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Oasis: "The Voice of Conservation in Central Florida"

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“The voice of Conservation in Central Florida”

OASis Orange Audubon Society

A Chapter of National Audubon Society and Audubon of Florida

VOLUME 43 April 2008 NUMBER 8

In this Issue... This Month's Pr ogram: April 17, 2008 - 7:00pm

This Month’s Program ...............................p1 Riverine Tur
Turtles of Florida by T
urtles im W
Tim alsh
Field Trip - Lake Jesup ..............................p1 Florida's diverse river systems are an important habitat for turtles. Seven species of
February Field Trip Report ........................p1 turtles in Florida occur primarily in rivers, and 60% of Florida turtles are associated
President’s Message ...................................p2 with rivers in some way. Habitat loss, river channelization and pollution, and collec-
tion for the food and pet trade, both legal and illegal, are having an impact. As fasci-
Education Action .......................................p2 nating as they are, riverine turtles receive little attention when it comes to conserva-
Ft. DeSoto Field Trip Update .....................p2 tion.
Mosquito Creek Outdoors Donation ..........p2 Our April speaker Tim Walsh, Manager of NatureWorks at the Orlando Science
Center, is a long-time turtle expert. Tim will tell us about these interesting creatures
Butterfly ID Course ...................................p3
and bring a few to show. Join us April 17 for a fascinating program. Come with your
What Can You Do For Your Chapter? .......p3 questions and bring a child to share the experience!
Your Chapter Needs You ............................p3 Deborah Green, Vice President
Birdathon 2008 Pledge Sheet .....................p4
Chertok Nature Photo Contest Update ......p5 April Field Trip - Lake Jesup Conser
Trip vation Ar
Conservation ea
Limited Edition Field Trip Report/Update ..p5 On Saturday, April 19th, OAS will visit the Meet at 7:30 am in the parking lot of Publix
Calendar of Events ....................................p6 East Lake Jesup Tract of Lake Jesup Conser- at the NW corner of SR419 (E. Broadway
vation Area north of Oviedo. The conserva- Street) and Lockwood Blvd. Bring drink,
tion area is 5,257 acres divided into three birding gear, and lunch for after the hike.
tracts that border Lake Jesup. We will hike Please join us. If you have questions about
about 3 miles. For more information about this trip, call us at 407-851-5416.
the property see: Mary Keim and Randy Snyder
recreationguide/sc04_lake_jesup_CA.html Field Trip Committee
Steven D’Amato

