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Background of UiTM

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Background of UiTM

Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) is Malaysia's largest public institution of higher education
in terms of size and its population where the service focussing in giving great quality of
education service to the bumiputeras. Currently, it main campus situated in Shah Alam,
Selangor. The history of UiTM began in November 1956 as Dewan Latihan RIDA (Rural and
Industrial Development Authority Training Center) in Petaling Jaya, Selangor. The school
later was known as Maktab MARA (MARA College) in 1965. The changed of the name
meant that the college was no longer operated under RIDA but became the most important
unit of MARA Training Division. MARA stands for Majlis Amanah Rakyat (Council of Trust for
the People) under the leadership of Tan Sri Arshad Ayub during that time.

After that, in 1967, UiTM was known as Institut Teknologi MARA (MARA Institute of
Technology) or ITM where the development of ITM could be seen in three stages where from
1967 to 1976, ITM was an autonomous body with its own 300 acre (1.2 km) campus in Shah
Alam, operating under the Ministry of Rural Development. Then from 1976 to 1996, ITM
advanced as an institution of higher learning and acted as a professional training institute,
operating directly under the Ministry of Education. In 1996, an amendment to the ITM Act of
1976 established and approved ITM with a university status with a degree granting power but
its name was retained until 1999 when it finally became Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM).

Before this, from 1965 to 1996, as a professional training institute, ITM only offered Pre-
Diploma, Diploma, degree-equivalent Advanced Diploma and professional bodies
qualifications. Since ITM was not a university by name and despite its Advanced Diploma's
equivalency to Bachelor Degree, some members of the public had a wrong concept that the
institution was a lesser choice compared to other universities especially with the admission
policy and minimum entry requirements.

In 1996, pursuant to the upgrade to a university status, the Advanced Diploma programmes
were upgraded to Bachelor Degree programmes with retrospective effect. Advanced Diploma
graduates were offered to return their Advanced Diploma transcripts in exchange for a
Bachelor Degree transcripts. This resulted to a growing change of perception towards the
institution and by 1999, ITM changed its name to UiTM. ITM's old role as a training institute
was being taken over by other MARA education and training institutes such as Kolej
Kemahiran Tinggi MARA (KKTM), Kolej Professional MARA, Institut Kemahiran MARA and

UiTM establishment came as a response to a need in Malaysia for trained professionals,

especially among Bumiputeras. So far, besides the UiTM main campus in Shah Alam, the
university has expanded nationwide with 12 state campuses, 6 satellite campuses in Shah
Alam, 11 state satellite campuses and 21 affiliated colleges. With this large networking and a
workforce of 17 770, the university already evolved and currently offered more than 300
academic programmes in a conducive and vibrant environment, complete with modern
facilities to assist in students learning and activities.

Because of the increasing numbers of students nowadays, six new branch campuses were
completed by 2014 namely Phase (2) of Puncak Alam Campus, Samarahan Campus in
Sarawak, Jasin Campus in Melaka, Pasir Gudang Campus in Johor, Seremban Campus in
Negeri Sembilan and Tapah (2) Campus in Perak. UiTM also established a new system
called 1 University 2 Systems (1U2S) where there is an anchor university which is the Shah
Alams campus that focussed on research and post-graduate based and two systems which
comprises the 12 state campuses focussed on teaching and learning based. With the new
system of governance, the university is able to optimize its resources to enhance excellence
in research, technology and learning as well as community service. Current Chancellor for
UiTM is DYMM Seri Paduka Yang Dipertuan Agong while the Vice-Chancellor is Tan Sri
Dato' Sri Professor Ir. Dr. Sahol Hamid Abu Bakar, a great man that really inspires others.

The motto of UiTM is Endeavour, Religious, Dignified where it upholds the vision of to
establish UiTM as a premier university of outstanding scholarship and academic excellence
capable of providing leadership to Bumiputerass dynamic involvement in all professional
fields of world-class standards in order to produce globally competitive graduates of sound
ethical standing. The mission is to enhance the knowledge and expertise of Bumiputeras in
all fields of study through professional programmes, research work and community service
based on moral values and professional ethics and its philosophy is every individual has the
ability to attain excellence through the transfer of knowledge and assimilation of moral values
so as to become professional graduates capable of developing knowledge, self, society and

UiTMs follows few objectives which are to provide maximum opportunities for bumiputeras to
pursue professionally-recognised programmes of study in science, technology, industry,
business, arts and humanities. Secondly is to provide quality and innovative programmes of
study relevant to current market needs and customer demands, and in line with policies of
national development. Thirdly, to establish a human resource development programme as a
tool for the assimilation of a value system within the university community. Next, to ensure
that UiTM graduates are adequately prepared to join the local as well as the global workforce
and last but not least, to establish UiTM as a centre of excellence that is accountable for the
effective and efficient management of its human resources, finances and assets in order to
achieve its educational objectives, while playing its role as a catalyst in community

The University is committed in helping bumiputera students to achieve and get the best
quality of education and to prepare them for future careers in public and professional practice
in various fields. Its formation is based on a vision of outstanding scholarship and academic
excellence that is capable of providing leadership in various arenas. Nowadays, for many
years, UiTM has becomes the leader in public education institution that helps the bumiputra
in achieving their dreams and grab all of the opportunities in front. This university will
continuosly improving its service and give benefits to the society especially to the younger
generation that holds aspirations in becoming a great person with high ambition and
contribute to the religion, race and future nation.
Main Characteristics of the Services Offerred

Currently, UiTM only admits Bumiputeras except for preparatory programmes where non-
Bumiputeras are admitted at International Education College (INTEC). In 1996, pursuant to
the upgrade to a university status, the Advanced Diploma programmes were upgraded to
Bachelor Degree programmes with retrospective effect. Advanced Diploma graduates were
offered to return their Advanced Diploma transcripts in exchange for a Bachelor Degree
transcripts. This resulted to a growing change of perception towards the institution and by
1999, ITM changed its name to UiTM.

