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Stability of Colloid

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Chapter 6

Stability of Colloidal Suspensions

6.1 Kinetic Stability of Colloidal Suspensions

DGof = gsl DAsl

interfacial surface
tension (sol/liq) [J/m ] sol/liq surface change [m2]

sl > 0 colloid state is unstable, i.e., lyophobic (in water: hydrophobic); you need work to
create a dispersion ( mixing)

sl < 0 colloid state is stable, i.e., lyophilic (in water: hydrophilic)

Lyophobic colloids can be made kinetically stable by building an energy barrier suciently
large with respect to the thermal energy of the particles, kT . Two stabilization mechanisms
are possible:
electrostatic: the particles are electrically charged

steric: the particles are coated with some material (e.g. polymer) which prevents their
close approach.

Concept of Kinetic Stability

Thermal energy provides kinetic energy to the colloidal particles which collide with energy
(kT ). The charges on the particle surface provide an energy barrier to be overcome in order to
have aggregation.


G stable



aggregation coordinate

6.2 Interaction between two Charged Bodies

The interaction between two bodies is dominated by two forces, an attractive van der Waals
force and a repulsive electrostatic force.

6.2.1 van der Waals Forces

The origin of these forces is the attraction between a temporary dipole and the correspond-
ing induced dipoles (London theory). The following semi-quantitative argument provides a
reasonably accurate picture of the physics underlying these interactions. Let us use the Bohr
model for a hydrogen atom, where electrons are regarded as traveling in well dened orbits
around nuclei. As a result of the electrons motion, every atom has an instantaneous dipole
moment p approximately equal to p = a0 e, where e is the electron charge and a0 is the
Bohr radius, which is a good estimate of the radius of a hydrogen atom. Let us consider two
hydrogen atoms, referred to as atom 1 and atom 2, positioned at a distance R. The electric
eld E generated by the instantaneous dipole 1 at distance R is given by:

E= (6.1)
40 R3

where 0 is the vacuum dielectric permeability. Atom 2, will be polarized by the electric eld
generated by atom 1, which generates an induced dipole of strength:

p2 = E = (6.2)
40 R3


where is the polarizability of the second atom, and is approximately equal to = 40 a30 .
Since the energy of interaction of two dipoles equals:
p1 p2 a20 e2 C
Vint = 3
= 2
= 6 (6.3)
40 R (40 ) R6 R
Equation (6.3) shows that van der Waals interactions between pairs of particles in vacuum are
always attractive, and decay very strongly with the distance. However, they become consider-
able at short distances.
When the overall van der Waals interactions between macroscopic objects needs to be com-
puted, one assumes that equation (6.3) holds for all pairs of molecules contained in the two
objects. This theory has been developed by Hamaker. In this case, the van der Waals interac-
tion between macroscopic object 1 and macroscopic object 2 is given by:
dV1 dV2
VA = C (6.4)
V1 V2 R6
where the two integrations run over the entire volumes V1 and V2 of the two bodies, and R
is the distance between two arbitrary points, one located within the rst object, the other one
within the second object. Generally, the two integrals are dicult to compute, and explicit
formulas are available only for very simple geometries. As an example, let us perform the
integration for the case of a semi-innite solid and a point. Equation (6.4) reduces in this
case to one single volume integral, over the semi-innite body. If we indicate with d the
distance between the point (named 1) and the surface of the semi-innite body, and we dene
a coordinate system with the x-axis along the direction of the distance d, with the zero on the
surface of the body and pointing inwards the body and both other axes parallel to its surface,
one can immediately recognize that the system has a rotational symmetry around the x-axis. It
is therefore convenient to perform the volume integration using cylindrical coordinates. The
distance R in equation (6.4) is equal to the distance between point 1 and an arbitrary point
having coordinates x and z inside the body, as shown in the next Figure. By making use of
Pitagoras theorem, the volume integral in equation (6.4) reduces to:
2z dz C dx C
VA = C dx 2  = = 3 (6.5)
0 0 z + (d + x)2 3 2 0 (d + x) 4 6d
From equation (6.5) one can observe that the dependence of the van der Waals interactions
between a point and an innite solid decreases as the reverse third power or the distance.
The simple calculation shows the eect of summing in a pair additive manner the inter-
actions of all pairs of molecules belonging to two macroscopic objects. Even though the


interactions of two molecules are very weak, the overall interactions between the bodies can
become signicant at short distances, for example at distances comparable to the size of the
two objects.
There are two important cases where the integrations in equation (6.4) can be performed
analytically: (1) two innite slabs and (2) two spheres having arbitrary size and distance. The
corresponding interaction potentials can be computed as follows:

