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Messianic Life

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Messianic Life



an ezine on the lifestyle for those who follow Messiah and Torah

V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 1 O C T O B E R / N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 7



Upfront 2

Torah 3

Practical 5

Common Sense 6

If you love me keep My commandments...John 14:15

Mirror Images 8

Following the 10
Living Torah

Sukkot 12
Welcome to the first issue of Messianic Life: an ezine on the
practical application of Torah for everyday life...
Read on...

Upfront with Mordecai Silver

Shalom and welcome to sire to help others in this anced walk before the Lord
the first issue of Messianic walk. Some of you may be and keeps you holding to
Life magazine. I have had on new to this Yeshua-Torah your faith in Yeshua we
my heart for sometime the based walk and some of have done our job, but at
desire to do this but every you are at an intermediate the same time, we also
time I tried to start putting level while others have have a burning desire to
it together I felt a stop in been at this for a long time. help you to learn the Torah
my spirit and I knew it was Together we hope to and apply to your everyday
the Lord telling the time take you on a journey with lives. The Torah is the
was not right. Then re- us and help you to avoid foundation for all of Scrip-
Mordecai Silver
cently I really felt a nudge in some of the pitfalls we have ture. The Torah is the
Rabbi of Etz Chayim-
the opposite direction encountered along the way. foundation for all of life.
Tree of Life Messianic
where the Lord was telling We will share with you The Torah is meant for
Congregations of Las
me now is the time for this. from the Word and from each and everyone of us no
Cruces and Alamo-
So I put out feelers to our everyday lives. This will matter what our back-
gordo, NM and Di-
my e-mail lists and I felt a be a practical application of ground or where we have
rector of Tree of Life
particular nudge to contact the Torah through our faith come from.
Messianic Ministries...
certain people directly. The in Yeshua. We will ap- Many of you know me
result was an overwhelming proach this from several and know that I put out a
affirmative that the time different directions. The weekly commentary on the
was right for this. best thing about this e-zine Torah, Haftarah, and the
Messianic Life is
The premise of this is that it is free and you Apostolic Scriptures. I have
published every may print it out and share it done this for many years
other month by magazine, also called an e-
Tree of Life Messi- zine, due to its being an with others or pass on the because I love the Torah
anic Ministries. electronic publication, was e-zine in electronic form or and my heart’s desire is to
to offer practical advice just send them to www.etz- share what I have learned
Donations to our
from a personal standpoint over the years as well as
work are appreci-
ated and can be to those of you in this walk mail.cgi and choose a list what I am still learning.
sent to: called Torah and lest we then choose messi- Keeping Torah will not
forget Messiah Yeshua. anic_life_dlist. bring you salvation. Let us
Tree of Life
Messianic Ministries One of my favorite be clear about that, but
Our movement is going
PO Box 467 Scriptures has always been keeping Torah will lead you
Organ, NM 88052 through changes, ones that
Joshua 24:15: And if it to Yeshua and will help
we hope are a result of
seems evil to you to serve the keep you on the narrow
growth and maturation.
Lord, choose you this day road as you remain focused
People need help
whom you will serve; whether on Him.
through guidance
and that is the pri- the gods which your fathers It is my heart’s cry that
The Lion of mary goal of this served on the other side of Messianic Life helps all of
the tribe of publication. We the river Euphrates, or the you as you walk out the
Judah— want to help! To gods of the Amorites in whose Torah principles Yeshua
Yeshua achieve that I have land you dwell; but as for lived in His own life. He set
attempted to gather me and my house, we will the path and paved the way
together a diverse serve the Lord. for the rest of us. We are
group of people If what we offer to you called to imitate Him in all
who have the de- in the pages of this maga- things. At the center of
zine helps you to what He did was Torah
maintain a bal- because He is Torah!

Is Yeshua God? By Rav Mordecai Silver

Is Yeshua God? Is He myself to him.” passages of Scripture is ga-
God in the flesh? There are And if your gut reaction al. The person who is per-
some in the Messianic Jew- to this is that I follow what forming the redeeming is
ish Movement who believe Yeshua taught in the Re- the go-al. As you can see
that Yeshua was only a man newed Covenant, then I say these are both words that
and not God. Their belief to you what you are follow- originate from the same
follows after a traditional ing is the Torah. root.
Jewish view put forth by We begin our journey to- 1350 la;G' ga'al {ga-
Rabbi Abraham Maimonides, wards the truth with the
also known as the Rambam, Book of Ruth-Rut. Let’s look al'}
a rabbi and physician during at Ruth 4:4 and 4:6. to redeem, act as kinsman-
the Middle Ages. Modern “I resolved that I should redeemer, avenge, revenge,
Jewish thought and belief is inform you to this effect: ransom, do the part of a
kinsman, to act as kinsman, The opinions
based, for the most part, on Buy it in the presence of
the teachings of Rambam those sitting here and in the do the part of next of kin,
expressed by
but that it should be noted presence of the elders of my act as kinsman-redeemer,
here that there are those in people. If you are willing to by marrying brother's the authors
traditional Judaism, espe- redeem, redeem! But if it widow to beget a child for
cially among the Chassidic will not be redeemed, tell him, to redeem from slav- throughout
or Ultra-Orthodox Jews, who me, that I may know; for ery, to redeem land, to ex-
believe in a multiple God there is no one else to re- act vengeance, to redeem this magazine
that they describe as being deem it but you, and I am (by payment), to redeem
the three pillars. after you.” And he said, “I (with God as subject), indi- are those of
What I hope to accom- am willing to redeem.” The viduals from death, Israel
from Egyptian bondage, the individual
plish from this article is to redeemer said, “Then I can-
present from Scripture, both not redeem it for myself, Israel from exile, to redeem
oneself, to be redeemed writers...
Hebrew and Renewed, that lest I imperil my own inheri-
Yeshua is God. Now I know tance. Take over my re- We need to understand
that some will not accept demption responsibility on the concept of the kinsman
the writings of Rav Shaul- yourself for I am unable to redeemer as practiced in the
Paul as authoritative but we redeem.” Hebrew nation of Israel and
are instructed to take the The first concept that we probably other nations in
whole counsel of Scripture need to understand is the the Middle East. The kins-
not just bits and pieces. So idea of what redeem means man redeemer was a blood
to you who reject the writ- in these two verses of Scrip- relative who had the right to
ings of Rav Shaul I can only ture. There are two uses of redeem, avenge, revenge,
say that you are no better the word redeem here and ransom, etc. We see this
than those in Christianity one applies to the person role played out between
who reject the authority of referred to as the redeemer Abraham and Lot when Lot
the Torah based on the writ- and the other refers to the and his family were taken
ings of Rav Shaul and not actual act of redemption. captive. Abraham goes and
on the authority of the Mes- frees his nephew. In the
siah. case of Ruth, Boaz was a
To you I can only quote
la;G' (gaal) redeem, relative to her deceased
from the Book of John- avenge, revenge, ransom, husband and her mother
Yochanan 14:15: do the part of a kinsman -in-law Naomi. But in
this case it turns out
“If you love me, you will yl;WaG. (giulay) redemp-
that there is one relative
keep my commands…” tion
And again in John- who is closer than Boaz
Yochanan 14:21: hL'auG> (giulâ) redemption, and therefore he has the
“Whoever has my com- right of redemption, price first right of redemption.
mands and keeps them is of redemption, kindred What happens here is
the one who loves me, and that the relative realizes
the one who loves me will
laeGO (goel) redeemer that in accepting the role of
be loved by my Father, and kinsman redeemer he will
I will love him and reveal The act of redemption or have to give up his right to
to redeem as used in these inherit the property of Ruth

and Naomi as his own and the role he plays Job 19:25: But I
because he would have let’s get on with showing know that my Redeemer
to purchase the property how this role ties in Ye- lives, and that He will be
from both Naomi and shua to God and in do- the final one remaining
Ruth and Ruth’s name ing that we can show upon the earth.
would remain attached that God and Yeshua are Once again the con-
to the inheritance. Why entwined and that one cept of the Redeemer
is this important in the cannot exist without the but in this instance it is
context of what we are other and that they are reaffirmed that the Re-
studying here? joined ‘at the hip’ as deemer is a direct refer-
The concept of the they say. ence to God. Why? Be-
kinsman redeemer ap- Exodus-Shemot 15:13: cause even in the Ortho-
plies to the Messiah Ye- With Your kindness You dox translation of the
shua because He is the guided this people that Tanach the word Re-
only begotten Son of the You redeemed; You led deemer is capitalized
Father so therefore He with Your might to Your indicating that the Re-
inherits the right to the holy abode. deemer is God.
And again in role of kinsman re- This passage of This idea is re-
Isaiah deemer through His Fa- Scripture lays out that it enforced in Psalm
41:14: Fear ther God. So how would is God who redeems. He 78:35: They would re-
not, O worm that affect us? It affects has redeemed His peo- member that God was
us because if we grasp ple and His people is their Rock, and the Most
of Jacob, O the concept of the kins- Israel. Now what we High God their Re-
men of Is- man redeemer we real- need to consider at this deemer.
rael, [for] I ize that if we were cre- point is who is Israel? Is And again in Isaiah
help you— ated by God through His Israel just the Jewish 41:14: Fear not, O
Son Yeshua then we are people? Many would worm of Jacob, O men
the word of
ALL, each and every have you think so be- of Israel, [for] I help
the Lord and one of us, related by cause the House of Eph- you—the word of the
your Re- blood to Yeshua. And if raim was scattered to Lord and your Re-
deemer, the that were not enough in the four corners of the deemer, the Holy One of
Holy One of and of itself each and earth and only Judah Israel.
every one of us who ac- returned from their exile Isaiah 44:6: Thus
Israel. cept Yeshua as Messiah intact. But let us look at said the Lord, King of
become further en- Deuteronomy 29:13-14. Israel and its Redeemer,
twined with Yeshua Not with you alone the Lord, Master of Le-
through the Ruach of do I seal this covenant gions: I am the first and
God in that we become and this imprecation, I am the last, and aside
spiritually connected to but with whoever is from Me there is no God.
Yeshua. So this extends here, standing with us He is the Redeemer
the idea of the kinsman today before the Lord, and God! This is from
redeemer right on down our God, and with the mouth of the
from Yeshua to you and whoever is not here prophet Isaiah put there
me and everyone who with us today. by God Himself. Could it
will ever be or has been. The covenant that be made any plainer
It is only through the was established between than this? God is the
rejection of Yeshua as Israel and God involved Redeemer and He is
Messiah which causes us each and every person God.
to then reject Him as that was standing before Isaiah 49:26: And I
our kinsman redeemer. God that day and each will feed your tormen-
When we do this we are and every person who tors their own flesh, and
acting just like the rela- was not there that day. they will become drunk
tive in Ruth who re- What does that mean? on their own blood as on
jected the role of kins- The implication is very sweet wine; then all
man redeemer because strong that all who flesh will know that I am
he did not want to forfeit joined themselves to the Lord, your Savior
his own inheritance. Israel would become and your Redeemer, the
So having laid out part of Israel and enti- Mighty One of Jacob.
the premise for under- tled to the covenant that
standing the concept of God made with Israel. Continued on page 32
the kinsman redeemer That means you and me!

Practical Torah with Hank Ramirez

In that same hand, G-d is more through all of the clouds of allow me to rest and
concerned with the perfection indecision and chooses a fully participate in the
of our heart than the perfec- course of action you were in- Feast as G-d intended
tion of ritual performance clining toward anyway. Then me to. Lastly, I will be
[Note 3]. Then, on the other again she might come up with able to be a blessing
hand, there is also that need to a third option that again clears through my teaching
keep the bill collectors at bay. up what should be done. It is commitment.
Lastly, my wife is so much to be understood that she is a
more fun to be around when major part of our participation
she sees paychecks come in the in the Feasts and if you want [Note 1] Exodus 23:15,
mail. life to be worth living you will Exodus 34:24,
Being I am a “part time” consult with her [Note 6]. Deuteronomy
The Conflict between employee I can request to get
the week off without pay. Or I
Having done all of the cal-
culations concerning the loss
[Note 2] Luke 10:33
can request to be put on the of pay for the time off and de- [Note 3] 1Samuel
being at work and early shift, which will allow
me to go to work AND attend
termining the best work sched-
ule I can ask for, it is decision
15:22, Isaiah
1:11-12, Isaiah

being at the
the Evening (Erev) festivities. time. What do I value the 29:13
But what about the Sab- most? Income? Fulfilling and [Note 4] Romans 12:18
baths (Shabbatim) and the living out Torah? Doing what I [Note 5] Shalom Bayit
commensurate days of rest? If can to work and participate in or Shalom
Biblical Festivals my boss agrees to assign me to
the morning shift I will still
the Feasts? Such is the sharp
edge of the Word of God [Note
(Hebrew: ‫שלום‬
need to coordinate to have the 7], which side of the line am I? " ; ‫בית‬peace at
I have a new job that re- Shabbatim off. Somehow I Am I soulish or spiritual? home") is the
quires me to work rotating have the impression that going The sages tell us that Jewish reli-
shifts and come in at odd through all of these adminis- heaven has accorded us a spe- gious concept
hours like 5:30 AM, 1:30 PM, trative gymnastics would put cific amount of income each of household
and 9:30PM. My boss affords a bit of a frown on my boss‟ week, nothing more and noth- harmony and
me some leniency in that he face. So to be a blessing to him ing less [Note 8]. This means good relations
tries to ensure I have Friday [Note 4] I need to make things that our decision to work, between man
evenings free so I can lead the as simple as I can and boil whatever it is, will not gain or and wife.
Erev Shabbat Torah Class. them down to one of two sim- lose us anything. Which could Tractate Shab-
With Sukkot coming on the ple options. mean that the money I earned bat (23b)
event horizon at the end of My particular situation has might have to pay for the re- [Note 6] 1Samuel 25:2-
September I am faced with a a small twist in it in that I have pair of a car accident incurred 37
conflict. On the one hand I am been asked to teach in the on the way home from work. [Note 7] Proverbs
confronted with the fact that I morning at a remote location On the other hand, G-d 21:19, Prov
need to provide for my family an hour and a half away from BLESSES us when we partici- erbs 27:15,
and do my best to ensure that I where I live. So if I request to pate in His Feasts [Note 9]. Hebrews 4:12
am an indispensable asset, work just mornings and ask to My final decision? I will ask [Note 8] Rabbi Pin-
assuring continued employ- have the Shabbatim off, I will to be taken off the schedule for chas, “a per-
ment. On the other hand it is have to also ask for an addi- the week by explaining to my son‟s suste-
my heart‟s desire to participate tional day off on the appointed boss the importance of the nance is meas-
in the mitzvah of keeping the day OR I will have to grace- Feasts to me. It is a blanket ured for him
Feasts of the Lord. Feasts, fully decline the invitation to move for him, simple and ele- from Rosh
which are not “attendance speak. gant. It simplifies the week for HaShanah”
optional” according to Scrip- The Sages admonish us to me so I can actually relax and [Note 9] Deuteronomy
ture [Note 1]. keep the home as peaceful as REJOICE in the Feast without 12:6-7
On the one hand, G-d is possible [Note5] and to do this Having to sweat bullets about
more concerned with life than I need to consult with my wife. getting enough sleep and get-
he is with ritual [Notes 2]. You may find that she cuts ting to work on time. It will

