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Experiment (11) Determination of Calcium As Oxalate: Theory

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Experiment (11)

Determination of calcium as oxalate

Theory :
The calcium is precipitated as calcium oxalate CaC2O4 . H2O by
treating a hot hydrochloric acid solution with ammonium oxalate
and slowly neutralising with aqueous ammonia solution:
Ca++ + C2 + H2O CaC2O4 . H2O
The ptt. is washed with dilute ammonium oxalate solution and the
weighed in one of the following forms:
(i) As CaC2O4 . H2O by drying at 100 - 105 C for 1 - 2 hours.
This method is not recommended for accurate work because of the
hygroscopic nature of the oxalate and the difficulty of removing
the coprecipitate ammonium oxalate at this low temp.
(ii) As CaCO3 by heating at 475 - 525 C in an electric muffle
This is the most satisfactory method since calcium carbonate is
non- hygroscopic.
CaC2O4 . H2O CaCO3 + CO + H2O
(iii) As CaO by igniting at 1200C .
This method is widely used but the resulting lime has a
comparatively small molecular weight and is hygroscopic ,
precautions must therefore be taken to prevent absorption of
moisture and CO2.
CaCO3 CaO + CO2
The solubility of calcium oxalate is less in neutral solutions
containing moderate concentrations of ammonium oxalate owing to
the common ion effect , hence a dilute solution of ammonium
oxalate is employed as the wash liquid in the gravimetric
determination. Calcium oxalate being the salt of a weak acid . its
solubility increases with increasing hydrogen ion concentration of
the solution because of the removal of the oxalate ions to form bi-
oxalate ions and oxalic acid:
CaC2O4 Ca++ + C2
C2 + H+ HC2
HC2 + H+ H2C2O4
Calculation shows that precipitation is quantitative at pH of 4 or higher.
Precipitation from cold neutral or ammoniacal solution yields a very
finely divide ppt which is difficult to filter. Satisfactory results are
obtained by adding ammonium oxalate to a hot acidic solution of
the calcium salt and finally neutralizing with aqueous ammonia
solution. The ptt formed after digesting for about 1 hour , consists
of relatively coarse crystals which are readily filtered.

1- Weigh out accurately 0.5g of A.R. calcium carbonate ( which
has been finely powdered and dried at 110-130C for 1 hour )
into a 400 ml beaker.
2- Add 10 ml of water followed by about 15 ml dilute HCl (1:1).
3- Heat the covered mixture until the solid has dissolved and boil
gently for several minutes in order to expel CO2.
4- Rinse down the sides of the beaker and the cover , dilute to 200
ml then add 2 drops of methyl red indicator.
5- Heat the solution to boiling and add very slowly 50ml of a warm
4% ammonium oxalate solution.
6- Add to the resultant hot solution (about 80C) dilute ammonia
solution (1:1) drop wise and with stirring until the mixture is
neutral or faintly alkaline (color change from red to yellow).
7- Allow the solution to stand without further heating for at least an
8- After the ptt has settled test the solution for complete
precipitation with a few drops of ammonium oxalate solution.

9- Decant the clear supernatant liquid through a Whatman No. 40

filter paper , transfer the ptt to the paper and wash with a cold
0.1-0.2% ammonium oxalate solution until free from chloride.
10- Transfer the paper to a weighed crucible, dry in an oven for half
one hour , burn away the paper with the crucible covered and
then ignite at 500C for 30 min., cool and weigh.
11- Calculate the percentage of calcium in the sample.

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