New Man Final Final
New Man Final Final
New Man Final Final
JUNE 18/2012
First of all Our deep gratitude goes to the almighty GOD for everything he did to us in all the
way we path through, then after for both my adviser Ato abrha and mechanical engineering
department staff members for their continues and progressive support, advice and guides us to do
better work and give us a reference materials and initiate us for our work and project. In addition,
we would like to thank also other local companies, which participate in this block production
sector and their employees for their respect, familiarity, their advice and support. In addition, we
would like to thank our classmates and friends for sharing their ideas and materials with us.
Finally, we would like to thank our families for understanding and helping us with all our needs.
This report presents a systematic approach to enhance the current design of hollow block
machine. The design starts with data gathering from the literature review and infoBirration given
by the hollow blocks maker. Product specification is then being developed and refine to the
specific points. The weaknesses of the current design are being analyzed by looking at the
movement waste done by the machine operator and the machine limitation is being
identified. The hollow blocks are different from other noBirral blocks as it requires no
mortar or cement for masonry work. This blocks interlocked with each other by means of
positives and negative frogs on the top and bottom of the blocks which disallow the
horizontal movement of blocks. Selection of best design is chosen from the several design
concepts proposed. Finally, the drawing and detail design is produced according to standard and
ready to be built by the machine developer.
3.1 Introduction....34
TITLE page
D - Bore Diameter
Kg - Kilogram
KN - Kilo Newton
- pi (3.1415)
P - Pressure
C - Degree Celsius
F - Degree Fahrenheit
TITLE page
Since the government of Ethiopia focus to build thousands of low cost house throughout the
country, to meet the millennium development goals and achieve significant reduction in poverty
the introduction of compacted block making machine must be essential.
Nowadays providing house to our community at an affordable price is a major task being carried
out by our government and real state organizations. Hollow blocks and burnt blocks are a
colossal input for the construction of those low cost houses, but the currently in use hollow block
and burned block construction materials in our country are expensive and take long time to
manufacture and construct, which makes the selling price of those hoses expensive and take long
time to manufacture and construct, which makes the selling price of those hoses expensive and
take long time to manufacture and construct, which makes the selling price of those hoses
expensive and unaffordable for the medium income society. In addition to this those construction
materials has the following drawbacks:
General objective
The main objective of this project is to design a new blocks making machine with new features
and simplifying the machine for one man operation in order to reduce operational cost
and maximize the production rate. FurtheBirrore, the purpose of this is to design the
hollowblocks making machine that suitable for SME entrepreneurs.
Specific objective
To bring building construction of low cost houses effective, easier and faster using the
To achieve superior finishes and compatible for almost all types of construction.
General it aims high strength and technical superiority over conventional methods.
To achieve lighter than conventional masonry and hollow blocks save no mortar &
plaster cost.
Problem Identification
Current machine design unable to increase productivity, this is mainly due to;
i. Time wasting by doing the cement charging, loading and leveling, (Time required 50
ii. Manually obtaining the lower mold plate as operator needs the device to turn the block
(Time required 45 seconds).
iii. The load applied several time on the hollow block (Time required: 15 seconds)
iv. Operator need to manually pick-up the block one by one after compaction process
before start the new process cycle (Time required: 20 seconds).
v. The mold lower plates are manually inserted one by one (Time required 45 seconds).
And also The high aesthetic value, faster, theBirrally efficient, structurally durable, eco-friendly,
and low cost block will be identified for the production of low cost house in the country.
The analysis of this project is limited to the manufacturing of compacted block making machine
for producing blocks with dimensions (21*10*15cm) by applying 4.5 Mpa of compressing
pressure between the compressing mould of the machine at low cost.
N:B the compressive strength of both hollow blocks and hollow clay burned blocks range from
2Mpa up to 7Mpa it is acceptable in the Ethiopian standards for load bearing walls
.(ESC.D4.026),(ESC D3 301).
With system pressure of compacting 9-10 Mpa, cement content of 5-8% clay silt content of
10&50% a typical block can be made with a compression strength ranging from 4-7 Mpa this
compression strength for load bearing walls in the Ethiopian standard will be acceptable.
Power 4 kw
The main task to be done on the design of hollow block making machine
The scope of project is clearly define the specific field of the research and ensure that the entire
content of this thesis is confined the scope. This project is start with the literature review
on product specification in order to satisfy the project objectives. After obtaining the product
specification, this project is done base on the scope Project will focus on hollow block making
machine Designing the inter-locking block making machine that fulfill the project objective.
Machine design to suit the regular hollow blocks (Figure 1.1).
The project goes until detail design of hollow block making machine. The major output of this
project is to produce the detail drawing for the machine design. Fabrication of machine is
excluded in this project.
The scope of work can be described in teBirrs of flowchart as per the following.
Machine Specification
Conceptual Design
Materials Selection
Detail Drawing analysis (Software)
Detail Drawing
Assembly design(CATIA)
1.0 Introduction
No construction is possible without blocks. Since many centuries block making has been
practiced by human beings. Presently, blocks are easily made by using machines using
new technologies. Generally two types of blocks are manufactured by using machines that
are concrete block machines and clay block machines. Different types of automatic
machines use different techniques to make blocks. The raw materials used by the machines for
making hollow blocks are fly ash, sand lime, iron oxide, lime sludge, quarry wastes etc.
The focus of this project is on the production of concrete blocks, specifically hollow blocks
which offer a speedier, cost effective, environmentally sound alternative to conventional
walling materials. It is based on the principle of densification of a lean concrete mix to
make a regular shape, unifoBirr, high perfoBirrance masonry unit. Concrete Block
Technology can be easily adapted to suit special needs of users by modifying some design
parameters such as mix proportion, water to cement ratio and type of production system. It is
an effective means of utilizing wastes generated by stone crushers, quarrying and stone
processing units. The technology has high potential in areas where raw materials are
easily available. The new technique in producing this interlock block can generate a highly
profitable business for micro and small scale building material producers and construction
companies. The market for this type of block in Malaysia is not yet growing at a rapid
rate, even though there are demands in construction industries due to low production rate
which reflect the cost of block itself.
