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Volume 1

Materials Technology I

1. Raw Materials Supply for Cement and Aggregate Industry....................................... 2

2. Theoretical Concepts of Geology................................................................................. 7
3. Desk Study for Raw Materials Deposits..................................................................... 41
4. Preliminary Field Investigations of Deposits ............................................................ 58
5. Overall Raw Material Prospecting .............................................................................. 93
6. Assessment of Cement Raw Materials .................................................................... 114
7. Detailed Investigations of Raw Materials................................................................. 165
8. Environmental Aspects of Mining and Rehabilitation ............................................ 175
9. Project Management Raw Materials Surveys .......................................................... 182
10. Case Study.................................................................................................................. 198
11. Raw Materials Management ...................................................................................... 201
12. Basic Cement Chemistry........................................................................................... 242
13. Mix Design .................................................................................................................. 251
14. Slurry Preparation...................................................................................................... 278

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Chapter 1

Raw Materials Supply for Cement and Aggregate Industry

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Raw Material Supply to Cement and Aggregate Industry


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The basis for all business the in cement and aggregate industry is adequate supplies of raw
material. This raw material is found in nature in form of rock formations. In order to find and
secure sufficient reserves of such rock formations exploration work is conducted. The actual
production is gained from open cast mining of a raw material deposit (any volume of rock
can represent a raw material deposit) in most cases. Picture 1 depicts a typical quarry for a
cement factory. It becomes very evident that the meaning of a quarry is to dig a hole into the
landscape. Considering the fact that for the production of clinker or aggregates certain
qualities of rock are needed, it is of paramount interest to the plant to know beforehand what
type of rock and what quality will be encountered within the mountain, behind the quarry

Picture 1 The Quarry, source of raw materials

This need for information before mining starts is the classical problem of exploration.
Two main aspects are to be considered:
Geometry of the raw material deposit, that means geological boundaries like interfaces of
formations, faults and also topography
Quality of the rocks in terms of chemical and mineralogical composition, physical
characteristics like hardness, abrasiveness, pozzolanic activity.
Obviously this task of exploration is not a simple one. Our means of acquiring data is limited
compared to the large size of rock volumes to be investigated. Exploration drillings provide
precise but also very spotty information on the rock volumes. In order to fill the gaps
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between drillholes and also in order to interpret results of drillings, we need a model of the
raw material deposit. This model is developed with the help of the natural science
GEOLOGY. Within this science, all aspects with respect to rock formation, deformation and
transformation are studied and general rules are established. These concepts of geology are
absolutely instrumental for the interpretation of any raw material deposit.
The application of geology is, however, also an ambiguous matter. There are hardly two
geologists who are of the same opinion on a given raw material deposit. This fact creates
confusion especially amongst engineers, who are used to well-defined systems, expressed
in precise figures. Exactly these precise figures can never be provided by the geologists,
because of the inherent ambiguities of the geology. Why is that so?
Geology is a relatively young natural science. It is part of nature and hence very tricky. The
development of this science is not as advanced as, for example, chemistry or physics. The
reason for this lies in the complexity of the subject. It represents a combination of every
conceivable combination of physical, chemical and biological processes at all scales.
Many phenomenons observed in nature are not understood and related processes are not
controlled by scientists. A good example of this fact is the inability to predict earthquakes.
A further reason lies in the fact that geology deals with very different dimensions, from the
very tiny atoms and molecules to finally the whole globe. Especially the large dimensions are
difficult to overcome.
Additionally geology deals with a very long time span. It is an ambitious task to reconstruct
the history of a given rock because of the scarce information. Normally such a history has to
be pieced together the geologist is obliged to use his imagination to fill in gaps in the
Nevertheless, the geological concepts are the only help in the interpretation of raw material
deposits. In order to arrive at the best possible interpretation, it is important to ask the most
adequate person for an opinion. Considering the many different specialists which exist in the
field of geology (see table 1), the choice is not always easy. Very often different specialists
contribute to the erection of a geological model for a raw material deposit. As for instance in
the field of medicine, it is important to select the correct specialist for the purpose in mind
(nobody would select as gynaecologist for an appendix operation).
Because of the difficulties described, the results of geological studies are often qualitative.
For the design of a cement or aggregate plant, however, the engineers require quantitative
results. Also from this side emerges a problem of communication between geologists and
engineers. This is expressed in the fact that qualitative statements of the geologists are
discarded by engineers, and that they the base the design of equipment on shaky but
apparently precise figures. The result of this practice can be very costly. It is the aim of the
following lessons to improve on this special communication between geologists and
The geologists have to learn that quantification is an absolute must in our industry
The engineers have to learn that no raw material deposit is homogenous and no deposit
can be characterized by precise figures alone.

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Table 1

Geological Specialities
Igneous Geology
Structural Geology/Tectonics
Oil Geology
Engineering Geology


Type of raw materials used in the cement

and aggregate industry
limestone clinker/lime production aggregates
claystone/shale clinker production expanded clay
iron-ore corrective material clinker production
bauxite corrective material clinker production
laterite corrective material clinker production
kaolinite white cement production
gypsum cement additive
pozzolana cement additive
sand/gravel aggregates
crushed stone (granite, aggregates
diorite, basalt etc.)

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Chapter 2

Theoretical Concepts of Geology

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Theoretical concepts of Geology

1. THEORETICAL CONCEPTS OF GEOLOGY ....................................................................9

1.1 General remarks..........................................................................................................9
1.2 The structure of the earth ............................................................................................9
1.3 Rock Classification ....................................................................................................14
1.4 Circuit of Geological Processes ................................................................................17
1.5 Geological Time-Scale ..............................................................................................18
1.6 Structural geology .....................................................................................................37

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1.1 General remarks

The following concepts of geology represent a very small selection of available concepts.
They should illustrate how the gaps between isolated data points are filled. In a way they
represent the essence of the "imagination" a geologist uses to produce a coherent
geological model of a raw material deposit. These concepts are derived from observations
made on the actual geological process. This ongoing process, although slow in time, can be
studied and described and the results can be compared to ancient "documents" in the form
of rocks.
There is also much circumstantial information used in the construction of these concepts. By
using the existing examples of rock formation, one assumes that the conditions for these
processes have not changed with time. This is not entirely true, since certain changes to
these general conditions (like for example the polarity and the strength of the earth's
magnetic field) have occurred many times in the past. Still, the so-called actualistic model is
best suited to explain the features of ancient rocks.

1.2 The structure of the earth

There is enough scientific evidence to assume that the earth consists of a series of zones
(Fig. 1) which differ distinctly from on another other in their chemical and physical
characteristics. The earth's center is a solid core of nickel and iron, surrounded by a zone of
liquid material (liquid core"). The mantle lying between the core and the crust is divided into
two sections: the mantle as such and the "upper" mantle. Both are chemically characterized
by the abundantly present sulphur-oxygen compounds combined with heavy metals. The
crust itself can be divided into two portions, the oceanic crust (Silicon, Magnesium and Iron
as main elements) and the continental crust (Silicon and Alumina).

Fig.1 Structure of the Earth

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Compared with the other structural elements of the earth, the crust is a very thin layer, of an
average thickness of only 30 - 40 km (Fig. 2).

Fig.2 Structure of the Earth

The crust and the upper mantle together form the lithosphere, which forms a solid plate of
rock of about 100 km thickness.

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1.2.1 Composition of the Lithosphere
Only approx. 10 - 15 km of the lithosphere has been sufficiently investigated to permit
characterization. It is astonishing that the predominant components in that portion of the
lithosphere, which are accessible for industrial processing, are, oxygen (50 %) and silicon
(25 %, Tables 1 and 3). The remaining 25 % are formed by eight other elements and a mere
0,8 % by the remaining 82 naturally occurring elements, many of which are technically and
industrially important (Table 2).

TABLE 1: Composition of the lithosphere

O 46,6 %
Si 27,7 %
Al 8,1 % 91,0 %
Fe 5,0 %
Ca 3,6 %
Na 2,8 %
K 2,6 %
Mg 2,1 %

TABLE 2: Composition of the lithosphere: minor and trace constituents

10-1 % Ti, H, Mn, P

10-2 % F, S, C, Cl, Rb, Sr, Ba, Zr, Cr, V, Zn
10-3 % Ni, Cu, Li, N, Sn, Co, Pb, Th
10-4 % As, B, Mo, Br, W, U
10-5 % Sb, Bi, Ag
10-6 % Hg, A
10-7 % Au, Pt, He

TABLE 3: Chemical composition of the earth, the lithosphere and of Portland


Earth Lithosphere Portland cement

Oxygen O 22,0 46,6 37,0
Silicon Si 11,0 27,7 9,5
Aluminium Al 0,6 8,1 3,2
Iron Fe 50,0 5,0 2,0
Calcium Ca 1,0 3,6 45,3
Magnesium Mg 9,0 2,1 1,2
Potassium K 2,6 0,5
Sodium Na 2,8" 0,1
Hydrogen H 0,9
Nickel Ni 6,0
Titanium Ti 0,6

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1.2.2 Global Plate Tectonics
Based mainly on results of geophysical research done during the last 30 years
(Geomagnetics, Paleomagnetics, Gravity, Seismic), an old hypothesis was confirmed
beyond doubt: Continents are constantly changing their positions relative to one another, i.e.
they move on the globe. Such movements were put forward in the thirties by A. WEGENER,
based on the excellent fit of the coast lines of North/South America on one side, and
Europe/Africa on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. It has been found that the entire globe
is actually covered by so-called "plates" that comprise the crust and the solidly crystallized
part of the upper mantle (fig. 2a) (the "lithosphere"). Solid parts of this lithosphere move
constantly (continental drift), and the so-called "plate boundaries" accommodate this shift.
Three types of plate boundaries are recognized:
distensive, compressive and lateral
The distensive boundaries are those sites, where new lithosphere is created, nearly
exclusively along the so-called mid-ocean ridges. Their relatively mobile liquid masses
from the molten part of the upper mantle are welling up to the sea floor and crystallise to
form a solid "crust". The rising magma itself segregates because of changes in pressure
and temperature, as a result of which different rocks are formed at different depths. The
lateral rate of accretion has been measured to be in the order of 2 to 10 cm per year.
The compressive plate boundaries are essential for destroying parts of the crust
(otherwise, the globe would expand). This is effected by thrusting slabs of oceanic crust
+ mantle down into the liquid part of the mantle.
These slabs potentially reach a depth of 600 - 700 km, and they are the reason for the
deep-seated earthquakes. At surface, they are marked by deep-sea trenches, volcanic
arcs and mountain chains (fig. 2b).
The lateral boundaries are expressed as large wrench faults, normally a system of near
vertical faults which can accommodate lateral movements of the plates. These form the
links between the other two types of plate boundaries.
Plate boundaries are naturally marked by many geological activities like earthquakes,
mountain forming, rapid sedimentation, volcanism etc. The major features of these plates
are well established, and a globally compatible pattern of their movements over the last 200
- 300 mio years has been worked out. In detail, however, there are still many problems
pending, e.g. the problem of "microplates" or the development of "marginal basins". The
descriptions thus far concerned exclusively the kinematics of the plates. The dynamics, or
"the driving force", is not completely clear and still heavily contested amongst geologists.
The simplest model consists of a "convection cell" mechanism. The liquid part of the mantle
cools and sinks in certain areas, whereas in other places the hot molten material rises to the
lithosphere (fig. 2 c). Calculations of the thermodynamics involved show that even violent
convection is possible, provided the assumption of viscosities, temperatures etc. is realistic.
The global plate tectonics model for the first time in the history of the science of geology
explains the large geological features in a satisfactory way. Doubtless with the increasing
amounts of reliable data available, the model will be modified in the future.

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Fig.2a Major Plate Boundaries of the Globe

Fig.2b Compressive Plate Boundary

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Fig. 2c Global Plate Tectonics Model

1.3 Rock Classification

1.3.1 General remarks

Rocks are classified according to the following criteria:
mineral content
genesis, place of formation
Accordingly, three large groups - each of them divided into several subdivisions - can be
igneous rocks
sedimentary rocks
metamorphic rocks

1.3.2 Igneous Rocks (Fig. 3)

The magma, which originates from the deeper part of the globe (mostly the upper mantle),
rises towards the surface and forms different types of rocks depending on its cooling history
and its differentiation process. The magma can change its chemical composition by
fractional crystallization and by assimilation of rock fragments of the formations it penetrates.
Slow cooling of the magma leads to the development of large crystals, rapid cooling e.g. in a
volcano eruption, leads to very small crystals or even amorphous matter in form of volcanic

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Fig.3 Igneous Rocks

Rocks of this type are often used in Cement and aggregate industry, e.g. as pozolana or
crushed rock (granite, basalt), see table 4.

TABLE 4 Igneous rocks in cement and aggregate industries

Volcanics tuff
Plutonics granite
Intrusives andesite, basalt

1.3.3 Sedimentary Rocks

If rocks of any kind are exposed to weathering and erosion caused by temperature changes,
atmospheric conditions, etc. on the surface of the earth, disintegration results. Basically,
weathering includes two phenomena:
weathering with undissolved products
weathering with dissolved products
The formation of sediments includes the following stages
1) Disintegration of the solid rock
2) Transport of dissolved and undissolved products
3) Deposition and precipitation
4) Compaction (Diagenesis)

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According to this, three types of sedimentary rocks are distinguished:
mechanical (clastics) only mechanical action
chemical precipitation of dissolved matter
organic remains of living beings
precipitation by organisms

Deposition occurs frequently in the form of a more or less horizontal layering called
stratification (strata = layer).
Sedimentary rocks are the most significant resource for the cement and aggregate industry
(Table 5). Detailed descriptions and criteria of assessment are given in section 4
"Assessment of Cement Raw Materials".