Febr uar
uaryy Field T
Februar rip Repor
Thirteen birders hiked through the Sandhill caterpillar, crane fly, and fungus-gardening
community at Rock Springs Run State Re- ant. Flowers in bloom included Roseling,
serve on March 22nd. The group observed at Shiny Blueberry, Deerberry, Wild Buckwheat,
least 34 bird species including Wild Turkey, Tread Softly, Pinebarren Frostweed, Pin-
Red-shouldered Hawk, Sandhill Crane, ewoods Milkweed, Blue Toadflax, Michaux’s
Orange Audubon Society meetings are free Barred Owl, Pileated Woodpecker, Great Hawthorn, Narrowleaf Silkgrass and
to the public and held on the 3rd Thursday
of every month (Sept - June) at 7:00pm in Crested Flycatcher, American Crow, Cedar Greeneyes. The orange spores of a fusiform
the Camellia Room at Waxwing, White-eyed Vireo, Pine Warbler, rust species (Cronartium quercuum) were
Palm Warbler, and American Goldfinch. abundant on the rust-induced galls on Sand
Harry P. Leu Gardens At least nine butterfly species were seen in- Pines.
1920 North Forest Avenue
Orlando, FL 32803-1537 cluding Zebra Swallowtail, Palamedes Swal- Thanks to those that asked and an-
lowtail, Little Wood-Satyr, Northern swered questions on the trip, making it a
For directions, call 407-246-2620 Cloudywing, and Sleepy Duskywing. Other good learning experience for all.
invertbrates included millipede, tiger moth
esident’ss Message
President’ DICK SMITH, PRESIDENT Education Action
140 X .10 X 2 X 100 = 2800 A request for support for the production of
a television and video documentary to be
Mom - Dad - Sister - Br other - Son - Daughter - Grandmother - Grandfather
Brother named: "Florida's Coastal Treasures:
- Aunt - Uncle - Niece - Nephew - Cousin - Barber - Hair Stylist - Doctor - Canaveral National Seashore and Merritt Is-
land National Wildlife Refuge," by a not-for-
Dentist - Neighbor - Friend - Business Associate - Pen Pal - T eacher - Student
Teacher profit organization called Nature Wise, Inc.,
- Assistant - Boss - Super visor - Client - Customer - Class Mate
Supervisor was received early this year from Tracy
McCommon, a member of Orange Audubon.
What is this? Has that Smith lost his mind? What does he want now? After considerable research and deliberation
by an appointed committee the request was
!!!Birdathon!!! awarded a $300 donation. Orange Audubon
Surely you know someone on the above list that you can approach, ask, cajole, arm-twist, will be listed in the film credits as a sponsor.
threaten, or just plain beg, to pledge to Orange Audubon Society’s Birdathon which will We felt this production which will air on
take place on Saturday, April 12, 2008. The Birdathon is a FUND RAISING program. It is a public television and the Florida Knowledge
method which we use to raise money to balance our budget. Yes, there are those who form Network (operated by the Florida Depart-
teams and go out and count bird species on that day so that we have a number to work with ment of Education, reaching all of Florida's
when tallying the pledge amounts. But, the REAL purpose of Birdathon is to raise money! 3,400 schools) is timely in the light of the
And the numbers at the top? What do they mean? This is an example of how easy it current vulnerability of Canaveral Seashore
could be to raise the dollars that we need to make Birdathon a success. and wildlife in current NASA planning for
Each year we have a handful of members who really work at raising money for Birdathon, future use of its land there. The documen-
