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Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 Jumpstart To Oracle Solaris 11.3 Automated Installer

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Transitioning From Oracle Solaris

10 JumpStart to Oracle Solaris 11.3

Automated Installer

Part No: E54837

July 2016
Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart to Oracle Solaris 11.3 Automated Installer
Part No: E54837
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Using This Documentation................................................................................. 9

1 Comparing JumpStart and Automated Installer............................................ 11

Similarities and Differences Between JumpStart and AI....................................... 11
JumpStart to AI Migration Information............................................................. 12

2 Converting JumpStart rules File and Profiles............................................... 15

About AI Client Criteria and AI Manifests.........................................................15
Comparing rules File Keywords and AI Criteria Keywords..................................15
Comparing Profile Keywords and AI Manifest Elements...................................... 17
Using js2ai to Convert JumpStart rules File and Profiles to AI Criteria and
Manifests..................................................................................................... 22
How js2ai Converts JumpStart Device Specifications................................. 23
Converting Software Packages................................................................. 25
rules File and Profiles Conversion Using js2ai......................................... 28
Displaying Additional Profile Conversion Information................................. 37
Validating an Output AI Manifest.............................................................38

3 Converting sysidcfg Configuration Files....................................................... 39

Comparing sysidcfg Keywords to System Configuration Profile Directives............. 39
Using js2ai to Convert sysidcfg Files to System Configuration Profiles................ 41
js2ai Conversion Warning..................................................................... 42
sysidcfg Conversion Using js2ai........................................................... 43
Displaying Additional Configuration Conversion Information........................ 45
Validating an Output System Configuration Profile...................................... 46


4 Installing Oracle Solaris 10 by Using JumpStart on an Oracle Solaris 11

Server................................................................................................................ 47
Setting Up an Oracle Solaris 11 System as an Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart Server...... 47
How to Set Up an Oracle Solaris 11 System as an Oracle Solaris 10
JumpStart Server................................................................................... 47


6 Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart to Oracle Solaris 11.3 Automated Installer July 2016

TABLE 1 Comparing JumpStart and AI Tasks.................................................... 11

TABLE 2 Comparing JumpStart rules File and AI Criteria Keywords.................... 15
TABLE 3 Comparing JumpStart Profile Keywords and AI Manifest Elements........... 17
TABLE 4 Comparing sysidcfg Keywords and Configuration Profile Directives........ 39

8 Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart to Oracle Solaris 11.3 Automated Installer July 2016
Using This Documentation

Overview Describes how to migrate from Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart to Oracle Solaris
11 Automated Installer
Audience Technicians, system administrators, and authorized service providers
Required knowledge Experience administering an Oracle Solaris system

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Documentation and resources for this product and related products are available at http://www.

Provide feedback about this documentation at

Using This Documentation 9

10 Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart to Oracle Solaris 11.3 Automated Installer July 2016

C H A P T E R 1

Comparing JumpStart and Automated Installer

This chapter describes the similarities and differences between JumpStart and Automated
Installer (AI). It also provides resources that can help you migrate from JumpStart to AI.

Similarities and Differences Between JumpStart and AI

Both JumpStart and AI provide hands-free installation of multiple systems on a network.

Clients are network booted, and once the client is booted, the installer takes over.

JumpStart installs the Oracle Solaris 10 OS and earlier versions of the Oracle Solaris OS. AI
installs the Oracle Solaris 11 OS and update releases.
JumpStart and AI share the following characteristics:
Provide hands-free network installation of multiple clients by storing system configurations
on an install server
Provide for different kinds of installations on different clients in one automated installation
Install both x86 and SPARC clients

TABLE 1 Comparing JumpStart and AI Tasks

JumpStart AI
Set up an install server. Use the setup_install_server command. Use the installadm create-service command.
Add clients to the installation. Use the add_install_client command. Use the installadm create-client command.
Create derived profiles Use a begin script. Use the derived manifests mechanism.
Specify installation Use profile files. Use AI manifest files.
Provision the client. Use DVDs. Use a package repository on the Internet or on a
local network.
Specify client customizations. Use rules files to associate clients with profile files. Use the create-manifest, create-profile, or
set-criteria subcommands of the installadm

Chapter 1 Comparing JumpStart and Automated Installer 11

JumpStart to AI Migration Information

JumpStart AI
command to associate clients with AI manifests
and system configuration profiles.
Specify client configuration. Use finish scripts and sysidcfg files. Use SMF (Oracle Solaris Service Management
Facility) system configuration profiles. Use scripts
executed by an SMF service that runs once at first

JumpStart to AI Migration Information

Which path to migrate from JumpStart to AI is best for your environment depends on the
resources you have available and how completely your would like to configure the AI client. A
more complete AI client configuration can require extra steps. Some of the strategies that you
could use when migrating to use the Automated Installer include the following:

Use one server as both a JumpStart install server and an AI install server.
This configuration allows you to support JumpStart capable systems from an Oracle Solaris
11 server. For more information, see Chapter 4, Installing Oracle Solaris 10 by Using
JumpStart on an Oracle Solaris 11 Server.
Use a software package repository for AI installations.
Use an Oracle Solaris 11 package repository on the Internet, such as
Make a local copy of a package repository, as described in Copying and Creating
Package Repositories in Oracle Solaris 11.3.
Create a custom ISO image.
See Creating a Custom Oracle Solaris 11.3 Installation Image for information about
creating a custom installation image.
Convert JumpStart rules, profiles, and configuration files to AI criteria, AI manifests,
and SMF system configuration profiles.
The following resources provide instructions on how to convert JumpStart data to AI data:
js2ai(1M) man page
Chapter 2, Converting JumpStart rules File and Profiles
Chapter 3, Converting sysidcfg Configuration Files
Dynamically derive an AI client provisioning manifest.
JumpStart begin scripts provide the ability to dynamically manipulate installation
parameters that are passed to the installer. AI provides the ability to query client attributes
at client installation time and dynamically derive a provisioning manifest customized for
that client. Environment variables specify hardware attributes of the client, and most of

12 Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart to Oracle Solaris 11.3 Automated Installer July 2016
JumpStart to AI Migration Information

these attributes are the same as environment variables used with JumpStart begin scripts.
See Creating an AI Manifest at Client Installation Time in Installing Oracle Solaris 11.3
Provide system configuration instructions.
See Chapter 11, Configuring the Client System in Installing Oracle Solaris 11.3 Systems
for information about creating SMF profiles.
See Chapter 12, Installing and Configuring Zones in Installing Oracle Solaris 11.3
Systems for information about creating an AI manifest and SMF profiles to install non-
global zones as part of an AI client installation.
Create an SMF service that runs once at first boot and executes a user-defined script.
See Chapter 13, Running a Custom Script During First Boot in Installing Oracle Solaris
11.3 Systems.

Chapter 1 Comparing JumpStart and Automated Installer 13

14 Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart to Oracle Solaris 11.3 Automated Installer July 2016

C H A P T E R 2

Converting JumpStart rules File and Profiles

This chapter describes how to use the js2ai command to convert JumpStart rules and profiles
to AI criteria files and AI manifests.

About AI Client Criteria and AI Manifests

Automated Installer (AI) manifests are XML files that specify system provisioning such as disk
layout and software packages to install. See Chapter 10, Provisioning the Client System in
Installing Oracle Solaris 11.3 Systems and the ai_manifest(4) man page for more information
about AI manifests.

AI uses client criteria to select the AI manifests that client systems should use to complete their
installation. When an AI manifest is added to an AI install service, you can specify criteria on
the command line or in a file. See Chapter 9, Customizing Installations in Installing Oracle
Solaris 11.3 Systems for more information about specifying AI criteria.

Comparing rules File Keywords and AI Criteria Keywords

The following table compares JumpStart rules file keywords with AI criteria keywords.
AI uses these criteria to apply the correct AI manifest or system configuration profile to a
particular client.

TABLE 2 Comparing JumpStart rules File and AI Criteria Keywords

JumpStart rules AI Criteria File Keyword Command-Line Example Criteria File Example
File Keyword

any Unsupported. For client

systems that do not match any

Chapter 2 Converting JumpStart rules File and Profiles 15

Comparing rules File Keywords and AI Criteria Keywords

JumpStart rules AI Criteria File Keyword Command-Line Example Criteria File Example
File Keyword
selection criteria, the AI install
service provides a default AI
arch cpu -c cpu="sparc" <ai_criteria name="cpu">
disksize Unsupported. AI installs on
the target specified in the AI
manifest if that disk is at least
the minimum required size.
domainname Unsupported.
hostaddress ipv4 -c ipv4="" <ai_criteria name="ipv4">
hostname Unsupported. To uniquely -c mac="0:3:ba:33:9d:b6" <ai_criteria_name="mac">
identify a host in AI, use either <value>0:3:ba:33:9d:b6</value>
the IP address as described in </ai_criteria>
hostaddress or use the MAC
installed Unsupported. AI installs on
the target specified in the AI
manifest if that disk is at least
the minimum required size.
karch arch -c arch="i86pc" <ai_criteria name="arch">
memsize mem -c mem="2048" <ai_criteria name="mem">
model platform -c platform="SUNW,Sun-Fire- <ai_criteria_name="platform">
T200" <value>SUNW,Sun-Fire-T200</value>
network - For an individual network single network address: single network address:
for network address or a range of addresses
addresses within one network address, -c ipv4="" <ai_criteria name="ipv4">
use ipv4
range of addresses: </ai_criteria>

-c ipv4="" range of addresses:

<ai_criteria name="ipv4">
network - for For an individual network single network number: single network number:
network numbers number or a range of network
numbers, use network -c network="" <ai_criteria name="network">
range of networks: </ai_criteria>

-c network="" range of networks:

16 Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart to Oracle Solaris 11.3 Automated Installer July 2016
Comparing Profile Keywords and AI Manifest Elements

JumpStart rules AI Criteria File Keyword Command-Line Example Criteria File Example
File Keyword
<ai_criteria name="network">
osname Unsupported.
probe Unsupported.
totaldisk Unsupported. AI installs on
the target specified in the AI
manifest if that disk is at least
the minimum required size.

