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Petroleum geology

Chapter January 2007


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2 authors:

Jan de Jager Mark C. Geluk

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Retired from Shell


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Litho- and Biostratigraphy, Palaeogeography of the Upper Permian Zechstein of the Central
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Petroleum geology
J. de Jager & abstract
A great variety of proven hydrocarbon plays and trap styles are present in the sedimentary
M.C. Geluk succession of the Netherlands, which starts in the middle Paleozoic and has been deformed
by several periods of structuration. The thick Permian Zechstein salt in much of the
subsurface provides an effective seal between a prolic Paleozoic gas system and a mixed, oil
and gas-prone Mesozoic hydrocarbon system. The giant Groningen eld represents two
thirds of the recoverable Dutch gas reserves. It contained an initially recoverable gas volume
of ca. 2700 109 m3 in thick, mainly uvial sandstones of the Permian Upper Rotliegend
Group. The Rotliegend play is formed by a near-ideal superposition of i) the thick Upper
Carboniferous, Westphalian succession with abundant coal measures as source rocks for
gas, ii) good Rotliegend reservoir sandstones, and iii) the excellent seal of the Zechstein salt.
Triassic plays are second in importance with respect to proven gas volumes. Additional gas
reserves are in Permian Zechstein carbonates, Jurassic and Cretaceous sandstones, Upper
Cretaceous chalk as well as in shallow unconsolidated sands of Tertiary and Quaternary age.
Producible oil occurs within the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous rift basins in a variety of
sandstone reservoirs and trap styles. Only minor amounts of oil have so far been found in
the Upper Cretaceous chalk. The exploration of the Dutch hydrocarbon plays is in a mature
stage. Yet, new discoveries continue to be made, and assessments of remaining potential
show that signicant volumes, in particular of gas, are yet to be found.

Keywords: Netherlands, hydrocarbon plays, exploration, production, reserves, remaining


Introduction Exploration and production history

The Netherlands is a gas country. Since the discovery of A brief summary of the history of oil and gas explo-
the giant Groningen eld in 1959, the Netherlands has de- ration in the Netherlands follows below. Reference is
veloped into the main gas hub of western Europe. While made to the more extensive overviews published by Knaap
before the 1960s gas was considered to represent a risk & Coenen (1987), Breunese & Rispens (1996) and Glen-
in exploration one would rather nd oil it is now the nie (2001), and also to the yearly review by the Ministry
preferred fossil energy source. Moreover, the Netherlands of Economic Affairs, under the title Oil and Gas in the
has its share of oil as well. The Schoonebeek oil eld, now Netherlands, Exploration and Production (available from
closed-in and only producing from its extension into Ger-
many, is the largest onshore oil eld of western Europe. The rst natural oil in the Netherlands was found in
Other oil elds occur in the western Netherlands and in 1923, near Corle, close to the German border, when 1.5
the offshore (Fig. 1). barrels of oil (240 l) were recovered from Zechstein an-
Most gas is contained in the Upper Permian, Upper hydrites and Carboniferous sandstones (Fig. 4). A blow-
Rotliegend sandstones. Other hydrocarbon plays, ranging out in 1938 at Bad Bentheim in Germany, ca. 50 km NE
from Carboniferous to Quaternary, are present as well. of Corle, indicated the presence of gas at Zechstein level
The discovery of the Groningen eld close to a large po- (Knaap & Coenen, 1987). The second indication for oil was
tential market triggered an intense exploration and pro- found in 1938, during an exhibition in The Hague, where
duction activity both on- and offshore. As a result, a wealth the Bataafsche Petroleum Maatschappij, the predecessor
of new data has been acquired over the last few decades. of Shell Internationale Petroleum Maatschappij, drilled a
Currently, a total of ca. 56 000 km2 , ca. 56% of the to- demonstration well. At a depth of 460 m, the drillers un-
tal Dutch on- and offshore surface, is covered with high- expectedly encountered oil stains. The rst commercial oil
quality 3D seismic data, allowing a good appreciation of was found ve years later, in 1943, when the Schoonebeek
the great variety of geological settings and structural styles eld was discovered in Lower Cretaceous sandstones at
(Fig. 2). Indeed, the Netherlands must rank amongst the a depth of ca. 800 m in the south-east of the province
countries that have the best seismically imaged subsurface of Drenthe. With an initial in-place volume of ca. 1 bil-
geology in the world (Dessens, 1996). In addition, by Jan- lion (109 ) barrels (160 106 m3 ), this is the largest on-
uary 1st 2006, the oil industry had drilled a total of 1105 shore oil eld of western Europe. The eld became un-
exploration wells (Fig. 3), 403 appraisal wells and 1566 pro- economic when 25% of the viscous oil (25 API) had been
duction wells (Ministry of Economic Affairs, 2006). produced, and is closed-in since 1996. NAM, the Neder-

Geology of the Netherlands 241

Edited by Th.E. Wong, D.A.J. Batjes & J. de Jager
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2007: 241264
Fig. 2. 3D seismic coverage. In total ca. 56 000 km2 of 3D
seismic has been acquired, representing ca. 56% of the Dutch
on- and offshore areas.

atively small structural closure at the level of the basal

Fig. 1. Gas and oil elds in the Netherlands. Total reserves are dominated Zechstein carbonates, in which gas had already been en-
by the giant Groningen gas eld in the north-east onshore. countered in south-east Drenthe. However, the sandstones
at approximately 3 km depth in the underlying Permian,
landse Aardolie Maatschappij, currently studies redevel- now the Slochteren Formation, turned out to contain gas
opment of this eld. as well. Only several wells later it was realised that the
After World War II, exploration resumed with further oil small structure that was targeted forms part of a much
nds in the West Netherlands Basin (e.g. the Rijswijk, IJs- larger structure with a length of more than 40 and a width
selmonde, Wassenaar, Ridderkerk and Rotterdam elds) of almost 30 km. With initial recoverable reserves of ca.
and gas discoveries in the east of the country (e.g. the Coe- 2700 109 m3 of gas, the Groningen gas eld is by far the
vorden, De Wijk, Wanneperveen and Tubbergen elds). largest of Europe. It represents two thirds of the total ini-
Until the end of the 1950s the Zechstein carbonates and tially recoverable proven gas volumes in the Netherlands.
Lower Cretaceous sandstones were considered the most In the early 1960s the rst careful steps into the offshore
prospective reservoirs. The giant Groningen gas eld, were made with the near-coastal well Kijkduin Zee-1. Fol-
which would change the exploration outlook for good, lowing legislation for the offshore in the mid 60s, the rst
was discovered in 1959 with the Slochteren-1 well. It has gas was discovered in 1968 in block P6, and the rst oil
been reported many times that the sheer size of this eld in 1970 in block F18. Offshore gas production started in
was initially not recognised. The wells target was a rel- 1975 with the large L10 Rotliegend gas eld, and the rst

242 Petroleum geology > J. de Jager & M.C. Geluk

Fig. 3. Hydrocarbon exploration and appraisal wells. A total
of 1105 exploration wells and 403 appraisal wells had been Fig. 4. Milestones in the Dutch exploration and production
drilled by the end of 2005. history (after PGK, 1993). 1923: Corle oil show; 1938: The
Hague oil show; 1943: Schoonebeek oil discovery (on stream
in 1945); 1948: Coevorden gas discovery (rst production in
offshore oil was produced in 1982 from the Cretaceous in 1951); 1953: Rijswijk oil discovery (rst production in 1954);
block Q1. The application of 3D seismic since the 1980s 1959: Slochteren gas discovery (Groningen eld on stream in
has resulted in a much increased exploration efciency. 1963); 1961: First offshore well (Kijkduin Zee-1); 1968: First
Currently ca. 50% of the Dutch on- and offshore areas offshore gas discovery (P6); 1970: First offshore oil discovery
has been awarded as exploration or production licences (F18); 1974: Last coal mine in Zuid-Limburg closed; 1975: First
(Fig. 5). offshore gas production (L10); 1982: First offshore oil
production (Q1); 1984: Botlek gas discovery in Rijswijk
concession; 1993: F3 oil eld on stream.
On January 1st , 2003 a new Mining Law (Mijnbouwwet)
has become effective governing exploration and exploita- quired prior to 2003 will be released 10 years after acqui-
tion of oil and gas for both the onshore and offshore. sition.
This law recognises different licences for exploration,
production, underground storage, mining and pipelines. Production
With the application for permission to drill a new ex- The cumulative production until January 1st , 2006 in the
ploration well, a production plan must be submitted. Netherlands amounted to 2839 109 m3 of gas and 832
Further details are contained in separate decrees and million barrels (128 106 m3 ) of oil, with remaining
regulations. Data acquired during exploration and pro- proven reserves of 1510 109 m3 of gas and 234 million
duction remain condential for a period of 5 years, af- barrels (36 106 m3 ) of oil. In 2005 there were 188 pro-
ter which they are released to the public. All data ac- ducing gas elds, good for a yearly production of some

Geology of the Netherlands 243

weather spells. Three underground gas storage facilities
(Grijpskerk, Langelo and Alkmaar) have therefore been
installed to provide additional swing production capacity
(Bos, this volume).
In an economic sense, a distinction is made in the
Netherlands between two gas types: gas with a lower heat-
ing value (low cal or Groningen quality), generally with
a nitrogen content of more than 10 to 12%, and gas with
a high heating value (high cal), containing less non-
hydrocarbon gas. There are separate pipeline systems for
both gas types. The low-cal gas is being distributed to
Dutch households, while high-cal gas is mainly for export
and industrial use. An overview of the composition of the
gases in the Netherlands is presented in the Northwest Eu-
ropean Gas Atlas (Lokhorst, 1998).

