Chapter 10 Curves
Chapter 10 Curves
Chapter 10 Curves
Complex curves are required for some applications, e.g. the design of
automobiles, ships, and airplanes.
A three-dimensional curve -
Implicitization: the method for conversion of a parametric equation of a curve
into an implicit equation. This approach to implicitization works well for linear
(1st degree) and quadratic (2nd degree) equations; however, cubic (3rd degree)
and quartic (4th degree) curves are very complex.
(a 2 b1 ) (a 2 b0 )
=0 (10.7)
(a 2 b0 ) (a1b0 )
where ( a i b j ) = ( a i b j a j bi )
The brute-force approach applied to this case yields the following results:
From the x equation: t = x + 1
( )
Substituting in y : y = x +1 2 x +1 + 2
y ( x + 1) 2 = 2 x + 1 )
2 2
x 2 2 xy + y 2 + 2 x 6 y + 5 = 0
The same results are obtained using the general resultant method.
x = t 2 1
y = t 2 2t + 2
From Eq. 10.9, the auxiliary polynomials are:
r ( x, t ) = t 2 + ( x + 1)
s ( y, t ) = t 2 + 2t + ( y 2 )
2 ( x y + 3)
( x y + 3) 2 ( x + 1)
= x 2 2 xy + y 2 + 2 x 6 y + 5 = 0
a b u x
[x y 1] h b v y = 0
u v d 1
Figure 10.2 Conic representations.
One of the most important characteristics of conic curves is its lack of inflection
1. Circle
2. Ellipse
3. Parabola
4. Hyperbola
Interpolation techniques for curve definition
piecewise linear interpolation function f(x) for any value of x between two
arbitrary points, Xi and Xi+1.
Figure 10.6 (a) Piecewise linear interpolation. (b) Third order Lagrange interpolation.
Lagrange Polynomial
Consider a sequence of planar points defined by (X0,Y0), (X1,Y1), (Xn,Yn),
where Xi<Xj for i < j .
1. The degree of the polynomial tied to the number of points used.
2. The number of points used is increased; the result is a polynomial of
higher degree subject to excessive oscillations.
Figure 10.7 Excessive oscillations for Lagrange interpolation, resulting from an increase in the number of
points used.
Example 10.2
Use a Lagrangian polynomial to interpolate the points
Equation 10.26 is used to solve this problem, as follows.
Figure 10.9 Linear and Lagrange interpolation for a given set of points
Cubic Spline
Cubic spline may be considered as a thin elastic beam to which the
Bernoulli-Euler equation applies. If small deflections are considered, the
curvature is approximated by the second derivative of the assumed curve.
Parametric continuity:
0 1 2
Figure 10.14 Examples of parametric continuity: (a) Discontinuous; (b) C ; (c) C ; (d) C .
Geometric continuity: parameterization independent measure of
continuity, i.e. a curve is curvature continuity yet not twice differentiable.
G2 continuity: if it is C2 with respect to some parameterization
Above figure shows two symmetric parabolas that are combine to form a
composite curve.
It is tangent continuity and curvature continuity at b2.
However, it does not form a C2 piecewise polynomial curve over those two
intervals: for two parabolas to form a C2 piecewise quadratic curve, they must
both be part of one global parabola.
The term G2 curves denote that they are twice differentiable with respect to arc
length but not necessarily twice differentiable with respect to their current
parameterization. Note that curves with a zero tangent vector cannot be G2
under this definition.
Advantages of parametric cubic: it is the lowest degree space curve that allows
a point of inflection and has the ability to twist through space.
Figure 10.12 Changes in the magnitude of tangent vectors cause variabtions on the shape
of a parametric cubic curve.
