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18 - Doc 13 970 GNB-CPD Report To SCC Mar 2013

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The key takeaways are that the GNB-CPD oversees the work of notified bodies under the CPD and is preparing for the transition to the CPR. It represents notified bodies in meetings and maintains position papers to provide guidance on technical specifications within various product scopes.

Notified bodies have experienced issues with CIRCABC including that it only emails notifications and not documents, its navigation is slower than CIRCA, and it has had problems failing to email notifications of uploaded documents on time.

The GNB-CPD is developing a list of questions about the CPR and transition from CPD to CPR along with answers. It is also requesting that all sector groups meet to consider any changes needed for the CPR.



Report for the period from December 2012 to February 2013

1 Introduction
The aim of this report is to give SCC an overview of the work of the Group of Notified Bodies for
the CPD (GNB-CPD) for the period concerned, and at the same time to highlight specific issues in
which SCC may have a particular interest and/or for which GNB-CPD may be seeking a view.

This reporting period covers only three months, reflecting the shorter than usual interval between
SCC meetings. The Advisory Group (AG) of the GNB-CPD has not met during this reporting
period, although a meeting is scheduled for 20 March 2013, shortly before the SCC meeting. Six
meetings of sector groups (SGs) have been held, and two more are scheduled to take place before
the SCC meeting.

During this period the GNB-CPD was represented at the Article 54 meeting for Exchange of
Information among Notifying Authorities, 04 December 2012, Brussels.

2 Sector Groups - General activity

The majority of the 23 GNB-CPD SGs continue to be active, discussing the implementation of
harmonized technical specifications within their scopes, the implications for notified bodies of
the Construction Products Regulation and the drafting of position papers where further
guidance is required to work equivalent. To date 92 current SG position papers are published
in NANDO and on CIRCABC. SGs and their working groups hold a total of about
20 meetings per year, in addition to work between meetings carried out on CIRCABC. The
frequency of SG meetings seems to have increased during the last year as the CPR will soon
come into force and SGs review the effects of the new Regulation on their work. All SGs have
been requested to meet between July 2012 and June 2013, to consider any changes they should
make for the CPR. The GNB Technical Secretariat has been calling meetings for the few SGs
currently without a chairman. A couple of SG meetings have been cancelled due to a lack of
interest but the intention is to announce another meeting before the CPR comes fully into force
so that all SGs can have a chance to meet.

3 Continuing dissatisfaction with CIRCABC

The GNB-CPD interest group has been hosted on CIRCABC since September 2012. However,
CIRCABC continues to be less convenient than CIRCA in various ways, for example:
It will only email notifications, not the newly uploaded documents. (It is thought that
many members, once they had registered, relied principally on CIRCA emailing
documents to them. This loss of functionality is a major concern for notified bodies due

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to the time spent in logging-on to CIRCABC and downloading documents of interest.
The extra time also increases notified bodies costs.)
Its small pages split the contents of some folders over multiple pages.
Navigation from one folder to another is much slower than with CIRCA.
The search function does not seem to find usernames, the most basic and unambiguous
way of identifying users, and the only identification given when checking the notification
status of folders.

For a long time, there was a severe problem of CIRCABC frequently failing to email
notifications of documents that have been uploaded. This problem seems to have abated this
year, although it can still take a very long time for documents to appear in the Whats New
page shown on logging in to the interest group. In February there was a spate of reports from
users, particular AG members and SG officials, unable to access areas of our interest group, but
these now seem to have been resolved.

CIRCABC is the primary medium for communication within the GNB-CPD, and this transfer
to a more unreliable and less efficient platform than CIRCA has made it more difficult and
more time-consuming for NBs, working on a voluntary basis, to coordinate their activities as
required by CPR Article 55.

4 Preparations for the CPR

4.1 Issues with the CPR requiring clarification by SCC or the Commission

The GNB has developed a list of questions relating to the CPR and the transition from CPD to
CPR, accompanied by answers which range from the GNBs understanding or preference, to
answers given by the Commission. The document was first issued as NB-CPD/11/469. It is
revised and re-circulated periodically, and the latest version is NB-CPD/11/469r4. In the latest
version, many of the answers are attributed to authoritative sources such as the Commission.
(The panel discussions at the GNB-CPD Conference on the CPR, 18 October 2012, Brussels
were particularly helpful in generating authoritative answers to some of the most important
questions). However, new questions continue to arise and be added. It is hoped that the
Commissions FAQ document will answer most of the outstanding questions, but until a first
edition is published, it is not possible to know which additional questions should be flagged to
the Commission as being important.

4.2 Concerns regarding progress on notification to the CPR

NBs are concerned that many details relating to how the CPR should be interpreted remain
unclear. However, the issue causing the greatest concern by far is the slow progress towards
accreditation and notification. It is important for NBs that:
the requirements for their accreditation should be appropriate for their work, and;
the accreditation (or notification) procedures should be co-ordinated and applied with
equivalent rigour across all Member States, and;
absolutely vital that there should be no procedural obstacles preventing them from
becoming notified in appropriate areas by 1 July 2013.

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But the time remaining before NBs must be notified to the CPR is now very short compared to
the normal cycle of accreditation, surveillance and reassessment. It is encouraging that the
national Notifying Authorities are co-ordinating their approaches. But the burden of work for
accreditation bodies to complete in time is beginning to look insurmountable in a number of
Member States.

5 Misleading allocation of responsibilities for cumulative

AoC/AVCP systems in Annex ZAs
NBs concerns that for most current harmonised standards that include cumulative attestation of
conformity or assessment and verification of constancy of performance (AoC/AVCP) systems,
the Annex ZAs (usually Table ZA.3) do not allocate certification responsibilities in accordance
with CONSTRUCT 06/761, were raised at the GNB-CPD Conference on the CPR. But at the
Conference, CEN and Commission officials seemed reluctant to accept that significant
problems existed. The same issue was discussed the following day at the GNB-CPD AG
meeting, and Mr Ascensao asked for example of standards that did not. CPD TechSec sent an
analysis of a selection of standards with cumulative attestation to CEN, and the GNB hopes
this will lead to a precise, accurate allocation of responsibilities (for example, requiring
certification only for essential characteristics at systems 1+, 1 or 2+) in future versions of

Dario Agalbato
President of the Group of Notified Bodies

Annexes: A. Overview of GNB-CPD documents

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Co-ordination of the Group of Notified Bodies NB-CPD/M03 Mar 2013
for the Construction Products Directive Issued: 7 March 2013
All 89/106/EEC For Information


Table of contents
Advisory Group - published and proposed position papers ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
SG01 Building finishes - published and proposed position papers ......................................................................................................................................... 7
SG02 Cement, aggregates, mortar and concrete ancillary products - published and proposed position papers................................................................... 8
SG03 Chimneys and flues - published and proposed position papers ................................................................................................................................. 11
SG04 Circulation fixtures - published and proposed position papers ................................................................................................................................... 12
SG05 Cladding and curtain walling - published and proposed position papers .................................................................................................................... 14
SG06 Doors and windows - published and proposed position papers ................................................................................................................................. 15
SG07 Fixed fire fighting systems - published and proposed position papers ....................................................................................................................... 21
SG08 Fixings - published and proposed position papers...................................................................................................................................................... 23
SG09 Glass - published and proposed position papers ........................................................................................................................................................ 24
SG10 Masonry - published and proposed position papers ................................................................................................................................................... 25
SG11 Membranes and geotextiles - published and proposed position papers .................................................................................................................... 26
SG12 Pipes, tanks and related engineering products - published and proposed position papers ....................................................................................... 27
SG13 Precast concrete products - published and proposed position papers ....................................................................................................................... 28
SG14 Reinforcing and prestressing steels - published and proposed position papers ........................................................................................................ 29
SG15 Road construction products - published and proposed position papers ..................................................................................................................... 30
SG16 Structural bearings - published and proposed position papers................................................................................................................................... 31
SG17 Structural metallic products - published and proposed position papers ..................................................................................................................... 33
SG18 Structural timber products - published and proposed position papers........................................................................................................................ 35
SG19 Thermal insulation products - published and proposed position papers..................................................................................................................... 37
SG20 Wood-based panels - published and proposed position papers ................................................................................................................................. 38
SG21 Building kits - published and proposed position papers .............................................................................................................................................. 39
SH01 Dangerous substances - published and proposed position papers ............................................................................................................................ 40
SH02 Fire - published and proposed position papers ........................................................................................................................................................... 41
GNB-CPD Internal Rules published and proposed ............................................................................................................................................................... 47
Statistical summary .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 50

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 1 of 50

Advisory Group - published and proposed position papers
Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments arising from the Last AG Other information Relationship to

- Document status version sent Date issued approval process consultation - on document and non-GNB-CPD
to approval process docs

or AG number &
Commission Date
Progress of documents
not so far
NB-CPD/AG/03/001r1 Numbering of certificates of 09-Sep-04 X Approved GNB- Approved 2 GNB-CPD NB-CPD/98/009 General guidance GP 'D'
- APPROVED GUIDANCE: conformity CPD position meeting on 26-Feb-99 xx-Apr98
11-Nov-09 E Approved GNB- Approved subject to note on NB-CPD/09/388 Change to GP 'D'
CPD position not translating CPD at 26 25-Aug-09 placeholders for
paper GNB-CPD AG meeting on notified body and
11-Nov-09 06-Oct-09 certificate numbers

Numbering of notified body B NB-CPD/13/555 Changed from CPD to

certificates 01-Mar-2013 CPR

NB-CPD/AG/03/002r2 Guidance to notified bodies 09-Sep-04 X Approved GNB- Approved - final editorial NB-CPD/ 01/002r4 General guidance GP 'K'
- APPROVED GUIDANCE: on the attestation of CPD position changes made and agreed (part)
conformity under the paper after 8th AG mtg on 07Apr01
Construction Products 07-Apr-01 28-Mar-01
Directive 89/106/EEC.
12-Nov-09 X Approved GNB- Discussion of revision of PP NB-CPD/09/390 Draft certificates GP 'K'
CPD position to continue. 26 AG did not 28-Aug-09 removed from annex.
paper agree to upload agreed
12-Nov-09 changes other than removal
of draft certificates.

12-Nov-10 E Approved GNB- Further revision of PP NB-CPD/09/390r2 Updated and further GPs B, D, K
CPD position planned covering IT at AoC 26-Aug-10 guidance added and M
paper system 2+.

Guidance to notified bodies B NB-CPD/13/551 Changed from CPD to

on the assessment and 06-Feb-2013 CPR
verification of constancy of
performance under the
Construction Products
Regulation 305/2011/EU

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 2 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments arising from the Last AG Other information Relationship to

- Document status version sent Date issued approval process consultation - on document and non-GNB-CPD
to approval process docs

or AG number &
Commission Date
Progress of documents
not so far
NB-CPD/AG/03/003r6 Examples of EC certificates 09-Jun-04 X Approved GNB- Approved - final editorial NB-CPD/ 01/002r4 General guidance GP D
- APPROVED of conformity CPD position changes made and agreed (part)
INFORMATION: paper after 8th AG mtg on 07-Apr-01
07-Apr-01 28-Mar-01

09-Sep-04 X Approved GNB- Approved revised version at NB- Informative GP D

CPD position 15 AG on 16-Mar-04 subject CPD/AG/03/003r1 /
paper to minor changes and final NB CPD/04/082r1
30-Aug-04 doc for comment circulated 09-Jul-04
on 9-Jul-04 resulting in minor
13-Nov-09 X Approved GNB- Approved subject to further NB-CPD/09/366r1 To include GP D
CPD position changes requested at 26 AG 25-Aug-09 amendments or
paper on 06-Oct-09. corrigenda in
13-Nov-09 reference to hEN

24-Nov-09 X Approved GNB- Minor change approved only ----- Informative GP D

CPD position by Ji Sobola as President.

8-Jan-10 X Approved GNB- Correction to reference to ----- Informative GP D

CPD position CPD

4-Mar-10 X Approved GNB- Correction to reference to ----- Informative GP D

CPD position CPD

6-May-11 E Approved GNB- ----- Informative

CPD position Different certificates
paper for hENs and ETAs.

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 3 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments arising from the Last AG Other information Relationship to

- Document status version sent Date issued approval process consultation - on document and non-GNB-CPD
to approval process docs

or AG number &
Commission Date
Progress of documents
not so far
NB-CPD/AG/03/003r6a Translations of exemplar CIRCA only - Uploaded to ----- ----- Informative.
- APPROVED certificates of Notified CIRCA as Different certificates
INFORMATION: Bodies provided for hENs and ETAs.
Version to assist
those translating the
document or its
example certificates
D Approved at 32 AG subject NB-CPD/12/537r2 General guidance.
to changes. Circulated for 14-Dec-12 Version for use with
final approval, raising various CPR
comments, particularly
regarding continuing validity.
NB-CPD/AG/03/004r2 Checklists for initial 09-Sep-04 X Approved GNB- Approved for upload to NB-CPD/01/032r1 FPC - checklists
- APPROVED inspection of factory and of CPD position CIRCA at 10 AG meeting 30-Nov-01
INFORMATION: factory production control, paper 17-18 Dec-01, but further
and continuous surveillance 18-Dec-01 very minor changes made
of factory production subsequently on several
control. occasions.
06-Oct-09 X Approved GNB- Changes requested at 25 NB-CPD/08/336r2 General update
CPD position AG on 10-Mar-09 and at 26 25-Aug-09
paper AG on 06-Oct-09.

716-Feb-11 E Approved GNB- Revision requested by NB-CPD/10/433 Informative document.

CPD position CEPMC at joint meetings, 23-Dec-20 Minor change only on
paper discussed at 28 AG on 04- revision.
16-Feb-11 Oct-10. No comments on the
approval document.

