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Quinceañera Sermon

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Quinceaera Sermon

Ceremony Order

Court Enters
Quinceaera & Parents enter
Opening Prayer
Quinceaera Shares
Closing Prayer


On behalf of the [Last Name] family I would like to welcome you all to the Quinceaera of
[Girls Name].

My name is [Your Name]. I have had the pleasure of [Reference How You Know the
Girl/Family]. I am honored that I have been asked to speak today.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the tradition, a Quinceaera is a big step in the life of a
young woman. It is a coming of age ceremony a celebration of [Girls Name] turning 15 and
making the transition from a young girl to becoming a woman. Even more important than a
birthday celebration, the Quinceaera is also deeply spiritual. It is a time for [Girls Name] to
take responsibility for her own faith.

As a young woman, [Girls Name] will no longer be able to rely solely on the faith of her
parents. She will have to take ownership of her own faith.

So today is a day for [Girls Name] to make a public commitment in front of God and all of you,
her friends and family, to live a life fully devoted to our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

But before we begin, please join with me in prayer.


Father God, we gather here today to celebrate the amazing life you have created in [Girls
Name]. The Bible tells us that you knit her together in her mothers womb. You deeply love her.
You know every detail of her life. And there is nothing that pleases you more than when she
lives a life fully devoted to returning that love back towards you.

Lord, I thank you for the pleasure it has been personally to know [Girls Name]. To see her love,
passion and excitement for life. Lord we ask you today as [Girls Name] makes the transition
from a girl to a woman, that you will take priority in her life. That she will live her life dedicated
to loving like you loved, and serving like you served all the days of her life.

Its in the name of Jesus that we pray. Amen.


I will never forget [Speaking directly to the girl, begin with a personal story about the girl
followed by a few good characteristics about her that you admire.] (If you dont know her
well, interview her friends and family and say how they have described her).

[Here is some of what I said] (((You always make your presence in a room known. You are
passionate about life. You have a fire inside of you that I hope never dies out. You have a
servants heart. I love how willing and eager you are to serve others. I cannot count the number
of times you helped us out with Your passion for helping people is contagiousYou are a
natural-born leaderYour commitment to church is a rare thing in todays day and age, and it
will serve you well. Dont ever stop.)))

I cannot believe that you are 15 already! Wow, time flies. I have had the privilege from watching
you mature from the little girl I first met into the young woman who stands before us here today.

Today we celebrate your transition into womanhood.

(1 Corinthians 13:11 NIV) When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I
reasoned like a child. When I became a man (or woman), I put the ways of childhood behind

[Girls Name], this is an awesome time of your life a time when you can dream and learn and
grow. But it is also a difficult time. The world can be a difficult place. You will face trials and
temptations. You will go through peaks and valleys.

The carefree days of your childhood are behind you. You are responsible for your actions and the
decisions you are going to have to make.

In the years to come, I want you to remember what the Bible teaches in Proverbs 3:5-6:

(Proverbs 3:5-6 ESV) 5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own
understanding. 6 In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

[Girls Name], if you trust God and follow after Him with all your heart, He will guide you. He
will make your paths straight. He will show you the right and wrong choices in life.

As a young Christian woman, you must never forget the sacrifice and the price that Jesus paid for
you on that cross.
Like all of us, [Girls Name], you were once dead in your sins. You messed up. You fell short of
Gods perfect standards. But God loves you so much that he sent his one and only son into the
world to pay the price for your sins. Jesus paid the debt that you could never pay. He died on the
cross in your place, for all of your sins (past, present and future), so that you could be back in
right standing before God.

And remember, Jesus didnt stay dead. On the third day, Easter Sunday, Jesus conquered death
and the grave and rose again so that you can be assured that he can also raise you again to
experience eternal life with Him in Heaven.

[Girls Name], dont ever forget the price Jesus paid for you on that cross. Dont ever forget
what Jesus did for you.

(2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV) Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has
passed away; behold, the new has come.

Because of Jesus, you are made new. You are no longer defined by what you have done, but
what He has already done for you. Your worth is no longer wrapped up in your
accomplishments, or what anyone else thinks about you. Your worth is based solely on your
position as a child of God.

Nothing can take that away from you. And nothing in this world will last, except your
relationship with Jesus. Because at the end of your life, when you stand before God in heaven the
only question that will matter is did you know Jesus.

