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AC Amended By-Laws - Feb 27 2015

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SEC Building, EDSA, Greenhills
City of Mandaluyong, Metro Manila

1- 1111 d COMPANY REG. NO. 34218



This is to certify that the Amended "By-Laws of


copy annexed, adopted on December 04, 2014 by majority vote of the

Board of Directors pursuant to the authority delegated to it by the
stockholders owning or representing at least two-thirds of the outstanding
capital stock on May 18, 1989, and certified, under oath by the Corporate
Secretary and majority of the said Board was approved by the Commission
on this date pursuant to the provisions of Section 48 of the Corporation
Code of the Philippines Batas Pambansa Big. 68, approved on May 1, 1980,
and copies thereof are filed with the Commission.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and ca~sed t~e seal
of this Commission to be affixed to this Certificate at Mandaluyong City,
Metro Manila, Philippines, this ~ day of February, Twenty Fifteen.


Company Registration andMonitoring Department



(SEC Reg. No. 34218)




Section 1 - The authorized capital of the Corporation shall be as provided in the Articles of
Incorporation.' (As amended on 07 May 1976)

The stockholders of the Corporation shall have preferred right to subscribe to all new issues
of its stocks in the event of issue of additional shares of stock or of any increase in capital.

Section 2 - Each stockholder who has fully paid his subscription shall be entitled to a
certificate or certificates setting forth the number of shares of stock in the Corporation
registered in his name in the books thereof.2 Each stock certificate shall be numbered, shall
bear the signatures of the President and the Secretary and the seal of the Corporation, and
shall be issued in numerical order from the stock certificate book. No certificate shall be issued
for fractional shares.

Section 3 - Shares of stock may be transferred, sold, assigned or pledged by written

endorsement of the stock certificate on the back and the delivery thereof by the transferor
to the transferee, but the Corporation shall continue to consider as the stockholder the
person in whose name the certificate was issued until such certificate shall have been
surrendered to the Secretary for cancellation and replaced by a new certificate in the name of
the transfereea (As amended on 4 December 2014).

Section 4 - All certificates so surrendered to the Secretary shall be marked by him with the
word "CANCELLED" and the date of cancellation, and shall forthwith be attached to the
corresponding stub of the stock certificate book.

Section 5- Duplicate of lost or destroyed certificates, or new certificates to replace said lost
or destroyed certificates, may be issued in accordance with the requirements of existing laws.
(As amended on 4 December 2014).

All references to "Articles of Incorporation" in these By-Laws refer to the Articles of Incorporation of
Ayala Corporation.
2 Corporation Code, Section 64.
3 Corporation Code, Section 63.
Ayala Corporation
Amended By-Laws
As amended 4 December 2014



Section 1 -The funds of the Corporation other than the sums necessary for current expenses
shall be invested as may be directed by the Board of Directors in accordance with the Articles
of Incorporation and subject to the limitations provided by existing laws.

Section 2- All cash of the Corporation shall be deposited in its name in such banks and credit
institutions as the Board of Directors may designate.



Section 1 - A meeting of the stockholders, duly constituted, represents the entire body of
stockholders and its decisions in matters proper for deliberation by it are binding upon
absenting or dissenting stockholders. (As amended on 4 December 2014).

Section 2 - The meetings of stockholders may be regular or special, and shall be held at
the offices of the Corporation or at any place in Metro Manila designated by the Board of
Directors. Regular meetings, also referred to as annual or general meetings, shall be held
annually on any date in April of each year as may be determined by the Board of Directors.
Special meetings may be held at any time by resolution of the Board of Directors or at the
request of stockholders representing at least one-third of the subscribed and outstanding
capital, setting forth the purpose of such meeting in the notice. (As amended on 4 December

Section 3 - Regular or special meeting of stockholders shall be called by written or printed

notice. The notice shall be sent to each stockholder by personal delivery or by mail, postal or
electronic, addressed to the physical or electronic or e-mail address of the stockholder
registered in the books of the Corporation, at least fifteen (15) business days advance of the
date for which the meeting is called. The notice shall be deemed to have been given at the
time when delivered personally or deposited in the Makati Central Post Office, or sent
electronically or by e-mail and addressed as herein provided. (As amended on 18 April2011.)

