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APL 001 Stebbins

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cific Lingu
L uistic
Open A
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Studies in the Languagu
ues of Islland Mellanesia
Collage of A
Asia and the Pacific
The Austral ian National University

Maali (B
g) diictioonarry
ng Amthamo
on Ang
gtha T

Tonya N. Steb bbins

with thhe assisttance off Julius Tayul

A-PL 001
acific Linguisttics
pen Acce
ess Mono
udies in the
t Langu
uagues of
o Island Melanesia
M ia

SLIM EDITO RD: Isabelle Bril

Bethwwyn Evans
Alexanndre Franois (foundeer and Manaaging Editoor of the seriies)
Bill Pa

Published bby Asia-Paccific Linguiistics (SLIM

College off Asia and thhe Pacific
The Austraalian Nationnal Universiity
Canberra ACT 26000

Copyright inn this edition iss vested with the

t author(s)
Released undder Creative Commons
C Liceence (Attributtion)

First publisheed: 2012

URL: http://hhdl.handle.nett/1885/9273

National Library of Austraalia Cataloguing-in-Publicaation entry:

Author: Stebbbins, Tonya N.


Title: Mali (Baining) dicctionary [electtronic resourcee] : Mali-Bain

ning amtham
mon angtha th
/ Tonnya N. Stebbin
ns with the asssistance of Jullius Tayul.

ISBN: 9781922185006 (eebook)

Notes: Incluudes bibliograp

phical referennces.

Subjects: Papuuan languages---Dictionariess--English. Baaining languag

Bainiing language--Grammar. B Baining (Papua New Guineaan people)--Laanguages. Paapua
New Guinea--Lang guages--Gram mmar.

Other Authorrs/ Tayuul, Julius, 1942

Contributors: Austrralian Nationaal University. Asia-Pacific Linguistics
L Op
pen Access.

Dewey Numb
mber: 499.112
For speakers of Mali: past, present and future.
Table of contents

Community preface ...................................................................................................... 5

Community acknowledgements ................................................................................... 7
General acknowledgements......................................................................................... 8
Part 1 About this dictionary.................................................................................... 9
1.1 Development of the dictionary..................................................................... 9
1.2 About the Mali language ............................................................................ 10
1.3 Vitality of Mali............................................................................................ 11
1.4 Word class labels used in this dictionary .................................................. 12
1.5 Note on the orthography ........................................................................... 16
1.6 Ordering of entries .................................................................................... 16
1.7 Structure of the entries ............................................................................. 17
1.8 Note on the translation of the example sentences .................................... 18

Part 2 Mali English dictionary ........................................................................... 21

Part 3 English Mali finderlist .......................................................................... 207

Part 4 Organisation of the thesaurus ................................................................. 357

Thesaurus................................................................................................. 362

Community preface

Diva ngi rm mamr svt kama To truly know the Mali people of the
Mali-Baining gna, mamr diva ngi su ia Baining tribe, one can study their
ngi rm nathva musnng nva bang, culture, political, economic, and social
ta tet pathm agia thondm, ta tt dul life. One aspect of the culture of the
minia dak ta vthana minia sathva Mali-Bainings is the language and
guangithong. Amusnngini chni svt expressions they use daily to
kama musneng nva mbang ma chama communicate and inter-relate with
Mali-Baining gna dai sok kama each other, their God, and nature
amethamn angt kn, ma chuneng around them.
ngmo tha tamn sthmna na ngt,
svt athva Deo, dak aguangithon pang
namt atha.

Sa tha askok mndu ve ia 1920, kama Attempts were made in the early
Pater ama naruerka, Fr Alphonse 1920s by an anthropologist and
Mayerhoper, ama ndrm bmga nama linguist priest, Fr Alphonse Mayer-
methamn, sa cha chut mk nchama hofer to print the Mali language. He
Malichana athva methamn. Ithang da published a Catholic hymn book and a
chok ta ithik da chok ta ve thi slameng Catholic prayer and catechism book in
ura tvng nangt, da sai tha chut the Mali language. These are being
mangt mchvs nani arutha ta ithik used today. There has been some
nasot. reprinting of these for todays

Ithik ama sa svt kama chutkut mamr Obviously, to come up with the written
vathm kama Malichana athva mtha- form of the Mali language, a dictio-
mon marik da so chama amthamoni- nary would serve as the basis for the
thong da ngtha thuchunmes da sa ng explanation, interpretation, defini-
ve diva sik ngthi tuchunmes svtha ma tions, and pronunciation of words and
gia mthanomini ura amethamnbs dak phrases. It is of fundamental import-
kama ngtkn ma chok kama Mali marik. ance to the Mali people of future years
Amor ngini mamr nani kama Malichna and of equal importance to non-Malis
ma mithu nasot diva sik ta ndrm interested in knowing about the Mali
nathva methamn nva bang. people through understanding and
speaking their language.

Chok ta thal ngo ama Mali-Bainingga As a born Mali-Baining man and

marik, d ngua tamn nama Mali, chlan speaker of the language and as the
da ithik i a naruerka nango mt ma local government president of the
Sinivit LLG., East New Britain Province Sinivit LLG., East New Britain

peia Papua New Guinea, sok amr vtha Province, Papua New Guinea, I am
ngo savuit i sok ngua lu chama mtha- really proud to see a dictionary in my
monithong da ngtha thuchunmes nma own Mali-Baining language. And I take
ngo ma Mali-Bainingga gua mthamon. this opportunity to thank Tonya
Auk sa sdamr da ngua tamn pthanas Stebbins. I thank, too, her husband
s ma Tonya Stebbins. Da chik sai atha Mark Planigale for his assistance.
lugutka ma Mark Planigale, ngua tamn
pthanas scha.

D chama thktk mamr iva achernas The work would have been difficult
mt ngt baiom dak nga nia nanggel had it not been for the close assistance
kama morka ma Julius Tayul ma cht np of village elder, interpreter, and
na methamn d ch tuchunmes svt advisor Julius Tayul. I acknowledge
kama mthamonithong. Ngua tamn the assistance of Marunga Elementary
pthanas schama amatnthmbes teachers Henry Lemka and Christop
naggel kama Elementary atha sunas Tayul and many others who contri-
vemiom ma Henry Lemka d ma Chris- buted by submitting stories and
tophe Tayul dak arutha ath ma tha von assistance in kind.
dachama asek dak chok vath ma tha

Sa chama methamn da ngtha With the completion of the dictionary

thuchunmes da ngu snan sanglm ngn I call on all good Mali-Bainings to use
gua ruavek ma Mali-Baininggna ia sok the dictionary with pride.
ngni slamendm da mr vtha ngen.

Boniface Michael Setavo, MPA.

President, Sinivit Local Level Government,
East New Britain Province, Papua New Guinea.

Community acknowledgements

Arutha ma chdichn ta matnthm Many people helped in preparing this

schama buchm ta ithchem. book.

Kama amthamon angtha thvaik The dictionary was compiled by Tonya

da ng mumanas nagl ma Tonya Stebbins with her husband Mark
Stebbins da sai chok nagl ma Mark Planigale.

Julius Tayul ka thk mamor ma cha Julius Tayul worked very hard and gave
vonda thuchups ama chdichn svt lots of advice about the spelling,
ka ma a msmes angt kn dchama pronunciation and translation of the
npna methamon saisath. entries.

Arutha ma tha matnthm schama People who helped by giving words on

thuchunms svt kama methamoni- particular topics included: Julius Tayul,
thong dai sai chok ma Julius Tayul, Pius Demes, Pius Gusneng, Fidel Lemka,
Pius Demes, Pius Gusneng, Fidel Benedicta Guamrini, and John
Lemka, Benedicta Guamrini dma Kaburnok.
John Kaburnok.

Kama thuchupms svt kama The example sentences were written

methamonithong d vt kama Yachun over many months by Julien Tayul and
ama chdichn dai ma Julien Tayul Julius Tayul, with help from Julius Tayul
dma Julius Tayul ta chut ma ngt dak Jnr, Henry Lemka, Christopher Tayul,
sai chok a matnthmbes nagl ma: Norberta Robert, Catherine Vasek, and
Julius Tayul Jnr, Henry Lemka, Charles Vasek.
Christopher Tayul, Norberta Robert,
Catherine Vasek dma Charles Vasek.

General acknowledgements

Two people who have been central to the completion of this dictionary are my hus-
band Mark Planigale and our very good friend Mr Julius Tayul. Without Julius Tayul
it would have been impossible to compile such a wonderful corpus from which to
build the dictionary and to ensure that each entry was as complete and accurate as
possible. I could not have asked for a more generous, patient, or persistent partner
in my research on the language than gumamk, ma Julius Tayul. Without Mark I
would never have been brave enough to embark on this project and am not sure that
I would have been able to see it through. I would also like to acknowledge the con-
tribution Mark made to the dictionary by taking on the task of eliciting words in the
domains of flora and fauna. Very few of these words would have made it into the
dictionary without his dedicated efforts in this area since these words did not crop
up in other parts of the corpus.
I would also like to specifically thank several other members of the Mali commu-
nity who contributed directly to the dictionary. Julien Tayul deserves special mention
for all of the example sentences she wrote. Others who helped with this task were:
Julius Tayul Jnr, Henry Lemka, Christopher Tayul, Norberta Robert, Catherine Vasek
and Charles Vasek. Many others contributed to the research that led to the diction-
ary by writing or recording stories in Mali. The support of the Mali community as a
whole, and particularly in the village of Marunga, was also very important to this
project. Without the help and practical support many people in Marunga provided,
we would not have been able to complete this work.
Closer to home, I thank Jo Taylor and Bev Stebbins who assisted with the coding
associated with compiling the electronic version of the dictionary. Meifang Gu pro-
vided the technical expertise that moved the Toolbox database through LexiquePro
and into a word document and Alison Bennett made a huge contribution to format-
ting and proof-checking in the final stages. Thanks to Jeanette Coombes for her care
with typesetting the manuscript.
I would like to acknowledge the financial support of La Trobe University through
a Postdoctoral Fellowship in 200103. Particular thanks are due to Sasha Aikhen-
vald and Bob Dixon at the Research Centre for Linguistic Typology at La Trobe
University, who provided the generous encouragement and practical support that
made fieldwork in East New Britain possible. Thanks is also due to the Faculty of
Humanities and Social Sciences at La Trobe University who funded an additional
fieldtrip to make final checks to the dictionary in 2006.

About this dictionary

This is a dictionary of the Mali (Baining) language. It is presented in three parts. The
first section, MaliEnglish, contains entries organised around Mali headwords. This
section represents the Mali lexicon with English glosses and bilingual example sen-
tences. Other information about particular word classes, for example the inflectional
forms of verbs and the plural forms of nouns is also given here. (See 3.1 on word
class labels for further information on how each category is represented. This in-
formation is expanded in the Mali (Baining) grammar, also published by Pacific
Linguistics.) Many Mali words have alternate forms depending on their phonetic
context or grammatical value. The Mali-English section lists alternate forms in ad-
dition to the citation form where complete information is given.
The EnglishMali section contains much of the same information about the lan-
guage as the MaliEnglish section but it is organised in relation to English transla-
tions for Mali words. This section is designed to facilitate use by people who are not
familiar with Mali. This version of the dictionary was compiled manually, rather than
being generated mechanically, with the intention of maximising the likelihood that
the reader will be able to find the best match for an English word. The thesaurus is
organised into semantic groups see the guide at the start of that section for de-
tails. The thesaurus only indicates the sense of a word that is relevant for each par-
ticular semantic category. The reader should consult the Mali-English section in
order to ascertain other related senses and thus the broader semantic possibilities of
each word.

1.1 Development of the dictionary

During fieldwork in Papua New Guinea in 2001 and 2002, I worked on the three re-
lated tasks of compiling a corpus of Mali texts, doing preliminary grammatical
analysis, and preparing a draft dictionary of the language. A more detailed account
of the fieldwork and the resulting corpus is set out in the MaliBaining grammar
(Stebbins 2011) in 1.81.9. The remote location and difficult physical conditions
made on-going use of a laptop in the field impractical and so I made the decision to
work from paper while in the field after the first trip. This dictionary started life as a
card file.
The corpus of Mali texts I collected during this time eventually included over 60
texts, some recorded and transcribed by Julius Tayul, and others written down by the
authors. As I worked through the texts with Mr Tayul, I built up the card file.
After a new Mali word and its translation had been identified and recorded on a
card, and any relevant morphological information had been noted, Ms Julien Tayul
wrote an example sentence in Mali for each sense listed on the card. Towards the
end of the fieldtrip, several other people, and particularly Mr Tayul, assisted in this
work, either writing sentences in Mali or assisting me with the task of translating the

10 About this dictionary

examples. This method had the advantage of allowing direct contributions from a
wider group of people.
All of the material I collected was transferred to the software Shoebox (later up-
dated to Toolbox) once I returned from the field in late 2002. Since that time I have
continued to add entries and revise them for publication, adding new information as
the analysis of the grammar progressed, filling in missing example sentences with
extracts from texts, reorganising the entries into a more logical structure, coding for
semantic domains in order to produce the thesaurus, and so on. I was also able to
consult with Mr Tayul late in 2006 on some outstanding problems with the gram-
matical analysis and the material in the dictionary and, at the same time, we added a
few more entries.

1.2 About the Mali language

Mali is a member of the Baining language family. The language is spoken in roughly
the south east quadrant of the Gazelle Peninsula on the island of New Britain (Papua
New Guinea). See Map 1.

Map 1: Area map of East Papuan languages

About this dictionary 11

At this time there are around 2200 speakers of Mali living in eleven villages
across Mali territory or in nearby villages and towns (see Map 2). There are two
dialects of Mali: a coastal dialect whose speakers are called Abilta those from the
old village and a mountain dialect whose speakers are called Arongda those from a
cold place. The dictionary includes words from both dialects. Differences between
them are most apparent at the level of phonology with Abilta speakers showing more
phonological reduction than Arongda speakers and inserting epenthetic consonants
in word final position after concordial pronouns.

Map 2: Local map of Papuan languages in East New Britain Province

1.3 Vitality of Mali

Only the oldest generation of Mali speakers (50 or more years of age) is fully fluent
in Mali; able to use it in all domains without ad hoc borrowings from Tok Pisin. These
people are the only ones with a thorough knowledge of Mali ethnobiology and cos-
mology. The next generation (3049 years of age) is fully fluent in Tok Pisin as a
result of time spent at boarding school and the increasing need for linguistic ac-
commodation within villages. They habitually speak Tok Pisin in many contexts but
are generally also fluent in Mali. Younger adults (1629 years of age) show even
more restricted vocabularies. Children (215 years of age) who are born to two Mali
12 About this dictionary

parents learn Mali as their first language; however, they do not acquire extensive
Mali vocabularies. Children are fully fluent in Tok Pisin by the middle of primary

1.4 Word class labels used in this dictionary

Cross-references in this section refer the reader to relevant sections of the Mali
(Baining) grammar where additional information about each category may be found.

Verbs Verbs head the predicate and are associated with concordial pro-
(sa-vi.) nouns that cross-reference the person, number, and gender of
(vi-so.) core grammatical arguments (4.1). Most verbs show stem initial
(vt.) mutations for tense (4.2). Verbs do not take any of the morphol-
ogy associated with nouns (i.e. specifier articles or noun class
marking) and they may not function as the head of an NP.
Within the dictionary verbs are labelled to show their argument
structure. There are three possibilities:
(sa-vi.) indicates an active intransitive verb with a single argument
marked before the verb. Examples include: bang run, dang
catch fire, gum cough, tusavus wriggle, and vanim roll
(vi-so.) indicates a stative intransitive verb with a single argument
after the verb. Examples include: bubu be dull in colour,
disse faint, irs feel sad, and mnap sleep
(vt.) indicates a transitive verb with two arguments. Examples
include: bias step on, don throw away, kthep catch,
grab, pais bind, and tal carry.
Mutations for tense be ascertained by checking for variant
forms at the end of each main entry. Each variant form is listed in
a minor entry. There are three patterns of mutation:
Type A verbs: don, mon, and thon
Type B verbs: don thow.away.PRES, thon thow.away.NPRES
Type C verbs: tlu see.PRES, lu see.NPRES
Type D verbs: su try.NI (non-inflecting)

Nouns Nouns head noun phrases (10) and take noun class marking (8).
(n.) Nouns also take the specifier article in many contexts (10.4). This
is sometimes indicated by stem initial mutation (3.4.1.A). Nouns
may occur as copula complements.
Information about the relationship of nouns to specifier articles
is incorporated into the entries. Variant forms are listed as minor

The specifier article is a proclitic that generally cliticises to the

head of the NP. All nouns may occur with or without the specifier
article. For a number of words, the specifier article is part of the
citation form and is presented here as part of the headword. In
other cases the use of the specifier article is not considered by
About this dictionary 13

speakers to be part of the citation form and is not included in the

head word. In addition to this, the specifier article triggers pho-
nological changes when it precedes a voiceless stop. For example
the noun athinmga can be analysed as follows: {a=thinm-ka
SPEC=fish-M.SG}. Approximately one third of all common nouns
have the specifier article as part of their citation form; for exam-
ple, [arua] man {a=ru-cha SPEC=person-M.SG}. Nouns whose
stems begin in voiceless stops show the presence of the specifier
as a stem initial mutation. That is, the specifier article a= is not
overtly present on nouns beginning in /p/, /t/, /k/. Instead, these
stems show an initial mutation reflecting the phonological rule for
intervocalic lenition described in the grammar in 3.4.1.A. Thus,
the noun chthopki is the surface form of {a=kthop-ki SPEC=
pool-F.SG}. This is reflected in the way nouns are organised in the
dictionary; for nouns with citation forms containing overt specifier
articles or lenition triggered by an underlying article, the bare
form of the noun is listed as a variant form. Nouns that do not
show lenition of the stem are generally given only in their citation
form. The distribution of the specifier article is described in more
detail in the grammar in 10.4.
Also included in the entries is information about the plural form
of the noun. Singular nouns are given as citation forms. In Mali,
the singular and dual are the marked numbers. For example the
nouns athinmga {a=thinm-ka SPEC=fish-M.SG} (one) fish and
arucha man {a=ru-cha SPEC=person-M.SG} both take masculine
singular noun class marking and have the dual forms athinmiom
{a=thinm-iom SPEC=fish-M.DL} two fish and aruiom two men
{a=ru-iom SPEC=person-M.DL}. Generally speaking, plural human
nouns are marked with the human plural noun class marker -ta.
Non-human count nouns do not take plural marking; rather, the
unmarked form can (but does not necessarily) encode plural
athinm {a=thinm SPEC=fish} (one or more) fish. That is to say,
in some contexts a noun without singular noun class marking may
still be understood as singular. This is discussed in more detail in
the grammar in 8.6 on markedness patterns in the noun class
marking system. While most unmarked nouns have forms identical
to the stem of a noun class marked singular form, a small number
of nouns have different forms when the noun class marking is ab-
sent. For example, the noun chuar {a=kaur SPEC=vein} vein(s)
has the singular form churacha {a=kur-ka SPEC=vein-M.SG} (one)
vein). These alternations can be identified by consulting the plural
field in the entry.
14 About this dictionary

Adjectives The class of adjectives in Mali includes some numerals and quan-
(adj.) tifiers as distinctive subclasses. Like nouns, adjectives may take
(num.) the specifier article. Where this is part of the citation form or
(quant.) where the citation form has stem initial lenition reflecting the
presence of a specifier article, this is the form used as a headword
in the dictionary and the bare form is listed as a variant. The only
distinctive characteristic of this class is the tendency for redupli-
cation of the root to encode intensification.

Adverbs Two types of adverbs have been identified in Mali, distinguished

(adv.) by their distribution. Clause level adverbs encode temporal dis-
tinctions and occur at the periphery of the sentence (see 14.1 and
18.1). Manner adverbs modify the predicate and occur in predi-
cate final position. They are discussed in more detail in the
grammar in 13.2. The two types of adverbs can be distinguished
by consulting the example sentences associated with each entry.
A handful of manner adverbs with more epistemic meanings
also occur in clause initial position as discourse markers (see
5.2.10.B and 14.2.2).

Prepositions Prepositional phrases occur at the periphery of the clause or

(prep.) within an NP. They are used to introduce NPs typically expressing
temporal relations and locations at clause level and, within the NP,
they introduce location terms (see 7 and 10.6). Prepositions also
have an important role in derivational processes in Mali. This is
discussed in the grammar in 7.47.5. There are both simple and
morphologically complex prepositions. The morphologically simple
prepositions form clitic groups with an article, if one is present, or
with a pronoun. Complex prepositions are generally independent
phonological words.

Directionals Directionals occur in a paradigm based on orientation, involving

(dir.) the vertical up and down and horizontal across axes and the
type of relation involved (abstract, landform, terminal end point,
general direction). They have a similar distribution to preposi-
tional phrases and adverbial demonstratives expressing location,
usually occurring in clause-final position. Directionals also differ
from prepositions in not taking NP complements. Directionals are
discussed in detail in the grammar in 12.

Pronouns There are three series of pronouns that may head an NP: (A) an-
(pro.) aphoric pronouns, (B) interrogative pronouns, and (C) indefinite
pronouns. Each series follows the noun class system and distin-
guish three numbers (singular, dual, and plural). Concordial pro-
nouns and the possessive pronouns follow the gender system.
There are three classes of concordial pronouns (classes I, II, and
About this dictionary 15

III). Classes I and II participate in tense marking (see 4.2 in the

grammar). Associative pronouns are required when NPs are coor-
dinated; they are based on a mixture of the class II and class III
concordial pronouns and the associative particle n (see 5.2.4.A
in the grammar for more information). Contrastive possessive
pronouns come in a range of forms, including clitic groups that
also contain indefinite articles. These are discussed in 11 of the

Demon- Mali has the following types of demonstratives: proximate nominal

stratives demonstratives, distal nominal demonstratives, contrastive nomi-
(dem.) nal demonstratives, indefinite nominal demonstratives, and ad-
verbial demonstratives encoding time, manner, and direction
(distal and proximate forms). Nominal demonstratives encode the
noun class of the head noun and distinguish three numbers (sin-
gular, dual, and plural). In addition to the basic forms of the
demonstratives, each paradigm shows an emphatic and a abbre-
viated set of forms. The distribution and functions of demon-
stratives are set out in the grammar in 10.5.

Determiners Determiners in Mali include a set of NP articles and the specifier

(np art.) article a=. These forms are discussed in more detail in the gram-
(spec art.) mar in 10.3 and 10.4 respectively.

Markers of This category covers a diverse range of forms that are used in the
aspect and expression of aspect, modality, and illocutionary force in Mali. This
status includes: modality distinctions encoded within the predicate; par-
(modal.) ticles for encoding negation; and words for encoding interroga-
(neg.) tives. Additional discourse markers that encode epistemic distinc-
(interrog.) tions are discussed in the grammar in 5.2.10.

Clause There are three different sets of clause-linking devices in Mali:

combining relators, coordinators, and subordinators (see 1617 in the
morphology grammar for details).

Interjections Interjections occur as independent utterances, particularly in

(interj.) spontaneous speech.

Discourse PDiscourse markers fall into one of three groups based on their
markers form and distribution. This is discussed in 14.2 of the grammar.
(disc.) All discourse markers occur in clause-initial position. Negators
and the negative imperative are formally subclasses of discourse
markers. They are also discussed in 15 of the grammar.
16 About this dictionary

1.5 Note on the orthography

The orthography used in this dictionary was developed by members of the Mali
community. It has been used in the Mali (Baining) Grammar and Texts, as well as in
a number of publications within the community. Mali graphemes and their corre-
sponding phones are listed in Table 3.13. Note that the velar nasal [] ng is dis-
tinguished from an alveolar nasal, followed by a velar stop [ng] by the insertion of an
apostrophe ng.
Table 3.13: Graphemes in the current Mali orthography

Bilabial Alveolar Palatal Velar Vowels Diphthongs

// v // th /j/ y // ch /i/ i /i/ oi
/p/ p /t/ t /k/ k // e /ai/ ai
/b/ b /d/ d /g/ g // /au/ au
/m/ m /n/ n // ng // o
/s/ s /u/ u
/l/ l
/r/ r

See 3 of the Mali Grammar for more information about the phonetics and pho-
nology of the language. Given the highly productive nature of some phonological
processes in Mali, it is not surprising that writers vary in the way they represent

1.6 Ordering of entries

The entries in the dictionary are organised in alphabetical order. The graphemes e
and are ordered together and the digraphs ng and th are sorted after n and
t respectively. The spaces between words in compounds, phrasal verbs and other
multi-word lexemes are ignored in sequencing of entries. Polysemous words that
belong to different parts of speech are generally treated as distinct head words.
Words that are related from a Mali perspective (e.g. vlmgi large pig and a species
of fish that appears to have a snout of the same name) are treated as different senses
of a single lexeme. If there are morphological differences between two uses of a stem
then these two uses are treated as different entries, following the principle that
different categories of polysemous stems are treated differently. Thus, nouns with
distinct plural forms are treated as different entries (e.g. chavatka adulterer and
bad spirit with the plurals chavatta and chavat respectively). There are also exam-
ples of pairs where in one case the specifier article is treated by speakers as part of
the citation form (for example chthopka pool) but another meaning of the same
stem does not use the specifier article in the citation form (for example kthopka
sap). These are treated as distinct entries because they have different citation
Note that in the English to Mali section of the dictionary there are a small number
of Tok Pisin words included because they are common in PNG English and a Stan-
dard International English translation is not readily predictable for these words, for
About this dictionary 17

example achuithm (Mali) or mumu (TP) is translated in the dictionary as earth

oven but this is not an expression used within the Mali community. These entries in
the English to Mali section are indicated by single quotation marks around the Tok
Pisin term and the label (TP) following. For example, mumu (TP).
The organisation of the thesaurus is described at the beginning of that section.

1.7 Structure of the entries

Four sample entries from the dictionary are presented here. Each main entry con-
tains a series of fields (marked here with numbers) that are described in the list
below. Fairly extensive entries have been chosen so that all the relevant fields within
a record can be shown. Many of the entries within the dictionary are simpler than
the ones illustrated here but are organised along the same principles. Minor entries
showing variant forms contain only the Mali word and an English translation. The
English to Mali section can be used to identify the main entry for the word con-
avchit1 dem.2 that large one4 Gram Note: Extended singular distal
demonstrative.6 Amngia avchit ba ngo iva ngu thal ngiat sva
bang.7 Bring that tall tree to me so that I can carry it home.8 Variant:
diski1 n.2 dish;4 Usage: often refers to a large aluminium dish.5 Duraik
angthama slik ng muk mt kama diski.7 The chicken's meat is in
the dish.8 Plural: dis11 Borrowing from English, Tok Pisin: dish, dis.13
tu av snng1 vt.2 think4 Ngua tu gu snng ia sik ngian.7 I thought you
would come.8 Ngn du angn snng svtha cha.7 You all think of
him.8 Variant: thu av snng12 Variant: du av snng12 Variant: mu
12 14
av snng12 Variant: tu at snng See also: snngacha idea.
vaidebunggi1 n.2 13 tree sp.4 Usage: also known as wild orange tree.5
23 wild orange4 Vaidebunggi d ngbes thi na mski.7 They don't
eat the wild orange.8
33 ball; refers to something the size of a volleyball.4 Vaidebunggi
vaivaik ma thoes tha tugas thmgi.7 That ball that the kids are
playing with.8 Pl: vaidebung11 Infl Note: only v.15
vaki1 2
until. Kule cha va lat d ch tk vaki banganggi d cha
dn. He stays at the garden and he works until night, then he returns.
9 10
Morph: va=koki. Lit: purposive= also. Note: only v.15

Entries within the dictionary are organised as follows:

1. Headword: The Mali word at the head of the entry. Where there are different inflectional
possibilities, this is typically the singular form of a noun or the present tense form of a
2. Part of speech: The part of speech label, selected from the list presented above. Where
the same word occurs as different parts of speech, these are included as separate entries.
For example, the word tnen appears twice because there are two ways in which it is used.
As a transitive verb it means ask and as an active intransitive verb it means pray.
3. Sense number: If a word has multiple senses, a number is assigned to each sense.
18 About this dictionary

4. English Gloss: Possible translations of the Mali word into English are provided.
5. Usage note: Any additional information that may assist the readers understanding of
the word is included here.
6. Grammar note: Where a grammatical word that is not readily translated into English
occurs, it may have a description included here.
7. Example sentence: An example sentence in Mali has been included wherever possible
for illustrative purposes.
8. Translation of sentence: An English translation of the sentence is also provided.
9. Morphological analysis: For some more complex Mali words, a morphological analysis
is provided.
10. English Gloss: English glosses are provided for the morphological analyses.
11. Plural form: The plural forms of nouns are generally listed here.
12. Variant form: As described above, there are alternate forms. Verbs vary to reflect tense
and nouns vary depending on the presence of the specifier article. These alternate forms
are included here. Variant forms for other words, for example, phonologically reduced
forms, are also presented here.
13. Borrowing: If the word has been identified as a borrowing, the source, form, and lan-
guage are included here.
14. See also: If another Mali word is very similar to the headword, it is mentioned here. The
English gloss is also provided.
15. Inflectional note: Other inflectional information is provided here.

1.8 Note on the translation of the example sentences

Four particular issues relating to the translation of the example sentences are worth
noting here. In each case they concern difficulties in rendering the Mali into English.
Firstly, as we noted above, the singular and dual are marked numbers in Mali,
while a noun stem with no noun class marking can be read as plural. Entities that are
less salient in the discourse can be presented as a bare stem and read as singular.
There are a few nouns that take singular noun class marking but refer to something
that, strictly speaking, is plural in English. For example, vrsetki marks refers to a
small set of marks (for example, a place where an animal has been and left marks)
rather than necessarily referring to a single mark. In addition, the Mali convention
when referring to a generic class is to use a singular noun, whereas in English the
convention is to use a plural noun. Where following the convention of using a sin-
gular noun leads to a loss of the generic reading, the English translation keeps a
plural referent.
Secondly, Mali has several large sets of demonstratives that inflect for noun class.
The glosses for these demonstratives are written to clearly reflect the noun class
values and the pragmatic significance of the demonstratives, but these glosses are
not generally used in the translation of related examples sentences as the amount of
information involved creates confusing translations.
Thirdly, a number of differences between the semantics of tense marking in Eng-
lish and Mali have lead to fairly frequent issues with translating the example sen-
tences provided here. This is due to the fact that Mali uses past tense in many con-
texts where there is an overlap with the present at the same time as present tense in
English is strongly associated with habitual type readings.
About this dictionary 19

In general, I have tried to reflect grammatical value of tense of the Mali sentence
in the English sentence as far as possible but where the resulting English sentence
sounds odd (for example reads as a habitual where none was intended) then I have
made use of other strategies. On the whole, the main strategy in the latter cases has
been to translate into the most semantically neutral tense in English. Because the
plain present tense is so often associated with other meanings such as the habit-
ual, I have often made use of the past tense in this context. In some cases another
strategy was used. For activity verbs, in the present tense I sometimes use the pro-
gressive. In the case of stative past tense verbs like mair wait where there is no
implication that the event is complete, I have sometimes used the present tense in
English where the original Mali sentence was actually in the past.
In order to determine the original tense of the example sentences then, the reader
would have to identify the verb for and the form of an A/SA pronoun and work out the
tense marking. See also 4.2 from the grammar.
Finally, there are quite different principles in Mali and English for determining
the distribution of the additive coordinator da and and the contrastive coordinator
dak but. In English but is used for situations that are counter expectation, where-
as in Mali this form is used primarily to signal a change in the key participants or the
perspective that is being given of them. Since using the literal translation was
causing problems for early readers of the dictionary, I have chosen the more idio-
matic English option where confusion may arise.
Mali English dictionary

A - a

a his; its. Usage: Abilta dialect. Pl: abiul. See: tavurki conchshell.
a interj. Oh!; well; um; expression of achabap adj. white. Baul avang ma
surprise or hesitation. A! Asingalka achabap inamuk. Bring that white
cha mk ptka un'gi. Oh! The snake piece of material (laplap) over here.
is in the dark. Variant: au. Variant: chambap.
a spec art. the. Gram: Specifier article. Inos achabapka n. white man. Chabapta
ka met naimuani mmni a renggi. tha mn diva thi thp manga th-
Inos came over from the river. tk. The white people arrived in order
abaringgi n. water that falls down a to do some work. Morph: a=chabapka.
waterfall. Kama abaringgi chi dona- Lit: SPEC=white-F.SG. Pl: achabapta. See:
nas vt kama chspka. The waterfall chulumga white man.
pours down the stony cliff. Pl: abaraing. achabapki n. white woman.
abmka n. large forest rat; brown; can achabapta athva methamn n.
be caught for food; lives in a hole in English. Augustine sok kia tamn
the ground with two entrances. Ka- nchama chabapta athva metha-
ma vaim ng nes kama abmka d nn mamr. Augustine really speaks
ng mska. The dogs bit the large English well. Morph: a=chabapta ath-
forest rat and ate it. Pl: abm. va methamn. Lit: SPEC=white-H.PL
abilm n. old place; a place where there 3H.PL.POSS language.
used to be a village. Kama abilm pe achabavs vt vi-so. be white. Gubarka
ma Angini da sa choiku nanga rutha ama chabapves vt pchn. The
ve. The old place for the village of pigeon, he is white around his neck.
Angini, now nobody lives there. achais n. left side of something. Cha ve
Pl: abilvap. cha mair snania chais. He was
Abilta n. coastal people; people from standing on the left. Morph: a=chais. Lit:
the villages of Gar, Merai, Urai, Ili, SPEC=left. Variant: chais. From: Tok Pisin:
and Karong. Arura ma tha nva kais the left; the left side.
gars d tha tes ta Bilta. People who achammga n. scabies. Athoemini
live on the coast are called Bilta. Morph: ngthi tnaik smt angt chamm-
a=bilka. Lit: Var- ga. The child drank something for their
iant: Bilta. scabies. Pl: achamm.
abilta athva methamn n. coastal achapdetham n. fish sp.; plentiful at
dialect of Mali. Kama arutha nave the river mouth; silver in colour; have
ma Karong dai tha tamn nchama thick lips and a stout shape; length
bilta athva methamn. The people up to 50 cm. Pl: achapdangetham.
from Karong speak the dialect of the
achchm that particular short one.
beach people. Morph: a=bilta athva
methamn. Lit: 3H. achchs that particular flat one.
PL.POSS language. achchit that particular large one.
abiulgi n. conch shell. Ngua nari ma achglem those particular two pieces.
Peter ch pes mt kama abiulki. I acheglem those particular two short
heard Peter blow the conch shell. ones.

achgleng achnanggolka

achgleng those particular pieces. system. Chi nari aruan mt kama

achk that particular one. chlel angtha iska. She feels pain in
her urinary system.
achkachk dem. 1 another. Gram:
Masculine singular contrastive demonstrative 2 urethra. Morph: a=chlel angt=a
and count neutral singular contrastive demon- iska. Lit: SPEC=urine 3CN.POSS=SPEC
strative. Lams avang da ungiom klan path-M.SG. Variant: chlel angtha iska.
dak ngiat achkachk iva devaung. achlmga seed pod.
There are two coconuts there, so you achlsacha n. alert person; a person
get another to make three. who has been trained to be habitually
2 each. Gram: Masculine singular con- alert. Joachim sok koi guangini
trastive demonstrative and count neutral ngna ngaip nmtka i sok ama
singular contrastive demonstrative. Variant: achlska mamr. Nothing can hide
chkachk. from Joachim, for he is always alert.
achkrang just those two particular Pl: achlsatha. Variant: chlsacha.
ones. achlol adj. clean. Aut snng ia chlol
achlach soft. ngt sa ngia thn ngia thas vm
ngt. Our hearts are clean so you can
achlacha n. reef fish sp.; small parrot-
come and sleep in them. Variant: chlol.
fish; green with soft slippery skin and
scales. Morph: a=chlaka. Lit: SPEC= achluangga n. tree sp.; is up to 20 cm
soft-M. SG. Pl: achlak. Morph: a=chlak. in diameter; light brown; the bark is
Lit: SPEC=soft. slippery inside; is especially found in
old gardens. Pl: achluang.
achlach mt vi-so. be soft. Ngua ms
adigl taithgl da achelach mt achluing black.
ngigl. I ate this piece of taro and it was achluingbs vt be blackish.
soft inside. achluinggi n. cloud. Kama chluing d
achlachuas n. 1 grass sp.; tends to gisnia ngave sainggi. There are
grow in old gardens; the seeds stick clouds as if it is about to rain. Milani
to your legs. Morph: a=chlachuas. Lit: da ngmbs nanga chluing. There
SPEC=grass.sp. were no clouds yesterday. Pl: ach-
2 seaweed; seagrass; plants that luing. Variant: chluinggi; cheluing;
usually grow in shallow water; up to chluing.
20 cm in length; fish use it to hide in. achluingini n. small cloud. Variant:
Variant: chlachuas. chluingini.
achlachuasini n. small area of grass achelungurka n. tree sp.; tall with
sp. Variant: chlachuasini. large buttress roots and very hard
achlachuaska n. area of grass sp.; wood; bark is used as a purgative for
tends to grow in old gardens; seeds treating poisoning, it is grated and
stick to your legs. Variant: chlachu- washed in water and then the water
aska. is drunk. Usage: An alternate name for
achlachuaski n. large area of grass
sp. Kama chlachuaski avaik sa achmabarka n. mushroom sp.; edible;
ngave chia dn da ulul chi. That grows profusely after rain; is brown
particular area of grass is growing on top and white underneath; found
long. Variant: chlachuaski. on softwood trees. Pl: achmabar.
achelak adj. soft. Guiaik ka ts kama achmlm just those particular two
msms ma chlak. My grandfather flat ones.
eats soft food. Morph: a=chelak. Lit: achnanggolka n. tree sp.; grows in
SPEC=soft. Variant: achlach. the mountains; has very dense wood
achlel n. urine. Ka vias mt ka chlel. and is hard to cut; grubs kill the tree;
He stepped in the urine. Morph: a= people like to eat the grubs that live
chlel. Lit: SPEC=urine. Variant: chlel. in this tree. Pl: achnanggol. Variant:
achlel angtha iska n. 1 urinary

achndichn achvam

achndichn quant. many. Arura ath Mndai atha chruacha da sok k

ma chndichn natha da chaista. mbang mamor. The branch of the
Many people are left-handed. Morph: a= Mendai River flows really fast.
chndichn. Lit: SPEC=many. Variant: Pl: achrau. Variant: acheruacha.
chndichn; chdichn. Note: only ch. achruacha n. Milky Way. Pl: achrau.
achnk those particular large ones. Variant: acheruacha.
achnm those particular two large achsasek adj. dry. Pepavs ng ve
ones. mt kama botolka da sok achsasek
achni that particular small one. ngas. There is paper in the bottle and
it is really dry. Ngia tet save ia
achnget those particular ones; that
chsasek pe. You go to where it is dry.
particular one.
Variant: chsasek. Note: only ch.
achngl that particular piece.
achsaskmtki n. bread. Tha naik
achepki n. spear. Ka chut k plmga thmna nchama achsaskmtki.
ncha chepki. He shot the pig with They drank with the bread.
the spear. Morph: a=chepki. Lit: SPEC= Pl: achsaskmt.
spear-F.SG. Pl: achep. Variant: chepki.
achsem those particular two long
achep pt vi-so. be thorny. Ta mat ka ones.
chenget ma achep pt ng mon
achseng those particular long ones.
ptha ngo. The rope that was thorny
stuck into me. Variant: chep pt. achesin adj. 1 rotten; festering. Kama
lalum da cha ts kama guangithong
achrark adj. dry. Ta thn kama baul
ma achesin. The brown and white
diva achrark ngt. They hung out
hawk eats rotten things.
the pieces of material (laplaps) in order
to dry them. 2 stinking. Sus dma Robin aves
da chesin. Robin farted silently and it
achrirka n. stream of falling drops.
Venansius k tor mt kama ch-
rirka. Venansius is washing in the achesinbemga n. tree sp.; tall with
stream of drops. Variant: chrirka. large buttress roots and very hard
wood; bark is used as a purgative for
achernas hot.
treating poisoning, it is grated and
achrnas hot. washed in water and then the water
achrot adj. 1 strong. Kvicha da is drunk. Usage: An alternate name for
chrot ka d cha savuit. That one, he achelungurka.
is strong and he was victorious. Ta lu achthiavs adj. bluish. Ngua naingm
da achrot. They saw that it was saimui da achthiavs. I can see
strong. something bluish in the distance.
2 tough. Achrot kama plmga ava Variant: chthiavs; kthiavs.
churnaing. The meat of the pig was achthom those particular two small
tough. ones.
3 hard; difficult. Variant: chrot.
achthong those particular small ones.
achrotka n. strong person.
achthoska n. coals of a fire. Kama
achrotki n. 1 strength. Kvicha ma mundm angtha chthoska da
Paulus d ava chrotki mamor. He, chok kave cha dang. The coals of the
Paul has great strength. fire are still burning. Pl: achthos.
2 power. Dagu da ava chrotki ma achthoski n. charcoal. Ka chut vt
che tk nchama singal. Dagu chases kama mngga nchama chthotki.
[Lit: works on] the evil spirits with his He wrote on a tree with a (piece of)
magic power. Pl: chrot. charcoal. Pl: achthos.
acheruacha side branch of river. achvaik just that particular one.
acheruacha Milky Way. achvak just that particular one.
achruacha n. side branch of river; achvam those particular two short
dries up during the dry season.

achevap achluing

ones. chikachik kia thk atha viringgi.

achevap those particular short ones. The women dance and each one wears
her apron. Variant: chikachik.
achvcha n. 1 inside corner; e.g. the
inside of an elbow or the corner in a achilaigl n. fish sp.; lives on the reef;
room. Ka mu chama vethepki met whitish with black vertical stripes; is
kama bangga ava achvcha. He put up to 15 cm long; does not have
the axe in the corner of the house. scales. Pl: achila.
Pl: achvk. achilotki n. window. Kule chama
2 name of Mndas mask; concave chilotki d chia nathar diva chama
in shape; similar to an upside-down aisiska cha thon. Leave the window
canoe; has designs painted inside; open for the cold (air) to come in.
supported by a stick. Pl: achilot. See: manaingimgi
achvem those particular two.
achinggoinggi n. butterfly. Kama
achvs that particular flat one.
achinggoinggi chia munggun vt
achvet that particular long one. kama dradrachi. The butterfly sat on
achevoracha betel pepper (daka) the hibiscus flower. Pl: achinggoing.
plant. achinggoingigl n. fish sp.; lives on
achvoracha n. mustard plant. Andrew the reef; multi-coloured butterfly
cha vt kama achvoracha d cha ve fish: white, yellow, black; up to 20 cm
cha dn. Andrew planted the mustard long; similar to angelfish. Pl: aching-
plant and it is growing. Pl: achvor. going.
Variant: achuvoracha. achiragareska n. paddle. Tha thpms
achvor angthoes n. betel pepper vt ka chiragareska vak kinas. They
(daka); betelnut mustard. Arura have just sharpened that paddle.
nath da thi plk chama chvor Pl: achiragares.
angthoes. People from here like betel achirap n. salt. Angabas nanga chirap
pepper (daka). mtka gunan. There is no salt at the
achvorves betel pepper (daka) leaves; store. Variant: chirap.
mustard leaves. achirka n. shellfish sp.; clam shell from
achvulki n. testicle. Vis tchama the sea; is purple and white; up to
vaimga va chvulki. The dogs 8 cm across. Pl: achir.
testicle was swollen. Pl: achvul. achirksengga n. comb. Nmava
Variant: chvulki. achirksengga vak? Whose comb is
achvu mt vi-so. be overcooked; that? Ava achirksengga da airiarka.
especially when referring to greens His comb is green. Pl: achirkseng.
that have gone brown from cooking achivulucha n. grasshopper sp.;
too long. Kama auravu tha ithang grey-brown colour; wings have a
ma tha vs ngt da achvu mt yellow stripe at the tip; bores holes in
ngt. The native spinach (aibika) that soft wood. Pl: achivulu.
they cooked is overdone.
achlacholachi n. grub sp.; edible;
achevungga n. bamboo sp.; grows on white; up to 4 cm long and very fat
high ridges; grows when the (like the top of a persons thumb);
achultngga species is dying off. eats the wood at the top of the
Kama chevungga klan kama aio. coconut palm and areca palm. Pl:
The chevungga is like bamboo. achlachol.
Pl: achevung.
achlelachi n. large intestine. Ta chut
achikachik dem. 1 another. Gram: kama vlmga da v schama chu-
Feminine singular contrastive demonstrative. semgi ama chlelachi. They speared
Cha vlng marupki achikachik. He the pig in its large intestine. Pl: achlel.
killed another cassowary. Variant: chlelachi.
2 each. Gram: Feminine singular contras- achluing adj. black. Rura avath tha
tive demonstrative. Lvopkta tha tain d

achluingbs vt achun'gi

mu baul ma chuluing. Those people chama thlng. She covered her

wore black clothes. Variant: chluing; earth oven (mumu) with leaves. See:
achuluing; achluing. avithm earth oven (mumu).
achluingbs vt vi-so. be blackish. At achulbingga n. tongue. Mamga d
baulgi ma chluingbs vthachi. chuvt ava chulbingga. Dad has a
Her wraparound skirt (laplap) is a short tongue. Pl: achulubaing. Variant:
shade of black. Variant: achluingbs kulbingga; chulibingga.
vt. achulit vi-so. be wet. Tha m va vt d
achmlk those particular flat ones. achulit tha mo nmt k sainggi.
achrathe those particular people. They arrived home and all of them were
wet from the rain.
achrika n. lizard sp.; green back and
brown body; up to 8 cm long. achultngga n. bamboo sp.; grows on
Pl: achirk. high ridges; grows when the ache-
vungga species is dying off. Achul-
achririaski n. poisonous centipede.
tngga d chama changanga avama
Chririaska cha vlng kama vlmga
changgat ma ngthik klan kama
ma morka. The centipede killed the
kaivovo. The achultngga species
big pig. Pl: achririas. Variant: chririas-
grows on high ridges, its stem and
leaves are like the kaivovo species. Pl:
achrnas adj. hot. Kama chunngga cha achultng.
naingm snania ngo da chrnas.
achuluing black.
The sun shone on me and it was hot.
Variant: achernas; achrnas. achumer adj. clean. Achumer nge,
arktm nge ama muthms ptha-
achrnas mt vi-so. 1 be brave.
nge. You are clean, you are holy, you
Chrnas mtnge. You are brave.
are glorious.
2 be hard; be difficult. Chrnas
achumerkumer adj. very clean.
mtngt. They are difficult.
Athama sospen ma chia thor ngt
3 be salty. Chinap avang d achr-
sok achumerkumer ngt. Her sauce-
nas mt ngt. Those ashes are salty.
pans that she washed are very clean.
Variant: chrnas mt.
achums adj. male. Vaim daithang da
achrnasmtka n. brave man. Pl: achr-
achums. Those dogs are male.
achumska n. male. Nanais thoemga
achrnasmtki n. brave woman. Achr-
ma chumska. Nanais's child is a boy.
nasmtki d chia vl chama maru-
Pl: achumsta (human plural). Pl:
pini. The brave woman killed a small
achums (non-human plural). Variant:
umask (Abilta dialect); chumska.
achrnas pt vi-so. try hard. Thoes
achumgi n. cough; cold. Sameng da
achrnas pthatha mt sunaski. The
chumgi mt ka. Sameng has a cough.
children try hard in school.
Pl: chum. Variant: chumgi.
achrnas tm vi-so. be hot. Amsms da
achunm n. packet of rice; especially a
achrnas tmngt. The food is hot.
1 kg bag of rice. In vondm mt aina
Variant: chrnas tm.
chunm. Those two bought a packet of
achuan n. rice. Ma Bruno cha svao rice. See: chuan rice; raism packet
thchama chuan nvt gua lat. of rice.
Bruno stole rice from my garden.
achun'ga n. sand. Nave sng arenggi
Variant: chuan. See: achun'ga sand.
da chun'ga ma mrka. Along the
Note: only ch.
river the sand is nice. Pl: achuan.
achutgielmtmon'ga n. deep sea Variant: chun'ga.
fish sp.; has a long, protruding, sharp
achun'ga voes n. sandflies. Note: no
upper jaw, and a short lower jaw.
Pl: achutgielmtmon.
achun'gi n. large area of sand.
achuithm n. earth oven (mumu). Kia
Pl: achuan.
mu mrang dm atha achuithm n-

achuravesik adedr

achuravesik n. revelation. vtka da thchp nchama achut

achurepki n. dolphin. Churepki chi ngthathengngimlk. His house is
don nanas mt kama garski. The full of chairs. Variant: achut ngtha-
dolphin jumped in the sea. Pl: achurep. thengt (Abilta dialect).
Variant: churepki. achut ngthathengt chair. Usage:
achurnaing n. meat; flesh; especially of Abilta dialect.
pigs, chickens or coconuts. Duraik achuvel n. greens. Usage: Also known as
angtha churnaing da mr mt aupa in Tolai. Ngua ms kama
ngt. Chicken meat tastes good. Note: chuvel da amr mt ngt. I ate the
no endings. soft greens and they tasted nice.
achurningim n. muscle. Ngua met vt achuvelithachn'ga n. reef fish sp.;
ka aiska maululcha da aruan gua red and light brown colour; red inside
churningvap. I went a long way on the its mouth; up to 50 cm long.
road and my muscles hurt. Pl: achur- Pl: achuvelithachn.
ningbap. Pl: achurniang. achuvt adj. short. Lamsavap ta
achururka n. reef fish sp.; pink with ithvap da achuvt ngavap. These
stout body; smaller than the gml- coconuts are short. Giama angthika
cha species; easy to find on the reef achk da achuvtka. One of your
at night. Pl: achurchur. fingers is short. Variant: chuvt.
achurvuchuvacha n. lungs. Tha ts achuvoracha n. betel pepper (daka)
kama vlmga avama churvuchu- plant. Andrew cha vt kama ache-
vacha. They ate the lungs of the pig. voracha d chave cha dn. Andrew
Pl: achurvuchuva. planted the betel pepper (daka) and it
achuskuska n. hissing noise; e.g. the is growing. Pl: achuvor. Variant: achevo-
noise of pressurised air. Pl: achuskus. racha; chevorachi.
achuskuska mt vi-so. make a hissing achuvoracha mustard plant.
sound; e.g. by shushing a child or the achuvorves n. betel pepper (daka)
sound made by a jet plane. Kama leaves; mustard leaves. Kama amues
vlmga ch bang da chuskuska d ng ts kama achuvor. Grass-
mtka. The pig runs and hisses. Purk hoppers eat mustard leaves. Variant:
mni chama karki athama taiachi achvorves. Pl: achuvor. See: ludng-
da kosa achuskuska mtki. The tyre bs betel pepper (daka) leaves;
of the car punctured and a hissing mustard leaves.
noise came out. adamga n. name of Mndas mask; tall
achutathinmga n. seahawk. Chuta- and rounded; carried by the dancer
thinmga ch prap savama thinm- and supported by another man; has a
ga. The seahawk flew with his fish. pointed top with feathers extending
Morph: achutthinmka. Lit: spear-fish- up and a thick strong stem at the
M.SG. Pl: achutathinm. bottom; designs on the front.
achutdrir n. respect. Vea ngiaet da addn adj. 1 odd; strange. Daniel
giama chutdrir da ngi kur angt dava musnng da ddn diva ch
svt atha. When you go, show your tk samuk. Daniel had the strange
respect for others. Note: no endings. idea to say bad words.
achutkut n. writing. Ngu suchup 2 confused; delirious; crazy; insane;
schama chutkut. I erase the writing. altered psychological states in
Variant: chutkut. general. Kama chumska avik sok
achutkutki n. drawing. Kama achut- ka naik da ddn'ga mamr. That
kut avang da ngt naingim mamr. man there was really drunk and really
That drawing looks beautiful. Variant: insane.
chutkutki. See: ailachi picture; adedr adj. tight; e.g. fishing line that
image. has a large fish pulling on it. Adedr
achut ngthathengbt n. chair. Ava kama seska schama baul. The rope
is tight because of the clothes (hanging

adeguank agars

off of it). Variant: dedr. Glenda and her husband were fighting
adeguank num. three large ones. and she hit his elbow with a piece of
Gram: Extended plural. Kama karki chi wood. Pl: adulam. Variant: dulemga.
tal kama mngink ama adeguank. adungdung adj. empty. Sa cha
The truck carried three large logs. thechem nmthava ingipki ava
Variant: andeguank. ven'gi a dungdunggi chlan. He
advaung num. three. Gram: Human plural arose from his death so the grave is
and count neutral. Cha ngip nmt ki empty. Ta thn kama urat ama
china thoes ma dvaung. He died dungdung ve mt chama bangga
and left her with three children. Variant: av chulem. They hung the empty
duvaung; andvaung. baskets in the corners of the house.
Variant: dungdung.
adichi n. taro. Nma cha mn kama
dichi avaik? Who pulled out that taro? aduvanguik num. three. Gram: Feminine
Variant: ndichi. See: anot taro. plural. Lvop ma aduvanguik. Three
adigl n. 1 piece of taro. Ka ms kama
digl ma ngia von ngo. He ate the ae interj. Oh!; expression of shock. Ae!
piece of taro that you gave me. Sa ngua lu nge ma ngia svau
thguama sen'gi. Oh! I saw you, you
2 palm of hand. Pl: adigleng.
were stealing my knife.
adildil adj. dried up. Da sa uthi sp
aenm n. short iron spear for husking
kalan a tlng ama dildil. And we fall
coconuts. Variant: enm. From: English,
like dried leaves. Variant: dildil.
Tok Pisin: iron, ain.
adini n. small taro. Variant: taro. See:
aenilk tree sp. Usage: Abilta dialect.
adichi taro.
aen'ga n. iron spear. Ka chut kama
aduguagleng num. three pieces. Gram:
vlmga nchama en'ga d chama
Excised plural. Ngiat kama duligleng
plmga cha ngip. He speared the pig
ma aduguagleng saglm ngo. You
with the iron spear and the pig died.
get three flat stones for me.
Pl: aen. Variant: en'ga. From: English, Tok
aduguamlk num. three flat ones. Pisin: iron, ain.
Gram: Flat plural. Thlngimlk ma
aer adj. clear; light; especially of the
adugamlk ba ngo. There are three
sky. Sa erki. It is clear.
leaves for me.
aeraer n. dawn. Mrmr duraik ngthi
aduguaseng num. three long ones.
tnok peia aeraer. Roosters always
Gram: Long plural. Angama mngiseng
crow at dawn.
ma aduguaseng ba cha. There are
three poles for him. aerki n. light; brightness. Aer ama
chndichn. Lots of light(s). Sa ngave
aduguathong num. three small ones.
aerki. It is clearing up [Lit: becoming
Gram: Diminutive plural. Duraiki chia
brighter]. Pl: aer.
bkpt da thoes ngmo. Ngmo ng
ngip dak nvt kama aduguathong. againi pro. some small thing. Gram:
The chicken hatched her chicks. They Diminutive singular indefinite pronoun. Ngi
all died except three. bon dchama anggini avni ma
gaini d koi mamr ia ngi ni von
aduguavap num. three short ones.
schama morini? Instead of giving a
Gram: Reduced plural. Kama vlembap
little, why don't you give something
ma aduguavap ng ve mt kama
big? Variant: anggini; gaini.
ichethachi. There are three piglets
inside the fenced area. Ut von cha agapgap adj. light; not heavy. Kama
nchama singapo ma aduguavap. mng da ithang da agapgap. These
We gave him three singapores. Variant: trees are light in weight. Variant:
anduguavap. gapgap.
adulemga n. elbow. Glenda chinatha agares salty.
lugutka ini benmna da chia vai m- agars n. 1 coast. Kule ngaiom p
thaca dulemga nchama amngm. aina mbangm mano va nggars.

agars agiom

The two of them stayed at their village agigleng pro. some pieces. Gram: Excised
down on the coast. plural indefinite pronoun. Variant: anggig-
2 beach. Kule sa in met in dugas leng; gigleng.
vagars. Then the two went and agimlk pro. some flat ones. Gram: Flat
played at the beach. Variant: gars; plural indefinite pronoun. Tha vng bt
nggars. anga anggimlk klan ama pepa.
agars adj. salty. Ngua m nthm They covered (it with) something like
chama msms taithang sok paper. Variant: anggimlk; gimlk.
agars. I tasted this food and it was agimlm pro. some two flat ones.
really salty. Variant: anggars; agares. Gram: Flat dual indefinite pronoun. Ava
agarski n. sea. Urn nmt kama nank kia chuar nacha iva ch thap
garski amr mt ngt. Crayfish schama nmblimlm. Cha met
from the sea taste good. Variant: d cha vat vthanas ia anggimlm
anggarski; garski. ma chat imlm. His mother told him
to cut off two leaves. He went and
agethon adj. yellow. ... da muk mt
forgot which two to cut. Variant:
ngt da agethon. ... and inside them
anggimlm; gimlm.
they were yellow. Ava sravtki ma
gethon nachi. His clothes are yellow. aginait pro. some large one. Gram:
Variant: agthon. Extended singular indefinite pronoun.
Angginait ma vl vt sngait? What
agthon yellow.
long thing was it that broke? Variant:
agethonas vt vi-so. be yellow. At angginait; ginait.
baulgi ma gethonas vthachi dei
agink pro. some large ones. Gram:
ngua von gi. The piece of material
Extended plural indefinite pronoun. Cha vt
(laplap) I gave her is yellow. Variant:
anggink avi vtha va lat? What did
he plant in his garden? Variant:
agia pro. something. Gram: Count neutral anggink; gink.
indefinite pronoun. Kama angia
aginm pro. some two large ones. Gram:
avakpik? What is that? Variant: anggia.
Extended dual indefinite pronoun. Peter
agicha pro. someone; something. Gram: cha thap s angginm nani ava
Masculine singular indefinite pronoun. bangga uvski? Which two trees did
Anggicha cha thap ava lchar? Peter cut for his house? Variant:
Which one cut his leg? Variant: anginm; ginm.
anggicha; gicha.
agini pro. some small thing. Gram:
agichm pro. some short thing. Gram: Diminutive singular indefinite pronoun. Ngi
Reduced singular indefinite pronoun. Ngn bon dchama anggini avni ma
nari agichm muk va ur ma ngam gaini d koi mamr ia ngi ni von
ngthi mbang? Did you hear some schama morini? Instead of giving a
short thing rushing through the little, why dont you give something
bushes? Variant: anggichm; gichm. big? Variant: anggini; gaini.
agichi pro. something; someone. Gram: agingt pro. something. Gram: Count
Feminine singular indefinite pronoun. Cha neutral indefinite pronoun. Klan ia cha tet
lu anggichi ma chia tet mt nk aiska d sdamr anggingt vt
agarski? Which one did he see going aiska v cheng, d ch tu ngt klan.
into the sea? Variant: anggichi; gichi. When he walks past something on the
agigl pro. some piece. Gram: Excised road he happens to shoot at (it). Tha
singular indefinite pronoun. Ngia thu chi met s chanasu d tha var sa
na anggigl d chia ve chi tnok? What gingt? Did they catch something
did you throw at her that is making her when they went fishing? Variant:
cry? Variant: anggigl; gigl. anggingt; gingt; dingt (Abilta
agiglem pro. some two pieces. Gram: dialect).
Excised dual indefinite pronoun. Variant: agiom pro. two of something; two
anggiglem; giglem. unidentified people. Gram: Masculine

agisem aguitagut

dual indefinite pronoun. Ngi kuar nango puppy? Variant: anggivam; givam.
ia nguat anggiom nmt gi uratki? agivap pro. some short things. Gram: Re-
Which two (things) did you tell me to duced plural indefinite pronoun. Klemun-
get from your basket? Variant: anggiom; bap ngn anggivap angt aila ma
giom. ut lu ngt. Pictures of foolish people
agisem pro. some two long ones. Gram: and something else, we saw them. Ngi
Extended dual indefinite pronoun. nangthik t anggivap d giaron
Anggisem ma in mk nank kama klan chama paimithong? What are
botki? What are those two long objects you holding that is like two puppies?
under the boat? Variant: anggisem; Variant: anggivap; givap.
gisem. agivem pro. some two people; some two
agiseng pro. some long ones. Gram: Long things. Gram: Feminine dual indefinite
plural indefinite pronoun. Achuret mt pronoun. Kvingavem da anggivem
kama amundm smni anggiseng nngavem iva koi ina tk mt kama
iva sok achuret klan avik. The flames Mande? What sort of people are those
got into something and it was really two ladies who do not come to
burning. Variant: anggiseng; giseng. Mondays work? Variant: anggivem;
agit pro. what. Gram: Count neutral indefinite givem.
pronoun. Agit ng ve mt gi uratki? agivs pro. some flat thing. Gram: Flat
What is inside your basket? Ngua singular indefinite pronoun. Variant:
thongms mthik ma choi ngua anggivs.
ingim mamr ia nga gicha agivet pro. some long thing. Gram: Long
vachvak. I turned myself around singular indefinite pronoun. Ngiat kama
without properly seeing what it was. anggivet iva thi thik schama ma-
Variant: anggit; git; gicha. miapki? What long stick would you use
agitha pro. some people. Gram: Human to shoot the pawpaw down? Variant:
plural indefinite pronoun. Arutha avath anggivet; givet.
ma tha mn da anggitha natha? agraing adj. 1 overripe; especially of
Which ones are the people who came? tuber crops. Kule chama not maulul
Variant: anggitha; githa. peva lat da sik agraing. If taro stays
agithom pro. some two small ones. in the garden too long it will get
Gram: Diminutive dual indefinite pronoun. overripe.
Kusek kama senithom in ve mt 2 overgrown. Variant: graing.
kama thalka da ngmbs n
aguervaluski n. large wooden bowl.
anggithom muk. Only two knives are
Kama aguervaluski dai ta thp
in the net bag (bilum) and nothing else.
machi nchama mng. The large
Variant: anggithom; githom.
bowl, they made it out of wood.
agithong pro. some small ones. Gram: Pl: aguervalus.
Diminutive plural indefinite pronoun. Chia
aguik pro. something; someone. Gram:
met sva lat d anggithong ma chi
Feminine singular indefinite pronoun. Nguat
tlu ngt kinai chok kia tthangt
angguik kue nvt kama urat
klan. She went to the garden and
taithang? Which one of these baskets
anything that she sees in the garden,
will I take? Variant: angguik.
she just collects it. Variant: anggithong;
githong. aguikaguik dem. 1 another. Gram:
Feminine singular contrastive demonstrative.
agivam pro. some two short ones. Gram:
Cha kuares ia chat avanga lung-
Reduced dual indefinite pronoun. K snan
gutki angguikangguik. He said that
da v nank ia chat anggivam
he would get another wife.
bisketvam ura twistisvam. He asked
his mother whether to get two biscuits 2 each. Gram: Feminine singular contras-
or two (packets of) twisties. Ngi plk tive demonstrative. Variant: angguikang-
anggivam nvt kama plmbm guik; aguitagut (Abilta dialect).
dchama vaimbam? Which of the two aguitagut another; each. Usage: Abilta
do you like best, the piglet or the dialect.

agungagunng ainama

agungagunng more. long mouth and sharp teeth. Pl: aidik.

agungagung dem. more. Gram: Count aiding n. iodine. Mumtathop tha tu
neutral indefinite demonstrative. Ngiat chama aiding mt kama athop. The
agungagung nvt kama lams ma nurses put iodine on the sore. From:
lel. Get some more of those small English, Tok Pisin: iodine, aidin.
coconuts. Variant: agungagunng. aidrengga n. reef fish sp.; red emperor;
agut husband; spouse. Usage: Abilta up to 80 cm long. Pl: aidreng.
dialect. aie interj. Careful! Variant: oo.
ai interj. Oh!; expression of happiness. aigrongini sandfly sp.
Ai avik! Oh, that's good!
aiguam n. ferns. Ngia thet svt kama
aicha n. 1 branch of river; flows year igumacha d ngi thik t guanga
round. Ngua met ngu tor mni ma iguam. You go and pick some ferns.
Mundai atha aicha. I went for a wash Variant: iguam. Note: no endings.
in a branch of the Mundai River.
ailachi n. 1 image; picture; photo;
2 tree sp.; has rough grey bark with especially of a person. Aila cha lu d
vertical serrations and plentiful, amr ngt. The pictures he saw were
small, spade-shaped leaves. Pl: aio. Pl: beautiful.
2 shadow; reflection; especially of a
aichru adj. 1 new. Chia vondm person. Pl: aila. Variant: ilachi; iluchi.
atha sravtki ma aichruchi nmt See: ayauski shadow.
kama gunan'ga. She bought her new
ailaing mt vi-so. be black. Kia ms
shirt at the store. Amr pthatha
kama kalasunggi ama ilaing mt ki.
nvt kama sunaski atha bang ma
She ate the sweet potato (kaukau) with
aichru. They were happy about the
the black bits.
new school buildings.
ailasrka n. freshwater fish sp.; red;
2 uncooked; raw. Kama chuan ma
has a big mouth and sharp teeth.
chia vs ngt da aichru. The rice
Pl: ailasr.
she made is not properly cooked.
ailotka n. hundred. Thoemga ithak da
aichi n. bamboo. Ka mangas kama
ch slamen dm save ia ailotka. That
achia diva cha naik nmtki va lat.
boy can count to one hundred. Pl: ailot.
He fetched a section of bamboo so that
he could drink from it at the garden. ain pro. 1 you two, your. Gram: Second
Pl: aio. Pl: ayo. person dual possessive pronoun. Ain vlam
ma sa amor ngt. You two, your pigs
aichil n. native spinach (aibika). Chi
are big.
thik tchama aichil. She will pick the
native spinach (aibika). See: auravu 2 those two, their. Gram: Third person
native spinach (aibika). dual possessive pronoun. Aviom ini ngiem
nani ainmamk. Those two are look-
aichilka n. native spinach (aibika) top
ing for their father.
that is used for cooking.
aina pro. 1 you two, your. Gram: Second
aichilki n. native spinach (aibika);
person dual possessive pronoun and
refers to the whole plant.
possessive pronoun and specific article. Aina
aichilves n. native spinach (aibika) leaf. lat ma chdichn. You two have many
aichua interj. ok; I see; Oh! Usage: gardens. [Lit: You two, your gardens are
Expresses surprise or understanding. many.]
Aichua, sa ngia mn nave ia Rabaul. 2 those two, their. Gram: Third person
Oh, you have arrived from Rabaul. dual possessive pronoun and possessive
aidthengmga n. reef fish sp.; light pronoun and specific article. Aina ruavek
brown with a black spot on either tha monel v vaim. Those two, their
side of its tail; up to 30 cm long. friends hunted with dogs. Morph: ain=a.
Pl: aidthengm. Lit: 2/3DL.POSS=SPEC.
aidika n. reef fish sp.; silver (small ones ainama pro. 1 you two, your. Gram:
are greenish); very long and thin; Second person dual possessive pronoun and

ainanga airvthaualki

emphatic possessive pronoun. chmgmga. That bottle is empty.

2 those two, their. Gram: Third person Pl: ainiri. Variant: iniricha.
dual possessive pronoun and emphatic aingas adj. flimsy; particularly things
possessive pronoun. Da in vulikdm sa like paper. Aingas kama palangga
ainama asravtvem da in mu nga- ithak. This plank is flimsy.
vem p chama renggi ath cheng... ainggrongini n. sandfly sp.; very tiny;
They took off their clothes and put sits on sores and food. Kama aing-
them at the side of the river... grongini ng mon sk gu sachong.
ainanga pro. 1 you two, some of your. The sandfly entered my eye. Pl: aing-
Gram: Second person dual possessive pronoun grong. Pl: ainggrongithong. Variant:
and non-specific possessive pronoun. aigrongini.
Ainanga thinm ng ve? You two, (is) aingipdchulka fish sp.; harlequin
some of your fish there? fish.
2 those two, some of their. Gram: aingipdulvulka n. fish sp.; harlequin
Third person dual possessive pronoun and fish; lives in fresh or salt water; is
non-specific possessive pronoun. Ainanga- transparent (the bones are visible
ma thangam ma mang ngt? You through the skin); up to 10 cm long.
two, (are) any of your bananas ripe? Pl: aingipduvul. Variant:
Morph: ain=anga. Lit: 2/3DL.POSS= aingipdchulka.
aingipki n. death. Aingipki chia sur
ainangama pro. 1 you two, some of nacha imani vt kurng. Death
your. Gram: Second person dual possessive pushed him over the mountainside.
pronoun and indefinite possessive pronoun. Pl: aingip.
2 those two, some of their. Gram: aingun'ga adj. hot. Tha met thi thor
Third person dual possessive pronoun and mndu ma aingun'ga va vt. They
indefinite possessive pronoun. Morph: ain= went to wash because it was hot at
angama. Lit: 2/3DL.POSS=INDEF. home.
ainangdchathachi n. saltwater eel aingun'ga tm vi-so. be hot. Aingun'ga
sp.; dark brown with a long yellowish tm ngo. I am hot.
fin down the spine. Pl: ainangdcha-
airas n. lie. Kvicha d cha tamn
nchama airas. That one is telling
aindut base of the inside of a container. lies. Note: no endings.
aini n. small bamboo. Pl: aithong. See: airasvnaska n. liar. Kvicha d cha-
aichi bamboo. ma airasvnaska. That one, he is a
ainilka n. tree sp.; yields fibres used to liar. Pl: airasvnasta.
make nets and net bags (bilums); is airasvnaski n. female liar.
tall and narrow. Anilka avama tlng
airiar adj. green. Tlng ma iriar
da mr ngt iva thi kumer kama
taithang. There are green leaves here.
sospen nangt. The leaves of the
Variant: iriar.
ainilka species are good for cleaning
pots. Pl: ainil. Variant: anilk (Abilta airiarvs vt vi-so. be green. Ngmbs
dialect); aenilk (Abilta dialect). ngu baulgi achik ma airiarvs
vthachi. One of my green
ainin vt vi-so. be charred; be burnt.
wraparound skirts (laplaps) is missing.
Kunngga ava chrnaska cha
mikina d ainin vt kama tangam. airirki n. growth. Coluba athoemini
The heat of the sun did something and ngthi thir da amr ngini angt
the bananas burnt. Kunngga cha vs airir. Colubas baby is growing fast
kama tlng da inin ptha ngt. The and her growth is good. Pl: airir.
sun burnt the leaves and they are airvthaualki n. sunshower. Sainggi
charred. chi sp d chunngga cha naingim
ainiricha n. bottle. Mangas kama da ut tes ia airvthaualki. When the
ainiricha diva tchpka. Fetch the rain falls and the sun shines we call
bottle in order to fill it. Iniricha vak da that airvthaualki. Pl: airvthaual.

ais alat

ais n. wet. Kule ngia tet mt kama ais man tied his waist rope so he could put
peia arm nge. Do not go (out) in the on his bark cloth (tapa cloth). Morph:
wet when you are sick. aiski thchng. Lit: rope its-edge. Pl: ais
ais n. 1 track. Kama rutha tha tu angt kng. Variant: aiski.
chama baur smni chama vlam aiski vt vi-so. have a cold. Aiski
angtha ais diva thi plng ngt. vthango. I have a cold.
The people put the traps on the pigs aisoska n. crab yaws. Aisos ng thikina
tracks in order to kill them. nigia lchar da choi ngina met
2 way; route. D smni ais sa mamr. Crab yaws will do something
ngua tu gu snng... And on the way I to your feet and you will not be able to
began to think... walk properly. Pl: aisos. Variant: isoska.
3 transport. Ngu ngim ais nani gu aisvet n. path. Tha met nk aisvet save
muli save ia town. I am looking for sda dam. They went on the path to the
transport to get my oranges to town. mountain. Pl: aisiseng.
Variant: is.
aithir n. new growth; skin or bark that
aisinggi n. 1 spark. Ka vn kama grows in order to heal a cut. Vur
mundm d vr dchama isinggi di aithir mt kama mngga mndu tha
chia vus gu sarumgi. He hit the fire thap mcha. New bark is growing on
and the spark flew up and burnt my the tree that they cut. Ka thap mni
belly. chama viulacha nchama vthpki
2 ember. Pl: aisaing. mundu da sa ithik sa vur aithir. He
aisiska n. cold. Kule chama chilotki d made a cut on a mango tree before,
chia nathar diva chama aisiska cha with an axe, but now the cut is healed
thon. Leave the window open for the again with new bark.
cold (air) to come in. aivaik that particular one.
aiska n. road. Ut met vt aiska save ia aivang that particular one; those
arm angtha banggi. We went on particular ones.
the road to the health centre. Arenggi aivang those particular flat ones.
atha iska. Riverbed. [Lit: River its
aiyaungem tree tips.
aka n. one and only; special one. Guaka
aiski n. large road.
sa ngia ndn. My one and only, you
aiski waist rope used for tucking in have come. Pl: athei.
lade, viringgi, or simalachi.
alam n. cane leaves. Kavudmgichna
aiski n. 1 car. Kama aiski da mavo da athva bang ma chvaik dak
nachi da choiku tha met. The car was Ilichna da athva bang ma alam.
not working so they did not go. The people at Kavudmgi, their houses
2 truck. Aiski chia thal amngink are made of sword grass (kunai) but at
guank nva ur. The truck carried Ili their houses are made of cane
some logs from the bush. Pl: ais. Variant: leaves.
iski. See: araun'ga mtki car. alanaski n. saltwater eel sp.; white with
aiski n. cold. Aiski mt kdeng da arm sharp teeth; up to 1 m in length.
ama anguang. A chill in the body is a Ddr nma John ava chagethacha
bad sickness. Aiski mt kdng. Have d ka ndrm ia thinmga dak kine
a chill. [Lit: Cold in body.] Morph: aiski chama lanaski. Johns string was very
mt kdeng. Lit: cold-F.SG at body. tight and he thought it was a fish but
aiskias vi-so. be cold. Ngua va aiskias instead it was an eel. Pl: alanas.
ngo. I am cold now. Morph: aiskies. alat n. 1 garden(s). Ngua vt kama
Lit: cold-F-eat. chalasung vt kama avram pe vt
aiski thchng n. waist rope used for gua lat. I planted sweet potato
tucking in lade, viringgi, or simalachi. (kaukau) in my plot in my garden.
Chumska ch kthiknas nava iski Ngua mn nva lat da aruan ptha
diva ch thk ava simalachi. The ngo. I came back from the garden

alebrgiangga alik tm

feeling tired. to 5 cm in diameter; grows in the

2 job. Gia, gia lat? Ngo da ground. Usage: An alternate name for
amumtha thopka. What is your job? guringsasotka. Pl: almbrgiang.
I am a nurse. Variant: alebrgiangga.

alebrgiangga mushroom sp. almga n. mushroom; generic term.

Cha mt kama almga ma sgk
alchar interj. Oh dear! Variant: lcha.
diva chas nthm. He got one
alchar n. foot; leg; refers to the entire mushroom in order to taste it. Kia
limb. Ka thp ava lchar nchama vng vt kama alm nchama
sen'gi. He cut his leg with the knife. thangmbes. She wrapped the
Variant: lchar. See: slvini leg; mushrooms in a banana leaf. Pl: alm.
snainggi thigh.
alengeiki n. truth. Gram: No plural form.
alcharacha n. 1 footprint; track. Sok kama lengeiki na ng? Are you
Plam angtha lchar. Pigs tracks. really telling the truth? Ngua tamon
2 footstep. Sai thi puinem athva da lengeiki nango. I tell the truth.
lchracha vpuit. So they return Variant: lengeiki.
their footstep(s) up there. Pl: alchar. alngini n. shoulder. Minia iva ngi thu
alcharachi n. shoe. Ngua vondm gua lngini? Why did you throw (a
mt gualchar nave ia gunan'ga. I stone at) my shoulder? Pl: alngithong.
bought my shoes from the store. See: langga shoulder.
Pl: alchar. alsacha n. grasshopper sp.; brown;
alcharini n. leg; foot; refers to the smaller than the mathongga species;
whole limb; this is a bit more polite does not bore holes. Pl: alsavap.
than just using lchar. Athopki mni altki n. large garden.
gua lcharini. There is a sore on my
althini n. 1 small garden.
leg. Pl: alcharithong.
2 small job.
alcharvet n. long leg.
alevavet num. four. Ta vlng kama
alechi n. hole. Ngi vusding mt kama
vlam ama levavet. They killed four
lechi. You cover the hole. D chama
pigs. Variant: levavet.
arenggi chia mon smt kama lechi
avaik pik. The water went into that alicha n. carrying pole; two people
particular hole. Pl: alek. Variant: lechi; carry the pole together, one on either
alechit (Abilta dialect). end. Thi tal chama licha nchama
urat schama slik. They carried the
alechi pt kulim n. nostril. Genaing
pole with the baskets of meat. Ini tal
mt kama alekvm pt kulim. Mucus
kama vlmga mni chama licha.
is in the nostrils.
The two are carrying the pig on the
alechit hole. Usage: Abilta dialect. carrying pole. Pl: ali. Variant: licha;
alek mt vi-so. 1 be hollow. Mt kama lichat (Abilta dialect).
aio da alek mtngt. Bamboo is alichini n. small younger sibling.
hollow inside. Pl: alikithong.
2 relent; be compassionate. Vandi alik adj. narrow. Ambangga ithak da
ch vlng ava ruacha da sai chok sok alik klan muk pmga. This house
alek mtka. He wanted to kill his is really narrow inside.
friend but then he relented.
alika n. younger brother. Baltasar ava
3 compromise. Auk, kule d tha ve
lika ma Bartholemews. Baltasar's
alek mt ta s cha. Well, then they
younger brother is Bartholemews.
were willing to compromise with him.
Pl: alikpek.
alel adj. small. Ngo, gu duraik da alel
aliki n. younger sister.
ngt. Me, my chickens are small.
Variant: lel. alik mt vi-so. be narrow. Gia mbangga
avamgi da alik mtki. The opening to
almbrgiangga n. mushroom sp.;
your house is narrow.
edible, white, and flat; is very soft; up
alik tm vi-so. be narrow. Alik tmgi. It

alilu ambangga av amgi

is narrow. particular characteristic of their head.

alilu quant. many. Usage: Abilta dialect. Aulan'gi chia vaimanas mni chama
Stonix chia chthp chama urn ma kakaucha ava thiki ama chia namt
alilu. Stonix caught many prawns. machuisr. The snake wound itself
around the branch of a cocoa tree that
alingga n. star. Kama lingga cha
goes out diagonally.
naingim mamor. The star is shining
brightly. Pl: alaing. Variant: lingga. amang adj. 1 ripe; especially refers to
the ripeness of bananas, mangoes,
alingga ava lm n. mushroom sp.;
and pawpaws. Sa amang kama
luminous and shine brightly at night.;
thangam? Are the bananas ripe?
look like fireflies; white and grow on
rotten trees; if two people are 2 cooked. Sa chule chi sa amanggi
walking together at night in the bush, sa chi vraseng nachi. After it is
the one in front can wear one of these cooked she puts it aside. Variant: mang.
mushrooms on the back of their head amangbchng n. plant sp. Kama la-
for the person behind to follow; these gun'ga chvak d thi kuar ia chama
mushrooms are sticky and will stick amangbchng. That particular victo-
to the skin. ry leaf plant, they call it amangb-
aloikngamgi n. jellyfish; generic term. chng.
Pl: aloikngam. amangia n. trepang; sea cucumber.
alolka n. red. Ava baulki ama lolka- Pl: amang. Pl: amanginnk. Variant:
lolka nachi. His wraparound cloth mangia.
(laplap) is really red. amarn problem.
alolves mt vi-so. be reddish. Lolves amasithmgi n. dream. Ngi chuar
mt avamgi nmt kama churem nango nigia masithmgi. Tell me
ma cha sing ngt. His mouth is red about your dream. Pl: amasithm.
from the betelnut he has been chewing. Variant: masithmgi.
Variant: lolves mt. amasvmgi n. dormitory. Variant: ams-
aluat n. bark. A churet mt kama masvmgi.
mngga ava luat. The flame got onto amatnthmbes n. help; assistance.
the bark of the tree. Tha vlk amatnthmbes save ia
aluchi n. penis. Achumska ava luchi aus sik iva thi von danguama dul.
chia ve mugurup ava snaing. A They needed financial help for the
mans penis is in between his thighs. hospital. Variant: matnerembes.
Pl: alu. Variant: luchi. ambangm n. village. Karla ava
alulitka n. poor man. Kama lulitka cha bangm pe ma Karong. Charless
mu chama baulm ama vrk mt village is Karong. Pl: ambangbap.
ngam. The poor man wore a wrap- Variant: bangem; mbangem.
around cloth (laplap) which was torn. ambangga n. house. Ka tas pava
Pl: alulitta. Variant: lulitka. bangga. He sleeps at his house.
alulitki n. poor woman. Bangga avam. House front. Morph: a=
aluski n. 1 turtle shell. Tha chthp bangka. Lit: SPEC=house-M.SG. Pl: am-
kama avungi d tha thap sa tha bang. Variant: bangga; mbangga.
luski nave. They grabbed the turtle ambangga achusemga n. 1 centre
and they cut its shell off. pole of the house. Ngi sangar tcha-
2 wooden bowl. Angthuauchi ma bangga achusemga. You hold on
avaik d chia tu atha msms mt to the centre pole of the house.
kama luski. The grandmother put her 2 leader of the house. Arucha ama
food in the wooden bowl. Pl: alus. mork a vm kama bangga achu-
Variant: luski. semga. The big man is the leader of
ama the. the house. Pl: ambangga chusem.
ama rel. that. Gram: Relator that introduces ambangga av amgi n. house opening;
clauses or NPs that describe or refer to one doorway. Ngia thon avi mt kama

ambangga ma thi ps vmga amrachuvacha

ambangga av amgi. You go in there at island.

the opening to the house. Morph: 2 foreign man; temporary visitor.
ambangga av amki. Lit: house Amlkachna vama ruavek mn iva
3M.SG.POSS mouth-F.SG. tha thugas. The foreigner and his
ambangga ma thi ps vmga n. friends arrived in order to play.
kitchen; cooking hut. Ngi vs puk Pl: amlta. See: naingiska foreigner.
pchama bangga ma thi ps vmga. amlki n. foreign woman.
You cook up at the kitchen. Pl: ambang
amlml adj. wobbly. Lavichi ithaik da
ma thi ps vmngt. Variant: bangga
amlml chi. This bed is wobbly.
ma thi ps vmga. See: avsvsvmki
kitchen. amnia interrog. how much. Amnia
mt kama sravt? How much for the
ambs nothing; not; no.
ambilar adj. old; referring to a person.
amng n. wood. Tha met thi tal chama
Kama rura ma bilar ndai achabap
mng. They went to carry the wood.
athchseng. Old people have white
Variant: nng (Abilta dialect).
hair. Variant: bilar.
amngm n. tree stump. Cha mt ka
ambilki n. abandoned house or village.
mngm bachi. He got the tree stump
Ambilki nama banggi ama mir
for her. Pl: amngbap. Variant: mngm.
arektmgi. The Holy City is
abandoned. Pl: ambil. amngga n. tree. Kaurka cha vai d vel
scha mngga. The wind blew and
amdalpka n. snake sp.; has white,
broke the tree. Pl: amng. Variant: nng
black, and yellow stripes; has a small
(Abilta dialect); mngga.
head; goes underwater to catch eels;
can kill other snakes. Pl: amndalp. amnggaricha n. tree sp.; has soft
wood; makes you itch. Mnggaricha
amchlingga n. 1 lizard sp.; large;
sok ava thik ngdm. The mnggari-
brown with a red neck and long tail;
chas leaves (make you) itchy.
serrated ridge down the back; short
Pl: amnggare. Variant: mnggariacha.
head. Pl: amchlaing.
amnggi n. large tree. Pl: amng.
2 name of Mndas dancer; can
Variant: mnggi; nnggi (Abilta dialect).
carry a guaremgi mask; body deco-
rated to look like a saw-backed lizard; amngia n. large log. Kama amngia
has a long tail; always dances in the sok aulul ngait. The large log is really
evening; dances a humorous dance; long. Pl: amngink. Variant: mngia.
scratches the ground, twisting its amngigl n. board. Choiku ut drm ia
knees; does not use rattles. Pl: am- nma ava mngigl ta ithgl. We
chling. dont know whose board that is.
aml adj. 1 loose. Kama bogiski pr Pl: amngigleng. Variant: mngigl.
mtki schama tinpis da kosa aml amngini n. small tree.
glmna nangt mavangam. The box Pl: amngihtong. Variant: mngini;
broke and the tins of fish were all over nngini (Abilta dialect).
(the floor). Aml klan nangt. They amngvet n. pole. Kama mngvet ta
are loose. ithvet sok aulul ngavet. That pole is
2 foreign. Arutha ama ml ta tha very long. Pl: amngiseng. Variant:
ve tha tas vet ma Basil ava mbang- mngvet.
ga. The foreign people are there, they amr adj. good; pleasant; nice. Nave
are sleeping at Basils house. Variant: sng arenggi da chun'ga ma mrka.
ml. Along the river the sand is nice.
amlm n. small island. Pl: aml. See: Mrmr amr nge nigia ruacha.
amlka large island. Always be good to your friends. Variant:
amlka n. 1 large island. Autha mr.
mlka d tha tes ka ia East New amrachuvacha n. tree sp.; has
Britain. Our island is called East New multi-coloured bark; grows near
Britain. Pl: aml. See: amlm small rivers. Pl: amrachuap. Pl: amrachop.

amr ba amethamnini

amr ba vi-so. be happy. Mr ba rutha anguang ngt nmt kama saeng.

ma tha tet nasot Jesus. Happy are the Their food is bad from the rain.
people who follow Jesus. Variant: mr Pl: amsms. Variant: msms.
ba. amsmski n. feast; party. Amsms
amr glm vi-so. rejoice. Ithik, da ma morki via Krismas. There will be
mr glm ut. Now we rejoice. Variant: a big party at Christmas. Pl: amsms.
mr glm. Variant: msmski.
amrka n. good man. Aut Deo, nge sep amspthithong n. accompaniments;
maut diva sik amrta naut. Our God, food to eat alongside taro etc. Ut
you make us into good people. thonel ivuit va gars nani chama
Pl: amrta. amspthithong. We will hunt along
amrki n. good woman. the beach for food. Mt kama Kris-
mas ka ava monel da sik utht save
amrmr n. right side of something.
ia Mangliming nani authanga ms-
Ngia thair snani ava mrmr. You
pthithong. During the Christmas
stand on his right side. Variant: mrmr.
holidays we went to Mangliming for
amr mt vi-so. taste good; be sweet. our special foods. Morph: amspt
Lvopta tha vus kama msms da ithong. Lit: LNK-eat-LOC-small.PL.
amr mtngt. The women cooked
amstmini side dish.
the food and it tasted good.
amstmna n. side-dish. Tha monel
amrochopink n. tree sp. Amro-
nani anga mstmna. They hunted
chopink pavnk pui d vathm
for some side-dish. Ngia thu ngt
kama renggi da aululink. Those
sthm chama mstmna. You put
particular amrachuavacha species up
them with the side-dishes. Variant:
along the river are very tall. Variant:
amstmini. Pl: amstmnaithong.
ametpathm n. promises. In mu aina
amr pt vi-so. be happy. Amr ptha-
metpathm sa glmna i sik sa
tha nvt kama sunaski atha bang
choiku ina gamar nana. The two
ma aichru. They were happy about
made promises to each other that they
the new school buildings.
would not fight any more. Variant:
ameru adj. old things. Kvicha da av metpathm.
baul ma amuru. That ones clothes
amethamn ama dvthng n. Me-
are old. Kapaiglem avglem da
lanesian Pidgin; Tok Pisin. PNG ch-
ameru ngiglem. Those two sheets of
na d tha tamn nchama metha-
corrugated iron are old. Variant: amuru.
mon ama dvthng. People from
amr vm vi-so. be happy. Da amr PNG speak Tok Pisin. See: ism ang-
vmut. And we are happy. tha methamn Melanesian Pidgin;
amrvs pt vi-so. 1 feel fine. Ngave Tok Pisin.
amrvs pthango. I am feeling fine. amethamnbes n. 1 words. Lukas ka
2 heal; get better; get well. Ngave tamm da chrot ava methamnbes
amrvs vthachi nmt atha rm. ia sok uthi pt kama kakau ama
She is getting better after her illness. chndichn. Luke speaks with strong
3 feel peaceful. words that we should plant many cocoa
amsmasvmgi dormitory. trees.
amsms angtha iska n. digestive 2 message. Ka methamn ma,
system. Ut ts kama msms d ng Gua methamonbes ng ve va sik
tet vathm chama msms angtha ngua thamn svt gua lunggutki.
iska. We eat the food and it goes along He said, My message is there for me
the digestive system. Variant: msms to say to my wife. Variant: ametha-
angtha iska. mn'gi.
amsmsini n. small party. amethamnini n. word. Ngua nari
Pl: amsms. Variant: msmsini. chama methamnini ia sik ngia thet
save ia Rome, ura? I heard a word
amsmska n. food. Athva msms

amethamn'gi amudmbs

which said that you will be going to amilatka n. 1 plate; dish. A msms
Rome, right? Variant: methamnini. See: ng ve vm kama milatka. The food
amethamnbes words. is on the plate.
amethamn'gi n. 1 language. Arura 2 coconut shell. Kama lamsachi
tha mo da athvema methamn'gi. at milatka ka dang mt ka mudm.
Every (group of) people has their own The coconut shell burnt in the fire.
language. Cha suk dm autha Pl: milat. Variant: milatka.
methamn. He forgot our language. amilatki n. large plate; large dish. Sa
Augustine sok kia tamn nchama chiat kama amilatki ama mor ki...
chabapta athva methann mamr. She gets a dish, a big one... Pl: milat.
Augustine really speaks the white Variant: milatki.
peoples language (English) well.
amndrmbemki n. clever woman.
2 speech.
amonelka n. 1 hunter. Johanes d
3 message. Karla cha mn scha-
chama monelka nani chama vlam.
ma methamon'gi ia guavek ta thet ti
Johanes is a hunter for pigs.
vt ma Peterus ma cha ingip peia
Marunga. Charles came with a 2 traveller. Pl: amonelta.
message that some people would go amonelki n. female traveller.
and bury Peterus who died at Marunga. amor adj. big. Ngia oemini sok
4 orders; instructions. Athoembm amorini. Your baby is really big.
da ithchm dai ngam ngthi nari Urn'ga ama morka. A big prawn.
amethamn. This small child follows Variant: mor.
orders. Pl: amethamn. Variant: ame-
amorka n. 1 adult man. As koiku, as
ka thoemga nango. Sa cha mun sa
amethamn'gi words; message. morka nango. Not yet, I was still a
amethamon'gi language; speech; child. He arrived when I was (already)
message; orders; instructions. an adult.
amthanaska n. disrespectful man; 2 leader. Kule ma ngia tu ma
specifically a person who takes things schama morka vak. You must not
without asking. Ma Bill sok kama make jokes about that leader.
mthanaska. Bill is a man who takes 3 ancestor. Autha morta thi kuar
things without asking. Pl: amthanasta. ia chama mundmbs achvs pik
amthanaski n. disrespectful woman; da methanaski chlan n ngas. Our
specifically a person who takes things ancestors say that the huge fire was a
without asking. miraculous event.
4 God. Kusek kama morka ama
amethanaski n. miraculous thing. Da
senggk ma cha mu aguvangithong
cha amethanaski schama mun-
ng mo ith mni ivtki. There is
dmbs avchs pik. And so (it was) a
only one God who put everything here
miraculous thing, that particular huge
on earth. Pl: morvap. Pl: morta.
amorki n. 1 adult woman.
amthcha n. gift of food; something
that has come from someone else. 2 leader.
Ngua ts kama chalasung ama 3 female ancestor.
mthk nanggl ma Tom. I ate the 3 goddess. Lngaem d autha
sweet potato (kaukau) that was a gift morta athvama morki. Lngaem is
from Tom. Pl: mthk. Variant: mth- our ancestors goddess. Pl: morvap. Pl:
cha. morta.
amgi n. mouth. Ava amgi da tchpki amudmbs n. 1 bonfire. Autha lotu
nchama kurem. His mouth is full of chi kuar naut ia chama mundmvs
betelnut. Pl: am. ama mor ngas ma tha tes ngas ia
imperno. Our religion tells us that
amiglem n. pair of lips. Athop mt ava
there is a big fire called hell.
amiglem nasot ava rm. He got sores
on his lips after his illness. Pl: amiglen. 2 wildfire. ... da kosa chama

amudmga amurmes pt

amundmbs avchs pik ngthi amundmga fire.

mbang. ... and that particular huge fire amundmvs bonfire; wildfire.
just ran. Pl: amudm. Variant: amun-
amundika n. year. Atha mundik ma
dmbs; amundmvs. See: amudm-
chdichn. She is old. [Lit: She has
ga fire.
many years.] Pl: amundik. Variant:
amudmga n. fire; refers to a single mundik.
burning stick. Mudmga cha
amundik ava laurka n. northwest
dchm. The fire is still going.
wind; named for the wild cane (pitpit)
Pl: amudm. Variant: amundmga;
season. Amundika ava laurka da cha
mundmga; mudmga. See:
ndn pe vt ma December dma
amudmbs bonfire.
January. The northwest wind comes in
amueska n. grasshopper; generic term. December and January.
Kama amues d ng ts kama
amundika v chunng n. calendar.
achuvor. Grasshoppers eat mustard
Ngi lu chama mundika v chunng.
leaves. Pl: amues.
You look at the calendar. Pl: amundik
amumamrnacha n. spirit level. Kama angt kunng.
mumamrnacha da sik k sp ma
amundiki n. edible stalk of a wild cane
srtik nchama bangga diva sik
sp. (pitpit). Mundiki ithaik ma
asrtika. The spirit level is used to
ululchi. That piece of wild cane (pitpit)
straighten the house. Pl: amumamr-
is long. Pl: mundik. Variant: mendik.
amundrm n. 1 skill. Karla da ava
amumthathopka n. male nurse;
amundrm smt kama mugas ma
orderly; medical assistant. Gia, gia
soka. Charles is good at soccer. [Lit:
lat? Ngo da amumtha thopka. What
Charles, his skill is in the game soccer.]
is your job? I am a nurse.
Pl: amumthathopta. 2 knowledge. Ka d cha ve scha-
ma amundrm. He is there with the
amumthathopki n. nurse; orderly;
medical assistant.
Pl: amumthathopta. amundrmbemka n. clever man.
Kama amundrmbemka cha thk
amunam n. holiday. Ut met save ia
nchama bangga. The clever man
Kokopo mt kama Krismaska ava
built the house. Pl: amundrmbemta.
munam. We went to Kokopo in the
Christmas holidays. Note: no endings. amun'gas n. game. Ta met smt
kama mun'gas. They went to the
amunamga n. 1 non-worker; a person
who always stays home and rests,
they never go out and work. Auk, amunggunbs n. 1 chair. Ka mugun
tave thi don sok amunamithong ma mt kama munggunbs. He sat on
nave nvt ka bangm, ng ngmo the chair. Pl: amunggunimlk.
ng met d ng mun mono, va 2 meeting. Tha ve mt kama
gars. Well, when they arrive, all the munggunbs taithik. They are in the
people who had stayed at home in the meeting now. Ta ms kama duraik
village went and gathered down on the peia mt athva munggunbs. They
beach. ate the chicken when they had their
2 invalid. meeting. Pl: amunggunimlk.
3 lame man. Mnap tchama 3 sitting of parliament.
munamga. The lame man is sleeping. amurms decorations.
Pl: amunamda. Pl: amunamithong. amurmeski n. glory. Ngua lu Jesus
amunamgi n. 1 female non-worker; a ava ven'gi, dava murmeski, dava
woman who always stays home and erki. I saw Jesus grave, and his glory,
rests, she never goes out and works. and his light. Pl: amuremes.
2 female invalid. amurmes pt vi-so. be colourful. ... da
3 lame woman. mrki mamr, ama amurmes
amundmbs bonfire; wildfire. pthachi. ... they were very good,

amureng ansnes vt

colourful all over. eagles wing is big.

amureng adj. heavy. Chi mrng cha- 2 flipper of a turtle. Pl: anamnam.
ma uratki schama msms. The ananachi n. glue. Dingdm chama
basket is heavy with food. Variant: kaumatka mt kama ananachi. The
mrng. rat was stuck on the glue. Pl: anana.
amuru old. andeguank three large ones.
amusnng n. 1 behaviour. Kvicha andvaung three.
d angguang ava musnng. He is
anduguavap three short ones.
rude. [Lit: His behaviour is bad.]
Kvicha da amr ava musnng. He is anekethopki n. eel; generic term; also
well-mannered. [Lit: His behaviour is refers to a species of river eel, which
good.] is grey in colour with a white belly.
Nekethopki chia ve vt k dulgia
2 idea; thought. Amusnng ng
atha rem. The eel is there at the
mun vt guauk klan da ithik ia,
bottom of the stones. Pl: nekthop.
Ngo da vandi ngu vlk ia ngu
vang. An idea came to my anlka n. 1 shellfish sp.; mussel;
grandmother like this, I want to try bivalve from the river that lives in the
and run away. mud at the bottom of the river; dark
3 plan. brown outside and white inside;
4 habit; custom. Ava musnng ma people refine (mumu) these shells, by
chama morus da askoi ia ng sot fire, to get lime powder. Ka su cha
nvthacha. His habit of laziness ms nthm chama nlka. He tried
about gardening is still not finished. to eat [Lit: eat from] a mussel.
Ma Nangathemes de sok 2 money; coin; kina. Amnia nal
lengenacha sa utha morta athva mt kama thinmmt? How many
musnng nva mbang. Nangathemes kina for a tin of fish? Pl: anal.
is the leader of the tribal customs. annbs n. prayers.
Morph: a=musnng. Lit: SPEC=
annini n. prayer.
put.PAST-heart. Variant: amusnngini.
ann'gi n. prayer. Sei ngi nari autha
amusnngini behaviour; idea; thought;
nn'gi dei ngi thu ut sanggl Jesus
plan; habit; custom.
Lengenachi Maria. Again you hear
amuthms n. decorations. Kama lotu our prayer and you present us to Jesus,
vmgi atha murms ama mr. The Mother Mary. Mubang, mathchasep
church has beautiful decorations. sa uthp ma cha nn mamor. The
Variant: amurms. next day, in the morning, we had a big
amuvtka n. 1 answer. Kama prayer meeting. Pl: ann.
muvtka nagl nma? The answer is ann'gi n. nausea. K nari nn'gi vt
from whom? pchn. He felt nausea in his throat.
2 punishment. Pl: amuvt. Variant: Pl: annn.
muvtka. anengachi n. emery wheel. Cha mn
-an arrive; come; reach; return. vt kama nengachi avaik. He found
ana interj. Ill take it! that emery wheel. Pl: aneng.
anabuvm n. snake sp.; poisonous; aneska n. crab sp.; land crab with black
brown; up to 60 cm long; strikes fast shell and red claws; has a flat
but runs away when it smells people; elongated body; lives in holes or
sleeps under rubbish, leaves, or dead under fallen wood. Pl: anes.
wood; related to the amdalpka ansnes n. spikes. Note: no endings.
species. Pl: anabuvap. ansnes vt vi-so. be spiky. Kama
anamnamgi n. 1 wing. Ka thu chama changgat ama nsnes vt ng mon
abrasaucha v namnamgi. He shot vt ngua thik. The spiky vines pierced
the eagle in the wing. Kama brasocha my hands. Nanaski ithaik d nesnes
ava namnamgi ama morki. The vthachi. This pineapple is spiky.

anvmnacha angmngga

Variant: nesnes pt. anganama pro. some of your. Gram:

anvmnacha n. underground person. Second person plural possessive pronoun and
Anvmnacha chna, mali sa thik non-specific possessive pronoun. Angana-
ngaip sa thik sa ngave chunenggu- ma plet ngve mni arenggi. Your
neng dmda. The underground plates are at the river. Morph: angan=
people, first they were hidden but now ma. Lit: 2PL.POSS= EMPH.
they are becoming real (i.e. apparent to ang its; their.
everyone). Pl: nvmnachachna. angebes nothing; not; no.
ani interj. Take this! angel adj. clever. Cha tugas sok
anilk tree sp. Usage: Abilta dialect. angelka. He played really cleverly.
aninicha n. earthworm; brown; up to angelenggi n. stone; small rounded
30 cm long. Pl: anini. stone for using in a sling. Setavo cha
aningilka n. liver. Pl: aninggl. Variant: thu ma Ambros uvski nchama
nigl. Junior cha von ngo nachama ngelenggi. Setavo hit Ambross head
vlmga ava ningilka. Junior gave me with the stone (thrown from a sling).
the pigs liver. Pl: angeleng.

anongacha n. possum; cuscus. Chia angelka vm vi-so. 1 be clever.

chthp chama nongacha. She Kvicha sok angelka vm ga. That
grabbed the possum. Pl: anuang. man is really clever.
anot n. taro. Julien chia met sva lat 2 be talented. Ngi tk mamor iva
nani chama not. Julien went to the sik thoemga ma angelka vmga
garden for taro. See: adichi taro. nange. You work hard so that you will
be a talented student.
anun n. semen. Koi ut drm ia agia va
nun. We dont know whose semen. angelki n. knowledge. Andrew da ava
ngelki ama morki. Andrew has great
anun'ga n. 1 pus. Anun'ga nvt
knowledge. Pl: angel.
kama thopki. Pus from the sore.
angmbs neg. 1 nothing. Angmbs
2 white sap from a breadfruit or fig
nanga aguang taith. There is
tree. Kama variachi da atha nun'ga
nothing here.
ama chambapka. The breadfruit tree
has got white sap. 2 not. Ngmbs tha met sva lat
mndu ma saing d ichum. They did
anga np art. 1 some. Gram: Non-specific
not go to the garden because of the
indefinite NP article. Von ngo nanga
rain and floods.
muli. Give me some oranges.
3 no. Tangamtta tha ndn, das
2 any. Gram: Non-specific indefinite NP koi angama Aulingalta, ura angitha,
article. Anga muli bango? Any angmbs. Tolais came, but still no
orange(s) for me? Sulkas or anyone, no. Variant: angabas;
angabas nothing; not; no. angabs; angebes; ambs; mbs;
angabs nothing; not; no. ngmbs.
angama np art. 1 some. Gram: angmng n. 1 wood. Tha met thi tal
Non-specific NP article. Vadi chiat chama mng. They went to carry the
angama chleve. She wants to get wood.
some beans. 2 trees. Sa ngmng ngave ng
2 any. Gram: Non-specific indefinite NP dn. Then trees, they grew. Morph:
article. Angama achuan anggung ang=mng. Lit: 3.CN.POSS=wood.
bango? Is there any rice for me? Variant: mng; nng (Abilta dialect).

angan pro. your. Gram: Second person plural angmngga n. 1 tree. Kama athing
possessive pronoun. avang piavik d chama angmngga
anengacha avak piavik. That particu-
angana pro. your. Gram: Second person
lar fibre from a tree, a particular one.
plural possessive pronoun and possessive
pronoun and specific article. Morph: angan= 2 stick; piece of wood. Kia ver ka
a. Lit: 2PL.POSS=SPEC. ngmngga nvt atha vuthchi di

angmnggi angthanga

chiave chi panist ngam mo. She mo mar sngt dak nvt kama
took the stick from her bundle of sgk. All his teeth fell out but one.
firewood and she started to beat him. Pl: angtkeng.
Morph: ang=mngka. Lit: 3.CN.POSS= angtps n. 1 top. Pl vt kama
wood-M.SG. Pl: angmng. amng angtps. The top of the tree
angmnggi n. 1 large tree. Di chia broke. Kama pletka cha ve vt kama
mas mkama ngmnggi at lalt. sospen'gi thvus. The plate is there
And she slept at the base of a big tree. on top of the saucepan.
2 log. Kama angarski chia thon 2 roof. Bangga uvs. The roof of the
kama ngmnggi save sva chuan. house. Morph: angt=ps. Lit: 3N.POSS=
The sea threw the log onto the sand. head. Variant: angtpus; vs.
Morph: ang=mngki. Lit: 3.CN.POSS= angtpus top; roof.
wood-F.SG. Pl: angmng. Pl: mng.
angtha pro. its; their. Gram: Third person
Variant: nngaik (Abilta dialect).
neuter possessive pronoun and possessive
angnanga pro. some of your. Gram: pronoun and specific article. Dak ka lu
Second person plural possessive pronoun and chama vlam angtha is. But he did
non-specific possessive pronoun. Ngni see some pigs tracks. Morph: angt=a.
thal angnanga mamiap. You all Lit: 3N.POSS=SPEC. Variant: ngtha.
carry some of your pawpaws. Morph:
angthaik ama valpal n. fingers. Vis
angn=anga. Lit: 2PL.POSS=NSPEC.
dava angthaik ama valpal. His
angenangama pro. any of your. Gram: fingers are swollen. Morph: angthaik
Second person singular possessive pronoun angtha valpal. Lit: arms 3PL.POSS twigs.
and indefinite possessive pronoun. Morph:
angthaik angtha chutkut n. script;
angen=angama. Lit: 2PL.POSS=INDEF.
handwriting. Ka chut svtha ngo
angt pro. its; their. Gram: Third person nchama angthaik angtha chut-
neuter possessive pronoun. Koi ia chlan ia kut. He wrote to me in handwriting.
kusek kama ngemeng ma vono va Morph: angthaik angtha chutkut. Lit:
angt sachong glan ngt ng arms/hands 3PL.POSS writing.
ndang. The trees burnt not only like
angtham n. 1 shore; beach;
that, they burnt from their crowns on
riverbank. Dul sna vt kama reng
top. Thi tor svt ka reng angps.
angtham. There are many stones
They are swimming at the head of the
altogether at the riverbank.
river [Lit: the river its head]. Variant:
ang. 2 front. Ma Joseph kat mair dava
mbangga avam. Joseph stood in front
angtkn n. melody. Kama ngtken'gi
of his house. Morph: angtam. Lit:
da chi mthik. The melody is
3N.POSS-mouth. Variant: avam; vam.
different. Note: no plural.
angthama pro. some of its. Gram: Third
angtkn'gi n. 1 neck.
person neuter possessive pronoun and
2 throat. Athop mt guachn'gi. emphatic possessive pronoun. Dak ka lu
My throat is sore. chama vlam angtha is. But he did
3 voice. Ava angtkn'gi da snani see some pigs tracks. Morph: angt=
ava mamk. His voice is like his ma. Lit: 3N.POSS=EMPH.
fathers. Morph: at=kn. Lit: 3F.SG.POSS
angthamatki n. cockatoo. Kama ng-
=throat. Pl: angtkn. Variant: tchn;
thamatki chia ts kama lams. The
cockatoo ate the coconuts. Pl: ang-
angtkeng n. 1 edge. thamat.
2 bank; especially of a body of angthanga pro. some of their. Gram:
water such as a river or pool. Tchp Third person neuter possessive pronoun and
nchama dul vt arenggi thcheng. non-specific possessive pronoun. Kama
The riverbank is full of stones. Morph: vaim ng ms anthanga slik. The
angtkeng. Lit: 3N.POSS-teeth. Variant: dogs ate some of their meat. Morph:
cheng; keng; geng. angt=anga. Lit: 3N.POSS=NSPEC.
angtkenggi n. tooth. Ava angtkeng

angthangama anggarski atham

angthangama pro. any of their. Gram: angthiki. A tree fell and (part of it)
Third person neuter possessive pronoun and landed heavily on his arm.
indefinite possessive pronoun. Morph: angt 2 branch. Laur ng vai d vl
=angama. Lit: 3N.POSS=INDEF. schama viulacha ava angthiki.
angtharembem n. cause. Kama am- The wind blew and broke the branch of
bang ng mang dai angtharembem the mango tree. Morph: ang=tikki. Lit:
nanggel ma nma? Who was the 3CN.POSS=hand-F.SG. Pl: angthaik.
cause of the burnt houses? Pl: angthiki ama lvopki n. thumb. Ava
angtharembap. angthiki ama lvopki da chuvtki.
angthn'ga n. odour; smell. Ang- His thumb is short.
thn'ga nmt kama sipki da angu- angthikinggl n. palm of hand.
angga. The smell from the ship was
angthikism n. ten. Ka var schama
bad. Pl: angthn.
thinm ma angthikism. He caught
angthepki n. name. Tha tes atha ten fish. Variant: ngithikisem.
angthepki ia Namunas. They named
angthikpet num. five. Chia von ngo
her [Lit: called her name] Namunas. Gia
nchama thinm ma ngthikpet.
angthepki mnia? What is your
She gave me five fish. Variant:
name? Pl: ngthep. Variant: ngthepki.
angthiaik n. grandfather; grandfa-
angthuauk n. grandmother; grand-
ther-in-law. Gu iaik da mrmr asu-
mother-in-law. Ngu plk ma guauk
rngga vt kama bangang. My
mndu ma chi choki chi plk ngo.
grandfather always snores at night.
I love my grandmother because she
Morph: angt=iaikkna. Lit: 3CN.POSS=
loves me. Morph: angt=uauk. Lit: 3.PL.
grandfather-H.PL. Pl: angthiaikna.
POSS=grandmother. Pl: angthuaukna.
angthichm n. end of branch; specifi- Variant: angthuouk.
cally the part where the leaves are.
angthuouk grandmother;
Ngmngga vak d vthichm ma
mor ngam. That tree, the ends of its
branches are very leafy. Pl: angthik- angthut n. base or bottom of the in-
vap. Variant: vthichm. side of a container. Dung seng cha-
ma sospen'gi thut. The base of the
angthichini n. 1 hand; arm; refers
saucepan is burnt. D chule chama
to the entire limb; more polite word
renggi mk sng chama lechi thut.
than angthiki. Atha angthichini
And then the water stayed down in the
aruan ini. Her arm is hurting.
bottom of the hole. Morph: ang=thut.
2 twig. Lit: 3CN.POSS=underneath. Variant: thut;
angthieik n. master. Paim angthie- vut; aindut.
ik. A dogs master. Pl: angthieikna. angthutki n. sheltered place; specifi-
angthik n. side. Ka munggun seng cally an area in a valley below an
gama thoes angthik dak ti tk. He overhanging cliff. Kama vaim ng
sat beside his children and they vlng skama angthutki vt kama
worked. [Lit: He sat close to her children renggi thcheng. The dogs killed a
their sides but they work.] pig down in a sheltered part of the
angthika n. finger. Giama angthika valley near the river. Pl: angthut.
achk da achuvtka. Your particular anggars salty.
finger is short. Pl: angthaik. anggarski sea.
angthika ama secha n. little finger. anggarski atham n. beach. Ngua tet
Chia thap sa atha angthika ama vt ka garski atham d ngua lu
secha ava ravski. She cut off the nail kama vun'gi ma chia vat. I walked
of her little finger. along the beach and saw where the
angthiki n. 1 hand; arm; refers to turtle laid (its eggs). Morph: a=garski
the entire limb. Kama angmnggi at=am. Lit: SPEC=saltwater-F.SG 3F.POSS
chia sp d chia vai mni ava =mouth.

anggethangacha arekrechi

anggethangacha n. white ant. Kama me? Koiku na anggung mundu masa

gethang ng slavo nchama tlng- chia vlng ngt. There wasn't any-
bap. White ants wrecked books. thing because it really killed them.
Pl: angethang. angguvang adj. 1 spoilt. Tangam
anggia np art. some. Gram: Specific indefi- avang ma amang nagl malachu-
nite NP article. Kia sek kama anggia vsnia sa nga ve angguvang. Those
rucha... She marries some man... bananas that were ripe last time (I
anggia something. checked) are spoilt.
anggicha someone; something. 2 bad. Kvicha d angguang ava
musnng. He is rude. [Lit: That one, his
anggichm some short thing.
behaviour is bad.] Variant: angguang;
anggichi something; someone. guvang.
anggigl some piece. anginm some two large ones.
anggiglem some two pieces. angitha pro. 1 anyone. Gram: Human
anggigleng some pieces. plural indefinite pronoun. Tangamtta
anggimlk some flat ones. tha ndn, das koi angama Aulingal-
ta, ura angitha, angmbs. Tolais
anggimlm some two flat ones.
came, but still no Sulkas or anyone, no.
angginait some large one.
2 someone. Gram: Human plural
anggink some large ones. indefinite pronoun.
anggini some small thing. angon flying fox.
anggini some small thing. arachtki n. spirit from a spirit mask;
anggingt something. these spirits can go into someone
anggiom something; someone. (especially a woman) and make her
act crazy, e.g. shouting out and
anggisem some two long ones.
taking her clothes off; someone who
anggiseng some long ones. knows an appropriate charm must
anggit what. speak it into lime powder and then
anggitha some people. spread the lime powder on the
womans face, ears, and body.
anggithom some two small ones.
arareski n. blessing. Da amorka ava
anggithong some small ones.
rareski bange. And God bless you.
anggivam some two short ones. [Lit: And God his blessing on you.]
anggivap some short things. araun'ga mtki n. car; motorcycle.
anggivem some two people; some two Kama araun'ga mtki chia thal ut
things. save ia Kokopo. The car carried us to
anggivs some flat thing. Kokopo. Morph: araunka mt=ki. Lit:
sound-M.SG in=3F.SG. See: aiski car;
anggivet some long thing.
raun'ga sound.
angguang spoilt; bad.
Arausmt n. the accent of the
angguik something; someone. Mranachi and Dadul people (who
angguikangguik another; each. speak Mali). Kama rutha ma
anggulinggi n. crowd. Ngua lu chama Rausmt ta d ta nave ia Dadul d
anggulinggi nchama rutha vt ve ia Mranachi. The people who speak
kama amunggas angt luchupki. I with the Arausmt accent are from
saw a crowd of people on the play- Dadul and Mranachi.
ground. aravr wide.
anggung dem. 1 some. Gram: Count aravr mt be wide.
neutral indefinite demonstrative. arekrechi n. sign on path to prohibit
2 any; anything. Gram: Count neutral people from going along it, and by
indefinite demonstrative. Angama achuan extension, a no entry sign or gate.
anggung bango? Is there any rice for Ausupki atha rekrechi chia vusding

arktm aririp

sthmka Jesus. Heavens gate was Variant: rem. See: arembm buttock;
closed to Jesus. Pl: arekrek. remini base; source; cause.
arktm adj. holy. Thchnmucha armgi n. female patient.
chusek ka arktm cha. Only God the armgi ama ingun'ga n. fever. Kama
everlasting is holy. athoemini ng mt kama armgi
arektmka n. holy man. Pl: arektmda. ama ingun'ga d ng mas vt arm
arektmki n. holy woman. angtha banggi. The child got a fever
and was admitted to the hospital.
arm adj. sick. Vadi kusek ngua
thamon sthm nge ngi mamk ia, areng ama chrot n. alcohol. Areng
cha ve armga mamor. I just want to ama chrot da mamr ia ngthi
tell you about your father, he is terribly vlng aung. Alcohol can really kill
sick. somebody.
armali adj. clever. Ma Gulailang da arengga n. sweat. Ngave achrnsatm
armalika smt kama monel vaur. ngo da rengga vtha ngo. I felt hot
Gulailang is clever at hunting in the and there was sweat on me. Note: no
bush. plural.
armalika n. clever person. Kvicha da arenggi n. 1 water. D chule chama
armalika daer ma ngo. He is a more renggi mk sng chama lechi thut.
clever person than me. And then the water stayed down in the
bottom of the hole.
arm angtha banggi n. hospital;
health centre. Arm ngo mamor d 2 river. Nguaet smni arenggi. I
ngua mas vt arm angtha banggi. am going to the river. Pl: areng.
I was really sick and I slept at the arengia n. creek. Ka met smni cha-
hospital. Morph: arm angt=a bangki. ma arengia diva ch vk kama
Lit: sick 3N.POSS=SPEC house-F.SG. renggi. He went to the creek to fetch
Pl: arm angtha bang. some water. Pl: areng.
arembm n. 1 buttock. Kama neski arerika n. saw. Pl: arerik. See: socha
chia chut gua rembm. The nurse saw.
injected my buttock. areveikpmka n. saviour; redeemer.
2 n. source; cause; reason. Nmga Jesus aura reveikpmka. Jesus our
angtha rembm? Who was the saviour. Aura reveikpmka d cha
cause? See: aremgi buttock; source; mn nvtha usupki. Our redeemer
cause; reason. came from heaven.
armga n. patient. Kama armga ka arviachi n. monitor; similar to a lizard
vuk pa bang. The patient is in the with a black body and dull whitish
house. Pl: armda. spots; up to 80 cm long; edible flesh;
armgi n. illness; disease; sickness. skin is used for hand drums (kundus);
Ngim nani arm. Diagnose. [Lit: Look lives in the forest and climbs trees.
for illness.] Pl: arm. Pl: arvai.

aremgi n. 1 buttock. Brem ng mn aribumetka n. wild mountain pig.

mthava remgi. Boils came up on his Kama vlam naivono da dam d tha
buttock. Arenggi atha remgi. The tes ngt ia chama aribumet. The
mouth of the river. [Lit: The arse of the mountain pigs are called aribumet.
river.] Pl: aribumet.

2 base. Nekethopki chia ve vt k arik adj. straight. Ais save ia Kokopo

dulgia atha rem. The eel is there at sok arik klan. The road to Kokopo is
the base of the stones. ... d samk, straight.
chuk ngua ve ngu mbang mt ma aringga n. freshwater prawn sp.; grey
Uvlia angtha remgi. ... and (I went) with thin small hands; up to 5 cm
down, I kept on running in the bed of long. Pl: araing.
Uvlia Creek. ariprip swollen.
3 source; cause; reason. Pl: arem.
aririp adj. swollen; e.g. when a limb is

arnacha asecha

full of blood. Ngave aririp gi blinggi. amstmna ma tha tes ngt ia

Your face is getting swollen. Variant: auravu. First, the woman will go to the
ariprip. garden for side-dishes that they call
arnacha n. middle finger. Guathika ma auravu.
arnacha. My middle finger. aruchusicha n. 1 tree sp.
aron adj. 1 satisfied. D cha ve ch 2 type of fruit.
tnaik da ron'ga. And he started to arumsngga n. lichen. Pl: arumsng.
drink and was satisfied. Aron kama
arumtka n. moss; generic term. Dulki
vlmga nmt ka renggi. The pig
ma chi pali chlan da choiku nanga
was satisfied by the water.
rumtka vtha chi. A rolling stone
2 proud; self-satisfied. Da ma will not gather any moss. Pl: rumt.
mbensenasta da tha ron d cha Variant: rumtka.
matmet ta. And those who were
arura nmni ivtki athva sek n.
proud, he scattered them. Variant: ron.
history. K kuar naut nchama rura
arten'gi n. jaw; refers to the lower jaw nmni ivtki athva sek svt
bone. Ut tlu chama arucha ava autha morta. He told us about our
arten'gi p vaur. We saw a man's jaw ancestors history.
bone in the bush. Pl: arten.
arus adj. unwilling. Arus ngo ia nma
aruacha n. friend; often used to refer to cha thet. I am unwilling to be the one
spouses. Gua ruacha nange. You are who goes. Thoes arus ta ia thi thk
my friend. Pl: aruavek. Variant: ruacha. mt k chunngga. The children were
See: lugutka husband. unwilling to work in the sun.
aruachi n. female friend; wife. Gua aruthk n. shellfish sp.; found at the
ruachi, mamr ia unmo uni vang mouth of rivers. Usage: Abilta dialect.
nmt kama kumngas? My friend, See: kaliburburm shellfish sp. Note:
would it be possible for us to run away no endings.
from the prison?
aruves n. crowd.
aruachingacha n. grasshopper sp. Pl:
-as eat.
as disc. 1 still. Ngni kuares ia sa cha
aruan mt vi-so. have pain. Gu
ingip d as ka dchm. You all say
brethem da aruan mtngam. My
that he died but he is still alive.
chest has a pain in it.
2 yet. Tha mt da as koiku tha
aruan pt vi-so. be tired. Ngua mn
mn nva lat. They went to the garden
nva lat da aruan pthango. I came
and they have not come back yet.
back from the garden feeling tired.
3 just. As ngi nari. You just feel this.
aruan'ga n. pain. Aruan'ga cha choe?
asalang n. greens; leaves are small and
Where is the pain? Pl: aruan.
heart shaped with yellow flowers;
arucha n. man. Arutha athva mtmet grows in gardens after they have
d chok nani chama alat, kakau been burnt off. Ngi vus kama
dchama monel vaur. The people's salang. You cook the greens.
ways are just for the garden, cocoa,
asdemga n. ear. Athop mthava
and hunting in the bush. John, ngi
sndemga. (He has got) a sore on his
snan vt ma Guido ia arucha nacha
ear. Rip muk pa sndem da ruan.
ura thomga nacha. John, you ask
Otitis. Raun asndem. Ear-ache. Pl: as-
Guido whether he is a ghost or a man.
dem. Variant: asdemgi; asndem; as-
Pl: arutha. Pl: rura. Variant: rucha.
aruchm n. short person. Usage: Has a
asdemgi ear.
depreciative sense. Sa chia mun bt
kama aruchm... She found a short asecha n. story. Ngia thesavt dcha-
person... Pl: aruvap. Variant: ruchm. ma secha. You tell a story. Asecha
svt kama chaelka chnchama
aruchi n. woman. Naruer da sik kama
vaimga. The story of the wallaby and
aruchi chia thet sva lat nani chama
the dog. Pl: asek. Variant: secha.

asecha svt kama ivtki asevaik pt

asecha svt kama ivtki n. geogr- asen'gi n. knife. Ka vondm mt gua

aphy. Tlngm taithchm da cha- sen'gi. He bought my knife. Pl: asen.
ma secha svt kama ivtki Variant: sen'gi.
tlngm. These books are geography asnggeik one (feminine singular).
asnggik num. one. Gram: Feminine
asechaski n. yawn. Asechaski chi sek singular. Netty d chusek kama
guam. I yawned. [Lit: The yawn opened lvopki ma asnggik dak thamo da
my mouth.] Pl: asechas. chumsta. Netty was the only one who
asechupka n. eraser. Ka rondem ava was a woman and all the rest were
suchupka nmt ka gunan. He men. Variant: asnggeik.
bought his eraser at the store. asnggit num. one large one. Gram:
Pl: asechup. Variant: suchupka. Extended singular. Kama mngga ava
asdem ear. ngthichi ama snggchit. The tree
asgchm num. one short one. Gram: has one long branch. Variant: sngg-
Reduced singular. Kusek kama chit.
vaimbm ma sgchm ng ve. asrtik adj. straight. Kama suchut
There is only one dog left. taithang sok asrtik. These lines are
asggl num. one piece. Gram: Excised very straight.
singular. Ngiat kama mngigl ma asst adj. smooth; slippery. Saeng
asgl. Get one plank. dchama churem d asst ngt. It
asgk num. one. Gram: Masculine singular rained and the betel palms are
and count neutral. Kusek Deo asgk slippery.
klan. There is only one God. Variant: aseska n. rope; line. Sa chule sa ch
snggk; sgk. rut nchama ases muk pm diva sa
asgm num. one short one. Gram: ngt ngthi sp samk. Afterwards
Reduced singular. Chia mt kama he will push the ropes from inside to let
mngm ma asgm diva chi thigil them fall down. Ngia thu at baulki
tm ngam. She got the wood in order mni chama seska. You put her
to chop it up. Variant: sgm. wraparound skirt (laplap) on the line.
Pl: ases.
asgnacha n. net bag (bilum). Chia
ns kama anot mt at sgnacha. asski n. childless woman. Naruer d
She put the taro in her net bag (bilum). ma guauk ma Veronika Tchrnam
Pl: asgn. Variant: sgnacha. da asski. At that time my grandmoth-
er Veronica Tchrnam was childless.
asgnachi n. large net bag (bilum). Ut
Pl: ssta.
met nani giaik ava sgnachi. We
went for our grandfathers large net assurka n. blind man. Pl: assurta.
bag (bilum). Pl: asgn. assurki n. blind woman. Da ma
asgni num. one small one. Gram: ssurki aruski. But the blind woman
Diminutive singular. Vaimgi chia thal refused. Rose da manaingimgi dak
thoemini ma asgini. The dog carried Grace da assurki. Rose can see but
one puppy. Variant: sgni; asgini. Grace is blind.
asgvs num. one flat one. Gram: Flat ast adj. smooth. Amngga ma stka.
singular. Kama pepavs ma asgvs The tree is smooth. Variant: st.
ng ve. There is one piece of paper asevaik n. joy. Asvaik angt kunng-
there. Variant: snggvs. ga tiathik i autha reveikvmka sa
asgvt num. one long one. Gram: Long cha mn. This is a day of joy because
singular. Thangmbt ma asgvt. our redeemer has arrived.
One long banana. asevaik pt vi-so. 1 rejoice; be happy;
asen'ga n. thin knife; made of split be joyful. Koi ngia dn diva svaik
bamboo; used to cut pork etc. Asen'- pthange. You do not come to rejoice.
ga vak da ch tnes. That knife is Choiku ia asvaik pthatha mundu
sharp. Pl: asen. ma ath mamk koi cha mn sanga

asik asok mt

thinm. They were not happy because asivlelki n. caterpillar sp.; has black
their father did not come back with any and yellow spots; is a bit hairy; eats
fish. the leaves of the achluang plant.
2 feel proud. Asvaik pthachi Pl: asivlel.
mamr nvt athoemga ma Hugh. askok disc. 1 still. Gram: Atelic realis.
She is really proud of her son Hugh. Askok aunes, das uthi lotu np
3 be a nuisance. Asvaik pthacha bangang... (While it was) still dark, we
ma sak. He was really being a prayed at night...
nuisance. Variant: sevaik pt. 2 yet. Gram: Atelic realis. D cha met
asik disc. future; when. Gram: Irrealis na ngt ng mo d cha met d
marker. Asik peia mathchasep da savuit askok. So he passed them all
chaet save ia Tol. When it is morning and he went higher yet.
he will go to Tol. Chia mn diva sik 3 just. Gram: Atelic realis. Askok nge.
chi su chama thoes. She came in You just keep going. Morph: as=kok. Lit:
order to teach the children. Variant: sik. still=just.
asika subord. if. Gram: Irrealis marker used aslamrki n. hospital; clinic; health
to introduce conditional clauses. Asika centre. Armga da cha met smt
ngiaet d ngiaet pathm chama iska kama slamrki. He was sick so he
ma arika. If you go you must follow the went to the clinic. Arm ngo da ngua
right track. Sika chan d ngia met smt kama slamrki. I was sick
thamn sthm ngo. If he comes, you and I went to the clinic. Pl: aslamr.
tell me. Variant: sika. Variant: slamrki.
asinir n. beam; referring to a beam of aslavar n. tinea; ringworm (grile). Cha
light, e.g. from a torch or car at night, da slavar vtha cha. He has got tinea
or from sun sparkling off glass. Ngua (grile).
lu chama lamga ava sinir. I saw the aslek adj. cooperative; obedient. Ngia
beam of the lamp. that sngo dak aslecha ngo na nge.
asinir mt vi-so. be bright; be light. You will get me and I will cooperate
Ch kuar vuk pa bang d asinir mt with you.
airki svthivt. He shone (the torch) aslek pt vi-so. be willing. Ronny aslek
up at the house and it made the outside pthacha diva chaet sva lat. Ronny
light. is willing to go to the garden.
asingal n. spirit world. Note: no endings. asnan'ga n. question. Ka von dchama
asingalka n. 1 snake; worm; generic asnan ama chndichn dak angm-
term. Kama singalka cha vn vt bs ngua ndrm. He gave lots of
kama lamsachi. The snake climbed questions but I did not know. Pl: asnan.
the coconut tree. asndem ear.
2 dangerous spirit. D thi kuares asnngacha idea.
klan ia singalki. They said it was a
asnok n. excrement; faeces. Kaelcha
dangerous spirit. Kama singal d
cha irastm sma vaimga da cha
ngt ng ve mt kama amng ama
ms ka snok. The wallaby lied to the
mor d mt kama areng. The spirits
dog and he ate excrement.
are in the big trees and the rivers.
3 Satan; devil. Singalka cha met asok adj. solid. Ka vtdm dcha
mavo. The devil went the wrong way. bangga ves da asok. He covered the
Asingalka avoemga! Son of the devil! walls of the house and now it is solid.
(This expression was introduced by P. asok mt vi-so. 1 be brave. David sok
Mayerhoffer.) Pl: asingal. Variant: asok mt ka d cha vlng ma
singalka. Goliath ama srucha. David was brave
asingalki n. 1 female spirit. and so he killed Goliath the giant.
2 large snake; generic term. 2 be determined; be single-minded.
Kvichi d asok mtki iva chia
asip disc. later. Variant: sip.
thortm mt ichumgi. That woman is

asokmtka athama

determined, she swam across the asusur adj. blind. Ut drm ncha bilar
flooded river. scha asusur. We know old people
3 be strong. Gi lams da asok mt. become blind.
Your coconut is strong. at pro. her; its. Gram: Third person singular
4 be solid. possessive pronoun. Ngia thu at baulki
5 be challenging; e.g. a game. mni chama seska. You put her
asokmtka n. fearless man; stoic man; wraparound skirt (laplap) on the line.
someone who is solid inside. Karla Variant: te; ath.
d chama asokmtka i choi chna atm adj. whole. Mundika ama tmga.
ndlen kama thombek. Charles is a The whole year. Variant: tm. Note: only
fearless person for he is not afraid of t.
atpki n. 1 inferno; huge fire. Atpki
asokmtki n. fearless woman. da sok kama amundmbs ama mor
asol n. salt. Da ithik sa ta ve thi bon ngas. Atpki is a really huge fire.
dm mt kama asol... And now they 2 hell. Pl: atp.
are buying the salt... From: English, Tok
atnes pt vi-so. be sharp. Ta meng
Pisin: salt, sol.
kanggat mnichi atnes pt kama
asongga n. rafter. Mbangga vama chep. They twisted ropes with sharp
song. The rafters of the house. thorns on them.
Pl: asong.
atun'gi n. fish sp.; yellowfin tuna.
asru adj. huge; gigantic. Henry ka thap Pl: atun. From: Tok Pisin: atun tuna.
schama mrunggi ama sruchi
atha pro. her; its. Gram: Third person
samk. Henry cut down a large rose-
singular possessive pronoun. Kia ms dak
wood tree. Lamon'gi ama sruchi. A
kule atha matki. She ate but her
huge wave. Variant: sru.
sister did not. Ngua mu chama
asuchut sign; mark; line; boundary. peletka vuk vt kama tevolki atha
asuchutka n. ruler. Asunaski thoes thng. I put the plate on the top of the
tamo da achkachk da ava suchut- table [Lit: ... the table, its back]. Morph:
ka. Each of the school students has a at=a. Lit: 3F.SG.POSS=SPEC.
ruler. Pl: asuchut. athalep angthoes n. cocoa beans.
asuremgi n. shellfish sp.; lives on the athalevacha n. 1 cocoa tree.
reef; twisted cone with a spiky
2 tree sp.; looks like a cocoa tree,
mottled exterior and shiny white
only taller with narrower leaves, and
interior; up to 10 cm long. Pl: asurem.
bears small fruit rather than pods;
asureng vi-so. snore. Gu iaik da good for firewood; eating the ripe
mrmr asurengga vt kama green leaves is good for diarrhoea;
bangang. My grandfather always has larger leaves than the auska
snores at night. species. Pl: athalep.
asurngga n. snoring person. Joseph athalevachi n. cocoa pod. Pl: athalep.
pe ia munapka da asurngga.
athalevm n. cocoa bean.
Joseph, when he sleeps, he snores.
Pl: athalevavap.
asurtka n. forest rat; lives in holes in
athalka n. small net bag (bilum). Lukas
the ground. Asurt dchama
k tal ava thalks schama churem.
chaumat ama ngt nva ur ama
Lukas is carrying his small net bag
ngt tas mni chama ivitki. Asurt
(bilum) with betelnut in it. Pl: athal.
are forest rats that live in holes in the
ground. Pl: asurt. athama pro. her; its. Gram: Third person
singular possessive pronoun and emphatic
asusudamgi n. lizard sp.; black with
possessive pronoun. ... ti mbon d cha-
many small whitish spots; up to 1 m
ma lvopki sanggl athama
or more long; lives in the forest near
chumska. ... they give the woman to
pools in rivers; will dive to the bottom
her husband. Morph: at=ma. Lit:
of the river if chased. Pl: asusudam.

athanga athvngi

athanga pro. some of her; some of its. taithchm da athepmn ngam. This
Gram: Third person singular possessive book is thick. Variant: athemn.
pronoun and non-specific possessive pronoun. athpmus n. activities. Ngia ndrm
Ngia thu athanga chalasung vuk pa nchama rutha nave ia Karong athva
mbang. You put some of her sweet thpmus? Do you know about the
potatoes (kaukau) up at the house. activities of the people from Karong?
Morph: at=anga. Lit: 3F.SG.POSS= INDEF.
athv pro. their. Gram: Third person human
athangacha n. freshwater prawn sp.; plural possessive pronoun. Ti tns ngt
transparent or light brown; fat in mt athva sgn, mt athv urat d
shape and has long hands; up to thi tal ngt save sva mbang. They
10 cm long. Pl: athang. put them in their net bags (bilums) or
athangama pro. her; its. Gram: Third their baskets and carry them to their
person feminine singular possessive pronoun houses.
and indefinite possessive pronoun. Morph: at athva pro. their. Gram: Third person human
=angama. Lit: 3F.SG.POSS=INDEF. plural possessive pronoun and possessive
atharesbana n. promise. Aina thares- pronoun and specific article. Ngaiom in dat
bana ia asik in det sva lat. Their nethem kama rura di ini tal athva
promise was that they would go to guangithong. They both helped the
the garden. people and they carried their things.
atharesdemga n. contract. Morph: athv=a. Lit: 3H.PL.POSS=SPEC.

athareska n. contract. athvama pro. their. Gram: Third person

human plural possessive pronoun and
atharespet n. contract.
emphatic possessive pronoun. Ti svo sa
athavr adj. wide. Variant: aravr. uthiaik kna, sa athvama achrotki
athavr mt vi-so. be wide. Athavr avaikpik. They would steal their
mtka nemon'gi. The door is wide. power, that particular one, from our
Variant: aravr mt. grandfather's people. Auk, asik peia
ath pro. some people. Gram: Human plural amor ngt sa veia thi tk seng
indefinite pronoun. Arura ath choiku tha mngt, da sa chvitha athvama
mn. Some people did not come. viam paivang ama sik ta ts ngt.
Well, if they are big when people
ath her; its.
work around them, then they are
athchasp n. morning. Ka met sa theirs to eat. Morph: athv=ma. Lit:
thchasp sva lat. He went to the 3H.PL.POSS=EMPH.
garden in the morning. Variant:
athvanga pro. some of their. Gram:
Third person human plural possessive
athektmna n. contract. pronoun and non-specific possessive pronoun.
athmamberacha n. eel sp.; lives in Tha met nani athvanga urat ncha-
sand at the river mouth; up to 20 cm ma msms sva mbang. They
long; used as bait; has a pointy mouth brought some of their baskets of food
that sticks out above the sand. to the house. Morph: athvanga. Lit:
Pl: athmamber. 3H.PL.POSS=NSPEC.
athemn thick. athvangama pro. their. Gram: Third
athmga n. poisonous scorpion. person human plural possessive pronoun and
Athmga cha chut ngua thik da ruan. indefinite possessive pronoun. Morph: athv
The scorpion stung my hand and it =angama. Lit: 3H.PL.POSS=INDEF.
hurts. Pl: athm. athvatki n. digging stick. Ngua vt
athemgi n. taro top; used for kama chalasung nchama athvatki. I
replanting. Chia vt kama athemgi planted the sweet potato (kaukau)
vtha va lat d sa chia mn. She with a digging stick. Pl: athvat.
planted the taro top at the garden athvngi n. song; specifically the
and it was already growing. Pl: athem. songs used in conjunction with day
athepmn adj. thick. Kama thlngm dances. Adamga ava thvng ama

athvuiki athoemgi

devaunguik. The mountain's three Choiku ia asvaik pthatha mundu

songs. Athvnggi ama naruerki. The ma ath mamk koi cha mn sanga
first song. Pl: athvng. Variant: thinm. They were not happy
thvnggi. because their father did not come
athvuiki n. rain cloud. Athvuiki ia vo- back with any fish. Pl: athinm.
no vtka renggi thvus. Rainclouds athinmgi n. large fish; generic term.
are gathering at the head of the river. D cha thia ch thk v kama achevs
Pl: athvuik. Variant: athewiki. angtpus, iva ch thonanas sthm
athvuska n. thousand. Yakop ka tat gama athinmgi avaik. And he touch-
kama athvuska met ava thktk mt ed the top of the spear in order to
kama kampani. Jacob gets one thous- jump onto that big fish.
and (kina) for his job at the company. athing n. fibres used for weaving. Kama
Pl: athvus. thing d thi tp mchama athal
athewiki rain cloud. nangt. They weave net bags (bilums)
from fibre.
athibunmachi n. reef fish sp.; light
green with black and yellow mark- athingga n. tree sp.; yields fibre. Kama
ings on face; is fat; up to 60 cm long. amngga ama thi tp v chdeng
Pl: athibunma. mchama thing d tha tes ka ia
athingga. The tree that they make
athibunuchi n. sea snake sp.; black
fibre from, its bark is called athingga.
and white; long with a small head;
Pl: athing.
has an aggressive temperament; lives
around reefs. Pl: athibunu. athinggiaras n. filthy or smelly place.
Kama luchupka ma veia thi don kama
athikoneng angt nank n. fish sp.;
thlng save da sok athinggiaras
refers to two different species that
klan. The place where they throw the
are often found on the reef: one is
rubbish is filthy. Variant: tinggiaras.
black, up to 20 cm long; the other is
light brown, up to 30 cm long; both athoemga n. 1 child. Athoemga vak
have a stinging spike on either side of da choiku cha na nari nagl ava
their tail and greasy flesh. Pl: athiko- mamkiom. That child does not listen
neng angt nankina. Variant: athiko- to his parents.
neng angt nankigleng. 2 son. Ava thuvski nma ava
athikoneng angt nankigleng fish oemga ava lugutki. His daughter-in-
sp. law is his sons wife.
3 student. Athoemga vak da ngu
athikonenginggl n. fish sp.; lives on
nacha uni sunas. That particular
the reef; yellow and red with black
student and I learn together.
lengthwise stripes; is up to 20 cm
4 assistant. ... dak kama aun'giom
long; moves fast. Pl: athikoneng.
ama operator chn avama athoemga
athilomga n. freshwater prawn sp.; achk. ... but the other two were the
light brown with large head and large operators, him and his assistant.
short hands; up to 5 cm long. Morph: at=oemka. Lit: 3F.SG.POSS
Pl: athilom. child-M.SG. Pl: athoes. Variant: thoemga;
athinm angtha aloikngamgi n. =oes; =emga; =oemga.
jellyfish sp.; identified by the many athoemga n. mound in a dancing
small red and yellow striped fish that ground. Mndas ng tain namt kama
hide in it. Pl: athinm angtha thoemga. The Mndas dance around
aloikngam. the mound. Note: no plural.
athinm angtha wan'ga n. reef fish athoemgi n. daughter; female student;
sp.; the spirit mask (tumbuan) of the female assistant. Gu chlucha cha
fish; multicoloured: red, yellow, thk tichim ngo ma cha mes
orange, and white, with many fins; nguaemgi vtha ngo. My brother-in-
can sting. Pl: athinm angtha wan. law avoids me by calling me by my
athinmga n. fish; generic term. daughters name. Morph: at=oemki.

athoemini aulmangachi

Lit: 3F.SG.POSS=child-F.SG. Variant: = hermit crabs with bodies up to 4 cm

emgi. in diameter; changes shells. Kama
athoemini n. baby. Coluba athoemini athucha d cha tet nva thng. The
ngthi thir da amr ngini angt airir. hermit crab walks backwards. Pl: athu.
Colubas baby grows fast and her athunepki n. drum (small garamut);
growth is good. Levopmasok da at sits on the ground and is hit with the
sarubem nchama thoemini dak as end of a stick held upright in a
ngini ngave vt kuvt. Levopmasok's womans hands. Thunepki avaik da
belly has a baby in it. mndu nachi. That drum (small
athoes pthacha n. man with children. garamut) is from (the time) before.
Solomon d chama athoes pthacha Pl: athunap. Variant: thunepki.
d sei cha mt alugut sei. Solomon is au oh; well; um; expression of surprise
a man with children and he got married or hesitation.
again. Pl: athoes pthatha. auathkam n. loop; eyelet. Kama
athoes pthachi n. woman with rucha cha rut nchama sangauchi
children. atha ses mt kama uathkvam. The
athoi interj. Ow!; exclamation of pain. man put the rope of the net through the
loop. Pl: auathk.
athom those two small ones. Usage:
Karong dialect. auk interj. well. Auk, nge ngiet. Well,
you, you go.
athondmka law; rule.
aulan'gi n. python; snake; generic
athong those small things. Usage: Abilta
term. Aulan'gi chia vais kama
vaimini. The python crushed the small
athongga n. fruit sp.; must be cooked dog. Pl: aulan.
before it is eaten. Da'ut ts kama
aulan'gi ama blbualki n. snake sp.;
thong, ut ts kama galp ma
black, long, and flat like a belt; does
limbung. And we ate the thong, we ate
not run away when approached.
the nuts of the wild palm. Pl: athong.
Pl: aulan ama blbual.
athonggi n. 1 tree sp.; bears an
aulan'gi ama vonbon'gi n. snake sp.;
edible fruit. Athonggi dai chama
silvery colour; edible. Pl: Aulan ama
amnggi ma chi nva bil da ut ts
toes da amr mt ngt. The athonggi
species is a coastal tree and we eat its aulmang tree sp.; native orange.
fruit. aulvkmtka coward; good
2 river crab sp.; brown; up to 5 cm humoured man; reasonable man.
in diameter; flat feet for paddling. aulvkmtki coward; good humoured
Pl: athong. woman; reasonable woman.
athopthacha n. reef fish sp.; patchy aulvk tm feel cold.
green and brown camouflage auligalka Sulka man. Ut tes kama
colours; up to 1 m long; has a large Sulkachna ia Auligal. We call the
mouth; lives in holes in the reef; Sulkas the Auligal. Pl: auligalta.
another variety from the deep sea is
auligalka n. odd one out. Duraik ama
red. Pl: athopt.
ailotka nangt, dak kusek kama pa-
athopki n. 1 cut; sore. Gua thopki chi tocha ama sgk. Patocha avakpik
tnes. My cut hurts [Lit: is biting]. d auligalka nacha. There are one
Athopki chia ingip. The sore is healed hundred chickens altogether, but only
[Lit: it died]. one duck. It is the odd one out.
2 ulcer. Pl: athop. Pl: auligal.
athuares adj. young person. Alvop auligalki n. Sulka woman.
taithathe da athuares klan. These aulmangachi n. native orange; refers
women are only young. to both the tree and the fruit.
athucha n. hermit crab; generic term; Ulmang da amr mt ngt. Native
also used for small land-dwelling oranges taste good. Pl: aulmang.

aulul aunuchi

Variant: aulmang; ulmangachi. person dual possessive pronoun and indefinite

aulul adj. long. Ais aulul save ia possessive pronoun. Morph: aun=angama.
Rabaul. The road to Rabaul is long. Lit: 1DL.POSS=INDEF.
Variant: ulul. aunbam num. two short ones. Gram:
auluvk adj. cold. Via nbangang da Reduced dual. Barth ava thlngvam
auluvk. It is cold at night. ma aunbam. Bart has two books. Ngo
da gu ladmbam ma aunbam in be. I
auluvk mt vi-so. be timid; be
have got two cut sticks.
cowardly; be afraid. Kama chumsta
avath ama auluvk mtta. Some aunbem num. two. Gram: Feminine dual.
men are afraid. Lams de tha mt aunbem nave.
Coconuts, they got two from there.
auluvkmtka n. 1 coward. Aulu-
Variant: unbem.
vkmtka ura? Are you a coward?
aunbes n. evening. Veia sa unbes sa
2 good humoured man; reasonable
cha mn nva lat. In the evening he
man. Pl: aulvkmtta. Variant: aul-
arrived from the garden. Variant: unbes.
aunbethachi n. freshwater fish sp.;
auluvkmtki n. 1 female coward.
lives in large rivers; black spot on
2 good humoured woman; reasona- each side of its belly and tail; tail is
ble woman. Norberta da chama au- yellowish; up to 1 m long; good
luvkmtki. Norberta is a good hum- eating fish. Morph: a=unptki. Lit:
oured woman. Variant: aulvkmtki. SPEC= dark-at-F.SG. Pl: aunbet.
auluvk tm vi-so. feel cold. Usage: Only aundenm num. two large ones. Gram:
refers to a thing or another person. Extended dual. Amnginm ma
Ngia thon sva bang, asik kule d aundenm nani ma Marcus. Those
aulvk tmnge. Go inside the house two tall trees are for Marcus.
or you will (start to) feel cold. Variant:
aundisem num. two long ones. Gram:
aulvk tm.
Long dual. Amngisem ma aundisem.
aumga n. lobster sp.; brown with a Two long poles.
spiky back; up to 30 cm long. Pl: aum.
aundom num. two small ones. Gram:
aun pro. our two. Gram: First person dual Diminutive dual. Athoemithom ma
possessive pronoun. Mliar ka chuar aundom. Two small children. Variant:
nma charuvaik ia, Thik da ngu undom.
slamen dm da unmo uni vt aun
aunes n. twilight. Usage: Abilta dialect.
bs sna vt kama chthopka ithak-
Askok aunes, das uthi lotu np
tik. The small parrot said to the
bangang... (While it was) still dark, we
earlybird, I will count now and we will
prayed at night... See: bngangbes
both dive our heads under, into this
pool at the same time.
aunia n. darkness; especially darkness
auna pro. us two, our. Gram: Possessive
when there should be daylight, e.g.
pronoun and specific article. Auna matvk
during an eclipse or because of
tha met sva lat. Us two, our siblings
volcano smoke. Kama aunia vt
went to the garden. Morph: aun=a. Lit:
kama aurki mo. Darkness was all over
the bush. Variant: unes (Abilta dialect).
aunama pro. us two, our. Gram: First
aunmlm num. two flat ones. Gram: Flat
person dual possessive pronoun and emphatic
dual. Ngiat aunmlm dak kule
possessive pronoun.
tlng chngt ve. You get two but
aunanga pro. us two, some of our. Gram: leave some leaves there. Variant: un-
First person dual possessive pronoun and non- mlm.
specific possessive pronoun. Un donel
aunuchi n. female genitals; vulva;
nani aunanga urn. We hunt for some
vagina; a woman's private parts in
(of our) prawns. Morph: aun=anga. Lit:
general. Kama lvopki atha unuchi
chia ve ia munggurup atha snaing.
aunangama pro. us two, our. Gram: First A womans private parts are in between

aun'gi autha

her thighs. Pl: auna. aurachi n. witch. Urachi da anguanggi

aun'gi n. 1 darkness. Ambangga ama nchama rura. A witch is bad for
un'gi vmga. The house is dark inside people. Cha mat malangeik ia chama
[Lit: darkness in it]. auravek ng ve mt kama arenggi.
He believed that the witches were in
2 shade; shadow. Asika achernas
the water. Pl: auravek. Variant: urachi.
tmnge nmt kama chunngga da
See: rndamgi witch.
ngia thon sk ama amnggi atha
aun'gi. If you are hot from the sun auravu n. native spinach (aibika). Usage:
then go and sit in the shade of a tree. This word is newer than aichil. Chi
Pl: aun. Variant: un'gi. See: ayauski thik tchama auravu. She will pick
shadow. the native spinach (aibika). See: aichil
native spinach (aibika).
aun'giom num. two. Gram: Masculine dual
and count neutral dual. Aruiom ma auravucha n. native spinach (aibika)
aun'giom ini tk pa lat. The two men top that is used for cooking.
worked in the garden. Variant: un'giom. auravuchi n. native spinach (aibika).
aung dem. 1 someone; something. auravuves n. native spinach (aibika)
Gram: Masculine singular indefinite demon- leaf.
strative. Areng ama chrot da mamr aurigl n. bush side of the road, a less
ia ngthi vlng aung. Alcohol can pleasant place to stand.
really kill somebody.
aurithong n. bushes. Sa chule sa ma
2 anyone; anything. Gram: Masculine Bernard ka ve ch kut na dak k kir
singular indefinite demonstrative. Askoiku kama aurithong. So then Bernard
aung glan biavik. There was not started to come down and he cleared
anything like that. away the bushes.
aung gue interrog. which one. Gram: aurka n. bush man. Ngu monel vaur d
Masculine singular indefinite pronoun. ngua mn vt kama rucha ama urka
Nguat aung gue nvt ngaiom? da kosa cha munggunango. I hunted
Which of the two will I get? in the bush and I found a person who
aungguik dem. 1 someone; some- was a bush man and he just chased me.
thing. Gram: Feminine singular indefinite Pl: aurta.
demonstrative. aurki n. bush woman.
2 anyone; anything. Gram: Feminine aurki n. bush. Uthet pa ur nani viam.
singular indefinite demonstrative. Askoiku We will go to the bush for galip nuts
aungguik glan biavik. There was (Canarium indicums). Pl: aur. Variant:
not anyone like that. ur; urki.
aungguik kue interrog. which one. auska n. tree sp.; similar to the cocoa
Gram: Feminine singular indefinite pronoun. tree and the athalevacha sp.; much
Nguat aungguik kue nvt kama taller than a cocoa tree; bears small
urat taithang? Which one will I take fruit but has smaller leaves than the
from these baskets? athalevacha species.
aunglem num. two pieces. Gram: Excised aus kopra n. copra shed; hut used to
dual. Chia thap mt ka digl ma dry coconut and store copra. Kama
aunglem di chia matmet ngiglem. bek schama kopra ng vuk vm
She cut the taro in two and she shared kama aus kopra. The bags of copra
it. are up in the copra shed. Variant: us
aupia valley. kopra. From: Tok Pisin: haus kopra.
aupka n. valley floor. Kama areng aut pro. our. Gram: First person plural poss-
ngthi sp mchama up mugurup essive pronoun. Aut kngt ng vuk va
kama gali. The rivers make valleys vt. Our belongings are in the house.
between the ridges. Pl: aup. autha pro. our. Gram: First person plural
aur adj. wild. Vlam avang dama aur. possessive pronoun and possessive pronoun
Those are wild pigs. See: aurki bush. and specific article. Ut mu autha gua-

authama avarka

ngithong vt arenggi atham d ut de ch swo. That man steals. Variant:

met uthi tor. We put our things on the vak; pak.
riverbank and we went to wash. Morph: avam shore; beach; riverbank; front.
aut=a. Lit: 1PL.POSS=SPEC.
avam n. point; e.g. a point of land or the
authama pro. our. Gram: First person plural end of a stick. Ngua lu chama ba-
possessive pronoun and emphatic possessive nglka muk pa gars pe d chama
pronoun. Sa chule sa kule ut mlka vam. I saw the shark down at
machlak pe va chama chunngga the beach at the end of the island.
ch chrark authama mbaul. Then Morph: avam. Lit: 3M.SG.POSS-mouth.
we stayed for a short time so the sun
avama pro. his; its. Gram: Third person
would dry our clothes. Morph: aut=ma.
masculine singular possessive pronoun and
emphatic possessive pronoun. Asecha vak
authanga pro. some of our. Gram: First da chusek dng nacha avi svt ka-
person plural possessive pronoun and non- ma ambrasocha chn avama arua-
specific possessive pronoun. Mt kama vek ng mo... That is the end of the
Krismas ka ava monel da sik utht story about the eagle and all his
save ia Mangliming nani authanga friends... Achultngga d chama
mspthithong. During the Christmas changanga avama changgat ma
holidays we went to Mangliming for ngthik klan kama kaivovo. The
our special foods. Morph: aut=anga. Lit: achultngga species grows on high
1PL.POSS=NSPEC. ridges, its stem and leaves are like the
authangama pro. our. Gram: First person kaivovo species. Morph: av=ma. Lit:
plural possessive pronoun and indefinite 3M.SG.POSS=EMPH.
possessive pronoun. Morph: aut=angama. avan'ga name of dancer; masked
Lit: 1PL.POSS=INDEF. dancer, dressed in yellow leaves from
auvrngachi n. fog. Avrngachi the victory leaf plant, who carries
chia vng pthaut da choiku ut beating sticks and punishes children.
naingim snggel aulul. The fog avang dem. 1 that one; those ones.
covered us and we could not see far. Gram: Count neutral distal demonstrative.
Pl: auvrang. Variant: avrngachi. Kulel kama baul avang dak vang ia.
auvia n. valley. Ava lat ng mano mt Not those pieces of material (laplaps),
kama auvia d sok ng ndn but the other ones.
mamr. His garden is down in the 2 those flat ones. Gram: Flat plural
valley and it is really growing well. distal demonstrative. Pelet avang ina-
Pl: auvink. Variant: aupia. muk. (Bring) those plates here. Variant:
av pro. his; its. Gram: Third person masculine vang; pang.
singular possessive pronoun. Thi kuares ia avanga pro. some of his; some of its.
av vlemgi d chia tes kama rura a- Gram: Third person masculine singular
thva lat. They said that his pig ate the possessive pronoun and non-specific
peoples garden. Variant: av; p; v; u. possessive pronoun. Kave chaet sva ur
ava pro. his; its. Gram: Third person mascu- diva ka thonel nani avanga slik. He
line singular possessive pronoun and possess- is going to the bush to hunt for some
ive pronoun and specific article. Angmbs meat. Morph: av=anga. Lit: 3M.SG.POSS=
navama sen'gi nave nva mbang. NSPEC.
His knife is missing from his house. avangama pro. his; its. Gram: Third person
Morph: av=a. Lit: 3M.SG.POSS=SPEC. masculine singular possessive pronoun and
Variant: va; a (Abilta dialect). indefinite possessive pronoun. Kave chaet
avaik dem. that one. Gram: Feminine sva ur diva ka thonel nani avanga
singular distal demonstrative. Uratki avaik slik. He is going to the bush to hunt
ba ngo. (Bring) that basket to me. for some meat. Morph: av=angama. Lit:
Variant: vaik; avchit (Abilta dialect). 3M.SG.POSS=INDEF.
avak dem. that one. Gram: Masculine avarka n. tree sp.; grows close to the
singular distal demonstrative. Arucha avak beach; branches bend down; has

avath avngbngga

yellow flowers and useful fibres. Ti chama schulink avink nani

pais mni chama ngmng ncha- chama mbang. They carried the tall
ma avar angt tngam. They tie the posts for the house. Variant: venk.
firewood with the fibre of the avar avinm dem. those two large ones.
species. Pl: avar. Gram: Extended dual distal demonstrative.
avath dem. those people. Gram: Human Kama mnginm avinm de nani
plural distal demonstrative. Lvopta chama vutka. Those two tall trees
avath nani thlng. Those ladies are for the house. Variant: venm.
(are coming) for leaves. Kama avmlk dem. those flat things. Gram:
chumsta avath ama auluvk Flat plural distal demonstrative. Lamoni-
mtta. Some men are afraid. Variant: mlk avmlk da morinmlk.
vath. Those waves are huge. Variant:
av his; its. vmlk.
avcham that short one. avmlm dem. those two flat ones.
avchm dem. that short one. Gram: Gram: Flat dual distal demonstrative. Pepai-
Reduced singular distal demonstrative. mlm avmlm d nani chama
Athoembm avchm dai ais ngam. secha. Those two papers are for the
That small boy is wet. Thlngm story. Variant: vmlm.
avchm ba ngo. (Bring) those books avmgi n. end. Ngua thpms d cha-
to me. Variant: vchm; vcham; av- ma mngga ava vmgi. I sharpened
cham. the end of the stick. Morph: avamgi.
avechenbechen'ga n. saltwater eel Lit: 3M.SG.POSS-mouth-F.SG. Pl: avm.
sp.; very long and thin (only 1 or 2 cm avni dem. that small one. Gram: Diminu-
across); has brown spots. Pl: avechen- tive singular distal demonstrative. Ngia et
bechen. avi nk aisini avni. You walk along
avchs dem. that flat one. Gram: Flat this small track. Variant: veni.
singular distal demonstrative. Kama pepa- aveningga n. freshwater prawn sp.;
vs avchs da ais ngas. That paper light brown with flat twisted hands.
is wet. Variant: vchs. Pl: avenaing.
avchit that one. Usage: Abilta dialect. avnmetna n. joints. Venansius da
avchit dem. that large one. Gram: Ex- aruan ava vn mtha d angmbs
tended singular distal demonstrative. Am- mamr ia chna murik tmngt.
ngia avchit ba ngo iva ngu thal Venansius had pain in his joints and
ngiat sva bang. Bring that tall tree to could not stretch. Note: no endings.
me so that I can carry it home. Variant: aven'gi n. grave. Sa cha thechem
vchit. nmthava ingipki ava ven'gi a
avgl dem. that piece. Gram: Excised dungdunggi chlan. He arose from
singular distal demonstrative. Amngigl his death so the grave is empty.
avgl da aululigl. That plank is long. Pl: aven.
Variant: vgl. avn'gi n. mound; e.g. the mound of an
avglem dem. those two pieces. Gram: earth oven (mumu) or the mound of a
Excised dual distal demonstrative. Ka- grave. Ngua mu avithm sa ngua sot
paiglem avglem da ameru d ngua veng vt kama vn'gi. I
ngiglem. Those two sheets of corru- made an earth oven (mumu) then I
gated iron are old. Variant: vglem. finished and I covered the mound of the
earth oven (mumu). Pl: avn.
avglng dem. those pieces. Gram:
Excised plural distal demonstrative. avngbeladiachi n. river crab sp.;
Palangiglng avglng d brown; has a large shell; up to 20 cm
angembes ia asrtik. Those planks in diameter; lives in mud at the
are not straight. Variant: vglng. mouth of rivers. Pl: avngbelade.
avink dem. those large things. Gram: avngbngga n. envelope. Cha mt
Extended plural distal demonstrative. Thi tal ava vngbngga milani. He got his
envelope yesterday. Pl: avngbng.

avram avirsithamngga

Variant: vngbngga. legs. Variant: vvam.

avram garden plot. avvap dem. those short things. Gram:
avrngachi fog. Reduced plural distal demonstrative.
Athoembap avvap da ngavap navea
avsvs adj. associated with cooking.
Merai. Those boys are from Merai.
Tangamga ama vsvska. A cooking
Tlngvap avvap sok aguang avap.
Those short leaves are really bad.
avsvs n. cooking. Ngn ma lvop s- Variant: vvap.
chama vsvs da ngni ps mamr.
avvem dem. those two. Gram: Feminine
You ladies who are doing the cooking
dual distal demonstrative. Mamiapvm
should cook well.
avvem da mor ngavem. Those two
avsvesini n. 1 magic spell; curse. pawpaws are really big. Variant: vvem.
Chule sa chama rura tha narimanas
avvs dem. that flat one. Gram: Flat
nania cha sava vsves. Then the
singular distal demonstrative. Tlngbs
people were listening for him with his
avvs da airiar ngas. That leaf is
magic words.
green. Variant: vvs. See: avchs that
2 charm; an object that carries flat one.
magical power. Variant: vsves.
avvet dem. that long one. Gram: Long
avsvsvmki n. kitchen; cooking hut. singular distal demonstrative. Tha met vt
Mamk k ps kama msms vm aisvet avvet sva lat. They went
kama avsvsvmki. Dad is cooking along that road to the garden. Variant:
food in the cooking hut (haus kuk). vvet.
Pl: avsvsvm. See: ambangga ma thi
avi dem. there. Gram: Count neutral distal
ps vmga kitchen.
demonstrative. Ngia et avi nk aisini
avthapki n. axe. Kave ch mnaing avni. You go there along that small
mthava vthapki. He is sharpening track. Variant: vi.
his axe. Pl: avthap. Variant: vthapki.
avik dem. like that. Gram: Adverbial distal
See: thepka (Abilta dialect) axe.
demonstrative. Ngi ser klan avik. You
avthepka ma lachengga n. hatchet. weave like that. Variant: vik.
Baltasar k tal avama vthepka ma
avilucha n. snake sp.; grey, long and
lachengga va chaet ka thp ma lat.
thin; moves fast; eats eggs. Pl: avilu.
Baltasar carried his hatchet in order to
go and make a garden. Pl: avthap ama avinos vi-so. 1 play around. Kule ma
lacheng. avinos nge avi mt kama
athchnmu. Do not play around
avthom dem. those two small ones.
there in the sacred place.
Gram: Diminutive dual distal demonstrative.
Chammga vt k vaimithom av- 2 vandalise. See: vinos destruction.
thom. (There are) scabies on those two avingbingda n. Bainings. Tha tes ut ut
puppies. Variant: vethom; athom mo ia Vingbingda ura? They call us
(Karong dialect). Vingbingda don't they? See: vingbing-
avthong dem. those small things. Gram: bap Bainings.
Diminutive plural distal demonstrative. avingnaska n. corner. Aiski chi mbang
Guauk kia mr kama adithong av- d chia vang vt kama vaimga mt
thong tiaithik. Grandmother pulled kama vingnaska. The car was trav-
out those particular taros. Variant: elling along and it ran over a dog at the
vthong; athong (Abilta dialect). corner (of the road). Pl: avingnas.
avthong those particular small things. aviom dem. those two. Gram: Masculine
avvam dem. those two short ones. dual distal demonstrative. Kuremiom
Gram: Reduced dual distal demonstrative. aviom inamuk. (Give me) those two
Kama vaimbam avvam da achabap betelnut over there. Variant: viom.
ngavam. Those two dogs are white. avirsithamngga n. grasshopper sp.;
Ngiat kama vlmga ava snaingbam dark green; has a flat belly; lies flat
avvam. You get that pig (by) his two and straight against a tree back and

aviringgi avu

is well camouflaged. sling. Pl: avlaik. Note: only v.