NB-CPD/AG/03/005r2 The use of manufacturer's 09-Sep-04 X Approved GNB- Approved - formerly at 13th NB-CPD/02/005r3 ITT - Witness testing
- APPROVED GUIDANCE: testing facilities by notified - CPD position AG 28-Mar-03, subject to 28-Feb-03
testing laboratories and paper minor changes. Basic
witness testing. 01-Jul-03 document had been
approved 12th AG mtg, and
minor editorial changes to
clarify and approval
confirmed at 13th AG.
The use of manufacturer's 11-Feb-08 X Approved GNB- Substantial changes at 21 NB-CPD/07/297r2 ITT using
testing facilities by NBs. CPD position AG 13-Mar-07 and 22 AG 20-Dec-07 manufacturers
paper 02-Oct-07. Approved via facilities
09-Feb-08 CIRCA with a single clarifying

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 4 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments arising from the Last AG Other information Relationship to

- Document status version sent Date issued approval process consultation - on document and non-GNB-CPD
to approval process docs

or AG number &
Commission Date
Progress of documents
not so far
05-Aug-08 E Approved GNB- Approved without comment NB-CPD/08/329 Changes requested at
CPD position on CIRCA by: 19-Jun-08 23 AG, 11 March
paper 02-Aug-08 2008
:NB-CPD/AG/03/006r1 The use of historic data by 09-Sep-04 X Approved GNB- Final presentation at an AG NB-CPD/02/010r5 Historic data
- APPROVED GUIDANCE: NBs for CE marking CPD position mtg was 14 , held on 24-Nov-03
purposes against hENs paper 23-Sep-03. After revision in
1-Jan-04 light of 14 AG comments, it
was then open to final
comments for 6 weeks.
14-Sep-06 E Approved GNB- At 16 AG on 21 Sep 04 AG NB-CPD/04/093r2 Supplementary
CPD position requested the paper be 07-Mar-06 information to historic
paper incorporated into existing AG data issues about
14-Sep-06 approved guidance NB- validation of historic
CPD/AG/03/ - paper data
presented to 19 AG, 14 Mar 15-Aug-05
06 when 2 footnotes were
NB-CPD/AG/06/007 Shared and cascading ITT 14-Sep-06 E Approved GNB- At 16 AG on 21 Sep 04 AG NB-CPD/06/180 Shared and GPs K & M
- APPROVED GUIDANCE CPD position requested that ITT WG 09-Feb-06 cascading ITT in
paper consider revising in line with accordance with GP
14-Sep-06 latest version of GP M M
At 19 AG, 14 Mar 06, AG
agreed the paper should
require interdependence
between characteristics and
NB-CPD/AG/07/008r1 Guidance to NBs on their X Approved GNB- Initial paper at 19 AG. NB-CPD/06/217r3 Several SGs have GPs B, K & M
- APPROVED GUIDANCE duties in certifying (system CPD position Changes requested at 20 14-Jun-07 sought guidance on
1+, 1, 2+ and 2) suppliers paper AG on 10 October 2006. and these issues.
own brand labelled products 27-Jul-07 again at 21 AG on 13 March
and those involving 2007. Final approval on
significant sub-contract CIRCA, with slight changes
manufacturing requested about checking
records, 6.
11-Nov-09 E Approved GNB- Approved subject to NB-CPD/09/389 Removal of
CPD position extension to note on coded 25-Aug-09 requirement for
paper factory details at 26 certificate to refer to
11-Nov-09 GNB-CPD AG meeting on any coded factory
06-Oct-09 details.

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 5 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments arising from the Last AG Other information Relationship to

- Document status version sent Date issued approval process consultation - on document and non-GNB-CPD
to approval process docs

or AG number &
Commission Date
Progress of documents
not so far
NB-CPD/AG/08/009r1 The consequences for NBs 9-Dec-08 X Approved GNB- Changes requested at 20 NB-CPD/06/213r6 Paper requested for CEN Snapshot and
st th
of corrigenda, amendments CPD position AG on 10 October 2006, 21 21-Aug-08 20 AG meeting. Official Journal
and revisions to harmonized paper AG on 13 March 2007, 22
European standards 9-Dec-08 AG on 2 October 2007 and
23 AG on 11 March 2008.
16-Feb-11 E Approved GNB- Revision requested by NB-CPD/10/434 Informative document.
CPD position CEPMC at joint meetings, 23-Dec-20 Minor changes only
paper discussed at 28 AG on 04- on revision.
16-Feb-11 Oct-10. No comments on the
approval document.
NB-CPR/AG/13/010 Transition arrangements B NB-CPD/13/554 Informative
from the CPD to the CPR 01-Mar-13
for NBs
NOT APPROVED YET- Guidance on FPC matters A At 16 AG on 21 Sep 04 AG NB-CPD/04/089 Addressing FPC GPs B, K & M
Awaiting AG WG paper(s) requested that FPC WG also issues from NB-
consider the latest version of CPD/03/034 - No
GP M document so far
DEVELOPMENT Minimum and Y Development Development abandoned at NB-CPD/06/214r15 The then GNB-CPD GPs K & M, EN
ABANDONED recommended ITT report abandoned at 23 AG due to divided 13-Feb-08 President requested ISO/IEC 17025
content stage C/D 11- opinions over whether such a incorporation of
Mar-08 paper was appropriate. content of NB-
DEVELOPMENT Model report on initial Y Development Development abandoned at NB-CPD/06/215r6 GPs B & M, EN
ABANDONED inspection of the factory and abandoned at 23 AG due to divided 13-Feb-08 45012
factory production control stage C/D 11- opinions over whether such a
Mar-08 paper was appropriate.
DEVELOPMENT Recommended procedure Y NB-CPD/08/336 Paper requested AT GP D
ABANDONED when a NB decides to 19-Aug-08 23 AG meeting
suspend or withdraw a

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 6 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments Last AG Other information on Relationship to
- Document status version sent Date issued arising from the consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

to approval AG number & process eg example docs
or Commission process CIRCA reference

SG01 Building finishes - published and proposed position papers

NB-CPD/SG01/04/013r1 GNB-CPD position paper from 04-Nov-04 X Approved GNB- Approved 28 NB-CPD/04/096 NB-CPD/SG01-04/001- EN 13964
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG01 - EN 13964 CPD position Oct-04 as no 22 Sep-04 via uploaded 15-Jun-2004 for
for SG01 Suspended ceilings - paper comments CIRCA alone SG01 and sent to CPD
requirements and test methods: 04-Nov-04 received in 6 TechSec for AG comment on
overview of standard clauses week consultation 02-Sep-04
that require further detailing and period.
proposed solutions 28-Sep-05 E Approved GNB- Approved 20 NB-CPD/05/131 NB-CPD/ SG01/04/013r2 - EN 13964
CPD position May-05 as no 11-Apr-05 via on SG01-CIRCA on:
paper comments CIRCA alone 08-Apr-05
28-Sep-05 received in 6
week consultation
NOT APPROVED YET- Revision of B NB-CPD/ SG01/04/013r6 - EN 13964
Documents under review by NB-CPD/SG01/04/013r1 on SG01-CIRCA on:
SG01 27-Feb-06
NOT APPROVED YET- GNB-CPD position paper from B NB-CPD/SG01/05/005 - on EN 14041
Documents under review by SG01 EN 14041 Questions SG01-CIRCA on:
SG01 and answers 07-Oct-05
NOT APPROVED YET- GNB-CPD position paper from B NB-CPD/SG01/04/002 - on EN 492
Documents under review by SG01 EN 492 Mounting and SG01-CIRCA on
SG01 fixing for SBI 04-Nov-05
May be incorporated into EN
NOT APPROVED YET- GNB-CPD position paper from B NB-CPD/SG01/04/003 - on EN 494
Documents under review by SG01 EN 494 Mounting and SG01-CIRCA on:
SG01 fixing for SBI 04-Nov-05
May be incorporated into EN
NOT APPROVED YET- GNB-CPD position paper from B NB-CPD/SG01/04/004 - on EN 12467
Documents under review by SG01 EN 12467 Mounting SG01-CIRCA on:
SG01 and fixing for SBI 04-Nov-05
May be incorporated into EN

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 7 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments Last AG Other information on Relationship to
- Document status version sent Date issued arising from the consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

to approval AG number & process eg example docs
or Commission process CIRCA reference

SG02 Cement, aggregates, mortar and concrete ancillary products - published and proposed position papers
NB-CPD/SG02/03/001r1 GNB-CPD position paper from 09-Sep-04 X Approved GNB- Approved - NB-CPD/01/013 a, NB-CDP/SG02-01/005r1 - EN 197-1
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG02 - EN 197-1, EN 197-4, CPD position subject to minor b&c sent to CPD TechSec
for SG02 EN 14216, EN 413-1, EN 14647 paper changes at 8 AG 06-Mar-03 06-Mar-03
and EN 15743 09-Apr-01 mtg 28-Mar-01
Certification of the attestation of
conformity of cements 25-May-11 E Approved GNB- Editorial changes NB-CPD/11/442 NB-CPD/SG02/WG1-05/003 EN 197-1 EN 197-4
CPD position to avoid overlap 07-Apr-11 rev.3 - on SG02-CIRCA on: EN 14216
paper with AG papers 17-Oct-08 EN 413-1
25-May-11 and additional EN 14647
standards EN 15743
NB-CPD/SG02/03/002r2 GNB-CPD position paper from 09-Sep-04 X Approved GNB- Approved - NB-CPD/02/021 NB-CPD/SG02-02/012r1 EN 934-1
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG02 - EN 934-2, EN 934-3, CPD position subject to minor 17-Apr-02 sent to CPD TechSec EN 934-4
for SG02 EN 934-4 and EN 934-5 paper changes 17-Apr-02
Certification of the factory 30-Apr-02 requested by CEN
production control of admixtures consultant ahead
for concrete, mortar and grout of 11 AG mtg
10-Feb-12 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/11/483 NB-CPD/SG02/03/002r2 EN 934-1
CPD position CIRCA subject to 12-Dec-11 PP_admixtures_rev_2011- EN 934-2
paper typos 29-Jan-12 09-08 on SG02-CIRCA on: EN 934-3
10-Feb-12 But awaiting 02-Sep-11 EN 934-4
resolution of some EN 934-5
apparent errors in EN 934-6
the paper
NB-CPD/SG02/04/010 GNB-CPD position paper from 09-Sep-04 E Approved GNB- Approved 15 NB-CPD/04/065 NB-CPD/SG02-04/001r3 EN 12620,
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG02 - EN12620, EN13043, CPD position AG 16-Mar-04 02-Feb-04 sent to CPD TechSec EN 13043,
for SG02 EN13055-1, EN13139, paper subject to minor 29-Jan-04 EN 13055-1,
EN13383-1, EN13242 & 25-Aug-04 changes EN 13139,
EN13450: EN 13383-1,
Certificate of factory production EN 13242 &
control related to aggregates EN 13450
C Approved on NB-CPD/SG02/04/010r1 - EN 12620,
CIRCABC by Rev October 2012 sent to EN 13043,
SG02 on: CPD TechSec EN 13055-1,
10-Nov-12 26 Nov 12 EN 13139,
EN 13383-1,
EN 13242 &
EN 13450

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 8 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments Last AG Other information on Relationship to
- Document status version sent Date issued arising from the consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

to approval AG number & process eg example docs
or Commission process CIRCA reference

NB-CPD/SG02/04/011r1 GNB-CPD position paper from 09-Sep-04 X Approved GNB- Approved 15 NB-CPD/04/066 NB-CPD/SG02-02/015r2 EN 459-1
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG02 - EN 459-1:2010 CPD position AG 16-Mar-04 08-Feb-04 sent to CPD TechSec
for SG02 Certification of the FPC of paper subject to minor 08-Feb-04
building limes 25-Aug-04 changes

01-Feb-12 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/11/481 NB-CPD/SG02/04/011 Rev EN 459-1

CPD position CIRCA 29-Jan-12 09-Dec-11 August 2011 on SG02-
paper as no comments CIRCA on:
01-Feb-12 received in 6- 02-Sep-11
week consultation
NB-CPD/SG02/04/012r3 GNB-CPD position paper from 09-Sep-04 X Approved GNB- Approved 15 NB-CPD/04/064 NB-CPD/SG02-WG2/001 EN 998-2
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG02 EN998-2: 2003: CPD position AG 16-Mar-04 30-Jan-04 sent to CPD TechSec
for SG02 The certification of factory paper subject to minor 29-Jan-04
production control for masonry 25-Aug-04 changes
03-May-06 X Approved GNB- Minor revisions, - NB-CPD/SG02/04/012 EN 998-2
CPD position not submitted to sent to CPD TechSec
paper AG 31-Mar-06
11-Apr-12 X Approved GNB- Approved without NB-CPD/12/503 NB-CPD/SG02/04/012r1 Rev EN 998-2
CPD position comment on 10-Feb-12 September 2011 sent to
paper CIRCA by: CPD TechSec
11-Apr-12 25-Mar-12 07-Dec-11
13-Apr-12 E Approved GNB- Update to - EN 998-2
CPD position NB-CPD/SG02/04
paper /012r2, by CPD
13-Apr-12 TechSec, to
corrections arising
during AG
NB-CPD/SG02/06/019r1 GNB-CPD position paper from 01-Jun-06 X Approved GNB- Approved 19 AG NB-CPD/06/191 NB-CPD/SG02/WG1- EN 450-1
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG02 EN 450-1: 2005 CPD position 14-Mar-06 subject 27-Feb-06 05/001r1 on SG02-CIRCA
for SG02 Certification of fly ash for paper to minor changes on:
concrete 1-Jun-06 28-Nov-05
13-Apr-12 E Approved GNB- Approved without NB-CPD/12/503 NB-CPD/SG02/06/019 EN 450-1
CPD position comment on 10-Feb-12 revision DRAFT 2011-08-09
paper CIRCA by: further rev 19 aug on:
13-Apr-12 25-Mar-12 02-Sep-11

