Retailing Mangement
Retailing Mangement
Retailing Mangement
economic significance to most developed nations. It generates revenue and wealth for
brings employment and creates wealth of the economy. It is a vibrant part of our
larger level so it requires massive manpower to handle and manage its operations.
Retailing also helps society in general by providing goods and services in reasonable
price and increasing their standards of living. Retailing is the set of activities that
markets products or services to final consumers for their own personal or household
use. It does this by organizing their availability on a relatively large scale and
products/services in bulk so they can take advantage of economy of scale and thus
they can formulate competitive pricing strategies. Products and services are generally
sold through the store or on the internet. The first decade of modern retail in India has
been characterized by a shift from traditional kirana shops to new formats including
department stores, specialty stores hypermarkets, and supermarkets and across a range
the last few years, modern retail has also established its presence in the small cities,
exposing residents to shopping options like never before. Big Bazaar is a chain of
shopping malls in India currently with 31 outlets, owned by the Pantaloon Group. The
idea was pioneered by entrepreneur Kishore Biyani, the head of Pantaloon Retail
India Ltd. The idea from the very beginning was to make Big Bazaar very
comfortable for the Indian customer. Big Bazaars all over India attract a few
thousand customers on any regular day, and a lot more if they are offering something
extra on each buy, which they normally are! And the sales force at Big Bazaar along
From the days of industrial revolution when goods & services were produced to the
present day, the emphasis has shifted from the producers to the consumer and his
needs, and with the consumer becoming more involved, in the marketing process
there is greater need for information regarding the consumer needs. Preferences and
making them satisfied of the products & services, has led to a constant but increasing
need to conduct marketing research. This research is an insight into the mind of the
consumer, with the help of which the organizations will become aware of their pitfalls
and in turn can also make improvements in the product regarding the level of
The scope of study is confined to Retailing Management At Future Retail Ltd with
Big Bazaar, abids Branch, Hyderabad. The study that conducted includes analysis of
Retailing Management adopted at Future Retail Ltd with reference to Big Bazaar.
1.4 Objectives of the study
To study and analyze the Retailing Management of Future Group Limited with
Primary data
number of customers.
Secondary data
Time Period : Time period for the research is limited for three
1.7 Limitation
The present research is restricted to only one mall i.e. Abids branch in
The sample size taken is only 100 and as such is very small as compared --
to the universe, this is due to the constraints of time and effort, and as
Industry profile
Retailing Industry
Retailing in India is one of the pillars of its economy and accounts for 14 to 15
percent of its GDP. The Indian retail market is estimated to be US$ 500 billion and
one of the top five retail markets in the world by economic value. India is one of the
fastest growing retail markets in the world, with 1.2 billion people.
As of 2013, India's retailing industry was essentially owner manned small shops. In
2010, larger format convenience stores and supermarkets accounted for about 4
percent of the industry, and these were present only in large urban centres. India's
retail and logistics industry employs about 40 million Indians (3.3% of Indian
Until 2011, Indian central government denied foreign direct investment (FDI) in
convenience stores or any retail outlets. Even single-brand retail was limited to 51%
In November 2011, India's central government announced retail reforms for both
multi-brand stores and single-brand stores. These market reforms paved the way for
services to consumers for their personal, family, or household use. It includes every
sale to the final consumer ranging from cars to apparel to meals at restaurants to
movie tickets. Retailing is the last stage in the distribution process .Retailing today is
at a fascinating crossroads. On the one hand, retail sales are at their highest point in
history. Wal-Mart is now the leading company in the world in terms of sales ahead of
ExxonMobil, General Motors, and other manufacturing giants. New technologies are
improving retail productivity. There are lots of opportunities to start a new-- retail
possibilities abound. On the other hand, retailers face numerous challenges. Customer
service expectations are high at a time when more retailers offer self-service and
automated systems. At the same time, some retailers remain unsure what to do with
the Web; they are still grappling with the emphasis to place on image enhancement,
These are the key issues that retailers must resolve: How can we best serve our
customers while earning a fair profit? How can we stand out in a highly competitive
environment where consumers have so many choices? How can we grow our
business while retaining a core of loyal customers? Our point of view: Retail
decision makers can best address these questions by fully understanding and applying.
