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Check Your English Vocabulary For Law

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Rawdon Wyatt

A & C Black 폷 London

First edition published 1996

Second edition published 1998
Third edition published 2006

A & C Black Publishers Ltd

38 Soho Square, London W1D 3HB

© Copyright Rawdon Wyatt 2006

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ISBN-10: 0 7136 7592 6
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This book has been written for anyone working or training to work in the legal profession,
or for anyone whose job requires them to have a working knowledge of legal words and
terms. The various exercises throughout the book focus on the key vocabulary that you
might be expected to understand and use on a day-to-day basis.

You should not go through the exercises in this book mechanically. It is better to choose
areas that you are unfamiliar with, or areas that you feel are of specific interest or
importance to yourself.

Each exercise is accompanied by a full answer key at the back of the book. This key also
gives you other information about particular vocabulary items (for example, words with
similar meanings, alternative words and expressions, etc) that are not covered in the
exercises themselves.

When you are doing the exercises, there are a few important points you should consider:

1. Many of the words, expressions and accompanying notes are based primarily on the
English and Welsh legal system. However, there are also many 'generic' words which can be
applied across the international legal spectrum, and would be recognised in other places
such as the USA and Canada.

2. Not all of the vocabulary practised in this book is legal vocabulary per se (see page 45 to
find out what this expression means), but would be used in a legal context (for example, at
a trial or tribunal, or when producing a contract or negotiating business terms).

3. A lot of the words and expressions which have been presented here in a particular context
(for example, words connected with a criminal law procedure) might also 'cross over' into
other areas of law. A jury, for example, is usually employed at a criminal trial, but might also
be used in some civil cases, such as libel.

It is very important to keep a record of new words and expressions that you learn. On page
64 of this book, you will find a vocabulary record sheet which you can photocopy as many
times as you like and use to build up a 'bank' of useful words and expressions. It is
accompanied on the following page by a sample sheet that shows you how to record a
particular vocabulary item. Keep your record sheets in a file or folder and review them on a
regular basis so that the words and expressions become an 'active' part of your legal

We recommend that you keep a good dictionary with you, and refer to it when necessary.
Many of the words and expressions in this book (together with their definitions) can be
found in the A & C Dictionary of Law. For general vocabulary reference, the Macmillan
English Dictionary is also an excellent resource.

No vocabulary book can possibly contain all of the legal words and expressions that you are
likely to come across or need, so it is important you acquire new vocabulary from other
sources. On the next page you will find a short list of useful sources that were consulted
during the writing of this book, and you should also read as much as possible from a variety
of other sources, including journals, papers and case reports (many of which are available on
the Internet).

Page: Title: Page: Title:

1. Before you begin: Essential words 34. European courts, institutions, etc
2. Business law 1: Key adjectives 36. The family 1: Relationships
4. Business law 2: Key nouns 38. The family 2: Children
6. Business law 3: Key verbs 40. Human rights 1
9. Business law 4: Key expressions 43. Human rights 2
11. Consumer rights 45. Legal Latin
13. Contracts 1 46. Legal referencing
15. Contracts 2 47. On the road
17. Corporate responsibility 1: The 48. People in the law 1
environment 50. People in the law 2
18. Corporate responsibility 2: 51. Privacy and data protection
Communities 52. Property
19. Corporate responsibility 3: 54. Punishments and penalties
Employment 56. Types of court
21. Corporate responsibility 4: Financial 58. Wills
and ethical integrity 59. Word association 1
23. Court orders and injunctions 61. Word association 2
24. Court structures 62. Word association 3
25. Crime 1: Crime categories 64. Photocopiable vocabulary record
26. Crime 2: Name the offence sheet
28. Crime 3: Criminal procedure (part 1) 65. Vocabulary record sheet sample
29. Crime 4: Criminal procedure (part 2) 66. Answer key
31. Dispute resolution
32. Employment and human resources

The following websites were a useful reference source during the writing of this book, and are recommended
if you want to develop your legal vocabulary further, or if you want to learn more about laws, legal systems,
etc, (especially those in the United Kingdom). (very useful if you want to know more about the United Nations and human rights) (an excellent website if you want to know more about the underlying principles of
corporate governance and responsibility)

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Before you begin: Essential
The words in this exercise are used a lot in the legal profession, and appear at various stages
throughout this book, so it is important you understand what they mean before you do any
of the other exercises. Match the definitions on the left with the words on the right. Note
that (a) there are more words than definitions, and (b) many of the words on the right can
have more than one meaning, but only one of those meanings is in the column on the left.
Note that many of the words and accompanying expressions in this exercise (and in the
following exercises on business law) are not exclusive to business law, but may also be
applied to other legal and general areas.

1. Money claimed by someone as compensation for harm done.

2. To send someone to prison or to a court.
3. An adjective referring to a judge or to the law. binding
4. Not guilty of a crime. breach
5. Any act which is not legal. case
6. A person who has studied law and can act for people on legal business. charge
7. A disagreement or argument between parties. civil
8. A specialist court outside the judicial system which examines special claimant
problems. commit
9. A set of arguments or facts put forward by one side in a legal contract
proceeding. convict
10. An official who presides over a court. court
11. To make an allegation in legal proceedings. crime
12. Someone who is accused of a crime in a criminal case. criminal
13. A person who makes a claim against someone in a civil court. damages
14. An agreement reached after an argument. defence
15. To hold someone legally so as to charge them with a crime. defendant
16. A case which is being heard by a committee, tribunal or court of law. dispute
17. To find that someone is guilty of a crime. evidence

18. Failure to carry out the terms of an agreement. fine

19. To bring someone to court to answer a criminal charge.
20. To ask a high law court to change its decision or sentence.
21. To say that someone has committed a crime.
22. Having the legal ability to force someone to do something.
23. An adjective referring to the rights and duties of private persons or
24. The arguments used when fighting a case.
25. A legal agreement between two or more parties.
26. An adjective referring to crime.
27. A group of 12 citizens who decide whether or not someone is guilty in
a trial.
28. A written or spoken statement of facts which helps to prove or disprove
something at a trial.
29. To order someone to pay money as a punishment.
30. A court order telling someone to stop doing something, or not to do
something. tribunal

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000law 1: Key adjectives
Exercise 1: Look at these sentences and decide if the word in bold is being used correctly in
the context of the sentence (there is an explanation of the word that should be used in
brackets at the end of the sentence). If you think the word is wrong, look for the correct
word. You will find this in one of the other sentences.

1. When pieces of broken glass were found in some of its food products, the company was held
eligible. (responsible for what had happened)

2. When he was asked to explain his actions, he had no valid explanations. (being acceptable because
it is true or relevant)

3. The sacked workers claimed unfair dismissal, and demanded a fair and intangible hearing. (not
biased or prejudiced)

4. Goodwill is one of a company's admissible assets, and as such it cannot be declared as part of the
company's capital. (difficult to value as it does not exist physically)

5. He was accused of trying to obtain a fiduciary advantage by getting involved in insider dealing.

6. At the trial, the judge took the unprecedented step of asking the claimant to remove his shirt. (not
having happened before)

7. The company solicitor examined the contract very carefully, and eventually declared it
irreconcilable. (not having any legal effect)

8. The documents produced were not considered relevant to the case and were therefore not
unanimous. (referring to evidence which a court will allow to be used)

9. The magazine was acquitted of libel when the jury returned a gross verdict of 'not guilty'. (where
everyone votes in the same way)

10. All shareholders are accountable to vote at the Annual General Meeting. (able or allowed to do

11. The judge accepted that Mr Johnson could not go back to work in the same company because of
void differences of opinion between him and the Directors. (very strong, so that it is not possible for
two sides to reach an agreement)

12. The rail company was accused of impartial negligence by failing to ensure passengers' safety.

13. Interest charges are tax deductible so we haven't made as much as we had hoped. (able to be

14. After a terrible year, during which it lost almost £8 million, the company was declared insolvent.
(not able to pay debts)

15. A company director has a pecuniary duty to the company he works for and the people who work
there. (acting as trustee for someone else, or being in a position of trust)

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
Exercise 2: In this exercise, the first part of each word is already in the sentence. Complete it
with the second part, which you will find in the box.
__atim 앫 __ditional 앫 __dulent 앫 __empt 앫 ___ended 앫 __erial
__gious 앫 __inal 앫 __itual 앫 __ndant 앫 __orate 앫 __pational
__sible 앫 __tiable 앫 __tory 앫 __vent

1. Because of the recent phenomenon of the 'compensation culture', claims for occu____ accidents
have almost doubled in the last ten years. (referring to jobs and work)

2. So many complaints about the company's behaviour were reported that a manda____
injunction was imposed ordering them to cease trading. (obligatory or necessary according to the
law or rules)

3. Some special savings accounts are popular with small businesses because the interest paid is ex____
from tax. (not required to pay, or not covered by law)

4. The terms of the contract are nego____ up to the moment it is signed. (able to be changed by

5. The claimant produced a verb____ transcript of the conversation he had had with the defendant.
(in the exact words)

6. On the claimant's application for summary judgement, the defendant was given uncon____ leave to
defend himself. (with no conditions attached)

7. The company was accused of making a frau____ insurance claim by exaggerating the value of the
goods it had lost. (not honest, aiming to deceive people for financial gain)

8. Technically we can sue the company for breach of contract, although this is not really a fea____
option. (possible or practical)

9. New legislation has made Clause 6b of the contract redu____. (no longer needed or valid)

10. Hab____ breaches of safety regulations are being investigated by the Health and Safety Officer.
(doing something repeatedly)

11. When he bought the company, it was barely sol____ but he turned it into one of the most
successful organisations in the country. (having enough money to pay debts)

12. The lawsuit against the organisation was dropped because there was not enough mat____
evidence. (important or relevant)

13. We were expecting to receive a big fine, but in the event we were ordered to pay only nom____
damages. (a very small amount)

14. The issues of corp____ responsibility at local, national and international levels have been receiving a
lot of coverage in the press. (referring to a company)

15. The contract is open-____ although there is an initial probationary period. (with no fixed period, or
with some items not specified)

16. Be careful what you say: some companies are extremely liti____. (very willing to bring a lawsuit
against someone to settle a disagreement)

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000law 2: Key nouns
Look at the dictionary definitions below, decide what each one is describing, then write your
answers in the table on the next page. The first and last letters of each word have already
been put into the table for you.

If you complete the table correctly, you will reveal a word in the shaded vertical strip that can
be used to complete the sentence in the box at the bottom of the next page.

1. A person who is appointed to deal with financial or other matters on behalf of another person.

2. A licence to trade using a brand name and paying a royalty for it.

3. An official who investigates complaints by the public against government departments or other
large organisations (especially banks, travel companies, and electricity, gas, water and
telecommunications providers).

4. Somebody who gives a guarantee.

5. A failure to carry out the terms of an agreement, a contract, etc.

6. One of the main conditions of a contract, where one party agrees to what is proposed by the other
party. Also the act of signing a bill of exchange to show that you agree to pay for it.

7. The notifiable offence of telling lies when you have made an oath to say what is true in court.

8. Somebody who has committed a civil wrong to somebody, entitling the victim to claim damages.

9. A payment made by a person or company to cover the cost of damage or hardship which he / she /
it has caused.

10. An attempt by a third party to make the two sides in an argument agree.

11. A document in which a company acknowledges it owes a debt and gives the company's assets as

12. The closing of a company and the selling of its assets.

13. Money claimed by a claimant from a defendant because of harm or damage done, or money
awarded by a court to a claimant as a result of harm suffered by the claimant (Clue: this word has
already appeared elsewhere in this exercise).

14. The legal responsibility for paying someone for loss or damage incurred.

15. A failure to give proper care to something, especially a duty or responsibility, with the result that a
person or property is harmed.

16. The good reputation of a business and its contacts with its customers (for example, the name of
the product it sells or its popular appeal to customers).

17. A court order telling a person or a company to stop doing something, or telling them not to do it
in the first place.

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000

1 N E

2 F E

3 O N

4 G R

5 B H

6 A E

7 P Y

8 T R

9 C N

10 M N

11 D E

12 L N

13 D S

14 L Y

15 N E

16 G L

17 I N

Use the word in the shaded vertical strip to complete this paragraph.

The company promised us that they would send us the goods by March 31st, but since then
we have discovered that they knew they couldn't get them to us until the end of May. We
lost a lot of money as a result, so we are going to sue them for __________.

Familiarise yourself with the words in this exercise by using them in some of your own
sentences. Don't forget to record any new words and expressions you learn (there is a
vocabulary record sheet on page 64 which you can photocopy as many times as you like
and use to build your own vocabulary 'bank').

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000law 3: Key verbs
Complete the crossword on page 8 by rearranging the jumbled letters in bold in the
sentences below and writing the words and expressions in the appropriate space on the
crossword grid. An explanation of each verb is in brackets at the end of each sentence. Be
careful, as many of the words will need to change their form (for example, to the past simple
or past perfect) to fit correctly in the sentence and into the crossword.

3. The airline will dineynifm passengers for lost luggage to the value of £500. (to pay for loss or
damage suffered)

4. The company ernudketa to provide quality service at a competitive cost. (to promise to do

10. The tribunal will udditecaja the claim and award damages where necessary. (to give a judgement
between two parties)

12. In order to raise enough money for its new venture, the company decided to diqielatu some of its
assets. (to sell assets or stock to raise cash)

14. All of our employees are tielent to four weeks' holiday a year. (to have or give someone the right
to do something)

15. A neutral party was called in to tedaime between the manager and his staff. (to try to make two
sides in an argument come to an agreement)

17. The contract is still being frtad, but we expect it to be ready for signing early next week. (to make a
first rough plan of a document such as a contract)

19. A lot of people were unhappy when he was paintpo to the post of Managing Director. (to choose
someone for a job)

20. We must allow sufficient time to sepela before we make a claim. (of time: to pass)

21. The company has been accused of trying to efrudad customers. (to trick someone so as to obtain
money or goods illegally)

26. The paper has no right to clodseis the details of our agreement. (to tell details)

28. A court injunction has nab the company from trading in the area. (to forbid something, or make it

29. Because a new company has taken over, the contract has been dvaatineli. (to make something no
longer valid)

31. In view of the inconvenience we have caused, we are willing to vawei all payments due. (to say
that something is not necessary)

32. The local authority gatnr the company an interest-free loan to start up the new factory. (to agree
to give someone something, or to allow someone to do something)

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
1. The plan has to be fatyir by the board before it can be put into operation. (to approve officially
something that has already been decided)

2. After he was accused of insider dealing, his firm was clabstkli by the government. (to put goods,
people or a company on a list of those that you will not deal with)

5. Penalties will be applied if you fdaetul on your repayments. (to fail to carry out the terms of a
contract, especially to fail to pay back a debt)

6. When the company was unable to repay the loan, the bank clefeosor on its premises. (to take
possession of a property because the owner cannot repay money he / she has borrowed using the
property as security)

7. The case might last longer than we expected, because the defendant is uditeps the claim. (to argue
against something; to say that something is not correct)

8. The judge dwraa compensatory damages to the claimant. (to decide the amount of money to be
given to someone)

9. The company assured us it would do all the work itself, but it accobnsutrt part of the job to a local
firm. (to agree with a company that they will do all or part of the work for a project)

11. The court was unable to decide whether the patent had been gfriinen. (to make a product in the
same way as another product which has been patented, and not pay royalties)

13. The document has been fcrieyt as a true copy. (to make an official declaration in writing)

16. Non-profit organisations will be petmex from tax. (to free someone from having to pay tax)

18. The court ordered the company to be ndwi pu (2 words). (to put a company into liquidation)

19. The claimant gaelle that the article was an infringement of his copyright. (to state, usually in giving
evidence, that something has happened or is true)

22. The company did not biead yb (2 words) the terms of the agreement. (to accept a rule or follow a

23. On liquidation, the firm's property was stev in the bank. (to transfer to someone the legal
ownership and possession of land or a right)

24. We are mical £5,000 as compensation from our suppliers. (to ask for money)

25. Mr and Mrs Douglas' solicitor advised them to ekse an injunction against the magazine in the High
Court. (to ask for or try to do something)

27. Workers are allowed to tkesri in protest against bad working conditions. (to stop working because
there is no agreement with management)

30. The company owns several apartments, which it tel to private tenants. (to allow someone to use a
building in return for money)

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
1 2

4 5

7 8 9

10 11

12 13


15 16




20 21 22


24 25

26 27


29 30



For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Business law 4: Key expressions
Unit 0000
Complete definitions 1 – 30 with the first part of an appropriate expression from the first
box, and the second part from the second box.

articles… burden… compulsory… confidential… data… employers'… employment…

force… freezing… fundamental… grievance… intellectual… joint…(x2) limited…
memorandum…(x2) obligation… out… power… pre-emption… terms… trade…
unfair… unliquidated… unprofessional… vicarious… winding… without… wrongful…

…and conditions …and several …breach …clause …competition …conduct

…damages …dismissal ...information ...injunction …liability (x3) …liquidation
…majeure …mark …of association (x2) …of attorney …of confidentiality …of court
…of proof …of satisfaction …prejudice …procedure …property …protection
…tribunal …up …venture

1. An official power giving someone the right to act on someone else's behalf in legal matters is called

2. The protecting of information about individuals stored in a computer from being copied or used
wrongly is called __________.

3. __________ is a phrase spoken or written in a letter when attempting to negotiate a settlement

which means that the negotiations cannot be referred to in court or relied upon by the other party if
discussions fail.

4. A __________ is a business partnership where two or more companies join together as partners for a
limited period.

5. __________ is an expression of French origin that is used for something which happens which is out
of control of the parties who have signed a contract (for example, a war or a storm), and is also
known as an act of God.

6. A __________ refers to the various steps an employee takes if he / she wants to complain about his /
her employers.

7. __________ are the contents of a document which regulate the way in which a company's affairs
(such as the appointment of directors or the rights of shareholders) are managed.

8. A section in a company's (number 7 above) which requires any shares offered for sale to be first
offered to existing shareholders is known as a __________.

9. When a company is put into liquidation, this is often known as __________.

10. The legal responsibility of an employer when employees are subject to accidents due to negligence
on the part of an employer is called __________.

11. The legal responsibility of one person for the actions of another person, especially the responsibility
of an employer for acts committed by an employee in the course of work, is called __________.

12. A __________ company is a company where each shareholder is responsible for paying the
company's debts only to the face value of the shares he / she owns.

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
13. A __________ is a legal document setting up a limited company and giving details of its aims, capital
structure, and registered office.

14. A __________ is a document showing that a company has repaid a mortgage or charge.

15. A situation where two or more parties share a single legal responsibility, and each party is also liable
for the whole claim, is called __________ liability.

16. When a dispute between two parties is settled before it gets to court, it is known as an __________

17. When an overseas company (or an individual) cannot access its assets because a court order prevents
it from doing so, this is known as a __________.

18. __________ are compensatory payments which are not for a fixed amount of money but are
awarded by a court as a matter of discretion depending on the case.

19. The duty to prove that something which has been alleged in court is true is known as the

20. Behaviour which is not suitable for a professional person and goes against the code of practice of a
profession is called __________.

21. Facts which are secret and must not be passed on to other people are called __________.

22. A body responsible for hearing work-related complaints as specified by statute is called an

23. An __________ is a legally-binding rule that is imposed on the recipient of private or secret
information which states that the recipient should not pass the information on to someone else.

24. The name, design or other feature which identifies a commercial product, has been registered by the
maker and cannot be used by other makers is called a 'registered __________'.

25. __________ is something such as a copyright, patent or design which someone has created or
produced that no-one else can legally copy, use or sell.

26. The conditions which have to be carried out as part of a contract, or arrangements which have to be
made before a contract is valid, are called __________.

27. The removal of someone from a job for a reason that cannot be justified, and which is in breach of
contract, is called __________.

28. __________ is an attempt by one company to do better than another company by using methods
such as importing foreign products at very low prices or by wrongly criticising a competitor's

29. A failure to carry out an essential or basic term of a contract is known as a __________.

30. __________ is when a court orders a company to close and its assets to be sold.

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Many countries have legislation in place to protect the rights of consumers. In Britain, they
are protected by laws such as the Sale of Goods Act, the Supply of Goods and Services Act,
the Distance Selling Regulations, the Consumer Protection Act and the Consumer Credit Act.

Exercise 1: Here is a summary of some of the key points from these laws, and some other
information which consumers might find useful. Complete the paragraphs with words and
expressions from the box.

1. accurate description 2. as described 3. cooling-off period 4. credit card fraud

5. credit voucher 6. defective 7. delivery arrangements 8. fit for purpose
9. give a refund 10. guarantee or warranty 11. opt out of 12. proof of purchase
13. receipt 14. responsibilities and liabilities 15. satisfactory quality
16. unsolicited mail 17. unsolicited telemarketing 18. wear and tear
19. within a reasonable time 20. written confirmation

Providers of goods and services (including credit providers and hire companies) all have ____________
towards the customer which are aimed at protecting the customer and his / her rights.

When you buy goods, they must be of ____________: the condition they are in should match your
expectations based on the price you paid. They should also be '____________' (in other words, they must
match the description made by the provider and / or the manufacturer), and they must be '____________'
(they should do what you expect them to do).

All goods must carry a ____________ in case they go wrong or do not meet your expectations.

If you need to return goods a shop or other supplier, you should do so ____________: many shops and
suppliers specify their own limit, usually 28 days, and can refuse to do anything if there is evidence of
unreasonable ____________ (signs that the goods have been used more than is normal or for a purpose for
which they were not designed).

If you take goods back to a shop, they are entitled to ask for ____________, such as a ____________, a
credit card slip, etc, that shows you actually bought the goods from them.

Many shops may refuse (illegally, if the product you have bought is faulty or ____________) to
____________, and instead of returning your money will offer you a ____________ to use in that shop at a
later date.

Where goods or services are ordered on the Internet, on-line shops should offer their customers a
____________ after they have ordered them, in case the customer decides to suddenly cancel their order.

On-line shops should give the customer an ____________ of the goods being sold, and clearly state the
price, ____________ and options (how and when the customer can expect to receive their goods, whether
there is an extra charge for postage, etc).

