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Y7. Bill of Quantities 20 Jan

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Section 7

Bill of Quantities

1 The Bill of Quantities shall be read in conjunction with Instructions to Bidders, General
and Special Conditions of Contract, Invitation for Bid, Technical Specifications and

2 Bill of Quantities(B.O.Q) comprises of Item rate Bill of Quantities consists of various

works related to ISBT, K. Gate , Civil works, Electrical works, fire fighting works, HVAC
works, Sanitary and plumbing works, Parking management, security system, finishing
works, drainage works, landscaping works & other miscellaneous works to be executed
on item rate basis. The bidder has to quote the rate (in words and figures) against each
item(for which quantity is given) in B.O.Q. The payment shall be made as per the
quantum of work executed at the rates quoted by Contractor for individual BOQ item.
Contractor will have no right for any claims whatsoever like loss of profit case the
actual quantum of work executed against any BOQ item is less than the quantities given
in BOQ. In case of increase in quantities beyond BOQ provisions, rate revision shall be
affected as per the provisions in conditions of contract and appendix to bid.

3 The quoted rates and prices in Priced Bill of Quantities will be deemed to include all plant,
labour, supervision, materials, transport, all temporary works, erection, maintenance,
taxes and duties, contractors profit and establishment/overheads, together with
preparation of design and drawings, all general risks, insurance liabilities, compliance of
labour laws and obligations set out or implied in the contract.

4 If the bidder fails to quote rate against any item(for which quantity has been provided) in
bill of quantities, the same will not be paid for by employer when executed and shall be
deemed to have been included by the bidder in the rates and prices for other items in the
bill of quantities.
5 General directions and descriptions of work and materials are not necessarily repeated,
nor summarized in the Unit Priced Bill of Quantities. Reference to the relevant sections of
the contract documentation including technical specifications shall be made before
entering prices against each item in the Unit Priced Bill of Quantities.

6 Bidders shall fill the Unit Priced Bill of Quantities in Rupees only.

7 Errors will be corrected by the employer for any arithmetic errors in computation or
summation as per contract conditions.

8 All the unit rates should be filled both in figures and words and amounts should be filled in
figures only.

Transport department NCT of Delhi 7-1

9 All columns in the Bill of Quantities shall be filled in indelible ink or type written and the
total tender amount shown in the bottom. The person authorized to sign on behalf of the
Bidder shall sign in full with company seal and date at the bottom of all pages and at the
end of summary sheet B.O.Q. Any corrections shall be made by clearly striking out the
previous data, writing the correct figure/data and putting signature of the authorized
signatory at the place of correction. Use of correction fluid is not allowed.

10 The works executed against the BOQ items would be paid on measurement basis.

11 The payment under the Payment Schedule will cover all work specified in the tender
drawing and / or provided in the scope of work. The Schedule of Payment will not get
modified due to alterations of any type so far as the modifications/alterations are within
the scope of work and/or provided for in the tender drawings.
12 The Contractor may raise their On Account payments on monthly basis as per the status
of work on the last day of the respective month.

Transport department NCT of Delhi 7-2

Bill of Quantities

Abbreviations For
Rs or RS : Indian Rupees
LS or L.S or SUM : Lump Sum
Nr. or No. or Nos. : Number(s)
Lm or LM or lm : Linear Metre
M : Metre
KM or km : Kilometre
Hct. Or Hct : Hectare
m or sq.m or sqm : Square Metre
m or cum or cu.m or Cum : Cubic Metre
cc. or c or or cucm : Cubic Centimetre
cum. Km. Or cum km : Cubic Metre Kilimetre
KG or kg or Kg : Kilogram
mt or t or T or tone : Metric Tonne
HP : Horse Power
IRC : Indian Roads Congress
IS : Indian Standard
P.O.L. or POL : Petroleum, Oil & Lubricants

Transport Department NCT of Delhi 7-3

Abstract of Cost

NAME OF WORK :- Upgradation/Renovation of Inter-state Bus Terminal at Kashmere Gate in NCT of Delhi
S.NO. SUB-HEAD Amount in (Rs.)
In figures In words

I. Civil Works








9 BMS System


Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7-4

Abstract of Cost
S.NO. SUB-HEAD Amount in (Rs.)
In figures In words

Security System including ,CCTV servillance


Parking management system,Boom barrier,Gate

12 access system,toll collection system,access
control system

Passenger Information system, Display boards,

LCD TV Screen system, Digital Signages

14 soft Landscaping work

15 Signages

Sub Total -

Rebate/Discount offered if any -

Total tender sum after Rebate

(1) in figure

(2) in words

(Authorised Signatory with Company Seal)

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7-5
Abstract Of Civil Items



S.NO. SUB-HEAD Amount in (Rs.)
In figures In words










Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7-6

Abstract Of Civil Items






Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7-7

BOQ Civil Works

Bill OF QTY Civil works

Rate in (RS.)

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)


1.01 Dismantaling manually / by mechanical means

including disposal of serviceable and
unserviceable material out of the site to
contractor own dump as per direction of Engineer
in charge.
a) Bituminous Road
14310 Cum

b) Water Bound Macadam under road

50 Cum

c) CC Kerb Stone
3410 Cum

e) RCC Work
400.00 Cum

f) Stone Masonry
100.00 Cum

g) Brick work
700.00 Cum

h) Kota stone/ Tile flooring

500.00 Sqm

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7-8

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

i) Steel work in built up section
3000.00 Kg

j) Malba, Building rabihs,removal

200.00 Cum

k) Cement Plaster
500.00 Sqm

l) Cables,conduts, pipes of all dia on surface

500.00 Rmt

m) All Electrical fixtures

500.00 No

1.02 Dismantaling manual / by mechanical means

including disposal of serviceable and
unserviceable following existing structure out side
the Main Building to contractor own dump as per
direction of Engineer in charge. (Ref. Drg. No.
EX/A-01, EX/A-02,EX/A-03)

Note:- The description of structures in drawing is

for reference only. Contractor must see the site
condition before quoting. Contractor could be
asked to demolish these structures at different
times and possibly in parts. Nothing extra shall be
claimed by him on this account.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7-9

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

Structure No (Ref. Drg. No. EX/A-01).:-

1- Gate House & Police Post

1 L/S

2- Toilet including all fixtures, fittings & Pipes etc

complete. 1 L/S

3-Pump House
1 L/S

4-Wastage stack Room

1 L/S

5-Toilet including all fixtures, fittings & Pipes etc

complete. 1 L/S

1 L/S

7-UG Tank
1 L/S

8-Toilet including all fixtures, fittings & Pipes etc

complete. 1 L/S

9-As Marked
1 L/S

10-Toilet including all fixtures, fittings & Pipes etc

1 L/S

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 10

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

11- Toilet including all fixtures, fittings & Pipes etc
complete. 1 L/S

12- Pump House & Sump

1 L/S

13-Toilet including all fixtures, fittings & Pipes etc

complete. 1 L/S


EX/A-02) :-

14-Toilet including all fixtures, fittings & Pipes etc

complete. 1 L/S

1 L/S

16-Toilet including all fixtures, fittings & Pipes etc

complete. 1 L/S

17-Toilet including all fixtures, fittings & Pipes etc

complete. 1 L/S

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 11

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

18-Toilet including all fixtures, fittings & Pipes etc
complete. 1 L/S

19-Toilet including all fixtures, fittings & Pipes etc


20-Open RCC Stair

1 L/S

Structure No (Ref. Drg. No. EX/A-03).:-

21-Interiors of toilet partition, fixture, piping etc.

1 L/S

22-RCC shaft
1 L/S

1 L/S

24-stair case
1 L/S

25-Toilet including all fixtures, fittings & Pipes etc

complete. 1 L/S

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 12

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

1.03 Making holes of required size / shape / design in
R.C.C. wall at designated locations including
cutting of steel reinforcement & finishing the
edges smooth with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement
: 3 coarse sand) and / or plugging the open space
alround sleeves / puddle flanges with C.C. 1:1.5 :
3 mixed with approved water proofing compound
etc. all complete.

a) For size of openings beyond upto 0.5 x 0.5

metre or 0.5 metre dia.
24.00 Each



Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 13

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)



Dewatering system:-The water table at site of

work is high .To carry out excavation in dry
condition as well as to ensure that there is
enough downward load from the structure to
counter the uplift due to high water pressure
continious dewatering shall be done. A
specialised agency shall be engaged by the
contractor to do contineous dewatering (The
specialised agency for dewatering system
shall be got approved by project -in -charge
).The dewatering will include all operations of
all equipments of well - point equipment,
submersible pumps , sump pumps .discharge
pipes etc. labour & supervision , electricity ,
generators ( including stand by generator )
diesel etc .The cost of this operatiion is
supposed to be included in the rates of
various items to be executed below sub - soil
level and nothing extra shall be paid against
this account.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 14

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

2.01 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means
(Hydraulic excavator )/ manual means over areas
(exceeding 30cm in depth. 1.5m in width as well
as 10 sqm on plan) including disposal of
excavated earth, in all leads inside the project
side premises as per site plan and lift upto 1.5m,
disposed earth to be levelled and neatly dressed.

All kinds of soil

5660.00 Cum

2.02 Earth work in excavation by mechanical means

(Hydraulic Excavator )/ manual means in
foundation trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5
m in width or 10 sqm on plan) including dressing
of sides and ramming of bottoms, lift upto 1.5 m,
including getting out the excavated soil in all
leads inside the project site premises as per site
plan and disposed earth to be levelled and neatly
dressed complete as per direction of Engineer-In-

All kinds of soil.

600.00 Cum

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 15

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

2.03 Excavating trenches of required width for pipes,
cables, etc. including excavation for sockets, and
dressing of sides, ramming of bottoms, depth upto
1.5m including getting out the excavated soil, and
then returning the soil as required, in layers not
exceeding 20 cm. in depth including consolidating
Each deposited layer by ramming, watering, etc.
and disposing of surplus excavated soil as
directed, within a lead of 50m.

a) All kind of soil.

i) Pipes, cables etc. exceeding 80mm dia but not

exceeding 300mm dia.
1200.00 Metre.

ii) Pipes, cables etc. exceeding 300mm dia but

not exceeding 600mm dia. 500.00 Metre.

2.04 Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock)

in trenches, plinth, sides of foundations etc. in
layers not exceeding 20cm in depth, consolidating
Each deposited layer by ramming and watering, 1385.00 Cum
lead up to 50 m and lift upto 1.5 m.

2.05 Extra for every additional lift of 1.5Metre Or part

thereof in :-

a) All kinds of soil

2002.00 Cum.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 16

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

2.06 Supplying and filling in plinth with Jamuna sand
under floors including, watering, ramming
consolidating and dressing complete. 363.00 Cum.

2.07 Open timbering over areas including

strutting,shoring etc. complete for all depths. (
Measurements to be taken of the face area 250.00 Sqm

2.08 Extra for excavating trenches for pipes, cables

etc in all kinds of soils for depth exceeding 1.5 m
but not exceeding 3 m.

a) Pipes, cables etc, exceeding 80 mm dia. but not

exceeding 300 mm dia.
500.00 Cum.

b) Pipes, cables etc, exceeding 300 mm dia. but not

exceeding 600 mm dia.
200.00 Cum.



Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 17

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)


Cinder filling

3.01 Providing and laying in position Cinder filling in

sunken portion of toilet,Kitchen etc. , for all floors
level as direced by Engineer in charge. 550 Cum

3.02 Providing and laying in position cement concrete

mechanically compacted of specified grade
excluding the cost of centering and shuttering - All
type of work.

a) 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded

stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size)
4952 Cum.

b) 1:3:6 ( 1 cement: 3 coarse sand : 6 Graded

stone aggregate 40mm nominal size ) 250 Cum

c) 1:4:8 ( 1 cement: 4 coarse sand : 8 Graded

stone aggregate 40mm nominal size ) 5713 Cum



Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 18

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)



4.01 Providing and laying in position machine batched,

machine mixed and machine vibrated design mix
cement concrete of specified grade for reinforced
cement concrete work including pumping of
concrete to site of laying but excluding the cost of
centring, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement.
including Admixtures in recommended proportions
as per IS 9103 to accelerate, retard setting of
850 Cum.
concrete, improve workability without impairing
strength and durability as per direction of
Engineer-in-charge. M-25 grade reinforced
cement concrete by using 410kg. of cement per
cum of concrete.
All work upto floor V level.

4.02 Centring and shuttering including strutting,

propping etc. and removal of form for:-

a) Foundations, footings, bases of columns, etc.

for mass concrete. 109 sqm

b) Walls (any thickness) including attached

pilasters, butteresses, plinth and string courses
575 sqm

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 19

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

c) Suspended floors, roofs, landings, balconies

and access platform. 880 sqm

d) Shelves (Cast in situ)

100 sqm

e) Lintels, beams, plinth beams, girders,

bressumers and cantilevers. 425 sqm

f) Columns, Pillar, Piers, Abutments, Posts and

Struts. 50 sqm

g) Stairs, (excluding landings) except spiral-

100 sqm

h) Small lintels not exceeding 1.5m clear span,

moulding as in cornices, window sills, string
courses, bands, copings, bed plates, anchor 75 sqm
blocks and the like.

i) Weather shade, Chajjas, corbels etc., including 20 sqm


j) Edges of slabs and breaks in floors and walls

Above 20 cm wide
250 sqm

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 20

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

k) Extra for shuttering in circular work ( 20% of

respective centring and shuttering items ).
176 Sqm

4.03 Reinforcement for R.C.C. work including

straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position
and binding all complete.

a) Thermo-mechanically treated bars.( Grade Fe

500 )
85000 Kg.

4.04 Providing ,hoisting and fixing up to floor five level

precast reinforced cement concrete in small lintels
not exceeding 1.5m clear span up to floor five
level including the cost of required centring and
shuttring and finishing smooth with 6mm thick
cement plaster 1:3 ( 1 cement: 3 fine sand ) on 25 Cum
exposed surfaces but excluding the cost of
reinforcement with 1:2:4 ( 1 cement:2 coarse sand
:4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size )

4.05 Providing and fixing sheet covering over

expansion joints with stainless steel screws as
per design to match the colour/shade of wall

a) Aluminum fluted strips 3.15 mm thick 200 wide

150 Metre

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 21

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

4.06 Providing and fixing Armour Board (SIL FIL) of
Dawn colour between expansion joints, thickness
built up using 10mm specifically extruded high
performance sheet minimum density 30 kg per
cum and compression strength 0.21 Kg./Sqm
when tested as per ASTM D-3575 including using
double sided adhesive SIL tape (manufactured by
Supreme Industries Ltd. or equivalent) of 25x25x2
mm at four places per Sqm to the casted surface
to form the expansion joint Armour Board (SIL
FIL) will become one side of the shuttering while
the expansion joint is being created, including
cost and conveyance of all materials, labour
charges, sundries etc. complete as per drawings
and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.

a) 50mm thick
150 sqm

4.07 Providing and fixing in position Floor Expansion

Joint covers (Model no. APX-200 series as
manufactured by SAINFIELD/VEXCOLT, U.K. ,
C/S GROUP, USA or equivalent) for internal
horizontal joints in the floor slab including cost
and conveyance of all materials, labour
charges,Neoprence Elastomeric Seal, sundries etc.
complete as per drawings and as directed by

a) Width of joint- 50mm

250 Metre

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 22

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

4.08 Providing and fixing in position Wall Expansion
Joint covers (Model no. CTR-200 series as
manufactured by SAINFIELD/VEXCOLT, U.K. ,
C/S GROUP, USA or equivalent) for internal
vertical joints in the wall columns including cost
and conveyance of all materials, labour charges,
Neoprene Elastomeric Seal sundries etc.
complete as per drawings and as directed by the

a) Width of joint- 50mm

300 Metre

4.09 Providing and fixing in position Wall Expansion

Joint with (Model no. CTR-200 series as
manufactured by SAINFIELD/VEXCOLT, U.K. ,
C/S GROUP, USA or equivalent) for external
vertical joints in the wall /columns including cost
and conveyance of all materials, labour charges,
sundries etc. complete as per drawings and
specifications and as directed by the Engineer-in-

a) Width of joint- 50mm

300 Metre

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 23

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

4.10 Providing and filling expansion joints with
approved polysulphide sealing compound
(confirming to grade BS:5212, Part-I 1990)
including painting the sides of slab upto a depth
of 20mm with approved appropriate primer to
receive the specified sealing compound, providing
and applying masking tape on top edges of joint 250 Metre
to prevent accidental spillage of sealant on top
surface and to give a neat finish to the sealant
has been applied and tooled, all complete as per
specification and direction of Engineer-in-Charge.




5.01 Brick work with F.P.S. bricks of class designation

75 in foundation and plinth in:

a) Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand)

100 Cum.

5.02 Providing and laying brick work of class

designation 75 in super-structure in cement
mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand ) including
racking out joints, cleaning and soaking the bricks
350.00 Cum.
at least for 24 hours before use and necessary
scaffolding, curing at least for 7 days etc.
complete for all heights.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 24

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

NOTE:- Nothing extra will payable for

rectangular, square, curved or champherred brick

5.03 Brick work with modular fly ash lime bricks (FALG
Bricks) conforming to IS:12894-2002, class
designation 100 average compressive strength in
super structure above plinth level upto floor V
level in :
Cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement :4 Coarse sand)
600.00 Cum.

5.04 Extra for mechanised Modular fly ash lime brick

confirming to IS:12894-1990 of class designation
100 in super structure above floor five level for 100.00 Cum.
Each four floor or part there of .

NOTE:- Nothing extra will payable for rectangular,

square, curved or champherred brick work.

5.05 Providing and constructing half brick masonry wall

with bricks of class designation 75 in cement
mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4coarse sand) including
laying of 2 Nos. 6 mm dia bars in full length at
every 4th course embedded in cement mortar at
all floors and height including racking out the 350.00 sqm
joints, cleaning and soaking the bricks at least for
24 hours before use and necessary scaffolding,
curing at least for 7 days etc. complete for all

5.06 Random rubble masonry with hard stone in

foundation and plinth including levelling up with
cement concrete 1:6:12 ( 1 cement: 6 coarse
sand : 12 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal
size ) at plinth level with:

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 25

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

a) Cement mortar 1:6 ( 1 cement: 6 coarse sand )

55.00 Cum

5.07 Extra for Random rubble masonry with hard stone

in superstructure above plinth level and upto
floor five level,including levelling up with cement
concrete 1:6:12 ( 1 cement: 6 coarse sand : 12 80.00 Cum
graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size ) at
window sills,ceiling level and the like.



Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 26

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)


6.01 Providing and fixing 18mm thick gang saw cut

mirror polished (premoulded and prepolished)
machine cut for kitchen platforms, vanity counters
,window sills , facias and similar locations of
required size of approved shade, colour and
texture laid over 20mm thick base cement mortar
1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) with joints treated
with white cement, mixed with matching pigment,
epoxy touch ups, including rubbing, curing
moulding and polishing to edge to give high gloss
finish etc. complete at all levels.

a) Granite of approved colour and shade

Area of slab over 0.50 sqm

200.00 sqm

6.02 Extra for providing edge moulding to 18mm thick

marble stone of approved shade for counters,
Vanities etc. including machine polishing to edge
to give high gloss finish etc. complete as per
design approved by Engineer-in-Charge.

a) Granite Work.
500.00 Metre

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 27

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

6.03 Providing and laying 18 mm thick mirror finished
superior granite stone flooring, machine cut in
required size, approved shade, colour and texture
laid over 20 mm (average) thick base of cement
mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) with white
cement slurry 6.4 kg/ sqm mixed with matching
pigment, including rubbing and curing etc.
complete at all levels. (Sample of granite stone
shall be got approved by Engineer-in-Charge).

a) Imperial Granite
16850.00 sqm

b) Siera Granite
2900.00 sqm

6.04 Providing and fixing mirror finish 18 mm thick

superior granite stone in risers of steps, skirting ,
dados, claddings,jamb, sill etc machine cut in
required size, approved shade, colour and texture
laid on 12 mm (average) thick bed of cement
mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand), with
white cement slurry 6.4 kg/ sqm mixed with
matching pigment, epoxy touch ups rubbing and
curing including stainless steel cramps, pin,
dashfastner (HILTI MAKE) etc. complete at all
levels. (Sample of granite stone shall be got
approved by Engineer-in-Charge).

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 28

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

a) Imperial Granite
1150.00 sqm

b) Siera Granite
150.00 sqm

6.05 Extra for providing opening of required size &

shape for wash basins / kitchen sink in kitchen
platform, vanity counters and similar location in
marble / stone work including necessary holes for 200 Each
pillar taps etc. including rubbing and polishing of
cut edges etc. complete.

6.06 Providing and applying silicone base water

replleent Repellin WR coating with spray @ 0.4
litre per sqm on the back side and edges of 19750.00 sqm
marble stone/Tile before fixing the stone as per
manufacture specifications and direction of
Engineer in charge.

6.07 Extra for Sand blasting finished in place of

polished granite stone as per approval Engineer
1000.00 sqm
in charge.



Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 29

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)


7.01 Providing and fixing partition upto ceiling

height consisting of G.I. frame and required
board including providing and fixing of frame
work made of special section power pressed/
roll form G.I. sheet with zinc coating of
grade 175 in consisting of floor and ceiling
channel 50mm wide having equal flanges of
32mm and 0.5mm thick fixed to the floor
and ceiling at the spacing of 610mm centre to
centre with dash fastener of 12.5mm dia meter
40mm length and the studs 48mm wide having
one flange of 34mm and other flange 36mm and
0.50mm thick fixed vertically within flanges of
floor and ceiling channel and placed at a
spacing of 610mm centre to centre by 6mm
dia bolts and nuts at both ends of partition
fixed flush to wall with rawl plugs at spacing
of 450mm centre to centre and fixing of
boards to either side of frame work by
20mm long drive wall screws on studs, floor
and ceiling channels at the spacing of
centre to centre, including jointing and finishing
to a flush finish with recommended jointing
compound, jointing tape, joint finisher and
two coats of primer suitable for board as per
manufacture's specification and as per Engineer in
charge all complete.

75mm overall thickness partition with 12.5mm

thick double skin plain Gypsum board conforming 150.00 sqm
to IS: 2095: part I

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 30

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

7.02 Laminates Partition.

Providing and fixing 75mm thick laminates

partition with 50mm thick glass wool of 32kg/cum
denisty as per detailed Drg enclosed consisting of
1.5mm thick Laminate with groove of approved
colour/ make of F.R Grade II pasted with the
adhesive over the 12mm thick fire retardant Ply
(both side) fixed to the M.S Framing ( M.S frame
paid sepreatly) with PU Paint, necessary screws 250 sqm
and fixtures at all height in true line and level, as
shown in the drawing including opening for light
fittings, grills, cutouts, doors, Advt. etc all
complete as reaured as per the direction of the
Engineer-in -Charge.

7.03 Providing and fixing ISI marked flush door

shutters conforming to IS: 2202 (Part I) non-
decorative type, core of block board construction
with frame of 1st class hard wood and well
matched commercial 3 ply veneering with vertical
grains or cross bands and face veneers on both
faces of shutters :

a) 35 mm thick including ISI marked Stainless

Steel butt hinges with necessary screws. 750.00 sqm

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 31

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

7.04 Providing & Fixing decorative high pressure

laminated sheet of plain / wood grain in gloss /
matt / suede finish with high density protective
surface layer and reverse side of adhesive
bonding quality conforming to IS : 2046 Type S
including cost of adhesive of approved quality.

a) 1.5mm thick.
1500.00 sqm

7.05 Extra for cutting rebate in flush door shutters

(Total area of the shutter to be measured).Only 150.00 sqm
double leaf shutter.

7.06 Extra for providing lipping with 2nd class teak

wood battens 25 mm minimum depth on all edges
of shutters (over all area of door shutter to be 2500.00 sqm
measured) Over item no.7.03

7.07 Providing and fixing aluminum sliding door bolts

ISI marked anodised/powder coating ( anodic
coating not less than grade AC 10 as per IS:1868
) transparent or dyed to required colour or shade
with nuts and screws etc. complete.

a) 300 x 16mm.
24.00 Each.

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BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

7.08 Providing and fixing aluminium tower bolts ISI
marked anodised/Powder coating (anodic coating
not less than grade AC 10 as per IS : 1868 )
transparent or dyed to required colour or shade
with necessary screws etc. complete :

a) 250 x 10mm.
24.00 Each

b) 150 x 10mm.
24.00 Each

7.09 Providing and fixing stainless steel tower bolts of

ARKAY make or approved equivalent with
necessary screws etc complete.

a) 250 x12 mm
In stainless steel finish
190.00 Each

b) 150x12 mm

190.00 Each

In stainless steel finish

7.10 Supply of SS 304 Grade Carl F Dline DPL 19L

make or approved equivalent Lever Handle Pair
with Entrance Motice lockcase and both side key
cylinder with all necessaray accesories.

a) In stainless steel finish

190.00 Each

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BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

7.11 Supply of SS 304 Grade Carl F Dline DPL 19L
make or approved equivalent Lever Handle Pair
with one side key cylinder one side thumbturn
and Dead Lock with all necessary accesories

a) In stainless steel finish

224.00 Each

7.12 Providing and fixing Stainless Steel floor door

stoppers (Twin) of ARKAY make or approved
equivalent with necessary ss screws etc.
a) In stainless steel finish
48.00 Each

7.13 Providing and fixing IS : 3564 marked Zinc Alloy

metal Aluminium die cast body tubular universal
hydraulic door closer,TS1000(Geze) / Dorma 190.00 Each.
make or equivalent with necessary accessories
and screw etc. complete.

7.14 Providing and fixing in position single / double,

leaf fire check doors and chowkhat frames at all
levels of approved make, design, finish, tested
and certified at CBRI, Roorkee etc. complete in all
respect as per specifications and direction of
Engineer-In-Charge and consisting of :-

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BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

a) 48mm thick M.S fire rated door of 120 minutes
fire rating confirming to BS:476 part 22 and
IS:3614 Part II fabricated with 2 nos. 1.2mm thick
galvanised sheet with infill of fire rated
properitory insulation filler both faces of sheet
with lock seam joints at stile edges and internal
reinforcement at top, bottom and stile edges for
fire rating. The door frames are manufactured
from 1.6mm thick galvanised steel sheet pressed
form to double rebate profile of size 154mm x
77mm ( nominal ). The door frames and door
shutters are primed with etch primer and finished
with PU/Powder coated . The shutter would be
mounted with SS Ball Bearing Hinges of size
100mm x 75mm x 3.0mm of Becker Fire Solutions
( 4Nos per leaf ),appropriate openings for view
panel glass, if required. Prototype Test certificate
for a test carried out earlier at CBRI Roorkee for
fire rating of doors, shall be attached along with
manufacturers test certificate. Provisions for fixing
all fixtures shall be built in on the doors prior to
the supply.

b) 6mm thick nominal pilkington pyroshield /

Central Fire Rated Clear Wired Glass of 120
minutes rating one on each leaf of size 200 x

c) Stainless steel ball bearing hinges of size

100mm x 75mm x 3mm of BECKER Fire Solution,
220.00 sqm
4 Nos. on each leaf with screws etc.

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BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

Note:- Surface area of shutter including door
frame in elevation (one side Only) shall be
measured for payment..




8.01 Supplying, Providing, Fabricating, Assembling and

Erecting at site Tubular Structure consisting of
MS Pipe and metal casing confirming to IS
1161/4923 Grade 310 in the profile shaped as per
the design anddrawing with special plate
connectors, pinion joints using SAW / MMAW /
MIG welding process including transportation,
cutting, threading, machining, leads and lifts upto
all heights, tools & plants and necessary 202125.00 kg.
scaffolding, etc. required for all operations
involved with plate connectors, pinion joints, etc
etc. Rate to include one coat epoxy primer and
two or more coat of polyurethene paint to give
smooth and even surface as per direction of
Engineer in charge.

8.02 Steel work welded in built up sections/ framed

work including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position
and applying a priming coat of approved steel
primer using structural steel etc. as required.

a) In stringers, treads, landings etc. of stair cases

includings use of cehquered plate wherever 4000.00 kg.
required , all complete.
b) In gratings, frames, guard bar, ladders,
railings, brackets, gates, Inserts plates & similar 8000.00 kg.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 36

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

8.03 Providing and fixing 1mm thick M.S Sheet door

with Frame of 40x40x6mm angle iron and 3mm
M.S Gusset plates at the junctions and corners ,all
necessary fittings complete,including applying a
priming coat of approved steel primer

a) Using M./S angle 40x40x6 mm for diagonal

Braces 100.00 sqm

8.04 Providing and applying fire retarded paint water

based Intumescent Coating applied to the
relevant thickness depending on the load bearing
structure steel hollow sections and to be
protected to achieve the required Fire Resistance
level of 60 minutes. The complete system should
be tested in accordance with AS 1530: Part 4 or
BS 476: Part 21. Independently tested by NAMAS
and NATA approved laboratories and approvals
issued to BS476 Parts 20/ 21: 1987 and AS1530
Pt4 by WFRC and BRANZ or equivalent to ensure
that the product performs to the required
standard complete and as per direction of the
Engineer in charge.

( Items includes cost of materials , labour, tools,

ladders , scaffolding and fixtures all machineries
and all taxes i:e sales tax , excise duty , custom
duty etc complete ) . The above work is to be
carried out by a Specialized Agency giving a 2300 sqm
warrantee of at least 10 years with top coat
against any manufacturing defect and approved
of the Engineer in charge

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 37

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

8.05 Supplying and fixing rolling shutters of approved
make, made of required size M.S. laths
interlocked together through their entire length
and jointed together at the end by end locks
mounted on specially designed pipe shaft with
brackets, side guides and arrangements for inside
and outside locking with push and pull operation
complete including the cost of providing and fixing
necessary 27.5 cm. long wire springs grade No.2
and M.S. top cover of required thickness for
rolling shutters.

a) 80 x 1.25 mm M.S. laths with 1.25mm thick top

cover. 550 sqm

8.06 Providing and fixing ball bearing for rolling

shutters. 48 each

8.07 Extra for providing mechanical device chain and

crank operation for operating rolling shutters.

a) Exceeding 10.00 sqm. And upto 16.80 sqm. In the

area. 150 sqm

8.08 Extra for providing grilled rolling shutters

manufactured out of 8mm dia instead of
laths as per design approved by Engineer-in 250 sqm
charge.(area of grilled to be measured)



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BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)


9.01 52mm thick cement concrete flooring with

hardner topping under layer 40mm thick cement
concrete1:2:4 ( 1 cement:2 coarse sand :4
graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal size ) and
top layer 12 mm thick cement hardner consisting
of mix 1:2 ( 1 cement hardner mix : 2 graded
stone aggregate 6mm nominal size ) by volume 100.00 sqm
hardening compound is mixed @ 2 litre per 50 Kg
of cement or as per manufacturers
specifications.This includes cost of cement
slurry,But excluding the cost of nosing of steps
etc complete.

