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Water Management Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers

Model of flow over spillways by

computational fluid dynamics Paper 1200034
Chinnarasri, Kositgittiwong and Julien Received 26/01/2012 Accepted 05/07/2012
Keywords: Keywords: hydraulics & hydrodynamics/mathematical modelling/
models (physical)

ICE Publishing: All rights reserved

Model of flow over spillways by

computational fluid dynamics
1 Chaiyuth Chinnarasri PhD j
3 Pierre Y. Julien PhD
Professor, Water Resources Engineering & Management Research Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Center (WAREE), King Mongkuts University of Technology Thonburi, Colorado State University, USA
Bangkok, Thailand
2 Duangrudee Kositgittiwong BEng
PhD Candidate, Water Resources Engineering & Management
Research Center (WAREE), King Mongkuts University of Technology
Thonburi, Bangkok, Thailand

1 j
2 j

The objective of the present study was to simulate the flow behaviour through smooth, 25-step and 50-step
spillways using a multiphase flow model with the realisable k model. The simulation results were compared with
the data from a large-scale physical model. A grid convergence index was used to reduce the discretisation error. The
simulation results of flow along stepped spillways and the flow on the step agreed well with experimental data for
both smooth and stepped spillways. The flow profiles, velocity profiles, turbulence intensity, and energy dissipation
of flow through spillways are illustrated and discussed. Expressions for the turbulence intensity distributions in
smooth and stepped spillways are also proposed.

NOTATION l step length (m)

C1 max [0:43, =( 5)],  Sk= L spillway length in streamwise direction from upstream
C2 constant of 1.9 of spillway (m)
C 1 constant of 1.44 LS length in streamwise direction from upstream of
C 3 relation of flow velocity in x and y-direction, spillway to the point of interest (m)
C 3 tanhjv=uj n exponent number of power law
D constants of distribution of turbulence intensity N total number of steps along the spillway
eija approximate relative error (%) Nt total number of cells
eijext extrapolated relative error (%) P pressure (N/m2 )
E0 energy at the inlet section, E0 (elevation p apparent order for Grid Convergence Index
head + 1.5yc ) (m) rij grid refinement ratio, rij hgi =hgj , i and j are mean
Ei energy at the point-of-interest section, Ei (flow depth coarse and fine grids, respectively
measured in vertical direction + velocity head) (m) Re Reynolds number
EL energy loss EL E0  Ei (m) s relative horizontal distance s il=L cos
f value of numerical solution f ij f i  f j S modulus of the mean rate of strain tensor, S 2S ij S ij
f ijext extrapolated numerical solution (1/s)
Fs safety factor Sk source terms of kinetic energy kg/(ms3 )
Gb generation of k due to buoyancy kg/(ms3 ) S source terms of dissipation rate kg/(ms4 )
Gk generation of k due to the fluid shear, Gk t S 2 t time (s)
kg/(ms3 ) ui velocity in xi -direction (m/s)
h step height (m) uj velocity in x j direction (m/s)
H flow depth normal to the slope (m) u friction velocity (m/s)
i index of step number u9 fluctuating velocity (m/s)
I turbulence intensity, I u9=V V velocity at point of interest (m/s)
k turbulent kinetic energy (m2 /s2 ) V90 velocity at the depth of 90% air concentration (m/s)
Ks roughness height, K s h cos (m) y depth at point of interest normal to the slope (m)

Water Management Model of flow over spillways by
computational fluid dynamics
Chinnarasri, Kositgittiwong and Julien