That is why the Bible says in Proverbs 31:30, in speaking about what a woman should be like:

(Proverbs 31:30, NLT) Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears
the Lord will be greatly praised.

Seek after The Lord with all your heart [Girls Name]. My hope and prayer is that you continue
to become a woman after Gods own heart a woman who loves her friends, cherishes her
family, and commits whole-heartedly to her faith.


At this time the family has prepared some gifts for you. Each gift has symbolic meaning to
represent your loyalty and commitment to God.

[The gifts given will vary between cultures and families. You will need to speak with the family
about this. The following is what the ceremony I officiated gave. I announced the names of
the people presenting the gift and the shared the symbolism of each gift]

1. BIBLE Mr. & Mrs

This Bible is a reminder to keep Gods Word as a central part of your life. (Psalm 119:105)
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. May this Bible guide all the days of
your life.

2. TIARA Mr. & Mrs

The Tiara symbolizes that you are a princess before God and the world; you can triumph over
childhood and have the ability to face the challenges ahead. It is also a reminder of the greater
crown that Christ will place on your head one day in Heaven.

3. EARRINGS Mr. & Mrs

The Earrings are a reminder to always listen to the word of God, and the Holy Spirit. May you
always listen to Gods voice, and do as He tells you.

4. NECKLACE Mr.& Mrs

The Necklace is a symbol of faith and a reminder of your Quinceaera celebration

5. DRESS Mr. & Mrs

The Dress represents purity and that you are set apart for a life of holiness.

6. WATCH Mr. & Mrs

The Watch represents being aware of time and the events in your life. It is a reminder that life is
short and that you need to make the most of every second.

7. RING Mr & Mrs

The Ring symbolizes purity. It represents your commitment to a life of sexual purity, and is to be
worn as a reminder until the day you are married.


[Girls Name], God calls us to purity, not because He wants to make our lives more difficult, but
because He wants to make our lives better. One of the easiest ways that you can mess up your
life is through giving in to sexual temptation. As a young woman, this temptation and pressure
from others will only get more difficult.

So today, [Girls Name], you are taking this ring as a symbol of perfect unity with Jesus. It is
given to you as a gift by the people who love you and will support you in this commitment.
Every time you look at your hand, may this ring be a reminder that true love waits and of your
commitment to purity. This is not just a gift for you, but also a gift you are giving to your future
husband by saving yourself for him and him alone on your wedding night.
If you agree to take this oath of purity [Girls Name], please repeat after me.

(Quinceaeras Oath) Believing that true love waits I make a commitment to God, myself,
my family, my friends, my future husband, . and my future children to a life of
purity I vow to remain pure from this day until the day I marry the man God has for

[Parents Names], could you please stand and come forward As [Girls Name]s parents, I ask
that you also commit to living a life of purity yourselves, and holding [Girls Name] to these
same standard.

If you agree to love and support [Girls Name] in her commitment to purity, please repeat after

(Parents Oath) Believing that true love is pure, I join [Girls Name] in committing to a
lifestyle of purity. I make a commitment to God, myself, my family, and my community
of faith to set an example for [Girls Name] in purity and accountability in biblical
relationships from this day forward.

Now to all of you, [Girls Name]s friends and family.

(Congregation Oath) Do you commit to surround [Girls Name] with the love, grace and truth
of Jesus Christ; to pray for her and with her; to speak the truth in love into her life when she
needs to hear it; to always be there for her whenever she needs; to set an example for her in
Christian living; and to encourage her in her continual faith in God from this day forward?

If you agree say, We Do!


At this time, [Girls Name] has a few words she would like to share.

[Quinceaera shares] (this is usually a speech, but may also include a song or dance)


Lord, we ask you now as [Girls Name] moves from childhood to adulthood that you will watch
over her. Bless her. Guide her steps. Help her in the decisions ahead that will determine the
direction and destination of her life.

Give her the strength to make the right choices even when its hard. Give her the courage to stand
for what is right, even if she is the only one standing. Give her faith to trust in your Word, even
when trials and temptations come her way.

We also pray that you would help us, her friends and family, to help guide [Girls Name]. To
look out for her. To love her. To strengthen her in her faith together.
Its in the name of your son Jesus that we pray. Amen.

[Dismiss the Quinceaera, followed by the court]

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