and really do an outstanding job. These few bring $100, $200, $300, and $400 and $500. tary is consistent with the goals of our edu-
But that is not enough! They need your help! We need more members to help with this cation program as it introduces the rich va-
endeavor. riety of natural life and various species that
We are a chapter of almost 1600 members. If just 100 of us got 2 people to pledge 10 inhabit the area, some of which are threat-
cents a bird, and we count 140 species on that day, we would raise $2800.00. Think of it!! ened or endangered. Students will gain ap-
How simple is that? Anybody can do that. preciation of the area and understanding for
We just need 100 out of 1600 to step up and say “I will do my share”. Will you do your the need to protect it. Filming for the project
share? Will you be one of the 100? is already underway, and the goal is to have
Dick Smith the production completed in a year's time.
Gaye Smith, Education Chair

Fortt DeSoto Field T rip on
Trip Mosquito Cr eek Outdoors
April 25 - 26 Donates Binoculars to OAS
The Fort DeSoto Park Field Trip to St. Pe- Mosquito Creek Outdoors
tersburg is scheduled for April 25-26, 2008. (, a local "Outdoor
Arrangements have been made for us to stay Lifestyle Outfitter" located in Apopka, has
at the Continuing Education Center at generously donated 16 pairs of high quality
Eckerd College in St. Petersburg on Friday binoculars to Orange Audubon Society
night, April 25th. Details and directions will (OAS). The binoculars were from Brown-
be sent to everyone who has made a reser- ing, Bushnell and Pentax and included 8x26,
The Orange Audubon Society (OAS) promotes the under-
standing of and an interest in wildlife and the environment, vation. 8x32, 8x42 and 10x42 models. These will
recognition of the intangible values in the remaining natu- Anyone who would like to stay at the be very useful in OAS’ efforts to educate and
ral beauty of Florida and the World, and the responsibility college but does not have a reservation turn-on central Florida residents and visi-
for the conservation of these remaining resources. should contact us immediately. We can prob- tors to the wonders of nature and the need
Orange Audubon Society
ably get a room for you although we cannot to help preserve native habitats. The more
P.O. Box 941142
Maitland, FL 32794-1142 guarantee it. conveniently and closely we can connect
Each room has two double beds. The people to Nature, the better chance we have
President.................Dick Smith ( cost is $90.00 for a room with one person to maintain the quality of life here. If you
407-257-7361 or $100.00 for a room with two people. If are interested in participating in OAS events
Address Change........Mike Daley (
you have other accommodation in the area where binoculars would be useful but you
Editor.................................Claire Hilliker ( you may join us on Saturday morning for a do not own binoculars, be aware that bin-
407-677-5374 cost of $10.00 per person. oculars may be available for your use. Also,
For more information, contact Ted or when in Apopka please stop in at Mosquito
The OASis is published monthly from September through Gaye Smith at 407-249-3969 or email Creek Outdoors, 170 S. Washington Avenue,
June and is sent free to all members of Orange Audubon and thank them for their charitable and ap-
preciated contribution to OAS. Bob Stamps