The hollow blocks are different from other noBirral blocks as it requires no mortar or
cement for masonry work. This blocks interlocked with each other by means of positives and
negative frogs on the top and bottom of the blocks which disallow the horizontal
movement of blocks. There are various application of this blocks namely; load bearing wall,
lintels, sills, wall corners etc. The specifications and the characteristics of this block depend on
the machine used to manufacture it. The most common size of block is 300x150x120mm. The
basic raw material is cement, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate. Very little water is used.
This is possible only with mechanized compaction and vibration and gives the block high
quality in spite of the lean mix, which uses very little cement. Weight of this block is about 2 - 3
Concrete products of all kinds are obviously heavy and bulky. To transport them for long
distances is costly. As a local manufacturer you can supply these products t customers in your
area for a lot less than a distant manufacturer can. Your overhead cost. no rent, no staff wages
mean low production cost, again these allows you to price very competitively and still make an
excellent profit.
The only things needed to start up are sheet metal and plywood to make the molds. You can
obtain plans with instructions on how to do this. To manufacture concrete blocks you will need
port land cement, gravel, sand and water. Your local building supply store or lumberyard can
supply these items. With handmade molds one person can make 100 cement blocks in a days
work. You simply fill the molds with the appropriate concrete mix then turn the blocks out to
dry. This is pretty simple. Then as your business expands you will want to acquire a concrete
block making machine which can turn out many more blocks per day than you can with hand
You can buy concrete block making machines from various sources. They are very expensive
and do a very good job. If you can afford it go ahead and buy one. It will greatly increase your
Making your own machine is not really difficult if you have some mechanical skills. Your home
built machine will make 800 cement blocks per day. A smaller, very simple hand operated
machine can make 200 blocks per day and is quite easy to build. Operating these machines
efficiently is a two person job. One worker runs the machine and the other takes the blocks from
it and stacks them on racks to dry. Obviously you will also need sufficient space to stack
hundreds of blocks.
1.2.2 Background
today in our country the problems of homeless have been increasing gradually and it appear to be
continue the main reason for the cause will be higher cost of construction raw materials,
poverty, low income and lack of new technology
Since the government of Ethiopia focus to build thousands of low cost house throughout the
country, to meet the millennium development goals and achieve significant reduction in poverty
the introduction of compacted block making machine must be essential.
The production of compacted block making machine established in 1988 in south Africa with
joint free India expertise .the CBMM building system replaces conventional blocks and mortar
through the use of compacted blocks, which are hollow and can be dry stacked. The other
components of the conventional building system remain unchanged. These blocks can be made
on construction site or at block yard using hollow block making machines. Today the CBMM
building system and the machines are used in over 50 countries worldwide. This block-block can
be made with lo al soil and cement or fly ash (brunt coal ash) and cement.
These eco-friendly blocks are made with combinations of soil-cement, sand cement which are
durable, but cost effective because they are made using local soil and require low cement content
(about 5%) and fly ash.
1) According to production
Hollow concrete block
Solid concrete block
2) According to its size
Aggregate is the stone, sand and ash you want to vibrate and compact down and bind together
with the cement. A good aggregate is an aggregate that is free from chemicals, clay and organic
material. A good aggregate will bond well with the cement paste and not react with it.
As a rule of thumb the denser youre finished block or block the stronger the block or block will
be. You must choose your aggregates according to your needs. To achieve a dense block with an
aggregate that can be vibrated and compacted down easily you need to have an aggregate with
evenly graded particles ranging from fine dust up to larger stone of around 9mm.Blending
different aggregates often produces the best results
Cement is your most costly material and by doing trials with different aggregates you will be
able to minimize on cement content and so decrease your costs. Cement should always be stored
in dry place, off the floor and should be use within three months of the date of manufacture.
Never use cement that has lumps in it and only use cement from a well known brand that has an
SABS mark of approval on it.
Only clean clear potable water should be used in the manufacture of the blocks and blocks. Any
organic material in water will prevent the cement from setting. Chemicals and impurities could
also affect the strength of the end product. Never use salty or break water. It is advisable to get
your water tested for impurities.
1. Cement
2. Sand
3. Water
4. Fly ash
5. Grit (Gravel)
The deteBirrination of suitable amounts of raw materials needed to produce concrete of desired
quality under given conditions of mixing, placing and curing is known as proportioning.
(2) Mixing
The objective of thorough mixing of aggregates, cement and water is to ensure that the cement-
water paste completely covers the surface of the aggregates. All the raw materials including
water are collected in a concrete mixer, which is rotated for about 1 minutes. The prepared
mix is discharged from the mixer and consumed within 30 minutes.
(3) Compacting
The purpose of compacting is to fill all air pockets with concrete as a whole without movement
of free water through the concrete. Excessive compaction would result in foBirration of water
pockets or layers with higher water content and poor quality of the product. Semi-automatic
vibrating table type machines are widely used for making cement concrete hollow blocks. The
machine consists of an automatic vibrating unit, a lever operated up and down metallic mould
box and a stripper head contained in a frame work.
(4) Curing
Hollow blocks removed from the mould are protected until they are sufficiently hardened to
peBirrit handling without damage. This may take about 24 hours in a shelter away from sun and
winds. The greatest strength benefits occur during the first three days and valuable effects are
secured up to 10 or 14 days. The longer the curing time peBirritted the better the product.
(5) Drying
Concrete shrinks slightly with loss of moisture. It is therefore essential that after curing is over,
the blocks should be allowed to dry out gradually in shade so that the initial drying shrinkage of
the blocks is completed before they are used in the construction work. Hollow blocks are stacked
with their cavities horizontal to facilitate thorough passage of air.
Batch mixing
For high quality blocks and blocks a pan mixer should be used. For low quality blocks and
blocks hand mixing on the ground can be used. Always run a series of trials with different mix
proportions. By evaluating your results you can adapt your mix to be more cost effective. Start
you trial mixes with 1 part cement to 6 parts aggregate. This translates to one bag of cement to 3
level wheelbarrows of aggregate. Test your block or block strengths at 28 days.