9.02 Cement concrete flooring 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2

coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate) finished
with a floating coat of neat cement including
cement slurry, but excluding the cost of nosing of
steps etc. complete.

a) 40mm thick with 20mm nominal size stone

aggregate 200.00 sqm

9.03 Cement plaster skirting (upto 30 cm height) with

cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand)
finished with a floating coat of neat cement.

a) 18mm thick. 250.00 sqm

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 39

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

9.04 Kota stone slab flooring in approved pattern as
shown in the architectural drawing over 20 mm
(average) thick base laid over and jointed with
grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match
the shade of the slab including rubbing and mirror
polishing complete with base of cement mortar 1
: 4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) :

a) 25mm thick.
800.00 sqm

9.05 Kota stone slabs 25 mm thick in risers of steps,

skirting, dado and pillars laid on 12 mm (average)
thick cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement 3 coarse
sand) and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed
with pigment to match the shade of the slabs,
including rubbing and mirror polishing complete.

a) Kota stone - 25mm thick

125.00 sqm

9.06 Providing and fixing Ist quality ceramic glazed

wall tiles in approved pattern as shown in the
architectural drawing conforming to IS : 15622
(thickness to be specified by the manufacturer )
of approved make in all colours, shades except
burgundy, bottle green, black of any size as
approved by Engineer-in-Charge in skirting, risers 1000.00 sqm
of steps and dados over 12 mm thick bed of
cement Mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand)
and jointing with grey cement slurry @ 3.3kg per
sqm including pointing in white cement mixed
with pigment of matching shade complete.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 40

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

9.07 Providing and laying in floors mirror finish
Homogeneous vitrified tiles Marbitto/Orient or
equivalent make without warpage, size of tile
600mmx600mm x9.6mm thick of required colour
as approved and laid on 20 mm thick cement
mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand) over
cement slurry @ 3.3 kg/ sqm including making
and grouting 3mm thick joints with solid epoxy
grout of PIDILITE, LATICRETE, SIKA or equivalent
of desired shade etc.complete and as per pattern
specified in approved drawings and specifications

a) Vitrified tiles 60 x 60 cm
10000.00 sqm

b) Vitrified tiles 100 x 100 cm

1700.00 sqm

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 41

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

9.08 Providing and laying in skirting ,risers of steps
and dado mirror finish homogeneous vitrified tiles
Marbitto/Orient or equivalent make without
warpage,size of tile 600 x 600x9.6mm thick of
required colour as approved and laid on 12mm
thick cement mortar1:3 ( 1 cement: 3 coarse sand
) and jointed with grey cement slurry @ 3.3
kg/sqm including making and grouting 3mm thick
equivalent of desired shade etc. complete and as
per pattern specified in approved drawings and
specifications. ( sample of vitrified tile shall be got
approved before execution of work by the

a) Vitrified tiles 60 x 60 cm
6550.00 sqm

9.09 Providing and laying in floors Anti skid finish

Homogeneous vitrified tiles(600x600)mm
Marbitto/Kajaria or equivalent make without
warpage, size of tile 600mmx600mm x 9.6mm
thick of required colour as approved and laid on
20 mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4
coarse sand) over cement slurry @ 3.3 kg/ sqm 400.00 sqm
including making and grouting 3mm thick joints
with solid epoxy grout of PIDILITE, LATICRETE,
SIKA or equivalent of desired shade etc.complete
and as per pattern specified in approved drawings
and specifications .

9.10 Hacking of existing floor manualy with chiesel and

hammer to achieve adequete grip with mortor for
16000.00 sqm
re-flooring as directed by Engineer in charge.



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BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)


10.01 12mm cement plaster of mix :-

a) 1:6 ( 1 cement : 6 coarse sand)

2000.00 sqm

10.02 15mm cement plaster on the rough side of single

or half brick wall of mix

a) 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand)

1000.00 sqm

10.03 12 mm cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse

sand) finished with a floating coat of neat cement. 300.00 sqm

10.04 6mm cement plaster of mix :-

a) 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand)

2000 sqm

10.05 White washing with lime to give an even shade:-

a) Old Work (three or more coats)

5000 sqm

10.06 Distempering with Oil bound washable distemper

of approved brand and manufacture to give an
even shade.
a) old work ( two or more coats ) over and
including priming coat with cement primer 13600.00 sqm
including removing of old paint.

10.07 Finishing walls with water proofing cement paint

of required shade :
a) Old work (Two or more coats applied @ 3.84
kg. / 10 sqm)including removing of old paint 4000.00 sqm

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 43

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

10.08 Painting with synthetic enamel paint of approved

brand and manufacture to give an even shade :

a) Two or more coats on Old work including

removing of old paint 3000.00 sqm

10.09 Providing and finishing 24 gauge 19 mm size

galvanised chicken wire mesh of approved make
and design at junctions of RCC and brick work
and other locations including necessary clips and 150 sqm
"U" nails rawl plugs,screws etc. complete for all
height as per specifications & direction of the

10.10 Finishing walls with texture exterior paint of

required shade

Old work(Two or more coats applied @3.28

ltr/10sqm.) over and including base coat of water
proofing cement paint "Snowcemplus" or 250.00 sqm
equivalent applied @2.2kg/10sqm including
removing of old paint.

10.11 Distempring with 1st quality acrylic washable

distemper (ready mixed) of approved
manufacturer and of required shade and colour ,
cost of all materials, labour charges, scaffolding, 41100.00 sqm
sundries etc including removing of old paint
complete as requred and as per direction of
Engineer in charge..(Two or more coats )

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BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

10.12 Providing and applying two coats white cement
based putty including removing of old paint (
Birla White/JK wall care putty or approved
equivalent ) over plastered/ RCC surface and
grinding the surface smooth with sand paper to
15000.00 sqm
get an even and smooth finish including cost and
cartage of all materials, labour charges,
scaffolding, sundries etc. complete as required
and as per direction of Engineer in charge.

10.13 Wall painting with Dulux Weathershield Max

Acrlic Emulsion paint with base primer of
approved make 2 or more coats on old work
including removing of old paint to give an even
8100.00 sqm
shade as per manufacturer specifications &
including cost of all materials, labour charges,
scaffolding, sundries etc. complete as required
and as per direction of Engineer in charge.




11.01 Providing and fixing ALUMINIUM STICK
CURTAIN GLAZING on to the prefixed
structural M.S. framework (M.S frame to be paid
seprately) 6 mm thick clear toughned glass with
aluminium sections fabricated out of heavy duty
aluminium extruded profile of approved make as
detailed under.
(i) Specially designed aluminium mullions and
transoms of extruded aluminium sections shall be
of 6063 T6 alloy with chemical composition and
mechanical properties as per IS: 733:1983 and
I.S. 1285:2002.

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BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

(ii) All the aluminium sections will be pure polyester
powder coated to 60 microns as per IS: 1868 of
required colour as per direction of the Engineer
in charge. All profiles shall be provided with
Masking Tapes to provide safety against external
scratches at site. (Masking Tapes to be removed
only at the time of handing over as per the
instructions of Engineer in charge.

(iii) Vertical mullions (M 150mm x 56mm with

minimum 2.5mm thickness as per drawing
enclosed) to be fixed to RCC / STEEL beams /
columns with designed Aluminium / Galvanized
M.S. brackets and stainless steel anchor fasteners
PVC / Teflon separator membranes between
metal to metal joints.
(iv) Horizontal transoms (T 150mm x 50mm with
minimum 2.5mm thickness as per drawing
enclosed) to be fixed to vertical mullions with
stainless steel screws such that they are not seen
in vision panels, forming grid systems of required
size as per elevation drawings for vision and
spandrel glazed panels.

(v) Heavy duty, best quality EPDM gaskets at joints

and connections between aluminium members
(EPDM should have its property at-least for
minimum 10 years, should not become brittle).

(vi) Glazed curtain wall infill panels including approved

fire stop cum smoke seal wherever applicable.

(vii) All components should be sealed for water

proofing with silicon of (Wacker Sika-305 or DOW
corning DC-991 make or equivalent) joint
movement minimum + 50% according to ASTMC -920.

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BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

(viii) The glazing frame shall be aligned for the entire
height and for the entire width by laser beam
equipment to ensure 100 percent 'X' axis and 'Y'
axis alignment. The glazing frame work shall be
provided with approved in-built ventilation and
drainage system and the entire joint must be
properly sealed with weather silicon (Grade-995)
of approved make to make the joint air tight and
water tight. The glazing unit shall be fixed in
aluminium framework with a E.P.D.M. gaskets of
approved make and aluminium pressure plate as
per drawings enclosed. E.P.D.M. gaskets of
suitable profiles to accommodate glasses in all the
vision areas shall be provided and at all glazing
area to make water/ air tight to the satisfaction of
Engineer in charge.

Gaps up to 10 mm between the peripheral

aluminum member and masonry / R.C.C. / Stone
shall be sealed by inserting Backer Rod and
weather silicon. Wherever the gaps are expected
to be more than 10 mm, shall be sealed by
providing and fixing of 2mm thick aluminium
sheet flashings bent to required profile as per
approved design duly Pure Polyester powder
coated to 60 Micron thickness in approved colour
/ natural anodised to 20 - 25 microns.

A Vision panel with glazed units of size as per


Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 47

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

Items includes Supplying, Installation and Fixing
of Aluminium Frame with Structural members,
mullions, Transoms, sub frame, cover plate,
fixtures, scaffolding, Labours, tools etc. including
supply installation of 6mm thick toughened clear
glass as approved including cost of sealants,
brackets, fasteners, screws, sleeves, spacer tap 1675.00 sqm
backer rods, bolts, gasket, fixtures, double stage
scaffolding, sales tax/VAT, excise duty etc.
complete in all respect. However the cost of M.S.
structural steel shall be measured and paid

11.02 Glazing Curtain Wall System Providing and

fixing aluminium curtain wall system, the glass to
be fixed at the outer side of the Aluminium frame
with two sides structural silicon sealant
(SG18/DC995) and two side mechanical support
with pressure plate and cap. The system should
be without direct touch between in and out
profiles to avoid acoustic transfer, the system to
have a thermal analyst to ensure max. U-value of
2.7 w/sqm, every glass panel to be drained
separately to avoid water chambers in the system
and to assure easy detection of water problems
and repair if required.
(i) Specially designed mullions and transoms of
extruded aluminum sections shall be of 6063
alloy. Specially designed mullions and transoms of
extruded aluminum sections shall be of 6063
(ii) Coating of Aluminum section will be done
with 20 micron anodized or 50-60 micron pure
polyster powder coating of required colour as per
direction of Engineer-in-Charge.

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BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

(iii) Vertical mullions (150 x 56 mm with
minimum 2.5 mm thickness at the back side) to
be fixed to RCC beams / columns with designed
Aluminum brackets and Stainless steel Anchor
fasteners PVC ply / Teflon separator membranes
between metal to metal joints.

(iv) Horizontal transoms (150 x 56 mm with

minimum 2.5 mm thickness at back) to be fixed
to vertical mullions with SS screws such that they
are not seen in vision panels, forming grid
systems of required size as per elevation drawings
for vision and spandrel glazed panels.

(v) Heavy duty, best quality EPDM gaskets at

joints and connection between Aluminum
(vi) Glazed curtain wall infill panels including
approved fire-stop-cum smoke seal wherever

(vii) All components should be sealed for water

proofing with silicon of Wacker, DOW corning
make or equivalent.
a) Vision panel with glazed units of size as per
design / drawing and consisting of 6 mm thick
clear float toughened glass of approved shade
with characteristics as per specification fixed in
precise size on the outer face of the infill panel of
approved make and glazed in fill panel to be
formed by approved means of special structural
quality silicone adhesive sealant layer
manufactured by Wacker, Dow coning or
equivalent as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 49

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

(Item includes Supplying, Installation and Fixing
of Aluminimum Frame with structural members,
mullions, Transom, subframe, cover plate, fixtures
etc. including supply installation of 6 mm thick
toughened Glass including cost of sealants,
brackets, fastners, screws, sleeve, spacer tap, 615.00 sqm
backer rod, bolts, gasket, fixtures, double stage
scaffolding, sales tax, excise duty, custom duty
etc. etc. complete in all respect). The work is to
be carried out by a Specalised Agency approved
by the Engineer-in-Charge.

The above work is to be carried out by a specialized Agency

approved by the Engineer-in Charge.

11.03 Providing and fixing FRAMELESS GLASS

CLADDING around GLASS LIFTS with vertical
17.52mm thk laminated glass having outer 8 mm
thick laminated clear glass + 1.52mm P.V.B.
lamination + inner 8mm thk tempered clear glass
of approved make with stainless steel spider
fittings(DORMA / DLine), top and bottom stainless
steel brackets (spider fittings fixed to pre installed
structural M.S framework (M.S frame to be paid
seprately ), including making suitable holes in the
laminated glass befor installation complete as per
design drawings. The periphery shall be sealed
with silicon weather sealant to make the cladding
water/ airtight. The cladding of 1.6mm thk s.s.
Sheet cladding in the jambs and soffits of lifts
door opening. The rates shall include sealing of
glass to connector pipes with stainless steel
fixtures as detailed in drawings. Silicon sealant
grade shall be "Dow corning - USA" or "GE Silicon
- USA" or "WACKER - Germany" as per the design

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 50

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

The cladding frame shall be aligned for the entire
height and for the entire width by laser beam
equipment to ensure 100 percent 'X' axis and 'Y'
axis alignment. The cladding joints must be 375.00 sqm
properly sealed with weather silicon to make the
joint water tight / air tight.

11.04 Providing, supplying and fixing glazing /

partitions upto ceiling hight using 12mm clear
toughened glass of saint gobain or approved
equivalent in partitions with glass fixed to the
floor, ceiling and sides with embedded aluminium
U channel of required size including EPDM pad
and structural / weather glass silicon sealant to 200.00 sqm
make the glazing air and water tight including
neatly cutting the chase in granite flooring /
cladding and fixing to MS frame work at ceiling
etc. complete in all respects as per the
architectural drawings and directions of Engineer
in charge.
11.05 Providing and fixing ALUMINIUM STICK CURTAIN
GLAZING AT ROOF lvl for skylight glazing on to
the prefixed structural M.S. framework (paid
seaprately) using 13.52 mm thick laminated glass
comprising of the two glass panes of approved
make 6 mm thick clear toughned glass on upper
face and 6 mm thick clear toughned glass on
lower face with laminated with 1.52mm thk PVB
layer to form mono glass unit with aluminium
sections fabricated out of heavy duty aluminium
extruded profile of approved make as detailed

(i) Specially designed aluminium mullions and

transoms of extruded aluminium sections shall be
of 6063 T6 alloy with chemical composition and
mechanical properties as per IS: 733:1983 and
I.S. 1285:2002.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 51

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

(ii) All the aluminium sections will be pure polyester
powder coated to 60 microns as per IS: 1868 of
required colour as per direction of the Engineer
in charge. All profiles shall be provided with
Masking Tapes to provide safety against external
scratches at site. (Masking Tapes to be removed
only at the time of handing over as per the
instructions of Engineer in charge.

(iii) Vertical mullions (M 150mm x 56mm with

minimum 2.5mm thickness at the back side,
2.5mm thickness in front as per drawing
enclosed) to be fixed to RCC / STEEL beams /
columns with designed Aluminium / Galvanized
M.S. brackets and stainless steel anchor fasteners
PVC / Teflon separator membranes between
metal to metal joints.

(iv) Horizontal transoms (T 150mm x 56mm with

minimum 2.5mm thickness at the back side,
2.5mm thickness in front as per drawing
enclosed) to be fixed to vertical mullions with
stainless steel screws such that they are not seen
in vision panels, forming grid systems of required
size as per elevation drawings for vision and
spandrel glazed panels.

(v) Heavy duty, best quality EPDM gaskets at joints

and connections between aluminium members
(EPDM should have its property at-least for
minimum 10 years, should not become brittle).

(vi) Glazed curtain wall infill panels including approved

fire stop cum smoke seal wherever applicable.

(vii) All components should be sealed for water

proofing with silicon of (Wacker Sika-305 or DOW
corning DC-991 make or equivalent) joint
movement minimum + 50% according to ASTMC -920.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 52

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

(viii) The glazing frame shall be aligned for the entire
height and for the entire width by laser beam
equipment to ensure 100 percent 'X' axis and 'Y'
axis alignment. The glazing frame work shall be
provided with approved in-built ventilation and
drainage system and the entire joint must be
properly sealed with weather silicon (Grade-995)
of approved make to make the joint air tight and
water tight. The glazing unit shall be fixed in
aluminium framework with a E.P.D.M. gaskets of
approved make and aluminium pressure plate as
per drawings enclosed. E.P.D.M. gaskets of
suitable profiles to accommodate glasses in all the
vision areas shall be provided and at all glazing
area to make water/ air tight to the satisfaction of
Engineer in charge.

Gaps up to 10 mm between the peripheral

aluminum member and masonry / R.C.C. / Stone
shall be sealed by inserting Backer Rod and
weather silicon. Wherever the gaps are expected
to be more than 10 mm, shall be sealed by
providing and fixing of 2mm thick aluminium
sheet flashings bent to required profile as per
approved design duly Pure Polyester powder
coated to 50 Micron thickness in approved colour
/ natural anodised to 20 - 25 microns.

A Vision panel with glazed units of size as per

design/drawing and consisting of laminted glass
comprising of 6mm thick toughened clear glass at
outer face + 1.52mm thl PVB lamination + 6mm
thick toughenedglass as approved pattren ceramic
fritted glass at inner face with characteristics and
as per specification fixed in precise size on the
outer face of the mullion / transom.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 53

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

Items includes Supplying, Installation and Fixing
of Aluminium Frame with Structural members,
mullions, Transoms, sub frame, cover plate,
fixtures, scaffolding, Labours, tools etc. including
supply installation of 13.52 mm thick laminated
clear glass (6mm thick toughened clear glass at
outer face + 1.52mm thk PVB LAMINATION +
6mm thick toughened clear glass as approved
225.00 sqm
pattren ceramic fritted glass at inner face)
including cost of sealants, brackets, fasteners,
screws, sleeves, spacer tap backer rods, bolts,
gasket, fixtures, double stage scaffolding, sales
tax/VAT, excise duty etc. complete in all respect.
However the cost of M.S. structural steel shall be
measured and paid separately.

The above work is to be carried out by a

specialized Agency approved by the Engineer-in

11.06 Providing and fixing aluminium works for doors,

windows, ventilators and partitions with extruded
built-up standard tubular sections/appropriate Z
sections and other sections of approved make
conforming to IS:733 and IS:1285, fixed with
rawl plug and screws or with fixing clips, or with
expansion hold fastners including necessary filling
up of gaps at junctions, at top, bottom and sides
with required PVC / Neoprene felt etc. Aluminium
sections shall be smooth, rust free, straight mitred
and jointed mechanically wherever required
including cleat angle, aluminium snap beading for
glazing / panelling, C.P. brass / stainless steel
screws, all complete as per architectural drawings
and the directions of Engineer-in-Charge. (glazing
to be paid for separately as per relvent Item)

a) For Fixed Portion.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 54

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

Powder coated aluminum ( minimum thickness of
powder coating 50-60 micron ) 500 kg

b) For shutters of doors, windows & ventilators

including providing and fixing hinges / pivots/
floor spring/ locking arrangement, Sliding and
making provision for fixing of fittings wherever as
required including the cost of PVC / neoprene
gasket required .

Powder coated aluminum ( minimum thickness of

500 kg
powder coating 50-60 micron )

11.07 Providing and fixing glazing in aluminium door,

window, ventilator shutters and partitions, etc.
with PVC / neoprene gasket etc. complete as per
the architectural drawings and the directions of

a) With toughned Glass 6mm thickness

100.00 sqm

11.08 Providing and fixing for column,wall,cladding with

4mm thick aluminium composite panel
around the columns/dead walls/ beam / roof
facia/ under side sky light at all heights. The rate
shall include all necessary frame work, tools and
plants, scaffolding, technical personal and as per
technical specifications, complete as per the
direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.

Items includes cost of Aluminium Frame, ACP

Panel, Weather Sealant, Gasket, Foam,
Scaffolding, Fixtures all machineries and all taxes
i.e. sales tax, excise duty, custom duty etc. 8200.00 sqm
complete. The above work is to be carried out by
a Specialized Agency approved by the Engineer-in-
Only surface area of aluminium composite panel
alongwith its groove shall be measured for
payment .

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 55

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

11.09 Fabrication, supply and installation of 1.5 mm
thick Stainless steel sheet in Polish
/brushed finish (Grade SS-304) cladding
around the RCC column in the profile as per
drawings complete with bending to shape as
required, fixing to MS frame with necessarry
anchors, bolts, clips, counter sunk screws,
washers packings, silicon sealant, backer rods,
etc. as required for installation as per the
approved shop drawings and instructions of
550.00 sqm
engineer in charge. ( M.S framing to be paid
seperately )

Note : All the fabrication work to be done on CNC

laser cutting machine, CNC bending & rolling
macines. SS cladding panels to be supplied in
prefabricated /prerolled condition in modular form
at site to minimize the site installation/welding.
No welding /Fabrication shall be allowed at site.

11.10 Providing and fixing 12mm thick LG HIMACS

shade of (Volcanics-Mikeno VE-02)/ Du
point Corian Acrylic Solid Surface for
circular column moulded to shape cladding
as per drawing at all heights/ level. The rate
shall include all necessary G.I frame work at
600c/c, 12mm commercial board, tools and
plants, scaffolding, technical personal and as per
technical specifications, complete , as per the
direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.

Items includes cost of G.I Frame, acrylic solid

surface, 19mm commercial board, Weather
Sealant, Gasket, Foam, Scaffolding, Fixtures all
machineries and all taxes i.e. sales tax, excise
duty, custom duty etc. complete job as required. 450.00 sqm
The above work is to be carried out by a
Specialized Agency approved by the Engineer-in-

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 56

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

Only surface area of acrylic solid surface panel
alongwith its groove shall be measured for
payment .

11.11 Providing, fixing and installing in position railing

system of AISI-304 grade Hair line finish stainless
steel railling comprising of 50.8mm dia 2mm thick
top rail balustrade of 50x6mm thick 900mm c/c
with runner pipes of 20mm dia 1.65mm thick 2500.00 kg
along with base grouting plate and shoe cover
complete as required as per architeural detail
drawing as per direction of Engineer in charge.

11.12 Providing and fixing perforated metal ceiling

system (150 SAS, UK or equivalent) in grid size
of 600mm x 600mmx0.60mm thick using bevel
edge, Clip-in hinge down providing sliding Zintec
(electro-galvanised steel) panels finished
polyester powder coat with 20% gloss, color and
finish as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. The
suspended ceiling system shall comprise of ceiling
tiles (SAS Emac System 150 or equivalent)
supported by galvanised suspension system
(Emac Omega or equivalent) with automatic self
levelling double pip feature. Tiles shall be
perforated to pattern 1522 with 10mm plain
borders, complete with factory black acoustic 1900.00 sqm
tissue faced 18mm thick x 80 kg/m3 acoustic pad
with reinforced aluminium foil backing. System
shall be manufactured to meet Class 'O' fire
propagation and Surface spread of flame. The
galvanised Omega bar type 154 is fixed to pre-
engineered Emac channel section or equivalent of
1.2mm thick at 1500 / 2000mm max. centers and
as per manufacturers specifications. (Item and
rate shall include supplying, installation and fixing
of System SAS 150 or equivalent complete
including cost of grid and all accessories such as
perimeter channels, hold down wedges, acoustic
insulation, fasteners, anchorbolts, brackets,
screws, fixtures, all machineries and all taxes, i.e.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 57

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

11.13 Providing and fixing Gyptone board suspended

ceiling with 50mm thick glass wool of 32kg/cum
denisty, which includes Gypsteel perimeter
channels of size 0.55mm thick (having one flange
of 20mm and another flange of 30mm and a web
of 27mm) along with perimeter of ceiling, screw
fixed to brick wall/partition with the help of nylon
sleeves and screws, at 610mm centres. Then
suspending Gypsteel intermediate channels of
size 45mm (0.9mm thick with two flanges of
15mm each) from the soffit at 1200mm centres
with ceiling angle of width 25mmx10mmx0.55mm
thick fixed to soffit with GI cleat and steel
expansion fasteners(Mfg by saint Gobain India
Gypsum). Then Gypsteel Ceiling section of
0.55mm thickness having knurled web of 51.5mm
and two flanges of 26mm each with lips of
10.5mm are then fixed to the Gypsteel
intermediate channel with the help of connecting
clip and in direction perpendicular to the
Gypsteel intermediate channel at 600mm
centres. Single layer of 12.5mm 4 side tapered
edge Gyptone board is then screw fixed to ceiling
section with
25mm drywall screws at 230mm centres. Screw
fixing is done mechanically either with screw
driver or drilling machine with suitable attachment 1550.00 sqm
all complete as required at all heights as per
direction and instruction of Engineer-in-Charge.

OnlyGyptone board suspended ceiling area will be

measured for the purpose of payment.

The Job to be carried out by reputed company

having sufficient work experience.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 58

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

11.14 Providing, making and placing ticket Counter
made up from 19mm thick commercial board of
BWR Grade over the frame work of hard wood of
section 70 x 50mm including the fixing of 12mm
thick acrylic polymer solid surface of white HI-
Macs/ Du point corian or equivalent at the
designated location in the extruded profile of 15 36 each
x20mm with rounded edges and 1.25mm thick
stainless steel sheet of grade SS 304 at the
bottom of the counter with necessary fixtures
,fittings etc.complete as shown in the drawing
and as per the direction of the Engineer-In-

11.15 Providing and fixing Back painted 6mm

toughneed glass with 25mm dia SS stud as per
300 sqm
drawing details as directed by Engineer in charge.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 59

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

11.16 Providing & fixing 3M Fasara - Macrx -Mat Crystal
Decorative / Privacy Glazing Film, with following
features backed 3M MCS warranty of 5 years.The
material should consist of a durable polyester with
a decorative matte surface, manufactured with a
silicone liner to protect clear pressure-sensitive
adhesive. Films contain no metals, but so contain
infrared-absorbing carbon, metal oxide particles,
or both. Film should have nominal thickness of
between 3.0 mils and 3.5 mils (0.003 and 0.0035
inches).The film color should be clear, containing
no metal coatings or dyed polyesters.
1. Ultraviolet Rejected (ASTM E 903): Not less 1250.00 sqm
than 99 percent.
2. Visible Light Transmission (ASTM E 903, ASTM
E308): Not more than 88 percent.
3. Visible Light Rejected (ASTM E 903): Not less
than 7 percent.
4. Solar Heat Reduction: Not less than 6 percent.
5. Shading Coefficient at 90 Degrees (Normal
Incidence) (ASTM E 903): Not less than 0.92.
5years Warranty to be endorsed by 3M India


Providing and fixing for False ceiling with 4mm

thick aluminium composite panel of at all
heights as per drawing detail . The rate shall
include all necessary Hangers,frame work, tools
and plants, scaffolding, technical personal and as
per technical specifications, complete as per the
direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 60

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

Items includes cost of Aluminium Frame, ACP
Panel, Hangers,Weather Sealant, Gasket, Foam,
Scaffolding, Fixtures all machineries and all taxes
i.e. sales tax, excise duty, custom duty etc. 100.00 sqm
complete. The above work is to be carried out by
a Specialized Agency approved by the Engineer-in-

Only surface area of aluminium composite panel

alongwith its groove shall be measured for
payment .

11.18 UPVC Window glazing

Providing and fixing factory made UPVC
(Kommerling or equivalent) works for for doors,
windows, ventilators and partitions with UPVC
extruded built-up sections/appropriate Z sections
having overall dimension of profile size 48x40mm
( tolerance +1.00mm) fixed with rawl plug and
screws or with fixing clips, or with expansion hold
fastners including necessary filling up of gaps at
junctions, at top, bottom and sides with required
PVC / Neoprene felt etc. UPVC sections shall be
smooth, rust free, straight mitred and jointed
mechanically wherever required including cleat
angle, UPVC snap beading for glazing / panelling,
C.P. brass / stainless steel screws, all complete as
per architectural drawings and the directions of
Engineer-in-Charge. (glazing to be paid for
separately as per relvent Item)

a) For Fixed Portion.

1540.00 sqm

b) For shutters of doors, windows & ventilators

including providing and fixing hinges / pivots/
floor spring/ locking arrangement, Sliding and
making provision for fixing of fittings wherever as 510.00 sqm
required including the cost of PVC / neoprene
gasket required .

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 61

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

11.19 Providing and fixing glazing in UPVC door,

window, ventilator shutters and partitions, etc.
with PVC / neoprene gasket etc. complete as per 2050.00 sqm
the architectural drawings and the directions of
a) With toughned Glass 6mm thickness



Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 62

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)


12.01 Providing and laying water proofing treatment in

sunken portion of WC's ,bathroom etc. by
applying cement slurry mixed with water proofing
cement compound consisting of applying : a) First
layer of slurry of cement@ 0.488 kg/sqm mixed
with water proofing cement compound @ 0.253
kg/sqm This layer will be allowed to aircure for 4
hours.b) Second layer of slurry of cement @ 2500.00 sqm
0.242 kg/sqm mixed with water proofing
compound @ 0.126 kg/sqm .This layer will be
allowed to air cure for 4 hours followed with water
curing for 48 hours.The rate includes prepration
of surface,treatment and sealing of all
joints,corners,junctions of pipes and masonry with
polymer mixed slurry.




13.01 Providing and fixing in floors Vitrified Paving Tiles

in different sizes ( Thickness to be approved by
the Manufacturer ) with water absorption less
Than 0.08% and confirming to IS:15622 of
approved make and pattern in all colour &
shade,laid on 20mm thick cement mortar 1:4 ( 1
cement: 4 coarse sand ) including grouting the
joints with white cement and matching pigment
etc. Complete.
a) 100 x 100 x 10mm
3150.00 Sqm

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 63

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

13.02 Providing and fixing Quartzite stone in Flooring of
size 100x100mm and 70mm to 80mm thick laid
over 20mm ( avg. ) thick base of cement mortar
1:6 ( 1 cement: 6 coarse sand ) and jointed and 200.00 Sqm
pointing with cement mortar 1:3 ( 1 cement: 3
coarse sand ) etc. complete as per direction of

13.03 Providing and laying C.C pavement/ road of Mix M-

30 with ready mixed concrete from batching
plant. The ready mix concrete shall be laid and
finished with screed board vibrator,Vaccum
dewatering process and finally finished by floating
,brooming with wire brush including steel form
work with surdy M.S. channel section , curing and
providing and filling construction joints and
dummy joints with approved joint filler and primer 5585.00 cum
including rounding of the edges and filling the
grooves 10x25 mm deep at top for construction
joints and 10mmx50mm deep at top for dummy
joints with joints sealing compound (confirming to
grade B of : 1834) including making necessary
arrangements for expansion joints etc, all
complete as required and as direction of Engineer
in charge.
13.04 Providing and laying 60mm thick factory made
cement concrete interlocking paver block of M-
35 Grade made by block making machine with
strong vibratory compaction and of approved size
and design/shape laid in required colour and
1600.00 Sqm
pattern over and including 50mm thick compacted
bed of course sand ,filling the joints with coarse
sand etc. all complete as per the direction of the

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 64

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

13.05 Providing and laying 60mm thick factory made
cement concrete paver block of M- 40 Grade of
size 200 x 100 x 60mmm made by block making
machine with strong vibratory compaction and of
approved size and design/shape laid in required
colour and pattern over and including 50mm thick
compacted bed of coarse sand ,filling the joints
with coarse sand etc. all complete as per the
direction of the Engineer-In-Charge.

a) In Grey Colour
450.00 Sqm

b) In Red/Beige Colour
450.00 Sqm

13.06 Providing and laying 70mm thick factory made

precast grass grid pavers of size 600 x 400 x
70mm thick approved make design and shade
having strength of M-30 over 30mm thick base of 510.00 Sqm
Jamuna sand and filling the joints with dry
jamuna sand including compacting and vibrating
complete as per direction of Engineer-In-Charge.

13.07 Providing and laying at or near ground level

factory made kerb stone of M-25 grade cement
in position to the required line,level and curvature
jointed with cement mortar 1:3 ( 1 cement: 3
coarse sand ) including making joints with or
without grooves ( thickness of joints except at 250.00 Cum
sharp curve shall not be more than 5mm)
including making drainage opening wherever
required complete etc. as per direction of
Engineer-In-Charge.( Length of finished kerb
edging shall be measured for payment)( Precast
C.C Kerb stone shall be approved by the Engineer-

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 65

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

13.08 Providing and laying and making kerb channel
30cm wide and 50mm thick of cement concrete
1:3:6 ( 1 cement: 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone
aggregate 20mm nominal size ) over 75mm bed
of dry brick ballast 40 mm nominal size well 100.00 Sqm
rammed and consolidated and grouted with fine
sand including finishing the top smooth etc.
complete and as per direction of the Engineer-In-

13.09 Providing and laying C.C pavement of Mix M-25

with ready mixed concrete from batching
plant.The ready mixed concrete shall be laid and
finished with screed board vibrator,vaccum
dewatering process and finally finished by floating
,Brooming with wire brush,joint cutting etc.
complete as per specification and direction of
Engineer-In-Charge.( The panel shuttering work
shall be paid for seperately.) 8000.00 Cum

13.10 Providing and mixing fiber 100% virgin

polypropylene fibers as approved @ 900 gms per
5585.00 Cum
cubic meter of cement concrete as per
manufacturers specifications.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 66

BOQ Civil Works

Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

13.11 Supplying and fixing 2 meter high temporary
barricading as per the drawing enclosed which
includes painting and writing , arrangements for
traffic diversion such as traffic signals including
construction at site for day and night , glow lamps
, reflective signs , marking , flags , caution tape
as directed by Engineer in -charge . The
barricading shall be provided during the execution
of the entire work in completion and shall not be 250.00 Metre
removed at any stage without approval of the
Engineer in- charge item to include shifting in
position as per the direction of Engineer in-
charge and all incidentals, labour material ,
equipments and works required to execute the
job . The barricading shall be the property of the
contractor after completion of work.



Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 67

Abstract Of Cost Electrical Works


S.NO. SH. DESCRIPTION Amount in (Rs.)

In figures In words










Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 68

Abstract Of Cost Electrical Works

S.NO. SH. DESCRIPTION Amount in (Rs.)

In figures In words






Total of Electrical Works

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 69

BOQ Electrical works


Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)




Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of

cubicle type totally enclosed free standing type, duly
compartmentalised, dust free, damp and vermin
proof fabricated from 2mm thick sheet steel duly
painted, internally wired, interconnection with
aluminium links, busbar chamber and having
following incoming & outgoing moulded case circuit
breakers, ammeters, voltmeters, selector switch,
indicating lamp etc. complete as per specifications
and drawings.



- 1 No. 160 Amp Four Pole Moulded Case Circuit

Breaker (35 KA Ics value).


Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 70

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

- 1 No. 0 to 500 Volt voltmeter with selector switch.

- 1 No. 0 to 200 Amp ammeter with selector switch

and CTs.

- 1 Set of phase indicating lamps with protection MCB


- 200Amp TPN aluminium busbars.


- 9 Nos. 40 to 63Amp triple pole moulded case circuit

breaker with neutral link (25 KA Ics value).
1 Set



- 1 No. 300 Amp Four Pole Moulded Case Circuit

Breaker (35 KA Ics value).


- 1 No. 0 to 500 Volt voltmeter with selector switch.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 71

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

- 1 No. 0 to 300Amp ammeter with selector switch

and CTs.

- 1 Set of phase indicating lamps with protection



- 400Amp TPN aluminium busbars.


- 15 Nos. 32-63Amp triple pole moulded case circuit

breaker with neutral link (25 KA Ics value).
1 Set



- 1 No. 100Amp Four Pole Moulded Case Circuit

Breaker (35 KA Ics value).


- 1 No. 0 to 500 Volt voltmeter with selector switch.

- 1 No. 0 to 100 Amp ammeter with selector switch

and CTs.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 72

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

- 1 Set of phase indicating lamps with protection



- 150Amp TPN aluminium busbars.


- 13 Nos. 40-63Amp triple pole moulded case circuit

breaker with neutral link (25KA Ics value).
1 Set


Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of

cubicle type totally enclosed free standing type
moisture, dust and vermin proof Meter Board made
out of 1.63 mm thick MS sheet complete with
following equipments, including ammeter, ammeter
selector switch, voltmeter, voltmeter selector switch,
indicating lamps, CT's, internal wiring with suitable
size wires/ cable, interconnection, painting etc as




- 1No.63Amp FP moulded case circuit breaker (25KA

Ics Value)

- 1No. 0 to 500 Volt voltmeter with selector switch.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 73

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

- 1No. 60 Amp Ammeter with selector switch and

- 1Set of phase indicating lamps with single pole

- 100Amp TPN busbar of aluminium.


i) 9 Nos. meter chamber each of size 300mm x 400mm

having 6mm thick bakelite sheet and each meter
chamber consisting of following :-

a) 1 No. 0-10 Amp. Single Phase KWH Meter (dual


b) 1 No. 16 Amp DP MCB (10KA )

c) 1 No. 6 way 16 Amp connector for DG signal

control cable looping.
2 Set


- 1No.150Amp FP moulded case circuit breaker
(35KA Ics Value).

- 1No. 0 to 500 Volt voltmeter with selector switch.

- 1No. 150 Amp Ammeter with selector switch and


Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 74

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

- 1Set of phase indicating lamps with Single Pole


- 200Amp TPN aluminium busbar.


i) 8 No. meter chamber each of size 400mm x 450mm

having 6mm thick bakelite sheet and each meter
chamber consisting of following :-

a) 1 No. 0-40 Amp. Three Phase KWH Meter (dual


b) 1 No. 40 Amp FP MCCB with neutral link (25KA

Ics Value).

c) 1 No. 6 way 16 Amp connector for DG signal

control cable looping

ii) 5 No. meter chamber each of size 300mm x 400mm

having 6mm thick bakelite sheet and each meter
chamber consisting of following :-

a) 1 No. 0-10 Amp. Single Phase KWH Meter (dual


b) 1 No. 16 Amp DP MCB (10KA )

c) 1 No. 6 way 16 Amp connector for DG signal

control cable looping
1 Set

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 75

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)



- 1No.125Amp FP moulded case circuit breaker

(35KA Ics Value)

- 1No. 0 to 500 Volt voltmeter with selector switch.

- 1No. 125 Amp Ammeter with selector switch and


- 1Set of phase indicating lamps with single pole


- 150Amp TPN aluminium busbar.


i) 1 No. meter chamber each of size 400mm x 450mm

having 6mm thick bakelite sheet and each meter
chamber consisting of following :-

a) 1 No. 0-30 Amp. Three Phase KWH Meter (dual


b) 1 No. 32 Amp FP MCCB (25KA Ics Value)

c) 1 No. 6 way 16 Amp connector for DG signal

control cable looping

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 76

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

ii) 4 Nos. meter chamber each of size 400mm x 450mm

having 6mm thick bakelite sheet and each meter
chamber consisting of following :-

a) 1 No. 0-40 Amp. Three Phase KWH Meter (dual


b) 1 No. 40 Amp FP MCCB (25KA Ics Value)

c) 1 No. 6 way 16 Amp connector for DG signal

control cable looping. 1 Set



- 1No.80Amp FP moulded case circuit breaker (25KA

Ics Value)

- 1No. 0 to 500 Volt voltmeter with selector switch.

- 1No. 80 Amp Ammeter with selector switch and


- 1Set of phase indicating lamps with single pole


- 150Amp TPN busbar of aluminium.


Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 77

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

i) 18 Nos. meter chamber each of size 300mm x

400mm having 6mm thick bakelite sheet and each
meter chamber consisting of following :-

a) 1 No. 0-10 Amp. Single Phase KWH Meter (dual


b) 1 No. 16 Amp DP MCB (10KA)

c) 1 No. 6 way 16 Amp connector for DG signal

control cable looping
1 Set




- 1No.160Amp FP moulded case circuit breaker

(25KA Ics Value).

- 1No. 0 to 500 Volt voltmeter with selector switch.

- 1No. 160 Amp Ammeter with selector switch and


- 1Set of phase indicating lamps with single pole


- 200Amp TPN aluminium busbar.


Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 78

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

i) 10 Nos. meter chamber each of size 400mm x

450mm having 6mm thick bakelite sheet and each
meter chamber consisting of following :-

a) 1 No. 0-30 Amp. Three Phase KWH Meter (dual


b) 1 No. 32 Amp FP MCCB (25KA Ics Value)

c) 1 No. 6 way 16 Amp connector for DG signal

control cable looping
ii) 1 No. meter chamber each of size 400mm x 450mm
having 6mm thick bakelite sheet and each meter
chamber consisting of following :-

a) 1 No. 0-40 Amp. Three Phase KWH Meter (dual


b) 1 No. 40 Amp FP MCCB (25KA Ics Value)

c) 1 No. 6 way 16 Amp connector for DG signal

control cable looping

iii) 1 No. meter chamber each of size 400mm x 450mm

having 6mm thick bakelite sheet and each meter
chamber consisting of following :-

a) 1 No. 0-60 Amp. Three Phase KWH Meter (dual


b) 1 No. 63 Amp FP MCCB (25KA Ics Value)

c) 1 No. 6 way 16 Amp connector for DG signal

control cable looping 2 Set

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 79

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)




- 1No.100Amp FP moulded case circuit breaker

(35KA Ics Value)

- 1No. 0 to 500 Volt voltmeter with selector switch.

- 1No. 100 Amp Ammeter with selector switch and


- 1Set of phase indicating lamps with single pole


- 150Amp TPN aluminium busbar.


i) 10 Nos. meter chamber each of size 400mm x

450mm having 6mm thick bakelite sheet and each
meter chamber consisting of following :-

a) 1 No. 10-30 Amp. Three Phase KWH Meter (dual


b) 1 No. 32 Amp FP MCCB (25KA Ics Value)

c) 1 No. 6 way 16 Amp connector for DG signal

control cable looping 2 Set

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 80

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)




- 1No.160Amp FP moulded case circuit breaker

(35KA Ics Value)

- 1No. 0 to 500 Volt voltmeter with selector switch.

- 1No. 160 Amp Ammeter with selector switch and


- 1Set of phase indicating lamps with single pole


- 200Amp TPN aluminium busbar.


i) 3 Nos. meter chamber each of size 400mm x 450mm

having 6mm thick bakelite sheet and each meter
chamber consisting of following :-

a) 1 No. 0-40 Amp. Three Phase KWH Meter (dual


b) 1 No. 40 Amp FP MCCB with neutral link (25KA

Ics Value)

c) 1 No. 6 way 16 Amp connector for DG Signal

control cable looping

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 81

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

ii) 8 Nos. meter chamber each of size 400mm x 450mm

having 6mm thick bakelite sheet and each meter
chamber consisting of following :-
a) 1 No. 0-30 Amp. Three Phase KWH Meter (dual

b) 1 No. 32 Amp FP MCCB (25KA Ics Value)

c) 1 No. 6 way 16 Amp connector for DG Signal

control cable looping 2 Set




- 1No.125Amp FP moulded case circuit breaker

(35KA Ics Value)

- 1No. 0 to 500 Volt voltmeter with selector switch.

- 1No. 125 Amp Ammeter with selector switch and


- 1Set of phase indicating lamps with Single Pole



Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 82

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

- 150Amp TPN aluminium busbar.


i) 5 Nos. meter chamber each of size 400mm x 450mm

having 6mm thick bakelite sheet and each meter
chamber consisting of following :-

a) 1 No. 0-30 Amp. Three Phase KWH Meter (dual


b) 1 No. 32 Amp FP MCCB (25KA Ics Value)

c) 1 No. 6 way 16 Amp connector for DG Signal

control cable looping

ii) 1 No. meter chamber each of size 400mm x 450mm

having 6mm thick bakelite sheet and each meter
chamber consisting of following :-

a) 1 No. 0-40 Amp. Three Phase KWH Meter (dual


b) 1 No. 40 Amp FP MCCB (25KA Ics Value)

c) 1 No. 6 way 16 Amp connector for DG Signal

control cable looping

iii) 1 No. meter chamber each of size 400mm x 450mm

having 6mm thick bakelite sheet and each meter
chamber consisting of following :-

a) 1 No. 0-60 Amp. Three Phase KWH Meter (dual


b) 1 No. 63 Amp FP MCCB (25KA Ics Value)

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 83

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

c) 1 No. 6 way 16 Amp connector for DG Signal

control cable looping 2 Set



- 1No.100Amp FP moulded case circuit breaker

(35KA Ics Value)

- 1No. 0 to 500 Volt voltmeter with selector switch.

- 1No. 100 Amp Ammeter with selector switch and


- 1Set of phase indicating lamps with single pole


- 150Amp TPN aluminium busbar.


i) 3 Nos. meter chamber each of size 400mm x 450mm

having 6mm thick bakelite sheet and each meter
chamber consisting of following :-

a) 1 No. 0-40 Amp. Three Phase KWH Meter (dual


b) 1 No. 40 Amp FP MCCB (25KA Ics Value)

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 84

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

c) 1 No. 6 way 16 Amp connector for DG Signal

control cable looping

ii) 7 Nos. meter chamber each of size 400mm x 450mm

having 6mm thick bakelite sheet and each meter
chamber consisting of following :-

a) 1 No. 0-30 Amp. Three Phase KWH Meter (dual


b) 1 No. 32 Amp FP MCCB (25KA Ics Value)

- 1 No. 6 way 16 Amp connector for DG Signal

control cable looping 1 Set



- 1No. 300Amp FP moulded case circuit breaker

(35KA Ics Value)

- 1No. 0 to 500 Volt voltmeter with selector switch.

- 1No. 300 Amp Ammeter with selector switch and


- 1Set of phase indicating lamps with single pole


- 400Amp TPN aluminium busbar.


Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 85

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

i) 4 Nos. meter chamber each of size 400mm x 450mm

having 6mm thick bakelite sheet and each meter
chamber consisting of following :-

a) 1 No. 0-30Amp. Three Phase KWH Meter (dual


b) 1 No. 32Amp. FP MCCB (25KA Ics Value)

c) 1 No. 6 way 16 Amp connector for DG Signal

control cable looping

ii) 4 Nos. meter chamber each of size 400mm x 450mm

having 6mm thick bakelite sheet and each meter
chamber consisting of following :-

a) 1 No. 0-40Amp. Three Phase KWH Meter (dual


b) 1 No. 40Amp. FP MCCB (25KA Ics Value)

c) 1 Nos. 6 way 16Amp connecor for DG signal control

cable looping.

iii) 1 No. meter chamber each of size 300mm x 600mm

having 6mm thick bakelite sheet and each meter
chamber consisting of following :-

a) 1 No. 0-200Amp. Three Phase KWH Meter (dual


b) 1 No. 200Amp. FP MCCB (35KA Ics Value)

c) 1 Nos. 6 way 16Amp connecor for DG signal control

cable looping. 1 Set

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 86

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)



- 1No.125Amp FP moulded case circuit breaker

(35KA Ics Value)

- 1No. 0 to 500 Volt voltmeter with selector switch.

- 1No. 125 Amp Ammeter with selector switch and


- 1Set of phase indicating lamps with single pole


- 150Amp TPN aluminium busbar.


i) 3 Nos. meter chamber each of size 400mm x 450mm

having 6mm thick bakelite sheet and each meter
chamber consisting of following :-

a) 1 No. 0-40Amp. Three Phase KWH Meter (dual


b) 1 No. 40 Amp Four pole MCCB (25KA Ics Value)

c) 1 Nos. 6 way 16Amp connecor for DG signal control

cable looping.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 87

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

ii) 5 Nos. meter chamber each of size 400mm x 450mm

having 6mm thick bakelite sheet and each meter
chamber consisting of following :-

a) 1 No. 0-30Amp. Three Phase KWH Meter (dual


b) 1 No. 32Amp. FP MCCB (25KA Ics Value)

c) 1 Nos. 6 way 16Amp connecor for DG signal control

cable looping. 1 Set


3.1 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of
MCCB in CRCA sheet steel enclosure made out of 2
mm thick suitable for 3 phase 4 wire 50Hz AC
system complete with four pole Moulded Case
Circuit Breaker (Ics Value 35KA) suitable for
incoming & outgoing termination including powder
coating etc. complete as per specification & as

i) 200 Amp FP MCCB (35KA Ics Value)

1 No.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 88

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)


4.1 Supplying and fixng following way single pole and

neutral, sheet steel, MCB distribution board, 240
volts, on surface / recess, complete with tinned
copper busbar neutral busbar, earth bar, din barm
detachable gland plate, interconnections,
phosphaized and power painted including earthing
etc. as required. (But without MCB / RCCB /

i) 8 way, Double door

42 Nos.

ii) 12 way, Double door

4 Nos.

4.2 Supplying and fixing following way, three pole and

neutral, prewired, sheet steel, MCB distribution
board, 415 volts, on surface / recess, complete with
loose wire box, terminal blocks, duly prewired with
suitable size FR PVC insulated copper conductor
upto terminal blocks, tinned copper busbar, neutral
link, earth bar, din bar, detachable gland plate,
interconnections, phosphatized and powder painted
including earthing etc. as required. (But without

i) 4 way, (4+12), Double door

115 Nos.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 89

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

ii) 6 way, (4+18), Double door

25 Nos.

iii) 8 way, (4+24), Double door

5 Nos.

iv) 12 way, (4+36), Double door

7 Nos.

4.3 Supplying and fixing following rating, double pole

240 volts, Isolator in the existing MCB DB complete
with connections, testing and commissioning etc. as

i) 40 Amp
46 Nos.

4.4 Supplying and fixing following rating, double pole

(Single Phase & neutral) 240 volts, residual current
circuit breaker (RCCB) having a sensitivity current
upto 300 miliamperes in the existing MCB DB
complete with connections, testing and
commissioning etc. as required.

i) 40 Amp
46 Nos.

4.5 Supplying and fixing following rating, four pole 415

volts, Isolator in the existing MCB DB complete
with connections, testing and commissioning etc. as

i) 40 Amp
140 Nos.

ii) 63 Amp
12 Nos.
Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 90
BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

4.6 Supplying and fixing following rating, four pole

(Three Phase & neutral) 415 volts, residual current
circuit breaker (RCCB) having a sensitivity current
upto 300 miliamperes in the existing MCB DB
complete with connections, testing and
commissioning etc. as required.

i) 40 Amp
140 Nos.

ii) 63 Amp
12 Nos.

4.7 Supplying and fixing 5 Amps to 32 Amps reating

240 volts, 'B' series, miniature circuit breaker
suitable for lighting and other load of following
poles in the existing MCB DB complete with
connections, testing and commissioning etc. as
i) Single Pole

776 Nos.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 91

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

4.8 Supplying and fixing 5 Amps to 32 Amps rating, 240

volts, 'C' series, miniature circuit breaker suitable for
inductive load of following poles in the existing
MCB DB complete with connections, testing and
commissioning etc. as required.

i) Single Pole
600 Nos.

4.9 Supply and fixing single pole blanking plate in the

existing MCB DB complete etc. as required.
31 Nos.


1.0 Wiring for light point / fan point / exhaust fan point /
call bell point with 1.5 FR PVC insulated
copper conductor single core cable in surface /
recessed steel conduits with modular switch,
modular plates, suitable size GI box and earthing the
point with 1.5 FR PVC insulated copper
conductor single core cable etc. as required.

i) Group-C 2900 Pt.

2.0 Wiring for twin control light point with 1.5
FR PVC insulated copper conductor single core
cable in surface / recessed steel conduits, 2 way
modular switch, modular plates, suitable size GI. box
and earthing the point with 1.5 FR PVC
insulated copper conductor single core cable etc. as
required. 22 Pt.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 92

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

3.0 Wiring for light/ power plug with 2x4 FR

PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable in
surface / recessed steel conduits along with 1 No. 4 FR PVC insulated copper conductor single
core cable for loop earthing as required.
858 Mtr.

4.0 Wiring for light plug point with 4 x 4 FR

PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable in
surface / recessed steel conduit alongwith 2 no. 4 FR PVC insulated copper conductor single
core cable for loop earthing as required.
400 Mtr.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 93

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

5.0 Circuit / Submain wiring alongwith earth wire with

the following sizes of FR PVC insulated copepr
conductor single core cable in surface / recessed
steel conduit as required. (for circuit wiring & MCB
controlled light point of parking basement)

i) 2 x 2.5 + 1 x earth wire 7000 Mtr.

ii) 4 x 2.5 + 2 x earth wire 2200 Mtr.

6.0 Wiring for light plug point with 2 x 2.5 sq.,, FR PVC
insulated copper conductor single core in surface /
recessed steel conduit alongwith 1 no. FR
PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable
for loop earthing as required. 945 Mtr.

7.0 Wiring for metal clad socket with 2 x 6 FR

PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable in
surface / recessed steel conduit alongwith 1 no. 6 FR PVC insulaed copper conductor single
core cable for loop earth as required.
160 Mtr.

8.0 Supplying and fixing stepped type electronic fan

regulator on the existing modular plate switch box
including connections but excluding modular plate
etc. as required. 55 Nos.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 94

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

9.0 Supplying and fixing following size / modules, G.I

box alongwith modular base & cover plate for
modular switches in recess etc. as required.

i) 1 or 2 Module (75mm x 75mm) 20 Nos.

ii) 4 Module (125mm x 75mm) 25 Nos.

iii) 6 Module (200mm x 75mm) 30 Nos.

iv) 8 Module (125mm x 75mm) 10 Nos.

10.0 Supplying and fixing suitable size GI box with

modular plate and cover in front on surface or in
recess, including providing and fixing 3 pin, 5/6
amps modular socket outlet and 5/6 amps modular
switch connection, painting etc. as required (For
light plugs to be used in non residential buildings)
55 Nos.

11.0 Supplying and fixing suitable size GI box with

modular plate and cover in front on surface or in
recess, including providing and fixing 6 pin, 15/16 &
5/6 amps modular socket outlet and 15/16 amps
modular switch connection, painting etc. as required.
120 Nos.

12.0 Supply and fixing 20Amps / 240 volts, SPN

industrial type socket outlet with 2 and earth metal
enclosed plug top alongwith 20Amps 'C' curve SP
MCB in sheet steel enclosure on surface or in
recessed with chained metal cover for the socket
outlet and complete with connection, testing
commissioning as required. 45 Nos.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 95

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)




1.0 Supply of following size of 1.1KV grade multicore

copper conductor XLPE / PVC insulated & PVC
sheathed armoured cable as per IS : 1554 (Part-I) as

i) 2 core, 4
2500 Mtr.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 96

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

ii) 2 core, 6

250 Mtr.

iii) 2 core, 10

300 Mtr.

iv) 4 core, 6

3850 Mtr.

v) 4 core, 10
3100 Mtr.

vi) 4 core, 16

1220 Mtr.

vii) 4 core, 25

250 Mtr.

2.0 Laying and fixing of one number PVC insulated and

PVC sheathed / XLPE aluminium conductor cable of
1.1 KV garde of size not exceeding on
surface as required. 10000 Mtr.

3.0 Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC

sheathed / XLPE power cable of 1.1 KV grade of
size not exceeding direct in ground
including excavation, sand cushioning, protective
covering and refilling the trench etc. as required.
970 Mtr.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 97

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

4.0 Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC

sheathed / XLPE power cable of 1.1 KV grade of
size not exceeding in the existing
required. 500 Mtr.

5.0 Supply & making end termination with brass

compression gland & copper thimble for PVC
insulated & PVC sheathed copper conductor
armoured cable of 1.1 KV grade as required.

i) 2 core, 4 (copper)

82 Set.

ii) 2 core, 6 (copper) 6 Set.

iii) 2 core, 10 (copper) 6 Set.

iv) 4 core, 6 (copper) 166 Set.

v) 4 core, 16 (copper)

58 Set.

vi) 4 core, 10 (copper) 98 Set.

vii) 4 core, 25 (copper)

4 Set.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 98

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

6.0 Fabricating supply & installating following sizes of

perforated MS cable tray including horizontal &
vertical bends, reducers, tees, cross members and
other accessories as required & duly suspended from
the ceiling with M.S. suspenders & including
painting etc. as required.

i) 100mm (W) x 50mm (D) x 1.6mm Thickness

2000 Mtr.

ii) 150mm (W) x 50mm (D) x 1.6mm Thickness

4000 Mtr.

iii) 300mm (W) x 50mm (D) x 1.6mm Thickness

1000 Mtr.

iv) 450mm (W) x 50mm (D) x 2.0 mm Thickness

500 Mtr.




1.0 Supply of the following fluorescent light fixtures

with electronics ballast of ATCO / Vossloh /
Bajaj, Push fit, bi pin rotor lamp holder,
fluorescent lamp, connecting terminal
etc.complete with alll fixing accessories as

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 99

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

1.1 4 x 24 watt T5 fluorescent lamp surface mounted

light fixture with OLC high glass high reflector
aluminium optic with 3D camellae and top reflector
complete with all accessories as required and as per
Philips International Lighting Cat. Ref. TCS 398 4 x
TL5 24W HFR TC6-H or approved equivalent.
340 Nos.

1.2 1 x 28 watt T5 fluorescent lamp box type light

fixture with decorative end caps complete with all
accessories as required and as per Bajaj Cat. Ref.
BTIR 128 or approved equivalent. 85 Nos.

1.3 2 x 28 with T5 industrial type fluorescent lamp light

fixture with epoxy white powder coated sheet steel
reflector complete with all accessories as required
and as per Bajaj Cat. Ref. BTIE 228 or approved
equivalent. 4 Nos.

1.4 1 x 28 watt recess mounting T5 fluorescent lamp

mirror optic light fixture in white powder coated
sheet steel housing with matt finish mirror reflector
complete with all accessories as required and as per
Bajaj Cat. Ref. BTMR 128 or approved equivalent.
90 Nos.

1.5 2 x 28 watt recess mounting T5 fluorescent lamp

mirror optics light fixture in white powder coated
sheet steel housing with matt finish mirror reflector
complete with all accessories as required and as per
Bajaj Cat. Ref. BTMR 228 or approved equivalent.
450 Nos.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 100

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

2.0 Supply of following compact fluorescent lamp

(CFL) light fixture with copper ballast of ATCO /
Vossloh /Schwabe / Bajaj, Lamp holder, lamp,
connecting terminals e.t.c. complete with all
fixing accessories as required.

2.1 2x55 watt compact fluorescent lamp light fixture

surface mounted round transparent luminaire with
polycarbonate housing, perforated sheet steel
reflector painted in white complete with all
accessories as required and as per Zumtobel cata ref.
FTR 680 2/55 h.f. or approved equivalent.
50 Nos.

2.2 Supply of 2x18 watt recess mounting downlighter

compact fluorescent lamp light fixture with espoxy
broken white powder coated aluminium ring,
aluminium anodised reflector, complete with all
accessories as required and as per Bajaj cata ref.
BJDR 218 or approved equivalent.
630 Nos.

2.3 Supply of 1x18 watt recess mounting downlighter

compact fluorescent lamp light fixture with espoxy
broken white powder coated aluminium ring,
aluminium anodised reflector, complete with all
accessories as required and as per Bajaj cata ref.
BJDR 118 or approved equivalent.
150 Nos.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 101

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

2.4 Supply of 2x18 watt surface mounting circular

shaped compact fluorescent lamp light fixture with
epoxy broken white powder coated aluminium
housing with separate anodised reflector above
lamps and glass cover below lamps complete with all
accessories as required and as per Bajaj cata ref.
BJDS 218 or approved equivalent.
280 Nos.

2.5 Supply of 1x13 watt recess mounting downlighter

compact fluorescent lamp light fixture with epoxy
broken white powder coated aluminium ring, and
aluminium anodised reflector, complete with all
accessories as required and as per Bajaj cat ref.
BJDR 113 V or approved equivalent
200 Nos.

2.6 Supply of 1x11 watt wall mounting mirror top

compact fluorescent lamp light fixture in white
powder coated sheet steel channel housing, opal
acrylic diffuser including all accessories complete
with all accessories as required and as per Bajaj cata
ref. BJC 111 or approved equivalent.
55 Nos.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 102

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

2.7 Supply of 1x10 watt surface mounting Bulkhead

fluorescent lamp light fixture including all
accessories complete as required and as per Bajaj
cat. ref. BJDB 10 CFL or approved equivalent.
20 Nos.

3.0 Supply of 1x150 watt surface mounted CDMT lamp

light fixture with high quality injection moulded
aluminium, white optical coating reflectors and
thermally hardened glass, integral control gear with
IP -65 protection level including all accessories,
complete as required and as per Philips cat ref. mini
300 DWP 333 or approved equivalent.
32 Nos.

4.0 Supply of 1x250 watt surface mounted, metal halide

lamp medium bay light ficture with integral control
gear, diecast aluminium housing, prismatic
reflectors, closed version with protection level IP -
65 including all accessories complete as required
and as per Philips cat. Ref, HPK 205 1xHPI - BU
250 PR or approved equivalent.
15 Nos.

5.0 Supply of 1x400 watt surface mounted metal halide

lamp medium bay light fixture with integral control
gear, diecast aluminium housing, prismatic reflector,
closed version with IP - 65 protection level including
all accessories, complete as required and as per
Philips cata ref. HPK 225, 1xHPK - BU 400 PR or
approved equivalent.
15 Nos.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 103

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

6.0 1 x 3 watt recess mounting ultra bright LED spot

light with electronic driver complete with all
accessories as required and as per Havells Cat. Ref.
LHOD03103374 (3K) or approved equivalent.
85 Nos.

7.0 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of 1 x

120 watt LED street light fixture comprising of
extruded aluminium housing with prewired gear tray
with LED's, heat resistant flat glass suitably gasket
for IP-65 protection level, complete with all
accessories as requested and as per MIC Electronics
Ref. Digilight O525. 15 Nos.

8.0 Supply & erection of 9 metre (above ground)

galvanised OCTAGONAL MS tubular pole with
single arm bracket (Bajaj Cata. Ref. BOP 9030)
suitable for mounting single street light luminaire.
Complete with foundation and base plate including
foundation bolts. 15 Nos.

9.0 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of 1 x

70 watt, metal halide lamp decorative indirect light
column (IP-65) with die-cast aluminium housing of
canopy, supplied with high finish extruded
aluminium column of height 3 metre with base
flange complete with lamp, control gear etc. as
required of Philips Cata Ref. CPP 735/1xCDM-70
W. 15 Nos.

10.0 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of 9

watt, LED surface mounted light fixture of sheet
steel body and P5 louvere system with integral driver
complete with all accessories etc. as required of
Crompton Greaves Cata Ref. LCDSP081-09/CDL or
approved equivalent.
30 Nos.
Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 104
BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

11.0 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of 8

watt, LED recessed downlighter complete with
suitable driver & all accessories etc. as required of
Crompton Greaves Cata Ref. LCDLV108G/WW or
approved equivalent. 50 Nos.

12.0 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of 1 x

250 watt metal halide integeral flood light fixture
with controlgear and all accessories complete as
required of Philips Cata. Ref. or approved

i) MWF 330 AK / 250 (Asymmetrical) 10 Nos.

ii) MWF 330 SK / 250 (Symmetrical) 10 Nos.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 105

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

13.0 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of 1 x

400 watt metal halide integeral flood light fixture
with controlgear and all accessories complete as
required of Philips Cata. Ref. or approved

i) MWF 330 AK / 400 (Asymmetrical)

10 Nos.

ii) MWF 330 SK / 400 (Symmetrical)

10 Nos.

14.0 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of

Solar Street lighting system MV-8 (Tata BP Solar or
equivalent with 1 x 26W Low Pressure Sodium
Vapour Lamp (3500 lumens) 3 day autonomy
powered by 150Wp Solar array and 12 Volt, 150AH
@ C120 Battery Backup on 6metre high MS tubular
pole duely painted. 10 Nos.

15.0 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 1

x 8 watt LED Bollard light fixture of die cast
aluminium with integral driver complete with all
accessories as required and as per Crompton Cat.
Ref. LL BIL 108/MP or approved equivalent.
20 Nos.

16.0 Supply of following sizes of ceiling fan with

regulator complete with double ball bearing, motor,
blades, down rod, canopy capacitor etc. complete as

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 106

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

Size 1200mm.
i) 40 Nos.

Size 1400mm.
ii) 5 Nos.

17.0 Supply and fixing of following size of Air

Circulating fan with regulator complete suitable for
single phase 240 V A.C supply of Havells /
Almonard or approved equivalent.

i) 20 Nos.
18.0 Supply of following sizes of wall fan of the
following sizes complete as required.

Size 300mm.

i) 40 Nos.

19.0 Supply of following sizes of single phase 240 volts

heavy duty exhaust fan complete with all accessoreis
such as, motor, blade, louvres, capacitor etc.
including all accessories as required.

450mm dia, 1400 RPM.

i) 10 Nos.

