Assignment 1
Assignment 1
Assignment 1
Ques: What are the various departments that come under ministry of textiles.
Answer: The Ministry of Textiles is responsible for policy formulation, regulation, development
and export promotion in respect of the textile sector including cotton, wool, silk, jute and other
fibers and handicrafts.
The developmental activities of the Ministry are oriented towards making adequate quantities of
raw material available to all sectors of the textile industry and augmenting the production of
fabrics at reasonable prices from the organized and decentralized sectors of the industry.
Towards this objective, the Ministry lays down guidelines for a planned and harmonious growth
of various sectors of the industry. Special emphasis is given to the development of handloom
sector in view of its large employment potential. The Ministry monitors the techno-economic
status of the industry and provides the requisite policy framework for modernization and
rehabilitation. The Ministry coordinates the activities of Textiles Research Associations and
lends financial support to them for undertaking research and development.
The Board has been constituted under the Chairmanship of the Secretary (Textiles) with a
view to promote the growth and overall development of the wool and woolen industry. The
Executive Director is the Chief Executive of the Board. The development schemes are
implemented through the State Governments concerned. Facilities for testing are also
provided. The Board has its headquarters at Jodhpur.
National Centre for Jute Diversification (NCJD) was registered in January, 1992 under the
Societies Registration Act, 1860 and established in June, 1994 under the Chairmanship of
Secretary (Textiles) in order to give focused attention to the diversification efforts in the jute
sector. NCJD is required to consolidate R&D results of various institutes in jute and textiles
and transmit these to the entrepreneurs for commercial products. It coordinates with various
agencies and helps the entrepreneurs in arranging technical, financial and infrastructural
support to encourage them to take up production and marketing of jute diversified products.
Statutory bodies
The Jute Manufactures Development Council (JMDC) was constituted as a statutory body under
the Chairmanship of Secretary (Textiles) with effect from 1.5.84 with the objective of increasing
efficiency and productivity in the jute industry, the financing of activities for such development
and for matters connected therewith. JMDC has been delegated all functions relating to export
promotion in jute sector and performs other such activities in the domestic market of Jute Sector
as are performed by a commodity board. The activities of the council are funded from the grants
made available by the Central Government from the proceeds of cess levied on the production
of jute under the Jute Manufactures Cess Act 1983.
The Central Silk Board was constituted with the objective of promoting the growth and
development of sericulture in the country. The programmes for development of the sericulture
and silk textile industry are primarily formulated and implemented by the State Sericulture/
Textile Departments. However, the Central Silk Board supplements the efforts of the States by
providing necessary support for research and development and extension of training through its
countrywide network of centres. Besides, the Central Silk Board organises production and
supply of quality silkworm seeds, mulberry cuttings etc., it also undertakes directly as well as
jointly with the State Sericulture Departments, the implementation of various sericulture projects.
Textiles Committee
The Textiles Committee, established under the Textiles Committee Act, 1963, has the primary
objective of ensuring quality of textiles both for internal marketing and exports. Its functions
include promotion of textiles and textile exports, research in the technical and economic fields,
establishing standards for textiles and textile machinery, setting up of laboratories, data
collection etc.
Commissioner of Payments
This Ministry has under it the Office of Commissioner of Payments with Headquarters at Delhi.
The Commissioner of Payments is a statutory authority appointed under Section 17(1) of the
Sick Textile Undertakings (Nationalisation) Act 1974, Section 15(1) of the Swadeshi Cotton Mills
Company Ltd. (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act 1986 and also under Section
17(1) of the Textile Undertakings (Nationalisation) Act, 1995. The Commissioner of Payments
disburses the amount placed at his disposal to the owners of each Textile Undertaking
nationalised by the aforesaid three Acts.