TABLE 5 Sedimentary rocks in the cement industry

chemical limestone
rock salt

mechanical sandstone, sand

clay, claystone

organic limestone

1.3.4 Metamorphic Rocks

During rock formation, every mineral and rock is in equilibrium with its environment at a
distinct pressure (P) and the temperature (T). Metamorphosis (transformation) of rocks is
mostly caused by disturbance to this equilibrium. If one or both of these parameters change,
metamorphosis takes place. Metamorphic rocks may, therefore, be formed from igneous as
well as from sedimentary rocks, whereby the chemistry of the metamorphic rock may be
virtually identical with the composition of the original rock. Metamorphic limestone (marble) is
often used as a raw material in cement industries. Other metamorphic rocks are suitable as
aggregates, even for special applications (e.g. amphibolite) as aggregates.

TABLE 6 Metamorphic rocks in the cement industry

Metamorphic rock Original rock

Amphibolite Basalt
Marble Limestone
Phyllite Shale
Quartzite Sandstone
Slate * Shale
Schist * Shale
* inaccurate terms, to be avoided
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1.4 Circuit of Geological Processes
Table 7 demonstrates the interdependence of the rock types as described previously.
The geological processes, which lead to the various types of rocks, can also be
demonstrated in terms of a circuit (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4 Circuit of geological processes

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Fig. 4a Circuit of geological processes

TABLE 7 Interdependence of rock types

1.5 Geological Time-Scale

A rock cannot only be classified according to its mineral content and the place of its
formation, but also according to its age. The determination of the age of a rock is normally
accomplished by palaeontological methods (investigation of the remainders of fossils) or by
physical methods (radiocarbon, radio-active decay).
Table 9 shows the worldwide accepted geological terminology regarding the time-scale.
Note that limestone being the most important raw material component for the cement
industry, has occurred only (in larger quantities) since the beginning of the Paleozoic age.
Note further, that rocks of the same age but from different locations do not necessarily have
identical characteristics.

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TABLE 9 Geological time scale

Era System and Series and Stage and Absolute

Period Epoch Duration Age
Cenozoic Quarternary Recent Last 10'000 y.
Pleistocene 1,8 mio (millions of
years ago)
Tertiary Pliocene 3.2 mio 1,8 - 67
Miocene 20 mio
Oligocene 10 mio
Eocene 20 mio
Palaeocene 12 mio
Mesozoic Cretaceous Upper 73 mio 67 - 140
Jurassic Upper 70 mio 140 - 210
Triassic Upper 40 mio 210 - 250
Palaeozoic Permian 40 mio 250 - 290
Carboniferous 70 mio 290 - 360
Devonian 50 mio 360 - 410
Silurian 30 mio 410 - 440
Ordovician 60 mio 440 - 500
Cambrian 90 mio 500 - 590
Pre- Proterozoic 590 - 2500
cambrian Archean (3700)
(Oldest rocks)

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1.5.1 Chemical Sediments
Chemical sediments are normally formed in sea water where they precipitate under special
circumstances due to the ions concentration occurring in sea water. The average ion
concentration in sea water are shown in table 11.


Element Concentration * Concentration + Residence Time,

in Ocean Water, in River Water,
10-6 g/g 10-6 g/g 106 years
Li 0.17
B 4.6 0.013 15
C 28 11.5 0.1
N 0.5
F 1.3
Na 10,500 6.3 71
Mg 1,350 4.1 14
Al 0.01
Si 3.0 6.1 0.02
P 0.07
S 885 3.7 10
Cl 19,000 7,8 104
K 380 2,3 7
Ca 400 15 1.15
Mn 0.002 .02 0.004
Fe 0.01 0.7 0.006
Ni 0.002 0.01 0.008
Br 65 0.006-0.019 450-150
Rb 0.12
Sr 8.0 0.09 3.8
Ag 0.00004 0.001 0.02
l 0.06
Ba 0.03 0.054 0.02
Pb 0.00003 0.005 0.0003
Th 0.00005
U 0.003 0.001 0.14
* B. Mason, Principles of Geochemistry (Wiley, 1966, p. 195).
+ D. A. Livingstone (U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 440-G, 1963)

These ion concentrations are derived from weathering and dissolution processes onshore,
e.g. in mountain ranges.
Fig. 5 summarizes the chemical conditions for common sedimentary minerals :

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Fig. 5 Relation of Eh and pH to regions of formation of common sedimentary
minerals (after Garrels and Christ)

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Fig. 5a General model of a shallow marine carbonate platform

1.5.2 Shallow marine carbonate platform

The additional presence of H2CO3 in seawater (from the air and supplied by river water)
allows the formation of CaCO3 under special circumstances. These are governed by a
complicated system of chemical reactions:
CaCO3 Ca2 + CO32-
Solid aq aq

CO32- + H2O HCO3- + OH-

aq aq aq

HCO3- + H2O H2CO3 + OH-

aq aq aq

CO2 + H2O H2CO3

gas aq

Ca2 + CO32-- CaCO3

aq aq aq

Ca2+ + HCO32- CaHCO3+

aq aq aq

Ca2+ + SO42- CaSO4

aq aq aq

H2O H+ + OH -
aq aq

The knowledge of chemical equilibrium constants and pH of natural sea water made it
possible to calculate carbonate solubilities for various marine environments.
It has been found that in shallow, warm sea waters concentration of CaCO3 is close to
saturation. This depends largely on the peculiar behaviour of H2CO3, which dissolves calcite
when present in higher concentrations and only stimulates CaCO3 precipitation when
present in small quantities. This is the case in relatively warm water, where plants
additionally remove CO2, calcite is readily removed by dissolution. Below ~ 4000 m, the so-
called "compensation depth", no calcite is normally present.

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The preceeding conditions define the environment of deposition for the most important raw
materials for cement manufacturing. Located on the so called "shallow marine carbonate
platform" or the continental edges. These sites of CaCO3-formation are shallow warm sea
water, where organisms like corals, bryozoa, algae etc. form their skeletons (of CaCO3)
normally in form of Aragonite.
According to the actualistic theory, it can be assumed that the Bahamas bank, the Arabic
Gulf, the Red Sea (sebkha) or the Great Barrier Reef in Australia serve as excellent models
for the formation of limestone in shallow warm sea water.
A general model of a shallow marine carbonate platform is shown in fig. 5a. According to
water depth, water circulation, water energy (waves), climate, fauna present, a number of
subenvironments are discribed. Within these subenvironments a great variety of calcium
carbonate particles are produced and deposited. These "soft" carbonate deposits form, after
a long time of compaction and diagenesis, a real limestone. Geologists can "read" these
different limestones and reconstruct the original environment of deposition of any limestone

1.5.3 Limestone diagenesis

All processes in time, which change the physical parameters of limestone, are summarised
under this expression. The following points are of interest:
mechanical compaction due to overburden reduction of porosity
recrystallization of aragonite (instable) to calcite, high Mg-calcite (dolomite)
leaching by rain water or ground water: Early cementation of limestone grains by rapid
chemical compaction by dissolution of calcite and recrystallization in pore spaces
presence of high Mg-content in pore fluid leads to recrystallization of dolomite
increase of porosity.
Depending on the specific history of a limestone body, diagenesis can produce quite
remarkable differences in limestone quality, and often the local changes occur within very
short distances. The knowledge of the detailed environment of deposition very often permits
a geologic interpretation including an idea as to the spacial distribution of different limestone
quantities. Especially important, is the location of dolomitic limestone bodies through
reconstruction of the original set of conditions.
Advanced stages of limestone diagenesis are characterized by the absence of porosity,
large calcite crystals as developed by progressive recrystallization, pressure solution
features like e.g. stylolithes.
The original structure of the limestone is largely destroyed, and it becomes difficult to
determine the environment of deposition. Even further diagenesis is called metamophism
and leads ultimately to formation of marble.

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1.5.4 Classification of limestone
Due to their economic importance, limestone and carbonates in general have been studied
in great detail by many researchers and as a consequence, there are many classifications of
limestone and related sediments. One of the most widely used was originally conceived by
DUNHAM and it describes the relation of lime components of different sizes and origin to the
so-called "cement" or "ground mass". Table 12 gives an impression of the various limestone
types and related names. This classification allows an adequate description of limestone in
terms of environment of deposition, but it differs greatly from the classification of the clastic

TABLE 12: Carbonate textural classification

(Dunham, slightly modified)

1.5.5 Clastic sediments

Clastic or "mechanical" sediments are formed from solid particles which are transported from
areas of erosion to areas of deposition. The transport agent can be water, wind or ice, the
most common being water. Coarse particles require high water energy for transport,
normally linked to a steep topographic gradient, to be removed from their place of origin.
During transport they are further fragmented, chemically altered and mechanically shaped.
The end product, the clastic sediment, therefore depends on a variety of parameters, but
mainly on:
energy of transporting agent, defining in turn
grain size distribution
shape of grains or "clasts"
time of transport, influencing chemical composition of particles, sorting of grains
according to size and quality
nature of originally eroded rocks, which defined to a large extent what type of particles
are formed. In a rock with little chemical resistance very small particles are formed from
partly altered minerals, the clay minerals.
The complex cycle of erosion - transport - deposition results in a separation of the particles
and this is expressed with the term "maturity" of a clastic sediment. Long transport distance
and time leads to the deposition of the most resistant particles in uniform grain size
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distribution and well rounded like a pure quartz sandstone. Short transport distance and time
produces e.g. a breccia or conglomerate with large components of heterogeneous
mineralogical composition.

Fig. 5b Clasical environment of "mechanical" or clastic deposition

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Fig. 5b Legend

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1.5.6 Clastic environments of deposition
Inevitably, the clastic particles are formed on the continents, transported and ultimately end
up in the oceans. A summary of the most important environments of clastic deposition is
given in Fig. 5b.
The dominant factors in forming the specific sedimentary features of clastic environments is
documented further in Figs. 5c, 5d, 5e, 5f and 5g. Three important environments, delta,
coastal barrier and deep sea fans, each of which is characterised by very distinct
sedimentary structures, fossils and trace fossils.
Delta Environment

Fig.5c Schematic Diagram of Delta

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Fig.5d Wave Dominated Deltas

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Sub Type of Sedimentary Contents of
environment particles features bedding fauna / flora
natural levee silty clay laminated plants
root disrupted
current ripples
marsh, swamps silty clay, no bedding plants
peat Burrows
channel fill sand cross bedding (plants)
clay balls
distributory sand cross nearly
channel bedding absent
current ripples
clay balls
mouth bar sand, silt trough cross nearly
bedding, absent
wave + current
gas heave
distal bar silt, clay cross dense
bedding benthonic
ripples fauna
pro delta clay, silty lamination benthonic
(delta front slope) clay ripples fauna
Coastal barrier environment

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Fig. 5e Holocene Coastal Plain Deposits

The dominant energy source is waves, the tide and long shore currents. Particles are
extensively reworked and rearranged, refer Fig. 5e. Note the occurrence of dunes which
depend also on wind transport. According to climate, tide differences, material supply and
vegetation, many variations of the presented model may occur.
Deep sea fan (bathyal to abyssal environment)

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Fig. 5f Subaqueous fan and lithological columns of various fan deposits

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Fig. 5g Integrated model of deep-water sand distribution

Deep sea fans are formed by means of a special transport mechanism called "turbidity
current". Unconsolidated particles which are deposited on the shelf edge may become
unstable and start to flow downwards in form of an high density aquatic suspension. These
carry large masses of sediments down the continental slope and spread in the deep marine
basins over large areas (thousands of km2). During settling of the particles, typical "graded
bedding" develops.In addition to which various other sedimentary features such as flue
casts, parallel lamination, current ripple lamination, convolute bedding and pelitic (clay)

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Turbidity currents, which are triggered by earthquakes, occur frequently - about every
10'000 years under favorable circumstances. These form a single bed, nearly
instantaneously. During the intervening time period, between consecutive turbidity currents,
the normal "pelagic" deposition of clay and lime particles continues. This covers the top of
the turbidite layer with a relatively thin layer which contains normally datable
"nannoplankton" (remnants of calcareous algae floating at the surface of the open ocean).
Turbidite sequences are extremely well bedded and exhibit normal characteristic alternations
of sand and clay or limestone and clay, depending on the origin of the particles. They can
represent a perfect natural raw mix for cement manufacturing.

1.5.7 Classification of clastic sediments

Determining factors for a classification are not only genetic features, as outlined above, like
specific environment of deposition
sedimentary features
fauna/flora content
but also parameters which can be measured objectively and are of technical relevance like
grain size distribution
chemical composition
mineralogical composition
degree of consolidation
porosity, permeability
Tables 13 and 14 give two examples of the classification on the basis of grain size
distribution, considering well sorted clastic sediments.

TABLE 13: Classification of mechanical sediments

Grain size Constituents Degree of Consolidation

(mm) loose solid
> 200 boulders, blocks
200-20 coarse gravel ) rubble breccia
20-2 fine gravel ) conglomerate
2-0.2 coarse sand sand sandstone
0.2- 0.02 fine sand )
0.02-0.002 clay silt ) clay claystone
< 0.002 colloidal clay ) pelite

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TABLE 14: Definition of grain size

1.5.8 Mixtures of Clastic and Chemical Particles

Since most of the natural sedimentary rocks are mixes of various types of rock, classification
thereof can also be accomplished with a three-component diagram (Fig. 6).

