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The key takeaways are that Bangladesh has a large pool of human resources and needs to recruit potential leaders for its armed forces. The existing preliminary recruitment system screens candidates before the ISSB and helps condition them mentally and physically. Some changes are suggested to the 19 profile qualities assessed by ISSB.

The existing preliminary recruitment system includes initial medical tests, written tests, and interviews to screen candidates before they appear for the ISSB. It helps screen out unqualified candidates and prepares candidates mentally and physically for tougher tests ahead.

Some changes are suggested to certain profile qualities assessed by ISSB like willingness, verbal expression, physical endurance, and dominance - considering them more as trainable qualities given modern socioeconomic changes.





Professor Dr Ataur Rahman

SAIFUL PASHA Roll. 24-01-16-020

Existing Preliminary Recruitment System in the Armed Forces and Suggested Changes in 0
Profile Qualities
1.0 Introduction:

Bangladesh has enormous possessions of human resources. This nation has a

war fighting and winning glories in her credit. In modern trend, country like
Bangladesh has to remain prepared against any kind of threat from outside to
safe guard the territorial integrity. To do that, assembling the whole spirited
nation towards the feeling of the security needs is very important. In this
connection recruiting the potential leaders for the Bangladesh Armed Forces
needs special consideration. As such, encouraging the young generation
positively towards Armed Forces of Bangladesh is a dire necessary. The system
should be such that mass contribution of the interested group from all walks of
life remains open.

2.0 Selection Process:

There are number of tests taken in the recruitment procedure for selection a
potential officer. The tests start from preliminary medical test and end at the
Inter Services Selection Board (ISSB) before the final medical test. All the
tests are evenly important for recruiting the appropriate candidates so that
deserving candidates are not dropped. To grab potential officers, preliminary
recruitment system plays a vital role. Number of changes / modifications has
taken place over the period in the recruitment process to match with the
requirements of the time.

Importance of preliminary recruitment prior to ISSB is immense. It helps to

screen out the candidates who lack potentialities for becoming military leaders.
Candidates are conditioned through the process before appearing the ISSB. At
the same time candidates are also mentally and physically set to undergo the
stimulating tests ahead. It generates mass participation throughout the
country. Candidates are also mentally seasoned through this process and made
mentally ready for comparatively tougher tests ahead.

Existing Preliminary Recruitment System in the Armed Forces and Suggested Changes in 1
Profile Qualities
3.0 ISSB & its Mission:

ISSB deals with the potential officers of Bangladesh Armed Forces, who are
needed to possess leadership qualities, integrity, sense of responsibility and
such other qualities. ISSB determines the potentials of these candidates
through different tests and interview. Personality of every individual is quite
different which is the integration of a number of traits and attributes. ISSB
deals with total 19 PQs to judge the potentials of a candidate. Assessors of
ISSB are vested with a very important and sacred duty by the nation. For
obvious reasons, the duty has to be performed by the members of ISSB not
only with sincerity and dedication but also with impartiality and honesty so that
the recruitment procedure remains valid, effective and fair.

The mission of ISSB is to recruit potential officers who after being trained in
respective Training Academies are required to command the soldiers during
peace and war. As such, these candidates are needed to possess leadership
qualities which would make them efficient leaders. ISSB ascertains through
different tests and interviews the potentials of these candidates who choose to
join this profession.

Every individual has his own personality which is quite different than that of
others. Here, personality refers to the overall characteristics of a person which
is the integration of a number of traits. Traits are defined as relatively
endurable organization of personality inherited or acquired by an individual. In
between the traits of similar characteristics or nature combines to form an
attribute. In ISSB, these attributes are regarded as profile quality (PQ). In the
process of different tests, efforts are taken to identify to what extent these PQs
are there within a candidate. According to the characteristics and relative
importance these PQs are also categorized as Absolute, Basic and Trainable
Profile Qualities.

All the PQs are directly or indirectly related with each other in varying degrees.
This can be compared with a string, tightly fastened on two ends. If any

Existing Preliminary Recruitment System in the Armed Forces and Suggested Changes in 2
Profile Qualities
particular point of that string is deflected to any direction vertically upward or
downward, then the other parts of the string would be deflected in varying
magnitude in the same direction. It implies that the qualitative variation of one
PQ from the average level would have an influence of different degrees on
other related PQs. However, there will be stigma in every system as time steps
forward. At the same time efforts are continuously taken to get better on the
modus operandi. In this paper an endeavor has been taken to analyze the
present preliminary recruitment system including PQs those are searched for
during the said test. Thereafter, an analysis has been carried out on the
existing PQs and lastly suggests the changes / modifications of PQs in ISSB.

