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1 Corporations Differentiated With Other Business Organization

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Corporations differentiated with other business organization

A partnership may be deemed to exist among parties who agree to borrow money to pursue a business and
to divide the profits or losses that may arise therefrom, even if it is shown that they have not contributed
any capital of their own to a "common fund." Their contribution may be in the form of credit or industry,
not necessarily cash or fixed assets. Being partner, they are all liable for debts incurred by or on behalf of
the partnership. The liability for a contract entered into on behalf of an unincorporated association or
ostensible corporation may lie in a person who may not have directly transacted on its behalf, but reaped
benefits from that contract.
The Case
In the Petition for Review on Certiorari before us, Lim Tong Lim assails the November 26, 1998 Decision
of the Court of Appeals in CA-GR CV
41477, which disposed as follows:
WHEREFORE, [there being] no reversible error in the appealed decision, the same is hereby affirmed. 2
The decretal portion of the Quezon City Regional Trial Court (RTC) ruling, which was affirmed by the CA,
reads as follows:
WHEREFORE, the Court rules:
1. That plaintiff is entitled to the writ of preliminary attachment issued by this Court on September 20,
2. That defendants are jointly liable to plaintiff for the following amounts, subject to the modifications as
hereinafter made by reason of the special and unique facts and circumstances and the proceedings that
transpired during the trial of this case;
a. P532,045.00 representing [the] unpaid purchase price of the fishing nets covered by the Agreement plus
P68,000.00 representing the unpaid price of the floats not covered by said Agreement;
b. 12% interest per annum counted from date of plaintiff's invoices and computed on their respective
amounts as follows:
i. Accrued interest of P73,221.00 on Invoice No. 14407 for P385,377.80 dated February 9, 1990;
ii. Accrued interest for P27,904.02 on Invoice No. 14413 for P146,868.00 dated February 13, 1990;
iii. Accrued interest of P12,920.00 on Invoice No. 14426 for P68,000.00 dated February 19, 1990;
c. P50,000.00 as and for attorney's fees, plus P8,500.00 representing P500.00 per appearance in court;
d. P65,000.00 representing P5,000.00 monthly rental for storage charges on the nets counted from
September 20, 1990 (date of attachment) to September 12, 1991 (date of auction sale);
e. Cost of suit.
With respect to the joint liability of defendants for the principal obligation or for the unpaid price of nets
and floats in the amount of P532,045.00 and P68,000.00, respectively, or for the total amount P600,045.00,
this Court noted that these items were attached to guarantee any judgment that may be rendered in favor of
the plaintiff but, upon agreement of the parties, and, to avoid further deterioration of the nets during the
pendency of this case, it was ordered sold at public auction for not less than P900,000.00 for which the
Corporations differentiated with other business organization
plaintiff was the sole and winning bidder. The proceeds of the sale paid for by plaintiff was deposited in
court. In effect, the amount of P900,000.00 replaced the attached property as a guaranty for any judgment
that plaintiff may be able to secure in this case with the ownership and possession of the nets and floats
awarded and delivered by the sheriff to plaintiff as the highest bidder in the public auction sale. It has also
been noted that ownership of the nets [was] retained by the plaintiff until full payment [was] made as
stipulated in the invoices; hence, in effect, the plaintiff attached its own properties. It [was] for this reason
also that this Court earlier ordered the attachment bond filed by plaintiff to guaranty damages to defendants
to be cancelled and for the P900,000.00 cash bidded and paid for by plaintiff to serve as its bond in favor
of defendants.
From the foregoing, it would appear therefore that whatever judgment the plaintiff may be entitled to in
this case will have to be satisfied from the amount of P900,000.00 as this amount replaced the attached nets
and floats. Considering, however, that the total judgment obligation as computed above would amount to
only P840,216.92, it would be inequitable, unfair and unjust to award the excess to the defendants who are
not entitled to damages and who did not put up a single centavo to raise the amount of P900,000.00 aside
from the fact that they are not the owners of the nets and floats. For this reason, the defendants are hereby
relieved from any and all liabilities arising from the monetary judgment obligation enumerated above and
for plaintiff to retain possession and ownership of the nets and floats and for the reimbursement of the
P900,000.00 deposited by it with the Clerk of Court.
