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Course Outline: International Islamic University Malaysia

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Kulliyyah / Institute Engineering

Department / Centre Mechatronics Engineering

Programme B. Eng (Mechatronics) (Honours)

Name of Course / Mode System Dynamics and Control /Full time

Course Code MCT 3423

Name (s) of Academic
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Salmiah Ahmad
staff / Instructor(s)
Rationale for the
inclusion of the course / Required course for Mechatronics Engineering Programme
module in the programme
Semester and Year
Every Semester
Status Core
Level 3

Proposed Start Date Semester 2 2011/2012

Batch of Student to be
Independent Learning

Face to Face Assessments



Total Student Learning


Time (SLT)

42 2 3 81 128
Credit Value / Hours 3/128

Pre-requisites (if any) MCT 2121, MTH 2311

Co-requisites (if any) MCT 2337

Course Objectives The objectives of this course are to:
1. Introduce students to the concept of systems dynamics and its
applications in control systems.
2. Expose students to the methods of modeling multi-domain
3. Introduce students to the concept of control systems and its
applications in mechatronics.
4. Familiarize students with control system analyses.
5. Expose students to design controller for target applications
based on specified performances. Familiarize students to the
use of software tools for control system analysis and design.
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
1. Identify the components of various dynamic systems and then
develop physical and mathematical models of the respective
individual domain
2. Identify basic control elements and their functionality.
Learning Outcomes
3. Analyze the stability and performance of control systems.
4. Design and analyze controller/compensator using root locus
method according to the desired performances.
5. Design and analyze controller/compensator using frequency
response method according to the desired performances.
Skills and how they are developed and assessed:
Skills Development Assessment
Transferable Skills: Technical Lectures Written Assessment
Analytical Test , Quizzes

Teaching-Learning and
Lectures, Assignments, Quizzes and Mid-term test.
assessment strategy
Dynamics of mechanical, fluid, electrical, thermal and mixed
systems. Model representation using transfer function, block
diagram and state variable systems. Simulation of dynamics
systems. Control System types and effects of feedback. System
Course Synopsis
analysis: transient response, steady-state error, sensitivity and
stability. Root-locus analysis and design. Frequency response
analysis of linear systems. Bode and Nyquist diagrams.
Compensation techniques.
Mode of Delivery Lectures and Discussion
LO Method %
Assessment Methods and 1,2,3,4,5,6 Quiz 20
Type/Course Assessement 1,2,3,4,5,6 Assignment 10
State weightage of each 1,2,3,4 Mid-term Test 30
type of assessment. 2,3,4,5,6 Final Examination 40

Mapping of course / module to the Programme Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcome of the course Programme Outcomes
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12
Identify the components of various dynamic
systems and then develop physical and
mathematical models of the respective individual
Identify basic control elements and their
Analyze the stability and performance of control

Design and analyze controller/compensator using

root locus method according to the desired
Design and analyze controller/compensator using
frequency response method according to the
desired performances.
Content outline of the course / module and the SLT per topic
Weeks Topics Task/Reading
1 Introduction to system dynamics and Control; Basic
concept of control systems. Example of control systems
Chapter 1
and control system design with example. The importance
of system modeling in control system design.
2,3,4 Modeling of dynamic system; Dynamics of mechanical,
fluid, electrical, thermal and mixed systems. Model Ogata, Chapter
representation using transfer function, block diagram, 3
signal flow graph and state variable systems.
5, 6 Analysis of Dynamics Models; Time response and
digital simulation: nonlinear systems and linearization, Chapter 4 & 5
poles and zeros.
7,8,9 Control System Properties and Performances; Basic
equation of control, time domain specification, system
Chapter 6
stability, steady-state error and system type, control of
dynamics error, system sensitivity.
10, 11 The Root Locus Design Method; Root locus concept,
guidelines for sketching root locus, controller design Chapter 7 & 10
using root locus.
12, 13 Frequency Response Design Method; Frequency
response, bode diagram, neutral stability, stability Chapter 8, 9 &
margin, performance specification in frequency domain, 10
controller design using bode diagram.
14 Controller Implementation and Case Studies: analog
implementation using operational amplifier, case studies.
Required references supporting the course
The reference lists shall be presented in accordance with APA bibliographic practices and in alphabetical order.

Dorf, R. D., and Bishop, R. H., (2010). Modern Control Systems, (11th ed.), Prentice Hall.

Recommended references supporting the course

Franklin, G. F., Powell, J. D. and Emami-Naemi, A., (2006). Feedback Control of Dynamic
Systems, (5th ed.), Prentice Hall.

Kuo, B., (2003). Automatic Control Systems, (8th ed.), John Willey & Sons.

Nise, N.S., (2001). Control System Engineering, (3rd ed.), John Willey & Sons.

Ogata, M., (2000). Modern Control Engineering, (4th ed.), Prentice Hall.
Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Dr. Salmiah Ahmad Dr. Tanveer Saleh Prof. Emeritus Dato' Wira
Associate Professor Head of Department Ir. Dr. Md. Noor Bin Salleh
Kulliyyah of Engineering Kulliyyah of Engineering Dean
Kulliyyah of Engineering
Programme Learning Outcome (PO): At the end of the programme, Students are able to:

Programme Learning Outcome (PO) MQF Domain

1. acquire and apply knowledge of mathematics, computers,
science, and engineering. (T)
2. have in-depth understanding and technical competency in
relevant engineering discipline. (T)
3. identify, formulate and provide solutions to engineering
problems. (T)
4. design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and
Practical Skills
interpret data. (D)
5. analyze and design a system, component, or process to achieve Problem Solving and
the required objectives. (A) Scientific Skills
Problem Solving and
6. apply design principles for sustainable development. (D) Scientific Skills
Communication, Leadership
7. communicate effectively. (S) and Team Skills
8. function effectively as an individual and in group with the
Managerial and
capacity to be a leader or manager as well as an effective team Entrepreneurial Skills
member. (S)
9. recognize the need for lifelong learning and to pursue Information Management
independent learning for professional development. (S) and Lifelong Learning Skills
10. understand the responsibility of a professional engineer in the
Social skills and
context of contemporary social, cultural, global and Responsibilities
environmental issues. (ESSE)
11. demonstrate understanding and commitment to professional Value, Attitudes and
and ethical responsibilities. (ESSE) Professionalism
12. understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and Information Management
societal context through broad-based education. (ESSE) and Lifelong Learning Skills

The program learning outcomes (PO) are grouped into 5 general areas to identify the nature of
the skills and capability involved. These groups are:
1. Technical (T) essential capabilities related to traditional scientific and engineering
2. Analysis (A) creatively working with available data and engineering tools and fundamental
knowledge to correctly solve basic problem
3. Design (D) being able to perceive the best solution for both small scale and large scale
project by involving all required basic problems
4. Ethics, Safety, Society and Environment (ESSE) - giving appropriate consideration to matters
pertaining to professionalism and ethics, safety, local and global society and the environment
5. Work skills (S) being and effective communicator and effective member of a team and to
appreciate the need to continuously acquired skills and abilities.

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