Moisture Analyzers - Guidebook
Moisture Analyzers - Guidebook
Moisture Analyzers - Guidebook
Ra dom 2017
Edi ti on I
RADWAG Wa gi Elektroniczne
26-600 Ra dom, Bracka 28
Phone: +48 48 3848800, fa x: +48 48 3850010
E-ma il: ra
TIN: 796-000-03-27
This very publication aims to summarize gained experience and knowledge on moisture content
measurements carried out using gravimetric method. Most of the users operate moisture analyzers
intuitively, which is quite natural these days when working with devices of this type. The moisture analyzer
is an instrument, basic characteristic of which should be the precise measurement. The demanded accuracy
is guaranteed when appropriate methods are used. A great variety of tested samples makes it impossible to
follow one method only. The measurement method has to be designed with reference to a particular
sample type or a product group. This is quite a challenge especially when taking into account the fact that
the results have to be referred to tests carried out using reference methods (considered as representative:
standard specified, branch enforced). I hope that this publication will provide the readers with detailed
information on drying processes, not only those who start to learn how to operate moisture analyzer but
also the experienced users.
Sawomir Janas
Testing Laboratory Manager
SAWOMIR JANAS - Testing La boratory Ma nager who has been working i n RADWAG Wagi El ektroni czne for
over 20 yea rs . He is an expert on methodology concerning both the ma s s mea s urement ca rri ed out wi th
a dherence to OIML, USP, GMP regulations a nd the measurements performed by Ra dwag. Janas organizes and
s upervises non-automatic scales certification (EN 45501). When it comes to moisture content a na l ys i s he i s
res ponsible for va lidation of testing procedures. He is the a uthor of numerous publications on optimisation of
the weighing processes, ambient conditions for high resolution scales a nd moi s ture content mea s urement
methodol ogy.
1.Introduction ..................................................................................................................................6
2.Significance of the Moisture Content in the Industry ..................................................................6
3.The Notion of Moisture Content ..................................................................................................9
4.Moisture Analyzer as a Versatile Device.......................................................................................9
4.1.Mass Measurement ............................................................................................................. 10
4.2.Moisture Content Measurement........................................................................................... 13
5.Functionality of MA.R / MA.3Y Series Moisture Analyzers .........................................................17
6.The First Test of the Drying Operation .......................................................................................22
7.Drying Process Accuracy .............................................................................................................23
7.1.Sample Size and the Accuracy of the Moisture Content Measurement .................................... 26
7.2.Finish Mode and the Accuracy of the Moisture Content Measurement ................................... 29
8.System for Heating Samples in the Drying Chamber ..................................................................30
8.1.Infrared Radiation Theory in Brief ......................................................................................... 30
8.2.Methods for Heating Samples in the Drying Chamber............................................................. 31
9.Samples Preparation ...................................................................................................................35
9.1.Sample's Homogeneity......................................................................................................... 35
9.2.Samples Storing ................................................................................................................... 35
9.3.Optimum Sample's Mass ...................................................................................................... 36
9.3.2.Semi-Liquid Samples ................................................................................................ 36
9.3.3.Powders and Granulates .......................................................................................... 37
9.3.4.Solids ...................................................................................................................... 38
9.3.5.Plastics.................................................................................................................... 38
9.3.6.Liquids .................................................................................................................... 39
10.Thermal Processes Occurring in the Course of Drying .............................................................40
10.1. Crust Formation ............................................................................................................. 40
10.2. Sample Burning.............................................................................................................. 40
10.3. Heat Absorption............................................................................................................. 41
11.Test Function, Auto-Selection of Auto Mode ...........................................................................42
12.Drying Profiles ...........................................................................................................................44
13.Drying Temperature Control .....................................................................................................46
13.1. Control Method ............................................................................................................. 46
13.2. Drying Temperature Adjustment ..................................................................................... 48
14.Methodology-Related Guidelines for Various Areas of Industry..............................................50
14.1. Dairy Industry ................................................................................................................ 50
14.2. Food Industry................................................................................................................. 50
14.3. Agroindustry .................................................................................................................. 50
14.4. Chemical Industry........................................................................................................... 51
14.5. Bread Industry ............................................................................................................... 51
14.6. Plastics .......................................................................................................................... 51
14.7. Fruits and Vegetables ..................................................................................................... 51
15.Water Vapour Permeability Test ..............................................................................................52
15.1. Water Vapour Permeability Testing Method with Use of Moisture Analyzer ...................... 53
15.2. Test Conditions .............................................................................................................. 53
15.3. Devices and Materials..................................................................................................... 53
16.Moisture Analyzers - Legal Requirements ................................................................................54
17.Drying Procedures Validation ...................................................................................................54
18.Uncertainty of Moisture Content Measurement......................................................................55
19.MA 3Y Moisture Analyzers ........................................................................................................57
20.MA.R Moisture Analyzer ...........................................................................................................59
21.Summary ...................................................................................................................................62
1. Introduction
These days it is recommended to be kind of reserved when trying to select a weighing instrument.
Though the particular model may amaze with an interesting design or variety of offered functions
(often useless), it is the measurement speed and accuracy that really matter.
In case of some weighing devices the most crucial issue when it comes to the said accuracy is
methodology, often being developed for years. When the users purchase hi-tech weighing
solution, they are also supplied with the right methodology, provided either in a form of
a document or highly effective face to face training allowing mutual exchange of information and
experience. The trainings help to win customers trust and result with strong bond between the
purchaser and the manufacturer. Apparently, distributor is obliged to have thorough knowledge of
all technical aspects.
Moisture analyzer is an example of a complex device requiring use of the right measurement
methods. Combining weighing and drying processes seems to be an uncomplicated operation
however lack of knowledge on the methodology may bring about extremely surprising results.
Needless to say, such results make the operator draw erroneous conclusions concerning the used
instrument. This calls for the need to explain how such an advanced device as a moisture analyzer
operates. It is necessary to focus not only on usage but also on metrological and legal aspects.
Unbound water, i.e. water that is not bound with the product subsurface, it appears mainly on the
very surface. Unbound water influences rate of chemical reactions occurring within the particular
product simultaneously being the environment for the said reactions.
Bound water, i.e. water that is quite permanently bound with the product. In order to make it
evaporate, higher drying temperatures are required. Its characteristics differ from the
characteristics of unbound water. In order to test bound water content it is possible to use plaster
In industry various methods are used for determination of particular sample's moisture content.
Regardless of the method, speed and efficiency are both required, this enforces specific technical
solutions. When it comes to food products it is possible to employ:
a. thermal drying methods,
b. azeotropic distillation method,
c. densitometric methods,
d. refractometric methods,
e. chemical methods,
f. electrical methods,
g. nuclear magnetic resonance method (NMR).
Moisture analyzer method is a process consisting in weighing, drying and reweighing of the
analysed sample. This requires both weighing device and oven with adjustable temperature. The
method is characterized with its own set of rules regarding samples preparation. In order to
determine quantity of water molecules using chemical reaction, coulometric or volumetric
titration is applied here.
Titration chemical type of quantitative analysis consisting in controlled adding of a titrant (solution of known
concentration) to the tested solution containing analyte. The titrant may be added using burette for example.
Observation of changes occurring in the course of the process enables to determine concentra tion of the particular
substance in the analyte.
Apart from the above described methods there are many solutions using microwave. Drying
process carried out by means of this method is based on rotation of sample's dipolar molecules
(water mainly). The molecules align parallel to the electric field forces. Enforced rotation of the
sample or electric field alternation results with dipolar molecules relocation, which in turn leads to
molecular friction. As a consequence thermal energy is emitted within a s ample and moisture
content gets reduced.
Regardless of used moisture content analysis method, all the obtained results shall be comparable
and likewise. This leads to a conclusion that method-related technique may be a crucial issue. And
indeed it is so especially when it comes to moisture analyzers, which as portable universal devices
are operated in the laboratory, production hall and numerous institutes, organisations and places.
3. The Notion of Moisture Content
Depending on the used method there may be plenty of various approaches to the notion of
moisture content. Methods based on thermogravimetric analysis are characteristic for the process
of volumetric heating of the sample. Due to the said heating, components such as water, fat,
aromatics, organic dis-solvents, chemical additives and components being a result of thermal
decomposition are released. Practically speaking there is no possibility to set apart loss of
unbound water from loss of other substances. Therefore it may be concluded that for this method
the notion of moisture is defined as group of all sample components which evaporate in the
course of the heating process. Realising the above enables to objectively assess usefulness of the
moisture analyzer operated as a device intended for moisture content analysis.
