AdvancedGridLabelsHelp Enu PDF
AdvancedGridLabelsHelp Enu PDF
AdvancedGridLabelsHelp Enu PDF
2. System requirements
Tekla Structures version: 18.0
.NET Framework version: 4.0
Environments: Non-imperial
Language: German, English
3. Installation
To install the plug-in:
1. Close Tekla Structures.
2. Install the application using the 32bit (x86) or 64bit installation package.
4. Usage
4.1. Setup
To use the plug-in:
1. Open Tekla Structures. Open a drawing to get into the drawing environment. You
should see a new toolbar in the top left corner.
2. If you dont see a new toolbar, you can add the plug-in manually to an existing toolbar.
To add the command to an existing toolbar, please double-click on the icon
Customize or go to Tools > Customize .
3. Enter Create AdvancedGridLabels in the filter. Select the toolbar where you want the
icon to be created in and push the arrow to the right.
1. With a double click on the Advanced Grid Label icon, you open the dialog box.
Property Description
Use settings from Here you can define where the settings are taking
from. You have the option to inherit the settings from
the grid or you define the settings yourself inside the
User Interface.
Frame type Here you can select the type of the frame. You can
select out of 4 options.
Option 1: Circle and grid label at the bottom
Achsbezeichnung Text The additional text can be defined directly in the UDA
field of the grid itself.
The UDA is using the variable "GRID_TEXT"
/* Grid attributes */
unique_attribute("GRID_TEXT", "Achsbezeichnung", string, "%s",
no, none, "0.0", "0.0")
value("", 0)
Grid label placing Here you can define which grid labels will be shown
and in which distance to the grid.
Text Here you can define the looks of the grid labels (Color,
Height and Font).
6. Result
This could be a result of the tool
7. Additional information
- There is no check if the user is trying to create the same grid labels twice for the same grid.
This function is available in Version 18.0 and newer. So please avoid double creation in
Version 17.0.
- Grid labels cannot be changed if following situation comes true
o One of the grid labels on this grid has the height 0.
o If a view is placed inside another view which has a modified grid already.