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Axisymmetric infinite

elements for soil- structure

interaction analysis
Shin-Chu Yang and Chung-Bang Yun
Department of Civil Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,
Taejon, Korea
(Received May 1991)

A study on soil-structure interaction problems using infinite

elements is presented. To discretize the far field of the unbounded
soil media, axisymmetric dynamic infinite elements which are capable
of propagating multiwaves are developed. An efficient numerical
integration scheme for constructing the element characteristic
matrices of the infinite elements is devised based on Gauss - Laguerre
quadrature. The efficiency of the infinite elements is demonstrated by
calculating the impedances of the rigid circular footings, which are
placed on an elastic half space and on layered half spaces.

Keywords: soil-structure interaction, dynamic infinite element,

numerical integration scheme, elastic half space, layered half space

Engineers are frequently confronted with the problems attenuation and the phase delay in the direction to
in which the domain to be analysed is extended to infinity. The infinite element containing a single wave
infinity, such as the cases of the soil-structure and the component could be successfully applied to problems in
fluid-structure interaction problems. When the which one wave occurs. However, it is not appropriate
dynamic soil-structure interaction problems are for more complex wave propagation problems, in which
analysed, the region near the structure (near field) can several wave components are simultaneously involved.
be modelled using the conventional finite elements. But A dynamic infinite element capable of propagating
simple truncation of the outer area (far field) produces multicomponent waves has been proposed by Medina ~3.
an erroneous response due to the reflected wave energy The shape functions were formulated by using approxi-
from the boundaries. Therefore, to simulate the energy mate expressions for the analytical far field solutions.
dissipation through the boundaries, many different tech- Though acceptible results were obtained using the
niques have been proposed. Most of them utilize energy method, the accuracy of the results was found to deteri-
absorbing boundaries along the interfaces between the orate due to the nonconforming conditions between the
near and far fields ~-5. To a certain extent, those finite and the infinite elements and also between the
methods can serve the purpose, but they are somewhat adjacent infinite elements. Furthermore, the method
restricted by the assumptions made on the special boun- cannot easily be extended to more complex problems
daries, such as the types of wave components to be such as those with layered media, since it is very dif-
transmitted, the homogeneity and the linearity of the soil ficult to obtain the analytical far field solutions, and
media. Recently, the boundary element method (BEM) also to formulate the shape functions based on the
has been widely studied for the analysis of the infinite analytical results.
domain problems. It is based on fundamental solutions This paper presents a dynamic infinite element which
which extend to infinity per se. In spite of its adapt- can deal efficiently with multiple wave components. The
ability to problems which have complex geometries, it shape functions are formulated using more general
requires more study for the treatment of elastoplasticity expressions for the wave components than those in
and nonhomogeneous material behaviours. An alterna- Reference 13. They are in terms of complex exponential
tive approach may be to use infinite elements which can functions of the corresponding wave numbers, and
easily be incorporated with the finite element method. satisfy the Sommerfeld radiation condition. Hence, the
The infinite element concept introduced by Ungless 6 present infinite element may be easily extended to the
and Bettess 7 has been successfully applied to problems problems, for which analytical far field solutions cannot
with unbounded domains, such as those for elasto- easily be computed. The number of wave components
statics 8- ~0, quasistatic load ~t, elastodynamics ~2-14, and included in the shape functions can be increased by
hydrodynamics~5-~8. The shape functions of the dyna- introducing nodeless variables. The compatibility condi-
mic infinite elements were usually developed by employ- tions between the adjacent infinite elements may be
ing a wave function which represents the amplitude preserved by matching the nodeless variables associated
0141-0296/92/060361 - 10
1992 Butterworth- H e i n e m a n n Ltd