Retailing is an important field to study because of its impact on the economy, its
functions in distribution, and its relationship with firms selling goods and services to
The tasks performed by retailers affect the percentage of each sales dollar they need to
cover costs and profits .Retailers also complete transactions with customers. This
means having convenient locations, filling orders promptly and accurately, and
Mart, Carrefour and Tesco, as well single brand majors such as IKEA, Nike,
and Apple. The announcement sparked intense activism, both in opposition and in
support of the reforms. In December 2011, under pressure from the opposition, Indian
In January 2012, India approved reforms for single-brand stores welcoming anyone in
the world to innovate in Indian retail market with 100% ownership, but imposed the
requirement that the single brand retailer source 30 percent of its goods from India.
Indian government continues the hold on retail reforms for multi-brand stores. In June
2012, IKEA announced it had applied for permission to invest $1.9 billion in India
and set up 25 retail stores. An analyst from Group stated that the 30 percent
requirement was likely to significantly delay if not prevent most single brand majors
from Europe, USA and Japan from opening stores and creating associated jobs in
On 14 September 2012, the government of India announced the opening of FDI in
welcomed by economists and the markets, but caused protests and an upheaval in
Government of India formally notified the FDI reforms for single and multi brand
On 7 December 2012, the Federal Government of India allowed 51% FDI in multi-
brand retail in India. The government managed to get the approval of multi-brand
retail in the parliament despite heavy uproar from the opposition some states will
allow foreign supermarkets like Wal-Mart, Tesco and Carrefour to open while other
Kearney, India retail industry is the most promising emerging market for investment.
In 2007, the retail trade in India had a share of 8-10% in the GDP (Gross Domestic
Product) of the country. In 2009, it rose to 12%. It is also expected to reach 22% by
2010. According to a report by North bride Capita, the India retail industry is expected
to grow to US$ 700 billion by 2010. By the same time, the organized sector will be
20% of the total market share. It can be mentioned here that, the share of organized
Pantaloon is one of the biggest retailers in India with more than 450 stores across the
country. Headquartered in Mumbai, it has more than 5 million sq. ft retail space
located across the country. It's growing at an enviable pace and is expected to reach 30
million sq. ft by the year 2010. In 2001, Pantaloon launched country's first
Tata Group
Tata group is another major player in Indian retail industry with its subsidiary Trent,
which operates Westside and Star India Bazaar. Established in 1998, it also acquired
the largest book and music retailer in India Landmark in 2005. Trent owns over 4
RPG Group
RPG Group is one of the earlier entrants in the Indian retail market, when it came into
food & grocery retailing in 1996 with its retail Food world stores. Later it also opened
Reliance is one of the biggest players in Indian retail industry. More than 300
Reliance Fresh stores and Reliance Mart are quite popular in the Indian retail market.
AV Birla Group-
AV Birla Group has a strong presence in Indian apparel retailing. The brands like
Louis Phillips, Allen Solly, Van Heusen, and Peter England are quite popular. It's also
investing in other segments of retail. It will invest Rs. 8000-9000 cores by 2010.
The Future
The retail industry in India is currently growing at a great place and is expected to go
up to US$ 833 billion by the year 2030. It is further expected to reach US$ 1.3 trillion
by the year 2018 at a CAGR of 10%. As the country has got a high growth rates, the
consumer spending has also gone up and is also expected to go up further in the
future. In the last four year, the consumer spending in India climbed up to 75%. As a
result, the India retail industry is expected to grow further in the future days. By the
year 2013, the organized sector is also expected to grow at a CAGR of 40%.
