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A Home of Their Own?

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Supported living

A home of
their own?
Its the question that lingers in the
background of the lives of many parents
of a child with learning disabilities: what
happens after Im gone? If you see your
childs future outside of residential care or
community living, how practical is it to buy
a home for them to live in with support?
Darren Devine explores the options

If youre the parent of a child public affairs with care firm care, she says. You get quite a It does happen with some providing HOLD. Also, Advance
with autism who may, you think, be Dimensions, explains that there are low income most of your benefits places, she says, not with all On occasion was only involved in the HOLD
able to live independently when three main methods that someone are taken away from you. You cant thats the important thing to say. scheme in certain areas. While 516
they grow up, the idea of trying to with a learning disability can use to choose who you live with and you families can fall homes were bought through HOLD
buy a home for them may well buy a home. cant choose who supports you. Paying rent out with care providers in England, excluding London,
cross your mind. Also, if residential care doesnt Where parents buy a property between 1 April 2006 and 31
Wouldnt it be great if your child Key factor work the person is forced to move outright for a son or daughter it has in community living March 2011, after this period sales
Tracy Hammond of had a flat in a nearby street? You The first is a straightforward family out, whereas home ownership offers to be via a commercial set-ups fell off.
Learning Disability may dream of dropping in on your purchase. There is also a UK security of tenure, says Wood. arrangement, with the child paying Between 2011 and 2016, there
England: buying to son or daughter, perhaps bringing Government-run shared-ownership Home ownership also works rent, through housing benefit, to were only 30 HOLD sales across
rent to a relative them some shopping and even scheme known as Home where families want their loved one the family. Shared-ownership is meant to England, according to the Homes
needs to be more staying a while for a cup of tea. Ownership for People with Long- to move in with others, but cant Available only in England, the be with a social landlord such as a and Communities Agency (HCA).
straightforward The idea of buying a property may Term Disabilities (HOLD). The third find the right people in existing HOLD scheme is open to first-time housing association.However, a Mortgage availability after the credit
be particularly appealing if there option is a family-funded shared community living settings. Owning buyers, those who used to own report in Inside Housing Magazine crunch is said to have dried up.
isnt an appropriate residential care ownership scheme run by the the property allows them to choose their own home but cant afford to last year suggested the HOLD Instead of using UK Government
provider in your area. Oxfordshire-based Advance who lives with their loved one. buy now, or existing shared owners scheme has failed to offer a HCA money under Advances
But how practical is the idea? In housing association. Further, Wood admits that on looking to move.The scheme solution because housing family-funded shared ownership
fact, it may well be highly Wood says the key factor that occasion families can fall out with offers between 25 per cent and 75 associations are under no scheme, the family loans the cash
achievable. There is even more drives families to buy a home for a care providers in community living per cent of the homes value. You obligation to take part. to the housing association to buy a
than one way to make the dream loved one is control. Theres a set-ups and find themselves barred have to pay rent on the portion you At that time Advance was the property. On its website, Advance
come true. Alicia Wood, head of problem in even good residential from visiting. dont own. only social landlord involved in details a number of shared

22 Au t i s m | e y e I s s u e 2 7 2 0 1 7 Au t i s m | e y e I s s u e 2 7 2 0 1 7 23
Supported living
CARE Epilepsy
of ownership success stories,
including that of Sarah Cookson.
England. She says buying to rent
to a relative is an important option,

Technologies She bought a Surrey flat a stones
throw from the home of her
but the process needs to be more
straightforward. She adds: We
parents. Cookson, who has get lots of calls to our advice line
Asperger syndrome and a mild about buying to rent. Often the
learning disability, has a support families we talk to have chosen to
Alicia Wood of care package from Surrey County pursue this course of action
Tracker Wi-Fi
Camera Wi-Fi
Door/Window Alarm
Alarm firm Dimensions: the Council that helps with finances because other support options are
key factor driving and housekeeping. limited or unsuitable.
families to buy a She has said of her flat: I like Another option is to buy property
home for a loved one having my own space, its nice to through a trust. The Mencap Trust
is control do things that you want to do. Company offers this facility.
Tracy Hammond is the director Under trust law when property is
of operations for Learning Disability passed on after death the trustee Sarah Cookson: her Surrey flat is
has ownership. For example, if the close to her parents home and she
Mencap Trust Company were the says I like having my own space
Were there for trustee (the body in control of the
the whole of the trust) they would become the the property and they can end up
ourwebsite beneficiarys life and
property owner. There would,
however, be an obligation to use
in assisted living if there is no
money to maintain the house. Julie
869 were bringing a the property for the benefit of the
person named as the beneficiary,
Schwarz, director of the Mencap
Trust Company, says: Were there
3 3Melbourne
particular ethos, which which would be the child. for the whole of the beneficiarys
is person-centred This can be broader than just life and were bringing a particular
ensuring the child gets to live in ethos, which is person-centred.

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