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Planning Poker Training 2017-09-07

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Some of the key takeaways are using planning poker to estimate user story sizes and the importance of being consistent, realistic and reasonable when estimating. Planning poker involves discussing a story without estimates, then privately selecting an estimate and discussing as a team until consensus is reached.

Some of the features discussed for an ATM include viewing and paying credit card bills, withdrawing cash with one button press, buying postage stamps, checking account balances and initiating live video customer support.

When estimating stories using planning poker over slack, each person privately messages their estimate to the moderator. The moderator shares the estimates and discussion occurs until consensus is reached, usually within a few rounds. The goal is to have a collaborative discussion to arrive at an agreed upon estimate.

Becoming an Agile Enterprise

Exercise: Using planning poker to estimate size and value

This exercise is a simulation of P
class will be broken into teams a la n n ing Po ker. The
Slack channels. Youll be given a n d p u t in separate
Your job is to use Planning Poker s e t o f u ser stories.
consensus on the size and value o t o c o m e t o a
f one of those stories.

2017 Stellman and Greene Consulting LLC

Becoming an Agile Enterprise

In this exercise, youll be put in a Slack

channel with several other people attending
this course. Youll be given user stories. Your
goal is to play a round of planning poker.

Imagine that youre on a team thats building software for an ATM (cash
machine). Your job is to use planning poker to estimate size and value for
one of these user stories. Youre probably not on a team that builds software
for an ATM. So how do you know the details of size and value? The same
way you always estimate: use common sense and take an educated guess.

2017 Stellman and Greene Consulting LLC 2

Becoming an Agile Enterprise
Practice focus: Planning poker

This is the slide

from the live
presentation that
Planning poker is a simple
has the rules of collaborative estimating technique
planning poker.
Setup: Find an example story that represents 1 point. Choose a moderator (can be anyone on the team). If
playing in person, give everyone cards with possible estimate values (like 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 20, 40, 100, and ).

Start: Moderator reads the story. The team

discusses the story (but not the estimate). Step 1: Each person decides on an estimate.
in person: place the card face-down
via IM: send the estimate to the moderator
Step 3: If everyone agrees, were done!
Otherwise, the people with the highest
and lowest values explain their thinking.
Then the team returns to Step 1.
Step 2: The moderator tells everyone to flip
their cards (or if via IM, sends all estimates).

It usually only takes two or three rounds before the

converges on an estimate. Then they move on to the ne te am
xt story.
2017 Stellman and Greene Consulting LLC
Becoming an Agile Enterprise

Youll need slightly different rules to play

planning poker in Slack with a bunch of
strangers. Instead of flipping cards over,
youll post messages in the slack channel.

We have a very short timebox: 4 minutes to estimate

size, and 4 minutes to estimate value. How close
can you come to converging on an estimate?

a d e ve lo pe r , y o u h a v e im p o r t a n t
Even if your e n o t o d u c t
s iz e. A n d e ve n if y o u r e n o t a p r
input ab o u t t va lu e . J u st
o u h a ve im p o r t a n t in p u t a b o u
expert, y r e a s o n a b le.
be consistent, realistic , a n d
2017 Stellman and Greene Consulting LLC 4
Becoming an Agile Enterprise
Practice focus: Planning poker over Slack

How to play Planning Poker with a

team of strangers in Slack
Setup: You have been added to a Slack channel. Click the channel name in the upper right-hand side of the screen. If youre
at an office that blocks Slack, you can use your mobile phone. Your instructor will be the moderator. This goes really fast!
Start: The moderator gives you a baseline 1-point story,
assigns a story to your slack channel, and indicates
whether youre estimating size or value. You will play Step 1: The moderator will give you one minute to
up to two rounds of planning poker for each estimate. read the story and have a very quick discussion by
posting short messages in your Slack channel.

Step 3: If everyone agrees, then youre done! If at least two

people disagreed, then youll return to Step 1 and play
another round. Only the people with the highest and lowest
estimates will participate in the discussion this time.
Step 2: The moderator will give you 10 seconds to choose a number
from this list for your estimate: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13. You dont have to be
perfect! When time is up, post your estimate in the Slack channel.
In many cases, teams converge after 2 or 3 rounds, but
youve got
a very tight time limit. How close can you and your te 5
am come?
2017 Stellman and Greene Consulting LLC
Becoming an Agile Enterprise

The rest of these slides contain user stories.

