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Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
All rights reserved

Tooth brushing frequency and Tove I. Wigen and Nina J. Wang

Department of Paediatric Dentistry and
Behavioural Science, Institute of Clinical

use of fluoride lozenges in Dentistry, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway

children from 1.5 to 5 years of

age: a longitudinal study
Wigen TI, Wang NJ. Tooth brushing frequency and use of fluoride lozenges in
children from 1.5 to 5 years of age: a longitudinal study. Community Dent Oral
Epidemiol 2014. 2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley &
Sons Ltd

Abstract Objectives: The purpose of the analyses was to study development,

stability and changes in oral health behaviour tooth brushing frequency, use
of fluoride lozenges and fluoridated toothpaste in children from 1.5 to 5 years
of age and to study associations between oral health behaviour and family
characteristics. Methods: This study was based on data from the Norwegian
Mother and Child Cohort Study conducted by the Norwegian Institute of
Public Health and data from the Public Dental Services. A total of 771 children
were followed from 1.5 to 5 years of age. Questionnaires regarding oral health
behaviour in children were completed by the parents three times during
preschool age. Results: More than half of the children (52%) had their teeth
brushed twice daily at 1.5 years of age, increasing to 61% at 3 years and 76% at
5 years of age. At 1.5 years of age, 37% of the children used fluoride lozenges
daily, increasing to 74% at 3 years and 75% at 5 years of age. The majority of
the children who had started brushing twice daily and used fluoride lozenges
daily at 1.5 years of age continued these behaviours until the age of 5 years. At
1.5 years of age, children who brushed twice daily were more likely to use
fluoride lozenges daily than children who brushed less frequently (P = 0.03).
Multiple logistic regression showed that the probability of a child having its
teeth brushed twice daily continuously during preschool age was higher when
both parents were of western origin [odds ratios (OR) 4.0, confidence intervals
(CI) 1.311.9] than when one or both parents were of non-western origin. Key words: children; fluoride supplement;
Children with one older sibling brushed more frequently (OR 1.4, CI 1.01.9) MoBa; oral health behaviour; tooth brushing
and used fluoride lozenges more often (OR 1.6, CI 1.12.2) during preschool age Tove I. Wigen, Department of Paediatric
than children without older siblings. Conclusions: Oral health behaviour Dentistry and Behavioural Science, Institute
of Clinical Dentistry, Box 1109, Blindern
established in early life was stable during preschool age. The results indicate
0317 Oslo, Norway
that tooth brushing frequency and use of fluoride lozenges were not in Tel.: +47 22 85 20 00
accordance with the present recommendations based on the scientific literature. Fax: +47 22 85 23 86
The teeth of Norwegian preschoolers were brushed less frequently than e-mail:
recommended, and more children than recommended were using fluoride Submitted 7 March 2013;
lozenges. accepted 15 December 2013

Two main strategies to prevent caries in children frequencies in preschool children vary; in 23 year-
are to promote tooth brushing and to use fluoride. old children, the reported proportion of children
Tooth brushing twice a day with fluoridated tooth brushing at least once a day varies from 17% to
paste has an impact on caries development in pre- 80% (36). In a cohort study from Norway, 83% of
school children (1, 2). The reported tooth brushing the children had their teeth brushed regularly at 18