Notice of regular or special meeting shall contain, in addition to the date, hour and place of
the meeting, a statement of the matters to be transacted at the meeting, and no business
other than that specified in the call shall be transacted at such meeting. The notice of the
stockholders' meeting shall also set the date, time and place of the validation of proxies, which
in no case, shall be less than five (5) business days prior to the stockholders' meeting. (As
amended on 18 April2011.)

The Corporation may also provide information or documents to a stockholder by e-mail or by

posting the information or documents on the website of the Corporation or another electronic
network; provided that, a separate notice is given to the stockholder of such posting. In case
the Corporation provides information or documents by electronic posting, the information or
documents shall be deemed delivered or given upon the later of (i) the posting of the
information or documents or (ii) the giving of a separate notice to the stockholders of such
specific posting. (As amended on 18 April 2011.)

The Corporation shall give notice and provide information or documents electronically, as
provided above, only to stockholders who have consented to receive notices, information or

Ayala Corporation
Amended By-Laws
As amended 4 December 2014

documents by e-mail or electronic transmission. A stockholder shall be deemed to have

consented to receiving notices, information or documents electronically if he has provided an
e-mail or electronic address to the Corporation and he has not notified the Corporation in
writing that he requires notices, information or documents to be given to him in physical paper
form. (As amended on 18 April 2011.)

Section 4- Regular meetings and duly called special meetings shall be constituted and pass
resolutions provided over one-half of the stock is present or represented except in cases
where the Corporation Law requires a greater number. (As amended on 4 December 2014).

Section 5- For the election of directors, it is necessary that the maiority of the outstanding
capital stock be present or represented. (As amended on 4 December 2014).

Section 6 - Any stockholder entitled to vote may be represented by proxy at any regular or
special stockholders' meetings. Proxies shall be in writing and signed and in accordance with
the existing laws, rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Duly
accomplished proxies must be submitted to the office of the Corporate Secretary not later than
seven (7) business days prior to the date of the stockholders' meeting. Validation of proxies
shall be conducted at least five (5) business days prior to the date of the stockholders' meeting.
(As amended on 18 April 1997).

Section 7- Each share of stock entitles the person in whose name it is registered in the books
of the Corporation to one vote, provided the share has not been declared delinquent. (As
amended on 4 December 2014).

Section 8- The election of Directors shall be by ballot and each stockholder entitled to vote
may cast the vote to which the number of share he owns entitles him, for as many persons as
are Directors to be elected, or he may give to one candidate as many votes as the number of
Directors to be elected multiplied by the number of his shares shall equal, or he may distribute
them on the same principle among as many candidates he may see fit, provided that the whole
number of votes cast by him shall not exceed the number of shares owned by him multiplied
by the whole number of Directors to be elected. (As amended on 4 December 2014).

Section 9 - At the regular meetings, the Board of seven (7) Directors shall be elected who
shall hold office for the term of one (1) year or until their successors shall have been elected
and qualified.

Section 10 -All stockholders' meeting shall be presided by the Chairman of the Board, or in
his absence, by the Chairman of the Executive Committee, or in his absence, by the President,
and in case the latter is also absent, by the senior Director, or by the oldest if several became
Directors on the same date.

The minutes of the stockholders' meetings shall be signed by the Secretary, with the approval
of the Chairman of the meeting.

Section 11 - The Board of Directors shall fix a record date for the purpose of
determining the stockholders entitled to notice of or to vote at any meeting of
stockholders or any adjournment thereof, or entitled to receive payment of any dividend
or other distribution or allotment of any rights, or entitled to exercise any rights in
respect of anv change, conversion or exchange of stock or for the purpose of any other
lawful action. (Old Section 11 deleted; new Section 11 was approved by the Board on 4
December 2014)

Ayala Corporation
Amended By-Laws
As amended 4 December 2014



Section 1 -The Board of Directors is the supreme authority in matters of governance and in
managing the regular and ordinary business of the Corporation. Within their chartered
authority, the directors acting as a board have the fullest powers to regulate the concerns of
the Corporation according to their best judgment. It shall be the Board's responsibility to
promote and adhere to the principles and best practices of corporate governance and to foster
the long-term success of the Corporation and secure its sustained competitiveness in the
global environment in a manner consistent with its fiduciary responsibility, which it shall
exercise in the best interest of the Corporation, its shareholders and other stakeholders.