Mixing process
Pan mixer
Place half of your aggregate into the pan mixer then add the cement followed by the remaining
aggregate. Allow the cement and aggregate to mix dry until a consistent even color is produced.
Then start adding in water until the correct moisture content is reached. By hand spread youre
aggregate out over a concrete surface. Then add your cement by spreading it over your aggregate
evenly. Shovel your aggregate up into a pile. Spread the pile out again and build it up into a
second pile. Spread the second pile out again and add water by sprinkling it evenly over the
spread out aggregate. Mix water into aggregate and
Then pile the mixture up for a third time. This method usually adequately mixes your batch.
Hand mixing is labor intensive and time consuming. It also tends to be more wasteful.
Water content
The moisture content within you mix is crucial. It is important for the following reasons:-
The correct water content allows for good dense compaction by lubricating the aggregate. Too
much water will lubricate the aggregate to such an extent that the block/block will fall apart or
When removed from the mould.
With the correct water content the block/block will release easily from the mould. No suction
between the mould and block will be created.
An artificial foBirr called Portland cement was innovated during the industrial revolution in
England, but the national foBirrula continued to be marketable until 1890s. UN improved
version of Portland cement was produced in Great Britain though 19th century and held share of
import to the United States until 1871. The Construction of the first American company in
Pennsylvania, The American cement industry had organize into professional group by 1900, one
of which was Portland cement association. The obvious function of this group was to advance
the use of Portland cement, which was accomplished though workshop, advertising, catalogs and
pattern books. Concrete block was highly recommended by the association in 1905.
Early production of concrete block in the 19th century was achieved by filling cast iron or
wooden box molds called side-face machines with a dry mix of concrete mixed with the
minimum amount of water for hardening. the concrete was added in layers and hand-tamped.
The block was removed via the hinged sides of the mold box and laid out to dry for seven to ten
days in an upright position.
Mass production of concrete block buildings did not develop until HaBirron palmer patented a
cast-iron hollow block machine in 1900.with this invention, it was claimed that two men could
produce between eighty to one hundred blocks in a machines that rotated up 90 degrees for
release of the block. hollow blocks were considered superior as they were lighter, insulated better
and were more moisture-resistant. once the popularity of the concrete block as a building
material was established, competing companies began marketing their own machines. all
followed palmers pattern of metal frame and mold box with hand release lever for opening the
sides and removing the finished product. in the year sprier to standardization of the concrete
industry the size of some early block was 24 or 32 long. Blocks where also thicker, sometimes
weighing as much as 180 pounds. With the organization of manufacturing associations the
however,1/2 or size block attachments were accessible, as well as gable, bay window, circular
and corner block attachments.
The production of compacted block making machine established in 1988 in south Africa with
joint free India expertise .the CBMM building system replaces conventional blocks and mortar
through the use of compacted blocks, which are hollow and can be dry stacked. The other
components of the conventional building system remain unchanged. These blocks can be made
on construction site or at block yard using hollow block making machines. Today the CBMM
building system and the machines are used in over 50 countries worldwide. This block-block can
be made with lo al soil and cement or fly ash (brunt coal ash) and cement.
These eco-friendly blocks are made with combinations of soil-cement, sand cement which are
durable, but cost effective because they are made using local soil and require low cement content
(about 5%) and fly ash.
Cement concrete hollow blocks have an important place in modern building industry. They are
cost effective and better alternative to burnt clay blocks by virtue of their good durability, fire
resistance, partial resistance to sound, theBirral insulation, small dead load and high speed of
construction. Concrete hollow blocks being usually larger in size than the noBirral clay building
blocks and less mortar is required, faster of construction is achieved. Also building construction
with cement concrete hollow blocks provides facility for concealing electrical conduit, water and
sewer pipes wherever so desired and requires less plastering.
Fig 2.2 Filling in concrete while the machine Concrete is filled up during compacting until the
molde isfilled is already vibrating
3.1 Introduction
This chapter consists of methods for completing product development activities.The applied
methods, which are well-structured, provide a step-by-step approach to complete the task
of this project. Based on these methodologies, there are three advantages expected.
Firstly, the decision processes is completely made, reducing the possibility of moving
forward with unsupported decisions. Secondly, by acting as
check list of the key steps in a development activity and ensure that the important issues are
not forgotten. Third, these structured methods are largely self-documenting; in the process of
executing the method, the record of the decision-making process can be used for future
Figure 3.1 show the flow chart for completing this project.
The goal of this activity is to understand customers needs (users need) and To effectively
communicate them for the optimization job of current machine used. The output of this step is
a set of carefully constructed customer need statement, organized in a hierarchical list, with
importance weightings for many or all of the needs. The data are obtained mainly by
interviewing the user of hollow block making machine and also from the observation of the
current machine design. The identification of the current machine design weaknesses is really
helpful in providing the target specification.
Specifications provide a precise description of what a product has to do. is the translation of the
customer needs into technical teBirrs. Targets for the specifications are set early in the process
and represent the guide for generating the idea of machine modification. Later these
specifications are refined to be consistent with the product concept. The output of this stage
is a list of target specifications.
The goal of concept generation is to thoroughly explore the space of the product concepts that
may address the customer needs. Concept generation includes a mix of external search,
creative problem solving, and systematic exploration of the various solution fragments. The
result of this activity is three generative concepts, each typically represented by a sketch and
brief descriptive text.
Concept selection is the activity in which the generated concepts are analyzed and
sequentially eliminated to identify the most promising concept(s). The process is using the
weight age value and a given marks. The highest score can be considered as a chosen concept.
Several iterations may initiate additional concept generation and refinement, After
evaluating three generated concepts in previous.
The target specifications set earlier in the process are revisited after a concept has been selected
and tested. At this point, the specific values of the metrics reflecting the constraints
inherent in the product concept, limitations identified through technical modeling, and
trade-offs between cost and perfoBirrance.