Comparing Profile Keywords and AI Manifest Elements

The following table compares JumpStart profile keywords with AI manifest elements. AI uses
XML manifest files to define the client installation. For more information about AI manifests,
see Chapter 10, Provisioning the Client System in Installing Oracle Solaris 11.3 Systems and
see the ai_manifest(4) man page.

To specify values that are not known until the client installation process has started, such as
devices specified using the any keyword, consider using a derived manifests script. You can use
a derived manifests script to specify swap size based on disk size or to specify mirroring based
on available disks, for example. For information about derived manifests scripts, see Creating
an AI Manifest at Client Installation Time in Installing Oracle Solaris 11.3 Systems.

TABLE 3 Comparing JumpStart Profile Keywords and AI Manifest Elements

JumpStart Profile Keyword AI Manifest Elements

archive_location Unsupported. AI does not install from flash archives.

backup_media Unsupported. The backup_media keyword is used only with the upgrade option
of install_type. AI does not support the upgrade install type; AI supports only
initial install.
boot_device device Example:

Example: <target>
<disk whole_disk="true">
boot_device c1t0d0 <disk_name name="c1t0d0" name_type="ctd"/>
<logical nodump="true" noswap="false"/>
boot_device device eeprom The value for the eeprom keyword (update for SPARC systems and preserve
for x86 systems) is not supported in AI. In AI, the EEPROM on SPARC

Chapter 2 Converting JumpStart rules File and Profiles 17

Comparing Profile Keywords and AI Manifest Elements

JumpStart Profile Keyword AI Manifest Elements

Example: systems is always updated to the specified target device so that the installed
system automatically boots from that device. On x86 systems, the firmware is
boot_device c0t0d0s0 update never updated.
bootenv Unsupported. AI creates a boot environment and installs the Oracle Solaris 11
OS into that boot environment.
client_arch Unsupported. The client architecture to be installed is defined by the AI install
service, not in the AI manifest.
client_root Unsupported. You can specify the type, vendor, and size of the target disk.
You cannot specify the amount of root space on the target disk. See the
ai_manifest(4) man page.
client_swap Unsupported. By default, AI creates a swap volume in the root pool. You can
specify a swap slice. See the ai_manifest(4) man page.
cluster cluster-name Unsupported. See Converting Software Packages on page 25 for
information about how to handle cluster and package specifications.

The Oracle Solaris 11 OS uses group packages as defined in the pkg(5) man
page. Group packages are specified just as any other package is specified in the
manifest. The default AI manifest includes the packages needed for a standard
Oracle Solaris 11 installation. You can customize this list of packages.
cluster cluster-name delete Unsupported. The delete switch is used only with the upgrade option of
install_type. AI does not support the upgrade install type; AI supports only
initial install.
dontuse Unsupported.
fdisk disk-name type size Example:

Example: <target>
fdisk c0t3d0 solaris all <disk_name name="c0t3d0" name_type="ctd"/>
<partition action="create" name="1" part_type="191"/>
<logical nodump="true" noswap="false"/>

For a full list of the disk and partition attributes supported by AI, see the
ai_manifest(4) man page.

Translation by js2ai:

For js2ai translation, the value of disk-name must be a device. A device of all
is not supported. The fdisk type must be solaris. A size of 0 or delete is not
supported. If partitioning is default and the rootdisk has not been set, js2ai
sets the first fdisk solaris partition encountered as the root disk.
filesys UFS file systems are not supported. AI installs ZFS file systems.

Translation by js2ai:

If there is no other way to determine the device to be used for root, the
device from the filesys line with the / mount point is used for the root

18 Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart to Oracle Solaris 11.3 Automated Installer July 2016
Comparing Profile Keywords and AI Manifest Elements

JumpStart Profile Keyword AI Manifest Elements

The local and mirrored file systems are supported when the mount point
specified is / or swap.
If the mount point is not / or swap, the line is logged and then ignored.
JumpStart fsoptions are not supported.
No validation of the size is performed. You might need to adjust the size
specified in the resulting AI manifest to achieve a successful installation
with this manifest.
Example: The following partial AI manifest is for x86 platforms.

filesys c1t0d0s0 10000 / <target>

<disk_name name="c1t0d0" name_type="ctd"/>
<partition action="create" name="1" part_type="191">
<slice action="create" force="true"
in_vdev="rpool_vdev" in_zpool="rpool" name="0">
<size val="10000mb"/>
<logical nodump="true" noswap="false">
<zpool is_root="true" name="rpool">
<vdev name="rpool_vdev" redundancy="none"/>

Translation by js2ai:

The js2ai command supports translations only of the root file system (/) and
Example: The following partial AI manifest is for x86 platforms. For SPARC platforms,
no partition element is specified.
filesys mirror:rpool c6t0d0s0 c6t1d0s0 60048 /
<disk_name name="c6t1d0" name_type="ctd"/>
<partition action="create" name="1" part_type="191">
<slice action="create" force="true"
in_vdev="rpool_vdev" in_zpool="rpool" name="0">
<size val="60048mb"/>
<disk_name name="c6t0d0" name_type="ctd"/>
<partition action="create" name="1" part_type="191">
<slice action="create" force="true"
in_vdev="rpool_vdev" in_zpool="rpool" name="0">
<size val="60048mb"/>
<logical nodump="true" noswap="false">
<zpool is_root="true" name="rpool">
<vdev name="rpool_vdev" redundancy="mirror"/>

Chapter 2 Converting JumpStart rules File and Profiles 19

Comparing Profile Keywords and AI Manifest Elements

JumpStart Profile Keyword AI Manifest Elements

filesys server:path Unsupported. AI does not support remote file systems.
forced_deployment Unsupported. AI does not install from flash archives.
geo Unsupported. In AI, geographic regions for language support are specified
in the system configuration profile. See Chapter 11, Configuring the Client
System in Installing Oracle Solaris 11.3 Systems.
install_type AI supports only initial_install.
layout_constraint Unsupported. AI supports only initial_install.
local_customization Unsupported. AI does not install from flash archives.
locale Unsupported. In AI, locale support is specified in the system configuration
profile. See Chapter 11, Configuring the Client System in Installing Oracle
Solaris 11.3 Systems.
metadb Unsupported.
no_content_check Unsupported. AI does not install from flash archives.
no_master_check Unsupported. AI does not install from flash archives.
num_clients Unsupported.
package package Example:

Example: <software type="IPS">

<software_data action="install">
package SUNWpampkcs11 add <name>pkg:/SUNWpampkcs11</name>

See Converting Software Packages on page 25 for information about how

to verify the package name is valid.
package package add nfs server:path In an AI manifest, all software is retrieved from IPS (Image Packaging
System) package repositories. IPS repository locations can be a URL or file
name. You can specify multiple IPS repositories as software sources. See the
ai_manifest(4) man page for information about how to specify publishers.

Translation by js2ai:

The js2ai command ignores the retrieval-type location argument.

package package delete Example:

<software type="IPS">
<software_data action="uninstall">

Because AI only supports initial installations, you should not need to use an AI
manifest to delete packages.

20 Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart to Oracle Solaris 11.3 Automated Installer July 2016
Comparing Profile Keywords and AI Manifest Elements

JumpStart Profile Keyword AI Manifest Elements

partitioning default If no target installation device is specified, AI determines a default installation

device and a default partitioning. To specify custom partitioning, see the
partitioning explicit ai_manifest(4) man page.

Translation by js2ai:

For js2ai, partitioning must be default or explicit. For explicit, only swap
and / are supported
partitioning existing Unsupported. For js2ai, partitioning must be default or explicit.
patch Unsupported. AI supports only initial_install.

To update your system or specific packages, use the pkg update command on
the installed system.
pool newpool auto auto auto device Example:

<disk_name name="c1t0d0" name_type="ctd"/>
<partition action="create" name="1" part_type="191">
<slice action="create" force="true"
in_vdev="rpool_vdev" in_zpool="newpool" name="0"/>
<logical nodump="false" noswap="false">
<zpool is_root="true" name="newpool">
<vdev name="rpool_vdev" redundancy="none"/>

Translation by js2ai:

If a pool is specified in a profile, js2ai creates the ZFS root pool using the
specified devices. The pool keyword supersedes all other keywords when
js2ai determines which devices to use for the ZFS root pool.