doi: 10.1111/cdoe.12094
Wigen & Wang

and 36 months of age (7). In 46 year-old chil- (23, 24). In addition, some studies have shown that
dren, nearly 95% have been reported to brush at conditions in the family, such as family status or
least once a day (8, 9), and 73% to 88% twice a especially a change in it, and number of children in
day or more often (5, 10). Ages of the studied the family, are associated with the preschool
children and the reported tooth brushing fre- childs oral health (21, 22, 25).
quency (once a day or twice a day) differ in these In the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort
studies. Few studies follow the development Study, a prospective pregnancy cohort study, data
of oral health behaviour in children during regarding tooth brushing frequency, use of fluori-
preschool age. dated tooth paste and fluoride lozenges in the chil-
Fluoridated tooth paste is widely recommended dren were collected several times during preschool
and has been documented to have caries preven- age. These data provide opportunity to study the
tive effect in children (11). In Norway, tooth brush- development of oral health behaviour during early
ing twice a day with tooth paste containing at least childhood.
0.1% fluoride from the time of eruption of the first The aims of the present analyses were to study
primary tooth is recommended by the health development, stability and changes in oral health
authorities (12). behaviours, tooth brushing frequency, use of fluo-
Recommendations regarding use of fluoride sup- ridated tooth paste and fluoride lozenges in chil-
plements in children vary. In most countries in dren from 1.5 to 5 years of age, and to study
Europe and in the USA, fluoride supplements are associations between oral health behaviour and
recommended to children considered to be at risk family characteristics.
of developing caries (13, 14). Fluoride content of
drinking water influences recommendations
regarding fluoride supplementation. Water fluori-
dation is not common in Europe; only Spain, Ire-
Materials and methods
land, UK, Poland and Serbia have fluoridated This study was based on data from the Norwegian
drinking water (15). Norway has not fluoridated Mother and Child Cohort Study conducted by the
water, and the fluoride content naturally occurring Norwegian Institute of Public Health (26, 27) and
in water is limited. Use of fluoride lozenges was data from dental examination of 5-year-old chil-
recommended for all children until 1996 when new dren in the Public Dental Services.
guidelines recommending risk-based use of fluo- The Mother and Child Cohort Study is a pro-
ride supplements were introduced (12). Even if spective pregnancy cohort study including 108 000
tooth brushing with fluoridated tooth paste and pregnancies recruited from 1999 to 2008. Partici-
fluoride lozenges are widely recommended to pre- pants were recruited by postal invitation in connec-
vent dental caries in children, knowledge of how tion with routine ultrasound examination offered
these oral health behaviour change with age in pre- to all pregnant women in Norway at 1718 weeks
school children is scarce. of gestation; 38.5% of all invited pregnant women
Oral health behaviours are established early in agreed to participate. Data were collected by ques-
life, and these behaviours are often maintained and tionnaires completed by the mothers in pregnancy
associated with oral health conditions later in life and early childhood. The current study was based
(16). Oral health in childhood is a major predictor on quality-assured data files (version 3) released
of adult oral health (17, 18). Early establishment of for research in 2007 and was restricted to children
favourable oral health behaviour is considered a born in 2002 in the county of Akershus. Altogether,
goal in the prevention of oral disease in children 1607 children were included, 27% of the children
(12). born in Akershus in 2002. The study population
Children are dependent on their environment to was restricted to children with questionnaire data
establish and maintain oral health behaviour (16, concerning oral health behaviour at 1.5, 3 and
19). The parents own oral health behaviour has 5 years of age. In 836 children, the data were
been shown to influence childrens oral health (20, incomplete, and these children were excluded. To
21). Parents have been shown to have greater evaluate loss to follow-up, the demographics in the
impact on oral health behaviour in preschool chil- initial material and the final study population were
dren than in older children (22). Parental oral compared. The only significant difference was that
health behaviour may be influenced by social more mothers with low education were found
norms, cultural background and educational level among the excluded children (P < 0.01). The final

