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Sales Chapter 5

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166862 On August 5, 1982, respondent PNB filed a petition for extrajudicial foreclosure of
Petitioner, the real estate mortgage and sought to have the property sold at public auction
Present: for P911,532.21, petitioners outstanding obligation to respondent PNB as of June 30,
Intervenor, PANGANIBAN, C.J., Chairperson,* 1982,[6] plus interests and attorneys fees.
After due notice and publication, the property was sold at public auction
AUSTRIA-MARTINEZ, on September 28, 1982 where respondent PNB was declared the winning bidder
- versus - CALLEJO, SR., and
CHICO-NAZARIO, JJ. for P1,000,000.00. The Certificate of Sale[7] issued in its favor was registered with the Office
PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, of the Register of Deeds of Rizal, and was annotated at the dorsal portion of the title
on February 17, 1983. Thus, the period to redeem the property was to expire on February 17,
INC., 1984.
Intervenor. December 20, 2006
x- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x
Petitioner sent a letter dated August 25, 1983 to respondent PNB, requesting that it be granted
DECISION an extension of time to redeem/repurchase the property.[8] In its reply dated August 30, 1983,
CALLEJO, SR., J.: respondent PNB informed petitioner that the request had been referred to its Pasay City
Branch for appropriate action and recommendation.[9]

Before us is a petition for review on certiorari of the Decision[1] of the Court of

In a letter[10] dated February 10, 1984, petitioner reiterated its request for a one year extension
Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. No. 46153 which affirmed the decision[2] of the Regional Trial
from February 17, 1984 within which to redeem/repurchase the property on installment
Court (RTC), Branch 71, Pasig City, in Civil Case No. 58551, and its Resolution[3] denying
basis. It reiterated its request to repurchase the property on installment. [11] Meanwhile, some
the motion for reconsideration filed by petitioner Manila Metal Container Corporation
PNB Pasay City Branch personnel informed petitioner that as a matter of policy, the bank does
not accept partial redemption.[12]

The Antecedents Since petitioner failed to redeem the property, the Register of Deeds cancelled TCT
No. 32098 on June 1, 1984, and issued a new title in favor of respondent PNB. [13]Petitioners
Petitioner was the owner of a 8,015 square meter parcel of land located offers had not yet been acted upon by respondent PNB.
in Mandaluyong (now a City), Metro Manila. The property was covered by Transfer
Certificate of Title (TCT) No. 332098 of the Registry of Deeds of Rizal. To secure Meanwhile, the Special Assets Management Department (SAMD) had prepared a statement of
a P900,000.00 loan it had obtained from respondent Philippine National Bank (PNB), account, and as of June 25, 1984 petitioners obligation amounted to P1,574,560.47. This
petitioner executed a real estate mortgage over the lot. Respondent PNB later granted included the bid price of P1,056,924.50, interest, advances of insurance premiums, advances
petitioner a new credit accommodation of P1,000,000.00; and, on November 16, on realty taxes, registration expenses, miscellaneous expenses and publication cost. [14] When
1973, petitioner executed an Amendment[4] of Real Estate Mortgage over its property. apprised of the statement of account, petitioner remitted P725,000.00 to respondent PNB as
On March 31, 1981, petitioner secured another loan of P653,000.00 from respondent PNB, deposit to repurchase, and Official Receipt No. 978191 was issued to it.[15]
payable in quarterly installments of P32,650.00, plus interests and other charges.[5]

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In the meantime, the SAMD recommended to the management of respondent PNB that
petitioner be allowed to repurchase the property for P1,574,560.00. In a letter dated November On August 28, 1989, petitioner filed a complaint against respondent PNB for
14, 1984, the PNB management informed petitioner that it was rejecting the offer and the Annulment of Mortgage and Mortgage Foreclosure, Delivery of Title, or Specific Performance
recommendation of with Damages. To support its cause of action for specific performance, it alleged the
the SAMD. It was suggested that petitioner purchase the property for P2,660,000.00, its following:
minimum market value. Respondent PNB gave petitioner until December 15, 1984 to act on
34. As early as June 25, 1984, PNB had accepted the down payment from
the proposal; otherwise, its P725,000.00 deposit would be returned and the property would be
Manila Metal in the substantial amount of P725,000.00 for the
sold to other interested buyers.[16] redemption/repurchase price of P1,574,560.47 as approved by its
SMAD and considering the reliance made by Manila Metal and the
long time that has elapsed, the approval of the higher management of
Petitioner, however, did not agree to respondent PNBs proposal. Instead, it wrote the Bank to confirm the agreement of its SMAD is clearly
another letter dated December 12, 1984 requesting for a reconsideration. Respondent PNB a potestative condition which cannot legally prejudice Manila Metal
which has acted and relied on the approval of SMAD. The Bank
replied in a letter dated December 28, 1984, wherein it reiterated its proposal that petitioner cannot take advantage of a condition which is entirely dependent
purchase the property for P2,660,000.00. PNB again informed petitioner that it would return upon its own will after accepting and benefiting from the substantial
payment made by Manila Metal.
the deposit should petitioner desire to withdraw its offer to purchase the
property.[17] On February 25, 1985, petitioner, through counsel, requested that PNB reconsider 35. PNB approved the repurchase price of P1,574,560.47 for which it
accepted P725,000.00 from Manila Metal. PNB cannot take
its letter dated December 28, 1984. Petitioner declared that it had already agreed to
advantage of its own delay and long inaction in demanding a higher
the SAMDs offer to purchase the property for P1,574,560.47, and that was why it had amount based on unilateral computation of interest rate without the
paid P725,000.00. Petitioner warned respondent PNB that it would seek judicial recourse consent of Manila Metal.

should PNB insist on the position.[18]

Petitioner later filed an amended complaint and supported its claim for damages

On June 4, 1985, respondent PNB informed petitioner that the PNB Board of with the following arguments:

Directors had accepted petitioners offer to purchase the property, but for P1,931,389.53 in
36. That in order to protect itself against the wrongful and malicious acts
cash less the P725,000.00 already deposited with it.[19] On page two of the letter was a space of the defendant Bank, plaintiff is constrained to engage the services
above the typewritten name of petitioners President, Pablo Gabriel, where he was to affix his of counsel at an agreed fee of P50,000.00 and to incur litigation
expenses of at least P30,000.00, which the defendant PNB should be
signature. However, Pablo Gabriel did not conform to the letter but merely indicated therein condemned to pay the plaintiff Manila Metal.
that he had received it.[20] Petitioner did not respond, so PNB requested petitioner in a letter
37. That by reason of the wrongful and malicious actuations of defendant
dated June 30, 1988 to submit an amended offer to repurchase. PNB, plaintiff Manila Metal suffered besmirched reputation for
which defendant PNB is liable for moral damages of at
least P50,000.00.
Petitioner rejected respondents proposal in a letter dated July 14, 1988. It maintained
38. That for the wrongful and malicious act of defendant PNB which are
that respondent PNB had agreed to sell the property for P1,574,560.47, and that since
highly reprehensible, exemplary damages should be awarded in favor
its P725,000.00 downpayment had been accepted, respondent PNB was proscribed from of the plaintiff by way of example or correction for the public good
of at least P30,000.00.[23]
increasing the purchase price of the property.[21] Petitioner averred that it had a net balance
payable in the amount of P643,452.34. Respondent PNB, however, rejected petitioners offer to
pay the balance of P643,452.34 in a letter dated August 1, 1989.[22] Petitioner prayed that, after due proceedings, judgment be rendered in its favor, thus:

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3. Whether or not there is a perfected contract of sale between the
a) Declaring the Amended Real Estate Mortgage (Annex A) null and void parties.[26]
and without any legal force and effect.

b) Declaring defendants acts of extra-judicially foreclosing the

While the case was pending, respondent PNB demanded, on September 20, 1989,
mortgage over plaintiffs property and setting it for auction sale null
and void. that petitioner vacate the property within 15 days from notice,[27] but petitioners refused to do
c) Ordering the defendant Register of Deeds to cancel the new title
issued in the name of PNB (TCT NO. 43792) covering the property
described in paragraph 4 of the Complaint, to reinstate TCT On March 18, 1993, petitioner offered to repurchase the property
No. 37025 in the name of Manila Metal and to cancel the annotation
of the mortgage in question at the back of the TCT for P3,500,000.00.[28] The offer was however rejected by respondent PNB, in a letter
No. 37025 described in paragraph 4 of this Complaint. dated April 13, 1993. According to it, the prevailing market value of the property was

d) Ordering the defendant PNB to return and/or deliver physical approximately P30,000,000.00, and as a matter of policy, it could not sell the property for less
possession of the TCT No. 37025 described in paragraph 4 of this than its market value.[29] On June 21, 1993, petitioner offered to purchase the property
Complaint to the plaintiff Manila Metal.
for P4,250,000.00 in cash.[30] The offer was again rejected by respondent PNB on September
e) Ordering the defendant PNB to pay the plaintiff Manila Metals 13, 1993.[31]
actual damages, moral and exemplary damages in the aggregate
amount of not less than P80,000.00 as may be warranted by the
evidence and fixed by this Honorable Court in the exercise of its On May 31, 1994, the trial court rendered judgment dismissing the amended
sound discretion, and attorneys fees of P50,000.00 and litigation complaint and respondent PNBs counterclaim. It ordered respondent PNB to refund
expenses of at least P30,000.00 as may be proved during the trial, and
costs of suit. theP725,000.00 deposit petitioner had made.[32] The trial court ruled that there was no
perfected contract of sale between the parties; hence, petitioner had no cause of action for
Plaintiff likewise prays for such further reliefs which may be
deemed just and equitable in the premises.[24] specific performance against respondent. The trial court declared that respondent had rejected
petitioners offer to repurchase the property. Petitioner, in turn, rejected the terms and

In its Answer to the complaint, respondent PNB averred, as a special and affirmative conditions contained in the June 4, 1985 letter of the SAMD. While petitioner had offered to

defense, that it had acquired ownership over the property after the period to redeem had repurchase the property per its letter of

elapsed. It claimed that no contract of sale was perfected between it and petitioner after the July 14, 1988, the amount of P643,422.34 was way below the P1,206,389.53 which

period to redeem the property had expired. respondent PNB had demanded. It further declared that the P725,000.00 remitted by petitioner
to respondent PNB on June 4, 1985 was a deposit, and not a downpayment or earnest money.

During pre-trial, the parties agreed to submit the case for decision, based on their
On appeal to the CA, petitioner made the following allegations:
stipulation of facts.[25] The parties agreed to limit the issues to the following:
1. Whether or not the June 4, 1985 letter of the defendant THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN RULING THAT DEFENDANT-
approving/accepting plaintiffs offer to purchase the property is still APPELLEES LETTER DATED 4 JUNE
2. Whether or not the plaintiff has waived its right to purchase the property ENFORCEABLE.
when it failed to conform with the conditions set forth by the
defendant in its letter dated June 4, 1985. II

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respondent PNB (P1,931,389.53) since petitioner had kept on insisting that the selling price
APPELLANT AND DEFENDANT-APPELLEE. should be lowered to P1,574,560.47. Clearly therefore, there was no meeting of the minds
between the parties as to the price or consideration of the sale.
APPELLLANT WAIVED ITS RIGHT TO PURCHASE THE SUBJECT The CA ratiocinated that petitioners original offer to purchase the subject property
PROPERTY WHEN IT FAILED TO CONFORM WITH CONDITIONS had not been accepted by respondent PNB. In fact, it made a counter-offer through its June 4,
JUNE 1985. 1985 letter specifically on the selling price; petitioner did not agree to the counter-offer; and
the negotiations did not prosper. Moreover, petitioner did not pay the balance of the purchase
THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN DISREGARDING THE FACT THAT price within the sixty-day period set in the June 4, 1985 letter of respondent
IT WAS THE DEFENDANT-APPELLEE WHICH RENDERED IT PNB. Consequently, there was no perfected contract of sale, and as such, there was no contract
to rescind.

V According to the appellate court, the claim for damages and the counterclaim were
THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN DISREGARDING THE FACT THAT correctly dismissed by the court a quo for no evidence was presented to support
SUBJECT CONTRACT OF REPURCHASE. it.Respondent PNBs letter dated June 30, 1988 cannot revive the failed negotiations between
the parties. Respondent PNB merely asked petitioner to submit an amended offer to
THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN DECLARING THAT PLAINTIFF repurchase. While petitioner reiterated its request for a lower selling price and that the balance
FAILED AND REFUSED TO SUBMIT THE AMENDED of the repurchase be reduced, however, respondent rejected the proposal in a letter
dated August 1, 1989.
Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration, which the CA likewise denied.

Thus, petitioner filed the instant petition for review on certiorari, alleging that:
Meanwhile, on June 17, 1993, petitioners Board of Directors approved Resolution CONTRACT OF SALE BETWEEN THE PETITIONER AND
No. 3-004, where it waived, assigned and transferred its rights over the property covered by
TCT No. 33099 and TCT No. 37025 in favor of Bayani Gabriel, one of its II. THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED ON A QUESTION OF LAW
Directors.[34] Thereafter, Bayani Gabriel executed a Deed of Assignment over 51% of the WHEN IT RULED THAT THE AMOUNT OF PHP725,000.00
ownership and management of the property in favor of Reynaldo Tolentino, who later moved MONEY.
for leave to intervene as plaintiff-appellant. On July 14, 1993, the CA issued a resolution
granting the motion,[35] and likewise granted the motion of Reynaldo Tolentino substituting WHEN IT RULED THAT THE FAILURE OF THE
petitioner MMCC, as plaintiff-appellant, and his motion to withdraw as intervenor.[36] PETITIONER-APPELLANT TO SIGNIFY ITS
The CA rendered judgment on May 11, 2000 affirming the decision of the VALID AND LEGALLY ENFORCEABLE CONTRACT OF
RTC.[37] It declared that petitioner obviously never agreed to the selling price proposed by SALE BETWEEN THE PARTIES.

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earnest money as contemplated in Article 1482 of the New Civil Code. Petitioner cites the
THAT NON-PAYMENT OF THE PETITIONER- rulings of this Court in Villonco v. Bormaheco[39] and Topacio v. Court of Appeals.[40]
SIXTY (60) DAYS FROM NOTICE OF APPROVAL Petitioner avers that its failure to append its conformity to the June 4, 1984 letter of respondent
CONSTITUTES NO VALID AND LEGALLY and its failure to pay the balance of the price as fixed by respondent within the 60-day period
PARTIES. from notice was to protest respondents breach of its obligation to petitioner. It did not amount
to a rejection of respondents offer to sell the property since respondent was merely seeking to
THAT THE LETTERS OF PETITIONER-APPELLANT enforce its right to pay the balance of P1,570,564.47. In any event, respondent had the option
DATED MARCH 18, 1993 AND JUNE 21, 1993, OFFERING either to accept the balance of the offered price or to cause the rescission of the contract.
PERFECTED CONTRACT OF SALE.[38] Petitioners letters dated March 18, 1993 and June 21, 1993 to respondent during the pendency
of the case in the RTC were merely to compromise the pending lawsuit, they did not constitute
separate offers to repurchase the property. Such offer to compromise should not be taken
The threshold issue is whether or not petitioner and respondent PNB had entered into a
against it, in accordance with Section 27, Rule 130 of the Revised Rules of Court.
perfected contract for petitioner to repurchase the property from respondent.

For its part, respondent contends that the parties never graduated from the
Petitioner maintains that it had accepted respondents offer made through the SAMD,
negotiation stage as they could not agree on the amount of the repurchase price of the
to sell the property for P1,574,560.00. When the acceptance was made in its letter dated June
property.All that transpired was an exchange of proposals and counter-proposals, nothing
25, 1984; it then deposited P725,000.00 with the SAMD as partial payment, evidenced by
more. It insists that a definite agreement on the amount and manner of payment of the price
Receipt No. 978194 which respondent had issued. Petitioner avers that the SAMDs acceptance
are essential elements in the formation of a binding and enforceable contract of sale. There
of the deposit amounted to an acceptance of its offer to repurchase. Moreover, as gleaned from
was no such agreement in this case. Primarily, the concept of suspensive condition signifies a
the letter of SAMD dated June 4, 1985, the PNB Board of Directors had approved petitioners
future and uncertain event upon the fulfillment of which the obligation becomes effective. It
offer to purchase the property. It claims that this was the suspensive condition, the fulfillment
clearly presupposes the existence of a valid and binding agreement, the effectivity of which is
of which gave rise to the contract. Respondent could no longer unilaterally withdraw its offer
subordinated to its fulfillment. Since there is no perfected contract in the first place, there is no
to sell the property for P1,574,560.47, since the acceptance of the offer resulted in a perfected
basis for the application of the principles governing suspensive conditions.
contract of sale; it was obliged to remit to respondent the balance of the original purchase
price of P1,574,560.47, while respondent was obliged to transfer ownership and deliver the
According to respondent, the Statement of Account prepared by SAMD as of June 25,
property to petitioner, conformably with Article 1159 of the New Civil Code.
1984 cannot be classified as a counter-offer; it is simply a recital of its total monetary claims
against petitioner. Moreover, the amount stated therein could not likewise be considered as the
Petitioner posits that respondent was proscribed from increasing the interest rate
counter-offer since as admitted by petitioner, it was only recommendation which was subject
after it had accepted respondents offer to sell the property for P1,574,560.00.Consequently,
to approval of the PNB Board of Directors.
respondent could no longer validly make a counter-offer of P1,931,789.88 for the purchase of
the property. It likewise maintains that, although the P725,000.00 was considered as deposit
Neither can the receipt by the SAMD of P725,000.00 be regarded as evidence of a perfected
for the repurchase of the property in the receipt issued by the SAMD, the amount constitutes
sale contract. As gleaned from the parties Stipulation of Facts during the proceedings in the
court a quo, the amount is merely an acknowledgment of the receipt of P725,000.00 as

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deposit to repurchase the property. The deposit of P725,000.00 was accepted by respondent on A contract is a meeting of minds between two persons whereby one binds himself, with
the condition that the purchase price would still be approved by its Board of respect to the other, to give something or to render some service. [41] Under Article 1318 of the
Directors. Respondent maintains that its acceptance of the amount was qualified by that New Civil Code, there is no contract unless the following requisites concur:
condition, thus not absolute. Pending such approval, it cannot be legally claimed that
(1) Consent of the contracting parties;
respondent is already bound by any contract of sale with petitioner.
(2) Object certain which is the subject matter of the contract;

According to respondent, petitioner knew that the SAMD has no capacity to bind (3) Cause of the obligation which is established.
respondent and that its authority is limited to administering, managing and preserving the
properties and other special assets of PNB. The SAMD does not have the power to sell, Contracts are perfected by mere consent which is manifested by the meeting of the offer and
encumber, dispose of, or otherwise alienate the assets, since the power to do so must emanate the acceptance upon the thing and the cause which are to constitute the contract. [42]Once
from its Board of Directors. The SAMD was not authorized by respondents Board to enter into perfected, they bind other contracting parties and the obligations arising therefrom have the
contracts of sale with third persons involving corporate assets. There is absolutely nothing on form of law between the parties and should be complied with in good faith. The parties are
record that respondent authorized the SAMD, or made it appear to petitioner that it bound not only to the fulfillment of what has been expressly stipulated but also to the
represented itself as having such authority. consequences which, according to their nature, may be in keeping with good faith, usage and
Respondent reiterates that SAMD had informed petitioner that its offer to repurchase had been
approved by the Board subject to the condition, among others, that the selling price shall be By the contract of sale, one of the contracting parties obligates himself to transfer the
the total banks claim as of documentation date x x x payable in cash (P725,000.00 already ownership of and deliver a determinate thing, and the other to pay therefor a price certain in
deposited) money or its equivalent.[44] The absence of any of the essential elements will negate the
existence of a perfected contract of sale. As the Court ruled in Boston Bank of the Philippines

within 60 days from notice of approval. A new Statement of Account was attached therein v. Manalo:[45]

indicating the total banks claim to be P1,931,389.53 less deposit of P725,000.00, A definite agreement as to the price is an essential element of a binding
or P1,206,389.00. Furthermore, while respondents Board of Directors accepted petitioners agreement to sell personal or real property because it seriously affects the
rights and obligations of the parties. Price is an essential element in the
offer to repurchase the property, the acceptance was qualified, in that it required a higher sale formation of a binding and enforceable contract of sale. The fixing of the
price and subject to specified terms and conditions enumerated therein. This qualified price can never be left to the decision of one of the contracting parties. But
a price fixed by one of the contracting parties, if accepted by the other,
acceptance was in effect a counter-offer, necessitating petitioners acceptance in return. gives rise to a perfected sale.[46]

The Ruling of the Court A contract of sale is consensual in nature and is perfected upon mere meeting of the
minds. When there is merely an offer by one party without acceptance of the other, there is no
The ruling of the appellate court that there was no perfected contract of sale between the contract.[47] When the contract of sale is not perfected, it cannot, as an independent source of
parties on June 4, 1985 is correct. obligation, serve as a binding juridical relation between the parties.[48]

In San Miguel Properties Philippines, Inc. v. Huang,[49] the Court ruled that the stages of a
contract of sale are as follows: (1) negotiation, covering the period from the time the

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1. Upon approval of our request, we will pay
prospective contracting parties indicate interest in the contract to the time the contract is
perfected; (2) perfection, which takes place upon the concurrence of the essential elements of (P150,000.00);
the sale which are the meeting of the minds of the parties as to the object of the contract and
2. Within six months from date of approval of our request, we will pay
upon the price; and (3) consummation, which begins when the parties perform their respective another FOUR HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND PESOS
undertakings under the contract of sale, culminating in the extinguishment thereof. (P450,000.00); and

3. The remaining balance together with the interest and other expenses that
will be incurred will be paid within the last six months of the one
A negotiation is formally initiated by an offer, which, however, must be certain.[50] At any year grave period requested for.[57]
time prior to the perfection of the contract, either negotiating party may stop the
negotiation. At this stage, the offer may be withdrawn; the withdrawal is effective
When the petitioner was told that respondent did not allow partial redemption,[58] it sent a
immediately after its manifestation. To convert the offer into a contract, the acceptance must
letter to respondents President reiterating its offer to purchase the property. [59]There was no
be absolute and must not qualify the terms of the offer; it must be plain, unequivocal,
response to petitioners letters dated February 10 and 15, 1984.
unconditional and without variance of any sort from the proposal. In Adelfa Properties, Inc. v.
Court of Appeals,[51] the Court ruled that:
The statement of account prepared by the SAMD stating that the net claim of
x x x The rule is that except where a formal acceptance is so required, respondent as of June 25, 1984 was P1,574,560.47 cannot be considered an unqualified
although the acceptance must be affirmatively and clearly made and must
be evidenced by some acts or conduct communicated to the offeror, it may acceptance to petitioners offer to purchase the property. The statement is but a computation of
be shown by acts, conduct, or words of the accepting party that clearly the amount which petitioner was obliged to pay in case respondent would later agree to sell the
manifest a present intention or determination to accept the offer to buy or
sell. Thus, acceptance may be shown by the acts, conduct, or words of a property, including interests, advances on insurance premium, advances on realty taxes,
party recognizing the existence of the contract of sale.[52] publication cost, registration expenses and miscellaneous expenses.

A qualified acceptance or one that involves a new proposal constitutes a counter-offer and a There is no evidence that the SAMD was authorized by respondents Board of
rejection of the original offer. A counter-offer is considered in law, a rejection of the original Directors to accept petitioners offer and sell the property for P1,574,560.47. Any acceptance
offer and an attempt to end the negotiation between the parties on a different by the SAMD of petitioners offer would not bind respondent. As this Court ruled in AF Realty
basis.[53] Consequently, when something is desired which is not exactly what is proposed in Development, Inc. vs. Diesehuan Freight Services, Inc.:[60]
the offer, such acceptance is not sufficient to guarantee consent because any modification or
variation from the terms of the offer annuls the offer.[54] The acceptance must be identical in
all respects with that of the offer so as to produce consent or meeting of the minds. Section 23 of the Corporation Code expressly provides that the
corporate powers of all corporations shall be exercised by the board of
directors. Just as a natural person may authorize another to do certain acts
In this case, petitioner had until February 17, 1984 within which to redeem the in his behalf, so may the board of directors of a corporation validly
delegate some of its functions to individual officers or agents appointed by
property. However, since it lacked the resources, it requested for more time to it. Thus, contracts or acts of a corporation must be made either by the
redeem/repurchase the property under such terms and conditions agreed upon by the board of directors or by a corporate agent duly authorized by the
board. Absent such valid delegation/authorization, the rule is that the
parties.[55] The request, which was made through a letter dated August 25, 1983, was referred
declarations of an individual director relating to the affairs of the
to the respondents main branch for appropriate action.[56] Before respondent could act on the corporation, but not in the course of, or connected with the performance of
request, petitioner again wrote respondent as follows: authorized duties of such director, are held not binding on the corporation.

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Thus, a corporation can only execute its powers and transact its business through its
Board of Directors and through its officers and agents when authorized by a board resolution Thus, the P725,000.00 was merely a deposit to be applied as part of the purchase
or its by-laws.[61] price of the property, in the event that respondent would approve the recommendation of
SAMD for respondent to accept petitioners offer to purchase the property
It appears that the SAMD had prepared a recommendation for respondent to accept for P1,574,560.47. Unless and until the respondent accepted the offer on these terms, no
petitioners offer to repurchase the property even beyond the one-year period; it recommended perfected contract of sale would arise. Absent proof of the concurrence of all the essential
that petitioner be allowed to redeem the property and pay P1,574,560.00 as the purchase elements of a contract of sale, the giving of earnest money cannot establish the existence of a
price. Respondent later approved the recommendation that the property be sold to perfected contract of sale.[63]
petitioner. But instead of the P1,574,560.47 recommended by the SAMD and to which
It appears that, per its letter to petitioner dated June 4, 1985, the respondent had decided to
petitioner had previously conformed, respondent set the purchase price at P2,660,000.00. In
accept the offer to purchase the property for P1,931,389.53. However, this amounted to an
fine, respondents acceptance of petitioners offer was qualified, hence can be at most
amendment of respondents qualified acceptance, or an amended counter-offer, because while
considered as a counter-offer. If petitioner had accepted this counter-offer, a perfected contract
the respondent lowered the purchase price, it still declared that its acceptance was subject to
of sale would have arisen; as it turns out, however, petitioner merely sought to have the
the following terms and conditions:
counter-offer reconsidered. This request for reconsideration would later be rejected by

We do not agree with petitioners contention that the P725,000.00 it had remitted to
respondent was earnest money which could be considered as proof of the perfection of a 1. That the selling price shall be the total Banks claim as of
documentation date (pls. see attached statement of account as of 5-
contract of sale under Article 1482 of the New Civil Code. The provision reads: 31-85), payable in cash (P725,000.00 already deposited) within
sixty (60) days from notice of approval;
ART. 1482. Whenever earnest money is given in a contract of 2. The Bank sells only whatever rights, interests and participation it
sale, it shall be considered as part of the price and as proof of the may have in the property and you are charged with full knowledge
perfection of the contract. of the nature and extent of said rights, interests and participation
and waive your right to warranty against eviction.

3. All taxes and other government imposts due or to become due on

This contention is likewise negated by the stipulation of facts which the parties the property, as well as expenses including costs of documents and
entered into in the trial court: science stamps, transfer fees, etc., to be incurred in connection with
the execution and registration of all covering documents shall be
borne by you;
8. On June 8, 1984, the Special Assets Management Department
(SAMD) of PNB prepared an updated Statement of Account
4. That you shall undertake at your own expense and account the
showing MMCCs total liability to PNB as of June 25, 1984 to be
ejectment of the occupants of the property subject of the sale, if
P1,574,560.47 and recommended this amount as the repurchase price of
there are any;
the subject property.
5. That upon your failure to pay the balance of the purchase price
9. On June 25, 1984, MMCC paid P725,000.00 to PNB as
within sixty (60) days from receipt of advice accepting your offer,
deposit to repurchase the property. The deposit of P725,000 was accepted
your deposit shall be forfeited and the Bank is thenceforth
by PNB on the condition that the purchase price is still subject to the
authorized to sell the property to other interested parties.
approval of the PNB Board.[62]

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6. That the sale shall be subject to such other terms and conditions
that the Legal Department may impose to protect the interest of the

It appears that although respondent requested petitioner to conform to its amended

counter-offer, petitioner refused and instead requested respondent to reconsider its amended
counter-offer. Petitioners request was ultimately rejected and respondent offered to refund
its P725,000.00 deposit.

In sum, then, there was no perfected contract of sale between petitioner and
respondent over the subject property.


The assailed decision is AFFIRMED. Costs against petitioner Manila Metal Container


Page | 9
[G.R. No. 124791. February 10, 1999] binds the party who has given the option, not to enter into the principal contract with any
other person during the period designated, and, within that period, to enter into such
contract with the one to whom the option was granted, if the latter should decide to use
the option. It is separate agreement distinct from the contract which the parties may
enter into upon the consummation of the option.
and construction, however, should not be limited to the words used in the contract, as
DECISION they may not accurately reflect the parties' true intent. The reasonableness of the result
obtained, after said analysis, ought likewise to be carefully considered. x x x Further, it
is well-settled that in construing a written agreement, the reason behind and the
circumstances surrounding its execution are of paramount importance. Sound
SYNOPSIS construction requires one to be placed mentally in the situation occupied by the parties
Private respondent State Investment House, Inc. (SIHI), the registered owner of two (2) concerned at the time the writing was executed. Thereby, the intention of the
parcels of land located at Bulacao, Cebu City, entered into a lease contract with option to contracting parties could be made to prevail, because their agreement has the force of
purchase with petitioner for a period of eighteen (18) months, beginning on August 1, 1984 law between them.
until January 30, 1986. On January 7, 1986, SIHI notified petitioner of the short period of
time left within which he could still validly exercise the option. On January 15, 1986,
-- It is well-settled in both law and jurisprudence, that contracts are the law between the
petitioner requested for a six-month extension of the lease contract, alleging that he needs contracting parties and should be fulfilled, if their terms are clear and leave no room for
ample time to raise sufficient funds. However, on February 14, 1986, SIHI notified petitioner doubt as to the intention of the contracting parties.
that his request was disapproved. Consequently, on February 18, 1986, petitioner notified
SIHI of his decision to exercise the option to purchase the property. Again, on February 20, 4. ID.; ID.; VARIOUS STIPULATIONS MUST BE CONSTRUED TOGETHER. --
1986, SIHI reiterated its previous stand on the latters offer, stressing that the period within Moreover, to ascertain the intent of the parties in a contractual relationship, it is
which the option should have been exercised had already lapsed. Further, SIHI asked imperative that the various stipulations provided for in the contract be construed
petitioner to vacate the property. Thus, on February 28, 1986, a complaint for specific together, consistent with the parties' contemporaneous and subsequent acts as regards
performance and damages was filed by petitioner against SIHI before the Regional Trial Court the execution of the contract. And once the intention of the parties has been ascertained,
of Cebu City. After trial, the court rendered judgment ordering SIHI to execute a deed of sale that element is deemed as an integral part of the contract as though it has been originally
in favor of the plaintiff in accordance with the lease contract. On appeal, the Court of Appeals expressed in unequivocal terms.
affirmed the trial courts judgment with a modification that the purchase price must be based
on the prevailing market price of real property in Bulacao, Cebu City. 5. REMEDIAL LAW; COURTS; MUST ADMINISTER FAIR AND EQUAL JUSTICE
FOR ALL; CASE AT BAR. -- Petitioner herein could not insist on buying the said
Hence, this petition for review. property based on the price agreed upon in the lease agreement, even if his option to
purchase it is recognized. On the other hand, SIHI could not take advantage of the
Petitioner could not insist on buying the said property based on the price agreed upon in situation to increase the selling price of said property by nearly 90% of the original
the lease agreement, even if his option to purchase it is recognized. On the other hand, SIHI price. Such leap in the price quoted would show an opportunistic intent to exploit the
could not take advantage of the situation to increase the selling price of said property by nearly
situation as SIHI knew for a fact that petitioner badly needed the property for his
90% of the original price. If the courts were to allow SIHI to take advantage of the situation,
business and that he could afford to pay such higher amount after having secured an P8
the result would have been an injustice to petitioner, because SIHI would be unjustly enriched Million loan from the TRC. If the courts were to allow SIHI to take advantage of the
at his expense. Courts of law, being also courts of equity, may not countenance such grossly situation, the result would have been an injustice to petitioner, because SIHI would be
unfair results without doing violence to its solemn obligation to administer fair and equal
unjustly enriched at his expense. Courts of law, being also courts of equity, may not
justice for all.
countenance such grossly unfair results without doing violence to its solemn obligation
The appealed decision of respondent court, insofar as it affirms the judgment of the trial to administer fair and equal justice for all.
court in granting petitioner the option to purchase the property was AFFIRMED. However the
purchase price should be based on the fair market value of real property in Bulacao, Cebu
City, as of February 1986, when the contract would have been consummated.
Before us is a petition for review of the Decision[1] dated September 21, 1995 of the
SYLLABUS Court of Appeals[2]in CA - G. R. CV No. 37520, as well as its Resolution [3] dated April 25,
1996, denying both parties motion for partial reconsideration or clarification. The assailed
1. CIVIL LAW; CONTRACTS; OPTION; DEFINED. -- An option is a preparatory decision affirmed with modification the judgment[4] of the Regional Trial Court of Cebu City,
contract in which one party grants to the other, for a fixed period and under specified
Branch 5, in Civil Case No. CEB 4700, and disposed of the controversy as follows:
conditions, the power to decide, whether or not to enter into a principal contract. It

Page | 10
However, We do not find it just that the appellee, in exercising his option to buy, should pay On February 18, 1986, petitioner notified SIHI of his decision to exercise the option to
appellant SIHI only P1,800,000.00. In fairness to appellant SIHI, the purchase price must be purchase the property and at the same time he made arrangements for the payment of the
based on the prevailing market price of real property in Bulacao, Cebu City. (Emphasis downpayment thereon in the amount of Three Hundred Sixty Thousand (P360,000.00)
supplied) pesos.[10]
On February 20, 1986, SIHI sent another letter to petitioner, reiterating its previous
The factual background of this case is quite simple. stand on the latters offer, stressing that the period within which the option should have been
Private respondent State Investment Houses, Inc. (SIHI) is the registered owner of two exercised had already lapsed. SIHI asked petitioner to vacate the property within ten (10) days
(2) parcels of land with a total area of 9,774 square meters, including all the improvements from notice, and to pay rental and penalty due.[11]
thereon, located at Bulacao, Cebu City, covered by Transfer Certificate of Titles Nos. T-89152 Hence, on February 28, 1986, a complaint for specific performance and damages [12] was
and T-89153 of the Registry of Deeds of Cebu City. filed by petitioner against SIHI before the Regional Trial Court of Cebu City, to compel the
On January 10, 1985, petitioner and SIHI entered into a lease contract with option to latter to honor its commitment and execute the corresponding deed of sale.
purchase[5] over said two parcels of land, at a monthly rental of Ten Thousand (P10,000.00) After trial, the court a quo promulgated its decision dated April 1, 1991, the dispositive
pesos for a period of eighteen (18) months, beginning on August 1, 1984 until January 30, portion of which reads:
1986. The pertinent portion of the lease contract subject of the dispute reads in part:
In the light of the foregoing considerations, the Court hereby renders judgment in Civil Case
4. As part of the consideration of this agreement, the LESSOR hereby grants unto the LESSEE No. CEB 4700, ordering the defendant to execute a deed of sale in favor of the plaintiff,
the exclusive right, option and privilege to purchase, within the lease period, the leased covering the parcels of land together with all the improvements thereon, covered by Transfer
premises thereon for the aggregate amount of P1,800,000.00 payable as follows: Certificates of Title Nos. 89152 and 89153 of the Registry of Deeds of Cebu City, in
accordance with the lease contract executed on January 10, 1984 between the plaintiff and the
a. Upon the signing of the Deed of Sale, the LESSEE shall immediately pay P360,000.00. defendant, but the purchase price may be by one shot payment of P1,800,000.00; and the
defendant to pay attorneys fee of P20,000.00.
b. The balance of P1,440,000.00 shall be paid in equal installments of P41,425.87 over sixty
(60) consecutive months computed with interest at 24% per annum on the diminishing No damages awarded.[13]
balance; Provided, that the LESSEE shall have the right to accelerate payments at anytime in
which event the stipulated interest for the remaining installments shall no longer be imposed. Not satisfied with the judgment, SIHI elevated the case to the Court of Appeals by way
of a petition for review.
x . . The option shall be exercised by a written notice to the LESSOR at anytime within the
option period and the document of sale over the afore-described properties has to be On September 21, 1995, respondent court rendered its decision, affirming the trial courts
consummated within the month immediately following the month when the LESSEE judgment, but modified the basis for assessing the purchase price. While respondent court
exercised his option under this contract.[6] affirmed appellees option to buy the property, it added that, the purchase price must be based
on the prevailing market price of real property in Bulacao, Cebu City. [14]
On January 7, 1986, or approximately three (3) weeks before the expiration of the lease Baffled by the modification made by respondent court, both parties filed a motion for
contract, SIHI notified petitioner of the impending termination of the lease agreement, and of reconsideration and/or clarification, with petitioner, on one hand, praying that the prevailing
the short period of time left within which he could still validly exercise the option. It likewise market price be the value of the property in February 1986, the time when the sale would have
requested petitioner to advise them of his decision on the option, on or before January 20, been consummated. SIHI, on the other hand, prayed that the market price of the property be
1986.[7] based on the prevailing price index at least 10 years later, that is, 1996.
In a letter dated January 15, 1986, which was received by SIHI on January 29, 1986, Respondent court conducted further hearings to clarify the matter, but no agreement was
petitioner requested for a six-month extension of the lease contract, alleging that he needs reached by the parties. Thus, on April 25, 1996, respondent court promulgated the assailed
ample time to raise sufficient funds in order to exercise the option. To support his request, resolution, which denied both parties motions, and directed the trial court to conduct further
petitioner averred that he had already made a substantial investment on the property, and had hearings to ascertain the prevailing market value of real properties in Bulacao, Cebu City and
been punctual in paying his monthly rentals.[8] fix the value of the property subject of the controversy. 14a
On February 14, 1986, SIHI notified petitioner that his request was disapproved. Hence, the instant petition for review.
Nevertheless, it offered to lease the same property to petitioner at the rate of Thirty Thousand
(P30,000.00) pesos a month, for a period of one (1) year. It further informed the petitioner of The fundamental issue to be resolved is, should petitioner be allowed to exercise the
its decision to offer for sale said leased property to the general public.[9] option to purchase the leased property, despite the alleged delay in giving the required notice
to private respondent?