Common Sense Torah by Ran Ricard

What an honor I have than I, so you may be not long ago, I slept just
been afforded to be a strengthened and con- like those who might
part of such a group of tinue your new and question me now. I can
Torah loving folks. It closer walk of obedience choose to either throw a
shall be my singular with Messiah Yeshua. bucket of ice water on
privilege to offer you all Now with that said, let‟s them or gently nudge
what I will call a „Blue begin; them awake. When my
Collar‟ perspective on Standard weight; brother and I were chil-
Torah apologetics, or measure, model, quality, dren and he was tasked
better yet … Common etc. to which others must with waking me for
Sense Torah. conform; criterion; pole school, there were lots of
The restoration of with a flag; flag esp. ensign shoes, socks and other
YHVH‟s people Israel, of war; royal banner; up- laundry items thrown in
reuniting the House of right support; a. serving as anger when he used the
Ephraim and the House established rule. bucket of ice water ap-
of Judah (Eze 37:15-28) (Webster‟s New Encyclo- proach (and oh how he
has begun. I believe pedia of Dictionaries) relished the ice water
those embracing the Mes- One of the first things approach). I‟ve found
I discovered as I began to
sianic movement today my sleepy brethren will
are indeed the vanguard wipe the „sleepy bugs‟ wake a bit cranky too,
in that restoration proc- from my eyes was that to when I use the same
ess. We are the Peace- be obedient to The Fa- method.
Proper makers who bear the title
and the blessing of His
ther‟s instructions I had
to change the standard
Since most comments
and questions will arise
children. (Matt. 5:9) by which I measured and because of your new de-

Standard More and more folks

are being touched by the
Ruach HaKodesh (Holy
examined The Word.
The Apostle Paul‟s writ-
ings, for the most part,
sire to be obedient to the
Torah, those questions
will most likely center on
Spirit) and awakened had always been that the law and whether it is
with a hunger for the standard to which other to be obeyed. When that
Hebraic roots of their writings in scripture happens, I tell my friends
faith in Messiah Yeshua. must conform. Espe- that because I believe
But as exciting as that is, cially when examining exactly what Yeshua says
for many of us it‟s almost and understanding the concerning the law, that I
as if we‟ve awakened in a necessity of obedience to have a choice to make;
foreign place and that the law. Paul‟s words
can be more than a little have been the standard Mat 5:17-18, "Do not
disconcerting, it can be by which I have weighed think that I have come to
downright scary. Some and examined The Word abolish the Law or the
awaken angry, some con- since my youth. How- Prophets; I have not
fused and bewildered, ever, now that The Holy come to abolish them but
but all of us have awak- One has nudged me to fulfill them. For truly,
ened hungry for the awake, I find that stan- I say to you, until heaven
truth. dard „stands‟ in contra- and earth pass away, not
It is my desire and diction to my Master, an iota, not a dot, will
will be my welcomed Messiah Yeshua. pass from the Law until
task to bring you your So how do I explain my all is accomplished.”
first cup of coffee, or transition from Paul‟s stan-
maybe a refill and then dard to The Messiah‟s? I Either I can believe
hand you off to others reckon the first thing I try that the Apostle Paul is
with greater knowledge to do is remember that making the words of Ye-

shua null and void or I can gest that perhaps we don‟t friend came into my office
believe that the Apostle Paul understand what those great one day and dropped a copy
loved The Messiah literally men are really saying and it‟s of Batya Wootten‟s book,
to his death and would never time to put on our Berean “Who Is Israel” on my desk
stand opposed to what He robes and seek GOD‟s glory, and challenged me to read it. But a few,
says and teaches. Then I tell “It is the glory of God to conceal Not being one to ever shy
them that I choose the latter. things, but the glory of kings is from the proverbial „thrown who have
Paul loved Yeshua and rec- to search things out.” (Pro gauntlet‟ … I read it.
ognized that He was The Son 25:2) Without telling my Bride the ears to
of the Great I AM; He would And some will clear their anything about it, I then chal-
eventually give his life in throats and watch the birds lenged her to read it. About hear, will
service to Him. He would devour the seeds you cast. three quarters of the way
never, ever contradict what Others will listen and get through, she abruptly closed listen and
The Son of The Living GOD excited, but then fall back to the book, looked at me and
says and teaches. And nei- sleep as the seed finds only said, “Well now, this changes
protect the
ther should I. rocky soil. A few will think everything.” In our lives
The fact of the matter is hard on what you‟ve said, together, I don‟t think there
seeds you
that Paul was a staunch be- but their traditional teaching has ever been a greater un-
will not allow the seedling to
cast. They
liever in Yeshua. The fact of derstatement.
the matter is that Paul‟s ene- grow. Like many of you, The
But a few, who have the
will nourish
mies had to resort to lie about Father has led us into a wil-
him; Act 21:21, “and they have ears to hear, will listen and derness experience; into a
them and
been told about you that you protect the seeds you cast. season of learning, growing
teach all the Jews who are They will nourish them and and relying on Him like they will
among the Gentiles to forsake they will grow … and grow never before. It has been a
Moses, telling them not to cir- …. and grow. time of transitioning from grow...and
cumcise their children or walk milk to meat. Like many of
according to our customs.” From our house to yours you, we have no fellowship grow...and
But Paul tells us in his SHALOM! save that over the internet,
own words that he has done Ran the telephone and what peri- grow...
nothing to violate God‟s P.S. And now a little about odicals we receive in the mail
commands or contradict any- me. from our beloved teachers.
thing Messiah Yeshua has I was raised and taught in I currently
said; Act 24:14, “But this I a traditional fundamental live in Clever,
confess to you, that according to Southern Baptist manner (yes Missouri with
the Way, which they call a sect, that includes heapin‟ helpin‟s my beautiful
I worship the God of our fathers, of fried chicken and „tater Bride and com-
believing everything laid down salad). After graduation rade in life
by the Law and written in the from High School, I enlisted Brenda. We
Prophets” in the United States Navy, have three
Then I tell my friends I serving two tours of duty in grown chil-
believe every word Yeshua Viet Nam in the „Brown Wa- dren, two
has spoken to be the truth ter‟ portion of that service. grandchildren
and know they believe the After discharge, I chose and two little
same. Then I ask if it rings the field of law enforcement noisy fur balls
true to their common sense for my career, serving 20 known as York-
to use the words of Paul, or years with the Riverton, shire Terriers,
Peter or James or anyone for Wyoming Police Depart- Boomer and
that matter to nullify any- ment / Wind River Indian Twink, and a
thing The Messiah has al- Reservation and four years great motorcy-
ready spoken and taught as as Chief of Police in Buffalo, cle for cruising
truth (again referencing Wyoming. While serving in the Missouri back roads.
Matt. 5:17-18). Then I sug- the capacity of Chief, a dear

Mirror Images by David Pennington

I am persuaded that may be said, See, out of their sight.
what has been, will be this is new? it hath Act 1:10 And while they
and that especially been already of old looked stedfastly
through the ministry of time, which was be- toward heaven as he
the Messiah this concept fore us. went up, behold,
has been carried out Ecc 1:11 There is no re- two men stood by
more times than we membrance of for- them in white ap-
probably have perceived. mer things; neither parel;
It is not my pur- shall there be any Act 1:11 Which also
pose to just try to per- remembrance of said, Ye men of
petuate the message of things that are to Galilee, why stand
the virgin birth because come with those that ye gazing up into
most still believe this to shall come after. heaven? this same
The above quote is Jesus, which is taken
Mirror be actual fact. What I
want to project into your one of the major reasons I
have been guided into
up from you into
heaven, shall so
thoughts is why the vir-
come in like manner
Image gin birth, among other the concept of what I call
the "Mirror Image Ef- as ye have seen him
events that transpired,
fect". The reason of call- go into heaven.
which should also be
In the next two
Effect greater evidence of the
truth of the virgin birth.
ing it mirror image is
because in the reflection verses the Greek word
translates as virgin. As
Without the birth being of the mirror, everything
appears to be exactly the we, the body of believers
through a virgin, there
same, which it isn't. (the body of Messiah) are
could not be the birth of
When you face the mir- presented as a chaste vir-
believers since the resur-
ror, your right hand be- gin, this is mirroring the
comes the left hand of birth through Mary
If we deny the truth
the reflection you have (Miriam).
of the virgin birth we in
projected. The new believer is
turn deny our faith. For
In the following born through the blood
we are conceived and
verses this projection has (offering of Messiah) and
born through a woman
been witnessed by the water (the mikvah that
espoused to her
words of the beings that designates our rebirth).
future husband,
appear to the disciples Mat 1:23 Behold, a vir-
Messiah Ye-
after the ascension of Ye- gin3933 shall be
shua yet she
shua. They said that in with child, and shall
remains a bring forth a son,
chaste virgin. like manner, as he went,
so he shall come again. and they shall call
Just like Joseph his name Em-
and Miriam The difference, is that in
manuel, which be-
(Mary). the ascension, the disci-
ing interpreted is,
Ecc 1:9 The ples were scattered
God with us.
thing that hath amongst the nations and
2Co 11:2 For I am jeal-
been, it is that in his return there will be
ous over you with
which shall be; a gathering of his disci-
godly jealousy: for I
and that which is ples from the four cor- have espoused you
done is that which ners of the earth. to one husband, that
shall be done: and Act 1:9 And when he I may present you as
there is no new thing had spoken these a chaste virgin3933
under the sun. things, while they to Christ.
Ecc 1:10 Is there any beheld, he was
thing whereof it taken up; and a G3933 παρθε?νος
cloud received him

