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The key takeaways are that this book provides comprehensive yet concise coverage of all topics in the OCR GCSE Computing specification, with sample exam questions and answers. It is intended to be used both as a course textbook and revision guide.

The purpose of the book is to provide coverage of all topics in the OCR GCSE Computing Systems and Programming specification in a clear and easily understandable way. It is divided into seven chapters corresponding to the seven sections of the specification.

Each of the seven chapters covers one of the topics in the OCR GCSE Computing Systems and Programming specification, and contains sample exam questions and a glossary of terms.


3rd edition

Susan Robson
GCSE Computing (OCR)
Computer Systems and Programming

Susan Robson B.Sc. (Hons)

Published by
PG Online Limited
The Old Coach House
35 Main Road
Dorset DT2 7EW

GCSE Computing (OCR)

I would like to thank Pat Heathcote for her careful editing of the 3rd edition and for her valuable
comments on some aspects of the text, which have resulted in a better book.
I am grateful to the OCR Examination Board for permission to use questions from past
examination papers.

Design and artwork by Direction.

Cover picture Starting point 2007 by Katherine Palmers-Needham

First edition published 2010

Second Edition published 2011
Third Edition 2014

A catalogue entry for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN 978-1-910523-00-1

2014 PG Online Limited

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Fundamentals of Computer Systems

The aim of this book is to provide comprehensive yet concise coverage of all the topics covered in
Unit A451: Computer Systems and Programming of the OCR GCSE Computing Specification J275, on
which the written examination is based. It is written in clear and easily understandable English and
will be invaluable not only as a course textbook but also as a revision guide.
Each of the seven chapters covers one of the topics in this unit, and contains sample exam questions
from OCR GCSE papers, as well as a glossary of terms. Answers to all questions, with some hints and
tips on how to tackle questions, are given in an Appendix.
The book is also available as a downloadable PDF, sold as a lifetime site licence to schools.
To accompany this book, PG Online also publishes a series of seven downloadable teaching units
for this specification. Each lesson in the unit consists of a PowerPoint presentation, teachers notes
and worksheets to be completed during the lesson. Homework sheets with exam-style questions are
also included in most lessons. These units are sold as a lifetime site licence and may be loaded onto
the schools private network or VLE.
For more information on the PDF version of the book and the teaching units, please visit

About the author

Susan Robson has a degree in Computer Science from Manchester University and a PGCE from
Portsmouth University. She worked for International Computers Ltd (pre Fujitsu days) straight out of
university, followed by 12 years in technical pre-sales and then sales for ECI Telecom before moving
into teaching Computing at Queen Marys Sixth Form College, Basingstoke. She is currently Head of
Computing at Bedales in Petersfield where she teaches GCSE and A Level Computing courses.

Table of Contents


Basic Computer System Model 1
Importance of Computers 2
Professional Standards 3
Considerations When Creating Computer Systems 5
Glossary of Terms 7
Past Exam Questions 8

The Central Processing Unit (CPU) 9
Memory 11
Secondary Storage 14
Innovative Computer Design 18
Input and Output Devices 19
Binary Logic 26
Glossary of Terms 29
Past Exam Questions 31

Operating Systems 34
Utility Programs 38
Application Software 42
Glossary of Terms 45
Past Exam Questions 48


Units 49
Numbers 50
Characters 54
Images 56
Sound 57
Instructions 58
Glossary of Terms 60
Past Exam Questions 63

Table of Contents

The Database Concept 64
The DBMS 67
Relational Databases 69
Glossary of Terms 78
Past Exam Questions 80

Local Area Networks (LAN) 82
Wide Area Networks (WAN) 88
How Devices Communicate on a Network 89
The Internet 91
Creating Web Pages in HTML 96
Security 99
File Types and File Compression 103
Glossary of Terms 106
Past Exam Questions 110


Algorithms 112
Control Flow in Imperative Languages 115
Programming Languages 119
Handling Data in Algorithms 122
Errors 127
Testing 129
IDE Tools 131
Glossary of Terms 135
Past Exam Questions 138

Answers to Sample Exam Questions 140
Index 151

1 Fundamentals of Computer Systems

Fundamentals of Computer Systems 1

Chapter 1: Fundamentals of Computer Systems

This topic is about developing a mental model of a computer system in terms of
its key components.

Basic Computer System Model

The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

define a computer system

A computer system is made up of hardware and software. Hardware is any physical component that makes
up the computer. Software is any program that runs on the computer.
Computer systems are all around us. They are not
just the PCs on the desk but include mobile phones,
cash machines, supermarket tills and the engine
management systems in a modern-day car.
The diagram to the right shows the basic model of
a computer system.

All computer systems must have at least one input device that gets data from the real world. These
could be a mouse and keyboard on a conventional PC but could be a temperature sensor (thermistor) in
a commercial greenhouse or the microphone on a
mobile phone. Input devices take real world data
and convert it into a form that can be stored on
the computer. More details on this can be found in
Chapter 4: Data Representation.
The input from these devices is processed and
the computer system will generate outputs. The
output device could be, for example, a conventional
computer screen, an actuator that opens or closes
a greenhouse window, or the speaker that produces
sound on a phone.
The fourth component is storage. The computer system may need to use stored data to perform the
processing and, as a result of processing input, may generate data that is then stored.
Any computer system will have these four basic components. These components will be discussed in more
detail in Chapter 2: Hardware.

1 Fundamentals of Computer Systems

Importance of Computers

The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

describe the importance of computer systems in the modern world
explain the need for reliability in computer systems

Think about all the places you visit and the computer systems that you see and use in the course of a day.
Computers are embedded in household appliances such as fridges and microwave ovens. Your mobile phone,
TV and games console are also computer systems. When you ride in a car, a computer system is controlling
the engine as well as the cars GPS, windows and stereo.
We are becoming increasingly dependent on computer systems at school, at work and at home. Consider
what problems you would have if all of these computers stopped
working! If the games console didnt work you might be upset
but it wouldnt be a big problem. If the network at school went
? For you to find out...

down you wouldnt be able to access any of the resources and Look at some websites to find
teachers wouldnt be able to show you their slides or use smart- stories about computer systems
whiteboards. If there are problems with computer systems in failures.
shops they cant sell anything and if bank systems have problems,
people cannot access their money or worse still, other people can!
If computer-controlled signage on motorways goes wrong there could be health and safety implications.
If computer systems in hospitals go wrong people could die. The reliability of computer systems is
extremely important. In some situations it is more important than how quickly they work or how many
features they have.

Measuring Reliability
How do you know how reliable a computer system is? We talk about system availability meaning the
percentage of time it is available for. For example, if a system is down (unavailable) for 1 hour in a 100 hour
period, then the system availability is 99% for this period. Normally equipment manufacturers will quote
average availability over a long period of time.
Another way of measuring a systems reliability is to measure the length of time between system failures.
MTBF is the Mean Time Between Failure and is quoted by equipment manufacturers as an indication
of reliability.

Fundamentals of Computer Systems 1
Protecting Against System Failures
If a computer systems reliability is very important then a company may need to have spare hardware in
place just in case of system failures. Hardware redundancy is one way to protect systems. This means
having more than one of a critical component. For example, computer systems in commercial aircraft have
triple redundancy; three separate identical computer systems control each major function so that if one or
even two systems fail, the third will hopefully get you to your destination safely.
In general, if software or hardware problems occur, it is the data which is most at risk. This will be stored on a
disk on a server somewhere. As well as redundant hardware, companies must make sure that data is backed
up regularly.

Sometimes computer systems are so important to a company that
it cannot function without them. A computer system failure could For you to find out...
mean that a company goes out of business in just a few days.
Disaster recovery plans need to be put in place so that a company Look up RAID computer storage
can switch over to a complete new system with all its own data on to see how companies protect
their computer systems against
it, often within hours. There are disaster recovery companies that
disk failure.
specialise in offering this service to companies who depend on their
computer systems.

Professional Standards

The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

explain the need for adherence to suitable professional standards in the development, use
and maintenance of computer systems

Computer systems are complex. If everyone involved in creating, using and maintaining systems did
things their own way it would make them even more complicated and difficult to understand. Professional
standards may be formally agreed or may be de facto (de is pronounced day).
De facto standards evolve when lots of people start working in a certain way, and more people think it looks
like a good idea and start doing it that way as well. Over time, this way of working becomes a standard, just
because that is how most people do it. It is not a formally agreed standard where a committee of people sit
down and agree how something should be done.

Professional Standards in System Development

There are several approaches, or models, that define how a computer system is developed. Any new
system starts with an idea or a need that must be analysed so a system can be designed and created.
This development may take many months or years so there needs to be a way of splitting the process
down into logical steps and defining what each step will involve.

1 Fundamentals of Computer Systems

One such model is the Waterfall Model. This model Identify Problem
defines specific steps that are completed one at a time to
guide the process from beginning to end. Each step has Analyse Requirement
specific outputs that lead into the next stage. You can
return to a previous stage if necessary but you then have to Design
work back down through the following stages.
Code and Test
Another model is Rapid Application Development (RAD),
where the client is much more involved in the process. This
method starts with a prototype that is developed gradually
into a full solution with customer feedback at each stage. Maintenance
These are both standard approaches that professionals in Waterfall Model example
the industry and teams of developers would be familiar with.
They wouldnt have to learn a new methodology every time they move to another job.

Professional Standards in Coding

De facto standards in programming include the use of:
comments in code to outline the algorithm and define the purpose of each part of the program
indents to clearly show where sections of code are inside a construct such as a loop
meaningful identifiers so anyone can read the code and understand it, for example Total instead
of X
These are all considered good practice, the best way to do something.
Using professional standards also means that programmers do not plagiarise other peoples work. When
developers write programs, they create something from their own mind. This is referred to as intellectual
property. The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act protects peoples intellectual property rights. It
protects the developer or programmer who has worked hard to create something and stops somebody else
using it for their own gain. The Federation Against Software Theft (FAST) attempts to enforce copyright
laws and protect programmers rights.
However, some developers prefer not to protect their work in this way. Instead they actively collaborate
with other programmers and create Open Source code, which others can use at no cost. The professional
standards applied here are that any new code created from open source code is then also shared as open
source code. (Open Source is discussed in more detail in Chapter 3: Software.)

Professional Standards in Documentation

Professional standards apply to documentation as well as coding. A system developer will document the
system using standard diagrams. These diagrams all use recognised sets of symbols.
While studying this GCSE you will use flowcharts to design algorithms. (See Chapter 7: Programming.) The
symbols used in these diagrams are industry standard. You will also draw logic diagrams using standard
symbols for the NOT, AND and OR logic gates.

Fundamentals of Computer Systems 1
These standards mean that system developers can:
work in teams to develop a system because they all have a common understanding of the design tools
and diagrams
move between companies because the standards apply across the whole industry
pick up someone elses design and code the program to implement it
maintain (amend or add to) somebody elses program when the customers requirements change
Professional Standards for Health and Safety
Where the safety of people is concerned there needs to be more than just a de facto standard. There are
laws that protect people and define standards for how computer systems should be used. For example, the
Health and Safety at Work Act includes Display Screen Regulations. When developing a computer system,
its use on a day-to-day basis must be considered. Developers design systems to meet Health and Safety

Considerations when Creating Computer Systems

The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

explain the importance of ethical, environmental and legal considerations when creating
computer systems

When creating a computer system the designer will take into account the system requirements, the money
available and the timescales it has to be produced in.
There are also legal, ethical and environmental considerations that will affect the systems design.

Legal Considerations
When a computer system is designed and implemented it must meet legal requirements. Listed below are
some of the laws that system designers should consider.
The Data Protection Act says that anyone who stores personal details must keep them secure.
Companies with computer systems that store any personal data must have processes and security
mechanisms designed into the system to meet this requirement.
The Health and Safety at Work Act makes employers responsible for their staff. Design considerations
should provide appropriate working conditions for staff. Designers should consider how easy systems will
be to use and any health implications there might be based on their choices of software, screen layout,
input methods and the hardware used.
The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act makes it illegal to use software without buying the appropriate
licence. When a computer system is designed and implemented, licensing must be considered in terms of
which software should be used. Is Open Source the way to go or is the cost of proprietary software worth
it in the long run?

1 Fundamentals of Computer Systems

Ethical Considerations
Ethical considerations are all about fairness. When creating a computer system a company should consider
fairness. This may impact where call centres are located and where programming work is done. Here are
some examples of ethical issues around computer systems:
Is it fair that some people cannot afford computers?
Are countries like India being exploited as a source of cheap labour for call centres and for programming?
Should companies use local programmers and call centres?
Does the system design disadvantage some part of the community?
Does the system design promote accessibility for all?
Environmental Considerations
Environmental issues include the carbon footprint and waste products that result from manufacturing
computer systems, but this is often outweighed by the positive effects on the environment of using
computerised systems to manage processes that might otherwise generate more pollution.
Considerations may include:
Does a computer system mean that people can work from home and therefore drive less?
Does a computer system mean more manufacturing?
Is working at home more environmentally friendly than everyone working in a big office, in terms of
heating and lighting?
Do computer-managed engines work more efficiently? Create less pollution and use less fuel?

Fundamentals of Computer Systems 1

Basic Model

Computer System A combination of hardware and software components that allow input, processing
and output of data.
Hardware The physical components that make up a computer system.
Software The programs that run on a computer system.
Input Devices Hardware that accepts data into the computer. They take real world analogue
data and convert it into a digital form that can be stored on a computer. For
example: keyboard, mouse, microphone, webcam, scanner, sensors.
Output Device Hardware that presents the results of processing to the user or actuators that
perform a task automatically. They use digital data from a computer and produce
it in a form that is understandable or usable. For example: monitors, printers,
speakers, projectors, actuators (motors).
Storage Device Hardware that is used to store files long term and is non-volatile, such as hard
disks, memory sticks, magnetic tapes and CDs.

Importance of Computers

Reliability How far you can depend on the computer system being available when you need
it. Usually measured in terms of availability.
Availability The proportion of time that a system is operational, usually expressed as a
percentage over a period of time. E.g. 95% measured over one year.
MTBF Mean Time Between Failure: a measure of availability often quoted by hardware
manufacturers. For example 2.56 years between failures means that, on average,
the hardware can be expected to last 2.56 years before it goes wrong.
Redundancy Spare hardware components are built into a system so that, in the event of a
component failing, the system can swap over to the spare one.
(Discussed in Chapter 6: Networks)
Disaster Recovery Where a company has plans to replace a system quickly if there is a catastrophe
(fire, flood, bomb etc). Designed to minimise the time the system is down.
(Discussed in Chapter 6: Networks)

1 Fundamentals of Computer Systems

Past Exam Questions

June 2011, Question 1

1 (a) State what is meant by a storage device, an input device and an output device in a
computer system.
Storage Device:
Input Device:
Output Device: [3]

Jan 2012, Question 1

2 Bytes, Kilobytes and Megabytes are units used for the amount of data stored in a computer.
(a) State which of these units is most appropriate for the following items of data.
A one page text document
A ten minute movie clip
A persons surname [3]
(b) A computer has a hard disk of 2 Terabytes.
How much is this in Gigabytes? [2]

Jan 2013, Question 7

3 The accident and emergency department of a hospital uses a computer system to decide the
order in which patients are treated.
Describe advantages of using a computer system instead of a person to decide the order, and
the need for this system to be reliable.
The quality of written communication will be assessed in your answer to this question. [6]

Hardware 2

Chapter 2: Hardware
In Chapter 1 we looked at the basic components of the computer system. This topic
is all about the hardware components in this system and looks at the CPU, Memory,
Storage, I/O devices and hardware logic circuits that make up these systems.

The Central Processing Unit (CPU)

The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

state the purpose of the CPU
describe the function of the CPU as fetching and executing instructions stored in memory
describe cache memory
explain how common characteristics of CPUs such as clock speed, cache size and number
of cores affect their performance

The central processing unit (CPU) of a computer is the hardware that executes programs and manages
the rest of the hardware. Think of the CPU as the brain of the computer. Just as your brain contains parts
that remember things, parts that think and parts that make the rest of your body operate, the CPU does the
same for the computer. The CPU is made up of the main memory, the processor and the cache memory
(well talk about the cache later). The program instructions and data move between the main memory and
the processor using internal connections called system buses.


Input Devices Processor Output Devices


Main Memory

Central Processing Unit

2 Hardware

When a program is to be run (executed) on a computer

it first has to be loaded into the main memory. From Fetch an
here it can be accessed by the processor, which runs instruction from
Main Memory
each instruction in turn. When the program is loaded,
the processor is given the start address of where the
program is held in main memory. To run the program Execute the Decode the
the processor fetches an instruction, decodes it and instruction instruction
then executes it. The processor executes one instruction
at a time. This is called the fetch-execute cycle.
The speed at which a processor operates is quoted as the clock speed, in Hertz. Hertz is the name for the
number of electrical cycles per second, or the rate at which the electrical current changes in the actual
circuits. Everything the processor does happens on the tick of the clock so a faster clock means that more
instructions are fetched, decoded and executed in a second. The speed of the processor is measured in MHz
(Megahertz) or GHz (Gigahertz). At time of writing (Aug 2014) processors in typical home PCs might be
rated at 3 - 4GHz.

CPU Performance
In theory a computer with a 400MHz processor should operate
twice as fast as one with a 200MHz processor but it isnt that
simple. There are lots of other components that contribute to the
? For you to find out...

overall speed of the computer. Each one can create a bottleneck Look at some PC adverts in
in the system and slow it down. Imagine a three lane motorway magazines and on the internet to
where the traffic can go really fast until it gets to a single lane get a feel for current computer
road going into a town. No matter how many lanes you add to the
motorway, the single lane part of the journey will limit how quickly
traffic can get into town. In the same way, a slow component can
slow the whole computer down.
One bottleneck that can occur is the access speed of main memory. Reading from and writing to main
memory is much slower than the speed at which the processor can work. The logical answer is to use
faster memory technologies but this increases the price of the computer. Modern computers need to run
many programs at the same time so they need lots of memory. There needs to be a compromise between
speed and cost.
One way of improving speed at minimal cost is to use a small amount of much faster memory where
frequently used instructions or data can be stored for a while. We call this special sort of high-speed
memory the cache (pronounced cash). If the processor has to access main memory less often it can
work faster so the CPU performance increases.
A typical PC (in Aug 2014) might have 16GB of RAM (main memory) but only 4MB of the faster more
expensive cache memory. Notice the different units here and remember that there are 1024 Megabytes in
a Gigabyte. This computer therefore has 4096 times more RAM than cache memory.

Hardware 2
The purpose of the CPU can be summarised as follows:
fetch instructions from main memory
fetch data from main memory
decode the instructions
execute the instructions
perform calculations
manage the movement of instructions and data to and from peripheral devices

Multi-core Processors
When we looked at the basic fetch-execute cycle we assumed that there was a single processor and a single
main memory. You have probably heard terms like dual-core and quad-core so where do these fit in?
Todays more complex CPUs can include more than one processor, or core. A dual-core processor has two
processing components within the CPU. A quad-core, likewise, has four. In theory having two processors
means that the computer can operate twice as fast but this isnt always the case.
Imagine a bakery where one chef is making cakes. If you brought in three more chefs they could all make
their own cakes and the bakery would make four times as many cakes. If there was only one recipe, though,
you couldnt have Cook 1 doing the first line of the recipe, Cook 2 doing line 2, Cook 3 doing line 3 and so
on. Cook 2 would need to wait for the first cook to mix the flour and butter before he could fold in the
eggs! So four cooks working their way through one recipe wouldnt be any quicker, in fact it would be more
complicated (youve heard the saying Too many cooks spoil the broth). Likewise a program is a series
of instructions that need to be done in order. Multiple processors could work on different programs that
operate in parallel but unless the computer is designed to use multiple cores it isnt necessarily four times
faster. On the whole, though, a PC with lots of programs going on at the same time will have a multiple-core
processor and will operate faster than a single-core processor.


The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

describe the difference between RAM and ROM
explain the need for ROM in a computer system
describe the purpose of RAM in a computer system
explain how the amount of RAM in a personal computer affects the performance of the
explain the need for virtual memory
discuss how changes in memory technologies are leading to innovative computer designs

2 Hardware

Memory in a computer system refers to the components that store (or remember) instructions and data.
There are different types of memory with different purposes. Some are very fast and expensive such as the
cache memory discussed earlier, and some are cheaper and slower such as the memory sticks you probably
use at school.
These different types of memory have different characteristics and can be compared in terms of their
access speed (how quickly you can read from them or write to them), their price and the whether they
can store data when the power is turned off (volatility). Lets consider some common types of memory in
computer systems:

Random Access Memory (RAM)

RAM is the type of memory used in the computers main memory. Many people say RAM when they
mean main memory. Nothing in a computer is really random so random access just refers to the fact that
you can write anywhere in that memory space at any time, you dont have to put the next thing straight
after the last one like you do on a magnetic tape, for example.
As we said earlier in the chapter, when a program A copy of
Program A
is running it has to be loaded from the hard disk loaded into main
Hard Drive Main Memory
into main memory so that the processor can memory to run
access the instructions. Any data needed for that
program to run is also loaded into main memory
while the program is running. The main purpose of Program A Program A
RAM is to act as temporary storage for programs
and data, just for the duration of that program. Stored copy of Program
program file removed from
Once the program has finished and is closed, it is stays on disk main memory
no longer held in main memory. when completed

So why doesnt the processor get the

instructions straight from the disk? It is about
Access speed gets slower

access speed. Reading from and writing to a Processor

hard disk is very slow compared to the speed of
the processor. Just as we used the high speed Cache
cache between the processor and main memory
we need main memory to store the programs Main Memory /RAM
currently in use or the computer would be really
slow. Virtual Memory
(on hard disk)
As every program in use should, ideally, be in
main memory while it runs, the amount of main
memory also affects the performance of the computer. If a computer system has lots of programs running
at the same time it needs lots of main memory.

Hardware 2
Virtual Memory
Sometimes there just isnt enough main memory for all the programs that need to run. Computers can
be configured so that part of the hard disk behaves like main memory. This is called virtual memory. The
access speed on a hard disk is much slower than the speed of RAM so this isnt ideal. It is used to store parts
of programs currently being run but the parts actually being executed still need to be in main memory. As
the processor gets to the next part of the program, sections are swapped between virtual memory and main
memory. Sometimes this works well but sometimes the computer spends more time swapping bits around
than it does executing the program!

When you are in the middle of a piece of work at school and your friend turns the computer off you will
notice that you lose the work you did since you last saved. This is because the saved version goes onto the
hard disk but the most recent version was only in main memory/RAM when the power went off. RAM is
described as volatile; it loses its contents if there is no power. The hard disk is designed for long term storage
of files and is non-volatile memory.

Read Only Memory (ROM)

RAM is volatile so when you turn off your computer it loses its contents. When you turn the computer back
on it needs to get the basic startup routine from somewhere that is not volatile. The operating system and
all your programs will be stored on the hard disk but these need to be loaded into RAM to run.
The computer has a piece of software called the bootstrap loader. This is a small
program that loads the operating system. Once the operating system is loaded it
takes care of the rest. The term comes from the idea that when youre not doing very
well in life you can pull yourself up by your bootstraps. In this day and age youre
more likely to hear sort yourself out but the meaning is the same you are in effect
getting yourself restarted. Bootstrapping became abbreviated to booting, a term you
have probably heard before. To boot a computer is to start it up from scratch.
ROM is Read Only Memory; you cannot write over the contents
once it has been created. It is also non-volatile; you can leave
the computer switched off for months and it will still start up as Read only Read write
soon as it has power again. RAM on the other hand is only used
for temporary storage of programs when they are running. RAM is Not volatile Volatile
read-write and volatile.

Secondary Memory
Main memory is also known as Primary Memory or Immediate Access Store. Memory is all about storage
so, strictly speaking, storage devices such as hard disks and memory sticks (also called USB flash drives) are
also a type of memory. These long term, non volatile types of storage are also called Secondary Memory.
Typically a PC will have a hard disk that stores all the files long term. Secondary memory/storage also
includes memory sticks, tapes, CDs and DVDs. These are discussed further in the next section.