When determining moisture content it is actually necessary to determine dry mass content. Dry
mass is a substance obtained upon evaporation of water and other components from the sample
and it informs on the real state of the sample upon performed drying process.
4.1. Mass Measurement
In the course of mass measurement carried out using the moisture analyzer, or any other weighing
device comprising an electromagnetic converter, it is necessary to calculate gravity force:
= =
m sample's mass
g gravitational acceleration
Usually upon shipping, the moisture analyzer requires readjustment. This is conditioned by a huge
difference between values of gravitational acceleration for place of production and place of use.
FP = mg P FU = mgU
Each weighing instrument must be subjected to an adjustment process in a cyclic manner. Otherwise certain
indication deviation may occur (m). Regularly carried out adjustment helps to completely eliminate potential
deviation occurrence, often caused by ambient conditions variation. Due to this the balance can display precise
indication all the time. Most balances of high resolution (more than 2 000 000 divisions) feature fully automatic
adjustment mechanism. This solution ensures accuracy regardless of the adjustment frequency. Because of
differential nature of the measurement (M2 M1) there is no need to provide such high accuracy in moisture
If the moisture analyzer is to be used for precise measurement of sample's mass then it is
necessary to subject it to the adjustment procedure repeatedly within specified time intervals.
One last issue concerning moisture analyzer adjustment are mass standards. While selecting the
mass standard (adjustment weight), the operator must make sure that he/she pays attention to
the reading unit [d], also referred to as a scale interval or readability. Mass standard - scale
interval relation is presented in table 1.
- 10 -
Accuracy class
Mass standard E2 F1 F2
50 g 0.1 mg 0.3 mg 1.0 mg
100 g 0.16 mg 0.5 mg 1.6 mg
200 g 0.3 mg 1.0 mg 3.0 mg
Table 1 Maximum permissible errors by OIML R 111-1
Table 1 provides maximum permissible errors for weights. Real error values for a particular mass
standard are to be found on a calibration certificate, they are much lower than MPE.
Table 2 provides two class variants. In case of the first variant, influence of mass standard's error
on the adjustment result is eliminated. For the second variant (optional), relations occurring in the
course of adjustment are referred to.
Mass value of the adjustment weight in most cases is comparable to max capacity value. Potential
error resulting from mass standards deviation practically does not influence accuracy when
weighing loads within range of up to maximum capacity.
- 11 -
Figure 2. Influence of adjustment deviation on indication accuracy
Figure 2 presents theoretical effect of adjustment inaccuracy being a result of use of mass
standard of too great deviation. Yellow rectangles inform on indication error value for various
loads. The value decreases linearly. It is greater for heavier loads and smaller for light loads. If the
moisture analyzer is to be used for precise weighing of the samples this relation may be used to
estimate measurement accuracy. Analysis of the above graph lead to one important conclusion
that is true for all electronic devices. Namely, the lighter the sample is the less significant influence
of adjustment deviation on measurement accuracy. Therefore in case of light weights the decisive
parameter when it comes to measurement accuracy is repeatability not sensitivity.
Legal metrology regulations concerning MPE (OIML R 111-1) refer to weights only. They specify characteristics such as
shape, dimensions etc. The legal metrology gives no limitations for mass standards. These are defined by stability of
mass over time, deviation and uncertainty. When speaking of an external adjustment weight used in the course of
adjustment process, nothing else is meant but a weight of particular accuracy class with a calibration certificate. An
internal adjustment weight (in-built), contrary to the external one, is a typical mass standard. Its features such as
shape and dimensions do not adhere to OIML R-111-1 regulations.
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Measurement of sample's mass carried out by means of a moisture analyzer requires the device to be subjected to
periodical adjustments. Time interval between successive adjustments cannot take too long. Since ambient conditions
powerfully influence stability of indications, therefore adjustment should be performed once a day. It is not necessary
to adjust MA.3Y and MA.R moisture analyzer by means of the same mass standard as the one that was used in the
course of a manufacturing process. Moisture analyzer's menu enables the operator to use freely selected adjustment
weight, e.g. instead of 50 g he/she can apply 20 g mass standard. When taking advantage of this option , refer to
figure 2 remembering that reverse relation is applied. In case of light adjustment weight, even minor adjustment error
may cause risk of significant indication errors for loads greater than 50% of maximum capacity. An exception would be
situation where sample's mass is stable all the time and its value is comparable wi th value of the mass standard which
had been used for adjustment performance.
M1 M2 M2 M1 M2
%M = 100% %D = 100% %R = 100%
M1 M1 M2
= ( )
m1 start mass value,
mi temporary mass value
g gravitational acceleration
On the basis of the obtained results it is possible to determine fat content for pork and beef. This
is calculated with use of a dedicated algorithm.
According to what has already been mentioned, precise weight value is not required when it
comes to start mass of a sample. As for the end mass, it is an effect of sample's thermal state (heat
level). Therefore it can be concluded that TEMPERATURE is the factor determining how great the
moisture content loss is. Since it is the thermal state that decides on how much moisture
evaporates form the sample, therefore the above conclusion should not be a surprising fact.
It is not a secret that the temperature value, chosen experimentally, differs depending on the
sample type. In case of some sample types an impermeable layer is formed on the surface in the
course of the heating process, it is so called crust. The crust prevents moisture content
evaporation which calls for application of respective drying methodology. All sample-related
problems, if correctly diagnosed, can be solved through right sample selection, preparation and
storage, and with use of respectively designed drying process.
- 13 -
Figure 3. Changes occurring in the drying chamber during the drying process
Graph presented in figure 3 demonstrates typical drying process where sample's mass loss is
recorded along with temperature growth. There are two factors deciding on effectiveness of the
process: temperature and sample's ability to give up moisture content. Apart from the drying
process temperature it is necessary to specify many other parameters: sample size, finish mode,
drying profiles, etc. These are commonly known as DRYING PROCESS PARAMETERS and should be
optimised either in the course of moisture analyzer validation or during validation of new samples.
Optimisation aims to show that results obtained by means of moisture analyzer are comparable to
the reference methods results. The way the operator deals with the particular sample is often of
great importance. For more detailed information with regard to this read the following
- 14 -
When analysing parameters referring to moisture content measurement, it is advisable not to
follow some common statements saying that moisture content readability equals scale interval
(reading unit [d]). Such a generalization is nothing but a great mistake. There are more than just
one factor influencing accuracy of moisture content measurement therefore:
The above paragraph points to a conclusion that temperature set to heat the sample in the course of the drying
process is a crucial parameter. Remaining ones are of minor significance although they can affect the drying result
significantly. It is known that mass measurement requires periodical test confirming indication accuracy. Such test
consists in comparison of displayed indication with weight value of mass standard put on the weighing pan. As for
moisture content measurement, the most critical moisture analyzer's parameter to be subjected to periodical control
is of course the drying temperature. It is tested using control thermometer approved with calibration certificate.
RADWAG provides customers with both services and control sets comprising control thermometer compatible with
RADWAG moisture analyzers. For detailed control procedure refer to section 13 of this publication.
Control thermometer is not one and only option, there are some alternative solutions enabling drying temperature
control. One of them is set of samples for with moisture content is potentially known, these are so called zeolites
dried at specified temperatures. This method however has drawbacks, namely the result is considered to be correct
only if it is comprised within 1% tolerance. Thus, it is rather hard to speak of any control of drying process accuracy
but more like of checking whether the devices operates properly or not. From metrological perspective use of zeolites
is irrelevant since the zeolite-based test does not allow to clearly determine accuracy of moisture content
measurement. Distributors of zeolite samples are bound to oppose the above statement but even brief analysis of
documentation (e.g. user manual) leave the reader with no doubts.
Zeolite-based testing of moisture analyzer indication would be possible if certified moisture content standards existed.
