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Commun. Math. Phys.

167, 531 552 (1995) Communic ations

Springer Verlag 1995

Infinite Dimensional Symplectic Capacities and

a Squeezing Theorem for Hamiltonian PDE's
Sergej B. Kuksin
IPPI, Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Moscow, Russia
Received: 21 October 1993/in revised form: 6 April 1994

Abstract: We study partial differential equations of hamiltonian form and treat

them as infinite dimensional hamiltonian systems in a functional phase space of
x dependent functions. In this phase space we construct an invariant symplectic
capacity and prove a version of G rom ov's (non)squeezing theorem. We give an
interpretation of the theorem in terms of the "energy transition to high frequencies"


Lebesgue measure as an invariant of symplectic transformations for a long time has

been used as a useful tool to study hamiltonian systems (we mention the P oincare
recurrence theorem as an example of its elegant application). Recently M. G rom ov
[G ] discovered another invariant which he called "D arboux width" and which was
lately developed by I. E kelan d H . H ofer as "symplectic capacity." The new invari
ant has already found several highly nontrivial applications, starting from
G rom ov's sequeezing theorem 1 (the "D arboux width" was created as a tool to
prove this result). Some alternative definitions for the I. E kelan d H . H ofer capacity
("mostly," but not "absolutely" equivalent to the initial one) were given later by C.
Viterbo and H . H ofer E. Zehnder. Below we use the definition from [H Z 1, H Z 2],
where references to the previous works also can be found.
On the other hand, it was realized during the last two decades, mostly starting
with the works of V.E. Z akharov (see e.g. [Z a]) that partial differential equations
without dissipation of energy can be written as hamiltonian systems in an infi
nite dimensional phase space Z of x dependent functions. Thus a natural question
arises if infinite dimensional symplectic invariants can be constructed and used to
study hamiltonian P D E 's.
It is well known that the Lebesgue measure dx has n o infinite dimensional
analogy. But the G ibbs measure e~ H(x)dx, where H is the hamiltonian of the

Stating that "a symplectic camel cannot go through the eye of a needle" (V.I. Arnold, [1]).
532 S.B. Kuksin
equation we study, could have it. Such a measure was first constructed by L.
F riedlander [ F ] for the <p4 equation
w = uxx u3, u u(t, x), xeT 1
lately invariant G ibbs measures were obtained for some other x one dimensional
equations with coercive hamiltonians by P. Z hidkov, H . M cK ean K . Vaninski and
J. Bourgain (see [Bo] and references therein).
In this paper we construct for ham iltonian P D E 's the second invariant
symplectic capacity. F or each open subset & of the phase space Z of x dependent
vector functions we define its capacity c(G) in such a way that the following
properties are fulfilled:
1) translational inaance:
c() = c( + ) for eZ;
2) monotonocity:
c(1)^c(2) if G1=>G2;
3) 2 homogeneity:
c() = 2c()
4) nontrivialty:
0 < c(G) < oc if G 0 is bounded.
Our definition of the capacity c(G) is based on finite dimensional approxima
tions of G. Thus the capacity c inherits the very im portan t normalization of the
finite dimensional symplectic capacity:
5) c(Br) = c({rk)) = r\
where B is an r ball in Z and ^ is the cylinder based on an r disc in the plane
spanned by the vectors ^, ^ from a fixed D arboux basis f, }, ... in Z .
(Possibly the ball and the cylinder are n ot centered at zero.)
We prove that the capacity c is preserved by the flow maps S t of
a (nonautonom ous) hamiltonian equation, provided that
S t = linear operator + compact sm ooth operator, (1)
where the linear operator is the direct sum of rotation s in the planes spanned by
j~ and j (j = 1,2, ... ) and compactness of the nonlinear term "agrees with the
basis {f }" (these two assumptions hold trivially if the linear operator is the
identity map).
The assumption (1) does not hold for general ham iltonian P D E , but still it
holds for some im portan t equations. F or example, for
Nonlinear string equation
u = uxx + p{u;t,x\ u = u ( , x) , xe T 15 (2)

The G ibbs measure depends on the hamiltonian. Therefore it can be used to study autonomous
equations only.
Infinite Dimensional Symplectic Capacities 533

where p is a smooth function which has at most a polynomial growth as \ u\ oo

Quadratic nonlinear wave equation

= Au + a{t,x)u + b{Ux)u2, xel2; (3)

Nonlinear membrane equation

2 2
ii= u+p(u;t,x\ xeT ; (4)

Schrdinger equation

i= \ =G(U9U;t9x) \ *9 U = u*, xe F , (5)

where w* is the convolution with a fixed real function and G is a real valued
smooth function.
U sually there is an arbitrariness in choosing a phase space for a hamiltonian
P D E . In contrast, to construct the invariant capacity one should take for a phase
space of the equation the H ubert space distinguished by the property that some
H ubert basis of the space is in the same time a D arboux basis for the corresponding
symplectic structure. F or a nonlinear P D E such a distinguished phase space Z is
essentially unique. In particular, for Eq. (2) the phase space is
Z = H il2{) xH ll2{T \ formed by the vector functions

(u(x\ ( d2/ dx2 + l)~ 1/ 2(x)).

F or (3) and (4) one should take Z = # 1 / 2 ( 2 ) x 1/ 2 (T2 ) and
1 2 1 2
Z = H ( T ) x H ( T ) ; for (5) the space should be Z L2(T"; <C).
The flow maps S t of Eq. (2) (5) preserve the capacities of sets till the blow up
time. In particular, due to properties 2) and 5) of the capacity c we get

Squeezing Theorem. / /

S t(BR) c J7<*> (6)

for some ball BR and cylinder y \ then r ^ R.