Identifying customer
Establishing target
Concept generation
Concept selection
Product Architecture
Detail schmatic
Finish Drawing diagram
This subtopic shows the preliminary result obtained for completing product development
Table 3.1 shows the finding data from the interviewing of hollow block producers
No Need Importance
1 High production rate 5
2 Minimum 4 blocks per cycle 5
3 One man operation 5
4 Simple operation. 5
5 Comes with auto arrange block system 5
6 Comes with cement charging system 5
7 Comes with cooling system 2
8 Fool proof operation 4
9 Automated function 3
10 UnifoBirr pressure distribution 2
11 Can be easily access for maintenance 2
12 Safe to handle 2
13 Low cost machine 1
14 Marketable machine 1
15 Comes with alert system 1
The machine must be able to increase the productivity of the block output. The main
reason is it can supply the highly demand of hollow block in the construction industries. This
need is very important so that it is highly rated (5) as it is the factor of the need of optimization
the current machine design.
The machine must have minimum four (4) mold cavities as it can produce four hollow
blocks in one time. This is one of the factors that can increase productivity. More mold cavities
can rapidly increased the production rate.
The machine operation must be handled by a single worker only (one man operation).
A simple on/off button only and no complicated process in producing the hollow blocks operates
block system Compare with the current machine system, for producing the hollow block
there is no proper process for arrangement of block after it being produced. The main
objective of this system is to arrange the blocks on the pallet automatically.
The raw material/concrete is automatically loaded to the mold cavities before the compression
process begins. The process of charging is repeated automatically after compaction process
cycle take place.
The cooling system or cooling unit functions to cool down the hydraulic system as heat is highly
generated by the non-stop compaction process.
The compression process compact the true value of pressure once. No need for compress
i) Automated function
Machine can run automatically for the process of cement charging/ loading to the mold,
compression, and arrangement of block after compression.
Machine can be easily maintained and easily accessed for maintenance area.
AlaBirr system sense the need of cement loading/charging and also detecting the movement of
operators body part inside the compaction area for safety precaution.
l) Safe to handle
Standard operation procedure is one of the factors that make the machine handling is safe.
The cost to build this machine must be reasonable and within the capability of SME
entrepreneurs so that the return of investment time can be shortened.
n) Marketable machine
Machine appearance and perfoBirrance must be competitive and at affordable price so that
it benefit the SME entrepreneur. The most useful metrics are those that reflect as directly as
possible the degree to which the product satisfies the customer needs. The relationship
between needs and metrics is central to the entire concept of specifications.
Table 3.3 The relative importance of each metric and the units for the metric are also
shown Subj is an abbreviation indicating that a metric is subjective.
Production rate
Safe standard
Cooling rate
No Metric
Unit price
1 High production rate
4 Simple operation.
After identifying a set of customer needs and establishing the target product
specifications, the concept of modified hollowblock making machine can be generated by
identifying the main problem that preventing customer to get their needs and requirement.
Current machine design unable to increase productivity, this is mainly due to;
ii. Manually obtaining the lower mold plate as operator needs the device to turn
the block (Time required: 45 seconds). See figure 3.4& 3.5.
iv. Operator need to manually pick-up the block one by one after
compaction process before start the new process cycle (Time required: 20
seconds). See figure 3.8.
v. The mold lower plates are manually inserted one by one (Time
required: 45 seconds). See figure 3.9.
After identifying the weaknesses of the current design, literature review (chapter 2) is uses to
get the basic idea of the existing solution concepts. The propose concepts are then
generated according to the problem solution and establishment of customer needs and
specification. So the challenge is to design a hollow block making machine that fulfilling
the target product specification. The knowledge in mechanical and hydraulic systems is
crucially needed for generating the design concept.
Figure 3.11
Concept 1-Cantilever concept (Drawing view)
No Requirement Description
1 Production rate Automatic charging/loading and block ejecting system
Reducing the waste identified previously.
Productivity increase as production time being reduced.
2 Labor One man operation with the simple control panel
3 Cooling rate The cooling system is inside the panel box
4 Compression Vertical compression hydraulic system
pressure The location of cylinder is beside of machine itself.
5 Maintenance Maintenance is easy due to all critical item are in the
machine control box
6 Safe Standard Machine operation is able to follow the safety standard;
as this machine concept is compact and all moving part
are inside the machine working area.
7 Unit price n.i.l.
8 Aesthetic The machine is compact and suitable for small working area.
Machine is nice and compact.
No Requirement Description
1 Production rate Automatic charging/loading and block ejecting system
Reducing the waste identified previously.
Productivity increase as production time being reduced.
2 Labor One man operation with the simple control panel
3 Cooling rate The cooling system is inside the panel box
4 Compression Vertical compression hydraulic system
pressure The location of cylinder at the center of machine itself.
5 Maintenance Maintenance is easy due to all critical item are in the
machine control box
6 Safe Standard Machine operation is able to follow the safety standard;
as this machine concept is compact and all moving part
are inside the machine working area.
7 Unit price n.i.l.
8 Aesthetic The machine is compact and suitable for small working area.
Machine is nice and compact.
No Requirement Description
1 Production rate Automatic charging/loading and block ejecting system (the
blocks are drop as the compaction cylinder retract and conveyor
will transfer the blocks) Reducing the waste identified
previously. Productivity increase as production time being
2 Labor One man operation with the simple control panel
3 Cooling rate The cooling system is inside the panel box
4 Compression Horizontal compression hydraulic system
pressure The location of cylinder is below the charging container.
5 Maintenance Maintenance is easy due to all critical item are in the
machine control box
6 Safe Standard Machine operation is able to follow the safety standard;
as this machine concept is compact and all moving part
are inside the machine working area.
7 Unit price n.i.l.
8 Aesthetic The machine is compact and suitable for small working area.
Machine is nice and compact.
The first step in using Concept Screening is to identify the criteria that will be use and
can generate significant debate itself. Each concept is then being examines and compares it
against each criterion to give it a relative score. The scoring scheme for this are +1, 0 and -1 to
show better, same, worse or may have values to indicate how much better or worse it is.