Oral health behaviour from 1.5 to 5 years of age

study population consisted of 771 children, 414 siblings was reported in pregnancy as mother liv-
boys and 357 girls. ing in a household with children in addition to the
Parents were asked about the childrens tooth studied child. In the analyses, the variable was
brushing, use of fluoridated tooth paste and fluo- trichotomized as none, one and two or more older
ride lozenges at 1.5, 3 and 5 years of age. Tooth siblings. The distribution of the family characteris-
brushing frequency was reported as brushing tics is given in Table 1.
twice a day or more often, once a day or some- The statistical analyses were performed using
times, and categorized in the analyses as brushing the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS,
twice a day or less than twice a day. Use of fluori- Inc. Chicago, IL, USA), version 20. Bivariate and
dated tooth paste and fluoride lozenges was multivariable logistic regression analyses were
reported as daily, sometimes or never, and in the conducted with stable frequent brushing from 1.5
analyses categorized as daily or less than daily. In to 5 years of age, stable daily use of fluoride loz-
Norway, all kinds of toothpastes contain fluoride enges from 1.5 to 5 years of age as dependent vari-
mainly two concentrations: tooth paste marketed ables and the family characteristics: parental
for children contains 0.1% fluoride and tooth paste national origin, maternal education, family status,
marketed for adults 0.15% fluoride. Information older siblings and child gender as independent
about tooth brushing assistance given by the par- variables. Spearmans rank correlation was used to
ents at 5 years of age was reported as twice a day, explore collinearity between the independent vari-
once a day or sometimes. ables before the multivariable analyses were con-
To study associations between family character- ducted. Chi-square was used to test associations
istics and oral health behaviour, two variables between the oral health behaviour variables.
were constructed: stable frequent brushing from Results were reported using frequencies, odds
1.5 to 5 years of age and stable daily use of fluoride ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI).
lozenges from 1.5 to 5 years of age. Data on tooth Written, informed consent was obtained from all
brushing frequencies at 1.5, 3 and 5 years of age parents. The investigation was approved by the
were used, and the children categorized as brush- Regional Committee for Medical Research Ethics in
ing twice a day at all three age points or brushing South-Eastern Norway, The Norwegian Social Sci-
less than twice a day at least at one point in time. ence Data Services and The Norwegian Data
Data on the use of fluoride lozenges at 1.5, 3 and Inspectorate.
5 years of age were used, and the children catego-
rized as using fluoride lozenges daily at all three
ages or using fluoride lozenges less than daily at
least at one point in time.
The family characteristics studied were parental The oral health behaviour of the children at 1.5, 3
national background, maternal education, stability and 5 years of age is shown in Table 2. The trend
of family status and number of children in the fam-
ily. National background was recorded according Table 1. Distribution of family characteristics (n = 771)
to the country of birth of the mother and father. % (na)
This information was combined to distinguish both
parents being of western origin and one or both Girl 46 (357)
parents being of non-western origin. Non-western Boy 54 (414)
origin included parents born in Asia, Africa, South Parental origin
America, Central America and Eastern Europe. One or both non-western 3 (25)
Both western 97 (746)
Maternal education was reported during preg- Maternal education
nancy and included completed and ongoing edu- Short 30 (233)
cation. High education was defined as more than Long 70 (536)
12 year at school, and low education was defined Older siblings
None 45 (349)
as 12 year or less at school. The stability of family
One 38 (290)
status was measured by registering whether Two or more 17 (132)
mother and father lived together or not in preg- Family status
nancy and when the child was aged 5 years, and Change 8 (60)
No change 92 (688)
dichotomized as having changed from two parents
to one parent or not in the period. The number of Reduced because of internal dropout.

