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The Brain Targeted Teaching Model

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The Brain Targeted Teaching Model

Dr. Mariale Hardiman, Ed.D.

Chair, Interdisciplinary Studies in Education and Assistant Dean, Urban Schools Partnership
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD

During the past decade the neurological and cognitive sciences have produced a
vast frontier of knowledge on how the brain processes, stores, and retrieves information. As
educators have increasingly recognized their role as consumers of this emerging knowledge,
translating brain research into classroom instruction often becomes a challenge for the typical
educational practitioner.

In an era of high-stakes accountability for student performance, many teachers feel pressured to
prepare students to meet proficiency levels on standardized tests. At the same time, they are often
required to implement a plethora of ever-changing educational initiatives and reforms handed to them
by well-meaning school district supervisors. In this climate, it would not be surprising for new teachers
to feel overwhelmed and seasoned teachers to view any educational initiative, including perhaps
research in the neurosciences, as merely a fad that soon will be replaced by yet another new
initiative. Perhaps this thinking accounts for the fact that educational research is largely ignored by
practitioners; as a result little actual change has occurred in our nations classrooms during the last
several decades.

In order for any research, especially current brain research, to become readily accessible to teachers,
fragmented initiatives must be integrated into a cohesive model of instruction. The Brain-Targeted
Teaching Model is designed to meet this need. It provides teachers with a format for using research
in the neurosciences as well as research-based effective instructional practices to guide them in
planning, implementing, and assessing a sound program of instruction. The model also assists
administrators, supervisors, and professionals supporting instruction as they guide teachers in
implementing research-based effective teaching strategies.

First, it might be wise to address those critics who scoff at the term brain-based learning. Some, for
example, might contend that the term has no meaning since all learning is brain-based. After all,
they may say, we dont think with our feet! We know, of course, that all learning involves the brain.
Yet we also know that not all teaching results in learning. Thus, while all learning is brain-based, all
teaching is not. Unfortunately, many teaching practices that regularly occur in our schools defy what
neuroscience tells us about the brains natural learning systems. The language of this model,
therefore, does not refer to brain-based learning but rather to brain-targeted teaching.

The Brain-Targeted Teaching Model presents six stages, or brain targets of the teaching and
learning process and describes brain research that supports each stage. While each brain target is
presented separately, the components are interrelated. For example, Brain-Target One describes the
importance of establishing a positive emotional climate to foster high levels of learning; these
strategies are applied throughout the entire model. At the same time, evaluating leaning, Brain-Target
Six, is an integral part of each component or target of the model.

Neuroscientists have recently described the intricate interactions between the emotional and cognitive
brain systems. Research has shown that the brains limbic system, located just above the brain stem
at the base of the brain, is responsible for our emotional responses. Neuroscientists tell us that
information that comes to the brain is processed first in this emotional center before being processed
in the cognitive or thinking center, located in the frontal lobe of the cerebrum. With information
processing short-circuited first to the emotional center, chronic stress may impair long-term memory
and deep learning. The effects of stress and threat on learning have clear implications for educators.

While we may be unable to control all the factors of stress in the lives of our students, the adept
teacher can minimize threat-causing practices within the classroom. At the same time, the teacher
should maximize strategies that promote positive emotion. Research has shown that while threats
impede learning, positive emotional experiences, during which the brain produces certain chemicals
or neurotransmitters, can contribute to long-term memory.

In the Brain-Targeted Teaching Model, teachers are encouraged to deliberately plan for positive
emotional connections within the framework of a specific unit of study, referred to as a learning unit.
Such connections include specific activities that will connect the students emotionally to the content.
The infusion of the visual and performing arts is an effective way to tap into childrens emotional
response systems to enhance learning and should be included within the activities of every learning


While Brain-Targeted One focuses on establishing a positive emotional climate, Brain-Target Two
fosters the careful planning of the physical learning environment. We know that our eyes register
about 36,000 visual images per hour, with about ninety percent of the brains sensory input coming
from visual stimuli. With this vast visual capacity, the active brain constantly scans the environment
seeking stimuli.