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Fig. 6 Display of the definitions of rock types in the sand-clay-carbonate-

Sandy-clayey-marly rocks are also designated as "siliceous" rocks; sandy-clayey materials

as "argillaceous" rocks. In addition, the term carbonatic can be replaced by "calcareous".
As a further example (Table 15), the carbonatic (or calcareous) rocks are selected to
illustrate the principle of classification based on chemical characteristics.

TABLE 15 Classification of calcareous and clayey materials

(according to HMC's practice)

CaCO3 Clay minerals Nomenclature

% %
100 - 95 0-5 high-grade limestone
95 - 85 5 - 15 limestone
75 - 85 15 - 25 marly limestone
65 - 75 25 - 35 calcareous marl
35 - 65 35 - 65 marl
25 - 35 65 - 75 clayey marl
15 - 25 75 - 85 marly clay
5 - 15 85 - 95 clay
0-5 95 - 100 high-grade clay

The same principles may be applied to the group of calcareous-siliceous (sandy) materials
and the group of siliceous and clayey rocks.
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1.6 Structural geology
Structural geology deals with the deformation of rocks. This deformation is a result of
tectonic (mechanical) forces, which occur in the solid lithosphere due to movements of the
continental plates. In detail, a stressfield applied on the rock formations results in
deformation in form of rupture in the case of brittle deformation or flow in case of plastic
deformation. These stressfield forces are very large and act over long time periods. In the
case of brittle deformation, the theoretical approach by means of physical - mathematical
methods is not too complex. However, as soon as plastic deformation over a long period of
time is also considered the analytical approach becomes very complicated. The study of the
phenomena of rock deformation is known as "tectonics." A science, which incorporates
higher mathematics.and physics.
In our industry the structural behaviour and characteristics of the raw material deposits is of
high interest, since it has an important impact on the distribution of rock qualities within the
deposits. For the description of deformation, one requires a reference system, which shows
the effect of deformation with regard to an original, undeformed situation. One very common
system is stratification, a frequently observed sedimentary feature. In it's original state
stratification is practically horizontal, due to the gravity forces. If strata are found in inclined
position in the field, a deformation phase is normally responsible.
By measuring the inclined position of bedding planes, fault planes, joint surfaces, inclination
and orientation of folds etc. the degree and type of deformation can be determined.
The corresponding measurements are called strike and dip. For example, in order to
measure the orientation and inclination (strike and dip) of a bedding plane (refer figure 8).
The intersection of the inclined bedding plane and an imaginary horizontal plane (water line)
represents a straight line in space. This line or 'strike direction' has an astronomical
orientation, which is measured, with a compass, in degrees clockwise from the (Azimuth).
The inclination, or 'dip', of the bedding plane is measured along a line perpendicular to the
strike direction. The dip angle is measured with an inlinometer in degrees with respect to the
horizontal plane. There are normally two solutions for this dip angle depending on the
orientation 'strike' of the bedding plane ie. dipping in a N or S direction.
A complete measurement of strike and dip of a bedding plane at the locality (or position) A21
would be "A21 - 124 / 25 N". There are various conventions in different countries for
recording these measurements. In the USA the dip direction is very often given in form of an
azimuth reading such that the above reading would be "A21 - 034 / 24."
By means of these measurements it is often possible to define the type and intensity of rock
deformation and therefore work out the "tectonic style" of a given raw material deposit. In the
case of geologic faults, three main fault types are defined, based on the orientation of the
three main stress axis of the applied stressfield (1, 2 and 3, whereby 1>2>3) (Fig.

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Fig. 8 Strike and Dip Measurements

1 vertical, 2 and 3 horizontal: the gravity becomes the largest force and therefore
blocks of rock glide downward along typically inclined faults of 60. These faults are
called normal faults. They are typical for extensional tectonics.
1 and 2 horizontal, 3 vertical: This situation represents a compressional regime,
where the rock body is shortened by overthrusts and or folds. Typically, the fault planes
are inclined 30 with respect to the horizontal plane.
1 and 3 horizontal, 2 vertical: The result of this configuration is the so called strike-
slip faults (or wrench faults) which are generally vertical and indicate a strike which
deviates 30 from the 1 direction.

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Fig. 9 Classic Geologic Fault Types

In nature, these clear-cut cases are seldom found. Fault zones are mostly accompanied by
secondary faults and by a pattern of "joints" (small fractures).
Combination of fault types and repetitions thereof are frequently found, e.g. series of normal
faults, series of overthrusts and folds etc.
In case of folding, the variability of structures produced is also bewildering (see fig 10):
depending on the geology of the rocks involved and the stress forces applied, a wide range
of different of folds types develop.

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Fig. 10 Classic Fold Types

Fig. 10 (A) Symmetrical, open, nonplunging anticline, showing the position of the axial
surface (AS). (B) Asymmetrical south-plunging folds showing the position of the axial surface
(AS) in the anticline. In this case the axial surface to the west. (C) Isoclinal, nonplunging,
closed, inclined fold. (D) Overturned north-plunging fold. Overturning is to the east. The axial
surfaces (AS) dip west-ward. (E) Recumbent, nonplunging fold. The axial surface is
essentially horizontal. Sometimes referred to as "nappe structures," although the underlying
limb is not always present (e.g., Austro-Alpine nappes). (F) Monocline. (G) Cylindrical, east-
plunging anticline. (H) Conical, west-plunging syncline. The plunge symbols diverge from a
vertex located near the east edge of the diagram.

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Chapter 3

Desk Study for Raw Materials Deposits

1. Desk study for deposits of raw materials .................................................................. 42
2. Modern Methods of Prospecting for Limestone at Cemento Polpaico ................... 50

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Desk study for deposits of raw materials

1. INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................................43
2. DESK STUDY ..................................................................................................................44
2.1 Geological maps........................................................................................................44
2.2 Documents ................................................................................................................47
2.3 Photogeology ............................................................................................................47
2.4 Remote sensing ........................................................................................................48
2.5 Where to look for information? ..................................................................................49
2.6 Results of the desk study ..........................................................................................49

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Holcim approach
Desk study

In the following chapters, we will elaborate on the procedures developed especially for the
exploration of raw materials for cement and aggregates. The proposed scheme is based on
experience and modeled according to the needs of the cement industry. Of course, every
exploration project is unique and requires a particular approach.
Basically, the scope and extent of every exploration procedure is governed by the following
series of criteria:
Scope of work
Status of geological knowledge of the area to be examined
Raw materials: exposures, structures, overburden
Time and financial resources available
Climatic conditions
Physiography and topography of the area
The Holcim approach
The deposits are investigated in a stepwise fashion from a general overview to more detailed
exploration activities. Each step is defined with regard to the respective scope, extent, costs,
time requirement, reliability of the results (error limits) and the development of risk.
In practice, the proposed procedure encompasses the following sequence of events:
1) Desk study
2) Preliminary prospecting of raw materials
3) Overall investigations of raw materials
4) Detailed investigations of raw materials

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Fig. 1 Shows the development of costs, time, reliability and risk during the
investigations of raw materials.

Once the scope of work for required investigations has been agreed on and a quotation
therefore accepted a fact finding study is conducted. This study, called a desk study, is
carried out with the aim of gathering and evaluating all the available data and information.
In consideration of the cost, field work must be focused on selected areas. A successful
exploration programme will therefore begin with a literature search and the geologist will look
for the followings documents:

3.1 Geological maps

Scale 1:1'000'000 to 1:25'000 or larger scale if available. Such maps show the distribution of
the stratigraphical units exposed in the considered region and the structures, i.e. style of
Interpretation of thematic maps such as hydrogeological, geotechnical or geophysical can
give valuable information.
For example, the geological map of the north west sector of the Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia(Fig. 2). The map depicts exposures of limestone and clay on the Red Sea coastal
plain, and further inland an amphibolic schist within the metamorphic shield.

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Fig. 2a Geological map of the region of Duba.

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Fig 2b Legend for Figure 2a

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3.2 Documents
Documents describing the stratigraphy, (i.e. type of rocks, age, thickness, correlation
between different units, variation of facies) and the lithology (i.e. composition of the rocks,
the texture, the sedimentological structure) are very valuable to familiarise oneself with the
regional geology.
The most detailed reports depict the distribution of the lithologies as well as the mineral and
chemical compositions. Such reports or studies are normally done by students at the
universities (diploma or PhD, professors). In addition existing company reports can give a lot
of information. Thes are however not always available, whilst academic reports usually are.

3.3 Photogeology
A considerable amount of geological information can be obtained from the interpretation of
from aerial photographs,. Different rock types can be identified because of their strong tonal
and textural contrasts due to:
erosion levels and patterns
colour and reflectivity
vegetation cover
Lineaments (faults or other discontinuities) may be distinguishable as any alignment of
features on an aerial photograph.
Folds are easily recognized and it is often possible to define the fold type (i.e. open, tight).
Fig. 3 shows a folded structure where it is possible to differentiate several lithologies. Dip
and strike of the layers and fold axis can be determined.
From an aerial photograph, structure and a lithology can be quickly defined.

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Fig 3: Aerial photograph of a folded region and geological interpretation

3.4 Remote sensing

Apart from the traditionally used aerial photographs, the satellite pictures have become
available as a useful tool for scanning large areas.

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With the help of these pictures, the general trends of the regional geology and the lithology
can be determined, which is very helpful for any prospecting campaign.
The technique employs devices such as cameras, lasers, infrared, and ultraviolet detectors
in satellite or on aircraft.
The following tools are available :

Tools Resolution
Landsat MultiSpectral Scanner (MSS) 80 m
Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) 30 m
SPOT MultiSpectral Scanner (SPOT-XS) 20 m
SPOT Panchromatic (SPOT-P) 10 m
ERS-1 (European Radar Satellite) 10 m
Airborne Radar (Radar)
Passive sensors like Landsat and SPOT can not see through clouds since they depend on
naturally reflected or radiated energy. Only an active sensor, like radar, which emits a signal
and records its reflection can penetrate clouds.
In heavily vegetated areas or in regions with high sun angles or with a low relief, the use of
radar will significantly increase the visibility of the structure.
An example of prospecting for raw materials at Polpaico - Chile, by remote sensing, is given
at the end of this chapter.

3.5 Where to look for information?

HMC Information Services
University libraries
Geological survey of the country
Aerial photographs can very often be obtained at the department of the geological survey.

3.6 Results of the desk study

The result of the desk study must depict the geological situation of the most promising
The geologist will recommend carrying out preliminary field investigations on 2 to 3 deposits.

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Modern Methods of Prospecting for Limestone at Cemento

1. GENERAL ........................................................................................................................51
2. THEORETICAL INTRODUCTION....................................................................................52
2.1 General......................................................................................................................52
2.2 LANDSAT satellites...................................................................................................52
2.3 Generation of images ................................................................................................53
2.4 Analysis of the information ........................................................................................53
3. GEOLOGICAL EXAMINATION .......................................................................................54
3.1 Introduction................................................................................................................54
3.2 Results of the photos.................................................................................................55
3.3 Results of examinations on site.................................................................................55
4. CONCLUDING REMARKS ..............................................................................................56

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Searching for limestone deposits in the coastal Cordilleras of Central Chile with satellite
Antonio Gallego M., Consultant geologist
Galcern Marquet I., Planning engineer for strategic reserves

There are very few limestone deposits in Chile. This applies particularly to the central region
of this extremely long country of 4000 km. Only in the south (Madre de Dios archipelago)
and in the cordilleras of the Andes at an altitude of 3000 to 5000 m above sea-level near the
border to Argentina, are there any significant limestone deposits.
The two factories which satisfy the needs of the greater part of the market round Santiago
and the rest of the country utilize deposits which incur heavy raw-material costs. Cemento
Polpaico utilizes a deposit of siliceous limestone 40 km north of Santiago, a material which
requires a special flotation treatment, while Cemento Mlon exploits a lime-stone deposit of
good quality situated some 120 km north of Santiago, where it is mined 500 m below
In view of this situation, it was decided in 1992 that prospecting for new limestone deposits
should be carried out along the coastal Cordilleras, roughly between 31 and 33 of longitude
S, representing an area of some 12 000 km2. One third of this area exhibited geological
formations in which limestone could be expected with a certain degree of probability.
The exploration of such a large area demanded many days of field work on the spot. To
reduce this to a minimum, the most interesting zones had to be selected beforehand, and
then work concentrated on them. The most obvious question was: Where are these areas
and how can they be selected? To obtain an answer it was decided to resort to the analysis
of satellite photos.
This procedure is used quite often when prospecting for metallic raw material, especially in
Northern Chile, and astonishing results have been achieved. One company, for instance,
located a large gold deposit in the region of Zapaleri (high cordilleras of the Atacama region)
solely with the aid of satellite photos, and this long before the geologists working for the
competitors had returned to their offices, analyzed their data and likewise reached the
conclusion that the area was of interest. With non-metallic deposits not so much experience
has been acquired, but it is nevertheless very promising, as the discovery of large saltpetre
shows deposits in the Atacama Desert. And thereby hangs a tale: When examining the
satellite photos, a line was observed which crosses the entire desert and consisted of
saltpetre. When this remarkable phenomenon was examined on site, the line was found to
be the route by which the Incas used to transport saltpetre to Peru. The saltpetre recorded in
the photos was lost on the way by the pack animals.
In view of the excellent results obtained with this method it was decided that it should be
used for limestone, despite the lack of experience with this material. First the feasibility of the
method was tested with photos of the known deposits in the area surrounding the works of
Cemento Polpaico. They are located between 3230' and 3330' longitude (Fig. 1). Owing to
the proximity of the area and its good accessibility, it was an easy matter to check the
results. It ought to be possible to see the limestone deposits of Cemento Polpaico and
Mlon, which were of use in analysing the satellite information.

