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J.N. McCoy, Echometer Company

A.L. Podio, University of Texas at

Presented at the Southwestern Petroleum Short Course on April 7 & 8, 1998, Department of Petroleum Engineering, Texas
Tech University, Lubbock, Texas.


Hundreds of wells have been tested using power measurement equipment, dynamometers and acoustic liquid level
instruments.1,6,7 Many of these wells were operating at less than 30% efficiency. Often, the main cause of inefficient
operations is an inefficient downhole gas separator. Inefficient gas separators can be identified by obtaining an acoustic
liquid level test which indicates a high gaseous liquid column above the pump and the analysis of dynamometer data which
indicates incomplete pump fillage. Periodic acoustic liquid level tests and dynamometer measurements should be performed
to verify that the downhole gas separator is operating efficiently. Tapping bottom with the pump, rimming the pumping unit
at excessive speed, operating the pumping unit for excessive periods of time, increasing the tubing pressure or increasing the
casing pressure is not the proper procedure for correcting inefficient downhole gas separation.

To correct inefficient downhole gas separation, the first attempt should be to set the pump below the fluid entry zone if
feasible. This is the most efficient method of downhole gas separation. However, if the pump is set above the fluid entry
zone, a gas separator should be used below the pump that offers an efficient gas/liquid separation chamber with low dip
tube friction loss which results in complete pump fillage if sufficient liquid inflow into the wellbore is available.

In this article, downhole gas separators are divided into two types that are very different. If the gas separator is placed
below the fluid entry zone, a single dip tube type of gas separator should be used below the pump seating nipple. If the gas
separator is placed in or above the fluid entry zone, a gas separator assembly should be used that consists of an outer barrel
having ports at the top of the barrel with a dip tube extending from the pump inlet down into the outer barrel and opening
below the ports. An operator should be able to tell whether a gas separator is being used above or below the formation after
viewing the gas separator. They should be built differently. In this paper, the outer barrel of the gas separator to be used
above the formation is called outer barrel. It is sometimes called a mud anchor. The inner tube is called a dip tube and it is
sometimes called a gas anchor. Clegg 2,3,4 discusses many types of gas separators and the principles of gas/liquid separation.


If the seating nipple is placed at. least 5 feet below the formation, the seating nipple can be at the bottom of the tubing
without an extension below the seating nipple and efficient gas separation will occur. A strainer nipple can be run below the
pump if desired. When the pump is run below the formation, the casing acts as the outer barrel or the "holding" chamber.
Using a perforated extension below the seating nipple allows the operator to tag bottom to determine debris fillage without
having to press the seating nipple into debris which could result in improper seating of the pump. The extension can be a
perforated sub or a perforated sub with a Joint of tubing below the perforated sub.

A bull plug is placed below the bottom collar or preferably the bottom of the assembly is orange-peeled. Sometimes, a dip
tube is run below the pump on the inside of the perforated sub in an attempt to make the gas separator more efficient.
Running a dip tube below the pump should not be performed. The additional friction losses result in less efficient operation.
Please refer to Figure I which shows such a gas separator assembly. The figure on the left shows the perforated sub and tub
ing extension below the seating nipple. A dip tube is placed in the gas separator assembly. On the right side, a single dip
tube is shown which is made from a perforated sub that is orange-peeled on the bottom to reduce the possibility of sand
entrapment. A dip tube on the inside of the perforated sub is not needed because the perforated sub assembly is acting as a
dip tube on the inside of the casing and the area is greater between the casing and O.D. of the perforated sub than between
the I.D. of the sub and the O.D. of any inner dip tube.

A natural gas separator assembly is shown on the left of Figure 2. On the night, a higher capacity natural gas separator is
shown. If the liquid capacity of the tubing size natural gas separator does not equal or exceed the pump capacity, the higher
capacity natural gas separator should be considered. A dip tube is run below the pump of sufficient size so that friction loss
within the dip tube is less than 1/2 PSI. The dip tube extends at least five feet below the fluid entry zone. Note that the area
between the dip tube and the casing is greater on the right than on the left and this additional area will result in additional
gas free liquid capacity. Whenever possible, the pump and/or dip tube should be set below the formation since the
downward velocity of liquid will be less in this configuration and better gas separation will occur than any other type of gas
separator which can be run into the well.

Gas bubbles rise in most produced, low-viscosity (<10 cp.) liquids at a rate of 6" per second. Thus, each square inch of area
between the dip tube and the casing wall allows approximately 50 barrels per day of liquid to fall gas free down to the inlet
of the pump. See Table I for capacities of natural gas separators with the pump below the formation. A 2-3/8" perforated
tubing sub below the formation inside of 4-1/2" casing has a capacity of 410 BPD. A 1-1/4" dip tube below the seating
nipple will increase the capacity to 520 BPD.