Pl: avirsithamng. avolacha n. leaf shoot. Lamschi atha
aviringgi n. apron. Lvopkta tha tain volacha ma aulul cha. The coconut
d chikachik kia thk atha viringgi. palm's new shoots are long. Pl: avol.
The women dance and each one wears avolam n. rainy season. Mt kama
her apron. Pl: aviraing. volam d ichum mt areng d
avirki n. flat club; is like a cricket bat garski chi don chama amng. In
but the handle is a bit longer. Acirki the rainy season the river floods and
da thi plng nachi. The flat club is the sea brings in wood.
used for killing people. Pl: avir. See: avonbon'gi n. offering; payment. Da ut
sapka rounded club. tu avonbon'gi vthacha. And we
avisaigl n. fish sp.; lives on the reef; bring offerings to him. Uthi bon da
light brown colour; up to 20 cm long; utha vonbon'gi sagl aut mamk ma
good meat; can sting with its fins. Deo. We give our offering to Father
Pl: avisa. God. Pl: avonbon. Variant: vonbon'gi.
avisem dem. those two long ones. Gram: avongavongacha n. orange and black
Long dual distal demonstrative. Amngi- wasp. Avongavongacha ch tp m
sem avisem ba ngo. (Bring) those two ava vuet nchama ivtki ama
long poles to me. Variant: visem. chlachi. The orange and black wasp
aviseng dem. those long things. Gram: makes its house with soft earth.
Long plural distal demonstrative. Pl: avongavong.
Amngiseng aviseng saglem ngo. avrachi n. section. Ka mu avar vt ava
(Bring) those two long poles close to ma nunggulia diva choki anot
me. Variant: vseng. angth varachi, kalasung angtha
avithm n. earth oven (mumu). Cha tar vravap. He subdivided his garden into
tm chama avithm. He is sections to plant taro and sweet
uncovering the earth oven (mumu). See: potatoes (kaukau). Pl: avar. See: varka
achuithm earth oven (mumu). boundary.
avithingga n. freshwater eel sp.; flat avrait n. long section.
with yellow and black spots and a avram n. garden plot; specifically a plot
small mouth. within a larger section of garden that
aviui dir. up there. Markus kna tha has been assigned to a particular
mt aviui. Markus and others went up person; the section is divided into
there (that way). plots for different crops. Ngi von ngo
nanga vram diva ngu vt gu
avivik dem. right there. Gram: Count
chalasung. You give me a plot so I can
neutral emphatic distal demonstrative. Dak
plant my sweet potato (kaukau). Ngua
ka lagun'ga vak pik dinasa cha
vt kama chalasung vt kama avram
mun avivik piavik. And that
pe vt gua lat. I planted sweet potato
decorative plant, it really grew right
(kaukau) in my plot in my garden.
there like that. Variant: vivik.
Pl: avar. Pl: avravap. Variant: avram.
avivui dir. up there. Da avivui viavik d
avras adj. flat. Tevolki da avraski. The
munggurup ma Warangoi chin ma
table is flat. Duligel ama vras igl.
Menima. Up that way, in the middle
The stone is flat.
(of) Warangoi and Menima.
avrin'gi n. bamboo drum. Ngiat kama
avlamgi n. lizard sp.; green head and
vrin'gi bango. You get the bamboo
brown tail; lives in trees. Pl: avlam.
drum for me. Pl: avrin.
avlika n. sling. Guauk kia drm chi tp
avu adj. bad or sinful person. Avu ut
mchama vlika. My grandmother
duthi ndlen snas. We are sinful and
knows how to make a sling. David ka
we must have fear (of God) in us.
thu ma Goliath avski n cha ma
dulchi nmt ka ma vlika. David shot avu n. sin. Kule ma ngi sep mchama
Goliaths head with a stone from a avu. Do not commit [Lit: make] sin.
Note: no endings.

avucha ayauski

avucha n. bad man. Mir avutha nama designs on both sides. Pl:
rura. Long ago there were bad people awalengigleng.
around. [Lit: Long ago bad people with awan'ga n. name of dancer; masked
people.] Pl: avutha. dancer, dressed in yellow leaves from
avuchi n. bad woman. the victory leaf plant, who carries
avulikpthachi n. gecko sp.; grey; up beating sticks and punishes children.
to 10 cm long. Kama vulikpthachi Kama awan'ga cha tain sava mambl.
da achlak at kdengga. The gecko The dancer dances with his sticks.
has soft skin. Pl: avulikpet. Variant: vlik- Chumsta thi nunguik vt chama
pthachi. van. The men shout at the spirit masks
(tumbuans). Pl: awan. Variant: van;
avunathepki n. fruit bat sp.; small.
Avunathepki chia ts kama vival.
The fruit bat eats mangoes. Pl: avuna- awithinggi n. ringworm; tinea that
thep. appears as white spots on the skin.
Ngua mu chama awithaing angt
avun'gi n. turtle. Ka lu chama vun'gi
marasin mt kama awithinggi mni
atha iska mni chama chun'gi. He
ga sarumgi. I applied the tinea lotion
saw a turtles track across the sand.
to the tinea on my belly. Pl: awithaing.
Pl: avun. Variant: vun'ga (Abilta dialect).
awlecha grandson; granddaughter.
avuretki n. scar. Johanes ka thap
mchama vuretki ama morki mni awret scar.
ava snaingini. Johanes has [Lit: ayachun'gi n. 1 moon. Vea yachun'gi
carved] a big scar in his thigh. chia ndn d saeng nthi sep. When
Pl: avuret. Variant: awret. the moon comes, the rain falls.
avusdingdchengarki n. freshwater 2 month. Kama yachun'gi ma
eel sp.; grey and up to 80 cm long; milatka vuauk d sok saeng mamor.
lives in large rivers. Pl: avusding- There is a lot of rain in the month of
dchengar. August. Pl: ayachun.
avuthchi n. bundle of firewood. ayar adj. alive; living. Du ut tes aut
Lvopki chi tal atha vuthchi vatha mambuves i Jesus ama yarka. And
thng. The woman carried her bundle we sing for Jesus who is alive.
of firewood on her back. Pl: avuthch. ayare n. saliva. Arm ngo d chama
Variant: vuthchi. yare ng dm. I am sick and my saliva
awal n. track; specifically the direction is sour.
of the undergrowth, like grasses, ayaungem n. tree tips; the ends of the
which shows the direction a person branches where the leaves are. Kama
has gone. Uthon d cha wal nasot ayaungem ng sp nkama mngga
kama asvo cha d ut vn mcha. We uvs. The leaf ends of the branches fell
followed the track of the thief and we from the top of the tree. Pl: ayaungbap.
belted him. Variant: aiyaungem.
awalngga n. wave; ripple. Uthi bang ayauska n. spirit. Kama yauska ark-
mt kama botki da atha ma awa- tmka cha tu aerki vm ut. The Holy
lngga cha np nchama kanucha. Spirit gives us light. Pl: ayaus.
We travelled in the boat and its wave
ayauski n. shadow. Mamr ia ngi tlu
tipped the canoe over. Pl: awalng.
gia yauski vea ngua mair mt kama
awalengiglem n. name of a pair of chunngga. You can see your shadow
Mndas masks; shield-shaped, flat, if you stand in the sun. Pl: ayaus. See:
and elongated; carried on a stick; ailachi shadow.
long edges on the bottom and top;

B - b

ba at; on; over. baniska n. bandage. Ta chethik mt

bachvang that particular one; those gia thopki nchama baniska. They
particular ones; those particular flat bound your cut with a bandage.
ones. Pl: banis. From: English, Tok Pisin:
bandage, banis.
baiapka n. bush frog sp.; small and
brown. Usage: An alternate name for bang sa-vi. 1 run; move quickly.
baiavini. Pl: baiap. Usage: Refers to any kind of fast
movement. Kule ma ngi bang! Dont
baiavini n. frog sp. Usage: An alternate
run! D chama rutha tha vang
name for baiapka.
bthana. And the people ran every-
baingdaurimanipka n. lizard sp.; where. Kar ngthi bang mamor
small and grey; up to 8 cm long. nchama iska ma kolta vthacha.
Pl: baingdaurimanip. Cars travel fast on roads that have
baketki n. bucket. Baul ng muk mt creosote on them. Da sik koiku ngn
k baketki. The clothes are in the na bang taith mono marik. And
bucket. Pl: baket. From: English, Tok you must not fly across in a straight
Pisin: bucket, baket. line. Kama luln'gi chi bang ma sok
baler n. 1 piece of wood. Ngu tal set klan. The boat is very fast.
kama mng angt baler. You carry 2 come. Ngi bang! Come here!
the pieces of wood. Variant: vang; pang; mbang.
2 piece of taro. Du chule d k bangangbes n. twilight; refers to low
tchasp namano d cha ts kama light at either dusk or dawn. Ut tet
balerini chni. Then he took off very smni arenggi via sa bngangbes.
early from the beach and he ate a We went to the river at twilight.
piece of taro. Variant: balerini. Variant: bngangbes. See: aunes
balerbaler n. bits and pieces; espec- (Karong dialect) twilight.
ially of wood. Balerbaler tchep na- banganggi n. night. Amr banganggi.
ngt dagung nani chama mun- Good night. (Greeting used from ap-
dam. It is full of bits and pieces for the proximately 6 pm.) Seng bangang.
fire. Good afternoon. (Used from roughly 2
balerini piece of wood; piece of taro. pm to 6 pm.) Ngua tet inavuk dchi
ns ia amr banganggi svtha
balska n. tree sp.; large tree with soft
ngo. I walk down and she calls out
wood. Balska da amr ka diva tha
good night to me. Petrus ka ingip
dnachi schama mundam. The ba-
nchama banganggi. Petrus died
lska species is good for them to start
during the night. Pl: bangang. Variant:
fires with. Pl: bals.
bal t knock over.
bangangini n. fish sp.; lives on the
bal tm vt. knock over. Laurka cha bal reef; black in colour; up to 4 cm
tchama lamsink ama duguank. long; has scales. Pl: bangang.
The wind knocked over three coconut
bang bt vt. take without permission.
palms. Variant: val tm; bal t; val t.
Kule ma ngi bang bthango sugu-
bana dir. among themselves. Ta mat- viam. Do not try and take any more of
mt kama thangam bana. They my galip nuts (Canarium indicum).
shared the bananas among them- Variant: vang bt.
bangbinem wanderings.
banamathipes n. kitchen.
bang binem sa-vi. roam; wander. Ngu
banas dir. for oneself. Chok ma chi ps ngua roacha uni bang binem ivit
banas iva chia ts. She just cooked vtha garski atham. My friend and
for herself so she could eat. I wandered along the beach. Variant:

banglka bk pt

vang binem. independently.

banglka n. shark. Kama banglka bathm na alongside; side by side;
cha ms kama thinmgi. The shark with each other; for each other;
ate the big fish. Pl: bangl. parallel.
bangem village. baul n. clothes. Ngi thor gi baul
bangga house. sathemk. You wash your clothes
further down there (along the river).
bangga ma thi ps vmga cook;
Sa chule sa kule ut machlak pe va
chama chunngga ch chrark
banggruanggi n. 1 pot; saucepan. authama mbaul. Then we stayed for
Tchp kama banggruanggi ncha- a short time so the sun would dry our
ma renggi. The pot is full of water. clothes. Variant: mbaul.
Ngi thor n chama renggi smt
baulcha snguvs n. snake sp.;
kama banggruanggi. You pour the
poisonous; black with a coloured
water into the saucepan.
band around its neck; its head
2 wooden bowl. Pl: banggruang. breaks off if it bites you. Pl: baulcha
bang pt vi-so. remember. Bang ptha sngangtps.
ngo n guama sen'gi ma ngua met baulgi n. wraparound skirt (laplap);
nmtki va lat. I remembered my sarong; strip of cloth. Gi baulgi ama
knife which I had left at the garden. chabapki. Your cloth (laplap) is white.
Note: only b. Pl: baul. Variant: mbaulgi.
bang vt vt. run over. Aiski chi mbang baulvs n. flag. Kamam baulvs ng-
d chia vang vt kama vaimga mt thit nam dchama nngga uvs.
kama vingnaska. The car was The flag flew at the top of the tree.
running and it ran over a dog at the Pl: baul.
corner (of the road). Variant: vang vt.
baulvs angtha mngga n. flag-
bar cook in an earth oven (mumu). pole. Baulvs angtha mngga ma
barathigl n. mushroom sp.; white and srtika. The flagpole is straight.
inedible; grows into a semi-circular Pl: baul angtha mng.
shape; is found on trees. Pl: barat. baurka n. trap. Kotu cha mu ava
basiochi n. crocodile. Sa uni vang baurka d cha vlng vlmga chk.
nmt kama basiochi. Let's run Kotu set up his trap and he killed a
away from the crocodile. Pl: basio. See: pig. Pl: baur. See: secha (Abilta dialect)
yamechi crocodile. trap.
basiremgi n. wasp sp.; greenish colour; bavchm those particular short
makes a hole in the ground where it things.
lays eggs and buries caterpillars. bavthong those particular small
Pl: basirem. things.
basis n. passage between reef. Botki bavvem those particular two.
chi par mano via basis. The boat
baviom those particular two.
reached the passage (between the
reef). From: English, Tok Pisin: passage, be there.
pasis. bechi n. bag; sack. Kama bek skama
baski n. barge. Kama baski chia ma- kopra ng vuk vm kama aus
thaut save ma Spalengan gel kama kopra. The bags of copra are up in the
Sulkachna. The barge took us to copra hut (haus kopra). Pl: bek. From:
Spalengan where the Sulkas are. English, Tok Pisin: bag, bek.
Pl: bas. beia when.
bathm along; according to; for. bk pt vt. hatch. Duraiki chia bk pt
bathm mes do by choice; do accord- da thoes. Ngmo ng ngip dak n-
ing to ones own wishes; do un- vt kama aduguathong. The chicken
hurriedly; do in ones own time; act hatched her chicks. They all died
except three. Variant: vk pt.

bk tm bn slp sangglm mes

bk tm break. kama basiochi da kosa chi bnma-

belka n. bell. Nma ng bn kama livinanas iva sa chi ngip. They
belka? Who rang the bell? Pl: bel. speared the crocodile and it was
From: English, Tok Pisin: bell, belo. writhing, and so it died. Variant:
vnmalivi; bnmaliwi; vnmaliwi.
bem in.
bnmaliwi writhe; thrash around;
bm in.
espec. something thrashing around
bn vt. ring a bell. Kama sunasvmga in death throws.
cha vn kama belcha. The teacher
bn m vt. beat. Ch guer ava oemga
rang the bell. Variant: vn; mbn.
ia asika ngmbs k na nari d cha
ben vt. bend. Uthi mben aut kuam thichina mchvs sa ch vn
svtha nge. We bow [Lit: bend our mcha. He scolded his son that if he
knees] to you. Variant: ven; mben. From: does the same thing again he would
English: bend. beat him. Variant: mbn m; vn m.
bn sa-vi. climb. D chule d ka vn bn mna sa-vi. fight each other.
savuk svt ma thalias avama ul- Aluguthiom ini vn mna ve
mangachi. He climbed up on to the nbngang. The married couple fight
wizards native orange tree. Variant: each other at night. Variant: vn mna.
bn mt vt. join. Ngi vn mt via
bna vt. make someone else guess. nchama seski iva aulul. You join
Chia vna ngo natha ngthepki. the rope to make it big. Variant: vn
She made me guess her name. Variant: mt.
bn mtna n vt. join together. Ngua
bna muma make fun; joke. vn mtna nchama seska iva aulul
benaseng sa-vi. start; begin. Cha cha. I joined the rope to make it long.
venaseng nchama mambu veia Variant: vn mtna.
Sande. He started the songs on bn mulau sa-vi. bang; make a loud
Sundays. Variant: venaseng. sound. Kama basiochi chia
bnbn'ga chin; lower jaw. nachang d chule d chia vs
bn bt sa-vi. search out; gather some- atham vmna d chia vn mulau.
thing that is scarce, e.g. cocoa pods The crocodile opened its mouth then
when the season has already finish- shut it with a bang. Variant: vn mulau.
ed. Ka vn bt nani chama kakau- ben sachong sa-vi. 1 spy on. Chi ben
vap diva ch thk nangt nani dul. sachong svtha cha ma cha swo ta
He gathered cocoa so that he could tha guangithong. She spied on the
process it for money. Variant: vn bt. one who stole her things.
bncha muma sa-vi. make fun; joke. 2 check with a glance.
Chi na atha ruavek thi bncha ben s vt. honour; praise. Uthi ben
muma d thi tamal. She and her snge duthi nen snge. We praise
friends are joking around and laugh- you and we pray to you. Variant: ven s.
ing. Variant: vncha muma; vna
bn slp vt. interrogate; question
muma; bna muma.
repeatedly. D cha namu ch bn
bn dmna n vt. join. Bing mni slp sangglm gi... And he contin-
chama seska d tha vn dmna ued to interrogate her closely... Chia
nchama seska achk. The rope was iras d chok k bn slp nachi.
broken so they joined another rope to She lied and he questioned her
it. Variant: vn dmna n. repeatedly. Variant: vn slp.
bn ma vt. pile up. Ndi thi bn mangt bn slp sangglm mes vt. check
d thi kop mni ngt. They pile them something for one's own satis-
up and fasten them. Variant: vn ma. faction. Ki bn slp sangglm
bnmalivi sa-vi. writhe; thrash around; mes ia cha mu chama baulki choe.
especially something thrashing a- She checked for herself where he put
round in death throws. Ta chut the piece of cloth (laplap). Variant: vn

bensenaska bing

slp sangglm mes. are closed.]

bensenaska n. proud man. Da ma bp pt vi-so. be constricted. Bp mt
bensenasta da tha ron d cha gua thik. My hands are constricted
matmet ta. And the proud people and (e.g. because they are tied with a
the satisfied, he shares with them. rope).
Pl: bensenasta. Variant: mbensenaska; bp scha sachong vi-so. temporarily
nbensenaska. blind. Bp scha sachong nmt
bensenaski n. proud woman. kama sruban'ga. (His) eyes were
bensin n. benzene. Ut aut dramgi n- temporarily blinded by the sruban'ga
chama bensin avaikpik. Us, our tree. Note: only b.
drum of benzene is that one. From: bramr sa-vi. 1 be rescued; be
German, English, Tok Pisin: benzin, saved.
benzene, bensin. 2 recover. Thoemini ng vramr
bensin'gi n. drum of petrol, benzene, nmt angtha armgi. The baby
or gasoline. From: German, English, has recovered from its illness. Variant:
Tok Pisin: benzin, benzene, bensin. vramr.
bn vt vt. climb on. Basiochi chia bremgi n. boil. Bremgi achik kia
mugunacha d cha vn vt kama mn sng vthik. There was a boil
mngga. The crocodile chased him under his arm. Pl: burem. Variant:
and he climbed up the tree. Variant: bremgi.
vn vt. See: beng vt climb up. br t grab; catch; kidnap.
beng vt. have sex with. Usage: This has br tm grab; catch; kidnap.
developed into the most salient
bt at; on; over.
sense of the stem beng; note its
earlier meaning continues in the btha at; on; over.
form beng vt climb up. bias vt. step on. Ngua vias kama
bngangbes twilight. thangam. I stepped on the bananas.
Variant: vias.
bnganggi night.
bias angtha ais n. circulatory
bng bt vt. 1 wrap up. Chia thorka
system. Kama chuar d chama bias
di chia vng bthacha. She washed
angtha ais. The circulatory system
him and wrapped him up.
is made of veins.
2 cover. Tha vng bt anga ang-
biaska n. blood. Biaska cha ndn.
gimlk klan ama pepa. They
Bleed. [Lit: blood is coming (out).]
covered (it with) something like paper.
Kama biaska ch tk. Pulse. Vus sa
Variant: vng bt.
bias. Haemorrhage. Matmthm
beng dm vt. get something down ambias. Blood transfusion. Pl: bias.
from a high place; especially Variant: mbiaska.
referring to picking something from
bias ng dn s vi-so. bleed. Bias ng
a tree. Thi veng dm ngt da thi
dn scha. He was bleeding.
plng ngt. They will get them down
and kill them. Variant: veng dm. bilar old.
beng vt vt. climb up. Achk ch veng bilarka n. old man. Bilarka cha sp
vt kama amngga savuk. One man sava sgnacha. The old man fell
will climb up the tree. Variant: veng with his net bag (bilum). Pl: bilar.
vt. See: bn vt climb on. Variant: mbilarka.

bep d ves vi-so. fart; a noisy fart. Bep bilarki n. old woman.
dchama vaimga ves. The dog bilta coastal people.
farted. Note: only b. bing vt. roll; specifically to twist string
bpki fart. used to make net bags (bilums).
bp mt vi-so. be closed. Aruchi ma Patrica chi bing atha ses nani at
bp mt at sachong. The woman who masarka. Patricia is rolling her string
is blind. [Lit: The woman whose eyes for her net bag (bilum). Variant: ving.

bing bloka

bing sa-vi. go around. Ka ve ch bing. nave ia ava bisuchi. The rooster

He is going to go around. excretes from his anus. Pl: bisu.
bing sa-vi. surround. Rura thi bing biurka n. scar. Mndu ngua thap gu
namthacha ma ch bn ava blinggi d ithik d sa chama
ruacha. People surrounded the one biurka. Before, I cut my forehead and
who was beating his friend. Variant: now there is a scar. Kama biurka
ving; ping. mni uvski nmet kama asengi
bing d spy. ama cha thp nachi. The scar on his
head is from the knife which he cut
bing dm vt. spy. Athoes ngthi bing
with. Pl: biur.
dm ma Albinus sava ma tangamga
ma ch ngaipka. The children spied bivi over there.
(the place) where Albinus hid his blachoing vi-so. be weak; lacking any
banana. Variant: ving dm; bing d; strength. Blachoing ngo. I am weak.
ving d. Note: only b.
binggi vt. look. Gram: Takes a location PP as blachoingga n. weak man; refers to
a complement. Variant: vinggi. someone who is physically wrung
binggi svt vt. peep; peek. Joseph ka out from a bad sickness. Ka nnn
vinggi svt kama vaimgi thoes. ma ulual d blachoingga mamr.
Joseph peeked at the puppies. Variant: He vomited for a long time, so he was
vinggi svt. really weak. Pl: blachoingta.
bingia sa-vi. debate; argue. Thoemga blachoinggi n. weak woman.
vak d cha vingia nava mamk. blaenbs n. blind. Ngua ser kama
That boy argued with his father. blaen skama bangga ava brtki. I
Variant: vingia. wove the blind for the wall of the
bing mni vt. break or snap; especially house. Ngu ser kama blaen. I am
of a rope. Johanes ka bing mni weaving the blind. Pl: blaen. Variant:
chama seska. Johanes broke the blaenvs. From: English, Tok Pisin:
rope. Arutha ma thi bing mni a blind, blain.
thondm da tha tu tha mt kama blaenvs blind.
kumngas. People who break the law blakbotigel n. blackboard.
are put in gaol. Note: only b.
blakbotki n. blackboard. Ngi chut pt
bing pthanas vt. circle around. Tha kama blakbotki. You write on the
tain ma thi bing pthanas. When blackboard. Pl: blakbot. From: English,
they dance, they circle around. Variant: Tok Pisin: blackboard, blakbot.
ving pthanas.
blbalka n. crow. Pl: blbal.
bing vt vt. 1 go around. Ngi ving
blingga n. bald head. Blingga d ma
vt aiska ivi sva lat. You go along
Yakomo uvs. Yakomo has a bald
the road around to the garden.
head. Pl: blaing.
2 circle. D ch bing pthanas...
blinggi n. 1 space. Blinggi avi? Is
He circled round... Variant: ving vt.
there space there?
birbirka n. 1 border of dancing
2 forehead. Inos ka thu ma Jakop
ground. Kama birbirka d chama
av blinggi. Inos threw something at
amng ama tha mu ngt p chama
Jacobs forehead. Pl: blaing.
Mndaska ava luchupki th cheng
diva asik kusek ka tain mungguru- blingimga n. lightning; referring to a
pu mngt. The birbirka is the name bolt of lightning. Kama blingimga
for the border of sticks that encircles cha thu chama mnggi. The light-
the area where the Mndas dance. ning hit the tree. Pl: blingim.
2 frame for a net. Pl: birbir. bloka n. block and tackle; pulley. Ta
var dchama mnggi nchama
birut be short; be stumpy; e.g. a dog
blok. They pulled the tree with the
with a cut off tail.
pulley. Pl: blok. From: English, Tok
bisuchi n. anus. Kama duraika cha tr Pisin: block, blok.

bluston bui

bluston n. copper sulphate. Ta mu mt only b.

kama aisoska nchama bluston. botal gumi n. hot water bottle. Ta mu
They dressed the crab yaws with chama renggi ama chrnastmgi
copper sulphate. From: English, Tok mt kama botal gumi. They put the
Pisin: blue stone, bluston. hot water in the hot water bottle. From:
boel sa-vi. boil. Glmna iva ki boel sa Tok Pisin: botol gumi.
chiat kama sospengi di chia thu botki n. boat. Botki chia mn sma
chi sa mthik. When it is almost Pater. The boat arrived with Father.
boiling, she gets the saucepan and she Pl: bot. From: English, Tok Pisin: boat,
puts it aside. Variant: bol. From: English, bot. See: luln'gi boat.
Tok Pisin: boil, boilim. See: guaremga
braingia n. small creek. Avama ms-
mt boil; bubble.
tmna ng dn mamr mt kama
bogiski n. box. Kama valo ng ve mt braingia vachit. His greens (kumu)
kama bogiski. The eggs are in the are growing well by the small creek.
box. Pl: bogis. From: English, Tok Pisin: Pl: braingink.
box, bokis.
brasocha n. eagle. Brasocha cha chut
bol boil. kama vangong'gi. The eagle caught
bomgi n. bomb. Chama isem ngthi tu a flying fox. Pl: brasau. Variant: mbra-
nchama bom. The planes shot with socha.
bombs. Pl: bom. From: English, Tok brasochi n. saltwater crab sp.; large
Pisin: bomb, bom. and green; shell up to 20 cm in
bon vt. 1 give. Auk, d chi tal kama diameter. Pl: brasau.
anot d chi von ga thm ngt. Well, brembm feel angry.
she carries the taro and she will give it
brembm n be angry with.
to him.
bremgi boil.
2 thatch; put leaves on a roof.
Kama rura thi bon athva bangga. brtki n. 1 rib. Aruan brt. Pleurisy
The people thatch their houses with or pneumonia. [Lit: Sore ribs.]
leaves. Variant: von; mbon. 2 wall. Tave thi tp mchama
bon d pay. bangga ava brtki. They are making
the wall of the house. Pl: brt. Pl:
bon dm vt. pay. Dak choiku thi na
bon dm na anga dul ura anga
gingt. And they did not pay with brethem n. chest. Gu brethem da
money or anything. Variant: von dm; aruan mtngam. My chest has a pain
mbon dm; bon d; von d; mbon d. in it. Pl: bret.
bon dm mt vt. buy. Chia vondm bubang tomorrow; next day.
mt atha baul nmt kama bubu vi-so. be dull. Kama baulgi avaik
gunan'ga. She bought her material da bubuchi. That particular piece of
(laplap) from the store. Variant: von cloth (laplap) is dull. Note: only b.
dm mt. buchm n. book. Asunasvmga ava
bon mt vt. break apart, of taro or buchm avchm. The teachers
bread. Cha von mt kama adichi ba book is that one. Pl: buchvap. From:
un. He broke the taro for us. Variant: English, Tok Pisin: book, buk. See:
von mt. tlngm book.
bon nana vt. exchange. Ngaiom in von buel mt vi-so. be blunt. Noberta atha
nana naina sravt. The two men sen'gi da buel mtki. Norberta's
exchanged clothes. Variant: von nana. knife is blunt.
bono up; inland; shorewards. buepki n. fart; especially noisy farts.
bong vt. hit. Variant: mbong. Ngua nari kama bpki nagl kama
vaimga. I heard the fart from the dog.
bor mt vt. bore. Ta bor mchama
Pl: buep. Variant: bpki.
lechi mni chama palangga. They
bored the hole through the plank. Note: bui out there.

buinem chaelki

buinem sa-vi. return. Ngi vinem Her mother felt angry and she beat
kvsnia? When will you return? her. Variant: brembm; mbrmbm.
Variant: vuinem; vinem; winem; burembm n vt. be angry with. Kule
puinem. d chama chaelka mbrembmka
buirut vi-so. be short; be stumpy; e.g. a nchama duraika. Afterwards, the
dog with a cut off tail. Vaimga ma wallaby was angry with the rooster.
birutki daves k bang. The dog with Variant: brembm n.
the stumpy tail is coming. Variant: buremga n. knot. Ngi chop kama
birut. buremga vt kama uratki thvus.
buit up. You tie the knot at the top of the
buk above. basket. Pl: burem.
bukacha n. taro sp.; black singapore. burichi n. cleared area; flattened area;
Ngiat k buka diva thi vus ka. e.g. a place in the bush where there
(You) get a black singapore in order has been a dog fight or a crocodile
for them to cook it. Pl: buka. resting. Arura tha tain mt kama
burichi. People dance in the cleared
bunacha n. 1 rich man. Asika buna-
area. Pl: buri.
cha nange mt giama gunn'ga da
sik a mumanaska nange. To become Butamgna n. Butams.
a rich man with your store you must butki n. large fire; bonfire. Gunank
be selfish. Da ma mbunatha d cha kia chuar nango ia ngu sas tcha-
mendem pathvus d choi cha na ma ngmng nmt kama butki.
vonta. The rich people, he left them My mother told me to remove the
out and he did not give them anything. firewood from the large fire. Laurka
2 selfish man. Arucha ma choiku cha wae s chama imng nmt
cha na bon da chama bunucha. A kama butki. The wind blew the light
person who does not give is a selfish ashes from a garden fire. Pl: but.
person. Pl: bunatha. buthicha n. spine; back. Aruan atha
bunachi n. 1 rich woman. buthicha. Her back was hurting.
Pl: buthi.
2 selfish woman.
buthichi n. vertebra. Tha mn pt
bungbungga firedancer; is concealed
kama buthichi ma choiku tha
inside a large, hollow, rectangular
ndrm ia gaia vachik. They found a
panel that serves as his mask.
vertebra but they did not know what it
burembm vi-so. feel angry. Burem- belonged to. Pl: buthi.
bm at nank d chia vanis tmgi.

Ch - ch

cha he; it. mchama chlom ama kacham. I got

chabangaska n. freshwater fish sp.; the empty shells. Variant: kacham.
silver; has scales; rounded in shape; chacholka tapioca.
these fish swim in groups; good for chadinngga fish sp.
bait. Pl: chabangas. Variant: kabangas-
chadumga shellfish sp.
chaelka n. wallaby; has grey fur; up to
chabolocha shellfish sp.; chiton.
60 cm tall when standing on hind
chabunginngin'ga n. spider sp.; legs. Karla cha monel d cha
black and yellow; similar to the chu- vlng kama chaelka. Charles went
mangdalska species but smaller; hunting and he killed a wallaby.
builds a web. Pl: chabunginngin. Pl: chael. Variant: kaelka.
Variant: kabu-nginngin'ga.
chaelki n. stingray sp.; two kinds: one
chacham adj. empty. Ngua mat is large, up to 1 m across, brown,

chagthacha charekrecha

and has a long tail; the other is on stones at night to find food.
small, dark orange, and stays on Pl: chamot. Variant: kamotki.
white sand. Pl: chael. Variant: kaelki. chanasucha n. hook. Banglka cha
chagthacha vine sp.; rope; fishing chrtp schama chvulka dak
line. kulel kama chanashucha. The shark
chais left side of something. grabbed the octopus (bait) but left the
hook. Pl: chanasu. Variant: kanasu.
chais adj. left-handed. Arura athe ma
chdichn natha da chaista. Many chaninggulucha n. freshwater fish
people are left-handed. From: Tok Pisin: sp.; yellow with white and black
han kais left hand. spots; up to 20 cm long. Pl: chaning-
gulu. Variant: kaningguluch; ninggu-
chalacha n. freshwater fish sp.; glue-
fish; can stick themselves to a rock
with their chests. Ka chut kama chan'gan'ga n. ridge top; the bound-
chalacha dchama thinm ma ary between two river catchments;
chndichn. He speared a gluefish often very wet and mossy. Kama
and many other fish. Pl: chala. Variant: chan'gan'ga dai chama galicha
kalacha. mugurup kama areng ama mor
anga pus. The chan'gan'ga is the top
chalasunggi sweet potato (kaukau).
ridge between the head of two big
chalavurucha n. beach vines. Tchp rivers. Kama saluchachi da chi nva
nchama chalavurucha via Gisia. rong pe va changan, da chama
There are a lot of beach vines at Gisia. singal angtha mbangi nachi. The
Pl: chalavuru. wild mountain ridge palm is the place
chalvanggrka n. rainbow. Kama where the mountain spirits live.
chalvanggrka ka vuk pt usupki. Pl: chan'gan. Note: only ch.
The rainbow is up in the sky. changska n. betelnut. Pl: changes.
Pl: chalvanggr. Variant: kalvanggr. Variant: kangska.
chaliburburm shellfish sp. changska n. betelnut palm. Ch bn
chalipka n. lizard sp.; small and d chama changs d chama
grey-brown in colour; hides on tree msongga cha nes ava sachong. He
trunks and makes a squeaky noise climbed the betelnut palm and the
when people walk past; people say it ants bit his eyes. Pl: changs. Variant:
is the noise of the forest spirits. Pl: kangski.
chalip. Variant: kalipka. changgthacha n. 1 vine sp.; large,
chalukluka crab sp. thick vine. Usage: Arongda dialect.
chalun'ga n. taro sp.; singapore. Chia 2 rope; vine makes a good rope.
nges tchama chalun nva lat. She Ka mt kama kanggthacha diva
dug up the singapores from the uthi chop pt chama vlmgi. He got
garden. Pl: chalun. Variant: kalun'ga. the rope in order for us to tie up the
chama the. pig.
3 fishing line. Ddr nma John
chamangm crab sp.
ava chagthacha d ka ndrm ia
chambap white. thinmga dak kine chama lanaski.
chamerabpki n. evening star. Ut tes Johns string was very tight and he
kama lingga ma cha dn sa ba- thought it was a fish but instead it was
ngang ia chamerabpki. We call the an eel. Pl: changgt. Variant: kangg-
star that comes at night chame- thacha; chagthacha. See: charoski
rabpki. Morph: a=kamerbpki. Lit: (Abilta dialect) vine sp.
SPEC=3M.SG.I-decline.PAST-fart-F.SG. changgthait n. 1 vine sp.; especial-
Variant: kamerabpki. ly a long and narrow vine species.
chamotki n. shellfish sp.; large black 2 rope. Pl: changgthink. Variant:
shellfish from the river; lives in the kagthait.
water during the day but crawls up
charekrecha crab sp.

charichetka chebongbonggi

charichetka n. prawn sp.; transpar- colour; long tail with serrated ridge
ent, light brown colour; found in down the back; similar to the
groups; plentiful at the new moon; amchlingga species but smaller.
hatch in the sea and swim into river chat he; it.
mouths to stay on riverbanks. Pl:
chatlchotka n. grasshopper sp.;
charichet. Variant: karichetka. See:
greyish in colour. Pl: chatlchot.
charichethini prawn sp.
Variant: katlchotka.
charichethini n. prawn sp.; transpar-
chathachi n. taro sp.; wild singapore;
ent, light brown colour; found in
not edible. Usage: The word is some-
groups; plentiful at the new moon;
times also used to refer to edible
hatch in the sea and swim into river
varieties. Ut mn bt kama chatha
mouths to stay on riverbanks. Pl:
nva ur. We found the wild singapore
charichet. Variant: karichethini. See:
in the bush. Pl: chatha. Variant:
charichetka prawn sp.
charidang n. call; a special sound,
chau uncle.
ooo, is called from the bush to warn
that a Mndas is coming. Kama chaubocha plant sp.
charidang d chama paret ia cha- chaumatka n. reef fish sp.;
ma Mndaska avak ka tet. The yellow-white colour with scales; has
charidang is the sound which tells that feelers on its chin. Pl: chuamat.
the Mndaska is coming. Variant: kari- Variant: kaumat.
dang. chaumatka rat; mouse.
charirot beetle sp. chavatka n. spirit that causes illness.
charoski n. 1 vine sp.; large, thick Kavatka ka mthacha. The spirit got
vine. Usage: Abilta dialect. him. Kama kavatka cha mu na
2 rope. Tha chop pt kama rmgi vt kama thoemga da sa
vlmga nchama charotki ma vandi cha ingip. The spirit that
morki. They tied up the pig with a big causes illness made the child sick and
rope. Pl: charos. Variant: karoski. See: he was almost dead. Pl: chavat. Variant:
changgthacha (Arongda dialect) kavatka.
rope. chavatka n. adulterer. Kama chavatka
charuaika bird sp.; earlybird. cha chavat t ma Isidore ava lu-
gutki. The adulterer committed adult-
charucha n. bird sp.; black with red
ery with Isidores wife. Pl: chavata.
spots on the chest and a white spot
Variant: kavatka.
at the throat; has quite a long tail; is
very shy; hides at the top of big trees chavatki n. female adulterer.
and calls kwek, kwek, kwek at chavat tm commit adultery.
night. Pl: charu. Note: only ch. chavathm firedancer; they wear
charuvaika n. bird sp.; earlybird; sings masks with large, round, painted
early in the morning; has dull co- eyes.
loured feathers. Charuvaika dma chavenggi n. river crab sp.; brown;
mliar da aina ruaiom nana shell up to 4 cm in diameter; sits on
mamr. The earlybird and the parrot stones; hides when people approach.
had a good friendship. Pl: charuvaik. Pl: chaveng. Variant: kalenggi.
Variant: karuvaika; karuaika; cha-
chaverki palm sp.
chavithoski n. shellfish sp.; nautilus.
chasrki n. malaria. Chasrki ptha-
Chavithoski da chi nmt kama
ngo. I have malaria. Variant: kasrki.
garski. The nautilus is from the sea.
chaseska n. spy. Kama chaseska cha Pl: chavithos. Variant: kavithoski.
met d cha lu chama umang ang-
ch he; it.
tha bangga va ur. The spy went and
saw his enemys house in the bush. ch the.
chasuacha n. lizard sp.; greenish chebongbonggi crab sp.

chchm chkthom

chchm that particular short one. plural contrastive demonstrative. Ve sng

chchs that particular flat one. arenggi sok kama lamon ink
chknk ma mor inek. Those
chchit that particular large one.
waves are large at the mouth of the
chdlka n. freshwater fish sp.; silver river. See: chnk those particular
with scales and many bones. Pl: ch- large ones.
dl. Variant: kdlka.
chknm dem. just those particular
chdngm n. body. Chi thor at k- two large ones. Gram: Emphatic extended
dengm iva chumrkumr ngam. dual contrastive demonstrative. Ases inm
She will wash her body to make it chknm dai ma ngo gu chnm.
clean. Pl: kdengvap. Variant: kde- Those two ropes are mine. See:
ngm. chnm those particular two large
chdenggi body; skin; bark; peel; rind. ones.
chdichn many. chkni dem. just that particular small
chglem those particular two pieces. one. Gram: Emphatic diminutive singular
contrastive demonstrative. Kama durai-
chglem those particular two short
kini chkni ma vaimga cha ms
ini. That chick was eaten by the dog.
chgleng those particular pieces. See: chni that particular small one.
chk that particular one. chknggl dem. just that particular
chkachk another; each. piece. Gram: Emphatic excised singular
chkchm dem. just that particular contrastive demonstrative. See: knggl
short one. Gram: Emphatic reduced that particular piece.
singular contrastive demonstrative. Kama chkngglem dem. just those partic-
chalunm chkhm ndai ular two pieces. Gram: Emphatic excised
ithchm da amangam. This small dual contrastive demonstrative. Ngiat ka-
singapore is cooked. See: chchm ma palang iglm chkngglem
that particular short one. ma amuru iglm. You get those two
chkchit dem. just that particular old pieces of plank. See: chngglem
large one. Gram: Emphatic extended those particular two pieces.
singular contrastive demonstrative. Kama chknggleng dem. just those
nekethovia chkchit dai amor particular pieces. Gram: Emphatic
ngait daer chkchit ma milani excised plural contrastive demonstrative.
ngua lu ngait. This river eel is bigger Ngiat kama plang igeleng chk-
than the one I saw yesterday. See: gleng ma aicheru igeleng. You get
chchit that particular large one. those new long planks. See: kgleng
chkmlk dem. just those particular those particular pieces.
flat ones. Gram: Emphatic flat plural chksem dem. just those particular
contrastive demonstrative. Kama pepa two long ones. Gram: Emphatic long dual
imlk chmlk ndai sa tha chuet contrastive demonstrative. Kama asong
vt ngimlk. Those papers have isem chksem ndai sa tha thal
been written on. See: chmlk those isem. Then they carried those two
particular flat ones. long rafters. See: chsem those
chkmlm dem. just those particu- particular two long ones.
lar flat two. Gram: Emphatic flat dual chekseng dem. just those particular
contrastive demonstrative. Kama tha- long ones. Gram: Emphatic long plural
ngamga ava thik imlm chmlm contrastive demonstrative. Kama chums
ndai aicheru imlm. Those two iseng chkseng dai askoi ia ng
banana leaves are new. See: chm- mt alugut. Those particular tall
lm just those particular two flat men still have not married. See:
ones. chseng those particular long ones.
chknk dem. just those particular chkthom dem. just those particular
large ones. Gram: Emphatic extended two small ones. Gram: Emphatic diminu-

chkthong chelanggum

tive dual contrastive demonstrative. Kama Those two men hid from us. See: kiom
vlmithom chkthom ma vus s those particular two.
ngithom nmt kama ichethachi. chkraik dem. just that particular one.
Those two piglets escaped from the Gram: Emphatic feminine singular con-
enclosure. See: chthom those trastive demonstrative. Chkraik ma
particular two small ones. milani ngua luchi via mambuchi. I
chkthong dem. just those particular saw that one yesterday in the singing
small ones. Gram: Emphatic diminutive group. See: kraik just that particular
plural contrastive demonstrative. Kama one.
dlangithong chkthong diva nani chkrak dem. just that particular one.
chama mugar. Those small sticks are Gram: Emphatic masculine singular con-
for the game. See: chthong those trastive demonstrative. Krak ma Joseph
particular small ones. ka ms kama thinm. That Joseph,
chkvam dem. just those particular he ate fish. Choiku n chkrak
two short ones. Gram: Emphatic reduced taith. That person is not here. See:
dual contrastive demonstrative. Kama chrak that particular one.
chalasungbam chkvam ndai ma chkrang dem. just those two
Chris av chvam. Those two small particular ones. Gram: Emphatic count
sweet potatoes (kaukaus) belong to neutral contrastive demonstrative. Kama
Chris. See: chvam those particular anot chkrang ma Julien chinma
two short ones. Salome ini thal ngt ndai nani
chkvap dem. just those particular chama msmski. Julien and Salome
short ones. Gram: Emphatic reduced will carry those two taros for the feast.
plural contrastive demonstrative. Kama Kama lams chkrang ma tha sek-
vlembap chkvap dema Andrew dm ngt. Those two coconuts, they
av chvap. Those are Andrews husked them. Variant: krang; kkrang;
small pigs. See: chvap those achkrang.
particular short ones. chlachuas grass sp.; seaweed;
chkvem dem. just those particular seagrass.
two. Gram: Emphatic feminine dual chlachuasini small area of grass sp.
contrastive demonstrative. Chkvem ma
chlachuaska area of grass sp.
indet naut mnia nenggi dasik
indet ini thal amng. Two women chlachuaski large area of grass sp.
went past us at the river to go and get chlak adv. softly. Note: only ch.
firewood. See: kvem those chlaln'gi n. platform. Ch tk m-
particular two. chama chlaln'gi sng gama
chkvs dem. just that particular flat mnggi. He made the platform
one. Gram: Emphatic flat singular contras- against the base of the large tree.
tive demonstrative. Kama tlngbs Pl: chlaln. Variant: klaln'ga.
chkvs ndai amangngas. That leaf chlamurki n. puddle. Karki chia
is dry. See: kvs that particular flat chuasin kama chlamurki mt kama
one. lechi d chama iska ava ron. The
chkvet dem. just that particular long car splashed the puddle from the
one. Gram: Emphatic long singular contras- pothole in the middle of the road.
tive demonstrative. Kama songbet Pl: chlamurvap. Variant: chlamurki;
chkvet ndai sok asrtik ngavet. klamurki.
That long rafter is really straight. See: chlan only; just; for nothing; with
chvet that particular long one. nothing.
chkiom dem. just those particular chlan like; likewise; at the time;
two. Gram: Emphatic masculine dual when.
contrastive demonstrative. Chkiom ma
chlan be like; be similar.
inmu chama sravt ma achluing.
Those two with the black shirts. chelanggum vi-so. be deserted. Thik
Aruiom chkiom in ngaip nmt ut. sa chule chi chalan ia

chlaska chmlm

chelanggumki. Now she stays alone chlsacha alert person.

and she is deserted. Note: only ch. chlvachi maggot.
chlaska n. tree sp.; has soft wood; chlevecha n. bean. Vadi chiat anga-
cassowaries eat the fruit. Marup ma chleve. She wants to get some
ng ts kama chlas angthoes. beans. Pl: chleve. Note: only ch.
Cassowaries eat the chlas fruit.
chlevu adj. purple. Baulchi ma
Pl: chlas. Variant: klaska.
chlevuchi. The piece of material
chlel urine. (laplap) is purple. Note: only ch.
chlel angtha iska urinary system; chlochacha core; innermost part;
urethra. inside part of something; soul.
chelelelcha n. freshwater prawn sp.; chlochachi large inside part of
dark brown; up to 5 cm long. Pl: something.
chelelel. Variant: kelelelcha.
chlochaini small inside part of
chlmga n. seed pod of the chlmgi something.
tree. Kule d chama vaimga ka
chloingga n. bush snail; brown and
chop schama achlm vthanas.
white spiral shell; is up to 2 cm
The dog tied chlmgi seed pods to
across. Pl: chloing.
itself. Pl: chlm. Variant: achlmga.
Note: only ch. chlol clean.
chlmgi n. tree sp.; has pods that are chlol report.
used as rattles. Kama chlmgi chlucha n. brother-in-law; both the
thoes d veia ia choiku nanga address and reference term; used by
chelok muk mt ngt d ngthi a male speaker; can be used for a
tnok tmes mamr. The chlmgi mans sisters husband or a mans
species has seeds that rattle really wifes brother. Karla da ava chelu-
well, once the flesh in them has dried. cha ma Henry. Charless brother-in-
Pl: chlm. Note: only ch. law is Henry. Pl: chluvek. Variant:
chlennggi n. rubbish; crumbs. Ka- klucha.
ma chlangithong pavthong ma chluchi n. sister-in-law; both the
ng sp smt. Those particular address and reference term; used by
small crumbs fell into my food. Ngua a female speaker; refers to both a
schup kama chlennggi nasot woman's husbands sister and her
kama thlnggi ama morki. I swept brothers wife. Gu chluchi ma
the small rubbish after the big Catherine. My sister-in-law is Cathe-
rubbish. Pl: chlenng. Variant: rine. Pl: chlutha. Variant: kluchi.
klennggi. cheluing cloud.
chlenngini n. speck. Kama chle- chluinggi cloud.
nngini ng mon sk gu sachong.
chluingini small cloud.
The little speck of dirt went into my
eye. Pl: chlenngithong. chelumen'gi frog.
chlep be embarrassed. chlu vathm be shy.
chlepki n. shame; shyness; embarr- chmbucha n. type of fruit. Usage: Also
assment. Chulel kama chlepki known as ton in Tok Pisin. Vangon
nvtha nge veia ngi sunas. Get rid cha ms chama chmbu milani n
of your shyness when you are bangang. A flying fox ate the fruit last
learning. Da ma rutha thamo thi lu i night. Pl: chmbu. Variant: kmbucha.
gia chlep. And all of the people will chmcha n. breast. Kama thoemini
see your shame. Pl: chlep. Variant: ngthi mem angt nank at kmk.
klepki. The baby suckled at its mothers
chlrklr squawk. breast. Pl: chmk. Variant: kmk.
chlrklr mt rattle. chmlk those particular flat ones.
chlr mt rattle. chmlm just those particular two

chmer chrechacha

flat ones. chenechacha. The elderly man got

chmer n. steep mountainside covered sick with asthma.
in bushes. Choiku mamr diva ngi chnk those particular large ones.
na vn vt kama chmer isok vuit chnm those particular two large
klan. It is impossible for you to climb ones.
up a steep mountainside because it is
chni that particular small one.
too steep. Variant: kmer. Note: no
endings. chn'gn n. tremor. Peia Rabaul d
chama chn'gn ama mor. The
chmga n. empty person. Sa ngua tet
tremor at Rabaul was large. Note:
sachama chmga nango chlan.
only ch.
Then I went; then I was just an empty
person. Pl: chmda. chn'gn bt vi-so. 1 shiver.
Chn'gn bthango nmt kama
chmgm be empty.
auluvk. I am shivering from the cold.
chnagolchi n. strength. Rambo da
2 tremble. Ngu ndlen da chn'gn
ava chnagolki ama morki. Rambo
ptha ngo. I felt afraid and I was
has great strength. Pl: chnagol. Note:
trembling. Variant: chn'gn pt. Note:
only ch.
only ch.
chnak n. breath; specifically exhaled
chn'gn pt shiver; tremble.
breath. Uthi pr aut knak scha-
ma sanggaska ama mrka diva ut chn'gn'gi n. earthquake. Chn'-
dchm. We breathe out our exhaled gn'gi chia bal tautha bangga. The
breaths (in exchange) for good air, to earthquake knocked down our house.
keep us alive. Variant: knak. Pl: chn'gn. Note: only ch.

chnanggolka tree sp. cheng edge; bank.

chndengga n. skin. Dak ka chut chngl that particular piece.
kama chndengga chlan mni th chngl that particular piece.
vuski d vtpt nacha samk. He chngracha n. current; in either a
speared just the skin on its head and river or the sea. Ichumgi mt kama
the spear fell down. Pl: chndeng. renggi d chngar ma amor. The
Variant: kndenggi. See: chndenggi river is in flood and the current is
body, skin, bark, peel, rind. strong. Pl: chngar. Variant: kngara-
chndenggi n. 1 body. Arucha cha cha.
ingip dava chndenggi chia muk chnget those particular ones; that
mt kama bogiski. A person died and particular one.
his body is in the coffin.
chngi neck; throat; voice.
2 skin; bark. Arucha ava chn-
chepki spear.
denggi da achlachi dak amngga
ava chdenggi da achrotki. A chep pt be thorny.
persons skin is soft but a trees skin is chr that particular one.
strong. chraik just that particular one.
3 peel; rind. Lams angvt kn-
chrak that particular one.
deng avang d chrk pthangt.
Those coconuts have dry skin. chrau subside.
Pl: chndeng. Variant: kndenggi; k- chrechacha n. loose soil. Kunng d
denggi; chdenggi. See: chngdengga chrk d chama chrchacha. It
skin. was sunny and the loose soil was dry.
chndichn many. K nges d ch don chama chre-
chacha sagl aulul diva sik kama
chn him and.
vlam koiku ngna vrn dm ngt.
chenechacha n. asthma; tuberculosis; He digs and he throws the loose soil
any condition principally involving far away so that the pigs will not smell
difficulty with breathing. Kama it. Pl: chrech. Variant: krechacha;
srucha cha mt kama rmgi ma chrechacha.

chrk pt chthiavs

chrk pt be dry. Amorka ma chseng da vam. His

chriduchi n. native spinach (aibika) beard is thick. Pl: chseng dath vam.
stem; used for replanting. Usage: Variant: chsengga da vam; kseng da
Abilta dialect. Ngi vt kama chridu vam.
ta ithang pe va lat. You plant those chesengdm n. mushroom sp.; grows
particular native spinach (aibika) on mango trees, feels furry, and is
stems at the garden. Pl: chridu. edible.
Variant: kriduchi. chsengga da vam beard; whiskers.
chrirka stream of falling drops. chsengia n. long hair; specifically a
chernas adj. difficult; hard. Aslamen- single strand of hair. Pl: chseng.
dm da chernas nani ma thoemini. Variant: ksengia.
Counting is difficult for the child. chsengvs n. feather. Arura tha
chrnaska n. heat; temperature. Tat travet schama chseng nk
kama chrnaska. Take the tempera- kama duraik diva thi vs ngt. The
ture. Pl: achrnas. Note: only ch. people are removing the feathers from
chernas pt vi-so. be difficult; be hard. the chickens in order to cook them.
Pl: chsngimlk. Pl: chseng.
chrnas tm be hot.
Variant: ksengvs.
cherorachi n. banana flower.
chspka n. high stony cliff with a
Tangamga vak da va chrorachi ma
waterfall flowing down it. Pe vt ma
lolcha nachi. That banana tree has a
Umangmtki d chama chspka
red flower on it. Pl: cheror. Variant:
ama baringgi chi donanas naivuk
kerorachi; chrorachi.
samk. At the head of the Umang-
cherorini n. calf; specifically the large mtki River, the water falls from a
muscle in the lower part of the leg. high cliff. Arenggi ma Mangliming
Athama chrorini da vis d ngini. d chsap mt ki. The Mangliming
Her calf is swollen. Pl: cheror. Variant: River has a stony cliff. Pl: chsap.
chrorini; kerorini. Variant: kspka.
chrot strong; tough; hard; difficult. chesias be thirsty.
chrtpka halt; stop. chsin na stink.
chrtp mn na slice into. chtikktika n. grasshopper sp.;
chrtp mt chop; cut up. brown and short; flat area on the
chrtp pt chop off; butcher. back between the wing and the
head. Pl: chtikktik. Variant:
chrtp s cut.
chsasek dry.
chthcha n. hiccup. Athoemini
chsk be thirsty. ngthi tnok nmt chthcha. The
chsk pt be dry. baby is coughing from hiccups.
chsem those particular two long Pl: chthk. Note: only k.
ones. chthcha mt hiccup.
chseng those particular long ones. chthep grab; catch.
chseng n. hair. Kama rura ma bilar chthiacha n. blue. Dulki chia mu
ndai achabap athchseng. Old chama sravtki ama chthiacha
people have white hair. Variant: nachi. Dulki wore a blue shirt. Variant:
kseng. See: chekseng just those kthiacha.
particular long ones. chthiachi n. pancreas; the organ that
chsengdaiuika n. river crab sp.; is close to the liver. Ka ms kama
brown; shell up to 4 cm in diameter; thinmga ava chthiachi d chia
hairy legs; lives under stones in the sren mtka. He ate the fish's
river. Pl: chsengdaiuik. Variant: k- pancreas and it was bitter. Pl: chthai.
sengdaiuika. Variant: kthiachi.
chseng da vam n. beard; whiskers. chthiavs bluish.

chethik mt chiar vt

chethik mt bind. tive demonstrative. Kvicha chvak dai

chethik p tie. chama Pater. That one, he is a priest.
Variant: achvak. Note: only ch.
chethik pt tie.
chvam those particular two short
chethik sthm fasten.
chethik t tie on.
chvap those particular short ones.
chethik tm tie on.
chvarvarki crab sp.
chthom those particular two small
chvek n. relatives. Giama chvek ta
met ta lu nge ura ngabs? Did your
chthong those particular small ones. relatives come and see you or not?
chthopka sap. Ngo, gu chvek nave ia Takis. Me,
chthopka n. pool. Kthopka avak my relatives are from Takis. Variant:
sok dur saimk. That pool is really kavek.
deep (down inside). Pl: chthop. chvlki n. 1 piece; possibly a piece
Variant: kthopka. of rope, wood, or tapioca runner etc.
chethopka ava sachongachi n. Ngi vondm chama lavrki at ch-
deepest part of a pool. vlki bachi. You give a piece of the
sugar-cane to her.
chthopka vt be fat; be obese.
2 chapter. A slameng d ma
chthopki n. 1 liquid.
Matius ava methamon amr, ma
2 large pool. Thoes thi plk ia thi chvlki ama naruerki, a munggu-
thor vt kama chthopki. The lmga aungiom nacha save ia
children like to swim in the large pool. levavet. Reading from the Good News
Pl: chthop. Variant: kthopki. according to Matthew, chapter one,
chthopvm n. puddle. Pl: chthopvap. verses two to four. Pl: chvl.
Variant: kthopvm. chvem those particular two.
chvaik just that particular one. chevs n. fishing spear; has many
chevaik dem. just that particular one. prongs. Ka chut kama thinmgi
Gram: Emphatic feminine singular contras- nchama chevs achevs. He caught
tive demonstrative. Kvichi achvaik the fish with the fishing spear. Pl: che-
dei chama sunasvmgi. She is a vimlk. Note: only ch.
teacher. Variant: chvaik; achvaik. chvs that particular flat one.
Note: only ch.
chvs when.
chvaik n. sword grass (kunai). Kavu-
chvsnia when.
dmgichna da athva bang ma
chvaik dak Ilichna da athva chvet that particular long one.
bang ma alam. The people at Kavu- chvi= that one.
dmgi, their houses are made of sword chevorachi betel pepper (daka) plant.
grass (kunai) but at Ili their houses are
chvulki testicle.
made of cane leaves. Variant: kvaik.
chvulka n. octopus. Banglka cha
chvaika n. stalk of sword grass
chrtp schama chvulka dak ku-
(kunai). Guavek ta mr chama ch-
lel kama chanashucha. The shark
vika nainath. Some people pulled
grabbed the octopus (bait) but left the
out the sword grass (kunai) stems
hook. Pl: chvul. Note: only ch.
from around here. Variant: kvaika.
chi she; it; she; it.
chvaiki n. area of sword grass
(kunai). Pea Masarau da thchp chia she; it.
chama chviki. There is lots of sword chialetki n. river crab sp.; brown; has
grass (kunai) at Masarau. Variant: a lumpy shell and flat chest; hatches
kvaiki. in pools. Pl: chialet. Variant: kialetki.
chvak dem. just that particular one. chiar scrape.
Gram: Emphatic masculine singular contras- chiar vt scrape.

chier chlomgi

chier first. chlmen fool.

chier mes t push away. chlmuen n. fool; name of a character
chikachik another; each. in many Mali stories. Klmuen cha
met ka monel da ngmbs ka vlng
chilimski n. leech. Chilinski chia
anga slik. The fool went and hunted
nes ngo da aruan. A leech bit me and
but he did not kill any meat. Variant:
it hurts. Pl: chilims. Variant: kilimski.
klmuen; chlmen; klmen.
chilok tickle.
chlvachi n. maggot. Kama chvachi
chinai actually; in contrast; instead; in chia mon smt kama slikigl ama
turn. chsinigl. The maggot got into the
chinak just. smelly piece of pork. Pl: chlap. Variant:
chinak yes; all right. klvachi; chlvachi.
chinap n. ash. Chinap avang d a- chlochacha n. 1 core; innermost
chrnas mt ngt. Those ashes are part. Kama mngga av chlocha-
salty. Variant: kinap. See: thabucha cha da achlacha cha. The
dust; ash. innermost part of a tree is soft.
chinas just; recently. 2 inside part of something. Ka-
cholcha va chlochacha da chabap
chinasa really; already.
mtka. The inside part of tapioca is
chin her and. white. Ngias kama chlok dak kulel
chine actually; in contrast; instead; in kama chndeng. Eat the inside but
turn. throw away the skins.
chinipki n. fireplace; hearth. Chinipki 3 soul. Arucha ma mrka cha
avaik d sa amuruchi. This ingip da va chlochacha chaet sv
particular fireplace is old. Pl: chinap. usupki. The good man died and his
Variant: kinipki. soul went to heaven. Pei ngi ingip da
gi chlochacha cha thet nemet gi
chir push away; clear away.
chndenggi. When you die, your soul
chirap salt. will leave your body. Pl: chlok. Variant:
chit she; it. chlochacha. Note: only ch.
chivelacha lizard. chlochachi n. large inside part of
chivelachi n. lizard; generic term for something. Veia vk t chama
small lizards. Kama chivelachi chia vimga d thi pr ava chlochachi
tuchun kama lmas. The small lizard namuk. When the galip nut
chases flies. Pl: chivel. Variant: kivela- (Canarium indicum) breaks they take
chi; chivelacha; kivelacha. out the inside part. Pl: chlok. Variant:
chlochachi; klochachi.
chiveligl n. young crocodile. Kama
basiochi ama thoemgi da ut teski ia chlochaini n. small inside part of
chiveligl. The crocodile's baby, we something. Pl: chlok. Variant: chlo-
call it chiveligl. Pl: chivel. Pl: chive- chaini; klochaini.
ligleng. Variant: kiveligl. chlom angt nank n. shellfish sp.;
chlamurki puddle. large shell, similar to a conch; up to
25 cm long; used to make buttons;
chlan like; likewise; at the time; when.
has a large door. Pl: chlom angt
chlan only; just; for nothing; with no- nankina.
chlomga shellfish sp. Usage: Abilta
chlan be like; be similar. dialect.
chlavonotki crab sp. chlomgi n. shellfish sp.; lives on the
chlelachi large intestine. reef; rounded spiral shell with
chlelachun'ga n. driftwood. Garski ridges; brown and white mottled
chia thon kama chlalachun. The sea colour; up to 4 cm across; has a
threw driftwood (on shore). Pl: chlela- door. Pl: chlom. Variant: klom;
chun. Variant: klalachun. chlomga (Abilta dialect).

chluangga chuasin

chluangga n. tree sp.; has silky fibre. chrath those particular people.
Ti dng gama chluang angt kn- chrechacha loose soil.
deng iva nani chama thing. They
chrek sthm close in; block off;
scrape the chluang for their silky
fibre. Pl: chluang. Note: only ch.
chrtki n. policeman; the name comes
chluing cloud.
from the days of the German colony
chluing black. when the police wore short pieces of
chluingga n. march fly; blue; usually material (laplaps) with belts. Chrt-
the first to arrive on a carcass in the ki cha sangaracha dak ka iras ia
bush, or to sit on rubbish. Pl: chluing. cha da ngmbs. The policeman
Note: only ch. arrested him but he pretended that he
chlumen'gi n. frog; generic term. was not the one. Pl: chrtkichna.
Karki chia vlng chama chrtkrt s rustle.
chelumen'gi. The truck killed the chririaska centipede.
frog. Pl: chlumen. Variant: kelemen'gi;
chrnas mt be brave; be hard; be
difficult; be salty.
chlumen'gi ama iriarki n. frog sp.;
chrorachi banana flower.
large green river frog. Pl: chlumen
ama iriar. Variant: chlumen'gi ama chrorini calf; specifically the large
uras atha lchar; chlumen'gi ama muscle in the lower part of the leg.
uras d ththik. chrtp mt chop; cut up.
chlumen'gi ama uras atha l- chuan rice.
char frog sp. chuanigl n. sandy area. Ka mu cha-
chlumen'gi ama uras d th- ma baul ama cha thor ngt mni
thik frog sp. chama chuanigl. He put the clothes
chnam old garden. he had washed, on the sandy area.
Note: only ch.
choe where.
chuanik swallow.
choenei where.
chuar show.
choeng bt scrape; rub.
chuar say.
choi no.
chuaramgi n. black bird with red eyes.
choi no; not.
Ka thu chama chuaramgi. He shot
choiku no; not. the black bird with the red eyes.
choir pt vi-so. rejoice. Usage: Borrow- Pl: chuaram. Variant: kuaramgi.
ing from Ura. Mrvm ngn da chuaramgi at sachong n. native
choir pthangen. You are all happy spinach (aibika) with red stems. Ka
and you rejoice. Variant: chuarka pt. vt kana chuaramgi at sachong ve
chok just; already. va lat. He planted the red-stemmed
choki also; similarly. native spinach (aibika) in his garden.
Pl: churam angt sachong.
chop dm hang up.
chuares say.
chop mni fasten.
chuares ithm mes sa confess.
chop s tie up.
chuarka pt vi-so. rejoice. Usage:
chot spit.
Borrowing from Ura.
chot pt spit on; spit at.
chuarka pt rejoice.
chra that particular one.
chuar na tell.
chraik just that particular one.
chuar n tell.
chrak that particular one.
chuar tm light up.
chrare those particular people.
chuasin splash.
chrark dry.
chuasin toss.

chubururucha chumangacha

chubururucha brown ant. chulpka n. tear. Mamr ia k lu cha-

chudicha n. freshwater prawn sp.; ma chulpka vt at sachongacha.
dark brown; up to 5 cm long; easy to He could see the tear in her eye.
catch because they do not move fast. Pl: kulap. Variant: kulpka.
Pl: chudi. Variant: kudicha. chulpki n. 1 bowl of water. Chia
chudichi n. piece of rotten wood; e.g. thor n chama chulpki nmt
from a fallen tree that has rotted for kama diski. She poured water out of
several years. Kia met nmt atha the bowl into the dish.
uratki mni chama chudichi. She 2 soup. Chulpki ama mrki.
left her basket on the rotten wood. Good soup. Duraika ava chulpki
Mnapka da sok chudichi nacha sok amr mtki. Chicken soup is
mamr. He is sleeping like a rotten really delicious. Variant: kulp.
log. Pl: chudi. Variant: kudichi. chule sa interj. Wait a minute!
chueng scrape. chulesia n. haze. Pus vm kama
chuer go first; lead. adamgi d kulesia chlan. The
chuer s lead. mountain erupted and it was hazy [Lit:
(there was) haze]. Variant: kulesia.
chut pierce; spear; inject.
chulski n. 1 smoke. Barth, nma av
chut ma draw.
chulski avaik mano? Barth, whose
chut pt write. smoke is that down there?
chuk just; already. 2 steam. Pl: chuls. Variant: kulski.
chuk na descend. chulibingga tongue.
chule stay. chulibingga tongue of flame.
chule adv. later. Ka met d chule sa chulimbinggi n. tongue of flame. Dak
ch vinm. He went and later he will mir da chama amundmbs
come back. In met sva lat sa chule athama chulimbinggi ama chia ve.
sa in met smmi arenggi. They But long ago the huge fires tongue
went to the garden, then afterwards was there. Pl: achulubaing. Variant:
they went to the river. Variant: kule. kulbingga; chulibingga.
chule dont. chulimgi n. nose. Ng da mor gi
chulchulcham n. hoop. Ka rut n- chulimgi. You, your nose is big.
chama changat mt kama chul- Pl: chulim.
chulcham. He pushed the rope chulumtka n. crab sp.; dark brown
through the hoop. Pl: chulchulvap. with a white mouth and white claws;
Note: only ch. shell 5 cm in diameter; lives above
chulel leave; throw away. the tide line. Pl: chulumt. Variant:
chulemgi n. corner. Ta thn kama kulumtka.
urat ama dungdung ve mt chama chulumga n. shellfish sp.; white
bangga av chulem. They hung the cowrie shell. Ngia mnbt gia chu-
empty baskets in the corners of the lumga nachoe? Where did you find
house. Pl: chulem. Variant: kulemgi. your cowrie shell? Pl: chulum. Variant:
See: avingnaska corner. kulumga.
chule nge chlan interj. Bye! Usage: chulumga n. white man. Chulumga
This expression lets the hearer know avak navuk cha tet. That white man
that they can go. Chule nge chlan, is walking down. Pl: chulumda. See:
bubuang sa ngu lu nge. You can go, achabapka white man.
I will see you tomorrow. chulumgi n. white woman.
chulp n. 1 pool. Tha chierms chum cough.
thch vaimga svt chulp. They
chumangacha n. spider; generic
pushed the dog into the pool.
term. Chumangacha ava masar. The
2 liquid. Variant: kulp. spiders web. Pl: chumang. Variant:

chumang angt nank churemgi

kumangacha. chunengguneng dm be real.

chumang angt nank n. insect sp.; chunngngrngrka n. shellfish sp.;
large grey insect without wings; has found on the reef; rounded spiral
claws like a crab. Pl: chumang angt with ridges; white in colour. Pl: chu-
nankina. Variant: kumang angt nngngrngr. Variant: kunngngr-
nank. ngrka. See: mros shellfish sp.
chumangdalska n. spider sp.; large (alternate name).
black spider with yellowish stripes; chunia n. sandy beach. Arura ma
builds a strong web that small bats naingista da thi plk kama chunia
sometimes get caught in. Pl: chu- diva tha donel ve. The people from
mangdalas. Variant: kumangdalska. other tribes like to wander on a sandy
chumbarka bird sp.; dove; Victoria beach. Pl: chunink. Note: only ch.
crowned pigeon. chun'ga sand.
chumngas gaol; prison. chungacha n. 1 tree sp.; casuarina.
chumer clean. Kama chungacha cha ve d gua
vtka avam. The casuarina tree is in
chumska male.
front of my house.
chumgi n. knee. Vis d ma nan'gi at
2 sisterless man; sisterless boy; a
chumgi. Mother has a swollen knee.
man or a boy who does not have any
Pl: chuam. Variant: kumgi.
sisters. Johanes ta thal ka d cha-
chumgi cough; cold. ma chungacha nacha i choiku
chunachacha n. shellfish sp.; found in avanga lvopki. Johanes was born
the river; pointy black shell; up to and he is sisterless because there
5 cm long. Pl: chunak. Variant: kuna- were no girls. Ngi lu chama thoes
chacha. achums ama chuang i choiku
chunmgi old garden. athvanga lvop. See those young
boys, they have got no sister.
chunmka n. rosary beads. Note: only
Pl: chuang. Variant: kungacha.
chur show.
chunng n. 1 season. Saeng angt
kunng. Rainy season. chur show.
2 occasion. Arutha sok athva lu- churacha n. 1 root. Kama lamsachi
manaski ama morki ve ia chama at churacha sok achrotka. The
chunng ama mor. People really do coconut palm's root is really strong.
big preparations during important 2 artery; vein. Sa cha ruchi ithaik
occasions. Variant: kuneng. da at chuar ngmbs ng na tk.
chunengm n. morning star. Ut d- This particular woman's veins are not
chm nbngang d dng via working. Pl: chuar. Variant: kuracha.
kunengm ka dn. We were awake chura tm show; reveal.
in the night until the morning star chura tm light up.
appeared. Variant: kunengm.
churavesik na reveal.
chunngga sun; day; occasion.
churemga n. betelnut. Cha da chok k
chunngga ava iski clock. sing churem dak chok achabap v
chunengga cha don n. west. West chng. He chews betelnut but his
New Britain d chave i kunengga teeth are white. Kama kuremga cha
cha ndon. West New Britain is to the ve mt gu uratki. The betelnut is in
west. Variant: kunengga cha don. my basket. Pl: churem. Variant: kurem-
chunengga cha ndn n. east. Kama ga.
kinggna ma devaung ta met nave churemgi n. 1 palm sp.; betel palm.
ia kunengga cha ndn diva thi lu Kule ma ngi thap schama chu-
ma Jesus. The three kings came from remgi! Do not cut down the betel
the east to see Jesus. palm!
chunnggunng dawn. 2 shellfish sp.; comes from the sea;

churngga chutik namt

has an elongated spiral shell up to chusemga n. spinal cord. Kama

10 cm long. Pl: churem. Variant: chusemga ama cha namt muk
kuremgi. vm kama buthi. The spinal cord
churngga n. mountainside. Aingipki goes down inside the back. Variant:
chia sur nacha imani vt kurng. kusemga.
Death pushed him over the mountain- chusemgi n. large intestine. Chi thon
side. Pl: churng. Variant: kurngga. chama sen'ga smni atha lungut-
churepki dolphin. ka va saremgi d smni chama
chusemgi d cha ngip. She threw
chureski n. 1 leaf from an areca
the knife at her husbands stomach
and it went into his large intestine and
2 bucket; made from an areca he died. Pl: chusem. Variant: kusemgi.
palm leaf. Kama angthuauchi chia See: achlelachi large intestine.
thal atha msms mt kama
chusemgi ama chlelachi n. large
chureski nva lat. The grandmother
intestine. Ta chut kama vlmga da
carried her food from the garden in
v schama chusemgi ama chlela-
her bucket. Pl: chures. Variant: kureski.
chi. They speared the pig in its large
churetka n. flame. Chokosa mamr ia intestine. Morph: chusemki ama
uthi tlu chama churet nvt atha chlelakki. Lit: intestine-F.DG REL
mundm. We could just see the soft-F.SG.
flames from her fire. Achuret mt
chusemia n. section of intestines.
kama amundm smni anggiseng
Vaim ng nes kama vlmini d ng
iva sok achuret klan avik. The
nes angt chusemia. The dogs bit
flames got into something and it was
the piglet, they bit its intestines.
really burning. Pl: churet. Note: only
ch. chusemithong n. small intestine. Ut
mo da authama chusemithong muk
churetki n. large flame. Pl: churet. Note:
vm ut. We all have small intestines
only ch.
inside us. Variant: kusemithong.
churithong ama ngthi bang sa
chusilka n. freshwater fish sp.; black;
methamn n. nerve. Sa cha ngip i
small with a large mouth; live under
ava churithong ama ngthi bang sa
stones. Pl: chusil. Variant: kusilka.
methamn koi ng na tk. He died
because his nerves stopped working. chuski n. muddy ground. Asika ngi
Pl: chuar ama ngthi bang sa metha- ruk nigia lchar mt kama chuski
mn. Variant: kurithong ama ngthi da sik ng thm da athop mt ngt.
bang sa methamn. If you push your feet into the mud,
they will be itchy and sore. Pl: chus.
chursachongem n. crab sp.; brown;
Variant: kuski.
strong shell up to 6 cm in diameter;
has powerful legs; kicks when chut catch; specifically an eagle
someone holds it. Pl: chursachong. catching its prey.
Variant: kursachong. chut serve.
chusa just; simply. chut stack.
chusaricha n. name of the type of chut pierce; spear; inject.
Mndas dancer that has the adamga chut dm get rid of.
mask. Variant: kusaricha.
chutm s sew.
chusek only; just.
chutgil tm butcher; chop.
chusem n. intestines. Tha chumr
chutigligl n. half. Ka von ngo chama
kama vlam angthama chusem
dichi atha chutigligl. He gave me
diva thi var ngt. They cleaned the
half of a taro. Pl: chutigiliglng.
pigs intestines in order to cook them
Variant: kutigligl.
in an earth oven (mumu). Variant:
kusem. See: chusemia section of chutik namt poke repeatedly; stab
intestines. repeatedly.

chut ithm das

chut ithm lean on. chut pt write.

chutkut writing. chuvt short.
chutkutki drawing. chuvisacha n. chickenhawk. Chuvisa-
chut ma draw. cha cha chut kama duraikini d
cha vrap sngini. The chickenhawk
chut mes shoot randomly.
grabbed the chicken and flew away
chut mes be patchy. with it. Pl: chuvis. Variant: kuvisacha.

D - d

da coord. and. Gram: Addition marker. Ut damga n. lump. Agit angtha dam vt
met vathm chama renggi du ut lu kama rucha vak? What are the lumps
chama marupki vthat valo ang- on that man? Pl: dam.
thathng di chia mugun na ut. We damgi n. mountain. Damgi ma Everest
went along the river and we saw the sok ki saivuk daer kama dam
cassowary on her eggs and she chased ngmo. Mount Everest is really the
us. Variant: d; du; do; di. highest mountain of all. Pl: dam.
daer prep. over. Kama srucha cha mu Variant: ndamgi.
chama sospen'gi daer kama mun- damgi theves n. mountain peak. Ka
dm. The elderly man put the mair d chama damgi thvus. He
saucepan over the fire. stood on the mountain peak.
dai subord. thus; then. Asika aslek danungga n. unproductive man; a
pthachi ncha rucha vakpik, dei person who does not bring anything
thi vondmgi saglmga. If she is home for the household (e.g. no
willing to marry that particular man firewood, water, or food); someone
then they will give her to him. Variant: who cannot catch fish etc. Jackob
dei. sok ama danungga mamr. Jackob
dai asik subord. so that. Ngia ts dai is really a person who does not bring
asik aron nge. You eat so that you are anything home. Pl: danungda.
satisfied. danunggi n. unproductive woman.
dain dance. dang sa-vi. 1 catch fire. Ambang ng
dair stand; wait. mang. The houses caught fire.
dair pt walk with. 2 burn. Tiang atha mbangga cha
dair s make stand. mang ve ia Karong. Tiangs house
burned at Karong. Variant: ndang;
dair snas stand alone.
thang; mang.
dair snania lean against.
dang mt sa-vi. 1 burn; be on fire.
daith right here. Kama ambangga cha dang mt. The
daithik right now; just like this. house is on fire.
dak coord. but. Gram: Adversative marker. 2 be in a fire. Variant: ndang mt;
Vadi uthet save ia town mt k thang mt; mang mt.
botki dak laur mamor da ngmbs dar fall; particularly of fruit.
ut met. We wanted to go to town in
dar s fall out.
the boat but the wind was strong and
we did not go. dar s pour out; especially of water
from a tap.
daki also; too; similarly.
das coord. 1 and still. Tangamtta
dal carry; move; bear; give birth.
tha ndn, das koi angama Auli-
dalias adv. squatting. Ngia mugun ngalta, ura angitha, angmbs.
dalias. You are squatting. Note: only d. Tolais came, but still no Sulkas or
dama and the. anyone, no.

das dn

2 and yet. tha ngt taithik d sa ddng. Her

3 and just. Cha met das ka mair medicine that she will take now will be
nani ava lunggutki iva in det sva her last (dose).
lat. He went and just waited for his ddng na vi-so. be last. Ddng
wife so they could go to the garden. nacha. He is last.
Morph: da=as. Lit: and=yet.
dedr tight.
das sleep; lie down.
ddrin n. roar; a roaring sound.
dasa coord. and so; then. Ka met da sa Kama ddrin mt kama sipki ama
cha mn. He went then he arrived. morki. The roaring sound of a big
Cha ves kama nangas ama ddn ship. Variant: ddarin.
d sa ngave ddn'ga mamr. He
ddin n. thunder. Mali nbangang d
smoked marijuana and so he felt
ddin masak. It really thundered at
confused. Morph: da=sa. Lit: and=then.
Variant: dsa.
dgeling dir. to the side of. Kama
dasik coord. and maybe. Morph: da=asik.
dulki chia vae dgeling nchama
Lit: and=irrealis.
srucha uvski. The stone hit to the
dasika coord. and if. Dasika vandi ngia side of the elderly mans head.
thet... And if you want to go... Morph:
deglingini n. ring finger. Pl: deglingi-
da=asika. Lit: and=if.
dat get; give birth.
dei thus; then.
dat d copy.
dldl n. ringing. Uthi nari dldl mt
dat dm copy. kama belka. We will hear the ringing
dat m na leave. of the bell.
dat mt share; divide. dldlka n. scale of a fish. Athinmgi
dat mt bump. ath dldl. A fish has scales. Pl: dl-
dat mt na leave.
del vt vt. tap; e.g. hitting a galip nut
dat nthm help.
(Canarium indicum).
d here.
del vt s vi-so. strike. Ka thap mavo
d and. nchama thinemgi da kosa del vt
d right here. scha sen'gi d chama dulki
d at; along. thvus. He cut the fish clumsily and
the knife struck the top of the stone.
dcham start.
dm at; along.
dcham wake up; be awake; be alive;
arise. dm sa-vi. be sour. Arm ngo d cha-
ma yare ng dm. I am sick and my
dchm wake up; be awake; be alive;
saliva is sour.
dm sa-vi. itch. Mrmr ngi thor
ddarin roar.
giama chdengm diva choi ia ng
ddn vi-so. 1 be confused. Arura ma dm. Always wash your skin so that it
choiku tha sunas da ut tes tha ia does not itch. Variant: thm; mm.
ddn tha. People who do not learn,
dma coord. and the. Morph: da=kama.
we call them confused.
Lit: and=ART. Variant: dama.
2 be insane; crazy. Aruchi achik
dmeska n. mosquito. Dmeska vak
ma tha teski ia Sabrina da ddn'gi
d ch bond chama slp ma
d mamr ia chia thuchun nge.
vsvis. That mosquito gives people
That woman, who they call Sabrina, is
swollen legs. Pl: dmes. Variant:
crazy and she might chase you.
3 be delirious.
dmska mosquito.
ddn'gi n. madness. Pl: ddn.
dmna together.
ddng n. finish. At marasin ma chia
dn sa-vi. 1 arrive; come. Botki chia

dn dng na

ndn. The boat arrived. Ut tet ina- dn pa ~ dn p reach; arrive.

vuk, du ut dn be ma Kethopki. We dn pt sa-vi. reach; arrive. Asika ngia
went down, then we came to Kethopki thn pa mbang da sik ngias kama
Bay. thinm. When you arrive home you
2 reach. Kvsnia ngia thn peia should eat the fish. Variant: thn pt;
Kokopo? When will you reach mn pt; dn p; thn p; mn p; dn
Kokopo? pa; thn pa; mn pa.
3 return. Chule tha vaur sa bu- dn pthana vt. meet each other.
bang d than. They are staying in the Akun ch mbang mava botki d
bush and tomorrow they will return. chnma Bonnie chnatha
Variant: ndn; thn; mn; mun; -an. dnpthana veia Karong. Akun
dn sa-vi. grow. Tltlcha vak d cha travelled with his boat and he and
ve cha dn da ulul cha. That Bonnie and his mob met each other at
tltlcha tree is starting to grow tall. Karong. Variant: thn pt; mn pt.
Variant: thn; rn; ndn; rin (Abilta dn s vt. arrive with; bring. Asip sa
dialect). ngua thn s gianga viam. Later I
dn vt. grow; specifically make a baby will come back with some of your galip
grow. Auk, kule sa ngaiom as ka nuts (Canarium indicums). Variant:
thoemiom, nngaiom, tave thi rin thn s; mun s.
ngaiom mt kama mormor. Well, dn vt vt. find. Sa ngia mun vt
when they were still small, those two, ngait? Did you find it? Sa ngua mun
they made them grow in the special vt ngait. I found it. Variant: thn vt;
place. Variant: thn; rn; ndn; rin mun vt; dn bt; thn bt; mun
(Abilta dialect). bt.
denachi sa-vi. start. Chia chuar nango deng vt. twist together; e.g. to make a
ia ngua denachi schama mambu. strong rope out of finer ones. Ta
She told me that I should start the meng kanggat mnichi. They
songs. Variant: ndenachi; thenachi; twisted ropes around her. Variant:
memachi. theng; meng.
dn bt find. dng n. end. Dng taithik. This is the
dn d be stuck. end.
dn dm be stuck. dng adv. until. Thi tk pe va lat sa
dn dmna sa-vi. gather together; dng asip sa tha dn. They work in
meet up. Gram: Takes a plural subject. Ta the garden until afternoon then they
dn dmna smt kama munggun- return.
bs. They gathered together for the dng vt. process; specifically to scrape
meeting. Variant: thn; mn. the skin off wood fibre to make it
dn dmna vt. meet together, usually silky for rolling into string. Variant:
informally. Ut natha ut dn dmna thng.
veia market. We met each other at dngbm na vi-so. stop suddenly.
the market. Variant: ndm dmna; thn Kama aiska chi bang nk aiska d
dmna; mn dmna. chok kosa dngbm nachi. The car
dendem p vt. leave out; exclude. Da ran on the road and then just stopped.
ma mbunatha d cha mendem pa- dngtham dir. in front; at the front.
thvus d choi cha na vonta. The Ngia thair dngtham. You stand at
rich people, he left them out and he the front.
did not give them anything. Variant: dng na vi-so. stop; finish. Ka chuar
thendem p; mendem p. natha ia dng natha nmt kama
dn m vt. become. Valuacha bk lat. He told them to stop working in
pthacha diva cha thn mchama the garden. Asik nge d ngia vang,
duraikini. The egg hatched to d dng nange choe? When you ran
become a chicken. Variant: thn m; away, where did you stop?
mn m.

Deo dinas

Deo n. God. Kusek Deo asgk klan. kama palang. The rat is stuck be-
There is only one God. From: Latin: Deo. tween the planks. Variant: tht sthm;
dr excrete. mt sthm.
der refuse; decline. dethana be friends; be married; group
dr pull out; uproot; clear.
dthanas help oneself; to take some-
dranas go; take off; leave.
thing without permission.
dravt weed.
dththik beside.
dravt s remove.
dvthng adj. unconnected; some-
dr na lay; specifically of a turtle thing without a known source; e.g. a
laying eggs. fatherless child or Tok Pisin, which
dr vthanas have diarrhoea. is a language without a village. PNG
des name; call by name. chna d tha tamn nchama me-
thamn ama dvthng. People
des read.
from PNG speak Tok Pisin.
ds eat.
dvthik dir. beside. Ava oemgi chia
dsa and so; then. met di shia mugun dvthik. His
desavet da sek narrate; tell a story. daughter went and sat beside him.
desavet dm narrate; tell about. Variant: dththik.

des nas call oneself. di and.

ds nthm taste. dichina do something (definite).
ds t shake. dichina n make something.
ds tm shake. dik now.
dstmna n eat with. dik this very one.
dt get; give birth. dildil dried up.
det walk; go. dil tm vi-so. be dried. Ingun'ga nmt
kama chunnggi da ch pus kama
det dm dry; desiccate; be dried out
achlachuaski da kosa dil tmgi.
from lying in the sun.
The heat from the sun cooked the
det kutna miss someone because each grass and it was dried. Note: only d.
person went by a different path.
dinai coord. 1 in turn. Kama vaimga
dt mt uvski n. stupid person. cha er ka naik dinai chule di chama
Kama dt mt uvski vaivak ma vlmga. The dog was first to drink
choiku chna mu ava snng and then it was the pigs turn.
mamr. That stupid person does not
2 instead. Auk, duraik, nge dinai
think properly.
ngia thet save sdngtham dak ma
dt mtha musnng n. forgetful ngo nasot. Well, rooster, instead you
person. Kvicha da mrmr kama must go to the front but I (will sit at
dt mtha musnng. That one is the) back. Morph: da=kinai. Lit: and=
always forgetful. instead. Variant: dinei.
det na go past; pass. dinak coord. and just. Dai chvi thi
det ngis n miss a target. kuar ia chama mangbchng dinak
dt pa sndm n. deaf person. Axavier kvicha cha mun bivi viavik. So, as
da narur da chi nari. Dak ithik da they say, the decorative plant, and just
ut drm ia chi d chama dt pa that one, it grows there like that.
sndm. Axavier could hear before. Morph: da=kinak. Lit: and=just.
But now we know that she is deaf. dinas coord. and just. Dak ka lagun'ga
dt pthik let go of; drop. vak pik dinasa cha mun avivik
piavik. And that decorative plant, it
dt s get.
just grew there like that. Morph: da=
dt sthm vi-so. be stuck. Kama kinas. Lit: and=just.
kaumatka dt sthm ga mugurp

dinasa don

dinasa adv. and really. Dak ka earlybird in order to get his clothes.
lagun'ga vak pik dinasa cha mun Ngi ser kama urat diva? Why are
avivik piavik. And that decorative you weaving the baskets?
plant, it really grew there like that. dlangga n. walking stick. Cha vl mni
Morph: da=kinasa. Lit: and=really. chama dlangga. He broke the walk-
dinei in turn; instead. ing stick. Pl: dlang.
dini coord. and those two. ... dini tek dlen sa-vi. be afraid; be frightened. Cha
naina lat, ura in donel. ... and those donel vaur da ngbs chna dlen.
two work in their gardens or hunt. He wandered in the bush and was not
Morph: da=ini. Lit: and=3DL class two. afraid. Variant: len.
din s vi-so. faint; collapse. Ddn'ga do and.
nmt areng ama ddn d diss dodm sa-vi. recount; narrate; tell.
cha. The man who collapsed was Ngu dodm nchama secha. I will
affected by alcohol. Variant: diss. tell a story. Ngu thodm svt kama
din'ga n. boom; roar. Botki atha luln'gi ma chia mon sut. I will tell
din'ga vak. That is the roar of the about how the boat capsized with us in
boat. Pl: ddin. it. Variant: thodm.
dingdm vi-so. be stuck. Dingdm dok coord. and just. Tha namu inavuk,
kama vaimga mt kama nanachi. inavuk, vaki tha mu athva chrot-
The dog was stuck in the glue. ki thaith, ma ith glm ut, mok
dingdm pt vi-so. stick. Koi anga ithik dok kia ve glm ut taithik.
vungt ding dm ngt ptha nge. They continued down, down, until they
No sin sticks to you. put our power here, close to us, where
(it is) just here and it is just with us
dingdingga n. bird sp.; very small;
now. Morph: da=kok. Lit: and=just.
some are black and some are yellow;
their call sounds like ding ding; dok impregnate.
they like sitting in orange trees. ... doki adv. 1 also; too. Ka d choki ch
da ngini ng ngaip. Dei chama tal ava vlika, da ava dul, doki
dingdingga, cha ngaip. ... and the avama chepki. He also carries his
little one hid. Thus the dingdingga, he sling and his stones, also his spear.
hid. Pl: dingding. See: dingdingini Vandi ma chvi cha doki ch thk
bird sp. (alternate name). saisavi. That one wanted to work
dingdingini n. bird sp.; very small; there too.
some are black and some are yellow; 2 similarly. Achk ka munggun
their call sounds like ding ding; doki achk ka munggun. One sat,
they like sitting in orange trees. and similarly the other sat. Morph: da=
Kama dingdingini, ps d ngini, d koki. Lit: and= also. Variant: daki.
ngthi mbang. The tiny dingdingini, dokta n. doctor. Cha met sava armgi
at once the small one flew. See: ding- diva dokta ch lu cha. He went with
dingga bird sp. (alternate name). his sickness so that the doctor could
dingt thing. Usage: Abilta dialect. look at him. Pl: doktachna. From:
dingt something. Usage: Abilta dialect. English, Tok Pisin: doctor, dokta.
diski n. dish; often refers to a large dolngengga n. bang. Ngua nari
aluminium dish. Duraik angthama dolngeng mtkama pelet. I heard
slik ng muk mt kama diski. The the banging of a plate. Pl: dolngeng.
chickens meat is in the dish. Pl: dis. don vt. 1 throw away. Kule ma ngi
From: English, Tok Pisin: dish, dis. thon amethamn. Do not throw away
diss faint; collapse. the advice. Ngi thon kama baulki
nevanas. You throw away the cloth
diva subord. in order to. Gram: Controlled
(laplap) from yourself.
purposive. Mliar ka irastm sma
Karuaik diva chat ma Karuaik ava 2 subtract. Variant: thon.
sravtki. The parrot lied to the don sa-vi. 1 go in; enter. Sunasvmda

don dong mes

tha chuar nathva thoes tha don wallaby wandered off and he found
svt athva ulung dasika ngbs some yellow fruit. Variant: thonel;
d sik tharavt. The teachers said to monel.
their students that they would go into don ma vt. heap up. Ngni thon ma-
their rooms, and if not, they would do chama vival angthik sthmna.
the weeding. You all heap the mango branches
2 sink. Kanucha cha mon scha- together. Variant: thon ma.
ma msms. The canoe sank with the don ma sa-vi. 1 clear land for a new
food. garden. Anmamkiom ina ainoes
3 drown. tha met thi donma vthathva val-
4 be stuck. Kama vlmga ka mon valcha. The parents and their children
mt kama baurka. The pig was stuck went to clear out a patch for a garden.
in the trap. Variant: thon; mon.
2 throw away; abandon. John k
don vt. bring in; specifically the sea donma nani chalasung. John threw
throwing things onto the shore. Mt away (everything) for the sweet potato
kama volam d ichum mt areng d (kaukau). Variant: thon ma.
agarski chi don chama amng.
don meng vt. check. Fidel chia thon
During the wet season the river floods
meng at baul mndu ma kokoros
and the sea brings in wood. Variant:
ng ms ngt. Fidel checked her
clothes because the cockroaches ate
donanas sa-vi. jump; throw oneself. them. Variant: thon meng.
Ngua thonanas svt kulp. I
don mt vt. 1 wear. Ngua mon mt
jumped into the pool. Variant:
gua su. I wore my shoes.
2 put on. Ngia mon mt kama
donbathm na check; examine.
singgliska di ngia np nachi ia na
donbathm n vt. check; examine. Sa vono sa muk. You put the shirt on and
chule sa nga ve ngu donbathm n (when you did) you turned it inside
chama vrsetki vaik imono. Then I out. Variant: thon mt; mon mt.
started to examine around those
don na throw.
marks. Ngu don bathm ngu lagat
ma ngua vt ngt. I checked the corn don n vt. throw. Ta thon nchama
that I planted. Variant: thonbathm n; bom savono ia Vaingait. They threw
donbathm na; thonbathm na. bombs onto Vaingait. Variant: thon n;
don na; thon na.
don d follow.
don sk move to.
don dm vt. follow. Ut thon dchama
basiochi atha iska d ut lu veia chia donsvanas tm vt. disown; dissoc-
ms kama vaimga. We followed the iate from. Minia iva ngi thons-
crocodiles path and saw where it ate vanas tm ga? Why did you disown
the dog. Variant: thon dm; don d; him? Variant: thonsvanas tm.
thon d. don svt sa-vi. move to. Ngt don
don dmna sa-vi. gather together. Ku- svt glingga snggk. They move
nngga achk, d tha mondmna. to one side. Variant: thon svt; mon
One day they gathered together. svt; don sk; thon sk; mon sk.
Variant: thon dmna; mon dmna. don vt vt. follow. Uthi tlen d uthi
donel sa-vi. 1 hunt. Kunngga ma bang d ut don vt aisini svt ma
levavet nacha da arura nainath da Geor ava bangga. We got frightened
ta donel mtak nani athanga and we ran and we followed a small
mstmna. On Thursday the people path to Geors house. Variant: thon vt.
from here went hunting for their side- dong bewitch.
dishes. dong sa-vi. turn. Ngi thong diva gia
2 wander. Sa nasot sa kama buthicha snania ut. You turn so that
chaelka ka monel sa cha mun bt your back is towards us. Variant: thong.
kama isingga avoes. Later on the dong mes sa-vi. turn. Kama plmga

dorlaicha du nas mk

cha thong mes svt aut peva ur d duchun sit; settle.

ut len d ut vang. The pig turned to- du daruan hurt; injure.
wards us in the bush and we felt afraid
du dm n lose.
and ran away. Variant: thong mes.
du dng interrupt; fail to finish.
dorlaicha n. squid. Johanes ka chut
kama dorkaicha nva gars. dudung pt vi-so. char. Ngave dudung
Johanes speared a squid from the sea. pt kama singapo mt kama mu-
Pl: dorlai. dam. The singapores are charring in
the fire.
dor na pour.
dugas play.
dradrachi n. hibiscus flower. Kama
achinggoinggi chia munggun vt dugas s play a game.
kama dradrachi. The butterfly sat on dugas t play with.
the hibiscus flower. dul n. money. Rascalchna tha svo
dramgi n. drum; specifically a drum of thavama dul nmt ava gunan'ga.
fuel, not a musical instrument. Ut The rascals stole his money from the
aut dramgi nchama bensin avaik- store. Variant: ndul.
pik. Us, our drum of benzene is that dule coord. and then. Kule ut va bang
one. Pl: dram. From: English, Tok Pisin: dule d ut met sva lat. We stayed at
drum, dram. home and then we went to the garden.
dranas go; take off; leave. Morph: da=chule. Lit: and=then.
drm vt. know. Asik ngu rm mnia? dulem n. crab sp.; lives in holes in the
How will I know? Variant: ndrm; rm. sand; white and brown shell; up to
drm sa-vi. understand. Angmbs 5 cm in diameter. Pl: dulvap. See:
ngua ndrm. I don't understand. kiakkiaka crab sp. (alternate
Variant: ndrm; rm. name).
drmanas na vt. recognise; know. Dak dulemga elbow.
ath, asik ath nmga cha lu ia sik duligl n. coin; especially a silver coin.
ti na rmanas na cha ura. But others Ngua n vt kama duligl namk
who saw, maybe they recognised him nvt kama unpka. I found a coin in
or (something). Ngu lu cha d ngua the dust. Pl: duligleng. Pl: dul - Mali
rmanas nacha. I saw him and I has future tense.
knew him. Variant: rmanas na. dulini n. small stone. Pl: dulithong.
drm na vt. recognise. Asik ngu rm dulka n. stone; an average sized stone,
nacha. I will recognise him. Variant: maybe a bit elongated. Dulka vak da
rem na. mrka iva thi bn chama paim. That
drm svanas sa-vi. realise. Sa ngua stone will be good to hit the pig with.
rm svanas ia ngua met nmt gu Pl: dul. Variant: ndulka.
baulgi. I realised that I left without dulki n. large stone; especially large
my wraparound skirt (laplap). Variant: rounded stones. Pl: dul.
rm svanas.
du ma joke; make fun.
du put; wear; put on; lay.
du mamr sna level; straighten.
du and.
du mana arrange oneselves.
du amethamn pt pass a message.
du manas prepare oneself; get ready.
du amuvtka svt punish.
du ma s joke about.
du av snng think.
du mt set on fire.
du av snng mamr calm down;
du mrang dm cover.
settle down; relax.
dunaik na put; leave.
du ba set rules.
du nank grizzle; cry for something
du chelak tm please; soften.
for a long time.
duchun chase; hit.
du nas mk humble oneself.

dungdung -et

dungdung empty. dusamon dm collect; gather things

dunggas play. together.
dunggas s play a game. du samor s make fun.
dunggas t play with. du sa sothana change; especially of
changing clothes.
dung mt vi-so. get burnt. Dung mt
kama singapo mt kama mudm. dusavus wriggle because of irritation;
The singapore got burnt in the fire. toss and turn e.g. while trying to
dung sng vi-so. be burnt. Dung sng
chama sospen'gi thut. The bottom of dusavus be irritating; feel uncomfor-
the saucepan is burnt. table.
dur adv. deep. Kthopka avak sok dur dut coord. and we. Dak ath tha tat
saimk. That pool is really deep kama is da ut tet dut dn mana va
(down inside). nggars. And others cleared the road,
and we walked and arrived at the
duraika n. rooster. Duraika vak ma
coast. Morph: da=ut. Lit: and=1PL III.
lolcha navama chseng dai ma Tim
ava chk. That rooster with the red du th decorate.
feathers belongs to Tim. Pl: duraik. du thm decorate.
duraiki n. hen. Pl: duraik. du thm mes decorate oneself.
duraikini n. chick. Pl: duraikithong. du thm mes pt be glorious.
durik na punish. du thik dm beat.
dusachus wriggle because of irrita- duvaung three.
tion; toss and turn e.g. while trying du vlk svt fall in love with.
to sleep.
duvet answer.
dusachus be irritating; feel uncomfor-
duvet mt answer; respond; recipro-
cate; take revenge; pay back.
dusachus nanas act funny.

E - e

e there. Usage: Abilta dialect. bang. Kama basiochi chia vus atha
e interj. Oh!; exclamation of surprise. E! bemna sma, pau! Sok kia en-
Singalka ithak ma ngua viaska. Oh! mula. The crocodile closed its mouth,
Heres a snake that I stepped on. whack! It really made a bang.
ei interj. Hey! Usage: To express concern en'ga iron spear.
or annoyance. Ei, kule ma ngi tnok. er adv. first. Ka er ka chuars, Kuk
Hey, dont cry. ngni ndlen. He first said, Dont
Ekaristia n. Eucharist. D cha mu a you all be afraid. See: kuer s lead.
Sakramento i chule cha mtka er go first; go ahead; go in front.
mrmr ama Ekaristia. And he made erna sa-vi. compete. Ini erna d nma
the sacrament by staying forever in ma chaet nava ruacha da chat
the Eucharist. From: Tok Pisin: Ekaris- angguangithong. The two of you
tia. Note: no endings. compete and the one who comes
en pro. you two. Gram: Second person dual ahead of his friend gets something.
class three pronoun. Ut mn diva erngthcha n. middle finger. Morph:
uthaen. We came to get you. Ngua erngthkka. Lit: first-3N.I-touch-
thk mamr tmen da in ds. I ran MSG. Pl: erngthk. See: arnacha
into you two when you were eating. middle finger.
enm short iron spear. -et walk; go.
enmula sa-vi. make the sound of a

G - g

ga he; it. gamosachi n. food parcel; is wrapped

gaini some small thing. in leaves. Ka vng chama gamosa-
chi nchama viam. He wrapped the
gaini some small thing.
packet of galip nuts (Canarium indi-
galpka n. freshwater fish sp.; silver; cum). Mndas ngt tain schama
up to 60 cm long; many bones inside gamos dchama ulan. Day dancers
their flesh. Pl: galp. dance with parcels of food and snakes.
galpki n. palm sp.; wild palm; used Pl: gamos.
for making axe handles and floors. gamosini n. small food parcel. Fidel
Ka thap pt kama galpki diva nani chi bng bt at oes da achk av
chama karirot. He chopped the wild gamosini doki achk. Fidel wraps a
palm for the black beetles. Pl: galp. small parcel of food for each of her
galicha n. mountain range; ridge. Ga- children. Pl: gamosithong.
licha vak monp da arura tha donel gapgap light.
ve nani vlam, ura gingt. That range
gar sa-vi. be noisy. Milani da thoes ti
over there, people hunt there for pigs
gar dak taithik da munaman. Yes-
or whatever. Kama chan'gan'ga dai
terday the children were noisy but
chama galicha mugurup kama
now they are quiet. Variant: munaman.
areng ama mor anga pus. The
chan'gan'ga is the top ridge between garang n. blossom.
the head of two big rivers. Pl: gali. garngacha n. bunch; e.g. a bunch of
galumaing n. flower sp.; has small bananas, coconuts or mangoes. Kia
red, yellow, white, and pink flowers thal atha garngacha nchama
all in one flower head; light green viam. She carried a bunch of galip
spear-shaped leaves. Kama nuts (Canarium indicum). Pl: garang.
galumaing da purpur ma amr garngachi n. large bunch; e.g. bana-
ngt. The galumaing is a nice flower. nas, coconuts, or mangoes. Pl:
gama the. garang.
gamar sa-vi. fight. Ti mbang dak ath gars coast; beach.
ma thi gamar. They ran and others garski sea.
fought. Note: only g. gathvacha n. beetle sp.; under-
gamar nana sa-vi. fight each other. ... ground beetles that bore holes in
dak minia diva thi nchama Bai- root crops. Gathvacha cha slavo
ninggna tha gamar nana. ... and ngua lat mo. The beetles ruined my
why they and the Bainings fought with whole garden. Pl: gathap.
each other. Note: only g. gavun n. fern. Tchp nchama ga-
gamar n vt. fight. Asik ti gamar n wun, nge vadi ngiat agung? There
chama arucha avak pik kn cha are lots of ferns, do you want to get
lvopki avaik pik. They will fight some? Variant: gawun.
with that particular man, him and that gawtki n. crown; e.g. of a tree.
particular woman. Note: only g. Amnggi atha gawtki. The crown of
gamarvmga n. soldier. Kunngga the tree. Pl: gawt.
achk cha tal tchama Siapan'ga gawun fern.
agamarvmga. One day he was
g he; it.
carrying for a Japanese soldier.
g the.
gamracha n. fighting ground. Cha
mun smt ka gamracha. He gk pt vi-so. burp. Gk pt ngua
arrived at the fighting ground. Note: no chn. I burped. [Lit: My neck burped.]
plural. gl prep. with. Thik da chave gl kama

gelaulul gethuaing angt nank

rutha. Now he is there with the Chlmn ka lu chama urachi ama

people. genaing genaing mtki. The fool
gelaulul dir. far away; long way. Minia saw the witch with the snotty nose.
diva ngia met sa gelaulul nani gnngachi n. brain. Serimah da ma
chama chagat? Why did you go very armalaki. Guangithong ma chia
far to get the fibre? sunas tmngt veia sunaski sok
glm prep. near; close. Ngia thon sa chia mu ngt mt ath gnngachi.
glm diva ngua thamn sthm Serimah is a smart girl. Things that
nge. You come in close so I can tell she learnt at school are all kept in her
you something. Variant: glm. brain.
glmna prep. near; next to each geneska white dove.
other. Kama bafaloiom da ini tk gnska n. white dove. Gns d mr-
pia Yara, glmna nma Mevlu. The mr ng tet ngthi naik agarski.
two buffaloes worked at Yara, near the White doves always go and drink salt-
Mevlu River. Morph: glm=na. Lit: water. Pl: gns. Variant: geneska.
PREP=RECIP. Variant: glmna. geng edge; bank.
glingga place; side. gnget those particular ones; that
gl kuvet dir. be near to. Ngia thair particular one.
gl kuvet ngo. Stand close to me. ger sa-vi. bend over. Ngi ger manp.
Sanggl kuvet nacha iva chathva. You bend down.
Near to his arrival.
grp anger.
gelochna n. heavenly host.
grgrka n. pinpoint. Kama mulichi
gelucha n. angel. Dakama gelucha atha nsnes sok a grgrka dm
cha dn. But an angel came. Pl: gelu- ngt. The spikes of an orange tree are
tha. From: Latin, Tok Pisin: angelus, really like pinpoints. Pl: grgr.
Gerkachna n. name of a group of
gmarucha n. freshwater fish sp.; has Mndas dancers; carry awaleng
a big head and is dark in colour; masks; destroy the mound in the
shaped like a tadpole but bigger; can centre of the dance ground; usually
stick itself to rocks with its chest; the last dancers to appear during a
side fins are whitish or yellowish; is day dance.
a lazy fish and stays under stones.
gesik mt vi-so. smile. Gesik mthut
Gmarucha da chama thinmga ma
svt kama athoes ama chlp
cha nmt kama renggi. The gma-
ngt. We smiled at the shy children.
rucha is a fish from the river. Pl:
gmaru. gethaingga cockroach.
gml angt nank n. reef fish sp.; gethainginggl n. cockroach. Kama
similar to the gmlka species only gethaingga cha mon smt ma
larger; up to 30 cm long; live on Tonya atha sndem d raik dmgi. A
reefs further out to sea. Pl: gml cockroach went into Tonyas ear and
angt nankina. she screamed. Pl: gethaing. Variant:
gmlcha n. reef fish sp.; dark red
with big eyes; has scales and greasy gthp n. anger. Dak ma Deo ava
flesh; is thin; up to 15 cm long. gthp ka ma arektch usupki. But
Pl: gml. Variant: kmlka. God, in his anger, banned (them from)
heaven. Variant: grp.
genaing n. 1 cerebrum. Ut mo ma
rura da autha ma genaing. All us gthep grab; catch.
people have cerebrum. gethon be yellow.
2 phlegm; mucus. Genaing ng gethuaing angt nank n. fly sp.;
tet. A runny nose. [Lit: Mucus, it goes.] brown with big eyes and transparent
genaing genaing mt vi-so. have a wings; similar to the murnalengeika
snotty nose; be heavily congested. species but this one lays eggs. Pl: ge-

gi githong

thuaing angt nankina. Variant: gilamucha.

gi she; it. gimlk some flat ones.
gi pro. your. Gram: Second person singular gimlm some two flat ones.
possessive pronoun. Ngi kuar nango ia ginait some large one.
nguat anggiom nmt gi uratki?
gink some large ones.
Which two (things) did you tell me to
get from your basket? ginm some two large ones.
gia pro. your. Gram: Second person singular gingt something.
possessive pronoun and possessive pronoun gingt n. thing. Gram: Count neutral
and specific article. Manabt cha mn- specific. D ngu donbathm nangt
bt gia chepki nva gars. Manabt ia sik ngua lu angama basiochi ura
found your spear from the beach. sik ngua lu ama gingt ta ithang da
Morph: gi=a. Lit: 2SG.POSS=SPEC. ithik. And I checked them closely
gia she; it. because maybe I saw a crocodile or
maybe I saw some other particular
giama pro. your. Gram: Second person
thing. Ngu pul d ngu tp mgua
singular possessive pronoun and emphatic
musnng ia, Ama dingt tngt ta
possessive pronoun. Dak nge da gi
ithik ama ngua lu ngt? I paddled
nank kia thal nge choe? And you,
and I was thinking, What is this
where did your mother give birth to
particular thing that I saw? Variant:
dingt (Abilta dialect).
gianga pro. some of your. Gram: Second
giom two of something; two unidenti-
person singular possessive pronoun and non-
fied people.
specific possessive pronoun. Gianga ma
achuan ma ngi tk nangt? Are you gisem some two long ones.
selling some of your rice? Morph: gi= giseng some long ones.
anga. Lit: 2SG.POSS=NSPEC. gisia n. pebbly beach. Usage: Also the
giangama pro. your. Gram: Second person proper name for a pebbly beach near
singular possessive pronoun and indefinite Marunga. Gisia d luchupka ma
possessive pronoun. Morph: gi=angama. amrka iva rutha thi piknik. Gisia is
Lit: 2SG.POSS=INDEF. a good place for people to picnic.
gicha what. Pl: gisink. See: giska pebble.

gicha someone; something. giska n. pebble. Tchp nchama

giska ivi va gars. The beach is full of
gichm some short thing.
pebbles. Pl: gis.
gichi something; someone.
gisnng subord. as if. Tha mthanas
giet she; it. Usage: Abilta dialect. tchama msms nva lat gisnng
gigl some piece. ia athev ngt. They got themselves
giglem some two pieces. food from the garden as if they owned
gigleng some pieces.
gisnia subord. as if; as though. Ngia
gilamucha plug.
naingim ma gisnia arm nge. You
gilamucha n. claws of a flying fox; looked as if you were sick. Kivelacha
found on the elbows of the flying da morka gisnia chama basiochi.
fox; they use them to hang by. Kama The kivelacha (lizard) is as big as a
vangon'gi at gilamucha dai athama crocodile. [Lit: The kivelacha is big as if
dulemga achk ama chi kopsenas (it was) a crocodile.]
nave. The flying foxs claws are on its
git she; it.
elbows for it to hang from. Pl: gilamu.
git what.
gilamuchi n. plug; e.g. the stopper in a
bamboo tube of water or a cork in a githa some people.
bottle. Ngua thp mchama gila- githom some two small ones.
muchi smt kama aichi. I put the githong some small ones.
stopper in the bamboo. Pl: gilamu.

givam guagungmo

givam some two short ones. From: English, Tok Pisin: grace, grasia.
givap some short things. Note: no endings.

givem some two people; some two grtpes n. section of frame; e.g. one
things. side of a house frame. Abangga va-
ma grtps d sa tha mair nangas.
givet some long thing.
They have made the side of the house.
glan like; likewise; at the time; when. Pl: grtimlk.
glas sa-vi. dive; go spearfishing. Ithik, gri n. anger. Ka d chok mrmr k
ut taithik da uthi kuares ia uthi dodm nava lugutki schama gri.
glas ura sik minia... Now, we say He was always telling stories about his
that we dive or something... From: Tok wifes anger.
Pisin: glas go skin diving.
gris n. ointment. Athop angt gris.
glaski n. thermometer. Glaski ama Ointment for sores. From: English, Tok
chia tamon ithm kama armgi. A Pisin: grease, gris.
thermometer measures a fever. Pl:
grucha n. bandicoot; has spiky hair, a
glas. From: English, Tok Pisin: glass,
long tail, and strong teeth; climbs
trees and eats galip nuts (Canarium
glm near; close. indicums). Kotpu cha monel d cha
glmna near; next to each other. chthp kama grucha. Kotpu hunted
glingga n. 1 place. Tha met save ia and he caught a bandicoot. Pl: gru.
glingga vak diva tha thonel. They gu pro. my. Gram: First person singular
went to that particular place in order possessive pronoun. Gu vaim ng vlng
to hunt. kama masn'ga. My dogs killed the
2 side. Abangga ava glingga bandicoot.
achk ka mang dak achk da choi- gua pro. my. Gram: First person singular
ku. One side of the house burnt but possessive pronoun and possessive pronoun
the other did not. Pl: glaing. Variant: and specific article. Ngua var s gua
glingga. thinmgi ma morki. I pulled in my
glinginggl n. place. Mali naruer d big fish. Morph: gu=a. Lit: 1SG=SPEC.
choki cha tet gisnia ve kule cha ve guachm dem. one short one. Gram:
mni aut glinginggl. At first, Reduced singular indefinite demonstrative.
before, he had gone along as if he was Ngi thu guachm nvt kama
staying at our place. mliarvam inavuk pt kama
gotka n. 1 bamboo sp.; large. lamsachi. You shot one of the two
small parrots up in the coconut palm.
2 pole made of bamboo. Aviulacha
dai chama gotka ama tha tu cha d guagl dem. one piece. Gram: Excised
thi ns nani chama thombek diva singular indefinite demonstrative. Ngi
thi natha tha tamon. The aviulacha thon guagl nvt kama dul avang.
is a pole or a length of bamboo that You throw one of those flat stones.
they call the dead with to come to talk guaglem dem. two pieces. Gram: Excised
with them. dual indefinite demonstrative. Gu mamk
govacha n. guava tree; the leaves are ka thap schama mngigleng, ngi
good for stomach aches. Angana thal nguaglem save gia vtka. My
duraik d ng tas vuk vt k gova- father chopped the two pieces of
cha uvs. Your chickens sleep in the wood, you carry them to your house.
top of the guava tree. Pl: gova. From: guagleng dem. some pieces. Gram:
English, Tok Pisin: guava, gova. Excised plural indefinite demonstrative.
govachi n. guava. Pl: gova. From: English, Kalasung avang mt gi sipen'gi,
Tok Pisin: guava, gova. ngi von ngo n guagleng. The sweet
potato (kaukau) in your pot, you give
graing overripe; overgrown.
some to me.
grasia n. grace. Nge von ut ni ngia
guagungmo adj. greedy. Kama vaim-
grasia. You will give us your grace.
ga ma guagungmo. The dog is

guaiachi guathom

greedy. person singular possessive pronoun and

guaiachi n. hoop. Ka rut nchama non-specific possessive pronoun. Ngua et
sangauchi atha seska mt kama ngu vaondem mt guanga msms.
guaiachi. He pushed the rope of the I am going to buy some food for
net through the hoop. Pl: guaia. myself. Morph: gu=anga. Lit: 1SG.POSS=
guaiom dem. two. Gram: Masculine dual
indefinite demonstrative. Guaiom in svo guangama pro. my. Gram: First person
vt gua lat. Two (people) stole from singular possessive pronoun and indefinite
my garden. possessive pronoun. Morph: gu=angama.
guait dem. one large one. Gram: Extended
singular indefinite demonstrative. Ngi von guangithong belongings; things.
ngo n guait nvt kama mngisem guarem n. gurgle; a gurgling sound
avsem. You give me one of those two such as the sound of a river going
long poles there. between stones. Ngu nari chama
guama pro. my. Gram: First person singular arenggi atha guarem nangt aulul.
possessive pronoun and emphatic possessive I hear the gurgling sound of the river
pronoun. Kule d ngua mt guama from afar.
chaelka d ngua met save sva guaremga n. rapid; specifically rapids
bang. Then I got my wallaby and I in rivers. Ngi na sek mni chama
went home. Morph: gu=ma. Lit: 1SG guaremga avak i sok a chrotka.
.POSS=EMPH. You should not cross that rapid
guamlk dem. some flat ones. Gram: because it is so strong. Pl: guarem.
Flat plural indefinite demonstrative. Ngi guaremga mt vi-so. boil; bubble;
chuar nacha ia chat anga tlngi- specifically the sound: water boiling
mlk guamlk iva ch thu or the sound of a waterfall. Arenggi
amundm mt ngt. Tell him to get ama guaremga mtki. The water is
some papers to light the fire with. boiling. Note: only g.
guamlm dem. two flat ones. Gram: guaremgi n. name of Mndas mask;
Flat dual indefinite demonstrative. Pepai- the mask is large and bell-shaped,
mlm guamlm bacha. Two more with a floor supported by a long
pieces of paper for him. stick; designs are drawn underneath
guank dem. some large ones. Gram: and are visible when the mask is
Extended plural indefinite demonstrative. held aloft.
Aiski chia thal amngink guank guarguarka n. string of food such as
nva ur. The truck carried some logs pork or nuts; hung from the roof for
from the bush. storage. John cha vn svt kama
guanm dem. two large ones. Gram: vimga d cha chutna sava
Extended dual indefinite demonstrative. guarguarka save viam. John climbed
Mailu anga isinm guanm in ma the galip tree (Canarium indicum) and
chut smni ma Chenangia. Maybe climbed down with his string of galip
some other two ridges go up to nuts. Pl: guarguar.
Chenangia. guasem dem. two long ones. Gram: Long
guani dem. one small one. Gram: Dimin- dual indefinite demonstrative. Chat gua-
utive singular indefinite demonstrative. Ngi sem ura kusek kama mngga ma
lr s guani nmt kama chur- sgk? Should he get one or two of
ningga vak. You tear a small piece those poles?
from that meat. guaseng dem. some long ones. Gram:
guang dem. something. Gram: Count Long plural indefinite demonstrative. Ngn
neutral indefinite demonstrative. Ka tu ava dethanga mngiseng guaseng
snng svt anga guang dak sai bango. You all get some long planks
ngmbs ka rm. He thought of for me.
something but then he did not know. guathom dem. two small ones. Gram:
guanga pro. some of my. Gram: First Diminutive dual indefinite demonstrative.

guathong gumoram

Ngiat guathom nvt kama guenai where.

mngithong. You get two small bits gueng vt. scrape. Chureski da amrki
of wood. iva thi chueng tapiok svm chi.
guathong dem. some small ones. Gram: The leaf from the betelnut palm is
Diminutive plural indefinite demonstrative. good to scrape tapioca into. Variant:
Asika gianga athem ng ve da ngi chueng.
von ngo n guathong. If you have gueng bt vt. 1 scrape. Ngua
any taro tops, give some to me. choeng bt kama kachol. I scraped
guavam dem. two short ones. Gram: the tapioca.
Reduced dual indefinite demonstrative. 2 rub. Lvop ama mrta tha tet
Achsask mt ngavap ng ve mt diva sik ti choeng bthacha. The
kama diski, ngiat guavam nave. The good women go to anoint him. Variant:
buns are there in the dish, you get a choeng bt.
couple from there. K kurs ia vadi
gur sa-vi. shout crossly. Mavo da ava
av guavam nvt kama vaimbap
ron d ch gur ia vandi va ch
avvap. He says he wants two of the
chthep ngini. He was angry and he
shouted crossly that he would grab the
guavap dem. some short ones. Gram: ting bird.
Reduced plural indefinite demonstrative.
gurnas sa-vi. repent; feel contrite. Da
Ngua nges kama kalasung iva nani
ngu gurnas mamr. And I feel
ma nan'gi iva kiat guavap smt
terribly contrite.
athama uratki. I dug the sweet
potato (kaukau) so mum could put guguk tm vi-so. bark intensively. D
some in her basket. Vadi gu guavap gu vaim guguk tm ngt vt
nvt vaimbap avvap. I want one of ngaiom. My dogs barked at the two of
those puppies. them.
guavek dem. some people. Gram: Human guingini n. immature fruit; the buds of
plural indefinite demonstrative. Guavek ta fruit that appear after the flowers
mr chama chvika nainath. Some have fallen off. Ti tvng nvtha
people pulled out the sword grass maguingini. They sing about the new
(kunai) stems from around here. fruit. Kama viulacha ava vurvurki
diva nani avama giungithong. The
guavem dem. two. Gram: Feminine dual
mango's blossom comes before [Lit:
indefinite demonstrative.
(is) in order for] its immature fruit. Pl:
guavs dem. some flat ones. Gram: Flat guingithong.
plural indefinite demonstrative. Guavs
guk tm vi-so. bark of a dog. Atha
ku nvt pepa ithang d ngas ng
vaimga d mrmr guk tmga veia
mang. Some of these bits of paper got
ngia tet dathva vtka vam. Her dog
always barks when you go past their
guavet dem. one long one. Gram: Long two houses.
singular indefinite demonstrative. Chuar
gulaingiseng n. stripes. Kama gulai-
nacha ia chat guavet nvt kama
ngiseng nchama rachuvigel vt
amng taithang. Tell him to get one
kama merachuvacha da ng nai-
of those poles.
ngm mamr. The stripes of colours
gubarka n. bird sp.; dove; Victoria on the bark of the amrachuavacha
crowned pigeon. Ngu plk ia ngu tree look beautiful.
tlu chama gubarka ma cha tet iva
gulinggi n. group. Agia gulinggi d
ch naik agarski. I like to see a
ngia ve mtki? Which group are you
dove going to drink saltwater. Kama
in? Pl: gulaing.
kumbarka cha chunaik kama viam.
The Victoria crowned pigeon swallow- gum sa-vi. cough. At thoemini ngthi
ed the galip nuts (Canarium indicum). gum masa. Her baby is really
Pl: gubar. Variant: kumbarka; chum- coughing. Variant: chum.
barka. gumoram n. row; loud noise. Note: no

gumoram vt ichumigl

endings. gurguerki n. female enemy.

gumoram vt vi-so. row; make a loud guringsasotka n. mushroom sp.;
noise. Gumoram vt kama arutha edible, white, and flat; is very soft;
ma tha tunggas schama ragbi. up to 5 cm in diameter; grows in the
People shout when they (others) are ground. Usage: An alternate name for
playing rugby. Note: no endings. almbrgiangga. Guringsasot dai
gunan'ga n. store. Chia vondm atha chama almga ngmbs ia chrot-
sravtki ma aichruchi nmt ka. White mushrooms thus (are a kind
kama gunan'ga. She bought her new of) mushroom (that is) not strong. Pl:
shirt at the store. Pl: gunan. Variant: guringsasot. See: almbrgiangga
gunn'ga. mushroom sp.
gunn'ga store. guvang spoilt; bad.
gunengguneng dm be real. guvangithong n. belongings; things.
Athva guangithong ng mon via
gurguerka n. enemy. Ava gurguerka
tha npnanas mt k botki. Their
ka mon nas d saisa ama ruaiom
belongings went down when they
nana. His enemy humbled himself and
capsized the boat. Variant: guangi-
they became friends. Pl: gurguerta.
thong; ngguvangithong.

H - h

hatki n. hat. Tonya atha hatki ma Hositaigl n. Host; wafers used in

chthiacha nachi dak Mark da ava communion. Uthi tlu ingia ilachi i
chik ma chabapki. Tonyas hat is nge ngaip pt Hosita. We see your
blue and Marks is white. Pl: hat. From: image because you hide in the Host.
English, Tok Pisin: hat, hat. Pl: Hosita. From: Tok Pisin: Hosita.

I - i

i interj. Oh!; expresses a strong emotion yes.

such as anger. I! Ithak asik ngu ia rel. that. Gram: Relator that introduces
vlng nge! Oh! Now I am going to clauses or NPs that have the same syntactic
kill you! status as their head. Ch kuares ia chia
i interj. Oh no! Usage: Indicates the svo nvt ava lat. He says that she
speaker made a mistake in speaking. stole from his garden. Mamr nango
i subord. because. Gram: Introduces reason diva ngu pul save ia Karong. It is
clauses. Ta vn mcha i cha iras. They possible for me to paddle to Karong.
beat him because he lied. Mnap ichthachi n. fence; enclosure. Vlam
mtki i sok mali chia main nba- angt ichthachi chia ve avi, d
ngang. She slept because, before, she chama vlam ng muk. The pigs
really danced all night. Sa cha vinem fence is there and the pigs are inside.
i sa cha met mamanp save ia Tol. Pl: ichat.
He had returned because he had gone ichumgi n. flood; flooded river. Kvi-
to Tol. chi d asok mtki iva chia thortm
ia interj. yes. Cha methamn ia, Ia. mt ichumgi. That woman is deter-
Dak ngmbs ka met nasothatha. mined, she swam across the flooded
He said, Yes. But he did not follow river. Pl: ichum.
them. Kulel kama baul avang dak ichumigl n. small flood. Sainggi ve vt
vang ia. Leave those pieces of arenggi thvus da ithumigl. There
material (laplaps) but the other ones was rain at the head of the river and

ichurki in

(it caused) a small flood. Pl: ichuming- will stroll downwards.

gleng. imani dir. down. Ut met na tha imani
ichurki n. tail. Vaim ng nes k ve mni aiska. We went past them,
vlmga d cha su ia ch thap vtha down there on the road. Variant:
cha di chinai cha thp k vaimga imuani; imoni.
ava ichurki. The dog bit the pig and imano dir. down over there.
tried to catch it but instead it (the pig)
imk dir. down from here. Tha ve imk
bit the dog's tail. Pl: ichur.
seng chama renggi. They are there,
igalechi n. glow of light; e.g. from a down by the river.
distant fire or from the sun at dawn.
imlm pro. the flat two. Gram: Flat dual
Kama igalechi nmt ma Namu
reduced nominal pronoun. Kama lamsi-
atha lamga. The glow of light is from
mlm da gthon imlm. The two
Namu's lamp. Pl: igale.
coconut fronds are yellow.
igl piece.
imng n. ash; especially ash from
igl pro. piece. Gram: Excised singular paper and leaves that still have their
reduced nominal pronoun. Duligel ama form; they are light grey and can
vras igl. The stone [Lit: piece of float on the wind. Tha mn nva lat
stone] is flat. Variant: igl. d tha lu athva bangga sa cha
iglem pro. short two. Gram: Excised dual mang mo d sa chama imng
reduced nominal pronoun. Ngi von ngo chlan. They returned from the garden
nchama adiglem. You give me the and saw that their house had all burnt
two pieces of taro. (down) and there was only ash.
igleng pro. piece. Gram: Excised plural Laurka cha wae s chama imng
reduced nominal pronoun. Kama Sab- nmt kama butki. Wind blew the
chigleng ama lel igleng. The wood ash from a garden fire.
chips are small. imrki n. cowrie shell; various colours;
iguam ferns. up to 10 cm across. Pl: imr.
igumacha n. ferny place; a place with imonp dir. on the other side. Variant:
one kind of fern all around. Ngia imuanp.
thet svt kama igumacha d ngi imoni down.
thik t guanga iguam. You go to the imono dir. across. Ngu donbathm n
ferny place and pick some ferns. Kia chi imono d sa manp. I examined
met ki tik ta thama iguam nvt around [Lit: across] them and went to
kama igumacha. She went to pick the other side.
ferns from the area of ferns. Pl: iguam.
imperno n. hell. Autha lotu chi kuar
ii interj. I dont know; maybe. Ki snan- naut ia chama mundmvs ama
dvr nango nani at thoemgi dak mor ngas ma tha tes ngas ia
ngu kuares ii. She asked me about imperno. Our religion tells us that
her daughter but I said I did not know. there is a big fire called hell. From:
ilachi image; picture; photo; shadow; English: inferno.
reflection. imuanp on the other side.
iluchi image; picture; photo; shadow; imuani down.
imuit dir. 1 across there; across a
iluingm n. snake sp.; lazy boy snake; valley. Athva lat ngve imuit. Their
grey; has a short tail; sleeps a lot; garden is across there.
has white blood that looks like milk;
2 in a corner.
people play with it by touching a
stick under their armpit then putting imuk dir. in there. Ka mu chama dul
the stick near the snakes nose to imuk mt av ulunggi. He put the
make it jump. Pl: iluing. money in his room.
imanp dir. downwards; straight in pro. 1 you two. Gram: Second person
down. Uthi vangbinem imanp. We dual class one pronoun. Ngua thk

ina irski

mamr tmen da in ds. I ran into they gave each other taros.
you two when you were eating. ini pro. small one. Gram: Diminutive
2 those two, they. Gram: Third person singular reduced nominal pronoun. Amng
dual class one pronoun. Lugutvthaiom ini ma alel ini. The tree is small.
in sek na. The couple got married. In inilcha n. freshwater eel sp.; looks like
mt sva lat. Those two, they went to the anekethopki species: grey with a
the garden. white belly, but has cloudy eyes;
ina you two and; those two and. meat is greasy. Pl: inil.
inamk dir. upwards. Ngia tht ina- iniricha bottle.
mk. You come up. iniski fish sp.
inamuk dir. across towards speaker; ing go around.
forward. Ngi von d chama v-
inggiarachi land crab sp.
then'gi inamuk. You give the lime
powder towards here. ingguingga n. crab; generic term.
Inguingga avak da amorka ma ngia
inangna vi-so. be popular. Mambuchi
mthacha. That crab you got is big.
avaik sa inangna chi. That song is
Inguingga cha nes tthik. The crab
very popular.
bit her hand. Pl: ingguingbap. Pl:
inasa really; already. ingguaing.
inath dir. from here. Chi d chi na ingim look; search; shine.
inath. She is from here.
ingip die; be numb; faint.
inavi dir. from there. Ngi von ngo
ingun'ga n. heat. Ingun'ga nmt
nanga thangam na inavi. You give
kama chunnggi da ch pus kama
me some bananas from there.
achlachuaski da kosa dil tmgi.
inavuk dir. down towards speaker; The heat from the sun cooked the
downwards. Ta met inavuk milani. grass and it was dried. Pl: ingun.
They came down yesterday.
iom pro. two things; two people. Gram:
inducha n. river crab sp.; small and Third person masculine dual reduced
brown; has a hard shell; up to 4 cm nominal pronoun. Sa ch slamen dm
across; lives in small creeks and the d in mo vuaik dm iom samuk sk
headwaters of rivers. Pl: indu. chulp. He counted and the two of
in pro. 1 you two and. them jumped into the pool.
2 those two and. Morph: in=n. Lit: iras sa-vi. pretend. Chrtki cha sanga-
2/3DL.III=and. Variant: ina. racha dak ka iras ia cha da ngm-
ink pro. the large ones. Gram: Extended bs. The policeman arrested him but
plural reduced nominal pronoun. A mngi- he pretended that he was not the one.
nk ama mor ink. The tall trees are iras tm vt. lie. Auk, da chok ka irs
big. tmda, ia sik kok ma chvicha cha
inm pro. the large two. Gram: Extended mun pthacha. Well, he just lied to
dual reduced nominal pronoun. A ruinem them that he had found it.
ama ulul inm. The two men are tall. iras tm s vt. lie. Kaelka cha iras
inski n. river fish sp.; has a flat head, tm sma vaimga dak kinai cha
a very narrow mouth, and big ears; ms kama isinggi. The wallaby lied
can stick to a rock with its chest; up to the dog but actually it had eaten the
to 15 cm long; stays in areas with a yellow fruit.
fast current; makes a good soup. irs vi-so. 1 be sad. Irs kama
Pl: ins. Variant: iniski. ngthuauchi nasot at thoemga ma
ini pro. 1 you two. Gram: Second person cha ingip. The old woman was sad
dual class two pronoun. after her son died.
2 those two, they. Gram: Second 2 worry.
person dual class two pronoun. Ngaiom irski n. sadness. Pe ia aut mamk ka
ini bonana nchama not. Those two, ingip, sok ka mu di irski ththink

iriar ithang

naut. When our father died, he really flying. Pl: ism.

left us with sadness. Pl: irs. ismgi n. 1 large bird; generic term.
iriar green. 2 aeroplane. Amorta vath tha
irikin vi-so. be terrified; be scared. mn mt kama ismgi. Those im-
Irikin ngo nmt kama ulan'gi. I portant people arrived in an aero-
am scared of the snake. plane. Pl: ism.
irikin'ga n. terror. Chunngga ma iseng pro. the long ones. Gram: Long
irikin'ga. Day of terror. (Also refers to plural nominal pronoun. Ngi thap scha-
Judgement Day.) Pl: irikin. ma amrachop iseng. You cut the
iri ma adv. very fast. Sok iri macha long amrachuavacha trees.
imono d choi cha mugas. He was isia n. ridge; track (ridge lines are used
moving along very fast and he was not as tracks). Ut met vtka isia ivi save
playing. ia Nmathng. We went along the
iringga n. insect sp.; large brown ridge up to Nmathng. Pl: isink. See:
crawling insect; has a hard shell and aiska road.
six legs; can be roasted and eaten; isinggi n. tree sp.; similar to breadfruit
people say that when it crosses a but brown on the outside and yellow
road or path it will die. Pl: iraing. inside; refers to both the tree and
irit n. bad luck. Lengen nango sama the fruit. Kaelcha cha irastm sma
irit. I am renowned for (my) bad luck. vaimga dak kinai cha ms kama
isinggi. The wallaby lied to the dog
irocha n. rattan. Pl: irok. Tha thap
but actually it had eaten the yellow
schama irok nva ur. They cut
fruit. Pl: isainng.
rattan from the bush.
isis n. 1 baking powder.
irok monmon'ga n. saltwater eel sp.;
slow moving; has sticky skin and no 2 yeast. From: English, Tok Pisin:
teeth. Pl: irok monmon. yeast, yis.
irokmonmonga n. sea worm sp.; isiska n. fresh air. Kule chama
grows up to 60 cm; very slow chiltoki d chia nathar diva chama
moving; can attach to things using aisiska cha thon. Leave the window
suction. Pl: irokmonmon. open for the cold (air) to come in.
Pl: aisis.
is track; way; route; transport.
iski car; truck.
isa subord. in fact. D tha iras tmngo
ia aiska isa mrka. And they lied to isok subord. because really. Tha met
me that this road was in fact good. isok ath mamk ka thkna nani
Morph: i=sa. Lit: because= already. atha. They went because their father
sent for them. Morph: i=sok. Lit: because
isem pro. the long two. Gram: Long dual
reduced nominal pronoun. A mngisem
ama ulul isem. The two trees are isoska crab yaws.
long. itha regarding; about.
ism angt luchupki n. airport. ithaik dem. this one. Gram: Feminine
Nguaet sa manp ma Tol diva ngu singular proximate demonstrative. Nguat
lu chama ism angt luchupki. I am kama lamsachi ithaik. I will eat
going to Tol to see the airport. Pl: ism this coconut. Variant: thaik; taik.
angt luchuap. ithak dem. this one. Gram: Masculine
ism angtha methamn n. Mela- singular proximate demonstrative. Pencil-
nesian Pidgin; Tok Pisin. Arura nave ka ithak sa amrucha. This pencil
ia PNG d tha tamn svathana has gotten old. Variant: thak; tak; ithat
nchama ism angtha methamn. (Abilta dialect).
People from PNG speak Tok Pisin to ithang dem. 1 these. Gram: Count
each other. neutral proximate demonstrative. Ngiat
ismga n. bird; generic term. Kama kama baul ithang d ngi von gi. You
ismga cha ve ch prap. The bird is get these clothes and give (them) to

ithat ithvem

her. ithmna dir. side by side. Kama

2 these flat ones. Gram: Flat plural botvem ini bang ithmna. The two
proximate demonstrative. Dul ithang da boats travelled side by side.
amrngt nani chama avithm. ithnk dem. these large ones. Gram:
These flat stones are good for the Extended plural proximate demonstrative.
earth oven (mumu). Variant: thang; Kama rucha cha thap schama
tngt; ithngt; tang (Abilta dialect). mngink ithnk. The man cut
ithat this one. Usage: Abilta dialect. these tall trees. Variant: tnk.
ithath dem. these people. Gram: Human ithnm dem. these two large ones.
plural proximate demonstrative. Arura Gram: Extended dual proximate demon-
ithath tha mn diva thi lu chama strative. Baulvam ithnm d ma
mungas. These people came in order Rosina at kvm. These two long
to watch the game. Variant: tathe. wraparound skirts (laplaps) belong to
Rosina. Kama aisinm itnm ma
ith dem. here. Gram: Proximate demon-
Lawivia d ma Chenangia da aulu-
strative. Chule en d da asik ini vs
linm. The two ridges, Lawivia and
kama msms. The two are staying
Chenangia, are long. Variant: tnm.
here and they will cook some food.
Chulel giama thalchi ith va vt d ithngt these; these flat ones.
ngias sa. Leave your bucket here at ithepki n. birds tail. Kama ismga ava
home and eat first. Variant: ni (Abilta ithepki ama bubuchi. The birds tail
dialect); t; d. is ugly. Pl: ithep.
ithcham this short one. ithsm dem. these two long ones.
ithchm dem. this short one. Gram: Gram: Long dual proximate demonstrative.
Reduced singular proximate demonstrative. Mamr ia ngu thap schama am-
Athoembm ithchm dai ngam ngism ithsm? Can I cut these two
ngthi nari amethamn. This small long trees? Variant: tsm.
child follows orders. Ngiat kama ithseng dem. these long ones. Gram:
buchm ithcham. You get this book. Long plural proximate demonstrative. A-
Variant: ithcham; tcham. thoemiseng ithseng ma koi ngna
ithchit dem. this large one. Gram: nari amethamn. These youngsters
Extended singular proximate demonstrative. do not listen to instructions. Variant:
Ngi ven bt kama lamsait ith- tseng.
chit. You climb this tall coconut palm. iththik dem. right here. Gram: Emphatic
Avama sangachi ama mairki d proximate demonstrative. Cha mu chama
chia ve mni chama isia ithchit. amstmna taiththik nania ngo.
His net for catching birds is here on He put the side-dish right here for me.
this ridge. Variant: tchit. iththong these small ones.
ithm prep. regarding; about. Ngi na ithvam dem. these two short ones.
methamn ithm gu dul. You must Gram: Reduced dual proximate demon-
not tell about my money. Variant: itha. strative. Chalunbam ithvam da mor
ithm dir. alongside; beside. Ka mair ngavam. These two short singapores
ithm kama mngga. He stood are large. Athoembam da ithvam
alongside the tree. di in dugas savuit. These two boys
ithmlk dem. these flat ones. Gram: played a lot. Variant: tvam.
Flat plural proximate demonstrative. Tl- ithvap dem. these short ones. Gram:
ngimlk ithmlk da aichrui- Reduced plural proximate demonstrative.
mlk. These leaves are new. Variant: Kama vlmbap ama mervap ith-
tmlk. vap. The nice fat piglets are these
ithmlm dem. these two flat ones. short ones. Variant: tvap.
Gram: Flat dual proximate demonstrative. ithvem dem. these two. Gram: Feminine
Ngi thap schama thlngimlm dual proximate demonstrative. Ngi chiar
ithmlm. You cut these two leaves. vt kama lamsvam ithvem. You
Variant: tmlm. scrape these two coconuts. Variant:

ithvs ivtki

tvem. ithom pro. small two. Gram: Diminutive

ithvs dem. this flat one. Gram: Flat dual reduced nominal pronoun. Cha mt
singular proximate demonstrative. Ngi sva lat de cha mn r chama anot
chut pt kama tlngbs ithvs. dak kama ainguam ithom. He went
You write on this piece of paper. to the garden and he came back with
Variant: tvs. taros and a few ferns.
ithvet dem. this long one. Gram: Long ithong pro. small ones. Gram: Diminutive
singular proximate demonstrative. Kama plural reduced nominal pronoun. Chama
mngbet ithvet da aichru ngavet. dsms ithong ng ts ngo. The
The small slender tree here is not dry. small mosquitoes bite me.
Variant: tvt. iva subord. PURP. Gram: Intentional purpo-
ithigl dem. this piece. Gram: Excised sive. Sa chule sa ka ve cha tet iva sai
singular proximate demonstrative. Ngias chat tlu ia sa lagun amor. Then he
kama digl ithgl. You eat this piece goes there to see whether the victory
of taro. Variant: tgl; tigl (Abilta dialect). leaf plants are big.
ithiglem dem. these two pieces. Gram: ivak that particular one.
Excised dual proximate demonstrative. Atha ivangacha n. bush sp.; commonly
naliglem ithglem nani anga found in gardens; grows to 1.5 m tall
chunm. These two kinas of hers and has soft leaves; used to treat
(are) for a kilo of rice. Variant: tglem; dysentery by crushing half of a new
tiglem (Abilta dialect). leaf with a very ripe leaf and wash-
ithigleng dem. these pieces. Gram: ing them with water; water is
Excised plural proximate demonstrative. Thi squeezed into a cup and drunk.
tal chama kapaigleng ithgleng ivasa subord. so that. Boding natha iva
nani chama sunaski. They carry sa chule de thi katiket pekama
these sheets [Lit: pieces] of corrugated mbangbap. They went to boarding
iron for the school. Variant: tgleng; school so that later they could be
tiglen (Abilta dialect). catechists in the villages. Morph: iva=
ithik dem. now. Gram: Adverbial proximate sa. Lit:
demonstrative. Ngia thet ta ithik nani ivasik subord. if. Dak ta ithik du un
gi tlngvap. You go now for your unmo un drm svanas ia kulumga
books. Variant: thik; tik; dik. da avama avilich, iva sik ka tat
ithini dem. this small one. Gram: kama ism ma namk n msng
Diminutive singular proximate demon- da cha ndlu ngt puk. But now we
strative. Asenini ithni. The small both know about the white man and
knife is here. Variant: tni; tini (Abilta his gun for getting birds, when he is
dialect). on the ground and sees them up there.
Morph: iva=asik. Lit:
ithiom dem. these two. Gram: Masculine
dual proximate demonstrative. Ngiat ivathe those particular people.
kama angmngiom ithiom. You ivngacha n. tree sp.; large tree from
get these two pieces of wood. Variant: the bush; is the home of spirits.
tiom. Ivngacha d chama mnggi ama
ithithom dem. these two small ones. sruchi ama mchvs da thi kuares
Gram: Diminutive dual proximate demon- ia chama sekvek ura thaliaskna
strative. Namu at pussithom ithi- athva mbang. The airima, a very
thom ini plk kama thinm iva large tree of the forest, is said to be
indes ngt. Namu's two kittens want the home of the heroes or wizards.
a fish to eat. Variant: tithom. Pl: ivang.

ithithong dem. these small ones. Gram: ivtki n. 1 earth; soil; dirt. Kama
Diminutive plural proximate demonstrative. dozer cha rer dchama ivitki. The
Ngias kama thinmithong ithi- dozer crumbled the earth.
thong. You eat these small fish. 2 land. Ngo, gu ivitki taithaik.
Variant: tithong; iththong. Me, my land is here. Pl: ivt.

ivtki atha aila kalacha

3 world; planet earth. Kama rutha ivitki earth; soil; dirt; land; world;
ma chabapta alolki natha, ivitki planet earth.
natha ura chluingda, d thamo ta ivitki n. brown.
ve mni chama ivtki ta ithaik.
ivono dir. upwards; inland; up there.
People who are white, red, brown, or
Ta met sva lat ivono ia Chnangia.
black are all on the earth. Variant:
They went to the garden up at
ivtki atha aila n. map. Chi ngim
ivon'ga n. pandanus. Ngua thap
nani chama ivtki atha aila da
schama ivon'ga. I cut the pandanus.
ngmbs. She looked for the map but
Pl: ivon.
could not find it. Pl: ivt angtha ila.
ivui dir. upwards away from speaker.
ivtpes n. land.
Botki chi bang ivi save ia Ili. The
ivi dir. along. Ngia thet sa ivi ia boat is going along up to Ili.
Kubuia. You will go along to Kubuia.
ivuit along.
ivit adv. along. Ngia tet ivit save ia
ivuit ivuit continuously.
Ineska. You go on to Ineska. Variant:
ivuit. ivuk dir. up there. ... ivono va ur, ivuk
mni ma Chenangia angt vuski. ...
ivit ivit adv. continuously; on and on.
up in the bush, up at the head of
Chok ka tamon ivit, ivit da chok
Chenangia ridge.
koiku ia mal mtha cha. He just
talked on and on and he did not rest.
Variant: ivuit ivuit.

K - k

ka pro. he; it. Gram: Third person masculine the saltwater and move into rivers in
singular class one pronoun and third person large schools. Pl: kadinng. Variant:
masculine singular class three pronoun. Ngi chadinngga.
ns nania cha inamuk. You call for kadumbm shellfish sp.
him (to come) over here. Ka met d
kadumga n. shellfish sp.; found in the
chule sa ch vinm. He went and
river; dark brown colour; round
later he will come back. Variant: cha;
shell; up to 2 cm across. Pl: kadum.
chat; ga.
Variant: kadumbm; chadumga.
ka the.
kaelka wallaby.
kabangaska fish sp.
kaelki stingray sp.
kabolocha n. shellfish sp.; chiton;
kagthait vine sp.; rope.
found on reef close to the beach; has
a shell down the middle of its back kaivovocha n. bamboo sp.; small.
covered in small spiky hairs; sticks Achultngga d chama changanga
to the reef; up to 8 cm long; is flat avama changgat ma ngthik klan
and brown. Pl: kabolo. Variant: chabo- kama kaivovo. The achultngga
locha. species grows on high ridges, its stem
and leaves are like the kaivovo
kabunginngin'ga spider sp.
species. Pl: kaivovo. Note: only k.
kacham empty.
kakau n. cocoa. Norberta chia thal
kacholka n. tapioca. Alphonse cha var chama kakau. Norberta carried the
chama kachol. Alphonse cooked the cocoa. Note: only k.
tapioca in an earth oven (mumu).
kakauigl n. 1 cocoa plantation.
Pl: kachol. Variant: chacholka. See:
tapioka tapioca. 2 piece of cocoa. Note: only k.
kadinngga n. fish sp.; small; hatch in kalacha fish sp.; gluefish.

kalasunggi karuvaika

kalasunggi n. sweet potato (kaukau). things such as feathers that can be

Ngua ts chama kalasunggi. I am used as head ornaments. Tha tain
eating sweet potato (kaukau). Pl: kala- sathvama kangal va thvus. They
sung. Variant: chalasunggi. dance with their decorations on their
kalenggi crab sp. heads. Pl: kangal. Note: only k.
kalvanggr rainbow. kangska betelnut.
kaliburburm n. shellfish sp.; found in kangski betelnut palm.
the lowest reaches of the river; kanggthacha vine sp.; rope; fishing
small; light brown shell with spikes line.
on its back. Usage: Abilta dialect. kao n. uncle; specifically the mothers
Pl: kaliburbur. See: aruthk (Abilta brother. At kaochna tha met tha
dialect) shellfish sp. Variant: chali- vondmgi sagl atha lugutka. Her
burburm. uncles went and gave her to her
kaliburburmaruthk n. shellfish husband. Kama angkovap avap
sp.; found at the mouth of rivers. See: dai ngavap ng mun nani chama
kaliburburm (Abilta dialect) shellfish churem. The uncles came to collect
sp.; aruthk (Abilta dialect) shellfish betelnut. Pl: kaochna. Pl: kaovap.
sp. Note: no endings. Variant: chau.
kalipka lizard sp. kapaigl n. corrugated iron; iron roof-
kalukluka n. land crab sp.; small; ing; especially a single sheet of cor-
grey-brown colour with red mouth rugated iron. Kapaiglem avglem
and claws; shell up to 3 cm in da ameru ngiglem. Those two sheets
diameter; often runs around on of iron roofing are old. Pl: kakigleng.
paths near the coast. Pl: kalukluk. From: Tok Pisin: kapa iron roofing.
Variant: chalukluka. kapenta n. carpenter. Kama kapenta
kalun'ga taro sp.; singapore. cha thek m chama bangga ama
mrka. The carpenter built a good
kama np art. the. Gram: Functionally
house. Pl: kapentachna. From: English
unmarked NP article. Ut tamn svt
carpenter. Note: only k.
kama lat. We discussed the garden.
Kama avungi chia muit vtha kapki n. cup. Ngi vk kama renggi
chuan. The turtle came ashore on the smt kama kapki. You fill the cup
sand. Variant: chama; ama; gama. with water. Pl: kap. From: English, Tok
Pisin: cup, kap. Note: only k.
kamangm n. crab sp.; lives in the
saltwater; small and brown with karekrecha n. crab sp.; small black
hairs growing on the inside of its beach crab; lives under stones;
claws; up to 3 cm in diameter. strong shell up to 3 cm in diameter.
Pl: kamangvap. Variant: chamangm. Pl: karekrek. Variant: charekrecha.

kamerabpki evening star. karichetka prawn sp.

kamotki shellfish sp. karichethini prawn sp.
kanasu hook. karidang call.
kaningguluch fish sp. karirotki n. beetle sp.; is black and
edible; eats black palms and areca
kanucha n. canoe. Ut met s chanasu
palms once the grubs have finished
mt chama kanucha. We went
with them. Pl: karirot. Variant:
fishing in the canoe. Pl: kanu. From:
karirothm; charirot.
English, Tok Pisin: canoe, kanu. See:
luln'ga canoe. Note: only k. karirothm beetle sp.
kangalcha n. 1 headdress. Gu karki n. car. Pl: kar. From: English, Tok
kangalcha ma amrka mamr ma Pisin: car, ka. Note: only k.
ngua thp macha. My headdress that karoski vine sp.; rope.
I made is really nice. karuaika bird sp.; earlybird.
2 ornament; brightly coloured karuvaika bird sp.; earlybird.

kasrki kglem

kasrki malaria. kavek relatives.

kasrki pt vi-so. have a fever; have kaverki n. wild palm sp.; trunks are
malaria. Chasrki pthango. I have split and used to make floors. Cha
a fever. ser avama uratki nchama chaver-
kasuel n. castor oil. Kasiel ng mano ki tthik. He wove his basket with the
via arem angtha banggi. Castor oil frond of a wild palm. Pl: kaver. Variant:
is down at the hospital. From: English, chaverki.
Tok Pisin: castor oil, kaswel. Note: kavithoski shellfish sp.; nautilus.
only k. k np art. the. Gram: NP article that marks
katenm n. cotton. Ka mu chama referents whose unique identity is
katenm mt ava thopki. He put the established by the discourse. Mir autha
cotton on his sore. Pl: katen. From: morta d ta nvt ka mlka
English, Tok Pisin: cotton, katen. Note: thaithak... Long ago our ancestors,
only k. they were from this island... Variant:
katiketka n. catechist. Kama katiket- ch; g; ka (k + a (specifier article)).
ka ch ruer schama nn. The k pro. he; it. Gram: Third person masculine
catechist leads the prayers. Pl: kati- singular class two pronoun. Kave ch
ketkna. From: German: katechet. sing. He is chewing (betelnut). Variant:
katlchotka grasshopper sp. ch; g.
kathachi taro sp.; wild singapore. kebongbonggi n. river crab sp.;
brown; shell up to 5 cm in diameter;
kaubocha n. plant sp.; has broad flat
lives near riverbanks; changes its
leaves that are used to cover food.
shell in pools along the road after
Kaubo da tlng ma mr ngt va
rain; used for bait. Pl: kebongbong.
thi vng vt kama msms. The
Variant: chebongbonggi.
leaves of the kaubo are good for
wrapping food. Pl: kaubo. Variant: kchm dem. that particular short one.
chaubocha. Gram: Reduced singular contrastive demon-
strative. Ta chuar svt kama ru-
kaumat fish sp.
chm chchm mali nbengang.
kaumat angtha lchar n. mush- They torched (spot-lighted) someone
room sp.; very small; grows on the short last night. Variant: km; ch-
branches of mango trees; is similar chm; achchm.
in shape to a rats paw. Note: no
kchit dem. that particular large one.
Gram: Extended singular contrastive demon-
kaumatka n. rat; mouse; generic term; strative. Kama aisia chchit da
also used specifically for domestic kurng maulul. The other ridges
rats and mice. Kaumatka cha ms have long hills. Variant: chchit;
gua digal. The rat ate my piece of achchit. See: chkchit just that
taro. Pl: kaumat. Variant: chaumatka. particular large one.
kavatka spirit. kdlka fish sp.
kavatka adulterer. kdengm body.
kavat tm vt. commit adultery. Kama kdenggi body; skin; bark; peel; rind.
chavatka cha chavat t ma Isidore
kglem dem. those particular two
ava lugutki. The adulterer committed
pieces. Gram: Excised dual contrastive
adultery with Isidores wife. Variant:
demonstrative. Variant: chglem; kng-
chavat tm.
glem; achglem.
kavathm n. firedancer; they wear
kglem dem. those particular two
masks with large, round, painted
short ones. Gram: Reduced dual contras-
eyes. Pl: karatvap. Variant: chavathm.
tive demonstrative. Uthal chama pa-
Kavathm ng tain s chama
lang d nvt chglem ma unglem.
ulangi mt pethik. The firedancer
We carried some pieces of planks and
dances with a snake in his hand. See:
left the other two. Variant: chglem;
chavatka spirit that causes illness.

kgleng knak

acheglem. teachers. Variant: chlol.

kgleng dem. those particular pieces. klucha brother-in-law.
Gram: Excised plural contrastive demon- kluchi sister-in-law.
strative. Gu duligleng chgleng ng
klu vathm vi-so. be shy. Ambrosia
sep nvais. My coins dropped on the
dai chama chlu vathmga.
road. Variant: chgleng; knggleng;
Ambrosia is a shy man. Variant: chlu
kk dem. that particular one. Gram:
kem n. camp. Dak kama Siapangna
Masculine singular contrastive demonstra-
da tha thk ma athva mbang ura
tive. Achk nvt kama chumsta d
tha tes ia athva kem peia Masa-
athvama urat nchama msms.
rau. And the Japanese, they built their
One of the men has got his basket of
village, or they called it their camp, at
food. Variant: chk; achk.
Masarau. From: English, Tok Pisin:
kkrang just those two particular camp, kem.
km that particular short one.
klaln'ga platform.
kembecha n. soldier; specifically a
klamurki puddle. National soldier enlisted with the
klan like; likewise; at the time; when. Japanese during World War 2. Sia-
klan only; just; for nothing; with pan'gna athva ma kembechna
nothing. d tha vlng gu mamkiom.
National soldiers enlisted with the
klan be like; be similar.
Japanese during the war killed my
klaska tree sp. parents. Pl: kembechna.
kelelelcha prawn sp. kmbucha type of fruit.
kelemen'gi frog. kmk breast.
klennggi rubbish; crumbs. kmlk dem. those particular flat
klep vi-so. be embarrassed. Klepka i ones. Gram: Flat plural contrastive demon-
ava ruavek thi kuar nacha ia ch strative. Aung ga thap s chama tha-
panis tchama thoes mrmr. He ngamga vthik imlk chmlk da
was embarrassed because his friends chule chmlk ve. Someone cut the
said he beat the children all the time. banana leaves and left the others.
Ta iras svtha chi da kosa ch- chmlk; achmlk. See:
lepki di chia vang. They lied to her chkmlk just those particular
and so she was embarrassed and ran flat ones.
away. Variant: chlep. kmlm dem. just those particular
klepki shame; shyness; embarrass- two flat ones. Gram: Flat dual contrastive
ment. demonstrative. Kama thangmga v-
klrklr sa-vi. squawk; make the cry thik imlm chmlm ndai ma
of a parrot. Variant: chlrklr. Elton cha thap se ugimlm. Those
two banana leaves were cut by Elton.
klrklr mt vi-so. rattle. Athoe-
Variant: chmlm; achmlm. See:
mini ngthi kuep kama tin'gi
chkmlm just those particular
schama dul d chlrklr mtki.
flat two.
The child is shaking a tin with stones
in it and it is rattling. Variant: chlr- kmlka fish sp.
klr mt. kmer mountainside.
klr mt vi-so. rattle. Klr mt kemgm be empty.
kama tin'gi vea cha tu chama gis kmgm vi-so. be empty. Iniricha vak
muk. The tin rattled when he put the da chmgmga. That bottle is empty.
pebbles inside. Variant: chlr mt. Ngu tal kama aichi ama chmgm-
klol vt. report. Thoemga cha chlol gi. I carried the empty bamboo.
kama sunasvmga nava ruavek. Variant: chmgm; kemgm.
The student reported his friends to his knak breath; specifically exhaled

kndenggi kseng

breath. knggleng those particular pieces.

kndenggi skin. kngl that particular piece.
kndenggi body; skin; bark; peel; krau sa-vi. subside; can refer to a
rind. flood going down, wasting strength
kn pro. him and. Asik ti gamar n during an illness, or petrol evapo-
chama arucha avak pik kn cha rating. Arenggi chi chrau. The
lvopki avaik pik. They will fight river will subside. Variant: chrau.
with that particular man, him and that krechacha loose soil.
particular woman. Morph: k=n. Lit: krk pt vi-so. be dry. Lams angvt
3M.SG.III=and. Variant: chn. kdeng avang d chrk ptha-
knk dem. those particular large ngt. Those coconuts have dry skin.
ones. Gram: Extended plural contrastive Variant: chrk pt.
demonstrative. Areng ink chnk d kriduchi native spinach (aibika)
sa chsk da nginng. Some creeks stem.
are dried out. Variant: chnk; ach-
kerorachi banana flower.
nk. See: chknk just those
particular large ones. kerorini calf; specifically the large
muscle in the lower part of the leg.
knm dem. those particular two large
ones. Gram: Extended dual contrastive krtpka n. halt; stop. Variant:
demonstrative. Tha surnanas vt kama chrtpka.
aisinm chnm diva angbs ta krtp mn na vt. slice into. Ta
mun via Raigl. They were mistak- chrtp mn nachama thinmgi
en about the two ridges and so they smt kama chureski. They sliced
did not reach Raigl. Variant: chnm; the fish into the palm leaf. Variant:
achnm. See: chknm just those chrtp mn na.
particular two large ones. krtp mt vt. chop; cut up. Variant:
kni dem. that particular small one. chrtp mt; krtp mt; chrtp mt.
Gram: Diminutive singular contrastive krtp pt vt. 1 chop off; e.g. to strip
demonstrative. Ngiat chni nvt a tree back to its trunk.
kama cake banas. You get a bit of
2 butcher; e.g. of a pig or a fish.
cake for yourself. Variant: chni; ach-
Variant: chrtp pt.
ni. See: chkni just that particular
small one. krtp s vt. cut. Ngi chrtp s cha-
ma viulacha ava trutki nigia sen'gi.
keng edge; bank.
You cut the root of the mango tree
kngaracha current. with your knife. Variant: chrtp s.
kngt dem. those particular ones; ksk vi-so. be thirsty. ... d choki
that particular one. Gram: Count neutral chama vlmga d chscha ia
contrastive demonstrative. Cha mt vandi ch naik. ... and that pig was
kngt nvt k kurem arang. He also thirsty and wanting to drink.
got some of that betelnut. Ngait Variant: chsk.
kngt dak kule ngt mo. You get
ksk pt vi-so. be dry. Sravtki ma
those particular ones but leave the
chsk pthachi. The shirt is dry.
rest. Variant: achnget; chnget;
Variant: chsk pt.
ksem dem. those particular two long
kngglem those particular two
ones. Gram: Long dual contrastive demon-
strative. Asong ism chsem da vl
knggl dem. that particular piece. mni ngisem. The two rafters broke.
Gram: Excised singular contrastive demon- Variant: chsem; achsem. See:
strative. Kama tapiokigl chnggl chksem just those particular two
da guangigl. That particular piece long ones.
of tapioca is bad. Variant: kngl; ch-
kseng hair.
ngl; chngl; achngl. See: chkng-
gl just that particular piece. kseng dem. those particular long

ksengdaiuika kvap

ones. Gram: Long plural contrastive demon- tchama mngbam ma unbam ma

strative. Ta thal chama asong iseng livinbam pe mni chama lichat.
chseng. They carried some long Then we tied the two pieces of wood,
rafters. Variant: chseng; achseng. the two crossbars, onto the carrying
ksengdaiuika crab sp. pole. Variant: chethik tm; chethik t;
kethik t.
kseng da vam beard; whiskers.
kthom dem. those particular two
ksengia long hair; specifically a
small ones. Gram: Diminutive dual
single strand of hair.
contrastive demonstrative. Achun'ga ma
ksengvs feather. chabapka da mrka. Ngi thon
kspka cliff. kthom ve di gia vtka vam. White
kesias vi-so. be thirsty. Kesias chi d sand is nice. You throw some [Lit:
kosa vandi chi naik. She was thirsty those particular two small ones] in front
and she just wanted a drink. Variant: of your house. Variant: achthom;
chesias. chthom. See: chkthom just those
particular two small ones.
ksin na vi-so. stink. Kama singalka
cha ngip d chsin nacha. The kthong dem. those particular small
snake died and it stank. Variant: ones. Gram: Diminutive plural contrastive
chsin na. demonstrative. Ut ms da navt
chthong. We ate and left some food.
ktikktika grasshopper sp.
Variant: chthong; achthong. See:
kthcha mt vi-so. hiccup; have the chkthong just those particular
hiccups. Chthcha mt kama small ones.
thoemini. The baby has the hiccups.
kthopka n. sap. Ngmng angk-
Variant: chthcha mt.
thop da ngthi sren. The trees sap
kthep vt. 1 grab. Chia chthp is bitter. Pl: kthop. Variant: chthop-
chama nongacha. She grabbed the ka.
kthopka pool.
2 catch. Stonix chia chthep cha-
kthopka vt vi-so. be fat; be obese.
ma urn malilu. Stonix caught many
Vaimbam taithivam da kthopka
prawns. Variant: chthep; gthep.
vt ngavam. Those two dogs are very
kthiacha blue. fat. Variant: chthopka vt.
kthiachi pancreas. kthopki liquid; large pool.
kthiavs bluish. kthopvm puddle.
kethik mt vt. bind. Ta chethik mt kvaik sword grass (kunai).
gia thopki nchama baniska. They
kvaika stalk of sword grass (kunai).
bound your wound with a bandage.
Variant: chethik mt. kvaiki area of sword grass (kunai).
kethik p tie. kvam dem. those particular two short
ones. Gram: Reduced dual contrastive
kethik pt vt. tie. Kule sa uthi tp
demonstrative. Vaimbam chvam d in
kama angmngga sa utpe uthi
ngip. Two other dogs died. Ismga
kthik pthachi duthi sot. After-
voembam chvam insp nvt ka
wards, we cut a long pole, then we
ngmnggi th vus. The two baby
tied it, and we finished. Variant:
birds fell off the tree. Variant: chvam;
chethik pt; chethik p; kethik p.
achvam. See: chkvam just those
kethik sthm vt. fasten. Ngi chethik particular two short ones.
sthm gi vlmini mamr marik
kvap dem. those particular short ones.
ngini ngna vang. You fasten your
Gram: Reduced plural contrastive demon-
piglet or it will run away. Variant:
strative. Athoembam chvap nemt
chethik sthm.
ka sunaski uge munggas mali
kethik t tie on. nbngang. Some school children
kethik tm vt. tie on. Sa ut kthik played last night. Variant: chvap;

kvarvarki kinai

achevap. See: chkvap just those to 5 cm in diameter. See: dulem crab

particular short ones. sp. (alternate name).
kvarvarki n. reef crab sp.; spotty kialetki crab sp.
green shell; up to 6 cm in diameter. kiar sa-vi. scrape; specifically the
Pl: kvarvar. Variant: chvarvarki. dance step when you scrape your
kvem dem. those particular two. Gram: feet along the ground. Kama
Feminine dual contrastive demonstrative. chumsta thi tvng dak kama
Variant: chvem; achvem. See: lvop ta tain ama thi kiar. The men
chkvem just those particular two. sing but the women dance and scrape.
kvs interrog. when. Variant: chvs. Variant: chiar.
See: kvsnia when; mchvs kiar vt vt. scrape something like a
sometime, sometimes, again. taro while roasting it. Ka chiar vt
kvs dem. that particular flat one. kama anot. He scraped the taro.
Gram: Flat singular contrastive demon- Variant: chiar vt.
strative. Ka mt pepavs kvs da kibing kibing va sachong vi-so. be
kule chvs. He got one piece of dizzy; be giddy. Kibing kibing va
paper and left the other. Kama sachong d cha sp. He was dizzy
pepavs chchs de chama saenggi and fell. Note: only k.
chia thor ngas. Rain wet the piece of kichi n. key. Kia mu dm nava ki. She
paper. Variant: chvs; kchs; lost his keys. Pl: ki. From: English, Tok
achvs; chchs. See: chkvs just Pisin: key, ki.
that particular flat one.
kierms t push away.
kvsnia interrog. when. Kvsnia sa
kies sa vi-so. sneeze. Kies sa ngo. I
ngn tet sva lat? When did you all
sneezed. See: kiskisa sneeze
go to the garden? Chiaet kvsnia
repeatedly. Note: only k.
save ia Tol? When will she go to Tol?
Variant: chvsnia. See: kvs when. kikisa sneeze.
kvet dem. that particular long one. kilimski leech.
Gram: Long singular contrastive demon- kilok n. clock. Ngia vondm mt
strative. Asongbet chvet ndai ngua giama kilok nachoe? Where did you
thal ngavet sva bang. I carried the buy your clock? See: kunngga ava
long rafter home. Variant: chvet; iski clock. From: English, Tok Pisin:
achvet. See: chkvet just that clock, kilok or klok. Note: no endings.
particular long one. kilok vt. tickle. Namunas kia chilok
kvi= contrastive marker. that one. ma Krista d chi tamal. Namunas
Gram: Used to make contrastive pronouns. tickled Krista and she laughs. Variant:
Auk, da chok ka irs tmda, ia sik chilok.
kok ma chvicha cha mun ptha- kinacha n. kina coin. Sa ngu pr kama
cha. Well, he just lied to them that he kinacha nmt kama tingi vaivaik.
had found it. Variant: chvi=. So I pulled out a kina from that
ki pro. she; it. Gram: Third person feminine particular tin. Pl: kina. From: Tok Pisin:
singular class two and class three pronoun. kina.
Chi masar kama athal. She will kinai disc. 1 actually. Munas chi
weave the net bag (bilum). Cha ngip kuares ia snivichi atha lchar, dak
nmt ki china thoes ma dvaung. kinai ma Ludie atha chik. Munas
He died and left her with three said it was her leg but actually it was
children. Variant: chi; chit; gi; git; giet Ludies.
(Abilta dialect).
2 in contrast. D smni ais sa
kia pro. she; it. Gram: Third person feminine ngua tu gusnng ia choi ia ut pe ut
singular class one pronoun. Chia ve chia tet save ia Marunga dak kinai ut pe ut
ts. She is eating. Variant: chia; gia. tet smt ka mundmbs... And on
kiakkiaka n. crab sp.; lives in holes in the way I began to think that we were
the sand; white and brown shell; up not going to Marunga but in contrast

kinak klan

we were going to hell... boys, two in one canoe, two in the

3 instead. ... choi ia ut pe ut tet other canoe. See: chkiom just those
save ia Marunga dak kinai ut pe ut particular two.
tet smt ka mundmbs... ... we kir vt. 1 push away. Cha vadi ch
were not going to Marunga but vanistm ngo dak ngua chiracha.
instead we were going to hell... He wanted to hit me but I pushed him
4 in turn. Dak kinai kvicha away.
chinai cha ve ch tuthik mna tha
2 clear away. Sa chule sa ma
vik. And in turn, that one, he shoots
Bernard ka ve ch kut na dak k kir
back at them. Variant: chinai; kinei;
kama aurithong. So then Bernard
started to come down and he cleared
kinak interj. yes; all right. Chinak kule away the bushes. Variant: chir.
chlan iva mnap ka. All right, let him
kirms t vt. push away. Variant: chier
sleep. Variant: chinak.
mes t; kierms t.
kinak disc. just. Cha met kinak
kiskisa vi-so. sneeze repeatedly. Kiski-
sdamr natha. He just went directly
sa ngo. I kept sneezing. Variant: kiki-
from them. Kama vongavongacha da
sa. See: kies sa sneeze. Note: only k.
chinak ma ngni nari cha imono a
mchvs. The orange wasp, it is the kivelacha lizard.
one you just hear around sometimes. kivelachi lizard.
Variant: chinak. kiveligl young crocodile.
kinap ash. klalachun driftwood.
kinas disc. just; recently. Tha thpms klan adv. 1 like; likewise. Ngia thu
vt ka chirgarska vak kinas. They ngt chlan taithik. You put them
have just sharpened that paddle. like this.
Kama luln'gi nas kia ndn nave ia
2 at the time; when. Klan ia cha
Milim. The boat just came from
tet nk aiska d sdamr anggingt
Milim. Variant: chinas; nas.
vt aiska v cheng, d ch tu ngt
kinasa disc. 1 really. klan. When he walks past something
2 already. Ngu mn da chinasa on the road he happens to shoot at (it).
cha luln'gi chia met. I arrived but Variant: chlan; glan; klan; chlan. See:
the boat had already left. Variant: machlan at the time; when.
chinasa; inasa; nasa. klan vt. be like; be similar. Kama che-
kin pro. her and. ... dei thi von dm gi vungga klan kama aio. The che-
saglm ga da kule chi chin cha. vungga species is like bamboo. Cha
... then they will give her to him and sok cha chlan ava mamk. He is
she will stay with him. Morph: ki=n. really like his mother. Variant: chlan;
Lit: 3F.SG.III=and. Variant: chin. chlan; klan.
kinei actually; in contrast; instead; in klan adv. 1 only. Banganggi di chi
turn. tk vt klan. It was night and she
kinipki fireplace; hearth. could only feel around. A! Nge ama
gaini chlan dak kina sok ngia
kinggna n. kings. Kama kinggna
slavo nango. Oh! You are only a small
ma dvaung ta mt nave ia
thing but you have degraded me.
kunengga cha ndn diva the lu ma
Jesus. The three kings came from the 2 just. Amusnng ng mun bt
east to see Jesus. From: English: king. guauk klan daithik ia, Ngo da
Note: only k. vandi ngu vlk ia ngu vang. An
idea just came to my grandmother like
kiom dem. those particular two. Gram:
this, I want to try and run away.
Masculine singular contrastive demon-
3 for nothing; with nothing.
strative. Sa chule sa chama athoes
Nandre cha thor klan. Nandre got
ama levavet na tha, kiom nvt ka-
wet for nothing. Cha mn klan
nucha achk, kiom nvt kanucha
svthik. He came back with nothing.
achk. So then (there were) the four

klavonotki krathe

Variant: chlan; chlan; klan. From: English, Tok Pisin:clothes, klos.

klavonotki n. reef crab sp.; large and Note: only k.
red; very hard shell up to 15 cm in kolta n. creosote. Kar ngthi bang
diameter; fat in shape; lives far out mamor nchama iska ma kolta
on the reef. Pl: klavonot. Variant: chla- vthacha. Cars travel fast on roads
vonotki. that have creosote on them. From:
klmen fool. English, Tok Pisin: coal-tar, kolta. Note:
only k.
klmuen fool.
kop dm vt. hang up. Ka chop dm
klvachi maggot.
avama viam iva chrek pthangt.
klochachi large inside part of some- He hung up his galip nuts (Canarium
thing. indicums) in order for them to dry.
klochaini small inside part of some- Variant: chop dm.
thing. kop mni vt. fasten. Ndi thi bn
klom shellfish sp. mangt d thi kop mni ngt. They
koi no; not. pile them up and fasten them. Variant:
chop mni.
koi neg. no. Tangamtta tha ndn, das
koi angama Aulingalta, ura angi- kop s vt. tie up. Ngi chop schama
tha, angmbs. Tolais came, but still ngmng diva ngu thal ngt sva
no Sulkas or anyone, no. Variant: choi; bang. You tie up the wood so that I
kuai. can carry it home. Variant: chop s.
koiku neg. 1 no. Choiku nanga rutha kosa disc. just; simply; as the result of
ith. There are no people here. something undesirable having
happened. Thomas ka thu chama
2 not. Dak koiku mamr. But (it
vaimga da kosa cha ingip. Thomas
was) not possible. Variant: choiku; koi;
shot the dog and it just died. Variant:
choi; kuai; kuaiku.
kok disc. 1 just. Auk, da chok ka irs
kot sa-vi. spit. Variant: chot.
tmda, ia sik kok ma chvicha cha
mun pthacha. Well, he just lied to kot pt vt. spit on; spit at. Kule ma ngi
them that he had found it. kot ptha ngo. Dont you spit at me.
Variant: chot pt.
2 already. Julien chinama Nor-
berta in met mt chama iska ma kraik dem. just that particular one.
malo chok in met ka. Julien and Gram: Feminine singular contrastive demon-
Norberta went on the road that they strative. Variant: chraik; chraik. See:
had already been on. Variant: kuk; chkraik just that particular one.
chok; chuk. krak dem. that particular one. Gram:
koki disc. also; similarly. Cha vondm Masculine singular contrastive demon-
chama twistis baut dchoki batha. strative. Krak ma Joseph ka ms
He gave the twisties to us and also to kama thinm. That Joseph, he ate
them. Variant: choki; oki. fish. Choiku n chkrak taith. That
person is not here. Variant: chr; chra;
kokoros n. cockroach. Fidel chia thon
chrak; chrak. See: chkrak just that
meng at baul mndu ma kokoros
particular one.
ng ms ngt. Fidel checked her
clothes because the cockroaches ate krang just those two particular ones.
them. From: English, Tok Pisin: cock- krark vt. dry. Marianne chi krark at
roach, kokoros. baul ma chia thor ngt. Marianne
koloski n. meri blouse; a loose fitting dried her clothes which she had
dress worn by women in PNG, with a washed. Variant: chrark.
wraparound skirt (laplap) worn krathe dem. those particular people.
underneath. Goreti chia mon mt Gram: Human plural contrastive demon-
kama koloski ama mrki. Goreti strative. Chrathe ava the dai chama
wore a nice meri blouse. Pl: kolos. asvo tha. Those people are thieves.

kravum kulaucha

Variant: chrath; chrare; achrathe. should go...

kravum dem. that particular one. Gram: kuar n tell.
Masculine singular contrastive demon- kuar tm vt. light up; e.g. shine a torch
strative. D kravum ka ngip on something. Nge kuar tm ut sv
masgvs. And the bloke died usupki. You light the way for us to
straight away. heaven. Variant: chuar tm; kura tm;
krtkrt s vi-so. rustle. Arucha ch chura tm.
pirs ithm chama amnggi kuasin na vt. toss; especially referring
dokosa ut nari chama krtkrt to throwing liquid from a container.
scha d ut lu cha. The man hid Kia mt ka lulengi avaik di chia
behind the big tree but we heard him chuasin nachi... It got that boat and
rustling and we saw him. Variant: it tossed it around... Variant: chuasin.
chrtkrt s.
kuasin svt vt. splash. Ngave aiskias
Krismas n. Christmas. Ut met smt ngo, da kule ma ngi chuasin
ka lotu mt kama Krismas. We went svtha ngo. I am cold and you may
to church at Christmas. From: English, not splash me. Variant: chuasin.
Tok Pisin: Christmas, Krismas. Note:
kubururucha n. brown ant. Kuburu-
only k.
rucha cha nes ngo da ruan. A brown
krtp mt chop; cut up. ant bit me and it hurts. Pl: kubururu.
kuai no; not. Variant: chubururucha.
kuai no. kudicha prawn sp.
kuaiku no; not. kudichi piece of rotten wood.
kuaithu interj. Not yet! As kuaithu. kue interrog. where. Ngua thungt
Still, not yet. choe? Where will I put it? Variant:
kuanik vt. swallow. Nge chuanik choe.
kama marasin mamr. You swallow kuenai interrog. where. Nguan vtha
the medicine properly. Variant: chua- nge choenai? Where shall I meet
nik. you? Variant: choenei; guenai.
kuar vt. say. Kule d thave thi chuar kuer go first; go ahead; go in front.
ia ta don sa malmalki. Then they kuer sa-vi. go first; lead. ... da cha
said that they would make peace. chuer schi. ... and he went first with
Variant: chuar. it. Variant: chuer.
kuar show. kuer s vt. lead. Ngu kuer stha sva
kuaramgi bird sp. lat. I lead them to the garden. Variant:
kuares vt. say. Timothy cha chuares chuer s. See: er first.
ia chave chnava ruavk taet kut pierce; spear; inject.
smni arenggi. Timothy said that he kut ma draw.
and his friends would go to the river.
kut pt write.
Variant: chuares; kurs.
kuevanas sa-vi. shake oneself. Kok ki
kuares ithm mes sa vt. confess.
kuevanas. It still shook itself. Note:
Arutha thi kuares ithm ms sa
only k.
athva slavo. People confess their
sins. Variant: chuares ithm mes sa. kuiep sa-vi. shake. Kule ngn guenai,
machlan beia achn'gn'gi chia ve
kuar na vt. tell. Ngi kuar nango ia
chi kuiep? Where did you all stay
nguat anggiom nmt gi uratki?
when the earthquake was shaking?
Which two did you tell me to get from
Note: only k.
your basket? Variant: chuar na; kuar
n; chuar n. kuk just; already.
kuar nana sa-vi. tell each other. Auk, kulaucha n. green coconut (kulau); for
sa ini chuar nana ia, in det... Well, drinking. Ngi von ngo nanga ku-
they said to each other that they laucha diva ngu naik mtka. You
give me the green coconut (kulau) so I

kulbingga kunnggunng dm

can drink its juice. Pl: kulau. Note: kunduchi ta ithaik? Whose hand
only k. drum is this? Pl: kundu. From: Tok
kulbingga tongue of flame. Pisin: kundu hand drum. Note: only k.
kulbingga tongue. kunmgi n. old garden; a garden that
cannot be used again for two or
kule later.
three years. Athva kunmgi da tha
kule vi-so. stay. Chule tha vaur sa lmuchi nani athva alat sei. Their
bubang d than. They are staying in old garden, they left it to be their
the bush and tomorrow they will garden again. Chunam avang d mir
return. Variant: chule. nangt. That is an old garden from
kule disc. Dont. Gram: Negative imperative. long ago. Vlngacha da sok kama
Kule ma ngi svau. Don't you steal. mngga ma cha dn pt kama
Variant: chule. chunam. The vlngacha is a tree that
kule klan interj. Never mind! Sa grows in an old garden site. Pl: kunam.
choiku ut na munggas tik d sa Variant: chnam; chunmgi.
chok kule klan. So we will not play kuneng season.
now, never mind. kunengm morning star.
kulel vt. 1 leave. Chulel giama kunngga n. 1 sun. Vadi uthet save
thalchi ith va vt d ngias sa. ia Rabaul d sa chunngga cha
Leave your bucket here at home and vn. We want to go to Rabaul but the
eat first. sun is already up.
2 throw away. Ngias kama chlok 2 day. Kunngga achk, d tha
dak kulel kama chndeng. Eat the mondmna. One day they gathered
inside but throw away the skins. together. Mni chunng. Good day.
Variant: chulel. (Greeting used from about midday to 2
kulemgi corner. pm.) Pl: kunng. Variant: chunngga.
kulp pool; liquid. 3 occasion. Arutha sok athva
lumanaski ama morki ve ia chama
kulp bowl of water; soup.
chunng ama mor. People really do
kulpka tear. big preparations during important
kulesia haze. occasions.
kulski smoke; steam. kunngga ava iski n. clock. Kunng-
kulumtka crab sp. ga ava iski chia tamon ia sa
asnggk nacha. The clock says it is
kulumga shellfish sp.
one oclock. Pl: kunngga ava ais.
kumangacha spider. Variant: chunngga ava iski. See: kilok
kumang angt nank insect sp. clock.
kumangdalska spider sp. kunengga ava lm n. mushroom sp.;
kumbarka bird sp.; dove; Victoria large, white, umbrella shape; the
crowned pigeon. stalk is 30 cm in diameter; grows in
grassy fields after heavy rain.
kumngas n. gaol; prison. Arutha ma
thi bing mni a thondm da tha tu kunengga cha don west.
tha mt kama kumngas. People kunnggunng n. dawn. Amlta thi
who break the law are put in gaol. Pl: pinem svt bang via kunnggu-
kumang. Variant: chumngas. nng. The foreigners went back to
kumer vm vt. clean. Mamr ia ngi their villages at dawn. Sa ngni
chumer vm gama milatka bango? thcham! Sa ngave chunnggu-
Can you clean the plate for me? nng. You people get up! (The day is)
Variant: chumer. dawning. Variant: chunnggunng.
kumgi knee. kunnggunng dm vi-so. be real.
Anvmnacha chna, mali sa thik
kunachacha shellfish sp.
ngaip sa thik sa ngave chuneng-
kunduchi n. hand drum. Nm av guneng dmda. The underground

kunngngrngrka kut ithm

people, first they were hidden but now store, there is only rice. Ava nank
they are becoming real (i.e. apparent kia thk nacha nani anot d chama
to everyone). Variant: chunengguneng tangam dak chusek ka mn scha-
dm; gunengguneng dm. ma anot. His mother sent him for taro
kunngngrngrka shellfish sp. and bananas but he just brought back
taros. Variant: chusek.
kungacha tree sp.; casuarina; sister-
less man; sisterless boy. kusem intestines.
kura vt. show. Vea ngiaet da giama kusemga spinal cord.
chutdrir da ngi kur angt svt kusemgi large intestine.
ath. When you go, show your respect kusilka fish sp.
for them. Variant: chur.
kuski muddy ground.
kuracha root; artery; vein.
kut vt. serve. Ngi chut kama msms
kura tm light up. bachama morta vath iva thas. You
kuravesik na sa-vi. reveal. Jesus ka serve the food for those important
churavesik nava methamon sang- people so they can eat. Variant: chut.
gl ma Johanes vtka mlka ma kut vt. 1 pierce. Mir kama morta
Patmos. Jesus revealed his message nainath da tha chut athva
to Johanes on the island of Patmos. sndem. Long ago the ancestors used
Variant: churavesik na. to pierce their ears.
kuremga betelnut. 2 spear. Ka chut sndamr nch
kuremgi palm sp.; betel palm; shellfish plmga ava snngacha. He speared
sp. the pig directly in the heart.
kurngga mountainside. 3 inject. Kama neski chia chut
gua rembm. The nurse injected my
kurs say.
buttock. Variant: chut; kut; chut.
kureski leaf; bucket.
kut vt. stack. Sa chule tha vtka us
kurithong ama ngthi bang sa kopra d thi kut lams. So they
methamn nerve. stayed at the copra hut (haus kopra)
kursachong crab sp. and stacked copra. Variant: chut.
kur svt vt. 1 show. Vea ngiaet da kut vt. catch; specifically an eagle
giama chutdrir da ngi kur angt catching its prey. Brasocha cha
svt ath. When you go, show your chut kama vangong'gi. The eagle
respect for them. caught a flying fox. Variant: chut.
2 reveal; spot-light using a torch. kut dm vt. get rid of. Ka chut dm
Ta chuar svt kama ruchm ch- ava lugutki china thoes. He got rid
chm mali nbengang. They torched of his wife and children. Variant: chut
(spot-lighted) someone short last dm.
night. Variant: chur; kuar; chuar. kutm s vt. sew. Chutm schama
kur tm vt. show. Cha churatha thm chdeng. Suture. [Lit: Sew the body.]
chama duraik ma ch tlu vtha Variant: chutm s.
ngt. He showed them the chickens kutgil tm vt. butcher; chop. D cha
he was looking for. Variant: chura tm. chutgiltm smt kama bang-
kurupacha n. crowbar. Ngua nges gruanggi. And he chopped it into the
mcha lechi nchama kurupa. I dug pot. Variant: chutgil tm; vuigl tm
the hole with the crowbar. Pl: kurupa. (Abilta dialect).
From: English, Tok Pisin: crowbar, kroba. kutigligl half.
kusaricha name of Mndas dancer. kutik namt vt. poke repeatedly; stab
kusek adv. only; just. Chusek ka cha repeatedly. Ka chutik namthacha.
met k tor. Only he went to wash. It poked him repeatedly (with its
Ngmbs nanga guang ve mt ka horns). Variant: chutik namt.
gunan'ga dak chusek kama chuan kut ithm vt. lean on. Kule ma ngi na
ng ve. There is nothing there in the

kut ma lalar pt

chut ithmgi. Dont you lean on her. vlokpap pthacha mo. The dog was
Variant: chut ithm. patchy with spots all over it. Variant:
kut ma vt. draw. Ngu kut ma chama chut mes.
achutkut. I drew the picture. Variant: kut na sa-vi. descend. Uthi kutna
chut ma; chut ma; kut ma. inavuk sva bang nva lat. We
kut m vt. spear. Mali cha tet tcha- descended from the garden to the
ma renggi viavik d cha lu chi da house. Ngi chutna s mseng. You
kosa chule d cha thia cha chut come down to the ground. Variant:
mchi. Before, he went along that chuk na.
particular river and he saw it and he kut pt vt. write. Ngi chut pt kama
speared it at once. tlngbs ithvs. You write on this
kut mes vt. shoot randomly. Cha chut piece of paper. Variant: chut pt; chut
mes kama urn. He shot randomly at pt; kut pt.
the prawns. Variant: chut mes. kuvisacha chickenhawk.
kut mes ma vt. be patchy. Kama
vaimga cha chut mes ma chama

L - l

lachski n. 1 fish sp.; have yellow cocoa and food from gardens.
and brown stripes along the body; Langgrka cha ts kama kakau
up to 40 cm long. masa. The large parrot eats cocoa a
2 sea cucumber sp.; brown and lot. Pl: lagr. Variant: langgrka.
edible. lagthacha n. corn. Ngu don bathm
3 cucumber. Pl: lachs. ngu lagat ma ngua vt ngt. I
lachuaska n. grass; an area of any checked the corn that I planted.
particular kind of grass. Paskalis k Pl: lagat. Variant: langgthacha.
tp kama lachuaska namt ava laguain'ga n. native spinach (aibika)
mbangga. Pascal cut an area of one tip. Ngiat kama auravuchi at
kind of grass around his house. laguain'ga bango. You bring the
Pl: luchuas. native spinach (aibika) tip to me.
lachuaski n. pool; specifically pools Pl: laguain.
made in the reef at low tide. Ksk laguain'gi n. gullet. Athop mt kama
mt kama garski nemen kama rucha ava laguain'gi. The man has a
thinm mt kama lachuaski mt cut in his gullet. Pl: langguain.
kama sul. At low tide the fish were lagun'ga n. cordyline sp.; victory leaf
trapped in the pool on the reef. (tanget); decorative plant. Ka rucha
Pl: lachuasvap. cha thanger vt kama lagun'ga
ladeigl n. apron of leaves worn by uvs da kosa chave ch gamar
women at the back. Johana chia natha. The man broke the top off the
thk at lade. Johana made her lade. victory leaf and started to fight them.
Pl: lade. Variant: lande. Pl: lagun.
ladevthacha n. name of Mndas lairini n. small ridge between two
mask; the mask has an elongated creeks. Marupki chia mair mni
shield shape with a rounded back, lairini d chia ts kama chlaska
dangling bark cloth (tapa cloth) voes. The cassowary stood on the
around the edges with designs under- ridge and eats the chlaska fruit.
neath, and a stick with feathers on it Pl: lairithong.
on top; it is carried flat side down on a lalar pt vi-so. be scrawny; be
stick. emaciated; be very thin; especially
lagrka n. bird sp.; large parrot; steals after a long illness. Paimga vak da

laltki lareng

lalar pthacha. That dog is very thin. lamini n. lamb; specifically the Lamb
laltki n. 1 root. Ngua chut ngua of God. Deo ava lamini ama ng
lchar mt kama mngga ava lalt. thar aivitki atha slavo. Lamb of God
I stabbed my foot on the trees roots. you take away the sins of the world.
From: English: lamb.
2 stump. D cha vn svt kama
ngemngi at lalt va cha vn sva lamon angthaik n. saltwater eel sp.;
var. And he climbed onto the stump of brown.
a tree so he could get up higher. lamon'gi n. wave; specifically waves
Pl: lalt. See: trutki small root of a that break. Lamon ama mor p sng
tree or plant. kama renggi. There are big waves at
lalumga n. bird sp.; brown and white the mouth of the river. Pl: lamon. See:
hawk. Kama lalum da ngt ts awalngga wave; ripple.
kama guangithong ma chesin. lamur n. white marks that are painted
Brown and white hawks eat rotten onto people's faces, during dances,
things. Pl: lalum. using white powder or lime powder.
lamn n. flat land. Dak ava ruavek chule tha k da thi
vel atha lamur. But his friends stayed
lams n. copra. Sa chule tha vtka us
down there and rubbed white marks
kopra d thi kut lams. So they
(onto their faces).
stayed at the copra hut (haus copra)
and stacked copra. lande apron.
lamsachi n. 1 coconut. Ngi chiar landmbm n. short club; baton. D
vt kama lamsvam ithvem. You tha vaingel tm nge mavo nama
scrape these two coconuts. Ngia thet landm. And they beat you badly with
ngi ngm nani lams. You go and a club. Pl: ladm.
look for coconuts. langena be famous; be renowned.
2 coconut palm. Bruno cha vt langga n. shoulder. Ngu tal kama
kama lamsachi va lat. Bruno ngmng d gua lang. I carried the
planted the coconut palm in the wood on my shoulder. Pl: alang. See:
garden. Pl: lams. alngini shoulder.
lamsait n. tall coconut palm. Ka vn langgrka bird sp.; large parrot.
vt kama lamsait nani chama langgerki n. saltwater fish sp.;
kulau. He climbed the tall coconut brightly coloured: green, blue, or
palm for the green coconuts (kulau). red; two types: one lives on the reef,
Pl: lamsink. the other lives in the deep sea, has a
lamsas n. coconut leaf; the leaflets lump on its head, and is up to 60 cm
that make up a coconut frond. long; both types have a mouth like a
lamsigl n. spleen. Kama thoemga parrot's beak and sharp teeth for
armga scha ma lamsigl. The grinding coral. Pl: langger.
boy has got a sickness in his spleen. langgervereng'gi n. green cicada sp.;
Pl: lamsinggleng. Variant: found in coastal areas.
lamsinggl. Pl: langgeveren.
lamsigl n. 1 coconut plantation. langgthacha corn.
2 piece of coconut. lareng vi-so. happy. Usage: This word is
lamsinggl spleen. a bit archaic; it is mainly used now
to describe the way dogs behave
lamthain'ga n. tree sp.; large tree
when greeting their masters.
species. Lamthain'ga da mrka
Larengango nvt guaoemga. I am
nani palang. The lamthain'ga
happy about my son. Ngua lu gi
species is good for planks. Pl:
sachongas da sok larengas glm
nge i ngia vlng kama thinmgi
lamga n. lamp. Isidore, ngiat kama ama morki. I saw your face was
lamga bango. Isidore, you bring the happy because you caught a big fish.
lamp to me. Pl: lam.

lareng'ga vt lengeiki

lareng'ga vt vi-so. be happy. Ngave pool [Lit: broke its bank] and (the
lareng'ga vthatha i athva matka water) all poured out.
cha mn nave ia Mosbi. They are lel tm vi-so. drain out. Lel tmga. It
happy because their elder brother drained out.
came back from Port Moresby.
lel tm vt. gather. Kave cha lel tm
lasrpthacha fish sp. avanga mngithong nva gars. He
lasrvthacha n. freshwater fish sp.; is gathering his small pieces of wood
multi-coloured: brown, yellow, and from the beach.
red; lives in still waters such as lmaska n. fly; generic term. Lmaska
billabongs; up to 20 cm long. cha mungun mt gua thopki. The
Pl: lasrvt. Variant: lasrpthacha. fly sat on my sore. Pl: lmas.
latka n. gardener. Sok ma Paulus de lmbut n. saliva. Kule ma ngi kot
chama latka. Really, Paul is a ptha ngo ningia lmbut. Dont you
gardener. Pl: latta. spit your saliva at me.
latki n. female gardener. lmr vt. clean thoroughly. K lmr
laurka n. wind. Laurka cha bal tcha- avoemga ava sachong ma thopp
ma lamsachi. The wind blew down mt ngt. He will clean his sons eyes
the coconut palm. Pl: laur. which have sores in them.
lavaitigel n. placenta. Ta thon kama lmr dm vt. carve. Secha cha lmr
thoemga ava lavaitigel smt kama dm ava chepki. The hero carved his
lechi. They threw the childs placenta spear.
into the hole. Pl: lavaithigleng. lmr nas sa-vi. clean oneself thor-
lavaitki n. navel. Athop mt ava oughly. Ngi lmr nas. You clean
lavaitki. He has got a sore on his yourself thoroughly.
navel. Pl: lavait. lmrnaski n. purgatory. Ngia
lavrki n. sugar-cane. Ngi von ngo mthatha nmthama lmrnaski.
nanga lavrki. You give me a sugar- You get them from purgatory.
cane. Pl: lavr. lmlmga n. pus; especially from
lavichi n. 1 bed. Ka namas mni ava infected eyes. Tchp nchama
lavichi. He was lying down on his bed. lmlm mthava sachong. His eyes
2 platform. Pl: lavi. are full of pus. Pl: lmlm.
lcha oh dear! lmu vt. leave. Duthi lmu autha
slavo. And so we left our sins.
lchar foot; leg; refers to the entire
limb. lmuacha n. friend; ally. Peia sa tha
mu chama thoemka auk sa ava
lcharacha ama morka n. big toe.
lmuacha nava morka ma cha
Dulki chia thares gua lcharacha
thpmues tmga. When a boy was
ama morka. The stone pressed my
initiated by a man, the boy would call
big toe.
the man his friend. Pl: lmutha.
lechi hole.
lmuachi n. female friend; female ally.
lechvs adv. in the air. Kama ismga
lmu thm vt. look after; care for; take
ch bang da lechvs. The bird flew in
care of. Mala nge thal Jesus di nge
the air. Variant: leps.
lmu thmka. Before, you gave birth
lgmetka n. freshwater fish sp.; looks to Jesus and you looked after him.
like a small shark but has no teeth;
len be afraid; be frightened.
eats moss; white with greasy flesh;
lives where the current is fast. lenge angthieik n. leader. Alenge
Pl: lgmet. angthieik chvicha ma asik ch
tp ma thondm svt kama ms-
lel small.
mski. The leader is the one who
lel s vi-so. pour out; run out; spill out. makes the rules for the feast.
Ka thar schama chthopka da
lengeiki truth.
kosa lel schama mo. He opened the

lengeini lialecha

lengeini n. event; function; meeting. ga. I split the wood.

