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Trinity Conversation Phase 6

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1. How many different kinds of transportation have you been on?

Let me think! I have been on a train, a bus, a motorbike, a bicycle, a my parents car.
However, I have never been on a plane.

2. Whats your favourite (method of transportation/mean of transport)?

The bicycle is the best because it is cheap and good for the
environment because bikes dont pollute the air.
The car is my favourite because we can stop whenever we want.
My favourite one is the plane because it is the fastest and I love flying.

3. Do people use public transport in your city? If so, what kind?

Most people in this area travel to work by public transport (metro, train or
However, others use cars or motorbikes because they think it is quicker.
I dont totally agree because the traffic in Madrid is terrible.

4. What do you think is the most dangerous form of transportation and why?
The car is one of the most dangerous means oftran sport because there
are a lot of accidents because people dont respect the speed limits.
I think it is the bicycle because people dont respect the rules of the

5. Which form of transport is worst for the environment?

In my opinion, cars are the worst because they give off exhaust fumes
and pollute the air and also because they make a lot of noise.
On the contrary, public transport and bicycles are better for the
environment and sometimes faster.

6. How many times have you been out of the country?

Well, I have never been out of Spain but I would like to very much.

7. Where would you like to go on your next holiday?

Well, I would like to go to Valencia because I want to visit the
Oceanographic Museum.
I would like to go to an English-speaking country such as England or the
United States of America to practice my English.
I would like to go to Disneyland Paris in France.

8. How do you usually travel to your holyday place?

We normally go by car because we spend our holiday in my town that is the best way to get there is driving.

9. Have you ever flown on a plane?

Yes, I have. I flew to...last summer.
No, I havent but I would like to very much.

10. How do you think transportation will be different in the future?

If you could invent a new means of transportation, what would you
I think cars will have no wheels and they wont need a driver because
they will be automatic.
I would invent flying shoes because it would be easier to come to
school that way!

11. Would you ever go to outer space? Why (not)?

Yes, I would because Id like to see how nice our planet looks from the
outer space.

12. Where did you go on your last holiday?

I went to the beach with my parents and we stayed in a (flat/hotel) for
two weeks.
We went sunbathing every day and then for a swim when it got hot. In
the afternoons, we went sightseeing and we took lots of pictures.
We also bought some souvenirs and visited a castle and some

13. Would you rather take a one-week trip around the country of your choice
or a four-week trip around Spain? Why?
Id rather...than....because ... Id rather take a four-week trip around
Spain than take a one-week trip because I think my country has many
amazing cities and I love travelling!

14. Do you prefer travelling by public transport or by private transport? Why

do you think public transport is important?
I prefer travelling by public transport to travelling by private transport
because it is better for the environment and cheaper.
15. Have you ever been on a cruise? Would you like to go on a cruise liner?
No, I havent, but I think it would be a lot of fun! Yes, I have and I got to
visit a lot of cool cities!

16. How do you use public transport in your life?

I come to school by bus and sometimes I travel to Madrid centre by

17. How long have known how to ride a bike?

I have known how to ride a bike for five years. I have known how to ride
a bike since I was four years old.

18. Why did you learn to ride a bike?

I learned how to ride a bike because it looked like a lot of fun.

19. Where do you think youll go on your next holiday?

I think I will go to the beach in Cadiz because my family always goes
there. Im not sure where I will go because my family likes to go to new
places every summer.


1. What did you watch on TV yesterday?

Yesterday, I watched a show on the discovery channel about how my
favourite candy is made. I liked it a lot because it was very informative.

2. Would you rather watch your favourite TV show for an hour or play your
favourite computer game for half an hour?
Thats a difficult question, but I think I would rather play my favourite
computer game for half an hour than watch my favourite TV show for an
hour because I prefer playing computer games to watching TV.

3. What is one of your favourite TV shows? Why do you like it? When is it
on? Do your parents like it, too?
One of my favourite TV shows is SpongeBob Squarepants. I like it
because the characters are very funny, especially Mr. Crabs. I think that
it is on every afternoon. My parents don t like it because they think
SpongeBob is annoying.