Eng. Struct. 1992, Vol. 14, No 6 361

Axisvmmetric soil- structure interaction analysis: Shin-Chu Yong and Chung-Bang Yun

wifll the nonzero displacements along the interlace origin. The mappings of the infinite elements t'rom the
betv,.een two neighbouring infinite elements. The com- local coordinates (se, q) to the global coordinates (r, =t
patibility conditions between the finite and the infinite can be defined as
elements can he also kept, except for the radiational For horizontal infinite elements
infinite elements with the surface wave components. The
numerical integrations for constructing the element 3
matrices are carried out efficiently by applying a scheme r : F, MOLj I,-,, -== Lj(r/)=, (1)
based on the G a u s s - L a g u e r r e quadrature. The present / I t=l
method can be verified by comparing the impedance
functions obtained for rigid circular footings on an For radiational infinite elements
elastic half space and also on layered half spaces with
those obtained analytically. 3 3
r = ~_, M(OLiO1)r,, = = y] M(~)LiO1)Z (2)
i=1 t=l
Dynamic infinite elements including nodeless
variables where L/(rl) is a Lagrange polynomial whose value at
Dynamic axisymmetric infinite elements are developed n o d e j is unity, and M ( ( ) is the mapping function for the
for the soil-structure interaction problems, whose infinite direction defined as
domains extend to infinity. Although the element has
only three nodes placed on the interface between the M(()= 1 +~ (0_< c < oo) (3)
near and the far fields as in Figure 1, it can include addi-
tional wave components in its shape functions by The origin of the global coordinate system is placed on
introducing nodeless variables. The concept of the node- the top surface of the underlying half space and on the
less variable is similar to the internal variable in the axis of symmetry as in Figure 1.
classical finite element; for a example, the one which is
added to the 8-node serendipity element to obtain the Displacement shape functions
available shapes in the 9-node Lagrangian element ~. The elastodynamic problems often produce displace-
The additional shape functions corresponding to the ment fields in which several wave components pro-
nodeless variables are constructed by considering the pagate simultaneously. In such problems, a typical
conditions under which the shape functions have zero displacement component in the radial direction may be
values at the nodes as described below. expressed as a combination of several wave components
as tbllows
Geometrical mapping
To analyse a layered half space consisting of several
horizontal layers and a underlying half space as shown
in Figure 1, it is convenient to discretize the far field by l= t 1=1

using two kinds of inifinite elements. The layered media

are modelled by horizontal infinite elements which where x = (r, Z)T; a 0 is a generalized parameter
involve horizontally propagating waves, while the half associated with the lth wave component and the jth
space is represented by radiational infinite elements Lagrange polynomial; N is the number of wave com-
which include radiationally propagating waves from the ponents employed in the element formulation; and F~(x)
~s the wave function representing the lth wave compo-
nent, which satisfies the Sommerfeld radiation condi-
r0 tion. In this study, values of Fl(x) are taken
approximately in the form of e ~ + ~k,R~or e ''~ ' ,k,'~
2"Jx:25 In the previous expressions, k~ denotes the wave
number of the lth wave component and R the radiational
"~ H o r i z o n t a l distance from the origin. The wave functions employed
Upper H 0 = oo ) i n f i n i t e in two examples in this study are given in Table 1. The
layers h i/ element
1 same expressions are used for the radial, circumferential
Near f i e l d
and vertical directions.
L p
The radial displacement U at node j can be obtained
h a l f space Far field from equation (4) as

d__p0 ,/I,0 N

U~= ~ F~(xj)a~ (5)

.//.~.' "-. = ,,
j p \ , ..... 1=1

Radiational Then, the generalized parameter a~i can be obtained as


a,., = F,{Xji U,-
Figure I D e f i n i t i o n o f global and local c o - o r d i n a t e systems I=2

362 Eng. Struct. 1992, Vol. 14, No 6

Axisymmetric soil-structure interaction analysis: Shin-Chu Yong and Chung-Bang Yun