F or Eq. (5) we have ^ = s(x), ^ = is(x), where {s} is a complete system

of real eigenfunctions of A + V(x). So

M(,x) = us+ (0s + u;(t)~ = X (us+ + M ")()< p s ,

and {ps = Us + ws~} are the complex F ourier coefficients of the solution w(, x).
The theorem implies that if \ pk {t)\ < r for all solutions with u(09 )e BR, then r ^ R.
Another immediate consequence of the theorem is that a bounded solution of
the equation cannot be "uniformly asymptotically stable" as t > oo, because for any
p neighbourhood Bp of the initial point diameter of the set S t(Bp) cannot tend to
The theorem is also connected with the following im portan t question: does the
energy of nonlinear conservative oscillations spread to higher frequencies? A possible
mathematical reformulation of this physical question is the following.
P rovide the phase space of x dependent vector functions with some H ubert
norm || || ^ . D enote the corresponding H ubert space as Z and its H ubert basis as
534 S.B. Kuksin

{f }. Take a ball BR = {|| z || ^ < K} in the space of initial data and consider the
problem: is it true that for fixed k "part of energy leaves A th m ode":

S T (BR) + \ Pk +
* < P} (7)
for some T > 0, p < R
If Z = Z , then (7) is the squeezing, which is impossible due to the theorem.
To explain why we treat (7) as the spread of energy, suppose that the phase
space of the system we consider is the space of pairs of x dependent functions with
n n
x e 1" W/ (2 ) . Fix d ^ 0 and choose the tilde basis equal to {* (x)\ se },

<5> = 1 + |s| and {s{x)} is the usual trigonometric basis of L 2 (T "). F or a vec
tor function denote by Zf the coefficients of its decomposition in the basis
{(s(x), 0), (0, s(x))} (i.e., its Fourier coefficients) and denote by E s = zs+ 2 + zs~ 2 the
energy of the s mode. Below we draw idealised pictures of the energy distribution
for the points from BR (at left) and from p with k = 1 (at right):

1 2 1 2

So if p < R and the m ap S sent the left set inside the right one, then a part of the
energy indeed left the first mode. F or more information on the energy transition
subject we refer the reader, say, to [ P ] .
F or Eqs. (2) (5) above the distinguished phase spaces Z have the bases of the
form (8) with d = \ , i, 1,0 correspondingly. The question if the "squeezing" (7) is
possible can be also stated with the distinguished phase spaces Z replaced by some
smoother spaces. The most interesting seems the case of energetic spaces. F or Eqs.
(2) (5) these are respectively Sobolev spaces H 1, H\ H 2, H 1 (having the bases of
the form (8) with d = 1, 1, 2,1). In such a case we do not know if (7) is possible or
not for general Eqs. (2) (5). But for Eq. (2) with a time dependent analytic function
p(u) of the form

p(u) = mu au2 bu3 (9)

where m > 0, the answer again is "n o " if p in (7) is sufficiently small. The reason is
that for Eq. (2), (9) has in rich supply small amplitude time quasiperiodic solutions.
See [BK ] for the case a = 0, b = const 0 and [ K ] for the case m = m(x), where
Infinite Dimensional Symplectic Capacities 535
m( ) is a "typical function," even in x. In particular, (2) has time periodic solutions
which lie in BR near the plane IR IR ^ 4

1. Capacities of Finite Dimensional Sets

We provide the linear space IR 2" = IR x IR with the usual symplectic structure
dp dq; for a smooth function f{p,q) we denote by Vf the corresponding hamil
tonian vectorfield.
G iven m > 0 and an open domain c IR 2" we call a function fe C($)
m admissible if
i) 0 ^ / ^ m ;
ii) / vanishes in a nonempty subdomain of \
iii) / = m in a neighborhood of d(P.
Following [H Z 1, H Z 2] we define the capacity c2n((9) of the domain (9 as
c2n() inflm^l for each m > m% and each m admissible/ in the vectorfield
Vf has a nontrivial periodic solution of period ^ 1}.
Clearly c2n is a monotonic symplectic invariant:
c2n((9i)Sc2n((92) if ^lC= d ?2 (1.1)
c2n((9) = c 2(0(?)) (1.2)
if : + IR " is a symplectomorphism.
D enote by , the ball

and by r the cylinder

The following equalities gives the main property of the capacity c2n:
c2n(Br) = c2n(r) = r 2 (1.3)
(see [H Z 1, H Z 2] for a proof).
An immediate consequence of (1.1)(1.3) is the famous squeezing theorem of M.
G romov [G ]: the ball Br can be symplectically embedded into the cylinder R only
if R ^ r.
Take any rc vector r = (r 1 ? . . . , rn\ 0 < r ; ^ oo , where some r, is finite. Then

More exactly, [BK, K ] provide (2), (9) with time quasiperiodic, x periodic solutions which are
even or odd in x since theorems of these works are applicable to even periodic and odd periodic
boundary conditions (which are equivalent to Dirichlet and N eumann boundary conditions on
the half period).
These solutions form symplectic ribs which prevent the symplectic camel from the first footnote
to go through the eye of a needle (cf. Sect. 1 in [A]).
536 S.B. Kuksin
with some 1 ^ j = * The ellipsoid
B{r) = {(p,q)\ ri2(Pj + qf) < 1}
contains the ball Br an d is contained in the cylinder {pf0 + qf0 <r }. So we get
from (1.3) (and (1.1), (1.2)) that
c2n(B(r)) = r2 . (1.4)