P(t), 0t1
In matrix form,
Example 10.3
Find the matrix of geometric coefficients for a parametric cubic curve, knowing
The matrix of geometric coefficients is given as
P (0)
P ' (0)
P (1)
For this problem, P(0) and P(1) are given as (2, 20, 2) and (10, 20,
and x2 must be calculated. For t = 0.5, the following expression can be used
P ( 0.5 ) = [ 6 20 6]
2 2 1 1 2 20 2
3 3 2 1 10 20 2
= (0.5)3 (0.5) 2 (0.5) 1
0 0 1 0 x1 0 4 x1
1 0 0 0 x2 0 2 x2
which, when expanded, yields:
From (I) x1 = x2
Substituting in (II) x1 = x2 =
The geometric coefficients matrix is therefore
2 20 2
10 20 2
16 64
3 3
16 32
3 0
Piecewise connection
Assume that the cubic spline has m-1 segments interpolating m points, P0 to
Pm-1. Therefore, there are m-2 internal joints and m-2 equations.
Four commonly used constraints are
(1) Clamped (encastered) cubic spline, known end tangent vectors, P0 and
Example 10.4
Consider four two-dimensional point vectors
P0 [ 0 0] , P1 [ 2 1] , P2 [ 4 4] , P3 [ 6 0]
[ ]
with given tangent vectors P0 [1 1] and P3 1 1 . Determine the values of
' '
The tangent vectors are found through Eq. 10.51
1 0 0 0 P0' (1 1) 1 1
1 4 1 0 P1' 3 ( 4 0 )( 4 0 ) 12 12
= =
0 1 4 1 P2' 3 ( 6 2 )( 0 1) 12 3
0 0 0 1 P3' ( 1 1) 1 1
P0' 1 0 0 0 1 1
P1 = 1 4 1 0 12 12
P2' 0 1 4 1 12 3
P3 0 0 0 1 1 1
1 1
15 0 0 0 1 1 31 48
P = 1 4 4 1 1 12 12 = 15 15
P 15 1 1 4 4 12 3 41 27
P 0 0 0 15 1 1 15 15
1 1
(2) Relaxed (nature) cubic spline, second derivative at the endpoints P0 and
Pm-1 both made equal to zero.
P0=0, i.e.
[m][m] x [m][m] = [m][1]
Example 10.5
Solve the problem in Example 10.4, using a natural cubic spline. Calculate
1 2
cubic spline values at t = and t = for each spline segment.
3 3
Eq.10.57 is used in this problem to calculate the tangent vectors.
2 1 0 0 P0' 6 3
1 '
4 1 0 P1 12 12
0 1 4 1 P2' 12 3
0 0 1 2 P3' 6 12
P00' 26 7 2 1 6 3
' 7 14 4 2 12 12
P1 = 1
P2' 45 2 4 14 7 12 3
P3 1 2 7 26 6 12
P0' 2 0
P1 = 2 3
P2' 2 0
P3 20 6
1 2
To find points on the curve at t = and t = in the first segment, Eqs.10.43
3 3
and 10.44 are used.
At t =
2 -2 1 1 0 0
1 1
1 -3 3 -2 -1 2 1
P = 1
3 3 3 3 0 0 1 0 2 0
1 0 0 0 2 3
P = [ 0.666 0.0372]
At t =
2 -2 1 1 0 0
2 2
2 -3 3 -2 -1 2 1
P = 1
3 3 3 3 0 0 1 0 2 0
1 0 0 0 2 3
P = [1.332 0.2964]
The same Eqs. 10.43 and 10.44 are applied to the second and third segments.
In both cases only the geometry matrix varies, the first two matrices remaining
the same for each parametric value.
For the second segment:
2 1
4 4
[ ]H 2 3
G =
2 0
and the curve values are:
P = [ 2.666 2.223]
P = [3.333 3.444]
For the third segment:
4 4
6 0
[ G ]H =
2 0
2 6
P = [ 4.666 3.407 ]
P = [5.333 1.925]
(3) Cyclic cubic spline, the slot and curvature at the beginning and end of the
curve are equal. (P0 = Pm-1, P0 = Pm-1)
Assume that the cubic spline has m-1 segments interpolating m points, P0
to Pm. Therefore, there are m-2 internal joints and m-2 equations.