The petroleum industry and society

In the densely populated and low-lying country of the
Netherlands, there is a concern that exploration and pro-
duction activities may negatively inuence the environ-
ment, or the well-being or comfort of the people. The main
issues are subsidence, earth tremors, and operations in
sensitive areas.

Subsidence of the surface affects the surface water runoff
and the groundwater table, and is widely felt to be a se-
rious issue. Mining activities, including the production of
oil or gas, can cause such subsidence. Other processes that
can result in subsidence include tectonics, compaction
of near-surface layers and (man-induced) lowering of the
groundwater table. Subsidence caused by oil or gas pro-
duction is monitored at regular intervals and the environ-
Fig. 5. Licence situation for hydrocarbon exploration and mental implications are evaluated. Prior to the start of pro-
production in the year 2005. duction, sometimes even in the exploration phase, predic-
tions of future subsidence are issued for all onshore oil
73 109 m3 , while the Dutch gas consumption is some and gas elds.
50 109 m3 per year. The Netherlands is consequently a At the surface above the Groningen eld, which has
net gas exporter, with annual export of some 30 109 m3 been in production from 1963 onwards, to date a maxi-
and import of 10 109 m3 . The annual oil production of mum subsidence of some 26 cm has occurred in the cen-
almost 9.9 million barrels (1.53 106 m3 ) from 13 elds tre of a bowl with a diameter of more than 40 km. The
is relatively modest. In the year 2005, the total hydrocar- maximum subsidence after gas production is expected to
bon production provided the Dutch State with an income be less than 45 cm (NAM, 2000).
of 7.5 billion (Ministry of Economic Affairs, 2006). In At the surface above the Ameland eld, i.e. on the is-
order to save gas reserves for future generations, the State land of Ameland, in the Waddenzee area and in the adja-
has set a ceiling for yearly domestic gas production. In the cent coastal zone of the North Sea, the maximum subsi-
same light there are tax incentives for the development of dence after 15 years of gas production is ca. 25 cm. How-
gas reserves in small elds (kleine velden beleid = small ever, most of the subsidence in the Waddenzee as well
elds policy). The small elds are allowed to produce at as in the marsh areas on the island has been compen-
their optimal production rates, while the large Groningen sated by natural sedimentation. As a result the impact
eld is used to provide extra production capacity as swing on the environment has been negligible and the eco-
producer during winter. With the ongoing production and logical value of the area has not been affected (Eysink
corresponding pressure decline in this eld, it will become et al., 2000). All new gas elds to be developed in
increasingly difcult to full this role during extreme cold- the area would be smaller and cause less subsidence,

244 Petroleum geology > J. de Jager & M.C. Geluk

rarely more than 10 cm in the centre of the subsidence to an environmental impact assessment (in Dutch: MER,
bowl. Milieu Effect Rapportage). Other permits that could be re-
Occasionally the predicted subsidence that would result quired include nature-protection and environmental per-
from gas production may lead to a decision not to produce mits. During all permitting procedures, civilians, non-
a certain accumulation, as even limited subsidence may government organisations or other organisations may le
have undesirable implications locally. The issue of subsi- objections. For activities in or near sensitive areas it may
dence also played a key role in the discussions about the take several years before all permits are secured. The new
development of new gas elds in the Waddenzee (see be- Mining Law, effective January 1st , 2003, considerably af-
low). fects the requirements for exploration and production per-
It must be noted that subsidence resulting from low- mits. The main new elements are that for all exploration
ering of the groundwater table is often greater and more wells an environmental permit from the Ministry of Eco-
wide-spread than subsidence caused by gas production, nomic Affairs is needed and that production may only
particularly in peat areas. For example, in the province commence (or proceed in the case of elds already de-
of Friesland, away from producing gas elds, it is pre- veloped) after consent by the Ministry to the submitted
dicted that an area of 80 km2 will have subsided more than production plan (comparable with a condensed eld devel-
40 cm by the year 2050 (Province of Friesland, 1997). opment plan). Together with the application for a produc-
tion permit the operator must submit a eld development
earth tremors plan.
Variations in subsurface stress elds as a result of produc- The exploration and production of gas from below the
tion-induced pressure reduction can lead to earth tremors. Waddenzee has met strong objections and considerable
This has occurred in the north-east Netherlands, e.g. media attention. Currently, there are two gas elds in pro-
above the Roswinkel eld, and in the province of Noord- duction in this area: Ameland and Zuidwal, both since
Holland, e.g. above the Bergermeer eld. Most of these the mid 1980s. Subsequent exploration drilling for gas
tremors have a magnitude of not more than 2 on the prospects below the Waddenzee from onshore surface lo-
Richter scale. Such tremors can in extreme cases cause cations resulted in the discovery of some 40 109 m3 of
rattling of doors and windows and sometimes minor dam- gas in new elds. In 1999, however, the government de-
age. The maximum-recorded tremor had a magnitude of cided not to allow production of this gas nor further explo-
3.5 (Dost & Haak, this volume). The maximum magnitude ration activities, pending the outcome of studies of poten-
that could occur through gas production will probably not tial environmental damage through subsidence. Follow-
exceed 3.8 (De Crook et al., 1998), and could cause struc- ing these studies, Parliament endorsed gas production in
tural damage to houses near the epicentre. In general the November 2004.
responsible oil company compensates any damage that
has been ascribed to production-induced earth tremors by Petroleum systems
independent experts, or by a committee installed by the In the Dutch subsurface the gas plays are volumetrically
Ministry of Economic Affairs. and economically by far the most important. With respect
to the ages of source rocks, reservoirs and seals these plays
operations in sensitive areas belong predominantly to a Paleozoic hydrocarbon system.
The Mining Law stipulates the required procedures and Where the thick Permian Zechstein salt is present, it pro-
permits for exploration and production operations. Other vides an effective seal between this system and the oil
laws also play a role in the permitting and execution of plays which belong almost entirely to Mesozoic hydrocar-
these operations: the Wet Ruimtelijke Ordening (spatial bon systems (Fig. 6).
planning law), Wet Milieubeheer (environmental law) and
the Natuurbeschermingswet (nature protection law). Per- Gas: source rocks and generation
mitting requirements vary depending on the nature of The principal source rocks for gas are the Upper Carbonif-
the area. Onshore, the areas with the highest level of erous, Westphalian coals and carbonaceous shales, which
protection include ecologically designated areas, silence- are present in much of the subsurface. Almost all the
preservation areas, soil-conservation areas, bird- and gas found has been generated from these source rocks
habitat-directive areas and nature-protection areas. Off- (Lokhorst, 1998; Gerling et al., 1999). The cumulative
shore, restrictions apply in ecologically designated areas, thickness of the coals is several tens of metres. They oc-
shipping lanes and military exercise areas. For all new cur mostly in the Maurits Formation (Westphalian B), and
drilling or production locations onshore a building per- are less common in other Westphalian units. Because of
mit must be obtained from the local authorities. For ac- Early Permian uplift and erosion the Westphalian source-
tivities in sensitive areas a location permit must be ob- rock thickness is locally much reduced. Where the total
tained from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, coupled Westphalian of ca. 5.5 km thickness is preserved, the ma-

Geology of the Netherlands 245

Fig. 6. Hydrocarbon systems in the Dutch subsurface. regional seal between a Paleozoic gas and a Mesozoic oil and
Arrows show from which source rocks the main reservoirs gas system. Not shown is that with time probably 98% of the
have been charged with gas and/or oil. The Upper Permian generated hydrocarbons escaped into the biosphere.
Zechstein salt, present in much of the subsurface, provides a

turities vary signicantly from top to bottom. Secondary 1999). In most places these source rocks became over-
source rocks for gas occur in basal Namurian organic- cooked during deep pre-Kimmerian burial. Nevertheless,
rich shales (Lokhorst, 1998; NITG, 1998; Gerling et al., the Namurian is thought to have contributed signicantly