Table 1 Wave functions F ( x ) s for elastic half space and layered half space

Wave components Rayleigh Love Shear Compressional

half space e b~ + ik,rl - - e (~ + ik, Ro)~ e-I" + ikoRo)~

Layered layer e (" + ik'R}~ e (~ + i k l R ) ~ -- --

half space Underlying

half space - - e [,x + ~ksRo]~ e-h~ + ikpRo)~

Substituting a~.j into equation (4) gives For an example case employing the shear and the com-
pressional wave components, the shape functions corres-
3 F~(x) ponding to the nodal displacements and nodeless
u(x) = ~a Li (rl) F, (xj) Ui variables are shown in Figure 2 and 3. It can be seen that
j=l the shape functions associated with the nodeless
variables have zero values along the interface between
+ E E LjO;)F,(x) the finite and the infinite elements, while those
/=2 j=l associated with the nodal displacements have unit values
at the corresponding nodes.
FI(xJ) Fi (x))ao (7) Several of the displacement components associated
F 1(xj) with the nodeless variables in equation (7) are no longer
restricted to being zero along the interfaces with 'neigh-
It should be noted that in equation (7) the first term is bouring infinite elements. Hence, to preserve the
represented in terms of the nodal displacements Uj, and displacement continuities along the interfaces, the
the second in terms of the nodeless variables ao(l >_2). nodeless variables inducing nonzero displacements
Hence, the shape functions for the nodal displacements along the interfaces are taken to be equal to those of the
are neighbouring elements. The compatibility condition
between the finite and the infinite elements can be also
F~(x) for j = 1 2, 3 (8) kept, if the wave function, F~(x), has a constant value
~(x) = Li(r/) F, (xj) of the interface. From Table 1, it can easily be seen that
all wave functions, except for the surface wave com-
while those for the nodeless variables are ponents of the radiational elements, have constant values
on the interface. The displacement shape functions in the
circumferential and vertical directions can be constructed
N,,,(x) = Li(T1)IF/(x) - F~(x(xi)
J)~ F~(x)l similarly to the above procedure. Considering three
displacement components in the radial, circumferential
and vertical directions, the total number of the nodal
form=3(l- 1)+j variables for a 3-node infinite element is 9, while the
( j = 1, 2, 3; l = 2 , 3 . . . . . N) (9) number of the nodeless variables becomes 9 ( N - 1).

<Oo Loo

' ~ '
-,.~ ~ ~ ~ . 0 "">s
s.0 .,.0 s.o
0.~ ~ n ~ ~ - - ' i ' ~ _ ~.0 3.0
~.0 ~ 3.0 - 1.9
i. 0.0 & .0 0-0

s b
Figure 2 Example of shape functions corresponding to nodal displacements. (a), real part of N2 (r/, 4); N2 (rl, 4) = L2 b l ) ( F l ( x ) / F 2 (x2)); (b),
real part of N3 (q, ~); N3(~?~) = L3 (r/)(F1 (x)iF1 (x3))

Eng. Struct. 1992, Vol. 14, No 6 363

Axisymmetric soil-structure i n t e r a c t i o n a n a l y s i s : S h i n - C h u Y o n g a n d C h u n g - B a n g Yun

5.0 ~.0 ~ ~ .0 5.0

~.0 ~,~
~.0 0.0 ~.0 0.0

a b
Figure 3 Example of shape functions corresponding to nodeless variables. (a) real part of N5(~/, ~); Ns(~, ~) = L2(~)IF2(x) - (F2(x2
F~ (x2})FI(X)]; (b), real part of N6(~/, ~) = L3('q)JF2(x} - (F2(x3)/F1 (x3))F1 (x)]

Numerical integrations in which ~ and W~ are the Gauss-Laguerre integration

point and the weight factor, respectively. If P0(~)s in
To construct the element stiffness matrix of a dynamic equation (11) are polynomials withthe largest order
infinite element, it is necessary to carry out integrations being equal to 2n + 1 and N-wave components are
extending to infinity, such as included in the shape functions, the total number of

I= I f(~)e -~'+i~n~ d~ (10)

, 0 /=1
1oo I

~ 9o Itnum - lexact I ,' ,'

Gauss- Laguerre quadrature ~3,~o may be applied
~ 80 lel=, 7~--xa~ ' ,' "
directly to this integration. But many more integration Q. ," ,'1~1 <- 1o -3
points are required as frequency increases, as the c- 70
O I /
integrand is to be approximated as a polynomial. For a tel < *0-6/
more efficient evaluation, equation (10) is rewritten as ~ 6o / ",,zOauss-'aguerro
~ 50 ,' ~ quadrature
N N n~o t j I

