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Electric Charge
Electric charge is a fundamental property like mass, length etc associated with elementary particles for
example electron, proton and many more.
Electric charge is the property responsible for electric forces which acts between nucleus and electron to
bind the atom together.
Charges are of two kinds
(i) negative charge
(ii) positive charge
Electrons are negatively charged particles and protons, of which nucleus is made of, are positively
charged particles. Actually nucleus is made of protons and neutrons but neutrons are uncharged
electric force between two electrons is same as electric force between two protons kept at same distance
apart i. e., both set repel each other but electric force between an electron and proton placed at same
distance apart is not repulsive but attractive in nature.
(a) Like charges repel each other

(b) Unlike charges attract each other

Assignment of negative charge on electron and positive charge on proton is purely conventional , it does
not mean that charge on electron is less than that on proton.
Importance of electric forces is that it encompasses almost each and every field associated with our life;
being it matter made up of atoms or molecules in which electric charges are exactly balanced or
adhesive forces of glue associated with surface tension, all are electric in nature.

Unit of charge

Charge on a system can be measured by comparing it with the charge on a standard body.
SI unit of charge is Coulomb written as C.
1 Coulomb is the charge flowing through the wire in 1 second if the electric current in it is 1A.
Charge on electron is -1.602 10 -19 C and charge on proton is positive of this value.

2. Basic properties of electric charge

(i) Additivity of charges

Charges adds up like real numbers i. e., they are Scalars more clearly if any system has n number of charges q1,
q2, q3, qn then total charge of the system is
q = q1 + q2 + q3 + ................ qn
Proper sign have to be used while adding the charges for example if
q1 = +1C
q2 = -2C
q3 = +4C
then total charge of the system is
q = q1 + q2 + q3
q = (+1) + (-2) + (+4) C
q = (+3) C

(ii) conservation of charge : Charge is conserved

Charge of an isolated system is conserved.

Charge can not be created or destroyed but charged particles can be created or destroyed.

(iii) Quantization of charge

All free charges are integral multiples of a unit of charge e, where e = -1.602 10 -19 C i. e., charge on an electron
or proton.
Thus charge q on a body is always denoted by
q = ne
where n = any integer positive or negative

Solved Example
These are some solved examples related to electric charge and properties of electric charge given in this page.
Question 1 Is there any transfer of mass when electrons are transferred from one substance to another?

Yes, as the electrons are material bodies having finite mass. So, when electrons are transferred mass will also change.
Mass transferred = number of electrons transferred mass of an electron

Yes, as the electrons are material bodies having finite mass. So, when electrons are transferred mass will also change.
Mass transferred = number of electrons transferred mass of an electron

Question 2 (NCERT) A polythene piece rubbed with wool is found to have a negative charge of 3.2 107 C.
(a) Estimate the number of electrons transferred (from which to which?)
(b) Is there a transfer of mass from wool to polythene?

(a) Given, q = 3.2 107 C, e = 1.6 1019 C,

We have to find n = ?
By relation, q = ne or
These electrons are transferred from wool to polythene.
(b) Since electrons have a definite mass (9.1 1031 kg), the transfer of electrons may result in mass transfer by amount
= 1.875 1012 9.1 1031 = 17.0645 1019 kg which is negligible.

Question 3 When a glass rod is rubbed with a silk cloth, charges appear on both. A similar phenomenon is observed
with many other pairs of bodies. Explain how this observation is consistent with the law of conservation of charge.
Answer Before rubbing net charge on glass rod +silk cloth = 0
After rubbing,
Glass rod = positively charged
Silk cloth = negatively charged
But charge on both will be equal in magnitude. So net charge will be zero.
Hence it obeys principle of conservation of charge.

Question 4 (a) Explain the meaning of the statement electric charge of a body is quantized.
(b) Why can one ignore quantization of electric charge when dealing with macroscopic i.e., large scale charge?

(a) Quantization of electric charge: It is a fact that all charges occurring in nature are positive or negative integral
multiples of a basic unit of electric charge which is the magnitude of the charge on an electron. We use symbol e for the
amount of charge on an electron. Hence charge on an electron is e and that on a proton happens to be + e, while
charge on a neutron is zero. Any charged body will have ne charge, where n is an integer. This fact is called the
quantization of electric charge.
(b) In macroscopic or large scale charges, the charges used are huge as compared to the magnitude of electric charge.
For example For example, a small charge of 1C has about 1013 electronic charges. In such cases the charge maybe
treated as continuous and not quantised. Hence, quantization of electric charge is of no use on macroscopic scale.
Therefore, it is ignored and it is considered that electric charge is continuous.

Problem solving tips

Firstly read your problem carefully. Reading and understanding the problem is the first step towards solving it.
Once you have read and understood the problem then try to analyze it using your previous knowledge of the
Comprehensive knowledge of the topic is required and it is prerequisite for solving any problem.
Now look for the known and unknown quantities.
Try to find the formula that can be applied to the problem based on your known and unknown quantities.
Now apply the formula, perform the desired calculation and obtain the results.
Try to interpret your results.

3. Frictional Electricity
If we pass a comb through hairs, comb becomes electrically charged and can attract small pieces of
Many such solid materials are known which on rubbing attract light objects like light feather, bits of
papers, straw etc.
Explanation of appearance of electric charge on rubbing is simple.
Material bodies consists of large number of electrons and protons in equal number and hence is in
neutral in their normal state. But when the body is rubbed for example when a glass rod is rubbed with
silk cloth, electrons are transferred from glass rod to silk cloth. The glass rod becomes positively
charged and the silk cloth becomes negatively charged as it receives extra electrons from the glass rod.
In this case rod after rubbing, comb after passing through dry hairs becomes electrified and these are the
example of frictional electricity.