4. Have you ever been to a football match /dance competition/pop

concert/television studio? Which of these would you like to go to? Why?
Yes, I have/No, I haven t. I would most like to go tobecause I think it
would be a lot of fun!

5. Have you ever seen a bull fight?

Yes, I have. I went to one two years ago. No, I havent, but I would like
to go!

6. When you go to the cinema, do you prefer comedy or drama?

I prefer comedy to drama because I like to laugh a lot.

7. What kind of things do you like to read? Who is your favourite

I like reading books/comics/magazines because My favourite
character/author isbecause

8. What was the last book you read?

The last book I read was Geronimo Stilton. The main character is a
mouse and he goes on a lot of adventures. I liked it a lot because many
interesting things happen.

9. Tell me about the last film you saw.

The last film I saw was Toy Story The main character goes away to
university and gives all his toys to a day-care. The toys have to try to
escape from the day-care. I really liked this movie!

10. Could you compare a movie that you like a lot with another that it is not
one of your favourite ones?
My favourite movie is a lot funnier/more interesting than one that I dont
like. The movie I don t like is more boring/less interesting than my
favourite movie.

11. Do your parents have hobbies? If so, which ones?

Yes, they do. My mother really likes (Collecting football cards) My
father really likes (Cooking)

12. Do you belong to any clubs?

Yes, I do. I belong to a football club. We meet every Tuesday and
Thursday and practice for one hour.

13. What (kind/type) of music do you (prefer/like)?

My favourite type of music is (Pop/rock/rap/hip-hop/heavy

14. How long have you been a fan of your favourite band/singer?
I have been a fan of my favourite singer for my whole life/for about three

15. Do you think youll ever be in a band?

Yes, I do because I would like to learn how to play an instrument. No, I
dont because I dont think I will have time!

16. Have you ever been to a concert?

Yes, I have. It was in the centre of Madrid and I went with some of my
friends. I had a really great time, so I hope I can go to another concert
in the future.

17. How often do go to (a concert/the cinema/the theatre)?

I go (a lot/not very much/every week/a couple times a month.) I always
go to the cinema at the weekend. I never go to concerts.

18. Have you ever performed in front of an audience?

Yes, I have. I sang in front of the whole school at an assembly.
No, I haven t because it makes me very nervous.

19. Do you prefer music in Spanish or in English? Why?

I prefer music in English to music in Spanish because my favourite
singer sings in English. I prefer music in Spanish to music in English
because I can understand the lyrics better in Spanish.

20. Whats your favourite song? Why?

My favourite song is.because I know all of the lyrics/because it is very
catchy/because it is by my favourite band

21. How do you usually listen to music?

I usually listen to music on the radio/on the computer/on my iPad

22. Do you prefer pop music or rock? Why?

I prefer pop music to rock music because my favourite singer is a pop
singer. I prefer rock music to pop music because my favourite band is a
rock band.


