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Factors Influencing To Preference of Fast Food Restaurants

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IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM)

e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668. Volume 18, Issue 8 .Ver. IV (Aug. 2016), PP 20-25

Factors influencing to Preference of Fast Food Restaurants

Dr.P.Deivanai M.Com., MBA., M.Phil., Ph.D.,

Assistant Professor of Commerce, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for
Women, Coimbatore

Abstract: Fast food concepts developed rapidly in last few years in Tamil Nadu. The trend is radically
changing the way people eat in India. . Currently, market growth is increasing by the rising young population,
working women, hectic schedules and increasing disposable income of the middle-class households.The study
has analysis that through customers purchase intention and its continuity depend on satisfaction level of
customer towards fast food products. The main objectives of the study is i) To study the purchase intention of
customers ii) To find out the supportive factors influence of purchase behaviour of consumers. The study has
been made by conducting a survey in Madurai district. A questionnaire assessing attitudes of customers
towards fast food product.Analysis and interpretation was made on the basis of percentage. Some of the
questions was scored on five point Likerts five point scale, and calculate the Chi - square, Garrett Ranking
methods were used for this research.
Keywords: Consumer, Fast food, Factors, Households, Intention.

I. Introduction
Fast Food plays an important role in everyone's day-to-day life. The Indian fast food market has been
witnessing rapid growth on the backbone of positive developments and presence of massive investments of
people. The term fast food is use for the food which can be prepared and served quickly than any other meal,
minimum preparation of time is considered for fast food, generally this term refers to food sale in restaurants
and stores with low time preparation and served to customers in form of packaged for take away.The eating
habits of people are changing the style of cooking and the ingredients used increased the popularity of Indian
food. Indian fast food had experienced tremendous changes, with growing middle class population and changing
lifestyle. India is blessed with one of the fastest growing fast food markets in the world. People started the
different cooking style and adopted eating habit. Unlike the olden days where man used to have his food
lavishly and slowly, the present trend changed the habits of food which are simple and easy to digest. Hence,
the existence of these foods fulfilled all the needs of modern human being. Fast food concepts developed rapidly
in last few years in Tamil Nadu. The trend is radically changing the way people eat in India. . Currently, market
growth is increasing by the rising young population, working women, hectic schedules and increasing
disposable income of the middle-class households. India is in the midst of the restaurant revolution. Fast food is
one of the worlds largest growing food types. Indias fast food industry is growing by 40 per cent year and is to
generate a billion dollars in sales by 2005.
The multinational segment of Indian fast food industry is up to Rs. 6 billion, a figure to zoom to Rs.70
billion by 2005. By 2005, the value of Indian dairy products Rs.1, 00,000 million. In last 6 years, foreign
investment in this sector stood at Rs. 3600 million which is about one-fourth of total investment made in this
sector. Because of the availability of raw material for fast food, Global chains are flooding into the country. In
2006, the global fast food market grew by 4.8 per cent and reached a value of 102.4 billion and a volume
of80.30 billion transactions. In India alone the fast food industry is growing by 40 per cent in a year.
McDonald's is located in 120 countries and on 6 continents and operates over 31,000 restaurants worldwide. The
revenues of hotel and restaurant industry in year 2006-2007 increase of nearly 22 per cent. On January 31, 1990
McDonalds opened a restaurant in Moscow, and broke opening day records for customers served. The Moscow
restaurant is the busiest in the world. The largest McDonalds in the world is located in Beijing, People's
Republic of China. There are numerous other fast food restaurants located all over the world. Burger King has
more than 11,100 restaurants in more than 65 countries. KFC is located in 25 countries. Subway is one of the
fastest growing franchises in the world with approximately 31,129 restaurants in 90 countries as of May 2009
the first non-US location opening in December 1984 in Bahrain. Pizza Hut is located in 26 countries with 100
locations in China Taco Bell has 278 restaurants located in 12 countries besides the United States. The Indian
fast food market is growing at an annual rate of 25-30 per cent. The success or failure of fast food industry
based on some factors like Promotion, Service quality, Customer expectations, Brand, Physical Environment,
Price, and Taste of the product. Almost all the worlds big fast food brands have succeeded in making their
presence felt in the country and most of them are posting appreciable growth. Consequently, all the popular fast