Each option then has its score totaled to show its overall score relative to the base option.
If one option scores much higher, then this is clearly likely to be the best choice.
The purpose of concept screening is to narrow down the concept selection. In addition,
the concepts are analyzed for improvement possibilities. The reference concept for the analysis
has been identified, which is the existing hollowblock making machine which is currently
used. The machine is used as reference because it is currently represents the high
production rate block making machine available in Malaysia. FurtheBirrore, it is a
straightforward and familiar concept which can easily access. There are 3 concepts which
are going to be compared against the reference concept. The comparison will be done with
related to all customer needs.
From the evaluation of the concept screening, concept 1 and concept 2 having the same
rank (table 3.8). This mean Concept 1 in which having a cantilever type of hydraulic
cylinder attachment and Concept 2 in which having cylinder at the center is fulfilling the
customer requirement is rank as the most preferable concept; the second most preferable
concept is concept 3 which used the horizontal compaction system.
Concept 3 is eliminated from the concept selection which means that the concept is below
the standard customer expectation.
SUM + 0 12 12 8
SUM 0 4 2 2 2
SUM - 11 1 1 5
Net Score -11 11 11 3
Rank 4 3 2 6
Continue? No yes yes No
Same as reference 3
A concept-scoring matrix (Table 3.9) relates the concepts chosen from the screening
matrix to customer needs using weights to show the importance of needs. The reference in the
scoring matrix is not only one concept as it is in the screening matrix.
The reference is spread out among concepts for each need, giving better results since one concept
would not be average in all categories. The score rating from one to five is given to each concept
according to their need depending on the importance to the
overall design with five being the most important and one being the least important. Thisway of
scoring makes the concept-scoring matrix more accurate than the concept screening
importance to the overall design with five being the most important and one
being the least important. After all categories and concepts are scored, the score is
multiplied by the weight and added down a column. The weight percentage is based on the
customer requirements priority. From the listed customer needs, several important needs
are valued with high percentage of weight age.
Concept 2 scored higher than concepts 1. This concept has a vertical compression system
that has a bridge to support the hydraulic cylinder. Even though both of concept using the
hydraulic system to compact the block, the structure of how the cylinder being attached to the
structure affecting the process of machine operation. FurtheBirrore, concept 2 has a
compact shape in which having more aesthetic value compare to concept 1. Comparing the
safety features between both concepts, concept 2 due to having a compact shape, moving
machine part is minimize and became more safety to the machine operator, while concept
1 has a moving part expose to area working area. From the concept selection activities,
the hollow block making machine that bas bridge support cylinder has proved to satisfy
most of the customer requirements. From this selection, Concept 2 has been chosen as the
selected concept. However, it is not a mandatory to follow exactly this concept. This
process is just a guideline in designing the modification that need to improve in order to
fulfill the customer requirements and needs.
This type of projects involves a major modification effort to enhance the current design become
automated and high production rate. The new optimized machine must have an excellent
working principle compared to current machine used.
This phase begins with the needs of customer thru interviews (site visit), and observing the
product in use. From customer, the statements are interpreted in teBirrs of customer needs. These
interpret data are organize into a hierarchical list where consist of a set of primary needs and
a set of secondary needs. The relative importance of the needs are established in teBirr of
numerical importance weighting for a subset of the needs. Scale of 1 to 5 (1 not important
and 5 highly importance) are used to summarize the importance data.
The target specifications for hollow block making machine are established after the customer
needs have been identified. A good way to generate the list of metric is to contemplate each
need in turn and to consider what precise, measurable characteristic of the product will
reflect the degree to which the product satisfied the need. The units of measurement are
most commonly conventional engineering units.
After identifying a set of customer needs and establishing target product specifications, the
machine modification concept is being generated. Three concepts generated for proposed
modification, which are hollow block making machine that
have cantilever structure holding compaction cylinder (Concept 1), block making machine
that have cantilever structure holding compaction cylinder (Concept 2), and block making
machine that have horizontal compression system (Concept 3).
In concept selection, the concepts being evaluated with respect to customer needs and other
criteria, comparing the relative strengths and weakness of the concepts, for further
investigation. To narrow the number of concepts quickly and to improve the concepts, the
screening matrix is used. The current machine design used has been chosen to become
reference concept, against which all other concepts are rated. In concept
scoring, the concepts are weighted relative to the importance of the selection criteria and focuses
on more refined comparisons with respect to each criterion. The concept scores are deteBirrined
4.1 Introduction
The designed hollow block making machine consist of four major sub-assemblies in which
having several components or parts that can be classify to standard parts and custom part. Figure
4.1 show the overall machine assembly design. The main feature of this designed machine is
that it is purposely design in a compact size with a fully automatic function in order to produce
blocks in four mold cavities.
The parallel acting actuators or cylinders at the top structure assembly applying 80 tone of
force for pressing the blocks in mold cavities. The next process, the bottom cylinder will
push the compacted blocks up in which ready to be push out on to conveyor (unavailable in this
design) by the charger then the bottom cylinder will retract and concrete charging into
mold take place simultaneously as the bottom cylinder retract.
The process continue with charger retraction under the container for concrete refill,
vibration motor attached on the container is helping the refilling process and this work
simultaneously with the movement of top cylinder to press the concrete in mold. The
processes are continuously done automatically.
By considering all the above preconditions of selecting the motor having, the power of 4kw is
Types of shaft: - the following two types of shafts are important from the subject point of view
1. Transmission shafts. These shafts transmit power between the source and the
machines absorbing power. The counter shaft, line shaft, over head shaft and all
factory are transmission
The shaft is made of mild steel
Material (steel with Allowable shear stress of=19.3Mpa)
We know that that torque transmitted by the shaft(T)
T= (n/16) (t) (d^3)
= [(12.73kN-mm) (16)]/ [(n) (19.3N/mm2)]
Taking standard shaft of
Types bearing
Life of bearing.