20.0 Installation, testing and commissioning of prewired

flourescent / compact flourescent fitting of all types
complete with all accessories and tubes etc. directly
on ceiling/wall including connection with 1.5
PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable
etc. as required.
784 Nos.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 107

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

21.0 Installation, testing and commissioning of pre-wired

fluorescent fitting / compact fluorescent fitting of all
types, complete with all accessories and tube etc.,
including supplying and fixing ball and socket
arrangement, 2 no. down rods of 20mm dia x 1.6mm
thick steel conduit upto 30cm length, painting and
wiring the down rods and connection with
FR PVC insulated, copper conductor, single core
cable and earthing etc. as required.
200 Nos.

22.0 Installation, testing and commissioning of prewired

flourescent / compact flourescent / LED lamp
fittings of all types complete with al accessories and
tubes etc. on false ceiling including connection with PVC insulated copper conductor single
core cable etc. as required.
1455 Nos.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 108

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

23.0 Installation, testing and commissioning of prewired

metal halide fitting complete with all accessories and
lamps etc. direct on surface including connection
with 2.5 PVC insulated copper conductor
single core cable etc. as required.
102 Nos.

24.0 ITC of ceiling fan including wiring the down rods of

standard length (upto 30cm) with FR PVC
insulated, copper conductor, single core cable etc. as
required. 45 Nos.

25.0 Installation of exhaust fan upto 450mm sweep in the

existing opening including making the holes to suit
the size of the above fan making good the damages
connection, testing and commissioning etc. as
required. 10 Nos.

26.0 Extra for fixing the louvers/shutter complete with

frame for exhaust fan of all sizes. 10 Nos.

27.0 Numbering of ceiling fan / exhaust fan / light fittings

as required. 10 Nos.

28.0 Erection of steel tubular pole of length exceeding 8

metres but not exceeding 10 metres in cement
concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded
stone aggregate 40mm nominal size) foundation
including excavation and refilling etc. as required.
15 Nos.

29.0 Supply & fixing extra conduit down rod of 20cm

length G.I pipe, 15mm dia, heavy gange including
painting as required (Note. More than 5cm length
shall be rounded to the nearest 10cm and 5cm or less
shall be ignored. 500 Nos.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 109

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

30.0 Installation, testing and commissioning of 120 LED

street light fixture on existing 9 metre high
OCTAGONAL street light pole. 15 Nos.

31.0 Installation, testing and commissioning of LED

Bollard light fixture direct in ground 20 Nos.

32.0 Supplying, installation, testing & commissioning of

High Mast tower of 25 metre mounting height for
area lighting on existing foundation, as per attached
specifications and comprising broadly the following :

a) Galvanised steel mast polygonal in section with base

plate and made of detechable galvanised portion not
more than three in length.

b) Sliding lantern carriage capable of moving up and

down the mast complete with self aligning
mechanism guides and capable of receiving required
Nos. of luminaires.

c) Raising and lowering gear lantern carriage (but

without power tool) mechanism suitable to operate
with electrically operated power tool.

d) Set of hoisting ropes made of stainless steel wires.

e) Drums for winding of wires ropes with assembly.

f) Double drum winch without integral power drive


Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 110

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

g) Required multicore copper flexible two nos. power

cables and wiring the lantern carriage with

h) Termination box for incoming main complete with

suitable switchgear.

i) Fabrication/ fixing of aviation obstruction lights

(with neon spiral lamps)

j) GI lightning finials at the top of high mast.

k) Holding down bolts

l) Galvanised head frame and GI canopy on top of the


m) Manual handle for lowering/ raising of lantern

carriage. 4 Nos.

33.0 Providing suitable RCC foundation as required for

25metre high mast including excavation, reinforced.
Cement concrete disposal of surplus malba / soft
rock stone / hard rock stone etc. as required. Mix or
aggregate cement concrete shall be M-25 & levelling
course of 15cm shall be 1:4:8 cement concrete.
4 Nos.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 111

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

34.0 Supply & fixing high efficiency low glare

assymmetrical flood lighting luminaire (non integral
type) suitable for use of with high pressure tubular
metal halide lamp 2 x 400 watt complete with
controlgear in IP65 enclosure, lamps, heat resistant
toughened front glass, hot drop galvanised MS
mounting brackets complete as required of Philips
Cata. Ref. RVP501 2 x HPI T 400 N / Bajaj Cata.
Ref. BGENF 22 R orapproved equivalent.
36 Nos.





1.0 Supply and fixing of following sizes of steel conduit

alongwith the accessories in surface/ recess
including painting in case of surface conduit or
cutting the wall and making good the same in case of
recessed conduit as required.

a) 20mm dia 5500 Mtr.

b) 25mm dia 9300 Mtr.

c) 40mm dia 1000 Mtr.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 112

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

d) 50mm dia 300 Mtr.

2.0 Supply and fixing metal box of following sizes

(nominal size) on surface or in recess with suitable
size of phenolic laminated sheet cover in the front
including painting etc. as required.

a) 75mm x 75mm x 60mm deep. 50 Nos.

b) 200mm x 150mm x 75mm deep. 75 Nos.






Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 113

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

1.0 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of

Microprocessor based 5 loop , Networkable
Analogue addressable type fire alarm control panel
with 640 character LCD display, The panel should
be equipped with sufficient numbers of loop with
20% spare capacity with each loop shall have a
capacity of 250 analog addressables in one loop,
QWERTY style alphanumeric keypad for the field
programming and control of the fire alarm system,
panel shall maintain a history file of the last 2000
events, 240 volts AC power supply, automatic
battery charger, 24 volts sealed lead acid batteries
sufficient for 24 hours normal working and then be
capable of operating the system for 2 hours during
an emergency conditions as required. The Network
speed of the panel shall be atleat 3MBPS. (UL 9th
Edition Approved)

1 No.

2.0 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of UL

Listed BACNET Gateway for Integration with BMS
Systems 1 No.

3.0 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of The

GUI based Network Control Station with UL Listed
software capable of graphically representing each
facility being monitored with floor plans and icons
depicting the actual locations of the various systems;
and / or sensors locations. The NCS shall have a
desktop with following specification:
1 No.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 114

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

4.0 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of

Intel Pentium Core II Duo (tm)-processor, operating
at a minimum of 1GB of RAM, , 80 Gbyte hard disk,
mouse, 32X CD-ROM, 3PCI / 1 ISA expansion
slots, sound card, 200 watt power supply, and SVGA
graphics with a screen resolution of 1024 x 768.
1 No.

5.0 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Flat

0 r/o
Screen 17 Inch Monitor

6.0 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of

Laser Printer 1 No.

7.0 Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of

UL listed repeater panel with 640 character backlit
LCD display, functional keys like acknowledge,
signal silence, system reset, lamp test etc.
3 Nos.



1.0 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of

Integrated 8 channel Digital Voice Evacuation
and 2 way Communication Fire Fighters System
capable to supervision of all the speaker circuits,
with required suitable amplifiers and accessories
required to compelete the system. The equipment
shall be of same make as panel.
1 No.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 115

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

2.0 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Fire

panel supervised 70db-84db Ceiling Mounted
Hooter Cum Speakers as specified & same make as
of panel. 15 Nos.

3.0 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Fire

panel supervised 70db-84db Wall Mounted Hooter
Cum Speakers as specified & same make as of
panel. 15 Nos.

4.0 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of 2

way communication Fire Fighter's Telephone Jack
10 Nos.

5.0 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of 2

way communication Fire Fighter's Handset 10 Nos.


1.0 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of

Automatic Floating Sensitivity type Analog
addressable Photo thermal detector (with dual
thermal element and a photo element) with
mounting based LED, Address Switch to programme
the detectors, complete as required.
520 Nos.

2.0 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of

Multi Cooperative Sensing Analog addressable Rate
of Rise Cum Fixed temperature detector with
mounting based LED, Address Switch to programme
the detectors complete as required.
120 Nos.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 116

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

3.0 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of

Addressable Beam detector with 4 manual & 2
acclimate senstivity settings, Transmitter/receiver
built into same unit, Six user-selectable sensitivity
levels, 16' to 328' protection range, Digital display,
Built-in automatic gain control compensates for
signal deterioration from dust buildup, Address
Switch to programme the detectors, complete as
2 Nos.

4.0 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of

Analog Addressable air duct smoke detector with
an efficient housing design and sampling tubes
mounting based LED, Address Switch , complete as
15 Nos.

5.0 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of

Addressable Manual Call Station for initiation of fire
alarm 40 Nos.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 117

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)


1.0 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of

Fault isolator module for isolating shorted,
dewired and loose circuits between two successive
fault isolators with automatic resetting arrangement
25 Nos.

2.0 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of

Addressable control modules for driving outputs
like Hooters, fire fighter jacks, AHU, dampers etc.
25 Nos.

3.0 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of

Addressable monitor modules to give input to FAS
like Sprinkler Flow Switch & WLD Monitoring
15 Nos.

4.0 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of

Response indicator 200 Nos.

5.0 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of

Directional Sounders with 20 hz to 20 khz
operating frequecy with minimum 8 distinct sound
patterns to indicate corridors, Exit doors, Move
upward, move down ward etc. to direct Occupants
for fast & safe Evacuation as specified in NFPA 72 -
2007 edition.
15 Nos.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 118

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

6.0 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of

Hooter with min 75dB output
40 Nos.

7.0 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of

Hooter cum Strobe with mini 75DB output and
110 cd. The strobes shall be synchronized for better
evacuation. 10 Nos.


1.0 Supply and drawing of following sizes of FR PVC

insulated copper conductor single core cable in the
existing surface/recessed steel / PVC conduit as

a) 2 x 1.5 1500 Rmt.

b) 4 x 1.5 1000 Rmt.

c) 2 x 4.0 800 Rmt.



Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 119

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)


1.0 Supply and fixing of jack type modular type

telephone outlet (RJ-11) on suitable MS box
complete with cover plate, termination of cable as
required. 85 Nos.

2.0 Supply and fixing metal box of following sizes

(nominal size) on surface or in recess with suitable
size of phenolic laminated sheet cover in the front
including painting etc. as required.

a) 200mm x 150mm x 100mm deep.

20 Nos

3.0 Supplying and drawing following pair, 0.5

FR PVC insulated copper conductor, unarmoured
telephone cable in the existing surface / recessed
steel / PVC conduit as required.

a) 2 Pair
3,000 Rmt

b) 4 Pair
500 RMT

4.0 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of

following sizes of telephone distribution board in a
M.S box with hinged cover/door complete with
krone type tag block with double jumpering facility
mounted on a bakelite sheet etc. including
terminations of cable as required.

a) 10 Pair telephone distribution board.

50 Nos.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 120

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

b) 20 Pair telephone distribution board.

5 Nos.

c) 50 Pair telephone distribution board.

5 Nos.

d) 100 Pair telephone distribution board.

3 Nos.

e) 1000 Pair telephone distribution board.

1 No.

5.0 Supply and drawing of following sizes of 0.50mm

diameter annealed tinned copper conductor PVC
insulated and PVC sheathed armoured telephone
cable in ground or on existing cable tray.

a) 5 Pair

400 Rmt

b) 10 Pair


20 Pair
400 Rmt

d) 50 Pair
500 Rmt

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 121

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

100 Pair
350 Rmt




1.0 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of

following cables.

i) 23 AWG UTP Data Cable (Cat 6 ) Gigaspeed in the

existing conduit/ under floor trunking
1500 Rmt

2.0 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of

following Jack Panel.

i) 24 Port CAT 6 Jack Panel.

5 Rmt

3.0 Supply & fixing of 19 inch Standard 9/12U Rack

with all accessories.
2 No.

4.0 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of

following RJ-45 connectivity.

i) Simplex Faceplate with RJ-45, information outlet

with shutter compliant to TIA 568A/B with colour
coding including MS box. 100 No.



Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 122

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)


1.0 Earthing with GI earth plate 600mm x 600mm x

6mm thick including accessories and providing
masonary enclosure with cover plate having locking
arrangement and watering pipe etc.(without charcoal
or coke and salt) complete as required.
6 Set

2.0 Earthing with copper earth plate 600mm x 600mm x

3mm thick including accessories and providing
masonary enclosure with cover plate having locking
arrangement and watering pipe etc.(but without
charcoal or coke and salt) complete as required.
2 Set

3.0 Extra for using salt & coke of GI or Copper plate

earth electrode as required. 8 Set

4.0 Providing and fixing 25 mm x 5 mm GI strip on

surface or in recess for connections etc. as required.
500 Mtr.

5.0 Earthing with G.I. Earth pipe 4.5 mtrs. long 40mm
dia including accessories and providing masonry
enclosure with cover plate having locking
arrangement and watering pipe etc. (but without
charcoal or coke and salt) as required. 4 Set

6.0 Extra for using salt and coke for pipe earth electrode
as required. 4 Set

7.0 Providing & fixing 6 SWG dia G.I. wire on surface

or in reccess for loop earthing as required.
100 Mtr.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 123

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)




1.0 Providing and fixing of lightning conductor finial

made of 25mm dia 300mm long GI tube having
single prong at top with 85mm dia 6mm thick GI
base plate including holes etc. complete as required.
6 Set

2.0 Rivetting, sweating and soldering of copper/GI tape

(with another copper/GI tape, base of the finial or
any other metallic object) as required. 100 Nos.

3.0 Providing and fixing GI tape 20mm x 3mm thick on

parapet or surface of wall for lightning conductor as
required. (for Horizontal run). 850 Mtr.

4.0 Providing and fixing GI tape 20mm x 3mm thick for

parapet or surface of wall for lightning conductor as
required. (for Vertical Run). 350 Mtr.

5.0 Providing and fixing testing joint made of 20mm x

3mm thick GI strip 125mm long with 4No. G.I.
bolts, nuts, check nuts, spring washer etc. complete
as required. 25 Set

6.0 Providing and laying GI tape 32mm x 6mm thick

from earth electrode directly in ground as required.
500 Mtr.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 124

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

7.0 Earthing with GI earth plate 600mm x 600mm x

6mm thick including accessories and providing
masonary enclosure with cover plate having locking
arrangement and watering pipe etc.(with coke and
salt) complete as required. 25 Set

8.0 Providing and fixing GI pipe complete with GI

fittings including trenching and refilling etc.

i) 50mm dia (nominal) bore. 200 Mtr.




1.0 Supply Installation, Testing Commissioing of 2 x

20 KVA UPS Systems, High performance industrial
grade UPS, fully digital and microprocessor
controlled with following key features
2 Set

- Wide input voltage range 400V + 20% or 320V

480V and wide frequency 45Hz. To 65Hz.

- 3 Phase input / 3 Phase output

- Inbuilt Static bypass and manual maintenance


- Input phase sequence correction

- Temperature Dependent battery Charging

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 125

BOQ Electrical works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

- Energy Backfeed Protection circuitry as standard.

- Software as Standard provided with 1.5-2 Mtr cable

with the UPS for Monitoring

- Very wide soft start 0-30 seconds (to ensure smooth

change over to DG supply and vice versa)

2.0 Sealed Maintenance Free (SMF) VRLA Batteries

for better than 15 Minutes back up with full 20
KVA Load. Complete with battery racks, inter
connecting links, and inbuilt DC isolator with fuse
protection. 1 Nos
(Amararaja)1Set = 12V, 65AH, 48 Nos.




1.0 Supplying, erection, testing and commissioning of
Aviation lights with LED lamp with flasher 170mm
suitable for 230V AC complete with fitting including
photochromatic switch for automatic ON/OFF of
Aviation lights complete as per Electronic make or
approved equivalent. 2 Set

2.0 Wiring for Aviation light with 3 core 2.5

PVC insulated PVC sheathed copper conductor
armoured cable from Ground Floor DB to Aviation
light as required. 250 M



Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 126

SECTION - I (Sub station and D G , phase - I)

Amount in (Rs.)
S.No. SH. DESCRIPTION In figures In words



7 - 127
BOQ For SS and DG


Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)


Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of

floor mounted, dust, damp and vermin proof, cubicle
HT. Metering Panel made out of 2mm thick CRCA
sheet steel complete with 5Amp electronic trivector
meter, C.T.'s of 200/5Amp 1.0 Class, 15VA Burden,
and P.T's of 11KV/ 3, 110V/ 3, 50VA,
conforming to relevant IS Standards and complete as
required. C.T.'s, P.T.'s and trivector meter shall be
got tested and approved from local electricity supply
1 Set


Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of 11

KV 4 Breaker Vacuum Circuit Breaker Panel Board
comprising of 1 No. incoming & 3 Nos. outgoing
breakers. Each incoming, outgoing breaker panel
shall be metal clad floor mounting complete as per
specification and as described.


Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 128

BOQ For SS and DG

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

i) 1 No. 350 MVA, 630Amp 11KV, Vacuum Circuit

Breaker with motorised spring charged and manual
closing mechanism. Shunt trip coil shall operate in
110V DC voltage derived through a power pack.

ii) 3 No. Single Phase double core current transformer

160/5 Amp epoxy cast insulated class of insulation E.

- Core 1-15VA burden class 1.0 for metering.

- Core 2-15VA burden class 5P10 for protection.

iii) 3 Nos. Line PT 11KV/ /3, 110V/ /3, 50VA class

1.0 epoxy cast resin type.

iv) IDMT relay with 2 O/C and 1 E/F element with hand
reset contacts & indicator (flag) (O/C- setting 50-
200% & E/F setting 20-80%) with protection for O/C
and E/F. (self powered version) (MC-31).

v) 1 No. Anti Pumping device.

vi) 1 No. Circuit breaker control switch for electrical


vii) 1 No. limit switch for test & service position.

viii) 1 No. Voltmeter (0-12KV) with selector switch.

(96mm square)

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 129

BOQ For SS and DG

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

ix) 1 No. Ammeter (0-200Amp) with selector switch.

(96mm square).

x) 1 No. electronic type digital energy analyser having

30 days memory and parameters of KW, KWH,
Power factor, frequency etc. Suitable for BMS
compatible with all accessories.

xi) 1 Set of following indicating lamps.

- Red, Yellow & Blue for phase indication.

- Amber for Trip indication.

- Red `ON' Green `OFF'

- Spring charge indication.

Auto trip indication.

xii) 1 No. Power pack for trip coil operation.

xiii) 1 No. control Transformer of 1KVA for giving supply

to indication lamps etc having 11 KV/415-230V AC
rating epoxy cast resin dry type Transformer. The
connection for control transformer shall be taken
from the cable side before the circuit breaker tapping.

xiv) 1 No. hooter.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 130

BOQ For SS and DG

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

xv) 1 No. master trip relay.

xvi) 1 Set of fuses, ferrules, wiring etc. as required.

xvii) Brass gland suitable for 1 No. 3 core

11KV XLPE cable.


i) 1 No. 350MVA, 630Amp 11KV, Vacuum Circuit

Breaker with motorised spring charged and manual
closing mechanism. Shunt trip coil shall operate on
110V DC voltage derived through a power pack.

ii) 3 No. Single Phase double core current transformer

55 /5Amp epoxy cast insulated class of insulation E.

- Core 1-15VA burden class-1.0 for metering.

- Core 2-15VA burden class 5P10 for protection.

iii) IDMT relay with 2 O/C and 1 E/F element with hand
reset contacts & indicator (flag) (O/C Setting 50-
200% & E/F Setting 20-80%) with highset
instantaneous protection for O/C and E/F (self
powered version) (MC-61).

iv) 1 No. Anti Pumping device.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 131

BOQ For SS and DG

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

v) 1 No. VAA33 auxiliary relay for transformer fault,

alarm and trip suitable for 230 V AC supply.

vi) 1 No. Circuit breaker control switch for electrical


vii) 1 No. limit switch for test & service position.

viii) 1 No. Ammeter (0-100 Amp) with selector switch.

(96mm Square).

ix) 1 Set of following indicating lamps (LED Type).

- Red, Yellow & Blue for phase indication.

- Red 'ON' Green 'OFF'.

- Amber for trip indication.

- Spring charge indication.

- Auto trip indication.

x) 1 Set of fuses, ferrules, wiring etc. as required.

xi) 1 No. hooter.

xii) 1 No. master trip relay.

xiii) 1 No. power pack for trip coil operation.

Brass gland suitable for 1 No. 3 core
11KV XLPE cable.

1 Set
Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 132
BOQ For SS and DG

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)


Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of

Cast Resin Dry Type 1000 KVA, 11 / 0.433KV, 3
phase, 50 Hz, DYn -11, vector group copper wound,
(with OLTC & AVR) Class F insulation associated
with winding temperature indicator / controller
actuated by means of resistance temperature detector
embedded in LV winding, indoor type transformer
with approximately 5 % impedence tapping for off
load operation on HV side in steps of 2.5% for +
7.5% having cable end boxes on HV side suitable for
3 core x 240 XLPE cable of 11 KV grade and
1600 Amp bus trunking arrangement on LV side with
neutral brought out separately including supplying
and laying of copper conductor multicore control
cable from transformer to HT breaker for safety
tripping suitably mounted on MS channel including
supplying and grouting of suitable MS channels with
all accessories and conforming to IS: 11171: 1985 &
as per specifications attached complete in all respects
as required at site.

3 No.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 133

BOQ For SS and DG

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)


Supplying, installing including suspension, testing and

commissioning of bus trunking arrangement in
convenient sections complete with aluminium busbars
for use on, 3 phase, 4 wire, 415 volts, 50 Hz, A.C.
supply for following current capacity, including jointing
of sections, flexible joints, expansion joints, bends and
earthing with 2 runs of galvanised iron strips etc. as

i) 800 Amp
60 M

ii) 1250 Amp

120 M

iii) 1600 Amp

65 M

(Note: The bus trunking shall be measured along the

length of enclosure. The aluminium/ copper strips
which will go inside LT panels & end termination
box of transformers shall not be taken into
measurement of bus trunking quantity).

5.0 H.T. CABLE

Supply of following sizes 11KV XLPE aluminium

conductor armoured cable conforming to IS : 7098
complete as required.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 134

BOQ For SS and DG

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

3 Core, 100 M

3 Core, 75 M

6.0 Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed

/ XLPE power cable of grade exceeding 1.1 KV but not
exceeding 11KV of size exceeding 120 but not
not exceeding 400 direct in ground including
excavation, sand cushioning, protective covering and
refilling the trench etc. as required.
100 M

7.0 Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC sheathed

XLPE power cable of grade exceeding 1.1 KV but not
exceeding 11KV of size not exceeding 400
direct in the existing masonary open duct as required.

75 M

8.0 Supply and making INDOOR cable end termination with

heat shrinkable joint kit complete with all accessories
including lugs suitable for the following sizes of three
core XLPE aluminium conductor cable of 11KV grade
as required.

i) 3 Core, 240

6 Set

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 135

BOQ For SS and DG

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

9.0 Supply and making OUTDOOR cable end termination

with heat shrinkable joint kit complete with all
accessories including lugs suitable for the following
sizes of three core XLPE aluminium conductor cable of
11KV grade as required.

i) 3 Core,
2 No.


Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of Main

L.T. Panel (Normal Supply) Extensible type suitable for
415 volts (nominal) 3 phase 4 wire, 50 Hz, A.C. Supply
totally enclosed type with free standing floor mounted
dust and vermin proof indoor type fabricated from 2mm
thick MS sheet complete with busbars, ammeter,
ammeter selector switch, voltmeter, voltmeter selector
switch, indicating lamps, protection relays, CT's
protection fuses, interconnections with suitable size of
copper leads/solid aluminium strips/rod & interlocking
between incomer breaker & buscouplers and having
following incoming and outgoing Air Circuit Breakers,
MCCB's as per the drawing and specifications.


Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 136

BOQ For SS and DG

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

- 3 Nos. 1600 Amp FP manual operated horizontal

drawout type (MDO) Air Circuit Breaker with
microprossor realeased for O/L, S/C & E/F


- 2 Nos.1600Amp FP manual operated horizontal

drawout type (MDO) Air Circuit Breaker as
buscoupler with interlocking arrangement with

- 2 Sets of indicating lamps for ON & OFF of



- 2000 Amp TPN busbars of aluminium alloy.(Bus

Section -I, II & III)



i) 3 Nos. 1250 Amp TP manually operated horizontal

drawout type Air Circuit Breaker with neutral link
and ACB complete with thermal magnetic realese for
O/L & S/C and with ON / OFF indicating lamps.

ii) 2 Nos. 800 Amp TP manually operated horizontal

drawout type Air Circuit Breaker with neutral link
and ACB complete with thermal magnetic realese for
O/L & S/C and with ON / OFF indicating lamps.
Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 137
BOQ For SS and DG

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

iii) 5 Nos. 630 Amp TP manually operated horizontal

drawout type Air Circuit Breaker with neutral link
and ACB complete with thermal magnetic realese for
O/L & S/C and with ON / OFF indicating lamps.

iv) 4 Nos. 630 Amp TP Moulded Case Circuit Breaker

with neutral link and complete with microprocessor
realease for O/L & S/C and ON / OFF indicating

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 138

BOQ For SS and DG

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

v) 2 Nos. 300 Amp TP Moulded Case Circuit Breaker

with neutral link and complete with microprocessor
realease for O/L & S/C and ON / OFF indicating

vi) 3 Nos. 200 Amp TP Moulded Case Circuit Breaker

with neutral link and complete with microprocessor
realease for O/L & SC and ON / OFF indicating

vii) 5 Nos. 160 Amp TP Moulded Case Circuit Breaker

with neutral link and complete with microprocessor
realease for O/L & S/C and ON / OFF indicating

viii) 4 Nos. 125 Amp TP Moulded Case Circuit Breaker

with neutral link and complete with microprocessor
realease for O/L & S/C and ON / OFF indicating

ix) 3 Nos. 100 Amp TP Moulded Case Circuit Breaker

with neutral link and complete with microprocessor
realease for O/L & S/C and ON / OFF indicating

i) 9 Nos. 0 to 500 Volt digital voltmeter (96mm square)

(three for each incoming breaker).

ii) 3 Nos. 0 to 1600 Amp digital ammeter (96mm

square) with CT's (for 1000 KVA Transformer
incoming breaker) and selector switch.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 139

BOQ For SS and DG

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

iii) 3 Sets of phase indicating lights (RYB) with

protection mcb's (one set for each incoming breaker).

iv) 3 Sets breaker 'ON' & 'OFF' indicating lamp (one set
for each incoming breaker).

v) 3 Sets trip circuit healthy indicating lamp (one set for

each incoming breaker).

vi) 3 Sets auto trip indicating lamp (one set for each
incoming breaker).

vii) 3 Sets of 3 Phase O/V and U/V relay with time delay
(O/V - 110% to 140% U/V - 40% to 80%) (one set with
each Transformer incoming).

viii) 3 Set of dual ratio CT's of 1600/ 5Amp ratio each for
APFC relay (with 1000KVA transformer incomer).

ix) 3 Nos. electronic type Digital energy analyser having

30 day memory and parameters of KW, KWH, power
factor, frequency etc. (one for each incoming

x) 3 Nos. master trip relay (one for each incoming


xi) 3 Nos. trip circuit supervision relay (one for each

incoming breaker). 1 Set
Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 140
BOQ For SS and DG

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)


Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of

Main L.T. Panel (Essential Supply) Extensible type
suitable for 415 volts (nominal) 3 phase 4 wire, 50
Hz, A.C. Supply totally enclosed type with free
standing floor mounted dust and vermin proof indoor
type fabricated from 2mm thick MS sheet complete
with busbars, ammeter, ammeter selector switch,
voltmeter, voltmeter selector switch, indicating
lamps, protection relays, CT's protection fuses,
interconnections with suitable size of copper
leads/solid aluminium strips/rod . PLC shall be
provided for Load Management by sensing of total
load on various bus section and closing / opening of
incomer & bus coupler breakers and interlocking,
auto / manual selector switch, and having following
incoming and outgoing Air Circuit Breakers, MCCB's
as per the drawing and specifications.


Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 141

BOQ For SS and DG

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

- 2 Nos. 1250 Amp FP Electrical operated horizontal

drawout type (EDO) Air Circuit Breaker with
microprocessor realease for O/L, S/C & E/F

- 1 No. 630 Amp FP Electrical operated horizontal

drawout type (EDO) Air Circuit Breaker with
microprocessor realease for O/L, S/C & E/F



i) Load management through Micro PLC shall be

provided to achieve the following functions.

ii) Auto ON / OFF incomer breaker as per load.

iii) Buscoupler switching.

iv) Interlocking.

v) Necessary hardware shall be provided to achieve

above functions including micro PLC with real time
clock, digital inputs / outputs, MMI with 2 line
display, power supply, auxillary relays, PB's
indication etc. & software for the above. All items
required for complete operation whether or not list in
BOQ shall deemed to be included in quoted rates

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 142

BOQ For SS and DG

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

vi) Automatic system shall be user friendly and shall

have manual over ride.


- 2 Nos. 1250Amp FP Electrically operated horizontal

drawout type (EDO) Air Circuit Breaker as
buscoupler with interlocking arrangement with
incomers and ACB complete with thermal magnetic
realease for O/L & S/C protection.

- 2 Sets of indicating lamps for ON & OFF of



1600 Amp TPN busbars of aluminium alloy.(Bus

Section -I, II & III)



i) 1 No. 630 Amp TP manually operated horizontal

drawout type (MDO) Air Circuit Breaker with neutral
link and ACB complete with with thermal magnetic
realease for O/L & S/C protection and with ON / OFF
indicating lamps.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 143

BOQ For SS and DG

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

ii) 5 Nos. 400 Amp TP Moulded Case Circuit Breaker

with neutral link and complete with microprocessor
realease for O/L & S/C protection with ON / OFF
indicating lamps.

iii) 2 Nos. 250 Amp TP Moulded Case Circuit Breaker

with neutral link and complete with microprocessor
realease for O/L & S/C protection with ON / OFF
indicating lamps.

iv) 1 No. 200 Amp TP Moulded Case Circuit Breaker

with neutral link with and MCCB complete with
microprocessor realease for O/L & S/C protection &
with CT's & digital type KWH meter & ON / OFF
indicating lamps.

v) 1 Nos. 200 Amp TP Moulded Case Circuit Breaker

with neutral link and MCCB complete with thermal
megnetic realease for O/L & S/C protection & ON /
OFF indicating lamps.

vi) 7 Nos. 160 Amp TP Moulded Case Circuit Breaker

with neutral link and complete with microprocessor
realease for O/L & S/C protection & with ON / OFF
indicating lamps.

vii) 2 Nos. 160 Amp TP Moulded Case Circuit Breaker

with neutral link with and MCCB complete with
microprocessor realease for O/L & S/C protection
and with CT's & digital typeKWH meter with ON /
OFF indicating lamps.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 144

BOQ For SS and DG

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

viii) 2 Nos. 125 Amp TP Moulded Case Circuit Breaker

with neutral link with and MCCB complete with
microprocessor realease for O/L & S/C protection
and with CT's & digital type KWH meter with ON /
OFF indicating lamps..

ix) 1 No. 125 Amp TP Moulded Case Circuit Breaker

with neutral link with and MCCB complete with
microprocessor realease for O/L & S/C protection
and with ON / OFF indicating lamps.

x) 6 Nos. 100 Amp TP Moulded Case Circuit Breaker

with neutral link with and MCCB complete with
microprocessor realease for O/L & S/C protection
and with ON / OFF indicating lamps.

xi) 7 Nos. 80 Amp TP Moulded Case Circuit Breaker

with neutral link with and MCCB complete with
microprocessor realease for O/L & S/C protection
and with ON / OFF indicating lamps.

xii) 5 Nos. 63 Amp TP Moulded Case Circuit Breaker

with neutral link with and MCCB complete with
microprocessor realease for O/L & S/C protection
and with ON / OFF indicating lamps.


i) 9 Nos. 0 to 500 Volt digital voltmeter (96mm square)

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 145
(three for each incoming breaker).
BOQ For SS and DG

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

ii) 2 Nos. 0 to 1250 Amp digital ammeter (96mm square)

with CT's (for 750 KVA DG incoming breaker) and
selector switch

iii) 1 No. 0 to 600 Amp digital ammeter (96mm square)

with CT's (for 320 KVA DG incoming breaker) and
selector switch

iv) 3 Sets of phase indicating lights (RYB) with protection

mcb's (one set for each incoming breaker).

v) 3 Sets breaker 'ON' & 'OFF' indicating lamp (one set for
each incoming breaker).

vi) 3 Sets trip circuit healthy indicating lamp (one set for
each incoming breaker).

vii) 3 Sets auto trip indicating lamp (one set for each
incoming breaker).

viii) 3 Nos. trip circuit supervision relay (one for each

incoming breaker).

ix) 3 Nos. electronic type Digital energy analyser having 30

day memory and parameters of KW, KWH, power
factor, frequency etc. (one for each incoming breaker).

x) 3 Nos. master trip relay (one for each incoming


1 Set

Department NCT Of BANK
Delhi PANEL 7 - 146
BOQ For SS and DG

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of

Capacitor Panel suitable for 415 volts (nominal) 3
phase 4 wire, 50 Hz, A.C. Supply totally enclosed type
with free standing floor mounted dust and vermin proof
indoor type fabricated from 2mm thick MS sheet
complete with busbars, ammeter, ammeter selector
switch, voltmeter, voltmeter selector switch, indicating
lamps, protection relays, CT's protection fuses,
interconnections with suitable size of copper leads/solid
aluminium strips/rod auto / manual selector switch for
operation of capacitor units, push buttons for manual
operation capacitor duty, contractors capacitor bank,
APFC relay, power factor meter etc. complete and
having following incoming and outgoing Circuit
Breakers etc. as per the drawing and specifications.