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Factors Influencing To Preference Of Fast Food Restaurants

food chains have chalked out massive plans for expanding their business and presence throughout the country.
Foreign fast food chains are aggressively increasing their presence in the country. For instance, Dominos has
opened 60-65 outlets every year (2010-2012) while Yum Brands is also preparing for massive expansion
across the country with plans to open 1000 fast food outlets by 2015. Now the Pizza Hut has 143 stores across
34 cities in India in the year 2012.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Eating at home remains very much ingrained in Indian culture and changes in eating habits are very
slow moving with barriers to eating out entrenched in certain sectors of Indian society. The growth in nuclear
families, particularly in urban India, exposure to global media and Western cuisine and an increasing number
of women joining the workforce, had an impact on eating out trends. Fast food is one of the worlds largest
growing food types in India. The working people dont spend a lot of time for preparation of meals, traveling to
pick up meals, or waiting for meals in restaurants. As a result, consumers rely on fast food. Knowing this, fast
food providers are coming up with new ways to market their products that save time for consumers. This
situation raises the following questions
i. What are the factors influence to purchase decision and attitude towards fast food products?
ii. What is the level of satisfaction of consumer towards fast food product consumptions?
The study area namely Madurai district is very famous for fast food industry. Because of Madurai is a
ThoongaNagaram. Madurai is otherwise called Temple city of Tamil Nadu. Madurai is a wonderful
Tourism place, more small scale industry, more working places. Therefore, the researcher chosen Madurai
District is suitable for this study. The study aimed at analyzing A study on attitude of customers towards fast
food culture in Madurai district.. Therefore, there is necessity to study consumer behaviour towards fast food
products in Madurai district for the purpose of analyzing their conditions, and hence the present study.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The main objectives of the present study are
To analysis the customer behavior and level of satisfaction towards Fast food products in Madurai district.
To study the Factors influencing to preference of fast food restaurants in Madurai district.

1.4 Hypotheses of the Study

An overview of the hypothesis related to the relationship with customer satisfaction and quality of fast
food environment facilities, service quality, service of staff, convenience, price, Taste and variety of product. On
the base of dependent and independent variables, for this study seven hypothesis has been developed and given
H0 :There is no significant difference between the environmental factors and customer satisfaction towards
purchase decision.
H1 :The characteristics of consumers have no significant impact on level of satisfaction towards fast food
products .
H2:Fast food quality is positively related to the customer satisfaction on purchase decision.

1.5 Methodology
The purpose of this section is to explain the methodology adopted to achieve the objectives of the
study.. The interview schedule was carefully designed and duly pre-tested. Pilot study was also under taken
and necessary changes were incorporated before finalization of the schedule. The sample respondents from in
different parts of Madurai District. All the analysis and inferences are made on the basis of this primary data.
The secondary data have been collected from books magazines, newspapers, websites and journals.This study is
both descriptive and analytical. A comprehensive interview schedule duly pre-tested and designed for collecting
primary data. The non-probability methods of purposive sampling were followed to choose the sample

II. Review of Literature

At the early stage of the present exercise, a review of relevant literatures was undertaken to understand
what has already been done by expert committees and researchers in the sphere of fast food industries and the
various institutional arrangements for the promotion of fast food industries. Ranjini.R; (2010)entitled
Food habits and nutritional status of IT professionals explains the locate of the study chosen was the various
software companies of techno park situated in kazhakoottompanchayat, people working on computers for long
hours have chances of falling prow to a new health hazard called computer vision syndrome.Raphael
Thomadsen (2007) in his study Product Positioning and Competition: The Role of Location in the Fast Food

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Factors Influencing To Preference Of Fast Food Restaurants

Industry examined optimal product positioning strategies of the symmetric firms in the context of retail outlet
locations in the fast food industry. The relationships between profits and product differentiation reveal that both
McDonald's and Burger King are better off avoiding close competition, if the market area is large enough This
study analyses that the food use frequency, preference, measures of food, nutrient intake nutritional status index
of food habits etc. The results of the study revealed to intake of all major nutrients.Singaraj (2010) titled
implications for food security in India. The Climate change can directly offends a countrys ability to feed its
people. Changing rainfall patterns are likely to affect industry food security. Floods and another major cause of
food emergencies, sharp seasons differences in water availability can also increase food insecurity. The main
objectives of this study is food security in India, impact of climate change on food security food availability
stability of food supplies. The climate change will also affect the ability of individual to use food effectively by
alleging the conditions for food safety and changes the disease pressure from vector. The conclusion of this
study was that the climate change will affect all for dimensions food security, namely food availability, access to
food.The purpose of this study is to explore the differences in fast food preferences, perceptions, and patronage
between Indians living in high- and low-income neighborhoods.