Coulomb's law is the law of electrostatics force between electric charges.


It states that two stationary point charges q1 and q2 repel or attract each other with a electrostatics force
F which is directly proportional to the product of charges and inversely proportional to the square of
distance between them.

This dependence can be expressed by writing


These electrostatics forces are attractive for unlike charges and repulsive for like charges .
We now try to express Coulomb's law in vector form for more clarity of magnitude and direction of
electrostatics forces.
Consider two point charges q1 and q2 at points with position vector r1 and r2 with respect to the origin.

vector r21= r2 - r1 is the difference between r2 and r1 and the distance of separation r is the magnitude of
vector r21.
point wise it can be written as
r1 = position vector of charge q1 with respect to origin
r2 = position vector of charge q2 with respect to origin
r21 = vector from 1 to 2 (r2 - r1)
r12 = -r21 = vector from 2 to 1 (r1 - r2)
r = r12 = r21 = distance between 1 and 2.

Coulomb's law for electrostatics force can then be expressed as


and, F12 = force on q1 due to q2

where, k is some proportionality constant and from these two equation we see that electric forces
exerted by two charges on each other are equal in magnitude but are opposite in direction.

Special Case
for simplicity we can choose q1 being placed at origin
r1 = 0
and if we write r2 = r the position vector of q2 then
F21 = force on q2 due to q1
F12 = force on q1 due to q2
unit vector r21 and r 12 can be defined as
r21 = r21/r directed from q1 to q2
r12 = r12/r directed from q2 to q1 (4)
= -r21/r
force can now be written in terms of unit vector given as follows
from this we can immediately find factors giving magnitude and the directions

in equation (2) we find a positive constant K and experimentally found value of k is

K = 8.98755 10 9 Nm2/C2
K 9 10 9 Nm2/C2
sometimes K is written as 1/4 0 where 0 is the permittivity of the vacuum whose value is
K = 1/40
(0 = 9 10 -12 C2/Nm2)

5. Principle Of Superposition

Coulomb's law gives the electric force acting between two electric charges.

Principle of superposition gives the method to find force on a charge when system consists of large
number of charges.

According to this principle when a number of charges are interacting the total force on a given charge is
vector sum of forces exerted on it by all other charges.

This principle makes use of the fact that the forces with which two charges attract or repel one another
are not affected by the presence of other charges.

If a system of charges has n number of charges say q1, q2, ...................., qn, then total force on charge q1
according to principle of superposition is
F = F12 + F13 + .................................. F1n
Where F12 is force on q1 due to q2 and F13 is force on q1 due to q3 and so on.
F12, F13, .................. F1n can be calculated from Coulomb's law i. e.




The total force F1 on the charge q1 due to all other charges is the vector sum of the forces F12, F13,
................................. F1n.
F1 = F12 + F13 + ..................................

The vector sum is obtained by parellogram law of addition of vector.

Similarly force on any other charge due to remaining charges say on q2, q3 etc. can be found by adopting
this method.

6. Electric Field

Electrical interaction between charged particles can be reformulated using the concept of electric field.

To understand the concept consider the mutual repulsion of two positive charged bodies as shown in fig
Now if remove the body B and label its position as point P as shown in fig (b), the charged body A is
said to produce an electric field at that point (and at all other points in its vicinity)

When a body B is placed at point P and experiences force F, we explain it by a point of view that force
is exerted on B by the field not by body A itself.

The body A sets up an electric field and the force on body B is exerted by the field due to A.

An electric field is said to exists at a point if a force of electric origin is exerted on a stationary charged
(test charge) placed at that point.

If F is the force acting on test charge q placed at a point in an electric field then electric field at that
point is
E = F/q
or F = qE

Electric field is a vector quantity and since F = qE the direction of E is the direction of F.

Unit of electric field is (N.C-1)

Q. Find the dimensions of electric field

Ans. [MLT-3A-1]

7. Calculation of Electric Field

In previous section we studied a method of measuring electric field in which we place a small test
charge at the point, measure a force on it and take the ratio of force to the test charge.

Electric field at any point can be calculated using Coulomb's law if both magnitude and positions of all
charges contributing to the field are known.
To find the magnitude of electric field at a point P, at a distance r from the point charge q, we imagine a
test charge q'to be placed at P. Now we find force on charge q' due to q through Coulomb's law.


electric field at P is


The direction of the field is away from the charge q if it is positive

Electric field for either a positive or negative charge in terms of unit vector r directed along line from
charge q to point P is


r = distance from charge q to point P.

When q is negative , direction of E is towards q, opposite to r.

Electric Field Due To Multiple Charges

Consider the number of point charges q1, q2,........... which are at distance r1P, r2P,................... from point
P as shown in fig

The resultant electric field is the vector sum of individual electric fields as
E = E1P + E2P + .....................

This is also a direct result of principle of superposition discussed earlier in case of electric force on a
single charge due to system of multiple charges.
E is a vector quantity that varies from one point in space to another point and is determined from the
position of square charges.

8. Electric Field Lines

For a single positive point charge q, electric field is


now to get feel of this field one can sketch a few representative vectors as shown in fig below

Since electric field varies as inverse of square of the distance that points from the charge the vector gets
shorter as you go away from the origin and they always points radially outwards.