Page | 11
An option is a preparatory contract in which one party grants to the other, for a fixed been placed under the supervision and control of the Central Bank (CB). It was in dire need of
period and under specified conditions, the power to decide, whether or not to enter into a liquidating its assets, so to speak, in order to stay afloat financially.
principal contract. It binds the party who has given the option, not to enter into the principal
contract with any other person during the period designated, and, within that period, to enter Thus, SIHI was compelled to dispose some of its assets, among which is the subject
into such contract with the one to whom the option was granted, if the latter should decide to leased property, to generate sufficient funds to augment its badly-depleted financial
use the option.[15] It is a separate agreement distinct from the contract which the parties may resources. This then brought about the execution of the lease contract with option to purchase
enter into upon the consummation of the option.[16] between SIHI and the petitioner.

Considering the circumstances in this case, we find no reason to disturb the findings of The lease contract provided that to exercise the option, petitioner had to send a letter to
respondent court, that petitioners letter to SIHI, dated January 15, 1986, was fair notice to the SIHI, manifesting his intent to exercise said option within the lease period ending January 30,
latter of the formers intent to exercise the option, despite the request for the extension of the 1986. However, what petitioner did was to request on January 15, 1986, for a six-month
lease contract. As stated in said letter to SIHI, petitioner was requesting for an extension (of extension of the lease contract, for the alleged purpose of raising funds intended to purchase
the contract) for six months to allow us to generate sufficient funds in order to exercise our the property subject of the option. It was only after the request was denied on February 14,
option to buy the subject property.[17] The analysis by the Court of Appeals of the evidence on 1986, that petitioner notified SIHI of his desire to exercise the option formally. This was by
record and the process by which it arrived at its findings on the basis thereof, impel this Courts letter dated February 18, 1986. In private respondents view, there was already a delay of 18
assent to said findings. They are consistent with the parties primary intent, as hereafter days, fatal to petitioners cause. But respondent court found the delay neither substantial nor
discussed, when they executed the lease contract. As respondent court ruled: fundamental and did not amount to a breach that would defeat the intention of the parties when
they executed the lease contract with option to purchase.20a
We hold that the appellee [herein petitioner] acted with honesty and good faith. Verily, We are In allowing petitioner to exercise the option, however, both lower courts are in accord in
in accord with the trial court that he should be allowed to exercise his option to purchase the their decision, rationalizing that a contrary ruling would definitely cause damage to the
lease property. In fact, SIHI will not be prejudiced. A contrary ruling, however, will definitely petitioner, as he had the whole place renovated to make the same suitable and conducive for
cause damage to the appellee, it appearing that he has introduced considerable improvements the business he established there. Moreover, judging from the subsequent acts of the parties, it
on the property and has borrowed huge loan from the Technology Resources Center. 17a is undeniable that SIHI really intended to dispose of said leased property, which petitioner
indubitably intended to buy.
The contracting parties primary intent in entering into said lease contract with option to SIHIs agreement to enter first into a lease contract with option to purchase with herein
purchase confirms, in our view, the correctness of respondent courts ruling. Analysis and petitioner, is a clear proof of its intent to promptly dispose said property although the full
construction, however, should not be limited to the words used in the contract, as they may not financial returns may materialize only in a years time. Furthermore, its letter dated January 7,
accurately reflect the parties true intent. The reasonableness of the result obtained, after said 1986, reminding the petitioner of the short period of time left within which to consummate
analysis, ought likewise to be carefully considered. their agreement, clearly showed its desire to sell that property. Also, SIHIs letter dated
It is well-settled in both law and jurisprudence, that contracts are the law between the February 14, 1986 supported the conclusion that it was bent on disposing said property. For
contracting parties and should be fulfilled, if their terms are clear and leave no room for doubt this letter made mention of the fact that, said property is now for sale to the general public.
as to the intention of the contracting parties.[18] Further, it is well-settled that in construing a Petitioners determination to purchase said property is equally indubitable. He introduced
written agreement, the reason behind and the circumstances surrounding its execution are of permanent improvements on the leased property, demonstrating his intent to acquire dominion
paramount importance. Sound construction requires one to be placed mentally in the situation in a years time. To increase his chances of acquiring the property, he secured an P8 Million
occupied by the parties concerned at the time the writing was executed. Thereby, the intention loan from the Technology Resources Center (TRC), thereby augmenting his capital. He
of the contracting parties could be made to prevail, because their agreement has the force of averred that he applied for a loan since he planned to pay the purchase price in one single
law between them.[19] payment, instead of paying in installment, which would entail the payment of additional
Moreover, to ascertain the intent of the parties in a contractual relationship, it is interest at the rate of 24% per annum, compared to 7% per annum interest for the TRC
imperative that the various stipulations provided for in the contract be construed together, loan. His letter earlier requesting extension was premised, in fact, on his need for time to
consistent with the parties contemporaneous and subsequent acts as regards the execution of secure the needed financing through a TRC loan.
the contract.[20] And once the intention of the parties has been ascertained, that element is In contractual relations, the law allows the parties reasonable leeway on the terms of
deemed as an integral part of the contract as though it has been originally expressed in their agreement, which is the law between them.[21] Note that by contract SIHI had given
unequivocal terms. petitioner 4 periods: (a) the option to purchase the property for P1,800,000.00 within the lease
As sufficiently established during the trial, SIHI, prior to its negotiation with petitioner, period, that is, until January 30, 1986; (b) the option to be exercised within the option period
was already beset with financial problems. SIHI was experiencing difficulty in meeting the by written notice at anytime; (c) the document of be consummated within the month
claims of its creditors.Thus, in order to reprogram the companys financial investment plan and immediately following the month when petitioner exercises the option; and (d) the payment in
facilitate its rehabilitation and viability, SIHI, being a quasi-banking financial institution, had equal installments of the purchase price over a period of 60 months. In our view, petitioners
letter of January 15, 1986 and his formal exercise of the option on February 18, 1986 were

Page | 12
within a reasonable time-frame consistent with periods given and the known intent of the
parties to the agreement dated January 10, 1985. A contrary view would be harsh and
inequituous indeed.
In Tuason, Jr., etc. vs. De Asis,[22] this Court opined that in a contract of lease, if the
lessor makes an offer to the lessee to purchase the property on or before the termination of the
lease, and the lessee fails to accept or make the purchase on time, the lessee losses the right to
buy the property later on the terms and conditions set in the offer. Thus, on one hand,
petitioner herein could not insist on buying the said property based on the price agreed upon in
the lease agreement, even if his option to purchase it is recognized. On the other hand, SIHI
could not take advantage of the situation to increase the selling price of said property by nearly
90% of the original price. Such leap in the price quoted would show an opportunistic intent to
exploit the situation as SIHI knew for a fact that petitioner badly needed the property for his
business and that he could afford to pay such higher amount after having secured an P8
Million loan from the TRC. If the courts were to allow SIHI to take advantage of the situation,
the result would have been an injustice to petitioner, because SIHI would be unjustly enriched
at his expense. Courts of law, being also courts of equity, may not countenance such grossly
unfair results without doing violence to its solemn obligation to administer fair and equal
justice for all.
WHEREFORE, the appealed decision of respondent court, insofar as it affirms the
judgment of the trial court in granting petitioner the opportunity to exercise the option to
purchase the subject property, is hereby AFFIRMED. However the purchase price should be
based on the fair market value of real property in Bulacao, Cebu City, as of February 1986,
when the contract would have been consummated.Further, petitioner is hereby ordered to pay
private respondent SIHI legal interest on the said purchase price beginning February 1986 up
to the time it is actually paid, as well as the taxes due on said property, considering that
petitioner have enjoyed the beneficial use of said property. The case is hereby remanded to
Regional Trial Court of Cebu, Branch 5, for further proceedings to determine promptly the fair
market value of said real property as of February 1986, in Bulacao, Cebu City.
Costs against private respondent.
Bellosillo, (Chairman), Puno, Mendoza, and Buena, JJ., concur.

Page | 13
G.R. No. 134971. March 25, 2004] Kami ay nagtiwala sa inyo, naging tapat at nanindigan sa lahat ng ating napagkasunduan,
hindi tumanggap ng ibang buyer o ahente, pero sinira ninyo ang aming pagtitiwala sa
pamamagitan ng demanda ninyo at pagbibigay ng problema sa amin na hindi naman
nagbenta ng lupa.
ANTONIO LACSON, JUAN LACSON, TEODISIA LACSON-ESPINOSA and Kaya kami ay nagpulong at nagpasya na ibenta na lang ang aming karapatan o ang aming
THE COURT OF APPEALS, respondents. lupang sinasaka sa landowner o sa mga pamilyang Lacson, dahil ayaw naming magkaroon ng
Kaya kung ang sasabihin ninyong itoy katangahan, lalo sigurong magiging katangahan kung
CALLEJO, SR., J.: ibebenta pa namin sa inyo ang aming lupang sinasaka, kaya pasensya na lang Mister Tayag.
Dahil sinira ninyo ang aming pagtitiwala at katapatan.[9]
Before us is a petition for review on certiorari of the Decision[1] and the Resolution[2] of
respondent Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 44883. On August 19, 1996, the petitioner filed a complaint with the Regional Trial Court of
San Fernando, Pampanga, Branch 44, against the defendants-tenants, as well as the
respondents, for the court to fix a period within which to pay the agreed purchase price
of P50.00 per square meter to the defendants, as provided for in the Deeds of Assignment. The
The Case for the Petitioner petitioner also prayed for a writ of preliminary injunction against the defendants and the
respondents therein.[10] The case was docketed as Civil Case No. 10910.

Respondents Angelica Tiotuyco Vda. de Lacson,[3] and her children Amancia, Antonio, In his complaint, the petitioner alleged, inter alia, the following:
Juan, and Teodosia, all surnamed Lacson, were the registered owners of three parcels of land
located in Mabalacat, Pampanga, covered by Transfer Certificates of Title (TCT) Nos. 35922- 4. That defendants Julio Tiamson, Renato Gozun, Rosita Hernandez, Bienvenido
R, 35923-R, and 35925-R, registered in the Register of Deeds of San Fernando, Pampanga. Tongol, Alfonso Flores, Norma Quiambao, Rosita Tolentino, Jose Sosa, Francisco Tolentino,
The properties, which were tenanted agricultural lands,[4] were administered by Renato Sr., Emiliano Laxamana, Ruben Torres, Meliton Allanigue, Dominga Laxamana, Felicencia de
Espinosa for the owner. Leon, Emiliano Ramos are original farmers or direct tillers of landholdings over parcels of
On March 17, 1996, a group of original farmers/tillers, namely, Julio Tiamson, Renato lands covered by Transfer Certificate of Title Nos. 35922-R, 35923-R and 35925-R which are
Gozun, Rosita Hernandez, Bienvenido Tongol, Alfonso Flores, Norma Quiambao, Rosita registered in the names of defendants LACSONS; while defendants Felino G. Tolentino, Rica
Tolentino, Jose Sosa, Francisco Tolentino, Sr., Emiliano Laxamana, Ruben Torres, Meliton Gozun, Perla Gozun, Benigno Tolentino, Rodolfo Quiambao, Roman
Allanigue, Dominga Laxamana, Felicencia de Leon, Emiliano Ramos, and another group, Laxamana, Eddie San Luis, Alfredo Gozun, Jose Tiamson, Augusto Tolentino, Sixto
namely, Felino G. Tolentino, Rica Gozun, Perla Gozun, Benigno Tolentino, Rodolfo Hernandez, Alex Quiambao, Isidro Tolentino, Ceferino de Leon, Alberto Hernandez, and
Quiambao, Roman Laxamana, Eddie San Luis, Ricardo Hernandez, Nicenciana Miranda, Jose Aurelio Flores are sub-tenantsover the same parcel of land.
Gozun, Alfredo Sosa, Jose Tiamson, Augusto Tolentino, Sixto Hernandez, Alex Quiambao,
Isidro Tolentino, Ceferino de Leon, Alberto Hernandez, Orlando Flores, and Aurelio 5. That on March 17, 1996 the defendants TIAMSON, et al., entered into Deeds of
Flores,[5] individually executed in favor of the petitioner separate Deeds of Assignment [6] in Assignment with the plaintiff by which the defendants assigned all their rights and interests on
which the assignees assigned to the petitioner their respective rights as tenants/tillers of the their landholdings to the plaintiff and that on the same date (March 17, 1996), the defendants
landholdings possessed and tilled by them for and in consideration of P50.00 per square received from the plaintiff partial payments in the amounts corresponding to their
meter. The said amount was made payable when the legal impediments to the sale of the names. Subsequent payments were also received:
property to the petitioner no longer existed. The petitioner was also granted the exclusive right
to buy the property if and when the respondents, with the concurrence of the defendants-
tenants, agreed to sell the property. In the interim, the petitioner gave varied sums of money to 1st PAYMENT 2nd PAYMENT CHECK NO.
the tenants as partial payments, and the latter issued receipts for the said amounts.
On July 24, 1996, the petitioner called a meeting of the defendants-tenants to work out 1.Julio Tiamson - - - - - - P 20,000 P 10,621.54 231281
the implementation of the terms of their separate agreements.[7] However, on August 8, 1996,
the defendants-tenants, through Joven Mariano, wrote the petitioner stating that they were not 2. Renato Gozun - - - - - - P 10,000 96,000
attending the meeting and instead gave notice of their collective decision to sell all their rights
and interests, as tenants/lessees, over the landholding to the respondents.[8] Explaining their [son of Felix Gozun (deceased)]
reasons for their collective decision, they wrote as follows:

Page | 14
3. Rosita Hernandez - - - - P 5,000 14,374.24 231274 22. Eddie
P 19,374.24
San Luis 10,000 ------ ------

4. Bienvenido Tongol - - - P 10,000 14,465.90 231285 23. Ricardo

Hernandez 10,000 ------ ------
[Son of Abundio Tongol (deceased)]
24. Nicenciana Miranda 10,000 ------ ------
5. Alfonso Flores - - - - - - P 30,000 26,648.40 231271 56,648.40
25. Jose Gozun 10,000 ------ ------
6. Norma Quiambao - - - - P 10,000 41,501.10 231279 51,501.10
26. Alfredo Sosa 5,000 ------ ------
7. Rosita Tolentino - - - - - P 10,000 22,126.08 231284 32,126.08
27. Jose Tiamson 10,000 ------ ------
8. Jose Sosa - - - - - - - - - P 10,000 14,861.31 231291 24,861.31
28. Augusto Tolentino 5,000 ------ ------
9. Francisco Tolentino, Sr. P 10,000 24,237.62 231283 34,237.62
29. Sixto Hernandez 10,000 ------ ------
10. Emiliano Laxamana - - P 10,000 ------ ------ ------
30. Alex Quiambao 10,000 ------ ------
11. Ruben Torres - - - - - - P 10,000 P 33,587.31 ------ P 43,587.31
31. Isidro Tolentino 10,000 ------ ------
[Son of Mariano Torres (deceased)]
32. Ceferino de Leon ------ 11,378.70 231270
12. Meliton Allanigue P 10,000 12,944.77 231269 P 22,944.77
33. Alberto Hernandez 10,000 ------ ------
13. Dominga Laxamana P 5,000 22,269.02 231275 27,269.02
34. Orlando Florez 10,000 ------ ------
14. Felicencia de Leon 10,000 ------ ------ ------
35. Aurelio Flores 10,000 ------ ------
15. Emiliano Ramos 5,000 18,869.60 231280 23,869.60

16. Felino G. Tolentino 10,000 ------ ------ 6. That ------

on July 24, 1996, the plaintiff wrote the defendants TIAMSON, et al., inviting them
for a meeting regarding the negotiations/implementations of the terms of their Deeds of
17. Rica Gozun 5,000 ------ ------ ------
7. That on August 8, 1996, the defendants TIAMSON, et al., through Joven Mariano, replied
18. Perla Gozun 10,000 ------ ------ that they------
are no longer willing to pursue with the negotiations, and instead they gave notice to
the plaintiff that they will sell all their rights and interests to the registered owners (defendants
19. Benigno Tolentino 10,000 ------ ------ LACSONS).------

20. Rodolfo Quiambao 10,000 ------ ------ A copy ------

of the letter is hereto attached as Annex A etc.;

21. Roman Laxamana 10,000 ------ ------ 8. That ------

the defendants TIAMSON, et. al., have no right to deal with the defendants LACSON
or with any third persons while their contracts with the plaintiff are subsisting; defendants

Page | 15
LACSONS are inducing or have induced the defendants TIAMSON, et. al., to violate their LACSONS from encumbering/alienating TCT Nos. 35922-R, 35923-R and 35925-R of the
contracts with the plaintiff; Registry of Deeds of San Fernando, Pampanga.

9. That by reason of the malicious acts of all the defendants, plaintiff suffered moral damages 2. And pending the hearing of the Prayer for a Writ of Preliminary Injunction, it is prayed that
in the forms of mental anguish, mental torture and serious anxiety which in the sum of a restraining order be issued restraining the aforementioned defendants (TIAMSON, et al.)
P500,000.00 for which defendants should be held liable jointly and severally. [11] from rescinding their contracts with the plaintiff and from alienating the subject properties to
the defendants LACSONS or any third persons; further, restraining and enjoining the
In support of his plea for injunctive relief, the petitioner, as plaintiff, also alleged the defendants LACSONS from encumbering/selling the properties covered by TCT Nos. 35922-
following in his complaint: R, 35923-R, and 35925-R of the Registry of Deeds of San Fernando, Pampanga.

11. That to maintain the status quo, the defendants TIAMSON, et al., should be restrained 3. Fixing the period within which plaintiff shall pay the balance of the purchase price to the
from rescinding their contracts with the plaintiff, and the defendants LACSONS should also defendants TIAMSON, et al., after the lapse of legal impediment, if any.
be restrained from accepting any offer of sale or alienation with the defendants TIAMSON, et
al., in whatever form, the latters rights and interests in the properties mentioned in paragraph 4 4. Making the Writ of Preliminary Injunction permanent;
hereof; further, the LACSONS should be restrained from encumbering/alienating the subject
properties covered by TCT No. 35922-R, 35923-R and TCT No. 35925-R, Registry of Deeds 5. Ordering the defendants to pay the plaintiff the sum of P500,000.00 as moral damages;
of San Fernando, Pampanga;
6. Ordering the defendants to pay the plaintiff attorneys fees in the sum of P100,000.00 plus
12. That the defendants TIAMSON, et al., threaten to rescind their contracts with the plaintiff litigation expenses of P50,000.00;
and are also bent on selling/alienating their rights and interests over the subject properties to
their co-defendants (LACSONS) or any other persons to the damage and prejudice of the
plaintiff who already invested much money, efforts and time in the said transactions; Plaintiff prays for such other relief as may be just and equitable under the premises. [13]

13. That the plaintiff is entitled to the reliefs being demanded in the complaint; In their answer to the complaint, the respondents as defendants asserted that (a) the
defendant Angelica Vda. de Lacson had died on April 24, 1993; (b) twelve of the defendants
were tenants/lessees of respondents, but the tenancy status of the rest of the defendants was
14. That to prevent irreparable damages and prejudice to the plaintiff, as the latter has no uncertain; (c) they never induced the defendants Tiamson to violate their contracts with the
speedy and adequate remedy under the ordinary course of law, it is essential that a Writ of petitioner; and, (d) being merely tenants-tillers, the defendants-tenants had no right to enter
Preliminary Injunction be issued enjoining and restraining the defendants TIAMSON, et al., into any transactions involving their properties without their knowledge and consent. They
from rescinding their contracts with the plaintiff and from selling/alienating their properties to also averred that the transfers or assignments of leasehold rights made by the defendants-
the LACSONS or other persons; tenants to the petitioner is contrary to Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 27 and Republic Act No.
6657, the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP).[14] The respondents interposed
15. That the plaintiff is willing and able to put up a reasonable bond to answer for the damages counterclaims for damages against the petitioner as plaintiff.
which the defendants would suffer should the injunction prayed for and granted be found
without basis.[12] The defendants-tenants Tiamson, et al., alleged in their answer with counterclaim for
damages, that the money each of them received from the petitioner were in the form of loans,
and that they were deceived into signing the deeds of assignment:
The petitioner prayed, that after the proceedings, judgment be rendered as follows:
a) That all the foregoing allegations in the Answer are hereby repleaded and
1. Pending the hearing, a Writ of Preliminary Injunction be issued prohibiting, enjoining and incorporated in so far as they are material and relevant herein;
restraining defendants Julio Tiamson, Renato Gozun, Rosita Hernandez, Bienvenido Tongol, b) That the defendants Tiamson, et al., in so far as the Deeds of Assignment are
Alfonso Flores, Norma Quiambao, Rosita Tolentino, Jose Sosa, Francisco Tolentino Sr., concern[ed] never knew that what they did sign is a Deed of
Emiliano Laxamana, Ruben Torres, Meliton Allanigue, Dominga Laxamana, Felicencia de Assignment. What they knew was that they were made to sign a document that
Leon, Emiliano Ramos, Felino G. Tolentino, Rica Gozun, Perla Gozun, Benigno Tolentino, will serve as a receipt for the loan granted [to] them by the plaintiff;
Rodolfo Quiambao, Roman Laxamana, Eddie San Luis, Ricardo Hernandez, Nicenciana
Miranda, Jose Gozun, Alfredo Sosa, Jose Tiamson, Augusto Tolentino, Ceferino de Leon, c) That the Deeds of Assignment were signed through the employment of fraud,
Alberto Hernandez, Orlando Flores, and Aurelio Flores from rescinding their contracts with deceit and false pretenses of plaintiff and made the defendants believe that
the plaintiff and from alienating their rights and interest over the aforementioned properties in what they sign[ed] was a mere receipt for amounts received by way of loans;
favor of defendants LACSONS or any other third persons; and prohibiting the defendants

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d) That the documents signed in blank were filled up and completed after the was entitled to injunctive relief unless the respondents and the defendants-tenants adduced
defendants Tiamson, et al., signed the documents and their completion and controverting evidence.
accomplishment was done in the absence of said defendants and, worst of all,
defendants were not provided a copy thereof; The respondents, the petitioners therein, filed a petition for certiorari in the Court of
Appeals for the nullification of the February 13, 1997 and April 16, 1997 Orders of the trial
e) That as completed, the Deeds of Assignment reflected that the defendants court. The case was docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 44883. The petitioners therein prayed in
Tiamson, et al., did assign all their rights and interests in the properties or their petition that:
landholdings they were tilling in favor of the plaintiff. That if this is so,
assuming arguendo that the documents were voluntarily executed, the 1. An order be issued declaring the orders of respondent court dated February 13,
defendants Tiamson, et al., do not have any right to transfer their interest in 1997 and April 16, 1997 as null and void;
the landholdings they are tilling as they have no right whatsoever in the 2. An order be issued directing the respondent court to issue an order denying the
landholdings, the landholdings belong to their co-defendants, Lacson, et al., application of respondent Herminio Tayag for the issuance of a Writ of
and therefore, the contract is null and void; Preliminary Injunction and/or restraining order.
f) That while it is admitted that the defendants Tiamson, et al., received sums of 3. In the meantime, a Writ of Preliminary Injunction be issued against the
money from plaintiffs, the same were received as approved loans granted by respondent court, prohibiting it from issuing its own writ of injunction against
plaintiff to the defendants Tiamson, et al., and not as part consideration of the Petitioners, and thereafter making said injunction to be issued by this Court
alleged Deeds of Assignment; and by way of:[15] permanent.
At the hearing of the petitioners plea for a writ of preliminary injunction, the
respondents counsel failed to appear. In support of his plea for a writ of preliminary Such other orders as may be deemed just & equitable under the premises also prayed for. [20]
injunction, the petitioner adduced in evidence the Deeds of Assignment, [16] the
receipts[17] issued by the defendants-tenants for the amounts they received from him; and the The respondents asserted that the Deeds of Assignment executed by the assignees in
letter[18] the petitioner received from the defendants-tenants. The petitioner then rested his favor of the petitioner were contrary to paragraph 13 of P.D. No. 27 and the second paragraph
case. of Section 70 of Rep. Act No. 6657, and, as such, could not be enforced by the petitioner for
The respondents, thereafter, filed a Comment/Motion to dismiss/deny the petitioners being null and void. The respondents also claimed that the enforcement of the deeds of
plea for injunctive relief on the following grounds: (a) the Deeds of Assignment executed by assignment was subject to a supervening condition:
the defendants-tenants were contrary to public policy and P.D. No. 27 and Rep. Act No. 6657;
(b) the petitioner failed to prove that the respondents induced the defendants-tenants to renege 3. That this exclusive and absolute right given to the assignee shall be exercised only when no
on their obligations under the Deeds of Assignment; (c) not being privy to the said deeds, the legal impediments exist to the lot to effect the smooth transfer of lawful ownership of the
respondents are not bound by the said deeds; and, (d) the respondents had the absolute right to lot/property in the name of the ASSIGNEE.[21]
sell and dispose of their property and to encumber the same and cannot be enjoined from
doing so by the trial court. The respondents argued that until such condition took place, the petitioner would not
The petitioner opposed the motion, contending that it was premature for the trial court to acquire any right to enforce the deeds by injunctive relief. Furthermore, the petitioners plea in
resolve his plea for injunctive relief, before the respondents and the defendants-tenants his complaint before the trial court, to fix a period within which to pay the balance of the
adduced evidence in opposition thereto, to afford the petitioner a chance to adduce rebuttal amounts due to the tenants under said deeds after the lapse of any legal impediment, assumed
evidence and prove his entitlement to a writ of preliminary injunction. The respondents replied that the deeds were valid, when, in fact and in law, they were not. According to the
that it was the burden of the petitioner to establish the requisites of a writ of preliminary respondents, they were not parties to the deeds of assignment; hence, they were not bound by
injunction without any evidence on their part, and that they were not bound to adduce any the said deeds.The issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction would restrict and impede the
evidence in opposition to the petitioners plea for a writ of preliminary injunction. exercise of their right to dispose of their property, as provided for in Article 428 of the New
Civil Code. They asserted that the petitioner had no cause of action against them and the
On February 13, 1997, the court issued an Order[19] denying the motion of the defendants-tenants.
respondents for being premature. It directed the hearing to proceed for the respondents to
adduce their evidence. The court ruled that the petitioner, on the basis of the material On April 17, 1998, the Court of Appeals rendered its decision against the petitioner,
allegations of the complaint, was entitled to injunctive relief. It also held that before the court annulling and setting aside the assailed orders of the trial court; and permanently enjoining the
could resolve the petitioners plea for injunctive relief, there was need for a hearing to enable said trial court from proceeding with Civil Case No. 10901. The decretal portion of the
the respondents and the defendants-tenants to adduce evidence to controvert that of the decision reads as follows:
petitioner. The respondents filed a motion for reconsideration, which the court denied in its
Order dated April 16, 1997. The trial court ruled that on the face of the averments of the
complaint, the pleadings of the parties and the evidence adduced by the petitioner, the latter

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However, even if private respondent is denied of the injunctive relief he demands in the lower THE COURT OF APPEALS CANNOT INCLUDE IN ITS
court still he could avail of other course of action in order to protect his interest such as the DECISION THE CASE OF THE OTHER 35 TENANTS WHO DO NOT
institution of a simple civil case of collection of money against TIAMSON, et al. QUESTION THE JURISDICTION OF THE LOWER COURT (RTC) OVER
For all the foregoing considerations, the orders dated 13 February 1997 and 16 April 1997 are EVIDENCE TO OPPOSE THE INJUNCTION PRAYED FOR, AND TO
hereby NULLIFIED and ordered SET ASIDE for having been issued with grave abuse of PROVE AT THE SAME TIME THE COUNTER-CLAIMS THEY FILED
discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction. Accordingly, public respondent is AGAINST THE PETITIONER.[28]
permanently enjoined from proceeding with the case designated as Civil Case No. 10901.[22] VI

The CA ruled that the respondents could not be enjoined from alienating or even THE LOWER COURT (RTC) HAS JURISDICTION OVER THE
encumbering their property, especially so since they were not privies to the deeds of CASE FILED BY TAYAG FOR FIXING OF PERIOD UNDER ART. 1197
assignment executed by the defendants-tenants. The defendants-tenants were not yet owners of OF THE NEW CIVIL CODE AND FOR DAMAGES AGAINST THE
the portions of the landholdings respectively tilled by them; as such, they had nothing to LACSONS UNDER ART. 1314 OF THE SAME CODE. THIS CASE
assign to the petitioner. Finally, the CA ruled that the deeds of assignment executed by the CANNOT BE SUPPRESSED OR RENDERED NUGATORY
defendants-tenants were contrary to P.D. No. 27 and Rep. Act No. 6657. UNCEREMONIOUSLY.[29]

On August 4, 1998, the CA issued a Resolution denying the petitioners motion for The petitioner faults the Court of Appeals for permanently enjoining the trial court from
reconsideration.[23] proceeding with Civil Case No. 10910. He opines that the same was too drastic, tantamount to
a dismissal of the case. He argues that at that stage, it was premature for the appellate court to
Hence, the petitioner filed his petition for review on certiorari before this Court, determine the merits of the case since no evidentiary hearing thereon was conducted by the
contending as follows: trial court. This, the Court of Appeals cannot do, since neither party moved for the dismissal
of Civil Case No. 10910. The petitioner points out that the Court of Appeals, in making its
I findings, went beyond the issue raised by the private respondents, namely, whether or not the
A MERE ALLEGATION IN THE ANSWER OF THE TENANTS trial court committed a grave abuse of discretion amounting to excess or lack of jurisdiction
COULD NOT BE USED AS EVIDENCE OR BASIS FOR ANY when it denied the respondents motion for the denial/dismissal of the petitioners plea for a writ
CONCLUSION, AS THIS ALLEGATION, IS STILL THE SUBJECT OF of preliminary injunction. He, likewise, points out that the appellate court erroneously
TRIAL IN THE LOWER COURT (RTC).[24] presumed that the leaseholders were not DAR awardees and that the deeds of assignment were
contrary to law. He contends that leasehold tenants are not prohibited from conveying or
II waiving their leasehold rights in his favor. He insists that there is nothing illegal with his
contracts with the leaseholders, since the same shall be effected only when there are no more
THE LOWER COURT (RTC) IS STILL RECEIVING EVIDENCE At bottom, the petitioner contends that, at that stage, it was premature for the appellate
PRECISELY TO DETERMINE WHETHER OR NOT THE WRIT OF court to determine the merits of his case since no evidentiary hearing on the merits of his
PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION BEING PRAYED FOR BY TAYAG complaint had yet been conducted by the trial court.
The Comment/Motion of the
III Respondents to Dismiss/Deny
Petitioners Plea for a Writ
Contrary to the ruling of the trial court, the motion of the respondents to dismiss/deny
IV the petitioners plea for a writ of preliminary injunction after the petitioner had adduced his
evidence, testimonial and documentary, and had rested his case on the incident, was proper
and timely. It bears stressing that the petitioner had the burden to prove his right to a writ of
preliminary injunction. He may rely solely on the material allegations of his complaint or
adduce evidence in support thereof. The petitioner adduced his evidence to support his plea for
a writ of preliminary injunction against the respondents and the defendants-tenants and rested
his case on the said incident. The respondents then had three options: (a) file a motion to
V deny/dismiss the motion on the ground that the petitioner failed to discharge his burden to

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prove the factual and legal basis for his plea for a writ of preliminary injunction and, if the injunction rests on the sound discretion of the trial court taking cognizance of the case,
trial court denies his motion, for them to adduce evidence in opposition to the petitioners plea; extreme caution must be observed in the exercise of such discretion.[32] Indeed, in Olalia v.
(b) forgo their motion and adduce testimonial and/or documentary evidence in opposition to Hizon,[33] we held:
the petitioners plea for a writ of preliminary injunction; or, (c) waive their right to adduce
evidence and submit the incident for consideration on the basis of the pleadings of the parties It has been consistently held that there is no power the exercise of which is more delicate,
and the evidence of the petitioner. The respondents opted not to adduce any evidence, and which requires greater caution, deliberation and sound discretion, or more dangerous in a
instead filed a motion to deny or dismiss the petitioners plea for a writ of preliminary doubtful case, than the issuance of an injunction. It is the strong arm of equity that should
injunction against them, on their claim that the petitioner failed to prove his entitlement never be extended unless to cases of great injury, where courts of law cannot afford an
thereto. The trial court cannot compel the respondents to adduce evidence in opposition to the adequate or commensurate remedy in damages.
petitioners plea if the respondents opt to waive their right to adduce such evidence. Thus, the
trial court should have resolved the respondents motion even without the latters opposition and
the presentation of evidence thereon. Every court should remember that an injunction is a limitation upon the freedom of action of
the defendant and should not be granted lightly or precipitately. It should be granted only
The RTC Committed a Grave when the court is fully satisfied that the law permits it and the emergency demands it.[34]
Abuse of Discretion Amounting
to Excess or Lack of Jurisdiction The very foundation of the jurisdiction to issue writ of injunction rests in the existence
in Issuing its February 13, 1997 of a cause of action and in the probability of irreparable injury, inadequacy of pecuniary
and April 16, 1997 Orders compensation and the prevention of the multiplicity of suits. Where facts are not shown to
In its February 13, 1997 Order, the trial court ruled that the petitioner was entitled to a bring the case within these conditions, the relief of injunction should be refused. [35]
writ of preliminary injunction against the respondents on the basis of the material averments of For the court to issue a writ of preliminary injunction, the petitioner was burdened to
the complaint. In its April 16, 1997 Order, the trial court denied the respondents motion for establish the following: (1) a right in esse or a clear and unmistakable right to be protected; (2)
reconsideration of the previous order, on its finding that the petitioner was entitled to a writ of a violation of that right; (3) that there is an urgent and permanent act and urgent necessity for
preliminary injunction based on the material allegations of his complaint, the evidence on the writ to prevent serious damage.[36] Thus, in the absence of a clear legal right, the issuance
record, the pleadings of the parties, as well as the applicable laws: of the injunctive writ constitutes a grave abuse of discretion. Where the complainants right is
doubtful or disputed, injunction is not proper. Injunction is a preservative remedy aimed at
For the record, the Court denied the LACSONS COMMENT/MOTION on the basis of the protecting substantial rights and interests. It is not designed to protect contingent or future
facts culled from the evidence presented, the pleadings and the law applicable unswayed by rights. The possibility of irreparable damage without proof of adequate existing rights is not a
the partisan or personal interests, public opinion or fear of criticism (Canon 3, Rule 3.02, Code ground for injunction.[37]
of Judicial Ethics).[30]
We have reviewed the pleadings of the parties and found that, as contended by the
respondents, the petitioner failed to establish the essential requisites for the issuance of a writ
Section 3, Rule 58 of the Rules of Court, as amended, enumerates the grounds for the of preliminary injunction. Hence, the trial court committed a grave abuse of its discretion
issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction, thus: amounting to excess or lack of jurisdiction in denying the respondents comment/motion as
(a) That the applicant is entitled to the relief demanded, and the whole or part of well as their motion for reconsideration.
such relief consists in restraining the commission or continuance of the act or First. The trial court cannot enjoin the respondents, at the instance of the petitioner, from
acts complained of, or in requiring the performance of an act or acts, either for selling, disposing of and encumbering their property. As the registered owners of the property,
a limited period or perpetually; the respondents have the right to enjoy and dispose of their property without any other
(b) That the commission, continuance or non-performance of the act or acts limitations than those established by law, in accordance with Article 428 of the Civil
complained of during the litigation would probably work injustice to the Code. The right to dispose of the property is the power of the owner to sell, encumber,
applicant; or transfer, and even destroy the property. Ownership also includes the right to recover the
possession of the property from any other person to whom the owner has not transmitted such
(c) That a party, court, agency or a person is doing, threatening, or is attempting to property, by the appropriate action for restitution, with the fruits, and for indemnification for
do, or is procuring or suffering to be done, some act or acts probably in damages.[38] The right of ownership of the respondents is not, of course, absolute. It is limited
violation of the rights of the applicant respecting the subject of the action or by those set forth by law, such as the agrarian reform laws. Under Article 1306 of the New
proceeding, and tending to render the judgment ineffectual. Civil Code, the respondents may enter into contracts covering their property with another
under such terms and conditions as they may deem beneficial provided they are not contrary to
A preliminary injunction is an extraordinary event calculated to preserve or maintain law, morals, good conduct, public order or public policy.
the status quo of things ante litem and is generally availed of to prevent actual or threatened
acts, until the merits of the case can be heard. Injunction is accepted as the strong arm of The respondents cannot be enjoined from selling or encumbering their property simply
equity or a transcendent remedy.[31] While generally the grant of a writ of preliminary and merely because they had executed Deeds of Assignment in favor of the petitioner,

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obliging themselves to assign and transfer their rights or interests as agricultural the respondents refusal to sell their property; and, (b) the lack of approval of the Department
farmers/laborers/sub-tenants over the landholding, and granting the petitioner the exclusive of Agrarian Reform:
right to buy the property subject to the occurrence of certain conditions. The respondents were
not parties to the said deeds. There is no evidence that the respondents agreed, expressly or Q : There is no specific agreement prior to the execution of those documents as
impliedly, to the said deeds or to the terms and conditions set forth therein. Indeed, they when they will pay?
assailed the validity of the said deeds on their claim that the same were contrary to the letter A : We agreed to that, that I will pay them when there are no legal impediment,
and spirit of P.D. No. 27 and Rep. Act No. 6657. The petitioner even admitted when he sir.
testified that he did not know any of the respondents, and that he had not met any of them
before he filed his complaint in the RTC. He did not even know that one of those whom he Q : Many of the documents are unlattered (sic) and you want to convey to this
had impleaded as defendant, Angelica Vda. de Lacson, was already dead. Honorable Court that prior to the execution of these documents you have
those tentative agreement for instance that the amount or the cost of the
Q: But you have not met any of these Lacsons? price is to be paid when there are no legal impediment, you are using the
A: Not yet, sir. word legal impediment, do you know the meaning of that?

Q: Do you know that two (2) of the defendants are residents of the United States? A : When there are (sic) no more legal impediment exist, sir.

A: I do not know, sir. Q : Did you make how (sic) to the effect that the meaning of that phrase that you
used the unlettered defendants?
Q: You do not know also that Angela Tiotuvie (sic) Vda. de Lacson had already
been dead? A : We have agreed to that, sir.