For two innite slabs at distance D:

VA (D) = (6.6)

For two spheres of radius a1 and a2 at distance R:

A 2a1 a2 2a1 a2 R (a1 + a2 )2
VA (R) = + + ln 2 (6.7)
6 R2 (a1 + a2 )2 R2 (a1 a2 )2 R (a1 a2 )2

where A is the Hamaker constant which depends on the physical characteristics, e.g., polar-
izability and density, of the materials involved. In the case of two spheres, one can perform
Taylor expansions of this last equation and observe that at distances much smaller than the
particle radius, the interactions decay with the rst power of the distance. On the other hand,
for distances much larger than the particle radius the interaction energy decays with the sixth
power of the distance, as one could expect.
The Hamaker constant depends not only on the physical properties of the materials the
macroscopic objects are made of, but also on the dielectric properties of the medium sur-
rounding the particles. The eect of this medium can be extremely important in some cases.


In fact, even though Hamaker constants are usually positive, there are some cases where neg-
ative values can be found for some specic types of materials/medium pairs. A negative value
of Hamaker constant implies that van der Waals interactions are repulsive.
One nal caveat about Hamakers treatment of van der Waals interactions. A much more
rigorous approach of dispersion forces and van der Waals forces is available in the literature,
which has been pioneered by Lifshitz. It is based on rigorous quantum mechanical calcula-
tions, but the nal equations are far more complex than the Hamaker theory. However, some
general features can be quickly discussed, which are necessary to point out the limitations of
the simpler Hamaker theory. First of all, Lifshitz theory shows that the pairwise addition of
interactions is a not rigorously correct, as van der Waals interactions a truly many-body prob-
lem. This eect can be simply accounted for by adjusting the values of the Hamaker constant.
The second limitation is given by the so-called retardation eect. Since atoms are uctuating
dipoles, as the distance between two molecules increases beyond a certain threshold, the time
required for a molecule to feel the eect of the electric eld produced by another dipole be-
comes signicant. This implies that the interactions of the dierent dipoles are retarded, and
the energy of interaction decays even stronger with the distance, i.e., with the seventh power
of the distance, and not anymore with the sixth power. This eect weakens van der Waals
interactions for large bodies as their distance increases, compared to the predictions of the
Hamaker theory. However, due to its simplicity and good accuracy, Hamaker constants are
still commonly used in colloidal science.

Concept of Surface Tension

WAA = work per unit area needed to separate up to two parts of liquid column


WAA = 2Av (6.8)

where Av is the surface tension of A in contact with vapor (vacuum). We compute WAA as the
interaction energy between two at bodies and get (for hydrocarbons):

1 1 A
Av = WAA = (6.9)
2 2 12L2
Since it is dicult to postulate L, we compute it from experimental values of Av and calculated

Alkane Cn H2n+2

n 1020 A (J) 103 Av (J/m2 ) 103 (kg/m3 ) L (nm)

5 3.75 16.05 0.626 0.176

6 4.07 18.40 0.660 0.171
8 4.50 21.62 0.702 0.166
10 4.82 23.83 0.730 0.164
12 5.03 25.35 0.749 0.162
14 5.05 26.56 0.763 0.159
16 5.23 24.47 0.773 0.159

We observe that L:

i) has dimension of molecular radius

ii) L 1/ .

6.2.2 Electrostatic Forces

Electrical Double Layer

Outside of the outer Helmholtz plane, the ions move freely, therefore this is the plane of
closest approach of (hydrated) ions ( 0.5 nm).