The Facts
On behalf of "Ocean Quest Fishing Corporation," Antonio Chua and Peter Yao entered into a Contract
dated February 7, 1990, for the purchase of fishing nets of various sizes from the Philippine Fishing Gear
Industries, Inc. (herein respondent). They claimed that they were engaged in a business venture with
Petitioner Lim Tong Lim, who however was not a signatory to the agreement. The total price of the nets
amounted to P532,045. Four hundred pieces of floats worth P68,000 were also sold to the Corporation. 4
The buyers, however, failed to pay for the fishing nets and the floats; hence, private respondents filed a
collection suit against Chua, Yao and Petitioner Lim Tong Lim with a prayer for a writ of preliminary
attachment. The suit was brought against the three in their capacities as general partners, on the allegation
that "Ocean Quest Fishing Corporation" was a nonexistent corporation as shown by a Certification from
the Securities and Exchange Commission. 5 On September 20, 1990, the lower court issued a Writ of
Preliminary Attachment, which the sheriff enforced by attaching the fishing nets on board F/B Lourdes
which was then docked at the Fisheries Port, Navotas, Metro Manila.
Instead of answering the Complaint, Chua filed a Manifestation admitting his liability and requesting a
reasonable time within which to pay. He also turned over to respondent some of the nets which were in his
possession. Peter Yao filed an Answer, after which he was deemed to have waived his right to cross-
examine witnesses and to present evidence on his behalf, because of his failure to appear in subsequent
hearings. Lim Tong Lim, on the other hand, filed an Answer with Counterclaim and Crossclaim and moved
for the lifting of the Writ of Attachment. 6 The trial court maintained the Writ, and upon motion of private
respondent, ordered the sale of the fishing nets at a public auction. Philippine Fishing Gear Industries won
the bidding and deposited with the said court the sales proceeds of P900,000. 7
On November 18, 1992, the trial court rendered its Decision, ruling that Philippine Fishing Gear Industries
was entitled to the Writ of Attachment and that Chua, Yao and Lim, as general partners, were jointly liable
to pay respondent. 8
Corporations differentiated with other business organization
The trial court ruled that a partnership among Lim, Chua and Yao existed based (1) on the testimonies of
the witnesses presented and (2) on a Compromise Agreement executed by the three 9 in Civil Case No.
1492-MN which Chua and Yao had brought against Lim in the RTC of Malabon, Branch 72, for (a) a
declaration of nullity of commercial documents; (b) a reformation of contracts; (c) a declaration of
ownership of fishing boats; (d) an injunction and (e) damages. 10 The Compromise Agreement provided:
a) That the parties plaintiffs & Lim Tong Lim agree to have the four (4) vessels sold in the amount of
P5,750,000.00 including the fishing net. This P5,750,000.00 shall be applied as full payment for
P3,250,000.00 in favor of JL Holdings Corporation and/or Lim Tong Lim;
b) If the four (4) vessel[s] and the fishing net will be sold at a higher price than P5,750,000.00 whatever
will be the excess will be divided into 3: 1/3 Lim Tong Lim; 1/3 Antonio Chua; 1/3 Peter Yao;
c) If the proceeds of the sale the vessels will be less than P5,750,000.00 whatever the deficiency shall be
shouldered and paid to JL Holding Corporation by 1/3 Lim Tong Lim; 1/3 Antonio Chua; 1/3 Peter Yao. 11
The trial court noted that the Compromise Agreement was silent as to the nature of their obligations, but
that joint liability could be presumed from the equal distribution of the profit and loss. 21
Lim appealed to the Court of Appeals (CA) which, as already stated, affirmed the RTC.
Ruling of the Court of Appeals
In affirming the trial court, the CA held that petitioner was a partner of Chua and Yao in a fishing business
and may thus be held liable as a such for the fishing nets and floats purchased by and for the use of the
partnership. The appellate court ruled:
The evidence establishes that all the defendants including herein appellant Lim Tong Lim undertook a
partnership for a specific undertaking, that is for commercial fishing . . . . Oviously, the ultimate undertaking
of the defendants was to divide the profits among themselves which is what a partnership essentially is . . .
