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Effects of Transhumance On The Southern Slope of The Fagaras Mountains

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GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites

Year II, no. 2, vol. 4, 2009, pag. 125-132


Alexandru NEDELEA
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, 1, N. Bălcescu Bd

University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, 1, N. Bălcescu Bd

Abstract: Shepherding has been one of the main occupations of the Romanian
people, which played an important part in its economic, social and historical life. This
activity has been carried on since long ago throughout the Fagaras Mts., in as much as
they offer in summertime favorable conditions, which are mirrored by the presence of
many sheep herds on the alpine and sub-alpine meadows. Every year, in spring, the
sheep leave the settlements that border the mountains or those lying in the
depressions and climb up to the mountain meadows. This transhumance (seasonal
migration of herds from lower to upper areas and vice versa) is caused by the lack of
enough pastures to support large numbers of sheep. The yearly travel of herds has
encouraged the intensification of land degradation processes (rain-wash, gully erosion
and torrentiality), while overgrazing led to a lessening of vegetal biodiversity.

Key words: transhumance, shepherding, sheepfold, Fagaras Mts.

* * * * * *

1. General features
The southern slope of the Fagaras Massif falls into the category of the summery
mountains (fig.1) (Popp, 1933), due to its southern aspect, sunny surfaces and the
presence of long and gently inclined summits, rounded or even flat, covered by rich and
nourishing grasslands. Toponymy certifies the human presence in this area ever since the
Middle Ages, as well as its continuity up to the present times (Constantinescu-Mircesti,
1976; Alexandrescu et al, 1994). The arrival of the ungureni1 from the Marginimea
Sibiului (the surrounding area of the Sibiu City) after 1700 – 1750 marked the acme of
shepherding, which lasted until 1900, when wood harvesting in the Arges catchment
intensified. The landscape of the study area shows the following features:
- Great extension of the leveled surfaces covered by alpine and sub-alpine
meadows, and especially of the levels Rau Ses I and II.

1 So were called the Romanians living in Transsylvania at the time when this Romanian historical province was
part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire

- High density of springs on the edge of the huge talus slopes (20-25
- High density of paths and cart roads on the gently inclined slopes (3-4/km2).
- An upper tree line of spruce fir forest ranging from 1400 m, in the vicinity of the
sheepfolds (anthropogenic limit), to 1800-1850 m (climatic limit).
- A high density of sheepfolds (2-3/km2) with optimal development at 1700 m,
which is 300 m higher than on the northern, shady slope. According to Mara Popp
(1933), these sheepfolds lie at various elevations, between 1000 and 1900 m, with
the highest concentration near the timberline (fig 2).

2. Sheepfold typollogy
Typologically, the southern slope of the Fagaras Mts. falls into the type of
agricultural shepherding with the sheepfold in the mountains (Vuia, 1980).
As a traditional activity, shepherding continued to exist in the area of the Fagaras
Mts. even after 1900, although the number of animals had dropped sharply. Settlements
such as Arefu, Capataneni, Turburea, Corbeni, Poienari, Bradet and Gales, which acted as
traditional pastoral centers, have managed to keep this profile up to the present despite
the fact that they have been strongly affected by the more recent activities: wood
harvesting, hydropower constructions, transportation and tourism.

Figure 1. The geographic position of Fagaras Mts

The decrease of livestocks has eventually had a positive effect on the mountain
landscape, inasmuch as abusive practices have been largely eliminated.
Today, from multiple reasons, shepherding is in regress. The expropriation of big
estates and the appropriation of land to the peasants in villages situated far from their
native lands, which happened between 1950 and 1960, seriously impacted the
shepherding. Transhumance was the most affected because following the collectivization
undertaken after 1950, the pastures shrank and the shepherds began to abandon this
activity, which made the old associations divide. The great sheep owners have
disappeared, especially after 1990, and those who continue the tradition do not hold more
than 50 or 60 sheep. Usually, the shepherds graze their sheep in the mountains in
summer (3-4 months/yr) and come back in the lowland villages in winter.
Effects of Transhumance on the Southern Slope of the Fagaraş Mountains

Even though the shepherding has

initially appeared on the northern slope of
the Fagaras Mts., it extended rapidly on the
southern slope, where the summits were
gentler and the pastures more extensive.
The shepherds in this area were known as
ungureni and pamanteni, a fact certified by

