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Task 4 (Corregido)

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Hi Antonia

How about you? Im very fine good/well. You know what that two weeks ago I have started to work
as a teacher in the primary school Virgen at Incas town. Inca is a village in the center of Mallorca, it
is pretty small and the people is very simpatic nice and quiet. Like Because I life live in Palma, by car I
can arrive at school by car in twenty minutes while by public transport is more complicate because
you have to take the bus and then the train, should be it is more ecologic but I it would delay me
more than one hour to arrive. Actually I like a lot the school and the ambient its environment. The
director of the school has introduced my colleagues to me at my colleagues and already I already
have two friends, theirs names are Nria and Montse. When I have doubts and questions, they help
me with sympathy. Really We really are a big team and yet I dont kwon a lot of people. My timetable
is always the same, I start at 8.30 am and I end finish at 3 pm, is pretty practice practical for me and
in the afternoon I can paint and go to dance classes as they are my two passions in the life. Finally I
am happy because the staff looks simpatic is nice with me, the students are greats except one or two
what who I need to be pending keep an eye on because I have to control my classroom. I dislike
some somethings like I have having the only classroom without air conditioner and its hot. They
dont give havent given me yet my passwords yet and I cant access at my teachers account. Neither
I cant can I print many documents because they control all. My salary is bad because I dont receive
a lot of money but its a good experience and I like this job.



1) Im very fine good/well, es ms apropiado al dar una respuesta corta de Estoy muy bien. El
very fine se utiliza en casos ms especficos, usualmente en oraciones ms largas.

2) You know what that two weeks ago I have started to work, Para el que del espaol, utilizamos
that y no what. Cuando est en medio de una oracin, what tiene un significado de lo que y no de
que, y ah es cuando utilizamos that.

Si comenc a hacer algo hace dos semanas (two weeks ago), estamos hablando de pasado simple,
por lo cual, omitimos el have y simplemente usamos el verbo started, es decir, en pasado simple
(hace dos semanas comenc a trabajar).

3) village in the center of Mallorca, it is pretty small, como seguimos hablando de Mallorca, pero en
otra frase, debemos utilizar el pronombre it, para seguir haciendo referencia a Mallorca.

4) simpatic no existe, para hablar de simptico podemos utilizar la palabra nice.

5) . Like Because I life live in Palma, ese Como vivo en Palma no se traducira textualmente al
ingls. Estamos hablando de la causa de algo (vivir en Palma), entonces utilizaramos because.

6) Para hablar del ambiente de un lugar, utilizamos environment, ya que ambient tiene significados
ms especficos.

7) I already have two friends, el already lo solemos intercalar entre el sujeto y el verbo principal.

Lo mismo sucede con el really: We really are a.

8) is pretty practice practical for me, en este caso utilizamos practical ya que es el adjetivo para
(algo) prctico.

9) two passions in the life, cuando hablamos de la vida en general, omitimos el the.

10) except one or two what who I need to be pending keep an eye on, como estamos hablando
anteriormente de personas (estudiantes), utilizamos el pronombre relative who que hace referencia
a personas.

Para expresar estar pendiente de (algo/alguien), utilizamos la expresin to keep an eye on.

11) Para decir algo o algunas cosas utilizamos something/ some things, nunca some something
ya que sera como decir algunas algunas cosas.

12) They havent given me my passwords yet, sera la manera correcta de escribir en presente
perfecto (No me han dado mis contraseas an).

13) it would delay me more than one hour to arrive, para decir me retrasara ms de una hora en
llegar. Revisar la estructura.

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