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Electrical & Electronic Design - Line Follower Project - Group Report

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Electrical & Electronic Design - Line

follower Project - Group Report


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Date Due: 18/04/2007

1.0 Contents
1 Beginning
1.0 Contents 2
1.1 List of Figures 3
1.2 List of Tables 3
2 Introduction 4
2.0 Introduction 4
2.1 Aims 4
2.2 Objectives 4
2.3 Project Restrictions 4
2.4 Design Schedule 5
2.5 Individual Tasks 5
2.6 Line Sensor 5
2.7 Power Supply 5
2.8 Body/Chassis 5
2.9 Motor Control 6
2.10 Obstruction Sensors 6
3 Sensor Research and Development 7
3.0 Initial Designs 7
3.1 Testing and Alterations 8-10
3.2 Final Design 11
3.3 Implementation 11
4 Power Supply Research and Development 12
4.0 Initial Designs 12
4.1 Testing and Alterations 13-5
4.2 Final Design 16
4.3 Implementation 16
5 Chassis Research and Development 17
5.1 Initial Designs 17
5.2 Finial Design 18
6 Speed Controller Research and Development 19
6.0 Initial Designs 19
6.1 Testing and Alterations 19
6.2 Final Design 20
6.3 Implementation 20
7 Object Sensor Research and Development 21
7.0 Initial Designs 21
7.1 Testing and Alterations 22
7.2 Final Design 23
7.3 Implementation 23
8 Financial 24
8.0 Budget 24
9 Finalities 25
9.0 Discussion 25
9.1 Conclusions 26
9.2 References 27
9.3 Appendix 27-

1.1 List of Figures
3.0.1 Initial Line Sensor Circuit Design 6
3.1.1 Final Line Sensor Circuit Design 7
3.1.2 Line Sensor Design 8
3.1.3 Graph of Sensor Resistance Over Surface Shade 9
3.2.1 Line Sensor PCB Design 10
3.3.1 Final Line Sensor Circuit on the Vehicle 10
4.0.1 Suggested PSU Circuit 11
4.0.2 PSU Circuit Design 11
4.1.1 PSU Load Test Circuit 13
4.1.2 Graph of Voltage Over Current for the PSU 14
4.1.3 PSU Shock Load Test Circuit 15
4.1.4 PSU Shock Load Test Results 15
4.2.1 PSU PCB Design 16
4.3.1 PSU Circuit on the Vehicle with Battery and Battery Box 16
5.0.1 Chassis Design Drawing 17
5.0.2 Body Design Drawing 17
5.1.1 Final Chassis and Body 18
6.0.1 Basic Speed Controller Design 19
6.1.1 Speed Controller Design 19
6.2.1 Speed Controller PCB Design 20
6.3.1 Speed Controller Circuit in the Vehicle 20
7.0.1 Initial Object Sensor Circuit Design 21
7.1.1 Final Object Sensor Circuit Design 22
7.2.1 Object Sensor PCB Design 23

1.2 List of Tables

2.4.1 Group Gantt Chart 5
3.1.1 Initial Line Sensor Test Results 8
3.1.2 Final Line Sensor Test Results 9
4.1.1 PSU Load Testing Results 13
8.0.1 Expenditure Log 24

2 Introduction
2.0 Introduction
This report will outline the design, construction and testing of our line following robot. It will
show detailed sections on the design stage and how each individual’s tasks came together to
make the robot function.

The report will stress the difficulties that we as a group have faced throughout the module
as well as the changes that we needed to make to achieve a functional product.

2.1 Aims
The aim of this module was to work as a group to design and construct a robot capable of
following a white line.

We will be aiming to improve our knowledge of robotics as well as electronic circuit design
and construction.

We will be working as a group, and thus should improve our skills of working together to
achieve goals.

2.2 Objectives
Construct a Line Following Robot:
• That will follow a white line path on the floor.
• Give a warning when it is moving.
• Stop within safe distance of an object in its path.
• Give a warning or notification that it has sensed an object over the path.
• Automatically continue when object moved.

2.3 Project Restrictions:

• It has to be battery powered and be able to operate for up to 2 hours without having
to be recharged.
• Must be no larger than 20x20x20cm in dimensions.
• Must be made within a budget of £25.00.