On-line shops should also protect customers against ____________, and should allow customers to
____________ receiving further information and ____________, ____________ or unsolicited email. They
should also send the customer ____________ of their order (often in the form of an email sent after the
order has been placed).

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
Exercise 2: Instructions as above.

1. claim for compensation 2. claim form 3. County Court 4. in your favour

5. issue the proceedings 6. make a claim 7. poor workmanship 8. preliminary hearing
9. reasonable care and skill 10. reasonable charge 11. received satisfaction
12. serves the claim 13. Small Claims 14. specified period

If a service is being provided (for example, a mobile phone contract), and there is a ____________ for the
contract, this must be clearly stated by the provider.

If you buy faulty goods with a credit card, and those goods cost over £100, you have an equal
____________ against the seller of the goods and the credit card company.

Where a service such as the repair of a car is being provided, it should be done with ____________ (an
unsatisfactory standard of work or general ____________ should not be accepted by the customer) for a
____________ (the customer should not have to pay an excessive amount of money) and within a
reasonable time.

If you need to ____________ against a shop, company or other provider, because you have not
____________ from that shop, company, etc, you can do so through the ____________. For claims of less
than £5,000 the ____________ procedure should be useful.

The process is very simple: after completing a ____________, you ask the court to ____________. The court
then ____________ on the company or other provider. Assuming the company responds within the
specified time limit, there will be a ____________. Later, there will be a main hearing where hopefully the
judge will decide ____________.

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 00001
Exercise 1:
Complete this text, which has been adapted from the A & C Black Dictionary of Law, with
words or expressions from the box.

1. accepted 2. agreement 3. breach 4. consideration 5. contractual liability 6. damages

7. express 8. implied 9. intention 10. obligations 11. offer 12. reward 13. signed
14. stated 15. sue 16. terms 17. under seal 18. verbally 19. voided 20. writing

A contract can be defined as 'an __________ between two or more parties to create legal __________
between them'. Some contracts are made '__________': in other words, they are __________ and sealed
(stamped) by the parties involved. Most contracts are made __________ or in __________. The essential
elements of a contract are: (a) that an __________ made by one party should be __________ by the other;
(b) __________ (the price in money, goods or some other __________, paid by one party in exchange for
another party agreeing to do something); (c) the __________ to create legal relations. The __________ of a
contract may be __________ (clearly stated) or __________ (not clearly __________ in the contract, but
generally understood). A __________ of contract by one party of their __________ entitles the other party
to __________ for __________ or, in some cases, to seek specific performance. In such circumstances, the
contract may be __________ (in other words, it becomes invalid).

Exercise 2:
There are many different kinds of contract for different situations. Look at the following
paragraphs, and decide what kind of contract is being described or talked about.

1. I went into the supermarket and chose the items that I wanted. As soon as my basket was full, I
headed for the checkout.

2. My cousin Bob said he was going to get rid of his computer and buy a new one. I said that I
needed a computer and suggested I bought his old one. Anyway, we agreed on a price, I gave him a £50
deposit, and agreed to pay the balance in instalments over the next three months. I'm going round to
collect the computer this evening.

3. The property is unfurnished, and the rent is £650 pcm, which has to be paid monthly in arrears.
Electricity, gas and phone bills are extra. There's a communal garden and a communal parking area, for
which I also have to pay a nominal maintenance fee. The landlord is responsible for any repairs to the
property. I'm not allowed to sublet at any time. I've signed the lease for 18 months.

4. We're opening our own branch in the town centre next week. The deal is fairly simple: we get the
right to use the company's name, their trademark, their trade names and products, wear their uniforms
and use their stationery. They also provide our staff with all the necessary training, give us invaluable
managerial assistance and provide advertising materials. In return, we have to meet specific requirements,
such as quality of service, maintaining good customer relations, and following the company's standard
procedures. Oh, and buy all the products we sell from them, naturally.

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
5. The total amount you are borrowing is £9,000 at an APR of 6.6%. Repaid in monthly instalments
over 3 years, this gives you a monthly repayment figure of £275.46, totalling £9,916.56. You have opted
out of the repayment protection premium scheme. If you wish to make an early settlement, the figure
above will be recalculated accordingly. As soon as you sign a form, your funds will be released into your
bank account. Please note that penalties will be applied if you default on repayments.

6. This appointment is for a period of two years, following a 4-week probationary period. Your
remuneration package includes an annual gross salary of £32,000. You are entitled to sick pay and 6 weeks
annual leave after you have been with us for 3 months. Your hours of work are 9 to 5 Monday to Friday,
although you may be asked to work overtime during busy periods. The company has its own medical and
pension schemes which you may join.

7. The total cost is £2,870, which is payable in full before the goods can be despatched. Alternatively,
we can arrange credit terms, which are interest-free for the first six months. All goods are covered by the
manufacturer's warranty, which is valid for one year. If you are not happy with your merchandise, it can be
returned for an exchange or full refund (but please note that this is valid for 28 days only, and we will need
to see your receipt or other proof of purchase).

8. A group 7M people carrier is £58 a day. This price includes unlimited mileage, fully comprehensive
insurance, collision damage waiver and loss damage waiver. The company has drop-off points in most
major cities, but will charge extra if you use a different one from that where you picked up the vehicle. A
refuelling service charge will be applied if you do not replace the fuel you have used.

Underline or highlight the key words and expressions that helped you to identify the
subject of each paragraph.

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 00002
Look at paragraphs 1 – 6 in the boxes, and answer the questions that follow them. Some of
the words and expressions appeared in Contracts 1 on pages 13 and 14.

This contract is binding, and we expect all the parts involved (both clients and suppliers) to abide by the
terms and conditions stated in sections 3a – 37g on pages 1 – 17.

1. One of the underlined words / expressions in the above sentence is wrong. Identify and correct it.
2. True or false: a contract which is binding is flexible and can be changed at any time.
3. Two of these words / expressions could replace abide by. Which ones?
(A) choose (B) agree with (C) obey (D) change (E) honour

On terminator of this contract, the company will be obliged to return any unused materials to the
supplier within 28 days, unless provision has been made for a temporary extension. If any of the rules
of the contract are broken, all materials must be returned immediately.

1. One of the underlined words / expressions in the above sentence is wrong. Identify and correct it.
2. True or false: provision has a similar meaning to arrangement.
3. Rearrange these letters to make two words which have a similar meaning to obliged:
degabtlio edequrir

The contract was originally verbal, but we've finally managed to get the company to give us
something on paper. They say that this contract is un-negotiable, but maybe we can persuade them to
amend some of the details before we sign on the dotted line.

1. One of the underlined words / expressions in the above paragraph is wrong. Identify and correct it.
2. True or false: the speaker thinks that it might be possible for small changes to be made to the
contract before she signs it.
3. Rearrange the letters in bold to make words which have the same or a similar meaning to verbal in
this situation
rola kosnep

Swillpot Airline Catering Ltd were sued by Pan-Globe Airways when they were found to be in beach of
their contract, specifically that they had failed to comply with clause 27B, which stated that their food
should be "fit for human consumption".

1. One of the underlined words / expressions in the above sentence is wrong. Identify and correct it.
2. Find a word or expression in paragraphs 1 – 3 above which has a similar meaning to comply with
in paragraph 4.
3. True or false: Pan-Globe Airways are unhappy with Swillpot Airline Catering because they have
breached all of their contractual terms.

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
4. Both Swillpot Airline Catering Ltd and Pan-Globe Airways signed the contract. In legal terms,
would we describe the arrangement between the two companies as an offer, an acceptance or a

Withers Interiors Ltd have entered into an agreement with Sophos Construction to act as sole
providers of quality interior fittings commencing 15 August this year. This is to run for 18 months,
with a 3 month period of notification in the event of cancellation by either side.

1. One of the underlined words / expressions in the above sentence is wrong. Identify and correct it.
2. Which word in the paragraph is the closest in meaning to the noun contract?
3. Is this an example of part of an open-ended contract?
4. True or false: if either Withers Interiors Ltd or Sophos Construction want to end the contract, they
must tell the other company 3 months before they do it.

This contract recognises the anointment of Mr Alan Wiley as non-executive Director to the board of
AKL Publishing following the company's amalgamation with Berryhill Books. While Mr Wiley may
continue to buy shares in the company, he may not acquire a controlling interest, and he may have
no professional dealings with any third parties during this period.

1. One of the underlined words / expressions in the above sentence is wrong. Identify and correct it.
2. True or false: AKL Publishing recently separated from Berryhill Books.
3. True or false: Mr Wiley can buy as many shares as he likes in the company.
4. In addition to sitting on the board of AKL Publishing, how many other companies can Mr Wiley
work for?

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Corporate responsibility 1: The
Unit 0000

Corporate responsibility can broadly be defined as the responsibility a company or other

organisation and its directors have to the people they employ, to their customers, to the
people who live in and around their areas of operation and to the local, national and
international environment. While many aspects of corporate responsibility are not laws in
themselves, they may be part of, or become involved in, a legal process.

Complete this text about corporate responsibility and the environment with words from
the box.

abused affected alternative assets benefit climate codes communities

compensation conflict consultation degradation ecological ecosystems effect
exploit extracts fossil genetically human rights impact
implementing indigenous indirectly minimise non-renewable non-sustainable
pollution precautions protocols reduce regulations regulatory renewable
resources solar sustainable sustaining transparent voluntarily

A company should ensure that its actions do not damage local and global__________. It needs to
__________ its use of natural __________ such as oil, gas and other __________ fuels, and regulate its
__________ on aspects such as __________ change, and air, sea and noise __________ . It needs to be
aware of the dangers it might pose in terms of __________ __________, and must follow local, national
and international __________, rules, __________ and __________ designed to __________ damage.
Where possible, it should __________ the availability of __________ power sources such as __________
and tidal power. If the company is involved in the agricultural sector, it should support and encourage
__________ agriculture and forest use. If a company wishes to develop __________ modified products,
it should do so only if it is safe, and only after public __________, and it should take all necessary
__________. It should also have the approval of local people who might be __________. If accidents
occur or __________ breaches are made, the company must be honest and __________ in its dealings
with those who are affected, and assist them in __________ procedures to reduce its __________.

A company that __________ and exploits natural __________ resources such as coal, oil or gas, or
__________ resources such as hydro-electric power, should ensure that it avoids __________ with local
people, and that the __________ of those people are not __________ through its actions, either directly
or __________. It needs to be aware of its role in __________ the environment, and helping to preserve
the survival of local and national __________ (including __________ people who might be less able to
represent or defend themselves). A company should avoid working in or around vulnerable and
__________ communities unless its actions directly __________ those communities Where people are
asked to move in order for a company to exploit local resources, they should do so __________, and
should be offered adequate __________ for their land and __________ (the resource being exploited
should be considered as one of these).

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000 responsibility 2:
Corporate Communities

In this text, complete the first part of each word in bold with the second part of each word
from the box.

___act ___ainability ___ation ___cipation ___ciples ___der ___diction

___ding ___ent ___erse ___ervation ___ests ___grate ___grity
___ial ___ibute ___icity ___ified ___ilities ___ision
___itted ___lated ___lations ___lement ___mental ___minate ___mote
___olve ___omic ___orce ___parency ___pect (x2) ___opment
___ply ___porate ___rdable ___tect ___ted ___ties ___traint ___ulate

A company should res___, pro___ and pro___ national and international human rights trea___,
prin___ and standards, regardless of whether or not these have been rat___ by the host state, and
regardless of whether or not such standards are legally-bin___ in the host state. All companies should
reg___ their behaviour accordingly. A company should respect the political juris___ of the host state,
but where there are gross human rights vio___ by the government of the host state, the company
should withdraw its operations from that state.

A company should com___ with internationally-recognised labour, health, safety and environ___
standards. It should be comm___ to ensuring that the communities it deals with and the people it
employs are trea___ with res___. It should recognise that its operations will have a soc___, econ___
and environmental imp___ on local communities, and it should inv___ the community in any major
dec___-making process. It should contr___ to the devel___ of that community, the pres___ of local
cultures, the development of social, educational and medical fac___ and the sust___ of the local
economy. It should at all times incor___ the best inter____ of the community into its methods of
operation, and actively encourage the parti___ of the community in its operations.

If a company produces essential food or medical items to sell locally, it should imp___ a policy of price
res___ so that these products are affo___. It should not charge grossly inf___ prices. If the essential
products it makes carry a pat___, the company should not enf___ this if doing so will have an adv___
effect on the health and wellbeing of local people.

A company should not discri___ against, or deni___, local communities or individuals on the basis of
race, gen___, culture, ethn___, religion, class, sexual orient___ or disability.

A company should display inte___ and trans___ in all its operations at all times.

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Corporate responsibility 3:
Unit 0000

Look at this list of responsibilities a company should have for its employees. Then look at
the notes about the company RJW Ltd on the next page. For each note, decide which
responsibility is being ignored or abused. In some cases, there is more than one possible

A. A company should not discriminate on the grounds of gender, race, class, religion, disability, etc,
when it comes to recruiting staff.

B. A company should ensure that its employees are proportionally representative of the community in
which it is based.

C. A company should ensure that working hours are reasonable and that employees receive regular

D. A company should ensure that its employees receive regular paid annual leave (and also maternity
and compassionate leave when required).

E. A company should provide equal pay for work of equal value.

F. A company should pay a sustainable living wage to all of its employees.

G. A company should provide adequate child-care facilities.

H. A company should ensure that there is no physical, sexual or verbal harassment or abuse of

I. A company should ensure that health and safety rules are applied and closely followed.

J. A company should not force its employees to have regular health checks, and then use the results
to dismiss the employee.

K. A company should not dismiss an employee on the grounds of pregnancy.

L. A company should allow its employees to organise or join workers' organisations that represent
their interests.

M. A company should have a grievance procedure that is easy to understand and open to all

N. A company should provide adequate compensation for accidents and injuries sustained on its

O. A company should not dismiss or otherwise penalise an employee who refuses to work overtime.

P. A company should not dismiss or otherwise penalise employees for failing to reach production

Q. A company should not use indentured, forced or slave labour, or employ anyone under duress.

R. A company should ensure that an employee is dismissed as a last resort only, and only after verbal
and written warnings.

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
1. Several factory floor workers have been fired or had their wages reduced for refusing to stay and
work late when needed.

2. Production manager Laurence Bailey broke his wrist when some unsecured panels fell on it. He is
trying to get money out of the company for his injuries. 'You're not getting a penny out of this
company,' his boss tells him. 'It's your problem, not ours'

3. Andrew Kelly is thinking of starting a union for the workers at RJW Ltd. The Company Director
warns him that if he does, he will regretfully have to 'let him go'.

4. Manager Maureen Blake is always patting her male PA's backside and telling him he has 'a
wonderful body'. He has complained several times, but nothing ever gets done about it.

5. Susie Roberts, a secretary for RJW Ltd, recently had a baby. She cannot afford a babysitter while
she is at work, so the baby stays with her in the office.

6. RJW Ltd have their main office on the edge of an economically-deprived area predominantly
inhabited by people of West Indian origin. The company prefers to hire white, male, middle class

7. RJW Ltd has regular, compulsory medical check-ups for its employees. The company nurse believes
that one of the workers, Charlie Higson, drinks a lot when off duty. She reports this to Charlie's
manager, who then dismisses him.

8. Ron Smith and Emma Addams are sales executives for RJW Ltd. They both have the same
qualifications and the same experience. Mr Smith receives £40,000 a year and Mrs Addams
receives £34,000 a year.

9. Office assistant Tony White thinks his boss treats him badly. He wants to complain, but has no idea
how to go about doing so. Nobody else seems to know what he should do either.

10. Factory-floor workers at RJW Ltd find it difficult to make ends meet. The cost of living is rising all
the time, and the money they receive has not kept up with the rate of inflation.

11. Canteen assistant Anne Watkins oversleeps one morning and is two hours late for work. She has
worked for RJW Ltd for 6 months and has never been late before. The canteen manager sacks her
the moment she arrives.

12. Ellie McKenzie, a machine operator for RJW Ltd, works 12 hours a day with only 20 minutes for

13. Six months ago the company advanced one of its employees some money. When the employee
became ill and was unable to pay back the money, the company insisted on using his children to
work to pay off his debt.

14. Delivery driver Michael Blair is exhausted: he hasn't had a holiday for two years. The company says
it cannot afford to give him the time off work.

15. Production assistant Richard Mann slipped on some oil on the factory floor, fell headlong through
a glass panel, caught his arm in some unguarded machinery and was electrocuted by some
exposed electrical wires.

16. Factory-floor workers have been told that a new quota system has been put in place: anyone who
does not satisfy this quota will have their salaries reduced.

17. Accountant Audrey Jensen is delighted because she's just discovered she's going to have a baby.
Her boss is not so happy: 'Sorry Audrey, you're fired,' he says.

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Corporate responsibility
Unit 0000 4
Financial and ethical integrity
Look at paragraphs 1 – 9 in the boxes, and do the task that accompanies each one.
Paragraph 1:
Find words in the paragraph below that mean:
1. To make something weaker or less effective
2. People who have invested in and own part of a business, or people who have a personal interest in
how something happens
3. Open and honest about its actions
4. People who own shares in a company
5. Business dealings and other actions
6. To ask someone for something (in this case, for an immoral or unethical purpose)
7. Something which encourages
8. Money offered corruptly to someone to get him to do something to help you
9. Honesty / moral principles

A company should not offer, solicit or accept bribes or any other form of financial incentive that could
undermine its integrity, and for the sake of its shareholders and other stakeholders it should be transparent
in all its accounting and financial transactions.

Paragraph 2:
This paragraph contains 7 wrong word forms (for example, a verb has been used instead of
a noun, a singular form has been used when a plural form is necessary, etc). Identify and
correct these words.

A company should be social responsible in its investing, and exercise diligent to ensure that such
investments do not have an adversity affect on human needs and right. It should be prepared to disclosure
any information regarding its investments when asked to do so.

Paragraph 3:
Rearrange the letters in bold to make words.
If a company pssstecu that it is being used for minrilac or other illegal activities, either from within the
company or from the outside, it should report its nssiosupci to the relevant rathouseiti and put in place
rrserabi to ensure that it does not happen again.

Paragraph 4:
Complete the paragraph with words or expressions from the first box.

disadvantaged ensure equitable interest rates policies

predatory profit margins repayment

A company that lends money should avoid ________ practices such as imposing very high ________ and
short ________ periods, especially in situations where people are particularly financially ________, and it
should ________ that its lending ________ are ________, even if this means that they have to reduce their

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
Paragraph 5:

This paragraph contains 10 spelling mistakes. Identify and correct each one.
A company should not infrange, copy or otherwise use without permision or acknoledgement a copywrite,
a patient, a tradmark (registreed or otherwise) or anything else that could be construed as createive or
intelectual propperty for financial gain.

Paragraph 6:

Read this paragraph, then do the task that follows it.

A company should respect the rights of the individual to privacy and freedom from harassment,
intimidation and any other act which could be viewed by the individual as an invasion of their privacy. In
addition to maintaining good public relations with its customers, suppliers, and other people it works with,
a company should also main good relations with its neighbours and people who live in and around its area
of operations.

What is:
쮿 The adjective form of the noun privacy?

쮿 The verb form of the noun harassment?

쮿 The adjective form of the noun intimidation?

쮿 The verb form of the noun invasion?

쮿 The noun form of the verb maintaining?

쮿 The verb form of the noun / adjective public?

쮿 The adjective form of the noun neighbours?

Paragraph 7:
Using your own words and ideas, explain the words and expressions in bold in this

As part of its corporate governance policy, a company should have clearly defined codes of conduct,
codes of best practice and other guidelines for its directors and employees to follow and uphold.

Paragraphs 8 and 9:

Which words or expressions in paragraphs 8 and 9 below are closest in meaning to:
1. disobeying 2. to end or finish 3. worries (noun) 4. to make something correct
5. to obey 6. to punish 7. negative effects or results 8. duties

A company should not penalise any employee for questioning its policies and its financial or ethical
integrity, and employees should be aware that if they do so, there will be no repercussions. An employee
should not have to comply with any rules that it feels undermine his / her, and the company's, integrity.

The responsibilities in paragraphs 1 - 8 above should apply not only to the main company, but also to any
of its subsidiaries, joint venture partners, suppliers, licensees, franchisees or investors. If a company believes
that any of these are acting in an unethical way, or otherwise violating recognised ethical standards, it
should address its concerns to the party involved and attempt to redress the situation. If necessary, the
company should terminate its business relationships with the party or parties concerned.

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Court orders and injunctions
Unit 0000
Choose the best word in bold to complete each of these sentences. Many of the
expressions are particular to the law of England and Wales, but will probably have
equivalents in other countries.
1. People who cause trouble in a particular place may be legally prevented from going to that place
again. This is known as a banning / bankruptcy order.

2. In Britain, if someone is causing someone distress, harm or harassment, the police can apply for an
ASDA / ASBO in order to restrict their behaviour.

3. In a civil case, a court may impose a search / hunt order allowing a party to inspect and photocopy
or remove a defendant's documents, especially if the defendant might destroy those documents.

4. A promise given to a court (for example, by a vandal who promises not to damage property again) is
known as an undertaker / undertaking.

5. Sometimes a temporary injunction can be imposed on someone until the case goes to court. This is
known as a temporary or interlocutory / interim injunction.

6. A restraining / restriction order is a court order which tells a defendant not to do something while
the court is still making a decision.

7. If someone applies for an injunction against a person with a mental disability, a third party will be
appointed to act for that person. This third party is known as a litigation assistant / friend.

8. A frozen / freezing order or injunction prevents a defendant who has gone abroad from taking all
his assets (for example, the money in his bank account) abroad (although he is allowed to take out
money for living expenses).

9. If you want to stop a magazine publishing an article about you (or photographs of you) that you do
not like, you can apply for a publicity / publication injunction.

10. A person who repeatedly harasses, pesters or hits another person might be given a
non-proliferation / non-molestation order to prevent him / her from continuing to do it.

11. If your partner is trying to get you out of your shared home, or if he / she won't let you back into
your home, you can apply for an occupation / occupying order to remain / get back into the

12. Housing / Home injunctions might protect you if you live in a council home and your neighbours
are annoying and harassing you, or if you are a private tenant being harassed by your landlord.