2 Hardware

Secondary Storage

The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

explain the need for secondary storage
describe common storage technologies such as optical, magnetic and solid state
describe flash memory
select suitable storage devices and storage media for a given application and justify their
choice using characteristics such as capacity, speed, portability, durability and reliability

We all want to store files for a long period of time. We keep photographs, projects, music, films, letters and
spreadsheets on our computers. We also expect our programs to be there when we switch the computer on.
This long term storage is sometimes called Secondary Memory or Secondary Storage (primary memory is
the main memory).
Secondary storage is usually much larger and, as we want such a lot of it, it needs to be cheap. Cheaper
memory technologies tend to have slower access speeds than main memory, as discussed earlier. Secondary
memory is non-volatile and needs to be robust and reliable. Has your memory stick been through the
washing machine yet?
Choosing the right type of storage medium for a particular use is important. You need to consider the
following features:
Capacity: How much space there is to store files. Compare the size of a floppy disk at 1.44MB to a CD
that can store 700MB. You can only fit half of this book on a floppy disk.
Speed: How quickly the computer can read data from a storage device or write data to it. (When you
write to an external hard disk or memory stick, you should use the little utility program that tells you
whether or not the device can be safely removed from the computer before you remove it, or you may
lose some data.)

Portability: Can you easily unplug it and carry it away? Does it fit in a pencil case or do you need a large
Durability: How easily is it damaged? Will it survive dropping or having coffee tipped on it?
Reliability: How long will it last? Anything with moving parts is likely to be less reliable.

Hardware 2
There are different storage technologies available:
This is the oldest of the technologies and is used in floppy disks, hard disks and tapes. It is cheap and
high capacity (stores a lot of data). Magnetic disks are read with a moving head inside the disk drive and
magnetic tapes are read by moving the tape past a read-write head. Moving parts make these media quite
slow to read from or write to and moving parts go wrong more often than with solid state media. Magnetic
media are also vulnerable to damage as well. Just as a video tape left on a stereo speaker is damaged by the
magnets, so too a magnetic disk or tape can be easilyy wiped.

External hard drive

Internal hard drive (opened)


Internal Hard Disk Portable Hard Disk Magnetic Tape

Very cheap but not as cheap as tape Cheapest bulk data storage
3TB internal for 95 medium 1.5TB tape 23
Capacity Up to 4TB

Slow access speed because

Access Speed 3Gb/s tape drive has to read
(speed of USB2 interface)
through the tape serially

Not portable, built Cassette tape is compact but

Portability Can fit in a large pocket
into PC needs a tape drive to use

Limited lifetime, wears out

Good durability when disk not in use but vulnerable to with repeated use.
movement when spinning. If used once for archiving
Can write to the disk an infinite number of times. can last 15 years.
Affected by heat and magnetic fields Affected by heat and
magnetic fields.

Very reliable if not

Reliability Extremely reliable
Supplementary storage for Good for backups and
Inside a PC as secondary a PC or portable storage archiving but access speed
Typical use where high capacity is is too slow for general use

2 Hardware

Optical Storage Media:

The word optical should make you think about the eye and how
we see the world in terms of reflected light. Optical media work in
a similar way. Lasers write data to the disc and read data from it.
Optical media include CDs and DVDs.



Very cheap 50 CD-R for 12 Very cheap 50 x 4.7GB DVD-R for 15

(24p each) (30p each)

Capacity 640MB 4-17GB

Up to 7.6 MB/s (52x) 16 MB/s (12x)

Access Speed
Much slower than magnetic hard disk

Portability Easy to carry in a large pocket or bag Easy to carry in a large pocket or bag

Depends on how it is stored.

Recordings last 2-15 years so
Quality degrades over time, life not considered reliable for long
Durability expectancy of a CD-R about term storage
20 to 100 years but can start degrading
in 18 months!

Reliability Good for medium term but degrades over time

CD-ROM for software distribution Backup/archive where higher

Typical use
CD-R or CD-RW for backup/archive capacity is needed

Hardware 2
Solid State/Flash Storage Media:
If you need to move work from school to your home PC you might use
a USB Memory Stick (sometimes called a pen drive). These use a newer
technology called flash memory. It is solid-state memory, which just
means that it does not have any moving parts. This makes the access
speed of flash memory very high (but not as fast as RAM) and there is
less to go wrong. Flash memory is a type of RAM but will not replace the
type of RAM used in the main memory as its access speed is too low. It is
a non-volatile type of RAM so it
makes an excellent replacement
for a hard disk in devices like ? For you to find out...

notebooks and tablet PCs. This How much storage/memory there

type of memory is also used in is on a modern camera?
mobile phones, tablet PCs and How do hard disks and CD ROMs
cameras. work?


Internal Solid State/

USB Memory Stick Memory Card
Flash Storage
128GB for 65 32GB for 15
Cost 64GB SD card 29
750GB for 330 128GB for 35

Capacity 128 to 750GB 64MB to 256GB 128 MB to 64GB

480Mb/s Dependent on type of card
Access Speed (faster than magnetic disk
(speed of USB2 interface) and device interface
because no moving parts)

Not portable, built Very small, can put in any Very small, designed for
into PC pocket or on a key-ring portable devices

More robust than hard disks

Very durable often survive
with moving parts. Said to Very durable - not
washing machine!
Durability be 5-10 times more durable sensitive to temperature
Some can be snapped
than a or knocks
quite easily
hard disk drive
Very reliable but can
Reliability Extremely reliable corrupt files if removed Very reliable
from PC too soon
Notebooks, tablets, Personal use, moving files
Typical use In phones and cameras
slim laptops between computers

2 Hardware

Storage Media Capacity Compared

Capacity of Storage Media

SD Card 64 GB

USB Memory Stick 256 GB

Internal Solid State Storage 750 GB

CD 640 MB

Magnetic Tape 4 TB

Portable Hard Disk 4 TB

Internal Hard Disk 4 TB

! Note:

Details in the above tables and graph may already

be out of date (written August 2014). You should
research products that are currently on the
market to see how quickly technology advances.

Innovative Computer Design

The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

discuss how changes in memory technologies are leading to innovative computer designs

Computer technology changes very quickly so you should keep in touch with current changes by reading
magazines and websites that are up to date. Memory technologies are changing in several ways so consider
how these affect the products coming into shops now. Factors include:
Capacity and density: You can now buy a 64GB SD card for a camera where a couple of years ago a
4GB card was considered high capacity. Simply increasing capacity isnt too challenging; just add more
cards. The ability to increase the capacity on the same size card is the challenge. Higher density
means devices can store more without getting bigger, or devices can store the same amount but get
smaller. You only have to look at mobile phones to see how these have become smaller and lighter
and yet can now store more music and even video. The capacity of primary memory has also improved
so computers can run more applications at the same time. Complex games can run easily on todays
basic computers.

Hardware 2
Speed: Although Flash memory is still much slower than RAM it is significantly faster than a magnetic
hard disk. This means that bulky and sensitive hard disks can be replaced with smaller, lighter, faster and
more reliable flash memory. Computers start up quicker as this is dependent on how long it takes to
load the operating system from secondary storage into RAM. So now we have notebooks you can slip
into a pocket, tablet PCs and smartphones that behave like computers.
Price: Flash memory is cheaper and easier to produce so devices using flash memory become cheaper
as well. Lower cost memory has improved the capacity of gadgets like MP3 players, hand-held game
consoles and phones. The cost of RAM has dropped so a PC costing 500 today has more RAM and
more storage than a 500 PC just a couple of years ago.

Input and Output Devices

The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

understand the need for input and output devices
describe suitable input devices for a wide range of computer-controlled situations
describe suitable output devices for a wide range of computer-controlled situations
discuss input and output devices for users with specific needs

This book does not attempt to describe the full range of devices currently available. There are many
websites that comprehensively describe how these work. It is however important to understand what input
and output devices exist and how to choose appropriate devices for a situation.

Input Devices
We live in an analogue world of continuously changing variables. In order to process or store data we must
somehow capture it and convert it into a digital representation. Chapter 4, Data Representation, describes
how we store text, numbers, sound, images and instructions on a computer. Here we are
concerned with the devices that will capture the inputs.

Keyboard: Used for data entry into computers. This is a full

keyboard with function keys and a number pad but
laptops and other devices may have cut-down
versions of this. Pressing a key generates
a character code which is sent to the

2 Hardware

Mouse: Used for pointing at objects on the screen and selecting items by
clicking or double-clicking. Right-click usually brings up a context-sensitive
menu. A scroll wheel between the buttons makes it easy to move up and
down the screen. Connected to the computer by a wire and USB connector
or wirelessly, the mouse detects movements and position either with a ball
or a reflected light source under the mouse. A variation on the mouse is a
trackerball where the user moves a larger ball on the top surface instead.

Touch screen: Used on phones and tablet PCs as well as

applications such as help screens in banks and tourist information
offices. Instead of using a mouse you can just touch the icons to
select them. On some devices moving two fingers apart or together
on the screen zooms in or out and tapping icons is equivalent to a

Barcode scanner: A laser scans the barcode on a product

to detect the width of the black and white stripes. This
generates the product number so the rest of the details
can be found in a database.

OMR: Optical Mark Recognition is used for multiple-choice tests, evaluation forms and lottery tickets, for
example. This uses a light source that reflects a different
amount of light back from shaded boxes to detect the data
for input.
OCR: Similar to OMR but this is Optical Character
Recognition. The software interprets the marks as
characters and generates text and some formatting
detail which is transferred to a file or document for
further word processing.

Joystick: Although mention of a joystick

probably makes you think of a game
controller, joysticks do have other uses!
They are used to control wheelchairs and to
remotely control lights, security cameras and
bomb-disposal robots. The game controllers
cross-shaped control pad is a type of

Hardware 2
Microphone: used to input sound that can either be recorded in a
file or processed by voice recognition software for other uses. Voice
recognition could be used for many applications such as hands-free
phone dialing, controlling devices in a house if you are not mobile, a
karaoke game or for security identification.

Sensors: These measure temperature, light

levels, pressure, humidity and many other
physical properties in the real world. These
can then trigger processes and the appropriate
output action as required. For example, if a thermistor (temperature sensor) reading is higher than 23C, the
computer could signal motors to open the greenhouse windows (see actuators under Output Devices in
this chapter). The sensor shown is an Xbox movement sensor.
Sensors are also used to track eye movement or head movement to allow disabled people to use computers.
Eye and head movements operate a pointer on the screen, instead of using a mouse.

Specialised keyboards: There are many variations on the

keyboard and touch-screen that allow people with various
disabilities to operate a computer. Features may include:
bigger keys, specialised layouts for different purposes, braille
overlays and brighter colours for contrast.

Foot-operated mouse: This works in the same way as a normal

mouse, complete with left- and right-click buttons.
It is designed to be easily operated with a foot instead.

Camera: A camera can be used as a

web-cam so you can see the person you are phoning over the internet but it can
also be a way of communicating with the computer if you do not have the use of
y hands. Instead of using a mouse a disabled person can control an on-screen
keyboard with eye or head movements detected with a camera.

Sip-and-Puff Switches: These are activated by

the users breath. A puff into the device might ? For you to find out...

be the equivalent of a mouse click and a sip Use

(or suck) might be the equivalent of holding a to find out how these
key down. This would be used with an on-screen devices work.

2 Hardware

Output Devices
Computer systems create many outputs for us. These can be printed reports, data
on a screen, sound, pictures or an action that needs performing via a motorised
control. Here are some output devices you may come across:
CRT Monitor: CRT stands for Cathode Ray Tube. These are the heavy, old-
fashioned monitors that take up a lot of space on the desk. Very few people use
these now but in places like factories they are still used because the glass screen
is more robust than a TFT screen.

TFT Monitor: TFT stands for Thin Film Transistor. This type of screen is the
thin screen you probably have at home or on a laptop. This is a variation
on LCD technology. LCD stands for Liquid Crystal Display, the earlier
version of TFT screens. These screens take up less space but are more
easily damaged than a CRT monitor.

Speakers: To output sound the computer must synthesize

sound from the digital file and output sound waves through
speakers. These might be small speakers integrated into the
computer, phone or other device, or they may be stand-alone
speakers that attach to the computer by a headphone jack, for
example. Headphones are a type of speaker.

Inkjet printer: This is probably the type of printer you have at home. It works
by spraying ink onto the page so if you have big shaded areas on a page the
page will come out a bit damp and wrinkled. For normal text they produce
good quality printing at a low cost. The ink is never sealed on the page so if
you use a highlighter pen on notes from an inkjet the ink will smudge. They
are also quite slow so they are not suitable for a large office or classroom.

Laser printer: This is the type of printer you probably have in

the classroom as it is quicker and quieter than an inkjet. The ink
is in the form of a toner powder that is sealed onto the page by
heated rollers. That is why your printed pages come out warm.
The ink goes onto the page dry so the quality is much better and
it wont smudge. These are more expensive printers and the toner
cartridges are more expensive than inkjet cartridges, though you
will get more prints.

Hardware 2
Dot-matrix printer: Before inkjet and laser printers we had dot-
matrix printers. They worked a bit like a typewriter as a print head
has to strike the paper through an ink ribbon to print text on a page.
A dot matrix printer is termed an impact printer for this reason.
They are still used today where companies have to use multi-part
stationery. A laser printer would only print on the top page but an
impact printer pushes through several layers that have carbon paper
in between each sheet of paper. The paper is fed through the printer
using the holes at the side. The holes are then torn off to give a
printed page.

Braille Printer: An impact printer that creates

raised dots to represent each letter to allow
blind people to read.

Actuator: The actuator is the device that performs some sort of

mechanical action based on inputs. For example, a voice sensor
might trigger a motor to close the curtains. Often these are used
with sensors but they can also be used with touch screens. Modern
aircraft use many sensors to provide input to computers that
control the flight. Actuators move the flaps on the wings and the
tail automatically.

Lights (LEDs): Lights are used to show that Caps

Lock is on, that the computer is in standby or that
a laptop is connected to the mains. Light-Emitting
Diodes (LEDs) are used to output different signals to
the user.

2 Hardware

Appropriate I/O devices

In an exam you may be asked to identify suitable input and output (often abbreviated to I/O) devices for
certain situations. We are all very familiar with a standard PC but think about how computers are used in
different situations.
Supermarket Point of Sale (POS): The checkout at a supermarket has a wide range of input devices.
The barcode scanner will get a product number from the item purchased, which will then enable the
checkout to call up all the details from a database somewhere else in the store. The checkout has a weight
sensor/scales for fruit and vegetables as well. The checkout operator must be able to type in product
numbers when they dont scan and there will also be a touch-screen to quickly find produce such as apples
that are being weighed. When the customer pays, the checkout will need to read credit card details and the
checkout operator might swipe a loyalty card. Credit cards will have the card number stored on a chip but
loyalty cards generally just have a magnetic stripe to store the customer ID.

Barcode Scanner

Scales LED display

Touch-screen Receipt printer

Keypad (Point of Sale) Speaker

Chip & pin reader Touch-screen

Magnetic Stripe reader

Hardware 2
Automated house for a disabled person: If you are in a wheelchair or find it hard to move around your
home then simple tasks like closing the curtains or answering the door can be very difficult. Computers
can be used to make these tasks easier to perform, so people can continue to live independent lives in
their own homes. Input devices can take the form of a variety of sensors that trigger actions: for example,
movement sensors that trigger lights and pressure sensors that open doors. A digital camera and a
microphone at the front door can link to a monitor, speakers and microphone in the house so the person
doesnt have to go to the door to see who is there. A touch screen can be used to control curtains, lights,
heating, television and radio.

Pressure sensor
Automated Monitor
Movement sensor house for a
disabled person Speakers
Digital camera

Patient monitoring in a hospital: Patients in a critical condition are linked up to computers that
monitor their blood pressure, temperature, breathing rate and depth. These all use sensors of some kind.
The output that nurses check will be displayed on a monitor showing the current readings, and there may
also be speakers that produce alarms if readings fall outside certain limits and printers that produce a history
of readings. To set the machine up the nurse will probably have a touch-screen and there may be some
settings displayed in LEDs.

Heart rate sensor Warning lights

Blood pressure sensor Speakers

Breathing sensor Patient Monitor

Temperature sensor in hospital Printer

Touch-screen Touch-screen

Buttons LED display

These are just a few ideas; you need to research other scenarios and suggest appropriate I/O devices to use
for each one.

2 Hardware

Binary Logic

The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

explain why data is represented in computer systems in binary form
understand and produce simple logic diagrams using the operations NOT, AND and OR
produce a truth table from a given logic diagram

Binary Logic in Programming

Understanding how binary logic works will help your programming. In your programs you often use complex
Boolean expressions to control loops and selection statements for example:
While NOT(EndOfFile) AND NOT (ItemFound)
IF (X<=10) OR (CurrentCharNum>LengthOfString) THEN

You have probably programmed a repeat loop to carry on until the user typed an N or n. The loop would
look something like this with the condition at the end:

A condition in programming
Until (response = N) or (response = n)
is made up of Boolean
A Boolean Another Boolean Expressions that are either
expression expression true or false

Each Boolean expression can be replaced with a letter which is called a Boolean variable.
Until (response = N) or (response = n)

Replace with the Replace with the

Boolean variable, X Boolean variable, Y

Until X or Y

Just like the Boolean data type in programming, Boolean variables are either true or false. X and Y will be
either true or false. We represent true with 1 and false with 0 to represent electronic circuits being open or
closed, just like with binary.
1 0

Circuit closed = 1 = True Circuit open = 0 = False

Hardware 2
Truth Tables
If you have more than one Boolean expression in a condition then you can use Truth Tables to show the

0 0 0
For (X AND Y) to be true, X must be true and Y must
0 1 0 be true so all three of these combinations are false.
1 0 0
1 1 1 (X AND Y) is true because X is true and Y is true

Q = X OR Y
0 0 0 X is false and so is Y so (X OR Y) is false
0 1 1 Although X is false, Y is true so (X OR Y) is true
1 0 1 Although Y is false, X is true so (X OR Y) is true
1 1 1 (X OR Y) is true if either X or Y is true; here they are both true


0 1 NOT X is the opposite of X so 0 becomes 1 in this case
1 0 NOT X is the opposite of X so 1 becomes 0 in this case

These basic gates can be combined into more complex expressions, for example:


0 0 0 1
0 1 0 1
1 0 0 1
1 1 1 0

2 Hardware

Logic Diagrams
As we will see in Chapter 4: Data Representation, computers are based on electrical circuits where we can
detect whether current is flowing or not. Binary uses base 2, so we have just two possible values 1 or 0.
Representing data as binary values means we just have to detect these two values in electrical circuits.
Binary logic is about these most basic circuits. Circuits in computers are made up of many logic gates but
at this level we are looking at just three of them: AND, OR and NOT. A given input will generate an output
based on the logic gate in use.
We use specific symbols to represent the different logic gates; these are standard symbols. They can be used
to represent Boolean expressions such as Q = NOT A AND (B OR C).




The logics gates can be joined up to make a circuit. For example:


Hardware 2

Glossary of Terms

CPU The central processing unit that contains the processor, main memory and cache.
(sometimes people say CPU when they mean processor so look for the context).
Main Memory/RAM Also known as Immediate Access Store and Primary Memory
The memory in the CPU that is used to temporarily store programs while they are
running and the data used by these programs. The processor fetches instructions
from main memory. Memory is made up of many addressable locations.
Processor The component in the computer that fetches, decodes and executes instructions.
Cache High speed memory in the CPU that is used to store a copy of frequently used
instructions and data. Faster access speed than main memory. Used to improve
CPU performance.
Clock Speed Measured in hertz or cycles per second, the clock speed represents how many
instructions per second the processor can execute. The higher the clock speed the
faster the CPU can operate.
System Buses The circuits/internal wiring that connect the processor and main memory.
Fetch-Execute Cycle The process by which a program is run: instructions are stored in main memory,
fetched by the processor one at a time, decoded and executed.
Dual-Core / A CPU that contains multiple processor components (cores) that can operate
Quad-Core independently to process more than one task at a time.

2 Hardware

RAM Random Access Memory: a type of memory that is read-write and volatile.
Used for Main Memory.
ROM Read Only Memory: memory that is hard-coded at the time of manufacture.
Stores the startup program, called the bootstrap loader.
Bootstrap Loader The first program that is loaded into main memory from ROM when a computer is
switched on. This will load the operating system from secondary storage.
Volatile Describes memory that loses its contents when the power is turned off,
e.g. main memory
Non-Volatile Describes memory that does not lose its contents when the power is turned off,
e.g. hard disk.
Secondary Memory Long term, non-volatile storage media such as hard disks, memory sticks, magnetic
tapes, DVDs and CDs.
Virtual Memory Part of the hard disk that is configured to behave as an extension to main
Magnetic Media Secondary storage such as hard disks, tape and floppy disks.
Optical Media Secondary storage that is read using lasers such as CDs and DVDs.
Solid State / Secondary storage that has no moving parts. Used in memory sticks, cameras
Flash Memory and phones.
Pen Drive Another term for a USB memory stick

Binary Logic
Boolean Expression An expression that is either true or false, e.g. X=10
Truth Table A table that shows all the possible combinations of inputs and their logical
output value.
Logical Operators AND, OR, NOT
Logic Diagram A diagram of a circuit showing logic gates with inputs and the output these

Hardware 2

Past Exam Questions

Jan 2012, Question 8

1 Minas computer has 4 GB of RAM.

(a) Describe the purpose of RAM in the computer. [2]
(b) The computer also uses virtual memory.
(i) Explain what is meant by virtual memory. [2]
(ii) State why virtual memory is needed. [1]
(iii) Mina upgrades the computer to 6 GB of RAM.
Explain how this upgrade will affect the performance of the computer. [2]

June 2012, Question 7

2 The CPU is the component which does most of the processing in a computer.
(a) State two tasks which are carried out by the CPU when processing data. [2]
(b) Explain how the clock speed and the cache size of a CPU affect its performance. [4]

2 Hardware

Jan 2013, Question 3

3 (a) State the output of each of the following logic circuits for the inputs given.


1 [2]

(b) Fig. 1 is a circuit diagram. Complete the truth table for fig. 1. [3]

p q (NOT p) AND q p
0 0 0
1 0 0

(NOT p) AND q

Fig. 1

Software 3

Chapter 3: Software
Software is any program that runs on a computer. There are many different
types of software including operating systems, games, word processing packages,
virus checkers, spreadsheets, programming language translators (see Chapter 7:
Programming) and many more. These are grouped into different categories.
The two main categories are:
System software:
Programs that are needed to enable the computer to function, including the operating system,
utilities, library routines and programming language translators.
Programs that enable a user to perform a task: that is, something that the user needs to do with or
without a computer such as writing a letter, keeping a set of class marks, recording attendance or
processing orders.
To see the difference think, Would I need to do this task if I didnt have a computer? For example, if you
had a computer you would probably use an email program or a word processing package to write a letter
but if you did not have a computer, the task would still need to be done. The letter still needs to be written.
On the other hand, if you did not have a computer, you would not need to do the tasks that an operating
system, a programming language translator or a virus checker perform.


System Application
Software Software

Operating Utility Off-the- Custom

Systems Programs Shelf Written

Library Translators Proprietary Open

Programs Source

System software includes operating systems and utilities, both of which we look at in more detail later in
this chapter. This category also includes the translators (compilers or interpreters) that convert the programs
you write into machine code; each programming language has a compiler or interpreter, or both. Library
programs are modules of code that can be used in your programs. For example, if you write a program to work
in Windows you can build in standard functionality such as the Open File dialogue box rather than writing it
yourself. In Delphi programs, statements like Uses StringUtils will import procedures that have already been
written for you, in this case all the string handling functions. These are all library modules.
Application Software can be categorised in different ways. For GCSE Computing we will consider the
different ways in which it can be sourced. (See Application Software on page 42.)
3 Software

Operating Systems

The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

explain the need for the following functions of an operating system: user interface,
memory management, peripheral management, multi-tasking and security

The operating system is system software. It is a group of programs that manages the computers resources.
These include the following functions:
Memory management
Peripheral management
Providing a user interface

Memory Management
When a program is running it must be in the computers main memory, and the operating system must
manage where in memory each program and the data it needs will go. Most computers are capable of
holding several programs in memory at the same time, so that a user can switch from one application
to another.
When you start up a program (say, a Python program or any application software such as Word or Excel),
the memory manager allocates it adequate blocks of free space in main memory. It also allocates memory
for any data file that you open such as the essay you are working on in Word. When the program finishes or
no longer needs the data in previously allocated memory blocks, the memory management system frees up
that space for reuse.

Main Memory
Program D
Program F
File A Program G

Program C
Program B E Array

File B Program H

Software 3
Multi-tasking / Process Management
A modern computer running many programs at once is multi-tasking. A user may have several documents
open as well as various websites. The operating system will also be running background tasks just to manage
the computer itself. The screenshot below shows that there were 10 applications open on my computer
while I was typing this paragraph, but most of them were inactive. (A process is what we call a program
when it is running in main memory.) There were also 48 background processes in memory.