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These photos and the software for their analysis cost about US$ 4000 per photo, plus US$
10 000 for the program. The Centro de Estudios Espaciales of the University of Chile also
possesses some photos, as well as suitable equipment and experts, so that it was possible
to cooperate directly with this institute at a cost of US$ 500 per day. For the three days
occupied by evaluating the photos the total cost worked out at US$ 1500 for an area of 5000
km2. Assuming that a field geologist would have cost US$ 50 per day, it would have been
possible to finance 30 field days at this price. But then the geologist would have had to
explore 170 km2 per day, which of course is impossible. Thus the method of analysing
satellite photos costs decidedly less.


2.1 General
The use of satellite photos of the Earth's surface has grown in importance for geological
investigations since the seventies, when the first satellite of the LANDSAT series was put in
orbit. With satellites certain information can be acquired quicker and more economically than
with conventional methods.
The photo gives a representative impression of the surface, though vegetation can prove
disturbing. For this reason the method provides better results in semi-dry, desert-like areas
where the rock strata are more exposed.
In the latest method known as remote sensing, a sensor (or a group of sensors) suitable for
measuring the intensity in a given waveband in the electromagnetic spectrum is mounted on
an aircraft, a helicopter or a satellite, so as to cover the largest possible area for prospecting.
There are a number of satellites fitted in this way, such as LANDSAT, SPOT and NOAA,
which were developed for the particular purposes.

2.2 LANDSAT satellites

The LANDSAT satellites (MSS and TM) which were put in operation by the NASA, are
located in a polar orbit which passes the illuminated area of the Earth several times a day
moving west-wards so that within 16 days the whole of the Earth's surface has been
The photos come from two sensors: a Multi-Spectral Scanner (MSS)and a Thematic Mapper
(TM). Both of them divide the image into small elements (pixels) and measure their intensity
of radiation. The components of the sunlight reflected by the Earth are detected in both the
visible and the infrared region. This digital information is transmitted to Earth, where it is
processed to products resembling aerial photos, false-colour photos, which are then
analysed and evaluated.
The TM sensor is more useful for geology than MSS. It produces images in 7 bands of the
electromagnetic spectrum, each covering an area of 185 x 185 km, the resolution (definition
of objects) being between 30 and 120 m (thermal infrared). Each band represents a segment
of the electromagnetic spectrum, defined as follows.

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 52

Band Micrometer Spectral range
B1 0.45-0.52 visible blue
B2 0.52-0.57 visible green
B3 0.63-0.69 visible red
B4 0.76-0.90 near infrared
B5 1.55-1.75 remote infrared
B6 10.8-12.5 thermal infrared
B 2.08-2.35 remote thermal infrared (SWIR)

2.3 Generation of images

The data stored on magnetic tape can be processed at any time to obtain the desired
products. These result from a combination of three information bands, allocated beforehand
to the three traditional colours red, green or blue (R/G/B).
The information bands may contain one of the following: The various bands which are
received directly from the satellite, the product of a mathematical operation based on
information from various real bands (band sum, band quotient, etc.), or the PC (principal
components). Each separately measured band contains a definite component of the other
bands depending on the technical features of the sensor. Via statistical treatment of the data
of the various bands of an image, algorithms are generated (PCl, which in turn generate new
bands with bands independent of one another. When an image is displayed, it can be
modified so that the information needed is acquired.

2.4 Analysis of the information

When generating an image, one should have a clear idea of what information is needed and
how it should be interpreted. Experience has proved that there are definite bands and
combinations that are particularly well suited for use in geology. In order to analyse an image
(on the monitor or as a colour printout), one should have a clear idea of what the false colour
concept involves. This means that the colour on the picture is not necessarily the colour of
the Earth's surface, but:
the colour results from the allocation of a definite band to a colour on the monitor
the colour results from the actual colour of the surface;
the various colours in the picture indicate a difference in the composition of the reflecting
surfaces this information is purely of a qualitative nature and does not provide any
information on the material, nor the percentage of a definite compound present.
The colour observed results from the reflective properties of the analysed surface, the
degree of weathering, the humidity, the structure of the surface etc.
It should also be pointed out that in view of the fact that a satellite photo is based on the
reflection of sunlight by the Earth's surface, it depends directly on the time of day, the
weather conditions, the season of the year and the angle of observation at the moment
the photo is taken.
The simplest method is to compare the false colour pictures of satellite photos with known
geological formations in an area. If it proves possible to allocate a colour to a definite kind of
stone, it may be assumed that at places where the colour is the same, the lithological
conditions will be the same as those in the corresponding reference area.
Although the various bands alone already provide definite information, they can be combined
and the properties of the false colours utilized to stress other useful features. Below, some of

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the most frequent combinations will be explained (shown in brackets is the colour that
appears on the monitor):
B3 (red), B2 (green), B1 (blue): With this combination the various bands are shown with their
real colour, a picture being obtained which corresponds to the natural colouring.
B5 (red), B4 (green), B1 (blue): Here a distinction can be made between various rocks and
soils in an area with no vegetation. This combination is useful for exploring lithological
conditions in volcanic and sedimentary strata.
Other pictures are obtained with the aid of the quotients between the bands. B7/B4 (red),
B4/B3 (green), B5/B7 (blue): In this case red demonstrates the presence of iron, green
corresponds to vegetation and blue to hydyrophiles and carbonates.
In areas covered with vegetation the ground cannot be seen directly, but employing the
following assumption, conclusions can be drawn as to the lithological conditions and the
composition of the subsoil. Plants react to the presence of different mineral compounds, the
composition of which in turn depends on the lithological conditions. Thus on soil that is rich
in calcium carbonate, the plants growing on it may suffer from a disease known as cloriosis
(which affects their chlorophyll content). If this anomaly is observed in the plant cover, the
area observed may be regarded as of interest in the prospecting for rock containing lime.
The analysis of the PC information (principal components) is rather more complicated
because it is obtained with the aid of an algorithm and therefore bears no direct relation to
the real conditions on the Earth's surface. This algorithm is specific for each PC and each
photo. Its importance can be determined by analysing the formula, the terms of which are
different weightings of the various bands. This means that, according to the weighting factor
a definite PC is influenced more by definite bands, which then give it is true meaning.


3.1 Introduction
The area selected for the examination corresponds to a segment of the coastal Cordilleras
situated roughly between 3230' and 3330' S in longitude. A photo was used which had
been taken by LANDSAT TM at 10 a.m. on a summer morning (March).
In summer this area also exhibits quite an appreciable coverage of vegetation (about 70%),
but it decreases notably with increasing altitude. Although this affects the method, it was
hoped that interesting places would be found in the uncovered areas as well as limestone
outcrops in covered areas. At the strongest resolution of the sensor deposits 30 m or more in
size would saturate the photo to such an extent that identification would be quite easy.
In view of the fact that carbonate cannot be identified by the bands detected by TM and,
moreover, certain bands are easily mistaken for hydroxyls, it was decided that the PC and
the comparison method should be used, using the limestone outcrops in the region of
Polpaico as reference pattern. The limestone deposits of the open quarry could not be used
as reference because their white colour and the outstanding reflection properties of the
surface saturated all bands. The photos obtained by combining different PCs and bands
were therefore modified so that their colours stressed the zones in which there were known
to be limestone outcrops, whereas the rest of the photo was darkened, assuming that areas
containing unknown limestone outcrops would be stressed to the same extent.

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On three pictures in which known places were discernible with high definition, zones with the
same colour were identified. These stressed regions were observed in at least two of the
pictures. Finally, those places within the geological unit were selected which very probably
contain limestone deposits.

3.2 Results of the photos

Below various places are presented which were selected from the photos and corresponded
to the following combinations: Fig. 1: PC1/PC2/B1, Fig. 2: PC1/PC2/PC3, Fig. 3:
PC2/PC3/PC4. They are shown to a scale of 1 :1 000 000 on the enclosed geological map.
From the comparison of the results of the various photos, the areas marked in Fig. 4 were
selected. Already known limestone deposits are also marked on it. There is a clear
relationship between their position and the selected regions for which reason it was
assumed that a method suitable for the subsequent field work had been employed.

Fig. 1: PC1/PC2/B1: Points with a clear yellow colour and/or very weak red
pigmentation were selected.

Fig. 2: PC1/PC2/PC3: Points with a pink colour and light green pigmentation
were selected.

Fig. 3: PC2/PC3/PC4: Points with a definite olive-green colour and a clear light-
blue tinge were selected.

3.3 Results of examinations on site

Having determined the interesting areas, the zones were subsequently examined on the
spot where there were no known deposits. These were located in the geological units Jld,
Jdm J2 and west of the middle of Ki2 and KT (this work was carried out on a geological map
to a scale of 1 :250 000, which explains why much of the analysed geological information is
not reproduced) Limestone deposits were found.

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Of the limestone deposits found only two proved favourable (> 80% CaCO3). Again, only
one of these exhibited a volume of 1 million tonnes. It was located to the East of Puchuncavi,
which had already been surveyed 2 months previously.
Judging from the limestone deposits found the project could not be declared as successful;
this by no means applies to the geological aspect. Indeed, the new method proved to be
extremely effective, because despite the difficult conditions of the terrain (above all due to
the vegetation) a high correlation index was obtained (in 20 of the selected 32 areas there
were known or newly found deposits).
The results proved that no further deposits can be expected in the area, which in turn forces
the company to develop new geological strategies.
In the selected areas where finally no limestone was found, large areas of Andesite were
found the colour of which closely resembles that of limestone or rocks with a weathered
surface rich in carbonate. Other methods were also employed for exploring areas in which,
according to literature, there are limestone deposits but which, on account of the dense
vegetation (100%), could not be recognized on the photos (above all west of Polpaico).

Fig. 4 On account of the comparison of the results of the various photos the
areas shown were selected

This method can be used in the regional search for limestone deposits. The subsequent
local search does not last long and involves lower costs than when conventional methods
are used (about 0.5 US$/m2), although the initial investment appears high.
Exclusive use of this method cannot solve the problem. It is essential to carefully study the
literature at the same time, in order that adequate results may be obtained.
As regards the investigation carried out, it is judged to be a success from the geological
point of view. In addition to the results (no limestone reserves in the area examined) it
showed Polpaico the necessity for developing new strategies to locate additional reserves of
raw materials in other areas.
We should like to thank Cemento Polpaico for financing and supporting us in the
development of this new method, and the experts of the University of Chile for their active
cooperation in analysing the information.

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Chapter 4

Preliminary Field Investigations of Deposits

1. Preliminary investigations of deposits ...................................................................... 59
2. Applied Geophysics..................................................................................................... 69

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Preliminary investigations of deposits

1. INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................................60
2. GEOGRAPHICAL SITUATION OF THE DEPOSITS.......................................................60
3. GEOLOGICAL SITUATION OF THE DEPOSITS ............................................................60
4. SAMPLING.......................................................................................................................61
4.1 Sampling methods.....................................................................................................61
4.2 Quantity of materials .................................................................................................64
5. QUALITY OF THE RAW MATERIALS ............................................................................66
5.1 Quality of raw materials for cement manufacturing ...................................................67
5.2 Quality of pozzolanas ...............................................................................................67
5.3 Quality of aggregates ................................................................................................68

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In the desk study, the regional geology is depicted and some potential areas are selected for
further investigations. All information obtained so far, has been collected from available
published documents and maps. During the following step, known as preliminary field
investigations, the geologist is confronted with geological features and problems as found in
the field. The geologist will describe the nature, disposition and the structure of the rock
exposures of the selected areas in order to gain a first impression of the quality and reserves
of several potential sites.
The preliminary investigations are the highest risk stage in exploration. For this reason, the
geological knowledge, experience and the skills of the observer are of paramount
importance to ensure a sound basis for further work. The preliminary investigations must
therefore have the lowest unit cost ($ / per square km). If the results are negative, the whole
project has to be stopped and similar investigations will have to be conducted in other
regions or areas. Positive results call for further, thorough investigations in the promising
areas. In any case, after the completion of this step, the client should be in a position to
decide on whether or not further investigations should be carried out.
The first of the so-called GO / NO GO decisions.


In this first reconnaissance, the morphology of the areas under consideration will be
described in order to show a real picture about
Transportation infrastructure
Potential plant site
Morphology of the deposit
Quarrying possibility


The exposures are described according to lithology, colour, mineralogy, fossil and
microfossils. Each outcrop is recorded on a map (sketch or good draft) of the area drawn by
the geologist. The structure of the rocks, for instance dip and strike, are measured and
recorded on the map.
The aim is to show
the distribution of the different lithologies of the deposit under consideration
to calculate the inferred reserves and
to make a preliminary qualitative determination based on surface sampling.
Further on in this chapter, we will to discuss the quality of the raw materials and the
problems associated with sampling procedures

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In the preliminary investigations, the quality of the raw materials is determined by surface
sampling only. These samples provide an initial, tentative assessment of the quality of the
deposit being investigated. The geologist establishes a sampling programme with due
consideration of the geological situation, time and finances available. The sampling locations
and the methods should be chosen in order to provide maximum information.
Surface sampling is a delicate task, which requires skill.
Sampling should be representative of the exposure.
For example, the exposure in Fig.1 shows alternating thick layers of limestone and shale.
Vegetation covers the interbeds of shale. A poor sampling process, in which only the
exposed layers of limestone are sampled, will give an incorrect image of the chemical
character of the outcrop. The titration value of the limestone layers amounts to 90%.
However, the real titration value of the total outcrop (including the interbeds of shale) is only
72 %.