Figure 2. The location of a pastoral settlement on principal interfluve between the rivers Argeş and Vâlsan
the double settlements lying along the
Topolog, the Arges and the Valsan
(Capatanenii Ungureni and Capatanenii
Pamanteni, Oesti Ungureni and Oesti
Pamanteni, Albesti Ungureni and Albesti
Pamanteni, etc.). The ungureni were the
shepherds who had come here from the
surrounding areas of the Sibiu City and
settled down on the southern slope of the
Fagaras Massif, while the pamanteni
represented the local people, who used to
drive their herds up to the alpine area. The
latter lived in settlements such as Arefu,
Corebeni, Turburea, Oesti, Bradet and
Albesti and that is why they were called
according to their place of origin: arefani,
corbenari, turbureni, oesteni, bradeteni
and albesteni.
The sheepfolds have always played
an important part in the mountain
economy. Generally, they have been built
near a source of water, but also in the
vicinity of the forest, where the wood for
fire and construction has been readily
available. As mentioned previously,
sheepfolds appeared later on the southern
slope, and when they did, they nestled
predominantly in the catchments of the
main streams: the Capra, the Buda, the
Valsan, the Raul Doamnei, etc. Other
favorable locations were, and still are, the
slopes with southerly or southeasterly
aspect, where sheepfolds can climb higher.
As can be seen from the graph that
correlates the number of sheepfolds, the
number of pens and the altitude, the
highest frequency of sheepfolds (22) is
found inside the hypsometric step of 1600
– 1800 m. At the same time, the equation
of polynomial regression line has a
correlation coefficient of only 30% (that is,
very weak), which shows the obvious
influence of the relief on the distribution of
pastoral settlements (fig. 3).

Most of the sheepfolds lie near the timberline (the sheepfolds on the Jorzea,
Naneasa, Lespezi, Piscul Negru, Lipitoarea Ciocanului, Ciocanu, Coastele Mari, Raiosu
and Tuica Massifs). Sometimes, however, they are placed on the cleared lands or in the
mountain glades (poieni), as it is the case of the sheepfolds in the Poiana Zanoagei (1680
m), Poiana Sroafa (1580 m), Poiana Lacsor (1420 m), etc. Likewise, there are sheepfolds
located in areas formerly occupied by forests, which subsequently have faded away,
burned down or have been leveled to the ground by storms. In this category, one can
count the sheepfolds in the Limpedea catchment (Maracinu, Molivis, Pleasa Oii, etc.),
those in the Valea lui Stan (Rancurea) and Calugarita catchments, as well as those
situated along the valley corridors Capra, Buda, Podu Giurgiului, etc. On the glacial
section, there is only one sheepfold, at present abandoned, which is lying in the
Moldoveanu cirque. Beside the sheepfolds, specific for the southern slope of the Fagaras
Massif are the huts, representing small shelters for the shepherds who guard the barren
sheep, the lambs and the rams that are separated from the rest of the herd. The huts are
usually placed along the glacial valleys (Museteica, Capra) and inside the cirques, where
pastures have a low nourishing value and climatic conditions are harsher. By contrast, the
dairy sheep are grazed around the sheepfolds, where grass is richer, and even in the
woods, where they can find shelter. Some sheepfolds on the southern slope (Ciocanu,
Jorzea, Robita, Capra, etc.) shelter cattle as well, which is an important aspect that
influences the pastoral exploitation of the land (fig 4).





1200 y = -34.933x2 + 229.26x + 1262.6

Altitude (m)

R2 = 0.0824






0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Number of sheepfolds

Figure 3. The correlation between mumber of sheep folds and altitude

Other indicative elements for the pastoral activity on the southern slope of the
Fagaras Mts. are the shepherds’ pyramid-shaped marks. These are made of slabs and are
used to mark both the boundaries between the sheepfolds and the itineraries followed by
shepherds and their herds in bad weather conditions (mist, storm, and blizzard). It can be
said that these pastoral marks make the connection between the villages and the high
mountain areas.
Effects of Transhumance on the Southern Slope of the Fagaraş Mountains