yc critical depth (m) order to investigate flow over spillways using reasonable
YM effect of compressibility on turbulence kg/(ms3 ) resources, time and expense. Chen et al. (2002) used a standard
a volume fraction of air (%) k model to simulate the flow. The first five step heights were
w volume fraction of water (%) 0.02, 0.024, 0.03, 0.04 and 0.05 m. Downstream were eight more
 turbulent dissipation rate (m2 /s3 ) steps with a uniform step height of 0.06 m. The overall height of
exponent number of distribution of turbulence intensity the spillway was 0.789 m and the number of steps was only 13,
 molecular dynamic viscosity kg/(ms) yielding a model which was too short to attain the aerated zone.
t turbulent dynamic viscosity kg/(ms) The trends of the velocity and pressure profiles from the
 kinematic viscosity (m2 /s) numerical and physical models were similar but the error at some
spillway slope (8) points was more than 20%. However, the results proved to be
r cell density (kg/m3 ) consistent with the flow characteristics and measured surface
ra air density (kg/m3 ) profiles. Cheng et al. (2006) used a mixture model to reproduce
rw water density (kg/m3 ) the flow over a stepped spillway, and also included the interaction
k turbulent Prandtl number for k,  k 1.0 between entrained air and cavity recirculation in the flow, velocity
 turbulent Prandtl number for ,  1.2 distribution and the pressure profiles on the step surface.
turbulent frequency (l/s)
However, even if the numerical solution agrees well with experi-
1. Introduction ment data, there is the uncertainty arising from discretisation
A spillway is an important facility designed to prevent over- errors. The discretisation error is a potential deficiency in any
topping and release flood flow. Due to the high flow over the phase of the modelling process due to lack of knowledge.
spillway the design is complicated and gives rise to cavitations Therefore, a grid independence study has recently become an
and high kinetic energy problems. A stepped spillway having a important tool to determine whether the grid size is refined
profile made up of a number of steps and consisting of an open enough to produce good results with less discretisation error.
channel with a series of drops is becoming popular for high-
efficiency controlled release of overflow. The step faces can The aim of the present study was to extend the understanding of
dissipate the energy of the flow and reduce the size of the energy the flow through spillways by using numerical results. Herein, a
dissipator needed downstream of the spillway. The aerated flow suggestion for appropriate grid size for the simulation is pre-
on the stepped spillway also reduces cavitation problems (Chama- sented, based on the grid convergence index (GCI). The flow
ni and Rajaratnam, 1999). Scaled-down models of spillways have profiles, velocity profiles, turbulence intensity, and energy dis-
been used as tools to study the flow over stepped spillways. Many sipation are illustrated and discussed. Finally, expressions for the
studies have investigated various sizes of stepped spillways turbulence intensity distributions in smooth and stepped spillways
experimentally, but they were very expensive and time-consuming are proposed.
due to the complexity of the flow.
2. Physical model
In highly air-entrained flows such as two-phase flow through a The physical model, tested by Ward in 2002, was located at
spillway, the viscous forces and surface tension play a very Colorado State University (Ward, 2002). The concrete spillway
important role in air entrainment. If these two secondary forces are was 34.09 m long, 1.22 m wide, and 2.13 m deep on a 2H: 1V
ignored a scale effect, a critical term of the problem which is used slope with a total height of 15.24 m. It is the same physical
to describe slight distortions, can occur and the data can then be model as that used in the Hydraulic Laboratory Report HL-2005-
misinterpreted. The physical modelling of stepped spillways based 06 which is one of the reports in the Hydraulic Laboratory Report
upon a Froude similitude may be sensitive to scale effects series produced by the Bureau of Reclamations Water Resources
(Gonzalez and Chanson, 2004). If a Froude similitude is applied, Research Laboratory in the United States (Frizell, 2006). There
the air bubbles are too large and cause a detrainment rate that is too were three types of spillways with the schematic diagram and
high. Moreover, flow recirculation on the step causes a momentum locations of measurement as shown in Figure 1(a).
exchange with the main flow and suggests the need for a Reynolds
similitude. A Reynolds number of at least 105 is proposed to
minimise viscous effects (Boes and Hager, 2003). A scale of 10:1 (a) For the smooth spillway, flow discharges of 0.57, 1.13, 1.70,
or larger is suggested for reducing the scale effects in modelling and 2.27 m3 /s were used. The data on the five locations were
stepped spillways (Chanson, 2002). A minimum Weber number of measured in the direction normal to the spillway floor. They
100 is recommended for surface tension effects to be negligible were at Ls /L 0.09, 0.28, 0.44, 0.60, and 0.76, as shown in
(Boes and Hager, 2003; Gonzalez and Chanson, 2004). Figure 1(b).
(b) For the 25-step spillway, with h 0.61 m and l 1.22 m,
As experiments are both expensive and time-consuming, the use values for yc /h of 0.46, 0.73, 0.96, 1.16 and 1.48 were used
of high-performance computers together with further develop- and they are identified as T0:46 , T0:73 , T0:96 , T1:16 and T1:48 ,
ments in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) are important in respectively. The corresponding discharges are 0.57, 1.13,