2. Symplectic Hubert Spaces

Let Z be a H ubert space with the scalar product < , ) an d a H ubert basis
{<Pf\ j7t 1}. F o r e N we denote by Z " the linear envelope of the vectors
{f 11 ^ 7 ^ n) an d denote by 77" the n atural projector
n Z *Z n .
We also denote Z n = Z Q Z ", use the decomposition of Z ,
Z = Z nZ n, (2.1)
and write accordingly z e Z a s
z ^ z ", *, ) , z"eZ z e Z n .
We define the skewsymmetric linear operator J,
J Z^Z, f ^ + <^/ ,
and supply Z with a symplectic structure by means of the 2 form
= (Jdz,dz} . 5
We take a selfadjoint (possibly unbounded) linear operator A such that
f jf Vj (2.2)
(the operator is selfadjoint in Z with the n atural domain of definition) and consider
a hamiltonian

f=^<Az,zy + h{z;t), (2.3)

where h is a smooth in Z x IR function. The corresponding hamiltonian equation

has the form
t)) . (2.4)
By (2.2) the hamiltonian operator JA is diagonal in the complex basis
< j= (f ij) > with the eigenvalues { ij), and defines a group of isometries

{etJ\ te R } of the space Z ,

\\etJA\\z,z =l V . (2.5)

that is, K,?7] = (J,).

Infinite Dimensional Symplectic Capacities 537

Remark. The assumption (2.2) concerning Eq. (2.4) is not very restrictive, see Part
6 for concrete examples. Besides, this assumption can be achieved if the "un
bounded linear part" JU of Eq. (2.4) has a discrete spectrum which is semisimple
and imaginary we can put the operator JAU to the normal form (2.2) with some
D arboux basis {f } and introduce a H ubert structure in Z with {f} as a H ubert
basis. The "bounded linear part" JAb can be added to the nonlinear term JVh, so it
may contain Jordan cells and hyperbolic eigenvalues.
We say that a continuous curve z() e C(T 1, T 2;Z) is a solution of (2.4) in Z if
for 7\ ^ t ^ 2 ,

z(t) = e{t *)JAz(0) + } e{t~ )JAJVh(z();)d . (2.6)

The integral in the r.h.s. is well defined due to (2.5).

We denote by S TltT7 the operator which sends z(T ) to z(T 2) (possibly
T 2 <T ) and abbreviate S OJ = S t.

Remark. Define Z A as a H ubert space with the norm \ \ z\ \ A = <(1 + A2)~ 1 z,z) z.
Then Z cz Z A and the linear m ap

is bounded. In particular, the solution (2.6) is a C* curve in Z A and defines a strong

solution of Eq. (2.4) in this space (both sides of (2.4) coincide as continuous curves
in Z A).
F or a H ubert space Z _ we write

if Z is compactly embedded in Z _ and {f } is an orthogonal basis of Z_ (not an

orthonormal one!). Clearly, the space Z is dense in Z _ .
We identify the adjoint space Z * with Z. Then ( Z _ ) * can be identified with
a subspace Z + of Z, Z+ < Z. So we have

Z+ <Z <Z .

If II II _ is the H ubert norm of Z _ , then

||e ||_ f_ = l , (2.7)

and similarly with Z + .

By #(Z)> or BR if the space Z is fixed, we denote the ball {z\ \ \ z \ \ < R}. We also
h,(z) = h(z;t)

and impose the following compactness assumption: for some triad Z + < Z < Z _ as
above the function h can be extended to a C 2 smooth function on Z_ x R. Then
the gradient map Vht:Z Z can be extended to maps

VheC'i &xZ iZ +l VfteC (I R xZ , Z ) . (2.8)

In particular, the map

IR x Z + Z + , (,z)h > S/ ht{z) (2.8')

538 S.B. Kuksin

is bounded (sends bounded sets to bounded) because the embedding Z ^Z is

compact. We suppose also that the m ap
R xZ > Z, (,z) h > Vt(z) is bounded . (2.8")
Definition 1. For an open domain cz Z and T > 0 we write
() ^ T
if solutions u(t) of (I A) exist for 0 ^ ^ T for all u(0)from some neighbourhood of
in Z (bar means closure).
Lemma 1. Suppose that the assumptions (2.2) and (2.8) (2.8") hold. Let c= Z be
a domain such that () ^ T > 0 and for each R > 0 and w(0) e nBR the solution
u(t\ 0 ^ t ^ T, does rco / ^ some /argfer ball BR,R' = ^'(.R). T/^w the flow maps
Sf:u(O) > M(t), O^^T,
are smooth diffeomorphisms of the form
S t = etJA(I + S t) , (2.9)
S z,)d .

Proo/ . It is sufficient to prove the statement for replaced by CBR with arbitrary
R > 0. In Appendix 1 below we prove (in a traditional way) that the maps S tlt tl(u)
for u e nBR, 0 ^ tl912 S T, exist if | x t2\ ^ (, T ) and are dififeomorphisms.
We can replace (R, T) by ' = (R f,T) ^ (R, T) and write S t as

where tn = t, t0 = 0 and | 7 j _ | rg '. The representation (2.9) readily follows

from the integral equation (2.6) which holds for z(t) = S t(z).
The differential dS T (z0) of the m ap S sends a vector v0 to v(T), where ()
solves the linearised equation
v = J(v + dVht(z(t))v) (2.10)
with v(0) = v . The curve {z()|0 ^ ^ T } is compact in Z . Thus for all 0 ^ t ^ T

and we have
|| () || ^ Ci (, ^( )) || 17(0) ||, Ot^T. (2.11)
Lemma 2. Under the assumption of Lemma 1 the flow maps S t are symplectic:
S? = .
a n
Proof We should check that for any two vectors ^10,^20 d 0 ^ t rg 7\
S *[; 1o,^2o] = const .
That is, we should check that
l(t)\ = (Jvi(t) 9v2(t)} = const ,
where Vj(t) is the solution of (2.10) with Vj(0) = vjoj = 1,2.
Infinite Dimensional Symplectic Capacities 539