(11) '- 40 ,\ .' I~I<.io -6

I= S S ,i Pu(~)e-~"+'a'~'t d~ iI s ~ $ \
/= I i = 1 0 ~ 3o , ,. \
e~ ." ," >Present integration
where E 20 . . . . . . i . 4 scheme
lel -~ 1o -3
II l=j (12) 0 i
P!i(~J) = q~(~J)fJ(~J)' c = l #j 0.0 I.'0 2'o 3'o ~o o
a A o = o~Ro/vs
0!i = c~/+ ecj, 80 = fll +/3j (13)
By introducing a new variable as ~ ' = (0; + it~j)~,
equation (11) is further rewritten as
90 llnum-/exact /' ,'
"~ 80
I ,,' lel <- 1o -3
1= E E P'i e- t, d~' 0
70 Je I ~< 1 0 - 6 / ,,
l= l ,/= 1 0 Olj -F i61j/I Otj -F itlj /
~ 6o i I

Finally, the integrals in equation (14) are evaluated effi- N 50

ciently using the Gauss-Laguerre quadrature as
r" ,' Gauss-Laguerre
40 , .~ quadrature
~ 3O $s S s~ 4
I = Pij(~k (15) .D
I / Present integration
E 2O r ~ SS scheme
/=1 j=l k=l
lo - : ] . Exact
where Mreq is the number of integration points used,
k are the new integration point and the
0 ,. ' ,
and ~' and W/' 0.0 110 2 0 3.0 4.0 5.0
corresponding weight factor, respectively, which are
defined as A o = wRo/V s
Figure 4 Number of integration points required to calculate Ih
~'- ~ W~' - W[ (16) and Ir for prescribed error bounds. (a), Ih of equation (17); (b), Ir of
(0 u + i5o)' (Oo + ia o) equation (18)

364 Eng. Struct. 1992 Vol. 14, No 6

Axisymmetric soil-structure interaction analysis: Shin-Chu Yong and Chung-Bang Yun

ei cot kh
~-:: ~ =:_..~_.-.-g.-..o-,~-...-.o- ......
. .e ;~ t ~ .~ , .o

r ~~
~ : L Ilr .a~

~ 0.5
.--?? w


-r-.~ d
0.0 I I ! I I I

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 .0

Dimensionless frequency, ~0 = tor 0 / v s


I~ta I .0 'q~. .....

H = (k h + iaOch)K A AH ~'~

KA = 8Gro/2-v ~'~

M = (k m + iaocm)Ktp~ M _~ CL
om 0.0
0 " " ~ ~ ~'. . . . I - cm
K~ = 8Gr30 / 3 ( 1 - v )
Figure 5 Definition o f impedance f u n c t i o n s for a rigid circular -0.5 I I I I i I I
f o o t i n g on elastic f o u n d a t i o n .0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Dimensionless frequency, (10 = ~ r O/ v s

integration points required to evaluate the integrand in
equation (10) is exactly (n + 1)N(N + 1)/2.
Exact {Veletsos and Wei 21)
After the integration in the finite direction (~/-
direction), the required integrations in the infinite direc-
----e---- Ro/rO= 1.0

R 0 = 2r 0
----A ....
Ro/r 0 = 1.5
R o / r 0 = 2.0
R o / r o = 3.0
) Present study

r0 _ I Figure 7 Impedance f u n c t i o n s o f a circular f o o t i n g on elastic

f o u n d a t i o n obtained for different size of near field (c~ = 0 . 7 5 ) .

oo tion (~-direction) can typically be expressed as

For the horizontal infinite elements,

Ih= f0o(,_ 1+~ +1+~ ) (e -+ik~)~

"Jr- e - ( I +ik, Ro)~ -I- e -(1 +ikeR)~)2d~

For the radiational infinite elements

\, Ir = (1 + ~)2(e-(J +i~rR0)~+ e-(1 +ik~R0)~

+ e-(l + ik.Ro)~)2d~j (18)