The js2ai command does not perform any validation of the pool size, swap
size, or dump size. You might need to adjust these sizes in the resulting AI
manifest to achieve a successful installation with this manifest.
pool newpool auto auto auto any For js2ai, if you specify any instead of a physical device name, you must
provide device information prior to the specification that includes the any
parameter. For example, you could provide a root_device or usedisk
specification before this pool specification. See Example 6, Fixing
mirrorpool.profile Errors, on page 34 for an example.
root_device c1t0d0s0 Example:

<disk_name name="c1t0d0" name_type="ctd"/>
<partition action="create" name="1" part_type="191">
<slice action="create" force="true"
in_vdev="rpool_vdev" in_zpool="rpool" name="0"/>

Chapter 2 Converting JumpStart rules File and Profiles 21

Using js2ai to Convert JumpStart rules File and Profiles to AI Criteria and Manifests

JumpStart Profile Keyword AI Manifest Elements

<logical nodump="true" noswap="false">
<zpool is_root="true" name="rpool">
<vdev name="rpool_vdev" redundancy="none"/>

Translation by js2ai:

When root_device is specified, js2ai sets the rootdisk to the specified

system_type AI manifests do not differentiate system types.

Translation by js2ai:

Only the value standalone is supported.

usedisk Translation by js2ai:

The js2ai command might use the specified device or devices to resolve
subsequent any or rootdisk specifications. Devices specified that are not used
for this purpose are added to the ZFS root pool by js2ai when that pool is not

Using js2ai to Convert JumpStart rules File and Profiles to

AI Criteria and Manifests

Use the js2ai command with the -r option to convert both JumpStart rules and their associated
profiles to AI criteria and manifests. Initially, use the -S option to skip validation. This
command performs a conversion operation on the rules file and the profiles referenced by the
rules file.

Each profile referenced in the rules file is processed against the AI client provisioning
manifest, /usr/share/auto_install/manifest/default.xml. This step creates a directory
named AI_profile-name for each profile specified in the JumpStart rules file. The AI_profile-
name directory contains an AI criteria file in the form criteria-rule-number.xml that
corresponds to the rule that referenced this profile. The AI_profile-name directory also contains
AI manifest files in the form profile-name.arch.xml that correspond to the profile-name file.

When you receive a message that the conversion completed successfully, run the js2ai
command without the -S option to validate the output AI manifests. Validation errors must be
corrected in the AI manifest files.

22 Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart to Oracle Solaris 11.3 Automated Installer July 2016
Using js2ai to Convert JumpStart rules File and Profiles to AI Criteria and Manifests

If you do not see a message that the conversion was successfully completed, examine the error
report and the js2ai.log file. The error report and the log file provide warnings, process errors,
unsupported items, conversion errors, and validation errors. The error report is a table output
to stdout that shows the number of each type of error that was encountered in converting the
rules file and profiles. The log file describes the problems.

1. Correct any process errors.

2. Remove any lines from the rules file and profiles that are listed as unsupported items.
3. Examine the conversion errors and correct the errors if possible. Otherwise, remove the
lines that are causing the errors.
4. Examine any warning messages and make sure no corrections are necessary.

Note the following options for the js2ai command:

To display more information about a rule file or profile conversion, use the -v
option. For more information, see Displaying Additional Profile Conversion
Information on page 37.
To validate a specific output AI manifest against the appropriate AI DTD, use the -V option.
For more information, see Validating an Output AI Manifest on page 38.
To convert one JumpStart profile only, use the -p option. See the examples in Fixing AI
Manifest Files on page 32.

How js2ai Converts JumpStart Device

This section describes how js2ai determines some target elements for the AI manifest from the
JumpStart profile specifications.

How the System's Root Disk Is Determined

Because js2ai does not have access to the client system profile references during the profile
translation process, js2ai attempts to determine the root disk during translation using a process
that matches JumpStart as much as possible.
The js2ai command performs the following steps to determine what device to use for the root

1. If the root_device keyword is specified in the profile, js2ai sets rootdisk to the device
on which the slice resides.

Chapter 2 Converting JumpStart rules File and Profiles 23

Using js2ai to Convert JumpStart rules File and Profiles to AI Criteria and Manifests

2. If rootdisk is not set and the boot_device keyword is specified in the profile, js2ai sets
rootdisk to the boot device.
3. If rootdisk is not set, partitioning default is specified, and a solaris fdisk entry is
encountered, js2ai sets rootdisk to the specified disk name.
4. If rootdisk is not set and a filesys cwtxdysz size / entry is specified in the profile,
js2ai sets rootdisk to the cwtxdysz disk specified in the entry.
5. If rootdisk is not set and a usedisk disk-name entry is specified in the profile, js2ai sets
rootdisk to the disk-name disk specified in the entry.
6. If rootdisk is not set and the following specification is encountered in the profile where
size is not 0 or delete and disk-name is not all, then rootdisk is set to this disk name.

fdisk disk-name solaris size

7. If rootdisk is not set, any occurrence where the device is specified as rootdisk generates a
conversion error.

How the any Keyword Is Translated

The js2ai command performs the following steps to determine what device to use when the
any keyword is specified:

1. If the device is specified with the any keyword and the keyword action specified (non-
mirrored pool, or filesys with a / mount point), the device is set to rootdisk if rootdisk
is set.
2. If the device has not been translated and a usedisk statement exists in the profile, the
device specified with the any keyword is set to the device specified by the usedisk
3. If the device has not been translated and the action where the any keyword is specified
causes the ZFS root pool to be created, AI chooses the device unless a mirrored pool is

How the ZFS Root Pool Is Determined

The js2ai command performs the following steps to determine which device to use for the
ZFS root pool. Once the ZFS root pool is determined, subsequent definitions encountered are
flagged as errors if they conflict with the ZFS root pool that has already been determined.

1. If the profile specifies the pool keyword, js2ai sets the ZFS root pool to the devices
specified by the pool keyword.

24 Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart to Oracle Solaris 11.3 Automated Installer July 2016
Using js2ai to Convert JumpStart rules File and Profiles to AI Criteria and Manifests

2. If the ZFS root pool has not been determined and the profile specifies a file system with a
mount point of /, the ZFS root pool is created using the devices specified.
3. If the ZFS root pool has not been determined, all keywords in the profile have been
processed, and rootdisk is set, the ZFS root pool is created using the rootdisk device.
4. If the ZFS root pool has not been determined and the partition type is default, AI chooses
the device to use for the ZFS root pool.
5. If the ZFS root pool has not been determined and no errors have occurred during
processing, AI chooses the device to use for the ZFS root pool.
6. If the ZFS root pool is not a mirrored pool and one or more usedisk devices that were
specified have not been used for a rootdisk or any device translation, those disks are added
to the ZFS root pool.

Converting Software Packages

JumpStart profiles use the cluster and package keywords to install software on the system.
The cluster keyword is not supported by AI. Because in IPS the syntax to install an
incorporation or group package is the same as the syntax to install any other package, if you
simply change cluster to package in the JumpStart profile, the js2ai command creates the
correct package installation specification in the AI manifest.

Tip - Verify the package names in the AI manifests. If a package specified for installation in an
AI manifest is not available from any publisher origin specified in that AI manifest, then that
client installation fails.

IPS package names are different from SVR4 package names. For example, the SVR4 package
SUNWpampkcs11 is renamed to library/security/pam/module/pam-pkcs11 in IPS.

If an SVR4 package name exists in IPS, you can install the IPS package by using the SVR4
name. For example, if an AI manifest specifies installation of the SUNWpampkcs11 package, the
library/security/pam/module/pam-pkcs11 package is automatically installed. In these cases,
the package has been renamed.

If an SVR4 package name does not exist in IPS, you must change the package name or delete
that specification from the AI manifest. For example, the SUNWCall and SUNWCuser packages
have not been renamed in IPS. If the AI manifest specifies those packages, the installation fails.

Use the pkg list command on an Oracle Solaris 11 system to determine whether a particular
package name can be used in your AI manifest. Be sure to use the -g option to list packages
from an IPS package repository origin that is specified in the AI manifest.

Chapter 2 Converting JumpStart rules File and Profiles 25

Using js2ai to Convert JumpStart rules File and Profiles to AI Criteria and Manifests

The js2ai command uses the /usr/share/auto_install/manifest/default.xml AI manifest

as a base to build a new AI manifest that includes specifications from the JumpStart profile.
This default AI manifest specifies installation of two packages that install the base operating
system: entire and solaris-large-server. In addition to those two packages, you probably
need to specify only the installation of additional tools and applications.

EXAMPLE 1 Determining Whether a Package Name Can Be Used

In this example, the AI manifest specifies the

repository origin.

$ pkg list -af -g SUNWCall SUNWCuser

pkg list: no packages matching 'SUNWCuser, SUNWCall' known

This message confirms that these two packages cannot be used in this AI manifest.