. By a contract of partnership, two or more persons bind themselves to contribute money, property or
industry to a common fund with the intention of dividing the profits among themselves (Article 1767, New
Civil Code). 13
Hence, petitioner brought this recourse before this Court. 14
The Issues
In his Petition and Memorandum, Lim asks this Court to reverse the assailed Decision on the following
Corporations differentiated with other business organization
In determining whether petitioner may be held liable for the fishing nets and floats from respondent, the
Court must resolve this key issue: whether by their acts, Lim, Chua and Yao could be deemed to have
entered into a partnership.
This Court's Ruling
The Petition is devoid of merit.
First and Second Issues:
Existence of a Partnership
and Petitioner's Liability
In arguing that he should not be held liable for the equipment purchased from respondent, petitioner
controverts the CA finding that a partnership existed between him, Peter Yao and Antonio Chua. He asserts
that the CA based its finding on the Compromise Agreement alone. Furthermore, he disclaims any direct
participation in the purchase of the nets, alleging that the negotiations were conducted by Chua and Yao
only, and that he has not even met the representatives of the respondent company. Petitioner further argues
that he was a lessor, not a partner, of Chua and Yao, for the "Contract of Lease " dated February 1, 1990,
showed that he had merely leased to the two the main asset of the purported partnership the fishing
boat F/B Lourdes. The lease was for six months, with a monthly rental of P37,500 plus 25 percent of the
gross catch of the boat.
We are not persuaded by the arguments of petitioner. The facts as found by the two lower courts clearly
showed that there existed a partnership among Chua, Yao and him, pursuant to Article 1767 of the Civil
Code which provides:
Art. 1767 By the contract of partnership, two or more persons bind themselves to contribute money,
property, or industry to a common fund, with the intention of dividing the profits among themselves.
Specifically, both lower courts ruled that a partnership among the three existed based on the following
factual findings: 15
(1) That Petitioner Lim Tong Lim requested Peter Yao who was engaged in commercial fishing to join him,
while Antonio Chua was already Yao's partner;
(2) That after convening for a few times, Lim, Chua, and Yao verbally agreed to acquire two fishing boats,
the FB Lourdes and the FB Nelson for the sum of P3.35 million;
(3) That they borrowed P3.25 million from Jesus Lim, brother of Petitioner Lim Tong Lim, to finance the
(4) That they bought the boats from CMF Fishing Corporation, which executed a Deed of Sale over these
two (2) boats in favor of Petitioner Lim Tong Lim only to serve as security for the loan extended by Jesus
(5) That Lim, Chua and Yao agreed that the refurbishing, re-equipping, repairing, dry docking and other
expenses for the boats would be shouldered by Chua and Yao;
(6) That because of the "unavailability of funds," Jesus Lim again extended a loan to the partnership in the
amount of P1 million secured by a check, because of which, Yao and Chua entrusted the ownership papers
of two other boats, Chua's FB Lady Anne Mel and Yao's FB Tracy to Lim Tong Lim.
Corporations differentiated with other business organization
(7) That in pursuance of the business agreement, Peter Yao and Antonio Chua bought nets from Respondent
Philippine Fishing Gear, in behalf of "Ocean Quest Fishing Corporation," their purported business name.
(8) That subsequently, Civil Case No. 1492-MN was filed in the Malabon RTC, Branch 72 by Antonio
Chua and Peter Yao against Lim Tong Lim for (a) declaration of nullity of commercial documents; (b)
reformation of contracts; (c) declaration of ownership of fishing boats; (4) injunction; and (e) damages.
(9) That the case was amicably settled through a Compromise Agreement executed between the parties-
litigants the terms of which are already enumerated above.
From the factual findings of both lower courts, it is clear that Chua, Yao and Lim had decided to engage in
a fishing business, which they started by buying boats worth P3.35 million, financed by a loan secured from
Jesus Lim who was petitioner's brother. In their Compromise Agreement, they subsequently revealed their
intention to pay the loan with the proceeds of the sale of the boats, and to divide equally among them the
excess or loss. These boats, the purchase and the repair of which were financed with borrowed money, fell
under the term "common fund" under Article 1767. The contribution to such fund need not be cash or fixed
assets; it could be an intangible like credit or industry. That the parties agreed that any loss or profit from
the sale and operation of the boats would be divided equally among them also shows that they had indeed
formed a partnership.