Water Management Model of flow over spillways by
computational fluid dynamics
Chinnarasri, Kositgittiwong and Julien

Flume size in model 009
Flume size in experiment s
Water surface profile Ls
Air inlet Measured L L
locations 076
Water inlet Outlet 2D grid
10 m 30 m 3048 m 30 m
Approaching Outlet Smooth spillway
Tank channel Spillway channel
(a) (b)

il il
016 016
L cos L cos
il il
031 031
L cos L cos
il il
047 047
L cos L cos
il il
063 063
L cos L cos
Measured il Measured il
079 079
locations L cos locations L cos
2D grid 2D grid
Pseudo-bottom Pseudo-bottom

A B A B h
l l
25-step spillway 50-step spillway
(c) (d)

Figure 1. Schematic diagrams of spillways: (a) spillway

dimension; (b) smooth spillway; (c) 25-step spillway, and
(d) 50-step spillway

1.70, 2.27 and 3.28 m3 /s, respectively. The measurements conductivity that occurs when a bubble impinges on the probe
were at the locations shown in Figure 1(c). tip. Its output signal was scanned at 15 kHz for 5 s per probe tip.
(c) For the 50-step spillway, with h 0.31 m and l 0.61 m, The error on the vertical position of the probe was less than
values for yc /h of 0.96, 1.48, 1.91, 2.32 and 2.69 were used. 0.025 mm. The accuracy on the longitudinal probe position was
These cases are identified as F0:96 , F1:48 , F1:91 , F2:32 and F2:69 , estimated as x ,  0.5 cm.
respectively. The corresponding discharges are 0.60, 1.16,
1.70, 2.27 and 2.83 m3 /s, respectively. The measurements
3. Multiphase flow and turbulence models
were at the locations as shown in Figure 1(d).
3.1 Domain, mesh and set-up
Velocity and air concentration instrumentation was mounted on a The numerical model, commercial-Fluent, with the finite volume
carriage system. The manually operated carriage system allowed method (FVM) was used with the uniform-sized, structured grids.
for two degrees of freedom, with movement along the spillway, The meshed domain represents a two-dimensional (2D) grid as
and lateral movement within the width of the spillway. The shown in Figure 1. The 2D grid was used because the results
remotely operated, motorised point gauge allowed for vertical from the physical model were collected only at the centreline.
movement normal to the pseudo-bottom. All profiles were taken Furthermore, the use of a 2D grid takes much less time than a
along the centreline of the spillway. A back flushing Pitot-static three-dimensional (3D) grid.
tube was used to measure the velocity, due to its ability to work
in non-homogeneous fluid. The output signal was scanned at The inlet section is upstream of the spillway which consists of
120 Hz for a duration of 20 s. The Pitot tube was patented by Leo the inlet of water at the bottom and the inlet of air at top. The
et al. (1969) as a Strut mounted dual static tube No. US 3482445. inlet water velocity was the initial condition and was set
The air probe was used to determine the air concentration. It acts uniformly at the water inlet and flow through the spillway which
as a bubble detector by passing a current through two conductors was initially full of air. The air boundaries were defined as an
spaced approximately 2.0 mm apart and measures the change in inlet pressure with the atmospheric pressure. The outlet of the

Water Management Model of flow over spillways by
computational fluid dynamics
Chinnarasri, Kositgittiwong and Julien

