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PNU LET Review 2009 English for Specific Purposes


Part I: Sample Test Items

1. Kill Me Softly, a recruitment agency that sends butchers to Australia wants to

enhance the English oral communication proficiency of their prospective employees
Which syllabus would be the most appropriate to develop?

A. Skills-based syllabus
B. Method-based syllabus
C. Content-based syllabus
D. Knowledge-based syllabus

The answer is A, because the particular need of the client is to develop the oral
communication competencies. Remember that Method-based syllabus focuses on the
learning preferences or styles of students, while Content-based syllabus may focus on
language form, language notion, language function, situation, or even topic. There is no such
thing as Knowledge-based syllabus, or if there is, its not ESP.

2. Which among the following objectives is NOT appropriate/ aligned with the material

A. Present a report using graphs as supplementary materials.

B. Summarize the information presented through graphs.
C. Identify the essential components of graphs.

The answer is D, because grammar is the least among the priorities in this particular ESP
class. Objectives A, B, C would be very helpful since these objectives cover competencies
such as understanding non-verbal texts, presenting data and information through graphs,
and the likes.

D. Appropriately use verb tenses in graphs.

3. Everything in ESP starts with

A. Evaluation
B. Needs assessment
C. Materials Development
D. Organization of lessons

The answer is B. Remember that there will be no ESP without a proper assessment and
analysis of the students needs.

Part II: Analyzing Test Items

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Aracelli Amarles Ver. 1 (4-6-2009)
Matthew M. Nepomuceno
PNU LET Review 2009 English for Specific Purposes

1. When designing an ESP program, all of the following needs should be considered,

A. communicative skills required in the workplace

B. weaknesses or lacks
C. learning theories
D. learning styles

2. All of the following stages are necessary in ESP course designing, except

A. Evaluation
B. Needs Assessment
C. Determining Goals & Objectives
D. Identifying philosophical underpinnings

3. Which among the following is an example of an ESP needs analysis?

A. Psychoanalysis
B. Structural Analysis
C. Material-based Analysis
D. Target situation Analysis

4. Which among the following objectives is NOT appropriate/ aligned with the material

A. Identify

components of graphs.
B. Appropriately use subject-verb agreement in graphs.
C. Summarize the information presented through graphs.
D. Present a report using graphs as supplementary materials.

5. All of the following class activities are recommended for a Business English course,

A. Writing reaction papers

B. Writing business reports
C. Presenting a business plan
D. Conducting a feasibility study

6. The Technical Skills Development Authority (TESDA) collaborated with PNU to train
the English Proficiency of Baristas who will be employed in Starbucks Coffee Company
in California. Which syllabus would be the most appropriate to develop?

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Aracelli Amarles Ver. 1 (4-6-2009)
Matthew M. Nepomuceno
PNU LET Review 2009 English for Specific Purposes

A. Skills-based syllabus
B. Method-based syllabus
C. Content-based syllabus
D. Knowledge-based syllabus

7. A group of Korean nationals came to the Philippines to enhance their Basic

Interpersonal Communication Skills in English. What type of syllabus would be the most
appropriate in this situation?

A. Skills-based syllabus
B. Method-based syllabus
C. Content-based syllabus
D. Knowledge-based syllabus

8. Mr. Reyes handles a proficiency-enhancement program for Criminology students. At

the onset of the program, he conducted a needs assessment to identify their current
level of proficiency. Mr. Reyes focused on what type of needs analysis?

A. Target situation analysis

B. Present situation analysis
C. Pedagogic needs analysis
D. Competency-based analysis

9. Before designing the English for Flight Attendants Syllabus, Mr. Cruz made a study on
the most frequent and necessary terms that Flight Attendants use. What type of analysis
did Mr. Cruz conduct?

A. Pedagogic needs analysis

B. Target situation analysis
C. Discourse Analysis
D. Register Analysis

10. In the English for Tourist Guides class, Mr. Ramirez distributed a hand-out containing
a script that students will use during their practicum. What principle of ESP
methodology does Mr. Ramirez violate?