The inner Helmholtz plane constitutes the locus of the centers of adsorbed (dehydrated)
ions ( 0.1 nm).


IHP = inner Helmholtz plane

OHP = outer Helmholtz plane

aqueous solution, eW
diffusive layer

0i d x

For x > 0:  
= div (E) Poisson
() =
E = grad () equation

where = all ions ni zi e, with ni = number ion concentration, zi = valance, e = electron charge;
E = electric eld
= permittivity
= potential referred to bulk, i.e., = 0 at x = .

For x > d:

The ions are free to diuse and are inuenced by the local electrostatic potential, so that:
z e  
i Boltzmann
ni = ni exp
kT equation
where n0i is ni in the bulk. In the diusive layer, x > d, we have = w and:
z e  
1 0 i Poisson-Boltzmann
() =
ni zi e exp (6.12)
w kT equation
with B.C.: = 0 at x = , = d at x = d.
Let us consider a few specic cases for which we have analytical solutions.

The Debye-Huckel approximation:

Applies when the electrical energy is small compared to the thermal energy: |zi e| < kT .
Then, z e
i zi e
exp 1 (6.13)
kT kT


which leads to 
0 2 2 
1 0 n i zi e
ni zi e (6.14)
w kT

According to the principle of electroneutrality for the bulk n0i zi = 0 and, therefore, we
2 = 2 (6.15)

1 n0i z2i e2
= 2
w kT
is the Debye-Huckel parameter. The solution has the form

= A1 exp (x) + A2 exp (x) (6.17)

but since = 0 as x , A1 = 0 and imposing = d at x = d A2 = d exp(d),

so that
= d exp [(x d)] , for x > d (6.18)
The distance 1/ where = d exp(1) is dened as the thickness of the diusive layer.
At 25 C in water

= 3.29 I [nm1 ] (6.19)

with I = 1/2 ci z2i is the ionic strength and ci is in mol/L. For example, for a 103 M,
1:1 electrolyte is 1/ = 9.6 nm.

Flat surface:

We consider a symmetric electrolyte, z+ = z = z and n0+ = n0 = n0 , so that the

Poisson-Boltzmann equation becomes
1 0 ze 1 ze
= n ze exp
+ n ze exp +
w kT w kT
2n ze ze
= sinh (6.20)
w kT
and then for a at geometry
d2 2n0 ze ze
= sinh (6.21)
dx2 w kT
Multiplying both sides by (2d/dx) and integrating in x:
  ze d
d d2 4n0 ze
2 dx = sinh dx (6.22)
dx dx2 w kT dx




0 d d+1/k x

  2  ze
d d 4n0 ze
dx = sinh d (6.23)
dx dx w 0 kT
where we account for the B.C.: = 0 and d/dx = 0 at x =
 2  ze 
d 4n0 ze  kT 
=  cosh (6.24)
dx w  ze kT 0
4n0 kT 
d ze 
cosh= 1 (6.25)
dx kT

Recalling that cosh(a) 1 = 2 sinh(a/2), we get
 0  12 ze
d 8n kT
= sinh (6.26)
dx w 2kT
This can be integrated by variable separation as follows:
d 2kT
= dx (6.27)
d sinh (ze/2kT ) ze d

ze ze
tanh = tanh
exp [ (x d)] (6.28)
4kT 4kT
In the case where ze < kT , we can approximate tanh (ze/4kT ) ze/4kT , and the
solution above becomes
= d exp [ (x d)] (6.29)
which is the Debye-Huckel approximate solution.



yd ze

d x d x

a) Approximate behavior:
for d < 2 d exp [(x d)]
kT ze
for d > 4 tanh exp [(x d)]
ze 4kT

(since tanh (y) 1 as y )

which suciently away from the surface, where is small, leads to
= exp [ (x d)] (6.30)
that is away from the surface the potential behaves like in the case where d =
4kT/ze, although d is much larger.
b) If we take d = 0, and ignore the IHP and OHP, this treatment corresponds to the
Gouy and Chapman model. The gures show the eect of electrolyte charge and
concentration on the potential behavior predicted by Debye-Huckel. The points
indicate the value /d = exp(1) and the corresponding Debye thickness 1/.
1/ Celectrolyte