No such standards are available on the market so far. In countries other than EU Member States the drying accuracy
test is carried out using silica sand and dis tilled water samples, which due to appropriate neutrality level allow the
operator to determine the said accuracy. Example:
silica sand weight = 10 g, distilled water weight = 2 g
M1 = 10 g + 2 g = 12 g (water-sand mixture)
M2 = 10 g (water evaporates in the course of the drying process), therefore the moisture content equals:
12 g 2 g
w= 100% = 83,3 %
12 g
All that needs to be done is simply to compare the obtained moisture content result with a theoretical value. It is
possible to test the whole measuring range, to do it various proportions of the components (water/sand) have to be
used. Such test, according to Central Office of Measures methodology, is based on 5 measuring points. In practice
there is no need to perform such detailed control.
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Photo 3 on the right presents RADWAG-
recommended control thermometer set. Such
set was introduced in 2012 and it has been
applied ever since that time. Older moisture
analyzer models offered a bit different
solution. The thermometer probe was
inserted into the drying chamber through
a dedicated opening, which was to be found in
a front of the drying chamber.
If the moisture analyzer is used for moisture content measurement exclusively, then there is no necessity to scale its
indications by means of adjustment carried out using mass standard. Error, when it comes to measurement of
sample's start mass, even of 0.2 g value, exerts no effect on the final moisture content result. This value is calculated
on the basis of difference of mass value indications. Due to the above, majority of moisture analyzers lack so called
inbuilt internal adjustment.
o o
Variation of the drying temperature in relation to set temperature, of value no gr eater than 2 C 3 C, does not
influence significantly the result of sample's moisture content. Because of this fact, also reference methods (EN/PN)
o o
provide required drying temperature in the following form 130 C ( 3 C), for example. In order to specify what is the
value of drying temperature deviation, which affects moisture content indication, a number of tests needs to be
performed. However two facts may be stated, namely:
too low drying temperature = insufficiently dried sample, moisture content value too low in relation to the
true value,
too high drying temperature = sample burning, moisture content value too high in relation to the true value.
Heat absorption by samples of dark colour is of great significance.
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5. Functionality of MA.R / MA.3Y Series Moisture Analyzers
Users of various devices find both accuracy and ergonomics as the most important features when
it comes to the operation. Particular application must be accessed quickly and intuitively, the more
automated the access the better. Convenient software - hardware combination characterized with
all the above mentioned features is a key factor guaranteeing success when speaking of
distribution and spread of particular standards regarding functionality.
Structure of MA.R moisture analyzers menu is of a cascading nature modification of one of the
parameters requires preview of all the others.
THE SECOND functionality level is based on the use of moisture analyzer databases such as
PRODUCTS and DRYING PARAMETERS. The databases allow the operators to define all products
that can be subjected to the drying process, and to set all parameters related to the drying
process. Every single data is interrelated one to another which allows automation of vast range of
activities. All the operator has to do, is simply to select particular product, the drying parameters
are set automatically.
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Figure 6. MA.3Y moisture analyzer drying operation menu
Moisture analyzers of MA 3Y series have been equipped with a graphic interface. It simplifies the
selection of drying profile, auto switch-off option etc. Needless to say, it also greatly improves
readability, and makes operation of the analyzer intuitive and ergonomic.
As for the MA.3Y, the second level of functionality, just like in case of MA.R series moisture
analyzer, also uses databases, drying programs databases among them. Methodology designed
for the LEVEL II proceeds as follows:
a. the process of defining a product in the Database by specifying and providing its:
code, EAN code
tolerance etc.
drying mode name
b. the process of defining drying program in Drying Programs database by specifying:
drying temperature
drying profile
finish mode
mass control, and by
preparing the sample and equipment (description)
c. the process of selecting sample that is to be dried (drying parameters will be set
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The drying process can be supported by software in many different ways. It has already been said
that validation of moisture analyzer method, i.e. adjustment of the device parameters aiming to
ensure that the obtained results are comparable to results of reference methods, is a good
solution. Successfully completed validation as a result gives highly specific drying parameters. The
parameters can be permanently saved to moisture analyzer memory, next the operator can assign
them to a particular product. Product description provides any information regarding the product
mass, weighing tolerance, code, EAN code etc. With this, search for a given sample in the database
is easy and takes little time. At the very moment when a given sample is selected, relevant drying
parameters are set (drying modes database).
Drying process results are registered, sent and recorded in the moisture analyzer memory in a real
time. On the basis of the registered data, graph and report (MA.3Y) on the drying process are
generated. The report is a document which allows to verify the sample and its real moisture
------------Drying Process Report-------------
Date 26.10.2015
Time 12:41:03
Operator Nowak
Product Sample - 1
Program Temperature -120
Drying process parameters
Profile Standard
Finish mode Auto1
Result %M
Interval 5s
Start mass 2.814 g
0:00:00 0.000 %M
0:00:05 0.000 %M
0:00:10 0.036 %M
0:08:15 11.052 %M
Status Completed
End mass 2.503 g
Result 11.052 %M
- 19 -
The report on the drying process is permanently stored in the moisture analyzer memory,
therefore it can be printed any time. The operator can preview, print and export any selected
Figure 8. Preview and selection of the drying process reports MA.R moisture analyzer
The report in preview mode features Print option, which when pressed provides the operator with
more detailed information.
------------Drying Process Report-------------
Date 01.12.2015
Time 9:10:49
Drying process parameters
Profile Standard
Finish mode Auto5
Result %M
Interval 30s
Start mass 3.091 g
0:00:00 0.000 %M
0:00:30 0.065 %M
0:01:00 0.065 %M
0:01:30 0.065 %M
0:02:00 0.097 %M
0:02:30 0.097 %M
0:03:00 0.129 %M
0:03:30 0.129 %M
0:04:00 0.162 %M
0:04:30 0.162 %M
0:04:55 0.162 %M
Status Completed
End mass 3.086 g
Result 0.162 %M
- 20 -
If one and the same product is subjected to the drying process numerous number of times then
graph of moisture content trend over time is generated automatically (only MA.3Y).
Such graph is one of the components of production cycle monitoring. Automatically generated
trend graph is an option for the operator's use only in case he or she selects the product stored in
the database.
The weighing market provides its users with some more advanced IT solutions that operate
moisture analyzers connected to monitoring systems such as ERP. With this it is possible to
supervise many operators on-line, visualize all processes and carry out databases update for each
The possibility to copy parameters such as user profiles, and databases of products or drying
process parameters for example, makes implementation of a new moisture analyzer an
uncomplicated operation. The device to which the above mentioned data has been transferred is
compatible with the system and therefore can be operated almost instantly. Setting s of both the
new moisture analyzer and the one that was used before are the same. Each operator is assigned
with a certain permissions level, this allow to prevent occurrence of potential mistakes made by
new employees who are still beginners learning how to perform particular tasks.
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Additionally the moisture analyzer has been equipped with auto-control mechanisms, which help
to monitor correctness of operation when it comes to mass measurement or drying temperature
accuracy. This kind of support is especially useful while designing and following both SOP and GMP
MA.3Y moisture analyzer features touch screen which in the bottom information line displays
messages related to the drying process. Sequence of actions for the MA.3Y series is the same as in
case of MA.R moisture analyzer.
(1) (2) (3)
The drying process is carried out either using default parameters or the most recently set drying
temperature values and finish mode options. The parameters must be optimised with regard to
a dried sample or a sample type.
The first tests aim to make operator familiar with functional possibilities of the moisture analyzer, and to check if the
device operation is valid. Carrying out the drying process with default parameters set, may provide a result other than
expected. There are users who in accordance with specification provided by reference methods want to dry
substances of quite large mass. It is possible to dry large sample of course, however in such case the analysis takes
a lot of time. The intention when it comes to use of the moisture analyzer is to provide as accurate result as possible
within a relatively short period of time, much shorter than in case of the reference method.
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7. Drying Process Accuracy
When speaking of the drying process accuracy it is nothing else but a difference between the
obtained result and a true value. In order to be able to assess this parameter, information
concerning real moisture content of the sample is needed. The required value may be taken from
the tested product certificate (if only such one exists), it may also be obtained by means of tests
carried out using the reference method. Practice shows that most of the users lack this kind of
knowledge. In such a case it is very hard to speak of drying process accuracy.
The ability to obtain the same results means measurement precision, however the notion of precision is not the same
what the notion of accuracy is. Errors 1 and 2 confirm the above statement. The worst case is the series of
measurements characterized with a great dispersion (SD) and a serious error of average value related to the
reference value. Lack of precision is mainly a result of the adapted drying method. Since the cause of the above is
wrongly adjusted drying temperature then it is possible to minimize such a defect. Inaccuracy is mainly a result of the
adopted temperature value. When the operator knows the reference value the problem can be easily eliminated.
