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Recovery Processes of Organic Acids From Fermentation Broths in

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J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. (2016), 26(1), 18 Research Article


Recovery Processes of Organic Acids from Fermentation Broths in

the Biomass-Based Industry
Qian-Zhu Li, Xing-Lin Jiang, Xin-Jun Feng, Ji-Ming Wang, Chao Sun, Hai-Bo Zhang*, Mo Xian*, and
Hui-Zhou Liu*
CAS Key Laboratory of Biobased Materials, Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Qingdao 266101, P.R. China

Received: May 15, 2015

Revised: August 18, 2015 The new movement towards green chemistry and renewable feedstocks makes microbial
Accepted: September 24, 2015
production of chemicals more competitive. Among the numerous chemicals, organic acids are
First published online more attractive targets for process development efforts in the renewable-based biorefinery
September 25, 2015 industry. However, most of the production costs in microbial processes are higher than that in
*Corresponding authors chemical processes, among which over 60% are generated by separation processes. Therefore,
H.B.Z. the research of separation and purification processes is important for a promising biorefinery
Phone: +86-532-80662765;
Fax: +86-532-80662765; industry. This review highlights the progress of recovery processes in the separation and
E-mail: purification of organic acids, including their advantages and disadvantages, current situation,
Phone: +86-532-80662765;
and future prospects in terms of recovery yields and industrial application.
Fax: +86-532-80662765;
Keywords: Biosynthetic product, fermentation broth, industrialization, organic acid, recovery
Phone: +86-532-80662765; process
Fax: +86-532-80662765;

pISSN 1017-7825, eISSN 1738-8872

Copyright 2016 by
The Korean Society for Microbiology
and Biotechnology

Introduction triphosphopyridine nucleotide (NADPH) in biological

routes can be utilized by microorganisms. Since the last
Traditionally, commodity organics were mainly derived century, lactic acid and citric acid have been produced
from fossil feedstock using synthetic routes, which often from fermentation broths successfully [35]. The market size
suffer from low yield, complicated work-up, or toxic of lactic acid would be up to 367.3 thousand metric tons by
reagents. As a result of the shortage of fossil resources and 2017, and that of acid is over 1.4 million tons per year [16,
development of the biorefinery industry, the biological 57]. A variety of organic acids can be converted from corn
routes for organics are becoming more and more competitive. by biological fermentation [9, 33].
Among various organics, organic acids are one of the most The biological routes for the industrial production of
attractive targets in biological routes using biomass as organic acids are mainly fermentation through appropriate
feedstock. Their functionalities make them extremely useful bacteria species or genetic engineering of the species. The
as platform materials, and they are less toxic to the host main shortage of the fermentation-based routes is the
cells than corresponding alkanes, alcohols, or aldehydes. technical difficulties associated with costly recovery of
Moreover, their highly oxidized nature makes biosynthesis organic acids. Just like the recovery processes in chemical
of organic acids more atom economy than other organics, routes, high purity of the final product and avoidance of
because the co-products adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and the co-production are the important influencing factors.

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2 Li et al.