A processor can only execute one instruction at a time
(assuming it has a single-core processor). The operating system For you to do...
allocates a small amount of processor time (a few milliseconds)
in turn to each active process in memory. However, if a running Type Ctrl+Alt+Del to look at the
process stops to wait for user input, the processor immediately Task Manager on your computer and
moves on to the next job. see how many processes are running.

All this happens so fast it appears as though all the processes

are running at the same time. Some programs are clearly more urgent or important than others so there
are priorities to manage as well. A program that deals with a hardware error, for example, will take priority
over a word processing package trying to make text bold. While the processor is working on one job, other
processes wait in main memory.

Peripheral Management
Peripherals are any computer hardware components that are not part of the CPU. This includes input,
output and storage devices.

3 Software

For some of these, the term peripheral makes sense; the keyboard and monitor, for example, are outside the
main computer casing, but storage is not so obvious. Although a hard disk is usually inside the computer
casing, it is still considered a peripheral as it is outside the CPU (processor and main memory). Storage
devices such as portable hard disks, memory sticks and CDs are also peripherals.



Input Devices Processor Output Devices


Main Memory

Central Processing Unit

A function of the operating system is to manage these devices. When a user gives an instruction to print,
the peripheral management function takes over and controls the sending of the data to be printed from
memory to the device driver. (Each input or output device has its own driver a small program that acts
as an interface between the computer and the device. An HP printer, for example, will have different
device drivers for a PC and a Mac, and the correct driver has to be installed so that the computer can
communicate with the printer.) Meanwhile, the user can carry on editing their document in Word or
whatever they were doing.

Your phone, laptop, tablet or PC can all have passwords set to make them more secure. These can be set for
different users on a PC but on a personal device like a phone the password is likely to be for the device. You
can also password-protect individual files on the computer or set certain files as read-only for some users so
they can view them but they cannot change them.

User name:


Sign in

The type of security offered by the operating system will depend on the type of computer system. The
operating system on a PC is very complex and has different types and levels of security to offer. The
computer in a washing machine just has to make sure the user isnt allowed to open the door when the
machine is full of water.

Software 3
Providing a User Interface Im a
The user interface is the way in which we interact with computer WIMP!
hardware. We are all familiar with the way a PC works: clicking icons with
the mouse, scrolling up and down pages, typing into forms, etc. This is
called a WIMP user interface. WIMP stands for Windows, Icons, Menus
and Pointers.
Mobile phones and tablet PCs have a slightly different user interface which allows
you to move things by swiping the screen with your fingers and which can sense
when you change the orientation of the device. Phones have controls that perform specific functions
such as recording sound or taking a photograph.
Some computer systems are embedded in everyday machines such as cars and central heating
controls. Users interact with these in different ways and the operating systems have to provide
appropriate user interfaces.
Some computers have a command-line interface; no mouse or menus, just a text prompt where the
user types a command. Before Windows came along with its graphical user interface (GUI) in the
1980s, PCs used this type of interface. Advanced computer users sometimes prefer a simple and direct
means of controlling a program or operating system and MS Windows still provides access to a
command line interface.

Whatever method is used for the user to communicate with a computer or computerised device, it is the
operating system that provides these features.

3 Software

Utility Programs

The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

describe the purpose and use of common utility programs for computer security (antivirus,
spyware protection and firewalls), disk organisation (formatting, file transfer, and
defragmentation), and system maintenance (system information and diagnosis, system
cleanup tools, automatic updating)

Strictly speaking the operating system is the software that controls and manages the computer system but
most operating systems also include programs called utilities. Utilities are not essential for the computer to
work but either make it easier for the user to use in some way, or provide housekeeping functionality. We
can categorise these utilities as follows:
Security utilities that keep your computer safe from hackers and viruses.
Disk organisation utilities that organise your files into folders and tidy up the disk.
Maintenance utilities that perform system diagnostics and get software updates.

Security Utilities
Security is about keeping the computer system safe from hazards. Hazards come in many forms including
viruses, hackers and spyware. To keep this in perspective though, the most common hazard a computer user
has to face is their own carelessness in accidentally deleting files or putting them in the wrong place. The
backup utility is probably the most important one of them all.

Antivirus software
A virus is a program that is
installed on a computer without your
knowledge or permission with the purpose of doing
? For you to find out...

Use the internet to find out about the

harm. It includes instructions to replicate automatically on I love you virus, which wreaked havoc
a computer and between computers. Some viruses are just in 2000 and inspired a film in 2011.
annoying and dont really do any damage but others will delete
and/or change system files so that work files are corrupted or How did it infect PCs around the world
the computer becomes unusable. so quickly? Who did it affect?

Antivirus software will protect a computer in three ways:

It prevents harmful programs from being installed on the computer
It prevents important files, such as the operating system, from being changed or deleted
If a virus does manage to install itself, the software will detect it when it
performs regular scans. Any virus detected will be removed.
New viruses are created regularly so it is important that any antivirus software gets
regular updates from the Internet.

Software 3
A computer connected to the Internet is potentially accessible to anyone else on the Internet. If a local area
network, such as a school network, is connected to the Internet then all the file servers, the email server, the
web server and all computers on the network are potentially accessible. Some people hack just because
they can but often it is for identity theft or, for example, to get your bank account details so they can
empty your account. Occasionally people hack with malicious intent to disrupt or destroy files or entire
computer systems but this is less common.
A firewall is designed to prevent unauthorized access to or from a private network or intranet. All messages
entering or leaving the intranet pass through the firewall, which examines each message and blocks those
which do not meet specified security criteria.
Criteria may include for example:
Where the access is from (the computers address)
The type of traffic (e.g. .exe files which may carry viruses)
Specific web site addresses
A firewall doesnt just stop unwanted access from the outside world via the Internet; it can also stop
computers on a network from accessing specific sites or categories of site on the network. This feature is
used to stop staff in companies watching the cricket while they should be working, or from using social
networking sites during working hours. In school youll find that many sites have been blocked. Try going to
a games website or getting to Facebook on a school computer and you will probably get a message saying
that the site has been blocked. It is the firewall software that stops this traffic getting out of the local area
network and onto the Internet.

File Server

Web Site

Email Server
This site is blocked!

Game Site



Revision Site

School Network

Operating systems like MS Windows have firewall utilities included but you can also buy firewall software
separately. Free firewall software can also be downloaded from the Internet and many banks provide free
firewall software to customers using their Internet banking services.
Spyware protection
Programs that secretly record what you do on your computer are called spyware. The purpose of the
software is to capture passwords, bank account details and keywords used in Internet shopping and banking.
These details can then be used to make purchases on the Internet.

3 Software

A spyware protection utility runs in the background on a PC. It detects spyware programs and prevents them
from installing. It needs to regularly update itself from the Internet so that it can detect any new threats.
Some spyware is used for tracking and storing Internet users activity on the web and then using this
information to display pop-up advertisements on their screens next time they use the Internet. Parental control
software may also use spyware-type programs.

Disk Organisation Utilities

Formatting ! Interesting fact...
All storage media (disks, memory sticks etc.) need to be formatted Reformatting a hard disk
before they can be used by the operating system to store software and effectively deletes all the existing
data. Basically this process involves marking the surface of the disk to files from the disk.
indicate the start of each recording block. Blocks on a hard disk are now
However, until the space is
commonly 4096 bytes.
overwritten by new files, some
Portable devices are usually already formatted when you buy them so data will still be recoverable by
you dont have to format a floppy disk or USB memory stick, and hard specialists.
disks in computers will be formatted by the operating system so that
they are ready to store files in the way the operating system expects.
File transfer and file management
We take it for granted that we can organise our files into folders and easily move files around within the
folder structure. This utility provides a logical view of how the files are organised to make it easier for the
user. There are no little yellow folders actually on the disk, just lots of binary!

Disk defragmentation
The file management utility above makes the secondary storage look like a nicely organised filing cabinet
but it doesnt really look like this. Files are stored on the hard disk in blocks wherever there is space. If you
have a big file it might get split up into segments so it can be stored in the available gaps. This isnt very
efficient because the operating system then has to keep track of where all the segments are. After a while
thousands of files are stored in segments all over the disk. Files have become fragmented.
The disk defragmenter moves the separate parts of the files around so that they can be stored together,
which makes them quicker to access. The defragmenter also groups all the free disk space together so that
new files can be stored in one place. This optimises disk performance.

Software 3
Before disk is defragmented, the disk contains lots New file has to be saved in three different parts of
of files, stored all over the disk: the disk. Makes reading the file slower.

After defragmenting, the disk looks like this: New file can be saved in one place so speeds up
read access.

Maintenance Utilities
System information and diagnosis
This is a utility usually provided with the operating system. It gives information about the hardware,
statistics about its use and information that will help diagnose any problems with the computer. Below is
an example of a system information screen you might see:

This computer has not been switched off for 4 days, 12 hours, 53 minutes and 22 seconds.

3 Software

System cleanup tools

The system cleanup utility searches for and deletes files that are no longer needed, for example, files that
are used to install a software package. Once the package is installed these can be deleted. Also, many
temporary files are created when files are moved around on the computer. All temporary files can be
deleted to clean up the disk and improve performance.
Sometimes settings can be wrong or no longer needed. The system cleanup utility will correct errors in
settings and delete ones that are no longer needed.
Using the cleanup tools regularly will
free up disk space
reduce the time it takes to boot up the system
improve the performance of the computer
Automatic updating
The automatic update utility makes sure that any software installed on the computer is up-to-date. For any
software already installed on the computer, the automatic update utility will regularly check the Internet for
updates. These will be downloaded and installed if they are newer than the version already on the computer.
Firewalls and antivirus software must be updated regularly as new viruses and threats are constantly being
devised and discovered.
Application software should also be updated as there will be bug fixes and improvements that become
available to people with a licence for that package.
Stand-alone utility programs
As well as the utilities we take for granted on our PCs, there are utility programs that can be purchased
separately to help manage the computer. The virus protection and firewall software that you use on
your computer do not have to be the ones provided in the operating system. Many people use a
separate package. There are also other utility programs such as compression software (e.g. WinZip) or
software that converts different types of documents to other formats or enables you to read a PDF file
(e.g. Adobe Acrobat).

Application Software

The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

discuss the relative merits of custom written, off the shelf, open source and proprietary

This section looks at different ways of sourcing software. We can use software that has already been written
for general use and there are different ways of accessing this. Some software is free and some software can
be customised for our needs but a lot of software is quite expensive and there are usually limitations and
restrictions on what we can do with it. If there isnt a package available to do exactly what we need, we can
get software written specifically for our needs.

Software 3
Open Source vs Proprietary
Open Source software is governed by the Open Source Initiative that says:
Software is licensed for use but there is no charge for the licence. Anyone can use it.
Open Source software must be distributed with the source code so anyone can modify it.
Developers can sell the software they have created.
Any new software created from Open Source software must also be open. This means that it
must be distributed or sold in a form that other people can read and also edit.
NB: This is different from Freeware (free software) which may be free to use but the user does not get
access to the source code. Freeware usually has restrictions on its use as well.
Proprietary software is sold in the form of a licence to use it.
There will be restrictions on how the software can be used, for example the licence may specify only
one concurrent user, or it may permit up to say, 50 users on one site (site licence).
The company or person who wrote the software will hold the copyright. The users will not have
access to the source code and will not be allowed to modify the package and sell it to other people.
This would infringe the copyright (Copyright, Designs and Patents Act).
The benefit of using proprietary software is the support available from the company. There will be regular
updates available and technical support lines, training courses and a large user base. Open Source software
tends to be more organic it changes over time as developers modify source code and distribute new
versions. There isnt a commercial organisation behind the software so there probably wont be a helpline or
regular updates, just a community of enthusiastic developers.

Off-the-shelf vs Custom-written Software

Off-the-shelf software is exactly what it sounds like: you can go

into a shop, pick it up off the shelf and buy it there and then. Off-
the-shelf also applies to applications which you buy online as this
is essentially the same procedure but without having to go to the
shop. You can still get the software within a day or less. This is
proprietary software, sold in the form of a licence to use it.

! Interesting fact...

In 2014, there were 175 million

Norton users.

3 Software

As many people will buy the software you only have to make a tiny contribution towards the development
costs. The company selling the software will make money because so many people buy it. Imagine how
many people use Microsoft Word or have bought Norton Antivirus software.
Commonly used off-the-shelf applications are the everyday packages we use in school, for example, word-
processing software, spreadsheets and email. Companies also buy off-the-shelf packages to perform
common functions such as accounts, stock control, job costing and payroll.
Advantages of off-the-shelf software:
You can buy it straight away
Cheaper than custom-written software
Lots of people use it so there will be plenty of support including help lines, books, user forums,
Internet sites offering help, training courses
Regular updates and bug fixes from the company
Disadvantages of off-the-shelf software:
Made to suit many people so there may be many features that you never use, making the software
more complicated than it needs to be
May not do exactly what you want
Custom-written software is written for a customer to suit their specific requirements. It is not available
to the general public. The company developing the software will analyse what the customer needs, design
and make the software, and then deliver it. They must charge enough money to cover their development
costs and make a profit so the customer will end up paying a lot more for custom software than buying an
off-the-shelf package. This whole process takes time. You cannot order the software and expect it to arrive
in the next couple of days. Custom software takes months or even years to develop.
Advantages of custom-written software:
It does exactly what you want it to do. There might not be an off-the-shelf option for specialist
requirements so custom-written software might be the only choice.
No one else will have the software so it might mean your company can do something others cant
or makes you more efficient than your competitors.
Disadvantages of custom-written software:
You cannot have it straight away. The software may not be available for months or years.
It is much more expensive than off-the-shelf software.
No one else will be using this software so you cant go the local bookshop and buy a
How to guide.
No regular updates and bug fixes to download the company which wrote the software will charge
a lot of money to upgrade the software.

Software 3

Glossary of Terms

Software Categories
Software Programs that run on the computer.
System Software Programs that are used to run the computer, including the operating
system, utilities, library routines and programming language translators.
Application Software Programs that perform a task for a user, such as word processing,
timetabling, accounts or payroll.
Operating System Systems software that is necessary for the computer to function.
Utility Programs Systems software that provides other useful functions for operating the
computer or performing computer-related tasks such as anti-virus
Library Software Systems software modules that perform frequently required tasks. They
can be built into or called from other programs.
Translators System software that translates high-level programming languages into
machine code. Includes compilers and interpreters. (An assembler
translates low-level assembly code into machine code.)

Operating Systems
Memory Management One of the main functions of the operating system allocating space in
main memory to all currently running programs and their associated data,
and recycling the space when they have finished.
Peripheral A device (hardware) that is connected to the CPU to provide input, output
or storage
Peripheral Management One of the main functions of the operating system managing the input to
and the output from the CPU.
Multi-tasking One of the main functions of the operating system managing how several
tasks or programs, which are all running at the same time, share the
Security One of the main functions of the operating system protecting the
computer system from various hazards such as unauthorised users, viruses,
hackers and accidental damage.
User Interface The method of communication between the computer and its user.
Sometimes called HCI (Human-Computer Interface) or MMI (Man-Machine
HCI Human-Computer Interface: another term for user interface.

3 Software

MMI Man-Machine Interface: another term for user interface.

GUI Graphical User Interface. A style of user interface, which is based on icons
rather than text.
WIMP Interface Stands for: Windows, Icons, Menus and Pointers. It describes a type of user
interface where the user selects icons and menu items with a pointer of
some kind (with a mouse, stylus or finger).
Command-Line Interface A style of user interface that is only text-based. Commands are typed in at
a text prompt.
Address A numerical reference to a location in memory.
Process A program that is running in main memory.

Virus A program that is installed on a computer without your knowledge or
permission with the purpose of doing harm. It includes instructions to
replicate automatically on a computer and between computers.
Antivirus Software A utility program that prevents harmful programs being installed and
important files being changed. The antivirus software scans all the files
on the computer periodically and if a virus does install itself, it detects and
removes it.
Firewall A utility program that prevents unauthorised access to computers or a LAN
from the Internet and controls what sites computers on the LAN can access.
Spyware A program that secretly records the users actions on the computer
including passwords and personal details they type when accessing a
secure site.
Disk Defragmenter A utility program that optimises the use of the hard disk space by collecting
together the separate segments of each file into contiguous blocks (i.e.
blocks next to each other) on the disk as well as grouping together the
blocks of free space so newly saved files do not have to be fragmented
(split up).
System Cleanup A utility program that deletes unnecessary files and settings to optimise
the computers performance.
Automatic Update A utility program that, for any software already installed on the computer,
will regularly check on the Internet for newer versions and updates, then
download and install them.
System Information A utility program that presents information about the computer
and Diagnosis hardware and usage as well as information to help diagnose problems.

Software 3
Formatting A utility program that formats secondary storage devices such as hard
disks, preparing them for use.
File Transfer and A utility program that allows the user to create a logical view of
File Management how their files are organised using folders. Allows the user to move files
and folders, copy, paste, name and delete files and folders.

Open Source Software that is supplied with its source code. The source code can be modified
and the software redistributed (as long as this too is open source).
Licence An agreement that defines the conditions for using the software.
Freeware Software that is provided free of charge under licence but without the source
code. It is copyrighted and cannot be modified.
Proprietary Software Software that is copyrighted and the licence sold under a patented or
trademarked name.
Off-the-Shelf Software Software that can be purchased from a High Street or online store. Not
Custom-Written Software Software that is written for one customers specific requirements.

3 Software

Past Exam Questions

June 2011, Question 5

1 Describe the following types of common utility programs.
(a) Antivirus [2]
(b) Disk defragmenter [2]

Jan 2012, Question 2

2 One of the functions of an operating system is multi-tasking.
(a) Explain one reason why multi-tasking is needed in an operating system. [2]
(b) State two other functions of an operating system. [2]

June 2013, Question 9

3 A school uses off the shelf, proprietary software for managing pupils attendance,
and customised, open source software for managing pupils examinations.

(a) Describe the difference between off the shelf and custom software. [2]
(b) Describe the difference between proprietary and open source software. [2]

Data Representation in Computers 4

Chapter 4: Data Representation in Computers

This topic is all about how data is stored in a computer. In this chapter you will
learn how computers store numbers, text, images, sounds and program instructions.


The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

define the terms bit, nibble, byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, terabyte
understand that data needs to be converted into a binary format to be processed by
a computer

Computers are made up of complicated hardware that stores

and processes data. If you break a computer down into its most
basic components you have millions of circuits that either allow
electricity to flow, or not. Imagine a whole row of light switches
that you can switch on and off in different combinations to mean
different things. Each switch is either on or off. It only has two
states, which can be represented by 1 or 0. This is called binary.

A single 1 or 0 is a binary digit, or a bit for short. A group of eight bits is called a byte.
Imagine youve taken a small bite out of an apple, you might call that a nibble.
So four bits, half a byte, is called a nibble!

Just as a kilometre is 1000 meters, we can group together

1024 bytes to make a kilobyte.
? For you to find out...

8 bits = 1 byte 1 Why isnt a kilobyte 1000

1024 bytes = 1 kilobyte bytes?
1024 kilobytes = 1 megabyte 1024 seems a strange number.
How does it relate to binary?
1024 megabytes = 1 gigabyte
1024 gigabytes = 1 terabyte 2 What comes after terabytes?

4 Data Representation in Computers


The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

convert positive denary whole numbers (0-255) into 8-bit binary numbers and vice versa

Imagine you are back in primary school, learning to add again.

7+5 = 12, so you write down the 2 units but carry the group
of 10.
! For your information...

Denary is our ordinary number

23 would be 2 groups of 10 and 3 units. system, which has 10 digits 0-9
Counting in binary is the same except instead of digits 0 to 9
we only have two digits, 0 and 1, so we carry the group of 2. In
Maths we call this Base 2. This is how we count to 10 in binary:

denary binary
0 0
1 1
2 10 Notice that we now go to the second column one group of 2, no units
3 11 One group of 2 plus one unit 2+1=3
4 100 Now we go to the third column, 2 groups of previous column, so this is 4
5 101
6 110
7 111
8 1000 Every time we go to the next column it is two times the previous column
9 1001
10 1010

Can you see the pattern? The column headings in a binary number double each time:

x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2

128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
2x2x2x2x2x2x2 2x2x2x2x2x2 2x2x2x2x2 2x2x2x2 2x2x2 2x2 2 1
27 26 25 24 23 22 21 10

Data Representation in Computers 4
To convert the binary number 111001 into a denary (decimal or base 10) number use the column
headings. The number below is 32+16+8+1 = 57 (add up the column headings where there is a 1).

128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1

To convert a denary number to a binary number, use the column headings. You need to find the biggest
column heading that you can take away from the number and start there:

Lets convert 57 into binary:

The biggest column heading we can take out of 57 is 32 (the next one is 64, which is too big).

Write a 1 under column Write a 1 under column 9 is an 8 and a 1, so put 1

heading 32. That leaves us with heading 16 (because we can under each of these column
57 32 = 25. take 16 out of 25). 25 16 = 9 headings

128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1

Always double check by adding the columns up at the end. They should give you the number you started
with! 32+16+8+1 = 57

Here are some more examples:

Denary 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
23 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1
84 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0
255 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

So far we have only looked at numbers using eight columns. This is an 8-bit number, or a byte.

00000011 is binary for 3 but so is 11. You do not need the leading zeros for it to be a valid number but
we tend to write groups of 8 bits because computers usually store data in bytes.

Obviously numbers can be bigger than 255 but in computers

we need to represent data in a specific number of bits.
For example, in some programming languages an integer is
! For your information...

255 is a significant number in binary; it will

stored in 16 bits (2 bytes) whereas a real number is stored come up a lot in other parts of the course!
in 4 bytes.
What do you notice about the number
At GCSE level you will only need to work with 8-bit numbers. 255 in binary?

4 Data Representation in Computers

The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

add two 8-bit binary integers and explain overflow errors which may occur

Adding binary works in exactly the same way as adding denary numbers except you carry groups of 2
instead of groups of 10:

Adding denary Adding binary

1 2 3 4 5 1 1 0 0 1 0 1
1 3 4 + 1 0 1 +
1 2 4 7 9 1 1 0 1 1 1 1

7 8 2 3 5 1 1 0 0 1 1 1
1 91 7 + 1 11 11 1 +

7 8 3 3 2 1 1 1 0 1 0 1
Notice that you carry 1 when you get to ten in a Notice that you carry 1 when you get to two in a
column so 5+7=12, write 2 in that column but carry column, so 1+1=2, write 0 in that column but carry
one group of ten. one group of two.

In the second column, 1+1+1=3, carry one group of

2 to the third column.
Some more examples:

10101100 00101101 00101101

00010001+ 10000101+ 10000111+
10111101 10110010 10110100

The biggest number you can represent with 8 bits is 255 (128+64+32+16+8+4+2+1).

If you add two binary numbers together that result in a number bigger than 255, it will need 9 bits. A
computer stores things in memory in a finite amount of space. If you cannot represent the number in that
amount of space because it is too big, then we get overflow.
For example:

(252) 11111100
(15) 00001111+ For you to find out...
(267) 100001011
What is the biggest decimal
number you can store using:
The computer would need 9 bits to represent 267 so this 9th bit doesnt
fit in the byte allocated. This is what is meant by overflow.
4 bits?
2 bytes?

Data Representation in Computers 4

The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

convert positive denary integers (0-255) into 2-digit hexadecimal numbers and vice versa
convert between binary and hexadecimal equivalents of the same number
explain the use of hexadecimal numbers to represent binary numbers

Which of these is easier to remember: 01011011 or 5B? Humans are not very good at remembering long
strings of numbers so, to make it easier, we can represent every group of 4 bits (a nibble) with a single digit.

The smallest value you can have with 4 bits is 0000. The largest value is 1111. This means that we need to
represent the denary values 0 to 15 with a single digit. The trouble is, we only have numerical digits 0 to 9,
so to get around this problem we use letters to represent the digits 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15.

This is called Base 16 in Maths, or hexadecimal in Computing. We abbreviate this to hex.

This is how we count to 16 in denary, binary and hex:

denary binary Hex

0 0 0
? For you to find out...