D enote
lN (t) = (JvMN v2(}.
We have
^lN (t) = (J1,N 2) + (JvuN 2y
= < J2(Av + dVh,(z)v),N v2y
+ (JV,N J(Av2 + dVht(z)v2)}
= (dVh,(z)v1, v2) + {vi,N dVh,(z)v2y .

l(t) 1(0) = lim (lN(t) / N(0))


= lim $((dVh(z)v2,N v1} (dVh(z)vuN v2})d =0,

N +00 0

due to Lebesgue theorem, because by (2.11) the function under the integral is
bounded by some (t, iV) independent constant and pointwise tends to zero.
We shall study Eq. (2.4) for w(0) = u0 e a Z and 0 g t ^ T, where () ^ T.
In addition we suppose that the maps S t: (9 > Z are uniformly bounded for
O^t ST . That is, for each R > 0 there exists R' such that
S t(nBR) c:BR, VO ^ ^ T . (2.12)
To study the solutions with w0 e nBR we can replace / ^(M) by
ht(u) = g(\\u\\i)ht(u), (2 13)
where the function geC^(t) is such that g(r) = 1 for |r | ^ . R ' . D enote by
j : Z _ ^ Z + the duality isomorphism:


and the^function h meets (2.8) (2.8"). The equation with the transformed hamil
tonian h has the same solutions for M(0) G nBR and 0 ^ < T.
We say that the hamiltonian / is admissible if it satisfies (2.2), (2.8) (2.8") for
some triad Z + < Z < Z _ it is admissible for 0 ^ ^ T and w0 e C? cz Z if also
T S {) and (2.12) holds for each R.
Definition 2. A symplectomorphism :Z ~=> > Z is called elementary if it is the
S T mapfor some hamiltonian equation which is admissible for 0 : t ^ T and u0 e .
Each elementary symplectomorphism = S t admits the representation (2.9),
where the m ap S t is compact by the assumption (2.8). Each compact m ap can be
approximated by finite dimensional maps. Below we need a symplectic version of
this statement:
Lemma 3. For each elementary , each > 0 and R < oc there exists N such that
(u) = eTJA(I + )(I + )( U) (2.14)
540 S.B. Kuksin

for u e nBR(Z), where (I + ) and (I + N ) are smooth symplectomorphisms of

Z such that

^ for u e (I + N )(nBR), (2.15)

and in terms of the decomposition (2.1)
N {zN ,zN ) = {%{zN ),zN ). (2.16)
F or a proof see Appendix 2.

3. Symplectic Capacities for Hubert Space

F o r a n o p e n n o n e m p t y d o m a i n c Z a n d ^ l w e d e n o t e

and observe that

dGn <=.dGr\ Z n . (3.1)

Consider a smooth function fe C () and m > 0.
Definition 3. T/i function f is called m admissible, if
i) 0 ^ / ^ m everywhere, f= 0 m 0 nonempty subdoman of andf\ m = m;
ii) /i 5 {z|/ (z) < m] is bounded. The distance from this set to d is d(f) > 0.
S u p p / = {z |0 < / ( z ) < m }.
For each m admissible function / we have
dist{f 1{0),dO)^ d = d{f), (3.2)
dist(Supp/ , d) ^ d . (3.3)
D enote/ =f\ c and consider the corresponding hamiltonian vectorfield Vfn in
n. We call a T periodic trajectory of Vf fast if it is not a stationary point and
T ^ 1.
Lemma 4. Each fast periodic trajectory is contained in S u p p / n Z ".
Proof At each point z e n\ Supp/ the function/ takes either its minimal or
maximal value. So Vfn(z) = 0, z is a stationary point, and a fast trajectory cannot
pass through it.
We call an admissible function ffast if there exists n0 = no(f) such that for all
n^n0 the vectorfield Vfn has a fast solution.
N ow we are in a position to define a capacity c:
Definition 4. For an open nonempty domain & a Z its capacity c() equals to
c{) = in f{m j each m admissible function with m > m* is fast}.
The capacity c() depends on the stratification Z 1 a Z 2 a ofthe space Z,
formed by invariant subspaces ofthe linear operator J. The function h in (2.3) can
Infinite Dimensional Symplectic Capacities 541

contain a quadratic in z part. Thus the linear operator A is fixed modulo compact
linear operators only. Equations (2.4) with fixed "un boun ded part" of the operator
A forms a natural class of equations which can be studied with the same capacity c.
Compact perturbations of the operator A imply perturbations of the basis
{f }. The corresponding stability result for the capacity c can be stated as follows:
Proposition 1. The capacity c() of a domain will not change if the basis {r } is
replaced by another Hilbert basis Darboux {r }, which is quadratically close to the
initial one,

F or a sketch of a proof see P art 5.

We continue with some trivial properties of the capacity c which can be
obtained immediately.
Proposition 2. For nonempty domains (9 U2, <= Z and 0 we have
a) c(1)Sc(2)i1^2;
b) c((9) = 2c().
Proof F or m < c(1) we can find an m admissible function/ in \ which is not fast.
That is there exists an infinite sequence {rc7 } such that each vectorfield Vfn has no
fast periodic trajectory. L e t / b e the function/ , extended as m to C02\ 1. The
fun ction / is m admissible in 2 and for n = n1, n2, ... the vectorfield Vja has no
fast solutions, because by Lemma 4 each fast solutions of Vjn lies in
supp fnZ n = Su p p / n Z ", so it is a fast solution of Vfr Thus c(2) ^ m and the first
assertion follows.