2.4 Design Schedule
Here is the group Gantt chart, showing when we intended to do the tasks over the year, and
when they were actually carried out:

(table 2.4.1)
2.5 Individual Tasks
• Line Sensor.
• Power Supply.

• Body/Chassis.
• Motor Control.

• Obstruction Sensors.

2.6 Line Sensor

This is a circuit which is able to see the white line on the floor, and translate the vehicles
location in relation to the line into a 2 bit digital signal. Where 00 means “off the line”, 01
means “ to the left of the line”, 10 means “to the right of the line” and 11 means “on the

2.7 Power Supply

This is a circuit which supplies the necessary voltages to all the circuits and systems on the
vehicle. The power source will be a 9V PP3 Battery. The 2 voltage “rails” initially planned are
9V – to drive the motors, and 5V to drive the low power and logic circuitry.

2.8 Body/Chassis

The body is constructed from ABS plastic. It was designed on SolidWorks a 3D CAD
programme and built on an automated Rapid Prototyping printer.
2.9 Motor Control
The motor control circuit controls the speed of each motor therefore steering it around the
line. The circuit is built around two NPN transistors.

2.10 Obstruction Sensors

The circuit for this task is effectively two circuits; one circuit for the ultrasonic transmitter,
and one circuit for the ultrasonic receiver.

3 Sensor Circuit Research and Development
3.0 Initial Designs
The research done on the line sensors showed that there are two main methods used:
• A Light dependant resistor picking up light reflected off the floor from an LED.
• A Phototransistor picking up light reflected from an infra red LED.

The Infra Red option has 2 major benefits over the visual spectrum solution. Firstly that the
Infra Red Spectrum is a lot cleaner than the visual spectrum, there is a lot less potential for
interference. The other advantage is that phototransistors will react much quicker than Light
dependant resistors. However, what appears white and black to the naked eye, may not be
distinguishable in the Infra red spectrum.

For the analogue to digital conversion of the signal from the sensors, the plan was to use an
AND gate as an analogue to digital Converter. But research showed that a component exists
specifically for this purpose, a comparator, where if the input voltage is higher than a
reference voltage, the output would go to logic high. This was used in the 1st prototype:

(fig 3.0.1)

The vehicle follows inside the line, if one sensor leaved the line, the vehicle turns to return
to the centre of the line, the vehicle moves forward if both sensors are on the line, and the
vehicle stops if both sensors leave the line when the line finishes.

3.1 Testing and Alterations
Testing of this circuit proved that it was not a viable solution as, as the sensors showed no
response to the amount of reflected light:

Surface Shade (%) Phototransistor emitter-ground voltage (V)

White 0 0.027
10 0.026
20 0.026
30 0.027
40 0.026
50 0.026
60 0.027
70 0.027
80 0.027
90 0.026
black 100 0.026
(table 3.1.1)
The phototransistors will be abandoned in favour of a visual spectrum alternative, however;
the sensors did show promise as a proximity sensor, they will be passed on to the Ojbect
Sensor Team.

The circuit design has been modified to use Light Dependant Resistors instead of
Phototransistors, and LEDs that optput light in the visual spectrum.

(fig 3.1.1)

When the resistance of the LDR’s changes de to the increased light reflected from the
surface, the voltage at the positive inout to the comparator increases. When it passes the
reference voltage at the negative input to the comparator, the comparator outputs logic one
to the sopeed controller.

The LDRs are sensitive to a band of light with dominent a wavelength of 550nm[ref 1]. The
LEDs output a dominant wavelength of 569nm[ref 2], this is very close.

To enable the sensors to pick up light reflected from the surface, and not directly from the
LEDs; a cowling will be used:

(fig 3.1.2)

These sensors were constructed and tested, 5mm appears to be the optimum range,
considering variance in the sensors and ground clearence, this is the sensors output at 5mm:

Surface Shade 5mm 1 5mm 2 Average

(%) (kΩ) (kΩ) (kΩ)
White 0 18.65 17.36 18.01
10 21.28 21.27 21.28
20 25.54 24.73 25.14
30 32.83 30.56 31.70
40 43.54 43.8 43.67
50 48.41 48.88 48.65
60 51.6 65.52 58.56
70 72.03 87.56 79.80
80 83.49 84.47 83.98
90 92.82 103.34 98.08
Black 100 153.59 130.17 141.88
Total variance: 134.94 112.81 123.88
(table 3.1.2)

(fig 3.1.3)

Based on these results, these sensors are suitable for the vehicle.