A: I am aware of that, sir.[39] ATTY. OCAMPO:

We are one with the Court of Appeals in its ruling that: May I ask, Your Honor, that the witness please answer my question not to
answer in the way he wanted it.
We cannot see our way clear on how or why injunction should lie against petitioners. As COURT:
owners of the lands being tilled by TIAMSON, et al., petitioners, under the law, have the right
to enjoy and dispose of the same. Thus, they have the right to possess the lands, as well as the Just answer the question, Mr. Tayag.
right to encumber or alienate them. This principle of law notwithstanding, private respondent WITNESS:
in the lower court sought to restrain the petitioners from encumbering and/or alienating the
properties covered by TCT No. 35922-R, 35923-R and TCT No. 35925-R of the Registry of Yes, Your Honor.
Deeds of San Fernando, Pampanga. This cannot be allowed to prosper since it would
constitute a limitation or restriction, not otherwise established by law on their right of ATTY. OCAMPO:
ownership, more so considering that petitioners were not even privy to the alleged transaction
Q : Did you explain to them?
between private respondent and TIAMSON, et al.[40]
A : Yes, sir.
Second. A reading the averments of the complaint will show that the petitioner clearly
Q : What did you tell them?
has no cause of action against the respondents for the principal relief prayed for therein, for
the trial court to fix a period within which to pay to each of the defendants-tenants the balance A : I explain[ed] to them, sir, that the legal impediment then especially if the
of the P50.00 per square meter, the consideration under the Deeds of Assignment executed by Lacsons will not agree to sell their shares to me or to us it would be hard to
the defendants-tenants. The respondents are not parties or privies to the deeds of (sic) me to pay them in full. And those covered by DAR. I explain[ed] to
assignment. The matter of the period for the petitioner to pay the balance of the said amount to them and it was clearly stated in the title that there is [a] prohibited period of
each of the defendants-tenants is an issue between them, the parties to the deed. time before you can sell the property. I explained every detail to them.[41]
Third. On the face of the complaint, the action of the petitioner against the respondents It is only upon the occurrence of the foregoing conditions that the petitioner would be
and the defendants-tenants has no legal basis. Under the Deeds of Assignment, the obligation obliged to pay to the defendants-tenants the balance of the P50.00 per square meter under the
of the petitioner to pay to each of the defendants-tenants the balance of the purchase price was deeds of assignment. Thus:
conditioned on the occurrence of the following events: (a) the respondents agree to sell their
property to the petitioner; (b) the legal impediments to the sale of the landholding to the
petitioner no longer exist; and, (c) the petitioner decides to buy the property. When he 2. That in case the ASSIGNOR and LANDOWNER will mutually agree to sell the said lot to
testified, the petitioner admitted that the legal impediments referred to in the deeds were (a) the ASSIGNEE, who is given an exclusive and absolute right to buy the lot, the ASSIGNOR
shall receive the sum of FIFTY PESOS (P50.00) per square meter as consideration of the total

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area actually tilled and possessed by the ASSIGNOR, less whatever amount received by the In So Ping Bun v. Court of Appeals,[47] we held that for the said law to apply, the pleader
ASSIGNOR including commissions, taxes and all allowable deductions relative to the sale of is burdened to prove the following: (1) the existence of a valid contract; (2) knowledge by the
the subject properties. third person of the existence of the contract; and (3) interference by the third person in the
contractual relation without legal justification.
3. That this exclusive and absolute right given to the ASSIGNEE shall be exercised only when Where there was no malice in the interference of a contract, and the impulse behind ones
no legal impediments exist to the lot to effect the smooth transfer of lawful ownership of the conduct lies in a proper business interest rather than in wrongful motives, a party cannot be a
lot/property in the name of the ASSIGNEE; malicious interferer. Where the alleged interferer is financially interested, and such interest
motivates his conduct, it cannot be said that he is an officious or malicious intermeddler. [48]
4. That the ASSIGNOR will remain in peaceful possession over the said property and shall
enjoy the fruits/earnings and/or harvest of the said lot until such time that full payment of the In fine, one who is not a party to a contract and who interferes thereon is not necessarily
agreed purchase price had been made by the ASSIGNEE.[42] an officious or malicious intermeddler. The only evidence adduced by the petitioner to prove
his claim is the letter from the defendants-tenants informing him that they had decided to sell
their rights and interests over the landholding to the respondents, instead of honoring their
There is no showing in the petitioners complaint that the respondents had agreed to sell obligation under the deeds of assignment because, according to them, the petitioner harassed
their property, and that the legal impediments to the agreement no longer existed. The those tenants who did not want to execute deeds of assignment in his favor, and because the
petitioner and the defendants-tenants had yet to submit the Deeds of Assignment to the said defendants-tenants did not want to have any problem with the respondents who could
Department of Agrarian Reform which, in turn, had to act on and approve or disapprove the cause their eviction for executing with the petitioner the deeds of assignment as the said deeds
same. In fact, as alleged by the petitioner in his complaint, he was yet to meet with the are in violation of P.D. No. 27 and Rep. Act No. 6657.[49] The defendants-tenants did not
defendants-tenants to discuss the implementation of the deeds of assignment. Unless and until allege therein that the respondents induced them to breach their contracts with the
the Department of Agrarian Reform approved the said deeds, if at all, the petitioner had no petitioner. The petitioner himself admitted when he testified that his claim that the respondents
right to enforce the same in a court of law by asking the trial court to fix a period within which induced the defendants-assignees to violate contracts with him was based merely on what he
to pay the balance of the purchase price and praying for injunctive relief. heard, thus:
We do not agree with the contention of the petitioner that the deeds of assignment Q: Going to your last statement that the Lacsons induces (sic) the defendants, did
executed by the defendants-tenants are perfected option contracts.[43] An option is a contract you see that the Lacsons were inducing the defendants?
by which the owner of the property agrees with another person that he shall have the right to
buy his property at a fixed price within a certain time. It is a condition offered or contract by A: I heard and sometime in [the] first week of August, sir, they went in the barrio
which the owner stipulates with another that the latter shall have the right to buy the property (sic). As a matter of fact, that is the reason why they sent me letter that they
at a fixed price within a certain time, or under, or in compliance with certain terms and will sell it to the Lacsons.
conditions, or which gives to the owner of the property the right to sell or demand a sale. It
imposes no binding obligation on the person holding the option, aside from the consideration Q: Incidentally, do you knew (sic) these Lacsons individually?
for the offer. Until accepted, it is not, properly speaking, treated as a contract.[44] The second A: No, sir, it was only Mr. Espinosa who I knew (sic) personally, the alleged
party gets in praesenti, not lands, not an agreement that he shall have the lands, but the right to negotiator and has the authority to sell the property.[50]
call for and receive lands if he elects.[45] An option contract is a separate and distinct contract
from which the parties may enter into upon the conjunction of the option.[46] Even if the respondents received an offer from the defendants-tenants to assign and
transfer their rights and interests on the landholding, the respondents cannot be enjoined from
In this case, the defendants-tenants-subtenants, under the deeds of assignment, granted entertaining the said offer, or even negotiating with the defendants-tenants. The respondents
to the petitioner not only an option but the exclusive right to buy the landholding. But the could not even be expected to warn the defendants-tenants for executing the said deeds in
grantors were merely the defendants-tenants, and not the respondents, the registered owners of violation of P.D. No. 27 and Rep. Act No. 6657. Under Section 22 of the latter law,
the property. Not being the registered owners of the property, the defendants-tenants could not beneficiaries under P.D. No. 27 who have culpably sold, disposed of, or abandoned their land,
legally grant to the petitioner the option, much less the exclusive right to buy the property. As are disqualified from becoming beneficiaries.
the Latin saying goes, NEMO DAT QUOD NON HABET.
From the pleadings of the petitioner, it is quite evident that his purpose in having the
Fourth. The petitioner impleaded the respondents as parties-defendants solely on his defendants-tenants execute the Deeds of Assignment in his favor was to acquire the
allegation that the latter induced or are inducing the defendants-tenants to violate the deeds of landholding without any tenants thereon, in the event that the respondents agreed to sell the
assignment, contrary to the provisions of Article 1314 of the New Civil Code which reads: property to him. The petitioner knew that under Section 11 of Rep. Act No. 3844, if the
respondents agreed to sell the property, the defendants-tenants shall have preferential right to
Art. 1314. Any third person who induces another to violate his contract shall be liable for buy the same under reasonable terms and conditions:
damages to the other contracting party.

Page | 21
SECTION 11. Lessees Right of Pre-emption. In case the agricultural lessor desires to sell the Appeals permanently enjoining the RTC from further proceeding with Civil Case No. 10910 is
landholding, the agricultural lessee shall have the preferential right to buy the same under hereby LIFTED and SET ASIDE. The Regional Trial Court of Mabalacat, Pampanga, Branch
reasonable terms and conditions: Provided, That the entire landholding offered for sale must 44, is ORDERED to continue with the proceedings in Civil Case No. 10910 as provided for by
be pre-empted by the Land Authority if the landowner so desires, unless the majority of the the Rules of Court, as amended.
lessees object to such acquisition: Provided, further, That where there are two or more
agricultural lessees, each shall be entitled to said preferential right only to the extent of the SO ORDERED.
area actually cultivated by him. [51] Puno, (Chairman), Quisumbing, Austria-Martinez, and Tinga, JJ., concur.

Under Section 12 of the law, if the property was sold to a third person without the
knowledge of the tenants thereon, the latter shall have the right to redeem the same at a
reasonable price and consideration. By assigning their rights and interests on the landholding
under the deeds of assignment in favor of the petitioner, the defendants-tenants thereby
waived, in favor of the petitioner, who is not a beneficiary under Section 22 of Rep. Act No.
6657, their rights of preemption or redemption under Rep. Act No. 3844. The defendants-
tenants would then have to vacate the property in favor of the petitioner upon full payment of
the purchase price. Instead of acquiring ownership of the portions of the landholding
respectively tilled by them, the defendants-tenants would again become landless for a measly
sum of P50.00 per square meter. The petitioners scheme is subversive, not only of public
policy, but also of the letter and spirit of the agrarian laws. That the scheme of the petitioner
had yet to take effect in the future or ten years hence is not a justification. The respondents
may well argue that the agrarian laws had been violated by the defendants-tenants and the
petitioner by the mere execution of the deeds of assignment. In fact, the petitioner has
implemented the deeds by paying the defendants-tenants amounts of money and even sought
their immediate implementation by setting a meeting with the defendants-tenants. In fine, the
petitioner would not wait for ten years to evict the defendants-tenants. For him, time is of the
The Appellate Court Erred
In Permanently Enjoining
The Regional Trial Court
From Continuing with the
Proceedings in Civil Case
No. 10910.
We agree with the petitioners contention that the appellate court erred when it
permanently enjoined the RTC from continuing with the proceedings in Civil Case No.
10910. The only issue before the appellate court was whether or not the trial court committed
a grave abuse of discretion amounting to excess or lack of jurisdiction in denying the
respondents motion to deny or dismiss the petitioners plea for a writ of preliminary
injunction. Not one of the parties prayed to permanently enjoin the trial court from further
proceeding with Civil Case No. 10910 or to dismiss the complaint. It bears stressing that the
petitioner may still amend his complaint, and the respondents and the defendants-tenants may
file motions to dismiss the complaint.By permanently enjoining the trial court from
proceeding with Civil Case No. 10910, the appellate court acted arbitrarily and effectively
dismissed the complaint motu proprio, including the counterclaims of the respondents and that
of the defendants-tenants. The defendants-tenants were even deprived of their right to prove
their special and affirmative defenses.
GRANTED. The Decision of the Court of Appeals nullifying the February 13, 1996 and April
16, 1997 Orders of the RTC is AFFIRMED. The writ of injunction issued by the Court of

Page | 22
G.R. No. 97332 October 10, 1991 That, I Macaria Labingisa, am the owner in fee simple of a parcel of land with an
area of 600 square meters, more or less, more particularly described in TCT No.
SPOUSES JULIO D. VILLAMOR AND MARINA VILLAMOR, petitioners, (18431) 18938 of the Office of the Register of Deeds for the province of Rizal,
vs. issued in may name, I having inherited the same from my deceased parents, for
THE HON. COURT OF APPEALS AND SPOUSES MACARIA LABINGISA REYES which reason it is my paraphernal property;
AND ROBERTO REYES,respondents.
That I, with the conformity of my husband, Roberto Reyes, have sold one-half
Tranquilino F. Meris for petitioners. thereof to the aforesaid spouses Julio Villamor and Marina V. Villamor at the price
Agripino G. Morga for private respondents. of P70.00 per sq. meter, which was greatly higher than the actual reasonable
prevailing value of lands in that place at the time, which portion, after segregation, is
now covered by TCT No. 39935 of the Register of Deeds for the City of Caloocan,
issued on August 17, 1971 in the name of the aforementioned spouses vendees;
That the only reason why the Spouses-vendees Julio Villamor and Marina V.
This is a petition for review on certiorari of the decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. Villamor, agreed to buy the said one-half portion at the above-stated price of about
No. 24176 entitled, "Spouses Julio Villamor and Marina Villamor, Plaintiffs-Appellees, versus P70.00 per square meter, is because I, and my husband Roberto Reyes, have agreed
Spouses Macaria Labing-isa Reyes and Roberto Reyes, Defendants-Appellants," which to sell and convey to them the remaining one-half portion still owned by me and
reversed the decision of the Regional Trial Court (Branch 121) at Caloocan City in Civil Case now covered by TCT No. 39935 of the Register of Deeds for the City of Caloocan,
No. C-12942. whenever the need of such sale arises, either on our part or on the part of the spouses
(Julio) Villamor and Marina V. Villamor, at the same price of P70.00 per square
The facts of the case are as follows: meter, excluding whatever improvement may be found the thereon;

Macaria Labingisa Reyes was the owner of a 600-square meter lot located at Baesa, Caloocan That I am willing to have this contract to sell inscribed on my aforesaid title as an
City, as evidenced by Transfer Certificate of Title No. (18431) 18938, of the Register of encumbrance upon the property covered thereby, upon payment of the
Deeds of Rizal. corresponding fees; and

In July 1971, Macaria sold a portion of 300 square meters of the lot to the Spouses Julio and That we, Julio Villamor and Marina V. Villamor, hereby agree to, and accept, the
Marina and Villamor for the total amount of P21,000.00. Earlier, Macaria borrowed P2,000.00 above provisions of this Deed of Option.
from the spouses which amount was deducted from the total purchase price of the 300 square
meter lot sold. The portion sold to the Villamor spouses is now covered by TCT No. 39935 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Deed of Option is signed in the City of Manila,
while the remaining portion which is still in the name of Macaria Labing-isa is covered by Philippines, by all the persons concerned, this 11th day of November, 1971.
TCT No. 39934 (pars. 5 and 7, Complaint). On November 11, 1971, Macaria executed a
"Deed of Option" in favor of Villamor in which the remaining 300 square meter portion (TCT
No. 39934) of the lot would be sold to Villamor under the conditions stated therein. The JULIO VILLAMOR MACARIA LABINGISA
document reads:
With My Conformity:
This Deed of Option, entered into in the City of Manila, Philippines, this 11th day of
November, 1971, by and between Macaria Labing-isa, of age, married to Roberto Signed in the Presence Of:
Reyes, likewise of age, and both resideing on Reparo St., Baesa, Caloocan City, on
the one hand, and on the other hand the spouses Julio Villamor and Marina V. MARIANO Z. SUNIGA
Villamor, also of age and residing at No. 552 Reparo St., corner Baesa Road, Baesa, ROSALINDA S. EUGENIO
Caloocan City.

Page | 23
SO ORDERED. (pp. 24-25, Rollo)
At the City of Manila, on the 11th day of November, 1971, personally appeared
before me Roberto Reyes, Macaria Labingisa, Julio Villamor and Marina Ventura- Not satisfied with the decision of the trial court, the Reyes spouses appealed to the Court of
Villamor, known to me as the same persons who executed the foregoing Deed of Appeals on the following assignment of errors:
Option, which consists of two (2) pages including the page whereon this
acknowledgement is written, and signed at the left margin of the first page and at the
bottom of the instrument by the parties and their witnesses, and sealed with my 1. HOLDING THAT THE DEED OF OPTION EXECUTED ON NOVEMBER 11,
notarial seal, and said parties acknowledged to me that the same is their free act and 1971 BETWEEN THE PLAINTIFF-APPELLEES AND DEFENDANT-
deed. The Residence Certificates of the parties were exhibited to me as follows: APPELLANTS IS STILL VALID AND BINDING DESPITE THE LAPSE OF
Roberto Reyes, A-22494, issued at Manila on Jan. 27, 1971, and B-502025, issued MORE THAN THIRTEEN (13) YEARS FROM THE EXECUTION OF THE
at Makati, Rizal on Feb. 18, 1971; Macaria Labingisa, A-3339130 and B-1266104, CONTRACT;
both issued at Caloocan City on April 15, 1971, their joint Tax Acct. Number being
3028-767-6; Julio Villamor, A-804, issued at Manila on Jan. 14, 1971, and B-138, 2. FAILING TO CONSIDER THAT THE DEED OF OPTION CONTAINS
issued at Manila on March 1, 1971; and Marina Ventura-Villamor, A-803, issued at OBSCURE WORDS AND STIPULATIONS WHICH SHOULD BE RESOLVED
Manila on Jan. 14, 1971, their joint Tax Acct. Number being 608-202-6. AGAINST THE PLAINTIFF-APPELLEES WHO UNILATERALLY DRAFTED
January 15, 1971 APPELLEES;


Book No. 38; DEED OF OPTION;
Series of 1971. (pp. 25-29, Rollo)
According to Macaria, when her husband, Roberto Reyes, retired in 1984, they offered to FAVOR OF THE DEFENDANT-APPELLANTS; and
repurchase the lot sold by them to the Villamor spouses but Marina Villamor refused and
reminded them instead that the Deed of Option in fact gave them the option to purchase the 6. HOLDING DEFENDANT-APPELLANTS LIABLE TO PAY PLAINTIFF-
remaining portion of the lot. APPELLEES THE AMOUNT OF P3,000.00 FOR AND BY WAY OF
ATTORNEY'S FEES. (pp. 31-32, Rollo)
The Villamors, on the other hand, claimed that they had expressed their desire to purchase the
remaining 300 square meter portion of the lot but the Reyeses had been ignoring them. Thus, On February 12, 1991, the Court of Appeals rendered a decision reversing the decision of the
on July 13, 1987, after conciliation proceedings in the barangay level failed, they filed a trial court and dismissing the complaint. The reversal of the trial court's decision was premised
complaint for specific performance against the Reyeses. on the finding of respondent court that the Deed of Option is void for lack of consideration.

On July 26, 1989, judgment was rendered by the trial court in favor of the Villamor spouses, The Villamor spouses brought the instant petition for review on certiorari on the following
the dispositive portion of which states: grounds:

WHEREFORE, and (sic) in view of the foregoing, judgment is hereby rendered in I. THE COURT OF APPEALS GRAVELY ERRED IN FINDING THAT THE
favor of the plaintiffs and against the defendants ordering the defendant MACARIA PHRASE WHENEVER THE NEED FOR SUCH SALE ARISES ON OUR
covered by T.C.T No. 39934 of the Register of Deeds of Caloocan City, to pay the JULIO D. VILLAMOR AND MARINA V. VILLAMOR' CONTAINED IN THE
plaintiffs the sum of P3,000.00 as and for attorney's fees and to pay the cost of suit. DEED OF OPTION DENOTES A SUSPENSIVE CONDITION;

Page | 24
II. ASSUMING FOR THE SAKE OF ARGUMENT THAT THE QUESTIONED evidence. (Starkie, EV, pp. 648, 655 cited in Kasheenath vs. Chundy, W.R. 68, cited
PHRASE IS INDEED A CONDITION, THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN in Francisco's Rules of Court, Vol. VII Part I p. 153) (Emphasis supplied, pp. 126-
The respondent appellate court, however, ruled that the said deed of option is void for lack of
III. ASSUMING FOR THE SAKE OF ARGUMENT THAT THE QUESTIONED consideration. The appellate court made the following disquisitions:
HOLDING THAT THE IMPOSITION OF SAID CONDITION PREVENTED THE Plaintiff-appellees say they agreed to pay P70.00 per square meter for the portion
PERFECTION OF THE CONTRACT OF SALE DESPITE THE EXPRESS purchased by them although the prevailing price at that time was only P25.00 in
OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE CONTAINED IN THE DEED OF OPTION; consideration of the option to buy the remainder of the land. This does not seem to
be the case. In the first place, the deed of sale was never produced by them to prove
IV. THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN FINDING THAT THE DEED OF their claim. Defendant-appellants testified that no copy of the deed of sale had ever
OPTION IS VOID FOR LACK OF CONSIDERATION; been given to them by the plaintiff-appellees. In the second place, if this was really
the condition of the prior sale, we see no reason why it should be reiterated in the
V. THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN HOLDING THAT A DISTINCT Deed of Option. On the contrary, the alleged overprice paid by the plaintiff-
CONSIDERATION IS NECESSARY TO SUPPORT THE DEED OF OPTION appellees is given in the Deed as reason for the desire of the Villamors to acquire the
DESPITE THE EXPRESS OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE CONTAINED land rather than as a consideration for the option given to them, although one might
THEREIN. (p. 12, Rollo) wonder why they took nearly 13 years to invoke their right if they really were in due
need of the lot.
The pivotal issue to be resolved in this case is the validity of the Deed of Option whereby the
private respondents agreed to sell their lot to petitioners "whenever the need of such sale At all events, the consideration needed to support a unilateral promise to sell is a
arises, either on our part (private respondents) or on the part of Julio Villamor and Marina dinstinct one, not something that is as uncertain as P70.00 per square meter which is
Villamor (petitioners)." The court a quo, rule that the Deed of Option was a allegedly 'greatly higher than the actual prevailing value of lands.' A sale must be for
valid written agreement between the parties and made the following conclusions: a price certain (Art. 1458). For how much the portion conveyed to the plaintiff-
appellees was sold so that the balance could be considered the consideration for the
promise to sell has not been shown, beyond a mere allegation that it was very much
xxx xxx xxx below P70.00 per square meter.

It is interesting to state that the agreement between the parties are evidence by a The fact that plaintiff-appellees might have paid P18.00 per square meter for another
writing, hence, the controverting oral testimonies of the herein defendants cannot be land at the time of the sale to them of a portion of defendant-appellant's lot does not
any better than the documentary evidence, which, in this case, is the Deed of necessarily prove that the prevailing market price at the time of the sale was P18.00
Option (Exh. "A" and "A-a") per square meter. (In fact they claim it was P25.00). It is improbable that plaintiff-
appellees should pay P52.00 per square meter for the privilege of buying when the
The law provides that when the terms of an agreement have been reduced to writing value of the land itself was allegedly P18.00 per square meter. (pp. 34-35, Rollo)
it is to be considered as containing all such terms, and therefore, there can be,
between the parties and their successors in interest no evidence of their terms of the As expressed in Gonzales v. Trinidad, 67 Phil. 682, consideration is "the why of the contracts,
agreement, other than the contents of the writing. ... (Section 7 Rule 130 Revised the essential reason which moves the contracting parties to enter into the contract." The cause
Rules of Court) Likewise, it is a general and most inflexible rule that wherever or the impelling reason on the part of private respondent executing the deed of option as
written instruments are appointed either by the requirements of law, or by the appearing in the deed itself is the petitioner's having agreed to buy the 300 square meter
contract of the parties, to be the repositories and memorials of truth, any other portion of private respondents' land at P70.00 per square meter "which was greatly higher than
evidence is excluded from being used, either as a substitute for such instruments, or the actual reasonable prevailing price." This cause or consideration is clear from the deed
to contradict or alter them. This is a matter both of principle and of policy; of which stated:
principle because such instruments are in their nature and origin entitled to a much
higher degree of credit than evidence of policy, because it would be attended with
great mischief if those instruments upon which man's rights depended were liable to That the only reason why the spouses-vendees Julio Villamor and Marina V.
be impeached by loose collateral evidence. Where the terms of an agreement are Villamor agreed to buy the said one-half portion at the above stated price of about
reduced to writing, the document itself, being constituted by the parties as the P70.00 per square meter, is because I, and my husband Roberto Reyes, have agreed
expositor of their intentions, it is the only instrument of evidence in respect of that to sell and convey to them the remaining one-half portion still owned by me ... (p.
agreement which the law will recognize so long as it exists for the purpose of 26, Rollo)

Page | 25
The respondent appellate court failed to give due consideration to petitioners' evidence which between the parties, a meeting of minds upon the object and the price, there was already a
shows that in 1969 the Villamor spouses bough an adjacent lot from the brother of Macaria perfected contract of sale. What was, however, left to be done was for either party to demand
Labing-isa for only P18.00 per square meter which the private respondents did not rebut. from the other their respective undertakings under the contract. It may be demanded at any
Thus, expressed in terms of money, the consideration for the deed of option is the difference time either by the private respondents, who may compel the petitioners to pay for the property
between the purchase price of the 300 square meter portion of the lot in 1971 (P70.00 per or the petitioners, who may compel the private respondents to deliver the property.
sq.m.) and the prevailing reasonable price of the same lot in 1971. Whatever it is, (P25.00 or
P18.00) though not specifically stated in the deed of option, was ascertainable. Petitioner's However, the Deed of Option did not provide for the period within which the parties may
allegedly paying P52.00 per square meter for the option may, as opined by the appellate court, demand the performance of their respective undertakings in the instrument. The parties could
be improbable but improbabilities does not invalidate a contract freely entered into by the not have contemplated that the delivery of the property and the payment thereof could be
parties. made indefinitely and render uncertain the status of the land. The failure of either parties to
demand performance of the obligation of the other for an unreasonable length of time renders
The "deed of option" entered into by the parties in this case had unique features. Ordinarily, an the contract ineffective.
optional contract is a privilege existing in one person, for which he had paid a consideration
and which gives him the right to buy, for example, certain merchandise or certain specified Under Article 1144 (1) of the Civil Code, actions upon written contract must be brought
property, from another person, if he chooses, at any time within the agreed period at a fixed within ten (10) years. The Deed of Option was executed on November 11, 1971. The
price (Enriquez de la Cavada v. Diaz, 37 Phil. 982). If We look closely at the "deed of option" acceptance, as already mentioned, was also accepted in the same instrument. The complaint in
signed by the parties, We will notice that the first part covered the statement on the sale of the this case was filed by the petitioners on July 13, 1987, seventeen (17) years from the time of
300 square meter portion of the lot to Spouses Villamor at the price of P70.00 per square the execution of the contract. Hence, the right of action had prescribed. There were allegations
meter "which was higher than the actual reasonable prevailing value of the lands in that place by the petitioners that they demanded from the private respondents as early as 1984 the
at that time (of sale)." The second part stated that the only reason why the Villamor spouses enforcement of their rights under the contract. Still, it was beyond the ten (10) years period
agreed to buy the said lot at a much higher price is because the vendor (Reyeses) also agreed prescribed by the Civil Code. In the case of Santos v. Ganayo,
to sell to the Villamors the other half-portion of 300 square meters of the land. Had the deed L-31854, September 9, 1982, 116 SCRA 431, this Court affirming and subscribing to the
stopped there, there would be no dispute that the deed is really an ordinary deed of option observations of the court a quo held, thus:
granting the Villamors the option to buy the remaining 300 square meter-half portion of the lot
in consideration for their having agreed to buy the other half of the land for a much higher
price. But, the "deed of option" went on and stated that the sale of the other half would be ... Assuming that Rosa Ganayo, the oppositor herein, had the right based on the
made "whenever the need of such sale arises, either on our (Reyeses) part or on the part of the Agreement to Convey and Transfer as contained in Exhibits '1' and '1-A', her failure
Spouses Julio Villamor and Marina V. Villamor. It appears that while the option to buy was or the abandonment of her right to file an action against Pulmano Molintas when he
granted to the Villamors, the Reyeses were likewise granted an option to sell. In other words, was still a co-owner of the on-half (1/2) portion of the 10,000 square meters is now
it was not only the Villamors who were granted an option to buy for which they paid a barred by laches and/or prescribed by law because she failed to bring such action
consideration. The Reyeses as well were granted an option to sell should the need for such sale within ten (10) years from the date of the written agreement in 1941, pursuant to
on their part arise. Art. 1144 of the New Civil Code, so that when she filed the adverse claim through
her counsel in 1959 she had absolutely no more right whatsoever on the same,
having been barred by laches.
In the instant case, the option offered by private respondents had been accepted by the
petitioner, the promise, in the same document. The acceptance of an offer to sell for a price
certain created a bilateral contract to sell and buy and upon acceptance, the offer, ipso It is of judicial notice that the price of real estate in Metro Manila is continuously on the rise.
facto assumes obligations of a vendee (See Atkins, Kroll & Co. v. Cua Mian Tek, 102 Phil. To allow the petitioner to demand the delivery of the property subject of this case thirteen (13)
948). Demandabilitiy may be exercised at any time after the execution of the deed. In Sanchez years or seventeen (17) years after the execution of the deed at the price of only P70.00 per
v. Rigos, No. L-25494, June 14, 1972, 45 SCRA 368, 376, We held: square meter is inequitous. For reasons also of equity and in consideration of the fact that the
private respondents have no other decent place to live, this Court, in the exercise of its equity
jurisdiction is not inclined to grant petitioners' prayer.
In other words, since there may be no valid contract without a cause of
consideration, the promisory is not bound by his promise and may, accordingly
withdraw it. Pending notice of its withdrawal, his accepted promise partakes, ACCORDINGLY, the petition is DENIED. The decision of respondent appellate court is
however, of the nature of an offer to sell which, if accepted, results in a perfected AFFIRMED for reasons cited in this decision. Judgement is rendered dismissing the complaint
contract of sale. in Civil Case No. C-12942 on the ground of prescription and laches.

A contract of sale is, under Article 1475 of the Civil Code, "perfected at the moment there is a SO ORDERED.
meeting of minds upon the thing which is the object of the contract and upon the price. From
that moment, the parties may reciprocally demand perform of contracts." Since there was,

Page | 26
G.R. No. L-25494 June 14, 1972 An accepted unilateral promise to buy or to sell a determinate thing for a
price certain is binding upon the promissor if the promise is supported by
NICOLAS SANCHEZ, plaintiff-appellee, a consideration distinct from the price.
SEVERINA RIGOS, defendant-appellant. In his complaint, plaintiff alleges that, by virtue of the option under consideration, "defendant
agreed and committed to sell" and "the plaintiff agreed and committed to buy" the land
Santiago F. Bautista for plaintiff-appellee. described in the option, copy of which was annexed to said pleading as Annex A thereof and is
quoted on the margin.1 Hence, plaintiff maintains that the promise contained in the contract is
"reciprocally demandable," pursuant to the first paragraph of said Article 1479. Although
Jesus G. Villamar for defendant-appellant. defendant had really "agreed, promised and committed" herself to sell the land to the plaintiff,
it is not true that the latter had, in turn, "agreed and committed himself " to buy said property.
Said Annex A does not bear out plaintiff's allegation to this effect. What is more, since Annex
A has been made "an integral part" of his complaint, the provisions of said instrument form
CONCEPCION, C.J.:p part "and parcel"2 of said pleading.

Appeal from a decision of the Court of First Instance of Nueva Ecija to the Court of Appeals, The option did not impose upon plaintiff the obligation to purchase defendant's property.
which certified the case to Us, upon the ground that it involves a question purely of law. Annex A is not a "contract to buy and sell." It merely granted plaintiff an "option" to buy. And
both parties so understood it, as indicated by the caption, "Option to Purchase," given by them
to said instrument. Under the provisions thereof, the defendant "agreed, promised and
The record shows that, on April 3, 1961, plaintiff Nicolas Sanchez and defendant Severina committed" herself to sell the land therein described to the plaintiff for P1,510.00, but there is
Rigos executed an instrument entitled "Option to Purchase," whereby Mrs. Rigos "agreed, nothing in the contract to indicate that her aforementioned agreement, promise and
promised and committed ... to sell" to Sanchez the sum of P1,510.00, a parcel of land situated undertaking is supported by a consideration "distinct from the price" stipulated for the sale of
in the barrios of Abar and Sibot, municipality of San Jose, province of Nueva Ecija, and more the land.
particularly described in Transfer Certificate of Title No. NT-12528 of said province, within
two (2) years from said date with the understanding that said option shall be deemed
"terminated and elapsed," if "Sanchez shall fail to exercise his right to buy the property" Relying upon Article 1354 of our Civil Code, the lower court presumed the existence of said
within the stipulated period. Inasmuch as several tenders of payment of the sum of Pl,510.00, consideration, and this would seem to be the main factor that influenced its decision in
made by Sanchez within said period, were rejected by Mrs. Rigos, on March 12, 1963, the plaintiff's favor. It should be noted, however, that:
former deposited said amount with the Court of First Instance of Nueva Ecija and commenced
against the latter the present action, for specific performance and damages. (1) Article 1354 applies to contracts in general, whereas the second paragraph of Article 1479
refers to "sales" in particular, and, more specifically, to "an accepted unilateral promise to buy
After the filing of defendant's answer admitting some allegations of the complaint, denying or to sell." In other words, Article 1479 is controlling in the case at bar.
other allegations thereof, and alleging, as special defense, that the contract between the parties
"is a unilateral promise to sell, and the same being unsupported by any valuable consideration, (2) In order that said unilateral promise may be "binding upon the promisor, Article 1479
by force of the New Civil Code, is null and void" on February 11, 1964, both parties, requires the concurrence of a condition, namely, that the promise be "supported by a
assisted by their respective counsel, jointly moved for a judgment on the pleadings. consideration distinct from the price." Accordingly, the promisee can not compel the promisor
Accordingly, on February 28, 1964, the lower court rendered judgment for Sanchez, ordering to comply with the promise, unless the former establishes the existence of said distinct
Mrs. Rigos to accept the sum judicially consigned by him and to execute, in his favor, the consideration. In other words, the promisee has the burden of proving such consideration.
requisite deed of conveyance. Mrs. Rigos was, likewise, sentenced to pay P200.00, as Plaintiff herein has not even alleged the existence thereof in his complaint.
attorney's fees, and other costs. Hence, this appeal by Mrs. Rigos.
(3) Upon the other hand, defendant explicitly averred in her answer, and pleaded as a special
This case admittedly hinges on the proper application of Article 1479 of our Civil Code, which defense, the absence of said consideration for her promise to sell and, by joining in the petition
provides: for a judgment on the pleadings, plaintiff has impliedly admitted the truth of said averment in
defendant's answer. Indeed as early as March 14, 1908, it had been held, in Bauermann v.
ART. 1479. A promise to buy and sell a determinate thing for a price Casas,3 that:
certain is reciprocally demandable.
One who prays for judgment on the pleadings without offering proof as to
the truth of his own allegations, and without giving the opposing party an
opportunity to introduce evidence, must be understood to admit the truth

Page | 27
of all the material and relevant allegations of the opposing party, and to consideration. It can therefore be withdrawn notwithstanding the
rest his motion for judgment on those allegations taken together with such acceptance of it by appellee.
of his own as are admitted in the pleadings. (La Yebana Company vs.
Sevilla, 9 Phil. 210). (Emphasis supplied.) It is true that under article 1324 of the new Civil Code, the general rule
regarding offer and acceptance is that, when the offerer gives to the
This view was reiterated in Evangelista v. De la Rosa4 and Mercy's Incorporated v. Herminia offeree a certain period to accept, "the offer may be withdrawn at any time
Verde.5 before acceptance" except when the option is founded upon consideration,
but this general rule must be interpreted as modified by the provision of
Squarely in point is Southwestern Sugar & Molasses Co. v. Atlantic Gulf & Pacific Co.,6 from article 1479 above referred to, which applies to "a promise to buy and
which We quote: sell" specifically. As already stated, this rule requires that a promise to sell
to be valid must be supported by a consideration distinct from the price.
The main contention of appellant is that the option granted to appellee to
sell to it barge No. 10 for the sum of P30,000 under the terms stated above We are not oblivious of the existence of American authorities which hold
has no legal effect because it is not supported by any consideration and in that an offer, once accepted, cannot be withdrawn, regardless of whether it
support thereof it invokes article 1479 of the new Civil Code. The article is supported or not by a consideration (12 Am. Jur. 528). These
provides: authorities, we note, uphold the general rule applicable to offer and
acceptance as contained in our new Civil Code. But we are prevented from
applying them in view of the specific provision embodied in article 1479.
"ART. 1479. A promise to buy and sell a determinate While under the "offer of option" in question appellant has assumed a
thing for a price certain is reciprocally demandable. clear obligation to sell its barge to appellee and the option has been
exercised in accordance with its terms, and there appears to be no valid or
An accepted unilateral promise to buy or sell a justifiable reason for appellant to withdraw its offer, this Court cannot
determinate thing for a price certain is binding upon adopt a different attitude because the law on the matter is clear. Our
the promisor if the promise is supported by a imperative duty is to apply it unless modified by Congress.
consideration distinct from the price."
However, this Court itself, in the case of Atkins, Kroll and Co., Inc. v. Cua Hian Tek,8 decided
On the other hand, Appellee contends that, even granting that the "offer of later that Southwestern Sugar & Molasses Co. v. Atlantic Gulf & Pacific Co.,9 saw no
option" is not supported by any consideration, that option became binding distinction between Articles 1324 and 1479 of the Civil Code and applied the former where a
on appellant when the appellee gave notice to it of its acceptance, and that unilateral promise to sell similar to the one sued upon here was involved, treating such
having accepted it within the period of option, the offer can no longer be promise as an option which, although not binding as a contract in itself for lack of a separate
withdrawn and in any event such withdrawal is ineffective. In support this consideration, nevertheless generated a bilateral contract of purchase and sale upon
contention, appellee invokes article 1324 of the Civil Code which acceptance. Speaking through Associate Justice, later Chief Justice, Cesar Bengzon, this Court
provides: said:

"ART. 1324. When the offerer has allowed the offeree Furthermore, an option is unilateral: a promise to sell at the price fixed
a certain period to accept, the offer may be withdrawn whenever the offeree should decide to exercise his option within the
any time before acceptance by communicating such specified time. After accepting the promise and before he exercises his
withdrawal, except when the option is founded upon option, the holder of the option is not bound to buy. He is free either to
consideration as something paid or promised." buy or not to buy later. In this case, however, upon accepting herein
petitioner's offer a bilateral promise to sell and to buy ensued, and the
There is no question that under article 1479 of the new Civil Code "an respondent ipso facto assumed the obligation of a purchaser. He did not
option to sell," or "a promise to buy or to sell," as used in said article, to be just get the right subsequently to buy or not to buy. It was not a mere
valid must be "supported by a consideration distinct from the price." This option then; it was a bilateral contract of sale.
is clearly inferred from the context of said article that a unilateral promise
to buy or to sell, even if accepted, is only binding if supported by Lastly, even supposing that Exh. A granted an option which is not binding
consideration. In other words, "an accepted unilateral promise can only for lack of consideration, the authorities hold that:
have a binding effect if supported by a consideration which means that the
option can still be withdrawn, even if accepted, if the same is not
supported by any consideration. It is not disputed that the option is without

Page | 28
"If the option is given without a consideration, it is a Reyes, J.B.L., Makalintal, Zaldivar, Teehankee, Barredo and Makasiar, JJ., concur.
mere offer of a contract of sale, which is not binding
until accepted. If, however, acceptance is made before Castro, J., took no part.
a withdrawal, it constitutes a binding contract of sale,
even though the option was not supported by a
sufficient consideration. ... . (77 Corpus Juris
Secundum, p. 652. See also 27 Ruling Case Law 339
and cases cited.)

"It can be taken for granted, as contended by the

defendant, that the option contract was not valid for
lack of consideration. But it was, at least, an offer to
sell, which was accepted by letter, and of the
acceptance the offerer had knowledge before said
offer was withdrawn. The concurrence of both acts
the offer and the acceptance could at all events
have generated a contract, if none there was before
(arts. 1254 and 1262 of the Civil Code)." (Zayco vs.
Serra, 44 Phil. 331.)