Retail consists of the sale of goods or merchandise from a fixed location, such as a
department store, boutique or kiosk, or by mail, in small or individual lots for direct
or through a wholesaler, and then sells smaller quantities to the end-user. Retail
establishments are often called shops or stores. Retailers are at the end of the supply
chain. Manufacturing marketers see the process of retailing as a necessary part of their
overall distribution strategy. The term "retailer" is also applied where a service
provider services the needs of a large number of individuals, such as a public utility,
shopping mall. Shopping streets may be for pedestrians only. Sometimes a shopping
street has a partial or full roof to protect customers from precipitation. Online
transactions and mail order, are forms of non-shop retailing. Shopping generally
A marketplace is a location where goods and services are exchanged. The traditional
market square is a city square where traders set up stalls and buyers browse the
merchandise. This kind of market is very old, and countless such markets are still in
operation around the whole world. In some parts of the world, the retail business is
still dominated by small family-run stores, but this market is increasingly being taken
Retail is usually classified by type of products as follows
Food products
goods, etc.
Department stores
Discount stores
Warehouse stores
Specialty Stores
Convenience Stores
Vending Machines
Automated Retail
Retailers can option for a format as each provides different retail mix to its customers
format will lend a hand to display products well and entice the target customers to
spawn sales.
Retail Pricing
The pricing technique used by most retailers is cost-plus pricing. This involves adding
a mark up amount (or percentage) to the retailer's cost. Another common technique is
suggested retail pricing. This simply involves charging the amount suggested by the
In Western countries, retail prices are often called psychological prices or odd prices.
Often prices are fixed and displayed on signs or labels. Alternatively, when prices are
not clearly displayed, there can be price discrimination, where the sale price is
dependent upon which the customer is. For example, a customer may have to pay
more if the seller determines that he or she is willing and/or able to. Another example
Transfer Mechanism
There are several ways in which consumers can receive goods from a retailer:
Counter service, where goods are out of reach of buyers and must be obtained
from the seller. This type of retail is common for small expensive items (e.g.
jewellery) and controlled items like medicine and liquor. It was common
before the 1900s in the United States and is more common in certain countries.
Door-to-door sales, where the salesperson sometimes travels with the goods
for sale.
Some shops sell second-hand goods. In the case of a nonprofits shop, the public
donates goods to the shop to be sold. In give-away shops goods can be taken for free.
There are also "consignment" shops, which are where a person can place an item in a
store and if it sells, the person gives the shop owner a percentage of the sale price. The
advantage of selling an item this way is that the established shop gives the item
Sales Techniques
Behind the scenes at retail, there is another factor at work. Corporations and
independent store owners alike are always trying to get the edge on their competitors.
store displays that will attract more customers in a certain demographic. The nation's
largest retailers spend millions every year on in-store marketing programs that
landscape. Retailers can also use facing techniques to create the look of a perfectly
Retail Sales
The Retail Sales report is published every month. It is a measure of consumer
spending, an important indicator of the US GDP. Retail firms provide data on the
dollar- value of their retail sales and inventories. A sample of 12,000 firms is included
in the final survey and 5,000 in the advanced one. The advanced estimated data is
based on a subsample from the US CB complete retail & food services sample.
Company Profile
Future Group, led by its founder and Group CEO, Mr. Kishore Biyani, is one of
India's leading business houses with multiple businesses spanning across the
consumption space. While retail forms the core business activity of Future Group,
group subsidiaries are present in consumer finance, capital, insurance, leisure and
entertainment, brand development, retail real estate development, retail media and
Led by its flagship enterprise, Pantaloon Retail, the group operates over 12 million
square feet of retail space in over 71 cities and towns and 65 rural locations across
India. The group owns several leading formats including Pantaloons, Big Bazaar,
Food Bazaar, Home Town, eZone and Central. Pantaloon Retail was awarded the
International Retailer of the Year - 2007, by the US-based National Retail Federation,
the largest retail trade association and the Emerging Market Retailer of the Year 2007
strong insights on Indian consumers and building businesses based on Indian ideas, as
espoused in the group's core value of 'Indians'. The group's corporate credo is,
provides an integrated shopping site where consumers are able to buy products from
our flagship stores including eZone, Pantaloons and Big Bazaar online and get home
delivery of products. Future Bazaar delivers across more than 1500 cities and towns in
India covering 16,000 pin codes. Future Bazaar carries genuine products and offers
manufacturer's warranty (as opposed to Seller's warranty) which most other sites offer.