Most often, gas separators that are set above the formation are made from common oilfield materials that include thick wall
tubing or pipe capable of withstanding differential pressures exceeding 2000 PSI. The thick wall of conventional tubing or
conventional perforated subs reduces the area available for separating gas from liquid which decreases the capacity of the
gas separator by approximately 50 BPD. Also, the outer diameter of the perforated sub is less than the diameter of the
collar. This further reduces the area between the inside of the perforated sub and the internal dip tube and hence reduces the
liquid capacity. See Table 2 and Figure 3. Note that the liquid capacity of a conventional 2-3/8" gas separator with 1-1/4"
dip tube is only 50 BPD. Probably the main reason that the conventional gas separator has a perforated sub that is smaller
in diameter than the collar is that the perforated sub is easy to manufacture from a short Joint of tubing that is perforated
rather than a manufacturer's attempt to design an efficient gas separator. The perforated sub gas separator is often called a
"Poor-Boy" gas separator.

Another problem with conventional gas separators is that most of the gas separators utilize small 1/4" or 3/8" holes or
narrow slots for fluid entry from the casing annulus into the gas separator. When the pump is on the upstroke, liquid is
drawn into the pump and a differential pressure exists between the casing annulus and the interior of the gas separator
causing fluids to flow into the gas separator.

Whatever ratio of gas and liquid that exists outside of the perforated sub will flow into the gas separator. Often, the gaseous
liquid column surrounding the gas separator contains more than 75% free gas1. Thus, considerable amounts of gas flow
with the liquid into the annulus of the gas separator. Since the inside of the gas separator has a lower pressure than the
casing annulus when the pump is on the upstroke, very little if any gas is discharged from the gas separator into the casing
annulus on the upstroke. On the downstroke, liquid flow into the pump ceases. The pressure on the inside of the gas
separator rapidly approaches the pressure on the outside of the gas separator in the casing annulus. If a 4' perforated sub is
utilized, the difference in pressure in the casing annulus between the top perforation and the bottom perforation is often less
than 0.4 PSI due to a gasified liquid column in the casing annulus. The pressure inside the perforated sub near the midpoint
will be approximately the average of the pressures in the casing annulus opposite the top and bottom perforations in the
perforated sub. At the lower most perforation of the sub, the pressure in the casing annulus will slightly exceed the pressure
on the inside of the gas separator and small amounts of both gas and liquid will flow into the gas separator. The gas
pressure on the inside of the gas separator at the top perforation will slightly exceed the pressure on the outside of the gas
separator, and gas will flow at a low rate from the inside to the outside of the gas separator. When a conventional perforated
sub is used, most of the liquid and gas inflow into the gas separator occurs on the upstroke. Most of the gas discharge from
the gas separator to the casing annulus occurs on the downstroke. Thus, many conventional, perforated sub, "Poor-Boy" gas
separators operate at low efficiency. This fact has been verified by hundreds of tests.


When the pump is above the formation, a balance should be designed into the gas separator system so that the friction loss
in the dip tube is kept to a minimum, preferably less than 1/2 PSI. Also, the downward flow rate of liquid in the gas
separator annulus between the outer barrel and the dip tube should be less than six inches per second. Free gas will be
liberated from most produced liquids if the downward flow rate of the liquid is less than 6 inches per second. The third
consideration is the space between the outer barrel of the gas separator and the inside of the casing. Sufficient space should
exist so that the gas flow rate around the ports in the gas separator will allow liquid to flow or fall into the gas separator
annulus. Upward gas flow rates in excess of approximately 10 feet/second will lift the liquid and "mist" flow occurs.14 If the
outer barrel of the gas separator fits too closely into the casing I.D., excessive casing annulus gas flow rates will prevent the
liquid from flowing or falling into the gas separator annulus. It is thus necessary to balance the available wellbore space
between the area required surrounding the gas separator in the casing annulus which is a function of the gas velocity, and
the area required inside the gas separator, which is a function of pump capacity.