3 11 3 How is hex used to code

4 100 4 colours in HTML (web pages)?
5 101 5 For example, what colour is
6 110 6 #FF00FF?
7 111 7 Search on Colour palette hex
8 1000 8 and see what you can find out.
9 1001 9
10 1010 A
11 1011 B
12 1100 C
13 1101 D A single hex digit replaces 4 bits.
14 1110 E 15 is the biggest number you can have
15 1111 F with 4 bits so 16 is one group of 16 and
16 10000 10 no units (just like we did before with
255 1111 1111 FF binary).
255 is 15 groups of 16 + 15 units
i.e. (15 x 16) + 15

4 Data Representation in Computers

To Convert a Binary Number to Hex:

In GCSE Computing you will only need to work with 8-bit binary numbers, which can be represented as two
hex digits. The first hex digit represents groups of 16, the second hex digit represents the units.
The denary number 92 = 0101 1100 = 5C in hex

5 12 (12 is replaced by C)
(groups of 16) (units)

To Convert a Denary Number to Hex:

To convert the denary number 182 into hex the first step is to work out how many groups of 16 there are in
182. Secondly work out how many units are left over.
182 / 16 = 11 remainder 6
11 is B in hex. 6 is just 6 So 182 denary = B6 hex
Alternatively, you can convert the denary to binary first and then convert the binary to hex, as above.


The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

explain the use of binary codes to represent characters
explain the term character set
describe with examples (for example ASCII and Unicode) the relationship between the
number of bits per character in a character set and the number of characters which
can be represented

Every time a character is typed on a keyboard a code number is transmitted to the computer. The code
numbers are stored in binary. Different sets of codes are available for different types of computer. PCs use
a character set called ASCII, American Standard Code for Information Interchange. A character set is the
group of characters that can be coded.
The next page shows a version of ASCII that uses 7 bits to code each character. The biggest number you can
have with seven bits is 1111111 in binary (127 in denary). The smallest number you can have with seven bits
is 0000000 (0 in denary). This means that you can have 128 different characters in the character set (using
codes 0 to 127).

Other character encoding systems include:

Unicode: An encoding system that typically has 16 or 32 bits per character so can code 216 (65,536) or
232(4,294,967,296) different characters in its character set.
EBCDIC(pronounced eb-sid-ic): Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code, an 8-bit encoding
system that has 28 (256) different characters in its character set.
Data Representation in Computers 4
7-bit ASCII Table
NULL 000 000 0000 space 032 010 0000 @ 064 100 0000 ` 096 110 0000
SOH 001 000 0001 ! 033 010 0001 A 065 100 0001 a 097 110 0001
STX 002 000 0010 034 010 0010 B 066 100 0010 b 098 110 0010
ETX 003 000 0011 # 035 010 0011 C 067 100 0011 c 099 110 0011
EOT 004 000 0100 $ 036 010 0100 D 068 100 0100 d 100 110 0100
ENQ 005 000 0101 % 037 010 0101 E 069 100 0101 e 101 110 0101
ACK 006 000 0110 & 038 010 0110 F 070 100 0110 f 102 110 0110
BEL 007 000 0111 039 010 0111 G 071 100 0111 g 103 110 0111
BS 008 000 1000 ( 040 010 1000 H 072 100 1000 h 104 110 1000
HT 009 000 1001 ) 041 010 1001 I 073 100 1001 i 105 110 1001
LF 010 000 1010 * 042 010 1010 J 074 100 1010 j 106 110 1010
VT 011 000 1011 + 043 010 1011 K 075 100 1011 k 107 110 1011
FF 012 000 1100 , 044 010 1100 L 076 100 1100 l 108 110 1100
CR 013 000 1101 - 045 010 1101 M 077 100 1101 m 109 110 1101
SO 014 000 1110 . 046 010 1110 N 078 100 1110 n 110 110 1110
SI 015 000 1111 / 047 010 1111 O 079 100 1111 o 111 110 1111
DLE 016 001 0000 0 048 011 0000 P 080 101 0000 p 112 111 0000
DC1 017 001 0001 1 049 011 0001 Q 081 101 0001 q 113 111 0001
DC2 018 001 0010 2 050 011 0010 R 082 101 0010 r 114 111 0010
DC3 019 001 0011 3 051 011 0011 S 083 101 0011 s 115 111 0011
DC4 020 001 0100 4 052 011 0100 T 084 101 0100 t 116 111 0100
NAK 021 001 0101 5 053 011 0101 U 085 101 0101 u 117 111 0101
SYN 022 001 0110 6 054 011 0110 V 086 101 0110 v 118 111 0110
ETB 023 001 0111 7 055 011 0111 W 087 101 0111 w 119 111 0111
CAN 024 001 1000 8 056 011 1000 X 088 101 1000 x 120 111 1000
EM 025 001 1001 9 057 011 1001 Y 089 101 1001 y 121 111 1001
SUB 026 001 1010 : 058 011 1010 Z 090 101 1010 z 122 111 1010
ESC 027 001 1011 ; 059 011 1011 [ 091 101 1011 { 123 111 1011
FS 028 001 1100 < 060 011 1100 \ 092 101 1100 | 124 111 1100
GS 029 001 1101 = 061 011 1101 ] 093 101 1101 } 125 111 1101
RS 030 001 1110 > 062 011 1110 ^ 094 101 1110 ~ 126 111 1110

US 031 001 1111 ? 063 011 1111 _ 095 101 1111 DEL 127 111 1111

The characters are in numerical sequence, i.e. if A is 65 then C must be 67.

Also, they have an order so you can say that 7<9 and that a>A.

4 Data Representation in Computers


The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

explain the representation of an image as a series of pixels represented in binary
explain the need for metadata to be included in the file such as height, width and
colour depth
discuss the effect of colour depth and resolution on the size of an image file

Images can be stored in different ways on a computer. A drawing that you create in PowerPoint is a vector
graphic. It is made up of lines and shapes with specific properties such as line style, line colour, fill colour,
start point and end point. The computer stores all of this data about each shape in binary.

When you take a photograph on a digital camera, the image is not made up of individual shapes. The picture
somehow has to capture the continuously changing set of colours and shades that make up the real-life view.
To store this type of image on a computer the image is broken down into very small elements called pixels.
A pixel (short for picture element) is one specific colour. The whole image may be, for example, 600 pixels
wide by 400 pixels deep. 600 x 400 is referred to as the pictures resolution. If the resolution of a picture is
increased, then more pixels will need to be stored. This increases the size of the image file.

Making an image file

This image of a flower uses 4 colours. Therefore 2 bits are needed to record the
colour of each pixel:

The number of bits used to store each pixel dictates how many colours an image
can contain. 8 bits per pixel will give 256 possible colours. The number of bits per
pixel is referred to as the colour depth.

If the colour depth is increased so more bits are used to represent each pixel,
then the overall size of the file will increase.

If we record the value of each pixel in this image, starting from the top left-hand corner and going left to
right across each row, we end up with the following data file:
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 10 10 10 00
00 00 10 10 10 10 00 00 01 00 00 10 10 10 10 00 00 00 10
10 10 10 00 10 00 11 00 10 10 10 10 10 11 10 10 10 etc

For the computer to interpret this file and rebuild the picture it must know some other things about the
data file; for example, that the pictures resolution is 8x11 pixels and the colour depth is 2 bits per pixel. Data
about the data file itself is called metadata.

Data Representation in Computers 4


The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

explain how sound can be sampled and stored in digital form
explain how sampling intervals and other considerations affect the size of a sound file and
the quality of its playback

Sound waves are analogue, which means continuously changing. Anything stored on
a computer has to be stored in a digital format as a series of binary numbers. To store
sound on a computer we need to convert the waveform into a numerical representation.
The device that takes real-world analogue signals and converts them to a digital
representation is called an Analogue-to-Digital Converter (ADC).
For sound waves, the analogue signal is converted as follows:
Measure the amplitude (height of wave) at regular intervals (sampling)
Store the values as a series of binary numbers in a file as shown on the right

Sound Quality is affected by:

Sample Resolution: The number of bits used to store each sample.
The more bits that are used, the better the accuracy of the sound file. In the graph of a
sound wave above, the sample resolution on the Y axis is shown in denary to 1 decimal
place. It could be more accurately represented with 2 or more decimal places. The same holds true in binary.
Sample Interval: The time period between taking samples/measurements.
The more frequently the sound is sampled, the better the quality of playback. In the graph above, samples are
taken every 1 unit of time if we halved the sample interval, the wave would be more accurately represented.

Sound synthesis is when the sound is recreated from this file by the computer, and played through speakers.

4 Data Representation in Computers


The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

explain how instructions are coded as bit patterns
explain how the computer distinguishes between instructions and data

Computer programs are made up of instructions. If you write a program in Delphi, for example, you use
commands like write and read, or Total:= Mark1 + Mark2. When you compile your program
the computer converts the high level programming language into machine code, which is a binary
representation of the instructions you typed. Each type of processor has its own type of machine code a
specific set of instructions that it can execute. This is called an instruction set.

Instruction Set
Imagine a simple game on a phone that involves getting a character to run around a maze and jump over
obstacles on the way.

The instruction set for this game may have the following commands:
RIGHT (Turn 90 to the right)
MOVE (Move forward one step) MOVE 01

LEFT (Turn 90 to the left) LEFT 10

JUMP (Jump forward three steps) JUMP 11

In machine code we replace each action (operation) with a unique numerical code. As this instruction set
only contains four instructions, we can number them 0 to 3. This means that the computer could represent
each command with a sequence of two bits as shown here.
The group of bits that represents the operation is called the opcode (short for operation code). If a particular
processor had an instruction set that used 8 bits for the opcode, then there could be as many as 256
different instructions.
If the programming language allowed us to specify how many steps to move, or what angle to turn through,
we could have instructions like this:
RIGHT 90 (Turn 90 to the right)
MOVE 2 (Move forward 2 steps)

Data Representation in Computers 4
In the program the number of degrees and the number of steps might be stored as variables in main memory
so the instructions may look like this:
RIGHT NumDegrees
MOVE NumSteps
In this case the NumDegrees and NumSteps are variables, the data that the operation (e.g. RIGHT) will use.
When the program is compiled, the compiler replaces the variable name in the machine code instruction
with the actual memory address.
The instruction has two main parts to it:
an opcode, which is the binary number representing the operation to be carried out
the operand (data) that the operation will use. The data can be an actual value (e.g. 5) or an address in
memory where the data can be found (a variable). Different opcodes will be used depending on whether
the operand is an actual value or an address.

Instruction or data?
How does the computer know which memory locations hold instructions and which ones hold data?
Every location in memory has a unique address. When a program is compiled, the resulting machine code
instructions might occupy, for example, 50 memory addresses 0 to 49 and all the variables used in the
program will occupy adjacent memory locations following the instructions, for example locations 50 to 57 if
eight variables are used.
The operating system will load the program into free space in memory (for example location 2,578,000 or
some other location) and load the start address into the processor. The processor will continue executing
instructions until it reaches a STOP or END statement in the program, or until some error or user
intervention occurs. The operand in each instruction will specify where to look for the data, for example a
variable in one of the relative addresses 50 to 57.
So, in summary, the operating system knows where it has loaded the program, and the program instructions
specify where the data is held. Each time the program is run, it may have a different start address, but relative
to this, its data will always be held in the same locations after the instructions.
Programs may use data files as well as variables. These files will be brought into main memory while the
program is running. The operating system is responsible for managing main memory and will keep track of
where each file is located.

4 Data Representation in Computers

Glossary of Terms

Bit A single binary digit: 1 or 0
Byte 8 bits
Nibble 4 bits
Kilobyte 1024 bytes / 210 bytes
Megabyte 1024 kilobytes / 220 bytes
Gigabyte 1024 megabytes / 230 bytes
Terabyte 1024 gigabytes / 240 bytes

Binary Base 2 number system, used by computers, uses the digits 0 and 1 only.
Denary/Decimal Base 10 number system, how we normally count, uses digits 0 to 9.
Hexadecimal (hex) Base 16 number system used by humans to represent groups of four bits at
a time. Uses digits 0 to F.
Overflow When the result of a numeric calculation is too large to be stored in the space
reserved for that type of data.

Character set The set of symbols that can be represented by a computer. The symbols are called
characters and can be letters, digits, space, punctuation marks and some control
characters such as Escape. Each character is represented by a numerical code that
is stored as a binary integer.
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange: a 7-bit character set used
by PCs. (There is also an extended ASCII character set that uses 8 bits.)
EBCDIC Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code: an 8-bit character set
(pr. eb-sid-ic) used by older mainframes.
Unicode A 16-or 32-bit character set that allows many more characters to be coded.

Data Representation in Computers 4

Bitmap Image An image that has been stored as a series of values per pixel. The colour of each
individual pixel is stored in a file.
Vector Graphic An image file that is made up of lines and shapes that have certain properties,
for example, a line may have the following properties: start-point, end-point, line
colour, line thickness, line style. The properties of each shape are stored in a file to
make up the image.
Pixel Short for picture element. It is the smallest component of a bitmapped image.
Colour Depth The number of bits used to represent the colour of a single pixel in a bitmapped
image. Higher colour depth gives a broader range of distinct colours. For example,
an image stored as a .gif file uses 8 bits per pixel so the image could use 256
different colours.
Resolution The number of pixels in an image expressed as:
the-number-of-pixels-across x the-number-of-pixels-down e.g. 400 x 600.
Effectively this describes the pixel density.
Metadata Data about data. In the case of image files metadata is the data the computer
needs to interpret the image data in the file, for example: resolution, colour depth
and image dimensions.

Analogue A continuously changing wave such as natural sound.
Digital Data that is made up of separate values. How data is stored on a computer.
Sample Rate The number of times per second that the sound wave is measured. The higher
the rate the more accurately the sound wave is represented.
Sample Interval The time gap between measurements of the sound wave being taken. Another
way of expressing the sampling rate.
Sample Resolution The number of bits used to store the value of each sample. The greater the
number of bits the more accurately the value is stored.
ADC Analogue to Digital converter: takes real-world analogue data and converts it to a
binary representation that can be stored on a computer.

4 Data Representation in Computers

Instruction Set The group of instructions available for a specific processor to use. The number of
instructions available will depend on the number of bits used. For example, with 4
bits there could potentially be 16 different instructions.
Opcode The group of bits in a machine code (binary) instruction that represents the
operation (instruction) such as EAT, MOVE or TURN.
Operand A data value or an address that is part of a machine code instruction.
Compiler Systems software that converts a program written in a high level programming
language into machine code (binary).
Machine Code Program instructions that have been converted into a form that the computer
can execute. A machine code instruction typically has an opcode and an operand
in binary.
High Level A programming language written in constructs using language we can understand.
Programming Language Languages include Delphi, Visual Basic, Java and C++.

Data Representation in Computers 4

Past Exam Questions

June 2013, Question 5

1 Numbers can be represented in denary, binary or hexadecimal.

(a) (i) Convert the binary number 01101001 to denary, show your working. [2]
(ii) Convert the denary number 154 to binary [2]
(b) The security code for an alarm system is a long binary number which begins
The technicians prefer to use hexadecimal to enter the security code.
(i) When the number is converted into hexadecimal, the first two digits are
8F as shown below.
Complete the gaps to show the next three digits.
Binary: 1000 1111 1001 0111 1011
Hexadecimal: 8 F ... ... ... [3]
(ii) Explain why the technicians prefer to use hexadecimal. [2]

June 2012, Question 6

2 (a) Convert the denary number 55 to an 8 bit binary number. [2]

(b) Convert the denary number 55 to hexadecimal. [2]

4 Data Representation in Computers

Jan 2012, Question 5

3 Peter takes a picture of himself and his friends to put on a social networking site. The picture is
converted into pixels and stored as a bitmap file.
(a) Tick one box in each row to show whether or not each of the following items must be
included in the bitmap file.

Must be Need not

included be included
The names of the people in the picture
The width of the picture in pixels
The number of bits used for each pixel
The number of people in the picture
The colour of each pixel

(b) (i) What is meant by the resolution of the picture? [1]

(ii) How does the resolution affect the size of the bitmap file? [2]

Jan 2013, Question 6

4 When recording a sound file on a computer, the sound needs to be sampled.

(i) Describe how sampling is used when storing sound. [2]
(ii) Explain the effect of the sampling interval on the size and quality of
the sound file recorded. [3]

Databases 5

Chapter 5: Databases
This topic looks at the basic concept of a database, the key features and benefits
of a Database Management System (DBMS) and the basic theory behind relational
databases such as Microsoft Access. Using Microsoft Access is a good way to get
practical experience of relational database concepts and the features of a DBMS.
This chapter does not provide instruction on how to use any one DBMS package.

The Database Concept

The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

describe a database as a persistent organised store of data
explain the use of data handling software to create, maintain and interrogate a database

Many organisations keep large amounts of data. A company stores data about its customers and staff,
schools store data about the students, supermarkets store data about stock levels and customer buying
patterns. This data could be stored in books, card files or spreadsheets, depending on the volume and type
of data. When there are large quantities of data an organisation is most likely to use a database.
A database is described as a persistent organised store of data. Lets look at each part of that
Store of data
Clearly lots of data are being stored in a database.
A database is more than just a store of data. A graphics file or collection of post-it notes on a wall is a
collection of data. In a database, the data is organised into records. A school database, for example, will
have a record for each student.
This means that a database is a non-volatile store of data
on a secondary storage medium such as a hard disk. This is
in comparison to an array, which could also be described as ! For your information...

an organised store of data but only exists in memory while a Data is strictly speaking a plural
program is running. All the data in a database is stored on a disk term so are... is correct
and can be accessed by programs which use and maintain it (i.e. grammar. The singular is datum,
keep it up to date). but this is seldom used so you
will often see data is

5 Databases

Data Handling Software

Data handling software can be created using an off-the-shelf product such as Microsoft Access or
MySQL. Alternatively you can create the database itself in one of these products and then use a high
level programming language such as Delphi or Visual Basic to create a customised, forms-based, front-end
application that does exactly what is needed.
A database must first be created. The data must be gathered
and organised in some way. Consider a company that wants a ! For your information...

database for all its products. They will need a record for each Note the lack of spaces in these
product that holds all the relevant details about that product. field names just like in pro-
The specific details will be stored as fields. Fields for a product gramming, it is considered good
practice to use PascalCase to
database might include ProductID, Description, Supplier, Price,
name fields (see Chapter 7:
NumberInStock, etc.
A spreadsheet table is a basic database and could look like this:

This database contains the basic information that the company needs about product pricing and stock levels.
The applications that use this data will interrogate the database. Interrogate means to ask questions about
the data or to query it. For example, how many products have a stock level below 50 and need reordering?
Or, how much does a bag of humbugs cost?
The quality of the information you get from a database application is only as good as the data you put in:
GIGO is an acronym for Garbage In, Garbage Out. A database must be maintained. This means that when
the data changes in the real world, the database must be updated to make sure the data stored is correct
and up-to-date.
A database can be considered in terms of its life history and the operations that can be performed on it:


Create Use Destroy

Edit Interrogate Maintain

Databases 5


The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

describe how a DBMS allows the separation of data from applications and why this
is desirable
describe the principal features of a DBMS and how they can be used to create
customised data handling applications

The traditional approach to storing data in a company was for everyone to store their own data in their
own files.
A company might have a Sales department dealing
with customers, an Accounts department that dealt
with the same customers when they bought things
and a Training department that trained the same
customers on the products theyd just bought.
Traditionally, all of these departments kept their own
data files, rather than sharing one file of data.

The problem with this approach is that there are

three copies of the same customer details. When a
customer moves house he phones the sales person
and assumes that the rest of company now has
his new address. In practice, the Sales department
had the up-to-date details but the rest of company
didnt. This is called data inconsistency and is the
main problem with duplicating data in more than
one place. This is easily solved by everyone sharing
one database instead of using their own files.

In computer systems we always try to avoid duplicating data in more than one place. So remember:

Data duplication leads to data inconsistency

However, having just one copy of the data led to a new problem. Each department wanted to do different
things with the data. They all had their own departmental applications. Sharing the data meant that it was
now consistent but introduced security issues and issues with the applications being closely linked to the
data. If the Sales department changed something in the database then it affected the programs that other
departments were using. The applications were too closely tied to the database. There needed to be some
separation between the programs and the data they were using.

5 Databases

The separation of the programs from the data is achieved using a database management system (DBMS).
This is a software system that provides controlled access to the database. This separation is sometimes
called program-data independence.

When a user logs in to the DBMS with their user name and password, this will give them access rights which
enable them to read the parts of the data that they need. They may or may not be able to change or update
the data. For example, the Training Department may be able to look at and change an employees training
record, and look at their full name and telephone extension but not change it. They will not be able to see
the employees salary details. The Personnel manager will have different access rights which enables him or
her to see and update salary details. This is called having different views of the data.
Some key features of a database management system are that it:
Provides separation between the applications and the database
Allows multiple applications to use a single database
Manages multiple applications trying to edit the same record at the same time (usually makes it read-
only for second application)
Provides appropriate views of the database to different users
Provides security in terms of views and access rights
Enables the creation of the relational database structure
Allows applications to query/interrogate the database
Enables the creation of reports based on queries
? For you to find out...

Microsoft Access is very popular

Allows the applications with appropriate access rights to edit and in schools and small businesses
maintain the database but what other Database
Management Systems are there?
Can provide automatic backups if required
Find three other examples of
The DBMS that you are most likely to use is Microsoft Access. DBMS.
It provides all of the features above to create a customised data
handling application.
The next section of this chapter discusses the components of a relational database and the DBMS functions
used to create the application that uses it.

Databases 5

Relational Databases
The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:
understand the relationship between entities and tables
understand the components of a relational database, such as tables, forms, queries, reports
and modules
understand the use of logical operators in framing database queries
explain the use of key fields to connect tables and avoid data redundancy
describe methods of validating data as it is input

As we saw earlier in the chapter a database is a persistent organised store of data. The example of product
details in a spreadsheet is a type of database. If you store all your data in a single file or worksheet it is
called a flat file. This might be fine for simple data storage but as companies need to store more and more
data, problems start to occur.
The spreadsheet (flat file) below stores student details. Every student belongs to a tutor group. Notice that
all of the details about Mrs Robsons tutor group are repeated for every student in her tutor group. This
is duplicated data and, as we said earlier, can lead to data inconsistency later. If Mrs Robsons tutor group
moves rooms, then several students records would need to be updated. It is too easy to miss one and end
up with inconsistent data.

In computing we aim to store each piece of data just once. Ideally we should separate the data stored about
tutor groups and the data stored about students. We only need to know which tutor group each student is
in. We can refer to the other table to find out more details of that tutor group.

5 Databases

Reducing data duplication (data redundancy) has several benefits:

reduces the risk of data inconsistency
makes maintaining the database much easier
reduces the size of the database
To understand relational databases there is no substitute for making one yourself. You can use Microsoft
Access to create your own relational database and application (forms, queries and reports). The following
sections look at the basic theory.

Creating a Relational Database

A relational database is a collection of data stored in related tables. In the real world there are people,
objects and events (such as shows, holiday bookings or flights) that we store data about. These are
called entities. In the spreadsheet example on the previous page we modelled two entities, Student and
Tutor Group.
In a relational database we create a table for each entity, so a table is a collection of data about a specific
entity. We use a database management system such as Microsoft Access to create these tables and to create
logical links or relationships between them.
Here is the data from the spreadsheet example described earlier in the chapter, reorganised into tables in
Access. There are two entities, Student and Tutor Group, so we create a table for each. This avoids storing
the same data twice (i.e. avoids data redundancy). Notice that the tutor group initials appear against each
student so we know which tutor group they are in. This same field also appears in the tblTutorGroup table so
we can then reference the tutor group details. These fields have a special function in the database; they are
used to create a relationship between the two tables.

Databases 5

Both Sally and George are in tutor group JLH. This field connects tblStudent to tblTutorGroup so the tutor
group details can be accessed. From the two related tables we can see that Sally and George both go to
classroom 120 for tutor time.
Each table contains a record for each student or each tutor group. The records are made up of fields, which
are individual data items such as surname or town. With potentially hundreds or thousands of records it
is critical that the computer can tell which one is which so every record must have a unique identifier. The
field that uniquely identifies each record in a table is called the primary key.
The primary key can be a number or text but every record must have a different value for this field. In the
example above the primary key for the Student table tblStudent is CandidateNumber. The primary key for
the TutorGroup table is TutorGroup (the tutors initials in this case).

In Access, the relationship between the two tables appears like this:

TutorGroup is the primary key in ...and the foreign key in tblStudent


It shows the two tables and the fields they contain. It shows the primary key fields in each table with the
key symbol. It also shows the relationship created between the two tables. In this case, it is a one-to-many
5 Databases

relationship: one tutor group has many students. Be aware that you can only create a relationship from the
primary key in one table to the same field in the related table. In the related table, the field is called the
foreign key.

Using Forms to Add/Edit Data

Having created the database itself (the collection of related tables) the data must be entered. This can be
imported from another file such as a spreadsheet or typed into the table, one record at a time. Once the
database is in use the user will need to be able to add new records, delete records and edit existing records.