13. A Common / Public Law injunction can sometimes be applied for if one partner of an unmarried
couple is harassing, assaulting or trespassing on the property of the other.

14. Reconstitution / Restitution orders are court orders asking for property to be returned to

15. An order of discharge / disclosure is a court order releasing someone from bankruptcy.

16. Many injunctions have a penal / penalty notice attached, which states that if the injunction is
broken, the offender could be sent to prison.

17. Injunctions aimed at preventing violence may carry a power of arrest / arrears clause, which allows
the police to take the offender into custody if the injunction is broken.

18. If an injunction is broken, committal / committee proceedings might follow: this is a process in
which a court is asked to send the person who has broken the injunction to prison.

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
Court structures
1. The United Kingdom

This plan shows a top-down representation of how the court system is structured in the
United Kingdom. Test your knowledge of the system by rearranging the letters in bold to
make words.

1. Court of cuJsiet of the nEuaepor umCosniimet

2. soHeu of rodsL

3. Court of pAalpe 4. Court of pAalpe
(amiCriln viiinosd) (vCili viiinosd)


6. gHhi Court
5. wCnro Court


7. gastaitresM' Court 8. tonCyu Court

2. The USA

This plan shows a top-down representation of how the courts are structured in the USA. Test
your knowledge of the system by rearranging the letters in bold to make words.

1. peuremS Court

2. Courts of pAplae (12 3. Court of pAplae 4. Court of italyiMr
cuitCris) (realdeF Circuit) spAplae


5. 94 stDtiric Ø 7. Courts of italyiMr

6. xaT Court viRwee
Courts Ø
¯ Õ Õ Õ Õ Õ Ø Ö Ö Ö Ö Ö °
8. teInrnalation edraT 10. Court of Vanstere'
9. sliCma Court
Court spAplae

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Crime 1: Crime categories
Unit 0000
A crime is an illegal act which may result in prosecution and punishment by the state if the
accused (= the person or people charged with a crime) is / are convicted (= found guilty in
a court of law). Generally, in order to be convicted of a crime, the accused must be shown
to have committed an illegal (= unlawful) act with a criminal state of mind.

Look at the list of crimes in the box, then look at the categories below. Decide which
category each one comes under, and write the crime in the appropriate space in the table.
Some crimes can be listed under more than one category. One of the words / expressions
in the list is not a crime.
1. abduction 2. actual bodily harm 3. aiding and abetting (= assisting) an offender 4. arson
5. assault 6. battery 7. being equipped to steal 8. bigamy 9. blackmail
10. breach of the Official Secrets Act 11. breaking and entering 12. bribery 13. burglary
13. careless or reckless driving 14. committing a breach of the peace 15. conspiracy
16. contempt of court 17. criminal damage (vandalism, and sometimes also hooliganism)
18. deception or fraud in order to obtain property, services or pecuniary advantage
19. driving without a licence or insurance 20. drug dealing 21. drunk in charge / drink driving
22. embezzlement 23. espionage 24. forgery 25. grievous bodily harm
26. handling stolen goods 27. indecency 28. indecent assault 29. infanticide
30. manslaughter 31. misuse of drugs 32. money laundering 33. murder 34. obscenity
35. obstruction of the police 36. paedophilia 37. perjury 38. perverting the course of justice
39. piracy 40. possessing something with intent to damage or destroy property
41. possessing weapons 42. racial abuse 43. rape 44. robbery 45. sedition
46. suicide 47. terrorism 48. theft 49. treason 50. unlawful assembly 51. wounding

Crimes against the person

Crimes against property

Public order offences

Road traffic offences

Sexual offences

Political offences

Offences against justice

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
Crime 2: Name the offence
Look at these situations, then decide which crime has been, or is being, committed in each
case. These crimes can all be found in Crime 1 on page 29, but try to do this exercise first
without referring back. In some cases, more than one option is possible. (Note that you do
not need to use all of the crimes from page 29).

1. TV Newsreader: Police believe the fire was started deliberately at around 2 o'clock this morning
when burning paper was pushed through the letterbox. They are appealing for witnesses to the

2. Crown Prosecutor: Tell us in your own words exactly what happened.

Witness: We were in the bar when a man walked up to the victim, pointed a gun at his head and
said 'You're a dead man.' Then he pulled the trigger three times.

3. Police constable: You were going in excess of 60, and this is a 30 zone.
Man in car: I think you're mistaken, constable. I was well within the speed limit.

4. Woman: When I got home, I discovered that my back door had been broken open.
Police officer: Had anything been stolen?
Woman: Yes, my new laptop, £200 in cash and my pet parrot.

5. Police officer: I'm sorry sir, but I have to report your actions to the proper authorities.
Man: Look, officer, here's £50. Let's just pretend this didn't happen, eh?

6. Extract from a newspaper article: The two men were arrested and detained after police checks
revealed that they had been distributing pornographic material over the Internet.

7. Interviewing detective: All right, Dagsy. We know you didn't do the Cornmarket Street bank job
yourself, but we know that you were involved somehow.
Police suspect: I was just driving the car Mr Regan, honest. And I didn't know what the others
were up to until they came back with bags of cash.

8. TV newsreader: The car bomb went off in a busy marketplace, injuring several shoppers.

9. Radio newsreader: The police raided a house in New Street this morning and recovered 250 illegal
copies of the latest Harry Potter film, along with professional film copying equipment.

10. Man reading newspaper: I don't believe it. The Foreign Minister has been caught giving
government secrets to another country!

11. Political agitator: Now is the time to rise up and overthrow the running dogs that call themselves
our government. Death to the Prime Minister and his cronies! Death to the Royal Family! Death to
the system that bleeds us dry and abandons us!
Unwashed anarchist hordes: Hooray!

12. Shop assistant: I can't accept this £20 note, madam. It's a fake.
Customer: What? You mean it's counterfeit?
Shop assistant: I'm afraid so. Do you have any other means of payment?

13. Extract from a newspaper article: The investigation into the rail accident confirmed that it occurred
because the rail company had failed to maintain the tracks properly over a five-year period. Eight
people died when the train left the tracks and hit an embankment.

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
14. Police officer: Take your time and tell me what happened, dear.
Pensioner: The man who came to my door said he had come to read the electric meter,
so I let him in. I went to the kitchen to make him a cup of tea. When I returned he had gone, and
so had my television.

15. TV newsreader: A journalist working in the city disappeared this morning. Police later received a
note from a militant faction claiming that they had taken him and were holding him hostage.

16. Woman: The graffiti around here is getting really bad. Last week somebody wrote 'Chelsea are
rubbish' on our garden wall.
Man: That's not good. It should say 'Chelsea are complete rubbish'.

17. Man: Look at this note, Cheri. It arrived in the post today. It says 'Leave £10,000 in cash in the bin
by the bus stop, or I'll tell everyone your dirty secret'.
Woman: Don't worry about it, Tony. It's probably another little joke from him next door.

18. Prosecuting lawyer: Tell us again what happened on the night of the incident, Mr Williams. And let
me remind you that you are still under oath.
Defendant: Like I told you, I was at home asleep, so I have no idea what happened.
Prosecuting lawyer: Don't lie, Mr Williams. We have video evidence that you were in the nightclub
until 3am. And you were seen by several witnesses.

19. Defendant: I don't recognise this court. This trial shouldn't be taking place.
Judge: Sit down, Mr Dowling. You are out of order.
Defendant: Oh shut up, you silly old woman. Go back home and do some washing up or

20. Accountant: We've audited these accounts very carefully, and they just don't add up.
Office manager: What exactly are you saying?
Accountant: I'm saying that someone in your office has been secretly helping themselves to
company money.

21. TV presenter: Jimmy Bond, a former government intelligence agent, has just published a book
about the Intelligence Service called 'Lifting the Lid'. In it, he gives us a revealing insight into the
life of a secret agent. The government have strongly condemned the book, claiming it contains
classified information that should not be in the public domain.

22. Magistrate: Constable, could you explain what happened?

Police constable: I was proceeding down Newland Street at approximately 8 o'clock last night
when I heard a lot of shouting coming from The Newlands Inn public house. On entering, I saw the
accused in a state of undress and dancing on a table.
Magistrate: You mean he was naked?
Police constable: Yes. As the day he was born.

23. Radio newsreader: The judge in the trial of notorious gangster Joe 'Pinko' Pallino adjourned the
court today after it was revealed that several members of the jury had been offered bribes and
other incentives to pass a verdict of 'not guilty' on Mr Pallino.

24. TV presenter: A bank account was opened in a false name in the Bahamas, and the cash deposited
there. The funds were then sent by telegraphic transfer to another account in Switzerland, and the
Bahamas account was closed. It was at this stage that the Metropolitan Police called in Interpol.

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
Crime 3: Criminal procedure (part 1)
Imagine that a crime has taken place. Look at sentences 1 – 15 (which explain what happens
next) and rearrange the letters in bold to make words and expressions. The first letter of
each word / expression is in the correct place. Note that one word is used twice, but with a
different meaning.

1. Once the crime has been cedmitomt, it is rotpeder to the police by the vitmic.

2. The police arrive at the sneec of the crime to itsanetiveg what has happened.

3. They look for important cesul and other ecdnevie (for example, fingerprints or a genetic profile)
that will help them to identify the crupitl.

4. In some cases, they will also try to establish if the mudso odiranpe (a Latin expression which
describes the way in which the crime was carried out) matches other crimes in the area.

5. If they have a stupsce who doesn't have a good iblia, they will then arepnhedp him*.

6. When he is artsrede, the police will conutia him (in other words, they warn him that anything he
says might be used later in court).

7. He is then taken to the police station, where he is iewervinted by the iigengstatinv oerfsicf.

8. He is allowed to have a sitocirol present if he wants.

9. If he wants lagle ratprstionneee at this stage, but cannot afford it, the police must provide it.

10. If, at the end of the interview, the police believe that they have the right man, they ceragh him
with the crime.

11. A stemnttae is prepared, which is signed by all parties present.

12. The ascedcu is then either redseale on bali (in other words, he is allowed to leave the police
station and go home in exchange for a financial 'deposit', on condition that he promises to appear
in court when required: if he doesn't appear in court, he will lose this deposit and a twrraan will
be issued for his arrest), or he is rdaeedmn in cysodut and locked in a cell to prevent him from
running away.

13. More questioning will probably follow: the police need as much pofor as possible (anything that is
assdblimie in court will help them to get a cinonctivo), and they may also be interested in any
apcosmiccel who may have helped their man.

14. The police will also want to talk to any wisestsen who were present when the crime took place.

15. The next day, the man appears before a metgiasrat in a metgiasrats' court. If the police present
their csea properly and have followed all the correct procedures and protocols, he will then be
cedmitomt for tirla at a Conwr Court.

* or her, of course!

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Crime 4: Criminal procedure
Before you do this exercise, see Crime 3 on the previous page.

Here are the various stages of a criminal trial. Read through them, and try to remember as
much information as possible. Then cover this page, and try to complete the same sentences
on the next page with the information that has been removed.

When the accused knows that he is going to stand trial, he asks a solicitor to prepare his case.

The information collected is then given to a barrister who will defend him in court.

In a criminal case, the police will have their own barrister, who is known as the Crown

These two barristers are referred to throughout the trial as counsel for the defence and counsel
for the prosecution.

Before the trial begins, the counsels review their evidence and decide how to present their case.

Members of the jury, when required, are selected and briefed on their duties. A date for the trial
is arranged.

At the beginning of the trial, the judge asks the defendant how he pleads: 'guilty' or 'not guilty'.

Both counsels then address the jury with a summary of what they believe is true, and explain
what the jury will hear at the trial.

The counsel for the prosecution then calls and questions witnesses. The counsel for the defence
can cross-examine these people. The defendant will also be questioned by both counsels.

At the end of the trial, the counsels summarise the facts as they see them, and the jury then
retires to deliberate in private.

When the jury has reached its verdict, it returns to the court and the foreman of the jury delivers
the verdict to the court.

If the defendant is found to be 'not guilty', he is acquitted.

However, if the jury's verdict is 'guilty', the defendant is convicted and sentenced by the judge.

The defendant may have to serve a custodial sentence (in other words go to prison), he may be
given a suspended sentence, or he may be fined (or a combination of two of these).

If the defendant is not happy with the decision of the court, he is free to appeal to a higher
court. The highest courts for appellants in England and Wales are the House of Lords and the
Court of Justice of the European Communities (also called the European Court of Justice, or ECJ
for short).

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
When you are doing this exercise, try not to refer back to the previous page until you have
completed it.

When the __________ knows that he is going to stand trial, he asks a __________ to prepare his

The information collected is then given to a _________ who will __________ him in court.

In a criminal case, the police will have their own barrister, who is known as the _______________ (2

These two barristers are referred to throughout the trial as _______________ (4 words) and
_______________ (4 words).

Before the trial begins, the counsels review their __________ and decide how to present their case.

Members of the __________, when required, are selected and __________ on their duties. A date
for the trial is arranged.

At the beginning of the trial, the judge asks the defendant how he __________: '________' or
'_______________' (2 words).

Both counsels then address the jury with a __________ of what they believe is true, and explain
what the jury will hear at the trial.

The counsel for the prosecution then calls and __________ __________. The counsel for the defence
can _______________(2 words joined by a hyphen) these people. The defendant will also be
questioned by both counsels.

At the end of the trial, the counsels summarise the facts as they see them, and the jury then
__________ to __________ in private.

When the jury has reached its __________, it returns to the court and the __________ of the jury
delivers it to the court.

If the defendant is found to be 'not guilty', he is __________.

However, if the jury's verdict is 'guilty', the defendant is __________ and __________ by the judge.

The defendant may have to serve a __________ sentence (in other words go to prison), he may be
given a __________ sentence, or he may be __________ (or a combination of two of these).

If the defendant is not happy with the decision of the court, he is free to __________ to a higher
court. The highest courts for __________ in England and Wales are the House of __________ and
the Court of Justice of the European Communities (also called the European Court of Justice, or
__________ for short).

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Dispute resolution
Unit 0000
Commercial and business disputes (= arguments / disagreements between two or more
parties) do not necessarily have to be settled in an imposed court case. Mediation – an
attempt by a third party to make two sides in an argument agree – is often quicker, cheaper,
more effective and less stressful for the parties involved.

Complete the first part of each word in bold in sentences 1 – 18 with the second part in the
___actually ___ain ___artial ___bunal ___cation ___closed ___cus ___dential
___ding ___ficial ___gation ___iator ___int ___itator ___judice ___lements
___lic ___native ___our ___promise ___sent ___sion ___tiations ___tical
___tration ___trator ___ual ___und ___untary ___utions

1. Mediation is one form of what is known as alter____ dispute resolution (ADR for short).

2. Mediation is generally preferable to liti____ because it is normally quicker and cheaper.

3. Mediation is vol____, but requires the con____ of all the parties involved before it can go ahead.

4. Mediation is carried out by a neutral, imp____ third party called a med____.

5. This third party is also sometimes known as a facil____.

6. He / she spends time with all the parties involved in jo___ ses____ and also in private meetings
(known as 'cau___').

7. Any information that the parties provide is confi___ and cannot be dis____ to the other parties.

8. He / she attempts to solve problems and find resol____ that are prac____ and bene____ to

9. Unlike a formal court case, nego____ are in private.

10. Resolutions and sett____ are based on com____ and on mut____ agreement and acceptance.

11. If no agreement is reached, the parties involved will not be legally bo____ by anything that has
been discussed.

12. A mediation process is said to be 'without pre____', which means that anything that was said
during the mediation cannot be used if there is no agreement and the case has to go to court.

13. If an agreement is reached and the parties sign a written agreement, this agreement becomes
bin____, and the parties are obliged to hon____ it. This can then be enforced contr____ if

14. Another form of ADR is arbi____.

15. This will involve all parties in the dispute appearing before a tri____.

16. An arbi____ is usually an expert in a particular field, and so this form of dispute resolution may be
preferable in disputes where specialist knowledge is required.

17. However, unlike mediation, this form of resolution involves an adjudi____, which will probably
benefit one side in the dispute more than the other(s).

18. This form of dispute resolution is also less private than mediation (each party is aware of what the
other party is saying about it), and information may end up in the pub____ dom___.

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
Employment and human resources
Read these extracts, then find words or expressions in them to match the definitions on the
next page. The words / expressions are in the same order as the definitions.
A company manager is talking to a newspaper about his company structure:
The company has over 200 employees on its payroll. Some are employed part-time mornings only, Monday
to Friday, and some are employed full-time (Monday to Friday 9 to 5). Everyone is given a contract before
they start work outlining their duties and responsibilities, and what they can expect from the company in
return. Every employee receives at least the minimum wage. We pride ourselves on being an equal-
opportunities employer.

From an Internet page on employees' rights:

If an employer no longer needs an employee (because, for example, the company is closing down or
moving) and has to dismiss him, then the employee is entitled to receive redundancy pay. Many companies
will try to provide employees with suitable alternative employment.

From a factory-floor notice on employers' liability and employees' responsibilities:

Health and safety regulations are very important and must be followed at all times. The company believes
that all employees should have maximum protection against industrial accidents. The company will not be
held liable for injuries and disabilities sustained as a result of poor working practices by employees, and will
accept no liability for these in the event of any claims for compensation. The company has a scale of fixed
monetary awards to compensate those employees who are affected by accidents caused as a result of
company negligence. In the event of an employee's death, any awards due will be passed on to the
employee's dependants.

From a website explaining working time regulations:

An employee cannot be compelled to work for more than 48 hours a week over a 17-week period. If an
employer makes him work more than this time, the employee can complain to an employment tribunal.
Employees must also be allowed to take 24 hours off work every 7 days, and take a minimum 20-minute
break if their working day exceeds 6 hours. They must also be allowed a rest period of 11 consecutive
hours in every 24 hours. All employees are entitled to paid annual leave, regardless of how long they have
worked for a company.

From a leaflet explaining women's rights at work:

Women cannot be dismissed on the grounds of pregnancy or childbirth. They are entitled to up to 26
weeks maternity leave, and to receive maternity pay during this period. If a woman has completed 26
weeks of continuous service with her employer by the beginning of the 14th week before the expected
birth of her child, she can take another 26 weeks: this is usually unpaid, but some companies will make
contributions. She must give her employer at least 28 days' notice of the date on which she intends to
begin her leave. Women are also allowed to take reasonable time off work before the child is born for
antenatal care. If a company has to suspend a woman on the grounds of maternity (because, for example,
the work she is doing might endanger the unborn child), it must offer her alternative employment or
continue to pay her normal salary.
(Note that fathers are entitled to two weeks' paid paternity leave. Both parents can also take another 13
weeks' unpaid parental leave).

A union leader is addressing some new employees:

Discrimination and harassment of any kind (sexual, racial, etc) will not be tolerated in this company, and are
sackable offences, as are bullying and intimidation. If any employee has a genuine grievance in regard to
these, or other, problems, you should talk to me or talk directly to your line manager. We will take such
allegations very seriously, and will talk you through the grievance procedure so that you know the options
that are open to you.

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
1. People who are employed by someone else. 25. To be made or forced to do something against
2. The list of people employed and paid by a your will.
company. 26. A special court outside the judicial system
3. Not working for the whole working week. which examines special problems and makes
4. Working for the whole working week. judgements.
5. A legal agreement between two or more parties. 27. To be more than a particular number or
6. The work which a person has to do. amount.
7. The lowest hourly amount of money that a 28. Without interruption.
company can pay its employees. 29. Holiday or other period of work.
8. A situation where everyone is treated the same. 30. The state of expecting to give birth.
9. A person or company who employs someone. 31. The act of giving birth.
10. To remove an employee from a job. 32. A period when a woman is away from work to
11. To give or have the right to do something. have a baby.
12. A situation where someone is no longer 33. Payment made by an employer to an employee
employed because the company no longer needs who is away from work to have a baby.
him / her. 34. Money paid to add to a sum that already
13. Something which takes the place of something exists, or money paid to help someone do
else. something.
14. An area of employment policy that deals with 35. The time allowed before something can take
the well-being of employees at work. place.
15. Rules. 36. Before giving birth.
16. Something or legislation which protects. 37. To stop someone working for a period of time.
17. Accidents which happen at work. 38. A period when a man is away from work
18. Legally responsible for something. because his partner is having a baby.
19. Physical hurt caused to somebody. 39. Adjective referring to parents.
20. The condition of being unable to use part of the 40. The unfair treatment of someone because of
body. their race, colour, class, etc.
21. Payment made by someone to cover the cost of 41. The action of worrying, bothering or
damage or hardship. frightening someone.
22. Relating to money. 42. A complaint made by an employee to an
23. The failure to give proper care to something, employer.
especially a duty or responsibility, with the result 43. A statement, usually given in evidence, that
that a person or property is harmed. something is true.
24. Someone who is supported financially by 44. The steps an employee goes through if he / she
someone else. has a complaint.

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000 courts, institutions, etc
Each of the sections on Europe below contain either spelling mistakes, wrong words, or
wrong word forms. Identify and correct these words in each case.

The European Union (EU)

(This section contains 6 mistakes)
This is a group of European notions that form a single economical community and have agreed
on socialist and political cooperation. There are currently 25 member states. The Union has a
Parliment and a main execution body called the European Commission (which is made up of
members nomminated by each member state).

The Council of Europe

(This section contains 5 mistakes)
This is one of the four bodies which form the basis of the European Union. The Council does not
have fixed members, but the member states are each represented by the relevant goverment
minister. The Council is headed by a President, and the Presidencey rotates among the member
states in alphabetical order, each serving a six-month period. This means that in effect each
member can control the aggenda of the Council, and therefore that of the European Union
during their six-month period, and can try to get as many of its proposings put into legislative as
it can.

The European Convention on Human Rights

(This section contains 8 mistakes)
This is a convention signed by all members of the Council of Europe covering the rights and
fundamentally freedoms of all its citizens, and aims to prevent violents and beaches of human
rights. The convention recognises property rights, the right of citizens to privately, the due
progress of law and the principal of legal review or appal. The key provisions are now
incorporated by the Human Rights Act of 1998, which came into farce in the United Kingdom in
October 2000.