Figure 4 shows the total numbers of integration points

required to evaluate equations (17) and (18) within pre-
Figure 6 Element mesh scribed error bounds, i.e., 10-3 and 10-51 The results

Eng. Struct. 1992, Vol. 14, No 6 365

Axisymmetric soil-structure interaction analysis: Shin-Chu Yong and Chung-Bang Yun

Applications to elastodynamic p r o b l e m s
c- Circular footing on elastic half space

kh The responses of a rigid circular plate placed on an hall

t~ c-
I .0 ~a,..,,l~ - ..... .:..~
~- ...... .,,,.
~ ~. space are studied. The half space is assumed to be
elastic, homogeneous and isotropic. The definitions of
the dynamic stiffness coefficients (kh, k,,,) and damping
0 j coefficients (e/,, c,,,) for the horizontal and rocking
,,.....:%o.'- motions are given in Figure 5. The near field region
0.5 ,'.'," Ch within the distance of two radii of the plate from the
origin is modelled using the conventional finite
ft.: elements. The far field is modelled using the proposed
infinite elements. The element mesh is shown in Figure
0.0 i i i
6. The proper size of the near field region may be deter-
' t5 I 0 mined by considering the wave length (L) of the domi-
).0 O. I. I .5 2.0
nant wave component. The result of the parametric study
Dimensionless frequency, o~O= ~ r O/ v s shown in Figure 7 indicates that reasonable results can
be obtained by taking the near field region within two
1.5 radii of the plate, if the dimensionless frequency
a~(=ooro/v, = 2rrro/L) is greater than 0.25. The result
"o indicates that the required minimum distance to the far
m E field region R0 is approximately 0.1L, if ao > 0.25.
Eu I .0 Table 1 shows the wave functions, F(x)s, employed for
the formulation of the shape functions. The same expres-
~ u sions are used for the radial, circumferential and vertical
4-~ 0.5 directions. Each component is taken approximately as a
o complex exponential function. The amplitude decay is
u~ U

0"303 represented by introducing the decay factor ce, and the

25. fluctuating behaviour is represented with relation to the
uE 0.0
wave number k~. To investigate the effect of the
r~- o
amplitude decay factor o~, the impedance functions are
computed for various values of oe; i.e. 0.25, 0.75, 1.25,
-0.5 and 1.75. The results in Figure 8 indicate that when
' i ~ I0
0.0 0.5 I. 115 2. oe = 0.75, relatively good results arc obtained.
Therefore, o~ is taken as 0.75 in subsequent studies. Six
Dimensionless frequency, a O= tor O/ v s different sets of impedance functions are obtained
depending on the wave components included in the wave
Exact { V e l e t s o s and Wei 21)
functions. The first three cases are evaluated using three
individual wave components. The rest are evaluated
----o .... ct = 0.25 l
using multiple wave components. The results are shown
. . . . A. . . . a = 0.75 I Present study in Figures 9 and 10 together with the analytical solutions
_ _ _ ~ .... a = 1.25
c~ = 1 . 7 5 obtained by Veletsos and Wei -'~. The comparison with
the analytical solutions indicates that results can be
Figure 8 Impedance functions of a circular footing on elastic obtained if any two wave components out of the three
f o u n d a t i o n obtained for different values of ~ (Ro/ro = 2.0) are used. But, the results are found to be unaccepable,
if a single wave component is used.