In other words, since there may be no valid contract without a cause or consideration, the
promisor is not bound by his promise and may, accordingly, withdraw it. Pending notice of its
withdrawal, his accepted promise partakes, however, of the nature of an offer to sell which, if
accepted, results in a perfected contract of sale.

This view has the advantage of avoiding a conflict between Articles 1324 on the general
principles on contracts and 1479 on sales of the Civil Code, in line with the cardinal
rule of statutory construction that, in construing different provisions of one and the same law
or code, such interpretation should be favored as will reconcile or harmonize said provisions
and avoid a conflict between the same. Indeed, the presumption is that, in the process of
drafting the Code, its author has maintained a consistent philosophy or position. Moreover, the
decision in Southwestern Sugar & Molasses Co. v. Atlantic Gulf & Pacific Co., 10 holding that
Art. 1324 is modified by Art. 1479 of the Civil Code, in effect, considers the latter as
an exception to the former, and exceptions are not favored, unless the intention to the contrary
is clear, and it is not so, insofar as said two (2) articles are concerned. What is more, the
reference, in both the second paragraph of Art.1479 and Art. 1324, to an option or promise
supported by or founded upon a consideration, strongly suggests that the two (2) provisions
intended to enforce or implement the same principle.

Upon mature deliberation, the Court is of the considered opinion that it should, as it hereby
reiterates the doctrine laid down in the Atkins, Kroll & Co. case, and that, insofar as
inconsistent therewith, the view adhered to in the Southwestern Sugar & Molasses Co. case
should be deemed abandoned or modified.

WHEREFORE, the decision appealed from is hereby affirmed, with costs against defendant-
appellant Severina Rigos. It is so ordered.

Page | 29
G.R. No. 83759 July 12, 1991 Defendants resisted this action for redemption on the premise that Exh. E is just an
option to buy since it is not embodied in the same document of sale but in a separate
SPOUSES CIPRIANO VASQUEZ and VALERIANA GAYANELO, petitioners, document, and since such option is not supported by a consideration distinct from
vs. the price, said deed for right to repurchase is not binding upon them.
APOLONIA OLEA,respondents. After trial, the court below rendered judgment against the defendants, ordering them
to resell lot No. 1860 of the Himamaylan Cadastre to the plaintiffs for the
Dionisio C. Isidto for petitioners. repurchase price of P24,000.00, which amount combines the price paid for the first
Raymundo Lozada, Jr. for private respondents. sale and the price paid by defendants to Benito Derrama, Jr.

GUTIERREZ, JR., J.: Defendants moved for, but were denied reconsideration. Excepting thereto,
defendants-appealed, . . . (Rollo, pp. 44-45)
This petition seeks to reverse the decision of the Court of Appeals which affirmed the earlier
decision of the Regional Trial Court, 6th Judicial Region, Branch 56, Himamaylan, Negros The petition was given due course in a resolution dated February 12, 1990.
Occidental in Civil Case No. 839 (for specific performance and damages) ordering the
petitioners (defendants in the civil case) to resell Lot No. 1860 of the Cadastral Survey of The petitioners insist that they can not be compelled to resell Lot No. 1860 of the Himamaylan
Himamaylan, Negros Occidental to the respondents (plaintiffs in the civil case) upon payment Cadastre. They contend that the nature of the sale over the said lot between them and the
by the latter of the amount of P24,000.00 as well as the appellate court's resolution denying a private respondents was that of an absolute deed of sale and that the right thereafter granted by
motion for reconsideration. In addition, the appellate court ordered the petitioners to pay the them to the private respondents (Right to Repurchase, Exhibit "E") can only be either an
amount of P5,000.00 as necessary and useful expenses in accordance with Article 1616 of the option to buy or a mere promise on their part to resell the property. They opine that since the
Civil Code. "RIGHT TO REPURCHASE" was not supported by any consideration distinct from the
purchase price it is not valid and binding on the petitioners pursuant to Article 1479 of the
The facts of the case are not in dispute. They are summarized by the appellate court as Civil Code.
The document denominated as "RIGHT TO REPURCHASE" (Exhibit E) provides:
On January 15, 1975, the plaintiffs-spouses (respondents herein) filed this action
against the defendants-spouses (petitioners herein) seeking to redeem Lot No. 1860 RIGHT TO REPURCHASE
of the Himamaylan Cadastre which was previously sold by plaintiffs to defendants
on September 21, 1964. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:

The said lot was registered in the name of plaintiffs. On October 1959, the same was I, CIPRIANO VASQUEZ, . . ., do hereby grant the spouses Martin Vallejera and
leased by plaintiffs to the defendants up to crop year 1966-67, which was extended Apolonia Olea, their heirs and assigns, the right to repurchase said Lot No. 1860 for
to crop year 1968-69. After the execution of the lease, defendants took possession of the sum of TWELVE THOUSAND PESOS (P12,000.00), Philippine Currency,
the lot, up to now and devoted the same to the cultivation of sugar. within the period TEN (10) YEARS from the agricultural year 1969-1970 when my
contract of lease over the property shall expire and until the agricultural year 1979-
On September 21, 1964, the plaintiffs sold the lot to the defendants under a Deed of 1980.
Sale for the amount of P9,000.00. The Deed of Sale was duly ratified and notarized.
On the same day and along with the execution of the Deed of Sale, a separate IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed my name at Binalbagan, Negros
instrument, denominated as Right to Repurchase (Exh. E), was executed by the Occidental, this 21st day of September, 1964.
parties granting plaintiffs the right to repurchase the lot for P12,000.00, said Exh. E
likewise duly ratified and notarized. By virtue of the sale, defendants secured TCT
No. T-58898 in their name. On January 2, 1969, plaintiffs sold the same lot to SGD. CIPRIANO VASQUEZ
Benito Derrama, Jr., after securing the defendants' title, for the sum of P12,000.00.
Upon the protestations of defendant, assisted by counsel, the said second sale was SGD. VALERIANA G. VASQUEZ SGD. FRANCISCO SANICAS
cancelled after the payment of P12,000.00 by the defendants to Derrama.
(Rollo, p. 47)

Page | 30
The Court of Appeals, applying the principles laid down in the case of Sanchez v. Rigos, 45 However, this Court itself, in the case of Atkins, Kroll and Co., Inc. v. Cua Hian
SCRA 368 [1972] decided in favor of the private respondents. Tek, (102 Phil. 948, 951-952) decided later than Southwestern Sugar & Molasses
Co. v. Atlantic Gulf & Pacific Co., (supra) saw no distinction between Articles 1324
In the Sanchez case, plaintiff-appellee Nicolas Sanchez and defendant-appellant Severino and 1479 of the Civil Code and applied the former where a unilateral promise to sell
Rigos executed a document entitled "Option to Purchase," whereby Mrs. Rigos "agreed, similar to the one sued upon here was involved, treating such promise as an option
promised and committed . . . to sell" to Sanchez for the sum of P1,510.00, a registered parcel which, although not binding as a contract in itself for lack of separate consideration,
of land within 2 years from execution of the document with the condition that said option shall nevertheless generated a bilateral contract of purchase and sale upon acceptance.
be deemed "terminated and lapsed," if "Sanchez shall fail to exercise his right to buy the Speaking through Associate Justice, later Chief Justice, Cesar Bengzon, this Court
property" within the stipulated period. In the same document, Sanchez" . . . hereby agree and said:
conform with all the conditions set forth in the option to purchase executed in my favor, that I
bind myself with all the terms and conditions." (Emphasis supplied) The notarized document Furthermore, an option is unilateral: a promise to sell at the price fixed
was signed both by Sanchez and Rigos. whenever the offeree should decide to exercise his option within the
specified time. After accepting the promise and before he exercises his
After several tenders of payment of the agreed sum of P1,510.00 made by Sanchez within the option, the holder of the option is not bound to buy. He is free either to
stipulated period were rejected by Rigos, the former deposited said amount with the Court of buy or not to buy later. In this case however, upon accepting herein
First Instance of Nueva Ecija and filed an action for specific performance and damages against petitioner's offer a bilateral promise to sell and to buy ensued, and the
Rigos. respondent ipso facto assumed the obligation of a purchaser. He did not
just get the right subsequently to buy or not to buy. It was not a mere
option then; it was bilateral contract of sale.
The lower court rendered judgment in favor of Sanchez and ordered Rigos to accept the sum
judicially consigned and to execute in Sanchez' favor the requisite deed of conveyance. Rigos
appealed the case to the Court of Appeals which certified to this Court on the ground that it Lastly, even supposing that Exh. A granted an option which is not binding
involves a pure question of law. for lack of consideration, the authorities hold that

This Court after deliberating on two conflicting principles laid down in the cases of If the option is given without a consideration, it is a mere offer of a
Southwestern Sugar and Molasses Co. v. Atlantic Gulf and Pacific Co., (97 Phil. 249 [1955]) contract of sale, which is not binding until accepted. If, however,
and Atkins, Kroll & Co., Inc. v. Cua Hian Tek, 102 Phil. 948 [1958]) arrived at the conclusion acceptance is made before a withdrawal, it constitutes a binding contract
that Article 1479 of the Civil Code which provides: of sale, even though the option was not supported by a sufficient
consideration . . . (77 Corpus Juris Secundum p. 652. See also 27 Ruling
Case Law 339 and cases cited.)
Art. 1479. A promise to buy and sell a determinate thing for a price certain is
reciprocally demandable.
This Court affirmed the lower court's decision although the promise to sell was not supported
by a consideration distinct from the price. It was obvious that Sanchez, the promisee, accepted
An accepted unilateral promise to buy or to sell a determinate thing for a price the option to buy before Rigos, the promisor, withdrew the same. Under such circumstances,
certain is binding upon the promissory if the promise is supported by a consideration the option to purchase was converted into a bilateral contract of sale which bound both parties.
distinct from the price.
In the instant case and contrary to the appellate court's finding, it is clear that the right to
and Article 1324 thereof which provides: repurchase was not supported by a consideration distinct from the price. The rule is that the
promisee has the burden of proving such consideration. Unfortunately, the private
Art. 1324. When the offerer has allowed the offerer a certain period to accept, the respondents, promisees in the right to repurchase failed to prove such consideration. They did
offer may be withdrawn at any time before acceptance by communicating such not even allege the existence thereof in their complaint. (See Sanchez v. Rigos supra)
withdrawal, except when the option is founded upon a consideration, as something
paid or promised. Therefore, in order that the Sanchez case can be applied, the evidence must show that the
private respondents accepted the right to repurchase.
should be reconciled and harmonized to avoid a conflict between the two provisions. In effect,
the Court abandoned the ruling in the Southwestern Sugar and Molasses Co. case and The record, however, does not show that the private respondents accepted the "Right to
reiterated the ruling in the Atkins, Kroll and Co. case, to wit: Repurchase" the land in question. We disagree with the appellate court's finding that the
private respondents accepted the "right to repurchase" under the following circumstances: . . as
evidenced by the annotation and registration of the same on the back of the transfer of

Page | 31
certificate of title in the name of appellants. As vividly appearing therein, it was signed by To effectively exercise the right to repurchase the vendor a retro must make an
appellant himself and witnessed by his wife so that for all intents and purposes the Vasquez actual and simultaneous tender of payment or consignation. (Catangcatang v.
spouses are estopped from disregarding its obvious purpose and intention." Legayada, 84 SCRA 51 [1978])

The annotation and registration of the right to repurchase at the back of the certificate of title The private respondents' ineffectual acceptance of the option to buy validated the petitioner's
of the petitioners can not be considered as acceptance of the right to repurchase. Annotation at refusal to sell the parcel which can be considered as a withdrawal of the option to buy.
the back of the certificate of title of registered land is for the purpose of binding purchasers of
such registered land. Thus, we ruled in the case of Bel Air Village Association, Inc. v. We agree with the petitioners that the case of Vda. de Zulueta v. Octaviano, (supra) is in point.
Dionisio (174 SCRA 589 [1989]), citing Tanchoco v. Aquino (154 SCRA 1 [1987]),
and Constantino v. Espiritu (45 SCRA 557 [1972]) that purchasers of a registered land are
bound by the annotations found at the back of the certificate of title covering the subject parcel Stripped of non-essentials the facts of the Zulueta case are as follows: On November 25,
of land. In effect, the annotation of the right to repurchase found at the back of the certificate 1952 (Emphasis supplied) Olimpia Fernandez Vda. de Zulueta, the registered owner of a 5.5
of title over the subject parcel of land of the private respondents only served as notice of the hectare riceland sold the lot to private respondent Aurelio B. Octaviano for P8,600.00 subject
existence of such unilateral promise of the petitioners to resell the same to the private to certain terms and conditions. The contract was an absolute and definite sale. On the same
respondents. This, however, can not be equated with acceptance of such right to repurchase by day, November 25, 1952, (Emphasis supplied) the vendee, Aurelio signed another document
the private respondent. giving the vendor Zulueta the "option to repurchase" the property at anytime after May 1958
but not later than May 1960. When however, Zulueta tried to exercise her "option to buy" the
property, Aurelio resisted the same prompting Zulueta to commence suit for recovery of
Neither can the signature of the petitioners in the document called "right to repurchase" signify ownership and possession of the property with the then Court of First Instance of Iloilo.
acceptance of the right to repurchase. The respondents did not sign the offer. Acceptance
should be made by the promisee, in this case, the private respondents and not the promisors,
the petitioners herein. It would be absurd to require the promisor of an option to buy to accept The trial court ruled in favor of Zulueta. Upon appeal, however, the Court of Appeals reversed
his own offer instead of the promisee to whom the option to buy is given. the trial court's decision.

Furthermore, the actions of the private respondents (a) filing a complaint to compel re-sale We affirmed the appellate court's decision and ruled:
and their demands for resale prior to filing of the complaint cannot be considered acceptance.
As stated in Vda. de Zulueta v. Octaviano (121 SCRA 314 [1983]): The nature of the transaction between Olimpia and Aurelio, from the context of
Exhibit "E" is not a sale with right to repurchase. Conventional redemption takes
And even granting, arguendo that the sale was a pacto de retro sale, the evidence place "when the vendor reserves the right to repurchase the thing sold, with the
shows that Olimpia, through her lawyer, opted to repurchase the land only on 16 obligation to comply with the provisions of Article 1616 and other stipulations
February 1962, approximately two years beyond the stipulated period, that is not which may have been agreed upon. (Article 1601, Civil Code).
later than May, 1960.
In this case, there was no reservation made by the vendor, Olimpia, in the document
If Olimpia could not locate Aurelio, as she contends, and based on her allegation Exhibit "E" the "option to repurchase" was contained in a subsequent document and
that the contract between her was one of sale with right to repurchase, neither, was made by the vendee, Aurelio. Thus, it was more of an option to buy or a mere
however, did she tender the redemption price to private respondent Isauro, but promise on the part of the vendee, Aurelio, to resell the property to the vendor,
merely wrote him letters expressing her readiness to repurchase the property. Olimpia. (10 Manresa, p. 311 cited in Padilla's Civil Code Annotated, Vol. V, 1974
ed., p. 467) As held in Villarica v. Court of Appeals (26 SCRA 189 [1968]):
It is clear that the mere sending of letters by the vendor expressing his desire to
repurchase the property without accompanying tender of the redemption price fell The right of repurchase is not a right granted the vendor by the vendee in
short of the requirements of law. (Lee v. Court of Appeals, 68 SCRA 197 [1972]) a subsequent instrument, but is a right reserved by the vendor in the same
instrument of sale as one of the stipulations of the contract. Once the
instrument of absolute sale is executed, the vendor can no longer reserve
Neither did petitioner make a judicial consignation of the repurchase price within the the right to repurchase, and any right thereafter granted the vendor by the
agreed period. vendee in a separate instrument cannot be a right of repurchase but some
other right like the option to buy in the instant case. . . (Emphasis
In a contract of sale with a right of repurchase, the redemptioner who may offer to supplied)
make the repurchase on the option date of redemption should deposit the full amount
in court . . . (Rumbaoa v. Arzaga, 84 Phil. 812 [1949]) The appellate court rejected the application of the Zulueta case by stating:

Page | 32
. . . [A]s found by the trial court from which we quote with approval below, the said Fernan, C.J., Feliciano, Bidin and Davide, Jr., JJ., concur.
cases involve the lapse of several days for the execution of separate instruments
after the execution of the deed of sale, while the instant case involves the execution
of an instrument, separate as it is, but executed on the same day, and notarized by
the same notary public, to wit:

A close examination of Exh. "E" reveals that although it is a separate document in

itself, it is far different from the document which was pronounced as an option by
the Supreme Court in the Villarica case. The option in the Villarica case was
executed several days after the execution of the deed of sale. In the present case,
Exh. "E" was executed and ratified by the same notary public and the Deed of Sale
of Lot No. 1860 by the plaintiffs to the defendants were notarized by the same
notary public and entered in the same page of the same notarial register . . .

The latter case (Vda. de Zulueta v. Octaviano, supra), likewise involved the
execution of the separate document after an intervention of several days and the
question of laches was decided therein, which is not present in the instant case. That
distinction is therefore crucial and We are of the opinion that the appellee's right to
repurchase has been adequately provided for and reserved in conformity with Article
1601 of the Civil Code, which states:

Conventional redemption shall take place when the vendor reserves the right to
repurchase the thing sold, with the obligation to comply with the provision of Article
1616 and other stipulations which may have been agreed upon. (Rollo, pp. 46-47)

Obviously, the appellate court's findings are not reflected in the cited decision.1wphi1 As in
the instant case, the option to repurchase involved in the Zulueta case was executed in a
separate document but on the same date that the deed of definite sale was executed.

While it is true that this Court in the Zulueta case found Zulueta guilty of laches, this,
however, was not the primary reason why this Court disallowed the redemption of the
property by Zulueta. It is clear from the decision that the ruling in the Zulueta case was based
mainly on the finding that the transaction between Zulueta and Octaviano was not a sale with
right to repurchase and that the "option to repurchase was but an option to buy or a mere
promise on the part of Octaviano to resell the property to Zulueta.

In the instant case, since the transaction between the petitioners and private respondents was
not a sale with right to repurchase, the private respondents cannot avail of Article 1601 of the
Civil Code which provides for conventional redemption.

WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The questioned decision and resolution of the
Court of Appeals are hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The complaint in Civil Case No.
839 of the then Court of First Instance of Negros Occidental 12th Judicial District Branch 6 is
DISMISSED. No costs.


Page | 33
G.R. No. L-32873 August 18, 1972 3. That all improvements made during the lease by the LESSEE will be
owned by the LESSOR after the expiration of the term of this Contract of
AQUILINO NIETES, petitioner, Lease;
HON. COURT OF APPEALS & DR. PABLO C. GARCIA, respondents. 4. That the LESSOR agrees to give the LESSEE an option to buy the land
and the school building, for a price of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND
Conrado V. del Rosario for petitioner. PESOS (P100,000) within the period of the Contract of Lease;

Romeo D. Magat for private respondent. 5. That should the LESSEE buy the lot, land and the school building
within the stipulated period, the unused payment for the Contract of Lease
will be considered as part payment for the sale of the land and school;

6. That an inventory of all properties in the school will be made on March

CONCEPCION, C.J.:p 31, 1960;

Petitioner Aquilino Nietes seeks a review on certiorari of a decision of the Court of Appeals. 6A. That the term of this Contract will commence in June 1960 and will
terminate in June 1965;
It appears that, on October 19, 1959, said petitioner and respondent Dr. Pablo C. Garcia
entered into a "Contract of Lease with Option to Buy," pursuant to the terms and conditions 7. That the LESSEE will be given full control and responsibilities over all
set forth in the deed Exhibits A and A-1, (also, marked as Exhibit 2) namely: the properties of the school and over all the supervisions and
administrations of the school;
That the LESSOR is an owner of the ANGELES EDUCATIONAL
INSTITUTE situated at Angeles, Pampanga, a school which is duly 8. That the LESSEE agrees to help the LESSOR to collect the back
recognized by the Government; accounts of students incurred before the execution of this contract.

That the lessor agrees to lease the above stated school to the LESSEE Instead of paying the lessor in the manner set forth in paragraph 2 of said contract, Nietes had,
under the following terms and conditions: as of August 4, 1961, made payments as follows:

1. That the term will be for a period of five (5) years; October 6,1960 ....................................... P18,957.00 (Exh. D)

2. That the price of the rent is FIVE THOUSAND PESOS (P5,000) per November 23, 1960 ................................. 300.00 (Exh. E)
year payable in the following manners:
December 21, 1960 ................................. 200.00 (Exh. F)
a. That the amount of FIVE THOUSAND FIVE
HUNDRED PESOS (P5,500) will be paid upon the
execution of this Contract of Lease; January 14, 1961 ..................................... 500.00 (Exh. G)

b. That the amount of FOUR THOUSAND FIVE February 16, 1961 ...................................3,000.00 (Exh. H)
HUNDRED PESOS (P4,500) is payable on or before
the 30th day of October, 1959; March 12, 1961 ....................................... 1,000.00 (Exh. I)

c. That the remaining balance of FIFTEEN March 13, 1961 ....................................... 700.00 (Exh. J)
THOUSAND PESOS (P15,000) will be paid on or
before March 30, 1960; August 4, 1961 ........................................ 100.00 (Exh. K) _________

TOTAL ..................................... P24,757.00

Page | 34
Moreover, Nietes maintains that, on September 4, 1961, and December 13, 1962, he paid This is to remind you that the foregoing obligations had been one, if not,
Garcia the additional sums of P3,000 and P2,200, respectively, for which Garcia issued the principal moving factors which had induced the lessor in agreeing with
receipts Exhibit B and C, reading: the terms embodied in your contract of lease, without which fulfillment,
said contract could not have come into existence. It is not simply one of
Received the amount of (P3,000.00) Three Thousand Pesos from Mrs. those reminders that we make mention, that our client under the
Nietes as per advance pay for the school, the contract of lease being paid. circumstances, is not only entitled to a rescission of the contract. He is
likewise entitled to damages actual, compensatory and exemplary.
(Sgd.) PABLO GARCIA (Exh. B)
In view of the serious nature of the breach which warrant and sanction
drastic legal remedies against you, we earnestly request you to please see
To Whom it May Concern: the undersigned at the above-named address two days from receipt hereof.
Otherwise, if we shall not hear from you, the foregoing will serve notice
This is to certify that I received the sum of Two Thousand Two Hundred on your part to vacate the premises within five (5) days to be counted from
Pesos, Philippine Currency, from Mrs. Catherine R. Nietes as the partial date of notice.
payment on the purchase of the property as specified on the original
contract of "Contract of Lease with the First Option to Buy" originally Very truly yours,
contracted and duly signed. (Sgd.) VICTOR T. LLAMAS, JR.

(Sgd.) DR. PABLO GARCIA (Exh. C) to which counsel for Nietes replied in the following language:

On or about July 31, 1964, Dr. Garcia's counsel wrote to Nietes the letter Exhibit 1 (also Atty. Victor T. Llamas, Jr.
Exhibit V) stating: Victor Llamas Law Office
Corner Rivera-Zamora Streets
The Director Dagupan City
Philippine Institute of Electronics
Angeles, Pampanga Dear Sir:

Sir: Your letter dated July 31, 1964 addressed to my client, the Director of the
Philippine Institute of Electronics, Angeles City, has been referred to me
I regret to inform you that our client, Dr. Pablo Garcia, desires to rescind and in reply, please, be informed that my client has not violated any
your contract, dated 19 October 1959 because of the following: provision of the CONTRACT OF LEASE WITH OPTION TO BUY,
executed by him as LESSEE and Dr. Pablo Garcia as LESSOR. For this
1. That you had not maintained the building, subject of the lease contract reason, there is no basis for rescission of the contract nor of the demands
in good condition. contained in your letter.

2. That you had not been using the original name of the school Angeles In this connection, I am also serving this formal notice upon your client
Institute, thereby extinguishing its existence in the eyes of the public and Dr. Pablo Garcia, thru you, that my client Mr. AQUILINO T. NIETES
injuring its prestige. will exercise his OPTION to buy the land and building subject matter of
the lease and that my said client is ready to pay the balance of the
purchase price in accordance with the contract. Please, inform Dr. Pablo
3. That through your fault, no inventory has been made of all properties of Garcia to make available the land title and execute the corresponding
the school. Deed of Sale pursuant to this notice, and that if he fails to do so within
fifteen (15) days from the receipt of this letter, we shall take the
4. That up to this time, you had not collected or much less helped in the corresponding action to enforce the agreement.
collection of back accounts of former students.
Truly yours,

Page | 35
(Sgd.) CONRADO V. DEL ROSARIO balance of the purchase price. The costs of this proceedings shall be taxed against the
Counsel for Mr. Aquilino T. Nietes defendant-appellant.
Angeles City
On motion for reconsideration of defendant Garcia, said special division set aside its
On July 26, 1965, Nietes deposited with the branch office of the Agro-Industrial Bank in aforementioned decision and rendered another one, promulgated on March 10, 1970 reversing
Angeles City checks amounting to P84,860.50, as balance of the purchase price of the the appealed decision of the court of first instance, and dismissing the complaint of Nietes,
property, but he withdrew said sum of P84,860.50 on August 12, 1965, after the checks had with costs again him. Hence, the present petition of Nietes for review certiorari of the second
been cleared. On August 2, 1965, he commenced the present action, in the Court of First decision of the Court of Appeals, dated March 10, 1970, to which petition We gave due
Instance of Pampanga, for specific performance of Dr. Garcia's alleged obligation to execute course.
in his (Nietes') favor a deed of absolute sale of the leased property, free from any lien or
encumbrance whatsoever, he having meanwhile mortgaged it to the People's Bank and Trust Said decision of the Court of Appeals, reversing that of the Court of First Instance, is mainly
Company, and to compel him (Garcia) to accept whatever balance of the purchase price is due predicated upon the theory that, under the contract between the parties, "the full purchase price
him, as well as to recover from him the aggregate sum of P90,000 by way of damages, apart must be paid before the option counsel be exercised," because "there was no need nor sense
from attorney's fees and the costs. providing that "the unused payment for the Contract Lease will be considered as part payment
for the sale the land and school'" inasmuch as "otherwise there is substantial amount from
Dr. Garcia filed an answer admitting some allegations of the complaint and denying other which such unused rental could be deducted"; that the statement in the letter, Exhibit L, of
allegations thereof, as well as setting up a counterclaim for damages in the sum of P150,000. Nietes, dated August 7, 1964, to the effect that he "will exercise his OPTION to buy the land
and building," indication that he did not consider the receipts, Exhibits B and for P3,000 and
After due trial, said court rendered its decision, the dispositive part of which reads: P2,200, respectively, "as an effective exercise of his option to buy"; that the checks for
P84,860.50 deposited by Nietes with the Agro-Industrial Development Bank, did not
constitute a proper tender of payment, which, at any rate, was "made beyond the stipulated 5-
WHEREFORE, in view of the preponderance of evidence in favor of the year period"; that such deposit "was not seriously made, because on August 12, 1965, the
plaintiff and against the defendant, judgment is hereby rendered ordering same was withdrawn from the Bank and ostensibly remains in the lessee's hand"; and that "the
the latter to execute the Deed of Absolute Sale of property originally fact that such deposit was made by the lessee shows that he himself believed that he should
leased together with the school building and other improvements thereon have paid the entire amount of the purchase price before he could avail of the option to buy,
which are covered by the contract, Annex "A", upon payment of the otherwise, the deposit was a senseless gesture ... ."
former of the balance (whatever be the amount) of the stipulated purchase
price; to free the said property from any mortgage or encumbrance and
deliver the title thereto to the plaintiff free from any lien or encumbrance, Dr. Garcia, in turn, maintained in his answer "that the sums paid" to him "were part of the
and should said defendant fail to do so, the proceeds from the purchase price of the contract of lease between the parties which were paid late and not within the
price be applied to the payment of the encumbrance so that the title may periods and/or schedules fixed by the contract (Annex A.)." What is more, on the witness
be conveyed to the plaintiff; to pay the plaintiff the sum of P1,000.00 as stand, Garcia claimed that he did "not know" whether the signatures on Exhibits B and C
attorney's fees, and the cost of this suit. the receipt for P3,000 and P2,200, respectively were his, and even said that he was
"doubtful" about it.
Both parties appealed to the Court of Appeals, Dr. Garcia insofar as the trial court had neither
dismissed the complaint nor upheld his counterclaim and failed to order Nietes to vacate the This testimony is manifestly incredible, for a man of his intelligence a Doctor of Medicine
property in question, and Nietes insofar as the trial court had granted him no more than and the owner of an educational institution could not possibly "not know" or entertain
nominal damages in the sum of P1,000, as attorney's fees. doubts as to whether or not the aforementioned signatures are his and the payments therein
acknowledged had been received by him. His dubious veracity becomes even more apparent
when we consider the allegations in paragraph (4) of his answer referring to paragraphs 5
After appropriate proceedings, a special division of Court of Appeals rendered its decision, on and 6 of the complaint alleging, inter alia, the aforementioned partial payments of P3,000 and
October 18, 1969, affirming, in effect, that of the trial court, except as regards said attorney's P2,200, on account of the stipulated sale price to the effect that said sums " paid to the
fees, which were eliminated. The dispositive part of said decision of the Court of Appeals herein defendant were part of the price of the contract of lease." In other words, payment of
reads: said sums of P3,000 and P2,200 is admitted in said answer. Besides, the rentals for the whole
period of the lease aggregated P25,000 only, whereas said sums of P3,000 and P2,200, when
WHEREFORE, with the modification that the attorney's fees awarded by the trial court in added to the payments previously made by Nietes, give a grand total of P29,957.00, or P4,957
favor of the plaintiff is eliminated, the appealed judgment is hereby affirmed in all other in excess of the agreed rentals for the entire period of five years. Thus, Dr. Garcia was less
respects, and the defendant is ordered to execute the corresponding deed of sale for the school than truthful when he tried to cast doubt upon the fact of payment of said sums of P3,000 and
building and lot in question in favor of the plaintiff upon the latter's full payment of the P2,200, as well as when he claimed that the same were part of the rentals collectible by him.

Page | 36
We, likewise, find ourselves unable to share the view taken by the Court of Appeals. Neither September 4, 1961 ......................... 3,000.00 (Exh.B)
the tenor of the contract Exhibits A and A-1 (also Exhibit 2) nor the behaviour of Dr. Garcia ________
as reflected in the receipts Exhibits B and C justifies such view. The contract does not
say that Nietes had to pay the stipulated price of P100,000 before exercising his option to buy TOTAL ............................... P27,757.00
the property in question. Accordingly, said option is governed by the general principles on
obligations, pursuants to which:
It is true that Nietes was bound, under the contract, to pay P5,500 on October 19, 1959, P4,500
on or before October 30, 1959, and P15,000 on or before March 30, 1960, or the total sum of
In reciprocal obligations, neither party incurs in delay if the other does not P25,000, from October 19, 1959 to March 30, 1960, whereas his first payment was not made
comply or is not ready to comply in a proper manner with what is until October 10, 1960, when he delivered the sum of P18,957 to Dr. Garcia, and the latter had
incumbent upon him. From the moment one of the parties fulfills his by August 4, 1961, received from the former the aggregate sum of P24,757. This is, however,
obligation, delay by the other begins.1 P243.00 only less than the P25,000 due as of March 30, 1960, so that Nietes may be
considered as having complied substantially with the terms agreed upon. Indeed, Dr. Garcia
In the case of an option to buy, the creditor may validly and effectively exercise his right by seems to have either agreed thereto or not considered that Nietes had thereby violated the
merely advising the debtor of the former's decision to buy and expressing his readiness to pay contract, because the letter of the former, dated July 31, 1964, demanding rescission of the
the stipulated price, provided that the same is available and actually delivered to the debtor contract, did not mention said acts or omissions of Nietes among his alleged violations thereof
upon execution and delivery by him of the corresponding deed of sale. Unless and until the enumerated in said communication. In fact, when, on September 4, 1961, Mrs. Nietes turned
debtor shall have done this the creditor is not and cannot be in default in the discharge of his over the sum of P3,000 to Dr. Garcia, he issued the receipt Exhibit B, stating that said
obligation to pay.2 In other words, notice of the creditor's decision to exercise his option to payment had been made "as per advance pay for the school, the Contract of Lease being paid"
buy need not be coupled with actual payment of the price, so long as this is delivered to the in other words, in accordance or conformity with said contract. Besides, when, on
owner of the property upon performance of his part of the agreement. Nietes need not have December 13, 1962, Mrs. Nietes delivered the additional sum of P2,200, Dr. Garcia issued a
deposited, therefore, with the Agro-Industrial Bank checks amounting altogether to receipt accepting said amount "as the partial payment on the purchase price of the property as
P84,860.50 on July 26, 1965, and the withdrawal thereof soon after does not and cannot affect specified on the original contract," thus further indicating that the payment, in his
his cause of action in the present case. In making such deposit, he may have had the intent to opinion, conformed with said contract, and that, accordingly, the same was in full force and
show his ability to pay the balance of the sum due to Dr. Garcia as the sale price of his effect.
property. In short, said deposit and its subsequent withdrawal cannot affect the result of the
present case. In any event, it is undisputed that, as of September 4, 1961, Dr. Garcia had received the total
sum of P27,757, or P2,757 in excess of the P25,000 representing the rentals for the entire
Nietes was entitled to exercise his option to buy "within the period of the Contract of Lease," period of the lease, and over P21,200 in excess of the rentals for the unexpired portion of the
which pursuant to paragraph 6-A of said contract commenced "in June 1960" and was to lease, from September 4, 1961 to June 1965. This circumstance indicates clearly that Nietes
"terminate in June 1965." As early as September 4, 1961, or well "within the period of the had, on September 4, 1961, chosen to exercise and did exercise then his option to buy. What is
Contract of Lease," Nietes had paid Dr. Garcia the following sums: more, this is borne out by the receipt issued by Dr. Garcia for the payment of P2,200, on
December 13, 1962, to which he referred therein as a "partial payment on the purchase of the
October 6, 1960 ............................ P18,957.00 (Exh. D) property as specified on the original contract of 'Contract of Lease with the First Option to
Buy' ... ."
November 23, 1960 ....................... 300.00 (Exh E)
Further confirmation is furnished by the letter of Nietes, Exhibit L, of August 1964 also,
within the period of the lease stating that he "will exercise his OPTION to buy the land and
December 21, 1960 .......................200.00 (Exh. F) building subject matter of the lease." It is not correct to construe this expression as did the
appealed decision as implying that the option had not been or was not yet being exercised,
January 14, 1961 ........................... 500.00 (Exh. G) or as a mere announcement of the intent to avail of it at some future time. This interpretation
takes said expression out of the context of Exhibit L, which positively states, also, that Nietes
February 16, 1961 ......................... 3,000.00 (Exh. H) "is ready to pay the balance of the purchase price in accordance with the contract," and
requests counsel for Dr. Garcia to inform or advise him "to make available the land title and
execute the corresponding Deed of Sale pursuant to this notice, and that if he fails to do so
March 12, 1961 .............................1,000.00 (Exh. I) within fifteen (15) days ... we shall take the corresponding action to enforce the agreement."
Such demand and said readiness to pay the balance of the purchase price leave no room for
March 13, 1961 .............................700.00 (Exh. J) doubt that, as stated in Exhibit L, the same is "a formal notice" that Nietes had exercised his
option, and expected Dr. Garcia to comply, within fifteen (15) days, with his part of the
August 4, 1961 ............................... 100.00 (Exh. K)

Page | 37
bargain. Surely, there would have been no point for said demand and readiness to pay, if Assailed, in this petition for review, is the decision of the Court of Appeals, dated 04
Nietes had not yet exercised his option to buy. December 1991, in CA-G.R. SP No. 26345 setting aside and declaring without force and
effect the orders of execution of the trial court, dated 30 August 1991 and 27 September 1991,
The provision in paragraph 5 of the Contract, to the effect that "should the LESSEE" choose to in Civil Case No. 87-41058.
make use of his option to buy "the unused payment for the Contract of Lease will be
considered as payment for the sale of the land and school, "simply means that the rental paid The antecedents are recited in good detail by the appellate court thusly:
for the unused portion of the lease shall be applied to and deducted from the sale price of
P100,000 to be paid by Nietes at the proper time in other words, simultaneously with the On July 29, 1987 a Second Amended Complaint for Specific Performance
delivery to him of the corresponding deed of sale, duly executed by Dr. Garcia. was filed by Ang Yu Asuncion and Keh Tiong, et al., against Bobby Cu
Unjieng, Rose Cu Unjieng and Jose Tan before the Regional Trial Court,
It is, consequently, Our considered opinion that Nietes had validly and effectively exercised Branch 31, Manila in Civil Case No. 87-41058, alleging, among others,
his option to buy the property of Dr. Garcia, at least, on December 13, 1962, when he that plaintiffs are tenants or lessees of residential and commercial spaces
acknowledged receipt from Mrs. Nietes of the sum of P2,200 then delivered by her "in partial owned by defendants described as Nos. 630-638 Ongpin Street, Binondo,
payment on the purchase of the property" described in the "Contract of Lease with Option to Manila; that they have occupied said spaces since 1935 and have been
Buy"; that from the aggregate sum of P29,957.00 paid to him up to that time, the sum of religiously paying the rental and complying with all the conditions of the
P12,708.33 should be deducted as rental for the period from June 1960 to December 13, 1962, lease contract; that on several occasions before October 9, 1986,
or roughly thirty (30) months and a half, thereby leaving a balance of P17,248.67, consisting defendants informed plaintiffs that they are offering to sell the premises
of P12,291.67, representing the rentals for the unused period of the lease, plus P4,957.00 paid and are giving them priority to acquire the same; that during the
in excess of said rental and advanced solely on account of the purchase price; that deducting negotiations, Bobby Cu Unjieng offered a price of P6-million while
said sum of P17,248.67 from the agreed price of P100,000.00, there results a balance of plaintiffs made a counter offer of P5-million; that plaintiffs thereafter
P82,751.33 which should be paid by Nietes to Dr. Garcia, upon execution by the latter of the asked the defendants to put their offer in writing to which request
corresponding deed of absolute sale of the property in question, free from any lien or defendants acceded; that in reply to defendant's letter, plaintiffs wrote
encumbrance whatsoever, in favor of Nietes, and the delivery to him of said deed of sale, as them on October 24, 1986 asking that they specify the terms and
well as of the owner's duplicate of the certificate of title to said property; and that Dr. Garcia conditions of the offer to sell; that when plaintiffs did not receive any
should indemnify Nietes in the sum of P2,500 as and for attorney's fees. reply, they sent another letter dated January 28, 1987 with the same
request; that since defendants failed to specify the terms and conditions of
Thus modified, the decision of the Court of First Instance of Pampanga is hereby affirmed in the offer to sell and because of information received that defendants were
all other respects, and that of the Court of Appeals reversed, with costs against respondent about to sell the property, plaintiffs were compelled to file the complaint
herein, Dr. Pablo C. Garcia. It is so ordered. to compel defendants to sell the property to them.