The European Court of Human Rights

(This section contains 9 mistakes)
This is a court that considers the rights of citizens of states which are parts to the European
Convention for the protecting of human rights, and has jurisprudence over cases that cannot be
setled by the European Commission of Human Rights (see below). It protects many base rights,
including the right to life, freedom from fear, freedom from torture, freedom of speaking,
freedom of religion worship, freedom of assemblage and asociation, etc (in fact, most of the
articles in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, on which the European Convention is
based: see the section on Human Rights on pages 44 – 48). Its formal name is the European
Court for the Protection of Human Rights.

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000

The European Commission of Human Rights

(This section contains 5 mistakes)
This is a body which invettigates any breaches and abusings of the European Convention on
Human Rights. It attempts to end griefances, especially if they contraveen the articles detailed in
the European Convention, and to help agrievved parties reach a settlement without recourse to
the European Court of Human Rights (see above).

The European Court of Justice (the ECJ)

(This section contains 10 mistakes)
This is a court set up to see that the principles of law as laid out in the Treaty of Rome are
observed and applicated correctly in the European Union, and has juristic over issues of European
Law. Its full name is the Court of Justice of the European Communities. The Court is responsible
for settling dispites relating to European Union law, and also acting as a last Court of Appeal
against judgementals in individual member states.

Court judges in the ECJ are apointed by the governments of the member states for a period of six
years. These judges come from all the member states, and bring with them the legality traditions
of each state. The court can either meet as a full court, or in chombers where only two or three
judges are present. The court normally conducts its business in French, although if an acting is
brought before the court by or against a member state, the member state can choose the
language in which the case will be heard. The court can hear actions against institutionals, or
actions brought either by the Commission or by a member state against another member state.
The court also acts as Court of Appeal for appeals from the Court of First Instance (CFI). The court
also interprets legislation and as such acts in a semi-legislationary capacity.

Note: most of the mistakes in this exercise are typical of mistakes made through
carelessness. Always check your written work for similar mistakes. Remember that in law,
careful and specific use of words (and their forms and spellings) is very important. A wrong
word or a wrong spelling could change everything!

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit family
The 0000 1: Relationships
Test your knowledge with this quiz.
1. A contract between a man and a woman to become husband and wife is called a / an:
(a) wedding (b) engagement (c) marriage (d) affair (e) relationship

2. Rearrange the letters in bold to make a word meaning husband or wife: pusoes

3. True or false: If you have a partner, you are assumed to be married.

4. Are same-sex marriages legal in Britain?

5. What is the difference between a separation and a divorce?

6. Complete this sentence with the appropriate word in bold:

The judge decided that the marriage had never been legal and so he annexed / antedated /
annulled it (in other words, he declared that it had no legal effect).

7. What is the name we give to the notifiable offence of going through a ceremony of marriage to
someone when you are still married to someone else? Is it:
(a) monogamy (b) bigamy (c) polygamy (d) monotony

8. In England and Wales, what kind of court deals with divorces? Is it:
(a) a magistrates' court (b) a Crown Court (c) a High Court (d) a County Court
(e) a court of appeal

9. In England and Wales, a divorce can only be granted on one condition (known as grounds for
divorce): that the marriage has broken down irretrievably (in other words, it cannot be made right
again). Here are two of the conditions necessary for an irretrievable breakdown:

(1) The couple have lived apart for two years and both consent to divorce.
(2) The couple have lived apart for five years and no consent from the other spouse is needed.

Rearrange the letters in bold to make words for the other conditions:

(3) tdyulera by one spouse (4) runbesaleona brvioeuha of a spouse

(5) soedernti by one spouse

10. Here is a simplified version of the main divorce procedure. Complete the gaps with words from the

affidavit decree absolute decree nisi dispute (x3)

petition (x2) petitioner (x2) respondent (x2)

A request (a __________) is made by the __________ ( = the person applying for the divorce) to the
court for a divorce, in which the facts about the people involved and the reasons for the divorce
are explained.

The court sends the divorce __________ to the __________ ( = the other spouse), together with a
form called an Acknowledgement of Service form, which he / she completes. In it, he / she
indicates whether or not he / she wishes to __________ the divorce.

He / She returns this to the court within 7 days. (If he / she wants to __________ the divorce and /
or its terms, he / she is sent another form to complete).

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
Assuming that the __________ does not want to __________ the divorce or the terms, a copy of
the Acknowledgement of Service form is sent to the __________, who confirms the facts sent in
their original petition by swearing an __________.

The court pronounces the __________, an order ending the marriage subject to a full __________,
which comes later and ends the marriage completely.

11. If a divorced couple have children, one of them may be required to make regular payments to their
ex-husband / ex-wife to help pay for the upbringing of the children. What are these payments
called? Are they:
(a) child support (b) child maintenance (c) child benefit (d) child pensions

12. Look at this situation:

An unmarried couple with two children separate. The father moves away to another town. Is he
legally obliged to make payments to his ex-partner for the upbringing of the children?

13. In England and Wales, the agency responsible for the assessment, review, collection and
enforcement of payments is called the CSA. What do you think these letters stand for?

14. If a parent refuses to pay money for the upbringing of his / her ex-partner's children, the CSA can
ask a court to make an Attachment of Earnings Order. What do you think this is?

15. How old should children be before a CSA ruling no longer applies? Is it:
(a) 15 (b) 16 (c) 17 (d) 18

16. What is alimony? Is it:

(a) money that a court orders a husband to pay regularly to his separated or divorced wife
(b) money that a court orders a father to pay regularly to his children until they are old enough to
leave home
(c) money that the state pays a married couple to help them pay for a divorce
(d) money that a married couple must save to pay for their children's education

17. If a couple are unmarried, and one of them dies, who gets their estate (land, money and
possessions) if the deceased (the dead person) has not made a will? Is it:
(a) the deceased's partner
(b) the deceased's immediate family
(c) the state

18. Who is your next of kin?

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit family
The 0000 2: Children
Exercise 1:
Complete this definition and explanation (which has been adapted from the A & C Black
Dictionary of Law) with words and expressions from the box.

adult binding business convicted guardians Juvenile juveniles land

legal status majority malice marry minor minority parents responsible
vote will written permission young offender young person Youth

A child can be defined as 'a person under the age of 18'. We can also use the word '__________'. The state
of being less than 18 years old is called '__________'. When a child becomes 18, he / she reaches the age
of __________ and so is legally regarded as an __________. In other words, he/ she becomes __________
for his / her own actions, can sue, be sued or undertake __________ transactions.

In Great Britain a child does not have full __________ until the age of 18. A contract is not __________ on a
child, and a child cannot own __________, cannot make a __________, cannot __________ and cannot
drive a car (under the age of seventeen). A child cannot __________ before the age of 16, and can only do
so between the ages of 16 and 18 with the __________ of his / her __________ or legal __________. A
child who is less than 10 years old is not considered capable of committing a crime; a child between 10 and
14 years of age may be considered capable of doing so if there is evidence of __________ or knowledge,
and so children of these ages can in certain circumstances be __________. In criminal law the term 'child' is
used for children between the ages of 10 and 14; for children between 14 and 17, the term '__________' is
used; all children are termed '__________'. If someone between these ages commits a crime, he / she is
known as a __________, and may be sentenced in a __________ Court (previously known as a __________

Exercise 2:

1. Choose the correct word in bold to complete this sentence:

The money paid by the state to a person who is responsible for a child under 16 years of age is
called child support / maintenance / benefit / pension.

2. When two people divorce or get separated and one of them has care of their children, the other
has the right to see the child regularly. True or false: this is called excess.

3. True or false: in Britain, the responsibility for the assessment, review, collection and enforcement of
maintenance for children is supervised by the courts.

4. What does the Latin expression 'in loco parentis' mean?

5. Rearrange the letters in bold to make a word: A child or young person who acts in an antisocial
way or breaks the law is known as a queendltin.

6. Choose the best meaning of the word adoption. Is it:

(a) the act of looking after and bringing up a child who is not your own
(b) the act of becoming the legal parent of a child which is not your own
(c) the act of having your children supervised while they are at home to make sure they are being
well cared for

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
7. Which of the following are allowed to be foster parents?:
(a) married couples (b) unmarried couples (c) single women (d) single men
(e) same-sex couples

8. Complete the words in bold: If a parent or guardian fails to provide a child with adequate shelter,
food, clothing, medical attention and supervision, this is known as n _ _ _ _ _ _. If a parent
intentionally harms a child physically or mentally, this is known as a _ _ _ _.

9. Choose the correct word in bold to complete this sentence:

Sometimes, if a woman is physically unable to conceive and have a baby, the couple may ask
another woman to have the baby for them and then give the baby to them: this woman is known
as a surrogate / surreal / surety / surrender mother.

10. What is a Guardian ad Litem? Is it:

(a) a parent who does not live with his / her child.
(b) a child who does not have a parent or legal guardian.
(c) a person appointed by a court to represent a child in a legal action.

11. True or false: a parent can be held legally responsible for the actions of their children if the
children do something wrong or illegal.

12. True or false: if one parent in a couple is found guilty of the offences in number 8 above, a court
can apply to have the parent taken out of the family home rather than the child.

13. Truancy is becoming a major problem in Britain. What do you think this word means?

14. In Britain there are various orders that can be applied for children in different situations. Match the
order 1 – 8 with what it does (a) – (h):

1. Care Order 2. Supervision Order 3. Search and Find Order 4. Disclosure Order
5. Prohibited Steps Order 6. Specific Issue Order 7. Contact Order 8. Residence Order

(a) If the parents cannot decide what to do about major issues related to their children, they can let
a court decide for them.
(b) In cases of separation and divorce, this decides who the child will live with (in other words, who
gets custody of the child)
(c) The court can prevent one parent from taking a child away from the other parent (often used if
there is a danger the parent will take the child out of the country).
(d) A court can order the police or other legally-appointed body to enter a house where they think
a child might be held against his / her will, in bad conditions, or illegally by a person not entitled to
look after the child.
(e) A separated or divorced parent wants to see his / her children (who are living with the other
parent) for short periods on a regular basis.
(f) The local social services regularly visit the home to check that children are being well cared for.
(g) If a person knows where a child is being illegally held, they must give this information to the
police or the court, or face prosecution.
(h) Children are taken away from their home and parents / guardians by the local social services.

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
Human rights 1
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was proclaimed and adopted by the General
Assembly of the United Nations in 1948. It details the rights of individual men and women
to basic freedoms such as freedom of speech, freedom of religious worship, freedom from
fear and hunger, etc. The Declaration has 30 sections, or articles.

Exercise 1:
Here are the first ten articles in their original form. Read through them, then match words
in the articles with the dictionary definitions 1 – 27 below the box. The words are in the
same order as the definitions.

Article 1: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with
reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Article 2: Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this declaration, without
distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion,
national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on
the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a
person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation
of sovereignty.

Article 3: Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of freedom.

Article 4: No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited
in all their forms.

Article 5: No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or


Article 6: Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.

Article 7: All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection
of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this
declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.

Article 8: Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts
violating the fundamental rights granted him / her by the constitution or by law.

Article 9: No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.

Article 10: Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and
impartial tribunal, in the determination of his / her rights and obligations and of any criminal charge
against him / her.

1. The same (adjective)

2. The things that you should be allowed to have (noun)
3. A feeling you have that you have done right or wrong (noun)
4. To have the right to do or have something (verb)
5. Difference (noun)
6. A group of people with distinct physical characteristics or culture (noun)
7. Referring to government or party politics (adjective)
8. Having the legal power over someone or something (adjective)

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
9. The act of limiting something (noun)
10. The situation of being free (noun)
11. The situation of being a person who belongs to someone and works for them without payment (noun)
12. The situation of having to work very hard for someone, usually in poor conditions and with very little or
no pay (noun)
13. The buying and selling of people against their will (noun: 2 words)
14. To say that something must not happen (verb)
15. Hurting someone badly so that they are forced to give information (noun)
16. Causing fear, anguish and inferiority (adjective)
17. The unfair treatment of someone because of their colour, class, religion, language, etc (noun)
18. The act of breaking a rule (noun)
19. The act of encouraging, persuading or advising someone to do something morally or legally wrong
20. A court, often one which specialises in a particular area of law (noun)
21. Basic, essential (adjective)
22. Laws and principles under which a country is governed (noun)
23. Done at random, without reason (adjective)
24. The act of keeping someone so that he / she cannot escape or enjoy freedom (noun)
25. The punishment of being made to live in another country, or another part of a country (noun)
26. Not biased or prejudiced (adjective)
27. Duty to do something (noun)

Exercise 2:
Here are Articles 11 – 20 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In each article, there
are between 2 and 5 spelling mistakes or wrong words. Identify and correct these words.

Article 11: (1) Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed inocent until proved
guilty according to law in a public trail at which he / she has had all the guarantees necessary for his /
her defense.
(2) No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not
constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was comitted. Nor
shall a heavier penaltey be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal offence was

Article 12: No one shall be subjected to arbitary interference with his / her privatecy, family home or
correspondence, not to attacks upon his / her honour and reputeation. Everyone has the right to the
projection of the law against such interference or attacks.

Article 13: (1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residents within the boarders of each
(2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his / her own, and to return to his / her

Article 14: (1) Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries assylum from presecution.
(2) This right may not be inboked in the case of prossecutions genuinely arising from non-political crimes
or from acts contrary to the purposes and principals of the United Nations.

Article 15: (1) Everyone has the right to a nationality.

(2) No one shall be arbitrarily depraved of his / her nationality nor denyed the right to change his / her

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000

Article 16: (1) Men and women of full age, without any limmitation due to race, nationality or
religious, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to
marriage, during marriage, and at its dissolluttion.
(2) Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consend of the intending spouses.
(3) The family is the natural and fondmental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by
society and state.

Article 17: (1) Everyone has the right to own property alone, as well as in asociattion with others.
(2) No one shall be abitrarily deprived of his / her property.

Article 18: Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, consience and religion: this right includes
freedom to change his / her religion or believe, and freedom, either alone or in community with
others and in public or private, to manifest his / her religion or belief in teaching, practise, warship
and observance.

Article 19: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression: this right includes freedom
to hold opinions without inteferance and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through
any media and regardless of frontears.

Article 20: (1) Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful asembly and association.
(2) No one shall be cambelled to belong to an association.

Exercise 3:
Here is a summary of articles 21 – 30. Using your own words and ideas, explain what you
think each one means. You will find a more detailed explanation of each one in the answer
key at the back of this book.
Article 21: Free elections, and the right to participate in government.
Article 22: Right to social security.
Article 23: Right to desirable work and to join trade unions.
Article 24: Right to rest and leisure.
Article 25: Right to adequate living standards.
Article 26: Right to education.
Article 27:Right to participate in the cultural life of the community.
Article 28: Right to peace and order.
Article 29: Duty to preserve other people's rights and freedoms.
Article 30: Freedom from interference in all of the above rights.

Now go to Human Rights 2 on the next page.

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
In each of situations 1 – 29, one or more of the articles from the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights has been broken or abused. Match each of the situations with the relevant
article or articles (see pages 40 – 42). Choose from between Article 3 and Article 26 only.

1. Children between the age of 5 and 11 have to go to school, but their parents must pay for it.

2. A man has his house broken into and his television stolen. He goes to the police but they tell him
to go away because they have more important things to do.

3. Archie White, a magistrate, has his car stolen. The police arrest and charge the man they think is
responsible. The next day the man is taken to court for an initial hearing. The chairman of the
justices (the head magistrate) in the courtroom is Archie White. He tells the members of the public
that they have to leave the courtroom.

4. Staff employed by Kaput Computers have to start work at 7 in the morning and work until 7 in the
evening, with only a half hour break for lunch. They work from Monday to Saturday, and do not
get paid leave.

5. A couple wants to have a baby. The government says that the country is overpopulated and tells
them that they cannot have a baby yet.

6. A new government tells all public servants that they have to become a member of their political
party. Anyone who refuses will lose their job.

7. John Doe is arrested because the police think he has killed someone. Before his trial has begun, a
popular newspaper publishes an article about him (complete with photographs of his arrest) with
the headline 'Vicious murderer John Doe caught!'

8. Two friends, one white and one black, have been threatened with violence. They go to the police
to ask for protection. The police agree to help the white man, but not the black man.

9. A journalist writes a newspaper article explaining why he opposes his country's foreign policy. He is
told by the government that he has become persona non grata, he must leave the country
immediately and never return.

10. A woman who lives in a capital city wants to visit her sick father, who lives 200 km away. She is
told that she cannot leave the city to visit him.

11. A poor man murders someone and is sent to prison. A rich man commits a murder in similar
circumstances but is allowed to go free.

12. A robber is sent to prison for 5 years. While he is in prison, the government confiscates all his
belongings, and then destroys his house.

13. A man travels to another country where he asks to stay because he is frightened of remaining in
his home country. He is immediately sent back to the country he came from.

14. The Republic of Istanata has never given women the right to vote.

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
15. At a party, a woman tells a group of friends that she thinks the government of her country is
corrupt and incompetent. The next day she is arrested and never seen again.

16. A newspaper editor dislikes a famous popular actress, so publishes an article about her. The article
describes the actress as 'ugly, stupid, greedy and unable to act'.

17. A group of about 200 people hold a meeting in a public building to discuss their government's
policies. The police arrive and arrest them all.

18. The government intercepts, opens and reads one of their key opponent's letters and other mail.

19. A famous political author writes a book criticising the police. She then leaves her home to go on a
tour to promote her book. While she is away, the police start harassing her husband and children.

20. A husband and wife get divorced. The law in their country says that in any divorce case the man
automatically gets custody of the children.

21. A woman joins a trade union. The company she works for discovers this and immediately dismisses

22. A man loses his job and cannot find work. His country does not offer financial support for people
who are out of work.

23. A 17-year-old boy murders someone a few days before his 18th birthday. He is arrested, and six
months later the case goes to court. His country has the death penalty for murder if the murderer
is 18 or over. The judge sentences him to death and he is executed.

24. A policeman does not like the look of a young man sitting on a park bench, so arrests him, takes
him to the police station and puts him in a police cell.

25. The police suspect that a man is a member of a terrorist organisation. They hit him, deprive him of
food, water and sleep, and burn him with cigarettes until he confesses.

26. A poor man borrows money from a wealthy factory owner. He is unable to pay the money back.
The factory owner takes the man's 12-year-old son and makes him work in the factory to pay off
the debt.

27. A new government closes all the churches, temples, mosques and synagogues in its country, and
forbids anyone from attending services there.

28. A family want to take a holiday abroad, and apply for passports. They are told that they cannot
have passports and cannot go abroad.

29. Mr Smith and Ms Jones do exactly the same job for the same company. They have the same
qualifications and the same experience. Mr Smith receives £35,000 a year, and Ms Jones receives
£28,000 a year.

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit Latin
Latin words and expressions are still relatively common in the legal profession. How many
of the meanings on the left can you match with the expressions on the right?

1. By the operation of the law.

2. Caught in the act of committing a crime. ab initio
3. On the face of it, or as things seem at first. actus reus
4. A gift (usually money) with no obligations attached. ad litem
5. Starting again. bona fide(s)
6. On its own, or all alone.
bona vacantia
7. The right to be heard in a court.
8. Among / In addition to other things. consensus ad idem
9. A legal action or application pursued by one party only. corpus delicti
10. After the event. de facto
11. Equally, or with no distinction.
de jure
12. An act, such as murder, which is a crime in itself.
13. When a threat is implied in a contract, and as a result de novo
the contract is invalid. doli capax
14. A legal remedy against wrongful imprisonment. doli incapax
15. Taken as a matter of fact, even though the legal status
ex gratia
may not be certain.
16. For a short time. ex parte
17. Legal action against a person (for example, one party in ex post facto
a case claims that the other should do some act or pay habeas corpus
damages). in flagrante delicto
18. By this fact, or the fact itself shows this to be true.
in loco parentis
19. Acting in place of a parent.
20. A matter on which a judgement has been given. in personam
21. A decision correctly made by a court, which can be used in rem
as a precedent. inter alia
22. Capable of committing a crime.
in terrorem
23. The duty to prove that what has been alleged in court is
true. ipso facto
24. In total good faith, a state which should exist between ipso jure
parties to some types of legal relationship. locus standi
25. A real agreement to a contract by both parties.
mala in se
26. A situation where the legal title is clear.
27. Referring to the case at law. mala prohibita
28. Mad, or not completely sane. mens rea
29. With no owner, or no obvious owner. non compos mentis
30. The mental state required to be guilty of committing a onus probandi
pari passu
31. An action done in return for something done or
promised. per curiam
32. From the beginning. per se
33. Legal action against a thing (for example, one party prima facie
claims property or goods in the possession of another).
pro tempore
34. An act forbidden by criminal law.
35. Not capable of committing a crime. quid pro quo
36. The real proof that a crime has been committed. res judicata
37. An act which is not a crime, but is forbidden. uberrimae fidei
38. In good faith.
ultra vires
39. Acting in a way which exceeds your legal powers.

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
Legal referencing
Contracts, formal letters and other legal documents frequently contain 'reference' words
that are not often used in other areas of English. These words refer to time, place, result,
etc, in connection with the documents they appear in.

