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Photomedicine and Laser Surgery

Volume 26, Number 3, 2008

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
Pp. 241245
DOI: 10.1089/pho.2007.2132

Low-Level Laser Therapy Improves Vision in Patients with

Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Boris T. Ivandic, M.D.,1 and Tomislav Ivandic, M.D.2


Objective: The objective of this study of a case series was to examine the effects of low-level laser therapy
(LLLT) in patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
Background Data: AMD affects a large proportion of the elderly population; current therapeutic options for
AMD are limited, however.
Patients and Methods: In total, 203 patients (90 men and 113 women; mean age 63.4  5.3 y) with beginning
(dry) or advanced (wet) forms of AMD (n  348 eyes) were included in the study. One hundred ninety-
three patients (mean age 64.6  4.3 y; n  328 eyes) with cataracts (n  182 eyes) or without cataracts (n  146
eyes) were treated using LLLT four times (twice per week). A semiconductor laser diode (780 nm, 7.5 mW, 292
Hz, continuous emission) was used for transconjunctival irradiation of the macula for 40 sec (0.3 J/cm2) re-
sulting in a total dose of 1.2 J/cm2. Ten patients (n  20 eyes) with AMD received mock treatment and served
as controls. Visual acuity was measured at each visit. Data were analyzed retrospectively using a t-test.
Results: LLLT significantly improved visual acuity (p  0.00001 versus baseline) in 162/182 (95%) of eyes with
cataracts and 142/146 (97%) of eyes without cataracts. The prevalence of metamorphopsia, scotoma, and
dyschromatopsia was reduced. In patients with wet AMD, edema and bleeding improved. The improved vi-
sion was maintained for 336 mo after treatment. Visual acuity in the control group remained unchanged. No
adverse effects were observed in those undergoing therapy.
Conclusion: In patients with AMD, LLLT significantly improved visual acuity without adverse side effects and
may thus help to prevent loss of vision.

Introduction dates. Ultimately, the decay of the retina results in loss of



dominant cause of irreversible loss of vision in the el-
derly. AMD affects 3050% of individuals 60 years or
Current therapeutic approaches aim to stabilize the re-
maining vision because photoreceptor function appears to
be irreversibly lost. Treatment options, such as photody-
older.1,2 AMD-related disability and poor quality of life are namic therapy, laser photocoagulation, transpupillary ther-
likely to increase the socio-economic burden in the elderly motherapy, ionizing radiation, and surgery have been ap-
living in industrialized countries.3 plied with limited success in cases of exudative, advanced
AMD results from defects in the choriocapillaris, Bruchs AMD.7,8 These treatments may also produce collateral dam-
membrane, and the retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE) age of the foveal neurosensory retina and impair visual func-
underneath the macula. The epitheliopathy diminishes tion further. At present, antioxidant and mineral dietary sup-
lysosomal activity and phagocytosis of the outer photore- plements as well as anti-angiogenetic drugs are being
ceptors and disrupts the transportation of cell debris discussed as alternative treatment options.912
through the RPE to the choriocapillaris.4 The resulting ac- LLLT represents a novel therapeutic method that, other
cumulation of cell debris in Bruchs membrane leads to than surgical laser applications, does not damage tissues. In
thickening and hydrophobic charging of the membrane.5 this study of a case series we investigated the effects of LLLT
This suffocates the photoreceptors and promotes fibrovas- in patients with AMD of all forms and stages, and varying
cular proliferation and the formation of subretinal exu- degrees of vision impairment.

1University of Heidelberg, Otto-Meyerhof Centre, Heidelberg, and 2Medical Centre, Munich, Germany.


In an initial experiment, the extinction of laser light ( 

780 nm) was examined in a freshly enucleated pig eye (22 
24 mm) to determine the lowest penetrating laser power re-
quired for the laser energy to reach the RPE and retina.
Power output was measured using a LC-U-2E power meter
(Laser Components GmbH, Olching, Germany).

As illustrated in Fig. 1, laser radiation was applied
transconjunctivally to the macula for 40 sec (0.3 J/cm2). Dur-
ing LLLT the eye was in adduction; if necessary, the lids were
fixed manually.
FIG. 1. Diagram showing how low-level laser therapy was
given. For the right eye the laser beam was placed at a dis- Four treatments were administered (two treatments per
tance of 1 cm and pointed towards the macular area. week) resulting in a total dose of 1.2 J/cm2. Ten patients with
AMD (n  20 eyes) were randomly selected to receive mock
treatment (control group); the laser beam was directed above
the nose without contacting the eye. An audible signal heard
Patients and Methods every 10 sec was interpreted by the patients as treatment.
Study design During the treatment period, no other therapy was applied.