Future Bazaar offers products where the complete supply chain is managed by Future
By the virtue of being a part of Future Group, Future Bazaar is able to offer a wide
Big Bazaar is not just another hypermarket. Where Big Bazaar scores over other
stores is its value for money proposition for the Indian customers. At Big Bazaar, you
will definitely get the best products at the best prices - that's what we guarantee. With
the ever increasing array of private labels, it has opened the doors into the world of
cutlery, sports goods and much more at prices that will surprise you. And this is just
the beginning. Big Bazaar plans to add much more to complete your shopping
experience. The Big Bazaar is a useful place to find cheap household items, clothes,
and food all under one roof. However, the chaos and crowds often make shopping
there a challenge.
Low prices.
Many stores.
Quality is variable.
Sells furniture, electronics, clothes, cookware, cosmetics, household items,
There was a time not so long ago that large department stores were a completely
foreign concept in India -- but not anymore. The Big Bazaar is one such department
store to have set up shop across the country. Since its first outlet opened in Kolkata in
late 2001, the Big Bazaar has spread to towns and cities at an alarming rate.
These multi-level shopping Meccas stock everything from food to fridges, and
cookware to clothes. However, the Big Bazaar isn't your ordinary department store.
It's been especially designed to appeal to the Indian consumer. You may be thinking,
With a slogan of "Is se sasta aur accha kahin nahi!" ("Nowhere cheaper or better than
this!"), the Big Bazaar targets itself directly at the average Indian's love of following
Instead, stores are laid out to replicate a market environment, with items all thrown in
together. Promotions such as "Sabse Saste Teen Din" (Cheapest Three Days) and
"Purana Do, Naya Lo" (Give Old, Take New) result in shoppers flooding the stores, to
the point that some stores have become so overcrowded they've had to close.
If you visit the Big Bazaar in the daytime during the week, it is possible to have a
deceptively pleasant and hassle free shopping experience. However, don't make the
mistake of going there during a sale, on holidays, evenings, or on Sunday. When I did
this, I had to wait for almost an hour just to be served at the checkout. Forget about
getting the all items I wanted, I was happy to get out of there in one piece! Ive also
found that the full price is all too often charged on sale items, so do check your receipt
Food Bazaar becomes part of Big Bazaar with the launch of the first store in
Big Bazaar enters Tier II cities with the launch of the store in Nagpur.
Big Bazaar welcomes its 10 million-the customer at its new store in Gurgaon.
Big Bazaar wins its first award and national recognition. Big Bazaar and Food
Bazaar awarded the countrys most admired retailer award in value retailing
A day before Diwali, the store at Lower Parel becomes the first to touch Rs 10
Big Bazaar and ICICI Bank launched ICICI Bank-Big Bazaar Gold credit card
Big Bazaar launches Shakti, Indias first credit card program tailored for
shopping portal.
Big Bazaar becomes the fastest growing hypermarket format in the world with
Big Bazaar initiated the Mega Saving "Monthly Bachat Bazaar" campaign, to
provide exceptional deals on groceries and food items during the first week of
every month.
Big Bazaar captures almost one-third share in food and grocery products sold
Mahendra Singh Dhoni and Asin, youth icons of India, were chosen as the
Big Bazaar connects over 30,000 small and medium Indian manufacturers and
Big Bazaar opens its fourth store in Kanpur at Jamau which is the largest
Big Bazaar forays into the rural wholesale and distribution business through
Big Bazaar has come up a new logo with a new tag line: Naye India Ka
For the convenience of the online customers, Big Bazaar has started free
brand bakery products, which would be sold exclusively at Big Bazaar stores.
Big Bazaar entered into a five year multi-million dollar deal with Cognizant
Future Group-owned Big Bazaar is set to go ahead with its virtual franchisee program
me -Big Bazaar Direct. The retail chain has completed a pilot project for this in
Nagpur, a company official said."This is a hybrid model, which has benefit of both e-
commerce and physical retail," said Vivek Biyani, director of Big Bazaar Direct. The
company will be looking at building franchisees or agents across the country and has
set a target of 10,000 franchisees by the end of 2015 or 50,000 franchisees in three to
four years.