9.60 nm 0.001 M
3.00 nm 0.01 M
0.96 nm 0.1 M
It is seen that both the electrolyte concentration and its charge can strongly aect the
thickness of the double layer. This is known as double layer compression and is widely
used in applications to destabilize colloids. However, the predictions of this model on
a quantitative basis are often unrealistic. For example in the case of d = 100 mV with


n0 = 0.001 M, a surface concentration value nd = n0 exp (zed /kT ) = 0.001 exp(12) =

160 M is obtained. This result can be corrected introducing the Stern layer, where some
counterions are strongly associated with the surface, thus also neutralizing some of the
surface ions.

Simple Example for a Boltzmann Distribution

Let us consider the molecules in the atmosphere which are free to move according to Brownian
motion but are also subject to the gravitational eld.




By applying Newton law to a thin slice of atmosphere dh we get:

dP = g dh (6.31)


where is the mass density which using the ideal gas law can be expressed as follows:
= nM = (6.32)
where M is the molecular weight and n is the number molecule concentration. Substituting in
the previous equation this leads to:
dP Mg
= dh (6.33)
which integrated with I.C.: P = P0 at h = 0 yields:
P = P0 exp h (6.34)
Recalling that M = mNA , where m is the molecule mass and NA the Avogadro number, while
R = kNA and pressure is proportional to the number molecule concentration the above equation
leads to:  
n = n0 exp (6.35)
which, since (mgh) is the gravitational potential, coincides with the Boltzmann equation (6.6).

A More Rigorous Derivation of the Boltzmann Distribution

In order to fully justify the use of the Boltzmann distribution to describe the dependence of
the concentration of ions on the electrostatic potential, let us consider the following thermo-
dynamic argument. In the presence of a charged surface, which generates an electric eld,
the thermodynamic function which determines the equilibrium condition of the ions is the
electrochemical potential  , dened as:

= + ze (6.36)

where z is the valence of the ion, is the electrostatic potential at the location considered and
is the chemical potential. The signicance of the electrochemical potential is that of free en-
ergy per molecule in the presence of electric eld. For every ion, the electrochemical potential
has to be constant in the entire space in order to guarantee the thermodynamic equilibrium.
Therefore, by considering two dierent locations, one at distance x from the surface, where the
electrostatic potential is (x), and the other one in the bulk of the solution, at innite distance
from the surface, where the electrostatic potential is equal to zero, the equilibrium conditions

(x) = (x) + ze(x) = 
(x = ) = (x = ) (6.37)


By using the denition of chemical potential:

(x) = 0 + kT ln (a(x)) (6.38)

where a(x) is the activity of the species at a distance x from the surface and 0 is a reference
chemical potential. By neglecting concentration eects, we can replace the activity by the
number concentration, i.e., a(x) n(x). Therefore, by calling n0 the number concentration of
the ion in the bulk of the solution, equation (6.37) becomes:

kT ln (n(x)) + ze = kT ln(n0 ) (6.39)

which leads to the Boltzmann distribution of the ion:

n(x) = n0 exp (6.40)
Therefore, the Boltzmann distribution arises naturally (at least for dilute electrolyte solutions)
as a consequence of thermodynamic equilibrium in the presence of an electric eld.