Connecting up these vectors to form a line is a nice way to represent this field .

The magnitude of the field is indicated by the density of the field lines.

Magnitude is strong near the center where the field lines are close togather, and weak farther out, where
they are relatively apart.

So, electric field line is an imaginary line drawn in such a way that it's direction at any point is same as
the direction of field at that point.

An electric field line is, in general a curve drawn in such a way that the tangent to it ateach point is the
direction of net field at that point.

Field lines of a single position charge points radially outwards while that of a negative charge are
radially inwards as shown below in the figure.

Field lines around the system of two positive charges gives a different picture and describe the mutual
repulsion between them.
Field lines around a system of a positive and negative charge clearly shows the mutual attraction
between them as shown below in the figure.

Some important general properties of field lines are

1.Field lines start from positive charge and end on a negative charge.
2.Field lines never cross each other if they do so then at the point of intersection there will be two
direction of electric field.
3.Electric field lines do not pass through a conductor , this shows that electric field inside a conductor is
always zero.
4.Electric field lines are continuous curves in a charge free region.

9. Electric Flux

Consider a plane surface of area S in a uniform electric field E in the space.

Draw a positive normal to the surface and be the angle between electric field E and the normal to the

Electric flux of the electric field through the choosen surface is then
= E S cos

Corresponding to area S we can define an area vector S of magnitude S along the positive normal.
With this definition one can write electric flux as
= E . S

direction of area vector is always along normal to the surface being choosen.
Thus electric flux is a measure of lines of forces passing through the surface held in the electric field.

Special Cases
If E is perpendicular to the surface i. e., parallel to the area vector then = 0 and
= E S cos0

If = i. e., electric field vector is in the direction opposite to area vector then
= - E S

If electric field and area vector are perpendicular to each other then = /2 and = 0

Flux is an scaler quantity and it can be added using rules of scaler addition.

For calculating total flux through any given surface , divide the surface into small area elements.
Calculate the flux at each area element and add them up.

Thus total flux through a surface S is


This quantity is mathematically exact only when you take the limit S0 and the sum in equation 3 is
written as integral
= E.dS

9. Electric Dipole

Electric dipole is a pair of equal and opposite charges, +q and -q, separated by some distance 2a.
Total charge of the dipole is zero but electric field of the dipole is not zero as charges q and -q are separated by
some distance and electric field due to them when added is not zero.

(A)Field of an electric dipole at points in equitorial plane

We now find the magnitude and direction of electric field due to dipole.

P point in the equitorial plane of the dipole at a distance r from the centre of the dipole. Then electric field due
to +q and -q are



and they are equal
P = unit vector along the dipole axis (from -q to +q)

From fig we can see the direction of E+q and E-q. Their components normal to dipole cancel away and
components along the dipole add up.
Dipole moment vector points from negative charge to positive charge so in vector form.
E = -(E+q + E-q) cos

At large distances (r>>a), above equation becomes


and they are equal

(B) Field of an electric dipole for points on the axis

Let P be the point at a distance r from the centre of the dipole on side of charge q. as shown in the fig.


P = unit vector along the dipole axis (from -q to +q)



Total field at P is
E = E+q + E-q

for r>>a



For equation (3) and (6) charge q and dipole separation 2a appear in combination qa. This leads us to define
dipole moment vector P of electric dipole. Thus, electric dipole moment P = q 2a P (7)
Unit of dipole moment is Coulomb's meter (Cm).
In terms of electric dipole moment, field of a dipole at large distances becomes

(i) At point on equitorial plane (r>>a)

E = -P/40r3


(ii) At point on dipole axis (r>>a)


(i) Dipole field at large distances falls off as 1/r3
(ii) Both the direction and magnitude of dipole an angle between dipole moment vector P and position
vector r

(C) Dipole in a uniform external field

Consider a dipole in a uniform electric field E whose direction makes an angle with dipole axis (line
joining two charges)
Force F1 of magnitude qE, acts on positive charge in direction of electric field and a force F2 of same
magnitude acts on negative charge but it acts in direction opposite to F1.

Resultant force on dipole is zero, but since two forces do not have same line of action they constitute a

We now calculate torque (r F) of these forces about zero.

Torque of F1 about O is
1= OB F1
= q (OB E)

Torque of F2 about O is
2 = OA F2
= -q(OA E)
= q(AO E)

net torque acting on dipole is

= 1 + 2
= q(OB+ AO) E
= q (AB E)

AB = 2a and p = 2qa (dipole moment)

=p E

Direction of torque is perpendicular to the plane containing dipole axis and electric field.

Effect of torque is to rotate the dipole to a position in which dipole moment p is parallel to E the electric
field vector is shown above in figure b and for uniform electric field dipole is in equilibrium in this
magnitude of this torque is
= || = pE sin


Question 1
Two point charges q1 and q2are located with points having position vectors r1 and r2
(1) Find the position vector r3 where the third charge q3 should be placed so that force acting on each of the
three charges would be equal to zero.
(2) Find the amount of charge q3

Question 2
Consider a thin wire ring of radius R and carrying uniform charge density per unit length.
(1) Find the magnitude of electric field strength on the axis of the ring as a function of distance x from its
(2) What would be the form of electric field function for x>>R.
(3) Find the magnitude of maximum strength of electric field.

