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Hama Soap

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I.J.E.M.S., VOL.

5 (2) 2014: 122-127 ISSN 2229-600X


Shanmugapriya G., 2Sethuraman R.
Research Scholar, A. Veeriya Vandayar Memorial Sri Pushpam College,Thanjavur, Tamilnadu, India
Aksum University, Aksum, Ethiopia.

The marketing scenario in India has undergone vast change since 1991 due to the economic reforms. Post-liberalization,
competition intensified in every product line and market, which forced brands to redefine their norms of existence in all
industries. In the FMCG industry, especially in toilet soap sector there has been severe competition among the MNCs,
national and local players. Brand loyalty is determined by several distinct psychological processes of the consumers and
entails multivariate measurements. Product features (Fragrance / Skin care / Germ fight features / Colour) is one of the
most important factors that affect brand loyalty. The relationship between the availability of the toilet soap and the extent
of brand loyalty was also found to be significant.The toilet soaps can be divided into four price segments: Premium,
popular, economy and carbolic soaps. At the same time, penetration level of toilet soaps in urban areas is very high, but per
capita consumption levels remain low. In this scenario, it is very important for marketers to know the consumer behavior
with respect to toilet soaps, which will be very useful in adopting suitable strategies. This research paper attempts to
analyze the brand loyalty, satisfaction, awareness regarding Hamam soap in Thanjavur town,Tamilnadu..

KEYWORDS: Brand Awareness, Consumer satisfaction, Brand Loyalty, Thanjavur, Hamam soap.

INTRODUCTION communicating value, creating long-term growth, and

Marketing is the process of communicating the value of a developing marketing strategies and plans.
product or service to customers, for the purpose of selling Meaning of market
the product or service. It is a critical business function for The word Market is derived from the Latin word
attracting customers. From a societal point of view, Marcatus meaning merchandise, wares, traffic, trade or
marketing is the link between a societys material a place where business is conducted. The common usage
requirements and its economic patterns of response. of market means a place where goods are bought or sold.
Marketing satisfies these needs and wants through Definition of Market
exchange processes and building long term relationships. Market refers to both place and region in which buyers
It is the process of communicating the value of a product and sellers are in free competition with one another. -
or service through positioning to customers. Marketing Pyle
can be looked at as an organizational function and a set of The term market refers not to a place, but commodity or
processes for creating, delivering and communicating commodities and buyers and sellers who are in direct
value to customers, and managing customer relationships competition with one another. Chapman
in ways that also benefit the organization and its Meaning of Marketing
shareholders. Marketing is the science of Choosing target The management process through which goods and
markets through market analysis and market segmentation, services move from concept to the customer. It includes
as well as understanding consumer buying behavior and the coordination of four elements called the 4 P's of
providing superior customer value. marketing:
There are five competing concepts under which 1. Identification, selection and development of a
organizations can choose to operate their business; the product,
production concept, the product concept, the selling 2. Determination of its price,
concept, the marketing concept, and the holistic marketing 3. Selection of a distribution channel to reach the
concept. The four components of holistic marketing are customer's place, and
relationship marketing, internal marketing, integrated 4. Development and implementation of a promotional
marketing, and socially responsive marketing. The set of strategy.
engagements necessary for successful marketing The essence of marketing is an exchange or a transaction,
management includes, capturing marketing insights, intended to satisfy human needs or wants. That is
connecting with customers, building strong brands, marketing is a human activity directed at satisfying needs
shaping the market offerings, delivering and and wants, through an exchange of process. A demand is a
want for which the consumer is prepared to pay a price.