Here, UiTM has established new high technology courses and faculties such as the Faculty
of Medicine. Despite the status quo of the minimum entry requirements, recent intakes have
been highly competitive where students with 5As and above in their Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia
results would have a better chance to be accepted to any related UiTM campuses while the
rest would have to consider other colleges. This is due to the higher competition among
students nowadays and yet, UiTM wants to maintain and at the same time increase the
standard of quality of the education system in UiTM.

The education service provided where there are 24 faculties, two academic centres and
about more than 300 programmes in UiTM such as in Science and Technology cluster. UiTM
provides education service and offered various courses in different fields including science,
engineering, social science and humanities, business and management and academic
centres such Academy of Language Studies. In Social Science and Humanities field, there
are few faculties under it including Law, Administrative Science and Policy Studies,
Communication and Media Studies, Art and Design, Film and Theathre, Music and
Education. Next, in Science and Technology field, the faculties under it such as Engineering,
Pharmacy, Medicine, Dentistry, Health and Applied Science, Architecture, Computer and
Mathematics, Sports Sceince and Plantation. Meanwhile Faculty of Accountancy, Information
Management, Business, Hotel and Tourism are under the field of Management and Business

Besides that, other services provided to students at UiTM including the Student Affairs
Department or as known as (HEP) which is one of the most important departments in UiTM.
It was specially focussing on the service of students' welfare. It helps to produce graduates
with high soft skills (KI) and also excel to meet the global needs. This role is played by two
core functions of Student Development and Leadership as well as providing facilities and
student services. On the other hand, the Academic Affairs Division or (HEA) deals with the
academic affairs of the university. Students may refer to this department in any issues
related to their studies such as regarding examination, courses, furthering their studies and
others that related. A variety of approaches have been taken and several changes in the
administration and management systems have been carried out throughout the years to give
the best, fair and most competent services to all students that cope with the current
environment and demands.

Moreover, UiTM also has other service provided at Scholarship and Financial Aid Unit such
as PTPTN, State Government Loans and Scholarship, Dermasiswa, Student Welfare Fund
and many more to help the students who in need of financial assistance. This is to reduce
the burden of students who are not capable to pay for the fees or who comes from a low
income family but determined to further studies. Other than that, students also can join the
clubs and societies provided as the objectives are to implement group training programs, as
well as motivational and self-discovery programs for the students. This is to produce UiTM
graduates that well-rounded in education and also well equipped in interpersonal skills so
that they can compete with other graduates from other universities especially in getting job.
UiTM also provides comfortable and basic facilities such as hostels accommodation for the
students and residential area that being covered under the non-residents for students who
did not get the hostels. Other facilities such as clinic, eating hall, food court, field, games
courts, gym, students hall, lecture halls, library and others for students convenience also
being provided for the benefits of the UiTM students.

The characteristics of the education service that being provided by UiTM is firstly, it is
intangible which means that the service is generally not being palpable or material and very
subjective. It is a performance and an act thus, it cannot been seen or touch or feel or to
taste it or it cannot been measured. For example, during the learning session in class,
students could not see the lecturer deliver the education service to them as the service is an
act or a performance, not a product which can be seen or touch. However, students
consumed the education service during the class hour.

Secondly is inseparability or the synchronous conversion where the delivery and

consumption process happened simultaneously. It means that both processes must
happened at the same time without no process that comes first thus, it is inseparable.
Essentially, this recognises that the physical presence of the customer may be required for
the service to take place. For example, the education service by UiTM holds the
characteristic of inseparability where the students need to be in the class to get the education
service. This means that, students need to be present at the same time the education service
being given by the lecturer because it happens simultaneously. If the students are absent
thus, they will not get the education service because it only happens once which proved the
synchronous conversion.

Thirdly is the characteristics of perishability where any unused capacity of a service cannot
be stored or inventoried which means that services are zero-inventory. Once sold, they stand
sold and cannot be returned. The service will be given directly on the spot and after that,
there will be no more or cannot be repeated to get it back. For example, education service is
perishable where once it been delivered, the students cannot store or inventorise it. This
means that, during the class hour, the education service is been given by the lecturer
through the process of learning where the students need to be present as the process of
delivery and consumption happened simultaneously at that moment. Then, after the end of
the class hour, the service also ended there, where the students cannot do any inventories or
store the service or bring it back home. Once the service being delivered, it ended and
perished. No more as the same service after that and it is just done. That is why attendance
is very important in UiTM and students with poor attendance will not be allowed for sitting the
final examination.

Lastly is, heterogeneity which is due to the customers and service providers interaction, a
service has this characteristic or also been known as variability due to the factors such as the
mood, perception or understanding of the customer. In fact, the quality of service depends on
many parameters such as customer demands, expectation and fulfillment. This is because,
customer has different demands and expectations thus, quality in his or her perception
maybe completely different. For example, in giving the education service through the process
of learning in class, different students have different level of understanding so, there are
certain students managed to understand the lecture being given while the others may not get
the same level of understanding. That is what being said as the variability in service delivery
process where the perception is always at a different level.

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