Fig.1 Limestone with interbeds of shale

8.1 Sampling methods

Surface sampling can be carried out in different ways depending on :
hardness of the rocks
Sampling must be carried out perpendicular to the stratification.

8.1.1 Homogeneous and hard rocks

Chip samples

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One sample, which is considered as representative, is taken from every horizon (strata) or
from available exposures.

Fig. 2 Chip samples

Composite chip samples

The same quantity of chip material is taken at a constant interval. All chip samples from one
exposure are placed in a bag which is representative of a given thickness or composite
horizon. A good knowledge of the quality of the exposure is obtained.

Fig. 3 Composite chip samples

8.1.2 Heterogeneous and hard rocks

Pondered composite sample
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Every layer will be sampled. The quantity of materials is dependent on the true thickness of
the strata.
The chemical composition of the exposure is well defined.

Fig. 4 Pondered composite samples

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8.1.3 Heterogeneous and soft rocks
Channel sampling
The sample is collected along a continuous channel cut at right angles to the stratification.
That is the best method to obtain an accurate chemical composition of the whole exposure.

Fig. 5 Channel samples

8.2 Quantity of materials

To obtain a representative sample, the quantity of material to sample depends on the
granulometry of the material. Fig. 6 shows the relation between maximum grain size and the
sample quantity.

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Fig. 6 Maximum grain size versus sample quantity

In some cases, the sample quantity is also determined the testing programme to be carried
out. Experience has shown that the following quantities of cement raw materials are
necessary for laboratory tests conforming to HMC standards (Table 1).

Table 1 Sample quantity for various tests

Test Required Quantity

Chemical analysis 1 - 2 kg per component
Mineralogival analysis or fist-sized specimens,
Physical properties eventually
Water Analysis 1 litre
Fuel 1 kg, resp. 1 litre
Compressive strength 30 x 30 x 40 cm block
Crushing properties blocks of > 20 cm length or edges
Grindability properties 10 - 20 kg
Lime burning 10 x 10 x 10 cm block
Slurry properties 1 litre
Filtration test 50 - 150 kg
Normally, not only one but also a combination of tests is conducted on the same sample. 1
to 2 kg of raw material component is sufficient to yield results on chemical and mineralogical
compositions, for examinations on granulation and burnability properties, to determine
physical parameters such as moisture content, porosity, density, water absorbtion etc.

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The quality of the raw materials can be appraised by
geological description of the outcrops
testing for chemical and thechnical parametrs
For all the types of raw materials, the following geological description of the exposure will be
type of rocks, mineral content
diagenitic process
fossil content
type of porosity
dip and strike of the layers; thickness of the layers laminations; joints, density of joints,
length; faults and folding.
The macroscopic features control the physical and mechanical properties of the rocks. For
instance, the hardness of the rock depends on the type of diagenesis and porosity; the
shape of the crushed rocks depends on the anisotropy of the rocks (fine stratification,
lamination, foliation).

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9.1 Quality of raw materials for cement manufacturing
In the preliminary investigations, the raw materials are appraised by the chemical analyses
of the surface samples and by the general features of the rocks at the outcrops.
We want here to focus our attention on few components which could be deleterious for the
clinker production. A complete assessment of the raw materials quality parameters is shown
in chapter 6.
The table 2 depicts the most frequent deleterious constituents containing in the raw

Table 2 Maximum permitted levels of deleterious elements in the raw meal

Constituents Max % in Raw Meal Remarks

(LOI free basis)
MgO < 5 % (abs. max. 6 %) MgO come mainly from the calcareous
SO3 <1% In general, SO3 comes from the
argillaceous-siliceous component
K2O < 1.4 %
Na2O < 0.8 % Argillaceous-siliceous components
< 1.2 % contain the alkalis
Na equivalent
Low alkali < 0.6 %

Cl- < 0.02 % All components can have high Cl- content

From a physical point of view, the outcrops are investigated in order to determine the
following features:

Homogeneity of the deposit (interbeds, horizontal or vertical variation in lithology,...)

Presence of chert, i.e. cryptocristalline quartz, occurring as nodules, lenses in limestone
and shales
Proportion of abrasive minerals (quartz grains)
All these parameters are significant to assess the suitability of a deposit. Heterogeneous
deposits will require selected quarrying.

9.2 Quality of pozzolanas

Pozzolana is a siliceous or siliceous - aluminuous material which in itself possesses little or
no cemtitious properties. Finely ground and in presence of moisture (water), the material
reacts chemically with calcium hydroxide, Ca (OH)2 at at ambient temperature to form
compounds possessing cementitious properties (calcium silicate and calcium aluminate
The natural pozzolanas are mostly volcanic products such as ashes, tuffs (consolidated
ashes) and lavas. Other well-known natural types are diatomaceous earth, and opaline

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The quality of pozzolanas can only be appraised by testing of samples. The following
properties of the pozzolanas should be considered in the testing programme:
Petrography: description of the texture and the mineral composition
Chemical composition
Mineralogical composition: Proportion of amorphous, glassy material or content of
zeolithes by X ray diffraction
Hydraulic index: Keil index
Pozzolanic activity. Holcim norm follows the ASTM C-311-90 standard.
Selection of suitable deposits should take place based on the tests results of several
representative samples.
Once selected, a grindability test should be carried out on the deposit.

9.3 Quality of aggregates

The outcrops have to be carefully described as mentioned under paragraph 5. However,
several tests must be carried out on representative samples.
Physical tests:
surface texture of crushed material
shape of the crushed material
proportion of dust/ fine material
Mechanical tests
compressive uniaxial strength
Chemical analysis
Cl content
Alkali-silica reaction
Alkali-carbonate reaction
Organic content

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Applied Geophysics


2. APPLIED GEOPHYSICS: MANY ADVANTAGES AT LOW COST ................................70
3.1 Geoelectrics ..............................................................................................................72
3.2 Seismics ....................................................................................................................72
3.3 Gravimetry.................................................................................................................76
3.4 Geomagnetics ...........................................................................................................76
3.5 Radar.........................................................................................................................76
3.6 Bore hole logging ......................................................................................................77
3.7 Choice of method ......................................................................................................77
4. CASE STUDY ..................................................................................................................81
4.1 Determination of the contact basalt - granite.............................................................81
4.2 Determination of the thickness of the lahar layers and their qualities .......................83
4.3 Determination of the overburden thickness...............................................................85
4.4 Determination of the geological structure..................................................................86
4.5 Evaluation of reverse drill hole ..................................................................................87
4.6 Karstified limestone ...................................................................................................88

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When investigating raw materials, the geologist is often confronted with many problems such
as: thickness of overburden, localisation of lithological contacts or geometry of the deposit in
complex geological situations. A geophysical reconnaissance can assist the geologist: to
accurately define the geometry of the deposit between the drilling locations, to determine the
waste/ore ratio, as well as the accurate reserves of raw materials. Due to high costs, the
number of drill holes which can be done is limited. Accurate correlation between them is not
always assured and potential nasty surprises can arise during the quarrying.
Applied geophysics may also be helpful for the determination of the physical characteristics
of the rocks, i.e. rippability. In the quarry, detailed geophysics can determine cavities. In a
karstified deposit, this geophysical reconnaissance can overcome quality fluctuations caused
by the cavity materials. A constant quality can be maintained.


The main advantages of geophysics are as follows:
Investigation over a greater surface
expedient execution
results in form of maps and profiles
accurate calculation of reserves
planning of the drilling campaign
optimisation of the drilling location
reduction of the quantity of drilling
Lower costs

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Table 1 compares the cost of a geophysical investigation with that of a theoretical drilling
campaign in a gravel deposit.

Table 1

Geophysics Drilling
Logistic portable heavy drilling machine
Information 17 vertical electrical 17 drill holes (850
soundings m)
Data Additional 3 drill holes (150 m) none
Field acquisition 4 days 85 days
Duration Interpretation 2 days 3 days
Additional drilling 15 days -
Total 21 days 88 days
geophysics: 10'400 88'000 US$
Cost add. Drillings: 16'000
Total 264000 US$ 88000 US$
drilling advance: 10 m/day drilling cost: 100 US$/m specialist: 1000 US$/day
2 labourers: 300 US/day each geophysical tools: 2000 US$
The cost of the application of refraction seismics will be within the same range. On the other
hand, the cost of the application of reflection seismics would be around 30% more
Nevertheless, the geophysical methods are indirect methods of reconnaissance. The results
are physical values which have to be interpreted in terms of rocks and/or sediments. The
experience of the geologist / geophysicist and a good knowledge of the local geology are
indispensable prerequisites for obtaining very accurate results. The main disadvantages are
as follows:
no samples
drill hole of calibration
Calibration of the geophysical values within a few drill holes considerably improves the
accuracy of the results. It is also advisable to sink two to three drill holes after a geophysical

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To solve the above problem, which often appears during the investigation, the geologist has
the following methods at his disposal.

3.1 Geoelectrics
An electricity field is emitted by one or two electrodes, and the difference of potential created
by this field is measured by two other electrodes. Different types of array are available to the
specialist. The most frequently applied arrays for prospecting are as follows:
Vertical electrical sounding (YES) Schlumberger type
Four pole profiling (4P-PRFL)
The goal of the geoelectrical methods is as follows:
With VES, to define the true resistivity . This allows to determine the kind of rocks and
the thickness of the formation
With 4P-PRFL, to map the distribution of the apparent resistivity. This reveals the
structure of the subsurface for a given depth of investigation depending of the array

3.2 Seismics
Waves are artificially generated by means of explosions or hammer within the earth crust.
The waves are reflected and refracted on the in homogeneous plans (fault) or on
stratification. The wave characteristics and the time during which the seismics waves pass
from the emission centre to the geophones are recorded.
In refraction seismics, only the first arrival waves are considered. The Fig. 1 shows a record
of refraction seismics. This method is suitable for determination of rock quality (i.e.

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Fig. 1: Traces display

In reflection seismics, all reflected waves are considered. A shallow reflection seismics
allows the interpretation of complex geological situation on the subsurface for a few years.
In shallow reflection seismic, acquisition of raw data and its processing must be treated with
great care.
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In the acquisition of raw data, the distance between the points of emission and the distance
between the geophones are very important . These distances influence the data density
which can be defined by the two following parameters:
Coverage: how often a point on a reflector is reached by a roll along acquisition
Common depth point (CDP) corresponds to half the distance between the geophone
An example of the importance of the raw data acquisition is given in Fig 2. The effect of the
variation of the data density can be clearly seen.

Fig 2: Results of a shallow reflection seismic for different distance of emission

and geophones array.

For shallow seismic surveys, the consistent use of both reflection and refraction profiling is
recommended. Although the reflection method is unrivaled for imaging the more complex
geological structures, usually better velocities of the subsurface layers are obtained by
refraction analysis.

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The table 2 provides a comparison of the two methods:

Table 2

Refraction seismics Reflection seismics

velocity determination very good good
thickness very good very good
geometry weak very good
complex geological bad very good
price cheap expensive

An estimate of the price of the shallow reflection seismic is given in Fig. 3 in relation to the
depth of investigation.

Fig. 3: Estimate of the cost of the shallow reflection seismic.

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3.3 Gravimetry
This method is based on the difference of density. After applying various corrections to the
raw data, gravity anomalies can be mapped. The gravimetric maps show the distribution of
heavy and light masses in the subsurface. It is also possible to discem a dense limestone
from relatively lightweight clay in a karst system. This method is seldom applied in the
investigations of raw materials for cement.

3.4 Geomagnetics
Geomagnetic method is the measure of the geomagnetic field on the surface. Iron-ore
deposits are particularly suitable for investigation with this method, but it is less suitable for
investigations of raw materials for cement.

3.5 Radar
Radar is a new method of prospecting, based on the electromagnetic waves. The tools
consist of two antennae - transmitter and receiver. The transmitter generates
electromagnetic impulses of 22 up to 100 MHz frequency. The depth of investigation
depends on the frequency and of the mineral composition of the subsurface. An example of
a radar is shown in Fig 4.

Fig. 4: Results of a radar investigation in a peat deposit

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3.6 Bore hole logging
Nearly all geophysical parameters can be measured in drill holes in order to define the
nature and the quality of the rocks. This is especially convenient when no core samples are
available (reverse circulating drilling), or when core recovery is very poor. Nowadays
slimhole logging offers extraordinary flexibility thanks to the fact that probe series containing
up to 7 probes can be assembled as desired. Thereby, the number of runs needed is
minimised and substantially reduces the field operation times.
A new logging tool is now available in the petroleum industry to determine the chemical
composition of the rock in the drill hole. The geochemical logging tool measures
concentrations of 12 elements (SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, CaO, SO3, K2O, TiO2, Cl, Ga, H, Th, U)
and provides data to calculate the MgO concentration of the formation. The accuracy of this
tool must still be tested for use in the investigation of raw materials for cement.

3.7 Choice of method

The choice of method of application depends on the contrast of the physical parameters
between the different rocks. The charts (Fig 5) show the expected physical value for different
rocks and sediments.
geoelectrics: parameter is resistivity
seismics: parameter is velocity
For instance, to determine the contact aggregates - sandstones, the best method would be
seismics because of the better contrast of velocity between aggregates and sandstones.
In conclusion, geophysics is an indirect method of investigation. The results must be
interpreted in geological terms. The most important advantage of the geophysics is the quick
execution at lower costs by keeping a low profile in the field. The choice of the method is
dependent on the physical parameters between the layers under investigation.