Taking calcium precipitation as an example, organic acids

are often separated by four steps. First, the fermentation
liquid is filtered to obtain the mother liquor and to remove
impurities, and then Ca(OH)2 or CaCO3 is added to the
mother liquor with agitating. Second, the calcium salt of
organic acid is filtered off from the fermentation. Third, the
calcium salt is treated with a high concentration of sulfuric
acid to free the desired acid. Afterwards, the purified acid
is obtained by further purification processes [32, 56].
Heding and Gupta [19] and Pazouki and Panda [44]
found the optimum condition for precipitation of citric acid
was at 50oC for 20 min, and citric acid can be recovered
with a yield of almost 100%. The research of Min et al. [40]
indicated the molar ratio of calcium lactate to sulfuric acid,
which played an important role in the isolation of lactic
Fig. 1. General flow of separation from fermentation broth. acid with precipitation. At the optimal conditions, the yield
The organic acids are mainly extracellular products, and therefore, of lactic acid was up to 92% [40]. Some patents also studied
this review focusses on the recovery process of extracellular products. the separation of organic acids from broth by precipitation
Precipitation, distillation, membrane separation, extraction, and [4, 10, 11].
ultrafiltration are mainly used in preliminary purification, whereas, Precipitation with ammonia is another method for the
chromatography and crystallization are mainly applied in refining of recovery of organic acids. Diammonium succinate can be
organic acids [19, 28].
generated by changing the cation in the succinate salt with
ammonia or adding an ammonia-based titration agent.
Afterwards, the diammonium salt of succinic acid reacts
Moreover, energy-efficient means of handing the dilute with sulfuric acid to produce succinic acid. The yield of
broths must be addressed to enable commodity-scale succinic acid could be up to 93.3% after it is purified [4].
production of organic acids via fermentation [15, 21]. After years of development, precipitation is now a well-
A number of processes for organic acids recovery from established technique. The main advantages of precipitation
broth have been studied in the literature. The proposed are that it is highly selective, has no phase transition, and
techniques mainly include precipitation, chromatography, has high product purity. Meanwhile, finding proper
membrane separation, extraction, and distillation [18, 48, precipitants for the products is the key factor for this
60]. The general steps of the separation process can be seen method. As for the industrial-scale calcium precipitation
in Fig. 1 [20, 29]. The first step of downstream processing is process, when a one molar amount of organic acid is
often cell separation to separate cell debris, proteins, etc. converted, an equal amount of Ca(OH)2/CaCO3 and H2SO4
from fermentation broths. To obtain a satisfactory separation are consumed, and low valuable calcium sulfate is formed
of organic acid, two or more unit operations may be used. [32, 44]. The constitutive consumption makes the cost
All of these methods for organic acid recovery are presented difficult to reduce. Besides this, reusable precipitants
below and evaluated briefly in terms of their advantages should be developed, which will make it more competitive.
and disadvantages.
Separation Technology This method relies mainly on ion-exchange or adsorptive
properties of resin to the products. It is a well-established
Precipitation operation for the final purification of organic acids from
Precipitation is a classical method for the recovery of aqueous solution, especially for refining of the products.
organic acids from broth, which has been used for the The physical and chemical properties of resin are stable,
isolation of lactic acid and citric acid industrially since the and insoluble in acid, alkali, or organic solvents. The resin
last century. Precipitation can recover organic acids from a has a good selectivity for organic acids, and the separation
bulk of fermentation broths efficiently, which makes it process involves low energy consumption with no phase
more competitive, especially in preliminary purification. transition [43, 59]. The most used resins in recovery

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Recovery Processes of Organic Acids from Fermentation Broths in the Biomass-Based Industry 3