Electrostatic Potential of Interaction

When two charged bodies approach each other the corresponding double layers overlap, the
local ion concentration increases compared to the bulk, thus creating an osmotic pressure and
therefore a corresponding repulsive force.

y0 y0

0 D

Depending on the kinetics of the approach we can have that the ions may have or not time
enough to equilibrate. We distinguish three limiting situations:

constant surface potential, 0 slow approach;


constant surface charge, 0 fast approach or ions covalently bound to the surface;

charge regulation the surface groups can dissociate to an extent which depends on
the interaction, as for example:
ed Ns
SH  S + H+ 0 = eS s = +0
d + H exp (e0 /kT )

In order to compute the repulsive force between two charged innite planar surfaces at a
distance h, let us consider the following simple argument. At equilibrium, all forces acting on
a volume element located between the two plates must balance. The only two forces acting are
the electrostatic forces and the osmotic pressure. The osmotic pressure force per unit volume
is equal to:
Fp = (6.42)
where x is the coordinate perpendicular to the two surfaces. On the other hand, the electrostatic
force per unit volume equals the product of the charge density with the electric eld, and can
be written as:
Fel = (6.43)
By using the Poisson equation, this force balance can be recast in the following form:
dp d2 d
 2 =0 (6.44)
dx dx dx
The integration of this equation gives:
p = const. (6.45)
2 dx
This last equation implies that the sum of the osmotic pressure and the so-called Maxwell
pressure, /2 (d/dx)2 , are constant in the whole domain. Due to the symmetry of the sys-
tem considered here, at the midplane the electrostatic potential prole has to have an ex-
tremum (minimum if the surface are positively charged, maximum otherwise). Therefore
(d/dx) x=h/2 = 0, and the constant in equation (6.45) is equal to the osmotic pressure at the
midplane. Therefore, once the pressure at midplane is known, the force acting on the planes
can be computed, and by integrating the force, the energy of interaction can be derived. In
order to determine the pressure at midplane, we can once again use the force balance written
dp = d (6.46)


In order to simplify the calculations, let us assume to have a solution containing just a symmet-
ric zz electrolyte. By making use of the Boltzmann distribution for the ions concentration,
one obtains: ze
dp = 2zen0 sinh d (6.47)
This equation can be easily integrated between the following limits: p = p0 in the bulk (when
= 0), and p = ph/2 at = h/2 . The result is the following:
ph/2 p0 = 2kT n0 cosh 1 = FR (6.48)

The conclusion is that the repulsive force between the planes can be computed if the potential
at midplane is known. This can be obtained by integrating the Poisson-Boltzmann equation.
One should then notice that the electrostatic repulsive energy (per unit surface) is obtained
from the repulsive force per unit surface as follows:

dVel = FR dh (6.49)

The physical interpretation is that the potential energy per unit surface of two plates at a
distance h is equal to minus the work done to bring the plates from innite distance to the
current distance h.
Several approximate relations have been developed to compute the electrostatic repulsive
potentials between two bodies.

For small degree of double layer overlap (any geometry), D 1/:

y0 y0


0 D

64n0 kT Z 2
VR = exp (D) (6.50)


Z = tanh (6.51)
In this case VR VR since the discharge remains anyway small due to the small overlap.
This corresponds to the case where the potential at midplane is approximated by the sum
of the potentials of two isolated charged innite planes. This approximation is only valid
for small overlapping.

For small potentials of the two surfaces, ze0 kT :

In this case we can apply the Debye-Huckel approximation

2n0 kT ze0 2  D 
VR = 1 tanh (6.52)
kT 2

Most convenient in applications are:

32n0 kT 2  D 
VR = z 1 tanh (6.53)

2n0 kT B + y0 coth (D/2)
VR = 2y0 ln (6.54)
1 + y0
ln y0 + cosh (D) + B sinh (D) + D

where y0 = ze0 /kT and B = 1 + y20 cosh2 (D/2)

The gure above shows a comparison of the three repulsive potentials. The one for
constant charge is clearly the largest, while the charge regulation solution is somehow
intermediate. The next gure shows that VR decreases with distance and with y0 =
ze0 /kT . The approximate expression for D 1/ (dotted) is compared with exact
solution (solid).

Electrical Charge of a Surface

The most common way to bring charges on the surface of particles is to adsorb ionic surfac-
tants. These can be salts which are fully dissociated (e.g. sodium dodecylsulfonate) or weak
acids (e.g. carboxylic acids) that dissociate to an extent which depends upon the solution pH.