Existing Preliminary Recruitment System in the Armed Forces and Suggested Changes in 3
Profile Qualities
4.0 Presently Followed System in the Preliminary
Recruitment Process

4.1 Bangladesh Army

1. Preliminary Medical Test:

In different cantonments boards for medical teams carry out medical tests of all
candidates on pre-selected dates. General medical check-up is carried out and
those found fit are recommended by the boards for next tests.

2. Preliminary Viva :

All medically fit candidates face an interview on the same day by another board
which is headed by a Brigadier General. Qualified candidates are selected for
written test on common subjects. This interview is also conducted in same
cantonments where medical check-up is done.

3. Written Test:

On a fixed date written test on Bangla, English, Mathematics and General

Knowledge is conducted in different places under the supervision of Station
Head Quarters all over the country. It is mostly conducted to judge the basic
educational standard and general awareness of the candidates. Result is
normally published later through national daily newspapers. Only selected
candidates qualify to appear ISSB.

Existing Preliminary Recruitment System in the Armed Forces and Suggested Changes in 4
Profile Qualities
4.2 Bangladesh Navy

1. Preliminary Medical:

In different districts / stations boards of medical team carry out medical test of
all applied candidates on a pre-selected date. General medical check-up is
carried out and those found fit are recommended by the board for next test.
These are mainly done in the following districts:

a. Dhaka

b. Chittagong

c. Khulna

d. Rajshahi

e. Bogra

2. Preliminary Viva :

All medically fit candidates face interview on the same day by another board
which is headed by a Commander. Qualified candidates are selected for written
test on mainly science oriented subjects.

Existing Preliminary Recruitment System in the Armed Forces and Suggested Changes in 5
Profile Qualities
3. Written Test:

On the second day, written test on Science-oriented subjects, English,

Mathematics and General Knowledge is conducted in the same place where
preliminary medical took place under the viva board. A short Intel test is taken.
It is mostly conducted to judge the basic intelligence and basic education
standard including general knowledge of the candidates. Result is normally
published through daily newspapers. Only selected candidates qualify to appear
ISSB. Likewise, within a time frame of three/four weeks time, preliminary
selection takes place in various districts under different boards at a go.

4.3 Bangladesh Air Force

1. IQ Test:

On a given date interested applied candidates report to BAF Information Centre

at Tejgaon. Firstly they all undergo IQ test.

2. Written Test:

Qualified candidates then sit for written test in the same place on the same
date. It generally covers science oriented subjects, English, Mathematics and
General Knowledge.

Existing Preliminary Recruitment System in the Armed Forces and Suggested Changes in 6
Profile Qualities
3. Medical Test:

Thereafter, qualified candidates go for medical checkup at the same place by a


4. Viva Test:

Those who qualify in the written test go for a viva test by a board on the same
day. Qualified candidates are then selected for ISSB to be held sometimes later.

5. Pilot Aptitude Test (for GDP only):

An additional test of flight aptitude test also takes place at the outset of the
preliminary selection procedure for GDP branch only.

Existing Preliminary Recruitment System in the Armed Forces and Suggested Changes in 7
Profile Qualities
5.0 Selection Activities of Inter Services Selection Board - ISSB

After the preliminary recruitment process, ISSB starts the secondary phase of
preliminary selection process. The process is so scientific which ensures
rigorous filtering at different stages. Only those who are the quick, smart,
sacrificing, honest and all those Qualities a Leader Must Have are able to pass
this examination.

ISSB or inter services selection board exam is of four days. One has to stay at
ISSB for maximum four days (if not out at the first day) and take part in
numerous tests and exams which will judge his/her physical and mental

Day-wise Sequence of Activities of ISSB is given below:

Day 1 - Morning

Candidates report to ISSB by 0730 hours

Welcome address

Intelligence and Picture Perception and Description test (PPDT)

Announcement of screening out result

(Screened out candidates will not attend the subsequent tests)

Day 1 Afternoon

Personality Test

A series of Personality Tests are conducted. The tests are:

Sentence Completion Test (Bangla and English)

Sentence Construction Test (Bangla and English)

Story Writing from Pictures

Story Writing from Beginning Lines


Existing Preliminary Recruitment System in the Armed Forces and Suggested Changes in 8
Profile Qualities
Essay writing (Bangla & English)

One essay each is to be written in Bangla and English on given topics.

Day 2

Group Discussion-1 (Bangla & English)

This is conducted both in Bangla and English on a given topic.