EXAMPLE 2 Working With a Renamed Package

You can use the pkg list command to identify packages that have been renamed.

$ pkg list -af -g SUNWpampkcs11

SUNWpampkcs11 0.6.0-0.133 --r

The r in the last column indicates that this package is renamed. You can use this name in the
AI manifest but you might want to use the pkg info command to determine the new name of
the package.

See the Renamed to line in the following output. The SUNWpampkcs11 package has been
renamed to library/security/pam/module/pam-pkcs11. You might want to specify library/
security/pam/module/pam-pkcs11 in your AI manifest for greater compatibility with future
Oracle Solaris updates.

$ pkg info -r SUNWpampkcs11

Name: SUNWpampkcs11
State: Not installed (Renamed)
Renamed to: library/security/pam/module/pam-pkcs11@0.6.0-0.133
Publisher: solaris
Version: 0.6.0
Build Release: 5.11
Branch: 0.133
Packaging Date: Wed Oct 27 18:50:11 2010
Size: 0.00 B

26 Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart to Oracle Solaris 11.3 Automated Installer July 2016
Using js2ai to Convert JumpStart rules File and Profiles to AI Criteria and Manifests

FMRI: pkg://solaris/SUNWpampkcs11@0.6.0,5.11-0.133:20101027T185011Z
$ pkg info -r pam-pkcs11
Name: library/security/pam/module/pam-pkcs11
Summary: The OpenSC PKCS#11 PAM Login Tools
Category: System/Security
State: Not installed
Publisher: solaris
Version: 0.6.0
Build Release: 5.11
Packaging Date: Mon Nov 11 17:47:35 2013
Size: 1.74 MB
FMRI: pkg://solaris/library/security/pam/module/pam-pkcs11@0...

EXAMPLE 3 Working With an Obsolete Package

This example shows how you would replace SUNWmysql with database/mysql-51 in your AI

$ pkg list -af -g SUNWmysql

SUNWmysql 4.0.24-0.142 --o

The o in the last column indicates that this package is obsolete. This package name cannot
be used in an AI manifest. Use the pkg list command with wildcards or the pkg search
command to determine whether the package is available under a different name that can be

$ pkg list -af SUNWmysql*

SUNWmysql 4.0.24-0.142 --o
SUNWmysql-base 0.5.11-0.133 --r
SUNWmysql-python 0.5.11-0.162 --o
SUNWmysql-python26 0.5.11-0.133 --r
SUNWmysql5 5.0.86-0.171 --o
SUNWmysql5 5.0.86-0.133 --r
SUNWmysql51 5.1.37-0.133 --r
SUNWmysql51lib 5.1.37-0.133 --r
SUNWmysql51test 5.1.37-0.133 --r
SUNWmysql5jdbc 5.1.5-0.171 --o
SUNWmysql5jdbc 5.1.5-0.133 --r
SUNWmysql5test 5.0.86-0.171 --o
SUNWmysql5test 5.0.86-0.133 --r
SUNWmysqlt 4.0.24-0.142 --o
$ pkg info -r SUNWmysql51
Name: SUNWmysql51

Chapter 2 Converting JumpStart rules File and Profiles 27

Using js2ai to Convert JumpStart rules File and Profiles to AI Criteria and Manifests

State: Not installed (Renamed)
Renamed to: database/mysql-51@5.1.37-0.133
Publisher: solaris
Version: 5.1.37
Build Release: 5.11
Branch: 0.133
Packaging Date: Wed Oct 27 18:49:18 2010
Size: 0.00 B
FMRI: pkg://solaris/SUNWmysql51@5.1.37,5.11-0.133:20101027T184918Z

rules File and Profiles Conversion Using js2ai

This section shows using a single js2ai command to convert a JumpStart rules file and all the
profiles referenced by that rules file. By default, each converted profile is output to a directory
named AI_profile-filename. The rule to select that profile is output to that same directory as an
AI criteria file.

Sample JumpStart rules File and Profiles

The examples in this section use the following rules file:

# The following rule matches only one system:

hostname sample_host - fdisk.profile -

# The following rule matches only one system:

hostaddress - mirrorfilesys.profile -

# The following rule matches any system that is on the 924.222.43.0 network:

network 924.222.43.0 - rootdisk.profile -

# The following rule matches all x86 systems:

arch i386 - mirrorpool.profile -

The fdisk.profile file has the following content:

install_type initial_install
system_type server
root_device c1t0d0s0

28 Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart to Oracle Solaris 11.3 Automated Installer July 2016
Using js2ai to Convert JumpStart rules File and Profiles to AI Criteria and Manifests

usedisk c1t0d0
fdisk rootdisk solaris all
partitioning explicit
filesys rootdisk.s1 5000 swap
filesys rootdisk.s0 10000 /
cluster SUNWCall

The mirrorfilesys.profile file has the following content:

install_type initial_install
partitioning default
filesys mirror c6t0d0s0 c6t1d0s0 60048 /
cluster SUNWCuser

The mirrorpool.profile file has the following content:

install_type initial_install
partitioning default
pool newpool auto auto auto mirror any any
cluster SUNWCuser

The rootdisk.profile file has the following content:

install_type initial_install
partitioning explicit
filesys rootdisk.s0 15000 /
filesys rootdisk.s1 1000 swap
cluster SUNWCall

Using js2ai to Process a rules File With Associated Profiles

Use the following command to process the rules file. In the error report, validation errors are
shown as a hyphen character because validation was not done. Validation is suppressed by the
-S option.

# js2ai -rS
Process Unsupported Conversion Validation
Name Warnings Errors Items Errors Errors
------------------- -------- ------- ----------- ---------- ----------
rules 0 0 1 0 -
fdisk.profile 0 0 2 0 -
mirrorfilesys.profile 0 0 2 0 -
mirrorpool.profile 0 0 1 1 -
rootdisk.profile 0 0 1 2 -

Conversion completed. One or more failures and/or warnings occurred.

Chapter 2 Converting JumpStart rules File and Profiles 29

Using js2ai to Convert JumpStart rules File and Profiles to AI Criteria and Manifests

For errors see js2ai.log

# cat js2ai.log
rules:line 3:UNSUPPORTED: unsupported keyword: hostname
fdisk.profile:line 2:UNSUPPORTED: unsupported value for 'system_type' specified: server
fdisk.profile:line 9:UNSUPPORTED: unsupported keyword: cluster
mirrorfilesys.profile:line 3:UNSUPPORTED: unsupported mount point of 'unnamed'
mount points other than '/' and 'swap' are not supported
mirrorfilesys.profile:line 4:UNSUPPORTED: unsupported keyword: cluster
mirrorpool.profile:line 3:CONVERSION: unable to convert 'any' device to physical device.
Replace 'any'
with actual device name
mirrorpool.profile:line 4:UNSUPPORTED: unsupported keyword: cluster
rootdisk.profile:line 3:CONVERSION: unable to convert 'rootdisk.s0'. Replace'rootdisk.'
with actual
device name
rootdisk.profile:line 4:CONVERSION: unable to convert 'rootdisk.s1'. Replace'rootdisk.'
with actual
device name
rootdisk.profile:line 5:UNSUPPORTED: unsupported keyword: cluster

Output is stored in directories named AI_profile-filename. AI criteria files created from the
JumpStart rules are named for the position of the rule in the rules file. AI manifests are named
profile-filename.arch.xml, where arch is generic, x86, or sparc.
# ls AI_*

criteria-2.xml mirrorfilesys.profile.generic.xml

criteria-2.xml mirrorpool.profile.generic.xml

criteria-3.xml rootdisk.profile.generic.xml

Replacing the hostname Keyword

The log file reports that the JumpStart rule keyword hostname is not supported as an AI criteria
keyword for selecting an AI manifest. The hostname keyword specifies which clients should
use the fdisk.profile profile. Because hostname is not a supported keyword for selecting AI
manifests, the new AI_fdisk.profile directory does not contain an AI criteria file.

You could fix this problem by changing hostname to hostaddress in the rules file.

30 Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart to Oracle Solaris 11.3 Automated Installer July 2016
Using js2ai to Convert JumpStart rules File and Profiles to AI Criteria and Manifests

You could also fix this problem by creating an AI criteria file that specifies a MAC address or
IP address to identify the hostname system. For example, the following criteria file is equivalent
to the JumpStart rule hostname sample_host if 0:14:4F:20:53:97 is the MAC address of

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<ai_criteria name="mac">

To find the MAC address of a system, use the dladm command as described in the dladm(1M)
man page.