1. How long have you studied English? What are you studying right now in
I have studied English for 5 years. Right now, we are studying.I
think/dont think that its very interesting.
2. Have you started a new activity or joined a new club this year?
Yes, I have. This year, I stopped playing soccer and started doing judo.
I think it was a good decision!
3. Have you had a sleepover at a friend s house recently?
Yes, I have. Last weekend, I slept over at Andreas house. We stayed
up very late, watched movies, and ate popcorn. It was so much fun!
4. Have you seen a really interesting programme on television this week?
Tell me about it.
Yes, I have. A couple of days ago, I saw a programme about the meteor
strike in Russia. It was very informative.
5. Whats the best YouTube video you have seen recently?
The best YouTube video I have seen recently was a video I saw
6. Can you tell me about the last time you went to the cinema?
The last time I went to the cinema was earlier this month. I went with my
family and we saw the movie Wreck it Ralph. It was very funny. I think
we will go back to the cinema soon.
7. Have you travelled to the centre of Madrid recently? What did you do?
The last time I went to the centre of Madrid was last weekend. I went
with my family. We took a walk in a park called Eretria and then we ate
at a nice restaurant.
8. Have you done your first communion? Will you do it this year?
Yes, I have. All my friends came and I got a lot of presents. I will do my
first communion next year.
9. Have you been to a birthday party recently? What did you do there?
Yes, I have. My friend had his birthday party at a bowling alley. It was a
lot of fun because we bowled and we ate a lot of pizza.
10. Have you ever been to a wedding? Did you like it? Do you think that you
will go to one in the future?
Yes, I have. It was really nice. There was a lot of food and everyone
was dancing! I think that I will go to a wedding in the future.
11. Whats the best present you have received this year?
The best present I have received this year is
12. What foreign food have you tried lately?
One foreign food I tried recently was Japanese food. I liked it a lot.I
recently tried Indian food. I didnt like it because it was too spicy.
13. Have you been to a museum or an exhibition recently? If yes, tell me
about it.
Yes, I have. I went to an exhibition about Outer Space in a park called
la Casa de Campo. It is in the city centre. No, I haven t, but I would like
14. Have you ever been to the circus? If not, would you like to go?
Yes, I have. It was fun to see all of the animals. No, I haven t, but I
would like to go.
15. Have you been in any competitions recently? Tell me about them.
Yes, I have because I was in a dance/judo competition. Yes, I have
because I played in a football tournament. Yes, I have because I ran in
a cross country race.
16. Can you tell me about an interesting journey youve had recently?
Yes, I can. Last month, I went to my town because I had some time off
from school. I played with my cousins a lot and it was so much fun!
17. Have you ever been to the U.S.A.? If not, Would you like to go?
Yes, I have. Last year, I went to Florida with my family. No, I haven t,
but I would like to go.
18. When was the last time you bought a comic?
The last time I bought a comic was last week. I have already finished
reading the comic because it was really good. I have never bought a
19. When was the last time you felt really happy?
The last time I felt really happy was yesterday/last weekend because
I won a football match/went to the park with myfriends/saw a movie that
I really liked/ate my favourite food