Progressive Group Task (PGT)

This is an outdoor task which consists of few stages of obstacles. These

tasks are completed by means of Mental application and co-coordinated
physical effort with everyone working within a fixed time. Assigned task
involves crossing a defined space without touching the ground by using
given helping materials like pole, plank, ropes etc. For female candidates
number of stages are less than the male candidates.

Half Group Task (HGT)

The group is split into sub-groups and type of work is as given in PGT. This
task consists of one stage only. Additional time is allotted for female

Extempore Speech

Each candidate is to deliver a formal speech in English for few minutes on a

subject chosen out of two topics.

Physical Ability Test(PAT)- Instead of IO

Physical Endurance is an imperative trait for the potential candidates.

Candidates need to prove their physical fitness through Physical Ability Test
(PAT). Candidates have to appear a series of items sequentially within a
given time and need to qualify in each and every item. On successful

Existing Preliminary Recruitment System in the Armed Forces and Suggested Changes in 9
Profile Qualities
completion of all the items within the time, a candidate can go for scoring
bonus marks on some selected items which will definitely help him or her
during final assessment.

A candidate found suitable for recommendation but failed in PAT will be

issued with a Yellow Card. This will enable the candidate to appear only in
PAT for another 2 times with an interval of minimum 4 weeks within the
session. Candidates will only receive the Green Card on being qualified in


The candidate will be interviewed by the concerned assessor in one to one

basis. The candidate should be free and frank enough to interact with the
interviewer. The interviewer may ask questions relating to the candidates
exposure to different environment i.e. self, family affairs, educational
background etc.

He/she may be asked to analyze or interpret some of the

national/international issues and hypothetical situations. Candidates are
expected to be sincere and honest in their interview and must disclose the
facts and figures to the best of his knowledge.

Day 3

Planning Exercise (Written & Discussion)

A theoretical exercise that tests your quality to use men, equipment,

resources and time effectively. It is conducted in writing followed by

Command Tasks (CT)

Existing Preliminary Recruitment System in the Armed Forces and Suggested Changes in 10
Profile Qualities
Each member in turn takes over the command of the group. The objective is
to complete a specified practical task with in time limit. You will select your
subordinates from your group. Additional time is allotted for female
candidates. Presently the colour of the track suit of the female candidates is
Dark Green.

Mutual Assessment


Day 4

Assessment conference

Announcement of final results and Final Briefing.


Existing Preliminary Recruitment System in the Armed Forces and Suggested Changes in 11
Profile Qualities
Screened Out Rejected Selected

6.0 Profile Qualities (PQ) Observed During the Preliminary


Existing Preliminary Recruitment System in the Armed Forces and Suggested Changes in 12
Profile Qualities
Education Standard:

All the candidates who apply for Armed Forces fulfill the prerequisite of
educational achievement.

Basic Intelligence Rating:

In case of Navy and Air Force all the candidates appear IQ / Intel tests at some
varying degree where intelligence is tested to some extent.

Depth of Knowledge:

During preliminary viva and written test, depth of knowledge on the studied
subjects and contemporary issues are tested well.

General Awareness:

During preliminary viva and written test on General Knowledge reflects the
PQ General Awareness of candidates well.

Verbal Expression:

Candidates appearing and qualifying preliminary viva, reflects the PQ Verbal


Military Compatibility:

During preliminary viva, candidates smartness, appearance, turn out,

cheerfulness and other qualities are seen.


Existing Preliminary Recruitment System in the Armed Forces and Suggested Changes in 13
Profile Qualities

Existing Preliminary Recruitment System in the Armed Forces and Suggested Changes in 14
Profile Qualities
7.0 Assessment of Preliminary Recruitment Procedures:

Availability of Application Form:

The application forms to join Armed Forces are available in the internet. In
addition, for Army it is available at Station Head Quarters (HQ) of all
cantonments and District Armed Forces Boards. For Navy, it can be collected
from Naval Bases. For BAF, it is to be collected from the information centre at
Tejgaon and all bases. As a result at times some candidates who reside away
from the district HQs find difficulties in collection application forms in due time
if he or she does not have much opportunities of internet facilities. If the
application forms of all the services are available in the Armed Services Board,
then it would definitely encourage more number of energetic interested
candidates to response. This would ease the collection of forms for the
candidates of remote places.

Less Number of Centers for Test:

For Army, it takes place in all the cantonments. For Navy, it takes place in
Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna, Bogra and Rajshahi. For BAF, it only takes place at
Information and Selection Centre at Tejgaon. If it can be increased specially for
Navy and Air Force then potential candidates for each batch would be more. To
that effect, if the preliminary recruitment tests can be conducted in all the
district towns instead of cantonments, then it would be convenient for the
candidates to come to nearby district and appear Preliminary Recruitment Test.