12.1 Capacitor Bank Panel (300 KVAR)


i) 1 Nos. 630A TP MDO MCCB with neutral link.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 147

BOQ For SS and DG

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

ii) 1 No. 0-630A. Ammeter with selector switch

iii) 1 No. 0-500A. Voltmeter with selector switch

iv) 1 Set of phase indicating lamps


800A TPN Aluminium busbars


i) 14 stepped Automatic Power Factor Correction relay

(APFC relay).

ii) 4 Nos. 125Amp TP Moulded Case Circuit Breaker

iii) 2 Nos. 63Amp TP Moulded Case Circuit Breaker

iv) 2 Nos. 32Amp TP Moulded Case Circuit Breaker

v) 5 Nos. 20Amp TP Moulded Case Circuit Breaker

vi) 13 Nos. capacitor duty contactor (one for each 50

KVAR /25KVAR/12.5/ 5 KVAR Capacitor unit).

vii) 4 Nos. 50 KVAR Capacitor Bank.

viii) 2 Nos. 25 KVAR Capacitor Bank.

ix) 2 Nos. 12.5 KVAR Capacitor Bank.

x) 5 Nos. 5 KVAR Capacitor Bank.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 148

BOQ For SS and DG

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

xi) 13 sets of push button stations Red and Green for

manual operation of capacitor units with auto/manual
selector switches.

xii) 1 No. Indicating lamp for each 50 KVAR/ 25 KVAR/

12.5/ 5 KVAR capacitor unit to indicate that the unit is

xiii) 1 No. Toggle switch for changing automatic to manual

operation of capacitor units.

xiv) 1 No. Power factor meter. 1 Sets

12.2 Capacitor Bank Panel (250 KVAR)


i) 1 Nos. 500A TP MCCB with neutral link.

ii) 1 No. 0-500A. Ammeter with selector switch

iii) 1 No. 0-500A. Voltmeter with selector switch

iv) 1 Set of phase indicating lamps


600A TPN Aluminium busbars


i) 14 stepped Automatic Power Factor Correction relay

(APFC relay).

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 149

BOQ For SS and DG

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

ii) 3 Nos. 125Amp TP Moulded Case Circuit Breaker

iii) 3 Nos. 63Amp TP Moulded Case Circuit Breaker

iv) 5 Nos. 20Amp TP Moulded Case Circuit Breaker

v) 11 Nos. capacitor duty contactor (one for each50

KVAR / 25KVAR/12.5 KVAR Capacitor unit).

vi) 3 Nos. 50 KVAR Capacitor Bank.

vii) 3 Nos. 25 KVAR Capacitor Bank.

viii) 5 Nos. 5 KVAR Capacitor Bank.

ix) 11 sets of push button stations Red and Green for

manual operation of capacitor units with auto/manual
selector switches.

x) 1 No. Indicating lamp for each 50 KVAR/ 25 KVAR/

5 KVAR capacitor unit to indicate that the unit is

xi) 1 No. Toggle switch for changing automatic to

manual operation of capacitor units.

xii) 1 No. Power factor meter

2 Set

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 150

BOQ For SS and DG

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)


Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of

MCCB in enclosure made out of 2 mm thick MS
sheet steel and suitable for 3 phase 4 wire 50Hz AC
system complete with four pole Moulded Case
Circuit Breaker suitable for incoming & outgoing
termination including powder coating etc. complete
as per specification & as required.

i) 200 Amp FP MCCB (35KA Ics Value)

1 No.
ii) 160 Amp FP MCCB (35KA Ics Value)
2 No.
iii) 125 Amp FP MCCB (35KA Ics Value)

2 No.
iv) 100 Amp FP MCCB (35KA Ics Value)
2 No.
v) 80 Amp FP MCCB (25KA Ics Value)
4 No.

vi) 63 Amp FP MCCB (25KA Ics Value)

2 No.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 151

BOQ For SS and DG

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

14.0 L.T. CABLES

Supply of following sizes of 1.1KV grade multicore

aluminium conductor XLPE insulated and PVC
sheathed armoured cable conforming to IS : 7098
(Part-I) 1998.

i) 3.5 core, 400

510 M

ii) 3.5 core, 300

460 M

iii) 3.5 core, 240

1700 M

iv) 3.5 core, 185

170 M

v) 3.5 core, 120

160 M

vi) 3.5 core, 95

1530 M

vii) 3.5 core, 70

655 M

viii) 3.5 core, 50

520 M

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 152

BOQ For SS and DG

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

ix) 3.5 core, 35

380 M

x) 4 core, 25 1355 M

xi) 4 core, 16

350 M

xii) 4 core, 10

300 M

xiii) 4 core, 6

250 M

xiv) 2 core, 16

500 M

xv) 2 core, 10

300 M

xvi) 2 core, 6

200 M

15.0 Supply of following sizes of 1.1KV copper conductor

PVC insulated & PVC sheathed armoured control
cable conforming to IS : 1554 (Part-I) 1988.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 153

BOQ For SS and DG

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

i) 4 core, 2.5

100 M

ii) 8 core, 2.5

100 M

iii) 12 core, 2.5

100 M

16.0 Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC

sheathed / XLPE power cable of 1.1 KV grade of size
not exceeding 25 direct in ground including
excavation, sand cushioning, protective covering and
refilling the trench etc. as required.
1000 M

17.0 Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC

sheathed / XLPE power cable of 1.1 KV grade of size
exceeding 25 bu not exceeding 120
direct in ground including excavation, sand
cushioning, protective covering and refilling the
trench etc. as required. 1245 M

18.0 Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC

sheathed / XLPE power cable of 1.1 KV grade of size
exceeding 120 but not exceeding 400
direct in ground including excavation, sand
cushioning, protective covering and refilling the
trench etc. as required. 640 M

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 154

BOQ For SS and DG

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

19.0 Laying of one number additional PVC insulated and

PVC sheathed / XLPE power cable of 1.1 KV grade
of size not exceeding 25 direct in ground in
the same trench in one tier horizontal formation
including excavation, sand cushioning, protective
covering and refilling the trench etc. as required.

500 M

20.0 Laying of one number additional PVC insulated and

PVC sheathed / XLPE power cable of 1.1 KV grade
of size exceeding 25 but not exceeding 120 direct in ground in the same trench in one tier
horizontal formation including excation, sand
cushioning, protective covering and refilling the
trench etc. as required. 750 M

21.0 Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC

sheathed / XLPE power cable of 1.1 KV grade of size
exceeding 120 but not exceeding 400
direct in ground in the same trench in one tier
horizontal formation including excavation, sand
cushioning, protective covering and refilling the
trench etc. as required. including excavation, sand
cushioning, protective covering and refilling the
trench etc. as required. 640 M

22.0 Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC

sheathed / XLPE power cable of 1.1KV grade of size
not exceeding 25 in the existing RCC / Hume /
Stoneware / Metal pipe as required.
80 M

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 155

BOQ For SS and DG

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

23.0 Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC

sheathed / XLPE power cable of 1.1 grade of size
exceeding 25 but not exceeding 400 in
the existing RCC / Hume / Stoneware / Metal pipe as
required. 150 M

24.0 Laying and fixing of one number PVC insulated and

PVC sheathed / XLPE power cable of 1.1 KV grade
of size not exceeding 25 in the existing
masonary open duct as required 75 M

25.0 Laying of one number PVC insulated and PVC

sheathed / XLPE power cable of 1.1 KV grade of size
exceeding 25 but not exceeding 400 in
the existing masonary open duct as required.
225 M

26.0 Laying and fixing of one number PVC insulated and

PVC sheathed / XLPE aluminium conductor cable of
1.1 KV grade of size not exceeding 25 on
surface as required 1900 M

27.0 Laying and fixing of one number PVC insulated and

PVC sheathed / XLPE aluminium conductor cable of
1.1 KV grade, of size exceeding 25 but not
exceeding 120 on surface as required.
1100 M

28.0 Laying and fixing of one number PVC insulated and

PVC sheathed / XLPE aluminium conductor cable of
1.1 KV grade, of size exceeding 120 but not
exceeding 400 on surface as required.
1335 M

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 156

BOQ For SS and DG

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

29.0 Supplying and making end termination with brass

compression gland and aluminium lugs for following
size of PVC insulated and PVC sheathed / XLPE
aluminium conductor cable of 1.1 KV grade as

3.5 core, 400

6 Set

3.5 core, 300

12 Set

3.5 core, 240

20 Set

3.5 core, 185

2 Set

3.5 core, 120

2 Set

3.5 core, 95

22 Set

3.5 core, 70

12 Set

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 157

BOQ For SS and DG

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

3.5 core,

10 Set

3.5 core, 35

6 Set

4 core, 25
20 Set

4 core, 16
4 Set

4 core, 10
xi) 6 Set

4 core, 6
6 Set

2 core, 16
10 Set

2 core, 10
8 Set

2 core, 6
4 Set

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 158

BOQ For SS and DG

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

xvi) 4.0 core, 2.5 (copper) 4 Set

8.0 core, 2.5 (copper)

xvii) 4 Set

12.0 core, 2.5 (copper)

4 Set


Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 159

BOQ For SS and DG

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

30.1 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning

of 750 KVA, 415+/-5%V, 3 phase, 1500 R.P.M,
0.8 PF water/ coolant cooled, rediator type floor
mounted Diesel Generator set with acoustic
enclosure conforming to latest environment
protection regulations for emmission and noise
levels complete with Diesel Engine developing
either 890 BHP at 1500 RPM or actual BHP
calculated considering de-rating factor if any
whichever is higher and all accessories including
supply and installation of Engine control panel
with meters, CTs and transducers for all metering
and protection, fuel pipe line upto 10 metre
Antivibration mountings, hospital type silencer,
electric starter, batteries & battery charger, fuel
tank of 990 ltrs. capacity with level indicator,
radiator, control wiring, first fill of lubricating
oil, and Diesel for testing and commissioning
and all spares and accessories as required
complete with necessary civil work such as
grouting, chipping, finishing required
complete but without foundation. The work
should be as per Central Electrical Inspectorate/
Pollution control board standards.
(Refer Particular specification) 2 Job

30.2 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning

of AMF Panel suitable for 750 KVA, DG Sets
as required complete & standards. (Refer
Particular specification)
2 Set

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 160

BOQ For SS and DG

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

31.1 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning

of 320 KVA, 415+/-5%V, 3 phase, 1500 R.P.M,
0.8 PF water/ coolant cooled, rediator type floor
mounted Diesel Generator set with acoustic
enclosure conforming to latest environment
protection regulations for emmission and noise
levels complete with Diesel Engine developing
either 380 BHP at 1500 RPM or actual BHP
calculated considering de-rating factor if any
whichever is higher and all accessories including
supply and installation of Engine control panel
with meters, CTs and transducers for all metering
and protection, fuel pipe line upto 10 metre
Antivibration mountings, hospital type silencer,
electric starter, batteries & battery charger, fuel
tank of 990 ltrs. capacity with level indicator,
radiator, control wiring, first fill of lubricating
oil, and Diesel for testing and commissioning
and all spares and accessories as required
complete with necessary civil work such as
grouting, chipping, finishing required
complete but without foundation. The work
should be as per Central Electrical Inspectorate/
Pollution control board standards.
(Refer Particular specification) 1 Job

31.2 Supply, installation, testing and commissioning

of AMF Panel suitable for 320 KVA, DG Sets
as required complete & standards. (Refer
Particular specification) 1 Set

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 161
BOQ For SS and DG

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

32.0 Supply and fixing of following sizes of MS ' B '

Class piping with bends etc. for Exhaust of DG Sets
including providing suitable self supporting
arrangement at suitable intervals, painting etc. and
supplying & fixing 150 mm thick Rock wool matrix
(3x50 mm. thick) insulation of density 150 Kg per
cubic metre on all sides of Exhaust pipe and silencer
with chicken mesh wrapping and 22 SWG aluminium
sheet cladding , suitable for outdoor installation
complete as required including guide support,
expansion joint, SS bellows as required and as per

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 162

BOQ For SS and DG

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

i) 150 mm dia (NB) 20 M

ii) 200 mm dia (NB) 60 M

iii) 250 mm dia (NB) 40 M

iv) 350 mm dia (NB) 120 M


33.1 Earthing with copper earth plate 600mm x 600 mm x

3 mm thick including accessories and providing
masonry enclosure with cover plate having locking
arrangement and watering pipe etc. (but without
charcoal or coke and salt) as required.
14 Set

33.2 Earthing with G.I. earth plate 600mm x 600mm x

6mm thick including accessories complete with
providing masonary enclosure with cover plate
having locking arrangement and watering pipe etc.
(but without charcoal or coke and salt) as required.
20 Set

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 163

BOQ For SS and DG

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

33.3 Providing & laying of 65mm dia GI pipe in ground

from earth electrode as required. 200 M

33.4 Providing and fixing earth bus of 25 mm x 5 mm

copper strip on surface or in recess for connections
etc. as required. 300 M

33.5 Providing and fixing of following G.I. strip on

surface or in recess for connections etc. as required.

50mm x 5mm M

b) 25mm x 5mm M

33.6 Extra for using salt and coke for G.I. or copper plate
earth electrode as required.
34 M


34.0 Supply of following items for substation.

34.1 Rubber hand gloves suitable for 11KV.

1 Pair

34.2 Supply & fixing of shock treatment chart both in

Hindi & English for treating person suffering due to
electric shock mounted on wall hooks. 2 No.

Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 164

BOQ For SS and DG

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

34.3 Providing and fixing H.T. danger notice plate of 250

mm x 200mm, made of mild steel at least 2mm thick
and vitreous enamelled white on both sides and with
inscription in single red colour on front side as
required. 4 No.

34.4 Providing and fixing M.V. danger notice plate of 200

mm x 150mm, made of mild steel at least 2mm thick
and vitreous enamelled white on both sides and with
inscription in single red colour on front side as
required. 4 No.

34.5 Providing of Carbon dioxide (CO2) type fire

extinguishers conforming to IS 2878-1976 and
cylinder fully charged of 4.5 Kg capacity. 4 No.

34.6 Supply and fixing of foam fire extinguishers, Portable

type 9 Litre capacity hanged on wall with bracket
component as required. 4 No.

34.7 Supply and fixing safety instruction chart in word

duly framed with 5mm thick glass required. (Approx
Front area 1.20 3 No.

34.8 Providing of set of 4 Nos. 9.5 Litre capacity GI

bucket painted in post office red colour with prior
coat of red - oxide paint and written with white paint
'Fire' and mounted on MS angle iron frame with
bracket of appropriate size and capacity including
filling sand etc. 1 No.

34.9 First Aid box as approved by St. John Ambulance

Brigade / Indian red Cross conforming to IS 2217 -
1963 1 No.
Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 165
BOQ For SS and DG

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

34.10 Providing of rubber mat 1 mtr. (wide) and 12mm

thick to withstand 15KV dielectric strength as per IS
5424- 1969. 10 Mtr



Transport Department NCT Of Delhi 7 - 166

HVAC Works

Bill OF QTY Civil works

NO. In Words In Figure

I HVAC Works :

Total :

7 - 167

BOQ for HVAC Work or ISBT at Kashmere Gate, New Delhi.


Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. UNIT QTY In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

1. Water Chilling Unit

Providing, fixing, testing and commissioning

water cooled screw chilling unit complete with
semi hermetic/hermetically sealed screw
compressor multi circuit chiller, shell & tube
condenser, microprocessor based control
panel, refrigerant controls & piping, full
charged with non CFC refrigerant, mounting
base frame, foundations, foundation pads
shall be vibration free etc. complete as per
specifications and drawings.

Chilled water out : 7.2O C

Chilled water in : 12.8O C

Chiller F.F. : 0.0005


250 TR Nos. 4

2. Pump Set

Providing, fixing, testing and commissioning

of split casing type water circulating pump
sets complete with motor, base plate
foundation etc. as per specifications and
drawings. (Installation of pumps shall be
vibration free in operating conditions. All
necessary pre-cautions shall be taken such
as cushy foot mounting etc. for installation of
Transport Department ,NCT Of DELHI 7 - 168

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. UNIT QTY In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

2.1 Primary Chilled water pump, split casing type

with end suction top discharge, 600 USGPM
at 20 mt. head (one standby). Nos. 4

2.2 Condenser water pump, split casing type with

end suction top discharge, 950 USGPM at 30
mt. head (one standby). Nos. 4

3. Secondary Chilled Water Pumps &

Variable Speed Pumping System

Providing, fixing, testing and commissioning

of secondary variable speed pumping system
consisting of 3 Nos. secondary pumps, 2
Nos. dedicated microprocessor based pump
controller with parallel pumping software duly
downloaded, 3 Nos. adjustable frequency
drives and multiple differential pressure
sensor/ transmitters as necessary and as
described in the specifications.

The entire system alongwith secondary

pumps must be sourced from single
manufacturer only for unit responsibility.

The system shall be complete in all respects

and suitable for following rating.

3.1 Split casing end suction and top discharge

secondary chilled water pumps 900 USGPM
at 18 mt. head. (one standby) Nos. 4

4. Cooling Tower

Transport Department ,NCT Of DELHI 7 - 169


Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. UNIT QTY In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
Providing, fixing, testing and commissioning
of FRP induced draft type cooling tower
complete with FRP basin, FRP body, fan,
distribution pipes, overflow pipe, ladder
including foundation etc. as per specifications
and drawings.


300 TR (one standby) Nos. 4

5. Airhandling Units

Providing, fixing, testing and commissioning

of double skin top/side discharge floor
mounted type airhandling units complete with
fan, fan motor with variable frequency drive
(VFD), cooling coil, canvass connection,
filters per specifications and drawings.

5.1 24,000 cfm, 4 RD coil

Nos. 14

5.2 12,000 cfm, 4 RD coil

No. 1

6. Unitary Airhandling Units

Providing, fixing, testing and commissioning

of double skin ceiling hung unitary type
airhandling unit complete with fan, fan motor
drive with variable frequency drive (VFD),
cooling coil, filters, canvass connections,
complete as per specifications and drawings.

Transport Department ,NCT Of DELHI 7 - 170


Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. UNIT QTY In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

6.1 5,000 cfm, 4 row coil cooling

Nos. 3

6.2 4,000 cfm, 4 row coil cooling

No. 1

3,000 cfm, 4 row coil cooling Nos. 5


1,200 cfm, 4 row coil cooling Nos. 7


1,000 cfm, 4 row coil cooling No. 1

7. PID Valves

Providing, fixing, testing and commissioning

of 2 way modulating cum pressure
independent balancing valve along with
actuator & proportionate thermostat complete
as per specifications and drawings.

7.1 144 USGPM

Nos. 14

7.2 72 USGPM
No. 1

7.3 30 USGPM

Nos. 3

Transport Department ,NCT Of DELHI 7 - 171


Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. UNIT QTY In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
7.4 24 USGPM

No. 1

7.5 18 USGPM
Nos. 5

7.6 7.2 USGPM

Nos. 7

7.7 6.0 USGPM

No. 1

8. Packaged Type Airwasher

Providing, fixing, testing and commissioning

of weather proof packaged type airwashers of
G.I. construction fabricated from 16 Ga G.I.
sheet body, blower housing, centrifugal
DIDW forward curved blower with motor, drive
set, acetate paper cooling pad of 90%
effeciency with stainless steel sump and
body, pump, water connection, Aluminum
filters, canvas connection, mounting base of
angle iron/chennel etc. blower & motor shall
be mounted on common rail using cushy foot
mounting and M.S. frame for supports etc. as
per specifications and drawings.

8.1 3,400 cfm, 40 mm static pressure

No. 1

8.2 2,000 cfm, 40 mm static pressure

No. 1

Transport Department ,NCT Of DELHI 7 - 172


Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. UNIT QTY In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
9. Condenser Water Piping

Mild steel condenser water piping system as

per specifications and drawings.

9.1 Providing, fixing, testing and commissioning

of `C' class mild steel - black steel pipes with
all necessary fittings i/c bends, tees, reducers,
flanges, supports etc. as per specifications
and drawings.


400 mm Rm 200

250 mm Rm 100

9.2 Butterfly Valves

250 mm Nos. 24

9.3 Balancing Valve


250 mm Nos. 3

9.4 Non Return Valves


250 mm Nos. 3

Y - Strainer

Transport Department ,NCT Of DELHI 7 - 173


Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. UNIT QTY In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
250 mm Nos. 3

Water flow switch Nos. 3


Pressure gauge Nos. 14

Thermometer Nos. 6

9.9 Flexible Pipe Connection

250 mm Nos. 14

9.10 Motorized butterfly valve with actuator, motor,

all controls & control wiring etc.


250 mm Nos. 6

Chilled Water Piping

Providing, fixing, testing and commissioning

of `C' class mild steel black steel pipes with
all necessary fittings, supports, insulation &
aluminium cladding etc. as per specifications
and drawings.

Transport Department ,NCT Of DELHI 7 - 174


Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. UNIT QTY In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
10.1 Piping

350 mm Rm 120

300 mm Rm 30

250 mm Rm 350

200 mm Rm 330

150 mm Rm 110

125 mm Rm 220

100 mm Rm 80

80 mm Rm 310

65 mm Rm 60

Transport Department ,NCT Of DELHI 7 - 175


Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. UNIT QTY In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

50 mm Rm 55

40 mm Rm 155

32 mm Rm 30

25 mm Rm 180

10.2 Butterfly Valves

250 mm Nos. 8

200 mm Nos. 16

80 mm Nos. 28


65 mm Nos. 2

10.3 Balancing Valves

200 mm Nos. 3

10.4 Non Return Valves

250 mm Nos. 3
Transport Department ,NCT Of DELHI 7 - 176

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. UNIT QTY In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

200 mm Nos. 3

10.5 Y - Strainer

200 mm Nos. 3

80 mm Nos. 14

65 mm No. 1

10.6 Ball Valves

40 mm with strainer Nos. 9

40 mm without strainer Nos. 9

25 mm with strainer Nos. 15

25 mm without strainer Nos. 15

Flexible Connection

250 mm Nos. 6

Transport Department ,NCT Of DELHI 7 - 177


Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. UNIT QTY In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

200 mm Nos. 14

Water flow switch Nos. 3

Pressure gauge Nos. 54

Thermometers Nos. 40


Auto Airvent Nos. 4

10.12 Motorized butterfly valve with actuator, motor,

all controls & control wiring etc.


200 mm Nos. 6

Transport Department ,NCT Of DELHI 7 - 178


Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. UNIT QTY In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
10.13 Expansion Tank

Providing, fixing, testing and commissioning

of expansion tank PVC having 50 mm thick
glass wool insulation covered with 26 Ga
Aluminium sheet with main hole cover drain,
over flow, quick fill, normal water supply
connections complete in all respect as per
specifications and drawings.

10.13.1 1000 litres capacity

No. 1

11. Axial Flow Fan

Providing, fixing, testing and commissioning

of tube axial flow type exhaust fan complete
with fan with motor, drive set, mounting
frame, mounting accessories canvass
connection, rating of fan shall be 150OC for
11/2 hours with `H' class insulation for motor,
gravity damper of G.I. at fan outlet complete
as per specifications and drawings. (Fan to
be suspended from ceiling/ installed on wall
required M.S. supports etc. and mounting
accessories should be taken).

11.1 40,000 cfm, 10 mmwg S.P.

Nos. 8

11.2 14,000 cfm, 40 mmwg S.P.

Nos. 2

11.3 4,600 cfm, 40 mmwg S.P.

Nos. 4
Transport Department ,NCT Of DELHI 7 - 179

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. UNIT QTY In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

12. Propeller Type Fan

Providing, fixing, testing and commissioning

of propeller type fan for fresh air supply and
exhaust complete as per specifications and

12.1 5,000 cfm, 610 mm dia

Nos. 3

4,000 cfm, 450 mm dia

12.2 Nos. 3

13. Exhaust Scrubber

Providing, fixing, testing and commissioning

of weather proof centrifugal exhaust
scrubber of 18 G GSS duly powder coated
inner & outer construction with DIDW forward
curved fan with motor and drive (both fan
and motor shall be mounted on a common
frame using cushy foot mounting) with side
suction and front discharge including
vibration isolator, water tank with float valve,
pump, distributor, nozzels, eleminator, piping
& valve from tank to pump to distributor and
M.S. frame for supports etc. as per
specifications and drawings.

13.1 4,000 cfm, 50 mmwg S.P.

No. 1

13.2 2,400 cfm, 50 mmwg S.P.

No. 1
Transport Department ,NCT Of DELHI 7 - 180

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. UNIT QTY In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

14. Inline Fans

Providing, fixing, testing and commissioning

of inline fans of G.I. construction complete
with centrifugal fan with motor, drive, canvass
connection at inlet outlet all enclosed in a 16
Ga G.I. sheet casing complete with MCB
panel with cabling and earthing and as per
specification and drawings.

14.1 1500 cfm, 20 mmwg S.P. Nos. 11

14.2 1200 cfm, 20 mmwg S.P. Nos. 3

14.3 1000 cfm, 15 mmwg S.P. Nos. 2

14.4 850 cfm, 15 mmwg S.P. No. 1

14.5 550 cfm, 15 mmwg S.P. No. 1

15. Drain Piping

Providing and fixing of G.I piping complete

with fittings, supports as per specifications
and duly insulated with 25 mm thick
expanded Polystyrene as per specification
and drawings.

Transport Department ,NCT Of DELHI 7 - 181


Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. UNIT QTY In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

15.1 50 mm dia Rm 100

15.2 40 mm dia Rm 80

15.3 32 mm dia Rm 120

15.4 25 mm dia Rm 100

16. Ducting

Providing and fixing of factory fabricated G.I.

ducting (as per SMACNA Codes) along with
complete with supports splitter dampers,
vanes etc. as per specifications & drawings.

16.1 G.I. Sheet Metal Ducting (Rectangular)

16.1.1 0.63 mm (24 Ga) Sqm 5807

16.1.2 0.80 mm (22 Ga) Sqm 800

16.1.3 1.00 mm (20 Ga) Sqm 1875

16.1.4 1.25 mm (18 Ga) Sqm 5685

Transport Department ,NCT Of DELHI 7 - 182


Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. UNIT QTY In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

17. Insulation

Providing and fixing polyethylene insulation

on ducts complete as per specifications and

17.1 13 mm thick Sqm 8000

17.2 13 mm with 25 mm thick EPS of density 16

kg/m3. (For trench density). Sqm 205

18. Duct Acoustic Lining

Providing and fixing duct acoustic lining with

glass wool insulation boards, coverd with
perforated aluminium sheet, nuts, bolts etc.

18.1 25 mm Sqm 1000

19. Grilles/Diffusers

Providing, fixing, testing and commissioning

of supply and return air grilles/ diffusers as
per specifications and drawings including
fixing frame of G.I./wooden in false

19.1 Aluminium supply/fresh/exhaust air grill with

Sqm 52.3

19.2 Aluminium return air grill without damper.

Sqm 129.1
Transport Department ,NCT Of DELHI 7 - 183

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. UNIT QTY In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)


Aluminium supply air diffuser with damper. Sqm 84.0

19.4 Aluminium return air diffuser without damper.

Sqm 84.0

20. Flexible Duct

Providing & fixing flexible duct to connect slot

diffiser oplenum to main duct as per
specification and draweings.

20.1 100 mm dia Rm 30

20.2 150 mm dia Rm 50

20.3 200 mm dia Rm 80

21. Fresh air Grilles

Provding & fixing Fresh air damper with

louvers, bird Screen and damper as per
specifications and drawings. Sqm 14.6

22. Acoustic Insulation for AHU Room

Transport Department ,NCT Of DELHI 7 - 184


Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. UNIT QTY In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
Providing and fixing acoustic insulation on
walls & ceiling using 32 kg/m3 glass wool
slabs of 50 mm thick, using G.I. chennels,
R.P. tissues and covered with 26 Ga
Aluminium perforated sheets complete as per
specifications & drawings.
Sqm 1850

23. Volume Control Damper

Providing and fixing M.S. Volume control

damper in ducts complete as per
specifications and drawings. Sqm 14.26

24. Fire Damper

Providing and fixing galvanised sheet fire

dampers complete with damper electric
actuator, smoke/heat detector, interlocking
arrangement with blower motor complete as
per specification and drawings. (Opening of
fire damper in wall/ partition to be cut and later
made good to a fire rating of similar capacity
as the damper by HVAC contractor.)


Fire dampers Sqm 65.0

Actuator assembly Nos. 72

25. Electric Panel Board

Transport Department ,NCT Of DELHI 7 - 185


Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. UNIT QTY In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
25.1 Providing, fixing, testing and commissioning
of main panel board cubical compartmenta-
lised, floor mounted made of 2.0 mm thick
steel sheet duly painted complete with
voltmeter, ammeter, indicating lights for
selector switch, incoming/outgoing feeders
CTS contactors for complete as per
specifications and required.

1 No. 630 Amps TPN incoming ACB.

1 No. 630 Amps outgoing for 1 No. 250 TR

chiller. Set 3

25.2 Providing, fixing, testing and commissioning

of main panel board cubical compartmenta-
lised, floor mounted made of 2.0 mm thick
steel sheet duly painted complete with
voltmeter, ammeter, indicating lights for
selector switch, incoming/outgoing feeders
CTS contactors for complete as per
specifications and required.

1 No. 630 Amps TPN incoming MCCB.

1 set 630 Amps TPN Aluminium conductor

bus bar duly sleeved.

3 Nos. 63 Amps MCCB outgoing along with 3

Nos. DOL starter for 25 HP motor.
(Secondary CHW pump) and space for VFD.

Transport Department ,NCT Of DELHI 7 - 186


Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. UNIT QTY In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

4 Nos. 100 Amps MCCB outgoing along with

4 Nos. star delta starter for 50 HP condenser
water pump motor.

4 Nos. 63 Amps MCCB outgoing alon with 4

Nos. star delta starter for 20 HP pump.
(Primary CHW pump).

3 Nos. 63 Amps MCCB outgoing along with

3 Nos. star delta starter for 15.0 kw cooling
tower fan.
Set 1

25.3 Providing, fixing, testing and commissioning

of panel board cubical compartmentalised,
wall mounted made of 2.0 mm thick steel
sheet duly painted complete with voltmeter,
ammeter, indicating lights for selector switch,
incoming/outgoing feeders CTS contactors for
complete as per specifications and required.

1 No. 250 Amps TPN incoming MCCB.

1 set 250 Amps triple pole and neutral

Aluminium conductor bus bar duly sleeved.

4 Nos. 100 Amps MCCB outgoing along with

4 Nos. star delta starter for smoke extraction
for waiting area fans.
Set 2

Transport Department ,NCT Of DELHI 7 - 187


Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. UNIT QTY In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
25.4 Providing, fixing, testing and commissioning
of panel board cubical compartmentalised,
wall mounted made of 2.0 mm thick steel
sheet duly painted complete with voltmeter,
ammeter, indicating lights for selector switch,
incoming/outgoing feeders CTS contactors for
complete as per specifications and required.

1 No. 100 Amps TPN incoming MCB.

1 set 100 Amps triple pole and neutral

Aluminium conductor bus bar duly sleeved.