246 Petroleum geology > J. de Jager & M.C. Geluk

to the nitrogen charge, which is mainly expelled at much
higher temperatures than hydrocarbon gas.
In general, hydrocarbon generation from the West-
phalian coals was widespread until the Middle Jurassic.
After the Middle Jurassic, a distinction must be made be-
tween the Kimmerian rift basins and the platforms and
highs. During the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous rift-
ing, hydrocarbon generation accelerated within the rift
basins as a result of increased subsidence. This genera-
tion halted during the Late Cretaceous due to inversion-
related uplift and declining heat ow. At the margins of
the basins, where inversion had been limited and was fol-
lowed by strong Tertiary subsidence, for example on the
south-west margin of the West Netherlands Basin, charge Fig. 7. Expulsion of hydrocarbon gas and nitrogen versus
from the Westphalian resumed during the Tertiary and maturity. Apart from a minor early phase of generation, most
continues until the present day (De Jager et al., 1996). nitrogen is expelled at much higher maturities than
The platforms and highs, on the other hand, were uplifted hydrocarbon gas.
during the Late Jurassic, interrupting hydrocarbon genera-
tion. Where subsequent burial caused temperatures at the elds generally contain less nitrogen than in areas with
Westphalian source-rock levels to exceed the maximum only old charge.
temperatures reached earlier, gas generation resumed. Gas accumulations in the Carboniferous on the Cleaver
Secondary source rocks for gas occur in Upper Jurassic Bank High contain more nitrogen (220%) than those in
and Lower Cretaceous coals of the Deland Subgroup in the east Netherlands (010%), and are in general wetter.
the West Netherlands and Broad Fourteens basins, and of The gas with the anomalously high nitrogen content of
the Central Graben Subgroup of the Dutch Central Graben 30% in block E12 was probably generated from Namurian
and Terschelling Basin. Furthermore, Upper Dinantian, source rocks. The CO2 content in the Carboniferous reser-
Visean coals, like those encountered in wells A16-1 and E6- voirs is locally as high as 10%. Methane carbon-isotope ra-
1, may be relied on for some gas charge in the northern tios are around 21 on the Cleaver Bank High and be-
offshore, provided the timing of expulsion has not been tween 33 to 36 in the east Netherlands, probably due
too early. to lower source-rock maturities on the Cleaver Bank High,
as observed in vitrinite reectances. However, differences
Gas compositions in source-rock type could also play a role (Gerling et al.,
The gas quality in the various reservoirs shows distinct 1999).
variations (Lokhorst, 1998). The most abundant non- Gas in Rotliegend reservoirs is mostly wet, with wetness
hydrocarbon component is nitrogen. Differences in ni- ratios (C1 /(C2 + C3 )) varying between 10 and 25. The re-
trogen content, from almost zero to more than several gional westward decrease of nitrogen, from more than 15%
tens of percent, can be a result of differences in source to less than 5%, displays considerable local variations. The
rocks, but also of differences in their heat-ow and bur- Groningen eld for example, with 15% nitrogen, is anked
ial histories. Until the Late Jurassic, heat-ow rates were to the west by gas elds with only a few percent of ni-
high and the Westphalian coals were expelling hydrocar- trogen, which have been charged during the Tertiary with
bon gas while the much deeper Namurian shales expelled low-nitrogen gas (see above). In the Ameland area, on the
nitrogen (Fig. 7). This phase of charge was therefore in Friesland Platform and in the Broad Fourteens and Cen-
most places relatively rich in nitrogen. It ceased during tral Netherlands basins, more than 20% of nitrogen oc-
times of uplift and signicant erosion, e.g. during the Late curs locally. CO2 is generally found in small amounts only,
Jurassic for the platform areas and during the Late Cre- although in the Broad Fourteens Basin some accumula-
taceous and Early Tertiary for the rift basins. During sub- tions contain 25% or more. This may be related to CO2
sequent burial, temperatures increased again, but under generation from Paleozoic carbonates during deep, pre-
a lower heat ow than during the Late Jurassic (Fig. 8). inversion burial. This gas is also signicantly dryer (wet-
Consequently, temperatures may today exceed maximum ness ratio between 100 and 200) than elsewhere, consis-
paleo-temperatures at the shallower Westphalian levels, tent with high maturities. Minute concentrations of mer-
while this is not (yet) the case at the deeper Namurian cury and helium have been reported from the Groningen
levels. The gas expelled during the Tertiary from the West- eld (Stheeman, 1963; Morrison, 1972; Ronteltap, 1973).
phalian is therefore not diluted by nitrogen from these The composition of gas in Zechstein reservoirs varies
deeper levels. Thus, in areas with present-day charge, gas considerably, mainly because of locally high nitrogen con-

Geology of the Netherlands 247

Fig. 8. Gas generation. In areas that have been uplifted and temperatures than reached before uplift. Deeper source rocks
subsequently buried under a regime of declining heat ow, will do so later. This has consequences for the wetness and
the shallower source rocks will be the rst to reach higher nitrogen content of late charge.

tents, but also due to increased CO2 percentages. In ad- Dutch Central Graben they do not exceed 2%. The Wer-
dition, many Zechstein gas accumulations in the eastern kendam eld forms an exception with 70% of CO2 , prob-
Netherlands are sour, and contain up to several tens of ably related to local Jurassic volcanism. The gases in the
percent of H2 S (e.g. Vlagtwedde: 45%). This is a result of Triassic are mostly wet, with wetness ratios of 25 to 50. In
thermochemical sulphate reduction which strongly accel- the Dutch Central Graben dry gas also occurs, with ratios
erates at temperatures above ca. 120 C (Orr, 1977). Con- of over 500. The De Wijk eld also contains dry gas.
sequently, signicant quantities of sour gas occur only The gas in Jurassic and Cretaceous reservoirs contains
where the reservoir is buried sufciently deep, and where 5 to 25% of nitrogen, and around 1% of CO2 . The gas
anhydrite, required for sulphur supply, is present. How- is wet, with wetness ratios from 25 to 50. It is probably
ever, the complex interplay of all controls on this reaction mainly sourced from the Carboniferous, with contribu-
and other H2 S-generating processes, such as generation tions in places from Jurassic coaly sequences, and possi-
from carbonate source rocks and biochemical sulphate re- bly also from highly mature Posidonia Shale source rocks
duction, hampers accurate prediction of H2 S concentra- (De Jager et al., 1996).
tions in undrilled prospects. The gas in Tertiary and Quaternary sands in the north-
The gas in Triassic reservoirs generally contains less ern offshore differs markedly from the other gases. It is
than 5% of nitrogen. Higher concentrations occur in the composed almost exclusively of methane. Methane carbon
Broad Fourteens Basin (locally more than 20%), and also isotope data indicate a bacterial origin.
in the Dutch Central Graben (up to 10%). Anomalously
high amounts of nitrogen are found locally in the east Oil: source rocks and generation
Netherlands (around 40% in Sleen and Roswinkel). Nor- Unlike the areas to the north of the Dutch sector of the
mally, CO2 concentrations are less than 1%, while in the North Sea, the main source rock for oil in the Nether-

248 Petroleum geology > J. de Jager & M.C. Geluk

lands is not the Upper Jurassic Kimmeridge Clay. This
elsewhere so prolic a source rock loses its kerogenous
content just north of this sector. As in the Paris and Lower
Saxony basins, the main Dutch source rock for oil occurs
as rich, marine, Type-II source rocks in the Lower Jurassic,
Toarcian, Posidonia Shale Formation. This source rock,
which has only been preserved within the Late Jurassic
rift basins, generated the oil that is trapped in the Up-
per Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous sandstone reservoirs
in the West Netherlands and Broad Fourteens basins and
the Dutch Central Graben (Fig. 9). It generally has a gross
thickness of 15 to, locally, 35 m, with an average total or-
ganic carbon content (TOC) of ca. 10%, and a Hydrogen
Index of up to 800. In strongly inverted sectors of the
Kimmerian rift basins, the present-day temperatures of
the Posidonia Shale may be lower than those reached be-
fore inversion. Where this is the case, the Posidonia Shale
will not be generating oil at the present time.
The large Schoonebeek oil eld was not charged from
the Posidonia Shale, but from Lower Cretaceous lacus-
trine source rocks of the Coevorden Formation. These al-
gal, Type-I source rocks are only known from the Lower
Saxony Basin (Binot et al., 1991; NITG, 2000).
Additional source rocks for oil occur in the Lower Juras-
sic Aalburg and uppermost Triassic Sleen formations.
They are of similar type as the Posidonia Shale, but less
rich. Other source rocks for oil occur in the Permian Z2
Carbonate and Coppershale. While numerous oil shows
in Zechstein carbonates are reported during drilling, both
these source rocks have contributed only locally to oil accu-
mulations (i.e. Stadskanaal, Gieterveen and E13-1). This is
not only because of their limited thicknesses, but also be-
cause any oil from these source rocks trapped in Zechstein
or Rotliegend reservoirs had a high chance to be ushed
out by the subsequent abundant gas charge from the West-
phalian. High condensate contents in Rotliegend gas can,
however, often be correlated to Zechstein oil source-rocks.
Basal Namurian organic-rich shales with initially a Fig. 9. The present-day distribution of the Posidonia Shale Formation
high oil-generating potential have been encountered in (blue) is restricted to the Mesozoic rift basins, and clearly controlled the
deep wells (e.g. Winterswijk-1 in the eastern Netherlands) location of the oil elds. The large Schoonebeek eld, however, was not
where, however, they are over-cooked. Based on regional sourced by the Posidonia Shale, but by lowermost Cretaceous source rocks
paleogeographic settings, source rocks for oil may also oc- (Coevorden Fm). The Danish oil elds in the north of the map were
charged by Kimmeridge Clay source rocks.
cur in the Dinantian and Devonian (Cameron & Ziegler,
1997). Their great depths of burial would render them in
most places over-mature for oil and gas generation. initial gas reserves. Excluding Groningen, approximately
65% of all these reserves are in the Rotliegend. The total
Hydrocarbon plays of proven initial Dutch gas reserves is 4349 109 m3 (Min-
The proven gas and oil plays in the Netherlands range in istry of Economic Affairs, 2006). For oil, there is a marked
age from Westphalian to Quaternary (Table 1). The De- variation in the recovery factors (e.g. 12 to 40% in the
vonian and Lower Carboniferous are regarded as specu- West Netherlands Basin, 25% for Schoonebeek). For gas,
lative because of the likely loss of reservoir quality and the the recovery factors generally vary between 70 and 90%,
post-maturity of their kitchens. and may be above 95% (e.g. Groningen eld). For gas in
The Rotliegend play is by far the most important; the tight or very shallow reservoirs, or in reservoirs with low
Groningen eld accounts for two thirds of the Dutch connectivity (e.g. in the Westphalian), recovery efciencies