III. Factors influence on Fast Food Restaurants

As many as 600 sample consumer respondents were chosen for this purpose. The following scales
showed that the data collected from the respondents is reliable and respondents answered accurately. Because of
the variables are exceeding from 70% which is the standard of acceptance for reliability. The table exhibits
customer satisfaction and scale of reliability of respondents. The customer satisfaction about the quality of fast
food restaurants environment facilities, service quality,services of staff, convenience, price, Taste and variety
of product on the basis of dependent and independent variables.

Table 1
Factors Influence of Fast Food Restaurants
S.No. Factors Cronbach ANOVA Significant/not
Analysis P.Value Significant
1 Customer satisfaction .814 .000 Significant
2 Fast Food .801 .000 Significant
3 Environment Inside .891 .057 Not Significant
4 Environment Outside) .898 .000 Significant
5 Staff .835 .008 Significant
6 Service Quality .742 .000 Significant
7 Price .749 .000 Significant
8 Convenient .822 .002 Significant
9. Varity .842 .000 Significant

The table 1 showsthat thereliability of the data collected from respondents. Cronbachs Alpha test the
reliability is the most popular estimate to measure internal consistency of a scale. Ideally, the cronbachs alpha
coefficient of a scale should be .7 and above. It can be seen the table no1, Cronbach alpha for the nine items
that make up the scale is 0.7. The following factors internal consistency reliability explain under the cronbachs
test score is customer satisfaction (.814), Fast food (.801), Environment Inside (EI) (.801), Environment
outside (EO) (.891) staff(s) (.835), service quality (.742), pricing (.749 ), Convenient (.822), Variety ( .842).
According pallant(2007). A scale has good internal consistency with a cronbach alpha coefficient reported of (
0.7). The above table explain the Cronbachs alpha reliability test results is more than 0.7. The reliability of an
internal consistency of fast food restaurants is good.This explains the customers satisfaction on Fast food
quality, service quality, staff quality, environment (outside), price, convenience, variety and taste are positively
related to the customer satisfaction on purchase decision, play significant influence on the factors. It is found
the hypothesis results the hypothesis is accepted on Fast food quality, service quality, staff quality, environment
(outside), price, variety and taste, convenience, and in other one case is environment ( inside) the hypothesis is
rejected It is concluded that the Fast food quality, service quality, staff quality , environment (outside) , price,
variety and taste, have significant influence on the customer satisfaction. The following results were obtained
after fitting the multiple linear regressions.

Table 2
Multiple Linear Regressions
Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the
1 .858a .735 .732

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Factors Influencing To Preference Of Fast Food Restaurants

a. Dependent Variable: Customer satisfaction

b. Predictor: (Constant) Variety of products, Environment (both internal and External),Quality product,
Service quality, price, Convenient

The adjusted R-square in the table 2 shows that the dependent variable, (Customer Satisfaction) is
affected by .735 percentages by independent variables (Quality of food, Service quality, Environment internal
and external, staff cooperation, Price, Taste of the product, convenient place). It shows that Quality of
product, Service quality, Environment internal and external, staff cooperation, Price, Taste of the product,
convenient, place factors are responsible for satisfying customers. The overall model was also significant tested
with the help of ANOVA. The results are given in the following table.