Through this model, the Rs. 9,000-crore Big Bazaar chain will look at making agents
a housewife. The agent will take orders from customers and send it to the Big Bazaar
w-ho in turn will deliver the goods at the doorsteps. This business model does not
At present, Big Bazaar has 240 stores across the country. With this model the
About the amount of business this model would generate, Biyani said: "In future we
Retailing Management
Retailing encompasses the business activities involved in selling goods and services
to consumers for their personal, family, or household use. It includes every sale to the
final consumer ranging from cars to apparel to meals at restaurants to movie tickets.
Retailing is the last stage in the distribution process .Retailing today is at a fascinating
crossroads. On the one hand, retail sales are at their highest point in history. Wal-Mart
is now the leading company in the world in terms of sales ahead of ExonMobile,
General Motors, and other manufacturing giants. New technologies are improving
retail productivity. There are lots of opportunities to start a new retail business or
work for an existing one and to become a franchisee. Global retailing possibilities
abound. On the other hand, retailers face numerous challenges. Many consumers are
bored with shopping or do not have much time for it. Some locales have too many
stores, and retailers often spur one another into frequent price cutting (and low profit
margins). Customer service expectations are high at a time when more retailers offer
self-service and automated systems. At the same time, some retailers remain unsure
what to do with the Web; they are still grappling with the emphasis to place on image
These are the key issues that retailers must resolve: How can we best serve our
customers while earning a fair profit? How can we stand out in a highly competitive
environment where consumers have so many choices? How can we grow our
business while retaining a core of loyal customers? Our point of view: Retail
decision makers can best address these questions by fully understanding and
focused retail strategy. Retailing is an important field to study because of its impact
on the economy, its functions in distribution, and its relationship with firms selling
Retailing is the last stage in a channel of distribution all of the businesses and people
involved in the physical movement and transfer of ownership of goods and services
from producer to consumer. Retailers often act as the contact between manufacturers,
wholesalers, and the consumer. Many manufacturers would like to make one basic
type of item and sell their entire inventory to as few buyers as possible, but consumers
usually want to choose from a variety of goods and services and purchase a limited
quantity. Retailers collect an assortment from various sources, buy in large quantity,
and sell in small amounts. Another job for retailers is communicating both with
customers and with manufacturers and wholesalers. Shoppers learn about the
availability and characteristics of goods and services, store hours, sales, and so on
from retailer ads, sales people, and displays. Manufacturers and wholesalers are
informed by their retailers with regard to sales forecasts, delivery delays, customer
complaints, defective items, inventory turnover, and more. Many goods and services
For small suppliers, retailers can provide assistance by transporting, storing, marking,
advertising, and pre-paying for products. Small retailers may need the same type of
help from their suppliers. The tasks performed by retailers affect the percentage of
each sales dollar they need to cover costs and profits .Retailers also complete
transactions with customers. This means having convenient locations, filling orders
A Retail Strategy
A retail strategy is the overall plan guiding a retail firm. It influences the firms
business activities and its response to market forces, such as competition and the
economy. Any retailer, regardless of size or type, should utilize these six steps in
strategic planning
1 Define the type of business in terms of the goods or service category and the
2. Set long-run and short-run objectives for sales and profit, market share, image, and
so on.
3. Determine the customer market to target on the basis of its characteristics (such as
gender and income level) and needs (such as product and brand preferences).
4 Devise an overall, long-run plan that gives general direction to the firm and its
Growth-oriented objectives.
Target Corporation has long been guided by principles that are designed to enhance
strategies that fuel consistent growth and profitable market share gains. We believe
that by managing our business like this, we can continue to deliver average annual
growth in earnings per share of 15 percent or more over time and generate substantial
Target Stores has done a superb job of positioning itself: Pay Less + Expect More.
It is a true discount department store chain with everyday low prices. Target Stores
makes up the big three of discounting. It has linoleum floors, shopping carts, and a
The chain never loses sight of its discount store niche: Our strategic direction at
Target is clear: to continue to delight our guests with differentiated merchandising and
exceptional value while we continue to invest in our technology and leverage our
The firm prides itself on offering excellent customer service for a discount store.