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 9 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments Last AG Other information on Relationship to
- Document status version sent Date issued arising from the consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

to approval AG number & process eg example docs
or Commission process CIRCA reference

NB-CPD/SG02/06/037 GNB-CPD position paper from 01-Sep-06 E Approved GNB- Approved without NB-CPD/06/210 Latest SG version on CIRCA EN 1504-2 to
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG02 - EN 1504-2, EN 1504-3, CPD position comment on 13-Jul-06 is NB-CPD/SG02/WG05- EN1504-7
for SG02 EN 1504-4, EN 1504-5, paper CIRCA by: 06/01 (number not shown on
EN 1504-6 and EN 1504-7 01-Sep-06 24-Aug-06 CIRCA)
Products and Systems for the 19-May-06
Repair of Concrete Structures
C Approved on NB-CPD/SG02/06/037r1 - EN 1504-2 to
CIRCABC by Revised September 2012 EN1504-7
SG02 on: sent to CPD TechSec
10-Nov-12 26 Nov 12
NB-CPD/SG02/07/044r1 GNB-CPD position paper from 18-Jan-07 X Approved GNB- Approved without NB-CPD/06/248 Latest SG version on CIRCA EN 13263-1
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG02 - EN 13263-1:2005 CPD position comment on 13-Nov-06 is NB-CPD/SG02/WG1-
for SG02 Certification of silica fume for paper CIRCA by: 06/004
concrete 16-Jan-07 2-Jan-07 16-Aug-06
13-Jun-12 E Approved GNB- Approved without NB-CPD/12/504 NB-CPD/SG02/07/044 EN 13263-1
CPD position comment on 13-Feb-12 DRAFT 2011-08-09 on:
paper CIRCA by: 02-Sep-11
20-Apr-12 1-Apr-12
NB-CPD/SG02/07/055r1 GNB-CPD position paper from 27-Nov-07 X Approved GNB- Approved without NB-CPD/07/308 Latest SG version on EN 15167-1
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG02 - EN 15167-1 CPD position comment on 15-Oct-07 CIRCA?
for SG02 Certification of ground paper CIRCA by:
granulated blastfurnace slag 27-Nov-07 26-Nov-07
13-Jun-12 E Approved GNB- Approved without NB-CPD/12/517 NB-CPD/SG02/07/055 EN 15167-1
CPD position comment on 20-Apr-12 Revision DRAFT 2011-08-09
paper CIRCA by: on:
13-Jun-12 4-Jun-12 02-Sep-11

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 10 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments Last AG Other information on Relationship to
- Document status version sent Date issued arising from the consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

to approval AG number & process eg example docs
or Commission process CIRCA reference

SG03 Chimneys and flues - published and proposed position papers

NOT APPROVED YET- GNB-CPD position paper from B NB-CPD/SG03 -05/002r1 EN xxxx to
Waiting documents from SG03 - EN xxxx to EN xxxx: on SG03-CIRCA on: EN xxxx:
SG03 for first review by CPD Flues and chimneys 28-Nov-05
TechSec before being sent
to AG
NOT APPROVED YET- GNB-CPD position paper from B NB-CPD/SG03-WG2/10/035 EN 14785
With SG03/WG2 SG03 - EN 14785: Test on SG03/WG2 CIRCA on:
procedure for Safety test 10-Nov-10
NOT APPROVED YET- GNB-CPD position paper from B NB-CPD/SG03-WG2/10/036 EN xxxx to
With SG03/WG2 SG03 - EN xxxx to EN xxxx: on SG03/WG2 CIRCA on: EN xxxx:
Characteristics to be taken into 10-Nov-10
account in order to decide on
families of appliances
NOT APPROVED YET- GNB-CPD position paper from B Latest version NB-CPD/SG03-05/002 Various hENS
With SG03 and awaiting SG03 - Questions and answers NB-CPD/SG03- SGO3-05-002Rev4 Draf1 on
review at next SG meeting related to the practical 05/002 SG03-CIRCA on:
interpretation of harmonised Rev5 Draft1:13
product standards 12-Sep-10
December 2010

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 11 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments Last AG Other information on Relationship to
- Document status version sent Date issued arising from the consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

to approval AG number & process eg example docs
or Commission process CIRCA reference

SG04 Circulation fixtures - published and proposed position papers

NB-CPD/SG04/09/071 GNB-CPD position paper from 19-Oct-09 E Approved GNB- Approved without NB-CPD/09/395 NB-CPD/09/395 EN 1423
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG04 EN 1423 CPD position comment on 02-Sep-09 02-Sep-09
for SG04 Drop on materials for road paper CIRCA by:
(Simultaneous SG and AG
marking 19-Oct-09 17-Oct-09 approval)
Emergency version -
assignment of ITT
NOT APPROVED YET - GNB-CPD position paper from C NB-CPD/SG04WG2-09/028 EN 1423
Under discussion between SG04 EN 1423 - on SG04/WG2 CIRCA on:
SG and CPD TechSec Drop on materials for road 17-Apr-09
Detailed version
NB-CPD/SG04/10/075 GNB-CPD position paper from 17-Feb-10 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/09/400r1 NB-CPD-SG04WG2-09- EN 12899-1
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG04 EN 12899-1 CPD position CIRCA with only 03-Dec-09 031r1 on SG04-CIRCA on:
for SG04 Vertical traffic signs paper very minor 05-Oct-09
17-Feb-10 changes resulting
from the
comments by:
NB-CPD/SG04/09/073 GNB-CPD position paper from 23-Dec-09 E Approved GNB- Approved without NB-CPD/09/399 NB-CPD/SG04WG1-09/041 EN 40-4, 5, 6 & 7
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG04 - EN 40-5, 6 & 7 CPD position comment on 06-Nov-09 - on SG04/WG1-CIRCA on:
for SG04 Lighting columns paper CIRCA by: 23-Apr-09
23-Dec-09 19-Dec-09
NB-CPD/SG04/09/072 GNB-CPD position paper from 09-Nov-09 E Approved GNB- Approved in NB-CPD/09/385 NB-CPD/SG04-07/030 EN 14388
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG04 EN 14388 CPD position principle on 24-Jul-09 - on SG04 CIRCA on:
for SG04 paper CIRCA by 05- 07-Feb-07
09-Nov-09 Sep-09 subject to
minor changes.
NB-CPD/SG04/10/074r2 Revision of GNB CPD position 08-Jan-10 X Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/09/401 NB-CPD-SG04WG4-09- EN 1317-5
- APPROVED GUIDANCE paper from SG04 EN 1317-5 CPD position CIRCA without 09-Nov-09 016r2 - on SG04 CIRCA:
for SG04 Certification of Road restraint paper changes resulting 19-Oct-09
systems - Part 5: Product 08-Jan-10 from the comment
requirements and evaluation of by:
conformity for vehicle restraint 02-Jan-10
22-Dec-10 X Approved GNB- Approved in NB-CPD/10/428 Simultaneous AG, SG and EN 1317-5
CPD position principle on 03-Nov-10 SG/WG approval process
paper CIRCA by 18-
22-Dec-10 Dec-10 subject to
minor changes

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 12 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments Last AG Other information on Relationship to
- Document status version sent Date issued arising from the consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

to approval AG number & process eg example docs
or Commission process CIRCA reference

15-Jul-11 X Approved GNB- - - Approved directly by GNB- EN 1317-5

CPD position CPD President to reverse
paper revision 1 following meeting
15-Jul-11 with Commission Services

22-Feb-12 E Approved GNB- - NB-CPD/11/490 NB-CPD/SG04-11/049 - on EN 1317-5

CPD position 21-Dec-11 SG04 CIRCA on:
paper 09-Nov-11
NOT APPROVED YET- GNB-CPD position paper from A Development of PP shown EN 1463-1
No draft yet on CIRCA SG04 EN 1463-1 NB-CPD-SG04-07-031

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 13 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments Last AG Other information on Relationship to
- Document status version sent Date issued arising from the consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

to approval AG number & process eg example docs
or Commission process CIRCA reference

SG05 Cladding and curtain walling - published and proposed position papers
NB-CPD/SG05/03/007 GNB-CPD position paper from 09-Sep-04 E Approved GNB- Approved NB-CPD/03/024 NB-CPD/SG05-02/019r1 ETAG 002
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG05 - ETAG 002 CPD position amended after 24-Feb-03
for SG05 Structural sealant glazing paper 13 AG and no
system - Routes to CE-marking 16-Aug-03 further comments
received since.
Its approval
reported to 14
AG mtg
APPROVED IN PRINCIPLE GNB-CPD position paper from D Approved by AG NB-CPD/05/162 NB-CPD/SG05-05/025 on EN 13830
- SG05 to take comments SG05 EN 13830: Definition of but with 8-Dec-06 5-CIRCA on:
into account product families, EXAP and comments to be 03-Mar-05
sampling matters taken into account
NOT APPROVED YET- GNB-CPD position paper from C NB-CPD/SG05-05/026 - on EN 13830
With CPD TechSec SG05 EN 13830:Cascading SG05-CIRCA on:
discussing content with SG ITT 03-Mar-05
NOT APPROVED YET- GNB-CPD position paper from C NB-CPD/SG05-05/027 - on EN 13830
With CPD TechSec SG05 EN 13830:Thermal SG05-CIRCA on:
discussing content with SG transmittance 03-Mar-05
APPROVED IN PRINCIPLE GNB-CPD position paper from D Approved by AG NB-CPD/06/209 NB-CPD/SG05-06/001 on EN 13830
- SG05 to take comments SG05 EN 13830: Use of but with 8-Dec-06 SG05-CIRCA on:
into account manufacturers facilities comments to be 27-Feb-06
taken into account
DEVELOPMENT GNB-CPD position paper from Y Abandon as it is NB-CPD/SG05-06/002 - on EN 13830
ABANDONED SG05 Distinction between the responsibility SG05-CIRCA on: EN 14351-1
windows and curtain walling of the 27-Feb-06
manufacturer to
declare to which
standard a
product conforms

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 14 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments Last AG Other information on Relationship to
- Document status version sent Date issued arising from the consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

to approval AG number & process eg example docs
or Commission process CIRCA reference

SG06 Doors and windows - published and proposed position papers

NB-CPD/SG06/03/008 GNB-CPD position paper from 09-Sep-04 Z Approved GNB- Approved 14 NB-CPD/03/025 NB-CPD/SG06/ WG1-02/001 EN 1125+A1: 2001
-APPROVED GUIDANCE SG06 - EN 1125.A1:2001 and CPD position AG 23-Sep-03 07-Apr-03 sent to CPD TechSec on & EN 179+A1:2001
for SG06 EN 179.A1:2001 paper informed of 5-Apr-02"
Treatment of historic data for 24-Nov-03 CEN/TC
CE marking purposes, for panic comments and
and emergency exit devices SG response. No
further response
from CEN/TC
11-Apr-12 Z Withdrawn - NB-CPD/12/496 EN 1125.A1:2001 and EN
11-Apr-12 06-Feb-12 179.A1:2001 replaced by
EN 179:2008 and
EN 1125:2008.
NB-CPD/SG06/03/009 GNB-CPD position paper from 09-Sep-04 Z Approved GNB- Approved 14 NB-CPD/03/026 NB-CPD/SG06 /WG1-02/003 EN 1125+A1: 2001
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG06 - EN 1125+A1:2001 and CPD position AG 23-Sep-03 07-Apr-03 sent to CPD TechSec on & EN 179+A1:2001
for SG06 EN 179+A1:2001 paper informed of 8-Apr-02
Inspection of factory production 24-Nov-03 CEN/TC
control (FPC) for CE marking comments and
purposes, for panic and SG response. No
emergency exit devices further response
from CEN/TC
11-Apr-12 Z Withdrawn - NB-CPD/12/496 EN 1125.A1:2001 and EN
11-Apr-12 06-Feb-12 179.A1:2001 replaced by
EN 179:2008 and
EN 1125:2008.
NB-CPD/SG06/05/015 GNB-CPD position paper from 21-Sep-05 E Approved GNB- Approved without NB-CPD/05/110 NB-CPD/SG06/WG01- EN 1935:2002
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG06 - EN 1935:2002 CPD position comment at 17 22-Feb-05 04/003rev1 on SG06-
for SG06 Modifications to test methods paper AG meeting 15- CIRCA on:
for single axis continuous 04-Nov-04 Mar-05 11-Jan-05
NB-CPD/SG06/06/016r2 GNB-CPD position paper from 21-Feb-06 X Approved GNB- Approved without NB-CPD/05/124 NB-CPD/SG06/WG1- EN 12209:2003
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG06 - EN CPD position comment by AG 09-Mar-05 04/001r1 (= r2) on SG06-
for SG06 12209:2003/AC:2005 paper members using CIRCA on:
Certification of Mechanically 20-Apr-05 just CIRCA. 14-Jan-05
Operated Locks, Latches and General
Locking Plates comments raised
over issue of SG
correcting hENs

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 15 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments Last AG Other information on Relationship to
- Document status version sent Date issued arising from the consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

to approval AG number & process eg example docs
or Commission process CIRCA reference

18-Jan-07 X Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/06/251 NB-CPD/SG06/WG1-06/003 EN 12209:2003