1. Do you know about any famous festivals in your country? Tell me about
Yes I do, I know about Las Fallas. This festival takes place in Valencia,
which is in the East of Spain. People build big sculptures and then they
burn them. It is very popular and lots of people go to this festival.
2. Tell me about a famous festival in Spain.
One of the most famous festivals is San Fermn. It takes place in
Pamplona, a city in the north of Spain. They celebrate bull runs. The
people who participate run in front of the bulls that chase them.
3. If you could go to any festival, which one would you go to? Why?
If I could go to any festival, I think I would go to San Isidro. San Isidro is
the patron saint of Madrid. At this festival, people do a traditionaldance
called Chotis and eat delicious food. It looks like a lot of fun!
4. How does your family celebrate New Years Eve?
On Christmas Eve, my whole family has dinner together. We sing
Christmas songs, put up a Christmas tree and decorate it. We also set
up a Nativity Scene in my living room. I love staying up until late having
fun with my cousins and playing videogames.
5. What do people do on New Year s Eve in Madrid?
Most people go partying and some of themalso go to la Puerta del Sol
to eat the twelve grapes in front of the clock that is there.
6. Do you celebrate Christmas in your family? If so, how do you celebrate it?
On New Year s Eve we have a family dinnerand then we eat the twelve
grapes. This is a very popular tradition in Spain. When the clock strikes
twelve, we eat one grape every time the bells chime. The best thing is
that I can stay up late!
7. What sort of food do you normally eat at Christmas?
We eat all kinds of delicious food such as: seafood and fish, meat like
lamb or turkey and lots of Christmas pastries and traditional cakes like
polvorones, turrones, roscn de reyes etc.
8. Do people wear special clothing on Christmas or on New Years Eve?
Yes, they do. People usually dress up in smart clothes when they go to
parties. They say that, on New Years Eve, you had better wear
something red because it brings good luck.
9. Do you usually get any presents on Christmas?
Yes, I do, but I normally get more presents on Three Kings Day. Every
year, I write my letter to the three kings and on the night of January 5th,
we receive their special visit. The next morning, there are presents for
each of us under the Christmas tree. We also get presents from Santa
on Christmas Eve. We always hang up our stockings and leave some
biscuits for him and Rudolph.
10. What did the (Three Kings/Santa) (bring/give) you?
They brought me ..... a stuffed toy, a book, a video game, a doll and
also a new (jumper, skirt, pair of shoes...) They gave me ....
11. What is the most important festival in your town? What do people do at
the festival?
In my town we celebrate San Domingun the Patron Saint of the town
the first week after Easter. There is a procession through the streets
where people wear dark-coloured clothes and carry a statue of the
12. Have you ever seen the festival?
Yes, I have. We always go to see the procession. No, I haven t. We
never go because my family is not religious/Christian
13. What other family occasions have you celebrated this year?
Well, I celebrated Halloween and the Peace Day in school. I also went
to some birthday parties and I celebrated Christmas with my family.
14. Are there going to be any other special days this year?
Yes, there are. I am going to have my first communion in
(April/May/June). I will get lots of presents and my family is going to
celebrate it by having a big meal in a restaurant. Also, (my /my
mothers) birthday is on the ... and we will throw a party to celebrate it.
15. Whats the best present you have received this year?
The best present has been.... A new videogame-console, a video game
called..., a book called... In the videogame, you have to In the book,
the main character
16. How did you celebrate your birthday last year? Will you do the same thing
this year?
Last year, my friends and I went to the bowling alley. After that, we ate
pizza. It was a lot of fun. This year, I think that I will have a party in my
house. I will invite some of my best friends over and we will eat pizza,
play videogames, and have a sleepover.
17. Have you ever had a surprise birthday party for yourself or for someone
No, I haven t, but I would like to. Yes, I have. Last year, my family and
some friends threw a very nice surprise party. I had a great time.
18. What other festivals or special occasions do you celebrate in school?
We have a Christmas Festival every year. We go to the theatre and
perform in front of our mates and parents. Also, we celebrate
Halloween, Peace Day, and Carnival. To celebrate Carnival, we have a
big parade on the playground. Everybody dresses up in costumes.
19. What is the best birthday gift you have ever received? And the worst one?
The best (present/gift)that I have ever received was...The worst
(present/gift) that I have ever received was ...
20. Have you ever dressed up for Carnival?
Yes, I have. We always celebrate it in school.Last year, I dressed up as
Superman. It was (nice/great/fun/cool).


1. Tell me about your favourite sport.

My favourite sport isI play (every week, three times a week) I
am in a team. We play in a sports centre that is near my house. Every
Saturday we play a match against another team.

2. What sports did you play last week?

Last week I played

3. Did you watch any live sporting events last year?

Yes, I watched a football match in the Real Madrid stadium.

4. Do you usually watch sporting events on TV?

Yes, I usually watch football with my dad.

5. Are you a good soccer player? Basketball player? Baseball player?

Rugby player? Tennis player?
Yes, I usually play in a team. No, I am not into sports very
much. I don t like playing sports.

6. Do you ever listen to matches on the radio?

Yes I do. I prefer listening to the radio to watching the match on TV. No,
I don t. I never listen to the radio.

7. How often do you go jogging?

I jog every day for half an hour. I never go jogging.

