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Lesson 54 Embeded Questions

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An embedded question is a question that is included inside another question or

statement. They are common after introductory phrases, such as:

(Una pregunta incrustada es una pregunta que se incluye dentro de otra

pregunta o declaracin. Son comunes despus de frases introductorias, tales

I wonder
Could you tell me
Do you know
Can you remember
Let's ask
We need to find out
I'd like to know
I'm not sure
Would you mind explaining

Five Rules for Using Embedded Questions

Rule One

If the embedded question is part of a statement, use a period and not a

question mark at the end of the sentence. Also, if the question is in the present
or past simple verb tense, omit the auxiliary verbs do, does, and did and
change the verb to its appropriate form, as in the example below.

(Si la pregunta incrustada es parte de una sentencia, utilice un punto y no un

signo de interrogacin al final de la oracin. Adems, si la pregunta est en el
tiempo verbal presente o pasado, omita los verbos auxiliares do, does y did y
cambiar el verbo a su forma apropiada, como en el ejemplo siguiente.)

Direct Question What time did he leave?

Embedded Question I wonder what time he left.

Rule Two

If the embedded question includes an auxiliary verb or the verb "to be", reverse
the positions of the subject and the auxiliary verb, as in the examples below.

(Si la pregunta incorporada incluye un verbo auxiliar o el verbo "ser", invierta

las posiciones del sujeto y el verbo auxiliar, como en los ejemplos a

Direct Question What did he say?

Embedded Question Could you tell me what he said?

Direct Question Can you help me?

Embedded Question I wonder if you could help me.

Direct Question Is he a doctor?

Embedded Question Do you know if he is a doctor?

Rule Three

Do not use a verbal contraction at the end of the sentence.

(No use una contraccin verbal al final de la oracin.)

Direct Question Where is she?

Correct Embedded Question Do you know where he is?

Incorrect Embedded Question Do you know where he's?

Rule Four

Embedded questions are introduced by whether, whether or not, and if when

there is no question word in the sentence (yes/no questions).
Las preguntas incrustadas se introducen por whether, whether or not y si
condicional cuando cuando no hay palabra de pregunta en la oracin (s / no

Direct Yes/No Question Will he be there?

Do you know if he will be there?

Embedded Question Do you know whether or not he will be there?
Do you know whether he will be there or not?

Rule Five

The infinitive can follow a question word or whether in embedded questions,

as in the following example.

(El infinitivo puede seguir una palabra de pregunta o si en preguntas

incrustadas, como en el ejemplo siguiente.)

Direct Question What should I do?

Embedded Question Please tell me what I should do.

Embedded Question with an Infinitive Please tell me what to do.

Using Embedded Questions

There are times when native English speakers prefer to use embedded rather
than direct questions. Here are two examples.

1. Politely Asking for Information (pidiendo informacion de forma


Direct Question What time does the bus arrive?

Could you tell me what time the bus arrives?

Embedded Question
(more polite)

2. Talking About Something Which Is Unknown to the Speaker

(hablar de algo que es desconocido para el orador)
Direct Question Why did she decide not to come with us?

Embedded Question I don't know why she decided not to come with us.

Note: The embedded question is in a statement , so it ends with a period, not a

question mark.

I wonder how long it takes to get there.

Does anyone know what the topic of today's lecture is?
Does anyone know why Carol was absent from class yesterday?
Could you tell me when the next train is supposed to arrive?
Can you remember what the name of the author who wrote "The Old
Man and the Sea" was?
Do you know if many people are coming to the party?
Please tell me what your plans are after you graduate.
I wish I knew where I left my glasses.
Do you know whether or not they are going to have a large wedding?
Do you know what the weather is supposed to be like on the weekend?

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