A. Discipline Specific
B. Student centered
C. Error Tolerance
D. Authenticity

11. The following constitute ESP courses EXCEPT

A. A course that teaches undergraduate engineering students from various
branches to write reports on design projects
B. A course design to prepare students for the Test of English as a Foreign
language (TOEFL)
C. A course designed to teach social English to a group of business people
D. A course team-taught with a subject-lecturer, that helps post graduates of a
particular discipline understand departmental lectures

12. Which category of ESP does English for Teachers belong?

A. English for Occupational Purposes (EOP)

B. English for Academic purposes (EAP)
C. English for Vocational Purposes (EVP)
D. English for Business Purposes (EBP)

Questions 13-15: Read and analyze the following sample lesson in an ESP class:

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Aracelli Amarles Ver. 1 (4-6-2009)
Matthew M. Nepomuceno
PNU LET Review 2009 English for Specific Purposes

Stages in the Life Cycle of a Plant

Look at these examples:

Preceding actions:
Before the plant germinates, it is watered

Prior to germination, the seed is watered

Following Actions:

After the plant germinates, the roots and leaves develop.

After germination, the roots and leaves develop.
Simultaneous Actions:
As the plant germinates, the seed swells.
During germination, the seed swells.
After the seed is watered, germination
Now, answer the following questions: takes place.
A) What happens prior to germination?
B) What occurs during growth?
C) What happens before flowering?

13. In the ESP lesson above, what is the real content of the material?

A. Life cycle of plant

B. Expressions of time sequence
C. Comprehension questions
D. Germination

14. What is the carrier content of the sample lesson?

A. Germination
B. Expressions of time sequence
C. Life cycle of a plant
D. Comprehension questions

15. When an ESP teacher chooses suitable published material, adapts material or even
writes material where nothing suitable exists, the teacher plays as

A. Course designer
B. Researcher
C. Collaborator
D. Evaluator

16. For practitioners of English for Business Purposes, acquiring knowledge and
understanding in the following areas is necessary EXCEPT

A. An understanding of the business peoples expectations and learning

B. Some knowledge of management theories and practice
C. A knowledge of the communicative functioning of English in business
D. First class training for business people

17. Ms. Cruz, an ESP practitioner, decides to use a table of statistics to teach the
language of comparison. Which constitute the carrier content of the lesson?

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Aracelli Amarles Ver. 1 (4-6-2009)
Matthew M. Nepomuceno
PNU LET Review 2009 English for Specific Purposes

A. Language comparison
B. Statistics
C. Method used by the teacher
D. Choice of materials to fit the needs of the learners

18. Mr. Santos conducts tests to assess whether students have the requisite language
and skills to undertake a particular academic course or career, and level of their
achievement. Mr. Santos performs as a __________

A. Collaborator
B. Course designer
C. Researcher
D. Evaluator

19. The reading component of an ESP requires a balance between skills and language
development. The following are the key skills to be learned EXCEPT

A. Selecting what is relevant for the current purpose

B. Identifying organizational patterns
C. Deducing the meaning of vocabulary from the context
D. Skimming for content and meaning

20. The approach to teaching writing which is closely associated with the development
of genre analysis as a key approach to text in ESP refers to ___________

A. Social constructivist approach

B. Product approach
C. Process approach
D. Controlled approach

Part III: Practice Test

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Aracelli Amarles Ver. 1 (4-6-2009)
Matthew M. Nepomuceno
PNU LET Review 2009 English for Specific Purposes

1. In Ms. Teaos speech class, the students presented a panel discussion. They were
graded using a rubric, which separately scores each criteria. What type of rubric did Ms.
Teao use?

A. Subjective
B. Objective
C. Analytic
D. Holistic

2. All of the activities listed below may be drawn from the text, except

Greenhouse gases arise from a wide range of sources and their

increasing concentration is largely related to the compound effects
of increased population, improved living standards and changes in
lifestyle. From a current base of 5 billion, the United Nations
predicts that the global population may stabilize in the twenty-first
century between 8 and 14 billion, with more than 90 per cent of the
projected increase taking place in the worlds developing nations.
The associated activities to support that growth, particularly to
produce the required energy and food, will cause further increases
in greenhouse gas emissions. The challenge, therefore, is to attain
a sustainable balance between population, economic growth and
the environment.