Question 3
Two equally charged metal balls each of mass m Kg are suspended from the same point by two insulated
threads of length l m long. At equilibrium, as a result of mutual separation between balls, balls are separated by
x m. Determine the charge on each ball

Question 1
Two point charges q1 and q2 are located with points having position vectors r1 and r2 .

1. Find the position vector r3 where the third charge q3 should be placed so that force acting on each of the
three charges would be equal to zero.
2. Find the amount of charge q3

Question 2
Consider a thin wire ring of radius R and carrying uniform charge density per unit length.

1. Find the magnitude of electric field strength on the axis of the ring as a function of distance x from its
2. What would be the form of electric field function for x>>R.
3. Find the magnitude of maximum strength of electric field.

Question 3
Two equally charged metal balls each of mass m Kg are suspended from the same point by two insulated
threads of length l m long. At equilibrium, as a result of mutual separation between balls, balls are separated by
x m. Determine the charge on each ball.
Question 4
There are two identical particles each of mass m and carrying charge Q. Initially one of them is at rest and
another charge moves with velocity v directly towards the particle at rest. Find the distance of closest approach.
Question 5
Find the electric field at the centre of uniformly charged semi circular arc having linear charge density .
Question 6
Two opposite corners of square carry charge q and other tow opposite corners of same square carry charge +q
as shown below in the figure

All the four charges are equal in magnitude. Find the magnitude and direction of force on the charge on the
upper right corner by the other three charges.
Question 7
A rigid insulated wire frame in form of a right angled triangle ABC is set in vertical plane as shown below in
the figure.

is the electric field at the surface of the sphere.

Question 11
A thin fixed ring of radius R has a positive charge of +q C uniformly distributed over it. A particle of mass m
and charge q is placed on axis at a distance x from the centre of the ring. Show that the motion of negatively
charged particle is approximately simple harmonic.
Question 12
Consider the figure given below

A positive charge +q is placed at corner of the cube. Find the electric flux through the right face BCGDB of the

Question 13
Consider a sphere of radius r having charge q C distributed uniformly over the sphere. This sphere is now
covered with a hollow conducting sphere of radius R>r.

1. Find the electric field at point P away from the centre O of the sphere such that r<OP<R.
2. Find the surface charge density on the outer surface of the hollow sphere if charge q C is placed on the
hollow sphere.

Question 14

1. Find the electric field inside the uniformly charged sphere of radius R and volume charge density
using Gausss law.
2. Use Gausss law to find the electric field outside, at a point on the surface and at any point inside a
spherical shell of radius R, carrying a uniform surface charge density .
Question 15
(a) Show that the normal component of electrostatic field has a discontinuity from one side of a charged surface
to another given by

Where a unit vector is normal to the surface at a point and is the surface charge density at that point. (The
direction of is from side 1 to side 2.)
(b) Show that the tangential component of electrostatic field is continuous from one side of a charged surface to
Question 16
Consider a cylinder as given below in the figure

Volume between radius r1 and r2 contains uniform charge density C/m3. Use Gausss law to find electric field
in all regions.

Guass 's Law

1. Introduction
Gauss's law was suggested by Karl Frederich Gauss(1777-1855) who was German scientist and
Gauss's law is basically the relation between the charge distribution producing the electrostatic field to
the behavior of electrostatic field in space.
Gauss's law is based on the fact that flux through any closed surface is a measure of total amount of
charge inside that surface and any charge outside that surface would not contribute anything to the total
Before we look further to study Gauss's law in detail let's study electric field due to continuous charge
2. Electric field due to continous charge distributions
So far as in the previous chapter we have discussed force and field due to discrete charges.
We now assume that charges on a surface are located very close togather so that such a system of
charges can be assumed to have continous distribution of charges.
In a system of closely spaced charges, total charge could be continously distributed along some line,
over a surface or throughout a volume.
First divide the continous charge distribution into small elements containing q amount of charge as
shown in fig 1

Electric field at point A due to element carrying charge q is

where r is the distance of element under consideration from point A and ris the unit vector in the
direction from charge element towards point A.
Total electric field at point A due to all such charge elements in charge distribution is

where index i refers to the ith charge element in the entire charge distribution.
Since the charge is distributed continuously over some region , the sum becomes integral. Hence total
field at A within the limit q0 is,

and integration is done over the entire charge distribution.

If a charge q is uniformly distributed along a line of length L, the linear charge density is defined by

and the unit of is Coulumb/meter(C/m).

For charge distributed non-uniformly over a line, linear charge density is

where dQ is the amount of charge in a small length element dL.

For a charge Q uniformly distributed over a surface of area A, the surface charge density is

and unit of surface charge density is C/m2. For non uniform charge distributed over a surface charge
density is

where dA is a small area element of charge dQ.

Similarly for uniform charge distributions volume charge density is

and for non uniform distribution of charges

and unit of volume charge distribution is C/m3.

3. Gauss's Law

We already know about electric field lines and electric flux. Electric flux through a closed surface S is

which is the number of field lines passing through surface S.

