Mark Up Slides
Mark Up Slides
Mark Up Slides
Takamitsu Kurita
The objective of this paper is to model Japans markup and ination using
historical time series data covering the last quarter of the 20th century.
Regarding applied work using time series data, Sargan (1964) is a seminal paper
in that he gives congruent econometric representations of wages and prices in
the UK based on an equilibrium correction approach, the approach intimately
linked to a cointegration analysis.
A recent empirical analysis of price and wage time series data was performed
by Brdsen, Jansen and Nymoen (2003), Marcellino and Mizon (2001), inter
Macroeconomic time series data often exhibit non-stationary behaviour, and
thus need to be treated as integrated processes rather than stationary.
Hendry and Mizon (1993) discuss a model reduction procedure using the coin-
tegrated VAR model. See also Hendry and Doornik (1994), Kurita (2007)
for the general-to-specic modelling methodology using the cointegrated VAR
Furthermore, the concept of weak exogeneity introduced by Engle, Hendry and
Richard (1983) also plays an important part in econometrics.
It is noteworthy that such a stable structure has been revealed from the analysis
of the data covering the period of Japans economic turmoil.
2 Outline
4. Conclusion
3 Countercyclical Markup and Ination Dynam-
Since the aim of this paper is to estimate an empirical model for Japans
markup and ination, it is necessary to conceive a plausible long-run economic
relationship associated with these two variables
The specication of t is based on the fact that the markup tends to be mod-
erately countercyclical with economic growth.
See Blanchard and Fisher (1989, Ch.9), Solon, Barsky and Parker (1994),
Rotemberg and Woodford (1999), inter alia.
Substituting (2) into (1) and taking logs of both sides can lead to
pt (w t t) + yt stationary; (3)
for pt = log Pt and wt = log Wt. Equation (3) is a candidate for a cointe-
grating relationship based on the notion of countercyclical markup.
Furthermore, it is often pointed out that the spread between the long and
short term interest rates contains information about expected future economic
See Stock and Watson (1989), Bernard and Gerlach (1998), Hamilton and Kim
(2002), and Ichiue (2004), inter alia.
The interest rate dierential or yield spread, denoted by rst, may play a signif-
icant role in the short-run dynamics, or i;t, of the ECM.
4 Cointegrated VAR Model
In practice, there may be a case where both pt and wt exhibit I (2)-type non-
stationary behaviour.
Determining the cointegrating rank in the VAR model allows us to test various
restrictions on , and in order to pursue the adjustment structure and
cointegrating relationships subject to economic interpretation.
Next, in order to derive the bivariate system (4) from the cointegrated VAR
model (6) as a partial or conditional data-representation, let the process be
decomposed as Xt = 0 ; X0
X1t 2t for X1t = (pt wt ; pt)0 and X2t =
( yt; rst)0 :
The parameters and error terms appearing in (6) are also expressed as
! ! ! ! !
1 1;i 1 "1;t 11 12
= , i= ; = ; "t = ; = :
2 2;i 2 "2;t 21 22
It is then possible to say that (4) may correspond to the conditional model (7).
The parameters in (9) correspond to those appearing in (4), and may therefore
be treated as the set of parameters of interest.
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
(p w )* y y* (p w )* rs (d)
t t t t (c) t t t
0.02 0.02
0.00 0.00
-0.02 -0.02
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
5.2 Estimating the Unrestricted VAR Model
F-tests for the lag order determination indicate that variables at lag length 5
seem to be irrelevant so the VAR(5) model reduces to the VAR(4) model.
Some evidence is then found for signicance of a variable with lag length 4,
suggesting that further model reduction is likely to be inappropriate.
The VAR(4) model is chosen for further analysis, so that the sample period
eective for estimation is 1976.3 - 2000.4 and the number of observations is
After identifying the cointegrating relations and conducting the model reduc-
tion, it is possible to pursue such interpretation.
Vector tests
Autocorr.[Far (16,223)] 1.22 [0.25] Hetero.[Fhet(340,374)] 0.66 [1.00]
- [Far (96,212)] 1.04 [0.41] Normality [ 2nd(8)] 7.17 [0.52]
The diagnostic tests of the VAR(4) model are given in the table above.
Most of the test results are given in the form Fj (k; T l), which means an
approximate F-test against the alternative hypothesis j :
kth-order serial correlation (Far : see Godfrey, 1978; Nielsen, 2007), kth-order
autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (Farch: see Engle, 1982), het-
eroscedasticity (Fhet: see White, 1980), and a chi squared test for normality
( 2nd: see Doornik and Hansen, 1994).
The diagnostic test statistics are all insignicant, thereby allowing us to con-
clude that this model is subject to the subsequent likelihood-based cointegration
analysis and model reduction.
5.3 Choosing the Cointegrating Rank
The table below presents two types of log LR test statistics for the choice of
r, so-called trace test statistics (trace) and maximum eigenvalue test statistics
(max:eigen:). The modulus of the six largest roots of a companion matrix for
the VAR model are also provided in the table.
r=0 r 1 r 2 r 3
trace 64:92[0:04] 40:51[0:08] 23:77[0:09] 9:66[0:15]
max:eigen: 24:41[0:32] 16:73[0:48] 14:12[0:25] 9:66[0:15]
The second panel, motivated by the results of the trace test in the rst panel,
provides modulus (denoted mod) of the six largest eigenvalues of a companion
matrix of the VAR model restricted with r = 1 or with r = 2.