- The life of an individual ball (or roller) bearing may be defined as the number of
revolutions (or hours at some given constant speed) which the bearing runs before the
first evidence of fatigue develops in the material of one of the rings or any of the rolling
- Rating life of a group of apparently identical ball or roller bearings is defined as the
number of revolutions (or hours at some given constant speed) that 90 % of a group of
bearings will complete or exceed before the first evidence of fatigue develops.
- Minimum life is used to denote the rating life. The average life of bearings is 5 times the
rating life (or minimum life). The longest life of a single bearing is seldom longer that the
4 time the average life and the maximum life of single bearing is about 30 to 50 times the
minimum life.
1- Basic dynamic radial load is calculated. It is then multiplying for the service factor to get
the design basic dynamic radial load capacity.
2- Selection of the bearing is made from catalogue of manufacturer, according to basic static
and dynamic capacities.
1. The load is distributed unifoBirrly along the entire length of the weld
2. Stress is spread unifoBirrly over its effective section.
3. Static condition.
1- Members may be distorted or additional stresses may be developed for heating and
cooling during fabrication.
2- Requires a highly skilled labor and supervision.
3- There is a possibility of crack developing for no provision for expansion and contraction
on the frame.
4- Inspection is more difficult.
Corner joint: - two parts located approximately at right angle each other.
Lap joints
Fillet weld 80 21 98 35
All types
Butt weld
Tension 90 35 110 55
Shear 55 35 70 35
There are many types of springs: Helical springs (compression and tension); Conical and
volute springs; Torsion springs; Leaf springs; Disc (or Belleville) springs.Materials for
springs should have high fatigue strength, high ductility, and high resilience and should
be creep resistant. Its selection depends upon the service for which are they used. (Severe
service, average service and light service).
- Easy to manufacture.
- Available in a wide range.
- Are reliable.
- Have constant spring rate.
- Their perfoBirrance can be predicted more accurately.
- Their characteristic can be varied by changing dimensions.
Solid length: When the spring is compressed until, the coils meet each other. Is the product of
numbers of coils times the diameter of the wire. [ LS = nd ], (n) number of coils, (d) diameter
of wire.
1 - Plain ends n (n + 1) d pn + d
2 - Ground ends N Nd pn
In addition to tensional shear stress ( 1 ) induced on the wire, also the following stresses are
present: Direct shear stress due to the load W and Stress due to the curvature of the wire Direct
W 4W
shear stress:[ 2 = Load/ Cross sectional area of the wire]. 2 2
d 2
S=allowable stress
d= wire size
K=stress factor
G=modulus of elasticity
The force exerted by the unbalance force F=200N and the value of c ranges from 4 20 for
standard spring The material selected for spring is steel with
from this
To find the number of turns of the spring(n). the number of active turn of the spring we know
that compression of the spring=40mm
P=[ ]+d
=[ ]+3
Stress on the spring is only the direct noBirral stress and direct shear stress
= +
Material selection
So the material we chose for bolt has to have high wear resistance and good machine
The material is ASTM A47, A338 with
Ultimate tensile stress 345Mpa and yield stress of 224Mpa
; ;
The overall line circuit of double acting cylinder will be (the selected one)
Hydraulic power is defined as Flow x Pressure. The hydraulic power supp a pump: P in [bar] and
Q in [lit/min] => (P x Q) 600 [kW].
The machine needs to apply the forces of 800kN (Maju Dinamik Sdn. Bhd.) on the concrete
particle inside the mold in order to foBirr the hollow block. Therefore;
From top structure designed, bore diameter = 112mm, after compensate fo10mm wall cylinder.
= (0.112m) 2
= 0.04m
According to standard hydraulic part in catalog in Appendix, the most suitable cylinder with
required stroke is PMC21020 with 5bore diameter, shaft diameter 2.5, and 20 stroke (required
stroke 18 or 460mm).
Due to high pressure system required the power unit also should carefully selected in order to
make sure that the system is under power which mean the blocks are not well compress and may
rise a quality issue to the end user. However if the high power of power unit is chosen the system
can be say as under utilize as the power required is less than supplied by power pack unit and
furtheBirrore, the cost is higher than the middle power of power pack unit.
According to standard power unit in catalog in Appendix, the most power unit with required
200bar of pressure is 255617 part number with 3000psi and 5 gallon of reservoir tank capacity in
which sufficient enough to supply the hydraulic oil for both cylinders during operation and hold
the oil during machine shut down.
Restriction depending
Restriction depending on the viscosity
Manual - lever
Muscular control - lever
Constant, 1 direction
Constant hydraulic motor with one direction of flow
Pressure reducing
Pressure reducing valve
Valve noBirrally closed in un activated position \
( )
A=ranking constant
L=equivalent length of the column
K=last radius of gyration
=crushing or yield stress In compression
And the above consideration of one end free and the other end fixed will case for buckling and
the weight applied on the support frame is about ( ) =200N
And the factor of safety for steady load is given by F.s (5-6) there for the critical load will be
This shear plate is a part of the main components of the machine, which are basically used as a
mould to get the exact shape of the compacted block. And also, the maximum bending moment
is created at the center.
Where C=t/2
from this
Since the shear plate are the most important part of the machine, we decided the thickness of
material to be 4mm
The architecture of a product can influence many aspects of its life-cycle perfoBirrance
from the design phase through to the recycling of a product and the reuse of fragments of its
design. Product architecture choice therefore deserves careful consideration, which would
be facilitated by the ability to represent and assess alternatives at an early stage.
It has been defined by Ulrich [1] as the arrangement of functional elements, the mapping from
functional elements to physical components, and the specification of the interfaces among
interacting physical components. Others extend this definition to include the division of a
product into functional modules and component-sharing relationships within a family of
Product architecture may be represented using a product modeling language. There are
many such languages, which vary in the types of infoBirration they represent and the way
in which they do so.
Models of a products architecture constructed in such languages may be used for various
purposes, including communication between the client and a design team or within a
design team, or (the focus of this paper) for assessing the product against life-cycle
objectives. These objectives may be classified into perfoBirrance-related objectives and those
related to other aspects of the products existence. Many objectives in the second class, also
teBirred non-functional requirements, are addressed by Design for X (DfX) methods (where
X may be Assembly, Manufacture, Environment etc.) [1].