parthenos - par-then'-os -Of ter unto this man to When he died on Golgotha, come boldly
unknown origin; a maiden; by wife, and he hateth her; he gave up this spirit of life unto the throne
implication an unmarried Deu 22:17 And, lo, he hath and the veil (representing the of grace, that we
daughter: - virgin. given occasions of hymen) was rent in two. may obtain
speech against her, say- Gen 2:7 And the LORD mercy, and find
Another aspect is that ing, I found not thy God formed man of the grace to help in
the bread of the offering daughter a maid; and dust of the ground, and time of need.
could not be partaken of yet these are the tokens breathed into his nos- Eph 4:8 Wherefore
unless the man had refrained of my daughter's virgin- trils the breath of life; he saith, When
from sexual relations with ity. And they shall and man became a liv- he ascended up
his wife. In the case of spread the cloth before ing soul. on high, he led
Miriam and Joseph, she had the elders of the city. captivity cap-
not only been a virgin but The womb represented The first thing to be torn tive, and gave
they refrain from any sexual the Holy of Holies and the in two when he entered this gifts unto men.
activity throughout her preg- "hymen" symbolized the cur- world was the veil (hymen)
tain (veil) that was before and the last thing to be torn A hint of this
nancy. Once again mirroring
this Holy place. The only in two upon leaving this very fact is evi-
the idea of a chaste virgin.
way to enter into the Holy of world was the veil. denced in John‟s
Mat 1:25 And knew her not
Holies was with blood As you may see, it is as gospel account. Here
till she had brought
forth her firstborn son: through this veil. Yeshua in Ecclesiastes says, “What has is a question to those
and he called his name both his birth and his death been, will be”. It appears that that read this. Where
JESUS. (his descending and ascend- nearly every move, every in John has the hint
Just as Yeshua entered ing) broke through these action, nuance, and word of this event been
into the Holy of Holies veils and the sign of this was that Yeshua gave us was to recorded?
through tearing the veil in the water and the blood. fulfill the words of Torah. In the next issues I
two, so He entered into this When the soldier took My first choice to use in this want to give more
world through a veil when the spear and pierced the column was the birth and evidence of this mir-
he was born. This was one of Messiah‟s side, out came death because it began and ror image design
the reasons that Mary blood and water. The same ended his earthly mission. and how perfectly it
(Miriam was to be a virgin) took place at the birth of Ye- Following the words of the is woven throughout
and the reason that the Torah shua, when he broke through angelic beings and sensing the pages of the Bi-
was so demanding on the the hymen and exited the that if he shall return as he ble.
precepts of the virgin and the womb, he was brought forth went, isn‟t it only plausible
signs of her virginity. in the water and the blood. that as he came, he would David Pennington is
Deu 22:13 If any man take a Mat 27:50 Jesus, when he leave? married to wife Rita
wife, and go in unto her, had cried again with a Another reason for this with a son Jared and
and hate her, loud voice, yielded up thought is because many daughter Jessica
Deu 22:14 And give occa- the ghost. have not grasped the impor- (with five grandchil-
sions of speech against Mat 27:51 And, behold, the tance of knowing some of the dren). David has
her, and bring up an evil veil of the temple was concepts behind the virgin
rent in twain from the
been evolving in the
name upon her, and say, birth. We may say that it is
top to the bottom; and Messianic fold for at
I took this woman, and important, but fail to have
the earth did quake, and least fifteen years.
when I came to her, I the reasons that it is. He
found her not a maid: the rocks rent; He started in the
came forth from an earthly
Deu 22:15 Then shall the When Yeshua was born, church over thirty
womb and the veil to bring
father of the damsel, the first major event that
salvation but returned to the years ago and was
and her mother, take transpired after his emerg- Heavenly Womb through the ordained into the
and bring forth the to- ing from the womb (Holiest ministry about
veil to give salvation. After
kens of the damsel's vir- of Holies) and the tearing in twenty years ago.
his ascension, he gave gifts
ginity unto the elders of two of the hymen (veil) was David can be
unto man and the greatest
the city in the gate: his initial intake of lifegiving reached at
gift of all was our salvation.
Deu 22:16 And the damsel's breath. This is the spirit that
father shall say unto the makes the child a living soul.
Heb 4:16 Let us therefore
elders, I gave my daugh-
P AGE 10

Following the Living Torah Rabbi Daniel Klutstein

things whatsoever you ask Yeshua.
Prayer is a key element in
for in prayer, believe that Yeshua also told
our spiritual walk. Here is
you will receive them, and us not to use it for religious
what Isaiah says: “Then
they will be yours. And show
shalt thou call, and the
also Mat 7:8 “For everyone Mat 6:5 And when
Lord shall answer; thou
who asks receives, and he thou prayest, thou shalt not
shalt cry, and he shall say,
who seeks finds, and to him be as the hypocrites are: for
Here I am. 14th verse: Then
who knocks it shall be they love to pray standing
shalt thou delight thyself in
opened. in the synagogues and in the
the Lord; and I will cause
How many bless- corners of the streets, that
thee to ride upon the high
ings do we robe ourselves they may be seen of men.
places of the earth, and feed
from by not asking with Verily I say unto you, they
thee with the heritage of
belief (Emuna). This He- have their reward (men re-
Jacob thy father: for the
brew word is loaded with spect). Mat 6:6 But thou,
Rabbi Daniel Klut- mouth of the Lord hath spo-
meanings, trust, and obedi- when thou prayest, enter
ken it.”-ISA_58:9 ence, trained by the word, into thy closet, and when
stein leads a Messi-
Rav Shaul (Paul) belief. Only an emuna thou hast shut thy door,
anic Congregation
says: 1Th 5:17 “Pray with- prayer is effective. pray to thy Father which is
in Hawaii and out ceasing”. Yaakov (James) in secret; and thy Father
works with other What is prayer, teaches. which seethe in secret shall
and how can one pray with- Jam 5:13 Is any of reward thee openly.
out ceasing? you suffering evil? Let him Mat 6:7 but when
The Hebrew word pray. Is anyone in good ye pray, use not vain repeti-
for prayer is Tephilah from spirits? Let him sing tions, as the heathen do: for
the root Palel . It means psalms. We need to realize they think that they shall be
supplication, intercession. that 2Co 4:15 for all things heard for their much speak-
Prayer is asking the creator are for your sakes that the ing. We see this in the us-
to answer our cries and de- abundant grace might age of the rosary, which is
sires by his grace, even through the thanksgiving of common to Catholicism,
though we surely do not many redound to the glory Islam, and Buddhism. Un-
deserve it. Prayer is com- of God. fortunately this also influ-
municating with our maker. Jam 5:14 Is anyone enced the rabbis like repeat-
Therefore what Rav Saul among you sick? Let him ing a psalm seven times to
says is “Always communi- call for the elders of the forces YHWH to listen to
cate with YHWH “ and 2 assembly, and let them pray us and bind Satan.
Cor 10:7 “bring to captivity over him, having anointed Yeshua than
every thought unto him “ him with oil in the Name of teaches us how to pray in
The Lord also pro- the Master. the so called Lord’s prayer:
vided His Spirit to help us Jam 5:15 and the Mat 6:8 Be not ye therefore
as he Rav Saul says in Rom prayer of faith shall save the like unto them: for your
8:26 “Likewise the Spirit sick, and the Lord shall Father knoweth what things
also helpeth our infirmities: raise him up; and if he have ye have need of, before ye
for we know not what we committed sins, they shall ask him.
should pray for as we be forgiven him. Mat 6:9 after this
ought: but the Spirit itself However this is manner therefore pray ye:
maketh intercession for us qualified by Yaakov Our Father which art in
with groaning which cannot (James) the righteous Jam heaven, Hallowed be thy
be uttered.” 4:3 ye ask, and receive not, name.
Which is the main because ye ask amiss, that Mat 6:10 Thy
function of the gift of ye may consume it upon kingdom come. Thy will be
tongues. your lusts. done in earth, as it is in
Yeshua told us that He also add the heaven.
prayer open the gates of requirement of righteous- Mat 6:11 Give us
heaven Mar 11:24 For this ness which comes from our this day our daily bread.
reason I say to you, all turning away from sin and Mat 6:12 and for-
accepting the atonement of give us our debts, as we

forgive our debtors. called according to his purpose. My grandfather of blessed

Mat 6:13 and lead us Verse 9 tells us that we memory was France Orthodox
not into temptation, but deliver need to build relationship with chief rabbi.
us from evil: For thine is the God as a Father respect love I grew up with the
kingdom, and the power, and him and obey him. Deu 10:12 Love of the God, people and
the glory, forever. Amen. And now, Israel, what doth the land of Israel.
Mat 6:14 For if ye for- LORD thy God require of thee, After the early death of
give men their trespasses, your but to fear the LORD thy God, my father, we immigrated to
heavenly Father will also for- to walk in all his ways, and to Israel.
give you: love him, and to serve the I was later trained to
Mat 6:15 But if ye for- LORD thy God with all thy become an orthodox rabbi, but
give not men their trespasses, heart and with all thy soul. lost my faith at 16.
neither will your Father forgive Verse 10 Speaks of the In my twenties the
your trespasses. central teaching of Yeshua ”The Lord reached out to me, and
From verse 8 we un- kingdom”. God already reigns called me to him through Ye-
derstand that God does need our in heaven. We need to establish shua on the mount of Olive. Prayer is a
prayers to know our need. We his kingdom on earth by accept- The Father than called me to
need the prayer not God. ing the yoke of heaven. This is lead his people. He provided key element
In a traditional Jewish called in Judaism Tikun Olam free training at London Bible
way using the Kaddish as a (World fixing). We need to College followed by Paris Uni- in our
model, Yeshua tell us to start become a new creation by put- versity Jewish studies.
with praise. By so doing we ting of the old man. I was ordained in Paris spiritual
realize before whom we stand, Verse 11 Teaches us as a messianic rabbi, and lead a
and gain confidence, so that our that only when we center upon congregation.
needs are no longer a mountain our Father, can we then attend I was then called to
Rav Shaul
but a small hill. to our needs knowing his represent Israel and France to a
Only then can we pro- loveand care for us, although messianic conference, which Paul) says:
ceed with our petition, and end testing us at time for our sake. lead to an invitation to become
with thanksgiving. The subject Deu 8:16 Who fed thee associate rabbi at one of the 1Th 5:17
of the prayer is also a lesson in in the wilderness with manna, largest messianic congregation
itself. First we should concern which thy fathers knew not, that in Maryland, where I also found “Pray
ourselves with God’s kingdom, he might humble thee, and that my wife.
and as Yeshua ambassadors he might prove thee, to do thee The Lord led me to without
represent our Father’s interest, good at thy latter end; Verse 12, return for a time to Israel, and
not ours. We also reaffirm 14-15 teaches us the importance than back to the US. ceasing”.
God’s sovereignty. of forgiveness. We need to real- I was used in leader-
Our request should be ize that the Lord will deal with ship in major congregations in
for our needs not our cravings. us as we deal with others, as Maryland, and later to lead my
We can only receive Yeshua parable teaches when own
God’s blessing when we dealt the king throw in prison the I accepted a call from
with our sins. We need to show debtor who persecuted his the messianic congregation in
the forgiveness we received debtor after being forgiven by Hawaii where I serve as their
form God to others. We need the king Math 18 23-35. rabbi.
YHWH help to pass the test, Verse 13 is our prayer In Hawaii we aim to
realizing what Rav Saul said that we will not be tested to the bring all closer to God in their
1Co 10:13 There hath no temp- point of failure Heb 2:18 For in Hebraic understanding.
tation taken you but such as is that he himself hath suffered I also oversee two mes-
common to man: but God is being tempted, he is able to suc- sianic congregations in Amarillo
faithful, who will not suffer you cour them that are tempted. Texas, Australia, and India.
to be tempted above that ye are In conclusion: we need to com- I am currently being
able; but will with the tempta- municate with our heavenly used to reach out to the body of
tion also make a way to escape, father, and putting him first, and believers, and bring them an
that ye may be able to bear it. obedient, we will be blessed as understanding of their roots
Rom 8:28 And we he seeks to bless his children. I visit different congregation,
know that all things work to- and monitor internet discussion
gether for good to them that I was borne to a Chas- group.
love God, to them who are the sidic family in Paris France God bless
Meaning and Celebration of the Festival of Sukkot
P AGE 12

Rejoice at your festival–– person who “forgets

‫סוכות‬ you, your sons and daugh-
ters, your male and female
what he was taught”:
Likewise, those receiving
or the coming back slaves, the L‟vi‟im, and the seed on rocky patches are
foreigners, orphans and people who hear the mes-
of the Great King widows living among you. sage and joyfully accept it
Seven days you are to keep at once; but they have no
The angel said to me, the festival for ADONAI root in themselves. So they
"Write: „How blessed are your God in the place hold out for a while, but as
those who have been invited ADONAI your God will soon as some trouble or
to the wedding feast of the choose, because ADONAI persecution arises on ac-
Lamb!‟" Then he added, your God will bless you in count of the message, they
"These are God‟s very all your crops and in all immediately fall away.
words. Revelation 19 :9 your work, so you are to be Mark4:16-17
full of joy! Deuteronomy
Gilbert and Sa-
16 :13-15 The palm (lulav) is edible
brina Suard live in
Israel and formerly
Sukkot ‫סוכות‬ A particular command-
but has no smell; it repre-
sents the one who owns
means booth or tent, a
resided in France... temporary dwelling, re- ment requires us to tie the knowledge but not
minding us of the wan- together four fruits, the works:
derings of the people of forming the Lulav, also
Israel in the desert. It also the name of the tallest You believe that “God is
reminds us that we are specie, the palm. It is to one”? Good for you! The
« sojourners in the earth be shaken in front of the demons believe it too – the
Gilbert and ». Sukkah. thought makes them shud-
der with fear! But, foolish
Sabrina Suard, These four fruits are: fellow, do you want to be
It is during the festival of
Israel booths that we eat and/
shown that such “faith”
The Palm apart from actions is bar-
or sleep for seven days in
The Willow ren? our own hand-made
The Citron James 2:19-20 De 6:4 booths. The roof must be
made of tree branches so The Myrtle
as to be able to see the The willow (arava) has no
The Renewed sky to remind us that it is These four species repre- taste nor smell; it repre-
Covenant by the G-d who protects us dur- sent the different types of sents the one without
Jews, both pious and non Torah and without
light of the Torah ing our stay on earth.
pious but all indivisible works, but who still is
in G-d‟s eyes: part of the Jewish people
It is the third festival that
has a solemn convocation The citron (etrog) is deli- and needs to become in-
and to which the Jewish cious and smells good; it tegrated within the com-
people are to attend by represents the scholarly munity so as to provoke
going up to the Temple. Jew in the Torah who in him an awakening that
It is a rejoicing festival practices what he studies: will bring him back to his
with two holidays; the faith:
But those sown on rich soil
first and seventh days. It
hear the message, accept it My brothers, if one of you
is celebrated on the 15th
and bear fruit! –thirty, wanders from the truth, and
of the month of Tishri.
sixty or a hundredfold.” someone causes him to re-
Mark 4:20 turn, you should know that
“You are to keep the festival
of Sukkot for seven days whoever turns a sinner
The myrtle (hadas) also from his wandering path
after you have gathered the
smells good but is not will save him from death
produce of your threshing–
edible; it represents the and cover many sins. Prov-
floor and winepress.