Taking a cutoff of 50% on the comparator’s range to allow for maximum tunability, this
being 2.5V. And aiming for the centre of the tuning potentiometer, resistors R2 and R4 in the
above circuit should be approximately 50kΩ, I will use the standard resistor value of 47kΩ.

3.2 Final Designs
The next step in this part of the project was to construct the complete circuit on breadboard,
and test it on the official line. Once varified as working on breadboard, a PCB layout was
designed, and a board produced on the CAM (Computer Aided Manafacture) milling

The design of the final PCB is as follows:

(fig 3.2.1)

3.3 Implimentation
This circuit was then tested again, and built into the vehicle:

(fig 3.3.1)

The Circuit works fully in the final prototype, and causes no problems in other circuits.

4 Power Supply Research and Development
4.0 Initial Designs
There is a range of ICs which will step a range of voltages down to a specific voltage,
For 5V, the µA78L05ACLP can be used[ref 3].

Proporly configured, it will convert anything between 5V and 30V, to 5V. There is
however a rated maximum current of 100mA on the 5V output.

The Data sheet provides a suggested circuit:

[ref 3]

(fig 4.0.1)

From the suggested circuit, a design has been formed; featuring a 9V rail, and a 5V
rail with an approximate 100mA limit. There is an LED on the 5V rail to indicate that
the 9V rail is over 5V, and the 5V rail is sufficient.

(fig 4.0.2)

4.1 Testing and Alterations
Next, the Power supply circuit was constructed on breadboard, and tested

The max current draw (not including the internal LED) was measured with the following

(fig 4.1.1)

The veriable resistor was altered to a chosen current and the voltage measured, the
temperature of the voltage regulator was also measured by feel:
Target Temperature
Current Current Average Voltage (Temperature with
(mA) (mA) (V) heatsink)
0 0.0 4.93 ambient (not measured)
25 24.9 4.93 ambient (n/m)
50 51.3 4.93 warm (n/m)
75 71.8 4.92 hot (warm)
100 101.9 4.86 n/m (warm to hot)
125 110.6 4.55 n/m (hot)
150 unattainable 0.00 n/m (n/m)
(table 4.1.1)

(fig 4.1.2)

From this testing, a provisoinal maximum current draw of 100mA had been allocated, to
keep the deviation within 10%.

The PSU was then tested in a shock loading/shock unloading situation, using the following

(fig 4.1.3)
With the function generator set to alternate between 0V and 1Vat 100Hz, and the pot.
Tuned to 100mA when the transistor is on. The resulting scope. trace shows negligable
drooping/spiking of the voltage:

Top: 5V Rail (50mV/cm) Top: 5V Rail (50mV/cm)

Lower: Function generator (0.5V/cm) Lower: Function generator (0.5V/cm)
(fig 4.1.4)

This shows that the voltage droops by 0.03V when shock loaded, and peaks from steady
state by 0.05V when shock unloaded, howeverm it only peaks to 0.02V over 5.00V. These
vaslues are all comfortably within 10% deviation, the 100mA maximum current was
validated with this experiment.

The initial design functions adequately, no changes were made before producing the final

4.2 Final Designs
The next step in this part of the project was to construct the complete circuit on
breadboard, and test it on the official line. Once varified as working on breadboard, a
PCB layout was designed, and a board produced on the CAM (Computer Aided
Manafacture) milling machine.

The Design of the PSU is as follows:

(fig 4.2.1)

4.3 Implimentation
This circuit was then tested again, and built into the vehicle:

(fig 4.3.1)

The PSU was able to supply enough power for all the other circuits without drooping or
overheating. The design of the 20.32mm diameter, 3.56g, copper heatsink can be seen in the
above image.

5 Chassis Research and Development
5.0 Initial Designs
The size of the buggy was determined by the circuitry which is to go inside it. Once we had
got a basic idea of the electronics side of the project we could then start to construct the
chassis. This determined the positioning of the sensors, motors and the front skid. We
decided to position the line follower sensor in such a way to enable it to handle the tightest

The boards are mounted to the chassis using M4 50mm bolts these bolts hold the circuits a
safe distance from each other. There are 4 lugs in the chassis, and 4 holes in the body, to
hold the two together.