processes are mainly divided into two categories: ion- membrane filtrations used for the separation of organic
exchange resins and macroporous adsorption resins [5]. acids includes microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration
Polymers that contain suitable substituted acidic or basic (NF), reverse osmosis, pervaporation, and electrodialysis
groups are often taken for resins. The particle size, degree [9, 37, 53].
of cross-linking, and exchange ions all can determine the Kang employed NF for the recovery of succinate from
exchange capacity [17]. The ion-exchange resin is wildly simulated broth, and they found the NF membrane had a
applied in bioseparation, which is thought to be low lower rejection to monovalent anions than divalent ions.
energy-consuming [7]. Different from ion-exchange resins, NF was also used to isolate lactic acid from clarified broth.
macroporous adsorption resins mainly rely on the van der The ratio of lactate ions to non-ionized lactic acid could
Waals force, hydrogen bond, and dipole ion interaction. affect the rejection and permeation of the NF membrane.
Zhou et al. [60] applied poly(4-vinylpyridine) resin for Therefore, pH was an important factor to determine the
the separation of lactic acid from fermentation broths. The effects of NF on separation [16].
yield and purity reached 95% and 88%, respectively [60]. Pervaporation technology is an attractive membrane
Tong et al. [52] indicated that a weak anion-exchange resin technique for the separation of close-boiling substances,
could be used in the purification process of lactic acid. The especially for azeotrope separation. However, the flux of the
results also indicated that the recovery yield could be pervaporation membrane is usually less than 2,000 g/(m2h),
enhanced when the pH of the fermentation broths was which is the typical barrier encounter in the development
between 5.0 and 6.0. The yield and purity were up to 82.6% of pervaporation. In this field, there is a large gap between
and 92.2%, respectively [52]. the pervaporation membrane and the conventional
Macroporous adsorption resins are applied for separation membrane technologies [25, 53].
of long-chain dibasic acid and succinic acid from broth As far back as the early 1970s, electrodialysis has been
efficiently. A kind of nonpolar macroporous adsorption applied for the separation of citric acid from broth. The
resin was improved to separate dibasic acids of different bipolar membrane is an outstanding feature of electrodialysis.
chain length but with similar property from broth, by Zang In this way, cation and anion selective layers are
et al. [59]. Davison et al. [12] found excellent performance of alternatively used to form diluted and concentrated flows
a resin (XUS 40285) from 25 sorbents, which had a stable [7]. A two-stage electrodialysis was developed by Hbov
capacity of succinic acid at either acidic or neutral pH. It et al. [18] for separation of lactic acid, with the energy
could be used more than 10 times and the yield of succinic consumption of 1.5 kWh per 1 kg in the whole step. However,
acid was up to 95% [12]. high energy consumption still barred its application [18].
High capacity, quick recovery, low regeneration consumption, Other membrane separation methods can also be
and specificity for the desired product are the most wanted implemented to separate organic acids from broth. The
properties of resin sorbents [34]. Chromatography does not emulsion liquid membrane system was applied for removal
produce the co-product as calcium sulfate, and the yields of of acetic acid from succinic acid fermentation broths. The
products are high. However, there will be a large amount degree of extraction of acetic acid was more than 95% and
of waste liquor produced and high consumption of salt in an enrichment ratio of 3.0 was obtained by Lee et al. [32].
the elution process. Moreover, the exchange capacity of the Although membrane separation methods may realize highly
resin will be weakened with increase of time [1]. efficient separation, the process is high energy-consuming,
and the membrane is expensive. Moreover, the separation
Membrane Separation efficiency of a membrane may decrease with an increase of
Membrane technologies have been used in the recovery organic acid concentration. Membrane pollution is another
process of organic acids because of their adaptability and obstacle, leading to by-product salt formation during the
selectivity. With the development of recovery processes ion-exchange process [7, 56].
and material technology, membrane separation attracts
more attentions, especially in the in situ product removal Liquid-Liquid Extraction
technology. A membrane is essentially a thin artificial or Liquid-liquid extraction is a common method used to
natural barrier, which permits selective mass transport of separate compounds by their relative solubility in two
solutes or solvents across the barrier to achieve the physical different immiscible liquids, which holds an important
separation and enrichment purposes. High purity and high status for separation of mixtures in the biochemical industry
yield can be obtained by membrane separation. The main [9, 29]. Here, three commonly used methods for separation

January 2016 Vol. 26 No. 1

4 Li et al.

are reviewed. phases [34]. The processes associated include hydrolysis,

complexation, dissociation, and ion association in two
Solvent extraction. Solvent extraction is a highly efficient phase, and finally phase equilibrium. The most used
separation technology. It is also low energy-consuming [29], extractants are hydrocarbon solvents, phosphorous solvents,
which makes it a traditional recovery process. Moreover, it and aliphatic amines, among which aliphatic amines have
can be used in the in situ product removal technology. been found to be a prospective solvent for the separation of
Ethyl acetate, diethyl ether, and diethyl ether-hexane organic acid from aqueous solution [3, 58].
mixtures were tested to separate acetic acid from A tri-n-octylamine (TOA)/oleyl alcohol and TOA/1-
fermentation broths. Studies showed that ethyl acetate had octanol system was adopted to reactively extract lactic acid
a better effect than diethyl ether and the mixture [24]. and succinic acid from broths [21]. The final purity and
To meet the requirements of food and medical applications, yield of succinic acid were up to 99.8% and 73.1%,
wiped film distillation technology is often combined with respectively. Kurzrock and Weuster-Botz [30] found that
calcium salt precipitation processes to separate and purify polarity and functional groups of the solvent and stability
L-lactic acid from broth. However, the impurities are of the amine-acid complex were the important factors to
inclined to pollute the evaporated surface and the high affect the yield. Another research indicated that the phase-
vacuum increases operating costs. A novel purification transfer catalyst aliquat 336 (methyltrioctylammomium
process for L-lactic acid was developed by Chen et al. [8]. chloride) could improve extraction performance in lactic
They adopted butyl alcohol for L-lactic acid extraction acid separation [58]. Ren et al. [48] developed a new
between the simple calcium salt precipitation and the reactive extraction without any diluents and vacuum
short-path distillation. This new process with solvent evaporation stripping to avoid the secondary pollution
extraction was successful and high-quality L-lactic acid could caused by various diluents addition. This method was
be obtained without extremely low pressure. Compared easier to conduct and more effective in separation of short-
with previous processes, the purity and yield of L-lactic chain fatty acids [48]. Esterification and hydrolysis can also
acid were improved and could be up to 91.6% and 61.73%, be used for reactive extraction and purification of lactic
respectively [8]. acid from broth, as shown by Sun et al. [50]. This process
also combined a rectifying column, which enhanced the
Reactive extraction. To make the desired product extracted esterification and hydrolysis efficiency [50].
more easily, the product is sometimes converted into another
compound for extraction. This is reactive extraction, which Ionic liquid extraction. Ionic liquids (ILs), a group of
is easily operated by controlling the pH value of the two organic salts, have drawn considerable attention and been

Table 1. Several common ionic liquids used for extraction.