No eigenvalue over 1.0 suggests that the model does not include any explosive
root, and all the eigenvalues apart from the imposed unit roots are distinct
from unity.
Judging from these outcomes, the restriction of r = 1 seems to be appropriate
for the description of the data.
In order to consolidate the argument for r = 1, the gure below presents time
series plots of the estimated cointegrating combination under the restriction of
r = 1.
The gure displays recursive plots of some of the trace test statistics.
0.35 (a)
Cointegrating Relation
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
trace (r=0) trace (r<=1) (b)
Critical Value (r=0) Critical Value (r<=1)
It is expected that the ination process could play a little or no role in the
long-run relationship, so the exclusion of pt from the long-run cointegrating
relation should be examined.
pt wt pt yt rst t 2 (3)
b0 0:19 0:19 0 0 4:76[0:19]
(0:05) (0:05) ( ) ( )
b 0 1 0 1:12 0:002 0:00389
( ) ( ) (0:51) (0:004) (1:51e-04)
The table shows that the set of hypotheses is not rejected at the 5% level,
indicating that rst and yt are weakly exogenous for the parameters of interest
and pt can be excluded from the cointegrating space.
It turns out that the coe cient for rst in the cointegrating space is insigni-
cant and that for yt is close to unity. Thus, it would be worthwhile to test
additional restrictions as follows:
1. a zero restriction on the element of corresponding to rst;
The table below presents a set of restricted estimates, together with the corre-
sponding log LR test statistic and p-value.
pt wt pt yt rst t 2 (5)
b0 0:18 0:19 0 0 5:01[0:41]
(0:04) (0:04) ( ) ( )
b 0 1 0 1 0 0:00381
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (7:15e-05)
pt (w t 0:00381t) + yt : (10)
Interpreting the linear trend as an approximation of labour productivity growth,
this cointegrating relation indicates that a markup over productivity-adjusted
wages tends to move in the opposite direction to the real output growth.
See Blanchard and Fisher, 1989, Ch.9; Solon, Barsky and Parker, 1994; Rotem-
berg and Woodford, 1999; Romer, 2001, Ch.5, inter alia.
Various theories have been developed to explain this pattern of countercyclical
markup such as collusion in imperfect competition and kinked demand curves,
see the above references.
The starting point of the analysis is to map the data to the I (0) space by
dierencing and using the restricted cointegrating combination.
We then estimate a two-dimensional I (0) VAR system for (pt wt ) and
2 p conditional on rs and 2 y .
t t t
Imposing constraints on some of the coe cients which have similar size in order
to seek a parsimonious representation, an empirical price-wage mechanism is
attained as follows:
pt dwt = 0:12 a rs
t 0:08 2a y
t + 0:27 (pt 1 wt 1 )
(0:05) (0:02) (0:09)
0:14 2p 0:19 rst 1 + 0:11 pt 3 wt 3
t 1
(0:08) (0:06) (0:07)
0:17 ecmt 1 + 0:05 ;
(0:03) (0:01)
b = 0.0038; Far (6,81) = 1.97[0.08];
2 (2) = 2.75[0.25]; F
nd arch (6,78) = 0.35[0.91]; Fhet(20,69) = 1.02[0.46];
bt = 0:12 rst 0:09 2y 0:64 2p 0:17 a (p wt 1 )
t t 1 t 1
(0:06) (0:03) (0:09) (0:07)
+ 0:4 (pt 2 wt 2 ) 0:16 ecmt 1 + 0:05 ;
(0:08) (0:03) (0:01)
b = 0.0038; Far (6,81) = 2.18[0.053];
2 (2) = 2.73[0.26]; F
nd arch(6,78) = 0.33[0.92]; Fhet(20,69) = 1.02[0.45];
The test statistics for a single equation are reported under each equation, and
the statistics for the whole system (the vector tests) are reported under the two
0.015 (pt-w*t) Fitted 1.0
(b) (pt-w*t)
-0.005 -0.5
0.00 0.0
0.0 0.0
-2.5 -2.5
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000
(pt-w*t) 0.01 pt (scaled)
0.01 (d)
0.00 0.00
1985 1990 1995 2000 1985 1990 1995 2000
1.0 1.0
(e) (f) 2
(pt-w*t) 1% pt 1%
0.5 0.5
A change in the interest rate dierential has a negative eect on the markup
and ination growth; this may reect information on expected economic growth
and ination contained in the dierential.
In line with the interest rate dierential, an acceleration of the real output
growth also has a negative inuence on the markup and ination growth.
The analysis provides evidence for the presence of a long-run economic relation-
ship in the data, interpreted as an empirical representation of countercyclical
A set of variables in the cointegrated system except markup and ination are
judged to be weakly exogenous for parameters of interest, thereby enabling us
to estimate a partial system given the weakly exogenous variables.
It should be noted that such a stable model has been estimated from the analysis
of the data covering the period of Japans economic turmoil.