Koi aungka na mes anga mambu- 3 chop. ... d ngu lr dm gi m
ves svtha tha lengithong. No one ch slik d ngu sot. ... and I chopped
sings any songs about their events. the meat and I finished. Variant: ler d.
Pl: lengithong. lr mt vi-so. torn. D chama ivtki lr
lengemtka n. leader. Pl: lengemtta. mtki chlan da ithik. And the earth
lengenacha n. a leader; a person who was all torn up like this.
takes leadership for organising a lr snas sa-vi. split apart; as when
particular event or project. Ma Na- something breaks up from within.
ngathemes de sok lengenacha sa Dak avi ti kuar ia ut mo ma Ving-
utha morta athva musnng nva bingda, koi ut lr snas, ia nma,
mbang. Nangathemes is the leader of nma. But they say we were all
the tribal customs. Autha lengena Bainings, we had not split apart into
ndai ma Deo. Our leader is God. these ones and those ones.
Pl: lengenatha. lscha n. banana shoot. Ngi von ngo
Lengenacha n. Lord; used to refer to nanga lsk diva ngu vt ngt. You
God. Autha Lengenacha ma Deo. give me the banana shoots so that I
Our Lord God. can plant them. Pl: lsk.
lengenachi n. female leader. letacha n. stairs. Ki bn vt kama
Lengenachi n. Our Lady; Mother letacha savuk sva bang. She
Mary. Sei ngi nari autha nn'gi dei climbed up the stairs to the house.
ngi thu ut sanggl Jesus Lengena- Pl: leta.
chi Maria. Again you hear our prayer lt t vt. light a fire; ignite something.
and you present us to Jesus, Mother Ngi chuar nacha ia ch lt tchama
Mary. mundam. You tell him that he should
lengen na vi-so. be famous; be re- light the fire.
nowned. Lengen nango sama irit. I levavet four.
am renowned for (my) bad luck. Ama lviam n. fish sp.; stonefish; lives on
chrot nge da lengenange. You are the reef; white with bones that stick
strong and renowned. Variant: langena. through the skin to form strong
lenge scha n. miracle worker. Deo spikes all over its back and sides;
alenge scha. God is a miracle swells up when touched. Pl: lvai.
worker. Variant: lenge ves scha. lvop adj. female. Kama duraik ama
lenge ves scha miracle worker. lvop. The chickens are female.
lngirka n. grasshopper sp.; brown lvopki n. woman. Lvopki chi tal
and short with big back thighs; is atha vuthchi vatha thng. The
plentiful in stony places and along woman carried her bundle of firewood
the beach. Pl: lngir. on her back. Lvop ta met mt areng
leps in the air. nani urn. The women went to the
river for prawns. Pl: lvop. Pl: lvopta.
ler d break up.
Variant: luvop; luop.
ler d tear; split; chop.
lvovaski n. lots of women.
lr dm vi-so. break up. Kama saeng
lvur t vt. overturn. Ka lvur
ama mor d achlak kama ivitki da
tchama plangigl. He overturned the
kosa lr dchama ivitki d ut tes ia
athemuanacha. The big rains make
the earth soft and the earth breaks lvur vt vi-so. tumble over. Sa
apart, so we call it a landslide. Variant: lvur vt kunngga. The sun has
ler d. gone over. [Lit: The sun has tumbled
lr dm vt. 1 tear. Kama thoemgi
chia lr dchama baulgi. The girl lialecha n. roosters tail feather. Du-
tore her wraparound skirt (laplap). raika ava liale ama mr ngt. The
roosters tail is beautiful. Pl: liale.
2 split. Ngua lrdm kama mng-

lialechi ludngbs

Variant: lialevs. lotu n. 1 Christian rituals. Nge

lialechi n. roosters tail. Pl: liale. slamr naut ni gia lotu. You heal us
with your rituals.
lialevs rooster tail feather.
2 religion. Autha lotu chi kuar
licha carrying pole.
naut ia chama mundmks ama
lichat carrying pole. Usage: Abilta dialect. mor ngas ma tha tes ngas ia
likdm vi-so. at once; in no time; im- imperno. Our religion tells us that
mediately. Gram: Encodes punctual aspect there is a big fire called hell. From: Tok
in sentence initial position. Always seems to Pisin: lotu worship.
take a third person masculine singular lotu sa-vi. worship. Uthi lotu vt kama
subject. Lik dmga d cha mt ava lotu atha vtki. We worship at the
sen'gi da kosa cha chrtep mani church. From: Tok Pisin: lotu worship.
chama thangamga. At once he got
lotu svt vt. worship; adore; praise.
his knife and chopped at the banana.
Uthi lotu svt Deo vchama haus
lik mt vt. 1 rip off; tear off. Chia lik lotu. We worship God in church. From:
mt kama pepavs va chia nachi Tok Pisin: lotu worship.
schama mundam. She tore off the
lotuvmgi n. church. Uthi nn pcha-
paper to light the fire with it.
ma lotuvmgi. We pray at church.
2 split; break apart. Ngi lik mt Pl: lotuvm. From: Tok Pisin: lotu
kama lams. You break the coconut. worship.
Cha lik mt kama dakacha baiom.
lu see.
He split the betel pepper (daka) for
the two of them. luanggareska n. tree sp.; very
straight and tall; is easy to split into
lik s vt. break or tear off something
small. Ngi lik schama pepaini
bango. Tear a piece of paper for me. luchi penis.
lingbes n. gauze; lint; compress. Ngia luchi at kdngga n. foreskin. Ta
thu chama lingbes mt gia thopki. chrtp schama kndngga. They
You put the gauze on your sore. cut the foreskin. Pl: lu angt kdng.
Pl: ling. From: English, Tok Pisin: lint, luchupka n. place. Gisia d luchupka
lin. ma amrka iva rutha thi piknik.
lingga star. Gisia is a good place for people to
picnic. Pl: luchap.
liver sa-vi. hurry. Ngia met save ia Tol
da sok ngia liver. You really hurried luchupki n. 1 space; e.g. the space of
when you went to Tol. Ngi livr diva a playground or dancing ground. Ta
sa un det. You hurry up so we can go. tugas schama balki mni chama
Variant: livr. luchupki. They play with the ball in
the space.
livr hurry.
2 baldness; bald head. Andrew
livinem n. cross pole; specifically the
Kotpu da luchupki du vs. Andrew
short poles that attach to a longer
Kotpu has a bald head. Pl: luchuap.
pole that something heavy has been
tied to; the pole helps people carry luchuvini n. small space. Luchuvini
heavy things. Ngaiom ini tal mni ng mk. There is a small space down
chama livinem ama sgm. The two there. Pl: luchuvithong.
carry one cross pole between them. Pl: lu da notice.
livinbap. ludngbs n. betel pepper (daka)
liviska n. betel pepper (daka) shoot. leaves; mustard leaves. Nguave ngu
Pl: livis. Ngi vt kama chevorachi thik tchama ludngludngithong
athama livis diva vur mt ngt. You diva ngu sing. I am picking the small
plant the shoot of the betel pepper betel pepper (daka) leaves so that I
(daka) vine in order to grow it. can chew (betelnut). Pl: ludngludng
lolves mt be reddish. See: achuvorves betel pepper (daka)
leaves; mustard leaves.

lugutka machlak machlak

lugutka n. husband. Kia vlng atha Ngua sp d lul pthango nmt

lugutka. She killed her husband. kama dul. I fell and was scratched
Kama rutha thina thva lugutvek from the stones.
nave ia Bulus ta mt kama dul lul s sa-vi. graze; scratch; scrape. Lul
nmt athva mng. The people, scha d chama churngga uvs.
husbands and wives from Bulus, got He scratched the mountain top.
their money from their timber. Pl: lu-
lulul pt vi-so. be scratched up. Chia
gutvek. Variant: lunggutka; ungut
dm d lulul pt athama kdengga.
(Abilta dialect); agut (Abilta dialect). See:
She is itchy and her skin is all
aruacha friend; often used to refer
scratched up.
to spouses.
lu ma prepare.
lugutvthaiom n. couple. Lugutv-
thaiom in sek na. The couple got lumanaksi n. preparation. Arutha sok
married. athva lumanaski ama morki ve ia
chama chunng ama mor. People
luk n. cool place; comfortable place;
really do big preparations during
somewhere that is a good place to
important occasions. Pl: lumanas.
rest. Jesus ngi lu gua snng i av
luk bange. Jesus you see my heart is a lu manas get ready; prepare oneself.
comfortable place for you. lunaski n. 1 mirror. Ava lunaski
luln'ga n. 1 canoe. Johanes k pul sukdmgi da pk tmgi. His mirror
mt ava kanucha. Johanes paddled in fell down and broke.
his canoe. See: kanucha canoe. 2 louvre glass. Ngua lu chama
2 cradle. Ama luln'ga nder na- kaumatka cha mon samuk svm
cha. The cradle was uncomfortably kama lunas. Ngua vsding sthm
tight. Ngia thu chama thoemini ga. I saw the rat got into the louvre
muk mt kama luln'ga. You put the glass. I blocked it inside. Pl: lunas.
baby inside the cradle. Pl: luln. lunggutka husband; spouse.
luln'gi n. boat; especially a banana lunggutki wife.
boat. Kama luln'gi chia mun luop woman.
schama guangithong. The boat
lu svt hurt.
arrived with the things. Pl: lulen. See:
botki boat. luski turtle shell; wooden bowl.
lulit adj. poor. Arutha ma nausta naut lu vathm na wait.
da lulitha naut klan. We are like lu vt look after.
specks of dust and we are only poor. lu vthanas look after oneself.
lulitka poor person; poor woman. luvop woman.
lul pt vi-so. be grazed; be scratched. lu wirp glimpse.

M - m

ma rel. that; who. Gram: Relator that erents. Ka mt kama sen'gi nangl
introduces clauses or NPs that provide ma Henry. He got the knife from
additional information about their head. Henry. Ngua mes ma Junior thm-
Constructions involving the relator ma are nas. I called Junior after myself.
sometimes used to express uncertainty or maboracha grey wasp.
emphasis. Ut da uthi vlk kama aru-
machavs sometime; sometimes;
cha vak ma cha ve sk ngtha-
thng. Us, we like that person who is
there at the back. machlak adv. little bit. Ngia ts
machlak. You eat a little bit.
ma np art. the. Gram: The NP article that
marks inherently uniquely identifiable ref- machlak machlak adv. slowly.
Ngia tamon machlak machlak.

ma chlan beia malisacha

You speak slowly. mair snania lean against.

ma chlan beia when. mairvtka n. boss. Sa ngn rares
machlan beia subord. when. Kule svthautha mairvtka. Then you all
ngn guenai, machlan beia achn'- bless our boss. Pl: mairvtta.
gn'gi chia ve chi kuiep? Where did mairvtki n. female boss.
you all stay when the earthquake was makaucha n. reef fish sp.; tilapia; grey
shaking? Variant: ma chlan beia. See: with scales; have no teeth; up to
klan at the time; when. 30 cm long. Ve sng ma Mundai
machuisr adv. diagonally. Aulan'gi ama renggi d ngua lu chama thi-
chia vaimanas mni chama kakau- nmbs nchama makau. At the
cha ava thiki ama chia namt ma- mouth of the Mundai River I saw a
chuisr. The snake wound itself school of tilapia. Pl: makau. From: Tok
around the branch of a cocoa tree that Pisin: makau tilapia. See: marumgi
goes out diagonally. reef fish sp. (alternate name).
madng adv. 1 carelessly. Manuel makauchi n. large fish of the makau-
ka thon ava sravetki madng sa cha species.
imk seng arenggi. Manuel care- makauves n. school of tilapia (makau).
lessly left his clothes down at the river
mal sa-vi. stop. Sa mal. Stop.
mala maybe.
2 unconcernedly.
mala adv. if possible. Kia tamon ia
madin adj. deaf. Exsaviaur d chama
mala chia thet save ia Kokopo. She
madingi. Exsaviaur is deaf.
said that if possible she would go to
maila maybe. Kokopo.
maila chuvsnia disc. 1 the other malachi n. wild fowl. Ngua mn vt
day. Maila chuvsnia ngua met kama malachi at valuacha d sok
save ia Bulus. The other day I went to amr vtha ngo. I found a wild fowls
Bulus. egg and I was really happy. Pl: mala.
2 last time. Tangam avang ma malachuvsnia the other day; last
amang nagl malachuvsnia sa nga time.
ve angguvang. Those bananas that
malangeik belief.
were ripe last time (I checked) have
gone bad. Variant: malachuvsnia. malngeik n. belief. Cha mat mala-
ngeik ia chama auravek ng ve mt
mailu disc. maybe. Asik mailu ngua
kama arenggi. He believed that the
thet save ia Kokopo mumbang.
witches were in the water. Variant:
Maybe I will go to Kokopo tomorrow.
Variant: mala; maila; nmailu.
mali disc. before; earlier. Sa mali cha
main dance.
met save ia Ili. Then, earlier, he went
main'gi n. dance. Aumesta thi tvng to Ili. K ser mni chama athunepki
da amain. Men sing and dance. vachvaik mali ma sik ma thalias
Pl: amain. k ser pe. He will tap on the drum
mair stand; wait. that the wizard tapped before.
mairk net. Usage: Abilta dialect. malilu adv. many times. Aut Deo nge
mairki n. net that is used for catching lu ut nigia irski i uthi slavo
birds and flying foxes. Kama isem malilu. Our God, you will see us with
angthama sangachi d tha teski ia your sadness because we sin many
mairki. They call the net for catching times.
birds the mairki. Pl: mair. Variant: malimgi n. trochus shell. Cha mn vt
mairk (Abilta dialect). kama malimgi d cha thk nachi.
mair pt walk with. He found the trochus shell and he sold
it. Pl: malim.
mair s make stand.
malisacha n. fish sp.; barracuda; deep
mair snas stand alone.

malisachi mambumtka

sea fish; have a long mouth, sharp it in an earth oven (mumu) then
teeth, and whitish flesh with scales; finished, then the two of them rested.
are long and thin. Pl: malisa. From: Variant: mual vt.
Tok Pisin: melisa barracuda. See: mamaing n. fibre for making net bags
malisachi large barracuda. (bilums). Chi dng chama mamaing
malisachi n. large barracuda. Pl: mali- iva nanai athama athalka. She
sa. From: Tok Pisin: melisa barracuda. processed the fibres for her net bag
See: malisacha barracuda. (bilum).
malmalcha n. reef fish sp.; grey; up to mamanp dir. downwards. Sa cha
15 cm long; no scales, slippery skin; vinem i sa cha met mamanp save
lives close to shore; good for bait. ia Tol. He had returned because he
Pl: malmal. had gone down to Tol.
malmalki n. peace. Kule d thave thi mambl n. beating sticks. Kama
chuar ia ta don sa malmalki. Then awan'ga cha tain sava mambl. The
they said that they would make peace. dancer dances with his sticks. A
Gamar da choiku ia mr. A mal- smn pthacha nmt kama
malki a amrki. War is not good. mambl. There are welts on his skin
Peace is good. Pl: malmal. from the beating sticks. Variant:
malolbanggi n. reef fish sp.; faded mambl.
colours: dim whitish, yellowish, and mambet n. father. Mambet ka von ngo
brown stripes; similar to the molol- nchama thangam. Father gave me
chi species but a bit larger. the bananas.
Pl: malolbang. mambethiom n. parents.
malos n. grass sp.; strong smelling; Mambethiom in met sva lat. The
grows to waist height; deters parents went to the garden. See:
snakes, relieves tiredness, and can mamkiom parents.
be used to wash dishes. Kama lvop mambl beating sticks.
ta tain schama malos. The women
mamboracha n. grey wasp. Kama
dance with the malos.
maboracha d ch nges kama
malum n. dough; wet stuff; typically ivtki diva cha thon samk. The
mud. Avonavongacha ch tpma grey wasp digs the earth so it can go
avama avtka nchama malum: down inside. Pl: mambor. Variant:
ivitki ama chlachi. The wasp builds maboracha.
his house with wet stuff: earth that is
mambuchi n. 1 choir; orchestra; the
soft. From: Tok Pisin: malumalu soft,
singers and drummers at a day
muddy, swampy.
dance or night dance. Mambuchi
malumgi n. heap; especially a heap of chia ve chi benaseng. The choir is
something like mud or dead fish in starting.
the bottom of a boat. Kama vonga-
2 song. Thave thi tvng ncha-
vongacha d ch bn mchama
ma mambuchi. They are singing the
malum nchama ivitki ama chla-
song. Pl: mambu.
chi. The wasp makes heaps with soft
earth. Pl: malum. mambuini n. small song. Usage: Dimin-
utive use here is attenuative. Ama
malumgi na vi-so. be coiled; be piled
mambuini vavni da chuseka ch
up. Malumgi nachama aulan'gi. The
tvng piavik va chinai ch tk
snake is coiled up. Variant: malum na.
mchama malumgi. That particular
malum na vi-so. be soft; e.g. the small song, it (a wasp) only sings like
texture of bread dough. Malumgi that, so that it builds the mud pile
nachi. It is soft. From: Tok Pisin: (nest).
malumalu soft.
mambumtka n. singer. Raphael d
malum na heap; be coiled; be piled up. chama mambumtka. Raphael is a
mal vt vi-so. rest. In bar sa in sot, sa singer. Pl: mambumtta.
ngave mal vt ngaiom. They cooked

mamk manaingimgi

mamk n. father. Gu mamk ka ingip. 2 excessively; very much; terribly.

My father died. Pl: mamkna. Vadi kusek ngua thamon sthm
mamkiom n. parents. Athoemga vak nge ngi mamk ia, cha ve armga
da choiku cha na nari nagl ava mamor. I just want to tell you about
mamkiom. That child does not listen your father, he is terribly sick. Ava
to his parents. See: mambethiom chdenggi chia mo mavo nachi i
parents. ng mu daruan nacha mamor. His
body was all broken because they hurt
mamr adv. 1 well; fine. Gua manai-
him terribly. Arm ngo mamor d
ngimgi da choiku chia naingim
ngua mas vt arm angtha
mamr. My flashlight does not shine
banggi. I was very sick and I slept at
very well.
the hospital.
2 properly. Ngia munggun ma- 3 strongly. Vadi uthet save ia
mr. You sit properly. town mt k botki dak laur mamor
3 possible. D tha snan svt da ngmbs ut met. We wanted to go
authiaikna ia mamr thi thk to town in the boat but the wind was
save. And they asked our ancestors if strong and we did not go.
it was possible for them to work there. 4 hard. Arura naimonp da thi
mamr na vi-so. be possible for; be tk mamor. The people from over
able to. Mamr nango diva ngu pul there work hard.
save ia Karong. It is possible for me 5 loudly. Ngi tvng mamor. You
to paddle to Karong. sing loudly.
mamr pet vi-so. be fit for; be able to; 6 fast; quickly. Kar ngthi bang
be good for. Ngeni sunas iva sik mamor nchama iska ma kolta
mamr vtha ngn nani atha via vthacha. Cars travel fast on roads
ngn dugas. You train so that you will that have creosote on them. Kama sul
be fit for the game. Koiku mamr ng ve ng ndn mamor mt autha
nange vtha ngo. You are not fit garski atham. The reef is growing
enough (to fight) me. Variant: mamr quickly along our beach.
vet. 7 brightly. Kama lingga cha nai-
ngim mamor. The star is shining
mamr vet be fit for; be able to; be
good for.
mamuaing n. yaws. Athop ama ma-
mamthm n. grasshopper sp.; has
muaing nga ts ka. He has sores
grey and white patches; bores holes
called yaws.
in soft wood. Pl: mamvap.
mamut adj. greasy; fatty. Ngthi par
mamga n. father; Dad; address and
kama vlmga avak pik da mamut
reference term; it is also used by
ka. They cook that particular pig in an
children-in-law. Mamga cha met ka
earth oven (mumu) and it (the pig) is a
monel chna vaim. Dad went to hunt
greasy one.
with his dogs. Pl: mamda.
mamut mt vi-so. be greasy; be fatty.
mamiapki n. pawpaw. Mamiapki ama
Vlam nva vt da mamut mt
manggi. The pawpaw is ripe.
ngt. Pigs from the village are fatty.
Pl: mamiap.
mamutki n. fat or grease from an
maminggi n. vine sp.; yields fibre. Ti
animal or fish. Ngu tlu ma Mark ka
krtp schama maminggi atha
ts kama vlmga ava mamutki da
volink diva nani chama athing
vandi ngu nnn. I saw Mark eat the
diva nani athva masar. They cut
pig's fat and I wanted to vomit.
the new maminggi for the fibre to
Pl: mamut.
make net bags (bilums). Pl: mamaing.
mana down there. Usage: Abilta dialect.
mamor adv. 1 lots. Kama yachun'gi
ma milatka vuauk d sok saeng manaingimga n. sighted man. Pl:
mamor. There is lots of rain in the manaingimda.
month of August. manaingimgi n. 1 window. Ngi
thar kama manaingimgi iva aerki.

manaingimgi marik

You open the window so it is light. Pl: mang angt keng.

2 torch; flashlight. Gua manai- manggar nas na vi-so. feel calm. Sa
ngimgi da choiku chia naingim mali un gurna viavik da sa ithik
mamor. My flashlight does not shine da mangarnas nango. We had an
strongly. Pl: manaingim. See: argument before but now I am calm.
achilotki window. mangia trepang; sea cucumber.
manaingimgi n. sighted woman. mang mt burn; be on fire; be in a fire.
Rose da manaingimgi dak Grace
mar fall; particularly of fruit.
da assurki. Rose can see but Grace
is blind. Pl: manaingimda. Pl: manai- maraglilichi n. hermit crab sp.; large,
ngim. brown, land dwelling hermit crab;
does not have a shell; lives in holes
mandinen adj. silent. Patpathia
in rocks near the sea; body up to
mandinen. Quiet darkness. (Silent
15 cm across, 25 cm long; claws up
to 40 cm long; can husk coconuts
manp dir. down. Nguaet sa manp with its claws. Pl: maraglili.
ma Tol diva ngu lu chama isem
maramatun'gi n. reef fish sp.; dark
angt luchupki. I am going down to
grey with small whitish spots;
Tol to see the airstrip. Variant: mani.
similar to the marumgi species but
mani dir. over there. Paul ka met sai larger. Pl: maramatun.
mani ia Masarau. Paul went over
marasin n. medicine. Ngi von ngo
there to Masarau.
nanga marasin. You give me the
mani down. medicine. From: English, Tok Pisin:
manianotki n. lizard sp.; dark brown; medicine, marasin.
small. Pl: manianot. marski n. oil. Ka vel vthanas
mano dir. down there. Kule ngaiom p nchama lams angt mars. He
aina mbangm mano va nggars. rubbed himself with coconut oil.
The two of them stayed at their village Pl: mars.
down on the coast. Variant: mana mars mt vi-so. be greasy; be oily.
(Abilta dialect). Ava thik d mars mt ngt nmt
manuringgl n. colourful sunset. Ku- kama slik. His hands are greasy
nngga cha don da alolves da from the meat. Variant: mars pt.
gethonas da ngt naingm mamr mars pt be greasy; be oily.
da ut tes ia manuringgl. Sunsets
maricha interj. Oh!; Hey!; exclamation
with red and yellow make a good sight
of strong feelings of surprise,
that we call manuringgl. Pl: manu-
sympathy or anger. Maricha! Nma
ch chuar nange ia ngi svo th gu
mang catch fire; burn. duraika? Hey! Who told you to steal
mang ripe; cooked. my chicken?
mangas vt. fetch water. Usage: Takes marik disc. truly; really. Ta matha tha
the receptacle, such as a bucket, as nave ia Maslabe, d tha met stha
the direct object. Ngi mangas kama marik save ia Masarau, smt
baketki diva ngi thor gi baul. You kama kumngas, via Masarau. They
fetch water in the bucket so you can got them from Maslabe, and really,
wash your clothes. See: pk fetch they took them to Masarau, into the
water. Note: only m. prison there at Masarau. Variant:
mangbcheng n. victory leaf sp.; low marki.
growing with narrow leaves that marik adv. 1 straight. Da sik koiku
have white patches on the edges. ngn na bang taith mono marik.
Kama lagun'ga ma tha teska ia And you must not fly across in a
mangbcheng da sok a mrka straight line.
mamr. The victory leaf called 2 properly; accurately. Ngia thu
mangbcheng is really beautiful. chama nugulka marik. You put the

marki mat nthm

boundary properly. cha namt masechen mni chama

marki truly; really. thvtki. He cut the tree and it fell
and lay sideways across the garden.
marmarki fish sp.
2 unbalanced.
mar s fall out.
masgvs adv. at once; immediately.
mar s pour out; especially of water
D kravum ka ingip masgvs. The
from a tap.
guy died immediately.
martir n. martyr. Jesus ava martir
masn'ga n. bandicoot; cannot climb;
nange. You are Jesus martyr. From:
eats fallen fruit; has spiky hair.
English, Tok Pisin: martyr, martir.
Kama masn'ga cha ms kama
maru adv. really. As koi tha thk kama thangam. The bandicoot ate the
lotuvmgi maru, koiku. They really banana. Pl: masn.
had not made the church yet, no.
masin'gan'gi n. machine gun. Thi
marumgi n. reef fish sp.; grey with gamar nana nchama masin'gan.
scales; have no teeth; up to 30 cm They fought each other with machine
long. Pl: marum. From: Tok Pisin: guns. Pl: masin'gan. From: English, Tok
makau tilapia. See: makaucha reef Pisin: machine gun, masin gan.
fish sp.
masithmgi dream.
marungga tree sp.; rosewood tree.
maslevr adv. roughly; carelessly.
marupki n. cassowary. Marupki chia Kule ma ngia tu ngt maslevr. Do
chuanik kama viam. The cassowary not put them (down) carelessly.
swallowed the galip nuts (Canarium
mat get; give birth.
indicums). Pl: marup.
mat d copy.
marupki atha lm n. mushroom sp.;
white; grows on certain trees in the mat dm copy.
bush; eaten by cassowaries. matka n. mat. Chia ser kama matka.
mas sleep; lie down. She wove the mat. Pl: mat. From:
English: mat.
masa disc. 1 certainly. Asevaik
pthacha ma sa. He was certainly matka n. older brother. Gua matka
being a nuisance. ch sunas vea Mosbi. My older
brother teaches at Port Moresby.
2 very much; a lot. Gram: In clause
Auna matvek tha met sva lat. Our
final position only. Asen'gi ithaik tik
older brothers went to the garden.
sok ki tnes masa. That knife is very
Pl: matvek.
sharp. Langgrka cha ts kama
kakau masa. The large parrot eats matki n. older sister.
cocoa a lot. matma n. multiplication. Chama
masar n. spider web. sunasvmga ch su ava thoes
nchama matma. The teacher will
masarka n. net bag (bilum) that is still
teach his students multiplication.
being made; unfinished net bag
(bilum). Ngia ve ngi benaseng ni mat malngeik na vt. believe. Ngua
gia masarka. You are starting your matmalngeik nan Deo. I believe in
net bag (bilum). Pl: masar. God.
masar mt vt. weave; making a net mat m na leave.
bag (bilum) or weaving a net. matmt n. division. Guama matmt
Lvopki ki masar mt atha ng surnanas. My division was
sgnacha. The woman is weaving a wrong.
net bag (bilum). Note: only m. mat mt share; divide.
maschas adv. clearly; describes how mat mt bump.
someone is speaking. Ngia tamn
mat mt na leave.
maschas. You speak clearly.
matnerembes help; assistance.
masechen adv. 1 sideways. Ka thap
scha mngga da kosa cha sp d mat nthm help.

mat s mben

mat s get. maunmlm d cha met ngis

mathaneng adv. pressing down. Ma nchama lagrka. He shot twice but
Conrad ka chut kama basiochi, da he missed the parrot.
choiku ia cha chut ma thaneng, mavangam pro. anywhere; all over.
dak ka mt pthik. Conrad speared Gram: General indefinite form. Kama
the crocodile, but he did not stab it bogiski pr mtki schama tinpis
pressing down, he let go (of the da kosa aml glmna nangt
spear). Kule ma ngia ts matha- mavangam. The box broke and the
neng. Do not eat by pressing (your tins of fish were all over (the floor). D
face into the plate). vtpt naut mavangam. And we
mathchasep adv. morning. Mum- scattered anywhere (all over the
bang mathchasep mt kama place).
Sarere, kunngga ch ngim, askok mavnacha n. green grasshopper sp.;
mathchasep. The next morning, on has a long head. Pl: mavan.
Saturday, the sun was shining early in mavnachi n. ginger plant; roots can
the morning. be chewed to help with colds and flu.
mathchasepka n. morning. Amr Chia vt mavan pe vatha lat. She
mathchasepka. Good morning. planted ginger in her garden.
(Greeting used until midday.) Koi cha Pl: mavan.
ndrm ia chna methamn ia amr mavnini n. 1 piece of ginger.
mathchasepka svt kama rura.
2 little finger. Pl: mavnithong. See:
He does not know how to say good
secha little finger.
morning to people. Variant: mathecha-
sepka. mavrt adv. suddenly; urgently; do
something without any warning and
mathechasepka morning.
give someone a shock. Ka mes ngo
mathm n. older brother. Usage: A term mavrt da kosa ngua len. He called
of address. Gua mathm ma Isi- me suddenly and I was really
dore, ngiave ngia thet sa choe? My frightened.
big brother Isidore, where are you
mavo adv. badly. Minia iva mavo nigia
going? Pl: matvek.
aiski? Why is your car running badly?
matholka n. tree sp.; new leaves from
mavo na vi-so. be broken down; not
this tree are used to treat sickness in
working. Kama aiski da mavo nachi
the spleen and for boils; for the
da choiku tha met. The car was
spleen, the leaves are chewed and
broken down so they did not go.
swallowed; for boils, the leaves are
heated and then placed over the mavo sna na vi-so. be in disorder; be
boil. in disarray; be messy. Kama lavi
avang d mavo sna nangt. The
matholka avoes n. ant sp.; only live in
beds are messy.
the matholka tree; they kill off the
surrounding bush. mavo sna vt vi-so. be crippled.
Arucha vak d mavo sna vthacha
mathongga n. 1 grasshopper sp.;
d ngmbs mamr ia chna met.
brown and long in shape; bores
That man is a cripple and he cannot
holes in wood or bamboo; used as
bait for river fish.
mbang run; come.
2 hornbill. Kama mathongga cha
sp d cha ngip. The hornbill fell mbangem village.
down and died. Pl: mathong. mbangga house.
mathonggi n. female hornbill. mbaul clothes.
maulul adv. long time. Ngu mair mbaulgi wraparound skirt (laplap);
maulul nania nge. I waited a long sarong; strip of cloth.
time for you. mbn ring.
maunmlm adv. twice. Cha thu mben bend.

mbn m mnarivs

mbn m beat. 2 move aside.

mbensenas vi-so. be proud. Da ma ml loose; foreign.
mbensenasta da tha ron d cha mat mliarka n. bird sp.; small parrot that
mt ta. And those who were proud, is colourful: green and red. Chia thu
he scattered them. Variant: vensenas. chama mliarka nchama dulki.
mbensenaska proud man. She shot the parrot with a stone.
mbeng vt. break. Pl: mliar.

mbs nothing; not; no. mlutki n. tree sp.; beach tree; grows
horizontally towards the water.
mbiaska blood.
Pl: mlut.
mbiaski n. large quantity of blood.
mm itch.
Morph: a=biaski. Lit: SPEC=blood-F.SG.
See: biaska blood. mem vt. suckle. Kama thoemgi ngthi
mem angt nank at chmk. The
mbilarka old man.
baby suckled at its mother's breast.
mbon give; thatch.
memachi start.
mbon d pay.
mn arrive; come; reach; return.
mbon dm pay.
mn gather together; meet up.
mbong hit.
mnaing mt vt. sharpen. Kave ch
mbraingia n. small creek. Avama mnaing mthava vthpki. He is
mstmna ng dn mamr mt sharpening his axe.
kama braingia vachit. His greens
mnaman n. quiet. Milani da thoes ti
(kumu) are growing well by the creek.
gar dak taithik da munaman.
Pl: braingink.
Yesterday the children were noisy but
mbrasocha eagle. now they are quiet. Variant: munaman.
mbrmbm feel angry. mnaman na vi-so. 1 be quiet.
me there. Usage: Abilta dialect. Mnaman nange d ngia tet marik
m in; within; during; on; inside; into; asik athvama vaim ngna nes nge.
through. Be quiet and walk properly so their
dogs do not bite you.
mchvs adv. 1 sometime. Ngu lu
nge mchvs via nguaet. I will see 2 be silent. Kule ngia tamon dak
you sometime when I go. Auk, mnaman nange. Dont you talk, be
mchvs sa chama vaimga chk... silent.
Well, sometime a dog... mnap vi-so. sleep. Mnap nge mni
2 sometimes. Kama vongavonga- chama lavichi. You sleep on the bed.
cha da chinak ma ngni nari cha Ngiaet mnap nge. You go and sleep.
imono a mchvs. The orange Variant: munap.
wasp, it is the one you just hear mnapki n. sleep. Mnap ngthi
around sometimes. plng ngo. Sleep is killing me.
3 again. Vandi ngu lu nge m- Munpki vat sachong. She is
chvs kvs. I want to see you again sleeping. [Lit: Sleep (is) at her eyes.] Pl:
sometime. Variant: machavs; mchu- mnap. Pl: munap. Variant: munpki.
vs. See: kvs when. mnap mt vi-so. be sleepy, drowsy.
mchuvs sometime; sometimes; Chia dchm nk k banganggi da
again. thik da mnap mtki. She was
mk dir. down. Cha ngaip avama dul awake during the night and now she is
mk mthavama thalga. He hid his sleepy. Mnap mtki i sok mali chia
money down in his net bag (bilum). main nbangang. She slept because,
before, she really danced all night.
ml vt. 1 flip over. Kule d chama
vaimga ka ml kama dul nvt mnarivs n. announcements;
kama avun'gi. Then the dog flipped messages. Tamo tha nari chama
the stone off the turtle. mnarivs ia sik ta thet mtka

mnatm mnumgi

sipki. They all heard the mni cha iska. And she arrived down
announcement that they will go on the there on the road.
ship. Note: no endings. 2 onto. Sa chule sa ut ath ut pe
mnatm sleep. uthi tor du ut vias pe mni sulves.
mndas n. day dance. Note: no endings. Afterwards we, some of us, we swam
and we stepped onto the reef.
Mndaska n. day dancer. Mndas
3 at. ... ivono va ur, ivuk mni ma
ngt tain schama gamos dchama
Chenangia angt vuski. ... up in the
ulan. The Mndas dance with gamos
bush, up at the head of Chenangia
and snakes. Pl: Mndas.
mendecha n. drop; a drop of water or 4 in. Sa chule sa chama mliarka
other liquid. Dak nge lmr vm ka chuar n ma charuvaik ia in det
ngo, ni gia mbias i angt mendecha ini thor mni chama renggi. So then
asgk klan. But you clean me with the small parrot told the earlybird that
your blood because (even though) they should go for a wash in the river.
there was only one drop. Pl: mendek. 5 through. Ta bor mchama lechi
mendem p leave out; exclude. mni chama palangga. They bored
mendik edible stalk of a wild cane sp. the hole through the plank.
(pitpit). 6 across. ... diva cha nges mcha-
ma lechi ve mni chama vlam
mndinen adv. be silent. Ve mni
angtha iska. ... in order to dig a hole
chama banganggi sok mndinen.
there across the pigs track.
Angabs anga nunguik. In the night
it was really silent. There was no mnia interrog. how. Ti ser kama urat
shouting. mnia viavik? How do they weave the
baskets? Variant: minia.
mn dmna meet together, usually
informally. mnia iva interrog. why. Mnia iva ngi
thonsvanas tmga? Why do you
mndu disc. 1 before. Ka thap mni
disown him? Minia iva ngni vang
chama viulacha nchama vthpki
sva ur? Why do you run to the bush?
mundu da sa ithik sa vur aithir. He
Variant: minia iva.
made a cut on a mango tree before,
with an axe, but now the cut is healed mnia na interrog. what happened.
again with new skin. Mnia nange diva vis d gia lchar?
What happened to make your leg
2 long ago. Mndu d chama
renggi avaik muani d amorki. That
river was large long ago. Variant: mnina dir. across each other. Kule
mndu; mundu. ma ngia thu chama mngiom
menina. You must not put the two
mndu ma subord. because. Ngmbs
woods across each other.
tha met sva lat mndu ma saing
d ichum. They did not go to the mni nugul sa-vi. do without permiss-
garden because of the rain and floods. ion; to have crossed a boundary that
Variant: mundu ma. should not be crossed. Pashalis ka
vertm ma Sauna mni nugul.
mnk nanechigl n. crayfish sp.;
Pashalis eloped with Sauna without
lives in the sea; brown; flat with a
mossy back and serrated sides; up to
20 cm long. Pl: mnk nanechigleng. mn m become.
mnpka n. eyebrow. Agia mnpka mn pa reach; find.
nvt gi sachongiom? Which mn p reach; find.
eyebrow of your two eyes? Elton ka mn pt meet each other.
thu ma Namunas at mnpka n
mn pt reach; find.
chama dulki d visdmga. Elton
shot Namunass eyebrow with a stone mnumgi n. tree sp.; tall tree that
and it was swollen. Variant: munupka. grows in the bush; a bit like the
mlutki species; good timber for
mni dir. 1 on. Di chia mun mano

mng ms nthm

houses. Pl: mnum. merkuas n. shellfish sp.; found in the

mng large tree; log. muddy part of deep water in a river;
have a black, short, twisted cone.
mng wood; trees.
Variant: merkios; merkos. Note: no
meng twist together. endings.
mngm tree stump. mrmarki n. fish sp.; deep sea fish
mngga tree. that sometimes visits the reef;
mnggariacha tree sp. colour varies from silver to bluish or
greenish; body is very narrow close
mnggariachi n. reef crab sp.; dark
to the tail; silver ones are short and
brown; have hard, rough, wrinkly
stout; greenish ones are longer in
shells; meat is inedible and can
shape; have very small scales.
make you itchy. Pl: mnggare.
Pl: mrmar. Variant: marmarki.
mnggi large tree.
mrmr right side of something.
mngia large log.
mrmr adv. always. Cha d mrmr
mngigl board. k plk iva cha tugas. He always
mngini small tree. likes to play.
mngvet pole. mr na lay; specifically of a turtle
mpmpki n. track; made by people. laying eggs.
Ut thon d chama svautha athv mernas be frightened.
mpmpki save sva ur. We followed merpathm promises.
the thieves track into the bush.
mervmka n. benevolent man; a
Pl: mpmp.
person who is a source of good
mr good. things. Gia morka nango, di gia
mer refuse; decline. mervmka. I am your leader and your
mr pull out; uproot; clear. source of good things. Pl: mervmta.
merachuvm n. short piece of the mervmki n. benevolent woman.
amrachuavacha tree. Kama senso mes read.
cha chrtp schama merachuvam ms eat.
ama unbam nmni chama mra-
-mes derivational suffix. Gram: Reduces
chuvachi ama ululki. The chainsaw
the valency of the stem. Sa chok ka
cut two pieces of amrachuavacha
methamon ithm mes. So he just
from the large trunk of amrachua-
talked about himself.
vacha. Pl: merachop.
mes name; call by name.
mranas go; take off; leave.
msana do something (indefinite).
mravt weed.
mesavet da sek narrate; tell a story.
mravt s remove.
mesavet dm narrate; tell about.
mr ba be happy.
msng n. ground. Lamsachi chia
mrnka n. injury. Di s nge mi ivt,
sp s msng. The coconut tree fell
i mrnka vtha nge. And you fell to
to the ground.
the ground because you were injured.
Pl: mrn. msgubarka n. reef fish sp.; white
with scales; up to 40 cm long.
mrn'ga n. problem. Muk mt kama
Pl: msgubar.
schi da amrn ama chdichn.
There were many problems in the msms food.
marriage. Pl: mrn. Variant: amarn. msms angtha iska digestive
mrng heavy. system.
mr glm rejoice. msmsini small party.
merkios shellfish sp. msmski feast; party.
merkos shellfish sp. mes nas call oneself.
ms nthm taste.

mesongga minminga

mesongga n. large red ant. Ch bn met na go past; pass.

d chama changs d chama met ngis n miss a target.
msongga cha nes ava sachong. He
mt pthik let go of; drop.
climbed the betelnut palm and a large
red ant bit his eye. Pl: mesong. Variant: mt s get.
msongga. mt sthm be stuck.
msongga large red ant. mtha in; within; during; on; inside;
mstmna n eat with. into; through.
mt prep. 1 in; within. Auk, sa ut methamn speak.
sekmes navui mt kama lulengi... methamn dm sanctify; bewitch.
Well, we headed off from there in the methamnini word.
boat... Ka vias mt ka chlel. He
methamn ithm mes confess.
stepped in the urine.
methamn sthm tell.
2 during; on. Gram: This sense available
with temporal expressions. Ngua ve ngu methamon speak.
thodm svt ma guauk ma Vero- methamon ithm mes confess.
nika Tchrnam mir mt kama methana be friends; be married;
gamar. I am going to recount about group together.
my grandmother, Veronica Tchr-
mthanas help oneself; to take
nam, long ago, during the war. ... i ut
something without permission.
met nania chi ve mt kama Sarere.
... because we got it on Saturday. methanasia n. miracle. D thi kuar ia
3 inside. Kama valo ng ve mt methanasia. And they said it was a
kama bogiski. The eggs were inside miracle.
the box. mthcha gift of food.
4 into. Sa chia thu chi mt kama mthik dir. 1 aside.
amundm. Then she puts it into the
2 beside. Chia mair mthik
snania chama bangga. She stood
5 through. Sa chi suchut nanas
beside the house.
mt ki. Then she tried to go through
it. Variant: mtha; m. mvem prep. inside. Vus scha
naimk mvem k chthopka. He
mt get; give birth.
came up from inside the pool.
met walk; go.
michina n make something.
mt agut be married; get married.
milani adv. yesterday. Cha mn milani
Usage: Abilta dialect.
nave ia taun. He arrived from town
met dm dry; desiccate; be dried out yesterday.
from lying in the sun.
milatka plate; dish; coconut shell.
met kutna miss someone because
milatka avuouk n. large flood that
each person went by a different
washes away all the plants along the
riverbanks. Ut tes kama ichumgi
metmavocha n. lame man. Ma Gabriel ama morki ve mt kama volam ia
d chama metmavocha i bing sava miltka avuouk. We call the big flood
lcherini ama chaisini. Gabriel is a that comes in the rainy season the
lame man because his left leg was grandmother of scrapers. Morph:
broken. Pl: metmavotha. milatka avuouk. Lit:
metmavochi n. lame woman. 3M.SG.POSS-grandmother. Pl: milatka
mtmet n. 1 movements. angthuouk.
2 ways. Arutha athva mtmet d milatki large plate; large dish.
chok nani chama alat, kakau minia how.
dchama monel vaur. The peoples minia iva why.
ways are just for the garden, cocoa,
minminga n. tree sp.; a softwood tree
and hunting in the bush.
with red flowers. Pl: minmin.

mir moruska

mir disc. long ago. Achep avang d mir (alternate name).

nangt. Those spears are from long momono dir. back towards. Ngi su ia
ago. Variant: mur (Abilta dialect). ngiaet momono sng chama
misa n. mass. Mt kama chunng mnggi. You try and walk back
ngmo ngia ndn mthama misa, towards the base of the tree.
nge chutna. On every day you come mon go in; enter; sink; drown; be
during mass, you will descend. From: stuck.
Latin, Tok Pisin: missa, misa mass.
mondaremga n. backwards moving
Note: no endings.
animal; specifically crayfish, prawns,
mit ashore; shorewards; across on squid, and hermit crabs. Athucha
same level; towards. dai chama mondaremga vaivak.
mithu disc. later on. Ch kuares ia Kama urn'ga da chok ka chlan.
mithu sa chaet klu ava nank. He The hermit crab is an animal that
said that later he would go and see his moves backwards. The lobster does
mother. the same. Pl: mondarem.
mluacha n. lizard sp.; small and mon dmna gather together.
brown; up to 20 cm long. Pl: mlu. monel hunt; wander.
mndu before; long ago. monp down the side; over the side.
mo adv. all. Achumsvap pavvap da moni across.
ngavap ng thor mo. Those young
mon mt wear; put on.
boys got wet all over. Gathvacha
cha slavo ngua lat mo. The beetles mono dir. 1 across. Ngia thon mono.
ruined my whole garden. Cha mt You move across.
kama kurem ng mo nmt ta. He 2 over. ... sa save ia alevavet
got all of the betelnut from them. nacha sa asip da chunngga thak
mok impregnate. mono... ... then at four oclock the sun
had gone over...
mok disc. that just. Tha namu inavuk,
inavuk, vaki tha mu athva chrot- mononamucha n. crossbeam. Ngi
ki thaith, ma ith glm ut, mok thp mangama mononamucha. You
ithik dok kia ve glm ut taithik. make the crossbeam. Pl: mononamu.
They continued down, down, until they mon sk move to.
put our power here, close to us, where mon svt move to.
(it is) just here and it is just with us
mor big.
now. Morph: ma=kok. Lit: REL=just.
mormorki n. flower garden; special
moki disc. that also; that similarly; that
garden containing healing plants
another. Dak krathe ma Uramt ta
like ginger; you can put someone
doki mailu tha vang bathm mes
there to encourage healing or
moki sa vono. And those ones, the
growth. Ta vr kama thoes mt
Uramts, they also, maybe they ran by
kama mormorki diva sik athva
choice over to the top. Morph: ma=
munmun'gi ama mrki. They put
koki. Lit: REL=also.
the children in the special garden so
mololchi n. fish sp.; lives on the reef; their growth would be good.
has white and dark brown stripes; Pl: mormor.
short stout shape with scales; up to
morus n. laziness; particularly being
15 cm long. Pl: molol. See: mololm
reluctant to work in the garden. Ava
fish sp. (alternate name).
musnng ma chama morus da
mololm n. fish sp.; lives on the reef; askoi ia ng sot nvthacha. His
has white and dark brown stripes; habit of laziness about gardening is
short stout shape with scales; up to still not finished.
15 cm long. Ka vlng kama
moruska n. lazy man; person who is
mololm diva chas ngam. He killed
not willing to do garden work; used
the mololm so he could eat it.
as an insult. Kama chumska ivak
Pl: molol. See: mololchi fish sp.

moruski mugurp

da chama moruska ma choiku che- mu av snng mamr calm down;

na tk pa lat. That man in particular settle down; relax.
does not work in the garden. Kama mu av snng mamr calm down;
lvoki avaik da chama moruski ma settle down; relax.
choiku china tk pa lat. That woman
mu ba set rules.
in particular does not work in the
garden. Pl: morusta. mubang adv. 1 tomorrow. Chiaet
mubang sva lat. She will go to the
moruski n. lazy woman.
garden tomorrow. Ut ve uthet
motochi n. motor. Luln'gi at motochi bubang nani viam. We will go for
da mavo nachi mamr. The boats galip nuts (Canarium indicums)
motor was not working properly. tomorrow.
Pl: moto. From: English, Tok Pisin:
2 next day. Dak ka tu asnng ia
motor, moto.
mubang sa cha vinem diva cha
mranas go; take off; leave. nges m chama lechi. But he
mros n. shellfish sp.; lives on the reef. decided that the next day he would
See: chunngngrngrka shellfish return in order to dig a hole. Variant:
sp. (alternate name). Note: no bubang; mumbang.
endings. mu chelak tm please; soften.
mrunggi n. tree sp.; rosewood tree. muchun sit; settle.
Henrik ka thap schama mrunggi
muchun chase; hit.
ama sruchi samk. Henry cut down a
large rosewood tree. Pl: mrung. mu daruan hurt; injure.
Variant: marungga. mudmga fire.
mu put; wear; put on; lay. mu dm n lose.
mual tm vi-so. slow down. Dak ut mu dng interrupt; fail to finish.
naingim pt kama laurka ia sika mun arrive; come; reach; return.
cha mual tm ga sa ut tet. But we
mun bt find.
would watch the wind, if it slowed
down then we would go. munmun'gi n. growth. Ta vr kama
thoes mt kama mormorki diva sik
mual vt rest.
athva munmun'gi ama mrki.
mual vt vi-so. 1 stop. Peia cha They put the children in the special
thanger vt k lagunga uvs da garden so their growth would be good.
kosa kinai mual ptha tha. When he Pl: munmun.
breaks the top off the victory leaf then
mun s arrive with; bring.
they stop.
mun vt find.
2 rest. Ngi su ia mual vtha nge
nmt kama reng ma chrot. You mur excrete.
try and rest from (overusing) the mur long ago. Usage: Abilta dialect.
alcohol. mur na mbias n. dysentery. John ka
mu amethamn pt pass a message. mt kama rmgi ma mur na
mu amuvtka svt punish. mbias. John got sick with dysentery.
muanp dir. down the side; over the mur vthanas have diarrhoea.
side. Galicha vak monp da arura mugas play.
tha donel n nani vlam. The ridge mugas s play a game.
over that side, people hunt there for
mugas t play with.
pigs. Variant: monp.
mugun sit; settle.
muani dir. across. Kia met sai moni
smni cha renggi. She went across mugurp dir. 1 in the middle. Ngia
to the river. Variant: moni. thair mugurp. You stand in the
mu avar section.
2 between. ... d cha nia k
mu av snng think.
chthep ngini dak ps s ngini

mui munaman

munggurup pthik... ... he was Mulichm ng mon vthat slp d

about to grab it but it suddenly got out vis dtha ve thi per m ngam
from between his claws... Variant: namuk. The spike from the orange
munggurup. tree went into her leg and it swelled
mui dir. 1 over there; away from up, and they got it out. Pl: mulivap.
speaker on the same level. Ngia From: Tok Pisin: muli orange (any citrus
thuchun avi mui mni chama fruit).
lavichi. You sit there on the bed. mulichi n. orange; both the tree and
2 around. Sa ut preng angt the fruit. Pl tchama mulichi. The
mui... Then we spread them around... orange tree is broken. Mulichi ithaik
da srpki. This orange is ripe.
muialka n. crab sp.; soft-shelled crab
Pl: muli. From: Tok Pisin: muli orange
with greenish body; if it clamps a
(any citrus fruit).
claw on you the claw may break off
and it can grow a new one. Pl: muial. mu ma joke; make fun.
muit dir. 1 ashore; shorewards. mu mamr sna level; straighten.
Kama avungi chia muit vetha mu mana arrange oneselves.
chuan. The turtle came ashore on the mu manas prepare oneself; get ready.
mumanaska n. 1 selfish man. Asika
2 across on same level; towards. bunacha nange mt giama gunn'-
Sa uthi mbang inavuk, inavuk, sa ga da sik a mumanaska nange. To
save ia chama ples balus at tung- become a rich man with your store you
gumgi ma Tokua pe sndamr nachi must be selfish.
muit, motochi chia ingip. We went
2 rich man; someone with lots of
down, down to there, the bottom of the
money or pigs etc. Antonius Kuang
airport at Tokua, in line with it there,
d chama mumanaska. Anthony
the motor died. Variant: mit.
Kuang is a rich man. Pl: mumanasta.
muk dir. inside. Arenggi chia muk mt
mumanaski n. selfish woman; rich
kama sospen'gi. The water is in the
mu ma s joke about.
muk savono dir. inside out. Ka mu ava
snaingbam d cha nunggring mt- mumbang tomorrow; next day.
ki ma namuk savono. He put on his mumeninacha n. cross; crucifix;
trousers and he (had) turned them especially referring to the cruci-
inside out. fixion of Christ. Tha lu Jesus autha
mulen'ga n. frightened man. Pl: mu- morka t mtha mumenina. They
lenda. saw Jesus, our big man, here on the
cross. Pl: mumenina.
mulen'gi n. frightened woman.
mu mt set on fire.
mulen'gi n. fear. Mt kama mulen. In
(a time of) fear. Pl: mulen. mu mrang dm cover.
mulen'gi vt vi-so. 1 be anxious; mumunatm vi-so. keep sleeping. Sa
typically through having a fear of chunngga cha vuk d chok
something unknown. Mulen'gi mumunatmga. Then the sun was up
vthacha via ka monel vaur. He and he kept sleeping.
feels anxious when he goes hunting in munaik na put; leave.
the bush. munam sa-vi. rest. Chia munam
2 panic. Note: only m. tiathik. She is resting today.
mulicha n. orange segment. Mulicha munaman be noisy.
nvt kama mulichi. An orange munaman quiet.
segment from an orange. Pl: muli.
munaman sa-vi. be quiet. Milani da
From: Tok Pisin: muli orange (any citrus
thoes ti gar dak taithik da muna-
man. Yesterday the children were
mulichm n. spike of an orange tree. noisy but now they are quiet.

munambs muvet mt

munambs n. feast; religious holiday. mu rik t straighten; stretch out.

Atha is savur nvem ngt i choi thi mu rik tm straighten; stretch out.
nat mon smthatha munambs.
murnalengeika n. fly sp.; large brown
Her road was overgrown [Lit: over-
fly; does not lay eggs but puts its
grown in it] because they were not
maggots straight into waste. Pl: mur-
going along it (to church) on religious
holidays. Pl: munamimlk.
musachus be irritating; feel uncom-
mu nank grizzle; cry for something
for a long time.
musachus wriggle because of
munap sleep.
irritation; toss and turn e.g. while
munap tm vi-so. sleep. Munatmga trying to sleep.
ve vt mar Petrus ava bangga. He is
musachus nanas act funny.
sleeping at Petruss house. Variant:
mnatm; munatm. musamon dm collect; gather things
mu nas mk humble oneself.
mu samor s make fun.
munatm sleep.
mu sa sothana change; especially of
mundmga fire.
changing clothes.
mundik year.
musavaucha n. wizard.
mundros na vi-so. stop instantly.
musavauchi n. witch.
Athucha cha tet d cha lu chama
rucha d mundros nacha. The musavu n. poison. Chule sa chama
hermit crab was walking when he saw rura tha mt ngaiom aina vsves.
a person and he stopped instantly. Then the people went to get those two
their poison.
mundu before; long ago.
musavumtka n. poisoner.
mundu ma because.
musavumtki n. female poisoner.
munpki sleep.
musavus be irritating; feel
munupka eyebrow.
munggas play.
musavus wriggle because of irritation;
munggas s play a game. toss and turn e.g. while trying to
munggas t play with. sleep.
munggulmga n. verse. A slameng d mutucha n. reef fish sp.; yellow and
ma Matius ava methamon amr, white stripes lengthwise along its
ma chvlki ama naruerki, a body; up to 50 cm long. Pl: mutu.
munggulmga aungiom nacha save mu th decorate.
ia levavet. Reading from the Good
mu thm decorate.
News according to Matthew, chapter
one, verses two to four. Pl: mung- mu thm mes decorate oneself.
gulm. mu thm mes pt be glorious.
munggun sit; settle. mu thik dm beat.
munggurup in the middle; between. mu vlk svt fall in love with.
murapka n. wild dog. Murapka vak k muvet answer.
nes kama rura. That wild dog bites muvtka answer; punishment.
people. Pl: murap.
muvet mt answer; respond; recipro-
murik na punish. cate; take revenge; pay back.

-na naimuit

N - n

-na derivational suffix. each other. Gram: nagl prep. 1 from. Ngua mt gu
Reciprocal marker. Kama lvop thi sur thlng nangl ma Namunas. I got
nana smt k kthopka. The my letters from Namunas.
women push each other into the pool. 2 by. Asecha nagl ma Bernard
-na derivational suffix. Gram: Reduces the Merngo. Story by Bernard Merngo.
valency of the stem. Sa chule sa ma Variant: nangl.
Bernard ka ve ch kut na dak k kir naglm prep. from close to. Kia met
kama aurithong. So then Bernard nanglm ngo milani. She left me
started to come down and he cleared yesterday. [Lit: She went from close to
away the bushes. me yesterday.] Variant: nangglm.
na prep. 1 from. ... asik tha naingim naglmna prep. back to. Ngua vinem
momono save ia chama lvopki nanglmna nma Kavudmgi. I
chia met na choe. ... they will look returned to near Kavudmgi. Variant:
back to where the woman came from. nanglmna.
Kulski chia ndn nai nathmani.
nager be bent.
Smoke comes up from down there.
Arenggi chia ndn nai nathmui. naik drink.
Water comes out from over there. Kia naimanp dir. from down there. Ka
met nai nathvui a Ineska. She met naimanp ma Lamarain. He
came from over there at Ineska. came from down there at Lamarain.
2 with. Ka thap schama mngga naimano dir. from down at. Ka met
nchama vthepki. He cut the tree naimano nva gars. He came from
with the axe. Variant: n; ni. down at the beach.
na and. naimek dir. up from inside. Vus scha
na modal. not. Gram: Irrealis focus marker. naimk mvem k chthopka. He
Koi chi na tp mat chdenggi came up from inside the pool.
mamr. She does not keep her body naimni dir. over from. Ngua met
clean properly. Cha na thchi naimari ia Masarau. I came over
svtha cha Siapan'ga cha ns ia, from Masarau.
Chule ngia na thu ngo! While he naimonp from over there.
was pointing at him, the Japanese man
naimono dir. over from. Ngua tet
shouted, Don't shoot me!
naimono nangl ma Joachim. I
nachang sa-vi. open ones mouth. Ngia came over here from Joachim.
nachang diva ngi naik kama
naimuanp dir. from over there. Ka
marasin. You open your mouth so you
tet naimuanp ma Open Bay. He
can drink the medicine. Variant:
came over from Open Bay. Arura
naimonp da thi tk mamor. The
nachong open. people from over there work hard.
naenggi n. hunger. Ithik d nga ve Variant: naimonp.
nainggi vt kama rura. Now the naimuani dir. from over there. Inos ka
people are starving. [Lit: Now hunger is met naimuani mmni a renggi.
at the people.] Pl: naeng. Variant: Inos came over from the river.
naimui dir. from over there (distant).
naengias vi-so. be hungry. Naingias Fidel kia naimui ia Ivonbemga.
kama vaimga. The dog is hungry. Fidel came from over there at
Variant: naingias; nengias. Ivonbemga.
naeng mt vi-so. be hungry. Naeng naimuit dir. from the other side. Ka
mngo. I am hungry. Variant: noeng met naimuit nka renggi thcheng.
mt. He came over from the other

naimuk namk

riverbank. Nma ch nunguik 2 watch. Dak ut naingim pt

naimuit? Who is shouting from the kama laurka... But we would watch
other side? the wind...
naimuk dir. from inside. Ka chut cha- naingini n. chiton sp.; small in size, up
ma thinmgi naimuk nva gars. to 4 cm; black. Pl: naingithong.
He speared a fish from inside the sea. naingiska n. foreigner. Kama nai-
nainamk dir. up. Kama luln'gi chia ngiska cha tas gl ma Petrus. The
mn nainamk. The boat came up foreigner is sleeping at Petrus's.
this way. Pl: naingista. See: amlka foreign
nainamuk dir. from over there (to- man; temporary visitor.
wards speaker). Ka met nainamuk naingiski n. female foreigner.
nva gars. He came from there naivono dir. from up there. Kia met
along the beach. naivono nva lat. She came from the
nainath dir. from around here. garden up there.
Guavek ta mr chama chvika naivui dir. over from (middle distance).
nainath. Some people pulled out the Ngua tet naivui ia Gisia. I came over
sword grass (kunai) stems from from Gisia.
around here.
naivuit dir. over from. Ka met naivuit
nainavi dir. from there. Ka rhal kama ia Gisia. He came over from Gisia.
thangamga nainavi. He carried the
naivuk dir. from up. Kia met naivuk ia
banana from there.
Maslambe. She came down from up
nainavuk dir. from up. Ka met at Maslambe.
nainavuk d cha mn taith. He
naknochi misery; distress.
came from up this way and arrived
here. nam sa-vi. flap; especially of wings.
Ismga ch nam. The bird is
naingm sa-vi. 1 look around. Du ut
naingim ia autha ngguvangithong
ng choe. And we looked for our namana from down there.
things. namanp dir. from down there. Ka
2 see. Asik un naingim ia sik met namanp ma Bulus. He came
nma da chier vusecha sa sik nma from down there at Bulus. Variant:
d cha nasot. We will see who comes namani; namana.
out first and who comes out last. namani from down there.
3 watch. Chia naingm svtha namano dir. from down over there. Ka
ngo. She watched me. met namano nva gars. He came
4 appear; look like. Chi da athama from down over there at the beach. Ka
ulunggi da chia muthmgi d chia ms kama msms namono nva
naingim mamr. She decorated her mbang. He ate the food from down
room and it looked nice (had a over there from the house.
pleasant appearance).
namas sa-vi. 1 lie down. Sa chule sa
5 shine. Kama lingga cha nai-
chia namas di chia nachang. And
ngim mamor. The star is shining
then it lay down and opened its mouth.
brightly. Variant: naingim.
2 be lying down. Chia namas. She
naingias be hungry.
was lying down.
naingim look around; see; watch;
namaski n. sleeping place. Atluvmda
appear; look like; shine.
tha tas p namaski da thi nari a
naingim pt vt. 1 look after. Ta mambu thvuk. The shepherds lay in
naingim pt kama rmga ama ava their sleeping place and heard songs
rmgi ama morki. They look after up there (in the sky). Pl: namas.
the patient whose fever is high. Ka
namk dir. from down. Ngi liver
naingim vt kama msms. He
namk. You hurry up from down
looked after the food.
there. Tom ka mt kama lams

namn nan'gi

namk nk kama lamsachi atha in a fight or in a sporting

rem. Tom got the coconut from the competition. Sa klmn kave
base of the coconut tree. chnma rndam inbe in namu sna.
namn aside; away. So the fool and the witch kept on
(fighting each other).
namna away from.
nanaik dir. under. Marupki chia
namni from down.
namas nanik kama ngmnggi. The
namt from. cassowary was lying under the tree.
namt prep. at something. Kule ma nanamk dir. back up. Ka vt uves sa
ngi tuthik namt kama duraik. Do mk sa chule sa vus scha
not shoot (throw things) at the nanamk. He dove down then later
chickens. he came back up.
namethik dir. from the other side. Ngi nanamuk dir. back across. Ngia thet
sangar kama sen'gi namethik. Hold smni chama mugas angt
the knife from the other side. luchupki sa chule sa ngia thet
nam na vt. beckon; get someone to nanamuk. You will go to the playing
come over by flapping ones hand. field then you will come back.
Ngi nam nacha. You beckon him. nanasgi n. pineapple. Ka ms kama
namon aside; away. nanaski. He ate the pineapple.
namonp dir. over from the side. Pl: nanas. From: German, Tok Pisin:
Patrick ka tet namonp i Kubuia. ananas. See: painapki pineapple.
Patrick came over from Kubuia. nanavuk dir. back down from. Luln'gi
Variant: namoni; namuanp. chi mbang nanavuk nave ia
namoni across from. Kokopo. The boat is coming down
from Kokopo.
namoni over from the side.
nank n. mother. Gu nank kia met
namono dir. from over there; across.
sva lat. My mother went to the
Ka tet namono nva mbang. He has
garden. Pl: nankina.
come over from his house. Ngiat anga
urathi namono. You get a basket nanet n. mother; Mum; address and
from over there. reference term. Ngbs n ma
nanet. Mum is not here.
namu sa-vi. continue. Gram: May function
as minor verb in serial verb construction nani prep. for. Gram: Appears before full
encoding durative aspect. Thave tha noun phrases. Thi pus nani athva
namu thi tk. They are continuing to oes. They cook for their children. See:
work. Paimga cha namu schama nania for.
vlmga. The dog kept (chasing) the nania prep. for. Gram: Appears before
pig. pronouns. Asik peia thi ns nania cha
namuanp over from the side. smt kama gamracha... When
they call him to the fighting ground...
namuani dir. across from. Ka tet na
Asok aunes, das uthi lotu np
muani ia Kavudmki. He came
bangang i ut met nania chi ve mt
across from Kavudmki. Variant:
kama Sarere. (While it was) still
dark, we prayed at night because we
namui dir. from over there; same level went for it on Saturday. See: nani for.
as speaker. Ka tet namui ia Kavu-
nania vik adv. somewhere. Kama
dmki. He comes over from Kavu-
vaimga d cha monel nania vik. The
dog hunted somewhere.
namuit dir. over from.
nan'gi n. mother; Mum; address and
namuk dir. from in. Ngiat guama reference term; it is also used by
baulki namuk nmt guama athal- children-in-law. Nan'gi chi ns ia,
ka. You get my wraparound skirt Kule. Mum called out, Stop it. Gu
(laplap) from my net bag (bilum). nan'gi, sa un det smni arenggi.
namu sna sa-vi. keep struggling; e.g. Mummy, lets go to the river. Nan'gi

nangasacha nasothanas

avaik sa bilarki. That mother is an kama aruchi chia thet sva lat nani
old woman. Pl: nanbek. chama amstmna ma tha tes ngt
nangasacha n. 1 tobacco plant. ia auravu. First the woman will go to
Nangas ng ndn. Tobacco is the garden for side-dishes that they
growing. call auravu. Naruer veia chia thet
sva lat di chiat kama uratki dma
2 cigarette. Ava nangasacha ka ve
asen'gi di chia thet sva lat. Before
mthava thalka. His cigarette is in
she goes to the garden, she gets the
his net bag (bilum). Pl: nangas.
basket and the knife, then she goes to
nangasachi n. smoke. Kama nanga- the garden.
sachi chia dn met kama paipki.
-nas derivational suffix. oneself. Gram:
The smoke is coming out of the
Reflexive marker. Kule ma ngi sp
chimney. Pl: nangas.
mamor nanas. Do not make yourself
nangathm s vt. trick. Usage: Abilta big.
dialect. Kule d chama aumsta tha
nas just; recently.
nangathm schama aumska.
Then the men tricked the man. nasa really; already.
nangl from; by. nasa and so.
nanglmna back to. nasek vt. lift up. Ka nasek ava thalka
vuk, asik k na thor mt kama
nanger sa-vi. be bent. Kama ichumgi
garski. He lifted his net bag (bilum)
chia vunak dm kama mng ama
up so it would not get wet from the
warep da kosa ngt nanger klan.
The flood bent the river trees and they
were all bent over. Variant: nager. nasot dir. 1 behind. Ut tet imani sa
chule sa tha tet nasotha ngo. We
nangsacha ava lmga n. mushroom
went over, then they walked behind
sp.; greyish in colour; edible; grows
on rotting trees; is flat on top with
many small holes underneath. 2 at the back. Auk, duraik, nge
Pl: nangsacha ava lm. dinai ngia thet save sdngtham
dak ma ngo nasot. Well, rooster,
nangglm from close to.
instead you must go to the front but I
nap na wave; signal by using hand (will sit at the) back. Variant: nasotha.
gestures to communicate.
nasot adv. 1 later. Kule tha veia
narchi yam. Masarau d kunngga achk
nari hear; feel; taste. nasot... They stayed there at Masarau
narichi n. yam. Narichi ma morki. A and one day later...
big yam. Pl: nark. Variant: narchi. 2 last. Ngua mn nasot. I arrived
narimanas listen. last.
3 after. Irs kama ngthuauchi
narimanas t listen.
nasot at thoemga ma cha ingip. The
narimunanas listen. old woman was sad after her son died.
nari nagl obey. 4 afterwards. Sa nasot sa choi
naruer vi-so. be first. Deo ava nguna met pk angna iska ithak
thondmga ama naruerka ia, Ngi tik. So after that I wont ever walk on
lotu svt Deo ama snggk k- your particular road again. Variant:
lan. Gods first law is, You worship nasoth.
only one God. Sik ngia thet n cha nasoth later; last; after; afterwards.
laurka chrak ama naruerka... You nasotha behind; at the back.
must go beyond the first wind...
nasothana adv. one after another. Ta
naruer adv. first; firstly. Kia met tet nasothana smni cha renggi.
naruer smni arenggi. She went to They followed each other to the river.
the river first.
nasothanas dir. back in place; e.g. as
naruer veia adv. before. Naruer da sik with crop rotation. John ka mu cha-

nathar ndang

ma baulki nasothanas da as koi cha from over there at Ineska.

thor ki. John put the wraparound nathvuit dir. from out there. Luln'gi
cloth (laplap) on again [Lit: back in chi bang nathvit ma Ineska. The
place] but he still had not washed it. boat runs from out there at Ineska.
nathar sa-vi. be open. Kule chama Variant: nathvit.
chilotki d chia nathar diva chama nathvuk dir. from up there. Ngua
aisiska cha thon. Leave the window mt gu gavun nathvuk. I got my
open for the cold (air) to come in. ferns from up there.
nath dir. from here. Ka tet nath nathong sa-vi. look away; hide one's
tiathik. He went from here today. face. Dak nge ngaip gi sachong
nathmanp dir. from down there. Ka nvthaut di nge nathong. But you
met nathmanp. He came from hide your eyes from us and you look
down there. Kulski chia ndn nai away.
nathmani. Smoke comes up from nauska n. speck. Ngua lu anga
down there. Variant: nathmani. guangga ama nauska nanga muk
nathmani from down there. pa ngars. I saw a speck of something
nathmano dir. from down there. on the ocean. Variant: nauski.
Kulski chia ndn nathmano. nauski speck.
Smoke comes from down there. navam short two.
nathmk dir. from down at. Paul ka navar manas sa-vi. be stretched. Ka
met nathmk seng ga renggi. Paul navar manas dama chepki chia
came from down the rivers base. chut mcha. He was stretched out
nathmonp from side. and the spear shot into him.
nathmoni from side. navar n vt. pull; hold tight in a
nathmono dir. from over there. Ka stretch. Athinmgi chia navar
met nathmono de cha mon ngua seska. A big fish pulled on my
saisath. He came from over there line.
and came in here. nave dir. from there. Laurence ka met
nathmuanp dir. from side. Ki nges nave ia Ili. Laurence came from Ili.
at kalasung nathmuanp. She dug navi dir. from there. Mir, uer kvi tha,
her sweet potato (kaukau) from that sok ti kuar ia tha na vi ma Rabaul.
side. Variant: nathmoni; nathmonp. Long ago, those ones, they really say
nathmui dir. from over there. that they were from Rabaul. Sa ch
Arenggi chia ndn nai nathmui. gamar ngthi benaseng navi vuit.
Water comes out from over there. So the fighting started from there on.
nathmuit dir. from over there. Ngua navit over from.
tet nathmuit nva lat. I came from navono dir. from up there. Petrus ka
the garden over there. met navono nva mbang. Petrus
nathmuk dir. from in there. Kia mt came from the house up there.
kama lams nathmuk nanggl ma navui dir. over from (distant). Ngua tet
Tomas. She got the coconuts from in navui ia Kokopo. I came over from
there from Tomas. Kokopo.
nathvachi n. fence. Duraik ng muk navuit dir. over from. Ka tet navuit ma
mt kama nathvachi. The chickens Karong. He came over from Karong.
were inside the fence. Pl: nathevap. Variant: navit.
nathvit from out there. navuk dir. down. Ngi var nchama
nathvono dir. from up there. Ka met baulki navuk. You pull the cloth
nathvono da dam. He came from up (laplap) down.
there on the mountain. nbensenaska proud man.
nathvui dir. from over there. Kia met ndamgi mountain.
nai nathvui a Ineska. She came ndang catch fire; burn.

ndang mt nmna

ndang mt burn; be on fire; be in a nmava pro. whose. Gram: Third person

fire. masculine singular possessive interrogative
ndm dmna meet together, usually pronoun. Ma nmava ma uratki
informally. avaik? Whose basket is that?
ndn grow; specifically make a baby nmav pro. whose. Gram: Third person
grow. masculine singular possessive interrogative
pronoun. Nmav viam avang? Whose
ndn grow.
dogs are they?
ndn arrive; come; reach; return.
nmbam pro. any small two; some
ndenachi start. small two. Gram: Reduced dual
nder na vi-so. be uncomfortable be- interrogative pronoun. Ngua mnbt
cause something is too tight. Kama maila nmbam sng kakau. I found
luln'ga nder nacha. The cradle was maybe two kids under a cocoa tree.
uncomfortably tight. nmbap pro. any short two; some short
ndichi taro. two. Gram: Reduced plural interrogative
ndlu see. pronoun. Nmbap avap nmk? Who
are those short people coming up?
ndrm understand.
nmblvs n. banana leaf. Ngua var
ndrm know.
kama anot d ngua vstm vt
ndrir sa-vi. shine. Kunngga cha ndrir kama vithm nchama nmbl. I
d sok achrnas. The sun shone and cooked the taro in the earth oven
it was really hot. Variant: niria. (mumu) and I covered the earth oven
ndul money. (mumu) with banana leaves.
ndulka stone. Pl: nmbl.

n associative marker. and. Gram: Used to nmbem pro. any two people; any two
make associative pronouns. Julien china- things; some two people. Gram: Femi-
ma Norberta in met mt chama nine dual interrogative pronoun. Nmbem
iska ma malo chok in met ka. Julien ini tal kama urat? Which two are
and Norberta went on the road that carrying the baskets?
they had already been on. Variant: na. nmbm pro. any short one. Gram:
n from; with. Reduced singular interrogative pronoun.
Nmbm ba vchm ma chthopka
ndngetham dir. in front. Peia thi
vt ngam? Who is that short person,
gamar dai cha mair ndngetham.
the fat one?
When they fought, he stood at the
front. nmbingga n. tree sp.; strong trees
that grow on top of mountain ridges.
ndvethik dir. beside. Ka mair
Ngu tap s chama nmbingga da
ndvethik diva inmo ini gamar. He
kosa buel mt gua vthpki. I cut
stood by his side so they both could
the nmbingga tree and it really made
my axe blunt. Pl: nmbaing.
neik drink.
nmda pro. who. Gram: Human plural
nk from. interrogative pronoun. Barth chn
neknochi n. misery; distress; suffering nmeda thi tor? Who is Barth
in either an emotional or financial swimming with?
sense. Sa tha thalka d chave nmn prep. aside; away. Ngi srik
glem ut vama naknochi atha nmn kama morka. You move aside
bangm. So they carried him and he for the big man. Variant: namon;
is here with us in the village of misery. namn.
Pl: neknok. Variant: naknochi.
nmna prep. away from; e.g. used to
nma pro. who. Gram: Interrogative describe the way a flood leaves
pronoun. Nma cha svauo th gi rubbish behind as the water
thangam? Who stole your bananas? subsides. Ngia thair namna ngo.
nmailu maybe. You will stand away from me. Variant:

nmni nemithom

namna. large size; can be used in indefinite contexts.

nmni prep. aside; to the side. Ngia Nmigleng avglng mk ng
thair nmni chama iska. You stand tuguas? Who are those large women
to the side of the road. who are playing?
nmni dir. from down. Ka met nemink pro. which large ones; some
nmni cha renggi. He came from large ones. Gram: Extended plural
the river. Variant: namni. interrogative pronoun; used in a joking way
to refer to people and implies something
nemenia adv. instead. Ta von ma
about their large size; can be used in
Petra nchama baulki dak kinai ma
indefinite contexts. Nmink avnk
Anna chia vertmgi nemenia. They
vui? Who are those fit men up there?
gave Petra the wraparound skirt
(laplap) but Anna got it instead. nminm pro. which large two; some
large two. Gram: Extended dual
nmt prep. from. Sa cha mun nmt
interrogative pronoun; used in a joking way
kama anggarski sa va thinm. He
to refer to people and implies something
came from the sea with his fish.
about their large size; can be used in indefi-
Variant: namt.
nite contexts. Ngua mnbt ngaiom
nmtna dir. from each other. Ini sok! Nminm dnm. I really met
sangar aindikana diva sa indet those two men! Those two fit ones.
nmtna. The two shake hands
nemini pro. which small one; some
because they are leaving each other.
small one. Gram: Diminutive singular
nmga pro. who. Gram: Masculine singular interrogative pronoun; also used to refer to
interrogative pronoun; can be used in people; can imply attenuative meaning; can
indefinite contexts. Nmga vak? Whos be used in indefinite contexts. Ngua lu
that? maila nemini tha ith. I saw
nmgi pro. who. Gram: Feminine singular someone small here.
interrogative pronoun; can be used in neminggl which piece; some piece.
indefinite contexts. Ma nmgi chia ms
nemiom pro. which two people; which
guanot? Who ate my taro?
two things; some two people. Gram:
nemiavchit pro. which large one. Masculine dual interrogative pronoun; can be
Gram: Extended singular interrogative used in indefinite contexts. Ngn met
pronoun; can be used in indefinite contexts. ngn nemiom? Who did you all go
Ngua lu cha sok nemiavchit. I saw with?
a really fit man. [Lit: I saw him really
nemisem pro. which two long ones;
some large one.]
some two long ones. Gram: Long dual
nmigl pro. which piece; some piece. interrogative pronoun; used in a joking way
Gram: Excised singular interrogative to refer to people and implies something
pronoun; used in a joking way to refer to about their large size; can be used in indefi-
people and implies something about their nite contexts. Ma nemisem bavsem?
large size; can be used in indefinite contexts. Who are those two tall men?
Nmigl avgl ma ulul igl? Who
nmiseng pro. which long ones. Gram:
is that tall large woman? Variant:
Long plural interrogative pronoun; can be
used in indefinite contexts. Ngina
nmiglem pro. which two pieces; some nmiseng ngn det ngni thap? You
two pieces. Gram: Excised dual interroga- and who will go and cut the trees?
tive pronoun; used in a joking way to refer to
nemithom pro. which two small ones;
people and implies something about their
some two small ones. Gram: Diminutive
large size; can be used in indefinite contexts.
dual interrogative pronoun; also used to refer
Ma nmiglem bavglem? Who are
to people; can imply attenuative meaning;
those two large women?
can be used in indefinite contexts.
nmigleng pro. which pieces; some Nemithom in mairthmga sva lat?
pieces. Gram: Excised plural interrogative Which two were waiting for him in the
pronoun; used in a joking way to refer to garden?
people and implies something about their

nemithong nvem

nemithong pro. which small ones; np na turn; tip out; translate.

some small ones. Gram: Diminutive np na change; make different; mix.
plural interrogative pronoun; also used to
np nanas change oneself; become
refer to people; can imply attenuative
different; capsize.
meaning; can be used in indefinite contexts.
Nemithong avthong mk? Who are np n turn; tip out; translate.
those people down there? ns call out; shout.
nm melia roll over; flip. ns pack; put in.
nemon'gi n. door. Aravr mt ka nes bite.
nemon'gi. The door is wide. nes be sharp.
Pl: nemon.
nesabiung n. gossip. Nesabiung d
nen pray. ngmbes musnng amr. Gossip is
nen ask. not a good (kind of) behaviour.
nnn vomit. neski n. nurse. Kama neski chia chut
nng tree. Usage: Abilta dialect. gua rembm. The nurse injected my
buttock. Pl: neskina. From: English, Tok
nng wood. Usage: Abilta dialect.
Pisin: nurse, nes.
neng avoid; dodge.
ns m call for.
nng wood; trees. Usage: Abilta dialect.
nesnes pt be spiky.
nenga chalu disc. maybe; who knows.
nethachi n. bright light. Gia nethachi
Nmga cha svo thchama duraika?
nanas. Your light is yourself. Note: no
Nenga chalu ma Peter. Who stole
the rooster? Maybe Peter. Variant:
nenggala. nethem from; about.
nngaik large tree; log. Usage: Abilta nthm prep. 1 from. Ka su cha ms
dialect. nthm chama nlka. He tried to eat
[Lit: eat from] a mussel.
neng dm choose.
2 about. Ta v thi snandvr
nenggala maybe; who knows.
nacha nthm kama lagun'ga
nenggi hunger. vachvak. They were asking him
nnggi large tree. Usage: Abilta dialect. about that decorative plant. Variant:
nngguik sa-vi. shout. Thi tvng, thi nethem.
nngguik, tha tu amor vthanas. nthm na vi-so. be new to a place.
They sang, they shouted, they made Nthm nacha smt town. He was
themselves happy. new to town.
nengias be hungry. nva prep. from. Ka met nva bang. He
nngini small tree. Usage: Abilta dialect. came from home.
neng n spread; rub; massage. nvana dir. from each other. Sulka
chena de chama Mengengena da sa
neng n dodge.
thi sk nvana. Sulkas and the
nngurka n. plant sp.; strong smelling Mengens intermarry with each other.
plant with long green leaves; deters
nevanas dir. away from oneself. Ngi
snakes; relieves tiredness; used as a
thon kama baulki nevanas. You
decoration for dancing because of
throw away the cloth (laplap) from
the smell. Tha mu chama nngur
diva tha thain sngt. They put on
the nngur in order to dance with it. nva thng adv. because of that.
Pl: nngur. Kaburnok k nma Alphonse ini
bn mna sva in mamk avathng.
np prep. at; during. Ka met s
Kaburnok and Alphonse fought each
chanasu np bangang. He went
other because of their father(s death).
fishing at night. Kule ma ngi bang
buinem np bangang. Dont roam nvem prep. in; on. Atha is savur
around during the night. nvem ngt i choi thi nat mon

nvt nunggring mt

smthatha munambs. Her road chlan ki tnok ia vandi atha guik.

was overgrown [Lit: overgrown in it] Namunas saw Elton with a ball and so
because they were not going along it she cried that she wanted one.
(to church) on religious holidays. nilka n. nail. Norberta chia vondm
nvt prep. from. Ngua n vt kama mt chama nil. Norberta bought the
duligl namk nvt kama unpka. I nail. Pl: nil. From: English, Tok Pisin:
found a coin in the dust. Agia nail, nil.
mnpka nvt gi sachongiom? nimulichi n. slut; a woman who sleeps
Which eyebrow of your two eyes? around. Aruchi avaik de chama
Arura tha travet schama chseng nimulichi ma chi tk nanas mava-
nk kama duraik diva thi vs ngt. ngam gl kama chumsta. That
The people are removing the feathers woman sells [Lit: processes] her body
from the chickens in order to cook around to men. Pl: nimulitha.
them. Variant: nk; nvtha.
ninggulucha fish sp.
nvtha from.
niria sa-vi. shine. Kunngga cha ndrir
ni right here. Usage: Abilta dialect. d sok achrnas. The sun shone and
ni here. Usage: Abilta dialect. it was really hot.
ni from; with. niria shine.
nia modal. 1 just; suddenly; surpris- nisa coord. and so. Ka tet ithcha
ingly. Gram: Mirative marker with present renggi ivi nisa save sk kama
tense or past tense verbs. Ka sangar chthopka achk. He went along the
kama chepki d cha nia ka chut river and came to a pool. Dak ka
kama thinmgi. He held the spear lagun'ga vakpik nasa cha mun
and, surprisingly, he speared the fish. avivik piavik. And so, that victory leaf
2 tried. Gram: Frustrative marker with really grew there like that. Nguaet
future tense verbs. Di chia nia kia thet sva lat niska chule sa nguaet ngu
inamk da ngmbs. And she tried thor. I am going to the garden and so
to go around but no (she could not afterwards I will go to wash. Variant:
manage). nasa; niska.
niare n. sap. Ka thap mni chama niska and so.
variacha da vus schama niare noeng mt be hungry.
nmt ava chndeng. He cut the noingmtka n. saltwater eel sp.;
breadfruit tree and the sap came out black, short, and slender. Pl: noing-
of its bark. mt.
niare adj. watery. nok cry.
niare vt vi-so. be watery. Kama thoe- nok tichim whinge; cry.
mini ng naik mt kama marasin
nugul angtpus adv. do without
da kosa niare vt ngini angtham.
permission; an action that breaks
The baby drank the medicine and its
across a (possibly metaphorical)
mouth was all watery.
boundary. Ma Edward ka vr tma
niavi sa-vi. about to arrive. Kama Rosa d nugul angtpus. Edward
athoes ta niavi. The children are eloped with Rosa without permission.
about to arrive. Morph: nugul angtpus. Lit: boundary
nigl liver. 3N.POSS-head.
nik coord. so. Sa chule sa ngi sot nugulka n. boundary; either a
nainavi, nik kule sa thik d kosa boundary between villages or a
chule da mbs ngias vuinem save boundary between different people's
ia Marunga? Then after you finished plots within a garden. Marunga
there, so up till now, you just never dma Karong ain nugulka cha
returned to Marunga? choe? Where is the boundary between
niki coord. and so. Namunas kia lu ma Marunga and Karong? Pl: nugul.
Elton sa vama vaedbunggi niki chi nunggring mt vt. turn inside out. Ka

nungguik vt ng

mu ava snaingbam d cha nung- within a garden that has been

gring mtki ma namuk savono. He assigned to a particular person.
put on his trousers and he (had) Avama nunggulia ng namt na
turned them inside out. mono d savono. His section of the
nungguik vt vt. shout at. Chumsta garden goes from down there to up
thi nunguik vt chama van. The there. Ka da avama nungulia nava
men shout at the spirit masks ma chalasung pe va lat. He has got
(tumbuans). an area of sweet potatoes (kaukau) in
the garden. Pl: nunggul.
nunggulia n. garden section; section

Ng - ng

nga he; she; it; they. white and blue-green stripes; up to

ngaiom pro. two things; two people. 8 cm long. Pl: ngaleng.
Gram: Third person masculine dual nominal ngam pro. short one. Gram: Reduced
pronoun. Sa tha met s ngaiom. They singular nominal pronoun. Kama vaim-
went with the two of them. Ngaiom bm dai ngam ng met nasot ma
aina msms. The two (men), their Namunas. The puppy followed
food. Namunas. Amngm avchm d
ngaip vt. hide. Cha ngaip avama dul ngua mt ngam nva gars. That
mk mthavama thalga. He hid his short stick, I got it from the beach.
money in his net bag (bilum). ngas pro. the flat one. Gram: Flat singular
ngaip sa-vi. hide. Laurence ka ngaip nominal pronoun. Kama pepavs ta
nmt ma Kotpu. Lawrence hid from ithchs da agthon ngas. This
Kotpu. Uthi tlu gia ilachi i nge paper is yellow.
ngaip ptha Hosita. We see your ngavam pro. short two. Gram: Reduced
image because you hide in the Host. dual nominal pronoun. Kama vainbam
ngaipka n. hidden man; invisible man. avam ngavam in ms gua msms.
Ngua lotu svthange Deo, ma Those two small puppies there ate my
ngaipka i nge ngaipnas bango mt food. Aung cha met d cha mt ava
ilachi thaik. I worship you, the tlngam d cha thon ngaram.
hidden God, because you hide yourself Someone went and got his two books
in this picture. Pl: ngaipta. and threw them away.
ngaipki n. hidden woman; invisible ngavap pro. short ones. Gram: Reduced
woman. plural nominal pronoun. Angn schu-
vap d ngn tu ngavap mamr. You
ngaip nas sa-vi. hide oneself. Nge
put your brooms properly. Kama
ngaip nas baut vtha Hosita. You
angkovap avap dai ngavap ng
hide yourself for us in the Host.
mun nani chama churem. The
ngaipnas mt vt. hide oneself in. Cha uncles came to collect betelnut.
ngaipnas mtha rucha ava
ngavem pro. two people; two things.
chdeng. He hid himself in a mans
Gram: Third person feminine dual nominal
pronoun. Nanasvem ma mor ngavem.
ngait pro. the long one. Gram: Extended Two big pineapples. Tha met mt
singular nominal pronoun. Lamsait ta ngavem. They travelled with those
ithichit d aul ngait. This tall two.
coconut, it is a tall one.
ngavet pro. the long one. Gram: Long
ngalengm n. freshwater fish sp.; has singular nominal pronoun. Ngiat kama
brown stripes; makes the sound mngvet d ngi thon ngavet smt
nguk nguk when shot with a spear. kama mudm. You get the long stick
Pl: ngaleng. and put it into the fire.
ngalengga n. lizard sp.; small with ng pro. he; she; it; they. Gram: Third

nge ngiem nani

person neuter class one pronoun. Vaim the hole. Variant: nges m.
ng sar schama plet sai. The dogs nges t vt. dig for. Bath k nges
messed up the plates again. Variant: tchama ingguingga. Bart dug for a
nga. crab.
nge you. ngt pro. him; her; it; them. Gram: Third
nge pro. you. Gram: Second person singular person neuter class three pronoun. Ka
class three pronoun. Kinai cha ngu iras vondm mt kama achuan d ka
tm nge. Actually, I lied to you. Sok vus ngt baut. He bought the rice
kama lengeiki nange. You really and cooked it for us.
must tell the truth. ngtha its; their.
ngk d vi-so. gasp; grunt. Ngk d- ngthathng dir. at the back. Ngi
chama vaimga via tha sepmes d ngia thair sek
srmumacha. The dog grunted ngthathng. You get up and stand
when they surprised it. at the back.
ngelka n. wise man. Pl: ngelta. ngthepki name.
ngelki n. wise woman. Nge vusnas ngthi pro. he; she; it; they. Gram: Third
pthaut autha ngelki Maria. You person neuter class two pronoun.
shelter us, our wise woman Mary. Ngmng angkthop d ngthi
ngmbs nothing; not; no. sren. The trees sap is bitter.
ngn pro. you all. Gram: Second person ngthikpet five.
class one pronoun and second person class nggars coast; beach.
three pronoun. Ngn det inamuk. You
ngguvangithong belongings; things.
all come here. Sa ngua mn btha
ngn. I have found you all. ngi pro. you. Gram: Second person singular
class two pronoun. Ngi thal kama
ngna you all and.
lams saisathe. You carry the
ngna them and; it and. coconuts over here. Ngi thonanas
ngn pro. you all and. Morph: ngn=n. inavuk iva ngi naik. You jump down
Lit: 2PL.III=and. Variant: ngna. so you can drink. Variant: nge.
ngn pro. them and; it and. Julien ngia pro. 1 you. Gram: Second person
chinama Norberta in met mt cha- singular class one pronoun. Ngia thair
ma iska ma malo chok in met ka. nmni chama iska. You stand to the
Julien and Norberta went on the road side of the road.
that they had already been on. Morph: 2 your. Gram: Second person singular
ng=n. Lit: 3N.III=and. Variant: ngna. possessive pronoun. Chule ma nge
ngni pro. you all. Gram: Second person sunas masa, asik marik ddn ngia
plural class two pronoun. Asik ngnbe vuski. You must not study too hard or
ngni thk? Are you all going to your head might get confused.
work? ngiem sa-vi. 1 look; search. Ngi
ngngeng d vi-so. squeak; squeal. ngiem saisath. You look over here.
Ngngeng dchama vaimini. The Ngi ingim imono d mamr ia ngi
small dog is squealing. lu chama botki va gars. You look
ngerik ta vt. hold on to. over there and you will see a boat on
the sea. Kule ma ngia na ngim
nges m dig a new hole where there
imono. Dont you look over there.
was not one before.
2 shine, only of the sun. Mumbang
nges mt vt. dig a new hole where
mathchasep mt kama Sarere,
there was not one before. Dak ka tu
kunngga ch ngim, askok math-
asnng ia mubang sa cha vinem
chasep. The next morning, on
diva cha nges m chama lechi. But
Saturday, the sun was shining early in
he decided that the next day he would
the morning. Variant: ingim; ngim.
return in order to dig a hole. Tha
nges mchama lechi. They dug in ngiem nani sa-vi. look for. Uthi ngiem
nani ma John ava paimini. We were

ngimngimgi ngis

looking for John's puppy. ava lamsink ma cha vt ngink.

ngimngimgi n. lookout; e.g. at the John planted his coconut palms which
top of a hill. Malumaluan d chama are tall.
ngimngimgi ama sok ta naingim nginm pro. the long two. Gram:
mamr sa mano ve ma Rabaul. At Extended dual nominal pronoun. Nginm
Malumaluan lookout they could really in namas ithmna. Those two tall
see down to Rabaul. Pl: ngimngim. ones were lying side by side.
ngiem sravo adv. look worried; look ngini pro. small one. Gram: Diminutive
surprised; look shocked; people look singular nominal pronoun. Asenini de
like this, e.g. if there is a fight cha svo th ngini nave ia gunan'ga.
happening but no-one knows what is He stole that small knife from the
going on. Arura ti ngiem sravo mt store.
ngaiom. The people looked surprised nging vt. go around. Usage: Abilta dialect.
by the two of them. Kama aimga ch nging d chama
ngigl pro. piece. Gram: Excised singular thinmgit. The dog is going around
nominal pronoun. Vaimga cha ms nk the big fish. Variant: ing. See: bing vt
kama frying pan igl d ngigl ng go around.
sp. The dog ate out of the frying pan nging dm vi-so. bend; duck down.
and it fell down. Variant: ngigl. Nging dmngi. Bend yourself. [Lit:
ngigl piece. Work hard.]
ngiglem pro. short two. Gram: Excised ngip sa-vi. 1 die. Cha kuares ia vadi
dual nominal pronoun. Gi tray iglem ch lu ava ruachi dava oes kosa
inve da ngmbs tha thor ngiglm chule d cha ingip. He said the he
as. Your tray is there and they have wanted to see his wife and children
not washed it yet. but later he died.
ngigleng pro. short ones. Gram: Excised 2 be numb. Atha slp ng inip
plural nominal pronoun. Averas mundu ma chia mugun vtha ngt.
ngigleng. They are flat. His bones were numb because she sat
ngim look; search; shine, only of the on them.
sun. 3 faint. Variant: ingip.
ngimlm pro. the flat two. Gram: Flat ngipngip n. grass sp.; dies if someone
dual nominal pronoun. Tlng imlm touches it. Kama aur ama ngipngip
ma airiar ngimlm. Those two ng var vt gualchar da athop. The
leaves are green. ngipngip grass pulled at my legs and
made sores.
ngim mk sa-vi. search around. Sa cha
ngim mk kama luln'gi nani ava ngipngip vi-so. be dying. Ta thal kama
ma baulki. He looked around in the rucha mt kama aruan'gamtki da
boat for his clothes. sa vachvak ama ngipngipka
mamr. They carried the man in the
ngim melia vi-sa. roll over; flip. Di
car but he was already half dead.
chia ve chit ngim melia... Then it
Arucha cha thal kama raun'ga
started to flip flop... Variant: nm
mtki da kosa vaivak ama ngip-
ngipka mamr. The man carried the
ngim melia vt. roll over; flip. Ta ngim car and he was really half dead (as a
melia chama basiochi diva atha result).
ronas sa vono. They rolled the
ngis adv. 1 aside. Ngia thu chama
crocodile over so its belly was up.
anot ngis dak kule chama
Variant: nm melia.
chalasung be. You put the taro aside
ngina you and. but leave the sweet potato (kaukau)
ngin pro. you and. Morph: ngi=n. Lit: there.
2SG.III=and. Variant: ngina. 2 apart. Sa ithik da sik kule nge
ngink pro. the long ones. Gram: ngis da choki chule ngo ngis. Now
Extended plural nominal pronoun. John you stay apart (from me) and I will

ngisem oo

stay apart (from you). nchama schutka. You give me the

3 different. Adelaide kia naingim ruler.
ngis nmt atha matvek d atha ngu pro. me. Gram: First person singular
likvek. Adelaide appeared different to class two pronoun. Ngi von ngo ncha-
her brothers and sisters. ma renggi d ngu naik. You give me
ngisem pro. the long two. Gram: Long the water and I will drink.
dual nominal pronoun. Kama mngisem ngua pro. 1 I. Gram: First person singular
d ngisem nani chama bangga. The class one pronoun. Ngua lu nge pe va
two long pieces of wood are for the lat. I saw you at the garden.
2 my. Gram: First person singular
ngiseng pro. the long ones. Gram: Long possessive pronoun. Ngua ve ngu thor
plural nominal pronoun. Mnglseng nani ngua vuski. I am washing my head.
chama vutka uvski. The long
nguainggi n. grasshopper sp.; brown
pieces of wood are for the roof.
and white with long hind legs;
ngithikisem ten. people play with it by breaking one
ngithom pro. small two. Gram: Diminutive leg and pulling the tendon to make
dual nominal pronoun. Draikithom ma the leg move. Pl: nguaing.
ngu tlu vt ngithom. The two chicks nguatki n. clumsy person; especially
that I am looking after. someone who walks in a clumsy way.
ngithong pro. small ones. Gram: Diminu- Ma Daniel Boon da cha tet klan ma
tive plural nominal pronoun. Thoemi- nguatki. Daniel Boon walks like a
thong ma chdichn ngithong. clumsy person. Pl: nguatkigna.
There are many small children. nguna me and.
ngo pro. me. Gram: First person singular ngun pro. me and. Morph: ngu=na. Lit:
class three pronoun. Ngi von ngo 1SG.III=and. Variant: nguna.

O - o

oerna vt. 1 compete. Ta oerna da ma Henry mndu ma cha sek gua

kosa ma Peter d cha mn savuit. matki ma Fidel. My brother-in-law is
They competed with each other and Henry because he married my older
Peter came first. sister Fidel. Pl: oes mamkna.
2 race. Peter de ma Paul ini oerna oes nank n. sister-in-law; wife;
ma ini bang dak ma Paul ka mun address and reference term, used by
naruer. Peter and Paul ran a race and a male speaker or male ego. Cha
Paul came first. tuvt mt ava oes nank ia cha
oer na race each other. niavi. He answers his wife that he is
coming. Pl: oes nankina.
oerna sa methamn n. debate.
oki also; similarly.
oes mamk; husband;
address and reference term; used by oo interj. Goodbye!
a female speaker. Gua oes mamk oo Careful!

pa pai mt

P - p

pa at; on; over. Dsa ti kuares ia chama laurka ch

pa prep. at; on; over. Ngi vt kama wae. And so they say that the wind
chridu ta ithang pe va lat. You blew. Variant: vai; vae; wae.
plant those particular native spinach pai dm vt. 1 hit at. Dak achk cha
(aibika) stems at the garden. Ngia thu vaithava chn. And the other one hit
athanga chalasung vuk pa mbang. at his neck.
You put some of her sweet potatoes 2 kick. Sok Madung ga vai dm
(kaukau) up at the house. Variant: va. ma Bagr ava lugutki. Madung
pachvaik dem. that particular one. really kicked Bagrs wife. Variant: vai
Gram: Feminine singular distal demon- dm.
strative emphatic. Variant: vachvaik. See: pai dm pt vt. crucify. Da thi vaidm
paivaik that particular one. pthange. And they crucified you.
pachvak dem. that particular one. Variant: vai dm pt; voe dm pt.
Gram: Masculine singular distal demon- pai dm s vt. hammer. Cha vai dm
strative emphatic. Tave thi snandvr schama nil mt kama palangga.
nacha nthm kama lagun'ga va- He hammered the nail into the plank.
chvak. They are asking him about Variant: vai dm s.
the victory leaf. Variant: vachvak. See:
paigel tm vt. beat up. Ava nank kia
paivak that particular one.
vaigeltmga mndu ma cha
pachvang dem. 1 that particular valkachuik. His mother beat him
one; those particular ones. Gram: because he was disobedient. Variant:
Count neutral distal demonstrative emphatic. vaigel tm. See: panis tm beat up.
Thoes ngthi chuet pt kama sleit
paik sa-vi. jump. Ka lu chama basiochi
pachvang. The children write on
mk da kosa chania vaik puk
those particular slates.
smni chama mnggi. He saw a
2 those particular flat ones. Gram: crocodile down below and he just
Flat plural distal demonstrative emphatic. jumped up into a tree. Variant: vaik;
Variant: vachvang; bachvang. See: vuaik.
paivang those particular flat ones.
paik d jump.
pae vt. tap. Dak ka met samuk smt
paik dm vi-so. jump. Vuaik dm nge
ma thalias avama ichathachi d
vuit diva ngi lu mamr. Jump up so
chule d cha ve ch pae. So he went
you can see properly. Vuaik dm ga
into the wizards enclosure and then
nmt kama karki da kosa cha
he started to tap. Variant: vae; wae.
vang. He jumped from the car and
paelka n. file. Ngua mu dm nchama then ran away. Variant: vaik dm; vuaik
paelka. I lost the file. Pl: pael. From: dm; vuaik d; vaik d; paik d.
English, Tok Pisin: file, fail or pail. Note:
paim vt. fold. Ki paim at baul smt at
only p.
uratki. She is folding her clothes into
pai sa-vi. 1 fall down; hit the ground. her basket. Variant: vaim.
Lamsachi chia vai d pk mtki.
paimanas sa-vi. wind itself. Aulan'gi
The coconut tree fell and broke.
chia vaimanas mni chama kakau-
2 land heavily. Kama angmnggi cha ava thiki ama chia namt
chia sp d chia vai mni ava machuisr. The snake wound itself
angthiki. A tree fell and (part of it) around the branch of a cocoa tree that
landed heavily on his arm. Variant: vai. goes out diagonally. Variant: vaimanas.
pai sa-vi. blow; only of the wind. Laur paim atha nmga large forest rat.
ng vai d vl schama viulacha
pai mt vt. slap. Kama angmnggi
ava angthiki. The wind blew and
chia sp d chia vai mni ava
broke the branch of the mango tree.
angthiki. The tree fell down and

paimga pali

slapped his arm. Variant: vai mt. emphatic. Ngua lu chama dul
paimga dog. paivang ma ngia mu ngt. I saw
those particular stones that you set
paim m vt. wind around. Kama
out. Variant: aivang; vaivang. See:
athoemga ka vaim mchama
pachvang those particular flat
kagthacha vt kama mnggi. The
boy wound the rope around the tree.
Variant: vaim m. paivang dem. that particular one;
those particular ones. Gram: Count
painapki n. pineapple. Painapki avaik
neutral distal demonstrative emphatic.
pik da amorki da amr mt ki. That
Lams taithang d ngt paivang
particular pineapple is big and sweet.
ma tha mu ngt nania ut. These
Pl: painap. See: nanasgi pineapple.
particular coconuts, they got those
From: English, Tok Pisin: pineapple,
particular ones for us. Nge, ngn det
painapol or painap. Note: only p.
taivit ngn dt kama en paivang
paipki n. chimney; pipe. Kama inavuk. You, you all go up, you get
nangasachi chia dn met kama that particular iron spear up there.
paipki. The smoke is coming out of Variant: aivang; vaivang.
the chimney. Pl: paip. From: English,
paivathe dem. those particular people.
Tok Pisin: pipe, paip. Note: only p.
Gram: Human plural distal demonstrative
pais vt. crush. Aulan'gi chia vais kama emphatic. Markus kn voes paiva-
vaimini. The python crushed the th. That is Markus and his children.
small dog. Variant: vais. Variant: ivathe; vaivathe.
paisdm pt vt. enclose; encircle. pai vt vt. slap. Ngu wae vt gia
Kama chagat ng vaisdm pt sndem. I will slap your ears. Ka mair
kama mngga. The vine grew around snania chi dokosa chia vai vtha va
the tree. Variant: vaisdm pt. sdem. He leaned on her and so she
pai s vt. blow. Laurka cha wae s slapped his ears. Variant: vai vt; vae
chama imng nmt kama butki. vt; wae vt.
Wind blew the ash from a garden fire. pai vthanas sa-vi. slap oneself. D ini
Variant: vai s; vae s; wae s. tluchi ia chia pai vthanas natha
pais pt vt. tie up. Sa chule sa ngua namnambem. And they saw it when it
vais pt pthik ngnva lchar. slapped itself with its two flippers.
Then afterwards, I tied his arms and Variant: vai vthanas.
legs. Variant: vais pt. paivthong dem. those particular
paithm vt. pat. Maria chia vaithmga small things. Gram: Diminutive plural
diva Jesus kat mnap. Mary patted distal demonstrative emphatic. Ngo gu
him so that Jesus could sleep. Variant: dulithong paivthong. My particular
vaithm. small stones. Variant: avthong; vaiv-
paivaik dem. that particular one. Gram: thong; pavthong; bavthong.
Feminine singular distal demonstrative pak that one.
emphatic. Namunas paivaik ma chia palangga adj. flimsy; particularly
mn. That is Namunas who arrived. things like paper. Aingas kama
Variant: aivaik; vaivaik. See: pachvaik palangga ithak. This plank is flimsy.
that particular one. Pl: plang. Pl: palang. Variant: plangga.
paivak dem. that particular one. Gram: palangga n. plank. Aingas kama
Masculine singular distal demonstrative palangga ithak. This plank is flimsy.
emphatic. Ngiat kama plastika Ka mt kama palangga nave ia
paivak ma chabapka. You get that somil. He got the plank from the
particular container, the white one. sawmill. Pl: plang. From: English, Tok
Variant: ivak; vaivak. See: pachvak Pisin: plank, palang. Note: only p.
that particular one.
pali vt. roll. Ch vali chama dulgi iva
paivang dem. those particular flat ch thor av baul. He will roll the
ones. Gram: Flat plural distal demonstrative stone along so that he can wash his

palkachuik pat pthanas

clothes (on it). Variant: vali. par dm vt. drag. Ngi var dm chama
palkachuik sa-vi. be disobedient; aseska sva vt. You drag the rope
refuse to follow instructions. Ava home. Ch par davama vaimga
nank kia vaigeltmga mndu ma nasothanas. He dragged his dog
cha valkachuik. His mother beat him behind him. Variant: var dm; par d;
because he was disobedient. Variant: var d.
valkachuik. par dm mes sa-vi. crawl. Sa ngua tet
palkachuik na vt. disobey. Ch valka- ngua thik, ngn gua lchar ma
chuik nava nank. He disobeyed his snggvs ma sok ngu par dm
mother. Variant: valkachuik na. mes. So I went on my hands and legs,
flat, I really crawled. Variant: var dm
palmmka hook.
paluacha egg.
paret n. warning sound. Kama
panis t beat up. charidang d chama paret ia cha-
panis tm vt. beat up. Kule ma ngi ma Mndaska avak ka tet. The call
vanis tmgi. Dont you beat her up. is the warning sound which tells that
Variant: vanis tm; panis t; vanis t. the Mndaska is coming.
See: paigel tm beat up. pariachi breadfruit tree; breadfruit.
pang run; come. par mana svt sa-vi. gather around.
pang that one; those ones; those flat Arura tha var mana svt kama
ones. thinm. People gathered around the
panggal sa-vi. suck in stomach. Ka fish. Variant: var mana svt.
vanggal da kosa choiku nanga par na vt. call; specifically to call for a
chusem dava ron. He sucked in his domestic animal. Save mathchasep
stomach and there were not any sa ini par naina vaim. In the morning
intestines in his belly. Variant: vanggal. the two of them called their dogs.
panggalvs n. wall; specifically a wall Variant: var na.
made of leaf stems. Cha thap s- par s vt. 1 invite.
chama panggalvs. He cut the walls 2 ask for someone; call for some-
made of leaf stems. Pl: panggalimlk. one. Ut var snge Maria kalan ma
Note: only p. Gabriel ama mir ka mn ptha nge.
pangon'ga flying fox. We called for you Mary, like Gabriel
pangon'gi stingray sp. long ago found you.
3 lead. Ti par su ut nk anga
par sa-vi. arrive. Uthi bang mt kama
isithong pavthong. They led us
botki d ut var veia Nongia. We
along some of those small paths.
travelled in the boat and we arrived at
4 pull in a fish; refers to a fish
Nongia. Sa chule sa ngo imani, sa
which is caught on a hook. Nant
ngu par pono mni ch sul. Then I
chia var schama thinm. Mother
continued down; then I arrived
pulled in a fish. Variant: thar (Abilta
shorewards on the reef. Variant: var.
dialect); var s.
par vt. cook in an earth oven (mumu).
pat plant; bury; plunge.
Kave ch par ava not. He is cooking
his taro in an earth oven (mumu). patocha n. duck. Pl: pato. From: Tok
Variant: var; bar. Pisin: pato duck.
paranda n. porch; verandah. Athoem- patochi n. female duck. Pl: pato.
ga cha sp nvt kama paranda. patpathia n. pitch black; complete
The boy fell from the verandah. Variant: darkness. Patpathia mandinen.
varanda. From: English: verandah. Quiet darkness. (Silent night.) Variant:
parat vt. mess up; displace. Pusicha vatpathia.
cha varat nchama milat. The cat pat pthanas sa-vi. forget. Ava nank
messed up the plates. Variant: varat. kia chuar nacha iva ch thap s-
par d drag. chama nmblimlm. Cha met d

pathm pavnm

cha vat vthanas ia anggimlm navuk n vovar nvt amngga. He

ma chat imlm. His mother told him shot the birds from up at the top of the
to cut off two leaves. He went and tree. Variant: vavar; vovar; povar.
forgot which two to cut. Variant: vat pavchm dem. that particular short
pthanas. thing. Gram: Reduced singular distal
pathm prep. 1 along. Chia met demonstrative emphatic. Kama dlangm
vathm cha iska diva svthava lat. pavchm ma ngua matmt ngam
She went along the road in order to d ngua sp. That particular short
get to his garden. stick is the one I bumped and lost my
2 according to. ... ngi thonbathm balance on. Variant: vchm; vav-
na ut ama Vingbingda pathm chm; bavchm.
autha chrotki avaik pik. ... you pavchit dem. that particular large
check on us, the Bainings, according thing. Gram: Extended singular distal
to our particular power. demonstrative emphatic. Kia vus kama
3 for. ... d tha thet pathm ka amngit pavchit. She burned out
guvangithong... ... they go for these that particular tall tree. Variant:
things... Variant: vathm; bathm. vavchit; vchit.
pathm mes sa-vi. 1 do by choice; do pavgl dem. that particular piece. Gram:
according to ones own wishes. Chok Excised singular distal demonstrative
mange vathm mes ia ngiat angit. emphatic. Vaimga cha ms gua digl
Just according to your choice, you will pavgl ma ngua mu ngigl. The dog
get something. ate that particular piece of taro of
2 do unhurriedly; do in ones own mine that I put down. Variant: vavgl.
time. pavglem dem. those two particular
3 act independently. Ki da chi pieces. Gram: Excised dual distal demon-
vathm mes, ngmbs ki na met strative emphatic. Duliglem pavglem
nasot guavek. She does her own di chia mt ngiglem nmni
thing, she does not follow others. arenggi. Those two particular flat
Variant: bathm mes; vathm mes. stones, she got them from the river.
pathm na dir. 1 alongside; side by Variant: vavglem.
side. Chi na matki da in det pavgleng dem. those particular
pathmna chlan. She and her sister pieces. Gram: Excised plural distal demon-
walk side by side. strative emphatic. Gu mamk ka thap
2 with each other; for each other. schama mngigleng pavgleng.
Ut mair pathmna sa chule sa ut My father cut those particular planks.
tet. We waited for each other and then Variant: vavgleng.
we went. pavmlm dem. those particular two
3 parallel. Kama mng bem in flat ones. Gram: Flat dual distal demon-
namas vathmna. The two trees lay strative emphatic. Mar schama tl-
parallel to each other. Variant: vathm ngimlm pavmlm kinas tia-
na; bathm na. thik. Those two leaves have just fallen
pathik mes sa-vi. fall down. Sok ngua off now. Variant: vavmlm.
vathik mes d achn'gn vtha pavnk dem. those particular large
ngo. I fell over and I was really ones. Gram: Extended plural distal demon-
shaking. Variant: vathik mes. strative emphatic. Amrochopink pa-
pau interj. Bang!; imitates the sound of vnk pui d vathm kama renggi
a stone from a sling hitting a target. da aululink. Those particular trees,
Ngua tet nasot gua matka ma up along the river, are very tall.
Vithulki saun baimithom, ts ts Variant: vavnk.
pau! I walk behind my older brother pavnm dem. those particular two
Vithulki with our two dogs, swish large ones. Gram: Extended dual distal
swish bang!. demonstrative emphatic. Variant: vnm;
pavar dir. top. Ch tu chama ism vavnm.

pavni pelal vm

pavni dem. that particular small one. Gram: Long singular distal demonstrative
Gram: Diminutive singular distal demon- emphatic. Choiku nanga mngvet
strative emphatic. Gua latini pavni chlan pavvet taith. There is no
snani aurki. My particular garden is particular long plank here. Variant:
in the bush. Variant: vavni; vaivni. vavvet.
pavsem dem. those particular two paviom dem. those particular two.
long ones. Gram: Long dual distal demon- Gram: Masculine dual distal demonstrative
strative emphatic. Ngiat kama mngi- emphatic. Kama slp ma ngu kut
sem pavsem saglm ngo. You bring nangt d paviom ma chthiacha
those two particular planks to me. nngaiom d guiom. There are some
Variant: vavsem. biros I am writing with and those two
pavseng dem. those particular long particular blue ones are mine. Variant:
ones. Gram: Long plural distal demon- vaviom; baviom.
strative emphatic. Asongiseng pav- pe dem. there. Gram: Anaphoric demon-
seng nani chama vutka. Those strative. Vandi ithik da ngni tlu ve.
particular rafters are for the house. Maybe now you can see there. Variant:
Variant: vavseng. ve; be; e (Abilta dialect); me (Abilta
pavthom dem. those particular two dialect).
small ones. Gram: Diminutive dual distal p his; its.
demonstrative emphatic. Kama marupi- pe be there.
thom pavthom d cha chthp
pea when.
ngithom nvaur. He caught the two
small cassowaries in the bush. Variant: pdm vi-so. pinch; nip. Vdm kama
vavthom; vaivthom. vaimga mni guchrorini. The dog
nipped my calf. Variant: vdm.
pavthong those particular small
things. pdm sa-vi. fence; make a fence
around an area. Ka vdm sthm
pavvam dem. these two particular
ava lat. He made a fence around his
short ones. Gram: Reduced dual distal
garden. Variant: vdm.
demonstrative emphatic. Kama chalun-
bam pavvam d sa amang peia when.
ngavam. Those two particular taros pk at; on; over.
are cooked. Variant: vavvam. pk sa-vi. fetch water. Nguaet ngu vk
pavvap dem. those particular short mni arenggi. I went and fetched
ones. Gram: Reduced plural distal demon- water over at the river. Variant: vk;
strative emphatic. Ngua thp mchama vuak. See: mangas fetch water.
mugunbap pavvap. I will make pekato sa-vi. sin. D nge mrmr nge
those short chairs. Achumsvap pekato. But you, you always sin. From:
pavvap da ngavap ng thor mo. Latin, Tok Pisin: paccatus, pekato sin.
Those young boys got wet all over.
pk mt vi-so. break. Lamsachi chia
Variant: vavvap.
vai d pk mtki. The coconut tree
pavvem dem. those particular two. fell and broke. Variant: vk mt.
Gram: Feminine dual distal demonstrative
pknas sa-vi. drown. Paul cha np-
emphatic. Gu nank at uratvem
nanas mt k botki d cha vknas
pavvem ma chia mu ngavem. My
mt kama garski d cha ngip. Paul
mother has those two particular
overturned in the boat and he
baskets that she put there. Variant:
drowned in the sea, he died. Variant:
vavvem; bavvem.
pavvs dem. that particular flat one.
pk tm vt. break. Ava lunaski
Gram: Flat singular distal demonstrative
sukdmgi da pk tmgi. His mirror
emphatic. Lr mt kama pepavs
fell down and broke. Nma cha bk
pavvs. That particular piece of
tm kama valo? Who broke the eggs?
paper is torn. Variant: vavvs.
Variant: vk tm; bk tm.
pavvet dem. that particular long one.
pelal vm vt. comfort someone in

plk prddung

distress. Da choi nathe nvtha tha tortm vmga renggi. The children
ruavek iva thi velal vmki. And none swam in the river. Variant: bem; vem;
of her friends comforted her. Variant: pm; bm; vm.
velal vm. pm in.
plk love. pnak dm vt. bend; use force to bend
plk like; want; love; need. something. Kama ichumgi chia
plmga pig. vunak dm kama mng ama warep
da kosa ngt nanger klan. The flood
plmgi sow; large pig; reef fish sp.
bent the river trees and they were all
plng vt. kill. Kave chaet k vlng bent over. Variant: vunak dm.
anga vlmga. He is going to kill a pig.
pen d vi-so. fall. D thi kuar ia pen d
Variant: vlng; vlng.
chama isaing. And they say that the
plikdm vi-so. slip away. Vulik dm embers fell.
kama nkethopki nvt pethik da
pn dm vi-so. 1 bite someone out of
kosa chia vang. The eel slipped from
anger. Pn dchama vaimga mni
his hands and ran away. Variant:
gu slp. The dog bit (me) on my leg.
2 singe; burn. Pn dchama
plik s vi-so. slip over. Saen'gi chia
isaing ma puthm. The embers burnt
thor kama ivitki dama Bosco cha
where they fell. Variant: vn dm.
tet da kosa vulik scha d cha sp.
It rained on the earth and Bosco peneng dm s vt. 1 prepare. Ngua
walked and he slipped and fell. Variant: veneng dm schama lavi nani
vulik s; plaik s. chama mlta. I prepared the beds for
the visitors.
pl mni vi-so. snap. Pl mni slp. A
broken bone. Variant: vl mni. 2 make a bed; make a platform.
Auk, ut veneng dm schi savuk.
pl mt vi-so. break off. Kama variachi
Well, we made a platform to keep it up
vthik sok pl mt ka svoes. The
on. Variant: veneng dm.
branch of the breadfruit tree broke off
along with its fruit (because the fruit pr vt. 1 get something out of a
was too heavy for the branch to pocket or a similar place. Chia vr at
support). Variant: vl mt. dul nmt at sgnacha. She got her
money out of her net bag (bilum).
pl s vi-so. be broken. Pl sgua
chenggi. My tooth is broken. Variant: 2 breathe out. Uthi pr aut knak
vl s. schama sanggaska ama mrka
diva ut dchm. We breathe out our
pl t bend over; flatten out; be
exhaled breaths (in exchange) for
good air, to keep us alive.
pl tm vi-so. be broken; be bent over; 3 put; e.g. to put someone in a
be flattened out; e.g. of grass that particular place. Ta vr kama thoes
has been walked on. Pl tchama mt kama mormorki diva sik
mulichi. The orange tree is broken. athva munmun'gi ama mrki.
pel vt vt. 1 rub. Ka vel vthanas They put the children in the special
nchama lams angt mars. He garden so their growth would be good.
rubbed himself with coconut oil. Variant: vr.
2 wipe. Ngua vel vt gu ch- peramr vt vt. pick out the good ones
dengm nchama tauchi. I wipe my from a set of things. Ngi veramr
skin with the towel. Variant: vel vt. vt kama thangam. You pick out the
pl vt vi-so. break. Pl vt kama good bananas. Variant: veramr vt.
mngga avs. A branch of the tree prddung sa-vi. go backwards; eg.
broke off. Variant: vl vt. move backwards into hiding. Ka lu
pem prep. in. Klennggi vem ngo, ngaiom va gars d cha vrddung
neng gua snng. The rubbish in me, ithm chama mnggi. He saw two
in my heart. Kama thoes ngthi people at the beach and he moved
backwards into hiding, behind a tree.

prk mt pt

Variant: vrddung. door, or a meeting. Ngi vusding

prk mt vt. rip. Ngua vrk mt gu chama nemon'gi nmt kama
baulgi. I tore my wraparound skirt laurka. Close the door from the wind.
(laplap). Variant: vrk mt. Variant: vsding; vusding; wusding;
prk mt vi-so. 1 be torn; be ripped.
Sa vrk mt gu baulki. My psding mt vt. cover. Ngi vsding
wraparound skirt (laplap) is torn. mt kama sospen'gi. You cover the
Kama lulitka cha mu chama saucepan. Variant: vsding mt;
baulm ama vrk mt ngam. The vusding mt; wusding mt; pusding
poor man wore a wraparound cloth mt.
(laplap) which was torn. psding sthm vt. 1 block. Ngua
2 shout; yell. Vrk mt ka vt ma lu chama kaumatka cha mon
Christoph. He shouted at Christoph. samuk svm kama lunas. Ngua
Variant: vrk mt. vsding sthm ga. I saw the rat got
into the louvre glass. I blocked it
prn dm vt. sniff; smell. Vaim ng
vrn svt kama vlam. The dogs
sniffed the pigs. Variant: vrn dm. 2 stop someone from doing some-
thing. Variant: vsding sthm.
prn svt vt. smell. Vaim ng vrn
svt kama vlmga d ng pes mt vt. blow on. Ngi pes mt
tuchunacha. The dogs smelt the pig kama mundm. You blow on the fire.
and chased it. Variant: vrn svt. Variant: ves mt.

pr ma vt. 1 pull along. ps s vi-so. get out. Ludie chia rek

sthm chama duraiki sa chule d
2 talk into; tempt. Ngt ng vr
sa vs schi. Ludie shut the door on
mut sva ma slavo. They talked us
the chicken, then it got out anyway. ...
into sinning. Variant: vr ma.
d cha nia k chthep ngini dak
pr m vt. grab; catch; kidnap. Ta vr ps s ngini munggurup pthik... ...
mcha. They grabbed him. Variant: vr he was about to grab it but it suddenly
m. got out from between his claws...
pr t grab; catch; kidnap. Variant: vs s.
pr tm vt. grab; catch; kidnap. Cha pestm svt vt. whisper charms;
vr tm chama lvopki d cha vang charms can be whispered over ob-
schi. He kidnapped the woman and jects, e.g.: lime powder, water,
ran away with her. K pr tchama ginger, and cooked banana. Sa in ve
balgi nmt ut. He grabbed the ball ini vestm svthacha. They started
away from us. Variant: vr tm; br whispering charms on him. Variant:
tm; pr t; vr t; br t. vestm svt.
prvr dm vi-so. skip; either a person pes vt vt. charm; do magic. Cha d
making a small jump or someone cha drm ch pes vt kama rura.
skipping rocks on the water. Ka thu He knows how to do magic on people.
nchama dulki d vrvrdmgi. He Cha ves pt ava alat diva ng thn
threw the stone and it skipped. Variant: mamr. He put a charm on his garden
vrvr dm. so it would grow well. Variant: ves vt.
pes sa-vi. blow. Laurka ch pes. The pt vt. 1 plant. K pt kama tangam.
wind is blowing. Ngua nari ma Peter He plants the bananas.
ch pes mt kama abiulki. I heard 2 bury. Tha vt ath vaimga ma
Peter blow the conch shell. Variant: ves. cha ngip. They buried their dog which
ps cook. died.
ps d vi-so. jump out. Kama ding- 3 plunge. Variant: vt; pat; vat.
dingini, ps d ngini, d ngthi pt prep. 1 at. Ki ngim nani at
mbang. The tiny dingding, the small thoemini vt kariva athva vt. She
one, jumped out and it flew. found her baby at the peoples house.
psding vt. close; e.g. close a book, a 2 on. Alam btha chi. It had cane

pt balam na plangves

leaves on it. Ngia thu chama pletka ping surround.

vk kama tevolchi atha thng. You pirs ithm vt. 1 hide behind; duck
put the plates on top of the table. behind something to hide oneself.
3 over. Da mr ki mamr, ama Ka virs ithm chama mngga d
amurmes ptha chi. They were ngmbs tha lucha. He hid behind
very good, colourful all over. Variant: the tree and they did not see him.
vt; pa; ba; ptha; btha; vtha; bt;
2 make way; move aside.
vk; pk.
3 move along. Cha virs ithm
pt balam na vt. blink; wink. Ka vut chama sul iva cha met samthik.
balam nango ia mnaman nango. He moved along (the side of) the reef
He blinks his eyes to let me know that to get around to its other side. Variant:
I must be quiet. Variant: vut balam na. virs ithm.
ptpt na vi-so. 1 fall. Asen'gi vtpt piru sa-vi. writhe. Petrus cha chot ka
nachi d chia thp ava lchar. The singalki d chia viru. Petrus shot the
knife fell and cut his leg. snake and it writhed. Variant: viru.
2 scatter. D vtpt naut mava- piru nana sa-vi. tussle. Chlumn k
ngam. And we scattered anywhere nma rndam in viru nana sa chule
(all over the place). Variant: vtpt. sa ma chlumn ka vlng ma
pt uves sa-vi. dive. Ngua vt ngua ves rndam. The fool and the witch tussled
vm kama renggi. I dived in the with each other, then the fool killed
river. Morph: pt av=vus. Lit: dive the witch. Variant: viru nana; runa.
3M.SG.POSS head. pis d vi-so. be swollen. Usage: The
ptha at; on; over. expression pis d sarum have a
pethaindik mtna sa-vi. grapple; two swollen belly is not normally used
people grappling with each other. with reference to women, but can be
Da sa uthi tlu ngaiom klan ia ini used to talk about pregnant animals,
pethaindik mtna. Now we see those especially dogs. Its use in the
two grapple with each other. Variant: following example is derogatory. Vis
vethaindik mtna. dava angthaik ama valpal. His
fingers are swollen. In met in dain,
pthana sa-vi. relate socially; interact.
nasot sa pis da chama sarum. They
Karonggna dma Ilichna d tha
went and danced, afterwards the
vthana. Karong people and Ili people
(woman) was pregnant. Variant: vis d.
interact. Variant: vthana.
piskthopka fish sp.
pethana dir. head to tail; back to front.
Uthi np nchama kanuiom petha- pithia na vt. overcome; conquer. Jesus
na. We will turn the two canoes front ka vithia nama ingipki. Jesus
to back. Variant: vethana. overcame death. Variant: vithia na;
withia na.
pthanas to oneself.
pivi dir. over there. Auk, vivi ma ve
pthen lime powder.
vkama lat pachvang. Well, over
pthenm fish sp. there, there at that garden. Variant:
pethik beside. bivi; vivi.
pia when. plaik s slip over.
piam vt. 1 rotate; e.g. shake ones plamasareng grasshopper sp.
head. Sok k piam uvs klan. So he plangigel n. board; plank. K tor tm
just shook his head. [Lit: Really, he only vt kama plangigl angtha thng.
rotated his head.] He swam on top of the plank. Pl: pla-
2 wave; e.g. wave ones hands. ngigleng. Variant: plangigl. From:
Variant: viam. English, Tok Pisin: plank, palang or
pilk crack of lightening. plang. See: baler piece of wood. Note:
only p.
pilichi gun.
plangves n. piles of planks; especially
pimga galip nut (Canarium indicum).

plastika puk mt

somewhere like a sawmill where pono sa muk inside out.

there are lots of planks all around. povar top.
plastika n. plastic bag; plastic bottle; praioik d vt. sip; suck. Ngua vraioik
specifically a bottle between 1 and 5 d chama renggi. I sipped the water.
litres in size, or a medium sized Variant: vraioik.
plastic bag. Ngia thu chama kurem
prang spread.
muk mt k plastika. You put the
betelnut in the plastic bag. Pl: plastik. prap sa-vi. fly. Ismga cha vrap d cha
From: English, Tok Pisin: plastic, plastik. mugun vt amnggi at tthik. The
bird flew and sat on the branch of the
plastiki n. large plastic bottle; large
tree. Variant: vrap.
plastic bag. Pl: plastik. From: English,
Tok Pisin: plastic (bottle, bag), plastik. praseng na put aside.
plastikini n. small plastic bottle; small praseng n vt. put aside. Ngi vrasng
plastic bag. Pl: plastik. From: English, nchama sospen'gi nmt kama
Tok Pisin: plastic (bottle, bag), plastik. mundm. You put the saucepan aside
from the fire. Variant: vraseng n;
plk vt. 1 like. Cha d mrmr k
praseng na; vraseng na.
plk iva cha tugas. He always likes
to play. prendem vi-so. wake up. Ma Joachim
sa vrendem ga mali mathchasep.
2 want. Ngua vlk iva nguas
Joachim woke up early in the morning.
kama viam. I wanted to eat galip nuts
Variant: vrendem.
(Canarium indicums).
3 love. Ngu plk ma guauk m- preng vt. spread. Kia vreng at baul vt
ndu ma chi choki chi plk ngo. I kama chun'gi. She spread her
love my grandmother because she clothes on the sand. K preng chama
loves me. matka iva cha thuchun. He spread
4 need. Tha vlk amatnthmbes the mat in order to sit down. Variant:
save ia aus sik iva thi von da- vreng; vrang; prang.
nguama dul. They needed financial prsetki marks.
help for the hospital. Variant: vlk; prur pt vi-so. have goose bumps; have
vlk; plk. ones hair stand on end. Vrur pt ma
plmbm piglet. Leo vea cha lu chama tomga nk
plmga pig. kama un'gi. Leo got goose bumps
when he saw the ghost in the dark.
plmgi sow; large pig; reef fish sp.
Variant: vrur pt.
plnini trigger; knob.
pus vt. cook. Ngu pus kama ms-
plngacha tree sp. ms. I am cooking the food. Variant:
ples balus n. airport. Sa uthi mbang vus; ps; vs. See: avsvsvmki
inavuk, inavuk, sa save ia chama kitchen.
ples balus at tunggumgi ma Tokua. pui out there.
We went down, down to there, the
puik na vi-so. come out. Vuik nacha
bottom of the airport at Tokua. From:
mt kama nemon'gi. He came out (of
Tok Pisin: ples balus airport.
the house) through the door. Variant:
plochm spot. vuik na.
ploltem sa vt. remove; take off. puinem return.
Karuvaik dma mliar in vloltem sa
puit up.
ain baul iva ini thor. The earlybird
and the parrot removed their clothes puk above.
in order to wash. Variant: vloltem sa. puk mt vt. fire a gun. Cha rares kama
ploltem s vt. loosen. Ngi vloltem vilchi atha vlnini da pu mtkama
schama bremga nmt kama vilchi da kosa cha thu chama
seska. You loosen the knot in the Siapan'ga. He pressed the trigger of
rope. Variant: vloltem s. the gun and the gun fired and then
just shot the Japanese man. Variant:
pono up; inland; shorewards.

puk tm puvs

vuk mt. pusding mt cover.

puk tm sa-vi. 1 erupt. Adamgi vuk pusicha n. cat; wild or domestic. Pusi-
tmgi vea Rabaul. The mountain at cha cha ms gu slikigl. The cat ate
Rabaul erupted. my piece of pork. Pusicha ava
2 shatter; burst. Variant: vuk tm. ravski da aululki. A cat's claw is
very long. Pl: pusi. From: English, Tok
pul sa-vi. paddle. Ngi pul d ngia thi
Pisin: pussy (informal term), pusi. Note:
ngia thi. You have to paddle quickly.
only p.
From: English, Tok Pisin: pull, pulim.
Note: only p. puski head.
pulka n. paddle. From: Tok Pisin: pul puski head.
paddle. pus mk vi-so. 1 leap up; especially
pungngan'ga n. ridgepole. Choiku referring to flames. D ngas d vus
nanga pungngan taith. There are mk ngas pui, ura? And it leapt up
no ridgepoles here. Pl: pungngan. See: over there, didnt it?
sutka ridgepole. Note: only p. 2 explode. Kama dramgi vus
pupuik n vi-so. sprout. D chok mtki schama bensin. The drum
vuvuik nchama ngmng. And the exploded with benzene. Variant: vus
trees sprout. Variant: vuvuik n. mk.
pupurik sa-vi. squirt excreta. D chia pusnas pt vt. shelter. Nge vusnas
nia pupurik. And it squirted excreta. pthaut autha ngelki Maria. You
shelter us, our wise woman Mary.
pur vi-so. grow; especially of new skin
Variant: vusnas pt.
or bark growing over a cut. Ka thap
mni chama viulacha nchama pus pm vi-so. erupt; burst out. Kama
vthpki mundu da sa ithik sa vur adamgi vuspmgi d chia vlng
aithir. He made a cut on a mango tree arutha ma chndichn. The moun-
before, with an axe, but now the cut is tain erupted and killed many people.
healed again with new skin. Variant: Variant: vus pm.
vur. puspmgi n. eruption. Kama vuspm-
purk mni vi-so. puncture. Purk gi d kia don gama ivtki. The
mni chama karki athama taiachi eruption threw up the earth. Pl: pus-
da kosa achuskuska mtki. The tyre pm. Variant: vuspmgi.
of the car punctured and a hissing pus s vi-so. come up; emerge. Ka vt
noise came out. Variant: vurk mni. uves sa mk sa chule sa vus scha
purk mt vt. break open. Kule ma nanamk. He dove his head under;
ngi vurk mt kama plastika. Do then he came up. Variant: vus s.
not break open the bottle. Variant: pustm vt vt. cover. Ngua var kama
vurk mt. anot d ngua vstm vt kama
puren vt vi-so. wake up; stir. Kama vithm nchama nmbl. I cooked
thoemini vepuren vt ini d ngthi the taro in the earth oven (mumu) and
tnok. The baby is stirring in its sleep I covered the earth oven (mumu) with
and crying. Variant: vuren vt; vepuren banana leaves. Variant: vustm vt.
vt (Abilta dialect). puthm vi-so. fall. Vuthm ga s cha-
pur mt vi-so. germinate. Sa vur mt ma balgi ma cha tugas tmgi. He
gu pinat ama ngua vt ngt. My fell with the ball that he was playing
peanuts that I planted have germi- with. Variant: vuthm.
nated. Variant: vur. puvs vi-so. come out. Ngave vuvs
purvur vi-so. sprout. Sa vurvura chama inguingga nmt ava lechi.
rosachi mni at laltka. The rose The crab was coming out of its hole.
sprouts on her roots. Variant: vurvur. Variant: vuvs.

pusding close.

rachan'ga rek sthm

R - r

rachan'ga n. tree sp.; hardwood tree raism n. packet of rice; especially a 1

used for timber; very large, is both kg bag of rice. Dorothy chia vondm
tall and broad; burns well good for met kama raism nave ia Kalistus
firewood; was logged extensively by ava gunn'ga. Dorothy bought a
the Catholic Mission for use in its packet of rice from Kalistuss store.
post-war building program. Pl: ra- See: chuan rice; achunm packet of
chan. rice.
rachocha n. land crab sp.; whitish- raisgi n. bale of rice.
brown shell and red claws; up to raiycha n. 1 tree sp.; grows along
5 cm in diameter; live in holes in the coast and in the mountains in the
swampy places. Pl: rachok. bush; the sap is fragrant and burns
rachumga n. land crab sp.; black and like wax.
red belly and claws; shell up to 8 cm 2 fragrant sap from the tree with
in diameter; live in dry places in the same name. Pl: raiyk.
holes; they go to the sea and back
rarpka n. 1 strong inner part of
every evening to drink and wash;
tree. Anemelengachi at rarpka da
appear in large numbers in April.
achluingga da sok achrotka
Pl: rachum.
mamr. The kwila trees inner part is
rachumkumbarka n. land crab sp.; black and is really strong.
live in swampy places in holes;
2 gun. Cha mt kama rarpka. He
whitish-brown shell up to 10 cm in
got the gun. Pl: rarp.
diameter. Pl: rachumkumbar.
rares press.
rachuvigel n. colours; specifically the
colours from the bark of the amra- raresbana promise.
chuvacha tree. Kama gulaingiseng rares pt praise; worship.
nchama rachuvigel vet kama rares svt note; bless.
mrachuvacha da ng naingm
raun'ga n. sound. A raun'ga mtha
mamr. The stripes of colours on the
gia, karki ura sipki? The sound of
bark of the tree look beautiful.
what, car or ship? Pl: raun.
radmga n. cave. Ta vlng kama
ravan'ga n. faithful man. Usage: This
vangon nmt kama radmga. They
word compares a faithful person
killed the flying foxes from the cave.
with a clam, something that does not
Pl: radm.
move around. Aerki ama mrki sa
ragbi n. rugby. Gumoram vt kama ngia thn svaut snng i gia
arutha ma tha tunggas schama ravanda naut. Good Light, come into
ragbi. People shout when they our hearts because we are your
(others) are playing rugby. From: faithful people. Pl: ravanda.
English, Tok Pisin: rugby, ragbi. Note: no
ravan'gi n. faithful woman.
ravski n. nail; claw. Pusicha ava
raik dm vi-so. scream. Kama
ravski da aululki. The cats claw is
gethaingga cha mon smt ma
very long. Pl: ravs.
Tonya atha sndem d raik dmgi. A
cockroach went into Tonyas ear and ravt weed.
she screamed. ravt s remove.
raingga seed. rek sthm vt. 1 close in. Ngi rek
rais n. rice. Da bas kia vonda tha rais sthm ngt. (You) close them in.
ura gia msms... A barge brought 2 block off; e.g. to obstruct
them rice or other food... From: someones view. Chule ma ngia rek
English, Tok Pisin: rice, rais. sthm ngo. Do not block me off.
3 forbid. Variant: trek sthm; chrek

rek tm rulacha

sthm. See: trek tm prohibit, rip n. swell.

forbid. rip da chvl n. orchitis. Cha mt ama
rek tm prohibit; forbid. rip da chvl d cha met svt
rm understand. arm angtha banggi. He got
orchitis and he went to the hospital.
rm know.
rip d chmk n. mastitis. Lvop tha
rem n. protection. Du ut var snge d
tt rip d chmk da aem tha
chule ut pt gia rem. We asked you
mamor. Women get mastitis and it is
that we stay under your protection.
really painful.
rem buttock; base; source; cause;
rndam witch.
ron satisfied.
rmanas na recognise; know.
ronas n. front of torso; belly and chest
remini n. base; source; cause.
of an animal. Ta nm melia chi da
rem na recognise. atha ronas savono. They turned it
rm svanas realise. with its belly upwards. Note: no
rn grow. endings.
rn grow; specifically make a baby rong be stiff with cold.
grow. rongga n. man from the mountains;
rndamgi n. witch. Kama rndam anyone who comes from a cold place
chia vr tchama thoemini smt at high altitudes. Rongda d ama
atha vutka. The witch grabbed the rura ma achrot ta. It is hard for
baby (and took it) away to her house. people form the mountains (to make a
Pl: rndam. Pl: rndamgina. Variant: living). Pl: rongda.
rndam. See: aurachi witch. ronggi n. woman from the mountains.
rn s stand up; unbend. ronggi n. area at high altitude. Vt
rngska n. scraper; grater. D plaik kama ronggi da choiku na nga
scha sngini, ngnvama rngs- dums. At the high cold places there
ka sai vuk. So he came out with it, are no mosquitoes. Pl: rong.
with his scraper, outside. Pl: rngs. roret drag.
rengga cha mn na sa-vi. sweat. roret crawl.
Manuel k tk pa va lat da sok rosachi n. rose bush. Sa vurvura
arengga cha mn nacha. Manuel rosachi mni at laltka. The rose
was working in his garden and he bush sprouts on her roots. Pl: ros.
really sweated. From: English: rose.
rprpka n. fencepost. Ngo thap ruacha friend; often used to refer to
schama rprpka nani chama spouses.
ichthachi. I cut the fencepost for the
ruaiom nana n. a friendship between
fence. Pl: rprp.
two people. ... aina ruaiom nana
rer d crumble. mamr. ... their friendship was good.
res dm agree. rucha man.
rveikpmka n. redeemer; refers ruchm short person.
specifically to Jesus. Avolam angt
ruchusimacha n. green praying
laurka d cha dn schama saeng
mantis. Pl: aruchusim.
ama mor. The southeast wind comes
with heavy rain. Aura rveikpmka ruer before; first.
d cha mn nvtha usupki. Our ruer go first; go ahead; go in front.
redeemer came from heaven. See: ruer na race each other.
tvaik namn redeem.
rukuska n. grasshopper sp.; greyish in
rin grow; specifically make a baby colour. Pl: rukus.
grow. Usage: Abilta dialect.
rulacha n. ruler. Cha von ngo ncha-
rin grow. Usage: Abilta dialect. ma rulacha. He gave me the ruler.

rumtka saemga

Pl: rula. stalk in some fruits; there is one

rumtka moss. inside tapioca and pau nuts grow
along one.
runa tussle.
rutki small root of a tree or plant,
rurubuan'ga n. hermit crab sp.; large
especially banana, native spinach
body up to 15 cm across and 25 cm
(aibika), or peanut plant.
long; lives in the sea; can change
shells. Pl: rurubuan. rut na put in; push in.
rutka stalk; specifically the central rut n put in; push in.

S - s

sa disc. 1 then. Gram: Clause initial 3 crown of a tree.

discourse marker. Introduces a new event 4 surface; e.g. the surface of the
frame. Ngi thor nathuer sa ngia thet sea, the face of the earth, the top of
save ia haus sik. You will wash first a sore, the opening of a pot. Ivtki at
then you will go to the hospital. In sachong. The surface of the earth.
met sva lat sa chule sa in met sachongacha n. eye. Athop mt
smmi arenggi. They went to the giama sachongacha. There is a sore
garden, then afterwards they went to on your eye. Ambangga ava
the river. sachongachi. Opening beneath the
2 so. Sa chia met di chia mun eaves. Pl: sachong.
btha tha veia athva bangm peia sachongachi n. 1 gaze. Ngua lu cha
tha tes ia Chroria. So she went and na d gu sachongachi chia sp. I
she found them there at their village saw him come towards me and my
there, which they call Chroria. gaze dropped.
3 already. Gram: Resultative marker.
2 worried face. Ut tlu av sacho-
As koiku, as ka thoemga nango. Sa
ngachi d choi ia amr vthacha.
cha mun sa morka nango. Not yet,
We saw his worried face and he was
I was still a child. He arrived when I
not happy.
was (already) an adult. Sa cha met
3 depths of a pool. Variant: sachong.
milani. He already left yesterday.
4 for a while. Gram: In clause final sachong angt kseng n. eyelashes.
position. Ngia mair sa. You waited for At sachong angt kseng da amr
a while. ngt. Her eyelashes are nice.
5 Gram: Imperative marker. Sa ngia sachong angtha chilot n. corneas.
tet nainath! You must go away from sachongas n. face. Ngua lu gi
here! sachongas da sok larengas glm
sa prep. 1 to. Ngia thet sa ivi ia nge i ngia vlng kama thinmgi
Kubuia. You will go along to Kubuia. ama morki. I saw your happy face
2 with. Kama luln'gi chia mun because you caught a big fish.
schama guangithong. The boat Pl: sachong.
arrived with the things. Variant: s. sachongini n. 1 eye. Usage: Polite
sabcha n. wood chip. Amnggi at sa- form.
bkigleng. Chips of wood. Pl: sabk. 2 ember. Amundmga ava sacho-
sachong gaze; worried face; depths. ngi. An ember from the fire.
sachong n. 1 vision; dream; day- saecha n. shellfish sp.; found on the
dream. Ka tluchi vasachong. He saw reef; rounded cone up to 3 cm
her in his vision. across; mottled brown colour with
small ridges. Pl: saek.
2 glasses. Chia vondm m at
sachong ma aichru. She bought saemga n. uncle-in-law; nephew-in-
new glasses. law; specifically: ones wifes mo-

saemgi saisath

thers brother, one's husbands saimanp ma Lamarain. He went

sisters son, and ones husbands down there to Lamarain.
mothers brother. Ka met nasot ava saimano dir. down to. Ka met saimano
saemga sva lat. He followed his sva gars. He went down to the
uncle-in-law to the garden. beach.
Pl: saembek.
saimk dir. down inside. Kthopka
saemgi n. aunty-in-law; niece-in-law; avak sok dur saimk. That pool is
specifically ones mothers brothers really deep (down inside).
wife, husbands sisters daughter, or
saimni dir. over to; down to. Ngua
husbands mothers brothers wife.
met saimni ia Masarau. I went
Gia saemgi de chama vathchi ma
down to Masarau.
choiku china tor atha lugutka ava
baul. Your aunty-in-law is lazy for she saimono dir. over to. Ngia thet
does not wash her husbands clothes. saimono sangel ma Rosa. You go
Pl: saembek. over there to Rosa.
saengbap n. storm; heavy rain. saimuanp dir. to the other side;
Saengbap ma sok ngi suchup across to. Ithik sa ngi thonanas
dngia naingim. The rain is so heavy sathmga ngmnggi saimuanp.
that you really have to wipe your face Now you must get over the tree to the
to see. other side.
saenggi n. rain. Mali nbangang saimuani dir. over there. Inos ka met
soenggi chia sp. Earlier in the night saimuani smni cha renggi. Inos
it was raining [Lit: the rain it fell]. went over to the river.
Pl: saeng. Variant: soenggi; seinggi. saimui dir. over there distant. Fidel
sagl prep. to. Ngua et sangl ma kia met saimui ia Ivonbemga. Fidel
Peter ve ia Karong. I will go to Peter went over to Ivonbemga.
at Karong. Variant: sanggl. saimuit dir. to the other side. Ngi sek
saglm prep. close to. Kia thet kama renggi saimuit. You cross the
saglm ga ve ia Bulus. She will go river to the other side.
to him there at Bulus. Variant: sang- saimuk dir. into. Ka thon kama dulki
glm. saimuk sva gars. He threw the
saglmna prep. nearer to; closer to. stone into the sea.
D in det saglmna nchama sainamk dir. down that way. Sa tha
mbangm. And they will go nearer to met sainamk ma Pomio. They have
the village. Variant: sangglmna. gone down to Pomio.
sai disc. again. Sai chok ta mair mano sainamuk dir. to this side. Ka sek
va nggars... Again there were kama renggi sainamuk. He crossed
people standing on the beach... Vaim the river to this side.
ng sar schama plet sai. The dogs sainavuk dir. from up there. Ngi nari-
messed up the plates again. Variant: manas sainavuk sok anunguikigel
sei. klan. You listen to the shouting from
saika disc. possibly. Ngua tu gusnng up that way.
ia saika angama marupki sik mailu saisa adv. later on again. Ngua met
chia mat angama sechithom ma smni arenggi saisa chule sa ngua
mndu ngua munaik nithom bono. I vinem. I went to the river, then later
thought that possibly one of the on I returned.
cassowaries, maybe it got one of the
sai sai adv. repeatedly; again and
traps that I left there.
again. Kaet k thor sai sai. He is
saik da ves vi-so. squirt excreta. Sok going to wash again and again.
saik da ves nchama chalasung.
saisath dir. over here. Ngia thet
Someone is really squirting sweet
saisath. You come [Lit: go] over
potato (kaukau) faeces.
saimanp dir. down there. Ka met

saisave samuit

saisave dir. to there. Ka thal kama spirit that lives in the wild palm; if
thangamga saisave. He carried the you touch the leaves of the palm you
banana to there. become confused and wander off in
saisavi interj. Look out! Saisavi! Kave the wrong direction. Saluk athoem-
ch tu. Look out! Hes shooting. ga d cha tas mt kama saluchachi.
The wild mountain palms spirit lives
saisavi dir. there. Vandi ma chvi cha
in the saluchachi species. Pl: saluk
doki ch thk saisavi. That one
wanted to work there too.
salve interj. Greetings! Usage: This word
saivono dir. upwards. Kia met saivono
was introduced by the priests in the
sva lat. She went up to the garden.
Mali community. Uthi var snge,
saivui dir. over to. Nguaet saivui ia salve Jesus thoemini. We invite you,
Gisia. I will go over to Gisia. greetings baby Jesus. From: Latin:
saivuit dir. over to. Ka met saivuit ma salve.
Gisia nani ava sen'gi. He went over samana down to; down there.
to Gisia for his knife.
samanp dir. to down there. Ka met
saivuk dir. up to. Ka met saivuk ia samanp sva mbang. He went
Maslambe. He went up to Maslambe. down to the house. Variant: samani.
Sakramento n. Sacrament. D cha mu samani to down there.
a Sakramento i chule cha mtka
samano dir. down to; down there.
mrmr ama Ekaristia. And he made
Thon kama thlng samano sva
the sacrament by staying forever in
gars. Throw the rubbish down to the
the Eucharist. From: English, Tok Pisin;
sea. Variant: samana.
Sacrament, Sakrament.
samk dir. to down. Kia thonanas
saksaki n. sago palm. Tha ts kama
samk. She jumped down. Chi tik
saksak. They eat sago. Pl: saksak.
schama lams navuk sa d nge sa
From: Tok Pisin: saksak sago.
mk. She picked the coconuts on top,
sa kuat na interj. something is going to then they fell to the ground.
happen to someone. Cha mu asnng
samt prep. into. Ka mon samt kama
vm mes ia, Sok taithik sa kot
lotuvmgi. He went into the church.
nachama rucha ithak. He thought
to himself, Something is really going samethik dir. to other side. Chi tor
to happen to this man now. tm scha imono d chia mn
samethik. She swam across with it
salilibonggi n. snake sp.; greenish
and arrived at the other side.
with rainbow colours and a white
belly; hunts around small pools in samonp over to.
creeks; eats frogs and prawns; if samoni to over the side.
disturbed it will hiss, swell up, and samono dir. over; across. Ngia thon
hit you with its tail to frighten you, kama lavichi samono. You move the
then it runs away. Pl: salilibong. bed over a bit.
salorachi n. stomach. Vlmga ava samuanp dir. over to; over there.
salorachi. The pig's stomach. Kama sen'gi chia muanp seng
Pl: salor. kama mngga. The knife is over
saluchachi n. palm sp.; similar to the there by the tree. Variant: samonp.
areca or black palm (limbum); has a samuani dir. over to the side. Kule ma
mountain spirit living inside it. ngia et samuani. Dont you go over
Kama saluchachi da chi nva rong that side. Variant: samoni.
pe va changan, da chama singal
samui dir. over to. Kia thet samui ia
angtha mbangi nachi. The wild
Kavudmki. She will go over to
mountain ridge palm is the place
where the mountain spirits live.
Pl: saluk. samuit dir. over to; across. Ka met
samuit sk ka renggi thchng. He
saluk athoemga n. spirit; mountain
went over to the riverbank.

samuk sari

samuk dir. into. Dak ka met samuk ch tk mamr. My respiratory

smt ma talias avama ichthachi. system is working well.
So he went into the wizards sangauchi n. net. Ka thet ka thuchun
enclosure. schama sangauchi. He will go and
sana sa-vi. do something (indefinite). sit with the net. Pl: sangau. Variant:
Ngn sana avi? What are you doing sangachi; sangaik (Abilta dialect).
there? Variant: msana. See: tichina do sangecha n. pliers. Cha mt kama
something (definite). sange. He got the pliers. Pl: sange.
sanamuk dir. up here. sangel kuvt adv. almost. Sangel
sanas forever. kuvt iva ch ingip. He almost died.
sandricha n. sentry. Kia tet ivi kia sanggas sa-vi. breathe. Kama rucha
met sa svt kama sandricha chk ch sanggas. The man breathes.
ma aungiom nacha via Chlasachi. sanggas ithms sa-vi. lose ones
She went along to the second sentry at breath. Ti sanggas inthms snge.
Chlasachi Creek. From: English, Tok They lose their breath because of you.
Pisin: sentry, sentri.
sanggaska n. air. Uthi pr aut knak
sangachi net. schama sanggaska ama mrka
sangaik net. Usage: Abilta dialect. diva ut dchm. We breathe out our
sangar vt. 1 hold. Ka sangar atha exhaled breaths (in exchange) for
luski d chama lamon'gi ama good air, to keep us alive. Pl: sanggas.
morki chia chuasin svthacha sanggaska ava lechi n. windpipe.
chnachi. He held its shell and a big Paim ng ns kam plmga dokosa
wave splashed over the two of them. ng bing mthava sangaska ava
2 arrest. Chrtki cha sangaracha lechi. The dogs bit the pig and broke
dak ka iras ia cha da ngmbs. The its windpipe. Pl: sanggas angtha lek.
policeman arrested him but he sanggas machuvt sa-vi. gasp for
pretended that he was not the one. breath. Cha tugas d cha sangas
sangaravun'gi n. thumb. Pl: sangara- muchuvt. He played and he gasped
vun. Variant: sangaravun'ga. for breath.
sangar glem na sa-vi. shake hands. Ut sanggl to.
tet svtha autha bangbap d uthi sangglm close to.
sangar glem na d sa ut tet. We will sangglmna nearer to; closer to.
go to our village and shake hands and
sangravun'ga thumb.
then we will go again.
sapka n. rounded club; looks like a
sangarka n. tongs. Kia tt kama dul
softball bat. Aruachi atha sapka.
ama chrnas tm nchama sangar-
The witch has a club. Pl: sap. See:
ka. She picked up the hot stones with
avirki flat club.
the tongs. Pl: sangar.
saremgi belly; stomach.
sangar pt vt. hold on to. Di nge
sangar pthacha. And you held on to sarengacha n. 1 pandanus sp.; small
him. with long leaves; used for making
sangar t hold on to.
2 green grasshopper sp.; lies flat
sangar tm vt. hold on to. Dasik kama
between the leaves of the sarenga-
lvopki chi sangar tchama chu-
cha pandanus species. Pl: sareng.
msta ava iski thchn. So the
woman will hold on to the man's waist sarnggi n. bush. Ka monel va
rope. Variant: sangar t. sarnggi sa vama vaim da choiku
cha vlng anga guang. He hunted
sangaska n. breath. Ava sangaska cha
in the bush with his dogs but he did
sot. He ran out of breath. Pl: sangas.
not kill anything. Pl: sarng.
sangaska ava iska n. respiratory
sari vi-so. forget. Sariango thm gu
system. Gua ma sangaska ava iska
ngt. I forgot my things.

sar s savuit

sar s vt. 1 mess up. Vaim ng sar sathmuanp dir. over to the other
schama plet sai. The dogs messed side; over there. Ngia thas sath-
up the plates again. muanp You sleep over there. Variant:
2 knock over. sathmonp.
sarumbm n. 1 conception. Mndu sathmui dir. over there. Ngia thet sai
at sarumbm nma Elton. Earlier on sathmui. You go over there.
she conceived Elton. [Lit: Before was sathmuit dir. over on the other side.
her conception of Elton.] Ki tor sathmuit. She washed on the
2 pregnancy. Ngave at sarum- other side.
bm. She is pregnant. [Lit: There is sathmuk dir. in to there. Ngiaet
now her pregnancy.] See: pis d be sathmuk sk kulp. You go into the
swollen, used to refer to pregnant water there.
animals. sathvono dir. up there to. Ngia thor
sarumga n. belly; paunch. Ngi lu ava sathvono sva ur. You move up
sarumga! Look at his big belly! Pl: there to the bush.
sarum. sathvui dir. over there. Stephan ka
sarumgi n. belly; stomach. Aruan met sai sathvui ia Ili. Stephan went
sarumgi. A painful stomach, a there to Ili.
stomach-ache. Pl: sarum. Variant: sathvuit dir. out there. Kule ngo
saremgi. sathvuit da mr ptha ngo. I stay
sasongacha n. black ant. Kama saso- out there and I feel fine.
ngacha cha mon smt gu sacho- sathvuk dir. up there. Ngi thor gi
ngacha. The black ant got into my baul sathvuk. You wash your
eye. Pl: sasong. clothes up there (along the river).
sas t vt. 1 dig out. Auk, nasot sa cha sauk up; to the top.
sas tchama vun'gi at palo. Well,
sauthuchi n. infertile woman. Aruchi
afterwards he dug out the turtles
avaik da chama sauthuchi ma
choiku chi na tal athonga oes. That
2 remove. Gunank kia chuar woman is infertile for she has no
nango ia ngu sas tchama children. Pl: sauthu.
ngmng nmt kama butki. My
savangini n. bird sp.; sparrow. George
mother told me to remove the
ka chthp kama savangini. George
firewood from the large fire.
caught the sparrow with his hands.
sathm to. Pl: savang.
sathmanp dir. down there. Ngia save dir. to there. Joseph ka met save
thon sathmanp. You move down ia Ili. Joseph went to Ili.
savono dir. 1 upwards. Di chia ve chi
sathmani dir. down this way. Ngia bn p puit savono... And then it
naingim sathmani. You looked started to go upwards... Petrus ka
down this way. met savono sva mbang. Petrus
sathmano dir. into there. Ka mon went up to the house.
sathmono de cha ts. He went into 2 inland. Da sik ti ns ngt mt
there and he ate. kama aio vasik ti tal ngt savono.
sathmk dir. down there. Ngi thor gi And they put them into the bamboo so
baul sathmk. You wash your that they can carry them inland.
clothes further down there (along the 3 shorewards. ... kama duraika d
river). cha vrap d cha vang savono. ... the
sathmonp over to the other side; rooster, he flew and he went to shore.
over there. savui dir. over to distant. Ngua et
sathmono dir. over there. Ngia savui ia Kokopo. I will go over to
thuchun sathmono. You sit over Kokopo.
there. savuit adv. 1 more. Nge d tha von

savuit seinggi

nge n dul savuit. You, they gave you secha n. 1 orphaned boy, he is one
more money. who often grows up to be a person
2 first. Ta oerna da kosa ma Peter who can do many good things.
d cha mn savuit. They competed Pl: sekpek.
with each other and Peter came first. 2 hero; a skilful clever person who
savuit dir. up. Di chia nia savuit sa does many good things. Kama secha
manp. And she hit him up and down. cha vlng chama aurachi. The hero
killed the witch. Pl: sekpek.
savuk dir. up; to the top. Ngi sek kama
3 little finger. See: mavnini little
uratki savuk sd gua lang. You lift
the basket up onto my shoulder.
Variant: sauk. secha n. trap. Usage: Abilta dialect.
Manuel ka vlng kama marupki
savur nvem vi-so. overgrown. Atha is
nmt ava secha. Manuel killed a
savur nvem ngt i choi thi nat
cassowary which was caught in his
mon smthatha munambs. Her
trap. Pl: sek. See: baurka trap.
road was overgrown [Lit: overgrown in
it] because they were not going along secha story.
it (to church) on religious holidays. sechabangga n. boisterous man;
sda to. someone who is always talking and
laughing loudly. Nge da sok kama
sdamr adv. correctly; right. Ka
sechabangga nange ta ith. You are
methamn nagt sdamr. He said it
a boisterous man. Pl: sechabangda.
correctly. Ka mu ngt sdamr. He
put them the right way. Variant: sechabanggi n. boisterous woman.
sndamr. schi n. marriage. Muk mt kama
sdamr n dir. 1 right by. Ngia thu schi da amarn ama chdichn.
chama seska sdamr nchama There were many problems in the
schulchi. You put the rope right by marriage.
the post. sechi n. 1 orphaned girl.
2 directly to. D ch bn scha ivi 2 female hero.
vtka ngmnggi sdamr ncha schlchi large post.
langgrka vuk. It climbed with it up
schup vt. sweep. Ngi schup kama
along the tree, directly to the parrot at
chinpki. You sweep the ashes.
the top. Variant: sndamr n.
schup mt vt. cross out. Ka schup
sdamr veia adv. at the same time as;
mt kama chutkut. He crossed out
while. Kia mn sdamr veia ut ts.
the writing.
She arrived at the same time as we
were eating. Variant: sndamr veia. schup pt vt. sweep. Ngi su ia ngi
schup vt gia vtka. You try and
sde to.
sweep your house.
sd prep. to. ... ng thal kama lulngi
schup s vt. erase. Ngu suchup
avaik sa muit sd ch sulves
schama chutkut. I erase the
angtha thng. ... they carried that
writing. Variant: suchup s.
boat towards the shore, to the reef.
Variant: sda; sde; snd; snda. schuvm n. broom. Ngua thp
mchama schup sva mbang. I
sdngtham dir. in front. Peia thi
worked with the broom in the house.
gamar dai cha mair sdngtham.
Pl: schup. Variant: suchupvm.
When they fought, he stood at the
front. Variant: sndngetham. sgk one.
sdvthik dir. beside. Ka mair sgm one short one.
sdvthik diva inmo ini gamar. He sgnacha net bag (bilum).
stood by his side so they could both sgni one small one.
fight. Ngia thuchun sdvthik. You
sei again.
sit next to him. Variant: sndvthik.
seinggi rain.
s to; with.

sk snas

sk to; about; at; onto. (kaukau). See: sek pt peel (e.g. a

sek vt. 1 lift. Sek kama mnggi. Lift banana...).
up the wood. smk into; down into. Usage: Abilta
2 raise. Sek pthik. Raise his hand. dialect.
3 pick up. Ngi sek giuratki. You smni prep. 1 across. Ka met
pick up your basket. smni cha renggi. He went across
sek alugut sa-vi. 1 be married. to the river.
Ngmbs in sek alugut. They are 2 onto. Amnggi chia sp smni
not married. cha renggi. The tree fell onto the
2 get married. Asik pia vandi ki river.
sek alugut... When she wants to get smnina dir. up and down; across;
married... Variant: mt agut (Abilta from one to another; e.g. across a
dialect). series of valleys and ridges. Ka
sek d vt. husk coconuts. Sa chi sek d monel va ur ma cha met kama gali
chama lams... She husks the smnina. He hunted in the bush
coconuts... where he went from ridge to ridge.
sek mni vt. walk through; walk smn pt vi-so. 1 be lumpy. Kama
across; especially of walking across, chlumen'gi ama smn pthachi.
that is, through a river. Ngi na sek The toad is lumpy.
mni chama guaremga avak i sok a 2 have welts. Ta vanis tmga da
chrotka. You should not cross that smn pthacha. They beat him and
rapid because it is so strong. he got welts.
sekmes sa-vi. get up. Ngi sekmes diva smn'gi n. welts on the skin. A smn
ut tet. You get up so we can go. pthacha nmt kama mambl.
Variant: sepmes. There are welts on his skin from the
sek na sa-vi. marry each other. beating sticks. Pl: smn.
Lugutvthaiom in sek na. The smsng dir. to the ground;
couple got married. downwards. Ch su ia cha that
sek nanas sa-vi. be lonely. Kama kama lams smsng. He will try to
rucha thaithak da ch sp ma sek get the coconuts down to the ground.
nanas. This man is lonely. smt prep. 1 into. Auk, sa ngni
sek pt vt. peel; e.g. a banana or an donanas smt kama lulengi. Well,
orange. Chia sek pt at thoemini you all jump into the boat. Ngi thor
angt thangemgi. She peeled her n chama renggi smt kama
babys banana. See: sem bt peel (e.g. banggruanggi. You pour the water
taro...). into the saucepan.
slp bone. 2 down into. Ithik nge ama
chumska ngia thon samuk smt
slpki bone.
kama lechi. Now, you man, you get
slichigl piece of meat. down into the hole. Variant: smk
slik meat from pigs, fish, cassowaries (Abilta dialect).
etc. smga n. distant cousin. Gu smgi ma
slika n. body; especially a dead body. urngi, ngi tvng aun mndas dak
Ta thar tm sava slika nmtha ngu ni alikmt ngo. My cousin the
mumenina. They took his body off the prawn, you sing our Mndas song but
cross. not me, I have got a narrow mouth.
sm vt. trim; especially of hair. Sa Pl: smbek.
ngavem in sm na. The two of them smgi n. distant female cousin.
trimmed each other(s hair). sna altogether.
sem bt vt. peel; e.g. taro or sweet snas adv. forever. Da kosa peia ma
potato (kaukau). Ngu sem bt kama unmlm kosa chia ingip snas. The
kalasung. You peel the sweet potato second time, it just died forever.

snas ser ma

Variant: sanas. sengglavrki n. grey lizard sp.; up to

snas dir. to oneself; about oneself. 8 cm long. Pl: sengglavr.
Sok chlep ma malachi snas. The snggratki n. freshwater fish sp.;
wild fowl felt really embarrassed silver with scales; has two black
about herself. spots on its tail. Pl: snggrat.
senbes n. blind; refers to a woven cane sp sa-vi. fall. Kama lamsachi chia
wall. Chumsta tha ser kama sp. The coconut palm fell.
senbes. The men wove the blind. sp ma make.
Pl: sen.
sepmaron vm mes sa-vi. settle ones
snngacha n. heart. Snngacha stomach. Ka spmaron vm mes
ch tk smt chdengm mo. The dasa mnap ka. His stomach settled
heart works inside all bodies. and he slept.
Pl: snng.
sp m vt. make. Cha sp mchama
senpepa n. sandpaper. Angbs nanga avtka ava luchupka. She made a
senpepa. There is no sandpaper. space for the house. Kule ma ngi sp
From: English, Tok Pisin: sandpaper, ma sek nanas. Do not make yourself
sanpepa. lonely. Kule ma ngi sp mamor
sensocha n. chainsaw. Kama senso nanas. Do not make yourself big.
cha chrtp schama mrachuvam Variant: sp ma.
ama unbam nmni chama mra- sepmes get up.
chuvachi ama ululki. The chainsaw
sp samk sa-vi. 1 fall down. Vlmga
cut two pieces from the large trunk.
cha sp samk smt ka lechi. The
Pl: senso. From: English, Tok Pisin:
pig fell down into the hole.
chainsaw, senso.
2 faint.
sen'ga n. executioner. Morph: senka. Lit:
knife-M.SG. spsp glm duck down; fall down.
sen'ga n. necklace; chain. Chia mu spsp na vi-so. 1 duck down. Sp-
atha sen'ga vthat kn. She put the sp na ut dut pang mavangam. We
chain around her neck. Pl: sen. From: ducked and ran everywhere.
English, Tok Pisin: chain, sen. 2 fall down. Spsp nacha. He fell
sen'gi knife. down. Variant: spsp glm.
seng at the base; in the vicinity of; ser sa-vi. knock; tap; e.g. by hitting a
close to. drum. Ki ser da ut nari nva lat. She
beat (the drum) and we heard it from
sng prep. 1 at the base. Cha monel
the garden.
maulul, sa vaim ng vn kama
vlmga sng gama ngmngga. He ser vt. weave; process of making a
hunted for a long time, then the dogs blind or a basket. Gu mamk ka
stopped the pig at the foot of a tree. drm ch ser urat. My father knows
how to weave baskets.
2 in the vicinity of; close to. Cha
mair sng ngaiom aindik. He stood sr adv. first. Asik nma da chule cha
to the side of them. Tha ve imk seng maulul da asik nma da sr vus
chama renggi. They are there, down scha? Who would stay under longest
by the river. Variant: seng; snng and who would come out first?
(Abilta dialect). sravtki shirt; clothes; uniform.
sengangthaik angt vus n. wrist. sren sa-vi. be bitter. Ngmng
Aruan sengangthaik angt vus. A angkthop da ngthi sren. The
sore wrist. tree's sap is bitter. Ka ms kama
sng av vus n. nape; the place where thinmga ava chthiachi d chia
the head joins the neck. Sng ngua sren mtka. He ate the fish's
vus. The nape of my neck. pancreas and it was bitter.
snggk one. ser ma vi-so. first. Ut vang da ser ma
ngo ngua mn. We ran and I was first
snggvs one flat one.

srpm na sichirdot

to arrive. Variant: chier. feel proud; be a nuisance.

srpm na vi-so. stop suddenly; stop svana dir. to each other. Kule ma
with a jolt; e.g. when a car brakes ngn damn svana veia ngni
suddenly. Srpm nango mundu ma sunas. Do not talk to each other when
koi ngua ndrm ia nma. I stopped you are learning.
with a jolt because I did not know who svanas dir. to oneself; about oneself.
it was. Ngo d ngua ndrm svanas ia choi
ser t shell. ngo nai nath. Me, I know about
ser tm vt. shell; e.g. peanuts, beans myself that I am not from here.
etc. Ngu ser tchama pinatvap svau steal.
smt kama kapki. I am shelling the svau t steal.
peanuts into the cup. Variant: ser t.
svautha thief.
srtik na vt. 1 settle. Ngi oemka k
svk to; about; at; onto. Usage: Abilta
tnok, ngi thu ma srtik nacha sa.
Your son is crying, you should settle
him. svm prep. into. Cha thon cha-
mathinm svm kama renggi. He
2 straighten out. Ithik d thi
threw the fish into the river.
kuares ia tha tu chama varkurai
ura amethamon diva sik ti sp ma svt prep. 1 to. Ka tet ithcha
srtik na methamon. Now they say renggi ivi nisa save sk kama
that they go to court or (have a) chthopka achk. He went along the
discussion to straighten out the river and came to a pool.
dispute. 2 about. Ut tamn svt kama lat.
sskpes adv. readily; easily. Ta met We talked about the garden.
mt ka luln'gi save ia Kokopo da 3 at. Ki ngim sai svt av
sskpes klan. They went to Kokopo sachong. She looked again at his
in the boat without difficulty. eyes.
4 onto. Auk, ki thor na chama
seseraik n. splash. Sok agia seseraik
arenggi svt kama lams... Well,
klan avik! Really, what a great splash
she pours the water onto the
that was!
coconut... Variant: sk; svk (Abilta
sska n. childless man. Philip da sska dialect); svtha.
nacha ma choiku cha sk alugut.
svtha to; about; at; onto.
Philip is childless, he has not married.
Pl: ssta. svocha n. thief. Peter sok kama
svocha mamr ma mrmr k
sski n. childless woman.
svo thmga ma arura athva
ssur vi-so. be blind. Vaimga da ssur duraik. Peter was really a thief, he
ka. The dog is blind. was always stealing peoples chickens.
set adv. very fast. Kama luln'gi chi Pl: svotha. Variant: svaucha.
bang ma sok set klan. The boat is svochi n. female thief.
very fast.
siait n. chair. Ngia thuchun mni cha-
st smooth. ma siait. You sit in the chair.
sth to. Pl: siaink. From: English, Tok Pisin:
sthm prep. to. Ngi ns ngt sthm chair, sia.
kama baul. You put them in with the sichirki dirt.
clothes. Variant: sathm; sth. sichirdot vi-so. shrink back, as for an
sthmna dir. to each other. D chule octopus that realises it has been
d ve ut tamon sthmna. And then seen; make yourself inconspicuous,
we talked to each other. e.g. if you are ashamed or to avoid
sva prep. to. Chia met sva lat. She being volunteered to do something.
went to the garden. Ngua mn pthacha vt gua
mbangga da kosa sichirdotka. I
sevaik pt rejoice; be happy; be joyful;
found him in my house and he just

sichirki skoi

shrunk back. ava singiliski nave ia Tropicana.

sichirki n. dirt. Pl: sichir. Variant: Petrus bought his t-shirt from Tropi-
sichirki. cana. Pl: singglis. Variant: singiliski.
From: English, Tok Pisin: singlet, singlis.
sichirki mt vi-so. be dirty; especially,
but not exclusively, to have a dirty singiliski t-shirt; shirt.
face. Giama baul d sichirki vtha Sion n. Zion. From: English, Tok Pisin:
ngt. Your clothes are dirty. Zion, Sion.
sichirki mt be dirty all over. siotki n. shirt. Paulus ka thor ava
sichirki vt vi-so. be dirty all over. siotki mni cha renggi. Paul washed
Giama baul d sichirki vtha ngt. his shirt at the river. Pl: siot. From:
Your clothes are dirty all over. Variant: English, Tok pisin; shirt, siot.
sichirki mt. sip later.
sik future; when. sipen'gi n. pot; saucepan. Ngo, gu
sika if. sipen'gi avaik. Me, that is my pot.
Pl: sipen. Variant: sospen'gi. From:
silingim n. old net bag (bilum). Da
English, Tok Pisin: saucepan, sospen.
nasot tat kama dulki da thi neski
vam kama silingim. Then later they sipki n. ship. D chama sip ma
would get the stone and they would misingna athvama sip ng mt
put it in an old net bag (bilum). kama rutha nave ia Matupit. And
Pl: silingbap. the mission's ship got the people from
Matupit. Pl: sip. From: English, Tok
siluigl n. freshwater fish sp.; brown;
Pisin: ship, sip.
flat, rounded shape like a flounder;
up to 30 cm across; can sting with a sipunini n. small spoon; teaspoon.
sharp barb on either side of its tail. sipun'ga n. spoon; especially some-
Pl: silu. thing about the size of a dessert
simalachi n. 1 tapa cloth; traditional spoon or soup spoon. At sipun'ga
covering worn by men; a strip of chave mt atha thalka. Her spoon is
bark cloth that goes between the in her small net bag (bilum). Pl: sipun.
legs, attached to a waistband. Chu- From: English, Tok Pisin: spoon, spun.
msta tha mo da achkachk da va sipun'gi n. large spoon; e.g. a serving
simalachi. Each man has his bark spoon. Pl: sipun.
cloth (tapa cloth). sirachi n. name of Mndas mask;
2 underpants. Ka mu ava similar to the adamga but the front
simalachi. He put on his underpants. is flat and the back is rounded like
Pl: simal. half a pawpaw.
simen'gi n. cement; especially a bag of sis sa-vi. swell. Kama variachi chiave
cement or a block of cement. Tha chi sis mamor diva morki. The
met tha mt kama gis iva thi np breadfruit is swelling up to be big.
nangt ngn chama simen. They sisel n. chisel. Ka mt kama sisel
went and got the pebbles in order to naglm ngo. He got the chisel from
mix them in the cement. Pl: simen. me. From: English, Tok Pisin: chisel,
From: English, Tok Pisin: cement, simen. sisel.
sing sa-vi. chew. Thi sing masa. They sisiska n. scissors. Ta sm uvski
chew (betelnut) a lot. nchama sisiska. They trimmed his
singal spirit world. head with scissors. Pl: sisis. From:
singalka snake; worm; dangerous English, Tok Pisin: scissors, sisis.
spirit; Satan; devil. sisit na vt. sneak up; creep up; refers
singgliski n. t-shirt; shirt. Ngia mon to moving quietly and slowly without
mt kama singgliska di ngia np being seen. Da chule di chia nai
nachi ia na vono sa muk. You put the sisit nacha inamuk. And then it tried
shirt on and (when you did) you turned to sneak up on him.
it inside out. Petrus ka vondm met skoi disc. still not. Sa chule sa maulul,

skruchm slvs

skoi ngua ndrm ia asika mndik slavo sa-vi. sin. Kule ma ngi slavo. You
ama minia, ti kuar ia amorta thi should not sin.
kuar sa maulul. Then a long time slavocha n. sin. Gua slavocha. My sin.
afterwards, I still do not know how Pl: slavo.
many years it was, they say that the
slavochi n. mess; disarray. Athoes ta
ancestors say a long time. Morph: as=
munggas p chama vtka sok
koi. Lit: still=not.
aslavochi chlan. Children played in a
skruchm n. bolt. Ka vondm chama house and it was really in a mess.
skruchm. He bought the bolt. Pl: slavo.
Pl: skru. From: English, Tok Pisin: screw,
slavo na vt. 1 degrade. A! Nge ama
gaini chlan dak kina sok ngia
skrudraiva n. screwdriver. Koi nanga slavo nango. Oh! You are only a small
skrudraiva taith. There is no thing but you have degraded me.
screwdriver here. From: English, Tok
2 damage. Kama kaumatka cha
Pisin: screwdriver, skrudraiva.
nes ava chulimgi d cha slavo
slabar n. racket. Kule ma ngia tt gia nacha. The rat bit its nose and really
slabar smt kama thoemini. Do damaged it.
not disturb the baby with your racket.
slavovmka n. sinner. Aslavovmka
slamen dm vt. 1 read. Ngi slamen cha npnanas sa mrka. The sinner
dm chama tlngm. You read the changed himself into a good person.
books. Pl: slavovmta.
2 count. Ngi slamen dm chama slavovmki n. female sinner.
lams. You count the coconuts.
sleitigl n. slate. Thoes ngthi chut
slameng vt vt. read. Ka slameng vt pt kama sleit pachvang. The
kama tlng nangl ava nank. He children write on those particular
read the letter from his mother. slates. Pl: sleit. From: English, Tok Pisin:
slamrki n. treatment; cure. Pl: slamr. slate, slet.
slamrki hospital; health centre. slpka n. pencil. Slpka ithak k kut
slamr n vt. 1 cure. mamr. This pencil writes well.
Pl: slp.
2 save. Sa cha ve cha slamr
nangn. He was saving you all. slpka vamgi n. nib; pen point; pencil
point. Vl mt kama slpka vamgi.
slamr vm vt. 1 fix. Chia ve chi
The pencil point broke. Pl: slpka
slamr vm kama vtka. She is
tidying the house.
slpki n. bone. Vaimga cha tet mavo
2 tidy. Chia ve chi slamr vm
mndu ma vl savama slpki va
kama vtka. She is tidying the house.
vathng. The dog walks badly
slavarki n. shell; skin; specifically the because it broke a bone in its back.
discarded shell of a crab, prawn, Slp aruan nangt ngmo. Grippe.
lobster, or a snake skin. Ka lu cha- [Lit: Bones are all pain(ful).] Pl: slp.
ma ulan'gi atha slavarki mni ava Variant: slp; slpki.
lavichi. He saw the discarded skin of
slpki ama ngpuski n. skull. Ngua
a snake on his bed. Pl: slavar.
lu chama slpki ama ngpuski vaur
slavar pt vi-so. have ringworm. Isaac ma vaimga va chik. I saw the skull of
d slavar pthacha. Isaac has ring- a dog in the bush. Pl: slp ama
worm. ngpus.
slavirochi n. large net bag (bilum); slp pt vi-so. be skinny; be bony. Kule
made from split bush canes; used for ut pa ur. Nengias ut da slp ptha
carrying food. Ki tal atha not mt ut. We stayed in the bush. We were
atha ma slavirochi. She carried her hungry and we were skinny.
taro in her large net bag (bilum).
slvs n. skeleton. Arucha av slvs.
Pl: slaviroch.
A persons skeleton. Note: no endings.

slvini sot na

slvini n. leg. Pl: slvithong. See: selves. Tha mn snas gl atheva

alchar foot; leg (the whole limb); sunasvmga. They report about
snainggi thigh. themselves to their teacher.
slichigl n. piece of meat. Cha tt snda to.
kama dichi vachvaik d cha va ka sndamr correctly; right.
tstmna nchama slichigl. He
sndamr vt. be aware. Dak ngia
has got that taro and he is eating it
sndamr d ma Pater d cha ndrm
with one of the pieces of meat.
mamr. And you are aware that
Pl: slichiglng. Variant: slichigl.
Father knew it properly.
slichini n. bit of meat. Sa ut met save
sndamr n right by; directly to.
sva vt sauthaman slichithong.
Then we went to our house with our sndamr veia at the same time as;
bits of meat. Pl: slichithong. while.
slik n. meat from pigs, fish, snd to.
cassowaries etc. Ngo vandi nguas sndngetham in front.
ama vlmga v slik. I want to eat pig sndvthik beside.
meat. Variant: slik.
sne prep. in; within. Ti ngim mk sne a
sna adv. 1 altogether. Ut mo uthi mbanga aluat. They searched around
slamen dm sna... We all counted in the bark (walls) of the house.
together... Dul sna vt kama reng
snggchit one large one.
angtham. There are many stones
altogether at the riverbank. snng at the base; in the vicinity of;
close to. Usage: Abilta dialect.
2 simultaneously. Thik da ngu
slamen dm da un mo uni vt aun snngacha n. idea. Ka tu asnng ia
bs sna. I will count now and we will sik k vlng avanga vlmga. He got
both dive under simultaneously. the idea that he would kill a pig.
Variant: sna. Pl: snng. Variant: asnngacha. See: tu
av snng think.
snaingbam n. trousers. Atha snaing-
bam ma mrvam. Her trousers are snos ama mor n. large sea urchin sp.
nice. Pl: snaingbap. snoska n. sea urchin sp.; is covered in
snainggi n. thigh. Duraika vasnaing- many spikes. Pl: snos.
gi. The rooster's thigh. Pl: snaing. See: socha n. saw. Gu mamk da v socha.
slvini leg. My father has a saw. Socha av
snaingithini n. small thigh. Pl: snai- unpka. Sawdust. Pl: so. From: English,
ngithong. Tok Pisin: saw, so. See: arerika saw.
snan vt. ask. Ki snan nani agit. She is soenggi rain.
asking for something. sok disc. really; truly. Sok ka lu cha ma
snandvr na vt. ask. K snandvr cha vn. He really saw him climbing.
nango nani ava sen'gi. He is asking solmarasin n. Epsom salts. Tha
me for his knife. vondm solmarasin save ia arm
snani dir. 1 on. Ngia thair snani ava angtha banggi. They brought
mrmr. You stand on his right side. Epsom salts to the hospital. From:
English, Tok Pisin: salt medicine,
2 in. Gua latini pavni snani
aurki. My particular garden is in the
bush. sospen'gi pot; saucepan.
3 at. sot sa-vi. be finished. Sa ng sot. It
snania prep. 1 against. Ngua mu- (food) is finished. Sa chia sot. It
ngun snani chama palanga. I sat (water) is finished. Uthi kthik
against the plank. pthachi duthi sot. We tied it up and
we finished.
2 right beside. Ngia tuchun
snania ngo. You sit right beside me. sot na vt. have a break from. Athoes ta
sot na sunaski. The kids had a break
snas dir. for themselves; about them-

sot na sunaski suarki

from school. edible; different types vary in size,

sot na sunaski sa-vi. graduate. Ngua up to 6 cm long; eats the wood of
sot na sunaski vt ka mudika vak trees including pawpaw, galip nut
mali. I graduated last year. (Canarium indicum), and cocoa
trees. Pl: srong.
sprinm n. aspirin. Ngi naik kama
asprinm. You drink the aspirin. sru huge; gigantic.
From: English, Tok Pisin: aspirin, asprin. sruban'ga tree sp.
sragan'gi n. large net bag (bilum); srubn'ga n. tree sp.; if you touch it
made from bush vines; usually used your skin swells. Bp scha sachong
for carrying food. Pl: sragan. nmt kama sruban'ga. (His) eyes
sravtki n. shirt; clothes; uniform. Gu were temporarily blinded by the
sravtki avaik. That is my shirt. sruban'ga tree. Pl: srubn. Variant:
Pl: sravt. Variant: sravtki. sruban'ga.
srbaingbaingga n. gliding possum; srucha n. 1 giant. Kama thaliaska
grey with a yellow belly. Ngua lu ma srucha cha ms ma secha. The
chama srbaingbaingga vt kama wizard, who was a giant, ate the hero.
lamsachi chi thvus. I saw the Pl: srutha.
gliding possum on the top of a coconut 2 old man. Ka srucha avak da
tree. Pl: srbaingbaing. aulabungacha i choiku nava nga
srebaingbainggi n. spider sp.; baulki. That old man is naked for he
greyish brown; lives in trees; has no wraparound cloth (laplap).
stretches its legs out to the front and Pl: srutha.
back so that it looks thin; up to 6 cm sruchi n. 1 female giant.
long, including its legs; builds a 2 old woman.
small web on the tree.
sruk vt. pour; spill; tip out; specifically
Pl: srebaingbaing.
of dry things such as gravel. Sruk
srmn vt. surprise. Ngk d chama kama msms nmt kama urat.
vaimga via tha srmunacha. The Tip the food out of the basket.
dog grunted when they surprised it.
srumn'ga n. dangerous man; one
Variant: srmun.
who reacts violently and impulsively
srmn vt vi-so. be surprised. to a sudden shock or noise. Lukas d
Srmn vtha ut nmt kama chama srumnga. Av'oes da sok koi
umngachi. We were surprised by ngna munggas namtha cha ve ia
the flash flood. mnapka. Luke is a man who reacts
srmn gl vi-so. get a shock. violently to any sudden noise. His
Mchvs, kunngga achk, children really do not play near him
srmn gl kama rura. Once, one when he sleeps. Pl: srumnda. Note: no
day, people got a shock. feminine.
srmun surprise. su vt. 1 try. Uthi su ia ut tugas. We
srendm vt. sting. Kama waingimachi are trying to play.
chia srendm ngo. The bee stung 2 teach. Gu mamk k su ut ve
me. Amngga ma ch srendm. A vavt. My father teaches us at home.
tree that stings. Cha sucha thmngt. He taught him
srp adj. ripe. Mulichi ithaik da about them.
srpki. This orange is ripe. suacha n. shellfish sp.; found in the
srvm n. dwarf. Ka lu chama srvem river; rounded black shell with red
vt kama renggi atham. He saw the inside; lays its eggs on the outside of
dwarf at the riverbank. Pl: srvap. its shell; up to 2 cm across. Pl: suak.
srik sa-vi. move aside. Ngi srik nmn suarki n. mistletoe; grows on the
kama morka. You move aside for the branches of trees; has green leaves,
big man. From: Tok Pisin: surik move. grey stalks, and red flowers; seeds
are sticky; kills the trees that it
srongachi n. grub sp.; white and

su ba sunasvmgi

grows on. Kama suarki chia dn yourself. Ka suchut nanas

puk klan chama mng angthi- mthavama baul. He tried on the
kink. Mistletoe only grows on tree clothes.
branches. suk dm vt. forget. Cha suk dm
su ba vt. sign; make signs. Thi su ba autha methamn. He forgot our
chi chlan mndu ma ngmbs ki na language.
nari. They make signs for her because suk dm vi-so. fall down. Ava lunaski
she cannot hear. sukdmgi da pk tmgi. His mirror
subicha n. mute. Ngmbes nanga fell down and broke.
subicha taith. There are no mutes sukderut n vi-so. wither; die from the
here. roots up. Sukderut nchama rut
suchi n. shoe. Ka mon mt kama suchi ama tha vt ngt. The stalk that they
ama snggeik klan. He wore one planted withered.
shoe only. Pl: su. From: English, Tok sukderut s vi-so. be stillborn; a baby
Pisin: shoe, su. See: alcharachi shoe. that dies before birth. Sukderut
suchulia n. long post. Kusek kama schama thoemini da angt nank
suchulia ma snggit. There is only atha ron. The baby died inside its
one long post. Pl: suchulink. mother's belly.
suchulki n. large post. Kama suchulki sul n. reef. Kama sul ng ve ng ndn
ithaik nani chama mbangga. This mamor mt autha garski atham.
large post is for the house. Pl: suchul. The reef is growing rapidly along our
Variant: schlchi. beach.
suchulvet n. slender post. Cha thap sulka n. 1 piece of coral.
schama suchulvet. He cut the 2 sore on the head. Sul d chama
slender post. Pl: suchuliseng. ngpski atha thop. Sul are sores on
suchupka eraser. the head. Kama sul pt uvski. The
suchup s erase. sores are on his head. Pl: sul.
suchupvm broom. sulki n. large piece of reef.
suchutka n. 1 sign; mark. Chia tu sulves n. area of reef. Sa chule sa ut
asuchut s saglm nge ia asika ath ut pe uthi tor du ut vias p
rucha cha ingip. It will give you signs mni sulves. Afterwards we, some of
that someone is going to die. us, we swam and we stepped onto the
area of reef.
2 line; boundary. Kama suchut
taithong sok asrtik. These lines are sumsumigl n. fish sp.; lives on reef;
very straight. Pl: suchut. Variant: brown with tiny scales; up to 20 cm
asuchut. long. Pl: sumsum.
suchutki n. water line or flood line sunas vt. learn; train; study. Ngi sunas
that shows how high a river flows. ia ngi pai dchama balchi mamr.
Pl: suchut. You learn how to hit the ball properly.
suchut ma vt. appoint. Cha suchut sunaski n. school. Chia met smt
matha mt kama thktk. He kama sunaski tiathik. She went to
appointed them to the jobs. this school. Pl: sunas.
suchut m vt. 1 measure. Ka suchut sunaski at kvl n. lesson. Kule cha-
mchama nungulka va lat nani ava ma sunaski at kvl iva mubang.
matka. He measured the boundary of The lesson is for tomorrow. Pl: sunas
his garden for his older brother. angt kvl.
2 set out or define an area. sunasvmga n. teacher. Autha
sunasvmga ma ch su ut mamr.
suchut nanas mt vt. 1 try. Sa chi
Our teacher teaches us well.
suchut nanas mt ki. Then she tried
Pl: sunasvmda.
to go through it.
sunasvmgi n. female teacher.
2 try on; e.g. try new clothes on

sunthmbes tair snania

sunthmbes n. temptation. Asika sus d ves vi-so. hiss; refers to silent

thuchul nge ia vandi ngi vang si gia but bad smelling farts. Sus dma
ruacha ava lugutki da sok kama Robin aves da chesin. Robin farted
sunthmbes pa vvs. If you are silently and it stank. Variant: sus da
craving that you want to run away thes.
with your friend's wife, really that is a sutka n. ridgepole. Ngi thapschama
temptation. Pl: sunthm. sutka nave. You cut the ridgepole
sup vm vt. lick. Ngi sup vm kama from there. Pl: sut. See: pungngan'ga
peletka. You lick the plate. ridgepole.
sur vt. be blindfolded. Sa chave ch sur sutka glm vi-so. jump in surprise.
da sa choiku cha naingim. He is Ka chut at sarumgi da kosa sutka
blindfolded and he cannot see. glmgi. He poked her stomach and
sur na push. she jumped in surprise.
surnanas sa-vi. be wrong. Guama svo sa-vi. steal. Arucha vak d ch swo.
matmt ng surnanas. My division That man steals. Variant: swo; svau.
was wrong. svo t vt. steal. D tha met iva sa thi
sur n vt. push. Cha sur nma Peter svo thcha mundm. They went to
d cha sp. He pushed Peter and he steal the fire. Variant: svau th; svo t.
fell. Variant: sur na. svo th steal.
sus da thes hiss; fart. swo steal.