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accessories supporting the drying process, (if required); most often these are filters
made of glass fibres, protecting sample's surface against too high temperature rise;
the filters may also be used in order to provide increase of the active surface of
moisture release (in this case silica sand may also be applied).
the conditions regarding finish stage of the drying process (the limit value of change of
mass over specified time interval, usually mass/t or change of moisture content
over time mstr/t).
In many situations it is attempted to obtain moisture content of value close to the limit value. This
refers especially to those samples that are packed into portion packs. Too low moisture content of
a sample calls for more product in order to provide the required net weight value. In case of bulk
type of production, this would mean serious loss. With regard to the above it may be concluded
that optimisation of the drying process parameters is a mus t. The optimisation should take into
account dispersion of indications, a characteristic feature of each measurement.
The manufacturer's experience is of a great value and can be supportive. Radwag has 10-year-long
experience in conducting comparison tests for vast range of different samples. As a result of
Radwag research activity, drying parameters sheets providing technical information on drying
process optimization with regard to particular products, have been developed. They serve as one
of many sources of information on moisture analyzers (
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The best possible accuracy that is to be obtained in the course of the drying process is usual ly
specified in a moisture analyzer's data sheet. The tests are carried out using reference material
that is characterized with good properties when it comes to moisture release. In order to
determine moisture content readability for a given sample, a series of different tests must be
carried out. In the course of the tests both methodology and drying parameters are modified.
The obtained result is often worse than the one that has been provided by the manufacturer. This
is due to characteristics of the real sample, which significantly differs from the reference one. In
case of the real sample, certain thermal modifications occur, namely: burning, release of highly
volatile components, crust formation, potential heterogeneity, absorption of moisture from the
environment (powders), inappropriate drying methodology. All the above bring about worsening
of the indications repeatability, which in result causes inaccurate indications. Unfortunately, some
features of the sample cannot be eliminated anyhow therefore is it advised to be reasonable when
it comes to accuracy of the moisture content measurement.
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7.1. Sample Size and the Accuracy of the Moisture Content Measurement
The information provided at the very beginning of this chapter concern sample of an optimal
mass. Deviation, when speaking of accuracy of moisture content measurement, is an effect of
adopted methodology or incorrectly adjusted drying temperature.
Moisture analyzer, like any other weighing instrument, is characterized with certain measurement
error that should be referred to in some cases. It is commonly known that in order to calculate
moisture content value it is necessary to carry out two measurements of mass (at the beginning
and an the end). Even in case of a model measuring cycle there is a high probability that the final
result will be encumbered with error being a result of rounding. This is shown in figure 14.
As it is clearly presented in the figure, the result features certain either positive or negative
deviation. The deviation is not comprised within moisture analyzer measuring range that can be
observed by the user. Obviously it cannot be definitely stated that the deviation value is not zero,
it can be, however such case is rather an incident than a regularity. For a moisture analyzer with a
scale interval d=0.001 g, the maximum deviation value being a result of rounding is 0.001 g. It is
an absolute error of the device. With this information, it is easy to determine optimal mass for a
sample in regard to the required relative error. The above is used wherever sample's moisture
content is too low, and wherever too low weight loss is registered upon completed drying. This
concerns all different kinds of plastic granules.
- 26 -
Relative error of moisture content measurement for a sample, moisture
content of which is 0.2 %
(plastic granules)
moi sture content measurement error [%] 50,5
45,5 dx=0,001 g
35,5 dx=0,0005
1 2 5 10 15 20 30
Sta rt ma ss of a sample [g]
In case of samples of low mass, ranging from 3 to 5 g, high, impossible to be accepted relative
error is observed. The greater start mass value, the lower the value of this error. With regard to
this, while drying granules of any type, at least 10-gram heavy samples are required. Use of
moisture analyzer characterized with a little bit smaller absolute error (dx=0.0005) is not a solution
guaranteeing success when it comes to measurement of a sample of small start mass.
In case of most of the moisture analyzers, the drying process is completed using some automatic
modes. The automatic mode may be understood as a form of control of stability of dried sample
mass in scale of 0.001 g over a certain period of time. This is a cause of a possible error of about
0.001 g being an effect of rounding. Thermal state of the sample is not taken into account here,
this refers to the below cases:
temperature too low where the effect of not enough dried sample occurs,
temperature too high where the effect of sticking sample particles occurs.
It is possible not to take advantage of these auto finish modes, instead of them definable
condition may be applied, e.g. change of mass of the sample by 0.3 mg within 30 sec time interval.
This however may result with problems regarding final result oscillation, which drastically
lengthens the drying time. Alternative solution is to carry out drying within strictly specified time.
Correctly adjusted drying temperature allows to apply constant drying time, within which it is
guaranteed that the whole moisture content will be removed. Detailed information regarding the
above is provided in later sections of this publication.
- 27 -
The situation is different for samples of average moisture content of about 10%. In such a case,
samples of much lower weight value may be used, which is due to the fact that here the influence
of relative error on the measurement result is neglected. This has been demonstrated on the
below graph.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Sta rt ma ss of a sample [g]
Graph 2. Relative error size in relation to mass of the dried sample; graph for samples for which the moisture content
is 10 %
Drying process accuracy is a complex issue since there are many factors influencing it. Among many, the following are
required: relevant drying temperature, sample of optimal weight, adequate methodology. The process of obtaining
satisfying results should be based on comparative tests, which leads to a conclusion that it is necessary to validate the
used method. Reference methods always provide results showing the real state of the sample. Moisture analyzer is a
component completing these methods and requires optimisation of the drying parameters.
- 28 -
7.2. Finish Mode and the Accuracy of the Moisture Content Measurement
The drying process may be finished manually (via the user), it can also be time-defined (the
process finishes after elapse of specified amount of time) or automatic. The manual method
requires no comment. If too short time interval is set, then too low moisture content value is
obtained. Too long drying time is as much objectionable. Drying process duration must be set
experimentally, it is strictly related to the weight value of the dried sample, which can be
concluded after analysis of the below graph.
Figure 15. Relation between the constant drying time and the start mass of the sample.
The greater the sample mass the longer it takes to dry it in order to remove the moisture content
completely. Sample type and its ability to release moisture is of a great importance here.
When using auto finish mode (Auto 1 5) a certain variation when it comes to the final moisture
content result may be observed. In the course of the cycle, stability of the dried sample mass over
a set time interval is checked. Mass variation is constant by default, and it is 1 mg, as for the time
interval, it ranges between 10 - 120 seconds. The longer the drying process end, the more
considerable amount of moisture evaporates, which of course influences the final result. Moisture
content value obtained using Auto 5 switch-off option is greater than in case of Auto 1 setting.
- 29 -
Auto finish mode allows the user to define his/her own switch-off criteria. For MA.3Y moisture
analyzer the said criterion may take the following form:
any mass variation within any time interval, m/t, (MA.3Y, MA.R)
any moisture content variation within any time interval, mc/t, (MA.3Y, MA.R)
The variation regarding moisture content of a particular sample, which is a result of use of different auto switch -off
options, mostly depends on the sample type. However difference of few percent range shall not be expected.
Nevertheless should it happen that difference of this size is registered, then it must be stated that the reason for that
is either too low drying temperature or formation of impermeable layers over the sample surface.
One should realise that not all infrared energy emitted onto the sample, or the tested object, is
absorbed by it. The IR energy may be partly reflected or transmitted elsewhere, therefore it does
not heat the sample directly and may be completely lost in the drying process. The amount of
absorbed, reflected or transmitted energy depends on the length of infrared radiator's wave and
on type of the surface onto which it is emitted. These, but also some other crucial variables ,
significantly influence effectiveness of thermal energy.
IR energy gets transferred into heat as a result of getting in touch with the surface, next, due to
conductivity, the said heat spreads over the tested object. Materials such as metals are
characterized with high thermal conductivity therefore they transmit the heat onto the entire
volume quickly and evenly. In case of materials such as plastic, wood, and others, the thermal
conductivity is low, these materials' surface may reach high temperature long before the increase
of internal temperature gets recorded. This is a reason of formation of crust on some samples'
Most of the materials (except for glass and some types of plastic) are infrared-impermeable, in
such case, the energy gets either absorbed or reflected. Glass, see-through plastic films may
reflect and transmit major part of radiation. Therefore drying these materials exclusively through
radiation seems to be unreasonable.