Consumers satisfaction towards hamam soap in Thanjavur town

A want is anything or a service the consumer desires or concerned, the consumers may change their brand loyalty
seeks. Wants become demands when backed by frequently because various new brands are coming every
purchasing power. A need is anything the consumer feels day. So, there are a lot of opportunities to probe into
to keep himself alive and healthy. A transaction consists various aspects of consumer preference.
of two parties. A transaction differs from the transfer. A The present study would help the dealer to know the
transfer may receive nothing in return. The main aim of satisfaction of the respondents towards Hamam soap and
marketing is to make sales in order to earn reasonable various soap brands. This would help the company to
profit for the producer. determine the promotional measures based on the findings.
The company can adopt the promotional measures in and
REVIEW OF LITERATURE around Thanjavur town as this study was conducted there.
Survey of literature takes an important part in all
researches and it is a systematic quest for available truths STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM
on a particular topic. It is very useful to know what has Indian soap industry now has so many challenges, arising
happening in the particular topic and what has been found from globalization, increased competition, technological
out and to decide what should be found out in future changes, and so on. It is more sensitive sector in one sense
research. The researcher can understand the gap in which that the consumers shift their brand preference at least
aspect no research has been undertaken in the past period. once in two or three years. They want new products so
In this way, such survey takes an important role in a that the existing firms have to modify their product lines
research process. The following is a brief summary of and various items in the lines. In most of the cases, the
review of literature- consumer behavior. same product is supplied to the market with product
Andrew K. & Lawrence V (1984) found out that the differentiation. Very large number of consumers is
consumer was very much sensitive in the context of strength to this industry. The total number of consumer is
frequent hike in price of commodities. almost equal to the total population of our country. So,
William J. Stanton (1990) concluded that the consumer numerous companies engage in manufacturing of soaps.
behavior would be determined by various psychological Role of small-scale industries and local industries are
attributes rather than explicit factors such as change in significant in this regard.
quality, design of the commodity, packing etc. All the firms want to study the minds of consumers. But,
Edward F. Flippo (1990) has told that the determinants of it is a very difficult process, which includes various
consumer behavior would make the consumer more psychological issues. Consumer research takes a very
sensitive and they influenced their buying process. important role in determining companys future plans.
John R. Dillon (1991) discussed various determinants of The consumers are influenced by many sociological,
consumer behaviour such as Income, age, sex, religion, psychological, and economic, climate and some other
and other socio economic background and he came to a factors very strongly.
conclusion that the consumers were very clear in their These factors have been identified properly through
choice. various researches. When the firms understand those
K.V. Charles and V. Kohil (1994) decided in their study drives, product and promotional policies are given a final
on consumer preference of cosmetics that the consumers shape.
attention would be on the price and utility of the products. Consumer preference is a difficult area to be studied. Its
P.K. Ghosh (1998) described in his review that the coverage is comprehensive. The consumers are large in
economic status was the major factor to influence number and they are in different groups, their motives
consumers attitude. differ in many respects. So, the present study has taken up
V.R. Choudhri (1999) explained that the consumer would these issues.
be willing to buy again and again when they were satisfied
with their sentimental feelings and they usually evaluate OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY
their buying decisions in terms of expectations and Following are the objectives of the present study:
satisfactions. To know the socio-economic profile of the consumers
J. Santhosh and K. Kamalesh Guptha (2000) listed of the hamam soap.
various strategies of consumer satisfaction in automobile To determine the most influencing factor in the
industry and they concluded that the consumers attitude purchase of the hamam soap.
would be influenced by the price and value of the To know the source of influence in the purchase of
products. hamam soap
To know the pattern of usages of the hamam soap.
SCOPE OF THE STUDY To study the satisfaction of the consumers towards the
There is a wider scope for consumer research. Because, hamam soap based on the various products
the consumers, taste, likes, preferences etc., change often To give suggestions based on the study for the
because of financial, psychological, sociological and some improvement of the product.
other factors. Academic community as well as business
firms has undertaken a lot of researches in the field of RESEARCH DESIGN
consumer behaviour, in different ways. The consumer A research design work is a specified framework for
differs in many respects. They form different segments in controlling the data collection. It is the basic plan, which
market. All the firms are interested in studying each guides the data collection & analysis phases of the
segment separately. As for as the bath soaps are research project. This study is based on analysis of data so