Media Coverage:

Advertisements for joining the Armed Forces are published in a number of

national dailies few days before the preliminary recruitment test. Earlier the TV
advertisements used to be telecast only on the BTV and one or two commercial
channels for few times. Of late, frequency has been increased to some extent.
It has been gathered that recent advertisements attract the potential
candidates but then many might have missed due to less number of telecast. If

Existing Preliminary Recruitment System in the Armed Forces and Suggested Changes in 15
Profile Qualities
media can be utilized more frequently in number then it might be able to create
more lasting impact as expected. If journalists and TV personnel are invited
frequently to witness various exercises, training events and social gatherings to
cover Armed Forces activities, then it is likely to create interest among the

Prolonged Recruitment Process of Army:

Preliminary recruitment process prior to ISSB makes the whole recruitment

process a lengthy one for Army candidate. If a candidate from rural area wants
to appear for Army he needs to come to the nearby cantonment at least twice
and once at Dhaka for various tests only. Again at times, it involves more than
three to four months completing the whole process. So it is time consuming
because after each step, there is a time gap.

Scope of Joining ISSB Directly:

It is now practiced that candidates from Cadet Colleges can appear directly
without appearing the preliminary procedures. Definitely it is a moral boost,
moral factor and encouragement for the cadet college students. Accordingly if
students from all the good colleges listed by ISSB and all Cantonment Public
Colleges are allowed to directly appear ISSB being medically fit then more
number of good quality candidates would come for Armed Forces. However,
rules can be formulated that, only both GPA 5 will get the opportunity being
appropriately recommended by the Principals of the respective colleges.

Existing Preliminary Recruitment System in the Armed Forces and Suggested Changes in 16
Profile Qualities
8.0 Suggestions to Modify the Process:

More Number of Testing Centers for Recruitment:

If the number of centers is increased specially for Navy and Air Force then it
would offer more candidates to apply. To do that the number of preliminary
recruitment tests can be conducted in all the district towns instead of
cantonments then it would be convenient for the candidates to come to nearby
districts and appear preliminary recruitment test.

Completing Preliminary Recruitment Process at One Go for Army:

If the process before the ISSB can be completed in one day for each candidate,
then it would encourage many candidates to apply and participate in the test.
So the preliminary part may be conducted in one day for a group of candidates
and recommend them for ISSB.

Direct Appearance for ISSB:

Like cadet colleges, all the good colleges as listed in the Standing Operating
Procedure (SOP) of ISSB and candidates from Cantonment Public Colleges may
be allowed to appear ISSB directly being medically fit. In this case only both
GPA 5.00 will get the opportunity being appropriately recommended by the
Principals of the respective colleges. Golden GPA in both the examinations from
any college may also be given the same chance.

Inclusion of IQ Test in Preliminary Recruitment for Army:

Like Bangladesh Navy and Air Force, short IQ test may be included in the
Preliminary Recruitment system of Army. It would allow better filtering of
candidates in the overall recruitment process.

Existing Preliminary Recruitment System in the Armed Forces and Suggested Changes in 17
Profile Qualities
9.0 Analysis and Suggestions on PQs:

The mission of recruitment is to select potential officers for the Armed Forces of
Bangladesh who have the requisite capabilities to successfully complete the
military training at the respective Services Academies. As such these candidates
are needed to possess leadership qualities, integrity, planning ability and such
other qualities which would make them efficient leaders. Recruitment process
ascertains through different tests and interviews the potentials of these
candidates who choose to join this profession.

The personality of every individual is quite different than that of others.

Personality refers to the overall characteristics of a person which is the
integration of a number of traits that may be defined as relatively endurable
organization of personality inherited or acquired by an individual. In between
the traits and overall personality, there is another term attributes. A number of
traits of similar characteristics or nature combine to form an attribute. These
attributes are regarded as Profile Qualities (PQ).

Basic Intelligence Rating (BIR):

BIR is the numerical indicator of ones intelligence. Intelligence provides the

person with one capacity to meet and solve the problems that adjustments to
life requires. How s/he uses his / her intellectual capacity will determine how
successful his / her adjustment will be. Directly it influences the kind of
adjustment the person makes to the environment, to people and to himself.
Indirectly, it influences the judgment other people make of the person. The
principal objectives of BIR are to have the preliminary idea on the intelligence
level and to check the conformity of BIR with the academic attainments and
overall performance of a candidate. BIR is one of the significant aspects of a
candidate because the intelligence of a candidate is likely to have great
influence over almost all the PQs. Considering the present socio-economic
condition and also the result of SSC and HSC as a whole, the bottom level may
be upgraded.