spillways at the downstream was defined as an outlet pressure The VOF solves a set of continuity and momentum equations and
such that the water could flow out freely. The simulation time in tracks the volume fraction of each phase by a tracking equation,
the model was 300 s, during which the flow had already become Equations 2, 3 and 4, respectively
steady state in the physical model. The time for the computation
for a typical case was about 60 h. The calculation domain was @r @rui
discretised into a structured grid with various sizes of 2: @t @xi
0.035 3 0.035, 0.05 3 0.05 and 0.10 3 0.10 m2 quadrilateral
@rui @rui uj @P @ @ui @uj
The control volume technique was used to convert the governing   t
equations to algebraic equations that could be solved numerically. 3: @t @xj @xi @xj @xj @xi
The integration governing equations on the control volumes were
solved iteratively using an implicit form. In the implicit scheme,
the unknown value of each variable was computed from the @w @w
relationship among the neighbouring meshes. Both known and ui 0
4: @t @xi
unknown values from the neighbouring meshes werere used in
one equation to evaluate the unknown value as [unknown
function (known + (unknown & known from neighbouring
meshes))]. Therefore, each unknown value was used in more than 3.3 The realisable k model
one equation. These equations were solved simultaneously to get Because the steps act as a macro roughness, flow through the
the values of the unknown quantities. The advantage of the spillway is a highly turbulent, two-phase flow that can generate
implicit scheme is that it is unconditionally stable with respect to high rates of momentum transfer. Therefore, using the turbulence
time step size. model is important to obtain good results for turbulent flow
behaviour. The realisable k model was first proposed as a k
The volume of fluid (VOF) model (Hirt and Nichols, 1981) was eddy viscosity model for high Reynolds number turbulent flows
chosen as a multiphase model and the realisable k model was (Shih et al., 1995). A new equation for dissipation rate was
chosen as turbulence. therefore suggested based on the dynamic equation of fluctuation
at large turbulent Reynolds numbers.
3.2 The volume of fluid model
The VOF formulation, one of the EulerianEulerian models, The modelled transport equations for turbulent kinetic energy and
based on the concept that there can be more than two phases in turbulent dissipation rate in the realisable k model are
each control volume and they are not interpenetrating (Hirt and
"  #
Nichols, 1981). In the free surface flow, as in the present study, @ @ @ t @k
the interface between air and water is tracking. Therefore, it is rk rkuj 
@t @xj @xj  k @xj
appropriate to use the VOF model because the interface cell can
be tracked as a mixture cell whereas the other EulerianEulerian Gk Gb  r  Y M S k
models focus only on the bubbles. The results from the Eulerian
Eulerian mixture model were previously found to be unsatisfac-
tory by the authors, especially at the interface, and so it was not
"  #
used in the present study. The properties in any cell are either @ @ @ t @
purely representative of one of the phases or representative of a r ruj 
@t @xj @xj   @xj
mixture. For a cell with a mixture, all properties are shared by
the phases and represent volume-averaged values. Due to the 2
concept of volume fraction, the properties, such as velocity, rC 1 S   rC 2 p
pressure and temperature, are shared. The total volume fractions
of all phases in each domain cell sum to unity, the cell density 
C 1 C 3 Gb S 
can be calculated from k

1: r w rw a ra w rw 1  w ra
This turbulence model uses the same equation for k as the other
k models. However, more variables were suggested in the
The other variables can also be calculated by using the same equation for  instead of constants and it was developed for flow
fraction of Equation 1. The volume fraction of fluid can be: 0 if with high Reynolds number from the exact solution. The per-
the cell contains no fluid of that kind; 1 if it is full of that fluid; formance is improved for good results in recirculation flow. The
and in between 0 and 1 if it is a mixture cell. other Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) models for ex-

Water Management Model of flow over spillways by
computational fluid dynamics
Chinnarasri, Kositgittiwong and Julien