Another possibility is to act on the concentration of the so-called potential determining ions,
as we discuss next.
When considering a dispersion of solid AgI particles in water, since the solution is saturated


we have:
aeAg+ aeI = KS (6.56)

where KS is the solubility product. In addition, due to the solid-liquid equilibrium we have
that the activities of each ion are equal in the two phases:

aeAg+ = asAg+ (6.57)

aeI = as sI (6.58)

This in general implies that, since the anity of Ag+ and I to the solid and solution is
dierent, the particle acquires a charge. We can aect such particle charge by acting on the
activity of the ions in the solution. If we add AgNO3 , then aAg+ in solution increases and aI
has to decrease, thus increasing the positive particle charge. In this case Ag+ and I are the
potential-determining ions, and we can use them to control the particle charge and potential.
The gure below shows the potential prole and the counterion distribution around a charged
particle: they have to follow the potential distribution but thermal diusion tends to uniformize
them, the result is the diusive electrical double layer. The thickness of this layer can be de-
creased by adding some other electrolyte, i.e., indierent ions, as shown in the gure. This is
the double layer compression which decreases the particle stability.


6.2.3 Total Interaction Energy

The total potential energy of interaction is given by the sum of the attractive and the repulsive
contributions derived earlier:
VT = VA + VR (6.59)

Using expressions developed for at surfaces and symmetric electrolyte, we get:

A 32n0 kT 2  D 
VT = + z 1 tanh (6.60)
12D2 2

which is illustrated in the gure on the next page. It is seen that the van der Waals forces
dominate at low distances, where however VT does not go to , but contrary increases due
to the occurrence of Born repulsion forces, which are very short-range and come into play
when the atom of the two surfaces come in contact. This leads to the very deep attractive well,
referred to as primary minimum. At high distances, the van der Waals forces prevail again,
often leading to the formation of a secondary minimum.



Because of the large depth of the primary minimum the energy barrier for separating two
particles is much larger, often substantially innite, compared to that corresponding to the
reverse process.

6.2.4 Simple Manifestation of Electrical Double Layers: Soap Films

The gure shows a soap lm, where the water molecules are kept in the lm by the repulsive
forces between the layers of surfactant molecules adsorbed at the air-liquid interface.
double layers

gravity on
water molecules

For the lm formed with a wire frame in the gure, at each height, H the hydrostatic pres-
sure (Hg) which tends to drain the water molecules have to be balanced by the double-layer
pressure, which corresponds to a certain thickness of the lm, D that can be measured. For
example at height of about H = 10 cm, the repulsive double-layer pressure has to be of the
order of 103 N/m2 . Soap lm thickness of about 20 nm were stabilized by the overlapping
diusive double layers with 0 30 mV.

6.3 Coagulation of Colloidal Suspensions

From the shape of the total interaction potential curve as a function of particle distance we
can dene the stability of a colloid or a latex. This is illustrated in the gure below, where we
a = kinetically stable or meta-stable colloid;
b = marginally unstable (critical condition)
c = unstable

The loss of stability, or particle aggregation, can be induced in two ways as described in the



6.3.1 Aggregation by Potential Control

We can change the particle charge, and then its potential, as shown by the curves in the pre-
vious gure. This can be done by changing the activity of the potential determining ions. An
example is given by the titration of a solution containing I using AgNO3 , based on the very
low solubility of AgI. The rst particles of AgI precipitated are in equilibrium with an excess
of I in solution, therefore have a strong negative charge and are small and stable. This leads
in fact to a milky dispersion. As we add more AgNO3 , more AgI precipitates and therefore
the excess of I in solution decreases, together with the particle negative charge and stability.
The colloidal particles start to aggregate leading to large ocs of AgI, which become visible.
At some point the charge of the particle becomes zero, and after that they acquire a posi-
tive charge. By measuring particle migration in an electric eld the potential at zero particle
charge is found to be at Ag+ = 3.2 106 M, which being KS = 8 1017 , corresponds to
I = 2.5 1011 M which is very small as required for titration.