In Microsoft Access the user can be given direct access to the tables but normally they would have a forms-
based application interface to protect the database from user errors.

Forms can easily be created with a DBMS to allow controlled access to the underlying database. Remember
that there may be several different applications using the same data and that each type of user will need
different types of access. Some people will be allowed to see and edit all of the data but others may only
be able to view it or access reports based on it. One of the strengths of a DBMS is that it can offer different
types of user different views.

The form below is a typical form made in Microsoft Access to add new Tutor Groups to the database.

Having created a form that allows users to easily input data, we can also add validation checks to ensure
that the data being entered is reasonable. In this case we know that the school numbers its rooms with
3 digits so we can check that the room number is between 1 and 999 (a range check). If the user enters
something else then they get an error message. This protects the integrity of the data.

Databases 5
The screenshot below shows another type of validation where the user is forced to pick options from a list so
that they cannot enter any other variations by mistake:

Validation checks are carried out by the computer software to check that the data entered is reasonable
or sensible and conforms to rules specified by the programmer about the type of data allowed. There are
several types of validation that are used when creating an application:
Range check: a number or date is within a sensible/allowed range
Type check: data is the right type such as an integer or a letter or text
Length check: text entered is not too long or too short for example, a password is greater than 8
characters, a product description is no longer than 25 characters
Existence check: checks that a product or customer exists in the database for example, if an order for a
product is being entered, it checks that the product actually exists in the database
Presence check: checks that some data has been entered, i.e. that the field has not been left blank
Format check: checks that the format of, for example, a postcode or email address is appropriate

Validation can only check if a data item is reasonable. It cannot tell if it is correct. This is an important
differentiation. If the Students Details form prompts for Date of Birth the application can check that the
data entered would be appropriate for that age group, but it cannot tell if you entered November instead of
December by mistake.

Whilst validation ensures that the data entered are sensible, verification double-checks that it has been
typed in correctly. Data is entered twice and the two versions are compared. If they are different the user
can be prompted to try again. This is commonly used where email addresses and passwords are entered
on forms.

5 Databases

Using Queries to Interrogate the Database

Stored data is only as useful as what you do with it. Once data has been stored in a database the users need
to be able to find out things about it and generate reports.

Queries are used to interrogate the database. With a student database you may need to find a specific
students contact details or get a list of all the students in a particular class, for example. A DBMS will allow
you to construct queries that find data matching specified criteria.

In Microsoft Access the Query By Example (QBE) grid makes it easy to find records that match criteria.

Here is a query to find all students who live in Hampshire:

Fields we want in the result

Records where
County = Hampshire
are selected

The resulting list:

Databases 5
In an exam you will need to be able to write criteria to select specific records. Some of these will include
more than one part and some logical operators (NOT, AND, OR). Here are some examples:

CandidateNumber=0010 selects the details for that specific


(County=Hampshire) AND (TutorGroup=SJR) selects students who live in Hampshire

and are in tutor group SJR

Notice that each part of the criteria is in brackets where there is more than one part. Just like BIDMAS in
mathematical calculations, there is also an order of precedence for logical operators. AND takes precedence
over OR so you may need extra brackets if the OR parts need resolving first:

(County=Hampshire) AND (TutorGroup=SJR) OR (TutorGroup=JLH)

The criteria above will return students from tutor group SJR who also live in Hampshire and all the students
in tutor group JLH.

(County=Hampshire) AND ((TutorGroup=SJR) OR (TutorGroup=JLH))

This version, with the OR parts bracketed, will return students who are in either of these tutor groups and
who also live in Hampshire.

Using Reports to Present Information

Data are just facts and figures with no context, but they can be processed into reports to convey useful
information. A DBMS can take data from tables or the results of queries and present them in formatted
reports. Here is an example of a report produced in Access:

5 Databases

A good report should:

be dated
have a clear title; company reports will generally be done in a house style and include the company logo
be laid out clearly with column headings
have page numbers
be sorted into a logical or useful sequence. For example, lists of people tend be sorted alphabetically by
surname, and a price list might be sorted by product ID number.
Sometimes data is grouped within a report and there may be subtotals and totals of numerical amounts.

Customising Your Application Using Code

However good the features of a DBMS are, there is always something you want to tailor to the specific
requirements of the application. Most database management systems provide a programming interface so
you can write code. The code is stored in modules.
Here is an example of a validation routine written in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), the programming
language within Microsoft Access. It checks that email addresses have an @ symbol and a dot in them:
Private Sub txtEmailAddress_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
Dim AtPosn As Integer
Dim DotPosn As Integer

If Len(txtEmailAddress.Text) < 5 Then

MsgBox Email address is too short!
AtPosn = InStr(txtEmailAddress.Text, @)
If AtPosn < 2 Then
MsgBox Invalid email address, need characters before @
DotPosn = InStr(AtPosn, txtEmailAddress.Text, .)
If DotPosn = 0 Then
MsgBox Invalid email address, need at least 1 dot after @
End If
End If
End If
End Sub

Databases 5
This code tailors the form to validate the email address and generates appropriate error messages
as follows:

5 Databases

Glossary of Terms

Database Concepts
Database A persistent organised store of data.
Persistent Storage Non-volatile storage on a secondary storage medium such as a hard disk.
Data Duplication / Where the same data is stored more than once, unnecessarily.
Data Redundancy
Data Inconsistency Where different versions of the same data have different values because duplicate
versions have been stored and updated differently.
Program-Data Where the applications that use a shared database are separated from the actual
Independence data by a database management system. Changes can be made to one application
without it affecting another.
DBMS Stands for Database Management System, the system that separates the
applications from the data and provides features that allow database systems to be
created, interrogated and maintained.
Views A feature of a DBMS that provides each application or user with specific access
rights and views of the database.

Relational Databases
Flat File Database A persistent organised store of data where data is stored in a single file organised
into fields and records.
Relational Database A persistent organised store of data where data is stored as a collection of related
tables to minimise data redundancy.
Entity A category of, for example, person (e.g. student, customer), object (e.g. classroom,
stock item) or event (e.g. holiday booking, TV program) about which data is stored
in a database, and which corresponds to a table in the relational database.
Table A collection of data organised into records and fields within a relational database.
A table represents a real world entity.
Record Data stored about one instance of an entity: for example, one particular person or
Field One specific data item being stored such as surname or date.
Primary Key A field in a table that uniquely identifies a record.
Foreign Key A field in one table that is the primary key in another table and is used to create a
relationship between those two tables.

Databases 5
Relationship The logical connection created between two tables using a primary and foreign
key pair. It allows related data about a record to be accessed from another table.
A relationship between two tables can be one-to-one, one-to-many or many-to-
Form Input. An interactive window used for data entry that usually includes validation
routines, and uses controls such as combo boxes and radio buttons. Data input is
saved to the database.
Validation A check made by the computer to make sure the data is sensible.
Verification A check to ensure that data has been input correctly. Sometimes this is done by
prompting the user to read the data they have input and confirm it is correct.
Other times the data has to be entered twice and one version is compared against
the other to make sure it is the same.
Query A feature of a DBMS that allows the database to be interrogated. It selects
records from the database based on specified criteria.
Logical Operator NOT, AND, OR. Used in complex criteria in queries.
Report Output. A snapshot in time of the data from a database that can be printed. Data
is formatted on a page and may be sorted or grouped. It may include totals.
Module Section of code within a DBMS that allows the user interface to be tailored.

5 Databases

Past Exam Questions

June 2011, Question 2

1 A grocery shop uses a database with a DBMS to keep records of its stock.

(a) Explain what is meant by a DBMS. [3]

(b) The database uses forms and reports.

Describe each of these and give one example of how it would be used in the
shops database. [6]

Here is some data from the supermarkets database.

ProductID Description Supplier Quantity Reorder Discontinued Price

Left Level
0001 6 eggs Hill Farm 50 20 FALSE 0.98
0002 2 litres of milk Hill Farm 17 20 TRUE 1.20
0003 1kg apples Killeys 42 50 FALSE 0.79
0004 250g butter Hill Farm 12 25 FALSE 0.49
0005 500g Moku Flakes Moku Foods 0 10 TRUE 0.99
0006 6 salad tomatoes Killeys 30 30 FALSE 0.89
0007 580g can baked beans Moku Foods 27 30 FALSE 0.42
0008 Family tomato ketchup Moku Foods 41 0 FALSE 1.45

(c) The shop runs queries using logical operators to select data for different purposes.

(i) State the ProductID of the products in the above sample which fit the following criteria.

Supplier = Killeys

Price > 1.00 OR Supplier = Hill Farm [4]

(ii) Write the criteria which can be used to select all products which are not
discontinued and where the QuantityLeft is lower than the ReorderLevel. [3]

Databases 5

June 2012, Question 9

2 A DBMS is used to create customised data handling applications.

(a) State what the initials DBMS stand for. [1]
(b) Describe the features of a DBMS that can be used to create customised data
handling applications and explain why using a DBMS is desirable.
The quality of communication will be assessed in your answer to this question.

Jan 2013, Question 11

3 A social networking site uses a database to store the details of the people who have
joined the site.
(a) Describe what is meant by a database. [2]
(b) When a person joins the website, they need to enter some personal data which is
validated using rules. For example, the date of birth must be in the past.
State one rule that could be used when validating each of the following:
Email address
Password [3]
(c) Each user can upload several pictures. Each picture has a date and a comment.
The personal data of users is stored in a table called USER. The data about the
pictures is stored in a separate table called PICTURE.
Explain why the data about the pictures should be in a separate table, and how the
tables can be linked. [4]

6 Communications and Networking

Chapter 6: Communications and Networking

This topic covers the basics of local and wide area networks. It looks at the
Internet as an example of a wide area network and at some of the technologies
associated with networks.

Local Area Networks (LANs)

A Local Area Network (LAN) is defined as a collection of computers and peripheral devices (such as
printers) connected together on a single site. Notice that it is within a single site and not a single building.
At school you probably have many different buildings within a campus. The schools LAN will connect
together the computers in all these buildings.

The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

explain the advantages of networking stand-alone computers into a local area network

Consider how you work on a single laptop or PC at home that is not connected to a network. Compare this
to how you work on computers at school, which are all on a LAN. A network in a large office building will
provide all the same features that you have at school.

Benefits of Networking Computers

The benefits of networking the computers fall into these categories:

Sharing resources:
Sharing folders and files so you can access files anywhere on the network from any computer and
different people can access these files as needed
Sharing peripheral devices such as printers and scanners
Sharing an Internet connection
Using email to communicate with colleagues
Using messaging systems to chat while you are working on other things
Transferring files between computers
Centralised management:
User profiles and security can all be managed centrally
Software can be distributed across the network rather than having to install it on each individual computer
Users can use any PC on the network but still see their own files
Centralised backup of all files

Communications and Networking 6
Network Topologies

The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

describe, using diagrams or otherwise, the ring, bus and star network topologies
describe the hardware needed to connect stand-alone computers into a local area net-
work, including hub/switches, wireless access points

Computers can be connected together in different layouts, or topologies. There are three basic topologies
that are used but these may be combined in a large network.

Bus network

Computers are connected to a single backbone cable. The computers all share this cable to transmit to each
other but only one computer can transmit at any one time. This is fine most of the time if the network is
not too busy but if there is a lot of traffic then transmissions interfere with each other and computers have
to retransmit.

Advantages: Disadvantages:
1 Easy and inexpensive to install less cabling 1 If the main cable fails then the whole network
than in a star network goes down
2 Easy to add new computers 2 Cable failures are hard to isolate because all of
the computers in the network are affected
3 Performance slows down as the amount of
traffic increases

6 Communications and Networking

Ring network
Computers are connected to adjacent computers in a ring.
Computers take it in turns to transmit, controlled by passing
a token around the ring. Computers can only transmit when
they have the token.

Advantages: Disadvantages:
1 Not dependent on a central computer like the 1 A single node or link failure disrupts the
star network entire network
2 Token passing protocol is simple and
therefore reliable
3 Consistent performance even when there is a
lot of traffic

Star network
All of the computers have their own cable connecting
them to a central computer. The central computer
controls the network. This is usually a switch or server.

Switch or Server

Advantages: Disadvantages:
1 If one cable fails only one station is affected 1 Can be costly to install because there is a lot of
rather than the whole network cabling
2 Consistent performance even when the network 2 If the central computer fails then the whole
is heavily used network goes down
3 Easy to add new computers
4 More secure messages from a computer go
directly to the centre

Communications and Networking 6
Connecting Computers to the LAN
Each computer must have a network card so it can be connected to the LAN. The correct term for the
network card is Network Interface Card (NIC). The right type must be fitted for the kind of network
connection required, either by a cable or wirelessly to the network.
In most classrooms or offices, computers tend be star-wired to a hub or switch, which is either in the room
or nearby. The room layout may look like a bus network because the cables all go around the edge of the
room but in actual fact, each computer has its own wire running through the ducting to the central device.
Smaller star or bus networks in rooms/offices will then be connected to a backbone that could also be a star
or bus topology. In a modern network there will be a mixture of topologies.
The central device in a small star network may be a server. In an office or classroom on a bigger LAN, the
central device in a star will be a switch.

Star topology used to connect computers in an office or classroom

cabled in a star or a wireless star


Bus topology used to connect classrooms

6 Communications and Networking

Peer-to-Peer or Client-Server

The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

explain the different roles of computers in a client-server and a peer-to-peer network

In your school you will be able to use your files on computers in different buildings. This is because they are
not stored on the computer that you are using but are on a file server somewhere else in school. The server
is a specialised computer with a different role from the normal PC. There will probably be a web server to
host the schools external website and an email server which receives all emails and distributes them to
network users. It may detect and block incoming emails that it thinks are spam.
In a large network it is common to have shared files and resources on centralised servers. The computers
that you use around school are referred to as clients.
In a client-server network:
the network is centrally managed by a powerful computer called the server
client computers communicate via a central server
there may be other computers which act as email server, print server and web server
Client-Server Configuration

In smaller offices this is not practical. If you run a small company with a handful of computers it is not cost-
effective to have a specialised server or someone to run the network. In a small office the computers will
simply be cabled together. Each computer is configured so it will share specified files and folders with other
peer computers on the LAN. PCs on the LAN can only access files on another computer if access rights have
been granted. This is called a peer-to-peer network because all of the computers have equal status and the
same role in the network.

Communications and Networking 6
In a peer-to-peer network:
peer computers communicate directly with each other
files are stored on individual computers but can be shared with others

Peer-to-Peer Configuration

Peer Peer

Peer Peer

Peer-to-Peer Client-Server
All computers have equal status Specialised roles: computers tend to be a client
or a server
Easy to set up and maintain Needs a network manager to run the network
No centralised management Centralised security and management
Each computer must be backed up separately Backup done from central server

No dependency on a server Dependent on central server

6 Communications and Networking

Wide Area Networks (WAN)

The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

describe the differences between a local area network and a wide area network such as
the internet

We said in the last section that a LAN was a collection of computers connected together within a single
site. A Wide Area Network, or WAN, is a collection of computers and networks connected together over a
geographically remote area.
The term geographically remote is a confusing one. It does not mean that networks have to be miles apart,
although they may be. Geographical remoteness is more about what separates sites than the distance
involved. Your campus may be quite large but is still a LAN. If you have a split campus with a public highway
or some other buildings in between the two campuses, then these will need to be connected by a WAN. The
Internet is a WAN and this is worldwide.
WANs use hired infrastructure to connect the LANs together; the school or business cannot install its own
cables between the two sites. A business with offices in London, Leeds, Bristol and York will lease connections
from a network service provider to connect the four office LANs together.



Head Office

Communications and Networking 6

How Devices Communicate on a Network

The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

explain the terms IP addressing, MAC addressing, packet and protocols

Consider how you communicate as a human being. Buna ziua, ce mai faci azi? Sorry, dont you speak
Romanian? When we go aboard we find it hard to communicate because we do not understand the
language. Even if you can speak French you probably struggle in France because they talk too fast for you
to understand. Computer communication has similar problems. Computers need to be speaking the same
language and at the same speed in order to communicate.

If one computer transmits a stream of binary to another computer, the receiving end needs to know what
the rules are. This is called a protocol. A protocol is the set of rules that define how devices communicate.
A protocol will cover:
how the communication will start, getting the attention of the other computer (Oi, you!)
the transmission speed
the significance of the bits being transmitted (like the language)
how the bits will be delivered (one at a time or in groups of 8 for example)
error-checking procedures being used (this involves some extra bits, like punctuation).

Internet Protocol (IP)

One protocol that you may have heard of is IP. This is the protocol used on the Internet. All computers and
servers connected to the Internet, as well as the routers that make up the Internet, communicate using IP.

Internet Protocol will be discussed in more detail in the following section about the Internet.

6 Communications and Networking

MAC Addresses
If devices are going to communicate they must have a unique reference number. This is called an address. It
is the same principal as addressing a letter; you need to put a unique address on the front so the postman
knows where to deliver it. Within a LAN each device must have a Network Interface Card (NIC) to connect
it to the network. This card will have a MAC address. The MAC address is hard-coded into the NIC when it is
manufactured; it cannot be configured using software. Every networked device will have a MAC address. It is
a 48-bit address that is written as twelve hex digits to make it easier for humans to work with. For example:

In hex: 00-09-7C-F1-F7-85

In binary: 000000000000100101111100111100011111011110000101

The MAC address is used to transmit between devices within a LAN.

Packets on a LAN
When two devices want to communicate across a LAN one device will send a message to the other. This
message is broken into smaller chunks called packets. These packets are broadcast onto the LAN with the
MAC address of the destination device. The destination device will see all of the traffic on the LAN but will
only pick up the packets with its own MAC address on them. Its a bit like getting your luggage back after a
flight you watch all the bags go around on the conveyer belt but you only pick up the one with your name
on the label.

Packet headers contain

destination MAC address

C sends a message in G reads packets with its Other computers ignore

packets, each labelled MAC address on them transmission for G
with Gs MAC address

When devices communicate over a WAN, such as the Internet, they also use packets. For example, when
you request a webpage in your browser, that message is sent to the web server as a series of packets. This is
discussed further in the following section on the Internet.

Communications and Networking 6

The Internet

The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

describe the nature of the Internet as a worldwide collection of computer networks
explain the need for IP addressing of resources on the Internet and how this can be
facilitated by the role of DNS servers
explain the terms IP addressing.packet and protocols

The Internet is a wide area network. It is a worldwide collection of

computers and networks that uses Internet Protocol (IP) to communicate.
It isnt owned or managed by any one group of people and anyone can
access it.

The network itself is made up of network devices called routers. These

are much bigger, higher performance routers than the ones at school or
at home. They form the backbone of the network. IP is the protocol used
between these routers.

Internet Protocol (IP)

Each device on the Internet must have a unique IP address so that it can communicate over the wide area.
This is in addition to the hardware MAC address, which is only used to address devices inside a LAN. The IP
address is made up of four numbers separated by three dots, for example:

The four numbers each represent a byte so each one can only be a number between 0 and 255. The
computers will be sending binary, not decimal integers, but we write the addresses as four separate numbers
because it is easier for a person to deal with. (The dots are not transmitted; they are just separators to make
it easier for us to read.)

Some IP addresses have special significance and are not used for devices. For example, and are never used to address a device.

Accessing Websites on the Internet

Websites are stored on web servers connected to the Internet. The site will have an IP address so people can
access the pages using their browser software. However, when you want to access a site you dont type the
IP address, you type in a domain name such as This is because humans are quite bad at
remembering numbers and typing them in correctly so the domain name is a text reference to a site that can
be translated into the numerical IP address.

6 Communications and Networking

When you type the domain name, into the browser the web page request is sent to a
Domain Name System (DNS) server in the Internet. The DNS server has a database of domain names and
IP addresses so it can translate the domain name into an IP address.

There is a large number of DNS servers in the Internet and these communicate with each other so the DNS
servers regularly update each other. If your local DNS server does not have the domain name listed, the page
request can be forwarded to another DNS server.


The advantages of using DNS servers to translate domain names into IP addresses are:
Humans do not have to remember or type in numerical addresses
If the IP addresses change at some point the DNS servers can update their databases, and the users can
continue using the same domain names
Many distributed DNS servers mean that everyone has access to all addresses from their local DNS server

In most browsers you can also type the IP address of a site into the address bar to get to a site. We dont
tend to do this but it shows that essentially the domain name and IP address both address the same place.
This IP address gets you to the BBC home page:

You may also have noticed that your browser adds http:// in front of the domain name you typed. This is
another example of a protocol. HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transfer
Protocol and is the protocol used to request and deliver web pages.

This protocol operates over IP. IP is the protocol used between routers and devices. HTTP is an end-to-end
protocol between the PC and the web server. In computing, protocols often operate in layers. Imagine the
process of sending a letter to a friend. The Post Office operates the lower level protocol between towns to
physically deliver your letter (like IP between the routers and LANs). The letter is the higher level protocol
that communicates end-to-end between you and your friend (like HTTP requesting a page from a web server
and the server sending the page back).

Communications and Networking 6

IP between devices provides HTTP end-to-end to request

communication across the internet and deliver a web page

Packet switching on the Internet

The messages being sent between devices on the Internet will be split up into smaller chunks called packets.
The IP protocol is then responsible for delivering these packets from one device (the source) to another
device (the destination), for example from a PC to a web server. At each router, the IP protocol decides
which way to send each packet. Each router needs to know where the packet came from (source address)
and where its going to (destination address), so it can make the appropriate routing decision. Each packet
could potentially go via a different route to get to its endpoint, depending on traffic conditions at the
moment IP makes its routing decision. For this reason every packet must have a sequence number on it.
The destination device can then put the packets back together in the correct order. Each packet being sent
across the Internet must therefore have a packet header on it, which contains:
a sequence number
a source address
a destination address

Router routes each packet

individually so they wont all
necessarily go the same way
Device sends a
message across the
internet in packets

6 Communications and Networking

Connecting to the internet

The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

describe the hardware needed to connect to the Internet including modems, routers, etc.

There are many ways to connect to the Internet:

This is the cheapest but slowest type of connection, only 56kb/s (kilobits per second). It uses the telephone
network to create a connection from your computer to the Internet. Your computer and the Internet are
both digital, designed for computer traffic. The telephone network is analogue, designed for voice traffic.
The modem (modulator-demodulator) is a device that converts the digital signal from the computer into
an analogue signal, and vice versa at the other end. As well as being slow, this method means that you can
only use the phone line for one transmission at a time; if youre on the Internet then the phone cannot be
used at the same time.

Local router:
Very few home PCs are connected to the Internet using a modem these days. Many of us will have more
than one computer at home and will have a wireless router somewhere in the house. The computers all
connect to the router to get an Internet connection and can also communicate with each other as they now
form a small LAN.
The router can be connected to the Internet using:
The fibre-optic cable that delivers your cable TV service
The part of the phone line that connects your house to the local exchange using broadband technology.
This is not the same as using a modem to transmit over the telephone network itself, but it does use the
local cable. It is digital transmission all the way and allows the use of the computers and phone line at
the same time, unlike a modem.

Communications and Networking 6


Broadband and cable TV services offer speeds in excess of 2Mb/s (megabits per second) and in places
services up to 50Mb/s are being advertised (Aug 2014). The modem running at 56kb/s is just 0.05Mb/s
(56/1024 to convert kilobits per second into megabits per second).
If your computer is connected to a LAN then there will be an Internet connection provided from a router
connected to the LAN. The principal is the same as a home router but it will be more powerful.

6 Communications and Networking

Creating web pages in HTML

The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

explain the importance of HTML and its derivatives as a standard for the creation of web pages

Web pages are written in a programming language called HTML,

HyperText Markup Language. HTML is used to describe the page
! See HTML and
CSS in action...
Check out the Zen Garden
content. It is used with a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) which defines website to see how the same
how the content is styled. Some styling can be coded with HTML but it HTML content can look with
is considered good practice to use CSS for styling and HTML for content. different Cascading Style Sheets.