T - t

ta pro. they; them. Gram: Third person mano va nggars... Again there were
human plural class one pronoun and third people standing on the beach...
person human plural class three pronoun. 2 wait. Ngia mair naniango sa.
Choiku natha dak ta met sva lat. You waited for me for a while. Variant:
They were not here but they had gone thair; dair; mair.
to the garden. Arura ma choiku tha
tair pt vt. walk with; e.g. to help a
sunas da ut tes tha ia ddn tha.
sick person. Maria chinma Joseph
People who do not learn, we call them
in dair pthange. Mary and Joseph
confused. Variant: tha.
walked alongside you. Variant: thair
tabu angt nank insect sp. pt; dair pt; mair pt.
tabucha tree sp. tair s vt. make stand. Ta mair scha
tachski n. armband. Kvicha da d choiku cha liver ka mun. They
avama tachski. He has an armband. stood him up and he did not hurry up
Pl: tachs. Variant: thachski. and come. Variant: thair s; dair s;
taembem child; young animal. mair s.
tagumacha grasshopper sp. tair snas sa-vi. stand alone. Da sik
kok mamr ia ngia mair snas ura?
taiachi n. tyre. Purk mni chama
And was it possible for you to stand up
karki athama taiachi da kosa
by yourself? Ka tair snas diva ngu
achuskuska mtki. The tyre of the
lu cha. He stood up in order for me to
car punctured and a hissing noise
see him. Variant: thair snas; dair
came out. Pl: taia. From: English, Tok
snas; mair snas.
Pisin: tyre, taia. Note: only t.
tair snania vt. lean against something
taik this one.
while standing. Ka mair snania chi
tain sa-vi. dance. Tha met tha tain. dokosa chia vai vtha va sdem. He
They went to dance. Variant: thain; leaned on her and so she slapped his
dain; main. ears. Variant: thair snania; dair snania;
tair sa-vi. 1 stand. Sai chok ta mair mair snania.

taithaik taithvam

taithaik dem. this particular one. Gram: particular knife from Walaria Treiding.
Feminine singular proximate demonstrative Variant: thaithchm.
emphatic. Ngua chuar nange ncha- taithchit dem. this particular large
ma botki taithaik ma lamon ng one. Gram: Extended singular proximate
thonachi. I said to that you this demonstrative emphatic. Kama arengia
particular boat was washed by the taithchit da arm chama rutha
waves. Variant: thaithaik. nmt ngait. This particular creek,
taithak dem. this particular one. Gram: people have become sick from it.
Masculine singular proximate demonstrative Variant: thaithchit.
emphatic. Gi pensilka taithak. This taithmlk dem. these particular flat
particular pencil is yours. Variant: ones. Gram: Flat plural proximate demon-
thaithak. strative emphatic. Amungunimlk
taithang dem. 1 this particular one; taithmlk dai nani chama
these particular ones. Gram: Count saunasvmda. These particular seats
neutral proximate demonstrative emphatic. are for the teachers. Variant:
Aung avama vaim thaithang? Who thaithmlk. See: taithang these
owns this particular dog? particular flat ones.
2 these particular flat ones. Gram: taithmlm dem. these particular
Flat plural proximate demonstrative em- flat two. Gram: Flat dual proximate demon-
phatic. Kama tlng taithang da strative emphatic. Ngmbs ut drm ia
chama gamos nchama slik. These ta thap schama nmblimlm
particular leaves are used to wrap thithmlm nmt nma avama
meat [Lit: are packets for meat]. See: tangam. We did not know that they
taithmlk these particular flat cut these two particular banana leaves
ones. from someones banana plant. Variant:
3 these particular long ones. Gram: thaithmlm.
Long plural proximate demonstrative em- taithnk dem. these particular large
phatic. Ngni thp mchama schup ones. Gram: Extended plural proximate
taithang iva nani sunaski. You make demonstrative emphatic. Amngink
this particular broom for school. taithnk iva nani chama amng
Variant: thaithang. angtha sipki. These particular logs
taithath dem.these particular people. are for the timber ship. Variant:
Gram: Human plural proximate demon- thaithnk.
strative emphatic. Arutha taithath tha taithnm dem. these particular two
met inavuk. These particular people large ones. Gram: Extended dual proxi-
went down. Variant: thaithath. mate demonstrative emphatic. Arenginm
taith dem. right here. Gram: Proximate taithnm da ini pr ain bs
demonstrative emphatic. Chule en d da masgvs. These two particular
asik ini vs kama msms. The two creeks are joined at the top. Variant:
are staying here and they will cook thaithnm.
some food. Chulel giama thalchi taithsem dem. these particular two
ith va vt d ngias sa. Leave your long ones. Gram: Long dual proximate
bucket here at home and eat first. demonstrative emphatic. Cha thap sava-
Variant: thaith; daith; ni (Abilta ma asongisem taithsem milani.
dialect); t; d. He cut these two particular rafters
taithchm dem. this particular short yesterday. Variant: thaithsem.
one. Gram: Reduced singular proximate taiththong these particular small
demonstrative emphatic. Kama aulan'gi ones.
chia chthik kama vaimbm tai-
taithvam dem. these particular two
thchm d ngam ng ingip. The
short ones. Gram: Reduced dual proximate
snake squeezed this particular dog
demonstrative emphatic. Kama vaimbam
and it died. Gua senm taithchm
taithvam dai ma Chris avchvam.
da ngua vondm mtngam nave ia
These two particular puppies are
Walaria Treiding. I bought this

taithvap talngacha

Chriss. Bukvam taithvam dai nani ia taun. She is going to town now.
ma Elton. These two particular books 2 just like this. Gram: Emphatic
are for Elton. Variant: thaithvam. adverbial proximate demonstrative. Ngia
taithvap dem. these particular short thu ngt chlan taithik. You put
ones. Gram: Reduced plural proximate them like this. Variant: thaithik;
demonstrative emphatic. Athama vaimgi daithik.
at thoembam taithvap. These taithini dem. this particular small one.
particular puppies belong to her dog. Gram: Diminutive singular proximate demon-
Cha vt ava lamsvap taithvap d strative emphatic. Vaimini taithini da
ng dn mamr. He planted these renggi chia thal angtha rocha.
particular coconut saplings and they This particular puppy, the river
are growing well. Variant: thaithvap. carried away its friend. Variant: thai-
taithvem dem. these particular two. thini.
Gram: Feminine dual proximate demon- taithiom dem. these particular two.
strative emphatic. Aung cha vt kama Gram: Masculine dual proximate demon-
lavrve, taithvem vea gua lat. strative emphatic. Avama lamsiom
Someone planted this particular taithiom. These are his two particular
sugar-cane in my garden. Variant: coconuts. Variant: thaithiom.
taithithom dem. these particular two
taithvs dem. this particular flat one. small ones. Gram: Diminutive dual
Gram: Flat singular proximate demonstrative proximate demonstrative emphatic. Ngua
emphatic. Kama pepavs taithvs ba mt kama chaluniom taithiom
ngo diva ngu chut nchama aila. nagl gua ruacha. I got these two
This particular paper is mine for me to particular small singapores from my
draw a picture on. Variant: thaithvs. friend. Variant: thaithithom.
taithvet dem. this particular long one. taithithong dem. these particular
Gram: Long singular proximate demon- small ones. Gram: Diminutive plural proxi-
strative emphatic. Amngvet taithvet mate demonstrative emphatic. Kama
da nani chama ichthachi. This lagr ng ms kama tangam d
particular felled tree is for the fence. kusek kule taithithong. The parrots
Variant: thaithvet. ate the bananas and only left these
taithigl dem. this particular piece. particular small ones. Variant: thaithi-
Gram: Excised singular proximate demon- thong; taiththong.
strative emphatic. Adigl taithigl da nge tak this one.
ngias nave. You eat this particular
tal vt. 1 carry. Ngua thal anot mt
piece of taro. Variant: thaithigl.
kama uratki. I will carry the taros in
taithiglem dem. these particular two the basket. Ngu tal gua msms. I
pieces. Gram: Excised dual proximate carried my food. Ki tal kama diski
demonstrative emphatic. Mamk ka thap dthe vus. She carried the dish on her
schama amng angtha ma bale- head.
riglem taithiglem. Father cut the
2 move. Mithu sa ta thal avama
wood into these two particular pieces.
slp. Later they moved his bones.
Variant: thithiglem.
3 bear; specifically to bear fruit.
taithigleng dem. these particular Avival ngve ngthi tal ang thoes.
pieces. Gram: Excised plural proximate The mangoes are bearing fruit.
demonstrative emphatic. Palangigleng 4 give birth. Maria chia thal ma
taithigleng da nani chama sunaski Jesus peia Bethlehem. Mary gave
atha vt. These particular pieces of birth to Jesus in Bethlehem. Variant:
plank are for the school building. thal; dal.
Variant: thaithigleng.
talalki palm sp.
taithik dem. 1 right now. Gram:
talechachi bush sp.
Emphatic adverbial proximate demon-
strative. Chia ve chiaet taithik save talngacha n. earthworm sp.; light
brown or reddish colour; up to

talias tapioka

15 cm long; lives in soft ground. thangabs glmna nava vtka. He

Plmga cha ts kama talngacha. planted the block of bananas near his
The pig ate the earthworm. Pl: talang. house.
Variant: thalngacha. 2 banana leaf. Kia vng vet kama
talias wizard. alm nchama thangmbes. She
tamal sa-vi. laugh. Chinatha ruavek wrapped the mushrooms in a banana
thi bn cha muma d thi tamal. She leaf. Variant: thangabs.
and her friends are making fun and tangamga banana.
laughing. Variant: thamal. tangamgi n. 1 banana. Paimga
tamal t vt. laugh at. Thi tamal tcha- chave cha ts kama tangamgi. The
ma rura ma tha tusavus nanas. dog is eating a banana.
They laughed at the people who were 2 banana plant. Pl: tangam. Variant:
acting funny. Variant: thamal t. thangamgi; tangamga; thangamga.
tamasnggi n. cleared area; a place tangamigl n. 1 banana block;
where the ground has been cleared banana plantation; referring to an
(except for big trees); the first stage area planted with bananas.
in making a garden. Pl: tamasng.
2 piece of banana. Variant: thanga-
tamn sa-vi. speak. Nge vik iva ngia minggel.
tamn. You now, your turn to speak.
tangammtka n. Tolai man.
Variant: thamn; methamn; tamon;
Tangammtta avama gunan'ga.
thamon; methamon.
The Tolais store. Pl: tangammtta.
tamn dm vt. 1 sanctify; in
tangammtki n. Tolai woman.
Christian religious contexts.
tanger vt vt. 1 snap; break off. ... d
2 bewitch; refers to speaking
cha ndn bono, d ch tanger vt
power into something by sorcery.
k lagun'ga uvs. ... and he reaches
Kule sa chave cha mr kama
the top, and he breaks the top off the
mavan, d cha tamn dm ngt.
victory leaf. Ka rucha cha thanger
Afterwards, he pulled out some ginger
vt kama lagun'ga uvs da kosa
and bewitched it. Variant: thamn dm;
cha ve ch gamar natha. The man
methamn dm.
broke off the top of the victory leaf and
tamn ithm mes vt. confess. Sa started to fight them.
chule sa asik ka methamn ithm
2 spear. Sa ka thanger vt kama
mes ava iska. Later on he confessed
vlemga. He already speared the pig.
his road. Variant: thamn ithm mes;
Variant: thanger vt.
methamn ithm mes; tamon ithm
mes; thamon ithm mes; methamon tangirka n. deep sea fish sp.; looks like
ithm mes. the malisacha species; whitish with
very sharp teeth; up to 2 m long; no
tamn pthanas s vt. give thanks.
scales. Pl: tangir. Note: only t.
Ut tamn pthanas s Deo vuk. We
give thanks to God above. Variant: tap sa-vi. make a cut. Ka thap mni
thamn pthanas s. chama variacha da vus schama
niare nmt ava chndeng. He cut
tamn sthm vt. tell. Kia methamn
the breadfruit tree and the sap came
sthm ngo ia sik kia thet save ia
out of its bark. Kama biurka mni
Kokopo. She told me that she would
uvski nmet kama asengi ama cha
go to Kokopo. Variant: thamn sthm;
thp nachi. The scar on his head is
methamn sthm.
from the knife which he cut with.
tamon speak. Variant: thap. See: tp cut.
tamon ithm mes confess. tapeligl n. slate. Ava tapeligl ma
tang these; these flat ones. Usage: Abilta achru ngigl. His slate is new.
dialect. Pl: tapel. Note: only t.
tangabs n. 1 banana block; an area tapioka n. tapioca. Ut ts kama
planted with bananas. Ka vt kama tapiok. We ate the tapioca. Pl: tapiok.

tap s tat mt

From: English, Tok Pisin: tapioca, tar mt vt. open. Chule maulul
tapioka. See: kacholka tapioca. machlak sa ngua thar mt kama
tap s vt. 1 cut down; especially of lunas. A bit later I opened the louvre.
trees; also used to refer to the act of Variant: thar mt.
clearing an area of bush. Kule ma tar s vt. pour out; especially of water
ngi thap schama churemgi! Don't from a tap. Kule ma ngi tar scha-
cut down the betel palm! Ka thap ma renggi. Do not let the water pour
schama thchusachi nava out. Variant: thar s; dar s; mar s.
vthapki. He cut down the fig tree tar s vi-so. fall out. Ava angtkeng mo
with his axe. mar sngt dak nvt kama sgk.
2 cut off. Chia thap sa atha All his teeth fell out but one. Variant:
angthika ama sacha ava ravski. thar s; dar s; mar s.
She cut off the nail of her little finger. tar tm vt. 1 remove; take off. Ta
Ava nank kia chuar nacha iva ch thar tm sava slika nmtha
thap schama nmblimlm. Cha mumenina. They took his body off the
met d cha vat vthanas ia cross.
anggimlm ma chat imlm. His
2 uncover. Da chule sa nasot sa ta
mother told him to cut off two leaves.
thartm ga vn bachvang.
He went and forgot which two to cut.
Afterwards, they uncovered those
Variant: thap s; thap sa.
earth ovens (mumus). Variant: thar
tar sa-vi. fall; particularly of fruit. tm.
Avivual ng ve ng tar. The mangoes
tas sa-vi. 1 sleep. Kia mun beia tha
are falling to the ground. Variant: thar;
tas ve... She arrived there where they
dar; mar.
tareracha grasshopper sp.
2 lie down. Ngia thas mmi gi
tares vt. press. Cha rares kama vilchi lavichi. You lie on your bed. Variant:
atha vlnini. He pressed the trigger thas; das; mas.
of the gun. Variant: thares; rares.
tasingl n. starfish sp.; live on the reef;
taresbana vt. promise. John knava two types, both with four arms: one
lugutki in raresbana ia ini sek na is red and covered in poisonous
da dng beia ini ingip. John and his spikes, the other is blue and has
wife promised that they would stay spikes on its back. Pl: task. Pl:
married until they die. Variant: tasigleng.
tharesbana; raresbana.
tat vt. 1 get. Ngua tat banas. I get (it)
tares dm vt. agree. Tha mo tha res for myself. Ch su ia cha that kama
dm ia asik kama bangga ma lams smsng. He will try to get
umska cha thair. They all agreed the coconuts down to the ground.
that there should be a mens house.
2 give birth. Usage: Note that the
Variant: thares dm; res dm.
present tense is not used because it
taresini trouble. would make a command Have your
tares pt vt. praise; worship. Ut tet baby now!; only that and mat are
dut rares pthacha. We go and we usually used. Variant: that; dat; mat;
worship him. Variant: rares pt; thares tht; tt; dt; mt.
pt. tat d copy.
tares svt vt. 1 note. Cha dares tat dm vt. copy. Thoemga vak ka tat
svt avama msms ma cha ngaip dm nge. That boy is copying you.
ngt nank kama dis. He noted his Variant: that dm; dat dm; mat dm;
food that his mother had hidden under that d; tat d; dat d; mat d.
the dish.
tat mt vt. 1 share. Chia thap mt ka
2 bless. Sa ngn rares digl ma aunglem di chia mat mt
svthautha mairvtka. Then you all ngiglem. She cut the taro in two and
bless our boss. Variant: thares svt; she shared it.
rares svt.

tat mt tchen

2 divide. Ngua mat mt kama te her; its.

churem ba ut. I divided the betelnut t at; along.
for us.
tbr nanm n. little forest person. D
3 scatter. Da ma mbensenasta da
cha nari chama tbr nanbap. And
tha ron d cha mat mt ta. And
he heard the little men of the forest.
those who were proud, he scattered
Pl: tbr nanbap. Variant: thbr
them. Variant: that mt; dat mt; mat
tbut tbut n. stamping. Mamr ia
tat mt vt. bump. Kama dlangm
ngu nari gua lchar ia tbut tbut.
pavchm ma ngua matmt ngam
I can hear the stamping of my foot.
d ngua sp. That particular short
Note: only t.
stick is the one I bumped and lost my
balance on. Variant: that gt; dat mt; tbut tbut s vi-so. stamp. Kama
mat mt. awan'ga k bang dma tbut tbut
scha. The awan'ga comes and he
tat mt na sa-vi. leave. Ta tat mt na
stamps (his feet). Variant: thbut tbut
nmt kama munggunbs. They left
the meeting. Variant: that mt na; dat
mt na; mat mt na; that m na; dat tcham wake up; be awake; be alive;
m na; mat m na. arise.
tat nthm vt. help. Ngaiom in dat tcham this short one.
nthm kama rura di ini tal athat tchasp sa-vi. get up early. Du chule
nthmva guangithong. The two of d k tchasp namano d cha ts
them help the people and they carry kama balerini chni. Then he took
their things. Ngia that nthm ngo off very early from the beach and he
sat nthm gua mbangga. You help ate a piece of taro. Variant: thchasp.
me with my house. Variant: that tchm vt. start. Ch tchm chama
nthm; dat nthm; mat nthm. karki. He started the car. Variant:
tat sa get. thcham; dcham.
tathe these people. tchm sa-vi. 1 wake up. Sa ngua
tauchi n. towel. Ngua vel vt gu thcham. I already woke up.
chdengm nchama tauchi. I 2 be awake. Chia dchm nk k
rubbed my skin with the towel. From: banganggi da thik da mnap mtki.
English, Tok Pisin: towel, taul. She was awake during the night and
taunamgi n. mosquito net. Ngia thas now she is sleepy.
vm chama taunamgi nmt kama 3 be alive. Ngni kuares ia sa cha
dms. You sleep inside the mosquito ingip d as ka dchm. You all say
net, away from the mosquitoes. that he died but he is still alive.
Pl: taunam. Note: only t. 4 arise; specifically referring to
Jesus rising from the dead. Ka
tavan'ga n. shellfish sp.; clam. Chi
thcham da muthms pthacha.
pus kama tavan'ga mt kama
He arose and he was glorious. Variant:
mudm. She cooks the clams on the
thchm; dchm; tcham; thcham;
fire. Pl: tavan. Variant: thavan'ga;
tchm svthanas vt. realise. Ve ma
tavulka vine sp.; rope.
in det nka iska sa ma secha cha
tavurki n. 1 conch shell. thchm svthanas ia thi talga.
2 bugle. Uthi tnari chama tavurki When the two were walking along the
chit nok. We heard the bugle sound. road with the hero, he realised they
Pl: tavur. See: abiulgi conch shell. were carrying him. Variant: thchm
Note: only t. svthanas.
tawan'ga shellfish sp.; clam. tchen sa-vi. groan. Arm ngo d ngu
t here. thchen. I am sick and I am groaning.
Variant: thchan.
t right here.

tchn tk tk mt

tchn neck; throat; voice. tk ma work in.

tchp vt. fill. Mangas kama ainiricha tk ma vt. 1 make. Ka mu rik te
diva thchpka. Fetch water in the chama vaiait diva che thk mava
bottle in order to fill it. Variant: chevs nani chama thinm. He
thchp. straightened the strand of wire to
tchp vi-so. be full. Ava amgi da th- make his spear to catch fish.
chpki nchama kurem. His mouth 2 heap up. Kama mamboracha
is full of betelnut. Variant: thchp n. ch tk mavama malumgi. The wasp
tchr vt. command; order. Sok ngua heaps up his mud. Variant: thk m.
thchr guvam nacha. I ordered my tk mamr tm vt. meet someone
dogs on it. Variant: thchr. accidentally; run into. Ngua thk
tcheria vt. agree. Tha mu amung- mamr tmen da in ds. I ran into
gunbs d tha thcheria ia thi you two when you were eating. Variant:
vlng chama basiochi. They had a thk mamr tm.
meeting and agreed that they would tk m work in.
kill the crocodile. Variant: thcheria. tk mu n vt. prepare. D chi thk mu
tcheria ba vt. agree with. Thamo ta nchama avithm. And she will
thcheria ba cha savama sn- prepare the earth oven (mumu).
ngacha. They all agreed with his idea. Variant: thk mu n.
Variant: thcheria ba. tk na send; work on.
tcheria bana sa-vi. agree. Tha tk na vt. process. Ka vn bt nani
tcheria bana iva thi vn mna. chama kakauvap diva ch thk
They agreed to fight each other. nangt nani dul. He gathered cocoa
Variant: thcheria bana. so that he could process it for money.
tchit this large one. Aruchi avaik de chama nimulichi
tchusacha n. fig tree. Kama idm ma chi tk nanas mavangam gl
ng ms kama tchusacha voes. kama chumsta. That woman sells
The birds ate the fruit of the fig tree. [Lit: processes] her body around to
Pl: tuchuas. Variant: thuchuas. men. Variant: thk na.
tgl this piece. tk n vt. 1 send. Chia thk ncha
save ia gunan'ga. She sent him to the
tglem these two pieces.
tgleng these pieces.
2 work on. Cha thk nchama
tk sa-vi. 1 do. lavichi. He worked on the bed. Dagu
2 work. Sei tha vuinem smk da ava chrotki ma che tk ncha-
veia thi tk pe. They returned again ma singal. Dagu chases [Lit: works
to there where they worked. Variant: on] the evil spirits with his magic
thk. power. Variant: thk n; tk na; thk
tk vt. wear; specifically the apron of na.
leaves worn by women at the front of tk pm vt. shove. Ka thk pm ngo
their bodies. Lvopkta tha tain d d ngua sp. He shoved me and I fell.
chikachik kia thk atha viringgi. Variant: thk pm.
The women dance and each one wears tk s vt. work with. Ka thk schama
her apron. Variant: thk. baul ama icheru. He worked with the
tk dngtham sa-vi. expand. Ava lat new wraparound cloth (laplap) (on).
ama muru dak sai chave cha thk Variant: thk s.
dngtham. He is expanding his old tk svt vt. point at. Chana thechi
garden. Mndu ngua mu gua lat ta svthacha Siapan'ga cha ns ia,
ith, auk ithik sai ngua thk Chule ngia na thu ngo! He then
dngtham. Before, I made a garden pointed it at the Japanese who called,
here, well now am I extending it again. Dont shoot me! Variant: thk svt.
Variant: thk dngtham.
tk tk mt vi-so. click. Kama

tk tichim tn dm

vulikpthachi tktk mtki. The tm whole.

gecko is clicking. Note: only t. tmana lower down; often used to
tk tichim vt. avoid. Gu chlucha cha refer to down on the coast.
thk tichem ngo ma cha mes tmanp dir. down there. Ngia thon
nguaemgi vtha ngo. My brother-in- thmanp nani chama sen'gi ma
law avoids me by calling me by my ngua ngaipki. You go down there for
daughters name. Variant: thk tichim. the knife I hid. Variant: thmanp.
tk v touch; feel. tmano dir. lower down; often used to
tk vt vt. 1 touch. Kule ma ngi thk refer to down on the coast. Alat
v kama rutha athva ngve sa thmano. The garden is
guangithong. Dont you touch down by the coast. Variant: tmana;
peoples things. thmano; thmana.
2 feel. Ngi su ngi thk vt kama tmlk these flat ones.
thangam ia mang ngt. You check to tmlm these two flat ones.
feel if the bananas are ripe. Variant:
tms vt vt. carve. Cha thms vt
thk vt; thk v; tk v.
kama ngmngga. He carved the
tlng n. letter. Ngu chut gu tlng tree. Variant: thms vt.
sagl gua ruachi. I will write a letter
tmna dir. together. Ngia thu thmna
to my friend. Note: no endings.
nchama kalasung. You put the
tlng angt uratki n. rubbish bin. sweet potatoes (kaukaus) together.
Tlng angt uratki nani chama Variant: thmna; dmna.
tlng. The rubbish bin is for rubbish.
tmnas dir. after oneself. Ngua mes
Pl: tlng angt urat. Variant: thlng
ma Junior thmnas. I called Junior
angt uratki.
after myself. Variant: thmanas.
tlngbs n. 1 leaf. Tlngbs
tmono dir. 1 along. Sa cha tet
ngthi sp. The leaf is falling.
tmono. Then he walked along (a bit
2 piece of paper. Ch kut vt ka- further).
ma tlngbs. He wrote on the piece
2 across.
of paper. Pl: tlng. Variant: thlng.
3 that way. Variant: thmono.
tlngbes n. fish sp.; lives on the reef;
tmuit dir. sidewards; to the side. Ngia
brown and very flat; up to 20 cm
thu chama baulki sa thmuit. You
long; moves to and fro like a floating
put the wraparound skirt (laplap) to
leaf. Pl: tlng. Variant: thlng.
that side. Variant: thmuit.
tlngm n. book. Tonya chia von ngo
tn vt. hang. Chia thn kama uratki
nchama tlngm diva ngo tes vt
dth vuski. She hung the basket
ngam. Tonya gave me a book to read.
from her head. Variant: thn.
Pl: tlngvap. See: buchm book.
tnamk dir. up a bit from towards
tlngga n. parcel of banana leaves.
speaker. Kia tet inamk sa save ia
tlnggi n. rubbish. Chi pues mt Bulus tnamk. She kept going up to
kama tlnggi. She burnt the Bulus, a little further up.
rubbish. Pl: tlng. Variant: thlnggi.
tnavuk dir. down a bit from towards
tltlcha n. tree sp.; grows near the speaker. Ngia thet tnavuk iva ngu
beach; has edible fruit. Tltlcha lu nge. You come down a bit this way
vak d cha ve cha dn da ulul cha. in order that I can see you. Variant:
That tltlcha tree is starting to grow thnavuk.
tall. Pl: tltl.
tn dm vi-so. be stuck. Sa chule sa
tm prep. at; along. Sei chule sa chia nia chi wusvmni dak tn
angmbs tm ta, sai chok ta thet dathama vnbnga. Then it was
samana... Afterwards, when they going to close its mouth but its bottom
have no more [Lit: nothing at them], jaw was stuck. Variant: thn dm; dn
they go down there... Variant: t; thm; dm; thn d; dn d.
dm; d.

tnk travt

tnk these large ones. into the saucepan. Variant: thepmuan.

tnm these two large ones. tepmuan s vt. press. Ta mungt
tni this small one. mni ngia vuski d tha thepmuan
sngt. They put them around your
ten pthanas sa-vi. be smelly. D
head and pressed them (in). Variant:
ngua then pthanas nama
thepmuan s.
iritithong. And I am smelly from bad
luck. Variant: then pthanas. tepmuan vt vt. digest. Kusem ngthi
temuan vt kama msms. The
tngt these; these flat ones.
intestines digest food. Variant:
tp vt. cut. Mndu ngua thap gu thepmuan vt.
blinggi d ithik d sa chama
tp mus t vt. 1 work. Ngua ve ngu
biurka. Before, I cut my forehead and
thpmus tgua guangithong pa
now there is a scar. Asen'gi vtpt
lat. I am going to work on some of my
nachi d chia thp ava lchar. The
things in the garden.
knife fell and cut his leg. Variant: thp.
See: tap make a cut. 2 initiate. Peia sa tha mu chama
thoemka auk sa ava lmuacha nava
tp ma vt. 1 make; build. Cha ve ch
morka ma cha thpmues tmga.
thp mava bangga. He is building his
When a boy was initiated by a man,
the boy would call the man his friend.
2 carve. Lawrence ka thp ma Variant: thp mus t; tp mus tm;
chama kanucha. Lawrence carved thp mus tm.
the canoe. Variant: thp ma; tp m;
tp mus tm work; initiate.
thp m.
tp pt vt. inform. Sa chule sa tha
tpma methamn s vt. discuss. Thi
thp pthana mo. They informed
tp ma methamn schama
everyone. Variant: thp pt.
thuareska vak iva ch sk anga
lugutki. They are discussing (the idea tr vt. 1 pull out. D thi tr kama
that) the young man will marry [Lit: chepki vuit. And they pull the spear
will marry a wife]. Variant: thpma out.
methamn. 2 uproot. Ngu mr guama not. I
tp ma musnng vt. 1 plan. Ch tp uprooted up my taros.
ma musnng ia cha thet ka thonel 3 clear; especially of small weeds
nani vlam. He planned to go and hunt etc. Ngua tr aur. I am going to clear
for pigs. the bush. Variant: thr; dr; mr.
2 have an idea. Variant: thp ma ter vt. refuse; decline. Ka ter ka
musnng. msms nvt tthik. He refused the
food she offered. Variant: ther; der;
tp ma s vt. respect; keep to the rules
about something. Kama sangachi da
thi tp ma schi. The net, they tr sa-vi. excrete. Kama duraika cha
respect it. Variant: thp ma s. tr nave ia ava bisuchi. The rooster
excretes from his anus. Variant: thr;
tp m make; build; carve.
dr; mur.
tp m chdenggi sa-vi. keep clean.
tranas sa-vi. go; take off; leave. D ut
Koi chi na tp mat chdenggi
mranas save ia Karong. And we took
mamr. She does not keep herself
off for Karong. Ut ndn nasot atha
properly clean. Variant: thp m
d tha tranas sva vut. We arrived
after the others had left for home. Sa
tpms vt vt. sharpen. Tha thpms cha luln'gi chia mranas save ia
vt ka chirgarska vak kinas. They Kokopo. The boat has gone to
have just sharpened that paddle. Kokopo. Variant: thranas; dranas;
Variant: thpms vt. mranas; thranas; dranas; mranas.
tepmuan vt. squeeze. Chi tepmaun travt sa-vi.weed. Chia travt
chama lams smt kama namt athama purpur. She weeded
sospen'gi. She squeezed the coconut

travt s tet dm

around her flowers. Variant: thravt; nas; mes nas.

ravt; dravt; mravt. ts nthm vt. taste. Cha mt kama
travt s vt. remove. Arura tha almga ma sgk diva chas
travt schama chsng nk nthm. He got one mushroom in
kama duraik diva thi vs ngt. The order to taste it. Variant: thas nthm;
people are removing the feathers from ds nthm; ms nthm.
the chickens in order to cook them. tes svt vt. tell. Ngua thes svet
Variant: thravt s; ravt s; dravt bange svt ma thalias. I will tell
s; mravt s. you about the wizard.
tr na vt. lay; specifically of a turtle tes svt da sek sa-vi. narrate; tell a
laying eggs. Kama vun'gi chia mur story. Chia mes svt da sek ama
nat valo ama chndichn. The turtle mrngt. She told interesting stories.
laid many eggs. Variant: thr na; dr Variant: thesavet da sek; desavet da
na; mr na. sek; mesavet da sek.
ternas sa-vi. be frightened. Lulu cha tes svt dm vt. narrate; tell about.
ternas nmt kama thomga. Lulu is Ngua ve ngu thes svt dm chama
frightened of the ghost. Variant: secha svt ma chlmuen. I am
thernas; mernas. telling a story about a fool. Variant:
tr vthanas sa-vi. have diarrhoea. thesavet dm; desavet dm; mesavet
Sok aruan av sarumgi d cha dm; tesavet dm.
mur vthanas. He had a very sore ts t chulim sa-vi. blow nose. Ka ts
stomach and diarrhoea. Variant: mur t v chulim schama genaing. He
vthanas; thr vthanas; dr blew his nose because of the mucus.
vthanas. Variant: ths t chulim.
tes vt. name; call by name. Ta tes ka ia ts tm vt. shake. Chumsta tha tain
John. They call him John. Da kama d thi ts tchama chlm. The men
lvopki tha teski ia Miranem. But dance and shake the seed pods.
the woman is called Miranem. Variant: Variant: ths tm; ds tm; ths t; ds
thes; des; mes. t.
ts interj. swish; whoosh; imitates the tstmna n vt. eat with. Cha tt
sound of a stone from a sling hitting kama dichi vachvaik d cha va ka
a target. Ngua tet nasot gua matka tstmna nchama slichigl. He
ma Vithulki saun baimithom, ts has got that taro and he is eating it
ts pau! I walk behind my older with one of the pieces of meat. Variant:
brother Vithulki with our two dogs, thstmna n; dstmna n; ms-
swish swish bang!. tmna n.
ts vt. eat. Ngua ts kama slik. I am tes vt vt. read. Ngua ve ngua tes vt
eating the meat. Ngi chut kama kama tlngm. I am reading the
msms bachama morta vath iva book. Variant: thes; des; mes.
thas. You serve the food for those
tt get; give birth.
important people so they can eat.
Chulel giama thalchi ith va vt d tet sa-vi. 1 walk. Sa cha tet tmono.
ngias sa. Leave your bucket here at Then he walked along (a bit further).
home and eat first. Variant: ds; ths; 2 go. Ut tet sva lat. We are going
ms; -as. to the garden. Timothy cha chuares
tesavet dm narrate; tell about. ia chave chnava ruavk taet
smni arenggi. Timothy said that he
tsm these two long ones.
and his friends would go to the river.
tseng these long ones. Variant: thet; det; met; -et.
tes nas sa-vi. call oneself. Ngia tes nas tet dm vt. dry; desiccate; be dried out
ia nmanachi? What do you call from lying in the sun. Cha chut k
yourself? Nge nari ut mo i ut tes nas urn'ga chvak d cha thonacha
bange. You hear all of us calling saivono smni cha chun'ga, va sik
ourselves to you. Variant: thes nas; des

tet kutna tvono

kunngga cha that dmga. He shot ma ngn tthanas tchama rutha

that crayfish and he threw it up onto athva guangithing. Do not help
the sand so that the sun would dry it. yourselves to peoples things. Variant:
Variant: thet dm; det dm; met dm. ththanas; dthanas; mthanas.
tet kutna sa-vi. miss someone because tthuk vi-so. slide; especially of
each person went by a different something like a landslide. Saeng d
path. Bala d ma Bath in met kutna ththuk pt kama galicha vak.
da ngbs inluna. Bala and Bath There was rain and the ridge slid
went on different paths and did not away. Variant: ththuk.
see each other. Variant: thet kutna; det tvaik ba vt. explain. Mamr diva ngi
kutna; met kutna. thvaik bango ia thi pus kama not
tet na vt. go past; pass. Ut tet na tha minia? Can you explain to me how
via Tol. We passed them at Tol. they cook taro? Variant: thvaik.
Variant: thet na; det na; met na. tvaik namn vt. redeem. ... diva cha
tet ngis n vt. miss a target. Cha thu thvaik namnaut. ... in order to
maunmlm d cha met ngis redeem us. Variant: thvaik namn.
nchama lagrka. He shot twice but tvaik t loosen; unwrap; remove.
he missed the parrot. Cha tet ngis
tvaik tm vt. 1 loosen. Ngu tvaik
nchama ismga maulul. He missed
tchama stringga. I loosened the
the bird by a long way. Variant: thet
ngis n; det ngis n; met ngis n.
2 unwrap.
tt pthik tm vt. 1 let go of. Ka tt
3 remove. Sa chule sa inbe ini
pthik tchama sangachi atha ses.
tvaik tch plmga chavak.
He let go of the net's ropes. Milani ka
Afterwards, they were going to take
mt pthik tm ngo. Yesterday he let
the pig out of the earth oven (mumu).
me go. Kule ngia tt ngia thik tm
Variant: thvaik tm; tvaik t; thvaik
ngo. Dont you let go of me.
2 drop. Ngua mt ngua thik
tvam these two short ones.
tchama sen'gi. I dropped the knife.
Variant: tht pthik; dt pthik; mt tvap these short ones.
pthik; tt tthik. tvlka shellfish sp.; small abalone.
tt s vt. get. Tha tt s chi save ia tvem these two.
arm angtha banggi. They got her tvng sa-vi. sing. Amr vthaut d
to the hospital. Ka tat sava oemka uthi tvng. We are happy and we
Israel i cha rm svthava irski. sing. Variant: thvng.
He got his son Israel, because he knew
tvng mt vt. sing in. Ngua nari ma
of his sadness. Variant: tht s; dt s;
Oscar k tvng mt k mambuchi.
tat sa; mt s; mat s.
I heard Oscar sing in the orchestra.
tt tthik let go of; drop. Variant: thvng mt.
tethana sa-vi. 1 be friends. Peter d tvrchinggl louse.
ma John da in methana mamr ia
tvs this flat one.
sunaski. Peter and John were friends
at school. tvt this long one.
2 be married. Sarah chinatha tevolki n. table. Gu mamk ka thp
lunggutka in methana sa yachun- mchama tevolki ma mrki. My
bem in met. Sarah and her husband father made the nice table. Pl: tevol.
got married a couple of months ago. From: English, Tok Pisin: table, tebol.
3 group together. Tha tethana Note: only t.
svt athva thktk. They got tvono dir. higher up; often used to
together over their work. Variant: refer to up on the mountain(s). Cha
thethana; dethana; methana. met sva lat dak thvono da ava
tthanas t vt. help oneself; to take latini. He went to the garden but
something without permission. Kule higher up (to) his small garden. Variant:

tevuit mo tir

thvono. with meat on it. Variant: thik.

tevuit mo dir. forever more. Chlan tik dem. this very one. Gram: Proximate
mir, dak chlan dik, da chlan demonstrative emphatic particle. Kama
tevuit mo. The same before, the same dulki taithaik tik. This particular
now, and the same forever more. stone, this very one. Variant: dik; thik.
Variant: thevuit mo. tik s vt. 1 pick. Sa chule sa cha met
tvuk dir. up there. Atluvmda tha tas savuk d ch tik s chama ulmang.
p namaski da thi nari a mambu Then afterwards, he went up and
thvuk. The shepherds lay in their picked the native oranges.
sleeping place and heard songs up 2 knock down. Ngu tik s chama
there (in the sky). Variant: thvuk. kurem. I knocked down the betelnut.
ti pro. they. Gram: Third person human plural Variant: thik s.
class two pronoun. Tha met ti thor tik t pick; break; snap off.
vagars. They went to swim at the
tik tm vt. 1 pick. Ngua met ngu tik
beach. Variant: thi; thik (Abilta dialect).
tm chama auravu. I went and
tichina vt. do something (definite). picked some native spinach (aibika).
Ch gur ava oemga ia asika Sa chian be va lat sa chi thik
ngmbs k na nari d cha tchama auravu. When she reaches
thichina mchvs sa ch vn the garden she picks the native
mcha. He scolded his son that if he spinach (aibika).
does the same thing again he would
2 break.
hit him. Variant: dichina; thichina. See:
3 snap off. Variant: thik tm; tik t;
sana do something (indefinite).
thik t.
tichina n vt. make something (defi-
tina them and.
nite). Tha tikina nchama hat klan
minia viavik? How do they make hats tin pro. them and. Morph: ti=n. Lit:
like that? Variant: thichina n; dichina 3H.PL.III=and. Variant: thin; tina;
n; michina n. See: sana do some- thina.
thing (indefinite). tini this small one. Usage: Abilta dialect.
tigil mt vt. split. Kule sa chia tigil tin'gi n. tin. Klr mt kama tin'gi vea
mt kama churemga. Then she split cha tu chama gis muk. The tin
a betelnut in half. Variant: thigil mt. rattled when he put the pebbles
tigil s vt. chop up. Ngu thigil scha- inside. Ka vondm mt kama tin'gi
ma mng nnggua vthapki. I will ama thinm mtki. He bought a tin
chop up the wood with my axe. Variant: of fish. Pl: tin. From: English: tin. Note:
thigil s. only t.
tigl this piece. Usage: Abilta dialect. tinggiar vi-so. be disgusted; be
revolted. Paul da thinggiaracha
tiglem these two pieces. Usage: Abilta
nmt ava oemka ava chl. Paul is
revolted by his sons urine. Thing-
tiglen these pieces. Usage: Abilta dialect. giaracha nmt ava thopki ama
tigl tm vt. 1 split. Chia thigl tcha- morki mni ava snaing. He is
ma mngbam pavvam nani chama revolted by his own large sore on his
mng. She split two logs into pieces thigh. Variant: thinggiar.
for wood. tinggiaras filthy or smelly place.
2 cut up. Chia mt kama mngm tinggiaras repulsive thing; scary
diva chi thigl tm ngam. She got the thing; something you do not want to
wood in order to cut it up. Variant: thigl see or smell.
tiom these two.
tik now.
tir sa-vi. grow fast. Coluba athoemini
tik vt. get down. Kule d cha thik ngthi thir da amr ngini angt
kama gurguarka achk nchama airir. Colubas baby grows fast and
slik. Then he got down another string her growth is good. Variant: thir.

tithom tnnn

tithom these two small ones. lu wirp saung. I saw someone move.
tithong these small ones. Variant: lu wirp.

tlavuchi n. kindness; mercy. Ut tamon tnaik sa-vi. drink. Ngu naik nmt ka
pthanas s Deo vuk sa tlavuchi. arenggi ma sok auluvk. I drank
We give thanks to God above for his from the river which was really cold.
kindness. Pl: tlavu. Kule de cha thon nanas samk
smt ka lechi de cha ve ch tnaik
tlavuchi na vt. pity; feel sorry. Auk,
da ron ga. Then it jumped down into
kama chumska cha chuares ia, ka
the hole and it drank and it was
d chave ch tlavuchi nachi. Well,
satisfied. Variant: naik; tneik; neik.
the man said that he feels sorry for it.
tnap na vt. wave; signal by using hand
tlu vt. see. Ut tlu chama sipki imuk
gestures to communicate. Ut tet
vagars. We saw the ship down at the
saglmka duthi tnap nacha. We go
beach. Variant: lu; ndlu.
and signal to him. Variant: nap na.
tlu da vt. notice. Ngua lu da agarski
tnari vt. 1 hear. Ngua nari dolngeng
chia mana. I noticed the saltwater
mtkama pelet. I heard the banging
down there. Variant: lu da.
of a plate.
tlu ma vt. prepare. Sa tha lu mangt.
2 feel. As ngi nari. You just feel
Then they prepared them. Variant: lu
this. K nari nn'gi vt pchn. He
felt nauseous in his throat.
tlu manas sa-vi. get ready; prepare 3 taste. Da thi su batha ia tha tu
oneself. Ngni tlu manas iva ut tet vatha chulubaing, d chule d tha
vea mathchasep. You all get ready tichina chlan va sik ta nari... And
so we can go in the morning. Ngi tlu they made signs to them that they
manas. Prepare yourself. Variant: lu should put it on their tongues, and
manas. they did that in order to taste (it)...
tlu svt sa-vi. hurt. Gua thopki chi tlu Variant: nari.
svt. My sore is hurting. Variant: lu tnarimanas sa-vi. listen. Dak ka ngaip
svt. d cha narimanas. But it hid and it
tlu vathm na sa-vi. wait for a chance listened. Variant: narimanas.
to do something. Ngu nma Paul tnarimanas t vt. listen. Ch
uni tlu vathmna nma Peter iva sa narimanas tchama ism. He
cha that sa un ds kama ulan'gi. listened to the birds. Variant:
Me and Paul were waiting for a chance narimanas t.
when Peter would go so we could eat
tnarimunanas sa-vi. listen. Kia tha-
the snake. Variant: lu vathm na. See:
mon sthm nge sa ngia narimu-
tair wait.
nanas, pe ma ngi thn pa mbang
tluvmka n. 1 watchman. ngia narimunanas. It tells you so you
2 shepherd. Atluvmda tha tas p will keep an ear open, when you go
namaski da thi nari a mambu home you will listen out. Variant:
thvuk. The shepherds lay in their narimunanas.
sleeping place and heard songs up tnari nagl vt. obey. Kama thoes
there (in the sky). Pl: tluvmda. ngthi nari nagl athva
tlu vt vt. look after. Gu lunggutki mamkna. Children obey their
asik ngi tlu vthanas mamr. My parents. Variant: nari nagl.
wife, you must look after yourself tneik drink.
properly. Variant: lu vt.
tnen sa-vi. pray. Ut met uthi nen. We
tlu vthanas sa-vi. look after oneself. went to pray. Variant: nen.
Ngia tet d nge tlu vthanas
tnen vt. ask. Ngu nen nge. I ask you.
mamr. You go and look after yourself
Variant: nen.
properly. Variant: lu vthanas.
tnnn sa-vi. vomit. Vaimga chi nnn
tlu wirp vi-so. glimpse; catch sight of
smt thoes. The dog vomited for her
something because it moves. Ngua

tneng tor

puppies. Variant: nnn. language at Rara. Variant: np n; tnp

tneng sa-vi. avoid; dodge. Ngi su d na; np na.
ngi neng. You try and avoid (it). tns vt. pack; put in. Ch tns chama
Variant: neng. kakau smt kama uratki. He put
tneng dm vt. choose. Jesus ka neng the cocoa into the basket. Ngi ns gia
dm ut. Jesus chose us. Variant: neng msms smt k uratki. You put
dm. your food into the basket. Variant: ns.
tneng n vt. dodge. Cha neng ncha- tnes sa-vi. be sharp. Asen'gi ithaik tik
ma kus mni chama bangga. He sok ki tnes masa. That knife is really
dodged the mud in the house. Variant: sharp. Variant: nes.
neng n. tns sa-vi. call out; shout. Ch tns
tneng n vt. 1 spread. Chi tneng nania ngo. He called out for me.
nchama bata mt kama achsa- Arutha thi ns pt athva ruavek
skmt. She spread the butter on the ama tha tunggas s chama ragbi
bread. Variant: neng n. ma sok gumoram. People shout at
their friends who are playing rugby
2 rub; massage. Ch tneng n-
and it is a really loud noise. Variant:
chama aruan angt marasin v-
thatha thng. He massaged the
medicine for pain onto her back. tnes vt. bite. Kama vaimga cha nes
Variant: neng n. ngo. The dog bit me. Variant: nes.
tnp na turn; tip out; translate. tns m vt. call for. Das kule thi ns
mcha rucha avakpik. And so, then
tnp na vt. 1 change; make different.
they call for that particular man.
Kama msms ma ngn ds ngt
Variant: ns m.
d ngni su ia ngni np nangt.
The food that you all eat, you should tnok sa-vi. cry; people crying; sounds
try and change it. made by roosters, frogs etc. Chia ve
chi tnok. She is crying. Variant: nok.
2 mix. Tha met tha mt kama gis
iva thi np nangt ngn chama tnok tichim vt. whinge; cry. K tnok
simen. They went and got the pebbles tichim ga iva ch vonga nanga slik.
in order to mix them in the cement. He whinged to him so that he would
Variant: np na. give him some meat. Variant: nok
tnp nanas sa-vi. 1 change oneself;
become different. Aslavovmka cha tobekathva muska grasshopper
np nanas sa mrka. The sinner sp.
changed himself into a good person. tok vt. impregnate. Cha d chama
2 capsize. Asecha svt kama rucha ma tok mavngam. He is a
lulengi ma chia np nanas. The person who would impregnate anyone.
story of the boat which capsized. Variant: thok; dok; mok.
Variant: np nanas. tomga n. spirit; ghost. Vrur pt ma
tnp n vt. 1 turn. Auk, uthi np Leo vea cha lu chama tomga nk
nchama kanuiom pethana. Well, kama un'gi. Leo got goose bumps
we will turn the two canoes front to when he saw the ghost in the dark.
back [Lit: at each other]. Chia np Lulu cha ternas nmt kama
natha baulgi samuk svm. She thomga. Lulu is frightened of the
turned her wraparound skirt (laplap) ghost. Variant: thomga.
upside down. tor vt. wash. Nguave ngu thor gu
2 tip out. Ngi np nchama diski chdengam. I am washing my body.
schama renggi. You tip out the dish Variant: thor.
with the water (in it). tor sa-vi. 1 bathe. Tha ve thi tor mni
3 translate. Ngaiom in np chama renggi. They are bathing in
nchama methamon pe ma Rara. the river. Thi tor svt ka reng
The two of them translated the angps. They are swimming at the

tor na tu av snng

head of the river [Lit: the river its the tapioca and left the inside stalk.
head]. Pl: trut. Variant: rutka.
2 get wet. Nandre cha thor trutki n. 1 small root of a tree or
klan. Nandre got wet for nothing. plant, especially banana, native
Variant: thor. spinach (aibika), or peanut plant.
tor na sa-vi. pour. Renggi chi tor na Ngi chrtp schama viulacha ava
nmt kama sospen'gi. Water trutki nigia sen'gi. You chop the root
poured from the saucepan. Variant: of the mango tree with your knife.
thor na; dor na. 2 native spinach (aibika) stem;
tor tm sa-vi. swim. Chi tor tm scha used for planting. Thi pt trut pa
imono. She swam across with it. Ch lat. They planted native spinach
tor tm mt ichumgi. He swam in (aibika) stems at the garden. Pl: trut.
the flood. K tor tm vt kama Variant: rutki.
plangigl angtha thng. He swam trut na put in; push in.
on top of the plank. Variant: thor. trut n vt. put in; push in. Ka rut nava
traingga n. seed. Cha vt kama mstmna smt ava thalcha. He
pankin angt traingga va lat. He put his food in his net bag (bilum).
planted the pumpkin seeds at the Variant: rut n; trut na; rut na.
garden. Pl: traing. Variant: raingga. tu vt. shoot; throw something at
trek sthm close in; block off; forbid. someone. Ch tu ngo nama ndul. He
trek tm vt. prohibit; forbid. Ka rek threw a stone at me. [Lit: He shot me
tchama thangemga nmt voes. with a stone.] Variant: thu.
He prohibited the children from the tu vt. 1 put. Cha tu chama sospen'gi
banana tree. Variant: rek tm. scha renggi vono via tevolki. He
trn s vi-so. stand up; unbend; put the saucepan of water up on the
something that had been bent over table.
but is released so it can stand again. 2 wear; put on. Ngia tu gi baul iva
Kama mngga sa chave rn scha i utet save ia lotu. You put on your
mali cha nanger. The tree is standing clothes so we can go to church.
up where once it was bent. Variant: rn 3 lay; specifically of birds laying
s. eggs. Duraikvm in tu valo thmna.
Trinitas n. Trinity. Amurems bama The two hens laid (their eggs)
Lengenacha dama Trinitas a together. Variant: thu; du; mu.
Rektemka. Glory to the Lord and the tu amethamn pt vt. pass a message
Holy Trinity. Note: no endings. about someone or something. Diva
trip sa-vi. fish with a hook and line from tha tu amethamn pthange iva thi
a canoe or a boat. Sa ngu trip pivi. vlng nge. So they passed a
So I fished at that place. message about you in order to kill you.
thu amethamn pt; du
trip glaski n. float from a gillnet. Cha
amethamn pt; mu amethamn pt.
tet samana ma Namuli diva chat
kama trip glaski athama ses. He is tu amuvtka svt vt. punish. Ka mu
going down to Namuli in order to get muvtka svt avoemga. He pun-
the rope from the float. ished his son. Variant: du amuvtka
svt; thu amuvtka svt; mu
trong vi-so. be stiff with cold. Trong
amuvtka svt.
ngua thik nmt kama sainggi. My
hands are stiff with cold from the rain. tu at snng think.
Variant: rong. tu ath snng mamr calm down;
trutka n. stalk; specifically the central settle down; relax.
stalk in some fruits; there is one tu av snng vt. think. Ngua tu gu
inside tapioca and pau nuts grow snng ia sik ngian. I thought you
along one. Ka ms kama tapioka da would come. Ngn du angn snng
sa nvt kama rutka muk. He ate svtha cha. You all think of him.

tu av snng mamr tu mamr sna na

Variant: thu av snng; du av snng; morta thi tuchun mes ng d tha

mu av snng; tu at snng. See: ndrm svanas. So before that, your
snngacha idea. leaders instructed you as they know.
tu av snng mamr sa-vi. calm Variant: thuchun mes.
down; settle down; relax. Sa chule tuchupki n. edible stalk of a wild cane
sa ngua mugusnng mamr. Then sp. (pitpit). Chia vt kama tuchuap
afterwards, I calmed down. Morph: tu ma chndichn. She planted a lot of
av snng mamr. Lit: put 3M.SG.POSS pitpit. Pl: tuchuap. Variant: thuchupki.
thoughts properly. Variant: du av snng tu daruan vt. hurt; injure. Ava ch-
mamr; thu av snng mamr; mu denggi chia mo mavo nachi i ng
av snng mamr; tu ath snng mu daruan nacha mamor. His body
mamr. was all broken because they hurt him
tu ba vt. set rules. Dak ka mu bangt. terribly. Variant: thu daruan; du d-
But he set the rules. Variant: thu ba; du aruan; mu daruan.
ba; mu ba. tu dm n vt. lose. Ngua mu dm
tu chelak tm vt. please; do some- nchama paelka. I lost the file.
thing to soften the other person. Variant: thu dm n; du dm n; mu
Thoemini angt nank kia tu che- dm n.
lak tmgi diva ngmbs kina tnok. tu dng vt. 1 interrupt. Ka mu dng
The childs mother comforts her so sthm ava thktk. He interrupted
that she will not cry. Variant: thu his work.
chelak tm; du chelak tm; mu
2 fail to finish. Ngua tu dng
chelak tm.
schama secha. I did not finish my
tu chuar s vt. call; calling out to story. Variant: thu dng; du dng; mu
someone to follow you. D ch tu dng.
chuar sa vaim d tha met. And he
tugas sa-vi. play. Cha d mrmr k
called for his dogs and they went.
plk iva cha tugas. He always likes
Variant: thu chuar s.
to play. Variant: thugas; dugas; mugas;
tuchul throat. thunggas; dunggas; munggas.
tuchul sa-vi. crave. Tuchul ngo snani tugas s vt. play a game. Gumoram
athinm. I am craving fish [Lit: vt kama arutha ma tha tunggas
craving for fish]. Asika thuchul nge ia schama ragbi. People shout when
vandi ngi vang si gia ruacha ava they (others) are playing rugby.
lugutki da sok kama sunthmbes Variant: thugas s; dugas s; mugas s;
pa vvs. If you are craving that you tunggas s; dunggas s; munggas s.
want to run away with your friend's
tugas t vt. play with. Ut tugas t
wife, really that is a temptation.
volleyball. We play with the volley-
Variant: thuchul.
ball. Variant: thugas t; dugas t;
tuchun sa-vi. 1 sit. Chave cha mugas t; thunggas t; dunggas t;
tuchun sng guathik. He is sitting munggas t.
next to me.
tugumga fish sp.
2 settle. Sa chule nasot sa cha
tuingga oyster.
mugun mamr. Then later he really
settled in. Variant: thuchun; duchun; tu ma sa-vi. joke; make fun. Uthi
muchun; mugun; munggun. dondm bana d likdm ma Venan
d cha tu ma d uthi tamal. We
tuchun vt. 1 chase. Ut tuchun cha-
were telling stories to each other
ma plmga sva ur. We chase the pig
when Venan came and made a joke
to the bush.
and we laughed. Chule ma ngia tu
2 hit. Ngua mugun gu vandok ma. Do not make fun (of me). Variant:
dchama vaimga uvs. I hit the dog thu ma; du ma; mu ma.
with my knuckles. Variant: thuchun;
tu mamr sna na vt. 1 level.
duchun; muchun.
2 straighten. D cha thu mamr
tuchun mes vt. instruct. Sa mali gia

tu mana tu salel n

sna naut. And he will straighten us house, or tree. Ngua met nmt gua
out. Variant: thu mamr sna; du thalka veia ngmnggi at tung-
mamr sna; mu mamr sna. gumgi. I left my basket at the base of
tu mana sa-vi. arrange oneselves. Gram: that tree.
Must have a plural subject. Sa chule sa 2 back of a boat. Pl: tunggum.
uthi tu mana. So then we started to Variant: thunggumgi.
arrange ourselves. Variant: thu mana; tuong vt. bewitch. K tuong gama
du mana; mu mana. rucha nchama thaliaska diva ch
tu manas sa-vi. prepare oneself; get vlng ga. He bewitched the man for
ready. Ngn tu manas va uthat the wizard so the wizard would kill
uthonel. You all get ready so we can him. Variant: thuong; dong.
go and hunt. Variant: thu manas; du turik na vt. punish. Kama kaunsila
manas; mu manas. cha turik nacha sava musnng ama
tu ma s vt. joke about. Kule ma ngia vu. The councillor punished him for
tu ma schama morka vak. You his bad behaviour. Variant: thurik na;
must not make jokes about that durik na; murik na.
leader. Variant: thu ma s; du ma s; tu rik t straighten; stretch out.
mu ma s.
tu rik tm vt. 1 straighten. Ka mu
tu mt vt. set on fire. K kumr ava lat rik t chama vaiait diva che thk
d cha tu mt kama amng. He mava chevs nani chama thinm.
cleared the garden and set fire to the He straightened the strand of wire to
trees. Variant: thu mt; du mt; mu make his spear to catch fish.
2 stretch out. Venansius da aruan
tu mrang dm vt. cover. Kia mu ava vn mtha d angmbs
mrang dm atha achuitm ncha- mamr ia chna murik tmngt.
ma thlng. She covered her earth Venansius had pain in his joints and
oven (mumu) with leaves. Variant: thu could not stretch them. Variant: thu rik
mrang dm; du mrang dm; mu tm; mu rik tm; tu rik t; thu rik t;
mrang dm. mu rik t.
tu na vt. shoot with. Chama ism tusachus sa-vi. be irritating; feel
ngthi tu nachama bom. The planes uncomfortable. Ngu tal kama uratki
shot with bombs. Variant: thu na. d chi tusachus vono vt guathng.
tunaik na vt. 1 put in place. I carried the basket and it felt uncom-
2 leave. Kule ma ngn dunaik fortable on my back. Variant: thusa-
nangnama asen imono, asik aung chus; dusachus; musachus; thusavus;
cha tha ngt. Dont you all leave your tusavus; dusavus; musavus.
knives over there, someone might take tusachus sa-vi. wriggle around be-
them. Variant: thunaik na; munaik na; cause of irritation; toss and turn e.g.
dunaik na. while trying to sleep. K tal kama
tu nank sa-vi. grizzle; cry for vlmga d cha tusachus i sok
something for a long time. Namu amrn. He carried the pig and he
chia tu nank sa at mamk iva ch wriggled around because it (the pig)
talki chlan. Namu grizzled for her was heavy. Variant: thusachus; dusa-
father to carry her. Variant: thu nank; chus; musachus; thusavus; tusavus;
du nank; mu nank. dusavus; musavus.
tu nas mk sa-vi. humble oneself. tusachus nanas sa-vi. act funny; e.g.
Autha Jesus, nge mu nas mk. Our in a concert or in a burst of high
Jesus, you humbled yourself. Variant: spirits. Thi tamal tchama rura ma
thu nas mk; du nas mk; mu nas tha tusavus nanas. They laughed at
mk. the people who were acting funny.
Variant: thusachus nanas; dusachus
tunggas s play a game.
nanas; musachus nanas.
tunggumgi n. 1 base of a cup,
tu salel n vt. shrink. Ngia thu salel

tusamon dm n tuvet mt

nigia vtka. You shrink your house. mes pt; mu thm mes pt.
Variant: thu salel n. tu thik dm vt. beat. Ngua tu thik
tusamon dm n vt. collect; gather dm nge diva ngua tu rik tm nge. I
things together. Ka tusamon dm beat you in order to straighten you
nchama viam smt avama uratki. (make you obedient). Variant: thu thik
He collected the galip nuts (Canarium dm; du thik dm; mu thik dm.
indicums) (and put them) into his tuthik mna vt. shoot at. Dak kinai
basket. Variant: thusamon dm; dusa- kvicha chinai cha ve ch tuthik
mon dm; musamon dm. mna tha vik. And in turn, that one,
tu samor s vt. make fun. Ngia mu he shoots at them. Variant: thuthik
samor si chi da kosa chia gur. You mna.
made fun of her and now she is angry. tuthik namt vt. throw something at
Variant: thu samor s; du samor s; mu someone; shoot. Kule ma ngi tuthik
samor s. namt kama duraik. Do not throw
tu sa sothana n vt. change; espec- (things) at the chickens. Morph: tu=tik
ially of changing clothes. Asik ngua na=mt. Lit: put=hand from=within.
thu sa sothana nguama sravtki. I Variant: thuthik namt.
will change my shirt. Variant: thu sa tu vlk svt vt. fall in love with.
sothana; du sa sothana; mu sa Jennifer chia tu vlk svt kama
sothana. thoemga achk ma tha teska ia
tu sathver n vt. widen. Ngia thu Tom. Jennifer fell in love with a boy
sathver ni gia mbangga. You widen called Tom. Variant: thu vlk svt; du
house. Variant: thu sathver n. vlk svt; mu vlk svt.
tusavus wriggle because of irritation; tuvet sa-vi. answer. Vaimga angbs
toss and turn e.g. while trying to ka muvet i angbs cha drm. The
sleep. dog did not answer because he did not
tusavus be irritating; feel uncom- know. Variant: thuvet; duvet; muvet.
fortable. tuvet mt vt. 1 answer; respond. Cha
tu th decorate. tuvet mt ava oesnank ia cha
niavi. He responded to his wife that
tu thm vt. decorate. Ti ler kama
he was coming.
chaver tha thu thchama sgna-
cha. They break the wild palms and 2 reciprocate. Ivit da sika mali
they decorate the net bag (bilum). lvopki chia met nainavi d choki
Variant: thu thm; du thm; mu thm; ta thuvet mtki ma thi vonda l-
tu th; thu th; du th; mu th. vopki save... And so on, so if one
woman came from there they will also
tu thm mes sa-vi. decorate oneself.
reciprocate for her by giving another
Nasot sa chama duraika chk ama
woman there...
chumska cha mu thm mes ma-
3 take revenge; pay back. Ka ve
mr. Later the male rooster decorated
cha thuvet mt ma Klmen klan
himself beautifully. Variant: thu thm
mali ma chlumn ka tamon svm
mes; du thm mes; mu thm mes.
ga. He was going to pay back the fool
tu thm mes pt vi-so. be glorious. Ka for what the fool said to him earlier.
thu thchm da muthm mes Variant: thuvet mt; duvet mt; muvet
pthacha. He arose and was glorious. mt.
Variant: thu thm mes pt; du thm

tha thamon

Th - th

tha they; them. thaithchit this particular large one.

thabu angt nank n. insect sp.; flat thaithmlk these particular flat
and black; 3 cm long; lives under ones.
bark; smells if you touch it. Kama thaithmlm these particular flat
thabu angt nank da achluing two.
ngt da angthn pthanas. The
thaithnk these particular large
insect is black and it smells. Pl: thabu
angt nank kna. Variant: tabu angt
nank. thaithnm these particular two large
thabucha n. tree sp.; used for making
canoes. Ka thap savama thabucha thaithsem these particular two long
diva ch thms dava kanucha. He ones.
cut down the thabucha tree in order to thaithvam these particular two short
carve his canoe. Pl: thabu. Variant: ones.
tabucha. thaithvap these particular short
thabucha n. dust; ash; specifically ones.
white ash from a fire. Thabucha thaithvem these particular two.
vetha cha nmt kama volkano
thaithvs this particular flat one.
athama unpka. Dust is all over him
from the volcanos ash. Pl: thabu. See: thaithvet this particular long one.
unpka dust; chinap ash. thaithigl this particular piece.
thachski armband. thaithigleng these particular pieces.
thaembm n. 1 child. Morph: at=oem thaithik right now; just like this.
vm. Lit: 3F.SG.POSS child-reduced.SG. thaithini this particular small one.
2 young animal; especially puppies thaithiom these particular two.
or piglets. Pl: thaembap. Variant:
thaithithom these particular two
taembem. See: thoemga child; son;
small ones.
student; assistant.
thaithithong these particular small
thagumacha n. grasshopper sp.;
brown. Pl: thagum. Variant: taguma-
cha. thak this one.
thaik this one. thal carry; move; bear; give birth.
thain dance. thalechachi n. bush sp.; used for
decoration; grows in the bush.
thair stand; wait.
Pl: thalek. Variant: talechachi.
thair pt walk with.
thalngacha earthworm sp.
thair s make stand.
thaliaska n. wizard. Ma secha cha
thair snas stand alone. vlng ma thalias. The hero killed
thair snania lean against something the wizard. Pl: thalias. Variant: talias.
while standing. thamal laugh.
thaithaik this particular one. thamal t laugh at.
thaithak this particular one. thamn speak.
thaithang this particular one; these thamn dm sanctify; bewitch.
particular ones; these particular flat
thamn ithm mes confess.
ones; these particular long ones.
thamn pthanas s give thanks.
thaithath these particular people.
thamn sthm tell.
thaith right here.
thamon speak.
thaithchm this particular short one.

thamon ithm mes thchnmuvs

thamon ithm mes confess. thas nthm taste.

thanng adj. firmly in place. Kama that get; give birth.
amng ama thanng. That tree is thatalvmga n. carrier. Chama Sia-
firmly in place. Note: only th. pan'gna tha mthacha diva athva
thanngga n. local man; a person from thtalvmga. The Japanese got him
the village where the speaker is. Ma for their carrier. Pl: thatalvmda.
Elly da sa chave athanngga ith ve Variant: thtalvmga.
ia Marunga. Elly is a local man from thatalvmgi n. female carrier.
Marunga. Pl: thanngda.
that d copy.
thannggi n. local woman. Note: only
that dm copy.
that gt bump.
thang catch fire; burn.
that m na leave.
thang these; these flat ones.
that mt share; divide.
thangabs banana block; banana leaf.
that mt na leave.
thangamga banana.
that nthm help.
thangamgi banana; banana plant.
thavan'ga shellfish sp.; clam.
thangaminggel banana block; banana
plantation; piece of banana. thavuligl n. split rope. Di chia vunak
mni cha en'ga di gisnia chama
thanger vt snap; break off; spear.
thawlk. And it twisted the iron spear
thang mt burn; be on fire; be in a as if it was split rope. Variant: thawlk.
thavulka n. 1 vine sp.; makes a good
thap make a cut. rope. Thawlka da chama
thap sa cut down; cut off. chagthacha ma chrot ka. Thawlka
thap s cut down; cut off. vine is a strong (type of) rope.
thar invite; ask for someone; call for 2 rope. Pl: thavu. Variant: tavulka;
someone; lead; pull in a fish. Usage: thawlka.
Abilta dialect. thawlk split rope.
thar fall; particularly of fruit. thawlka vine sp.; rope.
thareracha n. green grasshopper sp.; thbr nanm little forest person.
makes a loud rasping noise at night. thbut tbut s stamp.
Pl: tharer. Variant: tareracha.
thcham wake up; be awake; be alive;
thares press. arise.
tharesbana promise. thcham start.
thares dm agree. thchan groan.
tharesini n. trouble. Di nge dlu ut thchasp get up early.
ptha utha tharesithong diva nge
thchasp morning.
tlavuchi ni gia thoes. So you see us
in our troubles and be merciful to your thchm wake up; be awake; be alive;
children. Pl: tharesithong. Variant: arise.
taresini. thchm svthanas realise.
thares pt praise; worship. thchnmucha n. sacred being; God
thares svt note; bless. the Everlasting. Thchnmucha
chusek ka arktm cha. Only God
thar mt open.
the Everlasting is holy. Pl: thchnmu.
thar s fall out. Note: only th.
thar s pour out; especially of water thchnmuvs n. taboo place. Kule
from a tap. ma avinos nge avi mt kama ath-
thar tm remove; take off; uncover. chnmu. Do not play around there in
thas sleep; lie down. the sacred place. Pl: thchnmu. Note:
only th.

thchp thng

thchp fill. thm itch.

thchp n be full. thm at; along.
thchr command; order. thmana lower down; often used to
thcheria agree. refer to down on the coast.
thcheria ba agree with. thmanas after oneself.
thcheria bana agree. thmanp down there.
thgumga n. fish sp.; two types of thmano lower down; often used to
stonefish: one is a saltwater fish and refer to down on the coast.
a good eating fish, the other lives in thms vt carve.
fresh water; both are brown and can thmna together.
sting with poisonous spines. Pl:
thmono across; along; that way.
thgum. Variant: tugumga; thugumga.
themuanacha n. landslide. Kama
thk wear; specifically the apron of
saeng ama mor d achlak kama
leaves worn by women at the front of
ivitki da kosa lr dchama ivitki d
their bodies.
ut tes ia athemuanacha. The big
thk do; work. rains make the earth soft and the
thk dngtham expand. earth breaks apart, so we call it a
thk ma work in. landslide. Pl: athemuan. Note: only th.
thk mamr tm meet someone thmuit sidewards.
accidentally; run into. thn gather together; meet up.
thk m work in. thn arrive; come; reach; return.
thk m make; heap up. thn grow; specifically make a baby
thk mt work in. grow.
thk mu n prepare. thn grow.
thk na process. thn hang.
thk na send; work on. thenachi start.
thk n send; work on. thnavuk down a bit from towards
thk pm shove.
thn bt find.
thk s work with; work in.
thn d be stuck.
thk svt point at.
thn dm be stuck.
thktk n. job; work. Kama thktk
nani chama rura iva thi thal thn dmna meet together, usually
palang. The work for the people is to informally.
carry planks. Pl: thktk. thendem p leave out; exclude.
thektm adj. whole. Ta von'ga ncha- thn m become.
ma thinmgi ama thektmgi. They thn pa reach; find.
gave him the whole fish. Note: only th.
thn p reach; find.
thk tichim avoid.
thn pt meet each other.
thk v touch; feel.
thn pt reach; find.
thk vt touch; feel.
then pthanas be smelly.
thelelki n. palm sp.; has small leaves;
thn s arrive with; bring.
looks a bit like a betelnut palm, only
smaller; fronds are good to use as thn vt find.
thatch. Pl: thelel. Variant: talalki. thng process; specifically to scrape
thlng fish sp. the skin off wood fibre to make it
silky for rolling into string.
thlng leaf; piece of paper.
thng n. 1 back. Kama athucha d
thlng angt uratki rubbish bin.
cha tet nva thng. The hermit crab
thlnggi rubbish.

theng thvrchinggl

walks backwards [Lit: ... from his back]. thes name; call by name.
2 top. Ngia thas vt kama lavichia thes bottom.
atha thng. You lie down on top of ths eat.
the bed [Lit: ... the bed, its back]. Ngua
thesavet da sek narrate; tell a story.
mu chama peletka vuk vt kama
tevolki atha thng. I put the plate on thesavet dm narrate; tell about.
the top of the table [Lit: ... the table, its thes nas call oneself.
back]. ths t shake.
3 behalf. K gur svt ava
ths t chulim blow nose.
duraiki aththng. He got angry on
behalf of his chicken. Note: only th. ths tm shake.
Note: no endings. thstmna n eat with.
theng twist together. thet walk; go.
thp cut. tht get; give birth.
thepka n. axe. Usage: Abilta dialect. Ngi thtalvmga carrier.
von ngo nchama thepka diva ngu thet dm dry; desiccate; be dried out
thap schama nngachit. Give me from lying in the sun.
the axe so that I can cut down the tree.
thet kutna miss someone because
Pl: athap. See: avthapki axe. Note:
each person went by a different
only th.
thp ma make; carve.
thet na go past; pass.
thpma methamn discuss.
thet ngis n miss a target.
thp ma musnng plan; have an idea.
tht pthik let go of; drop.
thp ma s respect; keep to the rules
tht s get.
about something.
tht sthm be stuck.
thp m make; build; carve.
thethana be friends; be married;
thp m chdenggi keep clean.
group together.
thpms vt sharpen.
ththanas help oneself; to take
thepmuan squeeze. something without permission.
thepmuan s press. ththuk slide; especially of something
thepmuan vt digest. like a landslide.
thp mus t work; initiate. thvaik explain.
thp mus tm work; initiate. thvaik namn redeem.
thp pt inform. thvaik t loosen; unwrap; remove.
thr excrete. thvaik tm loosen; unwrap; remove.
ther refuse; decline. thvlka n. shellfish sp.; small
thr pull out; uproot; clear. abalone; shell is brown outside and
mother-of-pearl inside; is flat; up to
thranas go; take off; leave.
6 cm long; shell covers its entire
thravt weed. back; can stick strongly to the reef;
thravt s remove. lives out on the reef where the sea
ther d vt. crumble. Kama dozer cha breaks. Pl: thvl. Variant: tvlka.
rer dchama ivitki. The dozer thvng sing.
crumbled the earth. Variant: rer d. thvnggi song; specifically the songs
thr na lay; specifically of a turtle used in conjunction with day dances.
laying eggs. thvng mt sing in.
thernas be frightened. thvrchinggl n. louse. Cha mn vt
thr vthanas have diarrhoea. kama tvrchinggl vthuvs. He
thes read. found the louse on his head. Pl: thv-
rk. Variant: tvrchinggl.

thvtki thondmga

thvtki n. burnt and cleared area; an nal mt kama thinmmt? How

area being prepared for a garden, it many kina for a tin of fish? Pl:
needs one more clean before plant- thinmmt.
ing. Ngu lmr mchama thvtki thinggiar be disgusted; be revolted.
diva ngu vt gu chalasung. I will
thinggiarachi n. land crab sp.; up to
clean the cleared area so I can plant
6 cm in diameter; lives under piles of
my sweet potato (kaukau). Pl: thvt.
stones near the beach; can regrow a
thvika n. explanation; meaning. Koi- lost pincer. Pl: thinggar. Variant:
ku ngua ndrm nchama metha- inggiarachi.
mnini angtha thvika. I don't
thinggiaras n. repulsive thing; scary
know the meaning of the word.
thing; something you do not want to
Pl: thvaik. Note: only th.
see or smell. Pl: thinggiar. Variant:
thvono higher up; often used to refer tinggiaras.
to up on the mountain(s).
thir grow fast.
thevuit mo forever more.
thithiglem these particular two
thvuk up there. pieces.
thi they. thobakathva muska n. grass-
thi sa-vi. do quickly. Ngi pul d ngia thi hopper sp.; green with large back
ngia thi. You have to paddle quickly. legs; if it flies into a house, people
thia modal. FOC. Gram: Realis focus marker. may ask it questions to find out
Kama rucha cha lu chama thinm whether bad luck is coming, or if
d cha thia ka chut sumugurup da someone will die. Pl: thobekathva
kosa cha chut kama thinmgi ama mues. Variant: tobekathva muska.
morki. The man saw the fish and at thodm recount; narrate; tell.
once he shot into them and he just thoemga child; son; student; assistant.
shot a big fish.
thok impregnate.
thichina do something (definite).
thombek athva sdm n. mushroom
thichina n make something sp.; very thin, brown, and semi-
(definite). transparent; feel like plastic; round
thigil mt split. and grow up to 5 cm in diameter;
thigil s chop up. found growing on rotting trees.
thigl tm split; cut up. thomga spirit; ghost.
thik this very one. thon go in; enter; sink; drown; be
thik get down.
thon bring in; specifically the sea
thik they. Usage: Abilta dialect.
throwing things onto the shore.
thik now.
thon throw away; subtract.
thik s pick; knock down.
thonanas jump; throw oneself.
thik t pick; break; snap off.
thonbathm na check; examine.
thik tm pick; break; snap off.
thonbathm n check; examine.
thina them and.
thon d follow.
thin them and.
thon dm follow.
thinmbs school of fish.
thondmga n. 1 law. Deo ava
thinmbes n. school of fish. Ve sng thondmga ama naruerka ia, Ngi
ma Mundai ama renggi d ngua lu lotu svt Deo ama snggk
chama thinmbs nchama makau. klan. Gods first law is, You
At the mouth of the Mundai River I worship only one God. Ambangm
saw a school of tilapia. Variant: thi- angtha thondm. The law of the
nmbs. Note: only th. village.
thinmmtki n. tinned fish. Amnia 2 rule. Alenge angthieik chvi-

thondmka thu mamr sna

cha ma asik ch tp ma thondm thu ba set rules.

svt kama msmski. The leader is thu chelak tm please; do something
the one who makes the rules for the to soften the other person.
feast. Pl: thondm. Pl: athondm.
thu chuar s call; calling out to
Variant: athondmka; thondmka.
someone to follow you.
thondmka law; rule.
thuchuas fig tree.
thon dmna gather together.
thuchul crave.
thonel hunt; wander.
thuchulki n. throat. Pl: thuchul. Variant:
thon ma clear land for a new garden; tuchul.
throw away; abandon.
thuchun sit; settle.
thon ma heap up.
thuchun chase; hit.
thon meng check.
thuchun mes instruct.
thon mt wear; put on.
thuchunmska n. 1 explanation.
thon na throw.
2 instructions. Ka tt kama thu-
thon n throw. chunmska mrmr da chok koi ia
thon sk move to. chna met pathmga. He always
thonsvanas tm disown; dissociate gets the instructions and then he just
from. does not follow them. Pl: thuchuns.
thon svt move to. thuchupki edible stalk of a wild cane
sp. (pitpit).
thon vt follow.
thu daruan hurt; injure.
thong turn.
thu dm n lose.
thong mes turn.
thu dng interrupt; fail to finish.
thor bathe; swim; get wet.
thuer before; first.
thor wash.
thuer sa-vi. 1 go first. Mubang ngu
thor swim.
er. I will go first tomorrow. Dak kvi
thoret vt. drag. Sa chule sa uthi tha ma thi thuer s chama chrot...
thoret ki imanp klan. Afterwards, And those who went first with the
we just dragged it down. Variant: roret. power...
thoret sa-vi. crawl. Christa sa chiave 2 go ahead. Sa cha thuer da sik
chi thoret. Christa is starting to ngni lu cha. He went ahead and you
crawl. Chia roret sva vut. She all will see him.
crawled to the house. Variant: roret. 3 go in front. Kama chumska ch
thor na pour. ruer di indet ivi. The man walks in
thranas go; take off; leave. front and the two of them go up.
Variant: ruer; er; kuer.
thu put; wear; put on; lay.
thuer na sa-vi. race each other. Ini
thu shoot.
ruer na smni arenggi. The two
thu amethamn pt pass a message. race to the river. Variant: ruer na; oer
thu amuvtka svt punish. na; uer na.
thuareska n. young man. Thi tp ma thugas play.
methamn schama thuareska vak thugas s play a game.
iva ch sk anga lugutki. They are
thugas t play with.
discussing (the idea that) the young
man will marry [Lit: will marry a wife]. thugumga fish sp.; two types of
Pl: thuaresta. Note: only th. stonefish.
thuareski n. young woman. thuingga n. oyster. Pl: thuaing. Variant:
thu av snng think.
thu ma joke; make fun.
thu av snng mamr calm down;
settle down; relax. thu mamr sna level; straighten.

thu mana ulunggi

thu mana arrange oneselves. thu sa sothana change; especially of

thu manas prepare oneself; get ready. changing clothes.
thu ma s joke about. thu sathver n widen.
thu mt set on fire. thusavus be irritating; feel
thu mrang dm cover.
thusavus wriggle because of irritation;
thu na shoot with.
toss and turn e.g. while trying to
thunaik na put in place; leave. sleep.
thu nank grizzle; cry for something thut base of the inside of a container.
for a long time.
thu th decorate.
thu nas mk humble oneself.
thu thm decorate.
thunepki drum (small garamut).
thu thm mes decorate oneself.
thunggas play.
thu thm mes pt be glorious.
thunggas s play a game.
thu thik dm beat.
thunggas t play with.
thuthik mna shoot at.
thunggumgi base of a cup, house, or
thuthik namt throw at; shoot.
tree; back of a boat.
thu vlk svt fall in love with.
thuong bewitch.
thuvska n. father-in-law; brother-in-
thurik na punish.
law; uncle-in-law; any in-laws except
thu rik t straighten; stretch out. ones wifes mothers brother and
thu rik tm straighten; stretch out. his wife. Chris avama thvuska ma
thusachus wriggle because of irrita- Pius. Chriss father-in-law is Pius. Ava
tion; toss and turn e.g. while trying thuvski nma ava oemga ava
to sleep. lugutki. His daughter-in-law is his
sons wife. Pl: thuvsvek.
thusachus be irritating; feel
uncomfortable. thuvski n. mother-in-law; sister-in-
law; aunt-in-law; any in-laws except
thusachus nanas act funny.
ones wifes mothers brother and
thu salel n shrink. his wife.
thusamon dm collect; gather things thuvet answer.
thuvet mt answer; respond;
thu samor s make fun. reciprocate; take revenge; pay back.

U - u

u his; its. ulabungacha n. naked boy or man.

ubatki n. reef fish sp.; various colours: Elton d chama ulabungacha. Elton
blue, brown, or black with whitish is a naked boy. Pl: ulabungatha.
fins; up to 30 cm long; have sharp ulabungachi n. naked girl or woman.
teeth and very tough skin which ulmangachi tree sp.; native orange.
must be burnt off before eating.
ulul long.
Pl: ubat.
ulunggi n. 1 room. Chi da athama
uer adv. before. Di chia suchut nanas,
ulunggi da chia muthmgi d chia
uer kia rut na atha lchrithom...
naingim mamr. She decorated her
She tried, first she pushed her two
room and it looked nice.
small legs... Variant: ruer; thuer.
2 class; grade. Kave ia ulunggi ma
uer na race each other.
dvaguik nachi. He is in grade three.
ulabung n. nakedness. Pl: ulung.

ulutka uthi

ulutka n. reef fish sp.; grey with urachi witch.

slippery skin, no scales, and a big uras n. wing of a flying fox. See: urasvs
belly; lies on the reef. Ulutka da cha leaf (taro _ or Singapore _ ).
tas mt kama sul. The ulutka species
urasvs n. leaf; specifically of a taro or
lies on the reef. Pl: ulut.
singapore plant. Pl: uras.
umask male. Usage: Abilta dialect.
uratki n. basket. Cha drm ia cha ser
umngacha n. enemy; raider. Kama uratki. He knows how to weave a
umngacha cha vlng arucha pe va basket. Pl: urat.
lat. The raider killed a man at the
uratps n. coconut frond; stem is used
garden. Pl: umang.
to make a basket. Pl: uratimlk.
umngachi n. flash flood. Srmn
urn'ga n. crayfish; prawn; generic
vtha ut nmt kama umngachi.
term; refers to both salt water and
We were surprised by the flash flood.
freshwater species. Chi pus kama
Pl: umang.
urn'ga nmt agarski. She cooks
un pro. 1 we. Gram: First person dual class the crayfish from the sea. Pl: urn.
three pronoun. Un met smni
urn'gi n. large crayfish; large prawn;
arenggi. We went to the river.
generic term; refers to both salt
2 us. Gram: First person dual class three water and freshwater species.
pronoun. Cha von mt kama adichi Pl: urn.
ba un. He broke the taro for us.
urki bush.
una us two and.
urumbucha n. abandoned house.
unbem two. Ngni lu vama urumbucha autha
unbes evening. thoemka Jesus. You all see our baby
undrki n. forest. Kama undrki avaik Jesus in the abandoned house.
da as koiku tha thep manga lat Pl: urumbu.
vemgi. That forest has not yet had any us kopra copra shed; hut used to dry
gardens in it. Pl: undr. coconut and store copra.
undom two small ones. usupki n. 1 sky. Usupki ma
un pro. us two and. Morph: un=n. Lit: chthiacha nachi. The sky is blue.
1DL.III=and. Variant: una. 2 heaven. Dak ma Deo ava gthp
unpka n. dust. Socha av unpka. ka ma arektch usupki. But God, in
Sawdust. Pl: unap. See: thabucha his anger, banned (them from) heaven.
dust; ash. Pl: usp.

unes darkness. Usage: Abilta dialect. ut pro. 1 we. Gram: First person plural
class one pronoun. Ut met nani
uni pro. we two. Gram: First person dual
amsms va lat. We went for the food
class two pronoun. Uni tal kama
in the garden.
marupki ma un vlng gi. We carry
the cassowary that we killed. 2 us. Gram: First person plural class
three pronoun. Nge ngaip nas baut
unmlm two flat ones.
vtha Hosita. You hide yourself for us
un'gi darkness; shade; shadow. in the Host.
un'giom two. utna us and.
ungut husband. Usage: Abilta dialect. utn pro. us and. Morph: ut=n. Lit:
ur bush. 1PL.III=and. Variant: utna.
ura coord. or. Gram: Disjunction marker. uthi pro. we. Gram: First person plural class
Tha met sva lat ura mailu smni two pronoun. Uthi tvng da amr
arenggi. They went to the garden or vthaut. We sing and we are happy.
maybe the river.

va vaivthom

V - v

va at. Pl: vaidebung. Note: only v.

va subord. PURP. Gram: Basic purposive. Cha vaidebungini n. small ball; something
met va cha thonel. He went so he the size of a tennis ball.
could hunt. Note: only v. vai dm hit at; kick.
va his; its. vai dm pt crucify.
vachvaik that particular one. vai dm s hammer.
vachvak that particular one. vaigel tm beat up.
vachvang that particular one; those vaik jump.
particular ones; those particular flat
vaik that one.
vaik d jump.
vadechi n. bow. Andrew cha drm ch
tp mchama vadechi. Andrew vaik dm jump.
knows how to make a bow. Pl: vadek. vaim fold.
Note: only v. vaimanas wind itself.
vadechi atha chepki n. arrow. Chave vaim atha nmga n. large forest rat;
ch tpms vt kama vadechi atha has tan fur; lives in holes. Kama vaim
chepki. He is sharpening the arrow. ng nes kama vaim atha nmga
Pl: vadek angtha chep. Note: only v. nva ur. The dog bit the large forest
vadi want to; intend to; try to; nearly; rat from the bush. Pl: vaim atha nm.
almost; maybe. Variant: paim atha nmga.
vae blow; only of the wind. vaimbem n. puppy. Pl: vaimbap.
vae tap. vai mt slap.
vae s blow. vaimga n. dog. Vaim ng vlng kama
vae vt slap. vlmga. The dogs killed a pig.
Pl: vaim. Variant: paimga.
vai fall down; hit the ground; land
heavily. vaimgi n. bitch.
vai blow; only of the wind. vaim m wind around.
vaiait n. wire; specifically a single vair pt vi-so. be proud. Vair ptha ngo
strand of wire. Ka mu rik tchama sama mthk. I am proud about the
vaiait diva che thk mava chevs gifts. Note: only v.
nani chama thinm. He straightened vais crush.
the strand of wire to make his spear to vaisdm pt enclose; encircle.
catch fish. Pl: vaia. Note: only v.
vai s blow.
vaiaves n. arc mesh; sheet of wire
vais pt tie up.
fencing. Ka vondm mt kama
vaiaves nave ia RMI. He bought the vaithm pat.
arc mesh from RMI (Rabaul Metal vaivaik that particular one.
Industries). Note: only v. vaivak that particular one.
vaidebunggi n. 1 tree sp.; known as vaivang those particular flat ones.
wild orange tree.
vaivang that particular one; those
2 wild orange. Vaidebunggi d particular ones.
ngbes thi na mski. They dont eat
vaivathe those particular people.
the wild orange.
3 ball; refers to something the size vaivni that particular small one.
of a volleyball. Vaidebunggi vaivaik vai vt slap.
ma thoes tha tugas thmgi. That ball vai vthanas slap oneself.
that the kids are playing with.
vaivthom those particular two small

vaivthong vangon'ga

ones. vam pro. short two. Gram: Reduced dual

vaivthong those particular small nominal pronoun. Vaimbam taithvam
things. da kethopka vthavam. These two
dogs are very fat.
vak that one.
vam shore; beach; riverbank; front.
vaki subord. until. Kule cha va lat d
ch tk vaki banganggi d cha dn. van name of dancer; masked dancer,
He stays at the garden and he works dressed in yellow leaves from the
until night, then he returns. Morph: va= victory leaf plant, who carries
koki. Lit: purposive= also. Note: only v. beating sticks and punishes children.
valachi n. blister. Vthik ng mang da vandi disc. 1 want to; intend to. Gram:
valachi chia mn. His hand got burnt Desiderative marker. Ka tu avsnng ia
and a blister formed. Pl: valak. vandi chaet save ia Masarau. He
thought that he wanted to go to
valmka n. hook. Tha thn gama
thangamga dchama valmka. They
hung the bananas on the hook. 2 try to. Vandi vangam ngthi
Pl: valm. Variant: palmmka. thonanas sthm gi. The short one
tried to block her.
vali roll.
3 nearly; almost. Kama kavatka
valing sa-vi. turn over. Variant: waling. cha mu na rmgi vet kama thoemga
valing s vi-so. flip over. Valing da sa vandi cha ingip. The spirit that
schama vaimga ava sdem. This causes illness made the child sick and
dog's ears flip over. Variant: waling s. he was almost dead.
valkachuik be disobedient; refuse to 4 maybe. Vandi ithik da ngni tlu
follow instructions. ve. Maybe now you can see there.
Variant: vadi.
valkachuik na disobey.
vandok n. knuckles. Ngua mugun gu
valocha egg.
vandok dchama vaimga uvs. I hit
valpal twigs. the dog with my knuckles. Note: only v.
val t knock over. Note: no endings.
val tm knock over. vanim vt. roll around; turn over; e.g.
valuacha n. egg. Duraiki chia mu at movements of waves and fabric. Ngi
paluacha mt kama bogiski. The vanim chama matka d ngia thu cha
chicken laid her egg in the box. Pl: valo. vuk povar. You roll the mat over and
Variant: paluacha; valocha. put it on top. Variant: wanim.
valvalka n. clear area; an area that has vanis t beat up.
been cleared for a garden but which vanis tm beat up.
is not clean yet, all the big trees have vang run; come.
been removed but the small plants
vang that one; those ones; those flat
are still there. Angmamkiom ina
ainoes tha met thi donma vtha-
thva valvalka. The parents and their vang bt take without permission.
children went to clear out a patch for a vangbinem n. wanderings. Kule
garden. Pl: valval. Variant: walwal. Note: ngaiom dmna mt aina
only v. vangbinem. The two stay together in
valvalka n. finger; toe; generic term of their wanderings. Variant: bangbinem.
the extremities of the hands and feet. vang binem roam; wander.
Aruan guama valval. My toes hurt. vanggal suck in stomach.
Pl: valval.
vangon'ga n. flying fox. Kama va-
valvalki n. twigs. Cha mt kama valval ngon'ga cha vuk ka chop pchama
diva cha nachi schama mudam. He mngga uvs. The flying fox is up
got the twigs so he could start a fire there, hanging at the top of the tree.
with them. Pl: valval. Variant: valpal. Pl: vangon. Variant: pangon'ga; angon.
Note: only v.

vangon'gi vathm mes

vangon'gi n. stingray sp.; medium size; varuchi n. lizard sp.; brown and up to
greenish back and white belly; its 8 cm long. Pl: varu. Note: only v.
head looks like a birds head; leaps va sa subord. so that. Tha thik schama
from the water. Pl: vangon. Variant: viam va sa vadi thas ngt dokosa
pangon'gi. arucha achk ka mugunatha. They
vang vt run over. were picking galip nuts (Canarium
vap pro. short ones. Gram: Reduced plural indicums) so that they could eat them
nominal pronoun. Vaimbap ama but another man chased them. Note:
chthopka vtha vap. Those puppies only v.
are fat. va sik subord. so that. Ch kumer av
var cook in an earth oven (mumu). viam va sik k thk nangt. He
cleaned his galip nuts (Canarium
var reach; arrive.
indicums) so that he could sell them.
var dir. higher. D cha vn svt kama
vasik subord. in order to. Da sik ti ns
ngemngi at lalt va cha vn sva
ngt mt kama aio vasik ti tal ngt
var. And he climbed onto the stump of
savono. And they put them into the
a tree so he could get up higher. Note:
bamboo in order to carry them inland.
only v.
Morph: va=asik. Lit: purposive= irrealis.
varanda porch; verandah.
vaski n. 1 breadfruit tree. Gua lika
varat mess up; displace. cha vnd chama vaski avaik. My
var d drag. brother climbed that breadfruit tree.
var dm drag. 2 breadfruit. Pl: vas. See: variachi
var dm mes crawl. breadfruit. Note: only v.
variachi n. 1 breadfruit tree. vat plant; bury; plunge; dive.
2 breadfruit. Ngu plk ia ngua ts vatkivatki na vi-so. walk clumsily;
kama var. I want to eat breadfruit. especially to describe a person
Pl: var. Variant: pariachi. See: vaski walking along and looking down as
breadfruit tree and fruit. they walk. Thoemga cha tet d
vatkivatki nacha nasot av nank.
varka n. boundary between sections
The child walked clumsily over to his
within an area of garden belonging to
mother. Note: only v.
one person; used for planting diffe-
rent crops. Sa kama lat avang bik, vatpathia pitch black; complete
d choki chama nunggul, de chama darkness.
var d tha mu thchama lat pach- vat pthanas forget.
vang, d tha vt kama lagun. That vath those people.
particular garden, just at the boundary,
vathecha n. lazy man; a person who
and inside the boundary they decorated
does not like to do any work, they just
that garden, and they planted victory
sit and chew betelnut all day. Ma
leaf (there). Pl: var. Note: only v.
Gulemanas d chama vathecha.
varkurai n. court. Aruiom ma in svo Gulemanas is a lazy person. Gia saem-
in met smt kama varkurai. The gi de chama vathchi ma choiku
two men who stole went to court. Note: china tor atha lugutka ava baul.
only v. Note: no endings. Your aunty-in-law is lazy for she does
var mana svt gather around. not wash her husband's clothes.
var na call; specifically to call for a Pl: vathekta.
domestic animal. vathechi n. lazy woman. Note: only v.
var na mngga n. pulley. Angmbs vathk pt vi-so. be lazy. Ngave vathk
nanga var na mngga iva nani cha ptma Namu d mnatmgi. Namu
mnggi ithaik. There is no pulley for is being lazy and sleeping. Note: only v.
this large tree. vathm along; according to; for.
var s invite; ask for someone; call for vathm mes do by choice; do
someone; lead; pull in a fish. according to ones own wishes; do

vathm na vlmgi

unhurriedly; do in ones own time; ve there.

act independently. v his; its.
vathm na alongside; side by side; with vea when.
each other; for each other; parallel.
vcham that short one.
vathik mes fall down.
vchm that short one.
vathik pt vt. hit; e.g. bash a fish
vchm those particular short things.
against the reef to make it die. Chia
vathik pt kama thinmga snani vchs that flat one.
chama sul. She hit the fish against the vchit that large one.
reef. Variant: wathik pt. Note: only v. vchit that particular large thing.
vathik tm vt. hit a person; strike. Asik vdm pinch; nip.
k vathik tmga. He will strike him.
vdm n. borers; similar to white ants
Variant: wathik tm. Note: only v.
but they do not make tunnels on the
vavar top. outside of wood; are black. Kama
vavchm those particular short vdm ng ms kama amng. Borers
things. eat wood. Note: only v. Note: no endings.
vavchit that particular large thing. vdm fence; make a fence around an
vavgl that particular piece. area.
vavglem those two particular pieces. vgl that piece.
vavgleng those particular pieces. vglem those two pieces.
vavmlm those particular two flat vglng those pieces.
ones. veia subord. when. Aiski avaik da chi
vavnk those particular large ones. tk dak veia mavo nachi dasik
maulul. The car works but when it
vavnk tree sp.
breaks, it is broken for a long time.
vavnm those particular two large Morph: ve=ia. Lit: there=relator. Variant:
ones. peia; beia; pia; pea; via; vea.
vavni that particular small one. vk at; on; over.
vavsem those particular two long vk fetch water.
vk mt break.
vavseng those particular long ones.
vknas drown.
vavthom those particular two small
vk pt hatch.
vk tm break.
vavvam this particular short one.
velal vm comfort someone in distress.
vavvap those particular short ones.
vlk like; want; love; need.
vavvem those particular two.
vlk n. love. Jennifer chia tu vlk
vavvs that particular flat one.
svt kama thoemga achk ma tha
vavvet that particular long one. teska ia Tom. Jennifer fell in love with
vaviom those particular two. [Lit: put love to] a boy called Tom.
vavu interj. Wow! Variant: plk.

ve sa-vi. be there. Gram: May function as vlmga n. pig. Ngo da ngu tluvt
minor verb in serial verb construction kama vlmga da sa amorka. Me, I
encoding imperfective aspect. Cha ve sng looked after the pig and it got big.
arenggi. He is there by the river. Chia Pl: vlam. Variant: plmga; plmga;
ve va lat. She is there at the garden. vlmga.
Kama vlmbap ma aduguavap ng vlmgi n. 1 sow.
ve mt kama ichthachi. There are 2 large pig.
three piglets inside the fenced area. 3 reef fish sp.; brown; has a nose
Asik ngnbe ngni thk? Are you all like a pigs; is up to 1 m long. Pl: vlam.
going to work? Variant: pe; be. Variant: plmgi; plmgi; vlmgi.

vlng vr

vlng kill. vn dm bite someone out of anger;

vl mni snap. singe; burn.
vl mt break off. vn dmna n join.
vl s be broken. venk those large things.
vl t bend over; flatten out; be broken. venm those two large ones.
vl tm bend over; flatten out; be vnm those particular two large ones.
broken. vnngacha n. taro shoots. Athemgi at
vl vt break. vnang d sa amor. The taro shoots
are big. Pl: vnang. Note: only v.
vel vt rub; wipe.
veneng dm prepare; make a bed;
vem pro. two things; two people. Gram:
make a platform.
Third person feminine dual reduced nominal
pronoun. veni that small one.
vem in. vn ma pile up.
vm in. vnmalivi writhe; thrash around; es-
pecially something thrashing around
vema as.
in death throws.
ve ma subord. as; when. Ka mn ve ma
vnmaliwi writhe; thrash around; es-
chunngga cha mair. He came when
pecially something thrashing around
it was noon. Morph: ve ma. Lit: there
in death throws.
relator. Variant: vema.
vn m beat.
vmlk those flat things.
vn mna fight each other.
vmlm those two flat ones.
vn mt join.
vmgi n. doorway; opening. Morph: av=
amki. Lit: 3M.SG.POSS=mouth-F.SG. vn mtna join together.
Morph: av=amvem. Lit: 3M.SG.POSS= vn mulau bang; make a loud sound.
mouth-F.DL. ven s honour; praise.
vn climb. vn slp interrogate; question repeat-
vn ring a bell. edly.
ven bend. vn slp sangglm mes check
vna make guess. something for ones own satisfaction.
vna muma make fun; joke. vensenas be proud.
venaseng start; begin. vn vt climb on.
vnbenbs n. step. Ka thk m chama vn'gachi n. passage in a reef. Mliar
vnbenbs dava vtka vam. He made knma karuaik ini tor mt kama
a step at the front of his house. Pl: vn'gachi. The parrot and the early-
vnbenimlk. Note: only v. bird swam in the passage in the reef.
Pl: avang. Note: only v.
vnbn'ga n. chin; lower jaw. Kama
bremgi chia mn vt gua vnbn'ga. vngbngga envelope.
A boil came up on my chin. Morph: a= vng bt wrap up; cover.
bnbn'ga. Lit: SPEC=chin-M.SG. veng dm get something down from a
Pl: vnbn. Variant: bnbn'ga. high place; especially referring to
vn bt search out; gather something picking something from a tree.
that is scarce. veng vt climb up.
vnbon'ga n. generous man. Inosna- vpuit dir. upwards. Cha naingim
den d chama rucha ama vnbon'- vpuit svtha va ruacha. He looked
ga. Inosnaden is a generous person. upwards to his friend. Note: only v.
Pl: vnbonda.
vepuren vt wake up; stir. Usage: Abilta
vnbon'gi n. generous woman. Note: dialect.
only v.
vr get something out of a pocket or a
vncha muma make fun; joke.

vramr vthen

similar place; breathe out; put. hinged; e.g. a book or a mouth. Ngua
vramr be rescued; be saved; recover. tet ve d sul d ngua lu chama
tawan'ga d cha wus vm na vamgi.
veramr vt pick out the good ones
I walked on the reef and saw a clam
from a set of things.
close its mouth. Variant: wus vm (Abilta
vrddung go backwards. dialect). Note: only v.
vrk mt be torn; be ripped; shout; vs s get out.
ves tmna na vi-so. be combined.
vrk mt rip. Kama arutha ma Baininggna, Sul-
vrn dm sniff; smell. kagna, ut mo ves tmna naut mt
vrn svt smell. kama mugunbs. The people, the
Bainings and Sulkas, we were all
vereverechi n. cicada sp.; silvery
combined at the meeting.
colour; found on mountain ranges. Pl:
verevere. Note: only v. vestm svt whisper charms.
vr ma pull along; talk into; tempt. vsves magic spell; curse; charm.
vr m grab; catch; kidnap. ves vt charm; do magic.
vrmngacha n. lizard sp.; is brown vsvis adj. swollen. Dmska vak d
and up to 50 cm long. Pl: vrmang. ch bond chama slp ma vsvis.
That mosquito gives people swollen
vr t grab; catch; kidnap.
legs. Note: only v.
vr tm grab; catch; kidnap.
vt at; on; over.
vrvr dm skip.
vt plant; bury; plunge.
ves n. bottom. Usage: A euphemism for
vt dm d vt. put the walls on a house.
anus. Alechi dchama uratki athes.
Ka vt dm dcha bangga da asok.
There is a hole in the bottom of the
He put up the walls of the house and
basket. Bp dchama vaimga ves.
now it is solid. Note: only v.
The dogs anus farted. Morph: at=ves.
Lit: 3F.SG.POSS=bottom. Variant: thes. vtka house; village.
vs cook. vtpt fall; scatter.
ves blow. vtha at; on; over.
vsding close. vethachi n. fin, flipper, or tail of a
dolphin. Kama churepki chi tortm
vsding mt cover.
d uthi tlu athama vethachi. The
vsding sthm block; stop someone dolphin swam and we saw its tail.
from doing something. Pl: avet. Note: only v.
vseng those long things. vethaindik mtna grapple; two people
veski head. grappling with each other.
vski head. vethana head to tail; back to front.
ves mt blow on. vthana relate socially; interact.
vesnas sa-vi. find nothing where you vthanas prep. to oneself; on oneself.
expect to find something; e.g. ripe Ka mu chi vthanas d cha met. He
bananas you were planning to pick put them on himself and he went.
but someone came along and took Morph: vt=nas. Lit: PREP=REFL. Variant:
them. Ngua met ngu ngini viam da pthanas.
sa ngua vesnas. I went to find galip vthapki axe.
nuts (Canarium indicums) but I found
vthm n. village. Stephan ava vthm
none. Note: only v.
ma Ili. Stephan's village is Ili.
vs pm vt. close. Sa chule sa chia nia Pl: avutvap. Note: only v.
chia vs pmgi. So then it was going
vthen n. lime powder. Arura nave ia
to close its mouth. Note: only v.
PNG d thi sing chama kurem
vs pm na vt. close; referring to ngnchama vthen. People from
something with equal sides that is

vthenm viskthopka

PNG chew betelnut with lime powder. vinoski n. female vandal. Note: only v.
Ngi von d chama vthen'gi ina- ving roll; specifically to twist string
muk. You give the lime powder used to make net bags (bilums).
towards here. Variant: pthen.
ving surround.
vthenm n. freshwater fish sp.; white;
vingbm adj. disobedient. Kama athoes
up to 10 cm long. Pl: vthen. Variant:
ama vingbm. The children are
disobedient. Note: only v.
vethik dir. beside. Ngua mair d ma
vingbmga n. 1 vandal.
David vethik. I stood beside David.
Variant: pethik. 2 naughty boy or man. Michael sok
kama vingbmga. Michael is a
vthivt dir. outside. Choi ngina
naughty boy. Pl: vinbmda.
munaik ni giama msms vthirt
asik aung cha thangt. Do not leave vingbmgi n. 1 female vandal.
your food outside or someone might 2 naughty girl or woman. Note: only
take it. v.
vethom those two small ones. vingbing adj. crooked. Kama mngga
vthong those small things. da vingbing cha. The tree is crooked.
Note: only v.
vvam those two short ones.
vingbingbap n. Bainings. Vingbingbap
vvap those short things.
mir tha nave ia Rabaul. Long ago the
vvem those two. Bainings came from Rabaul. See:
vvs that flat one. avingbingda Bainings.
vvet that long one. ving d spy.
vi there. ving dm spy.
via when. vinggi look.
viam rotate; wave. vinggi svt peep; peek.
vias step on. vinggulini n. bolt of lightning. Kama
vik like that. vilcha cha thu chama lamsachi da
vinggulini. The lightning struck a
vilcha n. crack of lightning; the sound
coconut with a bolt of lightning.
of lightning, rather than the flash of
Pl: vinggulithong. Pl: vinggul.
light. Kama sainggi d chama
vilcha sei. The rain and the lightning vingia debate; argue.
are here again. Kama vilcha cha thu vingloinggi n. whirlpool. Kia ingip de
chama lamsachi da vinggulini. The chama renggi mt kama ving-
lightning struck a coconut with a bolt loinggi. She died from the whirlpool.
of lightning. Pl: vilk. Variant: pilk. Pl: vinglong. Note: only v.
vilchi n. gun. Ava vilchi chia ve va ving pthanas circle around.
mbang. His gun is at his house. ving vt go around; circle.
Pl: vilik. Variant: pilichi.
viom those two.
vimga n. galip nut (Canarium indicum).
virs ithm hide behind; duck behind;
Ngua ms kama vimga da amr
make way; move aside; move along.
mtka. I ate the galip nut (Canarium
indicum) and it was sweet. Pl: viam. viru writhe.
Variant: pimga. viru nana tussle.
vinem return. vis d be swollen.
vinos n. destruction. Kule ma ngi sep visem those two long ones.
mchama vinos. Dont you make viskthopka n. reef fish sp.; all white;
destruction. See: avinos play around, covered in very soft spikes; when
vandalise. Note: only v. touched or speared, it swells up by
vinoska n. vandal. Ma Elton sok kama drinking saltwater. Pl: viskthop.
vinoska. Elton is a vandal. Pl: vinsota. Variant: piskthopka.

vit vono sa muk

vit up. small white leaves, and very small

vitvitka n. grasshopper sp.; two types of flowers. Vlngacha da sok kama
grasshoppers: one is green and the mngga ma cha dn pet kama
other is brown; they make a pleasant chunam. The vlngacha tree is a
chirping sound at night. Pl: vitvit. Note: species that grows in an old garden
only v. site. Pl: vlang. Variant: plngacha.
vithia na overcome; conquer. vlikpethachi gecko.
viulacha n. mango tree. Laur ng vai vlochm n. spot. John ka vlng kama
d vl schama viulacha av vlmga ama vlok ama chdichn
angthiki. The wind blew and broke pthacha. John killed a pig with many
the branch of the mango tree. Pl: vival. spots on it. Kama vlochm nchama
Note: only v. sichirki mni gi baulki. The spot of
dirt is on your wraparound skirt
viulachi n. mango; refers only to the
(laplap). Pl: vlok. Variant: plochm.
fruit. Kama vlmga cha ms guama
viulachi ma ngua muchi iva manggi. vlochithong n. rash.
The pig ate my mango that I put aside vloltem sa remove; take off.
to ripen. Pl: vival. Note: only v. vloltem s loosen.
vivi over there. voe dm pt crucify.
vivik right there. von give; thatch.
vlamasarengacha n. grasshopper sp. vonbon'gi offering; payment.
Pl: vlamasareng. Variant: plamasareng.
vonbon'gi n. vine sp.; thick bush vine.
vlavalka n. 1 pole. Vonbon'gi da sok kama changatha-
2 tower. Mir kama morta thi thp chi ama chrotki. The vonbon'gi
mchama vlavalka ma thi kuar ia species is really a very strong bush
save sva usupki. Long ago the vine. Pl: vonbon. Note: only v.
ancestors built a tower which they say von d pay.
went to the sky. Pl: vlaval. Note: only v.
von dm pay.
vlchachi n. 1 choice; preference.
vondmgi n. 1 payment. Asik mir da
Mir autha morta da choiku thina
angabs na angama vondmgi. Long
sek na chlan taithik ia vathm kama
ago there were no payments.
vlkachi. Long ago our ancestors did
not marry like today when we follow 2 price. Aguangithong angthama
our own preference. vondmgi sok kia vuk. The price of
goods has gone up.
2 wish. Pl: vlch. Variant: vlkachi.
3 prize. Da mbs anga vondmgi
Note: only v.
chia mun. So there were not any
vlk like; want; love; need. prizes given. Pl: vondm. Note: only v.
vlkachi choice; preference; wish. von dm mt buy.
vlmbm n. piglet. Ngi plk anggivam von mt break apart, of taro or bread.
nvt kama plmbm dchama
von nana exchange.
vaimbam? Which of the two do you
like best, the piglet or the puppy? vono dir. 1 up. Masa cha vono sng
Variant: plmbm. See: vlmga pig. angmng. He was really up under
the trees.
vlmga pig.
2 inland. Ch nava lugutki in met
vlmgi sow; large pig; reef fish sp.
sa vono sda dam. He and his wife
vlnini n. trigger; knob; including the went inland to the mountains.
ears of a saucepan that the handle is 3 shorewards. Sa chule sa cha
hooked into. Pl: vlnithong. Variant: mun vono... Afterwards he reached
plnini. the shore... [Lit: Afterwards he arrived
vlng kill. shorewards...] Variant: bono; pono.
vlngacha n. tree sp.; grows in old vono sa muk dir. inside out. Ngia mon
garden sites; has very thick bark, mt kama singgliska di ngia np

vovar vungbungga

nachi ia na vono sa muk. You put the Karong. She is going there to Karong.
shirt on and (when you did) you turned Variant: pui; bui.
it inside out. Variant: pono sa muk. vuigl tm butcher; chop. Usage: Abilta
vovar top. dialect.
vraioik sip; suck. vuik above.
vrang spread. vuik na come out.
vrap fly. vuinem return.
vraseng na put aside. vuit dir. up. Ngi sek ngia vuski vuit.
vraseng n put aside. You lift up your head. Ngi vn vuit vet
kama churemgi. You climb up the
vrendem wake up.
betelnut palm. Variant: buit; vit; puit.
vreng spread.
vuk dir. above. Ngua mu chama
vrsetki n. marks; any strange kind of peletka vuk vt kama tevolki atha
marks. Conrad ka lu chama basiochi thng. I put the plate on the top of the
atha vrsetki vt kama rengia table [Lit: above at the table its back].
angtham. Conrad saw the strange Variant: puk; buk; vuik; vuch.
marks of the crocodile at the bank of
vuk mt fire a gun.
the creek. Pl: vrset. Variant: prsetki.
vuk tm erupt; shatter; burst.
vrucha n. enemy. Ngaiom aina vruiom
nana mamr. The two of them are real vulecha n. grandson; includes in-laws.
enemies. Pl: vrutha. Kama bilarki atha vulecha cha von
gi nathama rais. The old womans
vruchi n. female enemy. Note: only v.
grandson gave her some rice.
vrur pt have goose bumps; have ones Pl: vulekpek. Variant: awlecha.
hair stand on end.
vulechi n. granddaughter. Note: only v.
vuachtka n. gecko sp.; large; brown
vulikdm slip away.
with white stripes along the body and
around the neck; lives in houses. vulik s slip over.
Pl: vuacht. Note: only v. vum n. friend, the address term. Gua
vuaik jump. vum, sa ngiave ngia thet nvtha
ngo. My friend, you are going to leave
vuaik d jump.
me. Pl: vuap. Note: only v.
vuaik dm jump.
vunak vt. twist. Karla cha chut kama
vuak fetch water. nkthopki d chia wunak kama
vuch above. chepki. Charles speared the eel and it
vus cook. twisted the spear. Variant: wunak.
vutka n. 1 house. Francis ka thk vunak dm bend; use force to bend
mava vutka. Francis built his house. something.
2 village. Sa Baltasar ka met sva vunakdmga n. first flood; makes
vut. Then Baltasar went to the village. plants bend over. Kama ichumgi
Pl: vut. Variant: vtka. Note: only v. ama morki ama naruerki mt kama
volam da ut teski ia vunakdmga.
vutka n. coconut gratings. Kama
The first big flood of the rainy season
lams angtha vutka chave vm
we call vunakdmga. Pl: vunakdm.
kama diski. The grated coconut is in
Note: only v.
the dish. Note: only v.
vun'ga turtle. Usage: Abilta dialect.
vuetki n. large amount of coconut
gratings. vungbungga n. firedancer; is con-
cealed inside a large, hollow, rec-
vutves n. many dishes of grated
tangular panel that serves as his
mask. Ngua lu chama vungbungga
vuthom n. grated coconut to be eaten cha tain namt kama mundm. I
raw. Note: only v. saw a firedancer who danced around
vui dir. out there. Kia thet sa vui ia the fire. Pl: vungbung. Variant: bung-

vur wus vm

bungga. his head]. Pl: vs. Variant: puski; waski;

vur grow; especially of new skin or bark buski; vski; veski.
growing over a cut. vus mk leap up; explode.
vur germinate. vusnas pt shelter.
vurchacha n. ant. Kama vurchacha vus pm eruption.
cha nes ma Lotu at chulimgi. The vus pm erupt; burst out.
ant bit Lotus nose. Pl: vurk. Note: only
vus s get up; come up; emerge.
vustm vt cover.
vurk mni puncture.
vut base of the inside of a container.
vurk mt break open.
vut balam na blink; wink.
vuren vt wake up; stir.
vuthchi bundle of firewood.
vurvur sprout.
vuthm fall.
vurvurki n. blossom. Kama viulacha
ava vurvurki diva nani avama vuvs come out.
giungithong. The mangos blossom vuvuik up above.
(is) for its small fruits. Pl: vurvur. See: vuvuik n sprout.
garang blossom. Note: only v.
vuvuit dir. up above. Chok ka ve chlan
vusding close. nas ma chlan ia ichum, d chok
vusding mt cover. vuvuik nchama ngmng. It is just
vuski n. head. Aruan ava vuski. He has like that, when it floods, the trees come
got a headache [lit: (There is) pain (in) out (of the pool). Variant: vuvuik.

W - w

wae blow; only of the wind. cha dn pt kama reng angt keng.
wae tap. The warevacha is a river tree that
grows by the river. Pl: warep.
wae s blow.
warnacha n. index finger. Pl: warna.
wae vt slap.
waski head.
wain n. wine. Pthama ilachi thaik, ia
mbretka na wain. In this image is the wathik pt hit.
bread and the wine. wathik tm hit a person; strike.
waingimachi vt. bee. Kama waingi- winem return.
machi chia srendm ngo. The bee wirep pt vi-so. move; give yourself
stung me. Pl: waingiam. away when you are hiding because
waioi interj. Ow!; exclamation of pain. you move. Kule ma wirp pthange.
waling turn over. Dont move (so no one will see you).
waling s flip over. withia na overcome; conquer.
walwal clear area. wunak twist.
wanim roll around; turn over. wusding close.
warevacha n. tree sp.; grows by the wusding mt cover.
river; has small leaves. Warevacha wus vm close. Usage: Abilta dialect.
d chama renggi atha mngga ma

yamechi yavacha

Y - y

yamechi n. crocodile. Pius ka chut dangerous tree after the ceremony

kama yamechi nave sng arenggi. and must not be touched. Pl: yaung.
Pius speared the crocodile at the yavacha n. banana sp.; ladyfinger
mouth of the river. Pl: yame. See: banana. Tchp nchama yava ith
basiochi crocodile. mailu ia aung cha vt ngt. There
yaungga n. tree sp.; used in the are a lot of ladyfinger bananas here,
cleansing ceremony that follows a maybe someone planted them.
raid on another village; becomes a Pl: yava.

EnglishMali finderlist

A - a

abalone thvlka. n. shellfish sp.; Variant: vuvuik.

small abalone; shell is brown outside accent, Dadul ~, Mranachi ~ Araus-
and mother-of-pearl inside; is flat; up mt. n. the accent of the Mranachi
to 6 cm long; shell covers its entire and Dadul people (who speak Mali).
back; can stick strongly to the reef;
lives out on the reef where the sea accompaniments amspthithong. n.
breaks. Pl: thvl. Variant: tvlka. accompaniments; food to eat along-
side taro etc. Morph: amsptithong.
abandon don ma. sa-vi. 1 clear land Gloss: LNK-eat-LOC-small.PL.
for a new garden. 2 throw away;
abandon. Variant: thon ma. according to pathm. prep. 1 along.
2 according to. 3 for. Variant:
abandoned house urumbucha. n. vathm; bathm.
abandoned house. Pl: urumbu.
accurately marik. adv. 1 straight.
abandoned house or village ambilki. 2 properly; accurately.
n. abandoned house or village. Pl:
across imono. dir. across.

able to, be ~ mamr na. vi-so. be pos- across mni. dir. 1 on. 2 onto.
3 at. 4 in. 5 through.
sible for; be able to.
6 across.
able to, be ~ mamr pet. vi-so. be fit
for; be able to; be good for. Variant: across mono. dir. 1 across. 2 over.
mamr vet. across muani. dir. across. Variant: moni.
about ithm. prep. regarding; about. across namono. dir. from over there;
Variant: itha. across.
about nthm. prep. 1 from. across samono. dir. over; across.
2 about. Variant: nethem. across samuit. dir. over to; across.
about svt. prep. 1 to. 2 about. across smni. prep. 1 across.
3 at. 4 onto. Variant: sk; svk 2 onto.
(Abilta dialect); svtha.
across smnina. dir. up and down;
about oneself snas. dir. to oneself; across; from one to another; e.g.
about oneself. across a series of valleys and ridges.
about oneself svanas. dir. to oneself; across tmono. dir. 1 along.
about oneself. 2 across. 3 that way. Variant:
about themselves snas. dir. for them- thmono.
selves; about themselves. across a valley imuit. dir. 1 across
above vuk. dir. above. Variant: puk; buk; there; across a valley. 2 in a corner.
vuik; vuch. across, back ~ nanamuk. dir. back
above, up ~ vuvuit. dir. up above. across.

across each other aibika [TP]

across each other mnina. dir. across nasoth.

each other. after, one ~ another nasothana. adv.
across from namuani. dir. across from. one after another.
Variant: namoni. after oneself tmnas. dir. after oneself.
across on same level muit. dir. Variant: thmanas.
1 ashore; shorewards. 2 across on afterwards nasot. adv. 1 later.
same level; towards. Variant: mit. 2 last. 3 after. 4 afterwards.
across there imuit. dir. 1 across Variant: nasoth.
there; across a valley. 2 in a corner. again mchvs. adv. 1 sometime.
across to saimuanp. dir. to the other 2 sometimes. 3 again. Variant:
side; across to. machavs; mchuvs. See: kvs
across towards speaker inamuk. dir. when.
across towards speaker; forward. again sai. disc. again. Variant: sei.
act independently pathm mes. sa-vi. again and again sai sai. adv. repeat-
1 do by choice; do according to ones edly; again and again.
own wishes. 2 do unhurriedly; do in again, later on ~ saisa. adv. later on
ones own time. 3 act independ- again.
ently. Variant: bathm mes; vathm
against snania. prep. 1 against.
2 right beside.
activities athpmus. n. activities.
ago, long ~ mndu. disc. 1 before.
actually kinai. disc. 1 actually. 2 in 2 long ago. Variant: mndu; mundu.
contrast. 3 instead.
4 in turn. Variant: chinai; kinei; chine.
ago, long ~ mir. disc. long ago. Variant:
mur (Abilta dialect).
adore lotu svt. vt. worship; adore;
praise. agree tares dm. vt. agree. Variant:
thares dm; res dm.
adult man amorka. n. 1 adult man.
2 leader. 3 ancestor. 4 God. Pl:
agree tcheria. vt. agree. Variant:
morvap. Pl: morta.
adult woman amorki. n. 1 adult agree tcheria bana. sa-vi. agree.
Variant: thcheria bana.
woman. 2 leader. 3 female an-
cestor. 4 goddess. Pl: morvap. Pl: agree with tcheria ba. vt. agree with.
morta. Variant: thcheria ba.

adulterer chavatka. n. adulterer. Pl: ahead, go ~ thuer. sa-vi. 1 go first.

chavata. Variant: kavatka. 2 go ahead. 3 go in front. Variant:
ruer; er; kuer.
adulterer, female ~ chavatki. n. female
adulterer. aibika [TP] aichil. n. native spinach
adultery, commit ~ kavat tm. vt. (aibika). See: auravu native spinach
commit adultery. Variant: chavat tm. (aibika).

aeroplane ismgi. n. 1 large bird; aibika [TP] aichilki. n. native spinach

generic term. 2 aeroplane. Pl: ism. (aibika); refers to the whole plant.

afraid, be ~ auluvk mt. vi-so. be aibika [TP] auravu. n. native spinach

timid; be cowardly; be afraid. (aibika). Usage: This word is newer
than aichil. See: aichil native spinach
afraid, be ~ dlen. sa-vi. be afraid; be (aibika).
frightened. Variant: len.
aibika [TP] auravuchi. n. native
after nasot. adv. 1 later. 2 last. spinach (aibika).
3 after. 4 afterwards. Variant:

aibika leaf also

aibika leaf [TP] aichilves. n. native over. Gram: General indefinite form.
spinach (aibika) leaf. all right kinak. interj. yes; all right.
aibika leaf [TP] auravuves. n. native Variant: chinak.
spinach (aibika) leaf. ally lmuacha. n. friend; ally. Pl:
aibika stem (TP) chriduchi. n. na- lmutha.
tive spinach (aibika) stem; used for ally, female ~ lmuachi. n. female
replanting. Usage: Abilta dialect. Pl: friend; female ally.
chridu. Variant: kriduchi.
almost sangel kuvt. adv. almost.
aibika stem [TP] trutki. n. 1 small
root of a tree or plant, especially ba- almost vandi. disc. 1 want to; intend
nana, native spinach (aibika), or pea- to. Gram: Desiderative marker. 2 try to.
nut plant. 2 native spinach (aibika) 3 nearly; almost. 4 maybe.
Variant: vadi.
stem; used for planting. Pl: trut. Variant:
rutki. alone, stand ~ tair snas. sa-vi. stand
aibika tip [TP] laguain'ga. n. native alone. Variant: thair snas; dair snas;
mair snas.
spinach (aibika) tip. Pl: laguain.
aibika top [TP] aichilka. n. native along ivi. dir. along.
spinach (aibika) top that is used for along ivit. adv. along. Variant: ivuit.
cooking. along pathm. prep. 1 along. 2 ac-
aibika top [TP] auravucha. n. native cording to. 3 for. Variant: vathm;
spinach (aibika) top that is used for bathm.
cooking. along tm. prep. at; along. Variant: t;
aibika with red stems [TP] chuaramgi thm; dm; d.
at sachong. n. native spinach (ai- along tmono. dir. 1 along.
bika) with red stems. Pl: churam angt 2 across. 3 that way. Variant:
sachong. thmono.
air sanggaska. n. air. Pl: sanggas. alongside ithm. dir. alongside; beside.
air, fresh ~ isiska. n. fresh air. Pl: aisis. alongside pathm na. dir. 1 along-
air, in the ~ lechvs. adv. in the air. side; side by side. 2 with each
Variant: eps. other; for each other. 3 parallel.
Variant: vathm na; bathm na.
airport ism angt luchupki. n. air-
port. Pl: ism angt luchuap. already kinasa. disc. 1 really.
2 already. Variant: chinasa; inasa;
airport ples balus. n. airport.
alcohol areng ama chrot. n. alcohol.
already kok. disc. 1 just. 2 already.
alert person achlsacha. n. alert Variant: kuk; chok; chuk.
person; a person who has been train-
ed to be habitually alert. Pl: achl- already sa. disc. 1 then. Gram: Clause ini-
tial discourse marker. Introduces a new event
satha. Variant: chlsacha.
frame. 2 so. 3 already. Gram: Re-
alive ayar. adj. alive; living. sultative marker. 4 for a while. Gram: In
alive, be ~ tchm. sa-vi. 1 wake up. clause final position. 5 Gram: Imperative
2 be awake. 3 be alive. 4 arise; marker.
specifically referring to Jesus rising also doki. adv. 1 also; too. 2 simi-
from the dead. Variant: thchm; larly. Morph: da=koki. Gloss: and=also.
dchm; tcham; thcham; dcham. Variant: daki.
all mo. adv. all. also koki. disc. also; similarly. Variant:
all over mavangam. pro. anywhere; all choki; oki.

also, that ~ angry, feel ~

also, that ~ moki. disc. that also; that and really dinasa. adv. and really.
similarly; that another. Morph: ma= Morph: da=kinasa. Gloss: and=really.
koki. Gloss: REL=also. and so dasa. coord. and so; then. Morph:
altitude, area at high ~ ronggi. n. area da=sa. Gloss: and=then. Variant: dsa.
at high altitude. Pl: rong. and so niki. coord. and so.
altogether sna. adv. 1 altogether. and so nisa. coord. and so. Variant: nasa;
2 simultaneously. Variant: sna. niska.
always mrmr. adv. always. and still das. coord. 1 and still.
amrachuavacha tree, short piece of 2 and yet. 3 and just. Morph: da=as.
the ~ merachuvm. n. short piece of Gloss: and=yet.
the amrachuavacha tree. Pl: mera- and the dma. coord. and the. Morph: da
chop. =kama. Gloss: and=ART. Variant: dama.
among themselves bana. dir. among and, them ~ ngn. pro. them and; it
themselves. and. Morph: ng=n. Gloss: 3N.III=and.
ancestor amorka. n. 1 adult man. Variant: ngna.
2 leader. 3 ancestor. 4 God. Pl: and, them ~ tin. pro. them and. Morph:
morvap. Pl: morta. ti=n. Gloss: 3H.PL.III=and. Variant: thin;
and da. coord. and. Gram: Addition marker. tina; thina.
Variant: d; du; do; di. and then dule. coord. and then. Morph:
and n. associative marker. and. Gram: da=chule. Gloss: and=then.
Used to make associative pronouns. Variant: and those two dini. coord. and those
na. two. Morph: da=ini. Gloss: and=3DL class
and, her ~ kin. pro. her and. Morph: ki= two.
n. Gloss: 3F.SG.III=and. Variant: chin. and, us two ~ un. pro. us two and.
and, him ~ kn. pro. him and. Morph: k Morph: un=n. Gloss: 1DL.III=and. Variant:
=n. Gloss: 3M.SG.III=and. Variant: chn. una.
and if dasika. coord. and if. Morph: da= and, us ~ utn. pro. us and. Morph: ut=
asika. Gloss: and=if. n. Gloss: 1PL.III=and. Variant: utna.
and, it ~ ngn. pro. them and; it and. and we dut. coord. and we. Morph: da=ut.
Morph: ng=n. Gloss: 3N.III=and. Variant: Gloss: and=1PL III.
ngna. and yet das. coord. 1 and still.
and just das. coord. 1 and still. 2 and yet. 3 and just. Morph: da=as.
2 and yet. 3 and just. Morph: da=as. Gloss: and=yet.
Gloss: and=yet. and, you all ~ ngn. pro. you all and.
and just dinak. coord. and just. Morph: Morph: ngn=n. Gloss: 2PL.III=and.
da=kinak. Gloss: and=just. Variant: ngna.
and just dinas. coord. and just. Morph: and, you ~ ngin. pro. you and. Morph:
da=kinas. Gloss: and=just. ngi=n. Gloss: 2SG.III=and. Variant: ngina.
and just dok. coord. and just. Morph: da= angel gelucha. n. angel. Pl: gelutha.
kok. Gloss: and=just. anger gthp. n. anger. Variant: grp.
and maybe dasik. coord. and maybe. anger gri. n. anger.
Morph: da=asik. Gloss: and=irrealis.
angry, be ~ with burembm n. vt. be
and, me ~ ngun. pro. me and. Morph: angry with. Variant: brembm n.
ngu=na. Gloss: 1SG.III=and. Variant:
angry, feel ~ burembm. vi-so. feel
angry. Variant: brembm; mbrmbm.

animal, backwards moving ~ any two people, things

animal, backwards moving ~ monda- ant, brown ~ kubururucha. n. brown

remga. n. backwards moving animal; ant. Pl: kubururu. Variant: chuburu-
specifically crayfish, prawns, squid, rucha.
and hermit crabs. Pl: mondarem. ant, large red ~ mesongga. n. large
animal, young ~ thaembm. n. red ant. Pl: mesong. Variant: msongga.
1 child. Morph: at=oemvm. Gloss: ant sp. matholka avoes. n. ant sp.;
3F.SG.POSS child-reduced.SG. 2 young only live in the matholka tree; they kill
animal; especially puppies or piglets. off the surrounding bush.
Pl: thaembap. Variant: taembem. See:
thoemga child; son; student; assis-
ant, white ~ anggethangacha. n.
tant. white ant. Pl: angethang.

announcements mnarivs. n. an- anus bisuchi. n. anus. Pl: bisu.

nouncements; messages. Note: no anxious, be ~ mulen'gi vt. vi-so. 1 be
endings. anxious; typically through having a
another achkachk. dem. 1 another. fear of something unknown.
2 panic. Note: only m.
Gram: Masculine singular contrastive demon-
strative and count neutral singular contrastive any anga. np art. 1 some. Gram: Non-
demonstrative. 2 each. Gram: Masculine specific indefinite NP article. 2 any.
singular contrastive demonstrative and count Gram: Non-specific indefinite NP article.
neutral singular contrastive demonstrative. any angama. np art. 1 some. Gram:
Variant: chkachk. Non-specific NP article. 2 any. Gram:
another achikachik. dem. 1 another. Non-specific indefinite NP article.
Gram: Feminine singular contrastive demon- any anggung. dem. 1 some. Gram:
strative. 2 each. Gram: Feminine singular Count neutral indefinite demonstrative.
contrastive demonstrative. Variant: chika- 2 any; anything. Gram: Count neutral in-
chik. definite demonstrative.
another aguikaguik. dem. 1 another. any large one nemiavchit. pro. which
Gram: Feminine singular contrastive demon- large one. Gram: Extended singular inter-
strative. 2 each. Gram: Feminine singular rogative pronoun; can be used in indefinite
contrastive demonstrative. Variant: anggui- contexts.
kangguik; aguitagut (Abilta dialect).
any of their angthangama. pro. any
another, that ~ moki. disc. that also; of their. Gram: Third person neuter posses-
that similarly; that another. Morph: ma sive pronoun and indefinite possessive pro-
=koki. Gloss: REL=also. noun. angt=angama.
Morph: Gloss:
answer amuvtka. n. 1 answer. 3N.POSS= INDEF.
2 punishment. Pl: amuvt. Variant: any short one nmbm. pro. any short
muvtka. one. Gram: Reduced singular interrogative
answer tuvet. sa-vi. answer. Variant: pronoun.
thuvet; duvet; muvet. any short two nmbap. pro. any short
answer tuvet mt. vt. 1 answer; re- two; some short two. Gram: Reduced
spond. 2 reciprocate. 3 take plural interrogative pronoun.
revenge; pay back. Variant: thuvet mt; any small two nmbam. pro. any small
duvet mt; muvet mt. two; some small two. Gram: Reduced dual
ant vurchacha. n. ant. Pl: vurk. Note: interrogative pronoun.
only v. any two people, things nmbem. pro.
ant, black ~ sasongacha. n. black ant. any two people; any two things; some
Pl: sasong. two people. Gram: Feminine dual interroga-
tive pronoun.

anyone arrest

anyone angitha. pro. 1 anyone. Gram: area that has been cleared for a gar-
Human plural indefinite pronoun. den but which is not clean yet, all the
2 someone. Gram: Human plural indefinite big trees have been removed but the
pronoun. small plants are still there. Pl: valval.
anyone aung. dem. 1 someone; some- Variant: walwal. Note: only v.
thing. Gram: Masculine singular indefinite area, cleared ~ tamasnggi. n. cleared
demonstrative. 2 anyone; anything. area; a place where the ground has
Gram: Masculine singular indefinite demon- been cleared (except for big trees);
strative. the first stage in making a garden. Pl:
anyone aungguik. dem. 1 someone; tamasng.
something. Gram: Feminine singular indefi- area, flattened ~, cleared ~ burichi. n.
nite demonstrative. 2 anyone; any- cleared area; flattened area; e.g. a
thing. Gram: Feminine singular indefinite place in the bush where there has
demonstrative. been a dog fight or a crocodile rest-
anything anggung. dem. 1 some. ing. Pl: buri.
Gram: Count neutral indefinite demonstrative. argue bingia. sa-vi. debate; argue.
2 any; anything. Gram: Count neutral Variant: vingia.
indefinite demonstrative. arise sekmes. sa-vi. get up. Variant:
anything aung. dem. 1 someone; sepmes.
something. Gram: Masculine singular in- arise tchm. sa-vi. 1 wake up.
definite demonstrative. 2 anyone; any- 2 be awake. 3 be alive. 4 arise;
thing. Gram: Masculine singular indefinite specifically referring to Jesus rising
demonstrative. from the dead. Variant: thchm;
anything aungguik. dem. 1 someone; dchm; tcham; thcham; dcham.
something. Gram: Feminine singular indefi- arm angthichini. n. 1 hand; arm;
nite demonstrative. 2 anyone; any- refers to the entire limb; more polite
thing. Gram: Feminine singular indefinite word than angthiki. 2 twig.
arm angthiki. n. 1 hand; arm; refers
anywhere mavangam. pro. anywhere; to the entire limb. 2 branch. Morph:
all over. Gram: General indefinite form. ang=tikki. Gloss: 3CN.POSS=hand-F.SG.
apart ngis. adv. 1 aside. 2 apart. Pl: angthaik.
3 different. armband tachski. n. armband. Pl:
appear naingm. sa-vi. 1 look around. tachs. Variant: thachski.
2 see. 3 watch. 4 appear; look around mui. dir. 1 over there; away
like. 5 shine. Variant: naingim. from speaker on the same level.
appoint suchut ma. vt. appoint. 2 around.
apron aviringgi. n. apron. Pl: aviraing. around, go ~ bing. sa-vi. go around.
apron ladeigl. n. apron of leaves worn around, go ~ bing vt. vt. 1 go
by women at the back. Pl: lade. Variant: around. 2 circle. Variant: ving vt.
lande. around, go ~ nging. vt. go around.
arc mesh vaiaves. n. arc mesh; sheet of Usage: Abilta dialect. Variant: ing. See:
wire fencing. Note: only v. bing vt go around.
area, burnt and cleared ~ thvtki. n. arrange oneselves tu mana. sa-vi. ar-
burnt and cleared area; an area being range oneselves. Gram: Must have a plural
prepared for a garden, it needs one subject. Variant: thu mana; du mana; mu
more clean before planting. Pl: thvt. mana.
area, clear ~ valvalka. n. clear area; an arrest sangar. vt. 1 hold. 2 arrest.

arrive at something

arrive dn. sa-vi. 1 arrive; come. vraseng na.

2 reach. 3 return. Variant: ndn; ask snan. vt. ask.
thn; mn; mun; -an.
ask snandvr na. vt. ask.
arrive dn pt. sa-vi. reach; arrive.
Variant: thn pt; mn pt; dn p; thn
ask tnen. vt. ask. Variant: nen.
p; mn p; dn pa; thn pa; mn pa. ask for someone par s. vt. 1 invite.
2 ask for someone; call for someone.
arrive par. sa-vi. arrive. Variant: var.
3 lead. 4 pull in a fish; refers to
arrive, about to ~ niavi. sa-vi. about to a fish which is caught on a hook.
arrive. Variant: thar (Abilta dialect); var s.
arrive with dn s. vt. arrive with; aspirin sprinm. n. aspirin.
bring. Variant: thn s; mun s.
assistance amatnthmbes. n. help;
arrow vadechi atha chepki. n. arrow. assistance. Variant: matnerembes.
Pl: vadek angtha chep. Note: only v.
assistant athoemga. n. 1 child.
artery churacha. n. 1 root. 2 son. 3 student. 4 assistant.
2 artery; vein. Pl: chuar. Variant: Morph: at=oemka. Gloss: 3F.SG.POSS
kuracha. child-M.SG. Pl: athoes. Variant: thoemga;
as ve ma. subord. as; when. Morph: ve =oes; =emga; =oemga.
ma. Gloss: there relator. Variant: vema. assistant, female ~ athoemgi. n.
as if gisnng. subord. as if. daughter; female student; female as-
as if, as though gisnia. subord. as if; as sistant. Morph: at=oemki. Gloss:
though. 3F.SG.POSS=child-F.SG. Variant: =emgi.

ash chinap. n. ash. Variant: kinap. See: asthma chenechacha. n. asthma; tu-
thabucha dust; ash. berculosis; any condition principally
involving difficulty with breathing.
ash imng. n. ash; especially ash from
paper and leaves that still have their at mni. dir. 1 on. 2 onto. 3 at.
form; they are light grey and can float 4 in. 5 through. 6 across.
on the wind. at np. prep. at; during.
ash thabucha. n. dust; ash; specifically at pa. prep. at; on; over. Variant: va.
white ash from a fire. Pl: thabu. See: at pt. prep. 1 at. 2 on. 3 over.
unpka dust; chinap ash. Variant: vt; pa; ba; ptha; btha; vtha;
ashore muit. dir. 1 ashore; shore- bt; vk; pk.
wards. 2 across on same level; to- at svt. prep. 1 to. 2 about.
wards. Variant: mit. 3 at. 4 onto. Variant: sk; svk
aside mthik. dir. 1 aside. (Abilta dialect); svtha.
2 beside. at snani. dir. 1 on. 2 in. 3 at.
aside nmn. prep. aside; away. Variant: at tm. prep. at; along. Variant: t; thm;
namon; namn. dm; d.
aside nmni. prep. aside; to the side. at once likdm. vi-so. at once; in no
aside ngis. adv. 1 aside. 2 apart. time; immediately. Gram: Encodes punc-
3 different. tual aspect in sentence initial position. Always
aside, move ~ ml. vt. 1 flip over. seems to take a third person masculine singu-
2 move aside. lar subject.

aside, move ~ srik. sa-vi. move aside. at once masgvs. adv. at once; im-
aside, put ~ praseng n. vt. put aside.
Variant: vraseng n; praseng na; at something namt. prep. at some-

at the back bag, large net ~

thing. 4 arise; specifically referring to Jesus

at the back ngthathng. dir. at the rising from the dead. Variant: thchm;
back. dchm; tcham; thcham; dcham.

at the base sng. prep. 1 at the base. aware, be ~ sndamr. vt. be aware.
2 in the vicinity of; close to. Variant: away nmn. prep. aside; away. Variant:
seng; snng (Abilta dialect). namon; namn.
at the front dngtham. dir. in front; away, far ~ gelaulul. dir. far away; long
at the front. way.
aunt-in-law thuvski. n. mother-in-law; away from nmna. prep. away from;
sister-in-law; aunt-in-law; any in-laws e.g. used to describe the way a flood
except ones wifes mothers brother leaves rubbish behind as the water
and his wife. subsides. Variant: namna.
aunty-in-law saemgi. n. aunty-in-law; away from oneself nevanas. dir. away
niece-in-law; specifically ones from oneself.
mothers brothers wife, husbands away, look ~ nathong. sa-vi. look away;
sisters daughter, or husbands hide ones face.
mothers brothers wife. Pl: saembek.
axe avthapki. n. axe. avthap.
avoid tk tichim. vt. avoid. Variant: thk Variant: vthapki. See: thepka (Abilta
tichim. dialect) axe.
avoid tneng. sa-vi. avoid; dodge. Variant: axe thepka. n. axe. Usage: Abilta dialect.
neng. Pl: athap. See: avthapki axe. Note: only
awake, be ~ tchm. sa-vi. 1 wake up. th.
2 be awake. 3 be alive.