-extracted from IELTS Sample Reading Task

A. Writing a position paper on Greenhouse gases
B. Visiting a factory which emits Greenhouse gases
C. Conducting a panel discussion on Greenhouse gases
D. Facilitating debate on policies regarding Greenhouse gases

3. All of the following objectives are aligned with the sample text above, except

A. Get the main idea of the text

B. Summarize the information presented in the text
C. Present a panel discussion on Greenhouse gases
D. Identify the effects of Greenhouse gases to the environment

4. Which among the following should be the least priority of an ESP teacher?

A. Teacher talk
B. Knowledge of the content
C. Learners cognitive development
D. Learners emotional involvement

5. When preparing a material for an ESP class, the next step to do after assessing and
analyzing the needs is

A. Test the validity

B. Establish specific objectives
C. Identify supplementary texts
D. Organize the lessons, activities, and exercises

6. All of the following are characteristics of ESP, except

A. Goal-oriented
B. Teacher-centered
C. Discipline-Specific
D. Based on students needs

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Aracelli Amarles Ver. 1 (4-6-2009)
Matthew M. Nepomuceno
PNU LET Review 2009 English for Specific Purposes

Questions 7-10
Read and study the following extract from an ESP text. Answer the questions that follow.


Title I

Chapter I

ART. 82. Coverage. - The provisions of this Title shall apply to employees in all
establishments and undertakings whether for profit or not, but not to government
employees, managerial employees, field personnel, members of the family of the
employer who are dependent on him for support, domestic helpers, persons in the
personal service of another, and workers who are paid by results as determined by
the Secretary of Labor in appropriate regulations.

ART. 85. Meal periods. - Subject to such regulations as the Secretary of Labor may
prescribe, it shall be the duty of every employer to give his employees not less than
sixty (60) minutes time-off for their regular meals.

ART. 86. Night shift differential. - Every employee shall be paid a night shift
differential of not less than ten percent (10%) of his regular wage for each hour of
work performed between ten oclock in the evening and six oclock in the morning.

ART. 87. Overtime work. - Work may be performed beyond eight (8) hours a day
provided that the employee is paid for the overtime work, an additional
compensation equivalent to his regular wage plus at least twenty-five percent
(25%) thereof. Work performed beyond eight hours on a holiday or rest day shall
be paid an additional compensation equivalent to the rate of the first eight hours on
a holiday or rest day plus at least thirty percent (30%) thereof.

7. Which ESP course would most likely use this sample text?

A. English for Contract Workers

B. English for Managers
C. English for Business
D. English for Law

8. To whom is this text written for?

A. Employers
B. Employees
C. Business people
D. All of the above

9. What is the main idea presented in this sample text?

A. Task of lawyers to uphold the law

B. Task of government to protect its work force
C. Responsibilities of employers to their workers
D. Rights of employees in terms of work conditions

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Aracelli Amarles Ver. 1 (4-6-2009)
Matthew M. Nepomuceno
PNU LET Review 2009 English for Specific Purposes

10. Mr. Amparo, a fresh college graduate who works in the Manila city hall as a clerk,
filed a complaint because he worked overtime. The court dismissed the case because

A. He is a government employee
B. He is a fresh graduate
C. He works as a clerk
D. All of the above

11. Read and study the table below. What type of learner most likely needs the

Documents Purpose Task Skills

Fax / letter of Extract booking Check availability; Find details; relate
reservation requirement write reply; record to other information
booking on

A. Hotel Receptionist
B. Entrepreneur
C. Lawyer
D. Nurse

12. The following may be done in an ESP class to supplement published listening
materials and retain authenticity of speech EXCEPT

A. Choosing a topic, making notes and delivering short talk from those notes
B. Reading aloud from a written text
C. Asking a colleague from the specific area to record a short talk on a
relevant topic
D. Recording radio or television programs and choosing few short sections

Questions 13-15
Questioning in ESP situations does not consider the format of the question but on the
response the question will lead to.