Statement of Gauss's Law
ELectric flux through any surface enclosing charge is equal to q/0 , where q is the net charge enclosed
by the surface

where qenc is the net charge enclosed by the surface and E is the total electric field at each point on the
surface under consideration.
It is the net charge enclosed in the surface that matters in Gauss's law but the total flux of electric field
Edepends also on the surface choosen not merely on the charge enclosed.
So if you have information about distribution of electric charge inside the surface you can find electric
flux through that surface using Gauss's Law.
Again if you have information regarding electric fluxthrough any closed surface then total charge
enclosed by that surface can also be easily calculated using Gauss's Law.
Surface on which Gauss's Law is applied is known as Gaussian surface which need not be a real surface.
Gaussian surface can be an imaginary geometrical surface which might be empty space or it could be
partially or fully embedded in a solid body.
Again consider equation 11

In left hand side of above equation Eda is scalar product of two vectors namely electric field vector E
and area vector da. Area vector da is defined as the vector of magnitude |da| whose direction is that of
outward normal to area element da. So,da=nda where n is unit vector along outward normal to da.
From above discussion we can conclude that,
(1) If both E and surface area da at each points are perpendicular to each other and has same magnitude
at all points of the surface then vector E has same direction as that of area vector as shown below in the

since E is perpendicular to the surface

(2) If E is parallel to the surface as shown below in the figure

and integral is also zero for zero value of electric field vector E at all points on the surface.

(B) Electric field due to line charge

Consider a long thin uniformly charged wire and we have to find the electric field intensity due to the wire at
any point at perpandicular distance from the wire.
If the wire is very long and we are at point far away from both its ends then field lines outside the wire are radial
and would lie on a plane perpandicular to the wire.
Electric field intensity have same magnitude at all points which are at same distance from the line charge.
We can assume Gaussian surface to be a right circular cylinder of radius r and length l with its ends
perpandicular to the wire as shown below in the figure.

is the charge per unit length on the wire. Direction of E is perpendicular to the wire and components of E
normal to end faces of cylinder makes no contribution to electric flux. Thus from Gauss's law

Now consider left hand side of Gauss's law

Since at all points on the curved surface E is constant. Surface area of cylinder of radius r and length l is A=2rl

Charge enclosed in cylinder is q=linear charge density x length l of cylinder,

or, q=l
From Gauss's law
Thus electric field intensity of a long positively charged wire does not depends on length of the wire but on the
radial distance r of points from the wire.

4. Applications of Gauss's Law

(A) Derivation of Coulumb's Law

Coulumb's law can be derived from Gauss's law.

Consider electric field of a single isolated positive charge of magnitude q as shown below in the figure.

Field of a positive charge is in radially outward direction everywhere and magnitude of electric field intensity is
same for all points at a distance r from the charge.
We can assume Gaussian surface to be a sphere of radius r enclosing the charge q.
From Gauss's law

since E is constant at all points on the surface therefore,

surface area of the sphere is A=4r2

Now force acting on point charge q' at distance r from point charge q is

This is nothing but the mathematical statement of Coulomb's law.

(C) Electric field due to charged solid sphere

We'll now apply Gauss's law to find the field outside uniformly charged solid sphere of radius R and
total charge q.
In this case Gaussian surface would be a sphere of radius r>R concentric with the charged solid sphere
shown below in the figure.From Gauss's law

where q is the charge enclosed.

Charge is distributed uniformly over the surface of the sphere. Symmetry allows us to extract E out of
the integral sign as magnitude of electric field intensity is same for all points at distance r>R.
Since electric field points radially outwards we have

also as discussed magnitude of E is constant over Gaussian surface so,

where 4r2 is the surface area of the sphere.

Again from Gauss's law we have

THus we see that magnitude of field outside the sphere is exactly the same as it would have been as if
all the charge were concentrated at its center.

(D) Electric field due to an infinite plane sheet of charge

Consider a thin infinite plane sheet of charge having surface charge density (charge per unit area).
We have to find the electric field intensity due to this sheet at ant point which is distance r away from
the sheet.
We can draw a rectangular gaussian pillbox extending equal distance above and below the plane as
shown below in the figure.

By symmetry we find that Eon either side of sheet must be perpendicular to the plane of the sheet,
having same magnitude at all points equidistant from the sheet.
No field lines crosses the side walls of the Gaussian pillbox i.e., component of E normal to walls of
pillbox is zero.
We now apply Gauss's law to this surface

in this case charge enclosed is

where A is the area of end face of Gaussian pillbox.
E points in the direction away from the plane i.e., E points upwards for points above the plane and
downwards for points below the plane. Thus for top and bottom surfaces,

Here one important thing to note is that magnitude of electric field at any point is independent of the
sheet and does not decrease inversely with the square of the distance. Thus electric field due to an
infinite plane sheet of charge does not falls of at all.
Electric Potential

1. Introduction
We already have an introduction of work and energy while studying mechanics.
We know that central forces are conservative in nature i.e., work done on any particle moving under the
influence of consrevative forces does not depend on path taken by the particle but depends on initial and
final positions of the particle.
Electrostatic force given by Coulumb's law is also a central force like gravitational force and is
conservative in nature.
For conservative forces, work done on particle undergoing displacement can be expressed in terms of
potential energy function.
In this chapter we will apply work and energy considerations to the electric field and would develop the
concept of electric potential energy and electric potential.

2. Electric potential energy

Conside a system of two point charges in which positive test charge q' moves in the field produced by
stationary point charge q shown below in the figure.

Charge q is fixed at point P and is displaced from point R to S along a radial line PRS shown in the
Let r1 be the distance between points P and R and r2 be the distance between P and S.
Magnitude of force on positive test charge as given by Coulumb's law is

If q' moves towards S through a small displacement dr then work done by this force in making the small
displacement dr is

Total work done by this force as test charge moves from point R to S i.e., from r1 to r2 is,

Thus for this particular path work done on test charge q' depends on end points not on the path taken.
Work done W in moving the test charge q' from point R to S is equal to the change in potential energy
in moving the test charge q' from point R to S. Thus,
W=U(r1)-U(r2) (4)

is the potential energy of test charge q' when it is at point R and

is the potential energy of test charge q' when it is at point S.