Moreover, it is clear that the partnership extended not only to the purchase of the boat, but also to that of
the nets and the floats. The fishing nets and the floats, both essential to fishing, were obviously acquired in
furtherance of their business. It would have been inconceivable for Lim to involve himself so much in
buying the boat but not in the acquisition of the aforesaid equipment, without which the business could not
have proceeded.
Given the preceding facts, it is clear that there was, among petitioner, Chua and Yao, a partnership engaged
in the fishing business. They purchased the boats, which constituted the main assets of the partnership, and
they agreed that the proceeds from the sales and operations thereof would be divided among them.
We stress that under Rule 45, a petition for review like the present case should involve only questions of
law. Thus, the foregoing factual findings of the RTC and the CA are binding on this Court, absent any
cogent proof that the present action is embraced by one of the exceptions to the rule. 16 In assailing the
factual findings of the two lower courts, petitioner effectively goes beyond the bounds of a petition for
review under Rule 45.
Compromise Agreement
Not the Sole Basis of Partnership
Petitioner argues that the appellate court's sole basis for assuming the existence of a partnership was the
Compromise Agreement. He also claims that the settlement was entered into only to end the dispute among
them, but not to adjudicate their preexisting rights and obligations. His arguments are baseless. The
Agreement was but an embodiment of the relationship extant among the parties prior to its execution.
A proper adjudication of claimants' rights mandates that courts must review and thoroughly appraise all
relevant facts. Both lower courts have done so and have found, correctly, a preexisting partnership among
the parties. In implying that the lower courts have decided on the basis of one piece of document alone,
petitioner fails to appreciate that the CA and the RTC delved into the history of the document and explored
all the possible consequential combinations in harmony with law, logic and fairness. Verily, the two lower
Corporations differentiated with other business organization
courts' factual findings mentioned above nullified petitioner's argument that the existence of a partnership
was based only on the Compromise Agreement.
Petitioner Was a Partner,
Not a Lessor
We are not convinced by petitioner's argument that he was merely the lessor of the boats to Chua and Yao,
not a partner in the fishing venture. His argument allegedly finds support in the Contract of Lease and the
registration papers showing that he was the owner of the boats, including F/B Lourdes where the nets were
His allegation defies logic. In effect, he would like this Court to believe that he consented to the sale of his
own boats to pay a debt of Chua and Yao, with the excess of the proceeds to be divided among the three of
them. No lessor would do what petitioner did. Indeed, his consent to the sale proved that there was a
preexisting partnership among all three.
Verily, as found by the lower courts, petitioner entered into a business agreement with Chua and Yao, in
which debts were undertaken in order to finance the acquisition and the upgrading of the vessels which
would be used in their fishing business. The sale of the boats, as well as the division among the three of the
balance remaining after the payment of their loans, proves beyond cavil that F/B Lourdes, though registered
in his name, was not his own property but an asset of the partnership. It is not uncommon to register the
properties acquired from a loan in the name of the person the lender trusts, who in this case is the petitioner
himself. After all, he is the brother of the creditor, Jesus Lim.
We stress that it is unreasonable indeed, it is absurd for petitioner to sell his property to pay a debt
he did not incur, if the relationship among the three of them was merely that of lessor-lessee, instead of
Corporation by Estoppel
Petitioner argues that under the doctrine of corporation by estoppel, liability can be imputed only to Chua
and Yao, and not to him. Again, we disagree.
Sec. 21 of the Corporation Code of the Philippines provides:
Sec. 21. Corporation by estoppel. All persons who assume to act as a corporation knowing it to be
without authority to do so shall be liable as general partners for all debts, liabilities and damages incurred
or arising as a result thereof: Provided however, That when any such ostensible corporation is sued on any
transaction entered by it as a corporation or on any tort committed by it as such, it shall not be allowed to
use as a defense its lack of corporate personality.
One who assumes an obligation to an ostensible corporation as such, cannot resist performance thereof on
the ground that there was in fact no corporation.