erbs 10:12 , James 5:19-20 so that we are one in Him, cal fruit for Sukkot because
Therefore, the festival of Suk- Jew and Gentile, the Two of the seeds that are a re-
kot is a call to fraternal unity, Houses reunified under the minder of the manna and
and it is a duty to invite one same G-d and His Torah. But because of its crown, remi-
another under the Sukkah to before anything, He has to niscent of that of the Great
rejoice together for G-d‟s come back to Jerusalem, the King.
kindness. It is the festival of city of the Great King, and to  If you were able to ob-
fraternal love! invite us all to celebrate Suk- tain Lulav, shake it in front of
kot and to celebrate Him, the the Sukkah to symbolize fra-
It is also the festival of water Living Torah! ternal unity.
and rain. Prayers are said to Start with the blessing upon
bring the first rains, blessings It was also on that date that the wine, Kiddush
for the dried earth. Yeshua decided to come in (sanctification) then on the
flesh to bring us the Light bread motzi (taken out of,
For this occasion, during the (see our study on the birth of dragged). Sukkot
period of the Temple, sev- Yeshua)
enty bulls were offered for « Blessed are you Hashem, means booth
the atonement of the seventy Pesach: the deliverance
our G-d, King of the uni- or tent, a
nations of the world! Shavuot: the gift of the Holy
Spirit verse, Who created the
The portion of the prophets‟ Rosh Hashana: His coming fruit of the vine » temporary
writings read at this time is back « Blessed are you Hashem, dwelling,
the messianic celebration of Yom Kippur: our sins have our G-d, King of the uni-
Sukkot in Zachariah 14. been forgiven verse, Who brought forth reminding us
The eighth day is called Sim- Sukkot: His messianic reign
the bread from the earth »
chat Torah, the joy of the To- Chanukka: He is the Light of of the
rah, a convocation to cele- the world
brate the end of the annual Purim: the defeat of Amalek May the L-rd bless you in wanderings
reading cycle of the Torah. this day of joy and fraternal
What about the body of the Let‟s prophetically celebrate unity, while we are awaiting of the people
Mashiach, the Kehila Sukkot while awaiting the that day when we can rejoice
together in Jerusalem! of Israel in
(assembly) of G-d today? glorious celebration to come,
with Yeshua! the desert. It
The good news is we are all in- Chag Sameach
vited to Jerusalem to celebrate ____________________ Happy festival! also reminds
the coming back of the Great
King and His Reign together
with the people of Israel. He is
the source of living water and in
Celebration of the
festival ‫חג שמח‬ us that we

Him we find the true fraternal  Build a booth keeping
unity, in the shelter of His the sky and the stars visible sojourners in
wings. On that day, the earth  Make decorations about Unless otherwise noted,
Israel; add garlands, kids‟ Scripture quotations are from the earth...
will be filled with His knowl-
edge. He will be proclaimed drawings, symbols of the the Complete Jewish Bible
ONE. twelve tribes of Israel… Jeru- Copyright © 1998-2004 by
salem. David.H.Stern. Published by
Jewish New testament Publi-
Then ADONAI will be  Prepare a festive meal.
king over the whole world. Sfaradic Jews start the meal
On that day ADONAI will
with couscous which re-
be the only one, and his minds them of the manna in jntp Distributed by Messianic
name will be the only name. Jewish Resources Interna-
the desert because of its nu-
Zachariah 14:9 merous seeds. tional. All rights reserved.
G-d‟s plan to gather every- Used by permission.
thing in Him will be fulfilled  Pomegranate is the typi-
P AGE 14

Yeshua’s Birthdate by Gilbert and Sabrina Suard

Was YESHUA really and they had few reli- of the John‟s birth:
born on December 24th ? ability. So Luke used, to In the days of Herod,
locate the events in time, King of Y‟hudah, there was
The Bible doesn‟t say several unmovable signs a cohen named Z‟kharyah
anything about it; instead like Thora prescriptions who belonged to the Aviyah
many pagan divinities and natural events like division. His wife was a
anterior to Yeshua were pregnancy time etc… descendant of Aharon, and
worshiped at the winter her name was Elisheva.
solstice, and especially Luke starts his letter with Both of them were righteous
on the 24th of December. a declaration that leaves before God, observing all
For example, in the Baby- no place for doubt about the mitzvot and ordinances
lonian TAMUZ cult (Ez his intention to write the of ADONAI blamelessly.
8: 14), the temple dedi- maximum reality on the But they had no children,
cated to the divinity had facts: because Elisheva was bar-
side windows in the di- ren; and they were both well
rection of the sun. Dur- along in years. One time,
Dear Theophilos: Concern-
ing the three lowest day- when Z‟kharyah was fulfill-
ing the matters that have
light of the solar year , taken place among us, ing his duties as cohen dur-
the sun did not shine many people have under- ing his division‟s period of
service before God, he was
through the windows taken to draw up accounts
chosen by lot (according to
and the divinity was based on what was handed
the custom among the co-
mourned as for a down to us by those who
hanim) to enter the Temple
dead .Three days later on from the start were eyewit-
and burn incense. Luke 1:5-
the 24th of December the nesses and proclaimers of
sun was visible again the message. Therefore,
through the windows Your Excellency, since I
« belonged to the Aviyah
and the pagan god was have carefully investigated
division » (Luke 1:5) and
worshipped as a resur- all these things from the
beginning, it seemed good « his division‟s pe-
rected one. riod» (Luke 1 : 8), are two
to me that I too should
write you an accurate and temporal signs that Luke
Our L-rd was born on had chosen to situate his
Sukkoth ordered narrative, so that
you might know how well– narration: sufficient
founded are the things enough and clearly
The Bible gives clear in- showing the time in
about which you have been
formation about the L-rd which those events oc-
taught. Luke 1:1
Yeshua‟s birth date in the curred. Indeed these two
Book of Luke, the be- timely details lead us
Many commentators said
loved physician who was
that there was no other back to the book of
a very accurate chroni-
track or historical docu- Chronicles, in which the
cler; we can see it in the
ment speaking about this divisions King David
Book of Acts in the narra- established to schedule
Theophilus. The transla-
tion of the journeys and
tion for this Greek name the work of the priest
travels of the apostles. and the soldiers at the
is “the one who loves G-
Luke was very worried Jerusalem Temple, are
d”, so we can think that
about letting the next
Luke addresses his re- clearly explained.
generations after him
port to any present fu-
universal and solid infor- There were 24 divisions
ture reader who loves G-
mation. By the time of
d and seeks His truth. of priest all divided by
Luke there were many
calendars in use in the
Text follows immedi-
Mediterranean world They were assigned (periods
ately, relating the history

of service) by lot, the one group During his service, Zachariah of complete rest for remember-
equally with the other, since is visited by the Angel ing, a holy convocation an-
both the descendants of El„azar Gabriel, the guardian of Is- nounced with blasts on the sho-
and the descendants of Itamar rael far. Leviticus 23:24
had officers of the sanctuary and
officers of God. 1 Chronicles But the angel said to him, This convocation is also
24:5 “Don‟t be afraid, Z‟kharyah; called Rosh Hashanah, which
the seventh for Hakotz, the because your prayer has been means: “head of the year”,
eighth for Aviyah, 1 Chronicles heard. Your wife Elisheva will traditionally admitted as the
24:10 bear you a son, and you are to birthday of the Creation. It is The Bible
name him Yochanan. Luke 1:13 the traditional Jewish New
There were also 12 army di- Year although the Bible says doesn‟t say
visions also divided covering Elizabeth becomes pregnant:. that Nissan is the first month.
all the months the months of anything
the year. When the period of his Temple Second holy convocation:
service was over, he returned about it:
The people of Isra‟el, registered home. Following this, Elisheva “The tenth day of this seventh
according to their clan leaders, his wife conceived, and she re- month is Yom–Kippur; you are instead
were drafted for army duty un- mained five months in seclu- to have a holy convocation, you
der captains of thousands and of sion, saying, Luke 1:23 are to deny yourselves, and you many pagan
hundreds, and officers serving are to bring an offering made by
the king, in divisions of 24,000 10 TEVET è Elizabeth 6th fire to ADONAI. You are not to divinities
each, for month–long terms of month of pregnancy do any kind of work on that day,
duty covering all the months of because it is Yom–Kippur, to anterior to
the year. 1 Chronicles 27:1 11 I make atonement for you before
ADONAI your God. Anyone Yeshua were
This repartition of the divi- who does not deny himself on
12 I
sions of service at the Temple ADAR that day is to be cut off from his worshipped
established by King David 1 NIS- I people; and anyone who does
was still in use in the time of SAN any kind of work on that day, I at the
Herodius at the second Tem- 2 IYAR I will destroy from among his
ple period. This is the reason people. You are not to do any winter
3 I è Miryam‟s nine
Luke uses this chronology to SIVAN kind of work; it is a permanent
month of preg-
situate the birth of John the regulation through all your gen- solstice, and
Baptist. John‟s father, Zacha- erations, no matter where you
4 TA- I especially
riah, was on duty at the Tem- MUZ live. It will be for you a Shabbat
ple according to his division, 5 AV I of complete rest, and you are to
on the 2nd part of the 4th deny yourselves; you are to rest on the 24th
6 ELUL I on your Shabbat from evening
month, the first month being
the month of Nissan up to 7 the ninth day of the month until of
I è Yeshua’s birth
the biblical calendar . TISHRE the following evening.” Leviti-
(Ex12 :2) . Y cus 23:27-32 December...

This is Yom Kippur, the Day

This seventh month is the
of Atonement. It is the holiest
1 NISSAN 1st 1st et 2nd month of Tishrey; it is a time
day of the year when the L-
division of of holy convocations, there
rd grants forgiveness of the
priest are three of them:
sins. Until today the Jewish
2 IYAR 3rdet 4th people had observed this
First holy convocation:
3 SIVAN 5th et 6th Day of Atonement with a
great reverence and it is a
4 TAMUZ 7th et 8th “Tell the people of Isra‟el, „In
day of deep silent and devo-
division of the seventh month, the first of
tion in Israel.
Aviyah the month is to be for you a day
P AGE 16

The third holy convoca- If we count back the nine Gilbert and Sa-
tion: months of pregnancy of brina, French and Israeli,
Miryam until the concep- Ephraim and Judah cou-
“Tell the people of Isra‟el, tion by the Holy Spirit, ple, four children, back to
„On the fifteenth day of this starting from the 15th of Israel a year now. We
seventh month is the feast of Tishrey (Sukkoth), we started a Messianic web-
Sukkot for seven days to obtained the end of site in France and we
ADONAI. Leviticus 23:34 Kislev. It is during this teach people Torah and
period that the eight days Hebraic sources for 7
This Feast of Tabernacles of Chanukah are cele- years.
is Sukkoth; it is part of brated: Chanukah is the
the three feasts called Feast of the Light and the We wrote different
shalosh regalim, the pil- consecration of the Tem- books: Messianic Passover
grimage feasts. Sukkoth ple: Haggadah; Shavuot: the call
is one of the three main of Mount Sinai and the
convocations of the year He is the light of the gifting of the Ruach Hako-
with Pesach (Easter) and world desh; Messianic commen-
Shavuot (Pentecost).All taries of the weekly Parasha.
the men adult had to go The L-rd’s birthday:
to Jerusalem to celebrate We started a couple of
the L-rd and offer sacri- If Pesach has been re- years ago an International
fices. placed by Easter, Sha- Distance Messianic Yeshiva
vuot by Pentecost and and have French speak-
This is why there was no the Shabbat by Sunday, ing students from differ-
more room in the inns in the Feasts of Tishrey ent countries. Our Ye-
Jerusalem and why the (Yom Kippur, Sukkoth shiva material will soon
shepherds brought a big and Simchat Torah) re- be translated into English
amount of animals for mained intact and un- and Hebrew and our
the sacrifices and had to changed .They are a sign goal is to reach our peo-
watch them outside the for us: ple here in the Land.
city all night long.
He is the head of the www.soucatdavid.israeli
The eighth day of Suk- Creation (Rosh Hasha-
koth is Simchat Torah, nah).
the joy of the Torah. We The Renewed Cove-
celebrate the end of the He is the ultimate sacri- nant by the light of
Torah reading cycle and fice for all the people
the Torah.
the new starts with (scapegoat of Kippur)
dances around the Torah
scrolls. There is a great And He invited all the
rejoicing in the streets. nations of the world to
rejoice with Him, for the
Yeshua said about Him- Feast of Sukkoth, in Jeru-
self that He came to fulfil salem at the end of the
the Torah and His deeds times!
are fully in synchronism
with the appointed times Finally, everyone remaining
of the Torah. He was from all the nations that
born on the month of came to attack Yerusha-
Tishrey for the Feast of layim will go up every year
Sukkoth and was circum- to worship the king,
cise the eighth day (Luc 2 ADONAI–Tzva‟ot, and to
-21) for Simchat Torah. keep the festival of Sukkot.
Zechariah 14:16

Killeen 1st Assembly of God

Jewish Roots Department

Overall Objectives:
To provide a venue for all those in the county who have a calling and a desire to
explore what it means to be Biblically Jewish as defined by Romans 2:12-29.

To teach and inform Christians that there is much to be gained by understanding

Jewish Biblical teachings as understood in Romans 3:1-2.