I.J.E.M.S., VOL.5 (2) 2014: 122-127 ISSN 2229-600X

that the present work is basically an analytical study, branded Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG).
which tries to analyze the view of the customers using the Soon after followed Lifebuoy in 1895 and other famous
information collected from them. To achieve the brands like Pears, Lux and Vim. Vanaspati was launched
objectives of this study, the researcher collected the data in 1918 and the famous Dalda brand came to the market in
from the customers and then analysis was done. 1937.
In social science there are two outstanding research In 1931, Unilever set up its first Indian subsidiary,
methods: Hindustan Vanaspati Manufacturing Company, followed
a) Primary data by Lever Brothers India Limited (1933) and United
b) Secondary data Traders Limited (1935). These three companies merged to
This study is based on both primary and secondary data. form HUL in November 1956; HUL offered 10% of its
Sampling unit equity to the Indian public, being the first among the
Users of hamam soap in Thanjavur town constitute foreign subsidiaries to do so. Unilever now holds 52.10%
population of the present study. equity in the company. The rest of the shareholding is
Sampling size distributed among about 360,675 individual shareholders
In this survey the sample size was determined as 150 and financial institutions.
arbitrarily. The liberalization of the Indian economy, started in
Sampling technique 1991, clearly marked an inflexion in HUL's and the
The researcher has adopted convenient sampling for the Group's growth curve. Removal of the regulatory
researches. Before selecting the samples, the town was framework allowed the company to explore every single
divided into six divisions for the purpose of selecting product and opportunity segment, without any constraints
samples from various parts of the town. The following list on production capacity.
shows the details. Medical college area, New bus stand History of Hamam soap
area, E.B. colony, Karanthai, Srinivasapuram, Rajarajan Hamam is a brand of
nagar.From each area 25 samples were selected by soap made in India and
convenience sampling technique. As these areas have a marketed by
heavy population and the people from all walks of life in Hindustan Unilever,
these areas, the sample frame of the present study has the Indian unit of
contained all varieties of the consumers. unilever. The name
Area of the study comes from the
This study has been undertaken in different parts of Arabic/Persian/Hindi
Thanjavur town. Thanjavur town, know as an important word Hamam which
tourist place, is the geographical area of this project work. refers to a public
The big temple is an excellent holy place which is the bathing establishment
most attractive factor of this town. Agriculture is the main in the middle-eastern
profession in around of this town. Now this town is countries. It was
popular for school and collegiate educations. A number of launched in 1934 and
excellent matriculations school and arts and science is a leading product in
colleges have been started for the last ten to fifteen years. its category.
At present, many engineering colleges and teacher training Launched in 1931 as a mild, family soap, Hamam
institutions emerge to fulfill educational requirements of soon drew a large natural following long before it was
this area. The area has a heavy population, consisting of trendy or fashionable. Perhaps the only Indian-made
people from different walks of life. natural soap at the time, Hamam was embraced by
Thanjavur district stands unique from time immemorial for mothers and doctors alike, for its purity and safety on skin.
its agricultural activities and is rightly acclaimed as the Only Hamam brings alive ancient time-tested skin care
Granary of the South India lying in the deltaic region of rituals that have been perfected over generations in
the famous river Cauvery. The river has also been named convenient and contemporary formats. The three variants
'Ponni' because it is yielding 'pon' -Gold in the form of of Hamam - Sampoorna Snaan, Hamam Scrub Bath and
paddy. That is why it is said with pride that every iota of AbhyangaSnaan embody traditional skin care practices.
the earth of Thanjavur is equal to an iota of gold. The Key facts
tillers in Tamil literature have been rightly called as Only 400 crore Herbal soap brand in the personal care
'Kauvirippudhalvars' - the sons of the Cauvery as they segment
alone are worthy of this title for the rich production of 21.36% market share in the South Indian state of
grains in this fertile soil. Tamil Nadu
Profile of Hindustan Unilever Limited About the brand
In the summer of 1888, Assurance of being a soap which is safe on skin
visitors to the Kolkata Manufactured in modern soap plants
harbour noticed crates full Contains polyols-Good moisturizers
of Sunlight soap bars, Made from a blend of vegetable oils
embossed with the words
Palm oil and coconut oil mixed in the right proportion
"Made in England by
Gives lather which is stable and can effectively
Lever Brothers". With it,
remove oil, dirt from the surface of the skin.
began an era of marketing