2 Nos. 32 Amps MCB outgoing along with 2

Nos.DOL starter for stair case pressurization
fan motor.

4 Nos. 16 Amps MCB outgoing along with 4

Nos. DOL starter for Liftwell pressurization fan
Set 1

25.5 Providing, fixing, testing and commissioning

of panel board cubical compartmentalised,
wall mounted made of 2.0 mm thick steel
sheet duly painted complete with voltmeter,
ammeter, indicating lights for selector switch,
incoming/outgoing feeders CTS contactors for
complete as per specifications and required.

1 No. 32 Amps TPN incoming MCB.

1 set 32 Amps triple pole and neutral

Aluminium conductor bus bar duly sleeved.

Transport Department ,NCT Of DELHI 7 - 188


Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. UNIT QTY In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

2 Nos. 16 Amps MCB outgoing along with 2

Nos.DOL starter for scrubber/airwasher fan
motor and 2 outgoing of 8 Amps for pumps.
Set 2

25.6 Providing, fixing, testing and commissioning

of panel board cubical compartmentalised,
wall mounted made of 2.0 mm thick steel
sheet duly painted complete with voltmeter,
ammeter, indicating lights for selector switch,
incoming/outgoing feeders CTS contactors for
complete as per specifications and required.

1 No. 63 Amps MCCB outgoing along with

1 No. DOL starter along with space for AHU
VFD motor. Set 14

25.7 Providing, fixing, testing and commissioning

of panel board cubical compartmentalised,
wall mounted made of 2.0 mm thick steel
sheet duly painted complete with voltmeter,
ammeter, indicating lights for selector switch,
incoming/outgoing feeders CTS contactors for
complete as per specifications and required.

1 No. 32 Amps MCB outgoing along with

1 No. DOL starter along with space for AHU
VFD motor. Set 1

25.8 1 No. 32 Amps MCB outgoing along with

1 No. DOL starter for UAHU motor and space
for VFD. Set 5

Transport Department ,NCT Of DELHI 7 - 189


Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. UNIT QTY In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

25.9 1 No. 16 Amps MCB outgoing along with

1 No. DOL starter for UAHU and space for
VFD. Set 4

26. Cable Tray

Providing & fixing of 16 Ga G.I. perforated

cable tray with proper clamping of cable over
it as per drawings.

26.1 450 x 100 mm Rm 200

26.2 300 x 50 mm Rm 500

26.3 150 x 40 mm Rm 530

26.4 100 x 40 mm Rm 350

27. Power Cabling

Providing and fixing PVC sheathed

Aluminium cables for various equipments
through walls/ceiling with appropriate clamps
& fixing arrangement as per specifications
and drawings.

27.1 31/2 C - 400 sqmm Rm 100

Transport Department ,NCT Of DELHI 7 - 190


Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. UNIT QTY In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

27.2 31/2 C - 35 sqmm Rm 600

27.3 3 C - 25 sqmm Rm 100

27.4 3 C - 16 sqmm Rm 60

27.5 3 C - 10 sqmm Rm 180

27.6 3 C - 6 sqmm Rm 300

27.7 3 C - 4 sqmm Rm 180

28. Earthing

Double earthing continuity conductors of

G.S.S between panel boards and equipments
as required. (May be checked at site)

28.1 25 mm x 6 mm (strip) Rm 100

28.2 8 SWG Rm 1400

28.3 10 SWG Rm 300

Total Rs.

Transport Department ,NCT Of DELHI 7 - 191




S.No. Description Amount

In Word In Figure








Total :

7 - 192
BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

1.01 Providing and fixing first quality white

vitreous china wall mounting crystal.
European type water closet similar to H.S.
Cat No. 20047 concealed duel operation
cistern with black solid plastic seat and lid,
with C.P. brass hinges and rubber buffers,
C.P. brass bolts, nuts, C.I. chair or
cantilever brackets for hanging
arrangement painted with two or three
coats of anticorrosive paint over a coat of
primer, W.C. adopter and washers
complete, including cutting and making
good the walls and floors wherever
required: 101 Each

1.02 Providing and fixing C.P. brass 15mm dia

spray jet with control, fixed under the seat
cover with flexible pipe.
50 Each

1.03 Providing and fixing water closet squatting

pan ( Indian type W.C. pan ) with 100mm
sand cast Iron P or S trap, Concealed
flushing cistern with manually controlled
device flushing pipe with all fittings and
fixtures complete including cutting and
making good the walls and floors wherever

a) White Vitreous china Orissa pattern W.C.

pan.of size 580x440mm with integral type
foot rests .
43 each

Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 193

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
1.04 Providing and fixing first quality white
vitreous china under counter oval wash
basin size 560x450 mm, similar to H.S. Cat
No. 10049 specially fabricated C.I./M.S.
brackets painted with two or three coats of
enamel paint of approved shade over a
coat of primer, 32mm C.P. brass waste and
C.P. brass cast bottle trap and pipe to wall
with C.P. brass flange and rubber adopter
for waste connection complete including
cutting and making good the wall wherever
a) White vitreous china under counter oval
wash basin with C.P.brass single hole
mixer. 10 Each

1.05 Providing and fixing first quality white

vitreous china flat back wash basin size
550x400 mm similar to H.S. Cat No. 10008
specially fabricated C.I./M.S. brackets
painted with two or three coats of enamel
paint of approved shade over a coat of
primer, 32mm C.P. brass waste and C.P.
brass cast bottle trap and pipe to wall with
C.P. brass flange and rubber adopter for
waste connection complete including
cutting and making good the wall wherever
a) White vitreous china flat back wash basin
with C.P.brass pillar cock . 50 Each

1.06 Providing and fixing C.P. brass wall

mounted toilet paper holder, fixed to wall
with wooden cleats and C.P. brass screws
etc. including cutting and making good
the wall wherever required.
61 Each

Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 194

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
1.07 Providing and fixing 15mm dia C.P. brass
angle valve with C.P. copper connecting
pipe 375m long with nuts and washers,
C.P. brass wall flange complete including
cutting and making good the wall
wherever required.
221 Each

1.08 Providing and fixing first quality white

vitreous china semistall urinal with battery
operated concealed autosensing flush valve
having solenoid valve and regulator,
C.I./M.S. brackets painted with two or
three coats of enamel paint of approved
shade over a coat of primer, G.I. heavy
quality concealed flush pipe with
clamps/hooks, C.P. brass spreader, 32 mm
dia C.P. brass waste, 32 mm dia C.P. brass
bottle trap and pipe upto wall with C.P.
brass flange complete in all respects,
including cutting and making good the
walls and floors wherever required.
100 Each

1.09 Providing and fixing white vitreous large

size 680x300 mm urinal division plate with
C.P. brass screws including cutting and
making good the wall wherever required.
77 Each

Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 195

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
1.10 Providing and fixing stainless steel sink
single bowl with or without draining board
size 1145x510 and inside bowl size
500x400x200mm with C.I./ M.S. brackets
painted with two or three coats of enamel
paint of approved shade over a coat of
primer, 15 mm dia wall mounted sink mixer
with swinging spout, 40mm C.P. brass
waste C.P. brass chain and rubber plug,
40mm dia C.P. brass cast bottle trap with
C.P. brass pipe to wall and flange,
complete in all respects including cutting
and making good the walls and floors
wherever required. 30 Each

1.11 Providing and fixing C.P. brass cast twin

coat hooks fixed to wall/door with wooden
cleats and C.P. brass screws including
cutting and making good the wall
wherever required.
55 Each

1.12 Providing and fixing C.P. brass long body

bib cock with wall flange including cutting
and making good the wall wherever
80 Each

1.13 Providing and fixing, testing and

commissioning of storage type water
heater (Geyser) etc. with automatic
thermostatic control electric element,
pressure release valve, M.S. nuts and bolts
etc. conforming to IS: 2082.

a) 25 litres capacity.

10 Each
b) 50 litres capacity.
8 Each

1.14 Providing and fixing C.P. brass adjustable

shower rose with 15 or 20mm inlet.
25 Each

Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 196

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

1.15 Providing and fixing 15 mm dia C.P.brass

concealed stop cock with flanges etc.
including cutting and making good the
wall wherever required.
153 Each

1.16 Providing and fixing 600x20mm size similar

to C.P. brass towel rail with C.P. brackets
fixed to wooden cleats with C.P. brass
screws etc. including cutting and making
good the wall wherever required.
28 Each

1.17 Providing and fixing stainless steel liquid

soap dispenser fixed to wall with wooden
cleats and C.P. brass screws, including
cutting & making good the walls wherever
required. 30 Each

1.18 Providing and fixing C.P. brass self closing

bib cock with wall flange including cutting
and making good the wall wherever
237 Each

1.19 Providing and fixing fire clay lab. sink

single bowl size 600x450x200mm with
C.I./ M.S. brackets painted with two or
three coats of enamel paint of approved
shade over a coat of primer, 15 mm dia
wall/counter mounted sink pillar tap with
swinging spout, 40mm C.P. brass waste
C.P. brass chain and rubber plug, 40mm
dia C.P. brass cast bottle trap with C.P.
brass pipe to wall and flange, complete in
all respects including cutting holes in brick
masonary and R.C.C. and making good the
walls and floors wherever required. 11 Each

Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 197

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
1.20 Providing and fixing Handicapped Grab bar
similar to TVS make model No. TVS-7632
including cutting and making good the wall
wherever required.
12 Each

1.21 Providing and fixing double heater type

solid state fully hygienic no touch hand
drier rated for continuous repeat usage
with solid state time delay LSF protection,
with independent ambient light level &
seasonal control temperatures including
providing necessary Concealed brackets
painted with two or three coats of enamel
paint of approved shade over a coat of
primer, wiring cables from drier to plug,
plug tops etc. complete including cutting
holes in wall and making good the
walls wherever required.
15 Each

1.22 Providing and fixing 600x450mm beveled

edge mirror of superior glass (of approved
quality) complete with 6 mm thick hard
board ground fixed to wooden cleats
with C.P. brass screws and washers
complete. 78 Each

1.23 Providing and fixing storage type Water

Cooler of the following capacity I.S.I.
marked , stainless steel front panel , C.P.
brass push cock, inlet float valve with all
plumbing and electrical accessories, inlet,
outlet, overflow and PVC drain out
connection to F.D. completes required.
a) Cooling capacity 200 litres/hr

4 Each
Storage capacity 400itres

Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 198

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
1.24 Providing and fixing Commercial type
Water Cooler of the following capacity
I.S.I. marked , stainless steel front panel ,
C.P. brass push cock, inlet float valve with
all plumbing and electrical accessories,
inlet, outlet, overflow and PVC drain out
connection to F.D. completes required.

a) Cooling capacity 400 litres/hr

4 Each
Storage capacity 800itres

1.25 Providing, installation and commisioning of

Ro system having a capacity of 5,000 litres
per hour based on treated water consisting

a) Duel Media Filter

MNO2, Anthracite, Activated Carbon,

Gravel & Sand Charged in Stainless Steel
Pressure Vessel (Food Grade 316-L) of
flowing with Frontal Pipe, Ball Valve &
Pressure Gauge.

b) Antiscalent Dosing
0-6 LPH. Dosing Pump with HDPE 200
Liters. Tank.

c) C-5 Micron Filter

20" 5 Micron Cartidge Filter.

d) High Pressure Pump

Stainless Steel Pump with HDPE tank.

f) R O Module
Required R.O. Membrane Module in
Structural Membrane Housing.

Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 199

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
g) Electrical Panel
Panel fited with Auto-Cut Controls,
Conductivity Meter and Pressure Gauge
h) pH Correction System
Dosing Pump with HDPE tank.

i) RO Plant Skid
Fabricated Stainless Steel Skid Mounted
with RO Module, Electric Panel, High
Pressure Pump, CIP System & pH
Correction System.

j) Complete Installation and Assembly of

System PPR Piping and Fittings of IS
Standard 2 Each



2.01 Providing and fixing centrifugal cast iron,

soil, waste, rain water and vent pipes
conforming to IS:3989 including all fittings
(plain or access door) e.g. bends,
junctions, cowls, offsets, access pieces
etc., jointing with drip seal joints, fixed
with M.S. clamps fabricated from M.S. flat
galvanised 40mmx5mm flat placed on each
socket of pipe, painted with two or three
coats enamel paint of approved shade over
a coat of primer fixed in cement concrete
1:2:4 (1cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded
stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)
blocks 10x10x10cm size including cutting
holes in wall/floors and making good
wherever required.

Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 200

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
a) 100 mm dia nominal bore

1100 metre
b) 75 mm dia nominal bore

150 metre

2.02 Providing and fixing G.I. (heavy class)

waste pipes and fittings conforming to IS:
1239 with M.S. clamp/hook including
cutting chases and holes in RCC/Brick
wall/Ceilings and making good the same in
cement mortar 1:3 ( 1 cement : 3 coarse
sand ) to match with the surroundings for
waste from wash basins, urinals kitchen
sink and sump, pump deliveries and
suction etc as shown in drawings and
directed by the Engineer in Charge.

a) 32 mm nominal bore

112 metre
b) 40 mm nominal bore
40 metre
c) 50 mm nominal bore
55 metre
d) 80 mm nominal bore

165 metre
e) 100 mm nominal bore

60 metre

Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 201

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
2.03 Providing and fixing centrifugal cast (spun)
iron P or S deep seal type with self
cleaning design floor/urinal trap with or
without vent, 3 mm thick C.P. brass
grating, including setting with cement
concrete 1:2:4 (1cement : 2 coarse sand :
4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal
size) in sunked portion or supported with
M.S. structural clamps if suspended below
slab, cutting and making good the
floor/RCC and Brick wall wherever
required, complete in all respects.

a) 100mm inlet and 100mm outlet

232 Each

2.04 Providing and fixing 100 mm dia G.I.

extension piece forming a tee connection
of 32/40 mm dia for connections waste
from WB/sink including lead joint extension
piece with floor trap on one end complete
in all respects.
30 Each

2.05 Providing and fixing cast brass clean out

plug with suitable insert keys for opening in
brass cap, male threaded joint with G.I.
socket caulked to pipe/fitting of C.I. or C.I.
(L.A.) pipe as required complete in all
a) 100 mm dia

94 Each

2.06 Painting G.I. pipes with two coats of

bitumastic paint, wrapping two layers of
polyethylene tape and applying final coat
of bitumastic paint for embedded pipes and
clamping with 16 Gauge SWG wire
complete in all respects.
a) 32 mm nominal bore

122 metre

Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 202

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
b) 40 mm nominal bore
50 metre
c) 50 mm nominal bore
60 metre
d) 80 mm nominal bore
185 metre
e) 100 mm nominal bore
60 metre

2.07 Painting sand cast iron/cast iron spun soil,

waste, rain water and vent pipes and
fittings with two or three coats of synthetic
enamel paint (approved quality) of colours
as per pipe colour code over a coat of
primer (of approved quality) for new work.

a) 100 mm dia
900 metre
b) 80 mm dia
150 metre

2.08 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:2:4

(1 cement :2 coarse sand: 4 graded stone
aggregate 20 mm, nominal size) 75mm
thick in bed and alround C.I. soil and waste
pipe under floor/vertical wall including
centering and shuttering wherever
a) 100 mm dia
240 metre

Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 203

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
2.09 Providing and laying uPVC pipe 6kg/cm
class III (IS:4984-1983) including injection
moulded fittings where required e.g. tees,
bends, couplings and adapters and jointing
with adhesive approved by fittings
manufactures including necessary MS
clamps of 40mmx5mm thick flat, cutting
chases in walls and making good the same
with cement concrete 1:2:4 (1cement : 2
coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate
20mm nominal size) finished smooth.

a) 110 mm O.D.
1910 metre
b) 160 mm O.D.

744 metre
c) 200 mm O.D.
514 metre

2.10 Providing and fixing cast iron grating to the

inlet/ mouth of rain water pipe.
a) 150 x 150 mm

642 Each
b) 200 x 200 mm
36 Each
c) 250 x 250 mm

12 Each

2.11 Cutting holes upto 200 x 200 mm in R.C.C.

floors and walls for passing pipes etc. and
repairing the hole after insertion of pipe
etc. with cement concrete M25 including
finishing and making it leak proof including
centering and shuttering complete in all
a) Thickness upto 300mm
700 Each

Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 204

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
2.12 Providing & fixing P.V.C. WC connector (
Straight or bend type) with rubber lip ring.
Including 110 mm dia PVC pipe/ bend of
required length and proper connection with
M seal to C.I. pipe complete as required.

101 Each

2.13 Providing & fixing rain water 'Khurras' size

450 x 450 mm required depth with lead
flashing around the pipe with one piece
lead sheet of 3 mm thick set on a layer of
cold bitumen including heavy duty CI/MS
grating as per drawing complete as
required. 690 Each

2.14 Constructing Grease Trap of size as

mentioned below of 1200 liquid depth in
brick work of class 75 with cement mortar
(1:6), inside plastering 16 mm thick with
cement mortar 1:3 with floating coat of
neat cement and rough plaster on outside
including aluminum bucket as per detail to
collect the grease. RCC top slab with 2 nos.
600 x 600 mm dia medium duty, double
seal manhole covers with frame (weight of
covers & weight of frame 75 kg.),
necessary 150 mm thick foundation

a) 2500x1200 mm

2 Each



Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 205

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

3.01 Providing and fixing heavy class GI pipes

conforming to IS: 1239 with specials,
fittings, union and clamps internal working
including cutting chases, holes in walls,
floors, R.C.C. slab/ beam and making good
the same complete in all respects.

a) 40mm dia nominal bore

20 metre
b) 50mm dia nominal bore
20 metre
c) 65mm dia nominal bore
10 metre
d) 80mm dia nominal bore
40 metre
e) 100mm dia nominal bore
20 metre
f) 150mm dia nominal bore
10 metre

3.02 Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl

Chloride(CPVC) pipes, having terminal
stability for hot & cold water supply
including all CPVC plain & brass threaded
fitting including fixing the pipe with clamps
at 1.00 m spacing. This includes jointing of
pipe & fitting with one step CPVC solvent
cement and testing of joints complete as
per direction of Engineer In charge.

Internal work -Exposed on wall

a) 25 mm nominal outer dia, Pipes.

320 metre
b) 32 mm nominal outer dia, Pipes.

330 metre
c) 40 mm nominal outer dia, Pipes.
340 metre

Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 206

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
d) 50 mm nominal outer dia, Pipes.
630 metre
e) 90 mm nominal outer dia, Pipes.
410 metre

3.03 Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl

Chloride(CPVC) pipes, having terminal
stability for hot & cold water supply
including all CPVC plain & brass threaded
fitting i/c fixing the pipe with clamps at
1.00 m spacing. This includes jointing of
pipe & fitting with one step CPVC solvent
cement and the cost of cutting chases and
making good the same including testing of
joints complete as per direction of Engineer
In charge.
Concealed work including cutting chases
and making good the walls etc.
a) 15 mm nominal outer dia, Pipes.
1350 metre
b) 20 mm nominal outer dia, Pipes.
1350 metre
c) 25 mm nominal outer dia, Pipes.
1400 metre
d) 32 mm nominal outer dia, Pipes.

800 metre

3.04 Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl

Chloride(CPVC) pipes, having terminal
stability for hot & cold water supply
including all CPVC plain & brass threaded
fitting .This includes jointing of pipe &
fitting with one step CPVC solvent cement
trenching, refilling & testing of joints
complete as per direction of Engineer In
External Work
a) 25 mm nominal outer dia, Pipes.
500 metre

Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 207

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
b) 32 mm nominal outer dia, Pipes.
150 metre
c) 40 mm nominal outer dia, Pipes.
70 metre
d) 50 mm nominal outer dia, Pipes.
30 metre
e) 90 mm nominal outer dia, Pipes.
400 metre
f) 100 mm nominal outer dia, Pipes.
660 metre

3.05 Providing and fixing lever ball valve P.N. 40

hotforged sand blasted nickel plated body
and cap sealed with loctite chrome plated
brass valve carbon steel handle PVC coated
complete in all respects.
a) 20 mm nominal bore
30 Each
b) 25 mm nominal bore
60 Each
b) 32 mm nominal bore
12 Each
c) 40 mm nominal bore
10 Each
d) 50 mm nominal bore
46 Each
e) 65 mm nominal bore

4 Each
f) 80 mm nominal bore

46 Each

3.06 Providing and fixing gunmetal non-return

valve of approved quality (screwed end)

a) 40 mm dia
4 Each
b) 50 mm dia
6 Each

Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 208

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
c) 65 mm dia
2 Each
d) 80 mm dia
24 Each

3.07 Providing and fixing 500 mm dia cast iron

(medium duty) water tank cover with
frame, double Seal with lockable
arrangement complete in all respects.
(Total weight of cover & frame to be not
less than 116 kgs.) 28 Each

3.08 Providing and fixing 100 mm dia G.I. Vent

pipe 1 mtr high with brass mosquito proof
grating elbow with fittings.

a) 100 mm dia
20 Each

3.09 Providing & fixing Vidolex or equivalent

Thermal insulating tubing 6 mm thick over
pipes/ fitting etc. complete.
a) 15 mm dia nominal bore
80 metre
b) 20 mm dia nominal bore
80 metre

3.10 Providing and fixing M.S. pipe medium duty

sleeve 450mm long, threaded on both
sides and 6mm thick M.S. plate 100mm
wide welded alround the pipe as per detail
complete in all respects.
a) 300 mm dia
2 Each
b) 150 mm dia
8 Each
c) 100 mm dia
10 Each
d) 80 mm dia
8 Each

Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 209

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
e) 50 mm dia
10 Each

3.11 Providing and fixing high pressure ball cock

with copper float.

a) 50 mm dia
17 Each

3.12 Constructing masonry chamber 60 x 60 x

75 cm, inside with 75 class designation
brick work in cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement
: 5 fine sand) for valve, with CI surface box
100 mm, top diameter, 160mm bottom
diameter and 180mm deep (inside) with
chained lid and RCC top slab 1:2:4 mix (1
cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone
aggregate 20 mm nominal size) necessary
excavation foundation concrete 1:5:10 (1
cement : 5 fine sand : 10 graded stone
aggregate 40 mm nominal size) and inside
plastering with cement mortar 1:3 (1
cement : 3 coarse sand) 12 mm thick
finished with a floating coat of neat cement
complete as per standard design.
50 Each
3.13 Providing and fixing HDPE 3 layered
insulated water storage tank including
holes for inlet, outlet, overflow, drain &
vent pipes, manhole cover, etc. complete
on terrace. 275000 Litres
3.14 Providing & fixing C.I. 'Y' Strainer (screwed
/ flanged) with stainless steel fine wire
mesh perforated sheet basket with
necessary flange / union nuts, bolts and
washers complete as required.

a) 80 mm dia

2 Each
b) 100 mm dia
4 Each

Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 210

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
c) 150 mm dia
1 Each
3.15 Providing & fixing C.I. wafer type check
valve tested to a pressure not less than 15
kg/ sqcm, including rubber gasket, flanges,
union , nuts, bolts, washers & painting
complete as required.
a) 80 mm dia
16 Each
b) 100 mm dia
2 Each
c) 150 mm dia

2 Each
3.16 Providing & fixing butterfly valve (Body :
Grey Cast Iron, Shaft: SS, Disc: SG iron
(Rilson coated ), Liner: HT-EPDM) (up to
150 mm dia with hand lever operation &
above with gear box operation) Tested to a
pressure not less than 15 kg/
Including rubber gasket, flanges, nuts,
bolts washers & painting complete as
a) 80 mm dia

20 Each
b) 100 mm dia
8 Each
c) 150 mm dia
2 Each

3.17 Providing and fixing in position of approved

quality high pressure valve Gun Metal Float
Valve with copper ball float and brass rods
of required length suitable for test pressure
of not less than 15kg/ sqcm of the
following sizes:

Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 211

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
a) 50 mm dia
14 Each
3.18 Providing and laying S&S centrifugally cast
(spun) iron pipes (Class LA) conforming to
IS - 1536 with special fitting, lead joint,
refilling, earth work excavation, cutting of
road, jointing with existing Delhi Jal Board
line for extension upto new pump room.

a) 200 mm dia

250 metre




4.01 Earth work in excavation in foundation

trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5 m in
width or 10 sqm on plan) including
dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms,
lift upto 1.5 m, including getting out the
excavated soil and disposal of surplus
excavated soil as directed, with all leads.

All kind of soils for manholes

770 Cum

Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 212

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
4.02 Excavating trenches of required width for
pipes, cables etc including excavation for
sockets, and dressing of sides, ramming of
bottoms, depth upto 1.5 m including
getting out the excavated soil, and then
returning the soil as required, in layers not
exceeding 20 cm in depth including
consolidating each deposited layer by
ramming, wateriing, etc. and disposing of
surplus excavated soil as directed, with all
All kinds of soil

a) Pipes, cables etc, exceeding 80 mm dia.

but not exceeding 300 mm dia.
1485 metre
b) Pipes, cables etc, exceeding 300 mm dia.
but not exceeding 600 mm dia.
720 metre

4.03 Extra for excavating trenches for pipes,

cables etc in all kinds of soils for depth
exceeding 1.5 m but not exceeding 3 m.
a) Pipes, cables etc, exceeding 80 mm dia.
but not exceeding 300 mm dia. 700 metre
a) Pipes, cables etc, exceeding 30 mm dia.
but not exceeding 600 mm dia. 300 metre

4.04 Filling available excavated earth (excluding

rock) in trenches, plinths, sides of
foundations etc. in layers not exceeding 20
cm in depth including consolidating each
deposited layer by ramming, wateriing,
lead up to 50 m and lift upto 1.5m.
385 Cum

4.05 Extra for every additional lift of 1.5m or

part thereof in

All kinds of soil

385 Cum

Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 213

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
4.06 Cutting road and making good the same
includ-ing supply of extra quantities of
materials i.e. aggregate, moorum
screening, red bajri and labour required.
a) Bituminous portion /other hard surface

2200 sqm

4.07 Providing, laying, jointing and testing in

position the following C.I. pipes class(LA)
conforming to IS 1536 for drainage cut to
required lengths making proper
connections with requireds depth. Pipe to
be laid below ground level in trenches upto
required depth the surplus excavated
maerial and making good the
samecomplete as required.
a) 150 mm dia
150 metre
b) 200 mm dia

320 metre
c) 250 mm dia
205 metre
d) 300 mm dia
560 metre
e) 450 mm dia
600 metre

Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 214

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
4.08 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:4:8
(1 cement : 4 coarse sand :8 graded stone
aggregate 40 mm nominal size) all-round
C.I. pipes including bed concrete, centering
and shuttering as per standard design:

a) 150 mm dia
150 metre
b) 200 mm dia
320 metre
c) 250 mm dia
205 metre
d) 300 mm dia
560 metre
e) 450 mm dia
600 metre

4.09 Providing and fixing square-mouth H.C.I.

gully trap complete with C.I. grating, brick
masonry chamber with bricks of class
designation 75 in cement mortar 1:5 (1
cement : 5 coarse sand) inside plaster
above trap 12mm thick in cement mortar
1:3 ( 1 cement : 3 coarse sand) finished
with a floating coat of neat cement outside
plaster 12mm thick in cement mortar 1 :3
( 1 cement : 3 coarse sand) 10 cm thick
foundation concrete 1:5:10 mix ( 1 cement
: 5 coarse sand : 10 graded stone
aggregate 40mm nominal size) space
between chamber and trap filled with
cement concrete 1:2:4 ( 1 cement : 2
coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20
mm nominal size) and water tight C.I.
cover with frame of 300x300 mm size
(inside) the weight of cover to be not less
than 4.50 kg and frame to be not less than
2.70 kg including excavation, refilling and
disposal of surplus earth as directed by
Engineer in Charge compete as per
standard design.

Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 215

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

a) 100x100mm size P type

16 Each

4.10 Constructing road gully chamber of the

following sizes in brick work with the bricks
of class designation 75 in cement mortar
1:5 (1 cement: 5 coarse sand), necessary
foundation concrete 1:4:8. Inside & outside
plastering 12 mm thick with cement mortar
1:3 with a floating a coat of neat cement.
Including necessary excavation, refilling
watering, ramming, removing, the surplus
excavated material and making good the
same complete as required. Cost shall be
inclusive off providing, PCC /SRFC heavy
duty grating with frame.

a) Internal size 450 x 500 x 450- 600 mm

deep: PCC/SFRC Grating with frame 450 x
450 mm 10 Each
b) Internal size 600 x 600 x 600- 750 mm
deep: PCC/SFRC Grating with frame 600 x
300 mm 10 Each

4.11 Constructing brick masonry circular type

manhole 0.91m internal dia at bottom and
0.56m dia at top in cement mortar 1:4 (1
cement :4 coarse sand), in side cement
plaster 12 mm thick with cement moratr
1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) finished
with a floating coat of neat cement,
foundation concrete 1:3:6 mix ( 1 cement :
3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate
40mm nominal size), and making
necessary channel in cment concrete 1:2:4
(1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone
aggregate 20mm nominal size) finished
with a floating coat of neat cement all
complete as per standard design

Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 216

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
a) 0.91 m deep with S.F.R.C. cover and frame
(heavy duty, HD-20 grade designation)
560mm internal diameter conforming to
I.S. 12592, total weight of cover and frame
to be not less than 182kg., fixed in cement
concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand
: 4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal
size) including centering shuttering all
complete. (Excavation, foot rests and
12mm thick cement plaster at the external
surface shall be paid for separately )

With F.P.S. bricks class designation 75

20 Each

4.12 Constructing brick masonry circular

manhole 1.22 m internal dia at bottom and
0.56m dia at top in cement mortar 1:4 (1
cement : 4 coarse sand), inside cement
plaster 12mm thick with cement mortar 1:3
(1 cement: 3 coarse sand) finished with a
floating coat of neat cement, foundation
concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand :
6 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal
size) and making necessary channel in
cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2
coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate
20mm nominal size) finished with a
floating coat of neat cement, all complete
as per standard design.

Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 217

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
a) 1.68m deep with S.F.R.C. cover and frame
(heavy duty HD-20 grade designation)
560mm internal diameter conforming to
I.S. 12592, total weight of cover and frame
to be not less than 182 kg., fixed in
cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2
coarse sand : 4 gradestone aggregate
20mm nominal size) including centerning
shuttering all complete.( Excavation, foot
rests and 12 mm thick cement plaster at
the external surface shall be paid for
With F.P.S. bricks class designation 75.

6 Each

4.13 Constructing brick masonry circular

manhole 1.52 m internal dia at bottom and
0.56 m dia at top in cement mortar 1:4 (1
cement : 4 coarse sand) inside cement
plaster 12mm thick with cement mortar 1:3
(1 cement : 3 coarse sand) finished with a
floating coat of neat cement, foundation
concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand :
6 graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal
size) and making necessary channel in
cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2
coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate
20mm nominal size) finished with a floating
coat of neat cement all complete as per
standard design

Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 218

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
a) 2.30m deep with SFRC Cover and frame
(heavy duty HD- 20 grade designation)
560mm internal diameter conforming to
I.S. 12592, total weight of cover and frame
to be not less than 182 kg. fixed in cement
concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand :
4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal
size) including centering shuttering all
complete. (Excavation, foot rests and 12
mm thick cement plaster at the external
surface shall be paid for separately)

With F.P.S. bricks class designation 75

6 Each

4.14 Extra depth for circuler type manhole

0.91m internal dia (at bottom) with beyond
0.91m to 1.67m
With F.P.S. bricks class designation 75
12 Mtr

4.15 Extra depth for circuler type manhole

1.22m internal dia ( at bottom) beyond
1.68 m to 2.29 m

With F.P.S. bricks class designation 75

3 Mtr

4.16 Extra depth for circuler type manhole 1.52

m internal dia (at bottom) beyond 2.30m.