8. Have you ever been to a soccer game? An American football game? A

baseball game?
Yes, I have. I went to a soccer game with my parents. No, I havent. I
don t like sports. No, I have never been to a

9. Have you ever tried snowboarding, skiing?

Yes, I have. I went skiing/ snowboarding) once, twice No, I have
never tried snowboarding

10. Tell me about your hobbies.

My hobbies are I really like (reading and playing computer games) I
also enjoy (playing soccer).
11. What do you do in your free time? How do you spend your free time?
I playI also goand I enjoy

12. What do you usually do at the weekends?

I usually I sometimes. I often I like to If I have time, I

13. Do you have enough free time during the week? Do you have some free
time during the day?
Yes, I have. We have some play time here in school and I also watch
some TV programs in the evenings and play sports. No I don t have
enough free time during the week I am always very busy.

14. Do you like to watch movies?

Yes, I do I like (Disney, action, cartoon) movies.

15. Who do you spend your free time with?

I spend my free time with my (friends, neighbours, cousins, pet)
16. What are you doing this weekend?
On (Saturday/Sunday), I am going to visit my grandparents. Also, my
father told me that we are going to the park on Sunday if the weather is

17. Tell me about some good places to hang out in you city.
I like going toIf you like shopping the best place to go is .. You
cant miss . (park, lake).

18. Are you going to take up, start a new hobby?

Yes, Im going to start (collecting stamps)

1. SHOPPING Shops & Places in Local AreaBakery (baker) Church Hospital Police stationBank
(Bank clerk) Cinema Jewelry shop Post officeBar (barman) Clothing store Kiosk Restaurant
(waiter,Barbershop (shop assistant) Laundromat waitress)(barber) College Library
SchoolBeauty salon Computer shop Mall Shoe storeBook shop Department store Market (many
Shopping centre(bookseller) (salesperson) stalls) SupermarketBookstore Electronics shop
Movie theater Swimming poolButchers Factory (Cinema) Town hall(Butcher) Fishmonger s
Music shop Travel agencyBakery (shop Flower shop News standassistant) Gas station
NewsagentsCar park Parking Gift shop Opticianslot Greengrocers ParkChemists
Hairdresser s Pet shop(Chemist) Hardware store Pet store
2. SHOPPINGMore people who work in a shop cashier customer Salesperson (salesman,
saleswoman) security guard shop assistant
3. SHOPPING Verbsto ask for to go shoppingto bring back to helpto buy to sellto change to try
on (clothes)to cost to wrapto findto get
4. SHOPPINGThings you might need bag cash coin credit card ID card list money Note/bill
wallet / purse
5. What kind of shops do you have in your neighbourhood? There is a: department store,
supermarket,grocer, grocery store, greengrocer, butcher sbaker s, fishmonger s, chemist s or
pharmacy, newsagent, stationary shop, optician s, DIY store, hardware store, ironmonger s,
corner shop, bookshop, market, petshop
6. Where do you buy clothes? Why?I buy my clothes at.because I like the kind of clothing
I find there.
7. How often do you go shopping?I go shopping once or twice a week. every week, every
month every other week
8. Which is your favourite shop?My favourite shop isbecause I can find/buy lots of
9. Where do you go shopping? Who with? I go shopping at and I go with my parents
10. When do you go shopping?Why? I go shopping on the weekends orsometimes after school
because in the morning I m at school
11. What do you like buying?I like buying/clothes/toys/food.
12. When did you last go shopping? What did you buy? Where? Could you describe the shop? I
went shopping last weekend,and Ibought some clothes.the shop is big and It has lots of
different clothes
13. Where do I have to go if I want to buy: some fruit, some lamb chops or steaks, a loaf
ofbread, some salmon, some drugs or painkillers, the paper or a magazine, a pencil, a new pair
of glasses, a special screw, a book, a kitten or a puppy? You have to go to a
14. Do you like shopping for new clothes? Yes I do. I love buying
15. What is your favorite brand? My favourite brand isNike, Adidas, Levi s, Puma
16. What shopping center do you like the most?Perhaps my favorite shopping centre is
17. Do you like to go shopping during sales?I love it because I can get real bargainsand very
good deals. The problem is the shops are packed with people.No I don t because I don t like
crowded places.
18. Are you a fashionable person?Yes, I am. I love dressing up and wearing fashionable
clothes. No, I am not. I prefer a casual style.
19. Do your parents pay by credit card or cash when they do their shopping? It depends on how
much they buy. Ifthey have bought a lot, they always payby credit card. If not, they pay in cash.
20. Have you ever bought something you didn t neeed? Why? Yes, I have. Sometimes, I ask
mymother for a new pair of trainers justbecause I like them but I know that Idon t need them
beacuse I have many pairs.
21. How much money do your parents give you for allowance?Do your parents give you any
pocket money? No, they don t give me any money. If I want something, I just ask them. Yes,
they normally give me 3 a week.
22. How much do your trainners cost?How much does your watch cost? They cost It costs
23. What is something that you want to buy but dont have enough money to buy?I would like to
buy a new console, video- game,
24. Have you ever saved money to buy something?Yes, I have. I saved money for a year to buy
a new bicycle, video-game console.
25. What kinds of things are you saving your money for?I m saving money to buy a new video-
game, a comic
26. What was the last thing you spent money on?The last thing I spent money on was my
favorite sweet. I bought it in the Chinese shop.
27. For more:

1. HOLIDAYS (trip/journey) MEANS OF TRANSPORTYou go there You can take by car a plane
by train a train by plane the metro, subway by bike by bus by motorbike on foot
2. HOLIDAYS (trip/journey) Types of holidays Christmas holiday Summer holiday Spring break
bank holiday Easter / Holy Week
3. HOLIDAYS (trip/journey) Things you might need Credit Card guidebook Passport, ID Card
brochureWinter / summer clothes souvenir money comfortable shoes cellphone dictionary
4. HOLIDAYS (trip/journey) Where to sleep / stay hotel hostel campsite flat / apartment caravan
tent guesthouse bed & breakfast
5. HOLIDAYS (trip/journey)In the CITY you can see/visit a / an castle cathedral monuments
fountain port theatre ballet opera house concert hall square art gallery
6. HOLIDAYS (trip/journey) In the COUNTRY animals fire log tent sleeping bag compass
7. HOLIDAYS (trip/journey) On the beach, by the sea sunscreen Parasol/umbrella sand shell
towel Summer clothes swimsuit Floaties lifeguard
8. HOLIDAYS (trip/journey) At the airportjetlag Flight attendantpilot Luggage /
suitcasesdeparture, arrival tickets
9. HOLIDAYS (trip/journey) verbsTo travelTo go awayTo boardTo check in/outTo sunbatheTo
climbTo go trekkingTo take offTo landTo go abroadTo get sunburned
10. What type of holiday do you usually take? I usually go to the beach or I go to my
grandparents town. I spend (two days, a month) there I stay there for (a week, two weeks).
11. Where did you go last year/summer on holiday?Last.I went to the beach, in the
south of Spain.
12. Why did you go to that place? Because my grandparents have a house there.Because my
parents decided to go there.
13. How did you get there? We travelled by(plane/car/bus)We got there by(rocket,
14. How much luggage did you take?We took a lot and the trunk of my dads car was
completely full.
15. What did you do there? Tell me about it. I went to the beach and I also visitedmy cousins
and I had an ice cream almost every afternoon.
16. What was the weather like?The weather was very hot and sunny.
17. What did you see?I saw different places such as somenice streets, a museum, a
cathedral, a very old castle
18. Who did you go with?I went with my mother and my father,but we met my cousins and some
other family members there.
19. Where did you stay?I stayed in a hotel close to the beach.We stayed in my grandparents
house.(,,, campsite, we rented a flat for two weeks)
20. Tell me about the most interestingthing you did during your holiday.The most interesting
thing I did was visiting a museum, a castle, a cave with lots of nice things. We had a great
21. Tell me about the difference between your home town (Alcorcon) and the place you went on
holiday?Alcorcon is much bigger thanthere are morecars, people and tall buildings here and
thereis no beachso I prefer because its nicer.
22. Tell me about what you liked and disliked about the place where you stayed? I really liked
the nice meals we had in therestaurants by the sea and what I dislikedthe most was that some
days the beach was too crowded.
23. How often do you go on holidays?I usually go on holidays (once a year, twice a year). At
Christmas I go to Also, in the summer I go to
24. Tell me about what you like and dislike about staying in Alcorcon during your holidays?I
really (like/enjoy) going to the swimming pooland playing with my cousins and friends, but its
too hot here in the Summer and sometimes I get bored because I have to stay at home.
25. Did you buy any souvenirs?Yes, I bought some postcards for my grandma and some
magnets for my collection.
26. Where are you going to go next year?I am not sure. But We might go to Valencia again
because we really love it.
27. When was the last time that you went to the beach? It was last summer in July. last
year, last month. a month ago
28. Tell me about your next tripWe will (probably) go on a long-weekend trip to visit
29. What was the best moment of your last holiday?When my parents told me that we were
going to Euro Disney
30. Tell me about what you do on a normal day when you are on holidaysI get up at then, I
have breakfast, later on, I watch TVI read a bookI go for a swim and finally I go to bed
31. Tell me about the best and the worst things that happened to you on your vacation? The
best thing was and the worst thing was
32. What was the best food you ate during your vacation?The best food was the paella my
dad cooked by the sea. some ice-cream and special desserts that my parents allowed me to
33. Do you usually go back to the same place every year for your holiday? Why/not? Yes, I
always go toNot really. We actually try to go to a new place every year.
34. What are the differences between your holidays and your time at school? During my
holidays I have time to Whereas at school I have to study a lot,there are lots of examsand I
dont have as much time as on my holidays.
35. Do you prefer going abroad for your holidays or staying in your own country? Why? I prefer
going abroad because I have theoportunity to meet new people and learn about their culture.I
prefer spending my holidays here in Spain because I can understand everybody.
36. For more:

1. Work and School JobsAccountant Cook Journalist ReceptionistActor/Actress Dentist Judge
SailorBaker Doctor Lawyer Sales assistantBarber Dustman Miner SalesmanBarman Electrician Nurse
ScientistBricklayer Engineer Optician SecretaryBuilder Fireman Painter (artist) SingerButcher Fisherman
Photographer SurgeonCarpenter Fishmonger Plumber TeacherCashier Flight attendant Policeman-
VetChambermaid Gardener woman Waiter-waitressChef Hairdresser Politician WelderCleaner
Housewife PorterClown Ironmonger Post/man-woman
2. Work and School People at schoolTeaching staff Non-teaching staffHeadmaster (Principal) Caretaker
(Janitor)Deputy head (Head of Cooksstudies) CleanersSecretary SupervisorsTeachersLanguage assistants
Students (pupils) Students Parents
3. Work and School Classroom Objectsblackboard floor picture wastebasketblinds folder poster
windowBook game projectorBulletin board glue Hole punchcalendar hanger Rubber (eraser)ceiling light
rubber bandchair map rulerchalk materials school bagcoat rack notebook scissorscurtains (drapes) paper
clip staplerdesk paintbrush tabledustbin pen tapeenvelope pencil textbookeraser pencil sharpener wall
4. Work and School Places in the schoolAuditorium soccer fieldbus stop teachers roombasketball court
toiletscanteen / the lunch roomclassroomcomputer roomCorridors/hallsgymnasium /
gymkitchenlibrarymain gatemusic roomplaygroundprincipals office
5. Work and School Subjects Alternative to religion Arts and crafts English language Maths P.E. Religion
Science Spanish language
6. Work and School ExamsA listening exam to repeat a year (toa multiple choice test retake the course)a
written exam to revisean oral exam to sit/take an exammarks/gradesmemorizeTo be absentTo be home
sickTo cheatTo failTo have holidaysto passto prepare for an exam
7. Do you Know who the (janitor, principal,head of studies, secretary) of the school is? Of course I know.
He/she is Her/his name is
8. Do you live near your school? Yes, I do. No, I don t.I live just only three blocks away on street.
9. How do you get to school? I get to school:by car, by bus, by train, on foot.
10. What s your school s name? My school s name is _______.He was a very famous writer and a
poetwho lived during the 20th century. He died a long time ago.
11. What class are you in? What grade are you in? What Trinity Exam are you taking? I m in 4(A/B) I m
in 4th grade.I m taking the Trinity grade (4 or 5) exam.
12. How long does it take you to get to school?It takes me (five minutes, ten minutes,fifteen minutes, half
an hour) to get to school.
13. How many students are in your class?There are ___ students in my class.
14. Where is your classroom?My classroom is on the (1st, 2nd/3rd)floor.
15. Who is your favorite teacher?My favourite teacher is____
16. What subject does he/she teach? (He/She) teaches Science , Physical Education, Maths,Religion,
Alternative to region, Spanish Language, Music, English, Arts and crafts.
17. What does she/he look like? He/she looks like (He s/ She s) got ..... eyes and ..... hair. (He/She) is
..... and .....He s got blue eyes and short, straight and brown hair. He is tall and slim.
18. Tell me about your schoolIt has 5 buildings, 3 sport courts, a big gym, a canteen and a library. It s a