The Board of Directors shall have seven (7) member who shall be elected individually4 by
the Corporation's stockholders entitled to vote at the annual meeting, and shall hold office for
one year and until their successors are elected and qualified in accordance with these By-
Laws.5 (As amended on 4 December 2014).

As a corporation publicly listed in the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE), the Corporation shall
conform with the requirement to have such number of independent directors as may be
required by law, and with the procedures for the nomination and election of independent
directors as prescribed by law or regulations.

Section 2 - No person shall be elected nor be competent to hold the office of Director of this
Corporation unless at least one (1) share of stock of the Corporation shall stand in his name
in the books of the Corporation at the time of his election.

Section 3 - No person shall qualify or be eligible for nomination or election to the Board of
Directors if he is engaged in any business which competes with or is antagonistic to that of
the Corporation. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, a person shall be deemed to
be so engaged.

a. If he is an officer, manager or controlling person of, or the owner (either of record or

beneficially) of 10% or more of any outstanding class of shares of, any corporation (other
than one in which the Corporation owns at least 30% of the capital stock) engaged in a
business which the Board, by at least three-fourths (3/4) vote, determines to be competitive
or antagonistic to that of the Corporation, or

b. If he is an officer, manager or controlling person of, or the owner (either of record or

beneficially of 10% or more of any outstanding class of shares of, any other corporation or
entity engaged in any line of business of the Corporation, when in the judgment of the
Board, by at least three-fourths (3/4) vote, the laws against combinations in restraint of
trade shall be violated by such persons membership in the Board of Directors; or

c. If the Board, in the exercise of its judgment in good faith, determines by at least three-
fourths (3/4) vote that he is the nominee of any person set forth in (a) or (b).

In determining whether or not a person is a controlling person, beneficial owner, or the

nominee of another, the Board may take into account such factors as business and family

ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard (ACGS), A.3.3
5ACGS, E.3.11

Ayala Corporation
Amended By-Laws
As amended 4 December 2014

For the proper implementation of this provision, all nominations for election of Directors by the
stockholders shall be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors at least thirty (30) business
days before the date of the regular meeting. 6 (As amended on 01 December 2003).

Section 4 - An Independent Director shall hold no interests or relationships with the

Corporation that may hinder his independence from the Corporation or Management which
would materially interfere with the exercise of independent judgment in carrying out the
responsibilities of a Director.

An Independent Director shall submit to the Corporate Secretary a letter of confirmation stating
that he holds no interests affiliated with the Corporation, Management or controlling
shareholder at the time of his election or appointment and/or re-election as a Director. (As
amended on 4 December 2014).

Section 5- In case any vacancy or vacancies should occur on the Board of Directors during
the period between two stockholders' meetings due to death, resignation or other causes, the
remaining Directors, if still constituting a quorum, may fill said vacancies by election from
among the stockholders, and the stockholders so elected shall act as members of said Board
until the new Board of Directors is elected.

Section 6 - The Board of Directors shall designate the days when it shall meet in regular
session, but it shall meet at least six (6) times a year. 7 It may be convened in special session
by the Chairman or at the request of three (3) Directors. (As amended on 4 December 2014).