Geology of the Netherlands 249

Table 1. Initial oil and gas reserves in the Netherlands at Westphalian. In the eastern Netherlands, such sandstones
1/1/2006. mainly occur in the Westphalian C and D (Tubbergen Fm).
Play Initial gas Initial oil They are gas-bearing in several elds. The largest of these
reserves reserves is Coevorden, at a depth of some 2800 m, with initially
(109 m3 ) (106 m3 ) approximately 30 109 m3 gas in place. Other signi-
cant elds are Dalen, Tubbergen and Hardenberg. The
Westphalian 100
RotliegendGroningen 2700 sands were derived from the rising Variscan mountain
Rotliegendother 1000 belt in the south-east, and the overall reservoir potential
Zechstein 150 decreases towards the north-west. These typically sheet-
Triassic 200 Minor like stacked sandstones have net-to-gross ratios as high as
U. Jurassic & L. Cretaceous 100 Major 50%. The uppermost Carboniferous (Westphalian D and
U. Cretaceous 5 Minor Stephanian) comprises red beds, with low net-to-gross ra-
Tertiary & Quaternary 20 tios of 10 to 20%. Porous conglomeratic sandstones occur,
Total 4349 165 but their distribution is hard to predict. The reservoir ar-
chitecture of the Westphalian sandstones and the faulted
Numbers are based upon Ministry of Economic Affairs (2006),
nature of the traps in the east Netherlands result in strong
Geluk et al. (2002) and Geluk (1999). Note that as a result of
rounding off, the total of reserves is slightly more than the sum
compartmentalisation of the gas elds.
of reserves per play. On the Cleaver Bank High, gas-bearing sandstones oc-
cur mainly in the Westphalian A and B (Botney Mbr, Cais-
are notably lower. Total initial oil reserves are reported to ter and Murdoch sandstones) and, similar to the Dutch on-
amount to just over 1 billion barrels (165 106 m3 ) at US$ shore, Westphalian C and D (Hospital Ground Fm). The
55/barrel in early 2006. Production of several of the cur- main elds are located in the northern K and southern
rently sub-economic oil accumulations becomes econom- D and E quadrants, at depths around 3500 to 4000 m,
ically viable only at higher prices. north of the pinch-out of the Rotliegend sandstones. The
largest Westphalian eld there is D15-FA, with an initial
Westphalian play gas-in-place volume of ca. 5 109 m3 . The trend of West-
The Westphalian is widely present in the Dutch subsur- phalian gas elds continues into the UK sector of the
face, and is locally up to 5.5 km thick (Van Buggenum & North Sea, with elds like Orca, Caister, Murdoch, Ketch
Den Hartog Jager, this volume). Gas elds producing from and Schooner and various other discoveries (Mijnssen,
Westphalian sandstones occur in the eastern Netherlands 1997).
and adjacent parts of Germany, on the Cleaver Bank High The Westphalian sandstones of the Cleaver Bank High
in the north-western offshore and in the adjacent British were deposited by uvial systems from northern source
areas (Fig. 10). Charge is derived from the Westphalian areas, and their reservoir quality deteriorates towards
coals, with on the Cleaver Bank High some contribution the south. This sandy facies may extend further east to
from Namurian source rocks (Gerling et al., 1999). Traps the Schill Grund High, at the southern margin of the
are formed by dip-fault closures at the Base Permian Un- Ringkbing-Fyn High, although there are insufcient well
conformity. Where Rotliegend sandstones overlie this un- data to substantiate this. The Westphalian A and B de-
conformity, the Westphalian contains gas only where the posits display generally low net-to-gross ratios.
height of the trap exceeds the thickness of the Rotliegend, Where the Westphalian sandstones are gas-bearing,
e.g. in the Groningen eld. Where no Rotliegend sand- they often show fair to good porosities (average 9%,
stones are present, like in the east Netherlands, the Zech- maximum 20%) and permeabilities (average 12 mD, lo-
stein salt forms an ideal top seal. On the Cleaver Bank cally > 100 mD), and good initial production rates of
High the claystones and evaporites of the Silverpit For- about 1 106 m3 /day or more can generally be achieved
mation are sealing. Locally, intra-Westphalian shales and (Van Buggenum & Den Hartog Jager, this volume). How-
faults have been found sealing as well (Fig. 11). ever, their poor reservoir connectivity often results in lim-
A key uncertainty for the Westphalian play is the pres- ited connected volumes per well and in rapidly declining
ence of good reservoir sandstones within the traps at the ow rates, thus seriously hampering the economic viabil-
level of the Base Permian Unconformity. Due to the Early ity of offshore Westphalian gas accumulations.
Permian uplift and erosion, different rocks subcrop this
unconformity. A good understanding of facies distribution Rotliegend play
within the Westphalian and mapping of intra-Westphalian The Slochteren Formation of the Upper Rotliegend Group
horizons is therefore a prerequisite to pursue this play is, even excluding the giant Groningen eld, volumetri-
(Quirk, 1993; Quirk & Aitken, 1997). Fluvial sandstone cally by far the most important gas reservoir in the Nether-
reservoirs occur at distinct stratigraphic levels within the lands. The Rotliegend play is formed by an ideal superpo-

250 Petroleum geology > J. de Jager & M.C. Geluk

sition of i) the prolic Westphalian source rocks for gas,
ii) the thick Slochteren sandstone reservoirs, and iii) the
perfect seal of the Zechstein salt (Glennie & Provan,
1990). The Slochteren reservoir sandstones are well devel-
oped in the classical Rotliegend play which runs E-W from
the Groningen eld to the offshore K and L blocks. To the
north these sandstones shale out into the Silverpit Forma-
tion. The southern boundary of the play is determined by
the depositional limits of the Slochteren reservoir or of the
Zechstein seal (Fig. 12). Most traps occur in simple horst
blocks (Fig. 13).
The sands in the Upper Rotliegend were supplied
mainly from the Variscan Mountains (Verdier, 1996;
Geluk, this volume). They show marked differences in
reservoir characteristics. Clean eolian and well-sorted
sandstones form the best reservoirs, but there are also
packages of up to tens of metres of mainly uvial sand-
stones with, locally, conglomeratic intervals. The upper
parts of the Slochteren sandstones shale out towards
the north into the Ten Boer Member. Depending on the
amount of sand present, this member acts either as a
waste zone or as seal for the underlying Slochteren sand-
stones. Even where this member is not a top seal, it
does provide a lateral seal when it is juxtaposed against
Slochteren reservoirs (Fig. 14). Its sealing potential in-
creases with increasing shaliness, which suggests that
a sealing shale gouge formed along the fault planes. In
some gas accumulations, the gas-water contact extends
even below the mapped spill point given by the Ten Boer
lateral seal, indicating that faults in clean sandstones can
also be sealing. It is therefore likely that factors other than
shale gouge, such as cataclasis and/or diagenesis, also play
a role in the establishment of sealing faults (Leveille et al.,
Below the Silverpit shales, basal Slochteren sandstones
are locally present. Thickness variations of these sand-
stones are considered to be the result of paleo-topography,
which is related to faulting and the subcrop below the Base Fig. 10. Westphalian play map. This map outlines the distribution of the
Permian Unconformity. The shaly Westphalian A and B Westphalian reservoir rocks. The best reservoirs occur mostly in the
were less resistant to erosion than the sandy Westphalian sand-prone Westphalian C and D (yellow). On the Cleaver Bank High
C and D. The former formed lows, where sand accumu- (CBH), gas has also been discovered in Westphalian A and B reservoirs
lated; the latter formed ridges, where little or no sand was (Caister Sandstone, light yellow). The names of some of the main elds are
deposited (Geluk & Mijnlieff, 2001). indicated. Most gas elds producing from the Westphalian occur in traps
where the Upper Rotliegend sandstones are thin or absent, and where
Most Rotliegend reserves occur in the north-east Nether-
Zechstein salt or Silverpit shales provide a seal. In traps where Rotliegend
lands and in the offshore K and L quadrants (Central Off-
sandstones are present, the Westphalian contains gas only where the
shore Saddle, the southern sector of the Cleaver Bank
height of the trap exceeds the thickness of the Rotliegend, such as in the
High and the northern sector of the Broad Fourteens Groningen eld (not indicated on the map).
Basin). This trend of Rotliegend elds continues west-
wards in the British Indefatigable and Sole Pit areas. Ad-
ditional Rotliegend elds occur in the Vlieland Basin and large accumulations are Annerveen (Veenhof, 1996) and
the north-western sector of the Central Netherlands Basin the Ameland complex of elds (Crouch et al., 1996), both
(Fig. 12). with a gas-initially-in-place (GIIP) volume of ca. 75
In the north-east Netherlands, the giant Groningen eld 109 m3 . Noteworthy is that the Ameland complex appears
dominates (Roels, 2001; Verberg, 2001; Fig. 15). Other to be underlled. Structural reconstruction shows that