Circular footings on layered half spaces

obtained by two different methods are shown, i.e., one
is by applying the G a u s s - L a g u e r r e quadrature directly, Rigid circular tbotings placed on layered media are
and the other by using the present modified scheme. analysed. Each case consists of a single layer over an
From the results, it can be seen that, if the G a u s s - elastic half space as shown in Figure 11. Both the
Laguerre quadrature is applied directly, a fairly large horizontal layer and the half space are assumed to be
number of integration points are required as the fre- elastic, homogeneous and isotropic, with different shear
quency increases. However, if the proposed scheme is velocities (v~, and V~2), densities (p, and 02) and Poisson
used, a relatively small number of integration points are ratios (v, and v=). An example analysis is carried out
required regardless of the magnitude of the frequency. for the case with v~j = 0 . 8 v + p~ = 0.8502, and ~,, = w
For the radiational infinite elements, Pu(~)s are poly- -- 0.25. Owing to the reflection and refraction of the
nomials with order of 2 as in equation (18), and the waves on the interface between two different media, the
number of the wave components used is 3. Hence, the wave propagating mechanism is much more complex
total number of integration points for the exact value than in an elastic half space. In this study, it is assumed
becomes 12. But for the horizontal infinite elements, that the wave energy in the upper layer is transmitted
more integration points are required due to the existence mainly by the surface waves (Rayleigh and Love waves)
of the rational function as in equation (17). and the wave energy in the underlying half space is

366 Eng. Struct. 1992, Vol. 14, No 6

Axisymmetric soil-structure interaction analysis: Shin-Chu Yong and Chung-Bang Yun

1.5 1.0
" Exact ( V e l e t s o s and Wei 21} :/ U
~ 0.8
v ,.~.,, ,~..'*.. i ,. O
U 1.0 (.I
tn ~.. .Ir--.~,. ., ,,. ~ 0.6
f o -~ " ~.,i~,,.,.

.,....,./ Q.

Present study ".V"

" ' + - " Using R a y l e i g h w a v e N
"C. 0.2
---~-- Using shear w a v e O
--.~-. Using c o m p r e s s i o n a l w a v e -1-

0.0 i i ] 0.0 l i ~
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0

Dimensionless f r e q u e n c y ct O= o~r0 / v s Dimensionless f r e q u e n c y , ~0 : t r o / V s


1.5 1.0

Exact ( V e l e t s o s and Wei 21) U

U 1.0 0
o~ 0.6
o,._ O.
Present study
"~ 0.4
0.5 --43--- Using R a y l e i g h and
5i- shear w a v e s
---6--- Using s h e a r and o
L c o m p r e s s i o n a l waves .-. 0.2
O ---0--- Using R a y l e i g h , shear, and
-I- 'T"
c o m p r e s s i o n a / waves
0.0 I I I 0.0
0.0 I .0 2.0 3.0 4.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.

Dimensionless f r e q u e n c y ~0 = ~rO / Vs Dimensionless f r e q u e n c y , ct 0 = e r 0 vS

Figure 9 Impedence functions of circular footing on elastic half space for horizontal motion (~ = 0.75 Ro/ro = 2.0). (a), using single
wave component; (b), using multiwave components

transmitted mainly by the body waves (shear and com- the surface wave components are not included in the
pressional waves). The wave numbers for surface waves shape functions for the underlying half space, which is
are evaluated by considering the continuity condition for modelled by using the radiational elements.
the displacements and stresses between the neighbouring Figure 13 shows, the stiffness and damping coeffi-
layer 23-25. Table 1 shows the wave functions used in cients computed for layered half spaces with various
this example. The same expressions are utilized for the layer depths, which are normalized by the static
wave functions in the radial, circumferential and vertical impedances of the top layer. The results are found to be
directions. As a result of using different wave types for in good agreement with the analytic solutions found by
two different layers, the displacement continuities may Luco 22. The effects of the surface waves may still be
not be preserved on the interface between the layers. significant in the underlying half space, particularly for
Hence, to preserve the displacement continuities, it is the lower exciting frequency range and for the case with
assumed that the wave numbers of the radiational a shallow upper layer. However, reasonable results have
infinite element nearest to the upper horizontal layer are been obtained using the present formulation without
linearly varying from the values of the horizontal layer including surface wave components in the underlying
to those of the radiational infinite element below, as half space region. It may be because, as mentioned in the
shown in Figure 12. The continuity conditions between previous half space example, a combination of two
the finite and the infinite elements are also kept, since shape functions of the body waves incorporating the

Eng. Struct. 1992, Vol. 14, No 6 1367

Axisymmetric soil-structure interaction analysis: Shin-Chu Yong and Chung-Bang Yun