CPD position CIRCA by 12-Jan- 28-Nov-06 on SG06 as Proposed
paper 07 as no Guidance for EN12209on
18-Jan-07 comments 07-Jul-06
received in 6-
week consultation
11-Aug-09 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/09/381 NB-CPD/SG06-09/037 EN 12209:2003
CPD position CIRCA by 25-Jul- 12-Jun-09 09-Feb-09
paper 09 as no
11-Aug-09 comments
received in 6-
week consultation
period. CPD
requested update
re prEN 1634-2.
NB-CPD/SG06/06/018 GNB-CPD position paper from 03-May-06 E Approved GNB- Approved without NB-CPD/06/189 NB-CPD/SG06/WG1- EN 1935:2002
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG06 - EN 1935:200 CPD position comment at 19 21-Feb-05 03/003rev.1 - on SG06-
for SG06 Proposed guidance for NBs paper AG meeting 14- CIRCA on:
involved in the attestation of 06-Apr-06 Mar-06 and on 26-Feb-04
conformity of single axis hinges CIRCA
according to EN 1935:2002
NB-CPD/SG06/09/068 GNB-CPD position paper from 24-Jul-09 E Approved GNB- Approved in NB-CPD/09/370 SG 06/WG B 08/008, file 08- EN 13241-1:2003
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG06 - EN 13241-1:Use of CPD position principle on 3-Mar-09 008_SG_06-07_001_rev3
for SG06 manufacturers test facilities for paper CIRCA by 18-Apr- Use manuf. test fac. on
durability tests to industrial 24-Jul-09 09. Comments SG06-CIRCA on:
doors and gates only from Olaf 15-Oct-08
Tore Tren
Zargen ttz.
NB-CPD/SG06/11/080 GNB-CPD position paper from 22-Jul-11 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/11/454 SG 06/WG B 08/007, file 08- EN 13241-1:2003
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG06 - EN 13241-1:2003 CPD position CIRCA by 20-May-11 007_N_006_2006_rev4 on EN ISO 12567-1
for SG06 Calibration methods for paper 2-Jul-11 as no SG06-CIRCA on:
measuring thermal properties 22-Jul-11 comments 15-Oct-08
received in 6-
week consultation

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 16 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments Last AG Other information on Relationship to
- Document status version sent Date issued arising from the consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

to approval AG number & process eg example docs
or Commission process CIRCA reference

NB-CPD/SG06/11/078 GNB-CPD position paper from 20-May-11 E Approved GNB- Approved in NB-CPD/10/418 SG 06/WG B 08/006, file 08- EN 13241-1:2003
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG06 - EN 13241-1:2003 CPD position principle on 14-Jul-10 006_N_033_2006_rev3 on
for SG06 Calculating thermal properties paper CIRCA by 28- SG06-CIRCA on:
20-May-11 Aug-10. 15-Oct-08
Comment by Eric
Dupont regarding
standard for
NB-CPD/SG06/08/056 GNB-CPD position paper from 15-Jan-08 E Approved GNB- Single NB-CPD/07/309 NB-CPD/SG06-07/006r1 EN 13241-1:2003
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG06 - EN 13241-1:2003 CPD position typographical 26-Nov-07 on SG06-CIRCA on: EN 12600:2002
for SG06 Industrial, commercial and paper error only 14-Sept-07 EN 12604:2000
garage doors and gates - 15-Jan-08 EN 12605:2000
Interpretation of Clause 4.2.5
Geometry of glazing/glass
NB-CPD/SG06/11/082 GNB-CPD position paper from 22-Jul-11 E Approved GNB- Approved in NB-CPD/09/382 SG 06/WG B 08/009, file 08- EN 14351-1:2003
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG06 - EN 14351-1 Failure CPD position principle on 15-Jun-09 009_SG_06-07_002_rev1 on EN 12210:1999
for SG06 criteria under wind load paper CIRCA by 22- SG06-CIRCA on: EN 12211:2000
22-Jul-11 Aug-09. 21-Oct-08
Comments from
Andrzej ya, but
no resulting
NB-CPD/SG06/08/059r1 GNB-CPD position paper from 05-Aug-08 X Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/08/322 NB-CPD/SG06/WGA-08/002 EN 1155:1997
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG06 - EN 1155:1997 CPD position CIRCA by 21-Jun- 06-May-08 on SG06-WGA CIRCA on:
for SG06 Certification of Electrically paper 08. Comments 08-Mar-08
powered hold-open devices for 05-Aug-08 only from Martin
swing doors Hesels VdS
g GmbH.
Considered by Ian
Keeling, but no
changes - may
prompt a further
24-Nov-09 E Approved GNB- Re-approved on NB-CPD/09/397 A Member State questioned EN 1155:1997
CPD position CIRCA by 24- 09-Oct-09 whether EN 1155 included
paper Nov-09 without battery-powered devices.
24-Nov-09 comment.

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 17 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments Last AG Other information on Relationship to
- Document status version sent Date issued arising from the consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

to approval AG number & process eg example docs
or Commission process CIRCA reference

NB-CPD/SG06/09/061 GNB-CPD position paper from 19-Jan-09 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/08/357 NB-CPD/SG06/WG B - EN 14351-1:2003
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG06 - EN 14351-1 Failure CPD position CIRCA 19-Jan-09 27-Nov-2008 08/003 on SG06-CIRCA on: EN 1026:2000
for SG06 criteria under air permeability paper as no comments 09-Jul-08 EN 12207:2000
19-Jan-09 received in 6-
week consultation
NB-CPD/SG06/11/084 GNB-CPD position paper from 23-Sep-11 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/11/458 NB-CPD/SG06/WG B 08/002 EN 14351-
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG06 - EN 14351- CPD position CIRCA by 23- 28-Jul-11 on SG06-CIRCA on: 1:2006+A1:2010
for SG06 1:2006+A1:2010 paper Sep-11. 1 of 2 01-Jul-08
Certification of Ability to 23-Sep-11 comments from
Martin Wesser NB-CPD/SG06-10/007 on
release of manually operated SG06-CIRCA on:
external pedestrian doorsets accepted by SG06
with emergency/panic exit secretariat. 12 July 2010
devices in accordance with EN
179, EN 1125 or EN 1935
NB-CPD/SG06/09/066 GNB-CPD position paper from 05-May-09 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/09/369 SG 06/WG B 08/001 on EN 1191:1997
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG06 - EN 14351-1:2006 CPD position CIRCA by 28-Mar- 09-Feb-09 SG06-CIRCA on: EN 14351-1:2003
for SG06 Interpretation of repeated paper 09. Comments 11-Jun-08
opening and closing test 05-May-09 from Eric Dupont
(EN 1191:2000) for windows not intended to
change document.
NB-CPD/SG06/11/079 GNB-CPD position paper from 22-Jul-11 E Approved GNB- Approved in NB-CPD/09/384 SG 06/WG B 08/010 file 08- EN 14351-1:2003,
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG06 - EN 14351-1:2006 CPD position principle on 9-Jul-09 010_N_029_2006b_rev1 on EN 1026 EN 12207
for SG06 Reclassification of air paper CIRCA by 22- SG06-CIRCA on: EN 12210
permeability in response to 21-Jul-11 Aug-09. 21-Oct-08 EN 12211
performance under wind load Comments from
(EN 12210) Krzysztof
NB-CPD/SG06/12/090 - GNB-CPD position paper from 22-Feb-12 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/11/491 SG 06-10/034 rev2 on EN 1026,
APPROVED GUIDANCE for SG06 - EN 14351-1:2006 CPD position CIRCA 19-Feb-12 22-Dec-11 SG06-CIRCA on: EN 12207
SG06 Lights be considered when paper as no comments 07-Jul-11
determining the joint-length and 22-Feb-12 received in 6-
the area related air permeability week consultation
according to EN 1026 and period
EN 12207
NB-CPD/SG06/12/092 - GNB-CPD position paper from 09-Mar-12 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/12/493 NB-CPD/SG06-11/046 rev1 EN 12489,
APPROVED GUIDANCE for SG06 - EN 13241-1:2003 CPD position CIRCA 04-Mar-12 20-Jan-12 on SG06-CIRCA on: EN 12425
SG06 Resolving inconsistency of paper as no comments 23-May-11
resistance to water penetration 09-Mar-12 received in 6-
week consultation Test method and
between test method (EN classification are not
12489:2000) and classification period
(EN 12425:2000)

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 18 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments Last AG Other information on Relationship to
- Document status version sent Date issued arising from the consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

to approval AG number & process eg example docs
or Commission process CIRCA reference

NB-CPD/SG06/11/083 GNB-CPD position paper from 14-Sep-11 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/11/457 SG06_10_005_rev2_Draft_F Draft EN ISO
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG06 - EN 14351-1:2006 CPD position CIRCA 10-Sep-11 22-Jul-11 PP_EN_ISO_10077-2_2010 10077-2:2010
for SG06 Treatment of unventilated paper as no comments on SG06-CIRCA on:
rectangular cavities when 14-Sep-11 received in 6- 07-May-10
calculating thermal properties to week consultation
Draft EN ISO 10077-2:2010 period

NB-CPD/SG06/11/081 GNB-CPD position paper from 22-Jul-11 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/11/455 NB-CPD/SG06-10/040 on EN 12210:1999
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG06 - EN 14351-1:2006 CPD position CIRCA 9-Jul-11 27-May-11 SG06-CIRCA on:
for SG06 Establishing the overall paper as no comments 22-Dec-10
classification for resistance to 22-Jul-11 received in 6-
wind load according to week consultation
EN 12210:1999 period

NB-CPD/SG06/12/089 - GNB-CPD position paper from 22-Feb-12 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/11/489 SG 06-10/041rev1 FDPP EN EN 14609
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG06 - EN 14351-1:2006 CPD position CIRCA 19-Feb-12 21-Dec-11 14351-1, 4.8 Safety device EN 948
for SG06 Load-bearing capacity of safety paper as no comments position on SG06-CIRCA on:
devices determination of the 22-Feb-12 received in 6- 14-Jun-11
most unfavourable way for week consultation
testing, and of failure criteria period
(EN 14351-1 Clause 4.8)
NOT APPROVED YET - GNB-CPD position paper from C Approved on SG 06-11/044 rev1 on EN 14351-1,
Awaiting scrutiny by CPD SG06 - EN 14351-1:2006 CIRCABC by SG06-CIRCA on: EN ISO 10077-2
TechSec Undated reference and the use SG02 on: 26-Jul-12
of old Uf-values for declaration 24-Aug-12
of Uw-value
NB-CPD/SG06/12/088 GNB-CPD position paper from 06-Feb-12 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/11/488 SG 06-11/047rev1 FDPP EN EN 13241-1,
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG06 - EN 13241-1:2003 CPD position CIRCA 05-Feb-12 14-Dec-11 13241-1 Use of manuf. EN 12427,
for SG06 Industrial, commercial and paper as no comments testing facilities for testing EN 12444,
garage doors and gates - Use 06-Feb-12 received in 6- air, water, wind on SG06- EN 12489
of manufacturers testing week consultation CIRCA on:
facilities for testing of air period 16-May-11
permeability, resistance to wind
load and water penetration
NB-CPD/SG06/12/093 - GNB-CPD position paper from 11-Apr-12 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/12/496 NB-CPD/SG06/11/052 rev1 EN 14351-1
APPROVED GUIDANCE for SG06 - EN 1125:2008 Panic CPD position CIRCA 25-Mar-12 06-Feb-12 Guidance_on_EN1125+EN1 EN 1125
SG06 exit devices operated by a paper as no comments 79_for_SG06_2011-09-15
horizontal bar for use on escape received in 6- on SG06-CIRCA on: EN 179
routes and EN 179:2008 week consultation 15-Sep-11
Emergency exit devices period
operated by a lever handle or Proposed Guidance Paper
push pad for use on escape by CEN/TC33/WG4/TG10.

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 19 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments Last AG Other information on Relationship to
- Document status version sent Date issued arising from the consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

to approval AG number & process eg example docs
or Commission process CIRCA reference

NB-CPD/SG06/12/095 GNB-CPD position paper from 28-Sep-12 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/12/531 NB-CPD/SG06-12/069r1 EN 14351-1
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG06 - EN 14351-1:2006 CPD position CIRCA 1-Sep-12 19-Jul-12 SG 06 Draft Position Paper EN 1191
for SG06 Classification of sliding window, paper as no comments EN 14351-1 Classification of
received in 6- EN ISO 10077-1
door-height window especially 28-Sep-12 sliding window, door-height
for resistance to repeated week consultation window especially for EN ISO 10077-2
opening and closing and period resistance to repeated
determination of U-value opening and closing and
determination of U-value
NOT APPROVED YET - GNB-CPD position paper from B NB-CPD/SG06-12/070 EN 14351-1
Early draft SG06 - EN 14351-1:2006 SG 06 Draft Position Paper EN ISO 10077-1
Thermal transmittance of EN 14351-1 and EN ISO EN ISO 10077-2
window or pedestrian door 10077-1, 10077-2 Thermal
determined by calculation transmittance of window or
pedestrian door determined
by calculation

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 20 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments Last AG Other information on Relationship to
- Document status version sent Date issued arising from the consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

to approval AG number & process eg example docs
or Commission process CIRCA reference

SG07 Fixed fire fighting systems - published and proposed position papers
NB-CPD/SG07/03/005 Guidance to notified bodies on 09-Sep-04 E Approved GNB- Approved - no NB-CPD/02/013r1 later became All SG07 products
- APPROVED GUIDANCE requirements for testing and CPD position adverse comment 24-Sep-02 NB-CPD/SG07/ 02/045
for SG07 factory production control for paper at 12 AG mtg sent to CPD TechSec on
new and modified products of 22-Oct-02 22-Oct-02 12-Dec-01
SG07 'Fixed fire-fighting
NB-CPD/SG07/05/014 GNB-CPD position paper from 23-Feb-05 E Approved GNB- Approved even NB-CPD/04/079 NB-CPD/SG07-02/056 EN 671- 1 & 2:2001
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG07 EN 671-1 and 2: 2001 CPD position though CEN/TC 12-Mar-04 sent to CPD TechSec on
for SG07 Testing and certification paper 191 still not 10-Mar-04
procedures of hose systems 08-Feb-05 formally
with semi-rigid and lay-flat considered SG07
SG07 9 May paper after 6
hoses 2006: will be months. AG had
replaced by EN requested that
when published. CEN/TC 191
endorse the paper