For the JumpStart rule hostaddress, the js2ai command automatically created
the AI criteria file AI_mirrorfilesys.profile/criteria-2.xml, replacing the JumpStart
hostaddress keyword with the AI ipv4 keyword:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<ai_criteria name="ipv4">

For the JumpStart rule network 924.222.43.0, the js2ai command automatically created the
AI criteria file AI_rootdisk.profile/criteria-3.xml, specifying a range of IP addresses
based on the given network address:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<ai_criteria name="ipv4">
924.222.43.0 924.222.43.255

For the JumpStart rule arch i386, the js2ai command automatically created the AI criteria file
AI_mirrorpool.profile/criteria-4.xml, replacing the JumpStart arch keyword with the AI
cpu keyword:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


Chapter 2 Converting JumpStart rules File and Profiles 31

Using js2ai to Convert JumpStart rules File and Profiles to AI Criteria and Manifests

<ai_criteria name="cpu">

Fixing AI Manifest Files

The js2ai command often creates an AI manifest for each JumpStart profile even though errors
are reported. This section describes how to address some common errors so that the output AI
manifests are more complete.

EXAMPLE 4 Fixing fdisk.profile Errors

The js2ai command showed the following errors for the fdisk.profile JumpStart profile:

fdisk.profile:line 2:UNSUPPORTED: unsupported value for 'system_type' specified: server

fdisk.profile:line 9:UNSUPPORTED: unsupported keyword: cluster

These two lines are ignored and do not affect the output AI manifest. You could delete these
two lines if you want the conversion to avoid the error messages. The fdisk.profile file
would then have the following content:

install_type initial_install
root_device c1t0d0s0
usedisk c1t0d0
fdisk rootdisk solaris all
partitioning explicit
filesys rootdisk.s1 5000 swap
filesys rootdisk.s0 10000 /

Use the -p option of the js2ai command to process just this profile.

# js2ai -p fdisk.profile
Successfully completed conversion

The output AI manifest, AI_fdisk.profile/fdisk.profile.x86.xml, has the following

content in the target stanza:

<disk whole_disk="true">
<disk_name name="c1t0d0" name_type="ctd"/>
<partition action="create" name="1" part_type="191">
<slice name="1" action="create" force="true" is_swap="true">

32 Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart to Oracle Solaris 11.3 Automated Installer July 2016
Using js2ai to Convert JumpStart rules File and Profiles to AI Criteria and Manifests

<size val="5000mb"/>
<slice name="0" action="create" force="true" in_zpool="rpool" in_vdev="
<size val="10000mb"/>
<logical noswap="false" nodump="true" >
<zpool name="rpool" is_root="true">
<vdev name="rpool_vdev" redundancy="none"/>
<filesystem name="export" mountpoint="/export"/>
<filesystem name="export/home"/>
<be name="solaris"/>

The software stanza is the same as in /usr/share/auto_install/manifest/default.xml

because this profile does not contain any package specifications.

EXAMPLE 5 Fixing mirrorfilesys.profile Errors

The js2ai command showed the following errors for the mirrorfilesys.profile JumpStart

mirrorfilesys.profile:line 3:UNSUPPORTED: unsupported mount point of 'unnamed'

mount points other than '/' and 'swap' are not supported
mirrorfilesys.profile:line 4:UNSUPPORTED: unsupported keyword: cluster

In a JumpStart profile, you can omit the file-system parameter in the filesys mirror
specification. In a js2ai conversion, you cannot omit the file-system parameter, which must
have one of the following two values: / or swap.

Edit the mirrorfilesys.profile file to add / at the end of the filesys specification and to
delete the cluster line. The mirrorfilesys.profile file then has the following content:

install_type initial_install
partitioning default
filesys mirror c6t0d0s0 c6t1d0s0 60048 /

Save the AI_mirrorfilesys.profile/criteria-2.xml file in another location. Then, use the

-p option of the js2ai command to process just this profile.

# js2ai -p mirrorfilesys.profile

Chapter 2 Converting JumpStart rules File and Profiles 33

Using js2ai to Convert JumpStart rules File and Profiles to AI Criteria and Manifests

Successfully completed conversion

The AI_mirrorfilesys.profile directory contains two output AI manifests: mirrorfilesys.

profile.sparc.xml and mirrorfilesys.profile.x86.xml. The only difference between
these two AI manifests is that mirrorfilesys.profile.x86.xml contains two partition
specifications. The mirrorfilesys.profile.x86.xml manifest has the following content in the
target stanza:

<disk_name name="c6t1d0" name_type="ctd"/>
<partition action="create" name="1" part_type="191">
<slice action="create" force="true" in_vdev="rpool_vdev" in_zpool="rpool" name="
<size val="60048mb"/>
<disk_name name="c6t0d0" name_type="ctd"/>
<partition action="create" name="1" part_type="191">
<slice action="create" force="true" in_vdev="rpool_vdev" in_zpool="rpool" name="
<size val="60048mb"/>
<logical noswap="false" nodump="false" >
<zpool name="newpool" is_root="true">
<vdev name="rpool_vdev" redundancy="mirror"/>
<filesystem name="export" mountpoint="/export"/>
<filesystem name="export/home">
<be name="solaris">

The software stanza is the same as in /usr/share/auto_install/manifest/default.xml

because this profile does not contain any package specifications.

EXAMPLE 6 Fixing mirrorpool.profile Errors

The js2ai command showed the following errors for the mirrorpool.profile JumpStart

mirrorpool.profile:line 4:CONVERSION: unable to convert 'any' device to physical device.

Replace 'any' with actual device name

34 Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart to Oracle Solaris 11.3 Automated Installer July 2016
Using js2ai to Convert JumpStart rules File and Profiles to AI Criteria and Manifests

mirrorpool.profile:line 8:UNSUPPORTED: unsupported keyword: cluster

Use either of the following two methods to fix these errors. Both of these fixes result in the
same AI manifest output. See also How the any Keyword Is Translated on page 24.
Edit the mirrorpool.profile profile, replacing both any entries with physical device
names. Also, delete the cluster line. The mirrorpool.profile file will then have content
similar to the following example:
install_type initial_install
partitioning default
pool newpool auto auto auto mirror c6t0d0s0 c6t1d0s0
If you specify any instead of a physical device name in the vdev-list list in the pool
specification, you must provide device information prior to the specification that includes
the any parameter. Edit the mirrorpool.profile profile to add a usedisk specification
before the pool specification. Also, delete the cluster line. The mirrorpool.profile file
will then have content similar to the following example:
install_type initial_install
partitioning default
usedisk c6t0d0 c6t1d0
pool newpool auto auto auto mirror any any

Save the AI_mirrorpool.profile/criteria-4.xml file in another location. Then, use the -p

option of the js2ai command to process just this profile.
# js2ai -p mirrorpool.profile
Successfully completed conversion

The AI_mirrorpool.profile directory contains two output AI manifests: mirrorpool.

profile.sparc.xml and mirrorpool.profile.x86.xml. The only difference between these
two AI manifests is that mirrorpool.profile.x86.xml contains two partition specifications.
The mirrorpool.profile.x86.xml manifest has the following content in the target stanza:
<disk_name name="c6t1d0" name_type="ctd"/>
<partition action="create" name="1" part_type="191">
<slice action="create" force="true" in_vdev="rpool_vdev" in_zpool="newpool" name="
<disk_name name="c6t0d0" name_type="ctd"/>
<partition action="create" name="1" part_type="191">
<slice action="create" force="true" in_vdev="rpool_vdev" in_zpool="newpool" name="

Chapter 2 Converting JumpStart rules File and Profiles 35

Using js2ai to Convert JumpStart rules File and Profiles to AI Criteria and Manifests

<logical noswap="false" nodump="true">
<zpool name="rpool" is_root="true">
<vdev name="rpool_vdev" redundancy="mirror"/>
<filesystem name="export" mountpoint="/export"/>
<filesystem name="export/home">
<be name="solaris">

The software stanza is the same as in /usr/share/auto_install/manifest/default.xml

because this profile does not contain any package specifications.

EXAMPLE 7 Fixing rootdisk.profile Errors

The js2ai command showed the following errors for the rootdisk.profile JumpStart profile:

rootdisk.profile:line 3:CONVERSION: unable to convert 'rootdisk.s0'.

Replace'rootdisk.' with actual device name
rootdisk.profile:line 4:CONVERSION: unable to convert 'rootdisk.s1'.
Replace'rootdisk.' with actual device name
rootdisk.profile:line 5:UNSUPPORTED: unsupported keyword: cluster

Use either of the following two methods to fix these errors. Both of these fixes result in the
same AI manifest output.
Edit the rootdisk.profile profile, replacing rootdisk. with c0t0d0. Also, delete the
cluster line. The rootdisk.profile file then has the following content:

install_type initial_install
partitioning explicit
filesys c0t0d0s0 15000 /
filesys c0t0d0s1 1000 swap
Edit the rootdisk.profile profile to add a root_device specification and to delete the
cluster line. The rootdisk.profile file then has the following content:

install_type initial_install
partitioning explicit
root_device c0t0d0s0
filesys rootdisk.s0 15000 /
filesys rootdisk.s1 1000 swap

Save the AI_rootdisk.profile/criteria-3.xml file in another location. Then use the -p

option of the js2ai command to process just this profile.