P0 = Pm-1,
P0 = 3(2 Pm 2 2 Pm1 + Pm 2 + Pm1 ) + 2(3Pm 1 3Pm 2 2 Pm 2 Pm 1 ) + Pm 2
Pm 2 = P0 + Pm 2 Pm 1
P0 = Pm-1,
2(3P1 3P0 2P0 P1 ) = 6(2Pm2 2Pm1 + Pm2 + Pm1 ) + 2(3Pm1 3Pm2 2Pm2 Pm1 )
3P0 + 3P1 3Pm2 + 3Pm1 = 2 P0 + P1 + Pm 2 + 2 Pm1
3P0 + 3P1 + 3Pm1 = 5P0 + P1 + 4 Pm 2 Pm1
5 1 . . . 4 1 P0 3( P1 P0 + Pm 1 )
1 4 1 . . . . 3( P P )
1 P 2 0
. 1 4 1 . . . P 3( P3 P1 )
. . 1 4 1 . . . = 3( P4 P2 )
. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . Pm 2 .
. . . . 1 4 1
Pm 1 3( Pm 1 Pm 3 )
[m-1][m-1] x[m-1][1]=[m-1][1]
(4) Anti-Cyclic cubic spline is similar to the cyclic spline, except that
This type of spline is useful for producing parallel end spans with end tangent
vectors which are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction.
Figure 10.18 Curve approximates the given points without necessarily passing through all of them
Bezier Curves
In the early 1960s, P. Bezier (Renault - Franch car company) started working
on it to give the designer greater flexibility than the interpolating techniques.
Bezier curves employ control points (control vertices), i.e. an ordered set of
points (V0, , Vn) that approximate the curve. A Bezier curve of degree n,
specified by n+1 control points, is a parametric function:
The blending function (Bernstein polynomials):
where n is the degree of the polynomial and the binomial coefficient:
These blending functions satisfy the following conditions:
The eqs. (10.61) is called the normalizing property. These conditions force
the curve to lie entirely within the convex figure set by the extreme points of the
polygon formed by the control points, called the convex hull.
For example:
Consider the case of four control points V0, V1, V2, V3, since n+1 = 4, the
degree n of the polynomial is 3. Expanding Eq. 10.38 yields
In matrix form
3 1
Q(t ) = (1 t )3 3t (1 t ) 2 3t (1 t ) t
Closed curves
Figure 10.21 Closed Bezier curves Figure 10.22 Bezier curves lack local control.
1. Bezier curves lack local control
2. For improved design flexibility a large number of control points resulting in a
high-degree polynomial that can be difficult to handle.
To solve the second problem, curves with a large number of control points are
generated by connecting several segments of lower degree.
segments V0 , V1 , V2 , V3 , V4 and V0* , V1* , V2* , V3* , V4* were used. C1 continuity
Example 10.6
The slope continuity ( C1 ) requirement of Bezier curves forces two curves to
share the same parametric slope at the common point. Given two Bezier
curves defined by the following sequence of control points,
1st curve: A(2, 3, 4) B(3, 1, 5) C(x, y, z) D(3, 4, 3)
2nd curve: D(3, 4, 3) E(2, 6, 0) F(5, 7, 5) G(5, 2, 3)
establish the algebraic conditions that x, y, z must satisfy to ensure C1
Eq. 10.68 can be differentiated with respect to t to find he tangent vectors:
Q ' ( t ) = 3 (1 t )
3 3t 2 4t + 1 ) 3t ( 3t 2 ) 3t 2 1
first segment should equal Q ' ( t ) at t=0 for the second segment.
Q1 (1) = [ 0 0 3 3] = 3 ( D C )
Second segment (t = 0):
Q2' ( 0 ) = [ 3 3 0 0] = 3 ( E D )
As previously stated:
To take into account variable magnitudes for the tangent vector ( slope remains
constant ), this equality can be written as:
where k is a constant.