ample; the standard k, the renormalisation group (RNG) k, f  f 
 i j
the standard k, the shear stress transport k models, have eija  
10:  fj 
been found to perform satisfactorily when used in different kinds
of flow simulation. The standard k is for fully turbulent flow
and the effects of molecular viscosity are negligible although it
gives poor predictions for swirling and rotating flows. The RNG
k significantly improved the accuracy for rapid flows but still eija
GCI ij f s
does not predict the spreading of a round jet correctly. The
11: rijp 1
standard k was developed to work with compressibility, and
shear flow spreading whereas the shear stress transport k was
developed to blend the robust and accurate formulation in the
near-wall region. However, these RANS models have been used The values of GCI21 , which is the refinement between finest and
and compared by the authors in previous studies. As unsatisfac- fine grids, were less than 4%. In comparison, the values of GCI32
tory results were found these models were not used in the present were less than 11%. It can be seen that the simulation was
study. dependent on grid size. The change of grid size showed a large
effect for all cases of spillways.
4. Results and discussion
For the 50-step spillway, the values of e32
a ranged from 10 to 20%
4.1 Grid independence study whereas e21
a was less than 5%. In the present study, the fine grid
In order to assess the discretisation error, the GCI was used. The is suggested to be an appropriate size because it showed
methodology consisted of five steps (Celik et al., 2008; Roache, noticeably better results than the coarse grid, whereas it showed
1997). First, define the representative grid sizes, then select three only a small difference compared to the finest grid. The maxi-
different grid resolutions with a grid refinement ratio, rij , of mum percentage differences between the experimental data and
higher than 1.3. Then, the apparent order, p, is calculated from the coarse, fine, and finest grids were 61, 26 and 19%, respec-
the equations as tively. The time and resources required for the simulation from
the fine grid were less than for the finest grid, but it showed
    similar results. However the results from the finest grid size
  f 32  
ln  qp were used in the present study with 1 700 008 and 1 688 188 cells
p for the 25-step and 50-step spillways, respectively.
ln r21
The extrapolated numerical solution, f ijext , and the extrapolated
rp21  s
qp ln p relative error, eijext , can be used to show the extrapolated results.
r32  s
In the present study, f 32 21
ext for all cases were similar to f ext and
the extrapolated relative error, eext for all cases were also similar
s sign 32 to e21
ext : However, these extrapolated numerical solutions were not
7: f 21
used in the study because the numerical results were intended to
compare with the experimental data.
Subscripts 1, 2, and 3 mean the finest, fine, and coarse grids, or
the grid sizes of 0.035 3 0.035, 0.05 3 0.05, and 0.10 3 0.10 m2 , 4.2 Flow along stepped spillways
respectively. The next step is a calculation of the extrapolated Chinnarasri and Wongwises (2004) proposed the minimum
solution and the extrapolated relative error from critical flow depth required for the onset of skimming flow and
the maximum critical flow depth for the nappe flow regime. The
nappe flow regime is a succession of free-falling nappe and jet
rijp f j  f i impacts from one step onto the next one when the nappe cavity is
f ijext
8: rpij  1 fully aerated (Chanson, 2002). For the cases of T0:46 and T0:73 ,
nappe flow was observed. With the higher discharge, an air
pocket was observed while the falling jet disappeared, then the
 ij  flow became a transition flow. The skimming flow regime was
f  f  observed after the higher discharge approach; in the present
 ext j
eijext   study, it was observed at T0:96 : Then the air pocket disappeared
9:  f ijext 
and the flow recirculation was observed. The flow was turbulent
along the spillway with the Reynolds number of 5.56 3 105 <
Re < 3.68 3 106 , 1.68 3 106 < Re < 7.21 3 106 , and 1.19 3
Finally, the calculation of approximate relative error and GCI are 106 < Re < 5.55 3 106 for the smooth, 25-step, and 50-step
given by spillways, respectively. All of the values of Re found in the

Water Management Model of flow over spillways by
computational fluid dynamics
Chinnarasri, Kositgittiwong and Julien