Mold assembly (figure 4.2) consists of six different parts and each of it can be produce
by conventional machine process except for mold itself which require the modern
machining process namely Wire EDM. One of the six parts is M10 Hex cap screw.
Details can refer to figure 4.15. The mold isattached on the table structure by bolt M20.
Top Structure assembly (figure 4.4) consists of thirteen different parts and each of it can be
produce by conventional machine process except for top mold itself which require the modern
machining process namely Wire EDM and join by using welding process for the structure
(hinge and compactor, and top structure 2) component. Beside M24, M20 and M10 bolt, nut,
and hex cap screw, this sub-assembly consists of two hydraulic cylinders. Details can
refer to figure 4.17. This structure is attached on the mold structure by M20 bolt.
Charging system assembly (figure 4.5) consists of sixteen different parts and each of it
can be produce by conventional machine process (except for charger, container and cover
suitable process is laser cutting).and join by using welding process for the structure (block
pusher, slider base, structure base, and charging structure) component. Beside M20, M12,
and M4 bolt, nut, and hex cap screw, this sub-assembly consists of one hydraulic cylinder and
also a vibration motor. Details can refer to figure 4.18. This structure is attached on the mold
structure by M16 bolt and table structure by M12.
In this sub-assembly lays the heart of the machine whereby the control system devices are place
inside the control panel. The control panel consists of on/off knob, two hand control as a point of
operation safeguarding device. The palm button must be depressed concurrently and maintained
during the hazardous down stroke of the ram. Release of palm button reverses or stops the action
of ram. The controls offered also include a light curtain interface. All the electronics parts are
placed inside the control panel box (figure 4.6).
When a component, device or system failure occurs, such that it or a subsequent failure of
another component, device or system would lead to the inability of the safety related function to
respond to a noBirral stop command or an immediate stop command, the safety related function
Prevent initiation of hazardous machine motion until the failure is corrected or until the
control system is manually reset; or
Initiate an immediate stop command and prevent re-initiation of hazardous machine
motion until the failure is corrected or until the control system is manually reset; or
Prevent re-initiation of hazardous machine motion at the next noBirral stop command
until the failure is corrected or until the control system is manually reset.
2 Cutting process
i) Steel bar by hacksaw
4 i) Sheet metal Laser cutting, Turret punching, and
(Mild Steel) welding process for joining.
5 ii) Sheet metal Laser cutting, Turret punching, and
(Mild Steel) welding
process for joining.
6 i) Steel bar Milling and
drilling process
middle bar
8 i) Steel Block Drilling and
(Mild Steel) wire cutting
9 i) Steel Plate Milling, drilling,
(Mild Steel) counterboring
and wire cutting
movable base
10 i) Steel Plate Milling, drilling,
(Mild Steel) and
planar base
plate structure
12 i) Steel Plate Milling, drilling,
(Mild Steel) counterboring.
Pusher Base
13 i) Steel rod Cut by sawing
(Mild Steel) process, drilling
and tapping
Pusher Shaft
14 i) Steel rod
(Mild Steel) Cut by sawing
process, turning,
drilling, and
tapping process.
Slider Compactor
17 i) Angle Bar Cut by sawing
(Mild Steel) process drilling.
Table Structure 1
18 i) Parallel Cut by sawing
Flange process drilling.
Table Structure 2
Structure Base
20 i) Angle Bar Cut by sawing
ii) Parallel process, drilling,
Flange milling, and
21 Drilling, tapping
i) Steel Block and wire cutting
(Mild Steel)
Top Mold
22 i) Parallel Cut by sawing
Flange process drilling,
and milling
Top Structure 1
Top Structure 2
24 i) Steel rod Cut by sawing
(Carbon Steel) process drilling
and tapping.
Pusher Slider
25 Standard
- Vibration vibration motor
frequency for heavy duty
50 90 Hz
- 1400 RPM
In this section, the critical parts which are top structure and the table structure are being tested by
putting the maximum force along its structure. The analysis are conducted by using the CAE
software namely CATIA V5 in order to obtain the result.
The maximum forces 800kN exerted at the cylinders mount and also distributed along top plate.
Figure below shows the result of simulation analysis, it seems that the maximum Von
Misses Stress does not exceed that Yield Strength of the structure, so that the top structure can
be considered as tough enough to work with 800kN force ces from hydraulic cylinder
The maximum forces 800kN exerted at the top surface of table structure and also distributed
along top plate. Figure below shows the result of simulation analysis; it seems that the
maximum Von Mises Stress does not exceed that Yield Strength of the structure, so that
the table structure can be considered as tough enough to work with 800kN forces from
hydraulic cylinder.
The maximum forces 800kN exerted on the planar base and distributed along it face. Figure
below shows the result of simulation analysis; it seems that the maximum Von Mises
Stress does not exceed that Yield Strength of the structure, so that the table structure can be
considered as tough enough to work with 800kN forces from hydraulic cylinder.
The maximum forces 800kN exerted on the planar base and distributed along it face. Figure
below shows the result of simulation analysis; it seems that the maximum Von Mises
Stress does not exceed that Yield Strength of the structure, so that the table structure can be
considered as tough enough to work with 800kN forces from hydraulic cylinder.
The data presented in this sub topic is meant to help entrepreneurs to estimate the production
cost of compressed block with a view to identifying the lowest costing technology and
size of production. A methodological framework for the estimation of production costs is
described in the following sections.
It should be noted that the cost of producing compressed block will vary a great deal from
country to country and even from one area to another within the same country. Unit production
costs will differ in relation to local conditions.
It is important to note that block making can be carried out on a self-help basis, where labor
costs are eliminated. FurtheBirrore, soil is often available at no cost. The methodological
costing technique consists of 12 steps that may be sub-divided into two main parts:
(b) Estimation of the cost of each input and computation of unit production costs (Steps 7 to
12). These steps are briefly described in the remaining part of this section.
Step 1 - DeteBirrine the quantity of blocks to be produced in a given period of time. The number
will be a function of market demand, availability of finance, acquired production techniques, etc.