Butterfly Identification Course What Can You Do for Y
You our
Orange Audubon Society is sponsoring a field course on Butterfly Identification. The 7.5- Chapter?
hour course (3 sessions of 2½ hours each) is being offered on Satur days
days, May 3, 10, 24 Have fun while helping with one, two or all
from 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm. This course will involve field observation and identification of three of these upcoming membership out-
butterflies at Orlando Wetlands Park and Seminole Ranch Conservation Area in east Or- reach/fundraising events:
ange County. Instructors will be Orange Audubon members Randy Snyder and Mary Keim. ! The Magnolia Park Bluegrass Festival
Fees for Audubon members ($25) and non-members ($40) are payable in advance by on Satur day,, April 26th from 8:00 to 7:00
check or money order to Orange Audubon Society (OAS). Non-members may join the (event hours are 9:00 to 6:00). It’s a nice
Audubon Society when they register to enjoy the reduced member rate. Pay $45, which shady setting with a laid-back atmosphere
includes class registration (member price $25) and an introductory, annual 3-way member- and lots of music — usually a nice and re-
ship in Orange Audubon and National Audubon Societies and Audubon of Florida (pro- laxing event. Please contact Loretta (LNS-
motional rate $20). or 407-886-2925) if you can
The class is limited to the first twenty (20) to register and will be offered to the general help.
public on March 21st. Reserve your spot by contacting Teresa Williams (407-644-0796 or ! The Audubon Center for Bir ds of Pr
Birds ey
Prey; then mail one check payable to Orange Audubon Society along Baby Owl Shower on Satur day,, May 10th
with your name, address, phone and e-mail information (if joining OAS, include your new from 9:00 to 4:00. If you haven’t visited this
member application form) to ORANGE AUDUBON SOCIETY. Note on check “Butterfly premier rehabilitation center, this is your op-
Field Course” and mail to: OAS Butterfly Course, PO Box 941142, Maitland, FL 32794- portunity to support them while helping
1142. Registration deadline (receipt date) is April 25th. For a membership application or to your chapter. Take time to tour the facility,
learn more about Orange Audubon Society visit our official website: see the ‘babies’ and adults and learn about the Center’s vital rehabilitation work in our
Recommended field guide is Butterflies through Binoculars: Florida by Glassberg, Minno, community and beyond. Please contact
and Calhoun, 2000, Oxford Univ. Also recommended are close-focusing (6 ft. or less) Teresa ( or 407-644-
binoculars. Eagle Optics Ranger SRT 8x32 (, 0796) to volunteer.
for example, has a minimum focus of 3 feet. See ! Orange Audubon Society’ Society’ss general
LivingBird/winter2005/Age_Binos.html for other binocular suggestions. meeting and pr ogram (Butter
program flies of
Meet at the Orlando Wetlands Park parking area on Wheeler Rd. in Christmas, FL at Nor ther
thernn Mexico) on May 17th will be the
2:30 pm. For more information call 407-851-5416. date for our semi-annual nature merchan-
dise sales event (this replaces sales at the June
potluck/Chertok program). The ‘shop’ will
Your Chapter Needs You
You be open prior to the general meeting and
The Orange Audubon Society (OAS) Board of Directors is a body of five officers — who are after the program for a brief while so that
elected to serve a 2-year term and, except for the president who may only serve two con- purchases may be made. We could use some
secutive terms, may be elected to serve any number of times — and 15 members who can volunteers to help with this event, includ-
be categorized in three groups of five, each serving a 3-year term. Each year, five director ing set-up and tear-down. If you can assist
positions are open for election. This rotational method allows the Board to maintain some us, please contact Loretta or Teresa (please
consistency and experience, while allowing for new faces and innovations to emerge. see above for contact information).
This year five officers and five directors are to be elected April 17th at the OAS general Bluegrass, baby owls, butterflies and
meeting. The only requirement for serving on the OAS board is that you must be a member OAS beckon you to call soon. Thanks.
of OAS. We would hope that beyond that, you would have a commitment to helping OAS Loretta Satterthwaite and Teresa Williams
succeed and meet its goals.
We are offering a tentative slate, but nominations are open for any position — even
those for whom a name is given. So far this is a very fluid process and since beginning to
write this article two days ago, changes have been made. The implication is that you shouldn’t
hesitate to contact us if you have an interest in serving. The tentative slate is: President–to
be deter mined
mined, 1st Vice President–Bob Stamps, 2nd VP/Programs Chair–Deborah Green,
Secretary–toto be deter mined
mined, Treasurer–Teresa Williams and Board Members–Susan Clary,
Maggie DeVane, Danielle Ponsolle, Sharon Robbins, Bob Sanders and Pete Vogt.
We, obviously, need someone who will serve as President for the next two years. As
was mentioned at the March OAS meeting, this is a perfect time to step into that position
since there are so many active former presidents in the organization — six of whom were at
that meeting. They would be willing to help you be successful at leading our chapter. If
you wish to volunteer to help OAS by serving on the board, please contact one of the
nominating committee members: Bob Sanders ( or 407-766-5490),
Loretta Satterthwaite ( or 407-886-2925), or Dick Smith (RLS- or 407-257-7361)] soon. Thanks.
Loretta Satterthwaite, Nominating Committee Chair
Steven D’Amato