2017 Stellman and Greene Consulting LLC 6

Becoming an Agile Enterprise

Front of card Cancel the session immediately Use a web browser from the ATM

Front of card
As a bank customer, As a bank customer,
I want to press a button and cancel my I want to browse certain websites
session before I enter my PIN so that I can open up a web browser
so that I can quickly end the session if I and view certain pages on the banks
put the wrong card in the machine website

Cancel the session immediately Use a web browser from the ATM
Back of card

Back of card
* The user can cancel the session * After entering the PIN, the user can
before entering the PIN open a browser from the main menu
* The user can choose from a set of
web pages to view
* The web page is rendered correctly,
but only approved links can be
Use this user stor y as the reference navigated
for 1 point of size because its small This user story doesnt seem
and should be easy to implement. ver y valuable. Use it as your
reference for 1 point of value.
2017 Stellman and Greene Consulting LLC 7
Becoming an Agile Enterprise

Front of card View and pay credit card bill Live video customer service

Front of card
As a bank customer, As a bank customer,
I want to view or print my credit card I want to talk to a customer service
statement and pay it from my account representative via live video chat
so that I can manage my credit card in so that I can get help if something goes
one convenient place wrong with my transaction

View and pay credit card bill Live video customer service
Back of card

Back of card
* The user can view the card balance * The user can start a live video chat
* The user can view recent statements, with customer service from the main
and print if the ATM has a printer menu or a special button if available
* The user can pay some or all of the * The customer service representative
balance and print a confirmation can make the ATM dispense cash from
the users account
* The user can report a lost card

2017 Stellman and Greene Consulting LLC 8

Becoming an Agile Enterprise

Front of card Use audio cues for all features Fast cash withdrawal

Front of card
As a vision impaired bank customer, As a bank customer,
I want to use the most common features I want to withdraw cash with one
of the ATM with audio cues button press
so that withdraw cash and do other so that I can quickly conclude my session
activities without relying on eyesight without going through a lot of menu

Use audio cues for all features Fast cash withdrawal

Back of card

Back of card
* The user can easily put the ATM * The user can withdraw a pre-set
into visually impaired mode amount of cash immediately after
* The user can withdraw cash in entering the PIN
visually impaired mode * The user can set the fast cash
* The user can check the account withdrawal amount from the main
balance in visual impaired mode menu or the personal banking website

2017 Stellman and Greene Consulting LLC 9

Becoming an Agile Enterprise

Front of card Remotely check cash levels Put the ATM in maintenance mode

Front of card
As a bank branch manager, As a bank branch manager,
I want to check the amount of cash in I want to put the ATM in maintenance
the ATMs safe remotely mode
so that I can monitor all of the ATMs so that it displays an in service
in my branch without leaving my desk message while were adding cash, changing
the receipt paper roll, or doing repairs

Remotely check cash levels Put the ATM in maintenance mode

Back of card

Back of card
* Each cash machine updates a server * The bank branch manager can put the
with its current cash levels ATM in maintenance mode via a web
* The bank manager can check cash page or from the machine itself
levels via a web page * Maintenance mode can be optionally
* Cash machines that have different set to turn itself off after a delay
denominations update their levels * The ATM displays an in service
correctly message in maintenance mode

2017 Stellman and Greene Consulting LLC 10

Becoming an Agile Enterprise

Front of card Dispense stamps ATM soft ware upgrade

Front of card
As a bank customer, As a system administrator,
I want to buy postage stamps using my I want to initiate a software upgrade
checking or savings account remotely
so that I dont have to go to the post so that I can deploy an updated version
office of the ATM software

Dispense stamps ATM soft ware upgrade

Back of card

Back of card
* The user can choose to buy a book of * A system administrator (SA) can
20 stamps from the main menu remotely deploy a new version of the
* Buying stamps is treated like a ATM software
withdrawal for the cost of the stamps * The SAs identity and the software
* The ATM can detect whether or not must be confirmed via crypto key
it is capable of dispensing stamps or if * The SA can roll the software back to
its out of stamps the previous version

2017 Stellman and Greene Consulting LLC 11

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