bilingual school. There are more than 30 teachers and more than 300 students.
19. Where is the music classroom? The music classroom is in the mainbuilding on the first floor and on
the right.
20. Tell me about a typical school day.I get up atI have breakfast then I brush my teeth. I leave home
at I start lessons at At 11:00 we have our (play time/ recess/break) The break lasts 30 minutes. Then,
we have one more lesson until lunch time.After that, I go (home/ to the canteen) to have lunch. At 14:30
we start lessons again, because we have two more lessons in the afternoon Finally, I go home at 16:00.
21. Today, what was your first subject? Is it hard?It was maths. Yes, it is quite hard. No, it isn t because I
like it.
22. Tomorrow, what will be your first subject? Is it hard? It will be ___. Yes, it is quite hard No, it isn t
because I like it.
23. What subjects do you have on Monday mornings?We have English, Spanish Language and
Physical Education.
24. Which subjects do you like the most? Why? I like...because ___ I learn a lot of new things.And I
like_____because I m very good at it/them and because It s interesting/fun.
25. Are you allowed to eat in the classrooms?No, we are not allowed to eat in theclassrooms because it s
against the rules.
26. Do you enjoy studying English?Yes, I do. I really enjoy studying English. Not really. I don t like it
very much because it is very difficult.
27. Which subjects are you good at? What are your strongest subjects?Which subjects are you not good
at?Which subjects are difficult for you? I m very good at My strongest subjects are My forte is P.E. I
am not very good at Maths were never my forte
28. What classes do you not like? Why dont you like them?I don t like _____ because I am not very good
at ___
29. Do you have any afternoon classes?Yes, I do. We have two more lessons in the afternoon and the we
go home.
30. How many times have you been absent from school this year?I have been absent three times this year
so far. I haven t been absent this year so far.
31. Have you ever been late for class? Yes, I have. (Yesterday/the day beforeyesterday/last week) I was 5
minutes late.
32. How much homework do you do every day? I do a lot of homework every day. I do just a little
because I try to take advantage of my time in class.
33. Have you ever cheated on an exam? No, I have never cheated on an exam.Well, I cheated once but
the teacher caught me. It was awful!
34. What does your mother/father do (for a living)? He/she is a He/ she works in.....
35. Where does your mom/dad work? He/ she works.....
36. Does your mum/dad ever take work home?Yes, He/she always has to work at home. No, he/she never
take work home.
37. Does your mum/dad have to work on weekends?Yes, sometimes he/she has to work on No
he/she never works on the weekends.
38. How many days a week does your mum/dad work? He/she works (five) days a week.
39. What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a I d like to be a
40. What are some jobs that you think would be boring/fun?I think being a .would be very boring.
41. What is the job of a/an ______? They
42. For more:

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