Here is the Design of the Chassis:

(fig 5.0.1)
Here is the Design of the body:

(fig 5.0.2)

5.1 Final Designs

(fig 5.1.1)

From the above photos it is possible to see both the chassis and the body. As described, the
body was printed on the Rapid Prototyping printer, the final product would be injection
moulded, and thus is of very high quality. Luckily we were able to get the design printed as
one of the first groups. Most groups were not allowed to print a body, just the chassis.

6 Speed Controller Research and Development
6.0 Initial Designs
Below is a development diagram for the motor circuit, it shows the basic circuit for each
motor being controlled by its own variable resistor.

(fig 6.0.1)

6.1 Testing and Alterations

Using the simulation program Multisim, I was able to fully test this circuit to verify the
design. It worked as predicted, and each of the Variable Resistors changed the speed of the
motors as I had planned them to do.

The motors are controlled using TIP121 NPN transistors. We originally designed the circuit to
use Bc337 transistors however these were damaged. We found that the transistors worked
better with as 1kΩ resistor on the base.

This is the new Design, ready to be exported to Ultiboard to design the PCB:

(fig 6.1.1)

6.2 Final Design
The board which we sued for this circuit was damaged during the cutting process, due to a
blunt bit. However, once we cleaned the loose copper from in-between the tracks and it
worked fine. Here is the final Design:

(fig 6.2.1)

This includes a yellow flashing LED, which flashes while the vehicle is in motion, either
forward, or turning.

6.3 Implementation
The board worked as intended in the final prototype, but only once we had repaired the
PCB, which became damaged again during installation.

The Board is the 2nd from the top in this photo:

(fig 6.3.1)

7 Object Sensor Research and Development
7.0 Initial Designs
Various research for suitable obstruction sensors, pointed towards two main types:
• Infra-red.
• Ultrasonic.

Either of the two kinds would be more than sufficient, although the ultrasonic sensors would
require a more complex circuit to control them.

The Line Sensor project’s sensors were dysfunctional, but showed promise as a proximity
sensor, those sensors have been handed to the object sensor project at no fee. Here is the
design for, and operation of the object sensor using IR Transceivers:

When the sensor picks up that there is an object ahead, its voltage should theoretically
increase, making its voltage higher than that of the variable resistor branch, giving a value of
1 when passed through the comparator. When both comparators give out a value of 1, it is
passed through the AND gate to give a final outcome of 1 to the Motor Control Circuit, thus
making the robot stop.

When the object is moved, the voltage through the receiver will again be lower than that of
the variable resistor, so the output of both comparators will be zero, giving a logic output of
0, so the robot can carry on moving. All this is illustrated in Figure 4 below:

(fig 7.0.1)

7.1 Testing and Alterations
The IR transceivers showed no potential as a proximity sensor beyond 1cm, the robot is
unlikely to stop in such a short space, for this reason, we are changing to ultrasonic sensors.

Below is the final detailed diagram for the Ultrasonic circuitry. The diagram shows the
emitter and receiver circuits, the circuits are fed from both a 5V and a 9V power source.

(fig 7.1.1)

To emit a detectable signal, the emitter needs a signal of 40kHz to be generated from the
circuit. This is made possible from using the 555 timer in an astable oscillator application.

The equation used to calculate the frequency of the circuit is as follows:

(( R1 + 2 * R2 ) * C )

The receiver circuit is essentially in five parts.

• One part using a 9V supply and a LM324N Quad OPAMD Chip to amplify the
received signal twice.
• The next a diode clamp to rectify one half of the AC signal into a DC level, using a
1N4148 diode.
• Then a diode pump to rectify the other half of the AC signal and produce a clean DC
level, proportional to the amplitude of the AC signal, using a 1N4148 diode.
• Then a BC109 transistor to amplify the DC level to more than one volt so that the
compotator can function properly. The DC level varies in the 0.0V to 0.7V region,
perfect for turning on and off the transistor.
• The final part is a simple comparator circuit, which feeds the speed controller with
logic 1 and 0, depending on if there is an object in the way or not.