Substitution appropriate values:
3 ( D C ) = 3k ( E D )
3 ( 3 4 3) ( x y z ) = 3k ( 2 6 0 ) ( 3 4 3)
3 ( 3 x )( 4 y )( 3 z ) = 3k [ 1 2 3]
And the algebraic conditions are
3 x = k x = 3 + k
4 y = 2 k y = 4 2k
3 z = 3k z = 3 + 3k
B-Spline Curves
To avoid high-degree polynomials and reduce the global effect, Bezier curves
are frequently built by connecting several segments of lower degree. This
permits local control and the freedom to alter the degree at the expense of
Local control: if one vertex is moved only some curve segments are affected
and the rest of the curve remains invariant.
The curvature continuity, C2, guaranteed by cubic B-spline is preferred.
Figure 10.26 Uniform cubic B-spline curve with six control points
Pi (t ) = N 0,3 (t )Vi + N 1,3 (t )Vi +1 + N 2,3 (t )Vi + 2 + N 3,3 (t )Vi +3
The first and second derivatives are identically zero at the left and right
endpoint (6 knowns)
N 0,3 (0) = N 0 ,3 (0) = N 0,3 (0) = 0, at the left end; N 0,3 (1) = N 0 ,3 (1) = N 0,3 (1) = 0, at
Eq. 10.77 will be used in the solution of this problem. Knowing that the
segment starts at t = 0 and ends at t = 1, substitution into Eq. 10.77 yields:
For t = 0
1 2 1 Vi 1
Pi ( 0 ) = [ 0 0 1] 2 2 0 Vi
1 1 0 Vi +1
Pi ( 0 ) = (Vi 1 + Vi )
For t = 1
1 2 1 Vi 1
Pi (1) = [1 1 1] 2 2 0 Vi
1 1 0 Vi +1
Pi (1) = (Vi 1 + Vi )
Thus, for uniform quadratic B-splines, the joints between segments are located
halfway between the control vertices, as shown in Figure 10.29.
In this solution the circle is assumed to have its center at the origin of the
coordinate axis (see accompanying figure). Since this is a quadratic B-spline
approximation, each of the four segments-I, II, III, IV- will be formed by three
control vertices, as follows:
Segment I- V0 V1 V2
Segment II- V1 V2 V3
Segment III- V2 V3 V0
Segment IV- V3 V0 V1
Each segment is obtained using equation 10.77. Segment I, for example< will
be as follows:
1 2 1 r r
t 1 2 2 0 r r
P ( t ) = t 2
1 1 0 r r
To find the error incurred in this formulation, calculate the value of P for t = .
If the exact circle had been generated, this value should be equal to the radius,
r. Substitution t = into the equation above yields
r r
1 1 1 3 1
P = r r
2 2 8 4 8
r r
1 3 3
P = r r
2 4 4
3 2
And the radius becomes r or 1.061r
The error is approximately 6.1%, at t = 0.5 in the first segment.
