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Irregular Verbs Full List

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To can Could Could Poder I can jump the rope.
To arise Arose Arisen Surgir The phoenix arose from its ashes.

To awake Awoke Awoken Despertar I awoke at 7:00 am.

To be Was/Were Been Ser, Estar I am very happy.
To bear Bore Born Soportar, Llevar Please, bear with me on this.
To beat Beat Beaten Golpear, Machacar Add beaten eggs to the mix.
To become Became Become Llegar a ser, convertirse I will become a doctor.
To begin Began Begun Empezar The game begins at 8:00.
To bend Bent Bent Doblar The car antenna is bent.
To bet Bet Bet Apostar I bet FC Barcelona wins.
To bind Bound Bound Atar, Unir, ligar This will bind us together.
To bite Bit Bitten Morder The dog bit the bone.
To bleed Bled Bled Sangrar He bled to death.
To blow Blew Blown Soplar, Explotar I like to blow ballons.
To break Broke Broken Romper My arm is broken.
To breed Bred Bred Crar I breed sheep in my farm.
To bring Brought Brought Traer I brought candy for you.
To broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Retransmitir The game is broadcast on TV.
To build Built Built Construir My dad builds computers
To burn Burnt Burnt Arder, Quemar The forest was burnt.
To burst Burst Burst Estallar, Reventar My belly is going to burst.
To buy Bought Bought Comprar I like to buy books.
To catch Caught Caught Coger, Atrapar I caught the ball.
To choose Chose Chosen Elegir I chose not to go to Sweden.
To cling Clung Clung Pegar, adherir Im clung to my family.
To come Came Come Venir You came to my party.
To cost Cost Cost Costar The game costs 45 euros.
To creep Crept Crept Dar miedo, Asco The movie crept me out.
To cut Cut Cut Cortar The mechanic cut the cable.
To deal Dealt Dealt Tratar, Negociar I will deal with that matter.
To dig Dug Dug Cavar, Entender (jerga) I dug a hole in my yard.
To do Did Done Hacer I did my homework.
To draw Drew Drawn Dibujar I like to draw landscapes.
To dream Dreamt/ed Dreamt/ed Soar I always dreamed with that.
To drink Drank Drunk Beber I drink a lot of water.
To drive Drove Driven Conducir I cant drive a car.
To eat Ate Eaten Comer I love to eat chocolate.
To fall Fell Fallen Caer The kid fell in the garden.
To feed Fed Fed Alimentar I feed my dogs everyday.
To feel Felt Felt Sentir I feel warm in my house.
To fight Fought Fought Luchar, Pelear I dont like to fight.
To find Found Found Encontrar I found 20 euros today.
To fly Flew Flown Volar I flew in a big plane.
To forbid Forbade Forbidden Prohibir Swimming is forbidden here.
To forget Forgot Forgotten Olvidar I always forget my keys.
To forgive Forgave Forgiven Perdonar I forgive you my friend.
To freeze Froze Frozen Helar My car is frozen.
To get Got Got Obtener, Llegar I got a comic today.
To give Gave Given Dar I gave my mom a kiss.
To go Went Gone Ir I went to the movies.
To grind Ground Ground Moler I love to grind meat.
To grow Grew Grown Crecer I have grown a lot this year.
To hang Hung Hung Colgar I hung many paintings.
To have Had Had Tener I have many friends.
To hear Heard Heard Or I heard a loud noise.
To hide Hid Hidden Esconder I was hidden under the bed.
To hit Hit Hit Golpear The hurricane hit Mexico.
To hold Held Held Aguantar Hold me this, please.
To hurt Hurt Hurt Doler My back hurts.
To keep Kept Kept Mantener, Guardar I kept the money in the bag.
To kneel Knelt Knelt Arrodillar I knelt with the anthem.
To know Knew Known Saber I know a lot of English.
To lay Laid Laid Colocar Lay the book on the table please.
To lead Led Led Liderar I always lead my group.
To lean Leant/ed Leant/ed Inclinarse Lean to the right to watch.
To learn Learnt Learnt Aprender I learnt the irregular verbs.
To leave Left Left Dejar, Marchar I left the party early.
To lent Lent Lent Prestar
To lie (bed) Lay Lain Tumbarse I lay on the bed.
To lie (truth) Lied Lied Mentir You lied to me.
To light Lit/ed Lit/ed Almunbrar, Encender They lit the Christmas tree.
To lose Lost Lost Perder Real Madrid lost 5-0 today.
To make Made Made Elaborar, Hacer I made a cake for Mary.
To mean Mind Mind Significar Hello means hola in Spanish.
To meet Met Met Conocer, Quedar I met your mother here.
To mow Mowed Mown/ed Cortar el csped. I have to mow the lawn.
To overtake Overtook Overtaken Rebasar, Alcanzar The president overtook the power in the Parliament.
To pay Paid Paid Pagar I paid 41 euros for the game.
To put Put Put Poner Put the food on the table.
To read Read Read Leer I read many books as a kid.
To ride Rode Rode Montar (vehculo) I always ride my bike.
To ring Rang Rung Sonar The bell rang at 9:00.
To rise Rose Risen Elevar The sun rose at 7:12 am.
To run Ran Run Correr I run to school every day.
To saw Sawed Sawn Talar Many trees are sawn here.
To say Said Said Decir I didnt say such thing.
To see Saw Seen Ver I see a lion under the tree.
To sell Sold Sold Vender I sold my car to Luke.
To send Sent Sent Enviar I sent you an email today.
To set Set Set Establecer, Poner Set the table Mark, please.
To sew Sewed Sewn Coser I have to sew that botton.
To shake Shook Shaken Temblar, Agitar The noise shook my house.
To shed Shed Shed Derramar, Verter Dont shed a tear for me.
To shine Shone Shone Brillar The moon shone last night.
To shoot Shot Shot Disparar I shot the sheriff, but I
To show Showed Shown Ensear He showed me the house.
To shrink Shrank Shrunk Encoger My T-shirt shrank.
To shut Shut Shut Cerrar Shut the door please.
To sing Sang Sung Cantar The song was sung by me.
To sink Sank Sunk Hundir The boat sank in the ocean.
To sit Sat Sitted Sentar Sit over there Monica.
To sleep Slept Slept Dormir I slept 8 hours today.
To slide Slid Slid Deslizar Slide to the side please.
To smell Smelt Smelt Oler My shirt smells great.
To sow Sowed Sown Sembrar I sowed the potatoes today.
To speak Spoke Spoken Hablar I spoke to Ann about it.
To spell Spelt Spelt Deletrear How do you spell believe?
To spend Spent Spent Gastar I spent 41 euros in the book.
To spill Spilt/ed Spilt/ed Derramar I spilt the water on the floor
To spit Spat Spat Escupir He spat on the street.
To spread Spread Spread Esparcir, Separar I spread the seeds on the ground.