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Fig. 5 Physical parameters

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4.1 Determination of the contact basalt - granite

In a phase of extension of the aggregates quarry, the reserves of basalt must be accurately
defined. The deposits consist of the following lithologies:
overburden: fluvial sand and moraine
basalt with some intercalation of tuff
The top of the granite is weathered and consists of argillaceous material.
The weathered granite underneath the basalt shows a very good geoelectrical contrast.
Indeed the argillaceous material has a very low resistivity, and can be easily detected by the
geoelectrical methods.
Results of the geoelectrical prospecting
8 vertical electrical soundings and four poles profiling were carried out.
In the vertical soundings, the low resistivity layer under the basalt is clearly identified (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6: Interpretation of a vertical electrical sounding

The apparent resistivity maps in Fig. 7 show the apparent resistivity for two different depths
of investigation. The interpretation of these maps gives the geologist an indication of the
structure of the subsurface for the investigated depth.

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Fig. 7 Apparent resistivity maps

The result of this investigation is shown in the contour line map of the granite (Fig 8)

Fig. 8 Thickness of the basalt and contour line map of the top of the granite

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4.2 Determination of the thickness of the lahar layers and their qualities
The field under consideration consists of several layers of lahar. A lahar consists of
pyroclastic (volcanic) materials on the flank of a volcano. The deposit is produced by a
landslide or mudflow. The quality of the lahar fluctuates due to the varying size of the matrix
(coarse to fine grained). In this region, the lahar is overlaid by a volcanic tuff
With vertical electrical soundings, the quality of the lahar can be appraised according to the
fine materials in the matrix or the quantity of stone/gravel. Indeed, a fine matrix lahar or a
sand have a true resistivity less than a sand matrix lahar containing many stones and gravel.
The difficulty is to differentiate a fine matrix lahar from a sand layer, because it could have
the same true resistivity.
The overburden (tuff) can be easily determined by geoelectrics due to the anticipated low
According to the results of the vertical soundings, three types of lahars have been
determined. The true resistivity of the different lahars is as follows:
Lahar 1: 600 to 1300 Ohm*m. Is considered to be of good quality. The highest resistivity
indicates a consolidated lahar
Lahar 2: 150 to 500 Ohm *m. Could correspond to a lahar with a fine matrix, or a sand
with stones and gravel.
Lahar 3: 90 to 150 Ohm*m, corresponding to a sandy - silty layer
The overburden (tuff) has a true resistivity in the range of 10 to 30 Ohm*m.
On the basis of the VES, a geological cross section is carried out (Fig 9).

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Fig. 9: Conceptual geological section based on geoelectrical results.

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The results are shown in isopach maps, maps representing the thickness (Fig 10).
It was recommended to put down a few drill holes of calibration.

Fig. 10: Thickness maps of the lahar layers

4.3 Determination of the overburden thickness

The region under consideration consists of marl. In a tropical climate, the upper part of the
marl is completely weathered in kaolinite. The thickness of the weathering layer has to be
The application of the refraction seismics in this situation has been considered because of
the difference of velocity between the argillaceous weathered layer and the marl.
With the refraction seismics, three layers have been determined. A profile is shown in Fig.
11. The considerable thickness of the weathered zone was prohibitive for exploitation.

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Fig. 11: Geological cross-section based on the results of refraction seismic

4.4 Determination of the geological structure

The purpose of this investigation was to determine the structure of the bed rock under an
overburden. The overburden consists of moraine and landslide materials.
Reflection seismics are applied accurately to determine the geometry of the bedrock
The results of this investigation are shown in Fig 12.

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Fig. 12: Profiles of reflection seismic and geological interpretation

4.5 Evaluation of reverse drill hole

In the investigation of raw materials, the drilling campaign was carried out by reverse
circulating drilling. No core was recovered. In order to determine the lithological contact and
to localise thins interbeds of clay, a natural gamma ray logging was carried out.
With the present situation, the localisation of the thin interbeds of clay was indispensable for
geotechnical purposes. The bench stability was precarious.
The results of the gamma ray logging is shown in Fig 13.

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Fig. 13: Interpretation of gamma ray logging

The lithological contact as well as the thin interbeds of clay are clearly identified.

4.6 Karstified limestone

Recognition of cavities and determination of their size is always an important factor in
Preliminary drill holes had shown that the subsurface consists of strongly karstified
limestone. Due to the lack of correlation between them, it was impossible to obtain a
realistic image for the geotechnical calculation. A special logging tool was used by EBRA -
A radar tomography campaign has been carried out on each drill hole pair. Spacing
between two drill holes ranges from 12 to 24 m.
Fig 14 shows the results of the tomography.

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Fig. 14a: Radar tomographic measurements

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Fig. 14b: Geological interpretation

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Chapter 5

Overall Raw Material Prospecting

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Overall Raw Materials Investigations

1. INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................................95
2. DRILLING.........................................................................................................................96
2.1 Diamond core drill .....................................................................................................96
2.2 Other types of drilling ................................................................................................99
3. GEOLOGICAL MAPS AND CROSS -SECTIONS .........................................................100
3.1 Geological mapping.................................................................................................100
3.2 Geological cross-sections .......................................................................................104
3.3 Classification of reserves ........................................................................................109
4. OVERBURDEN ..............................................................................................................111
5. BULK SAMPLing TECHNOLOGICAL TESTS..............................................................113

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Overall investigations of raw materials

The overall raw materials exploration serves the purpose of acquiring sufficient data on a
raw material deposit in order to establish a feasibility study for a project. It is important that
the investigation program is well specified and that the responsibilities are clearly defined.
This incorporates methods, responsibilities, information flow, cost controls, schedule and
The investigations of the quality and the quantity of 1 to 3 deposits (which were shortlisted in
the preliminary field investigations) are appraised. The following work needs to be carried
out in order to obtain accurate information about the deposits:
Geological mapping and cross-sections.
Purpose : Distribution of the lithology / formations and geological structure
Drilling :
1'000 to 2'000 m of core drilling for the main limestone deposit
500 to 1'000 m for the secondary deposits.
Purpose : Description of the lithology, sedimentology, structure, moisture content,
porosity, density, compressive strength, sampling for chemical analyses
Chemical analyses :
LOI, SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, CaO, MgO, SO3, K2O,Na2O,TiO2, P2O5, Mn2O3, Cl-
Calculation of reserves
Geophysics if necessary
Raw mix design
Preliminary concept of quarrying
Bulk samples for technological tests

The results of these investigations must be sufficiently precise in order to decide on the
feasibility of the project with regard to the raw material aspects.

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During the overall exploration program, the deposit is investigated by drilling. In order to
obtain the most reliable knowledge with respect to the chemical composition and the
structure of the rocks, a comprehensive drilling programme is established. In this step, the
drilling tool is generally a diamond core drill. This is the finest manner in which the lithology
can be precisely described (defined), geological structures can be measured on the cores,
and the core recovery of a drill hole can be accurately measured. It is very important to have
a maximum core recovery, as the accuracy of the chemical character and the reserves
determination of the deposit depends on core recovered.

6.1 Diamond core drill

These involve driving a fast rotating annular bit through the rock and so obtaining a solid
undisturbed sample. The bits are either diamond impregnated or surface set. Occasionally
other materials such as tungsten may be used. In terms of sample weight or lineal metreage
this is at least three times as expensive as any other drilling methods for similar depths.
The drilling equipment is mounted on a frame or on a truck. This includes the drill, mast and
water/air circulation pump. This frame may be mounted on skids to be towed or fitted with
jack-legs (hydraulic rams), Alternatively it can be mounted on a truck or crawler track device
as a permanent configuration.

6.1.1 Bits
The bits consist of a steel blank, to the lower end of which a metallic alloy matrix is sintered.
This matrix is encrusted or impregnated with diamond grains (natural or synthetic) or
occasionally with chips of tungsten carbide or silicon carbide as special alternative.
In soft formations such as clay, larger teeth or blades are needed. The cutting edge being
made of tungsten or silicon carbide or polycrystalline diamond.

Fig. 1: Types of bits

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6.1.2 Circulating fluids
The principal purpose of a circulating fluid is to remove the cuttings from the face of the bit
as well as serve as a coolant to the bit. Water or an emulsion of water and special lubricants
(barite, polymer oil) also known as drilling mud,is the common circulating fluid. The cuttings
are washed up the borehole in the annular space between the drilling rods and the borehole
wall or casing. Some drilling techniques (rotary and percussion) use air as the flushing
medium. In special circumstances, air can be used to avoid dissolving minerals and losing
the core, such as halite (NaCl) in the circulating water.

6.1.3 Core barrel

Core is collected at the bottom of the borehole in a core barrel and periodically. brought to
the surface A conventional standard core barrel requires all the drilling rods to be removed
from the borehole at the end of each run, before the core can be removed. In 1961, the
wireline drilling system was introduced. This enables an innertube with the core (inner core
barrel) to be withdrawn through the rods at the end of a cable or wire. This system obviates
the need to withdraw all the drilling rods thereby saving time and money. Additionally the
quality of the core and core recovery is improved when using wireline drilling.
A core barrel is that section of the drilling rods string in which the cylinder of rock is collected
and can be brought to the surface. The simplest core barrel (single tube) consists of a
reamer, a corelifter and the core barrel. The reamer serves two functions. One being to
maintain the correct hole diameter to ensure sufficient clearance between the borehole wall
and drilling rods, and the other, to provide seating for the corelifter. The corelifter consists of
a tapered spring-steel ring, which allows the core to travel in one direction only (upwards).
When the rods are lifted, the core is wedged in and clamps inside the core barrel.

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The corelifter not only prevents the cut core from dropping out, but also allows the core to be
broken off at the bottom of the hole. The circulating fluid passes down through the center of
the drilling rods past the collected core (in the core barrel) and out over the bit before
returning to the surface on the ouside of the drilling rods.
In the double tube barrel, the drilling fluid is diverted away from the core to the bit by way of
the annulus between the core barrel and the innertube. This system was devised for soft,
broken or friable ground, where the core could be easily washed away by the driling fluid. In
subsequent models, the innertube is fixed with a ballrace so that it cannot rotate with the
rods thereby cause grinding and wearing of core. A further refinement is a split innertube to
allow better transfer of undisturbed core into the trays.
In very soft, unconsolidated or porous rocks it is necessary to use a triple tube core barrel
with split innertube to obtain a good recovery.

6.1.4 Recovery
The drilling should be carried out in such a manner that a maximum core recovery is
The minimum core recovery is 95% per drill hole. Below 80 %, the accuracy of the geological
information derived and associated chemical analysis is doubtful.
According to Holcim drilling specifications, the client has the right to reject the core and
therefore the samples received from the drilling contractor if the core recovery is below 80%.
Only if the insufficient core recovery is due to inadequate drilling. In which event, the
contractor is obliged to redrill the borehole at no cost to the client. On the other hand the
drilling contractor, cannot be held responsible if the geologist confirms that the poor core
recovery is due to lithological features (e.g. cavities, caves, incompetent ground, etc).
Good core recovery is difficult to obtain from unconsolidated material for two reasons:
large gravel pieces tend to either move about in the core bit and so prevent clean cutting
or they jam in the bit
fine sand, whilst feeding into the barrel, will not be rigid enough to be retained by the
core lifter.

6.1.5 Core size

Core size depends on the bit and barrel combination used. In general for our purposes, the
core size will have a minimum diameter of 45 mm (or NQ-3). In broken material, recovery will
be better with a larger core size. In very hard material, recovery is invariably very good, at
lower cost when using the smallest core which will be suitable for our purposes.

6.1.6 Core storage

The cores must be stored in wooden core boxes or trays, which are lockable. The core
boxes must be adequately marked on the outside showing borehole co-ordinates (number),
box number, depth of drilling (from to) in meters. Generally, the inside length of the core
box is 1.05m. whilst the width of the inside sections (usually 5 sections) should be +/- 5 mm
larger than the core diameter. The inside of the core box must likewise, be adequately
marked showing top and bottom depth of each section with an arrow pointing down hole.
Every run of the core barrel must be 'flagged' using tags, labels or wooden blocks.
Information on the flags indicates run number and depth. Pieces of wood of appropriate
length must be inserted into the core boxes to indicate voids or cavities, as they are
encountered in the actual borehole. The core boxes or trays, must be stored in suitable coe
shed which is protected against atmospheric conditions, vandalism and competitor

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6.1.7 Core sampling and preparation
The project geologist is responsible for samples selection of the cores according to
acceptable geological practice. The sample widths are to be adequately marked on the
cores and recorded in the borehole log.
Samples preparation procedure is important so that representative samples are supplied to
the laboratory for analysis. The borehole cores are split (or divided) length-wise (from top to
bottom) into two halves using a stone saw or a core splitter installed on site. One half is
returned to the respective core box, and is adequately stored as the geological reference.
The other half is crushed and comminuted, sample for sample, according to the geologically
defined intervals, to a grain size of max. 2 mm. The original sample of several kilograms is in
a series of several steps of alternate crushing and quartering reduced to a final mass of
about 200 grams.
The intermediate fractions not used for further processing will have to be adequately stored
in labeled plastic bags.
The +/- 200 grams final sample material is ground with a laboratory mill to 0% residue on a
60 micron sieve (10'000 mesh per cm2).
For both client and Holcim one sample of approx. 50 g each should be prepared for chemical

6.1.8 Drilling problems

The main problems encountered during a drilling campaign are as follows:
Sometimes, the access to the drillpoint is very difficult. Access roads have to be built or the
drilling equipment will have to be dismantled and carried.
A good recovery depends on the experience of the man in charge of the drilling. In case of
poor or soft rock, which leads to bad recovery, a double or triple tube core barrel is
Others problems consist of loss of water, deviation of the drill holes, stabilility of the
hole/casing, etc...