13. A type of question which is known to be a weak way to obtain information but a
powerful means of checking information or gaining commitment

A. Limited-response
B. Open-response
C. Closed-response
D. Probing

14. Questions which give a wider scope to the responder, do not bias the content of the
response, and vital for information gathering as they are the least directive are
known as _______

A. Limited-response
B. Probing
C. Closed-response
D. Open-response

15. Sample questions of this type are the following:

What are your concerns about...?
Why do you think that...?

A. Building

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Aracelli Amarles Ver. 1 (4-6-2009)
Matthew M. Nepomuceno
PNU LET Review 2009 English for Specific Purposes

C. Limited-response
D. Open-response

Questions 16 20 are taken from ESP lessons. Analyze the items and choose the BEST

16. One of the most frequent complains among airline passengers is that there is not
_____ legroom.

A. enough
B. many
C. very
D. plenty

17. The Director of Educational Programs works collaboratively with the Department of
Education to _____ that the programs are meeting the needs of the institution.

A. ensure
B. define
C. accept
D. imply

18. Accounts receivable is owed to a company, __________ accounts payable is

money owed by the company to creditors.

A. otherwise
B. whereas
C. such as
D. in order that

19. Cooks must remember that some raw foods are very _________ and should be
refrigerated or chilled until ready to be eaten or cooked.

A. peripheral
B. perishable
C. periodic
D. permanent

20. If you send in an order _________ mail, we recommend that you phone our sales
division directly to confirm the order.

A. near
B. for
D. by

Part IV: Pre-Board

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Aracelli Amarles Ver. 1 (4-6-2009)
Matthew M. Nepomuceno
PNU LET Review 2009 English for Specific Purposes

Questions 1-3

1. Which among the following objectives is NOT appropriate/ aligned with the material

A. Identify the basic parts of a ship.

B. Discuss the importance of the basic parts of the ship.
C. Distinguish the different functions of each part of the ship
D. Discuss the meaning of graphs

2 All of the activities may be conducted using this diagram, except

A. Showing video clips that present how these parts function

B. Oral presentation on the parts of a ship and their functions
C. Simulated navigation
D. None. All are applicable

3. Which part of the ship may be compared to the head of car?

A. Bow
B. Port
C. Bridge
D. Starboard

4. A student enrolled in an EAP course would have the following needs except

A. Writing critiques
B. Persuading customers
C. Getting the gist of a text
D. Understanding non-verbal texts

5. Which does not belong to the group?

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Aracelli Amarles Ver. 1 (4-6-2009)
Matthew M. Nepomuceno
PNU LET Review 2009 English for Specific Purposes

A. English for Nurses

B. English for Butchers
C. English for Engineers
D. English for Science & Technology

Softwinds technical support staff provides free telephone assistance to registered

Softwind users. In order top receive this free assistance, you must first register your
products with Softwind. To do this, fill in the enclosed registration card, including the
name of the retail outlet where you purchased this product. Softwind will then send
you a personal identification number (PIN), which must be supplied to support staff
whenever you request assistance. Registering your product will also enable us to send
you timely information on updates and future releases. Before calling technical
support, please try to find the answer to your question in the handbook that
accompanies this product. In particular, we recommend that you check the section on
frequently asked questions that begins in the back of your handbook.

Questions 6-10
Read and study the following extract from an ESP text. Answer the questions that follow.

6. Who were these instructions written for?

A. Technical support staff
B. Softwind engineers
C. Retail sales personnel
D. Softwind customers

7. What information is necessary in order to register this product?

A. The name of the store that sold the product
B. The users personal identification number
C. The dates of future releases
D. The users forwarding address

8. How can you receive a PIN?

A. By requesting one from support staff
B. By telephoning technical support
C. By mailing in the registration card
D. By signing up for one at a retail outlet

9. What should you do first if you have a problem with the product?
A. Read the manual
B. Change your PIN
C. Telephone the technical support
D. Request updated instructions

10. What language lesson can be extracted from the reading text?
A. Describing an object
B. Giving directions
C. Persuading a customer
D. Telling a story

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Aracelli Amarles Ver. 1 (4-6-2009)
Matthew M. Nepomuceno

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