Reyes, J.B.L., Makalintal, Zaldivar, Fernando, Teehankee, Barredo, Makasiar Antonio and Defendants filed their answer denying the material allegations of the
Esguerra, JJ., concur. complaint and interposing a special defense of lack of cause of action.

After the issues were joined, defendants filed a motion for summary
judgment which was granted by the lower court. The trial court found that
defendants' offer to sell was never accepted by the plaintiffs for the reason
G.R. No. 109125 December 2, 1994
that the parties did not agree upon the terms and conditions of the
proposed sale, hence, there was no contract of sale at all. Nonetheless, the
ANG YU ASUNCION, ARTHUR GO AND KEH TIONG, petitioners, lower court ruled that should the defendants subsequently offer their
vs. property for sale at a price of P11-million or below, plaintiffs will have the
THE HON. COURT OF APPEALS and BUEN REALTY DEVELOPMENT right of first refusal. Thus the dispositive portion of the decision states:
CORPORATION, respondents.
WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered in favor
Antonio M. Albano for petitioners. of the defendants and against the plaintiffs summarily
dismissing the complaint subject to the
Umali, Soriano & Associates for private respondent. aforementioned condition that if the defendants
subsequently decide to offer their property for sale for
a purchase price of Eleven Million Pesos or lower,
VITUG, J.: then the plaintiffs has the option to purchase the

Page | 38
property or of first refusal, otherwise, defendants need petitioner Buen Realty and Development Corporation, subject to the
not offer the property to the plaintiffs if the purchase following terms and conditions:
price is higher than Eleven Million Pesos.
1. That for and in consideration of the sum of
receipt of which in full is hereby acknowledged, the
Aggrieved by the decision, plaintiffs appealed to this Court in VENDORS hereby sells, transfers and conveys for and
CA-G.R. CV No. 21123. In a decision promulgated on September 21, in favor of the VENDEE, his heirs, executors,
1990 (penned by Justice Segundino G. Chua and concurred in by Justices administrators or assigns, the above-described
Vicente V. Mendoza and Fernando A. Santiago), this Court affirmed with property with all the improvements found therein
modification the lower court's judgment, holding: including all the rights and interest in the said property
free from all liens and encumbrances of whatever
nature, except the pending ejectment proceeding;
In resume, there was no meeting of the minds between
the parties concerning the sale of the property. Absent
such requirement, the claim for specific performance 2. That the VENDEE shall pay the Documentary
will not lie. Appellants' demand for actual, moral and Stamp Tax, registration fees for the transfer of title in
exemplary damages will likewise fail as there exists his favor and other expenses incidental to the sale of
no justifiable ground for its award. Summary above-described property including capital gains tax
judgment for defendants was properly granted. Courts and accrued real estate taxes.
may render summary judgment when there is no
genuine issue as to any material fact and the moving As a consequence of the sale, TCT No. 105254/T-881 in the name of the
party is entitled to a judgment as a matter of law Cu Unjieng spouses was cancelled and, in lieu thereof, TCT No. 195816
(Garcia vs. Court of Appeals, 176 SCRA 815). All was issued in the name of petitioner on December 3, 1990.
requisites obtaining, the decision of the court a quo is
legally justifiable. On July 1, 1991, petitioner as the new owner of the subject property wrote
a letter to the lessees demanding that the latter vacate the premises.
WHEREFORE, finding the appeal unmeritorious, the
judgment appealed from is hereby AFFIRMED, but On July 16, 1991, the lessees wrote a reply to petitioner stating that
subject to the following modification: The court a petitioner brought the property subject to the notice of lis
quo in the aforestated decision gave the plaintiffs- pendens regarding Civil Case No. 87-41058 annotated on TCT No.
appellants the right of first refusal only if the property 105254/T-881 in the name of the Cu Unjiengs.
is sold for a purchase price of Eleven Million pesos or
lower; however, considering the mercurial and
uncertain forces in our market economy today. We The lessees filed a Motion for Execution dated August 27, 1991 of the
find no reason not to grant the same right of first Decision in Civil Case No. 87-41058 as modified by the Court of Appeals
refusal to herein appellants in the event that the in CA-G.R. CV No. 21123.
subject property is sold for a price in excess of Eleven
Million pesos. No pronouncement as to costs. On August 30, 1991, respondent Judge issued an order (Annex A,
Petition) quoted as follows:
Presented before the Court is a Motion for Execution
The decision of this Court was brought to the Supreme Court by petition filed by plaintiff represented by Atty. Antonio Albano.
for review on certiorari. The Supreme Court denied the appeal on May 6, Both defendants Bobby Cu Unjieng and Rose Cu
1991 "for insufficiency in form and substances" (Annex H, Petition). Unjieng represented by Atty. Vicente Sison and Atty.
Anacleto Magno respectively were duly notified in
today's consideration of the motion as evidenced by
On November 15, 1990, while CA-G.R. CV No. 21123 was pending the rubber stamp and signatures upon the copy of the
consideration by this Court, the Cu Unjieng spouses executed a Deed of Motion for Execution.
Sale (Annex D, Petition) transferring the property in question to herein

Page | 39
The gist of the motion is that the Decision of the Court comply with the aforesaid Order of this Court within a
dated September 21, 1990 as modified by the Court of period of one (1) week from receipt of this Order and
Appeals in its decision in CA G.R. CV-21123, and for defendants to execute the necessary Deed of Sale
elevated to the Supreme Court upon the petition for of the property in litigation in favor of the plaintiffs
review and that the same was denied by the highest Ang Yu Asuncion, Keh Tiong and Arthur Go for the
tribunal in its resolution dated May 6, 1991 in G.R. consideration of P15,000,000.00 and ordering the
No. Register of Deeds of the City of Manila, to cancel and
L-97276, had now become final and executory. As a set aside the title already issued in favor of Buen
consequence, there was an Entry of Judgment by the Realty Corporation which was previously executed
Supreme Court as of June 6, 1991, stating that the between the latter and defendants and to register the
aforesaid modified decision had already become final new title in favor of the aforesaid plaintiffs Ang Yu
and executory. Asuncion, Keh Tiong and Arthur Go.

It is the observation of the Court that this property in SO ORDERED.

dispute was the subject of the Notice of Lis
Pendens and that the modified decision of this Court On the same day, September 27, 1991 the corresponding writ of execution
promulgated by the Court of Appeals which had (Annex C, Petition) was issued.1
become final to the effect that should the defendants
decide to offer the property for sale for a price of P11
Million or lower, and considering the mercurial and On 04 December 1991, the appellate court, on appeal to it by private respondent, set aside and
uncertain forces in our market economy today, the declared without force and effect the above questioned orders of the court a quo.
same right of first refusal to herein
plaintiffs/appellants in the event that the subject In this petition for review on certiorari, petitioners contend that Buen Realty can be held
property is sold for a price in excess of Eleven Million bound by the writ of execution by virtue of the notice of lis pendens, carried over on TCT No.
pesos or more. 195816 issued in the name of Buen Realty, at the time of the latter's purchase of the property
on 15 November 1991 from the Cu Unjiengs.
WHEREFORE, defendants are hereby ordered to
execute the necessary Deed of Sale of the property in We affirm the decision of the appellate court.
litigation in favor of plaintiffs Ang Yu Asuncion, Keh
Tiong and Arthur Go for the consideration of P15 A not too recent development in real estate transactions is the adoption of such arrangements
Million pesos in recognition of plaintiffs' right of first as the right of first refusal, a purchase option and a contract to sell. For ready reference, we
refusal and that a new Transfer Certificate of Title be might point out some fundamental precepts that may find some relevance to this discussion.
issued in favor of the buyer.

An obligation is a juridical necessity to give, to do or not to do (Art. 1156, Civil Code). The
All previous transactions involving the same property obligation is constituted upon the concurrence of the essential elements thereof, viz: (a)
notwithstanding the issuance of another title to Buen The vinculum juris or juridical tie which is the efficient cause established by the various
Realty Corporation, is hereby set aside as having been sources of obligations (law, contracts, quasi-contracts, delicts and quasi-delicts); (b)
executed in bad faith. the object which is the prestation or conduct; required to be observed (to give, to do or not to
do); and (c) the subject-persons who, viewed from the demandability of the obligation, are the
SO ORDERED. active (obligee) and the passive (obligor) subjects.

On September 22, 1991 respondent Judge issued another order, the Among the sources of an obligation is a contract (Art. 1157, Civil Code), which is a meeting
dispositive portion of which reads: of minds between two persons whereby one binds himself, with respect to the other, to give
something or to render some service (Art. 1305, Civil Code). A contract undergoes various
WHEREFORE, let there be Writ of Execution issue in stages that include its negotiation or preparation, its perfection and, finally, its
the above-entitled case directing the Deputy Sheriff consummation. Negotiation covers the period from the time the prospective contracting parties
Ramon Enriquez of this Court to implement said Writ indicate interest in the contract to the time the contract is concluded (perfected).
of Execution ordering the defendants among others to The perfection of the contract takes place upon the concurrence of the essential elements
thereof. A contract which is consensual as to perfection is so established upon a mere meeting

Page | 40
of minds, i.e., the concurrence of offer and acceptance, on the object and on the cause thereof. Observe, however, that the option is not the contract of sale itself.7 The optionee has the right,
A contract which requires, in addition to the above, the delivery of the object of the but not the obligation, to buy. Once the option is exercised timely, i.e., the offer is accepted
agreement, as in a pledge or commodatum, is commonly referred to as a real contract. In before a breach of the option, a bilateral promise to sell and to buy ensues and both parties are
a solemn contract, compliance with certain formalities prescribed by law, such as in a donation then reciprocally bound to comply with their respective undertakings.8
of real property, is essential in order to make the act valid, the prescribed form being thereby
an essential element thereof. The stage of consummation begins when the parties perform their Let us elucidate a little. A negotiation is formally initiated by an offer. An imperfect
respective undertakings under the contract culminating in the extinguishment thereof. promise (policitacion) is merely an offer. Public advertisements or solicitations and the like
are ordinarily construed as mere invitations to make offers or only as proposals. These
Until the contract is perfected, it cannot, as an independent source of obligation, serve as a relations, until a contract is perfected, are not considered binding commitments. Thus, at any
binding juridical relation. In sales, particularly, to which the topic for discussion about the time prior to the perfection of the contract, either negotiating party may stop the negotiation.
case at bench belongs, the contract is perfected when a person, called the seller, obligates The offer, at this stage, may be withdrawn; the withdrawal is effective immediately after its
himself, for a price certain, to deliver and to transfer ownership of a thing or right to another, manifestation, such as by its mailing and not necessarily when the offeree learns of the
called the buyer, over which the latter agrees. Article 1458 of the Civil Code provides: withdrawal (Laudico vs. Arias, 43 Phil. 270). Where a period is given to the offeree within
which to accept the offer, the following rules generally govern:
Art. 1458. By the contract of sale one of the contracting parties obligates
himself to transfer the ownership of and to deliver a determinate thing, and (1) If the period is not itself founded upon or supported by a consideration, the offeror is still
the other to pay therefor a price certain in money or its equivalent. free and has the right to withdraw the offer before its acceptance, or, if an acceptance has been
made, before the offeror's coming to know of such fact, by communicating that withdrawal to
A contract of sale may be absolute or conditional. the offeree (see Art. 1324, Civil Code; see also Atkins, Kroll & Co. vs. Cua, 102 Phil. 948,
holding that this rule is applicable to a unilateral promise to sell under Art. 1479, modifying
the previous decision in South Western Sugar vs. Atlantic Gulf, 97 Phil. 249; see also Art.
When the sale is not absolute but conditional, such as in a "Contract to Sell" where invariably 1319, Civil Code; Rural Bank of Paraaque, Inc., vs. Remolado, 135 SCRA 409; Sanchez vs.
the ownership of the thing sold is retained until the fulfillment of a positive suspensive Rigos, 45 SCRA 368). The right to withdraw, however, must not be exercised whimsically or
condition (normally, the full payment of the purchase price), the breach of the condition will arbitrarily; otherwise, it could give rise to a damage claim under Article 19 of the Civil Code
prevent the obligation to convey title from acquiring an obligatory force.2 In Dignos vs. Court which ordains that "every person must, in the exercise of his rights and in the performance of
of Appeals (158 SCRA 375), we have said that, although denominated a "Deed of Conditional his duties, act with justice, give everyone his due, and observe honesty and good faith."
Sale," a sale is still absolute where the contract is devoid of any proviso that title is reserved or
the right to unilaterally rescind is stipulated, e.g., until or unless the price is paid. Ownership
will then be transferred to the buyer upon actual or constructive delivery (e.g., by the (2) If the period has a separate consideration, a contract of "option" is deemed perfected, and it
execution of a public document) of the property sold. Where the condition is imposed upon the would be a breach of that contract to withdraw the offer during the agreed period. The option,
perfection of the contract itself, the failure of the condition would prevent such perfection. 3 If however, is an independent contract by itself, and it is to be distinguished from the projected
the condition is imposed on the obligation of a party which is not fulfilled, the other party may main agreement (subject matter of the option) which is obviously yet to be concluded. If, in
either waive the condition or refuse to proceed with the sale (Art. 1545, Civil Code). 4 fact, the optioner-offeror withdraws the offer before its acceptance (exercise of the option) by
the optionee-offeree, the latter may not sue for specific performance on the proposed contract
("object" of the option) since it has failed to reach its own stage of perfection. The optioner-
An unconditional mutual promise to buy and sell, as long as the object is made determinate offeror, however, renders himself liable for damages for breach of the option. In these cases,
and the price is fixed, can be obligatory on the parties, and compliance therewith may care should be taken of the real nature of the consideration given, for if, in fact, it has been
accordingly be exacted.5 intended to be part of the consideration for the main contract with a right of withdrawal on the
part of the optionee, the main contract could be deemed perfected; a similar instance would be
An accepted unilateral promise which specifies the thing to be sold and the price to an "earnest money" in a contract of sale that can evidence its perfection (Art. 1482, Civil
be paid, when coupled with a valuable consideration distinct and separate from the price, is Code).
what may properly be termed a perfected contract of option. This contract is legally binding,
and in sales, it conforms with the second paragraph of Article 1479 of the Civil Code, viz: In the law on sales, the so-called "right of first refusal" is an innovative juridical relation.
Needless to point out, it cannot be deemed a perfected contract of sale under Article 1458 of
Art. 1479. . . . the Civil Code. Neither can the right of first refusal, understood in its normal concept, per
se be brought within the purview of an option under the second paragraph of Article 1479,
An accepted unilateral promise to buy or to sell a determinate thing for a aforequoted, or possibly of an offer under Article 1319 9 of the same Code. An option or an
price certain is binding upon the promissor if the promise is supported by offer would require, among other things,10 a clear certainty on both the object and the cause or
a consideration distinct from the price. (1451a)6 consideration of the envisioned contract. In a right of first refusal, while the object might be
made determinate, the exercise of the right, however, would be dependent not only on the

Page | 41
grantor's eventual intention to enter into a binding juridical relation with another but also on WHEREFORE, we UPHOLD the Court of Appeals in ultimately setting aside the questioned
terms, including the price, that obviously are yet to be later firmed up. Prior thereto, it can at Orders, dated 30 August 1991 and 27 September 1991, of the court a quo. Costs against
best be so described as merely belonging to a class of preparatory juridical relations governed petitioners.
not by contracts (since the essential elements to establish the vinculum juris would still be
indefinite and inconclusive) but by, among other laws of general application, the pertinent SO ORDERED.
scattered provisions of the Civil Code on human conduct.

Even on the premise that such right of first refusal has been decreed under a final judgment,
like here, its breach cannot justify correspondingly an issuance of a writ of execution under a
judgment that merely recognizes its existence, nor would it sanction an action for specific
performance without thereby negating the indispensable element of consensuality in the
perfection of contracts.11 It is not to say, however, that the right of first refusal would be
inconsequential for, such as already intimated above, an unjustified disregard thereof, given,
for instance, the circumstances expressed in Article 1912 of the Civil Code, can warrant a
recovery for damages.

The final judgment in Civil Case No. 87-41058, it must be stressed, has merely accorded a
"right of first refusal" in favor of petitioners. The consequence of such a declaration entails no
more than what has heretofore been said. In fine, if, as it is here so conveyed to us, petitioners
are aggrieved by the failure of private respondents to honor the right of first refusal, the
remedy is not a writ of execution on the judgment, since there is none to execute, but an action
for damages in a proper forum for the purpose.

Furthermore, whether private respondent Buen Realty Development Corporation, the alleged
purchaser of the property, has acted in good faith or bad faith and whether or not it should, in
any case, be considered bound to respect the registration of the lis pendens in Civil Case No.
87-41058 are matters that must be independently addressed in appropriate proceedings. Buen
Realty, not having been impleaded in Civil Case No. 87-41058, cannot be held subject to the
writ of execution issued by respondent Judge, let alone ousted from the ownership and
possession of the property, without first being duly afforded its day in court.

We are also unable to agree with petitioners that the Court of Appeals has erred in holding that
the writ of execution varies the terms of the judgment in Civil Case No. 87-41058, later
affirmed in CA-G.R. CV-21123. The Court of Appeals, in this regard, has observed:

Finally, the questioned writ of execution is in variance with the decision of

the trial court as modified by this Court. As already stated, there was
nothing in said decision 13 that decreed the execution of a deed of sale
between the Cu Unjiengs and respondent lessees, or the fixing of the price
of the sale, or the cancellation of title in the name of petitioner (Limpin vs.
IAC, 147 SCRA 516; Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila vs. IAC, 143
SCRA 311; De Guzman vs. CA, 137 SCRA 730; Pastor vs. CA, 122
SCRA 885).

It is likewise quite obvious to us that the decision in Civil Case No. 87-41058 could not have
decreed at the time the execution of any deed of sale between the Cu Unjiengs and petitioners.

Page | 42
G.R. No. 106063 November 21, 1996 Two years later, on March 31, 1969, Mayfair entered into a second
contract of lease with Carmelo for the lease of another portion of
INC., petitioners,
MAYFAIR THEATER, INC., respondent. storey building, situated at C.M. Recto Avenue,
Manila, with a floor area of 1,064 square meters.


HERMOSISIMA, JR., J.: FLOOR and MEZZANINE of the two-storey building
situated at C.M. Recto Avenue, Manila, with a floor
area of 300 square meters and bearing street numbers
Before us is a petition for review of the decision 1 of the Court of 1871 and 1875,
Appeals2 involving questions in the resolution of which the respondent appellate
court analyzed and interpreted particular provisions of our laws on contracts and
sales. In its assailed decision, the respondent court reversed the trial court3 which, in for similar use as a movie theater and for a similar term of twenty (20)
dismissing the complaint for specific performance with damages and annulment of years. Mayfair put up another movie house known as "Miramar Theatre"
contract,4 found the option clause in the lease contracts entered into by private on this leased property.
respondent Mayfair Theater, Inc. (hereafter, Mayfair) and petitioner Carmelo &
Bauermann, Inc. (hereafter, Carmelo) to be impossible of performance and Both contracts of lease provides (sic) identically worded paragraph 8,
unsupported by a consideration and the subsequent sale of the subject property to which reads:
petitioner Equatorial Realty Development, Inc. (hereafter, Equatorial) to have been
made without any breach of or prejudice to, the said lease contracts.5 That if the LESSOR should desire to sell the leased
premises, the LESSEE shall be given 30-days
We reproduce below the facts as narrated by the respondent court, which narration, exclusive option to purchase the same.
we note, is almost verbatim the basis of the statement of facts as rendered by the
petitioners in their pleadings: In the event, however, that the leased premises is sold
to someone other than the LESSEE, the LESSOR is
Carmelo owned a parcel of land, together with two 2-storey buildings bound and obligated, as it hereby binds and obligates
constructed thereon located at Claro M Recto Avenue, Manila, and itself, to stipulate in the Deed of Sale hereof that the
covered by TCT No. 18529 issued in its name by the Register of Deeds of purchaser shall recognize this lease and be bound by
Manila. all the terms and conditions thereof.

On June 1, 1967 Carmelo entered into a contract of lease with Mayfair for Sometime in August 1974, Mr. Henry Pascal of Carmelo informed Mr.
the latter's lease of a portion of Carmelo's property particularly described, Henry Yang, President of Mayfair, through a telephone conversation that
to wit: Carmelo was desirous of selling the entire Claro M. Recto property. Mr.
Pascal told Mr. Yang that a certain Jose Araneta was offering to buy the
A PORTION OF THE SECOND FLOOR of the two- whole property for US Dollars 1,200,000, and Mr. Pascal asked Mr. Yang
storey building, situated at C.M. Recto Avenue, if the latter was willing to buy the property for Six to Seven Million Pesos.
Manila, with a floor area of 1,610 square meters.
Mr. Yang replied that he would let Mr. Pascal know of his decision. On
THE SECOND FLOOR AND MEZZANINE of the August 23, 1974, Mayfair replied through a letter stating as follows:
two-storey building, situated at C.M. Recto Avenue,
Manila, with a floor area of 150 square meters. It appears that on August 19, 1974 your Mr. Henry
Pascal informed our client's Mr. Henry Yang through
for use by Mayfair as a motion picture theater and for a term of twenty the telephone that your company desires to sell your
(20) years. Mayfair thereafter constructed on the leased property a movie above-mentioned C.M. Recto Avenue property.
house known as "Maxim Theatre."

Page | 43
Under your company's two lease contracts with our 1. That there was a deed of sale of the contested
client, it is uniformly provided: premises by the defendant Carmelo . . . in favor of
defendant Equatorial . . .;
8. That if the LESSOR should desire to sell the leased
premises the LESSEE shall be given 30-days 2. That in both contracts of lease there appear (sic) the
exclusive option to purchase the same. In the event, stipulation granting the plaintiff exclusive option to
however, that the leased premises is sold to someone purchase the leased premises should the lessor desire
other than the LESSEE, the LESSOR is bound and to sell the same (admitted subject to the contention
obligated, as it is (sic) herebinds (sic) and obligates that the stipulation is null and void);
itself, to stipulate in the Deed of Sale thereof that the
purchaser shall recognize this lease and be bound by 3. That the two buildings erected on this land are not
all the terms and conditions hereof (sic). of the condominium plan;

Carmelo did not reply to this letter. 4. That the amounts stipulated and mentioned in
paragraphs 3 (a) and (b) of the contracts of lease
On September 18, 1974, Mayfair sent another letter to Carmelo purporting constitute the consideration for the plaintiff's
to express interest in acquiring not only the leased premises but "the entire occupancy of the leased premises, subject of the same
building and other improvements if the price is reasonable. However, both contracts of lease, Exhibits A and B;
Carmelo and Equatorial questioned the authenticity of the second letter.
xxx xxx xxx
Four years later, on July 30, 1978, Carmelo sold its entire C.M. Recto
Avenue land and building, which included the leased premises housing the 6. That there was no consideration specified in the
"Maxim" and "Miramar" theatres, to Equatorial by virtue of a Deed of option to buy embodied in the contract;
Absolute Sale, for the total sum of P11,300,000.00.
7. That Carmelo & Bauermann owned the land and the
In September 1978, Mayfair instituted the action a quo for specific two buildings erected thereon;
performance and annulment of the sale of the leased premises to
Equatorial. In its Answer, Carmelo alleged as special and affirmative
defense (a) that it had informed Mayfair of its desire to sell the entire C.M. 8. That the leased premises constitute only the
Recto Avenue property and offered the same to Mayfair, but the latter portions actually occupied by the theaters; and
answered that it was interested only in buying the areas under lease, which
was impossible since the property was not a condominium; and (b) that the 9. That what was sold by Carmelo & Bauermann to
option to purchase invoked by Mayfair is null and void for lack of defendant Equatorial Realty is the land and the two
consideration. Equatorial, in its Answer, pleaded as special and affirmative buildings erected thereon.
defense that the option is void for lack of consideration (sic) and is
unenforceable by reason of its impossibility of performance because the xxx xxx xxx
leased premises could not be sold separately from the other portions of the
land and building. It counterclaimed for cancellation of the contracts of
lease, and for increase of rentals in view of alleged supervening After assessing the evidence, the court a quo rendered the appealed
extraordinary devaluation of the currency. Equatorial likewise cross- decision, the decretal portion of which reads as follows:
claimed against co-defendant Carmelo for indemnification in respect of
Mayfair's claims. WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered:

During the pre-trial conference held on January 23, 1979, the parties (1) Dismissing the complaint with costs against the
stipulated on the following: plaintiff;

Page | 44
(2) Ordering plaintiff to pay defendant Carmelo & Contracts therefore without consideration produce no effect whatsoever.
Bauermann P40,000.00 by way of attorney's fees on Article 1324 provides:
its counterclaim;
When the offeror has allowed the offeree a certain
(3) Ordering plaintiff to pay defendant Equatorial period to accept, the offer may be withdrawn at any
Realty P35,000.00 per month as reasonable time before acceptance by communicating such
compensation for the use of areas not covered by the withdrawal, except when the option is founded upon
contract (sic) of lease from July 31, 1979 until plaintiff consideration, as something paid or promised.
vacates said area (sic) plus legal interest from July 31,
1978; P70,000 00 per month as reasonable in relation with Article 1479 of the same Code:
compensation for the use of the premises covered by
the contracts (sic) of lease dated (June 1, 1967 from
June 1, 1987 until plaintiff vacates the premises plus A promise to buy and sell a determine thing for a price
legal interest from June 1, 1987; P55,000.00 per certain is reciprocally demandable.
month as reasonable compensation for the use of the
premises covered by the contract of lease dated March An accepted unilateral promise to buy or to sell a
31, 1969 from March 30, 1989 until plaintiff vacates determine thing for a price certain is binding upon the
the premises plus legal interest from March 30, 1989; promissor if the promise is supported by a
and P40,000.00 as attorney's fees; consideration distinct from the price.

(4) Dismissing defendant Equatorial's crossclaim The plaintiff cannot compel defendant Carmelo to comply with the
against defendant Carmelo & Bauermann. promise unless the former establishes the existence of a distinct
consideration. In other words, the promisee has the burden of proving the
The contracts of lease dated June 1, 1967 and March consideration. The consideration cannot be presumed as in Article 1354:
31, 1969 are declared expired and all persons claiming
rights under these contracts are directed to vacate the Although the cause is not stated in the contract, it is
premises.6 presumed that it exists and is lawful unless the debtor
proves the contrary.
The trial court adjudged the identically worded paragraph 8 found in both aforecited
lease contracts to be an option clause which however cannot be deemed to be where consideration is legally presumed to exists. Article 1354 applies to
binding on Carmelo because of lack of distinct consideration therefor. contracts in general, whereas when it comes to an option it is governed
particularly and more specifically by Article 1479 whereby the promisee
The court a quo ratiocinated: has the burden of proving the existence of consideration distinct from the
price. Thus, in the case of Sanchez vs. Rigor, 45 SCRA 368, 372-373, the
Court said:
Significantly, during the pre-trial, it was admitted by the parties that the
option in the contract of lease is not supported by a separate consideration.
Without a consideration, the option is therefore not binding on defendant (1) Article 1354 applies to contracts in general,
Carmelo & Bauermann to sell the C.M. Recto property to the former. The whereas the second paragraph of Article 1479 refers to
option invoked by the plaintiff appears in the contracts of lease . . . in sales in particular, and, more specifically, to an
effect there is no option, on the ground that there is no consideration. accepted unilateral promise to buy or to sell. In other
Article 1352 of the Civil Code, provides: words, Article 1479 is controlling in the case at bar.

Contracts without cause or with unlawful cause, (2) In order that said unilateral promise may be
produce no effect whatever. The cause is unlawful if it binding upon the promissor, Article 1479 requires the
is contrary to law, morals, good custom, public order concurrence of a condition, namely, that the promise
or public policy. be supported by a consideration distinct from the

Page | 45
Accordingly, the promisee cannot compel the be withdrawn by the offeror within the period if a consideration has been
promissor to comply with the promise, unless the promised or given by the offeree in exchange for the privilege of being
former establishes the existence of said distinct given that period within which to accept the offer. The consideration is
consideration. In other words, the promisee has the distinct from the price which is part of the offer. The contract that arises is
burden of proving such consideration. Plaintiff herein known as option. In the case of Beaumont vs. Prieto, 41 Phil. 670, the
has not even alleged the existence thereof in his Supreme court, citing Bouvier, defined an option as follows: "A contract
complaint. 7 by virtue of which A, in consideration of the payment of a certain sum to
B, acquires the privilege of buying from or selling to B, certain securities
It follows that plaintiff cannot compel defendant Carmelo & Bauermann to or properties within a limited time at a specified price," (pp. 686-7).
sell the C.M. Recto property to the former.
Article 1479, second paragraph, on the other hand, contemplates of an
Mayfair taking exception to the decision of the trial court, the battleground shifted to "accepted unilateral promise to buy or to sell a determinate thing for a
the respondent Court of Appeals. Respondent appellate court reversed the court a price within (which) is binding upon the promisee if the promise is
quo and rendered judgment: supported by a consideration distinct from the price." That "unilateral
promise to buy or to sell a determinate thing for a price certain" is called
an offer. An "offer", in laws, is a proposal to enter into a contract
1. Reversing and setting aside the appealed Decision; (Rosenstock vs. Burke, 46 Phil. 217). To constitute a legal offer, the
proposal must be certain as to the object, the price and other essential
2. Directing the plaintiff-appellant Mayfair Theater Inc. to pay and return terms of the contract (Art. 1319, Civil Code).
to Equatorial the amount of P11,300,000.00 within fifteen (15) days from
notice of this Decision, and ordering Equatorial Realty Development, Inc. Based on the foregoing discussion, it is evident that the provision granting
to accept such payment; Mayfair "30-days exclusive option to purchase" the leased premises is
NOT AN OPTION in the context of Arts. 1324 and 1479, second
3. Upon payment of the sum of P11,300,000, directing Equatorial Realty paragraph, of the Civil Code. Although the provision is certain as to the
Development, Inc. to execute the deeds and documents necessary for the object (the sale of the leased premises) the price for which the object is to
issuance and transfer of ownership to Mayfair of the lot registered under be sold is not stated in the provision Otherwise stated, the questioned
TCT Nos. 17350, 118612, 60936, and 52571; and stipulation is not by itself, an "option" or the "offer to sell" because the
clause does not specify the price for the subject property.
4. Should plaintiff-appellant Mayfair Theater, Inc. be unable to pay the
amount as adjudged, declaring the Deed of Absolute Sale between the Although the provision giving Mayfair "30-days exclusive option to
defendants-appellants Carmelo & Bauermann, Inc. and Equatorial Realty purchase" cannot be legally categorized as an option, it is, nevertheless, a
Development, Inc. as valid and binding upon all the parties.8 valid and binding stipulation. What the trial court failed to appreciate was
the intention of the parties behind the questioned proviso.
Rereading the law on the matter of sales and option contracts, respondent Court of
Appeals differentiated between Article 1324 and Article 1479 of the Civil Code, xxx xxx xxx
analyzed their application to the facts of this case, and concluded that since
paragraph 8 of the two lease contracts does not state a fixed price for the purchase of The provision in question is not of the pro-forma type customarily found
the leased premises, which is an essential element for a contract of sale to be in a contract of lease. Even appellees have recognized that the stipulation
perfected, what paragraph 8 is, must be a right of first refusal and not an option was incorporated in the two Contracts of Lease at the initiative and behest
contract. It explicated: of Mayfair. Evidently, the stipulation was intended to benefit and protect
Mayfair in its rights as lessee in case Carmelo should decide, during the
Firstly, the court a quo misapplied the provisions of Articles 1324 and term of the lease, to sell the leased property. This intention of the parties is
1479, second paragraph, of the Civil Code. achieved in two ways in accordance with the stipulation. The first is by
giving Mayfair "30-days exclusive option to purchase" the leased
Article 1324 speaks of an "offer" made by an offeror which the offeree property. The second is, in case Mayfair would opt not to purchase the
may or may not accept within a certain period. Under this article, the offer leased property, "that the purchaser (the new owner of the leased property)
may be withdrawn by the offeror before the expiration of the period and shall recognize the lease and be bound by all the terms and conditions
while the offeree has not yet accepted the offer. However, the offer cannot thereof."

Page | 46
In other words, paragraph 8 of the two Contracts of lease, particularly the We rule, therefore, that the foregoing interpretation best renders effectual
stipulation giving Mayfair "30-days exclusive option to purchase the the intention of the parties.9
(leased premises)," was meant to provide Mayfair the opportunity to
purchase and acquire the leased property in the event that Carmelo should Besides the ruling that paragraph 8 vests in Mayfair the right of first refusal as to
decide to dispose of the property. In order to realize this intention, the which the requirement of distinct consideration indispensable in an option contract,
implicit obligation of Carmelo once it had decided to sell the leased has no application, respondent appellate court also addressed the claim of Carmelo
property, was not only to notify Mayfair of such decision to sell the and Equatorial that assuming arguendo that the option is valid and effective, it is
property, but, more importantly, to make an offer to sell the leased impossible of performance because it covered only the leased premises and not the
premises to Mayfair, giving the latter a fair and reasonable opportunity to entire Claro M. Recto property, while Carmelo's offer to sell pertained to the entire
accept or reject the offer, before offering to sell or selling the leased property in question. The Court of Appeals ruled as to this issue in this wise:
property to third parties. The right vested in Mayfair is analogous to the
right of first refusal, which means that Carmelo should have offered the
sale of the leased premises to Mayfair before offering it to other parties, We are not persuaded by the contentions of the defendants-appellees. It is
or, if Carmelo should receive any offer from third parties to purchase the to be noted that the Deed of Absolute Sale between Carmelo and
leased premises, then Carmelo must first give Mayfair the opportunity to Equatorial covering the whole Claro M. Recto property, made reference to
match that offer. four titles: TCT Nos. 17350, 118612, 60936 and 52571. Based on the
information submitted by Mayfair in its appellant's Brief (pp. 5 and 46)
which has not been controverted by the appellees, and which We,
In fact, Mr. Pascal understood the provision as giving Mayfair a right of therefore, take judicial notice of the two theaters stand on the parcels of
first refusal when he made the telephone call to Mr. Yang in 1974. Mr. land covered by TCT No. 17350 with an area of 622.10 sq. m and TCT
Pascal thus testified: No. 118612 with an area of 2,100.10 sq. m. The existence of four separate
parcels of land covering the whole Recto property demonstrates the legal
Q Can you tell this Honorable and physical possibility that each parcel of land, together with the
Court how you made the offer to buildings and improvements thereof, could have been sold independently
Mr. Henry Yang by telephone? of the other parcels.

A I have an offer from another At the time both parties executed the contracts, they were aware of the
party to buy the property and physical and structural conditions of the buildings on which the theaters
having the offer we decided to were to be constructed in relation to the remainder of the whole Recto
make an offer to Henry Yang on a property. The peculiar language of the stipulation would tend to limit
first-refusal basis. (TSN Mayfair's right under paragraph 8 of the Contract of Lease to the
November 8, 1983, p. 12.). acquisition of the leased areas only. Indeed, what is being contemplated by
the questioned stipulation is a departure from the customary situation
and on cross-examination: wherein the buildings and improvements are included in and form part of
the sale of the subjacent land. Although this situation is not common,
especially considering the non-condominium nature of the buildings, the
Q When you called Mr. Yang on sale would be valid and capable of being performed. A sale limited to the
August 1974 can you remember leased premises only, if hypothetically assumed, would have brought into
exactly what you have told him in operation the provisions of co-ownership under which Mayfair would
connection with that matter, Mr. have become the exclusive owner of the leased premises and at the same
Pascal? time a co-owner with Carmelo of the subjacent land in proportion to
Mayfair's interest over the premises sold to it.10
A More or less, I told him that I
received an offer from another Carmelo and Equatorial now comes before us questioning the correctness and legal
party to buy the property and I basis for the decision of respondent Court of Appeals on the basis of the following
was offering him first choice of assigned errors:
the enter property. (TSN,
November 29, 1983, p. 18).