Complete sentences 1 – 14 with appropriate words from the box. To help you, each
sentence is followed by an explanation in italics of the function of the missing word.

aforementioned hereafter hereby herein hereinafter hereof hereto (x2)

heretofore hereunder herewith thereafter therein thereinafter thereinbefore

1. We are somewhat confused, as the contract we received named the company as The Sophos
Partnership in the first paragraph, but __________ as Sophos Ltd. (listed or mentioned afterwards
in the document)

2. Could you explain why the interest rate is quoted as 17% on the final page of the agreement you
sent us, but as 15% __________. (listed or mentioned earlier in a document)

3. He was present when the exchange took place, and has been summoned as witness __________.
(of this event / fact)

4. For more information, see the documents listed __________. (below this heading or phrase)

5. All parties are expected to comply with the conditions stated __________, unless a formal
application is made to do otherwise. (in this document)

6. Final delivery of the merchandise is to be made no later than the dates listed __________. (relating
or belonging to this document)

7. The copyright for this book will __________ be in the name of the author, Archibald Thrupp. (from
this time on)

8. According to the schedule of payments attached __________, invoices must be submitted at the
end of each month. (to this document)

9. You are advised to refer to the previous contract, and the terms and conditions cited __________.
(in that document)

10. The accused is to report to his probationer twice a week for the first month, and __________ once
a week for the next five months. (after that)

11. The parties __________ acting as trustees are to be consulted regularly. (previously, earlier or
before now)

12. Thank you for the prompt despatch of our goods. Please find a cheque enclosed __________.
(together with this letter or document)

13. This agreement is made on 1 April 2007 between Blueberry Press (__________ called the
PUBLISHER), and Michael Halmsworth (__________ called the AUTHOR). (stated later in this
document: the same word should be used to complete both gaps)

14. Mr Harrison has failed to comply with the terms set out in his contract, and we __________ revoke
the contract. (as a result or in this way)

15. The __________ company was awarded the contract under certain conditions. (mentioned earlier)

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
the 0000
Complete the sentences and definitions below with words and expressions related to
driving, and write your answers in the appropriate space in the table at the bottom of the
page. The first and last letters of each word are already in the table. If you do this correctly,
you will reveal a word in the shaded vertical strip that means 'a note on a driving licence to
show that the holder has been convicted of a traffic offence'.
1. Driving a vehicle in such a way that it may cause damage to property or injure people, where the
driver is unaware of causing a risk to other people, is called ________ driving.

2. The breaking of a rule or regulation is called a ________.

3. An offence committed when driving faster than the speed limit is called ________.

4. ________ (2 words) is the offence of taking a vehicle without the owner's permission, and using it
to drive about (usually in a dangerous manner).

5. The minimum type of insurance required when driving a motorised vehicle is called ________
(2 words) insurance.

6. A person who is ________ from driving has been legally banned from driving a motorised vehicle
for a certain period of time.

7. If you are stopped by the police while driving because you have done something wrong, they may
offer you a ________ (2 words), which means that they fine you a certain amount of money and
give you automatic penalty points 'on the spot'.

8. ________ is a verb which has a similar meaning to obey, and is often used in connection with
obeying the rules of the road.

9. It is an offence to drive with ________ brakes, steering, tyres or eyesight (in other words, anything
that doesn't work properly).

10. ________ (2 words), also called driving with excess alcohol, is considered to be one of the more
serious road traffic offences.

11. It is an offence not to wear a ________ when driving or riding in a car.

1 R S
2 C N
3 S G
4 J Y R G
5 T D P Y
6 D D
7 F D P Y
8 C Y
9 D E
10 D K D G
11 S T

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
People in the law 1
This exercise tests your knowledge of the names we give to people who work in or for the
legal system, or people who become involved in a legal process.

Complete each sentence with an appropriate word (the first and last letters have been given
to you in each case), and use your answers to fill in the crossword on the next page.

2. A l________r is a general term for any qualified member of the legal profession.
6. An a________y is somebody who is legally allowed to act on behalf of someone else.
11. A member of 4 down is called a j________r.
12. The j________y is the collective word for all judges in a country, as well as the court system in
13. An a________e is somebody who has the right to speak in open court as the representative of a
party in a legal case.
15. A t________r is a man who has made a will.
16. A b________r is a member of the legal profession who can plead or argue a case in one of the
higher courts of law.
19. An a________t is a person who appeals to a higher court in order to get it to change a decision or
a sentence imposed by a lower court.
20. A c________t is somebody who is kept in prison as punishment for a crime.
21. The person who is elected by the other 11 members of 4 down is called the f________n.
23. A p________n officer supervises people who have committed something wrong but are not sent
to prison, or people who have been released early from prison on certain conditions.
24. A s________t is someone whom the police believe has committed a crime.
26. A w________s is someone who sees something happen, or is present when it happens.
27. A j________e is an official who presides over a court and in civil cases decides which party is in the

1. A c________t is a person who is represented by a 2 across.
3. A c________t is a person who takes legal action against someone in the civil courts.
4. A group of 12 citizens who are sworn to decide whether someone is guilty or not guilty on the
basis of the evidence they hear in court is called a j________y.
5. Somebody who receives something under a will is called a b________y.
7. A m________e is an official (who is not a 2 across and who is usually unpaid) who tries cases in a
lower court.
8. An a________r is somebody who decides who is right and what should be done in a disagreement
or dispute.
9. A t________r is someone who has committed a civil wrong, or tort.
10. The person who brings criminal charges against someone in a court is called a p________r.
14. A d________t is someone who is sued in a civil case or somebody who is accused of a crime in a
criminal case.
17. A person who applies for a court order is called an a________t.
18. A s________r is a 2 across who has passed the examinations of the Law Society and has a valid
certificate to practise, who gives advice to members of public and acts for them in legal matters.
22. A c________r is a public official who investigates the cause of death or the reason for it, especially
if it is sudden or unexpected.
25. C________l is the term for a 16 across acting for one of the parties in a legal action.

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000


3 4
8 9
11 12

13 14


16 17 18



21 22
24 25

26 27

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
People in the law 2
Complete these paragraphs (which are taken from the A & C Black Dictionary of Law) with
words or expressions from the box.

1. accused 2. adoption 3. affiliation 4. appointed 5. bench 6. biased

7. called to the Bar 8. challenged 9. clerk 10. commit 11. criminal 12. Crown Court
13. electoral register 14. eligible 15. exclusively 16. Inns of Court 17. inquests
18. jurors 19. jury service 20. lay 21. libel 22. Magistrates' Courts 23. misconduct
24. on bail 25. Parliament 26. political 27. practise 28. pupillage 29. recorders
30. right of audience 31. sentence 32. solicitor 33. stipendiary 34. trial 35. verdict


In England and Wales, a barrister is a member of one of the __________ (= the four law societies in London
to which lawyers are members); he or she has passed examinations and spent one year in __________ (=
training) before being __________ (= being fully accepted to practise law). Barristers have the __________
in all courts in England and Wales: in other words, they have the right to speak, but they do not have that
right __________.


Magistrates usually work in __________. These courts hear cases of petty crime, __________, __________,
maintenance and violence in the home. The court can __________ someone for __________ or for
__________ in a __________. There are two main types of magistrates: __________ magistrates (qualified
lawyers who usually sit alone); __________ magistrates (unqualified, who sit as a __________ of three and
can only sit if there is a justices' __________ present to advise them).


In England, judges are __________ by the Lord Chancellor. The minimum requirement is that one should be
a barrister or __________ of ten years' standing. The majority of judges are barristers, but they cannot
__________ as barristers. __________ are practising barristers who act as judges on a part-time basis. The
appointment of judges is not a __________ appointment, and judges remain in office unless they are found
guilty of gross __________. Judges cannot be Members of __________.

The jury

Juries are used in __________ cases, and in some civil actions, notably actions for __________. They are also
used in some coroner's __________. The role of the jury is to use common sense to decide if the
__________ should be for or against the __________. Members of a jury (called __________) normally have
no knowledge of the law and follow the explanations given to them by the judge. Anyone whose name
appears on the __________ and who is between the ages of 18 and 70 is __________ for __________.
Judges, magistrates, barristers and solicitors are not eligible for jury service, nor are priests, people who are
__________, and people suffering from mental illness. People who are excused jury service include
members of the armed forces, Members of Parliament and doctors. Potential jurors can be __________ if
one of the parties to the case thinks they are or may be __________.

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Privacy and data protection
Unit 0000
A lot of people and organisations, ranging from shops and credit card companies to
government agencies, have personal data ( = details) about us in their files and on their
computers. Many people are worried that this data could be used against them or could
'fall into the wrong hands'. In Britain, the Data Protection Act sets out rules about how this
data is processed and used by data controllers (= the people who hold details about us).

The following sentences summarise the main points of the Data Protection Act. However,
each sentence contains between 1 and 4 spelling mistakes or wrong words. Identify and
correct each one.
Surprisingly, there are no specific privacy laws in Britain, and people who feel they have
been subjected to unwanted intrusion to their privacy often turn to the European
Convention of Human Rights, and specifically Article 8, which concerns the right to respect
for an individual's private life. In other cases, the United Nations Declaration of Human
Rights contains a similar article (Article 12) which could be referred to. Infringements of
privacy in Britain are sometimes referred to the European Court of Human Rights.

1. Data controllers should compliy with the rules of good information handling practise, known as the
data protection principals.

2. Personal data should be proccesed fairly and lawfully, should be acurrate and relavant, and should
be subject to appropriate secureity.

3. A person has the right to find out what infermation is held about them on computer and in some
paper records. This is called the right of supject acess.

4. A person has the right to find out what credit agencys report about them and to be able to correct
any mistakes in these reports.

5. A person has the right to prevent data being procesed if they think it is likely to cause them or
anyone else unjustifried substantial damaging or substantial destress.

6. A person has the right to require the data controller not to use their personal detales to markit
them with products, services or ideals.

7. A person has the right to know if a computer is used to process information about them in order
to take a decisive that will effect them, and in some cases can present decisions being made about
them which are based solely on automatic processing.

8. A person has the right to have unaccurate information about them ammended or destroyed.

9. A person who has suffered damage or distress as a result of a data controller failing to comply with
the Data protection Act has the right to clam condensation from the data controller.

10. A person can issue court preceedings against a data controller if a sollution to any of the above
points cannot be met by dealing directly with the data controller.

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
Exercise 1:
Test your knowledge with this quiz.

1. Rearrange the letters in bold to make a word: the absolute right to hold land or property for an
unlimited time without paying rent is called rofedleh.

2. What is the difference between the answer to number 1 above, and the word leasehold?

3. True or false: the way in which a piece of land is held (as in 1 and 2 above) is called land tenure.

4. Choose the correct word in bold to complete this definition: a person or company which rents a
house, flat or office in which to live or work is called a tender / tenure / tenement / tenant /

5. In Britain, a person who arranges for the sale of property is called an estate agent. What is the
American equivalent of this expression?

6. True or false: the transferring of property from one person to another is called conversion.

7. When you buy a house, why is it important to get the title deeds and keep them safe?

8. Imagine that you are buying a house with the help of a mortgage from the bank. The national
interest rate looks likely to rise rapidly over the next year or so. Should you consider getting a
fixed-rate mortgage or a variable-rate mortgage?

9. If you take out a mortgage to buy a house, and you use the house as security, the mortgage-lender
might repossess (= take back) your house if you are unable to pay back the money. What is this
called? Is it:
(a) disclosure (b) exposure (c) foreclosure

10. A married couple buy a house as joint tenants. Who actually owns the house? Is it:
(a) the husband (b) the wife (c) they both own it equally (d) it depends how much each
person paid towards the house.

11. The new owner of a house discovers that there is a right of way in his garden. What does this
(a) He can build another house in the garden if he wants.
(b) He must sell part of the garden after a fixed period of time.
(c) Other people can walk through his garden to get from one place to another.
(d) Farmers can let their cows and sheep use his garden.

12. A woman is buying a house. She makes a price offer, which is accepted by the seller. She is then
gazumped. Would she be happy or unhappy about this?

13. Choose the correct word in bold to complete this definition: a liability such as a mortgage or
charge which is often attached to a property or piece of land is called an enforcement /
encumbrance / endowment / engrossment / encroachment.

14. In Britain, house buyers must pay tax on the documents that record the purchase of the house (if
the house costs more than a certain amount). What do we call this tax? Is it:
(a) excise duty (b) customs duty (c) active duty (d) double duty (e) stamp duty

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
Exercise 2:
Imagine that you want to buy a property. Below are the different stages that you will
normally (and ideally) go through. Complete the gaps with words and expressions from the

alterations appoint asking authority balance bound boundaries clauses

completion confirmation contract covenants deposit disclose disputes
fees offer ownership planning permission plans possession preservation
Registry restrictions signing stamp structural survey surveyor title deed

1. You make an __________ on the __________ price (the price that the seller is asking for the house),
which is accepted by the seller.

2. You __________ a solicitor to help you make your purchase.

3. You solicitor receives __________ of your accepted offer, and also any necessary details from the estate

4. The seller's solicitor sends your solicitor a draft __________. This is checked to make sure there are no
unusual __________.

5. At the same time, the seller's solicitor sends your solicitor the seller's __________. This is carefully
checked for any __________ that might apply to __________ of the property. At the same time, the seller
should make your solicitor aware of any problems with the property (for example, __________ with his / her
neighbours, any approved or unapproved __________ that he / she has made to the property, relevant
information on __________ adjoining other properties and public land, __________ or __________ orders
that may restrict development of the property, whether you will need to get __________ before making
changes to the property, etc).

6. If the contract is approved, copies of it are prepared for __________ by both you and the seller.

7. Before you do this, however, your solicitor should ask the local __________ (for example, the local town
council) to __________ any information it has on __________ for the area around the property you are
buying (for example, there may be plans to build an airport at the end of your back garden, or a motorway
across your lawn at the front).

8. At the same time, you should ask for a __________ of the property by a chartered __________. He / she
will tell you if there are any problems with the property (for example, rising damp, dry rot, unsound
__________ features, etc).

9. If you are happy with everything, you now sign the contract: you are now legally __________ to buy the
property (you cannot pull out of the agreement, unless further checks by your solicitor produce
unfavourable information that has been kept secret from you; for example, he / she may discover that the
property details the seller has provided are not accurate).

10. Your solicitor arranges a __________ date with the seller's solicitor – this is the date when you will take
official __________ of the property – and both you and the seller exchange contracts through your
solicitors. Your title deeds are prepared.

11. You pay your solicitor his __________, the money for the property (assuming you have already paid a
__________ on the property, you will now need to pay the outstanding __________), the relevant
__________ duty and Land __________ fees.

12. You get your copy of the deeds and the key to the front door. Congratulations, and welcome to your
new home!

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
Punishments and penalties
Check your knowledge of punishment and penalty vocabulary with this quiz.

1. Punish is the verb and punishment is the noun, but what is the adjective form of the word?
What are the verb and adjective forms of the noun penalty?

2. Choose the most appropriate word in bold in this sentence:

'The court ordered the defendant to pay purgative / punishing / punitive / pugnacious
damages to the claimant for the emotional distress he had caused.'

3. Rearrange the letters in bold to make words:

'After the jury returned a 'guilty' verdict on the defendant, the judge nopcnedoru tescenen on

4. What do we call a punishment which is considered to be strong enough to stop someone from
committing a crime? Is it:
(a) a detergent (b) a deterrent (c) a detriment (d) a determinant

5. Some countries still have corporal punishment and some still have capital punishment. What
happens to the people who receive these punishments?

6. In Britain, a man is stopped by the police for driving at 45 in a 30mph zone. What will (probably)
happen to him?

7. Next week, the same man is stopped again, and the police discover that he has been drinking
alcohol and has over twice the allowed limit of alcohol in his body. What will probably happen to
him now?

8. Rearrange the letters in bold to make words. The first and last letters of each word are in the
correct place:
'If a defendant is found guilty of an offence in a court of law, he is ciecnotvd. If he is found not
guilty, he is ateqciutd.'

9. What's the difference between a custodial sentence, a suspended sentence and probation?

10. A young man gets drunk and starts a fight in a bar, and as a result receives a banning order from a
magistrate. What is he not allowed to do?

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
11. The same young man has a long history of harassing and intimidating his neighbours, stealing from
shops and damaging property. He receives an ASBO and is ordered to sign an ABC. What do you
think these abbreviations stand for?

12. What kind of person would be sent to a remand centre?

13. What is the maximum penalty allowed for crime in the United Kingdom?

14. Prison is a noun. What is the verb form of this word?

15. A judge sends someone to prison for a period of 5 years, and tells him / her that by law they
cannot be released earlier. True or false: this is called a determinate sentence.

16. A woman is sentenced to 6 months in prison for theft, 4 months in prison for selling drugs, and 1
month in prison for refusing to pay her council tax. The judge tells her that these sentences will be
concurrent, or run concurrently. What is the maximum length of time the woman will spend in

17. Rearrange the letters in bold to make words:

The same woman has her sentence reduced because of dogo hevirobua and is released after only
4 months.

18. True or false: If someone receives a community service order, they have to go to prison.

19. A company signs a bond at the same time that is signs a contract with another company. What will
happen to the company if they fail to comply with the terms of the contract?

20. Choose the correct word in bold in this sentence:

An injection / injunction / injury / injustice is a court order telling someone to stop doing
something, or not to do something.

21. What do we call money that is paid from one party to another to cover the cost of damage, loss,
injury or hardship? (Clue: it begins with c and ends with n)

22. Mr Smith goes to the Bahamas to start a new life. While he is there, an English court applies a
freezing order to Mr Smith's assets. Would Mr Smith be happy or unhappy about this?

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
Types of court
Exercise 1:
Complete definitions 1 – 18 with words / expressions from the box. Note that several of
these are related to British or English and Welsh law only, although other countries will
usually have an equivalent.

쐍 Admiralty Court 쐍 employment tribunal

쐍 Commercial Court 쐍 European Court of Human Rights
쐍 coroner’s court 쐍 European Court of Justice
쐍 County Court 쐍 High Court
쐍 courthouse 쐍 House of Lords
쐍 court-martial 쐍 Lands Tribunal
쐍 Court of Appeal 쐍 magistrates' court
쐍 Court of Protection 쐍 rent tribunal
쐍 Crown Court 쐍 small claims court

1. A _______________ is a court that deals with disputes over small amounts of money.

2. A _______________ is a civil or criminal court to which a person may go to ask for an award or
sentence to be changed.

3. A _______________ is a court which tries someone serving in the armed forces for offences against
military discipline.

4. A ______________ is the general word for a building in which trials take place.

5. A _______________ is one of the types of court in England and Wales which hears local civil cases.

6. The _______________ is a court which considers the rights of citizens of states which are parties to
the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights.

7. An _______________ is a body responsible for hearing work-related complaints as specified by


8. A _______________ is a court which hears cases of petty crime, adoption, affiliation, maintenance
and violence in the home (= domestic violence), and which can also commit someone for trial or
sentencing in a Crown Court.

9. A _______________ is a court presided over by a public official (usually a doctor or lawyer) who
investigates sudden, unexpected and violent deaths.

10. A _______________ is a court above the level of a magistrates' court which hears criminal cases.

11. A _______________ is a court which deals with compensation claims relating to land.

12. A _______________ is a court in the Queen's Bench Division (= one of the main divisions of the
High Court) which hears cases relating to business disputes.

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
13. A _______________ is a court which adjudicates in disputes about money paid or services provided
in return for borrowing something – usually buildings or land.

14. The _______________ is the main civil court in England and Wales.

15. The _______________ is the court set up to see that the principles of law as laid out in the Treaty
of Rome are observed and applied correctly in the European Union.

16. A _______________ is a court appointed to serve the interests of people who are not capable of
dealing with their own affairs, such as patients who are mentally ill.

17. The _______________ is court which is part of the Queen's Bench Division (see number 12 above),
which decides in disputes involving ships.

18. The _______________ is the highest court of appeal in the United Kingdom (although appellants
unhappy with a decision made here can appeal to the European Court of Justice).

Exercise 2:
Decide which of the courts above is most likely to deal with the following situations.

1. HMS Decrepit and HMS Leaky collide during exercises in the North Sea. The captains of both
vessels blame each other.

2. Mr Johnson and Mrs Johnson are getting divorced. Mrs Johnson demands to have the house, the
car, 75% of Mr Johnson's life savings and their pet cat, Tigger. "No way!" says an angry Mr

3. One evening, Mr Waring goes to his favourite seafood restaurant for dinner. The next morning he
is found dead in bed.

4. Two separate companies, English International Telecommunications and Britphone, both bring out
a new mobile phone which they call the 'Smell-O-Phone'. Both companies claim that the name
was their own idea.

5. Five workers have been sacked from the computer manufacturing company 'Compucrash' for
incompetence. They believe that they have been unfairly dismissed.

6. Mr Cassington is 98 years old and going deaf and senile. The local Social Services believe he should
be put in a special home. Mr Cassington refuses to leave his own house.

7. Mr and Mrs Waugh had a new window installed in their house. The window company now wants
the Waughs to pay, but Mr Waugh is refusing because he thinks the quality of workmanship is

8. Jamie Yarnton pays £500 a month to live in Mrs Witney's house. Suddenly, Mrs Witney asks him
for £1,000 a month instead. Mr Yarnton thinks this is completely unreasonable.

9. Newspaper editor Mr Hislop publishes an article describing the Prime Minister as a 'useless,
incompetent fool who can barely tie his own shoelaces, let alone run the country'. The PM decides
to take immediate legal action against the paper.

10. Corporal Jones ignored Sergeant Wilson's orders, then went 'absent without leave' for two weeks.

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
Complete definitions and explanations 1 – 15 below with words and expressions from the

administrator benefactor beneficiary codicil deceased dependants

estate executor inherit inheritance intestate living wills of age
of sound mind power of attorney probate testament trust trustee

1. A will is often also known in legal terms as a last will and ________.

2. When someone makes a will, they must be ________ (in other words, they must be mentally
healthy), and must be ________(ie, over 18 in Britain)

3. When a person is making a will, their first concern is usually for their ________ (the people who
he / she supports financially, for example, his / her children).

4. A person who has died recently is often referred to as the ________.

5. Someone who dies without making a will is said to have died ________.

6. ________ is the legal acceptance that a document, and especially a will, is valid.

7. If a person dies without making a will, a person known as an _______ might be appointed by a
court to represent the deceased.

8. A ________ is a document which makes a change or an addition to a will.

9. A person who is appointed by a person making his / her will to make sure that the terms of the will
are carried out is called an ________.

10. A person who gives property or money to others in a will is called a ________, and the person who
is left money or property in a will is called a ________.

11. The money and property that is owned by a person, especially someone who has died, is known as
an ________.

12. ________ is a verb which means 'to acquire something from a person who has died'. The property
which is received is called an ________.

13. Money or property which is looked after for someone by someone else (for example, money which
has been left in a will that someone will receive when they reach a particular age) is called a
________. The person who looks after this money is called a ________.