To stand Stood Stood Erguir Please stand up.

To steal Stole Stolen Robar My car was stolen.
To stick Stuck Stuck Atascar, pegar I stick the paper to the wall.
To sting Stung Stung Picar, Punzar The bee stung me.
To stink Stank Stunk Apestar You stink bro, take a bath.
To strike Struck Struck Golpear The storm struck very hard.
To swear Swore Sworn Jurar, Prometer I swear Ill be good.
To sweep Swept Swept Barrer I swept the kitchen floor.
To swell Swelled Swollen Hinchar (de golpe) My foot is swollen.
To swim Swam Swum Nadar I love to swim in the ocean.
To swing Swung Swung Balancear The elephant swings in the spider web.

To take Took Taken Coger, tomar I took the book from you.
To teach Taught Taught Ensear He taught me the verbs.
To tear Tore Torn Rasgar I tore those papers.
To tell Told Told Narrar, Contar Can you tell me a story?
To think Thought Thought Pensar I thought of you yesterday.
To throw Threw Thrown Lanzar, tirar Threw that in the bin Peter.
To understand Understood Understood Entender I dont understand Chinese.
To wake Woke Waken Despertar Wake up Lucy!
To wear Wore Worn Vestir I wore this jacket for years.
To weep Wept Wept Llorar, Supurar Stop weeping man.
To win Won Won Ganar FC Barcelona won 6-1 today.
To wind Wound Wound Enrollar Please wind those threads.
To write Wrote Written Escribir I wrote a diary as a kid.

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