Thus potential energy of test charge q' at any distance r from charge q is given by

Equation 5 gives the electric potential energy of a pair of charges which depends on the separation
between the charges not on the location of charged particles.
If we bring the test charge q' from a very large distance such that r2= to some distance r1=r then we
must do work against electric forces which is equal to increase in potential energy as given by equation
Thus potential energy of a test charge at any point in the electric field is the work done against the
electric forces to bring the charge from infinity to point under consideration.

3. Electric Potential
We now move towards the electric potential which is potential energy per unit charge.
Thus electrostatic potential at any point of an electric field is defined as potential energy per unit charge
at that point.
Electric potential is represented by letter V.
V=U/q' or U=q'V (6)
Electric potential is a scalar quantity since both charge and potential energy are scalar quantities.
S.I. unit of electric potential is Volt which is equal to Joule per Coulumb. Thus,
1 Volt = 1 JC-1
In equation 4 if we divide both sides by q' we have

where V(r1) is the potential energy per unit charge at point R and V<r2) is potential energy per unit charge at point S and
are known as potential at points R and S respectively.
Again consider figure 1. If point S in figure 1 would be at infinity then from equation 7
Since potential energy at infinity is zero therefore V()=0. Therefore

hence electric potential at a point in an electric field is the ratio of work done in bringing test charge from infinity to that point to the magnitude of test
2 -3 -1
Dimensions of electric potential are [ML T A ] and can be calculated easily using the concepts of dimension analysis.

4. Electric potential due to a point charge

Consider a positive test charge +q is placed at point O shown below in the figure.

We have to find the electric potential at point P at a distance r from point O.

If we move a positive test charge q' from infinity to point P then change in electric potential energy
would be

Electric potential at point P is

Potential V at any point due to arbitrary collection of point charges is given by

here we see that like electric field potential at any point independent of test charge used to define it.
For continous charge distributions summation in above expressin will be replaced by the integration

where dq is the differential element of charge distribution and r is its distance from the point at which V
is to be calculated.

5. Relation between electric fiels and electric potential

Consider the electric field E due to a point charge +q at point O in a radially outward direction shown
below in the figure.
Suppose R and S are two points at a distance r and r+dr from point O where dr is vanishingly small
distance and V is electric potential at point R.
Now force on any test charge q' at point R in terms of electric field is
Work done by the force in displacing test charge from R to S in field of charge q is
dW = Fdr = q'Edr
and, change in potential energy is
dU = -dW = -q'Edr
Change in electric potential would be
dV = dU/q
or dV = -Edr (11)
From equation 11 electric field is
E=-(dV/dr) (12)
the quantity dV/dr is the rate of change of potential with the distance and is known as potential gradient.
Negative sign in equation 12 indicates the decrease in electric potential in the direction of electric field.
For cartesian coordinate system
from equation 11
or, dV=-(Exdx+Eydy+Ezdz) (13)

Thus components of E are related to corresponding derivatives of V in the following manner

Ex=dV/dx (14a)
Ey=dV/dy (14b)
Ez=dV/dz (14c)
In equation (14a) we see that V is differentiated with respect to coordinate x keeping other coordinates
constant. Same is the case with equations (14b) and (14c) in case of y and z coordinates respectively.

6. Equipotential surfaces
Surface over which the electric potential is same everywhere is called an equipotential surface.
Equipotential surfaces are graphical way to represent potential distribution in an electric field.
We can draw equipotential surfaces through a space having electric field.
For a positive charge , electric field would be in radially outward direction and the equipotential
surfaces would be concentric spheres with centers at the charge as shown below in the figure.
Since electric potential remains same everywhere on an equipotential surface from this it follows that
PE of a charged body is same at all points on this surface.This shows that work done in moving a
charged body between two points on an equipotential surface would be zero.
At every point on equipotential surface electric field lines are perpandicular to the surface. This is
because potential gradient along any direction parallel to the surface is zero i.e.,
so component electric parallel to equipotential surface is zero.

7. Potential due to an electric dipole

We already know that electric dipole is an arrangement which consists of two equal and opposite
charges +q and -q separated by a small distance 2a.
Electric dipole moment is represented by a vector p of magnitude 2qa and this vector points in direction
from -q to +q.
To find electric potential due to a dipole consider charge -q is placed at point P and charge +q is placed
at point Q as shown below in the figure.
Since electric potential obeys superposition principle so potential due to electric dipole as a whole
would be sum of potential due to both the charges +q and -q. Thus

where r1 and r2 respectively are distance of charge +q and -q from point R.

Now draw line PC perpandicular to RO and line QD perpandicular to RO as shown in figure. From
triangle POC
cos=OC/OP = OC/a
therefore OC=acos similarly OD=acos
Now ,
r1 = QRRD = OR-OD = r-acos
r2 = PRRC = OR+OC = r+acos

since magnitude of dipole is

|p| = 2qa

If we consider the case where r>>a then

again since pcos= pr where, r is the unit vector along the vector OR then electric potential of dipole
for r>>a
From above equation we can see that potential due to electric dipole is inversly proportional to r2 not ad
1/r which is the case for potential due to single charge.
Potential due to electric dipole does not only depends on r but also depends on angle between position
vector r and dipole moment p.