14. People who are seriously ill often appoint someone to deal with their affairs for them. This is called

15. Many people now write special healthcare directives called ________, which indicate how they
want to be treated if they become seriously ill.

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Word association
Unit 00001
Complete each gap below with one word that can be used with the words and expressions
in italics. All of these words, when used together with the italicised words, are connected
directly or indirectly with different aspects of law (criminal, business, commercial, property,
etc). The first letter of each word is already there for you, the function of each word is
explained in brackets after each gap, and the first one has been done as an example.

1. This a____ (adjective) can come before discharge, majority, monopoly, privilege, right and title.
(Answer = absolute)

2. This a____ (verb / noun) can come before the words your authority, of power, of process and of
human rights.

3. This a____ (noun) can come before the expressions in personam, in rem and in tort, and after the
expression to take legal.

4. This a____ (adjective) can come before outcome, party, possession and witness.

5. This a____ (noun) can come before agreement, award, board and clause, and also after the
expressions to submit a dispute to, to refer a question to, to take a dispute to and to go to.

6. This b____ (noun) can come before the expressions of confidence, of contract, of promise, of the
peace, of trust and of warranty, and between the prepositions in + of.

7. This c____ (noun) can come before allowance, assets, crime, expenditure, gains, goods, levy, loss
and punishment, and in the expression to make political ___ out of something.

8. This c____ (noun) can come before the expressions of approval, of deposit, of incorporation, of
judgement, of origin, of registration, of registry and of service.

9. This c____ (adjective) can come before the words action, court, disobedience, disorder, law,
liberties, rights and strife.

10. This c____ (adjective) can come before the words assault, carrier, land, law, ownership, position,
pricing and seal, and after the expression tenancy in.

11. This c____ (noun) can come before the words fund, order, and package, and before the
expressions for damage, for loss of office and for loss of earnings.

12. This c____ (noun) can come before the words confidence, council, credit, goods, group, legislation
and protection.

13. This c____ (noun) can come before the words law, note and work, before the expressions of
employment, of service and under seal, after the word under, and after the expressions by
private and to void a.

14. This c____ (noun) can come before the words action, case and order, before the expressions of
appeal, of first instance, of last resort and of law, after the words open, criminal and civil, and
after the expressions out of and to take someone to.

15. This c____ (noun) can come before the words act, action, bankruptcy, court, damage, law, libel,
negligence, offence, record and responsibility, and after the words hardened and habitual.

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
16. This c____ (noun) can come before the words barrier, clearance, declaration, duty, examination,
formalities, officer, seal, tariffs and union, before the expression and Excise, and after the
expression to go through.

17. This d____ (noun) can come before the words counsel, statement and witness, before the
expression before claim and after the expression to file a.

18. This d____ (noun) can come before the words abuse, addict, addiction, baron, czar, dealer, runner,
squad and trafficking, and after the classification expressions Class A, Class B and Class C.

19. This f____ (adjective) can come before the words conveyance, misrepresentation, preference,
trading and transaction.

20. This f____ (noun) can come before the expressions of assembly, of association, of information, of
movement, of speech, of the press and of thought, conscience and religion.

21. This i____ (noun) can come before the words documents, papers, parade and theft, after the word
false, and after the expressions to change your, to be asked for proof of and a case of mistaken.

22. This i____ (adjective) can be used before the words contract, malice, term and trust, and before the
expression terms and conditions.

23. This i____ (adjective) can be used before the words accident, development, dispute, espionage,
injury, property, relations and tribunal, and before the expression arbitration tribunal.

24. This j____ (adjective) can be used before the words account, beneficiary, committee, discussions,
heir, liability, management, owner, ownership, signatory, tenancy and tortfeasors, and before the
expressions and several, and several liability and commission of inquiry.

25. This j____ (noun) can be used before the words creditor, debtor and summons, before the
expression by default, after the expressions to pronounce, to enter and to take, and in the
expression to give your …on something.

26. This j____ (adjective) can come before the words immunity, notice, precedent, processes, review
and separation. In Britain, it can come before the expressions Committee of the House of Lords
and Committee of the Privy Council.

27. This j____ (noun) can come before the words box, room, service and vetting, after the
expression foreman of the, and in the expression to be called for … service.

28. This l____ (noun) can come before the expressions before action, of acknowledgement, of
allotment, of application, of appointment, of attorney, of complaint, of credit, of demand, of
indemnity, of intent, of reference, of renunciation and of request.

29. This l____ (adjective) can come before the words liability, market, partner, partnership and
warranty, and before the expression liability company.

30. This n____ (adjective) can come before the words earnings, estate, gain, price, profit, result and

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Word association
Unit 00002
How many of the words and expressions in the box can you match with words 1 – 15 in the
table to make complete expressions? The first one has been done for you. Note that some
of the words / expressions in the box can be matched with more than one word in the table.

…account …action …agent …allowances …assets …authority …bail …channels

…chattels …client …company …conduct …constable …copy …court …credit
…damages …defect …deposits …detective …directions …discussion …effects
…-ended …estate …examiner …force …hearing …holder …income …indorsement
…injury …inquiries …inspector …investigation …land …law …mediator
…nuisance ...number …of abode …of advancement …of affairs …of allegiance
…of allocation …of amends …of appeal …of appointment …of attorney …of audience
…of case …of claim …of dishonour of establishment …office …officer …of motion
…of opposition …of re-entry ...of reply …of search …of service …of silence …of truth
…of value …of way …ownership …pending …politics price… …prison …property
…proprietor …prosecution …protection …Receiver ...referee …reference
…representative …return …rights …ruling …secret …Solicitor …specification
to administer an… to be open for… to be open to… to be under… …to buy
to make a… to make a false… …to quit to register a… …to reside …to sell
to take the… …trade mark …user …verdict

notice: notice of allocation, notice of appeal, notice of dishonour, notice of motion, notice of
1 opposition, notice of service, notice to quit

Can you explain what each of these expressions means? If you are not sure, refer to the
A & C Black Dictionary of Law, where you will find concise definitions of each one.
For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
Word association 3
Complete the following sentences and definitions with words that work (collocate) with the
other words and expressions in bold. These all use law or legal. Where a sample sentence is
given, the definition is in italics at the end of the sentence. Use your answers to complete
the crossword on the next page. To make it more challenging for you, there are no numbers
in the crossword grid, and the sentences below are in no particular order. However, we have
included the first letter of each word in the grid.
1. _____ Law is one of the most popular subjects on this course. (laws relating to agreements)

2. The company promised to act _____ the law. (obey the laws of a country)

3. Insider dealing is _____ the law. (not according to the laws of a country)

4. You are _____ the law if you try to export goods without a licence. (to do something that is not

5. Following the assassination of the President, there was a breakdown of law and _____. (a
situation where the law is being obeyed by most people)

6. Most people in this country are law-_____, although there are always a few exceptions. (respectful
of the law, obeying it)

7. For some reason, some people seem to think they are _____ the law. (do not have to obey the

8. There are two sources of law in Britain: the laws that are made in Parliament, and _____ law.
(law established n the basis of decisions by the court rather than by statute)

9. The manager laid _____ the law, and threatened to dismiss anyone who broke the regulations.
(tell someone strongly and often in an angry way what they should do: an informal expression)

10. Some people take the law into their own _____ because they do not believe the judicial system
works effectively. (to punish someone yourself without using the proper legal process: an informal

11. Anyone who wants to run a successful business is advised to learn about _____ law.
(law regarding the conduct of businesses)

12. Law _____ is the activity of making sure that laws are obeyed.

13. Any action which is permitted by the law is known as a lawful _____.

14. I've lived with my partner for about 10 years, so that makes her my _____-law wife. (somebody
who lives with another person as a wife, although they are not legally married)

15. The branch of law dealing with the rights of ownership is call _____ law.

16. Law of _____ is the law relating to how property shall pass to others when the owner dies.

17. The continuing process of revising laws to make then better suited to the needs of society is called
law _____.

18. When his uncle died, Alan made a legal _____ on his property. (a statement that someone owns
something legally)

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
19. When he broke the contract, the company started legal _____ against him. (to sue someone, to
take them to court)

20. Some people are reluctant to hire a lawyer because they can't afford the legal _____. (the money
spent on fees to lawyers)

21. The office employees seven solicitors and a legal _____. (a clerk in a solicitor's office who is not a
solicitor and is nor articled to become one, but has passed certain exams)

22. In some countries, people who cannot afford a lawyer may be entitled to legal _____. (money that
a government gives to someone to help them pay for a lawyer)

23. Sterling is the only legal _____ in the United Kingdom, although some larger establishments will
accept US dollars and the euro. (money that can officially be used in a country)

24. Mr and Mrs Thomas have been granted a legal _____. (a court decree acknowledging that a
married couple no longer live together but are not yet divorced)

25. These papers are valid in your country, but unfortunately they have no legal _____ here. (the
official legal position of a person, company, document, etc)





For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000 record sheet
Photocopy this page as many times as you like, and use it to keep a record of new words and
expressions that you learn. Try to build up your own vocabulary bank, and keep this in a file or
folder with the words / expressions stored in alphabetical order for quick and easy reference. Review
the items that you have recorded on a regular basis. See the next page for a model record sheet
showing an example of how a vocabulary item has been recorded.
Word or expression:

Area(s) of law (if relevant):


Translation or equivalent in your


Other forms of this word (if relevant):

Sample sentences:

Other collocations:

Related words and expressions:

Other information:

You may photocopy this page

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Vocabulary record sheet
This is a sample of a completed vocabulary sheet, based on the word 'copyright'. The student has
included as much information about the word as possible, including its grammatical function and
pronunciation. Much of the information has been taken or adapted from the A & C Black Dictionary
of Law, a useful source of legal vocabulary.

Word or expression: copyright (noun)

Area(s) of law (if relevant): Intellectual property

Definition(s): An author’s legal right to publish his or her own work and not to have it copied.
Also the similar right of an artist, film maker or musician.

Translation or equivalent in your droits d'auteur


Other forms of this word (if relevant): copyrighted (adjective)

copyright (adjective)
to copyright (verb; regular)
Sample sentences: This work is out of copyright.
The work is still in copyright.
The program is protected by copyright.
This article is an infringement / a breach of the author's copyright.
The use of copyrighted material must be approved in advance.

Other collocations: copyright deposit, copyright holder, copyright law, copyright notice
assert your copyright

Related words and expressions: patent, (registered) trademark, author, artist, artiste,
protect, protected

Other information:
Copyright exists in original written works, in works of art and works of music. It covers films, broadcasts,
recordings, etc. It also covers the layout of books, newspapers and magazines.
Copyright only exists if the work is created by a person who is qualified to hold a copyright, and is published
in a country which is qualified to hold a copyright.
Copyright lasts for 50 years after the author’s death (according to the Berne Convention) and for 25 years
according to the Universal Copyright Convention. The European Union has adopted a copyright term of 70
years after the author’s death.
Copyrighted material has to include the symbol ‘©’, the name of the copyright holder and the date of first
Do not confuse ‘copyright’ with ‘copywriter’.

You may photocopy this page

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
Before you begin: Essential words (page 1)

1. damages 2. commit 3. judicial 4. innocent 5. offence 6. lawyer 7. dispute 8. tribunal 9. case 10. judge
11. plead 12. defendant 13. claimant 14. settlement 15. arrest 16. hearing 17. convict 18. breach
19. prosecute 20. appeal 21. accuse 22. binding 23. civil 24. defence 25. contract 26. criminal 27. jury
28. evidence 29. fine 30. injunction

Remember that many of these words can have more than one meaning. To check the other meanings, refer to the A & C
Black Dictionary of Law.

Business law 1: Key adjectives (pages 2 – 3)

Exercise 1:
1. accountable 2. 9 3. impartial 4. intangible 5. pecuniary 6. 9 7. void (if a contract is void, or null and void, it
becomes legally unenforceable) 8. admissible 9. unanimous 10. eligible 11. irreconcilable 12. gross (gross can
also mean before tax and other deductions: for example, gross earnings, gross salary, etc) 13. 9 14. 9 (note that a
company or organisation becomes insolvent, a person becomes bankrupt) 15. fiduciary

Exercise 2:
1. occupational 2. mandatory 3. exempt 4. negotiable 5. verbatim 6. unconditional 7. fraudulent 8. feasible
9. redundant 10. Habitual 11. solvent 12. material 13. nominal 14. corporate 15. open-ended 16. litigious
(the verb is to litigate, the noun is litigation. A person who litigates is a litigant. A lawyer who specialises in litigation is
known as a litigation practitioner)

Business law 2: Key nouns (pages 4 – 5)

1. nominee (from the verb to nominate. Nominee can precede words such as account and shareholder: a nominee
account; a nominee shareholder) 2. franchise (a franchisee is a person who runs a franchise, a franchiser / franchisor is
somebody who licenses a franchise. The act of selling a licence to trade as a franchise is franchising: He runs his sandwich-
making chain as a franchising operation) 3. ombudsman 4. guarantor (sometimes used in the expression to stand
guarantor for somebody, meaning to pay or promise to pay someone's debts) 5. breach (common collocations of this
word include: a breach of confidence, a breach of contract, a breach of promise, a breach of the peace, a breach of trust,
a breach of warranty. It is also used with in + of: We are in breach of Community law; The defendant is in breach of his
statutory duty, etc) 6. acceptance (someone who accepts an offer is an acceptor) 7. perjury (also used as a reflexive
verb: to perjure yourself) 8. tortfeasor (from tort, a civil wrong. A case by a claimant who alleges he or she has suffered
damage or harm is called action in tort) 9. compensation (from the verb to compensate. Compensation in this context is
sometimes called compensatory damages) 10. mediation (from the verb to mediate. A person who mediates is a
mediator) 11. debenture (collocations of this word include: debenture register, debenture bond, debenture capital,
debenture holder, debenture issue) 12. liquidation (from the verb to liquidate. Often used in the expression to go into
liquidation: The company went into liquidation when it was declared insolvent) 13. damages (a person or a company can
bring an action for damages against another person or company) 14. liability (you can accept, admit or refuse liability for
something. A company's articles of association should include a liability clause, which states that the liability of its
members is limited. The liability of an employer for acts committed by an employee during the course of work is called
vicarious liability) 15. negligence (from the verb to neglect. The adjective is negligent) 16. goodwill (for example, She
paid £10,000 for the goodwill of the shop, and £4,000 for the stock. Goodwill is one of a company's intangible assets,
and so is not shown in the company's accounts, unless it figures as part of the purchase price paid when acquiring another
company) 17. injunction (note that some injunctions are granted temporarily until the case comes up in court. These are
called temporary or interlocutory injunctions)

The word in the shaded vertical strip is misrepresentation.

Business law 3: Key verbs (pages 6 – 8)

3. indemnify (this is similar to compensate) 4. undertakes (noun = undertaking) 10. adjudicate (noun = adjudication. A
person who adjudicates is an adjudicator) 12. liquidate (this word also means to close down a company and sell its assets.
The noun is liquidation) 14. entitled (noun = entitlement) 15. mediate (noun = mediation. A person who mediates is a
mediator) 17. drafted (noun = draft) 19. appointed (noun = appointment) 20. elapse 21. defraud 26. disclose
(noun = disclosure) 28. banned (noun = ban) 29. invalidated 31. waive 32. granted (noun = grant)

1. ratified (noun = ratification) 2. blacklisted (noun = blacklist) 5. default 6. foreclosed (noun = foreclosure)
7. disputing (noun = dispute) 8. awarded (noun = award) 9. subcontracted 11. infringed (a copyright can also be
infringed. The noun is infringement) 13. certified 16. exempted (noun = exemption) 18. wound up (noun = winding
up) 19. alleged (note that alleges will not fit because of 26 across. Noun = allegation) 22. abide by 23. vested (also
used as an adjective in expressions such as vested interest, vested remainder, etc) 24. claiming (noun = claim) 25. seek
27. strike (noun = strike) 30. lets (noun = let)

Business law 4: Key expressions (pages 9 – 10)

1. power of attorney (other expressions with power include: power of advancement, power of appointment; power of
search) 2. data protection 3. without prejudice 4. joint venture 5. force majeure 6. grievance procedure
7. articles of association (also called articles of incorporation. A partnership has articles of partnership) 8. pre-emption
clause (the shareholders have pre-emption rights) 9. winding up 10. employers' liability 11. vicarious liability
12. limited liability 13. memorandum of association 14. memorandum of satisfaction (the plural of memorandum is
memoranda) 15. joint and several 16. out of court (for example, a settlement was reached out of court)
17. freezing injunction (also called a freezing order, and previously known as a Mareva injunction) 18. unliquidated
damages 19. burden of proof (to discharge a burden of proof is the expression that is used when something that has
been alleged in court is found to be true. When the prosecution must prove that what it alleges is true, we can say that

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
the burden of proof is on the prosecution) 20. unprofessional conduct (do not confuse this with unreasonable conduct,
which is behaviour by a spouse which is not reasonable and shows that a marriage has broken down) 21. confidential
information 22. employment tribunal (also called an industrial tribunal) 23. obligation of confidentiality 24. trade mark
(sometimes written as one word, trademark. The action of trying to sell goods by giving the impression that they have been
made by someone else, using that person's reputation and / or trade mark, is called passing off) 25. intellectual property
26. terms and conditions 27. wrongful dismissal (compare this with unfair dismissal, the act of removing someone from a
job in a way that appears not to be reasonable, such as dismissing someone who wants to join a union) 28. unfair
competition 29. fundamental breach 30. compulsory liquidation

Consumer rights (pages 11 – 12)

Here are the completed paragraphs:

Exercise 1:

Providers of goods and services (including credit providers and hire companies) all have responsibilities and liabilities
towards the customer which are aimed at protecting the customer and his / her rights.

When you buy goods, they must be of satisfactory quality: the condition they are in should match your expectations
based on the price you paid. They should also be 'as described' (in other words, they must match the description made by
the provider and / or the manufacturer), and they must be 'fit for purpose' (they should do what you expect them to do).

All goods must carry a guarantee or warranty in case they go wrong or do not meet your expectations.

If you need to return goods to a shop or other supplier, you should do so within a reasonable time: many shops and
suppliers specify their own limit, usually 28 days, and can refuse to do anything if there is evidence of unreasonable wear
and tear (signs that the goods have been used more than is normal or for a purpose for which they were not designed).

If you take goods back to a shop, they are entitled to ask for proof of purchase, such as a receipt, a credit card slip, etc,
that shows you actually bought the goods from them.

Many shops may refuse (illegally, if the product you have bought is faulty or defective) to give a refund, and instead of
returning your money will offer you a credit voucher to use in that shop at a later date.

Where goods or services are ordered on the Internet, on-line shops should offer their customers a cooling-off period after
they have ordered them, in case the customer decides to suddenly cancel their order.

On-line shops should give the customer an accurate description of the goods being sold, and clearly state the price,
delivery arrangements and options (how and when the customer can expect to receive their goods, whether there is an
extra charge for postage, etc).

On-line shops should also protect customers against credit card fraud, and should allow customers to opt out of receiving
further information and unsolicited telemarketing, unsolicited mail or unsolicited email. They should also send the
customer written confirmation of their order (often in the form of an email sent after the order has been placed).

Exercise 2:

If a service is being provided (for example, a mobile phone contract), and there is a specified period for the contract, this
must be clearly stated by the provider.

If you buy faulty goods with a credit card, and those goods cost over £100, you have an equal claim for compensation
against the seller of the goods and the credit card company.

Where a service such as the repair of a car is being provided, it should be done with reasonable care and skill (an
unsatisfactory standard of work or general poor workmanship should not be accepted by the customer) for a reasonable
charge (the customer should not have to pay an excessive amount of money) and within a reasonable time.

If you need to make a claim against a shop, company or other provider, because you have not received satisfaction from that
shop, company, etc, you can do so through the County Court. For claims of less than £5,000, the Small Claims procedure
should be useful.

The process is very simple: after completing a claim form, you ask the court to issue the proceedings. The court then
serves the claim on the company or other provider. Assuming the company responds within the specified time limit, there
will be a preliminary hearing. Later, there will be a main hearing where hopefully the judge will decide in your favour.

Contracts 1 (pages 13 – 14)

Exercise 1. Here is the complete text:
A contract can be defined as 'an agreement between two or more parties to create legal obligations between them'.
Some contracts are made 'under seal': in other words, they are signed and sealed (stamped) by the parties involved). Most
contracts are made verbally or in writing. The essential elements of a contract are: (a) that an offer made by one party
should be accepted by the other; (b) consideration (the price in money, goods or some other reward, paid by one party in
exchange for another party agreeing to do something); (c) the intention to create legal relations. The terms of a contract
may be express (clearly stated) or implied (not clearly stated in the contract, but generally understood). A breach of
contract by one party of their contractual liability entitles the other party to sue for damages or, in some cases, to seek
specific performance. In such circumstances, the contract may be voided (in other words, it becomes invalid).

Exercise 2:
1. an unspoken implied or understood contract between a shop and a customer (yes, it is a contract!) 2. a verbal contract

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000(cont.)
that has gone through the offer, acceptance and consideration stages. 3. a tenancy (agreement) (pcm = per calendar
month) 4. franchise agreement (between a franchiser – the people who license a franchise – and a franchisee – the
people who run the franchise) 5. loan agreement (APR = annual percentage rate; the interest that has to be paid)
6. employment contract (full-time) 7. terms and conditions of sale (purchase agreement) 8. car hire agreement

Contracts 2 (pages 15 – 16)

1. 1. part = parties 2. False. A contract which is binding must be followed exactly, unless both parties agree on a novation
(= a transaction in which a new contract is agreed) 3. obey and honour
2. 1. terminator = termination 2. True 3. obligated / required
3. 1. un-negotiable = non-negotiable 2. True (it might be possible to amend some of the details, or make amendments)
3. oral / spoken
4. 1. in beach of = in breach of 2. abide by (in paragraph 1) 3. False (they breached one part, or clause) 4. A
5. 1. period of notification = period of notice 2. agreement 3. No, it is part of a fixed-term (in his case, 18 months)
contract 4. True (in other words, if either party cancels the contract early, they will still have to honour the terms of the
contract for 3 months, unless there was less than 3 months to run on the contract)
6. 1. anointment = appointment 2. False (they amalgamated, or joined with, Berryhill Books) 3. False (he cannot buy
more than 50% of the company's shares – a controlling interest – otherwise he will be able to decide how the company is
run) 4. None (he can have no professional dealings with third parties, i.e. companies other than AKL Publishing)

Corporate responsibility 1: The environment (page 17)

Here is the completed text:

A company should ensure that its actions do not damage local and global ecosystems. It needs to reduce its use of natural
resources such as oil, gas and other fossil fuels, and regulate its effect on aspects such as climate change, and air, sea and
noise pollution. It needs to be aware of the dangers it might pose in terms of ecological degradation, and must follow
local, national and international codes, rules, regulations and protocols designed to minimise damage . Where possible, it
should exploit the availability of alternative power sources such as solar and tidal power. If the company is involved in the
agricultural sector, it should support and encourage sustainable agriculture and forest use. If a company wishes to develop
genetically modified products, it should do so only if it is safe, and only after public consultation, and it should take all
necessary precautions. It should also have the approval of local people who might be affected. If accidents occur or
regulatory breaches are made, the company must be honest and transparent in its dealings with those who are affected,
and assist them in implementing procedures to reduce its impact.