Conversion between representations
Under the condition of same degree of freeform curves, the conversion of
these freeform curves is
x = [t ][ M ] from [V ] from = [t ][ M ]to [V ]to
Therefore, [V ]to = [ M ]to1 [ M ] from [V ] from
Table 10.2
Hermite Bezier B-Spline
2 2 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 3 1
3 3 2 1 3 6 3 0 0
1 3 6 3
0 0 1 0 3 3 0 0 6 3 0 3 0
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 4 1 0
Table 10.3
Hermite Bezier B-Spline
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 4 1 0
0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
10 1 4
0 0 1 0 3 3 0 0 6 3 0 3 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 3 3 0 3 0 3
3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 4 1 0
1 0 0 0 0
1 3 0 1 0 1 0 4 2
3 0 3 0 1 0 0 1 0 6 0 2 4 0
0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 4 1
3 6 7 2 6 7 2 0 1 0 0 0
0 2 1 0 0 0
1 6 3 2 1 1 0
3 3 6 1 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 0
6 3 2 7 0 2 7 6 0 0 0 1
Example 10.9
Given a cubic Bezier curve represented by the control points
P1 ( 6, 0, 0 ) , P2 ( 3, 4, 0 ) , P3 ( 3, 4, 0 ) and P4 ( 6, 0, 0 ) , find:
(a) The control points that would reproduce this curve as a uniform cubic
(b) The geometric coefficient matrix that would reproduce this curve as a
(a) From Table 10.3 the conversion from a cubic Bezier representation to a
cubic uniform B-spline is obtained, so that
6 7 2 0 6 0 0 1
0 2 1 0 3 4 0 1
[V ]BS = 0 1 2 0 3 4 0 1
0 2 7 6 6 0 0 1
9 36 0 1
9 12 0 1
[ ]BS 9 12 0 1
V =
9 36 0 1
(b) Again from Table 10.3, the conversion is given by
1 0 0 0 6 0 0 1
0 0 0 1 3 4 0 1
[V ]H = [G ]H
3 3 0 0 3 4 0 1
0 0 3 3 6 0 0 1
6 0 0 1
6 0 0 1
[V ]H =
9 12 0 1
9 12 0 1
where the knot vector is [ti, , ti+k]. I.e. a B-spline of order k in the ith span is
the weighted average of the B-splines of order (k-1) in the ith and (i+1)st
The knots form a vector [t0, ,ti-1,ti+1, ,tn+k] of real numbers called the knot
vector, in non-decreasing order (ti<=ti+1).
Like Bezier curves, B-splines satisfy the convex-hull property and the
normalizing property.
Assume a knot vector [t0, ,tm]
or m=n+k
Table 10.4 shows th evariabtion of the parameter range and knot vector for the
B-spline curves shown in Figure 10.30.
Table 10.4
Figure 10.30 Uniform B-splines of various degrees.
z Nonperiodic/Open
ti = 0 i < k
t i = i k + 1 k i n (10.85)
ti = n k + 2 i > n
k = 3 Quadratic N i ,3 ( t ) = t 1 t 2 (10.100)
4 2
(3 t )
2t 3
1 3
t 0 t 1
2 1 3
3 2 2 (t 2) 1 t 2
k =4 Cubic N i ,4 ( t ) = 3
2 1 3
3 + 2 t 2 ( t 2 )
2t 3
(4 t ) 3t 4
Example 10.11
Find the blending functions for a nonperiodic quadratic B-spline curve, defined
over five control points.
For this B-spline: k = 3 ( order )
n = 4 ( no. of control vertices = n + 1 = 5 )
t0 = t1 = t2 = 0
t3 = 1
t4 = 2
t5 = t6 = t7 = 3
For k =1
For k = 2
N 0,2 =
( t t0 ) N + ( t 2 t ) N = 0 + 0 = 0
( t1 t0 ) 0,1 ( t2 t1 ) 1,1
( t t1 ) N + ( t3 t ) N = 0 + 1 t = 1 t
N1,2 = ( ) for 0 t < 1
( t2 t1 ) 1,1 ( t3 t2 ) 2,1
N 2,2 =
( t t2 ) N + ( t4 t ) N = t for 0 t < 1
( t3 t2 ) 2,1 ( t4 t3 ) 3,1 ( 2 t ) for 1 t < 2
N 3,2 =
( t t3 ) N + ( t5 t ) N = ( t 1) for 1 t < 2
( t4 t3 ) 3,1 ( t5 t4 ) 4,1 ( 3 t ) for 2 t < 3
( t t 4 ) N + ( t6 t ) N = t 2