36 Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart to Oracle Solaris 11.3 Automated Installer July 2016
Using js2ai to Convert JumpStart rules File and Profiles to AI Criteria and Manifests

# js2ai -p rootdisk.profile
Successfully completed conversion

The AI_rootdisk.profile directory contains two output AI manifests: rootdisk.profile.

sparc.xml and rootdisk.profile.x86.xml. The only difference between these two AI
manifests is that rootdisk.profile.x86.xml contains a partition specification. The
rootdisk.profile.x86.xml manifest has the following content in the target stanza:
<disk_name name="c0t0d0" name_type="ctd"/>
<partition action="create" name="1" part_type="191">
<slice action="create" force="true" in_vdev="rpool_vdev" in_zpool="rpool" name="
<size val="15000mb"/>
<slice action="create" force="true" is_swap="true" name="1">
<size val="1000mb"/>
<logical noswap="false" nodump="true" noswap="false">
<zpool name="rpool" is_root="true" >
<vdev name="rpool_vdev" redundancy="none"/>
<filesystem name="export" mountpoint="/export"/>
<filesystem name="export/home">
<be name="solaris">

The software stanza is the same as in /usr/share/auto_install/manifest/default.xml

because this profile does not contain any package specifications.

Displaying Additional Profile Conversion

If you want to see additional information for a rule or profile conversion or AI manifest
validation, specify the -v option with the js2ai command. When you specify the -v option,
processing steps are displayed, and the error report displays zeroes instead of omitting the
rules file or profile from the report.
# js2ai -v -p rootdisk.profile
Processing profile: rootdisk.profile
Performing conversion on: rootdisk.profile

Chapter 2 Converting JumpStart rules File and Profiles 37

Using js2ai to Convert JumpStart rules File and Profiles to AI Criteria and Manifests

Generating x86 manifest for: rootdisk.profile

Validating rootdisk.profile.x86.xml
Generating sparc manifest for: rootdisk.profile
Validating rootdisk.profile.sparc.xml

Process Unsupported Conversion Validation

Name Warnings Errors Items Errors Errors
---------------------- -------- ------- ----------- ---------- ----------
rootdisk.profile 0 0 0 0 0
Successfully completed conversion

Validating an Output AI Manifest

Use the -V option to validate the AI manifest that results from running the js2ai command.

# js2ai -V ./AI_rootdisk.profile/rootdisk.profile.sparc.xml
Successfully completed conversion
# js2ai -v -V ./AI_rootdisk.profile/rootdisk.profile.sparc.xml
Validating rootdisk.profile.sparc.xml

Process Unsupported Conversion Validation

Name Warnings Errors Items Errors Errors
---------------------- -------- ------- ----------- ---------- ----------
rootdisk.profile.sparc - - - - 0
Successfully completed conversion

38 Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart to Oracle Solaris 11.3 Automated Installer July 2016

C H A P T E R 3

Converting sysidcfg Configuration Files

This chapter describes how to convert a sysidcfg file to an AI system configuration profile.
Much of the conversion can be done with the js2ai command. See the js2ai(1M) man page
for more information about the js2ai command.

AI system configuration profiles are SMF XML profiles that specify system configuration. For
more information about AI system configuration profiles, see Chapter 11, Configuring the
Client System in Installing Oracle Solaris 11.3 Systems.

Comparing sysidcfg Keywords to System Configuration

Profile Directives

The following table compares sysidcfg file keywords with example AI system configuration
profile specifications. Different SMF property value names might apply in different cases. See
the examples in sysidcfg Conversion Using js2ai on page 43 and in Example System
Configuration Profiles in Installing Oracle Solaris 11.3 Systems.

TABLE 4 Comparing sysidcfg Keywords and Configuration Profile Directives

sysidcfg Keyword System Configuration Profile Directives

keyboard The js2ai command does not perform any translation. Make sure the keyboard specified in the
sysidcfg file is supported in Oracle Solaris 11.

Service name: system/keymap

Property group name: keymap
Property value name: layout
name_service AI supports DNS, NIS, and LDAP. The js2ai command supports values NONE, DNS, NIS, and LDAP. NIS
+ name services are translated as NIS. If a name service is configured, the network must be configured
as DefaultFixed.

Service name: system/name-service/switch

Chapter 3 Converting sysidcfg Configuration Files 39

Comparing sysidcfg Keywords to System Configuration Profile Directives

sysidcfg Keyword System Configuration Profile Directives

Property group name: config
Property value name: netgroup
network_interface AI supports configuring only a single interface as part of system installation. Because of this limitation,
the js2ai command processes only the interface labeled PRIMARY or the first interface encountered
in the sysidcfg file. The js2ai command sets the network to DefaultFixed if a name_service is
specified. A properly configured DefaultFixed network needs to provide the host name, IP address,
netmask, and gateway. Automated network configuration is supported only if no name service is

Oracle Solaris 11 by default uses the prefix net when assigning link names. (The older style used in
Oracle Solaris 10 is available but is disabled by default.) When the js2ai command does a conversion
of the network interface and sees an Oracle Solaris 10 style link name, the command will disable neutral
link names. To use neutral link names in Oracle Solaris 11, you must change the network interface name
specified in the sysidcfg file to an Oracle Solaris neutral link name like net0. For more information
about neutral link names, see Network Devices and Datalink Naming in Oracle Solaris in Configuring
and Managing Network Components in Oracle Solaris 11.3.

Service name: network/install

Property group name: install_ipv4_interface
Property value name: static_address
Property group name: install_ipv6_interface
nfs4_domain nfs4_domain=dynamic is supported for Automatic and DefaultFixed networks. networks.
nfs4_domain=custom-domain-name is only supported for DefaultFixed networks. The conversion of the
network_interface keyword determines whether a DefaultFixed or Automatic network is configured.

Service name: network/nfs/mapid

Property group name: nfs-props
Property value name: nfsmapid_domain
root_password Oracle Solaris 11 uses roles instead of the root user. You need to define a user with root role privileges
in order to access the system in multiuser mode. Because the necessary structure cannot completely
be defined using the root_password keyword, you need to add the necessary structures used to define
a user account with root role privileges to the sc_profile.xml file as a comment. If you do not
specify the root_password keyword, you will also need to define the necessary datastructure for it as a

Service name: system/config-user

Property group name: root_account
Property value name: password
security_policy The js2ai command supports the value NONE.
service_profile The js2ai command supports the value limited_net.
system_locale The js2ai command will check whether the locale specified is one of the default core locales supported
and will generate a warning if the locale is not supported. The js2ai command will also attempt to
convert non-core locales to core locales.

For more information on core locales, see Internationalization and Localization Changes in
Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 to Oracle Solaris 11.3.

Service name: system/environment

40 Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart to Oracle Solaris 11.3 Automated Installer July 2016
Using js2ai to Convert sysidcfg Files to System Configuration Profiles

sysidcfg Keyword System Configuration Profile Directives

Property group name: environment
Property value name: LC_ALL
terminal The js2ai command does not perform any translation. Make sure the terminal type specified in the
sysidcfg file is supported in Oracle Solaris 11.

Service name: system/console-login

Property group name: ttymon
Property value name: terminal_type
timeserver The js2ai command supports the value localhost.
timezone The js2ai command does not perform any translation.

Service name: system/timezone

Property group name: timezone
Property value name: localtime

Using js2ai to Convert sysidcfg Files to System

Configuration Profiles

Use the js2ai command with the -s option to convert any sysidcfg files that are associated
with this JumpStart configuration to system configuration profiles. Initially, use the -S option to
skip validation.

For each sysidcfg file processed, js2ai creates an AI system configuration profile named
sc_profile.xml in the directory where the js2ai command was invoked. Use the -D option to
specify a different directory for the sc_profile.xml file.

When you receive a message that the conversion completed successfully, run the js2ai
command without the -S option to validate the output sc_profile.xml file. Validation errors
must be corrected in the sc_profile.xml file.
If you do not see a message that the conversion was successfully completed, examine the error
report and the js2ai.log file. The error report and the log file report warnings, process errors,
unsupported items, conversion errors, and validation errors. The error report is a table output
to stdout that shows the number of each type of error that was encountered in converting the
sysidcfg file. The log file describes the problems.
1. Correct any process errors.
2. Remove any lines from the sysidcfg file that are listed as unsupported items.
3. Examine the conversion errors and correct the errors if possible. Otherwise, remove the
lines that are causing the errors.

Chapter 3 Converting sysidcfg Configuration Files 41

Using js2ai to Convert sysidcfg Files to System Configuration Profiles

4. Examine any warning messages and make sure no corrections are necessary.

To display more information for a conversion use the -v option with the js2ai
command. For more information, see Displaying Additional Configuration Conversion
Information on page 45.

To validate a specific output system configuration profile, run the js2ai command
with the -V option. See the example in Validating an Output System Configuration
Profile on page 46.

# js2ai -V path/sc_profile.xml

js2ai Conversion Warning

All js2ai conversions of sysidcfg files will generate the following warning:

sysidcfg:line #:WARNING: Oracle Solaris 11 uses roles instead of root

user. An admin user with root role privileges will need to be defined in order
to access the system in multi-user mode. The necessary xml structures have
been added to sc_profile.xml as a comment. Edit sc_profile.xml to perform
the necessary modifications to define the admin user.