Figure 4. Arges Valley-land utilization


On the other hand, shepherding has preserved a tradition and a specific toponymy
of exquisite scientific and touristic value, which are still insufficiently known and
popularized. We can include here the old appellatives (oierit, tarla, tarlit, tarlasi,
stauina, baci, cioban, strungar, manzarar, sterpar, stana, saivan, saia, strunga,
comarnic, mutatoare, areapa, etc.) and the toponyms derived from pastoral occupations
(summits bearing names such as Pleasa Oii, Tuica, Lipitoarea Ciocanului, Oticu,
Comarnic, Florea, Coaste, etc.).
The toponyms appeared as a result of pastoral activities and they have been passed
from generation to generation. The term plai is present even today on the southern slope
in the form of oronyms and appellatives such as Plaiul Plesei, Plaiul Oii, Plaiul Strambei,
Plaiul Lacsorului, etc. Another widespread toponym is poiana, which refers to the areas
cleared with the purpose of creating open lands for building pens and sheepfolds: Poiana
Zanoaga, Poiana Lacsor, Poiana Maracine, Poiana Sroafa Mare, Poiana Scroafa Mica, etc.
At the same time, the study area preserves oronyms that draw on the activities carried on
at the sheepfolds (Piscul Mutatoarei, Comarnic, etc.) or which mirror the main activity in
a certain area (Izvorul Mioarelor, Varful Scroafa, Paraul Caprelor, Poiana Scroafa Mare,
Valea Porcului, etc.). Some oronyms and hydronyms preserve the names of the shepherds
who owned parts of the land, for instance Piscul lui Turcu, Culmea Musetescu, Muntele
Florea, Valea Leana, Izvorul lui Anghel, Izvorul lui Radu, etc.
The transhumant herding that has been carried on in the Fagaras Mts. has altered
the mountain environment, especially in its upper part (fig.5). Between the 19th and the
20th centuries, the grazing fields were extended by slash and burn in order to ensure food
for an increasing number of sheep and goats.

Figure 5. Pastoral arrangements (Izvorul Moldoveanu valley)

The most important alterations of natural vegetation occurred in the upper

Carpathian level, particularly at the tree line, and in the sub-alpine level. The
deforestations reached a climax in 1948, when, by an order of the former Agricultural
Production Cooperatives, the juniper trees on the southern slopes of the Fagaras Mts.
were destroyed on large areas. After that, juniper trees were to be found only in isolated
or fragmented clusters.
The cleared areas lying near the tree line, which as mentioned previously usually go by
the name of poiana, are crossed by numerous pastoral mountain roads, which climb along
the secondary summits up to the alpine desert zone. Likewise, these meadows are
interspersed with many shelters, sheepfolds and pens, which are used for sheep breeding and
hay making. Unfortunately, overgrazing destroys the grassy vegetation and leads to soil
compaction and degradation, which trigger the erosion processes. At the same time, the
paths trodden by animals, especially sheep, have acted as lines that concentrated the flow of
water and thus encouraged the formation of many rills, gullies and torrents, all of them
Effects of Transhumance on the Southern Slope of the Fagaraş Mountains

affecting strongly the landscape. The irrational and intensive grazing has reduced the
pastures’ quality and has triggered soil degradation. After 1990, the human pressure through
grazing in the mountain area has declined significantly, as the sheep number dropped.
The transportation routes, and especially forest roads and cart roads, have affected
the stability of slopes in their lower parts, where materials have been excavated or
removed by the streams. Such works, corroborated with woodcutting, have a negative
impact on slope dynamics (landslides, rain-wash and torrentiality) and induce channel
alterations (decrease of linear erosion for the benefit of transportation, followed by
important accumulations). The cart roads and even the paths created by man and animals
represent alignments that speed up slope morphodynamics (rain-wash, torrentiality,
mudflows), which leads to the alteration and degradation of landscape.
By the swing accomplished every year (village – mountain – village), alpine and
sub-alpine levels suffered the following alterations:
- The nourishing species became extinct through overgrazing and they have been
replaced by Nardus stricta, a low quality plant (secondary grasslands).
- The steep slopes lying beneath the alpine level have suffered degradations
because of the geomorphological processes that settled in easily in the absence of a
proper vegetal cover (destroyed by overgrazing).
- In order to extend the grazing fields, the upper tree line has been lowered
through massive cuttings of the spruce fir forests, as well as through the burning of
the bushy vegetation in the sub-alpine level (fig.6).
- Species of plants and animals have become extinct (Yew tree – Taxus baccata)
or they have been affected by herding activities (Rupicapra rupicapra,
Leontopodium alpinum, etc.).

Figure 6. Pinus mugo Figure 7. Traditional ethnographic

associations burned holiday-climbing mountain sheep

3. Conclusions
The most important alterations of the natural vegetation occurred at the upper tree
line; the level of spruce fir forest has suffered deep changes, as the young forests were cut
to a large proportion. Massive deforestations were accomplished after 1950, when the
juniper trees on the southern slope of the Fagaras Mts. disappeared almost entirely.
As the herding continues to be an important activity, it is necessary that a correct
assessment of the relation between the pastoral potential and its utilization be made. The
ecological projects that will be developed within the framework of regional planning
should foresee the extension of natural reserves and even the declaration of a national

park. These would imply a reduction of the grazing fields and even the elimination of a big
number of sheepfolds. However, a proper and sustainable management of the landscape
would require the preserving of nature, of the elements of historical and ethnographical
value, which mirror a tradition older than 300 years (fig.7), as well as of the local people’s
experience with regard to the reasonable use of pastoral potential.


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Submitted: October 29, 2009

Accepted: November 16, 2009
Published online: November 30, 2009


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