8. Work done in rotating an electric dipole in an electric field

Consider a dipole placed in a uniform electric field and it is in equilibrium position. If we rotate this
dipole from its equllibrium position , work has to be done.
Suppose electric dipole of moment p is rotated in uniform electric field E through an angle from its
equilibrium position. Due to this rotation couple acting on dipole changes.
If at any instant dipole makes an angle with uniform electric field then torque acting on dipole is
=pEsin (19)
again work done in rotating this dipole through an infitesimaly small angle d is
dW=torque x angular displacement
Total work done in rotating the dipole through an angle from its equilibrium position is

This is the required formula for work done in rotating an electric dipole placed in uniform electric field
through an angle from its equilibrium position.

9.Potential energy of dipole placed in uniform electric field

Again consider equation 20 which gives the work done in rotating electric dipole through an
infinetesimly small angle d is
which is equal to the change in potential energy of the system
dW=dU=pEsind (22)
If angle d is changed from 900 to then in potential energy would be

We have choosen the value of going from /2 to because at /2 we can take potential energy to be
zero (axis of dipole is perpandicular to the field). Thus U(900)=0 and above equation becomes

1. Introduction
A capacitor (formerly known as condenser) is a device that can store electronic charge and energy.
All capacitors consists of a combination of two conductors separated by an insulator.
The insulator is called dielectric which could be oil, air or paper and many more such materials are there
wich can act as a dielectric medium between conducting plates of a capacitor.
Figure 1 below shows the symbol used to represent a capacitor.

Now plates of the capacitor are connected to the terminals of a battery, shown below in figure 2, in
order to charge it's conducting plates.

As soon as capacitor is connected to the battery , charge is transferred from one conductor to another.
Plate connected to positive terminal of the battery becomes positively charged with charge +Q in it and
plate connected to negative terminal of the battery becomes negatively charged with cahrge -Q on it i.e.
both plates have equal amount of opposite charge .
Once the capacitor is fully charged potential difference between the conductors due to their equal and
opposite charges becomes equal to the potential difference between the battery terminals.
For a given capacitor QV and the ratio Q/V is constant for a capacitor.
Q=CV (1)
where the proportionality constant C is called the capacitance of the capacitor.
Capacitance of any capacitor depends on shape , size and geometrical arrangement of the conductors.
When Q is in coulumbs (C) and V is in volts(V) then the S.I. unit of capacitance is in farads(F) where
1F=1 coulumb/volt
One farad is the capacitance of very large capacitor and it's submultiples such as microfarad(1F=10-6)
or picofarad(1pF=10-12) are generally used for practical applications.

2. Calculation of capacitance

For calculating capacitance of a capacitor first we need to find the potential difference between it's two
conducting plates having charge +Q and -Q.
For simple arrangements of conductors like two equivalent parallel plates kept at distance d apart or two
concentric conducting spheres etc., potential difference can be found first by calculating electric field
from gauss's law or by Coulumb's law.
After calculating electric field , potential difference can be found by integrating ellectric field using the
where the limits of integration goes from a to b.
Once we know the potential difference between two conductors of the capacitor , it's capacitance can be
calculated from the relation
C=Q/V (2)
Calculation of capacitance of some simple arrangements would be illustrated in following few articles.

3. Parallel plate capacitor

A parallel plate capacitor consists of two large plane parallel conducting plates separated by a small
distance shown below in the figure 3.

Suppose two plates of the capacitor has equal and opposite charge Q on them. If A is the area of each
plate then surface charge density on each plate is
We have already calculated field between two oppositely charged plates using gauss's law which is
and in this result effects near the edges of the plates have been neglected.
Since electric field between the plates is uniform the potential difference between the plates is
where , d is the separation between the plates.
Thus, capacitance of parallel plate capacitor in vacuum is
C=Q/V=0A/d (3)
From equation 3 we see that quantities on which capacitance of parallel plate capacitor depends i.e.,0 ,
A and d are all constants for a capacitor.
Thus we see that in this case capacitance is independent of charge on the capacitor but depends on area
of it's plates and separation distance between the plates.

4.Cylinderical capacitor

A cylinderical capacitor is made up of a conducting cylinder or wire of radius a surrounded by another

concentric cylinderical shel of radius b (b>a).

Let L be the length of both the cylinders and charge on inner cylender is +Q and charge on outer
cylinder is -Q.
For calculate electric field between the conductors using Gauss's law consider a gaussian consider a
gaussian surface of radius r and length L1 as shown in figure 4.

According to Gauss's law flux through this surface is q/0 where q is net charge inside this surface.
We know that electric flux is given by
since electric field is constant in magnitude on the gaussian surface and is perpandicular to this surface.
since =q/0
=> E(2rL)=(L)/0
where = Q/L = charge per unit length



If potential at inner cylinder is Va and Vb is potential of outer cylinder then potential difference between
both the cylinders is
V=Va and Vb=Edr
where limits of integration goes from a to b.