- 30 -
8.2. Methods for Heating Samples in the Drying Chamber
Standard heat source of MA.3Y and MA.R series is an infrared radiator, operating in a feedback
loop with a temperature sensor. This ensures thermal stability in the course of the analysis.
Designed by Radwag method of dynamic control of temperature in the drying chamber is one of
the elements allowing to obtain short analysis duration and drying series repeatability.
Apart from IR emitter also halogen lamp (HAL) or resistance heating wire can be installed inside of
the drying chamber. The substantial difference between these heating modules concerns the
method of heat transmission to the sample's surface. In order to transmit heat, IR and HAL lamps
emit waves ranging from 0.76m to 1000m. Both the lamps are in fact infrared radiators,
however they emit waves of different lengths. They are addressed with different names due to the
need to distinguish them one from another.
Figure 17. Electromagnetic waves spectrum with range specified for moisture analyzers
This kind of classification is quite conventional one since the wavebands cover one another. A
certain band, for some of the cases, may be considered to be such one that generates short
waves. However in some other circumstances, it can happen that the very same band will be
recognized as band generating medium-length waves. When speaking of the drying processes, the
crucial information concerning them is the way the heat gets to the sample. We can speak of two
phenomena here, the process of radiation and convection.
RADIATION is nothing else but transmission of heat from one body to another, wherein the
amount of transmitted heat depends on:
temperature difference between the emitting element (radiator) and the receiver
radiated wavelength.
- 31 -
Practically every single body emits radiation, this can be easily noticed using the thermal imaging
camera. The above refers also to lamps placed in the drying chamber. The greater the lamp
temperature, the more heat is sent to the sample.
Photo 4. Photo 5.
Infrared lamp radiation Radiation spectrum of the hot sample
Each hot body is a radiation emitter, this can be observed in photo number 4. As a result it is not
only the radiator that heats the sample but also a major surface of the top panel, due to this the
moisture content is released fast.
CONVECTION uses heat transmission, wherein the heat is transmitted as a result of movement of
air particles circulating in the drying chamber. The warm air, which is thinner, moves up whereas
the cool air goes down. This kind of circulation allows to transfer energy via certain kind of a
It is not just the heater type that decides on the effectiveness of used heating solution. Also
sample's absorption properties, i.e. ability to take up radiation, and the level of reflectivity, i.e .
ability to reflect radiation, are of a great importance. Therefore the question arises what the
optimal choice is.
Infrared radiators (IR) emit wavelengths longer than radiators of HAL type. Light of more intense
red colour is visible. The longer the wave, the lower the value of coefficient of reflexion (which
depends on the type of sample's surface). This relation means that more energy passes through
the material. Thermal energy evenly spreads over the whole samples volume.
- 32 -
Radiators of HAL type emit shorter wavelengths (brighter light) than radiators of IR type. The
shorter the wavelength, the more radiation gets reflected. Contribution of radiation when it
comes to the whole transferred energy balance may be estimated at 50%. The below table
presents comparison of these two radiators.
Radiator Halogen
Radiation 70% 50%
Convection 30% 50%
Table 5 Convection and radiation conditioned by the heat source
In case of heat source such as resistance heating wire, the sample is heated via radiation. At
the beginning, convection also contributes slightly to the heating process, later its contribution
is greater but still almost insignificant. When taking into account physics of the process, this
source of heat is the most appropriate when speaking of reference methods (specified by
standards) requiring use of the induction heater. Radiator such as the resistance heating wire
is not a solution commonly applied in moisture analyzers. However the effectiveness it
guarantees in the course of the drying process is satisfactory. Two major disadvantages to be
pointed out here are delay concerning the drying temperature increase, and thermal inertia.
The above indeed may be a problem wherever flexibility (various drying temperatures) and
fast operation (large number of samples) are a necessity. The below pictures present
differences between the discussed heat sources.
Samples differ in terms of absorption capabilities. Smooth and even surface reflects more radiation, which means that
less energy is absorbed and the sample gets heated more slowly. The effect of absorption depends on sample's colour
and the sample's reaction to temperature raise (the effect of crust formation). There are no suggestions concerning
heat sources that would clearly state which particular solution is preferable.
- 33 -
The photos present infrared radiators that are used in moisture analyzers. Judging by the intensity
of light one can easily distinguish IR emitter from the radiator of HAL type.
Before the moisture analyzer start-up, the operator should undergo training regarding safety and functionality issues.
Such approach is beneficial for both the distributor and the user. The results of the first drying tests are of no real
value when not confirmed by a respective methodology. While attempting to determine the best methods, it is
advisable to consult either the manufacturer or the authorised distributor.
It is possible to assess accuracy of drying carried out using the moisture analyzer, ho wever one condition must be
fulfilled, namely, the calculated value must be referred to the real (known) moisture content. If such information is
unknown, then it must be obtained via test carried out in accordance with recommended procedures. In case of a
product for which there are no standards, the test should be carried out with reference to characteristic features of
the sample (type, colour, absorption capability, homogeneity etc.). For such objects, initially, drying temperature of
105 C is adapted, however there are cases when the tests must be repeated. The reason for that may be, for example,
surface burning of the sample.
It can be easily noted that there are certain differences between infrared radiators, but when it comes to accuracy of
the drying process there are two crucial factors: the drying temperature and the methodology (sampling, sample
preparing process, etc.). This means that similar moisture content results can be obtained regardless of used heat
source type (IR, HAL or resistance heating wire).
- 34 -
9. Samples Preparation
The first factor conditioning 'precise' moisture content result is correct drying temperature. As
much significant is every single aspect concerning the sample. Starting from sample selection to
the moment of placing the selected sample in the drying chamber. While sampling, it is
recommended to take pieces of the material that is to be dried from more than one part of the
whole substance or product. Unfortunately, in practice this recommendation is hardly ever
incorrect correct
Photo 6. Storing technique
The above is possible in case of laboratory applications. When it comes to industry, these
requirements are rather impossible to be met. The product that is to be dried is taken directly
from the production line, therefore product storing takes no place. Disadvantage standing behind
this kind of procedure may be a great dispersion of indications, especially when the manufactured
product is characterized with high absorption/desorption capability.
- 35 -
9.3. Optimum Sample's Mass
The main idea about use of moisture analyzer is the possibility to obtain precise results within
a relatively short time. This requires weight of a dried sample to be optimal, i.e. heavy/light
enough to ensure that for a certain temperature the obtained result is comparable to the
reference value. General guidelines regarding sample's mass are presented below.
The thinner the sample layer, the less time the drying process takes. Semi-liquid samples can be
dried using an alternative method which requires use of glass fibre filter, for example, or silica
sand. In such a case the sample is dried upon being placed on the filter or sand. An advantage of
such solution is the ability to dry the sample from the top and the bottom. Due to this active
vaporization surface gets increased. It is possible to slightly modify the alternative method.
Namely, instead of one, the operator can use two filters between which the dried sample is
placed. Such modification is recommended especially when drying samples susceptible to
temperature rise in case of which crust formation takes place.
- 36 -
The discussed method is effective for samples containing large amount of sugars, syrup which
caramelize as a result of temperature increase. Fondant is a good example of sample of this kind.
The above photos prove that regardless of the adopted solution, filter or sand, the same result is
obtained. Due to economics, most operators will probably go for the silica sand, it is less costly and
easily accessible solution. As a professional accessory offering vast range of possibilities (size,
type), glass fibre filters are quite expensive.
- 37 -
In order to crush or grind the sample it is possible to use some electrical or mechanical devices, or
any method allowing to provide respectively crushed material. When preparing candied samples
(mainly fruits), grinding them with use of devices may turn out to be ineffective. In such a situation
prior drying the operator must cut the sample into small pieces.
9.3.4. Solids
If only possible, the solids should be broke into tiny bits of pieces prior the drying process. With
this, the chance to obtain a reliable result is much greater. The smaller pieces, the larger the whole
vaporization surface. Possible disintegration methods are: cutting, breaking, crushing etc. When it
comes to thick solids, it is highly probable that the moisture content of the sample differs
depending on the layer. The above refers to products such as boards, wood flooring etc. Here the
preparation methodology may be of a great importance.