Communications and Networking 6
HTML is coded using tags that define the page structure. You can write HTML in a basic text editor and
save the file as filename.html. You can then run the page in your browser. Here is a very basic webpage
in HTML:

<title>Seahorses in the UK</title>

<h1> Dorset Wildlife </h1>
<h2> Studland Bay Seahorses </h2>
<p> Studland Bay is a breeding site for both spiny and short-nosed
<h2> Habitat </h2>
<p> The seabed in Studland Bay is mostly sandy with sea grasses
and rocky outcrops, providing protection for the seahorses and hard
surfaces for other inhabitants such as the native oyster to cling to.</
<p>More on <a href=
seahorses</a> here.
<img src=seahorse.jpg width=640 height=360> </p>

Tag What it does

<head> </head> Start and end tags for information about this page, not text that appears on the page.
The text between these tags appears in the blue bar at the top of the browser
<title> </title>
<body> </body> The HTML between the body tags defines the page content.
<p> </p> Paragraph tags that start and end a paragraph.
<h1> </h1> Heading tags will go either end of heading text. The CSS will define how these look
<h2> </h2> but normally heading text is bigger than normal page text.
<img src..> The image source tag references a picture file and defines basic parameters such as size.
<a> An anchor tag which defines a hyperlink using an additional href attribute to set the
links destination.

6 Communications and Networking

The web page it produces look like this:

When you create a page using HTML it is not a website that other people can get to yet; you can only see
the page in your browser because you have access to the file. A website must be published to the Internet
so other people can access it. This can be done by uploading it to your own web server or you can upload
it to someone elses web server. If you use someone elses server this is called hosting. Internet Service
Providers (ISPs) offer this as a service, sometimes free for small sites if
you are already a customer.
Writing a website using HTML would be time-consuming so there are
! Useful website...

application packages available to help design a website and create the An excellent site for details on
HTML code for you. One example of this is Dreamweaver. HTML code is:
Communications and Networking 6


The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

explain the need for security measures in networks, such as user access levels, suitable
passwords and encryption techniques
describe and justify network policies such as acceptable use, disaster recovery, failover,
backup, archiving

Security is about keeping your computer and the files stored on it safe from hazards. These hazards come in
the form of viruses, hackers, hardware failures, software faults and natural disasters such as floods and fires,
but the biggest hazard to networked computers with shared resources is other users!
Network security measures cover three important areas:

Access rights
Physical security such as locking rooms
1 Preventive
Aimed at stopping a hazardous
event from occurring Passwords
Acceptable use policy

Virus checking software

Aimed at detecting when data has Firewall software
2 Detective
been corrupted or systems have
been compromised
Fire alarms
Audit trails

Backup and restore procedures

Aimed at correcting or restoring
3 Corrective
measures the system after problems have
Redundant hardware / Failover
Disaster recovery procedures

Chapter 3: Software covers security software for a standalone computer. Anti-virus software, firewall and
spyware protection software are all equally applicable in a network.

6 Communications and Networking

Security Precautions
Access Rights
User access rights should be set for disks, folders and files so
users can only access what they need to. At school you can
probably read files on a shared area but not edit them; this is
Read-Only access. The teacher will have Read-Write access to these folders. Some folders you wont even be
able to see.
In a work environment, the Accounts staff will have access to payroll details but other departments will not.
The Data Protection Act says that employers must keep personal data secure so setting appropriate access
rights is a legal responsibility as well as a good idea.
There are devices that can read network transmissions from the cables just by scanning the emissions;
they dont even have to be plugged into the network. Also anything transmitted over a network can
be intercepted and read. This takes place without leaving any trace so nobody would know that it had
One way of stopping this unauthorised access to data is to encrypt anything sent on a network. Encryption
changes the data before it is transmitted so it can only be deciphered by someone with the appropriate key.
To anyone intercepting the message it would be unintelligible.
When you buy something on the Internet or use Internet
banking you may have noticed that instead of HTTP in front of
the domain name it changes to HTTPS. It works in the same
way as HTTP but is encrypted so your payment details are
kept secure.
Password Protection
In a networked environment such as a school or a company, many of the computers are used by more than
one person. Even if employees have their own computer it may be in an open plan office. The easiest way to
stop unauthorised access to your computer or your files is to use a combination of username and password.
The password should never be shared with friends or
stuck on a post-it note under the keyboard (yes, people User name:
really do!). Also, the password should be strong. This
means that it is not easy to guess, it probably contains
letters, numbers and symbols and is at least 6 characters Sign in
long. Some companies make employees change their
password every month but this doesnt really work because people usually just add the month number on
the end because it is easy to remember.
For additional security against people trying lots of different passwords to get into someone elses account,
the account can be locked after a certain number of failed attempts.

Communications and Networking 6
Network Policies
As well as configuration and software precautions there are procedural precautions a company can take to
protect its data. These procedures and policies include:
Backup and Restore Procedures
The staff that manage a network will back up the servers regularly. A backup is a copy of all the users
files, which can be restored in the event of files getting corrupted or deleted. Backup copies must be made
regularly; how often will depend on the nature of the system to a certain extent. In some businesses a
daily backup may be sufficient but in others, files may be backed up every hour. Backups are normally made
using a removable hard disk or cassette tape. The medium has to be high capacity and portable so it can be
stored in a fire-proof safe or off site.
Often there is a large amount of data stored on a computer system that is no longer needed on a regular
basis. However, you cannot delete it just in case it is needed again or because a company is legally required
to keep some records for a number of years (for example tax returns). Archiving is when the data is taken
off the main system and stored, usually on magnetic tape as it is cheap. It can be loaded back onto the
system if it is needed again. It is not a copy like a backup. The point is to free up space on the main
computer system.
Disaster Recovery
Some companies would not be able to operate at all if their computer
systems went down. These companies will have a disaster recovery
plan that would enable them to keep on doing business even in the
event of something catastrophic happening. Catastrophic events that
destroy a whole building and all of the servers include things like fire,
Data backup goes
a tidal wave or a bomb.
offsite to a disaster
A disaster recovery plan includes the ability to replicate the computer recovery company
system in a very short time. This would involve:
Data being backed up regularly
Duplicate hardware systems being available very quickly
The backup data being restored on the new hardware so the company could carry on as normal
Companies can either buy their own redundant hardware just in case but they are more likely to pay a
disaster recovery company for the service. There are companies that specialise in providing hardware at
short notice to companies.

6 Communications and Networking

When a computer system is mission-critical to a company it cannot be offline at all. Obviously hardware
failures still happen but when they do the computer system will swap over to a spare component straight
away. Spare components built into a computer system for this purpose are referred to as redundant.
A system that has lots of redundancy built into it is described as fault-tolerant because when faults happen
the system copes with it. Failover is the process of swapping to the spare/redundant component. Failover
happens automatically and transparently (without the user noticing).
Acceptable Use Policy
When you started at your school you may have had to sign an Acceptable Use
Policy before you were given a username and password. This policy probably
said you must not use other peoples accounts, access pornography, play games
or do anything else that is not related to your school work.
Employees will all sign a similar agreement. This is a contract between you
and the school/company saying you agree to use the network only for certain
things. In school you probably get away with playing games now and then but
at work a company can sack you for going against the agreement you signed.
The Acceptable Use Policy makes it clear to all network users what is acceptable and what is not.

Hazard Security Precaution

Accidental data deletion/corruption by users. Backup and restore procedures

Passwords, firewall, access rights
Unauthorised access to files/folders by employees
Acceptable use policy
Backup and restore procedures
Hardware failure or software faults
Hackers Passwords, firewall, access rights
Backup and restore procedures
Natural disasters: fire, flood, lightning strike etc
Disaster recovery
Backup and restore procedures
Disaster recovery

Access rights
Curious computing students just seeing what
Backup and restore
happens when you click!!
Acceptable use policy (!)

Communications and Networking 6
File types and file compression

The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

explain the importance of compressing files that are transmitted via the Internet
describe the differences between lossy and lossless compression
describe common file standards associated with the Internet such as JPG, GIF, PDF, MP3, MPEG

When data is transmitted across the Internet it will go through many different physical links between
routers. The connection from a computer or a LAN into the Internet is likely to be the slowest part of this
route, as you probably know from experience. At home you may have quite a slow network connection and
it may take a while for web pages to load.
One way of speeding up how quickly files can be transmitted across the Internet is to compress them to
make them smaller. Smaller files take less time to transmit over a network.
Understanding how compression affects files is important as the type of compression selected will affect
how the image looks or the audio track sounds. The final use of the file will dictate how much you can
compress the files and still have a file that is useable.
Compression can be considered in two categories:
Lossy compression: a data encoding method where files are compressed by removing some of the
detail. For example, photographs can be stored using fewer colours so fewer bits are needed per pixel
(see Chapter 4: Data Representation). Lossy compression is used to compress multimedia data such as
pictures, audio files and video files.
Lossless compression: a data encoding method where files are compressed but no data is lost. Essential
for text and data files. For example, bank records must keep all of the data; you cannot transmit a bank
statement and miss out a few zeros because they dont matter too much!
Still image file types
Still images are photographs and vector graphics (such as clipart). As we saw in Chapter 4: Data Representation,
the way we store images will affect the size. The colour depth is one factor. If you use 8 bits to represent each
pixel then you can use up to 256 different colours in the picture. Truecolor is the name given to a picture
representation using 24 bits per pixel where the colours are a mix of Red, Green and Blue (RGB).
To compress an image you can use fewer bits per pixel. A bitmap image (.bmp) or portable network graphic
(.png) file is a lossless version of the picture. If you save the same photograph as a JPEG file then it is still
a high quality image with a colour depth of 24 bits but some of the data is lost where it is unlikely to be
noticed. Digital cameras mostly store pictures as JPEG files. If you save the same picture as a GIF file
then you make the file much smaller as you only use 8 bits per pixel instead of 24 bits. The human eye
can tell the difference at this stage. You will see solid blocks of colour instead of gradual transitions in the
photograph. However, for small pictures on websites that will only be viewed as a thumbnail, GIF files are
fine and take less time to load on a webpage.

6 Communications and Networking

Here is a section of a photograph blown up so you can see the difference:

JPEG version GIF version

Video file types

Video files are mostly stored as MPEG format. There are two versions for different quality requirements
though: MPEG-1 is great for low resolution sequences on a website but if you want high resolution full
screen video then you need MPEG-2.
Audio file types
Audio files can also be compressed. The demand for music downloads drove
the need for a better compression method and MP3 became the dominant
compression type. We can download MP3 files from the Internet very quickly
and their size means that we can store hundreds of tracks on an MP3 player.
Most people cannot tell the difference in quality between an MP3 track and a
track from a CD, and you can get about 120 tracks on a CD, if they are in MP3
Document file types
You can create documents in any word-processing or desktop publishing package. Each package will have
its own file format. For example, if you create a document in Microsoft Word it will be saved as a .docx file.
This is fine when we are working on our own documents but when we are sharing documents across the
Internet this format might not suit everyone.
PDF (Portable Document Format) is an open file format, capable of displaying a document on any hardware or
any operating system. This means that PDF files can be downloaded from websites anywhere in the world and
read on a Windows PC, Apple Mac, tablet, book reader, smart phone or whatever the latest gadget is.
When a PDF document is created it captures all the elements of a printed page as an electronic image that
you can view, navigate, print or forward to someone else. When the PDF file is created you can also set
options that allow the reader to use copy and paste or block this feature.
Word-processing packages and desktop publishers are also able to write PDF files as well as their own
format. The device on which the document is read will need PDF reader software, which is freely available
and already installed on many devices.

Communications and Networking 6
PDF files are not compressed but you can use a
lossless compression algorithm such as ZIP to
reduce their size.

Summary of File Types

Type File suffix Explanation
Bitmap .bmp - Uncompressed still image file
Portable Network
.png Lossless Colour depth = 24 bits, RGB, 16.7 million different colours
Good for photographs. Colour depth = 24 bits, RGB, 16.7
JPEG .jpg Lossy
million different colours

Colour depth = 8 bits (only 256 colours)

Good for images with large areas of solid colour
Graphic Ideal for web graphics
Interchange .gif Lossless Although this is a lossless compression, images with higher
Format colour depths are often converted into GIFs to make them
smaller (this process is called quantisation but is not in
the GCSE specification!)

QuickTime .mov Lossless Audio files

Windows Media .wmv

Lossy Audio files: Files are not as small as MP3
Player .wav
Audio files: Designed for downloading music from the
MP3 .mp3 Lossy
Internet. In MP3 format you could fit 120 songs on a CD.
Video files: Suitable for small low-resolution sequences
MPEG -1 .mpg Lossy
on CD
Video files: Suitable for full-screen, high resolution video
MPEG-2 .mp2 Lossy
on DVD
Portable An uncompressed document format that is universally
.pdf -
Document Format accessible.

6 Communications and Networking

Glossary of Terms

LAN A collection of computers and peripheral devices connected together within a
single site.
WAN A collection of computers and LANs connected together over a geographically
remote area, using leased infrastructure.
Topology A description of how devices are connected together. Does not necessarily
represent physical layout.
Bus A topology where each device is connected to a main cable, referred to as the bus.
Any device can transmit at any time but only one transmission can occur on the
main bus at any one time.
Ring A topology where each device is connected to the next in a loop. Uses a token-
passing protocol to allow transmission by one device at a time.
Star A topology where each device has its own cable connecting it to a central device,
which can be a switch or a server.
Peer-to-Peer A method of organising devices in a network where devices are all of equal
status rather than having specialised roles. Each computer can access resources
on another computer, assuming access rights have been granted by the other
Client-Server A method of organising devices in a network where some computers have
specialised roles: servers. The servers provide resources and services to the other
computers, known as clients. Management of the network and shared resources/
files is centralised at the server.
Hub A hardware device that provides connectivity to a LAN cable. A multiport box
that has a connection to the LAN from one side and several computers on the
other. Can be wireless or cabled.
Switch A hardware device that is similar to a hub but it has built-in intelligence to direct
traffic to the right place. Computers connected to a switch form a star topology
Wireless Access Point The device to which a computer connects wirelessly. Can be a wireless hub or a
wireless switch.
NIC Network Interface Card: the card that plugs into a computer to provide a
connection to a LAN. Can be wireless or cabled. Holds the MAC address.

Communications and Networking 6
MAC Address A unique hardware number allocated to every NIC. It is a 48-bit address, usually
written in hex, e.g. 00-09-7C-F1-F7-85
Message A communication between devices. Split into packets for sending over a network
and put back together again at the other end.
Packet A fixed size chunk of a message created to send a message over a network. It
has its own header containing data such as the destination address and packet
number (so the message can be put back together in the right order).
Protocol A set of rules that defines how devices communicate. E.g. IP, HTTP, HTTPS

Internet A public worldwide network where computers and networks in geographically
separate locations are connected together using a variety of communication links.
Devices communicate using Internet Protocol (IP).
Routers The hardware devices that make up the backbone of the Internet as well as
(smaller ones) providing connectivity from a LAN to the Internet. Use Internet
Protocol to communicate with each other.
Modem The hardware device used to convert the digital transmission from a computer
into an analogue signal that can be carried over the analogue telephone network.
A method of accessing the Internet.
Digital A transmission signal that is made up of separate values (numbers), as opposed to
the continuously changing signal in analogue transmissions.
Analogue A transmission signal that is continuously changing, as opposed to being made up
of separate values (numbers). Sound in the real world is analogue.
Broadband A digital method of connecting to the Internet that allows more than one
transmission at the same time, e.g: phone and computers. It may use the sites
normal phone line or a fibre optic cable to carry transmissions.
WWW World-Wide Web: a collection of pages distributed on servers connected to the
Internet. Uses HTTP to request and send pages to browsers.
HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol: the protocol used by a browser to send page requests
to a server and also by the server to send back the required page.
HTTPS A secure version of HTTP where transmissions are encrypted.
IP Addressing A method of labeling any device connected to the network with a unique
numerical value. Uses four bytes usually expressed in this notation:
Domain Name The text label for a website in the Internet: It corresponds to an
IP address for that site.

6 Communications and Networking

DNS Servers Domain Name System server: a database of domain names and associated
IP addresses stored on servers. There are many DNS servers distributed across
the Internet, which communicate with each other.
HTML HyperText Markup Language: the programming language used to define the
layout and content of a webpage. Uses tags in conjunction with a CSS to
control how content is displayed.
CSS Cascading Style Sheet: defines the formatting and layout of the content
defined by the HTML code. E.g. <H1> may be 32pt Arial in Green.
Tags Labels that go around the content (text, pictures etc) to define the page layout.
Eg: <H1> A heading </H1>

User Access Levels A network policy that defines which users can see which folders and files and
the type of access they have to them. Eg: Read-Only or Read-Write.
Encryption Where the data is changed, using a key, before it is transmitted so that it can
only be deciphered by another device with the appropriate key. To anyone
intercepting the message it would be unintelligible.
Acceptable Use Policy An agreement that computer users will sign/agree to before being allowed
access to a computer or the network.
Failover When a hardware component fails, the computer switches over to a redundant
component without the service to the user being interrupted.
Redundant Spare, ready to be used if another component fails. Relates to spare hardware
components in fault-tolerant systems that use failover.
Fault-Tolerant A system that has been designed to cope with hardware failures. Uses
redundant hardware and failover usually.
Backup A copy of data is taken from a live computer system as a precaution against
system failure or corruption/deletion of individual files/folders. To be restored
in the event of data loss.
Archiving Files are removed from the main computer system but kept in long-term
storage, just in case they are needed in the future or because the law requires
they be kept. Creates space on main system.
Disaster Recovery A collection of precautions that ensures the computer system can be
reestablished very quickly after a catastrophe. Includes backup policy, complete
hardware system available offsite at short notice and policies to restore data
and applications on the replacement hardware.

Communications and Networking 6

Compression Making files smaller for quicker transmission over a network.
Lossless compression File is compressed with no loss of essential data.
Lossy compression Files are compressed by removing some data that is less essential for the
purpose. For example, using fewer colours in a picture (reduce colour depth).

6 Communications and Networking

Past Exam Questions

June 2011, Question 3

1 A rock band uses an internet website to advertise its music.

(a) The website uses HTML.

(i) Describe HTML. [2]

(ii) Explain the importance of HTML in the creation of web pages. [2]

(b) A list of file extensions for common file standards used on the internet is shown below.


The rock band allows some files to be downloaded by fans.

Complete the table below to show which file format from the list given above may be
used for each of the following files. [5]

File File Format

A high resolution image of the band to use as a desktop background.

Sheet music of their songs ready to be printed in the correct format
for guitar players.
A short video extract from their latest concert tour
A compressed collection of 200 plain text files containing the lyrics of
all their songs.
An audio recording of a song from their album

(c) Some of the file formats use compression.

(i) Explain the importance of compressing files when transmitting them via
the internet. [2]

(ii) Describe the difference between lossy and lossless compression and give an
example where each would be used. [4]

Communications and Networking 6

Jan 2012, Question 4

2 (a) The table below contains some statements about the internet.
Tick one box in each row to show whether each statement is true or false. [3]

True False

The internet is the same as the World Wide Web

The internet is a Local Area Network
The internet is a network between many networks

(b) A user types the address into a web browser.

Describe how a DNS server is used to access this website and explain the advantages
of using DNS servers.
The quality of written communication will be assessed in your answer to this question. [6]

June 2012, Question 2

3 The following diagram shows how the computers in Mr Singhs office are connected to
each other to form a LAN.

(a) State the correct name for this network topology. [1]
(b) State the name of the Device A which connects the server to the internet. [1]
(c) Give three functions of the server in this network. [3]
(d) In his home, Mr Singh has a peer-to-peer network.
Explain what is meant by a peer-to-peer network. [2]

7 Programming

Chapter 7: Programming
As part of this GCSE you will have learnt a high level programming language
such as Python, Delphi or Visual Basic. This topic is all about designing algorithms,
writing code using best practice and testing the programs to make sure they meet
the requirements.
In the A453 unit you will do a controlled assessment programming task, which will
use this programming knowledge in a very practical way.
In the A451 theory unit you will also be examined on your understanding of
algorithms, coding and testing.
This chapter does not teach you how to program in a specific programming language
but addresses the theory that you will need to understand for the A451 exam.


The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

understand algorithms (written in pseudocode or flow diagram), explain what they do, and
correct or complete them
produce algorithms in pseudocode or flow diagrams to solve problems

In computing we write programs or create computer systems to solve a problem. The problem is the need
or requirement we have to meet. The solution could be a simple program but is more likely to be a complex
suite of hardware and software in a real-world scenario.
Understanding how to solve the problem is important. You cannot just start coding at line 1 and hope to
get a working solution straight away.
The outline of the solution is called an algorithm. An algorithm is defined as, a series of steps to solve a
problem. Algorithms can be expressed in several ways. This chapter will look at creating an outline
algorithm with a flow diagram (also called a flowchart) and then creating a more detailed algorithm
from this using pseudocode.

Programming 7
Flow Diagrams
A flow diagram or flowchart is an industry-standard design tool, which is used to show an algorithm
diagrammatically. There are standard symbols that you will need to understand:

Terminators: Show where the algorithm starts and finishes

Shows an input to, or an output from, the system. E.g. Input

ProductID or Print ProductDescription and ProductCost

Decision box: Asks a question and has different routes out

depending on the answer. In this case if the number X is less than
10 you go down, if it isnt you go right

Process: An action such as a calculation. Always includes a verb.

For example, Add 10 to X, Calculate Total

This very simple example shows the algorithm for taking

a pizza order. The program must get the pizza size first
and then get one or more toppings.
Notice the following:
There is a loop to get more than one topping. This
loop is controlled by the decision box that asks,
Enough toppings?. If the answer is Yes to this
question the program stops, otherwise it keeps asking
for the next topping.
The line that loops around joins the middle of a line, it
does not come into a box.

7 Programming

Here is a more complex problem.

A computerised form prompts a user to enter their email address.
The validation rules check if the address has an @ symbol in it. If it doesnt, an error message is displayed,
the text box is cleared and the system asks the user to enter the email address again. This continues until
an appropriate address is entered.
The system then checks that the email address has been typed in lowercase, if not it converts it to
Once the email address is ok it is stored in the customer database.
The flowchart for this could be as follows:

Pseudocode is used to write an algorithm in programming-style constructs but not in an actual programming
language. You do not need to worry about the detailed syntax or be precise about how the code will do
something; you just describe the steps you will need in your program. As we said before, an algorithm is a
series of steps to solve a problem, so that is all you are doing at this stage.
Once you have fairly detailed pseudocode you can use it as comments in your program and write the actual
code under each step.

Programming 7

Control flow in imperative languages

The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

understand and use sequence in an algorithm
understand and use selection in an algorithm (IF and CASE statements)
understand and use iteration in an algorithm (FOR, WHILE and REPEAT loops)

There are three constructs used to write algorithms in pseudocode (and in actual code):

Sequence is just a matter of writing the steps down in the order they need to happen. For example:

Input the product price

Input the quantity
Total = quantity x price
Output Total price is + total

There are two basic selection constructs that you will learn when you program. IFTHENELSE allows you
to choose between two options. By nesting these or having several in a row you can choose between several
options but this is more efficiently achieved by the CASE statement. Both constructs are shown below with
the key words in bold:

IF X <= 10 THEN
Z = Z + 10
Z = Z-10 Not all programming languages use
END IF END IF but we normally use it in
algorithms just to be really clear.
Still indent as you would in your
programs though!

7 Programming

The following selections show three different ways of coding a menu system where the user can choose
between three options:

Method 1: Using multiple IF statements

IF MenuChoice=1 THEN
Do this thing
These are three separate IFTHEN statements
END IF so the computer will have to execute the
IF MenuChoice=2 THEN second and third IF statements, even if the user
Do the other thing selected 1 from the menu.
END IF This is not efficient coding but it will work.
IF MenuChoice=3 THEN

Method 2: Using multiple nested IF statements

IF MenuChoice=1 THEN
Do this thing This still uses three separate IFTHEN
ELSE statements but they are nested so that the
IF MenuChoice=2 THEN computer will only execute the IF statement
Do the other thing tests until it finds one that is true.
ELSE This is more efficient than method 1 but for
IF MenuChoice=3 THEN several choices it is difficult for a programmer
Self-destruct to follow.
The CASE statement is designed for coding
multiple choices in a program, such as a menu of
several options where the user will enter
CASE MenuChoice OF

one choice.
1: Do this thing
Can you see how much clearer this chunk of
2: Do the other thing
code is than the nested-IF version above?
3: Self-destruct
Write You must choose 1, 2 or 3

Programming 7
There are three basic iteration (loop) constructs that you will learn when you program.
The FOR loop allows you to execute a group of steps a specified number of times. It is controlled by a loop
counter, which is automatically incremented each time around the loop.

Not all programming languages use

FOR count = 1 to 10 DO
next nnn but we normally use it in algorithms
Write count x 3 just to be really clear that count is incremented
NEXT count each time around the loop.

