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Book Building Method in Security Market of Bangladesh

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Book Building Method in Security Market of

 Prerequisites of an issuer for becoming eligible for book-building
An issuer may determine issue price of its security being offered following
book-building method (i.e. price discovery process) subject to compliance with
the following:
(a) The issuer⎯
(i) must have at least Tk. 30 crore net-worth;
(ii) shall offer at least 10% shares of paid up capital (including intended
offer) or Tk. 30 crore at face value, whichever is higher;
(iii) shall be in commercial operation for at least immediate last three years;
(iv) shall have profit in two years out of the immediate last three completed
financial year;
(v) shall have no accumulated loss at the time of application;
(vi) shall be regular in holding annual general meeting;
(vii) shall audit at least its latest financial statements by a firm of chartered
accountants from the panel of auditors of the Commission;
(viii) shall appoint separate person as issue manager and registrar to the
issue for managing the offer; and
(ix) shall comply with all requirements of these Rules in preparing

(b) The Commission, if it deems appropriate for the interest of investor or

development of capital market, may exempt or relax any of the above
 Price discovery for determining indicative price:
The price discovery process for determining indicative price of security will
involve the following institutional investors registered with or approved by
the Commission in this regard:
(a) Merchant bankers excepting the issue manager concerned to the
proposed issue;
(b) Foreign institutional investors registered with or approved by the
(c) Recognized pension funds and provident funds;
(d) Bank and non-bank financial institutions under regulatory control of
Bangladesh Bank;
(e) Insurance companies regulated under Insurance Act, 1938 (Act No. IV
of 1938);
(f) Institutional venture capital and institutional investors registered with
or approved by the Commission;
(g) Stock Dealer registered with the Commission; and
(h) Any other artificial juridical person permitted by the Commission for
this purpose.
 Procedures to be followed for determining price under book-building
(a) Issuer shall invite for indicative price offer from the eligible institutional
investors through proper disclosure, presentation, document, seminar,
road show, etc;
(b) Issuer in association with issue manager and eligible institutional investors
shall quote an indicative price in the prospectus and submit the same to the
Commission with copy to the stock exchanges;

(c) Such indicative price range shall be determined as per price indications
obtained from at least five eligible institutional investors covering at least
three different categories of such investors;
(d) Rationale for the indicative price must be included in the prospectus i.e. the
issuer is required to disclose in detail about the qualitative and
quantitative factors justifying the indicative price;
(e) The indicative price shall be the basis for formal price building with an
upward and downward band of 20% (twenty percent) of indicative price
within which eligible institutional investors shall bid for the allocated
amount of security;
(f) Eligible institutional investors bidding shall commence after getting consent
from the Commission for this purpose;
(g) If institutional quota is not cleared at 20% (twenty percent) below indicative
price, the issue will be considered cancelled unless the floor price is further
lowered within the face value of security :
Provided that, the issuer’s chance to lower the price shall not be more than
(h) Prospectus will have to be posted on the Websites of the Commission, stock
exchanges, issue manager and issuer at least two weeks prior to the start
of the bidding to facilitate investors to know about the company and all
aspect of offering ;
(i) No institutional investor shall be allowed to quote for more than 10% (ten
percent) of the total security offered for sale, subject to maximum of 5 (five)
bids ;
(j) Institutional bidding period will be 3 to 5 (three to five) working days which
may be changed with the approval of the Commission ;

(k) The bidding will be handled through a uniform and integrated automated
system of the stock exchanges, or any other organization as decided by the
Commission, especially developed for book building method ;

(l) The volume and value of bid at different prices will be displayed on the
monitor of the said system without identifying the bidder ;

(m) The institutional bidders will be allotted security on pro-rata basis at the
weighted average price of the bids that would clear the total number of
securities being issued to them;

(n) Institutional bidders shall deposit their bid with 20% (twenty percent) of the
amount of bid in advance to the designated bank account and the rest
amount to settle the dues against security to be issued to them shall be
deposited within 5 (five) working days prior to the date of opening
subscription for general investors ;

(o) In case of failure to deposit remaining amount that is required to be paid by

institutional bidders for full settlement of the security to be issued in their
favor, 50% (fifty percent) of bid money deposited by them shall be forfeited
by the Commission. The securities earmarked for the bidder who defaulted
in making payment shall be added to the general investor quota.

(p) General investors, which include mutual funds and NRBs, shall buy at the
cut-off price ;
(q) There shall be a time gap of 25 (twenty five) working days or as may be
determined by the Commission between closure of bidding by eligible
institutional investors and subscription opening for general investors ;

(r) Subscription for general investors shall remain open for the period as
specified by the Commission;
(s) General investors shall place their application through banker to the issue;
(t) All application money shall be kept in a separate escrow account opened
with a designated bank with prior intimation to the Commission. Issuer
will not be allowed to utilize such money until all the process of issue is
completed and Commission’s consent to this effect is obtained.

 Distribution mechanism for issuance of security

The distribution of security to be issued under book-building method will be
made in accordance with the following ratio:

 Lock-in
There shall be lock-in of 15 (fifteen) trading days from the first trading day on
the security issued to the eligible institutional investors.

 Fee of issue manager and registrar to the issue

Fee of issue manager and registrar to the issue could be on negotiated basis
but not exceeding 5% (five percent) in total of the issue size.

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