Consumers satisfaction towards hamam soap in Thanjavur town

Totally safe Table 3.4 Members in the family

Toxicologically cleared by, the Safety and If two or more blood related members live together then
Environment Assurance Center, (SEAC) Unilever they will be called as family and following table shows the
Meets all requirements mandated by IFRA number of members in the family.
(International Fragrance Association) No. of Members No. of Percentage of
in The Family Respondents respondents
Table 3.1 Socio economic profile 2 16 11
The researcher has interviewed the different age group of 3 37 25
people and the table shows the different age group of the 4 65 43
respondents. 5 32 21
No. of Percentage of Total 150 100
Age group Source: Primary data
Respondents Respondents
Below 20 14 9 Inference: From the above table it was inferred that 43%
20-30 55 37 of the respondents have 4 members in their family 25%
30-40 42 28 have 3 members in their family and 21% have 5 members
40-50 23 15 in their family and 11 % have 2 members in their family.
Above 50 16 11
Table 3.5 Comparision of hamam soap with other
Total 150 100
brand soaps
Source: Primary Data Usually people use some soap products to bath according
Inference: From the above table it was inferred that 37% to their preference and they will be changing the brand if
of the respondents belong to the age group of 20-30, not satisfied with that brand. The following table shows
followed by 28% are under the age group of 30-40, the purchase of hamam soap by the respondents
followed by 15% are under the age group of 30-40 comparing with other brand soap.
,followed by 11% are under the age group of above 50 and
Brand No. of Percentage
followed by 9% are under the age group of below 20.
Respondents of Respondents
Hamam 68 45
Table 3.2 Gender classification of the respondents
Lux 24 16
The researcher has interviewed the different gender group
Dove 10 7
of people and the table shows the classification of the
Pears 14 9
Lifebuoy 16 11
No. of Percentage of the Rexona 18 12
Respondents Respondents Total 150 100
Male 60 40 Source: Primary data
Female 90 60 Inference: From the above table it was inferred that 45%
of the respondents purchase hamam soap followed by 16%
Total 150 100
of the respondents purchase lux soap, followed by 12% of
Source: Primary data the respondents purchase of rexona and followed by 11%
Inference: From the above table it was inferred that 60% of the respondents purchase of lifebuoy soap and followed
of the respondents are female and followed by 40% of the by 9% of the respondents purchase of pears soap and 7%
respondents. of the Respondents purchase of dove soap.
Table 3.3 Monthly income Table 3.6 Regular purchase of hamam soap
Income is the revenue that a person earns and the income Table showing the purchase of hamam soap regularly.The
is an influencing factor on purchase behavior. The below following table shows the respondent purchase of hamam
table shows the income level of the respondents. soap regularly.
Monthly Income No. of Percentage of
Buy regularly No. of Percentage Of
respondents Respondents
respondents respondents
Below 5000 51 34 Yes 82 55
5000 10000 62 41 No 68 45
10000 15000 27 18 Total 150 100
Above 15000 10 7
Source: Primary data
Total 150 100
Inference: From the above table it was inferred that 55%
Source : Primary data
of the respondents purchase hamam soap regularly and
Inference: From the above table it was inferred that 41%
followed by 45% of the respondents not purchase.
of the respondents belong to the income group of 5000
10000 followed by 34% of the respondents belong to the
income group of below 5000, followed by 18% of the Table 3.7 Reason for buying hamam soap
There will be some underlying factor for an individual to
respondents belong to the income group of 10000 15000
buy a particular product. It differs according to the
and followed by 7% of the respondents belong to income
mentality. The following table shows the various
group of above 15000.
influencing factor to buy hamam soap.

I.J.E.M.S., VOL.5 (2) 2014: 122-127 ISSN 2229-600X

Reason No.of Percentage of Requirement No. of Percentage of

Respondents Respondents Respondents Respondents
Price 17 11 1 Soap 8 5
Quality 90 60 2 Soaps 77 51
Quantity 21 14 3 - 4 Soaps 49 33
Brand Name 15 10 4 5 Soaps 16 11
Availability 7 5 Total 150 100
Total 150 100 Source : Primary data
Source : Primary data Inference: From the above table it was inferred that 51%
Inference: of the respondents require 2 soaps per month followed by
From the above table it was inferred that 60% of the 33% of the respondents required 3 -4 soaps and 11% of the
respondent select quality, 14% them select for quantity, respondents required 45 soaps and 5% of the respondents
11% of them select for price, 10% of them select for brand require 1 soap per month.
name and 5% of them select for availability of the soap.
Table 3.11 Availability of hamam soap in the market
The following table shows the availability of hamam soap
Table 3.8 Source of influence to buy hamam soap in the market.
To do a particular work there will be some influencing
Availability No. of Percentage of
factor or persons. The following table shows the
respondents respondents
influencing factor for a consumer to use hamam soap.
Yes 144 96
Source of No. of Percentage of
No 6 4
Influence Respondents Respondents
Total 150 100
Advertisements 20 13 Source: Primary data
Brand image 25 17 Inference: From the above chart, the opinion of 96% of
Quality 35 23 respondent says that the Hamam soap is easily available in
Parents 52 35 the market while opinion of 4 % of respondent says that
Friends 18 12 the Hamam soap is not available in the market.
Total 150 100 Table 3.12 Consumers opinion about the price of
Source: Primary data hamam soap
Inference: The following table shows the opinion about the price of
From the above table it was inferred that 35% of the hamam soap.
respondents are influenced by the parents followed by Price No. of Percentage of
13% of the respondents are influenced by advertisements, respondents respondents
followed by 23% of the respondents are influence by Reasonable 118 79
quality and 17% of the respondents are influence by brand Costly 9 6
image and 12% of the respondents are influenced by their Cheaper 23 15
friends to buy hamam soap. Total 150 100
Source : Primary data
Table 3.9 Quantity purchased Inference: From the above chart 79% of respondent feel
The marketer will be selling their product in some quantity that the price of Hamam soap is reasonable, 6% of
or weight age for the convenient purchase of the customer respondent feel it is costly and 15% of respondent feel it is
and the following table shows the quantity purchased by cheaper.
the customers.
Quantity No.of Percentage of Table 3.13 Consumers suggestions to improve the sales of
Respondents Respondents hamam soap
100gms 94 63 The following table shows the respondent gave some suggestion to
150gms 42 28 improve the sales of the hamam soap .
38gms 14 9 Suggestions No. of Percentage
Total 150 100 Respondents of Respondents
Source: Primary data Improve Quality 25 17
Inference:From the above table it was inferred that 63% Advertisement 19 13
of the respondents prefer 100 gms pack followed by 28% Brand awareness 38 25
of the respondents prefer 150 gms pack and followed by Price 12 8
9% of the respondents prefer 38 gms pack. Fragrance 56 37
Total 150 100
Table 3.10 Total requirements of the hamam soap per Source : Primary data
month Inference: From the above chart, 37% of respondent
The customers require some quantity of soap products to suggest to add some fragrance. 25% of respondent suggest
bath and the following table shows that requirement of to create brand awareness, 17% of the respondent suggest
soap for the respondents per month. to improve quality and 13% of the respondent suggest to
improve advertisement, 8% of the respondent suggest to
improve the price.