Several advantages exist for the gas separator outer barrel being the same diameter as the tubing collar. Some operators are
hesitant to run a gas separator into a well that the diameter of the gas separator exceeds the diameter of the tubing collar
because of potential retrieval problems. Having the gas separator O.D. the same as the tubing collar O.D. will help to
prevent sand fill around the bottom collar which might hinder removal of conventional perforated sub or oversized gas

Another reason for a collar-size gas separator is that at least some of the ports in the gas separator outer barrel should be
near the casing wall because studies14 have shown that where tubing touches the casing wall is an area of higher liquid
concentration. The third reason for an outer barrel being the same diameter as the tubing collar is that when a smaller O.D.
tubing joint is perforated and used as the outer barrel, the smaller area between the dip tube and the inside of the perforated
sub limits the liquid capacity of the gas separator and often results in incomplete pump fillage even when liquid exists above
the pump in the casing annulus. Thus, a thin-wall, high liquid capacity, gas separator with the

O.D. of the outer barrel being the same diameter as the collar should probably be used in a majority of wells (where the
pump is above the formation) that produce over 100 BPD (and free gas) to increase pump fillage See Figures 4 & 5.

A thin-wall outer tube permits an increase in the gas separator liquid capacity. However, even when the pump is set above
the formation, the problem sometimes exists of setting the gas separator down onto sand and collapsing the gas separator.
The collar-size gas separator with large ports and 1/8" wall has a collapse strength approximately 7596 of conventional
tubing. However, just this decrease in wall thickness increases the capacity of the gas separator approximately 50 barrels
per day over conventional tubing wall thickness. The same principle is also involved in the dip tube. The differential
pressure across the dip tube is less than 1 PSI, and a thin-wall, dip tube should be used for additional capacity. A smooth,
thin-wall, 316 stainless steel, schedule 10, seamless, dip tube is recommended especially if corrosion exists. See Table 3 for
capacities of standard and thin-wall dip tubes. Note that the capacities should be derated for beam-pump wells (that flow
liquid up the dip tube only 5096 of the time) because the maximum dip tube flow rate exceeds the average flow rate.

Four large ports are an important factor in the improved performance of the collar-size gas separator. The large ports allow
liquid entry into the gas separator 100% of the time on both the upstroke and downstroke. The large ports allow liquid from
the casing annulus to fall by gravity force into the gas separator because the pressures inside and outside of the large ports
are the same. The large ports result in more liquid flow and less gas flow from the casing annulus to the inside of the gas
separator. See Figure 4. Four large ports are cut into the outer barrel of the gas separator. Two upper ports are immediately
below the collar on opposite sides. These ports are 4" high and of sufficient width so that the area of the port is equal to or
exceeds the area on the inside of the gas separator between the outer barrel and the dip tube. Two inches below the upper
ports, two lower ports are cut at right angles to the upper ports. The total port area is approximately four times the area on
the inside of the gas separator.

Earlier studies 12,14 have shown that liquid concentrates where tubing is placed against the casing wall. Thus, the gas
separator ports should lay against the casing wall. This separator should not be run immediately below a tubing anchor as
the ports on the gas separator will not be against the casing wall where an increase in liquid concentration will exist. At
least two joints of tubing should be run between the tubing anchor and the collar-size gas separator. This spacing should
cause the separator to lay against the casing wall due to gravity forces.

Visual studies at the University of Texas in clear casing/tubing test facilities12 and also downhole video camera studies 15
indicate that gas tends to flow up on the high side of the casing annulus. Most wells have some deviation, and the fact that
gas tends to concentrate on the higher side of the casing should be utilized whenever possible by allowing the gas separator
to lay by gravity forces against the low side of the casing where the liquid concentration is higher. This results in greater
liquid flow into the interior of the gas separator. One advantage of the collar-size gas separator over the decentralized gas
separator16 is that the collar-size gas separator always lays against the low side of the casing while the decentralized gas
separator ports may be held against the high side by the spring.

Another factor to consider is the length of the gas separator. Many previous designs utilize from one to three pump volumes
as the proper volume to contain in the gas separator between the inlet ports and the lower opening on the dip tube. However,
visual studies12 performed on laboratory wells clear casing and clear gas separator indicate that the rate at which gas
bubbles migrate upward in the liquid column and the pumping speed should be the controlling factors. If a well is pumping
10 strokes per minute, the pumping cycle time is 6 seconds. Three seconds occur on the upstroke and three seconds occur on
the downstroke. If gas bubbles are drawn down into the gas separator annulus during the upstroke, these gas bubbles are
most apt to be liberated when the pump is on the downstroke. On the downstroke, these bubbles will migrate upward at a
rate of approximately 6 inches per second. If the downstroke time is 3 seconds, gas bubbles will migrate upward 18 inches.
This suggests that a dip tube should extend at least 18 inches below the gas separator inlet perforations for a well pumping
10 strokes per minute. Longer distance results in additional friction losses and the release of free gas from the oil flowing up
the dip tube into the pump. A Rotoflex unit operating at 4 strokes per minute has a downstroke time of 7-1/2 seconds which
will allow gas bubbles to flow upward approximately 45 inches suggesting a dip tube length of 45 inches. The collar-size
gas separator has a dip tube that extends about 70 inches below the bottom of the outer barrel ports.