Section 7 - The Board of Directors shall have the following duties, powers and attributes, in
addition to those assigned to it by the Corporation Code and other sections of these By-Laws:

a. Determine the period, manner and conditions under which the Corporation shall engage
in the kinds of businesses comprised in Article II of the Articles of Incorporation;

b. Determine the manner in which the corporate capital shall be invested, subject to the
provisions of Article II of these By-Laws;

c. Make rules for the internal regulation of the company;

d. Create committees and other bodies it may deem advantageous and necessary in running
the affairs of the Corporation, as well as appoint advisory Directors who can participate in
board deliberations but whose functions shall be strictly advisory and non-voting; and
appoint officers as the Board may deem necessary, and fix their duties and powers; (As
Amended on 4 December 2014).

e. Determine the creation of branches, agencies, office departments of any class, under the
conditions it may deem convenient;

f. Decide as to the safekeeping of the funds of the Corporation, open current accounts, fixed
deposit accounts and savings accounts with any bank authorized to operate in the
Philippines and/or abroad;

g. Approve the budgets and general expense accounts of the Corporation;

6 Charter of the Board of Directors (Board Charter), Section 4.1

7 Board Charter, Section 5.1; ACGS, E.3.2

Ayala Corporation
Amended By-Laws
As amended 4 December 2014

h. Fix annually the percentage to be written off on all capital expenditures of the Corporation
such as buildings, furniture and fixtures, etc. and determine the distribution of profits and

i. Submit annually to the annual meeting of stockholders the Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss
Statement and Annual Report on the condition of the Corporation;

j. Call special meetings of stockholders;

k. Authorize any other person or persons it may deem fit, aside from the Chairman of the
Executive Committee, to purchase, sell, or mortgage the real or personal properties of
the Corporation;

I. Authorize any other person or persons it may deem fit, aside from the Chairman of the
Executive Committee, to cancel mortgages or pledges executed as securities for loans
and bonds when the mortgages have been repaid to the Corporation and when the bonds
have been cancelled;

m. Determine the time and manner of issuance of unissued stocks and treasury shares of
the Corporation (As amended on 4 December 2014);

n. Fix, upon the recommendation of the Chairman of the Executive Committee, the budget
of administration expenses;

o. Determine the manner and conditions under which employees of the Corporation shall be
granted pensions, retirement gratuity or life insurance protection;

p. Institute, maintain, defend, compromise or drop any litigation in which the Corporation or
its officers may be interested in as plaintiff or defendant in connection with the business of
the Corporation and grant extension of time for the payment or settlement of any
indebtedness in favor of the Corporation;

q. Settle any doubts that may arise relative to the interpretation of these By-Laws and supply
any omissions, reporting thereon to the stockholders' General Meeting for such action as
it may see fit to take.

Section 8- Directors and officers may borrow money from the Corporation subject to review
and approval to ensure that they are at arm's length, the terms are fair, and they will
inure to the best interest of the Corporation and its shareholders, in accordance with
the Corporation's Policy on Related Party Transactions 8 (As amended on 4 December

Section 9 -The corporate signature required for contracts, powers of attorney, etc., of all
kinds shall be that of the Chairman of the Executive Committee alone, or that of any other
person or persons that the Board may designate.

Checks and orders of payment shall be signed by the Chairman of the Executive Committee,
or by the President, or by the Chief Finance Officer or Treasurer, or by the persons or
persons that the Board may designate.

8 Related Party Transaction Policy; ACGS, 8.4.4 and 8.5.2

Ayala Corporation
Amended By-Laws
As amended 4 December 2014
Section 10- The Chairman of the Board of Directors shall have the following powers:

a. To preside at all of stockholders' meetings and meetings of the Board of Directors; and

b. To exercise such other powers which are given him by these By-Laws. (As amended on 4
December 2014)

In the absence of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman shall automatically take his place as Acting
Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Section 11 - The Chairman of the Executive Committee is the legal representative of the
Corporation and has powers:

a. To execute the resolutions of the stockholders' meetings, of the Board of Directors and of
the Executive Committee;

b. To sign, in accordance with said resolutions, such contracts, instruments and powers of
attorney as may be necessary;

c. To represent the Corporation and vote at the stockholders' meetings all stocks owned by
the Corporation in other corporations or companies.