B - b

baby athoemini. n. baby. back towards momono. dir. back to-

back buthicha. n. spine; back. Pl: buthi. wards.
back thng. n. 1 back. 2 top. back up nanamk. dir. back up.
3 behalf. Note: only th. Note: no endings. backwards, go ~ prddung. sa-vi. go
back tunggumgi. n. 1 base of a cup, backwards; e.g. move backwards into
house, or tree. 2 back of a boat. Pl: hiding. Variant: vrddung.
tunggum. Variant: thunggumgi. bad angguvang. adj. 1 spoilt.
back across nanamuk. dir. back 2 bad. Variant: angguang; guvang.
across. bad avu. adj. bad or sinful person.
back, at the ~ nasot. dir. 1 behind. bad luck irit. n. bad luck.
2 at the back. Variant: nasotha.
bad man avucha. n. bad man. Pl:
back, at the ~ ngthathng. dir. at the avutha.
bad woman avuchi. n. bad woman.
back in place nasothanas. dir. back in
place; e.g. as with crop rotation. badly mavo. adv. badly.

back to naglmna. prep. back to. bag bechi. n. bag; sack. Pl: bek.
Variant: nanglmna. bag, large net ~ asgnachi. n. large
back to front pethana. dir. head to tail; net bag (bilum). Pl: asgn.
back to front. Variant: vethana. bag, large net ~ slavirochi. n. large net

bag, large net ~ banana plantation

bag (bilum); made from split bush bamboo drum avrin'gi. n. bamboo
canes; used for carrying food. Pl: drum. Pl: avrin.
slaviroch. bamboo, small ~ aini. n. small bamboo.
bag, large net ~ sragan'gi. n. large net Pl: aithong. See: aichi bamboo.
bag (bilum); made from bush vines; bamboo sp. achevungga. n. bamboo
usually used for carrying food. Pl: sp.; grows on high ridges; grows when
sragan. the achultngga species is dying off.
bag, large plastic ~ plastiki. n. large Pl: achevung.
plastic bottle; large plastic bag. Pl: bamboo sp. achultngga. n. bamboo
plastik. sp.; grows on high ridges; grows when
bag, net ~ asgnacha. n. net bag the achevungga species is dying off.
(bilum). Pl: asgn. Variant: sgnacha. Pl: achultng.
bag, plastic ~ plastika. n. plastic bag; bamboo sp. gotka. n. 1 bamboo sp.;
plastic bottle; specifically a bottle large. 2 pole made of bamboo.
between 1 and 5 litres in size, or a bamboo sp. kaivovocha. n. bamboo
medium sized plastic bag. Pl: plastik. sp.; small. Pl: kaivovo. Note: only k.
bag, small net ~ athalka. n. small net banana tangamgi. n. 1 banana.
bag (bilum). Pl: athal. 2 banana plant. Pl: tangam. Variant:
bag, small plastic ~ plastikini. n. small thangamgi; tangamga; thangamga.
plastic bottle; small plastic bag. Pl: banana block tangabs. n. 1 banana
plastik. block; an area planted with bananas.
Bainings avingbingda. n. Bainings. 2 banana leaf. Variant: thangabs.
See: vingbingbap Bainings. banana block tangamigl. n. 1 banana
Bainings vingbingbap. n. Bainings. block; banana plantation; referring to
See: avingbingda Bainings. an area planted with bananas.
baking powder isis. n. 1 baking pow- 2 piece of banana. Variant: thanga-
der. 2 yeast. minggel.

bald head blingga. n. bald head. Pl: banana flower cherorachi. n. banana
blaing. flower. Pl: cheror. Variant: kerorachi;
bald head luchupki. n. 1 space; e.g.
the space of a playground or dancing banana, ladyfinger ~ yavacha. n. ba-
ground. 2 baldness; bald head. Pl: nana sp.; ladyfinger banana. Pl: yava.
luchuap. banana leaf nmblvs. n. banana le-
baldness luchupki. n. 1 space; e.g. af. Pl: nmbl.
the space of a playground or dancing banana leaf tangabs. n. 1 banana
ground. 2 baldness; bald head. Pl: block; an area planted with bananas.
luchuap. 2 banana leaf. Variant: thangabs.
ball vaidebunggi. n. 1 tree sp.; banana, piece of ~ tangamigl. n.
known as wild orange tree. 2 wild 1 banana block; banana plantation;
orange. 3 ball; refers to something referring to an area planted with ba-
the size of a volleyball. Pl: vaidebung. nanas. 2 piece of banana. Variant:
Note: only v. thangaminggel.
ball, small ~ vaidebungini. n. small banana plant tangamgi. n. 1 banana.
ball; something the size of a tennis 2 banana plant. Pl: tangam. Variant:
ball. thangamgi; tangamga; thangamga.
bamboo aichi. n. bamboo. Pl: aio. Pl: ayo. banana plantation tangamigl. n.
1 banana block; banana plantation;

banana shoot beach vines

referring to an area planted with ba- mouth, sharp teeth, and whitish flesh
nanas. 2 piece of banana. Variant: with scales; are long and thin. Pl:
thangaminggel. malisa. See: malisachi large barracu-
banana shoot lscha. n. banana da.
shoot. Pl: lsk. barracuda, large ~ malisachi. n. large
bandage baniska. n. bandage. Pl: banis. barracuda. Pl: malisa. See: malisacha
bandicoot grucha. n. bandicoot; has
spiky hair, a long tail, and strong base angthut. n. base or bottom of
teeth; climbs trees and eats galip nuts the inside of a container. Morph: ang=
(Canarium indicums). Pl: gru. thut. Gloss: 3CN.POSS=underneath.
Variant: thut; vut; aindut.
bandicoot masn'ga. n. bandicoot;
cannot climb; eats fallen fruit; has base aremgi. n. 1 buttock. 2 base.
spiky hair. Pl: masn. 3 source; cause; reason. Pl: arem.
Variant: rem. See: arembm buttock;
bang bn mulau. sa-vi. bang; make a remini base; source; cause.
loud sound. Variant: vn mulau.
base remini. n. base; source; cause.
bang dolngengga. n. bang. Pl:
dolngeng. base tunggumgi. n. 1 base of a cup,
house, or tree. 2 back of a boat. Pl:
bang, make a ~ enmula. sa-vi. make the tunggum. Variant: thunggumgi.
sound of a bang.
base, at the ~ sng. prep. 1 at the
Bang! pau. interj. Bang!; imitates the base. 2 in the vicinity of; close to.
sound of a stone from a sling hitting a Variant: seng; snng (Abilta dialect).
basket uratki. n. basket. Pl: urat.
bank angtkeng. n. 1 edge.
2 bank; especially of a body of water bathe tor. sa-vi. 1 bathe; swim.
such as a river or pool. Morph: 2 sa-vi. get wet. Variant: thor.
angtkeng. Gloss: 3N.POSS-teeth. Variant: baton landmbm. n. short club; ba-
cheng; keng; geng. ton. Pl: ladm.
barge baski. n. barge. Pl: bas. be stuck don. sa-vi. 1 go in; enter.
bark aluat. n. bark. 2 sink. 3 drown. 4 be stuck.
Variant: thon; mon.
bark chndenggi. n. 1 body.
2 skin; bark. 3 peel; rind. Pl: chn- beach agars. n. 1 coast. 2 beach.
deng. Variant: kndenggi; kdenggi; Variant: gars; nggars.
chdenggi. See: chngdengga skin. beach angtham. n. 1 shore; beach;
bark guk tm. vi-so. bark of a dog. riverbank. 2 front. Morph: angtam.
Gloss: 3N.POSS-mouth. Variant: avam; vam.
bark cloth simalachi. n. 1 tapa cloth;
traditional covering worn by men; a beach anggarski atham. n. beach.
strip of bark cloth that goes between Morph: a=garski at=am. Gloss: SPEC=
the legs, attached to a waistband. saltwater-F.SG 3F.POSS=mouth.
2 underpants. Pl: simal. beach, pebbly ~ gisia. n. pebbly beach.
bark intensively guguk tm. vi-so. Usage: Also the proper name for a
bark intensively. pebbly beach near Marunga. Pl:
gisink. See: giska pebble.
bark, new ~ aithir. n. new growth; skin
or bark that grows in order to heal a beach, sandy ~ chunia. n. sandy beach.
cut. Pl: chunink. Note: only ch.

barracuda malisacha. n. fish sp.; bar- beach vines chalavurucha. n. beach

racuda; deep sea fish; have a long vines. Pl: chalavuru.

beads, rosary ~ benevolent man

beads, rosary ~ chunmka. n. rosary underground beetles that bore holes

beads. Note: only ch. in root crops. Pl: gathap.
beam asinir. n. beam; referring to a beetle sp. karirotki. n. beetle sp.; is
beam of light, e.g. from a torch or car black and edible; eats black palms and
at night, or from sun sparkling off areca palms once the grubs have fin-
glass. ished with them. Pl: karirot. Variant:
bean chlevecha. n. bean. Pl: chleve. karirothm; charirot.
Note: only ch. before mali. disc. before; earlier.
bear tal. vt. 1 carry. 2 move. before mndu. disc. 1 before.
3 bear; specifically to bear fruit. 2 long ago. Variant: mndu; mundu.
4 give birth. Variant: thal; dal. before naruer veia. adv. before.
beard chseng da vam. n. beard; before uer. adv. before; first. Variant:
whiskers. Pl: chseng dath vam. ruer; thuer.
Variant: chsengga da vam; kseng da
begin benaseng. sa-vi. start; begin.
Variant: venaseng.
beat bn m. vt. beat. Variant: mbn m;
vn m.
behalf thng. n. 1 back. 2 top.
3 behalf. Note: only th. Note: no endings.
beat tu thik dm. vt. beat. Variant: thu
thik dm; du thik dm; mu thik dm.
behaviour amusnng. n. 1 behaviour.
2 idea; thought. 3 plan.
beat up paigel tm. vt. beat up. Variant: 4 habit; custom. Morph: a=musnng.
vaigel tm. See: panis tm beat up. Gloss: SPEC=put.PAST-heart. Variant:
beat up panis tm. vt. beat up. Variant: amusnngini.
vanis tm; panis t; vanis t. See: paigel behind nasot. dir. 1 behind. 2 at
tm beat up. the back. Variant: nasotha.
because i. subord. because. Gram: Intro- belief malngeik. n. belief. Variant:
duces reason clauses. malangeik.
because mndu ma. subord. because. believe mat malngeik na. vt. believe.
Variant: mundu ma.
bell belka. n. bell. Pl: bel.
because of that nva thng. adv. be-
cause of that. belly sarumga. n. belly; paunch. Pl:
because really isok. subord. because
really. Morph: i=sok. Gloss: because= belly sarumgi. n. belly; stomach. Pl:
sarum. Variant: saremgi.
beckon nam na. vt. beckon; get some- belly and chest of an animal ronas. n.
one to come over by flapping ones front of torso; belly and chest of an
hand. animal. Note: no endings.

become dn m. vt. become. Variant:

belongings guvangithong. n. belong-
thn m; mn m.
ings; things. Variant: guangithong;
bed lavichi. n. 1 bed. 2 platform. Pl:
bend ben. vt. bend. Variant: ven; mben.

bed, make a ~ peneng dm s. vt. bend nging dm. vi-so. bend; duck
1 prepare. 2 make a bed; make a
platform. Variant: veneng dm. bend pnak dm. vt. bend; use force to
bee waingimachi. vt. bee. Pl:
bend something. Variant: vunak dm.
waingiam. bend over ger. sa-vi. bend over.
beetle sp. gathvacha. n. beetle sp.; benevolent man mervmka. n. be-

benevolent woman bird sp.

nevolent man; a person who is a Christian religious contexts. 2 be-

source of good things. Pl: mervmta. witch; refers to speaking power into
benevolent woman mervmki. n. be- something by sorcery. Variant: thamn
nevolent woman. dm; methamn dm.

bent, be ~ nanger. sa-vi. be bent. bewitch tuong. vt. bewitch. Variant:

Variant: nager. thuong; dong.

bent over, be ~ pl tm. vi-so. be bro- big amor. adj. big. Variant: mor.
ken; be bent over; be flattened out; bilum asgnacha. n. net bag (bilum).
e.g. of grass that has been walked on. Pl: asgn. Variant: sgnacha.
benzene bensin. n. benzene. bilum, incomplete ~ masarka. n. net
beside dvthik. dir. beside. Variant: bag (bilum) that is still being made;
dththik. unfinished net bag (bilum). Pl: masar.

beside ithm. dir. alongside; beside. bilum, large ~ asgnachi. n. large net
bag (bilum). Pl: asgn.
beside mthik. dir. 1 aside. 2 be-
side. bilum, large ~ slavirochi. n. large net
bag (bilum); made from split bush
beside ndvethik. dir. beside. canes; used for carrying food. Pl:
beside sdvthik. dir. beside. Variant: slaviroch.
bilum, large ~ sragan'gi. n. large net
beside vethik. dir. beside. Variant: bag (bilum); made from bush vines;
pethik. usually used for carrying food. Pl:
beside, right ~ snania. prep. sragan.
1 against. 2 right beside. bilum, old ~ silingim. n. old net bag
betel palm churemgi. n. 1 palm sp.; (bilum). Pl: silingbap.
betel palm. 2 shellfish sp.; comes bilum, small ~ athalka. n. small net bag
from the sea; has an elongated spiral (bilum). Pl: athal.
shell up to 10 cm long. Pl: churem. bind kethik mt. vt. bind. Variant:
Variant: kuremgi.
chethik mt.
betel pepper achvor angthoes. n. bird ismga. n. bird; generic term. Pl:
betel pepper (daka); betelnut mus- ism.
bird, large ~ ismgi. n. 1 large bird;
betelnut changska. n. betelnut. Pl:
generic term. 2 aeroplane. Pl: ism.
changes. Variant: kangska.
bird sp. charucha. n. bird sp.; black
betelnut churemga. n. betelnut. Pl:
with red spots on the chest and a
churem. Variant: kuremga.
white spot at the throat; has quite a
betelnut mustard achvor angthoes. long tail; is very shy; hides at the top
n. betel pepper (daka); betelnut mus- of big trees and calls kwek, kwek,
tard. kwek at night. Pl: charu. Note: only ch.
betelnut palm changska. n. betelnut bird sp. charuvaika. n. bird sp.; early-
palm. Pl: changs. Variant: kangski. bird; sings early in the morning; has
better, get ~ amrvs pt. vi-so. dull coloured feathers. Pl: charuvaik.
1 feel fine. 2 heal; get better; get Variant: karuvaika; karuaika; charuaika.
well. 3 feel peaceful. bird sp. chuaramgi. n. black bird with
between mugurp. dir. 1 in the mid- red eyes. Pl: chuaram. Variant:
dle. 2 between. Variant: munggurup. kuaramgi.

bewitch tamn dm. vt. 1 sanctify; in bird sp. dingdingga. n. bird sp.; very

bird sp. block off

small; some are black and some are black achluing. adj. black. Variant:
yellow; their call sounds like ding chluing; achuluing; achluing.
ding; they like sitting in orange trees. black, be ~ ailaing mt. vi-so. be black.
Pl: dingding. See: dingdingini bird sp.
(alternate name). black singapore bukacha. n. taro sp.;
black singapore. Pl: buka.
bird sp. dingdingini. n. bird sp.; very
small; some are black and some are blackboard blakbotki. n. blackboard.
Pl: blakbot.
yellow; their call sounds like ding
ding; they like sitting in orange trees. blackish, be ~ achluingbs vt. vi-so.
See: dingdingga bird sp. (alternate be blackish. Variant: achluingbs vt.
name). bleed bias ng dn s. vi-so. bleed.
bird sp. gubarka. n. bird sp.; dove; bless tares svt. vt. 1 note.
Victoria crowned pigeon. Pl: gubar. 2 bless. Variant: thares svt; rares
Variant: kumbarka; chumbarka. svt.
bird sp. lagrka. n. bird sp.; large blessing arareski. n. blessing.
parrot; steals cocoa and food from
blind asusur. adj. blind.
gardens. Pl: lagr. Variant: langgrka.
blind blaenbs. n. blind. Pl: blaen.
bird sp. lalumga. n. bird sp.; brown
Variant: blaenvs.
and white hawk. Pl: lalum.
blind senbes. n. blind; refers to a
bird sp. mliarka. n. bird sp.; small
woven cane wall. Pl: sen.
parrot that is colourful: green and red.
Pl: mliar. blind, be ~ ssur. vi-so. be blind.
bird sp. savangini. n. bird sp.; spar- blind man assurka. n. blind man. Pl:
row. Pl: savang. assurta.

birds tail ithepki. n. birds tail. Pl: blind, temporarily ~ bp scha

ithep. sachong. vi-so. temporarily blind.
Note: only b.
birth, give ~ tal. vt. 1 carry. 2 move.
3 bear; specifically to bear fruit. blind woman assurki. n. blind
4 give birth. Variant: thal; dal. woman.
birth, give ~ tat. vt. 1 get. 2 give blindfolded, be ~ sur. vt. be blindfolded.
birth. Usage: Note that the present blink pt balam na. vt. blink; wink.
tense is not used because it would Variant: vut balam na.
make a command Have your baby
blister valachi. n. blister; bruise. Pl:
now!; only that and mat are usually
used. Variant: that; dat; mat; tht; tt;
dt; mt. block psding sthm. vt. 1 block.
2 stop someone from doing some-
bit of meat slichini. n. bit of meat. Pl:
thing. Variant: vsding sthm.
block and tackle bloka. n. block and
bitch vaimgi. n. bitch.
tackle; pulley. Pl: blok.
bite pn dm. vi-so. 1 bite someone
block, banana ~ tangabs. n.
out of anger. 2 singe; burn. Variant:
1 banana block; an area planted with
vn dm.
bananas. 2 banana leaf. Variant:
bite tnes. vt. bite. Variant: nes. thangabs.
bits and pieces balerbaler. n. bits and block off rek sthm. vt. 1 close in.
pieces; especially of wood. 2 block off; e.g. to obstruct some-
bitter, be ~ sren. sa-vi. be bitter. ones view. 3 forbid. Variant: trek
sthm; chrek sthm. See: trek tm

blood bottle, large plastic ~

prohibit, forbid. boil bremgi. n. boil. Pl: burem. Variant:

blood biaska. n. blood. Pl: bias. Variant: bremgi.
mbiaska. boil boel. sa-vi. boil. Variant: bol. See:
blood, large quantity of ~ mbiaski. n. guaremga mt boil; bubble.
large quantity of blood. Morph: a= boil guaremga mt. vi-so. boil; bubble;
biaski. Gloss: SPEC=blood-F.SG. See: specifically the sound: water boiling
biaska blood. or the sound of a waterfall. Note: only g.
blossom garang. n. blossom. boisterous man sechabangga. n.
blossom vurvurki. n. blossom. Pl: vur- boisterous man; someone who is al-
vur. See: garang blossom. Note: only v. ways talking and laughing loudly. Pl:
blouse, meri ~ koloski. n. meri blouse;
a loose fitting dress worn by women in boisterous woman sechabanggi. n.
PNG, with a wraparound skirt (laplap) boisterous woman.
worn underneath. Pl: kolos. Note: only k. bolt skruchm. n. bolt. Pl: skru.
blow pai s. vt. blow. Variant: vai s; vae bomb bomgi. n. bomb. Pl: bom.
s; wae s. bone slpki. n. bone. Pl: slp. Variant:
blow pes. sa-vi. blow. Variant: ves. slp; slpki.
blow nose ts t chulim. sa-vi. blow bonfire amudmbs. n. 1 bonfire.
nose. Variant: ths t chulim. 2 wildfire. Pl: amudm. Variant: amun-
blow on pes mt. vt. blow on. Variant: dmbs; amundmvs. See: amudmga
ves mt. fire.

blow; only of the wind pai. sa-vi. blow; bonfire butki. n. large fire; bonfire. Pl:
only of the wind. Variant: vai; vae; wae. but.

blue chthiacha. n. blue. Variant: bony, be ~ slp pt. vi-so. be skinny; be

kthiacha. bony.

bluish achthiavs. adj. bluish. Variant: book buchm. n. book. Pl: buchvap. See:
chthiavs; kthiavs. tlngm book.

blunt, be ~ buel mt. vi-so. be blunt. book tlngm. n. book. Pl: tlngvap.
See: buchm book.
board amngigl. n. board. Pl: amngi-
gleng. Variant: mngigl. boom din'ga. n. boom; roar. Pl: ddin.
board plangigel. n. board; plank. Pl: border birbirka. n. 1 border of danc-
plangigleng. Variant: plangigl. See: baler ing ground. 2 frame for a net. Pl:
piece of wood. Note: only p. birbir.

boat botki. n. boat. Pl: bot. See: luln'gi bore bor mt. vt. bore. Note: only b.
boat. borers vdm. n. borers; similar to
boat luln'gi. n. boat; especially a ba- white ants but they do not make
nana boat. Pl: lulen. See: botki boat. tunnels on the outside of wood; are
black. Note: only v. Note: no endings.
body chdngm. n. body. Pl: kdeng-
vap. Variant: kdengm. boss mairvtka. n. boss. Pl: mairvtta.
body chndenggi. n. 1 body. 2 boss, female ~ mairvtki. n. female
skin; bark. 3 peel; rind. Pl: chn- boss.
deng. Variant: kndenggi; kdenggi; bottle ainiricha. n. bottle. Pl: ainiri.
chdenggi. See: chngdengga skin. Variant: iniricha.
body slika. n. body; especially a dead bottle, large plastic ~ plastiki. n. large
body. plastic bottle; large plastic bag. Pl:

bottle, plastic ~ break

plastik. hand-F.SG. Pl: angthaik.

bottle, plastic ~ plastika. n. plastic branch, end of ~ angthichm. n. end
bag; plastic bottle; specifically a bottle of branch; specifically the part where
between 1 and 5 litres in size, or a the leaves are. Pl: angthikvap. Variant:
medium sized plastic bag. Pl: plastik. vthichm.
bottle, small plastic ~ plastikini. n. branch, side ~ of a river achruacha.
small plastic bottle; small plastic bag. n. side branch of river; dries up during
Pl: plastik. the dry season. Pl: achrau. Variant:
bottom angthut. n. base or bottom of acheruacha.
the inside of a container. Morph: ang= brave, be ~ achrnas mt. vi-so. 1 be
thut. Gloss: 3CN.POSS=underneath. Var- brave. 2 be hard; be difficult.
iant: thut; vut; aindut. 3 be salty. Variant: chrnas mt.
bottom ves. n. bottom. Usage: A euphe- brave, be ~ asok mt. vi-so. 1 be
mism for anus. Morph: at=ves. Gloss: brave. 2 be determined; be sin-
3F.SG.POSS= bottom. Variant: thes. gle-minded. 3 be strong. 4 be
boundary nugulka. n. boundary; either solid. 5 be challenging; e.g. a
a boundary between villages or a game.
boundary between different peoples brave man achrnasmtka. n. brave
plots within a garden. Pl: nugul. man. Pl: achrnasmtta.
boundary suchutka. n. 1 sign; mark. brave woman achrnasmtki. n. brave
2 line; boundary. Pl: suchut. Variant: woman.
asuchut. bread achsaskmtki. n. bread. Pl:
boundary varka. n. boundary between achsaskmt.
sections within an area of garden be- breadfruit variachi. n. 1 breadfruit
longing to one person; used for tree. 2 breadfruit. Pl: var. Variant:
planting different crops. Pl: var. Note: pariachi. See: vaski breadfruit tree
only v. and fruit.
bow vadechi. n. bow. Pl: vadek. Note: breadfruit vaski. n. 1 breadfruit tree.
only v. 2 breadfruit. Pl: vas. See: variachi
bowl, large wooden ~ aguervaluski. n. breadfruit. Note: only v.
large wooden bowl. Pl: aguervalus. breadfruit tree variachi. n.
bowl, wooden ~ aluski. n. 1 turtle 1 breadfruit tree. 2 breadfruit. Pl:
shell. 2 wooden bowl. Pl: alus. var. Variant: pariachi. See: vaski
Variant: luski. breadfruit tree and fruit.
bowl, wooden ~ banggruanggi. n. breadfruit tree vaski. n. 1 breadfruit
1 pot; saucepan. 2 wooden bowl. tree. 2 breadfruit. Pl: vas. See:
Pl: banggruang. variachi breadfruit. Note: only v.
box bogiski. n. box. Pl: bogis. break bing mni. vt. break or snap;
boy, sisterless ~ chungacha. n. 1 tree especially of a rope. Note: only b.
sp.; casuarina. 2 sisterless man; break lik s. vt. break or tear off
sisterless boy; a man or a boy who something small.
does not have any sisters. Pl: chuang. break mbeng. vt. break.
Variant: kungacha.
break pk mt. vi-so. break. Variant: vk
brain gnngachi. n. brain. mt.
branch angthiki. n. 1 hand; arm; break pk tm. vt. break. Variant: vk
refers to the entire limb. 2 branch. tm; bk tm.
Morph: ang=tikki. Gloss: 3CN.POSS=

break bugle

break pl vt. vi-so. break. Variant: vl the sea throwing things onto the
vt. shore. Variant: thon.
break tik tm. vt. 1 pick. 2 break. broken, be ~ pl s. vi-so. be broken.
3 snap off. Variant: thik tm; tik t; Variant: vl s.
thik t. broken, be ~ pl tm. vi-so. be broken;
break apart bon mt. vt. break apart, be bent over; be flattened out; e.g. of
of taro or bread. Variant: von mt. grass that has been walked on.
break apart lik mt. vt. 1 rip off; tear broken down, be ~ mavo na. vi-so. be
off. 2 split; break apart. broken down; not working.
break, have a ~ from sot na. vt. have a broom schuvm. n. broom. Pl: schup.
break from. Variant: suchupvm.
break off pl mt. vi-so. break off. brother, older ~ mathm. n. older
Variant: vl mt. brother. Usage: A term of address. Pl:
break off tanger vt. vt. 1 snap; break matvek.
off. 2 spear. Variant: thanger vt. brother, older ~ matka. n. older
break open purk mt. vt. break open. brother. Pl: matvek.
Variant: vurk mt. brother, younger ~ alika. n. younger
break up lr dm. vi-so. break up. brother. Pl: alikpek.
Variant: ler d. brother-in-law chlucha. n. brother-in-
breast chmcha. n. breast. Pl: law; both the address and reference
chmk. Variant: kmk. term; used by a male speaker; can be
used for a mans sisters husband or a
breath chnak. n. breath; specifically mans wifes brother. Pl: chluvek.
exhaled breath. Variant: knak. Variant: klucha.
breath sangaska. n. breath. Pl: sangas. brother-in-law oes mamk. n. brother-
breath, gasp for ~ sanggas machu- in-law; husband; address and refer-
vt. sa-vi. gasp for breath. ence term; used by a female speaker.
breath, lose ones ~ sanggas ithms. Pl: oes mamkna.
sa-vi. lose ones breath. brother-in-law thuvska. n. father-in-
breathe sanggas. sa-vi. breathe. law; brother-in-law; uncle-in-law; any
in-laws except ones wifes mothers
breathe out pr. vt. 1 get something
brother and his wife. Pl: thuvsvek.
out of a pocket or a similar place.
2 breathe out. 3 put; e.g. to put brown ivitki. n. brown.
someone in a particular place. Variant: bruise valachi. n. blister; bruise. Pl:
vr. valak.
bright, be ~ asinir mt. vi-so. be bright; bubble guaremga mt. vi-so. boil;
be light. bubble; specifically the sound: water
bright light nethachi. n. bright light. boiling or the sound of a waterfall.
Note: no plural. Note: only g.

brightly mamor. adv. 1 lots. bucket baketki. n. bucket. Pl: baket.

2 excessively; very much; terribly. bucket chureski. n. 1 leaf from an
3 strongly. 4 hard. 5 loudly. areca palm. 2 bucket; made from
6 fast; quickly. 7 brightly. an areca palm leaf. Pl: chures. Variant:
bring dn s. vt. arrive with; bring. kureski.
Variant: thn s; mun s. bugle tavurki. n. 1 conch shell.
bring in don. vt. bring in; specifically 2 bugle. Pl: tavur. See: abiulgi conch

build Bye!

shell. Note: only t. commonly found in gardens; grows to

build tp ma. vt. 1 make; build. 1.5 m tall and has soft leaves; used to
2 carve. Variant: thp ma; tp m; thp treat dysentery by crushing half of a
m. new leaf with a very ripe leaf and
washing them with water; water is
bump tat mt. vt. bump. Variant: that
squeezed into a cup and drunk.
gt; dat mt; mat mt.
bush sp. thalechachi. n. bush sp.; used
bunch garngacha. n. bunch; e.g. a for decoration; grows in the bush. Pl:
bunch of bananas, coconuts or man- thalek. Variant: talechachi.
goes. Pl: garang.
bush woman aurki. n. bush woman.
bunch, large ~ garngachi. n. large
bunch; e.g. bananas, coconuts, or bushes aurithong. n. bushes.
mangoes. Pl: garang. but dak. coord. but. Gram: Adversative
burn dang. sa-vi. 1 catch fire. marker.
2 burn. Variant: ndang; thang; mang. Butams Butamgna. n. Butams.
burn dang mt. sa-vi. 1 burn; be on butcher krtp pt. vt. 1 chop off;
fire. 2 be in a fire. Variant: ndang e.g. to strip a tree back to its trunk.
mt; thang mt; mang mt. 2 butcher; e.g. of a pig or a fish.
burn pn dm. vi-so. 1 bite someone Variant: chrtp pt.
out of anger. 2 singe; burn. Variant: butcher kutgil tm. vt. butcher; chop.
vn dm. Variant: chutgil tm; vuigl tm (Abilta

burnt, be ~ ainin vt. vi-so. be charred; dialect).

be burnt. butterfly achinggoinggi. n. butterfly.
burnt, be ~ dung sng. vi-so. be burnt. Pl: achinggoing.

burnt, get ~ dung mt. vi-so. get burnt. buttock arembm. n. 1 buttock.
2 n. source; cause; reason. See:
burp gk pt. vi-so. burp. aremgi buttock; source; cause; rea-
burst puk tm. sa-vi. 1 erupt. son.
2 shatter; burst. Variant: vuk tm.
buttock aremgi. n. 1 buttock.
burst out pus pm. vi-so. erupt; burst 2 base. 3 source; cause; reason.
out. Variant: vus pm. Pl: arem. Variant: rem. See: arembm
bury pt. vt. 1 plant. 2 bury. buttock; remini base; source; cause.
3 plunge. Variant: vt; pat; vat. buy bon dm mt. vt. buy. Variant: von
bush aurki. n. bush. Pl: aur. Variant: ur; dm mt.
urki. by nagl. prep. 1 from. 2 by. Variant:
bush sarnggi. n. bush. Pl: sarng. nangl.

bush man aurka. n. bush man. Pl: aurta. Bye! chule nge chlan. interj. Bye!
Usage: This expression lets the hearer
bush side aurigl. n. bush side of the
know that they can go.
road, a less pleasant place to stand.
bush sp. ivangacha. n. bush sp.;

C - c

calendar amundika v chunng. n. cane sp., wild ~ amundiki. n. edible

calendar. Pl: amundik angt kunng. stalk of a wild cane sp. (pitpit). Pl:
calf cherorini. n. calf; specifically the mundik. Variant: mendik.
large muscle in the lower part of the canoe kanucha. n. canoe. Pl: kanu. See:
leg. Pl: cheror. Variant: chrorini; luln'ga canoe. Note: only k.
capsize tnp nanas. sa-vi. 1 change
call charidang. n. call; a special sound, oneself; become different.
ooo, is called from the bush to warn 2 capsize. Variant: np nanas.
that a Mndas is coming. Variant:
car aiski. n. 1 car. 2 truck. Pl: ais.
Variant: iski. See: araun'ga mtki car.
call par na. vt. call; specifically to call
car araun'ga mtki. n. car; motorcy-
for a domestic animal. Variant: var na.
cle. Morph: araunka mt=ki. Gloss:
call tes. vt. name; call by name. Variant: sound-M.SG in=3F.SG. See: aiski car;
thes; des; mes. raun'ga sound.
call tu chuar s. vt. call; calling out to car karki. n. car. Pl: kar. Note: only k.
someone to follow you. Variant: thu
care, ~ for, take ~ of lmu thm. vt.
chuar s.
look after; care for; take care of.
call for tns m. vt. call for. Variant: ns
Careful! aie. interj. Careful! Variant: oo.
carelessly madng. adv. 1 carelessly.
call for someone par s. vt. 1 invite.
2 unconcernedly.
2 ask for someone; call for someone.
3 lead. 4 pull in a fish; refers to carelessly maslevr. adv. roughly;
a fish which is caught on a hook. carelessly.
Variant: thar (Abilta dialect); var s. carpenter kapenta. n. carpenter. Pl:
call oneself tes nas. sa-vi. call oneself. kapentachna. Note: only k.
Variant: thes nas; des nas; mes nas. carrier thatalvmga. n. carrier. Pl:
call out tns. sa-vi. call out; shout. thatalvmda. Variant: thtalvmga.
Variant: ns. carrier, female ~ thatalvmgi. n. fe-
calm down tu av snng mamr. male carrier.
sa-vi. calm down; settle down; relax. carry tal. vt. 1 carry. 2 move.
Morph: tu av snng mamr. Gloss: put 3 bear; specifically to bear fruit.
3M.SG.POSS thoughts properly. Variant: du 4 give birth. Variant: thal; dal.
av snng mamr; thu av snng
carve lmr dm. vt. carve.
mamr; mu av snng mamr; tu ath
snng mamr. carve tms vt. vt. carve. Variant:
thms vt.
calm, feel ~ manggar nas na. vi-so.
feel calm. carve tp ma. vt. 1 make; build.
2 carve. Variant: thp ma; tp m; thp
camp kem. n. camp.
Canarium indicum vimga. n. galip nut
cassowary marupki. n. cassowary. Pl:
(Canarium indicum). Pl: viam. Variant:
castor oil kasuel. n. castor oil. Note:
cane leaves alam. n. cane leaves.
only k.

casuarina check

casuarina chungacha. n. 1 tree sp.; chain sen'ga. n. necklace; chain. Pl: sen.
casuarina. 2 sisterless man; sister- chainsaw sensocha. n. chainsaw. Pl:
less boy; a man or a boy who does not senso.
have any sisters. Pl: chuang. Variant:
chair achut ngthathengbt. n.
chair. Variant: achut ngthathengt
cat pusicha. n. cat; wild or domestic. Pl: (Abilta dialect).
pusi. Note: only p.
chair amunggunbs. n. 1 chair. Pl:
catch kthep. vt. 1 grab. 2 catch. amunggunimlk. 2 meeting. Pl:
Variant: chthep; gthep. amunggunimlk. 3 sitting of
catch kut. vt. catch; specifically an ea- parliament.
gle catching its prey. Variant: chut. chair siait. n. chair. Pl: siaink.
catch pr m. vt. grab; catch; kidnap. challenging, be ~ asok mt. vi-so.
Variant: vr m. 1 be brave. 2 be determined; be
catch pr tm. vt. grab; catch; kidnap. single-minded. 3 be strong. 4 be
Variant: vr tm; br tm; pr t; vr t; solid. 5 be challenging; e.g. a
br t. game.
catch fire dang. sa-vi. 1 catch fire. change tnp na. vt. 1 change; make
2 burn. Variant: ndang; thang; mang. different. 2 mix. Variant: np na.
catechist katiketka. n. catechist. Pl: change tu sa sothana n. vt. change;
katiketkna. especially of changing clothes. Variant:
caterpillar sp. asivlelki. n. caterpillar thu sa sothana; du sa sothana; mu sa
sp.; has black and yellow spots; is a bit sothana.
hairy; eats the leaves of the achluang change oneself tnp nanas. sa-vi.
plant. Pl: asivlel. 1 change oneself; become different.
cause angtharembem. n. cause. Pl: 2 capsize. Variant: np nanas.
angtharembap. chapter chvlki. n. 1 piece; possibly
cause arembm. n. 1 buttock. a piece of rope, wood, or tapioca
2 source; cause; reason. See: aremgi runner etc. 2 chapter. Pl: chvl.
buttock; source; cause; reason. char dudung pt. vi-so. char.
cause aremgi. n. 1 buttock. 2 base. charcoal achthoski. n. charcoal. Pl:
3 source; cause; reason. Pl: arem. achthos.
Variant: rem. See: arembm buttock; charm avsvesini. n. 1 magic spell;
remini base; source; cause. curse. 2 charm; an object that car-
cause remini. n. base; source; cause. ries magical power. Variant: vsves.
cave radmga. n. cave. Pl: radm. charm pes vt. vt. charm; do magic.
cement simen'gi. n. cement; especially Variant: ves vt.
a bag of cement or a block of cement. charms, whisper ~ pestm svt. vt.
Pl: simen. whisper charms; charms can be
centipede achririaski. n. poisonous whispered over objects, e.g.: lime
centipede. Pl: achririas. Variant: powder, water, ginger, and cooked
chririaska. banana. Variant: vestm svt.

cerebrum genaing. n. 1 cerebrum. charred, be ~ ainin vt. vi-so. be

2 phlegm; mucus. charred; be burnt.

certainly masa. disc. 1 certainly. chase tuchun. vt. 1 chase. 2 hit.

2 very much; a lot. Gram: In clause final Variant: thuchun; duchun; muchun.
position only. check ben sachong. sa-vi. 1 spy on.

check church

2 check with a glance. bnbn'ga.

check bn slp sangglm mes. vt. chip, wood ~ sabcha. n. wood chip. Pl:
check something for ones own satis- sabk.
faction. Variant: vn slp sangglm chisel sisel. n. chisel.
chiton kabolocha. n. shellfish sp.; chi-
check don meng. vt. check. Variant: ton; found on reef close to the beach;
thon meng. has a shell down the middle of its back
check donbathm n. vt. check; ex- covered in small spiky hairs; sticks to
amine. Variant: thonbathm n; donba- the reef; up to 8 cm long; is flat and
thm na; thonbathm na. brown. Pl: kabolo. Variant: chabolocha.
chest brethem. n. chest. Pl: bret. chiton sp. naingini. n. chiton sp.; small
chest and belly of an animal ronas. n. in size, up to 4 cm; black. Pl:
front of torso; belly and chest of an naingithong.
animal. Note: no endings. choice vlchachi. n. 1 choice; pref-
chew sing. sa-vi. chew. erence. 2 wish. Pl: vlch. Variant:
vlkachi. Note: only v.
chick duraikini. n. chick. Pl:
duraikithong. choice, do by ~ pathm mes. sa-vi.
1 do by choice; do according to ones
chickenhawk chuvisacha. n. chicken- own wishes. 2 do unhurriedly; do in
hawk. Pl: chuvis. Variant: kuvisacha. ones own time. 3 act independ-
child athoemga. n. 1 child. 2 son. ently. Variant: bathm mes; vathm
3 student. 4 assistant. Morph: at= mes.
oemka. Gloss: 3F.SG.POSS child-M.SG. Pl:
choir mambuchi. n. 1 choir; orches-
athoes. Variant: thoemga; =oes; =emga;
tra; the singers and drummers at a
day dance or night dance. 2 song.
child thaembm. n. 1 child. Morph: at= Pl: mambu.
oemvm. Gloss: 3F.SG.POSS child-reduc-
choose tneng dm. vt. choose. Variant:
ed.SG. 2 young animal; especially
neng dm.
puppies or piglets. Pl: thaembap.
Variant: taembem. See: thoemga child; chop krtp mt. vt. chop; cut up.
son; student; assistant. Variant: chrtp mt; krtp mt; chrtp
childless man sska. n. childless man.
Pl: ssta. chop kutgil tm. vt. butcher; chop.
Variant: chutgil tm; vuigl tm (Abilta
childless woman asski. n. childless dialect).
woman. Pl: ssta.
chop lr dm. vt. 1 tear. 2 split.
childless woman sski. n. childless 3 chop. Variant: ler d.
chop off krtp pt. vt. 1 chop off;
children, man with ~ athoes ptha- e.g. to strip a tree back to its trunk.
cha. n. man with children. Pl: athoes 2 butcher; e.g. of a pig or a fish.
Variant: chrtp pt.
children, woman with ~ athoes chop up tigil s. vt. chop up. Variant:
pthachi. n. woman with children. thigil s.
chimney paipki. n. chimney; pipe. Pl:
Christmas Krismas. n. Christmas. Note:
paip. Note: only p.
only k.
chin vnbn'ga. n. chin; lower jaw. church lotuvmgi. n. church. Pl:
Morph: a=bnbn'ga. Gloss: SPEC=
chin-M.SG. Pl: vnbn. Variant:

cicada sp. clock

cicada sp. langgervereng'gi. n. green etc. Variant: thr; dr; mr.

cicada sp.; found in coastal areas. Pl: clear away kir. vt. 1 push away.
langgeveren. 2 clear away. Variant: chir.
cicada sp. vereverechi. n. cicada sp.; cleared area burichi. n. cleared area;
silvery colour; found on mountain flattened area; e.g. a place in the bush
ranges. Pl: verevere. Note: only v. where there has been a dog fight or a
cigarette nangasacha. n. 1 tobacco crocodile resting. Pl: buri.
plant. 2 cigarette. Pl: nangas. cleared area tamasnggi. n. cleared
circle bing vt. vt. 1 go around. area; a place where the ground has
2 circle. Variant: ving vt. been cleared (except for big trees);
circle around bing pthanas. vt. circle the first stage in making a garden. Pl:
around. Variant: ving pthanas. tamasng.

circulatory system bias angtha ais. cleared area valvalka. n. clear area; an
n. circulatory system. area that has been cleared for a gar-
den but which is not clean yet, all the
clam tavan'ga. n. shellfish sp.; clam. Pl: big trees have been removed but the
tavan. Variant: thavan'ga; tawan'ga.
small plants are still there. Pl: valval.
clam shell achirka. n. shellfish sp.; Variant: walwal. Note: only v.
clam shell from the sea; is purple and clearly maschas. adv. clearly; de-
white; up to 8 cm across. Pl: achir. scribes how someone is speaking.
class ulunggi. n. 1 room. 2 class; clever angel. adj. clever.
grade. Pl: ulung.
clever armali. adj. clever.
claw ravski. n. nail; claw. Pl: ravs.
clever, be ~ angelka vm. vi-so. 1 be
claws of a flying fox gilamucha. n. clever. 2 be talented.
claws of a flying fox; found on the
elbows of the flying fox; they use clever man amundrmbemka. n.
them to hang by. Pl: gilamu. clever man. Pl: amundrmbemta.

clean achlol. adj. clean. Variant: chlol. clever person armalika. n. clever
clean achumer. adj. clean.
clever woman amndrmbemki. n.
clean kumer vm. vt. clean. Variant:
clever woman.
click tk tk mt. vi-so. click. Note: only
clean, keep ~ tp m chdenggi. sa-vi. t.
keep clean. Variant: thp m chdenggi.
cliff chspka. n. high stony cliff with a
clean oneself thoroughly lmr nas. waterfall flowing down it. Pl: chsap.
sa-vi. clean oneself thoroughly. Variant: kspka.
clean thoroughly lmr. vt. clean climb bn. sa-vi. climb. Variant: vn.
climb on bn vt. vt. climb on. Variant:
clean, very ~ achumerkumer. adj. vn vt. See: beng vt climb up.
very clean.
climb up beng vt. vt. climb up. Variant:
clear aer. adj. clear; light; especially of veng vt. See: bn vt climb on.
the sky.
clinic aslamrki. n. hospital; clinic;
clear don ma. sa-vi. 1 clear land for a health centre. Pl: aslamr. Variant:
new garden. 2 throw away; aban- slamrki.
don. Variant: thon ma.
clock kilok. n. clock. See: kunngga ava
clear tr. vt. 1 pull out. 2 uproot. iski clock. Note: no endings.
3 clear; especially of small weeds

clock cocoa tree

clock kunngga ava iski. n. clock. Pl: club.

kunngga ava ais. Variant: chunngga club, rounded ~ sapka. n. rounded
ava iski. See: kilok clock. club; looks like a softball bat. Pl: sap.
close glm. prep. near; close. Variant: See: avirki flat club.
glm. club, short ~ landmbm. n. short
close psding. vt. close; e.g. close a club; baton. Pl: ladm.
book, a door, or a meeting. Variant: clumsily, walk ~ vatkivatki na. vi-so.
vsding; vusding; wusding; pusding. walk clumsily; especially to describe a
close vs pm. vt. close. Note: only v. person walking along and looking
close vs pm na. vt. close; referring to down as they walk. Note: only v.
something with equal sides that is clumsy person nguatki. n. clumsy
hinged; e.g. a book or a mouth. Variant: person; especially someone who walks
wus vm (Abilta dialect). Note: only v. in a clumsy way. Pl: nguatkigna.
close in rek sthm. vt. 1 close in. coals of a fire achthoska. n. coals of a
2 block off; e.g. to obstruct some- fire. Pl: achthos.
ones view. 3 forbid. Variant: trek coast agars. n. 1 coast. 2 beach.
sthm; chrek sthm. See: trek tm Variant: gars; nggars.
prohibit, forbid.
coastal people Abilta. n. coastal peo-
close to saglm. prep. close to. Variant: ple; people from the villages of Gar,
sangglm. Merai, Urai, Ili, and Karong. Morph: a=
close to sng. prep. 1 at the base. bilka. Gloss:
2 in the vicinity of; close to. Variant: Variant: bilta.
seng; snng (Abilta dialect). cockatoo angthamatki. n. cockatoo.
close to, from ~ naglm. prep. from Pl: angthamat.
close to. Variant: nangglm. cockroach gethainginggl. n. cock-
closed, be ~ bp mt. vi-so. be closed. roach. Pl: gethaing. Variant: gethaingga.
closer to saglmna. prep. nearer to; cockroach kokoros. n. cockroach.
closer to. Variant: sangglmna. cocoa kakau. n. cocoa. Note: only k.
cloth, bark ~ simalachi. n. 1 tapa cocoa bean athalevm. n. cocoa bean.
cloth; traditional covering worn by Pl: athalevavap.
men; a strip of bark cloth that goes
between the legs, attached to a cocoa beans athalep angthoes. n.
waistband. 2 underpants. Pl: simal. cocoa beans.

clothes baul. n. clothes. Variant: mbaul. cocoa, piece of ~ kakauigl. n. 1 cocoa

plantation. 2 piece of cocoa. Note:
clothes sravtki. n. shirt; clothes; uni- only k.
form. Pl: sravt. Variant: sravtki.
cocoa plantation kakauigl. n. 1 cocoa
cloud achluinggi. n. cloud. Pl: ach- plantation. 2 piece of cocoa. Note:
luing. Variant: chluinggi; cheluing; only k.
cocoa pod athalevachi. n. cocoa pod.
cloud, rain ~ athvuiki. n. rain cloud. Pl: athalep.
Pl: athvuik. Variant: athewiki.
cocoa tree athalevacha. n. 1 cocoa
cloud, small ~ achluingini. n. small tree. 2 tree sp.; looks like a cocoa
cloud. Variant: chluingini. tree, only taller with narrower leaves,
club, flat ~ avirki. n. flat club; is like a and bears small fruit rather than pods;
cricket bat but the handle is a bit good for firewood; eating the ripe
longer. Pl: avir. See: sapka rounded green leaves is good for diarrhoea;

coconut comfort

has larger leaves than the auska spe- coin, kina ~ kinacha. n. kina coin. Pl:
cies. Pl: athalep. kina.
coconut lamsachi. n. 1 coconut. cold achumgi. n. cough; cold. Pl: chum.
2 coconut palm. Pl: lams. Variant: chumgi.
coconut, grated ~ vuthom. n. grated cold aisiska. n. cold.
coconut to be eaten raw. Note: only v. cold aiski. n. cold. Morph: aiski mt
coconut gratings vutka. n. coconut kdeng. Gloss: cold-F.SG at body.
gratings. Note: only v. cold auluvk. adj. cold.
coconut gratings, large amount of ~ cold, be ~ aiskias. vi-so. be cold.
vuetki. n. large amount of coconut Morph:aiskies. Gloss: cold-F-eat.
cold, feel ~ auluvk tm. vi-so. feel
coconut, green ~ kulaucha. n. green cold. Usage: Only refers to a thing or
coconut (kulau); for drinking. Pl: another person. Variant: aulvk tm.
kulau. Note: only k.
cold, have a ~ aiski vt. vi-so. have a
coconut leaf lamsas. n. coconut leaf; cold.
the leaflets that make up a coconut
frond. collapse din s. vi-so. faint; collapse.
Variant: diss.
coconut, many dishes of grated ~
vutves. n. many dishes of grated collect tusamon dm n. vt. collect;
coconut. gather things together. Variant:
thusamon dm; dusamon dm;
coconut palm lamsachi. n. musamon dm.
1 coconut. 2 coconut palm. Pl:
colourful, be ~ amurmes pt. vi-so.
be colourful.
coconut palm, tall ~ lamsait. n. tall
coconut palm. Pl: lamsink. colours rachuvigel. n. colours; spe-
cifically the colours from the bark of
coconut, piece of ~ lamsigl. n. the amrachuvacha tree.
1 coconut plantation. 2 piece of
coconut. comb achirksengga. n. comb. Pl:
coconut plantation lamsigl. n.
1 coconut plantation. 2 piece of
combined, be ~ ves tmna na. vi-so. be
coconut. combined.

coconut shell amilatka. n. 1 plate; come bang. sa-vi. 1 run; move quickly.
Usage: Refers to any kind of fast
dish. 2 coconut shell. Pl: milat.
Variant: milatka.
movement. 2 come. Variant: vang;
pang; mbang.
coiled, be ~ malumgi na. vi-so. be
coiled; be piled up. Variant: malum na. come dn. sa-vi. 1 arrive; come.
2 reach. 3 return. Variant: ndn;
coin anlka. n. 1 shellfish sp.; mussel; thn; mn; mun; -an.
bivalve from the river that lives in the
mud at the bottom of the river; dark come out puik na. vi-so. come out.
Variant: vuik na.
brown outside and white inside; peo-
ple refine (mumu) these shells, by fire, come out puvs. vi-so. come out.
to get lime powder. 2 money; coin; Variant: vuvs.
kina. Pl: anal. come up pus s. vi-so. come up;
coin duligl. n. coin; especially a silver emerge. Variant: vus s.
coin. Pl: duligleng. Pl: dul - Mali has comfort pelal vm. vt. comfort some-
future tense. one in distress. Variant: velal vm.

comfortable place copy

comfortable place luk. n. cool place; constricted, be ~ bp pt. vi-so. be

comfortable place; somewhere that is constricted.
a good place to rest. continue namu. sa-vi. continue. Gram:
command tchr. vt. command; order. May function as minor verb in serial verb con-
Variant: thchr. struction encoding durative aspect.
compassionate, be ~ alek mt. vi-so. continuously ivit ivit. adv. continu-
1 be hollow. 2 relent; be compas- ously; on and on. Variant: ivuit ivuit.
sionate. 3 compromise. contract atharesdemga. n. contract.
compete erna. sa-vi. compete. contract athareska. n. contract.
compete oerna. vt. 1 compete. contract atharespet. n. contract.
2 race.
contract athektmna. n. contract.
complete darkness patpathia. n. pitch
black; complete darkness. Variant: contrite, feel ~ gurnas. sa-vi. repent;
feel contrite.

compress lingbes. n. gauze; lint; com- cook par. vt. cook in an earth oven
press. Pl: ling. (mumu). Variant: var; bar.

compromise alek mt. vi-so. 1 be cook pus. vt. cook. Variant: vus; ps;
vs. See: avsvsvmki kitchen.
hollow. 2 relent; be compassionate.
3 compromise. cooked amang. adj. 1 ripe; especially
conception sarumbm. n.
refers to the ripeness of bananas,
1 conception. 2 pregnancy. See:
mangoes, and pawpaws. 2 cooked.
Variant: mang.
pis d be swollen, used to refer to
pregnant animals. cooking avsvs. n. cooking.
conch shell abiulgi. n. conch shell. Pl: cooking, associated with ~ avsvs.
abiul. See: tavurki conch shell. adj. associated with cooking.
conch shell tavurki. n. 1 conch shell. cooking hut ambangga ma thi ps
2 bugle. Pl: tavur. See: abiulgi conch vmga. n. kitchen; cooking hut. Pl:
shell. Note: only t. ambang ma thi ps vmngt. Variant:
bangga ma thi ps vmga. See:
confess kuares ithm mes sa. vt.
avsvsvmki kitchen.
confess. Variant: chuares ithm mes sa.
confess tamn ithm mes. vt. confess. cooking hut avsvsvmki. n. kitchen;
Variant: thamn ithm mes; methamn
cooking hut. Pl: avsvsvm. See:
ambangga ma thi ps vmga kitchen.
ithm mes; tamon ithm mes; thamon
ithm mes; methamon ithm mes. cool place luk. n. cool place; comfort-
confused addn. adj. 1 odd; strange. able place; somewhere that is a good
2 confused; delirious; crazy; in- place to rest.
sane; altered psychological states in cooperative aslek. adj. cooperative;
general. obedient.
confused, be ~ ddn. vi-so. 1 be copper sulphate bluston. n. copper
confused. 2 be insane; crazy. sulphate.
3 be delirious. copra lams. n. copra.
congested, be heavily ~ genaing copra shed aus kopra. n. copra shed;
genaing mt. vi-so. have a snotty hut used to dry coconut and store
nose; be heavily congested. copra. Variant: us kopra.
conquer pithia na. vt. overcome; con- copy tat dm. vt. copy. Variant: that
quer. Variant: vithia na; withia na. dm; dat dm; mat dm; that d; tat d;

coral, piece of ~ crab, hermit ~ sp.

dat d; mat d. cousin, distant ~ smga. n. distant

coral, piece of ~ sulka. n. 1 piece of cousin. Pl: smbek.
coral. 2 sore on the head. Pl: sul. cover bng bt. vt. 1 wrap up.
cordyline sp. lagun'ga. n. cordyline 2 cover. Variant: vng bt.
sp.; victory leaf (tanget); decorative cover psding mt. vt. cover. Variant:
plant. Pl: lagun. vsding mt; vusding mt; wusding
core chlochacha. n. 1 core; inner- mt; pusding mt.
most part. 2 inside part of some- cover pustm vt. vt. cover. Variant:
thing. 3 soul. Pl: chlok. Variant: vustm vt.
chlochacha. Note: only ch. cover tu mrang dm. vt. cover. Variant:
corn lagthacha. n. corn. Pl: lagat. thu mrang dm; du mrang dm; mu
Variant: langgthacha. mrang dm.
corneas sachong angtha chilot. n. coward auluvkmtka. n. 1 coward.
corneas. 2 good humoured man; reasonable
corner avingnaska. n. corner. Pl: man. Pl: aulvkmtta. Variant:
avingnas. aulvkmtka.

corner chulemgi. n. corner. Pl: chulem. coward, female ~ auluvkmtki. n.

Variant: kulemgi. See: avingnaska cor- 1 female coward. 2 good hu-
ner. moured woman; reasonable woman.
Variant: aulvkmtki.
corner, in a ~ imuit. dir. 1 across
there; across a valley. 2 in a corner. cowardly, be ~ auluvk mt. vi-so. be
timid; be cowardly; be afraid.
corner, inside ~ achvcha. n.
1 inside corner; e.g. the inside of an cowrie shell chulumga. n. shellfish
elbow or the corner in a room. Pl: sp.; white cowrie shell. Pl: chulum.
achvk. 2 name of Mndas mask; Variant: kulumga.
concave in shape; similar to an up- cowrie shell imrki. n. cowrie shell;
side-down canoe; has designs painted various colours; up to 10 cm across. Pl:
inside; supported by a stick. imr.
correctly sdamr. adv. correctly; right. crab ingguingga. n. crab; generic
Variant: sndamr. term. Pl: ingguingbap. Pl: ingguaing.
corrugated iron kapaigl. n. corrugated crab, hermit ~ athucha. n. hermit crab;
iron; iron roofing; especially a single generic term; also used for small
sheet of corrugated iron. Pl: kakigleng. land-dwelling hermit crabs with bod-
cotton katenm. n. cotton. Pl: katen. ies up to 4 cm in diameter; changes
Note: only k. shells. Pl: athu.

cough achumgi. n. cough; cold. Pl: crab, hermit ~ sp. maraglilichi. n.

chum. Variant: chumgi. hermit crab sp.; large, brown, land
dwelling hermit crab; does not have a
cough gum. sa-vi. cough. Variant: chum. shell; lives in holes in rocks near the
count slamen dm. vt. 1 read. sea; body up to 15 cm across, 25 cm
2 count. long; claws up to 40 cm long; can husk
couple lugutvthaiom. n. couple. coconuts with its claws. Pl: maraglili.
court varkurai. n. court. Note: only v. crab, hermit ~ sp. rurubuan'ga. n.
Note: no endings. hermit crab sp.; large body up to
15 cm across and 25 cm long; lives in
cousin, distant female ~ smgi. n. dis-
the sea; can change shells. Pl:
tant female cousin.

crab sp. crab sp.

crab sp. aneska. n. crab sp.; land crab small; grey-brown colour with red
with black shell and red claws; has a mouth and claws; shell up to 3 cm in
flat elongated body; lives in holes or diameter; often runs around on paths
under fallen wood. Pl: anes. near the coast. Pl: kalukluk. Variant:
crab sp. athonggi. n. 1 tree sp.; bears chalukluka.
an edible fruit. 2 river crab sp.; crab sp. kamangm. n. crab sp.; lives
brown; up to 5 cm in diameter; flat in the saltwater; small and brown with
feet for paddling. Pl: athong. hairs growing on the inside of its
crab sp. avngbeladiachi. n. river claws; up to 3 cm in diameter. Pl:
crab sp.; brown; has a large shell; up kamangvap. Variant: chamangm.
to 20 cm in diameter; lives in mud at crab sp. karekrecha. n. crab sp.; small
the mouth of rivers. Pl: avngbelade. black beach crab; lives under stones;
crab sp. brasochi. n. saltwater crab strong shell up to 3 cm in diameter. Pl:
sp.; large and green; shell up to 20 cm karekrek. Variant: charekrecha.
in diameter. Pl: brasau. crab sp. kebongbonggi. n. river crab
crab sp. chavenggi. n. river crab sp.; sp.; brown; shell up to 5 cm in di-
brown; shell up to 4 cm in diameter; ameter; lives near riverbanks;
sits on stones; hides when people ap- changes its shell in pools along the
proach. Pl: chaveng. Variant: kalenggi. road after rain; used for bait. Pl:
kebongbong. Variant: chebongbonggi.
crab sp. chsengdaiuika. n. river crab
sp.; brown; shell up to 4 cm in di- crab sp. kvarvarki. n. reef crab sp.;
ameter; hairy legs; lives under stones spotty green shell; up to 6 cm in di-
in the river. Pl: chsengdaiuik. Variant: ameter. Pl: kvarvar. Variant: chvar-
ksengdaiuika. varki.

crab sp. chialetki. n. river crab sp.; crab sp. kiakkiaka. n. crab sp.; lives in
brown; has a lumpy shell and flat holes in the sand; white and brown
chest; hatches in pools. Pl: chialet. shell; up to 5 cm in diameter. See:
Variant: kialetki. dulem crab sp. (alternate name).

crab sp. chulumtka. n. crab sp.; dark crab sp. klavonotki. n. reef crab sp.;
brown with a white mouth and white large and red; very hard shell up to
claws; shell 5 cm in diameter; lives 15 cm in diameter; fat in shape; lives
above the tide line. Pl: chulumt. far out on the reef. Pl: klavonot. Variant:
Variant: kulumtka. chlavonotki.

crab sp. chursachongem. n. crab sp.; crab sp. mnggariachi. n. reef crab
brown; strong shell up to 6 cm in di- sp.; dark brown; have hard, rough,
ameter; has powerful legs; kicks wrinkly shells; meat is inedible and
when someone holds it. Pl: chursa- can make you itchy. Pl: mnggare.
chong. Variant: kursachong. crab sp. muialka. n. crab sp.;
crab sp. dulem. n. crab sp.; lives in soft-shelled crab with greenish body;
holes in the sand; white and brown if it clamps a claw on you the claw
shell; up to 5 cm in diameter. Pl: may break off and it can grow a new
dulvap. See: kiakkiaka crab sp. (al- one. Pl: muial.
ternate name). crab sp. rachocha. n. land crab sp.;
crab sp. inducha. n. river crab sp.; whitish-brown shell and red claws; up
small and brown; has a hard shell; up to 5 cm in diameter; live in holes in
to 4 cm across; lives in small creeks swampy places. Pl: rachok.
and the headwaters of rivers. Pl: indu. crab sp. rachumga. n. land crab sp.;
crab sp. kalukluka. n. land crab sp.; black and red belly and claws; shell up

crab sp. crucify

to 8 cm in diameter; live in dry places creek, small ~ mbraingia. n. small

in holes; they go to the sea and back creek. Pl: braingink.
every evening to drink and wash; ap- creep up sisit na. vt. sneak up; creep
pear in large numbers in April. Pl: up; refers to moving quietly and
rachum. slowly without being seen.
crab sp. rachumkumbarka. n. land creosote kolta. n. creosote. Note: only k.
crab sp.; live in swampy places in
holes; whitish-brown shell up to 10 cm crippled, be ~ mavo sna vt. vi-so. be
in diameter. Pl: rachumkumbar. crippled.

crab sp. thinggiarachi. n. land crab crocodile basiochi. n. crocodile. Pl:

basio. See: yamechi crocodile.
sp.; up to 6 cm in diameter; lives un-
der piles of stones near the beach; can crocodile yamechi. n. crocodile. Pl:
regrow a lost pincer. Pl: thinggar. yame. See: basiochi crocodile.
Variant: inggiarachi. crocodile, young ~ chiveligl. n. young
crab yaws aisoska. n. crab yaws. Pl: crocodile. Pl: chivel. Pl: chiveligleng.
aisos. Variant: isoska. Variant: kiveligl.

cradle luln'ga. n. 1 canoe. See: crooked vingbing. adj. crooked. Note:

kanucha canoe. 2 cradle. Pl: luln. only v.

cradle luln'ga. n. 1 canoe. See: cross mumeninacha. n. cross; cruci-

kanucha canoe. 2 cradle. Pl: luln. fix; especially referring to the cruci-
crave tuchul. sa-vi. crave. Variant:
fixion of Christ. Pl: mumenina.
thuchul. cross out schup mt. vt. cross out.
crawl par dm mes. sa-vi. crawl. cross pole livinem. n. cross pole; spe-
Variant: var dm mes. cifically the short poles that attach to
crawl thoret. sa-vi. crawl. Variant: roret. a longer pole that something heavy
has been tied to; the pole helps people
crayfish urn'ga. n. crayfish; prawn; carry heavy things. Pl: livinbap.
generic term; refers to both salt water
and freshwater species. Pl: urn. crossbeam mononamucha. n. cross-
beam. Pl: mononamu.
crayfish, large ~ urn'gi. n. large cray-
fish; large prawn; generic term; refers crow blbalka. n. crow. Pl: blbal.
to both salt water and freshwater crowbar kurupacha. n. crowbar. Pl:
species. Pl: urn. kurupa.
crayfish sp. mnk nanechigl. n. crowd anggulinggi. n. crowd.
crayfish sp.; lives in the sea; brown; crowd aruves. n. crowd.
flat with a mossy back and serrated
crown gawtki. n. crown; e.g. of a tree.
sides; up to 20 cm long. Pl: mnk
Pl: gawt.
crown sachong. n. 1 vision; dream;
crazy addn. adj. 1 odd; strange.
daydream. 2 glasses. 3 crown of
2 confused; delirious; crazy; insane;
a tree. 4 surface; e.g. the surface of
altered psychological states in gen-
the sea, the face of the earth, the top
of a sore, the opening of a pot.
crazy ddn. vi-so. 1 be confused.
crucifix mumeninacha. n. cross; cru-
2 be insane; crazy. 3 be delirious.
cifix; especially referring to the cruci-
creek arengia. n. creek. Pl: areng. fixion of Christ. Pl: mumenina.
creek, small ~ braingia. n. small creek. crucify pai dm pt. vt. crucify. Variant:
Pl: braingink. vai dm pt; voe dm pt.

crumble dance

crumble ther d. vt. crumble. Variant: cuscus anongacha. n. possum; cuscus.

rer d. Pl: anuang.
crumbs chlennggi. n. rubbish; custom amusnng. n. 1 behaviour.
crumbs. Pl: chlenng. Variant: 2 idea; thought. 3 plan.
klennggi. 4 habit; custom. Morph: a=musnng.
crush pais. vt. crush. Variant: vais. Gloss: SPEC=put.PAST-heart. Variant:
cry tnok. sa-vi. cry; people crying;
sounds made by roosters, frogs etc. cut athopki. n. 1 cut; sore. 2 ulcer.
Variant: nok. Pl: athop.

cry tnok tichim. vt. whinge; cry. cut krtp s. vt. cut. Variant: chrtp
Variant: nok tichim. s.

cry tu nank. sa-vi. grizzle; cry for cut tp. vt. cut. Variant: thp. See: tap
something for a long time. Variant: thu make a cut.
nank; du nank; mu nank. cut down tap s. vt. 1 cut down; es-
cucumber lachski. n. 1 fish sp.; have pecially of trees; also used to refer to
yellow and brown stripes along the the act of clearing an area of bush.
body; up to 40 cm long. 2 sea cu- 2 cut off. Variant: thap s; thap sa.
cumber sp.; brown and edible. cut, make a ~ tap. sa-vi. make a cut.
3 cucumber. Pl: lachs. Variant: thap. See: tp cut.
cup kapki. n. cup. Pl: kap. Note: only k. cut off tap s. vt. 1 cut down; espe-
cure slamr n. vt. 1 cure. 2 save. cially of trees; also used to refer to the
act of clearing an area of bush.
cure slamrki. n. treatment; cure. Pl:
2 cut off. Variant: thap s; thap sa.
cut up krtp mt. vt. chop; cut up.
current chngracha. n. current; in Variant: chrtp mt; krtp mt; chrtp
either a river or the sea. Pl: chngar. mt.
Variant: kngaracha.
cut up tigl tm. vt. 1 split. 2 cut up.
curse avsvesini. n. 1 magic spell; Variant: thigl tm.
curse. 2 charm; an object that car-
ries magical power. Variant: vsves.

D - d

Dad mamga. n. father; Dad; address be-

Pl: ludngludng. See: achuvorves
and reference term; it is also used by tel pepper (daka) leaves; mustard
children-in-law. Pl: mamda. leaves.
daka [TP] achvor angthoes. n. daka plant [TP] achuvoracha. n. be-
betel pepper (daka); betelnut mus- tel pepper (daka) plant. Pl: achuvor.
tard. Variant: achevoracha; chevorachi.

daka leaves [TP] achuvorves. n. betel daka shoot [TP] liviska. n. betel
pepper (daka) leaves; mustard leaves. pepper (daka) shoot. Pl: livis.
Variant: achvorves. Pl: achuvor. See: damage slavo na. vt. 1 degrade.
ludngbs betel pepper (daka) leaves; 2 damage.
mustard leaves.
dance main'gi. n. dance. Pl: amain.
daka leaves [TP] ludngbs. n. betel
dance tain. sa-vi. dance. Variant: thain;
pepper (daka) leaves; mustard leaves.
dain; main.

dance, day ~ destruction

dance, day ~ Mndas. n. day dance. death aingipki. n. death. Pl: aingip.
Note: no endings. debate bingia. sa-vi. debate; argue.
dancer, day ~ Mndaska. n. day Variant: vingia.
dancer. Pl: Mndas. debate oerna sa methamn. n. de-
dancer, name of ~ awan'ga. n. name of bate.
dancer; masked dancer, dressed in decline ter. vt. refuse; decline. Variant:
yellow leaves from the victory leaf ther; der; mer.
plant, who carries beating sticks and
punishes children. Pl: awan. Variant: decorate tu thm. vt. decorate. Variant:
thu thm; du thm; mu thm; tu th;
van; avan'ga.
thu th; du th; mu th.
dangerous man srumn'ga. n. dan-
gerous man; one who reacts violently decorate oneself tu thm mes. sa-vi.
and impulsively to a sudden shock or decorate oneself. Variant: thu thm
mes; du thm mes; mu thm mes.
noise. Pl: srumnda. Note: no feminine.
darkness aun'gi. n. 1 darkness. decorations amuthms. n. decora-
2 shade; shadow. Pl: aun. Variant:
tions. Variant: amurms.
un'gi. See: ayauski shadow. decorative plant lagun'ga. n. cordyline
darkness aunia. n. darkness; especially sp.; victory leaf (tanget); decorative
darkness when there should be day- plant. Pl: lagun.
light, e.g. during an eclipse or be- deep dur. adv. deep.
cause of volcano smoke. Variant: unes deepest part of a pool chethopka ava
(Abilta dialect). sachongachi. n. deepest part of a
daughter athoemgi. n. daughter; fe- pool.
male student; female assistant. Morph: define an area suchut m. vt.
at=oemki. Gloss: 3F.SG.POSS=child-F.SG. 1 measure. 2 set out or define an
Variant: =emgi. area.
dawn aeraer. n. dawn. degrade slavo na. vt. 1 degrade.
dawn kunnggunng. n. dawn. Variant: 2 damage.
chunnggunng. delirious addn. adj. 1 odd; strange.
day kunngga. n. 1 sun. 2 day. Pl: 2 confused; delirious; crazy; in-
kunng. Variant: chunngga. sane; altered psychological states in
3 occasion. general.
day, next ~ mubang. adv. 1 tomorrow. delirious, be ~ ddn. vi-so. 1 be con-
2 next day. Variant: bubang; fused. 2 be insane; crazy. 3 be
mumbang. delirious.
day, the other ~ maila chuvsnia. depths sachongachi. n. 1 gaze.
disc. 1 the other day. 2 last time. 2 worried face. 3 depths of a pool.
Variant: malachuvsnia. Variant: sachong.

daydream sachong. n. 1 vision; descend kut na. sa-vi. descend. Variant:

dream; daydream. 2 glasses. chuk na.
3 crown of a tree. 4 surface; e.g. deserted, be ~ chelanggum. vi-so. be
the surface of the sea, the face of the deserted. Note: only ch.
earth, the top of a sore, the opening of
desiccate tet dm. vt. dry; desiccate;
a pot.
be dried out from lying in the sun.
deaf madin. adj. deaf. Variant: thet dm; det dm; met dm.
deaf person dt pa sndm. n. deaf destruction vinos. n. destruction. See:
person. avinos play around, vandalise. Note:

determined, be ~ disorder, be in ~

only v. digestive system amsms angtha

determined, be ~ asok mt. vi-so. iska. n. digestive system. Variant:
1 be brave. 2 be determined; be msms angtha iska.
single-minded. 3 be strong. 4 be digging stick athvatki. n. digging
solid. 5 be challenging; e.g. a stick. Pl: athvat.
game. directly to sdamr n. dir. 1 right by.
devil asingalka. n. 1 snake; worm; 2 directly to. Variant: sndamr n.
generic term. 2 dangerous spirit. dirt ivtki. n. 1 earth; soil; dirt.
3 Satan; devil. Pl: asingal. Variant: 2 land. Pl: ivt. 3 world; planet
singalka. earth. Variant: ivitki.
diagonally machuisr. adv. diagonally. dirt sichirki. n. dirt. Pl: sichir. Variant:
dialect, coastal ~ of Mali abilta ath- sichirki.
va methamn. n. coastal dialect of dirty, be ~ sichirki mt. vi-so. be dirty;
Mali. Morph: a=bilta athva methamn. especially, but not exclusively, to have
Gloss: SPEC= 3H.PL.POSS a dirty face.
dirty, be ~ sichirki vt. vi-so. be dirty
diarrhoea, have ~ tr vthanas. sa-vi. all over. Variant: sichirki mt.
have diarrhoea. Variant: mur vthanas;
thr vthanas; dr vthanas.
disarray slavochi. n. mess; disarray. Pl:
die ngip. sa-vi. 1 die. 2 be numb.
3 faint. Variant: ingip.
disarray, be in ~ mavo sna na. vi-so.
be in disorder; be in disarray; be
different ngis. adv. 1 aside. 2 apart. messy.
3 different.
discuss tpma methamn s. vt.
different, become ~ tnp nanas. sa-vi. discuss. Variant: thpma methamn.
1 change oneself; become different.
2 capsize. Variant: np nanas. disease armgi. n. illness; disease;
sickness. Pl: arm.
different, make ~ tnp na. vt.
1 change; make different. 2 mix.
disgusted, be ~ tinggiar. vi-so. be dis-
Variant: np na.
gusted; be revolted. Variant: thinggiar.

difficult achrot. adj. 1 strong. dish amilatka. n. 1 plate; dish.

2 coconut shell. Pl: milat. Variant:
2 tough. 3 hard; difficult. Variant:
difficult chernas. adj. difficult; hard. dish diski. n. dish; often refers to a
large aluminium dish. Pl: dis.
difficult, be ~ achrnas mt. vi-so. 1 be
brave. 2 be hard; be difficult. dish, large ~ amilatki. n. large plate;
3 be salty. Variant: chrnas mt.
large dish. Pl: milat. Variant: milatki.

difficult, be ~ chernas pt. vi-so. be disobedient vingbm. adj. disobedient.

Note: only v.
difficult; be hard.
dig nges mt. vt. dig a new hole where disobedient, be ~ palkachuik. sa-vi. be
there was not one before. Variant: nges disobedient; refuse to follow instruc-
tions. Variant: valkachuik.

dig for nges t. vt. dig for. disobey palkachuik na. vt. disobey.
Variant: valkachuik na.
dig out sas t. vt. 1 dig out.
2 remove.
disorder, be in ~ mavo sna na. vi-so.
be in disorder; be in disarray; be
digest tepmuan vt. vt. digest. Variant: messy.
thepmuan vt.

disown down, get ~

disown donsvanas tm. vt. disown; dolphin achurepki. dolphin.

n. Pl:
dissociate from. Variant: thonsvanas achurep. Variant: churepki.
tm. dont kule. disc. dont. Gram: Negative im-
displace parat. vt. mess up; displace. perative. Variant: chule.
Variant: varat. door nemon'gi. n. door. Pl: nemon.
disrespectful man amthanaska. n. doorway ambangga av amgi. n. house
disrespectful man; specifically a per- opening; doorway. Morph: ambangga av
son who takes things without asking. amki. Gloss: house 3M.SG.POSS
Pl: amthanasta. mouth-F.SG.
disrespectful woman amthanaski. n. doorway vmgi. n. doorway; opening.
disrespectful woman; specifically a Morph: av=amki. Gloss: 3M.SG.POSS=
person who takes things without ask- mouth-F.SG. Morph: av=amvem. Gloss:
ing. 3M.SG.POSS= mouth-F.DL.
dissociate from donsvanas tm. vt. dormitory amasvmgi. n. dormitory.
disown; dissociate from. Variant: thon- Variant: amsmasvmgi.
svanas tm.
dough malum. n. dough; wet stuff;
distress neknochi. n. misery; distress; typically mud.
suffering in either an emotional or fi-
nancial sense. Pl: neknok. Variant: dove gubarka. n. bird sp.; dove; Victo-
ria crowned pigeon. Pl: gubar. Variant:
kumbarka; chumbarka.
dive glas. sa-vi. dive; go spearfishing.
dove, white ~ gnska. n. white dove.
dive pt uves. sa-vi. dive. Morph: pt av= Pl: gns. Variant: geneska.
vus. Gloss: dive 3M.SG.POSS head.
down imani. dir. down. Variant: imuani;
divide tat mt. vt. 1 share. imoni.
2 divide. 3 scatter. Variant: that
mt; dat mt; mat mt.
down manp. dir. down. Variant: mani.
division matmt. n. division. down mk. dir. down.

dizzy, be ~ kibing kibing va sachong. down navuk. dir. down.

vi-so. be dizzy; be giddy. Note: only k. down a bit from towards speak-
do tk. sa-vi. 1 do. 2 work. Variant:
er tnavuk. dir. down a bit from
towards speaker. Variant: thnavuk.

do something sana. sa-vi. do something down at, from ~ naimano. dir. from
(indefinite). Variant: msana. See: down at.
tichina do something (definite). down at, from ~ nathmk. dir. from
do something tichina. vt. do something down at.
(definite). Variant: dichina; thichina. down, back ~ from nanavuk. dir. back
See: sana do something (indefinite). down from.
doctor dokta. n. doctor. Pl: doktachna. down from here imk. dir. down from
dodge tneng. sa-vi. avoid; dodge. here.
Variant: neng. down, from ~ namk. dir. from down.
dodge tneng n. vt. dodge. Variant: neng down, from ~ nmni. dir. from down.
n. Variant: namni.

dog vaimga. n. dog. Pl: vaim. Variant: down, get ~ beng dm. vt. get some-
paimga. thing down from a high place; espe-
dog, wild ~ murapka. n. wild dog. Pl:
cially referring to picking something
from a tree. Variant: veng dm.

down inside drum

down inside saimk. dir. down inside. downwards mamanp. dir. down-
down into smt. prep. 1 into. wards.
2 down into. Variant: smk (Abilta downwards smsng. dir. to the
dialect). ground; downwards.
down over there imano. dir. down over drag par dm. vt. drag. Variant: var dm;
there. par d; var d.
down over there, from ~ namano. dir. drag thoret. vt. drag. Variant: roret.
from down over there. drain out lel tm. vi-so. drain out.
down, straight ~ imanp. dir. down- draw kut ma. vt. draw. Variant: chut
wards; straight down. ma; chut ma; kut ma.
down that way sainamk. dir. down drawing achutkutki. n. drawing.
that way. Variant: chutkutki. See: ailachi picture;
down the side muanp. dir. down the image.
side; over the side. Variant: monp. dream amasithmgi. n. dream. Pl:
down there mano. dir. down there. amasithm. Variant: masithmgi.
Variant: mana (Abilta dialect). dream sachong. n. 1 vision; dream;
down there saimanp. dir. down there. daydream. 2 glasses. 3 crown of
down there samano. dir. down to; a tree. 4 surface; e.g. the surface of
down there. Variant: samana. the sea, the face of the earth, the top
of a sore, the opening of a pot.
down there sathmanp. dir. down
there. dried, be ~ dil tm. vi-so. be dried. Note:
only d.
down there sathmk. dir. down there.
dried up adildil. adj. dried up. Variant:
down there tmanp. dir. down there. dildil.
Variant: thmanp.
driftwood chlelachun'ga. n. drift-
down there, from ~ naimanp. dir. wood. Pl: chlelachun. Variant:
from down there. klalachun.
down there, from ~ namanp. dir. from drink tnaik. sa-vi. drink. Variant: naik;
down there. Variant: namani; namana. tneik; neik.
down there, from ~ nathmanp. dir. drop mendecha. n. drop; a drop of
from down there. Variant: nathmani. water or other liquid. Pl: mendek.
down there, from ~ nathmano. dir. drop tt pthik tm. vt. 1 let go of.
from down there. 2 drop. Variant: tht pthik; dt
down this way sathmani. dir. down pthik; mt pthik; tt tthik.
this way. drops, stream of falling ~ achrirka. n.
down to saimano. dir. down to. stream of falling drops. Variant:
down to saimni. dir. over to; down to. chrirka.

down to samano. dir. down to; down drown don. sa-vi. 1 go in; enter.
there. Variant: samana. 2 sink. 3 drown. 4 be stuck.
Variant: thon; mon.
down towards speaker inavuk. dir.
down towards speaker; downwards. drown pknas. sa-vi. drown. Variant:
downwards imanp. dir. downwards;
straight down. drowsy, be ~ mnap mt. vi-so. be
sleepy; be drowsy.
downwards inavuk. dir. down towards
speaker; downwards. drum athunepki. n. drum (small

drum earlier

garamut); sits on the ground and is hit hide oneself. 2 make way; move
with the end of a stick held upright in aside. 3 move along. Variant: virs
a womans hands. Pl: athunap. Variant: ithm.
thunepki. duck down nging dm. vi-so. bend;
drum dramgi. n. drum; specifically a duck down.
drum of fuel, not a musical instru- duck down spsp na. vi-so. 1 duck
ment. Pl: dram. down. 2 fall down. Variant: spsp
drum, bamboo ~ avrin'gi. n. bamboo glm.
drum. Pl: avrin. duck, female ~ patochi. n. female duck.
drum, hand ~ kunduchi. n. hand drum. Pl: pato.
Pl: kundu. Note: only k. dull, be ~ bubu. vi-so. be dull. Note:
drum of petrol bensin'gi. n. drum of only b.
petrol, benzene, or gasoline. during mt. prep. 1 in; within.
dry achrark. adj. dry. 2 during; on. Gram: This sense available
dry achsasek. adj. dry. Variant: with temporal expressions. 3 inside.
chsasek. Note: only ch. 4 into. 5 through. Variant: mtha;
dry krark. vt. dry. Variant: chrark.
during np. prep. at; during.
dry tet dm. vt. dry; desiccate; be dried
out from lying in the sun. Variant: thet dust thabucha. n. dust; ash; specifi-
dm; det dm; met dm. cally white ash from a fire. Pl: thabu.
See: unpka dust; chinap ash.
dry, be ~ krk pt. vi-so. be dry.
Variant: chrk pt. dust unpka. n. dust. Pl: unap. See:
thabucha dust; ash.
dry, be ~ ksk pt. vi-so. be dry.
Variant: chsk pt. dwarf srvm. n. dwarf. Pl: srvap.
duck patocha. n. duck. Pl: pato. dying, be ~ ngipngip. vi-so. be dying.
duck behind pirs ithm. vt. 1 hide dysentery mur na mbias. n. dysen-
behind; duck behind something to tery.

E - e

each achkachk. dem. 1 another. contrastive demonstrative. Variant:

Gram: Masculine singular contrastive demon- angguikangguik; aguitagut (Abilta
strative and count neutral singular contrastive dialect).
demonstrative. 2 each. Gram: Masculine each other -na. derivational suffix. each
singular contrastive demonstrative and count other. Gram: Reciprocal marker.
neutral singular contrastive demonstrative.
each other, from ~ nmtna. dir. from
Variant: chkachk.
each other.
each achikachik. dem. 1 another.
each other, from ~ nvana. dir. from
Gram: Feminine singular contrastive demon-
each other.
strative. 2 each. Gram: Feminine singular
contrastive demonstrative. Variant: chika- eagle brasocha. n. eagle. Pl: brasau.
chik. Variant: mbrasocha.

each aguikaguik. dem. 1 another. ear asdemga. n. ear. Pl: asdem. Variant:
Gram: Feminine singular contrastive demon- asdemgi; asndem; asdem.
strative. 2 each. Gram: Feminine singular earlier mali. disc. before; earlier.

early, get up ~ empty

early, get up ~ tchasp. sa-vi. get up Pl: athmamber.

early. Variant: thchasp. eel sp. avechenbechen'ga. n. saltwa-
earlybird charuvaika. n. bird sp.; ear- ter eel sp.; very long and thin (only 1
lybird; sings early in the morning; has or 2 cm across); has brown spots. Pl:
dull coloured feathers. Pl: charuvaik. avechenbechen.
Variant: karuvaika; karuaika; charuaika. eel sp. avithingga. n. freshwater eel
earth ivtki. n. 1 earth; soil; dirt. sp.; flat with yellow and black spots
2 land. Pl: ivt. 3 world; planet and a small mouth.
earth. Variant: ivitki. eel sp. avusdingdchengarki. n.
earth, planet ~ ivtki. n. 1 earth; soil; freshwater eel sp.; grey and up to
dirt. 2 land. Pl: ivt. 3 world; 80 cm long; lives in large rivers. Pl:
planet earth. Variant: ivitki. avusdingdchengar.
earthquake chn'gn'gi. n. earth- eel sp. inilcha. n. freshwater eel sp.;
quake. Pl: chn'gn. Note: only ch. looks like the anekethopki species:
earthworm aninicha. n. earthworm; grey with a white belly, but has cloudy
brown; up to 30 cm long. Pl: anini. eyes; meat is greasy. Pl: inil.

earthworm sp. talngacha. n. earth- eel sp. irok monmon'ga. n. saltwater

worm sp.; light brown or reddish col- eel sp.; slow moving; has sticky skin
our; up to 15 cm long; lives in soft and no teeth. Pl: irok monmon.
ground. Pl: talang. Variant: thalngacha. eel sp. lamon angthaik. n. saltwater
easily sskpes. adv. readily; easily. eel sp.; brown.

east chunengga cha ndn. n. east. eel sp. noingmtka. n. saltwater eel
sp.; black, short, and slender. Pl:
eat ts. vt. eat. Variant: ds; ths; ms;
egg valuacha. n. egg. Pl: valo. Variant:
eat with tstmna n. vt. eat with. paluacha; valocha.
Variant: thstmna n; dstmna n;
mstmna n. elbow adulemga. n. elbow. Pl: adulam.
Variant: dulemga.
edge angtkeng. n. 1 edge.
2 bank; especially of a body of water emaciated, be ~ lalar pt. vi-so. be
such as a river or pool. Morph: scrawny; be emaciated; be very thin;
angtkeng. Gloss: 3N.POSS-teeth. Variant: especially after a long illness.
cheng; keng; geng. embarrassed, be ~ klep. vi-so. be
eel anekethopki. n. eel; generic term; embarrassed. Variant: chlep.
also refers to a species of river eel, embarrassment chlepki. n. shame;
which is grey in colour with a white shyness; embarrassment. Pl: chlep.
belly. Pl: nekthop. Variant: klepki.
eel sp. ainangdchathachi. n. salt- ember aisinggi. n. 1 spark.
water eel sp.; dark brown with a long 2 ember. Pl: aisaing.
yellowish fin down the spine. Pl: ember sachongini. n. 1 eye. Usage:
ainangdchatha. Polite form. 2 ember.
eel sp. alanaski. n. saltwater eel sp.; emerge pus s. vi-so. come up; emerge.
white with sharp teeth; up to 1 m in Variant: vus s.
length. Pl: alanas.
emery wheel anengachi. n. emery
eel sp. athmamberacha. n. eel sp.; wheel. Pl: aneng.
lives in sand at the river mouth; up to
20 cm long; used as bait; has a pointy empty adungdung. adj. empty. Variant:
mouth that sticks out above the sand.

empty eyebrow

empty chacham. adj. empty. Variant: Eucharist Ekaristia. n. Eucharist. Note:

kacham. no endings.
empty, be ~ kmgm. vi-so. be empty. evening aunbes. n. evening. Variant:
Variant: chmgm; kemgm. unbes.
empty person chmga. n. empty per- event lengeini. n. event; function;
son. Pl: chmda. meeting. Pl: lengithong.
encircle paisdm pt. vt. enclose; en- examine donbathm n. vt. check;
circle. Variant: vaisdm pt. examine. Variant: thonbathm n;
enclose paisdm pt. vt. enclose; en- donbathm na; thonbathm na.
circle. Variant: vaisdm pt. excessively mamor. adv. 1 lots.
enclosure ichthachi. n. fence; enclo- 2 excessively; very much; terribly.
sure. Pl: ichat. 3 strongly. 4 hard. 5 loudly.
6 fast; quickly. 7 brightly.
end avmgi. n. end. Morph: avamgi.
Gloss: 3M.SG.POSS-mouth-F.SG. Pl: avm. exchange bon nana. vt. exchange.
Variant: von nana.
end dng. n. end.
exclude dendem p. vt. leave out; ex-
enemy gurguerka. n. enemy. Pl:
clude. Variant: thendem p; mendem p.
excrement asnok. n. excrement; fae-
enemy umngacha. n. enemy; raider. ces.
Pl: umang.
excreta, squirt ~ pupurik. sa-vi. squirt
enemy vrucha. n. enemy. Pl: vrutha. excreta.
enemy, female ~ gurguerki. n. female excreta, squirt ~ saik da ves. vi-so.
enemy. squirt excreta.
enemy, female ~ vruchi. n. female excrete tr. sa-vi. excrete. Variant: thr;
enemy. Note: only v. dr; mur.
English achabapta athva executioner sen'ga. n. executioner.
methamn. n. English. Morph: a=
Morph: senka. Gloss: knife-M.SG.
chabapta athva methamn. Gloss: SPEC
=white-H.PL 3H.PL.POSS language. expand tk dngtham. sa-vi. expand.
Variant: thk dngtham.
enter don. sa-vi. 1 go in; enter.
2 sink. 3 drown. 4 be stuck. explain tvaik ba. vt. explain. Variant:
Variant: thon; mon. thvaik.

envelope avngbngga. n. envelope. explanation thvika. n. explanation;

Pl: avngbng. Variant: vngbngga. meaning. Pl: thvaik. Note: only th.

Epsom salts solmarasin. n. Epsom explanation thuchunmska. n.

salts. 1 explanation. 2 instructions. Pl:
erase schup s. vt. erase. Variant:
suchup s. explode pus mk. vi-so. 1 leap up;
especially referring to flames.
eraser asechupka. n. eraser. Pl:
2 explode. Variant: vus mk.
asechup. Variant: suchupka.
eye sachongacha. n. eye. Pl: sachong.
erupt puk tm. sa-vi. 1 erupt.
2 shatter; burst. Variant: vuk tm. eye sachongini. n. 1 eye. Usage: Polite
form. 2 ember.
erupt pus pm. vi-so. erupt; burst out.
Variant: vus pm. eyebrow mnpka. n. eyebrow. Variant:
eruption puspmgi. n. eruption. Pl:
puspm. Variant: vuspmgi.

eyelashes fatty

eyelashes sachong angt kseng. n. eyelet auathkam. n. loop; eyelet. Pl:

eyelashes. auathk.

F - f

face sachongas. n. face. Pl: sachong. fall in love with tu vlk svt. vt. fall
face, hide ones ~ nathong. sa-vi. look in love with. Variant: thu vlk svt; du
away; hide ones face. vlk svt; mu vlk svt.
face, worried ~ sachongachi. n. fall out tar s. vi-so. fall out. Variant: thar
1 gaze. 2 worried face. s; dar s; mar s.
3 depths of a pool. Variant: sachong. famous, be ~ lengen na. vi-so. be fa-
faeces asnok. n. excrement; faeces. mous; be renowned. Variant: langena.
fail to finish tu dng. vt. 1 interrupt. far away gelaulul. dir. far away; long
2 fail to finish. Variant: thu dng; du way.
dng; mu dng. fart bep d ves. vi-so. fart; a noisy fart.
faint din s. vi-so. faint; collapse. Variant: Note: only b.
diss. fart buepki. n. fart; especially noisy
faint ngip. sa-vi. 1 die. 2 be numb. farts. Pl: buep. Variant: bpki.
3 faint. Variant: ingip. fast mamor. adv. 1 lots.
faint sp samk. sa-vi. 1 fall down. 2 excessively; very much; terribly.
2 faint. 3 strongly. 4 hard. 5 loudly.
6 fast; quickly. 7 brightly.
faithful man ravan'ga. n. faithful man.
Usage: This word compares a faithful fast, very ~ iri ma. adv. very fast.
person with a clam, something that fast, very ~ set. adv. very fast.
does not move around. Pl: ravanda.
fasten kethik sthm. vt. fasten.
faithful woman ravan'gi. n. faithful Variant: chethik sthm.
fasten kop mni. vt. fasten. Variant:
fall pen d. vi-so. fall. chop mni.
fall ptpt na. vi-so. 1 fall. fat, be ~ kthopka vt. vi-so. be fat; be
2 scatter. Variant: vtpt. obese. Variant: chthopka vt.
fall puthm. vi-so. fall. Variant: vuthm. fat from an animal or fish mamutki. n.
fall sp. sa-vi. fall. fat or grease from an animal or fish. Pl:
fall tar. sa-vi. fall; particularly of fruit.
Variant: thar; dar; mar. father mambet. n. father.
fall down pai. sa-vi. 1 fall down; hit the father mamk. n. father. Pl: mamkna.
ground. 2 land heavily. Variant: vai. father mamga. n. father; Dad; address
fall down pathik mes. sa-vi. fall down. and reference term; it is also used by
Variant: vathik mes. children-in-law. Pl: mamda.
fall down sp samk. sa-vi. 1 fall father-in-law thuvska. n. father-in-
down. 2 faint. law; brother-in-law; uncle-in-law; any
fall down spsp na. vi-so. 1 duck in-laws except ones wifes mothers
down. 2 fall down. Variant: spsp brother and his wife. Pl: thuvsvek.
glm. fatty mamut. adj. greasy; fatty.
fall down suk dm. vi-so. fall down.

fatty, be ~ finger

fatty, be ~ mamut mt. vi-so. be tering. 2 stinking.

greasy; be fatty. fetch water mangas. vt. fetch water.
fear mulen'gi. n. fear. Pl: mulen. Usage: Takes the receptacle, such as a
fearless man asokmtka. n. fearless bucket, as the direct object. See: pk
man; stoic man; someone who is fetch water. Note: only m.
solid inside. fetch water pk. sa-vi. fetch water.
fearless woman asokmtki. n. fearless Variant: vk; vuak. See: mangas fetch
woman. water.

feast amsmski. n. feast; party. Pl: fever armgi ama ingun'ga. n. fever.
amsms. Variant: msmski. fever, have a ~ kasrki pt. vi-so. have
feast munambs. n. feast; religious a fever; have malaria.
holiday. Pl: munamimlk. fibre for making net bags mamaing.
feather chsengvs. feather. Pl:
n. n. fibre for making net bags (bilums).
chsngimlk. Pl: chseng. Variant: fibres used for weaving athing. n. fi-
ksengvs. bres used for weaving.
feel tk vt. vt. 1 touch. 2 feel. fig tree tchusacha. n. fig tree. Pl:
Variant: thk vt; thk v; tk v. tuchuas. Variant: thuchuas.
feel tnari. vt. 1 hear. 2 feel. fight gamar. sa-vi. fight. Note: only g.
3 taste. Variant: nari. fight gamar n. vt. fight. Note: only g.
female lvop. adj. female. fight each other bn mna. sa-vi. fight
female ancestor amorki. n. 1 adult each other. Variant: vn mna.
woman. 2 leader. 3 female an- fight each other gamar nana. sa-vi.
cestor. 4 goddess. Pl: morvap. Pl: fight each other. Note: only g.
fighting ground gamracha. n. fight-
fence ichthachi. n. fence; enclosure. ing ground. Note: no plural.
Pl: ichat.
file paelka. n. file. Pl: pael. Note: only p.
fence nathvachi. n. fence. Pl: nathe-
fill tchp. vt. fill. Variant: thchp.
fence pdm. sa-vi. fence; make a fence filthy place athinggiaras. n. filthy or
around an area. Variant: vdm. smelly place. Variant: tinggiaras.

fence, make a ~ pdm. sa-vi. fence; fin of a dolphin vethachi. n. fin, flip-
make a fence around an area. Variant: per, or tail of a dolphin. Pl: avet. Note:
only v.
fencepost rprpka. n. fencepost. Pl:
find dn vt. vt. find. Variant: thn vt;
mun vt; dn bt; thn bt; mun bt.
fencing, sheet of wire ~ vaiaves. n. arc find nothing vesnas. sa-vi. find nothing
mesh; sheet of wire fencing. Note: where you expect to find something;
only v.
e.g. ripe bananas you were planning
to pick but someone came along and
fern gavun. n. fern. Variant: gawun. took them. Note: only v.
ferns aiguam. n. ferns. Variant: iguam. fine mamr. adv. 1 well; fine.
Note: no endings. 2 properly. 3 possible.
ferny place igumacha. n. ferny place; a fine, feel ~ amrvs pt. vi-so. 1 feel
place with one kind of fern all around. fine. 2 heal; get better; get well.
Pl: iguam. 3 feel peaceful.
festering achesin. adj. 1 rotten; fes- finger angthika. n. finger. Pl: ang-

finger fish

thaik. fire, be on ~ dang mt. sa-vi. 1 burn;

finger valvalka. n. finger; toe; generic be on fire. 2 be in a fire. Variant:
term of the extremities of the hands ndang mt; thang mt; mang mt.
and feet. Pl: valval. fire, catch ~ dang. sa-vi. 1 catch fire.
finger, index ~ warnacha. n. index 2 burn. Variant: ndang; thang; mang.
finger. Pl: warna. fire, huge ~ atpki. n. 1 inferno; huge
finger, little ~ angthika ama secha. fire. 2 hell. Pl: atp.
n. little finger. fire, large ~ butki. n. large fire; bonfire.
finger, little ~ mavnini. n. 1 piece of Pl: but.
ginger. 2 little finger. Pl: mavni- fire, set on ~ tu mt. vt. set on fire.
thong. See: secha little finger. Variant: thu mt; du mt; mu mt.
finger, little ~ secha. n. 1 orphaned firedancer kavathm. n. firedancer;
boy, he is one who often grows up to they wear masks with large, round,
be a person who can do many good painted eyes. Pl: karatvap. Variant:
things. Pl: sekpek. 2 hero; a skilful chavathm. See: chavatka spirit that
clever person who does many good causes illness.
things. Pl: sekpek. 3 little finger. firedancer vungbungga. n. firedancer;
See: mavnini little finger. is concealed inside a large, hollow,
finger, middle ~ arnacha. n. middle rectangular panel that serves as his
finger. mask. Pl: vungbung. Variant:

finger, middle ~ erngthcha. n. mid- bungbungga.

dle finger. Morph: erngthkka. Gloss: fireplace chinipki. n. fireplace; hearth.
first-3N.I-touch-M.SG. Pl: erngthk. See: Pl: chinap. Variant: kinipki.
arnacha middle finger. firewood, bundle of ~ avuthchi. n.
finger, ring ~ deglingini. n. ring finger. bundle of firewood. Pl: avuthch.
Pl: deglingithong. Variant: vuthchi.
fingernail ravski. n. nail; claw. Pl: firmly in place thanng. adj. firmly in
ravs. place. Note: only th.
fingers angthaik ama valpal. n. first er. adv. first. See: kuer s lead.
fingers. Morph: angthaik angtha first savuit. adv. 1 more. 2 first.
valpal. Gloss: arms 3PL.POSS twigs.
first sr. adv. first.
finish ddng. n. finish.
first ser ma. vi-so. first. Variant: chier.
finish dng na. vi-so. stop; finish.
first uer. adv. before; first. Variant: ruer;
finish, fail to ~ tu dng. vt. thuer.
1 interrupt. 2 fail to finish. Variant:
thu dng; du dng; mu dng.
first uer. adv. before; first. Variant: ruer;
finished, be ~ sot. sa-vi. be finished.
first, be ~ naruer. vi-so. be first.
fire amudmga. n. fire; refers to a sin-
gle burning stick. Pl: amudm. Variant: first, firstly naruer. adv. first; firstly.
amundmga; mundmga; mudmga. first, go ~ kuer. sa-vi. go first; lead.
See: amudmbs bonfire. Variant: chuer.

fire a gun puk mt. vt. fire a gun. first, go ~ thuer. sa-vi. 1 go first.
Variant: vuk mt. 2 go ahead. 3 go in front. Variant:
ruer; er; kuer.
fire, be in a ~ dang mt. sa-vi. 1 burn;
be on fire. 2 be in a fire. Variant: fish athinmga. n. fish; generic term.
ndang mt; thang mt; mang mt. Pl: athinm.

fish fish sp.

fish trip. sa-vi. fish with a hook and line sp.; light brown with a black spot on
from a canoe or a boat. either side of its tail; up to 30 cm long.
fish, large fish of the makaucha spe- Pl: aidthengm.
cies makauchi. n. large fish of the fish sp. aidika. n. reef fish sp.; silver
makaucha species. (small ones are greenish); very long
fish, large ~ athinmgi. n. large fish; and thin; long mouth and sharp teeth.
generic term. Pl: aidik.

fish, pull in a ~ par s. vt. 1 invite. fish sp. aidrengga. n. reef fish sp.; red
2 ask for someone; call for someone. emperor; up to 80 cm long. Pl: aidreng.
3 lead. 4 pull in a fish; refers to fish sp. ailasrka. n. freshwater fish
a fish which is caught on a hook. sp.; red; has a big mouth and sharp
Variant: thar (Abilta dialect); var s. teeth. Pl: ailasr.
fish, school of ~ thinmbes. n. school fish sp. aingipdulvulka. n. fish sp.;
of fish. Variant: thinmbs. Note: only th. harlequin fish; lives in fresh or salt
fish sp. achapdetham. n. fish sp.; water; is transparent (the bones are
plentiful at the river mouth; silver in visible through the skin); up to 10 cm
colour; have thick lips and a stout long. Pl: aingipduvul. Variant:
shape; length up to 50 cm. Pl: aingipdchulka.
achapdangetham. fish sp. athibunmachi. n. reef fish sp.;
fish sp. achlacha. n. reef fish sp.; light green with black and yellow
small parrotfish; green with soft slip- markings on face; is fat; up to 60 cm
pery skin and scales. Morph: a= long. Pl: athibunma.
chlaka. Gloss: SPEC=soft-M. SG. Pl: fish sp. athikoneng angt nank. n.
achlak. Morph: a=chlak. Gloss: SPEC= fish sp.; refers to two different species
soft. that are often found on the reef: one is
fish sp. achilaigl. n. fish sp.; lives on black, up to 20 cm long; the other is
the reef; whitish with black vertical light brown, up to 30 cm long; both
stripes; is up to 15 cm long; does not have a stinging spike on either side of
have scales. Pl: achila. their tail and greasy flesh. Pl:
athikoneng angt nankina. Variant:
fish sp. achinggoingigl. n. fish sp.; athikoneng angt nankigleng.
lives on the reef; multi-coloured but-
terfly fish: white, yellow, black; up to fish sp. athikonenginggl. n. fish sp.;
20 cm long; similar to angel fish. Pl: lives on the reef; yellow and red with
achinggoing. black lengthwise stripes; is up to
20 cm long; moves fast. Pl: athikoneng.
fish sp. achutgielmtmon'ga. n.
deep sea fish sp.; has a long, pro- fish sp. athinm angtha wan'ga. n.
truding, sharp upper jaw, and a short reef fish sp.; the spirit mask (tum-
lower jaw. Pl: achutgielmtmon. buan) of the fish; multicoloured: red,
yellow, orange, and white, with many
fish sp. achururka. n. reef fish sp.; fins; can sting. Pl: athinm angtha
pink with stout body; smaller than the wan.
gmlcha species; easy to find on the
reef at night. Pl: achurchur. fish sp. athopthacha. n. reef fish sp.;
patchy green and brown camouflage
fish sp. achuvelithachn'ga. n. reef colours; up to 1 m long; has a large
fish sp.; red and light brown colour; mouth; lives in holes in the reef; an-
red inside its mouth; up to 50 cm long. other variety from the deep sea is red.
Pl: achuvelithachn.
Pl: athopt.
fish sp. aidthengmga. n. reef fish fish sp. atun'gi. n. fish sp.; yellowfin

fish sp. fish sp.

tuna. Pl: atun. stones. Pl: gmaru.

fish sp. aunbethachi. n. freshwater fish sp. gml angt nank. n. reef
fish sp.; lives in large rivers; black fish sp.; similar to the gmlka species
spot on each side of its belly and tail; only larger; up to 30 cm long; live on
tail is yellowish; up to 1 m long; good reefs further out to sea. Pl: gml
eating fish. Morph: a=unptki. Gloss: angt nankina.
SPEC=dark-at-F.SG. Pl: aunbet. fish sp. gmlcha. n. reef fish sp.; dark
fish sp. avisaigl. n. fish sp.; lives on red with big eyes; has scales and
the reef; light brown colour; up to greasy flesh; is thin; up to 15 cm long.
20 cm long; good meat; can sting with Pl: gml. Variant: kmlka.
its fins. Pl: avisa. fish sp. inski. n. river fish sp.; has a
fish sp. bangangini. n. fish sp.; lives on flat head, a very narrow mouth, and
the reef; black in colour; up to 4 cm big ears; can stick to a rock with its
long; has scales. Pl: bangang. chest; up to 15 cm long; stays in areas
fish sp. chabangaska. n. freshwater with a fast current; makes a good
fish sp.; silver; has scales; rounded in soup. Pl: ins. Variant: iniski.
shape; these fish swim in groups; fish sp. kadinngga. n. fish sp.; small;
good for bait. Pl: chabangas. Variant: hatch in the saltwater and move into
kabangaska. rivers in large schools. Pl: kadinng.
fish sp. chalacha. n. freshwater fish Variant: chadinngga.
sp.; gluefish; can stick themselves to a fish sp. lachski. n. 1 fish sp.; have
rock with their chests. Pl: chala. Variant: yellow and brown stripes along the
kalacha. body; up to 40 cm long. 2 sea cu-
fish sp. chaninggulucha. n. freshwa- cumber sp.; brown and edible.
ter fish sp.; yellow with white and 3 cucumber. Pl: lachs.
black spots; up to 20 cm long. Pl: cha- fish sp. langgerki. n. saltwater fish sp.;
ninggulu. Variant: kaningguluch; ning- brightly coloured: green, blue, or red;
gulucha. two types: one lives on the reef, the
fish sp. chaumatka. n. reef fish sp.; other lives in the deep sea, has a lump
yellow-white colour with scales; has on its head, and is up to 60 cm long;
feelers on its chin. Pl: chuamat. Variant: both types have a mouth like a par-
kaumat. rots beak and sharp teeth for grind-
ing coral. Pl: langger.
fish sp. chdlka. n. freshwater fish
sp.; silver with scales and many fish sp. lasrvthacha. n. freshwater
bones. Pl: chdl. Variant: kdlka. fish sp.; multicoloured: brown, yellow,
and red; lives in still waters such as
fish sp. chusilka. n. freshwater fish sp.; billabongs; up to 20 cm long. Pl:
black; small with a large mouth; live lasrvt. Variant: lasrpthacha.
under stones. Pl: chusil. Variant:
kusilka. fish sp. lgmetka. n. freshwater fish
sp.; looks like a small shark but has no
fish sp. galpka. n. freshwater fish sp.; teeth; eats moss; white with greasy
silver; up to 60 cm long; many bones flesh; lives where the current is fast.
inside their flesh. Pl: galp. Pl: lgmet.
fish sp. gmarucha. n. freshwater fish fish sp. lviam. n. fish sp.; stonefish;
sp.; has a big head and is dark in lives on the reef; white with bones
colour; shaped like a tadpole but big- that stick through the skin to form
ger; can stick itself to rocks with its strong spikes all over its back and
chest; side fins are whitish or yellow- sides; swells up when touched. Pl:
ish; is a lazy fish and stays under

fish sp. fish sp.

lvai. up to 15 cm long. Pl: molol. See:

fish sp. makaucha. n. reef fish sp.; ti- mololchi fish sp. (alternate name).
lapia; grey with scales; have no teeth; fish sp. mutucha. n. reef fish sp.; yel-
up to 30 cm long. Pl: makau. See: low and white stripes lengthwise
marumgi reef fish sp. (alternate along its body; up to 50 cm long. Pl:
name). mutu.
fish sp. malisacha. n. fish sp.; barra- fish sp. ngalengm. n. freshwater fish
cuda; deep sea fish; have a long sp.; has brown stripes; makes the
mouth, sharp teeth, and whitish flesh sound nguk nguk when shot with a
with scales; are long and thin. Pl: spear. Pl: ngaleng.
malisa. See: malisachi large barra- fish sp. snggratki. n. freshwater fish
cuda. sp.; silver with scales; has two black
fish sp. malmalcha. n. reef fish sp.; spots on its tail. Pl: snggrat.
grey; up to 15 cm long; no scales, fish sp. siluigl. n. freshwater fish sp.;
slippery skin; lives close to shore; brown; flat, rounded shape like a
good for bait. Pl: malmal. flounder; up to 30 cm across; can
fish sp. malolbanggi. n. reef fish sp.; sting with a sharp barb on either side
faded colours: dim whitish, yellowish, of its tail. Pl: silu.
and brown stripes; similar to the fish sp. sumsumigl. n. fish sp.; lives
mololchi species but a bit larger. Pl: on reef; brown with tiny scales; up to
malolbang. 20 cm long. Pl: sumsum.
fish sp. maramatun'gi. n. reef fish sp.; fish sp. tangirka. n. deep sea fish sp.;
dark grey with small whitish spots; looks like the malisacha species;
similar to the marumgi species but whitish with very sharp teeth; up to 2
larger. Pl: maramatun. m long; no scales. Pl: tangir. Note: only t.
fish sp. marumgi. n. reef fish sp.; grey fish sp. tlngbes. n. fish sp.; lives on
with scales; have no teeth; up to the reef; brown and very flat; up to
30 cm long. Pl: marum. See: makaucha 20 cm long; moves to and fro like a
reef fish sp. floating leaf. Pl: tlng. Variant: thlng.
fish sp. mrmarki. n. fish sp.; deep sea fish sp. thgumga. n. fish sp.; two
fish that sometimes visits the reef; types of stonefish: one is a saltwater
colour varies from silver to bluish or fish and a good eating fish, the other
greenish; body is very narrow close to lives in fresh water; both are brown
the tail; silver ones are short and and can sting with poisonous spines.
stout; greenish ones are longer in Pl:thgum. Variant: tugumga; thu-
shape; have very small scales. Pl: gumga.
mrmar. Variant: marmarki.
fish sp. ubatki. n. reef fish sp.; various
fish sp. msgubarka. n. reef fish sp.; colours: blue, brown, or black with
white with scales; up to 40 cm long. Pl: whitish fins; up to 30 cm long; have
msgubar. sharp teeth and very tough skin which
fish sp. mololchi. n. fish sp.; lives on must be burnt off before eating. Pl:
the reef; has white and dark brown ubat.
stripes; short stout shape with scales; fish sp. ulutka. n. reef fish sp.; grey
up to 15 cm long. Pl: molol. See: with slippery skin, no scales, and a big
mololm fish sp. (alternate name). belly; lies on the reef. Pl: ulut.
fish sp. mololm. n. fish sp.; lives on fish sp. vlmgi. n. 1 sow. 2 large
the reef; has white and dark brown pig. 3 reef fish sp.; brown; has a
stripes; short stout shape with scales; nose like a pigs; is up to 1 m long. Pl:

fish sp. flat ones, some ~

vlam. Variant: plmgi; plmgi; vlmgi. flat one, just that particular ~
fish sp. vthenm. n. freshwater fish chkvs. dem. just that particular
sp.; white; up to 10 cm long. Pl: flat one. Gram: Emphatic flat singular con-
vthen. Variant: pthenm. trastive demonstrative. See: kvs that
particular flat one.
fish sp. viskthopka. n. reef fish sp.;
all white; covered in very soft spikes; flat one, that particular ~ kvs. dem.
when touched or speared, it swells up that particular flat one. Gram: Flat sin-
by drinking saltwater. Pl: viskthop. gular contrastive demonstrative. Variant:
Variant: piskthopka. chvs; kchs; achvs; chchs. See:
chkvs just that particular flat one.
fish, tinned ~ thinmmtki. n. tinned
fish. Pl: thinmmt. flat one, that particular ~ pavvs.
dem. that particular flat one. Gram: Flat
fishing line changgthacha. n. singular distal demonstrative emphatic.
1 vine sp.; large, thick vine. Usage:
Variant: vavvs.
Arongda dialect. 2 rope; vine
makes a good rope. 3 fishing line. flat one, that ~ avvs. dem. that flat
Pl: changgt. Variant: kanggthacha; one. Gram: Flat singular distal demonstrative.
chagthacha. See: charoski (Abilta Variant: vvs. See: avchs that flat
dialect) vine sp. one.

fishing spear chevs. n. fishing spear; flat one, the ~ ngas. pro. the flat one.
has many prongs. Pl: chevimlk. Note: Gram: Flat singular nominal pronoun.
only ch. flat one, this particular ~ taithvs.
fit for, be ~ mamr pet. vi-so. be fit for; dem. this particular flat one. Gram: Flat
be able to; be good for. Variant: mamr singular proximate demonstrative emphatic.
vet. Variant: thaithvs.

five angthikpet. num. five. Variant: flat one, this ~ ithvs. dem. this flat
ngthikpet. one. Gram: Flat singular proximate demon-
strative. Variant: tvs.
fix slamr vm. vt. 1 fix. 2 tidy.
flat ones, just those particular two ~
flag baulvs. n. flag. Pl: baul. kmlm. dem. just those particular
flagpole baulvs angtha mngga. n. two flat ones. Gram: Flat dual contrastive
flagpole. Pl: baul angtha mng. demonstrative. Variant: chmlm; ach-
flame churetka. n. flame. Pl: churet. mlm. See: chkmlm just those
Note: only ch. particular flat two.
flame, large ~ churetki. n. large flame. flat ones, just those particular ~
Pl: churet. Note: only ch. chkmlk. dem. just those par-
ticular flat ones. Gram: Emphatic flat plural
flame, tongue of ~ chulimbinggi. n.
contrastive demonstrative. See: chmlk
tongue of flame. Pl: achulubaing.
those particular flat ones.
Variant: kulbingga; chulibingga.
flat ones, some two ~ agimlm. pro.
flap nam. sa-vi. flap; especially of
some two flat ones. Gram: Flat dual in-
definite pronoun. Variant: anggimlm;
flash flood umngachi. n. flash flood. gimlm.
Pl: umang.
flat ones, some ~ agimlk. pro. some
flashlight manaingimgi. n. flat ones. Gram: Flat plural indefinite pro-
1 window. 2 torch; flashlight. Pl: noun. Variant: anggimlk; gimlk.
manaingim. See: achilotki window.
flat ones, some ~ guamlk. dem.
flat avras. adj. flat. some flat ones. Gram: Flat plural indefinite
flat land lamn. n. flat land. demonstrative.

flat ones, some ~ flesh

flat ones, some ~ guavs. dem. some flat ones, those particular ~ paivang.
flat ones. Gram: Flat plural indefinite de- dem. those particular flat ones. Gram:
monstrative. Flat plural distal demonstrative emphatic.

flat ones, these particular ~ taithang. Variant: aivang; vaivang. See: pachvang
dem. 1 this particular one; these par- those particular flat ones.
ticular ones. Gram: Count neutral proximate flat ones, those two ~ avmlm. dem.
demonstrative emphatic. 2 these par- those two flat ones. Gram: Flat dual distal
ticular flat ones. Gram: Flat plural proxi- demonstrative. Variant: vmlm.
mate demonstrative emphatic. See: taith- flat ones, two ~ guamlm. dem. two
mlk these particular flat ones. flat ones. Gram: Flat dual indefinite demon-
3 these particular long ones. Gram: strative.
Long plural proximate demonstrative em-
phatic. Variant: thaithang.
flat, that ~ one avchs. dem. that flat
one. Gram: Flat singular distal demonstrative.
flat ones, these particular ~ taith- Variant: vchs.
mlk. dem. these particular flat
ones. Gram: Flat plural proximate demon- flat, the ~ two ngimlm. pro. the flat
strative emphatic. Variant: thaithmlk.
two. Gram: Flat dual nominal pronoun.
See: taithang these particular flat flat thing, some ~ agivs. pro. some flat
ones. thing. Gram: Flat singular indefinite pronoun.
Variant: anggivs.
flat ones, these two ~ ithmlm.
dem. these two flat ones. Gram: Flat dual flat things, those ~ avmlk. dem.
proximate demonstrative. Variant: tmlm. those flat things. Gram: Flat plural distal
demonstrative. Variant: vmlk.
flat ones, these ~ ithang. dem.
1 these. Gram: Count neutral proximate flat, those ~ ones avang. dem. 1 that
demonstrative. 2 these flat ones. Gram: one; those ones. Gram: Count neutral distal
Flat plural proximate demonstrative. Variant: demonstrative. 2 those flat ones. Gram:
thang; tngt; ithngt; tang (Abilta Flat plural distal demonstrative. Variant:
dialect). vang; pang.
flat ones, these ~ ithmlk. dem. flat two, just those particular ~ chk-
these flat ones. Gram: Flat plural proximate mlm. dem. just those particular flat
demonstrative. Variant: tmlk. two. Gram: Emphatic flat dual contrastive
demonstrative. See: chmlm just those
flat ones, those particular two ~
pavmlm. dem. those particular particular two flat ones.
two flat ones. Gram: Flat dual distal demon- flat two, the ~ imlm. pro. the flat
strative emphatic. Variant: vavmlm. two. Gram: Flat dual reduced nominal pro-
flat ones, those particular ~ kmlk.
dem.those particular flat ones. Gram: flat two, these particular ~ taithm-
Flat plural contrastive demonstrative. Variant: lm. dem. these particular flat two.
chmlk; achmlk. See: chkmlk Gram: Flat dual proximate demonstrative em-
just those particular flat ones. phatic. Variant: thaithmlm.

flat ones, those particular ~ pach- flattened area burichi. n. cleared area;
vang. dem. 1 that particular one; flattened area; e.g. a place in the bush
those particular ones. Gram: Count neu- where there has been a dog fight or a
tral distal demonstrative emphatic. crocodile resting. Pl: buri.
2 those particular flat ones. Gram: Flat flattened out, be ~ pl tm. vi-so. be
plural distal demonstrative emphatic. Variant: broken; be bent over; be flattened out;
vachvang; bachvang. See: paivang e.g. of grass that has been walked on.
those particular flat ones.
flesh achurnaing. n. meat; flesh; es-

flimsy foot

pecially of pigs, chickens, or coconuts. green spear-shaped leaves.

Note: no endings. fly lmaska. n. fly; generic term. Pl:
flimsy aingas. adj. flimsy; particularly lmas.
things like paper. fly prap. sa-vi. fly. Variant: vrap.
flimsy palangga. adj. flimsy; particu- fly, March ~ chluingga. n. march fly;
larly things like paper. Pl: plang. Pl: blue; usually the first to arrive on a
palang. Variant: plangga. carcass in the bush, or to sit on rub-
flip ngim melia. vi-sa. roll over; flip. bish. Pl: chluing. Note: only ch.
Variant: nm melia. fly sp. ainggrongini. n. sandfly sp.;
flip ngim melia. vt. roll over; flip. very tiny; sits on sores and food. Pl:
Variant: nm melia. ainggrong. Pl: ainggrongithong. Variant:
flip over ml. vt. 1 flip over. 2 move aigrongini.
aside. fly sp. gethuaing angt nank. n. fly
flip over valing s. vi-so. flip over. sp.; brown with big eyes and trans-
Variant: waling s. parent wings; similar to the mur-
nalengeika species but this one lays
flipper of a dolphin vethachi. n. fin, eggs. Pl: gethuaing angt nankina.
flipper, or tail of a dolphin. Pl: avet.
Note: only v. fly sp. murnalengeika. n. fly sp.; large
brown fly; does not lay eggs but puts
flipper of a turtle anamnamgi. n. its maggots straight into waste. Pl:
1 wing. 2 flipper of a turtle. Pl:
flying fox vangon'ga. n. flying fox. Pl:
float from a gillnet trip glaski. n. float vangon. Variant: pangon'ga; angon.
from a gillnet.
FOC thia. modal. FOC. Gram: Realis focus
flood ichumgi. n. flood; flooded river. marker.
Pl: ichum.
fog auvrngachi. n. fog. Pl: auvrang.
flood milatka avuouk. n. large flood Variant: avrngachi.
that washes away all the plants along
the riverbanks. Morph: milatka fold paim. vt. fold. Variant: vaim.
avuouk. Gloss: follow don dm. vt. follow. Variant: thon
3M.SG.POSS-grandmother. Pl: milatka dm; don d; thon d.
angthuouk. follow don vt. vt. follow. Variant: thon
flood, first ~ vunakdmga. n. first vt.
flood; makes plants bend over. Pl: food amsmska. n. food. Pl: amsms.
vunakdm. Note: only v. Variant: msms.
flood, flash ~ umngachi. n. flash food parcel gamosachi. n. food parcel;
flood. Pl: umang. is wrapped in leaves. Pl: gamos.
flood line suchutki. n. water line or food parcel, small ~ gamosini. n. small
flood line that shows how high a river food parcel. Pl: gamosithong.
flows. Pl: suchut.
fool chlmuen. n. fool; name of a
flood, small ~ ichumigl. n. small flood. character in many Mali stories. Variant:
Pl: ichuminggleng. klmuen; chlmen; klmen.
flooded river ichumgi. n. flood; flooded foot alchar. n. foot; leg; refers to the
river. Pl: ichum. entire limb. Variant: lchar. See: slvini
flower sp. galumaing. n. flower sp.; leg; snainggi thigh.
has small red, yellow, white, and pink foot alcharini. n. leg; foot; refers to
flowers all in one flower head; light the whole limb; this is a bit more po-

footprint friends, be ~

lite than
just using lchar. Pl: forest undrki. n. forest. Pl: undr.
alcharithong. forest person, little ~ tbr nanm. n.
footprint alcharacha. n. 1 footprint; little forest person. Pl: tbr nanbap.
track. 2 footstep. Pl: alchar. Variant: thbr nanm.
footstep alcharacha. n. 1 footprint; forever snas. adv. forever. Variant:
track. 2 footstep. Pl: alchar. sanas.
for nani. prep. for. Gram: Appears before full forever more tevuit mo. dir. forever
noun phrases. See: nania for. more. Variant: thevuit mo.
for nania. prep. for. Gram: Appears before forget pat pthanas. sa-vi. forget.
pronouns. See: nani for. Variant: vat pthanas.
for pathm. prep. 1 along. forget sari. vi-so. forget.
2 according to. 3 for. Variant: forget suk dm. vt. forget.
vathm; bathm.
forgetful person dt mtha
for each other pathm na. dir. musnng. n. forgetful person.
1 alongside; side by side. 2 with
each other; for each other. forward inamuk. dir. across towards
3 parallel. Variant: vathm na; bathm
speaker; forward.
na. four alevavet. num. four. Variant: leva-
for oneself banas. dir. for oneself.
for themselves snas. dir. for them- fowl, wild ~ malachi. n. wild fowl. Pl:
selves; about themselves.
forbid rek sthm. vt. 1 close in. fragrant sap raiycha. n. 1 tree sp.;
2 block off; e.g. to obstruct some-
grows along the coast and in the
ones view. 3 forbid. Variant: trek mountains in the bush; the sap is fra-
sthm; chrek sthm. See: trek tm
grant and burns like wax.
2 fragrant sap from the tree with the
prohibit, forbid.
same name. Pl: raiyk.
forbid trek tm. vt. prohibit; forbid.
Variant: rek tm.
frame birbirka. n. 1 border of dancing
ground. 2 frame for a net. Pl: birbir.
forehead blinggi. n. 1 space.
2 forehead. Pl: blaing.
frame, section of ~ grtpes. n. section
of frame; e.g. one side of a house
foreign aml. adj. 1 loose. frame. Pl: grtimlk.
2 foreign. Variant: ml.
friend aruacha. n. friend; often used to
foreign man amlka. n. 1 large is- refer to spouses. Pl: aruavek. Variant:
land. Pl: aml. See: amlm small is- ruacha. See: lugutka husband.
land. 2 foreign man; temporary
visitor. Pl: amlta. See: naingiska for- friend lmuacha. n. friend; ally. Pl:
foreign woman amlki. n. foreign friend vum. n. friend, the address term.
Pl: vuap. Note: only v.
foreigner naingiska. n. foreigner. Pl: friend, female ~ aruachi. n. female
naingista. See: amlka foreign man;
friend; wife.
temporary visitor. friend, female ~ lmuachi. n. female
foreigner, female ~ naingiski. n. fe- friend; female ally.
male foreigner. friends, be ~ tethana. sa-vi. 1 be
foreskin luchi at kdngga. n. fore- friends. 2 be married. 3 group
skin. Pl: lu angt kdng. together. Variant: thetana; dethaa;

friendship from over there

methaa. close to. Variant: nangglm.

friendship ruaom nna. n. a friendship from down namk. dir. from down.
between two people. from down nmni. dir. from down.
frightened, be ~ dlen. sa-vi. be afraid; Variant: namni.
be frightened. Variant: len. from down at naimano. dir. from down
frightened, be ~ ternas. sa-vi. be at.
frightened. Variant: thernas; mernas. from down at nathmk. dir. from
frightened man mulen'ga. n. fright- down at.
ened man. Pl: mulenda. from down over there namano. dir.
frightened woman mulen'gi. n. from down over there.
frightened woman. from down there naimanp. dir. from
frog chlumen'gi. n. frog; generic term. down there.
Pl: chlumen. Variant: kelemen'gi; from down there namanp. dir. from
chelumen'gi. down there. Variant: namani; namana.
frog sp. baiapka. n. bush frog sp.; from down there nathmanp. dir.
small and brown. Usage: An alternate from down there. Variant: nathmani.
name for baiavini. Pl: baiap.
from down there nathmano. dir.
frog sp. baiavini. n. frog sp. Usage: An from down there.
alternate name for baiapka.
from each other nmtna. dir. from
frog sp. chlumen'gi ama iriarki. n. each other.
frog sp.; large green river frog. Pl:
chlumen ama iriar. Variant: chlumen'gi
from each other nvana. dir. from each
ama uras atha lchar; chlumen'gi ama
uras d ththik. from here inath. dir. from here.
from na. prep. 1 from. 2 with. from here ath. dir. from here.
Variant: n; ni. from in namuk. dir. from in.
from nagl. prep. 1 from. 2 by. from in there nathmuk. dir. from in
Variant: nangl. there.
from nmt. prep. from. Variant: namt. from inside naimuk. dir. from inside.
from nthm. prep. 1 from. from inside, up ~ naimek. dir. up from
2 about. Variant: nethem. inside.
from nva. prep. from. from one to another smnina. dir. up
from nvt. prep. from. Variant: nk; and down; across; from one to an-
nvtha. other; e.g. across a series of valleys
from, across ~ namuani. dir. across and ridges.
from. Variant: namoni. from oneself, away ~ nevanas. dir.
from around here nainath. dir. from away from oneself.
around here. from out there nathvuit. dir. from out
from, away ~ nmna. prep. away there. Variant: nathvit.
from; e.g. used to describe the way a from over there naimuanp. dir. from
flood leaves rubbish behind as the over there. Variant: naimonp.
water subsides. Variant: namna. from over there naimuani. dir. from
from, back down ~ nanavuk. dir. back over there.
down from. from over there namono. dir. from
from close to naglm. prep. from over there; across.

from over there fun, make ~

from over there namui. dir. from over there.

there; same level as speaker. from up there nathvuk. dir. from up
from over there nathmono. dir. from there.
over there. from up there navono. dir. from up
from over there nathmui. dir. from there.
over there. from up there sainavuk. dir. from up
from over there nathmuit. dir. from there.
over there. from (middle distance), over ~ naivui.
from over there nathvui. dir. from dir. over from (middle distance).
over there. frond, coconut ~ uratps. n. coconut
from over there (distant) naimui. dir. frond; stem is used to make a basket.
from over there (distant). Pl: uratimlk.
from over there (towards speaker) front angtham. n. 1 shore; beach;
nainamuk. dir. from over there (to- riverbank. 2 front. Morph: angtam.
wards speaker). Gloss: 3N.POSS-mouth. Variant: avam; vam.
from, over ~ naimni. dir. over from. front, at the ~ dngtham. dir. in
from, over ~ naimono. dir. over from. front; at the front.

from, over ~ naivuit. dir. over from. front, in ~ dngtham. dir. in front; at
the front.
from, over ~ namui. dir. from over
there; same level as speaker. front, in ~ ndngetham. dir. in front.
from, over ~ namuit. dir. over from. fruit isinggi. n. tree sp.; similar to
breadfruit but brown on the outside
from, over ~ navuit. dir. over from. and yellow inside; refers to both the
Variant: navit.
tree and the fruit. Pl: isainng.
from, over ~ (distant) navui. dir. over fruit bat avunathepki. n. fruit bat sp.;
from (distant). small. Pl: avunathep.
from side nathmuanp. dir. from fruit, immature ~ guingini. n. imma-
side. Variant: nathmoni; nathmonp. ture fruit; the buds of fruit that appear
from the other side naimuit. dir. from after the flowers have fallen off. Pl:
the other side. guingithong.
from the other side namethik. dir. fruit sp. athongga. n. fruit sp.; must be
from the other side. cooked before it is eaten. Pl: athong.
from the side, over ~ namonp. dir. fruit, type of ~ aruchusicha. n. 1 tree
over from the side. Variant: namoni; sp. 2 type of fruit.
fruit, type of ~ chmbucha. n. type of
from there inavi. dir. from there. fruit. Usage: Also known as ton in Tok
from there nainavi. dir. from there. Pisin. Pl: chmbu. Variant: kmbucha.
from there nave. dir. from there. full, be tchp. vi-so. be full. Variant:
thchp n.
from there navi. dir. from there.
fun, make ~ bncha muma. sa-vi.
from up nainavuk. dir. from up.
make fun; joke. Variant: vncha muma;
from up naivuk. dir. from up. vna muma; bna muma.
from up there naivono. dir. from up fun, make ~ tu ma. sa-vi. joke; make
there. fun. Variant: thu ma; du ma; mu ma.
from up there nathvono. dir. from up fun, make ~ tu samor s. vt. make fun.

function get

Variant: thu samor s; du samor s; mu funny; e.g. in a concert or in a burst of

samor s. high spirits. Variant: thusachus nanas;
function lengeini. n. event; function; dusachus nanas; musachus nanas.
meeting. Pl: lengithong. future asik. disc. future; when. Gram: Ir-
funny, act ~ tusachus nanas. sa-vi. act realis marker. Variant: sik.

G - g

galip nut vimga. n. galip nut (Canarium by extension, a no entry sign or gate.
indicum). Pl: viam. Variant: pimga. Pl: arekrek.

game amun'gas. n. game. gather lel tm. vt. gather.

gaol kumngas. n. gaol; prison. Pl: gather around par mana svt. sa-vi.
kumang. Variant: chumngas. gather around. Variant: var mana svt.
garden, flower ~ mormorki. n. flower gather together dn dmna. sa-vi.
garden; special garden containing gather together; meet up. Gram: Takes a
healing plants like ginger; you can put plural subject. Variant: thn; mn.
someone there to encourage healing gather together don dmna. sa-vi.
or growth. Pl: mormor. gather together. Variant: thon dmna;
garden, large altki. n. large garden. mon dmna.
garden, old ~ kunmgi. n. old garden; gauze lingbes. n. gauze; lint; compress.
a garden that cannot be used again for Pl: ling.
two or three years. Pl: kunam. Variant: gaze sachongachi. n. 1 gaze.
chnam; chunmgi. 2 worried face. 3 depths of a pool.
garden plot avram. n. garden plot; Variant: sachong.
specifically a plot within a larger sec- gecko sp. avulikpthachi. n. gecko
tion of garden that has been assigned sp.; grey; up to 10 cm long. Pl:
to a particular person; the section is avulikpet. Variant: vlikpthachi.
divided into plots for different crops.
gecko sp. vuachtka. n. gecko sp.;
Pl: avar. Pl: avravap. Variant: avram.
large; brown with white stripes along
garden section nunggulia. n. garden the body and around the neck; lives in
section; section within a garden that houses. Pl: vuacht. Note: only v.
has been assigned to a particular
generous man vnbon'ga. n. generous
person. Pl: nunggul.
man. Pl: vnbonda.
garden, small ~ althini. n. 1 small
generous woman vnbon'gi. n. gen-
garden. 2 small job.
erous woman. Note: only v.
gardener latka. n. gardener. Pl: latta.
genitals, female ~aunuchi. n. female
gardener, female ~ latki. n. female genitals; vulva; vagina; a womans
gardener. private parts in general. Pl: auna.
garden(s) alat. n. 1 garden(s). geography asecha svt kama
2 job. ivtki. n. geography.
gasp ngk d. vi-so. gasp; grunt. germinate pur mt. vi-so. germinate.
gasp for breath sanggas machuvt. Variant: vur.
sa-vi. gasp for breath. get tat. vt. 1 get. 2 give birth. Usage:
gate arekrechi. n. sign on path to pro- Note that the present tense is not
hibit people from going along it, and used because it would make a com-

get good for, be ~

mand Have your baby now!; only that glimpse tlu wirp. vi-so. glimpse; catch
and mat are usually used. Variant: that; sight of something because it moves.
dat; mat; tht; tt; dt; mt. Variant: lu wirp.

get tt s. vt. get. Variant: tht s; dt s; glorious, be ~ tu thm mes pt. vi-so.
tat sa; mt s; mat s. be glorious. Variant: thu thm mes pt;
get burnt dung mt. vi-so. get burnt. du thm mes pt; mu thm mes pt.

get down tik. vt. get down. Variant: thik. glory amurmeski. n. glory. Pl:
get out pr. vt. 1 get something out of
a pocket or a similar place. glow igalechi. n. glow of light; e.g.
2 breathe out. 3 put; e.g. to put from a distant fire or from the sun at
someone in a particular place. Variant: dawn. Pl: igale.
vr. glue ananachi. n. glue. Pl: anana.
get out ps s. vi-so. get out. Variant: vs gluefish chalacha. n. freshwater fish
s. sp.; gluefish; can stick themselves to a
get up sekmes. sa-vi. get up. Variant: rock with their chests. Pl: chala. Variant:
sepmes. kalacha.

get up early tchasp. sa-vi. get up go tranas. sa-vi. go; take off; leave.
early. Variant: thchasp. Variant: thranas; dranas; mranas;
thranas; dranas; mranas.
ghost tomga. n. spirit; ghost. Variant:
thomga. go tet. sa-vi. 1 walk. 2 go. Variant:
thet; det; met; -et.
giant srucha. n. 1 giant. Pl: srutha.
2 old man. Pl: srutha. go around bing. sa-vi. go around.
giant, female ~ sruchi. n. 1 female go around nging. vt. go around. Usage:
giant. 2 old woman. Abilta dialect. Variant: ing. See: bing vt
go around.
giddy, be ~ kibing kibing va
sachong. vi-so. be dizzy; be giddy. go in don. sa-vi. 1 go in; enter.
Note: only k. 2 sink. 3 drown. 4 be stuck.
Variant: thon; mon.
gift of food amthcha. n. gift of food;
something that has come from some- go in front thuer. sa-vi. 1 go first.
one else. Pl: mthk. Variant: mthcha. 2 go ahead. 3 go in front. Variant:
ruer; er; kuer.
gigantic asru. adj. huge; gigantic.
Variant: sru. God amorka. n. 1 adult man.
2 leader. 3 ancestor. 4 God. Pl:
ginger, piece of ~ mavnini. n. morvap. Pl: morta.
1 piece of ginger. 2 little finger.
Pl: mavnithong. See: secha little fin- God Deo. n. God.
ger. God the Everlasting thchnmucha.
ginger plant mavnachi. n. ginger n. sacred being; God the Everlasting.
plant; roots can be chewed to help Pl: thchnmu. Note: only th.
with colds and flu. Pl: mavan. goddess amorki. n. 1 adult woman.
give bon. vt. 1 give. 2 thatch; put 2 leader. 3 female ancestor.
leaves on a roof. Variant: von; mbon. 4 goddess. Pl: morvap. Pl: morta.

glasses sachong. n. 1 vision; dream; good amr. adj. good; pleasant; nice.
daydream. 2 glasses. 3 crown of Variant: mr.
a tree. 4 surface; e.g. the surface of good for, be ~ mamr pet. vi-so. be fit
the sea, the face of the earth, the top for; be able to; be good for. Variant:
of a sore, the opening of a pot. mamr vet.

good humoured man grasshopper sp.

good humoured man auluvkmtka. grandmother. Pl: angthuaukna. Variant:

n. 1 coward. 2 good humoured angthuouk.
man; reasonable man. Pl: aulvk- grandson vulecha. n. grandson; in-
mtta. Variant: aulvkmtka. cludes in-laws. Pl: vulekpek. Variant:
good humoured woman auluvkmt- awlecha.
ki. n. 1 female coward. 2 good grapple pethaindik mtna. sa-vi.
humoured woman; reasonable wom- grapple; two people grappling with
an. Variant: aulvkmtki. each other. Variant: vethaindik mtna.
good man amrka. n. good man. Pl: grass lachuaska. n. grass; an area of
amrta. any particular kind of grass. Pl:
good woman amrki. n. good woman. luchuas.
Goodbye! oo. interj. Goodbye! grass sp. achlachuas. n. 1 grass sp.;
goose bumps, have ~ prur pt. vi-so. tends to grow in old gardens; the
have goose bumps; have ones hair seeds stick to your legs. Morph: a=
stand on end. Variant: vrur pt. chlachuas. Gloss: SPEC=grass.sp.
2 seaweed; seagrass; plants that
gossip nesabiung. n. gossip. usually grow in shallow water; up to
grab kthep. vt. 1 grab. 2 catch. 20 cm in length; fish use it to hide in.
Variant: chthep; gthep. Variant: chlachuas.
grab pr m. vt. grab; catch; kidnap. grass sp. malos. n. grass sp.; strong
Variant:vr m. smelling; grows to waist height; de-
grab pr tm. vt. grab; catch; kidnap. ters snakes, relieves tiredness, and
Variant: vr tm; br tm; pr t; vr t; can be used to wash dishes.
br t. grass sp. ngipngip. n. grass sp.; dies if
grace grasia. n. grace. Note: no endings. someone touches it.
grade ulunggi. n. 1 room. 2 class; grass sp., area of ~ achlachuaska. n.
grade. Pl: ulung. area of grass sp.; tends to grow in old
gardens; seeds stick to your legs.
graduate sot na sunaski. sa-vi.
Variant: chlachuaska.
grass sp., large area of ~ achla-
granddaughter vulechi. n. grand-
chuaski. n. large area of grass sp.
daughter. Note: only v.
Variant: chlachuaski.
grandfather angthiaik. n. grand-
grass sp., small area of ~ achlachua-
father; grandfather-in-law. Morph:
sini. n. small area of grass sp. Variant:
angt=iaikkna. Gloss: 3CN.POSS=
grandfather-H.PL. Pl: angthiaikna.
grasshopper amueska. n. grasshop-
grandfather-in-law angthiaik. n.
per; generic term. Pl: amues.
grandfather; grandfather-in-law.
Morph: angt=iaikkna. Gloss: 3CN.POSS grasshopper sp. achivulucha. n.
=grandfather-H.PL. Pl: angthiaikna. grasshopper sp.; grey-brown colour;
wings have a yellow stripe at the tip;
grandmother angthuauk. n. grand-
bores holes in soft wood. Pl: achivulu.
mother; grandmother-in-law. Morph:
angt=uauk. Gloss: 3.PL.POSS=grand- grasshopper sp. alsacha. n. grass-
mother. Pl: angthuaukna. Variant: hopper sp.; brown; smaller than the
angthuouk. mathongga species; does not bore
holes. Pl: alsavap.
grandmother-in-law angthuauk. n.
grandmother; grandmother-in-law. grasshopper sp. aruachingacha. n.
Morph: angt=uauk. Gloss: 3.PL.POSS= grasshopper sp. Pl: aruachaing.

grasshopper sp. grile [TP]

grasshopper sp. avirsithamngga. noise at night. Pl: tharer. Variant:

n. grasshopper sp.; dark green; has a tareracha.
flat belly; lies flat and straight against grasshopper sp. thobakathva mus-
a tree back and is well camouflaged. ka. n. grasshopper sp.; green with
Pl: avirsithamng. large back legs; if it flies into a house,
grasshopper sp. chatlchotka. n. people may ask it questions to find out
grasshopper sp.; greyish in colour. Pl: whether bad luck is coming, or if
chatlchot. Variant: katlchotka. someone will die. Pl: thobekathva
grasshopper sp. chtikktika. n. mues. Variant: tobekathva muska.
grasshopper sp.; brown and short; flat grasshopper sp. vitvitka. n. grass-
area on the back between the wing hopper sp.; two types of grasshop-
and the head. Pl: chtikktik. Variant: pers: one is green and the other is
ktikktika. brown; they make a pleasant chirping
grasshopper sp. lngirka. n. grass- sound at night. Pl: vitvit. Note: only v.
hopper sp.; brown and short with big grasshopper sp. vlamasarengacha. n.
back thighs; is plentiful in stony grasshopper sp. Pl: vlamasareng.
places and along the beach. Pl: lngir. Variant: plamasareng.
grasshopper sp. mamthm. n. grass- grater rngska. n. scraper; grater. Pl:
hopper sp.; has grey and white rngs.
patches; bores holes in soft wood. Pl: grave aven'gi. n. grave. Pl: aven.
graze lul s. sa-vi. graze; scratch;
grasshopper sp. mathongga. n. scrape.
1 grasshopper sp.; brown and long in
shape; bores holes in wood or bam- grazed, be ~ lul pt. vi-so. be grazed;
boo; used as bait for river fish. be scratched.
2 hornbill. Pl: mathong. grease from an animal or
grasshopper sp. mavnacha. n. green fish mamutki. n. fat or grease from
grasshopper sp.; has a long head. Pl: an animal or fish. Pl: mamut.
mavan. greasy mamut. adj. greasy; fatty.
grasshopper sp. nguainggi. n. grass- greasy, be ~ mamut mt. vi-so. be
hopper sp.; brown and white with long greasy; be fatty.
hind legs; people play with it by greasy, be ~ mars mt. vi-so. be
breaking one leg and pulling the ten- greasy; be oily. Variant: mars pt.
don to make the leg move. Pl: nguaing.
greedy guagungmo. adj. greedy.
grasshopper sp. rukuska. n. grass-
green airiar. adj. green. Variant: iriar.
hopper sp.; greyish in colour. Pl:
rukus. green, be ~ airiarvs vt. vi-so. be
grasshopper sp. sarengacha. n.
1 pandanus sp.; small with long greens achuvel. n. greens. Usage: Also
leaves; used for making mats. known as aupa in Tolai.
2 green grasshopper sp.; lies flat greens asalang. n. greens; leaves are
between the leaves of the sarengacha small and heart shaped with yellow
pandanus species. Pl: sareng. flowers; grows in gardens after they
grasshopper sp. thagumacha. n. have been burnt off.
grasshopper sp.; brown. Pl: thagum. Greetings! salve. interj. Greetings!
Variant: tagumacha. Usage: This word was introduced by
grasshopper sp. thareracha. n. green the priests in the Mali community.
grasshopper sp.; makes a loud rasping grile [TP] aslavar. n. tinea; ringworm

grizzle hand

(grile). growth, new ~ aithir. n. new growth;

grizzle tu nank. sa-vi. grizzle; cry for skin or bark that grows in order to
something for a long time. Variant: thu heal a cut.
nank; du nank; mu nank. grub sp. achlacholachi. n. grub sp.;
groan tchen. sa-vi. groan. Variant: edible; white; up to 4 cm long and
thchan. very fat (like the top of a persons
thumb); eats the wood at the top of
ground msng. n. ground. the coconut palm and areca palm. Pl:
ground, fighting ~ gamracha. n. achlachol.
fighting ground. Note: no plural. grub sp. srongachi. n. grub sp.; white
ground, hit the ~ pai. sa-vi. 1 fall and edible; different types vary in
down; hit the ground. 2 land heav- size, up to 6 cm long; eats the wood of
ily. Variant: vai. trees including pawpaw, galip nut
ground, to the ~ smsng. dir. to the (Canarium indicum), and cocoa trees.
ground; downwards. Pl: srong.

group gulinggi. n. group. Pl: gulaing. grunt ngk d. vi-so. gasp; grunt.
group together tethana. sa-vi. 1 be guava govachi. n. guava. Pl: gova.
friends. 2 be married. 3 group guava tree govacha. n. guava tree; the
together. Variant: thethana; dethana; leaves are good for stomach aches. Pl:
methana. gova.
grow dn. sa-vi. grow. Variant: thn; rn; guess, make ~ bna. vt. make someone
ndn; rin (Abilta dialect). else guess. Variant: vna.
grow dn. vt. grow; specifically make a gullet laguain'gi. n. gullet. Pl:
baby grow. Variant: thn; rn; ndn; rin langguain.
(Abilta dialect). gun rarpka. n. 1 strong inner part of
grow pur. vi-so. grow; especially of new tree. 2 gun. Pl: rarp.
skin or bark growing over a cut. gun vilchi. n. gun. Pl: vilik. Variant:
Variant: vur.
grow fast tir. sa-vi. grow fast. Variant:
gurgle guarem. n. gurgle; a gurgling
sound such as the sound of a river
growth airirki. n. growth. Pl: airir. going between stones.
growth munmun'gi. n. growth. Pl:

H - h

habit amusnng. n. 1 behaviour. of hair. Pl: chseng. Variant: ksengia.

2 idea; thought. 3 plan. half chutigligl. n. half. Pl:
4 habit; custom. Morph: a=musnng. chutigiliglng. Variant: kutigligl.
Gloss: SPEC=put.PAST-heart. Variant:
halt krtpka. n. halt; stop. Variant:
hair chseng. n. hair. Variant: kseng.
hammer pai dm s. vt. hammer.
See: chekseng just those particular
Variant: vai dm s.
long ones.
hand angthichini. n. 1 hand; arm;
hair, long strand of ~ chsengia. n.
refers to the entire limb; more polite
long hair; specifically a single strand

hand health centre

word than angthiki. 2 twig. hard, be ~ chernas pt. vi-so. be diffi-

hand angthiki. n. 1 hand; arm; re- cult; be hard.
fers to the entire limb. 2 branch. harlequin fish aingipdulvulka. n. fish
Morph: ang=tikki. Gloss: 3CN.POSS= sp.; harlequin fish; lives in fresh or
hand-F.SG. Pl: angthaik. salt water; is transparent (the bones
hand, palm of the ~ adigl. n. 1 piece of are visible through the skin); up to
taro. 2 palm of hand. Pl: adigleng. 10 cm long. Pl: aingipduvul. Variant:
hand, palm of the ~ angthikinggl. n.
palm of hand. hat hatki. n. hat. Pl: hat.
hands, shake ~ sangar glem na. sa-vi. hatch bk pt. vt. hatch. Variant: vk pt.
shake hands. hatchet avthepka ma lachengga. n.
handwriting angthaik angtha hatchet. Pl: avthap ama lacheng.
chutkut. n. script; handwriting. hawk, brown and white ~ lalumga. n.
Morph: angthaik angtha chutkut. Gloss: bird sp.; brown and white hawk. Pl:
arms/hands 3PL.POSS writing. lalum.
hang tn. vt. hang. Variant: thn. haze chulesia. n. haze. Variant: kulesia.
hang up kop dm. vt. hang up. Variant: he ka. pro. he; it. Gram: Third person mascu-
chop dm. line singular class one pronoun and third per-
happened, what ~ mnia na. interrog. son masculine singular class three pronoun.

what happened. Variant: cha; chat; ga.

happy lareng. vi-so. happy. Usage: This he k. pro. he; it. Gram: Third person mascu-
word is a bit archaic; it is mainly used line singular class two pronoun. Variant: ch;
now to describe the way dogs behave g.
when greeting their masters. he ng. pro. he; she; it; they. Gram: Third

happy, be ~ amr ba. vi-so. be happy. person neuter class one pronoun. Variant:
Variant: mr ba. nga.

happy, be ~ amr pt. vi-so. be happy. he ngthi. pro. he; she; it; they. Gram:
Third person neuter class two pronoun.
happy, be ~ amr vm. vi-so. be happy.
head vuski. n. head. Pl: vs. Variant:
happy, be ~ asevaik pt. vi-so. puski; waski; buski; vski; veski.
1 rejoice; be happy; be joyful.
2 feel proud. 3 be a nuisance. head, sore on the ~ sulka. n. 1 piece
Variant: sevaik pt. of coral. 2 sore on the head. Pl: sul.

happy, be ~ lareng'ga vt. vi-so. be head to tail pethana. dir. head to tail;
happy. back to front. Variant: vethana.

hard achrot. adj. 1 strong. headdress kangalcha. n. 1 head-

2 tough. 3 hard; difficult. Variant: dress. 2 ornament; brightly col-
chrot. oured things such as feathers that can
be used as head ornaments. Pl: kangal.
hard chernas. adj. difficult; hard. Note: only k.
hard mamor. adv. 1 lots. 2 excessi- heal amrvs pt. vi-so. 1 feel fine.
vely; very much; terribly. 3 strong- 2 heal; get better; get well. 3 feel
ly. 4 hard. 5 loudly. 6 fast; peaceful.
quickly. 7 brightly.
health centre arm angtha banggi.
hard, be ~ achrnas mt. vi-so. 1 be n. hospital; health centre. Morph: arm
brave. 2 be hard; be difficult. angt=a bangki. Gloss: sick 3N.POSS=
3 be salty. Variant: chrnas mt.
SPEC house-F.SG. Pl: arm angtha

health centre hero

bang. phatic possessive pronoun. Morph: at=ma.

health centre aslamrki. n. hospital; Gloss: 3F.SG.POSS=EMPH.
clinic; health centre. Pl: aslamr. her athangama. pro. her; its. Gram:
Variant: slamrki. Third person feminine singular possessive
heap malumgi. n. heap; especially a pronoun and indefinite possessive pronoun.
heap of something like mud or dead Morph: at=angama. Gloss: 3F.SG.POSS=
fish in the bottom of a boat. Pl: malum. INDEF.

heap up don ma. vt. heap up. Variant: her ngt. pro. him; her; it; them. Gram:
thon ma. Third person neuter class three pronoun.

heap up tk ma. vt. 1 make. 2 heap her and kin. pro. her and. Morph: ki=n.
up. Variant: thk m. Gloss: 3F.SG.III=and. Variant: chin.

hear tnari. vt. 1 hear. 2 feel. her, some of ~ athanga. pro. some of
3 taste. Variant: nari. her; some of its. Gram: Third person sin-
gular possessive pronoun and non-specific
heart snngacha. n. heart. Pl: snng. possessive pronoun. Morph: at=anga. Gloss:
hearth chinipki. n. fireplace; hearth. Pl: 3F.SG.POSS=INDEF.
chinap. Variant: kinipki.
here ith. dem. here. Gram: Proximate de-
heat chrnaska. n. heat; temperature. monstrative. Variant: ni (Abilta dialect); t;
Pl: achrnas. Note: only ch. d.
heat ingun'ga. n. heat. Pl: ingun. here, from around ~ nainath. dir.
heaven usupki. n. 1 sky. 2 heaven. from around here.
Pl: usp. here, from ~ nath. dir. from here.
heavenly host gelochna. n. heavenly here, right ~ iththik. dem. right here.
host. Gram: Emphatic proximate demonstrative.
heavy amureng. adj. heavy. Variant: here, right ~ taith. dem. right here.
mrng. Gram: Proximate demonstrative emphatic.
hell atpki. n. 1 inferno; huge fire. Variant: thaith; daith; ni (Abilta
2 hell. Pl: atp. dialect); t; d.
hell imperno. n. hell. hermit crab athucha. n. hermit crab;
generic term; also used for small
help amatnthmbes. n. help; assis-
land-dwelling hermit crabs with bod-
tance. Variant: matnerembes.
ies up to 4 cm in diameter; changes
help tat nthm. vt. help. Variant: that shells. Pl: athu.
nthm; dat nthm; mat nthm.
hermit crab sp. maraglilichi. n. her-
help oneself tthanas t. vt. help mit crab sp.; large, brown, land
oneself; to take something without dwelling hermit crab; does not have a
permission. Variant: ththanas; dtha- shell; lives in holes in rocks near the
nas; mthanas. sea; body up to 15 cm across, 25 cm
hen duraiki. n. hen. Pl: duraik. long; claws up to 40 cm long; can husk
coconuts with its claws. Pl: maraglili.
her at. pro. her; its. Gram: Third person
singular possessive pronoun. Variant: te; hermit crab sp. rurubuan'ga. n. her-
ath. mit crab sp.; large body up to 15 cm
across and 25 cm long; lives in the
her atha. pro. her; its. Gram: Third person
sea; can change shells. Pl: rurubuan.
singular possessive pronoun. Morph: at=a.
Gloss: 3F.SG.POSS=SPEC. hero secha. n. 1 orphaned boy, he is
one who often grows up to be a person
her athama. pro. her; its. Gram: Third
who can do many good things. Pl: sek-
person singular possessive pronoun and em-

hero, female ~ hit at

pek. 2 hero; a skilful clever per- Third person neuter class three pronoun.
son who does many good things. Pl: him and kn. pro. him and. Morph: k=
sekpek. 3 little finger. See: mav- n. Gloss: 3M.SG.III=and. Variant: chn.
nini little finger.
his av. pro. his; its. Gram: Third person
hero, female ~ sechi. n. 1 orphaned masculine singular possessive pronoun.
girl. 2 female hero. Variant: av; p; v; u.
Hey! ei. interj. Hey! Usage: To express his ava. pro. his; its. Gram: Third person
concern or annoyance. masculine singular possessive pronoun and
Hey! maricha. interj. Oh!; Hey!; ex- possessive pronoun and specific article. Morph:
clamation of strong feelings of sur- av=a. Gloss: 3M.SG.POSS=SPEC. Variant:
prise, sympathy or anger. va; a (Abilta dialect).
hibiscus flower dradrachi. n. hibiscus his avama. pro. his; its. Gram: Third person
flower. masculine singular possessive pronoun and
hiccup chthcha. n. hiccup. Pl: emphatic possessive pronoun. Morph: av=ma.
chthk. Note: only k. Gloss: 3M.SG.POSS=EMPH.

hiccup kthcha mt. vi-so. hiccup; his avangama. pro. his; its. Gram: Third
have the hiccups. Variant: chthcha person masculine singular possessive pronoun
mt. and indefinite possessive pronoun. Morph: av=
angama. Gloss: 3M.SG.POSS=INDEF.
hidden man ngaipka. n. hidden man;
invisible man. Pl: ngaipta. his, some of ~ avanga. pro. some of his;
some of its. Gram: Third person masculine
hidden woman ngaipki. n. hidden singular possessive pronoun and non-specific
woman; invisible woman. possessive pronoun. Morph: av=anga. Gloss:
hide ngaip. sa-vi. hide. 3M.SG.POSS=NSPEC.
hide ngaip. vt. hide. hiss sus d ves. vi-so. hiss; refers to
hide behind pirs ithm. vt. 1 hide silent but bad smelling farts. Variant:
behind; duck behind something to sus da thes.
hide oneself. 2 make way; move hissing noise achuskuska. n. hissing
aside. 3 move along. Variant: virs noise; e.g. the noise of pressurised air.
ithm. Pl: achuskus.
hide ones face nathong. sa-vi. look hissing sound, make a ~ achuskuska
away; hide ones face. mt. vi-so. make a hissing sound; e.g.
hide oneself ngaip nas. sa-vi. hide by shushing a child or the sound made
oneself. by a jet plane.
hide oneself in ngaipnas mt. vt. hide history arura nmni ivtki athva
oneself in. sek. n. history.
higher var. dir. higher. Note: only v. hit bong. vt. hit. Variant: mbong.
higher up tvono. dir. higher up; often hit tuchun. vt. 1 chase. 2 hit.
used to refer to up on the moun- Variant: thuchun; duchun; muchun.
tain(s). Variant: thvono. hit vathik pt. vt. hit; e.g. bash a fish
highland man rongga. n. man from the against the reef to make it die. Variant:
mountains; anyone who comes from a wathik pt. Note: only v.
cold place at high altitudes. Pl: rongda. hit vathik tm. vt. hit a person; strike.
highland woman ronggi. n. woman Variant: wathik tm. Note: only v.
from the mountains. hit at pai dm. vt. 1 hit at. 2 kick.
him ngt. pro. him; her; it; them. Gram: Variant: vai dm.

hold hunter

hold sangar. vt. 1 hold. 2 arrest. hot achrnas. adj. hot. Variant: achernas;
hold on to ngerik ta. vt. hold on to. achrnas.

hold on to sangar pt. vt. hold on to. hot aingun'ga. adj. hot.
hold on to sangar tm. vt. hold on to. hot, be ~ achrnas tm. vi-so. be hot.
Variant: sangar t. Variant: chrnas tm.

hole alechi. n. hole. Pl: alek. Variant: hot, be ~ aingun'ga tm. vi-so. be hot.
lechi; alechit (Abilta dialect). hot water bottle botal gumi. n. hot
holiday amunam. n. holiday. Note: no water bottle.
endings. house ambangga. n. house. Morph: a=
holiday, religious ~ munambs. n. bangka. Gloss: SPEC=house-M.SG. Pl:
feast; religious holiday. Pl: munami- ambang. Variant: bangga; mbangga.
mlk. house vutka. n. 1 house. 2 village.
hollow, be ~ alek mt. vi-so. 1 be Pl: vut. Variant: vtka. Note: only v.
hollow. 2 relent; be compassionate. house, abandoned ~ ambilki. n. aban-
3 compromise. doned house or village. Pl: ambil.
holy arktm. adj. holy. house, abandoned ~ urumbucha. n.
holy man arektmka. n. holy man. Pl: abandoned house. Pl: urumbu.
arektmda. house, centre pole of the ~ ambangga
holy woman arektmki. n. holy woman. achusemga. n. 1 centre pole of the
house. 2 leader of the house. Pl:
honour ben s. vt. honour; praise. ambangga chusem.
Variant: ven s.
house opening ambangga av amgi. n.
hook chanasucha. n. hook. Pl: chanasu. house opening; doorway. Morph:
Variant: kanasu.
ambangga av amki. Gloss: house
hook valmka. n. hook. Pl: valm. 3M.SG.POSS mouth-F.SG.
Variant: palmmka.
how mnia. interrog. how. Variant:
hoop chulchulcham. n. hoop. Pl: minia.
chulchulvap. Note: only ch.
how much amnia. interrog. how
hoop guaiachi. n. hoop. Pl: guaia. much.
hornbill mathongga. n. huge asru. adj. huge; gigantic. Variant:
1 grasshopper sp.; brown and long in sru.
shape; bores holes in wood or bam- humble oneself tu nas mk. sa-vi.
boo; used as bait for river fish. humble oneself. Variant: thu nas mk;
2 hornbill. Pl: mathong.
du nas mk; mu nas mk.
hornbill, female ~ mathonggi. n. fe- hundred ailotka. n. hundred. Pl: ailot.
male hornbill.
hunger naenggi. n. hunger. Pl: naeng.
hospital arm angtha banggi. n. Variant: nenggi.
hospital; health centre. Morph: arm
angt=a bangki. Gloss: sick 3N.POSS= hungry, be ~ naeng mt. vi-so. be
SPEC house-F.SG. Pl: arm angtha hungry. Variant: noeng mt.
bang. hungry, be ~ naengias. vi-so. be hun-
hospital aslamrki. n. hospital; clinic; gry. Variant: naingias; nengias.
health centre. Pl: aslamr. Variant: hunt donel. sa-vi. 1 hunt. 2 wander.
slamrki. Variant: thonel; monel.
Host Hositaigl. n. Host; wafers used hunter amonelka. n. 1 hunter.
in communion. Pl: Hosita. 2 traveller. Pl: amonelta.

hurry in, from ~

hurry liver. sa-vi. hurry. Variant: livr. (Abilta dialect); agut (Abilta dialect).
hurt tlu svt. sa-vi. hurt. Variant: lu See: aruacha friend; often used to re-
svt. fer to spouses.

hurt tu daruan. vt. hurt; injure. Variant: husband oes mamk. n. brother-in-
thu daruan; du daruan; mu daruan. law; husband; address and reference
term; used by a female speaker. Pl: oes
husband aruacha. n. friend; often used mamkna.
to refer to spouses. Pl: aruavek. Variant:
ruacha. See: lugutka husband. husk coconuts sek d. vt. husk coco-
husband lugutka. husband. Pl:
lugutvek. Variant: lunggutka; ungut

I - i

I ngua. pro. 1 I. Gram: First person singular 2 shadow; reflection; especially of a

class one pronoun. 2 my. Gram: First person. Pl: aila. Variant: ilachi; iluchi.
person singular possessive pronoun. See: ayauski shadow.

I dont know ii. interj. I dont know; immediately likdm. vi-so. at once; in
maybe. no time; immediately. Gram: Encodes
punctual aspect in sentence initial position.
I see aichua. interj. Ok; I see; Oh! Usage:
Always seems to take a third person masculine
Expresses surprise or understanding.
singular subject.
idea amusnng. n. 1 behaviour.
2 idea; thought. 3 plan. immediately masgvs. adv. at once;
4 habit; custom. Morph: a=musnng.
Gloss: SPEC=put.PAST-heart. Variant: impregnate tok. vt. impregnate. Variant:
amusnngini. thok; dok; mok.
idea snngacha. n. idea. Pl: snng. in mni. dir. 1 on. 2 onto. 3 at.
Variant: asnngacha. See: tu av snng 4 in. 5 through. 6 across.
think. in mt. prep. 1 in; within. 2 during;
idea, have an ~ tp ma musnng. vt. on. Gram: This sense available with temporal
1 plan. 2 have an idea. Variant: expressions. 3 inside. 4 into.
thp ma musnng. 5 through. Variant: mtha; m.

if asika. subord. if. Gram: Irrealis marker in nvem. prep. in; on.
used to introduce conditional clauses. Variant: in pem. prep. in. Variant: bem; vem; pm;
sika. bm; vm.
if ivasik. subord. if. Morph: iva=asik. Gloss: in snani. dir. 1 on. 2 in. 3 at.
in sne. prep. in; within.
if, and ~ dasika. coord. and if. Morph: da
in a corner imuit. dir. 1 across there;
=asika. Gloss: and=if.
across a valley. 2 in a corner.
ignite lt t. vt. light a fire; ignite
in contrast kinai. disc. 1 actually.
2 in contrast. 3 instead. 4 in
Ill take it! ana. interj. Ill take it! turn. Variant: chinai; kinei; chine.
illness armgi. n. illness; disease; in fact isa. subord. in fact. Morph: i=sa.
sickness. Pl: arm. Gloss: because=already.
image ailachi. n. 1 image; picture; in, from ~ namuk. dir. from in.
photo; especially of a person.

in front inside

in front dngtham. dir. in front; at injure tu daruan. vt. hurt; injure.

the front. Variant: thu daruan; du daruan; mu
in front ndngetham. dir. in front. daruan.

in front sdngtham. dir. in front. injury mrnka. n. injury. Pl: mrn.

Variant: sndngetham. inland ivono. dir. upwards; inland; up
in no time likdm. vi-so. at once; in no there.
time; immediately. Gram: Encodes punc- inland savono. dir. 1 upwards.
tual aspect in sentence initial position. Always 2 inland. 3 shorewards.
seems to take a third person masculine singu- inland vono. dir. 1 up. 2 inland.
lar subject. 3 shorewards. Variant: bono; pono.
in order to diva. subord. in order to. in-law thuvska. n. father-in-law;
Gram: Controlled purposive. brother-in-law; uncle-in-law; any
in order to vasik. subord. in order to. in-laws except ones wifes mothers
Morph: va=asik. Gloss: purposive=irrealis. brother and his wife. Pl: thuvsvek.
in place, back ~ nasothanas. dir. back innermost part chlochacha. n.
in place; e.g. as with crop rotation. 1 core; innermost part. 2 inside
in the vicinity of sng. prep. 1 at the part of something. 3 soul. Pl: chlok.
base. 2 in the vicinity of; close to. Variant: chlochacha. Note: only ch.
Variant: seng; snng (Abilta dialect). insane addn. adj. 1 odd; strange.
in there imuk. dir. in there. 2 confused; delirious; crazy; insane;
altered psychological states in gen-
in there, from ~ nathmuk. dir. from in eral.
insane, be ~ ddn. vi-so. 1 be con-
in to there sathmuk. dir. in to there. fused. 2 be insane; crazy. 3 be
in turn dinai. coord. 1 in turn. delirious.
2 instead. Morph: da=kinai. Gloss: and=
insect sp. chumang angt nank. n.
instead. Variant: dinei.
insect sp.; large grey insect without
in turn kinai. disc. 1 actually. 2 in wings; has claws like a crab. Pl:
contrast. 3 instead. 4 in turn. chumang angt nankina. Variant:
Variant: chinai; kinei; chine. kumang angt nank.
independently, act ~ pathm mes. insect sp. iringga. n. insect sp.; large
sa-vi. 1 do by choice; do according to brown crawling insect; has a hard
ones own wishes. 2 do unhur- shell and six legs; can be roasted and
riedly; do in ones own time. 3 act eaten; people say that when it crosses
independently. Variant: bathm mes; a road or path it will die. Pl: iraing.
vathm mes.
insect sp. thabu angt nank. n. in-
inferno atpki. n. 1 inferno; huge fire. sect sp.; flat and black; 3 cm long;
2 hell. Pl: atp. lives under bark; smells if you touch
infertile woman sauthuchi. n. infertile it. Pl: thabu angt nank kna. Variant:
woman. Pl: sauthu. tabu angt nank.

inform tp pt. vt. inform. Variant: thp inside chlochacha. n. 1 core; inner-
pt. most part. 2 inside part of some-
thing. 3 soul. Pl: chlok. Variant:
initiate tp mus t. vt. 1 work.
chlochacha. Note: only ch.
2 initiate. Variant: thp mus t; tp
mus tm; thp mus tm. inside mt. prep. 1 in; within.
2 during; on. Gram: This sense available
inject kut. vt. 1 pierce. 2 spear.
with temporal expressions. 3 inside.
3 inject. Variant: chut; kut; chut.

inside invisible man

4 into. 5 through. Variant: mtha; Variant: vadi.

m. interact pthana. sa-vi. relate socially;
inside mvem. prep. inside. interact. Variant: vthana.
inside muk. dir. inside. interrogate bn slp. vt. interrogate;
inside corner achvcha. n. 1 inside question repeatedly. Variant: vn slp.
corner; e.g. the inside of an elbow or interrupt tu dng. vt. 1 interrupt.
the corner in a room. Pl: achvk. 2 fail to finish. Variant: thu dng; du
2 name of Mndas mask; concave in dng; mu dng.
shape; similar to an upside-down ca- intestine, large ~ chusemgi. n. large
noe; has designs painted inside; sup- intestine. Pl: chusem. Variant: kusemgi.
ported by a stick. See: achlelachi large intestine.
inside, down ~ saimk. dir. down in- intestine, large ~ chusemgi ama
side. chlelachi. n. large intestine. Morph:
inside, from ~ naimuk. dir. from inside. chusemki ama chlelakki. Gloss: intes-
inside, large ~ part chlochachi. n. tine-F.DG REL soft-F.SG.
large inside part of something. Pl: intestine, small ~ chusemithong. n.
chlok. Variant: chlochachi; klochachi. small intestine. Variant: kusemithong.
inside out muk savono. dir. inside out. intestines chusem. n. intestines.
inside out vono sa muk. dir. inside out. Variant: kusem. See: chusemia section
Variant: pono sa muk. of intestines.

inside out, turn ~ nunggring mt. vt. intestines, section of ~ chusemia. n.

turn inside out. section of intestines.

inside, small ~ part chlochaini. n. into mt. prep. 1 in; within.

small inside part of something. Pl: 2 during; on. Gram: This sense available
chlok. Variant: chlochaini; klochaini. with temporal expressions. 3 inside.
4 into. 5 through. Variant: mtha;
inside, up from ~ naimek. dir. up from m.
into saimuk. dir. into.
instead dinai. coord. 1 in turn.
2 instead. Morph: da=kinai. Gloss: and= into samt. prep. into.
instead. Variant: dinei. into samuk. dir. into.
instead kinai. disc. 1 actually. 2 in into smt. prep. 1 into. 2 down
contrast. 3 instead. 4 in turn. into. Variant: smk (Abilta dialect).
Variant: chinai; kinei; chine. into svm. prep. into.
instead nemenia. adv. instead. into there sathmano. dir. into there.
instruct tuchun mes. vt. instruct. invalid amunamga. n. 1 non-worker;
Variant: thuchun mes. a person who always stays home and
instructions amethamn'gi. n. 1 lan- rests, they never go out and work.
guage. 2 speech. 3 message. 2 invalid. 3 lame man. Pl: amu-
4 orders; instructions. Pl: ametha- namda. Pl: amunamithong.
mn. Variant: amethamon'gi. invalid, female ~ amunamgi. n.
instructions thuchunmska. n. 1 female non-worker; a woman who
1 explanation. 2 instructions. Pl: always stays home and rests, she
thuchuns. never goes out and works. 2 female
intend to vandi. disc. 1 want to; intend invalid. 3 lame woman.
to. Gram: Desiderative marker. 2 try to. invisible man ngaipka. n. hidden man;
3 nearly; almost. 4 maybe. invisible man. Pl: ngaipta.

invisible woman its, some of ~

invisible woman ngaipki. n. hidden Morph: ng=n. Gloss: 3N.III=and. Variant:

woman; invisible woman. ngna.
invite par s. vt. 1 invite. 2 ask for itch dm. sa-vi. itch. Variant: thm; mm.
someone; call for someone. 3 lead. its angt. pro. its; their. Gram: Third per-
4 pull in a fish; refers to a fish son neuter possessive pronoun. Variant: ang.
which is caught on a hook. Variant: thar
(Abilta dialect); var s. its angtha. pro. its; their. Gram: Third
person neuter possessive pronoun and posses-
iodine aiding. n. iodine. sive pronoun and specific article. Morph:
iron, corrugated ~ kapaigl. n. corru- angt=a. Gloss: 3N.POSS=SPEC. Variant:
gated iron; iron roofing; especially a ngtha.
single sheet of corrugated iron. Pl: its at. pro. her; its. Gram: Third person sin-
kakigleng. gular possessive pronoun. Variant: te; ath.
iron roofing kapaigl. n. corrugated its atha. pro. her; its. Gram: Third person
iron; iron roofing; especially a single singular possessive pronoun. Morph: at=a.
sheet of corrugated iron. Pl: kakigleng. Gloss: 3F.SG.POSS=SPEC.
irritating, be ~ tusachus. sa-vi. be ir- its athama. pro. her; its. Gram: Third per-
ritating; feel uncomfortable. Variant: son singular possessive pronoun and emphatic
thusachus; dusachus; musachus; thu- possessive pronoun. Morph: at=ma. Gloss:
savus; tusavus; dusavus; musavus. 3F.SG.POSS=EMPH.
island amlm. n. small island. Pl: aml. its athangama. pro. her; its. Gram: Third
See: amlka large island. person feminine singular possessive pronoun
island amlka. n. 1 large island. Pl: and indefinite possessive pronoun. Morph: at=
aml. See: amlm small island. angama. Gloss: 3F.SG.POSS=INDEF.
2 foreign man; temporary visitor. Pl: its av. pro. his; its. Gram: Third person mas-
amlta. See: naingiska foreigner. culine singular possessive pronoun. Variant:
it ka. pro. he; it. Gram: Third person mascu- av; p; v; u.
line singular class one pronoun and third per- its ava. pro. his; its. Gram: Third person
son masculine singular class three pronoun. masculine singular possessive pronoun and
Variant: cha; chat; ga. possessive pronoun and specific article.
it k. pro. he; it. Gram: Third person mascu- Morph: av=a. Gloss: 3M.SG.POSS=SPEC.
line singular class two pronoun. Variant: ch; Variant: va; a (Abilta dialect).
g. its avama. pro. his; its. Gram: Third person
it ki. pro. she; it. Gram: Third person feminine masculine singular possessive pronoun and
singular class two and class three pronoun. emphatic possessive pronoun. Morph: av=ma.
Variant: chi; chit; gi; git; giet (Abilta Gloss: 3M.SG.POSS=EMPH.
dialect). its avangama. pro. his; its. Gram: Third
it kia. pro. she; it. Gram: Third person femi- person masculine singular possessive pronoun
nine singular class one pronoun. Variant: and indefinite possessive pronoun. Morph: av=
chia; gia. angama. Gloss: 3M.SG.POSS=INDEF.
it ng. pro. he; she; it; they. Gram: Third its, some of ~ angthama. pro. some of
person neuter class one pronoun. Variant: its. Gram: Third person neuter possessive
nga. pronoun and emphatic possessive pronoun.
it ngt. pro. him; her; it; them. Gram: Morph: angt=ma. Gloss: 3N.POSS=EMPH.
Third person neuter class three pronoun. its, some of ~ athanga. pro. some of
it ngthi. pro. he; she; it; they. Gram: her; some of its. Gram: Third person sin-
Third person neuter class two pronoun. gular possessive pronoun and non-specific
possessive pronoun. Morph: at=anga. Gloss:
it and ngn. pro. them and; it and.

its, some of ~ just, and ~

3F.SG.POSS=INDEF. singular possessive pronoun and non-specific

its, some of ~ avanga. pro. some of his; possessive pronoun. Morph: av=anga. Gloss:
some of its. Gram: Third person masculine 3M.SG.POSS=NSPEC.

J - j

jaw arten'gi. n. jaw; refers to the lower jump paik. sa-vi. jump. Variant: vaik;
jaw bone. Pl: arten. vuaik.
jaw, lower ~ vnbn'ga. n. chin; lower jump paik dm. vi-so. jump. Variant: vaik
jaw. Morph: a=bnbn'ga. Gloss: SPEC= dm; vuaik dm; vuaik d; vaik d; paik
chin-M.SG. Pl: vnbn. Variant: d.
jump sutka glm. vi-so. jump in sur-
jellyfish aloikngamgi. n. jellyfish; ge- prise.
neric term. Pl: aloikngam.
jump out ps d. vi-so. jump out.
jellyfish sp. athinm angtha aloik-
just as. disc. 1 still. 2 yet. 3 just.
ngamgi. n. jellyfish sp.; identified by
the many small red and yellow striped just askok. disc. 1 still. Gram: Atelic re-
fish that hide in it. Pl: athinm angtha alis. 2 yet. Gram: Atelic realis. 3 just.
aloikngam. Gram: Atelic realis. Morph: as=kok. Gloss:
job alat. n. 1 garden(s). 2 job.
just kinak. disc. just. Variant: chinak.
job thktk. n. job; work. Pl: thktk.
just kinas. disc. just; recently. Variant:
job, small ~ althini. n. 1 small gar-
chinas; nas.
den. 2 small job.
just klan. adv. 1 only. 2 just.
join bn dmna n. vt. join. Variant: vn
3 for nothing; with nothing. Variant:
dmna n.
chlan; chlan; klan.
join bn mt. vt. join. Variant: vn mt.
just kok. disc. 1 just. 2 already.
join together bn mtna n. vt. join Variant: kuk; chok; chuk.
together. Variant: vn mtna.
just kosa. disc. just; simply; as the re-
joints avnmetna. n. joints. Note: no sult of something undesirable having
endings. happened. Variant: chusa.
joke bncha muma. sa-vi. make fun; just kusek. adv. only; just. Variant:
joke. Variant: vncha muma; vna chusek.
muma; bna muma.
just nia. modal. 1 just; suddenly; sur-
joke tu ma. sa-vi. joke; make fun. Variant: prisingly. Gram: Mirative marker with pre-
thu ma; du ma; mu ma. sent tense or past tense verbs. 2 tried.
joke about tu ma s. vt. joke about. Gram: Frustrative marker with future tense
Variant: thu ma s; du ma s; mu ma s. verbs.

joy asevaik. n. joy. just, and ~ das. coord. 1 and still.

2 and yet. 3 and just. Morph: da=as.
joyful, be ~ asevaik pt. vi-so.
Gloss: and=yet.
1 rejoice; be happy; be joyful.
2 feel proud. 3 be a nuisance. just, and ~ dinak. coord. and just. Morph:
Variant: sevaik pt. da=kinak. Gloss: and=just.

jump donanas. sa-vi. jump; throw one- just, and ~ dinas. coord. and just. Morph:
self. Variant: thonanas. da=kinas. Gloss: and=just.

just, and ~ just those particular two

just, and ~ dok. coord. and just. Morph: particular short one.
da=kok. Gloss: and=just. just that particular small one chkni.
just that particular flat one chkvs. dem. just that particular small one.
dem. just that particular flat one. Gram: Gram: Emphatic diminutive singular contras-
Emphatic flat singular contrastive demon- tive demonstrative. See: chni that par-
strative. See: kvs that particular flat ticular small one.
one. just, that ~ mok. disc. that just. Morph:
just that particular large one chk- ma=kok. Gloss: REL=just.
chit. dem. just that particular large just those particular flat ones chk-
one. Gram: Emphatic extended singular con- mlk. dem. just those particular flat
trastive demonstrative. See: chchit that ones. Gram: Emphatic flat plural contrastive
particular large one. demonstrative. See: chmlk those par-
just that particular long one chkvet. ticular flat ones.
dem. just that particular long one. just those particular flat two chk-
Gram: Emphatic long singular contrastive de- mlm. dem. just those particular flat
monstrative. See: chvet that particular two. Gram: Emphatic flat dual contrastive
long one. demonstrative. See: chmlm just those
just that particular one chkraik. particular two flat ones.
dem. just that particular one. Gram: just those particular large ones ch-
Emphatic feminine singular contrastive de- knk. dem. just those particular
monstrative. See: kraik just that par- large ones. Gram: Emphatic extended plural
ticular one. contrastive demonstrative. See: chnk
just that particular one chkrak. dem. those particular large ones.
just that particular one. Gram: Emphatic just those particular long ones chek-
masculine singular contrastive demonstrative. seng. dem. just those particular long
See: chrak that particular one. ones. Gram: Emphatic long plural contrastive
just that particular one chevaik. dem. demonstrative. See: chseng those par-
just that particular one. Gram: Emphatic ticular long ones.
feminine singular contrastive demonstrative. just those particular pieces chkng-
Variant: chvaik; achvaik. Note: only ch. gleng. dem. just those particular
just that particular one chvak. dem. pieces. Gram: Emphatic excised plural con-
just that particular one. Gram: Emphatic trastive demonstrative. See: kgleng those
masculine singular contrastive demonstrative. particular pieces.
Variant: achvak. Note: only ch. just those particular short ones ch-
just that particular one kraik. dem. kvap. dem. just those particular
just that particular one. Gram: Feminine short ones. Gram: Emphatic reduced plural
singular contrastive demonstrative. Variant: contrastive demonstrative. See: chvap
chraik; chraik. See: chkraik just that those particular short ones.
particular one. just those particular small ones chk-
just that particular piece chknggl. thong. dem. just those particular
dem. just that particular piece. Gram: small ones. Gram: Emphatic diminutive
Emphatic excised singular contrastive demon- plural contrastive demonstrative. See: ch-
strative. See: knggl that particular thong those particular small ones.
piece. just those particular two chkvem.
just that particular short one chk- dem. just those particular two. Gram:
chm. dem. just that particular short Emphatic feminine dual contrastive demon-
one. Gram: Emphatic reduced singular con- strative. See: kvem those particular
trastive demonstrative. See: chchm that two.

just those particular two knock

just those particular two chkiom. dual contrastive demonstrative. See: chng-
dem. just those particular two. Gram: glem those particular two pieces.
Emphatic masculine dual contrastive demon- just those particular two short ones
strative. See: kiom those particular chkvam. dem. just those particular
two. two short ones. Gram: Emphatic reduced
just those particular two large ones dual contrastive demonstrative. See: chvam
chknm. dem. just those particular those particular two short ones.
two large ones. Gram: Emphatic extended just those particular two small ones
dual contrastive demonstrative. See: chnm chkthom. dem. just those particu-
those particular two large ones. lar two small ones. Gram: Emphatic di-
just those particular two long ones minutive dual contrastive demonstrative. See:
chksem. dem. just those particular chthom those particular two small
two long ones. Gram: Emphatic long dual ones.
contrastive demonstrative. See: chsem just those two particular ones ch-
those particular two long ones. krang. dem. just those two particular
just those particular two pieces ch- ones. Gram: Emphatic count neutral contras-
kngglem. dem. just those particu- tive demonstrative. Variant: krang; k-
lar two pieces. Gram: Emphatic excised krang; achkrang.

K - k

kaukau [TP] kalasunggi. n. sweet Pl: tlavu.

potato (kaukau). Pl: kalasung. Variant: kings kinggna. n. kings. Note: only k.
kitchen ambangga ma thi ps
keep struggling namu sna. sa-vi. keep vmga. n. kitchen; cooking hut. Pl:
struggling; e.g. in a fight or in a ambang ma thi ps vmngt. Variant:
sporting competition. bangga ma thi ps vmga. See:
key kichi. n. key. Pl: ki. avsvsvmki kitchen.
kick pai dm. vt. 1 hit at. 2 kick. kitchen avsvsvmki. n. kitchen;
Variant: vai dm. cooking hut. Pl: avsvsvm. See:
ambangga ma thi ps vmga kitchen.
kidnap pr m. vt. grab; catch; kidnap.
Variant: vr m. kitchen banamathipes. n. kitchen.
kidnap pr tm. vt. grab; catch; kid- knee chumgi. n. knee. Pl: chuam.
nap. Variant: vr tm; br tm; pr t; Variant: kumgi.
vr t; br t. knife asen'gi. n. knife. Pl: asen. Variant:
kill plng. vt. kill. Variant: vlng; vlng. sen'gi.
kina anlka. n. 1 shellfish sp.; mussel; knife, thin ~ asen'ga. n. thin knife;
bivalve from the river that lives in the made of split bamboo; used to cut
mud at the bottom of the river; dark pork etc. Pl: asen.
brown outside and white inside; peo- knob vlnini. n. trigger; knob; includ-
ple refine (mumu) these shells, by fire, ing the ears of a saucepan that the
to get lime powder. 2 money; coin; handle is hooked into. Pl: vlnithong.
kina. Pl: anal. Variant: plnini.
kina coin kinacha. n. kina coin. Pl: kina. knock ser. sa-vi. knock; tap; e.g. by hit-
kindness tlavuchi. n. kindness; mercy. ting a drum.

knock down large one, some ~

knock down tik s. vt. 1 pick. angel.

2 knock down. Variant: thik s. knuckles vandok. n. knuckles. Note: only
knock over bal tm. vt. knock over. v. Note: no endings.
Variant: val tm; bal t; val t. kulau [TP] kulaucha. n. green coco-
knock over sar s. vt. 1 mess up. nut (kulau); for drinking. Pl: kulau.
2 knock over. Note: only k.
knot buremga. n. knot. Pl: burem. kunai grass [TP] chvaik. n. sword
know drm. vt. know. Variant: ndrm; grass (kunai). Variant: kvaik.
rm. kunai grass, area of ~ [TP] chvaiki.
know drmanas na. vt. recognise; n. area of sword grass (kunai). Variant:
know. Variant: rmanas na. kvaiki.

knowledge amundrm. n. 1 skill. kunai, stalk of ~ [TP] chvaika. n.

2 knowledge. stalk of sword grass (kunai). Variant:
knowledge angelki. n. knowledge. Pl:

L - l

Lady, Our Lengenachi. n. Our Lady; the ground. 2 land heavily. Variant:
Mother Mary. vai.
ladyfinger banana yavacha. n. banana landslide themuanacha. n. landslide.
sp.; ladyfinger banana. Pl: yava. Pl: athemuan. Note: only th.

lamb lamini. n. lamb; specifically the language amethamn'gi. n.