Wigen & Wang

Table 2. Description of oral health behaviour in the

children at 1.5, 3 and 5 years of age (n = 771)
% (na)
Tooth brushing frequency
1.5 years
Twice daily 52 (402)
Less than twice daily 48 (369)
3 years
Twice daily 61 (468)
Less than twice daily 39 (303)
5 years
Twice daily 76 (585)
Less than twice daily 24 (186) Fig. 1. The longitudinal changes in tooth brushing
Fluoride lozenges frequency in children from 1.5 to 5 years of age
1.5 years (n = 771). Black arrows shows constant tooth brushing
Daily 37 (288) frequency and dotted arrows shows changes in tooth
Less than daily 63 (483) brushing frequency. The percentages give the proportion
3 years of children with stable behaviour.
Daily 74 (541)
Less than daily 26 (189)
5 years
Daily 75 (574)
Less than daily 25 (195)
Fluoridated tooth paste
1.5 years
Daily 92 (705)
Less than daily 8 (64)
3 years
Daily 95 (731)
Less than daily 5 (37)
5 years
Daily 96 (733)
Less than daily 4 (33)
Reduced because of internal dropout. Fig. 2. The longitudinal changes in use of fluoride loz-
enges in children from 1.5 to 5 years of age (n = 728).
was that more children started brushing twice Black arrows shows constant use of fluoride lozenges
daily and used fluoride lozenges daily with and dotted arrows shows changes in use of fluoride
lozenges. The percentages give the proportion of
increasing age. At child age 1.5 years, half of the
children with stable behaviour.
children had their teeth brushed twice daily,
increasing to 61% at 3 years of age and 76% at majority continued this behaviour at 3 years of age
5 years of age. At the age of 5 years, tooth brushing (88%) and at 5 years of age (85%). Children who
assistance was given by the parents twice daily to had their teeth brushed twice daily at 1.5 years
35% of the children, daily to 59% and sometimes to more often brushed twice daily at 3 years of age
6% of the children. At 1.5 years of age, 37% of the (P < 0.001), and at 5 years of age (P < 0.001) than
children used fluoride lozenges daily and the pro- other children. Of the children who brushed less
portion of children using fluoride lozenges daily than twice daily at 1.5 years of age, 39% still
increased to 74% at 3 years and remained at this brushed less than twice daily at 5 years of age.
level at 5 years of age. Fluoridated tooth paste was The longitudinal changes in use of fluoride loz-
used by nearly all children at 1.5 years, 3 years enges at the individual level from 1.5 to 5 years of
and 5 years of age. Use of fluoridated tooth paste age are presented in Fig. 2. The figure shows that
was not analysed further because of its nearly uni- daily use of fluoride lozenges established early was
versal use in this population. stable; the majority of the children using fluoride
The longitudinal changes in tooth brushing fre- lozenges daily at 1.5 years of age continued to use
quency at the individual level from 1.5 to 5 years fluoride lozenges daily at 3 years of age (90%) and
of age are presented in Fig. 1. The figure shows at 5 years of age (83%). Children who used fluoride
that tooth brushing frequency established early lozenges daily at 1.5 years more often used fluo-
was quite stable; of the children who had their ride lozenges daily at 3 years of age (P < 0.001)
teeth brushed twice daily at 1.5 years of age, the and 5 years of age (P < 0.01) than other children.

Oral health behaviour from 1.5 to 5 years of age

Table 3 shows the association between tooth chance of brushing twice daily during preschool
brushing frequency and use of fluoride lozenges age compared with children one or both of
at the ages 1.5, 3 and 5 years, respectively. At whose parents were of non-western origin (OR 4,
1.5 years of age, children who brushed twice CI 1.311.9). Children with one older sibling
daily more often used fluoride lozenges daily had an increased chance of brushing twice daily
than children brushing less than twice daily during preschool age compared with children
(P = 0.03). At 3 and 5 years of age, no statistically who had no older siblings (OR 1.4, CI
significantly associations between tooth brushing 1.02 1.9).
frequency and use of fluoride lozenges were Table 5 shows the results of the bivariate and
found. multivariable analyses exploring the associations
Table 4 shows the results of the bivariate and between stable daily use of fluoride lozenges from
multivariable analyses exploring the associations 1.5 to 5 years of age and the family characteristics:
between stable frequent brushing from 1.5 to parental national origin, maternal education, older
5 years of age and family characteristics: parental siblings, family status and gender. Children with
national origin, maternal education, older sib- one older sibling had an increased chance of using
lings, family status and gender. The multivari- fluoride lozenges daily during preschool age com-
able analysis showed that children whose pared with children with no older siblings (OR 1.6,
parents were of western origin had an increased CI 1.12.2).

Table 3. Association between tooth brushing frequency and daily use of fluoride lozenges at the ages 1.5, 3 and 5 years
(n = 771)
Use of fluoride lozenges
Age Tooth brushing frequency Daily% (na) Less than daily% (na) P
1.5 years Twice daily 41 (163) 59 (239) 0.03
Less than twice daily 34 (125) 66 (244)
3 years Twice daily 76 (333) 24 (104) ns
Less than twice daily 71 (208) 29 (85)
5 years Twice daily 76 (440) 24 (143) ns
Less than twice daily 72 (134) 28 (52)
Reduced because of internal dropout.