I .5 I .0

Present s t u d y
" - + - " Using Rayleigh wave
- - ~ - - Using shear wave 0.8
--~1.-- Using compressional wave
0 1.0 O
-~ 0.4

0.5 oh
o.2 i -

n, Exact (Veletsos and Wei 21)

0.0 I I I 0.0 / " X I I

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 0.0 I .0 2.0 3.0 4.l

Dimensionless frequency, c~O= ~ r O/ vs Dimensionless frequency, (~0 = ~rO / Vs


1.5 1.0
--43--- Using Rayleigh and
shear waves
---A--- Using shear and u 0.8
compressional waves
1.0 ,- Using Rayleicjh, shear, and
compressional waves O
m .~ 0.4
o ~ o.2
Exact (Veletsos and Wei 21)

0.0 I t l 0.0 a t l I
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 .0

b Dimensionless frequency, c~0 = cor 0 / vs Dimensionless f r e q u e n c y , c~0 = cor 0 / v s

Figure 10 Impedance functions of circular footing on elastic half spae for rocking motion (cx = 0.75, Ro/ro = 2.0). (a), using single wave
component; (b), using multiwave components


Heio~t Upper layers

Horizontal I kR kL
element ,; t
/ it kR kL .r

Underlying r ,, ^ / f-11 k~ = ( k R + k s ) / 2 + ( k s - k R ) q / 2
Radiational ~ 0~q ,
infinite ~ 1 / ~ = (kL + k p ) / 2 + ( k P k L ) n / 2
element / ~ d.S ~

/ / r ~ , ~'P

half space

Figure 12 Adjustment of wave numbers for continuous

Figure 11 Rigid c i r c u l a r f o o t i n g o n a s i n g l e l a y e r a b o v e e l a s t i c displacements between horizontal and radiational infinite
half s p a c e . Vsl/Vs2= 0 . 8 ; o l / o 2 = 0 . 8 5 : . 1 = 0 . 2 5 ; p2 = 0 . 2 5 elements

368 Eng. S t r u c t . 1 9 9 2 , V o l . 14, N o 6

Axisymmetric soil-structure interaction analysis: Shin-Chu Yong and Chung-Bang Yun

2.0 1.0

Exact ( Luco 22)

1.5 r H / r 0 = 1.0 ."
=1.0 0.8 30
%, .. ..0 n* ..o'
1.0 O~ 0.6
0.5 0.4
t- H/ro=0.5 J ~
C Exact ( Luco221
0.0 ---e--- H / r o = 0 . 5 } t. 0.2
O ---e--- H / r o = 0 . 5 t
---&--- H / r 0 = 1,0 Present s t u d y ---&--- H/ro = l .0 Present s t u d y
---a--- H / r O = 3 . 0 ---a--- H/ro = 3.0
-0.5 0.0
0.0 1.~0 2:0 310 u
q.O 510 .0 0.0 '.o 31o '
4.0 '
5.0 6.0

Dimensionless f r e q u e n c y , ct0 = to r 0 / vs Dimensionless f r e q u e n c y , c~0 = toroI vs


2.0 1.0
Exact (Luco 22 }
E x a c t ( L u c o 22)
a< ---e--- H / r 0 = 0 . 5 ]
1.5 'o~ 0.8 ---~--- H / r 0 = 1 . 0 j~ Present s t u d y
~ - H / r 0 = O. 5 ---o--- H / r o = 3 . 0
0 0
1.0 u 0.6
m C~
0.5 .~ 0.4

C r"

U 0.0 8 o.2
e -'"~'-" H/ro=0"5 t y L H/ro=O. 5
"--&'-- H / r o = 1 . 0 Present s t u d y
---e--- H / r 0 = 3. 0
-0.5 0.0
, n0 5ou
I ~ ! I 1 I I
oo 21o 3:0 .o 60 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
Dimensionless f r e q u e n c y , c0= ~rO/v s Dimensionless f r e q u e n c y , c~0 = ~ r ' 0 / v s
Figure 13 Impedance functions for layer half space (c~ = 0.75, Ro/ro = 2.0) (a), horizontal motion; (b), rocking motion

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