Photo 11. Chipboard integrated sample Photo 12. Chipboard disintegrated sample
(inappropriately prepared material) (appropriately prepared material)
Some solids which are comprised of various materials are characterized with heterogeneity, for
example wood chips. Common feature of all solids that are subjected to drying is a slightly
different mechanism concerning release of free water. Separating the free water in case of solids
is much more difficult. Usually the drying is carried out for one temperature value set. An
exception to this rule are samples for which it is necessary to determine content of bound water,
for example minerals that are dried in few different temperatures. Free water content is
determined in temperature of lower value, whereas moisture that is bound chemically, in higher
9.3.5. Plastics
The nature of plastic samples is quite specific. Generally it is said that plastic materials are
moisture-resistant. We may assume that this is true for finished goods, but the test concerns
granulates not subjected to plastic working. PS, PVC, PE and PP plastic is not hygroscopic therefore
the moisture sets up on its surface exclusively. As for ABS, PA, PC, PET, these may store moisture
at the subcapillary or molecular level. Injection moulding (heat forming, blowing) is a process
requiring high temperature which is a cause of vaporization of plastic-contained water. Thermal
process is very fast, if the plastic contains too much moisture content then it is certain that not all
of it will evaporate. Some bubbles are formed both on the surface and inside of the moulded
piece. This is a reason for product disqualification because of inappropriate qualities such as look
and strength. Applied industrial methods aiming to dry plastics do not provide quantitative value
that would indicate quality of the sample prior the shot. This kind of information may be obtained
via drying a reference sample, carried out using the moisture analyzer.
- 38 -
In case of majority of plastics, the moisture content is quite low. Depending on the plastic type it
ranges between 0.02 % - 0.3 %. Due to this, start mass of the dried sample should be large. In case
of small masses, the error when it comes to moisture content measurement is quite serious
(chapter 7.1).
Photo 13. Plastic granulate not enough large Photo 14. Plastic granulate large sample's mass
sample's mass (inappropriately selected sample) (appropriately selected sample)
9.3.6. Liquids
Liquids drying is a process as a result of which dry substance is obtained. The quantity of the
obtained dry mass substance is usually so small that in order to be able to measure it, the start
mass must be large. This is typical in case of measurement of dry mass for drinking, surface and
waste water, which is drained off to soil and water basins. For the above cases it is advisable to
use pans with high brinks allowing to store larger content of the liquid.
Liquids consisting of at least several distinct phases should be thoroughly stirred before drying.
Start mass of a sample may be reduced to the amount of few grams, providing that the dry mass
obtained in the course of drying is of the order of few milligrams. The drying process duration may
be considerably shortened if the active vaporization surface gets enlarged. Ideal solution providing
active vaporization surface increase is the silica sand, its weight value should be at least 15 g 20
g. It can be easily estimated that due to such operation, the sample surface is about 5 times larger.
- 39 -
10. Thermal Processes Occurring in the Course of Drying
Drying with randomly selected drying parameters may cause unexpected changes of dried sample
structure. It is a good idea to inspect the surface state visually after completion of the first tests.
Cases like this require lowering of the drying temperature, which means that the process will take
longer. Another good solution is to prevent exposing the sample's surface to the lamp generated
radiation. To do that, the sample must be covered with a filter, or placed between two filters prior
test start. Sample protected like this will significantly differ from the one presented in the photo.
Reducing the drying temperature by just a few degrees should help to solve the problem.
- 40 -
10.3. Heat Absorption
Dark samples absorb more heat than the light ones. Due to this a bit lower drying temperatures
are applied when drying dark samples. Selection of correct parameters requires tests. Because of
quick vaporization, at the first stage of the drying process the sample's temperature may be
slightly lower. Quick vaporization is not observed during the second stage of the process. Too high
temperature gain may cause surface burning that is not easily noticeable.
When speaking of absorption of heat, one of the problems concerns materials that are not good
thermal conductors. Their surface may reach very high temperature, however inside they may stay
much cooler.
It is necessary to set what is the critical temperature value for which unfavourable changes occur
in sample's structure. The applied temperature must be of a slightly lower value than the
determined limit temperature. Drying with temperature that is a lot higher than the limit value
causes burning of the sample, whereas drying the sample in temperature of much lower value
gives incompletely dried material as a result.
It is possible to dry the sample in temperature higher than the set limit value, however this requires separation of the
sample's surface from the radiation source, for that purpose the sample can be covered with filter for example. If such
is the case then the weight value of the filter must be added to the weighing pan's tare value.
- 41 -
11. Test Function, Auto-Selection of Auto Mode
In order to select finish mode of the drying process, at least few tests need to be carried out. The
aim of such approach is to compare the obtained results with a reference value. It is the most
commonly used method for optimization of this parameter. Moisture analyzers of MA.3Y series
offer Test function, which simplifies selection of the right auto mode. This function's operation
consists in automatically carried out calculation of sample's moisture content in intervals set for
finish mode:
Auto 1, change by 1mg over 10 seconds
Auto 2, change by 1mg over 25 seconds
Auto 3, change by 1mg over 60 seconds
Auto 4, change by 1mg over 90 seconds
Auto 5, change by 1mg over 120 seconds
The test is performed in a given drying temperature that should be optimal, i.e. not causing
sample's burning. Since the cycle is automatic, then it can be carried out for various drying
temperatures, which allows to look for the optimum value. This aims to provide the expected
result within a possibly short time. Test function is one of the elements of Finish Mode menu.
Results of Test function operation are printed online via RS 232 interface. In order to analyse the
results it is necessary to either print or display them in a special computer application. Exemplary
printout, not providing indirect information concerning control of dry mass content (%D), is
presented below.
- 42 -
Operator Admin
Drying program ------------
Drying profile Standard
Drying profile parameters 120C
Finish mode Test
Start mass 4.4699 g
0:00:05 99.9931 %D
0:08:30 89.5224 %D
0:08:35 89.5143 %D
0:10:05 89.4020 %D
0:10:10 89.3975 %D
0:13:10 89.3044 %D
0:13:15 89.3025 %D
0:15:05 89.2749 %D
0:15:10 89.2734 %D
- 43 -
12. Drying Profiles
Drying profile is a set of parameters determining method of control of increase of the drying
chamber temperature. There are 4 drying profiles:
STANDARD profile applied in 99 % of cases, the temperature is reached fast, it takes about 60
seconds to obtain the set temperature value (for 120 oC).
FAST profile at the first stage the drying temperature reaches about 30% higher value than the
set temperature. The higher temperature can be maintained at a constant level up to 59 minutes,
the operator has the possibility to adjust the time. This profile is applied when drying samples of
high moisture content. Rapid evaporation of large quantity of moisture may result with lowering
of the drying chamber temperature, this in turn can prolong time of drying.
Figure 1
STEP profile this profile enables drying operation to be carried out in 3 different temperatures.
For each of them, time of heating is declared. Such cycle of operation aims to separate sample's
free water from the bound water. This profile is applicable when working with minerals for
example. It is also useful while testing gypsum purity.
- 44 -
Figure 23. Step profile
MILD profile - is used in those cases when too rapid temperature increase causes evaporation of
substances other than water. The operator can define time necessary to obtain the set
temperature, its maximum value is 20 minutes.
- 45 -
13. Drying Temperature Control
Drying temperature value is an effect of operation of both heating module (IR emitter) and
temperature controller. These devices operate in a feedback loop, which positively affects drying
temperature stabilisation regardless of analysis duration. Parameters of such system are adjusted
in a way providing long-term drying temperature stability, for each profile. Periodically tested
drying temperature is not an effect of technological conditions, but rather a requirement specified
by respective standards or legal and branch regulations. It is commonly known that each
measuring device has to be periodically tested. As for moisture analyzers when testing mass
indication, respective mass standards must be used, in case of drying chamber's temperature
tests, control thermometer is required. The following assumption is adopted:
If the drying temperature indicated by the moisture analyzer and the value of temperature
required to dry the sample are complaint, it means that the whole moisture content will evaporate
from the sample. The moisture content result indicated by the moisture analyzer will be precise.
The above assumption is true only if for a given sample, an appropriate drying method is applied.
In order to provide precise results it may be not enough just to keep the drying temperature
stable. Also drying method and sample preparation are extremely important.
With reference to the above a right conclusion can be made that in the course of audits not only
results of periodical drying temperature controls should be assessed but also the applied
methodology. This may be quite a challenge for auditors who are not specialists within the area of
thermo-gravimetric measurements.