Likewise, the Chairman of the Executive Committee shall manage the business of the
Corporation and shall have the following additional powers and duties:

d. Prepare semi-annually the budget of administration expenses;

e. Appoint and discharge the employees occupying the positions authorized by the Board of
Directors or by the Executive Committee;

f. Supervise the accounting and cash and sign, with the President and the Chief Finance
Officer or Treasurer, the Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Statement and Annual Reports.

g. Attend to the correspondence and sign receipts for incoming monies. 9

With the consent of the Board of Directors, the Chairman of the Executive Committee may
delegate to any of the officers of the Corporation any and all powers granted him under this
section, provided, however, that such delegation shall not divest the Chairman of the authority
to exercise the same powers .10

Any delegation of powers made by the Chairman of the Executive Committee pursuant to the
provisions of the next preceding paragraph should likewise be submitted for ratification and
confirmation at the next annual meeting of stockholders. 11

Section 12- The Executive Committee composed of not less than three (3) but not more
than five (5) members elected and appointed to the same by the Board shall exercise any of
the powers and attributes, allowable by law, of the Board of Directors during the intervening
period between the Board's meetings, and shall report all resolutions adopted by it to the
Board of Directors at the first meeting that the latter may subsequently hold. (As amended on
4 December 2014)

9 Charter of the Executive Committee, Section 3

1Charter of the Executive Committee, Section 3
11 Charter of the Executive Committee, Section 3

Ayala Corporation
Amended By-Laws
As amended 4 December 2014

Section 13- The Chairman of the Board and the Chairman of the Executive Committee shall
receive such remuneration as may be fixed by the Board of Directors each year, aside from
that which each one as Director may be entitled to receive.

Section 14- During the absence or illness of the Chairman of the Executive Committee, the
Vice Chairman shall automatically assume his place as Acting Chairman of the Executive
Committee and, in the absence of both, the Board of Directors shall designate, who, among
its members, shall act as Acting Chairman of the Executive Committee.

Section 15- The President shall have the powers which may be delegated to him by the
Chairman of the Executive Committee, with the consent of the Executive Committee.

Any delegation of powers by the Chairman of the Executive Committee to the President should
also be submitted for ratification and confirmation by the stockholders pursuant to the
provisions of the last paragraph of Section 10 of this Article.

In the absence of the President, the Acting President, shall be, in this order of precedence, (a)
The Chairman of the Executive Committee and {b) the Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Section 16- The Treasurer or a Vice President (or Managing Director) so appointed by the
Board of Directors shall have custody of the funds, credit instruments and documents of the
Corporation and shall furnish bond, conditioned on the faithful performance of this duties, in a
sum to be fixed by the Board of Directors. {As amended on 4 December 2014)

Section 17 - It shall be the duty of the Secretary to prepare and keep the minutes of all
meetings of the Board of Directors and stockholders and attend to the correspondence and
files of the Corporation, to sign, jointly with the President, all stock certificates, keep and affix
the Corporate seal, record all transfers of stock and cancellations and keep all stock
certificates transferred, likewise, keep a list in alphabetical order of all stockholders of the
Corporation and of their residences and the shares owned by each, and to perform all other
duties which may be assigned to him by the Board of Directors. 12

Section 18 - In case of illness or absence of any officer of the Company, he shall be

temporarily replaced by any other officer that the Chairman of the Executive Committee may

Section 19- Directors sanctioning transactions not authorized in these By-Laws or by statute
shall be held personally and jointly liable therefor.

Section 20 - Each Director shall be entitled to receive from the Corporation, pursuant to a
resolution of the Board of Directors, fees and other compensation for his services as Director.
The Board of Directors shall have the sole authority to determine the amount, form and
structure of the fees and other compensation of the Directors. In no case shall the total yearly
compensation of Directors exceed one percent (1%) of the net income before income tax of
the Corporation during the preceding year.

The compensation and remuneration committee of the Board of Directors shall have the
responsibility of recommending to the Board of Directors the fees and other compensation for
directors. In discharging this duty, the committee shall be guided by the objective of ensuring
that the level of compensation should fairly pay directors for work required in a company of
the Corporation's size and scope. (As amended on 18 April2011.)

12 ACGS, E.3.7

Ayala Corporation
Amended ByLaws
As amended 4 December 2014



Section 1 - Management stands as the locus of decision-making for the day-to-day affairs of
the Corporation. It determines the Corporation's activities by putting the Corporation's targets
in concrete terms and by formulating the basic strategies for achieving these targets.