Thus, even if the ostensible corporate entity is proven to be legally nonexistent, a party may be estopped
from denying its corporate existence. "The reason behind this doctrine is obvious an unincorporated
association has no personality and would be incompetent to act and appropriate for itself the power and
attributes of a corporation as provided by law; it cannot create agents or confer authority on another to act
in its behalf; thus, those who act or purport to act as its representatives or agents do so without authority
and at their own risk. And as it is an elementary principle of law that a person who acts as an agent without
authority or without a principal is himself regarded as the principal, possessed of all the right and subject
Corporations differentiated with other business organization
to all the liabilities of a principal, a person acting or purporting to act on behalf of a corporation which has
no valid existence assumes such privileges and obligations and becomes personally liable for contracts
entered into or for other acts performed as such agent. 17
The doctrine of corporation by estoppel may apply to the alleged corporation and to a third party. In the
first instance, an unincorporated association, which represented itself to be a corporation, will be estopped
from denying its corporate capacity in a suit against it by a third person who relied in good faith on such
representation. It cannot allege lack of personality to be sued to evade its responsibility for a contract it
entered into and by virtue of which it received advantages and benefits.
On the other hand, a third party who, knowing an association to be unincorporated, nonetheless treated it
as a corporation and received benefits from it, may be barred from denying its corporate existence in a suit
brought against the alleged corporation. In such case, all those who benefited from the transaction made by
the ostensible corporation, despite knowledge of its legal defects, may be held liable for contracts they
impliedly assented to or took advantage of.
There is no dispute that the respondent, Philippine Fishing Gear Industries, is entitled to be paid for the nets
it sold. The only question here is whether petitioner should be held jointly 18 liable with Chua and Yao.
Petitioner contests such liability, insisting that only those who dealt in the name of the ostensible
corporation should be held liable. Since his name does not appear on any of the contracts and since he never
directly transacted with the respondent corporation, ergo, he cannot be held liable.
Unquestionably, petitioner benefited from the use of the nets found inside F/B Lourdes, the boat which has
earlier been proven to be an asset of the partnership. He in fact questions the attachment of the nets, because
the Writ has effectively stopped his use of the fishing vessel.
It is difficult to disagree with the RTC and the CA that Lim, Chua and Yao decided to form a corporation.
Although it was never legally formed for unknown reasons, this fact alone does not preclude the liabilities
of the three as contracting parties in representation of it. Clearly, under the law on estoppel, those acting on
behalf of a corporation and those benefited by it, knowing it to be without valid existence, are held liable
as general partners.
Technically, it is true that petitioner did not directly act on behalf of the corporation. However, having
reaped the benefits of the contract entered into by persons with whom he previously had an existing
relationship, he is deemed to be part of said association and is covered by the scope of the doctrine of
corporation by estoppel. We reiterate the ruling of the Court in Alonso v. Villamor: 19
A litigation is not a game of technicalities in which one, more deeply schooled and skilled in the subtle art
of movement and position, entraps and destroys the other. It is, rather, a contest in which each contending
party fully and fairly lays before the court the facts in issue and then, brushing aside as wholly trivial and
indecisive all imperfections of form and technicalities of procedure, asks that justice be done upon the
merits. Lawsuits, unlike duels, are not to be won by a rapier's thrust. Technicality, when it deserts its proper
office as an aid to justice and becomes its great hindrance and chief enemy, deserves scant consideration
from courts. There should be no vested rights in technicalities.
Third Issue:
Validity of Attachment
Finally, petitioner claims that the Writ of Attachment was improperly issued against the nets. We agree
with the Court of Appeals that this issue is now moot and academic. As previously discussed, F/B
Corporations differentiated with other business organization
Lourdes was an asset of the partnership and that it was placed in the name of petitioner, only to assure
payment of the debt he and his partners owed. The nets and the floats were specifically manufactured and
tailor-made according to their own design, and were bought and used in the fishing venture they agreed
upon. Hence, the issuance of the Writ to assure the payment of the price stipulated in the invoices is proper.
Besides, by specific agreement, ownership of the nets remained with Respondent Philippine Fishing Gear,
until full payment thereof.
WHEREFORE, the Petition is DENIED and the assailed Decision AFFIRMED. Costs against petitioner.

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