Page | 47
THE COURT OF APPEALS GRAVELY ERRED IN CONCLUDING While the letter-complaint arose as an incident in case CA-G.R. CV No.
THAT THE OPTION CLAUSE IN THE CONTRACTS OF LEASE IS 32918 (now G.R. No. 106063), the disposition thereof should be separate
ACTUALLY A RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL PROVISO. IN DOING SO and independent from Case G.R. No. 106063. However, for purposes of
THE COURT OF APPEALS DISREGARDED THE CONTRACTS OF receiving the requisite pleadings necessary in disposing of the
LEASE WHICH CLEARLY AND UNEQUIVOCALLY PROVIDE FOR administrative complaint, this Division shall continue to have control of
AN OPTION, AND THE ADMISSION OF THE PARTIES OF SUCH the case. Upon completion thereof, the same shall be referred to the
OPTION IN THEIR STIPULATION OF FACTS. Court En Banc for proper disposition.13

II This court having ruled the procedural irregularities raised in the fourth assigned
error of Carmelo and Equatorial, to be an independent and separate subject for an
WHETHER AN OPTION OR RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL, THE administrative complaint based on misconduct by the lawyers and justices
COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN DIRECTING EQUATORIAL TO implicated therein, it is the correct, prudent and consistent course of action not to
EXECUTE A DEED OF SALE EIGHTEEN (18) YEARS AFTER pre-empt the administrative proceedings to be undertaken respecting the said
MAYFAIR FAILED TO EXERCISE ITS OPTION (OR, EVEN ITS irregularities. Certainly, a discussion thereupon by us in this case would entail a
RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL ASSUMING IT WAS ONE) WHEN THE finding on the merits as to the real nature of the questioned procedures and the true
CONTRACTS LIMITED THE EXERCISE OF SUCH OPTION TO 30 intentions and motives of the players therein.
In essence, our task is two-fold: (1) to define the true nature, scope and efficacy of
III paragraph 8 stipulated in the two contracts of lease between Carmelo and Mayfair in
the face of conflicting findings by the trial court and the Court of Appeals; and (2) to
determine the rights and obligations of Carmelo and Mayfair, as well as Equatorial,
THE COURT OF APPEALS GRIEVOUSLY ERRED WHEN IT in the aftermath of the sale by Carmelo of the entire Claro M. Recto property to
Both contracts of lease in question provide the identically worded paragraph 8,
which reads:
That if the LESSOR should desire to sell the leased premises, the LESSEE
THE COURT OF APPEALS VIOLATED ITS OWN INTERNAL shall be given 30-days exclusive option to purchase the same.
MANUEL HERRERA, TO RESOLVE ALL THE MOTIONS IN THE In the event, however, that the leased premises is sold to someone other
"COMPLETION PROCESS" AND TO STILL RESOLVE THE MERITS than the LESSEE, the LESSOR is bound and obligated, as it hereby binds
OF THE CASE IN THE "DECISION STAGE".11 and obligates itself, to stipulate in the Deed of Sale thereof that the
purchaser shall recognize this lease and be bound by all the terms and
conditions thereof.14

We agree with the respondent Court of Appeals that the aforecited contractual
We shall first dispose of the fourth assigned error respecting alleged irregularities in stipulation provides for a right of first refusal in favor of Mayfair. It is not an option
the raffle of this case in the Court of Appeals. Suffice it to say that in our clause or an option contract. It is a contract of a right of first refusal.
Resolution,12 dated December 9, 1992, we already took note of this matter and set
out the proper applicable procedure to be the following:
As early as 1916, in the case of Beaumont vs. Prieto,15 unequivocal was our
characterization of an option contract as one necessarily involving the choice
On September 20, 1992, counsel for petitioner Equatorial Realty granted to another for a distinct and separate consideration as to whether or not to
Development, Inc. wrote a letter-complaint to this Court alleging certain purchase a determinate thing at a predetermined fixed price.
irregularities and infractions committed by certain lawyers, and Justices of
the Court of Appeals and of this Court in connection with case CA-G.R.
CV No. 32918 (now G.R. No. 106063). This partakes of the nature of an It is unquestionable that, by means of the document Exhibit E, to wit, the
administrative complaint for misconduct against members of the judiciary. letter of December 4, 1911, quoted at the beginning of this decision, the
defendant Valdes granted to the plaintiff Borck the right to purchase the

Page | 48
Nagtajan Hacienda belonging to Benito Legarda, during the period of The rule so early established in this jurisdiction is that the deed of option or the
three months and for its assessed valuation, a grant which necessarily option clause in a contract, in order to be valid and enforceable, must, among other
implied the offer or obligation on the part of the defendant Valdes to sell things, indicate the definite price at which the person granting the option, is willing
to Borck the said hacienda during the period and for the price mentioned . to sell.
. . There was, therefore, a meeting of minds on the part of the one and the
other, with regard to the stipulations made in the said document. But it is Notably, in one case we held that the lessee loses his right to buy the leased property for a
not shown that there was any cause or consideration for that agreement, named price per square meter upon failure to make the purchase within the time specified; 17 in
and this omission is a bar which precludes our holding that the stipulations one other case we freed the landowner from her promise to sell her land if the prospective
contained in Exhibit E is a contract of option, for, . . . there can be no buyer could raise P4,500.00 in three weeks because such option was not supported by a
contract without the requisite, among others, of the cause for the distinct consideration;18 in the same vein in yet one other case, we also invalidated an
obligation to be established. instrument entitled, "Option to Purchase" a parcel of land for the sum of P1,510.00 because of
lack of consideration;19 and as an exception to the doctrine enumerated in the two preceding
In his Law Dictionary, edition of 1897, Bouvier defines an option as a cases, in another case, we ruled that the option to buy the leased premises for P12,000.00 as
contract, in the following language: stipulated in the lease contract, is not without consideration for in reciprocal contracts, like
lease, the obligation or promise of each party is the consideration for that of the other. 20 In all
A contract by virtue of which A, in consideration of these cases, the selling price of the object thereof is always predetermined and specified in the
the payment of a certain sum to B, acquires the option clause in the contract or in the separate deed of option. We elucidated, thus, in the very
privilege of buying from, or selling to B, certain recent case of Ang Yu Asuncion vs. Court of Appeals21 that:
securities or properties within a limited time at a
specified price. (Story vs. Salamon, 71 N.Y., 420.) . . . In sales, particularly, to which the topic for discussion about the case
at bench belongs, the contract is perfected when a person, called the seller,
From vol. 6, page 5001, of the work "Words and Phrases," citing the case obligates himself, for a price certain, to deliver and to transfer ownership
of Ide vs. Leiser (24 Pac., 695; 10 Mont., 5; 24 Am. St. Rep., 17) the of a thing or right to another, called the buyer, over which the latter
following quotation has been taken: agrees. Article 1458 of the Civil Code provides:

An agreement in writing to give a person the option to Art. 1458. By the contract of sale one of the
purchase lands within a given time at a named price is contracting parties obligates himself to transfer the
neither a sale nor an agreement to sell. It is simply a ownership of and to deliver a determinate thing, and
contract by which the owner of property agrees with the other to pay therefor a price certain in money or its
another person that he shall have the right to buy his equivalent.
property at a fixed price within a certain time. He does
not sell his land; he does not then agree to sell it; but A contract of sale may be absolute or conditional.
he does sell something; that is, the right or privilege to
buy at the election or option of the other party. The When the sale is not absolute but conditional, such as in a "Contract to
second party gets in praesenti, not lands, nor an Sell" where invariably the ownership of the thing sold in retained until the
agreement that he shall have lands, but he does get fulfillment of a positive suspensive condition (normally, the full payment
something of value; that is, the right to call for and of the purchase price), the breach of the condition will prevent the
receive lands if he elects. The owner parts with his obligation to convey title from acquiring an obligatory force. . . .
right to sell his lands, except to the second party, for a
limited period. The second party receives this right, or,
rather, from his point of view, he receives the right to An unconditional mutual promise to buy and sell, as long as the object is
elect to buy. made determinate and the price is fixed, can be obligatory on the parties,
and compliance therewith may accordingly be exacted.
But the two definitions above cited refer to the contract of option, or, what
amounts to the same thing, to the case where there was cause or An accepted unilateral promise which specifies the thing to be sold and the
consideration for the obligation, the subject of the agreement made by the price to be paid, when coupled with a valuable consideration distinct and
parties; while in the case at bar there was no such cause or separate from the price, is what may properly be termed a perfected
consideration. 16 (Emphasis ours.) contract of option. This contract is legally binding, and in sales, it
conforms with the second paragraph of Article 1479 of the Civil Code, viz:

Page | 49
Art. 1479. . . . optioner-offeror, however, renders himself liable for damages for breach
of the opinion. . .
An accepted unilateral promise to buy or to sell a
determinate thing for a price certain is binding upon In the light of the foregoing disquisition and in view of the wording of the
the promisor if the promise is supported by a questioned provision in the two lease contracts involved in the instant case, we so
consideration distinct from the price. (1451a). hold that no option to purchase in contemplation of the second paragraph of Article
1479 of the Civil Code, has been granted to Mayfair under the said lease contracts.
Observe, however, that the option is not the contract of sale itself. The
optionee has the right, but not the obligation, to buy. Once the option is Respondent Court of Appeals correctly ruled that the said paragraph 8 grants the
exercised timely, i.e., the offer is accepted before a breach of the option, a right of first refusal to Mayfair and is not an option contract. It also correctly
bilateral promise to sell and to buy ensues and both parties are then reasoned that as such, the requirement of a separate consideration for the option, has
reciprocally bound to comply with their respective undertakings. no applicability in the instant case.

Let us elucidate a little. A negotiation is formally initiated by an offer. An There is nothing in the identical Paragraphs "8" of the June 1, 1967 and March 31,
imperfect promise (policitacion) is merely an offer. Public advertisements 1969 contracts which would bring them into the ambit of the usual offer or option
or solicitations and the like are ordinarily construed as mere invitations to requiring an independent consideration.
make offers or only as proposals. These relations, until a contract is
perfected, are not considered binding commitments. Thus, at any time An option is a contract granting a privilege to buy or sell within an agreed time and
prior to the perfection of the contract, either negotiating party may stop the at a determined price. It is a separate and distinct contract from that which the
negotiation. The offer, at this stage, may be withdrawn; the withdrawal is parties may enter into upon the consummation of the option. It must be supported by
effective immediately after its manifestation, such as by its mailing and consideration.22 In the instant case, the right of first refusal is an integral part of the
not necessarily when the offeree learns of the withdrawal (Laudico vs. contracts of lease. The consideration is built into the reciprocal obligations of the
Arias, 43 Phil. 270). Where a period is given to the offeree within which parties.
to accept the offer, the following rules generally govern:
To rule that a contractual stipulation such as that found in paragraph 8 of the
(1) If the period is not itself founded upon or supported by a consideration, contracts is governed by Article 1324 on withdrawal of the offer or Article 1479 on
the offeror is still free and has the right to withdraw the offer before its promise to buy and sell would render in effectual or "inutile" the provisions on right
acceptance, or if an acceptance has been made, before the offeror's coming of first refusal so commonly inserted in leases of real estate nowadays. The Court of
to know of such fact, by communicating that withdrawal to the offeree Appeals is correct in stating that Paragraph 8 was incorporated into the contracts of
(see Art. 1324, Civil Code; see also Atkins, Kroll & Co. vs. Cua, 102 Phil. lease for the benefit of Mayfair which wanted to be assured that it shall be given the
948, holding that this rule is applicable to a unilateral promise to sell under first crack or the first option to buy the property at the price which Carmelo is
Art. 1479, modifying the previous decision in South Western Sugar vs. willing to accept. It is not also correct to say that there is no consideration in an
Atlantic Gulf, 97 Phil. 249; see also Art. 1319, Civil Code; Rural Bank of agreement of right of first refusal. The stipulation is part and parcel of the entire
Paraaque, Inc. vs. Remolado, 135 SCRA 409; Sanchez vs. Rigos, 45 contract of lease. The consideration for the lease includes the consideration for the
SCRA 368). The right to withdraw, however, must not be exercised right of first refusal. Thus, Mayfair is in effect stating that it consents to lease the
whimsically or arbitrarily; otherwise, it could give rise to a damage claim premises and to pay the price agreed upon provided the lessor also consents that,
under Article 19 of the Civil Code which ordains that "every person must, should it sell the leased property, then, Mayfair shall be given the right to match the
in the exercise of his rights and in the performance of his duties, act with offered purchase price and to buy the property at that price. As stated in Vda. De
justice, give everyone his due, and observe honesty and good faith." Quirino vs. Palarca,23 in reciprocal contract, the obligation or promise of each party
is the consideration for that of the other.
(2) If the period has a separate consideration, a contract of "option"
deemed perfected, and it would be a breach of that contract to withdraw The respondent Court of Appeals was correct in ascertaining the true nature of the
the offer during the agreed period. The option, however, is an independent aforecited paragraph 8 to be that of a contractual grant of the right of first refusal to
contract by itself; and it is to be distinguished from the projected main Mayfair.
agreement (subject matter of the option) which is obviously yet to be
concluded. If, in fact, the optioner-offeror withdraws the offer before its
acceptance (exercise of the option) by the optionee-offeree, the latter may We shall now determine the consequential rights, obligations and liabilities of
not sue for specific performance on the proposed contract ("object" of the Carmelo, Mayfair and Equatorial.
option) since it has failed to reach its own stage of perfection. The

Page | 50
The different facts and circumstances in this case call for an amplification of the the case before us because the petitioner is not considered a third party in
precedent in Ang Yu Asuncion vs. Court of Appeals.24 relation to the Contract of Sale nor may its possession of the subject
property be regarded as acquired lawfully and in good faith.
First and foremost is that the petitioners acted in bad faith to render Paragraph 8
"inutile". Indeed, Guzman, Bocaling and Co. was the vendee in the Contract of Sale.
Moreover, the petitioner cannot be deemed a purchaser in good faith for
What Carmelo and Mayfair agreed to, by executing the two lease contracts, was that the record shows that it categorically admitted it was aware of the lease in
Mayfair will have the right of first refusal in the event Carmelo sells the leased favor of the Bonnevies, who were actually occupying the subject property
premises. It is undisputed that Carmelo did recognize this right of Mayfair, for it at the time it was sold to it. Although the Contract of Lease was not
informed the latter of its intention to sell the said property in 1974. There was an annotated on the transfer certificate of title in the name of the late Jose
exchange of letters evidencing the offer and counter-offers made by both parties. Reynoso and Africa Reynoso, the petitioner cannot deny actual knowledge
Carmelo, however, did not pursue the exercise to its logical end. While it initially of such lease which was equivalent to and indeed more binding than
recognized Mayfair's right of first refusal, Carmelo violated such right when without presumed notice by registration.
affording its negotiations with Mayfair the full process to ripen to at least an
interface of a definite offer and a possible corresponding acceptance within the "30- A purchaser in good faith and for value is one who buys the property of
day exclusive option" time granted Mayfair, Carmelo abandoned negotiations, kept another without notice that some other person has a right to or interest in
a low profile for some time, and then sold, without prior notice to Mayfair, the entire such property and pays a full and fair price for the same at the time of such
Claro M Recto property to Equatorial. purchase or before he has notice of the claim or interest of some other
person in the property. Good faith connotes an honest intention to abstain
Since Equatorial is a buyer in bad faith, this finding renders the sale to it of the from taking unconscientious advantage of another. Tested by these
property in question rescissible. We agree with respondent Appellate Court that the principles, the petitioner cannot tenably claim to be a buyer in good faith
records bear out the fact that Equatorial was aware of the lease contracts because its as it had notice of the lease of the property by the Bonnevies and such
lawyers had, prior to the sale, studied the said contracts. As such, Equatorial cannot knowledge should have cautioned it to look deeper into the agreement to
tenably claim to be a purchaser in good faith, and, therefore, rescission lies. determine if it involved stipulations that would prejudice its own interests.

. . . Contract of Sale was not voidable but rescissible. Under Article 1380 The petitioner insists that it was not aware of the right of first priority
to 1381(3) of the Civil Code, a contract otherwise valid may nonetheless granted by the Contract of Lease. Assuming this to be true, we
be subsequently rescinded by reason of injury to third persons, like nevertheless agree with the observation of the respondent court that:
creditors. The status of creditors could be validly accorded the Bonnevies
for they had substantial interests that were prejudiced by the sale of the If Guzman-Bocaling failed to inquire about the terms
subject property to the petitioner without recognizing their right of first of the Lease Contract, which includes Par. 20 on
priority under the Contract of Lease. priority right given to the Bonnevies, it had only itself
to blame. Having known that the property it was
According to Tolentino, rescission is a remedy granted by law to the buying was under lease, it behooved it as a prudent
contracting parties and even to third persons, to secure reparation for person to have required Reynoso or the broker to show
damages caused to them by a contract, even if this should be valid, by to it the Contract of Lease in which Par. 20 is
means of the restoration of things to their condition at the moment prior to contained.25
the celebration of said contract. It is a relief allowed for the protection of
one of the contracting parties and even third persons from all injury and Petitioners assert the alleged impossibility of performance because the entire
damage the contract may cause, or to protect some incompatible and property is indivisible property. It was petitioner Carmelo which fixed the limits of
preferent right created by the contract. Rescission implies a contract the property it was leasing out. Common sense and fairness dictate that instead of
which, even if initially valid, produces a lesion or pecuniary damage to nullifying the agreement on that basis, the stipulation should be given effect by
someone that justifies its invalidation for reasons of equity. including the indivisible appurtenances in the sale of the dominant portion under the
right of first refusal. A valid and legal contract where the ascendant or the more
It is true that the acquisition by a third person of the property subject of important of the two parties is the landowner should be given effect, if possible,
the contract is an obstacle to the action for its rescission where it is shown instead of being nullified on a selfish pretext posited by the owner. Following the
that such third person is in lawful possession of the subject of the contract arguments of petitioners and the participation of the owner in the attempt to strip
and that he did not act in bad faith. However, this rule is not applicable in Mayfair of its rights, the right of first refusal should include not only the property
specified in the contracts of lease but also the appurtenant portions sold to

Page | 51
Equatorial which are claimed by petitioners to be indivisible. Carmelo acted in bad proper to give it an empty or vacuous victory in this case. From the viewpoint of
faith when it sold the entire property to Equatorial without informing Mayfair, a Carmelo, it is like asking a fish if it would accept the choice of being thrown back
clear violation of Mayfair's rights. While there was a series of exchanges of letters into the river. Why should Carmelo be rewarded for and allowed to profit from, its
evidencing the offer and counter-offers between the parties, Carmelo abandoned the wrongdoing? Prices of real estate have skyrocketed. After having sold the property
negotiations without giving Mayfair full opportunity to negotiate within the 30-day for P11,300,000.00, why should it be given another chance to sell it at an increased
period. price?

Accordingly, even as it recognizes the right of first refusal, this Court should also Under the Ang Yu Asuncion vs. Court of Appeals decision, the Court stated that there
order that Mayfair be authorized to exercise its right of first refusal under the was nothing to execute because a contract over the right of first refusal belongs to a
contract to include the entirety of the indivisible property. The boundaries of the class of preparatory juridical relations governed not by the law on contracts but by
property sold should be the boundaries of the offer under the right of first refusal. the codal provisions on human relations. This may apply here if the contract is
As to the remedy to enforce Mayfair's right, the Court disagrees to a certain extent limited to the buying and selling of the real property. However, the obligation of
with the concluding part of the dissenting opinion of Justice Vitug. The doctrine Carmelo to first offer the property to Mayfair is embodied in a contract. It is
enunciated in Ang Yu Asuncion vs.Court of Appeals should be modified, if not Paragraph 8 on the right of first refusal which created the obligation. It should be
amplified under the peculiar facts of this case. enforced according to the law on contracts instead of the panoramic and indefinite
rule on human relations. The latter remedy encourages multiplicity of suits. There is
As also earlier emphasized, the contract of sale between Equatorial and Carmelo is something to execute and that is for Carmelo to comply with its obligation to the
characterized by bad faith, since it was knowingly entered into in violation of the property under the right of the first refusal according to the terms at which they
rights of and to the prejudice of Mayfair. In fact, as correctly observed by the Court should have been offered then to Mayfair, at the price when that offer should have
of Appeals, Equatorial admitted that its lawyers had studied the contract of lease been made. Also, Mayfair has to accept the offer. This juridical relation is not
prior to the sale. Equatorial's knowledge of the stipulations therein should have amorphous nor is it merely preparatory. Paragraphs 8 of the two leases can be
cautioned it to look further into the agreement to determine if it involved stipulations executed according to their terms.
that would prejudice its own interests.
On the question of interest payments on the principal amount of P11,300,000.00, it
Since Mayfair has a right of first refusal, it can exercise the right only if the must be borne in mind that both Carmelo and Equatorial acted in bad faith. Carmelo
fraudulent sale is first set aside or rescinded. All of these matters are now before us knowingly and deliberately broke a contract entered into with Mayfair. It sold the
and so there should be no piecemeal determination of this case and leave festering property to Equatorial with purpose and intend to withhold any notice or knowledge
sores to deteriorate into endless litigation. The facts of the case and considerations of of the sale coming to the attention of Mayfair. All the circumstances point to a
justice and equity require that we order rescission here and now. Rescission is a calculated and contrived plan of non-compliance with the agreement of first refusal.
relief allowed for the protection of one of the contracting parties and even third
persons from all injury and damage the contract may cause or to protect some On the part of Equatorial, it cannot be a buyer in good faith because it bought the
incompatible and preferred right by the contract.26 The sale of the subject real property with notice and full knowledge that Mayfair had a right to or interest in the
property by Carmelo to Equatorial should now be rescinded considering that property superior to its own. Carmelo and Equatorial took unconscientious
Mayfair, which had substantial interest over the subject property, was prejudiced by advantage of Mayfair.
the sale of the subject property to Equatorial without Carmelo conferring to Mayfair
every opportunity to negotiate within the 30-day stipulated period.27 Neither may Carmelo and Equatorial avail of considerations based on equity which
might warrant the grant of interests. The vendor received as payment from the
This Court has always been against multiplicity of suits where all remedies vendee what, at the time, was a full and fair price for the property. It has used the
according to the facts and the law can be included. Since Carmelo sold the property P11,300,000.00 all these years earning income or interest from the amount.
for P11,300,000.00 to Equatorial, the price at which Mayfair could have purchased Equatorial, on the other hand, has received rents and otherwise profited from the use
the property is, therefore, fixed. It can neither be more nor less. There is no dispute of the property turned over to it by Carmelo. In fact, during all the years that this
over it. The damages which Mayfair suffered are in terms of actual injury and lost controversy was being litigated, Mayfair paid rentals regularly to the buyer who had
opportunities. The fairest solution would be to allow Mayfair to exercise its right of an inferior right to purchase the property. Mayfair is under no obligation to pay any
first refusal at the price which it was entitled to accept or reject which is interests arising from this judgment to either Carmelo or Equatorial.
P11,300,000.00. This is clear from the records.
WHEREFORE, the petition for review of the decision of the Court of Appeals,
To follow an alternative solution that Carmelo and Mayfair may resume negotiations dated June 23, 1992, in CA-G.R. CV No. 32918, is HEREBY DENIED. The Deed
for the sale to the latter of the disputed property would be unjust and unkind to of Absolute Sale between petitioners Equatorial Realty Development, Inc. and
Mayfair because it is once more compelled to litigate to enforce its right. It is not Carmelo & Bauermann, Inc. is hereby deemed rescinded; petitioner Carmelo &

Page | 52
Bauermann is ordered to return to petitioner Equatorial Realty Development the
purchase price. The latter is directed to execute the deeds and documents necessary
to return ownership to Carmelo and Bauermann of the disputed lots. Carmelo &
Bauermann is ordered to allow Mayfair Theater, Inc. to buy the aforesaid lots for


Regalado, Davide, Jr., Bellosillo, Melo, Puno, Kapunan, Mendoza and Francisco, JJ., concur.

Page | 53
[G.R. No. 111538. February 26, 1997] 19638 and S-19643 to S-19648.Xerox copies of the said title (sic) are hereto
attached as Annexes B to I, respectively.
APPEALS, CATALINA L. SANTOS, represented by her attorney-in-fact, LUZ 3. On November 28, 1977, a certain Frederick Chua leased the above-described
B. PROTACIO, and DAVID A. RAYMUNDO, respondents. property from defendant Catalina L. Santos, the said lease was registered in the
Register of Deeds. Xerox copy of the lease is hereto attached as Annex J.
4. On February 12, 1979, Frederick Chua assigned all his rights and interest and
PANGANIBAN, J.: participation in the leased property to Lee Ching Bing, by virtue of a deed of
assignment and with the conformity of defendant Santos, the said assignment was
Do allegations in a complaint showing violation of a contractual right of first option or also registered. Xerox copy of the deed of assignment is hereto attached as Annex
priority to buy the properties subject of the lease constitute a valid cause of action? Is the K.
grantee of such right entitled to be offered the same terms and conditions as those given to a
third party who eventually bought such properties? In short, is such right of first refusal 5. On August 6, 1979, Lee Ching Bing also assigned all his rights and interest in
enforceable by an action for specific performance? the leased property to Paraaque Kings Enterprises, Incorporated by virtue of a
These questions are answered in the affirmative by this Court in resolving this petition deed of assignment and with the conformity of defendant Santos, the same was
for review under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court challenging the Decision [1] of the Court of duly registered, Xerox copy of the deed of assignment is hereto attached as Annex
Appeals[2] promulgated on March 29, 1993, in CA-G.R. CV No. 34987 entitled Paraaque L.
Kings Enterprises, Inc. vs. Catalina L. Santos, et al., which affirmed the order[3] of September
2, 1991, of the Regional Trial Court of Makati, Branch 57, [4] dismissing Civil Case No. 91-786 6. Paragraph 9 of the assigned leased (sic) contract provides among others that:
for lack of a valid cause of action.
9. That in case the properties subject of the lease agreement are sold or
encumbered, Lessors shall impose as a condition that the buyer or
Facts of the Case mortgagee thereof shall recognize and be bound by all the terms and
conditions of this lease agreement and shall respect this Contract of Lease
as if they are the LESSORS thereof and in case of sale, LESSEE shall have
the first option or priority to buy the properties subject of the lease;
On March 19, 1991, herein petitioner filed before the Regional Trial Court of Makati a
complaint,[5] which is reproduced in full below:
7. On September 21, 1988, defendant Santos sold the eight parcels of land subject
of the lease to defendant David Raymundo for a consideration of FIVE MILLION
Plaintiff, by counsel, respectfully states that:
(P5,000,000.00) PESOS. The said sale was in contravention of the contract of
lease, for the first option or priority to buy was not offered by defendant Santos to
1. Plaintiff is a private corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the plaintiff. Xerox copy of the deed of sale is hereto attached as Annex M.
the laws of the Philippines, with principal place of business of (sic) Dr. A. Santos
Avenue, Paraaque, Metro Manila, while defendant Catalina L. Santos, is of legal
8. On March 5, 1989, defendant Santos wrote a letter to the plaintiff informing the
age, widow, with residence and postal address at 444 Plato Street, Ct., Stockton,
same of the sale of the properties to defendant Raymundo, the said letter was
California, USA, represented in this action by her attorney-in-fact, Luz B.
personally handed by the attorney-in-fact of defendant Santos, Xerox copy of the
Protacio, with residence and postal address at No, 12, San Antonio Street,
letter is hereto attached as Annex N.
Magallanes Village, Makati, Metro Manila, by virtue of a general power of
attorney. Defendant David A. Raymundo, is of legal age, single, with residence
and postal address at 1918 Kamias Street, Damarias Village, Makati, Metro 9. Upon learning of this fact plaintiffs representative wrote a letter to defendant
Manila, where they (sic) may be served with summons and other court Santos, requesting her to rectify the error and consequently realizing the error, she
processes.Xerox copy of the general power of attorney is hereto attached as had it reconveyed to her for the same consideration of FIVE MILLION
Annex A. (P5,000,000.00) PESOS. Xerox copies of the letter and the deed of reconveyance
are hereto attached as Annexes O and P.
2. Defendant Catalina L. Santos is the owner of eight (8) parcels of land located at
(sic) Paraaque, Metro Manila with transfer certificate of title nos. S-19637, S- 10. Subsequently the property was offered for sale to plaintiff by the defendant for
the sum of FIFTEEN MILLION (P15,000,000.00) PESOS. Plaintiff was given ten

Page | 54
(10) days to make good of the offer, but therefore (sic) the said period expired 20. The purpose of this unholy alliance between defendants Santos and Raymundo
another letter came from the counsel of defendant Santos, containing the same is to mislead the plaintiff and make it appear that the price of the leased property
tenor of (sic) the former letter. Xerox copies of the letters are hereto attached as is much higher than its actual value of FIVE MILLION (P5,000,000.00) PESOS,
Annexes Q and R. so that plaintiff would purchase the properties at a higher price.

11. On May 8, 1989, before the period given in the letter offering the properties 21. Plaintiff has made considerable investments in the said leased property by
for sale expired, plaintiffs counsel wrote counsel of defendant Santos offering to erecting a two (2) storey, six (6) doors commercial building amounting to THREE
buy the properties for FIVE MILLION (P5,000,000.00) PESOS. Xerox copy of MILLION (P3,000,000.00) PESOS.This considerable improvement was made on
the letter is hereto attached as Annex S. the belief that eventually the said premises shall be sold to the plaintiff.

12. On May 15, 1989, before they replied to the offer to purchase, another deed of 22. As a consequence of this unlawful act of the defendants, plaintiff will incurr
sale was executed by defendant Santos (in favor of) defendant Raymundo for a (sic) total loss of THREE MILLION (P3,000,000.00) PESOS as the actual cost of
consideration of NINE MILLION (P9,000,000.00) PESOS. Xerox copy of the the building and as such defendants should be charged of the same amount for
second deed of sale is hereto attached as Annex T. actual damages.

13. Defendant Santos violated again paragraph 9 of the contract of lease by 23. As a consequence of the collusion, evil design and illegal acts of the
executing a second deed of sale to defendant Raymundo. defendants, plaintiff in the process suffered mental anguish, sleepless nights,
bismirched (sic) reputation which entitles plaintiff to moral damages in the
14. It was only on May 17, 1989, that defendant Santos replied to the letter of the amount of FIVE MILLION (P5,000,000.00) PESOS.
plaintiffs offer to buy or two days after she sold her properties. In her reply she
stated among others that the period has lapsed and the plaintiff is not a privy (sic) 24. The defendants acted in a wanton, fraudulent, reckless, oppressive or
to the contract. Xerox copy of the letter is hereto attached as Annex U. malevolent manner and as a deterrent to the commission of similar acts, they
should be made to answer for exemplary damages, the amount left to the
15. On June 28, 1989, counsel for plaintiff informed counsel of defendant Santos discretion of the Court.
of the fact that plaintiff is the assignee of all rights and interest of the former
lessor. Xerox copy of the letter is hereto attached as Annex V. 25. Plaintiff demanded from the defendants to rectify their unlawful acts that they
committed, but defendants refused and failed to comply with plaintiffs just and
16. On July 6, 1989, counsel for defendant Santos informed the plaintiff that the valid and (sic) demands. Xerox copies of the demand letters are hereto attached as
new owner is defendant Raymundo. Xerox copy of the letter is hereto attached as Annexes KK to LL, respectively.
Annex W.
26. Despite repeated demands, defendants failed and refused without justifiable
17. From the preceding facts it is clear that the sale was simulated and that there cause to satisfy plaintiffs claim, and was constrained to engaged (sic) the services
was a collusion between the defendants in the sales of the leased properties, on of undersigned counsel to institute this action at a contract fee of P200,000.00, as
the ground that when plaintiff wrote a letter to defendant Santos to rectify the and for attorneys fees, exclusive of cost and expenses of litigation.
error, she immediately have (sic) the property reconveyed it (sic) to her in a
matter of twelve (12) days. PRAYER

18. Defendants have the same counsel who represented both of them in their WHEREFORE, it is respectfully prayed, that judgment be rendered in favor of the
exchange of communication with plaintiffs counsel, a fact that led to the plaintiff and against defendants and ordering that:
conclusion that a collusion exist (sic) between the defendants.
a. The Deed of Sale between defendants dated May 15, 1989, be annulled and the
19. When the property was still registered in the name of defendant Santos, her leased properties be sold to the plaintiff in the amount of P5,000,000.00;
collector of the rental of the leased properties was her brother-in-law David
Santos and when it was transferred to defendant Raymundo the collector was still b. Dependants (sic) pay plaintiff the sum of P3,000,000.00 as actual damages;
David Santos up to the month of June, 1990. Xerox copies of cash vouchers are
hereto attached as Annexes X to HH, respectively.
c. Defendants pay the sum of P5,000,000.00 as moral damages;

Page | 55
d. Defendants pay exemplary damages left to the discretion of the Court; Hence this petition. Subsequently, petitioner filed an Urgent Motion for the Issuance of
Restraining Order and/or Writ of Preliminary Injunction and to Hold Respondent David A.
e. Defendants pay the sum of not less than P200,000.00 as attorneys fees. Raymundo in Contempt of Court.[9] The motion sought to enjoin respondent Raymundo and
his counsel from pursuing the ejectment complaint filed before the barangay captain of San
Isidro, Paraaque, Metro Manila; to direct the dismissal of said ejectment complaint or of any
Plaintiff further prays for other just and equitable reliefs plus cost of suit. similar action that may have been filed; and to require respondent Raymundo to explain why
he should not be held in contempt of court for forum-shopping. The ejectment suit initiated by
Instead of filing their respective answers, respondents filed motions to dismiss anchored respondent Raymundo against petitioner arose from the expiration of the lease contract
on the grounds of lack of cause of action, estoppel and laches. covering the property subject of this case. The ejectment suit was decided in favor of
Raymundo, and the entry of final judgment in respect thereof renders the said motion moot
On September 2, 1991, the trial court issued the order dismissing the complaint for lack and academic.
of a valid cause of action. It ratiocinated thus:

Upon the very face of the plaintiffs Complaint itself, it therefore indubitably appears that the
defendant Santos had verily complied with paragraph 9 of the Lease Agreement by twice Issue
offering the properties for sale to the plaintiff for P15 M. The said offers, however, were
plainly rejected by the plaintiff which scorned the said offer as RIDICULOUS. There was
therefore a definite refusal on the part of the plaintiff to accept the offer of defendant The principal legal issue presented before us for resolution is whether the aforequoted
Santos. For in acquiring the said properties back to her name, and in so making the offers to complaint alleging breach of the contractual right of first option or priority to buy states a
sell both by herself (attorney-in-fact) and through her counsel, defendant Santos was indeed valid cause of action.
conscientiously complying with her obligation under paragraph 9 of the Lease Agreement. x x
Petitioner contends that the trial court as well as the appellate tribunal erred in
dismissing the complaint because it in fact had not just one but at least three (3) valid causes
of action, to wit: (1) breach of contract, (2) its right of first refusal founded in law, and (3)
xxxxxxxxx damages.
Respondents Santos and Raymundo, in their separate comments, aver that the petition
This is indeed one instance where a Complaint, after barely commencing to create a cause of
should be denied for not raising a question of law as the issue involved is purely factual --
action, neutralized itself by its subsequent averments which erased or extinguished its earlier
whether respondent Santos complied with paragraph 9 of the lease agreement -- and for not
allegations of an impending wrong. Consequently, absent any actionable wrong in the very
having complied with Section 2, Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, requiring the filing of twelve
face of the Complaint itself, the plaintiffs subsequent protestations of collusion is bereft or
(12) copies of the petitioners brief. Both maintain that the complaint filed by petitioner before
devoid of any meaning or purpose. x x x
the Regional Trial Court of Makati stated no valid cause of action and that petitioner failed to
substantiate its claim that the lower courts decided the same in a way not in accord with law
The inescapable result of the foregoing considerations point to no other conclusion than that and applicable decisions of the Supreme Court; or that the Court of Appeals has sanctioned
the Complaint actually does not contain any valid cause of action and should therefore be as it departure by a trial court from the accepted and usual course of judicial proceedings so as to
is hereby ordered DISMISSED. The Court finds no further need to consider the other grounds merit the exercise by this Court of the power of review under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court.
of estoppel and laches inasmuch as this resolution is sufficient to dispose the matter. [6] Furthermore, they reiterate estoppel and laches as grounds for dismissal, claiming that
petitioners payment of rentals of the leased property to respondent Raymundo from June 15,
Petitioners appealed to the Court of Appeals which affirmed in toto the ruling of the trial 1989, to June 30, 1990, was an acknowledgment of the latters status as new owner-lessor of
court, and further reasoned that: said property, by virtue of which petitioner is deemed to have waived or abandoned its first
option to purchase.
x x x Appellants protestations that the P15 million price quoted by appellee Santos was Private respondents likewise contend that the deed of assignment of the lease agreement
reduced to P9 million when she later resold the leased properties to Raymundo has no valid did not include the assignment of the option to purchase. Respondent Raymundo further avers
legal moorings because appellant, as a prospective buyer, cannot dictate its own price and that he was not privy to the contract of lease, being neither the lessor nor lessee adverted to
forcibly ram it against appellee Santos, as owner, to buy off her leased properties considering therein, hence he could not be held liable for violation thereof.
the total absence of any stipulation or agreement as to the price or as to how the price should
be computed under paragraph 9 of the lease contract, x x x[7]

The Courts Ruling

Petitioner moved for reconsideration but was denied in an order dated August 20,

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Preliminary Issue: Failure to File Sufficient Copies of Brief decided to sell at all, there can never be a breach, much less an enforcement of such right. But
on September 21, 1988, Santos sold said properties to Respondent Raymundo without first
offering these to petitioner. Santos indeed realized her error, since she repurchased the
We first dispose of the procedural issue raised by respondents, particularly petitioners properties after petitioner complained. Thereafter, she offered to sell the properties to
failure to file twelve (12) copies of its brief. We have ruled that when non-compliance with the petitioner for P15 million, which petitioner, however, rejected because of the ridiculous
Rules was not intended for delay or did not result in prejudice to the adverse party, dismissal price. But Santos again appeared to have violated the same provision of the lease contract
of appeal on mere technicalities in cases where appeal is a matter of right -- may be stayed, in when she finally resold the properties to respondent Raymundo for only P9 million without
the exercise of the courts equity jurisdiction.[10] It does not appear that respondents were first offering them to petitioner at such price. Whether there was actual breach which entitled
unduly prejudiced by petitioners nonfeasance. Neither has it been shown that such failure was petitioner to damages and/or other just or equitable relief, is a question which can better be
intentional. resolved after trial on the merits where each party can present evidence to prove their
respective allegations and defenses.[15]
The trial and appellate courts based their decision to sustain respondents motion to
Main Issue: Validity of Cause of Action dismiss on the allegations of Paraaque Kings Enterprises that Santos had actually offered the
subject properties for sale to it prior to the final sale in favor of Raymundo, but that the offer
was rejected. According to said courts, with such offer, Santos had verily complied with her
We do not agree with respondents contention that the issue involved obligation to grant the right of first refusal to petitioner.
is purely factual. The principal legal question, as stated earlier, is whether the complaint filed
We hold, however, that in order to have full compliance with the contractual right
by herein petitioner in the lower court states a valid cause of action. Since such question granting petitioner the first option to purchase, the sale of the properties for the amount of P9
assumes the facts alleged in the complaint as true, it follows that the determination thereof is million, the price for which they were finally sold to respondent Raymundo, should have
one of law, and not of facts.There is a question of law in a given case when the doubt or
likewise been first offered to petitioner.
difference arises as to what the law is on a certain state of facts, and there is a question of fact
when the doubt or difference arises as to the truth or the falsehood of alleged facts. [11] The Court has made an extensive and lengthy discourse on the concept of, and
obligations under, a right of first refusal in the case of Guzman, Bocaling & Co. vs.
At the outset, petitioner concedes that when the ground for a motion to dismiss is lack of Bonnevie.[16] In that case, under a contract of lease, the lessees (Raul and Christopher
cause of action, such ground must appear on the face of the complaint; that to determine the Bonnevie) were given a right of first priority to purchase the leased property in case the lessor
sufficiency of a cause of action, only the facts alleged in the complaint and no others should be
(Reynoso) decided to sell.The selling price quoted to the Bonnevies was P600,000.00 to be
considered; and that the test of sufficiency of the facts alleged in a petition or complaint to fully paid in cash, less a mortgage lien of P100,000.00. On the other hand, the selling price
constitute a cause of action is whether, admitting the facts alleged, the court could render a offered by Reynoso to and accepted by Guzman was only P400,000.00 of which P137,500.00
valid judgment upon the same in accordance with the prayer of the petition or complaint. was to be paid in cash while the balance was to be paid only when the property was cleared of
A cause of action exists if the following elements are present: (1) a right in favor of the occupants. We held that even if the Bonnevies could not buy it at the price quoted
plaintiff by whatever means and under whatever law it arises or is created; (2) an obligation on (P600,000.00), nonetheless, Reynoso could not sell it to another for a lower price and under
the part of the named defendant to respect or not to violate such right, and (3) an act or more favorable terms and conditions without first offering said favorable terms and price to
omission on the part of such defendant violative of the right of plaintiff or constituting a the Bonnevies as well. Only if the Bonnevies failed to exercise their right of first priority
breach of the obligation of defendant to the plaintiff for which the latter may maintain an could Reynoso thereafter lawfully sell the subject property to others, and only under the same
action for recovery of damages.[12] terms and conditions previously offered to the Bonnevies.