With F.P.S. bricks class designation 75


Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 219

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
4.17 Constructing brick masonry manhole with
in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse
sand), R.C.C. top slab in 1:2:4 mix (1
cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone
aggregate 20mm nominal size) foundation
concrete 1:4;8 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand :
8 graded stone aggregate 40mm nominal
size), inside plastering 12mm thick with
cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse
sand) finished with a floating coat of neat
cement and making channels in cement
concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand:
4 graded stone aggregate 20mm nominal
size) finished with a floating coat of neat
cement complete as per standard design.

a) Inside size 120 x 90 cm and 90 cm deep

including S.F.R.C. perforated cover and
frame (heavy duty HD-20 grade
designation) 560mm internal diametre
conforming to I.S. 12592, total weight of
cover and frame to be not less than 182
kg., fixed in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1
cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone
aggregate 20mm nominal size) with F.P.S.
With F.P.S. bricks class designation 75
72 Each

4.18 Extra for depth for manholes

Size 120 x 90 cm

With F.P.S. bricks class designation 75 34 Mtr

Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 220

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
4.19 Providing and fixing orange colour safety
foot rest of minimum 6 mm thick plastic
encapsulated as per IS: 10910 on 12 mm
dia steel bar conforming to IS : 1786
having minimum cross section as 23 mm x
25 mm and over all minimum length 263
mm and width as 165 mm with minimum
112 mm space between protruded legs
having 2 mm tread on top surface by
ribbing or chequering besides necessary
and adequate anchoring projections on tail
length on 138 mm as per standard
drawing and suitable to with stand the
bend test and chemical resistance test as
per specification and having manufacturer's
permanent identification mark to be visible
even after fixing, including fixing in
manholes with cement concrete block 1:3:6
( 1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded
stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)
blocks of size 30x20x15 cm complete as
per design. 672 Each

4.20 Construction of ground water re-charge pit

5 m dia or 6x2.5 mtr internal size 4.5m
nominal depth with following specifications
and including supplying, installation &
execution of all jobs, complete as per
drawings and directions of Engineer-in-

a) Peripheral brick masonry in cement mortar

1:4 ( 1cement: 4 coarse sand) with
necessary 15 mm thick cement plaster 1 :3
neat finish.

Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 221

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
b) Foundation concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5
coarse sand : 10 graded stone aggregate
40 mm nominal size) (200mm thick)

c) 900mm thick dry stone aggregate bed ( 3

to 20 mm nominal grade) 400 mm thick
Jamna sand.

d) 200mm thick R.C.C. slab in M20 mix to

cover the well at top including necessary
centring, shuttering and reinforcement with
required openings /cutouts etc. supplying
and fixing 560 mm dia C.I. Manhole cover
and frame (total weight 216 kg) heavy
duty, all complete as per drawings.

e) 160mm long PVC perforated solid pipe laid

vertically upto sub-soil water level or 24m
whichever is lower including necessary
drilling/ boring in ground in all kinds of soil
as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

f) Supplying and fixing PVC coated M.S. foot


g) Making all inlets & outlets in brick masonry

walls including cutting holes& making good
the same.

h) 10- 12 mm thick cement plaster 1 :3 ( 1

cement : 3 fine sand ) mixed with water
proofing compound on top of R.C.C slab,
finished smooth.

i) 2 Nos. SRFC heavy duty conforming to IS

12592 manhole cover in top slab.

Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 222

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

Rate to include excavation back filling,

disposal of surplus excavated soil with all
leads and all other materials & operations
necessary for completing the job.
4 Each

4.21 Making connection of sewer/ storm water

line dia including necessary excavation &
breaking the wall of manhole and making
good the same with cement mortar 1: 3
finished with a floating coat of neat cement
and making drains etc. complete.
Removing the excavated surplus material.

a) 250 mm dia

2 Each
b) 450 mm dia

4 Each


Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 223

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)


5.01 Supplying, installation & commissioning of

softener comprising of FRP pressure vessel
of suitable for working pressure of 5
kg/ The softner should be proided
with collection system, base plate fitted
with PP nozzles, distribution system,
hydraulic injection method, ion exchange
resin, regenerant NACL lined , valves
piping etc.FRP regenerant tank of suitable
capacity complete in all respects for
complete operation and working of softner.

Softener capacity 15,000 litres per hour

FRP regeneration tank of approved size
with all accessories etc. complete

a) Hardness upto 500 PPM

1 Each

5.02 Providing, fixing & installation of FRP

Pressure Filter 15,000 LPH capacity,
suitable for working pressure of 3 kg/
sqcm, with flow rate 20,000
LPH/sq.m.including supplying and fixing of
necessary pressure vessel of suitable size
having distribution system, collection
system, PP nozzles with control valves,
back wash arrangement, filtering media
comprising of iron removing media 400 mm
high , 100 mm gravel/ 400 mm fine sand,
air blower etc. complete in all respects.
2 Each

Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 224

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
5.03 Providing & fixing Chlorination system
consisting of electronic metering type
dozing pump, 80W motor of working
pressure 3 kg/sqcm ASIA-LMI or equivalent
make complete with/and polythene inter-
connecting pipe of 15mm dia, PVC valves,
PVC/HDPE dosing tank of 100 Litres
capacity. 1 Each

5.04 Supply, installation, testing and commi-

ssioning of monoblock pumps with bronze
impeller having suitable electric motor
working at 415 V 50 cycles/second, three
phase A.C. power supply, necessary civil
foundation in cement concrete 1:2:4 (
200mm high) aelessary suitable wiring
from pannel to motor etc. M.S. base plate
complete in all respects.

a) 2 No. monoblock centrifugal pumps with

7.5 H.P. motor having a capacity of 40,000
LPH at 33 m head for Soft Water and
Drinking Water transfer to Terrace (1 No.
for each and 1 No. Stand-By for both
Systems) with accessories, safeties
complete in all respects.
3 Set
b) 2 No. monoblock centrifugal pumps with
12.5 H.P. motor having a capacity of
40,000 LPH at 52 m head for Soft Water
and Drinking Water transfer to Terrace (1
No. for each and 1 No. Stand-By for both
Systems) with accessories, safeties
complete in all respects.
2 Set

c) 3 No. monoblock centrifugal pumps with 3

H.P. motor having a capacity of 4.2 LPS at
24m head ( for water treatment)
1 Set

Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 225

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
5.05 Supplying, installation, testing and
commissioning of automatic submersible
drainage pump set with level controller and
dry running protection giving a discharge
as specified below, working at 440V, three
phase, 50 cycles A.C. supply suitable
motor including 10m cable as per
manufactures specification including the
supply and fixing electrical panel board, 3
phase indicating lamps, incoming and out
going switches suitable size wiring,
earthing etc. as per electricity rules, the
pump shall have provision for sequence
operation and to operate both the pumps
together, complete in all respects with solid
handling of 12mm.
a) 2 Nos. submersible automatic pump giving
a discharge of 300 LPM at 15 m head
with wall mounted electrical panel board
suitable for two pumps with provision for
alternative operation of pumps complete
with solid handling of 12mm.(Water Pump
Room & Sewage Plant Room )
1 Set
b) 3 Nos. submersible automatic pump giving
a discharge of 1000 LPM at 8 m head
with wall mounted electrical panel board
suitable for two pumps with provision for
alternative operation of pumps complete
with solid handling of 12mm. (For
Harvesting Well )
4 Set

Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 226

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
5.06 Supplying, installation, testing and
commissioning of totally enclosed free
standing floor mounted dust and vermin
proof indoor cubical type common electrical
panel board made of 14 gauge M.S. CRCA
sheet suitable for three phase, 4 wire, 50
Hz A.C. supply complete with incoming and
outgoing MCCB/ SFU's, contactors, timers,
metering instruments, Al. bus bars, inter
connections potential free contacts etc. as
required. Panel board shall be powder
coated in grey colour.


I) 1 No. - 200 A TP MCCB with rotary

operating handle

ii) 1 No. - Voltmeter 0-500V with selector


iii) 1 No. - Ammeter 0-150A with selector

switch and CT's
iv) 1 set - R-Y-B indication lamp with fuses


I) 3 Nos. - 32 A TPN SFU with 20A HRC fuses


ii) 3 Nos. - DOL starter suitable for 3/5 H.P., 3

phase pump motor complete with MN type
over load relay, single phasing preventor
MRPD 2, ammeter, ON-OFF indication
lamp, Auto and manual switch.

iii) 4 Nos. - 63 A TPN SFU with HRC fuses


Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 227

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
iv) 4 Nos. - Star delta starter suitable for 20
H.P., 3 phase pump motor complete with
MN type over load relay, single phasing
preventor MRPD 2, Ammeter, ON-OFF
indication lamp, Auto and manual switch.

v) Spare
a) 32 amp TPN MCCB 2 Nos.
b) 63 amp TPN MCCB 2 Nos.

vi) 4 Nos. 32A 4 pole MCB

vii) 4 Nos. 63A DP MCB

2 Each
5.07 Providing and fixing electro-magnetic type
level indicator for water tanks electro-
magnetic type mounting in panel with the
following features. Level display alarm
when water level is low or high full range
from one level to four level display and
manual reset for alarm etc. with electrical
wiring conduit supports from wall & ceiling
probs and all other accessories complete as
required. 6 Nos

5.08 Providing & fixing C.I. 'Y' straniner (

screwed / flanged) with stainless steel fine
wire mesh perforated sheet basket with
necessary flange /unions nuts, bolts and
washers complete as required.
a) 80 mm dia
3 Nos
b) 100 mm dia

4 Nos
c) 150 mm dia
4 Nos


Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 228

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)


6.01 Dismantling and carrying away of existing

soil & waste pipe including stacking of
services able material and disposable of
unserviceable material.

a) Upto 100 mm dia C.I. pipe

700 meter
b) 150 to 200 mm dia C.I. pipe
100 meter

6.02 Dismantling of sanitary Fixture & disposal

like E.W.C., W.B., O.W.C., Urinal etc.
180 each

6.03 Dismantling of G.I. water pipe

a) 1/2" to 50 mm dia
800 meter
b) 50 to 100 mm dia

400 meter

6.04 Dismantling C.I. pipes including excavation

and refilling trenches after taking out the
pipes, manually/ by mechanical means
breaking lead caulked joints, melting of
lead and making into blocks including
stacking of pipes, lead at site within 50
metre lead as per direction of Engineer-in-
a) Above 150 mm dia up to 300 mm dia

1000 meter
b) Above 300 mm diameter
600 meter

Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 229

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

6.05 Taking out C.I. cover with frame from

R.C.C. top slab of manholes of various
sizes including demolishing of R.C.C. work
manually/ by mechanical means and
stacking of useful materials near the
site and disposal of unserviceable
materials into municipal dumps within 50
metres lead as per direction of Engineer-in-
charge: 80 Each

6.06 Dismantling of road gully chamber of

various sizes including C.I. grating with
frame including stacking of useful materials
near the site and disposal of unserviceable
materials into municipal dumps within 50
metres lead including refilling the
excavated gap. 20 Each



7.01 Supplying, fixing, installation, testing and

commissioning of Sewerage Treatment
Plant completely underground including
civil, electrical & mechanical works
equipments, with 2 nos. treated effluent
tank of 5 Lacs & 1 Lacs litres capacity each
and getting it approved from local pollution
board, complete in all respects.
Raw sewage generation &
characteristics for designing of the

Average daily flow (cum/day) : 1000 cum

PH : 7 - 7.5
Suspended solids (mg/l) : 450- 600
BOD : 250 mg/l

Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 230

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
COD : 450 mg/l
TSS : 2- 5.0 mg/l

Oil & grease (mg/l) : 10

Detergents (mg/l) : 10

Detergents (mg/l) : 10

E- Coli : 105 107 MPN

Total sewage /day : 10,00,000 lts./day
Invert level of sewer : -3 mtr deep
(adjusted in ground level)

The sewerage treatment should be

Extended Aeration System, SAFF
(Submerged Aeration Fixed Film) and FAB
(Fluidized Aerobic Bio-reactor) or
equivalent system with centrifuge 2 nos.
sump drainage pump & 4 nos. water pump
(2 no. pump of 40,000 LPH at 33 mtr head
& 2 no. pump of 40,000 LPH at 52 mtr
head) completely underground and treated
effluent will be used for horticultural

The sewerage treatment plant shall

have following characteristics:

a) Efficient
b) Low power consumption
c) Minimum maintenance
d) Minimum space requirement
e) Self operating system

The treated effluent shall have

following standard:
BOD : Less than 20 mg/l
COD : Less than 100 mg/l
Suspended solids : Less than 30 mg/l
Oil & grease : Less than 10 mg/l
PH : 7 8

Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 231

BOQ Sanitary and Plumbing Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
The contractor will get the design/proposal
of sewerage treatment plant approved
from the Engineer-in-charge/ Consultant
and State Pollution Board before execution
of work. The contractor will also get
completion and no objection certificate
from the State/ Central Pollution Board
regarding its performance. The treated
effluent will be used for horticulture A.C. &
Flushing and press sludge as manure. The
firm will provide underground treated
effluent storage tank 2 nos., 1 no. of 5
Lacs litres & 1 no. of 1 Lacs litres along
with distribution of 4 Nos. pump , 2 no.
pump of 40,000 LPH at 33 mtr head & 2
no. pump of 40,000 LPH at 52 mtr head
along with panel having timer switch for
alternate operation of pump, etc. complete
in all respects.

Note:- The Cost should include lighting and

ventilation of the plant room, all civil,
electrical control panel, wiring, mechanical
equipment piping work compete in all



Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 232



SUMMARY for Fire fighting Work

S.No Description Amount in Rs.







7 - 233
Boq For Fire Fighting Work

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

1.01 Dismantling, re-installation, testing and commissioning

of electric driven Fire Pump suitable for automatic
operation consisting of the following complete in all
respect as required and as specified from existing pump
room to new location of pump room with all accessories.

a) Horizontal type,multistage,centrifugal,split casing pump

of cast iron body & bronze impeller with stainless steel
shaft, mechanical seal to ensure a minimum pressure
of 3.5kg./ at highest and farthest outlet at
specified flow of 2850 lpm at 80m.head confirming to
b) Suitable HP SQ cage induction motor TEFC,
Synchronous speed 1500 RPM, suitable for IP 21 class
of protection for enclosure,horiziontal foot mounted type
with class -`F` insulation, conforming to IS-325.

c) M.S. fabricated Common base plate, coupling, coupling

guard, foundation bolts required.

d) Suitable cement concrete foundation duly plastered,

including anti vibration pads, complete. 2 Set

1.02 Dismantling, re-installation, testing and commissioning

of Diesel Engine driven Fire Pump suitable for
automatic operation consisting of the following complete
in all respect as required and as specified from existing
pump room to new location of pump room with all

Transport Department , NCT Of Delhi 7 - 234

Boq For Fire Fighting Work

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
a) Horizontal type, multistage, centrifugal pump of cast iron
body & bronze impeller with stainless steel shaft,
mechanical seal to ensure a minimum pressure of
3.5kg./ at highest and farthest outlet at specified
flow of 2850 lpm at 80 m.head confirming to IS:1520

b) Suitable HP 1500 RPM water cooled with rediator, diesel

engine conforming to relevant BS & IS standard
complete with auto starting mechanism, 12 volts /24
volts electric starting equipment, Diesel Tank (capacity
for 8 hrs. running) , exhaust pipe extended upto 1m.
outside pump house duly insulated with 50mm. thick
glass wool with 1.0mm. thick aluminium sheet cladding
,residential silencer, instruments and protection as per
specification, stop solenoid for auto stop in the event of
fault with audio indications, a set of semi rotary hand
pump filling the engine fuel tank together with hose pipe
5 mtr. Long with a foot-valve,painted with post office red
colour etc.

c) M.S. fabricated Common base plate, coupling, coupling

guard, foundation bolts required.
d) Suitable cement concrete foundation duly plastered,
including anti vibration pads, complete. 1 Set

1.03 Dismantling, re-installation, testing and commissioning

of Electric Motor driven automatic pressurization Jockey
Pump Set consisting of the following complete in all
respect as required and as specified from existing pump
room to new location of pump room with all accessories.

a) D. B. series pump of cast iron body & bronze impeller

with stainless steel shaft, mechanical seal of flow of 180
lpm at 80m.head confirming to IS:1520

Transport Department , NCT Of Delhi 7 - 235

Boq For Fire Fighting Work

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
b) Suitable HP SQ cage induction motor TEFC type
suitable for operation on 415 volts,3phase 50 Hz.AC with
IP 21 class of protection, for enclosure,horiziontal foot
mounted type with class -`F` insulation ,conforming to IS-

c) M.S. fabricated Common base plate, coupling, coupling

guard, foundation bolts required.

d) Suitable cement concrete foundation duly plastered,

including anti vibration pads, complete. 1 Set

1.04 Dismantling, re-installation, testing and commissioning

of cubical type floor mounted control panel complete
with suitable relays, contactors, indicating lamps, fuses,
instrument isolator, automatic star delta type motor
starter conforming to IS 1822 and auxiliary switch
including connections complete as required for 1 nos.
main pumps (one for wet riser and spare space for
sprinkler pump and one diesel driven stand by) and 1
no. jockey pump and one spare space for jockey pump
as per CPWD specification Part V-1985 and its
amendments and Local Fire Department requirements
with modification if any from old pump room to new
pump room:-
1 Each

1.05 Supplying & fixing pressure switches in the M.S. Pipe

line inculding connection required. 4 Each

1.06 Supplying PVC insulated and sheathed armoured cables

of 1.1 K.V. aluminum conductor on surface/on existing
cable tray as per site requirement complete as required
and as specified.
a) 95 x 3.0 core 60 Mtr.
b) 25 x 3.0 core 30 Mtr.

Transport Department , NCT Of Delhi 7 - 236

Boq For Fire Fighting Work

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

1.07 Supplying , installation and testing of earthling with GI

earth plate 600mm x 600mm x6mm thick including
accessories and providing masonry enclousure with
cover plate having locking arrangement and watering
pipe etc. including charcoal or coke and salt complete as
2 Each

1.08 Providing and fixing 25mm x 5mm G.I. Strip in 40mm dia
GI pipe from earth electrode as required. 30 Mtr.

1.09 Providing and fixing 25mmx5mm G.I. Strip on surface or

in recess for earth connection as per specifications
complete as required. 30 Mtr.

1.10 Providing and fixing 8 SWG G.I. wire on surface or in

recess for loop earthing along with existing
surface/recessed conduit /submain wiring cable etc. as
per specification as required. 60 Mtr.

1.11 Supplying and installation Fire Pressure vessel of

450mm dia and 1m high fabricated from 8-10mm thick
M.S. Plate suitable for 10kg/ working pressure
with accessories, painted with two coats of Postal Red
Enamel outside over a coat of primer and Epoxy Paint
inside for automatic operation of Pump.
2 Each

1.12 Providing 12 mm thick rubber mat 1000 mm wide as

per ASTMD 178/93 of required length as required for
med.voltage (11KV). 4 Mtr.

Transport Department , NCT Of Delhi 7 - 237

Boq For Fire Fighting Work

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
1.13 Fabrication and installation of following sizes of
perforated M.S. cable tray including horizontal and
vertical bends ,reducers ,tees cross -members and
other accessories as required duly suspenders from the
ceiling with M.S. suspenders and inculding painting with
post office red synthetic paint as required.

a) 300mm.(W) x50mm.(D)x1.6mm(T) 40 Mtr.

1.14 Providing, fixing double flanged flexicon rubber

expansion joint ( Suitable for system test pressure) of
standard length as per manufacturer specs including
rubber gasket , flanges, nuts, bolts, washers etc.
complete as required.
a) 80 mm dia
2 Each
b) 100 mm dia
2 Each
c) 150 mm dia
3 Each
d) 200 mm dia
3 Each

1.15 Providing, laying, testing & joints and testing of `C` class
heavy duty M.S. pipes conforming to IS 3589/1239
including fitting like elbows, tees, flanges ,tapers, nuts
bolts, gaskets etc.,fixing the pipe on the wall/ceiling with
suitable clamps and painting with two or more coats of
synthetic enamel paint of required shade complete as
a) 300 mm dia 6mm thickness
4 Mtr.
b) 200 mm dia 6mm thickness
5 Mtr.
c) 150 mm dia
10 Mtr.
d) 100 mm dia
2 Mtr.
e) 80 mm dia
3 Mtr.

Transport Department , NCT Of Delhi 7 - 238

Boq For Fire Fighting Work

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
1.16 Dismantling of existing M.S. heavy pipe & fitting by
cutting, welding etc., and re- installation in new pump
a) 300 mm dia 6mm thickness
8 Mtr.
b) 200 mm dia 6mm thickness 10 Mtr.
c) 150 mm dia
20 Mtr.
d) 100 mm dia
10 Mtr.
e) 80 mm dia
6 Mtr.

1.17 Supplying, fixing, testing and commissioning of Cast iron

Y-Type Strainer Flanged with S.S 304 Perforated Screen
complete with Nuts ,Bolts,washers,gaskets of following
sizes as required.

a) 300mm dia.
2 Each

1.18 Supplying ,fixing, testing and commissioning of butterfly

valve PN 1.6,with Bronze /Gunmetal seat duly ISI
marked complete with Nuts
,Bolts,washers,gaskets,conforming to IS 13095,of
following sizes as required.
a) 80 mm dia.
1 Each
b) 100 mm dia.
1 Each
c) 150 mm dia.
2 Each
d) 200 mm dia.
2 Each
e) 300 mm dia.
1 Each

Transport Department , NCT Of Delhi 7 - 239

Boq For Fire Fighting Work

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
1.19 Dismantling, re-installation, testing and commissioning
of butterfly valve PN 1.6,with Bronze /Gunmetal seat
duly ISI marked complete with Nuts
,Bolts,washers,gaskets,conforming to IS 13095,of
following sizes as required.
a) 80 mm dia.
1 Each
b) 100 mm dia.
1 Each
c) 150 mm dia.
5 Each
d) 200 mm dia.
3 Each
e) 300 mm dia.
2 Each

1.20 Providing, installattion, testing and commissioning of

dual plate non-return valve of following sizes conforming
to is :5312 complete with rubber gasket, GI bolts, nuts
washer etc. as required.
a) 80mm dia.
1 Each
b) 150mm dia.
3 Each

1.21 Dismantling, re-installation, testing and commissioning

of dual plate non-return valve of following sizes
conforming to is :5312 complete with rubber gasket ,GI
bolts, nuts washer etc. as required.

a) 80mm dia.
1 Each
b) 150mm dia.
5 Each


Transport Department , NCT Of Delhi 7 - 240

Boq For Fire Fighting Work

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)


2.01 Providing, laying, testing & joints and testing of `C` class
heavy duty M.S. pipes conforming to IS 3589/1239
including fitting like elbows, tees, flanges ,tapers, nuts
bolts, gaskets etc.,in ground including excavation &
providing cement concrete with coaltar/asphalt tape as
per IS 10221 ,refilling the trench etc. of following sizes
complete as required.
a) 150 mm dia 6mm thickness
910 Mtr.
b) 100 mm dia 6mm thickness 20 Mtr.
c) 80 mm dia 6mm thickness
30 Mtr.

2.02 Dismantling, re-laying, testing & joints and testing of `C`

class heavy duty M.S. pipes conforming to IS 3589/1239
including fitting like elbows, tees, flanges, tapers, nuts
bolts, gaskets etc.,in ground including excavation &
providing cement concrete with coaltar/asphalt tape as
per IS 10221 ,refilling the trench etc. of following sizes
complete as required.

a) 150 mm dia 6mm thickness

100 Mtr.

2.03 Providing, laying, testing & joints and testing of `C` class
heavy duty M.S. pipes conforming to IS 3589/1239
including fitting like elbows, tees, flanges ,tapers, nuts
bolts, gaskets etc.,fixing the pipe on the wall/ceiling with
suitable clamps and painting with two or more coats of
synthetic enamel paint of required shade complete as
a) 150 mm dia 6mm thickness
175 Mtr.
b) 80 mm dia 6mm thickness
20 Mtr.

Transport Department , NCT Of Delhi 7 - 241

Boq For Fire Fighting Work

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

2.04 Dismantling, re-laying, testing & joints and testing of `C`

class heavy duty M.S. pipes conforming to IS 3589/1239
including fitting like elbows, tees, flanges ,tapers, nuts
bolts, gaskets etc.,fixing the pipe on the wall/ceiling with
suitable clamps and painting with two or more coats of
synthetic enamel paint of required shade complete as
a) 150 mm dia 6mm thickness
200 Mtr.
b) 80 mm dia 6mm thickness
10 Mtr.

2.05 Providing and fixing single headed internal hydrants

flanged valve with instantaneous stainless steel coupling
of 63 mm dia with cast iron wheel ISI marked
conforming to IS 5290( Type -A) with blank stainless
steel cap and chain as required. 25 Each

2.06 Fixing single headed internal hydrants flanged valve with

instantaneous stainless steel coupling of 63 mm dia with
cast iron wheel ISI marked conforming to IS 5290( Type -
A) with blank stainless steel cap and chain as required.
25 Each

2.07 Providing 63mm (2 )" dia 15 m long canvas hose pipe

complete with stainless steel male & female coupling
copper wire wound with the pipe The pipe shall confirm
to IS. 4927 4 Each

2.08 Fixing 63mm (2 )" dia 15 m long canvas hose pipe

complete with stainless steel male & female coupling
copper wire wound with the pipe The pipe shall confirm
to IS. 4927 26 Each

Transport Department , NCT Of Delhi 7 - 242

Boq For Fire Fighting Work

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
2.09 Providing 63mm 15 mm mtr. long RRL hose pipe with 63
mm dia male & female stainless steel couplings
conforming to IS 901 with copper wire wound with the
pipe conforming to IS 636 ( Type -A) as required.
70 Each

2.10 Providing and fixing first aid hose reel full swinging type
with 30 meter long 20mm dia rubber lined pipe with 6
mm dia stainless steel nozzle conforming to IS
8090.conforming toIS:884-1969 complete/
Thermoplastic reinforced flexible hose ISI marked
IS:12585 type-II as required. Including 25 mm dia M.S.
Pipe connection from riser to hose reel with all
sockets, Nipples, Elbows and 25 mm dia ball Valve as
required. 15 Each

2.11 Dismantling, re-fixing of first aid reel full swinging type

with 25 mm dia pipe & control valve as required.
20 Each

2.12 Supply & fixing 6 mm stainless steel nozzle with existing

hose pipe etc. 20 Each

2.13 Supplying & fixing 63 mm stainless steel branch pipe

with 20mm (nominal internal diameter) size stainless
steel nozzle conforming to IS 903, suitable for
instantaneous inlet coupling as required. 50 Each

2.14 Supplying and fixing 4 way fire brigade connection of

cast iron body with 4 nos. Gunmetal male instantaneous
inlet coupling complete with cap and chain as reqd. for
150mm dia MS pipe connection, conforming to IS 904
as required.
4 Each

Transport Department , NCT Of Delhi 7 - 243

Boq For Fire Fighting Work

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
2.15 Providing and fixing set of "Siamese" quadruplet
instantaneous Fire Brigade inlet connections comprising
of two gunmetal instantaneous male inlet coupling
63mm dia with Plug and Cap, chain bends, tees etc.
for inlet to the static Tank.
1 Each

2.16 Providing and fixing Weather Proof standard hose

cabinet (900mm x 750 mm x 400 mm) out door type
suitable for accommodating yard hydrants made of
1.5mm thick M.S. sheet having central opening 4mm
thick glass glazed door including necessary locking
arrangements, painting one coat of primer and two coats
of Postal Red Enamel Paint and housing 2 Nos. canvas
hose pipe and branch pipe as required. (The cabinet
shall be floor mounted on suitable raised platform). The
shutters are to be lockable type. The words Hose
Cabinet to be painted on the box.
15 Each

2.17 Providing and fixing Fire hose cabinet glazed door

shutter and frame with hold fasts ( frame fabricated from
40 x 40 x 5mm and shutter from 35x35x5mm M.S.
angle) 1500 mm high x 1000 mm wide with locking
arrangement, 4mm thick glass with M.S. flats including
all accessories, painting with one coat of steel primer
and two coats of postal red enamel paint. The words
Hose Cabinet to be painted on the box.
35 Each

Transport Department , NCT Of Delhi 7 - 244

Boq For Fire Fighting Work

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
2.18 Supplying and installing Cylindrical type air vessel of
300mm dia, 1.0m high fabricated out of 8mm thick MS
plate suitable for 7kg / working pressure
complete with 25mm gunmetal air release Valve, Safety
Valve, Pressure Gauge etc as required. The air vessel
shall be continuous welded construction and painted
with two coats of Postal Red Enamel outside over a
coat of primer and Epoxy Paint inside.
6 Each

2.19 Dismantling, re-installation, Cylindrical type air vessel of

300mm dia, 1.0m high fabricated out of 8mm thick MS
plate suitable for 7kg / working pressure
complete with 25mm gunmetal air release Valve, Safety
Valve, Pressure Gauge etc as required. The air vessel
shall be continuous welded construction and painted
with two coats of Postal Red Enamel outside over a
coat of primer and Epoxy Paint inside.
2 Each

2.20 Providing and fixing 150 mm dia 4 way suction coupling

for FB withdrawal of water from the Fire Static Tank.
1 Each

Transport Department , NCT Of Delhi 7 - 245

Boq For Fire Fighting Work

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
2.21 Constructing masonery chamber 90x90x100cm, inside
75 class designation brick work in cement mortar 1:5 (1
cement:5 fine sand) for sluice valve, with C.I. Surface
box 100 mm. Top dia meter, 160 mm bottom dia meter
and 180 mm deep (inside) with chained lid and RCC top
slab 1:2:4 mix (1 cement:2 coarse sand:4 graded stone
aggregate 20 mm nominal size) necessary excavation
foundation concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement:5 fine sand:10
graded stone aggregate 50 mm nominal size) and inside
plastering with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement:3 coarse
sand) 12 mm thick finished with a floating neat cement
complete as per standard design.

With F.P.S. bricks 21 Each

2.22 Providing & fixing dial type (100mm) Pressure Gauge

with isolation ball valve suitable for working pressure of
250 PSI. Cost shall be inclusive of providing any short
pieces, nipples, elbows etc. as required. complete in all
respects as required. 8 Each

2.23 Supplying ,fixing ,testing and commissioning of butterfly

valve PN 1.6, with Bronze /Gunmetal seat duly ISI
marked complete with Nuts ,Bolts,washers, gaskets,
conforming to IS 13095,of following sizes as required.

a) 80mm dia.
15 Each
b) 100mm dia.
2 Each
c) 150mm dia.
8 Each

Transport Department , NCT Of Delhi 7 - 246

Boq For Fire Fighting Work

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
2.24 Providing ,installattion,testing and commissioning of dual
plate non-return valve of following sizes conforming to is
:5312 complete with rubber gasket, GI bolts, nuts
washer etc. as required.
a) 150mm dia. 9 Each



3.01 Providing, fixing, welded joints and testing of heavy

class M.S. ERW black pipes as per relevant IS
1239/3580 with special accessories tees, elbows,
flanged joints, rubber insertion, nuts, bolts, washers or
welded joint with flange joints on bends, including fixing
the pipe with suitable flat iron strip clamps/brackets
structural members dash fastner,civil breakage,making
good the same etc. painting with a primer coat and two
coats of postal red enamel etc. complete as required.

a) 150 mm dia
470 Mtr.
b) 100 mm dia
300 Mtr.

c) 80 mm dia 620 Mtr.

d) 65 mm dia
450 Mtr.
e) 50 mm dia
350 Mtr.
f) 40 mm dia
850 Mtr.
g) 32 mm dia
1400 Mtr.
h) 25 mm dia
1350 Mtr.

Transport Department , NCT Of Delhi 7 - 247

Boq For Fire Fighting Work

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
3.02 Dismantling, re-fixing, welded joints and testing of
heavy class M.S. ERW black pipes as per relevant IS
1239/3580 with special accessories tees, elbows,
flanged joints, rubber insertion, nuts, bolts, washers or
welded joint with flange joints on bends, including fixing
the pipe with suitable flat iron strip clamps/brackets
structural members dash fastner,civil breakage,making
good the same etc. painting with a primer coat and two
coats of postal red enamel etc. complete as required.

a) 150 mm dia
200 Mtr.
b) 100 mm dia
100 Mtr.
c) 80 mm dia
300 Mtr.
d) 65 mm dia
160 Mtr.
e) 50 mm dia
150 Mtr.
f) 40 mm dia
500 Mtr.
g) 32 mm dia
600 Mtr.
h) 25 mm dia
600 Mtr.