This study of a case series was conducted in accordance

with the Helsinki declaration. Informed consent was ob- Measurements
tained from all patients before entry into the study. Data Eyes were examined before inclusion, prior to each treat-
were collected at a single non-institutional center in Ger- ment session, and at the end of the study. Visual acuity was
many during a 7-year period and were evaluated retrospec- assessed by projection of American Optical optotypes
tively. (Snellen) at a distance of 20 feet after optimal correction of
refraction with blinding. In order to avoid patient memo-
Patients rization of the letters, only unknown optotypes were pre-
Patients with AMD of all stages (dry to wet exudative sented each time. Color vision was examined by use of a de-
forms with or without cataracts) were included if their vi- saturated color test (Farnsworth D-15 series). The Amsler test
sual acuity was 20/20. Patients were excluded if they had was used to screen central scotomas.
concomitant diseases that would impair vision except for To assess treatment safety, the investigator examined the
new cataracts, or if they had received any prior treatment patients eyes before and after each treatment session and
that could have affected vision; patients with visual acuity asked patients about their general well-being by asking non-
20/20 were also excluded. leading questions.

Laser Data analysis

For LLLT, a semiconductor laser diode with continuous Data on visual acuity were analyzed by calculating the
emission at 780 nm (7.5 mW, 292 Hz) fitted with collimating changes in visual acuity (end of study versus baseline); data
optics (spot diameter  3 mm) in a handheld casing was were transformed logarithmically to allow presentation of
used. The laser diode was driven by an apparatus that al- results as logarithmic minimal angle resolution (log MAR).
lowed low-frequency switching of the laser beam and pro- For statistical analysis, a t-test for paired observations was
vided automatic power control (Bimed, Munich, Germany). used.


Input laser Output laser Extinction

power, I0 (mW) Tissue(s) power, I (mW) (E  log I0/I)

10.5 Cornea 10.5 0

Lens 11.0 0.20
Sclera 4.2 0.397
Choroidea 2.9 0.558
RPE 1.5 0.845
Retina 8.8 0.076
Conjunctiva-sclera- 0.2 1.720

RPE, retinal pigmented epithelium.


FIG. 2. Right eye of a 64-year-old patient with early-stage FIG. 3. Fluorescein angiogram of exudative advanced
AMD. AMD in the left eye of a 62-year-old patient.

Results eyes were without cataracts, and 182 (55%) eyes were with
cataracts. Eye examination revealed that 230 eyes had drusen
Determination of laser power
or were depigmented; geographic atrophy was noted in 12
Initial experimentation on a freshly enucleated pig eye eyes. Progressive, exudative AMD was diagnosed in 86 eyes
aimed to determine the optimum power level of laser energy with no other disorders. Examples of early-stage and ad-
to be used in this study. By using a low sub-thermal dose of vanced AMD are shown in Figs. 2 and 3, respectively.
radiation (10.5 mW), only a small proportion of the energy The control group receiving mock treatment comprised 10
reached the retina (Table 1). The largest proportion was ab- patients (20 eyes) with all stages of AMD (4 men and 6
sorbed by the sclera, choroidea, and RPE. The data indicated women) with a mean age of 62.3  6.4 years.
that a power output of 10.3 mW was required for the laser
light to pass through all layers of the eye. Changes in visual acuity
There was a statistically significant increase in visual acu-
Demographic characteristics
ity (p  0.00001, end of study versus baseline) for both pa-
In total, 203 patients (90 men and 113 women) with AMD tients with and those without cataracts. The improvement in
of various stages (n  348 eyes) and a mean age of 63.4  5.3 visual acuity was maintained for 336 mo. By contrast, vi-
y were included in the study. All patients received treatment sual acuity remained unchanged in all patients in the con-
as planned; none of the patients withdrew from the study. trol group.
One hundred ninety-three patients (mean age 64.6  4.3 In patients without cataracts (Table 2), visual acuity im-
y) were treated using LLLT; of 328 treated eyes, 146 (45%) proved in 142/146 eyes (97.3%; p  0.00001): by one row of


Before therapy
Visual 20/ 20/ 20/ 20/ 20/ 20/ 20/ 20/ 20/ 20/ 20/ Log
acuity 400 200 100 80 70 60 50 40 30 25 20 MAR Sums

After 20/400 1 1
therapy 20/200 2 1.00 2
20/100 0.70
20/80 1 0.60 1
20/70 1 0.55 1
20/60 0.50
20/50 2 1 0.40 3
20/40 1 1 0.30 2
20/30 2 3 4 1 2 1 0.20 13
20/25 4 5 3 6 9 7 0.10 34
20/20 1 1 4 12 31 4 0.50 53
20/16 9 11 16 0.10 36

Sums 1 5 4 8 10 5 13 22 47 15 16 146

Number of eyes are in bold type.

log MAR, logarithmic minimal angle resolution.