To prove the second we observe that a curve z() e n is a T periodic trajectory

of Vfn if and only if the curve z(f)en is a T periodic solution of Vn, where
f(y) 2 / ( " i y) fr y e M oreover, the function/ is m admissible for & if and
only if/ is 2m admissible for .
Proposition 3. For any a Z,

Proof F or m < c() there exists an m admissible function/ which is not fast. That
is, one can find a sequence {nj} such that the vectorfield Vfn has no fast solution.
F or large n^ the fun ction / ^ is m admissible in Hj. Thus, 'c2n(n) : m and the
statement follows.
Proposition 4. For any domain a Z and e Z we have

c{) = c( + ) .
Proof Let us denote = + . It is sufficient to check that c() ^ c(\ because
= so then also c() S c{). We decompose as = n + no (see (2.1);
n0 will be fixed later) and denote x = + n\ Clearly, c(G) = c() (see also
Lemma 5 below) and = (9X + no.
We take any m admissible function/ in with m > c{) and wish to check that
this function is fast. As || n \ \ > 0 as n oc , then
dist(d&,d)^\ \ n\ \ *O as n +oo.
542 S.B. Kuksin

So we can find n0 so large that d i s t ( d $ 1 ? d ^ ) ^ \ \ nj <jd(f). We e xt e n d / a s

m outside an d denote by f1 restriction of the extended function to . The new
function equals m in the \ d(/ ^neighborhood of d&i and vanishes at the se t / ~*(0)
which is contained in by (2.2). So it is m admissible an d thus Vfi has a fast
trajectory in G\ if n ^ 0 is sufficiently large, because c{) < m. By Lemma 4 this
trajectory lies in S u p p / 1 = Supp/ cz (91n@. So it also is a fast trajectory of F / n .
Thus, the fun ction / is fast.
N ow we shall show that the capacities of ellipsoids an d polydiscs are given by
formulas similar to the finite dimensional formulas (1.3), an d that the capacities
remain unchanged under some "reasonably wide" class of symplectomorphisms.
Let r = {r l j r 2 , ... } be a sequence such that 0 < r 7 ^ oo for all j an d

0 < r : = inf r, < oo . (3.4)


We define the polydisc D(r) and the ellipsoid B(r) as follows:

D(r)= {Z = PJJ+ + qj<Pjr\ Pj+qf<rj Y/} ,

B(r) c D{r) . (3.5)
Theorem 1. For each sequence r as in (3.4),
c(B(r)) = c(D(r)) = r2 .
Proof of the theorem is given in P art 4 below.
Corollary. For r > 0
c(Br) = r2 .
F rom this statement we get nontriviality of the capacity c:
Theorem 2. For each nonempty bounded open domain we have
0 < c() < oo .
Proof. We can find p, R > 0 an d e Z such that
Bp + cz(9czBR.
Thus by P roposition 4 an d the corollary we have p2 ^ c() ^ ^R2.
N ow we turn to invariance of the capacity. We start with a trivial observation.
Lemma 5. / / a map F :Z Z has the form
F (z", z n ) = (F "( Z "), z ), (z",zn)eZ"xZ n, (3.6)
n n
where F is a smooth symplectomorphism ofZ , then c(F{)) = c()for each domain
Proof The m ap F an d its inverse are Lipschitz uniformly in bounded subsets. So
F * sends m admissible functions in F() to similar ones in &. F or N ^ n it
transforms the vectorfield Vfs,f = f F, to VfN . So the classes of admissible and fast
functions are preserved by F, an d the result follows.
Infinite Dimensional Symplectic Capacities 543

A much more essential property of the capacity c is its invariance with respect
to elementary symplectomorphisms.
Theorem 3. For any elementary symplectomorphism and any domain we have
= c(())>

provided that the map ~ : (# ) > is bounded (it sends bounded sets to bounded
Proof of the theorem is given in P art 5.
Remarks. 1) The last assumption of the theorem holds trivially if the set is
2) If the m ap " 1 is not bounded, we can only state that c() rg c(()).
3) We need the compactness assumptions Vh e C 1 ( I R x Z _ , Z + ) and (2.8")
only to get the decomposition (2.14) which is essentially equivalent to compactness
of the operator S t in (2.9). So what we really need to prove, that the maps S t preserve
the capacity, is their smoothness jointly with the decomposition (1) from the
Corollary (the Squeezing Theorem). If an elementary symplectomorphism sends
a ball
{zeZ\ \ \ z z\ \ <r}
to a cylinder

{z = Pj<Pj+ + 4j<P\ (Pjo ~ P) 2 + (4jo ~ <?)2 < R 2}

(the index j 0 is fixed) then r ^ R.

4. Proof of Theorem 1

We shall check that

c(B() ^ r2 (4.1)
c(D(r)) S r 2 . (4.2)
After this the result follows from (3.5) and P roposition 2.
1) To prove (4.1) we fix any m < r2 and produce an m admissible function F in
B(r), which is not fast. The construction of the function F, given below, directly
follows [H Z 1, H Z 2].
The ball B = Br(Z) is contained in B(r). F ix any y e (m, r 2 ) . At the ball B the

varies from zero to . We can find p > 0, yx < and a smooth function/ () such
that 0 f'(t) <, 1, 0 Sf^ m and
544 S.B. Kuksin

F(z)= f(^\ \ u\ \

The function F is smooth in Z, it vanishes near zero and equals m outside the ball
B and in the set {u\ ||u || > r^fy~Jy}. Thus, F = m in some neighborhood of x <9#r
in Z, and so it is m admissible.
We wish to show that the function F is n ot fast. We introduce in Z " the
action angle variables / , ,
2 2
Ij = (pj h qf), ^ j= arctan (g/ pj) ,

where {(pj9 qy}} are coordinates with respect to the basis { |1 ^ j ^ n} in Z w .



and T > 1 for each nontrivial T periodic solution of VFn in Z ".