Geology of the Netherlands 251

Late Cretaceous inversion enlarged the trap. Apparently,
subsequent charge was not sufcient to rell it.
Marked variations in the nitrogen contents in elds in
the north-east Netherlands are attributed to variations in
charge history. Traps that have access to recent charge are
characterised by very low nitrogen contents (< 5%). On the
Friesland Platform, where charge modelling indicates that
the last phase of gas charge occurred prior to Jurassic rift-
ing, nitrogen levels are as high as 25%. Residual oil is of-
ten reported from cores cut in Slochteren sandstones. This
is interpreted to indicate early oil charge from Zechstein
carbonate or Coppershale source rocks. The oil was later
ushed out by excessive amounts of gas, lling the major-
Fig. 11. Trap styles in the Westphalian. Most gas (dark green) is found ity of structures to spill point. The only live oil found so
directly below the Base Permian Unconformity, where Slochteren far in Slochteren sandstones is in Midlaren in north-east
sandstones are thin or absent. At intra-Westphalian levels only
Drenthe, where below a gas cap, a 120-m oil column was
sub-commercial gas volumes have been encountered to date.
encountered, juxtaposed against Z2 Carbonate. It may be
that the carbonates have allowed leakage of gas, but form
a lateral seal to oil.
In the offshore K and L quadrants, K8-FA is the largest
eld with a GIIP of some 70 109 m3 . Traps here are also
simple horst blocks overlain by a thick Zechstein evaporite
as top seal. As the Ten Boer shales are much thinner than
in the north-east Netherlands, there is less potential for
additional column as a result of sealing Ten Boer in juxta-
position. Locally, where the Zechstein seal is breached by
erosion, basal Triassic shales prove to be an effective top-
seal (e.g. in K15-FC and K15-FK). Variations in gas-water
contacts in different eld compartments, and gas columns
below conventional leak points, show that sealing faults
are present also in the offshore. This has also been ob-
served in the western continuation of the Rotliegend play
in the UK sector of the southern North Sea (Leveille et al.,
In the northern K blocks and adjacent areas, basal
Slochteren sandstones, sealed by the overlying Silverpit
Formation, contain commercial gas accumulations. The
most signicant is the Markham eld in the J3/J6 area,
which eld straddles the UK/Dutch border. The basal
Rotliegend sandstones show a greatly varying reservoir
quality and thickness, hampering exploration efforts for
this objective.
In the western sector of the Central Netherlands Basin,
Rotliegend gas elds such as Bergen, Groet, Bergermeer,
Schermer and Middelie have been brought to production
(Van Lith, 1983).

Fig. 12. Upper Rotliegend play map. The gross depositional

environments at approximately Upper Slochteren level are
shown. The gas elds located in the area of playa-lake facies
are in older, basal Rotliegend sandstone reservoirs. The
southern limit of Rotliegend gas elds is controlled by the
southern extent of the Zechstein top seal. The names of some
of the main elds are indicated.

252 Petroleum geology > J. de Jager & M.C. Geluk

Fig. 13. Seismic line in the north-east Netherlands (Friesland
Platform to Lauwerszee Trough) showing gas elds in fault formation, gas charge and temperature history, is re-
blocks at Rotliegend level. quired. Low permeabilities and ensuing uneconomic pro-
duction rates are also associated with depositional facies,
such as ne-grained, argillaceous wadi sands (Frikken,
Even at signicant depths, reasonable porosities (> 15% 1999).
at 4000 m) occur in the better reservoir levels of the Modelling studies show that gas generation from the
Slochteren. The main deterioration of reservoir potential Westphalian coals in the central parts of the Broad Four-
is by early carbonate cementation or the growth of brous teens Basin peaked during Late Jurassic times, and ceased
illite, which is associated with deep paleo-burial, in par- by the Late Cretaceous. This is consistent with K/Ar
ticular within the inverted Broad Fourteens Basin. Illite dates, which show that the latest illite formation in the
growth, which reduces permeability, increases where for- gas-bearing reservoirs was generally in the Late Jurassic
mation waters rich in ions of clay minerals are present, for (Lee et al., 1985, 1989). Structurally valid, water-bearing
example where the Slochteren is juxtaposed against the traps within the basin are generally characterised by
shaly Westphalian (Gaupp et al., 1993). However, where the presence of reverse faults, indicating that they were
the Slochteren was already gas-bearing prior to deep bur- formed or modied during the Late Cretaceous inver-
ial, illite growth may have been prevented. Therefore, to sion, i.e. after the main charge phase. On the margins
be able to predict reservoir quality, a good understand- of the basin, generation of gas continued to the present
ing of depositional trends, as well as of timing of trap day.

Geology of the Netherlands 253

the shelf-edge facies that developed above the paleo-highs
formed by the underlying Z1 Anhydrite. Sub-aerial expo-
sure on the platform occurred occasionally and karsti-
cation locally enhanced the reservoir characteristics. The
adjacent slope facies comprises redeposited platform sed-
iments. Small-scale reefs occur locally, but they are re-
stricted to the Z1 Carbonate (Geluk, this volume). The basi-
nal facies of the carbonates comprises ne-grained lime-
stones and dolomites. The Zechstein carbonates experi-
enced a complex diagenetic history, including cementa-
tion, leaching and dolomitisation, which resulted some-
times in strong lateral variations in their porosity and
permeability. Especially in the tight slope and basinal fa-
cies, with porosities of less than 4 or 5%, e.g. the Dalen,
Emmen and Coevorden elds, economic gas production
rates depend to a large extent on the presence of fractures
(Frikken, 1999).
Zechstein elds also occur in the west of the Central
Netherlands Basin, where the Alkmaar eld is now used
for underground gas storage (Bos, this volume).
The Zechstein carbonate platforms along the southern
border of the Southern Permian Basin continue into the
Dutch offshore. The rst offshore gas discovery, in 1968,
was actually made in Zechstein dolomites in block P6
(Van der Poel, 1989). Various additional wells in the P and
Q quadrants and the southernmost part of the K quad-
Fig. 14. Ten Boer sealing concept. The regional top seal for the Rotliegend rant have subsequently tested gas, but only in block P6
is the base of the Zechstein (red line in upper image). Where the Ten Boer is gas being produced from the Zechstein below a larger
Member is sufciently shaly, it provides a seal in fault juxtaposition (red Triassic gas accumulation. Along the northern margin of
line in lower image), even though intra-Ten Boer sandstones may be
the Southern Permian Basin, in the area of the Elbow Spit
gas-bearing, and on the same pressure gradient as the gas in the
and Mid North Sea highs, the Zechstein is also developed
Slochteren sandstones.
in slope and platform facies as proven by well E2-2, but is
of only limited thickness. Towards the north, its reservoir
Zechstein play quality may improve.
Gas elds producing from the Zechstein occur in the A special case is the gas accumulation discovered in
Lower Saxony Basin in the east, and the Central Nether- 1985 by well G16-1 on the Schill Grund High, where a
lands Basin in the west of the Netherlands (Fig. 16). The leached Z3 Carbonate and an overlying Upper Jurassic
reservoirs are platform carbonates that developed along sandstone form a single composite reservoir above a Zech-
the southern margin of the Southern Permian Basin, and stein salt dome. The Lower Cretaceous Vlieland Claystone
that are sealed by Zechstein salt and anhydrite (Van der Formation provides the seal.
Baan, 1990; Van de Sande et al., 1996; Geluk, this vol- In the West Netherlands Basin, the Zechstein is partly
ume). The traps are predominantly fault-dip closures, with represented by a siliciclastic basin-margin facies. The best
some four-way dip closures. Like for the Rotliegend play, reservoir development occurs offshore where, in block
charge comes from the Westphalian and Namurian. Con- P10, a sandstone interval reaches a thickness of ca. 125 m.
tributions from Zechstein oil source rocks locally result However, no Zechstein evaporites are present here to pro-
in condensate-rich gas. Oil shows in the Zechstein have vide a top seal, and only sub-commercial quantities of gas
been recorded in numerous wells in the north-east Nether- have been encountered in the area.
lands. Analyses indicate that they are derived from intra-
Zechstein source-rock intervals and the Coppershale. Triassic plays
The best Zechstein reservoirs (porosities of ca. 14%) oc- Triassic sandstones are widely distributed in the Nether-
cur in the Z2 Carbonate and, less important, the Z3 Car- lands and form, after the Rotliegend, the second most im-
bonate. A single accumulation in the Z1 Carbonate (Q5-A) portant gas reservoirs. Producing elds occur in the east
came on stream late 2004 (Geluk, 2000; Ministry of Eco- Netherlands, in the West Netherlands Basin, and in the
nomic Affairs, 2006). The highest porosities are found in northern and western offshore (Fig. 17). The top seal is