A REPEAT loop is controlled by a condition at the end of the loop. It will, therefore, always execute the
following steps at least once. Here is an example of an algorithm that uses a REPEAT loop:

count = 1
Write count x 3
count = count + 1
UNTIL count = 10

A WHILE loop is controlled by a condition at the start of the loop. It will, therefore, execute the following
steps zero or more times. This is important when you read from a file, for example, when you need to make
sure the file is not empty before you try to read from it. Here is an example of an algorithm that uses a
WHILE loop:
eof means End Of File

WHILE not eof(StudentFile) DO eof(StudentFile) checks if the file pointer is at

Read (StudentFile) the end of the file called StudentrFile.
Write surname,firstname,grade Not all programming languages use
END WHILE end while but we normally use it in algorithms
to be clear where the loop ends.

! For your information...

A condition is a boolean expression that

will be true or false at a particular point in
the program. Conditions are used to control
iteration and selection statements.

7 Programming

If we convert the flowchart from the previous section into pseudocode it would look something like this:

Input EmailAddress
IF EmailAddress contains @ THEN
HasAtSign = true
HasAtSign = False
Output error message
Clear text box

IF EmailAddress is not lowercase THEN

Convert to lowercase

Write EmailAddress to
Customer file

END of Program

In pseudocode you can use phrases like IF EmailAddress does not contain @ THEN...
At this stage a general statement is fine. When you write the actual code you will need to use the
appropriate string-handling function, for example:
If InString(variable,@)=0 THEN (returns 0 if @ not found in variable)
Notice that the pseudocode is indented like a real program. This is good practice and makes your algorithm
easier to follow. Also, get into the habit of naming items without spaces. For example, here weve used
EmailAddress. The PascalCase format (all words capitalised but no spaces) makes it easy to read and
means you dont need to use spaces or underscores.
You cannot use spaces in identifiers in any
programming language so dont use them in
! For you to find out...

your design. Investigate PascalCase, camelCase and

Hungarian notation. Which of these did you
use in the database unit when you named
components on your forms?

Programming 7

Programming languages

The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

explain the difference between high level code and machine code
explain the need for translators to convert high level code to machine code
describe the characteristics of an assembler, a compiler and an interpreter

In Chapter 4: Data Representation, we looked at how computers store instructions and data as binary.
Program code in binary is referred to as machine code and is known as the first generation of
programming languages.
To write code at the processor level we use assembly language, which is known as second generation
language. There are lots of different assembly languages; one for each different processor architecture. The
code is written using mnemonics, abbreviated text commands such as LDA (LOAD), STO (STORE), ADD.
Human beings find it easier to write programs in languages that are suited to the type of problem they are
trying to solve and that look more like normal languages. Third generation languages, otherwise known as
high level languages, were invented for this. There are lots of different programming languages to suit
different types of problem. For example, you might use Delphi to write a forms-based data processing
application but you might use Java to code web-based applets.

In statements:
High Level Rate:=3.02
of hardware 3rd Generation
Languages Used:=5672

In mnemonics:
Assembly LOAD #34
2nd Generation
Language ADD &4F3A
Language is
In binary:
1st Generation Machine Code 1010100011010101


7 Programming

Comparing high level languages and machine code

Features of the two types of languages can be compared as follows:

Machine Code High Level Languages

Processor specific: one instruction set per processor Portable: will work on different types of machine/
architecture, which wont work on another machine processor

Designed with hardware in mind Designed with a type of problem in mind

Machine code operations relate directly to

One high level program instruction will be translated
an assembly language command; one-to-one
into several machine code instructions

Translating programs into machine code

Whatever language a program is written in, it must be translated into machine code so it can run on the
processor. Translators are a type of system software (see Chapter 3: Software). There are three types of
translator program that do this:
High Level Compiler or
Convert assembly language into machine code. A simple
Languages Interpreter
conversion as every assembly language instruction is
translated into a single machine code instruction.
Assembly Code Assembler
Compilers and Interpreters:
Convert a high level programming language into machine
code. This is a more complex translation as a single
Machine Code
instruction can result in many machine code instructions.

A compiler translates a high level programming language into machine code. The machine code version is
then run by the computer. This compiled version doesnt need the original source code or the compiler in
order to run. When you buy commercial software you are buying an executable version called object code.

Programming 7
The benefit of using a compiler is that object code can be distributed to customers easily, without giving
them your valuable source code. If you distributed source code, the market could be flooded with illegally
copied and amended versions within days. (Some people are happy to share their code and deliberately
release their software as Open Source, see Chapter 3: Software).
The disadvantage is that any software problems that occur in the object code version are harder to diagnose.
An interpreter is an alternative way of translating high level programs. It translates and executes one line
at a time so it uses far less memory than a compiler. The interpreter is often used when software is being
developed as it is easy to pinpoint where there is an error in the code.
The disadvantage of interpretation is the speed of execution. Programs run much slower as every line has to
be translated first. No object code is created; the interpreter translates the program every time it is run. If,
for example, you have a loop in the program where instructions are executed several times, the interpreter
will translate them from scratch every time around the loop.
The table below compares compilers and interpreters:

Compiler Interpreter

Translates the whole program to produce the

Translates and executes one line at a time
executable object code

The object code is the version that the computer The source code is the version that the computer
runs runs

Faster run time because the program already in Slower run time because the program is translated
machine code every time it is run

Customers cannot see the actual code you wrote If you distributed source code with an interpreter
when you distribute the program then customers would have your actual code

Used for distributed software Used in development

7 Programming

Handling data in algorithms

The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

define the terms variable and constant as used in an imperative language
use variables and constants
describe the data types integer, real, Boolean, character and string
select and justify appropriate data types for a given program

In a program there are certain values that remain the same (constant) while the program runs. The
programmer could use the actual value in the code each time but it is considered good practice to give the
value a unique name (an identifier) and then use that name throughout the program. We declare constants
at the start of our programs and then refer to them as needed in the code. For example:

At the start of the program: CONST

VATRate = 0.2;

Later in the program code: SellPrice:=NetPrice*VATRate+NetPrice;

Please note, though, this does not mean that the constants value will never change during the lifetime of the
system! For example, the VAT rate will stay the same (constant) while the program runs in the shop each day
but, after the next budget, it may change. The value allocated to that constant will then need to be edited in
the program.
The two main benefits of declaring a constant are:
When its value changes, you only have to edit it in one place rather than looking for every place in the
program where you used that number.
The code will be easier to read and understand because the constants identifier will be used instead of a
number. This makes your code easier to debug and, later on, maintain.

Variables and data types

When a program runs it processes data, which must be stored in memory while the program is running.
We need to name these locations so we can refer to them in the program. As the program runs, the values
in these locations might change so they are called variables. For example: a variable called total might
change several times as many numbers are added to it. A variable called surname will hold different values
as the program processes a list of customer orders.

Programming 7
Each variable has an identifier (unique name) that refers to a location in memory where the data item will
be stored. Each variable also has a data type, which defines:
the type of data that will be stored at the memory location and therefore the operations that can be
performed on this data item (described later in this chapter)
how much space will be needed for that data item
We normally declare variables at the start of a program so when the program runs, the appropriate memory
can be reserved to store the data. The following is an example from a Delphi program:

num1, num2 :integer;
total :real;
choice :char;
username :string;
found :Boolean;

The word var tells the computer that variable declarations follow. The word to the left of the colon is the
variables identifier/name. The word to the right of the colon is the data type (see below).
The table below shows a list of data types and the typical amount of memory that each would need. Note
that the amount varies for different programming languages so an integer may need 2 bytes in one language
but 4 bytes in another.

Typical Amount
Data Type Type of Data
of Memory

Integer A whole number, such as 3, 45, -453 2 bytes

Real A number with a fractional part such as 34.456, -9.234 4 bytes

A single character, where a character can be any letter, digit,

Char 1 byte
punctuation mark or symbol that can be typed

Zero or more characters. A string can be null (empty), just one 1 byte per character in
character or several characters the string

Boolean A Boolean variable has the value True or False 1 byte*

*High level programming languages dont store anything in less than a byte.

7 Programming

Operations on common data types

The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

perform common operations on numeric and Boolean data

Operations are things you can do to specific types of data. For example, you can perform arithmetic
operations on numbers and you can perform string-handling operations on text.

Numerical data types:

Operations that can be performed on numerical data types are as follows:

Arithmetic operations Comparison operations

(give a numerical result) (give a boolean result: true or false)
eg: 25 + 3 = 28 eg: 456 > 34 is true
+ (addition) < (less than)
- (subtraction) > (greater than)
* (multiplication) <= (less than or equal to)
/ (division) >= (greater than or equal to)
DIV (integer division) <> (not equal to)
MOD (modulus) = (equal to)

When performing operations on data items you need to consider the data types used. For example, in a
simple calculation where two whole numbers are added together, variables could be defined as follows:

Num1, num2, total : integer;

But if the calculation involves division, then the answer variable must be declared as a real number:

Num1, num2 : integer;
answer : real;

The arithmetic operators DIV and MOD can only be performed on whole numbers (integers).
DIV is integer division. It works like normal division but returns the whole number of times one number goes
into the other. Here are some examples:
13 DIV 3 = 4 300 DIV 30 = 10 305 DIV 30 = 10
MOD gives the remainder of integer division as follows:
13 MOD 3 = 1 300 MOD 30 = 0 305 MOD 30 = 5

Programming 7
Boolean data type:
Boolean variables are either true or false. It makes no sense to perform mathematical operations on them
or to compare them to see which is greater. With boolean variables we use logical operators to create
boolean expressions. (Boolean expressions were used earlier to control loops, where we called them
conditions.) Logical operations you should know are:
Consider an estate agents program that searches through a file of house details to find ones that match a
customers requirements. In this case the customer wants a house or flat, but it must have more than three

IF (NumberOfRooms>3) AND ((type=House) OR (type=Flat)) THEN

Output details

Notice the extra set of brackets around the second half of the expression. AND takes precedence over OR so
without the extra brackets the program would return all the houses with more than three bedrooms as well
as any flats, whether they have more than three bedrooms or not.
The table below summarises the operations that can be performed on each data type.

Integer Real Boolean

Arithmetic operations
Arithmetic operations (but not DIV and MOD, which only
apply to whole numbers) Logical operations
Comparison operations
Comparison operations


The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

use one-dimensional arrays

Earlier in this chapter we talked about variables. If we were processing one or two specific data items, then
we would have a variable for each of these. For example, a program that adds two numbers together might
use variables called num1, num2 and total, all of type integer.

Often a program will process a number of data items of the same type; for example, a program processing
the results for 5,000 people who have run a marathon race, may need to sort and print these in order of their
race times. All the records need to be held in memory while the sorting is done.

7 Programming

We could use variables called ID1, Result1, ID2, Result2, ID3, Result3... ID5000, Result5000 to store the IDs
and times of each runner but most programming languages allow you to use an array to make processing
groups of data easier to code. An array is a group of data items of the same data type, which is stored under
one identifier (name) in contiguous (one after another) memory locations.

Simple (1-dimensional) array

This program processes 12 numbers using a simple array called numbers. Imagine a table with 1 row of 12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Each box in the table can contain an integer. Each box has a numerical reference called a subscript that is
used to refer to that individual data item. For example, the third box in this array is referred to as:


At the start of a program the array will be defined, just as you would a variable. In Delphi the array
declaration for the array shown above would look like this:

numbers : array [1..12] of integer;

The individual boxes in the array can be used just like variables:
Assign values to them: Numbers[4]=27
Input values to them from the keyboard or a file: Input numbers[4]
Output the value stored in a box to the screen or a file:
Output The fourth value is + numbers[4]

The benefits of using arrays are:

Code is easier to follow and therefore easier to debug and maintain.
A group of data items can be easily processed using a FOR loop.

When you process a group of data in an array you typically do
the same thing to each data item, so having them stored in For your information...
numbered locations makes this much easier and quicker
Some languages, such as Java and
to code.
C++, start numbering arrays at zero
The following algorithm gets 12 numbers from the user, adds rather than 1.
them up and outputs the total. Some languages use round brackets
such as numbers(3).

Programming 7
Initialise the variable total to zero at
total=0 the start
for loop = 1 to 12 do Each number the user types is stored
output Enter number +loop in the numbered location in the
input numbers[loop] array, based on the value of loop
total = total + numbers[loop] each time; loop=1 the first time,
next loop 2 the second time etc.
output Total is +total Refers to the current value of loop
to add a specific number to the total

The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

describe syntax errors and logic errors which may occur while developing a program
understand and identify syntax and logic errors

When you write a program in a high level programming language, a translator (compiler or interpreter, see
earlier in chapter) will scan each line of code and convert it into machine code. As you will already have
found out, programming is not as easy as it looks!

Firstly, it is very easy to make mistakes typing in the code, for example typing prnt instead of print.
These are syntax errors.
Secondly, once you have corrected all the syntax errors, the code may run but not do what you want. This
means there are logic errors in your program.

Syntax errors
The translator expects commands to have a certain format, called syntax, just like a sentence in English has
grammar rules. Syntax is a set of rules which define the format of each command. For example, in Delphi
you would define variables in the format:

VariableName : Datatype;

The compiler knows that this statement must have an identifier followed by a colon, followed by a
recognised data type and a semi-colon at the end.

In Visual Basic an IF statement must have this format: ! For your information...

IF x=10 THEN If you spell identifiers, such as

variable names, incorrectly this is
Grade=Pass not a problem, as long as you always
ELSE spell them wrong in the same way.

7 Programming

Without the correct key words the compiler will not be able to translate it into machine code and will give a
syntax error.
Some common syntax errors include:
Mistyping a key word: WRIET instead of WRITE
Missing key words out of constructs such as starting a REPEAT loop but not writing UNTIL anywhere
Opening brackets but not closing them
Not having the right number of parameters inside brackets for functions, for example:
Answer = round(TheNumber) will give a syntax error if the language expects another parameter
to state the number of decimal places: Answer = round(TheNumber,2)
A program will not compile or run if there are syntax errors.

Logic errors
Once the code is written correctly, with no syntax errors, the program will compile. The program can then
be run but just because the program will run does not mean that it is working correctly. Often when the
program is run it doesnt do quite what was expected. This is called a logic error.
Typical logic errors that you have probably coded already include:
Missing brackets from mathematical calculations:
NetPay = GrossPay - TaxFreePart x TaxRate
Is not the same as:
! For your information...

Remember BIDMAS?
NetPay =(GrossPay - TaxFreePart) x TaxRate
Brackets first, then multiply and
Loops that do not execute the correct number of times because divide and then add and subtract!
a condition states X>10 instead of X>=10.
Variables that have not been initialised, or have been initialised in the wrong place (often incorrectly
initialised inside the loop instead of just before it).
Flawed algorithms that just dont do what they were intended to do. Capturing all of the complexities
of real-life scenarios in code is difficult and users always manage to do something to the input that you
didnt cater for!
Often these logic errors are hard to spot. You should always do a visual check of output to check it isnt
ridiculous but you also need to do some systematic testing to make sure the program really does behave as
expected (see next section).

Programming 7

The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:
select and justify test data for a program, stating the expected outcome of each test

How do you know if your program really works? It may run and produce output but you need to check that
the output is as expected. If you made a spreadsheet that multiplied pounds by a conversion rate to get
dollars you would probably type in an easy number like 10 to see if the number of dollars looked right. We
test programs in a similar way. We decide on some sensible test values to put into the program to test that
the outputs are what we expect.

Planning how to test a program

A good way of planning your testing is to write down what sample data you will use to make sure the
program works correctly, whatever the input. This is a Test Plan. It is important that you think about this
before you write the program so you dont move the goalposts later. Remember, the aim of testing is to try
and identify, for example, errors in calculations or user input which the program cannot handle, not to prove
that the program usually works correctly.
You can formalise your plan by using a table with the following headings:

Test purpose Test data Expected outcome Actual outcome

The first three columns are part of the design and planning stage and the final column is completed when
you test the finished program.
If numbers or dates are being entered by the user then you should use test data that checks both ends of
the allowed range as well as data that should not be allowed, just outside this range. This is known as testing
boundary data or extremes.

! For your information...

0 1 to 10 11
The term extremes doesnt mean
extremely big or extremely small
Allowed range of but refers to the extremes of the
range, the smallest and largest
input values
values allowed.

The test plan for testing this validation would look like the one shown over page.

7 Programming

Test purpose Test data Expected outcome

1 Check user can only enter 1

Input is accepted
number between 1 and 10 (lowest valid number)

2 Check user can only enter 10

Input is accepted
number between 1 and 10 (highest valid number)

3 Check user can only enter 0 Error message is displayed and user
number between 1 and 10 (not allowed) is asked to enter number again

4 Check user can only enter 11 Error message is displayed and user
number between 1 and 10 (not allowed) is asked to enter number again

5 Check user can only enter 5

Input accepted
number between 1 and 10 (typical number)

6 Check user can only enter Error message is displayed and user
(non-numerical entries not
number between 1 and 10 is asked to enter number again

If text is being entered, check what happens when you enter nothing or a string that is too long, as well as
the text you would expect to be accepted.

Test purpose Test data Expected outcome

7 Check user password works User allowed to continue
(correct password)

8 Check user password works Input is accepted
(correct password)

Error message is displayed and user

9 Check user password works
(no password) is asked to enter number again

Programming 7

IDE tools

The OCR Specification says that you should be able to:

describe common tools and facilities available in an integrated development environment (IDE):
editors, error diagnostics, run-time environment, translators, auto-documentation

When you create a program you will be using a software package that helps you write the code more easily.
This is called an Integrated Development Environment or IDE.
The screenshot below shows the form design view in the Delphi 2007 IDE. The key features labeled are
common to most IDEs.
An overview of the program files
that make up a project. A project
may consist of many different
forms, all connected together.

A WYSIWYG view of the form Tabs to toggle this view A palette of components that can
being designed. The developer and the code view. be put on the form such as text
can drag and drop components boxes and buttons.
(Code view on next page)
onto this form.

7 Programming

Editing environment
When you write the code the IDE will provide helpful features in the editing environment such as
colour-coding key words, numbering the lines and even auto-completing constructs for you.

The line numbers make it easy to see which bit of code an error message relates to. The auto-completion
of constructs reduces errors such as missing ends or starting a repeat loop and forgetting the
until part.

Run-time environment
When you run the program the IDE will provide the translator needed to run the program, in this case a
compiler. The screen and the feedback you see when you try to run the program are provided by the
run-time environment.
When you try to compile the program the IDE will generate error messages in a diagnostics window. Notice
how the IDE has highlighted the line in red. This is the line causing the error and the message below that says,
Undeclared identifier Out is because the words Not Out should be in quote marks in the code.

Programming 7

As well as assisting the programmer with error messages there are other debugging tools that allow the
programmer to stop the program running at a certain line (called a breakpoint) and allows them to check
the values of certain variables. This is a very useful debugging tool.

Breakpoint on line 21 (red dot).

When the program runs it will stop here.
At line 23 the programmer can see that the
variable choice has the value 3
This is where execution has reached

In this case there is a breakpoint at line 21 so the programmer can then step through the program one line at
a time. The programmer can hover over a variable to see what value it has. Here you can see that choice
has the value 3. Sometimes the value isnt what youd expect.

When the code has been written it must be translated into machine code before it can run. An IDE
includes the translators that will either compile or interpret the code, as required (see earlier in chapter,
for an explanation of the different translators). The compiler will check the syntax and report any errors.
The program will compile fully once all the syntax errors have been removed, and convert the high-level
programming code into machine code. The program shown on the next page will not run because there is a
syntax error on line 18.

7 Programming

When a developer writes a program, it is good practice to use comments in the code. The compiler
recognises comment lines because they start with a special symbol. For example:
// This is a comment in a Delphi program
This is a comment in a Visual Basic program
<!-- This is a comment in HTML -->
These comments can then be used to create program documentation automatically.
The IDE takes a note of all the variables, modules and sub-routines as the project is developed. The compiler
uses this data along with the developers comments to generate a text file that can be the basis of the
programmers technical documentation. Technical documentation is important for program maintenance.

Programming 7

Glossary of Terms

Algorithm A series of steps to solve a problem. Can be expressed in structured English,
pseudocode or as a flowchart (also called flow diagram).
Flowchart/Flow Diagram A diagram using commonly defined symbols to express an algorithm.
Structured English A way of writing an algorithm in natural language using some basic programming
constructs such as IFTHENELSE and loops. More structured than just natural
Pseudocode A way of writing an algorithm that is close to actual programming language, using
coding-style constructs such as IFTHENELSE, loops and array notation as
Hungarian Notation The convention of prefixing identifiers to indicate what type of object they are.
Commonly used with forms where, for example the prefix txt might indicate a
textbox and lst might prefix a list box. The prefix is conventionally in lowercase.
camelCase The use of capital letters in an identifier to make them more readable. With
camelCase the first word is not capitalised:
txtCustomer, lstCounty, frmAddCustomer, btnSubmit
PascalCase The use of capital letters in an identifier to make it more readable. For example,
variable and procedure identifiers:
StudentNumber, ProductID, StartPoint, CalcTotal
Sequence Where instructions are executed one after another in series.
Selection Where the program will execute certain instructions based on conditions. Selection
statements include: IFTHENELSE and CASE...OF to select which commands to
Iteration Where a program will execute a group of instructions zero or more times
based on a condition. FOR loops will execute instructions a specific number of
times, REPEATUNTIL loops one or more times and WHILEDO loops zero or
more times.
Condition A boolean expression that controls an iteration or selection statement. For
example, REPEATUNTIL X=10, where X=10 is the condition.
Boolean Expression An expression that is true or false. For example: continue=Y
Expressions can be more complex, containing several parts:
((continue=Y) or (continue=y))and (tries<10)

7 Programming

Programming languages
High Level A programming language where programming constructs are written in a way
Programming that is close to natural language instead of in mnemonics or machine code. For
Language example, Delphi, Pascal, Visual Basic, Java, C++.
Imperative Language Programming language such as Python or Delphi which uses a sequence of
statements to determine how to reach a certain goal or solve a problem.
Assembly Language Second generation programming language where instructions are in the form of
Mnemonics Abbreviations representing commands used in assembly language programming.
For example, LDA, STO, ADX.
Machine Code First generation code; binary instructions where some bits are used to define the
operation (called the opcode) and some bits define the data to be used.
Translator The piece of systems software used to convert different programming languages
into machine code. Three types: assembler, interpreter and compiler.
Interpreter A translator that converts high level languages into machine code one line at a
time, checking syntax, converting to machine code and executing the code.
Compiler A translator that converts high level languages into machine code. Works through
the whole program (source code) checking the syntax, then converting to machine
code and creating the executable object code, which can be saved. The object code
is executed, not the source code.
Source Code The original high level program.
Object Code The executable version of the program after it has been compiled.
Assembler The translator that converts assembly language programs into machine code.

Handling Data in Algorithms

Identifier A unique name for something (variable, constant, program, procedure etc.) within
the program.
Constant A named value within a program that has a specific value. Its value does not
change while the program is running.
Variable An identifier associated with a particular memory location, used to store data. Its
value may change as the program is run and new values are assigned to it.
Data Type A formal description of the type of data being stored in a variable. It defines the
amount of memory required and the type of operations that can be performed on
that variable. Typical data types include Integer, real, string, boolean
Integer Data type for whole numbers. Typically uses 2 bytes.
Real Data type for fractional numbers. Typically uses 4 bytes.

Programming 7
Char Data type for a single character. Typically uses 1 byte.
String Data type for text, zero or more characters. Typically uses 1 byte per character.
Boolean True or false. Typically uses 1 byte.
Operations The actions that can be performed on a variable.
Arithmetic Operations Add, subtract, multiply, divide, integer division (DIV) and modulus (MOD)
Comparison Operations = < > <= >= <>
Logical Operators NOT AND OR
Boolean Expressions Expressions that resolve to true or false such as X<=20
Array A group of data items of the same data type that use a single identifier. Individual
data items are accessed using a subscript.

Errors and testing

Syntax A set of rules that defines how program statements must be written in order for
the translator to understand them.
Syntax Errors An error in the format of the program statements such as missing semicolons or
keywords spelt incorrectly.
Logic Errors An error in the algorithm that means the outcome is not as expected, even though
the program will run.
Valid Data Data that should be allowed by the program. For example, if a range of 1 to 10 is
allowed, then valid data will be any number between 1 and 10 inclusive.
Invalid Data Data that is not valid and should be rejected by the program. For example, if a
range of 1 to 10 is allowed, then invalid data will include abc, -251, 0, and 11
Boundary Data Data either side of the range extremes. For example in a range of 1 to 10 boundary
data will include 0, 1, 10 and 11

7 Programming

Past Exam Questions

June 2013, Question 7

1 Julie is writing a computer game that simulates a 100m race. Each time the space bar is pressed,
the position of the player moves up by 1. When the position reaches 100, the player has won.

