfields will fail because
the capacity of the soil to absorb effluent has been exceeded. The soil becomes clogged and the effluent will rise to
the surface of the ground. However, premature failure most often results from failure of the home owner to
periodically pump out the sludge from the tank. Sludge builds up in the tank and is eventually carried into the drain-
field where it clogs the drain-field pipe. Water then backs up in the system or rises to the surface of the ground.

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You and Your Septic Tank

Failure of the soil absorption drainfield may also occur without any visible symptoms. In this case soils are rapidly
overloaded with organic and inorganic chemicals and bacteria, which permits rapid movement of contaminants to


Leaks directly from the septic tank may be less apparent than failed drainfields but can also lead to problems. If
tank leakage causes the level of the scum layer to drop below the level of outlet structure, excessive scum
discharges can cause failure of the drainfield. In the extreme case, the sludge layer in the bottom of the tank will
dry out and compact, and normal tank cleaning practices will not remove it. Another problem occurs when the tank
is not watertight and allows rain water to seep into the tank. This causes an overloading of the tank and can lead to
a clogged drainfield by the rain water pushing the solids into the drainfield pipe.

1. Low spots in the area above or near the drainfield.

2. Obnoxious odors ranging from a musty odor to a rotten egg odor to raw sewage odor.
3. The grass is much greener and lush above or near the drainfield.
4. Soggy grass in the area above or near the drainfield during dry periods.
5. Gurgling sounds in the plumbing.
6. Sluggish flow when flushing the toilet.
7. Backup of sewage in house plumbing.


If you need an inspection or repairs to an existing septic tank system, a state registered septic tank contractor or a
state certified plumber should be called. The Broward County Public Health Unit maintains lists of State registered
contractors and requires permits for all repairs and installations.


Proper operation and maintenance is required to prevent problems and reduce the potential for groundwater
contamination. These procedures are simply a matter of controlling the substances that enter the septic tank
system. Every septic tank system is designed to handle a certain volume of flow and is able to treat only certain
types of wastes. If a home owner is not aware of these limitations or does not operate the system properly, septic
tank system failure and/ or groundwater contamination can result.


1. Do not over load the septic system. Systems are designed for a specified number of users and waste flow.
Typically, septic tanks are sized according to the square footage of the home and the number of bedrooms,
which relates to the number of people using the system and the amount of waste flow.
2. Dispose only domestic waste in a septic system. Standard septic systems are designed to handle flow from
showers, washing machines, toilets, and sinks. Eliminating or reducing the amount of waste discharged to
the septic tank will extend the life of the soil absorption drain-field, save money over the long run, and
decrease the possibility of a system failure.
3. Septic tank systems are not able to treat pesticides and other household hazardous wastes such as paint
products, stain removers, petroleum products, and cleaners. These chemicals will pass through the system
and may contaminate ground water. Do not dispose of these substances down your sink, but take them to
an authorized disposal center. Call Broward County Office of Integrated Waste Management (OIWM) at 765-
4999 for the nearest location.
4. If you have a garbage disposal unit attached to your kitchen sink, don't use it or otherwise reduce it's use
by discarding to your carry-out garbage such things grease, fats, coffee grounds, and waste foods. These
wastes contribute to the buildup of solids in your tank and may increase the frequency with which your tank
will need to be pumped.
5. Use "septic tank safe " products and eliminate wastes that don't easily degrade, such as paper towels, facial
tissues, wet- strength towels, sanitary napkins, disposable diapers, and cigarette butts. Dispose of these

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You and Your Septic Tank

items in your carry-out garbage. Don't use your toilets as trash cans.
6. Eliminate the use of detergents with phosphorus and other filler solids. Install "suds-savers" in laundry
machines. Ordinary amounts of non-chlorinated bleaches, lyes, caustics, soaps, detergents, and drain
cleaners do not harm the system. However, some stronger household cleaning chemicals can damage the
bacteria that treat and degrade wastes.
7. Special additives are not needed to improve or assist tank operation once it is under way. Some of these
additives, which claim to eliminate the need for septic tank pumping, are not necessary for proper septic
tank operations. There is no scientific evidence that biological and chemical additives aid or accelerate
decomposition in the septic tanks; some additives may in fact be detrimental to the septic system or may
contaminate groundwater.
8. Reduce the amount of water entering the system by installing water saving devices in your home. Reducing
the amount of water that enters your septic tank will extend the life of the system. These devices may
low water-use toilets;
composting toilets;
reduced-flow shower heads and sink faucets;
clothes and dishwashers with adjustable cycles.
9. Consider installing a separate septic tank/drainfield system for the washing machine.
10. Reduce you water use by improving your water-use habits. For example, take shorter showers, turn of the
water while brushing your teeth, and wash full loads in the dishwasher and washing machine.
11. Keep plumbing in good repair by eliminating all leaks and drips.
12. Maintain the minimum water pressure needed in the house so that appliances function properly, but no
more than necessary.
13. Do not divert rain water from gutters or storm drains into septic tank systems.