To provide a welcoming community for disfranchised Jews and Christians that they can
participate in - without the requirement of membership.

To celebrate the God given Sabbath and Feasts as best we can with a whole heart,
as taught in Exodus 20:10-11 and Leviticus 23:1-44

Friday Nights, 7PM

502 N. 38TH Street,
Killeen, Texas 76543

For more information

Call: (254) 394-1499 or 768-3593
P AGE 18

Living out Torah and Spirit in my Life

I begin at the age of sin and I had ex- the study of Scripture.
beginning of my faith perienced my first new YHVH sanctifies us dur-
journey. I had no reli- beginning. All the won- ing this process separat-
gious affiliation when I derful ramifications of ing through us to Him-
entered the Air Force in the salvation experience self through thought,
1959. My dog tags sim- were years down the word and deed.
ply read “protestant”. road. I had little knowl- This is what it
Since I was born in edge of scripture. I had means to be in Yeshua
“Christian America” and no road map or instruc- haMashiach. This is
since I was not Catholic, I tions. I had no founda- what it is to have the
assumed I was protes- tions and no walls of pro- mind of Mashiach. This
tant. I had attended Sun- tection. I had begun is what it means to walk
day school with a building at the roof of in Torah and Spirit.
neighbor on several occa- salvation instead of at the Mashiach Yeshua is more
sions and Easter Services foundation of knowl- than the principle charac-
a couple times, but I had edge. I took many side ter of an interesting
never heard of being roads that led away from Book. He is the Book.
“born again”. truth. I got stuck in the He is Truth and Life and
From the very muck of layers of tradi- the Way to it. He is more
beginning I had an inde- tions. I learned that the than an anointed prophet
By pendent relationship safest place to walk was that spoke words of
with YHVH. My conver- right in the center of His depth and lasting truth.
“Koray” sion experience was
unique in that it was not
will, but it was still a
mystery to know for cer-
He is those Words of
Truth. When we take the

(Cory) J. associated with evangel-

istic meetings, pastors,
tain what His will was.
A couple of times I
Words in we are taking
Him in to our lives. He is
lay ministries, tracts or nearly drowned in the more than the perfect
Lemmon even Churches. One eve-
ning in 1962 while on
wastewater of denomina-
tional legalism. But, He
example of Torah obser-
vant living. He is the life.
military duty in the Far was faithful to point me It seems as though each
East and alone in a bar- back, “this is the “Way” denominational teacher
racks, I came face to face walk in it”. So, I stum- has discovered some
with myself. I didn‟t like bled along drifting first jewel of truth and than
what I had become. All I to the right and then to abandoned the search too
knew about Yeshua was the left like a drunken soon. I was never satis-
that if I sincerely ask He sailor. Finally my jour- fied with little pieces of
would forgive my sins. I ney led me to investigate the truth.
repented and experi- the feasts of YHVH and Matthew 11:25: At that
enced YHVH forgiveness the rest is history. time Yeshua answered and
and His saving grace that It was not until I said, I thank thee, O Father,
evening in the name of saw Yeshua in the Lord of heaven and earth,
Yeshua. I didn‟t even broader context of the because thou hast hid these
know His true name. whole Bible that He things from the wise and
Yeshua turned my life made the final leap into prudent, and hast revealed
around at that point. the very fabric of my life. them unto babes.
My faith has Torah shows me sin and The hardest peo-
never been bound to a what I needed to pluck ple to share Truth with
particular tradition, de- up, tear down and toss are those who have their
nominational creed or from my life. The Ruach theology welded in place
belief system. Yeshua set personalizes the Word by years of “scholarly”
me free from the bond- and teaches me through instructions. These are
the comfortable and com-

placent, who have no need away with. I was missing the Finally, after literally
for new understanding or foundational words of Moshe, 40 years of wandering in the
their sleep disturbed. the teachings of Solomon in wilderness of tradition and cir-
Hebrews 5:12: For Proverbs, the Psalms of David cling the mountain of worship-
when for the time ye ought to be and the writings of the prophets. ing on Yom Rishon (Sunday), I
teachers, ye have need that one 1 Peter 2:2: As new- faced it with Truth and it crum-
teach you again which be the born babes, desire the sincere bled before my eyes. Like Is-
first principles of the oracles of milk of the word, that ye may rael, I had traveled a long way After stumbling
God; and are become such as grow thereby: to get there, but was home at
have need of milk, and not of After experiencing the last. from pillar to
strong meat. “Church System” first hand as a Deut. 2:3: Ye have compassed
“Lay Minister” I decided to this mountain long enough: turn post searching
It is hard for me to
understand how so many can walk away from mainstream you northward.
for truth I
teach “Replacement Theology” Christianity and search for the YHVH guides us in all
and that the Torah is done away “old paths”. I joined with a “Truth” if we search for it. discovered the
with. There are still those who faith community that some re- When we live in Truth we live
teach that the Lord’s Day is ferred to as Amish, but were in Yeshua haMashiach for He is Hebrew roots
Sunday and Sunday is the actually Anna Baptist Brethren. Truth. I’m O.K. now I can rest
They stated they walked in obe- in Torah. He is Torah. The of our faith
Christian Sabbath. There are so
many errors that live on and are dience to the entire Bible, liter- Ruach is my teacher. He shows
and who I am
held up only by men’s words. ally where ever possible. They me what to pluck up and pull
My heart goes out to those who had uniform dress codes and down. in the big
have closed their minds. With fences all over the place. This When I left worshiping
all the learning tools we mod- was a community of believers in Church on Yom Rishon I be- picture. A
erns have at our disposal, how who did many things according gan Sabbath worship with To-
to scripture, but like all the other rah observant believers. When I friend shared
will anyone have an excuse for
perpetuating these falsehoods. denominations they were yoked gave up eating unclean things I with me a copy
Matthew 7:22-23: to the dictates and traditions set was prepared already to eat
Many will say to me in up by man ( Sunday Worship, what YHVH declares as clean. of Dean and
that day, Lord, Lord, have we Easter, ect.,). When I backed away from
During the course of Easter…I replaced it with Pass Susan
not prophesied in thy name?
and in thy name have cast out my faith journey, I was baptized Over and the list continues to go
devils? and in thy name done 7 times, according to different on.
many wonderful works? 23And tradition. One denomination Anytime we reject a “Hebrew
then will I profess unto them, I only recognized their own bap- pagan falsehood we need to
never knew you: depart from tism as valid. Another accepted incorporate the truth into our Roots”
me, ye that work iniquity. all baptisms. I was baptized lives. Batya’s books, Sterns
twice indoors and once outdoors Complete Jewish Bible and a newsletter and
During my journey I
served in prayer groups, on in moving water during freezing good Jewish calendar have been
a book by
Church boards, in choirs, quar- weather. I was dipped back- helpful to my wife and I for
tets, as an evangelistic crusade wards one time for the Father, these things. The entire Bible Batya
counselor, a local hospital night Son and Holy Spirit, which seems new and exciting when
Chaplin and I was a pastor for a symbolized death, burial and we read it with a Hebrew per- Wootten…
small church for 6 years. I resurrection. I was baptized by spective.
two difference denominations After stumbling from ”Who is
served in a Baptist Church,
Nazarene Church, Brethren that dipped me frontward one pillar to post searching for truth Israel”.
Church; I even had a short flir- time forward for each entity of I discovered the Hebrew roots
tation with Catholicism, all the the Godhead separately. The of our faith and who I am in the
Saints and Mary. I even learned KJV bible puts an “and” be- big picture. A friend shared
the rosary mantra. I studied tween each. Father and Son and with me a copy of Dean and
other Eastern Religions in col- Holy Ghost and the dipping had Susan Wheelock’s “Hebrew
lege. Even while I served I was to be forward because Jesus Roots’ newsletter and a book by
still a babe. I needed the foun- bowed his head and gave up the Batya Wootten….”Who is Is-
dation. I was told that the New ghost. Each denomination has rael”. Thus began my second
Testament was all I needed and developed justification for their new beginning.
that the Law had been done particular traditions. Now I study scripture
P AGE 20

with excitement and pur- will be in YHVH’s family, YHVH has turned my
pose. I worship with a the place of safety, my ref- mourning into dancing.
multi-racial Torah obser- uge. Psalm 30:11
vant spirit filled faith com- In the end I learned Thou hast turned
munity. There is true joy there are several levels of for me my mourning into
there and it comes forth in understanding in Torah. I dancing: thou hast put off
Hebraic dance and praise. I learned about the spiritual my sackcloth, and girded
enjoy an intimate relation- significance of numbers in me with gladness; He had
ship with YHVH and the scripture. The Ruach used turned our mourning into
Ruach speaks to my heart this knowledge to change dancing. . I look for
all the time. These are my life. I believe since my YHVH in everything. I
things I had never experi- wife of 34 years had passed purchased the wedding ring
enced before. I sit under away in 1998 that a man my before I knew the spiritual
the teaching of Pastor Terry age should be resigned to significant of numbers. The
Swedlund at Shalom Al living alone probably for ring has eleven tiny dia-
Yisrael the rest of his life. In Au- mond points on each side.
( gust of 2005 I realized that I In scripture the number
His wife Shoshana had been grieving the loss eleven means disorder.
operates a Judaic gift shop of my companion for seven There is a small cluster in
in the storefront meeting- years. My new scriptural the middle that connects
house in Englewood, Ohio. understanding of numbers both sides. Together the
It is a great little congrega- told me that my grieving two sides add up to twenty-
tion with wonderful teach- was complete. I also realize two which means light.
ings and leaders with a real that the eighth year that I Yeshua is the light that
commitment to teaching was entering biblically brings order from chaos.
Torah and Spirit. I praise represents new beginnings. There are six small points
YHVH for such an oasis. For some reason I felt re- that make up a star in the
I know who I am. lease and encouragement cluster with one in the cen-
I am part of the remnant of from this understanding. ter adding up to seven the
Israel, an alien in this land, Maybe YHVH is really number of divine comple-
but a citizen of the concerned about every as- tion, or perfection.
“Commonwealth of Israel”. pect of our lives? Maybe The point is
I am part of the body of He is beginning to guide my YHVH’s hand is guiding,
Mashiach, the chosen and life in a very real and prac- cautioning and encouraging
espoused bride of Yeshua. tical way? me now in new ways since I
I am learning how to please A short time there began walking in the Torah
Him from “Torah”. He after I met Sharon a won- and Spirit.
honors my study as the derful Torah observant Isra-
highest form of praise and elite believer. We began
He communicates directly eating dinner together and
to my heart through revela- sharing Erev Shabbat. We
tion. There is no other book believe YHVH placed us
or writings that can be together. The THIRD
trusted completely. There NEW BEGINNING had
is not one man who’s words been given to me. I have
are always true and without never known any couple
error. The Bible is true in more compatible or happier
it’s original form and lan- than we are. It was a mira-
guage and it belongs to the cle that we even met. So, I
believer, cover to cover. can’t share how I live out
I need no man - Torah without this account
made fences to keep me of how we met. When His
from sin. I have YHVH’s “Way” became our Way
boundaries presented YHVH blessed. Sharon and
clearly in Torah. If I stay in I were married under the
Torah I will stay in Him chupah with joy and danc-
and if I am truly in Him I ing. Sharon is a dancer and

Torah by Terry W. Hayes

Greet- a non-Jewish community but nations” in Deuteronomy 4:6.
ings our hearts is to restore the
in the ancient paths of our forefa- So what is the Torah
Name thers, therefore our commu- and what is it all about?
of our nity has taken on a more
be- Jewish flare. The beauty of The word „Torah‟
loved this is; I feel I have a lot to comes from an archery term
Mes- offer from our experience. If “yara”, which means to “hit
siah you are one who is new to the mark” – to “shoot
Ye- the Torah and may be non- straight”. In understanding
shua; Jewish, welcome to the jour- this then one will see that the
and ney. obedience of the Torah will
welcome to the Lev HaTorah cause you to, shoot straight
– Heart of the Torah. Our For our first teaching and hit the mark.
corner of the magazine will we are going to look into, Most equate the
be looking into the heart of „What is the Torah?‟ word „law‟ and „Torah‟ as
the Torah and its application being the same because of Most equate the
for us today. Many coming What is the Torah? some misunderstanding of
word „law‟ and
back to the Torah struggle the word „Torah‟ by some
with the issue of, „How does Most people when translators in the past. Torah „Torah‟ as being
the Torah and the Cross they hear the word Torah, does contain law within its
work together?‟ It is our they have one or two percep- writings but all Torah is not the same because
hope to help bring light to tions in mind. law. Within the Torah you
this important issue in com- will find a few other things of some
ing articles. We also will be 1. The Torah is the first five like, history, covenants, and
looking into the various 613 laws. misunderstanding
books of the Bible, written by
mitzvot and having discus- Moses. The laws contained of the word
sions on application. We will within the Torah are broken
be discussing Hebraic termi- 2. The Torah is law and I am down into three groups. „Torah‟ by some
nology to help you gain a now under grace, therefore
better understanding what the Law has nothing to do 1. Testimonies: These are translators in the
you may be hearing, reading, with me. commandments that are
and much more. given by God that could not past.
Both of these percep- be invented by man but are
There are a lot of tions are somewhat right. rationally comprehensible.
questions that a non-Jewish Their limited statement lacks Such as, Shabbat, Festivals
person has when coming into the complete understanding and dietary laws.
the Torah and the Hebraic of what Torah truly is. 2. Statutes: These are the
communities. We want to
commandments that tran-
help do our part in address- It is our goal in this scend our understanding and
ing them. The beauty of this teaching to begin to open the which we obey simply be-
section is that I am non- doors to the Torah, so one cause they are the word of
Jewish Israel, the congrega- may look inside and see God. Such as, the ashes of the
tion I attend is one that has what wonderful things that red heifer, or laws of jeal-
recaptured a lot of the He- our God gave us to live by. ousy.
braic forms of worship and HaShem even told us in His Judgments: These are com-
we use a lot of liturgy and own words that His Torah mandments that man would
have a men‟s minyan that would be our “wisdom and have compelled man to de-
meets once a month for tradi- understanding before the vise even if they were not
tional prayer. We are mostly
P AGE 22