Table 4. Bivariate and multivariable logistic regression analysis of associations between stable frequent brushing from
1.5 to 5 years of age and parental national origin, maternal education, older siblings, family status and child gender

Stable frequent brushing

Bivariate (n = 771) Multivariable(n = 746a)
OR 95% CI OR 95% CI
Parental origin
One or both non-western (ref)
Both western 3.3 1.28.9 4.0 1.311.9
Maternal education
Short (ref)
Long 1.2 0.91.6 1.1 0.81.6
Older siblings
None (ref)
One 1.4 1.01.9 1.4 1.021.9
Two or more 0.6 0.40.9 0.7 0.41.01
Family status
Change (ref)
No change 1.7 1.02.9 1.5 0.92.7
Girl (ref)
Boy 1.1 0.91.5 1.1 0.91.5
Bold values show P < 0.05.
Reduced because of internal dropout.

Wigen & Wang

Table 5. Bivariate and multivariable logistic regression analysis of associations between stable daily use of fluoride
lozenges from 1.5 to 5 years of age and parental national origin, maternal education, older siblings, family status and
child gender
Stable daily use of fluoride lozenges
Bivariate (n = 771) Multivariable(n = 704a)
OR 95% CI OR 95% CI
Parental origin
One or both non-western (ref)
Both western 1.8 0.74.9 1.5 0.64.2
Maternal education
Short (ref)
Long 1.1 0.81.6 1.1 0.71.5
Older siblings
None (ref)
One 1.6 1.12.2 1.6 1.12.2
Two or more 1.1 0.71.8 1.1 0.71.8
Family status
Change (ref)
No change 2.1 1.14.1 2.0 0.993.9
Girl (ref)
Boy 0.9 0.71.3 0.9 0.71.3
Bold values show P < 0.05.
Reduced because of internal dropout.

and using fluoride lozenges less than daily. Even if

Discussion the reported proportion of children with favour-
The aim of this longitudinal study was to study the able oral health behaviour probably was overesti-
development, stability and changes of oral health mated in the study population, the reported tooth
behaviour in children from 1.5 to 5 years of age. brushing frequencies were in line with results from
The results showed that when the practices of Sweden (5). Selection bias influences on the level of
tooth brushing twice daily and use of fluoride loz- the variables, but to a less extent, the associations
enges daily were established in early childhood, between the variables and previous analyses of
these behaviours were quite stable during pre- other variables in the Mother and Child Cohort
school age. In addition, the study showed that some Study have shown no statistically significant differ-
family characteristics were associated with tooth ences in association measures between participants
brushing frequency and use of fluoride lozenges. and the total population regarding exposureout-
This study was based on data from the Norwe- come associations (31). In the multivariate analy-
gian Mother and Child Cohort Study. The cohort ses, in this study, maternal education did not
study design, with data collection several times influence the stability of the oral health behaviours
during early childhood, has the advantage of and national origin influenced only the stability of
reducing the risk of bias resulting from parents tooth brushing frequency. This indicates that the
ability to recall the oral health behaviour. In this loss to follow-up had limited consequences on the
study, the proportion of parents of non-western results of the study.
origin and the proportion of mothers with low Tooth brushing twice daily at age 1.5 year was
education were lower than in the Norwegian pop- reported by more than half (52%) of the parents.
ulation (28, 29), probably due to self-selection and This behaviour is recommended for all children
loss to follow-up, known findings in studies with from eruption of the first tooth in Norway (12),
longitudinal designs (30). The underrepresentation and the result indicates that preventive advice to
of non-western parents and mothers with low edu- parents is still needed. As expected, the propor-
cation probably resulted in a lower proportion of tion of children who brushed twice daily was
risk children in the study population than in the shown to increase with increasing child age. The
Norwegian population. If more risk children had tooth brushing frequencies reported at 5 years of
been included, probably, a higher proportion of age (76% brushed twice daily) were in line with
children would be brushing less than twice daily reported tooth brushing frequency in children at