254 Petroleum geology > J. de Jager & M.C. Geluk

Fig. 15. 3D view of the Groningen eld, with an initial the north arrow), the depression of the Lauwerszee Trough
recoverable gas volume of ca. 2700 109 m3 , the largest gas shows up in blue colours, with the Friesland Platform further
eld of Europe. The level shown is the top of the Upper to the west in yellow to reddish colours.
Rotliegend Group. To the west of the Groningen eld (note

formed in most cases by Triassic shales, and where the sive reservoir package. To the north this package breaks
Triassic is truncated at the Base Cretaceous Unconfor- up into several thinner sandstone units, such as the Vol-
mity, by Lower Cretaceous shales. The gas comes mainly priehausen and Detfurth sandstones, which are separated
from Westphalian source rocks and occurs in a variety of by clay- and siltstones that form regional seals (Ames &
trap styles. Where the Zechstein salt is present, as in the Farfan, 1996; Geluk, 1999).
northern sector of the Dutch subsurface, it forms a bar- In the West Netherlands Basin, the exploration for gas
rier preventing Westphalian gas from reaching the Trias- in the Triassic really started only in 1982. Currently nine
sic reservoirs. Only where this regional seal is breached, gas elds are producing, and several others remain un-
by salt withdrawal or faulting, can Westphalian gas reach developed. The typical trap in this play consists of a Late
the Triassic reservoirs. In the West Netherlands Basin no Jurassic horst block in which the reservoir is sealed verti-
Zechstein salt is present, and there the Triassic sandstones cally by Upper Triassic evaporitic shales, and laterally by
form the rst well-sealed reservoir above the Westphalian. Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic shales (Fig. 18; De Jager
The Triassic sandstones were deposited in uvial and et al., 1996). Lateral seal risks exist where fault-throws are
eolian settings. They were derived from the south, and so large that cross-fault juxtaposition is against the sandy
to the north progressively more shales are present. In Deland sequence. The best reservoirs occur along the
the south, the Main Buntsandstein forms a thick mas- south-western basin margin, where excellent gas produc-

Geology of the Netherlands 255

hydrocarbons in this part of the basin following uplift and
declining heat ow (De Jager et al., 1996). A possible tim-
ing problem thus exists for new traps that formed during
the inversion. In the southern part of the West Nether-
lands Basin, where no or very little inversion occurred, gas
generation continued to the present day. Although the Tri-
assic play in the basin is largely a gas play, in several accu-
mulations (Papekop, Pernis West, Spijkenisse Oost, Waal-
wijk Zuid and Botlek) an oil leg was found underneath
the gas, and the Ottoland structure probably contains oil
only. The oil has been correlated to the source rocks of the
Lower Jurassic Posidonia Shale, with probably some con-
tribution from the Lower Jurassic Aalburg and uppermost
Triassic Sleen formations. This oil migrated into the older
reservoirs from down-thrown blocks across faults. Where
the Posidonia Shale has not been down-faulted to below
the Triassic reservoir, as is the case for some oil-bearing
structures, it is very unlikely that it could have charged
these traps. There the oil is most probably derived entirely
from the Aalburg and Sleen formations (Van Balen et al.,
In the western sector of the Central Netherlands Basin,
the Middelie, Bergen and Q8 elds also contain gas in Tri-
assic sandstone reservoirs.
In the northern offshore, the Volpriehausen and Det-
furth sandstones are reservoirs for gas in the northern
Vlieland Basin, Terschelling Basin, Schill Grund High and
southern Dutch Central Graben area. In 1992, the L5-FA
eld was the rst main Triassic eld in the northern off-
shore to come on stream. Further economic accumula-
tions are known in F15 (Fontaine et al., 1993), G17 and L2.
In these blocks most traps are related to halokinesis of
the underlying Zechstein salt, and occur in turtleback an-
ticlines, against salt walls or as fault-dip closures (Fig. 19).
Salt walls in the area of the Terschelling Basin and south-
ern Dutch Central Graben seal off separate pressure cells
in which the Triassic reservoirs occur (Crepieux et al.,
Fig. 16. Zechstein play map. Shown is the paleogeographic map of the Z2 1998). In some of these cells reservoir pressures equal
Carbonate, which constitutes the main Zechstein reservoir where it is in the minimum horizontal stress, thus causing seal breach.
platform facies. Gas accumulations in the western offshore, located south Deeper culminations in these pressure cells may be pro-
of the distribution area of this carbonate, are in the Z3 Carbonate. The tected against seal failure.
location of the Coevorden eld is indicated. Sandstones of the Triassic Solling Formation present a
unique reservoir locally. Well L9-8, drilled in 1993, found
tion rates of several million cubic metres per day have this reservoir, which was hitherto unknown, gas-bearing.
been achieved. Towards the north, the reservoirs rapidly Subsequent development drilling of the L9-FD, FF and
deteriorate because of erosion of the best reservoir sec- FI complex of elds established total recoverable gas re-
tion in the upper parts of the Main Buntsandstein and a serves of ca. 26 109 m3 in the reservoir which is up to
general increase in pre-inversion burial, which caused di- 125 m thick and has a net over gross ratio of close to 100%.
agenetic reduction of porosity and permeability. Further- Gas production rates from this extremely prolic reservoir,
more, as a result of tectonic inversion during the Late Cre- with average permeabilities in the Darcy range, are typi-
taceous, traps in the central and northern part of the basin cally several million cubic metres per day per well. To the
changed their conguration or were destroyed, while new north, in block L6, the same reservoir is salt-plugged. The
ones formed. At the same time, both the Carboniferous great thickness of the reservoir in part of block L9 sug-
and the Jurassic source rocks largely stopped generating gests a unique depositional setting. Extensive core cover-

256 Petroleum geology > J. de Jager & M.C. Geluk

age indicates that the reservoir is made up mainly of eo-
lian sandstones, with locally some water-laid sediments.
Well and seismic data show that the reservoir package is
wedge-shaped, thickening into a listric normal fault that
detaches onto the top of the Zechstein salt, adjacent to a
salt wall. The eolian sandstones were clearly preserved in
a syn-depositional half-graben, the development of which
appears to be related to Early Triassic extension.
Salt plugging of the reservoirs is a serious risk to the Tri-
assic play in the northern offshore (Purvis & Okkerman,
1996). Salt-plugged reservoirs have been encountered in
particular near salt walls and along fault planes, and are
often characterised by a phase reversal of the seismic re-
sponse of top reservoir. Careful study of seismic ampli-
tudes may indicate whether good reservoirs are present or
On the Cleaver Bank High, no discoveries have been
made in the Triassic so far. Because of deep erosion, the
Triassic is in many places truncated at the Base Cretaceous
Unconformity. Associated leaching has resulted in excel-
lent reservoirs, with average porosities of up to 27%. The
lack of exploration success is attributed to a lack of charge
windows through the thick sealing claystones and evapor-
ites of the Rotliegend and Zechstein.
In the western offshore the P6 elds produce gas from
Triassic sandstones. The Buntsandstein is also a proven
gas reservoir in the eastern Netherlands. The Wanneper-
veen and De Wijk elds (Bruijn, 1996) produce from reser-
voirs that are sealed by shales of the Lower Cretaceous
Vlieland Claystone Formation. Reservoir characteristics
are enhanced as a result of leaching below the Base Creta-
ceous Unconformity. Even leached anhydritic shales of the
Lower Triassic Rogenstein are productive in these elds.
Base Vlieland channel sands locally form part of the com-
plex traps.

Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous plays

The Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous oil plays are re- Fig. 17. Triassic play map showing gas elds producing from Triassic
stricted to the Kimmerian rift basins, such as the Dutch reservoirs and the present-day distribution of the Main Buntsandstein
Central Graben and the Broad Fourteens, West and Cen- Subgroup (purple) and the Rt Fringe Sandstone. These units form the
tral Netherlands, and Lower Saxony basins. The reservoirs main reservoirs. The main top seals are indicated per area. Beyond the
occur in clastic syn-rift and early post-rift deposits, which depositional limit of the Zechstein salt, Westphalian gas can migrate
show rapid facies variations, ranging from continental to directly into Triassic reservoirs. Where the Zechstein salt is present, charge
into the Triassic relies on the presence of breaches in the Zechstein as a
marine. There is also a great variation in trap styles. These
result of salt withdrawal or faulting. The names of some of the main
plays are much more oil-rich than the other Dutch plays.
Triassic elds are indicated.
This is mainly because of charge from the Lower Juras-
sic Posidonia Shale, which has been preserved only within
the extensional Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous rift basins oil from the Lower Cretaceous Bentheim Sandstone, at
(Fig. 9). Most of the gas present is derived from the West- a depth of ca. 800 m. The accumulation is rather excep-
phalian, and in the Dutch Central Graben also from Juras- tional, as it is sourced from lacustrine algal Type-I source
sic coal-bearing sequences and/or deeper Jurassic shales rocks of Early Cretaceous age (Coevorden Fm). These
of the Aalburg Formation. source rocks have a limited distribution in the Nether-
In the east Netherlands, the Schoonebeek eld has pro- lands, but extend into the Lower Saxony Basin in Germany
duced a total of ca. 250 million barrels (40 106 m3 ) of (Binot et al. 1991). The relatively low gravity of the oil of

Geology of the Netherlands 257

which seems somewhat erratic and cannot readily be in-
terpreted from the seismic data.
In the West Netherlands Basin, an intensive drilling
programme in the 1950s led to the discovery of the Rijs-
wijk, Pijnacker, De Lier, IJsselmonde, Wassenaar, Zoeter-
meer and Moerkapelle oil elds. Exploration from the late
1970s to early 1990s resulted in further discoveries, both
onshore (Berkel, Barendrecht, Rotterdam, Pernis and Per-
nis West) and offshore (P8a, P9, P11, P12, P15, and Q13).
Rotterdam is the largest eld, with initial reserves of ca.
90 million barrels (14 106 m3 ). Both gas and oil are
present in sandstones of the Upper Jurassic to Lower Cre-
taceous syn-rift and Lower Cretaceous post-rift deposits
(Bodenhausen & Ott, 1981). Many of the older elds have
been abandoned or closed-in over the last few years, and
all current oil production is from Berkel, Rotterdam and
Pernis West. The best reservoirs are the post-rift Rijswijk,
Berkel and IJsselmonde sandstones that have been de-
posited as coastal barrier complexes overlying the Late
Kimmerian Unconformity (Den Hartog Jager, 1996). Ad-
ditional reservoirs are the younger De Lier and Holland
Fig. 18. Example of a trap in the Triassic of the West Netherlands Basin
Greensand sandstones and the older syn-rift Deland Sub-
(Wassenaar Deep gas eld). The Main Bundsandstein reservoirs (yellow) group. Many of the reservoirs have oil columns with a
have younger Triassic shales as top seal, and are laterally sealed by Lower gas cap, with the younger reservoirs containing generally
Jurassic shales. more gas (De Jager et al., 1996). The presence of gas is
often a downgrading factor, as it reduces the potential oil
volumes in traps, while it is not sufcient to justify devel-
25 API results from the low maturity of the source rocks. opment as gas elds.
Geochemical data indicate that the oil is an early expulsion Some of the elds contain very heavy oil with API
product, without any sign of biodegradation. gravities of 13 to 20 , resulting in low recovery factors
Gas elds at the level of the Lower Cretaceous Vlieland (e.g. Moerkapelle and Wassenaar). This is the result of
sandstones in the north-east Netherlands are, amongst biodegradation at the onset of the Tertiary. Because of tec-
others, Tietjerksteradeel, Wanneperveen, Leeuwarden, tonic inversion, reservoirs were then at or near the sur-
Harlingen (Van den Bosch, 1983) and De Wijk. Additional face, where bacteria had access to fresh meteoric waters
discoveries have been made in the Lemmer-Steenwijk con- (De Jager et al., 1996).
cession. The main difculty of this play is to predict the Traps occur mainly as four-way dip-closures along an-
presence of the Vlieland sandstones, the distribution of ticlinal trends that formed in response to the Late Cre-

Fig. 19. Trapping styles in the Triassic of the northern Cretaceous Unconformity, Lower Cretaceous marine shales
offshore. Most gas (dark green) is trapped in four-way may provide the seal. Salt-plugged reservoirs may provide
dip-closed structures above salt swells or in turtle-back lateral stratigraphic seals.
structures. Where the Triassic is truncated at the Base

258 Petroleum geology > J. de Jager & M.C. Geluk

taceous and Early Tertiary inversion along the south-
western basin margin (Fig. 20; Racero-Baena & Drake,
1996). Further north, in the more strongly inverted sec-
tors of the West Netherlands Basin, and also in the Cen-
tral Netherlands Basin, the reservoir objectives have been
eroded. Although the rapid facies variations within the
Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous suggest a poten-
tial for stratigraphic traps, these have yet to be encoun-
The Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous oil and gas
plays of the Broad Fourteens Basin are essentially the
same as in the West Netherlands Basin, with the same
source rocks and reservoir sandstones. All known trapped
hydrocarbons are located along the north-eastern margin
of the inverted basin in Q1 (Helm, Hoorn, Helder, Haven
and Halfweg elds; Roelofsen & De Boer, 1991) and in K18
and L16 (Kotter and Logger elds; De Jong & Laker, 1992;
Goh, 1994). In the inverted areas of the Broad Fourteens
Basin, as in the West Netherlands Basin, there is a tim-
ing problem with regard to hydrocarbon generation and
trap formation. In these areas, the Carboniferous source
rocks became mature in the Late Jurassic or the Creta-
ceous, prior to the main phase of trap formation, which
Fig. 20. Example of a trap in the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous in
is Late Cretaceous or even younger.
the West Netherlands Basin (IJsselmonde-Ridderkerk eld). Several
In the Dutch Central Graben, several oil discoveries stacked reservoirs are present, the younger of which contain more gas and
have been made in Upper Jurassic and Lower Creta- the deeper more oil.
ceous sandstones (Wong et al., 1989; Wong, 1991). The
largest eld is F3-FB, where several sandstones in the Up-
per Jurassic Central Graben Group contain light oil (ca. cult to establish. Coals within the Central Graben Group
55 API) and gas. The volume of oil initially in place in are not very extensive, but may have contributed some gas
this eld is ca. 100 million barrels (16 106 m3 ). Other oil charge. In the Waddenzee area of the Vlieland Basin, the
accumulations are F3-FA, F14-FA, F17-FA, F17-FB, F18-FA, Zuidwal eld produces gas from the Vlieland Sandstone
L1-FB, L2-FA and L5-FA. Gas caps are present in F3-FB Formation in a drape structure over an Upper Jurassic vol-
and F18-FA, while in F3-FA mainly gas is trapped. Most canic complex (Perrot & Van der Poel, 1987; Herngreen
of these hydrocarbons have been generated by the Posido- et al., 1991).
nia Shale, with minor contributions from the Aalburg and
Sleen formations and from coals in the Central Graben Upper Cretaceous Chalk play
Group. The Chalk Group is the reservoir for several major oil
The traps in the graben occur as four-way dip-closures elds in the Danish sector of the North Sea (e.g. Dan,
in turtle-back structures (F3-FB, Fig. 21) and as tilted fault Gorm and Skjold). In the Netherlands the rst and so
blocks. The southern sector of the graben has been more far only economic oil accumulation offshore is the Hanze
strongly inverted, resulting in greater structural complex- eld, discovered in 1996 in block F2 in the north of the
ity and compartmentalisation of the traps. Reservoir dis- Dutch Central Graben. In several structurally valid tests,
tribution is another important factor in the syn-tectonic oil shows have been encountered in the chalk, in partic-
sequences that have been deposited in uvial, deltaic and ular in the Dutch Central Graben area. In most of these
lagoonal environments. This is in particular the case in cases the oil is likely to have been derived from the Posi-
the south of the graben, where there are great variations donia Shale.
in sand to shale ratios, and where individual sands seem The only onshore gas eld producing from the Chalk
to have a limited lateral extent. Group is the Harlingen eld (Van den Bosch, 1983). Gas
In the Terschelling Basin only one small gas discov- is also present in the upper part of the Chalk Group at De
ery has been made in block L6. This lack of success is Wijk and Wanneperveen, where the gas columns extend
attributed mainly to a lack of lateral and top seals. Gas upwards into the Tertiary Basal Dongen Tufte. Antici-
charge may be limited as well, as migration paths from pated subsidence problems prevent development of these
the Westphalian through the Zechstein evaporites are dif- reserves. In the West Netherlands Basin, gas has been