The firm has long embraced the concepts of innovation and newness, recognizing
the importance of creating unique ways to delight our guests every time they visit our
Customer Service
undertaken by a retailer in conjunction with the basic goods and services it sells. It has
a strong impact on the total retail experience. Among the factors comprising a
customer service strategy are store hours, parking, shopper friendliness of the store
layout, credit acceptance, salespeople, amenities such as gift wrapping, rest rooms,
employee politeness, delivery policies, the time shoppers spend on checkout lines, and
customer follow-up. This list is not all inclusive, and it differs in terms of the retail
customer service is affected by expectations (based on the type of retailer) and past
not necessarily reality. Different people may evaluate the same service quite
differently. The same person may even rate a firms customer service differently over
Relationship Retailing
whereby they seek to establish and maintain long-term bonds with customers, rather
than act as if each sales transaction is a completely new encounter. This means
service, and staying in touch with customers. a customer respect checklist that
retailers could use to assess their relationship efforts .To be effective in relationship
retailing, a firm should keep two points in mind: (1) Because it is harder to lure new
customers than to make existing ones happy, a win-win approach is critical. For a
retailer to win in the long run (attract shoppers, make sales, earn profits), the
customer must also win in the long run (receive good value, be treated with respect,
competitors) and customers lose (by spending time and money to learn about other
retailers). (2) Due to the advances in computer technology, it is now much easier to
shopping behavior .Ongoing customer contact can be better, more frequent, and more
Client may come down or make a phone call or complaint online
The client is validated. The client may have an annual maintenance contract or
onsite assistance.
Online support
The service is done online also. The client may visit the website to obtain basic
support information about the product and FAQ. He can chat with the service engineer
on phone or online.
The report reflects the current status of the system. The reports that can be generated
are as follows:
Customer request report status of the system. The reports that can be requests.
Service engineer report provides the information about the skills and strengths
Bills generation.
Data Analysis and Interpretation
30% of the respondents came to know about BIG BAZAAR products from hoardings
while 28% of the respondents came to know from print media and electronic media
was assumed by 22% of the respondents. A small significant 20% of the respondents
replied that road shows have helped them in understanding BIG BAZAAR products.
From the above table it is seen that 50% of the respondents have been using BIG
BAZAAR products for past one year. While 37% have been using it for more than 1
year, and a significant 12% of respondents have been using the service for less than
six months. Only 1% of the respondents have been using BIG BAZAAR products for
From the above table it can be seen that 55% of them are using food services, while
21% are using electronics services, and the 4% are using sport kit services, textiles are
using 20%.
From the above table it is shown that 56% of the respondents are citing quality of
service as the factor. While 24% cited brand image as the reason for choosing the
service. As far as price is concerned only 20% of the respondents have quoted it as the
In todays busy world convenience seems to be the most overriding factor while
preferring a cellular service. It is clear that 45% of the respondents have preferred this
service due to easy & hands free availability, making it convenient to use it. On the
other 25% have said economy of the service, while 12% of the respondents have
given features as their choice. While a meager 10% of the said parking as the reason
From the above table it is clear that 49 % of the respondents are satisfied with the
service of the mall while a significant number i.e., 30% of the respondents highly
highly dissatisfied .
From the above table it is clear that 55 % of the respondents are highly satisfied with
the quality of the product offered mall while a significant number i.e., 36 % of the
No. of
respondents percentage
Yes 10 10%
No 90 90%
Total 100 100%
From the above table it is shown that 90% of the respondents were no faced any
Friends 60 60%
Family members 15 15%
Others 0 0%
Total 100 100%
From the above table it is shown that 60% of the respondents were influenced by their
10) Did you know the customer awareness program for every month?