N 4,2 = ( ) for 2 t < 3
( t5 t4 ) 4,1 ( t6 t5 ) 5,1
For k = 3
( t t 0 ) N + ( t3 t ) N = 1 t 2
N 0,3 = ( ) for 0 t < 1
( t2 t0 ) 0,2 ( t3 t1 ) 1,2
( t t1 ) ( t4 t ) t (1 t ) + 2 ( 2 t )
N1,3 = N + N =
( t3 t1 ) 1,2 ( t4 t2 ) 2,2 1 ( 2 t )2
for 0 t < 1
for 1 t < 2
1 2
N 2,3 =
( t t2 ) N + ( t4 t ) N 1 1
= t ( 2 t ) + ( 3 t )( t 1)
( t4 t2 ) 2,2 ( t5 t3 ) 3,2 2 2
(3 t )
for 0 t < 1
for 1 t < 2
for 2 t < 3
( t 1)
N 3,3 =
( t t3 )
N +
( t6 t )
N =
( t5 t3 ) 3,2 ( t6 t4 ) 4,2 1 ( t 1)( 3 t ) + ( 3 t )( t 2 )
for 1 t < 2
for 2 t < 3
( t t 4 ) N + ( t7 t ) N = t 2 2
N 4,3 = ( ) for 2 t < 3
( t6 t4 ) 4,2 ( t7 t5 ) 5,2
Multiplicity of control points
Figure 10.36 Effect of multiplicity of control points on the shape of B-spline curves
B-Spline Formulation-Highlights
Here summarizes the many important relationships and definitions used in the
previous sections for formulation B-splines.
Continuity of position, Co
Knot Vectors
These are the parametric intervals within which the blending functions are
Parameter range: ( k 1) t ( n + 1)
Example: [0 1 2 3 4]
II. Nonperiodic
Satisfies the following equations:
ti = 0 for i<k
ti = i k + 1 for k i n
ti = n k + 2 for i > 0
Example: [0 0 1 2 2 2]
III. Nonuniform
Knot vector is not equispaced.
Example: [ 0 1 2 3 3 4]
Bezier Representation
It is simply a special case of the general B-spline formulation when the
following conditions are satisfied:
The number of defining polygon vertices is equal to the order of the
B-spline basis.
A nonperiodic knot vector is used.
For example:
No. of control points = 4 (i.e., n = 3)
Order of the curve, k = 4
Rational Curves
A procedure that allows the incorporation of both types of curves (freeform and
conics) is the use of rational polynomial functions.
The term rational means these functions are obtained by the ratio of two
Considering the Bezier curve
For computational efficiency, rational quadratic B-splines (n=2, k=3) are best
suited to represent the conics, since they provide the lowest order possible.
The knot vector can be determined by the order the the number of control
points. Defining the quadratic rational B-spline by three control points, with
0t1 and a knot vector [t] = [ 0 0 0 1 1 1], yields:
N 0,3 (t ) w0 v0 + N1,3 (t ) w1v1 + N 2,3 (t ) w2 v2
P(t ) =
N 0,3 (t ) w0 + N1,3 (t ) w1 + N 2,3 (t ) w2
Example 10.12
This problem will compare the shape of curves resulting from the use of
various curve-defining techniques. Given the data points
(a) Lagrange polynomial. The Lagrangian interpolation formula is given in Eq.
10.26. For this problem it becomes
x ( x 2 )( x 3)( x 4 ) x ( x 1)( x 3)( x 4 ) x ( x 1)( x 2 )( x 4 ) x ( x 1)( x 2 )( x 3)
f ( x) = 0 + (1) + ( 1) + (1) + ( 2)
(1 0 )(1 2 )(1 3)(1 4 ) ( 2 0 )( 2 1)( 2 3)( 2 4 ) ( 3 0 )( 3 1)( 3 2 )( 3 4 ) ( 4 0 )( 4 1)( 4 2 )( 4 3)
Figure 10.41
(b) Natural cubic spline. Equation 10.57 is used to solve the problem, as
2 1 0 0 P0' 3 ( P1 P0 )
0 P0' 1.67 .94
1 '
4 1 0 P1' 3 ( P2 P0 )
0 P1 1.33 .881
0 1 4 0 P2' = 3 ( P3 P1 ) and P2' = .833 .42
0 0 1 1 P3' 3 ( P4 P2 )
4 P3 1.33 2.55
0 0 0 1 2 P4' 3 ( P4 P3 ) P ' 1.67 0.77
A plot of the nature cubic curve obtained from the application of these
tangent vectors to the given points is shown in Figure 10.41.