Page _____of_______
Orange Audubon Society Birdathon 2008 Pledge Form
Name/Team Name: _______________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________
Phone (day/eve): ___________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________

Is this your first Birdathon? Yes/No Are you age 18 or under? Yes/No Are you a current member of Orange Audubon Society? Yes/No

Birdathon Counters: Turn in your pledge form, species checklist and all contributions (checks and cash) to Claire Hilliker at 615 Ellendale Drive, Winter Park, FL 32792 by
Monday, April 28, 2008. Please do not have sponsors send their pledges directly to the Orange Audubon PO Box. Questions? Call 407-677-5374.
Birdathon Sponsors: Please make checks payable to “Orange Audubon Society.” If your employer will match your contribution, please include a matching gift form.

Sponsor Name Address Phone or e-mail Pledge Amount Payment/Type

Type Due
$ Per Species Check
$ Flat Pledge Cash

$ Per Species Check

$ Flat Pledge Cash

$ Per Species Check

$ Flat Pledge Cash

$ Per Species Check

$ Flat Pledge Cash

$ Per Species Check

$ Flat Pledge Cash

$ Per Species Check

$ Flat Pledge Cash

$ Per Species Check

$ Flat Pledge Cash

$ Per Species Check

$ Flat Pledge Cash

$ Per Species Check

$ Flat Pledge Cash

$ Per Species Check

$ Flat Pledge Cash

Note: Sponsor contact information Check Total
will be used only to acknowledge This Page:
gifts. This information will not be
shared or added to the Orange Cash Total
Audubon mailing list. Total number of species seen: ______
This Page:
Thank you for supporting GRAND TOTAL
Birdathon! THIS PAGE:
Chertok Natur
Chertok Naturee Photo Contest Update
In 2004 Colonial Photo & Hobby (CPH), Orlando became co-sponsor of OAS’ Kit & Sidney Chertok Nature Photography Contest
by donating prizes to 1st through 3rd place winners. To honor excellent nature photography and promote the competition, CPH
expanded its role in 2006 by selecting several winning images to be enlarged and featured in its retail location’s front window and
interior displays.
This year CPH has selected ten images from the 2007 winners to grace the front window, in rotation, now through May 17th,
which are listed below by image title and locale; name of photographer and contest placement, 1st through 3rd place and Honorable
Mention (HM):
Florida’ss Birds! category:
! Burrowing Owl at Sunrise, Cape Coral, Rebecca Jackrel, San Francisco, HM
! Eagles Mating, Orlando, Candy Perkinson, Orlando, HM
! Least Bittern on the Hunt, Viera Wetlands, Jack Rogers, Oviedo, HM
! My, What Big Feet You Have! (Purple Gallinule), Wakodahatchee Wetlands, Jamie (Jay) Paredes, Coconut Creek, HM
! Purple Gallinule, Wakodahatchee Wetlands, Jake Paredes, Boca Raton, 1st Place
! Roseate Spoonbill, Viera Wetlands, Diane Brannon, Leesburg, 2nd Place
No Birds Allowed! category:
! Double Trouble, Emeralda Marsh, Lake County, Peg Urban, Leesburg, HM
! Gator Tail Sandwich, Gatorland, Paul Hennessy, Orlando, 2nd Place
! Ocean Spray, Washington Oaks Gardens, Bruce Brough, Orange Park, 1st Place
! Zebra Swallowtails, Orlando Wetlands Park, Randy Snyder, Orlando, HM
If you attended the 2007 awards presentation of all qualifying entries, you know that excellent photography did not stop with
images selected by the judges to win. Attendees from CPH agreed. Therefore, to recognize the overall quality of the competition,
promote nature photography and honor other exceptional photographer/participants, CPH has selected ten entries at large from the
2007 competition to be featured in rotation within the store:
! Blue Flag Iris, Genius Reserve, Craig Mazer, Orlando
! Coot Terror, Merritt Island, Joyce Stefancic, Clermont
! "Feed Me, Feed Me", St. Augustine, Joyce Stefancic, Clermont
! Forster's Tern / Splash, Lake Apopka, Mike Brinkley, Apopka
! Great Egret "Water Walker", Lake Toho, Russell Holmes, St. Cloud
! Halloween Pennant, Sanford, Jim Urbach, Sanford
! "Mother's Tears" Loggerhead Sea Turtle, Melbourne Beach, Carol Hansen, Melbourne Beach
! Sandhill Crane Babies, Palm Beach Gardens, Ken Benson, Alpharetta, GA
! White Water Lily, Loxahatchee Preserve Nature Center, Kevin Barry, West Park
! Wood Duck, Lakeland, Diane Brannon, Leesburg
Orange Audubon Society is grateful to all the photographers who support its annual contest/program by competing; to Colonial
Photo & Hobby for its continued, expanding sponsorship; and to its contest committee for annually contributing their time to bring
a quality program to you. Teresa Williams, CNPC Chair