Step 2 - Calculate amount of material inputs required for the chosen scale of production. The
basic materials are suitable soil, sand (if needed for linear shrinkage modification), stabiliser and
water. Some oil, for example used engine oil, will be needed as a mould release agent.
Step 3 - List of equipment required. This will include items for digging and moving
soil, preparing soil with a crusher or sieving screen, mixing, a device for moulding the
blocks, a covered yard for curing the blocks and an office. Provision should also be made
for soil investigation and testing equipment. Chapters 2 to 4 provide infoBirration on the type
of materials, equipment and infrastructure needed. The cost of industrial pieces of
equipment may be acquired from equipment suppliers and manufacturers, (see Appendix
III), or from local workshops in cases where the equipment is produced locally.
Step 4 - List of labor requirements. The productivity of the labor force may not only vary from
one country to another, but also from one site to another within the same country. It is
important to specify the length of the working day, the number of days worked per week
and the number of working weeks per year, taking into account an allocation of time for
leave of absence during the year. The level of skill requirements must also be deteBirrined.
Step 5 - Other local services and facilities may be required, such needs may include:
Step 7 - Annual cost of materials identified in Step 2 must be calculated. Clay, sand and water
are often extremely cheap items. The mould-releasing agent will not be needed in large
amounts so should cost very little. Reject engine oil may be acquired at a very low price or
obtained free in some cases.
Step 9 - Reasonable value must be given for the cost of labor in the area where blocks
are to be produced. Local wage levels for different skills must be applied and fringe
benefits included in the estimation of labor costs.
Step 10 - Land has an infinite life, and the area from which soil is obtained may be restored
to its original use in some instances. Thus the annual cost of land may be assumed to
be equal to the annual rent of the same or equivalent piece of land. If the land is already
owned by the investor, a hypothetical annual rental rate should be used when estimating the
annual land cost, since this is the income the investor might have obtained by renting it
out instead of using the land themselves.
Step 12 - The unit production cost may be calculated by summing up the separate cost
items from Steps 7 to 11 in order to get the total annual cost. The latter is then divided
by the number of blocks manufactured annually to obtain the unit production cost.
+ Depreciation (8)
(Source from: Compressed Stabilized Earth Block Manufacture in Sudan, Dr. E.A.Adam in
collaboration with Prof. A.R.A.Agib)
In order to calculate the cost of building this machine, the list of parts or component
must be clearly identify by referring to the bill of material generated upon the final stage
of design. This hollow block making machine consist of four sub-assemblies and each
component in the sub-assembly consist of several components which can be classify as
standard part and custom part. These can be clearly understood by referring to the bill of
materials figures shown.
a) Material cost
BIRR= 46,602.00
Therefore, roughly, total machine cost including the mechanical system is BIRR 46,602.00.
However, this value may change relatively as a time goes by.
Product Design Specification (PDS) is the basis for all design decisions, it may serve as a
contract that must be fulfilled; PDS is dynamic rather than static; PDS must be established with
consideration of all aspects of the product and its interactions; systematic and thorough
in foBirrulating PDS; Poor PDSs lead to poor designs; good PDSs are necessary, but not
sufficient for a good design. At the first stages of design it is essential to cover ALL the
aspects of the product even if at a superficial level. The specificity of details can be
honed as more is learned about the product and the interactions of different aspects of the
PDS. From internal market research, it has been decided that this machine need to be designed
as simple as possible so that it can be sell to the hollow block making machine
construction sector. The machine should be automated so it can have a shorter lead time in
making a blocks. Below is the product design specification that has been generated
according to the development of the final design. However, as long as this design become
a real product, it still can be considered as not yet a final PDS as it can be change parallel with
the fabrication of this machine.
i. Production rate
ii. Maximum force Cycle/Hour 60>
iii. Charging container capacity kN 800
iv. Operating period m3 1
v. Cooling rate Hour/Day 24
vi. Compression pressure Maintenance kW 50
MPa 20
2 Maintenance
i. Maintenance free except for light lubricant
ii. Parts requiring lubrication should be accessible within 15 minutes
without the use of special tools or equipment.
iii. All fasteners used should comply with MS.
iv. No special tools should be required for maintenance.
3 Size and weight
i. Weight kg 2000
ii. Length m 1.7
iii. Width m 0.75
iv. Height m 1.8
4 Product life span years >10
5 Labor Manpower 1
6 Unit price (machine) <60,000
In the concept development phase, the needs of the target market are identified by
gathering raw data from customer thru interviews, questionnaire, and observing the
product in use via literature review in patent search. From the observation, shorter
operation time (30 - 40 seconds), and fully automatic machine with less maintenance
required are the ideal machine dreamed by the block manufacturer. The target
specifications are established after the customer needs have been identified but before
product concepts have been generated and the most promising ones selected. This process
is done in the first part of this project (figure 5.1) until the best generated concepts is
selected. In second part of this project (figure 5.2), the chosen concept is being refine it
value until the detail design is generated (mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic)
6.1 Conclusion
In reflecting on this project all objectives were successfully met. The design product
engineered that help a user to maximize the production of the hollow blocks in the minimum
cost. Whereby the current product dont have a simple hollow making machine that having a
automatic working systems features.
A major objective of the new design of hollow block making machine was to be able to ensure
that the block productivity increase compare to the current machine design. Therefore, the
decided design must be reflecting the main goal and incorporated it together with the
components design objective. After using the steps of the PDD the machine is designed with
its automated cement charging features and also having the vibrator apparatus in order to
make the cement in mold compacted. Throughout the project the work progress is kept on
track by using project management tools such as a Gantt chart. Time management was a very
crucial portion of the project because a lot of work had to be done in a short period of
time. The team learned that when a task for a project is completed, such as concept selection,
even if a table has been constructed it is a good idea to write a summary about where it came
In the next phase, this machine can be upgraded to more user friendly by adding
the features such as automatic concrete loading into a machine container and also the
attachment of conveyer for transferring the compacted blocks directly on the machine
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