- 46 -
Photo 20. Control thermometer placed in the moisture analyzer's drying chamber
To put the control set into the drying chamber, it is necessary to disassembly particular
components that are installed inside of it. The control focuses on the drying temperature
exclusively therefore the mass indication displayed in the course of the procedure is of minor
importance. Prior to test start, tolerance value, i.e. maximum permissible error concerning
temperature indications, must be specified. Additional information is the number of control
thermometer set.
Test of drying chamber heating takes exactly 8 minutes, after passage of this amount of time the
temperature displayed by the control thermometer must be read and entered into a dialog box
displayed on the moisture analyzer screen. The test result is not permanently recorded in the
moisture analyzer's memory therefore it must be printed (the printer) or sent to a computer
program. Control procedure printout is presented below.
- 47 -
--------- Drying chamber test ---------
Operator Admin
Start time 2016.03.07 11:15:29
Balance type MA 3Y.WH
Balance S/N 376820
Control thermometer set no. 87s
Status OK
Possible to be obtained stability of the drying temperature, in reference to the set temperature, is about +/ - 2 C.
Stability value of this size is efficient enough for typical drying processes. Moisture evaporates from the sample not
only when the set temperature is being maintained but also during its rapid increase. Quite a different issue is heating
the sample in a constant temperature over a long period of time, however even in such a case the adjustment system
ensures thermal stability.
The control set can be used to adjust the drying temperature. The test is carried out in three
different measurement points, the first point is the value of the ambient temperature. Two
remaining ones are set by default and can be modified. Heating time aiming to provide
stabilisation takes 8 minutes in case of each of the three temperature values. Adjustment consists
in entering to the dialog box, the value of the temperature taken form the control thermometer.
Control thermometer, GT105K-12/Z, must feature a valid calibration certificate.
- 48 -
Figure 26. Adjustment of the drying chamber temperature
Relation between R/T modifications that take place in the thermometer installed inside of the moisture analyzer's
chamber is of a linear nature. Periodical calibration of the thermometer is not a necessity. In the course of a long -term
usage of the moisture analyzer, change of the thermometer's characteristics is not registered.
- 49 -
14. Methodology-Related Guidelines for Various Areas of Industry
14.1. Dairy Industry
In dairy industry the moisture analyzers are used to access quality of products during a laboratory
test. In case of liquid and semi-liquid samples it is necessary to spread a thin layer of the material
over a weighing pan surface. Prior to sampling, the material must be stirred. Hard cheese requires
grating. Under certain conditions it is possible to use supplementary items such as filters,
absorbent paper, silica sand. After the completed drying, the colour of the sample should not
change, should it happen otherwise then the change must be minimal. Products of increased level
of fat content may be characterized with a greater dispersion of indication within a measurement
series than those of low fat content level. A good example of this type of product is powdered
semi-skimmed and full-fat milk.
14.3. Agroindustry
Moisture analyzers are used in the agroindustry mainly to enable assessment of moisture content
of any grains and cereals. If only it is possible the grains should be grinded, crushed, etc. This is
done in order to provide sample which is homogeneous as far as moisture content is concerned.
To remove moisture from beans may be a complicated issue. Problem seriousness depends on the
particular grain or bean structure. Products that have already been processed, such as flour for
example, are dried directly on a weighing pan, about 3 g 6 g sample is applied. Samples of
heterogeneous structure such as corn cob mix should be mechanically fragmented into smaller
pieces. It is a must since such product is comprised of various materials (corns, leaves, stalk). Large
pieces of pre-dried mushroom should be cut into smaller bits. They are dried directly on the
weighing pan. Moisture content of mushroom should not be greater than few or a dozen or so
percent. Any kind of fodder should be dried as it is, i.e. in its typical form and state.
- 50 -
14.4. Chemical Industry
Chemical Industry means mainly liquid or semi-liquid materials of any type, for which dry mass
content is determined after drying. Most users dry the samples directly on the weighing pan.
Provided that the sample layer is not too thin, it may be assumed that such drying method is right.
However in case of chemical substances it is recommended to increase the active vaporization
surface using silica sand or filters. Sample's mass when too great will result with prolonged
analysis time. Watery samples may be a bit problematic, their dry mass content is low. After
evaporation of the moisture practically nothing is left on the moisture analyzer's sample. For such
an instance, the start mass of a sample must be greater. Quite important issue is also the value of
scale interval [d].
In case of a sample of mass 10.000 g, for which the dry mass content left after the drying process
is 0.0015 g, use of moisture analyzer with d =0.001 g is insufficient. Potential error of indications
due to rounding may constitute even 50 % of the final result, therefore the dry mass indication will
be imprecise. For such samples use of moisture analyzers with d=0.1 mg is recommended.
14.6. Plastics
Characteristic of plastics requires application of samples of large mass. This is due to low moisture
content. The sample can be dried using automatic finish mode, it can also be dried over
a particular time interval. The drying time interval should range from 3 to 5 minutes . It is long
enough to let the moisture evaporate from the sample completely. While optimising the drying
temperature it is necessary to observe sample's surface, too high temperature will result with
sticking of the granules one to another, it may also cause change of colour. These days most users
apply moisture analyzers with scale interval d of 0.001 g. This is not an optimal solution when it
comes to plastic samples. From the perspective of metrology (analysis of errors), use of moisture
analyzer with d =0.1 mg sounds more reasonable while drying plastics.
- 51 -
15. Water Vapour Permeability Test
On the basis of mass differences of dried sample, it is possible to determine parameters other
than moisture content or dry mass content. A very useful solution is a water vapour permeability
determination set. The set is an accessory intended to test permeability to water vapour, which
value is used for the purposes of assessment of quality of:
vapour-permeable membranes,
plastic film,
laminated materials etc.
The vapour permeability determination set is comprised of two components: a permeability tester
and a moisture analyzer. The tester is an accessory dedicated for moisture analyzers and use of it
for other testing purposes is impossible. As for the moisture analyser, it is a standard product and
can be used either as a precise balance of specified readability, or as an instrument for
determination of moisture/dry mass content of various samples.
The permeability tester is a component of aluminium design, which after assembling forms
a hermetic unit from which distilled water is evaporated. Measurement methodology and tester's
design are protected by patent right (tester W 116646, measurement method P 381787).
- 52 -
15.1. Water Vapour Permeability Testing Method with Use of Moisture Analyzer
The device measuring permeability is a moisture analyzer, it registers loss of mass of water in the
course of the test. The data can be recorded automatically in accordance with a specified time
interval. To enable automatic record it is necessary to connect the moisture analyzer to:
an intended PC software,
a printer.
It is recommended to use the PC software. On the basis of the recorded data, a graph is
generated, which graph visualizes how quickly water vapour permeates through the tested
sample, or how quickly the water evaporates for so called blank test.
Measure of the water vapour permeability is the quantity of water vapour permeating through the
material, expressed in % in relation to loss of mass of water when on the tester no sample has
been placed, so called blank test.
When it comes to ambient conditions it is necessary to monitor temperature and the humidity of
the room. The temperature should range between 21oC - 26 oC, the humidity must be comprised
within 40% - 60% range. Variation of temperature during the cycle cannot exceed 2 oC, of
humidity 5 %. It is assumed that the temperature of the moisture analyzer's drying chamber is
stable throughout the test cycle.
Workstation for the water vapour permeability testing must be equipped with the following
materials and devices: moisture analyzer with at least 1 mg scale interval [d], permeability tester,
thermo-hygrometer, pipette for distilled water, distilled water, computer with respective PC
software (optional accessories).
Methodology regarding water vapour permeability testing, carried out with use of permeability tester,
allows to quickly compare materials one to another. Such tests are useful wherever sample structure is
modified in order to provide optimal sample composition. Obtained water vapour permeability value allows
to assess how the modification-causing component influences the material characteristics. Advantages of
such solution are speed, universality and low costs. Since this method is not standardized then it should not
be used to assess quality of materials in public trading. Validation and accreditation of testing method for
selected materials is open.