The warning relates to the inability of the js2ai command to generate the necessary data
structure from just the root_passwd keyword. If your sysidcfg file contained the root_passwd
keyword in it, js2ai would generate a system/config-user structure like the following:

<service name="system/config-user" type="service" version="1">

<instance enabled="true" name="default">
Configures user account as follows:
* User account name 'jack'
* password 'jack'
* GID 10
* UID 101
* root role
* bash shell
<property_group name="user_account" type="application">
<propval name="login" type="astring" value="jack"/>
<propval name="password" type="astring" value="9Nd/cwBcNWFZg"/>
<propval name="description" type="astring" value="default_user"/>
<propval name="shell" type="astring" value="/usr/bin/bash"/>
<propval name="gid" type="astring" value="10"/>
<propval name="uid" type="astring" value="101"/>

42 Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart to Oracle Solaris 11.3 Automated Installer July 2016
Using js2ai to Convert sysidcfg Files to System Configuration Profiles

<propval name="type" type="astring" value="normal"/>

<propval name="roles" type="astring" value="root"/>
<propval name="profiles" type="astring" value="System Administrator"/>
<propval name="sudoers" type="astring" value="ALL=(ALL) ALL"/>
<property_group name="root_account" type="application">
<propval name="login" type="astring" value="root"/>
<propval name="password" type="astring" value="{your_root_passwd}"/>
<propval name="type" type="astring" value="role"/>

In XML, a comment is started with <!--. To define the user necessary to support Oracle Solaris
11, remove the XML comment markers around the user_account property group structure.
Next, modify the user_account property structure to create the user that will have root role
privileges. If no root_password keyword was specified, comment out the root_account
property group structure.

sysidcfg Conversion Using js2ai

This section shows how to use js2ai to convert a sysidcfg file to an AI system configuration
profile. For each sysidcfg file processed, js2ai creates an AI system configuration profile
named sc_profile.xml in the directory where the js2ai command was invoked. Use the -D
option to specify a different directory for the sc_profile.xml file. To aid in the conversion
process, make a copy of the original sysidcfg file and work from a copy. The conversion
process might require that you edit and modify the sysidcfg file before it can be successfully

EXAMPLE 8 Converting a sysidcfg File That Includes Errors

This example uses the following sysidcfg file:

network_interface=primary { hostname=host1
default_route= }

Chapter 3 Converting sysidcfg Configuration Files 43

Using js2ai to Convert sysidcfg Files to System Configuration Profiles


Use the following command to process this sysidcfg file. In the error report, validation errors
are shown as a hyphen character because the -S option suppressed validation.
# js2ai -sS
Process Unsupported Conversion Validation
Name Warnings Errors Items Errors Errors
------------------- -------- ------- ----------- ---------- ----------
sysidcfg 1 0 0 1 -

Conversion completed. One or more failures and/or warnings occurred.

For errors see js2ai.log
# cat js2ai.log

sysidcfg:line 6:CONVERSION: DefaultFixed network configuration enabled.

Unable to complete network configuration, replace interface PRIMARY
with the actual interface you wish to configure.
sysidcfg:line 17:WARNING: Oracle Solaris 11 uses roles instead of root user.
An admin user with root role privileges will need to be defined in order to
access the system in multi-user mode. The necessary xml structures have been
added to sc_profile.xml as a comment. Edit sc_profile.xml to perform the
necessary modifications to define the admin user.

EXAMPLE 9 Converting a Corrected sysidcfg File

The following modified sysidcfg file addresses the errors reported in the previous example.
The PRIMARY interface specification is replaced with the interface name e1000g.

network_interface=e1000g { hostname=host1
default_route= }

44 Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart to Oracle Solaris 11.3 Automated Installer July 2016
Using js2ai to Convert sysidcfg Files to System Configuration Profiles


# js2ai -sS

Process Unsupported Conversion Validation

Name Warnings Errors Items Errors Errors
------------------- -------- ------- ----------- ---------- ----------
sysidcfg 2 0 0 0 -
Conversion completed. One or more failures and/or warnings occurred.
For details see /tmp/js2ai.log
# cat js2ai.log
sysidcfg:line 16:WARNING: Oracle Solaris 11 uses roles instead of root user.
An admin user with root role privileges will need to be defined in order to
access the system in multi-user mode. The necessary xml structures have been
added to sc_profile.xml as a comment. Edit sc_profile.xml to perform the
necessary modifications to define the admin user.
sysidcfg:line 6:WARNING: In order to support the direct translation of the
sysidcfg interface 'e1000g', Oracle Solaris 11 neutral link name support will
be disabled. If you wish to use neutral link names, change the interface
name specified in the sysidcfg file to a 'netx' style interface name or edit
the resulting sc_profile.xml file.

Although the network interface primary was replaced with an Oracle Solaris 10 interface name,
you will still get a warning about neutral link names. If you want to use the traditional link
names then no action is required. In most instances, the interfaces will map the same as they do
in Oracle Solaris 10 but that outcome is not guaranteed.

If you want to use the neutral link names used by Oracle Solaris 11, you can change your
network interface in the sysidcfg file to a netn style name. Typically the primary interface
will be defined as net0. In order to address the user warning, edit the sc_profile.xml file
accordingly as outlined in the js2ai.log file.

Displaying Additional Configuration Conversion

If you want to see additional information for a sysidcfg file conversion or system
configuration profile validation, specify the -v option with the js2ai command. When you
specify the -v option, processing steps are displayed.

# js2ai -sv
Processing: sysidcfg
Performing conversion on: sysidcfg

Chapter 3 Converting sysidcfg Configuration Files 45

Using js2ai to Convert sysidcfg Files to System Configuration Profiles

Generating SC Profile
Validating sc_profile.xml

Process Unsupported Conversion Validation

Name Warnings Errors Items Errors Errors
------------------- -------- ------- ----------- ---------- ----------
sysidcfg 2 0 0 0 0

Conversion completed. One or more failures and/or warnings occurred.

For details see /tmp/js2ai.log

Validating an Output System Configuration Profile

Use the -V option to validate the system configuration profile that results from running the
js2ai command.

# js2ai -v -V ./sc_profile.xml
Validating sc_profile.xml

Process Unsupported Conversion Validation

Name Warnings Errors Items Errors Errors
------------------- -------- ------- ----------- ---------- ----------
sc_profile - - - - 0
Successfully completed conversion

46 Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart to Oracle Solaris 11.3 Automated Installer July 2016

C H A P T E R 4

Installing Oracle Solaris 10 by Using JumpStart

on an Oracle Solaris 11 Server

You can use JumpStart to install the Oracle Solaris 10 operating system on networked SPARC
and x86 platforms, but not to install the Oracle Solaris 11 OS. However, the JumpStart install
server can be an Oracle Solaris 11 system.
Your Oracle Solaris 11 server can do two different jobs:

Serve Oracle Solaris 11 OS installations using Automated Installer. For more information,
see Part III, Installing Using an Install Server, in Installing Oracle Solaris 11.3 Systems.
Serve Oracle Solaris 10 OS installations using JumpStart. This chapter describes how to
set up a JumpStart install server on an Oracle Solaris 11 system. For more information
about JumpStart, see Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 Installation Guide: Live Upgrade and Upgrade

Setting Up an Oracle Solaris 11 System as an Oracle Solaris

10 JumpStart Server
The following procedure shows how to create an Oracle Solaris 11 JumpStart Install server to
install the Oracle Solaris 10 OS on client systems.

How to Set Up an Oracle Solaris 11 System as an

Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart Server
1. Install the Oracle Solaris 11 OS.

2. Set up a static IP address.

Chapter 4 Installing Oracle Solaris 10 by Using JumpStart on an Oracle Solaris 11 Server 47

How to Set Up an Oracle Solaris 11 System as an Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart Server

For information about how to set a static IP address, see the instructions in How to Configure
an IPv4 Interface in Configuring and Managing Network Components in Oracle Solaris 11.3
and the ipadm(1M) man page.

3. Install the system/boot/network package from the solaris publisher.

# pkg publisher
solaris origin online
# pkg install pkg:/system/boot/network
Packages to install: 1
Variants/Facets to change: 3
Create boot environment: No
Create backup boot environment: No
Services to change: 1


Completed 1/1 13/13 0.0/0.0

Install Phase 34/34

Package State Update Phase 1/1
Image State Update Phase 2/2

Reading Existing Index 8/8
Indexing Packages 1/1

4. Download the latest Oracle Solaris 10 DVD image.

The current image is at
downloads/index.html. This image is the source of your install image and JumpStart tools.
Note that JumpStart can be used to install only the Oracle Solaris 10 OS, not the Oracle Solaris
11 OS.

5. Set up a JumpStart install server.

The following example uses the Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 DVD image for SPARC.

# /media/SOL_10_0113_SPARC/Solaris_10/Tools/setup_install_server /export/s10u11_sparc
Verifying target directory...
Calculating the required disk space for the Solaris_10 product
Calculating space required for the installation boot image
Copying the CD image to disk...
Copying Install Boot Image hierarchy...
Copying /boot netboot hierarchy...