3.03 Providing and fixing Cast Iron body IS: 210 FG 220 and
double flange simple operation type Butterfly Valve
conforming to IS: 13095 with SS304 disc and shaft
nitnile rubber replaceable seat of the following size
complete with bolts, nuts, washers and rubber insertions
as per specification.
a) 80 mm dia
3 Each
b) 100 mm dia 14 Each
c) 150 mm dia
2 Each

Transport Department , NCT Of Delhi 7 - 248

Boq For Fire Fighting Work

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

3.04 Providing ,installattion,testing and commissioning of dual

plate non-return valve of following sizes conforming to is
:5312 complete with rubber gasket , GI bolts, nuts
washer etc. as required.
a) 80mm dia.
2 Each
b) 150mm dia.
3 Each

3.05 Providing and fixing 15 mm nominal bore quartzoid bulb

type sprinkler of chromium plated, UL/FM approved (
spray type) suitable for operating on 68 deg. C as per
requirement of local fire services.
a) Pendent type - 680C
150 Each
b) Upright type - 680C
350 Each
c) 0
Side wall type - 68 C
200 Each

3.06 Fixing 15 mm nominal bore quartzoid bulb type sprinkler

of chromium plated, UL/FM approved ( spray type)
suitable for operating on 68 deg. C as per requirement
of local fire services.
a) Pendent type - 680C
750 Each

3.07 Supplying 15mm nominal bore quartzoid glass bulb type

(spray type) sprinkler of approved make, for
temperature rating of 680 C.
a) Pendent type - 680C
15 Each
b) Upright type - 680C
5 Each
c) 0
Side wall type - 68 C 3 Each

Transport Department , NCT Of Delhi 7 - 249

Boq For Fire Fighting Work

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
3.08 Providing and fixing 20 mm nominal bore chromium
plated, side wall extended through 6.5 mtr sprinkler
suitable for operating on 68 deg. C 450 Each

3.09 Supplying 20 mm nominal bore chromium plated, side

wall extended through sprinkler suitable for operating on
68 deg. C and through of 6.5m as per requirement by
Local Fire Services. 10 Each

3.10 Providing and fixing 2 core x 1.5 copper

conductor PVC sheathed insulated armoured cable. 350 Mtr.

3.11 Providing and fixing 20 zone Annunciation panel for the

sprinkler system on A.C. supply with stand by battery
complete in all respects. 1 Each

3.12 Providing and fixing inspectors test assembly complete

with 50 mm test valve, sight glass sectional drain valve,
union with corrosion resistant office all complete strictly
as per drawing. 18 Each

3.13 Providing and fixing flow switch of approved make for

the Sprinkler annunciation system for the sprinkler
a) 80 mm dia 12 Each

3.14 Providing & fixing dial type (100mm) Pressure Gauge

with isolation ball valve suitable for working pressure of
250 PSI. Cost shall be inclusive of providing any short
pieces, nipples, elbows etc. as required. complete in all
respects as required. 18 Each

Transport Department , NCT Of Delhi 7 - 250

Boq For Fire Fighting Work

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
3.15 Providing and fixing M.S. structure work fabricated from
standard sections e.g. MS square bars, flots, rounds,
angles, channels including cutting to size drilling,
welding, fixing & welding to insert plates in RCC
structure members as directed by Site Incharge,
including cutting and making good the walls, floors &
RCC roof (for pipe supports, clamps, M.S. ladders &
manholes for tank covers etc) including painting will two
or more coats of enamel joint of approved colour over a
coat of approved Steel Primer as for drawings &
direction of the Site Incharge.
750 Kg

3.16 Modification of existing sprinkler location including

cutting & removing the existing pipe and adding 25 mm
dia pipe.
New pipe upto 1.5 mtr. 61 Each



4.01 Providing and fixing 9 Litres capacity fire extinguisher

water type Gas Pressure conforming to IS: 940 marking,
fixed to wall. (ISI Marked) 47 Each

4.02 Providing and fixing 5 kg Dry powder or ABC

extinguisher with IS : 2171 (IS marked) 55 Each

Transport Department , NCT Of Delhi 7 - 251

Boq For Fire Fighting Work

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
4.03 Providing and fixing fire extinguisher of Carbon Dioxide
type consisting of brand new high pressure Steel
Cylinder Bearing IS: 7285 mark and having the approval
of controller of explosives Nagpur, wheel type valve
Bearing IS:3224 mark internal discharge tube, 1 meter
long high pressure discharge hose, non conducting
horn, suspension bracket, fully charged Bearing IS:
marking fixed to wall as desired by Engineer-in-Charge.

a) 4.5 kg capacity Cylinder

78 Each
b) 6.8 kg capacity Cylinder
10 Each

4.04 Providing and fixing 9 Litres capacity mechanical foam

Extinguisher IS marked conforming to IS 13386 with all
accessories complete. 2 Each

4.05 Providing and fixing trolley mounted mechanical foam

type 50 Litres capacity without side cartridge type IS
marked conforming to IS :13386 with all accessories
complete. 1 Each

4.06 Providing and fixing Co2 water Trolley mounted fire

extinguisher of capacity 22.5 kg. ISI marked as per IS :
2878 with 5 mtr long braided hose horn. 1 Each

4.07 Providing and fixing self glowing Exit sign board size
350x200mm single side painted made of luminescent
safely, rigid sheet in standard colour, phot luminescent
sheet made of crystals consisting mainly sulphide in
protective glass like sheet green and yellow crystal
luminescent (glass in dark) by action of light.
55 Each


Transport Department , NCT Of Delhi 7 - 252


Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description. Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)

1 Supply, Installation, testing and

commissioning of reversible escalators
having capacity of 9000 passengers per
hour at an operating speed of 30 linear
meter per minute, having width not
less than 1000mm between interior
panel, suitable for following rise from
floor to floor with electric motor,
control, latest safety devices, control
panel i/c stainless steel cladding etc. for
operation on 415V, 3 phase, 50Hz, AC
supply system as specified and as
required at site with auto start and
auto stop.

Travel rise from floor to floor:

b) 5.50 mtrs. 2 Job


7 - 253
Estimates of cost (ELEVATORS)

SL.N Description of Items Qty. Unit Rate in (RS.)

1 2 3 4
In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)


Design, Fabrication, Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of
Electric Traction Type fully automatic Machine room less (MRL)
Passenger Elevator having four sides transparent fire resistant glass
with AC variable voltage & variable frequency drive unit suitable for
operation on 415V, 3 Phase, 50 Hz. AC supply, having speed of 1 MPS,
power operated glass central opening / two-panel side opening type car
& landing doors, electro-magnetic brake system, operating panel with
luminous buttons, overload warning indicator, battery operated alarm
bell, emergency light, intercom suitable for hook up to AAI's EPABX,
infrared ray sensing door protection for full height, reverse phase relay
on controller, fire man's switch at ground floor, digital car positions
indicator in car & at all floors with up / down direction, light fixtures,
ventilation fan, landing sill, main beam in shaft for machine, pit ladder
etc. complete with all accessories serving different floors in the lift shaft
alongwith Automatic Rescue Device (ARD) complete with dry
maintenance free sealed batteries as required etc., as per detailed
specifications enclosed and as under: -

No. of Pax Travel speed

1.1.1 21 1 MPS 3 Jobs


7 - 254


Qty. Unit Rate
S.No Description In Figure In Word Amount (Rs.)



Supplying, Installing, Testing & Commissioning

of the Central Control Stations consisting of the

1.1 Computer System with Printer & UPS

1 Set
2 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of
the following graphical Software. Providing
facilities to create static & animate the graphics,
navigation between the pages, display of logs,
changing the time zones, popup alarms,
configurable password etc.
2.1 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of
BMS System Software : Graphical interface software
based on MS Windows XP complete software
package as required to execute the required
functions and generate necessary dynamic graphics
and building plans.The Entire System from Software
Level to Field Controller Level shall be on
Bacnet/Modbus Protocol.
1 Set
3 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of
the following controllers:

Transport Department , NCT of Delhi 7 - 255


Qty. Unit Rate

S.No Description In Figure In Word Amount (Rs.)
Stand alone, intelligent, ANSI/ASHRAE approved
Interoperable BACnet Controllers(IBC) as per the
specifications.All the Controllers shall be UL Listed
& BTL tested & CE certified. Each controllers shall
be equipped with Universal Inputs with Internal
Loop/Process Speed not more than 1/10th of a
second(100 Millisecond). The controllers shall be
housed in a vandal proof, lockable and secure MS
Cabinets to be supplied along with the controllers.
The controllers shall have 20% extra IO capacity
per type of I/O's. The contractor shall estimate the
required quantity of controllers to suit the complete
requirement / operation as per Input / Output
Summary attached with the specification &
according to their system architecture and the
quantity shall be mentioned in their offer.

3.1 Direct Digital Controllers for AC Plant as per I/O

1 Set
3.2 Direct Digital Controllers for Air Handling Units-1
35 Nos.
3.3 Direct Digital Controllers for DG Sets

1 Set
3.4 Direct Digital Controllers Cooling Tower &
Condenser Pumps for DG Sets
1 Set
3.5 Direct Digital Controllers for Air Washer Units

1 Set
3.6 Direct Digital Controllers for Scrubber Units
1 Set

Transport Department , NCT of Delhi 7 - 256


Qty. Unit Rate

S.No Description In Figure In Word Amount (Rs.)
3.8 Direct Digital Controllers for Basement Axial Fans

1 Set
3.9 Direct Digital Controllers for Staircase Pressurisation

1 Set
3.10 Direct Digital Controllers for Lift Pressurisation Fans

1 Set
3.11 Direct Digital Controllers for Smoke Extraction Fans

1 Set
3.12 Direct Digital Controllers for Fire Fighting Systems

1 Set
3.13 Direct Digital Controllers for Hydropnuematic

1 Set
3.14 Direct Digital Controllers for Electrical Systems

1 Set
3.15 Direct Digital Controllers for Lighting Systems

1 Set
3.16 Direct Digital Controllers for Lift Systems

1 Set
3.17 Direct Digital Controllers for RO Plant

1 Set
4 Supervisory Controller & Integrators

Transport Department , NCT of Delhi 7 - 257


Qty. Unit Rate

S.No Description In Figure In Word Amount (Rs.)
4.1 ANSI/ASHRAE approved Network control unit to
interface with BACnet/Modbus Devices
simultaneously having inbuilt real time clock,
supporting TCP/IP connectivity .The System
Integration Unit shall be UL Listed & BTL tested &
CE Certified. The units shall be housed in a vandal
proof, lockable & secure wall mounted MS Cabinets
to be supplied along with the Controllers. The
contractor shall estimate the required quantity of
NAC according to their system and the quantity shall
be mentioned in their offer.

1 Set
Integrator for Chiller System/VFD/DG SETS

4.2 Providing, Testing & Commissioning of all necessary

Hardware & Software for interfacing with Chiller
System on BACnet/IP or MODBUS-RTU
Communication Protocol.
1 Set
4.3 Providing, Testing & Commissioning of all necessary
Hardware & Software for interfacing of DG Sets on
MODbus-RTU over RS-485 Communication
1 Set
4.4 Providing, Testing & Commissioning of all necessary
Hardware & Software for interfacing of VFD's for
secondary Pumps on MODbus-RTU over RS-485
Communication Protocol.
1 Set
Supplying, installing , testing & commissioning of the
following Sensors / Transmitters / Transducers

5.1 Immersion type temperature sensors for measuring

Chilled water & condenser water supply and return
temperature (Range 32-160 deg. F)

52 Nos.

Transport Department , NCT of Delhi 7 - 258


Qty. Unit Rate

S.No Description In Figure In Word Amount (Rs.)
5.2 Thermowell For Immersion Type Temperature
52 Nos.
5.3 Water Flow Meter-200 MM Dia Line Size

1 Nos.
5.4 Outside air temperature sensors for measuring
outside air temperature (Range 35-130 deg. F)

1 Nos.
5.5 Outside humidity sensors for measuring the outside
air relative humidity

1 Nos.
5.6 Level Switches for indicating Water level in tanks.

26 Nos.
5.7 Differential pressure switches across AHU Filters &
Fan blowers for indicating blower status. Pressure
differential 10 mm 50 mm
171 Nos.
5.8 Duct type temperature sensor for measuring Return
air & Supply air temperature at the Air Handling
Units (Range 45-150 deg. F)
35 Nos.
5.9 Differential Pressure Swicth Across Pumps for Pump
Run Status

41 Nos.
5.10 Oil Level Switch for Diesel Tank

6 Nos.
5.11 Voltage Transducer

4 Nos.
5.12 Weather Proof Lux Level Sensor

1 Nos.

Transport Department , NCT of Delhi 7 - 259


Qty. Unit Rate

S.No Description In Figure In Word Amount (Rs.)
5.13 Differential Pressure Transmitter for Scondary
Pumps-Across Load for Interlock Function to
Command VFD
1 Nos.
5.14 Pressure Transmitter for Line Pressure Monitoring
13 Nos.
5.15 Water Flow Switch

8 Nos.
5.16 Motorized Butterfly Valve with On/Off Actuator-200
8 Nos.
5.17 Motorized Butterfly Valve with On/Off Actuator-250
8 Nos.
6.1 Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of 2
C x 1.5 Sqmm Signal Cables

18900 RMT
6.2 Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning of
Communication Cables

2400 RMT
6.3 Supplying, installing, testing and commissioning
PVC Conduits of following dia, complete with all
a. 25 mm dia
21300 RMT


Transport Department , NCT of Delhi 7 - 260

Public Address (PA) System Works
Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description Qty Unit. In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
1 Public Address system 1 Job


Note: The contractor should refer technical specications given for the same in the tender document

volume II - Technical Specifications Part 8 - Public Address (PA) System

7 - 261

Schedule & Quantity of PIDS-ISBT

Sr. Item Descipition QTY Unit Price (Rs.) Total Price (Rs.)
1 10 Line LED line Display Board for Departure 4
(as per specifications)

2 2 Line LED Indicator Board at Bus parking bay 45

(as per specifications)

3 32 TFT-LCD Display (with Intelligent 25

Controller) with wall mount for Ticket counters
(as per specifications)
4 46 TFT LCD display (with Intelligent 15
Controller) with ceiling/wall mount (as per

5 3

Supply, installation, testing and commissioning

of 20" High resolution TV monitor with
computer and associated software for operation
as self supported touch screen information
kiosk (computer to be embedded along with the
monitor) . The software shall be of user
friendly GUI,containing all necessary data of
ISBT information such as departure -arrival
information ,security guidelines , ISBT facilities
,city route from ISBT, hotel facilities and other
salient feature needed for the passengers.
6 Data Entry Terminal (Client System) as per 5

Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 262


Sr. Item Descipition QTY Unit Price (Rs.) Total Price (Rs.)
7 Two Servers to work in load sharing mode with 2
single monitor,key board and mouse operated
with the help of KVM switch (as per
specifications) to work as Main/Stand By

8 IVRS Server (as per specifications) 1

9 AFAS Server (as per specifications) 1
10 24 Port 100/1000 Mbps switch as per 9
11 Power distribution panel for installation in 5
equipment room / field as per specifications

12 10KVA On line UPS as per specifications 2

13 Supply of 25 mm dia 16 SWG ISI marked MS 2000

conduit .

14 Supply of UTP Cat 6 cable . 1500

15 Supply of 3 core 48/0.2mm dia ABC conductor 1500

PVC insulated PVC sheathed Unarmoured power
Sub Total (A)

16a Laying & fixing Sr. No. 13 on wall/ceiling with 2000

accessories as required.

Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 263


Sr. Item Descipition QTY Unit Price (Rs.) Total Price (Rs.)
16b Pulling of Sr. No. 14 through already laid 3000

16c Pulling of Sr. No. 15 through already laid 2500


17 Supply Installation of OS and Application 1

software including customization as required

18 Installation, Testing & Commissioning 1

SUB Total (B)

Grand Total

Transport Department ,NCT Of Delhi 7 - 264



S. No Description Qty Unit Rate Amount

1.1 Supply , installation, testing and commissoning of Dome

camera 1/3" colour dome camera, 380 TVL, 3,6mm
lens,suitable for 0.5 Lux complete as required

3 Nos.

1.2 Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 1 / 3"

HAD, CCO 550 TVL, 0.002Lux DSS / DVR motion
detection, DC, 21V PAL with varifocal 2.8mm -8mm
lense and IP-66 housing complete as required and as
per specifications. (Box type camera in IP-66 housing.)

15 Nos.

1.3 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of 1/3"

colour fixed Dome camera, 480 TV lines resolution,
3.6mm fixed lens, suitable for 0.1 lux complete as
required. 20 Nos.

1.4 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of 16

channel Digital Video recorder with 2 video outputs
having 250 GB Hard Disk facility recording @ 400
frames per second with TCP/IP Connectivity as per
specification required.
3 Nos.

1.5 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of 17"

CCTV colour Monitor including all accessories
(Connectors, Screws etc.)
4 Nos.

Transport Department , NCT Of Delhi 7 - 265


S. No Description Qty Unit Rate Amount

1.6 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of 21"
CCTV colour Monitor including all accessories
(Connectors, Screws etc.)
4 Nos.

1.7 Supply & installation, testing & commissioning of Power

supply units required for the above cameras.
10 Nos.

1.8 Supply and surface laying of 3 x 1 AC Power

cable in existing MS conduit.
2000 Mtr.
1.9 Supply and laying of RG-11 CO-axial Video cable in
existing conduit (From Camera to DVR)
2000 Mtr.



Transport Department , NCT Of Delhi 7 - 266


Abstract for Parking Management system


1 Parking Management system

2 Vehicle Counting System

3 Occupancy Sensor

4 Peripheral Equipment

5 Implementation & Commissioning

6 Guidance System


7 - 267
BOQ for Parking Management System

Parking Management System

(A) Description Qty. Unit Price (INR) Item Total (INR)
Bus Entry Lane
1 Barcode Ticket Dispenser 2

issue barcode parking ticket with entry record at entrance.

intelligent controller that can run in stand-alone or on-line
with LCD dislay to give guidance to driver during transaction

high paper roll capacity of at least 1,900 tickets per roll.

built-in photo sensor to give paper roll low level indication.

casing with outdoor type of epoxy powder coating in blue

internal mounting bracket ready for intercom & season reader.

2 Mid-range Proximity Reader 2

reading distance up to 1 meter.
reader interface & extrenal relay board.
power supply unit & rechargeable battery.

3 Automatic Lane Barrier 2

barrier opening time below 1.8 second.
intelligent embedded barrier controller.
barrier arm with total length of 3 meter.

barrier arm cover with protective foam & reflective stripe.

casing with outdoor expoxy powder coating in yellow & blue

Transport Department , NCT of Delhi 7 - 268

BOQ for Parking Management System

(A) Description Qty. Unit Price (INR) Item Total (INR)

4 Vehicle Loop Detector (single channel) 4

5 License plate recognition camera 2

Takes a picture of the frount of car and reads rajistratio plate

~number. Transmits captured images to LPR system
Entry: Prints recognized Bus number plate on the short term

Stores Parking information and bus plate number images.

Exit: Check whether parking information and Bus number

plate correspond with each other.

When both of them are not identified, processes Bus accessing

after checking on Zone Computer.
Camera unit : Digital camera or CCD camera
Busnumber recognition unit : Vehicle number plate
Image Server : Stores Parking ticket information,
Bus number plate and Image

Interface : Shares information between Zone Computer and

image server.
Prevents illegal usage of tickets

Checks entering time on bus registration number plate,

if drivers lose tickets.
Controls bus entering and exiting

Transport Department , NCT of Delhi 7 - 269

BOQ for Parking Management System

(A) Description Qty. Unit Price (INR) Item Total (INR)

6 Exit Ticket Verifier 2

check & verify validity of payment on parking ticket at exit.

intelligent controller that can run in stand-alone or on-line
with LCD dislay to give guidance to driver during transaction
with intelligent & low maintenance contact-less barcode
reliable ticket roll in mechanism to capture & retain verified
casing with outdoor type of epoxy powder coating in blue
internal mounting bracket ready for intercom & season

7 Mid-range Proximity Reader 2

reading distance up to 1 meter.
reader interface & extrenal relay board.
power supply unit & rechargeable battery.

8 Automatic Lane Barrier 2

barrier opening time below 1.8 second.
intelligent embedded barrier controller.
barrier arm with total length of 3 meter.

barrier arm cover with protective foam & reflective stripe.

casing with outdoor expoxy powder coating in yellow & blue

9 Vehicle Loop Detector (single channel) 4

Transport Department , NCT of Delhi 7 - 270

BOQ for Parking Management System

(A) Description Qty. Unit Price (INR) Item Total (INR)

10 Exit Payment Station 2
high quality Intel motherboard & chipset.
high speed Core 2 Dual central processor.
high performance 512MB RAM & 160GB hard disk.
high contrast & wide 15 LCD colour monitor.
intelligent proprietary micro-controller board.
fast switching equipment relay board.
rhigh speed receipt printer with validation.
portable automatic barcode scanner.
customized keyboard for parking operation.
secure lockable cash drawer with coin & note box.

high brightness 5 digits of seven-segment parking fee display.

intelligent & user friendly parking payment software.
nine (9) standard reporting formats.
one Microsoft Windows XP operating software license.
secure lockable enclosure to provide better security

(B) Vehicle Counting System Qty.

1 Vehicle Counting Display 4
high performance intelligent VCD controller.
display to indicate available pay bay at each zone.

main display with 6 rows for 6 different bus parking zones.

high contrast 5 digits seven-segment LED display for each row.

front cover with acrylic with label stciker for each bus parking
casing with outdoor type of epoxy powder coating in blue

mounting bracket & pole/gantry to be provided by customer.

Transport Department , NCT of Delhi 7 - 271

BOQ for Parking Management System

(A) Description Qty. Unit Price (INR) Item Total (INR)

main display at each bus park entry for incoming vehicle.

suggest another 2 main display at strategic location at B1 floor.

more display can be added later upon customer request.

2 Zone Counting Controller 2 60,000 120000 2

intelligent controller linking to vehicle detection sensor.

one controller for all sensor at each zone crossing border.

power supply unit & rechargeable battery for each controller.

suggest 8 units for B1, 8 units for B2 & 6 units for B3.

more controller can be added later upon customer request.

3 Master Counting Controller 2

intelligent controller linking to Zone Counting Controller.

alll ZCC at each parking floor , will be linked to one MCC.

power supply unit & rechargeable battery for each controller.

more controller can be added later upon customer request

4 Vehicle Loop Detector (single channel) 104

2 detectors for each parking zone crossing border.

5 Vehicle Counting Control (VCC) Station 2

high quality Intel motherboard & chipset.

Transport Department , NCT of Delhi 7 - 272

BOQ for Parking Management System

(A) Description Qty. Unit Price (INR) Item Total (INR)

high speed Xeon Dual Core processor.
high performance 1GB ECC DDR2 RAM.
high capacity 160GB hard disk for data storage.
high contrast & wide 17" LCD colour monitor.
real-time monitoring of vehicle counting control.

on screen info display with parking zone layout drawing.

setting of zone info & number of bay per parking zone.

5 standard VCC software report formats on zone occupancy.

(C) Occupancy Sensor Qty.

1 Data converter 4
Rated Voltage : 220VAC+10%
Power Consumption: 10W
Upward communication: RS+B232
Downward communication: RS485
Baud Rate: 9600 BPS
Max Load capicity: 128

Load Object: communication controller, guidance display

Overall Size: 420 x 260 x 60 (mm)
Weight: 3Kg

2 Ultrasonic Detactor Controller 4

Rated Voltage : 220VAC
Output Voltage: 18 24V DC
Power Consumption: 8V
Communication Protocol: RS 485
Max Load capicity: 32, sets of ultrasonic detactor & LED
Baud Rate: 9600bps
Overall Size: 275 x 320 x120 (mm)

Transport Department , NCT of Delhi 7 - 273

BOQ for Parking Management System

(A) Description Qty. Unit Price (INR) Item Total (INR)

weight: 6kg

3 Space LED Indicator 60

Input Voltage: 1824V DC
Power Consumption: 0.36w
LED QTY: 4 red, 4 green
Outline Dimension: 75 x 75 x 50 x (mm)
Housing Material: ABS
Enrivonment Temperature: 10C ~60C
Communication mode: RS485
weight: 200 g

(D) Peripheral Equipment Qty.

1 Microsoft Windows SBS Premium 2003 c/w 5 CAL (OEM) 1

Microsoft Windows 2003 Server & SQL 2000 Server.

2 Serial Communication Convertor 4

To convert RS 485 to RS 232 Signal.
Require when connecting to SMC computer.

3 Master Intercom (10 call) 2

able to connect up to 10 sub-stations.
with power supply unit.

4 Intercom Sub-station 11

5 8-Port Network Hub 10

6 Power Surge Protector 16

minimize the risk of equipment damaged if strike by lightning

Transport Department , NCT of Delhi 7 - 274

BOQ for Parking Management System

(A) Description Qty. Unit Price (INR) Item Total (INR)

7 Signal Surge Protector 12

minimize the risk of equipment damaged if strike by lightning

8 Network Surge Protector 13

the risk of equipment damaged if strike by lightning.

(E) Implementation & Commissioning Qty.

1 Project Implementation 1
supervision of equipment installation and termination of

include two commissioning trips for our engineer to go to site.

up to seven days on site per trip; additional day chargeable at
INR 2500/day.
labor, man-power, tools & machinery at site to be provided by

hotel accommodation at site shall be provided by customer.

2 Training & Commissioning 1

initial price table, holiday & other parameter setting.
full system hardware & software integration test
1 day on site training on system operation.
1 day on site training on equipment maintenance.
2 copies of system operation manual in English.
2 copies of equipment maintenance guide in English.

(F) Guidance System Qty.

1 Bus Parking Guidance System 60

Ultrasonic detector and loop detector monitor real-time

Transport Department , NCT of Delhi 7 - 275

BOQ for Parking Management System

(A) Description Qty. Unit Price (INR) Item Total (INR)

space status, and report to host controller.
Data converter submits information acquired from controllers
PC-based guidance control system

Guidance control system updates real-time available space on

associated guidance displays after logical judgments on overall

parking status.
Guidance displays interact with each other, indicating car
from entry to exit
Red/Green LED indicators visually assist driver to a vacant
Increase parking efficiency
Increase client loyalty and car park rotation
Reduce fuel consumption and combustion emission
Optimize human resource
Realize user-controlled override or space reservation.
Report available to assist car park management


Transport Department , NCT of Delhi 7 - 276

Boq for Landscaping Works


Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
1.0 Uprooting rank vagetation and weeds by digging the
area to a depth of 60cm removing all weeds and other
growth with roots by forking repeately, breaking clods,
rough dressing,flooding with water,uprooting fresh
growth fresh growth after 10 to 15 days and then fine
dressing for planting new grass,including disposal of all
rubbish with all leads and lifts. 2500 100 Sqm

2.0 Supplying and stacking of cow dung manure at site

including royalty and carriage upto all lead and lift ( cow

dung manure measured in stacks will be reduced by 8%

for payment ) 250 Cum

3.0 Spreading of sludge ,dump manure or / and good earth

in required thickness ( Cost of sludge ,dump manure or /
and good earth to be paid seperately ) 250 Cum

Transport Department , NCT of Delhi 7 - 278

Boq for Landscaping Works

Rate in (RS.)
Sr. Description Qty Unit In Figures In Words Amount ( Rs.)
4.0 Ground Covers - Complete maintenance of
Grassing/Ground Cover with water for 12 months
including weeding, hoeing, watering, pruning application
of good earth, manure, insecticides, fungicides &
fertilizers, security of plants, disposal of garden rubbish
from the premises to the approved municipal dumping
ground replacing casualty of plants (occurred due to any
reason) by healthy plants. All the material required for
maintenance including water shall be provided by the
contractor (cost of material included in the item) and
nothing shall be provided by the department.
a) Golden Duranta of ht 15-20 cm in earthern pots of

size 20cm well developed 2500 Sqm

5.0 Supplying and stacking of good earth at site including

royalty and carriage up to 1km (earth measured in

stacks will be reduced by 8% for payment) 825 Cum


Transport Department , NCT of Delhi 7 - 279

BOQ for External Sighnages



i) All the shop drawings for the Signages work got to be

approved by the Engineer -In Charge.

ii) All text and pictogram shall be in Retro Reflective Tape

of approved make & shade or as specified in the drawing.


1.00 SW Series ( wall /Door mounted illuminated sign ) Drg. Ref.- SG - 01

a) Providing and fixing Wall/Door mounted iluminated sign as
shown in the drawing with all the necessary texts and
pictogram with Powder coated aluminium frame work of
specified sections ,fixtures ,fittings along with the 4mm
thick perplex sheet in white colour and making all the
arrangements for the lighting fixtures etc. complete as per
the directions of the Engineer-In-Charge. Each 22.00

SW Series ( wall /Door mounted Non-Illuminated Sign ) Drg. SG - 01

b) Providing and fixing Wall/Door mounted Non-illuminated
sign as shown in the drawing with all the necessary texts
and pictogram with frame work of specified sections
,fixtures ,fittings along with the 6mm thick toughened glass
having the backing of 4mm thick ACP sheet in approved
colour fixed with the help of 25 dia SS studs , etc.
complete as per the directions of the Engineer-In-Charge. Each 43.00

2.00 SC Series ( Ceiling Hung ) Drg.Ref No. SG-05,SG-05,SG-06

Transport Department, NCT of Delhi 7 - 280

BOQ for External Sighnages


Providing and fixing Ceiling hung sign as shown in the
drawing with all the necessary texts and pictogram with
Powder coated aluminium frame work of specified sections
,fixtures ,fittings along with the 1.5mm thick SS sheet in
brushed finish as shown and making all the arrangements
for the lighting fixtures etc. complete as per the directions
of the Engineer-In-Charge. Each 20.00

3.00 SB Series ( wall mounted - Bracket ) Drg Ref. SG-02

Providing and fixing Wall mounted bracketed sign as
shown in the drawing with all the necessary texts and
pictogram with specified sections ,fixtures ,fittings along
with the 6mm thick toughened glass having the backing of
4mm thick ACP sheet in approved colour fixed with the
help of 25 dia SS studs , etc. complete as per the
directions of the Engineer-In-Charge. Each 24.00

4.00 SF Series ( Floor mounted ) Drg Ref. SG-03

Providing and fixing Floor mounted sign as shown in the
drawing with Mount's fabricated from 75 dia SS hollow
section welded with the base plate of 150 dia 10mm thick
SS brushed finished plate fixed on the the floor with the
help of 100mm long Hilti Fasteners,The sign shall have the
backing of 2mm thick Aluminium powder coated sheet of
approved shade and front of 4mm thick acrylic sheet for
text and pictogram as specified with all the necessary
fixtures ,fittings and making all the necessary
arrangements for the electrical fixtures complete as per the
direction of the Engineer-In-Charge. Each 6.00


Transport Department, NCT of Delhi 7 - 281

BOQ for External Sighnages


6.00 Providing ,fabricating and fixing floor mounted sign as
shown in the Drawing SG016,17,18 having frame work of
tubular sections fitted on the floor with the help of M.S
Angle and Dash Fasteners.The frame work shall be
covered with 4mm thick ACP sheet on both sides fixed to
the frame work with Aluminum 'C'channel of specified size
with all necessary fixtures,fittings ,silicone etc.complete as
per the direction of the Engineer-In-Charge. No. 23

7.00 Main ISBT Signage

Providing ,fabricating and fixing Wall/ RCC mounted sign (
ISBT Signage ) as shown in the drawing with 4mm thick
perplex sheet ( blue shade ) in the front and text in 4mm
thick perspex sheet ( white shade ) fixed to the perplex
sheet in blue shade with the help of adhesive and fastenes
to the box type frame of specified size made up of 2mm
thick Aluminium sheet, including all fittings and fasteners
etc. complete as per the direction of the Engineer-In-
Each 1.00


Transport Department, NCT of Delhi 7 - 282

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