A company that extracts and exploits natural non-renewable resources such as coal, oil or gas, or renewable resources
such as hydro-electric power, should ensure that it avoids conflict with local people, and that the human rights of those
people are not abused through its actions, either directly or indirectly. It needs to be aware of its role in sustaining the
environment, and helping to preserve the survival of local and national communities (including indigenous people who
might be less able to represent or defend themselves). A company should avoid working in or around vulnerable and non-
sustainable communities unless its actions directly benefit those communities. Where people are asked to move in order
for a company to exploit local resources, they should do so voluntarily, and should be offered adequate compensation for
their land and assets (the resource being exploited should be considered as one of these).

Corporate responsibility 2: Communities (page 18)

Here is the completed text:
A company should respect, protect and promote national and international human rights treaties, principles and
standards, regardless of whether or not these have been ratified by the host state, and regardless of whether or not such
standards are legally-binding in the host state. All companies should regulate their behaviour accordingly. A company
should respect the political jurisdiction of the host state, but where there are gross human rights violations by the
government of the host state, the company should withdraw its operations from that state.

A company should comply with internationally-recognised labour, health, safety and environmental standards. It should
be committed to ensuring that the communities it deals with and the people it employs are treated with respect. It should
recognise that its operations will have a social, economic and environmental impact on local communities, and it should
involve the community in any major decision-making process. It should contribute to the development of that
community, the preservation of local cultures, the development of social, educational and medical facilities and the
sustainability of the local economy. It should at all times incorporate the best interests of the community into its
methods of operation, and actively encourage the participation of the community in its operations.

If a company produces essential food or medical items to sell locally, it should implement a policy of price restraint so that
these products are affordable. It should not charge grossly inflated prices. If the essential products it makes carry a patent
the company should not enforce this if doing so will have an adverse effect on the health and wellbeing of local people.

A company should not discriminate against, or denigrate, local communities or individuals on the basis of race, gender,
culture, ethnicity, religion, class, sexual orientation or disability.

A company should display integrity and transparency in all its operations at all times.

Corporate responsibility 3: Employment (pages 19 – 20)

1. O 2. I + N 3. L 4. H 5. G 6. A + B 7. J 8. E 9. M 10. F 11. R 12. C 13. Q 14. D 15. I 16. P

17. K

Corporate responsibility 4: Financial and ethical integrity (pages 21 – 22)

Paragraph 1: 1. undermine 2. stakeholders 3. transparent 4. shareholders 5. transactions 6. solicit 7. incentive

8. bribes 9. integrity
Paragraph 2: social = socially, investing = investments, diligent = diligence, adversity = adverse, affect = effect, right =

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
rights, disclosure = disclose
Paragraph 3: suspects, criminal, suspicions, authorities, barriers
Paragraph 4: A company that lends money should avoid predatory practices such as very high interest rates and short
repayment periods, especially in situations where people are particularly financially disadvantaged, and it should ensure
that its lending policies are equitable, even if this means that they have to reduce their profit margins.
Paragraph 5: infrange = infringe, permision = permission, acknoledgement = acknowledgement, copywrite = copyright,
patient = patent, tradmark = trademark, registreed = registered, createive = creative, intelectual = intellectual, propperty
= property
Paragraph 6: privacy = private, harassment = harass, intimidation = intimidating, invasion = invade, maintaining =
maintenance, public = publicise, neighbours = neighbourly
Paragraph 7: Suggested answers: Corporate governance = the way a company behaves and the way it operates within a set
of self-imposed rules, or externally-imposed legislation; codes of conduct = rules that determine how a company and its
employees behave, dress, deal with the public, etc; codes of best practice = ethical and moral standards that a company
imposes on itself so that it operates to the best of its ability with minimum negative effect on employees, customers,
neighbours, etc; guidelines = rules or instructions on how to so something; uphold = make sure that something is obeyed
Paragraphs 8 and 9: 1. violating 2. terminate 3. concerns 4. redress 5. comply with 6. penalise 7. repercussions
8. responsibilities

Court orders and injunctions (page 23)

Note that many of the explanations of the orders and injunctions in this exercise define only one or two of their main

1. banning 2. ASBO (= Anti-Social Behaviour Order) 3. search 4. undertaking 5. interlocutory 6. restraining

7. friend 8. freezing 9. publication 10. non-molestation 11. occupation 12. Housing 13. Common
14. Restitution 15. discharge 16. penal 17. arrest 18. committal

Court structures (page 24)

1. The United Kingdom

1. Court of Justice of the European Communities 2. House of Lords 3. Court of Appeal (Criminal division) 4. Court of
Appeal (Civil division) 5. Crown Court 6. High Court 7. Magistrates' Court 8. County Court

2. The USA
1. Supreme Court 2. Courts of Appeal (12 Circuits) 3. Court of Appeal (Federal Circuit) 4. Court of Military Appeals
5. 94 District Courts 6. Tax Court 7. Courts of Military Review 8. International Trade Court 9. Claims Court
10. Court of Veterans' Appeals

Crime 1: Categories (page 25)

Crimes against the person: abduction; actual bodily harm; assault; battery; grievous bodily harm; indecent assault;
infanticide; manslaughter; murder; paedophilia (also called unlawful sex); racial abuse; rape; wounding. Note that
some crimes against the person, such as murder and paedophilia, are also considered to be crimes against society
Crimes against property: arson; being equipped to steal; blackmail; breaking and entering; burglary (if the burglar is
armed, this is called aggravated burglary); criminal damage; deception or fraud; embezzlement; forgery; handling
stolen goods; money laundering; piracy (specifically intellectual property. Note that piracy can also refer to the attacking
of ships at sea in order to commit a robbery); possessing something with intent to damage or destroy property; robbery
(if the robber is armed, this is called armed robbery); theft
Public order offences: committing a breach of the peace; drug dealing (the moving of drugs from one country to another
is called drug trafficking); misuse of drugs; obscenity; obstruction of the police; possessing weapons; unlawful
Road traffic offences: careless or reckless driving; driving without a licence or insurance; drunk in charge
Sexual offences: bigamy; indecency; paedophilia; rape
Political offences: breach of the Official Secrets Act; bribery (especially if the person being bribed is a Member of
Parliament); espionage; sedition; terrorism; treason
Offences against justice: aiding and abetting an offender; bribery (especially if the person being bribed is, for example, a
police officer or a juror); conspiracy; contempt of court; perjury; perverting the course of justice

Suicide, or attempted suicide, is not a crime, although it is a crime to help someone kill themselves, even in cases of
euthanasia (mercy killings).

Note that the word crime can refer to one or more specific act ('There has been a 50% rise in crimes of violence') or it can
refer to illegal acts in general ('There has been a 50% rise in violent crime').

Crime 2: Name the offence (pages 26 – 27)

1. arson 2. murder (or attempted murder, if the victim survived) 3. careless or reckless driving (specifically, speeding)
4. breaking and entering / burglary / theft (not robbery, as the crime took place in a private residence) 5. bribery
6. obscenity 7. aiding and abetting an offender 8. terrorism / wounding 9. (video) piracy 10. espionage (if the
country is at war, the minister might also be accused of treason) 11. sedition (he might also be committing a breach of the
peace at an unlawful assembly, and his address to the crowd might result in vandalism and hooliganism) 12. forgery (the
bank note the customer is trying to use has been forged) 13. manslaughter (specifically corporate manslaughter)
14. deception or fraud (the man who went to the woman's house pretended to be someone he wasn't: he deceived her) /
theft 15. abduction (we can also say kidnapping) 16.criminal damage 17. blackmail 18. perjury (the defendant is
perjuring himself in court) 19. contempt of court 20. embezzlement 21. breach of the Official Secrets Act (= an Act of
the British Parliament which governs the publication of secret information relating to the state) 22. (public) indecency
(specifically indecent exposure) 23. perverting the course of justice 24. money laundering

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000(cont.)
Crime 3: Criminal procedure 1 (page 28)

Here are the sentences with the correctly-rearranged words and expressions:

1. Once the crime has been committed, it is reported to the police by the victim.
2. The police arrive at the scene of the crime to investigate what has happened.
3. They look for important clues and other evidence (for example, fingerprints or a genetic profile) that will help
them to identify the culprit.
4. In some cases, they will also try to establish if the modus operandi (a Latin expression which describes the way
in which the crime was carried out) matches other crimes in the area.
5. If they have a suspect who doesn't have a good alibi, they will then apprehend him.
6. When he is arrested, the police will caution him (in other words, they warn him that anything he says might be
used later in court).
7. He is then taken to the police station, where he is interviewed* by the investigating officers.
8. He is allowed to have a solicitor present if he wants.
9. If he wants legal representation at this stage, but cannot afford it, the police must provide it.
10. If, at the end of the interview, the police believe that they have the right man, they charge him with the crime.
11. A statement is prepared, which is signed by all parties present.
12. The accused is then either released on bail (in other words, he is allowed to leave the police station and go
home in exchange for a financial 'deposit', on condition that he promises to appear in court when required: if he
doesn't appear in court, he will lose this deposit and a warrant will be issued for his arrest), or he is remanded
in custody** and locked in a cell to prevent him from running away.
13. More questioning will probably follow: the police need as much proof as possible (anything that is admissible in
court will help them to get a conviction), and they may also be interested in any accomplices who may have
helped their man.
14. The police will also want to talk to any witnesses who were present when the crime took place.
15. The next day, the man appears before a magistrate in a magistrates' court. If the police present their case
properly and have followed all the correct procedures and protocols, he will then be committed for trial at a
Crown Court.
* We can also use interrogated or questioned. In Britain, the euphemistic expression 'helping the police with their enquiries'
is also used.
** We can also say detained.

Dispute resolution (page 31)

1. alternative 2. litigation (the verb is to litigate, the adjective is litigious) 3. voluntary / consent 4. impartial / mediator
(the verb is to mediate) 5. facilitator 6. joint session / caucus 7. confidential/ disclosed 8. resolutions / practical /
beneficial 9. negotiations 10. settlements / compromise / mutual 11. bound 12. prejudice 13. binding / honour /
contractually 14. arbitration 15. tribunal 16. arbitrator 17. adjudication 18. public domain

Employment and human resources (pages 32 – 33)

1. employees 2. payroll 3. part-time (an employee who works part-time is a part-timer) 4. full-time (an employee who
works full-time is a full-timer) 5. contract 6. duties and / or responsibilities 7. minimum wage 8. equal-opportunities
9. employer 10. dismiss (the noun is dismissal) 11. entitled 12. redundancy 13. alternative 14. health and safety
15. regulations 16. protection 17. industrial accidents 18. liable (the noun is liability) 19. injuries (the verb is to injure)
20. disabilities 21. compensation (the verb is to compensate) 22. monetary 23. negligence (the verb is to neglect)
24. dependant (the adjective is dependent) 25. compelled 26. (employment) tribunal 27. exceeds 28. consecutive
29. leave (this can be paid or unpaid) 30. pregnant (the noun is pregnancy) 31. childbirth 32. maternity leave (the
period when a woman continues to receive payment is called the maternity pay period, or MPP) 33. maternity pay (also
called statutory maternity pay, or SMP) 34. contributions (the verb is to contribute) 35. notice 36. ante-natal (we can
also say prenatal. Postnatal refers to the period after giving birth) 37. suspend 38. paternity leave 39. parental
40. Discrimination 41. harassment / intimidation /bullying 42. grievance 43. allegation 44. grievance procedure

European courts, institutions and conventions (pages 34 – 35)

Here are the texts with the wrong words highlighted and corrected.

The European Union (EU)

This is a group of European nations that form a single economic community and have agreed on social and political
cooperation. There are currently 25 member states. The Union has a Parliament and a main executive body called the
European Commission (which is made up of members nominated by each member state).

The Council of Europe

This is one of the four bodies which form the basis of the European Union. The Council does not have fixed members, but
the member states are each represented by the relevant government minister. The Council is headed by a President, and
the Presidency rotates among the member states in alphabetical order, each serving a six-month period. This means that in
effect each member can control the agenda of the Council, and therefore that of the European Union during their six-
month period, and can try to get as many of its proposals put into legislation as it can.

The European Convention on Human Rights

This is a convention signed by all members of the Council of Europe covering the rights and fundamental freedoms of all its
citizens, and aims to prevent violations and breaches of human rights. The convention recognises property rights, the right
of citizens to privacy, the due process of law and the principle of legal review or appeal. The key provisions are now
incorporated by the Human Rights Act of 1998, which came into force in the United Kingdom in October 2000.

The European Court of Human Rights

This is a court that considers the rights of citizens of states which are parties to the European Convention for the
protection of human rights, and has jurisdiction over cases that cannot be settled by the European Commission of

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
Human Rights (see below). It protects many basic rights, including the right to life, freedom from fear, freedom from
torture, freedom of speech, freedom of religious worship, freedom of assembly and association, etc (in fact, most of the
articles in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, on which the European Convention is based: see the section on
Human Rights on pages 44 – 48). Its formal name is the European Court for the Protection of Human Rights.

The European Commission of Human Rights

This is a body which investigates any breaches and abuses of the European Convention on Human Rights. It attempts to
end grievances, especially if they contravene the articles detailed in the European Convention, and to help aggrieved
parties reach a settlement without recourse to the European Court of Human Rights (see above).

The European Court of Justice (the ECJ)

This is a court set up to see that the principles of law as laid out in the Treaty of Rome are observed and applied correctly in
the European Union, and has jurisdiction over issues of European Law. Its full name is the Court of Justice of the European
Communities. The Court is responsible for settling disputes relating to European Union law, and also acting as a last Court
of Appeal against judgements in individual member states.

Court judges in the ECJ are appointed by the governments of the member states for a period of six years. These judges
come from all the member states, and bring with them the legal traditions of each state. The court can either meet as a full
court, or in chambers where only two or three judges are present. The court normally conducts its business in French,
although if an action is brought before the court by or against a member state, the member state can choose the language
in which the case will be heard. The court can hear actions against institutions, or actions brought either by the
Commission or by a member state against another member state. The court also acts as Court of Appeal for appeals from
the Court of First Instance (CFI). The court also interprets legislation and as such acts in a semi-legislative capacity.

The family 1: Relationships (pages 36 – 37)

1. (c) 2. spouse 3. False. Generally a partner is someone you live with (and with whom you have a sexual relationship),
although some people do refer to their spouse as their partner 4. No. Same-sex partners can get married in some
countries, but will not be legally recognised as being married in Britain. However, from December 2005 Britain introduced
Civil Partnerships, which give same-sex couples many of the same rights and responsibilities as married couples. 5. A
separation (from the verb to separate) is the state of two married people no longer living with each other. A divorce is the
legal termination of a marriage (divorce can also be a verb: to divorce) 6. annulled (the noun is annulment, the adjective is
annullable) 7. bigamy 8. Usually (d) (if divorce proceedings are defended, they may be transferred to the High Court, but
this is unusual: most divorce cases are now conducted by what is called the 'special procedure', which means that couples
do not need to go through a full trial. In London, divorce proceedings are dealt with by a special court called the Divorce
Registry) 9. (3) adultery, (4) unreasonable behaviour (for example, emotional cruelty, domestic violence, etc), (5) desertion
(most divorces are granted on conditions (3) and (4))

Here is the complete text:

A request (the petition) is made by the Petitioner ( = the person applying for the divorce) to the court for a divorce, in
which the facts about the people involved and the reasons for the divorce are explained.
The court sends the divorce petition to the Respondent ( = the other spouse), together with a form called an
Acknowledgement of Service form, which he / she completes. In it, he / she indicates whether or not he / she wishes to
dispute the divorce.
He / She returns this to the court within 7 days. (If he / she wants to dispute the divorce and / or its terms, he / she is sent
another form to complete).
Assuming that the Respondent does not want to dispute the divorce or the terms, a copy of the Acknowledgement of
Service form is sent to the Petitioner, who confirms the facts sent in their original petition by swearing an affidavit.
The court pronounces the decree nisi, an order ending the marriage subject to a full decree absolute, which comes later
and ends the marriage completely.

11. support or maintenance 12. Probably yes. The marital status of the couple at the time the children were born does not
affect this 13. Child Support Agency 14. Money is automatically removed from that partner's wages or salary before
he / she receives it 15. (c) 16. (a) (it can also occasionally be applied to a wife who is ordered to support her divorced
husband. If the couple were not married, one of them may be ordered to pay the other palimony) 17. (b), assuming they
are not related (this does not apply if they have bought a house or property together and are considered beneficial joint
tenants) 18. The person or persons most closely related to you. If you are married, for example, your next of kin is usually
your husband or wife.

The family 2: Children (pages 38 – 39)

Exercise 1:
Here is the completed text:

A child can be defined as 'a person under the age of 18'. We can also use the word 'minor'. The state of being less than 18
years old is called 'minority'. When a child becomes 18, he / she reaches the age of majority and so is legally regarded as
an adult. In other words, he/ she becomes responsible for his / her own actions, can sue, be sued or undertake business

In Great Britain a child does not have full legal status until the age of 18. A contract is not binding on a child, and a child
cannot own land, cannot make a will, cannot vote and cannot drive a car (under the age of seventeen). A child cannot
marry before the age of 16, and can only do so between the ages of 16 and 18 with the written permission of his / her
parents or legal guardians. A child who is less than 10 years old is not considered capable of committing a crime; a child
between 10 and 14 years of age may be considered capable of doing so if there is evidence of malice or knowledge, and so
children of these ages can in certain circumstances be convicted. In criminal law the term 'child' is used for children
between the ages of 10 and 14; for children between 14 and 17, the term 'young person' is used; all children are termed
'juveniles'. If someone between these ages commits a crime, he / she is known as a young offender, and may be
sentenced in a Youth Court (previously known as a Juvenile Court).

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000(cont.)
Exercise 2:
1. benefit (Support is money paid regularly by one parent to the other parent, who is looking after a child / children.
Maintenance is payment made by a divorced or separated husband or wife to the former spouse, to help pay for living
expenses and also for the cost of bringing up the children. A pension is money a person receives when they retire) 2. False:
it is called access 3. False: this is now done by the Child Support Agency (CSA), an agency of the Department for Work and
Pensions: See The Family 1: Relationships on page 40) 4. Acting in the place of a parent, with parental responsibilities (for
example, while a child is at school, his / her teacher is in loco parentis) 5. delinquent (sometimes called a juvenile
delinquent. The act of causing delinquent acts is called delinquency) 6. (b). (a) is called fostering. (c) is called supervision
(usually as a result of a supervision order) 7. In theory, any of them, although married couples are generally preferred.
8. neglect / abuse 9. surrogate (if a man is unable to father a child, the couple may use a surrogate father. In both
circumstances, the child is usually conceived through artificial insemination) 10. (c) 11. True: they can be liable for
negligence and damages if they have given their children something 'dangerous' and which the children have failed to use
responsibly. The same applies if the parents have not exercised sufficient parental control for a child of any particular age
12. True 13. This is when children deliberately stay away from school without their parents' or teachers' permission (a child
who does this is called a truant. The verb is to play truant (to play hooky in the USA). Truancy is such a big problem in some
cities that police have a special truancy squad to deal with it. Parents can be fined or sent to prison if their children play
truant persistently) 14. 1 (h), 2 (f), 3 (d), 4 (g), 5 (c), 6 (a), 7 (e), 8 (b)

Human Rights 1 (pages 40 – 42)

Exercise 1:
1. equal 2. rights 3. conscience 4. entitled 5. distinction 6. race 7. political 8. jurisdictional 9. limitation
10. liberty 11. slavery 12. servitude 13. slave trade 14. prohibited 15. torture 16. degrading 17. discrimination
18. violation 19. incitement 20. tribunals 21. fundamental 22. constitution 23. arbitrary 24. detention 25. exile
26. impartial 27. obligations

Exercise 2:
Article 11: inocent = innocent, trail = trial, defense = defence, comitted = committed, penaltey = penalty
Article 12: arbitary = arbitrary, privatecy = privacy, reputeation = reputation, projection = protection
Article 13: residents = residence, boarders = borders, estate = state
Article 14: assylum = asylum, presecution = persecution (not prosecution), inboked = invoked, prossecutions =
prosecutions, principals = principles
Article 15: depraved = deprived, denyed = denied
Article 16: limmitation = limitation, religious = religion, dissolluttion = dissolution, consend = consent, fondmental =
Article 17: asociattion = association, abitrarily = arbitrarily
Article 18: consience = conscience, believe = belief, practise = practice (in British English practise is a verb, and we need a
noun here), warship = worship
Article 19: inteferance = interference, frontears = frontiers
Article 20: asembly = assembly, cambelled = compelled

Exercise 3:
Suggested answers (these are simplified versions of Articles 21 – 30):

Article 21: Everyone has the right to take part in their country's political affairs either by belonging to the government
themselves or by choosing politicians who have the same ideas as them. Elections should take place regularly and voting
should be in secret. Every adult should have the right to vote and all votes should be equal.
Article 22: The society in which you live should help you to develop and to make the most of all the advantages (culture,
work, social welfare) which are offered to you.
Article 23: Every adult has the right to a job, and to receive a salary that can support him / her and his / her family. Men and
women should get paid the same amount of money for doing the same job. Anyone can join a trade union.
Article 24: Everyone should have the right to rest from work and to take regular paid holidays.
Article 25: Everyone has the right to a good life, with enough food, clothing, housing and healthcare. You should be helped
if you are out of work, if you are ill, if you are old or if your husband or wife is dead. Women who are going to have a baby
should receive special help. All children should have the same rights, whether their mother is married or unmarried.
Article 26: Everyone has the right to go to school, and should go to school. Primary schooling should be free. Everyone
should be able to learn a profession or continue their studies as far as possible. Everyone should be taught to get on with
others from different races and backgrounds. Parents should have the right to choose how and what their children learn.
Article 27: Everyone should have the right to share in their community's arts and sciences. Works by artists, writers or
scientists should be protected, and everyone should benefit from them.
Article 28: So that your rights are respected, there should be an 'order' to protect them. This 'order' should be both local
and worldwide.
Article 29: Everyone should have duties towards their community and to other people. Human rights should be observed
and protected by everyone in a spirit of mutual respect.
Article 30: Nobody should take away these rights and freedoms from us.