6.2 Other types of drilling

6.2.1 Auger drill

The principal component is a slowly rotating rod. The material from the hole is forced
upwards by the wedging action of the cutting bit tips and by a spiral flue (archimides screw)
fitted to the rods.
These rigs are mainly used for post hole digging and sampling of soil, clay and shallow
weathered rock, in situations where disturbed samples are acceptable. These rigs are
unsuitable in unconsolidated alluvial (pebble, sand, clay) or hard rocks.

6.2.2 Rotary drill

This method uses a slowly rotating rod string at the end of which a bit scrapes and dislodges
rock chips by point pressure. The cuttings are flushed usually flushed by air although water
or drilling mud (emulsion of barite and water) is used in special circumstances. Circulation
may be normal, i.e. cuttings are exhausted from the borehole between the rod and the
borehole hole wall or casing, or may be reversed (RC), whereby cuttings are exhausted
through the interior of the rods.

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Reversed circulating drilling may be used for geochemical sampling. The price of the RC
drilling is much cheaper than the core drilling, but geophysical logging must be carried out to
for correlation between the drill holes. The total costs (RC drilling plus geophysics) are still
good, compared to those of core drilling (30 to 60% lower).
Rotary drilling methods are frequently applied in oil well drilling.

6.2.3 Percussion drill

As the term suggests the principle thereof is having a slowly rotating chisel impacting the
rock. The method of application of force to the chisel allows a classification as follows:
uphole hammer drill
downhole hammer drill.
Normally applied in production drilling (blasthole) in open pit or quarry operations.


7.1 Geological mapping

A geological map is a representation of the surface outcrop rocks, very often superimposed
on on a topographical map. Geological mapping is therefore essential to study the spatial
distribution of the different rock types, to determine their thickness and to investigate the
geological structure of the deposit. Many folds or faults, for instance, can be discovered or
confirmed (from areial photography) by geological mapping. If seen in outcrop, these
features must be mapped over a large area to be understood. Geologic maps are the basis
on which one can construct the cross sections. The shape and structure of the deposit is
therefore better understood through detailed geological mapping.
The scale of a detailed geological / topographic map is generally 1 : 1000 to 1 : 2000 with a
contour line of 1 m.
Each formation encountered in the field is characterised by a specific colour or symbol on
the map and their relative age is indicated in a legend. The legend customarily has a specific
sequence. The oldest rock formation is listed at the bottom followed by the others in order of
their decreasing age, ending with the youngest formation at the top of the legend (Fig. 2)
The geologist must characterise each exposure or layer and attribute them to a formation.
The fossil content, sedimentary structures and their lithological aspects allow one to
characterise them.
Moreover, the geological map shows the structures of the deposit (Fig 3). The dip and the
strike of the layers, as well as the faults and the folds are drawn on the map. Fig. 4 shows
the conventional symbols.

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Fig. 2: Statigraphical column with the thickness of the formations

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Fig. 3: Geological map, scale 1: 2000

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Fig. 4: Mapping symbols

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Considering the discontinuity of the exposures due to the vegetation, overburden, alluvial
deposits, etc. geological mapping is not easy and depends on the experience of the
geologist. The geologist must use the knowledge available with regard to stratigraphy and
tectonism of the region, in order to create a geological 'model'. This 'model' will be
continuously compared with the field observations to get a more realistic image. This method
of fieldwork allows one to obtain reliable knowledge very rapidly over a large area in spite of
discontinuous exposures.

7.2 Geological cross-sections

Geological cross-sections show a section in a vertical plan (Fig. 5). They show a postulated
distribution of the rocks at depth. Based on the geological situation observed at the surface
(geological map) as well as information derived from drilling and geophysical surveys.
The geologist's structural interpretation can supported by the results of the drilling campaign.
Correlation of the geological map and the results of the drillings give a reliable image of the
sub-surface geological conditions. Refer Fig 6.
The significance of the geological interpretation of the deposit structures for the calculation
of reserves is illustrated in Fig. 7.
Although the height of the outcrops of limestone is almost identical, the exploitable quantities
are significantly different. Horizontally layered deposits (Fig. 7a) contain considerably larger
quantities of exploitable materials than a deposit of inclined stratification. This is obvious for
cases of where the strata dip outwards (Fig. 7b). Equally important also important in the
opposite situation where the starta dip inwards(Fig 7c), because of increasing quantities of
overburden to be removed.

Fig. 5: Geological cross-section, scale 1 : 2000

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Fig. 6: Correlation between cross-section and drill hole data

Fig. 6a Limestone Correlation - Alternative Solutions

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Another aspect to consider is the intercalation of soft rocks (shale) between a formation
consisting of hard rock (limestone) (Fig.8).

Fig. 7 Significance of the dip of strata for the reserve calculation

V - vertical height true thickness

T1 = V
T1 = 2 * T2
T3 = 1.5 * T1

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Fig. 8 Significance of outcrop situation

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Faults may reduce the potential deposit considerably (Fig. 9).

Fig. 9 Reduction of limestone reserves by fault tectonics

Folding may entail incorrect reserve estimates. In this case (Fig. 10), the claystone formation
could not be recognised at the surface. By measuring dip and strike, the anticline structure of
this deposit would in all likelyhood have been detected.

Fig. 10 Significance of Folding

Once the geological and geochemical limits are well defined within the deposit boundaries
(physical, chemical, legal, etc.) the reserve calculations can be carried out.
Prior to calculating the reserves the following parameters must be defined.
Geological structure of the deposit: limit of formations
Structures: dip and strike of stratas, folds, fault
Groundwater level, natural drainage
Qualitative limits: chemical
Base mining level and the final slope of the quarry
Physical properties
Economical aspect

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The volume of exploitable materials can be calculated by a range of computer programs
such Surfer, Surpac, ArcInfo, Vulcan, MOSS, Intergraph.
The reserve can be calculated by one of the geometric constructions shown in Fig. 11.

Fig 11 Geometric pattern for reserves calculations

The most suitable method to calculate the reserves is based on geological cross-sections
and the distance between each parallel cross section (Fig. 11f).
V= ((A1 + A2)/2) * L12+ ......+ ((Am + An)/2) * Lmn
V = volume
Am= surface area of the cross-section m
Lmn= distance between cross-sections m and n
For a deposit with horizontal stratification, the volume is quickly calculated by determining
the area and multiplying it by the thickness of the useable rocks.
Calculation of the tonnage
The reserves are normally indicated in tons rather than in volume. The bulk apparent specific
weight has to be determined on a few samples.
Reserves of raw material = V * r
r = density

7.3 Classification of reserves

Many attempts have been made to establish a worldwide-acceptable classification system
for raw material deposits.
It is obvious that a potential deposit of cement raw materials comprises areas which are
more thoroughly investigated than others, as well as zones which permit easier exploitation
than others; i.e. according to the criteria:
Degree of recognition

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Degree of exploitability
The reserves of cement raw material deposits can be divided into different classes. In the
interests of presenting a useable system, we at Holcim apply the following classification.
Gelogical reserves
Raw mix reserves
Mineable reserves
Gelogical reserves.
Geological reserves refer to those geological mineral occurrences, which are identified with
satisfactory reliability of prediction (certainty of existence and geological assurance,
supported with geological maps, borehole information and detailed sampling for analysis). In
addition to which the identified reserves meet the preconditions set for the feasibility study
(locality, accessibilty, availablity, quantitative and qualitative).
Raw mix reserves.
Raw mix reserves are the total reserves of all components (calcareous, siliceous and
corrective), which meet the chemical criteria set for the successful operation of a particular
Mineable reserves.
Mineable reserves are those reserves which fullfil both the aforementioned paramaters and
which are practically mineable. Losses due to mining activity may include 'frozen' reserves
for haulage and access roads, government and saftey restrictions as well as losses due to
practical mining problems.

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Table 2: US Bureau of Mines Classification System (modified)

Overburden is defined as material of any nature, consolidated or unconsolidated which
overlies the deposit of useful materials. Ideally, attempts should always be made to utilise
the overburden material as a raw material component. Should utilisation be impossible due
to chemical or physical character, the overburden is dumped in selected areas. These areas
should be optimised with respect to potential rehabilitation and transportation costs.
Moreover, the dumping areas should never obstruct the exploitation. Fig 12 shows few
favourable and inappropriate dumping areas. Unsuitable areas of dumps may render further
exploitation uneconomical and may reduce the potential reserves considerably.
In the overall investigations, the amount and the quality of the overburden must be defined
accurately. An important consideration in the economics of the open pit mining is the
stripping ratio, which is defined as the ratio of total waste removed to total suitable material
mined. The overburden ratio is defined as the ratio of the vertical thickness of overburden
to the vertical thickness of suitable material.

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Fig 12: Dumping in quarry area

The volume of and the contact betwenn overburden/useful materials is determined during
exploration activities eg. geological mapping, drilling, geophysics etc.

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At the end of the overall drilling campaign, a bulk sample is taken. This bulk sample must be
representative of the deposit and comes in general from the core collection. The purpose of
the bulk sample is to carry out technological tests useful to dimensioning the machinery.
The following tests are carried out:
Chemical analyses
Moisture content
Other tests can be carried out such as :
Brazilian test :
Uniaxial compressive strength
Bulk density
Poisson's ratio
Young's coefficient.
Crushing test:
% of fines

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Chapter 6

Assessment of Cement Raw Materials

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1. ASSESSMENT OF CEMENT RAW MATERIALS .........................................................116

1.1 Definition of qualitative requirements of clinker and cement ...................................116
1.2 Raw materials for the cement industry ....................................................................116
1.3 Characteristics of cement raw material ...................................................................121
1.4 PRINCIPLES OF RAW MATERIAL ASSESSMENT ...............................................155

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10.1 Definition of qualitative requirements of clinker and cement

Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) - by far the most frequently used type of cement -consists
mainly of the four major chemical components:

Calcium oxide 64 % CaO "Lime", Calcium, C

Silicon oxide 22 % SiO2 "Silica", S
Aluminium oxide 6 % Al2O3 Alumina", A
Iron oxide 3 % Fe2O3 lron", F

The remainder is composed of:

Na2O, K2O "Alkali"

SO3 "Sulphur"
MgO "Magnesium
TiO2 "Titanium"

It should be noted that nature only seldomly provides a raw material of the desired chemical
composition. Normally, mixtures of various components are necessary to obtain the raw mix
suitable for the production of OPC.

10.2 Raw materials for the cement industry

10.2.1 General
Basically, the following raw material classes can be distinguished:
Main components
They contribute CaO, SiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3. CaO is supplied by the calcareous
(carbonatic) component


SiO2 Al2O3 and Fe2O3 by the argillaceous (siliceous) component (s).

Corrective Materials
If there is a deficiency of either CaO, SiO2, Al2O3 or Fe2O3, respective "corrective"
Materials providing the deficient component(s), have to be utilised.
Additive Materials
Materials which are added to the raw mix (i.e. to the mix consisting of main components
and possibly corrective Materials or to the clinker in order to obtain special effects, are
designated as "additive" Materials.

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10.2.2 Calcareous Component
As demonstrated in chapter 1.3, the calcareous component is usually classified according to
its chemical Composition i.e. according to its carbonate content ("titration value").
The carbonate content - expressed as CaCO3 content is normally higher than 75 %, the
sought after CaCO3 content of the cement raw mix.
The following classification system is employed in the cement industry (Table 19):

Table 19 Classification of calcareous rock

(according to chemical composition)

% CaCO3 Designation
95 - 100 high-grade limestone
85 - 95 limestone
75 - 85 marly limestone
However, by applying only chemical Information nothing is stated regarding the appearance,
lithology, type of formation, etc. of such rocks. A great variety of rocks may fulfill the above
classification (refer Table 20).

Table 20 Calcareous cement raw Materials

shell deposits
The above can all have an identical titration value!
According to specifications for a cement raw mix, a perfectly suited raw material would
contain approx. 75 % CaCO3 and 25 % clay and sand components. Such raw Materials very
seldom occur in nature as e.g. natural cement stone".
The economic value of a Potential industrially processed cement raw material depends
largely on its conformity with the above specifications, i.e. conformity means favourable
economy. It is wrong to assume that an increased carbonate content of a calcareous raw
material would result in a higher economic value. For example, a calcareous component with
80 - 85 % CaCO3 is often preferable to a high-grade limestone with 95 - 100 % CaCO3
because fewer other raw Materials have to be added to meet the specifications.

It should be pointed out that the titration method for the carbonate determination includes all
carbonates, i.e. the "titration value" is not identical with the CaCO3-content but includes
MgCO3, FeCO3, Na2CO3, etc.

Titration thus produces only guide values which have to be verified by means of total
chemical analysis.

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10.2.3 Argillaceous Component
The term "argillaceous" covers the field of cement raw materials with those chemical
constituents which are contained in insufficient quantities in the calcareous component, i.e.
argillaceous materials basically supply SiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3 ("silica", "alumina" and "iron").
Because of the various mechanisms in the formation of argillaceous rock, a large number of
these rock types are considered as potential cement raw materials (Table 21).