Potential of inner conductor is greater then that of outer conductor because inner cylinder carries
positive charge. Thus potential difference is


Thus capacitance of cylinderical capacitor is

From equation 5 it can easily be concluded that capacitance of a cylinderical capacitor depends on
length of cylinders.
More is the length of cylinders , more charge could be stored on the capacitor for a given potential
5. Spherical capacitor

A spherical capacitor consists of a solid or hollow spherical conductor of radius a , surrounded by

another hollow concentric spherical of radius b shown below in figure 5

Let +Q be the charge given to the inner sphere and -Q be the charge given to the outer sphere.
The field at any point between conductors is same as that of point charge Q at the origin and charge on
outer shell does not contribute to the field inside it.
Thus electric field between conductors is


Potential difference between two conductors is

where limits of integration goes from a to b.
On integrating we get potential difference between to conductors as


Now , capacitance of spherical conductor is




again if radius of outer conductor aproaches to infinity then from equation 6 we have
C=40a (7)
Equation 7 gives the capacitance of single isolated sphere of radius a.
Thus capacitance of isolated spherical conductor is proportional to its radius.
6. Capacitors in series and parallel combinations

For prectical applications , two or more capacitors are often used in combination and their total
capacitance C must be known.To find total capacitance of the arrangement of capacitor we would use
(i) Parallel combination of capacitors

Figure below shows two capacitors connected in parallel between two points A and B

Right hand side plate of capacitors would be at same common potential VA. Similarly left hand side
plates of capacitors would also be at same common potential VB.
Thus in this case potential difference VAB=VA-VB would be same for both the capacitors, and charges
Q1 and Q2 on both the capacitors are not necessarily equal. So,
Q1=C1V and Q2=C2V
Thus charge stored is divided amongst both the capacitors in direct proportion to their capacitance.
Total charge on both the capacitors is,
Q/V=C1+C2 (8)
So system is equivalent to a single capacitor of capacitance
When capacitors are connected in parallel their resultant capacitance C is the sum of their individual
The value of equivalent capacitance of system is greater then the greatest individual one.
If there are number of capacitors connected in parallel then their equivalent capacitance would be
C=C1+C2+ C3........... (10)
(ii) Series combination of capacitors
Figure 7 below shows two capacitors connected in series combination between points A and B.

Both the points A and B are maintained at constant potential difference VAB.
In series combination of capacitors right hand plate of first capacitor is connected to left hand plate of
next capacitor and combination may be extended foe any number of capacitors.
In series combination of capacitors all the capacitors would have same charge.
Now potential difference across individual capacitors are given by
Sum of VAR and VRB would be equal to applied potential difference V so,
=Q(1/C1 + 1/C2)


i.e., resultant capacitance of series combination C=Q/V, is the ratio of charge to total potential
difference across the two capacitors connected in series.
So, from equation 12 we say that to find resultant capacitance of capacitors connected in series, we
need to add reciprocals of their individual capacitances and C is always less then the smallest individual
Result in equation 12 can be summarized for any number of capacitors i.e.,

7. Energy stored in a capacitor

Consider a capacitor of capacitance C, completely uncharged in the begning.

Charhing process of capacitor requires expanditure of energy because while charging a capacitor charge
is transferred from plate at lower potential to plate at higher potential.
Now if we start charging capacitor by transporting a charge dQ from negative plate ti the positive plate
then work is done against the potential difference across the plate.
If q is the amount of charge on the capacitor at any stage of charging process and is the potential
difference across the plates of capacitor then magnitude of potential difference is =q/C.
Now work dW required to transfer dq is
To charge the capacitor starting from the uncharged state to some final charge Q work required is
Integrating from 0 to Q
=(Q2)/2C (14a)
=(CV )/2

Which is the energy stored in the capacitor and can also be written as
U=(CV2)/2 ---(15)

From equation 14c,we see that the total work done is equal to the average potential V/2 during the
charging process ,multiplied by the total charge transferred
If C is measured in Farads ,Q in coulumbs and V in volts the energy stored would in Joules
A parallel plate capacitor of area A and seperation d has capacitance


electric field in the space between the plates is

E=V/d or V=Ed

Putting above values of V and C in equation 14b we find

=(1/2)0E2.V ---(16)

If u denotes the energy per unit volume or energy density then

u=(1/2)0E2 x volume
The result for above equation is generally valid even for electrostatic field that is not constant in space.

8. Effect of Dielectric

Dielectric are non conducting materials for ex- Glass,mica,wood etc.

What happened when space between the two plates of the capacitor is filled by a dielectric was first
discovered by faraday.
Faraday discovered that if the space between conductors of the capacitor is occupied by the
dielectric,the capacitance of capacitor is increased.
If the dielectric completely fills the space between the conductors of the capacitor ,the capacitance is
increased by an factor K which is characterstics of the dielectric and This factor is known as the
dielectric constan.
Dielectric constant of vaccum is unity.
Consider a capacitor of capacitance C0 is being charged by the connecting it to a battery.
If Q0 is the amount of charged on the capacitor at the end of the charging and V0 is potental diffrence
across the plates of the capacitor then
C0=Q0 /V0 ----(17)
Thus charge being placed on the capacitor is
If the battery is diconnected and space between the capacitor is filled by a dielectric the P.D decrease to
a new value
Since the original charge is still on the capacitor,the new capacitance will be
From equation 19 it follows that C is greater then C0.
Again if the dielectric is inserted while the battery is still connected then battery would have to supply
some amount of charge to maintain the P.D between the plates and then total charge on the plates would
be Q=KQ0.
In either of the cases ,capacitance of the capacitor is increase by the amount K.
For a parallel plate capacitor with dielectric of dielectric constant K between its plates its capacitance

C=A/D ----(20)
where =K0

When a sufficiently strong electric field is applied to any dielectric material it becomes a conductor and
this phenomenon is known as dielectric breakdown.
The maximun electric field a material can withstand without the occurence of breakdown is called
dielectric strength of that material.
Thus field across the capacitor should never exceed breakdown limits in order to store charge on
capacitor without leaking.

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