The collar-size gas separator is a complete unit. That is, the top collar, the outer barrel and ports, dip tube, lower half-collar
and clean-out bull plug are all an assembly that functions as a gas separator and should be installed as a unit below the
seating nipple. Do not install a dip tube on the pump as the correct size dip tube is already permanently mounted in the gas
separator. If the wells have a history of collecting debris and sand into the gas separator, a collection chamber should be
installed immediately below the collar-size gas separator. Remove the bull plug and install a nipple. Then attach a chamber
of sufficient size to hold the debris immediately below the nipple.

The thin-wall, low pressure drop, high liquid capacity, collar-size gas separator is inexpensive. It is light-weight, 8 feet long
and easy to transport or ship anywhere in the U.S.A. overnight.

A larger collar-size gas separator can be run than the tubing size if additional liquid capacity is desired. That is, a 2-7/8
inch collar-size gas separator can be run immediately below a 2-3/8 inch seating nipple. Attach a 2-3/8 inch collar to the
bottom of the seating nipple. Attach a 2-3/8 inch by 2-7/8 inch swedge to the bottom of the 2-3/8 inch collar. Then attach
the 2-7/8 inch collar-size gas separator to the swedge.

Top hold-down pumps that are used above the formation with conventional perforated sub gas separators are inefficient.
Generally, the area between the inside of the perforated sub and the O.D. of the pump is less than one square inch and the
liquid capacity is less than 50 BPD. The top holddown pump could be used with a collar-size gas separator by use of a joint
of tubing that is slightly longer than the top hold-down pump. The joint of tubing is attached to the bottom of the seating
nipple and the collar-size gas separator is attached to the bottom of the joint. Preferably, the seating nipple and top
hold-down pump should be run below the fluid entry zone. The seating nipple can be run without air extension below the
seating nipple if desired. If an extension is used below the seating nipple, the pump will act as a dip tube. A perforated sub
that is longer than the pump could be run below (lie seating nipple. The sub should be perforated the complete length from
the top to the very bottom with large perforations or ports for more efficient operation.


Progressive cavity pumps perform better when the pump is subjected to liquid flow only. Th liquid lubricates and cools the
polymer sealing material. Separation of free gas from the liquid entering the PC pumps will greatly increase the efficiency
and prolong the life of progressive cavity pumps. Refer to Table 4. When gas is compressed, the temperature increases
dramatically. For example, if the inlet to a pump is subjected to a 0.8 SG hydrocarbon gas at a pressure of 100 PSI and
temperature of 100oF without liquid, the outlet temperature is a function of the discharge pressure. If the well is 4,000 feet
deep, the outlet pump pressure is approximately 2000 PSI. The temperature of the gas increases from 100oF to 475oF in a
very brief period of time. This results in destruction of most Polymers if the pump is subjected to gas without liquid for only
a few minutes. The collar-size gas separator improves the separation of gas from liquid and results in additional production
and longer life than when a progressive cavity pump is used above the formation without an efficient gas separator.
Preferably, the progressive cavity pump inlet should be run below the formation.


The collar-size gas separator design considers the pump capacity, dip tube liquid capacity, gas separator annular area liquid
capacity, the large ports for liquid entry into the gas separator and the annular gas flow rate between the gas separator and
the casing wall. The liquid capacity of a sucker rod pump can be calculated using a variety of techniques and software
programs including a free wave equation software program Qrod.17 The casing annulus gas flow rate can be determined
using a strip chart acoustic liquid level instrument and surface pressure gauge 18,19 or the computerized instrument and
procedure given in reference 1.

See Table 5 which shows the liquid and gas capacities for various combinations of collar-size gas separators and various
sizes of casing. A 2-7/8" collar-size gas separator has a capacity of approximately 415 BPD. The pump capacity should be
less than 415 BPD or the separation of free gas from the liquid may not occur and free gas will be drawn into the pump. If
the 2-7/8" separator is to be used on the inside of 5-1/2" casing, the maximum casing annulus gas flow rate for efficient
operation of the gas separator is approximately 51 MCF per day at 1 ATM. The gas capacities shown are for a pump
intake pressure of 1 ATM. When the pump intake pressure is higher, the gas capacities shown should be multiplied by the
pump intake pressure expressed in atmospheres. This limitation of 51 MCF/D would only exist if the well were produced
with the casing valves open to atmosphere and liquid did not exist above the pump. Most wells are produced with casing
pressures between 30 and 125 PSI that would cause a pressure at the collar-size gas separator of 3 to 10 atmospheres
assuming that a limited amount of liquid exists above the pump. Thus, the capacities shown should be multiplied by 3 if the
casing pressure is approximately 30 PSIG and by 10 if the casing pressure is approximately 125 PSIG. The gas capacity of
the collar-size gas separator increases with the surrounding gas pressure.