Consumers satisfaction towards hamam soap in Thanjavur town

Table 3.14Respondents recommendation of this brand CONCLUSION

to others Customers are the king of the market, superiors in an
Usually users of a particular product will be using that organization and Goose laying Eggs. Customers
product regularly and if they are satisfied with that product satisfaction plays a significant role in modern marketing
they will be recommended to others. The following table era. Soap is a important product for the day to day
shows the how many of them recommend this brand to consumption of the customers. Nowadays competition is
others. going on with a flame of advertisement war. A lot of
Recommendation No. of Percentage of varieties of soap are being introduced by several
Respondents respondents producers.
Yes 122 81 In these competition situations, some soap because evil
No 28 19 effects due to a mixture of chemical compounds. People
Total 150 100 need quality of soap for which they are ready to have
Source: Primary data brand loyalty or switch over from one brand to another. In
Inference: From the above table it was inferred that 81% order to capture the needs of all the segments of people,
of the respondents are recommend this brand to others and the products are introduced in different quantity for perfect
followed by 19% of the respondents are not recommend quality of users if it so, the soap will definitely bring more
this brand to others. market potential for soap.


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60% of the respondents are female.
2. Ghosh, P.K ,Marketing Management, Vikas
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5000 10000.
43% of the respondents have 4 members in their
3. Gupta S.P., Business Statistics, Sulthan Chand &
Sons, New Delhi, 2006.
45% of the respondents use Hamam soap.
55% respondents purchase Hamam soap regularly.
4. Kothari. C.R, Research Methodology, Allied
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Publishers Kolkatha,1999.
79% of the respondents feel that price of the Hamam
5. Memoriya C. B, Marketing Management , & Practice
soap is reasonable.
Of Marketing in India, Kital Mahal, Alahabad, 1998.
51% of the respondents require 2 soaps per month.
63% of the respondents prefer 100gms pack.
6. Rajan Nair. N,Marketing Management, S. Chand &
35% of the respondents are influenced by the parents.
Co., New Delhi, 2001
96% of the respondent says that the Hamam soap is
easily available in the market.
7. R.S.N. Pillai and Bagavathi, Modern Marketing
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Principles and Practices, S. Chand & Co., New Delhi,
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study, Indian Journal of Marketing, Vol. VIII, Jan.,
-30 years so company should take Efforts to attract
New Delhi, 1984.
other age group people in order to increase their sales.
Most of the respondents are under the income group
2. William J. Stanton, Marketing Management, Prentice
of 5000 to 10000 per month. So the company should
Hall of India, New Delhi 1990.,
take efforts to position their products in this group in
order increase their sales
As a quality is the first influencing factor of the 3. P.K. Ghosh, Marketing Management, Vikas
company has to focus on quality and improve it for Publications, Colcatta, 1998.
better sales.
The company may give more offer and discount to 4. K .V. Charles and V. Kohil Gupta, Consumers
improve the sales. Choice: A Puzzle, Indian Journal of Marketing,
Vol.XXV, New Delhi, 2000.,
As, 38 grams pack moves slowly the manufacturer has to
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effective and attractive advertisements because only 13% Vol.XII, New Delhi, 1991.
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