48 Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart to Oracle Solaris 11.3 Automated Installer July 2016
How to Set Up an Oracle Solaris 11 System as an Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart Server

Install Server setup complete

6. Copy the jumpstart_sample files to the JumpStart profile location.

# cd /media/SOL_10_0113_SPARC/Solaris_10/Misc/jumpstart_sample
# mkdir -p /export/profiles/s10profile
# cp -pr * /export/profiles/s10profile

7. Update the check script.

Replace the first line of the /export/profile/s10profile/check script with the following

8. Validate your JumpStart profile.

In the following example, many lines of output are omitted for brevity. Note that the -p option
does not work with all Oracle Solaris 10 update releases. Make sure you are using at least
Oracle Solaris 10 Update 7.
# cd /export/profile/s10profile
# ./check -p /export/s10u11_sparc
45 blocks
Validating rules...
Validating profile host_class...
Validating profile zfsrootsimple...
Validating profile net924_sun4c...
Validating profile upgrade...
Validating profile x86-class...
Validating profile any_machine...
The custom JumpStart configuration is ok.

9. Make sure that udp6 is available and online.

The udp6 service is delivered in the tftp package. Make sure the tftp package is installed.
# pkg list tftp

If the tftp package is not installed, use the following command to install it:
# pkg install pkg:/service/network/tftp

Once you have installed the tftp package, make sure the udp6 service is available and online.
# svcs udp6
disabled 8:36:55 svc:/network/tftp/udp6:default
# svcadm enable network/tftp/udp6
# svcs udp6

Chapter 4 Installing Oracle Solaris 10 by Using JumpStart on an Oracle Solaris 11 Server 49

How to Set Up an Oracle Solaris 11 System as an Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart Server


online 8:38:28 svc:/network/tftp/udp6:default

10. If you plan to use this server as both a JumpStart install server and an AI install
server, link the /tftpboot directory to the /etc/netboot directory.
If the /etc/netboot directory does not exist, create it.
Although JumpStart uses /tftpboot for network booting, AI uses /etc/netboot. Therefore,
/tftpboot needs to be a symbolic link to /etc/netboot so that the two tools can coexist.

Tip - If you plan to use this server as only a JumpStart install server or only an AI install server,
then this step is not required. However, doing this step avoids failed netboot errors if you
change your plan later.

# ls /etc/netboot
/etc/netboot: No such file or directory
# mkdir -m 755 /etc/netboot
# ln -s /etc/netboot /tftpboot
# ls -l /tftpboot
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 Sep 14 8:46:51 /tftpboot -> /etc/netboot

11. Install the client.

Make sure to use the fully qualified host name for the client. In this example, the client host
name is
/export/s10u11_sparc/Solaris_10/Tools/add_install_client -e 8:0:20:fd:f2:18 \
-c \
-p line2-t1 sun4u
/export/home is already shared. However, the zfs file system
/export/home must be shared read-only with root access. Use the "zfs
set" command to set the sharenfs property for file system /export/home
as follows:Use ro and either anon=0 or for /export/home. This must be
fixed and /export/home shared before can boot.

Use the following commands to verify how the /export/home file system is shared, correct the
share options if needed, and then check how the file system is shared to verify the change. In
this example, the anon=0 option has not been set.
# share
home /export/home nfs sec=sys,ro
# share -F nfs -o ro,sec=sys,anon=0 /export/home
# share
home /export/home nfs anon=0,sec=sys,ro

50 Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart to Oracle Solaris 11.3 Automated Installer July 2016

A client_root JumpStart profile keyword, 18

AI See Automated Installer (AI) client_swap JumpStart profile keyword, 18
AI criteria cluster JumpStart profile keyword, 18
compared to JumpStart keywords, 15 comparing
description of, 15 JumpStart and AI installation tasks, 11
AI manifests console-login service
converting JumpStart files to, 15 system configuration profile, 41
definition of, 15 converting
displaying validation information, 37 JumpStart rules file and profiles, 15
elements compared to JumpStart keywords, 17 cpu AI criteria keyword, 16
specifying with AI criteria, 15 criteria directives See AI criteria
AI profiles
converting JumpStart files to, 15
any JumpStart rules file keyword, 15
any keyword D
js2ai command process, 24 -D destination option
arch AI criteria keyword, 16 js2ai command, 41
arch JumpStart rules file keyword, 16 device translation
archive_location JumpStart profile keyword, 17 any keyword, 24
Automated Installer (AI) differences
comparison with JumpStart, 11 JumpStart and AI, 11
directives See AI criteria See AI manifest elements
disksize JumpStart rules file keyword, 16
B displaying profile conversion information, 37
domainname JumpStart rules file keyword, 16
backup_media JumpStart profile keyword, 17
dontuse JumpStart profile keyword, 18
boot_device JumpStart profile keyword
described, 17
eeprom keyword and, 17
bootenv JumpStart profile keyword, 18 E
eeprom JumpStart profile keyword
boot_device keyword and, 17
C environment service
client_arch JumpStart profile keyword, 18 system configuration profile, 40


F using to convert sysidcfg files to system

fdisk JumpStart profile keyword, 18 configuration profiles, 41
filesys JumpStart profile keyword, 18 -V validate option, 38, 45, 46
forced_deployment JumpStart profile keyword, 20 -v verbose option, 37
comparison with AI, 11
using on an Oracle Solaris 11 server, 47
G JumpStart profiles
geo JumpStart profile keyword, 20 converting to AI files, 15
JumpStart keywords compared to AI manifest
elements, 17
unsupported keywords in AI, 17
using js2ai to convert to AI criteria and
hostaddress JumpStart rules file keyword, 16
manifests, 22
hostname JumpStart rules file keyword
JumpStart rules file
described, 16
converting to AI files, 15
replacing, 30
keywords compared to AI criteria, 15
unsupported keywords in AI, 15
using js2ai command to convert to AI criteria and
I manifests, 22
install service JumpStart to AI migration overview, 12
system configuration profile, 40
install_type JumpStart profile keyword, 20
installed JumpStart rules file keyword, 16 K
installing karch JumpStart rules file keyword, 16
Oracle Solaris 10 from an Oracle Solaris 11 keyboard keyword
server, 47
sysidcfg file, 39
IPS package names, 25
keymap service
ipv4 AI criteria keyword, 16, 16
system configuration profile, 39

js2ai command layout_constraint JumpStart profile keyword, 20
conversion warning message, 42
local_customization JumpStart profile keyword, 20
converting JumpStart files, 22
locale JumpStart profile keyword, 20
-D destination option, 41
determining the root disk, 23
determining the ZFS root pool, 24
package installation and, 25 M
-S skip option, 41 mac AI criteria keyword, 16
-s sysidcfg option, 41 manifest directives See AI manifest elements
translating the any keyword, 24 manifests See AI manifests

52 Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart to Oracle Solaris 11.3 Automated Installer July 2016

mem AI criteria keyword, 16 probe JumpStart rules file keyword, 17

memsize JumpStart rules file keyword, 16
metadb JumpStart profile keyword, 20
model JumpStart rules file keyword, 16 R
replacing hostname keyword, 30
root disk
N determining, 23
name-config-user service root_device JumpStart profile keyword, 21
system configuration profile, 40 root_password keyword
name-nfs/mapid service sysidcfg file, 40
system configuration profile, 40
name-service/switch service
system configuration profile, 39 S
name_service keyword -S skip option
sysidcfg file, 39 js2ai command, 41
network AI criteria keyword, 16 security_policy keyword
network JumpStart rules file keyword, 16 sysidcfg file, 40
network_interface keyword selection criteria See AI criteria
sysidcfg file, 40 service_profile keyword
nfs4_domain keyword sysidcfg file, 40
sysidcfg file, 40 similarities
no_content_check JumpStart profile keyword, 20 JumpStart and AI, 11
no_master_check JumpStart profile keyword, 20 SMF services
num_clients JumpStart profile keyword, 20 in system configuration profile, 39
SVR4 package names, 25
sysidcfg files
comparing keywords to system configuration profile
O directives, 39
osname JumpStart rules file keyword, 17 converting to an AI system configuration
profile, 39
js2ai command process for converting, 41
system_locale keyword
sysidcfg file, 40
package installation
system_type JumpStart profile keyword, 22
js2ai command and, 25
package JumpStart profile keyword, 20
package names
IPS and SVR4, 25 T
partitioning JumpStart profile keyword, 21 terminal keyword
patch JumpStart profile keyword, 21 sysidcfg file, 41
platform AI criteria keyword, 16 timeserver keyword
pool JumpStart profile keyword, 21 sysidcfg file, 41


timezone keyword
sysidcfg file, 41
timezone service
system configuration profile, 41
totaldisk JumpStart rules file keyword, 17

usedisk JumpStart profile keyword, 22

-v option
js2ai command, 45
-V validate option
js2ai command, 38, 46
-v verbose option
js2ai command, 37

warning message
from js2ai command, 42

ZFS root pool
js2ai command process for determining, 24

54 Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart to Oracle Solaris 11.3 Automated Installer July 2016

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