Researchers tell us that the brains visual attending mechanism is strongly influenced by novelty in
the environment. Studies compared the effects of bland, unchanging environments with classrooms
that provided students with stimulation through frequently adjusting and changing classroom displays.
Findings revealed that children were off task more often in settings that lacked novelty.

Sound, lighting, and scent also appear to have an effect on learning. Soft background music can help
to relax students and provide a comfortable learning environment. However, while performing tasks
that demand high levels of concentration, a quiet setting appears to be most effective. In studying the
effects of lighting, researchers have shown increases in achievement of students who were taught in
classrooms with the most natural and full spectrum lighting compared to dark classrooms or those
with cool-white fluorescent lights (Kosik & Heschong, 2000). Scent can also be used to enhance
memory, as olfactory input moves directly to the limbic system or emotional center. This accounts for
the vivid recollection that an encounter with a familiar scent may invoke.

In the Brain-Targeted Teaching Model, teachers carefully plan the physical learning environment by
deliberately planning for novelty, order, and beauty within each learning unit.


Brain-Target Three encourages teachers to design the learning experience in a way that is compatible
with the brains natural learning systems. While it may seem natural for teachers to write lesson plans
that present information to students in sequential order until all of the content has been covered, this
approach may in fact impede learning. Neuroscientists tell us that the brain categorizes new stimuli
into concepts that are either familiar or novel, then combines these concepts to create new patterns of
thinking and understandinga concept referred to as patterning. The brain filters new information
through the lens of prior experience and prior knowledge in order to create new meaning. New
information, then, becomes integrated into a holistic pattern of cognition.

Imagine completing a jig-saw puzzle without ever having seen the overall image that the puzzle
displays. Without giving students big picture concepts of the content that they will learn in a unit of
study, students are often learning disconnected bits of information that too often never come together
into an overarching concept or pattern. Lack of conceptual understanding typically results in loss of
retention of the disjointed facts and details.

In The Brain-Targeted Teaching Model, teachers are encouraged to use content standards and
curriculum guidelines to design overarching goals and concepts, then to display these learning goals
in non-linguistic representations such as concept maps or graphic organizers. Activities are then
designed to allow students to understand how the objectives they will learn during the unit relate to
the big picture concept. As they continue through the content, students are referred back to the
concept map to reinforce the relevance of each learning activity.


The next stage of The Brain-Targeted Teaching Model is to engage students in activities that will
enable them to demonstrate mastery of skills, content, and concepts. Brain-Target Four promotes
mastery of learning goals and objectives by planning multiple activities to activate the brains memory

In teaching for mastery, teachers must provide students with learning activities to create and sustain
new engrams, or memory patterns. Cognitive scientists have identified three types of memory
systems: short-term, working, and long-term memory. Short-term and working memory systems
provide a form of temporary storage; short term memory allows us to retain information for a few
seconds or minutes, while working memory serves as a desk top for retrieval of information when it
is in immediate use. Once the brain determines that the information in our working memories is no
longer needed, it is partially or totally forgotten. Unfortunately, too often what is presented in our
classrooms is designed for students working memoriesstudents learn information so they can
retrieve it on a test or quiz then quickly forget much of it as they move on to the next topic.

Clearly the goal of teaching and learning is for students to acquire knowledge, processes, and skills
that they can use to build new knowledge, a process that requires the use of long-term memory
systems. Leading researcher on memory, Larry Squire (2002), tells us that the most important factor
in determining how well we remember information is the degree to which we rehearse and repeat that
information. Based on the method and frequency of presentation, memories consolidate as the brain
reorganizes, modifies, and strengthens synaptic connections among neurons. During tasks that
involve only working memory, the brain uses proteins that currently exist in brain synapses (Ratey,
2001). When information moves, however, from working to long-term memory systems, new proteins
are created. Effective teaching can result in biochemical changes in the brain!