Oral health behaviour from 1.5 to 5 years of age

the same age in Sweden (73%) (5). Less frequent iour in this age are sparse, but the present results
brushing has been reported in studies from are in line with one previous study that showed
Finland (18%), Australia (61%) and Belgium (23%), that oral health behaviour established before
countries that also report higher caries prevalence 3 years of age remained fairly stable over a 2-year
in 5-year-olds than in Norway (3, 4, 8, 32). period (8). Behaviours performed daily, such as
Daily use of fluoridated tooth paste is docu- tooth brushing, will often become routine, and pre-
mented to prevent caries development in preschool vious behaviours have been shown to predict
children and is recommended worldwide (1113). future behaviours (36). Early establishment of daily
The results from this study showed that almost all routines, such as tooth brushing and use of fluo-
parents reported daily use of fluoridated tooth ride, may facilitate maintenance of good oral health
paste from 1.5 to 5 years of age, indicating that during childhood and into adult life.
information on the caries preventive effect of fluo- The results showed associations between stable
ride has influenced the behaviour of Norwegian frequent brushing from 1.5 to 5 years of age and
parents. The limited availability of tooth paste parental origin. The teeth of preschool children
without fluoride may have facilitated the imple- with parents of non-western origin were brushed
mentation of fluoridated tooth paste. less often than those of children with parents of
Most children (75%) were reported to use of fluo- western origin. This finding could be due to differ-
ride lozenges daily at 3 and 5 years of age, and ences in culture or social norms (23). Parents of
one-third of the children was reported to use fluo- non-western origin have been shown to introduce
ride lozenges daily at 1.5 year of age. The scientific tooth brushing later than parents of western origin
evidence in support of fluoride supplements for (23, 37, 38) and have been shown to be more negli-
caries prevention in preschool children is poor, gent regarding oral health behaviour than parents
and it has not been documented that fluoride sup- of western origin (20, 23, 39).
plements give additional caries prevention in chil- In this study, the teeth of children with one older
dren who already use fluoridated tooth paste (33, sibling were more frequently brushed, and these
34). Nearly twenty years after the change in Nor- children more often used fluoride lozenges during
wegian recommendations from universal to risk- preschool age than children living in families with-
based use of fluoride lozenges, the majority of the out older children. In these families, oral health
preschool children still use lozenges daily. Fewer behaviour may already have been established and
than 20% of 5-year-olds in Norway have caries transferred to the younger child at an early age. This
experience (20, 32), indicating that children at low finding may indicate that giving oral health preven-
risk of caries also use fluoride lozenges. Combining tive advice to parents of a first child will benefit
use of fluoride lozenges and fluoride tooth paste younger siblings. Focusing on preventive dental
may entail risk of dental fluorosis, especially care when parents have their first child may reduce
among young preschool children. A substantial the resources needed for repeated advice. However,
increase in the proportion of children using fluo- repeated advice may benefit some children.
ride lozenges daily was found between 1.5 and In conclusion, oral health behaviour established
3 years of age. In this period, the children have in early life was stable during preschool age. The
their first routine examination in the Public Dental results indicate that tooth brushing frequency and
Services, which may indicate that dental health daily use of fluoride lozenges were not in accor-
personnel still recommend fluoride lozenges to the dance with the present recommendations, based
majority of preschool children. on the scientific literature, and the preventive prac-
It is documented that risk behaviours tend to tices recommended by the health authorities. The
cluster (35). An association between daily use of teeth of Norwegian preschool children were
fluoride lozenges and frequent tooth brushing was brushed less frequently than recommended, and
found at 1.5 years of age, showing that parents daily fluoride lozenges were used by more chil-
who introduce caries preventive practices in their dren than recommended.
children early often introduce more than one
Frequent tooth brushing and daily use of fluo-
ride lozenges established early were quite stable
throughout the preschool period in this study. Pre- We would like to thank the participants in the study and
the Public Dental Services in Akershus for their coopera-
vious studies on development of oral health behav-

Wigen & Wang

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