(c) Bezier curve. Five control vertices are to be found, describing a fourth
degree Bezier curve (order = 5). The blending functions for this Bezier
curve are obtained from Eq., as follows:
B0,4 = (1 t )
B1,4 = 4t (1 t )
B2,4 = 6t 2 (1 t )
B3,4 = 4 (1 t ) t 3
B4,4 = t 4
1 4 6 4 1
4 12 12 4 0
t t 1 6 12 6 0
t3 t2 0
4 4 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0
The parameter values t along the Bezier curve corresponding to the data points
can be found as an approximation to the chord length between each two data
(1 0 ) + (1 0 ) = 2
2 2
L21 = P2 P1 =
( 2 1) + ( 1 1) = 5
2 2
L32 = P3 P2 =
(3 2) + (1 + 1) = 5
2 2
L43 = P4 P3 =
L54 = P5 P4 = ( 4 3) + ( 2 1) = 2
2 2
The total chord length is L51 = L21 + L32 + L43 + L54 = 7.3
and the parameter values become
t1 = 0
t2 L21 2
= = = 0.19
tmax L51 7.3
t3 L31 5+ 2
= = = 0.5
tmax L51 7.3
t4 L41 5+ 2+ 5
= = = 0.81
tmax L51 7.3
t5 L51
= =1
tmax L51
Substituting these t values into the blending function equations for the quartic
Bezier curve yields:
1 0 0 0 0
.4305 .4039 .1421 .0222 .0013
[ B ] = .0625 .25 .375 .25 .0625 0
.0013 .0222 .1421 .4039 .4
0 0 0 0 1
The control vertices are found from:
[V ]B = [ B ] [ P ]B
1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1.375 3.423 1.601 .803 .25 1 1
= .916 2.817 4.802 2.817 .916 2 1
.25 .803 1.602 3.423 1.375 3 1
0 0 0 0 1 4 2
0 0
1.629 5.327
= 2 8.604
2.37 3.078
4 2
10.85, is [0 0 0 1 2 3 3 3]
which maximum knot value equal to 3. The same chord approximation used in
the Bezier case is applied, knowing that tmax here is equal to 3, so that
t1 = 0
t2 = 0.57
t3 = 1.5
t4 = 2.43
t5 = 3
For k = 3 and five control points, the blending functions N were derived in
Ezample 10.11 and, for the values of t found in this problem, become
for t1 = 0
for t2 = 0.57
N 0,3 = (1 t ) = 0.1849
N1,3 = t (1 t ) + ( 2 t ) = 0.6527
N 2,3 = = 0.1625
for t3 = 1.5
(2 t )
N1,3 = = 0.125
t (2 t ) ( 3 t )( t 1) = 0.75
N 2,3 = +
2 2
( t 1)
N 3,3 = = 0.125
for t4 = 2.43
(3 t )
N 2,3 = = 0.1625
( t 1)( 3 t ) 3
N 3,3 = + ( t )( t 2 ) = 0.6527
N 4,3 = ( t 2 ) = 0.1849
for t5 = 3
In matrix form:
1 0 0 0 0
.1849 .6527 .1625 0 0
[ N ] = 0 .125 .75 .125 0
0 0 .1625 .6527 .1849
0 0 0 0 1
The control vertices are given by:
[V ]Bs = [ N ] [ P ]Bs
0 0
0 0 1.034 2.007
1 1
, [V ]Bs = 2.000 1.908
[V ]Bs = [ N ] 2 1
2.965 1.440
3 1 4 2
4 2