Here is Julies algorithm for the program.

CONST PlayerKey =
Position = 0
INPUT KeyPressed
IF KeyPressed = PlayerKey THEN
Position = Position + 1
UNTIL Position = 100

(a) State an example of a constant and a variable in the algorithm above. [2]

(b) State what is meant by selection and iteration using examples from Julies algorithm. [4]

(c) To make the game more interesting, Julie changes the rules. Each time the spacebar is
pressed, the position of the player will now move up by a random number.

State two changes that need to be made to include this new rule. Justify each change. [4]

June 2013, Question 10

2 An isosceles triangle is a triangle that has at least two equal length sides. The diagram below
shows examples of isosceles triangles. In each diagram the marked sides are equal.

Write an algorithm for a computer program that determines whether a triangle is an

isosceles triangle.

The user inputs the lengths of the three sides as Length1, Length2 and Length3

If any two sides have the same length the program outputs Isosceles

Otherwise the program outputs Not Isosceles [5]

Programming 7

Jan 2013, Question 9

3 Charley is writing a program for music students. To make sure that there are no logic
errors in the program, Charley uses a test plan.
(a) Describe what is meant by a logic error. [2]
(b) The program uses the letters in the following list to represent musical notes.
When the user inputs a letter from this list, the program outputs the next three notes
in the list. If it gets to the end of the list, it starts again from the beginning, so the
next note after B is C.
Complete the test plan below by stating, for each input data, the expected outcome
and a reason for the test. [6]

Input Data Expected outcome Reason for test

Answers to Exam Questions

Appendix: Answers to Exam Questions

These answers are good responses to the question that cover the mark scheme but probably give more
detail than absolutely necessary you want to make sure you get the marks so dont be too minimalist.
Hints and tips on how to approach answers are in the grey boxes like this:

When you answer the questions you dont know what the mark scheme is going to say you have
to give all the information that is relevant in clear and concise phrases. Notice how many marks
there are; if it is a 2 mark question try to make three specific points in response

Answering Longer Exam Questions

With questions worth more than one mark it is important to make sure you answer the question fully.
This is a method that may help you. Its called BUMP.
Box the keywords that say what you have to do, e.g. State , Describe , Explain
Underline the bit you have to do it to, e.g. Describe advantages of using a computer system.
Make sure there isnt another bit to the question, e.g. and the need for this system to be reliable.
Plan your answer, dont just start writing.
And remember, in Computing you can use headings, bullet points, diagrams, tables, etc. You dont
have to write complete sentences in paragraphs like an essay. Pick the best method to communicate
effectively. For example, for an algorithm this may be pseudocode or a flowchart.

Chapter 1: Fundamentals Of Computer Systems

June 2011, Question 1 (part question)

1 (a) Storage device: Hardware that is used to store files/data
long term, non-volatile, data stored in binary. E.g. Hard disk
Input device: Hardware that is used to enter data into the computer, takes real-world data
and converts it into a digital form that can be stored on a computer. E.g. keyboard, sensor
Output device: Hardware that presents the results of processing to the user or actuators
that perform a task automatically. E.g. monitor
Define and give an example

Jan 2012, Question 1

2 (a) text document: kilobyte, movie clip: megabyte, Make sure you use one of the
surname: byte words given in the question [3]
(b) 1 terabyte = 1024 gigabytes, 2 terabytes = 1024 x 2 = 2048 gigabytes [2]

Answers to Exam Questions

Jan 2013, Question 7

3 Advantages of using a computer system: Use headings to make it obvious
that you have addressed
A program will be fairer not subject to human bias
everything in the question
Can implement an algorithm consistently
Wont forget some patients
Can have same software in more than one place Use bullet points to write less
Will be able to look back at how the A&E performed but say more - this is not an
over time essay

Has to be reliable because:

Lives may be at stake if some patients are not seen quickly enough
If there is a system failure no one will know who is next could take a while to sort it out
and may lose some data on performance [6]

Chapter 2: Hardware

Jan 2012, Question 8

1 (a) Stores programs that are running
Stores data being used by the programs that are running [2]
(b) (i) When part of the hard disk is used as an extension of main memory (RAM) to store
parts of files that are not currently being executed. Sections are moved into
main memory when needed. [2]
(ii) To allow more programs to be run at the same time when there isnt enough
main memory to hold them all. [1]
(iii) Main memory has a faster access speed than virtual memory.
More main memory means that more programs fit in main memory... virtual memory will be accessed less frequently...
...and programs will run faster. [2]

June 2012, Question 7

2 (a) Any two of the following:
Fetches instructions from the main memory
You must use the correct
Fetches data from main memory
technical terms, information
Decodes instructions or programs, is not correct
Executes instructions

Answers to Exam Questions

(b) Clock speed:

The higher the clock speed the more fetch-execute cycles per second... more instructions are processed per second... the CPU performance is faster A good approach to this [2]
question is to state a fact and
what the implication is
Cache size:
Cache has a faster access speed than main memory.
More cache means that the CPU spends less time accessing main memory, programs will run faster. [2]

Jan 2013, Question 3

3 (a) 0 NOT 1 AND 0 [2]

(b) p q (NOT p) AND q

0 0 0 Only use 1 or 0 in a truth table,
1 0 0 not ticks and crosses or true and
0 1 1 false!
1 1 0 [3]

The columns for p and q must show all

the possible combinations of values,
the order does not matter

Chapter 3: Software

June 2011, Question 5

1 (a) Antivirus: Scans the computer periodically. If a virus does install itself, it detects and removes it.
Prevents harmful programs being installed and important files being changed. [2]
(b) Disk defragmenter: Optimises the use of the hard disk space by collecting together the
separate parts of each file in one location on the disk. Also groups together the free space
so newly saved files do not have to be split up. Speeds up file access time. [2]

These are pretty much the

definitions given in the glossary.
Two marks so make sure you say

Answers to Exam Questions

Jan 2012, Question 2

2 (a) To allow multiple programs to run on a single CPU. They appear to be running at the same
time but they are sharing the processor and main memory. [2]
(b) Any two of:
Providing a user interface
Providing a platform for applications
You would not get a mark for
Memory management multi-tasking because the
File/disk management question asks for two other
Peripheral management features [2]

June 2013, Question 9

3 (a) Off-the-shelf software is available for anyone to buy and use.
Custom software is written for a specific customer, in this case the school. [2]
(b) Proprietary software is distributed as an executable file, without source code.
Open source software is distributed with its source code.
Proprietary software cannot be altered.
Open source software can be modified (provided it remains open source). [2]

When discussing a difference you need to

state it from both sides. Not just state half of the
answer and assume the difference is inferred

Chapter 4: Data Representation in Computers

June 2013, Question 5

1 (a) (i) 64+32+8+1=105
(ii) 154=128+16+8+2 so binary is 10011010 [2]
(b) (i) 9 7 B [3]
(ii) Because 4 bits are represented by 1 hex digit it is easy to convert
and much easier for engineers to remember and type in correctly.
Less likely to make a mistake. [2]

Answers to Exam Questions

June 2012, Question 6

2 (a) 0011 0111 [2]
(b) 37 (3 x 16 + 7) [2]

Jan 2012, Question 5

3 (a) (5)
Must be Need not
included be included
The names of the people in the picture
The width of the picture in pixels
The number of bits used for each pixel
The number of people in the picture
The colour of each pixel

(b) (i) The number of pixels in an image expressed as

the-number-of-pixels-across x the-number-of-pixels-down e.g. 400 x 600.
Effectively this describes the pixel density. [1]
(ii) Higher resolution means more pixels are needed,
which will increase the size of the image file. [2]

Jan 2013, Question 6

4 (i) The height of the sound wave is measured at regular intervals.
The numbers are converted to binary and stored as a sound file. [2]
(ii) If the interval is smaller then there will be more samples taken over the same period of time,
so the file will be bigger
but the sound will be stored more accurately. Make sure you mention the
The reproduced sound will be better quality. effects on file size and quality [3]

Answers to Exam Questions

Chapter 5: Databases

June 2011, Question 2

1 (a) DBMS = Database Management System
Provides separation between applications and the data
Allows you to:
create related tables So much you could say here. Be concise but make
input data with forms sure you list more than three thing
query the data
get reports If the question uses initials, such as DBMS, then
Provides security for the data. always state what they stand for to start with! [3]
(b) Forms:
A screen used for data input and editing.
User can use controls to enter data as well as type it in e.g. combo boxes and check boxes.
Data entered is saved to the database.
The grocery shop may have a form to enter new products.
Reports: Dont forget to give
the example from the
A snapshot in time of the data from a database for printing
shop database
formatted on a page in a way that makes it information.
May be grouped or sorted and have totals
The grocery shop may print a weekly sales report. [6]
(c) (i) Supplier = Killeys: 0003, 0006 [1]
Price > 1.00 OR Supplier = Hill Farm: 0001, 0002, 0004, 0008 [3]

For the second part you get 1 mark if 0001, 0002, 0004 are all in answer, 1 mark if 0002 and 0008
are in answer and 1 mark if 0002 is not repeated and there are no extra answer

(ii) Discontinued = False AND QuantityLeft < ReorderLevel [3]

Answers to Exam Questions

June 2012, Question 9

2 (a) Database Management System [1]

(b) BUMP the question to make sure you answer both halves:
Describe the features of a DBMS that can be used to create customised data handling
applications and explain why using a DBMS is desirable.

Tools for creating the database structure e.g. creating tables, relationships, queries
Provides application and data independence
Can create forms to manage data input and data validation
Can create queries to select certain data and reports to display it in a meaningful way
Tools to control access to the data access rights and security

Use headings so it is obvious that you

Why desirable: have addressed the whole question
The application provides a tailored view of the data for the user
User doesnt have to be an expert in using databases
Separating application and data means the data can be accessed separately by different
applications for different people e.g. accounts department and sales staff will use it differently
Security protects the data only gives
Use bullet points to write less but say
access to people who need it
more - this is not an essay

Jan 2013, Question 11

3. (a) A persistent, organised store of data. [2]
(b) Email address must contain an @ symbol You must describe actual validation, not
Gender must be Male or Female just name a type of validation such as
Password must be at least 6 characters long length check [3]
(c) A user can upload more than one picture.
If they were not in separate tables you would have to store the user details for every
picture data redundancy.
Separate tables means no data redundancy as user details are just stored once per user.
No redundancy minimises data inconsistency.
Tables are linked with a relationship between key fields primary key in USER is UserID
and will also be the foreign key in PICTURE. [4]

4 marks so BUMP the question to make sure you answer both halves. It would be easy to forget
to say how the tables are linked

Answers to Exam Questions

Chapter 6: Communications and Networking

June 2011, Question 3

1 (a) (i) Hypertext Markup Language
A programming language used to define the content and layout for a web page using tags.
Tags used to show text paragraphs, images to be included and hyperlinks to other pages [2]
(ii) Important to have a standard language for all web pages so they can be displayed in
different browsers correctly. [2]
(b) [5]

File File Format

A high resolution image of the band to use as a desktop background. JPG

Sheet music of their songs ready to be printed in the correct format
for guitar players.
A short video extract from their latest concert tour. MPEG
A compressed collection of 200 plain text files containing the lyrics of
all their songs.
An audio recording of a song from their album. MP3

(c) (i) Reduces the size of the file so... reduces the time taken to download it. [2]
(ii) Lossless: no data is lost in the compression process so the uncompressed file contains
the same data as the original.
eg: a text file where all data is vital
Lossy: some non-essential data is removed in the compression process so the uncompressed
file will contain less data than the original.
eg: reducing the resolution of a picture that will be used as a thumbnail [4]

You must give examples to get all

the marks

Answers to Exam Questions

Jan 2012, Question 4

2 (a) Many people think the Internet and the World Wide Web are the same thing. In fact the [3]
Internet is the physical network and the Web is one of several services that use this network

True False

The internet is the same as the World Wide Web

The internet is a Local Area Network
The internet is a network between many networks

(b) How DNS servers are used:

You type a URL into the browser
The local DNS server looks up the URL in its database
DNS server returns the IP address for that URL or
If it does not have that URL listed it forwards it to another DNS server to get the address
In this way DNS servers are constantly being updated by other DNS servers
The address of any URL can be found on a DNS server somewhere
People do not need to remember IP addresses
If the addresses change it is easy to upgrade domain name stays the same
By connecting to any DNS server you can have access to any address [6]

Keep your response concise - use headings and

bullet points to write less but say more

June 2012, Question 2

3 (a) Bus [1]
(b) Router [1]
(c) File server: storing files that other workstations can access
Email server: storing and managing emails for the users on the network
Print server: making printers on the network into shared resources [3]
(d) All devices have equal status on the network rather than specialised roles.
There are no servers controlling the network.
Computers can access files on other computers if access rights have been granted. [2]

Answers to Exam Questions

Chapter 7: Programming

June 2013, Question 7

1 (a) Constant: PlayerKey Variable: Position or KeyPressed [2]
(b) Selection: Where the program will execute certain instructions based on a condition.
e.g. position is only incremented if KeyPressed = PlayerKey is true
Iteration: Where a program executes a group of instructions zero or more times based on
a condition or for a fixed number of times.
eg: the program keeps processing the instructions in the Repeat loop until Position =100 [4]

You must give examples from the program given to get all the marks

(c) Change Position = Position + 1 to Position = Position + random(4) to add a random

number between 1 and 4 to Position.
Change until Position = 100 to until Position >= 100 because Position is not going up
by just 1 now, it may skip from 99 to 101 and never be exactly 100. [4]

June 2013, Question 10

2 INPUT Length1 [5]
INPUT Length2
INPUT Length3
IF Length1 = Length2 Make sure you output the exact
THEN words you are told in the question!
Output Isosceles
IF Length1 = Length3 THEN A nested if statement is one approach here. You
Output Isosceles
need to see if side 1 is the same as side 2. If not
IF Length2 = Length 3 THEN you check if side 1 is the same as side 3. If neither
Output Isosceles of these is true, perhaps side 2 equals side 3?
OUTPUT Not Isosceles An alternative is one if statement with a more
END IF complex condition:
END IF IF (Length1 = Length2) OR (Length1 = Length3)
END IF OR (Length2 = Length3) THEN

Indent your constructs in algorithms. It makes it easier to read so youll be less likely to
miss an END IF

If the Quality of Written Communication is being assessed for an algorithm,

meaningful identifiers and indenting will be necessary to get in the top mark band

Answers to Exam Questions

Jan 2013, Question 9

3 (a) The program will run but an error in the algorithm means that the program does not output
the expected result. E.g. a loop doesnt execute the right number of times because the
condition is coded incorrectly. [2]
(b) [6]

Input Data Expected outcome Reason for test

Checks that the next three letters are

output correctly

Checks that it goes back to the start of

the list

Checks that it outputs an error if the user

H Error message inputs a letter that isnt in the list an
invalid note


acceptable use policy 102, 108 central processing unit 9, 29 digital 61, 107
access rights 100 centralised management 82 disaster recovery 3, 7, 101
actuator 1, 23 char 137 disk
ADC. See analogue-to-digital converter character set 54, 60 defragmentation 40
address 46 clients 86 defragmenter 46
IP 91 client-server 106 organisation utilities 40
MAC 90 network 86 DNS. See domain name system
algorithm 112, 126, 135 clock speed 10, 29 DNS server 92
amplitude 57 colour depth 56, 61, 103 document file types 104
analogue 61, 107 command-line interface 37, 46 domain name system 92, 108
analogue-to-digital converter 57, 61 communication 82 dot-matrix printer 23
AND 28, 75 comparison operations 137 dual-core 11, 29
antivirus software 38, 46 compiler 62, 120, 121, 136 durability 14
application software 42, 45 compression 109 EBCDIC 54, 60
archiving 101 lossless 103 editing environment 132
arithmetic operations 137 lossy 103 embedded computer 2
array 125, 137 computer encryption 100, 108
ASCII 54, 60 embedded 2 entity 70, 78
assembler 120, 136 system 1, 7 environmental considerations 6
assembly language 136 system reliability 2 ethical considerations 5
audio condition 135 existence check 73
file types 104 constant 122, 136 failover 102, 108
auto-documentation 134 Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 4, 5 fault-tolerant 102, 108
automatic update 46 CPU. See central processing unit features 14
availability 7 criteria 75 Federation Against Software Theft 4
backup 108 CRT. See cathode ray tube fetch-execute cycle 10, 29
and restore, 101 CSS. See cascading style sheet field 66, 78
barcode scanner, 20 customising 76 file
benefits of networking, 82 custom-written software 44, 47 management 47
binary, 49, 60 data transfer 47
logic 26, 28 duplication 67, 70, 78 transfer and management 40
bit 49, 60 inconsistency 67, 78 firewall 39, 46
bitmap 105 redundancy 70, 78 flash memory 17, 30
image 61, 103 separation 67 flat file 69, 78
boolean views 68 flow diagram 113, 135
data type 26 Data Protection Act 5 flowchart 113, 135
expression 26, 30, 135, 137 data type 123, 136 foot-operated mouse 21
variables 26 boolean 123, 125 FOR loop 117
boot 13 char 123 foreign key 72, 78
bootstrap loader 13, 30 integer 123 form 72, 79
boundary data 137 real 123 format check 73
braille printer 23 string 123 formatting 47
broadband 94, 107 database freeware 43, 47
bus 106 definition 65, 78 GHz. See gigahertz
network 83 database management system 68, 72, 78 GIF. See graphic interchange format
byte 49, 60 features 68 gigabyte 49, 60
cache 9, 29 DBMS. See Database Management System gigahertz 10
camelCase 135 de facto standard 3, 4 graphic
capacity 14 decimal 60 bitmap 61
cascading style sheet 96, 108 decision box 113 vector 56
CASE statement 115 defragmentation 40 graphic interchange format 105
cathode ray tube 22 denary 50, 60 graphical user interface 37, 46


GUI. See graphical user interface library peer-to-peer 86

hardware 1, 7 programs 33 policies 101
HCI. See human-computer interface software 45 ring 84
Health and Safety at Work Act 5 licence 47 security 99
Hertz 10 light-emitting diodes 23 star 84
hexadecimal 53, 60 local area network 82 topologies 83
high level language 62, 112, 119, 136 logic wide area 88
HTML. See hypertext markup language diagram 30 network interface card 85, 106
HTTP. See hypertext transfer protocol error 127, 128, 137 nibble 49, 60
HTTPS 100, 107 gates 28 NIC. See network interface card
hub 106 logical operators 30, 75, 79, 137 non-volatile memory 30
human-computer interface 45 lossless compression 103, 109 NOT 28, 75
Hungarian notation 135 lossy compression 103, 109 object code 120, 136
hypertext markup language 96, 108 MAC address 90, 107 OCR. See optical character recognition
hypertext transfer protocol 92, 107 machine code 62, 119, 136 off-the-shelf software 43, 47
IDE. See Integrated Development magnetic media 15, 30 OMR. See optical mark recognition
Environment main memory 29 opcode 58, 59, 62
identifier 71, 136 maintenance utilities 41 open source 4, 47
IFTHENELSE 115 man-machine interface 45 software 43
image mean time between failure 2, 7 operand 59, 62
file types 103 megabyte 49, 60 operating system 45
immediate access store 13 megahertz 10 operation 137
impact printer 23 memory 12 arithmetic 124
imperative language 115, 136 flash 17, 30 comparison 124
inkjet printer 22 management 34, 45 optical
input device 1, 7 non-volatile 30 character recognition 20
instruction set 58, 62 primary 13 mark recognition 20
integer 136 secondary 13, 30 storage media 16, 30
Integrated Development solid-state 17, 30 OR 28, 75
Environment 131
technologies 18 output device 1, 7
virtual 13, 30 overflow 60
command-line 37
volatile 30 packets 90, 93, 107
graphical user 37
message 107 PascalCase 118, 135
user 37
metadata 56, 61 password protection 100
Internet 91, 107
MHz. See megahertz PDF. See Portable Document Format
Protocol 91
microphone 21 peer-to-peer 106
interpreter 120, 121, 136
MMI 46 network 86, 87
invalid data 137
mnemonics 119, 136 pen drive 30
IP. See Internet Protocol
modem 94, 107 peripheral 35, 45
address 91, 107
module 76 management 35, 45
iteration 117, 135
monitor 22 persistent storage 65, 78
joystick 20
mouse 20 pixel 56, 61
JPEG 103, 105
MP3 104, 105 PNG. See portable network graphic
keyboard 19
MPEG 105 point of sale (POS) 24
specialised 21
MTBF. See mean time between failure portability 14
kilobyte 49, 60
multi-core processor 11 Portable Document Format 104, 105
LAN See local area network 106
multi-tasking 35, 45 portable network graphic 105
laser printer 22
network presence check 73
LEDs. See light-emitting diodes
bus 83 primary key 71, 78
legal considerations 5
client-server 86 primary memory 13
length check 73
local area 82


printer sensors 21 translator 33, 45, 120, 133, 136

braille 23 temperature 21 truth table 27, 30
dot-matrix 23 sequence 115, 135 type check 73
impact 23 server 85 Unicode 54, 60
laser 22 sharing resources 82 user
process 46, 113 sip-and-puff switches 21 access levels 108
processor 29 software 7, 33, 45 interface 37, 45
professional standards antivirus 38 utilities 33
in documentation 4 application 42 utility programs 38, 42, 45
in system development 3 applications 33 valid data 137
program-data independence 68, 78 custom-written 44 validation 76, 79
programming languages freeware 43 checks 72, 73
first generation 119 off-the-shelf 43 variable 122, 136
second generation 119 open source 43 VBA 76
third generation 119 proprietary 43 vector graphic 56, 61
proprietary software 43, 47 system 33 verification 73, 79
protocol 89, 107 solid-state memory 17, 30 video
pseudocode 114, 118, 135 sound file types 104
QBE. See Query By Example quality 57 views 68, 78
quad-core 11, 29 synthesis 57 virtual memory 13, 30
query 74, 79 waves 57 virus 38, 46
Query By Example 74 source code 120, 136 Visual Basic for Applications 76
quicktime 105 speakers 22 volatile memory 13, 30
RAM. See random access memory spyware 46 WAN. See wide area network
random access memory 12, 30 protection 39 waterfall model 4
range check 73 star network 84, 106 web servers 91
Rapid Application Development 4 storage 1 WHILE loop 117
read only memory 13, 30 device 7 wide area network 88, 106
real 136 media capacity 18 WIMP 37, 46
record 66, 78 string 137 Windows Media Player 105
redundancy 3, 7, 70 structured English 135 wireless access point 106
redundant 102, 108 switch 85, 106 WWW 107
related tables 71 syntax 137
relational database 70, 78 syntax error 127, 128, 137
relationship 70, 71, 79 system
reliability 7, 14 availability 2
measuring 2 buses 29
REPEAT loop 117 cleanup 46
report 75 cleanup tools 42
resolution 56, 61 diagnosis 46
ring network 84, 106 software 33, 45
ROM. See read only memory table 70, 78
router 91, 94, 107 tags 108
run-time environment 132 terabyte 49, 60
sample terminator 113
interval 57, 61 test plan 129
rate 61 testing 129
resolution 57, 61 TFT 22
secondary memory 13, 30 thermistor 1, 21
security 36, 45, 99 topology 106
selection 115, 135 touch screen 20

Cover picture Starting point 2007
Oil on aluminium 51 x 51 cm
By Katherine Palmers-Needham

Computing (OCR)
Computer Systems and Programming
3rd edition
This popular textbook, now in its third edition, has been redesigned and brought up to date
with new content and an index for easy reference. Aimed at GCSE students, it provides
comprehensive yet concise coverage of all the topics covered in Unit A451: Computer Systems
and Programming of the OCR GCSE Computing Specification J275, written and presented in a
way that is accessible to teenagers.
It will be invaluable both as a course text and as a revision guide for students nearing the end
of their course. It is divided into seven chapters corresponding to the seven sections of the
specification, each ending with a Glossary of terms and exam questions from past OCR GCSE
papers. Answers to all questions, with hints and tips on how to tackle questions, are given at
the end of the book.
The book is also available as a downloadable PDF, sold as a lifetime site licence to schools.
This PDF may be loaded onto the schools private network or VLE.
To accompany this textbook, PG Online also publishes a series of seven downloadable
teaching units. Each lesson in a unit consists of a PowerPoint presentation, teachers notes,
worksheets to be completed during the lesson and homework sheets with exam-style
questions. These units are sold as a lifetime site licence and may be loaded onto the schools
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For more information on the PDF version of the book and the teaching units, please visit

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