Existing Preliminary Recruitment System in the Armed Forces and Suggested Changes in 18
Profile Qualities
Depth of Knowledge (DK):

DK of a candidate reflects his / her attitude towards life. The candidates likely
approach towards service is also projected by it. Depth of knowledge is not only
subjects of candidates choice but also other subjects. This quality can be
assessed to reasonable extent from the candidates academic attainments, the
class / distinction s/he obtained, his / her fields of interest, favourite subjects
and the subjects studied by him / her. This quality can also be assessed from
his / her insight into the related problems. DK of a candidate may be assessed
from Education Standard and also it is very closely associated with General
Awareness. In light of that, keeping its related importance, this profile quality
can be considered as trainable.

Written and Verbal Expression (WE & VE):

The WE and VE refer to the candidates ability to put over his / her ideas or
plans lucidly to other people in writing and verbally. It implies explanatory
ability, clarity of thoughts and relevance of argument. However, a lack of
confidence may tend to disrupt a candidates performance. Expression is the
main vehicle on the candidate potentially is assessed specially during the viva.
An individual may be very knowledgeable but if s/he fails to communicate the
same clearly, s/he fails to make a mark. For a leader, power of expression plays
a great and dominant role in discharging his duties. We need to keep in mind,

Existing Preliminary Recruitment System in the Armed Forces and Suggested Changes in 19
Profile Qualities
the exposure of one candidate coming from rural background. Even after all the
important aspects WE and VE, both all together may be considered trainable.

Physical Endurance (PHE):

PHE is related to physical as well as mental toughness and willpower. It implies

the extent to which the candidate possesses ability, robustness and
determination to carry out the hard physical task inherent in the duties. It also
means the capacity of individual to withstand physical strains and stresses. A
candidate is normally subjected to thorough medical check-up and only those
who are free from bodily deformities and meet the physical standard are
further tested. This is the function more of the mind than the body and it is to
be determined by the viva board. Above all, the board is to ascertain whether
the candidate will be able to withstand the physical hardship of the services
academies. Only those candidates fail here who are weak-willed and feeble
minded or lacking appropriate motivation and drive. At present, due to the
socio-economic changes more people are residing in the city or urban areas in
the apartment or flats. Again considering social degradation, parents feel
insecure to send them playing outside. These entire situation producing more
number of Apartment-babies in the society, as a result the adolescence
group is deprived of outdoor exposure especially physical hardship. Individual
physical development is more of a trainable quality which may be duly
addressed in respective services academies.

Existing Preliminary Recruitment System in the Armed Forces and Suggested Changes in 20
Profile Qualities
Dominance (Dom):

Dominance is the ability of an

individual to get others to do what
s/he wishes or to accept and carry
out his / her ideas. It implies effective
management, assertiveness,
ascendency in the social group,
capacity to dominate others and get their willing co-operation. The greatest
indicators of dominance are not so much the factual data provided by the
candidate, rather is behavior and quality of responses. Some persons impress
themselves more forcefully and convincingly than others on the objects of their
environment. Self-confidence is the main manifestation. Nervousness and
anxiety stem from feelings of actual or assumed inadequacy which negate the
ability to influence others. Behavior, though important must be supported by
genuine ability and motivation. Dominance is almost synonymous with
leadership as a whole, and the leadership trait seems all pervading in military
leadership and command roles. Dominance appears to be manifest result of all
the other qualities, but military considers it to be a trainable quality. As such,
considering the importance of dominance in the overall personality structure,
the matter may be reviewed as a basic profile quality.

Existing Preliminary Recruitment System in the Armed Forces and Suggested Changes in 21
Profile Qualities
10.0 Conclusion:

Bangladesh Armed Forces is expanding in size since its inception and trend is
likely to continue in future. Bangladesh Armed Forces is continuously selecting
potential officers in regular basis for fulfilling the organizational requirements.
We adopted the system which is still in existence in the subcontinent, modified
with the latest technique followed in UK but completely commensurate with the
requirements of our nation. The system is not always a full-proof one and here
are requirements and also scope to modify as needed. A number of
modification steps in preliminary medical, viva, written test, ISSB test may be
followed for the recruitment process to recruit the available best individual to
serve the nation.

Existing Preliminary Recruitment System in the Armed Forces and Suggested Changes in 22
Profile Qualities

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