present study were greater than 105 , which suggested that the and other properties such as velocity and pressure, changed
viscous effects in the momentum exchange were minimised. gradually. At the end point of the gradually varied flow, the
attainment of uniform flow was observed.
Similarly to the physical models, two cases of nappe flow were
found on the 25-step spillway. The interface between the water 4.3 Flow on the step
surface and air can be seen in the numerical results. The The step which was far away from the inception point and
numerical results for nappe flow looked similar to the physical reached a uniform condition was used for observation. The nappe
model. The wavy water surface with the air pockets underneath and skimming flow on the steps are shown in Figure 3(a) and (b),
could be seen on the steps. For the flow along the entire spillway, respectively. The photos taken from the experiments (Frizell,
the value of V90 can be found from Figure 2. In the nappe flow 2006) with the simulation results of flow direction and volume
zone, at low relative critical flow depth, yc /ih, V90 stays constant fraction of water are shown on the same scale. For nappe flow,
since s is less than 0.2, where s il/L cos . At high yc /ih, V90 the flow depth was low and the air pocket was found near the
stays constant for s . 0.4. In the nappe flow regime, it can be corner of the tread and riser. The numerical results show good
obtained that the location where V90 stays constant depends agreement with the photograph, as shown in Figure 3(a). In the
directly on the relative critical flow depth. air pocket, there were small velocity vectors in different direc-
tions which meant that some water spilled in and out of the air
In cases of the same inlet velocity, for example: T0:96 and F1:91 , pocket. Due to the complexity in this zone, it was difficult to
T1:16 and F2:32 , the value of V90 from the 50-step spillway was measure the velocity or pressure, so there is an advantage to using
smaller than from the 25-step spillway at the same location. This the numerical model. However, it should be verified that the
shows that at the same yc /ih, the velocity, V90 , can rapidly vary numerical model can satisfactorily simulate this kind of flow. The
for different locations. However, V90 can be constant after steps at numerical results of the air concentration at the surface or at 90%
s . 0.8. It can be observed that low yc /ih can produce constant air concentration also agreed well with the experimental data.
V90 faster than high yc /ih. The flow profile of low yc /ih and high
yc /ih were therefore compared to locate the point of interest. For skimming flow, flow recirculation was observed in the lower
region. The air bubbles in the flow recirculation were distributed
The behaviour of skimming flow could be divided into two zones: within the upper region. High air entrainment was found at the
non-aerated and aerated. In the non-aerated zone, irrotational flow centre of the recirculation flow while the least flow velocity was
without air entrainment was observed. The water surface was found there. In the lower region, flow recirculation played an
quite smooth. After flow through some steps, the aerated zone important role in governing the pressure. The negative gauge
was found where the free surface was wavy with full air pressure could be found in the flow recirculation whereas the
entrainment. The separation point of the non-aerated and aerated higher pressure could be found in the downstream half of the
zone is called the inception point. Downstream of the inception tread. With the same velocity inlet, the negative pressure in
point can be divided into two further zones, namely gradually the stepped spillway was less than in the smooth spillway whereas
varied flow and uniform flow. In gradually varied flow, flow depth the negative pressure in the smooth spillway could be found along


V90 15
V90 14 Skimming
V90 13 flow
V V90 12
V 90

V 90


V90 11



yc Transition
ih flow
V9 V9 V90 1
0 9 0
V V 0 8
690 7
002 V9
0 5 Nappe

0 02 04 06 08

Figure 2. Diagram for V90 (m/s) at different dimensionless


Water Management Model of flow over spillways by
computational fluid dynamics
Chinnarasri, Kositgittiwong and Julien

Air pocket

90% air concentration Velocity vector Step



90% air concentration Velocity vector Step

Shear layer Pseudo-bottom


Figure 3. Schematic diagrams of flow on the steps (flow from

left to right): (a) nappe flow; (b) skimming flow

the entire length wherever the flow depth was higher than the air entrainment near the surface agreed well with the experimen-
design head at the upstream. Therefore, prevention of damage tal data but they could not simulate the region near the pseudo-
from cavitation in a stepped spillway was easier than in a smooth bottom well. The interaction between lower and upper regions
spillway. The filling of more air into the recirculation can be one was characterised by a shear layer in the shear layer zone, as
of the solutions to reduce the negative pressure. The numerical shown in Figure 3(b).
model can be a tool to design the appropriate step size for the
reduction of the negative pressure. 4.4 Velocity profile
The velocity profiles tended to have the same shape, beginning
The upper region, as shown in Figure 3(b), is the aerated zone. with velocity gradually increasing from the bed until a maximum
The flow depth in the main flow was higher than the nappe flow velocity was reached. At some point in the upper region of the
and contained a wavy water surface. The numerical results of the depth, an immediate change was observed where the velocity