given by God. Such as, Looking into God‟s first Messianic novel and
the laws of restitution, “If Torah, we will find that faith based short story
you borrow something He asks us to do many series.
from your neighbor and things. But the sum of
it becomes stolen or lost Torah is to love Adonai Ministry contact info:
you are to make restitu- our God with all our Way of the King
tion unto your heart, soul, and resources ministries
neighbor”. and to love our neighbor
114 Stuart Rd. NE
as our self. All the Torah
Now to give full un- falls into these two cate- PMB # 235
derstanding to what the gories. In future articles Cleveland, TN 37312
Torah is all about from we will look deeper into
its own description you these two great mitzvot.Y Email address:
will begin to see that the wayofthek-
Torah, are the “Teachings “HaShem (The
and Instructions of Name) and or Adonai
HaShem”. (My Lord) is used in ref-
erence to the Sacred
In our culture the Name Y-H-W-H in all
words “law” and our articles. This is done
“commandments” have out of personal convic-
become negative. The tion.
Hebrew word that is
translated into the Eng- Out of personal con-
lish as “commandment” viction the Lev HaTorah
is „mitzvah‟ singular or department uses
„mitzvoth‟ plural. The “HaShem (The Name)
word mitzvah can mean and or Adonai (My Lord)
commandment but it also in reference to the Sacred
connotes much more. Name Y-H-W-H in all its
Stated in the book, Mitz- articles.
voth – A Sourcebook for
the 613 Commandments, Terry, his wife
author Ronald H. Isaacs Doyala and their two
writes, daughters Amber and
Allison attend Bethavara
“Judaism has always Hebraic Assembly in
been a religion of action Cleveland, TN where
and deed than belief and Terry is one of the Torah
creed. Learning was in- teachers of the Bethavara
tended to lead to doing. community.
To that end, Jewish con- In 2005 Terry began
duct has been governed Way of the King Minis-
by a series of command- tries. The ministry is a
ments, known in Hebrew teaching ministry reach-
as mitzvoth. The scope of ing out to the Christian
meaning of the word and Messianic world.
mitzvah is a wide one. It The ministry has pro-
denotes commandment, duced one book,
law, obligation, and „Counting the Omer a
deed, while connoting Daily reflection and Jour-
goodness, value, piety, nal Vol. 1”. Terry is cur-
and even holiness.” rently working on his

We extend you an invitation to join us when you

are in the Las Cruces, New Mexico area.

We have Torah study on Tuesday evenings and

Shabbat service on Saturday morning at 10:00am
followed by a pot-luck Oneg (lunch), and Bible
Study. We close out Shabbat with a short
Havdallah service.

We would be happy to have you join us and if you

are considering relocating to our area give us a
call or drop us a line.

Las Cruces has been rated as the #1 small city in

the nation. We are blessed with an abundance of
sunshine, mountains, desert, clean air and mild

Etz Chayim-Tree of Life Messianic Congregation

P AGE 24

Founding Fathers of Faith by Jeanette Cabrera

As Fall ap- Here is a brief ther contrary to Scripture,
proaches each year summary of the escalat- nor forbidden by it, may
my thoughts turn to ing division culminating be imposed by the
the first settlers that in a historic event. Church or some lawful
stepped upon this power". The "things in-
new land. It was " The 24th of Au- different" referred to
taught to us in gust 1662, is the date of were things such as
school that aboard what Church History has candles, crosses, vest-
the vessels these called "The Great Ejec- ments, and altars. The
pilgrims brought with tion". It was on that day Puritans held that noth-
them the many Christian that almost 2,000 minis- ing that was not entirely
Pilgrims signing the ters of the Church of consistent with the
Mayflower Compact, in practices and traditions
founded from Europe’s England were ejected teaching of the Bible
1620, on board the May- from their churches, and should be maintained;
great Myths and legends.
flower. The compact is a I have encountered those pulpits, and homes, be- "for, if they be kept in the
landmark in U.S. consti- who when finding that I cause, "for conscience Church as things indiffer-
tutional development. have abandoned my an- sake", as they put it, they ent", said John Hooper,
From an engraving by cient Christian traditions, could not bring them- who has been called "the
Gauthier, after T. H. Mat- chiding me for disregard- selves to submit to "An father of Puritanism",
teson. (Courtesy, Library ing the sacrifice made by Act of Uniformity" drawn "they will at length be
our founding fathers for up by Charles 11 and his maintained as things
of Congress.) bishops. necessary."
the traditions they were
so willing to die for to
the future generations. Under Henry, the
Church in England had We see here that the Pu-
I found this eloquent been "reformed", but it ritans rejected Crosses,
rebuttal, to be worthy of wasn't long until many Candles, altars and vest-
study and research. After were beginning to ques- ments that made up the
all my fourth and fifth tion whether or not the liturgical articles of the
grade information on the reform had gone far Church. Could candles
subject was sparse at enough. These people and crosses be enough
best, and my recall of became known as to load pilgrims aboard a
those studies I realized "Puritans". It was the Pu- ship making a journey
was even worse. ritans' desire to move the with known perils of dis-
Reformation right to the ease, scurvy, food short-
Christians frequently point where everything ages and often
refer to the Puritan Pil- that had been added to death? Let us examine
grims as the “Founding the Church during the further their holy day
Fathers” of their faith. middle ages by the observance according to
Christian youths boast Popes of Rome would be the historical site of Pil-
this proudly whenever cast out, and not only the grims.Org;
the State appears to doctrine of the Church,
come into conflict with but the practice and the "The Pilgrims did not
religious ideals. Let us discipline of the Church celebrate Christmas and
examine exactly in his- be "purified"; so they Easter. They believed
torical documents what were called the Puritans. that these holidays were
religious rights these Pu- invented by man to me-
ritans were being perse- The main body of morialize Jesus, and are
cuted for in their home- opinion in the Church at not prescribed by the
land of England. this time was that "things Bible or celebrated by the
indifferent, which are nei- early Christian churches,

and therefore cannot be con- years ago.

sidered Holy days. "It seems
too much for any mortal man Ecclesiastes 1:9
to appoint, or make an anni- “What has been will be again,
versary memorial" for Christ, what has been done will be My journey
taught the Pilgrims' pastor done again; there is nothing
John Robinson." - Pilgrim new under the sun. Is there into these anything of which one can
say, “look! This is something founding
The Puritans rejected the New?” It was here already,
most Holy and revered days The first Thanksgiving, long ago; it was here before fathers,
of the Church, and this they our time.”
October 1621, by Brown-
knew was no small issue for remarkedly
already many believers had scombe
previously been martyred for resemble the
this very reason. Once the on 26th of July 1600. It stood
Puritans disembarked the on a section of the Market very faith I
Mayflower at Massachusetts Place in Banbury where it is
Bay they enacted this law now commemorated by a am also
regarding the Christmas Holy plaque. Other Crosses previ-
ously in the town were de- embarked
molished about the same
time. Although Banbury was upon.
" For preventing disor-
ders, arising in several places without a cross for over
within this jurisdiction by 250 years, the memory sus-
reason of some still observ- tained no doubt by the
ing such festivals as were rhyme, “Ride a Cock Horse to
superstitiously kept in other Banbury Cross,” remained
communities, to the great with the local population Banbury Cross, Banbury
dishonor of God and offense throughout that period. It Massachusetts
of others: it is therefore or- became a physical fact
dered by this court and the again in 1859 when the
authority thereof that whoso- corporation of Banbury
ever shall be found observing erected a new cross in
any such day as Christmas or decorated gothic form at
the like, either by forbearing the most prominent road
of labor, feasting, or any junction in Banbury.
other way, upon any such
account as aforesaid, every My journey into these
such person so offending founding fathers, remarka-
shall pay for every such of- bly resemble the very faith
fence five shilling as a fine to I am also embarked upon.
the county." I feel the edifying voices of
those first settlers who
recognized that the faith
From the records of the
of Christ and the Apostles
General Court, was even then being bur-
Massachusetts Bay Col- ied under ancient Pagan
ony Myth and folklore.
May 11, 1659
Let us now be encour-
Banbury's ancient aged and inspired to con-
High or Market Cross was tinue in the work started
demolished by the puritans for us in this land 400
P AGE 26

By Hadassah Veirs
The Shunam- Obedience to Torah The prophet Elisha was
passing to Shunem,
mite Woman ~ In Hebrew Shunem probably from the Via
Lessons and The Nameless means “double resting Maris, and there was a
encourage- Hostess place”.It was in very great woman who con-
ment for 2 Kings 4:8-37
close proximity to the strained him to eat.
Via Maris, an ancient Please take note that
Messianic trade route still in exis- Elisha was not asking
Women tence today. It linked for bread, but the Shu-
Egypt with Damascus nammite woman in
Today and is also known as obedience to Torah
the International Costal offered and encour-
Highway, and in an- aged him to eat. I
cient times - Way of would go as far to say
the Philistines. At the that she did not do it
Philistine Plain, the for him alone. Showing
road branches off into hospitality is a Torah
two directions. One command.
The story of the Shu- continues to follow the (Deuteronomy 10:18)
nammite woman is an Mediterranean, while
excellent illustration of the other heads more In Biblical times hospi-
how we as women are inland towards the Jez- tality was extremely
to live our lives before reel Valley. Shunem important. Travel took
YHWH. Her story takes was located close to days, sometimes weeks
place at the city this road, and for those and water was pre-
Shunem, located in traveling this may have cious. There was also
northern Israel in the been the perfect place robbers and unsavory
territory of Issachar. to rest and refresh individuals to contend
(Avishag who nursed yourself before con- with. One never knew
King David in his old tinuing on. Here we who to trust - pretty
age was also from find the Shunammite much like today. In
Shunem.) Scripture de- woman at the very be- these days we can
scribes her as “a great ginning of the passage, travel quickly from one
woman”, probably in obedience to Torah. place to another, how-
wealthy, highly re- ever that does not re-
spected and well It fell on a day, that lease us from helping
known in the area. Her Elisha passed to one another. The Shu-
husband was an older Shunem, where was a nammite woman obvi-
man and they were great woman; and she ously took this obliga-
childless. These are constrained him to eat tion seriously since she
things that the casual bread. So it was, that was in a location where
reader will learn, but as often as he passed she could see people
there is so much more by, he turned in there who were passing by
to our nameless host- to eat bread. (2 Kings to offer them suste-
ess! 4:8) nance.

The definition of hos-


pitality is the friendly make, Please, a little Even though she was a
treatment of guests or chamber on the wall; and woman of wealth and was
strangers. I am reminded let us set for him there a respected herself, she did
of our Messiah’s words bed, and a table, and a not fail to show respect to
when he said, For if you seat, and a lamp stand: her husband by involving
love those who love you, and it shall be, when he him in the matter and
what reward do you have? comes to us, that he shall leaving the final decision The
Don't even the tax collec- turn in there. (2 Kings 4:9) to him. Very often women Shunammite
tors do the same? If you see a thing that needs to
only greet your friends, It is said that woman are be done, and immediately was a woman
what more do you do than more spiritually discerning we dig right in and do it. who also had
others? Don't even the tax than men, and perhaps There is nothing wrong
collectors do the same? this is how she recognized with this. YHWH made us respect for her
(Matthew 6:46-47) Elisha was a prophet of this way. However, we husband. Eevn
Elohim. When we live for should always show re-
In the parable of the YHWH and strive to do His spect for our husband’s though she was
Good Samaritan, the ulti- will we are able to recog- position in the home. This a woman of
mate example of hospital- nize this in others. does not make us subser-
ity, the victim was robbed, vient - it makes us part- wealth and
beaten and stripped. His She then takes Torah ners. In marriage we are
was respected
garments, either by color obedience a step further two halves working to-
or the way they were by suggesting to her hus- gether and complimenting herself, she did
worn, would have identi- band that they provide one another. The relation-
not fail to
fied him, or where he was him with a comfortable, ship between the woman
from, but they were stolen. and private place in their and her husband was one show respect
The men who passed by, a home where he rest for a of mutual respect, as we
to her husband
priest and a Levite, un- time before continuing see in the narrative that he
doubtably would have on. This reveals to us her trusted her judgement. by involving
helped the stranger if he compassion and love for This trust did not come
him in the
had been one of them, but YHWH by seeking to aid from seeking to satisfy her
they did not know so they His servant. Just from what own whims, but in making matter and
passed him by. The Sa- we know of her so far, El- her husband a part of
leaving the
maritan, not having any isha’s room was not some- whatever happened in
idea who this man was, or thing that was hastily their home. final decision
what his beliefs were, got thrown together by his
to him.
him off the road, cared for hostess. He would have Contentment
his injuries, and made ar- had everything he needed,
rangements for his future and I imagine his room He said to him, Say now to
care. would have been very her, Behold, you have
pleasant and comfortable. been careful for us with all
At some point in during She would not have given this care; what is to be
Elisha’s going back and the prophet of YHWH any- done for you? would you
forth past Shunem, the thing less! be spoken for to the king,
woman sensed that he was or to the captain of the
a prophet of God. She said Respect for her Husband host? She answered, I
to her husband, See now, I dwell among my own peo-
perceive that this is a holy The Shunammite was a ple. (2 Kings 4:13)
man of God, that passes woman who also had re-
by us continually. Let us spect for her husband. When we are obedient,
P AGE 28