6.3.2 Aggregation by Electrolyte Addition

Even if the concentrations of the potential determining ions are such as to give a good sur-


face charge, and therefore stability to the particles, we can induce aggregation acting on the
indierent ions, that is causing the double layer compression. This is shown in the gure
above, where we see that as the concentration of the indierent electrolyte increases, the en-
ergy barrier decreases and eventually becomes zero. At this point there is no opposition to
aggregation, which becomes very fast and controlled by Brownian diusion. The smallest
electrolyte concentration leading to such a fast coagulation is called critical coagulation con-
centration. Typical values for three dierent colloids are reported in the table below:

Valency of Sol of As2 S3 Sol of Au Sol of Fe(OH)3

counterions negatively charged negatively charged positively charged

Monovalent LiCl 58 NaCl 9.25

NaCl 51 NaCl 24 1/2BaCl2 9.65
KNO3 50 KNO3 23 KNO3 12

Divalent MgCl2 0.72 CaCl2 0.41 K2 SO4 0.205

MgSO4 0.81 BaCl2 0.35 MgSO4 0.22
ZnCl2 0.69 K2 Cr2 O7 0.195

Trivalent AlCl3 0.093

1/2Al2 (SO4 )3 0.096 1/2Al2 (SO4 )3 0.009
Ce(NO3 )3 0.080 Ce(NO3 )3 0.003

It is seen that the ccc values seem to be independent of the electrolyte type but strongly af-
fected by the charge of the counterion. The value of the ccc can be computed from a suitable
expression of VT (D) by imposing the two conditions for criticality:
VT = 0 and =0 (6.61)
Let us consider the case of at surfaces with small overlapping (D > 1):
A 64n0 kT Z 2
VT = + exp (D) (6.62)
By setting
2A 64n0 kT Z 2
VT = exp (D) = 0 (6.63)
and substituting in the equation VT = 0, we get
2A A 2
= 0 = 0 D = 2 (6.64)
12D3 12D2 D


Substituting in the relation VT = 0, we get the critical :

(4 12 64)n0 kT Z 2 exp (2)
3 = (6.65)
and recalling for symmetrical electrolytes z = z+ = z

0 2 2
ni z i e 2NA z2 e2
= Cs (6.66)
w kT w kT
where Cs = n0i /NA is the molar electrolyte concentration, it follows
(384)2 (4)2 3w (kT )5 Z 4
ccc[mol/L] = (6.67)
2 exp (4) NA A2 (ze)6
which at 25 C in water for relatively high potential so that Z 1, reduces to
87 1040
ccc = [mol/L] (6.68)
z6 A2
This relation, although approximated, correctly predicts that the ccc value depends only on the
charge of the electrolyte and in a rather strong way. This is known as the Schultz-Hardy rule.
Its reliability is clearly demonstrated by the data shown in the table, where for the colloid
As2 S3 we have that the ccc values for mono, di and trivalent electrolytes can be scaled as
50 : 0.7 : 0.09 1 : 0.014 : 0.0018 (6.69)
which compare well with the equation prediction 1 : 26 : 36 = 1 : 0.016 : 0.0014. It is
conrmed that the type of electrolyte, if the valency is the same, plays a minor role.


Since the stability behavior of colloids is dominated by the concentration of the counterion,
we can restrict our attention to symmetric electrolytes. Then, MgCl2 would behave like a
2:2 electrolyte in the presence of negatively charged surfaces, and like a 1:1 electrolyte in
the presence of positively charged surfaces. This is conrmed by the ccc data reported in the
previous table.

6.4 Steric Interactions

Steric interactions are the third important type of interactions between colloidal particles.
Steric interactions are commonly used to stabilize particles when long term stability is re-
quired. The most common way to achieve steric stabilization is to graft some polymer on