Water Management Model of flow over spillways by
computational fluid dynamics
Chinnarasri, Kositgittiwong and Julien

abruptly increased. For both smooth and stepped spillways, the On the 25-step spillway, velocity profiles at s 0.79 between the
numerical results showed good agreement of the velocity profiles physical and numerical models is shown in Figure 5. This
when compared with the experimental data. The velocity profiles location was chosen because it was far from both the inception
along the smooth spillway at five stations with a discharge of point and the effect of tail-water. The percentage difference
2.27 m3 /s are shown in Figure 4. The percentage difference between the numerical and experimental data was less than 15%.
between numerical and experimental data was less than 17%. It was found that near the water surface, the data from the
physical model was quite different from the velocity profiles
After flow along some distances through the spillway, the velocity trend. This was due to a problem with measurements near the
profiles at all stations tended to have the same shape with the water surface with high turbulence of water and air. In the cases
same maximum velocity. The maximum velocity at the last which had the same critical depth at the same location, the
station near the outlet in the smooth spillway was high, and could maximum velocity from the smooth spillway was higher than in
cause more turbulence, compared with the flow along the stepped the 25-step spillway. Thus, the stepped spillway was more
spillway at the same inlet velocity. efficient than the smooth spillway in reducing the flow velocity.

Max. error Numerical model

Distance above the spillway floor: m

030 13%
Physical model
Max. error
025 13% Max. error Max. error
Max. error
10% 7% 16%




0 5 10 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
Velocity: m/s

Ls Ls Ls Ls Ls
At 009 At 028 At 044 At 060 At 076

Figure 4. Velocity profiles at five locations along the smooth

spillway with the discharge of 2.27 m3 /s
Distance above the pseudo-bottom: m

Max. error Max. error

Numerical model 11% 14%
Physical model
04 Max. error
Max. error 14%
03 Max. error


0 5 10 0 5 10 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Velocity: m/s

T046 T073 T096 T116 T148

Figure 5. Velocity profiles on il/L cos 0.79 of 25-step spillway

Water Management Model of flow over spillways by
computational fluid dynamics
Chinnarasri, Kositgittiwong and Julien

For the 50-step spillway, the comparison of velocity profiles at studies. However, in the present study, a value for n of 5 is then
s 0.79 in all cases is shown in Figure 6. The percentage suggested at all five locations.
difference between the numerical and experimental data was
less than 12%. In a comparison of cases which had the same Concerning the skimming flow, the numerical results are shown
critical depth at the same location, the maximum velocity from in Figure 8. The power law of skimming flow for both the 25-step
the 25-step spillway was also higher than that for the 50-step and 50-step spillways shows the same trend for all five locations.
spillway. Considering nappe flow only, Figure 7 shows the A value of n 4.4 was obtained from the present study, which
dimensionless velocity distribution at all five stations. In was quite close to previous studies (Matos, 2000).
previous studies on skimming flow, the results followed the
power law, as shown in Equation 12, suggesting different values 4.5 Turbulence intensity
of n. The turbulence intensity in the flow through the spillway is
subject to the influence of flow patterns of the boundary layers
 1=n and boundary conditions of different sections. This can be defined
V y
as the ratio of root mean square of the longitudinal component of
12: V 90 y90
turbulent velocity over velocity at that point. In Figure 9, the
turbulence intensity distributions from the smooth spillway, with
an inlet discharge of 2.27 m3 /s, are shown with the flow direction
Chanson and Toombes (2001) found n 5.1 and 6 for yc /h values from left to right. The trends of the turbulence intensity profiles
of 1.5 and 1.1, respectively. Matos (2000) obtained n 4, were similar to those on the smooth open-channel flow in a
whereas Chanson (1995) suggested n 3.5 and 4 for the earlier previous study (Radhakrishnan and Piomelli, 2008).
Distance above the pseudo-bottom: m

Numerical model Max. error

05 Max. error 10%
Physical model Max. error 7%
Max. error
Max. error


0 5 10 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 5 0 10 15 0 5 10 15
Velocity: m/s

F096 F148 F191 F232 F269

Figure 6. Velocity profiles on il/L cos 0.79 of 50-step spillway


y 06
y90 T073

0 V90
0 05 10 0 05 10 0 05 10 0 05 10 0 05 10

il il il il il
016 031 047 063 079
L cos L cos L cos L cos L cos

Figure 7. Dimensionless velocity distributions on different

locations of nappe flow

Water Management Model of flow over spillways by
computational fluid dynamics
Chinnarasri, Kositgittiwong and Julien