No. Of
respondents Percentage
Yes 40 40%
No 60 60%
The above table is indicating that, from the total respondents of the survey 40%
respondents are aware of the customer program , and the remaining 60% respondents
are completely unaware of this statement, due to lack of communication from the
Yes 67 67%
No 33 33%
Total 100 100%
It is clear from the above analysis out of 100% respondents, 67% of the respondents
It is clear from the above analysis that the out of 100 respondents, 70% of the prefer
pay bill to the Cash and 25% of the card payments remaining 5% of both.
13) Do you utilize door delivery system?
No of respondents percentage
Yes 90 90%
No 10 10%
total 100 100%
It is clear from above 90% of them respondents utilize delivery facilities remaining
No. of respodenents Percentage
Before the delivery 10 10%
After the delivery 50 50%
Both 40 40%
Total 100 100%
It is clear from above information out the respondents100, 50% of the respondents
Pay the money before the delivery remaining 30%of them after the delivery & 10% of
them both.
Of the 100 respondents surveyed 99% of them convenient for delivery, and only 1%
16) How do you rate the Mall Staff response for door delivery orders?
Of 100 respondents 50% of the respondent excellent staff response to the door
delivery orders remaining 30% & 20% of the respondents good, average.
No. of respondents Percentage
Yes 63 63%
No 37 37%
Cant say 00 00%
Total 100 100%
It is clear that 63% of the respondents would recommend the service, while a
significant 37% of the respondents do not want to recommend the service to their
18) What is the pricing of BIG BAZAAR Mall as compared with other?
No. Of respondents Percentage
More Expensive than 00 00%
Less Competitive 10 10%
Equal to competitive 80 80%
Cant say 10 10%
Total 100 100%
The feelings of customers of BIG BAZAAR about the pricing of the services is, 80%
of them are Equal to competitive and feel the prices are comparable with others and
Sales promotion 20 20%
publicity 20 20%
Total 100 100%
20) What are the offers display the big bazaar mall most to the customer?
Wednesday 40 40%
Day offers 40 40%
Monthly offers 10 10%
Festival& Others 10 10%
Total 100 100%
It is clear information above 100 respondents, 40% of the respondents big bazaar
display Wednesdays& Day offers remaining of the 10% of the Monthly, festival
21) Which income level people are suitable to make purchases in the
No. of respondents Percentage
High level income 50 50%
Medium level 35 35%
Low level income 5 15%
Any level income 10 10%
Total 100 100%
level income people, 35% of respondents middle level income, 5% low level, 10%
any one.
No. of respondents Percentage
parking 30 30%
Online purchases 40 40%
Lift 20 20%
Other 10 10%
Total 100 100%
Of 100 respondents, now the shopping mall increases. so, customers asked some
additional features to the mall 40% online purchasing,30% parking,20 % lift ,10%
No. of
respondents percentage
Yes 40 40%
No 51
70 60%
Total 100 100%
Suggest this mall shopping to your friends
If clear above information 60% of the respondents suggest this mall shopping to the
It is found that majority of the respondents came to know about big bazaar
services like free door delivery, warranties in food and electronic goods of the
It is found that majority of the respondents choose big bazaar for its Quality of
service and offers.
It is found that majority of the respondents prefer big bazaar for its
the mall.
It is found that majority of the respondents highly satisfied with the quality of
product offered.
It is found that majority of the respondents have not faced any problem at time
of purchase.
It is found that majority of the respondents are influenced by the friends
on cash.
It is found that majority of the respondents to utilize the door delivery system
and also interest to pay after the delivery & excellent response by the staff of
It is suggested to give more focus on services provided in food and electronic
goods Sections.
It is suggested to improve or maintain the same quality of service.
It is suggested to start more number of malls in all areas and increase more
It is suggested to concentrate on event management to encourage more
The respondents are of BIG BAZAAR, and they came know about the service from
hoardings, print media, primarily and through electronic media and road shows
respondents and the reason for choosing it is the quality of the service, followed by
high; however a significant number of the respondents are dissatisfied with its
motivators of the respondents in making their purchase decisions, due to the special
offers being targeted by the company at this segment. The respondents are paying
their bills at the company show rooms, and these are also on delivery time. The
respondents are desirous of having online bill payment service for convenience as its
saves their time, money and effort. The instruments being providing with billing