content in it. own. However, the

(Philippines 4:11) prophet Elisha did not
deceive her, and she
Humility did indeed have a son.
our Father says He will We can only imagine
bless us. By showing This was also a humble the joy of this woman
kindness to the woman. Even though along with her hus-
prophet, the Shunam- she was a wealthy, and band, that her simple
mite woman is now in Scripture refers to her acts of kindness and
a position to be as isha Gadol (a great generosity led to the
blessed for that kind- woman), when she ad- gift of a child.
ness. Instead she asks dresses Elisha, she re- Some years
for nothing. We are fers to herself as his later the chid fell ill
not obedient because handmaiden - his ser- when he was with his
of what we will gain vant. Humble your- father. (2 Kings 4:18-
from it, but because selves therefore under 19) The father had the
we love our Father. the mighty hand of servants take him to
When we help others God, that he may exalt his mother, where he
we may sometimes you in due time . 1 Pe- died on her knees at
expect them to do the ter 5:6 noon. Her anguish
same for us, however most certainly would
we should have no Faith have been unbearable
such expectation. The when she realized that
ability of another to Last, but certainly not the child had died, but
repay, or to do for us least, the Shunammite we do not read that
should not come into woman had great faith. she grieved at all. In-
question. ...but you When she is first told stead, she took him to
shall surely open your that she will have a the room that Elisha
hand to him, and shall son, her first response stayed in and laid him
surely lend him suffi- may seem like a lack of on the bed. When dis-
cient for his need [in faith: He said, At this aster strikes or we im-
that] which he wants. season, when the time mediately seek YHWH,
(Deuteronomy 15:8) comes round, you shall and those who are
We are to give suffi- embrace a son. She close to him. For the
cient for the need, not said, No, my lord, you Shunammite woman it
holding back, remem- man of God, do not lie was a perfectly natural
bering that our re- to your handmaid. (2 thing to lay her dead
sources come from Kings 4:16) Her re- child on the bed of the
YHWH - not to sate on sponse here is not a prophet.
our own lusts and de- lack of faith as some At this point we
sires, but in order to would suppose, but do not know if she has
help those in need. the cry of a woman revealed her son’s
Our being content who month after death to anyone, but
comes from the knowl- month experienced she did ask her hus-
edge that our creator disappointment, and band for a servant and
supplies all of our then as the years a donkey so that she
needs. Not that I speak passed, came to the could go quickly to the
in respect to lack, for I crushing realization prophet. Her husband
have learned in what- that she would never immediately ques-
ever state I am, to be embrace a child of her tioned her, He said,

Why will you go to him Was it well? We those who are righteous
today? it is neither new wouldn’t think so ! Her and faithful. Just as the
moon nor Sabbath. (2 son was dead, but she Shunammite woman ex-
Kings 4:23) This verse lets knew that the God who pected a miracle, so we
us know that people did had miraculously given also should expect YHWH
indeed gather together on her the child, could also to act on our behalf, what-
these days to hear the restore him. Because of ever the circumstances.
Word from the prophets her faith she could say The Shunammite Hadassah
and teachers. Her re- with assurance, “It is well.” woman was kind and gen-
sponse was a simple one, How do we react erous, with a humble Veirs has an
but the strength and faith when disaster strikes? heart; who showed respect
behind those words was Does our faith get lost in for her husband, was con- online
powerful. It shall be well. the panic? Our first reac- tent, and had great faith in
The distance from tion should be to seek YHWH in the midst of per- magazine
her home to Mt Carmel YHWH, and those who be- sonal tragedy. Her faithful
for women
was at least 20 miles. To lieve in Him to pray with actions regained the life
us that may seem minimal, us and for us. of her son. Although we called
but she was going by don- He went up, and are never given her name,
key. I was curious as to lay on the child, and put everything that is impor- “Sarah‟s
how long it would take a his mouth on his mouth, tant about her is revealed.
donkey to travel that dis- and his eyes on his eyes, This is a woman who is Tent.”
tance, and was surprised and his hands on his focus is on YHWH and it
to learn that they can go hands: and he stretched shines through in every
as fast as 30 mph on rocky himself on him; and the thing she did.
terrain. It was very possi- flesh of the child grew
ble that she was able to warm. Then he returned, Hadassah has been mar-
reach Elisha at Mt. Carmel, and walked in the house ried to husband James for
and then return with him once back and forth; and 25 years. They are the par-
before nightfall, since she went up, and stretched ents of six children, and
told the servant that ac- himself on him: and the we have home schooled
companied her, “Drive, child sneezed seven times, for 12 years. They cur-
and go forward; slacken and the child opened his rently reside in northern
me not the riding, except I eyes. Ohio. As she searched the
bid thee.” (2 Kings 4:24) He called Gehazi, and Internet for information
Gehazi, the servant said, Call this Shunammite. she realized how little
of Elisha saw her coming So he called her. When there was specifically for
while she was afar off. she was come in to him, women who believed in
(Could she have been he said, Take up your son. Yeshua, and were being
wearing something that (2King 4:34-36) called to Torah obedience.
identified her to him?) He There are some It wasn't long before
informed Elisha, who sent who are unaware that the Sarah's Tent (an online
sent Gehazi to inquire if all dead were raised before magazine) was born.
was well with her, her hus- Yeshua’s time on earth. YHWH has sent some
band and the child. Here Those miracles were per- wonderful women to work
Elisha was probably think- formed before, during, with her, and it is our
ing as her husband was - it and after Yeshua. He does hope that this publication
is not a new moon or a not change, and will al- will encourage, support,
Sabbath. Again she re- ways come to save, heal, and inspire as you walk in
sponded, “It is well.” and stand in the way for obedience to the Father.
P AGE 30

Founding Fathers of Faith by Jeanette Cabrera

Sarah's Tent

An E-magazine for Messianic Women

Sarah's Tent is a quarterly online magazine

with information and resources for women
of the Messianic faith.

Torah studies by Messianic teachers* kosher

information and recipes*

Feast information* timely and encouraging

articles* resources for children*

Study and encouragement for women who

are unequally yoked, and coming soon in our
Fall 2007 issue, the first of a four part series


3 John 1:2 Beloved, I of those things. cular benefits, according to
wish above all things that A note about the the results of a study re-
thou mayest prosper and be tone of these articles. I will ported in the October issue
in health, even as thy soul try to be very balanced in my of the Journal of Behavioral
prospereth. approach to issues raised. I Medicine.[8]"
What is single He- do have personal biases and I
brew word that summarizes will freely admit them when  Dr. Lee is a Family Physi-
this verse? I believe it is appropriate. I am also not cian with a range of interests
"shalom". John seems to rec- too shy to say "I don't know." from individual to public
ognize that total shalom in- I will welcome input from all health and medical ethics to A
cludes success in all aspects who are interested in health integrating nutrition and
of life including health of issues. I will, because of wellness principles with the Forgiving
body and mind. In this series medical ethics, refrain from best of mainstream and com-
of articles we will examine making diagnoses. It is also plementary medicine. nature
verses in The Scripture that downright dangerous since I
emphasize these themes and can't have personal contact lowers blood
see how closely we can apply with you. However, when
 The lead facilitator
them to contemporary health there are issues about the
(teacher or "betlan") for Bible
Study Messiah's Congrega- pressure
issues. implications of new medical
With the exponential discoveries I will help outline
tion in St. Louis, Missouri.
rise in health information out major issues and direct read-
there, there is also the risk of ers to additional information  Husband and father of 3.
a lot of misinformation. Who sources that I believe are Happy to be a part of The
would have thought that credible.I also welcome read- Restoration of Israel.
physicians would have the ers sharing with me informa-
added pressure of TV ads tion that may be beneficial. I
that encourage patients to will also remain flexible
tell their physicians about enough to change things
new medicines for certain when it seems to fit your
health conditions? changing interests.
"Consumer oriented health Finally, consider
care" is being discussed. this portion of an article on
What does this mean? Is it a my favorite professional
marketing technique? Does it website:
mean that the consumer now
determines the best treat- Forgiving Nature Lowers
ment for personal health is- Blood Pressure
In the last few years Hypertension Highlights
the Human Genome Project Type A, Race, Anger, Forgive-
has been in the news. To ness, Plus Stroke, HRT, and
some it is the potential for Hydralazine - The Bad, the
the greatest advances in Good, and the To-Be-
medical science that the Avoided. [1]; "People who This is not a picture of Dr.
world has ever seen. To some have a forgiving nature and Lee
it is frightenly close to are able to forgive a per-
"playing God". Between these ceived offender after an in-
extremes there are profound terpersonal conflict have
implications for personal lower blood pressure levels,
health. We will discuss some with consequent cardiovas-
P AGE 32

Continued from page 4: will nurse from the milk ing that they are one yet
of the nations and from different, then he is say-
In this passage we see the breast of kings will ing that there is more
God referring to Himself you nurse; then you will than one God and if he
as not only the Re- realize that I, the Lord, is saying that then he
deemer but as Savior. am your Savior and your buys into the trinity con-
This is very important Redeemer, the Mighty cept.
because the Hebrew One of Jacob.
used in this passage is: Please keep in mind
Is %[e y vi A m Moshiach Isaiah 63:16: For
You are our Father;
that just because a con-
cept or idea has become
Yeshua which is the Hebrew
word for anointed one
though Abraham may
not know us and Israel
tainted with paganistic
trappings that it does
God? and while it can be used
to identify a king,
may not recognize us,
You, the Lord, are our
not mean that the whole
concept of idea is bad.
prophet, etc., it is used Father; “our Eternal Re- Remember that the To-
in this passage to iden- deemer is Your Name. rah has existed from the
tify the Lord, God, as beginning and that pa-
both Savior and Re-
deemer and this is from 5769 ~l'A[ `owlam {o ganism has its birth in
Babylon with Nimrod.
the Orthodox Jewish -lawm'} or ~l'[o `olam The truth of who God is
translation of the preceded the paganistic
Tanach. The concept of {o-lawm'} long dura-
tion, antiquity, futurity, ideas that came later.
a Savior was not a for- Why does the nature of
eign idea to the Israel- for ever, ever, everlast-
ing, evermore, perpet- God have to line up with
ites of old. It is a foreign our thinking? Why do we
idea to the Jewish peo- ual, old, ancient, world,
ancient time, long time find it necessary to put
ple of today in the sense God into a limited box or
that it relates to Yeshua (of past), (of future), for
ever, always, continuous confine just so that we
but in Orthodox Judaism can be comfortable with
the idea of the Messiah existence, perpetual,
everlasting, indefinite or our thoughts or beliefs?
is one that is prayed for God is God and can do
daily. So in their own unending future, eter-
nity whatever He desires.
Scriptures God identifies
Himself as both Savior Corinthians 1:30: It is
and Redeemer taking on God has always been
and will always be. He is His doing that you are
the aspects of the kins- united with the Messiah
man redeemer (blood our Father and Eternal
Redeemer forever. This Yeshua. He has become
relative) and Savior, the wisdom for us from God,
Messiah. Can it be idea of forever means
what has been, is and and righteousness and
shown any plainer than holiness and redemption
this that the Lord is God will be which perfectly
describes the nature of as well!
and as God He has cho-
sen to take upon Himself God. He has always
been. As He said Him- 629 avpolu,trwsij apo-
both aspects of the re-
quirements for redeem- self—I AM! So from this lutrosis {ap-ol-oo'-tro-
ing His people and sav- we must conclude that sis}
ing them. But I know Yeshua has always been a releasing effected by
that you might be saying because He is the payment of ransom, re-
at this point that he has Moshiach, the anointed demption, deliverance,
not shown us that Ye- One. He has not simply liberation procured by
shua is God. Is not Ye- been chosen by God for the payment of a ran-
shua accepted as the a purpose but He has som
Messiah and if so then is always been the same
not God identifying Him- as God has always been. This is the same con-
self as the Messiah in So they are one and the cept as the Hebrew word
this passage of Scrip- same yet different. Now for redeemer or redemp-
ture? please do not jump on tion. That one has
me for that statement. bought the redemption
Isaiah 60:16: You You are probably saying for a price.
to yourself, if he is say- Ephesians 1:7: In