DEVELOPMENT GNB-CPD position paper from Y Last version on SG07 All SG07 products
ABANDONED SG07 manufacturing at CIRCA is NB-CPD/SG07-
multiple sites. 03/075
NB-CPD/SG07/09/062 GNB-CPD position paper from 27-Jan-09 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/08/358 NB_CPD-SG07/08/106r1 EN 12094-1
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG07 - EN 12094-1:2003 CPD position CIRCA 24-Jan-09 01-Dec-08 Draft Position Paper
for SG07 Certification of Electrical paper as no comments EN12094_1 sent to CPD
automatic control devices for 27-Jan-09 received in 6- TechSec:
gas extinguishing systems week consultation 03-Sep-08
NB-CPD/SG07/09/063r1 GNB-CPD position paper from 27-Jan-09 X Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/08/359 NB_CPD_SG07_08_102_r1 EN 12101-n
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG07 - EN 12101 series CPD position CIRCA 24-Jan-09 01-Dec-08 _DRAFT_POSITION_PAPE
for SG07 Certification of Smoke and heat paper as no comments R_SG07_-_EN_12101 sent
control systems 27-Jan-09 received in 6- to CPD TechSec:
week consultation 03-Sep-08
25-Jan-12 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/11/480 NB-CPD/SG07-11/136 SG07 EN 12101-n
CPD position CIRCA 21-Jan-12 01-Dec-11 PP - Certification of Smoke
paper as no comments and heat control systems to
25-Jan-12 received in 6- EN 12101 series on SG07-
week consultation CIRCA on:
period 26-Apr-11

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 21 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments Last AG Other information on Relationship to
- Document status version sent Date issued arising from the consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

to approval AG number & process eg example docs
or Commission process CIRCA reference

NB-CPD/SG07/09/064 GNB-CPD position paper from 27-Jan-09 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/08/360 NB_CPD_SG07_08_108_Dr EN 14604
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG07 PP EN 14604 Smoke CPD position CIRCA 24-Jan-09 01-Dec-08 aft_Position_Paper_EN1460
for SG07 alarms paper as no comments 4 sent to CPD TechSec:
27-Jan-09 received in 6- 03-Sep-08
week consultation
DEVELOPMENT GNB-CPD position paper from Y SG07-07-099-Position-
ABANDONED SG07 PP EN 14384 & EN paper-hydrants-2007-06-20
14339 Fire hydrants SG06-CIRCA on:

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 22 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments Last AG Other information on Relationship to
- Document status version sent Date issued arising from the consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

to approval AG number & process eg example docs
or Commission process CIRCA reference

SG08 Fixings - published and proposed position papers

NOT APPROVED YET GNB-CPD position paper from B NB-CPD/SG08-01/004 on ETAG 001
Waiting documents from SG08 FPC for anchor bolts. SG08-CIRCA on:
SG08 for first review by CPD 08-Mar-02
TechSec before sending to
AG for approval

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 23 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments Last AG Other information on Relationship to
- Document status version sent Date issued arising from the consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

to approval AG number & process eg example docs
or Commission process CIRCA reference

SG09 Glass - published and proposed position papers

NB-CPD/SG09/05/0** - GNB-CPD position paper from Y Approved - NB-CPD/05/111r1 SG09-216 (NB- All SG09 products
DEVELOPMENT SG09 EN****, EN**** etc subject to (previously NB- CPD/05/111r2) on SG09-
ABANDONED at stage D Use of fire resistance test changes and CPD/05/111) CIRCA on:
25-Jan-08. reports, including historic and clarifications in the 28-Sep-05 28-Aug-07
The objective to be prototype, for certification of text at 18th AG
incorporated in a CEN/TC glass products mtg 03-Oct-05
129 document.
NOT APPROVED YET - GNB-CPD position paper from C SG09-142 on SG09- EN 1279-5
Document to be re- SG09 EN1279-5 CIRCA on:
considered by SG09 Calculation procedures when 28-Dec-05
following comments. using EN 673 and EN 410
NB-CPD/SG09/09/065 GNB-CPD position paper from 03-Feb-09 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/05/166 SG09-213 on SG09- EN 12150-2, EN
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG09 - EN 12150-2, EN 13024, CPD position CIRCA 31-Jan-09 28-Jan-06 CIRCA on: 13024, EN 14179,
for SG09 EN 14179, EN 14321, prEN paper as no comments 28-Aug-07 EN 14321, prEN
15682 and prEN 15683 received in 6- NB-CPD/08/363 15682 and prEN
Test specimens for the week consultation 09-Dec-08 15683
measurement of the emissivity period
according to EN 12898 and the
radiation properties according to
EN 410 for thermally toughened
coated glass
DEVELOPMENT GNB-CPD position paper from Y SG09-167 & 168 on SG09- All SG09 hENs.
ABANDONED at stage B SG09: All SG09 hENs CIRCA on:
09-Apr-10. Use of manufacturers facilities 23-Feb-06
SG09 considered it for ITT
unnecessary in light of NB-
DEVELOPMENT GNB-CPD position paper from Y Latest SG version on CIRCA EN 572
ABANDONED at stage B SG09: EN 572 is SG09-186
25-Jan-08.- Float glass of 3.2 and 3.5 mm 13-Jun-06
The objective to be thickness
incorporated in a CEN/TC
129 document.
NOT APPROVED YET - GNB-CPD position paper from B Latest SG version is NB- EN 1279-5
First draft for SG. SG09: EN 1279-5 CPD/SG09-08/226 on
Depth of evaluation of CIRCA on:
conformity certification for glass 29-Jan-08

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 24 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments Last AG Other information on Relationship to
- Document status version sent Date issued arising from the consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

to approval AG number & process eg example docs
or Commission process CIRCA reference

SG10 Masonry - published and proposed position papers

NB-CPD/SG10/03/006r1 GNB-CPD position paper from 09-Sep-04 X Approved GNB- Approved - NB-CPD/03/008 NB-CPD/SG10-02/010 rev EN 771-1
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG10 - EN 771-1 to EN 771-5 CPD position significant 6-Mar-03 01 to NB-CPD/SG10-02/013 through to
for SG10 Certification of factory paper objections rev01 sent to CPD
addressed as far TechSec on 20-Mar-02 EN 771-5
production control of masonry 08-Jun-03
units (Category I) as possible after
13 AG on
28-Mar-03 and
approved subject
to monitoring by
SG10 of relevant
23-May-06 E Approved GNB- Minor revisions, - NB-CPD_SG10_05_031 EN 771-
CPD position not submitted to rev2 on SG10-CIRCA on: x:2003/A1:2005
paper AG 21-Apr-06

NB-CPD/SG10/12/091 EN 771 series - Evaluation of 09-Mar-12 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/12/484 NB-CPD/SG10/11/018 on EN 771 series
- APPROVED GUIDANCE conformity for masonry units CPD position CIRCA 22-Feb-12 11-Jan-12 (But SG10-CIRCA on:
for SG10 paper as no comments proposed as 16-Sep-11
09-Mar-12 other than minor revision of
corrections from NB-CPD/SG10/03/
the SG10 006r1 , not a new
secretariat were PP)

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 25 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments Last AG Other information on Relationship to
- Document status version sent Date issued arising from the consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

to approval AG number & process eg example docs
or Commission process CIRCA reference

SG11 Membranes and geotextiles - published and proposed position papers

NB-CPD/SG11/03/004 GNB-CPD position paper from 04-Nov-04 E Approved GNB- Approved - no NB-CPD/02/039 NB-CPD/SG11-??? Sent to EN 13249 to
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG11 EN 13249 to EN 13257 CPD position adverse comment 24-Sep-02 CPD TechSec on 12-Jul-02 EN13257 and EN
for SG11: and EN 13265 paper at 12 AG mtg 13265
Questionnaire to check the 22-Oct-02 22-Oct-02
Factory Production Control for
CE Marking relating to
Geotextiles and Geotextile
Related Products
NOT APPROVED YET- GNB-CPD position paper from B NB-CPD/SG11-05/004 All geomembrane
Very early stages SG11 En xxx: Questions and (Minutes of 6 mtg) & NB- standards
answers CPD/SG11-05/006 on SG11-

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 26 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments Last AG Other information on Relationship to
- Document status version sent Date issued arising from the consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

to approval AG number & process eg example docs
or Commission process CIRCA reference

SG12 Pipes, tanks and related engineering products - published and proposed position papers
NOT APPROVED YET- GNB-CPD position paper from B NB-CPD/SG12-06/014 Draft EN 12566-1
Early stages SG12 EN 12566-1: Hydraulic Position Paper EN 12566 -
efficiency and nominal capacity on SG12 CIRCA on:
NOT APPROVED YET- GNB-CPD position paper from C NB-CPDSG12-11-049 Final EN 12566-3
Awaiting further scrutiny by SG12 EN 12566-3: Small Version for AG approval -
SG12 WG2 in light of wastewater treatment systems - Position paper according EN
changes made by CPD Packaged and/or site 12566-3 on SG12 CIRCA on:
TechSec assembled domestic 17-Feb-11
wastewater treatment plants

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 27 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments Last AG Other information on Relationship to
- Document status version sent Date issued arising from the consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

to approval AG number & process eg example docs
or Commission process CIRCA reference

SG13 Precast concrete products - published and proposed position papers

NB-CPD/SG13/10/076 - GNB-CPD position paper from 27-Apr-10 E Approved GNB- General objection NB-CPD/08/362r1 NB-CPD/SG13-2008/001 All hENs of SG13:
APPROVED GUIDANCE for SG13 CPD position to horizontal 24-Feb-10 uploaded on SG13-CIRCA
SG13 Certification of FPC of precast paper information in SG on:
concrete products under M100 27-Apr-10 papers. 25-Mar-08
(as amended)

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 28 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments Last AG Other information on Relationship to
- Document status version sent Date issued arising from the consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

to approval AG number & process eg example docs
or Commission process CIRCA reference

SG14 Reinforcing and prestressing steels - published and proposed position papers
NOT APPROVED YET- GNB-CPD position paper from B NB-CPD/SG14PP01 EN 10080
Documents under SG14 EN 10080 17-Jan-06
development in SG14 FPC requirements
NOT APPROVED YET- GNB-CPD position paper from B NB-CPD/SG14PP02 EN 10080,
Documents under SG14 EN 10080 and uploaded on SG14-CIRCA EN 10138
development in SG14 EN 10138 on:
Historic data 17-Jan-06
NOT APPROVED YET- GNB-CPD position paper from B NB-CPD/SG14PP03 EN 10080
Documents under SG14 EN 10080 uploaded on SG14-CIRCA
development in SG14 Statistical methods on:
NOT APPROVED YET- GNB-CPD position paper from B NB-CPD/SG14PP04 EN 10080
Document under SG14 EN 10080 uploaded on SG14-CIRCA
development in SG14 Nitrogen in steel on:
NOT APPROVED YET- GNB-CPD position paper from B NB-CPD/SG14PP05 EN 10080
Document under SG14 EN 10080 and EN uploaded on SG14-CIRCA EN 10138
development in SG14 10138 on:
Model certificates 09-Feb-06

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 29 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments Last AG Other information on Relationship to
- Document status version sent Date issued arising from the consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

to approval AG number & process eg example docs
or Commission process CIRCA reference

SG15 Road construction products - published and proposed position papers

NOT APPROVED YET- GNB-CPD position paper from B NB-CPD/SG15/07/036 on EN 12591, EN
Document under SG15 EN 12591, EN 13924, SG15-CIRCA on: 13924, EN 14023
development in SG15 EN 14023 25-Jun-07
NB-CPD/SG15/07/049 - GNB-CPD position paper from 21-May-07 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/06/235 NB-CPD/SG15/06/019 EN 13108 Parts 1-7
APPROVED GUIDANCE for SG15 - EN 13108 Parts 1-7 CPD position CIRCA with 06-Oct-06 21-Aug-06 & 21
SG15 Bituminous mixtures - Factory paper comments only
from CEN by 17- Final edited version from SG
Production Control to EN 21-May-07 NB-CPD/SG15/06/019 rev3
13108-21:2006 Nov-06
B NB-CPD/SG15-08/060rev1 EN 13108 Parts 1-7
on SG14-CIRCA on: & 21
NOT APPROVED YET- GNB-CPD position paper from B NB-CPD/SG15/07/039 EN 12271
Document under SG15 EN 12271
development in SG15 Surface Dressing
NOT APPROVED YET- GNB-CPD position paper from B NB-CPD/SG15/06/027 rev2 EN 14733, EN
Document under SG15 EN 14733, EN 13808, 13808, EN 15322
development in SG15 EN 15322
Bituminous emulsions and
NOT APPROVED YET- GNB-CPD position paper from A Intention to develop a paper prEN 12273
Position paper planned SG15 prEN 12273 in SG15 workplan Aug 2007
Slurry surfacing - Sep 2008

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 30 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments Last AG Other information on Relationship to
- Document status version sent Date issued arising from the consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

to approval AG number & process eg example docs
or Commission process CIRCA reference