Septic system owners must ensure that their systems are maintained properly. Even a well-designed and properly
operating septic tank system will eventually fail if it is not also maintained. Regular maintenance can prevent
failures such as clogging of the soil absorption drainfield and sewage backup into the home.

Tank maintenance involves measuring, pumping, and hauling sludge and scum from the septic tank system to a
disposal facility.

Septic tanks should be inspected every two years to determine if solids need to be pumped out. An excess buildup
of solids, scum and sludge, in the tank can lead to a clogged drainfield.

To ensure that the layer of solids has not exceeded "safe" levels, the amounts of scum and sludge should be
measured. Regular inspections allow for a quick check of the structural integrity of the septic tank and will reveal
whether tank pumping is necessary. State registered septic tank contractors or state certified plumbers can conduct
these inspections.

A septic tank generally needs to be pumped if the scum layer is within eight inches of the bottom of the tank outlet
device; and/or the sludge line is within 18 inches of the outlet device. A septic tank and drainfield will usually work
satisfactorily until the sludge fills over 40% of the volume of the tank or the scum fills the available air space in the

If inspections are not done every two years then the tank should be pumped out once every three to five years. The
costs for pumping out your sep tic tank will vary depending upon the size of the tank. In Broward County the fees
are between $150 and $300. Smaller tanks or more heavily used ones should be pumped out more frequently. You
should only use a DPEP licensed septic hauler to ensure proper disposal of the waste. All DPEP licensed haulers
display the license number on the rear of the truck.

Other things that you can do to ensure a properly functioning system include:

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You and Your Septic Tank

know where your septic tank and drainfield are located;

do not plant trees or shrubs on top of the septic tank or drain fields because roots can clog the drainfield
and thereby reduce its ability to drain the septic tank effluent;
do not park vehicles on top of the septic tank or drain-field, (this may damage the tank or crush the
drainfield pipes);
do not build structures or pave over the septic tank or drainfield (drainfields need to get air and do not
function if they are sealed over);
do not be careless and apathetic, doing so may require to replace a system before the end of its useful life,
(10 to 20 years for soil absorption drainfield); and
do not let your property value decline by letting underground and/or nearby lakes and canals become
polluted from your poorly operated or maintained septic tank system.


In Broward County, the Public Health Unit / Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services conducts a
septic tank system construction / repair permit program based upon Florida Administrative Code Chapter 10D-6. In
this rule septic tank systems are generically referred to as "onsite sewage disposal systems (OSDS}". They also
maintain a current listing of FHRS registered septic tank contractors. Guidelines for completing the application are
given in Table 1.


Responsible property owners who are educated in proper operation and maintenance practices of septic tank
systems, and who are familiar with the consequences of system failures, make a positive contribution to the
protection of our public health and environment. An added benefit to proper maintenance and operation is that you
may also save money and maximize the lifetime of your septic tank system.


For additional information, please contact the Department of Planning and EnviromentalProtection, at (954) 519-
1400 or the Environmental Engineering Division of the Broward County Public Health Unit at (954) 467-4920

For information about Household Hazardous Waste Collection Centers, please call the Office of Integrated Waste
Management at 765-4999



conserve water
pump tank regularly
inspect system each time tank is pumped
direct gutters away from drain field
use registered septic tank contractors


use additives
scrub or disinfect tank
drive, plant trees, or build anything over the drainfield
dispose of anything besides toilet wastes and the water used for bathing, laundry, and dish washing into
your septic tank system

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You and Your Septic Tank

Septic Tank Permit Checklist

Construction Plans
Site plans need to be stamped by BCPHU office and DPEP prior to review by the local building department.

HRS Form 4015

"Application for Onsite Sewage Disposal Construction Permit". Page 1 - "General/Building Information" completed by
applicant and page 2, "Site Evaluation and System Specifications" completed by an engineer, BCPHU employee, or
other qualified person.

The following attachments (17"x l 4" maximum) must accompany the application:

Site Plan
Drawn to scale showing proposed size and location of the septic tank, drainfield, and unobstructed reserve area.
Surface waters and existing / proposed wells must be shown.

Property Survey
Must specify Sea Level Datum reference point, elevation of adjacent road(s) crown, and site elevation. Location/
distance of wells, septic systems, or surface waters within 75 ft. of the property must be noted. The survey must
have a seal of a registered land surveyor.

Building Floor Plan

Residential buildings must show number of bedrooms and square footage of the building area. Non-residential
buildings must show square footage, plumbing drains and fixture types, and any other information necessary to
determine sewage flow.

New Commercial and Industrial Properties

must include a letter from appropriate utility specifying distance to nearest available sanitary sewer.

In addition to payment of an application fee, those areas with private water systems require an additional permit.

Questions regarding these permit guidelines should be addressed to the BCPHU Environmental Engineering Section
at 467-4920.

*(Source of Information - Broward County Public Health Unit (BCPHU) / Florida Health and Rehabilitative Services.)

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