Lamb of God. 1 language. 2 speech. 3 mess-

lame man amunamga. n. 1 non- age. 4 orders; instructions. Pl:

amethamn. Variant: amethamon'gi.
worker; a person who always stays
home and rests, they never go out and laplap [TP] baulgi. n. wraparound
work. 2 invalid. 3 lame man. Pl: skirt (laplap); sarong; strip of cloth. Pl:
amunamda. Pl: amunamithong. baul. Variant: mbaulgi.
lame man metmavocha. n. lame man. large intestine achlelachi. n. large
Pl: metmavotha. intestine. Pl: achlel. Variant: chlelachi.
lame woman amunamgi. n. 1 female large one, any ~, some ~
non-worker; a woman who always nemiavchit. pro. which large one.
stays home and rests, she never goes Gram: Extended singular interrogative pro-
out and works. 2 female invalid. noun; can be used in indefinite contexts.
3 lame woman. large one, just that particular ~
lame woman metmavochi. n. lame chkchit. dem. just that particular
woman. large one. Gram: Emphatic extended singu-
lar contrastive demonstrative. See: chchit
lamp lamga. n. lamp. Pl: lam.
that particular large one.
land ivtki. n. 1 earth; soil; dirt.
2 land. Pl: ivt. 3 world; planet
large one, one ~ guait. dem. one large
earth. Variant: ivitki. one. Gram: Extended singular indefinite de-
land ivtpes. n. land.
large one, some ~ aginait. pro. some
land, flat ~ lamn. n. flat land. large one. Gram: Extended singular indefi-
land heavily pai. sa-vi. 1 fall down; hit nite pronoun. Variant: angginait; ginait.

large one, that particular ~ large things, those ~

large one, that particular ~ kchit. large ones, these ~ ithnk. dem. these
dem. that particular large one. Gram: large ones. Gram: Extended plural proxi-
Extended singular contrastive demonstrative. mate demonstrative. Variant: tnk.
Variant: chchit; achchit. See: chk- large ones, those particular two ~
chit just that particular large one. knm. dem. those particular two
large one, this particular ~ taithchit. large ones. Gram: Extended dual contrastive
dem. this particular large one. Gram: demonstrative. Variant: chnm; achnm.
Extended singular proximate demonstrative See: chknm just those particular
emphatic. Variant: thaithchit. two large ones.
large one, this ~ ithchit. dem. this large ones, those particular two ~
large one. Gram: Extended singular proxi- pavnm. dem. those particular two
mate demonstrative. Variant: tchit. large ones. Gram: Extended dual distal de-
large ones, just those particular two ~ monstrative emphatic. Variant: vnm;
chknm. dem. just those particular vavnm.
two large ones. Gram: Emphatic extended large ones, those particular ~ knk.
dual contrastive demonstrative. See: chnm dem. those particular large ones. Gram:
those particular two large ones. Extended plural contrastive demonstrative.
large ones, just those particular ~ Variant: chnk; achnk. See: chknk
chknk. dem. just those particular just those particular large ones.
large ones. Gram: Emphatic extended plural large ones, those particular ~ pav-
contrastive demonstrative. See: chnk nk. dem. those particular large ones.
those particular large ones. Gram: Extended plural distal demonstrative

large ones, some two ~ aginm. pro. emphatic. Variant: vavnk.

some two large ones. Gram: Extended large ones, those two ~ avinm. dem.
dual indefinite pronoun. Variant: anginm; those two large ones. Gram: Extended
ginm. dual distal demonstrative. Variant: venm.
large ones, some ~ agink. pro. some large ones, two ~ guanm. dem. two
large ones. Gram: Extended plural indefinite large ones. Gram: Extended dual indefinite
pronoun. Variant: anggink; gink. demonstrative.

large ones, some ~ guank. dem. some large ones, which ~, some ~ nemink.
large ones. Gram: Extended plural indefinite pro. which large ones; some large
demonstrative. ones. Gram: Extended plural interrogative
large ones, the ~ ink. pro. the large pronoun; used in a joking way to refer to people
ones. Gram: Extended plural reduced nominal and implies something about their large size;
pronoun. can be used in indefinite contexts.

large ones, these particular two ~ tai- large pool chthopki. n. 1 liquid.
thnm. dem. these particular two 2 large pool. Pl: chthop. Variant:
large ones. Gram: Extended dual proximate kthopki.
demonstrative emphatic. Variant: thaith- large, that ~ one avchit. dem. that
nm. large one. Gram: Extended singular distal
large ones, these particular ~ taith- demonstrative. Variant: vchit.

nk. dem. these particular large ones. large thing, that particular ~ pavchit.
Gram: Extended plural proximate demon- dem. that particular large thing. Gram:
strative emphatic. Variant: thaithnk. Extended singular distal demonstrative em-
large ones, these two ~ ithnm. dem. phatic. Variant: vavchit; vchit.
these two large ones. Gram: Extended large things, those ~ avink. dem.
dual proximate demonstrative. Variant: those large things. Gram: Extended plural
tnm. distal demonstrative. Variant: venk.

large two, the ~ lean against

large two, the ~ inm. pro. the large work, they just sit and chew betelnut
two. Gram: Extended dual reduced nominal all day. Pl: vathekta.
pronoun. lazy woman moruski. n. lazy woman.
large two, which ~, some ~ nminm. lazy woman vathechi. n. lazy woman.
pro. which large two; some large two. Note: only v.
Gram: Extended dual interrogative pronoun;
used in a joking way to refer to people and im-
lead kuer. sa-vi. go first; lead. Variant:
plies something about their large size; can be
used in indefinite contexts. lead kuer s. vt. lead. Variant: chuer s.
See: er first.
last nasot. adv. 1 later. 2 last.
3 after. 4 afterwards. Variant: lead par s. vt. 1 invite. 2 ask for
nasoth. someone; call for someone. 3 lead.
last, be ~ ddng na. vi-so. be last. 4 pull in a fish; refers to a fish
which is caught on a hook. Variant: thar
last time maila chuvsnia. disc. (Abilta dialect); var s.
1 the other day. 2 last time.
Variant: malachuvsnia.
leader amorka. n. 1 adult man.
2 leader. 3 ancestor. 4 God. Pl:
later asip. disc. later. Variant: sip. morvap. Pl: morta.
later chule. adv. later. Variant: kule. leader amorki. n. 1 adult woman.
later nasot. adv. 1 later. 2 last. 2 leader. 3 female ancestor.
3 after. 4 afterwards. Variant: 4 goddess. Pl: morvap. Pl: morta.
nasoth. leader lenge angthieik. n. leader.
later on mithu. disc. later on. leader lengemtka. n. leader. Pl:
later on again saisa. adv. later on lengemtta.
again. leader lengenacha. n. a leader; a per-
laugh tamal. sa-vi. laugh. Variant: son who takes leadership for organ-
thamal. ising a particular event or project. Pl:
laugh at tamal t. vt. laugh at. Variant: lengenatha.
thamal t. leader, female ~ lengenachi. n. female
law thondmga. n. 1 law. 2 rule. leader.
Pl: thondm. Pl: athondm. Variant: leader of the house ambangga
athondmka; thondmka. achusemga. n. 1 centre pole of the
lay tr na. vt. lay; specifically of a turtle house. 2 leader of the house. Pl:
laying eggs. Variant: thr na; dr na; ambangga chusem.
mr na. leaf tlngbs. n. 1 leaf. 2 piece of
lay tu. vt. 1 put. 2 wear; put on. paper. Pl: tlng. Variant: thlng.
3 lay; specifically of birds laying leaf urasvs. n. leaf; specifically of a
eggs. Variant: thu; du; mu. taro or singapore plant. Pl: uras.
laziness morus. n. laziness; particularly leaf, palm ~ chureski. n. 1 leaf from
being reluctant to work in the garden. an areca palm. 2 bucket; made
lazy, be ~ vathk pt. vi-so. be lazy. from an areca palm leaf. Pl: chures.
Note: only v. Variant: kureski.

lazy man moruska. n. lazy man; person leaf shoot avolacha. n. leaf shoot. Pl:
who is not willing to do garden work; avol.
used as an insult. Pl: morusta. lean against tair snania. vt. lean
lazy man vathecha. n. lazy man; a against something while standing.
person who does not like to do any Variant: thair snania; dair snania; mair

lean on like

snania. level tu mamr sna na. vt. 1 level.

lean on kut ithm. vt. lean on. Variant: 2 straighten. Variant: thu mamr sna;
chut ithm. du mamr sna; mu mamr sna.

leap up pus mk. vi-so. 1 leap up; liar airasvnaska. n. liar. Pl:
especially referring to flames. airasvnasta.
2 explode. Variant: vus mk. liar, female ~ airasvnaski. n. female
learn sunas. vt. learn; train; study. liar.

leave kulel. vt. 1 leave. 2 throw lichen arumsngga. n. lichen. Pl:

away. Variant: chulel. arumsng.

leave lmu. vt. leave. lick sup vm. vt. lick.

leave tat mt na. sa-vi. leave. Variant: lie airas. n. lie. Note: no endings.
that mt na; dat mt na; mat mt na; lie iras tm. vt. lie.
that m na; dat m na; mat m na. lie iras tm s. vt. lie.
leave tranas. sa-vi. go; take off; leave. lie down namas. sa-vi. 1 lie down.
Variant: thranas; dranas; mranas; 2 be lying down.
thranas; dranas; mranas.
lie down tas. sa-vi. 1 sleep. 2 lie
leave tunaik na. vt. 1 put in place. down. Variant: thas; das; mas.
2 leave. Variant: thunaik na; munaik
na; dunaik na.
lift sek. vt. 1 lift. 2 raise. 3 pick
leave out dendem p. vt. leave out;
exclude. Variant: thendem p; mendem lift up nasek. vt. lift up.
p. light aer. adj. clear; light; especially of
leech chilimski. n. leech. Pl: chilims.
the sky.
Variant: kilimski. light aerki. n. light; brightness. Pl: aer.
left achais. n. left side of something. light agapgap. adj. light; not heavy.
Morph: a=chais. Gloss: SPEC=left. Variant: Variant: gapgap.
chais. light lt t. vt. light a fire; ignite
left-handed chais. adj. left-handed. something.
leg alchar. n. foot; leg; refers to the light, be ~ asinir mt. vi-so. be bright;
entire limb. Variant: lchar. See: slvini be light.
leg; snainggi thigh. light, bright ~nethachi. n. bright light.
leg alcharini. n. leg; foot; refers to Note: no plural.
the whole limb; this is a bit more po- light up kuar tm. vt. light up; e.g.
lite than just using lchar. Pl: shine a torch on something. Variant:
alcharithong. chuar tm; kura tm; chura tm.
leg slvini. n. leg. Pl: slvithong. See: lightning blingimga. n. lightning; re-
alchar foot; leg (the whole limb); ferring to a bolt of lightning. Pl:
snainggi thigh. blingim.
leg, long ~ alcharvet. n. long leg. lightning, bolt of ~vinggulini. n. bolt of
lesson sunaski at kvl. n. lesson. Pl: lightning. Pl: vinggulithong. Pl: vinggul.
sunas angt kvl. lightning, crack of ~ vilcha. n. crack
let go of tt pthik tm. vt. 1 let go of lightning; the sound of lightning,
of. 2 drop. Variant: tht pthik; dt rather than the flash of light. Pl: vilk.
pthik; mt pthik; tt tthik. Variant: pilk.

letter tlng. n. letter. Note: no endings. like klan. adv. 1 like; likewise. 2 at

like lizard sp.

the time; when. Variant: chlan; glan; Variant: narimunanas.

klan; chlan. See: machlan at the little bit machlak. adv. little bit.
time; when.
liver aningilka. n. liver. Pl: aninggl.
like plk. vt. 1 like. 2 want. Variant: nigl.
3 love. 4 need. Variant: vlk; vlk;
living ayar. adj. alive; living.

like, be ~ klan. vt. be like; be similar. lizard, small ~ chivelachi. n. lizard;

Variant: chlan; chlan; klan.
generic term for small lizards. Pl:
chivel. Variant: kivelachi; chivelacha;
like that avik. dem. like that. Gram: Ad- kivelacha.
verbial distal demonstrative. Variant: vik.
lizard sp. achrika. n. lizard sp.; green
like this, just ~taithik. dem. 1 right back and brown body; up to 8 cm long.
now. Gram: Emphatic adverbial proximate Pl: achirk.
demonstrative. 2 just like this. Gram:
Emphatic adverbial proximate demonstrative.
lizard sp. amchlingga. n. 1 lizard
Variant: thaithik; daithik.
sp.; large; brown with a red neck and
long tail; serrated ridge down the
likewise klan. adv. 1 like; likewise. back; short head. Pl: amchlaing.
2 at the time; when. Variant: chlan; 2 name of Mndas dancer; can carry
glan; klan; chlan. See: machlan at a guaremgi mask; body decorated to
the time; when. look like a saw-backed lizard; has a
lime powder vthen. n. lime powder. long tail; always dances in the eve-
Variant: pthen. ning; dances a humorous dance;
line aseska. n. rope; line. Pl: ases. scratches the ground, twisting its
knees; does not use rattles. Pl:
line suchutka. n. 1 sign; mark. amchling.
2 line; boundary. Pl: suchut. Variant:
asuchut. lizard sp. asusudamgi. n. lizard sp.;
black with many small whitish spots;
line, fishing ~ changgthacha. n. up to 1 m or more long; lives in the
1 vine sp.; large, thick vine. Usage:
forest near pools in rivers; will dive to
Arongda dialect. 2 rope; vine the bottom of the river if chased. Pl:
makes a good rope. 3 fishing line. asusudam.
Pl: changgt. Variant: kanggthacha;
chagthacha. See: charoski (Abilta lizard sp. avlamgi. n. lizard sp.; green
dialect) vine sp. head and brown tail; lives in trees. Pl:
lint lingbes. n. gauze; lint; compress. Pl:
ling. lizard sp. baingdaurimanipka. n. liz-
ard sp.; small and grey; up to 8 cm
lips, pair of ~ amiglem. n. pair of lips. long. Pl: baingdaurimanip.
Pl: amiglen.
lizard sp. chalipka. n. lizard sp.; small
liquid chthopki. n. 1 liquid. and grey-brown in colour; hides on
2 large pool. Pl: chthop. Variant:
tree trunks and makes a squeaky
noise when people walk past; people
liquid chulp. n. 1 pool. 2 liquid. say it is the noise of the forest spirits.
Variant: kulp. Pl: chalip. Variant: kalipka.
listen tnarimanas. sa-vi. listen. Variant: lizard sp. chasuacha. n. lizard sp.;
narimanas. greenish colour; long tail with ser-
listen tnarimanas t. vt. listen. Variant: rated ridge down the back; similar to
narimanas t. the amchlingga species but smaller.
listen tnarimunanas. sa-vi. listen. lizard sp. manianotki. n. lizard sp.;

lizard sp. long ones, these particular two ~

dark brown; small. Pl: manianot. singular contrastive demonstrative. Variant:

lizard sp. mluacha. n. lizard sp.; small chvet; achvet. See: chkvet just
and brown; up to 20 cm long. Pl: mlu. that particular long one.

lizard sp. ngalengga. n. lizard sp.; long one, that particular ~ pavvet.
small with white and blue-green dem. that particular long one. Gram:
stripes; up to 8 cm long. Pl: ngaleng. Long singular distal demonstrative emphatic.
Variant: vavvet.
lizard sp. sengglavrki. n. grey lizard
sp.; up to 8 cm long. Pl: sengglavr. long one, that ~ avvet. dem. that long
one. Gram: Long singular distal demon-
lizard sp. varuchi. n. lizard sp.; brown strative. Variant: vvet.
and up to 8 cm long. Pl: varu. Note: only
v. long one, the ~ ngait. pro. the long one.
Gram: Extended singular nominal pronoun.
lizard sp. vrmngacha. n. lizard sp.;
is brown and up to 50 cm long. Pl: long one, the ~ ngavet. pro. the long
vrmang. one. Gram: Long singular nominal pronoun.

lobster sp. aumga. n. lobster sp.; long one, this particular ~ taithvet.
brown with a spiky back; up to 30 cm dem. this particular long one. Gram:
long. Pl: aum. Long singular proximate demonstrative em-
phatic. Variant: thaithvet.
local man thanngga. n. local man; a
person from the village where the long one, this ~ ithvet. dem. this long
speaker is. Pl: thanngda. one. Gram: Long singular proximate demon-
strative. Variant: tvt.
local woman thannggi. n. local
woman. Note: only th. long ones, just those particular two ~
chksem. dem. just those particular
log angmnggi. n. 1 large tree. two long ones. Gram: Emphatic long dual
2 log. Morph: ang=mngki. Gloss:
contrastive demonstrative. See: chsem
3.CN.POSS=wood-F.SG. Pl: angmng. Pl:
those particular two long ones.
mng. Variant: nngaik (Abilta dialect).
long ones, just those particular ~
log, large ~ amngia. n. large log. Pl:
chekseng. dem. just those particu-
amngink. Variant: mngia.
lar long ones. Gram: Emphatic long plural
lonely, be ~ sek nanas. sa-vi. be lonely. contrastive demonstrative. See: chseng
long aulul. adj. long. Variant: ulul. those particular long ones.
long ago mndu. disc. 1 before. long ones, some two ~ agisem. pro.
2 long ago. Variant: mndu; mundu. some two long ones. Gram: Extended dual
indefinite pronoun. Variant: anggisem;
long ago mir. disc. long ago. Variant:
mur (Abilta dialect).
long ones, some ~ agiseng. pro. some
long away gelaulul. dir. far away; long
long ones. Gram: Long plural indefinite
pronoun. Variant: anggiseng; giseng.
long one, just that particular ~ chk-
long ones, some ~ guaseng. dem. some
vet. dem. just that particular long one.
long ones. Gram: Long plural indefinite de-
Gram: Emphatic long singular contrastive de-
monstrative. See: chvet that particular
long one. long ones, the ~ iseng. pro. the long
ones. Gram: Long plural nominal pronoun.
long one, one ~ guavet. dem. one long
one. Gram: Long singular indefinite demon- long ones, these particular two ~
strative. taithsem. dem. these particular two
long ones. Gram: Long dual proximate de-
long one, that particular ~ kvet. dem.
monstrative emphatic. Variant: thaithsem.
that particular long one. Gram: Long

long ones, these particular ~ Look out!

long ones, these particular ~ taithang. interrogative pronoun; can be used in indefi-
dem. 1 this particular one; these par- nite contexts.
ticular ones. Gram: Count neutral proximate long, the ~ ones ngink. pro. the long
demonstrative emphatic. 2 these par- ones. Gram: Extended plural nominal pro-
ticular flat ones. Gram: Flat plural proxi- noun.
mate demonstrative emphatic. See: taith-
mlk these particular flat ones.
long, the ~ ones ngiseng. pro. the long
3 these particular long ones. Gram:
ones. Gram: Long plural nominal pronoun.
Long plural proximate demonstrative em- long, the ~ two nginm. pro. the long
phatic. Variant: thaithang. two. Gram: Extended dual nominal pronoun.
long ones, these two ~ ithsm. dem. long, the ~ two ngisem. pro. the long
these two long ones. Gram: Long dual two. Gram: Long dual nominal pronoun.
proximate demonstrative. Variant: tsm. long things, some ~ agivet. pro. some
long ones, these ~ ithseng. dem. long thing. Gram: Long singular indefinite
these long ones. Gram: Long plural proxi- pronoun. Variant: anggivet; givet.
mate demonstrative. Variant: tseng. long things, those ~ aviseng. dem.
long ones, those particular two ~ those long things. Gram: Long plural distal
ksem. dem. those particular two demonstrative. Variant: vseng.
long ones. Gram: Long dual contrastive de- long time maulul. adv. long time.
monstrative. Variant: chsem; achsem.
long two, the ~ isem. pro. the long two.
See: chksem just those particular
Gram: Long dual reduced nominal pronoun.
two long ones.
look binggi. vt. look. Gram: Takes a location
long ones, those particular two ~
PP as a complement. Variant: vinggi.
pavsem. dem. those particular two
long ones. Gram: Long dual distal demon- look ngiem. sa-vi. 1 look; search.
strative emphatic. Variant: vavsem. 2 shine, only of the sun. Variant:
ingim; ngim.
long ones, those particular ~ kseng.
dem. those particular long ones. Gram: look after lmu thm. vt. look after;
Long plural contrastive demonstrative. care for; take care of.
Variant: chseng; achseng. look after naingim pt. vt. 1 look af-
long ones, those particular ~ ter. 2 watch.
pavseng. dem. those particular long look after tlu vt. vt. look after. Variant:
ones. Gram: Long plural distal demonstrative lu vt.
emphatic. Variant: vavseng.
look after oneself tlu vthanas. sa-vi.
long ones, those two ~ avisem. dem. look after oneself. Variant: lu vthanas.
those two long ones. Gram: Long dual
look around naingm. sa-vi. 1 look
distal demonstrative. Variant: visem.
around. 2 see. 3 watch.
long ones, two ~ guasem. dem. two 4 appear; look like. 5 shine.
long ones. Gram: Long dual indefinite de- Variant: naingim.
look away nathong. sa-vi. look away;
long ones, which ~, some ~ nemisem. hide ones face.
pro. which two long ones; some two
look for ngiem nani. sa-vi. look for.
long ones. Gram: Long dual interrogative
pronoun; used in a joking way to refer to people look like naingm. sa-vi. 1 look
and implies something about their large size; around. 2 see. 3 watch. 4 ap-
can be used in indefinite contexts. pear; look like. 5 shine. Variant:
long ones, which ~, some ~ nmiseng.
pro. which long ones. Gram: Long plural Look out! saisavi. interj. Look out!

lookout make something

lookout ngimngimgi. n. lookout; 2 excessively; very much; terribly.

e.g. at the top of a hill. Pl: ngimngim. 3 strongly. 4 hard. 5 loudly.
loop auathkam. n. loop; eyelet. Pl: 6 fast; quickly. 7 brightly.
auathk. louse thvrchinggl. n. louse. Pl:
loose aml. adj. 1 loose. 2 foreign. thvrk. Variant: tvrchinggl.
Variant: ml. louvre glass lunaski. n. 1 mirror. 2
loosen ploltem s. vt. loosen. Variant: louvre glass. Pl: lunas.
vloltem s. love plk. vt. 1 like. 2 want.
loosen tvaik tm. vt. 1 loosen. 3 love. 4 need. Variant: vlk; vlk;
2 unwrap. 3 remove. Variant: th- plk.
vaik tm; tvaik t; thvaik t. love vlk. n. love. Variant: plk.
loosen tvaik tm. vt. 1 loosen. love, fall in ~ with tu vlk svt. vt.
2 unwrap. 3 remove. Variant: fall in love with. Variant: thu vlk
thvaik tm; tvaik t; thvaik t. svt; du vlk svt; mu vlk svt.
Lord Lengenacha. n. Lord; used to lower down tmano. dir. lower down;
refer to God. often used to refer to down on the
lose tu dm n. vt. lose. Variant: thu coast. Variant: tmana; thmano;
dm n; du dm n; mu dm n. thmana.

lot, a ~ masa. disc. 1 certainly. luck, bad ~ irit. n. bad luck.

2 very much; a lot. Gram: In clause final lump damga. n. lump. Pl: dam.
position only. lumpy, be ~ smn pt. vi-so. 1 be
lots mamor. adv. 1 lots. lumpy. 2 have welts.
2 excessively; very much; terribly. lungs achurvuchuvacha. n. lungs. Pl:
3 strongly. 4 hard. 5 loudly. achurvuchuva.
6 fast; quickly. 7 brightly.
lying down, be ~ namas. sa-vi. 1 lie
loudly mamor. adv. 1 lots. down. 2 be lying down.

M - m

machine gun masin'gan'gi. n. ma- make tp ma. vt. 1 make; build.

chine gun. Pl: masin'gan. 2 carve. Variant: thp ma; tp m; thp
madness ddn'gi. n. madness. Pl: m.
ddn. make a bed peneng dm s. vt.
maggot chlvachi. n. maggot. Pl: chlap. 1 prepare. 2 make a bed; make a
Variant: klvachi; chlvachi. platform. Variant: veneng dm.
magic, do ~ pes vt. vt. charm; do make a hissing sound achuskuska
magic. Variant: ves vt. mt. vi-so. make a hissing sound; e.g.
magic spell avsvesini. n. 1 magic by shushing a child or the sound made
spell; curse. 2 charm; an object by a jet plane.
that carries magical power. Variant: make a platform peneng dm s. vt.
vsves. 1 prepare. 2 make a bed; make a

make sp m. vt. make. Variant: sp ma. platform. Variant: veneng dm.

make tk ma. vt. 1 make. 2 heap make something tichina n. vt. make
up. Variant: thk m. something (definite). Variant: thichina
n; dichina n; michina n. See: sana

malaria me

do something (indefinite). asuchut.

malaria chasrki. n. malaria. Variant: marks vrsetki. n. marks; any strange
kasrki. kind of marks. Pl: vrset. Variant: prsetki.
malaria, have ~ kasrki pt. vi-so. have marriage schi. n. marriage.
a fever; have malaria. married, be ~ sek alugut. sa-vi. 1 be
male achums. adj. male. married. 2 get married. Variant: mt
male achumska. n. male. Pl: achu- agut (Abilta dialect).
msta (human plural). Pl: achums (non- married, be ~ tethana. sa-vi. 1 be
human plural). Variant: umask (Abilta friends. 2 be married. 3 group
dialect); chumska. together. Variant: thethana; dethana;
man arucha. n. man. Pl: arutha. Pl: rura. methana.
Variant: rucha. married, get ~ sek alugut. sa-vi. 1 be
man, adult ~ amorka. n. 1 adult man. married. 2 get married. Variant: mt
2 leader. 3 ancestor. 4 God. agut (Abilta dialect).
Pl: morvap. Pl: morta. married, get ~ sek na. sa-vi. marry each
man, sisterless chungacha. n.
~ other.
2 sisterless
1 tree sp.; casuarina. marry each other sek na. sa-vi. marry
man; sisterless boy; a man or a boy each other.
who does not have any sisters. Pl: martyr martir. n. martyr.
chuang. Variant: kungacha.
Mary, Mother ~ Lengenachi. n. Our
man, white ~ achabapka. n. white Lady; Mother Mary.
man. Morph: a=chabapka. Gloss: SPEC=
white-F.SG. Pl: achabapta. See: chulumga
mass misa. n. mass. Note: no endings.
white man. massage tneng n. vt. 1 spread.
man with children athoes pthacha. Variant: neng n. 2 rub; massage.
Variant: neng n.
n. man with children. Pl: athoes
pthatha. master angthieik. n. master. Pl:
mango viulachi. n. mango; refers only
to the fruit. Pl: vival. Note: only v. mastitis rip d chmk. n. mastitis.
mango tree viulacha. n. mango tree. Pl: mat matka. n. mat. Pl: mat.
vival. Note: only v. maybe ii. interj. I dont know; maybe.
many achndichn. many.
quant. maybe mailu. disc. maybe. Variant: mala;
Morph: a=chndichn. Gloss: SPEC=many. maila; nmailu.
Variant: chndichn; chdichn. Note:
maybe nenga chalu. disc. maybe; who
only ch.
knows. Variant: nenggala.
many alilu. quant. many. Usage: Abilta
maybe vandi. disc. 1 want to; intend
to. Gram: Desiderative marker. 2 try to.
many times malilu. adv. many times. 3 nearly; almost. 4 maybe.
map ivtki atha aila. n. map. Pl: ivt Variant: vadi.
angtha ila. maybe, and ~ dasik. coord. and maybe.
March fly chluingga. n. march fly; Morph: da=asik. Gloss: and=irrealis.
blue; usually the first to arrive on a me ngo. pro. me. Gram: First person singular
carcass in the bush, or to sit on rub- class three pronoun.
bish. Pl: chluing. Note: only ch.
me ngu. pro. me. Gram: First person singular
mark suchutka. n. 1 sign; mark. class two pronoun.
2 line; boundary. Pl: suchut. Variant:

me and Mndas dancer, name of ~

me and ngun. pro. me and. Morph: ngu Tok Pisin.

=na. Gloss: 1SG.III=and. Variant: nguna. melody angtkn. n. melody. Note: no
meaning thvika. n. explanation; plural.
meaning. Pl: thvaik. Note: only th. mercy tlavuchi. n. kindness; mercy. Pl:
measure suchut m. vt. 1 measure. tlavu.
2 set out or define an area. meri blouse koloski. n. meri blouse; a
meat achurnaing. n. meat; flesh; es- loose fitting dress worn by women in
pecially of pigs, chickens, or coconuts. PNG, with a wraparound skirt (laplap)
Note: no endings. worn underneath. Pl: kolos. Note: only k.
meat slik. n. meat from pigs, fish, cas- mess slavochi. n. mess; disarray. Pl:
sowaries etc. Variant: slik. slavo.
meat, bit of ~ slichini. n. bit of meat. Pl: mess up parat. vt. mess up; displace.
slichithong. Variant: varat.
meat, piece of ~ slichigl. n. piece of mess up sar s. vt. 1 mess up.
meat. Pl: slichiglng. Variant: slichigl. 2 knock over.
medical assistant amumthathopka. message amethamnbes. n.
n. male nurse; orderly; medical assis- 1 words. 2 message. Variant:
tant. Pl: amumthathopta. amethamn'gi.
medical assistant amumthathopki. message amethamnbes. n.
n. nurse; orderly; medical assistant. Pl: 1 words. 2 message. Variant:
amumthathopta. amethamn'gi.
medicine marasin. n. medicine. message amethamn'gi. n. 1 lan-
meet tk mamr tm. vt. meet some- guage. 2 speech. 3 message.
one accidentally; run into. Variant: thk 4 orders; instructions. Pl:
mamr tm. amethamn. Variant: amethamon'gi.

meet each other dn pthana. vt. message, pass a ~ tu amethamn pt.

meet each other. Variant: thn pt; mn vt. pass a message about someone or
pt. something. Variant: thu amethamn
pt; du amethamn pt; mu ametha-
meet together dn dmna. vt. meet mn pt.
together, usually informally. Variant:
ndm dmna; thn dmna; mn dmna. messages mnarivs. n. announce-
ments; messages. Note: no endings.
meet up dn dmna. sa-vi. gather to-
gether; meet up. Gram: Takes a plural messy, be ~ mavo sna na. vi-so. be in
subject. Variant: thn; mn. disorder; be in disarray; be messy.

meeting amunggunbs. n. 1 chair. Pl: Mndas dancer, name of ~ amch-

amunggunimlk. 2 meeting. Pl: lingga. n. 1 lizard sp.; large; brown
amunggunimlk. 3 sitting of with a red neck and long tail; serrated
parliament. ridge down the back; short head. Pl:
amchlaing. 2 name of Mndas
meeting lengeini. n. event; function; dancer; can carry a guaremgi mask;
meeting. Pl: lengithong. body decorated to look like a saw-
Melanesian Pidgin amethamn ama backed lizard; has a long tail; always
dvthng. n. Melanesian Pidgin; dances in the evening; dances a hu-
Tok Pisin. See: ism angtha metha- morous dance; scratches the ground,
mn Melanesian Pidgin; Tok Pisin. twisting its knees; does not use rat-
Melanesian Pidgin ism angtha tles. Pl: amchling.
methamn. n. Melanesian Pidgin; Mndas dancer, name of ~ chusa-

Mndas dancers, name of a group of ~ moon

richa. n. name of the type of Mndas the middle. 2 between. Variant:

dancer that has the adamga mask. munggurup.
Variant: kusaricha. Milky Way achruacha. n. Milky Way.
Mndas dancers, name of a group of ~ Pl: achrau. Variant: acheruacha.
Gerkachna. n. name of a group of miracle methanasia. n. miracle.
Mndas dancers; carry awaleng
masks; destroy the mound in the cen- miracle worker lenge scha. n. mira-
tre of the dance ground; usually the cle worker. Variant: lenge ves scha.
last dancers to appear during a day miraculous thing amethanaski. n.
dance. miraculous thing.
Mndas mask, name of ~ achvcha. mirror lunaski. n. 1 mirror.
n. 1 inside corner; e.g. the inside of 2 louvre glass. Pl: lunas.
an elbow or the corner in a room. Pl: misery neknochi. n. misery; distress;
achvk. 2 name of Mndas mask; suffering in either an emotional or fi-
concave in shape; similar to an up- nancial sense. Pl: neknok. Variant:
side-down canoe; has designs painted naknochi.
inside; supported by a stick.
miss sa-vi. miss someone because each
Mndas mask, name of ~ adamga. n. person went by a different path.
name of Mndas mask; tall and Variant: thet kutna; det kutna; met
rounded; carried by the dancer and kutna.
supported by another man; has a
miss a target tet ngis n. vt. miss a
pointed top with feathers extending
target. Variant: thet ngis n; det ngis n;
up and a thick strong stem at the
met ngis n.
bottom; designs on the front.
mistletoe suarki. n. mistletoe; grows
Mndas mask, name of ~ ladev-
on the branches of trees; has green
thacha. n. name of Mndas mask; the
leaves, grey stalks, and red flowers;
mask has an elongated shield shape
seeds are sticky; kills the trees that it
with a rounded back, dangling bark
grows on.
cloth (tapa cloth) around the edges
with designs underneath, and a stick mix tnp na. vt. 1 change; make dif-
with feathers on it on top; it is carried ferent. 2 mix. Variant: np na.
flat side down on a stick. money anlka. n. 1 shellfish sp.;
Mndas mask, name of ~ sirachi. n. mussel; bivalve from the river that
name of Mndas mask; similar to the lives in the mud at the bottom of the
adamga but the front is flat and the river; dark brown outside and white
back is rounded like half a pawpaw. inside; people refine (mumu) these
shells, by fire, to get lime powder.
Mndas masks, name of a pair of ~
2 money; coin; kina. Pl: anal.
awalengiglem. n. name of a pair of
Mndas masks; shield-shaped, flat, money dul. n. money. Variant: ndul.
and elongated; carried on a stick; long monitor arviachi. n. monitor; similar
edges on the bottom and top; designs to a lizard with a black body and dull
on both sides. Pl: awalengigleng. whitish spots; up to 80 cm long; edible
Mndas masks, name of ~ guaremgi. flesh; skin is used for hand drums
n. name of Mndas mask; the mask is (kundus); lives in the forest and
large and bell-shaped, with a floor climbs trees. Pl: arvai.
supported by a long stick; designs are month ayachun'gi. n. 1 moon.
drawn underneath and are visible 2 month. Pl: ayachun.
when the mask is held aloft.
moon ayachun'gi. n. 1 moon.
middle, in the ~ mugurp. dir. 1 in 2 month. Pl: ayachun.

more Mum

more agungagung. dem. more. Gram: tainside covered in bushes. Variant:

Count neutral indefinite demonstrative. kmer. Note: no endings.
Variant: agungagunng. mountainside churngga. n. moun-
more savuit. adv. 1 more. 2 first. tainside. Pl: churng. Variant: kurngga.
morning athchasp. n. morning. mouse kaumatka. n. rat; mouse; ge-
Variant: thchasp. neric term; also used specifically for
morning mathchasep. adv. morning. domestic rats and mice. Pl: kaumat.
Variant: chaumatka.
morning mathchasepka. n. morning.
Variant: mathechasepka. mouth amgi. n. mouth. Pl: am.
mosquito dmeska. n. mosquito. Pl: move tal. vt. 1 carry. 2 move.
dmes. Variant: dmska. 3 bear; specifically to bear fruit.
4 give birth. Variant: thal; dal.
mosquito net taunamgi. n. mosquito
net. Pl: taunam. Note: only t. move wirep pt. vi-so. move; give
yourself away when you are hiding
moss arumtka. n. moss; generic term. because you move.
Pl: rumt. Variant: rumtka.
move along pirs ithm. vt. 1 hide
mother nank. n. mother. Pl: nankina. behind; duck behind something to
mother nanet. n. mother; Mum; ad- hide oneself. 2 make way; move
dress and reference term. aside. 3 move along. Variant: virs
mother nan'gi. n. 1 mother; mum; ithm.
address and reference term; it is also move aside ml. vt. 1 flip over.
used by children-in-law. 2 mother. 2 move aside.
Pl: nanbek.
move aside pirs ithm. vt. 1 hide
Mother Mary Lengenachi. n. Our behind; duck behind something to
Lady; Mother Mary. hide oneself. 2 make way; move
mother-in-law thuvski. n. mother-in- aside. 3 move along. Variant: virs
law; sister-in-law; aunt-in-law; any ithm.
in-laws except ones wifes mothers move aside srik. sa-vi. move aside.
brother and his wife. move quickly bang. sa-vi. 1 run; move
motor motochi. n. motor. Pl: moto. quickly. Usage: Refers to any kind of
motorcycle araun'ga mtki. n. car; fast movement. 2 come. Variant:
motorcycle. Morph: araunka mt=ki. vang; pang; mbang.
Gloss: sound-M.SG in=3F.SG. See: aiski move to don svt. sa-vi. move to.
car; raun'ga sound. Variant: thon svt; mon svt; don sk;
mound athoemga. n. mound in a thon sk; mon sk.
dancing ground. Note: no plural. movements mtmet. n. 1 movements.
mound avn'gi. n. mound; e.g. the 2 ways.
mound of an earth oven (mumu) or the mucus genaing. n. 1 cerebrum.
mound of a grave. Pl: avn. 2 phlegm; mucus.
mountain damgi. n. mountain. Pl: dam. mud malum. n. dough; wet stuff; typi-
Variant: ndamgi. cally mud.
mountain peak damgi theves. n. muddy ground chuski. n. muddy
mountain peak. ground. Pl: chus. Variant: kuski.
mountain ridge galicha. n. mountain multiplication matma. n. multiplica-
range; ridge. Pl: gali. tion.
mountainside chmer. n. steep moun- Mum nanet. n. mother; Mum; address

mum mute

and reference term. guringsasot. See: almbrgiangga

mum nan'gi. n. 1 mother; mum; ad- mushroom sp.
dress and reference term; it is also mushroom sp. kaumat angtha
used by children-in-law. 2 mother. lchar. n. mushroom sp.; very small;
Pl: nanbek. grows on the branches of mango
mumu [TP] achuithm. n. earth oven trees; is similar in shape to a rats
(mumu). See: avithm earth oven paw. Note: no singular.
(mumu). mushroom sp. kunengga ava lm. n.
mumu [TP] avithm. n. earth oven mushroom sp.; large, white, umbrella
(mumu). See: achuithm earth oven shape; the stalk is 30 cm in diameter;
(mumu). grows in grassy fields after heavy
muscle achurningim. n. muscle. Pl:
achurningbap. Pl: achurniang. mushroom sp. marupki atha lm. n.
mushroom sp.; white; grows on cer-
mushroom almga. n. mushroom; ge- tain trees in the bush; eaten by cas-
neric term. Pl: alm. sowaries.
mushroom sp. achmabarka. n. mushroom sp. nangsacha ava
mushroom sp.; edible; grows pro- lmga. n. mushroom sp.; greyish in
fusely after rain; is brown on top and colour; edible; grows on rotting trees;
white underneath; found on softwood is flat on top with many small holes
trees. Pl: achmabar. underneath. Pl: nangsacha ava lm.
mushroom sp. almbrgiangga. n. mushroom sp. thombek athva
mushroom sp.; edible, white, and flat; sdm. n. mushroom sp.; very thin,
is very soft; up to 5 cm in diameter; brown, and semi-transparent; feel like
grows in the ground. Usage: An alter- plastic; round and grow up to 5 cm in
nate name for guringsasotka. Pl: diameter; found growing on rotting
almbrgiang. Variant: alebrgiangga.
mushroom sp. alingga ava lm. n. mussel anlka. n. 1 shellfish sp.;
mushroom sp.; luminous and shine mussel; bivalve from the river that
brightly at night.; look like fireflies; lives in the mud at the bottom of the
white and grow on rotten trees; if two river; dark brown outside and white
people are walking together at night inside; people refine (mumu) these
in the bush, the one in front can wear shells, by fire, to get lime powder.
one of these mushrooms on the back 2 money; coin; kina. Pl: anal.
of their head for the person behind to
follow; these mushrooms are sticky mustard leaves achuvorves. n. betel
and will stick to the skin. pepper (daka) leaves; mustard leaves.
Variant: achvorves. Pl: achuvor. See:
mushroom sp. barathigl. n. mush- ludngbs betel pepper (daka) leaves;
room sp.; white and inedible; grows mustard leaves.
into a semi-circular shape; is found on
trees. Pl: barat. mustard leaves ludngbs. n. betel
pepper (daka) leaves; mustard leaves.
mushroom sp. chesengdm. n. mush- Pl: ludngludng. See: achuvorves be-
room sp.; grows on mango trees, feels tel pepper (daka) leaves; mustard
furry, and is edible. leaves.
mushroom sp. guringsasotka. n. mustard plant achvoracha. n. mus-
mushroom sp.; edible, white, and flat; tard plant. Pl: achvor. Variant:
is very soft; up to 5 cm in diameter; achuvoracha.
grows in the ground. Usage: An alter-
nate name for almbrgiangga. Pl: mute subicha. n. mute.

my native spinach (aibika) with red stems

my gu. pro. my. Gram: First person singular son singular possessive pronoun and indefinite
possessive pronoun. possessive pronoun. Morph: gu=angama.
my gua. pro. my. Gram: First person singular Gloss: 1SG.POSS=INDEF.
possessive pronoun and possessive pronoun my ngua. pro. 1 I. Gram: First person sin-
and specific article. Morph: gu=a. Gloss: 1SG gular class one pronoun. 2 my. Gram:
=SPEC. First person singular possessive pronoun.
my guama. pro. my. Gram: First person my, some of ~ guanga. pro. some of my.
singular possessive pronoun and emphatic Gram: First person singular possessive pro-
possessive pronoun. Morph: gu=ma. Gloss: noun and non-specific possessive pronoun.
1SG.POSS= EMPH. Morph: gu=anga. Gloss: 1SG.POSS=
my guangama. pro. my. Gram: First per- NSPEC.

N - n

nail nilka. n. nail. Pl: nil. native spinach aichilki. n. native

naked boy or man ulabungacha. n. spinach (aibika); refers to the whole
naked boy or man. Pl: ulabungatha. plant.
naked girl or woman ulabungachi. n. native spinach auravuchi. n. native
naked girl or woman. spinach (aibika).
nakedness ulabung. n. nakedness. native spinach leaf aichilves. n. native
name angthepki. n. name. Pl: spinach (aibika) leaf.
ngthep. Variant: ngthepki. native spinach leaf auravuves. n. na-
name tes. vt. name; call by name. tive spinach (aibika) leaf.
Variant: thes; des; mes. native spinach stem chriduchi. n.
nape sng av vus. n. nape; the place native spinach (aibika) stem; used for
where the head joins the neck. replanting. Usage: Abilta dialect. Pl:
chridu. Variant: kriduchi.
narrate dodm. sa-vi. recount; narrate;
tell. Variant: thodm. native spinach stem trutki. n. 1 small
root of a tree or plant, especially ba-
narrate tes svt da sek. sa-vi. nar- nana, native spinach (aibika), or pea-
rate; tell a story. Variant: thesavet da nut plant. 2 native spinach (aibika)
sek; desavet da sek; mesavet da sek.
stem; used for planting. Pl: trut. Variant:
narrate tes svt dm. vt. narrate; tell rutki.
about. Variant: thesavet dm; desavet native spinach tip laguain'ga. n. na-
dm; mesavet dm; tesavet dm.
tive spinach (aibika) tip. Pl: laguain.
narrow alik. adj. narrow. native spinach top aichilka. n. native
narrow, be ~ alik mt. vi-so. be narrow. spinach (aibika) top that is used for
narrow, be ~ alik tm. vi-so. be narrow. cooking.
native orange aulmangachi. n. native native spinach top auravucha. n. na-
orange; refers to both the tree and the tive spinach (aibika) top that is used
fruit. Pl: aulmang. Variant: aulmang; for cooking.
ulmangachi. native spinach (aibika) with red stems
native spinach aichil. n. native spinach chuaramgi at sachong. n. native
(aibika). See: auravu native spinach spinach (aibika) with red stems. Pl:
(aibika). churam angt sachong.

naughty boy or man nip

naughty boy or man vingbmga. n. Variant: sangachi; sangaik (Abilta

1 vandal. 2 naughty boy or man. dialect).
Pl: vinbmda. net bag asgnacha. n. net bag (bi-
naughty girl or woman vingbmgi. n. lum). Pl: asgn. Variant: sgnacha.
1 female vandal. 2 naughty girl or net bag, incomplete ~ masarka. n. net
woman. Note: only v. bag (bilum) that is still being made;
nausea ann'gi. n. nausea. Pl: annn. unfinished net bag (bilum). Pl: masar.
nautilus chavithoski. n. shellfish sp.; net bag, large ~ asgnachi. n. large
nautilus. Pl: chavithos. Variant: net bag (bilum). Pl: asgn.
kavithoski. net bag, large ~ slavirochi. n. large net
navel lavaitki. n. navel. Pl: lavait. bag (bilum); made from split bush
near glm. prep. near; close. Variant: canes; used for carrying food. Pl:
glm. slaviroch.

near glmna. prep. near; next to each net bag, large ~ sragan'gi. n. large net
other. Morph: glm=na. Gloss: PREP= bag (bilum); made from bush vines;
RECIP. Variant: glmna. usually used for carrying food. Pl:
near to, be ~ gl kuvet. dir. be near to.
net bag, old ~ silingim. n. old net bag
nearer to saglmna. prep. nearer to; (bilum). Pl: silingbap.
closer to. Variant: sangglmna.
net bag, small ~ athalka. n. small net
nearly vandi. disc. 1 want to; intend bag (bilum). Pl: athal.
to. Gram: Desiderative marker. 2 try to.
3 nearly; almost. 4 maybe. Never mind! kule klan. interj. Never
Variant: vadi. mind!

neck angtkn'gi. n. 1 neck. new aichru. adj. 1 new.

2 throat. 3 voice. Morph: at=kn. 2 uncooked; raw.
Gloss: 3F.SG.POSS=throat. Pl: angtkn. new, be ~ to nthm na. vi-so. be new
Variant: tchn; chn'gi. to a place.
necklace sen'ga. n. necklace; chain. Pl: next day mubang. adv. 1 tomorrow.
sen. 2 next day. Variant: bubang;
need plk. vt. 1 like. 2 want. mumbang.
3 love. 4 need. Variant: vlk; vlk; next to each other glmna. prep.
plk. near; next to each other. Morph: glm
nephew-in-law saemga. n. uncle-in- =na. Gloss: PREP=RECIP. Variant: glmna.
law; nephew-in-law; specifically: ones nib slpka vamgi. n. nib; pen point;
wifes mothers brother, ones hus- pencil point. Pl: slpka angtham.
bands sisters son, and ones hus- nice amr. adj. good; pleasant; nice.
bands mothers brother. Pl: saembek. Variant: mr.
nerve churithong ama ngthi bang niece-in-law saemgi. n. aunty-in-law;
sa methamn. n. nerve. Pl: chuar niece-in-law; specifically ones mo-
ama ngthi bang sa methamn. Variant: thers brothers wife, husbands sis-
kurithong ama ngthi bang sa ters daughter, or husbands mothers
methamn. brothers wife. Pl: saembek.
net mairki. n. net that is used for night banganggi. n. night. Pl: bangang.
catching birds and flying foxes. Pl: Variant: bnganggi.
mair. Variant: mairk (Abilta dialect).
nip pdm. vi-so. pinch; nip. Variant:
net sangauchi. n. net. Pl: sangau. vdm.

no occasion

no angmbs. neg. 1 nothing. Not yet! kuaithu. interj. Not yet!

2 not. 3 no. Variant: angabas; anga- note tares svt. vt. 1 note.
bs; angebes; ambs; mbs; ngmbs. 2 bless. Variant: thares svt; rares
no koi. neg. no. Variant: choi; kuai. svt.
no koiku. neg. 1 no. 2 not. Variant: nothing angmbs. neg. 1 nothing.
choiku; koi; choi; kuai; kuaiku. 2 not. 3 no. Variant: angabas; anga-
noise, loud ~ gumoram. n. row; loud bs; angebes; ambs; mbs; ngmbs.
noise. Note: no endings. nothing, find ~ vesnas. sa-vi. find no-
noise, make a loud ~ gumoram vt. thing where you expect to find some-
vi-so. row; make a loud noise. Note: no thing; e.g. ripe bananas you were
endings. planning to pick but someone came
along and took them. Note: only v.
noisy, be ~ gar. sa-vi. be noisy. Variant:
munaman. nothing, with ~, for ~ klan. adv.
1 only. 2 just. 3 for nothing;
non-worker amunamga. n. 1 non- with nothing. Variant: chlan; chlan;
worker; a person who always stays klan.
home and rests, they never go out and
work. 2 invalid. 3 lame man. Pl: notice tlu da. vt. notice. Variant: lu da.
amunamda. Pl: amunamithong. now ithik. dem. now. Gram: Adverbial

non-worker, female ~ amunamgi. n. proximate demonstrative. Variant: thik; tik;

1 female non-worker; a woman who dik.
always stays home and rests, she now, right ~ taithik. dem. 1 right now.
never goes out and works. 2 female Gram: Emphatic adverbial proximate demon-
invalid. 3 lame woman. strative. 2 just like this. Gram: Em-

northwest wind amundik ava laurka. phatic adverbial proximate demonstrative.

n. northwest wind; named for the wild Variant: thaithik; daithik.

cane (pitpit) season. nuisance, be a ~ asevaik pt. vi-so.

nose chulimgi. n. nose. Pl: chulim. 1 rejoice; be happy; be joyful.
2 feel proud. 3 be a nuisance.
nose, blow ~ ts t chulim. sa-vi. blow Variant: sevaik pt.
nose. Variant: ths t chulim.
numb, be ~ ngip. sa-vi. 1 die. 2 be
nostril alechi pt kulim. n. nostril. numb. 3 faint. Variant: ingip.
not angmbs. neg. 1 nothing. nurse amumthathopki. n. nurse;
2 not. 3 no. Variant: angabas;
orderly; medical assistant. Pl:
angabs; angebes; ambs; mbs;
nurse neski. n. nurse. Pl: neskina.
not koiku. neg. 1 no. 2 not. Variant:
choiku; koi; choi; kuai; kuaiku. nurse, male ~ amumthathopka. n.
male nurse; orderly; medical assis-
not na. modal. not. Gram: Irrealis focus
tant. Pl: amumthathopta.

O - o

obedient aslek. adj. cooperative; obe- obey tnari nagl. vt. obey. Variant: nari
dient. nagl.
obese, be ~ kthopka vt. vi-so. be fat; occasion chunng. n. 1 season.
be obese. Variant: chthopka vt. 2 occasion. Variant: kuneng.

occasion one short one

occasion kunngga. n. 1 sun. 2 old man. Pl: srutha.

2 day. Pl: kunng. Variant: chunngga. old woman bilarki. n. old woman.
3 occasion.
old woman sruchi. n. 1 female giant.
octopus chvulka. n. octopus. Pl: 2 old woman.
chvul. Note: only ch.
older sister matki. n. older sister.
odd addn. adj. 1 odd; strange.
2 confused; delirious; crazy; insane;
old; referring to a person ambilar. adj.
altered psychological states in gen- old; referring to a person. Variant: bilar.
eral. on mni. dir. 1 on. 2 onto. 3 at.
4 in. 5 through. 6 across.
odd one out auligalka. n. odd one out.
Pl: auligal. on nvem. prep. in; on.
odour angthn'ga. n. odour; smell. Pl: on pa. prep. at; on; over. Variant: va.
angthn. on pt. prep. 1 at. 2 on. 3 over.
offering avonbon'gi. n. offering; pay- Variant: vt; pa; ba; ptha; btha; vtha;
ment. Pl: avonbon. Variant: vonbon'gi. bt; vk; pk.
Oh dear! alchar. interj. Oh dear! on snani. dir. 1 on. 2 in. 3 at.
Variant: lcha. on the other side imonp. dir. on the
Oh no! i. interj. Oh no! Usage: Indicates other side. Variant: imuanp.
the speaker made a mistake in one asgk. num. one. Gram: Masculine
speaking. singular and count neutral. Variant: snggk;
Oh! a. interj. Oh!; well; um; expression sgk.
of surprise or hesitation. Variant: au. one asnggik. num. one. Gram: Feminine
Oh! ae. interj. Oh!; expression of shock. singular. Variant: asnggeik.

Oh! ai. interj. Oh!; expression of happi- one and only aka. n. one and only; spe-
ness. cial one. Pl: athei.
Oh! aichua. interj. ok; I see; Oh! Usage: one flat one asgvs. num. one flat
Expresses surprise or understanding. one. Gram: Flat singular. Variant:
Oh! e. interj. Oh!; exclamation of sur-
prise. one large one asnggit. num. one large
Oh! i. interj. Oh!; expresses a strong one. Gram: Extended singular. Variant:
emotion such as anger.
Oh! maricha. interj. Oh!; Hey!; excla- one large one guait. dem. one large
mation of strong feelings of surprise, one. Gram: Extended singular indefinite de-
sympathy or anger.
oil marski. n. oil. Pl: mars. one long one asgvt. num. one long
one. Gram: Long singular.
oily, be ~ mars mt. vi-so. be greasy;
be oily. Variant: mars pt. one long one guavet. dem. one long
one. Gram: Long singular indefinite demon-
ointment gris. n. ointment. strative.
ok aichua. interj. ok; I see; Oh! Usage: one piece asggl. num. one piece.
Expresses surprise or understanding. Gram: Excised singular.
old ameru. adj. old things. Variant: one piece guagl. dem. one piece. Gram:
amuru. Excised singular indefinite demonstrative.
old man bilarka. n. old man. Pl: bilar. one short one asgchm. num. one
Variant: mbilarka. short one. Gram: Reduced singular.
old man srucha. n. 1 giant. Pl: srutha.

one short one orphaned boy

one short one asgm. num. one short tree and the fruit. Pl: muli.
one. Gram: Reduced singular. Variant: orange, native ~ aulmangachi. n. na-
sgm. tive orange; refers to both the tree
one short one guachm. dem. one and the fruit. Pl: aulmang. Variant:
short one. Gram: Reduced singular indefinite aulmang; ulmangachi.
demonstrative. orange segment mulicha. n. orange
one small one asgni. num. one small segment. Pl: muli.
one. Gram: Diminutive singular. Variant: orange tree, spike of an ~ mulichm.
sgni; asgini. n. spike of an orange tree. Pl: mulivap.
one small one guani. dem. one small orange tree, wild ~ vaidebunggi. n.
one. Gram: Diminutive singular indefinite 1 tree sp.; known as wild orange
demonstrative. tree. 2 wild orange. 3 ball; re-
one, the small ~ ini. pro. small one. fers to something the size of a vol-
Gram: Diminutive singular reduced nominal leyball. Pl: vaidebung. Note: only v.
pronoun. orange, wild ~ vaidebunggi. n. 1 tree
oneself -nas. derivational suffix. oneself. sp.; known as wild orange tree.
Gram: Reflexive marker. 2 wild orange. 3 ball; refers to
oneself, for ~ banas. dir. for oneself. something the size of a volleyball. Pl:
vaidebung. Note: only v.
oneself, to ~, on ~ vthanas. prep. to
oneself; on oneself. Morph: vt=nas. orchestra mambuchi. n. 1 choir; or-
Gloss: PREP=REFL. Variant: pthanas. chestra; the singers and drummers at
a day dance or night dance. 2 song.
oneslf, away from nevanas. dir. away Pl: mambu.
from oneself.
orchitis rip da chvl. n. orchitis.
only klan. adv. 1 only. 2 just.
3 for nothing; with nothing. Variant: order tchr. vt. command; order.
chlan; chlan; klan. Variant: thchr.

only kusek. adv. only; just. Variant: orderly amumthathopka. n. male

chusek. nurse; orderly; medical assistant. Pl:
onto mni. dir. 1 on. 2 onto. 3 at.
4 in. 5 through. 6 across. orderly amumthathopki. n. nurse;
orderly; medical assistant. Pl: amum-
onto smni. prep. 1 across. thathopta.
2 onto.
orders amethamn'gi. n. 1 language.
onto svt. prep. 1 to. 2 about. 2 speech. 3 message. 4 ord-
3 at. 4 onto. Variant: sk; svk
ers; instructions. Pl: amethamn.
(Abilta dialect); svtha. Variant: amethamon'gi.
open nachang. sa-vi. open ones mouth. ornament kangalcha. n. 1 headdress.
Variant: nachong.
2 ornament; brightly coloured
open tar mt. vt. open. Variant: thar mt. things such as feathers that can be
open, be ~ nathar. sa-vi. be open. used as head ornaments. Pl: kangal.
Note: only k.
opening vmgi. n. doorway; opening.
Morph: av=amki. Gloss: 3M.SG.POSS= orphaned boy secha. n. 1 orphaned
mouth-F.SG. Morph: av=amvem. Gloss: boy, he is one who often grows up to
3M.SG.POSS= mouth-F.DL. be a person who can do many good
things. Pl: sekpek. 2 hero; a skilful
or ura. coord. or. Gram: Disjunction marker.
clever person who does many good
orange mulichi. n. orange; both the things. Pl: sekpek. 3 little finger.

orphaned girl over there distant

See: mavnini little finger. over daer. prep. over.

orphaned girl sechi. n. 1 orphaned over mono. dir. 1 across. 2 over.
girl. 2 female hero. over pa. prep. at; on; over. Variant: va.
other, each ~ -na. derivational suffix. over pt. prep. 1 at. 2 on. 3 over.
each other. Gram: Reciprocal marker. Variant: vt; pa; ba; ptha; btha; vtha;
other side, on the ~ imonp. dir. on the bt; vk; pk.
other side. Variant: imuanp. over samono. dir. over; across.
our aut. pro. our. Gram: First person plural over, all ~ mavangam. pro. anywhere;
possessive pronoun. all over. Gram: General indefinite form.
our autha. pro. our. Gram: First person over from naimni. dir. over from.
plural possessive pronoun and possessive pro-
noun and specific article. Morph: aut=a.
over from naimono. dir. over from.
Gloss: 1PL.POSS=SPEC. over from naivuit. dir. over from.
our authama. pro. our. Gram: First person over from namuit. dir. over from.
plural possessive pronoun and emphatic pos- over from navuit. dir. over from. Variant:
sessive pronoun. Morph: aut=ma. Gloss: navit.
over from the side namonp. dir. over
our authangama. pro. our. Gram: First from the side. Variant: namoni;
person plural possessive pronoun and indefi- namuanp.
nite possessive pronoun. Morph: aut=
over from (distant) navui. dir. over
angama. Gloss: 1PL.POSS=INDEF.
from (distant).
our, some of ~ authanga. pro. some of
over from (middle distance) naivui.
our. Gram: First person plural possessive
dir. over from (middle distance).
pronoun and non-specific possessive pronoun.
Morph: aut=anga. Gloss: 1PL.POSS= over here saisath. dir. over here.
NSPEC. over on the other side sathmuit. dir.
our two aun. pro. our two. Gram: First over on the other side.
person dual possessive pronoun. over the side muanp. dir. down the
out, come ~ puik na. vi-so. come out. side; over the side. Variant: monp.
Variant: vuik na. over there mani. dir. over there.
out, come ~ puvs. vi-so. come out. over there mui. dir. 1 over there;
Variant: vuvs. away from speaker on the same level.
out, get ~ ps s. vi-so. get out. Variant: 2 around.
vs s. over there pivi. dir. over there. Variant:
out there sathvuit. dir. out there. bivi; vivi.

out there vui. dir. out there. Variant: pui; over there saimuani. dir. over there.
bui. over there samuanp. dir. over to;
out there, from ~ nathvuit. dir. from over there. Variant: samonp.
out there. Variant: nathvit. over there sathmono. dir. over there.
outside vthivt. dir. outside. over there sathmuanp. dir. over to
oven, earth ~ achuithm. n. earth oven the other side; over there. Variant:
(mumu). See: avithm earth oven sathmonp.
(mumu). over there sathmui. dir. over there.
oven, earth ~ avithm. n. earth oven over there sathvui. dir. over there.
(mumu). See: achuithm earth oven
over there distant saimui. dir. over

over there, from down ~ palm sp.

there distant. over to distant savui. dir. over to dis-

over there, from down ~ namano. dir. tant.
from down over there. over to the other side sathmuanp.
over there, from ~ naimuanp. dir. dir. over to the other side; over there.
from over there. Variant: naimonp. Variant: sathmonp.

over there, from ~ naimuani. dir. from over to the side samuani. dir. over to
over there. the side. Variant: samoni.

over there, from ~ namono. dir. from over, tumble ~ lvur vt. vi-so. tumble
over there; across. over.

over there, from ~ nathmono. dir. overcome pithia na. vt. overcome;
from over there. conquer. Variant: vithia na; withia na.

over there, from ~ nathmui. dir. from overcooked, be ~ achvu mt. vi-so. be
over there. overcooked; especially when referring
to greens that have gone brown from
over there, from ~ nathmuit. dir. cooking too long.
from over there.
overgrown agraing. adj. 1 overripe;
over there, from ~ nathvui. dir. from especially of tuber crops. 2 over-
over there. grown. Variant: graing.
over there (distant), from ~ naimui. overgrown savur nvem. vi-so. over-
dir. from over there (distant). grown.
over there (towards speaker), from ~ overripe agraing. adj. 1 overripe; es-
nainamuk. dir. from over there (to- pecially of tuber crops.
wards speaker). 2 overgrown. Variant: graing.
over to saimni. dir. over to; down to. overturn lvur t. vt. overturn.
over to saimono. dir. over to. Ow! athoi. interj. Ow!; exclamation of
over to saivui. dir. over to. pain.
over to saivuit. dir. over to. Ow! waioi. interj. Ow!; exclamation of
over to samuanp. dir. over to; over pain.
there. Variant: samonp. oyster thuingga. n. oyster. Pl: thuaing.
over to samui. dir. over to. Variant: tuingga.

over to samuit. dir. over to; across.

P - p

pack tns. vt. pack; put in. Variant: ns. pain.

packet of rice achunm. n. packet of palm of the hand adigl. n. 1 piece of
rice; especially a 1 kg bag of rice. See: taro. 2 palm of hand. Pl: adigleng.
chuan rice; raism packet of rice. palm of the hand angthikinggl. n.
paddle achiragareska. n. paddle. Pl: palm of hand.
achiragares. palm sp. churemgi. n. 1 palm sp.;
paddle pul. sa-vi. paddle. Note: only p. betel palm. 2 shellfish sp.; comes
paddle pulka. n. paddle. from the sea; has an elongated spiral
shell up to 10 cm long. Pl: churem.
pain aruan'ga. n. pain. Pl: aruan. Variant: kuremgi.
pain, have ~ aruan mt. vi-so. have

palm sp. payment

palm sp. galpki. n. palm sp.; wild large parrot; steals cocoa and food
palm; used for making axe handles from gardens. Pl: lagr. Variant:
and floors. Pl: galp. langgrka.
palm sp. kaverki. n. wild palm sp.; parrot, small ~ mliarka. n. bird sp.;
trunks are split and used to make small parrot that is colourful: green
floors. Pl: kaver. Variant: chaverki. and red. Pl: mliar.
palm sp. saluchachi. n. palm sp.; part, large inside ~ chlochachi. n.
similar to the areca or black palm large inside part of something. Pl:
(limbum); has a mountain spirit living chlok. Variant: chlochachi; klochachi.
inside it. Pl: saluk. part, small inside ~ chlochaini. n.
palm sp. thelelki. n. palm sp.; has small inside part of something. Pl:
small leaves; looks a bit like a betelnut chlok. Variant: chlochaini; klochaini.
palm, only smaller; fronds are good to party amsmski. n. feast; party. Pl:
use as thatch. Pl: thelel. Variant: talalki. amsms. Variant: msmski.
pancreas chthiachi. n. pancreas; the party, small ~ amsmsini. n. small
organ that is close to the liver. Pl: party. Pl: amsms. Variant: msmsini.
chthai. Variant: kthiachi.
pass tet na. vt. go past; pass. Variant:
pandanus ivon'ga. n. pandanus. Pl: thet na; det na; met na.
passage vn'gachi. n. passage in a
pandanus sp. sarengacha. n. 1 pand- reef. Pl: avang. Note: only v.
anus sp.; small with long leaves; used
for making mats. 2 green grass- passage between reef basis. n. pas-
hopper sp.; lies flat between the sage between reef.
leaves of the sarengacha pandanus past, go tet na. vt. go past; pass. Variant:
species. Pl: sareng. thet na; det na; met na.
panic mulen'gi vt. vi-so. 1 be anx- pat paithm. vt. pat. Variant: vaithm.
ious; typically through having a fear of patchy, be ~ kut mes ma. vt. be
something unknown. 2 panic. Note: patchy. Variant: chut mes.
only m.
path aisvet. n. path. Pl: aisiseng.
paper, piece of ~ tlngbs. n. 1 leaf.
patient armga. n. patient. Pl: armda.
2 piece of paper. Pl: tlng. Variant:
thlng. patient, female ~ armgi. n. female
parallel pathm na. dir. 1 alongside;
side by side. 2 with each other; for paunch sarumga. n. belly; paunch. Pl:
each other. 3 parallel. Variant: sarum.
vathm na; bathm na. pawpaw mamiapki. n. pawpaw. Pl:
parcel of banana leaves tlngga. n. mamiap.
parcel of banana leaves. pay bon dm. vt. pay. Variant: von dm;
parents mambethiom. n. parents. See: mbon dm; bon d; von d; mbon d.
mamkiom parents. pay back tuvet mt. vt. 1 answer;
parents mamkiom. n. parents. See: respond. 2 reciprocate. 3 take
mambethiom parents. revenge; pay back. Variant: thuvet mt;
duvet mt; muvet mt.
parliament, sitting of ~ amunggun-
bs. n. 1 chair. Pl: amunggunimlk. payment avonbon'gi. n. offering; pay-
2 meeting. Pl: amunggunimlk. ment. Pl: avonbon. Variant: vonbon'gi.
3 sitting of parliament. payment vondmgi. n. 1 payment.
parrot, large ~ lagrka. n. bird sp.; 2 price. 3 prize. Pl: vondm. Note:

peace petrol drum of

only v. two people. Gram: Third person masculine

peace malmalki. n. peace. Pl: malmal. dual reduced nominal pronoun.

peaceful, feel ~ amrvs pt. vi-so. people, the two ngaiom. pro. two
1 feel fine. 2 heal; get better; get things; two people. Gram: Third person
well. 3 feel peaceful. masculine dual nominal pronoun.

pebble giska. n. pebble. Pl: gis. people, the two ~ ngavem. pro. two
people; two things. Gram: Third person
pebbly beach gisia. n. pebbly beach. feminine dual nominal pronoun.
Usage: Also the proper name for a
pebbly beach near Marunga. Pl: people, the two ~ vem. pro. two things;
gisink. See: giska pebble. two people. Gram: Third person feminine
dual reduced nominal pronoun.
peek binggi svt. vt. peep; peek.
Variant: vinggi svt. people, these particular ~ taithath.
dem. these particular people. Gram:
peel chndenggi. n. 1 body. Human plural proximate demonstrative em-
2 skin; bark. 3 peel; rind. Pl: chn-
phatic. Variant: thaithath.
deng. Variant: kndenggi; kdenggi;
chdenggi. See: chngdengga skin. people, these ~ ithath. dem. these
people. Gram: Human plural proximate de-
peel sek pt. vt. peel; e.g. a banana or monstrative. Variant: tathe.
an orange. See: sem bt peel (e.g.
taro...). people, those particular ~ krathe. dem.
those particular people. Gram: Human
peel sem bt. vt. peel; e.g. taro or plural contrastive demonstrative. Variant:
sweet potato (kaukau). See: sek pt chrath; chrare; achrathe.
peel (e.g. a banana...).
people, those particular ~ paivathe.
peep binggi svt. vt. peep; peek. dem. those particular people. Gram:
Variant: vinggi svt.
Human plural distal demonstrative emphatic.
pen point slpka vamgi. n. nib; pen Variant: ivathe; vaivathe.
point; pencil point. Pl: slpka people, those ~ avath. dem. those
people. Gram: Human plural distal demon-
pencil slpka. n. pencil. Pl: slp. strative. Variant: vath.
pencil point slpka vamgi. n. nib; pen people, which two ~, some two ~
point; pencil point. Pl: slpka nemiom. pro. which two people;
angtham. which two things; some two people.
penis aluchi. n. penis. Pl: alu. Variant: Gram: Masculine dual interrogative pronoun;
luchi. can be used in indefinite contexts.

people, any two ~, some two ~ nm- permission, do without ~ mni nugul.
bem. pro. any two people; any two sa-vi. do without permission; to have
things; some two people. Gram: Feminine crossed a boundary that should not be
dual interrogative pronoun. crossed.
people, some ~ ath. pro. some people. permission, do without ~ nugul
Gram: Human plural indefinite pronoun. angtpus. adv. do without permis-
sion; an action that breaks across a
people, some ~ agitha. pro. some peo-
(possibly metaphorical) boundary.
ple. Gram: Human plural indefinite pronoun.
Morph: nugul angtpus. Gloss: boundary
Variant: anggitha; githa.
people, some ~ guavek. dem. some
person arucha. n. man. Pl: arutha. Pl:
people. Gram: Human plural indefinite de-
rura. Variant: rucha.
petrol drum of bensin'gi. n. drum of
people, the two ~ iom. pro. two things;

phlegm pieces, some two

petrol, benzene, or gasoline. strative.

phlegm genaing. n. 1 cerebrum. piece, some ~ agigl. pro. some piece.
2 phlegm; mucus. Gram: Excised singular indefinite pronoun.
photo ailachi. n. 1 image; picture; Variant: anggigl; gigl.
photo; especially of a person. piece, that particular ~ knggl. dem.
2 shadow; reflection; especially of a that particular piece. Gram: Excised sin-
person. Pl: aila. Variant: ilachi; iluchi. gular contrastive demonstrative. Variant:
See: ayauski shadow. kngl; chngl; chngl; achngl. See:
pick beng dm. vt. get something down chknggl just that particular piece.
from a high place; especially referring piece, that particular ~ pavgl. dem.
to picking something from a tree. that particular piece. Gram: Excised sin-
Variant: veng dm. gular distal demonstrative emphatic. Variant:
pick tik s. vt. 1 pick. 2 knock vavgl.
down. Variant: thik s. piece, that ~ avgl. dem. that piece.
pick tik tm. vt. 1 pick. 2 break. Gram: Excised singular distal demonstrative.
3 snap off. Variant: thik tm; tik t; Variant: vgl.
thik t. piece, the ~ igleng. pro. piece. Gram:
pick out peramr vt. vt. pick out the Excised plural reduced nominal pronoun.

good ones from a set of things. Variant: piece, the ~ ngigl. pro. piece. Gram:
veramr vt. Excised singular nominal pronoun. Variant:

pick up sek. vt. 1 lift. 2 raise. ngigl.

3 pick up. piece, this particular ~ taithigl. dem.
picture ailachi. n. 1 image; picture; this particular piece. Gram: Excised sin-
photo; especially of a person. gular proximate demonstrative emphatic.
2 shadow; reflection; especially of a Variant: thaithigl.

person. Pl: aila. Variant: ilachi; iluchi. piece, this ~ thigl. dem. this piece. Gram:
See: ayauski shadow. Excised singular proximate demonstrative.

piece chvlki. n. 1 piece; possibly a Variant: tgl; tigl (Abilta dialect).

piece of rope, wood, or tapioca runner piece, which ~, some ~ nmigl. pro.
etc. 2 chapter. Pl: chvl. which piece; some piece. Gram: Excised
piece igl. pro. piece. Gram: Excised singular singular interrogative pronoun; used in a jok-
reduced nominal pronoun. Variant: igl. ing way to refer to people and implies some-
thing about their large size; can be used in in-
piece, just that particular ~ definite contexts. Variant: neminggl.
chknggl. dem. just that particu-
lar piece. Gram: Emphatic excised singular pieces, just those particular two ~
contrastive demonstrative. See: knggl that chkngglem. dem. just those par-
particular piece. ticular two pieces. Gram: Emphatic ex-
cised dual contrastive demonstrative. See:
piece of cocoa kakauigl. n. 1 cocoa chngglem those particular two
plantation. 2 piece of cocoa. Note: pieces.
only k.
pieces, just those particular ~
piece of coconut lamsigl. n. chknggleng. dem. just those
1 coconut plantation. 2 piece of
particular pieces. Gram: Emphatic excised
coconut. plural contrastive demonstrative. See:
piece of meat slichigl. n. piece of kgleng those particular pieces.
meat. Pl: slichiglng. Variant: slichigl. pieces, some two ~ agiglem. pro. some
piece, one ~ guagl. dem. one piece. two pieces. Gram: Excised dual indefinite
Gram: Excised singular indefinite demon-

pieces, some two ~, which two pineapple

pronoun. Variant: anggiglem; giglem. strative emphatic. Variant: vavglem.

pieces, some two ~, which two ~ pieces, those ~ avglng. dem. those
nmiglem. pro. which two pieces; pieces. Gram: Excised plural distal demon-
some two pieces. Gram: Excised dual in- strative. Variant: vglng.
terrogative pronoun; used in a joking way to pieces, two ~ guaglem. dem. two
refer to people and implies something about pieces. Gram: Excised dual indefinite demon-
their large size; can be used in indefinite con- strative.
pieces, which ~, some ~ nmigleng.
pieces, some ~ agigleng. pro. some pro. which pieces; some pieces. Gram:
pieces. Gram: Excised plural indefinite pro- Excised plural interrogative pronoun; used in a
noun. Variant: anggigleng; gigleng. joking way to refer to people and implies
pieces, some ~ guagleng. dem. some something about their large size; can be used
pieces. Gram: Excised plural indefinite de- in indefinite contexts.
monstrative. pierce kut. vt. 1 pierce. 2 spear.
pieces, these particular two ~ 3 inject. Variant: chut; kut; chut.
taithiglem. dem. these particular pig vlmga. n. pig. Pl: vlam. Variant:
two pieces. Gram: Excised dual proximate plmga; plmga; vlmga.
demonstrative emphatic. Variant:
pig, large ~ vlmgi. n. 1 sow.
2 large pig. 3 reef fish sp.; brown;
pieces, these particular ~ taithigleng. has a nose like a pigs; is up to 1 m
dem. these particular pieces. Gram: Ex- long. Pl: vlam. Variant: plmgi; plmgi;
cised plural proximate demonstrative em- vlmgi.
phatic. Variant: thaithigleng.
pig, wild mountain ~ aribumetka. n.
pieces, these two ~ ithiglem. dem. wild mountain pig. Pl: aribumet.
these two pieces. Gram: Excised dual
proximate demonstrative. Variant: tglem;
pigeon, victoria crown ~ gubarka. n.
tiglem (Abilta dialect).
bird sp.; dove; Victoria crowned pi-
geon. Pl: gubar. Variant: kumbarka;
pieces, these ~ ithigleng. dem. these chumbarka.
pieces. Gram: Excised plural proximate de-
monstrative. Variant: tgleng; tiglen
piglet thaembm. n. 1 child. Morph: at
=oemvm. Gloss: 3F.SG.POSS child-
(Abilta dialect).
reduced.SG. 2 young animal; espec.
pieces, those particular two ~ puppies or piglets. Pl: thaembap.
kglem. dem. those particular two Variant: taembem. See: thoemga child;
pieces. Gram: Excised dual contrastive de- son; student; assistant.
monstrative. Variant: chglem;
kngglem; achglem.
piglet vlmbm. n. piglet. Variant:
plmbm. See: vlmga pig.
pieces, those particular ~ kgleng.
dem. those particular pieces. Gram: Ex- pile up bn ma. vt. pile up. Variant: vn
cised plural contrastive demonstrative.
Variant: chgleng; knggleng; ach- piled up, be ~ malumgi na. vi-so. be
gleng. coiled; be piled up. Variant: malum na.
pieces, those particular ~ pavgleng. pinch pdm. vi-so. pinch; nip. Variant:
dem. those particular pieces. Gram: Ex- vdm.
cised plural distal demonstrative emphatic. pineapple nanasgi. n. pineapple. Pl:
Variant: vavgleng. nanas. See: painapki pineapple.
pieces, those two particular ~ pineapple painapki. n. pineapple. Pl:
pavglem. dem. those two particular painap. See: nanasgi pineapple. Note:
pieces. Gram: Excised dual distal demon- only p.

pinpoint platform, make a ~

pinpoint grgrka. n. pinpoint. Pl: thangamga.

grgr. plant sp. amangbchng. n. plant sp.
pipe paipki. n. chimney; pipe. Pl: paip. plant sp. kaubocha. n. plant sp.; has
Note: only p. broad flat leaves that are used to
pitch black patpathia. n. pitch black; cover food. Pl: kaubo. Variant: chaubo-
complete darkness. Variant: vatpathia. cha.
pitpit [TP] amundiki. n. edible stalk of plant sp. nngurka. n. plant sp.; strong
a wild cane sp. (pitpit). Pl: mundik. smelling plant with long green leaves;
Variant: mendik. deters snakes; relieves tiredness;
pitpit stalk [TP] tuchupki. n. edible used as a decoration for dancing be-
stalk of a wild cane sp. (pitpit). Pl: cause of the smell. Pl: nngur.
tuchuap. Variant: thuchupki. plantation, banana ~ tangamigl. n.
pity tlavuchi na. vt. pity; feel sorry. 1 banana block; banana plantation;
referring to an area planted with ba-
place glingga. n. 1 place. 2 side. Pl: nanas. 2 piece of banana. Variant:
glaing. Variant: glingga.
place glinginggl. n. place. plastic bag plastika. n. plastic bag;
place luchupka. n. place. Pl: luchap. plastic bottle; specifically a bottle
place, old ~ abilm. n. old place; a between 1 and 5 litres in size, or a
place where there used to be a village. medium sized plastic bag. Pl: plastik.
Pl: abilvap. plastic bag, large ~ plastiki. n. large
placenta lavaitigel. n. placenta. Pl: plastic bottle; large plastic bag. Pl:
lavaithigleng. plastik.

plan amusnng. n. 1 behaviour. plastic bag, small ~ plastikini. n. small

2 idea; thought. 3 plan. plastic bottle; small plastic bag. Pl:
4 habit; custom. Morph: a=musnng. plastik.
Gloss: SPEC=put.PAST-heart. Variant: plastic bottle plastika. n. plastic bag;
amusnngini. plastic bottle; specifically a bottle
plan tp ma musnng. vt. 1 plan. between 1 and 5 litres in size, or a
2 have an idea. Variant: thp ma medium sized plastic bag. Pl: plastik.
musnng. plastic bottle, large ~ plastiki. n. large
plane ismgi. n. 1 large bird; generic plastic bottle; large plastic bag. Pl:
term. 2 aeroplane. Pl: ism. plastik.

plank palangga. n. plank. Pl: plang. plastic bottle, small ~ plastikini. n.

Note: only p. small plastic bottle; small plastic bag.
Pl: plastik.
plank plangigel. n. board; plank. Pl:
plangigleng. Variant: plangigl. See: baler plate amilatka. n. 1 plate; dish.
piece of wood. Note: only p. 2 coconut shell. Pl: milat. Variant:
planks, piles of ~ plangves. n. piles of
planks; especially somewhere like a plate, large ~ amilatki. n. large plate;
sawmill where there are lots of planks large dish. Pl: milat. Variant: milatki.
all around. platform chlaln'gi. n. platform. Pl:
plant pt. vt. 1 plant. 2 bury. chlaln. Variant: klaln'ga.
3 plunge. Variant: vt; pat; vat. platform lavichi. n. 1 bed.
plant, banana ~ tangamgi. n. 2 platform. Pl: lavi.
1 banana. 2 banana plant. Pl: platform, make a ~ peneng dm s. vt.
tangam. Variant: thangamgi; tangamga; 1 prepare. 2 make a bed; make a

play possum

platform. Variant: veneng dm. pole, centre ~ of the house ambangga

play tugas. sa-vi. play. Variant: thugas; achusemga. n. 1 centre pole of the
dugas; mugas; thunggas; dunggas; house. 2 leader of the house. Pl:
munggas. ambangga chusem.

play a game tugas s. vt. play a game. pole, cross ~ livinem. n. cross pole;
Variant: thugas s; dugas s; mugas s; specifically the short poles that attach
tunggas s; dunggas s; munggas s. to a longer pole that something heavy
has been tied to; the pole helps people
play around avinos. vi-so. 1 play carry heavy things. Pl: livinbap.
around. 2 vandalise. See: vinos de-
struction. pole made of bamboo gotka. n.
1 bamboo sp.; large. 2 pole made
play with tugas t. vt. play with. Variant: of bamboo.
thugas t; dugas t; mugas t;
thunggas t; dunggas t; munggas t. policeman chrtki. n. policeman; the
name comes from the days of the
pleasant amr. adj. good; pleasant; German colony when the police wore
nice. Variant: mr. short pieces of material (laplaps) with
please tu chelak tm. vt. please; do belts. Pl: chrtkichna.
something to soften the other person. pool chthopka. n. pool. Pl: chthop.
Variant: thu chelak tm; du chelak tm;
Variant: kthopka.
mu chelak tm.
pool chulp. n. 1 pool. 2 liquid.
pliers sangecha. n. pliers. Pl: sange. Variant: kulp.
plug gilamuchi. n. plug; e.g. the stop- pool lachuaski. n. pool; specifically
per in a bamboo tube of water or a pools made in the reef at low tide. Pl:
cork in a bottle. Pl: gilamu. Variant: lachuasvap.
pool, deepest part of a ~ chethopka
plunge pt. vt. 1 plant. 2 bury. ava sachongachi. n. deepest part of
3 plunge. Variant: vt; pat; vat.
a pool.
point avam. n. point; e.g. a point of land pool, large ~ chthopki. n. 1 liquid.
or the end of a stick. Morph: avam. 2 large pool. Pl: chthop. Variant:
Gloss: 3M.SG.POSS-mouth.
point at tk svt. vt. point at. Variant:
poor lulit. adj. poor.
thk svt.
poor man alulitka. n. poor man. Pl:
poison musavu. n. poison. alulitta. Variant: lulitka.
poisoner musavumtka. n. poisoner. poor woman alulitki. n. poor woman.
poisoner, female ~ musavumtki. n. popular, be ~ inangna. vi-so. be popu-
female poisoner. lar.
poke repeatedly kutik namt. vt. poke porch paranda. n. porch; verandah.
repeatedly; stab repeatedly. Variant: Variant: varanda.
chutik namt.
possible mamr. adv. 1 well; fine.
pole amngvet. n. pole. Pl: amngiseng. 2 properly. 3 possible.
Variant: mngvet.
possible, be ~ for mamr na. vi-so. be
pole vlavalka. n. 1 pole. 2 tower. Pl: possible for; be able to.
vlaval. Note: only v.
possible, if ~ mala. adv. if possible.
pole, carrying ~ alicha. n. carrying
pole; two people carry the pole to- possibly saika. disc. possibly.
gether, one on either end. Pl: ali. possum anongacha. n. possum; cus-
Variant: licha; lichat (Abilta dialect). cus. Pl: anuang.

possum, gliding ~ pregnant, be ~

possum, gliding ~ srbaingbaingga. fat in shape and has long hands; up to

n. gliding possum; grey with a yellow 10 cm long. Pl: athang.
belly. Pl: srbaingbaing. prawn sp. athilomga. n. freshwater
post, large ~ suchulki. n. large post. Pl: prawn sp.; light brown with large
suchul. Variant: schlchi. head and large short hands; up to
post, long ~ suchulia. n. long post. Pl: 5 cm long. Pl: athilom.
suchulink. prawn sp. aveningga. n. freshwater
post, slender ~ suchulvet. n. slender prawn sp.; light brown with flat
post. Pl: suchuliseng. twisted hands. Pl: avenaing.

pot banggruanggi. n. 1 pot; sauce- prawn sp. charichethini. n. prawn sp.;

pan. 2 wooden bowl. Pl: transparent, light brown colour; found
banggruang. in groups; plentiful at the new moon;
hatch in the sea and swim into river
pot sipen'gi. n. pot; saucepan. Pl: sipen. mouths to stay on riverbanks. Pl:
Variant: sospen'gi.
charichet. Variant: karichethini. See:
potato, sweet ~ kalasunggi. n. sweet charichetka prawn sp.
potato (kaukau). Pl: kalasung. Variant: prawn sp. charichetka. n. prawn sp.;
transparent, light brown colour; found
pour sruk. vt. pour; spill; tip out; spe- in groups; plentiful at the new moon;
cifically of dry things such as gravel. hatch in the sea and swim into river
pour tor na. sa-vi. pour. Variant: thor na; mouths to stay on riverbanks. Pl:
dor na. charichet. Variant: karichetka. See:
charichethini prawn sp.
pour out lel s. vi-so. pour out; run out;
spill out. prawn sp. chelelelcha. n. freshwater
prawn sp.; dark brown; up to 5 cm
pour out tar s. vt. pour out; especially
long. Pl: chelelel. Variant: kelelelcha.
of water from a tap. Variant: thar s;
dar s; mar s. prawn sp. chudicha. n. freshwater
prawn sp.; dark brown; up to 5 cm
power achrotki. n. 1 strength.
long; easy to catch because they do
2 power. Pl: chrot.
not move fast. Pl: chudi. Variant:
praise ben s. vt. honour; praise. kudicha.
Variant: ven s.
pray tnen. sa-vi. pray. Variant: nen.
praise lotu svt. vt. worship; adore;
prayer ann'gi. n. prayer. Pl: ann.
prayer annini. n. prayer.
praise tares pt. vt. praise; worship.
Variant: rares pt; thares pt. prayers annbs. n. prayers.
prawn urn'ga. n. crayfish; prawn; praying mantis ruchusimacha. n.
generic term; refers to both salt water green praying mantis. Pl: aruchusim.
and freshwater species. Pl: urn. preference vlchachi. n. 1 choice;
prawn, large ~ urn'gi. n. large cray- preference. 2 wish. Pl: vlch. Variant:
fish; large prawn; generic term; refers vlkachi. Note: only v.
to both salt water and freshwater pregnancy sarumbm. n.
species. Pl: urn. 1 conception. 2 pregnancy. See:
prawn sp. aringga. n. freshwater pis d be swollen, used to refer to
prawn sp.; grey with thin small hands; pregnant animals.
up to 5 cm long. Pl: araing. pregnant, be ~ pis d. vi-so. be swollen.
prawn sp. athangacha. n. freshwater Usage: The expression pis d sarum
prawn sp.; transparent or light brown; have a swollen belly is not normally

preparation puncture

used with reference to women, but promise taresbana. vt. promise. Variant:
can be used to talk about pregnant tharesbana; raresbana.
animals, especially dogs. Its use in the promises ametpathm. n. promises.
following example is derogatory. Variant: metpathm.
Variant: vis d.
properly mamr. adv. 1 well; fine.
preparation lumanaksi. n. prepara- 2 properly. 3 possible.
tion. Pl: lumanas.
properly marik. adv. 1 straight.
prepare peneng dm s. vt. 2 properly; accurately.
1 prepare. 2 make a bed; make a
platform. Variant: veneng dm. protection rem. n. protection.

prepare tk mu n. vt. prepare. Variant:

proud aron. adj. 1 satisfied.
2 proud; self-satisfied. Variant: ron.
thk mu n.
prepare tlu ma. vt. prepare. Variant: lu
proud, be ~ mbensenas. vi-so. be
proud. Variant: vensenas.

prepare oneself tlu manas. sa-vi. get proud, be ~ vair pt. vi-so. be proud.
Note: only v.
ready; prepare oneself. Variant: lu
manas. proud, feel asevaik pt. vi-so.
1 rejoice; be happy; be joyful.
prepare oneself tu manas. sa-vi. pre-
2 feel proud. 3 be a nuisance.
pare oneself; get ready. Variant: thu
Variant: sevaik pt.
manas; du manas; mu manas.
press tares. vt. press. Variant: thares;
proud man bensenaska. n. proud man.
Pl: bensenasta. Variant: mbensenaska;
press tepmuan s. vt. press. Variant:
thepmuan s.
proud woman bensenaski. n. proud
pressing down mathaneng. adv.
pressing down. puddle chlamurki. n. puddle. Pl:
chlamurvap. Variant: chlamurki;
pretend iras. sa-vi. pretend. klamurki.
price vondmgi. n. 1 payment. puddle chthopvm. n. puddle. Pl:
2 price. 3 prize. Pl: vondm. Note: chthopvap. Variant: kthopvm.
only v.
pull navar n. vt. pull; hold tight in a
prison kumngas. n. gaol; prison. Pl: stretch.
kumang. Variant: chumngas.
pull along pr ma. vt. 1 pull along.
prize vondmgi. n. 1 payment. 2 talk into; tempt. Variant: vr ma.
2 price. 3 prize. Pl: vondm. Note:
only v.
pull in a fish par s. vt. 1 invite.
2 ask for someone; call for someone.
problem mrn'ga. n. problem. Pl: 3 lead. 4 pull in a fish; refers to
mrn. Variant: amarn. a fish which is caught on a hook.
process dng. vt. process; specifically Variant: thar (Abilta dialect); var s.
to scrape the skin off wood fibre to pull out tr. vt. 1 pull out. 2 uproot.
make it silky for rolling into string. 3 clear; especially of small weeds
Variant: thng. etc. Variant: thr; dr; mr.
process tk na. vt. process. Variant: thk pulley bloka. n. block and tackle; pul-
na. ley. Pl: blok.
prohibit trek tm. vt. prohibit; forbid. pulley var na mngga. n. pulley.
Variant: rek tm.
puncture purk mni. vi-so. puncture.
promise atharesbana. n. promise.

punish quiet, be ~

Variant: vurk mni. 2 clear away. Variant: chir.

punish tu amuvtka svt. vt. punish. push away kirms t. vt. push away.
du amuvtka svt; thu
Variant: Variant: chier mes t; kierms t.
amuvtka svt; mu amuvtka svt. push in trut n. vt. put in; push in.
punish turik na. vt. punish. Variant: Variant: rut n; trut na; rut na.
thurik na; durik na; murik na. put pr. vt. 1 get something out of a
punishment amuvtka. n. 1 answer. pocket or a similar place. 2 breathe
2 punishment. Pl: amuvt. Variant: out. 3 put; e.g. to put someone in a
muvtka. particular place. Variant: vr.
puppy thaembm. n. 1 child. Morph: at put tu. vt. 1 put. 2 wear; put on.
=oemvm. Gloss: 3F.SG.POSS 3 lay; specifically of birds laying
child-reduced.SG. 2 young animal; eggs. Variant: thu; du; mu.
especially puppies or
piglets. Pl: put aside praseng n. vt. put aside.
thaembap. Variant: taembem. See: Variant:vraseng n; praseng na;
thoemga child; son; student; assis- vraseng na.
put in tns. vt. pack; put in. Variant: ns.
puppy vaimbem. n. puppy. Pl: vaimbap.
put in trut n. vt. put in; push in.
purgatory lmrnaski. n. purgatory. Variant: rut n; trut na; rut na.
PURP iva. subord. PURP. Gram: Intentional put in place tunaik na. vt. 1 put in
purposive. place. 2 leave. Variant: thunaik na;
PURP va. subord. PURP. Gram: Basic pur- munaik na; dunaik na.
posive. Note: only v. put on don mt. vt. 1 wear. 2 put
purple chlevu. adj. purple. Note: only ch. on. Variant: thon mt; mon mt.
pus anun'ga. n. 1 pus. 2 white sap put on tu. vt. 1 put. 2 wear; put on.
from a breadfruit or fig tree. 3 lay; specifically of birds laying
pus lmlmga. n. pus; especially from eggs. Variant: thu; du; mu.
infected eyes. Pl: lmlm. python aulan'gi. n. python; snake; ge-
push sur n. vt. push. Variant: sur na. neric term. Pl: aulan.

push away kir. vt. 1 push away.

Q - q

question asnan'ga. n. question. Pl: 6 fast; quickly. 7 brightly.

asnan. quickly, do ~ thi. sa-vi. do quickly.
question repeatedly bn slp. vt. in- quiet mnaman. n. quiet. Variant:
terrogate; question repeatedly. Variant: munaman.
vn slp.
quiet, be ~ mnaman na. vi-so. 1 be
quickly mamor. adv. 1 lots. quiet. 2 be silent.
2 excessively; very much; terribly.
quiet, be ~ munaman. sa-vi. be quiet.
3 strongly. 4 hard. 5 loudly.

race reason

R - r

race oerna. vt. 1 compete. 2 race. 2 uncooked; raw.

race each other thuer na. sa-vi. race reach dn. sa-vi. 1 arrive; come.
each other. Variant: ruer na; oer na; uer 2 reach. 3 return. Variant: ndn;
na. thn; mn; mun; -an.
racket slabar. n. racket. reach dn pt. sa-vi. reach; arrive.
Variant: thn pt; mn pt; dn p; thn
rafter asongga. n. rafter. Pl: asong.
p; mn p; dn pa; thn pa; mn pa.
raider umngacha. n. enemy; raider.
Pl: umang.
read slamen dm. vt. 1 read.
2 count.
rain saenggi. n. rain. Pl: saeng. Variant:
soenggi; seinggi.
read slameng vt. vt. read.

rain cloud athvuiki. n. rain cloud. Pl:

read tes vt. vt. read. Variant: thes; des;
athvuik. Variant: athewiki.
rain, heavy ~ saengbap. n. storm; readily sskpes. adv. readily; easily.
heavy rain. ready, get ~ tlu manas. sa-vi. get
rainbow chalvanggrka. n. rainbow. ready; prepare oneself. Variant: lu
Pl: chalvanggr. Variant: kalvanggr.

rainy season avolam. n. rainy season. ready, get ~ tu manas. sa-vi. prepare
oneself; get ready. Variant: thu manas;
raise sek. vt. 1 lift. 2 raise. du manas; mu manas.
3 pick up.
real, be ~ kunnggunng dm. vi-so.
rapid guaremga. n. rapid; specifically be real. Variant: chunengguneng dm;
rapids in rivers. Pl: guarem. gunengguneng dm.
rash vlochithong. n. rash. realise drm svanas. sa-vi. realise.
rat kaumatka. n. rat; mouse; generic Variant: rm svanas.
term; also used specifically for do- realise tchm svthanas. vt. real-
mestic rats and mice. Pl: kaumat. ise. Variant: thchm svthanas.
Variant: chaumatka.
really kinasa. disc. 1 really.
rat, forest ~ asurtka. n. forest rat; 2 already. Variant: chinasa; inasa;
lives in holes in the ground. Pl: asurt. nasa.
rat, large forest ~ abmka. n. large really marik. disc. truly; really. Variant:
forest rat; brown; can be caught for marki.
food; lives in a hole in the ground with
two entrances. Pl: abm. really maru. adv. really.

rat, large forest ~ vaim atha nmga. really sok. disc. really; truly.
n. large forest rat; has tan fur; lives in really, and ~ dinasa. adv. and really.
holes. Pl: vaim atha nm. Variant: paim Morph: da=kinasa. Gloss: and=really.
atha nmga. reason arembm. n. 1 buttock. 2 n.
rattan irocha. n. rattan. Pl: irok. source; cause; reason. See: aremgi
rattle klr mt. vi-so. rattle. Variant:
buttock; source; cause; reason.
chlr mt. reason aremgi. n. 1 buttock.
2 base. 3 source; cause; reason.
rattle klrklr mt. vi-so. rattle.
Pl: arem. Variant: rem. See: arembm
Variant: chlrklr mt.
buttock; remini base; source; cause.
raw aichru. adj. 1 new.

reasonable man renowned, be ~

reasonable man auluvkmtka. n. See: ayauski shadow.

1 coward. 2 good humoured man; refuse ter. vt. refuse; decline. Variant:
reasonable man. Pl: aulvkmtta. ther; der; mer.
Variant: aulvkmtka.
regarding ithm. prep. regarding;
reasonable woman auluvkmtki. n. about. Variant: itha.
1 female coward. 2 good hu-
moured woman; reasonable woman. rejoice amr glm. vi-so. rejoice.
Variant: mr glm.
Variant: aulvkmtki.
recently kinas. disc. just; recently. rejoice asevaik pt. vi-so. 1 rejoice;
Variant: chinas; nas.
be happy; be joyful. 2 feel proud.
3 be a nuisance. Variant: sevaik pt.
reciprocate tuvet mt. vt. 1 answer;
respond. 2 reciprocate. 3 take rejoice choir pt. vi-so. rejoice. Usage:
revenge; pay back. Variant: thuvet mt; Borrowing from Ura. Variant: chuarka
duvet mt; muvet mt.
recognise drm na. vt. recognise. rejoice chuarka pt. vi-so. rejoice.
Usage: Borrowing from Ura.
Variant: rem na.
recognise drmanas na. vt. recognise; relate pthana. sa-vi. relate socially;
know. Variant: rmanas na. interact. Variant: vthana.

recount dodm. sa-vi. recount; narrate; relatives chvek. n. relatives. Variant:

tell. Variant: thodm.
recover bramr. sa-vi. 1 be rescued; relax tu av snng mamr. sa-vi. calm
be saved. 2 recover. Variant: down; settle down; relax. Morph: tu av
snng mamr. Gloss: put 3M.SG.POSS
thoughts properly. Variant: du av snng
red alolka. n. red. mamr; thu av snng mamr; mu av
red emperor aidrengga. n. reef fish snng mamr; tu ath snng mamr.
sp.; red emperor; up to 80 cm long. Pl: relent alek mt. vi-so. 1 be hollow.
aidreng. 2 relent; be compassionate.
reddish, be ~ alolves mt. vi-so. be 3 compromise.
reddish. Variant: lolves mt. religion lotu. n. 1 Christian rituals.
redeem tvaik namn. vt. redeem. 2 religion.
Variant: thvaik namn. remember bang pt. vi-so. remember.
redeemer areveikpmka. n. saviour; Note: only b.
redeemer. remove ploltem sa. vt. remove; take
redeemer rveikpmka. n. redeemer; off. Variant: vloltem sa.
refers specifically to Jesus. See: tvaik remove sas t. vt. 1 dig out.
namn redeem. 2 remove.
reef sul. n. reef. remove tar tm. vt. 1 remove; take
reef, area of ~ sulves. n. area of reef. off. 2 uncover. Variant: thar tm.
reef, large piece of ~ sulki. n. large remove travt s. vt. remove. Variant:
piece of reef. thravt s; ravt s; dravt s;
reef, passage between ~ basis. n. pas- mravt s.
sage between reef. remove tvaik tm. vt. 1 loosen.
reflection ailachi. n. 1 image; picture; 2 unwrap. 3 remove. Variant:
photo; especially of a person. thvaik tm; tvaik t; thvaik t.
2 shadow; reflection; especially of a renowned, be ~ lengen na. vi-so. be
person. Pl: aila. Variant: ilachi; iluchi. famous; be renowned. Variant: langena.

repeatedly right by

repeatedly sai sai. adv. repeatedly; gusted; be revolted. Variant: thinggiar.

again and again. rib brtki. n. 1 rib. 2 wall. Pl: brt.
repent gurnas. sa-vi. repent; feel Pl: brt.
contrite. rice achuan. n. rice. Variant: chuan. See:
reply tuvet. sa-vi. answer. Variant: achun'ga sand. Note: only ch.
thuvet; duvet; muvet. rice rais. n. rice.
report klol. vt. report. Variant: chlol. rice, bale of ~ raisgi. n. bale of rice.
repulsive thing thinggiaras. n. repul- rice, packet of ~ achunm. n. packet of
sive thing; scary thing; something you rice; especially a 1 kg bag of rice. See:
do not want to see or smell. Pl: chuan rice; raism packet of rice.
thinggiar. Variant: tinggiaras.
rice, packet of ~ raism. n. packet of
rescued, be ~ bramr. sa-vi. 1 be rice; especially a 1 kg bag of rice. See:
rescued; be saved. 2 recover. chuan rice; achunm packet of rice.
Variant: vramr.
rich man bunacha. n. 1 rich man.
respect achutdrir. n. respect. Note: no 2 selfish man. Pl: bunatha.
rich man mumanaska. n. 1 selfish
respect tp ma s. vt. respect; keep to man. 2 rich man; someone with lots
the rules about something. Variant: of money or pigs etc. Pl: mumanasta.
thp ma s.
rich woman bunachi. n. 1 rich
respiratory system sangaska ava woman. 2 selfish woman.
iska. n. respiratory system.
rich woman mumanaski. n. selfish
respond tuvet mt. vt. 1 answer; re- woman; rich woman.
spond. 2 reciprocate. 3 take
revenge; pay back. Variant: thuvet mt; rid of, get ~ kut dm. vt. get rid of.
Variant: chut dm.
duvet mt; muvet mt.
rest mal vt. vi-so. rest. Variant: mual
ridge galicha. n. mountain range;
ridge. Pl: gali.

rest mual vt. vi-so. 1 stop. 2 rest. ridge isia. n. ridge; track (ridge lines
are used as tracks). Pl: isink. See:
rest munam. sa-vi. rest. aiska road.
return buinem. sa-vi. return. Variant: ridge, small ~ lairini. n. small ridge
vuinem; vinem; winem; puinem. between two creeks. Pl: lairithong.
return dn. sa-vi. 1 arrive; come. ridge top chan'gan'ga. n. ridge top;
2 reach. 3 return. Variant: ndn; the boundary between two river
thn; mn; mun; -an. catchments; often very wet and
reveal kur svt. vt. 1 show. mossy. Pl: chan'gan. Note: only ch.
2 reveal; spot-light using a torch. ridgepole pungngan'ga. n. ridgepole.
Variant: chur; kuar; chuar. Pl: pungngan. See: sutka ridgepole.
reveal kuravesik na. sa-vi. reveal. Note: only p.
Variant: churavesik na. ridgepole sutka. n. ridgepole. Pl: sut.
revelation achuravesik. n. revelation. See: ungngan'ga ridgepole.
revenge, take ~ tuvet mt. vt. right amrmr. n. right side of some-
1 answer; respond. 2 reciprocate. thing. Variant: mrmr.
3 take revenge; pay back. Variant: right sdamr. adv. correctly; right.
thuvet mt; duvet mt; muvet mt. Variant: sndamr.
revolted, be ~ tinggiar. vi-so. be dis- right by sdamr n. dir. 1 right by.

right here Roosters tail

2 directly to. Variant: sndamr n. river arenggi. n. 1 water. 2 river.

right here iththik. dem. right here. Pl: areng.
Gram: Emphatic proximate demonstrative. river, branch of a ~ aicha. n. 1 branch
right here taith. dem. right here. Gram: of river; flows year round. 2 tree
Proximate demonstrative emphatic. Variant: sp.; has rough grey bark with vertical
thaith; daith; ni (Abilta dialect); t; serrations and plentiful, small,
d. spade-shaped leaves. Pl: aio. Pl: ayo.

right now taithik. dem. 1 right now. river, flooded ~ ichumgi. n. flood;
Gram: Emphatic adverbial proximate demon- flooded river. Pl: ichum.
strative. 2 just like this. Gram: Em- river, side branch of a ~ achruacha.
phatic adverbial proximate demonstrative. n. side branch of river; dries up during
Variant: thaithik; daithik. the dry season. Pl: achrau. Variant:
right there avivik. dem. right there. acheruacha.
Gram: Count neutral emphatic distal demon- riverbank angtham. n. 1 shore;
strative. Variant: vivik. beach; riverbank. 2 front. Morph:
rind chndenggi. n. 1 body. angtam. Gloss: 3N.POSS-mouth. Variant:
2 skin; bark. 3 peel; rind. Pl: avam; vam.
chndeng. Variant: kndenggi; road aiska. n. road.
kdenggi; chdenggi. See: road, large ~ aiski. n. large road.
chngdengga skin.
roam bang binem. sa-vi. roam; wan-
ring bn. vt. ring a bell. Variant: vn; der. Variant: vang binem.
roar ddrin. n. roar; a roaring sound.
ringing dldl. n. ringing. Variant: ddarin.
ringworm aslavar. n. tinea; ringworm roar din'ga. n. boom; roar. Pl: ddin.
roll bing. vt. roll; specifically to twist
ringworm awithinggi. n. ringworm; string used to make net bags (bilums).
tinea that appears as white spots on Variant: ving.
the skin. Pl: awithaing.
roll pali. vt. roll. Variant: vali.
ringworm, have ~ slavar pt. vi-so.
have ringworm. roll around vanim. vt. roll around; turn
over; e.g. movements of waves and
rip prk mt. vt. rip. Variant: vrk fabric. Variant: wanim.
roll over ngim melia. vi-sa. roll over;
rip off lik mt. vt. 1 rip off; tear off. flip. Variant: nm melia.
2 split; break apart.
roll over ngim melia. vt. roll over; flip.
ripe amang. adj. 1 ripe; especially re- Variant: nm melia.
fers to the ripeness of bananas, man-
goes, and pawpaws. 2 cooked. roof angtps. n. 1 top. 2 roof.
Morph: angt=ps. Gloss: 3N.POSS=head.
Variant: mang.
Variant: angtpus; vs.
ripe srp. adj. ripe.
roofing, iron ~ kapaigl. n. corrugated
ripped, be ~ prk mt. vi-so. 1 be iron; iron roofing; especially a single
torn; be ripped. 2 shout; yell. sheet of corrugated iron. Pl: kakigleng.
Variant: vrk mt.
room ulunggi. n. 1 room. 2 class;
ripple awalngga. n. wave; ripple. Pl: grade. Pl: ulung.
rooster duraika. n. rooster. Pl: duraik.
rituals lotu. n. 1 Christian rituals.
2 religion.
Roosters tail lialechi. n. roosters tail.

roosters tail feather run into

Pl: liale. piece of rotten wood; e.g. from a fallen

roosters tail feather lialecha. n. tree that has rotted for several years.
roosters tail feather. Pl: liale. Variant: Pl: chudi. Variant: kudichi.
lialevs. roughly maslevr. adv. roughly; care-
root churacha. n. 1 root. 2 artery; lessly.
vein. Pl: chuar. Variant: kuracha. route ais. n. 1 track. 2 way; route.
root laltki. n. 1 root. 2 stump. Pl: 3 transport. Variant: is.
lalt. See: trutki small root of a tree or row gumoram. n. row; loud noise. Note:
plant. no endings.
root, small ~ trutki. n. 1 small root of row gumoram vt. vi-so. row; make a
a tree or plant, especially banana, na- loud noise. Note: no endings.
tive spinach (aibika), or peanut plant. rub gueng bt. vt. 1 scrape. 2 rub.
2 native spinach (aibika) stem; Variant: choeng bt.
used for planting. Pl: trut. Variant: rutki.
rub pel vt. vt. 1 rub. 2 wipe.
rope aseska. n. rope; line. Pl: ases. Variant: vel vt.
rope changgthacha. n. 1 vine sp.; rub tneng n. vt. 1 spread. Variant:
large, thick vine. Usage: Arongda dia- neng n. 2 rub; massage. Variant:
lect. 2 rope; vine makes a good neng n.
rope. 3 fishing line. Pl: changgt.
Variant: kanggthacha; chagthacha.
rubbish chlennggi. n. rubbish;
See: charoski (Abilta dialect) vine sp.
crumbs. Pl: chlenng. Variant:
rope changgthait. n. 1 vine sp.; es-
pecially a long and narrow vine spe- rubbish tlnggi. n. rubbish. Pl: tlng.
Variant: thlnggi.
cies. 2 rope. Pl: changgthink.
Variant: kagthait. rubbish bin tlng angt uratki. n.
rope charoski. n. 1 vine sp.; large, rubbish bin. Pl: tlng angt urat.
Variant: thlng angt uratki.
thick vine. Usage: Abilta dialect.
2 rope. Pl: charos. Variant: karoski. See: rugby ragbi. n. rugby. Note: no endings.
changgthacha (Arongda dialect) rope. rule thondmga. n. 1 law. 2 rule.
rope thavulka. n. 1 vine sp.; makes a Pl: thondm. Pl: athondm. Variant:
good rope. 2 rope. Pl: thavu. Variant: athondmka; thondmka.
tavulka; thawlka. ruler asuchutka. n. ruler. Pl: asuchut.
rope, split ~ thavuligl. n. split rope. ruler rulacha. n. ruler. Pl: rula.
Variant: thawlk.
rules, keep to the ~ about some-
rosary beads chunmka. n. rosary thing tp ma s. vt. respect; keep to
beads. Note: only ch. the rules about something. Variant:
rose bush rosachi. n. rose bush. Pl: ros. thp ma s.
rosewood tree mrunggi. n. tree sp.; rules, set ~ tu ba. vt. set rules. Variant:
rosewood tree. Pl: mrung. Variant: thu ba; du ba; mu ba.
marungga. run bang. sa-vi. 1 run; move quickly.
rotate piam. vt. 1 rotate; e.g. shake Usage: Refers to any kind of fast
ones head. 2 wave; e.g. wave ones movement. 2 come. Variant: vang;
hands. Variant: viam. pang; mbang.
rotten achesin. adj. 1 rotten; fester- run into tk mamr tm. vt. meet
ing. 2 stinking. someone accidentally; run into. Variant:
thk mamr tm.
rotten wood, piece of ~ chudichi. n.

run out say

run out lel s. vi-so. pour out; run out; vang vt.
spill out. rustle krtkrt s. vi-so. rustle. Variant:
run over bang vt. vt. run over. Variant: chrtkrt s.

S - s

sack bechi. n. bag; sack. Pl: bek. sandpaper senpepa. n. sandpaper.

Sacrament Sakramento. n. Sacra- sandy area chuanigl. n. sandy area.
ment. Note: only ch.
sacred being thchnmucha. n. sa- sandy beach chunia. n. sandy beach. Pl:
cred being; God the Everlasting. Pl: chunink. Note: only ch.
thchnmu. Note: only th.
sap anun'ga. n. 1 pus. 2 white sap
sad, be ~ irs. vi-so. 1 be sad. from a breadfruit or fig tree.
2 worry.
sap kthopka. n. sap. Pl: kthop. Variant:
sadness irski. n. sadness. Pl: irs. chthopka.
sago palm saksaki. n. sago palm. Pl: sap niare. n. sap.
sap, fragrant ~ raiycha. n. 1 tree sp.;
saliva ayare. n. saliva. grows along the coast and in the
saliva lmbut. n. saliva. mountains in the bush; the sap is fra-
salt achirap. n. salt. Variant: chirap. grant and burns like wax.
2 fragrant sap from the tree with the
salt asol. n. salt. same name. Pl: raiyk.
salty agars. adj. salty. Variant: sarong baulgi. n. wraparound skirt
anggars; agares. (laplap); sarong; strip of cloth. Pl: baul.
salty, be ~ achrnas mt. vi-so. 1 be Variant: mbaulgi.
brave. 2 be hard; be difficult. Satan asingalka. n. 1 snake; worm;
3 be salty. Variant: chrnas mt. generic term. 2 dangerous spirit.
same time, at the ~ as sdamr veia. 3 Satan; devil. Pl: asingal. Variant:
adv. at the same time as; while. Variant: singalka.
sndamr veia. satisfied aron. adj. 1 satisfied.
sanctify tamn dm. vt. 1 sanctify; in 2 proud; self-satisfied. Variant: ron.
Christian religious contexts. saucepan sipen'gi. n. pot; saucepan. Pl:
2 bewitch; refers to speaking power sipen. Variant: sospen'gi.
into something by sorcery. Variant:
thamn dm; methamn dm.
save slamr n. vt. 1 cure. 2 save.

sand achun'ga. n. sand. Pl: achuan.

saved, be ~ bramr. sa-vi. 1 be res-
Variant: chun'ga.
cued; be saved. 2 recover. Variant:
sand, large area of ~ achun'gi. n. large
area of sand. Pl: achuan. saviour areveikpmka. n. saviour;
sandflies achun'ga voes. n. sandflies.
Note: no endings.
saw arerika. n. saw. Pl: arerik. See:
socha saw.
sandfly sp. ainggrongini. n. sandfly
sp.; very tiny; sits on sores and food. saw socha. n. saw. Pl: so. See: arerika

Pl: ainggrong. Pl: ainggrongithong.

Variant: aigrongini. say kuar. vt. say. Variant: chuar.

say search out

say kuares. vt. say. Variant: chuares; scratched up.

kurs. scrawny, be ~ lalar pt. vi-so. be
scabies achammga. n. scabies. Pl: scrawny; be emaciated; be very thin;
achamm. especially after a long illness.
scale dldlka. n. scale of a fish. Pl: scream raik dm. vi-so. scream.
dldl. screwdriver skrudraiva. n. screw-
scar avuretki. n. scar. Pl: avuret. Variant: driver.
awret. script angthaik angtha chutkut.
scar biurka. n. scar. Pl: biur. n. script; handwriting. Morph: ang-
scared, be ~ irikin. vi-so. be terrified; thaik angtha chutkut. Gloss: arms/hands
be scared. 3PL.POSS writing.

scary thing thinggiaras. n. repulsive sea agarski. n. sea. Variant:

thing; scary thing; something you do anggarski; garski.
not want to see or smell. Pl: thinggiar. sea cucumber amangia. n. trepang;
Variant: tinggiaras. sea cucumber. Pl: amang. Pl:
scatter ptpt na. vi-so. 1 fall. amanginnk. Variant: mangia.
2 scatter. Variant: vtpt. sea cucumber sp. lachski. n. 1 fish
scatter tat mt. vt. 1 share. sp.; have yellow and brown stripes
2 divide. 3 scatter. Variant: that along the body; up to 40 cm long.
mt; dat mt; mat mt. 2 sea cucumber sp.; brown and edi-
ble. 3 cucumber. Pl: lachs.
school sunaski. n. school. Pl: sunas.
sea urchin sp. snoska. n. sea urchin
school of tilapia makauves. n. school sp.; is covered in many spikes. Pl: snos.
of tilapia (makau).
sea urchin sp., large ~ snos ama mor.
scissors sisiska. n. scissors. Pl: sisis. n. large sea urchin sp.
scorpion athmga. n. poisonous scor- sea worm sp. irokmonmonga. n. sea
pion. Pl: athm. worm sp.; grows up to 60 cm; very
scrape gueng. vt. scrape. Variant: slow moving; can attach to things us-
chueng. ing suction. Pl: irokmonmon.
scrape gueng bt. vt. 1 scrape. seagrass achlachuas. n. 1 grass sp.;
2 rub. Variant: choeng bt. tends to grow in old gardens; the
scrape kiar. sa-vi. scrape; specifically seeds stick to your legs. Morph: a=
the dance step when you scrape your chlachuas. Gloss: SPEC= grass.sp.
feet along the ground. Variant: chiar. 2 seaweed; seagrass; plants that
usually grow in shallow water; up to
scrape kiar vt. vt. scrape something
20 cm in length; fish use it to hide in.
like a taro while roasting it. Variant:
Variant: chlachuas.
chiar vt.
seahawk achutathinmga. n. sea-
scrape lul s. sa-vi. graze; scratch;
hawk. Morph: achutthinmka. Gloss:
spear-fish-M.SG. Pl: achutathinm.
scraper rngska. n. scraper; grater.
search ngiem. sa-vi. 1 look; search.
Pl: rngs.
2 shine, only of the sun. Variant:
scratch lul s. sa-vi. graze; scratch; ingim; ngim.
search around ngim mk. sa-vi. search
scratched, be ~ lul pt. vi-so. be around.
grazed; be scratched.
search out bn bt. sa-vi. search out;
scratched up, be ~ lulul pt. vi-so. be gather something that is scarce, e.g.

season shake hands

cocoa pods when the season has al- set on fire tu mt. vt. set on fire. Variant:
ready finished. Variant: vn bt. thu mt; du mt; mu mt.
season chunng. n. 1 season. set out an area suchut m. vt.
2 occasion. Variant: kuneng. 1 measure. 2 set out or define an
season, rainy ~ avolam. n. rainy sea- area.
son. set rules tu ba. vt. set rules. Variant: thu
seaweed achlachuas. n. 1 grass sp.; ba; du ba; mu ba.
tends to grow in old gardens; the settle srtik na. vt. 1 settle.
seeds stick to your legs. Morph: a= 2 straighten out.
chlachuas. Gloss: SPEC=grass.sp. settle tuchun. sa-vi. 1 sit. 2 settle.
2 seaweed; seagrass; plants that thuchun; duchun;
Variant: muchun;
usually grow in shallow water; up to mugun; munggun.
20 cm in length; fish use it to hide in.
Variant: chlachuas.
settle down tu av snng mamr.
sa-vi. calm down; settle down; relax.
section avrachi. n. section. Pl: avar. See: Morph: tu av snng mamr. Gloss: put
varka boundary. 3M.SG.POSS thoughts properly. Variant: du
section, long ~ avrait. n. long section. av snng mamr; thu av snng
see naingm. sa-vi. 1 look around. mamr; mu av snng mamr; tu ath
2 see. 3 watch. 4 appear; look snng mamr.
like. 5 shine. Variant: naingim. settle ones stomach sepmaron vm
see tlu. vt. see. Variant: lu; ndlu. mes. sa-vi. settle ones stomach.
seed traingga. n. seed. Pl: traing. sew kutm s. vt. sew. Variant: chutm
Variant: raingga. s.

seed pod of the chlmgi sex, have ~ with beng. vt. have sex
tree chlmga. n. seed pod of the with. Usage: This has developed into
chlmgi tree. Pl: chlm. Variant: the most salient sense of the stem
achlmga. Note: only ch. beng; note its earlier meaning con-
tinues in the form beng vt climb up.
self, one ~ -nas. derivational suffix.
oneself. Gram: Reflexive marker. shade aun'gi. n. 1 darkness.
2 shade; shadow. Pl: aun. Variant:
selfish man bunacha. n. 1 rich man. un'gi. See: ayauski shadow.
2 selfish man. Pl: bunatha.
shadow ailachi. n. 1 image; picture;
selfish man mumanaska. n. 1 selfish photo; especially of a person.
man. 2 rich man; someone with lots 2 shadow; reflection; especially of a
of money or pigs etc. Pl: mumanasta. person. Pl: aila. Variant: ilachi; iluchi.
selfish woman bunachi. n. 1 rich See: ayauski shadow.
woman. 2 selfish woman. shadow aun'gi. n. 1 darkness.
selfish woman mumanaski. n. selfish 2 shade; shadow. Pl: aun. Variant:
woman; rich woman. un'gi. See: ayauski shadow.
self-satisfied aron. adj. 1 satisfied. shadow ayauski. n. shadow. Pl: ayaus.
2 proud; self-satisfied. Variant: ron. See: ailachi shadow.
semen anun. n. semen. shake kuiep. sa-vi. shake. Note: only k.
send tk n. vt. 1 send. 2 work on. shake ts tm. vt. shake. Variant: ths
Variant: thk n; tk na; thk na. tm; ds tm; ths t; ds t.
sentry sandricha. n. sentry. shake hands sangar glem na. sa-vi.
serve kut. vt. serve. Variant: chut. shake hands.

shake oneself shellfish sp.

shake oneself kuevanas. sa-vi. shake lives in the mud at the bottom of the
oneself. Note: only k. river; dark brown outside and white
shame chlepki. n. shame; shyness; inside; people refine (mumu) these
embarrassment. Pl: chlep. Variant: shells, by fire, to get lime powder.
klepki. 2 money; coin; kina. Pl: anal.

share tat mt. vt. 1 share. 2 divide. shellfish sp. aruthk. n. shellfish sp.;
3 scatter. Variant: that mt; dat mt; found at the mouth of rivers. Usage:
mat mt. Abilta dialect. See: kaliburburm
shellfish sp. Note: no endings.
shark banglka. n. shark. Pl: bangl.
shellfish sp. asuremgi. n. shellfish sp.;
sharp, be ~ atnes pt. vi-so. be sharp. lives on the reef; twisted cone with a
sharp, be ~ tnes. sa-vi. be sharp. Variant: spiky mottled exterior and shiny white
nes. interior; up to 10 cm long. Pl: asurem.
sharpen mnaing mt. vt. sharpen. shellfish sp. chamotki. n. shellfish sp.;
sharpen tpms vt. vt. sharpen. large black shellfish from the river;
Variant: thpms vt. lives in the water during the day but
crawls up on stones at night to find
shatter puk tm. sa-vi. 1 erupt.
food. Pl: chamot. Variant: kamotki.
2 shatter; burst. Variant: vuk tm.
shellfish sp. chavithoski. n. shellfish
she ki. pro. she; it. Gram: Third person
sp.; nautilus. Pl: chavithos. Variant:
feminine singular class two and class three
pronoun. Variant: chi; chit; gi; git; giet
(Abilta dialect). shellfish sp. chlom angt nank. n.
shellfish sp.; large shell, similar to a
she kia. pro. she; it. Gram: Third person
conch; up to 25 cm long; used to make
feminine singular class one pronoun. Variant:
buttons; has a large door. Pl: chlom
chia; gia.
angt nankina.
she ng. pro. he; she; it; they. Gram: Third
shellfish sp. chlomgi. n. shellfish sp.;
person neuter class one pronoun. Variant:
lives on the reef; rounded spiral shell
with ridges; brown and white mottled
she ngthi. pro. he; she; it; they. Gram: colour; up to 4 cm across; has a door.
Third person neuter class two pronoun. Pl: chlom. Variant: klom; chlomga (Abilta
shed, copra ~ aus kopra. n. copra dialect).
shed; hut used to dry coconut and shellfish sp. chulumga. n. shellfish sp.;
store copra. Variant: us kopra. white cowrie shell. Pl: chulum. Variant:
shell ser tm. vt. shell; e.g. peanuts, kulumga.
beans etc. Variant: ser t. shellfish sp. chunachacha. n. shellfish
shell slavarki. n. shell; skin; specifi- sp.; found in the river; pointy black
cally the discarded shell of a crab, shell; up to 5 cm long. Pl: chunak.
prawn, lobster, or a snake skin. Pl: Variant: kunachacha.
slavar. shellfish sp. chunngngrngrka. n.
shell, clam ~ achirka. n. shellfish sp.; shellfish sp.; found on the reef;
clam shell from the sea; is purple and rounded spiral with ridges; white in
white; up to 8 cm across. Pl: achir. colour. Pl:chunngngrngr. Variant:
kunngngrngrka. See: mros shell-
shell, turtle ~ aluski. n. 1 turtle shell.
fish sp. (alternate name).
2 wooden bowl. Pl: alus. Variant:
luski. shellfish sp. churemgi. n. 1 palm sp.;
betel palm. 2 shellfish sp.; comes
shellfish sp. anlka. n. 1 shellfish sp.;
from the sea; has an elongated spiral
mussel; bivalve from the river that

shellfish sp. shoot

shell up to 10 cm long. Pl: churem. and mother-of-pearl inside; is flat; up

Variant: kuremgi. to 6 cm long; shell covers its entire
shellfish sp. kabolocha. n. shellfish back; can stick strongly to the reef;
sp.; chiton; found on reef close to the lives out on the reef where the sea
beach; has a shell down the middle of breaks. Pl: thvl. Variant: tvlka.
its back covered in small spiky hairs; shelter pusnas pt. vt. shelter. Variant:
sticks to the reef; up to 8 cm long; is vusnas pt.
flat and brown. Pl: kabolo. Variant: sheltered place angthutki. n. shel-
chabolocha. tered place; specifically an area in a
shellfish sp. kadumga. n. shellfish sp.; valley below an overhanging cliff. Pl:
found in the river; dark brown colour; angthut.
round shell; up to 2 cm across. Pl: shepherd tluvmka. n. 1 watchman.
kadum. Variant: kadumbm; chadumga. 2 shepherd. Pl: tluvmda.
shellfish sp. kaliburburm. n. shell- shine naingm. sa-vi. 1 look around.
fish sp.; found in the lowest reaches of 2 see. 3 watch. 4 appear; look
the river; small; light brown shell with like. 5 shine. Variant: naingim.
spikes on its back. Usage: Abilta dia-
lect. Pl: kaliburbur. See: aruthk (Abilta shine ndrir. sa-vi. shine. Variant: niria.
dialect) shellfish sp. Variant: shine niria. sa-vi. shine.
chaliburburm. shine, only of the sun ngiem. sa-vi.
shellfish sp. kaliburburmaruthk. 1 look; search. 2 shine, only of the
n. shellfish sp.; found at the mouth of sun. Variant: ingim; ngim.
rivers. See: kaliburburm (Abilta dialect) ship sipki. n. ship. Pl: sip.
shellfish sp.; aruthk (Abilta dialect)
shirt singgliski. n. t-shirt; shirt. Variant:
shellfish sp. Note: no endings.
singiliski. Pl: singglis.
shellfish sp. merkuas. n. shellfish sp.;
shirt siotki. n. shirt. Pl: siot.
found in the muddy part of deep water
in a river; have a black, short, twisted shirt sravtki. n. shirt; clothes; uni-
cone. Variant: merkios; merkos. Note: no form. Pl: sravt. Variant: sravtki.
endings. shiver chn'gn bt. vi-so. 1 shiver.
shellfish sp. mros. n. shellfish sp.; lives 2 tremble. Variant: chn'gn pt. Note:
on the reef. See: chunngngrngrka only ch.
shellfish sp. (alternate name). Note: no shock, get a ~ srmn gl. vi-so. get a
endings. shock.
shellfish sp. saecha. n. shellfish sp.; shocked, look ~ ngiem sravo. adv. look
found on the reef; rounded cone up to worried; look surprised; look shocked;
3 cm across; mottled brown colour people look like this, e.g. if there is a
with small ridges. Pl: saek. fight happening but no-one knows
shellfish sp. suacha. n. shellfish sp.; what is going on.
found in the river; rounded black shell shoe alcharachi. n. shoe. Pl: alchar.
with red inside; lays its eggs on the
shoe suchi. n. shoe. Pl: su. See:
outside of its shell; up to 2 cm across.
alcharachi shoe.
Pl: suak.
shoot tu. vt. shoot; throw something at
shellfish sp. tavan'ga. n. shellfish sp.;
someone. Variant: thu.
clam. Pl: tavan. Variant: thavan'ga;
tawan'ga. shoot tuthik namt. vt. throw some-
thing at someone; shoot. Morph: tu=tik
shellfish sp. thvlka. n. shellfish sp.;
na=mt. Gloss: put=hand from=within.
small abalone; shell is brown outside
Variant: thuthik namt.

shoot at short ones, these ~

shoot at tuthik mna. vt. shoot at. short one. Gram: Reduced singular proxi-
Variant: thuthik mna. mate demonstrative. Variant: ithcham;
shoot, leaf ~ avolacha. n. leaf shoot. Pl: tcham.
avol. short ones, just those particular two ~
shoot randomly kut mes. vt. shoot chkvam. dem. just those particular
randomly. Variant: chut mes. two short ones. Gram: Emphatic reduced
dual contrastive demonstrative. See: chvam
shoot with tu na. vt. shoot with. Variant:
those particular two short ones.
thu na.
short ones, just those particular ~
shore angtham. n. 1 shore; beach; chkvap. dem. just those particular
riverbank. 2 front. Morph: angtam. short ones. Gram: Emphatic reduced plural
Gloss: 3N.POSS-mouth. Variant: avam; vam.
contrastive demonstrative. See: chvap
shorewards muit. dir. 1 ashore; those particular short ones.
shorewards. 2 across on same short ones, some two ~ agivam. pro.
level; towards. Variant: mit. some two short ones. Gram: Reduced dual
shorewards savono. dir. 1 upwards. indefinite pronoun. Variant: anggivam;
2 inland. 3 shorewards. givam.
shorewards vono. dir. 1 up. short ones, some ~ guavap. dem. some
2 inland. 3 shorewards. Variant: short ones. Gram: Reduced plural indefinite
bono; pono. demonstrative.
short achuvt. adj. short. Variant: short ones, the two ~ vam. pro. short
chuvt. two. Gram: Reduced dual nominal pronoun.
short, be ~ buirut. vi-so. be short; be short ones, the ~ ngavap. pro. short
stumpy; e.g. a dog with a cut off tail. ones. Gram: Reduced plural nominal pronoun.
Variant: birut.
short ones, the ~ ngigleng. pro. short
short one, any ~ nmbm. pro. any ones. Gram: Excised plural nominal pronoun.
short one. Gram: Reduced singular inter- short ones, the ~ vap. pro. short ones.
rogative pronoun.
Gram: Reduced plural nominal pronoun.
short one, just that particular ~ short ones, these particular two ~ tai-
chkchm. dem. just that particular thvam. dem. these particular two
short one. Gram: Emphatic reduced singular short ones. Gram: Reduced dual proximate
contrastive demonstrative. See: chchm
demonstrative emphatic. Variant: thaith-
that particular short one. vam.
short one, one ~ guachm. dem. one short ones, these particular ~ taith-
short one. Gram: Reduced singular indefinite vap. dem. these particular short ones.
Gram: Reduced plural proximate demon-
short one, that particular ~ kchm. strative emphatic. Variant: thaithvap.
dem. that particular short one. Gram:
short ones, these two particular ~
Reduced singular contrastive demonstrative.
pavvam. dem. these two particular
Variant: km; chchm; achchm.
short ones. Gram: Reduced dual distal de-
short one, the ~ ngam. pro. short one. monstrative emphatic. Variant: vavvam.
Gram: Reduced singular nominal pronoun.
short ones, these two ~ ithvam. dem.
short one, this particular ~ taith- these two short ones. Gram: Reduced dual
chm. dem. this particular short one. proximate demonstrative. Variant: tvam.
Gram: Reduced singular proximate demon-
short ones, these ~ ithvap. dem. these
strative emphatic. Variant: thaithchm.
short ones. Gram: Reduced plural proximate
short one, this ~ ithchm. dem. this demonstrative. Variant: tvap.

short ones, those particular two ~ sick

short ones, those particular two ~ short two, any ~, some ~ nmbap. pro.
kglem. dem. those particular two any short two; some short two. Gram:
short ones. Gram: Reduced dual contrastive Reduced plural interrogative pronoun.
demonstrative. Variant: chglem; short two, the ~ iglem. pro. short two.
acheglem. Gram: Excised dual reduced nominal pronoun.
short ones, those particular two ~ short two, the ~ ngavam. pro. short
kvam. dem. those particular two two. Gram: Reduced dual nominal pronoun.
short ones. Gram: Reduced dual contrastive
demonstrative. Variant: chvam; achvam.
short two, the ~ ngiglem. pro. short
See: chkvam just those particular two. Gram: Excised dual nominal pronoun.
two short ones. shoulder alngini. n. shoulder. Pl:
alngithong. See: langga shoulder.
short ones, those particular ~ kvap.
dem. those particular short ones. Gram: shoulder langga. n. shoulder. Pl: alang.
Reduced plural contrastive demonstrative. See: alngini shoulder.
Variant: chvap; achevap. See: chkvap shout nngguik. sa-vi. shout.
just those particular short ones.
shout prk mt. vi-so. 1 be torn; be
short ones, those particular ~ pav- ripped. 2 shout; yell. Variant: vrk
vap. dem. those particular short ones. mt.
Gram: Reduced plural distal demonstrative
shout tns. sa-vi. call out; shout. Variant:
emphatic. Variant: vavvap.
short ones, those two ~ avvam. dem.
shout at nungguik vt. vt. shout at.
those two short ones. Gram: Reduced dual
distal demonstrative. Variant: vvam. shout crossly gur. sa-vi. shout crossly.
short ones, two ~ guavam. dem. two shove tk pm. vt. shove. Variant: thk
short ones. Gram: Reduced dual indefinite pm.
demonstrative. show kur svt. vt. 1 show.
short person aruchm. n. short per- 2 reveal; spot-light using a torch.
son. Usage: Has a depreciative sense. Variant: chur; kuar; chuar.
Pl: aruvap. Variant: ruchm. show kur tm. vt. show. Variant: chura
short, that one avchm. dem. that tm.
short one. Gram: Reduced singular distal show kura. vt. show. Variant: chur.
demonstrative. Variant: vchm; vcham;
shrink tu salel n. vt. shrink. Variant:
thu salel n.
short thing, some ~ agichm. pro.
shrink back sichirdot. vi-so. shrink
some short thing. Gram: Reduced singular
back, as for an octopus that realises it
indefinite pronoun. Variant: anggichm;
has been seen; make yourself incon-
spicuous, e.g. if you are ashamed or to
short thing, that particular ~ pav- avoid being volunteered to do some-
chm. dem. that particular short thing.
thing. Gram: Reduced singular distal demon-
shy, be ~ klu vathm. vi-so. be shy.
strative emphatic. Variant: vchm;
Variant: chlu vathm.
vavchm; bavchm.
shyness chlepki. n. shame; shyness;
short things, some ~ agivap. pro. some
embarrassment. Pl: chlep. Variant:
short things. Gram: Reduced plural indefi-
nite pronoun. Variant: anggivap; givap.
sibling, small younger ~ alichini. n.
short things, those ~ avvap. dem.
small younger sibling. Pl: alikithong.
those short things. Gram: Reduced plural
distal demonstrative. Variant: vvap. sick arm. adj. sick.

sickness single-minded, be ~

sickness armgi. n. illness; disease; signal tnap na. vt. wave; signal by us-
sickness. Pl: arm. ing hand gestures to communicate.
side angthik. n. side. Variant: nap na.

side glingga. n. 1 place. 2 side. Pl: signs, make ~ su ba. vt. sign; make
glaing. Variant: glingga. signs.

side by side ithmna. dir. side by side. silent mandinen. adj. silent.
side by side pathm na. dir. silent, be ~ mnaman na. vi-so. 1 be
1 alongside; side by side. 2 with quiet. 2 be silent.
each other; for each other. silent, be ~ mndinen. adv. be silent.
3 parallel. Variant: vathm na; bathm similar, be ~ klan. vt. be like; be simi-
na. lar. Variant: chlan; chlan; klan.
side, from the other ~ naimuit. dir. similarly doki. adv. 1 also; too.
from the other side. 2 similarly. Morph: da=koki. Gloss: and=
side, from the other ~ namethik. dir. also. Variant: daki.
from the other side. similarly koki. disc. also; similarly.
side, from ~ nathmuanp. dir. from Variant: choki; oki.
side. Variant: nathmoni; nathmonp. similarly, that ~ moki. disc. that also;
side, on the other ~ imonp. dir. on the that similarly; that another. Morph: ma
other side. Variant: imuanp. =koki. Gloss: REL=also.
side, to the ~ nmni. prep. aside; to simply kosa. disc. just; simply; as the
the side. result of something undesirable hav-
side, to the ~ tmuit. dir. sidewards; to ing happened. Variant: chusa.
the side. Variant: thmuit. simultaneously sna. adv. 1 altogether.
side, to the ~ of dgeling. dir. to the 2 simultaneously. Variant: sna.
side of. sin avu. n. sin. Note: no endings.
side-dish amstmna. n. side-dish. sin pekato. sa-vi. sin.
Variant: amstmini. Pl: amstm- sin slavo. sa-vi. sin.
sin slavocha. n. sin. Pl: slavo.
sidewards tmuit. dir. sidewards; to
the side. Variant: thmuit. sinful avu. adj. bad or sinful person.

sideways masechen. adv. 1 sideways. sing tvng. sa-vi. sing. Variant: thvng.
2 unbalanced. sing in tvng mt. vt. sing in. Variant:
thvng mt.
sighted man manaingimga. n.
sighted man. Pl: manaingimda. singapore chalun'ga. n. taro sp.; sin-
sighted woman manaingimgi. n. gapore. Pl: chalun. Variant: kalun'ga.
sighted woman. Pl: manaingimda. Pl: singapore, black ~ bukacha. n. taro
manaingim. sp.; black singapore. Pl: buka.
sign su ba. vt. sign; make signs. singe pn dm. vi-so. 1 bite someone
sign suchutka. n. 1 sign; mark. out of anger. 2 singe; burn. Variant:
vn dm.
2 line; boundary. Pl: suchut. Variant:
asuchut. singer mambumtka. n. singer. Pl:
sign, no entry ~ arekrechi. n. sign on
path to prohibit people from going single-minded, be ~ asok mt. vi-so.
along it, and by extension, a no entry 1 be brave. 2 be determined; be
sign or gate. Pl: arekrek. single-minded. 3 be strong. 4 be

sink sling

solid. 5 be challenging; e.g. a chngdengga skin.

game. skin slavarki. n. shell; skin; specifically
sink don. sa-vi. 1 go in; enter. the discarded shell of a crab, prawn,
2 sink. 3 drown. 4 be stuck. lobster, or a snake skin. Pl: slavar.
Variant: thon; mon. skin, new ~ aithir. n. new growth; skin
sinner slavovmka. n. sinner. Pl: or bark that grows in order to heal a
slavovmta. cut.
sinner, female ~ slavovmki. n. female skinny, be ~ slp pt. vi-so. be skinny;
sinner. be bony.
sip praioik d. vt. sip; suck. Variant: skip prvr dm. vi-so. skip; either a
vraioik. person making a small jump or
sister, older ~ matki. n. older sister. someone skipping rocks on the water.
Variant: vrvr dm.
sister, younger ~ aliki. n. younger sis-
ter. skull slpki ama ngpuski. n. skull.
Pl: slp ama ngpus.
sister-in-law chluchi. n. sister-in-law;
both the address and reference term; sky usupki. n. 1 sky. 2 heaven. Pl:
used by a female speaker; refers to usp.
both a womans husbands sister and slap pai mt. vt. slap. Variant: vai mt.
her brothers wife. Pl: chlutha. Variant: slap pai vt. vt. slap. Variant: vai vt; vae
kluchi. vt; wae vt.
sister-in-law oes nank. n. sister-in- slap oneself pai vthanas. sa-vi. slap
law; wife; address and reference term, oneself. Variant: vai vthanas.
used by a male speaker or male ego.
Pl: oes nankina.
slate sleitigl. n. slate. Pl: sleit.

sister-in-law thuvski. n. mother-in- slate tapeligl. n. slate. Pl: tapel. Note:

only t.
law; sister-in-law; aunt-in-law; any
in-laws except ones wifes mothers sleep mnap. vi-so. sleep. Variant:
brother and his wife. munap.
sisterless man, ~ boy chungacha. n. sleep mnapki. n. sleep. Pl: mnap. Pl:
1 tree sp.; casuarina. 2 sisterless munap. Variant: munpki.
man; sisterless boy; a man or a boy sleep munap tm. vi-so. sleep. Variant:
who does not have any sisters. Pl: mnatm; munatm.
chuang. Variant: kungacha.
sleep tas. sa-vi. 1 sleep. 2 lie down.
sit tuchun. sa-vi. 1 sit. 2 settle. Variant: thas; das; mas.
thuchun; duchun;
Variant: muchun;
sleeping, keep ~ mumunatm. vi-so.
mugun; munggun.
keep sleeping.
skeleton slvs. n. skeleton. Note: no
sleeping place namaski. n. sleeping
place. Pl: namas.
skill amundrm. n. 1 skill.
sleepy, be ~ mnap mt. vi-so. be
2 knowledge.
sleepy; be drowsy.
skin chndengga. n. skin. Pl: chndeng.
slice into krtp mn na. vt. slice into.
Variant: kndenggi. See: chndenggi
Variant: chrtp mn na.
body, skin, bark, peel, rind.
slide tthuk. vi-so. slide; especially of
skin chndenggi. n. 1 body.
something like a landslide. Variant:
2 skin; bark. 3 peel; rind. Pl:
chndeng. Variant: kndenggi;
kdenggi; chdenggi. See: sling avlika. n. sling. Pl: avlaik. Note:

slip away small ones, these two ~

only v. pro. which small one; some small one.

slip away plikdm. vi-so. slip away. Gram: Diminutive singular interrogative pro-
Variant: vulikdm. noun; also used to refer to people; can imply
attenuative meaning; can be used in indefinite
slip over plik s. vi-so. slip over. contexts.
Variant: vulik s; plaik s.
small ones, just those particular two ~
slippery asst. adj. smooth; slippery. chkthom. dem. just those par-
slow down mual tm. vi-so. slow down. ticular two small ones. Gram: Emphatic
slowly machlak machlak. adv. diminutive dual contrastive demonstrative.
slowly. See: chthom those particular two
small ones.
slut nimulichi. n. slut; a woman who
sleeps around. Pl: nimulitha. small ones, just those particular ~
chkthong. dem. just those par-
small alel. adj. small. Variant: lel.
ticular small ones. Gram: Emphatic di-
small one, just that particular ~ minutive plural contrastive demonstrative.
chkni. dem. just that particular See: chthong those particular small
small one. Gram: Emphatic diminutive sin- ones.
gular contrastive demonstrative. See: chni
small ones, some two ~ agithom. pro.
that particular small one.
some two small ones. Gram: Diminutive
small one, one ~ guani. dem. one small dual indefinite pronoun. Variant: anggithom;
one. Gram: Diminutive singular indefinite githom.
small ones, some ~ agithong. pro.
small one, that particular ~ kni. dem. some small ones. Gram: Diminutive plural
that particular small one. Gram: Diminu- indefinite pronoun. Variant: anggithong;
tive singular contrastive demonstrative. githong.
Variant: chni; achni. See: chknijust
small ones, some ~ guathong. dem.
that particular small one.
some small ones. Gram: Diminutive plural
small one, that particular ~ pavni. indefinite demonstrative.
dem. that particular small one. Gram:
small ones, the ~ ithong. pro. small
Diminutive singular distal demonstrative em-
ones. Gram: Diminutive plural reduced
phatic. Variant: vavni; vaivni.
nominal pronoun.
small one, that ~ avni. dem. that small
small ones, the ~ ngithong. pro. small
one. Gram: Diminutive singular distal demon-
ones. Gram: Diminutive plural nominal pro-
strative. Variant: veni.
small one, the ~ ini. pro. small one.
small ones, these particular two ~ tai-
Gram: Diminutive singular reduced nominal
thithom. dem. these particular two
small ones. Gram: Diminutive dual proxi-
small one, the ~ ngini. pro. small one. mate demonstrative emphatic. Variant: thai-
Gram: Diminutive singular nominal pronoun. thithom.
small one, this particular ~ taithini. small ones, these particular ~ taithi-
dem. this particular small one. Gram: thong. dem. these particular small
Diminutive singular proximate demonstrative ones. Gram: Diminutive plural proximate
emphatic. Variant: thaithini. demonstrative emphatic. Variant:
small one, this ~ ithini. dem. this small thaithithong; taiththong.
one. Gram: Diminutive singular proximate small ones, these two ~ ithithom. dem.
demonstrative. Variant: tni; tini (Abilta these two small ones. Gram: Diminutive
dialect). dual proximate demonstrative. Variant:
small one, which ~, some ~ nemini. tithom.

small ones, these ~ ~

small ones, these ~ ithithong. dem. small things. Gram: Diminutive plural distal
these small ones. Gram: Diminutive plural demonstrative emphatic. Variant: avthong;
proximate demonstrative. Variant: tithong; vaivthong; pavthong; bavthong.
iththong. small things, those ~ avthong. dem.
small ones, those particular two ~ those small things. Gram: Diminutive plu-
kthom. dem. those particular two ral distal demonstrative. Variant: vthong;
small ones. Gram: Diminutive dual contras- athong (Abilta dialect).
tive demonstrative. Variant: achthom; small two, any ~, some ~ nmbam.
chthom. See: chkthom just those pro. any small two; some small two.
particular two small ones. Gram: Reduced dual interrogative pronoun.
small ones, those particular two ~ small two, the ~ ithom. pro. small two.
pavthom. dem. those particular two Gram: Diminutive dual reduced nominal pro-
small ones. Gram: Diminutive dual distal noun.
demonstrative emphatic. Variant: vavthom;
small two, the ~ ngithom. pro. small
two. Gram: Diminutive dual nominal pronoun.
small ones, those particular ~ k-
thong. dem. those particular small smell angthn'ga. n. odour; smell. Pl:
ones. Gram: Diminutive plural contrastive
demonstrative. Variant: chthong; ach- smell prn dm. vt. sniff; smell.
thong. See: chkthong just those Variant: vrn dm.
particular small ones. smell prn svt. vt. smell. Variant:
small ones, those two ~ avthom. dem. vrn svt.
those two small ones. Gram: Diminutive smelly, be ~ ten pthanas. sa-vi. be
dual distal demonstrative. Variant: vethom; smelly. Variant: then pthanas.
athom (Karong dialect).
smelly place athinggiaras. n. filthy or
small ones, two ~ guathom. dem. two smelly place. Variant: tinggiaras.
small ones. Gram: Diminutive dual indefinite
smile gesik mt. vi-so. smile.
smoke chulski. n. 1 smoke.
small ones, which ~, some ~ nemi-
2 steam. Pl: chuls. Variant: kulski.
thom. pro. which two small ones;
some two small ones. Gram: Diminutive smoke nangasachi. n. smoke. Pl:
dual interrogative pronoun; also used to refer nangas.
to people; can imply attenuative meaning; can smooth asst. adj. smooth; slippery.
be used in indefinite contexts.
smooth ast. adj. smooth. Variant: st.
small ones, which ~, some ~ nemi-
snail sp. chloingga. n. bush snail;
thong. pro. which small ones; some
brown and white spiral shell; is up to
small ones. Gram: Diminutive plural inter-
2 cm across. Pl: chloing.
rogative pronoun; also used to refer to people;
can imply attenuative meaning; can be used in snake asingalka. n. 1 snake; worm;
indefinite contexts. generic term. 2 dangerous spirit.
3 Satan; devil. Pl: asingal. Variant:
small thing, some ~ againi. pro. some
small thing. Gram: Diminutive singular in-
definite pronoun. Variant: anggini; gaini. snake aulan'gi. n. python; snake; ge-
neric term. Pl: aulan.
small thing, some ~ agini. pro. some
small thing. Gram: Diminutive singular in- snake, large ~ asingalki. n. 1 female
definite pronoun. Variant: anggini; gaini. spirit. 2 large snake; generic term.
small things, those particular ~ snake, lazy boy ~ iluingm. n. snake
paivthong. dem. those particular sp.; lazy boy snake; grey; has a short

snake sp. so that

tail; sleeps a lot; has white blood that perament; lives around reefs. Pl:
looks like milk; people play with it by athibunu.
touching a stick under their armpit snap bing mni. vt. break or snap;
then putting the stick near the snakes especially of a rope. Note: only b.
nose to make it jump. Pl: iluing.
snap pl mni. vi-so. snap. Variant: vl
snake sp. amdalpka. n. snake sp.; has mni.
white, black, and yellow stripes; has a
small head; goes underwater to catch snap tanger vt. vt. 1 snap; break off.
eels; can kill other snakes. Pl: 2 spear. Variant: thanger vt.
amndalp. snap off tik tm. vt. 1 pick.
2 break. 3 snap off. Variant: thik
snake sp. anabuvm. n. snake sp.;
tm; tik t; thik t.
poisonous; brown; up to 60 cm long;
strikes fast but runs away when it sneak up sisit na. vt. sneak up; creep
smells people; sleeps under rubbish, up; refers to moving quietly and
leaves, or dead wood; related to the slowly without being seen.
amdalpka species. Pl: anabuvap. sneeze kies sa. vi-so. sneeze. See:
snake sp. aulan'gi ama blbualki. n. kiskisa sneeze repeatedly. Note: only k.
snake sp.; black, long, and flat like a sneeze kiskisa. vi-so. sneeze repeat-
belt; does not run away when ap- edly. Variant: kikisa. See: kies sa
proached. Pl: aulan ama blbual. sneeze. Note: only k.
snake sp. aulan'gi ama vonbon'gi. n. sniff prn dm. vt. sniff; smell. Variant:
snake sp.; silvery colour; edible. Pl: vrn dm.
Aulan ama vonbon.
snore asureng. vi-so. snore.
snake sp. avilucha. n. snake sp.; grey,
snoring person asurngga. n. snoring
long and thin; moves fast; eats eggs.
Pl: avilu.
snotty nose, have a ~ genaing
snake sp. baulcha snguvs. n. snake
genaing mt. vi-so. have a snotty
sp.; poisonous; black with a coloured
nose; be heavily congested.
band around its neck; its head breaks
off if it bites you. Pl: baulcha so nik. coord. so.
sngangtps. so sa. disc. 1 then. Gram: Clause initial
snake sp. iluingm. n. snake sp.; lazy discourse marker. Introduces a new event
boy snake; grey; has a short tail; frame. 2 so. 3 already. Gram: Re-
sleeps a lot; has white blood that looks sultative marker. 4 for a while. Gram: In
like milk; people play with it by clause final position. 5 Gram: Imperative
touching a stick under their armpit marker.
then putting the stick near the snakes so, and ~ dasa. coord. and so; then.
nose to make it jump. Pl: iluing. Morph: da=sa. Gloss: and=then. Variant:
snake sp. salilibonggi. n. snake sp.; dsa.
greenish with rainbow colours and a so, and ~ niki. coord. and so.
white belly; hunts around small pools
so, and ~ nisa. coord. and so. Variant:
in creeks; eats frogs and prawns; if
nasa; niska.
disturbed it will hiss, swell up, and hit
you with its tail to frighten you, then it so that dai asik. subord. so that.
runs away. Pl: salilibong. so that ivasa. subord. so that. Morph: iva
snake sp., sea ~ athibunuchi. n. sea =sa. Gloss:
snake sp.; black and white; long with a so that va sa. subord. so that. Note: only v.
small head; has an aggressive tem- so that va sik. subord. so that.

soft some of your

soft achelak. adj. soft. Morph: a=chelak. strative.

Gloss: SPEC=soft. Variant: achlach. some flat thing agivs. pro. some flat
soft, be ~ achlach mt. vi-so. be soft. thing. Gram: Flat singular indefinite pronoun.
soft, be ~ malum na. vi-so. be soft; e.g. Variant: anggivs.
the texture of bread dough. some large one aginait. pro. some
soften tu chelak tm. vt. please; do large one. Gram: Extended singular indefi-
something to soften the other person. nite pronoun. Variant: angginait; ginait.
Variant: thu chelak tm; du chelak tm; some large one nemiavchit. pro.
mu chelak tm. which large one. Gram: Extended singular
softly chlak. adv. softly. Note: only ch. interrogative pronoun; can be used in indefi-
nite contexts.
soil ivtki. n. 1 earth; soil; dirt.
2 land. Pl: ivt. 3 world; planet some large ones agink. pro. some
earth. Variant: ivitki. large ones. Gram: Extended plural indefinite
pronoun. Variant: anggink; gink.
soil, loose ~ chrechacha. n. loose soil.
Pl: chrech. Variant: krechacha; some large ones guank. dem. some
chrechacha. large ones. Gram: Extended plural indefinite
soldier kembecha. n. soldier; specifi-
cally a National soldier enlisted with some large ones nemink. pro. which
the Japanese during World War 2. Pl: large ones; some large ones. Gram: Ex-
kembechna. tended plural interrogative pronoun; used in a
joking way to refer to people and implies
solid asok. adj. solid. something about their large size; can be used
solid, be ~ asok mt. vi-so. 1 be brave. in indefinite contexts.
2 be determined; be single-minded. some large two nminm. pro. which
3 be strong. 4 be solid. 5 be large two; some large two. Gram: Ex-
challenging; e.g. a game. tended dual interrogative pronoun; used in a
soldier gamarvmga. n. soldier. joking way to refer to people and implies
some anga. np art. 1 some. Gram: something about their large size; can be used
Non-specific indefinite NP article. 2 any. in indefinite contexts.
Gram: Non-specific indefinite NP article. some long ones agiseng. pro. some
some angama. np art. 1 some. Gram: long ones. Gram: Long plural indefinite
Non-specific NP article. 2 any. Gram: pronoun. Variant: anggiseng; giseng.
Non-specific indefinite NP article. some long ones guaseng. dem. some
some anggia. np art. some. Gram: Specific long ones. Gram: Long plural indefinite de-
indefinite NP article. monstrative.

some anggung. dem. 1 some. Gram: some long ones nmiseng. pro. which
Count neutral indefinite demonstrative. long ones. Gram: Long plural interrogative
2 any; anything. Gram: Count neutral in- pronoun; can be used in indefinite contexts.
definite demonstrative. some long thing agivet. pro. some long
some flat ones agimlk. pro. some thing. Gram: Long singular indefinite pro-
flat ones. Gram: Flat plural indefinite pro- noun. Variant: anggivet; givet.
noun. Variant: anggimlk; gimlk. some of my guanga. pro. some of my.
some flat ones guamlk. dem. some Gram: First person singular possessive pro-
flat ones. Gram: Flat plural indefinite de- noun and non-specific possessive pronoun.
monstrative. Morph: gu=anga. Gloss: 1SG.POSS=
some flat ones guavs. dem. some flat
ones. Gram: Flat plural indefinite demon- some of your anganama. pro. some of

some of your some two long ones

your. Gram: Second person plural possessive short thing. Gram: Reduced singular indefi-
pronoun and non-specific possessive pronoun. nite pronoun. Variant: anggichm; gichm.
Morph: angan=ma. Gloss: 2PL.POSS= some short things agivap. pro. some
EMPH. short things. Gram: Reduced plural indefi-
some of your angnanga. pro. some of nite pronoun. Variant: anggivap; givap.
your. Gram: Second person plural possessive some short two nmbap. pro. any short
pronoun and non-specific possessive pronoun. two; some short two. Gram: Reduced
Morph: angn=anga. Gloss: 2PL.POSS= plural interrogative pronoun.
some small one nemini. pro. which
some of your gianga. pro. some of small one; some small one. Gram: Di-
your. Gram: Second person singular posses- minutive singular interrogative pronoun; also
sive pronoun and non-specific possessive pro- used to refer to people; can imply attenuative
noun. Morph: gi=anga. Gloss: 2SG.POSS= meaning; can be used in indefinite contexts.
some small ones agithong. pro. some
some people ath. pro. some people. small ones. Gram: Diminutive plural indefi-
Gram: Human plural indefinite pronoun. nite pronoun. Variant: anggithong;
some people guavek. dem. some peo- githong.
ple. Gram: Human plural indefinite demon- some small ones guathong. dem. some
strative. small ones. Gram: Diminutive plural indefi-
some piece agigl. pro. some piece. nite demonstrative.
Gram: Excised singular indefinite pronoun. some small ones nemithong. pro.
Variant: anggigl; gigl. which small ones; some small ones.
some piece nmigl. pro. which piece; Gram: Diminutive plural interrogative pronoun;
some piece. Gram: Excised singular inter- also used to refer to people; can imply attenu-
rogative pronoun; used in a joking way to refer ative meaning; can be used in indefinite con-
to people and implies something about their texts.
large size; can be used in indefinite contexts. some small thing againi. pro. some
Variant: neminggl. small thing. Gram: Diminutive singular in-
some pieces agigleng. pro. some definite pronoun. Variant: anggini; gaini.
pieces. Gram: Excised plural indefinite pro- some small thing agini. pro. some
noun. Variant: anggigleng; gigleng. small thing. Gram: Diminutive singular in-
some pieces guagleng. dem. some definite pronoun. Variant: anggini; gaini.
pieces. Gram: Excised plural indefinite de- some small two nmbam. pro. any
monstrative. small two; some small two. Gram: Re-
some pieces nmigleng. pro. which duced dual interrogative pronoun.
pieces; some pieces. Gram: Excised plural some two flat ones agimlm. pro.
interrogative pronoun; used in a joking way to some two flat ones. Gram: Flat dual in-
refer to people and implies something about definite pronoun. Variant: anggimlm;
their large size; can be used in indefinite con- gimlm.
some two large ones aginm. pro.
some short one nmbm. pro. any some two large ones. Gram: Extended
short one. Gram: Reduced singular inter- dual indefinite pronoun. Variant: anginm;
rogative pronoun. ginm.
some short ones guavap. dem. some some two long ones agisem. pro. some
short ones. Gram: Reduced plural indefinite two long ones. Gram: Extended dual in-
demonstrative. definite pronoun. Variant: anggisem;
some short thing agichm. pro. some gisem.

some two long ones something

some two long ones nemisem. pro. people. Gram: Feminine dual interrogative
which two long ones; some two long pronoun.
ones. Gram: Long dual interrogative pronoun; some two things nemiom. pro. which
used in a joking way to refer to people and im- two people; which two things; some
plies something about their large size; can be two people. Gram: Masculine dual inter-
used in indefinite contexts. rogative pronoun; can be used in indefinite
some two people agivem. pro. some contexts.
two people; some two things. Gram: someone agicha. pro. someone; some-
Feminine dual indefinite pronoun. Variant: thing. Gram: Masculine singular indefinite
anggivem; givem. pronoun. Variant: anggicha; gicha.
some two people, things nmbem. someone agichi. pro. something; some-
pro. any two people; any two things; one. Gram: Feminine singular indefinite pro-
some two people. Gram: Feminine dual noun. Variant: anggichi; gichi.
interrogative pronoun.
someone agiom. pro. two of something;
some two people, things nemiom. pro. two unidentified people. Gram: Mascu-
which two people; which two things; line dual indefinite pronoun. Variant:
some two people. Gram: Masculine dual anggiom; giom.
interrogative pronoun; can be used in indefi-
nite contexts.
someone aguik. pro. something;
someone. Gram: Feminine singular indefinite
some two pieces agiglem. pro. some pronoun. Variant: angguik.
two pieces. Gram: Excised dual indefinite
pronoun. Variant: anggiglem; giglem.
someone angitha. pro. 1 anyone.
Gram: Human plural indefinite pronoun.
some two pieces nmiglem. pro. 2 someone. Gram: Human plural indefinite
which two pieces; some two pieces. pronoun.
Gram: Excised dual interrogative pronoun;
used in a joking way to refer to people and im-
someone aung. dem. 1 someone;
plies something about their large size; can be
something. Gram: Masculine singular in-
definite demonstrative. 2 anyone; any-
used in indefinite contexts.
thing. Gram: Masculine singular indefinite
some two short ones agivam. pro. demonstrative.
some two short ones. Gram: Reduced dual
indefinite pronoun. Variant: anggivam;
someone aungguik. dem. 1 someone;
something. Gram: Feminine singular indefi-
nite demonstrative. 2 anyone; any-
some two small ones agithom. pro. thing. Gram: Feminine singular indefinite
some two small ones. Gram: Diminutive demonstrative.
dual indefinite pronoun. Variant: anggithom;
something agia. pro. something. Gram:
Count neutral indefinite pronoun. Variant:
some two small ones nemithom. pro. anggia.
which two small ones; some two small
ones. Gram: Diminutive dual interrogative something agicha. pro. someone;
pronoun; also used to refer to people; can imply
something. Gram: Masculine singular in-
definite pronoun. Variant: anggicha; gicha.
attenuative meaning; can be used in indefinite
contexts. something agichi. pro. something;
some two things agivem. pro. some someone. Gram: Feminine singular indefinite
pronoun. Variant: anggichi; gichi.
two people; some two things. Gram:
Feminine dual indefinite pronoun. Variant: something agingt. pro. something.
anggivem; givem. Gram: Count neutral indefinite pronoun.
Variant: anggingt; gingt; dingt
some two things nmbem. pro. any
(Abilta dialect).
two people; any two things; some two

something spear

something agiom. pro. two of some- ative.

thing; two unidentified people. Gram: sore athopki. n. 1 cut; sore.
Masculine dual indefinite pronoun. Variant: 2 ulcer. Pl: athop.
anggiom; giom.
sore on the head sulka. n. 1 piece of
something aguik. pro. something; coral. 2 sore on the head. Pl: sul.
someone. Gram: Feminine singular indefinite
pronoun. Variant: angguik.
sorry, feel ~ tlavuchi na. vt. pity; feel
something aung. dem. 1 someone;
something. Gram: Masculine singular in- soul chlochacha. n. 1 core; innermost
definite demonstrative. 2 anyone; any-
part. 2 inside part of something.
3 soul. Pl: chlok. Variant: chlochacha.
thing. Gram: Masculine singular indefinite
Note: only ch.
something aungguik. dem. sound raun'ga. n. sound. Pl: raun.
1 someone; something. Gram: Feminine sound, warning ~ paret. n. warning
singular indefinite demonstrative. sound.
2 anyone; anything. Gram: Feminine soup chulpki. n. 1 bowl of water.
singular indefinite demonstrative. 2 soup. Variant: kulp.
something guang. dem. something. sour, be ~ dm. sa-vi. be sour.
Gram: Count neutral indefinite demonstrative.
source arembm. n. 1 buttock. 2 n.
something is going to happen to source; cause; reason. See: aremgi
someone sa kuat na. interj. some- buttock; source; cause; reason.
thing is going to happen to someone.
source aremgi. n. 1 buttock.
sometime mchvs. adv. 2 base. 3 source; cause; reason.
1 sometime. 2 sometimes. Pl: arem. Variant: rem. See: arembm
3 again. Variant: machavs; mchuvs. buttock; remini base; source; cause.
See: kvs when.
source remini. n. base; source; cause.
sometimes mchvs. adv.
sow vlmgi. n. 1 sow. 2 large pig.
1 sometime. 2 sometimes.
3 reef fish sp.; brown; has a nose
3 again. Variant: machavs; mchuvs.
like a pigs; is up to 1 m long. Pl: vlam.
See: kvs when.
Variant: plmgi; plmgi; vlmgi.
somewhere nania vik. adv. some-
space blinggi. n. 1 space.
2 forehead. Pl: blaing.
son athoemga. n. 1 child. 2 son.
space luchupki. n. 1 space; e.g. the
3 student. 4 assistant. Morph: at=
space of a playground or dancing
oemka. Gloss: 3F.SG.POSS child-M.SG. Pl:
ground. 2 baldness; bald head. Pl:
athoes. Variant: thoemga; =oes; =emga;
space, small ~ luchuvini. n. small
song athvngi. n. song; specifically
space. Pl: luchuvithong.
the songs used in conjunction with
day dances. Pl: athvng. Variant: spark aisinggi. n. 1 spark.
thvnggi. 2 ember. Pl: aisaing.

song mambuchi. n. 1 choir; orches- sparrow savangini. n. bird sp.; spar-

tra; the singers and drummers at a row. Pl: savang.
day dance or night dance. 2 song. speak tamn. sa-vi. speak. Variant:
Pl: mambu. thamn; methamn; tamon; thamon;
song, small ~ mambuini. n. small song. methamon.
Usage: Diminutive use here is attenu- spear achepki. n. spear. Morph: a=

spear spinal cord

chepki. Gloss: SPEC=spear-F.SG. Pl: back so that it looks thin; up to 6 cm

achep. Variant: chepki. long, including its legs; builds a small
spear kut. vt. 1 pierce. 2 spear. web on the tree. Pl: srebaingbaing.
3 inject. Variant: chut; kut; chut. spider web masar. n. spider web.
spear kut m. vt. spear. spike of an orange tree mulichm. n.
spear tanger vt. vt. 1 snap; break spike of an orange tree. Pl: mulivap.
off. 2 spear. Variant: thanger vt. spikes ansnes. n. spikes. Note: no
spear, fishing ~ chevs. n. fishing endings.
spear; has many prongs. Pl: spikey, be ~ ansnes vt. vi-so. be
chevimlk. Note: only ch. spiky. Variant: nesnes pt.
spear, iron ~ aen'ga. n. iron spear. Pl: spill sruk. vt. pour; spill; tip out; spe-
aen. Variant: en'ga. cifically of dry things such as gravel.
spear, short iron ~ aenm. n. short iron spill out lel s. vi-so. pour out; run out;
spear for husking coconuts. Variant: spill out.
enm. spinach leaf, native ~ aichilves. n. na-
spearfishing, go ~ glas. sa-vi. dive; go tive spinach (aibika) leaf.
spearfishing. spinach, native ~ aichil. n. native
special one aka. n. one and only; spe- spinach (aibika). See: auravu native
cial one. Pl: athei. spinach (aibika).
speck chlenngini. n. speck. Pl: spinach, native ~ aichilki. n. native
chlenngithong. spinach (aibika); refers to the whole
speck nauska. n. speck. Variant: nauski. plant.

speech amethamn'gi. n. spinach, native ~ auravu. n. native

1 language. 2 speech. spinach (aibika). Usage: This word is
3 message. 4 orders; instructions. newer than aichil. See: aichil native
Pl: amethamn. Variant: amethamon'gi. spinach (aibika).

spell, magic ~ avsvesini. n. 1 magic spinach, native ~ auravuchi. n. native

spell; curse. 2 charm; an object spinach (aibika).
that carries magical power. Variant: spinach, native ~ leaf auravuves. n.
vsves. native spinach (aibika) leaf.
spider chumangacha. n. spider; ge- spinach stem, native ~ chriduchi. n.
neric term. Pl: chumang. Variant: native spinach (aibika) stem; used for
kumangacha. replanting. Usage: Abilta dialect. Pl:
spider sp. chabunginngin'ga. n. spi- chridu. Variant: kriduchi.
der sp.; black and yellow; similar to the spinach stem, native ~ trutki. n.
chumangdalska species but smaller; 1 small root of a tree or plant, espe-
builds a web. Pl: chabunginngin. cially banana, native spinach (aibika),
Variant: kabunginngin'ga. or peanut plant. 2 native spinach
spider sp. chumangdalska. n. spider (aibika) stem; used for planting. Pl:
sp.; large black spider with yellowish trut. Variant: rutki.
stripes; builds a strong web that small spinach tip, native ~ laguain'ga. n.
bats sometimes get caught in. Pl: native spinach (aibika) tip. Pl: laguain.
chumangdalas. Variant: kumangdalska. spinach top, native ~ aichilka. n. na-
spider sp. srebaingbainggi. n. spider tive spinach (aibika) top that is used
sp.; greyish brown; lives in trees; for cooking.
stretches its legs out to the front and spinal cord chusemga. n. spinal cord.

spine squawk

Variant: kusemga. split lik mt. vt. 1 rip off; tear off.
spine buthicha. n. spine; back. Pl: 2 split; break apart.
buthi. split tigil mt. vt. split. Variant: thigil
spirit arachtki. n. spirit from a spirit mt.
mask; these spirits can go into some- split tigl tm. vt. 1 split. 2 cut up.
one (especially a woman) and make Variant: thigl tm.
her act crazy, e.g. shouting out and split apart lr snas. sa-vi. split apart;
taking her clothes off; someone who as when something breaks up from
knows an appropriate charm must within.
speak it into lime powder and then
spread the lime powder on the spoilt angguvang. adj. 1 spoilt.
2 bad. Variant: angguang; guvang.
womans face, ears, and body.
spirit ayauska. n. spirit. Pl: ayaus. spoon sipun'ga. n. spoon; especially
something about the size of a dessert
spirit saluk athoemga. n. spirit; spoon or soup spoon. Pl: sipun.
mountain spirit that lives in the wild
palm; if you touch the leaves of the spoon, large ~ sipun'gi. n. large spoon;
palm you become confused and wan- e.g. a serving spoon. Pl: sipun.
der off in the wrong direction. Pl: saluk spoon, small ~ sipunini. n. small spoon;
athoes. teaspoon.
spirit tomga. n. spirit; ghost. Variant: spot vlochm. n. spot. Pl: vlok. Variant:
thomga. plochm.
spirit, dangerous ~ asingalka. n. spotlight kur svt. vt. 1 show.
1 snake; worm; generic term. 2 reveal; spot-light using a torch.
2 dangerous spirit. 3 Satan; devil. Variant: chur; kuar; chuar.
Pl: asingal. Variant: singalka. spouse lugutka. n. husband. Pl:
spirit, female ~ asingalki. n. 1 female lugutvek. lunggutka; ungut
spirit. 2 large snake; generic term. (Abilta dialect); agut (Abilta dialect).
See: aruacha friend; often used to re-
spirit level amumamrnacha. n. spirit
level. Pl: amumamrnangt. fer to spouses.

spirit that causes illness chavatka. n. spread preng. vt. spread. Variant: vreng;
vrang; prang.
spirit that causes illness. Pl: chavat.
Variant: kavatka. spread tneng n. vt. 1 spread. Variant:
neng n. 2 rub; massage. Variant:
spirit world asingal. n. spirit world.
neng n.
Note: no endings.
spit kot. sa-vi. spit. Variant: chot. sprout pupuik n. vi-so. sprout. Variant:
vuvuik n.
spit at kot pt. vt. spit on; spit at.
Variant: chot pt.
sprout purvur. vi-so. sprout. Variant:
spit on kot pt. vt. spit on; spit at.
Variant: chot pt.
spy bing dm. vt. spy. Variant: ving dm;
bing d; ving d.
splash kuasin svt. vt. splash. Variant:
spy chaseska. n. spy.

splash seseraik. n. splash. spy on ben sachong. sa-vi. 1 spy on.

2 check with a glance.
spleen lamsigl. n. spleen. Pl:
lamsinggleng. Variant: lamsinggl.
squatting dalias. adv. squatting. Note:
only d.
split lr dm. vt. 1 tear. 2 split.
3 chop. Variant: ler d.
squawk klrklr. sa-vi. squawk;

squeak still not

make the cry of a parrot. Variant: 3M.SG.I-decline.PAST-fart-F.SG. Variant:

chlrklr. kamerabpki.
squeak ngngeng d. vi-so. squeak; star, morning ~ chunengm. n.
squeal. morning star. Variant: kunengm.
squeal ngngeng d. vi-so. squeak; starfish sp. tasingl. n. starfish sp.;
squeal. live on the reef; two types, both with
squeeze tepmuan. vt. squeeze. Variant: four arms: one is red and covered in
thepmuan. poisonous spikes, the other is blue
and has spikes on its back. Pl: task. Pl:
squid dorlaicha. n. squid. Pl: dorlai. tasigleng.
squirt excreta pupurik. sa-vi. squirt start benaseng. sa-vi. start; begin.
excreta. Variant: venaseng.
squirt excreta saik da ves. vi-so. squirt start denachi. sa-vi. start. Variant:
excreta. ndenachi; thenachi; memachi.
stab repeatedly kutik namt. vt. poke start tchm. vt. start. Variant: thcham;
repeatedly; stab repeatedly. Variant: dcham.
chutik namt.
stay kule. vi-so. stay. Variant: chule.
stack kut. vt. stack. Variant: chut.
steal svo. sa-vi. steal. Variant: swo; svau.
stairs letacha. n. stairs. Pl: leta.
steal svo t. vt. steal. Variant: svau th;
stalk trutka. n. stalk; specifically the svo t.
central stalk in some fruits; there is
one inside tapioca and pau nuts grow steam chulski. n. 1 smoke.
along one. Pl: trut. Variant: rutka. 2 steam. Pl: chuls. Variant: kulski.

stalk of sword grass chvaika. n. stalk step vnbenbs. n. step. Pl:

of sword grass (kunai). Variant: vnbenimlk. Note: only v.
kvaika. step on bias. vt. step on. Variant: vias.
stamp tbut tbut s. vi-so. stamp. stick angmngga. n. 1 tree.
Variant: thbut tbut s. 2 stick; piece of wood. Morph: ang=
stamping tbut tbut. n. stamping. mngka. Gloss: 3.CN.POSS=wood-M.SG.
Note: only t. Pl: angmng.

stand tair. sa-vi. 1 stand. 2 wait. stick dingdm pt. vi-so. stick.
Variant: thair; dair; mair. stick, digging ~ athvatki. n. digging
stand alone tair snas. sa-vi. stand stick. Pl: athvat.
alone. Variant: thair snas; dair snas; sticks, beating ~ mambl. n. beating
mair snas. sticks. Variant: mambl.
stand, make ~ tair s. vt. make stand. stiff, be ~ trong. vi-so. be stiff with cold.
Variant: thair s; dair s; mair s. Variant: rong.
stand up trn s. vi-so. stand up; un- still as. disc. 1 still. 2 yet. 3 just.
bend; something that had been bent still askok. disc. 1 still. Gram: Atelic re-
over but is released so it can stand alis. 2 yet. Gram: Atelic realis. 3 just.
again. Variant: rn s. Gram: Atelic realis. Morph: as=kok. Gloss:
star alingga. n. star. Pl: alaing. Variant: still=just.
lingga. still, and ~ das. coord. 1 and still.
star, evening ~ chamerabpki. n. 2 and yet. 3 and just. Morph: da=as.
evening star. Morph: a=kamerbpki. Gloss: and=yet.
Gloss: SPEC= still not skoi. disc. still not. Morph: as=

stillborn, be ~ straighten out

koi. Gloss: still=not. strong spikes all over its back and
stillborn, be ~ sukderut s. vi-so. be sides; swells up when touched. Pl:
stillborn; a baby that dies before birth. lvai.

sting srendm. vt. sting. stonefish thgumga. n. fish sp.; two

types of stonefish: one is a saltwater
stingray sp. chaelki. n. stingray sp.; fish and a good eating fish, the other
two kinds: one is large, up to 1 m lives in fresh water; both are brown
across, brown, and has a long tail; the and can sting with poisonous spines.
other is small, dark orange, and stays Pl: thgum. Variant: tugumga;
on white sand. Pl: chael. Variant: kaelki. thugumga.
stingray sp. vangon'gi. n. stingray sp.; stop dng na. vi-so. stop; finish.
medium size; greenish back and white
belly; its head looks like a bird's head; stop krtpka. n. halt; stop. Variant:
leaps from the water. Pl: vangon. chrtpka.
Variant: pangon'gi. stop mal. sa-vi. stop.
stink ksin na. vi-so. stink. Variant: stop mual vt. vi-so. 1 stop. 2 rest.
chsin na. stop psding sthm. vt. 1 block.
stinking achesin. adj. 1 rotten; fes- 2 stop someone from doing some-
tering. 2 stinking. thing. Variant: vsding sthm.
stir puren vt. vi-so. wake up; stir. stop instantly mundros na. vi-so. stop
Variant: vuren vt; vepuren vt (Abilta instantly.
dialect). stop suddenly dngbm na. vi-so. stop
stoic man asokmtka. n. fearless man; suddenly.
stoic man; someone who is solid in- stop suddenly srpm na. vi-so. stop
side. suddenly; stop with a jolt; e.g. when a
stomach salorachi. n. stomach. Pl: car brakes suddenly.
salor. store gunan'ga. n. store. Pl: gunan.
stomach sarumgi. n. belly; stomach. Pl: Variant: gunn'ga.
sarum. Variant: saremgi. storm saengbap. n. storm; heavy rain.
stomach, settle ones ~ sepmaron story asecha. n. story. Pl: asek. Variant:
vm mes. sa-vi. settle ones stomach. secha.
stomach, suck in ~ panggal. sa-vi. suck straight arik. adj. straight.
in stomach. Variant: vanggal.
straight asrtik. adj. straight.
stone angelenggi. n. stone; small
rounded stone for using in a sling. Pl: straight marik. adv. 1 straight.
2 properly; accurately.
stone dulka. n. stone; an average sized straight down imanp. dir. down-
stone, maybe a bit elongated. Pl: dul. wards; straight down.
Variant: ndulka. straighten tu mamr sna na. vt.
1 level. 2 straighten. Variant: thu
stone, large ~ dulki. n. large stone;
mamr sna; du mamr sna; mu
especially large rounded stones. Pl:
mamr sna.
stone, small ~ dulini. n. small stone. Pl:
straighten tu rik tm. vt.
1 straighten. 2 stretch out. Variant:
thu rik tm; mu rik tm; tu rik t; thu
stonefish lviam. n. fish sp.; stonefish; rik t; mu rik t.
lives on the reef; white with bones
that stick through the skin to form straighten out srtik na. vt. 1 settle.

strange sugar-cane

2 straighten out. stuck, be ~ dingdm. vi-so. be stuck.

strange addn. adj. 1 odd; strange. stuck, be ~ tn dm. vi-so. be stuck.
2 confused; delirious; crazy; insane; Variant: thn dm; dn dm; thn d;
altered psychological states in gen- dn d.
eral. student athoemga. n. 1 child.
stream of falling drops achrirka. n. 2 son. 3 student. 4 assistant.
stream of falling drops. Variant: Morph: at=oemka. Gloss: 3F.SG.POSS
chrirka. child-M.SG. Pl: athoes. Variant: thoemga;
strength achrotki. n. 1 strength. =oes; =emga; =oemga.
2 power. Pl: chrot. student, female ~ athoemgi. n.
strength chnagolchi. n. strength. Pl: daughter; female student; female as-
chnagol. Note: only ch. sistant. Morph: at=oemki. Gloss:
3F.SG.POSS= child-F.SG. Variant: =emgi.
stretch navar n. vt. pull; hold tight in
a stretch. study sunas. vt. learn; train; study.
stretch out tu rik tm. vt. stump laltki. n. 1 root. 2 stump.
1 straighten. 2 stretch out. Variant: Pl: lalt. See: trutki small root of a tree
thu rik tm; mu rik tm; tu rik t; thu or plant.
rik t; mu rik t. stumpy, be ~ buirut. vi-so. be short; be
stretched, be ~ navar manas. sa-vi. be stumpy; e.g. a dog with a cut off tail.
stretched. Variant: birut.

strike del vt s. vi-so. strike. stupid person dt mt uvski. n. stu-

pid person.
strike vathik tm. vt. hit a person;
strike. Variant: wathik tm. Note: only v. saucepan banggruanggi. n. 1 pot;
saucepan. 2 wooden bowl. Pl:
string guarguarka. n. string of food banggruang.
such as pork or nuts; hung from the
roof for storage. Pl: guarguar. subside krau. sa-vi. subside; can refer
to a flood going down, wasting
stripes gulaingiseng. n. stripes. strength during an illness, or petrol
strong achrot. adj. 1 strong. evaporating. Variant: chrau.
2 tough. 3 hard; difficult. Variant:
subtract don. vt. 1 throw away.
2 subtract. Variant: thon.
strong, be ~ asok mt. vi-so. 1 be suck praioik d. vt. sip; suck. Variant:
brave. 2 be determined; be sin- vraioik.
gle-minded. 3 be strong. 4 be
solid. 5 be challenging; e.g. a suck in stomach panggal. sa-vi. suck in
game. stomach. Variant: vanggal.

strong person achrotka. n. strong suckle mem. vt. suckle.

person. suddenly mavrt. adv. suddenly; ur-
strongly mamor. adv. 1 lots. gently; do something without any
2 excessively; very much; terribly. warning and give someone a shock.
3 strongly. 4 hard. 5 loudly. suddenly nia. modal. 1 just; suddenly;
6 fast; quickly. 7 brightly. surprisingly. Gram: Mirative marker with
struggling, keep ~ namu sna. sa-vi. present tense or past tense verbs. 2 tried.
keep struggling; e.g. in a fight or in a Gram: Frustrative marker with future tense
sporting competition. verbs.

stuck, be ~ dt sthm. vi-so. be stuck. sugar-cane lavrki. n. sugar-cane. Pl:

Variant: tht sthm; mt sthm. lavr.