SG16 Structural bearings - published and proposed position papers

NB-CPD/SG16/06/038 GNB-CPD position paper from 08-Nov-06 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/06/229 Latest SG version on CIRCA EN 1337-3
APPROVED GUIDANCE for SG16 EN 1337-3:2005 CPD position CIRCA by 27-Oct- 15-Sep-06 is NB-CPD/SG16-06//003
SG16 Use of historic data on the basis paper 06 as no on SG16-CIRCA on:
of DIN 4141-14/-140 for initial 07-Nov-06 comments 4-Aug-06
type testing received in 6-
week consultation
NB-CPD/SG16/06/039 GNB-CPD position paper from 08-Nov-06 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/06/230 Latest SG version on CIRCA EN 1337-3
APPROVED GUIDANCE for SG16 EN 1337-3:2005 CPD position CIRCA by 27-Oct- 15-Sep-06 is NB-CPD/SG16-06//004
SG16 Frequency of continuous paper 06 as no on SG16-CIRCA on:
surveillance, assessment and 07-Nov-06 comments 4-Aug-06
approval of FPC received in 6-
week consultation
A Revision being developed to EN 1337-3
clarify the frequency of
surveillance used by NBs
after consultation with
CEN/TC 167.
NB-CPD/SG16/06/040 GNB-CPD position paper from 08-Nov-06 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/06/231 Latest SG version on CIRCA EN 1337-4
APPROVED GUIDANCE for SG16 EN 1337-4:2004 CPD position CIRCA by 27-Oct- 15-Sep-06 is NB-CPD/SG16-06//005
SG16 Frequency of continuous paper 06 as no on SG16-CIRCA on:
surveillance, assessment and 07-Nov-06 comments 4-Aug-06
approval of FPC received in 6-
week consultation
NB-CPD/SG16/06/041 GNB-CPD position paper from 08-Nov-06 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/06/227 Latest SG versions on EN 1337-5
APPROVED GUIDANCE for SG16 - EN 1337-5:2005 CPD position CIRCA by 27-Oct- and CIRCA are NB-CPD/SG16-
SG16 Structural bearings - Pot paper 06 as no 06//001 and NB-CPD/SG16-
comments NB-CPD/06/228 06//002 on SG16-CIRCA
bearings - Clarification of Annex 07-Nov-06
D, determination of restraint received in 6- 15-Sep-06 on:
moment, and frequency of week consultation 4-Aug-06
continuous surveillance, period.
assessment and approval of
NB-CPD/SG16/06/042 GNB-CPD position paper from 08-Nov-06 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/06/232 Latest SG version on CIRCA EN 1337-6
APPROVED GUIDANCE for SG16 EN 1337-6:2004 CPD position CIRCA by 27-Oct- 15-Sep-06 is NB-CPD/SG16-06//006
SG16 Frequency of continuous paper 06 as no on SG16-CIRCA on:
surveillance, assessment and 08-Nov-06 comments 4-Aug-06
approval of FPC received in 6-
week consultation

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 31 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments Last AG Other information on Relationship to
- Document status version sent Date issued arising from the consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

to approval AG number & process eg example docs
or Commission process CIRCA reference

NB-CPD/SG16/06/043 GNB-CPD position paper from 08-Nov-06 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/06/233 Latest SG version on CIRCA EN 1337-7
APPROVED GUIDANCE for SG16 EN 1337-7:2004 CPD position CIRCA 27-Oct-06 15-Sep-06 is NB-CPD/SG16-06//007
SG16 Frequency of continuous paper as no comments on SG16-CIRCA on:
surveillance, assessment and 08-Nov-06 received in 6- 4-Aug-06
approval of FPC week consultation
DEVL9OPMENT GNB-CPD position paper from Y Latest SG version on CIRCA EN 1337-5
ABANDONED at stage B/C SG16 - EN 1337-5:2005 is NB-CPD/SG16-2007/001
15-Aug-08 Structural bearings - Pot on SG16-CIRCA on:
bearings - Clarification of the 9-Nov-07
test procedure for the lubricant
NB-CPD/SG16/09/070 GNB-CPD position paper from 10-Oct-09 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/09/393 NB-CPD/SG16-2009/001 EN 1337-8
APPROVED GUIDANCE for SG 16 - EN 1337-8 CPD position CIRCA 10-Oct-09 24-Aug-09 on SG16-CIRCA on:
SG16 Structural bearings - Guide and paper as no comments 03-Jun-09
restraint bearings - Frequency 10-Oct-09 received in 6-
of continuous surveillance, week consultation
assessment and approval of period.
EN 1337 series - Structural C NB-CPD/SG16-2010/001 on EN 1337 series
bearings - all parts - corrigenda SG16-CIRCA on:
NB-CPD/SG16/12/094 GNB-CPD position paper from 27-Jun-12 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/12/519 NB-CPD/SG16-2012/002 on EN 1337 series
APPROVED GUIDANCE for SG 16 - EN 1337 all CPD position CIRCA 09-Jun-12 25-Apr-12 SG16-CIRCA on:
SG16 harmonized parts paper as no comments 11-Mar-12
Text for EC-Certificate of 27-Jun-12 received in 6-
conformity week consultation
NOT APPROVED YET - GNB-CPD position paper from C No SG approval needed as EN 15129
Awaiting scrutiny by CPD SG 16 EN 15129 the information comes from
TechSec Requirements for materials to CEN and has the agreement
be used in curved surface of the SG16 chairman.
sliders Sent to CPD TechSec on:
23 May 12

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 32 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments Last AG Other information on Relationship to
- Document status version sent Date issued arising from the consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

to approval AG number & process eg example docs
or Commission process CIRCA reference

SG17 Structural metallic products - published and proposed position papers

NB-CPD/SG17/06/017 GNB-CPD position paper from 21-Feb-06 E Approved GNB- Approved - NB-CPD/05/151 NB-CPD/SG17-05/002 on EN 10025-1:2004
APPROVED GUIDANCE SG17 - EN 10025 CPD position subject to minor 7-Sep-05 SG17-CIRCA on:
for SG17 Guidance for the assessment of paper changes at 18 20-May-05
FPC 04-Oct-05 AG mtg 04-Oct-05

NB-CPD/SG17/09/060 GNB-CPD position paper from 16-Jan-09 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/08/356 NB-CPD/SG17-07/030 on EN 13479
APPROVED GUIDANCE SG17 - EN 13479 CPD position CIRCA 10-Jan-09 SG17-CIRCA on:
for SG17 Guidance for the assessment of paper as no comments 11-Oct-07
Welding consumables 16-Jan-09 received in 6-
week consultation
NB-CPD/SG17/09/069r1 GNB-CPD position paper from 07-Sep-09 X Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/09/386 NB-CPD/SG17-08/039r1 on EN 1090-1
APPROVED GUIDANCE SG17 - EN 1090 CPD position CIRCA 05-Sep- 24-Jul-09 SG17-CIRCA on:
for SG17 Certification of FPC of steel and paper 09. No adverse 06-Oct-08
aluminium structural 07-Sep-09 comments in 6-
components week consultation
period, but a
proposal for an
11-Sep-09 E Approved GNB- Minor - - EN 1090-1
CPD position corrigendum,
paper suggested by
11-Sep-09 Commission, not
submitted to AG
Not approved yet - under Revision of GNB-CPD position A EN 1090-1
development paper from SG17 - EN 1090 to
include a checklist for initial
NB-CPD/SG17/08/057 GNB-CPD position paper from 05-Aug-08 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/08/327 NB-CPD/SG17-07/031 on EN 10210-1 and
APPROVED GUIDANCE SG17 EN 10210-1:2006 and EN CPD position CIRCA 26-Jul-08 9-Jun-08 SG17-CIRCA on: EN 10219
for SG17 10219-1:2006 paper as no comments 11-Oct-07
Guidance for the assessment of 05-Aug-08 received in 6-
FPC of hollow structural week consultation
sections of non-alloy and fine period.
grain steels
NB-CPD/SG17/08/058 GNB-CPD position paper from 05-Aug-08 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/08/328 NB-CPD/SG17-07/031 on EN 14399-1 and
APPROVED GUIDANCE SG17 - EN 14399-1:2005 and CPD position CIRCA 26-Jul-08 9-Jun-08 SG17-CIRCA on: EN15048-1
for SG17 EN 15048-1:2007 paper as no comments 11-Oct-07
Guidance for the assessment of 05-Aug-08 received in 6-
FPC of structural bolting week consultation
assemblies period.

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 33 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments Last AG Other information on Relationship to
- Document status version sent Date issued arising from the consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

to approval AG number & process eg example docs
or Commission process CIRCA reference

NB-CPD/SG17/12/087 Revision of GNB-CPD position E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/11/487 NB-CPD/SG17-09/053 on EN 10343
APPROVED GUIDANCE paper from SG17 - EN 10343 CPD position CIRCA 29-Jan-12 13-Dec-11 SG17-CIRCA on:
for SG17 Guidance for the assessment of paper as no comments 06-Jan-10
FPC for steel products for 02-Feb-12 received in 6-
quenching and tempering week consultation
NOT APPROVED YET - GNB-CPD position paper from C Approved by NB-CPD/SG17-10/060 on EN 15088
Awaiting scrutiny by CPD SG17 - EN 15088 SG17 on: SG17-CIRCA on:
TechSec Guidance for the assessment of 17-May-12 17-Apr-12
FPC for structural aluminium

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 34 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments Last AG Other information on Relationship to
- Document status version sent Date issued arising from the consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

to approval AG number & process eg example docs
or Commission process CIRCA reference

SG18 Structural timber products - published and proposed position papers

NB-CPD/SG18/07/051 GNB-CPD position paper from 02-Nov-07 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/07/282 Latest SG version on CIRCA EN 14081-1
APPROVED GUIDANCE SG18 - EN 14081-1 CPD position CIRCA by 27-Jul- 13-Jun-07 is: NB CPD SG18 05 002 r3
for SG18 Certification of FPC of strength paper 07 with minor Position Paper-EN-14081-
graded structural timber 02-Nov-07 changes to clarify October-2006 FINAL
text On: 20-Oct-06
A Decision to revise PP taken EN 14081-1
at 16 SG18 meeting
On 13-Mar-12
NB-CPD/SG18/09/067 GNB-CPD position paper from 01-Jul-09 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/09/378 NB-CPD/SG18/09/005r2 - on EN 14250
APPROVED GUIDANCE SG18 EN 14250 CPD position CIRCA by 30-Jun- 18-May-09 SG18-CIRCA on:
for SG18 Certification of FPC of paper 09 16-May-09
requirements for the strength 01-Jul-09
and stiffness of prefabricated
structural members assembled
with punched metal plate
fasteners taking into account
NB-CPD/SG18/07/052 GNB-CPD position paper from 02-Nov-07 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/07/281 Latest SG version on CIRCA EN 14080
APPROVED GUIDANCE SG18 - EN 14080:2005 CPD position CIRCA by 26-Jul- 13-Jun-07 is: NB CPD SG18 06 001r2
for SG18 Certification of glued laminated paper 07 - comments Position Paper EN 14080
timber 02-Nov-07 resolved without Final
change On: 20-Oct-06
NB-CPD/SG18/07/053 GNB-CPD position paper from 02-Nov-07 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/07/283 Latest SG version on CIRCA EN 14545
APPROVED GUIDANCE SG18 - prEN 14545:2002 and CPD position CIRCA by 26-Jul- 13-Jun-07 is: NB CPD SG18 06 002r1
for SG18 2007 paper 07 - comments Position Paper prEN 14545
Certification of FPC of Punched 02-Nov-07 resolved without Final
metal plate fasteners for timber change On: 20-Oct-06
NB-CPD/SG18/07/054 GNB-CPD position paper from 02-Nov-07 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/07/284 Latest SG version on CIRCA ETAG 15
APPROVED GUIDANCE SG18 - ETAG 015:2002 CPD position CIRCA by 26-Jul- 13-Jun-07 is: NB CPD SG18 06 012
for SG18 Certification of FPC of Three- paper 07 - comments Position Paper ETAG 015
dimensional nailing plates 02-Nov-07 resolved without Final
change On: 20-Oct-06
NOT APPROVED YET- GNB-CPD position paper from A EN 15497
Documents under SG18 EN 15497
development in SG18 Finger jointed structural timber
Medium priority

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Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments Last AG Other information on Relationship to
- Document status version sent Date issued arising from the consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

to approval AG number & process eg example docs
or Commission process CIRCA reference

NOT APPROVED YET- GNB-CPD position paper from A EN 14544

Documents under SG18 EN 14544
development in SG18 Structural round timber
Medium priority
NOT APPROVED YET- GNB-CPD position paper from A EN 14732
Documents under SG18 EN 14732
development in SG18 Prefabricated structural wall,
Medium priority floor and roof elements
NOT APPROVED YET- GNB-CPD position paper from A EN 14592
Documents under SG18 EN 14592
development in SG18 Low Fasteners
NOT APPROVED YET- GNB-CPD position paper from B Not numbered - on SG18 All relevant ENs of
Documents under SG18 All SG18 ENs CIRCA on: SG18
development in SG18 FPC template 02-Feb-04

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 36 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments Last AG Other information on Relationship to
- Document status version sent Date issued arising from the consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

to approval AG number & process eg example docs
or Commission process CIRCA reference

SG19 Thermal insulation products - published and proposed position papers

NB-CPD/SG19/03/003r1 - GNB-CPD position paper from 09-Sep-04 X Approved GNB- Approved - NB-CPD/02/064r2 ----- EN 13162 through
APPROVED GUIDANCE for SG19 - EN 13162 through to CPD position subject to minor 30-Sep-02 to EN 13171
SG19 EN 13172 paper changes at 12
Guidance to notified bodies on 01-Nov-02 AG mtg 22-Oct-02
the transitional arrangements
for the CE marking of thermal 22-Feb-12 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/12/492 NB-CPD/SG19-11/117 - on
insulation products for buildings CPD position CIRCA 19-Feb-12 4-Jan-12 SG19-CIRCA on:
paper as no comments 26-Apr-11
22-Feb-12 received in 6-
week consultation
NB-CPD/SG19/12/086 GNB-CPD position paper from E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/11/482 Revision of Approved doc. EN 14303 to EN
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG19 - EN 14303 to EN 14309, CPD position CIRCA 29-Jan-12 09-Dec-11 NB-CPD/SG19-10/113 - on 14309, EN 14313
for SG19 EN 14313 and EN 14314 paper with only a SG19-CIRCA on: and EN 14314
Guidance to notified bodies on 02-Feb-12 technical 27-Jan-10
the transitional arrangements comment from a
for the CE marking of thermal NB
insulation products for building
equipment and industrial
In email discussions March GNB-CPD position paper from B NB-CPD/SG19-N58 on All SG19 products
2010 it was not clear SG19 All SG19 products SG19-CIRCA on:
whether or not SG19 intends Criteria on manufacturers 19-Sep-05
to continue development of regarding their HFM testing
this as a position paper. equipment
NB-CPD/SG19/11/085 GNB-CPD position paper from 19-Oct-11 E Approved GNB- Approved on NB-CPD/11/462 NB-CPD/SG19-11/116 - on EN 14303 to
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG19 - EN 14303 to EN 14309, CPD position CIRCA 15-Oct-11 2-Sep-11 SG19-CIRCA on: EN 14309,
for SG19 EN 14313 and EN 14314 paper as no comments 26-Apr-11 EN 14313 and
ITT of thermal insulation 19-Oct-11 received in 6- EN 14314
products for building equipment week consultation
and industrial installations period.