A collar-size gas separator should be selected that is the same size as the tubing unless the pump capacity exceed the gas
separator capacity. Then, a larger gas separator should be selected that has a liquid capacity equal to or greater than the
pump capacity. At high liquid and gas rates, even an optimum size gas separator in limited size casing may not have the
capacity to separate all of the liquid From the free gas at low pump intake pressures.


1. McCoy, J.N., Podio, A.L., Drake, B. and Becker, D.: "Total Well Management A Methodology for Maximizing Oil Production
and Minimizing Operating Costs," Paper presented at the SPE Third Annual Symposium, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, May

2. Clegg, J.D.: "Understanding and Combating Gas Interference in Pumping Wells," Oil and Gas Journal,

April 29, 1963.

3. Clegg, J.D.: "Gas Interference in Rod Pumped Wells," World Oil, June 1979.

4. Clegg, J.D.: "Another Look at Gas Anchors," Proceedings of the Southwestern Petroleum Short Course, Texas Tech University,
April 1989. Ph: 806/742-1727 Fax: 806/742-3502

5. Tackas, G.: "Modem Sucker Rod Pumping " Pennwell Books, 1993.

6. Podio, A.L. McCoy, J.N. and F. Collier,: "Analysis of Beam Pump System Efficiency from Real

Time Measurement of Motor Power," Proceedings Third Latin American and Caribbean

Petroleum Engineering Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina, April, 1994.

7. McCoy, J.N., Jennings, J. and Podio, A.L.,: "A Polished Rod Transducer for Quick and Easy

Dynagraphs," Paper presented at the 40' Annual Southwestern Petroleum Short Course, April 21-23,

1992. Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX.

8. Campbell, J.H. and R.M. Brimhall: "An Engineering Approach to Gas Anchor Design," SPE No. 18826, paper presented at SPE
Production Operations Symposium, Oklahoma City, OK. March 13-14, 1989.

9. Parker, R.M.: "How to Prevent Gas-Locked Sucker Rod Pumps," World Oil, June 1992, p.47.

10. Ryan, Jeff. "Production Optimization Through Improved Downhole Gas Separation," Proceedings of the Southwestern Petroleum
Short Course, Texas Tech University, April, 1994.

11. Dottore, E.J.: "How to Prevent Gas Lock in Sucker Rod Pumps," SPE Preprint No. 27010, Proceedings of the Third Latin
American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina, April, 1994.

12. Nygaard, Hanne S.: "A Fundamental Study of Downhole Separation in Two-Phase Vertical Flow in Eccentric Annuli," Diploma
Thesis, Norwegian Institute of Technology, Trondheim, Norway, January 1995.

13. Nakagawa, E.Y. and Bourgoyne, A.T.: "Experimental Study of Gas Slip Velocity and Liquid Holdup in an Inclined Eccentric
Annulus," Multiphase Flow in Wells and Pipelines, FED-Vol. 144,ASME, 1992.

14. Brill, J.P., Caetano, E.F. and Shoham, 0.: "Upward Vertical Two-Phase Flow Through Annulus-Part 1: Single Phase Friction
Factor, Taylor Bubble Velocity and Flow Pattern Prediction," Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Vol. 114/1, March 1992.

15. Whittaker, Jeff- "Video Studies of Downhole Water/Oil Flow," DHV International Inc. SPE38295.

16. Podio, A.L., McCoy J.N., Woods M.D., Nygard, Hanne, Drake B.: "Field and Laboratory Testing of a Decentralized
Continuous-Flow Gas Anchor," Presented at the 46" Annual Technical Meeting of the Petroleum Society of CIM, May 14-17, 1995.

17. QRod, a free predictive wave-equation beam pump software program available from Echometer Co., Ph: 940/767-4334 Fax:
18. McCoy, James, Podio, A.L., Huddleston, Ken: "Acoustic Determination of Producing Bottomhole Pressure," SPE 14254.
Available at

19. Podio, A.L., McCoy, J.N., et al: "Analyzing Well Performance '98," Proceedings of the SWPSC, April 1998, Texas Tech
University, available @

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