Section 2- Management is primarily accountable to the Board of Directors for the operations
of the Corporation. As part of its accountability, it is also obligated to provide the Board with
complete, adequate information on the operations and affairs of the Corporation in a timely
manner. It shall inform the Board regularly, promptly and comprehensively about any
issues concerning the Corporation's strategy, risk management and compliance. 13 (As
amended on 4 December 2014).



Section 1 -At each general meeting held, the stockholders shall elect the person or persons
who are to audit the accounts of the Corporation until the next annual meeting.

Section 2 - No person shall be deemed ineligible to the office of the auditor because he is a
stockholder of the Corporation, but said office is incompatible with the office of the Director of
the Corporation.

Section 3- It shall be the duty of the Auditor to audit the books of account of the Corporation
whenever he shall see fit, and to report on the annual balance sheet, which later shall be
published jointly with his report and for this purpose, all books of accounts, vouchers and other
documents of the Corporation relating to its financial administration shall be placed at his
disposal when he requests it.

Section 4 - A copy of the balance sheet and the report shall be filed in the offices of the
Corporation ten (1 0) days in advance of the date on which the general meeting is held and
shall be open for inspection by the stockholders.

Section 5- The auditor shall receive such remuneration as the general meeting electing him
may determine.




Section 1 -The net profits before taxes shall be distributed as follows:

a. An amount for management bonus to be recommended by the compensation

committee of the Board of Directors and approved by the Board of Directors,

13 Board Charter, Section 6.3

Ayala Corporation
Amended ByLaws
As amended 4 December 2014

b. The balance shall be made available for distribution as dividends to stockholders.

(As amended on 4 December 2014).

Section 2 - The Board of Directors may deduct from the annual profits any amount which it
may see fit to create reserves for any purpose when, in its judgment, said action may be
deemed necessary and convenient for the business of the Corporation or to meet
contingencies that might arise in the course of business of the Corporation.

Section 3- At the end of the life of the Corporation, or if it has to liquidate for any reason, the
Board of Directors shall exercise the functions of liquidators and the applicable portions of
these By-Laws shall continue in force.

Section 4 -The products that may be obtained from the liquidation of the Corporation, after
liquidating all of its obligations, shall first be applied to the return of the shares of the
stockholders, and the remainder, should there be any, shall be distributed in accordance with
the rule established in these By-Laws for distribution of annual profits.



Section 1 -The seal of the Corporation shall contain the name, principal place of business of
the Corporation, and the words "ESTABLISHED" in 1834 and "INCORPORATED IN 1968"
and said seal is hereby adopted as corporate seal.

Section 2- To aid the Board of Directors in the promotion of and adherence to the principles
and best practices of good corporate governance, the Manual of Corporate Governance
adopted by the Board of Directors on August 26, 2002, and any amendments thereto, and the
Charters of the Board of Directors and of the Board Committees shall be suppletory to
these By-Laws. (As amended on 4 December 2014).

Section 3- These By-Laws may be amended, repealed or modified by the affirmative vote of
the stockholders owning or representing a majority of the outstanding capital stock and
majority of the Directors, at any regular or special meeting duly called for the purpose;
Provided, however, that by the affirmative vote of the stockholders owning or representing at
least two-thirds (2/3) of the outstanding capital stock, the power and authority to amend or
repeal these By-Laws or adopt new By-Laws may be delegated to the Board of Directors;
Provided, finally, that the delegation of such powers and authority to the Board shall be
considered as revoked whenever stockholders owning or representing a majority of the
outstanding capital stock shall so vote at a regular or special meeting called for the purpose. 14
(As amended by the stockholders on 18 May 1989, and further amended on 4 December

Section 4- The fiscal year and closing of the books of the Corporation shall be on the 31 ''
day of December of each year. (As amended on 14 March 1983).

14 ACGS, A.2.1

Ayala Corporation
Amended By-Laws
As amended 4 December 2014

ADOPTED this 261h day of January 1968 at Makati, Rizal.






Chairman, Executive Committee


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