NOT APPROVED YET- GNB-CPD position paper from C NB-CPD/SG19-10/111 - on EN 13162 through
Discussion between SG19 SG19 EN13162 through to SG19-CIRCA on: to EN 13172
and CPD TechSec prior to EN12171 27-Jan-10
seeking AG approval. Questions and answers
NOT APPROVED YET- GNB-CPD position paper from B Various hENS
With SG19 and awaiting SG19 - Questions and answers
review at next SG meeting related to the practical
interpretation of harmonised
product standards

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 37 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments Last AG Other information on Relationship to
- Document status version sent Date issued arising from the consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

to approval AG number & process eg example docs
or Commission process CIRCA reference

SG20 Wood-based panels - published and proposed position papers

NB-CPD/SG20/10/077 GNB-CPD position paper from 17-Nov-10 E Approved NB-CPD/03/043r4 NB-CPD/03/043r4 NB-CPD/SG20-08/009 on EN 13986
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG20 - EN 13986:2004 GNB-CPD :Paper now 25-Feb-05 SG20-CIRCA on:
for SG20 Procedures for NBs when position paper addresses an 28-Jul-08
amended version NB-CPD/08/361
evaluating the conformity of 17-Nov-10
wood-based panels of EN 13986. 2-Dec-08
After discussion at
17 AG meeting
15-Mar-05 SG20
asked to make
changes mostly
General objection
to horizontal
information in SG
NOT APPROVED YET - GNB-CPD position paper from B NB-CPD/05/007 on SG20- EN 13986
Documents under SG20 - EN 13986? CIRCA on:
development in SG20 Questions and answers 07-Dec-05
NOT APPROVED YET - GNB-CPD position paper from B NB-CPD/SG20-04/008 - on EN 13986
Documents under SG20 - EN 13986? SG20-CIRCA on:
development in SG20 Control values for EN 310 01-Oct-04
and various comments later
NOT APPROVED YET - GNB-CPD position paper from B NB-CPD/SG20-06/011 - on EN 13986
Documents under SG20 - EN 13986 SG20-CIRCA on:
development in SG20 Reaction to fire and EXAP 20-Jun-06

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 38 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments Last AG Other information on Relationship to
- Document status version sent Date issued arising from the consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

to approval AG number & process eg example docs
or Commission process CIRCA reference

SG21 Building kits - published and proposed position papers

NB-CPD/SG21/07/050 GNB-CPD position paper from 6-Sep-07 E Approved GNB- Approval on NB-CPD/07/285 NB-CPD/SGs-21-30 22 ETAG 007,
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SG21 ETAG 007 and 012 CPD position CIRCA, with 18-Jun-07 uploaded on CIRCA on: ETAG 012,
for SG21 Building kits paper comments leading 13-Feb-07 ETAG 021,
31-Jul-07 to some changes. ETAG 023 and
ETAG 025

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 39 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments arising Last AG Other information on Relationship to

- Document status and version sent Date issued from the approval consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

type to process AG number & process eg example CIRCA docs
Commission Date reference

SH01 Dangerous substances - published and proposed position papers

No documents under

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 40 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments arising Last AG Other information on Relationship to

- Document status and version sent Date issued from the approval consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

type to process AG number & process eg example CIRCA docs
Commission Date reference

SH02 Fire - published and proposed position papers

NB-CPD/SH02/06/020 GNB-CPD position paper from 30-Aug-06 E Approved Approved on NB-CPD/05/125 Latest SH02 version on All specifications
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SH02 - All specifications GNB-CPD CIRCA 29-Apr-05 10-Mar-05 CIRCA is R001rev2 starred covering reaction
for SH02 covering reaction to fire position paper as no comments footnote, statement for to fire performance
performance 04-Jul-06 received in 6-week classification reports
Statement for inclusion in consultation period. 31-May-05
reaction to fire classification
reports products at system 3
for which a fire class A1 to C is
NB-CPD/SH02/06/021 GNB-CPD position paper from 30-Aug-06 E Approved Approved on NB-CPD/05/125 Latest SH02 version on All specifications
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SH02 - All specifications GNB-CPD CIRCA 29-Apr-05 10-Mar-05 CIRCA is R002rev1 EXAP covering reaction
for SH02 covering reaction to fire or fire position paper as no comments and classification reports to fire or fire
resistance performance 04-Jul-06 received in 6-week 27-Apr-06 resistance
Bodies carrying out extended consultation period. performance
application from reaction to fire
and fire resistance tests and
issuing classification reports
NB-CPD/SH02/06/022 GNB-CPD position paper from 30-Aug-06 E Approved Approved on NB-CPD/05/125 Latest SH02 version on All specifications
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SH02 - All specifications GNB-CPD CIRCA 29-Apr-05 10-Mar-05 CIRCA is R004rev1 use of covering fire
for SH02 covering fire performance position paper as no comments national test data in EXAP performance
Use of national test data in 04-Jul-06 received in 6-week 27-Apr-06
support of extended application consultation period
of fire test results
NB-CPD/SH02/06/023 GNB-CPD position paper from 30-Aug-06 E Approved Approved on NB-CPD/05/125 Latest SH02 version on All specifications
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SH02 - All specifications GNB-CPD CIRCA 29-Apr-05 10-Mar-05 CIRCA is R5 FR EXAP - covering fire
for SH02 covering fire resistance position paper as no comments general principles resistance
performance 04-Jul-06 received in 6-week 11-Feb-03 performance
Rules for undertaking extended consultation period
application of test results of fire
resisting elements General
NB-CPD/SH02/06/024 GNB-CPD position paper from 30-Aug-06 E Approved Approved on NB-CPD/05/125 Latest SH02 version on All specifications
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SH02 - Fire resistance of GNB-CPD CIRCA 29-Apr-05 10-Mar-05 CIRCA is R6 - FR EXAP - covering fire
for SH02 partitions position paper as no comments partitions resistance of
Rules for undertaking extended 04-Jul-06 received in 6-week 11-Feb-03 partitions
application of test results of fire consultation period
resisting elements Partitions

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 41 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments arising Last AG Other information on Relationship to

- Document status and version sent Date issued from the approval consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

type to process AG number & process eg example CIRCA docs
Commission Date reference
NB-CPD/SH02/06/025 GNB-CPD position paper from 30-Aug-06 E Approved Approved on NB-CPD/05/125 Latest SH02 version on All specifications
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SH02 - Fire resistance of glazed GNB-CPD CIRCA 29-Apr-05 10-Mar-05 CIRCA is R7rev1 - FR EXAP covering fire
for SH02 screens position paper as no comments glazed screens resistance of
Rules for undertaking extended 04-Jul-06 received in 6-week 17-Feb-03 glazed screens
application of test results of fire consultation period
resisting elements Glazed
NB-CPD/SH02/06/026 GNB-CPD position paper from 30-Aug-06 E Approved Approved on NB-CPD/05/125 Latest SH02 version on All specifications
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SH02 - Fire resistance of GNB-CPD CIRCA 29-Apr-05 10-Mar-05 CIRCA is R8 - FR EXAP - covering fire
for SH02 penetration seals position paper as no comments penetration seals resistance of
Rules for undertaking extended 04-Jul-06 received in 6-week 11-Feb-03 penetration seals
application of test results of fire consultation period
resisting elements Penetration
NB-CPD/SH02/06/027 GNB-CPD position paper from 30-Aug-06 E Approved Approved on NB-CPD/05/125 Latest SH02 version on EN 13162:2001
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SH02 - EN 13162:2001 GNB-CPD CIRCA 29-Apr-05 10-Mar-05 CIRCA is R009rev1 testing
for SH02 Fire testing and classification position paper as no comments and classification protocol for
protocol for mineral wool 05-Jul-06 received in 6-week mineral wool
products consultation period 27-Apr-06
NB-CPD/SH02/06/028 GNB-CPD position paper from 30-Aug-06 E Approved Approved on NB-CPD/05/125 Latest SH02 version on All specifications
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SH02 - All specifications GNB-CPD CIRCA 29-Apr-05 10-Mar-05 CIRCA is R10-Presentation covering fire
for SH02 covering fire resistance position paper as no comments of FR classification in reports resistance
performance 05-Jul-06 received in 6-week to EN 13501-2 performance
Presentation of fire resistance consultation period 01-Apr-03
classification in classification
reports to EN 13501-2:2003
NB-CPD/SH02/06/029 GNB-CPD position paper from 30-Aug-06 E Approved Approved on NB-CPD/05/125 Latest SH02 version on All specifications
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SH02 - All specifications GNB-CPD CIRCA 29-Apr-05 10-Mar-05 CIRCA is R11 - classification covering reaction
for SH02 covering reaction to fire position paper as no comments following EXAP to fire performance
performance 05-Jul-06 received in 6-week 15-Sep-03
Classification following consultation period
extended application
NB-CPD/SH02/06/030 GNB-CPD position paper from 30-Aug-06 E Approved Approved on NB-CPD/05/125 Latest SH02 version on All specifications
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SH02 - Reaction to fire of GNB-CPD CIRCA 29-Apr-05 10-Mar-05 CIRCA is R12 - testing & covering cellular
for SH02 cellular plastics products position paper as no comments classification protocol for plastics products
Fire testing and classification 05-Jul-06 received in 6-week cellular plastics for insulation
protocol for cellular plastics consultation period 03-Mar-04 purposes
products for insulation purposes
applying for reaction to fire class
E or E-d2

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 42 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments arising Last AG Other information on Relationship to

- Document status and version sent Date issued from the approval consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

type to process AG number & process eg example CIRCA docs
Commission Date reference
NB-CPD/SH02/06/031x GNB-CPD position paper from 30-Aug-06 X Approved Approved on NB-CPD/05/125 Latest SH02 version on EN 14509
- WITHDRAWN SH02 - EN 14509 GNB-CPD CIRCA 29-Apr-05 10-Mar-05 CIRCA is R13rev1 - FR
Rules for undertaking extended position paper as no comments EXAP - sandwich panels
application of test results of fire 07-Jul-06 received in 6-week 28-Apr-04
resisting elements Sandwich consultation period
panels 2-Mar-2010 Z Withdrawn - - proposal to withdraw FSG EN 14509,
2-Mar-10 Rec 13rev1 EXAP sandwich EN 15254-5
panels on SH02 CIRCA
9-Dec-09. Guidance now
available in EN 15254-5:2009
Email from Ruth Boughey
2-Mar-2010 following SH02
meeting and period for
NOT APPROVED YET - GNB-CPD position paper from C Placed on Latest SH02 version on EN 14509
Awaiting scrutiny by CPD SH02 - EN 14509 CIRCABC for CIRCABC is NB-CPD/SH02-
TechSec Guidance on sample selection formal approval by 12/029 on:
responsibility and choice of AoC SH02 on: 03-Dec-12
systems 1 or 3 for Reaction to 03-Dec-12
Fire testing with specific
reference to sandwich panels
NB-CPD/SH02/06/032 GNB-CPD position paper from 30-Aug-06 E Approved Approved on NB-CPD/05/125 Latest SH02 version on EN 14342:2005
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SH02 - EN 14342:2005 GNB-CPD CIRCA 29-Apr-05 10-Mar-05 CIRCA is R014rev1 testing
for SH02 Fire testing and classification position paper as no comments and classification protocol for
protocol for wood floorings 10-Jul-06 received in 6-week wood floorings
consultation period 27-Apr-06
B R014rev2-testing classn EN 14342:2005
protocol for wood floorings
NB-CPD/SH02/06/033 GNB-CPD position paper from 30-Aug-06 E Approved Approved on NB-CPD/05/125 Latest SH02 version on EN 14041:2004
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SH02 - EN 14041:2004 GNB-CPD CIRCA 29-Apr-05 10-Mar-05 CIRCA is R15 Testing &
for SH02 Fire testing and classification position paper as no comments classification protocol for
protocol for resilient, textile and 12-Jul-06 received in 6-week textile & resilient floorings
laminate floorings consultation period 07-Sep-04
NB-CPD/SH02/06/034 GNB-CPD position paper from 30-Aug-06 E Approved Approved on NB-CPD/05/125 Latest SH02 version on All specifications
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SH02 - All specifications GNB-CPD CIRCA 29-Apr-05 10-Mar-05 CIRCA is R016rev1 format of covering reaction
for SH02 covering reaction to fire position paper as no comments reaction to fire classification to fire performance
performance 13-Jul-06 received in 6-week reports
Format of reaction to fire consultation period 31-May-05
classification reports

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 43 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments arising Last AG Other information on Relationship to