In determining whether allegations of a complaint are sufficient to support a cause of Of course, under their contract, they specifically stipulated that the Bonnevies could
action, it must be borne in mind that the complaint does not have to establish or allege facts exercise the right of first priority, all things and conditions being equal. This Court interpreted
proving the existence of a cause of action at the outset; this will have to be done at the trial on this proviso to mean that there should be identity of terms and conditions to be offered to the
the merits of the case. To sustain a motion to dismiss for lack of cause of action, the complaint Bonnevies and all other prospective buyers, with the Bonnevies to enjoy the right of first
must show that the claim for relief does not exist, rather than that a claim has been defectively priority. We hold that the same rule applies even without the same proviso if the right of first
stated, or is ambiguous, indefinite or uncertain.[13] refusal (or the first option to buy) is not to be rendered illusory.

Equally important, a defendant moving to dismiss a complaint on the ground of lack of From the foregoing, the basis of the right of the first refusal* must be the current offer to
cause of action is regarded as having hypothetically admitted all the averments thereof. [14] sell of the seller or offer to purchase of any prospective buyer. Only after the grantee** fails to
exercise its right of first priority under the same terms and within the period contemplated,
A careful examination of the complaint reveals that it sufficiently alleges an actionable could the owner validly offer to sell the property to a third person, again, under the same terms
contractual breach on the part of private respondents. Under paragraph 9 of the contract of as offered to the grantee***.
lease between respondent Santos and petitioner, the latter was granted the first option or
priority to purchase the leased properties in case Santos decided to sell. If Santos never

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This principle was reiterated in the very recent case of Equatorial Realty vs. Mayfair x x x the ASSIGNOR hereby CEDES, TRANSFERS and ASSIGNS to herein
Theater, Inc.[17] which was decided en banc. This Court upheld the right of first refusal of the ASSIGNEE, all his rights, interest and participation over said premises afore-described, x x
lessee Mayfair, and rescinded the sale of the property by the lessor Carmelo to Equatorial x[20] (underscoring supplied)
Realty considering that Mayfair, which had substantial interest over the subject property, was
prejudiced by its sale to Equatorial without Carmelo conferring to Mayfair every opportunity And under the subsequent assignment executed between Lee Ching Bing as assignor and
to negotiate within the 30-day stipulated period (underscoring supplied). the petitioner, represented by its Vice President Vicenta Lo Chiong, as assignee, it was
In that case, two contracts of lease between Carmelo and Mayfair provided that if the likewise expressly stipulated that:
LESSOR should desire to sell the leased premises, the LESSEE shall be given 30 days
exclusive option to purchase the same. Carmelo initially offered to sell the leased property to x x x the ASSIGNOR hereby sells, transfers and assigns all his rights, interest and
Mayfair for six to seven million pesos. Mayfair indicated interest in purchasing the property participation over said leased premises, x x x[21] (underscoring supplied)
though it invoked the 30-day period. Nothing was heard thereafter from Carmelo. Four years
later, the latter sold its entire Recto Avenue property, including the leased premises, to One of such rights included in the contract of lease and, therefore, in the assignments of
Equatorial for P11,300,000.00 without priorly informing Mayfair. The Court held that both rights was the lessees right of first option or priority to buy the properties subject of the lease,
Carmelo and Equatorial acted in bad faith: Carmelo for knowingly violating the right of first as provided in paragraph 9 of the assigned lease contract. The deed of assignment need not be
refusal* of Mayfair, and Equatorial for purchasing the property despite being aware of the very specific as to which rights and obligations were passed on to the assignee. It is
contract stipulation. In addition to rescission of the contract of sale, the Court ordered Carmelo understood in the general provision aforequoted that all specific rights and obligations
to allow Mayfair to buy the subject property at the same price of P11,300,000.00. contained in the contract of lease are those referred to as being assigned. Needless to state,
respondent Santos gave her unqualified conformity to both assignments of rights.

No cause of action under P.D. 1517

Respondent Raymundo privy to the Contract of Lease
Petitioner also invokes Presidential Decree No. 1517, or the Urban Land Reform Law,
as another source of its right of first refusal. It claims to be covered under said law, being the With respect to the contention of respondent Raymundo that he is not privy to the lease
rightful occupant of the land and its structures since it is the lawful lessee thereof by reason of contract, not being the lessor nor the lessee referred to therein, he could thus not have violated
contract. Under the lease contract, petitioner would have occupied the property for fourteen its provisions, but he is nevertheless a proper party. Clearly, he stepped into the shoes of the
(14) years at the end of the contractual period. owner-lessor of the land as, by virtue of his purchase, he assumed all the obligations of the
Without probing into whether petitioner is rightfully a beneficiary under said law, lessor under the lease contract. Moreover, he received benefits in the form of rental
suffice it to say that this Court has previously ruled that under Section 6 [18] of P.D. 1517, the payments. Furthermore, the complaint, as well as the petition, prayed for the annulment of the
terms and conditions of the sale in the exercise of the lessees right of first refusal to purchase sale of the properties to him. Both pleadings also alleged collusion between him and
shall be determined by the Urban Zone Expropriation and Land Management respondent Santos which defeated the exercise by petitioner of its right of first refusal.
Committee. Hence, x x x certain prerequisites must be complied with by anyone who wishes In order then to accord complete relief to petitioner, respondent Raymundo was a
to avail himself of the benefits of the decree.[19] There being no allegation in its complaint that necessary, if not indispensable, party to the case.[22] A favorable judgment for the petitioner
the prerequisites were complied with, it is clear that the complaint did fail to state a cause of will necessarily affect the rights of respondent Raymundo as the buyer of the property over
action on this ground. which petitioner would like to assert its right of first option to buy.
Having come to the conclusion that the complaint states a valid cause of action for
breach of the right of first refusal and that the trial court should thus not have dismissed the
Deed of Assignment included the option to purchase complaint, we find no more need to pass upon the question of whether the complaint states a
cause of action for damages or whether the complaint is barred by estoppel or laches. As these
matters require presentation and/or determination of facts, they can be best resolved after trial
Neither do we find merit in the contention of respondent Santos that the assignment of on the merits.
the lease contract to petitioner did not include the option to purchase. The provisions of the
deeds of assignment with regard to matters assigned were very clear. Under the first While the lower courts erred in dismissing the complaint, private respondents, however,
assignment between Frederick Chua as assignor and Lee Ching Bing as assignee, it was cannot be denied their day in court. While, in the resolution of a motion to dismiss, the truth of
expressly stated that: the facts alleged in the complaint are theoretically admitted, such admission is merely
hypothetical and only for the purpose of resolving the motion. In case of denial, the movant is
not to be deprived of the right to submit its own case and to submit evidence to rebut the

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allegations in the complaint. Neither will the grant of the motion by a trial court and the
ultimate reversal thereof by an appellate court have the effect of stifling such right. [23] So too,
the trial court should be given the opportunity to evaluate the evidence, apply the law and
decree the proper remedy. Hence, we remand the instant case to the trial court to allow private
respondents to have their day in court.
WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The assailed decisions of the trial court and
Court of Appeals are hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The case is REMANDED to the
Regional Trial Court of Makati for further proceedings.
Narvasa, C.J., (Chairman), Davide, Jr., Melo, and Francisco, JJ., concur.

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[G.R. No. 149734. November 19, 2004] The parties are agreed that the development plan referred to in paragraph 5.7 is not
Conduits development plan, but Ayalas amended development plan which was still to be
formulated as of the time of the MOA. While in the Conduit plan, the 4 lots to be offered
for sale to the Vasquez Spouses were in the first phase thereof or Village 1, in the Ayala
plan which was formulated a year later, it was in the third phase, or Phase II-c.
CORPORATION, respondent.
Under the MOA, the Vasquez spouses made several express warranties, as follows:
3.1. The SELLERS shall deliver to the BUYER:
The rise in value of four lots in one of the countrys prime residential developments,
Ayala Alabang Village in Muntinlupa City, over a period of six (6) years only, represents big
3.1.2. The true and complete list, certified by the Secretary and Treasurer of the Company
money. The huge price difference lies at the heart of the present controversy. Petitioners insist
that the lots should be sold to them at 1984 prices while respondent maintains that the
prevailing market price in 1990 should be the selling price.
Dr. Daniel Vazquez and Ma. Luisa Vazquez[1] filed this Petition for Review on
Certiorari[2] dated October 11, 2001 assailing the Decision[3] of the Court of Appeals dated
D. A list of all persons and/or entities with whom the Company has pending contracts, if any.
September 6, 2001 which reversed the Decision[4] of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) and
dismissed their complaint for specific performance and damages against Ayala Corporation.
Despite their disparate rulings, the RTC and the appellate court agree on the following
3.1.5. Audited financial statements of the Company as at Closing date.

On April 23, 1981, spouses Daniel Vasquez and Ma. Luisa M. Vasquez (hereafter, Vasquez
4. Conditions Precedent
spouses) entered into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with Ayala Corporation
(hereafter, AYALA) with AYALA buying from the Vazquez spouses, all of the latters shares
of stock in Conduit Development, Inc. (hereafter, Conduit). The main asset of Conduit was a All obligations of the BUYER under this Agreement are subject to fulfillment prior to or at the
49.9 hectare property in Ayala Alabang, Muntinlupa, which was then being developed by Closing, of the following conditions:
Conduit under a development plan where the land was divided into Villages 1, 2 and 3 of the
Don Vicente Village. The development was then being undertaken for Conduit by G.P. 4.1. The representations and warranties by the SELLERS contained in this Agreement
Construction and Development Corp. (hereafter, GP Construction). shall be true and correct at the time of Closing as though such representations and
warranties were made at such time; and
Under the MOA, Ayala was to develop the entire property, less what was defined as the
Retained Area consisting of 18,736 square meters. This Retained Area was to be retained by xxx
the Vazquez spouses. The area to be developed by Ayala was called the Remaining Area. In
this Remaining Area were 4 lots adjacent to the Retained Area and Ayala agreed to offer these
6. Representation and Warranties by the SELLERS
lots for sale to the Vazquez spouses at the prevailing price at the time of purchase. The
relevant provisions of the MOA on this point are:
The SELLERS jointly and severally represent and warrant to the BUYER that at the time of
the execution of this Agreement and at the Closing:
5.7. The BUYER hereby commits that it will develop the Remaining Property into a first
class residential subdivision of the same class as its New Alabang Subdivision, and that it
intends to complete the first phase under its amended development plan within three (3) xxx
years from the date of this Agreement. x x x
6.2.3. There are no actions, suits or proceedings pending, or to the knowledge of the
5.15. The BUYER agrees to give the SELLERS a first option to purchase four developed SELLERS, threatened against or affecting the SELLERS with respect to the Shares or the
lots next to the Retained Area at the prevailing market price at the time of the purchase. Property; and

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7. Additional Warranties by the SELLERS G.P. Construction and Lancer both tried to enjoin Ayala from undertaking the development of
the property. The suit was terminated only on February 19, 1987, when it was dismissed with
7.1. With respect to the Audited Financial Statements required to be submitted at Closing in prejudice after Ayala paid both Lancer and GP Construction the total of P4,686,113.39.
accordance with Par. 3.1.5 above, the SELLER jointly and severally warrant to the BUYER
that: Taking the position that Ayala was obligated to sell the 4 lots adjacent to the Retained Area
within 3 years from the date of the MOA, the Vasquez spouses sent several reminder letters of
7.1.1 The said Audited Financial Statements shall show that on the day of Closing, the the approaching so-called deadline. However, no demand after April 23, 1984, was ever made
Company shall own the Remaining Property, free from all liens and encumbrances and by the Vasquez spouses for Ayala to sell the 4 lots. On the contrary, one of the letters signed
that the Company shall have no obligation to any party except for billings payable to GP by their authorized agent, Engr. Eduardo Turla, categorically stated that they expected
Construction & Development Corporation and advances made by Daniel Vazquez for development of Phase 1 to be completed by February 19, 1990, three years from the settlement
which BUYER shall be responsible in accordance with Par. 2 of this Agreement. of the legal problems with the previous contractor.

7.1.2 Except to the extent reflected or reserved in the Audited Financial Statements of By early 1990 Ayala finished the development of the vicinity of the 4 lots to be offered for
the Company as of Closing, and those disclosed to BUYER, the Company as of the date sale. The four lots were then offered to be sold to the Vasquez spouses at the prevailing price
thereof, has no liabilities of any nature whether accrued, absolute, contingent or in 1990. This was rejected by the Vasquez spouses who wanted to pay at 1984 prices, thereby
otherwise, including, without limitation, tax liabilities due or to become due and whether leading to the suit below.
incurred in respect of or measured in respect of the Companys income prior to Closing or
arising out of transactions or state of facts existing prior thereto. After trial, the court a quo rendered its decision, the dispositive portion of which states:

7.2 SELLERS do not know or have no reasonable ground to know of any basis for any THEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered in favor of plaintiffs and against defendant,
assertion against the Company as at closing or any liability of any nature and in any ordering defendant to sell to plaintiffs the relevant lots described in the Complaint in the Ayala
amount not fully reflected or reserved against such Audited Financial Statements Alabang Village at the price of P460.00 per square meter amounting to P1,349,540.00;
referred to above, and those disclosed to BUYER. ordering defendant to reimburse to plaintiffs attorneys fees in the sum of P200,000.00 and to
pay the cost of the suit.
xxx xxx xxx
In its decision, the court a quo concluded that the Vasquez spouses were not obligated to
7.6.3 Except as otherwise disclosed to the BUYER in writing on or before the Closing, the disclose the potential claims of GP Construction, Lancer and Del Rosario; Ayalas accountants
Company is not engaged in or a party to, or to the best of the knowledge of the should have opened the records of Conduit to find out all claims; the warranty against suit is
SELLERS, threatened with, any legal action or other proceedings before any court or with respect to the shares of the Property and the Lancer suit does not affect the shares of
administrative body, nor do the SELLERS know or have reasonable grounds to know of any stock sold to Ayala; Ayala was obligated to develop within 3 years; to say that Ayala was
basis for any such action or proceeding or of any governmental investigation relative to the under no obligation to follow a time frame was to put the Vasquezes at Ayalas mercy; Ayala
Company. did not develop because of a slump in the real estate market; the MOA was drafted and
prepared by the AYALA who should suffer its ambiguities; the option to purchase the 4 lots is
valid because it was supported by consideration as the option is incorporated in the MOA
7.6.4 To the knowledge of the SELLERS, no default or breach exists in the due where the parties had prestations to each other. [Emphasis supplied]
performance and observance by the Company of any term, covenant or condition of any
instrument or agreement to which the company is a party or by which it is bound, and
no condition exists which, with notice or lapse of time or both, will constitute such Ayala Corporation filed an appeal, alleging that the trial court erred in holding that
default or breach. petitioners did not breach their warranties under the MOA[6] dated April 23, 1981; that it was
obliged to develop the land where the four (4) lots subject of the option to purchase are located
within three (3) years from the date of the MOA; that it was in delay; and that the option to
After the execution of the MOA, Ayala caused the suspension of work on Village 1 of the Don purchase was valid because it was incorporated in the MOA and the consideration therefor
Vicente Project. Ayala then received a letter from one Maximo Del Rosario of Lancer General was the commitment by Ayala Corporation to petitioners embodied in the MOA.
Builder Corporation informing Ayala that he was claiming the amount of P1,509,558.80 as the
subcontractor of G.P. Construction... As previously mentioned, the Court of Appeals reversed the RTC Decision. According
to the appellate court, Ayala Corporation was never informed beforehand of the existence of
G.P. Construction not being able to reach an amicable settlement with Lancer, on March 22, the Lancer claim. In fact, Ayala Corporation got a copy of the Lancer subcontract only on May
1982, Lancer sued G.P. Construction, Conduit and Ayala in the then Court of First Instance of 29, 1981 from G.P. Constructions lawyers. The Court of Appeals thus held that petitioners
Manila in Civil Case No. 82-8598. G.P. Construction in turn filed a cross-claim against Ayala. violated their warranties under the MOA when they failed to disclose Lancers claims. Hence,
even conceding that Ayala Corporation was obliged to develop and sell the four (4) lots in

Page | 61
question within three (3) years from the date of the MOA, the obligation was suspended Moreover, Ayala Corporation asserts that the warranties under the MOA are not just
during the pendency of the case filed by Lancer. against suits but against all kinds of liabilities not reflected in the Audited Financial
Statements. It cannot be faulted for relying on the express warranty that except for billings
Interpreting the MOAs paragraph 5.7 above-quoted, the appellate court held that Ayala payable to GP Construction and advances made by petitioner Daniel Vazquez in the amount
Corporation committed to develop the first phase of its own amended development plan and of P38,766.04, Conduit has no other liabilities. Hence, petitioners cannot claim that Ayala
not Conduits development plan. Nowhere does the MOA provide that Ayala Corporation shall Corporation should have examined and investigated the Audited Financial Statements of
follow Conduits development plan nor is Ayala Corporation prohibited from changing the Conduit and should now assume all its obligations and liabilities including the Lancer suit and
sequence of the phases of the property it will develop. the cross-claim of GP Construction.
Anent the question of delay, the Court of Appeals ruled that there was no delay as Furthermore, Ayala Corporation did not make a commitment to complete the
petitioners never made a demand for Ayala Corporation to sell the subject lots to them. development of the first phase of the property within three (3) years from the execution of the
According to the appellate court, what petitioners sent were mere reminder letters the last of MOA. The provision refers to a mere declaration of intent to develop the first phase of its
which was dated prior to April 23, 1984 when the obligation was not yet demandable. At any (Ayala Corporations) own development plan and not Conduits. True to its intention, Ayala
rate, the Court of Appeals found that petitioners in fact waived the three (3)-year period when Corporation did complete the development of the first phase (Phase II-A) of its amended
they sent a letter through their agent, Engr. Eduardo Turla, stating that they expect that the development plan within three (3) years from the execution of the MOA. However, it is not
development of Phase I will be completed by 19 February 1990, three years from the obliged to develop the third phase (Phase II-C) where the subject lots are located within the
settlement of the legal problems with the previous contractor.[7] same time frame because there is no contractual stipulation in the MOA therefor. It is free to
The appellate court likewise ruled that paragraph 5.15 above-quoted is not an option decide on its own the period for the development of Phase II-C. If petitioners wanted to
contract but a right of first refusal there being no separate consideration therefor. Since impose the same three (3)-year timetable upon the third phase of the amended development
petitioners refused Ayala Corporations offer to sell the subject lots at the reduced 1990 price plan, they should have filed a suit to fix the time table in accordance with Article 1197 [10] of
of P5,000.00 per square meter, they have effectively waived their right to buy the same. the Civil Code. Having failed to do so, Ayala Corporation cannot be declared to have been in
In the instant Petition, petitioners allege that the appellate court erred in ruling that they
violated their warranties under the MOA; that Ayala Corporation was not obliged to develop Ayala Corporation further contends that no demand was made on it for the performance
the Remaining Property within three (3) years from the execution of the MOA; that Ayala was of its alleged obligation. The letter dated October 4, 1983 sent when petitioners were already
not in delay; and that paragraph 5.15 of the MOA is a mere right of first refusal. Additionally, aware of the Lancer suit did not demand the delivery of the subject lots by April 23, 1984.
petitioners insist that the Court should review the factual findings of the Court of Appeals as Instead, it requested Ayala Corporation to keep petitioners posted on the status of the case.
they are in conflict with those of the trial court. Likewise, the letter dated March 4, 1984 was merely an inquiry as to the date when the
development of Phase 1 will be completed. More importantly, their letter dated June 27, 1988
Ayala Corporation filed a Comment on the Petition[8] dated March 26, 2002, contending through Engr. Eduardo Turla expressed petitioners expectation that Phase 1 will be completed
that the petition raises questions of fact and seeks a review of evidence which is within the by February 19, 1990.
domain of the Court of Appeals. Ayala Corporation maintains that the subcontract between GP
Construction, with whom Conduit contracted for the development of the property under a Lastly, Ayala Corporation maintains that paragraph 5.15 of the MOA is a right of first
Construction Contract dated October 10, 1980, and Lancer was not disclosed by petitioners refusal and not an option contract.
during the negotiations. Neither was the liability for Lancers claim included in the Audited Petitioners filed their Reply[11] dated August 15, 2002 reiterating the arguments in
Financial Statements submitted by petitioners after the signing of the MOA. These justify the their Petition and contending further that they did not violate their warranties under the MOA
conclusion that petitioners breached their warranties under the afore-quoted paragraphs of the because the case was filed by Lancer only on April 1, 1982, eleven (11) months and eight (8)
MOA. Since the Lancer suit ended only in February 1989, the three (3)-year period within days after the signing of the MOA on April 23, 1981. Ayala Corporation admitted that it
which Ayala Corporation committed to develop the property should only be counted thence. received Lancers claim before the Closing date. It therefore had all the time to rescind the
Thus, when it offered the subject lots to petitioners in 1990, Ayala Corporation was not yet in MOA. Not having done so, it can be concluded that Ayala Corporation itself did not consider
delay. the matter a violation of petitioners warranty.
In response to petitioners contention that there was no action or proceeding against them Moreover, petitioners submitted the Audited Financial Statements of Conduit and
at the time of the execution of the MOA on April 23, 1981, Ayala Corporation avers that the allowed an acquisition audit to be conducted by Ayala Corporation. Thus, the latter bought
facts and circumstances which gave rise to the Lancer claim were already extant then. Conduit with open eyes.
Petitioners warranted that their representations under the MOA shall be true and correct at the
time of Closing which shall take place within four (4) weeks from the signing of the Petitioners also maintain that they had no knowledge of the impending case against
MOA.[9] Since the MOA was signed on April 23, 1981, Closing was approximately the third Conduit at the time of the execution of the MOA. Further, the MOA makes Ayala Corporation
week of May 1981. Hence, Lancers claims, articulated in a letter which Ayala Corporation liable for the payment of all billings of GP Construction. Since Lancers claim was actually a
received on May 4, 1981, are among the liabilities warranted against under paragraph 7.1.2 of claim against GP Construction being its sub-contractor, it is Ayala Corporation and not
the MOA. petitioners which is liable.

Page | 62
Likewise, petitioners aver that although Ayala Corporation may change the sequence of The exchanges of communication between the parties indicate that petitioners
its development plan, it is obliged under the MOA to develop the entire area where the subject substantially apprised Ayala Corporation of the Lancer claim or the possibility thereof during
lots are located in three (3) years. the period of negotiations for the sale of Conduit.
They also assert that demand was made on Ayala Corporation to comply with their In a letter[17] dated March 5, 1984, petitioner Daniel Vazquez reminded Ayala
obligation under the MOA. Apart from their reminder letters dated January 24, February 18 Corporations Mr. Adolfo Duarte (Mr. Duarte) that prior to the completion of the sale of
and March 5, 1984, they also sent a letter dated March 4, 1984 which they claim is a Conduit, Ayala Corporation asked for and was given information that GP Construction sub-
categorical demand for Ayala Corporation to comply with the provisions of the MOA. contracted, presumably to Lancer, a greater percentage of the project than it was allowed.
Petitioners gave this information to Ayala Corporation because the latter intimated a desire to
The parties were required to submit their respective memoranda in break the contract of Conduit with GP. Ayala Corporation did not deny this. In fact, Mr.
the Resolution[12] dated November 18, 2002. In compliance with this directive, petitioners Duartes letter[18] dated March 6, 1984 indicates that Ayala Corporation had knowledge of the
submitted their Memorandum[13] dated February 14, 2003 on even date, while Ayala Lancer subcontract prior to its acquisition of Conduit. Ayala Corporation even admitted that it
Corporation filed its Memorandum[14] dated February 14, 2003 on February 17, 2003. tried to explorelegal basis to discontinue the contract of Conduit with GP but found this not
We shall first dispose of the procedural question raised by the instant petition. feasible when information surfaced about the tacit consent of Conduit to the sub-contracts of
GP with Lancer.
It is well-settled that the jurisdiction of this Court in cases brought to it from the Court
of Appeals by way of petition for review under Rule 45 is limited to reviewing or revising At the latest, Ayala Corporation came to know of the Lancer claim before the date of
errors of law imputed to it, its findings of fact being conclusive on this Court as a matter of Closing of the MOA. Lancers letter[19] dated April 30, 1981 informing Ayala Corporation of
general principle. However, since in the instant case there is a conflict between the factual its unsettled claim with GP Construction was received by Ayala Corporation on May 4, 1981,
findings of the trial court and the appellate court, particularly as regards the issues of breach of well before the Closing[20] which occurred four (4) weeks after the date of signing of the MOA
warranty, obligation to develop and incurrence of delay, we have to consider the evidence on on April 23, 1981, or on May 23, 1981.
record and resolve such factual issues as an exception to the general rule.[15] In any event, the The full text of the pertinent clauses of the MOA quoted hereunder likewise indicate that
submitted issue relating to the categorization of the right to purchase granted to petitioners certain matters pertaining to the liabilities of Conduit were disclosed by petitioners to Ayala
under the MOA is legal in character. Corporation although the specifics thereof were no longer included in the MOA:
The next issue that presents itself is whether petitioners breached their warranties under
the MOA when they failed to disclose the Lancer claim. The trial court declared they did not; 7.1.1 The said Audited Financial Statements shall show that on the day of Closing, the
the appellate court found otherwise. Company shall own the Remaining Property, free from all liens and encumbrances and that
the Company shall have no obligation to any party except for billings payable to GP
Ayala Corporation summarizes the clauses of the MOA which petitioners allegedly Construction & Development Corporation and advances made by Daniel Vazquez for which
breached when they failed to disclose the Lancer claim: BUYER shall be responsible in accordance with Paragraph 2 of this Agreement.

a) Clause 7.1.1. that Conduit shall not be obligated to anyone except to GP Construction for 7.1.2 Except to the extent reflected or reserved in the Audited Financial Statements of
P38,766.04, and for advances made by Daniel Vazquez; the Company as of Closing, and those disclosed to BUYER, the Company as of the date
hereof, has no liabilities of any nature whether accrued, absolute, contingent or otherwise,
b) Clause 7.1.2. that except as reflected in the audited financial statements Conduit had no including, without limitation, tax liabilities due or to become due and whether incurred in
other liabilities whether accrued, absolute, contingent or otherwise; respect of or measured in respect of the Companys income prior to Closing or arising out of
transactions or state of facts existing prior thereto.
c) Clause 7.2. that there is no basis for any assertion against Conduit of any liability of any
value not reflected or reserved in the financial statements, and those disclosed to Ayala; 7.2 SELLERS do not know or have no reasonable ground to know of any basis for any
assertion against the Company as at Closing of any liability of any nature and in any amount
d) Clause 7.6.3. that Conduit is not threatened with any legal action or other proceedings; and not fully reflected or reserved against such Audited Financial Statements referred to
above, and those disclosed to BUYER.

e) Clause 7.6.4. that Conduit had not breached any term, condition, or covenant of any
instrument or agreement to which it is a party or by which it is bound.[16] xxx xxx xxx

7.6.3 Except as otherwise disclosed to the BUYER in writing on or before the Closing, the
The Court is convinced that petitioners did not violate the foregoing warranties.
Company is not engaged in or a party to, or to the best of the knowledge of the SELLERS,
threatened with, any legal action or other proceedings before any court or administrative body,

Page | 63
nor do the SELLERS know or have reasonable grounds to know of any basis for any such Moreover, while in its correspondence with petitioners, Ayala Corporation did mention
action or proceeding or of any governmental investigation relative to the Company. the filing of the Lancer suit as an obstacle to its development of the property, it never actually
brought up nor sought redress for petitioners alleged breach of warranty for failure to disclose
7.6.4 To the knowledge of the SELLERS, no default or breach exists in the due performance the Lancer claim until it filed its Answer[27] dated February 17, 1992.
and observance by the Company of any term, covenant or condition of any instrument or We now come to the correct interpretation of paragraph 5.7 of the MOA. Does this
agreement to which the Company is a party or by which it is bound, and no condition exists paragraph express a commitment or a mere intent on the part of Ayala Corporation to develop
which, with notice or lapse of time or both, will constitute such default or the property within three (3) years from date thereof? Paragraph 5.7 provides:
breach.[21] [Emphasis supplied]
5.7. The BUYER hereby commits that it will develop the Remaining Property into a first class
Hence, petitioners warranty that Conduit is not engaged in, a party to, or threatened with residential subdivision of the same class as its New Alabang Subdivision, and that it intends to
any legal action or proceeding is qualified by Ayala Corporations actual knowledge of the complete the first phase under its amended development plan within three (3) years from the
Lancer claim which was disclosed to Ayala Corporation before the Closing. date of this Agreement.[28]
At any rate, Ayala Corporation bound itself to pay all billings payable to GP
Construction and the advances made by petitioner Daniel Vazquez. Specifically, under Notably, while the first phrase of the paragraph uses the word commits in reference to
paragraph 2 of the MOA referred to in paragraph 7.1.1, Ayala Corporation undertook the development of the Remaining Property into a first class residential subdivision, the
responsibility for the payment of all billings of the contractor GP Construction & second phrase uses the word intends in relation to the development of the first phase of the
Development Corporation after the first billing and any payments made by the company property within three (3) years from the date of the MOA. The variance in wording is
and/or SELLERS shall be reimbursed by BUYER on closing which advances to date significant. While commit[29] connotes a pledge to do something, intend[30] merely signifies a
is P1,159,012.87.[22] design or proposition.
The billings knowingly assumed by Ayala Corporation necessarily include the Lancer Atty. Leopoldo Francisco, former Vice President of Ayala Corporations legal division
claim for which GP Construction is liable. Proof of this is Ayala Corporations letter [23] to GP who assisted in drafting the MOA, testified:
Construction dated before Closing on May 4, 1981, informing the latter of Ayala Corporations
receipt of the Lancer claim embodied in the letter dated April 30, 1981, acknowledging that it COURT
is taking over the contractual responsibilities of Conduit, and requesting copies of all sub- You only ask what do you mean by that intent. Just answer on that point.
contracts affecting the Conduit property. The pertinent excerpts of the letter read:
In this connection, we wish to inform you that this morning we received a letter from Mr.
Dont talk about standard.
Maximo D. Del Rosario, President of Lancer General Builders Corporation apprising us of the
existence of subcontracts that they have with your corporation. They have also furnished us WITNESS
with a copy of their letter to you dated 30 April 1981.
A Well, the word intent here, your Honor, was used to emphasize the tentative
character of the period of development because it will be noted that the
Since we are taking over the contractual responsibilities of Conduit Development, Inc., we
sentence refers to and I quote to complete the first phase under its amended
believe that it is necessary, at this point in time, that you furnish us with copies of all your
development plan within three (3) years from the date of this agreement, at
subcontracts affecting the property of Conduit, not only with Lancer General Builders
the time of the execution of this agreement, your Honor. That amended
Corporation, but all subcontracts with other parties as well[24]
development plan was not yet in existence because the buyer had manifested
to the seller that the buyer could amend the subdivision plan originally
Quite tellingly, Ayala Corporation even attached to its Pre-Trial Brief[25] dated July 9, belonging to the seller to conform with its own standard of development and
1992 a copy of the letter[26] dated May 28, 1981 of GP Constructions counsel addressed to second, your Honor, (interrupted)[31]
Conduit furnishing the latter with copies of all sub-contract agreements entered into by GP
Construction. Since it was addressed to Conduit, it can be presumed that it was the latter It is thus unmistakable that this paragraph merely expresses an intention on Ayala
which gave Ayala Corporation a copy of the letter thereby disclosing to the latter the existence Corporations part to complete the first phase under its amended development plan within three
of the Lancer sub-contract. (3) years from the execution of the MOA. Indeed, this paragraph is so plainly worded that to
misunderstand its import is deplorable.
The ineluctable conclusion is that petitioners did not violate their warranties under the
MOA. The Lancer sub-contract and claim were substantially disclosed to Ayala Corporation More focal to the resolution of the instant case is paragraph 5.7s clear reference to the
before the Closing date of the MOA. Ayala Corporation cannot disavow knowledge of the first phase of Ayala Corporations amended development plan as the subject of the three (3)-
claim. year intended timeframe for development. Even petitioner Daniel Vazquez admitted on cross-

Page | 64
examination that the paragraph refers not to Conduits but to Ayala Corporations development (1) When the obligation or the law expressly so declares; or
plan which was yet to be formulated when the MOA was executed:
Q: Now, turning to Section 5.7 of this Memorandum of Agreement, it is stated as (2) When from the nature and the circumstances of the obligation it appears that the
follows: The Buyer hereby commits that to develop the remaining property designation of the time when the thing is to be delivered or the service is to be rendered was a
into a first class residential subdivision of the same class as New Alabang controlling motive for the establishment of the contract; or
Subdivision, and that they intend to complete the first phase under its
amended development plan within three years from the date of this (3) When demand would be useless, as when the obligor has rendered it beyond his power to
agreement. perform.
Now, my question to you, Dr. Vasquez is that there is no dispute that the
amended development plan here is the amended development plan of Ayala? In reciprocal obligations, neither party incurs in delay if the other does not comply or is not
ready to comply in a proper manner with what is incumbent upon him. From the moment one
A: Yes, sir. of the parties fulfills his obligation, delay by the other begins.

Q: In other words, it is not Exhibit D-5 which is the original plan of Conduit?
In order that the debtor may be in default it is necessary that the following requisites be
A: No, it is not. present: (1) that the obligation be demandable and already liquidated; (2) that the debtor
delays performance; and (3) that the creditor requires the performance judicially or
Q: This Exhibit D-5 was the plan that was being followed by GP Construction in extrajudicially.[33]
Under Article 1193 of the Civil Code, obligations for whose fulfillment a day certain has
A: Yes, sir. been fixed shall be demandable only when that day comes. However, no such day certain was
fixed in the MOA. Petitioners, therefore, cannot demand performance after the three (3) year
Q: And point of fact during your direct examination as of the date of the
period fixed by the MOA for the development of the first phase of the property since this is
agreement, this amended development plan was still to be formulated by
not the same period contemplated for the development of the subject lots. Since the MOA does
not specify a period for the development of the subject lots, petitioners should have petitioned
A: Yes, sir.[32] the court to fix the period in accordance with Article 1197[34] of the Civil Code. As no such
action was filed by petitioners, their complaint for specific performance was premature, the
As correctly held by the appellate court, this admission is crucial because while the obligation not being demandable at that point. Accordingly, Ayala Corporation cannot
subject lots to be sold to petitioners were in the first phase of the Conduit development plan, likewise be said to have delayed performance of the obligation.
they were in the third or last phase of the Ayala Corporation development plan. Hence, even
assuming that paragraph 5.7 expresses a commitment on the part of Ayala Corporation to Even assuming that the MOA imposes an obligation on Ayala Corporation to develop
develop the first phase of its amended development plan within three (3) years from the the subject lots within three (3) years from date thereof, Ayala Corporation could still not be
execution of the MOA, there was no parallel commitment made as to the timeframe for the held to have been in delay since no demand was made by petitioners for the performance of its
development of the third phase where the subject lots are located. obligation.

Lest it be forgotten, the point of this petition is the alleged failure of Ayala Corporation As found by the appellate court, petitioners letters which dealt with the three (3)-year
to offer the subject lots for sale to petitioners within three (3) years from the execution of the timetable were all dated prior to April 23, 1984, the date when the period was supposed to
MOA. It is not that Ayala Corporation committed or intended to develop the first phase of its expire. In other words, the letters were sent before the obligation could become legally
amended development plan within three (3) years. Whether it did or did not is actually beside demandable. Moreover, the letters were mere reminders and not categorical demands to
the point since the subject lots are not located in the first phase anyway. perform. More importantly, petitioners waived the three (3)-year period as evidenced by their
agent, Engr. Eduardo Turlas letter to the effect that petitioners agreed that the three (3)-year
We now come to the issue of default or delay in the fulfillment of the obligation. period should be counted from the termination of the case filed by Lancer. The letter reads in
Article 1169 of the Civil Code provides:

I. Completion of Phase I
Art. 1169. Those obliged to deliver or to do something incur in delay from the time the obligee
judicially or extrajudicially demands from them the fulfillment of their obligation.
As per the memorandum of Agreement also dated April 23, 1981, it was undertaken by your
goodselves to complete the development of Phase I within three (3) years. Dr. & Mrs.
However, the demand by the creditor shall not be necessary in order that delay may exist:
Vazquez were made to understand that you were unable to accomplish this because of legal
problems with the previous contractor. These legal problems were resolved as of February 19,

Page | 65
1987, and Dr. & Mrs. Vazquez therefore expect that the development of Phase I will be Even petitioner Daniel Vazquez letter[40] dated March 5, 1984 does not make out a
completed by February 19, 1990, three years from the settlement of the legal problems with categorical demand for Ayala Corporation to offer the subject lots for sale on or before April
the previous contractor. The reason for this is, as you know, that security-wise, Dr. & Mrs. 23, 1984. The letter reads in part:
Vazquez have been advised not to construct their residence till the surrounding area (which is
Phase I) is developed and occupied. They have been anxious to build their residence for quite and that we expect from your goodselves compliance with our Memorandum of Agreement,
some time now, and would like to receive assurance from your goodselves regarding this, in and a definite date as to when the road to our property and the development of Phase I will be
compliance with the agreement. completed.[41]

II. Option on the adjoining lots At best, petitioners letters can only be construed as mere reminders which cannot be
considered demands for performance because it must appear that the tolerance or benevolence
We have already written your goodselves regarding the intention of Dr. & Mrs. Vazquez to of the creditor must have ended.[42]
exercise their option to purchase the two lots on each side (a total of 4 lots) adjacent to their
Retained Area. They are concerned that although over a year has elapsed since the settlement The petition finally asks us to determine whether paragraph 5.15 of the MOA can
of the legal problems, you have not presented them with the size, configuration, etc. of these properly be construed as an option contract or a right of first refusal. Paragraph 5.15 states:
lots. They would appreciate being provided with these at your earliest convenience. [35]
5.15 The BUYER agrees to give the SELLERS first option to purchase four developed lots
Manifestly, this letter expresses not only petitioners acknowledgement that the delay in next to the Retained Area at the prevailing market price at the time of the purchase. [43]
the development of Phase I was due to the legal problems with GP Construction, but also their
acquiescence to the completion of the development of Phase I at the much later date of The Court has clearly distinguished between an option contract and a right of first
February 19, 1990. More importantly, by no stretch of semantic interpretation can it be refusal. An option is a preparatory contract in which one party grants to another, for a fixed
construed as a categorical demand on Ayala Corporation to offer the subject lots for sale to period and at a determined price, the privilege to buy or sell, or to decide whether or not to
petitioners as the letter merely articulates petitioners desire to exercise their option to purchase enter into a principal contract. It binds the party who has given the option not to enter into the
the subject lots and concern over the fact that they have not been provided with the principal contract with any other person during the period designated, and within that period,
specifications of these lots. to enter into such contract with the one to whom the option was granted, if the latter should
decide to use the option. It is a separate and distinct contract from that which the parties may
The letters of petitioners children, Juan Miguel and Victoria Vazquez, dated January 23, enter into upon the consummation of the option. It must be supported by consideration. [44]
1984[36] and February 18, 1984[37] can also not be considered categorical demands on Ayala
Corporation to develop the first phase of the property within the three (3)-year period much In a right of first refusal, on the other hand, while the object might be made determinate,
less to offer the subject lots for sale to petitioners. The letter dated January 23, 1984 reads in the exercise of the right would be dependent not only on the grantors eventual intention to
part: enter into a binding juridical relation with another but also on terms, including the price, that
are yet to be firmed up.[45]
You will understand our interest in the completion of the roads to our property, since we Applied to the instant case, paragraph 5.15 is obviously a mere right of first refusal and
cannot develop it till you have constructed the same. Allow us to remind you of our not an option contract. Although the paragraph has a definite object, i.e., the sale of subject
Memorandum of Agreement, as per which you committed to develop the roads to our property lots, the period within which they will be offered for sale to petitioners and, necessarily, the
as per the original plans of the company, and that price for which the subject lots will be sold are not specified. The phrase at the prevailing
market price at the time of the purchase connotes that there is no definite period within which
1. The back portion should have been developed before the front portion which has not been Ayala Corporation is bound to reserve the subject lots for petitioners to exercise their privilege
the case. to purchase. Neither is there a fixed or determinable price at which the subject lots will be
offered for sale. The price is considered certain if it may be determined with reference to
2. The whole project front and back portions be completed by 1984. [38] another thing certain or if the determination thereof is left to the judgment of a specified
person or persons.[46]
The letter dated February 18, 1984 is similarly worded. It states: Further, paragraph 5.15 was inserted into the MOA to give petitioners the first crack to
buy the subject lots at the price which Ayala Corporation would be willing to accept when it
In this regard, we would like to remind you of Articles 5.7 and 5.9 of our Memorandum of offers the subject lots for sale. It is not supported by an independent consideration. As such it
Agreement which states respectively:[39] is not governed by Articles 1324 and 1479 of the Civil Code, viz:

Page | 66
Art. 1324. When the offeror has allowed the offeree a certain period to accept, the offer may
be withdrawn at any time before acceptance by communicating such withdrawal, except when
the option is founded upon a consideration, as something paid or promised.