union with Him, through the Word, and the Word was 6697 rWc tsuwr {tsoor}
shedding of His blood, we with God, and the Word
are set free—our sins are was God. He was with God or rcu tsur {tsoor}
forgiven; this accords with in the beginning. All things rock, cliff, rocky wall, cliff,
the wealth of the grace. came to be through Him, rock (with flat surface),
and without Him nothing block of stone, boulder,
859 a;fesij aphesis {af'-es made had being. In Him rock (specific), rock (of
-is} was life, and the life was God), rock (of heathen
release from bondage or the light of mankind. The gods) Rock
imprisonment, forgiveness light shines in the dark-
or pardon, of sins (letting ness, and the darkness has
them go as if they had not suppressed it. 4043 !gEm' magen {maw-
never been committed), gane'} also (in pl.) fem.
remission of the penalty D e u t e r o n o m y - De va r i m hNgIm. miginnah {meg-in-
32:15: Jeshrun became fat
Now I am beginning to and kicked. You became naw'} shield, buckler Only God
present the concept that fat, you became thick, you
along with redemption and became corpulent—and it 4 498 sAnm' ma now c
can wipe
saving comes the idea of deserted its Maker, and {maw-noce'}
forgiveness. This forgive- was contemptuous of the flight, refuge, place of es-
ness is for sin and only God Rock of its salvation. cape, flight, refuge, place away our
can offer that forgiveness. of escape
So if God refers to Himself Interesting enough the
as Savior, Redeemer and title of this Book of the sins.
the Forgiver of sins and Ye- Torah is Devarim, which in 3467 [v;y" yasha` {yaw-
shua took this upon Himself the Hebrew means words. shah'}
then is this a mere empow- Where the word Maker is to save, be saved, be de-
ering on the part of God of used here in the Hebrew it livered, to be liberated, be
a mere mortal or is this that actually says Elohah, which saved, be delivered, to be
part of God that is the Mes- means God or god. Who is saved (in battle), be victo-
siah? the Rock of its salvation? rious, to save, deliver, to
Here in the Orthodox Jew- save from moral troubles,
Colossians 2:9: For in ish translation the word to give victory to
Him, bodily, lives the full- Rock is capitalized indicat-
ness of all that God is. ing that Rock in this pas- This passage just about
sage is referring to the sums it all up about who
Isaiah 43:25: I, only I, Messiah. The Messiah is a God is. And after reading
am He Who wipes away Jewish or Hebrew concept this passage you don’t
your willful sins for My sake, not a concept unique to come to the same conclu-
and I shall not recall your Christianity alone. Christi- sions that I do that God
sins. anity draws its roots, its and Yeshua are the same
nourishment from Judaism or share the same attrib-
Only God can wipe away and Hebraic customs, tra- utes then nothing much
our sins. So if only God can ditions, beliefs and teach- beyond what I am saying
remove our sins and Yeshua ings. So the idea that Ye- will sink in. We need to
can do the same then Ye- shua is God is a Jewish or drop our preconceived no-
shua cannot be a mere Hebraic one not just a tions about God and accept
mortal empowered by God Christian one. what He says about Him-
for this purpose but must self in Scripture. He could
be without a shadow of a 2 Samuel 22:2-3: He not make it any clearer
doubt God! I am not making said: The Lord is my Rock, that God is Yeshua and
this assumption based on my Fortress, and my Res- that He and He alone can
my interpretation of Scrip- cuer. God, my Rock in forgive sins and is Salva-
ture but I am basing my Whom I take shelter, my tion and our Redeemer
belief on the word of God. Shield, and the Horn of my
And who is the Word of Salvation, my Stronghold 1 Chronicles 16:23: Sing
God? and my Refuge. My Savior, to the Lord, everyone on
You save me from vio- earth, announce His salva-
John-Yochanan 1:1-5: lence. tion daily.
In the beginning was the
P AGE 34

At['Wvy> Salvation in dearly but who are we to under heaven given to

say that we understand mankind by whom we
this passage is in the the nature of God so must be saved!”
Hebrew Yeshuato which clearly that we can
is translated as His sal- make statements that to How can it be said
vation. His is capitalized believe in three separate any plainer than this.
once more to indicate Gods is to believe in a There is salvation in
that this is referring to paganistic belief. Are we no one else! If there is
God. Once again the so sure of ourselves that no salvation in anybody
translation that I am we are infallible to the except Yeshua then is
using in all the Old Tes- point of making judg- this not a statement that
tament or First Testa- ments about our fellow Yeshua is God. Think
ment Scriptures are brothers and sisters. I about it. If Yeshua is not
from an Orthodox Jewish would be very careful God then would He not
translation from about making state- be blaspheming and
Artscroll. Clearly in this ments that condemn our breaking His own com-
passage we can see the brothers and sisters mandments, His own
Name of Yeshua being while lifting ourselves up Torah, by making this
used here. If we are in- as the absolute source claim? Of course these
structed to sing to the of the truth associated words being spoken here
Lord and to announce with understanding the are not direct quotes
His salvation daily what nature or composition of from Yeshua Himself but
are we being instructed God. are accepted to have
to do here? Are we be- been written by Luke a
ing told to announce the Only God knows His talmid (student) of Rav
salvation of God in nature. He allows us Shaul-Paul. But in an
terms that this salvation glimpses of it now and accepted teaching style
is something separate again but leaves room of the rabbis of old it
from God and He is just for speculation within a was allowed that one
the Source of it or are Scriptural boundary. could quote from the
we being instructed that Whatever way we want Scriptures and then offer
the salvation is the Lord to envision the nature of an opinion on that pas-
and we are to praise God we have to assume sage of Scripture. Ye-
Him every day for it? that because He is om- shua did this Himself
Well to my mind and nipotent and omnipres- when He went to the
understanding whether ent that He can darn synagogue in His home
or not it is God or God’s well do whatever He town and read from
salvation it still comes chooses to do and we Isaiah and then made
from Him and its Source are the last ones He has the statement that He
is contained in Him. So to explain Himself to. was the fulfillment of
Yeshua is the salvation Whatever way we that prophetic passage.
of the Lord and is God. choose to approach the Could a man have said
concept of the nature of that? Would not have a
Not too long ago a God is there an absolute man or a false Messiah
brother in the faith right way and an abso- been proven wrong in
wrote an article about lute wrong way? that? Have not false
the oneness of God. In it Messiahs risen up
he stated that God is Luke 1:69: By raising up throughout the millenia
one and that Yeshua for us a mighty Deliverer and been proven false
comes from the Lord. I who is a descendant of time and time again?
have no problem with His servant David.
that concept. He went Many say that the
on to say that if accept Acts 4:11-12: “This death and resurrection
that Yeshua is separate Yeshua is the stone re- of Yeshua was a plot by
from God then we are jected by you builders His talmidim to affirm
invoking the belief in a which has become the His statements about
triune God or the trinity cornerstone [Psalm Himself and their intent
of three separate Gods 118:22]. There is salva- to confirm Him as Mes-
which is a pagan con- tion in no one else! For siah. Some say that he
cept. I love my brother there is no other name did not really die on the

tree that He just passed doa' 'adon {aw-done'} sage from Matthew based on
out and that His followers this passage from 2 Samuel
took Him away and He firm, strong, lord, master, and many other passages in
lived His life in seclusion. lord, master, reference to the Tanach that speak about
And people believe this! men, superintendent of the Messiah being a Rock
How amazing is the delu- household, of affairs, mas- and that Rock being God.
sion that hasatan can place ter, king, reference to God,
upon us. The only one that the Lord God, Lord of the It says this in Colossians
can benefit from this lie whole earth, lords, kings, 1:14-17: It is through His
straight from the pit of hell reference to men, proprietor Son that we have redemp-
is satan! How can we of hill of Samaria, master, tion—that is, our sins have
benefit from a lie of this husband, prophet, governor, been forgiven. He is the visi-
magnitude except to deny prince, king, reference to ble image of the invisible
who Yeshua is and what God, Lord of lords (probably God. He is supreme over all
His purpose was and is. = "thy husband, the Lord"), creation, because in connec-
my lord, my master, refer- tion with Him were created
Revelation 7:10: and ence to men, master, hus- all things—in heaven and on The Lord
they shouted, “Victory to band, prophet, prince, king, earth, visible and invisible,
our God, who sits on the father, Moses, priest, theo- whether thrones, lordships,
throne, and to the Lamb!” phanic angel,captain, general rulers or authorities—they
is God and
recognition of superiority, have all been created
reference to God, my Lord,
Now, of course, you
my Lord and my God, Adonai
through Him and for Him. He the Rock
can make the claim that in existed before all things, and
this passage it is referring (parallel with the Lord) He holds everything to-
to God, the Lord, sitting on The Jewish interpretation gether. is God
His throne and to Yeshua, here is that the second refer-
the Lamb, standing at His ence to Lord is to mean not If this is not a description of
right hand and if so then Lord by master, a secondary God then you tell me what it
Yeshua could not be God meaning to imply that the is. Of course, once again, if
because He is separate Lord, who they acknowledge, you want to disregard this
from God. is the first reference is not passage, because it was
the second reference be- written by Rav Shaul-Paul
It says this in Psalm cause if they acknowledged then by all means please be
110:1: Regarding David, a that the second Lord was the my guest. People, just open
psalm. The word of the same as the first then they yourselves up to the truth of
Lord to my master, “Wait would have to be acknowl- what God’s Word has to say
at My right, until I make edging that God is more than to you. How God manifests
your enemies a stool for one and they will not do Himself is His concern alone.
your feet.” that. He does not need any help
2 Samuel 22:32: For who from us to describe just who
In other translations it is is God besides the Lord, and God is and how He chooses
commonly rendered as The who is a Rock besides our to show Himself. If this pas-
affirmation of Jehovah to God? sage of Scripture has one
my Lord: 'Sit at My right The Lord is God and the thing in common with the
hand, Till I make thine Rock is God. Tanach (Hebrew Scriptures)
enemies thy footstool.' it is that they acknowledge
Matthew-Mattityahu 16:18: I and accept that God is the
also tell you this: you are Source for all things in crea-
3068 hw" ho y> Yehovah Kefa” [which means „Rock‟], tion. All that this passage is
{yeh-ho-vaw'} and on this rock I will build going further with is to say
Jehovah = "the existing my Community, and the that Yeshua is that manifes-
One", the proper name of gates of Sh‟ol will not over- tation of God who existed in
the one true God, unpro- come it. the beginning as God, who
nounced except with the created all things because He
vowel pointings of 0136 Is this Rock Peter? Not in is God and that we have re-
the context of 2 Samuel demption, forgiveness for
22:32. The Rock is God and our sins because He is God
0113 !Ada' 'adown {aw- therefore Yeshua and Yeshua and only God can offer that.
done'} or (shortened) ! is making a statement about
Himself to Peter in this pas- To be continued next issue...
Until next time... with Mordecai Silver
We trust you have enjoyed this first, word, just by its being there at all, tells us its His custom was, He went into the
of what we hope and pray, will be many importance that the Strong’s editors could synagogue on the Sabbath day, and
not leave it out. While the definition talks stood up to read.
more issues of Messianic Life magazine.
about the Mosaic law, which of course is ref- Yeshua went into the synagogue on
The articles will vary and our desire is erencing the Torah, it also takes into account the Sabbath day, as was His custom.
that they will uplift you, educate you, help Jewish tradition. Some may say, “Well today the Sabbath
you, and most of all, bring honor to our This is very important because it is a posi- day is the first day of the week.” I would
Master, Yeshua and His Father. tion I have upheld for many years. One can- have to strongly disagree because the
not remove the Jewishness of the Messianic only one who can change the Sabbath
Torah is not just a word to me, one that
walk without removing the heart of our walk. day is Yeshua or His Father and I find no
can mean several things to different peo-
Yeshua was Jewish and lived as a Jew. Scriptural evidence telling me either one
ple. To some it implies the Law given on
Whether one defines the traditions as being did so. In fact, if we take to heart what
Mount Sinai and now having been done
Jewish or Hebraic it all comes back to one Luke 4:16 is telling us, it should be suffi-
away with through Messiah Yeshua. The
thing and one thing only: WHAT WOULD cient enough for us that Yeshua hon-
problem here is what was Yeshua talking
about when He said: John 14:15 "If you YESHUA DO? This is not referring to the ored the Sabbath day on the seventh
love Me, keep My commandments.” ethical and day in accordance with the Torah.
The question you have to ask yourself moral teach- Exodus 20:9 Six days you shall
is what commandments was Yeshua talk- ings of our labor and do all your work, 10 but
ing about? Master. We the seventh day is the Sabbath of the
are also talk- LORD your God. In it you shall do no
ing about work: you, nor your son, nor your
1785 evntolh, entole {en-tol-ay'}
our Mes- daughter, nor your male servant, nor
Meaning: an order, command, charge,
siah’s lifestyle your female servant, nor your cattle,
precept, injunction, that which is pre-
as well. The nor your stranger who is within your
scribed to one by reason of his office, a
Gospel ac- gates.
commandment, a prescribed rule in ac-
counts con- Yeshua is in obedience to the Torah.
cordance with which a thing is done, a
tain many a He is our example and the One we are
precept relating to lineage, of the Mosaic
story about to follow and imitate in all things. The
precept concerning the priesthood, ethi-
how Yeshua Sabbath is usually one of the first things
cally used of the commandments in
lived and the new-comers to the Messianic Walk or
the Mosaic law or Jewish tradition
world in Hebrew Roots are exposed to. It is not
(emphasis mine)
which He lived and ministered. Here is one an easy thing to follow the ways of To-
example: rah. We have all been there and have
Note the Strong’s meaning, especially
Luke 4:16 So He came to Nazareth, faced what each one of you who is new
the part that I placed in bold type.
where He had been brought up. And as to this walk have faced. Hang in there!
Though it is the last definition of the

Rav Mordecai Silver

PO Box 467
Organ, NM 88052
Fax: 866-800-2390

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