Thus, c(B(r)) ^ m and (4.1) is proven.
2) D enote D(r) = . T o prove (4.2) we fix some m > r2 an d take any in
admissible fun ction / in (!?. As the interior of the s e t / " 1 ^ ) is not empty, then the
same is true for the se t / ~ 1 ( 0 ) n Z " with sufficiently large n. As n a d, then the
smooth function/ =f\ cn equals m near dn. So it is m admissible.
We know (see (1.4)) that cn((9n) = minlsjnrj. So cn(n) >r2 an d
m r
cn{n) < f large n. F or such n's the vectorfield F / n has a fast periodic trajectory,
and the function / is fast.

5. Proof of Theorem 3 and Proposition 1

We start with
Lemma 6. / / :(9 > Q a Z is an elementary symplectomorphism such that the
inverse map '1 is bounded then the symplectomorphism ~ 1 :Q > also is elemen
Proof. If is the S flow for some Eq. (2.4) satisfying (2.2), (2.8) (2.8"), then ~
is the .S IOW for the equation with the h am ilt o n ian /

f= (Az,zy h{z,T t),

which also meets (2.2), (2.8) (2.8").

The flow 5,(3) is well defined for 3 e Q, 0 ^ t ^ T; it is bounded by the lemma's
assumption. The flow map S is well defined for u(0) from some neighborhood of
(see D efinitions 1, 2). Its image contains a neighborhood of Q, where the flow S t is
Infinite Dimensional Symplectic Capacities 545

well defined for 0 g t ^ T. Thus, the hamiltonian / is admissible for 0 ^ t ^ ,

u0 e , and the assertion follows.

Proof of Theorem 3. We denote Q = {&) and take any m admissible fun ction / in
Q, where m > c(). If we can prove that the function/ is fast, then c(Q) ^ c() and
the result follows, because the suplectomorphism " 1 also is elementary by
Lemma 6 and so c{) ^ c(Q) as well.

The set Su p p / is contained in some ball BR. We take R = R + d(f) and

denote Q' = g n B ^ i ) , 0' = ~ {Q'). By our assumptions the set 0' is bounded,
fi/ ' c (# ')> and by P roposition 2,

We apply Lemma 3 with N so large that < jd(f) and denote by u 2 the
intermediate domains which arise from the decomposition (2.13):

We also denote
f2= fe \ ei.
As the m ap eTJ is an isometry, then

dist(Supp/ 2 , d2) = d = d(f)

and the function f2 is m admissible in 2

We extend/ 2 as m outside 2 and get a smooth function/ 2 ext in Z . D enote by/ its
restriction to (9 x. The neighborhood of d is contained in the 2 neighborhood
of d2, where / 2 e x t = m as <\ d. By (3.2) / "^(O) = / 2 " 1 ( 0 ) c ^ n ^ So the
fun ction / is m admissible in ^ ^
By Lemma 5 c() = c(?'). Thus

and the function / i s fast. So for each n P 1 the vectorfield Vjn has in ?" a fast
solution. By Lemma 4 this solution lies in Supp / which equals Su pp/ 2 by (3.3).
Therefore the solution is also a fast trajectory of Vf2t, the function f2 is fast as well
as the function / and the result follows.

N ow we go to a proof of P roposition 1. The linear transformation L which

corresponds coefficients of a vector's decomposition in the basis {<>/} to its
coefficients in the basis [r1} is a symplectomorphism, compact close to identity.
Thus we can decompose it as

L = L 2<>L l9

where L changes first 2N coordinates only and L 2 is close to identity:

where (JV) > 0 as N > 00 . F or the m ap L we have got an analog of the decompo
sition (2.14). So we can complete the proof by repeating the arguments we used
above to prove Theorem 3.
546 S.B. Kuksin

6. Examples

6.1. Schrdinger Equation

Take Z = L 2( M ; (C), n ^ 1, T" = I R 72Z w , with the scalar product

<M,;> = Re J uvdx/ (2) n

and the symplectic form

[ M j ] = Im J wz; dx/ (2) n
(corresponding to the operator Ju = iu).
Consider the operator
A= A + V(x)
with a smooth periodic potential V(x) and denote by {j} the complete system of
its real eigenfunctions,
A j{x) = jjix) Vj; < j9 k > = jk Vj, fe.
For the basis {^} of Z we take
f = j(x), f = ij(x) .
Consider the hamiltonian

f=^<Au9uy+^lG(U9U;x9dx/ (2y9 U = u*, (6.1)

where G is a real valued smooth function and u * is the convolution with a fixed
real valued function e if^ "). D enote the second term in (6.1) as ht(u). Then

h f(i + ) = ht(u) + ^ j {(d/ dU)GV

= ht(u) + (5<(/ U G )* , > + 0{2) ,V =

Vht(u) = *d/ dUG(U9 U;t9x) 9
and the equation with the hamiltonian / has the form
i= Au + V(x)u + (d/ dUG(U9U;t9x))*9 U = u*. ( 6. 2 )
+ 1 B +
Take Z~ = ff ^ C), Z = J ( ; C ) , where the Sobelev space Z is
given the norm ||w||i = < (cl + A)u,u} with sufficiently large c. Then
z + < z< z~ .
The m ap
Z~ >Z + , u ^ *(d/ dUG(U, U;t,x)) 9
is smooth. So the relations (2.8) (2.8") hold, the hamiltonian equation (6.2) is
admissible and its flow maps S t preserve the capacities c() of open domains G c Z
till the blow up time. The blow up will never occur, in particular, if the function
/ dUG(U, U; t,x) is bounded or if G(U, U; t,x) =f(\ U\ 2; t9x) for some real func
tion / .
Infinite Dimensional Symplectic Capacities 547