Art. 1479. A promise to buy and sell a determinate thing for a price certain is reciprocally

An accepted unilateral promise to buy or to sell a determinate thing for a price certain is
binding upon the promissor if the promise is supported by a consideration distinct from the

Consequently, the offer may be withdrawn anytime by communicating the withdrawal to the
other party.[47]
In this case, Ayala Corporation offered the subject lots for sale to petitioners at the price
of P6,500.00/square meter, the prevailing market price for the property when the offer was
made on June 18, 1990.[48] Insisting on paying for the lots at the prevailing market price in
1984 of P460.00/square meter, petitioners rejected the offer. Ayala Corporation reduced the
price to P5,000.00/square meter but again, petitioners rejected the offer and instead made a
counter-offer in the amount of P2,000.00/square meter.[49] Ayala Corporation rejected
petitioners counter-offer. With this rejection, petitioners lost their right to purchase the subject
It cannot, therefore, be said that Ayala Corporation breached petitioners right of first
refusal and should be compelled by an action for specific performance to sell the subject lots
to petitioners at the prevailing market price in 1984.
WHEREFORE, the instant petition is DENIED. No pronouncement as to costs.
Puno, (Chairman), Austria-Martinez, Callejo, Sr., and Chico-Nazario, JJ., concur.

Page | 67
[G.R. No. 117355. April 5, 2002] per square meter. However, Reyes did not accept the offer. This time he asked for Six
Thousand Pesos (P6,000.00) per square meter since the value of the property in the area had
appreciated in view of the plans of Araneta to develop the vicinity.[9]
In a letter dated November 2, 1988, Atty. Irineo S. Juan, acting as counsel for Reyes,
RIVIERA FILIPINA, INC., petitioner, vs. COURT OF APPEALS, JUAN L. REYES, informed Riviera that Reyes was selling the subject property for Six Thousand Pesos
(now deceased), substituted by his heirs, namely, Estefania B. Reyes, Juanita R. (P6,000.00) per square meter, net of capital gains and transfer taxes, registration fees, notarial
de la Rosa, Juan B. Reyes, Jr. and Fidel B. Reyes, PHILIPPINE CYPRESS fees and all other attendant charges. He further stated therein that:
In this connection, conformably to the provisions stipulated in Paragraph/Item No. 11 of your
BANK, respondents.
CONTRACT OF LEASE (Doc. No. 365, Page No. 63, Book No. X, Series of 1982, of the
Notarial Registry of Notary Public Leovillo S. Agustin), notice is served upon your
DECISION goodselves for you to exercise the right of first refusal in the sale of said property, for which
purpose you are hereby given a period of ten (10) days from your receipt hereof within which
to thus purchase the same under the terms and conditions aforestated, and failing which you
shall be deemed to have thereby waived such pre-emptive right and my client shall thereafter
Before us is a petition for review on certiorari of the Decision[1] of the Court of be absolutely free to sell the subject property to interested buyers.[10]
Appeals[2] dated June 6, 1994 in CA-G.R. CV No. 26513 affirming the Decision [3] dated
March 20, 1990 of the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, Branch 89 dismissing Civil Case
To answer the foregoing letter and confirm their telephone conversation on the matter,
No. Q-89-3371.
Riviera sent a letter dated November 22, 1988 to Atty. Juan, counsel for Reyes, expressing
Civil Case No. Q-89-3371 is a suit instituted by Riviera Filipina, Inc. (Riviera) on Rivieras interest to purchase the subject property and that Riviera is already negotiating with
August 31, 1989[4] to compel the defendants therein Juan L. Reyes, now deceased, Philippine Reyes which will take a couple of days to formalize.[11] Riviera increased its offer to Five
Cypress Construction & Development Corporation (Cypress), Cornhill Trading Corporation Thousand Pesos (P5,000.00) per square meter but Reyes did not accede to said price as it was
(Cornhill) and Urban Development Bank to transfer the title covering a 1,018 square meter still lower than his quoted price of Six Thousand Pesos (P6,000.00) per square
parcel of land located along EDSA, Quezon City for alleged violation of Rivieras right of first meter.[12] Angeles asked Reyes to give him until the end of November 1988 for Rivieras final
refusal. decision.

It appears that on November 23, 1982, respondent Juan L. Reyes (Reyes, for brevity) In a letter dated December 2, 1988, Angeles wrote Reyes confirming Rivieras intent to
executed a Contract of Lease with Riviera. The ten-year (10) renewable lease of Riviera, purchase the subject property for the fixed and final[13] price of Five Thousand Pesos
which started on August 1, 1982, involved a 1,018 square meter parcel of land located along (P5,000.00) per square meter, complete payment within sixty (60) to ninety (90) days
Edsa, Quezon City, covered and described in Transfer Certificate of Title No. 186326 of the which offer is what we feel should be the market price of your property. Angeles asked that the
Registry of Deeds of Quezon City in the name of Juan L. Reyes. [5] decision of Reyes and his written reply to the offer be given within fifteen (15) days since
there are also other properties being offered to them at the moment. [14]
The said parcel of land was subject of a Real Estate Mortgage executed by Reyes in
favor of Prudential Bank. Since the loan with Prudential Bank remained unpaid upon maturity, In response to the foregoing letter, Atty. Juan sent a letter to Riviera dated December 5,
the mortgagee bank extrajudicially foreclosed the mortgage thereon. At the public auction 1988 informing Riviera that Rivieras offer is not acceptable to his client. He further
sale, the mortgagee bank emerged as the highest bidder. The redemption period was set to expressed, let it be made clear that, much as it is the earnest desire of my client to really give
expire on March 7, 1989. Realizing that he could not possibly raise in time the money needed you the preference to purchase the subject property, you have unfortunately failed to take
to redeem the subject property, Reyes decided to sell the same. [6] advantage of such opportunity and thus lost your right of first refusal in sale of said
Since paragraph 11 of the lease contract expressly provided that the LESSEE shall have
the right of first refusal should the LESSOR decide to sell the property during the term of the Meanwhile, on December 4, 1988, Reyes confided to Rolando P. Traballo, a close
lease,[7] Reyes offered to sell the subject property to Riviera, through its President Vicente C. family friend and President of Cypress, his predicament about the nearing expiry date of the
Angeles, for Five Thousand Pesos (P5,000.00) per square meter. However, Angeles bargained redemption period of the foreclosed mortgaged property with Prudential Bank, the money for
for Three Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (P3,500.00) per square meter. Since Reyes was not which he could not raise on time thereby offering the subject property to him for Six Thousand
amenable to the said price and insisted on Five Thousand Pesos (P5,000.00) per square meter, Pesos (P6,000.00) per square meter.Traballo expressed interest in buying the said property,
Angeles requested Reyes to allow him to consult the other members of the Board of Directors told Reyes that he will study the matter and suggested for them to meet the next day.[16]
of Riviera.[8]
They met the next day, December 5, 1988, at which time Traballo bargained for Five
Seven (7) months later, or sometime in October 1988, Angeles communicated with Thousand Three Hundred Pesos (P5,300.00) per square meter. After considering the reasons
Reyes Rivieras offer to purchase the subject property for Four Thousand Pesos (P4,000.00) cited by Traballo for his quoted price, Reyes accepted the same. However, since Traballo did

Page | 68
not have the amount with which to pay Reyes, he told the latter that he will look for a partner meter, which was far lower than the asking price of defendant Reyes for P6,000.00, per square
for that purpose.[17] Reyes told Traballo that he had already afforded Riviera its right of first meter, undoubtedly, because, in its perception, it would be difficult for other parties to buy the
refusal but they cannot agree because Rivieras final offer was for Five Thousand Pesos property, at a higher price than what it was offering, since it is in occupation of the property,
(P5,000.00) per square meter.[18] as lessee, the term of which was to expire after about four (4) years more.
Sometime in January 1989, apprehensive of the impending expiration in March 1989 of
the redemption period of the foreclosed mortgaged property with Prudential Bank and the deal On the other hand, it was obvious, upon the basis of the last ditch effort of defendant Reyes,
between Reyes and Traballo was not yet formally concluded, Reyes decided to approach anew thru his nephew, Atty. Alinea, to have the plaintiff buy the property, in question, that he was
Riviera. For this purpose, he requested his nephew, Atty. Estanislao Alinea, to approach willing to sell the said property at a price less than P6,000.00 and a little higher
Angeles and find out if the latter was still interested in buying the subject property and ask than P5,000.00, per square meter, precisely, because Atty. Alinea, in behalf of his uncle,
him to raise his offer for the purchase of the said property a little higher. As instructed, Atty. defendant Reyes, sought plaintiffs Angeles and asked him to raise his price a little higher,
Alinea met with Angeles and asked the latter to increase his offer of Five Thousand Pesos indicating thereby the willingness of defendant Reyes to sell said property at less than his offer
(P5,000.00) per square meter but Angeles said that his offer is Five Thousand Pesos of P6,000.00, per square meter.
(P5,000.00) per square meter.[19]
This being the case, it can hardly be validly said by the plaintiff that he was deprived of his
Following the meeting, Angeles sent a letter dated February 4, 1989 to Reyes, through right of first refusal to buy the subject property at a price of P5,300.00, per square meter which
Atty. Alinea, that his offer is Five Thousand Pesos (P5,000.00) per square meter payment of is the amount defendants Cypress/Cornhill bought the said property from defendant
which would be fifty percent (50%) down within thirty (30) days upon submission of certain Reyes. For, it was again given such an opportunity to exercise its right of first refusal by
documents in three (3) days, the balance payable in five (5) years in equal monthly defendant Reyes had it only signified its willingness to increase a little higher its purchase
installments at twelve percent (12%) interest in diminishing balance.[20] With the terms of this price above P5,000.00, per square meter, when its President, Angeles, was asked by Atty.
second offer, Angeles admittedly downgraded the previous offer of Riviera on December 2, Alinea to do so, instead of adamantly sticking to its offer of only P5,000.00 per square meter,
1988.[21] by reason of which, therefore, the plaintiff had lost, for the second time, its right of first
Atty. Alinea conveyed to Reyes Rivieras offer of Five Thousand Pesos (P5,000.00) per refusal, even if defendant Reyes did not expressly offer to sell to it the subject land
square meter but Reyes did not agree. Consequently, Atty. Alinea contacted again Angeles and at P5,300.00, per square meter, considering that by the plea of Atty. Alinea, in behalf of
asked him if he can increase his price. Angeles, however, said he cannot add defendant Reyes, for it to increase its price a little, the plaintiff is to be considered as having
anymore.[22] Reyes did not expressly offer his subject property to Riviera at the price of Five forfeited again its right of first refusal, it having refused to budged from its regid (sic) offer to
Thousand Three Hundred Pesos (P5,300.00) per square meter.[23] buy the subject property at no more than P5,000.00, per square meter.

Sometime in February 1989, Cypress and its partner in the venture, Cornhill Trading As such, this Court holds that it was no longer necessary for the defendant Reyes to expressly
Corporation, were able to come up with the amount sufficient to cover the redemption money, and categorically offer to the plaintiff the subject property at P5,300.00, per square meter, in
with which Reyes paid to the Prudential Bank to redeem the subject property.[24] On May 1, order that he can comply with his obligation to give first refusal to the plaintiff as stipulated in
1989, a Deed of Absolute Sale covering the subject property was executed by Reyes in favor the Contract of Lease, the plaintiff having had already lost its right of first refusal, at the first
of Cypress and Cornhill for the consideration of Five Million Three Hundred Ninety Five instance, by refusing to buy the said property at P6,000.00, per square meter, which was the
Thousand Four Hundred Pesos (P5,395,400.00).[25] On the same date, Cypress and Cornhill asking price of defendant Reyes, since to do so would be a useless ceremony and would only
mortgaged the subject property to Urban Development Bank for Three Million Pesos be an exercise in futility, considering the firm and unbending position of the plaintiff, which
(P3,000,000.00).[26] defendant Reyes already knew, that the plaintiff, at any event, was not amenable to increasing
Thereafter, Riviera sought from Reyes, Cypress and Cornhill a resale of the subject its price at over P5,000.00, per square meter.
property to it claiming that its right of first refusal under the lease contract was violated. After
several unsuccessful attempts,[27] Riviera filed the suit to compel Reyes, Cypress, Cornhill and Dissatisfied with the decision of the trial court, both parties appealed to the Court of
Urban Development Bank to transfer the disputed title to the land in favor of Riviera upon its Appeals.[29] However, the appellate court, through its Special Seventh Division, rendered a
payment of the price paid by Cypress and Cornhill. Decision dated June 6, 1994 which affirmed the decision of the trial court in its entirety. [30] In
sustaining the decision of the trial court, the Court of Appeals adopted the above-quoted
Following trial on the merits, the trial court dismissed the complaint of Riviera as well ratiocination of the trial court and further added:
as the counterclaims and cross-claims of the other parties.[28] It ruled that the defendants
therein did not violate Rivieras right of first refusal, ratiocinating in this wise:
To put things in its proper perspective in accordance with the peculiar attendant circumstances
herein, particular stress should be given to RIVIERAs uncompromising counter offer of
Resolving the first issue, this Court takes note that since the beginning of the negotiation only P5,000.00 per square meter on all the occasions when REYES offered the subject
between the plaintiff and defendant Reyes for the purchase of the property, in question, the property to it. RIVIERA, in its letter to REYES dated December 2, 1988 (Exhibit D, p. 68,
plaintiff was firm and steadfast in its position, expressed in writing by its President Vicente Rollo) justified its rigid offer by saying that the above offer is what we feel should be the
Angeles, that it was not willing to buy the said property higher than P5,000.00, per square market price of your property. If that be the case, We are convinced, the same manner that

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REYES was, that RIVIERA was unwilling to increase its counter offer at any present or future THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS COMMITTED A GRAVE ABUSE OF
time. RIVIERAs unilateral valuation of the subject property thus binds him, it cannot now be DISCRETION TANTAMOUNT TO LACK OR EXCESS OF ITS JURISDICTION IN
heard to claim that it could have upped its offer had it been informed of CYPRESS and RULING THAT PETITIONER RIVIERA FILIPINA, INC. ALREADY LOST ITS RIGHT
CORNHILLS offer of P5,000.00 (sic) per square meter. Defendants CYPRESS and OF FIRST REFUSAL.
CORNHILL were therefore right in saying that:
On the basic assumption that RIVIERA really meant what it said in its letter, DR. REYES
the deceptive and insincere words of RIVIERA. Injustice (sic) and equity, RIVIERA must be NOT FINDING THAT IT WAS THE PETITIONER, NOT RESPONDENT JUAN L.
deemed in estoppel in now belatedly asserting that it would have been willing to pay a price REYES, WHICH HAD BEEN THOROUGHLY DECEIVED BY THE LATTER OUT
higher than P5,000.00 x x x. (Defendants-Appellees Cypress and Cornhills Brief, p. 8) OF ITS RIGHTS TO ITS CONTINUING PREJUDICE.

For this reason, no adverse inference can be drawn from REYES failure to disclose to III
RIVIERA the intervening counter-offer of CYPRESS and CORNHILL.
counter-offer to RIVIERA resulted in the sale of the subject property at equal or less than DENYING RECONSIDERATION.
RIVIERAs offer; in which case, REYES would have been rightly accused of cunningly
circumventing RIVIERAs right of first refusal. But the incontrovertible antecedents obtaining
here clearly reveal REYES earnest efforts in respecting RIVIERAs contractual right to IV
initially purchase the subject property. Not only once but twice did REYES approach
RIVIERA, the last one being the most telling indication of REYES sincerest intention in THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS COMMITTED A GRAVE ABUSE OF
RIVIERA eventually purchasing the subject property if only the latter would increase a little DISCRETION TANTAMOUNT TO LACK OR EXCESS OF ITS JURISDICTION IN
its offer of P5,000.00 per square meter. And to this REYES was desperately willing to accede DECIDING PETITIONERS APPEAL AT A TIME WHEN THE PRINCIPAL
to despite the financial quandary he was then in as the expiration of the redemption period APPELLEE IS ALLEGEDLY DEAD AND NO PROPER SUBSTITUTION OF THE
drew closer and closer, and despite the better offer of CYPRESS and CORNHILL. REYES ALLEGED DECEASED PARTY HAS BEEN MADE; HENCE, THE DECISION OF
unquestionably had displayed good faith. Can the same be said of RIVIERA? We do not think THE COURT OF APPEALS AND ITS RESOLUTION DENYING
so. It appears that RIVIERA all along was trying to push REYES back against the wall, for RECONSIDERATION, IS NULL AND VOID.
RIVIERA was well-aware of REYES precarious financial needs at that time, and by clinging
to its offer, REYES might eventually succumb to its offer out of sheer desperation. RIVIERA At the outset, we note that, while Riviera alleges that the Court of Appeals committed
was, to be frank, whimsically exercising its contractual right to the prejudice of REYES who grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction, the instant petition is, as
had commendably given RIVIERA extra leeway in exercising it. And to this We say that no it should be, treated as a petition for review under Rule 45 and not as a special civil action for
amount of jurisprudence RIVIERA might avail of for the purpose of construing the right of certiorari under Rule 65 of the Revised Rules of Court, now the 1997 Rules of Civil
first refusal, however enlightening and persuasive they may be, will cover-up for its arrogant Procedure.
exercise of its right as can be gleaned from the factual premises. Equity in this case tilts in
favor of defendants REYES, CYPRESS and CORNHILL that the consummated sale between The distinctions between Rule 45 and 65 are far and wide, the most notable of which is
them concerning the subject property be given this Courts imprimatur, for if RIVIERA lost its that errors of jurisdiction are best reviewed in a special civil action for certiorari under Rule
opportunity to acquire it, it has only itself to blame. For after all, REYES fundamental and 65, while errors of judgment are correctible only by appeal in a petition for review under Rule
intrinsic right of ownership which necessarily carries with it the exclusive right to dispose of it 45.[34] The rationale for the distinction is simple. When a court exercises its jurisdiction an
to whoever he pleases, must ultimately prevail over RIVIERAs right of first refusal which it error committed while so engaged does not deprive it of the jurisdiction being exercised when
unscrupulously tried to exercise. the error is committed. If it did, every error committed by a court would deprive it of its
jurisdiction and every erroneous judgment would be a void judgment. This cannot be
From this decision, Riviera filed a motion for reconsideration,[31] but the appellate court allowed. The administration of justice would not countenance such a rule. Thus, an error of
denied the same in a Resolution dated September 22, 1994. [32] judgment that the court may commit in the exercise of its jurisdiction is not correctible
through the original special civil action of certiorari.[35] Appeal from a final disposition of the
Hence, Riviera interposed the instant petition anchored on the following errors: [33] Court of Appeals, as in the case at bar, is by way of a petition for review under Rule 45.[36]
I In the petition at bar, Riviera posits the view that its right of first refusal was totally
disregarded or violated by Reyes by the latters sale of the subject property to Cypress and

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Cornhill. It contends that the right of first refusal principally amounts to a right to match in the principally considered.[44] Where the parties to a contract have given it a practical construction
sense that it needs another offer for the right to be exercised. by their conduct as by acts in partial performance, such construction may be considered by the
court in construing the contract, determining its meaning and ascertaining the mutual intention
The concept and interpretation of the right of first refusal and the consequences of a of the parties at the time for contracting. The parties practical construction of their contract has
breach thereof evolved in Philippine juristic sphere only within the last decade. It all started in been characterized as a clue or index to, or as evidence of, their intention or meaning and as an
1992 with Guzman, Bocaling & Co. v. Bonnevie[37] where the Court held that a lease with a important, significant, convincing, persuasive, or influential factor in determining the proper
proviso granting the lessee the right of first priority all things and conditions being equal construction of the contract.[45]
meant that there should be identity of the terms and conditions to be offered to the lessee and
all other prospective buyers, with the lessee to enjoy the right of first priority. A deed of sale An examination of the attendant particulars of the case do not persuade us to uphold
executed in favor of a third party who cannot be deemed a purchaser in good faith, and which Rivieras view. As clearly shown by the records and transcripts of the case, the actions of the
is in violation of a right of first refusal granted to the lessee is not voidable under the Statute of parties to the contract of lease, Reyes and Riviera, shaped their understanding and
Frauds but rescissible under Articles 1380 to 1381 (3) of the New Civil Code. interpretation of the lease provision right of first refusal to mean simply that should the lessor
Reyes decide to sell the leased property during the term of the lease, such sale should first be
Subsequently in 1994, in the case of Ang Yu Asuncion v. Court of Appeals,[38] the offered to the lessee Riviera. And that is what exactly ensued between Reyes and Riviera, a
Court en banc departed from the doctrine laid down in Guzman, Bocaling & Co. v. series of negotiations on the price per square meter of the subject property with neither party,
Bonnevie and refused to rescind a contract of sale which violated the right of first refusal. The especially Riviera, unwilling to budge from his offer, as evidenced by the exchange of letters
Court held that the so-called right of first refusal cannot be deemed a perfected contract of sale between the two contenders.
under Article 1458 of the New Civil Code and, as such, a breach thereof decreed under a final
judgment does not entitle the aggrieved party to a writ of execution of the judgment but to an It can clearly be discerned from Rivieras letters dated December 2, 1988 and February 4,
action for damages in a proper forum for the purpose. 1989 that Riviera was so intractable in its position and took obvious advantage of the
knowledge of the time element in its negotiations with Reyes as the redemption period of the
In the 1996 case of Equatorial Realty Development, Inc. v. Mayfair Theater, subject foreclosed property drew near. Riviera strongly exhibited a take-it or leave-it attitude
Inc.,[39] the Court en banc reverted back to the doctrine in Guzman Bocaling & Co. v. in its negotiations with Reyes. It quoted its fixed and final price as Five Thousand Pesos
Bonnevie stating that rescission is a relief allowed for the protection of one of the contracting (P5,000.00) and not any peso more. It voiced out that it had other properties to consider so
parties and even third persons from all injury and damage the contract may cause or to protect Reyes should decide and make known its decision within fifteen days. Riviera, in its letter
some incompatible and preferred right by the contract. dated February 4, 1989, admittedly, even downgraded its offer when Reyes offered anew the
Thereafter in 1997, in Paraaque Kings Enterprises, Inc. v. Court of Appeals,[40] the property to it, such that whatever amount Reyes initially receives from Riviera would
Court affirmed the nature of and the concomitant rights and obligations of parties under a right absolutely be insufficient to pay off the redemption price of the subject property. Naturally,
of first refusal. The Court, summarizing the rulings in Guzman, Bocaling & Co. v. Reyes had to disagree with Rivieras highly disadvantageous offer.
Bonnevie and Equatorial Realty Development, Inc. v. Mayfair Theater, Inc., held that in Nary a howl of protest or shout of defiance spewed forth from Rivieras lips, as it were,
order to have full compliance with the contractual right granting petitioner the first option to but a seemingly whimper of acceptance when the counsel of Reyes strongly expressed in a
purchase, the sale of the properties for the price for which they were finally sold to a third letter dated December 5, 1989 that Riviera had lost its right of first refusal. Riviera cannot now
person should have likewise been first offered to the former. Further, there should be identity be heard that had it been informed of the offer of Five Thousand Three Hundred Pesos
of terms and conditions to be offered to the buyer holding a right of first refusal if such right is (P5,300.00) of Cypress and Cornhill it would have matched said price. Its stubborn approach
not to be rendered illusory. Lastly, the basis of the right of first refusal must be the current in its negotiations with Reyes showed crystal-clear that there was never any need to disclose
offer to sell of the seller or offer to purchase of any prospective buyer. such information and doing so would be just a futile effort on the part of Reyes. Reyes was
Thus, the prevailing doctrine is that a right of first refusal means identity of terms and under no obligation to disclose the same. Pursuant to Article 1339[46] of the New Civil Code,
conditions to be offered to the lessee and all other prospective buyers and a contract of sale silence or concealment, by itself, does not constitute fraud, unless there is a special duty to
entered into in violation of a right of first refusal of another person, while valid, is rescissible. disclose certain facts, or unless according to good faith and the usages of commerce the
communication should be made.[47] We apply the general rule in the case at bar since Riviera
However, we must remember that general propositions do not decide specific failed to convincingly show that either of the exceptions are relevant to the case at bar.
cases. Rather, laws are interpreted in the context of the peculiar factual situation of each
proceeding. Each case has its own flesh and blood and cannot be ruled upon on the basis of In sum, the Court finds that in the interpretation of the right of first refusal as understood
isolated clinical classroom principles.[41] Analysis and construction should not be limited to by the parties herein, the question as to what is to be included therein or what is meant by the
the words used in the contract, as they may not accurately reflect the parties true intent. [42] The same, as in all other provisions of the contract, is for the parties and not for the court to
court must read a contract as the average person would read it and should not give it a strained determine, and this question may not be resolved by what the parties might have provided had
or forced construction.[43] they thought about it, which is evident from Riviera claims, or by what the court might
conclude regarding abstract fairness.[48]
In the case at bar, the Court finds relevant and significant the cardinal rule in the
interpretation of contracts that the intention of the parties shall be accorded primordial The Court would be rewriting the contract of Reyes and Riviera under the guise of
consideration and in case of doubt, their contemporaneous and subsequent acts shall be construction were we to interpret the right of first refusal as Riviera propounds it, despite a

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contrary construction as exhibited by its actions. A court, even the Supreme Court, has no
right to make new contracts for the parties or ignore those already made by them, simply to
avoid seeming hardships. Neither abstract justice nor the rule of liberal construction justifies
the creation of a contract for the parties which they did not make themselves or the imposition
upon one party to a contract of an obligation not assumed.[49]
On the last error attributed to the Court of Appeals which is the effect on the jurisdiction
of the appellate court of the non-substitution of Reyes, who died during the pendency of the
appeal, the Court notes that when Riviera filed its petition with this Court and assigned this
error, it later filed on October 27, 1994 a Manifestation[50] with the Court of Appeals stating
that it has discovered that Reyes is already dead, in view of which the appellate court issued a
Resolution dated December 16, 1994 which noted the manifestation of Riviera and directed
the counsel of Reyes to submit a copy of the latters death certificate and to file the proper
motion for substitution of party.[51] Complying therewith, the necessary motion for substitution
of deceased Reyes, who died on January 7, 1994, was filed by the heirs, namely, Estefania B.
Reyes, Juanita R. de la Rosa, Juan B. Reyes, Jr. and Fidel B. Reyes.[52] Acting on the motion
for substitution, the Court of Appeals granted the same.[53]
Notwithstanding the foregoing, Section 16[54] and 17[55] of Rule 3 of the Revised Rules
of Court, upon which Riviera anchors its argument, has already been amended by the 1997
Rules of Civil Procedure.[56] Even applying the old Rules, the failure of a counsel to comply
with his duty under Section 16 of Rule 3 of the Revised Rules of Court, to inform the court of
the death of his client and no substitution of such is effected, will not invalidate the
proceedings and the judgment thereon if the action survives the death of such party, [57] as this
case does, since the death of Reyes did not extinguish his civil personality. The appellate court
was well within its jurisdiction to proceed as it did with the case since the death of a party is
not subject to its judicial notice. Needless to stress, the purpose behind the rule on substitution
of parties is the protection of the right of every party to due process. This purpose has been
adequately met in this case since both parties argued their respective positions through their
pleadings in the trial court and the appellate court. Besides, the Court has already acquired
jurisdiction over the heirs of Reyes by voluntarily submitting themselves to our jurisdiction. [58]
In view of all the foregoing, the Court is convinced that the appellate court committed
no reversible error in its challenged Decision.
WHEREFORE, the instant petition is hereby DENIED, and the Decision of the Court
of Appeals dated June 6, 1994 in CA-G.R. CV No. 26513 is AFFIRMED. No pronouncement
as to costs.
Bellosillo, (Chairman), Mendoza, and Quisumbing, JJ., concur.

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G.R. No. 106837 August 4, 1993 case and turn-over to said plaintiff the owner's duplicate copy of TCT Nos.
T-22004 and T-22005 of the Registry of Deeds for the City of Cotabato.
vs. In affirmation of the compromise agreement, the Board of Trustees of De La Vida College
HON. JAPAL M. GUIANI, in his capacity as Presiding Judge of the Regional Trial passed thereafter a resolution expressing full support to the said agreement entered into
Court Branch 14, Cotabato City and DELA VIDA INSTITUTE represented by MS. between the parties.4
On March 10, 1992, private respondent wrote petitioners that "the compromise agreement we
Leonardo J. Rendon for petitioners. have had in the presence of Judge Guiani is not the same as per attached xerox copy you gave
us." In that letter, which essentially was a counter proposal, private respondent said that the
Mama Dalandag for private respondent Dela Vida Institute. price of P2,060,000.00 was higher than they were willing to pay in the amount of
P2,000,000.00 only.5 Other matters taken up in the letter were: De la Vida Institute would
admit students and hold classes until July 6, 1992 but in case they (private respondent) fail to
deliver the said amount, they would voluntarily vacate the premises and that "in the event that
the bank and other lending institutions give its nod and approval to our loan and require the
ROMERO, J.: submission of other documents, you will give to us the Deed of Sale and Owner's copies of the
Titles of the two (2) to t expedite release of the amount concerned."6
The subject of this litigation revolves around two (2) parcels of adjoining lots owned by
petitioners which are the proposed extension sites of De La Vida Institute, an educational On March 25, 1992, the trial court approved the compromise agreement dated February 6,
institution located in Cotabato City. 1992.

On April 26, 1991, the petitioners and private respondent entered into a contract to sell under Two (2) months after, private respondents, alleging that they had negotiated a loan from the
which terms, private respondent, as president of De la Vida Institute, assured petitioners that Bank of the Philippine Islands, wrote letters dated May 19, 20 and 26 requesting petitioners to
they would buy the said properties on or before July 31, 1991 in the amount of P1,750,000.00. execute with them a contract to sell in their favor. On May 28, 1992, private respondent filed
In the meantime, petitioners surrendered the physical possession of the two lots to private with the trial court an urgent motion for an order directing petitioners to execute a contract to
respondent who promptly built an edifice worth P800,000.00. 1 sell in private respondent's favor in accordance with paragraph 7 of the compromise
But on July 31, 1991, the sale did not materialize. Consequently, petitioners filed a complaint
for unlawful detainer against private respondent (MTCC Civil Case No. 2739). In retaliation, On July 8, 1992, petitioners filed a motion for execution of judgement alleging that after a
private respondent filed a complaint for reformation of the contract to sell executed on April lapse of five (5) months from February 6, 1992, private respondent have failed to settle their
26, 1991 (Civil Case 592).2 Afterwards, the parties met to settle their differences. obligations with petitioners.8

On February 6, 1992, the parties entered into a compromise agreement which stipulated In its order dated August 6, 1992, respondent judge denied the motion for execution and
among others that petitioners would give private respondent five (5) months to raise the directed petitioners to execute the required contract to sell in favor of private respondent.
amount of P2,060,000.00;3 that in the event of failure to raise the said amount within the Respondent judge opined that the proximate cause of private respondent's failure to comply
designated period, private respondent would vacate the premises immediately. The with the compromise agreement was the refusal of petitioners to execute a contract to sell as
compromise agreement, inter alia, provided: required under the agreement. Respondent judge added that petitioners should have executed
the contract to sell because anyway they would not be prejudiced since there was no transfer
6. that upon the execution of this agreement, the defendant will furnish the of ownership involved in a contract to sell.9
plaintiff with xerox copy of the land title for each lot which the latter may
use for the purpose of providing information in securing a loan from any Hence this instant petition for certiorari, with prayer for a temporary restraining order
financing or banking institution of their choice. enjoining respondent judge from enforcing its August 6, 1992 order.

7. that if within the period of five (5) months from and after February 6, On October 7, 1992, petitioners filed an Omnibus Urgent Motion praying that private
1992, the plaintiff succeeds in obtaining funds for the purpose of settling respondent be ordered to consign with the court below P135,000.00 representing rentals from
their obligations with defendants in the total sum of P2,060,000.00 the May 1991 to January 1992. In our resolution dated November 18, 1992, we granted said
latter shall oblige themselves to execute, sign and deliver to the former the prayer. On March 9, 1992, private respondent consigned with the Office of the Clerk of Court
corresponding Deed of Sale for the two (2) lots which is the subject of this the sum of P135,000.00. On March 29, 1993, petitioners filed with the lower court a motion to

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withdraw the consigned amount and on April 5, 1993, the trial court released the consigned Under these factual circumstances, we opine that the compromise agreement must be
amount to petitioners. 10 interpreted as bestowing upon private respondent-buyer the power to demand a contract to sell
from petitioner-sellers. Where the seller promised to execute a deed of absolute sale upon
The issue in the case at bar is whether or not respondent judge committed grave abuse of completing payment of the price, it is a contract to sell. 12 In the case at bar, the sale is still in
discretion in ordering petitioner to execute a contract to sell in favor of private respondent. the executory stage since the passing of title is subject to a suspensive condition, namely, that
if private respondent is able to secure the needed funds to be used in the purchased of the two
(2) lots owned by petitioners. A mere executory sale, one where the sellers merely promise to
We dismiss the petition. transfer the property at some future date, or where some conditions have to be fulfilled before
the contract is converted from an executory to an executed one, does not pass ownership over
The resolution of this case hinges on whether the compromise agreement gives private the real estate being sold. 13
respondent-buyer the right to demand from petitioner-sellers the execution of a contract to sell
in favor of the former. In our jurisdiction, it has been that an accepted bilateral promise to buy and sell is in a sense
similar to, but not exactly the same, as a perfected contract of sale because there is already a
Apparently, paragraph 7 of the compromise agreement does not give such right to private meeting of minds upon the thing which is the object of the contract and upon the price. 14 But
respondent-buyer. To wit: a contract of sale is consummated only upon the delivery and payment. It cannot be denied
that the compromise agreement, having been signed by both parties, is tantamount to a
7. that if within the period of five (5) months from and after February 6, bilateral promise to buy and sell a certain thing for a price certain. Hence, this gives the
1992, the plaintiff succeeds in obtaining funds for the purpose of settling contracting parties rights in personam, such that each has the right to demand from the other
their obligations with defendants in the total sum of P2,060,000.00 the the fulfillment of their respective undertakings. 15 Demandability may be exercised at any time
latter shall oblige themselves to execute, sign and deliver to the former the after the execution of the Deed. 16
corresponding Deed of Sale for the two (2) lots which is the subject of this
case and turn-over to said plaintiff the owner's duplicate copy of TCT Nos. The order of respondent judge directing petitioners to issue a contract to sell does not place
T-22004 and T-22005 of the Registry of Deeds for the City of Cotabato. petitioners in any danger of losing their property without consideration, for, to repeat, in a
(Italics provided). contract to sell there is no immediate transfer of ownership. In contracts to sell, payment is a
positive suspensive condition, failure of which does not constitute a breach but an event that
From the aforecited paragraph, it is clear that the seller is obliged to execute a Deed of Sale prevents the obligation of the vendor to convey title from materializing, in accordance with
and not a Contract to Sell upon payment of the full price of P2.06 million. Thereafter, the Article 1184 of the Civil Code. 17 Petitioners as promisors were never obliged to convey title
sellers would turn over to the buyers, respondents herein, the owner's duplicate copy of before the happening of the suspensive condition. In fact, nothing stood in the way of their
Transfer Certificate of Title Nos. T-22004 and T-22005. selling the property to another after a unsuccessful demand for said price upon the expiration
of the time agreed upon.

However, in the interpretation of the compromise agreement, we must delve in the

contemporaneous and subsequent acts of the parties to fathom the real intention of the Since the period given by the petitioners under the compromise agreement has already lapsed,
parties. 11 A review of the facts reveal that even prior to the signing of the compromise we order the trial court to fix anew a period within which private respondents could secure the
agreement and the filing of Civil Case No. 592 before the trial court, the parties had already needed funds for the purchase of the
entered into a contract to sell. Thereafter, when the transaction failed to materialize, the parties land. 18 Moreover, considering that private respondents have only consigned rentals from May
filed suits against each other; petitioners, their unlawful detainer case, and private respondent 1991 to January 1992 and have since accepted students for the present school year, it is only
a complaint for reformation of contract, alleging that petitioners in fact had caused the proper that they be ordered to deposit the monthly rentals collected thereafter with the trial
preparation of the contract to sell dated April 26, 1991 with the understanding that the land court.
would be used as a collateral in obtaining a loan with DBP.
WHEREFORE, the instant petition is DISMISSED. Petitioners are hereby ordered to
Said contract to sell was superseded by the compromise agreement entered into on February 6, EXECUTE a contract to sell in favor of private respondents. On the other hand, private
1992 containing the abovequoted paragraph. It must be recalled that private respondent was respondent is ordered to DEPOSIT with the trial court current rentals pending consummation
given five (5) months from February 6, 1992, i. e., on or before July 6, 1992 to secure the of the transaction between the parties. The trial court is ordered to FIX anew the period within
purchase price of the two (2) lots. We note that within the time frame agreed upon by the which private respondents may be given the opportunity to raise funds for the purchase of the
parties, private respondents wrote three (3) letters dated may 19, 20 and 26 requesting two (2) adjoining lots owned by petitioners.
petitioners to execute a contract to sell in its favor.

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