- Document status and version sent Date issued from the approval consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

type to process AG number & process eg example CIRCA docs
Commission Date reference
NB-CPD/SH02/06/035 GNB-CPD position paper from 30-Aug-06 E Approved Approved on NB-CPD/05/125 Latest SH02 version on All specifications
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SH02 - All specifications GNB-CPD CIRCA 29-Apr-05 10-Mar-05 CIRCA is R17 Format of fire covering fire
for SH02 covering fire resistance position paper as no comments resistance classification resistance
performance 13-Jul-06 received in 6-week reports performance
Format of fire resistance consultation period 07-sep-04
classification reports
NB-CPD/SH02/06/036 GNB-CPD position paper from 30-Aug-06 E Approved Approved on NB-CPD/05/125 Latest SH02 version on EN 12004:2001
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SH02 - EN 12004:2001 GNB-CPD CIRCA 29-Apr-05 10-Mar-05 CIRCA is R18 Fire testing
for SH02 Reaction to fire testing protocol position paper as no comments protocol for adhesives for
for adhesives for tiles, floorings 13-Jul-06 received in 6-week tiles, floorings & wall finishes
and wall and ceiling finishes consultation period 07-Sep-04
NB-CPD/SH02/07/045 GNB-CPD position paper from 2-Feb-07 E Approved Approved on NB-CPD/06/252 Latest SH02 version on EN 13964: 2004
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SH02 - EN 13964: 2004 GNB-CPD CIRCA 26-Jan-07 8-Dec-06 CIRCA is R 020 Rules for
for SH02 Rules for undertaking extended position paper subject to minor undertaking extended
application of test results of fire 2-Feb-07 changes from 6- application of test results of
resisting elements Suspended week consultation fire resisting elements
ceilings period Suspended ceilings
NB-CPD/SH02/07/046r1 GNB-CPD position paper from 2-Feb-07 X Approved Approved on NB-CPD/06/253 Latest SH02 version on All specifications
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SH02 - All specifications GNB-CPD CIRCA 26-Jan-07 8-Dec-06 CIRCA is R 021 Interpretation covering reaction
for SH02 covering reaction to fire position paper as no comments of non-substantial to fire performance
performance 2-Feb-07 received in 6-week component when the product
Interpretation of non- consultation period contains perforations
substantial component when 31-May-05
the product contains
perforations 9-Jun-08 E Approved Approved on NB-CPD/08/321 Latest SH02 version on All specifications
GNB-CPD CIRCA 31-May-08 14-Apr-08 CIRCA is R 021rev1 covering reaction
position paper as no comments Interpretation of non- to fire performance
9-Jun-08 received in 6-week substantial component when
consultation period the product contains
NB-CPD/SH02/07/047x GNB-CPD position paper from 2-Feb-07 X Approved Approved on NB-CPD/06/254 Latest SH02 version on All specifications
- WITHDRAWN SH02 - All specifications GNB-CPD CIRCA 26-Jan-07 8-Dec-06 CIRCA is R 022r1 covering reaction
covering reaction to fire position paper as no comments Measurement of Smoke on to fire performance
performance 2-Feb-07 received in 6-week the SBI discrepancy in the
Measurement of Smoke on the consultation period output from the two burners
SBI discrepancy in the output 29-Nov-06
from the two burners
18-Apr-07 Z Withdrawn - - Email from Ruth Boughey 18- All specifications
18-Apr-07 Apr-07 following SH02 covering reaction
meeting to fire performance

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 44 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments arising Last AG Other information on Relationship to

- Document status and version sent Date issued from the approval consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

type to process AG number & process eg example CIRCA docs
Commission Date reference
NB-CPD/SH02/07/048 GNB-CPD position paper from 2-Feb-07 E Approved Approved on NB-CPD/06/255 Latest SH02 version on All specifications
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SH02 - All specifications GNB-CPD CIRCA 26-Jan-07 8-Dec-06 CIRCA is R 023 Guidance on covering reaction
for SH02 covering reaction to fire position paper as no comments testing and classification to fire performance
performance 2-Feb-07 received in 6-week protocols and mounting and
General Template for Guidance consultation period fixing procedures- testing for
on testing and classification reaction to fire of products as
protocols and mounting and placed on the market
fixing procedures - Testing for 26-Oct-06
reaction to fire of products
NOT APPROVED YET - Principles for the use of indirect B FSG Recommendation 024 All specifications
Under development by fire tests for factory production applicable from : requiring the
SH02 control in support of CE marking testing of fire
02-Mar-07 essential
requirements as
part of the FPC
NOT APPROVED YET - GNB-CPD position paper from C Latest SH02 version on EN 490:2004
Returned to SG by CPD SH02 - Testing concrete tiles for CIRCA is R 025 Testing EN 12823
TechSec reaction to fire concrete tiles
NOT APPROVED YET - GNB-CPD position paper from D NB-CPD/08/341 FSG Recommendation 026 All specifications
To be considered by the SH02 - Cautionary statement 22-Aug-2008 applicable from : covering fire
Commissions Expert Group advising users to check the performance
relevance of reports over 5 20-Nov-08
on Fire
years old
NOT APPROVED YET - Fire resistance testing of fabric B FSG Recommendation 027
Under development by curtains: How to perform test applicable from:
SH02 and classification for fire
resistant fabric curtains: coated 29-Sep-10
fabric barriers?
NOT APPROVED YET - Number of replicate tests for B FSG Recommendation 028
reaction to fire EN ISO 1182
Under development by applicable from: EN ISO 1716
SH02 29-Sep-10 EN 13823
EN ISO 11925-2
EN ISO 9239-1

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 45 of 50

Public document ref. Official title Date latest Status & Comments arising Last AG Other information on Relationship to

- Document status and version sent Date issued from the approval consultation - document and approval non-GNB-CPD

type to process AG number & process eg example CIRCA docs
Commission Date reference
NOT APPROVED YET - Guidance on sample selection B FSG Recommendation 029 EN 14509
Under development by responsibility and choice of AoC applicable from :
SH02 systems 1 or 3 for Reaction to
Fire testing with specific under review
reference to sandwich panels
covered by EN 14509 Self-
supporting double skin metal
faced insulating panels factory
made products
NOT APPROVED YET - Testing glass in SBI B FSG Recommendation 030 EN 13823
Under development by applicable from:
SH02 under review
NOT APPROVED YET - Clarifying specification of B FSG Recommendation 031 EN 494
Under development by mineral wool insulation used for applicable from: EN 12467
SH02 performing the SBI tests on
products according to EN 494 22-Jun-11
and EN 12467
NB-CPD/SH02/12/096 GNB-CPD position paper from 21-Dec-12 E Approved NB-CPD/12/530 NB-CPD/12/530 - SH02 PP EN 13986,
- APPROVED GUIDANCE SH02 - EN 13986, EN 14080, GNB-CPD 28-Jun-12 Reaction to fire testing and EN 14915,
for SH02 EN 14081-1, EN 14342 and EN position paper classification of wood EN 14080,
14915 21-Dec-12 products - For approval EN 14081-1,
28-Jun-12 EN 14342
Fire testing and classification of
untreated and fire retardant
treated wood construction
NOT APPROVED YET - GNB-CPD position paper from C Placed on Latest SH02 version on EN ISO 11925-2
Awaiting scrutiny by CPD SH02 - EN ISO 11925-2 CIRCABC for CIRCABC is NB-CPD/SH02-
TechSec Clarification how to test multi- formal approval by 12/N547on:
layered products SH02 on: 03-Dec-12

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 46 of 50

GNB-CPD Internal Rules published and proposed
GNB-CPD ref. number Title Date document Comments arising Last consultation - Description/Comments Refs

last full/ from the approval AG number & Date

conditionally process
agreed to by AG
(Issue date if not
via AG)
NB-CPD/03/003r2 Changes to the working X Discussed at 13 AG 28- NB-CPD/03/003 - on
methods of the GNB Mar-03, not fully agreed. AG-CIRCA on 7-Mar-
X Agreed GNB-CPD -
X Agreed GNB-CPD - Minor error in NB-CPD/03/003r1 noticed at 57
document SCC meeting and corrected in this revision
NB-CPD/IR/1 Membership of the E Agreed GNB-CPD Document agreed at 29 NB-CPD/11/437a on Replaces NB-CPD/03/003r2
Group of Notified Bodies document AG meeting subject to AG CIRCA on:
for the CPD 22-Mar-11 certain changes 11-Feb-11
NB-CPD/IR/2 Terms of Reference for E Agreed GNB-CPD Document agreed at 29 NB-CPD/11/437b on Replaces NB-CPD/03/003r2
the Advisory Group of document AG meeting subject to AG CIRCA on:
the Group of Notified 22-Mar-11 certain changes 11-Feb-11
Bodies for the CPD
NB-CPD/03/032r8 Terms of Reference for X NB CPD/03/032 Document agreed at 14 NB-CPD/03/032 on Gives Terms of Reference (revised) for Sector
Sector Groups of agreed GNB-CPD AG AG-CIRCA on: Groups.
Notified Bodies for the document 28-Aug-03
CPD 23-Sep-03

X NB-CPD/03/032r1 on

X NB-CPD/03/032r2 on

X NB CPD/03/032r3 Document largely NB-CPD/03/031 on Update of earlier Terms of Reference to extend

agreed GNB-CPD agreed at 14 AG, SG-CIRCA on: the max. period in office of SG Official to 2 x 3
document revised version 23-Sep-03 years and emphasise the importance of CIRCA
10-Sep-04 addressing later for all SG communications.
comments raised was
issued 10 September

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 47 of 50

GNB-CPD ref. number Title Date document Comments arising Last consultation - Description/Comments Refs

last full/ from the approval AG number & Date

conditionally process
agreed to by AG
(Issue date if not
via AG)
X NB CPD/03/032r4 Document agreed at 19 NB-CPD/03/031r4 on Update of scopes of SGs
agreed GNB-CPD AG, except for reversal AG-CIRCA on:
document of a change in scope. 27-Feb-06
X NB CPD/03/032r5 - Change to Update of scopes of SGs
uploaded to CIRCA NB-CPD/03/031r4
Mar-06 requested at 19 AG
meeting 6-Apr-06
X NB-CPD/03/032r6 - Revision Update of scopes of SGs
uploaded to CIRCA NB-CPD/06/212
Nov-07 discussed and agreed
20 AG meeting
X NB-CPD/03/032r7 Various changes through Revision Revision of several aspects of the Terms of
uploaded to CIRCA successive AG NB-CPD/09/365r3 Reference and update of scopes of SGs
Apr-10 meetings. discussed and agreed
27 AG meeting
X NB CPD/03/032r8 Minor tidying only NB-CPD/10/421 Clarification of the position of GNB-CPD sector
uploaded to CIRCA 26-Aug-10 groups in relation to Advisory Group
NB-CPD/IR/3r1 Terms of Reference for X Agreed GNB-CPD Document agreed at 29 NB-CPD/11/437c on Replaces NB-CPD/03/032r8
Sector Groups of document AG meeting subject to AG CIRCA on:
Notified Bodies for the 22-Mar-11 certain changes 11-Feb-11

E Agreed GNB-CPD Document agreed at 31 NB-CPD/12/494 on Revision to:
document AG meeting as tabled. AG CIRCA on: Reinstate coverage of transfer of sector
28-Mar-12 26-Jan-12 group scopes, and;
Encourage SG chairmen to bring relevant
problems to AG.
NB-CPD/03/033r3 Guidance for SGs on X Changes requested at NB-CPD/03/033 on
their role and method of 14 AG meeting 23-Sep- AG-CIRCA on:
working 03 28-Aug-03

X NB-CPD/03/033r1 on

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 48 of 50

GNB-CPD ref. number Title Date document Comments arising Last consultation - Description/Comments Refs

last full/ from the approval AG number & Date

conditionally process
agreed to by AG
(Issue date if not
via AG)
X NB CPD/03/032r2 Document largely NB-CPD/03/032r2 on Update of earlier document and emphasising
agreed GNB-CPD agreed at 14 AG, AG-CIRCA on: the importance of CIRCA for all SG work, the
document revised version 23-Sep-03 approval process and the need to scrutinise
10-Sep-04 addressing later technical specifications.
comments raised was
issued 10 September
X NB CPD/03/033r3 Document agreed at 19 NB-CPD/03/032r3 on Addressing issues arising from GNB-CPD
agreed GNB-CPD AG AG-CIRCA on: questionnaire (Jan 05) and 1 SG Officials
document 27-Feb-06 meeting on 9 Feb-05.
NB-CPD/IR/4r1 Guidance for sector X Agreed GNB-CPD Document agreed at 29 NB-CPD/11/437d on Replaces NB-CPD/03/033r3
groups on their role and document AG meeting subject to AG CIRCA on:
working methods 22-Mar-11 certain changes 11-Feb-11
E Uploaded without - - Added a link to the template for a front cover for
AG consultation by prhENs uploaded temporarily on CIRCA
agreement with

GNB-CPD M03 - State of play of GNB-CPD papers Page 49 of 50

Statistical summary
Stage A Stage B Stage C Stage D Stage E
Proposed Under Considered by Approved / Finalised
ie no draft available development full AG Approved in ie Approved
yet At meeting or on principle by AG Guidance by AG, on
AG documents CIRCA and sent
CIRCA; changes may
be required before to/on NANDO

Proposed Under Agreed by SG Considered by Finalised

ie no draft available development by ie under scrutiny by AG ie Approved
SG documents yet SG TechSec or SG Changes may be Guidance by AG, on
ie not yet agreed considering TechSec required before CIRCA and sent
within SG comments approval to/on NANDO

AG documents 1 3 0 1 9 14
SG documents (SG01-SG21) 9 29 12 2 72 124
SH documents (SH01-SH02) 0 7 3 1 20 31
GNB-CPD Internal Rules 0 0 0 0 4 4

TOTAL 10 39 15 4 105 173

NOTE 1 Development stage X with text struck through indicates a superseded version of a document.
NOTE 2 Development stage Y with text struck through indicates a paper on which development has ceased, for instance because the objective of a SG PP has been incorporated in a modified version of a
standard. (However, papers on which development has ceased were not retained in this document before 2008.)
NOTE 3 Development stage Z with text struck through indicates a paper which was published but has since been withdrawn.
NOTE 4 These totals count the latest published version of documents, and additionally revisions under way, but superseded versions of documents are not included. There may be some double counting
between one or two SH02 documents and those in the vertical SGs.

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