Brain Target Four of The Brain-Targeted Teaching Model encourages teachers to plan for repeated
rehearsals of content, skills, and concepts so that the information becomes part of students long-term
memory systems. Such repetition would be terribly boring for students (and teachers too) if the same
activities were presented multiple times in the same way. Instead, teachers are encouraged to plan
varied experiences so that students can manipulate information within a variety of modalities. The
best way to accomplish this is through the integration of artful teaching into content instruction.

Integration of the arts encourages meaningful connection to concepts, encouraging teachers to pair
visual, kinesthetic, and musical thinking with linguistic learning tasks. As Howard Gardner (1983)
states, The abilities involved with the visual arts, with sculpture or painting, with drama, mime, use of
the body, with music, all represent separate sets of cognitive skills. Cognitive learning and higher-
order thinking can be enhanced with meaningful connection to the arts through such activities as
musical performance, role-playing, visual representations, creative movement, drama, poetry, and
creative writing.

By providing students with multiple ways to manipulate content, skills, and concepts, teachers are not
only promoting long-term memory but are providing the opportunity to differentiate instruction based
on students emotional needs, academic goals, and cognitive learning styles.



The acquisition of knowledge is only the beginning of a sound instructional program. Brain research
supports what educators know to be the hallmark of effective instructionlife-long learning best
occurs when students are able to apply content, skills, and processes to tasks that require them to
engage in higher-order thinking and problem-solving skills. Using knowledge meaningfully requires
students to extend thinking by examining concepts in deeper, more analytical ways, thus requiring the
brain to use multiple and complex systems of retrieval and integration. Brain researchers have used
the concept of the modular brain to describe differentiated functions of brain regions. Modules from
one part of the brain connect to other modules when we perform complex tasks. Research has
demonstrated, for example, that the motor cortex, originally thought only to control motor functions,
becomes activated when the brain engages in problem-solving that includes such cognitive
components as memory, language, emotion, and active learning.

Brain-Target Five promotes the use of performance-based instructional activities within each learning
unit. Such activities require students to engage in inductive and deductive thinking, analysis, and
problem-solving skills. It allows students to apply what they have learned in tasks that have real-world
application. Within the Brain-Targeted Teaching learning unit, Brain-Target Five activities include
conducting investigations, designing experiments, creating metaphors and analogies, examining
cause and effect patterns, analyzing perspective, and engaging in creative thinking through the visual
and performing arts.

While Brain-Target Six is the last stage of the Brain-Targeted Teaching Model, each stage of the
model includes evaluation activities. The goal of evaluation is to provide students with relevant
feedback about their performance so that the student can adjust learning habits and the teacher can
make sound instructional decisions. Cognitive science supports what teachers know by experience:
Immediate feedback strengthens learning and memory patterns. The Brain-Targeted Teaching Model
supports the use of an evaluation measure for each objective and activity. In addition to traditional
grading methods (quizzes, tests, essays, etc) evaluation measures should also employ a combination
of tools including scoring rubrics, grading keys, and self-grading tools, student-generated reflections.


By using the following format of the Brain-Targeted Teaching Learning Unit, teachers can be
assured that they are implementing research-based effective teaching strategies as well as
implementing what the neurological and cognitive sciences tell us about how the brain thinks and
learns. Teachers who have implemented this model are quick to say that, while it requires more front-
loaded planning than a traditional planning format, once completed they can focus on lesson
implementation rather than planning for the two or three week learning unit time segment. They have
also related that the model requires them to think more deeply about instructional implementation,
fostering more creative and innovative lessons. By using the Brain-Targeted Teaching Model,
teaching and learning not only becomes more effective, it becomes more fun!

Please visit Dr. Hardiman's site on her Brain-Targeted Teaching Model for Sample Unitsand
a Learning Unit Template to help you plan your own units using this model.

Dr. Hardiman's latest book, Connecting Brain Research with Effective Teaching: The Brain-Targeted
Teaching Model, is available at the New Horizons for Learning Store.

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