Irregular Verbs Full List
Irregular Verbs Full List
Irregular Verbs Full List
To take Took Taken Coger, tomar I took the book from you.
To teach Taught Taught Ensear He taught me the verbs.
To tear Tore Torn Rasgar I tore those papers.
To tell Told Told Narrar, Contar Can you tell me a story?
To think Thought Thought Pensar I thought of you yesterday.
To throw Threw Thrown Lanzar, tirar Threw that in the bin Peter.
To understand Understood Understood Entender I dont understand Chinese.
To wake Woke Waken Despertar Wake up Lucy!
To wear Wore Worn Vestir I wore this jacket for years.
To weep Wept Wept Llorar, Supurar Stop weeping man.
To win Won Won Ganar FC Barcelona won 6-1 today.
To wind Wound Wound Enrollar Please wind those threads.
To write Wrote Written Escribir I wrote a diary as a kid.