In Europe, there is also the European Convention of Human Rights. This is a convention signed by all members of the
Council of Europe covering the rights of all its citizens. The key provisions are now covered by the Human Rights Act of 1998
(which came into force in the United Kingdom in 2000, although it does not form part of English law). The Convention
recognises property rights, religious rights, the right of citizens to privacy, the due process of law and the principle of legal

Human rights 2 (pages 43 – 44)

Note that some of these are open to debate and interpretation, and you may not agree with all of them. Some other
circumstances may also be involved in each situation which are not mentioned. For the complete and original Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, visit

1. Article 26 2. Article 8 3. Article 10 4. Article 24 5. Article 16 6. Article 20 7. Article 11, and probably Article 12

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
8. Articles 6 and 7 (and probably also Article 3) 9. Articles 9, 13, 15, 19 10. Article 13 11. Article 7 12. Article 17
13. Article 14 14. Article 21 15. Article 19, and probably Articles 3, 5 and 9 16. Article 12 17. Articles 19 and 20
18. Article 12 19. Articles 12 and 19 20. Article 16 21. Articles 20 and 23 22. Articles 22 and 25 23. Articles 3, 5
and 11 24. Article 9, and probably also Article 3 25. Article 5 26. Articles 3 and 4 27. Article 18 28. Article 13
29. Article 23

Legal Latin (page 45)

1. ipso jure 2. in flagrante delicto 3. prima facie (for example, There is a prima facie case to answer, so we will proceed
with the case) 4. ex gratia (for example, an ex gratia payment) 5. de novo 6. per se (for example, His claim that he was
confused at the time of his actions does not stand as a defence per se) 7. locus standi (for example, The taxpayer does not
have locus standi in this court) 8. inter alia (for example, She demands possession of the house and custody of the
children inter alia) 9. ex parte (for example, The wife applied ex parte for an ouster order against her husband. The
expression without notice is now usually used instead) 10. ex post facto 11. pari passu (for example, The new shares will
rank pari passu with the existing ones) 12. mala in se 13. in terrorem 14. habeas corpus 15. de facto (for example,
He is the de facto owner of the property) 16. pro tempore (for example, We are prepared to issue a pro tempore
injunction until the case is dealt with fully in the court) 17. in personam (for example, an action in personam) 18. ipso
facto (for example, He was found in the vehicle at the time of the accident and ipso facto was deemed to be in charge of it)
19. in loco parentis (for example, The court is acting in loco parentis) 20. res judicata 21. per curiam 22. doli capax
23. onus probandi (we can also say burden of proof) 24. uberrimae fidei (for example, an insurance contract is uberrimae
fidei) 25. consensus ad idem 26. de jure (for example, He is the de jure owner of the property) 27. ad litem 28. non
compos mentis (this can be a mitigating circumstance if a crime is committed) 29. bona vacantia (for example, in the case
of a person without living relatives, dying without making a will: his / her property usually passes to the state) 30. mens rea
(Generally, in order to be convicted of a crime, the accused must be shown to have committed an unlawful act (actus reus)
with a criminal state of mind (mens rea)) 31. quid pro quo 32. ab initio 33. in rem 34. actus reus 35. doli incapax
(for example, children under the age of 10 are doli incapax and cannot be prosecuted for criminal offences; children
between 10 and 14 are presumed to be doli incapax but the presumption can be reversed if there is evidence of knowledge
or malice) 36. corpus delicti 37. mala prohibita (for example, walking on the grass in a park where this is not allowed.
Compare mala prohibita with mala in se) 38. bona fide (for example: The respondent was not acting bona fides; She made
me a bona fide offer) 39. ultra vires (for example, The police were accused of acting ultra vires)

Legal referencing (page 46)

1. thereinafter 2. thereinbefore 3. hereto 4. hereunder 5. herein 6. hereof 7. hereafter 8. hereto 9. therein

10. thereafter 11. heretofore 12. herewith 13. hereinafter 14. hereby 15. aforementioned

On the road (page 47)

1. reckless (for example, tailgating, speeding, etc. A driver who causes death through reckless or dangerous driving is guilty
of a notifiable offence and may be charged with manslaughter or culpable homicide) 2. contravention (for example, a
driver may be charged with a contravention of speed limits, a contravention of parking regulations, etc. The word
contravention can be applied to any situation where a rule or regulation is broken) 3. speeding (we also say exceeding the
speed limit) 4. joy riding (sometimes written as one word, joyriding. If someone breaks into a vehicle to steal it, this may be
referred to as aggravated theft) 5. third party (third party insurance pays compensation if someone who is not the insured
party incurs loss or injury. If the insured person is also covered, this is called comprehensive or fully-comprehensive insurance.
In Britain, driving without third party insurance is an offence which can carry a fine of up to £5,000, and a possible ban from
driving. The adjective is uninsured) 6. disqualified (if a driver in Britain commits a motoring offence, he / she receives points
on his / her driving licence. If 12 or more points are accumulated over a three-year period, the driver is disqualified. Some
offences carry more points than others) 7. fixed penalty (a set of fines and penalties established in advance, usually for
minor motoring offences) 8. comply (for example, drivers should comply with traffic lights and signs, they should comply
with the direction of a traffic warden, they should comply with pedestrian crossing regulations, etc) 9. defective 10.
drink driving (in Britain, this automatically carries a ban from driving of at least one year, unless the driver has mitigating
circumstances, or if a ban from driving would cause the driver exceptional hardship – for example, the loss of his / her job)
11. seatbelt (this rule includes front- and back-seat passengers)

Other driving offences in Britain include: driving while disqualified; driving without road tax; using a hand-held mobile phone
while driving; failing to stop after an accident; failing to report an accident within 24 hours; driving with too many people in
a vehicle, or with an otherwise overloaded vehicle; failing to supply police with an alcohol, blood or urine specimen when
asked; driving while unfit through drugs; driving while failing to notify a disability; leaving a vehicle in a dangerous place,
etc. There are, in fact, at least 60 offences you may commit by driving a motorised vehicle in Britain!

The word in the shaded vertical strip is endorsement (from the verb to endorse, definition 3 in the A & C Black Dictionary of

People in the law 1 (pages 48 – 49)

Across: 2. lawyer 6. attorney (used especially in the USA) 11. juror 12. judiciary 13. advocate 15. testator (a woman
who makes a will is called a testatrix) 16. barrister* 19. appellant 20. convict (we also say prisoner. Convict can also be
a verb: to convict someone of a crime) 21. foreman (called the foreman of the jury) 23. probation (somebody who has
been put on probation is called a probationer) 24. suspect (this can also be a verb: to suspect someone of something)
26. witness (this can also be a verb: to witness something) 27. judge* (this can also be a verb: to judge someone)

Down: 1. client 3. claimant (we can also say litigant. Claimant has replaced the word plaintiff) 4. jury* 5. beneficiary
(someone who gives money, property, etc, to others in a will is called a benefactor) 7. magistrate* (also called a Justice of
the Peace, or JP for short) 8. adjudicator (arbitrator has a similar meaning) 9. tortfeasor 10. prosecutor 14. defendant
(also called the accused in criminal cases) 17. applicant 18. solicitor 22. coroner 25. counsel (for example, defence
counsel, or counsel for the prosecution)

* For more information on barristers, magistrates, judges and juries, see People in the law 2 on page 50.

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000(cont.)
People in the law 2 (page 50)

Here are the completed texts:

Barristers: In England and Wales, a barrister is a member of one of the Inns of Court (= the four law societies in London to
which lawyers are members); he or she has passed examinations and spent one year in pupillage (= training) before being
called to the bar (= being fully accepted to practise law). Barristers have the right of audience in all courts in England and
Wales: in other words, they have the right to speak, but they do not have that right exclusively.

Magistrates: Magistrates usually work in Magistrates' Courts. These courts hear cases of petty crime, adoption,
affiliation, maintenance and violence in the home. The court can commit someone for trial or for sentence in a Crown
Court. There are two main types of magistrates: stipendiary magistrates (qualified lawyers who usually sit alone); lay
magistrates (unqualified, who sit as a bench of three and can only sit if there is a justices' clerk present to advise them).

Judges: In England, judges are appointed by the Lord Chancellor*. The minimum requirement is that one should be a
barrister or solicitor of ten years' standing. The majority of judges are barristers, but they cannot practise as barristers.
Recorders are practising barristers who act as judges on a part-time basis. The appointment of judges is not a political
appointment, and judges remain in office unless they are found guilty of gross misconduct. Judges cannot be Members of
Parliament. **

The jury: Juries are used in criminal cases, and in some civil actions, notably actions for libel. They are also used in some
coroner's inquests. The role of the jury is to use common sense to decide if the verdict should be for or against the
accused. Members of a jury (called jurors) normally have no knowledge of the law and follow the explanations given to
them by the judge. Anyone whose name appears on the electoral register and who is between the ages of 18 and 70 is
eligible for jury service. Judges, magistrates, barristers and solicitors are not eligible for jury service, nor are priests, people
who are on bail, and people suffering from mental illness. People who are excused jury service include members of the
armed forces, Members of Parliament and doctors. Potential jurors can be challenged if one of the parties to the case
thinks they are or may be biased.

* The Lord Chancellor is the member of the British government and of the cabinet who is responsible for the administration
of justice and the appointment of judges in England and Wales. At the time this book was published, the role of Lord
Chancellor was to be abolished and his / her role assumed by the Secretary of State for Constitutional affairs.

** Note that in the USA, state judges can be appointed by the state governor or can be elected; in the federal courts and
the Supreme Court, judges are appointed by the President, but the appointment has to be approved by Congress.

Privacy and data protection (page 51)

1. compliy = comply, practise = practice (practise is a verb), principals = principles 2. proccesed = processed, acurrate =
accurate, relavant = relevant, secureity = security 3. infermation = information, supject = subject, acess = access
4. agencys = agencies 5. procesed = processed, unjustifried = unjustified, damaging = damage, destress = distress
6. detales = details, markit = market, ideals = ideas 7. decisive = decision (decisive is the adjective), effect = affect (effect
is a noun), present = prevent 8. unaccurate = inaccurate, ammended = amended 9. clam = claim, condensation =
compensation 10. preceedings = proceedings, sollution = solution

Property (pages 52 – 53)

Exercise 1:
1. freehold 2. leasehold is property which is held for a fixed period of time on the basis of a lease, but freehold is property
held for an unlimited time 3. True 4. tenant 5. a realtor 6. False: it is conveyancing 7. The title deeds show who
owns the property: you will need them if there are any disputes over who owns it, or when you need to sell the house. If
you buy a house with a mortgage, the mortgage lender holds the title deeds until you have repaid the money you owe
8. Probably a fixed-rate mortgage, as the interest you pay on the mortgage will not increase with the national rate (for a
fixed period of time, at least) 9. foreclosure 10. (c) Joint tenancy means that the people who bought the house jointly
own the entire property. Compare this with tenants-in-common, where each person owns a share in the property
depending on how much each spent on it 11. (c) 12. She would be very unhappy: somebody else has offered a higher
price for the house and the seller has accepted that offer 13. encumbrance 14. stamp duty

Exercise 2: Here is the completed text:

1. You make an offer on the asking price (the price that the seller is asking for the house), which is accepted by the seller.
2. You appoint a solicitor to help you make your purchase.
3. You solicitor receives confirmation of your accepted offer, and also any necessary details from the estate agent.
4. The seller's solicitor sends your solicitor a draft contract. This is checked to make sure there are no unusual clauses.
5. At the same time, the seller's solicitor sends your solicitor the seller's title deed. This is carefully checked for any
restrictions that might apply to ownership of the property. At the same time, the seller should make your solicitor aware of
any problems with the property (for example, disputes with his / her neighbours, any approved or unapproved alterations
that he / she has made to the property, relevant information on boundaries adjoining other properties and public land,
covenants or preservation orders that may restrict development of the property, whether you will need to get planning
permission before making changes to the property, etc).
6. If the contract is approved, copies of it are prepared for signing by both you and the seller.
7. Before you do this, however, your solicitor should ask the local authority (for example, the local town council) to
disclose any information it has on plans for the area around the property you are buying (for example, there may be plans
to build an airport at the end of your back garden, or a motorway across your lawn at the front).
8. At the same time, you should ask for a survey of the property by a chartered surveyor. He / she will tell you if there are
any problems with the property (for example, rising damp, dry rot, unsound structural features, etc).
9. If you are happy with everything, you now sign the contract: you are now legally bound to buy the property (you cannot
pull out of the agreement, unless further checks by your solicitor produce unfavourable information that has been kept
secret from you; for example, he / she may discover that the property details the seller has provided are not accurate).
10. Your solicitor arranges a completion date with the seller's solicitor – this is the date when you will take official
possession of the property – and both you and the seller exchange contracts through your solicitors. Your title deeds are
For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000
11. You pay your solicitor his fees, the money for the property (assuming you have already paid a deposit on the property,
you will now need to pay the outstanding balance), the relevant stamp duty and Land Registry fees.
12. You get your copy of the deeds and the key to the front door. Congratulations, and welcome to your new home!

Punishments and penalties (pages 54 – 55)

1. punishable (for example, a punishable act, or a crime punishable with imprisonment) (Note: not punishing, which
describes something that is exhausting and makes you tired) / penalise and penal (a penal code is a set of laws governing
crime and its punishment. A penal institution is a place such as a prison where convicted criminals are kept) 2. punitive (=
something that is intended to punish. We can also say exemplary damages. Punitive can also come before other words such
as action, measures, sanctions, restrictions, taxes, tariffs, etc) 3. pronounced sentence (we can also say passed sentence.
Sentence can be a noun or a verb) 4. a deterrent (for example, a long prison sentence will act as a deterrent to other
possible criminals) 5. Corporal punishment: he / she is physically beaten with a stick or a whip. Capital punishment: he /
she is judicially killed / executed (he / she has committed a capital crime and receives the death penalty or a death sentence)*
6. He may be given a caution or a warning by the police to slow down. Alternatively he might be fined (police often issue
on-the-spot fines, which you have to pay immediately) and / or be given points on his licence (if you receive too many points
within a certain time period, your licence will be temporarily withdrawn). 7. He will almost certainly be banned / disqualified
from driving for at least a year, and will probably be fined. If he causes an accident as a result of being drunk in charge of a
vehicle, he might also be sent to prison. 8. convicted / acquitted 9. A custodial sentence involves sending someone to
prison. A suspended sentence is a sentence of imprisonment which a court orders shall not take effect unless the offender
commits another crime. Probation is often a feature of a suspended sentence: the individual (the probationer) must behave
in a certain way, under the supervision of a probation officer. 10. He is not allowed to go in that bar again, and might also
be banned from other bars / public places in the area. 11. In Britain, an ASBO (pronounced as one word) is an Antisocial
Behaviour Order. This is an order which is applied for by the police against any individual over the age of 10 years old who is
causing someone distress, harm or harassment, in order to restrict their behaviour. If an ASBO is breached, the individual can
expect to be punished. An ABC is an Acceptable Behaviour Contract. This is a formal written agreement which an individual
signs to say he will not act in an antisocial manner in the future. 12. A young person (in Britain, normally someone under
the age of 18) who has committed a crime (a remand centre is a special prison for young people who have been remanded
in custody) 13. Life imprisonment (for crimes such as murder. Note that life imprisonment does not necessarily mean the
offender spends his / her entire life in prison: in the United Kingdom, life imprisonment for murder lasts on average 10 years)
14. imprison (= to send someone to prison) 15. True 16. Six months: concurrent sentences take place at the same time
as each other. 17. good behaviour 18. False. He / she is sentenced to do unpaid work in the local community (the
abbreviation is CSO). 19. They will have to pay money to the other company: a bond is a document in which a company or
individual promises to pay money if something happens (for example, if they breach a contract) 20. injunction (for
example, The Beckhams' lawyer applied for an injunction to stop the publisher from printing the book) 21. compensation
(the defendant would be ordered to pay compensatory damages to the injured party) 22. He would be unhappy: his assets
(= his money and other belongings) have been frozen, which means that he cannot take them out of the country (also called
a freezing injunction, and known until 1999 as a Mareva injunction).

* Corporal punishment was abolished in England, Scotland and Wales in 1948, and in Northern Ireland in 1968. Capital
punishment for murder was abolished in the United Kingdom in 1965.

Types of court (pages 56 – 57)

Exercise 1:
1. small claims court 2. Court of Appeal (also called an Appeal Court) 3. court-martial (Note that the plural form is
courts-martial. It can also be a verb, usually used in the passive: to be court-martialled) 4. courthouse 5. County Court
(there are about 270 County Courts in England and Wales. They are presided over by either district judges or circuit judges.
They deal mainly with claims regarding money, but also deal with family matters, bankruptcies and claims concerning land)
6. European Court of Human Rights (its formal name is the European Court for the Protection of Human Rights)
7. employment tribunal (formally known as an industrial tribunal. The panel hearing each case consists of a legally qualified
chairperson and two independent lay (= not legally qualified) people who have experience of employment issues. Decisions
need to be enforced by a separate application to the court. Appeals are made to an Employment Appeal Tribunal)
8. magistrates' court 9. coroner's court (an investigation in a coroner's court is called a coroner's inquest. A coroner's
inquest also decides what happens when treasure or something valuable that has been secretly hidden or lost is suddenly
rediscovered) 10. Crown Court 11. Lands Tribunal 12. Commercial Court 13. rent tribunal 14. High Court
15. European Court of Justice (ECJ for short. It is also called the Court of Justice of the European Communities) 16. Court
of Protection 17. Admiralty Court 18. House of Lords

Exercise 2:
1. Admiralty Court (HMS = Her / His Majesty's Ship, an abbreviation that precedes the names of ships of the Royal Navy)
2. (in the first instance) County Court 3. coroner's court 4. Commercial Court 5. employment tribunal 6. Court of
Protection 7. small claims court (if the amount was for less than £5,000), 8. rent tribunal 9. (probably) the High Court
10. court-martial

Wills (page 58)

1. testament 2. of sound mind / of age 3. dependants 4. deceased 5. intestate 6. probate 7. administrator

8. codicil 9. executor 10. benefactor / beneficiary 11. estate 12. inherit / inheritance 13. trust / trustee 14. power
of attorney 15. living wills

Word association 1 (pages 59 – 60)

1. absolute 2. abuse 3. action 4. adverse 5. arbitration 6. breach 7. capital 8. certificate 9. civil 10. common
11. compensation 12. consumer 13. contract 14. court 15. criminal 16. customs 17. defence 18. drug
19. fraudulent 20. freedom 21. identity 22. implied 23. industrial 24. joint 25. judgement (also spelt judgment)
26. judicial 27. jury 28. letter 29. limited 30. net (also spelt nett)

For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).
Unit 0000(cont.)
Word association 2 (page 61)

Notice: notice of allocation, notice of appeal, notice of dishonour, notice of motion, notice of opposition, notice of service,
notice to quit
Oath: to administer an oath, to be under oath, to take the oath, oath of allegiance
Offer: to be under, to be open to offers (note that offer is used in the plural here), to be open for sale, offer of amends,
price offer, offer to buy, offer to quit, offer to sell
Official: official channels, official copy, official mediator, Official Receiver, official referee, official return, official secret,
Official Solicitor (note the capital letters used for Official Receiver and Official Solicitor, as these are specific positions in the
legal profession)
Open: open court, open account, open credit, open-ended, open hearing, open prison, open verdict
Patent: patent agent, patent defect, patent examiner, patent holder, patent number, patent office, patent pending, patent
proprietor, patent rights, patent specification, to register a patent
Personal: personal action, personal allowances, personal assets, personal chattels, personal conduct, personal effects,
personal estate, personal income, personal injury, personal property, personal representative
Police: police authority, police bail, police constable, police court, police detective, police force, police inquiries, police
inspector, police investigation, police officer, police protection,
Power: power of advancement, power of appointment, power of attorney, power of search, power politics
Preliminary: preliminary discussion, preliminary hearing, preliminary inquiries, preliminary investigation, preliminary
reference, preliminary ruling
Private: private client, private detective, private effects, private land, private law, private nuisance, private ownership, private
property, private prosecution
Registered: registered company, registered land, registered office, registered trade mark, registered user
Right: right of abode, right of audience, right of establishment, right of re-entry, right of reply, right of silence, right of way,
right to reside
Special: special agent, special constable, special damages, special deposits, special directions, special indorsement
Statement: to make a statement, to make a false statement, statement of affairs, statement(s) of case, statement of claim,
statement of truth, statement of value

Word association 3 (pages 62 – 63)

1. contract 2. within 3. against 4. breaking 5. order 6. abiding 7. above 8. common 9. down 10. hands
11. commercial 12. enforcement 13. practise 14. common 15. property 16. Succession 17. reform 18. claim
19. proceedings 20. cost 21. executive 22. aid 23. tender 24. separation 25. status

Your completed crossword grid should look like this:


For reference see Dictionary of Law 4th edition (A & C Black 0-7475-6636-4).

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