Limited Edition Field Trip Repor

Trip Reportt and Announcement
On March 15th, seven birders and I explored the Shilo Marsh area of Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge. We enjoyed warm, breezy
weather, interesting birds, and, except for a few fishermen, NO TRAFFIC! We identified sixty-seven species of birds including: White
Pelican, Roseate Spoonbill, 9 duck species (with Green-winged Teal, N. Shoveler, Bufflehead, Red-breasted Merganser), Bald Eagle, North-
ern Harrier, and 13 shorebird species (with Black-necked Stilt).
I'll be leading the next Limited Edition Field Trip on April 12th (Birdathon day!) to the Canoe Creek Road area of Osceola County.
This trip will include Three Lakes Wildlife Management Area and Joe Overstreet Road. We may start a little earlier - 7:00 am - to improve
our chances of seeing Red-cockaded Woodpecker, Brown-headed Nuthatch, and Bachman's Sparrow. Swallow-tailed and White-tailed
Kites have also been seen in the area. Joe Overstreet Rd. is good for: Sandhill Crane, Whooping Crane, Crested Caracara, Bald Eagle, Snail
Kite, Limpkin, Meadowlark, and Bobwhite.
As usual, Limited Edition Field Trips are limited to ten people and there is a $10.00 fee to benefit Orange Audubon. Reservations can
be made beginning April 7th. For details call me. Thank you.
Bob Sanders, 407-766-5490.
PRESIDENT Calendar of Events
Dick Smith (08) ................................... 407-257-7361 April 19, 2008 - Satur day
April 5, 2008 - Satur day
VICE PRESIDENT LARA Bird Survey; 7:30am-Noon. OAS Field Trip - Lake Jesup Conservation Area
Leesa Sward (08) ................................ 407-677-5374 Pam Bowen 386-329-4870/ Mary Keim & Randy Snyder 407-851-5416
Deborah Green (08) ............................. 407-553-0028 April 12, 2008 - Satur day
Saturday April 19, 2008 - Satur day
SECRETARY BIRDATHON 2008 Mead Gardens Bird Survey; 8:00am-10:00am.
Mary Anne Freyer (08) ......................... 407-298-2642 Claire Hilliker 407-677-5374 / Dexter Richardson 407-760-8193
Teresa Williams (08) ........................... 407-644-0796 April 11-13, 2008 - Fri-Sun
FOS Spring Meeting, Crystal River FL April 26, 2008 - Satur day
BOARD MEMBERS Seminole Ranch (North) Butterfly Survey.
Peggy Cox (08) .................................... 352-429-1042
Maggie DeVane (08) ..................................................
Mary Keim & Randy Snyder 407-851-5416
April 12, 2008 - Satur day
Michele Greco (10) .................................................... May 3, 2008 - Satur day
Milton Heiberg (10) .............................. 407-658-4869
Limited Edition Field Trip - Canoe Creek Area
Claire Hilliker (10) ................................ 407-677-5374 Bob Sanders 407-766-5490/ LARA Bird Survey; 7:30am-Noon.
Mary Keim (09) .................................... 407-851-5416
Pam Bowen 386-329-4870/
Danielle Ponsolle (08) ......................... 407-658-5742
April 12, 2008 - Satur day
Tom Rodriguez (09) ............................. 407-905-0054 Little Big Econ S.F. - Joshua Creek Track Bird Survey May 10, 2008 - Satur day
Dominique Shimizu (10) ...................... 407-297-4078 Lorne Malo 407-349-2536/407-659-4853(w) Baby Owl Shower, 10:00am-2:00pm
Ayme Smith (10) .................................. 407-425-7504 Audubon Center for Birds of Prey, Maitland
Gaye Smith (09) .................................. 407-249-3969 April 17, 2008 - Thursday 407-644-0190
Ted Smith (09) ..................................... 407-249-3969 General Meeting, 7:00pm, Leu Gardens.
Randy Snyder (09) ............................... 407-851-5416 OAS Board Meeting takes place prior to the May 15, 2008 - Thursday
Bob Stamps (08) .................................. 407-886-2925 General Meeting at 5:30pm. All welcome. General Meeting, 7:00pm, Leu Gardens.
Pete Vogt (08) ...................................... 407-855-4122 Dick Smith 407-257-7361 OAS Board Meeting takes place prior to the
General Meeting at 5:30pm. All welcome.
April 17, 2008 - Thursday (r eceipt date)
(receipt Dick Smith 407-257-7361
Chertok photo contest optional pre-screening
deadline. Teresa Williams, 407-644-0796/ May 15, 2008 - Thursday (postmark date) Chertok photo contest final deadline. Teresa Wil-
liams, 407-644-0796/


Orlando, FL Maitland, FL 32794-1142
NON-PROFIT Orange Audubon Society

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