Ionic liquids Chemical structure Separated substances References
Imidazolium-based ionic liquids L-Lactic and succinic acids, [31, 55]
Phosphonium-based ionic liquids L-Lactic, L-malic, and [38, 42]
succinic acids

Quaternary ammonium ionic liquids Organics and rare [27, 39]


Pyrrolidinium-based ionic liquids Acetic acid and aromatic [13]


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Recovery Processes of Organic Acids from Fermentation Broths in the Biomass-Based Industry 5

developed rapidly [31, 51, 55]. Most of them are imidazolium, more effective and green, the desired properties of solvents
[31, 55], quaternary phosphate [38, 42], or quaternary should be a high distribution coefficient, high selectivity to
ammonium salts [27, 39], which are non-volatile, non- the desired product, little or no miscibility with the feed
flammable, and liquid in a wide range of temperatures solution, non-toxicity to microorganisms, and high stability
(Table 1) [13]. They are also chemically stable and have a [22, 29]. Besides this, the pH should be taken into
lower viscosity and higher density than many organic consideration and a drop in pH value should be avoided.
solvents. The good extractabilities for organic compounds
make ILs promising alternatives to traditional organic Distillation
solvents [31, 51]. Distillation is a method of separating a mixture based on
Oliveira et al. [42] applied phosphonium-based hydrophobic differences in volatility of the components. As one of the
ILs for the separation of L-lactic, L-malic, and succinic acids most conventional processes for chemical separations,
from aqueous solutions. These ILs showed a better distillation not only can be used in the beginning of the
extraction ability to extract short-chain organic acids from separation but also in the last step combined with
aqueous solution than traditionally used organic extractions. crystallization. Even if other techniques are available to
The recovery could reach 73% under appropriate pH [42]. separate organic acid from fermentation broths, distillation
Martak and Schlosser [38] proved industrial processed still remains an important alternative technology [14],
phosphonium-based ILs have a better performance than the especially in the refining. In general, distillation is effective
traditional organic solvents used in the separation of lactic at a low concentration of organic acid, whereas it becomes
acid [38]. Wang et al. [55] found that the pH of aqueous inefficient at a high concentration, especially when it is
phases, anion nature, and alkyl chain length on the cation near the azeotropic point [20].
of the ILs can strongly affect the IL/water partition Kumar et al. [28] once used a continuous reactive
coefficients of acids. Although many progresses were made distillation method for the recovery of lactic acid, which
about IL extraction, the cost of ILs is still the obstacle [55]. should less energy consumption and higher selectivity
Liquid-liquid extraction has been researched a lot than conventional discontinuous processes [28]. In reactive
regarding its application for the separation of organic acids distillation, methanol was chosen to form methyl lactate to
from fermentation broths [20]. Liquid-liquid extraction has decrease azeotrope, which was then removed from the
outstanding advantages, such as a short cycle, and faster aqueous solution. The reaction between methanol and
mass transfer between the liquid than solid phase. To be lactic acid was catalyzed by an acidic cation-exchange resin

Table 2. The main organic acids produced by fermentation broths and their recovery processes.
Production Recovery processes Annual yield Applications References
Lactic acid Calcium salt precipitation 367.3 Thousand metric tons by Important platform chemicals [16, 52]
(mainly), reactive extraction, 2017, according to new report in food and beverages,
membrane separation by Global Industry Analysts, Inc. cosmetics, pharmaceutical,
biodegradable plastics
Citric acid Precipitation (classical Over 1.4 million tons per year Foods, beverages and [44, 49]
process), ion exchange, and fermentation comprises over confectionery, pharmaceuticals,
solvent extraction 90% of the world production industrial applications,
potential building block
Succinic acid Precipitation, direct Annual market size is over Foods, cosmetics, and solvents; [29, 34]
crystallization, extraction, 400 million US $, and will be over can also be applied as new
adsorption, 1 billion US $ by 2015 globally biodegradable polymer,
electrodialysis surfactants, and detergents
Gluconic acid Anion-exchange resin Global yield is more than Gluconic acid and its salts [47,49]
6,000 tons annually often used in food, beverage, and
pharmaceutical industries
Itaconic acid Evaporation and Global output has been Often used in coatings, [41]
crystallization, over 80,000 tons per year adhesives, binders, and is a
ultrafiltration, substitute for acrylic and
solvent extraction methacrylic acids