Table 3
Multiple Linear Regressions
Models Sum of Mean Square F Sig
Squares Df
1 Regression 2249.077 8 281.135 205.357 .000b
Residual 809.083 591 1.369
Total 3058.160 599
a.Dependent Variable: Customer satisfaction
b. Predictor: (Constant) Variety of products, Environment (both internal and External),Quality product, Service
quality, price, Convenient
The adjusted R-square in the table shows that the dependent variable, (Customer Satisfaction) is
affected by 73.5 percentages by independent variables (Quality of food, Service quality, Environment internal
and external, staff cooperation, Price, Taste of the product, convenient place). It shows that Quality of
product, Service quality, Environment internal and external, staff cooperation, Price, Taste of the product,
convenient, place factors are responsible for satisfying customers. The overall model was also significant tested
with the help of ANOVA. The results are given in the following table. The table 8.3 ANOVA table is showing
the level of significance. Through the table it is clear that all sub-factors like Variety of products, Environment
(both internal and External), Quality product, Service quality, price, Convenient are related to Customer
satisfaction and the relationship between the miss-significant as compared to alpha value=0.05. Table III shows
the coefficients of all independent variables included in the model along with their respective P-values.Mostly
the sub factors in the inventory under the heading of Customer Satisfaction in Fast Food Industry are
significant. In the table, un-standardized coefficient shows that the sub-factors are positively affecting the
satisfaction and is showing comparative figures of the satisfaction and the factors causing satisfaction in the
purchase of fast food

Table 4
Regression Co-Efficient
Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized
Coefficients T Sig.
Model B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) -.381 .647 - -.590 .556 NS
Quality of product .122 .061 .105 1.997 .046 S
Environment (internal) .295 .068 .270 4.337 .000 S
Environment ( External) .399 .087 .369 4.565 .000 S
Staff Co-operation .028 .108 .024 .262 .793 NS
Service quality -.011 .050 -.011 -.223 .824 NS
Price .149 .063 .122 2.369 .018 S
Place Convenient -.091 .096 -.079 -.949 .343 NS
Variety of product .113 .066 .099 1.712 .087 NS

Dependent Variable: Customer satisfaction.

As it clear from the table 4 that the few of the variable factor like Q u a l i t y o f f a s t f o o d
p r o d u c t s , environment both internal and external price of the products is significant related to
customer satisfaction.Some of few variables like co-operation of staff, service quality place, variety of
products not significant related to customers satisfaction.Under the standardized coefficients it is evident that
the Internal environment and external environment are the two majors and most important factors causing
customer satisfaction in fast food restaurants of Madurai District with a standardize coefficient of 0.369 and
0.270 in order of importance. The next important variable is Price with a standardize coefficient of 0.122.
The next important variable is Quality of products with a standardized coefficient of 0.105 Hence there are
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Factors Influencing To Preference Of Fast Food Restaurants

four main factors that are responsible in order to focus to me satisfaction in fast-food restaurants in Madurai
District. Other factors of the study has weak impact on customer satisfaction like staff co-operation, (b=0.24),
taste (b=0.109). As the table shows positive values and sub factors are significant at value=0.05 it is
concluded that the entire list of hypothesis is endorsed.

IV. Findings
This study found the reliability under the cronbachs test score is customer satisfaction (.814), Fast food
(.801), Environment Inside (EI) (.801), Environment outside (EO) (.891) staff(s) (.835), service quality
(.742), pricing (.749 ), Convenient (.822), Variety (.842) The reliability of an internal consistency of fast
food restaurants is good.
This study found the reliability under the cronbackhs test score is customer satisfaction (.814),
Environment internal and external (801), (.891) respectively.
The staff (.835) , Service quality (.742) , Pricing (.749) Convenient (.822) . The study reveals that the
reliability of an internal consistency of fast food restaurants is good.
The study shows that the Quality of product, Service quality, Environment internal and external, staff
cooperation, Price, Taste of the product, convenient, place factors are responsible for satisfying nature.
It reveals that the study ANOVA table is showing the level of significance. Through the table it is clear
that all sub-factors like Variety of products, Environment (both internal and External), Quality product,
Service quality, price, Convenient are related to Customer .
From this analysis the someof factors has weak impact on customer satisfaction like staff co-operation,
(b=0.24), taste (b=0.109). As the table shows positive values and sub factors are significant at

V. Conclusion
A report by Research on India has found that traditionally, the Indian consumers have been eating at
roadside eateries, dhabas and stalls which still occupy a major share of the unorganized sector, where fast food
has been eaten traditionally. The research work has been carried out in only on district level namely Madurai
district of Tamil Nadu. Therefore, the finding of the study can be generalized carefully taking socio-economic
and demographic conditions into consideration. The main limitation of this study is it has covered only a part
of the Madurai districts. Thus, all the findings may not be generalized at the macro level.

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