Sulka man take off

Sulka man auligalka; Sulka man. Pl: swallow kuanik. vt. swallow. Variant:
auligalta. chuanik.
Sulka woman auligalki. n. Sulka sweat arengga. n. sweat. Note: no plural.
woman. sweat rengga cha mn na. sa-vi.
sun kunngga. n. 1 sun. 2 day. Pl: sweat.
kunng. Variant: chunngga. sweep schup. vt. sweep.
3 occasion.
sweep schup pt. vt. sweep.
sunset, colourful ~ manuringgl. n.
colourful sunset. Pl: manuringgleng. sweet, be ~ amr mt. vi-so. taste
good; be sweet.
sunshower airvthaualki. n. sun-
shower. Pl: airvthaual. sweet potato kalasunggi. n. sweet
potato (kaukau). Pl: kalasung. Variant:
surface sachong. n. 1 vision; dream; chalasunggi.
daydream. 2 glasses. 3 crown of
a tree. 4 surface; e.g. the surface of swell rip. n. swell.
the sea, the face of the earth, the top swell sis. sa-vi. swell.
of a sore, the opening of a pot. swim tor. sa-vi. 1 bathe; swim. 2 get
surprise srmn. vt. surprise. Variant: wet. Variant: thor.
srmun. swim tor tm. sa-vi. swim. Variant: thor.
surprised, be ~ srmn vt. vi-so. be swish ts. interj. swish; whoosh; imi-
surprised. tates the sound of a stone from a sling
surprised, look ~ ngiem sravo. adv. hitting a target.
look worried; look surprised; look swollen aririp. adj. swollen; e.g. when a
shocked; people look like this, e.g. if limb is full of blood. Variant: ariprip.
there is a fight happening but no-one
swollen vsvis. adj. swollen. Note: only v.
knows what is going on.
swollen, be pis d. vi-so. be swollen.
surprisingly nia. modal. 1 just; sud-
Usage: The expression pis d sarum
denly; surprisingly. Gram: Mirative
have a swollen belly is not normally
marker with present tense or past tense verbs.
used with reference to women, but
2 tried. Gram: Frustrative marker with
can be used to talk about pregnant
future tense verbs.
animals, especially dogs. Its use in the
surround bing. sa-vi. surround. Variant: following example is derogatory.
ving; ping. Variant:vis d.

T - t

table tevolki. n. table. Pl: tevol. Note: tail of a dolphin vethachi. n. fin, flip-
only t. per, or tail of a dolphin. Pl: avet. Note:
taboo place thchnmuvs. n. taboo only v.
place. Pl: thchnmu. Note: only th. tail, roosters ~ lialechi. n. roosters
tail ichurki. n. tail. Pl: ichur. tail. Pl: liale.
tail, birds ~ ithepki. n. birds tail. Pl: take off ploltem sa. vt. remove; take
ithep. off. Variant: vloltem sa.
tail feather, roosters ~ lialecha. n. take off tar tm. vt. 1 remove; take
roosters tail feather. Pl: liale. Variant: off. 2 uncover. Variant: thar tm.
lialevs. take off tranas. sa-vi. go; take off;

Take this! tell each other

leave. thranas; dranas;

Variant: singapore; not edible. Usage: The word
mranas; thranas; dranas; mranas. is sometimes also used to refer to
Take this! ani. interj. Take this! edible varieties. Pl: chatha. Variant:
take without permission bang bt. vt.
take without permission. Variant: vang taro top athemgi. n. taro top; used for
bt. replanting. Pl: athem.

talented, be ~ angelka vm. vi-so. taste ts nthm. vt. taste. Variant: thas
1 be clever. 2 be talented. nthm; ds nthm; ms nthm.

talk into pr ma. vt. 1 pull along. taste tnari. vt. 1 hear. 2 feel.
2 talk into; tempt. Variant:vr ma. 3 taste. Variant: nari.

tanget [TP] lagun'ga. n. cordyline sp.; taste good amr mt. vi-so. taste good;
victory leaf (tanget); decorative plant. be sweet.
Pl: lagun. teach su. vt. 1 try. 2 teach.
tap del vt. vt. tap; e.g. hitting a galip teacher sunasvmga. n. teacher. Pl:
nut (Canarium indicum). sunasvmda.
tap sa-vi. pae. sa-vi. tap. Variant: vae; wae. teacher, female ~ sunasvmgi. n. fe-
tap ser. sa-vi. knock; tap; e.g. by hitting male teacher.
a drum. tear chulpka. n. tear. Pl: kulap. Variant:
tapa cloth [TP] simalachi. n. 1 tapa kulpka.
cloth; traditional covering worn by tear lr dm. vt. 1 tear. 2 split.
men; a strip of bark cloth that goes 3 chop. Variant: ler d.
between the legs, attached to a tear lik s. vt. break or tear off some-
waistband. 2 underpants. Pl: simal. thing small.
tapioca kacholka. n. tapioca. Pl: kachol. tear off lik mt. vt. 1 rip off; tear off.
Variant: chacholka. See: tapioka tapi- 2 split; break apart.
tease tu samor s. vt. make fun. Variant:
tapioca tapioka. n. tapioca. Pl: tapiok. thu samor s; du samor s; mu samor
See: kacholka tapioca. s.
taro adichi. n. taro. Variant: ndichi. See: teaspoon sipunini. n. small spoon;
anot taro. teaspoon.
taro anot. n. taro. See: adichi taro. tell dodm. sa-vi. recount; narrate; tell.
taro, piece of ~ adigl. n. 1 piece of Variant: thodm.
taro. 2 palm of hand. Pl: adigleng. tell kuar na. vt. tell. Variant: chuar na;
taro, piece of ~ baler. n. 1 piece of kuar n; chuar n.
wood. 2 piece of taro. Variant: tell tamn sthm. vt. tell. Variant:
balerini. thamn sthm; methamn sthm.
taro shoots vnngacha. n. taro tell tes svt. vt. tell.
shoots. Pl: vnang. Note: only v.
tell a story tes svt da sek. sa-vi.
taro, small ~ adini. n. small taro. Variant: narrate; tell a story. Variant: thesavet
taro. See: adichi taro. da sek; desavet da sek; mesavet da sek.
taro sp. bukacha. n. taro sp.; black tell about tes svt dm. vt. narrate;
singapore. Pl: buka. tell about. Variant: thesavet dm;
taro sp. chalun'ga. n. taro sp.; singa- desavet dm; mesavet dm; tesavet
pore. Pl: chalun. Variant: kalun'ga. dm.
taro sp. chathachi. n. taro sp.; wild tell each other kuar nana. sa-vi. tell

temperature that particular large one, just ~

each other. kok. Gloss: REL=just.

temperature chrnaska. n. heat; that large one avchit. dem. that large
temperature. Pl: achrnas. Note: only ch. one. Gram: Extended singular distal demon-
tempt pr ma. vt. 1 pull along. strative. Variant: vchit.
2 talk into; tempt. Variant: vr ma. that, like ~ avik. dem. like that. Gram:
temptation sunthmbes. n. tempta- Adverbial distal demonstrative. Variant: vik.
tion. Pl: sunthm. that long one avvet. dem. that long
ten angthikism. n. ten. Variant: one. Gram: Long singular distal demon-
ngithikisem. strative. Variant: vvet.

terribly mamor. adv. 1 lots. that one avaik. dem. that one. Gram:
2 excessively; very much; terribly. Feminine singular distal demonstrative.
3 strongly. 4 hard. 5 loudly. Variant: vaik; avchit (Abilta dialect).
6 fast; quickly. 7 brightly. that one avak. dem. that one. Gram:
terrified, be ~ irikin. vi-so. be terrified; Masculine singular distal demonstrative.
be scared. Variant: vak; pak.

terror irikin'ga. n. terror. Pl: irikin. that one avang. dem. 1 that one; those
ones. Gram: Count neutral distal demon-
testicle achvulki. testicle.
n. Pl:
strative. 2 those flat ones. Gram: Flat
achvul. Variant: chvulki.
plural distal demonstrative. Variant: vang;
thanks, give ~ tamn pthanas s. vt. pang.
give thanks. Variant: thamn pthanas that one kvi=. contrastive marker. that
one. Gram: Used to make contrastive pro-
that ama. rel. that. Gram: Relator that in- nouns. Variant: chvi=.
troduces clauses or NPs that describe or refer
that particular flat one kvs. dem.
to one particular characteristic of their head.
that particular flat one. Gram: Flat sin-
that ia. rel. that. Gram: Relator that intro- gular contrastive demonstrative. Variant:
duces clauses or NPs that have the same syn- chvs; kchs; achvs; chchs. See:
tactic status as their head. chkvs just that particular flat one.
that ma. rel. that; who. Gram: Relator that that particular flat one pavvs. dem.
introduces clauses or NPs that provide addi- that particular flat one. Gram: Flat sin-
tional information about their head. Construc- gular distal demonstrative emphatic. Variant:
tions involving the relator ma are sometimes vavvs.
used to express uncertainty or emphasis.
that particular flat one, just ~
that also moki. disc. that also; that chkvs. dem. just that particular
similarly; that another. Morph: ma= flat one. Gram: Emphatic flat singular con-
koki. Gloss: REL=also. trastive demonstrative. See: kvs that
that another moki. disc. that also; that particular flat one.
similarly; that another. Morph: ma= that particular large one kchit. dem.
koki. Gloss: REL=also. that particular large one. Gram: Ex-
that flat one avchs. dem. that flat tended singular contrastive demonstrative.
one. Gram: Flat singular distal demonstrative. Variant: chchit; achchit. See:
Variant: vchs. chkchit just that particular large
that flat one avvs. dem. that flat one.
Gram: Flat singular distal demonstrative. that particular large one, just ~
Variant: vvs. See: avchs that flat chkchit. dem. just that particular
one. large one. Gram: Emphatic extended singu-
lar contrastive demonstrative. See: chchit
that just mok. disc. that just. Morph: ma=

that particular large thing that particular piece

that particular large one. lar ones. Gram: Count neutral distal demon-
that particular large thing pavchit. strative emphatic. 2 those particular
dem. that particular large thing. Gram: flat ones. Gram: Flat plural distal demon-
Extended singular distal demonstrative em- strative emphatic. Variant: vachvang;
phatic. Variant: vavchit; vchit. bachvang. See: paivang those par-
ticular flat ones.
that particular long one kvet. dem.
that particular long one. Gram: Long that particular one paivaik. dem. that
singular contrastive demonstrative. Variant: particular one. Gram: Feminine singular
chvet; achvet. See: chkvet just distal demonstrative emphatic. Variant:
that particular long one. aivaik; vaivaik. See: pachvaik that
particular one.
that particular long one pavvet. dem.
that particular long one. Gram: Long that particular one paivak. dem. that
singular distal demonstrative emphatic. particular one. Gram: Masculine singular
Variant: vavvet. distal demonstrative emphatic. Variant: ivak;
vaivak. See: pachvak that particular
that particular long one, just ~ one.
chkvet. dem. just that particular
long one. Gram: Emphatic long singular that particular one paivang. dem. that
contrastive demonstrative. See: chvet that particular one; those particular ones.
particular long one. Gram: Count neutral distal demonstrative em-
phatic. Variant: aivang; vaivang.
that particular one kk. dem. that par-
ticular one. Gram: Masculine singular con- that particular one, just ~ chkraik.
trastive demonstrative. Variant: chk; dem. just that particular one. Gram:
achk. Emphatic feminine singular contrastive de-
monstrative. See: kraik just that par-
that particular one kngt. dem. those ticular one.
particular ones; that particular one.
Gram: Count neutral contrastive demon- that particular one, just ~ chkrak.
strative. Variant: achnget; chnget; dem. just that particular one. Gram:
gnget. Emphatic masculine singular contrastive de-
monstrative. See: chrak that particular
that particular one krak. dem. that one.
particular one. Gram: Masculine singular
contrastive demonstrative. Variant: chr; that particular one, just ~ chevaik.
chra; chrak; chrak. See: chkrak just dem. just that particular one. Gram:
that particular one. Emphatic feminine singular contrastive de-
monstrative. Variant: chvaik; achvaik.
that particular one kravum. dem. that Note: only ch.
particular one. Gram: Masculine singular
contrastive demonstrative. that particular one, just ~ chvak.
dem. just that particular one. Gram:
that particular one pachvaik. dem. Emphatic masculine singular contrastive de-
that particular one. Gram: Feminine sin- monstrative. Variant: achvak. Note: only ch.
gular distal demonstrative emphatic. Variant:
vachvaik. See: paivaik that particular that particular one, just ~ kraik. dem.
one. just that particular one. Gram: Feminine
singular contrastive demonstrative. Variant:
that particular one pachvak. dem. chraik; chraik. See: chkraik just that
that particular one. Gram: Masculine sin- particular one.
gular distal demonstrative emphatic. Variant:
vachvak. See: paivak that particular that particular piece knggl. dem. that
one. particular piece. Gram: Excised singular
contrastive demonstrative. Variant: kngl;
that particular one pachvang. dem. chngl; chngl; achngl. See: ch-
1 that particular one; those particu-

that particular piece their, some of ~

knggl just that particular piece. that small one avni. dem. that small
that particular piece pavgl. dem. that one. Gram: Diminutive singular distal demon-
particular piece. Gram: Excised singular strative. Variant: veni.
distal demonstrative emphatic. Variant: that way tmono. dir. 1 along.
vavgl. 2 across. 3 that way. Variant:
that particular piece, just ~ chkng- thmono.
gl. dem. just that particular piece. thatch bon. vt. 1 give. 2 thatch; put
Gram: Emphatic excised singular contrastive leaves on a roof. Variant: von; mbon.
demonstrative. See: knggl that particu- the a. spec art. the. Gram: Specifier article.
lar piece.
the kama. np art. the. Gram: Functionally
that particular short one kchm. unmarked NP article. Variant: chama; ama;
dem. that particular short one. Gram: gama.
Reduced singular contrastive demonstrative.
Variant: km; chchm; achchm.
the k. np art. the. Gram: NP article that
marks referents whose unique identity is es-
that particular short one, just ~ ch- tablished by the discourse. Variant: ch; g;
kchm. dem. just that particular ka (k + a (specifier article)).
short one. Gram: Emphatic reduced singular
contrastive demonstrative. See: chchm
the ma. np art. the. Gram: The NP article
that marks inherently uniquely identifiable
that particular short one.
that particular short thing pavchm.
dem. that particular short thing. Gram: the, and ~ dma. coord. and the. Morph:
da=kama. Gloss: and=ART. Variant: dama.
Reduced singular distal demonstrative em-
phatic. Variant: vchm; vavchm; bav- their angt. pro. its; their. Gram: Third
chm. person neuter possessive pronoun. Variant:
that particular small one kni. dem.
that particular small one. Gram: Diminu- their angtha. pro. its; their. Gram: Third
tive singular contrastive demonstrative. person neuter possessive pronoun and posses-
Variant: chni; achni. See: chkni just sive pronoun and specific article. Morph:
that particular small one. angt=a. Gloss: 3N.POSS=SPEC. Variant:
that particular small one pavni. dem.
that particular small one. Gram: Diminu- their athv. pro. their. Gram: Third person
tive singular distal demonstrative emphatic. human plural possessive pronoun.
Variant: vavni; vaivni. their athva. pro. their. Gram: Third per-
that particular small one, just ~ son human plural possessive pronoun and
chkni. dem. just that particular possessive pronoun and specific article.
small one. Gram: Emphatic diminutive sin- Morph: athv=a. Gloss: 3H.PL.POSS=SPEC.
gular contrastive demonstrative. See: chni their athvama. pro. their. Gram: Third
that particular small one. person human plural possessive pronoun and
that piece avgl. dem. that piece. Gram: emphatic possessive pronoun. Morph: athv=
Excised singular distal demonstrative. Variant: ma. Gloss: 3H.PL.POSS=EMPH.
vgl. their athvangama. pro. their. Gram:
that short one avchm. dem. that Third person human plural possessive pronoun
short one. Gram: Reduced singular distal and indefinite possessive pronoun. Morph:
demonstrative. Variant: vchm; vcham; athv=angama. Gloss: 3H.PL.POSS=
avcham. INDEF.

that similarly moki. disc. that also; that their, some of ~ angthanga. pro.
similarly; that another. Morph: ma= some of their. Gram: Third person neuter
koki. Gloss: REL=also. possessive pronoun and non-specific possessive

their, some of ~ these large ones

pronoun. Morph: angt=anga. Gloss: then, and ~ dule. coord. and then.
3N.POSS= NSPEC. Morph: da=chule. Gloss: and=then.
their, some of ~ athvanga. pro. some there avi. dem. there. Gram: Count neutral
of their. Gram: Third person human plural distal demonstrative. Variant: vi.
possessive pronoun and non-specific possessive there pe. dem. there. Gram: Anaphoric de-
pronoun. Morph: athvanga. Gloss: monstrative. Variant: ve; be; e (Abilta
3H.PL.POSS NSPEC. dialect); me (Abilta dialect).
their; those two, ~ ain. pro. 1 you two, there saisavi. dir. there.
your. Gram: Second person dual possessive
pronoun. 2 those two, their. Gram:
there, be ~ ve. sa-vi. be there. Gram: May
function as minor verb in serial verb construc-
Third person dual possessive pronoun.
tion encoding imperfective aspect. Variant: pe;
their; those two, ~ aina. pro. 1 you be.
two, your. Gram: Second person dual pos-
sessive pronoun and possessive pronoun and
there, down ~ saimanp. dir. down
specific article. 2 those two, their. there.
Gram: Third person dual possessive pronoun there, from ~ nainavi. dir. from there.
and possessive pronoun and specific article. there, from ~ nave. dir. from there.
Morph: ain=a. Gloss: 2/3DL.POSS=SPEC.
there, from ~ navi. dir. from there.
their; those two, ~ ainama. pro. 1 you
there, out ~ vui. dir. out there. Variant:
two, your. Gram: Second person dual pos-
pui; bui.
sessive pronoun and emphatic possessive pro-
noun. 2 those two, their. Gram: Third there, over ~ saimuani. dir. over there.
person dual possessive pronoun and emphatic there, over distant saimui. dir. over
possessive pronoun. there distant.
them ngt. pro. him; her; it; them. Gram: there, right ~ avivik. dem. right there.
Third person neuter class three pronoun. Gram: Count neutral emphatic distal demon-
them ta. pro. they; them. Gram: Third per- strative. Variant: vivik.
son human plural class one pronoun and third there, to ~ saisave. dir. to there.
person human plural class three pronoun.
there, up ~ aviui. dir. up there.
Variant: tha.
there, up ~ avivui. dir. up there.
them and ngn. pro. them and; it and.
Morph: ng=n. Gloss: 3N.III=and. Variant: thermometer glaski. n. thermometer.
ngna. Pl: glas.

them and tin. pro. them and. Morph: ti= these ithang. dem. 1 these. Gram: Count
n. Gloss: 3H.PL.III=and. Variant: thin; neutral proximate demonstrative. 2 these
tina; thina. flat ones. Gram: Flat plural proximate de-
monstrative. Variant: thang; tngt;
themselves, among ~ bana. dir. among
ithngt; tang (Abilta dialect).
these flat ones ithang. dem. 1 these.
then dai. subord. thus; then. Variant: dei.
Gram: Count neutral proximate demonstrative.
then dasa. coord. and so; then. Morph: da 2 these flat ones. Gram: Flat plural
=sa. Gloss: and=then. Variant: dsa. proximate demonstrative. Variant: thang;
then sa. disc. 1 then. Gram: Clause initial tngt; ithngt; tang (Abilta dialect).
discourse marker. Introduces a new event these flat ones ithmlk. dem. these
frame. 2 so. 3 already. Gram: Re- flat ones. Gram: Flat plural proximate de-
sultative marker. 4 for a while. Gram: In monstrative. Variant: tmlk.
clause final position. 5 Gram: Imperative
these large ones ithnk. dem. these
large ones. Gram: Extended plural proxi-

these long ones these people

mate demonstrative. Variant: tnk. Human plural proximate demonstrative em-

these long ones ithseng. dem. these phatic. Variant: thaithath.
long ones. Gram: Long plural proximate these particular pieces taithigleng.
demonstrative. Variant: tseng. dem. these particular pieces. Gram: Ex-
these particular flat ones taithang. cised plural proximate demonstrative em-
dem. 1 this particular one; these phatic. Variant: thaithigleng.
particular ones. Gram: Count neutral these particular short ones taithvap.
proximate demonstrative emphatic. dem. these particular short ones. Gram:
2 these particular flat ones. Gram: Flat Reduced plural proximate demonstrative em-
plural proximate demonstrative emphatic. See: phatic. Variant: thaithvap.
taithmlk these particular flat these particular small ones taithi-
ones. 3 these particular long ones. thong. dem. these particular small
Gram: Long plural proximate demonstrative ones. Gram: Diminutive plural proximate
emphatic. Variant: thaithang. demonstrative emphatic. Variant: thaithi-
these particular flat ones taithmlk. thong; taiththong.
dem. these particular flat ones. Gram: these particular two taithvem. dem.
Flat plural proximate demonstrative emphatic. these particular two. Gram: Feminine dual
Variant: thaithmlk. See: taithang proximate demonstrative emphatic. Variant:
these particular flat ones. thaithvem.
these particular flat two taithmlm. these particular two taithiom. dem.
dem. these particular flat two. Gram: these particular two. Gram: Masculine
Flat dual proximate demonstrative emphatic. dual proximate demonstrative emphatic.
Variant: thaithmlm. Variant: thaithiom.
these particular large ones taithnk. these particular two large ones taith-
dem. these particular large ones. Gram: nm. dem. these particular two large
Extended plural proximate demonstrative em- ones. Gram: Extended dual proximate demon-
phatic. Variant: thaithnk. strative emphatic. Variant: thaithnm.
these particular long ones taithang. these particular two long ones taith-
dem. 1 this particular one; these sem. dem. these particular two long
particular ones. Gram: Count neutral ones. Gram: Long dual proximate demon-
proximate demonstrative emphatic. strative emphatic. Variant: thaithsem.
2 these particular flat ones. Gram: Flat
plural proximate demonstrative emphatic. See:
these particular two pieces taithi-
taithmlk these particular flat glem. dem. these particular two
ones. 3 these particular long ones. pieces. Gram: Excised dual proximate de-
monstrative emphatic. Variant: thithiglem.
Gram: Long plural proximate demonstrative
emphatic. Variant: thaithang. these particular two short ones taith-
these particular ones taithang. dem. vam. dem. these particular two short
1 this particular one; these particu-
ones. Gram: Reduced dual proximate demon-
strative emphatic. Variant: thaithvam.
lar ones. Gram: Count neutral proximate
demonstrative emphatic. 2 these par- these particular two small
ticular flat ones. Gram: Flat plural proxi- ones taithithom. dem. these par-
mate demonstrative emphatic. See: taith- ticular two small ones. Gram: Diminutive
mlk these particular flat ones. dual proximate demonstrative emphatic.
3 these particular long ones. Gram: Variant: thaithithom.
Long plural proximate demonstrative em- these people ithath. dem. these peo-
phatic. Variant: thaithang. ple. Gram: Human plural proximate demon-
these particular people taithath. strative. Variant: tathe.
dem. these particular people. Gram:

these pieces think

these pieces ithigleng. dem. these they ta. pro. they; them. Gram: Third per-
pieces. Gram: Excised plural proximate de- son human plural class one pronoun and third
monstrative. Variant: tgleng; tiglen person human plural class three pronoun.
(Abilta dialect). Variant: tha.
these short ones ithvap. dem. these they ti. pro. they. Gram: Third person human
short ones. Gram: Reduced plural proximate plural class two pronoun. Variant: thi; thik
demonstrative. Variant: tvap. (Abilta dialect).
these small ones ithithong. dem. these they; those two, ~ in. pro. 1 you two.
small ones. Gram: Diminutive plural proxi- Gram: Second person dual class one pronoun.
mate demonstrative. Variant: tithong; 2 those two, they. Gram: Third person
iththong. dual class one pronoun.
these two ithvem. dem. these two. they; those two, ~ ini. pro. 1 you two.
Gram: Feminine dual proximate demonstrative. Gram: Second person dual class two pronoun.
Variant: tvem. 2 those two, they. Gram: Second per-
these two ithiom. dem. these two. Gram: son dual class two pronoun.
Masculine dual proximate demonstrative. thick athepmn. adj. thick. Variant:
Variant: tiom. athemn.
these two particular short ones pav- thief svocha. n. thief. Pl: svotha.
vam. dem. these two particular short Variant: svaucha.
ones. Gram: Reduced dual distal demon- thief, female ~ svochi. n. female thief.
strative emphatic. Variant: vavvam.
thigh snainggi. n. thigh. Pl: snaing. See:
these two flat ones ithmlm. dem. slvini leg.
these two flat ones. Gram: Flat dual
proximate demonstrative. Variant: tmlm.
thigh, small ~ snaingithini. n. small
thigh. Pl: snaingithong.
these two large ones ithnm. dem.
these two large ones. Gram: Extended thin, be very ~ lalar pt. vi-so. be
dual proximate demonstrative. Variant:
scrawny; be emaciated; be very thin;
especially after a long illness.

these two long ones ithsm. dem. thing gingt. n. thing. Gram: Count neutral

these two long ones. Gram: Long dual non-specific. Variant: dingt (Abilta
proximate demonstrative. Variant: tsm.

these two pieces ithiglem. dem. these things guvangithong. n. belongings;

two pieces. Gram: Excised dual proximate things. Variant: guangithong; ngguva-
demonstrative. Variant: tglem; tiglem
(Abilta dialect). things, the two iom. pro. two things;
these two short ones ithvam. dem. two people. Gram: Third person masculine
dual reduced nominal pronoun.
these two short ones. Gram: Reduced dual
proximate demonstrative. Variant: tvam. things, the two ~ ngaiom. pro. two
these two small ones ithithom. dem. things; two people. Gram: Third person
masculine dual nominal pronoun.
these two small ones. Gram: Diminutive
dual proximate demonstrative. Variant: things, the two ~ ngavem. pro. two
tithom. people; two things. Gram: Third person
feminine dual nominal pronoun.
they ng. pro. he; she; it; they. Gram:
Third person neuter class one pronoun. things, the two ~ vem. pro. two things;
Variant: nga. two people. Gram: Third person feminine
dual reduced nominal pronoun.
they ngthi. pro. he; she; it; they. Gram:
Third person neuter class two pronoun. think tu av snng. vt. think. Variant:

thirsty, be ~ those large things

thu av snng; du av snng; mu av this particular one taithang. dem.

snng; tu at snng. See: snngacha 1 this particular one; these particu-
idea. lar ones. Gram: Count neutral proximate
thirsty, be ~ ksk. vi-so. be thirsty. demonstrative emphatic. 2 these par-
Variant: chsk. ticular flat ones. Gram: Flat plural proxi-
mate demonstrative emphatic. See:
thirsty, be ~ kesias. vi-so. be thirsty. taithmlk these particular flat
Variant: chesias.
ones. 3 these particular long ones.
this flat one ithvs. dem. this flat one. Gram: Long plural proximate demonstrative
Gram: Flat singular proximate demonstrative. emphatic. Variant: thaithang.
Variant: tvs.
this particular piece taithigl. dem. this
this, just like ~ taithik. dem. 1 right particular piece. Gram: Excised singular
now. Gram: Emphatic adverbial proximate proximate demonstrative emphatic Variant:
demonstrative. 2 just like this. Gram: thaithigl.
Emphatic adverbial proximate demonstrative.
this particular short one taithchm.
Variant: thaithik; daithik.
dem. this particular short one. Gram:
this large one ithchit. dem. this large Reduced singular proximate demonstrative
one. Gram: Extended singular proximate de- emphatic. Variant: thaithchm.
monstrative. Variant: tchit.
this particular small one taithini. dem.
this long one ithvet. dem. this long this particular small one. Gram: Diminu-
one. Gram: Long singular proximate demon- tive singular proximate demonstrative em-
strative. Variant: tvt. phatic. Variant: thaithini.
this one ithaik. dem. this one. Gram: this piece ithigl. dem. this piece. Gram:
Feminine singular proximate demonstrative. Excised singular proximate demonstrative.
Variant: thaik; taik. Variant: tgl; tigl (Abilta dialect).
this one ithak. dem. this one. Gram: this short one ithchm. dem. this
Masculine singular proximate demonstrative. short one. Gram: Reduced singular proxi-
Variant: thak; tak; ithat (Abilta dialect). mate demonstrative. Variant: ithcham;
this particular flat one taithvs. dem. tcham.
this particular flat one. Gram: Flat sin- this small one ithini. dem. this small
gular proximate demonstrative emphatic. one. Gram: Diminutive singular proximate
Variant: thaithvs. demonstrative. Variant: tni; tini (Abilta
this particular large one taithchit. dialect).
dem. this particular large one. Gram: this very one tik. dem. this very one.
Extended singular proximate demonstrative Gram: Proximate demonstrative emphatic par-
emphatic. Variant: thaithchit. ticle. Variant: dik; thik.
this particular long one taithvet. thorny, be ~ achep pt. vi-so. be
dem. this particular long one. Gram: thorny. Variant: chep pt.
Long singular proximate demonstrative em-
those flat ones avang. dem. 1 that
phatic. Variant: thaithvet.
one; those ones. Gram: Count neutral distal
this particular one taithaik. dem. this demonstrative. 2 those flat ones. Gram:
particular one. Gram: Feminine singular Flat plural distal demonstrative. Variant:
proximate demonstrative emphatic. Variant: vang; pang.
those flat things avmlk. dem. those
this particular one taithak. dem. this flat things. Gram: Flat plural distal demon-
particular one. Gram: Masculine singular strative. Variant: vmlk.
proximate demonstrative emphatic. Variant:
those large things avink. dem. those
large things. Gram: Extended plural distal

those long things those particular pieces

demonstrative. Variant: venk. large ones. Gram: Emphatic extended plural

those long things aviseng. dem. those contrastive demonstrative. See: chnk
long things. Gram: Long plural distal de- those particular large ones.
monstrative. Variant: vseng. those particular long ones kseng.
those ones avang. dem. 1 that one; dem. those particular long ones. Gram:
those ones. Gram: Count neutral distal de- Long plural contrastive demonstrative. Var-
monstrative. 2 those flat ones. Gram: iant: chseng; achseng.
Flat plural distal demonstrative. Variant: those particular long ones pavseng.
vang; pang. dem. those particular long ones. Gram:
those particular flat ones kmlk. Long plural distal demonstrative emphatic.
dem. those particular flat ones. Gram: Variant: vavseng.
Flat plural contrastive demonstrative. Variant: those particular long ones, just ~
chmlk; achmlk. See: chkmlk chekseng. dem. just those particu-
just those particular flat ones. lar long ones. Gram: Emphatic long plural
those particular flat ones pachvang. contrastive demonstrative. See: chseng
dem. 1 that particular one; those those particular long ones.
particular ones. Gram: Count neutral distal those particular ones kngt. dem.
demonstrative emphatic. 2 those par- those particular ones; that particular
ticular flat ones. Gram: Flat plural distal one. Gram: Count neutral contrastive demon-
emphatic. Variant: vach-
demonstrative strative. Variant: achnget; chnget;
vang; bachvang. See: paivang those gnget.
particular flat ones. those particular ones pachvang.
those particular flat ones paivang. dem. 1 that particular one; those
dem. those particular flat ones. Gram: particular ones. Gram: Count neutral distal
Flat plural distal demonstrative emphatic. demonstrative emphatic. 2 those par-
Variant: aivang; vaivang. See: pachvang ticular flat ones. Gram: Flat plural distal
those particular flat ones. emphatic. Variant: vach-

those particular flat ones, just ~ vang; bachvang. See: paivang those
chkmlk. dem. just those par- particular flat ones.
ticular flat ones. Gram: Emphatic flat plural those particular ones paivang. dem.
contrastive demonstrative. See: chmlk that particular one; those particular
those particular flat ones. ones. Gram: Count neutral distal demon-
those particular flat two, just ~ strative emphatic. Variant: aivang; vaivang.
chkmlm. dem. just those par- those particular people krathe. dem.
ticular flat two. Gram: Emphatic flat dual those particular people. Gram: Human
contrastive demonstrative. See: chmlm plural contrastive demonstrative. Variant:
just those particular two flat ones. chrath; chrare; achrathe.
those particular large ones knk. those particular people paivathe. dem.
dem. those particular large ones. Gram: those particular people. Gram: Human
Extended plural contrastive demonstrative. plural distal demonstrative emphatic. Variant:
Variant: chnk; achnk. See: chknk ivathe; vaivathe.
just those particular large ones. those particular pieces kgleng. dem.
those particular large ones pavnk. those particular pieces. Gram: Excised
dem. those particular large ones. Gram: plural contrastive demonstrative. Variant:
Extended plural distal demonstrative emphatic. chgleng; knggleng; achgleng.
Variant: vavnk. those particular pieces pavgleng.
those particular large ones, just ~ dem. those particular pieces. Gram: Ex-
chknk. dem. just those particular cised plural distal demonstrative emphatic.

those particular pieces, just those particular two long ones

Variant: vavgleng. distal demonstrative emphatic. Variant:

those particular pieces, just chkng- vavvem; bavvem.
gleng. dem. just those particular those particular two paviom. dem.
pieces. Gram: Emphatic excised plural con- those particular two. Gram: Masculine
trastive demonstrative. See: kgleng those dual distal demonstrative emphatic. Variant:
particular pieces. vaviom; baviom.
those particular short ones kvap. those particular two flat ones pav-
dem. those particular short ones. Gram: mlm. dem. those particular two flat
Reduced plural contrastive demonstrative. ones. Gram: Flat dual distal demonstrative
Variant: chvap; achevap. See: chkvap emphatic. Variant: vavmlm.
just those particular short ones. those particular two flat ones, just ~
those particular short ones pavvap. kmlm. dem. just those particular
dem. those particular short ones. Gram: two flat ones. Gram: Flat dual contrastive
Reduced plural distal demonstrative emphatic. demonstrative. Variant: chmlm;
Variant: vavvap. achmlm. See: chkmlm just
those particular short ones, just ~ those particular flat two.
chkvap. dem. just those particular those particular two, just ~ chkvem.
short ones. Gram: Emphatic reduced plural dem. just those particular two. Gram:
contrastive demonstrative. See: chvap Emphatic feminine dual contrastive demon-
those particular short ones. strative. See: kvem those particular
those particular small ones kthong. two.
dem. those particular small ones. Gram: those particular two, just ~ chkiom.
Diminutive plural contrastive demonstrative. dem.just those particular two. Gram:
Variant:chthong; achthong. See: Emphatic masculine dual contrastive demon-
chkthong just those particular strative. See: kiom those particular
small ones. two.
those particular small ones, just ~ those particular two large ones k-
chkthong. dem. just those par- nm. dem. those particular two large
ticular small ones. Gram: Emphatic di- ones. Gram: Extended dual contrastive de-
minutive plural contrastive demonstrative. monstrative. Variant: chnm; achnm.
See: chthong those particular small See: chknm just those particular
ones. two large ones.
those particular small things paiv- those particular two large ones pav-
thong. dem. those particular small nm. dem. those particular two large
things. Gram: Diminutive plural distal de- ones. Gram: Extended dual distal demon-
monstrative emphatic. Variant: avthong; strative emphatic. Variant: vnm; vav-
vaivthong; pavthong; bavthong. nm.
those particular two kvem. dem. those particular two large ones, just ~
those particular two. Gram: Feminine dual chknm. dem. just those particular
contrastive demonstrative. Variant: chvem; two large ones. Gram: Emphatic extended
achvem. See: chkvem just those dual contrastive demonstrative. See: chnm
particular two. those particular two large ones.
those particular two kiom. dem. those those particular two long ones ksem.
particular two. Gram: Masculine singular dem. those particular two long ones.
contrastive demonstrative. See: chkiom Gram: Long dual contrastive demonstrative.
just those particular two. Variant: chsem; achsem. See: chk-
those particular two pavvem. dem. sem just those particular two long
those particular two. Gram: Feminine dual ones.

those particular two long ones those two particular pieces

those particular two long ones pav- chkthom. dem. just those par-
sem. dem. those particular two long ticular two small ones. Gram: Emphatic
ones. Gram: Long dual distal demonstrative diminutive dual contrastive demonstrative.
emphatic. Variant: vavsem. See: chthom those particular two
those particular two long ones, just ~ small ones.
chksem. dem. just those particular those people avath. dem. those peo-
two long ones. Gram: Emphatic long dual ple. Gram: Human plural distal demonstrative.
contrastive demonstrative. See: chsem Variant: vath.
those particular two long ones. those pieces avglng. dem. those
those particular two pieces kglem. pieces. Gram: Excised plural distal demon-
dem. those particular two pieces. Gram: strative. Variant: vglng.
Excised dual contrastive demonstrative. those short things avvap. dem. those
Variant: chglem; kngglem; short things. Gram: Reduced plural distal
achglem. demonstrative. Variant: vvap.
those particular two pieces, just ~ those small things avthong. dem.
chkngglem. dem. just those par- those small things. Gram: Diminutive plu-
ticular two pieces. Gram: Emphatic ex- ral distal demonstrative. Variant: vthong;
cised dual contrastive demonstrative. See: athong (Abilta dialect).
chngglem those particular two
pieces. those two avvem. dem. those two.
Gram: Feminine dual distal demonstrative.
those particular two short ones Variant: vvem.
kglem. dem. those particular two
short ones. Gram: Reduced dual contrastive those two aviom. dem. those two. Gram:
Masculine dual distal demonstrative. Variant:
demonstrative. Variant: chglem; ache-
those particular two short ones kvam. those two and in. pro. 1 you two and.
dem. those particular two short ones. 2 those two and. Morph: in=n. Gloss:
2/3DL.III=and. Variant: ina.
Gram: Reduced dual contrastive demon-
strative. Variant: chvam; achvam. See: those two, and ~ dini. coord. and those
chkvam just those particular two two. Morph: da=ini. Gloss: and=3DL class
short ones. two.

those particular two short ones, just ~ those two flat ones avmlm. dem.
chkvam. dem. just those particular those two flat ones. Gram: Flat dual distal
two short ones. Gram: Emphatic reduced demonstrative. Variant: vmlm.
dual contrastive demonstrative. See: chvam those two large ones avinm. dem.
those particular two short ones. those two large ones. Gram: Extended
those particular two small dual distal demonstrative. Variant: venm.
ones kthom. dem. those particular those two long ones avisem. dem.
two small ones. Gram: Diminutive dual those two long ones. Gram: Long dual
Variant: ach-
contrastive demonstrative. distal demonstrative. Variant: visem.
thom; chthom. See: chkthom just
those two particular ones, just ~
those particular two small ones.
chkrang. dem. just those two par-
those particular two small ones pav- ticular ones. Gram: Emphatic count neutral
thom. dem. those particular two contrastive demonstrative. Variant: krang;
small ones. Gram: Diminutive dual distal kkrang; achkrang.
demonstrative emphatic. Variant: vavthom;
those two particular pieces pavglem.
dem. those two particular pieces. Gram:
those particular two small ones, just ~ Excised dual distal demonstrative emphatic.

those two pieces through

Variant: vavglem. those two, they ini. pro. 1 you two.

those two pieces avglem. dem. those Gram: Second person dual class two pronoun.
two pieces. Gram: Excised dual distal de- 2 those two, they. Gram: Second per-
monstrative. Variant: vglem. son dual class two pronoun.

those two short ones avvam. dem. thought amusnng. n. 1 behaviour.

those two short ones. Gram: Reduced dual 2 idea; thought. 3 plan.
distal demonstrative. Variant: vvam. 4 habit; custom. Morph: a=musnng.
Gloss: SPEC=put.PAST-heart. Variant:
those two small ones avthom. dem. amusnngini.
those two small ones. Gram: Diminutive
dual distal demonstrative. Variant: vethom; thousand athvuska. n. thousand. Pl:
athom (Karong dialect). athvus.

those two, some of their ainanga. pro. thrash around bnmalivi. sa-vi. writhe;
1 you two, some of your. Gram: Second thrash around; especially something
person dual possessive pronoun and thrashing around in death throws.
non-specific possessive pronoun. 2 those Variant: vnmalivi; bnmaliwi; vnma-
two, some of their. Gram: Third person liwi.
dual possessive pronoun and non-specific pos- three advaung. num. three. Gram: Hu-
sessive pronoun. Morph: ain=anga. Gloss: man plural and count neutral. Variant:
2/3DL.POSS=NSPEC. duvaung; andvaung.
those two, some of their ainangama. three aduvanguik. num. three. Gram:
pro. 1 you two, some of your. Gram: Feminine plural.
Second person dual possessive pronoun and three flat ones aduguamlk. num.
indefinite possessive pronoun. 2 those three flat ones. Gram: Flat plural.
two, some of their. Gram: Third person
dual possessive pronoun and indefinite posses-
three large ones adeguank. num.
sive pronoun. Morph: ain=angama. Gloss:
three large ones. Gram: Extended plural.
Variant: andeguank.
those two, their ain. pro. 1 you two, three long ones aduguaseng. num.
your. Gram: Second person dual possessive three long ones. Gram: Long plural.
pronoun. 2 those two, their. Gram: three pieces aduguagleng. num. three
Third person dual possessive pronoun. pieces. Gram: Excised plural.
those two, their aina. pro. 1 you two, three short ones aduguavap. num.
your. Gram: Second person dual possessive three short ones. Gram: Reduced plural.
pronoun and possessive pronoun and specific Variant: anduguavap.
article. 2 those two, their. Gram: Third three small ones aduguathong. num.
person dual possessive pronoun and possessive three small ones. Gram: Diminutive plural.
pronoun and specific article. Morph: ain=a.
throat angtkn'gi. n. 1 neck.
Gloss: 2/3DL.POSS=SPEC.
2 throat. 3 voice. Morph: at=kn.
those two, their ainama. pro. 1 you Gloss: 3F.SG.POSS=throat. Pl: angtkn.
two, your. Gram: Second person dual pos- Variant: tchn; chn'gi.
sessive pronoun and emphatic possessive pro-
throat thuchulki. n. throat. Pl: thuchul.
noun. 2 those two, their. Gram: Third
Variant: tuchul.
person dual possessive pronoun and emphatic
possessive pronoun. through mni. dir. 1 on. 2 onto.
3 at. 4 in. 5 through.
those two, they in. pro. 1 you two.
6 across.
Gram: Second person dual class one pronoun.
2 those two, they. Gram: Third person through mt. prep. 1 in; within.
dual class one pronoun. 2 during; on. Gram: This sense available
with temporal expressions. 3 inside.

throw to, across

4 into. 5 through. Variant: mtha; marumgi reef fish sp. (alternate

m. name).
throw don n. vt. throw. Variant: thon tilapia, school of ~ makauves. n.
n; don na; thon na. school of tilapia (makau).
throw away don. vt. 1 throw away. time, at the same ~ as sdamr veia.
2 subtract. Variant: thon. adv. at the same time as; while. Variant:
throw away don ma. sa-vi. 1 clear sndamr veia.
land for a new garden. 2 throw time, at the ~ klan. adv. 1 like; like-
away; abandon. Variant: thon ma. wise. 2 at the time; when. Variant:
throw away kulel. vt. 1 leave. chlan; glan; klan; chlan. See:
2 throw away. Variant: chulel. machlan at the time; when.

throw oneself donanas. sa-vi. jump; time, last ~ maila chuvsnia. disc.
throw oneself. Variant: thonanas. 1 the other day. 2 last time.
Variant: malachuvsnia.
throw something at someone tu. vt.
shoot; throw something at someone. time, long ~ maulul. adv. long time.
Variant: thu. times, many ~ malilu. adv. many times.
throw something at someone tuthik timid, be ~ auluvk mt. vi-so. be
namt. vt. throw something at timid; be cowardly; be afraid.
someone; shoot. Morph: tu=tik na=mt. tin tin'gi. n. tin. Pl: tin. Note: only t.
Gloss: put=hand from=within. Variant:
thuthik namt.
tinea aslavar. n. tinea; ringworm
thumb angthiki ama lvopki. n.
thumb. tinea awithinggi. n. ringworm; tinea
that appears as white spots on the
thumb sangaravun'gi. n. thumb. Pl: skin. Pl: awithaing.
sangaravun. Variant: sangaravun'ga.
tip out sruk. vt. pour; spill; tip out;
thunder ddin. n. thunder. specifically of dry things such as
thus dai. subord. thus; then. Variant: dei. gravel.
tickle kilok. vt. tickle. Variant: chilok. tip out tnp n. vt. 1 turn. 2 tip out.
tidy slamr vm. vt. 1 fix. 2 tidy. 3 translate. Variant: np n; tnp na;
np na.
tie kethik pt. vt. tie. Variant: chethik
pt; chethik p; kethik p. tips, tree ~ ayaungem. n. tree tips; the
ends of the branches where the leaves
tie on kethik tm. vt. tie on. Variant:
are. Pl: ayaungbap. Variant: aiyaungem.
chethik tm; chethik t; kethik t.
tired, be ~ aruan pt. vi-so. be tired.
tie up kop s. vt. tie up. Variant: chop s.
to sa. prep. 1 to. 2 with. Variant: s.
tie up pais pt. vt. tie up. Variant: vais
pt. to sagl. prep. to. Variant: sanggl.
tight adedr. adj. tight; e.g. fishing line to sd. prep. to. Variant: sda; sde; snd;
that has a large fish pulling on it. snda.
Variant: dedr. to sthm. prep. to. Variant: sathm;

tight, be ~ nder na. vi-so. be uncom- sth.

fortable because something is too to sva. prep. to.
tight. to svt. prep. 1 to. 2 about.
tilapia makaucha. n. reef fish sp.; tila- 3 at. 4 onto. Variant: sk; svk
pia; grey with scales; have no teeth; (Abilta dialect); svtha.
up to 30 cm long. Pl: makau. See: to, across ~ saimuanp. dir. to the

to, back torn, be ~

other side; across to. together tmna. dir. together. Variant:

to, back ~ naglmna. prep. back to. thmna; dmna.
Variant: nanglmna. together, group ~ tethana. sa-vi. 1 be
to down samk. dir. to down. friends. 2 be married. 3 group
together. Variant: thethana; dethana;
to down there samanp. dir. to down methana.
there. Variant: samani.
Tok Pisin amethamn ama dv-
to, down ~ saimano. dir. down to. thng. n. Melanesian Pidgin; Tok
to, down ~ saimni. dir. over to; down Pisin. See: ism angtha methamn
to. Melanesian Pidgin; Tok Pisin.
to each other sthmna. dir. to each Tok Pisin ism angtha methamn.
other. n. Melanesian Pidgin; Tok Pisin.
to each other svana. dir. to each Tolai man tangammtka. n. Tolai man.
other. Pl: tangammtta.
to, in order ~ vasik. subord. in order to. Tolai woman tangammtki. n. Tolai
Morph: va=asik. Gloss: purposive=irrealis. woman.
to oneself snas. dir. to oneself; about tomorrow mubang. adv. 1 tomorrow.
oneself. 2 next day. Variant: bubang; mum-
to oneself svanas. dir. to oneself; bang.
about oneself. tongs sangarka. n. tongs. Pl: sangar.
to oneself vthanas. prep. to oneself; tongue achulbingga. n. tongue. Pl:
on oneself. Morph: vt=nas. Gloss: PREP= achulubaing. Variant: kulbingga; chuli-
REFL. Variant: pthanas. bingga.
to other side samethik. dir. to other tongue of flame chulimbinggi. n.
side. tongue of flame. Pl: achulubaing.
to, over ~ saimni. dir. over to; down Variant: kulbingga; chulibingga.
to. too doki. adv. 1 also; too. 2 simil-
to the other side saimuanp. dir. to arly. Morph: da=koki. Gloss: and=also.
the other side; across to. Variant: daki.

to the other side saimuit. dir. to the tooth angtkenggi. n. tooth. Pl:
other side. angtkeng.

to the top savuk. dir. up; to the top. top angtps. n. 1 top. 2 roof.
Variant: sauk. Morph: angt=ps. Gloss: 3N.POSS=head.
Variant: angtpus; vs.
to there saisave. dir. to there.
top pavar. dir. top. Variant: vavar; vovar;
to there save. dir. to there.
to this side sainamuk. dir. to this side.
top thng. n. 1 back. 2 top.
tobacco plant nangasacha. n. 3 behalf. Note: only th. Note: no endings.
1 tobacco plant. 2 cigarette. Pl:
top, native spinach ~ auravucha. n.
native spinach (aibika) top that is used
toe valvalka. n. finger; toe; generic for cooking.
term of the extremities of the hands
torch manaingimgi. n. 1 window.
and feet. Pl: valval.
2 torch; flashlight. Pl: manaingim.
toe, big ~ lcharacha ama morka. n. See: achilotki window.
big toe.
torn lr mt. vi-so. torn.
toenail ravski. n. nail; claw. Pl: ravs.
torn, be ~ prk mt. vi-so. 1 be torn;

torso, front of ~ tree sp.

be ripped. 2 shout; yell. Variant: (Abilta dialect) trap.

vrk mt. trap secha. n. trap. Usage: Abilta dialect.
torso, front of ~ ronas. n. front of torso; Pl: sek. See: baurka trap.
belly and chest of an animal. Note: no traveller amonelka. n. 1 hunter.
endings. 2 traveller. Pl: amonelta.
toss kuasin na. vt. toss; especially re- traveller, female ~ amonelki. n. female
ferring to throwing liquid from a con- traveller.
tainer. Variant: chuasin.
treatment slamrki. n. treatment;
toss and turn tusachus. sa-vi. wriggle cure. Pl: slamr.
around because of irritation; toss and
turn e.g. while trying to sleep. Variant: tree amngga. n. tree. Pl: amng.
Variant: nng (Abilta dialect); mngga.
thusachus; dusachus; musachus;
thusavus; tusavus; dusavus; musavus. tree angmngga. n. 1 tree.
2 stick; piece of wood. Morph: ang=
touch tk vt. vt. 1 touch. 2 feel.
mngka. Gloss: 3.CN.POSS=wood-M.SG.
Variant: thk vt; thk v; tk v.
Pl: angmng.
tough achrot. adj. 1 strong.
2 tough. 3 hard; difficult. Variant:
tree angmnggi. n. 1 large tree.
2 log. Morph: ang=mngki. Gloss:
3.CN.POSS=wood-F.SG. Pl: angmng. Pl:
towards muit. dir. 1 ashore; shore- mng. Variant: nngaik (Abilta dialect).
wards. 2 across on same level; to-
wards. Variant: mit. tree, breadfruit ~ variachi. n.
1 breadfruit tree. 2 breadfruit. Pl:
towards, back ~ momono. dir. back var. Variant: pariachi. See: vaski
towards. breadfruit tree and fruit.
towel tauchi. n. towel. tree, breadfruit ~ vaski. n.
tower vlavalka. n. 1 pole. 2 tower. 1 breadfruit tree. 2 breadfruit. Pl:
Pl: vlaval. Note: only v. vas. See: variachi breadfruit. Note: only
track ais. n. 1 track. 2 way; route. v.
3 transport. Variant: is. tree, large ~ amnggi. n. large tree. Pl:
track awal. n. track; specifically the amng. Variant: mnggi; nnggi (Abilta
direction of the undergrowth, like dialect).
grasses, which shows the direction a tree, small ~ amngini. n. small tree.
person has gone. Pl: amngihtong. Variant: mngini;
track isia. n. ridge; track (ridge lines nngini (Abilta dialect).
are used as tracks). Pl: isink. See: tree sp. achluangga. n. tree sp.; is up
aiska road. to 20 cm in diameter; light brown; the
track mpmpki. n. track; made by bark is slippery inside; is especially
people. Pl: mpmp. found in old gardens. Pl: achluang.

tracks alcharacha. n. 1 footprint; tree sp. achelungurka. n. tree sp.; tall

track. 2 footstep. Pl: alchar. with large buttress roots and very
hard wood; bark is used as a purgative
train sunas. vt. learn; train; study. for treating poisoning, it is grated and
translate tnp n. vt. 1 turn. 2 tip washed in water and then the water is
out. 3 translate. Variant: np n; tnp drunk. Usage: An alternate name for
na; np na. achesinbemga.
transport ais. n. 1 track. 2 way; tree sp. achnanggolka. n. tree sp.;
route. 3 transport. Variant: is. grows in the mountains; has very
trap baurka. n. trap. Pl: baur. See: secha dense wood and is hard to cut; grubs

tree sp. tree sp.

kill the tree; people like to eat the tree sp. auska. n. tree sp.; similar to
grubs that live in this tree. Pl: the cocoa tree and the athalevacha
achnanggol. Variant: chnanggolka. sp.; much taller than a cocoa tree;
tree sp. achesinbemga. n. tree sp.; tall bears small fruit but has smaller
with large buttress roots and very leaves than the athalevacha species.
hard wood; bark is used as a purgative tree sp. avarka. n. tree sp.; grows close
for treating poisoning, it is grated and to the beach; branches bend down;
washed in water and then the water is has yellow flowers and useful fibres.
drunk. Usage: An alternate name for Pl: avar.
achelungurka. tree sp. balska. n. tree sp.; large tree
tree sp. aicha. n. 1 branch of river; with soft wood. Pl: bals.
flows year round. 2 tree sp.; has tree sp. chlaska. n. tree sp.; has soft
rough grey bark with vertical serra- wood; cassowaries eat the fruit. Pl:
tions and plentiful, small, spade- chlas. Variant: klaska.
shaped leaves. Pl: aio. Pl: ayo.
tree sp. chlmgi. n. tree sp.; has pods
tree sp. ainilka. n. tree sp.; yields fi- that are used as rattles. Pl: chlm.
bres used to make nets and net bags Note: only ch.
(bilums); is tall and narrow. Pl: ainil.
Variant: anilk (Abilta dialect); aenilk
tree sp. chluangga. n. tree sp.; has
(Abilta dialect). silky fibre. Pl: chluang. Note: only ch.

tree sp. amnggaricha. n. tree sp.; tree sp. chungacha. n. 1 tree sp.;
has soft wood; makes you itch. Pl: casuarina. 2 sisterless man; sis-
amnggare. Variant: mnggariacha.
terless boy; a man or a boy who does
not have any sisters. Pl: chuang. Variant:
tree sp. amrachuvacha. n. tree sp.; kungacha.
has multi-coloured bark; grows near
rivers. Pl: amrachuap. Pl: amrachop. tree sp. ivngacha. n. tree sp.; large
tree from the bush; is the home of
tree sp. amrochopink. n. tree sp. spirits. Pl: ivang.
Variant: vavnk.
tree sp. lamthain'ga. n. tree sp.;
tree sp. aruchusicha. n. 1 tree sp. large tree species. Pl: lamthain.
2 type of fruit.
tree sp. luanggareska. n. tree sp.;
tree sp. athalevacha. n. 1 cocoa tree. very straight and tall; is easy to split
2 tree sp.; looks like a cocoa tree, into planks.
only taller with narrower leaves, and
bears small fruit rather than pods; tree sp. matholka. n. tree sp.; new
good for firewood; eating the ripe leaves from this tree are used to treat
green leaves is good for diarrhoea; sickness in the spleen and for boils;
has larger leaves than the auska spe- for the spleen, the leaves are chewed
cies. Pl: athalep. and swallowed; for boils, the leaves
are heated and then placed over the
tree sp. athingga. n. tree sp.; yields boil.
fibre. Pl: athing.
tree sp. mlutki. n. tree sp.; beach
tree sp. athonggi. n. 1 tree sp.; bears tree; grows horizontally towards the
an edible fruit. 2 river crab sp.; water. Pl: mlut.
brown; up to 5 cm in diameter; flat
feet for paddling. Pl: athong. tree sp. mnumgi. n. tree sp.; tall tree
that grows in the bush; a bit like the
tree sp. aulmangachi. n. native or- mlutki species; good timber for
ange; refers to both the tree and the houses. Pl: mnum.
fruit. Pl: aulmang. Variant: aulmang;
tree sp. minminga. n. tree sp.; a soft-

tree sp. truth

wood tree with red flowers. Pl: dangerous tree after the ceremony
minmin. and must not be touched. Pl: yaung.
tree sp. mrunggi. n. tree sp.; rosewood tree, strong inner part of ~ rarpka. n.
tree. Pl: mrung. Variant: marungga. 1 strong inner part of tree. 2 gun.
tree sp. mulichi. n. orange; both the Pl: rarp.
tree and the fruit. Pl: muli. tree stump amngm. n. tree stump.
tree sp. nmbingga. n. tree sp.; strong Pl: amngbap. Variant: mngm.
trees that grow on top of mountain trees angmng. n. 1 wood.
ridges. Pl: nmbaing. 2 trees. Morph: ang=mng. Gloss:
tree sp. rachan'ga. n. tree sp.; hard- 3.CN.POSS=wood. Variant: mng; nng
wood tree used for timber; very large, (Abilta dialect).
is both tall and broad; burns well tremble chn'gn bt. vi-so. 1 shiver.
good for firewood; was logged exten- 2 tremble. Variant: chn'gn pt.
sively by the Catholic Mission for use Note: only ch.
in its post-war building program. Pl: tremor chn'gn. n. tremor. Note: only
rachan. ch.
tree sp. raiycha. n. 1 tree sp.; grows trepang amangia. n. trepang; sea cu-
along the coast and in the mountains cumber. Pl: amang. Pl: amanginnk.
in the bush; the sap is fragrant and Variant: mangia.
burns like wax. 2 fragrant sap from
the tree with the same name. Pl: trick nangathm s. vt. trick. Usage:

Abilta dialect.

tree sp. srubn'ga. n. tree sp.; if you tried nia. modal. 1 just; suddenly; sur-
touch it your skin swells. Pl: srubn. prisingly. Gram: Mirative marker with pre-
sent tense or past tense verbs. 2 tried.
Variant: sruban'ga.
Gram: Frustrative marker with future tense
tree sp. tltlcha. n. tree sp.; grows verbs.
near the beach; has edible fruit. Pl:
trigger vlnini. n. trigger; knob; in-
cluding the ears of a saucepan that
tree sp. thabucha. n. tree sp.; used for the handle is hooked into. Pl: vlni-
making canoes. Pl: thabu. Variant: thong. Variant: plnini.
trim sm. vt. trim; especially of hair.
tree sp. vaidebunggi. n. 1 tree sp.;
known as wild orange tree. 2 wild Trinity Trinitas. n. Trinity. Note: no
orange. 3 ball; refers to something
the size of a volleyball. Pl: vaidebung. trochus shell malimgi. n. trochus shell.
Note: only v. Pl: malim.

tree sp. vlngacha. n. tree sp.; grows trouble tharesini. n. trouble. Pl:
in old garden sites; has very thick tharesithong. Variant: taresini.
bark, small white leaves, and very trousers snaingbam. n. trousers. Pl:
small flowers. Pl: vlang. Variant: snaingbap.
truck aiski. n. 1 car. 2 truck. Pl: ais.
tree sp. warevacha. n. tree sp.; grows Variant: iski. See: araun'ga mtki car.
by the river; has small leaves. Pl:
truly marik. disc. truly; really. Variant:
tree sp. yaungga. n. tree sp.; used in
truly sok. disc. really; truly.
the cleansing ceremony that follows a
raid on another village; becomes a truth alengeiki. n. truth. Gram: No plural
form. Variant: lengeiki.

try two long ones, some ~

try su. vt. 1 try. 2 teach. dialect. See: bngangbes twilight.

try suchut nanas mt. vt. 1 try. twilight bangangbes. n. twilight; re-
2 try on; e.g. try new clothes on fers to low light at either dusk or
yourself. dawn. Variant: bngangbes. See: aunes
try hard achrnas pt. vi-so. try hard. (Karong dialect) twilight.

try on suchut nanas mt. vt. 1 try. twist vunak. vt. twist. Variant: wunak.
2 try on; e.g. try new clothes on twist together deng. vt. twist together;
yourself. e.g. to make a strong rope out of finer
try to vandi. disc. 1 want to; intend to. ones. Variant: theng; meng.
Gram: Desiderative marker. 2 try to. two aunbem. num. two. Gram: Feminine
3 nearly; almost. 4 maybe. Variant: dual. Variant: unbem.
vadi. two aun'giom. num. two. Gram: Masculine
t-shirt singgliski. n. t-shirt; shirt. dual and count neutral dual. Variant:
Variant: singiliski. Pl: singglis. un'giom.
tuberculosis chenechacha. n. asthma; two guaiom. dem. two. Gram: Masculine
tuberculosis; any condition principally dual indefinite demonstrative.
involving difficulty with breathing. two guavem. dem. two. Gram: Feminine
tumble over lvur vt. vi-so. tumble dual indefinite demonstrative.
over. two, and those ~ dini. coord. and those
tuna, yellowfin ~ atun'gi. n. fish sp.; two. Morph: da=ini. Gloss: and=3DL class
yellowfin tuna. Pl: atun. two.
turn dong. sa-vi. turn. Variant: thong. two flat ones aunmlm. num. two flat
turn dong mes. sa-vi. turn. Variant: ones. Gram: Flat dual. Variant: unmlm.
thong mes. two flat ones guamlm. dem. two flat
turn tnp n. vt. 1 turn. 2 tip out. ones. Gram: Flat dual indefinite demon-
3 translate. Variant: np n; tnp na; strative.
np na. two flat ones, some ~ agimlm. pro.
turn inside out nunggring mt. vt. some two flat ones. Gram: Flat dual in-
turn inside out. definite pronoun. Variant: anggimlm;
turn over valing. sa-vi. turn over.
Variant: waling. two large ones aundenm. num. two
large ones. Gram: Extended dual.
turn over vanim. vt. roll around; turn
over; e.g. movements of waves and two large ones guanm. dem. two
fabric. Variant: wanim. large ones. Gram: Extended dual indefinite
turtle avun'gi. n. turtle. Pl: avun. Variant:
vun'ga (Abilta dialect). two large ones, some ~ aginm. pro.
some two large ones. Gram: Extended
tussle piru nana. sa-vi. tussle. Variant:
dual indefinite pronoun. Variant: anginm;
viru nana; runa.
twice maunmlm. adv. twice. two long ones aundisem. num. two
twig angthichini. n. 1 hand; arm; long ones. Gram: Long dual.
refers to the entire limb; more polite two long ones guasem. dem. two long
word than angthiki. 2 twig. ones. Gram: Long dual indefinite demon-
twigs valvalki. n. twigs. Pl: valval. strative.
Variant: valpal. Note: only v.
two long ones, some ~ agisem. pro.
twilight aunes. n. twilight. Usage: Abilta some two long ones. Gram: Extended dual

two people, some ~ two, those particular ~

indefinite pronoun. Variant: anggisem; some two small ones. Gram: Diminutive
gisem. dual indefinite pronoun. Variant: anggithom;
two people, some ~ agivem. pro. some githom.
two people; some two things. Gram: two, the flat ~ imlm. pro. the flat
Feminine dual indefinite pronoun. Variant: two. Gram: Flat dual reduced nominal pro-
anggivem; givem. noun.
two people, the ~ iom. pro. two things; two, the flat ~ ngimlm. pro. the flat
two people. Gram: Third person masculine two. Gram: Flat dual nominal pronoun.
dual reduced nominal pronoun. two, the large ~ inm. pro. the large
two people, the ~ ngaiom. pro. two two. Gram: Extended dual reduced nominal
things; two people. Gram: Third person pronoun.
masculine dual nominal pronoun. two, the long ~ isem. pro. the long two.
two people, the ~ ngavem. pro. two Gram: Long dual reduced nominal pronoun.
people; two things. Gram: Third person two, the long ~ nginm. pro. the long
feminine dual nominal pronoun. two. Gram: Extended dual nominal pronoun.
two people, the ~ vem. pro. two things; two, the long ~ ngisem. pro. the long
two people. Gram: Third person feminine two. Gram: Long dual nominal pronoun.
dual reduced nominal pronoun.
two, the short ~ iglem. pro. short two.
two pieces aunglem. num. two pieces. Gram: Excised dual reduced nominal pronoun.
Gram: Excised dual.
two, the short ~ ngavam. pro. short
two pieces guaglem. dem. two pieces. two. Gram: Reduced dual nominal pronoun.
Gram: Excised dual indefinite demonstrative.
two, the short ~ ngiglem. pro. short
two pieces, some ~ agiglem. pro. some two. Gram: Excised dual nominal pronoun.
two pieces. Gram: Excised dual indefinite
pronoun. Variant: anggiglem; giglem.
two, the small ~ ithom. pro. small two.
Gram: Diminutive dual reduced nominal pro-
two pieces, those ~ avglem. dem. noun.
those two pieces. Gram: Excised dual distal
demonstrative. Variant: vglem.
two, the small ~ ngithom. pro. small
two. Gram: Diminutive dual nominal pronoun.
two short ones aunbam. num. two
short ones. Gram: Reduced dual. two things, some ~ agivem. pro. some
two people; some two things. Gram:
two short ones guavam. dem. two Feminine dual indefinite pronoun. Variant:
short ones. Gram: Reduced dual indefinite anggivem; givem.
two things, the ~ iom. pro. two things;
two short ones, some ~ agivam. pro. two people. Gram: Third person masculine
some two short ones. Gram: Reduced dual dual reduced nominal pronoun.
indefinite pronoun. Variant: anggivam;
two things, the ~ ngaiom. pro. two
things; two people. Gram: Third person
two short ones, the ~ vam. pro. short masculine dual nominal pronoun.
two. Gram: Reduced dual nominal pronoun.
two things, the ~ ngavem. pro. two
two small ones aundom. num. two people; two things. Gram: Third person
small ones. Gram: Diminutive dual. Variant: feminine dual nominal pronoun.
two things, the ~ vem. pro. two things;
two small ones guathom. dem. two two people. Gram: Third person feminine
small ones. Gram: Diminutive dual indefinite dual reduced nominal pronoun.
two, those particular ~ kiom. dem.
two small ones, some ~ agithom. pro. those particular two. Gram: Masculine

two, those ~ up

singular contrastive demonstrative. See: two, those ~ aviom. dem. those two.
chkiom just those particular two. Gram: Masculine dual distal demonstrative.
two, those ~ avvem. dem. those two. Variant: viom.
Gram: Feminine dual distal demonstrative. tyre taiachi. n. tyre. Pl: taia. Note: only t.
Variant: vvem.

U - u

ulcer athopki. n. 1 cut; sore. uncover tar tm. vt. 1 remove; take
2 ulcer. Pl: athop. off. 2 uncover. Variant: thar tm.
um a. interj. Oh!; well; um; expression of under nanaik. dir. under.
surprise or hesitation. Variant: au.
underground person anvmnacha.
unbalanced masechen. adv. n. underground person. Pl: nvmna-
1 sideways. 2 unbalanced. chachna.
unbend trn s. vi-so. stand up; un- underpants simalachi. n. 1 tapa
bend; something that had been bent cloth; traditional covering worn by
over but is released so it can stand men; a strip of bark cloth that goes
again. Variant: rn s. between the legs, attached to a
uncle kao. n. uncle; specifically the waistband. 2 underpants. Pl: simal.
mothers brother. Pl: kaochna. Pl: understand drm. sa-vi. understand.
kaovap. Variant: chau. Variant: ndrm; rm.
uncle-in-law saemga. n. uncle-in-law; unhurriedly, do ~ pathm mes. sa-vi.
nephew-in-law; specifically: ones 1 do by choice; do according to ones
wifes mothers brother, ones hus- own wishes. 2 do unhurriedly; do in
bands sisters son, and ones hus- ones own time. 3 act independ-
bands mothers brother. Pl: saembek. ently. Variant: bathm mes; vathm
uncle-in-law thuvska. n. father-in- mes.
law; brother-in-law; uncle-in-law; any uniform sravtki. n. shirt; clothes;
in-laws except ones wifes mothers uniform. Pl: sravt. Variant: sravtki.
brother and his wife. Pl: thuvsvek.
unproductive man danungga. n. un-
uncomfortable, be ~ nder na. vi-so. be productive man; a person who does
uncomfortable because something is not bring anything home for the
too tight. household (e.g. no firewood, water, or
uncomfortable, feel ~ tusachus. sa-vi. food); someone who cannot catch fish
be irritating; feel uncomfortable. Var- etc. Pl: danungda.
iant: thusachus; dusachus; musachus; unproductive woman danunggi. n.
thusavus; tusavus; dusavus; musavus. unproductive woman.
unconcernedly madng. adv. until dng. adv. until.
1 carelessly. 2 unconcernedly.
until vaki. subord. until. Morph: va=koki.
unconnected dvthng. adj. uncon- Gloss: purposive=also. Note: only v.
nected; something without a known
unwilling arus. adj. unwilling.
source; e.g. a fatherless child or Tok
Pisin, which is a language without a up nainamk. dir. up.
village. up savuit. dir. up.
uncooked aichru. adj. 1 new. up savuk. dir. up; to the top. Variant:
2 uncooked; raw. sauk.

up us two, some of our

up vono. dir. 1 up. 2 inland. upwards savono. dir. 1 upwards.

3 shorewards. Variant: bono; pono. 2 inland. 3 shorewards.
up vuit. dir. up. Variant: buit; vit; puit. upwards vpuit. dir. upwards. Note:
up a bit from towards speaker tna- only v.
mk. dir. up a bit from towards upwards away from speaker ivui. dir.
speaker. upwards away from speaker.
up above vuvuit. dir. up above. Variant: urethra achlel angtha iska. n. 1
vuvuik. urinary system. 2 urethra. Morph: a
up and down smnina. dir. up and =chlel angt=a iska. Gloss: SPEC=urine
down; across; from one to another; 3CN.POSS=SPEC path-M.SG. Variant:
e.g. across a series of valleys and chlel angtha iska.
ridges. urgently mavrt. adv. suddenly; ur-
up, back ~ nanamk. dir. back up. gently; do something without any
warning and give someone a shock.
up from inside naimek. dir. up from
inside. urinary system achlel angtha iska.
n. 1 urinary system. 2 urethra.
up, from ~ nainavuk. dir. from up. Morph: a=chlel angt=a iska. Gloss:
up, from ~ naivuk. dir. from up. SPEC=urine 3CN.POSS=SPEC path-M.SG.
up here sanamuk. dir. up here. Variant: chlel angtha iska.

up there aviui. dir. up there. urine achlel. n. urine. Morph: a=chlel.

Gloss: SPEC=urine. Variant: chlel.
up there avivui. dir. up there.
us un. pro. 1 we. Gram: First person dual
up there ivono. dir. upwards; inland; up
class three pronoun. 2 us. Gram: First
person dual class three pronoun.
up there ivuk. dir. up there.
us ut. pro. 1 we. Gram: First person plural
up there sathvuk. dir. up there. class one pronoun. 2 us. Gram: First per-
up there tvuk. dir. up there. Variant: son plural class three pronoun.
thvuk. us and utn. pro. us and. Morph: ut=n.
up there, from ~ naivono. dir. from up Gloss: 1PL.III=and. Variant: utna.
there. us two and un. pro. us two and. Morph:
up there, from ~ nathvono. dir. from un=n. Gloss: 1DL.III=and. Variant: una.
up there. us two, our auna. pro. us two, our.
up there, from ~ nathvuk. dir. from Gram: Possessive pronoun and specific article.
up there. Morph: aun=a. Gloss: 1DL.POSS=EMPH.

up there, from ~ navono. dir. from up us two, our aunama. pro. us two, our.
there. Gram: First person dual possessive pronoun
and emphatic possessive pronoun.
up there to sathvono. dir. up there to.
us two, our aunangama. pro. us two,
up to saivuk. dir. up to.
our. Gram: First person dual possessive pro-
uproot tr. vt. 1 pull out. 2 uproot. noun and indefinite possessive pronoun. Mrph:
3 clear; especially of small weeds aun=angama. Gloss: 1DL.POSS=INDEF.
etc. Variant: thr; dr; mr.
us two, some of our aunanga. pro. us
upwards inamk. dir. upwards. two, some of our. Gram: First person dual
upwards ivono. dir. upwards; inland; possessive pronoun and non-specific possessive
up there. pronoun. Morph: aun=anga. Gloss: 1DL.
upwards saivono. dir. upwards.

V - v

vagina aunuchi. n. female genitals; village vutka. n. 1 house. 2 vill-

vulva; vagina; a womans private parts age. Pl: vut. Variant: vtka. Note: only v.
in general. Pl: auna.
village, abandoned ~ ambilki. n.
valley auvia. n. valley. Pl: auvink. abandoned house or village. Pl: ambil.
Variant: aupia.
vine sp. changgthacha. n. 1 vine
valley floor aupka. n. valley floor. Pl: sp.; large, thick vine. Usage: Arongda
aup. dialect. 2 rope; vine makes a good
vandal vingbmga. n. 1 vandal. rope. 3 fishing line. Pl: changgt.
2 naughty boy or man. Pl: vinbmda. Variant: kanggthacha; chagthacha.
See: charoski (Abilta dialect) vine sp.
vandal vinoska. n. vandal. Pl: vinsota.
vandal, female ~ vingbmgi. n. vine sp. changgthait. n. 1 vine sp.;
1 female vandal. 2 naughty girl or
especially a long and narrow vine
woman. Note: only v. species. 2 rope. Pl: changgthink.
Variant: kagthait.
vandal, female ~ vinoski. n. female
vandal. Note: only v. vine sp. charoski. n. 1 vine sp.; large,
thick vine. Usage: Abilta dialect.
vandalise avinos. vi-so. 1 play around. 2 rope. Pl: charos. Variant: karoski. See:
2 vandalise. See: vinos destruction. changgthacha (Arongda dialect) rope.
vein churacha. n. 1 root. 2 artery; vine sp. maminggi. n. vine sp.; yields
vein. Pl: chuar. Variant: kuracha. fibre. Pl: mamaing.
verandah paranda. n. porch; verandah. vine sp. thavulka. n. 1 vine sp.; makes
Variant: varanda. a good rope. 2 rope. Pl: thavu.
verse munggulmga. n. verse. Pl: Variant: tavulka; thawlka.
munggulm. vine sp. vonbon'gi. n. vine sp.; thick
vertebra buthichi. n. vertebra. Pl: bush vine. Pl: vonbon. Note: only v.
buthi. vines, beach ~ chalavurucha. n. beach
very much mamor. adv. 1 lots. vines. Pl: chalavuru.
2 excessively; very much; terribly. vision sachong. n. 1 vision; dream;
3 strongly. 4 hard. 5 loudly. daydream. 2 glasses. 3 crown of
6 fast; quickly. 7 brightly. a tree. 4 surface; e.g. the surface of
very much masa. disc. 1 certainly. the sea, the face of the earth, the top
2 very much; a lot. Gram: In clause final of a sore, the opening of a pot.
position only. visitor, temporary ~ amlka. n.
victory leaf lagun'ga. n. cordyline sp.; 1 large island. Pl: aml. See: amlm
victory leaf (tanget); decorative plant. small island. 2 foreign man; tem-
Pl: lagun. porary visitor. Pl: amlta. See: naingis-
victory leaf sp. mangbcheng. n. vic- ka foreigner.
tory leaf sp.; low growing with narrow voice angtkn'gi. n. 1 neck.
leaves that have white patches on the 2 throat. 3 voice. Morph: at=kn.
edges. Pl: mang angt keng. Gloss: 3F.SG.POSS=throat. Pl: angtkn.
village ambangm. n. village. Pl: am- Variant: tchn; chn'gi.
bangbap. Variant: bangem; mbangem. vomit tnnn. sa-vi. vomit. Variant:
village vthm. n. village. Pl: avutvap. nnn.
Note: only v.

vulva water

vulva aunuchi. n. female genitals; in general. Pl: auna.

vulva; vagina; a womans private parts

W - w

waist rope aiski thchng. n. waist limlk. Note: only p.

rope used for tucking in lade, viringgi, wall in vt dm d. vt. put the walls on
or simalachi. Morph: aiski thchng. a house. Note: only v.
Gloss: rope its-edge. Pl: ais angt kng.
wallaby chaelka. n. wallaby; has grey
Variant: aiski.
fur; up to 60 cm tall when standing on
wait tair. sa-vi. 1 stand. 2 wait. hind legs. Pl: chael. Variant: kaelka.
Variant: thair; dair; mair.
wander bang binem. sa-vi. roam;
wait tlu vathm na. sa-vi. wait for a wander. Variant: vang binem.
chance to do something. Variant: lu
wander donel. sa-vi. 1 hunt.
vathm na. See: tair wait.
2 wander. Variant: thonel; monel.
Wait a minute! chule sa. interj. Wait a
wanderings vangbinem. n. wander-
ings. Variant: bangbinem.
wake up prendem. vi-so. wake up.
want plk. vt. 1 like. 2 want.
Variant: vrendem.
3 love. 4 need. Variant: vlk; vlk;
wake up puren vt. vi-so. wake up; stir. plk.
Variant: vuren vt; vepuren vt (Abilta
want to vandi. disc. 1 want to; intend
to. Gram: Desiderative marker. 2 try to.
wake up tchm. sa-vi. 1 wake up. 3 nearly; almost. 4 maybe.
2 be awake. 3 be alive. 4 arise; Variant: vadi.
specifically referring to Jesus rising
warning sound paret. n. warning sound.
from the dead. Variant: thchm;
dchm; tcham; thcham; dcham. wash tor. vt. wash. Variant: thor.
walk tet. sa-vi. 1 walk. 2 go. Variant: wasp, grey ~ mamboracha. n. grey
thet; det; met; -et. wasp. Pl: mambor. Variant: maboracha.
walk across sek mni. vt. walk wasp, orange and black ~ avonga-
through; walk across; especially of vongacha. n. orange and black wasp.
walking across, that is, through a Pl: avongavong.
river. wasp sp. basiremgi. n. wasp sp.;
walk through sek mni. vt. walk greenish colour; makes a hole in the
through; walk across; especially of ground where it lays eggs and buries
walking across, that is, through a caterpillars. Pl: basirem.
river. watch naingm. sa-vi. 1 look around.
walk with tair pt. vt. walk with; e.g. to 2 see. 3 watch. 4 appear; look
help a sick person. Variant: thair pt; like. 5 shine. Variant: naingim.
dair pt; mair pt. watch naingim pt. vt. 1 look after.
walking stick dlangga. n. walking 2 watch.
stick. Pl: dlang. watchman tluvmka. n. 1 watchman.
wall brtki. n. 1 rib. 2 wall. Pl: brt. 2 shepherd. Pl: tluvmda.
Pl: brt. water arenggi. n. 1 water. 2 river.
wall panggalvs. n. wall; specifically a Pl: areng.
wall made of leaf stems. Pl: pangga-

water, bowl of ~ what happened

water, bowl of ~ chulpki. n. 1 bowl weak man blachoingga. n. weak man;

of water. 2 soup. Variant: kulp. refers to someone who is physically
water line suchutki. n. water line or wrung out from a bad sickness. Pl:
flood line that shows how high a river blachoingta.
flows. Pl: suchut. weak woman blachoinggi. n. weak
water that falls down a water- woman.
fall abaringgi. n. water that falls wear don mt. vt. 1 wear. 2 put on.
down a waterfall. Pl: abaraing. Variant: thon mt; mon mt.
watery niare. adj. watery. wear tk. vt. wear; specifically the
watery, be ~ niare vt. vi-so. be watery. apron of leaves worn by women at the
front of their bodies. Variant: thk.
wave awalngga. n. wave; ripple. Pl:
awalng. wear tu. vt. 1 put. 2 wear; put on.
3 lay; specifically of birds laying
wave lamon'gi. n. wave; specifically eggs. Variant: thu; du; mu.
waves that break. Pl: lamon. See:
awalngga wave; ripple. weave masar mt. vt. weave; making a
net bag (bilum) or weaving a net. Note:
wave piam. vt. 1 rotate; e.g. shake only m.
ones head. 2 wave; e.g. wave ones
hands. Variant: viam. weave ser. vt. weave; process of making
a blind or a basket.
wave tnap na. vt. wave; signal by using
hand gestures to communicate. Variant: weed travt. sa-vi. weed. Variant:
nap na. thravt; ravt; dravt; mravt.

way ais. n. 1 track. 2 way; route. well a. interj. Oh!; well; um; expression
3 transport. Variant: is. of surprise or hesitation. Variant: au.

way, long ~ gelaulul. dir. far away; well auk. interj. well.
long way. well mamr. adv. 1 well; fine.
way, make ~ pirs ithm. vt. 1 hide 2 properly. 3 possible.
behind; duck behind something to well, get ~ amrvs pt. vi-so. 1 feel
hide oneself. 2 make way; move fine. 2 heal; get better; get well.
aside. 3 move along. Variant: virs 3 feel peaceful.
ithm. welt smn'gi. n. welts on the skin. Pl:
ways mtmet. n. 1 movements. smn.
2 ways. welts, have ~ smn pt. vi-so. 1 be
we un. pro. 1 we. Gram: First person dual lumpy. 2 have welts.
class three pronoun. 2 us. Gram: First west chunengga cha don. n. west.
person dual class three pronoun. Variant: kunengga cha don.
we ut. pro. 1 we. Gram: First person plural wet ais. n. wet.
class one pronoun. 2 us. Gram: First per-
son plural class three pronoun.
wet, be ~ achulit. vi-so. be wet.

we uthi. pro. we. Gram: First person plural

wet, get ~ tor. sa-vi. 1 bathe; swim.
2 get wet. Variant: thor.
class two pronoun.
we, and ~ dut. coord. and we. Morph: da= wet stuff malum. n. dough; wet stuff;
ut. Gloss: and=1PL III.
typically mud.

we two uni. pro. we two. Gram: First per-

what agit. pro. what. Gram: Count neutral
indefinite pronoun. Variant: anggit; git;
son dual class two pronoun.
weak, be ~ blachoing. vi-so. be weak;
lacking any strength. Note: only b. what happened mnia na. interrog.

wheel, emery ~ while

what happened. which piece nmigl. pro. which piece;

wheel, emery ~ anengachi. n. emery some piece. Gram: Excised singular inter-
wheel. Pl: aneng. rogative pronoun; used in a joking way to refer
to people and implies something about their
when asik. disc. future; when. Gram: Ir-
large size; can be used in indefinite contexts.
realis marker. Variant: sik.
Variant: neminggl.
when kvs. interrog. when. Variant: which pieces nmigleng. pro. which
chvs. See: kvsnia when; mchvs
pieces; some pieces. Gram: Excised plural
sometime, sometimes, again. interrogative pronoun; used in a joking way to
when kvsnia. interrog. when. Variant: refer to people and implies something about
chvsnia. See: kvs when. their large size; can be used in indefinite con-
when klan. adv. 1 like; likewise. texts.
2 at the time; when. Variant: chlan; which small one nemini. pro. which
glan; klan; chlan. See: machlan at small one; some small one. Gram: Di-
the time; when. minutive singular interrogative pronoun; also
when machlan beia. subord. when. used to refer to people; can imply attenuative
Variant: ma chlan beia. See: klan at the meaning; can be used in indefinite contexts.
time; when. which small ones nemithong. pro.
when ve ma. subord. as; when. Morph: ve which small ones; some small ones.
ma. Gloss: there relator. Variant: vema. Gram: Diminutive plural interrogative pronoun;
also used to refer to people; can imply attenu-
when veia. subord. when. Morph: ve=ia.
ative meaning; can be used in indefinite con-
Gloss: there=relator. Variant: peia; beia;
pia; pea; via; vea.
which two long ones nemisem. pro.
where kue. interrog. where. Variant:
which two long ones; some two long
ones. Gram: Long dual interrogative pronoun;
where kuenai. interrog. where. Variant: used in a joking way to refer to people and im-
choenei; guenai. plies something about their large size; can be
which large ones nemink. pro. which used in indefinite contexts.
large ones; some large ones. Gram: Ex- which two people, things nemiom.
tended plural interrogative pronoun; used in a pro. which two people; which two
joking way to refer to people and implies things; some two people. Gram: Mascu-
something about their large size; can be used line dual interrogative pronoun; can be used in
in indefinite contexts. indefinite contexts.
which large two nminm. pro. which which two pieces nmiglem. pro.
large two; some large two. Gram: Ex- which two pieces; some two pieces.
tended dual interrogative pronoun; used in a Gram: Excised dual interrogative pronoun;
joking way to refer to people and implies used in a joking way to refer to people and im-
something about their large size; can be used plies something about their large size; can be
in indefinite contexts. used in indefinite contexts.
which long ones nmiseng. pro. which which two small ones nemithom. pro.
long ones. Gram: Long plural interrogative which two small ones; some two small
pronoun; can be used in indefinite contexts. ones. Gram: Diminutive dual interrogative
which one aung gue. interrog. which pronoun; also used to refer to people; can imply
one. Gram: Masculine singular indefinite attenuative meaning; can be used in indefinite
pronoun. contexts.

which one aungguik kue. interrog. while sdamr veia. adv. at the same
which one. Gram: Feminine singular indefi- time as; while. Variant: sndamr veia.
nite pronoun.

while, for a ~ wild singapore

while, for a ~ sa. disc. 1 then. Gram: who nma. pro. who. Gram: Interrogative
Clause initial discourse marker. Introduces a pronoun.
new event frame. 2 so. 3 already. who nmda. pro. who. Gram: Human plural
Gram: Resultative marker. 4 for a while. interrogative pronoun.
Gram: In clause final position. 5 Gram:
Imperative marker.
who nmga. pro. who. Gram: Masculine
singular interrogative pronoun; can be used in
whinge tnok tichim. vt. whinge; cry. indefinite contexts.
Variant: nok tichim.
who nmgi. pro. who. Gram: Feminine
whirlpool vingloinggi. n. whirlpool. Pl: singular interrogative pronoun; can be used in
vinglong. Note: only v. indefinite contexts.
whiskers chseng da vam. n. beard; who knows nenga chalu. disc. maybe;
whiskers. Pl: chseng dath vam. who knows. Variant: nenggala.
Variant: chsengga da vam; kseng da
whole atm. adj. whole. Variant: tm.
Note: only t.
whisper charms pestm svt. vt.
whisper charms; charms can be whole thektm. adj. whole. Note: only th.
whispered over objects, e.g. lime whoosh ts. interj. swish; whoosh; imi-
powder, water, ginger, and cooked tates the sound of a stone from a sling
banana. Variant: vestm svt. hitting a target.
white achabap. adj. white. Variant: whose nmava. pro. whose. Gram: Third
chambap. person masculine singular possessive inter-
rogative pronoun.
white ant anggethangacha. n. white
ant. Pl: angethang. whose nmav. pro. whose. Gram: Third
person masculine singular possessive inter-
white, be ~ achabavs vt. vi-so. be
rogative pronoun.
white man achabapka. n. white man. why mnia iva. interrog. why. Variant:
minia iva.
Morph: a=chabapka. Gloss: SPEC=
white-F.SG. Pl: achabapta. See: chulumga wide athavr. adj. wide. Variant: aravr.
white man. wide, be ~ athavr mt. vi-so. be wide.
white man chulumga. n. white man. Pl: Variant: aravr mt.
chulumda. See: achabapka white man. widen tu sathver n. vt. widen.
white marks lamur. n. white marks Variant: thu sathver n.
that are painted onto peoples faces, wife aruachi. n. female friend; wife.
during dances, using white powder or
wife oes nank. n. sister-in-law; wife;
lime powder.
address and reference term, used by a
white spots awithinggi. n. ringworm; male speaker or male ego. Pl: oes
tinea that appears as white spots on nankina.
the skin. Pl: awithaing.
wild aur. adj. wild. See: aurki bush.
white woman achabapki. n. white
wild orange vaidebunggi. n. 1 tree
sp.; known as wild orange tree.
white woman chulumgi. n. white 2 wild orange. 3 ball; refers to
woman. something the size of a volleyball. Pl:
who ma. rel. that; who. Gram: Relator that vaidebung. Note: only v.
introduces clauses or NPs that provide addi- wild singapore chathachi. n. taro sp.;
tional information about their head. Construc- wild singapore; not edible. Usage: The
tions involving the relator ma are sometimes word is sometimes also used to refer
used to express uncertainty or emphasis. to edible varieties. Pl: chatha. Variant:

wildfire wood, piece of ~

kathachi. witch rndamgi. n. witch. Pl: rndam.

wildfire amudmbs. n. 1 bonfire. Pl: rndamgina. Variant: rndam. See:
2 wildfire. Pl: amudm. Variant: aurachi witch.
amundmbs; amundmvs. See: amu- with gl. prep. with.
dmga fire. with na. prep. 1 from. 2 with.
willing, be ~ aslek pt. vi-so. be willing. Variant: n; ni.
wind laurka. n. wind. Pl: laur. with sa. prep. 1 to. 2 with. Variant:
wind around paim m. vt. wind s.
around. Variant: vaim m. with each other pathm na. dir.
wind itself paimanas. sa-vi. wind itself. 1 alongside; side by side. 2 with
Variant: vaimanas. each other; for each other.
3 parallel. Variant: vathm na; bathm
wind, northwest ~ amundik ava na.
laurka. n. northwest wind; named for
the wild cane (pitpit) season. wither sukderut n. vi-so. wither; die
from the roots up.
window achilotki. n. window. Pl:
achilot. See: manaingimgi window. within mt. prep. 1 in; within.
2 during; on. Gram: This sense available
window manaingimgi. n. 1 window. with temporal expressions. 3 inside.
2 torch; flashlight. Pl: manaingim. 4 into. 5 through. Variant: mtha;
See: achilotki window.
windpipe sanggaska ava lechi. n. within sne. prep. in; within.
windpipe. Pl: sanggas angtha lek.
wizard musavaucha. n. wizard.
wine wain. n. wine.
wizard thaliaska. n. wizard. Pl: thalias.
wing anamnamgi. n. 1 wing. Variant: talias.
2 flipper of a turtle. Pl: anamnam.
wobbly amlml. adj. wobbly.
wing of a flying fox uras. n. wing of a
flying fox. See: urasvs leaf (taro ~ or woman aruchi. n. woman.
singapore). woman lvopki. n. woman. Pl: lvop. Pl:

wink pt balam na. vt. blink; wink. lvopta. Variant: luvop; luop.
Variant: vut balam na. woman, adult ~ amorki. n. 1 adult
wipe pel vt. vt. 1 rub. 2 wipe. woman. 2 leader. 3 female an-
Variant: vel vt. cestor. 4 goddess. Pl: morvap. Pl:
wire vaiait. n. wire; specifically a single
strand of wire. Pl: vaia. Note: only v. woman with children athoes
pthachi. n. woman with children.
wire fencing, sheet of ~ vaiaves. n. arc
mesh; sheet of wire fencing. Note: only women, lots of ~ lvovaski. n. lots of
v. women.

wise man ngelka. n. wise man. Pl: wood amng. n. wood. Variant: nng
ngelta. (Abilta dialect).

wise woman ngelki. n. wise woman. wood angmng. n. 1 wood.

2 trees. Morph: ang=mng. Gloss:
wish vlchachi. n. 1 choice; prefer- 3.CN.POSS=wood. Variant: mng; nng
ence. 2 wish. Pl: vlch. Variant: (Abilta dialect).
vlkachi. Note: only v.
wood chip sabcha. n. wood chip. Pl:
witch aurachi. n. witch. Pl: auravek.
Variant: urachi. See: rndamgi witch.
wood, piece of ~ angmngga. n.
witch musavauchi. n. witch.

wood, piece of ~ yeast

1 tree. 2 stick; piece of wood. ing suction. Pl: irokmonmon.

Morph: ang= mngka. Gloss: 3.CN.POSS worried face sachongachi. n. 1 gaze.
=wood-M.SG. Pl: angmng. 2 worried face. 3 depths of a
wood, piece of ~ baler. n. 1 piece of pool. Variant: sachong.
wood. 2 piece of taro. Variant: worried, look ~ ngiem sravo. adv. look
balerini. worried; look surprised; look shocked;
word amethamnini. n. word. Variant: people look like this, e.g. if there is a
methamnini. See: amethamnbes fight happening but no-one knows
words. what is going on.
words amethamnbes. n. 1 words. worry irs. vi-so. 1 be sad. 2 worry.
2 message. Variant: amethamn'gi. worship lotu. sa-vi. worship.
work tk. sa-vi. 1 do. 2 work. Variant: worship lotu svt. vt. worship; adore;
thk. praise.
work tp mus t. vt. 1 work. worship tares pt. vt. praise; worship.
2 initiate. Variant: thp mus t; tp Variant: rares pt; thares pt.
mus tm; thp mus tm.
Wow! vavu. interj. Wow!
work thktk. n. job; work. Pl: thktk.
wrap up bng bt. vt. 1 wrap up.
work on tk n. vt. 1 send. 2 work 2 cover. Variant: vng bt.
on. Variant: thk n; tk na; thk na.
wriggle around tusachus. sa-vi. wrig-
work with tk s. vt. work with. Variant: gle around because of irritation; toss
thk s. and turn e.g. while trying to sleep.
world ivtki. n. 1 earth; soil; dirt. Variant: thusachus; dusachus; musa-
2 land. Pl: ivt. 3 world; planet chus; thusavus; tusavus; dusavus;
earth. Variant: ivitki. musavus.
worm aninicha. n. earthworm; brown; wrist sengangthaik angt vus. n.
up to 30 cm long. Pl: anini. wrist.
worm asingalka. n. 1 snake; worm; write kut pt. vt. write. Variant: chut
generic term. 2 dangerous spirit. pt; chut pt; kut pt.
3 Satan; devil. Pl: asingal. Variant: writhe bnmalivi. sa-vi. writhe; thrash
singalka. around; especially something thrash-
worm talngacha. n. earthworm sp.; ing around in death throws. Variant:
light brown or reddish colour; up to vnmalivi; bnmaliwi; vnmaliwi.
15 cm long; lives in soft ground. Pl: writhe piru. sa-vi. writhe. Variant: viru.
talang. Variant: thalngacha.
writing achutkut. n. writing. Variant:
worm, sea ~ sp. irokmonmonga. n. chutkut.
sea worm sp.; grows up to 60 cm; very
slow moving; can attach to things us- wrong, be ~ surnanas. sa-vi. be wrong.

Y - y

yam narichi. n. yam. Pl: nark. Variant: aisos. Variant: isoska.

narchi. year amundika. n. year. Pl: amundik.
yawn asechaski. n. yawn. Pl: asechas. Variant: mundik.

yaws mamuaing. n. yaws. yeast isis. n. 1 baking powder.

2 yeast.
yaws, crab ~ aisoska. n. crab yaws. Pl:

yell young man

yell prk mt. vi-so. 1 be torn; be ond person dual class two pronoun.
ripped. 2 shout; yell. Variant: vrk 2 those two, they. Gram: Second person
mt. dual class two pronoun.

yellow agethon. adj. yellow. Variant: you two and in. pro. 1 you two and.
agthon. 2 those two and. Morph: in=n. Gloss:
yellow, be ~ agethonas vt. vi-so. be 2/3DL.III=and. Variant: ina.
yellow. Variant: gethon. you two, some of your ainanga. pro.
yellowfin tuna atun'gi. n. fish sp.; yel- 1 you two, some of your. Gram: Second
lowfin tuna. Pl: atun. person dual possessive pronoun and
2 those
non-specific possessive pronoun.
yes ia. interj. yes. two, some of their. Gram: Third person
yes kinak. interj. yes; all right. Variant: dual possessive pronoun and non-specific pos-
chinak. sessive pronoun. Morph: ain=anga. Gloss:
yesterday milani. adv. yesterday. 2/3DL.POSS=NSPEC.

yet as. disc. 1 still. 2 yet. 3 just. you two, some of your ainangama.
pro. 1 you two, some of your. Gram:
yet askok. disc. 1 still. Gram: Atelic realis.
Second person dual possessive pronoun and
2 yet. Gram: Atelic realis. 3 just.
2 those
indefinite possessive pronoun.
Gram: Atelic realis. Morph: as=kok. Gloss:
two, some of their. Gram: Third person
dual possessive pronoun and indefinite posses-
yet, and ~ das. coord. 1 and still. sive pronoun. Morph: ain=angama. Gloss:
2 and yet. 3 and just. Morph: da=as. 2/3DL.POSS=INDEF.
Gloss: and=yet.
you two, your ain. pro. 1 you two,
you nge. pro. you. Gram: Second person your. Gram: Second person dual possessive
singular class three pronoun. pronoun. 2 those two, their. Gram:
you ngi. pro. you. Gram: Second person sin- Third person dual possessive pronoun.
gular class two pronoun. Variant: nge. you two, your aina. pro. 1 you two,
you ngia. pro. 1 you. Gram: Second person your. Gram: Second person dual possessive
singular class one pronoun. 2 your. Gram: pronoun and possessive pronoun and specific
Second person singular possessive pronoun. article. 2 those two, their. Gram: Third
person dual possessive pronoun and possessive
you all ngn. pro. you all. Gram: Second
pronoun and specific article. Morph: ain=a.
person class one pronoun and second person
Gloss: 2/3DL.POSS=SPEC.
class three pronoun.
you two, your ainama. pro. 1 you two,
you all ngni. pro. you all. Gram: Second
your. Gram: Second person dual possessive
person plural class two pronoun.
pronoun and emphatic possessive pronoun.
you all and ngn. pro. you all and. 2 those two, their. Gram: Third person
Morph: ngn=n. Gloss: 2PL.III=and. dual possessive pronoun and emphatic posses-
Variant: ngna. sive pronoun.
you and ngin. pro. you and. Morph: ngi young athuares. adj. young person.
=n. Gloss: 2SG.III=and. Variant: ngina.
young animal thaembm. n. 1 child.
you two en. pro. you two. Gram: Second Morph: at=oemvm. Gloss: 3F.SG.POSS
person dual class three pronoun. 2 young animal;
you two in. pro. 1 you two. Gram: Second especiallypuppies or piglets. Pl:
person dual class one pronoun. 2 those thaembap. Variant: taembem. See:
two, they. Gram: Third person dual class one thoemga child; son; student; assis-
pronoun. tant.
you two ini. pro. 1 you two. Gram: Sec- young man thuareska. n. young man.

young woman Zion

Pl: thuaresta. Note: only th. your, some of ~ anganama. pro. some
young woman thuareski. n. young of your. Gram: Second person plural posses-
woman. sive pronoun and non-specific possessive pro-
noun. Morph: angan=ma. Gloss: 2PL.POSS=
younger sister aliki. n. younger sister. EMPH.
your angan. pro. your. Gram: Second per-
your, some of ~ angnanga. pro.
son plural possessive pronoun.
some of your. Gram: Second person plural
your angana. pro. your. Gram: Second possessive pronoun and non-specific possessive
person plural possessive pronoun and posses- pronoun. Morph: angn=anga. Gloss:
sive pronoun and specific article. Morph: 2PL.POSS= NSPEC.
angan=a. Gloss: 2PL.POSS=SPEC.
your, some of ~ gianga. pro. some of
your gi. pro. your. Gram: Second person your. Gram: Second person singular posses-
singular possessive pronoun. sive pronoun and non-specific possessive pro-
your gia. pro. your. Gram: Second person noun. Morph: gi=anga. Gloss: 2SG.POSS=
singular possessive pronoun and possessive NSPEC.
pronoun and specific article. Morph: gi=a. your; you two, ~ ain. pro. 1 you two,
Gloss: 2SG.POSS=SPEC. your. Gram: Second person dual possessive
your giama. pro. your. Gram: Second per- pronoun. 2 those two, their. Gram:
son singular possessive pronoun and emphatic Third person dual possessive pronoun.
possessive pronoun. your; you two, ~ aina. pro. 1 you two,
your giangama. pro. your. Gram: Second your. Gram: Second person dual possessive
person singular possessive pronoun and in- pronoun and possessive pronoun and specific
definite possessive pronoun. Morph: gi= article. 2 those two, their. Gram: Third
angama. Gloss: 2SG.POSS=INDEF. person dual possessive pronoun and possessive
pronoun and specific article. Morph: ain=a.
your ngia. pro. 1 you. Gram: Second
Gloss: 2/3DL.POSS=SPEC.
person singular class one pronoun.
2 your. Gram: Second person singular pos- your; you two, ~ ainama. pro. 1 you
sessive pronoun. two, your. Gram: Second person dual pos-
sessive pronoun and emphatic possessive pro-
your, any of ~ angenangama. pro. any
noun. 2 those two, their. Gram: Third
of your. Gram: Second person singular pos-
person dual possessive pronoun and emphatic
sessive pronoun and indefinite possessive
possessive pronoun.
pronoun. Morph: angen=angama. Gloss:

Z - z

Zion Sion. n. Zion.

Organisation of the thesaurus

The thesaurus is organised into the following categories:


A Landscape, country and water
A0 General
A1 Topographical features (valley, hill, river, road)
A2 Celestial features (moon, stars, northern lights)
A3 Water
A3.0 General (drown, splash, wet)
A3.1 Precipitation (hail, mist, dew)
A3.2 Water sources (springs, puddles, lakes)
A3.3 The ocean (waves, tides)
A4 Geological, other substances (sand, plastic, charcoal)
B Weather and cyclic time
B1 Meteorological conditions (wind, cloud, thunder)
B2 Cyclical time
B2.1 Diurnal cycle (early morning, evening)
B2.2 Lunar cycle (new moon, high moon)
B2.3 Seasonal cycle (seasons, months, holidays)
B2.4 Weekly cycle (names of days)
B3 Geological events (volcanic eruption, earthquake)
C Location and direction
C1 Relative location and direction (from the top, middle)
C2 Absolute direction (north, south, from the west)
C3 Nominal demonstratives (these two, that flat one)
C4 Distance and proximity (nearby, towards)
C5 Pronouns (him, who, my, yours, herself)
C6 Adverbial demonstratives (this, here, this far)
C7 Interrogatives (where, when)
D Plants
D0 General (thorn, twig, leaf, bark)
D1 Trees and palms (rosewood, bush palm, orange tree)
D2 Shrubs and vines
D3 Smaller plants (vegetable plants, herbs)
D4 Grasses and bamboo
D5 Tubers and roots
D6 Water plants (seaweed, algae)
D7 Fungi and truffles (mushrooms)
D8 Mosses and lichens

E Fauna
E0 General (categories of animals)
E1 Animals that go on land (pigs, wallaby)
E2 Animals that fly (parrots, seagulls, bats)
E3 Reptiles
E3.0 Other reptiles
E3.1 Snakes
E3.2 Lizards
E4 Water creatures
E4.0 Large sea creatures (sharks, dolphins)
E4.1 Fish
E4.2 Eels
E4.3 Prawns and crayfish
E4.4 Shell fish (oysters, shells)
E4.5 All other sea and shore life (sea cucumber, jellyfish)
E5 Crabs (hermit crabs)
E6 Amphibians (frogs, toads)
E7 Insects, other land arthropods, grubs
E7.0 General
E7.1 Flies
E7.2 Spiders
E7.3 Ants
E7.4 Grasshoppers
F Physical properties
F0 General
F1 Appearance
F1.1 Visibility and colour (clear, bright, invisible)
F1.2 Size, shape, arrangement, pattern (cracked)
F2 Temperature, weight, texture (hard, spongy, oily)
F3 Sounds their types and qualities (loud, crackle)
F4 Tastes and smells (sour, bitter, sweet, stink)
F5 Value (precious, worthless)
G Quantification
G1 Quantity (lots, another of the same type, nothing)
G2 Numerals


H Human classification
H0 General (names, to name someone)
H1 Spirits and devils (ghosts, witches, monsters)
H2 Peoples and language groups (Mali, Europeans)
H3 People by age, development, life cycle
H3.0 General (adolescent, infant)
H3.1 Male (young boy, adolescent male)
H3.2 Female (young girl, adolescent female)
H4 Roles and status terms (shaman, jack of all trades)
H5 Types of people not related to status/profession

H6 Address terms
I Human qualities and emotions
I1 Personality and moral evaluations (funny, talkative)
I2 Skill, ability, power (strong, courageous, skilled)
I3 Feelings, and emotions (homesickness, jealous)
J Body parts and products (animal and human)
J0 General (egg)
J1 Non-localised parts (fur, body hair, fat, wart, scar)
J2 Head (brain, eyeball, tears, earwax, clean shaven)
J3 Torso (intestines, tail, stomach, throat, neck, genitals)
J4 Limbs (wing, thigh, fingernail, footprint)
K Body states and functions
K1 Physiological reactions (breath, suck, cry, lay eggs)
K2 Body states
K2.1 Temporary (sleep, tired, thirsty, pregnant, bleed)
K2.2 Permanent (blind, deaf)
K3 Sickness, death, disease, injury (unconscious, vomit)
K4 Other things done with the body (blow, chew, cry)
L Stance and motion
L1 Stance, position
L1.0 Stance, position general (rest, crouch, wait)
L1.1 Stance, position vertical axis (stand)
L1.2 Stance, position horizontal axis (sit, lie down)
L2 Movement
L2.0 Movement general (arrive, fly, paddle, chase)
L2.1 Movement vertical axis (walk, up, climb, dive)
L2.2 Movement horizontal axis (roll, go across)
L3 Open and close
L3.1 Open (hole, gap, orifice, expose, empty)
L3.2 Close (block, obstruct, finish, switch off, fill)
L4 Exist (be, be lost)
L5 Do (attempt, succeed, make)
L6 Change of state (become)
M Artefacts, material culture and manufactured things
M0 General (to fix, mend, wash clothes)
M1 Tools, weapons, belongings
M2 Built environment
M2.0 General (build a house, housework, fence)
M2.1 Parts of a building (house posts, doorway)
M2.2 Furniture
M3 Clothes, materials and decorations (coat, headdress)
M4 Nautical (canoe, paddle, sail, anchor)
M5 Transfer of goods (sell, trade, steal)
M6 Vehicles (car, truck, motorcycle, aeroplane)

N Kinship
N1 Kin terms
O Marriage, sex, nurturing
O1 Marriage and sexual relations
O2 Pregnancy and childbirth (birth, stages of pregnancy)
O3 Rearing babies and children (adoption, look after)
P Speaking, communication and sounds
P1 Speaking (call out, ask, stutter, explain)
P2 Interjections, imperatives, function words
P2.1 Functional affixes and particles
P2.2 Interjections
P2.3 Conjunctions
P2.4 Subordinators
P2.5 Articles
P2.6 Discourse markers
P3 Negations, assertions, possibility (perhaps, true, no)
P4 Non-verbal communication (write, sign language)
P5 Sounds (dog growl, whistle, clapping, onomatopoeia)
Q Social interaction, relationships and behaviour
Q0 General (behave, warn someone of trouble)
Q1 Fighting (enemy, get revenge)
Q2 Verbal quarrelling (provoke, ridicule, tease, annoy)
Q3 Making peace, maintaining social harmony
Q4 Games, entertainment, laughter, joking (play)
Q5 Being affected (being helped)
Q6 Permission and prohibition
Q7 Community


R Religion, ceremony, law and the supernatural
R0 General
R1 Law, sacred places, legends
R2 Ceremony and rituals
R2.1 Ceremonial objects
R2.2 Symbols
R3 Death and mourning
R4 Taboos, strictures and secret knowledge
R5 Healing and medicine
R5.1 Traditional and ritual healing
R5.2 Modern medicine (injection)
R6 Singing and dancing
R7 Feasting
R8 Christianity

S Gathering, farming, hunting, tracking
S1 Gathering (collection, pick up, sort out)
S2 Hunting
S3 Fishing
S4 Farming and propagation (clearing land, planting)
T Fire and cooking
T1 Fire (cooking fire, matches, burn, smoke)
T2 Food preparation, cooking, distribution (ripe)
U Human uses of natural resources
U1 Food (meat, berries, bread)
U2 Narcotics (alcohol, tobacco)
U3 Medicines
U4 Building materials, weaving, basket materials
U5 Things that are bad for you (poisons, stings)
V Thinking, perception and attention
V1 Sense and perception
V1.1 Seeing (look out, inspect, search)
V1.2 Hearing (listen)
V1.3 Tasting (try, taste)
V1.4 Smell (sniff)
V1.5 Physical sensations (feel)
V2 Cognition
V2.1 Mental states (be calm, be delirious)
V2.2 Mental processes and experiences (think, dream)
V2.3 Knowledge and learning (try, graduate)
W Handling and physical transfer
W0 General
W1 Taking, touching, obtaining (snatch, receive, put on)
W2 Holding, carrying, moving something around (lead)
W3 Letting go, giving, leave be (pour, transfer, spread)
X Impact and surface contact
X0 General (split apart, throw, rip, break, dismantle)
X1 With an instrument (spear, mark, chop)
X2 Due to pressure (grind, snap, twist, burst)
X3 Sticking, tying, untying (tie up, cover)
X4 Surface contact (rub, peel, scrape, wipe)
Y Speed, manner and relative time
Y0 General (how, like this, manner)
Y1 Speed and manner (fast, carefully, fiercely)
Y2 Relative time and duration (when, previously, new)
Y3 Serialisation (before doing something else, last)
Y4 Degree


ambangm n. village
A LANDSCAPE, COUNTRY AND ambilki n. abandoned house or village.
amlm n. small island.
A0 General amlka n. large island.
angtkeng n. 1 edge. 2 bank; es-
glingga n. place.
pecially of a body of water such as a
glinginggl n. place. river or pool.
ivtki n. 1 earth; soil; dirt. 2 land. angtham n. shore; beach; riverbank.
3 world; planet earth. angthutki n. sheltered place; specifi-
ivtpes n. land. cally an area in a valley below an
luchupka n. place. overhanging cliff.
luchupki n. space; e.g. the space of a anggarski atham n. beach.
playground or dancing ground. arekrechi n. sign on path to prohibit
luchuvini n. small space. people from going along it, and by
extension, a no entry sign or gate.
A1 Topographical features arenggi n. 1 water. 2 river.
abilm n. old place; a place where arengia n. creek.
there used to be a village. athinggiaras n. filthy or smelly place.
achlachuasini n. small area of grass aupka n. valley floor.
sp. aurigl n. bush side of the road, a less
achlachuaska n. area of grass sp.; pleasant place to stand.
tends to grow in old gardens; seeds aurki n. bush.
stick to your legs.
auvia n. valley.
achlachuaski n. large area of grass
sp. avam n. point; e.g. a point of land or the
end of a stick.
achruacha n. side branch of river;
dries up during the dry season. avrachi n. section.

agars n. 1 coast. 2 beach. avrait n. long section.

aicha n. branch of river; flows year avram n. garden plot; specifically a plot
round. within a larger section of garden that
has been assigned to a particular
ais n. 1 track. 2 way; route. person; the section is divided into
aiska n. road. plots for different crops.
aiski n. large road. awal n. track; specifically the direction
aisvet n. path. of the undergrowth, like grasses,
which shows the direction a person
alat n. garden(s).
has gone.
altki n. large garden. basis n. passage between reef.
althini n. small garden.

A Landscape, country and water

braingia n. small creek. msng n. ground.

burichi n. cleared area; flattened area; mormorki n. flower garden; special
e.g. a place in the bush where there garden containing healing plants like
has been a dog fight or a crocodile ginger; you can put someone there to
resting. encourage healing or growth.
chan'gan'ga n. ridge top; the boundary namaski n. sleeping place.
between two river catchments; often nugulka n. boundary; either a boundary
very wet and mossy. between villages or a boundary be-
chmer n. steep mountainside covered tween different peoples plots within a
in bushes. garden.
chspka n. high stony cliff with a wa- nunggulia n. garden section; section
terfall flowing down it. within a garden that has been as-
chvaiki n. area of sword grass (kunai). signed to a particular person.

chuanigl n. sandy area. ngimngimgi n. lookout; e.g. at the

top of a hill.
chunia n. sandy beach.
ples balus n. airport.
churngga n. mountainside.
radmga n. cave.
chuski n. muddy ground.
ronggi n. area at high altitude.
damgi n. mountain.
sarnggi n. bush.
damgi theves n. mountain peak.
suchutki n. water line or flood line that
galicha n. mountain range; ridge. shows how high a river flows.
gamracha n. fighting ground. sul n. reef.
gisia n. pebbly beach. Usage: Also the sulki n. large piece of reef.
proper name for a pebbly beach near
Marunga. sulves n. area of reef.

igumacha n. ferny place; a place with tamasnggi n. cleared area; a place

one kind of fern all around. where the ground has been cleared
(except for big trees); the first stage in
ism angt luchupki n. airport.
making a garden.
isia n. ridge; track (ridge lines are used tangabs n. banana block; an area
as tracks). planted with bananas.
kakauigl n. cocoa plantation. tangamigl n. banana block; banana
kem n. camp. plantation; referring to an area
kunmgi n. old garden; a garden that planted with bananas.
cannot be used again for two or three themuanacha n. landslide.
years. thvtki n. burnt and cleared area; an
lairini n. small ridge between two area being prepared for a garden, it
creeks. needs one more clean before planting.
lamn n. flat land. undrki n. forest.
lamsigl n. coconut plantation. valvalka n. clear area; an area that has
luk n. cool place; comfortable place; been cleared for a garden but which is
somewhere that is a good place to not clean yet, all the big trees have
rest. been removed but the small plants are
still there.
mbraingia n. small creek.
varka n. boundary between sections
mpmpki n. track; made by people.
within an area of garden belonging to

A Landscape, country and water

one person; used for planting different auvrngachi n. fog.

crops. avolam n. rainy season.
vn'gachi n. passage in a reef. saengbap n. storm; heavy rain.
vthm n. village. saenggi n. rain.
vutka n. village.
A3.2 Water sources
A2 Celestial features
achruacha n. side branch of river;
achruacha n. Milky Way. dries up during the dry season.
alingga n. star. aicha n. branch of river; flows year
ayachun'gi n. moon.

chamerabpki n. evening star. arenggi n. river.

chunengm n. morning star. arengia n. creek.

kunngga n. sun.
braingia n. small creek.

usupki n. sky.
chngracha n. current; in either a
river or the sea.
A3 Water chthopka n. pool.
chethopka ava sachongachi n.
A3.0 General
deepest part of a pool.
abaringgi n. water that falls down a chthopki n. large pool.
waterfall. chthopvm n. puddle.
achrirka n. stream of falling drops. chulp n. pool.
ais n. wet.
guaremga n. rapid; specifically rapids
arenggi n. water. in rivers.
chlamurki n. puddle. ichumgi n. flood; flooded river.
chthopki n. liquid. ichumigl n. small flood.
chulp n. liquid. lachuaski n. pool; specifically pools
chulpki n. bowl of water. made in the reef at low tide.
chulski n. steam. mbraingia n. small creek.
krau sa-vi. subside; can refer to a flood milatka avuouk n. a large flood that
going down, wasting strength during washes away all the plants along the
an illness, or petrol evaporating. riverbanks.
kuasin svt vt. splash. sachongachi n. depths of a pool.
mendecha n. drop; a drop of water or umngachi n. flash flood.
other liquid. vunakdmga n. first flood; makes
pknas sa-vi. drown. plants bend over.
seseraik n. splash. A3.3 The ocean
tor sa-vi. get wet.
agarski n. sea.
vingloinggi n. whirlpool.
awalngga n. wave; ripple.
A3.1 Precipitation chngracha n. current; in either a
river or the sea.
airvthaualki n. sunshower.
lamon'gi n. wave; specifically waves
athvuiki n. rain cloud.

B Weather and cyclic time

that break. sulka n. piece of coral.

vanim vt. roll around; turn over; e.g. tlnggi n. rubbish.
movements of waves and fabric. thabucha n. dust; ash; specifically
white ash from a fire.
A4 Geological, other substances
unpka n. dust.
achthoska n. coals of a fire. vthen n. lime powder.
achthoski n. charcoal.
achirap n. salt. B WEATHER AND CYCLIC TIME
achun'ga n. sand.
B1 Meteorological conditions
achun'gi n. large area of sand.
ananachi n. glue. achluinggi n. cloud.

asol n. salt. achluingini n. small cloud.

bensin n. benzene. aer adj. clear; light; especially of the sky.
bluston n. copper sulphate. airvthaualki n. sunshower.

chrechacha n. loose soil. amundik ava laurka n. northwest

wind; named for the wild cane (pitpit)
chthopki n. 1 liquid. 2 large pool.
chinap n. ash.
athvuiki n. rain cloud.
chuanigl n. sandy area.
auvrngachi n. fog.
chulesia n. haze.
avolam n. rainy season.
chulski n. 1 smoke. 2 steam.
blingimga n. lightning; referring to a
dulini n. small stone. bolt of lightning.
dulka n. stone; an average sized stone, chalvanggrka n. rainbow.
maybe a bit elongated.
chulesia n. haze.
dulki n. large stone; especially large
ddin n. thunder.
rounded stones.
ichumgi n. flood; flooded river.
giska n. pebble.
ichumigl n. small flood.
imng n. ash; especially ash from paper
and leaves that still have their form; laurka n. wind.
they are light grey and can float on milatka avuouk n. large flood that
the wind. washes away all the plants along the
isiska n. fresh air. riverbanks.
kolta n. creosote. pai sa-vi. blow; only of the wind.
malum n. dough; wet stuff; typic. mud. pes sa-vi. blow.

mamutki n. fat or grease from an ani- saengbap n. storm; heavy rain.

mal or fish. saenggi n. rain.
nangasachi n. smoke. umngachi n. flash flood.
sabcha n. wood chip. vilcha n. crack of lightning; the sound
sanggaska n. air. of lightning, rather than the flash of
sichirki n. dirt.
vinggulini n. bolt of lightning.
simen'gi n. cement; especially a bag of
cement or a block of cement. vunakdmga n. first flood; makes
plants bend over.

C Location and direction

B2 Cyclical time pus pm vi-so. erupt; burst out.

puspmgi n. eruption.
B2.1 Diurnal cycle


athchasp n. morning.
C1 Relative location and direction
aunbes n. evening.
aunes n. twilight. Usage: Abilta dialect. achais n. left side of something.
bangangbes n. twilight; refers to low achvcha n. inside corner; e.g. the in-
light at either dusk or dawn. side of an elbow or the corner in a
banganggi n. night.

kunngga n day.
amrmr n. right side of something.

kunnggunng n. dawn.
angtkeng n. edge.

manuringgl n. colourful sunset. angtps n. top.

mathchasep adv. morning.

angtham n. front.

mathchasepka n. morning.
angthik n. side.
angthut n. base or bottom of the in-
B2.2 Lunar cycle side of a container.

ayachun'gi n. month.
aremgi n. base.

aurigl n. bush side of the road, a less

B2.3 Seasonal cycle pleasant place to stand.

amunam n. holiday.
avmgi n. end.

amundika n. year.
avingnaska n. corner.

amundik ava laurka n. northwest aviui dir. up there.

wind; named for the wild cane (pitpit) avivui dir. up there.
season. birbirka n. border of dancing ground.
amundika v chunng n. calendar. chethopka ava sachongachi n.
avolam n. rainy season. deepest part of a pool.
chunng n. season. chlochacha n. 1 core; innermost part.
Krismas n. Christmas.
2 inside part of something.
vunakdmga n. first flood; makes chulemgi n. corner.

plants bend over. daer prep. over.

dgeling dir. to the side of.
B2.4 Weekly cycle
dngtham dir. in front; at the front.
maila chuvsnia disc. 1 the other day. dvthik dir. beside.
2 last time.
gl prep. with.
mubang adv. 1 tomorrow. 2 next
glmna prep. next to each other.
gl kuvet dir. be near to.
B3 Geological events glingga n. side.

chn'gn n. tremor. imanp dir. downwards; straight down.

chn'gn'gi n. earthquake. imani dir. down.

puk tm sa-vi. erupt. imano dir. down over there.

C Location and direction

imk dir. down from here. muit dir. 1 ashore;

imonp dir. on the other side. 2 across on same level; towards.

imono dir. across. muk dir. inside.

imuit dir. 1 across there; across a val- muk savono dir. inside out.
ley. 2 in a corner. na prep. 1 from. 2 with.
imuk dir. in there. nagl prep. 1 from. 2 by.
inamk dir. upwards. naglm prep. from close to.
inamuk dir. across towards speaker; naglmna prep. back to.
forward. naimanp dir. from down there.
inavuk dir. down towards speaker; naimano dir. from down at.
naimek dir. up from inside.
ithm dir. alongside; beside.
naimni dir. over from.
ithmna dir. side by side.
naimono dir. over from.
ivi dir. along.
naimuanp dir. from over there.
ivit adv. along.
naimuani dir. from over there.
ivono dir. upwards; inland; up there.
naimui dir. from over there (distant).
ivui dir. upwards away from speaker.
naimuit dir. from the other side.
ivuk dir. up there.
naimuk dir. from inside.
lechvs adv. in the air.
nainamk dir. up.
mamanp dir. downwards.
nainamuk dir. from over there (towards
manp dir. down. speaker).
mani dir. over there. nainath dir. from around here.
mano dir. down there. nainavi dir. from there.
masechen adv. sideways. nainavuk dir. from up.
mk dir. down. naivono dir. from up there.
mni dir. 1 on. 2 onto. 3 at. naivui dir. over from (middle distance).
4 in. 5 through. 6 across.
naivuit dir. over from.
mnina dir. across each other.
naivuk dir. from up.
mt prep. 1 in; within. 2 inside.
3 into. 4 through.
namanp dir. from down there.

mthik dir. 1 aside. 2 beside. namano dir. from down over there.

momono dir. back towards. namk dir. from down.

mono dir. 1 across. 2 over. namethik dir. from the other side.

muanp dir. down the side; over the namonp dir. over from the side.
side. namono dir. from over there; across.
muani dir. across. namuani dir. across from.
mugurp dir. 1 in the middle. namui dir. from over there; same level
2 between. as speaker.
mui dir. 1 over there; away from namuit dir. over from.
speaker on the same level. namuk dir. from in.
2 around.
nanaik dir. under.

C Location and direction

nanamk dir. back up. pem prep. in.

nanamuk dir. back across. pt prep. 1 at. 2 on. 3 over.
nanavuk dir. back down from. pethana dir. head to tail; back to front.
nania vik adv. somewhere. pivi dir. over there.
nasot dir. 1 behind. 2 at the back. remini n. base.
nasothanas dir. back in place; e.g. as sa prep. 1 to. 2 with.
with crop rotation. sachong n. surface; e.g. the surface of
nath dir. from here. the sea, the face of the earth, the top
nathmanp dir. from down there. of a sore, the opening of a pot.

nathmano dir. from down there. sachongachi n. depths of a pool.

nathmk dir. from down at. sagl prep. to.

nathmono dir. from over there. saimanp dir. down there.

nathmuanp dir. from side. saimano dir. down to.

nathmui dir. from over there. saimk dir. down inside.

nathmuit dir. from over there. saimni dir. over to; down to.

nathmuk dir. from in there. saimono dir. over to.

nathvono dir. from up there. saimuanp dir. to the other side; across
nathvui dir. from over there.
saimuani dir. over there.
nathvuit dir. from out there.
saimui dir. over there distant.
nathvuk dir. from up there.
saimuit dir. to the other side.
nave dir. from there.
saimuk dir. into.
navi dir. from there.
sainamk dir. down that way.
navono dir. from up there.
sainamuk dir. to this side.
navui dir. over from (distant).
sainavuk dir. from up there.
navuit dir. over from.
saisath dir. over here.
navuk dir. down.
saisave dir. to there.
ndngetham dir. in front.
saisavi dir. there.
nmn prep. aside; away.
saivono dir. upwards.
nmni dir. from down.
saivui dir. over to.
nmt prep. from.
saivuit dir. over to.
nthm prep. 1 from. 2 about.
saivuk dir. up to.
nva prep. from.
samanp dir. to down there.
nvana dir. from each other.
samano dir. down to; down there.
nevanas dir. away from oneself.
samk dir. to down.
nvt prep. from.
samethik dir. to other side.
ngthathng dir. at the back.
samono dir. over; across.
ngis adv. aside.
samuanp dir. over to; over there.
pathm na dir. 1 alongside; side by
side. 2 parallel. samuani dir. over to the side.

pavar dir. top. samui dir. over to.

C Location and direction

samuit dir. over to; across. svt prep. 1 to. 2 about. 3 at.
samuk dir. into. 4 onto.

sanamuk dir. up here. snani dir. 1 on. 2 in. 3 at.

sathmanp dir. down there. snania prep. 1 against. 2 right be-

sathmani dir. down this way.
tmanp dir. down there.
sathmano dir. into there.
tmano dir. lower down; often used to
sathmk dir. down there. refer to down on the coast.
sathmono dir. over there. tmono dir. 1 along. 2 across.
sathmuanp dir. over to the other 3 that way.
side; over there. tmuit dir. sidewards; to the side.
sathmui dir. over there. tnamk dir. up a bit from towards
sathmuit dir. over on the other side. speaker.
sathmuk dir. in to there. tnavuk dir. down a bit from towards
sathvono dir. up there to. speaker.
sathvui dir. over there. tvono dir. higher up; often used to re-
fer to up on the mountain(s).
sathvuit dir. out there.
tvuk dir. up there.
sathvuk dir. up there.
tunggumgi n. 1 base of a cup, house,
save dir. to there.
or tree. 2 back of a boat.
savono dir. 1 upwards. 2 inland.
thng n. top.
3 shorewards.
var dir. higher.
savui dir. over to distant.
vpuit dir. upwards.
savuit dir. up.
ves n. bottom. Usage: A euphemism for
savuk dir. up; to the top.
sdamr n dir. directly to.
vthanas prep. to oneself; on oneself.
sd prep. to.
vethik dir. beside.
sdngtham dir. in front.
vthivt dir. outside.
smni prep. 1 across. 2 onto.
vono dir. 1 up. 2 inland.
smnina dir. up and down; across; 3 shorewards.
from one to another; e.g. across a se-
vono sa muk dir. inside out.
ries of valleys and ridges.
vui dir. out there.
smsng dir. to the ground; down-
wards. vuit dir. up.

smt prep. 1 into. 2 down into. vuk dir. above.

snas dir. to oneself; about oneself. vuvuit dir. up above.

sng prep. 1 at the base. 2 in the vi- C2 Absolute direction
cinity of; close to.
sthm prep. to. chunengga cha don n. west.

sthmna dir. to each other. chunengga cha ndn n. east.

sva prep. to.

C3 Nominal demonstratives
svana dir. to each other.
achkachk dem. 1 another. Gram:
svanas dir. to oneself; about oneself.

C Location and direction

Masculine singular contrastive demonstrative tive singular distal demonstrative.

and count neutral singular contrastive demon- avthom dem. those two small ones.
strative. 2 each. Gram: Masculine singu- Gram: Diminutive dual distal demonstrative.
lar contrastive demonstrative and count neu-
tral singular contrastive demonstrative.
avthong dem. those small things. Gram:
Diminutive plural distal demonstrative.
achikachik dem. 1 another. Gram: Femi-
nine singular contrastive demonstrative. avvam dem. those two short ones. Gram:
Reduced dual distal demonstrative.
2 each. Gram: Feminine singular contras-
tive demonstrative. avvap dem. those short things. Gram:
Reduced plural distal demonstrative.
aguikaguik dem. 1 another. Gram:
Feminine singular contrastive demonstrative. avvem dem. those two. Gram: Feminine
2 each. Gram: Feminine singular contras- dual distal demonstrative.
tive demonstrative. avvs dem. that flat one. Gram: Flat sin-
agungagung dem. more. Gram: Count gular distal demonstrative.
neutral indefinite demonstrative. avvet dem. that long one. Gram: Long
avaik dem. that one. Gram: Feminine singular singular distal demonstrative.
distal demonstrative. aviom dem. those two. Gram: Masculine dual
avak dem. that one. Gram: Masculine singular distal demonstrative.
distal demonstrative. avisem dem. those two long ones. Gram:
avang dem. 1 that one; those ones. Long dual distal demonstrative.
Gram: Count neutral distal demonstrative. aviseng dem. those long things. Gram:
2 those flat ones. Gram: Flat plural distal Long plural distal demonstrative.
chkchm dem. just that particular
avath dem. those people. Gram: Human short one. Gram: Emphatic reduced singular
plural distal demonstrative. contrastive demonstrative.
avchm dem. that short one. Gram: Re- chkchit dem. just that particular
duced singular distal demonstrative. large one. Gram: Emphatic extended singu-
avchs dem. that flat one. Gram: Flat lar contrastive demonstrative.
singular distal demonstrative. chkmlk dem. just those particular
avchit dem. that large one. Gram: Ex- flat ones. Gram: Emphatic flat plural con-
tended singular distal demonstrative. trastive demonstrative.

avgl dem. that piece. Gram: Excised singu- chkmlm dem. just those particular
lar distal demonstrative. flat two. Gram: Emphatic flat dual contras-
tive demonstrative.
avglem dem. those two pieces. Gram:
Excised dual distal demonstrative. chknk dem. just those particular
avglng dem. those pieces. Gram: Excised large ones. Gram: Emphatic extended plural
contrastive demonstrative.
plural distal demonstrative.
avink dem. those large things. Gram: chknm dem. just those particular
Extended plural distal demonstrative.
two large ones. Gram: Emphatic extended
dual contrastive demonstrative.
avinm dem. those two large ones.
Gram: Extended dual distal demonstrative.
chkni dem. just that particular small
one. Gram: Emphatic diminutive singular
avmlk dem. those flat things. Gram: contrastive demonstrative.
Flat plural distal demonstrative.
chknggl dem. just that particular
avmlm dem. those two flat ones. piece. Gram: Emphatic excised singular con-
Gram: Flat dual distal demonstrative. trastive demonstrative.
avni dem. that small one. Gram: Diminu-

C Location and direction

chkngglem dem. just those par- demonstrative.

ticular two pieces. Gram: Emphatic ex- chvak dem. just that particular one.
cised dual contrastive demonstrative. Gram: Emphatic masculine singular contrastive
chknggleng dem. just those par- demonstrative.
ticular pieces. Gram: Emphatic excised guachm dem. one short one. Gram: Re-
plural contrastive demonstrative. duced singular indefinite demonstrative.
chksem dem. just those particular guagl dem. one piece. Gram: Excised singu-
two long ones. Gram: Emphatic long dual lar indefinite demonstrative.
contrastive demonstrative.
guaglem dem. two pieces. Gram: Excised
chekseng dem. just those particular dual indefinite demonstrative.
long ones. Gram: Emphatic long plural con-
trastive demonstrative.
guagleng dem. some pieces. Gram: Ex-
cised plural indefinite demonstrative.
chkthom dem. just those particular
two small ones. Gram: Emphatic diminutive guaiom dem. two. Gram: Masculine dual in-
definite demonstrative.
dual contrastive demonstrative.
chkthong dem. just those particular guait dem. one large one. Gram: Extended
singular indefinite demonstrative.
small ones. Gram: Emphatic diminutive
plural contrastive demonstrative. guamlk dem. some flat ones. Gram: Flat
plural indefinite demonstrative.
chkvam dem. just those particular
two short ones. Gram: Emphatic reduced guamlm dem. two flat ones. Gram: Flat
dual contrastive demonstrative. dual indefinite demonstrative.

chkvap dem. just those particular guank dem. some large ones. Gram: Ex-
short ones. Gram: Emphatic reduced plural tended plural indefinite demonstrative.
contrastive demonstrative. guanm dem. two large ones. Gram: Ex-
chkvem dem. just those particular tended dual indefinite demonstrative.
two. Gram: Emphatic feminine dual contras- guani dem. one small one. Gram: Diminu-
tive demonstrative. tive singular indefinite demonstrative.
chkvs dem. just that particular flat guang dem. something. Gram: Count neutral
one. Gram: Emphatic flat singular contrastive indefinite demonstrative.
guasem dem. two long ones. Gram: Long
chkvet dem. just that particular long dual indefinite demonstrative.
one. Gram: Emphatic long singular contras-
guaseng dem. some long ones. Gram:
tive demonstrative.
Long plural indefinite demonstrative.
chkiom dem. just those particular two.
guathom dem. two small ones. Gram: Di-
Gram: Emphatic masculine dual contrastive
minutive dual indefinite demonstrative.
guathong dem. some small ones. Gram:
chkraik dem. just that particular one.
Diminutive plural indefinite demonstrative.
Gram: Emphatic feminine singular contrastive
demonstrative. guavam dem. two short ones. Gram: Re-
duced dual indefinite demonstrative.
chkrak dem. just that particular one.
Gram: Emphatic masculine singular contrastive guavap dem. some short ones. Gram: Re-
demonstrative. duced plural indefinite demonstrative.

chkrang dem. just those two particular guavek dem. some people. Gram: Human
ones. Gram: Emphatic count neutral contras- plural indefinite demonstrative.
tive demonstrative. guavem dem. two. Gram: Feminine dual in-
chevaik dem. just that particular one. definite demonstrative.
Gram: Emphatic feminine singular contrastive

C Location and direction

guavs dem. some flat ones. Gram: Flat ithiglem dem. these two pieces. Gram:
plural indefinite demonstrative. Excised dual proximate demonstrative.
guavet dem. one long one. Gram: Long ithigleng dem. these pieces. Gram: Ex-
singular indefinite demonstrative. cised plural proximate demonstrative.
inath dir. from here. ithini dem. this small one. Gram: Diminutive
inavi dir. from there. singular proximate demonstrative.

ithaik dem. this one. Gram: Feminine singu- ithiom dem. these two. Gram: Masculine
lar proximate demonstrative. dual proximate demonstrative.

ithak dem. this one. Gram: Masculine singu- ithithom dem. these two small ones.
lar proximate demonstrative. Gram: Diminutive dual proximate demon-
ithang these. Gram: Count neutral
dem. 1
proximate demonstrative. 2 these flat ithithong dem. these small ones. Gram:
ones. Gram: Flat plural proximate demon- Diminutive plural proximate demonstrative.
strative. kchm dem. that particular short one.
ithath dem. these people. Gram: Human Gram: Reduced singular contrastive demon-
plural proximate demonstrative. strative.

ithchm dem. this short one. Gram: Re- kchit dem. that particular large one.
duced singular proximate demonstrative. Gram: Extended singular contrastive demon-
ithchit dem. this large one. Gram: Ex-
tended singular proximate demonstrative. kglem dem. those particular two
pieces. Gram: Excised dual contrastive de-
ithmlk dem. these flat ones. Gram: monstrative.
Flat plural proximate demonstrative.
kglem dem. those particular two short
ithmlm dem. these two flat ones. ones. Gram: Reduced dual contrastive de-
Gram: Flat dual proximate demonstrative.
ithnk dem. these large ones. Gram: Ex- kgleng dem. those particular pieces.
tended plural proximate demonstrative.
Gram: Excised plural contrastive demon-
ithnm dem. these two large ones. strative.
Gram: Extended dual proximate demonstrative.
kk dem. that particular one. Gram: Mas-
ithsm dem. these two long ones. Gram: culine singular contrastive demonstrative.
Long dual proximate demonstrative.
kmlk dem. those particular flat ones.
ithseng dem. these long ones. Gram: Gram: Flat plural contrastive demonstrative.
Long plural proximate demonstrative.
kmlm dem. just those particular two
ithvam dem. these two short ones. flat ones. Gram: Flat dual contrastive de-
Gram: Reduced dual proximate demonstrative. monstrative.
ithvap dem. these short ones. Gram: Re- knk dem. those particular large ones.
duced plural proximate demonstrative. Gram: Extended plural contrastive demon-
ithvem dem. these two. Gram: Feminine strative.
dual proximate demonstrative. knm dem. those particular two large
ithvs dem. this flat one. Gram: Flat sin- ones. Gram: Extended dual contrastive de-
gular proximate demonstrative. monstrative.

ithvet dem. this long one. Gram: Long kni dem. that particular small one.
singular proximate demonstrative. Gram: Diminutive singular contrastive demon-
ithigl dem. this piece. Gram: Excised singu-
lar proximate demonstrative. kngt dem. those particular ones; that
particular one. Gram: Count neutral con-

C Location and direction

trastive demonstrative. tral distal demonstrative emphatic.

knggl dem. that particular piece. Gram: 2 those particular flat ones. Gram: Flat
Excised singular contrastive demonstrative. plural distal demonstrative emphatic.

ksem dem. those particular two long paivaik dem. that particular one. Gram:
ones. Gram: Long dual contrastive demon- Feminine singular distal demonstrative em-
strative. phatic.

kseng dem. those particular long ones. paivak dem. that particular one. Gram:
Gram: Long plural contrastive demonstrative. Masculine singular distal demonstrative em-
kthom dem. those particular two small
ones. Gram: Diminutive dual contrastive de- paivang dem. those particular flat ones.
monstrative. Gram: Flat plural distal demonstrative em-
kthong dem. those particular small
ones. Gram: Diminutive plural contrastive paivang dem. that particular one; those
demonstrative. particular ones. Gram: Count neutral distal
demonstrative emphatic.
kvam dem. those particular two short
ones. Gram: Reduced dual contrastive de- paivathe dem. those particular people.
monstrative. Gram: Human plural distal demonstrative em-
kvap dem. those particular short ones.
Gram: Reduced plural contrastive demon- paivthong dem. those particular small
strative. things. Gram: Diminutive plural distal de-
monstrative emphatic.
kvem dem. those particular two. Gram:
Feminine dual contrastive demonstrative. pavchm dem. that particular short
thing. Gram: Reduced singular distal demon-
kvs dem. that particular flat one. Gram: strative emphatic.
Flat singular contrastive demonstrative.
pavchit dem. that particular large
kvet dem. that particular long one. thing. Gram: Extended singular distal demon-
Gram: Long singular contrastive demon-
strative emphatic.
pavgl dem. that particular piece. Gram:
kiom dem. those particular two. Gram: Excised singular distal demonstrative em-
Masculine singular contrastive demonstrative.
kraik dem. just that particular one. Gram: pavglem dem. those two particular
Feminine singular contrastive demonstrative.
pieces. Gram: Excised dual distal demon-
krak dem. that particular one. Gram: strative emphatic.
Masculine singular contrastive demonstrative.
pavgleng dem. those particular pieces.
krathe dem. those particular people. Gram: Excised plural distal demonstrative
Gram: Human plural contrastive demon- emphatic.
pavmlm dem. those particular two
kravum dem. that particular one. Gram: flat ones. Gram: Flat dual distal demon-
Masculine singular contrastive demonstrative. strative emphatic.
pachvaik dem. that particular one. pavnk dem. those particular large
Gram: Feminine singular distal demonstrative ones. Gram: Extended plural distal demon-
emphatic. strative emphatic.
pachvak dem. that particular one. pavnm dem. those particular two
Gram: Masculine singular distal demonstrative large ones. Gram: Extended dual distal de-
emphatic. monstrative emphatic.
pachvang dem. 1 that particular one; pavni dem. that particular small one.
those particular ones. Gram: Count neu- Gram: Diminutive singular distal demonstrative

C Location and direction

emphatic. one. Gram: Reduced singular proximate de-

pavsem dem. those particular two long monstrative emphatic.
ones. Gram: Long dual distal demonstrative taithchit dem. this particular large
emphatic. one. Gram: Extended singular proximate de-
pavseng dem. those particular long monstrative emphatic.
ones. Gram: Long plural distal demonstrative taithmlk dem. these particular flat
emphatic. ones. Gram: Flat plural proximate demon-
pavthom dem. those particular two strative emphatic.
small ones. Gram: Diminutive dual distal taithmlm dem. these particular flat
demonstrative emphatic. two. Gram: Flat dual proximate demonstrative
pavvam dem. these two particular emphatic.
short ones. Gram: Reduced dual distal de- taithnk dem. these particular large
monstrative emphatic. ones. Gram: Extended plural proximate de-
pavvap dem. those particular short monstrative emphatic.
ones. Gram: Reduced plural distal demon- taithnm dem. these particular two
strative emphatic. large ones. Gram: Extended dual proximate
pavvem dem. those particular two. demonstrative emphatic.
Gram: Feminine dual distal demonstrative taithsem dem. these particular two
emphatic. long ones. Gram: Long dual proximate de-
pavvs dem. that particular flat one. monstrative emphatic.

Gram: Flat singular distal demonstrative em- taithvam dem. these particular two
phatic. short ones. Gram: Reduced dual proximate
pavvet dem. that particular long one. demonstrative emphatic.
Gram: Long singular distal demonstrative em- taithvap dem. these particular short
phatic. ones. Gram: Reduced plural proximate de-
paviom dem. those particular two. Gram: monstrative emphatic.
Masculine dual distal demonstrative emphatic. taithvem dem. these particular two.
taithaik dem. this particular one. Gram: Gram: Feminine dual proximate demonstrative
Feminine singular proximate demonstrative emphatic.
emphatic. taithvs dem. this particular flat one.
taithak dem. this particular one. Gram: Gram: Flat singular proximate demonstrative
Masculine singular proximate demonstrative emphatic.
emphatic. taithvet dem. this particular long one.
taithang dem. 1 this particular one; Gram: Long singular proximate demonstrative
these particular ones. Gram: Count neu- emphatic.
tral proximate demonstrative emphatic. taithigl dem. this particular piece. Gram:
2 these particular flat ones. Gram: Flat Excised singular proximate demonstrative
plural proximate demonstrative emphatic. emphatic.
3 these particular long ones. Gram: taithiglem dem. these particular two
Long plural proximate demonstrative em- pieces. Gram: Excised dual proximate de-
phatic. monstrative emphatic.
taithath dem. these particular people. taithigleng dem. these particular
Gram: Human plural proximate demonstrative pieces. Gram: Excised plural proximate de-
emphatic. monstrative emphatic.
taith dem. right here. Gram: Proximate taithini dem. this particular small one.
demonstrative emphatic. Gram: Diminutive singular proximate demon-
taithchm dem. this particular short strative emphatic.

C Location and direction

taithiom dem. these particular two. naimuani dir. from over there.
Gram: Masculine dual proximate demon- naimui dir. from over there (distant).
strative emphatic.
naimuit dir. from the other side.
taithithom dem. these particular two
small ones. Gram: Diminutive dual proxi- naimuk dir. from inside.
mate demonstrative emphatic. nainamuk dir. from over there (towards
taithithong dem. these particular small speaker).
ones. Gram: Diminutive plural proximate nainath dir. from around here.
demonstrative emphatic. nainavi dir. from there.
tik dem. this very one. Gram: Proximate de- nainavuk dir. from up.
monstrative emphatic particle.
naivono dir. from up there.
C4 Distance and proximity naivui dir. over from (middle distance).
naivuit dir. over from.
bana dir. among themselves.
naivuk dir. from up.
bing sa-vi. surround.
namanp dir. from down there.
dur adv. deep.
namano dir. from down over there.
gl prep. with.
namk dir. from down.
gelaulul dir. far away; long way.
namt prep. at something.
glm prep. near; close.
namethik dir. from the other side.
glmna prep. near; next to each other.
namonp dir. over from the side.
gl kuvet dir. be near to.
namono dir. from over there; across.
inamuk dir. across towards speaker;
forward. namuani dir. across from.
inavuk dir. down towards speaker; namui dir. from over there; same level
downwards. as speaker.
ithm dir. alongside; beside. namuit dir. over from.
ithmna dir. side by side. namuk dir. from in.
ivui dir. upwards away from speaker. nanavuk dir. back down from.
mnina dir. across each other. nathmanp dir. from down there.
mt prep. 1 in; within. 2 inside. nathmano dir. from down there.
3 into. 4 through. nathmk dir. from down at.
mvem prep. inside. nathmono dir. from over there.
na prep. with. nathmuanp dir. from side.
nagl prep. from. nathmui dir. from over there.
naglm prep. from close to. nathmuit dir. from over there.
naglmna prep. back to. nathmuk dir. from in there.
naimanp dir. from down there. nathvono dir. from up there.
naimano dir. from down at. nathvui dir. from over there.
naimek dir. up from inside. nathvuit dir. from out there.
naimni dir. over from. nathvuk dir. from up there.
naimono dir. over from. nave dir. from there.
naimuanp dir. from over there. navi dir. from there.

C Location and direction

navono dir. from up there. saivuit dir. over to.

navui dir. over from (distant). saivuk dir. up to.
navuit dir. over from. samanp dir. to down there.
ndvethik dir. beside. samano dir. down to; down there.
nmna prep. away from; e.g. used to samt prep. into.
describe the way a flood leaves rub- sanamuk dir. up here.
bish behind as the water subsides.
sas t vt. remove.
nmni prep. aside; to the side.
sathmanp dir. down there.
nmtna dir. from each other.
sathmani dir. down this way.
np prep. at.
sathmk dir. down there.
nevanas dir. away from oneself.
sathmono dir. over there.
nvem prep. in; on.
sathmui dir. over there.
ngis adv. apart.
sathmuit dir. over on the other side.
pa prep. at; on; over.
sathvono dir. up there to.
pathm prep. 1 along. 2 for.
sathvui dir. over there.
pathm na dir. alongside; side by side.
sathvuit dir. out there.
pem prep. in.
sathvuk dir. up there.
pt prep. 1 at. 2 on. 3 over.
save dir. to there.
sa prep. 1 to. 2 with.
savui dir. over to distant.
saglm prep. close to.
sdamr n dir. 1 right by. 2 directly
saglmna prep. nearer to; closer to. to.
saimanp dir. down there. sd prep. to.
saimano dir. down to. sdvthik dir. beside.
saimk dir. down inside. smt prep. 1 into. 2 down into.
saimni dir. over to; down to. sng prep. in the vicinity of; close to.
saimono dir. over to. sva prep. to.
saimuanp dir. to the other side; across svm prep. into.
svt prep. 1 to. 2 at. 3 onto.
saimuani dir. over there.
snania prep. 1 against. 2 right be-
saimui dir. over there distant. side.
saimuit dir. to the other side. sne prep. in; within.
saimuk dir. into. tair snania vt. lean against something
sainamk dir. down that way. while standing.
sainamuk dir. to this side. tk tichim vt. avoid.
sainavuk dir. from up there. tm prep. at; along.
saisath dir. over here. tmanp dir. down there.
saisave dir. to there. tnamk dir. up a bit from towards
saisavi dir. there. speaker.

saivono dir. upwards. tnavuk dir. down a bit from towards

saivui dir. over to.

C Location and direction

tstmna n vt. eat with. indefinite pronoun.

tet na vt. go past; pass. agisem pro. some two long ones. Gram:
tet ngis n vt. miss a target. Extended dual indefinite pronoun.

tethana sa-vi. group together. agiseng pro. some long ones. Gram: Long
plural indefinite pronoun.
tvuk dir. up there.
agit pro. what. Gram: Count neutral indefinite
tneng n vt. dodge.
tu dm n vt. lose.
agitha pro. some people. Gram: Human
vethik dir. beside. plural indefinite pronoun.
vui dir. out there. agithom pro. some two small ones. Gram:
Diminutive dual indefinite pronoun.
C5 Pronouns
agithong pro. some small ones. Gram:
againi pro. some small thing. Gram: Di- Diminutive plural indefinite pronoun.
minutive singular indefinite pronoun. agivam pro. some two short ones. Gram:
agia pro. something. Gram: Count neutral Reduced dual indefinite pronoun.
indefinite pronoun. agivap pro. some short things. Gram: Re-
agicha pro. someone; something. Gram: duced plural indefinite pronoun.
Masculine singular indefinite pronoun. agivem pro. some two people; some two
agichm pro. some short thing. Gram: things. Gram: Feminine dual indefinite pro-
Reduced singular indefinite pronoun. noun.

agichi pro. something; someone. Gram: agivs pro. some flat thing. Gram: Flat
Feminine singular indefinite pronoun. singular indefinite pronoun.

agigl pro. some piece. Gram: Excised singu- agivet pro. some long thing. Gram: Long
lar indefinite pronoun. singular indefinite pronoun.

agiglem pro. some two pieces. Gram: Ex- aguik pro. something; someone. Gram:
cised dual indefinite pronoun. Feminine singular indefinite pronoun.

agigleng pro. some pieces. Gram: Excised ain you two, your. Gram: Second
pro. 1
plural indefinite pronoun. 2 those
person dual possessive pronoun.
two, their. Gram: Third person dual posses-
agimlk pro. some flat ones. Gram: Flat
sive pronoun.
plural indefinite pronoun.
aina pro. 1 you two, your. Gram: Second
agimlm pro. some two flat ones. Gram:
person dual possessive pronoun and possessive
Flat dual indefinite pronoun.
pronoun and specific article. 2 those
aginait pro. some large one. Gram: Ex- two, their. Gram: Third person dual posses-
tended singular indefinite pronoun. sive pronoun and possessive pronoun and spe-
agink pro. some large ones. Gram: Ex- cific article.
tended plural indefinite pronoun. ainama pro. 1 you two, your. Gram:
aginm pro. some two large ones. Gram: Second person dual possessive pronoun and
Extended dual indefinite pronoun. emphatic possessive pronoun. 2 those
two, their. Gram: Third person dual posses-
agini pro. some small thing. Gram: Di-
sive pronoun and emphatic possessive pro-
minutive singular indefinite pronoun.
agingt pro. something. Gram: Count neu-
ainanga pro. 1 you two, some of your.
tral indefinite pronoun.
Gram: Second person dual possessive pronoun
agiom pro. two of something; two uni- and non-specific possessive pronoun.
dentified people. Gram: Masculine dual 2 those two, some of their. Gram: Third

C Location and direction

person dual possessive pronoun and athama pro. her; its. Gram: Third person
non-specific possessive pronoun. singular possessive pronoun and emphatic
ainangama pro. 1 you two, some of possessive pronoun.
your. Gram: Second person dual possessive athanga pro. some of her; some of its.
pronoun and indefinite possessive pronoun. Gram: Third person singular possessive pro-
2 those two, some of their. Gram: Third noun and non-specific possessive pronoun.
person dual possessive pronoun and indefinite athangama pro. her; its. Gram: Third per-
possessive pronoun. son feminine singular possessive pronoun and
angan pro. your. Gram: Second person plural indefinite possessive pronoun.
possessive pronoun. ath pro. some people. Gram: Human plural
angana pro. your. Gram: Second person plu- indefinite pronoun.
ral possessive pronoun and possessive pronoun athv pro. their. Gram: Third person human
and specific article. plural possessive pronoun.
anganama pro. some of your. Gram: Sec- athva pro. their. Gram: Third person human
ond person plural possessive pronoun and plural possessive pronoun and possessive pro-
non-specific possessive pronoun. noun and specific article.
angnanga pro. some of your. Gram: athvama pro. their. Gram: Third person
Second person plural possessive pronoun and human plural possessive pronoun and emphatic
non-specific possessive pronoun. possessive pronoun.
angenangama pro. any of your. Gram: athvanga pro. some of their. Gram: Third
Second person singular possessive pronoun person human plural possessive pronoun and
and indefinite possessive pronoun. non-specific possessive pronoun.
angt pro. its; their. Gram: Third person athvangama pro. their. Gram: Third per-
neuter possessive pronoun. son human plural possessive pronoun and in-
angtha pro. its; their. Gram: Third person definite possessive pronoun.
neuter possessive pronoun and possessive aun pro. our two. Gram: First person dual
pronoun and specific article. possessive pronoun.
angthama pro. some of its. Gram: Third auna pro. us two, our. Gram: Possessive
person neuter possessive pronoun and em- pronoun and specific article.
phatic possessive pronoun.
aunama pro. us two, our. Gram: First per-
angthanga pro. some of their. Gram: son dual possessive pronoun and emphatic
Third person neuter possessive pronoun and possessive pronoun.
non-specific possessive pronoun.
aunanga pro. us two, some of our. Gram:
angthangama pro. any of their. Gram: First person dual possessive pronoun and
Third person neuter possessive pronoun and non-specific possessive pronoun.
indefinite possessive pronoun.
aunangama pro. us two, our. Gram: First
anggung some. Gram: Count neu-
dem. 1 person dual possessive pronoun and indefinite
tral indefinite demonstrative. 2 any; possessive pronoun.
anything. Gram: Count neutral indefinite
aung dem. 1 someone; something.
Gram: Masculine singular indefinite demon-
angitha pro. 1 anyone. Gram: Human plu- strative. 2 anyone; anything. Gram:
ral indefinite pronoun. 2 someone. Masculine singular indefinite demonstrative.
Gram: Human plural indefinite pronoun.
aung gue interrog. which one. Gram:
at pro. her; its. Gram: Third person singular Masculine singular indefinite pronoun.
possessive pronoun.
aungguik dem. 1 someone; something.
atha pro. her; its. Gram: Third person singular Gram: Feminine singular indefinite demon-
possessive pronoun.

C Location and direction

strative. 2 anyone; anything. Gram: person singular possessive pronoun and

Feminine singular indefinite demonstrative. non-specific possessive pronoun.
aungguik kue interrog. which one. Gram: giangama pro. your. Gram: Second person
Feminine singular indefinite pronoun. singular possessive pronoun and indefinite
aut pro. our. Gram: First person plural posses- possessive pronoun.
sive pronoun. gu pro. my. Gram: First person singular pos-
autha pro. our. Gram: First person plural sessive pronoun.
possessive pronoun and possessive pronoun gua pro. my. Gram: First person singular pos-
and specific article. sessive pronoun and possessive pronoun and
authama pro. our. Gram: First person plural specific article.
possessive pronoun and emphatic possessive guama pro. my. Gram: First person singular
pronoun. possessive pronoun and emphatic possessive
authanga pro. some of our. Gram: First pronoun.
person plural possessive pronoun and guanga pro. some of my. Gram: First person
non-specific possessive pronoun. singular possessive pronoun and non-specific
authangama pro. our. Gram: First person possessive pronoun.
plural possessive pronoun and indefinite pos- guangama pro. my. Gram: First person sin-
sessive pronoun. gular possessive pronoun and indefinite pos-

av pro. his; its. Gram: Third person masculine sessive pronoun.

singular possessive pronoun. igl pro. piece. Gram: Excised singular reduced
ava pro. his; its. Gram: Third person masculine nominal pronoun.
singular possessive pronoun and possessive iglem pro. short two. Gram: Excised dual
pronoun and specific article. reduced nominal pronoun.
avama pro. his; its. Gram: Third person igleng pro. piece. Gram: Excised plural re-
masculine singular possessive pronoun and duced nominal pronoun.
emphatic possessive pronoun. imlm pro. the flat two. Gram: Flat dual
avanga pro. some of his; some of its. reduced nominal pronoun.
Gram: Third person masculine singular pos- in pro. 1 you two. Gram: Second person dual
sessive pronoun and non-specific possessive class one pronoun. 2 those two, they.
pronoun. Gram: Third person dual class one pronoun.
avangama pro. his; its. Gram: Third person in pro. 1 you two and. 2 those two
masculine singular possessive pronoun and and.
indefinite possessive pronoun.
ink pro. the large ones. Gram: Extended
dini coord. and those two. plural reduced nominal pronoun.
dut coord. and we. inm pro. the large two. Gram: Extended
en pro. you two. Gram: Second person dual dual reduced nominal pronoun.
class three pronoun. ini pro. small one. Gram: Diminutive singular
gi pro. your. Gram: Second person singular reduced nominal pronoun.
possessive pronoun. ini pro. 1 you two. Gram: Second person
gia pro. your. Gram: Second person singular dual class two pronoun. 2 those two,
possessive pronoun and possessive pronoun they. Gram: Second person dual class two
and specific article. pronoun.
giama pro. your. Gram: Second person sin- iom pro. two things; two people. Gram:
gular possessive pronoun and emphatic pos- Third person masculine dual reduced nominal
sessive pronoun. pronoun.
gianga pro. some of your. Gram: Second isem pro. the long two. Gram: Long dual

C Location and direction

reduced nominal pronoun. contexts.

iseng pro. the long ones. Gram: Long plural nemiavchit pro. which large one. Gram:
nominal pronoun. Extended singular interrogative pronoun; can
ithom pro. small two. Gram: Diminutive dual be used in indefinite contexts.
reduced nominal pronoun. nmigl pro. which piece; some piece.
ithong pro. small ones. Gram: Diminutive Gram: Excised singular interrogative pronoun;
plural reduced nominal pronoun. used in a joking way to refer to people and im-
plies something about their large size; can be
ka pro. he; it. Gram: Third person masculine used in indefinite contexts.
singular class one pronoun and third person
masculine singular class three pronoun. nmiglem pro. which two pieces; some
two pieces. Gram: Excised dual interroga-
k pro. he; it. Gram: Third person masculine tive pronoun; used in a joking way to refer to
singular class two pronoun.
people and implies something about their large
kn pro. him and. size; can be used in indefinite contexts.
ki pro. she; it. Gram: Third person feminine nmigleng pro. which pieces; some
singular class two and class three pronoun. pieces. Gram: Excised plural interrogative
kia pro. she; it. Gram: Third person feminine pronoun; used in a joking way to refer to people
singular class one pronoun. and implies something about their large size;
can be used in indefinite contexts.
kin pro. her and.
nemink pro. which large ones; some
mavangam pro. anywhere; all over.
large ones. Gram: Extended plural inter-
Gram: General indefinite form.
rogative pronoun; used in a joking way to refer
nma pro. who. Gram: Interrogative pronoun. to people and implies something about their
nmava pro. whose. Gram: Third person large size; can be used in indefinite contexts.
masculine singular possessive interrogative nminm pro. which large two; some
pronoun. large two. Gram: Extended dual interroga-
nmav pro. whose. Gram: Third person tive pronoun; used in a joking way to refer to
masculine singular possessive interrogative people and implies something about their large
pronoun. size; can be used in indefinite contexts.

nmbam pro. any small two; some small nemini pro. which small one; some small
two. Gram: Reduced dual interrogative pro- one. Gram: Diminutive singular interrogative
noun. pronoun; also used to refer to people; can imply
attenuative meaning; can be used in indefinite
nmbap pro. any short two; some short
two. Gram: Reduced plural interrogative
pronoun. nemiom pro. which two people; which
two things; some two people. Gram:
nmbem pro. any two people; any two
Masculine dual interrogative pronoun; can be
things; some two people. Gram: Feminine
used in indefinite contexts.
dual interrogative pronoun.
nemisem pro. which two long ones;
nmbm pro. any short one. Gram: Re-
some two long ones. Gram: Long dual in-
duced singular interrogative pronoun.
terrogative pronoun; used in a joking way to
nmda pro. who. Gram: Human plural inter- refer to people and implies something about
rogative pronoun. their large size; can be used in indefinite con-
nmga pro. who. Gram: Masculine singular texts.
interrogative pronoun; can be used in indefi- nmiseng pro. which long ones. Gram:
nite contexts. Long plural interrogative pronoun; can be used
nmgi pro. who. Gram: Feminine singular in- in indefinite contexts.
terrogative pronoun; can be used in indefinite nemithom pro. which two small ones;

C Location and direction

some two small ones. Gram: Diminutive gular class one pronoun. 2 your. Gram:
dual interrogative pronoun; also used to refer Second person singular possessive pronoun.
to people; can imply attenuative meaning; can ngigl pro. piece. Gram: Excised singular
be used in indefinite contexts. nominal pronoun.
nemithong pro. which small ones; some ngiglem pro. short two. Gram: Excised dual
small ones. Gram: Diminutive plural inter- nominal pronoun.
rogative pronoun; also used to refer to people;
can imply attenuative meaning; can be used in
ngigleng pro. short ones. Gram: Excised
plural nominal pronoun.
indefinite contexts.
ngaiom pro. two things; two people. ngimlm pro. the flat two. Gram: Flat
dual nominal pronoun.
Gram: Third person masculine dual nominal
pronoun. ngin pro. you and.
ngait pro. the long one. Gram: Extended ngink pro. the long ones. Gram: Extended
singular nominal pronoun. plural nominal pronoun.

ngam pro. short one. Gram: Reduced singu- nginm pro. the long two. Gram: Extended
lar nominal pronoun. dual nominal pronoun.

ngas pro. the flat one. Gram: Flat singular ngini pro. small one. Gram: Diminutive sin-
nominal pronoun. gular nominal pronoun.

ngavam pro. short two. Gram: Reduced dual ngisem pro. the long two. Gram: Long dual
nominal pronoun. nominal pronoun.

ngavap pro. short ones. Gram: Reduced ngiseng pro. the long ones. Gram: Long
plural nominal pronoun. plural nominal pronoun.

ngavem pro. two people; two things. ngithom pro. small two. Gram: Diminutive
Gram: Third person feminine dual nominal dual nominal pronoun.
pronoun. ngithong pro. small ones. Gram: Diminu-
ngavet pro. the long one. Gram: Long sin- tive plural nominal pronoun.
gular nominal pronoun. ngo pro. me. Gram: First person singular class
nge pro. you. Gram: Second person singular three pronoun.
class three pronoun. ngu pro. me. Gram: First person singular class
ng pro. he; she; it; they. Gram: Third per- two pronoun.
son neuter class one pronoun. ngua pro. 1 I. Gram: First person singular
ngn pro. you all. Gram: Second person class class one pronoun. 2 my. Gram: First
one pronoun and second person class three person singular possessive pronoun.
pronoun. ngun pro. me and.
ngn pro. them and; it and. ta pro. they; them. Gram: Third person human
ngn pro. you all and. plural class one pronoun and third person hu-
man plural class three pronoun.
ngni pro. you all. Gram: Second person
plural class two pronoun. ti pro. they. Gram: Third person human plural
class two pronoun.
ngt pro. him; her; it; them. Gram: Third
person neuter class three pronoun. tin pro. them and.
ngthi pro. he; she; it; they. Gram: Third un pro. 1 we. Gram: First person dual class
person neuter class two pronoun. three pronoun. 2 us. Gram: First person
dual class three pronoun.
ngi pro. you. Gram: Second person singular
class two pronoun. un pro. us two and.
ngia pro. 1 you. Gram: Second person sin- uni pro. we two. Gram: First person dual class

C Location and direction

two pronoun. nmav pro. whose. Gram: Third person

ut we. Gram: First person plural class
pro. 1 masculine singular possessive interrogative
one pronoun. 2 us. Gram: First person pronoun.
plural class three pronoun. nmbam pro. any small two; some small
utn pro. us and. two. Gram: Reduced dual interrogative pro-
uthi pro. we. Gram: First person plural class
two pronoun. nmbap pro. any short two; some short
two. Gram: Reduced plural interrogative
vam pro. short two. Gram: Reduced dual pronoun.
nominal pronoun.
nmbem pro. any two people; any two
vap pro. short ones. Gram: Reduced plural things; some two people. Gram: Feminine
nominal pronoun.
dual interrogative pronoun.
vem pro. two things; two people. Gram: nmbm pro. any short one. Gram: Re-
Third person feminine dual reduced nominal
duced singular interrogative pronoun.
nmda pro. who. Gram: Human plural inter-
C6 Adverbial demonstratives rogative pronoun.
nmga pro. who. Gram: Masculine singular
avi dem. there. Gram: Count neutral distal interrogative pronoun; can be used in indefi-
nite contexts.
avivik dem. right there. Gram: Count neutral nmgi pro. who. Gram: Feminine singular in-
emphatic distal demonstrative.
terrogative pronoun; can be used in indefinite
ith dem. here. Gram: Proximate demon- contexts.
nemiavchit pro. which large one. Gram:
iththik dem. right here. Gram: Emphatic Extended singular interrogative pronoun; can
proximate demonstrative. be used in indefinite contexts.
pe dem. there. Gram: Anaphoric demonstrative. nmigl pro. which piece; some piece.
Gram: Excised singular interrogative pronoun;
C7 Interrogatives used in a joking way to refer to people and im-
plies something about their large size; can be
amnia interrog. how much.
used in indefinite contexts.
aung gue interrog. which one. Gram:
nmiglem pro. which two pieces; some
Masculine singular indefinite pronoun.
two pieces. Gram: Excised dual interroga-
aungguik kue interrog. which one. Gram: tive pronoun; used in a joking way to refer to
Feminine singular indefinite pronoun. people and implies something about their large
kvs interrog. when. size; can be used in indefinite contexts.

kvsnia interrog. when. nmigleng pro. which pieces; some

pieces. Gram: Excised plural interrogative
kue interrog. where.
pronoun; used in a joking way to refer to people
kuenai interrog. where. and implies something about their large size;
mnia interrog. how. can be used in indefinite contexts.

mnia iva interrog. why. nemink pro. which large ones; some
large ones. Gram: Extended plural inter-
mnia na interrog. what happened.
rogative pronoun; used in a joking way to refer
nma pro. who. Gram: Interrogative pronoun. to people and implies something about their
nmava pro. whose. Gram: Third person large size; can be used in indefinite contexts.
masculine singular possessive interrogative nminm pro. which large two; some
pronoun. large two. Gram: Extended dual interroga-

D Plants

tive pronoun; used in a joking way to refer to alam n. cane leaves.

people and implies something about their large aluat n. bark.
size; can be used in indefinite contexts.
amang adj. ripe; especially refers to the
nemini pro. which small one; some small ripeness of bananas, mangoes, and
one. Gram: Diminutive singular interrogative pawpaws.
pronoun; also used to refer to people; can imply
attenuative meaning; can be used in indefinite
amng n. wood.

contexts. amngm n. tree stump.

nemiom pro. which two people; which amngia n. large log.
two things; some two people. Gram: amilatka n. coconut shell.
Masculine dual interrogative pronoun; can be
anun'ga n. white sap from a breadfruit
used in indefinite contexts.
or fig tree.
nemisem pro. which two long ones;
angmng n. wood.
some two long ones. Gram: Long dual in-
terrogative pronoun; used in a joking way to angmngga n. stick; piece of wood.
refer to people and implies something about angmnggi n. log.
their large size; can be used in indefinite con-
angthichm n. end of branch; spe-
cifically the part where the leaves are.
nmiseng pro. which long ones. Gram:
angthichini n. twig.
Long plural interrogative pronoun; can be used
in indefinite contexts. angthiki n. branch.

nemithom pro. which two small ones; aruchusicha n. type of fruit.

some two small ones. Gram: Diminutive athalep angthoes n. cocoa beans.
dual interrogative pronoun; also used to refer
athalevachi n. cocoa pod.
to people; can imply attenuative meaning; can
be used in indefinite contexts. athalevm n. cocoa bean.

nemithong pro. which small ones; some athing n. fibres used for weaving.
small ones. Gram: Diminutive plural inter- athongga n. fruit sp.; must be cooked
rogative pronoun; also used to refer to people; before it is eaten.
can imply attenuative meaning; can be used in aulmangachi n. native orange; refers
indefinite contexts. to both the tree and the fruit.
auravucha n. native spinach (aibika)
D PLANTS top that is used for cooking.
auravuves n. native spinach (aibika)
D0 General
achvor angthoes n. betel pepper avolacha n. leaf shoot.
(daka); betelnut mustard.
ayaungem n. tree tips; the ends of the
achuvorves n. betel pepper (daka) branches where the leaves are.
leaves; mustard leaves.
baler n. 1 piece of wood. 2 piece of
adigl n. piece of taro. taro.
agraing adj. overgrown. balerbaler n. bits and pieces; especially
aichilka n. native spinach (aibika) top of wood.
that is used for cooking. changska n. betelnut.
aichilves n. native spinach (aibika) leaf. chlmga n. seed pod of the chlmgi
aithir n. new growth; skin or bark that tree.
grows in order to heal a cut. chlevecha n. bean.

D Plants

chmbucha n. type of fruit. Usage: Also lagthacha n. corn.

known as ton in Tok Pisin. laguain'ga n. native spinach (aibika)
chndenggi n. 1 skin; bark. 2 peel; tip.
rind. lagun'ga n. cordyline sp.; victory leaf
chriduchi n. native spinach (aibika) (tanget); decorative plant.
stem; used for replanting. Usage: Abilta laltki n. 1 root. 2 stump.
lams n. copra.
cherorachi n. banana flower.
lamsachi n. coconut.
chvaika n. stalk of sword grass
(kunai). lamsas n. coconut leaf; the leaflets
that make up a coconut frond.
chvlki n. piece; possibly a piece of
rope, wood, or tapioca runner etc. lamsigl n. piece of coconut.

chlelachun'ga n. driftwood.
lscha n. banana shoot.

chlochachi n. large inside part of liviska n. betel pepper (daka) shoot.

something. ludngbs n. betel pepper (daka)
chlochaini n. small inside part of leaves; mustard leaves.
something. mamaing n. fibre for making net bags
chudichi n. piece of rotten wood; e.g. (bilums).
from a fallen tree that has rotted for mamiapki n. pawpaw.
several years. merachuvm n. short piece of the
churacha n. root. amrachuavacha tree.
churemga n. betelnut. mulicha n. orange segment.
chureski n. leaf from an areca palm. mulichm n. spike of an orange tree.
dn sa-vi. grow. mulichi n. orange; both the tree and the
dradrachi n. hibiscus flower. fruit.

galumaing n. flower sp.; has small red, nanasgi n. pineapple.

yellow, white, and pink flowers all in nmblvs n. banana leaf.

one flower head; light green niare n. sap.
spear-shaped leaves.
painapki n. pineapple.
garang n. blossom.
pur vi-so. grow; especially of new skin or
gawtki n. crown; e.g. of a tree. bark growing over a cut.
guingini n. immature fruit; the buds of pur mt vi-so. germinate.
fruit that appear after the flowers
purvur vi-so. sprout.
have fallen off.
raiycha n. fragrant sap from the tree
isinggi n. tree sp.; similar to breadfruit
with the same name.
but brown on the outside and yellow
inside; refers to both the tree and the rarpka n. strong inner part of tree.
fruit. sabcha n. wood chip.
kacholka n. tapioca. sachong n. crown of a tree.
kakauigl n. piece of cocoa. savur nvem vi-so. overgrown.
kthopka n. sap. sukderut n vi-so. wither; die from the
kulaucha n. green coconut (kulau); for roots up.
drinking. tal vt. bear; specifically to bear fruit.
lachski n. cucumber. tangabs n. banana leaf.

D Plants

tangamgi n. banana. achesinbemga n. tree sp.; tall with

tangamigl n. piece of banana. large buttress roots and very hard
wood; bark is used as a purgative for
tapioka n. tapioca.
treating poisoning, it is grated and
tlngbs n. leaf. washed in water and then the water is
tlnggi n. rubbish. drunk. Usage: An alternate name for
traingga n. seed.
aicha n. tree sp.; has rough grey bark
trutka n. stalk; specifically the central
with vertical serrations and plentiful,
stalk in some fruits; there is one inside
small, spade-shaped leaves.
tapioca and pau nuts grow along one.
ainilka n. tree sp.; yields fibres used to
tunggumgi n. base of a cup, house, or
make nets and net bags (bilums); is
tall and narrow.
urasvs n. leaf; specifically of a taro or
amngga n. tree.
singapore plant.
amnggaricha n. tree sp.; has soft
uratps n. coconut frond; stem is used
wood; makes you itch.
to make a basket.
amnggi n. large tree.
vaidebunggi n. wild orange.
amngini n. small tree.
valvalki n. twigs.
amrachuvacha n. tree sp.; has
variachi n. breadfruit.
multi-coloured bark; grows near riv-
vaski n. breadfruit. ers.
vnngacha n. taro shoots. amrochopink n. tree sp.
vimga n. galip nut (Canarium indicum). angmng n. trees.
viulachi n. mango; refers only to the angmngga n. tree.
angmnggi n. large tree.
vurvurki n. blossom.
aruchusicha n. tree sp.
yavacha n. banana sp.; ladyfinger ba-
athalevacha n. 1 cocoa tree. 2 tree
sp.; looks like a cocoa tree, only taller
with narrower leaves, and bears small
D1 Trees and palms
fruit rather than pods; good for fire-
achluangga n. tree sp.; is up to 20 cm wood; eating the ripe green leaves is
in diameter; light brown; the bark is good for diarrhoea; has larger leaves
slippery inside; is especially found in than the auska species.
old gardens. athingga n. tree sp.; yields fibre.
achelungurka n. tree sp.; tall with athonggi n. tree sp.; bears an edible
large buttress roots and very hard fruit.
wood; bark is used as a purgative for
aulmangachi n. native orange; refers
treating poisoning, it is grated and
to both the tree and the fruit.
washed in water and then the water is
drunk. Usage: An alternate name for auska n. tree sp.; similar to the cocoa
achesinbemga. tree and the athalevacha sp.; much
taller than a cocoa tree; bears small
achnanggolka n. tree sp.; grows in
fruit but has smaller leaves than the
the mountains; has very dense wood
athalevacha species.
and is hard to cut; grubs kill the tree;
people like to eat the grubs that live in avarka n. tree sp.; grows close to the
this tree. beach; branches bend down; has yel-
low flowers and useful fibres.