08 T116
y 06 T148
04 F096

02 F148

0 F191
0 05 10 0 05 10 0 05 10 0 05 10 0 05 10 V
il il il il il V90 F269
016 031 047 063 079
L cos L cos L cos L cos L cos

Figure 8. Dimensionless velocity distributions on different

locations of skimming flow

y 06
y90 04
Ls 02




1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Turbulence intensity (101)

Figure 9. Turbulence intensity distributions of flow along smooth

spillway with the inlet discharge of 2.27 m3 /s

At each measurement location, the maximum turbulence inten- studies (Chanson and Toombes, 2002; Gonzalez and Chanson,
sity, Imax , occurred close to the spillway floor. Then, with greater 2004). This might be because of the values of some of the
water depth, the turbulence intensity decreased to a minimum, parameters used to calculate the turbulence intensity. These
Imin , near the water surface. For the location upstream, Imax is previous studies used mean or average velocity to calculate the
lower than at the stations downstream. It increased gradually turbulence intensity. However, in comparison with the studies in
along the spillway and reached a maximum near the outlet. With which the turbulence intensity was from the friction velocity
respect to Imin near the surface, it slowly decreased from upstream (Carollo et al., 2005; Wang et al., 1993), the results show the
to downstream. On the other hand, it can be observed that both same trend. The equation for the distribution of turbulence
Imax and Imin for flow along the smooth spillway occur near the intensity was used and it was shown as
spillway outlet. From comparisons at the same location with a
different critical depth, the flow with low critical depth obtained a u9
value of I that was less than the high critical depth. Critical depth 13: u
and flow distance have an obvious effect on turbulence intensity.

For the stepped spillway, the turbulence intensity in both nappe The turbulence intensity distributions depend directly on the
and skimming flow showed different trends from some previous roughness ratio between the flow depth and roughness height. The

Water Management Model of flow over spillways by
computational fluid dynamics
Chinnarasri, Kositgittiwong and Julien

constants in Equation 13 can be divided into two groups based on showed a small difference of less than 5% when compared with
H/Ks : However, in the present study, only H/Ks values of less than the grid size of 0.035 3 0.035 m2 : It also showed a small percent-
0.4 were found. Therefore, the results were compared and it was age difference compared with the experimental data. The flow
found that all results were under values given by Equation 13 with and velocity profiles from the numerical model showed good
D 2.14 and 0.8. The turbulence intensity distribution was agreement with the experimental data. By using the numerical
found to decrease in the direction from the water surface to the results, the diagram for flow velocity at 90% air concentration at
pseudo-bottom. In the region where y/H took values of less than different dimensionless locations is proposed. From this diagram,
0.2, the turbulence intensity was found to be quite constant with the location of uniform flow in different critical flow depths can
bed distance. It was also found that the roughness of the spillway be found. The constants in the equations for the power law of the
considerably increased the turbulence intensity. velocity profile (Equation 12) and the distribution of turbulence
intensity (Equation 13) were proposed. An empirical correlation
4.6 Energy dissipation for energy dissipation of flow through stepped spillways is
The energy dissipation, EL /E0 , is one of the dimensionless suggested (Equation 14).
parameters which is widely used. The energy loss, EL , is the
difference between energy at the inlet section, E0 , and the energy Acknowledgements
at the point-of-interest section, Ei : The point of interest is The authors would like to thank the Thailand Research Fund/
superimposed with the datum, then the energy Ei consists of flow Royal Golden Jubilee PhD Grant (PHD/0225/2548 and
depth measured in the vertical direction and the velocity head. BRG5280001) for financial support. Partial support from the
The energy E0 consists of the elevation of the head from the National Research University Project of Thailands Office of the
datum to the inlet, and the summation of flow depth and velocity Higher Education Commission is greatly appreciated. Sincere
head which is equal to 1.5yc : The energy dissipation for the thanks to Professor James F. Ruff, and Professor Robert N.
smooth spillway rapidly decreased with increasing discharge Meroney from Colorado State University for their supporting
whereas for the stepped spillway it decreased only gradually. For data, facilities and recommendations.
a given height, the energy dissipation increased when the number
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Water Management Model of flow over spillways by
computational fluid dynamics
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