If for some w e Z w e denote

B p = {u(x)\\\u w\\ < p },
then c(Bp) up by Theorem 1 and P roposition 4. If j 0 e N , if p, q are some reals
2 2 R2
n R = {u = PJ+ v! + vj J = (PJ+ + ip)<P )\Pjo P\ + I^ <?l < } >
then c(R) = R 2. So in particular
S t(Bp) c R implies K ^ p.
That means that if the initial wave function u(0, x) was known with the accuracy
p and the system evolves in accordance with (6.2), then each F ourier coefficient
(Pio + ^ ) ( 0 n e v e r c a n be measured with an accuracy better than p . 6

(5.2. Nonlinear String Equation

Consider a nonlinear string equation
= uxx uf(u',t,x), u = u(t,x), (6.3)
where x e T ^ !R/ 2Z a n d / is a smooth function which has at most a polynomial
growth in u, as well as its u and f derivatives:

lCk(l+\ u\ ) Mk for a+b=k a n d all k ^ 0, (6.4)

where positive constants Ck are bounded for bounded t and nonnegative M fc's are
^ independent. We denote by B the operator B = ( d2/ dx2 + 1) 1 / 2 and write the
equation in the form
= Bv,
v = Bu + B 1f(u;t,x). (6.5)
Define the phase space Z of Eq. (6.5) as Z = H 112 xH i/ 2, where
) is the Sobolev space with the scalar product
< WI , M 2 ) = j Bu(x)u2(x)dx/ 2 .
F or the symplectic H ubert basis { ^ |j 6 Z } of Z we take

12 sin jx,
' cosj'x, j ^ 0.

We remark that this statement is trivial if G =f(\ U\ 2; t,x) and w = 0, p = q = 0 in the
definitions of J?p and / 7 because in such a case the flow maps preserve the norm in Z.
We write the nonlinear term in the form u f(u;t,x) for convenience; possibly
548 S.B. Kuksin

We define the operator J as in P art 2 (i.e., J f = + .+ ). Then

J (u, v) = ( v, u) .

Consider the functional ht in Z,

2 u
ht(u, v) = J F(u(x); t,x)dx/ 2, F = \ fu .
0 0

Its gradient Vht in the space Z equals

Vht = (B 1f{u,{x);t,x),O).

So if we choose A = BxB, and denote U = (u, v), then Eq. (2.4),

U = J(AU + Vht(U))> (2.4)

coincides with (6.5).
F or the space Z _ we take Z _ = H 1/ 2~ x H 1/ 2~ with some 0 < < \ . Clearly
2 l l 2

z+ < z < z_.

Lemma. The functional h meets the compactness assumptions (2.8) (2.8"), if > 0 is
sufficiently small.

Proof To check the first relation in (2.8) we prove that the m ap

1 / 2
H "flxR ^ L 2, (u( ),) >/ (( ),*; )> (6.7)
is C 1 sm ooth. This statement follows from (6.4) and the Sobolev embedding
theorem. In particular,

\ f(u(x) + v(x)) f(u(x))\ l S Cl\ i\ + \ u\ )^\ i2

so the m ap (6.7) is continuous, etc.

The second relation in (2.8) follows from smoothness of the m ap

which in its turn results from (6.4) because the space H 1/ 2 is embedded in each
space L p,p < oo .
The relations (2.8'), (2.8") both follow from the continuity of the m ap (6.7).
Thus Eq. (6.5) in the form (2.4) is admissible in the space Z and its flow maps
S t preserve the capacity c() of a domain a Z if () ^ . So the "squeezing" (6)
(see Introduction) is impossible for the nonlinear wave equation in the phase space
H 1/ 2 x H 1/ 2 till the blow up time.
We remark that solutions of (6.3) never blow up in particular, if M o = 0 (i.e., if
the function/ is bounded and meets (6.4)). This readily results from representing the
equation in the form (6.5).
Infinite Dimensional Symplectic Capacities 549

6.3. Nonlinear Wave Equation

The equation
= u u f(u;t,x) 9 x e F , n ^ 2 , (6.8)
ll2 n 1/ 2
also can be written in the form (6.5) with Z = H {T )xH (T") an d
B = ( A + 1) 1 / 2 . N ow it is much more difficult to satisfy (2.8) (2.8"). The only
example we know is the quadratic in u function/ for n 2. So the only admissible
multidimensional equation (6.8) we know is the equation
= Au + a(t,x)u + b(t,x)u2y xe 2
We also remark that the assumptions (2.8) (2.8") are fulfilled if the nonlinear
term is "smoothed out" an d Eq. (6.8) takes the form
= Au u + *g'(u*,t), xeT" ,
where eH { ). N ow

A( M , I > ) = f fif(u*,)/ (2) ,

and one again can rewrite the equation in the form (2.4) with Z =
H 1/ 2(J") x H 1 / 2 ( l ) , choose Z _ L 2 x L 2 , Z + H 1 x H 1 and see that the equa
tion is admissible.

6.4. Membrane Equation

Consider the nonlinear membrane equation
u= {A2u + u+f(u;t,x)), xe T 2 , (6.9)
2 1/ 2
where the fun ction / is the same as in (6.4). We denote B = (A + 1) an d rewrite
Eq. (6.9) in the form (6.5). Take Z = H 1xH\ where H 1 = H ( 2)is given the
||w||2 J Bu(x)u(x)dx/ (2) 2 .
T 2

N ow Eq. (6.9) (in the form (6.5)) is a hamiltonian equation (2.4) with

h = j F(u(x);t,x)dx/ (2) 2, F = ]fdu .