D Plants

balska n. tree sp.; large tree with soft mulichi n. orange; both the tree and the
wood. fruit.
changska n. betelnut palm. nmbingga n. tree sp.; strong trees
chlaska n. tree sp.; has soft wood; that grow on top of mountain ridges.
cassowaries eat the fruit. rachan'ga n. tree sp.; hardwood tree
chlmgi n. tree sp.; has pods that are used for timber; very large, is both tall
used as rattles. and broad; burns well good for
firewood; was logged extensively by
chluangga n. tree sp.; has silky fibre. the Catholic Mission for use in its
chungacha n. tree sp.; casuarina. post-war building program.
churemgi n. palm sp.; betel palm. raiycha n. tree sp.; grows along the
galpki n. palm sp.; wild palm; used for coast and in the mountains in the
making axe handles and floors. bush; the sap is fragrant and burns
like wax.
govacha n. guava tree; the leaves are
good for stomach aches. saksaki n. sago palm.
govachi n. guava. saluchachi n. palm sp.; similar to the
areca or black palm (limbum); has a
isinggi n. tree sp.; similar to breadfruit
mountain spirit living inside it.
but brown on the outside and yellow
inside; refers to both the tree and the srubn'ga n. tree sp.; if you touch it
fruit. your skin swells.
ivngacha n. tree sp.; large tree from tangamgi n. banana plant.
the bush; is the home of spirits. tap s vt. cut down; especially of trees;
ivon'ga n. pandanus. also used to refer to the act of clearing
an area of bush.
kaverki n. wild palm sp.; trunks are split
and used to make floors. tchusacha n. fig tree.
lamsachi n. coconut palm. tltlcha n. tree sp.; grows near the
beach; has edible fruit.
lamsait n. tall coconut palm.
thabucha n. tree sp.; used for making
lamthain'ga n. tree sp.; large tree
thelelki n. palm sp.; has small leaves;
luanggareska n. tree sp.; very straight
looks a bit like a betelnut palm, only
and tall; is easy to split into planks.
smaller; fronds are good to use as
matholka n. tree sp.; new leaves from thatch.
this tree are used to treat sickness in
vaidebunggi n. tree sp.; known as wild
the spleen and for boils; for the
orange tree.
spleen, the leaves are chewed and
swallowed; for boils, the leaves are variachi n. breadfruit tree.
heated and then placed over the boil. vaski n. breadfruit tree.
mlutki n. tree sp.; beach tree; grows viulacha n. mango tree.
horizontally towards the water. vlngacha n. tree sp.; grows in old
mnumgi n. tree sp.; tall tree that garden sites; has very thick bark,
grows in the bush; a bit like the m- small white leaves, and very small
lutki species; good timber for houses. flowers.
minminga n. tree sp.; a softwood tree warevacha n. tree sp.; grows by the
with red flowers. river; has small leaves.
mrunggi n. tree sp.; rosewood tree. yaungga n. tree sp.; used in the clean-

D Plants

sing ceremony that follows a raid on D3 Smaller plants

another village; becomes a dangerous
tree after the ceremony and must not achuvel n. greens. Usage: Also known as
be touched. aupa in Tolai.
yavacha n. banana sp.; ladyfinger ba- achuvoracha n. betel pepper (daka)
nana. plant.
aichil n. native spinach (aibika).
D2 Shrubs and vines
aichilka n. native spinach (aibika) top
achvoracha n. mustard plant. that is used for cooking.

amangbchng n. plant sp. aichilki n. native spinach (aibika); re-

fers to the whole plant.
aurithong n. bushes.
aiguam n. ferns.
chalavurucha n. beach vines.
amstmna n. side-dish.
changgthacha n. vine sp.; large, thick
vine. Usage: Arongda dialect. asalang n. greens; leaves are small and
heart shaped with yellow flowers;
changgthait n. vine sp.; especially a grows in gardens after they have been
long and narrow vine species. burnt off.
charoski n. vine sp.; large, thick vine. athemgi n. taro top; used for replant-
Usage: Abilta dialect.
galumaing n. flower sp.; has small red, auravu n. native spinach (aibika). Usage:
yellow, white, and pink flowers all in This word is newer than aichil.
one flower head; light green
spear-shaped leaves. auravuchi n. native spinach (aibika).

ivangacha n. bush sp.; commonly found chuaramgi at sachong n. native

in gardens; grows to 1.5 m tall and spinach (aibika) with red stems.
has soft leaves; used to treat dysen- gavun n. fern.
tery by crushing half of a new leaf kaubocha n. plant sp.; has broad flat
with a very ripe leaf and washing leaves that are used to cover food.
them with water; water is squeezed
into a cup and drunk. mangbcheng n. victory leaf sp.; low
growing with narrow leaves that have
lagun'ga n. cordyline sp.; victory leaf white patches on the edges.
(tanget); decorative plant.
nanasgi n. pineapple.
maminggi n. vine sp.; yields fibre.
nangasacha n. tobacco plant.
nngurka n. plant sp.; strong smelling
plant with long green leaves; deters painapki n. pineapple.

snakes; relieves tiredness; used as a suarki n. mistletoe; grows on the

decoration for dancing because of the branches of trees; has green leaves,
smell. grey stalks, and red flowers; seeds are
rosachi n. rose bush. sticky; kills the trees that it grows on.

thalechachi n. bush sp.; used for trutki n. native spinach (aibika) stem;
decoration; grows in the bush. used for planting.

thavulka n. vine sp.; makes a good vnngacha n. taro shoots.

D4 Grasses and bamboo
vonbon'gi n. vine sp.; thick bush vine.
achlachuas n. grass sp.; tends to grow
in old gardens; the seeds stick to your

D Plants

achevungga n. bamboo sp.; grows on mavnachi n. ginger plant; roots can be

high ridges; grows when the chewed to help with colds and flu.
achultngga species is dying off. mavnini n. piece of ginger.
achultngga n. bamboo sp.; grows on narichi n. yam.
high ridges; grows when the ache-
vungga species is dying off. trutki n. small root of a tree or plant,
especially banana, native spinach (ai-
aichi n. bamboo. bika), or peanut plant.
aini n. small bamboo.
amundiki n. edible stalk of a wild cane D6 Water plants
sp. (pitpit). achlachuas n. seaweed; seagrass;
chvaik n. sword grass (kunai). plants that usually grow in shallow
chvaika n. stalk of sword grass water; up to 20 cm in length; fish use
(kunai). it to hide in.
chvaiki n. area of sword grass (kunai). D7 Fungi and truffles
gotka n. bamboo sp.; large.
achmabarka n. mushroom sp.; edible;
irocha n. rattan.
grows profusely after rain; is brown
kaivovocha n. bamboo sp.; small. on top and white underneath; found
lachuaska n. grass; an area of any par- on softwood trees.
ticular kind of grass. almbrgiangga n. mushroom sp.; edi-
lavrki n. sugar-cane. ble, white, and flat; is very soft; up to
5 cm in diameter; grows in the
malos n. grass sp.; strong smelling;
ground. Usage: An alternate name for
grows to waist height; deters snakes,
relieves tiredness, and can be used to
wash dishes. almga n. mushroom; generic term.
ngipngip n. grass sp.; dies if someone alingga ava lm n. mushroom sp.; lu-
touches it. minous and shine brightly at night.;
look like fireflies; white and grow on
sarengacha n. pandanus sp.; small with
rotten trees; if two people are walking
long leaves; used for making mats.
together at night in the bush, the one
tuchupki n. edible stalk of a wild cane in front can wear one of these mush-
sp. (pitpit). rooms on the back of their head for
the person behind to follow; these
D5 Tubers and roots mushrooms are sticky and will stick to
the skin.
adichi n. taro.
barathigl n. mushroom sp.; white and
adini n. small taro.
inedible; grows into a semi-circular
anot n. taro. shape; is found on trees.
bukacha n. taro sp.; black singapore. chesengdm n. mushroom sp.; grows
chalun'ga n. taro sp.; singapore. on mango trees, feels furry, and is
chathachi n. taro sp.; wild singapore; edible.
not edible. Usage: The word is some- guringsasotka n. mushroom sp.; edi-
times also used to refer to edible va- ble, white, and flat; is very soft; up to
rieties. 5 cm in diameter; grows in the
churacha n. root.
ground. Usage: An alternate name for
kalasunggi n. sweet potato (kaukau).
kaumat angtha lchar n. mushroom

E Fauna

sp.; very small; grows on the branches grucha n. bandicoot; has spiky hair, a
of mango trees; is similar in shape to a long tail, and strong teeth; climbs
rats paw. trees and eats galip nuts (Canarium
kunengga ava lm n. mushroom sp.; indicums).
large, white, umbrella shape; the stalk kaumatka n. rat; mouse; generic term;
is 30 cm in diameter; grows in grassy also used specifically for domestic rats
fields after heavy rain. and mice.
marupki atha lm n. mushroom sp.; marupki n. cassowary.
white; grows on certain trees in the masn'ga n. bandicoot; cannot climb;
bush; eaten by cassowaries. eats fallen fruit; has spiky hair.
nangsacha ava lmga n. mushroom murapka n. wild dog.
sp.; greyish in colour; edible; grows
on rotting trees; is flat on top with pusicha n. cat; wild or domestic.
many small holes underneath. vaim atha nmga n. large forest rat;
thombek athva sdm n. mushroom has tan fur; lives in holes.
sp.; very thin, brown, and vaimbem n. puppy.
semi-transparent; feel like plastic; vaimga n. dog.
round and grow up to 5 cm in diame-
vaimgi n. bitch.
ter; found growing on rotting trees.
vlmga n. pig.
D8 Mosses and lichens vlmgi n. 1 sow. 2 large pig.
arumsngga n. lichen. vlmbm n. piglet.

arumtka n. moss; generic term.

E2 Animals that fly

E FAUNA achutathinmga n. seahawk.

angthamatki n. cockatoo.
E0 General avunathepki n. fruit bat sp.; small.
aluski n. turtle shell. blbalka n. crow.

masar n. spider web. brasocha n. eagle.

mondaremga n. backwards moving charucha n. bird sp.; black with red

animal; specifically crayfish, prawns, spots on the chest and a white spot at
squid, and hermit crabs. the throat; has quite a long tail; is very
thaembm n. young animal; especially shy; hides at the top of big trees and
puppies or piglets. calls kwek, kwek, kwek at night.
charuvaika n. bird sp.; earlybird; sings
E1 Animals that go on land early in the morning; has dull col-
oured feathers.
abmka n. large forest rat; brown; can
be caught for food; lives in a hole in chuaramgi n. black bird with red eyes.
the ground with two entrances. chuvisacha n. chickenhawk.

anongacha n. possum; cuscus. dingdingga n. bird sp.; very small;

aribumetka n. wild mountain pig. some are black and some are yellow;
their call sounds like ding ding; they
asurtka n. forest rat; lives in holes in like sitting in orange trees.
the ground.
dingdingini n. bird sp.; very small;
chaelka n. wallaby; has grey fur; up to some are black and some are yellow;
60 cm tall when standing on hind legs. their call sounds like ding ding; they

E Fauna

like sitting in orange trees. cies.

duraika n. rooster. asingalka n. snake; worm; generic
duraiki n. hen. term.

duraikini n. chick. asingalki n. large snake; generic term.

gnska n. white dove. athibunuchi n. sea snake sp.; black and

white; long with a small head; has an
gubarka n. bird sp.; dove; Victoria aggressive temperament; lives around
crowned pigeon. reefs.
ismga n. bird; generic term. aulan'gi n. python; snake; generic term.
ismgi n. large bird; generic term. aulan'gi ama blbualki n. snake sp.;
lagrka n. bird sp.; large parrot; steals black, long, and flat like a belt; does
cocoa and food from gardens. not run away when approached.
lalumga n. bird sp.; brown and white aulan'gi ama vonbon'gi n. snake sp.;
hawk. silvery colour; edible.
malachi n. wild fowl. avilucha n. snake sp.; grey, long, and
mathongga n. hornbill. thin; moves fast; eats eggs.
mathonggi n. female hornbill. baulcha snguvs n. snake sp.; poi-
sonous; black with a coloured band
mliarka n. bird sp.; small parrot that is
around its neck; its head breaks off if
colourful: green and red.
it bites you.
patocha n. duck.
iluingm n. snake sp.; lazy boy snake;
patochi n. female duck. grey; has a short tail; sleeps a lot; has
savangini n. bird sp.; sparrow. white blood that looks like milk; peo-
ple play with it by touching a stick
srbaingbaingga n. gliding possum;
under their armpit then putting the
grey with a yellow belly.
stick near the snakes nose to make it
vangon'ga n. flying fox. jump.

E3 Reptiles salilibonggi n. snake sp.; greenish with

rainbow colours and a white belly;
E3.0 Other reptiles hunts around small pools in creeks;
eats frogs and prawns; if disturbed it
avun'gi n. turtle. will hiss, swell up, and hit you with its
basiochi n. crocodile. tail to frighten you, then it runs away.
chiveligl n. young crocodile. E3.2 Lizards
yamechi n. crocodile.
achrika n. lizard sp.; green back and
E3.1 Snakes brown body; up to 8 cm long.
amchlingga n. lizard sp.; large;
amdalpka n. snake sp.; has white, brown with a red neck and long tail;
black, and yellow stripes; has a small
serrated ridge down the back; short
head; goes underwater to catch eels;
can kill other snakes.
arviachi n. monitor; similar to a lizard
anabuvm n. snake sp.; poisonous; with a black body and dull whitish
brown; up to 60 cm long; strikes fast
spots; up to 80 cm long; edible flesh;
but runs away when it smells people;
skin is used for hand drums (kundus);
sleeps under rubbish, leaves, or dead
lives in the forest and climbs trees.
wood; related to the amdalpka spe-
asusudamgi n. lizard sp.; black with

E Fauna

many small whitish spots; up to 1 m or orange, and stays on white sand.

more long; lives in the forest near dorlaicha n. squid.
pools in rivers; will dive to the bottom
of the river if chased. vangon'gi n. stingray sp.; medium size;
greenish back and white belly; its
avlamgi n. lizard sp.; green head and head looks like a birds head; leaps
brown tail; lives in trees. from the water.
avulikpthachi n. gecko sp.; grey; up
to 10 cm long. E4.1 Fish
baingdaurimanipka n. lizard sp.; achapdetham n. fish sp.; plentiful at
small and grey; up to 8 cm long. the river mouth; silver in colour; have
chalipka n. lizard sp.; small and thick lips and a stout shape; length up
grey-brown in colour; hides on tree to 50 cm.
trunks and makes a squeaky noise achlacha n. reef fish sp.; small parrot-
when people walk past; people say it fish; green with soft slippery skin and
is the noise of the forest spirits. scales.
chasuacha n. lizard sp.; greenish col- achilaigl n. fish sp.; lives on the reef;
our; long tail with serrated ridge down whitish with black vertical stripes; is
the back; similar to the amchlingga up to 15 cm long; does not have
species but smaller. scales.
chivelachi n. lizard; generic term for achinggoingigl n. fish sp.; lives on
small lizards. the reef; multi-coloured butterfly fish:
manianotki n. lizard sp.; dark brown; white, yellow, black; up to 20 cm long;
small. similar to angel fish.
mluacha n. lizard sp.; small and brown; achutgielmtmon'ga n. deep sea fish
up to 20 cm long. sp.; has a long, protruding, sharp up-
ngalengga n. lizard sp.; small with per jaw, and a short lower jaw.
white and blue-green stripes; up to achururka n. reef fish sp.; pink with
8 cm long. stout body; smaller than the gmlcha
sengglavrki n. grey lizard sp.; up to species; easy to find on the reef at
8 cm long. night.

varuchi n. lizard sp.; brown and up to achuvelithachn'ga n. reef fish sp.;

8 cm long. red and light brown colour; red inside
its mouth; up to 50 cm long.
vrmngacha n. lizard sp.; is brown
and up to 50 cm long. aidthengmga n. reef fish sp.; light
brown with a black spot on either side
vuachtka n. gecko sp.; large; brown of its tail; up to 30 cm long.
with white stripes along the body and
around the neck; lives in houses. aidika n. reef fish sp.; silver (small ones
are greenish); very long and thin; long
E4 Water creatures mouth and sharp teeth.
aidrengga n. reef fish sp.; red emperor;
E4.0 Large sea creatures up to 80 cm long.
achurepki n. dolphin. ailasrka n. freshwater fish sp.; red;
has a big mouth and sharp teeth.
banglka n. shark.
aingipdulvulka n. fish sp.; harlequin
chaelki n. stingray sp.; two kinds: one is
fish; lives in fresh or salt water; is
large, up to 1 m across, brown, and
transparent (the bones are visible
has a long tail; the other is small, dark
through the skin); up to 10 cm long.

E Fauna

atun'gi n. fish sp.; yellowfin tuna. with their chests.

athibunmachi n. reef fish sp.; light chaninggulucha n. freshwater fish sp.;
green with black and yellow markings yellow with white and black spots; up
on face; is fat; up to 60 cm long. to 20 cm long.
athikoneng angt nank n. fish sp.; chaumatka n. reef fish sp.; yel-
refers to two different species that are low-white colour with scales; has
often found on the reef: one is black, feelers on its chin.
up to 20 cm long; the other is light chdlka n. freshwater fish sp.; silver
brown, up to 30 cm long; both have a with scales and many bones.
stinging spike on either side of their
tail and greasy flesh. chusilka n. freshwater fish sp.; black;
small with a large mouth; live under
athikonenginggl n. fish sp.; lives on stones.
the reef; yellow and red with black
lengthwise stripes; is up to 20 cm galpka n. freshwater fish sp.; silver; up
long; moves fast. to 60 cm long; many bones inside
their flesh.
athinm angtha wan'ga n. reef fish
sp.; the spirit mask (tumbuan) of the gmarucha n. freshwater fish sp.; has a
fish; multi-coloured: red, yellow, or- big head and is dark in colour; shaped
ange, and white, with many fins; can like a tadpole but bigger; can stick
sting. itself to rocks with its chest; side fins
are whitish or yellowish; is a lazy fish
athinmga n. fish; generic term. and stays under stones.
athinmgi n. large fish; generic term. gml angt nank n. reef fish sp.;
athopthacha n. reef fish sp.; patchy similar to the gmlka species only
green and brown camouflage col- larger; up to 30 cm long; live on reefs
ours; up to 1 m long; has a large further out to sea.
mouth; lives in holes in the reef; an- gmlcha n. reef fish sp.; dark red with
other variety from the deep sea is red. big eyes; has scales and greasy flesh;
aunbethachi n. freshwater fish sp.; is thin; up to 15 cm long.
lives in large rivers; black spot on inski n. river fish sp.; has a flat head, a
each side of its belly and tail; tail is very narrow mouth, and big ears;
yellowish; up to 1 m long; good eating can stick to a rock with its chest; up to
fish. 15 cm long; stays in areas with a fast
avisaigl n. fish sp.; lives on the reef; current; makes a good soup.
light brown colour; up to 20 cm long; kadinngga n. fish sp.; small; hatch in
good meat; can sting with its fins. the saltwater and move into rivers in
avusdingdchengarki n. freshwater large schools.
eel sp.; grey and up to 80 cm long; lachski n. fish sp.; have yellow and
lives in large rivers. brown stripes along the body; up to
bangangini n. fish sp.; lives on the reef; 40 cm long.
black in colour; up to 4 cm long; has langgerki n. saltwater fish sp.; brightly
scales. coloured: green, blue, or red; two
chabangaska n. freshwater fish sp.; types: one lives on the reef, the other
silver; has scales; rounded in shape; lives in the deep sea, has a lump on its
these fish swim in groups; good for head, and is up to 60 cm long; both
bait. types have a mouth like a parrots
chalacha n. freshwater fish sp.; glue- beak and sharp teeth for grinding
fish; can stick themselves to a rock coral.

E Fauna

lasrvthacha n. freshwater fish sp.; has white and dark brown stripes;
multi-coloured: brown, yellow, and short stout shape with scales; up to
red; lives in still waters such as billa- 15 cm long.
bongs; up to 20 cm long. mololm n. fish sp.; lives on the reef;
lgmetka n. freshwater fish sp.; looks has white and dark brown stripes;
like a small shark but has no teeth; short stout shape with scales; up to
eats moss; white with greasy flesh; 15 cm long.
lives where the current is fast. mutucha n. reef fish sp.; yellow and
lviam n. fish sp.; stonefish; lives on the white stripes lengthwise along its
reef; white with bones that stick body; up to 50 cm long.
through the skin to form strong spikes ngalengm n. freshwater fish sp.; has
all over its back and sides; swells up brown stripes; makes the sound nguk
when touched. nguk when shot with a spear.
makaucha n. reef fish sp.; tilapia; grey snggratki n. freshwater fish sp.; silver
with scales; have no teeth; up to with scales; has two black spots on its
30 cm long. tail.
makauchi n. large fish of the makaucha siluigl n. freshwater fish sp.; brown;
species. flat, rounded shape like a flounder; up
makauves n. school of tilapia (makau). to 30 cm across; can sting with a
malisacha n. fish sp.; barracuda; deep sharp barb on either side of its tail.
sea fish; have a long mouth, sharp sumsumigl n. fish sp.; lives on reef;
teeth, and whitish flesh with scales; brown with tiny scales; up to 20 cm
are long and thin. long.
malisachi n. large barracuda. tangirka n. deep sea fish sp.; looks like
malmalcha n. reef fish sp.; grey; up to the malisacha species; whitish with
15 cm long; no scales, slippery skin; very sharp teeth; up to 2 m long; no
lives close to shore; good for bait. scales.

malolbanggi n. reef fish sp.; faded tlngbes n. fish sp.; lives on the reef;
colours: dim whitish, yellowish, and brown and very flat; up to 20 cm long;
brown stripes; similar to the mololchi moves to and fro like a floating leaf.
species but a bit larger. thgumga n. fish sp.; two types of
maramatun'gi n. reef fish sp.; dark stonefish: one is a saltwater fish and a
grey with small whitish spots; similar good eating fish, the other lives in
to the marumgi species but larger. fresh water; both are brown and can
sting with poisonous spines.
marumgi n. reef fish sp.; grey with
scales; have no teeth; up to 30 cm thinmbes n. school of fish.
long. ubatki n. reef fish sp.; various colours:
mrmarki n. fish sp.; deep sea fish that blue, brown, or black with whitish
sometimes visits the reef; colour var- fins; up to 30 cm long; have sharp
ies from silver to bluish or greenish; teeth and very tough skin which must
body is very narrow close to the tail; be burnt off before eating.
silver ones are short and stout; ulutka n. reef fish sp.; grey with slip-
greenish ones are longer in shape; pery skin, no scales, and a big belly;
have very small scales. lies on the reef.
msgubarka n. reef fish sp.; white with vlmgi n. reef fish sp.; brown; has a
scales; up to 40 cm long. nose like a pigs; is up to 1 m long.
mololchi n. fish sp.; lives on the reef; vthenm n. freshwater fish sp.; white;

E Fauna

up to 10 cm long. light brown with large head and large

viskthopka n. reef fish sp.; all white; short hands; up to 5 cm long.
covered in very soft spikes; when aumga n. lobster sp.; brown with a
touched or speared, it swells up by spiky back; up to 30 cm long.
drinking saltwater. aveningga n. freshwater prawn sp.;
light brown with flat twisted hands.
E4.2 Eels
charichetka n. prawn sp.; transparent,
ainangdchathachi n. saltwater eel light brown colour; found in groups;
sp.; dark brown with a long yellowish plentiful at the new moon; hatch in the
fin down the spine. sea and swim into river mouths to stay
alanaski n. saltwater eel sp.; white with on riverbanks.
sharp teeth; up to 1 m in length. charichethini n. prawn sp.; transpar-
anekethopki n. eel; generic term; also ent, light brown colour; found in
refers to a species of river eel, which groups; plentiful at the new moon;
is grey in colour with a white belly. hatch in the sea and swim into river
mouths to stay on riverbanks.
athmamberacha n. eel sp.; lives in
sand at the river mouth; up to 20 cm chelelelcha n. freshwater prawn sp.;
long; used as bait; has a pointy mouth dark brown; up to 5 cm long.
that sticks out above the sand. chudicha n. freshwater prawn sp.; dark
avechenbechen'ga n. saltwater eel brown; up to 5 cm long; easy to catch
sp.; very long and thin (only 1 or 2 cm because they do not move fast.
across); has brown spots. mnk nanechigl n. crayfish sp.;
avithingga n. freshwater eel sp.; flat lives in the sea; brown; flat with a
with yellow and black spots and a mossy back and serrated sides; up to
small mouth. 20 cm long.
inilcha n. freshwater eel sp.; looks like urn'ga n. crayfish; prawn; generic
the anekethopki species: grey with a term; refers to both salt water and
white belly, but has cloudy eyes; meat freshwater species.
is greasy. urn'gi n. large crayfish; large prawn;
irok monmon'ga n. saltwater eel sp.; generic term; refers to both salt water
slow moving; has sticky skin and no and freshwater species.
E4.4 Shell fish
lamon angthaik n. saltwater eel sp.;
brown. abiulgi n. conch shell.
noingmtka n. saltwater eel sp.; black, achirka n. shellfish sp.; clam shell from
short, and slender. the sea; is purple and white; up to
8 cm across.
E4.3 Prawns and crayfish
anlka n. shellfish sp.; mussel; bivalve
aringga n. freshwater prawn sp.; grey from the river that lives in the mud at
with thin small hands; up to 5 cm the bottom of the river; dark brown
long. outside and white inside; people re-
fine (mumu) these shells, by fire, to
athangacha n. freshwater prawn sp.; get lime powder.
transparent or light brown; fat in
shape and has long hands; up to aruthk n. shellfish sp.; found at the
10 cm long. mouth of rivers. Usage: Abilta dialect.
athilomga n. freshwater prawn sp.; asuremgi n. shellfish sp.; lives on the
reef; twisted cone with a spiky mot-

E Fauna

tled exterior and shiny white interior; mros n. shellfish sp.; lives on the reef.
up to 10 cm long. naingini n. chiton sp.; small in size, up
chamotki n. shellfish sp.; large black to 4 cm; black.
shellfish from the river; lives in the saecha n. shellfish sp.; found on the
water during the day but crawls up on reef; rounded cone up to 3 cm across;
stones at night to find food. mottled brown colour with small
chavithoski n. shellfish sp.; nautilus. ridges.
chlom angt nank n. shellfish sp.; snos ama mor n. large sea urchin sp.
large shell, similar to a conch; up to snoska n. sea urchin sp.; is covered in
25 cm long; used to make buttons; has many spikes.
a large door.
suacha n. shellfish sp.; found in the
chlomgi n. shellfish sp.; lives on the river; rounded black shell with red in-
reef; rounded spiral shell with ridges; side; lays its eggs on the outside of its
brown and white mottled colour; up to shell; up to 2 cm across.
4 cm across; has a door.
tavan'ga n. shellfish sp.; clam.
chulumga n. shellfish sp.; white cowrie
shell. tavurki n. conch shell.

chunachacha n. shellfish sp.; found in thvlka n. shellfish sp.; small abalone;

the river; pointy black shell; up to shell is brown outside and
5 cm long. mother-of-pearl inside; is flat; up to
6 cm long; shell covers its entire back;
chunngngrngrka n. shellfish sp.; can stick strongly to the reef; lives out
found on the reef; rounded spiral with on the reef where the sea breaks.
ridges; white in colour.
thuingga n. oyster.
churemgi n. shellfish sp.; comes from
the sea; has an elongated spiral shell E4.5 All other sea and shore life
up to 10 cm long.
imrki n. cowrie shell; various colours; aloikngamgi n. jellyfish; generic term.
up to 10 cm across. amangia n. trepang; sea cucumber.
kabolocha n. shellfish sp.; chiton; found athinm angtha aloikngamgi n.
on reef close to the beach; has a shell jellyfish sp.; identified by the many
down the middle of its back covered in small red and yellow striped fish that
small spiky hairs; sticks to the reef; up hide in it.
to 8 cm long; is flat and brown. chvulka n. octopus.
kadumga n. shellfish sp.; found in the irokmonmonga n. sea worm sp.; grows
river; dark brown colour; round shell; up to 60 cm; very slow moving; can
up to 2 cm across. attach to things using suction.
kaliburburm n. shellfish sp.; found in lachski n. sea cucumber sp.; brown
the lowest reaches of the river; small; and edible.
light brown shell with spikes on its
tasingl n. starfish sp.; live on the reef;
back. Usage: Abilta dialect.
two types, both with four arms: one is
kaliburburmaruthk n. shellfish sp.; red and covered in poisonous spikes,
found at the mouth of rivers. the other is blue and has spikes on its
malimgi n. trochus shell. back.
merkuas n. shellfish sp.; found in the
E5 Crabs
muddy part of deep water in a river;
have a black, short, twisted cone. aneska n. crab sp.; land crab with black

E Fauna

shell and red claws; has a flat elon- coast.

gated body; lives in holes or under kamangm n. crab sp.; lives in the
fallen wood. saltwater; small and brown with hairs
athonggi n. river crab sp.; brown; up to growing on the inside of its claws; up
5 cm in diameter; flat feet for pad- to 3 cm in diameter.
dling. karekrecha n. crab sp.; small black
athucha n. hermit crab; generic term; beach crab; lives under stones; strong
also used for small land-dwelling shell up to 3 cm in diameter.
hermit crabs with bodies up to 4 cm in kebongbonggi n. river crab sp.; brown;
diameter; changes shells. shell up to 5 cm in diameter; lives
avngbeladiachi n. river crab sp.; near riverbanks; changes its shell in
brown; has a large shell; up to 20 cm pools along the road after rain; used
in diameter; lives in mud at the mouth for bait.
of rivers. kvarvarki n. reef crab sp.; spotty
brasochi n. saltwater crab sp.; large green shell; up to 6 cm in diameter.
and green; shell up to 20 cm in di- kiakkiaka n. crab sp.; lives in holes in
ameter. the sand; white and brown shell; up to
chavenggi n. river crab sp.; brown; 5 cm in diameter.
shell up to 4 cm in diameter; sits on klavonotki n. reef crab sp.; large and
stones; hides when people approach. red; very hard shell up to 15 cm in
chsengdaiuika n. river crab sp.; diameter; fat in shape; lives far out on
brown; shell up to 4 cm in diameter; the reef.
hairy legs; lives under stones in the maraglilichi n. hermit crab sp.; large,
river. brown, land dwelling hermit crab;
chialetki n. river crab sp.; brown; has a does not have a shell; lives in holes in
lumpy shell and flat chest; hatches in rocks near the sea; body up to 15 cm
pools. across, 25 cm long; claws up to 40 cm
chulumtka n. crab sp.; dark brown long; can husk coconuts with its
with a white mouth and white claws; claws.
shell 5 cm in diameter; lives above the mnggariachi n. reef crab sp.; dark
tide line. brown; have hard, rough, wrinkly
chursachongem n. crab sp.; brown; shells; meat is inedible and can make
strong shell up to 6 cm in diameter; you itchy.
has powerful legs; kicks when muialka n. crab sp.; soft-shelled crab
someone holds it. with greenish body; if it clamps a claw
dulem n. crab sp.; lives in holes in the on you the claw may break off and it
sand; white and brown shell; up to can grow a new one.
5 cm in diameter. rachocha n. land crab sp.; whit-
inducha n. river crab sp.; small and ish-brown shell and red claws; up to
brown; has a hard shell; up to 4 cm 5 cm in diameter; live in holes in
across; lives in small creeks and the swampy places.
headwaters of rivers. rachumga n. land crab sp.; black and
ingguingga n. crab; generic term. red belly, and claws; shell up to 8 cm
in diameter; live in dry places in holes;
kalukluka n. land crab sp.; small; they go to the sea and back every
grey-brown colour with red mouth and evening to drink and wash; appear in
claws; shell up to 3 cm in diameter; large numbers in April.
often runs around on paths near the

E Fauna

rachumkumbarka n. land crab sp.; lays eggs and buries caterpillars.

live in swampy places in holes; whit- chloingga n. bush snail; brown and
ish-brown shell up to 10 cm in di- white spiral shell; is up to 2 cm
ameter. across.
rurubuan'ga n. hermit crab sp.; large chilimski n. leech.
body up to 15 cm across and 25 cm
long; lives in the sea; can change chlvachi n. maggot.

shells. chumang angt nank n. insect sp.;

thinggiarachi n. land crab sp.; up to large grey insect without wings; has
6 cm in diameter; lives under piles of claws like a crab.
stones near the beach; can regrow a dmeska n. mosquito.
lost pincer. gathvacha n. beetle sp.; underground
beetles that bore holes in root crops.
E6 Amphibians
gethainginggl n. cockroach.
baiapka n. bush frog sp.; small and iringga n. insect sp.; large brown
brown. Usage: An alternate name for crawling insect; has a hard shell and
baiavini. six legs; can be roasted and eaten;
baiavini n. frog sp. Usage: An alternate people say that when it crosses a road
name for baiapka. or path it will die.
chlumen'gi n. frog; generic term. karirotki n. beetle sp.; is black and
edible; eats black palms and areca
chlumen'gi ama iriarki n. frog sp.;
palms once the grubs have finished
large green river frog.
with them.
E7 Insects, other land arthropods, kokoros n. cockroach.
grubs langgervereng'gi n. green cicada sp.;
found in coastal areas.
E7.0 General
mamboracha n. grey wasp.
achinggoinggi n. butterfly.
ruchusimacha n. green praying man-
achlacholachi n. grub sp.; edible; tis.
white; up to 4 cm long and very fat srongachi n. grub sp.; white and edible;
(like the top of a persons thumb); eats different types vary in size, up to 6 cm
the wood at the top of the coconut long; eats the wood of trees including
palm and areca palm. pawpaw, galip nut (Canarium indi-
achririaski n. poisonous centipede. cum), and cocoa trees.
aninicha n. earthworm; brown; up to talngacha n. earthworm sp.; light
30 cm long. brown or reddish colour; up to 15 cm
asingalka n. snake; worm; generic long; lives in soft ground.
term. thabu angt nank n. insect sp.; flat
asivlelki n. caterpillar sp.; has black and black; 3 cm long; lives under
and yellow spots; is a bit hairy; eats bark; smells if you touch it.
the leaves of the achluang plant. thvrchinggl n. louse.
athmga n. poisonous scorpion. vdm n. borers; similar to white ants
avongavongacha n. orange and black but they do not make tunnels on the
wasp. outside of wood; are black.
basiremgi n. wasp sp.; greenish colour; vereverechi n. cicada sp.; silvery col-
makes a hole in the ground where it our; found on mountain ranges.

E Fauna

waingimachi vt. bee. E7.4 Grasshoppers

E7.1 Flies achivulucha n. grasshopper sp.;

grey-brown colour; wings have a yel-
achun'ga voes n. sandflies. low stripe at the tip; bores holes in
ainggrongini n. sandfly sp.; very tiny; soft wood.
sits on sores and food. alsacha n. grasshopper sp.; brown;
chluingga n. march fly; blue; usually smaller than the mathongga species;
the first to arrive on a carcass in the does not bore holes.
bush, or to sit on rubbish. amueska n. grasshopper; generic term.
gethuaing angt nank n. fly sp.; aruachingacha n. grasshopper sp.
brown with big eyes and transparent avirsithamngga n. grasshopper sp.;
wings; similar to the murnalengeika dark green; has a flat belly; lies flat
species but this one lays eggs. and straight against a tree back and is
lmaska n. fly; generic term. well camouflaged.
murnalengeika n. fly sp.; large brown chatlchotka n. grasshopper sp.;
fly; does not lay eggs but puts its greyish in colour.
maggots straight into waste. chtikktika n. grasshopper sp.; brown
and short; flat area on the back be-
E7.2 Spiders
tween the wing and the head.
chabunginngin'ga n. spider sp.; black lngirka n. grasshopper sp.; brown and
and yellow; similar to the chumang- short with big back thighs; is plentiful
dalska species but smaller; builds a in stony places and along the beach.
mamthm n. grasshopper sp.; has
chumangacha n. spider; generic term. grey and white patches; bores holes in
chumangdalska n. spider sp.; large soft wood.
black spider with yellowish stripes; mathongga n. grasshopper sp.; brown
builds a strong web that small bats and long in shape; bores holes in wood
sometimes get caught in. or bamboo; used as bait for river fish.
srebaingbainggi n. spider sp.; greyish mavnacha n. green grasshopper sp.;
brown; lives in trees; stretches its legs has a long head.
out to the front and back so that it
nguainggi n. grasshopper sp.; brown
looks thin; up to 6 cm long, including
and white with long hind legs; people
its legs; builds a small web on the
play with it by breaking one leg and
pulling the tendon to make the leg
E7.3 Ants
rukuska n. grasshopper sp.; greyish in
anggethangacha n. white ant. colour.
kubururucha n. brown ant. sarengacha n. green grasshopper sp.;
matholka avoes n. ant sp.; only live in lies flat between the leaves of the
the matholka tree; they kill off the sarengacha pandanus species.
surrounding bush. thagumacha n. grasshopper sp.;
mesongga n. large red ant. brown.
sasongacha n. black ant. thareracha n. green grasshopper sp.;
makes a loud rasping noise at night.
vurchacha n. ant.
thobakathva muska n. grasshopper
sp.; green with large back legs; if it

F Physical properties

flies into a house, people may ask it airiarvs vt vi-so. be green.

questions to find out whether bad luck alolka n. red.
is coming, or if someone will die.
alolves mt vi-so. be reddish.
vitvitka n. grasshopper sp.; two types of
grasshoppers: one is green and the amurmes pt vi-so. be colourful.
other is brown; they make a pleasant asinir n. beam; referring to a beam of
chirping sound at night. light, e.g. from a torch or car at night,
vlamasarengacha n. grasshopper sp. or from sun sparkling off glass.
asinir mt vi-so. be bright; be light.
F PHYSICAL PROPERTIES aun'gi n. 1 darkness. 2 shade;
F0 General aunia n. darkness; especially darkness
when there should be daylight, e.g.
agraing adj. overripe; especially of tu-
during an eclipse or because of vol-
ber crops.
cano smoke.
aichru adj. 1 new. 2 uncooked;
ayauski n. shadow.
bubu vi-so. be dull.
ambilar adj. old; referring to a person.
chlevu adj. purple.
ameru adj. old things.
chthiacha n. blue.
atm adj. whole.
dung sng vi-so. be burnt.
mavo na vi-so. be broken down; not
working. igalechi n. glow of light; e.g. from a
distant fire or from the sun at dawn.
thektm adj. whole.
ivitki n. brown.
F1 Appearance kuar tm vt. light up; e.g. shine a torch
on something.
F1.1 Visibility and colour
kur svt vt. 1 show. 2 reveal;
achabap adj. white. spot-light using a torch.
achabavs vt vi-so. be white. lamur n. white marks that are painted
onto peoples faces, during dances,
achlol adj. clean.
using white powder or lime powder.
achthiavs adj. bluish.
mamor adv. brightly.
achluing adj. black.
naingm sa-vi. 1 appear; look like. 2
achluingbs vt vi-so. be blackish. shine.
achumer adj. clean. ndrir sa-vi. shine.
achumerkumer adj. very clean. nethachi n. bright light.
aer adj. clear; light; especially of the sky. niare adj. watery.
aerki n. light; brightness. niria sa-vi. shine.
agethon adj. yellow. ngaip vt. hide.
agethonas vt vi-so. be yellow. ngaipka n. hidden man; invisible man.
ailachi n. 1 image; picture; photo; es- ngaipki n. hidden woman; invisible
pecially of a person. 2 shadow; re- woman.
flection; especially of a person.
ngiem sa-vi. shine, only of the sun.
ailaing mt vi-so. be black.
patpathia n. pitch black; complete
airiar adj. green. darkness.

F Physical properties

rachuvigel n. colours; specifically the gulaingiseng n. stripes.

colours from the bark of the amra- kmgm vi-so. be empty.
chuvacha tree.
kthopka vt vi-so. be fat; be obese.
sichirki mt vi-so. be dirty; especially,
but not exclusively, to have a dirty kut mes ma vt. be patchy.
face. lalar pt vi-so. be scrawny; be emaci-
sichirki vt vi-so. be dirty all over. ated; be very thin; especially after a
long illness.
F1.2 Size, shape, arrangement, pattern malumgi n. heap; especially a heap of
something like mud or dead fish in the
achuvt adj. short.
bottom of a boat.
adungdung adj. empty.
malumgi na vi-so. be coiled; be piled
agraing adj. overgrown. up.
alek mt vi-so. be hollow. marik adv. straight.
alel adj. small. mavo sna na vi-so. be in disorder; be in
alik adj. narrow. disarray; be messy.
alik mt vi-so. be narrow. nauska n. speck.

alik tm vi-so. be narrow. niare adj. watery.

amor adj. big. paim m vt. wind around.

ansnes n. spikes. pl s vi-so. be broken.
arik adj. straight. pis d vi-so. be swollen. Usage: The ex-
pression pis d sarum have a swollen
asrtik adj. straight.
belly is not normally used with ref-
asru adj. huge; gigantic. erence to women, but can be used to
athavr adj. wide. talk about pregnant animals, espe-
cially dogs. Its use in the following
athavr mt vi-so. be wide.
example is derogatory.
athepmn adj. thick.
pur vi-so. grow; especially of new skin or
athinggiaras n. filthy or smelly place. bark growing over a cut.
auligalka n. odd one out. sis sa-vi. swell.
aulul adj. long. slavochi n. mess; disarray.
avn'gi n. mound; e.g. the mound of an slp pt vi-so. be skinny; be bony.
earth oven (mumu) or the mound of a
suchutka n. line; boundary.
tk dngtham sa-vi. expand.
avras adj. flat.
tr vt. 1 pull out. 2 uproot.
buirut vi-so. be short; be stumpy; e.g. a
3 clear; especially of small weeds
dog with a cut off tail.
buremga n. knot.
tu rik tm vt. straighten.
chacham adj. empty.
thanng adj. firmly in place.
chlenngini n. speck.
ves tmna na vi-so. be combined.
damga n. lump.
vsvis adj. swollen.
garngacha n. bunch; e.g. a bunch of
vingbing adj. crooked.
bananas, coconuts or mangoes.
vlochm n. spot.
garngachi n. large bunch; e.g. ba-
nanas, coconuts, or mangoes. vrsetki n. marks; any strange kind of

F Physical properties

marks. refers to a thing or another person.

avam n. point; e.g. a point of land or the
F2 Temperature, weight, texture end of a stick.
achlach mt vi-so. be soft. buel mt vi-so. be blunt.
achelak adj. soft. chrnaska n. heat; temperature.
achep pt vi-so. be thorny. dil tm vi-so. be dried.
achrark adj. dry. grgrka n. pinpoint.

achrot adj. 1 strong. 2 tough. ingun'ga n. heat.

3 hard; difficult. krk pt vi-so. be dry.
achsasek adj. dry. ksk pt vi-so. be dry.
achesin adj. rotten; festering. malum na vi-so. be soft; e.g. the texture
achrnas adj. hot. of bread dough.
achrnas mt vi-so. be hard; be difficult. mamor adv. hard.

achrnas tm vi-so. be hot. mamut adj. greasy; fatty.

achulit vi-so. be wet. mamut mt vi-so. be greasy; be fatty.
adedr adj. tight; e.g. fishing line that mars mt vi-so. be greasy; be oily.
has a large fish pulling on it. nder na vi-so. be uncomfortable because
adildil adj. dried up. something is too tight.
agapgap adj. light; not heavy. niare vt vi-so. be watery.
ainin vt vi-so. be charred; be burnt. palangga adj. flimsy; particularly things
aingas adj. flimsy; particularly things like paper.
like paper. prk mt vi-so. be torn; be ripped.
aingun'ga adj. hot. smn pt vi-so. be lumpy.
aingun'ga tm vi-so. be hot. tnes sa-vi. be sharp.
ais n. wet. tor sa-vi. get wet.
aisiska n. cold. trong vi-so. be stiff with cold.
aiskias vi-so. be cold.
F3 Sounds their types and qualities
alechi n. hole.
aml adj. loose. achuskuska n. hissing noise; e.g. the
noise of pressurised air.
amlml adj. wobbly.
achuskuska mt vi-so. make a hissing
amureng adj. heavy.
sound; e.g. by shushing a child or the
ansnes vt vi-so. be spiky. sound made by a jet plane.
asst adj. smooth; slippery. bn mulau sa-vi. bang; make a loud
ast adj. smooth. sound.
asok adj. solid. ddrin n. roar; a roaring sound.
asok mt vi-so. 1 be strong. gar sa-vi. be noisy.
2 be solid. guarem n. gurgle; a gurgling sound
such as the sound of a river going
atnes pt vi-so. be sharp.
between stones.
auluvk adj. cold.
guguk tm vi-so. bark intensively.
auluvk tm vi-so. feel cold. Usage: Only
gumoram n. row; loud noise.

G Quantification

gumoram vt vi-so. row; make a loud G QUANTIFICATION

mamor adv. loudly. G1 Quantity
mandinen adj. silent. achkachk dem. another. Gram: Mascu-
mnaman n. quiet. line singular contrastive demonstrative and
count neutral singular contrastive demon-
mnaman na vi-so. 1 be quiet. 2 be
achndichn quant. many.
mndinen adv. be silent.
achikachik dem. another. Gram: Feminine
munaman sa-vi. be quiet.
singular contrastive demonstrative.
nngguik sa-vi. shout.
aguikaguik dem. another. Gram: Feminine
raik dm vi-so. scream. singular contrastive demonstrative.
slabar n. racket. agungagung dem. more. Gram: Count
sus d ves vi-so. hiss; refers to silent but neutral indefinite demonstrative.
bad smelling farts. alilu quant. many. Usage: Abilta dialect.
tns sa-vi. call out; shout. amnia interrog. how much.

F4 Tastes and smells anggung dem. 1 some. Gram: Count neu-

tral indefinite demonstrative. 2 any;
achesin adj. 1 rotten; festering. anything. Gram: Count neutral indefinite
2 stinking. demonstrative.

achrnas mt vi-so. be salty. aung dem. someone; something. Gram:

Masculine singular indefinite demonstrative.
agars adj. salty.
aungguik dem. someone; something.
amr mt vi-so. taste good; be sweet.
Gram: Feminine singular indefinite demon-
angthn'ga n. odour; smell. strative.
athinggiaras n. filthy or smelly place. chutigligl n. half.
dm sa-vi. be sour. machlak adv. little bit.
ksin na vi-so. stink. malilu adv. many times.
sren sa-vi. be bitter. mamor adv. lots.
ten pthanas sa-vi. be smelly. maunmlm adv. twice.

F5 Value mo adv. all.

savuit adv. more.
achrot adj. hard; difficult.
thektm adj. whole.
amr adj. good; pleasant; nice.
angguvang adj. bad. G2 Numerals
mamr adv. well; fine. adeguank num. three large ones. Gram:
thinggiaras n. repulsive thing; scary Extended plural.
thing; something you do not want to advaung num. three. Gram: Human plural
see or smell. and count neutral.
vondmgi n. price. aduguagleng num. three pieces. Gram:
Excised plural.
aduguamlk num. three flat ones.
Gram: Flat plural.

H Human classification

aduguaseng num. three long ones. aunmlm num. two flat ones. Gram: Flat
Gram: Long plural. dual.
aduguathong num. three small ones. aunglem num. two pieces. Gram: Excised
Gram: Diminutive plural. dual.
aduguavap num. three short ones. Gram:
aduvanguik num. three. Gram: Feminine
plural. H0 General
ailotka n. hundred. angthepki n. name.
aka n. one and only; special one. tes vt. name; call by name.
alevavet num. four.
H1 Spirits and devils
angthikism n. ten.
angthikpet num. five. amchlingga n. name of Mndas
dancer; can carry a guaremgi mask;
asgchm num. one short one. Gram:
body decorated to look like a
Reduced singular.
saw-backed lizard; has a long tail;
asggl num. one piece. Gram: Excised always dances in the evening; dances
singular. a humorous dance; scratches the
asgk num. one. Gram: Masculine singular ground, twisting its knees; does not
and count neutral. use rattles.
asgm num. one short one. Gram: Re- amorka n. 1 ancestor. 2 God.
duced singular. amorki n. 1 female ancestor.
asgni num. one small one. Gram: Di- 2 goddess.
minutive singular. anvmnacha n. underground person.
asgvs num. one flat one. Gram: Flat arachtki n. spirit from a spirit mask;
singular. these spirits can go into someone
asgvt num. one long one. Gram: Long (especially a woman) and make her
singular. act crazy, e.g. shouting out and taking
asnggik num. one. Gram: Feminine singu- her clothes off; someone who knows
an appropriate charm must speak it
into lime powder and then spread the
asnggit num. one large one. Gram: Ex- lime powder on the womans face,
tended singular.
ears, and body.
athvuska n. thousand.
areveikpmka n. saviour; redeemer.
aunbam num. two short ones. Gram: Re- asingalka n. 1 dangerous spirit.
duced dual.
2 Satan; devil.
aunbem num. two. Gram: Feminine dual.
asingalki n. female spirit.
aundenm num. two large ones. Gram: aurachi n. witch.
Extended dual.
awan'ga n. name of dancer; masked
aundisem num. two long ones. Gram: Long dancer, dressed in yellow leaves from
the victory leaf plant, who carries
aundom num. two small ones. Gram: Di- beating sticks and punishes children.
minutive dual.
ayauska n. spirit.
aun'giom num. two. Gram: Masculine dual chavatka n. spirit that causes illness.
and count neutral dual.
chlochacha n. soul.

H Human classification

chusaricha n. name of the type of abilta athva methamn n. coastal

Mndas dancer that has the adamga dialect of Mali.
mask. achabapka n. white man.
Deo n. God. achabapki n. white woman.
gelochna n. heavenly host. aml adj. foreign.
gelucha n. angel. amlka n. foreign man; temporary visi-
Gerkachna n. name of a group of tor.
Mndas dancers; carry awaleng amlki n. foreign woman.
masks; destroy the mound in the cen-
tre of the dance ground; usually the amethamn ama dvthng n.

last dancers to appear during a day Melanesian Pidgin; Tok Pisin.

dance. auligalka Sulka man.
kavathm n. firedancer; they wear auligalki n. Sulka woman.
masks with large, round, painted eyes. avingbingda n. Bainings.
lamini n. lamb; specifically the Lamb of Butamgna n. Butams.
chulumga n. white man.
Lengenacha n. Lord; used to refer to
chulumgi n. white woman.
dvthng adj. unconnected; something
Lengenachi n. Our Lady; Mother Mary.
without a known source; e.g. a fa-
musavaucha n. wizard. therless child or Tok Pisin, which is a
musavauchi n. witch. language without a village.
rndamgi n. witch. ism angtha methamn n. Melane-
saluk athoemga n. spirit; mountain sian Pidgin; Tok Pisin.
spirit that lives in the wild palm; if you naingiska n. foreigner.
touch the leaves of the palm you be- naingiski n. female foreigner.
come confused and wander off in the
rongga n. man from the mountains;
wrong direction.
anyone who comes from a cold place
srvm n. dwarf. at high altitudes.
srucha n. giant. ronggi n. woman from the mountains.
sruchi n. female giant. tangammtka n. Tolai man.
tbr nanm n. little forest person. tangammtki n. Tolai woman.
tomga n. spirit; ghost. thanngga n. local man; a person from
Trinitas n. Trinity. the village where the speaker is.
thaliaska n. wizard. thannggi n. local woman.
thchnmucha n. sacred being; God vingbingbap n. Bainings.
the Everlasting.
H3 People by age, development, life
vungbungga n. firedancer; is con-
cealed inside a large, hollow, rectan-
gular panel that serves as his mask. H3.0 General
H2 Peoples and language groups ambilar adj. old; referring to a person.
Abilta n. coastal people; people from the arucha n. man.
villages of Gar, Merai, Urai, Ili, and aruchi n. woman.
Karong. athoemga n. child.

H Human classification

athoemini n. baby. amumthathopki n. nurse; orderly;

athuares adj. young person. medical assistant.

thaembm n. child. angthieik n. master.

arektmka n. holy man.
H3.1 Male
arektmki n. holy woman.
achums adj. male. armga n. patient.
achumska n. male. armgi n. female patient.
amorka n. adult man. athoemga n. 1 student. 2 assistant.
athoemga n. son. athoemgi n. 1 female student.
athoes pthacha n. man with children. 2 female assistant.
bilarka n. old man. chlmuen n. fool; name of a character
chungacha n. sisterless man; sisterless in many Mali stories.
boy; a man or a boy who does not have chrtki n. policeman; the name comes
any sisters. from the days of the German colony
sska n. childless man. when the police wore short pieces of
material (laplaps) with belts.
srucha n. old man.
dokta n. doctor.
thuareska n. young man.
gamarvmga n. soldier.
H3.2 Female kapenta n. carpenter.

amorki n. adult woman. katiketka n. catechist.

asski n. childless woman. kembecha n. soldier; specifically a Na-

tional soldier enlisted with the Japa-
athoemgi n. daughter.
nese during World War 2.
athoes pthachi n. woman with chil-
kinggna n. kings.
latka n. gardener.
bilarki n. old woman.
latki n. female gardener.
lvopki n. woman.
lenge angthieik n. leader.
lvovaski n. lots of women.
lengemtka n. leader.
sauthuchi n. infertile woman.
lengenacha n. a leader; a person who
sski n. childless woman.
takes leadership for organising a par-
sruchi n. old woman. ticular event or project.
thuareski n. young woman lengenachi n. female leader.
mairvtka n. boss.
H4 Roles and status terms
mairvtki n. female boss.
ambangga achusemga n. leader of the
mambumtka n. singer.
martir n. martyr.
amonelka n. 1 hunter. 2 traveller.
Mndaska n. day dancer.
amonelki n. female traveller.
musavaucha n. wizard.
amorka n. leader.
musavauchi n. witch.
amorki n. female leader.
musavumtka n. poisoner.
amumthathopka n. male nurse; or-
derly; medical assistant. musavumtki n. female poisoner.

H Human classification

neski n. nurse. amorki n. female ancestor.

sandricha n. sentry. amunamga n. 1 non-worker; a person
secha n. 1 orphaned boy, he is one who who always stays home and rests, they
often grows up to be a person who can never go out and work. 2 invalid.
do many good things. 2 hero; a 3 lame man.
skilful clever person who does many amunamgi n. 1 female non-worker; a
good things. woman who always stays home and
sechi n. 1 orphaned girl. 2 female rests, she never goes out and works.
hero. 2 female invalid. 3 lame woman.

sen'ga n. executioner. amundrmbemka n. clever man.

sunasvmga n. teacher. armalika n. clever person.

sunasvmgi n. female teacher. aruacha n. friend; often used to refer to

tluvmka n. 1 watchman.
2 shepherd. aruachi n. female friend; wife.

thatalvmga n. carrier. aruchm n. short person. Usage: Has a

depreciative sense.
thatalvmgi n. female carrier.
assurka n. blind man.
H5 Types of people not related to assurki n. blind woman.
status/profession asokmtka n. fearless man; stoic man;
achlsacha n. alert person; a person someone who is solid inside.
who has been trained to be habitually asokmtki n. fearless woman.
alert. auluvkmtka n. 1 coward. 2 good
achrotka n. strong person. humoured man; reasonable man.
achrnasmtka n. brave man. auluvkmtki n. 1 female coward.
achrnasmtki n. brave woman. 2 good humoured woman; reason-
able woman.
airasvnaska n. liar.
aurka n. bush man.
airasvnaski n. female liar.
aurki n. bush woman.
alulitka n. poor man.
avucha n. bad man.
alulitki n. poor woman.
avuchi n. bad woman.
aml adj. foreign.
bensenaska n. proud man.
amlka n. foreign man; temporary visi-
tor. bensenaski n. proud woman.

amlki n. foreign woman. blachoingga n. weak man; refers to

someone who is physically wrung out
amrka n. good man. from a bad sickness.
amrki n. good woman. blachoinggi n. weak woman.
amthanaska n. disrespectful man; bunacha n. 1 rich man. 2 selfish
specifically a person who takes things man.
without asking.
bunachi n. 1 rich woman. 2 selfish
amthanaski n. disrespectful woman; woman.
specifically a person who takes things
without asking. chavatka n. adulterer.

amndrmbemki n. clever woman. chavatki n. female adulterer.

amorka n. ancestor. chmga n. empty person.

H Human classification

danungga n. unproductive man; a per- a clam, something that does not move
son who does not bring anything home around.
for the household (e.g. no firewood, ravan'gi n. faithful woman.
water, or food); someone who cannot
catch fish etc. sechabangga n. boisterous man;
someone who is always talking and
danunggi n. unproductive woman. laughing loudly.
dt mt uvski n. stupid person. sechabanggi n. boisterous woman.
dt mtha musnng n. forgetful per- svocha n. thief.
svochi n. female thief.
dt pa sndm n. deaf person.
srumn'ga n. dangerous man; one who
gurguerka n. enemy. reacts violently and impulsively to a
gurguerki n. female enemy. sudden shock or noise.
lmuacha n. friend; ally. subicha n. mute.
lmuachi n. female friend; female ally. thuvska n. father-in-law; brother-in-
manaingimga n. sighted man. law; uncle-in-law; any in-laws except
ones wifes mothers brother and his
manaingimgi n. sighted woman. wife.
mervmka n. benevolent man; a person thuvski n. mother-in-law; sister-in-law;
who is a source of good things. aunt-in-law; any in-laws except ones
mervmki n. benevolent woman. wifes mothers brother and his wife.
metmavocha n. lame man. ulabungacha n. naked boy or man.
metmavochi n. lame woman. ulabungachi n. naked girl or woman.
moruska n. lazy man; person who is not umngacha n. enemy; raider.
willing to do garden work; used as an vathecha n. lazy man; a person who
insult. does not like to do any work, they just
moruski n. lazy woman. sit and chew betelnut all day.
mulen'ga n. frightened man. vathechi n. lazy woman.
mulen'gi n. frightened woman. vnbon'ga n. generous man.
mumanaska n. 1 selfish man. vnbon'gi n. generous woman.
2 rich man; someone with lots of
vingbmga n. 1 vandal. 2 naughty
money or pigs etc. boy or man.
mumanaski n. selfish woman; rich vingbmgi n. 1 female vandal.
woman. 2 naughty girl or woman.
nimulichi n. slut; a woman who sleeps vinoska n. vandal.
vinoski n. female vandal.
ngaipka n. hidden man; invisible man.
vrucha n. enemy.
ngaipki n. hidden woman; invisible
woman. vruchi n. female enemy.

ngelka n. wise man. H6 Address terms

ngelki n. wise woman.
chlucha n. brother-in-law; both the
nguatki n. clumsy person; especially address and reference term; used by a
someone who walks in a clumsy way.
male speaker; can be used for a mans
ravan'ga n. faithful man. Usage: This sisters husband or a mans wifes
word compares a faithful person with brother.

I Human qualities and emotions

chluchi n. sister-in-law; both the ad- asokmtka n. fearless man; stoic man;
dress and reference term; used by a someone who is solid inside.
female speaker; refers to both a asokmtki n. fearless woman.
womans husbands sister and her
brothers wife. auluvk mt vi-so. be timid; be cow-
ardly; be afraid.
mamga n. father; Dad; address and
reference term; it is also used by auluvkmtka n. 1 coward. 2 good
children-in-law. humoured man; reasonable man.

matki n. older sister. auluvkmtki n. 1 female coward.

2 good humoured woman; reason-
mathm n. older brother. Usage: A term able woman.
of address.
aur adj. wild.
nan'gi n. 1 mother; mum; address and
reference term; it is also used by avu adj. bad or sinful person.
children-in-law. 2 mother. avucha n. bad man.
oes mamk n. brother-in-law; husband; avuchi n. bad woman.
address and reference term; used by a bensenaska n. proud man.
female speaker.
bensenaski n. proud woman.
oes nank n. sister-in-law; wife; ad-
bunacha n. selfish man.
dress and reference term, used by a
male speaker or male ego. bunachi n. selfish woman.
vum n. friend, the address term. danungga n. unproductive man; a per-
son who does not bring anything home
for the household (e.g. no firewood,
I HUMAN QUALITIES AND water, or food); someone who cannot
EMOTIONS catch fish etc.

I1 Personality and moral evaluations danunggi n. unproductive woman.

dt mt uvski n. stupid person.
achrnas pt vi-so. try hard.
dt mtha musnng n. forgetful per-
addn adj. 1 odd; strange. son.
2 confused; delirious; crazy; insane;
gar sa-vi. be noisy.
altered psychological states in gen-
eral. guagungmo adj. greedy.

airasvnaska n. liar. inangna vi-so. be popular.

alek mt vi-so. 1 be hollow. 2 be irit n. bad luck.
compassionate. klu vathm vi-so. be shy.
amrka n. good man. lengen na vi-so. be famous; be re-
amthanaska n. disrespectful man; nowned.
specifically a person who takes things madng adv. 1 carelessly.
without asking. 2 unconcernedly.
arus adj. unwilling. mamr adv. well; fine.
asevaik pt vi-so. 1 be happy; be joyful. marik adv. properly; accurately.
2 be a nuisance.
maslevr adv. roughly; carelessly.
aslek adj. cooperative; obedient.
mavo adv. badly.
aslek pt vi-so. be willing.
mbensenas vi-so. be proud.
asok mt vi-so. be determined; be sin-
mnaman na vi-so. be quiet.

I Human qualities and emotions

mervmka n. benevolent man; a person alert.

who is a source of good things. achrot adj. strong.
mervmki n. benevolent woman. achrotka n. strong person.
morus n. laziness; particularly being achrotki n. 1 strength. 2 power.
reluctant to work in the garden.
achrnas mt vi-so. be brave.
moruska n. lazy man; person who is not
willing to do garden work; used as an achrnasmtka n. brave man.
insult. amundrm n. skill.

moruski n. lazy woman. amundrmbemka n. clever man.

mumanaska n. selfish man. amurmeski n. glory.

munaman sa-vi. be quiet. angel adj. clever.

nugul angtpus adv. do without per- angelka vm vi-so. 1 be clever. 2 be

mission; an action that breaks across talented.
a (possibly metaphorical) boundary. armali adj. clever.
palkachuik sa-vi. be disobedient; refuse armalika n. clever person.
to follow instructions.
asok mt vi-so. 1 be brave. 2 be
ravan'ga n. faithful man. Usage: This strong.
word compares a faithful person with
chnagolchi n. strength.
a clam, something that does not move
around. mamr pet vi-so. be fit for; be able to;
be good for.
ravan'gi n. faithful woman.
ngelka n. wise man.
sdamr adv. correctly; right.
ngelki n. wise woman.
sechabangga n. boisterous man;
someone who is always talking and nguatki n. clumsy person; especially
laughing loudly. someone who walks in a clumsy way.
sechabanggi n. boisterous woman. surnanas sa-vi. be wrong.
srumn'ga n. dangerous man; one who tlavuchi n. kindness; mercy.
reacts violently and impulsively to a vatkivatki na vi-so. walk clumsily; es-
sudden shock or noise. pecially to describe a person walking
tu nas mk sa-vi. humble oneself. along and looking down as they walk.
tusachus nanas sa-vi. act funny; e.g. in
I3 Feelings and emotions
a concert or in a burst of high spirits.
vathecha n. lazy man; a person who addn adj. confused; delirious; crazy;
does not like to do any work, they just insane; altered psychological states in
sit and chew betelnut all day. general.
vathechi n. lazy woman. alek mt vi-so. 1 be hollow. 2 relent;
be compassionate. 3 compromise.
vathk pt vi-so. be lazy.
amr ba vi-so. be happy.
vnbon'ga n. generous man.
amr pt vi-so. be happy.
vnbon'gi n. generous woman.
amr vm vi-so. be happy.
vingbm adj. disobedient.
amrvs pt vi-so. 1 feel fine. 2 feel
I2 Skill, ability, power peaceful.
aron adj. 1 satisfied. 2 proud;
achlsacha n. alert person; a person
who has been trained to be habitually

J Body parts and products

asevaik n. joy. pening but no-one knows what is go-

asevaik pt vi-so. 1 rejoice; be happy; ing on.
be joyful. 2 feel proud. plk vt. 1 like. 2 want. 3 love.
auluvk mt vi-so. be timid; be cow- 4 need.
ardly; be afraid. sachongachi n. worried face.
bensenaska n. proud man. sek nanas sa-vi. be lonely.
bensenaski n. proud woman. srtik na vt. 1 settle. 2 straighten
burembm vi-so. feel angry. out.

burembm n vt. be angry with. sichirdot vi-so. shrink back, as for an

octopus that realises it has been seen;
chlepki n. shame; shyness; embar- make yourself inconspicuous, e.g. if
rassment. you are ashamed or to avoid being
chmga n. empty person. volunteered to do something.
dlen sa-vi. be afraid; be frightened. srmn vt. surprise.
gthp n. anger. srmn gl vi-so. get a shock.
gri n. anger. srmn vt vi-so. be surprised.
gur sa-vi. shout crossly. tares pt vt. praise; worship.
gurnas sa-vi. repent; feel contrite. ternas sa-vi. be frightened.
irs vi-so. 1 be sad. 2 worry. tinggiar vi-so. be disgusted; be revolted.
irski n. sadness. tlu svt sa-vi. hurt.
irikin vi-so. be terrified; be scared. tu chelak tm vt. please; do something
irikin'ga n. terror. to soften the other person.
klep vi-so. be embarrassed. tuchul sa-vi. crave.

klu vathm vi-so. be shy. tu nas mk sa-vi. humble oneself.

lareng vi-so. happy. Usage: This word is a tuong vt. bewitch.
bit archaic; it is mainly used now to tu vlk svt vt. fall in love with.
describe the way dogs behave when vair pt vi-so. be proud.
greeting their masters.
vandi disc. want to; intend to. Gram: De-
lareng'ga vt vi-so. be happy. siderative marker.
lotu svt vt. worship; adore; praise. vlk n. love.
manggar nas na vi-so. feel calm. vlchachi n. 1 choice; preference.
mulen'ga n. frightened man. 2 wish.
mulen'gi n. frightened woman.
mulen'gi n. fear. J BODY PARTS AND PRODUCTS
mulen'gi vt vi-so. 1 be anxious; typi-
J0 General
cally through having a fear of some-
thing unknown. 2 panic. achlel n. urine.
neknochi n. misery; distress; suffering aluski n. turtle shell.
in either an emotional or financial
anun n. semen.
anun'ga n. pus.
ngiem sravo adv. look worried; look
surprised; look shocked; people look arengga n. sweat.
like this, e.g. if there is a fight hap- asnok n. excrement; faeces.

J Body parts and products

ayare n. saliva. discarded shell of a crab, prawn, lob-

biaska n. blood. ster, or a snake skin.

chdngm n. body. slpki n. bone.

chnak n. breath; specifically exhaled slvs n. skeleton.

J2 Head
chndenggi n. body.
chlochacha n. core; innermost part. achulbingga n. tongue.

chulpka n. tear. alechi pt kulim n. nostril.

genaing n. phlegm; mucus. amgi n. mouth.

lmbut n. saliva. amiglem n. pair of lips.

lmlmga n. pus; especially from in- angtkenggi n. tooth.
fected eyes. arten'gi n. jaw; refers to the lower jaw
mbiaski n. large quantity of blood. bone.
slika n. body; especially a dead body. asdemga n. ear.

valuacha n. egg. blingga n. bald head.

blinggi n. forehead.
J1 Non-localised parts chseng da vam n. beard; whiskers.
achurningim n. muscle. chulimgi n. nose.
aithir n. new growth; skin or bark that genaing n. cerebrum.
grows in order to heal a cut. gnngachi n. brain.
avuretki n. scar. luchupki n. bald head.
bias angtha ais n. circulatory system. mnpka n. eyebrow.
biurka n. scar. sachong angt kseng n. eyelashes.
chndengga n. skin. sachong angtha chilot n. corneas.
chndenggi n. skin. sachongacha n. eye.
chseng n. hair. sachongachi n. worried face.
chsengia n. long hair; specifically a sachongas n. face.
single strand of hair.
sachongini n. eye. Usage: Polite form.
chsengvs n. feather.
slpki ama ngpuski n. skull.
chlochacha n. 1 inside part of some-
thing. 2 soul. vnbn'ga n. chin; lower jaw.

chlochachi n. large inside part of vuski n. head.

J3 Torso
chlochaini n. small inside part of
something. achlel angtha iska n. 1 urinary

churacha n. artery; vein. system. 2 urethra.

churithong ama ngthi bang sa achvulki n. testicle.

methamn n. nerve. achlelachi n. large intestine.

dldlka n. scale of a fish. achurvuchuvacha n. lungs.

mamutki n. fat or grease from an ani- aluchi n. penis.

mal or fish. amsms angtha iska n. digestive
slavarki n. shell; skin; specifically the system.

J Body parts and products

aningilka n. liver. the head joins the neck.

angtkn'gi n. 1 neck. 2 throat. thng n. back.
angthik n. side. thuchulki n. throat.
arembm n. buttock. ves n. bottom. Usage: A euphemism for
aremgi n. buttock. anus.

aunuchi n. female genitals; vulva; va- J4 Limbs

gina; a womans private parts in gen-
eral. adigl n. palm of hand.
bisuchi n. anus. adulemga n. elbow.
brethem n. chest. alchar n. foot; leg; refers to the entire
brtki n. rib. limb.
buthicha n. spine; back. alcharacha n. 1 footprint; track.
2 footstep.
buthichi n. vertebra.
alcharini n. leg; foot; refers to the
chmcha n. breast.
whole limb; this is a bit more polite
chthiachi n. pancreas; the organ that than just using lchar.
is close to the liver.
alcharvet n. long leg.
chusem n. intestines.
alngini n. shoulder.
chusemga n. spinal cord.
anamnamgi n. 1 wing. 2 flipper of
chusemgi n. large intestine. a turtle.
chusemgi ama chlelachi n. large in- angthaik ama valpal n. fingers.
angthichini n. hand; arm; refers to
chusemia n. section of intestines. the entire limb; more polite word than
chusemithong n. small intestine. angthiki.
ichurki n. tail. angthika n. finger.

ithepki n. birds tail. angthika ama secha n. little finger.

laguain'gi n. gullet. angthiki n. hand; arm; refers to the
entire limb.
lamsigl n. spleen.
angthiki ama lvopki n. thumb.
lavaitki n. navel.
angthikinggl n. palm of hand.
lialecha n. roosters tail feather.
arnacha n. middle finger.
lialechi n. roosters tail.
avnmetna n. joints.
luchi at kdngga n. foreskin.
cherorini n. calf; specifically the large
ronas n. front of torso; belly and chest
muscle in the lower part of the leg.
of an animal.
chumgi n. knee.
salorachi n. stomach.
deglingini n. ring finger.
sangaska ava iska n. respiratory sys-
tem. erngthcha n. middle finger.
sanggaska ava lechi n. windpipe. gilamucha n. claws of a flying fox;
found on the elbows of the flying fox;
sarumga n. belly; paunch.
they use them to hang by.
sarumgi n. belly; stomach.
langga n. shoulder.
snngacha n. heart.
lcharacha ama morka n. big toe.
sng av vus n. nape; the place where

K Body states and functions

mavnini n. little finger. hiccups.

ravski n. nail; claw. kibing kibing va sachong vi-so. be
sangaravun'gi n. thumb. dizzy; be giddy.

secha n. little finger. kies sa vi-so. sneeze.

sengangthaik angt vus n. wrist. kiskisa vi-so. sneeze repeatedly.

slvini n. leg. kuanik vt. swallow.

snainggi n. thigh. mem vt. suckle.

snaingithini n. small thigh. munmun'gi n. growth.

uras n. wing of a flying fox. neknochi n. misery; distress; suffering

in either an emotional or financial
valvalka n. finger; toe; generic term of sense.
the extremities of the hands and feet.
ngk d vi-so. gasp; grunt.
vandok n. knuckles.
ngngeng d vi-so. squeak; squeal.
vethachi n. fin, flipper, or tail of a dol-
phin. ngip sa-vi. faint.

warnacha n. index finger. pr vt. breathe out.

pt balam na vt. blink; wink.
K BODY STATES AND FUNCTIONS piru sa-vi. writhe.

prendem vi-so. wake up.

K1 Physiological reactions
prur pt vi-so. have goose bumps; have
achumgi n. cough; cold. ones hair stand on end.
airirki n. growth. pupuik n vi-so. sprout.

aithir n. new growth; skin or bark that pupurik sa-vi. squirt excreta.
grows in order to heal a cut. puren vt vi-so. wake up; stir.
arengga n. sweat. rengga cha mn na sa-vi. sweat.
asechaski n. yawn. rip n. swell.
asnok n. excrement; faeces. saik da ves vi-so. squirt excreta.
asureng vi-so. snore. sangaska n. breath.
asurngga n. snoring person. sanggas sa-vi. breathe.
bk pt vt. hatch. sanggas ithms sa-vi. lose ones
bep d ves vi-so. fart; a noisy fart. breath.
bramr sa-vi. recover. sanggas machuvt sa-vi. gasp for
buepki n. fart; especially noisy farts.
sp samk sa-vi. faint.
chn'gn bt vi-so. 1 shiver.
2 tremble. sis sa-vi. swell.

chthcha n. hiccup. sus d ves vi-so. hiss; refers to silent but

bad smelling farts.
dm sa-vi. itch.
sutka glm vi-so. jump in surprise.
dn sa-vi. grow.
tamal sa-vi. laugh.
din s vi-so. faint; collapse.
tchm sa-vi. wake up.
gk pt vi-so. burp.
tchen sa-vi. groan.
gum sa-vi. cough.
tk tk mt vi-so. click.
kthcha mt vi-so. hiccup; have the

K Body states and functions

tepmuan vt vt. digest. don sa-vi. be stuck.

tr sa-vi. excrete. genaing genaing mt vi-so. have a
tr na vt. lay; specifically of a turtle snotty nose; be heavily congested.
laying eggs. krau sa-vi. subside; can refer to a flood
tr vthanas sa-vi. have diarrhoea. going down, wasting strength during
an illness, or petrol evaporating.
tir sa-vi. grow fast.
ksk vi-so. be thirsty.
tnnn sa-vi. vomit.
ksk pt vi-so. be dry.
tnok sa-vi. cry; people crying; sounds
made by roosters, frogs etc. kesias vi-so. be thirsty.

tu vt. lay; specifically of birds laying kthopka vt vi-so. be fat; be obese.

eggs. lalar pt vi-so. be scrawny; be emaci-
tu av snng mamr sa-vi. calm down; ated; be very thin; especially after a
settle down; relax. long illness.

tu nank sa-vi. grizzle; cry for some- lul pt vi-so. be grazed; be scratched.
thing for a long time. lulul pt vi-so. be scratched up.
mamr adv. well; fine.
K2 Body states
mnap vi-so. sleep.
K2.1 Temporary mnap mt vi-so. be sleepy; be drowsy.
aiskias vi-so. be cold. mnapki n. sleep.

aririp adj. swollen; e.g. when a limb is mrnka n. injury.

full of blood. mumunatm vi-so. keep sleeping.
aron adj. satisfied. munap tm vi-so. sleep.
aruan mt vi-so. have pain. naeng mt vi-so. be hungry.
aruan pt vi-so. be tired. naenggi n. hunger.
asok mt vi-so. 1 be strong. 2 be naengias vi-so. be hungry.
solid. nder na vi-so. be uncomfortable because
auluvk tm vi-so. feel cold. Usage: Only something is too tight.
refers to a thing or another person. ngip sa-vi. be numb.
bp pt vi-so. be constricted. pis d vi-so. be swollen. Usage: The ex-
bp scha sachong vi-so. temporarily pression pis d sarum have a swollen
blind. belly is not normally used with ref-
bias ng dn s vi-so. bleed. erence to women, but can be used to
talk about pregnant animals, espe-
blachoing vi-so. be weak; lacking any cially dogs. Its use in the following
example is derogatory.
blachoingga n. weak man; refers to
rip n. swell.
someone who is physically wrung out
from a bad sickness. sarumbm n. pregnancy.

blachoinggi n. weak woman. smn pt vi-so. 1 be lumpy. 2 have

ddn vi-so. 1 be confused. 2 be in-
sane; crazy. 3 be delirious. smn'gi n. welts on the skin.
dn vt. grow; specifically make a baby slp pt vi-so. be skinny; be bony.
grow. sulka n. sore on the head.

K Body states and functions

tas sa-vi. 1 sleep. 2 lie down. arm adj. sick.

tchm sa-vi. be awake. armgi n. illness; disease; sickness.
tlu svt sa-vi. hurt. armgi ama ingun'ga n. fever.
trong vi-so. be stiff with cold. aruan'ga n. pain.
tuchul sa-vi. crave. aslavar n. tinea; ringworm (grile).
tusachus sa-vi. be irritating; feel un- athopki n. 1 cut; sore. 2 ulcer.
comfortable. avuretki n. scar.
ulabung n. nakedness. awithinggi n. ringworm; tinea that ap-
valachi n. blister. pears as white spots on the skin.
vsvis adj. swollen. bremgi n. boil.
vlochithong n. rash. biurka n. scar.
blachoing vi-so. be weak; lacking any
K2.2 Permanent
achums adj. male. blachoingga n. weak man; refers to
achumska n. male. someone who is physically wrung out
from a bad sickness.
assurka n. blind man.
chasrki n. malaria.
assurki n. blind woman.
chenechacha n. asthma; tuberculosis;
asusur adj. blind.
any condition principally involving
chais adj. left-handed. difficulty with breathing.
ddn vi-so. 1 be confused. 2 be in- ddn'gi n. madness.
sane; crazy. 3 be delirious.
don sa-vi. drown.
dt pa sndm n. deaf person.
kasrki pt vi-so. have a fever; have
lvop adj. female. malaria.
luchupki n. baldness; bald head. krau sa-vi. subside; can refer to a flood
madin adj. deaf. going down, wasting strength during
an illness, or petrol evaporating.
mavo sna vt vi-so. be crippled.
mamuaing n. yaws.
ssur vi-so. be blind.
mrnka n. injury.
subicha n. mute.
mur na mbias n. dysentery.
K3 Sickness, death, disease, injury ngip sa-vi. 1 die. 2 be numb.
3 faint.
achammga n. scabies.
ngipngip vi-so. be dying.
achumgi n. cough; cold.
pknas sa-vi. drown.
aingipki n. death.
plng vt. kill.
aiski n. cold.
rip n. swell.
aiski vt vi-so. have a cold.
rip da chvl n. orchitis.
aisoska n. crab yaws.
rip d chmk n. mastitis.
amrvs pt vi-so. 1 feel fine.
2 heal; get better; get well. slika n. body; especially a dead body.
ann'gi n. nausea. smn'gi n. welts on the skin.
anun'ga n. 1 pus. 2 white sap from sepmaron vm mes sa-vi. settle ones
a breadfruit or fig tree. stomach.

L Stance and motion

slamr n vt. 1 cure. 2 save. tk svt vt. point at.

slavar pt vi-so. have ringworm. ts vt. eat.
sukderut s vi-so. be stillborn; a baby ts t chulim sa-vi. blow nose.
that dies before birth. tstmna n vt. eat with.
sulka n. sore on the head. tvng sa-vi. sing.
tchm sa-vi. 1 be alive. 2 arise; tnaik sa-vi. drink.
specifically referring to Jesus rising
from the dead. tnes vt. bite.

tr vthanas sa-vi. have diarrhoea. tnok tichim vt. whinge; cry.

tlu vthanas sa-vi. look after oneself. tor sa-vi. 1 bathe. 2 get wet.

tnnn sa-vi. vomit.

tu rik tm vt. stretch out.

valachi n. blister.
tusachus sa-vi. wriggle around because
of irritation; toss and turn e.g. while
vlochithong n. rash. trying to sleep.
K4 Other things done with the body
amusnng n. behaviour.
bnmalivi sa-vi. writhe; thrash around; L1 Stance, position
especially something thrashing
around in death throws. L1.0 Stance, position general

gesik mt vi-so. smile. ben vt. bend.

guguk tm vi-so. bark intensively. dalias adv. squatting.
guk tm vi-so. bark of a dog. dingdm vi-so. be stuck.
kot sa-vi. spit. don sa-vi. be stuck.
kot pt vt. spit on; spit at. gl kuvet dir. be near to.
kuanik vt. swallow. kuer sa-vi. go first; lead.
mual vt vi-so. rest. kule vi-so. stay.
nachang sa-vi. open ones mouth. machuisr adv. diagonally.
navar manas sa-vi. be stretched. mal vt vi-so. rest.
panggal sa-vi. suck in stomach. marik adv. straight.
pdm vi-so. pinch; nip. masechen adv. unbalanced.
prn dm vt. sniff; smell. munam sa-vi. rest.
prn svt vt. smell. nania vik adv. somewhere.
pes sa-vi. blow. nanger sa-vi. be bent.
pes mt vt. blow on. nasothanas dir. back in place; e.g. as
pt balam na vt. blink; wink. with crop rotation.
praioik d vt. sip; suck. nathar sa-vi. be open.
sing sa-vi. chew. navar manas sa-vi. be stretched.
sup vm vt. lick. pur vi-so. grow; especially of new skin or
bark growing over a cut.
tamal t vt. laugh at.
tair sa-vi. wait.
tamn sa-vi. speak.
tn dm vi-so. be stuck.
tat mt vt. bump.

L Stance and motion

tethana sa-vi. group together. dng na vi-so. stop; finish.

tlu vathm na sa-vi. wait for a chance to do dngbm na vi-so. stop suddenly.
something. don sa-vi. go in; enter.
tuchun sa-vi. 1 sit. don dm vt. follow.
2 settle. don dmna sa-vi. gather together.
tu mana sa-vi. arrange oneselves. donel sa-vi. wander.
tu mamr sna na vt. level; straighten. don svt sa-vi. move to.
tu rik tm vt. straighten. don vt vt. follow.
thanng adj. firmly in place. dong sa-vi. turn.

L1.1 Stance, position vertical axis dong mes sa-vi. turn.

ger sa-vi. bend over.
lechvs adv. in the air.
krtpka n. halt; stop.
tair sa-vi. stand.
kuevanas sa-vi. shake oneself.
tair snas sa-vi. stand alone.
kuiep sa-vi. shake.
tair snania vt. lean against something
while standing. mal sa-vi. stop.
ml vt. 1 flip over. 2 move aside.
L1.2 Stance, position horizontal axis mtmet n. 1 movements. 2 ways.
namas sa-vi. be lying down. mual vt vi-so. stop.

tas sa-vi. lie down. mundros na vi-so. stop instantly.

nam sa-vi. flap; especially of wings.
L2 Movement
ngim mk sa-vi. search around.
L2.0 Movement general nging vt. go around. Usage: Abilta dia-
amlml adj. wobbly.
paik sa-vi. jump.
bang sa-vi. 1 run; move quickly. Usage:
Refers to any kind of fast movement. paimanas sa-vi. wind itself.
2 come. par sa-vi. arrive.
bang binem sa-vi. roam; wander. pk sa-vi. fetch water.
bnmalivi sa-vi. writhe; thrash around; plik s vi-so. slip over.
especially something thrashing plikdm vi-so. slip away.
around in death throws.
prvr dm vi-so. skip; either a person
bias vt. step on. making a small jump or someone
bing sa-vi. go around. skipping rocks on the water.
buinem sa-vi. return. ps s vi-so. get out.
dn sa-vi. 1 arrive; come. 2 reach. ptpt na vi-so. scatter.
3 return. piam vt. 1 rotate; e.g. shake ones
dn dmna sa-vi. gather together; meet head. 2 wave; e.g. wave ones
up. Gram: Takes a plural subject. hands.
dn pt sa-vi. reach; arrive. pirs ithm vt. 1 hide behind; duck
dn pthana vt. meet each other. behind something to hide oneself. 2
make way; move aside. 3 move
dn s vt. arrive with; bring. along.

L Stance and motion

piru sa-vi. writhe. 3 go in front.

prap sa-vi. fly. thuer na sa-vi. race each other.
puik na vi-so. come out. valing sa-vi. turn over.
pul sa-vi. paddle. valing s vi-so. flip over.
pupuik n vi-so. sprout. vanim vt. roll around; turn over; e.g.
puren vt vi-so. wake up; stir. movements of waves and fabric.

puvs vi-so. come out. vangbinem n. wanderings.

sek mni vt. walk through; walk across; vunak vt. twist.
especially of walking across, that is, wirep pt vi-so. move; give yourself
through a river. away when you are hiding because
srpm na vi-so. stop suddenly; stop you move.
with a jolt; e.g. when a car brakes
L2.1 Movement vertical axis
sichirdot vi-so. shrink back, as for an bn sa-vi. climb.
octopus that realises it has been seen; bn vt vt. climb on.
make yourself inconspicuous, e.g. if
you are ashamed or to avoid being beng dm vt. get something down from
a high place; especially referring to
volunteered to do something.
picking something from a tree.
sisit na vt. sneak up; creep up; refers to
moving quietly and slowly without
beng vt vt. climb up.
being seen. din s vi-so. faint; collapse.
tain sa-vi. dance. don sa-vi. 1 sink. 2 drown.
tat mt vt. bump. donanas sa-vi. jump; throw oneself.
tat mt na sa-vi. leave. krau sa-vi. subside; can refer to a flood
going down, wasting strength during
tk mamr tm vt. meet someone ac-
an illness, or petrol evaporating.
cidentally; run into.
tk tichim vt. avoid.
kut na sa-vi. descend.

tranas sa-vi. go; take off; leave.

namas sa-vi. lie down.

tet sa-vi. 1 walk. 2 go. nging dm vi-so. bend; duck down.

tet kutna sa-vi. miss someone because pai fall down; hit the ground.
sa-vi. 1
2 land heavily.
each person went by a different path.
tet na vt. go past; pass.
paik sa-vi. jump.

tet ngis n vt. miss a target.

paik dm vi-so. jump.

tthuk vi-so. slide; especially of some- pathik mes sa-vi. fall down.
thing like a landslide. pl tm vi-so. be broken; be bent over;
be flattened out; e.g. of grass that has
tneng sa-vi. avoid; dodge.
been walked on.
tnp nanas sa-vi. capsize.
pen d vi-so. fall.
tnp n vt. turn.
ps d vi-so. jump out.
tuchun vt. chase.
pt vt. plunge.
tusachus sa-vi. wriggle around because
of irritation; toss and turn e.g. while
ptpt na vi-so. fall.

trying to sleep. pt uves sa-vi. dive.

thuer sa-vi. 1 go first. 2 go ahead. pus mk vi-so. leap up; especially refer-

L Stance and motion

ring to flames. L3 Open and close

pus s vi-so. come up; emerge.
L3.1 Open
puthm vi-so. fall.
sek vt. 1 lift. 2 raise. 3 pick up. adungdung adj. empty.

sekmes sa-vi. get up. alechi n. hole.

sp sa-vi. fall.
alek mt vi-so. be hollow.

sp samk sa-vi. fall down. benaseng sa-vi. start; begin.

spsp na vi-so. 1 duck down. 2 fall blinggi n. space.

down. chacham adj. empty.

suk dm vi-so. fall down. denachi sa-vi. start.

tair s vt. make stand. dur adv. deep.

tar sa-vi. fall; particularly of fruit. kmgm vi-so. be empty.

tar s vi-so. fall out. lel s vi-so. pour out; run out; spill out.
tar s vt. pour out; especially of water lel tm vi-so. drain out.
from a tap. luchupki n. space; e.g. the space of a
tchasp sa-vi. get up early. playground or dancing ground.
tik vt. get down. nachang sa-vi. open ones mouth.
tnp nanas sa-vi. capsize. nathar sa-vi. be open.
trn s vi-so. stand up; unbend; some- niavi sa-vi. about to arrive.
thing that had been bent over but is nges mt vt. dig a new hole where there
released so it can stand again. was not one before.
L2.2 Movement horizontal axis pr vt. get something out of a pocket or
a similar place.
bang vt vt. run over. sas t vt. dig out.
bing pthanas vt. circle around. tar mt vt. open.
bing vt vt. 1 go around. 2 circle. vesnas sa-vi. find nothing where you
lvur vt vi-so. tumble over. expect to find something; e.g. ripe
ngim melia vi-sa. roll over; flip. bananas you were planning to pick but
someone came along and took them.
ngim melia vt. roll over; flip.
pali vt. roll. L3.2 Close
par dm mes sa-vi. crawl.
bp mt vi-so. be closed.
prddung sa-vi. go backwards; e.g. bing sa-vi. surround.
move backwards into hiding.
dng na vi-so. stop; finish.
praseng n vt. put aside.
dt sthm vi-so. be stuck.
srik sa-vi. move aside.
paisdm pt vt. enclose; encircle.
tair pt vt. walk with; e.g. to help a sick
person. par mana svt sa-vi. gather around.

tneng n vt. dodge.

psding vt. close; e.g. close a book, a
door, or a meeting.
tor tm sa-vi. swim.
psding sthm vt. 1 block. 2 stop
thoret vt. drag.
someone from doing something.
thoret sa-vi. crawl.
rek sthm vt. 1 close in. 2 block

L Stance and motion

off; e.g. to obstruct someones view. tk ma vt. make.

tchp vi-so. be full. tk mu n vt. prepare.
vs pm vt. close. tk n vt. work on.
vs pm na vt. close; referring to tk s vt. work with.
something with equal sides that is tp ma vt. make; build.
hinged; e.g. a book or a mouth.
tp mus t vt. work.
L4 Exist tt s vt. get.

ayar adj. alive; living.

tichina vt. do something (definite).

chelanggum vi-so. be deserted.

tichina n vt. make something (defi-
klan vt. be like; be similar.
thktk n. job; work.
kunnggunng dm vi-so. be real.
thi sa-vi. do quickly.
tchm sa-vi. be alive.
vandi disc. try to.
tu dm n vt. lose.
L6 Change of state
L5 Do
aichru adj. 1 new. 2 uncooked;
achrnas pt vi-so. try hard. raw.
alat n. job. angtharembem n. cause.
althini n. small job. benaseng sa-vi. start; begin.
athpmus n. activities. dang sa-vi. 1 catch fire. 2 burn.
benaseng sa-vi. start; begin. denachi sa-vi. start.
denachi sa-vi. start. dn m vt. become.
lumanaksi n. preparation. krark vt. dry.
nugul angtpus adv. do without per- munmun'gi n. growth.
mission; an action that breaks across
a (possibly metaphorical) boundary.
nthm na vi-so. be new to a place.

ngis adv. apart.

pupuik n vi-so. sprout.

pathm mes sa-vi. 1 do by choice; do pur mt vi-so. germinate.

according to ones own wishes. purvur vi-so. sprout.

2 do unhurriedly; do in ones own sot sa-vi. be finished.
time. 3 act independently.
sot na vt. have a break from.
peneng dm s vt. 1 prepare.
sot na sunaski sa-vi. graduate.
2 make a bed; make a platform.
sukderut n vi-so. wither; die from the
pithia na vt. overcome; conquer.
roots up.
remini n. base; source; cause.
tchm vt. start.
sana sa-vi. do something (indefinite).
tk na vt. process.
sp m vt. make.
tp ma vt. carve.
su vt. try.
tet dm vt. dry; desiccate; be dried out
suchut nanas mt vt. 1 try. 2 try from lying in the sun.
on; e.g. try new clothes on yourself.
tnp na vt. 1 change; make different.
tat dm vt. copy. 2 mix.
tk sa-vi. 1 do. 2 work. tnp nanas sa-vi. change oneself; be-

M Artefacts, material culture and manufactured things

come different. angelenggi n. stone; small rounded

tu nas mk sa-vi. humble oneself. stone for using in a sling.

tu rik tm vt. straighten. arerika n. saw.

tu salel n vt. shrink. asechupka n. eraser.

tu sathver n vt. widen. asgnacha n. net bag (bilum).

asgnachi n. large net bag (bilum).
M ARTEFACTS, MATERIAL CULTURE asen'ga n. thin knife; made of split
AND MANUFACTURED THINGS bamboo; used to cut pork etc.
asen'gi n. knife.
M0 General
aseska n. rope; line.
balerbaler n. bits and pieces; especially asuchutka n. ruler.
of wood. athalka n. small net bag (bilum).
chlennggi n. rubbish; crumbs. athvatki n. digging stick.
gingt n. thing. Gram: Count neutral
athunepki n. drum (small garamut);
sits on the ground and is hit with the
lulit adj. poor. end of a stick held upright in a
peneng dm s vt. 1 prepare. womans hands.
2 make a bed; make a platform. auathkam n. loop; eyelet.
slamr vm vt. 1 fix. 2 tidy. avngbngga n. envelope.
tp ma vt. make; build. avthapki n. axe.
vinos n. destruction. avthepka ma lachengga n. hatchet.

avirki n. flat club; is like a cricket bat

M1 Tools, weapons, belongings
but the handle is a bit longer.
achepki n. spear. avlika n. sling.
achirksengga n. comb. avrin'gi n. bamboo drum.
aenm n. short iron spear for husking baketki n. bucket.
coconuts. banggruanggi n. 1 pot; saucepan.
aen'ga n. iron spear. 2 wooden bowl.
aguervaluski n. large wooden bowl. baulvs n. flag.
ainiricha n. bottle. baurka n. trap.
alicha n. carrying pole; two people bechi n. bag; sack.
carry the pole together, one on either belka n. bell.
bensin n. benzene.
aluski n. wooden bowl.
bensin'gi n. drum of petrol, benzene, or
amngigl n. board. gasoline.
amngvet n. pole. birbirka n. frame for a net.
amilatka n. plate; dish. blakbotigel n. blackboard.
amilatki n. large plate; large dish. blakbotki n. blackboard.
amumamrnacha n. spirit level. bloka n. block and tackle; pulley.
ananachi n. glue. bogiski n. box.
anengachi n. emery wheel. bomgi n. bomb.

M Artefacts, material culture and manufactured things

botal gumi n. hot water bottle. masarka n. net bag (bilum) that is still
buchm n. book. being made; unfinished net bag
chanasucha n. hook.
masin'gan'gi n. machine gun.
changgthacha n. 1 rope; vine makes
a good rope. 2 fishing line. Usage: matka n. mat.
Arongda dialect. nilka n. nail.
changgthait n. rope. paelka n. file.
charoski n. rope. Usage: Abilta dialect. palangga n. plank.
chulchulcham n. hoop. plangigel n. board; plank.
chureski n. bucket; made from an areca plangves n. piles of planks; especially
palm leaf. somewhere like a sawmill where there
diski n. dish; often refers to a large are lots of planks all around.
aluminium dish. plastika n. plastic bag; plastic bottle;
dlangga n. walking stick. specifically a bottle between 1 and 5
litres in size, or a medium sized plas-
dramgi n. drum; specifically a drum of tic bag.
fuel, not a musical instrument.
plastiki n. large plastic bottle; large
gilamuchi n. plug; e.g. the stopper in a plastic bag.
bamboo tube of water or a cork in a
bottle. plastikini n. small plastic bottle; small
plastic bag.
glaski n. thermometer.
rarpka n. gun.
gotka n. pole made of bamboo.
rngska n. scraper; grater.
guaiachi n. hoop.
rulacha n. ruler.
guvangithong n. belongings; things.
sachong n. glasses.
ivtki atha aila n. map.
sangarka n. tongs.
kapki n. cup.
sangauchi n. net.
katenm n. cotton.
sangecha n. pliers.
kichi n. key.
sapka n. rounded club; looks like a
kilok n. clock.
softball bat.
kunduchi n. hand drum. secha n. trap. Usage: Abilta dialect.
kunngga ava iski n. clock.
schuvm n. broom.
kurupacha n. crowbar.
senpepa n. sandpaper.
lamga n. lamp.
sensocha n. chainsaw.
landmbm n. short club; baton. silingim n. old net bag (bilum).
livinem n. cross pole; specifically the sipen'gi n. pot; saucepan.
short poles that attach to a longer
pole that something heavy has been sipun'ga n. spoon; especially something
tied to; the pole helps people carry about the size of a dessert spoon or
heavy things. soup spoon.

mairki n. net that is used for catching sipun'gi n. large spoon; e.g. a serving
birds and flying foxes. spoon.

mambl n. beating sticks. sipunini n. small spoon; teaspoon.

manaingimgi n. torch; flashlight. sisel n. chisel.

M Artefacts, material culture and manufactured things

sisiska n. scissors. vilchi n. gun.

skruchm n. bolt. vlnini n. trigger; knob; including the
skrudraiva n. screwdriver. ears of a saucepan that the handle is
hooked into.
slavirochi n. large net bag (bilum);
made from split bush canes; used for M2 Built environment
carrying food.
sleitigl n. slate. M2.0General
slpka n. pencil. achvcha n. inside corner; e.g. the in-
slpka vamgi n. nib; pen point; pencil side of an elbow or the corner in a
point. room.
socha n. saw. achuithm n. earth oven (mumu).
sragan'gi n. large net bag (bilum); amasvmgi n. dormitory.
made from bush vines; usually used ambangm n. village.
for carrying food.
ambangga n. house.
taiachi n. tyre.
ambangga ma thi ps vmga n.
tapeligl n. slate. kitchen; cooking hut.
tauchi n. towel. ambilki n. abandoned house or village.
taunamgi n. mosquito net. arekrechi n. sign on path to prohibit
tavurki n. 1 conch shell. 2 bugle. people from going along it, and by
tlng angt uratki n. rubbish bin. extension, a no entry sign or gate.
tlngbs n. piece of paper. arm angtha banggi n. hospital;
health centre.
tlngm n. book.
aslamrki n. hospital; clinic; health
tin'gi n. tin.
trip glaski n. float from a gillnet. aus kopra n. copra shed; hut used to
thavuligl n. split rope. dry coconut and store copra.
thavulka n. rope. avsvsvmki n. kitchen; cooking hut.
thepka n. axe. Usage: Abilta dialect. avithm n. earth oven (mumu).
uratki n. basket. baulvs angtha mngga n. flagpole.
vadechi n. bow. chlaln'gi n. platform.
vadechi atha chepki n. arrow. gunan'ga n. store.
vaiait n. wire; specifically a single ichthachi n. fence; enclosure.
strand of wire. ism angt luchupki n. airport.
vaiaves n. arc mesh; sheet of wire kapaigl n. corrugated iron; iron roofing;
fencing. especially a single sheet of corrugated
vaidebunggi n. 1 tree sp.; known as iron.
wild orange tree. 2 wild orange. kumngas n. gaol; prison.
3 ball; refers to something the size of
a volleyball. lavichi n. platform.

vaidebungini n. small ball; something lotuvmgi n. church.

the size of a tennis ball. nathvachi n. fence.
valmka n. hook. palangga n. plank.
var na mngga n. pulley. pdm sa-vi. fence; make a fence around

M Artefacts, material culture and manufactured things

an area. pungngan'ga n. ridgepole.

plangigel n. board; plank. remini n. base.
plangves n. piles of planks; especially senbes n. blind; refers to a woven cane
somewhere like a sawmill where there wall.
are lots of planks all around. suchulia n. long post.
ples balus n. airport. suchulki n. large post.
rprpka n. fencepost. suchulvet n. slender post.
simen'gi n. cement; especially a bag of sutka n. ridgepole.
cement or a block of cement.
ulunggi n. room.
sunaski n. school.
vmgi n. doorway; opening.
urumbucha n. abandoned house.
vnbenbs n. step.
vt dm d vt. put the walls on a house.
vthm n. village. M2.2Furniture
vlavalka n. 1 pole. 2 tower. achut ngthathengbt n. chair.
vutka n. house. amunggunbs n. chair.

M2.1Parts of a building lavichi n. bed.

luln'ga n. cradle.
achilotki n. window.
lunaski n. mirror.
ambangga achusemga n. centre pole
of the house. matka n. mat.

ambangga av amgi n. house opening; siait n. chair.

doorway. tevolki n. table.

angtps n. roof.
M3 Clothes, materials, and decora-
asongga n. rafter. tions
banamathipes n. kitchen.
aiski thchng n. waist rope used for
blaenbs n. blind. tucking in lade, viringgi, or simalachi.
bon vt. thatch; put leaves on a roof. alcharachi n. shoe.
brtki n. wall. amuthms n. decorations.
chinipki n. fireplace; hearth. aviringgi n. apron.
chulemgi n. corner. baul n. clothes.
grtpes n. section of frame; e.g. one baulgi n. wraparound skirt (laplap);
side of a house frame. sarong; strip of cloth.
letacha n. stairs. chlom angt nank n. shellfish sp.;
lunaski n. louvre glass. large shell, similar to a conch; up to
manaingimgi n. window. 25 cm long; used to make buttons; has
a large door.
mononamucha n. crossbeam.
hatki n. hat.
nemon'gi n. door.
kangalcha n. 1 headdress.
paipki n. chimney; pipe. 2 ornament; brightly coloured things
panggalvs n. wall; specifically a wall such as feathers that can be used as
made of leaf stems. head ornaments.
paranda n. porch; verandah. koloski n. meri blouse; a loose fitting

N Kinship

dress worn by women in PNG, with a tunggumgi n. back of a boat.

wraparound skirt (laplap) worn un-
derneath. M5 Transfer of goods
ladeigl n. apron of leaves worn by amthcha n. gift of food; something
women at the back. that has come from someone else.
nngurka n. plant sp.; strong smelling anlka n. money; coin; kina.
plant with long green leaves; deters
snakes; relieves tiredness; used as a avonbon'gi n. offering; payment.
decoration for dancing because of the bon vt. give.
smell. bon dm vt. pay.
sen'ga n. necklace; chain. bon dm mt vt. buy.
simalachi n. 1 tapa cloth; traditional bon nana vt. exchange.
covering worn by men; a strip of bark
dul n. money.
cloth that goes between the legs, at-
tached to a waistband. duligl n. coin; especially a silver coin.
2 underpants. gunan'ga n. store.
singgliski n. t-shirt; shirt. kinacha n. kina coin.
siotki n. shirt. svo t vt. steal.
snaingbam n. trousers. tuvet mt vt. reciprocate.
sravtki n. shirt; clothes; uniform. vondmgi n. payment.
suchi n. shoe.
M6 Vehicles
tachski n. armband.
tu vt. wear; put on. ais n. transport.

tu thm vt. decorate. aiski n. 1 car. 2 truck.

tu thm mes sa-vi. decorate oneself. araun'ga mtki n. car; motorcycle.
thalechachi n. bush sp.; used for ismgi n. aeroplane.
decoration; grows in the bush. karki n. car.
ulabung n. nakedness. motochi n. motor.

M4 Nautical
achiragareska n. paddle.
baski n. barge.
N1 Kin terms
botki n. boat. alichini n. small younger sibling.
chevs n. fishing spear; has many alika n. younger brother.
prongs. aliki n. younger sister.
kanucha n. canoe.
amorka n. ancestor.
luln'ga n. canoe.
amorki n. female ancestor.
luln'gi n. boat; especially a banana angthiaik n. grandfather; grandfa-
boat. ther-in-law.
motochi n. motor.
angthuauk n. grandmother; grand-
pulka n. paddle. mother-in-law.
sipki n. ship. athoemga n. son.
trip glaski n. float from a gillnet. athoemgi n. daughter.

O Marriage, sex, nurturing

chlucha n. brother-in-law; both the law; uncle-in-law; any in-laws except

address and reference term; used by a ones wifes mothers brother and his
male speaker; can be used for a mans wife.
sisters husband or a mans wifes thuvski n. mother-in-law; sister-in-law;
brother. aunt-in-law; any in-laws except ones
chluchi n. sister-in-law; both the ad- wifes mothers brother and his wife.
dress and reference term; used by a vulecha n. grandson; includes in-laws.
female speaker; refers to both a
womans husbands sister and her vulechi n. granddaughter.

brothers wife.
chvek n. relatives. O MARRIAGE, SEX, NURTURING
kao n. uncle; specifically the mothers O1 Marriage and sexual relations
mambet n. father. aruacha n. friend; often used to refer to
mambethiom n. parents.
aruachi n. female friend; wife.
mamk n. father.
beng vt. have sex with. Usage: This has
mamkiom n. parents.
developed into the most salient sense
mamga n. father; Dad; address and of the stem beng; note its earlier
reference term; it is also used by meaning continues in the form beng
children-in-law. vt climb up.
mathm n. older brother. Usage: A term chavatka n. adulterer.
of address.
chavatki n. female adulterer.
nank n. mother.
kavat tm vt. commit adultery.
nanet n. mother; Mum; address and
lugutka n. husband.
reference term.
lugutvthaiom n. couple.
nan'gi n. mother; Mum; address and
reference term; it is also used by schi n. marriage.
children-in-law. sek alugut sa-vi. 1 be married. 2 get
oes mamk n. brother-in-law; husband; married.
address and reference term; used by a sek na sa-vi. marry each other.
female speaker.
tethana sa-vi. be married.
oes nank n. sister-in-law; wife; ad- tok vt. impregnate.
dress and reference term, used by a
male speaker or male ego. O2 Pregnancy and childbirth
saemga n. uncle-in-law; nephew-in-law;
specifically: ones wifes mothers athoemini n. baby.
brother, ones husbands sisters son, lavaitigel n. placenta.
and ones husbands mothers brother. pis d vi-so. be swollen. Usage: The ex-
saemgi n. aunty-in-law; niece-in-law; pression pis d sarum have a swollen
specifically ones mothers brothers belly is not normally used with ref-
wife, husbands sisters daughter, or erence to women, but can be used to
husbands mothers brothers wife. talk about pregnant animals, espe-
smga n. distant cousin. cially dogs. Its use in the following
example is derogatory.
smgi n. distant female cousin.
sarumbm n. 1 conception.
thuvska n. father-in-law; brother-in-
2 pregnancy.

P Speaking, communicaton, and sounds

sukderut s vi-so. be stillborn; a baby atharesbana n. promise.

that dies before birth. bn slp vt. interrogate; question re-
tal vt. give birth. peatedly.
tat vt. give birth. Usage: Note that the charidang n. call; a special sound,
present tense is not used because it ooo, is called from the bush to warn
would make a command Have your that a Mndas is coming.
baby now!; only that and mat are choir pt vi-so. rejoice. Usage: Borrowing
usually used. from Ura.
O3 Rearing babies and children chuarka pt vi-so. rejoice. Usage: Bor-
rowing from Ura.
dvthng adj. unconnected; something dodm sa-vi. recount; narrate; tell.
without a known source; e.g. a fa-
therless child or Tok Pisin, which is a
gur sa-vi. shout crossly.
language without a village. iras sa-vi. pretend.

lmu thm vt. look after; care for; take iras tm vt. lie.
care of. iras tm s vt. lie.
naingim pt vt. look after. klol vt. report.
secha n. orphaned boy, he is one who kuar vt. say.
often grows up to be a person who can
kuar na vt. tell.
do many good things.
kuar nana sa-vi. tell each other.
sechi n. orphaned girl.
kuares vt. say.
tlu vt vt. look after.
kuares ithm mes sa vt. confess.

P SPEAKING, COMMUNICATON, AND maschas adv. clearly; describes how

someone is speaking.
mnarivs n. announcements; mes-
P1 Speaking sages.
nangathm s vt. trick. Usage: Abilta
abilta athva methamn n. coastal
dialect of Mali.
nngguik sa-vi. shout.
achabapta athva methamn n.
English. nungguik vt vt. shout at.
airas n. lie. oerna sa methamn n. debate.

amr glm vi-so. rejoice. par na vt. call; specifically to call for a
domestic animal.
amethamnbes n. 1 words.
2 message. par s vt. 1 invite. 2 ask for some-
one; call for someone.
amethamn'gi n. 1 language.
2 speech. 3 message. prk mt vi-so. shout; yell.
amethamnini n. word. pr ma vt. talk into; tempt.
amuvtka n. answer. pestm svt vt. whisper charms;
charms can be whispered over ob-
angtkn'gi n. voice.
jects, e.g.: lime powder, water, ginger,
Arausmt n. the accent of the Mranachi and cooked banana.
and Dadul people (who speak Mali).
raik dm vi-so. scream.
asevaik pt vi-so. rejoice.
snan vt. ask.
asnan'ga n. question.

P Speaking, communicaton, and sounds

snandvr na vt. ask. Used to make contrastive pronouns.

tamn sa-vi. speak. -mes derivational suffix. Gram: Reduces the
tamn ithm mes vt. confess. valency of the stem.

tamn pthanas s vt. give thanks. -na derivational suffix. each other. Gram: Re-
ciprocal marker.
tamn sthm vt. tell.
-na derivational suffix. Gram: Reduces the
tares pt vt. praise; worship. valency of the stem.
taresbana vt. promise.
namu sa-vi. continue. Gram: May function as
tchr vt. command; order. minor verb in serial verb construction encoding
tp pt vt. inform. durative aspect.

tpma methamn s vt. discuss. -nas derivational suffix. oneself. Gram: Re-
flexive marker.
ter vt. refuse; decline.
nia modal. 1 just; suddenly; surpris-
tes vt. name; call by name.
ingly. Gram: Mirative marker with present
tes nas sa-vi. call oneself. tense or past tense verbs. 2 tried. Gram:
tes svt vt. tell. Frustrative marker with future tense verbs.

tes svt da sek sa-vi. narrate; tell a thia modal. FOC. Gram: Realis focus marker.
story. ve sa-vi. be there. Gram: May function as mi-
tes svt dm vt. narrate; tell about. nor verb in serial verb construction encoding
imperfective aspect.
tes vt vt. read.
tvaik ba vt. explain. P2.2 Interjections
tnen vt. ask.
a Oh!; well; um; expression of
tnen sa-vi. pray. surprise or hesitation.
tnp n vt. translate. ae interj. Oh!; expression of shock.
tns sa-vi. call out; shout. ai interj. Oh!; expression of happiness.
tns m vt. call for. aichua interj. Ok; I see; Oh! Usage: Ex-
tu amethamn pt vt. pass a message presses surprise or understanding.
about someone or something. aie interj. Careful!
tu chuar s vt. call; calling out to alchar interj. Oh dear!
someone to follow you.
ana interj. Ill take it!
tuchun mes vt. instruct.
ani interj. Take this!
tuvet sa-vi. answer.
athoi interj. Ow!; exclamation of pain.
tuvet mt vt. answer; respond.
auk interj. well.
thvika n. explanation; meaning.
chule nge chlan interj. Bye! Usage:
thuchunmska n. 1 explanation. This expression lets the hearer know
2 instructions. that they can go.

P2 Interjections, imperatives, func- chule sa interj. Wait a minute!

tion words e interj. Oh!; exclamation of surprise.
ei interj. Hey! Usage: To express concern
P2.1 Functional affixes and particles or annoyance.
ithm prep. regarding; about. i Oh!; expresses a strong emotion

kvi= contrastive marker. that one. Gram: such as anger.

P Speaking, communicaton, and sounds

i Oh no! Usage: Indicates the

interj. kin pro. her and.
speaker made a mistake in speaking. n associative marker. and. Gram: Used to
ia interj. yes. make associative pronouns.
ii interj. I dont know; maybe. nik coord. so.
kinak interj. yes; all right. niki coord. and so.
kuaithu interj. Not yet! nisa coord. and so.
kule klan interj. Never mind! ngn pro. them and; it and.
maricha interj. Oh!; Hey!; exclamation ngn pro. you all and.
of strong feelings of surprise, sympa- ngin pro. you and.
thy or anger.
ngun pro. me and.
oo interj. Goodbye!
tin pro. them and.
saisavi interj. Look out!
un pro. us two and.
sa kuat na interj. something is going to
happen to someone. ura coord. or. Gram: Disjunction marker.

salve interj. Greetings! Usage: This word utn pro. us and.

was introduced by the priests in the
P2.4 Subordinators
Mali community.
vavu interj. Wow! ama rel. that. Gram: Relator that introduces
clauses or NPs that describe or refer to one
waioi interj. Ow!; exclamation of pain.
particular characteristic of their head.
P2.3 Conjunctions asika subord. if. Gram: Irrealis marker used to
introduce conditional clauses.
da coord. and. Gram: Addition marker.
dai subord. thus; then.
dak coord. but. Gram: Adversative marker.
dai asik subord. so that.
das coord. 1 and still. 2 and yet.
3 and just.
diva subord. in order to. Gram: Controlled
dasa coord. and so; then.
gisnng subord. as if.
dasik coord. and maybe.
gisnia subord. as if; as though.
dasika coord. and if.
i subord. because. Gram: Introduces reason
dma coord. and the. clauses.
dinai coord. 1 in turn. 2 instead. ia rel. that. Gram: Relator that introduces
dinak coord. and just. clauses or NPs that have the same syntactic
dinas coord. and just. status as their head.

dinasa adv. and really. isa subord. in fact.

dini coord. and those two. isok subord. because really.

dok coord. and just. iva subord. PURP. Gram: Intentional pur-
doki adv. 1 also; too. 2 similarly.
ivasa subord. so that.
dule coord. and then.
ivasik subord. if.
dut coord. and we.
ma rel. that; who. Gram: Relator that intro-
in pro. 1 you two and. 2 those two duces clauses or NPs that provide additional
and. information about their head. Constructions
kn pro. him and. involving the relator ma are sometimes used to
express uncertainty or emphasis.

P Speaking, communicaton, and sounds

machlan beia subord. when. P3 Negations, assertions, possibility

mndu ma subord. because.
angmbs neg. 1 nothing. 2 not.
nva thng adv. because of that. 3 no.
va subord. PURP. Gram: Basic purposive. ii interj. I dont know; maybe.
va sa subord. so that. kinai disc. 1 actually. 2 in contrast.
va sik subord. so that. 3 instead. 4 in turn.

vaki subord. until. kinasa disc. really.

vasik subord. in order to. koi neg. no.

ve ma subord. as; when. koiku neg. 1 no. 2 not.

veia subord. when. kule disc. dont. Gram: Negative imperative.
mailu disc. maybe.
P2.5 Articles
mala adv. if possible.
a spec art. the. Gram: Specifier article. mamr adv. possible.
anga np art. 1 some. Gram: Non-specific mamr na vi-so. be possible for; be able
indefinite NP article. 2 any. Gram: to.
Non-specific indefinite NP article.
marik disc. truly; really.
angama some. Gram: Non-specific
np art. 1
maru adv. really.
NP article. 2 any. Gram: Non-specific in-
definite NP article. na modal. not. Gram: Irrealis focus marker.

anggia np art. some. Gram: Specific indefinite nenga chalu disc. maybe; who knows.
NP article. sa disc. Gram: Imperative marker.
kama np art. the. Gram: Functionally un- saika disc. possibly.
marked NP article. skoi disc. still not.
k np art. the. Gram: NP article that marks sok disc. really; truly.
referents whose unique identity is established
by the discourse.
vandi disc. 1 nearly; almost.
2 maybe.
ma np art. the. Gram: The NP article that marks
inherently uniquely identifiable referents. P4 Non-verbal communication

P2.6 Discourse markers atharesbana n. promise.

kinasa disc. really.

atharesdemga n. contract.

kosa disc. just; simply; as the result of athareska n. contract.

something undesirable having hap- atharespet n. contract.

pened. athektmna n. contract.
mok disc. that just. avngbngga n. envelope.
moki disc. that also; that similarly; that blakbotigel n. blackboard.
blakbotki n. blackboard.
sa disc. 1 then. Gram: Clause initial discourse
buchm n. book.
marker. Introduces a new event frame.
2 so. 3 already. Gram: Resultative chvlki n. chapter.
marker. nam na vt. beckon; get someone to
skoi disc. still not. come over by flapping ones hand.
pt balam na vt. blink; wink.

Q Social interaction, relationships, and behaviour

piam vt. 1 rotate; e.g. shake ones ngk d vi-so. gasp; grunt.
head. 2 wave; e.g. wave ones ngngeng d vi-so. squeak; squeal.
pae vt. tap.
sleitigl n. slate.
paret n. warning sound.
slpka n. pencil.
pau interj. Bang!; imitates the sound of a
slpka vamgi n. nib; pen point; pencil stone from a sling hitting a target.
raik dm vi-so. scream.
su ba vt. sign; make signs.
raun'ga n. sound.
tapeligl n. slate.
tbut tbut n. stamping.
tlng n. letter.
tbut tbut s vi-so. stamp.
tlngm n. book.
tchen sa-vi. groan.
tnap na vt. wave; signal by using hand
gestures to communicate. tk tk mt vi-so. click.
ts interj. swish; whoosh; imitates the
P5 Sounds sound of a stone from a sling hitting a
achuskuska n. hissing noise; e.g. the
noise of pressurised air.
tnok sa-vi. cry; people crying; sounds
made by roosters, frogs etc.
achuskuska mt vi-so. make a hissing
sound; e.g. by shushing a child or the
tnok tichim vt. whinge; cry.
sound made by a jet plane. tu nank sa-vi. grizzle; cry for some-
thing for a long time.
ddrin n. roar; a roaring sound.
ddin n. thunder.
dldl n. ringing.
din'ga n. boom; roar. BEHAVIOUR
dolngengga n. bang.
enmula sa-vi. make the sound of a bang. Q0 General

guarem n. gurgle; a gurgling sound ametpathm n. promises.

such as the sound of a river going amethamnbes n. message.
between stones.
amethamn'gi n. 1 language.
guaremga mt vi-so. boil; bubble; spe- 2 speech. 3 message. 4 orders;
cifically the sound: water boiling or instructions.
the sound of a waterfall.
amusnng n. 1 behaviour. 2 habit;
guguk tm vi-so. bark intensively. custom.
guk tm vi-so. bark of a dog. angtharembem n. cause.
gumoram n. row; loud noise. anggulinggi n. crowd.
gumoram vt vi-so. row; make a loud atharesbana n. promise.
atharesdemga n. contract.
klr mt vi-so. rattle.
athareska n. contract.
klrklr sa-vi. squawk; make the cry
of a parrot. atharespet n. contract.

klrklr mt vi-so. rattle.

athektmna n. contract.

krtkrt s vi-so. rustle.

athpmus n. activities.

nngguik sa-vi. shout.

banas dir. for oneself.

Q Social interaction, relationships, and behaviour

chunng n. occasion. gurguerka n. enemy.

dn pthana vt. meet each other. gurguerki n. female enemy.
dendem p vt. leave out; exclude. namu sna sa-vi. keep struggling; e.g. in
kunngga n. occasion. a fight or in a sporting competition.

lumanaksi n. preparation. nathong sa-vi. look away; hide ones

mrn'ga n. problem.
pai dm pt vt. crucify.
nva thng adv. because of that.
pai vt vt. slap.
ngaip sa-vi. hide.
paigel tm vt. beat up.
ngaip nas sa-vi. hide oneself.
panis tm vt. beat up.
ngaipnas mt vt. hide oneself in.
pethaindik mtna sa-vi. grapple; two
pathm na dir. with each other; for people grappling with each other.
each other.
piru nana sa-vi. tussle.
pirs ithm vt. hide behind; duck be-
hind something to hide oneself. pithia na vt. overcome; conquer.

snas dir. for themselves; about them- tu daruan vt. hurt; injure.
selves. tu thik dm vt. beat.
surnanas sa-vi. be wrong. tuthik mna vt. shoot at.
tk tichim vt. avoid. tuvet mt vt. take revenge; pay back.
tmna dir. together. umngacha n. enemy; raider.
tmnas dir. after oneself. vinos n. destruction.

tes svt da sek sa-vi. narrate; tell a vrucha n. enemy.

story. vruchi n. female enemy.
tes svt dm vt. narrate; tell about.
tstmna n vt. eat with. Q2 Verbal quarrelling

tu vlk svt vt. fall in love with. bingia sa-vi. debate; argue.
tuvet mt vt. 1 answer; respond. gur sa-vi. shout crossly.
2 reciprocate. iras sa-vi. pretend.
tharesini n. trouble. iras tm vt. lie.
thng n. behalf.
iras tm s vt. lie.

Q1 Fighting nangathm s vt. trick. Usage: Abilta

avinos vi-so. vandalise. nesabiung n. gossip.
bn m vt. beat. nungguik vt vt. shout at.
bn mna sa-vi. fight each other. oerna sa methamn n. debate.
chaseska n. spy. prk mt vi-so. shout; yell.
donsvanas tm vt. disown; dissociate tu ma s vt. joke about.
tu samor s vt. make fun.
gamar sa-vi. fight.
gamar nana sa-vi. fight each other. Q3 Making peace, maintaining social
gamar n vt. fight.

gamracha n. fighting ground. achutdrir n. respect.

Q Social interaction, relationships, and behaviour

alek mt vi-so. 1 relent; be compas- a fight or in a sporting competition.

sionate. 2 compromise. oerna vt. 1 compete. 2 race.
amatnthmbes n. help; assistance. ragbi n. rugby.
ametpathm n. promises. tamal sa-vi. laugh.
ben s vt. honour; praise. tamal t vt. laugh at.
bon vt. give. tu ma sa-vi. joke; make fun.
lmuacha n. friend; ally. tu ma s vt. joke about.
lmuachi n. female friend; female ally. tugas sa-vi. play.
malmalki n. peace. tugas s vt. play a game.
pthana sa-vi. relate socially; interact. tugas t vt. play with.
ruaiom nana n. a friendship between tusachus nanas sa-vi. act funny; e.g. in
two people. a concert or in a burst of high spirits.
sangar glem na sa-vi. shake hands. thuer na sa-vi. race each other.
srtik na vt. straighten out. vaidebunggi n. ball; refers to some-
tares dm vt. agree. thing the size of a volleyball.
tat mt vt. share. vaidebungini n. small ball; something
tcheria vt. agree. the size of a tennis ball.

tcheria ba vt. agree with. vondmgi n. prize.

tcheria bana sa-vi. agree. Q5 Being affected

tk mamr tm vt. meet someone ac-
cidentally; run into. amatnthmbes n. help; assistance.
tpma methamn s vt. discuss. angtharembem n. cause.

tp ma s vt. respect; keep to the rules arembm n. source; cause; reason.

about something. aremgi n. source; cause; reason.
tethana sa-vi. be friends. bramr sa-vi. be rescued; be saved.
tu chelak tm vt. please; do something kuar nana sa-vi. tell each other.
to soften the other person. kur svt vt. 1 show. 2 reveal;
vum n. friend, the address term. spot-light using a torch.
kur tm vt. show.
Q4 Games, entertainment, laughter,
joking kura vt. show.
kut vt. serve.
amsmsini n. small party.
lmu thm vt. look after; care for; take
amsmski n. feast; party. care of.
amun'gas n. game. naingim pt vt. look after.
asok mt vi-so. be challenging; e.g. a nani prep. for. Gram: Appears before full noun
game. phrases.
avinos vi-so. play around. nania prep. for. Gram: Appears before pro-
bncha muma sa-vi. make fun; joke. nouns.
erna sa-vi. compete. par s vt. 1 invite. 2 ask for some-
kilok vt. tickle. one; call for someone. 3 lead.
namu sna sa-vi. keep struggling; e.g. in pelal vm vt. comfort someone in dis-

R Religion, ceremony, law and the supernatural

peneng dm s vt. make a platform. tnari nagl vt. obey.

pr ma vt. talk into; tempt. tnen vt. ask.
pusnas pt vt. shelter. trek tm vt. prohibit; forbid.
rem n. protection. tu amuvtka svt vt. punish.
remini n. base; source; cause. tu ba vt. set rules.
slamr n vt. 1 cure. 2 save. turik na vt. punish.
slavo na vt. degrade. thondmga n. 1 law. 2 rule.
suchut ma vt. appoint.
Q7 Community
sunthmbes n. temptation.
tair pt vt. walk with; e.g. to help a sick amunggunbs n. 1 meeting.
person. 2 sitting of parliament.

tat mt vt. share. aruves n. crowd.

tat nthm vt. help. chelanggum vi-so. be deserted.

tlavuchi na vt. pity; feel sorry. dn dmna sa-vi. gather together; meet
up. Gram: Takes a plural subject.
tlu vt vt. look after.
dn dmna vt. meet together, usually
Q6 Permission and prohibition informally.
don dmna sa-vi. gather together.
amethamn'gi n. orders; instructions.
gulinggi n. group.
amuvtka n. punishment.
lengeini n. event; function; meeting.
bang bt vt. take without permission.
mnarivs n. announcements; mes-
kinak interj. yes; all right. sages.
kumngas n. gaol; prison. pthana sa-vi. relate socially; interact.
mni nugul sa-vi. do without permis- tethana together.
sion; to have crossed a boundary that
should not be crossed. tu amethamn pt vt. pass a message
about someone or something.
nugul angtpus adv. do without per-
mission; an action that breaks across ulunggi n. class; grade.
a (possibly metaphorical) boundary. varkurai n. court.
palkachuik sa-vi. be disobedient; refuse
to follow instructions. R RELIGION, CEREMONY, LAW AND
palkachuik na vt. disobey. THE SUPERNATURAL
pathm mes sa-vi. 1 do by choice; do
R0 General
according to ones own wishes.
2 act independently. alengeiki n. truth. Gram: No plural form.
psding sthm vt. 1 block. 2 stop amethanaski n. miraculous thing.
someone from doing something.
amunam n. holiday.
rek sthm vt. forbid.
asecha n. story.
sangar vt. arrest.
asingalka n. dangerous spirit.
suchutka n. line; boundary.
asingalki n. female spirit.
tchr vt. command; order.
charidang n. call; a special sound,
tthanas t vt. help oneself; to take ooo, is called from the bush to warn
something without permission. that a Mndas is coming.

R Religion, ceremony, law and the supernatural

chvlki n. chapter. achvcha n. name of Mndas mask;

lotu n. religion. concave in shape; similar to an up-
side-down canoe; has designs painted
malngeik n. belief.
inside; supported by a stick.
methanasia n. miracle.
adamga n. name of Mndas mask; tall
and rounded; carried by the dancer
R1 Law, sacred places, legends
and supported by another man; has a
amuvtka n. punishment. pointed top with feathers extending
up and a thick strong stem at the
asingal n. spirit world.
bottom; designs on the front.
atharesbana n. promise.
amchlingga n. name of Mndas
atharesdemga n. contract. dancer; can carry a guaremgi mask;
athareska n. contract. body decorated to look like a
saw-backed lizard; has a long tail;
atharespet n. contract.
always dances in the evening; dances
athektmna n. contract. a humorous dance; scratches the
chalipka n. lizard sp.; small and ground, twisting its knees; does not
grey-brown in colour; hides on tree use rattles.
trunks and makes a squeaky noise arachtki n. spirit from a spirit mask;
when people walk past; people say it these spirits can go into someone
is the noise of the forest spirits. (especially a woman) and make her
imperno n. hell. act crazy, e.g. shouting out and taking
her clothes off; someone who knows
ivngacha n. tree sp.; large tree from
an appropriate charm must speak it
the bush; is the home of spirits.
into lime powder and then spread the
lmrnaski n. purgatory. lime powder on the womans face,
saluchachi n. palm sp.; similar to the ears, and body.
areca or black palm (limbum); has a awan'ga n. name of dancer; masked
mountain spirit living inside it. dancer, dressed in yellow leaves from
taresbana vt. promise. the victory leaf plant, who carries
thchnmuvs n. taboo place. beating sticks and punishes children.

thobakathva muska n. grasshopper chlmga n. seed pod of the chlmgi

sp.; green with large back legs; if it tree.
flies into a house, people may ask it chlmgi n. tree sp.; has pods that are
questions to find out whether bad luck used as rattles.
is coming, or if someone will die. chunmka n. rosary beads.
thondmga n. law. chusaricha n. name of the type of
varkurai n. court. Mndas dancer that has the adamga
yaungga n. tree sp.; used in the clean- mask.
sing ceremony that follows a raid on gotka n. pole made of bamboo.
another village; becomes a dangerous guaremgi n. name of Mndas mask; the
tree after the ceremony and must not mask is large and bell-shaped, with a
be touched. floor supported by a long stick; de-
signs are drawn underneath and are
R2 Ceremony and rituals visible when the mask is held aloft.
R2.1 Ceremonial objects ladevthacha n. name of Mndas
mask; the mask has an elongated
abiulgi n. conch shell. shield shape with a rounded back,

R Religion, ceremony, law and the supernatural

dangling bark cloth (tapa cloth) R4 Taboos, strictures, and secret

around the edges with designs un- knowledge
derneath, and a stick with feathers on
it on top; it is carried flat side down on avsvesini n. 1 magic spell; curse.
a stick. 2 charm; an object that carries
magical power.
Mndaska n. day dancer.
pes vt vt. charm; do magic.
mumeninacha n. cross; crucifix; espe-
cially referring to the crucifixion of tamn dm vt. bewitch; refers to
Christ. speaking power into something by
sirachi n. name of Mndas mask; simi-
lar to the adamga but the front is flat tp mus t vt. initiate.
and the back is rounded like half a tuong vt. bewitch.
pawpaw. thchnmuvs n. taboo place.
tavurki n. conch shell. yaungga n. tree sp.; used in the clean-
vungbungga n. firedancer; is con- sing ceremony that follows a raid on
cealed inside a large, hollow, rectan- another village; becomes a dangerous
gular panel that serves as his mask. tree after the ceremony and must not
yaungga n. tree sp.; used in the clean- be touched.
sing ceremony that follows a raid on
another village; becomes a dangerous R5 Healing and medicine
tree after the ceremony and must not
R5.1 Traditional and ritual healing
be touched.
mormorki n. flower garden; special
R2.2 Symbols garden containing healing plants like
achutkut n. writing.
ginger; you can put someone there to
encourage healing or growth.
achutkutki n. drawing.
pestm svt vt. whisper charms;
angthaik angtha chutkut n. script; charms can be whispered over ob-
handwriting. jects, e.g.: lime powder, water, ginger,
awalengiglem n. name of a pair of and cooked banana.
Mndas masks; shield-shaped, flat, slamrki n. treatment; cure.
and elongated; carried on a stick; long
edges on the bottom and top; designs R5.2 Modern medicine
on both sides.
kut ma vt. draw.
aiding n. iodine.

kut pt vt. write.

arm angtha banggi n. hospital;
health centre.
suchutka n. sign; mark.
aslamrki n. hospital; clinic; health
R3 Death and mourning centre.
baniska n. bandage.
aven'gi n. grave.
gris n. ointment.
neknochi n. misery; distress; suffering
kut vt. inject.
in either an emotional or financial
sense. lingbes n. gauze; lint; compress.
ngip sa-vi. die. marasin n. medicine.

pt vt. bury. slamrki n. treatment; cure.

slika n. body; especially a dead body. sprinm n. aspirin.

R Religion, ceremony, law and the supernatural

R6 Singing and dancing tvng mt vt. sing in.

angtkn n. melody. R7 Feasting

athvngi n. song; specifically the
songs used in conjunction with day amsmski n. feast; party.
dances. munambs n. feast; religious holiday.
athoemga n. mound in a dancing
R8 Christianity
athunepki n. drum (small garamut); achuravesik n. revelation.
sits on the ground and is hit with the amr glm vi-so. rejoice.
end of a stick held upright in a
amethanaski n. miraculous thing.
womans hands.
amorka n. God.
avrin'gi n. bamboo drum.
annbs n. prayers.
birbirka n. border of dancing ground.
annini n. prayer.
Gerkachna n. name of a group of
Mndas dancers; carry awaleng ann'gi n. prayer.
masks; destroy the mound in the cen- arareski n. blessing.
tre of the dance ground; usually the
arktm adj. holy.
last dancers to appear during a day
dance. areveikpmka n. saviour; redeemer.
kavathm n. firedancer; they wear asevaik pt vi-so. rejoice; be happy; be
masks with large, round, painted eyes. joyful.
kiar sa-vi. scrape; specifically the dance asingalka n. Satan; devil.
step when you scrape your feet along atpki n. 1 inferno; huge fire. 2 hell.
the ground.
avonbon'gi n. offering; payment.
kunduchi n. hand drum.
avu n. sin.
lamur n. white marks that are painted chlochacha n. soul.
onto peoples faces, during dances,
using white powder or lime powder. choir pt vi-so. rejoice. Usage: Borrowing
from Ura.
main'gi n. dance.
chuarka pt vi-so. rejoice. Usage: Bor-
mambl n. beating sticks.
rowing from Ura.
mambuchi n. 1 choir; orchestra; the chunmka n. rosary beads.
singers and drummers at a day dance
or night dance. 2 song. Deo n. God.

mambuini n. small song. Usage: Diminu- Ekaristia n. Eucharist.

tive use here is attenuative. gelochna n. heavenly host.
mambumtka n. singer. gelucha n. angel.
mndas n. day dance. grasia n. grace.
nngurka n. plant sp.; strong smelling Hositaigl n. Host; wafers used in
plant with long green leaves; deters communion.
snakes; relieves tiredness; used as a imperno n. hell.
decoration for dancing because of the
smell. Krismas n. Christmas.

tain sa-vi. dance.

kuares ithm mes sa vt. confess.

tvng sa-vi. sing.

kuravesik na sa-vi. reveal.
lamini n. lamb; specifically the Lamb of

S Gathering, farming, hunting, tracking

God. the Everlasting.

lmrnaski n. purgatory. usupki n. heaven.
Lengenacha n. Lord; used to refer to
Lengenachi n. Our Lady; Mother Mary. TRACKING
lenge scha n. miracle worker.
S1 Gathering
lotu n. Christian rituals.
lotu sa-vi. worship.
asgnacha n. net bag (bilum).

lotu svt vt. worship; adore; praise. asgnachi n. large net bag (bilum).

lotuvmgi n. church.
athalka n. small net bag (bilum).

martir n. martyr.
bn bt sa-vi. search out; gather some-
thing that is scarce, e.g. cocoa pods
methanasia n. miracle.
when the season has already finished.
misa n. mass.
nges t vt. dig for.
mumeninacha n. cross; crucifix; espe- sas t vt. dig out.
cially referring to the crucifixion of
Christ. slavirochi n. large net bag (bilum);
made from split bush canes; used for
munggulmga n. verse.
carrying food.
pai dm pt vt. crucify.
sragan'gi n. large net bag (bilum);
pekato sa-vi. sin. made from bush vines; usually used
rveikpmka n. redeemer; refers spe- for carrying food.
cifically to Jesus. tangabs n. banana leaf.
Sakramento n. Sacrament. tlngga n. parcel of banana leaves.
Sion n. Zion. tusamon dm n vt. collect; gather
slavo sa-vi. sin. things together.
slavocha n. sin.
S2 Hunting
slavovmka n. sinner.
aen'ga n. iron spear.
slavovmki n. female sinner.
angelenggi n. stone; small rounded
sunthmbes n. temptation.
stone for using in a sling.
tamn dm vt. sanctify; in Christian re-
avlika n. sling.
ligious contexts.
baurka n. trap.
tamn ithm mes vt. confess.
donel sa-vi. hunt.
tamn pthanas s vt. give thanks.
kut m vt. spear.
tares pt vt. praise; worship.
kut mes vt. shoot randomly.
tares svt vt. bless.
mairki n. net that is used for catching
tchm sa-vi. arise; specifically refer-
birds and flying foxes.
ring to Jesus rising from the dead.
plng vt. kill.
tvaik namn vt. redeem.
rarpka n. gun.
tnen sa-vi. pray.
secha n. trap. Usage: Abilta dialect.
Trinitas n. Trinity.
sisit na vt. sneak up; creep up; refers to
tu thm mes pt vi-so. be glorious.
moving quietly and slowly without
thchnmucha n. sacred being; God being seen.

S Gathering, farming, hunting, tracking

tuthik mna vt. shoot at. within a larger section of garden that
vadechi n. bow. has been assigned to a particular
person; the section is divided into
vadechi atha chepki n. arrow.
plots for different crops.
vilchi n. gun.
burichi n. cleared area; flattened area;
e.g. a place in the bush where there
S3 Fishing
has been a dog fight or a crocodile
birbirka n. frame for a net. resting.
bloka n. block and tackle; pulley. chrechacha n. loose soil.
chanasucha n. hook. chriduchi n. native spinach (aibika)
stem; used for replanting. Usage: Abilta
changgthacha n. fishing line.
chevs n. fishing spear; has many
don ma sa-vi. clear land for a new gar-
glas sa-vi. dive; go spearfishing.
guingini n. immature fruit; the buds of
kebongbonggi n. river crab sp.; brown; fruit that appear after the flowers
shell up to 5 cm in diameter; lives have fallen off.
near riverbanks; changes its shell in
kakauigl n. cocoa plantation.
pools along the road after rain; used
for bait. kunmgi n. old garden; a garden that
cannot be used again for two or three
malmalcha n. reef fish sp.; grey; up to
15 cm long; no scales, slippery skin;
lives close to shore; good for bait. lamsigl n. coconut plantation.
mathongga n. grasshopper sp.; brown lscha n. banana shoot.
and long in shape; bores holes in wood liviska n. betel pepper (daka) shoot.
or bamboo; used as bait for river fish. mormorki n. flower garden; special
par s vt. pull in a fish; refers to a fish garden containing healing plants like
which is caught on a hook. ginger; you can put someone there to
sangauchi n. net. encourage healing or growth.
trip sa-vi. fish with a hook and line from nugulka n. boundary; either a boundary
a canoe or a boat. between villages or a boundary be-
tween different peoples plots within a
valmka n. hook.
S4 Farming and propagation nunggulia n. garden section; section
within a garden that has been as-
agraing adj. overgrown. signed to a particular person.
aithir n. new growth; skin or bark that nges mt vt. dig a new hole where there
grows in order to heal a cut. was not one before.
alat n. garden(s). pt vt. plant.
althini n. small garden. pupuik n vi-so. sprout.
altki n. large garden. pur mt vi-so. germinate.
athemgi n. taro top; used for replant- purvur vi-so. sprout.
suchut m vt. set out or define an area.
athvatki n. digging stick.
sukderut n vi-so. wither; die from the
avolacha n. leaf shoot. roots up.
avram n. garden plot; specifically a plot tal vt. bear; specifically to bear fruit.

T Fire and cooking

tamasnggi n. cleared area; a place athalevacha n. tree sp.; looks like a

where the ground has been cleared cocoa tree, only taller with narrower
(except for big trees); the first stage in leaves, and bears small fruit rather
making a garden. than pods; good for firewood; eating
tangabs n. banana block; an area the ripe green leaves is good for di-
planted with bananas. arrhoea; has larger leaves than the
auska species.
tangamigl n. banana block; banana
plantation; referring to an area avuthchi n. bundle of firewood.
planted with bananas. balska n. tree sp.; large tree with soft
tap s vt. cut down; especially of trees; wood.
also used to refer to the act of clearing butki n. large fire; bonfire.
an area of bush. chinap n. ash.
tr vt. 1 pullout. 2 uproot. chinipki n. fireplace; hearth.
3 clear; especially of small weeds
etc. chulski n. smoke.

travt sa-vi. weed.

chulimbinggi n. tongue of flame.

traingga n. seed.
churetka n. flame.

trutki n. native spinach (aibika) stem; churetki n. large flame.

used for planting. dang sa-vi. 1 catch fire. 2 burn.
thvtki n. burnt and cleared area; an dang mt sa-vi. 1 burn; be on fire.
area being prepared for a garden, it 2 be in a fire.
needs one more clean before planting. dudung pt vi-so. char.
valvalka n. clear area; an area that has dung mt vi-so. get burnt.
been cleared for a garden but which is
dung sng vi-so. be burnt.
not clean yet, all the big trees have
been removed but the small plants are lt t vt. light a fire; ignite something.
still there. nangasachi n. smoke.
varka n. boundary between sections pn dm vi-so. singe; burn.
within an area of garden belonging to
pus mk vi-so. leap up; especially refer-
one person; used for planting different
ring to flames.
sachongini n. ember.
vnngacha n. taro shoots.
tu mt vt. set on fire.

T FIRE AND COOKING thabucha n. dust; ash; specifically

white ash from a fire.
T1 Fire valvalki n. twigs.

achthoska n. coals of a fire. T2 Food preparation, cooking, dis-

achthoski n. charcoal. tribution
ainin vt vi-so. be charred; be burnt. achesin adj. rotten; festering.
aisinggi n. 1 spark. 2 ember. achvu mt vi-so. be overcooked; espe-
amudmbs n. 1 bonfire. cially when referring to greens that
2 wildfire. have gone brown from cooking too
amudmga n. fire; refers to a single long.
burning stick. achirap n. salt.

atpki n. inferno; huge fire. agraing adj. overripe; especially of tu-

U Human uses of natural resources

ber crops. tangabs n. banana leaf.

aichru adj. uncooked; raw. tlngga n. parcel of banana leaves.
amang adj. 1 ripe; especially refers to tet dm vt. dry; desiccate; be dried out
the ripeness of bananas, mangoes, from lying in the sun.
and pawpaws. 2 cooked.
angguvang adj. spoilt. U HUMAN USES OF NATURAL
asol n. salt. RESOURCES
avsvs n. cooking.
U1 Food
avsvs adj. associated with cooking.
boel sa-vi. boil.
abmka n. large forest rat; brown; can
be caught for food; lives in a hole in
dudung pt vi-so. char.
the ground with two entrances.
gamosachi n. food parcel; is wrapped achmabarka n. mushroom sp.; edible;
in leaves. grows profusely after rain; is brown
gamosini n. small food parcel. on top and white underneath; found
guarguarka n. string of food such as on softwood trees.
pork or nuts; hung from the roof for achsaskmtki n. bread.
storage. achirap n. salt.
kaubocha n. plant sp.; has broad flat achlacholachi n. grub sp.; edible;
leaves that are used to cover food. white; up to 4 cm long and very fat
krtp pt vt. butcher; e.g. of a pig or a (like the top of a persons thumb); eats
fish. the wood at the top of the coconut
lumanaksi n. preparation. palm and areca palm.
malum n. dough; wet stuff; typically achuan n. rice.
mud. achunm n. packet of rice; especially a
mamut adj. greasy; fatty. 1 kg bag of rice.
mamut mt vi-so. be greasy; be fatty. achurnaing n. meat; flesh; especially of
pigs, chickens or coconuts.
mamutki n. fat or grease from an ani-
mal or fish. achurvuchuvacha n. lungs.

mars mt vi-so. be greasy; be oily. achuvel n. greens. Usage: Also known as

aupa in Tolai.
marski n. oil.
adichi n. taro.
nmblvs n. banana leaf.
adigl n. piece of taro.
par vt. cook in an earth oven (mumu).
adini n. small taro.
pus vt. cook.
aichil n. native spinach (aibika).
sek d vt. husk coconuts.
aichilka n. native spinach (aibika) top
sek pt vt. peel; e.g. a banana or an
that is used for cooking.
aichilves n. native spinach (aibika) leaf.
sem bt vt. peel; e.g. taro or sweet po-
tato (kaukau). aiguam n. ferns.

ser tm vt. shell; e.g. peanuts, beans alanaski n. saltwater eel sp.; white with
etc. sharp teeth; up to 1 m in length.
slichini n. bit of meat. almbrgiangga n. mushroom sp.; edi-
ble, white, and flat; is very soft; up to
srp adj. ripe.
5 cm in diameter; grows in the

U Human uses of natural resources

ground. Usage: An alternate name for light brown colour; up to 20 cm long;

guringsasotka. good meat; can sting with its fins.
almga n. mushroom; generic term. baler n. piece of taro.
amsmska n. food. bukacha n. taro sp.; black singapore.
amspthithong n. accompaniments; chaelka n. wallaby; has grey fur; up to
food to eat alongside taro etc. 60 cm tall when standing on hind legs.
amstmna n. side-dish. chalun'ga n. taro sp.; singapore.
amundiki n. edible stalk of a wild cane chathachi n. taro sp.; wild singapore;
sp. (pitpit). not edible. Usage: The word is some-
anot n. taro. times also used to refer to edible va-
arviachi n. monitor; similar to a lizard
with a black body and dull whitish chlevecha n. bean.
spots; up to 80 cm long; edible flesh; chmbucha n. type of fruit. Usage: Also
skin is used for hand drums (kundus); known as ton in Tok Pisin.
lives in the forest and climbs trees. chesengdm n. mushroom sp.; grows
aruchusicha n. type of fruit. on mango trees, feels furry, and is
asalang n. greens; leaves are small and edible.
heart shaped with yellow flowers; chuaramgi at sachong n. native
grows in gardens after they have been spinach (aibika) with red stems.
burnt off. chulpki n. soup.
asol n. salt. chusem n. intestines.
athalep angthoes n. cocoa beans. dorlaicha n. squid.
athalevm n. cocoa bean. gamosachi n. food parcel; is wrapped
athongga n. fruit sp.; must be cooked in leaves.
before it is eaten. gamosini n. small food parcel.
athonggi n. tree sp.; bears an edible gavun n. fern.
govachi n. guava.
aulan'gi ama vonbon'gi n. snake sp.;
silvery colour; edible. guringsasotka n. mushroom sp.; edi-
ble, white, and flat; is very soft; up to
aulmangachi n. native orange; refers 5 cm in diameter; grows in the
to both the tree and the fruit. ground. Usage: An alternate name for
aunbethachi n. freshwater fish sp.; almbrgiangga.
lives in large rivers; black spot on inski n. river fish sp.; has a flat head, a
each side of its belly and tail; tail is very narrow mouth, and big ears;
yellowish; up to 1 m long; good eating can stick to a rock with its chest; up to
fish. 15 cm long; stays in areas with a fast
auravu n. native spinach (aibika). Usage: current; makes a good soup.
This word is newer than aichil. inilcha n. freshwater eel sp.; looks like
auravucha n. native spinach (aibika) the anekethopki species: grey with a
top that is used for cooking. white belly, but has cloudy eyes; meat
auravuchi n. native spinach (aibika). is greasy.

auravuves n. native spinach (aibika) iringga n. insect sp.; large brown

leaf. crawling insect; has a hard shell and
six legs; can be roasted and eaten;
avisaigl n. fish sp.; lives on the reef; people say that when it crosses a road

U Human uses of natural resources

or path it will die. saksaki n. sago palm.

isinggi n. tree sp.; similar to breadfruit slichigl n. piece of meat.
but brown on the outside and yellow slik n. meat from pigs, fish, cassowaries
inside; refers to both the tree and the etc.
srongachi n. grub sp.; white and edible;
isis n. 1 baking powder. 2 yeast. different types vary in size, up to 6 cm
kacholka n. tapioca. long; eats the wood of trees including
kakau n. cocoa. pawpaw, galip nut (Canarium indi-
cum), and cocoa trees.
kakauigl n. piece of cocoa.
tangamgi n. banana.
kalasunggi n. sweet potato (kaukau).
tangamigl n. piece of banana.
karirotki n. beetle sp.; is black and
edible; eats black palms and areca tapioka n. tapioca.
palms once the grubs have finished tltlcha n. tree sp.; grows near the
with them. beach; has edible fruit.
kulaucha n. green coconut (kulau); for tuchupki n. edible stalk of a wild cane
drinking. sp. (pitpit).
lachski n. 1 sea cucumber sp.; brown thgumga n. fish sp.; two types of
and edible. 2 cucumber. stonefish: one is a saltwater fish and a
lagthacha n. corn. good eating fish, the other lives in
fresh water; both are brown and can
laguain'ga n. native spinach (aibika) sting with poisonous spines.
thinmmtki n. tinned fish.
lamsachi n. coconut.
ubatki n. reef fish sp.; various colours:
lamsigl n. piece of coconut. blue, brown, or black with whitish
lavrki n. sugar-cane. fins; up to 30 cm long; have sharp
mamiapki n. pawpaw. teeth and very tough skin which must
be burnt off before eating.
mamutki n. fat or grease from an ani-
mal or fish. vaidebunggi n. wild orange.
marski n. oil. variachi n. breadfruit.

mavnini n. piece of ginger. vaski n. breadfruit.

mulicha n. orange segment. vimga n. galip nut (Canarium indicum).

mulichi n. orange; both the tree and the viulachi n. mango; refers only to the
fruit. fruit.
nanasgi n. pineapple. interj n. grated coconut to be eaten raw.
nangsacha ava lmga n. mushroom vutka n. coconut gratings.
sp.; greyish in colour; edible; grows vuetki n. large amount of coconut grat-
on rotting trees; is flat on top with ings.
many small holes underneath. vutves n. many dishes of grated coco-
narichi n. yam. nut.
painapki n. pineapple. yavacha n. banana sp.; ladyfinger ba-
rais n. rice. nana.
raism n. packet of rice; especially a 1 U2 Narcotics
kg bag of rice.
raisgi n. bale of rice. achvoracha n. mustard plant.

U Human uses of natural resources

achvor angthoes n. betel pepper good for stomach aches.

(daka); betelnut mustard. ivangacha n. bush sp.; commonly found
achuvoracha n. betel pepper (daka) in gardens; grows to 1.5 m tall and
plant. has soft leaves; used to treat dysen-
achuvorves n. betel pepper (daka) tery by crushing half of a new leaf
leaves; mustard leaves. with a very ripe leaf and washing
them with water; water is squeezed
anlka n. shellfish sp.; mussel; bivalve into a cup and drunk.
from the river that lives in the mud at
the bottom of the river; dark brown kasuel n. castor oil.
outside and white inside; people re- malos n. grass sp.; strong smelling;
fine (mumu) these shells, by fire, to grows to waist height; deters snakes,
get lime powder. relieves tiredness, and can be used to
areng ama chrot n. alcohol. wash dishes.

changska n. betelnut. marasin n. medicine.

churemga n. betelnut. matholka n. tree sp.; new leaves from

this tree are used to treat sickness in
liviska n. betel pepper (daka) shoot. the spleen and for boils; for the
ludngbs n. betel pepper (daka) spleen, the leaves are chewed and
leaves; mustard leaves. swallowed; for boils, the leaves are
nangasacha n. 1 tobacco plant. heated and then placed over the boil.
2 cigarette. mavnachi n. ginger plant; roots can be
vthen n. lime powder. chewed to help with colds and flu.
wain n. wine. nngurka n. plant sp.; strong smelling
plant with long green leaves; deters
U3 Medicines snakes; relieves tiredness; used as a
decoration for dancing because of the
achelungurka n. tree sp.; tall with smell.
large buttress roots and very hard
solmarasin n. Epsom salts.
wood; bark is used as a purgative for
treating poisoning, it is grated and sprinm n. aspirin.
washed in water and then the water is
drunk. Usage: An alternate name for U4 Building materials, weaving,
achesinbemga. basket materials
achesinbemga n. tree sp.; tall with ainilka n. tree sp.; yields fibres used to
large buttress roots and very hard make nets and net bags (bilums); is
wood; bark is used as a purgative for tall and narrow.
treating poisoning, it is grated and alam n. cane leaves.
washed in water and then the water is
drunk. Usage: An alternate name for alingga ava lm n. mushroom sp.; lu-
achelungurka. minous and shine brightly at night.;
look like fireflies; white and grow on
athalevacha n. 1 cocoa tree. 2 tree rotten trees; if two people are walking
sp.; looks like a cocoa tree, only taller together at night in the bush, the one
with narrower leaves, and bears small in front can wear one of these mush-
fruit rather than pods; good for fire- rooms on the back of their head for
wood; eating the ripe green leaves is the person behind to follow; these
good for diarrhoea; has larger leaves mushrooms are sticky and will stick to
than the auska species. the skin.
govacha n. guava tree; the leaves are athing n. fibres used for weaving.

U Human uses of natural resources

athingga n. tree sp.; yields fibre. athikoneng angt nank n. fish sp.;
avarka n. tree sp.; grows close to the refers to two different species that are
beach; branches bend down; has yel- often found on the reef: one is black,
low flowers and useful fibres. up to 20 cm long; the other is light
brown, up to 30 cm long; both have a
chvaik n. sword grass (kunai). stinging spike on either side of their
chluangga n. tree sp.; has silky fibre. tail and greasy flesh.
chureski n. bucket; made from an areca avisaigl n. fish sp.; lives on the reef;
palm leaf. light brown colour; up to 20 cm long;
galpki n. palm sp.; wild palm; used for good meat; can sting with its fins.
making axe handles and floors. barathigl n. mushroom sp.; white and
irocha n. rattan. inedible; grows into a semi-circular
shape; is found on trees.
kaverki n. wild palm sp.; trunks are split
and used to make floors. baulcha snguvs n. snake sp.; poi-
sonous; black with a coloured band
lamthain'ga n. tree sp.; large tree
around its neck; its head breaks off if
it bites you.
mamaing n. fibre for making net bags
lviam n. fish sp.; stonefish; lives on the
reef; white with bones that stick
maminggi n. vine sp.; yields fibre. through the skin to form strong spikes
masar mt vt. weave; making a net bag all over its back and sides; swells up
(bilum) or weaving a net. when touched.
mnumgi n. tree sp.; tall tree that mnggariachi n. reef crab sp.; dark
grows in the bush; a bit like the m- brown; have hard, rough, wrinkly
lutki species; good timber for houses. shells; meat is inedible and can make
you itchy.
sarengacha n. pandanus sp.; small with
long leaves; used for making mats. musavu n. poison.

ser vt. weave; process of making a blind siluigl n. freshwater fish sp.; brown;
or a basket. flat, rounded shape like a flounder; up
to 30 cm across; can sting with a
thabucha n. tree sp.; used for making
sharp barb on either side of its tail.
srendm vt. sting.
thelelki n. palm sp.; has small leaves;
looks a bit like a betelnut palm, only srubn'ga n. tree sp.; if you touch it
smaller; fronds are good to use as your skin swells.
thatch. tasingl n. starfish sp.; live on the reef;
uratps n. coconut frond; stem is used two types, both with four arms: one is
to make a basket. red and covered in poisonous spikes,
the other is blue and has spikes on its
U5 Things that are bad for you back.
thgumga n. fish sp.; two types of
achlachuas n. grass sp.; tends to grow
stonefish: one is a saltwater fish and a
in old gardens; the seeds stick to your
good eating fish, the other lives in
fresh water; both are brown and can
achririaski n. poisonous centipede. sting with poisonous spines.
amnggaricha n. tree sp.; has soft
wood; makes you itch.
athmga n. poisonous scorpion.

V Thinking, perception and attention


prn dm vt. sniff; smell.
V1 Sense and perception prn svt vt. smell.

V1.1 Seeing V1.5 Physical sensations

ben sachong sa-vi. 1 spy on. auluvk tm vi-so. feel cold. Usage: Only
2 check with a glance. refers to a thing or another person.
bn slp sangglm mes vt. check nder na vi-so. be uncomfortable because
something for ones own satisfaction. something is too tight.
bing dm vt. spy. tk vt vt. feel.

binggi vt. look. Gram: Takes a location PP as a tnari vt. feel.

complement. tusachus sa-vi. be irritating; feel un-
binggi svt vt. peep; peek. comfortable.
donbathm n vt. check; examine.
V2 Cognition
don meng vt. check.
drm na vt. recognise. V2.1 Mental states
naingm sa-vi. 1 look around. 2 see. addn adj. confused; delirious; crazy;
3 watch. insane; altered psychological states in
naingim pt vt. watch. general.
nathong sa-vi. look away; hide ones asevaik pt vi-so. be happy; be joyful.
face. ddn vi-so. 1 be confused. 2 be in-
ngiem sa-vi. look; search. sane; crazy. 3 be delirious.
ngiem nani sa-vi. look for. ddn'gi n. madness.

ngim mk sa-vi. search around. manggar nas na vi-so. feel calm.

sachongachi n. gaze. ngiem sravo adv. look worried; look
surprised; look shocked; people look
tk svt vt. point at.
like this, e.g. if there is a fight hap-
tlu vt. see. pening but no-one knows what is go-
tlu da vt. notice. ing on.
tlu wirp vi-so. glimpse; catch sight of srmn vt. surprise.
something because it moves. srmn vt vi-so. be surprised.

V1.2 Hearing tu av snng mamr sa-vi. calm down;

settle down; relax.
tnari vt. hear.
V2.2 Mental processes and experiences
tnarimanas sa-vi. listen.
tnarimanas t vt. listen. alek mt vi-so. relent; be compassionate.
tnarimunanas sa-vi. listen. amasithmgi n. dream.

amrvs pt vi-so. feel peaceful.

V1.3 Tasting
amusnng n. 1 idea; thought.
ts nthm vt. taste. 2 plan.
tnari vt. taste. bang pt vi-so. remember.
bna vt. make someone else guess.

W Handling and physical transfer

don vt. subtract. arura nmni ivtki athva sek n.

drm sa-vi. understand. history.

drm vt. know. asecha svt kama ivtki n. geogra-

drmanas na vt. recognise; know.
buchm n. book.
drm na vt. recognise.
chvlki n. chapter.
drm svanas sa-vi. realise.
chernas adj. difficult; hard.
malngeik n. belief.
sot na sunaski sa-vi. graduate.
matma n. multiplication.
su vt. 1 try. 2 teach.
mat malngeik na vt. believe.
suchut nanas mt vt. try.
matmt n. division.
sunas vt. learn; train; study.
neknochi n. misery; distress; suffering
in either an emotional or financial sunaski n. school.
sense. sunaski at kvl n. lesson.
pat pthanas sa-vi. forget. tlngm n. book.
sachong n. vision; dream; daydream. tnp n vt. translate.

sari vi-so. forget. tuchun mes vt. instruct.

slamen dm vt. 1 read. 2 count. vandi disc. try to. Gram: Desiderative marker.
slameng vt vt. read.

sndamr vt. be aware. W HANDLING AND PHYSICAL

snngacha n. idea.
suchut m vt. measure. W0 General
suk dm vt. forget.
tk na vt. process.
tares svt vt. note.
tlu ma vt. prepare.
tchm svthanas vt. realise.
tlu manas sa-vi. get ready; prepare
tp ma musnng vt. 1 plan. 2 have oneself.
an idea.
tu manas sa-vi. prepare oneself; get
tes vt vt. read.
tneng dm vt. choose.
tu av snng vt. think.
W1 Taking, touching, obtaining
tu av snng mamr sa-vi. calm down; bang bt vt. take without permission.
settle down; relax. dn pt sa-vi. reach; arrive.
vlchachi n. 1 choice; preference. dn vt vt. find.
2 wish.
don mt vt. put on.
V2.3 Knowledge and learning kthep vt. 1 grab. 2 catch.
achrnas mt vi-so. be hard; be difficult. kut vt. catch; specifically an eagle
catching its prey.
achrnas pt vi-so. try hard.
lel tm vt. gather.
alengeiki n. truth. Gram: No plural form.
mangas vt. fetch water. Usage: Takes the
amundrm n. knowledge.
receptacle, such as a bucket, as the
angelka vm vi-so. be clever. direct object.
angelki n. knowledge. par s vt. pull in a fish; refers to a fish

W Handling and physical transfer

which is caught on a hook. bananas you were planning to pick but

pdm vi-so. pinch; nip. someone came along and took them.

pk sa-vi. fetch water. W2 Holding, carrying,

pr vt. 1 get something out of a pocket moving something around
or a similar place. 2 put; e.g. to put
someone in a particular place. bn ma vt. pile up.
peramr vt vt. pick out the good ones bon vt. thatch; put leaves on a roof.
from a set of things. dn s vt. arrive with; bring.
pr m vt. grab; catch; kidnap. don ma vt. heap up.
pr tm vt. grab; catch; kidnap. don ma sa-vi. clear land for a new gar-
sangar vt. arrest. den.
sas t vt. 1 dig out. 2 remove. don mt vt. wear.

suchut nanas mt vt. try on; e.g. try kuer s vt. lead.
new clothes on yourself. kut vt. serve.
svo sa-vi. steal. kut vt. stack.
svo t vt. steal. lvur t vt. overturn.
tar tm vt. 1 remove; take off. nasek vt. lift up.
2 uncover. navar n vt. pull; hold tight in a stretch.
tat vt. get. nunggring mt vt. turn inside out.
tk vt. wear; specifically the apron of ngerik ta vt. hold on to.
leaves worn by women at the front of
their bodies. ngim melia vi-sa. roll over; flip.

tk vt vt. touch.
ngim melia vt. roll over; flip.

tr vt. pull out. pai s vt. blow.

travt sa-vi. weed.

pali vt. roll.

travt s vt. remove.

parat vt. mess up; displace.

tt s vt. get.
par dm vt. drag.
par s vt. lead.
tthanas t vt. help oneself; to take
something without permission. peneng dm s vt. make a bed; make a
tvaik tm vt. remove.
pr ma vt. pull along.
tik vt. get down.
ploltem sa vt. remove; take off.
tik s vt. pick.
sangar vt. hold.
tik tm vt. 1 pick. 2 break.
3 snap off.
sangar pt vt. hold on to.

trut n vt. put in; push in. sangar tm vt. hold on to.

tu vt. 1 put. 2 wear; put on. sek vt. 1 lift. 2 raise. 3 pick up.

tu sa sothana n vt. change; especially slamr vm vt. 1 fix. 2 tidy.

of changing clothes. tair s vt. make stand.
tusamon dm n vt. collect; gather tal vt. 1 carry. 2 move.
things together. tat mt vt. scatter.
vesnas sa-vi. find nothing where you tchp vt. fill.
expect to find something; e.g. ripe
tk ma vt. heap up.

X Impact and surface contact

tk pm vt. shove. tk n vt. send.

tr vt. 1 uproot. 2 clear; especially tn vt. hang.
of small weeds etc. tt pthik tm vt. 1 let go of.
travt sa-vi. weed. 2 drop.
ts tm vt. shake. tneng n vt. spread.
tnp na vt. mix. tnp na vt. mix.
tnp n vt. turn. tnp n vt. tip out.
tns vt. pack; put in. tor na sa-vi. pour.
thoret vt. drag. tunaik na vt. 1 put in place. 2 leave.
thoret sa-vi. crawl. tuthik namt vt. throw something at
vanim vt. roll around; turn over; e.g. someone; shoot.
movements of waves and fabric.
W3 Letting go, giving, leave be
X0 General
bon vt. give.

bon dm vt. pay. avinos vi-so. vandalise.

don vt. throw away. bal tm vt. knock over.

don vt. bring in; specifically the sea bon mt vt. break apart, of taro or
throwing things onto the shore. bread.
don ma sa-vi. throw away; abandon. bong vt. hit.

don n vt. throw. dng vt. process; specifically to scrape

the skin off wood fibre to make it silky
kir vt. 1 push away. 2 clear away.
for rolling into string.
kirms t vt. push away.
enmula sa-vi. make the sound of a bang.
kuasin na vt. toss; especially referring
kutik namt vt. poke repeatedly; stab
to throwing liquid from a container.
kuasin svt vt. splash.
kut ithm vt. lean on.
kulel vt. 1 leave. 2 throw away.
kut mes vt. shoot randomly.
kut dm vt. get rid of.
lr dm vi-so. break up.
lel s vi-so. pour out; run out; spill out.
lr dm vt. 1 tear. 2 split.
lel tm vi-so. drain out.
lr mt vi-so. torn.
lmu vt. leave.
lr snas sa-vi. split apart; as when
nasek vt. lift up. something breaks up from within.
ngis adv. aside. lik mt vt. 1 rip off; tear off. 2 split;
pt vt. bury. break apart.
preng vt. spread. lik s vt. break or tear off something
sruk vt. pour; spill; tip out; specifically small.
of dry things such as gravel. mbeng vt. break.

sur n vt. push. pai sa-vi. land heavily.

tar s vt. pour out; especially of water pai dm vt. 1 hit at. 2 kick.
from a tap. pai mt vt. slap.
tat mt vt. divide. pai vt vt. slap.

X Impact and surface contact

pai vthanas sa-vi. slap oneself. kut ma vt. draw.

pk mt vi-so. break. kut m vt. spear.
pk tm vt. break. kut pt vt. write.
pl mni vi-so. snap. kutgil tm vt. butcher; chop.
pl mt vi-so. break off. lmr dm vt. carve.
pl s vi-so. be broken. lr dm vt. chop.
pl tm vi-so. be broken; be bent over; mnaing mt vt. sharpen.
be flattened out; e.g. of grass that has nges mt vt. dig a new hole where there
been walked on. was not one before.
pl vt vi-so. break. pai dm pt vt. crucify.
pnak dm vt. bend; use force to bend pai dm s vt. hammer.
puk mt vt. fire a gun.
prk mt vt. rip.
sm vt. trim; especially of hair.
purk mt vt. break open.
sur vt. be blindfolded.
sar s vt. 1 mess up. 2 knock over.
tap sa-vi. make a cut.
ser sa-vi. knock; tap; e.g. by hitting a
drum. tanger vt vt. spear.

slavo na vt. damage.

tap s vt. 1 cut down; especially of
trees; also used to refer to the act of
tigil mt vt. split. clearing an area of bush. 2 cut off.
tik s vt. knock down. tms vt vt. carve.
tu vt.shoot; throw something at some- tp vt. cut.
tp ma vt. carve.
tu mamr sna na vt. level; straighten.
tpms vt vt. sharpen.
tuthik mna vt. shoot at.
tigil s vt. chop up.
ther d vt. crumble.
tigl tm vt. 1 split. 2 cut up.
vathik pt vt. hit; e.g. bash a fish
against the reef to make it die. tuchun vt. hit.

vathik tm vt. hit a person; strike. tu na vt. shoot with.

X1 With an instrument X2 Due to pressure

bn vt. ring a bell. bing mni vt. break or snap; especially

of a rope.
bor mt vt. bore.
bon mt vt. break apart, of taro or
del vt vt. tap; e.g. hitting a galip nut bread.
(Canarium indicum).
mathaneng adv. pressing down.
del vt s vi-so. strike.
pais vt. crush.
krtp mn na vt. slice into.
pn dm vi-so. bite someone out of an-
krtp mt vt. chop; cut up. ger.
krtp pt vt. 1 chop off; e.g. to strip a puk tm sa-vi. shatter; burst.
tree back to its trunk. 2 butcher;
e.g. of a pig or a fish. purk mni vi-so. puncture.

krtp s vt. cut.

pus mk vi-so. explode.

kut vt. 1 pierce. 2 spear. 3 inject. pus pm vi-so. erupt; burst out.

X Impact and surface contact

tanger vt vt. snap; break off. X4 Surface contact

tares vt. press.
bang vt vt. run over.
tepmuan vt. squeeze.
bias vt. step on.
tepmuan s vt. press.
gueng vt. scrape.
tnes vt. bite.
gueng bt vt. 1 scrape. 2 rub.
X3 Sticking, tying, untying kiar sa-vi. scrape; specifically the dance
step when you scrape your feet along
bn dmna n vt. join. the ground.
bn mt vt. join. kiar vt vt. scrape something like a taro
bn mtna n vt. join together. while roasting it.
bng bt vt. 1 wrap up. 2 cover. kumer vm vt. clean.

bing vt. roll; specifically to twist string lmr vt. clean thoroughly.
used to make net bags (bilums). lmr nas sa-vi. clean oneself thor-
deng vt. twist together; e.g. to make a oughly.
strong rope out of finer ones. lul pt vi-so. be grazed; be scratched.
dingdm pt vi-so. stick. lul s sa-vi. graze; scratch; scrape.
kethik mt vt. bind. lulul pt vi-so. be scratched up.
kethik pt vt. tie. paithm vt. pat.
kethik sthm vt. fasten. plikdm vi-so. slip away.
kethik tm vt. tie on. plik s vi-so. slip over.
kop dm vt. hang up. pel vt vt. 1 rub. 2 wipe.
kop mni vt. fasten. schup vt. sweep.
kop s vt. tie up. schup mt vt. cross out.
kutm s vt. sew. schup pt vt. sweep.
masar mt vt. weave; making a net bag schup s vt. erase.
(bilum) or weaving a net. sek d vt. husk coconuts.
paim vt. fold.
sek pt vt. peel; e.g. a banana or an
paim m vt. wind around. orange.
pais pt vt. tie up. sem bt vt. peel; e.g. taro or sweet po-
psding mt vt. cover. tato (kaukau).
ploltem s vt. loosen. ser tm vt. shell; e.g. peanuts, beans
pusnas pt vt. shelter.
sup vm vt. lick.
pustm vt vt. cover.
tp m chdenggi sa-vi. keep clean.
ser vt. weave; process of making a blind
or a basket. tthuk vi-so. slide; especially of some-
thing like a landslide.
tar tm vt. 1 remove; take off.
2 uncover. tneng n vt. rub; massage.
tvaik tm vt. 1 loosen. 2 unwrap. tor vt. wash.

tu mrang dm vt. cover. tor sa-vi. 1 bathe. 2 swim.

Y Speed, manner and relative time

Y SPEED, MANNER AND RELATIVE madng adv. 1 carelessly.

TIME 2 unconcernedly.
mamr adv. properly.
Y0 General
mamor adv. 1 strongly. 2 hard.
arembm n. source; cause; reason. 3 loudly. 4 fast; quickly.
5 brightly.
aremgi n. source; cause; reason.
marik disc. truly; really.
as disc. just.
marik adv. 1 straight. 2 properly;
askok disc. just. Gram: Atelic realis.
avik dem. like that. Gram: Adverbial distal
maschas adv. clearly; describes how
someone is speaking.
kinak interj. yes; all right.
masechen adv. sideways.
klan adv. like; likewise.
maslevr adv. roughly; carelessly.
klan adv. 1 only. 2 just. 3 for
mavrt adv. suddenly; urgently; do
nothing; with nothing.
something without any warning and
kok disc. just. give someone a shock.
koki disc. also; similarly. mavo adv. badly.
kusek adv. only; just. mual tm vi-so. slow down.
maru adv. really. nasothana adv. one after another.
moki disc. that also; that similarly; that nia modal. just; suddenly; surprisingly.
another. Gram: Mirative marker with present tense or
nemenia adv. instead. past tense verbs.

ngis adv. different. pathm mes sa-vi. do unhurriedly; do in

ones own time.
sok disc. really; truly.
sdamr adv. correctly; right.
taithik dem. just like this. Gram: Emphatic
adverbial proximate demonstrative. srpm na vi-so. stop suddenly; stop
with a jolt; e.g. when a car brakes
Y1 Speed and manner suddenly.
sskpes adv. readily; easily.
asok mt vi-so. be challenging; e.g. a
game. set adv. very fast.
chlak adv. softly. tchasp sa-vi. get up early.
chernas adj. difficult; hard. tir sa-vi. grow fast.
chernas pt vi-so. be difficult; be hard. thi sa-vi. do quickly.
dalias adv. squatting. vatkivatki na vi-so. walk clumsily; es-
pecially to describe a person walking
dngbm na vi-so. stop suddenly.
along and looking down as they walk.
doki adv. similarly.
iri ma adv. very fast. Y2 Relative time and duration
ivit adv. along. as disc. 1 still. 2 yet.
kut mes vt. shoot randomly. asik disc. future; when. Gram: Irrealis
liver sa-vi. hurry. marker.

machlak machlak adv. slowly. asip disc. later.

machuisr adv. diagonally. askok disc. 1 still. Gram: Atelic realis.

Y Speed, manner and relative time

2 yet. Gram: Atelic realis. finish.

gl kuvet dir. be near to. ve sa-vi. be there. Gram: May function as minor
ivit ivit adv. continuously; on and on. verb in serial verb construction encoding im-
perfective aspect.
kvs interrog. when.
kvsnia interrog. when. Y3 Serialisation
kinas disc. just; recently.
benaseng sa-vi. start; begin.
klan adv. at the time; when.
chule adv. later.
kutik namt vt. poke repeatedly; stab
ddng n. finish.
ddng na vi-so. be last.
likdm vi-so. at once; in no time; imme-
diately. Gram: Encodes punctual aspect in denachi sa-vi. start.
sentence initial position. Always seems to take dng n. end.
a third person masculine singular subject.
dng adv. until.
malilu adv. many times. dule coord. and then.
masgvs adv. at once; immediately. er adv. first.
maulul adv. long time. ithik dem. now. Gram: Adverbial proximate
mavrt adv. suddenly; urgently; do demonstrative.
something without any warning and kinasa disc. already.
give someone a shock.
kok disc. already.
mchvs adv. sometime.
kosa disc. just; simply; as the result of
mrmr adv. always. something undesirable having hap-
mt prep. during; on. Gram: This sense pened.
available with temporal expressions.
kuaithu interj. Not yet!
milani adv. yesterday.
kuer sa-vi. go first; lead.
mok disc. that just. machlan beia subord. when.
mumunatm vi-so. keep sleeping. maila chuvsnia disc. 1 the other day.
namu sa-vi. continue. Gram: May function as 2 last time.
minor verb in serial verb construction encoding
mali disc. before; earlier.
durative aspect.
maunmlm adv. twice.
namu sna sa-vi. keep struggling; e.g. in
a fight or in a sporting competition. mchvs adv. 1 sometimes.
2 again.
nasot adv. later.
mndu disc. 1 before. 2 long ago.
np prep. during.
mir disc. long ago.
sa disc. for a while. Gram: In clause final po-
mithu disc. later on.

sai sai adv. repeatedly; again and again. mubang adv. 1 tomorrow. 2 next
snas adv. forever.
naruer adv. first; firstly.
skoi disc. still not.
naruer vi-so. be first.
taithik dem. right now. Gram: Emphatic
adverbial proximate demonstrative.
naruer veia adv. before.

tevuit mo dir. forever more. nasot dir. behind.

tu dng vt. 1 interrupt. 2 fail to nasot adv. 1 last. 2 after. 3 after-


Y Speed, manner and relative time

niavi sa-vi. about to arrive. ously.

sa disc. 1 then. Gram: Clause initial discourse thuer sa-vi. 1 go first. 2 go ahead.
marker. Introduces a new event frame. 3 go in front.
2 so. uer adv. before.
3 already. Gram: Resultative marker.
sai disc. again.
Y4 Degree

saisa adv. later on again. kinak disc. just.

sai sai adv. repeatedly; again and again. machlak adv. little bit.
savuit adv. first. mamor adv. excessively; very much;
sdamr veia adv. at the same time as; terribly.
while. masa disc. 1 certainly. 2 very much;
sr adv. first. a lot. Gram: In clause final position only.
ser ma vi-so. first. mo adv. all.

sna adv. 1 altogether. 2 simultane- sangel kuvt adv. almost.


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