Before therapy
Visual 20/ 20/ 20/ 20/ 20/ 20/ 20/ 20/ 20/ 20/ 20/ Log
acuity 400 200 100 80 70 60 50 40 30 25 20 MAR Sums

After 20/400 2 2
therapy 20/200 3 2 1.00 5
20/100 1 0.70 1
20/80 2 1 0.60 3
20/70 1 2 3 1 0.55 7
20/60 2 3 0.50 5
20/50 1 3 4 2 0.40 10
20/40 1 2 2 1 2 1 0.30 9
20/30 2 2 4 1 16 15 3 0.20 43
20/25 1 1 2 13 7 14 0.10 38
20/20 1 4 5 32 4 0.50 46
20/16 10 3 0.10 13

Sums 6 8 11 15 8 5 35 28 49 14 3 182

Number of eyes are in bold type.

log MAR, logarithmic minimal angle resolution.

optotypes in 29/146 (19.8%), by two rows in 54/146 (37.0%), morphopsias, scotomas, and acquired dyschromatopsia (Fig.
by three rows in 28/146 (19.2%), by four or five rows in 4). In patients with wet AMD, edema and bleeding were re-
12/146 (8.2%), by six rows in 6/146 (4.1%) and by seven rows duced.
in 1/146 (0.7%). Visual acuity remained unchanged in 4/146
eyes (2.7%). Safety and tolerability
In patients with cataracts (Table 3), visual acuity improved
The treatment was well tolerated. No adverse local or sys-
in 172/182 eyes (94.5%; p  0.00001) eyes: by one row of op-
temic side effects were observed.
totypes in 45/182 (24.7%), by two rows in 75/182 (41.2%),
by three rows in 25/182 (13.7%), by four rows in 16/182
(8.8%), by five rows in 7/182 (3.8%), by six rows in 3/182 Discussion
(1.6%), and by seven rows in 1/182 (0.5%). Visual acuity re-
LLLT given over 2 wk led to an improvement in visual
mained unchanged in 10/182 eyes (5.5%).
acuity in most patients with AMD (90%). An increase of
three to seven rows of optotypes was observed in 52/182
Changes in concomitant eye disorders
(28.6%) of eyes with cataracts, and in 59/146 (40.4%) of eyes
In patients treated with LLLT the improvement in visual without cataracts. Unlike other therapeutic approaches,
acuity was in most cases accompanied by a decrease in meta- LLLT improved visual acuity in patients with AMD of every

FIG. 4. Normalization of impaired color vision in a 49-year-old patient. Farnsworth color test results (Series D-15) before
(left) and after (right) four treatments with LLLT. Visual acuity increased from 20/30 to 20/16.

stage. The improvement in visual function was maintained 3. Evans, J., and Wormald, R. (1996). Is the incidence of regis-
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biochemical energy, which stimulates metabolic reactions. ments for age-related macular degeneration. Cochrane Data-
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ments. Regular metabolic processes may be enhanced and apy for age-related macular degeneration. Current devel-
repair processes may be triggered or accelerated. Recently, opments and perspectives. Ophthalmologe. 100, 97103.
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transpupillary application of laser energy.13 Heat shock pro-
12. Rosenfeld, P.J., Brown, D.M., Heier, J.S., Boyer, D.S., Kaiser,
teins (or chaperones) are known to stimulate cellular me-
P.K., and Chung Kim, R.Y. (2006). Ranbizumab for neovas-
tabolism and may help prevent premature cell death. In in
cular age-related macular degeneration. N. Engl. J. Med. 14,
vitro experiments, application of laser light was shown to in- 14191431.
crease cellular metabolic activity, the generation of adeno- 13. Desmettre, T., Maurage, C.A., and Mordon, S. (2003).
sine triphosphate, and phagocytosis.14,15 Enhanced lysoso- Transpupillary thermotherapy (TTT) with short duration
mal activity and phagocytosis of cell debris and pigments laser exposures induce heat shock protein (HSP) hyperex-
may help to revitalize the retina.16 The detailed cellular and pression on choroidoretinal layers. Lasers Surg. Med. 33,
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laser energy in the treatment of patients with AMD have yet 14. Mester, E., Mester, A.F., and Mester, A. (1985). The bio-
to be further elucidated. medical effects of laser application. Lasers Surg. Med. 5,
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power laser therapy. IEEE J. Quantum Electronics. 10,
In conclusion, this study of a case series shows that LLLT 17031717.
may be a novel therapeutic option for both early and ad- 16. Chen, L., Yang, P., and Kijlstra, A. (2002). Distribution, mark-
vanced forms of AMD. This simple and highly effective treat- ers, and functions of retinal microglia. Ocul. Immunol. In-
ment improves visual acuity and may help to prevent loss flamm. 10, 2739.
of vision without adverse side effects.
Address reprint requests to:
References Dr. Boris T. Ivandic, M.D.
1. Pauleikhoff, D., and Holz, F.G. (1996). Age-related macular University of Heidelberg
degeneration. 1. Epidemiology, pathogenesis and differen- Otto-Meyerhof Centre
tial diagnosis. Ophthalmologe. 93, 299315. Im Neuenheimer Feld 350
2. Apte, R.S., Scheufele, T.A., and Blomquist, P.H. (2001). Eti- 69120 Heidelberg, Germany
ology of blindness in an urban community hospital setting.
Ophthalmology. 108, 693696. E-mail:

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