T2 0
We take Z _ = H 1~ xH ~ with sufficiently small positive . The functional
h meets (2.8H 2.8") an d Eq. (6.9) is admissible in the phase space Z . So its
flow maps S t preserve capacities of subdomains in Z .

Appendix 1. Local Solvability of Equation (2.4)

We consider Eq. (2.4) satisfying (2.2), (2.8) (2.8/ / ).

Theorem . For each positive T and R there exists positive = (T,R) such that for
VE BR and 0 ^ t < T the unique solution z(t) of (2.4) with z(t) = v exists for
h St S h = m in (T, tx + ). Moreover, z(t) e B2R and the operators S titt(v) = z(t)
define smooth diffeomorphisms S tut:BR > Z.
550 S.B. Kuksin

Proof. In the Banach space of continuous curves \ t,t\ ^Z vanishing at 1?

consider the ball B of the radius 2R centered at zero, an d the m ap
(t )JA i h)JA
F:B >B, 3() h^ J e JVh{e v + {))d .

By (2.8) the m ap
[ 0, T ] x 2R + Z , (,3) ,V( 3;) (Al)
{t )JA
is bounded an d Lipschitz; the m ap e ~ J is a linear isometry of Z . So F defines
a contraction of the ball B if | 2 t1 | ^ , where is sufficiently small. Therefore
the m ap F has the only stationary point ( ) which defines the unique solution z(t)
of (2.6),

We skip a traditional proof of the fact that the maps S tlt:BR > B2R are
sm ooth. 8 They are diffeomorphisms because the maps S tttl are their inverse.

Appendix 2. Proof of Lemma 3

Proof. We can modify the hamiltonian h as in (2.13). After this modification the
m ap is S flow for some Eq. (2.4), where
ht(u) O for ||u||_ > R
with some R > R'.
We shall use the following statement which will be proven later.
Lemma. For | | ^ T, any R and w, v e BR(Z) we have
\ \ Vht(u) Vht()\ \ SC(R)\ \ u \ \ , (A2)
\ \ Vht(u) N Vht(u)\ \ SN), (A3)
where Si(N) > 0 as N oo .
N ow we set hN = htN . Then

We define N as the time T flow 5 ^ of the equation

v = J(v + VAjv(t )) ,
or, equivalently, = (v ,N ) an d
vN = J{AvN + N Wht{N )) 9 vN = JvN . (A4)
As Vh(v ) = 0 for || v \ \ _ > .R and || N (t) \ \ _ = const, then solutions of (A4) cannot
leave the ball B2R(Z ) starting from BR(Z ). Therefore by (2.8"),
\ \ S7hN ((t))\ \ ^C(R),

Warn in g: t h e m a p [ i , 2 ] *BR^> B2R, (t,u) i S t, t(u) is n o t sm o o t h in t.

Infinite Dimensional Symplectic Capacities 551

and for 0 ^ t ^ T solutions (t) with v(0) in BR(Z) do not leave some ball BR{Z). So
the flow S? is well defined for 0 S t ^ T and sends bounded sets to bounded sets.
By Lemma 1
S? = N = e (I + N ), (A5)
where (/ f N ) is a smooth symplectomorphism (as well as S% and e ) and
^v has the form (2.16). Besides
(/ + ^ ) " = S e

is a smooth bounded m ap of Z .
N ext we estimate the difference N . We denote w() = u(t) (), where
u(t) and t () = (y , %)() are solutions of (2.4) and (A4) with w(0) = v(0) = u.
F or w( we get the equation
w JAw = J(Vht(u) Vht(v) + Vht(v) VhN (v)) = (t\ w(0) = 0.
By (A2), (A3) ||zl()|| ^ C ||() v(\ \ + 1(N). So
t t
|| w() || ^ j || zl () || d ^ C j || w() || <i
o o
N ow G ronwals lemma implies that
\ \ w(\ \ ^C1(N)e .
N eTJA( N )

and ( N ) u = w(T\ then by the last estimate


for M in BR(Z).
We can write as
= eTJA(I + $N +
( N ))(I + N y\ l + N )
e ( / + ( N )o(/ + ^ ) ) ^ + N ) .

So we get the representation (2.14) with = ( N )(I + N ) " 1 . The estimate

(2.15) with large enough N results from (A6) and (2.16) follows from the very
definition of the hamiltonian hN .
Proof of Lemma. The ball BR(Z) is precompact in Z _ . So by (2.8),

\ \ Vht(u) Vht()\ \ S sup sup

\ t\ ST

and (A2) follows.

As the set K = [j | t | g Vht(BR) is precompact in Z+ and in Z , then (A3) results
from the following statement:
su p ||w J 7 N t t || > 0 as N > oo. (A7)
552 S.B. Kuksin

To prove (A7) we suppose that the convergence does n ot hold. Then we can find
a sequence {u {n) } a K such that || (/ n)u{n) || ^ > 0. As K is precompact, then
u{n) ^ueZ. For rij > 1 we have
||( / 7 7 "' ) ||< / 2 , ||n( nj) u\ \ < / 2 .
So ||((J " )u(rj) || < and we get a contradiction which proves (A7).

Acknowledgements. I am indebted to H. Hofer and E. Zehnder for presenting me with a copy of

manuscript of their book [H Z2] and to E. Zehnder for discussions. I am thankful to the F IM
(ETH, Zurich), where this paper was done and typed, for its hopspitality, and am indebted to
Rahel Boiler for her excellent typing.


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Communicated by T. Spencer

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