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6 Li et al.

and this reversible reaction was the following: fermentation and in situ product removal are more
efficient than traditional batch production and deserves
Methanol + lactic acid Methyl lactate (1)
more attention in the future [9, 46].
Research revealed that lactic acid could be effectively
recovered by a single-stage reactive distillation for esterification Industrial Development
and multistage reactive distillation column for hydrolysis Currently, the raw materials used for chemical synthesis
[28, 36]. are hardly able to support the chemical industry, and the
Extractive distillation with ionic liquid was also proposed demand for organic acids is increasing with the rapid
by Blahuiak et al. [6], to separate an organic acid. Butyric development of the economy, and the fermentation process
acid was extracted by phosphonium IL, which was then has become an available way to obtain the desired
regenerated by two-stage short-path distillation. The yield products. The most important chemicals produced directly
of butyric acid was up to 89%. The significant difference of by fermentation include lactic acid, citric acid, glutamic
this process is that the product is in the form of free acid acid, and L-lysine (Table 2), and gluconic acid and itaconic
rather than its salt [6]. acid are also produced on the tons scale [23, 41, 47, 49].
Distillation is one of the most commonly used separation The main factor that has restrained the application of
methods for different volatile components. Because the fermentation routes in organic acid production is the cost,
carbonyl in their structure has a strong adsorb-electron in which the recovery and concentration of desired acids
effect, most organic acids have a higher boiling point than can represent up to 60%. The three main products (lactic
water. Thus, reactive and extractive distillations are more acid, citric acid, and succinic acid, Table 2) produced by
competitive in the organic acid recovery process. Besides fermentation broths are mainly recovered by precipitation,
this, vacuum distillation is commonly used in experiments which indicates it is still the most economical for industrial-
and in industrial production to realize cost reduction. scale production. Meanwhile, resin and extraction were the
main methods for the products produced on the scale of a
In Situ Product Removal Technology few tons.
In situ product removal (ISPR) is the fast removal of organic
acid, thereby preventing its subsequent interference with Conclusions and Perspectives
cellular or medium components. It couples fermentation
with separation, including extraction, resin, and membrane, Biological fermentation has been found to be a promising
to realize a continuous process. Moreover, the remove method for the production of organic acids from renewable
of products can minimize the toxicity of products to biomass. However, it is still a challenge to efficiently
microorganisms. The study of ISPR has been widely separate the organic acids from a mix of multiple diluted
concerned in the separation process of organic acids from components and reduce the purity of other organic acids
fermentation broths [9, 29, 45]. with similar properties to a minimum. Current methodologies
In situ separation of lactic acid from broth by ion- used in recovery processes all have their limitations, and
exchange resin was investigated by Ataei and Vasheghani- their improvements are especially needed with regard to
Farahani [2] and the productivity of the extractive yield, purity, and energy consumption. Therefore, there is
fermentation was about 4.3 times higher than that of a need to develop a process that should ideally be simple to
conventional processes at the optimum temperature [2]. In carry out and allow the purification of organic acids
situ separation of lactic acid with period electrodialysis directly from the fermentation broths. Besides this, the
was applied to reduce lactic acid end-product inhibition emergence of new materials and the development of
and avoid cell death. The fermentation time and lactic acid technologies would boost the recovery processes, which
production rate were improved to a significant extent [54]. would make the biological process more competitive than
ISPR allows a continuous fermentation to be conducted. the chemical routes and promote the development of green
By removing acids from the broth promptly, the product chemistry.
inhibition is reduced and pH is controlled, leading to
higher utilization of feedstock, improvement of productivity, Acknowledgments
reduction of downstream processing load, and recovery of
cost. An ideal ISPR has low energy consumption and We greatly appreciate the financially support from the
needs minimal chemical addition. Obviously, continuous National Key Technology R&D Program (No. 2012BAD32B06),

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Recovery Processes of Organic Acids from Fermentation Broths in the Biomass-Based Industry 7

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