Geology of the Netherlands 259

Fig. 21. The F3-FB eld in the north of the Dutch Central The reservoirs are not in communication and have separate
Graben. Three main Upper Jurassic sandstone reservoirs are hydrocarbon-water contacts.
present in a faulted four-way dip-closed turtle-back structure.

tested from the Maastrichtian and Danian parts of the until 1988 before well A12-3 tested potentially economic
Chalk Group in the IJsselmonde structure. production rates from the shallow gas discovered by well
Although the reservoir characteristics of the Chalk A12-1 in silty sands in the topsets of Plio-Pleistocene pro-
Group are generally only poor to fair, they are compara- grading shelf sequences. Further shallow gas accumula-
ble to those of the chalk in the Danish and Norwegian tions were discovered in B10, B13 and B16-1. Sand produc-
sectors of the North Sea. The lack of success in the Chalk tion from these unconsolidated reservoirs poses a major
in the Netherlands is possibly related to the relatively shal- development problem.
low depth of burial and to a limited charge. The shallow
burial has resulted in a reduced sealing capacity of the Future potential
Lower Tertiary above the somewhat overpressured chalk
reservoirs, causing leaky traps. Proven plays
The Netherlands must qualify as a mature hydrocarbon
Tertiary and Quaternary plays province. With most of the current licences covered with
In the IJsselmonde structure in the West Netherlands 3D seismic data, and with many wells drilled, the main
Basin, small amounts of gas have been tested from the prospective fairways have already been well explored. Yet,
Lower Tertiary Basal Dongen Sand, which lies some 30 m new discoveries continue to be made, and a plot of cu-
above the base of the Lower North Sea Group, and has mulative volumes of gas found over time does not show
average porosities ranging from 34 to 39%. In the east indications of a reduced exploration efciency or cream-
Netherlands, the gas trapped in the Basal Dongen Tufte ing (Fig. 22). The continued steady pace of new discov-
in the De Wijk eld has not been developed because of eries over the last two decades certainly results in part
anticipated subsidence problems during production. from the application of seismic 3D technology, which has
The main Tertiary-Quaternary gas accumulations occur revealed traps that hitherto went unnoticed. Related ad-
in the A and B blocks of the northern offshore at depths vances in seismic processing, such as pre-stack depth mi-
of 400 to 700 m. Strong amplitude anomalies and deeper gration, have more recently further improved the accuracy
pull-downs on seismic proles clearly indicate the pres- of predictive subsurface models. In addition, geological
ence of gas in subtle structures of only several tens of me- concepts continue to be improved, resulting in the iden-
tres height. Most of the shallow gas accumulations are as- tication of new play opportunities and trapping styles.
sociated with gas chimneys, indicating leakage. Although The future potential for new gas discoveries in the Nether-
the gas-bearing sandstones had been seen on seismic, and lands, based on identied prospects in proven plays, as re-
were encountered in wells with deeper objectives, it took ported by the Ministry of Economic Affairs (2006), is esti-

260 Petroleum geology > J. de Jager & M.C. Geluk

Fig. 22. Gas creaming curve for the Netherlands, excluding been discovered. The attening of the curve since 1998 is due
the giant Groningen eld. Since the discovery of this eld in to a reduced drilling activity.
1959, an almost constant volume of new gas per year has

mated to be between 180 and 440 109 m3 of gas. These fractured platform-edge carbonates sealed by Namurian
future reserves represent the addition of risked volumes shales that may contain source rocks. Wells have indicated
of identied prospects in proven plays above a cut-off vol- good porosities and permeabilities (Darcy scale) in north-
ume of 0.5 109 m3 of gas onshore and 2.0 109 m3 ern Belgium, where gas is stored in Dinantian rocks near
offshore. These numbers do not include the unidentied Loenhout, east of Antwerp.
potential that may result from identication of new plays In the northern offshore, the mixed clastic and carbon-
and prospects, for example through the application of new ate sequences of the Dinantian and Namurian Yoredale
technologies or extensions to proven play areas. Formation, sealed by intraformational marine shales,
In a densely explored area such as the Netherlands, on- form a speculative play. Charge could come from Visean
going exploration continues to lead to new insights. The coals or marine Namurian shales. There is a high risk,
great variety of structural styles and potential reservoir- however, that these potential source rocks are post-mature.
seal pairs, only improves the chances for unidentied Intra-Westphalian gas accumulations have to rely on
plays and prospects to occur. New technological develop- intra-formational seals and on lateral seals by favourable
ments are likely to provide increased accuracy to the pre- juxtaposition across faults. That this may work is proven
dictions and a better understanding of play and prospect by a small and uneconomic gas discovery in block Q13.
risks. A break-through in the area of improved produc- Also elsewhere in the Netherlands, intra-Westphalian
tion of gas from tight reservoirs may not only allow the shales occasionally seal small gas columns. Although no
exploitation of many accumulations that are currently un- regional Westphalian seals have been identied, the ma-
economic, but will also broaden the scope for exploration. rine bands, which form laterally extensive but thin shale
Similarly, a break-through in the area of permeability pre- intervals, could prove to be effective as intra-formational
diction (e.g. from seismic data) would result in the de- seals.
risking of prospects that are currently highly risky. And, Gas accumulations may be present in Rotliegend sand-
last but not least, the lowering of economic thresholds or stones along the northern margin of the Southern Per-
cheaper drilling and production technology may render mian Basin in the A and B quadrants. Prospectivity in
presently non-commercial accumulations economic in the this area relies on nding structurally valid and well-sealed
future. traps. A risk is the absence of Westphalian source rocks.
However, Namurian shales and possibly Visean coals dis-
New or speculative plays play source-rock quality in the nearby German and British
In most of the Netherlands the Devonian occurs deeper wells.
than 5 or 6 km, and is a speculative objective at best. Di- Elsewhere, remaining Rotliegend potential is likely to
nantian carbonates on the northern ank of the London- be present in down-faulted traps relying on sealing faults.
Brabant Massif and in well Winterswijk-1 in the east A technological break-through in the production of gas
Netherlands have been found tight and water-bearing. from tight reservoirs (permeability < 1 mD) would open
Nevertheless, some potential remains in karstied and up additional potential.

Geology of the Netherlands 261

Two potential Zechstein hydrocarbon objectives have zoic extensional basins, most oil elds are found there.
been proposed by Geluk (2000). Firstly, Z1 reefs, which The total initial producible oil reserves are relatively mod-
could be present along the Dutch Central Graben and the est and amount to just over 1 billion barrels (165 106 m3 ),
Mid North Sea High and in the eastern Netherlands, as of which 234 million barrels (36 106 m3 ) remain early
well as above topographic base-Zechstein highs elsewhere. 2006.
Secondly, Z2 carbonates in slumps and mass ows in the Additional discoveries continue to be made, with no in-
western offshore, in front of a carbonate platform that ex- dications of a reduction in exploration efciency. The Min-
isted in the southern K and L quadrants. Furthermore, Z2 istry of Economic Affairs estimates the remaining undis-
off-platform highs may occur in this area, even though covered reserves in mapped prospects within proven plays
they have not yet been identied in wells. For success- to be between 180 and 440 109 m3 of recoverable gas.
ful exploration of these plays, 3D seismic interpretation The volumes associated with yet to be identied prospects
and high-resolution sequence stratigraphy form a prereq- and plays, and those that will result from improved tech-
uisite. nologies, will undoubtedly increase this remaining poten-
Above the Zechstein salt, the Triassic is in many places tial.
intricately structured, and several potential reservoir ob-
jectives are present. The discovery in 1993, with the 8th acknowledgements
well in the 20 20 km L9 block, of a locally developed This paper is published by permission of the Nederlandse
but exceptionally prolic sandstone package of up to 125 m Aardolie Maatschappij BV (NAM), Shell Internationale Pe-
thick in the Solling Formation suggests that other un- troleum Maatschappij BV and ExxonMobil. The play con-
known Triassic reservoirs may be present as well. Uniden- cepts presented here have been developed by several gen-
tied trapping geometries may also occur in these se- erations of geoscientists, whose contributions are hereby
quences. The complex structuration, however, also implies gratefully acknowledged. The authors are indebted in par-
a risk of compartmentalisation of potential gas accumula- ticular to Hans Kooper of NAM and Jaap Breunese of
tions. TNO. Comments by Sander Kabel and Henk Krijnen are
Several oil discoveries in the Upper Jurassic and Lower gratefully acknowledged. They thank Wynzen van Heijst
Cretaceous of the Dutch Central Graben are sub-economic for his draughting work.
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