the particle surface. The grafting can be achieved in various ways. The most common is to
add polymer to a solution of particles and let it attach onto the particle surface. However,
the amount of polymer to be added has to be accurately chosen, otherwise unwanted desta-
bilization eects (instead of stabilization) such as depletion induced occulation or bridging
occulation can arise. Recently, another method has been developed, which consists in grow-
ing a polymer brush directly from the particle surface.
The physical mechanism underlying steric stabilization is strongly related to the thermody-
namic behavior of polymers in solutions. The simplest theory used to explain this mechanism
is the Flory-Krigbaum theory. As two particles coated with a polymer layer approach each
other, when the center-to-center distance is small enough there is an overlap between the poly-
mer layers. This overlap generates an change in the free energy of the polymer layers. There
are two contribution of the free energy of the solution: the rst one is a mixing contribution,
the second one is an elastic contribution to the free energy. For the rst case, if the polymer
volume fraction in an isolated layer is equal to , then the overlapping leads to a concentration
of 2 in the lens region, as depicted in the gure.

Polymer chains, if soluble in a solvent, occupy a large amount of volume, and their confor-
mation is that of a random coil. If the degree of polymerization of the coil is equal to n, the


size of the coil scales as R n0.5 . Therefore, if a chain is trying to occupy the same volume
already occupied by another chain, there is usually an increase in the free energy of the sys-
tem. The change in free energy resulting from the overlap of two sterically stabilized particles
is equal to:
G = Gov Vlens (6.70)

The rst term on the right hand side is the free energy change per unit volume, while the
second term is the volume of the lens where the overlap occurs. The volume of the lens is a
pure geometrical term, and is equal to:
2 d d
Vlens = Rs 3Rs + 2 Rs + (6.71)
3 2 2

where d is the surface to surface distance between the cores of the particles, Rs is the outer
radius of the shell and Rs is the radius of the core (see the previous Figure). The free energy
of overlap per unit volume is equal to:
V2 1
Hov = 2kT
V1 Vd2 2

where Vd is the volume occupied by a polymer coil, V1 is the solvent molar volume, and V2 is
the polymer molar volume. It is important to note that the sign of the free energy of mixing
per unit volume depends on the parameter . In units of kT , the parameter is a measure of
the energy change between solvent-monomer interactions and solvent-solvent and monomer-
monomer interactions. Mathematically this is expressed as follows:
= (2w12 w11 w22 ) (6.73)
where z is the coordination number of a monomer (or solvent) molecule, and wi j is the energy
of interaction between molecule i and molecule j. Here 1 are solvent molecules and 2 are
monomer molecules. Therefore, depending on whether the monomer units like more solvent
molecules rather than other monomer units, the parameter can become smaller or larger
than 1/2. When > 1/2 we are in the presence of a bad solvent, i.e., the monomer units
prefer to stay close to each other because the polymer is not soluble under those conditions
in that solvent. This means that the free energy given by equation (6.72) is negative. In
this case, interpenetration of polymer shells is favored, and the polymer does not provide a
good stabilization. If instead < 1/2 the free energy given by equation (6.72) is positive,


and interpenetration is unfavorable. In that case, steric stabilization is eective. It is quite

common that the quality of solvent can be changed for many polymers by simply playing
with the temperature. In fact, the following temperature dependence of the parameter on the
temperature is usually observed:
= 1 (6.74)
2 T

where is the famous Theta temperature. T > implies a good solvent, while T < implies
a poor solvent. T = is the critical solubility temperature for many solvents.
The second contribution to steric stabilization, arising when two polymer shells try to in-
terpenetrate, is the elastic contribution. This mechanism underlying elastic stabilization is
actually an entropic one, since polymer coils tend to assume in absence of any constraint a
rather swollen conguration. By compressing a polymer, one limits their degrees of freedom
and this reduction in congurational entropy generates a force that for small compressions can
be approximated as obeying Hooks law, with an elastic constant equal to:
S ov kH d, where kH = (6.75)
where n is the degree of polymerization of a chain and l is approximately the length of a
monomer unit. The contribution to the total free energy given by this mechanism is always
positive, which means that compression of a polymer coil is always an unfavorable process.
When both contributions to steric stabilization are considered together, it turns out that in
the case of a good solvent, steric interactions are always strongly repulsive. In the case of bad
solvents, instead, attractive interactions dominate initially, but when the distance between the
particle surface is further reduced, repulsion due to elastic compression eventually prevails.


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