7.2 Final Design

Here is the final design for the PCB:

(fig 7.2.1)

7.3 Implementation
Once transferred from breadboard to a PCB, the circuit stops working. It’s possible that the
resistance of the breadboard formed an essential part of the circuit, this circuit would need
tuning to work in a final prototype, and unfortunately we ran out of time to do this.

8 Financial
8.0 Budget
The bidget for the development of the prototype was £25.00.
The following is a breakdown of all expendature:

(table 8.0.1)

As is shown in the table, the project falls well within budget.

9 Finalities
9.0 Discussion
There were several difficulties throughoght the design we had to overcome:
• The Ultrasonic object sensor - Once transferred from breadboard to a PCB, the
circuit stops working. It’s possible that the resistance of the breadboard formed an
essential part of the circuit, this circuit would need tuning to work in a final
prototype, and unfortunately we ran out of time to do this.
• The IR sensors – The IR Transceivers failed as a line sensor, as there was no
difference at all in their properties with a black or white surface. The reasons for this
are unclear, two possibilities are:
o In the frequency of IR used by the transceiver; the line looks no different to
the background.
o The line was either under-lit or “blown out” by the light source in the
transceiver, the latter is more likely, as we verified that it was transmitting
by viewing the component through a low quality digital camera, who’s
sensor is sensitive to the frequency of Infra Red used by the sensor.
The IR sensors had shown promise as an object sensor capable of sensing up to
30cm, however this had reduced to 1cm by the time the time they were tested as an
object sensor, it’s possible that this is because the photodiode/phototransistor in
them is altered in its 1st few hours exposed to light, or that it was an anomie of the
test circuit/s used.
• Several of the PCB’s were damaged while soldering or fitting to the chassis, bending
them can break tracks, and overheating pads lifts them, these breakages were
possible to fix, and would probably not occur in a mass produced PCB.
• The motor Transistors – The motor transistors were – in theory – capable of
powering the motors, but – in reality – despite the use of suppression capacitors
within the motors; the start up current was too high and one of the transistors blew.
The TIP121 transistors are capable of handling much larger motors than ours.
• The use of potentiometers to control motor speed – although this works, the idea
received external criticism because the resistors consume power. However they do
also restrict current flow and the current draw of the restricted motor and resistor is
less than that of the motor alone. The positioning of the potentiometers is poor, we
had to remove the PSU and object sensor boards to tune the motors. A better
design, used in the object sensor is to have the potentiometers adjustable from the
side, and to place them on the edge of the board.
• Ultrasonic sensor isolation – The Ultrasonic Transceiver was free, provided by ****
******, and came with its own housing and sponge material to isolate the
transmitter from the receiver, despite this a large component of the received signal
was directly received from the transmitter through the housing. This was a large
contributing factor to the object sensor circuits fragile nature, and ultimate failure.
• Wheel position – It was a mistake that the gearboxes extend beyond the chassis.
However it turned out to be a better design as a wide track causes a slower angular
velocity in the turns, and better line holding.
• The Body mounting – Although the mounting technique of four lugs works, it’s very
hard to fit, the body should be thinner.
• Wiring is not very neat, this problem was solved by using connector blocks to link
circuits above and below the board. This means the circuits can be removed from
the chassis with no soldering.

9.1 Conclusions
From the construction of this prototype, we can arrive at several conclusions for the final

The Line Sensor should follow the presented design using visible (green) light.

The Chassis should follow the presented design except for allowing for other modifications
to the design. It should either be injection, or vacuum moulded in ABS.

The Speed controller should follow the presented electrical design using TIP121 transistors,
and have the PCB redesigned to place potentiometers at the front, left, and right edges,
using side adjustable potentiometers.

The Object Sensor should use more a more separated set of transmitter and receiver. It’s
electrical design should be tuned so as to be suitable on a PCB.

The PSU should follow the presented design, and should use a heatsink on the voltage
regulator as shown to prolong component life.

All circuits should be produced on PCB, unless further work on the Object Sensor shows that
a PCB is unsuitable.

The Body should be vacuum formed in polycarbonate to the design presented, or made by
another technique which produces a thin plastic piece.

9.2 References
1. LDR Datasheet, see appendix.
2. LED Datasheet, see appendix.
3. Voltage Regulator Datasheet, see appendix.

9.3 Appendix
1. LDR Datasheet.
2. LED Datasheet.
3. Voltage Regulator Datasheet.


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