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16. Moisture Analyzers - Legal Requirements
State authorities supervision over the weighing instrument such as balance is limited to control of
indication of mass. Regardless of the displayed indication (% value, pieces quantity, sample's
moisture content), in the course of control it is always the result expressed in grams (kilograms)
that is being evaluated. Other values are a result of calculations done on the basis of the
elementary indication. This kind of an approach is right in case of balances, but not when it comes
to moisture analyzers. The moisture content result does not depend on mass indication exclusively
but it is affected also by sample size, drying process temperature, etc. Since there are no moisture
content standards, then it is not possible to assess accuracy of moisture content measurement in
accordance with law regulations. This seems to be a stalemate because due to the universality the
moisture analyzers are used also in institutes supervised by the national authorities, e.g.
environmental protection. How can the above problem be solved then?
In order to be accordant with the legal system regulations, it would be wise to use moisture
analyzers with type approval certificate. However, as it is known, the assessment in the course of
certification, next during verification, concerns measurement in grams. The obtained result will
provide no information regarding accuracy of moisture content determination. This kind of
approach seems to be senseless. Solution to the above may be validation of drying procedures.
Validation is a set of operations aiming to prove that the used device meets all the imposed
The requirements should concern mass measurement, drying temperature stability, accuracy of
moisture content determination etc. This is an example showing that technology is one step ahead
of the law. Accreditation, which becomes more and more significant, allows to look at the problem
optimistically. Maybe the best solution would be calibration of mass indication and the drying
chamber temperature. Law regarding weighing equipment subjected to legal metrological control
do not concern devices intended to measure moisture content, i.e. moisture analyzer.
(Regulation of the Minister for the Economy (OJ 2008 No 3, item 13, and OJ 2010 No 110, item 727).
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their own experience, internally carried out tests or results of some tests performed externally.
These are ways of obtaining information about the real moisture content of the sample.
The first thing required for the purposes of validation is information regarding sample's moisture
content. Lack of this information makes it impossible to carry out validation. It often happens that
standard-specified tests are performed by the manufacturer's laboratory like it is in case of
Radwag. Such test is followed by a second stage, i.e. optimization of the drying process
parameters and designing of methodology that would take into account particular sample's
characteristics. General diagram of validation is presented below.
Each measurement result, regardless of the measuring device type or the measurand is
characterised with uncertainty. Uncertainty specifies range within which, usually with 95%
probability, the measured value is comprised. When it comes to error of indications, we speak of
comparison of two values, in case of the uncertainty, many factors influencing the measurement
have to be referred to. The uncertainty value, although seemingly similar to the error of indication,
cannot be used in order to assess the measurement accuracy.
Uncertainty of determination of given sample's moisture content should take into account the fact
that the measurement is a differential one. In order to obtain the final result it is necessary to
measure sample's mass prior the drying process and after its completion. Additionally the
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uncertainty is influenced by the process of sample preparation, drying method and deviation of
the drying temperature. The basic budget of uncertainty may include the following: indications
repeatability, weighing instrument's resolution, error of indication, and the uncertainty of
determination of the indication error.
When all the above are referred to in calculations, then the expanded uncertainty for the
measurement of sample's start mass is:
m1 0.004 g
However one important thing should be remembered. It can be assumed that the start mass is
measured with an uncertainty of such value, but not necessarily the final mass. It has been already
said that in the course of drying various unfavourable processes may occur, for example crust may
form on the sample's surface, part of the sample may be a subject to thermal decomposition,
bottom layer may still contain moisture, etc. With all that in mind it is not hard to conclude that
uncertainty value in case of determination of sample's final mass m2 may be influenced by totally
different significant factors. It can be even said that their impact is dominant. Among these factors
there are:
the drying temperature, it oscillates within +/- 2oC in relation to the set temperature. This
range of variation does not affect the sample's moisture content result. However incorrect
drying temperature, e.g. too high, will be a reason of significant dispersion of indication
within one measurement series, caused by surface burning of the sample (solids).
methodology of sampling, sample preparation and drying. Some of the materials require
crushing or grinding, or being dried with other components, etc. Inappropriately prepared
sample as a result will give low repeatability of the measurement series. This may be one
of the most crucial issues in the course of optimisation of the drying method parameters.
It is practically impossible to estimate how great the influence of these factors is, it will vary
depending on the sample type. What the operator can do is to minimize influence of respective
factor by means of relevant methodology. In order to design relevant methods it is necessary to
carry out many tests, which tests aim to provide better results regarding final mass of the sample,
Previous chapters provide a lot of details concerning the methodology. It can be concluded that
determination of combined uncertainty is a complex issue and may not end up with a success.
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On the basis of series of measurements an arithmetic mean is calculated. This value is an
estimator for a real sample's moisture content.
1 n
x xi
n i 1
s ( xi ) ( xi x )2
(n 1) i 1
Although the equation refers to a mean value, u(x ) symbol is used instead of u(x ) .
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The main functional features of moisture analyzers of MA.3Y series:
Drying process is documented by means of reports which are comprised of the following sections:
header, line and footer. The users can design their own advanced non-standard printouts
presenting various information, displayed by means of universal variables (e.g. date, time,
sample's mass, etc.) and alphanumeric data. With this, it is possible to provide required printout
MA 60.3Y MA 200.3Y
Maximum capacity 60 g 200 g
Readability 0.1 mg 1 mg
Tare range -60 g -200 g
Weighing pan dimensions 90, h= 8 mm
Operating temperature +10 - +40 C
Power supply 230V 50Hz AC
Display 5.7'' (touch screen)
2 x USB 2.0; 4I / 4O; RS 232; Ethernet 10/100Mbit, Wireless
Communication Interfaces
Packaging dimensions 595 395 420 mm
Net weight 6 kg
Gross weight 10 kg
Maximum sample weight 60 g 200 g
Moisture content readability 0.0001 % 0.001 %
Moisture content
+/-0.05% (sample ~ 2g), +/-0.01% (sample ~ 10g)
Drying temperature range Max 160 C (option: 250 C)
Maximum sample height Max 20 mm
Heating module IR emitter (option: halogen lamp)
Heating module power 400 W
Drying method 4 drying profiles (standard, fast, step, mild)
Finish mode 4 options (time-defined, user-defined, automatic, manual)
Additional functions sample traceability, drying process graph
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20. MA.R Moisture Analyzer and MA X2.A
MA.R and MA X2 series offers similar functionality like the MA.3Y. However due to used display
type, access to some of the functions requires greater knowledge on the menu structure of the
MA.R moisture analyzer, and a little bit of experience. This concerns especially those users who
want to use databases and the drying programs.
The information system offers two-directional exchange of data via USB interface. MA.R moisture
analyzers allow databases import and export by means of memory sticks.
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Technical specifications of MA.R moisture analyzers
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MA.X2.A moisture analyzers are hi-tech measuring instruments intended for quick
determination of relative moisture content, dry mass content and other parameters in
samples of different substances. MA.X2.A series is equipped with innovative system: the drying
chamber can be opened and closed automatically using button or proximity sensors. Highlights of
MA X2.A series moisture analyzer:
MA X2.A series moisture analyzers are now equipped with DRYING FORECAST function that
enables to shorten the drying process. If you do not care about the highest accuracy and
increased measurement error (ranging from 5% to 20% of the end value) you can shorten the
drying process up to 6 times. It is an option dedicated for users who require fast and multiple
estimation of materials moisture content. DRYING FORECAST method is a prognosis of the
end result, carried out before the drying process is completed. Based on characteristics of
current drying curve, created online, moisture analyzer estimates the end result of the drying
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Technical specifications of MA.X2.A moisture analyzers
21. Summary
Moisture analyzers are universal measuring instruments, due to this they can be used both in
spotlessly clean laboratories or workrooms of pharmaceutical companies, and in industry where
they facilitate control of an ongoing production. The accuracy of the moisture analyzer results
depends on the adopted methodology, which methodology should be designed (verified) in the
course of validation. Only this kind of approach guarantees success and correct assessment of the
real state of the sample. Consultations with our customers who operate moisture analyzers on
a regular basis let us realize that users look for ready drying procedures. In order to meet this
expectation, RADWAG has been undertaking research activity for years. We carry out various tests
regarding moisture content issues and provide the customers with technical, practical and
scientific knowledge. This very publication is one of many examples of our struggle to educate
those who deal with weighing. I hope that problems discussed above will be helpful, especially for
those whose role is to implement moisture analyzers and take advantage of their expanded
functionality on a greater scale. Maybe they will select products manufactured by RADWAG, such
products that have been tested, and therefore are recommended, by our Laboratory for years.
Sawomir Janas
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