Table 21 Argillaceous materials

clay "clay"
loess unconsolidated,

mudstone consolidated,
siltstone compact
marl calcareous 65 - 75 %
marl 35 - 65 %
clayey marl 25 - 35 %
marly clay 15 - 25 %
others tuff volcanic origin

slate metamorphic origin

10.2.4 Corrective Materials

If the main components (calcareous and argillaceous component) do not permit the
proportioning of a mix which conforms to the specifications, corrective materials have to be
Contrary to the main components, the concentration of the desired constituent (SiO2, Al2O3
or Fe2O3) in the corrective is of utmost importance. Since corrective Materials (Table 22) are
usually expensive (bought from special suppliers) and occasionally have to be transported
over long distances, the corrective should be of high quality and used in small quantities.

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Table 22 corrective Materials

To correct the corrective minimum

deficiency of material concentration
"iron" (Fe2O3) Iron ore 60% Fe2O3
Pyrites ash 60% -90%
"alumina" (Al2O3) Bauxite 50% Al2O3
Laterite 25% "
Kaolinite 50%
"silica" (SiO2) Quartzsand 80% SiO2
Quartzite 80% "
"lime" (CaO) Limestone 90% CaCO3

In rare cases, where the abundant calcareous materials do not contain a sufficient amount of
calcium carbonate, a high-grade limestone (CaO) - corrective has to be supplied.

10.2.5 Additive Materials

Additive materials (Table 23) include, in most cases, only sulphate-bearing components
which are added to the clinker by inter-grinding for control of the setting of cement. In earlier
times, another additive material (fluorspar) was frequently added to the kiln feed in order to
improve the burnability. Today, it is only employed in very rare cases (manufacture of white
A great variety of special cements is produced by blending OPC with either waste or by-
products of other industries (steel industry, power plants) or with naturally occurring
materials, yielding latent hydraulic properties (pozzolana).

Table 23 Additive materials

Additive minimum purpose of

concentration addition
CaSO4 . 2 H2O 35% SO3 production of
Anhydrite 50% SO3 (95% clinker +
CaSO4 5%

Fluorspar 30% F improvement of

Blastfurnace slag
Pozzolana none special cements
Fly ash

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10.2.6 Combination of Components
Criteria for the selection and combination of raw material components are:
chemical composition
(overall, homogeneity, variability, etc.)
technological properties
Transport and costs
material casts
operation (handling, preparation, etc.)
Basically, it is desirable to reduce the number of components to a minimum - taking of
course the above i.e. two-component mixes instead of three or four component mixes. For

limestone instead of sand
clay iron ore

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Potential cement raw mixes with a large number of components (more than three or four)
may be subject to difficulties regarding dosage, control of components and of cement raw
mixes, etc. Industrially produced cement raw mixes are compiled in Table 24.

Table 24 Examples of combinations of components

(Holcim-Group plants)

Mississauga Guayaquil
98 - 100 % marly limestone 82 - 85 % limestone
0 - 2 % shale 12 - 15 % clay
1 - 3 % iron ore
77 - 85 % limestone Geelong
8 - 22 % clay 55 % high-grade "limestone
0 - 4% sandy clay 44 % low-grade "limestone"
1 -3 % iron ore
Atocongo 1% pyrites ash
27 % limestone
73 % marl Hardegsen
92 % limestone
Darra 7 % sand
91 % coral 0.5 % iron ore
5 % sand 0.5 % gypsum (SO3)
3 % clay
1 % iron ore
Dudfield 89 % limestone
88 % limestone 6 % sandy marl
6 % clay 1 % pyrites ash (Fe2O3)
6 % boiler ash (Al2O3) 1 % coal mine waste
0 - 1 % magnetite (Fe2O3) 3 % coal mine waste
pyrites ash (Fe2O3) containing combustibles
Wunstorf Gmunden
91 % limestone / marl 68 % limestone
1.5 % clay 29 % marl
4.54 % sand 3 % iron oxide
3 % iron ore

10.3 Characteristics of cement raw material

10.3.1 Chemical Characteristics

Any assessment of potential cement raw Materials is predominantly based on their chemical
composition The following system (Table 25) for the presentation of chemical results has
been developed:

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Table 25 Form for presentation of chemical results

Constituents Designation
AL2O3 main elements
Fe2O3 (oxides)
SO3 minor elements
P2O5 Trace elements
* plus loss on ignition
It should be mentioned that the assessment of each raw material component has to be made
with consideration of a potential raw material combination; i.e. it should not be assessed in
isolation but take into account the other components involved and the specifications for the
cement raw mix.
For example:
A limestone yielding 98 % carbonate content may contain 3.5% MgO. An isolated
assessment would result in the rejection of this Materials If the raw mix consists of 20 % clay
(say without MgO) and 80% limestone to achieve a carbonate content of 75%, a MgO
content of approx. 2.8% (4.5 % resp. when loss on ignition free) results, which is still
tolerable for most markets.
The following tables (26 - 30) display a series of analytical results of cement raw materials
and are to be interpreted according to the above criteria.

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Table 26 Analyses of calcareous cement raw materials

Table 27 Rock Analysis of argillaceous cement raw materials

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Table 28 Analysis of corrective materials

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Table 29 Analysis of attitive materials

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Table 30 Typical analyses of cement raw materials

10.3.2 Crystallographic Characteristics The Crystalline and Amorphous State

Most materials, e.g. rocks and soil, metals and alloys, concrete and organic substances, are
"crystalline", i.e. the atoms, ions and-molecules which form the crystals are arranged in strict
geometrical order.
"Amorphous" solids on the contrary are substances with no strict geometrical order, i.e.
which are not crystalline. Glasses and certain resins belong to this class. Definition of a Crystal

Crystals are chemically and physically homogeneous, regularly shamed polyhedral bodies. Space Lattice and Unit Cell

Geometrically, a space lattice (Fig. 33) is defined as a regular and unlimited Arrangement of
identical points in space. The lattice of a crystal is merely the repetition in three dimensions
of the positions occupied by its atoms or molecules. As Fig. 33 shows, a crystal is built up of
a multitude of "unit cells" having edges ao, bo, co and angles, , , ,. The length of the
edges, called lattice constants, is of the order of a fraction of a nanometer ( 1 nm = 10-9 m;
equivalent to 10 ngstrms as an old unit).
The unit cell may be a regular cube, a prism, a rhombohedron or, generally, a parallel
epipedon. The lattice constants ao, bo. and c. may be equal to one another or different, as
may also the angles , , ,., According to the combination, seven different crystal systems
occur which are summarised in Table 31.

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Fig. 33 Crystal lattice

Table 31 Definition of crystal symmetry systems

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According to the positions of atoms, ions and molecules (on the edges or on the faces or in
the centre of the unit cell) fourteen space lattices are possible (Fig. 34). Every crystal
belongs to one of these crystal systems and is composed of an infinite repetition in the three
dimensions by one of the 14 space lattices.
A simpler presentation and characterisation of the point lattice is achieved by the
introduction of "lattice planes". Equispaced planes, i.e. parallel planes with same distance
represent identical two-dimensional arrangements of atoms and molecules (Fig. 33).

Fig. 34 Space lattice

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 128 Symmetry Elements of Crystals and Crystal Symmetry Classes
Symmetry is an essential feature of crystals. The symmetry elements are simple and few in
number, viz. axes, planes and centre of symmetry.
The symmetry properties of all crystals are combinations of these axes, planes and centre of
symmetry. The total number of possible combinations of symmetry elements leads to 32
crystal symmetry classes. Definition of Minerals

A mineral is defined as a solid characterised by its chemical composition and crystal
structure (lattice constants and symmetry). Ray Diffraction for Determination of Crystal Structure and Identification of Minerals
X-ray diffraction is a tool to supply data and information on the crystal structure not
obtainable by other techniques. In the cement industry it is applied for the identification of the
mineralogical composition of raw Materials clinker, rings, refractory Materials cement and
hydration products. It is based on the determination of the distance "d" between equispaced
planes of the crystal lattice ( A set of characteristic d - values represent the
"fingerprint" of a mineral.
When a monochromatic beam of X-rays of wavelength (X of the same order of magnitude as
the distance between lattice points) falls on a crystal, the characteristic fingerprint of the
corresponding mineral is produced by reflection. This phenomenon is not a surface reflection
as with ordinary light. Rather it can be compared with the diffraction of a monochromatic
light-beam on an optical lattice. This phenomenon normally called "X-ray diffraction" is
explained as follows (Fig. 35):
Parallel to the crystal face is an infinite series of equispaced atomic planes, spaced at a
distance d. The X-rays penetrate to a depth of several million of such planes, whereby they
may undergo the same reflection as on the surface plane. If these various reflections arrive
in phase, they form a composite reflected X-ray beam. If the reflection on the multitude of
identical planes occurs out of phase, the X-ray in the crystal is absorbed and no reflection

Fig. 35 Reflection of X-rays on atomic planes

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Geometrical considerations (Fig. 35) demonstrate that reflection occurs only under the
following, so-called Bragg conditions:
n = 2d sin or d=
n = integer, order of diffraction
For the practical application in the cement industry, x-ray diffraction analysis is carried out on
finely ground samples ("powder method"). This means that with in the powder sample an
infinite number of minute crystals is randomly distributed and oriented. Therefore, all
possible series of equispaced identical lattice planes with all the different d values are
Fig. 36 shows in a schematic way the principle of powder-x-ray diffractometry from which an
x-ray diffraction diagram results (Fig. 37).

Fig. 36 Diffractometer (Goniometer type)

The diffraction method requires only small amounts (a few grams) of material.
The main application of X-radiation in the cement industry is that of X-ray fluorescence which
is used for the determination of the chemical Composition of materials (see section 15,
quality assurance, p. 15/33ff). The differences in principle (figure 38) and application
between fluorescence and diffraction are briefly summarised in Table 31a.

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Table 31a Difference between x-ray diffraction and x-ray fluorescence

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Fig. 37 X-ray diffraction diagram

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Fig. 38 X-ray fluorescence spectrography Polymorphism
An element or compound is defined as polymorphic if it forms two or more crystalline solid
phases differing in atomic Arrangement with identical chemical Composition The
polymorphism depends on pressure and temperature, i.e. a particular modification is only
stable under defined pressure and temperature conditions.
As a consequence of polymorphism it occurs that materials with identical chemical
Composition may exhibit different physical and chemical properties. A good example is pure
carbon in graphite and diamond form. In the graphite form the carbon is black, soft, and is
used, for example, as a lubricant or for electrodes. In the diamond form it is clear,
transparent and hard a much coveted precious stone. The lattice structures of these two
polymorphic crystalline forms are shown in Fig. 39.

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Fig. 39 Lattice Structures of Carbon

Further examples of polymorphism are:

CaCO3 as aragonite and calcite
The crystalline forms of silica (SiO2; see also p. 4/36.ff). At atmospheric pressure silica
exists according to the temperature range in three crystalline forms (see fig. 40).
Furthermore, each of the three forms exists in a low- and high-temperature modification
(fig. 41 for quartz).

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Fig. 40 Polymorphism of SiO2

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Fig. 41 Si-Atoms in Low and High Quartz Temperature Influence

The lattice points joined with lines producing a lattice are illustrated in Fig. 33. In reality, the
atoms, ions and molecules are tightly packed in the crystal lattice with distances close to
their atomic radii. The lattice forces, holding together the geometrical Arrangement of atoms,
ions and molecules are of a physical and chemical nature.
At absolute zero temperature(0K = -273C), the atoms are at rest with their centres in the
equilibrium position. By raising the temperature, the atoms begin to oscillate: the higher the
temperature, the stronger are their oscillations. With increasing temperature, the oscillation
becomes so strong that the lattices may change their symmetry. This occurs at a defined,
characteristic temperature. At even higher temperature, the atoms oscillate so violently that
they leave the lattice places; the lattice literally falls apart; the crystal melts.
Conversion of the raw material into clinker in a cement kiln requires a high temperature
which means high energy. This is the energy required to destroy the crystal lattices of the
raw material minerals in order to transform them into crystal lattices of clinker minerals. The
energy necessary to destroy the lattice depends an the lattice forces, i.e. on the crystal
system, the lattice constants, the nature of atoms and ions, and on the perfection of the
lattice. This explains why one particular raw material is more easily burned to clinker than
another. Therefore, the type and state of the crystals present in the raw material determine
burnability, i.e. the energy required to form the clinker.
Minerals with strong lattice forces which impair the burnability are :
quartz and feldspars

Minerals with weaker lattice forces and thus better burnability are :
clay minerals

Materials with a highly disordered structure, showing high reactivity are :

amorphous and glassy rocks such as tuff, lava, amorphous silica, etc.

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10.3.3 Mineralogical Characteristics General
Mineralogy is concerned with crystalline solids all kinds, whether natural or industrial.
Crystalline solids of all kinks, whether natural or industrial. Crystalline solids come in endless
variety: the rocks of the earth's crust, the concrete of buildings and steel are a few examples
of materials composed of crystals. Minerals and their Properties

For the sake of practicality, minerals are classified into rock-forming minerals, ore minerals,
clinker minerals, slag minerals, natural gemstones, synthetic gemstones, ceramic phases,
etc. Whether these are natural or artificial is irrelevant; all are crystalline phases.
The properties of minerals depend upon the crystal structure (type of crystal lattice), lattice
forces (arrangement and chemical binding of atoms) and lattice energy.
Apart from the chemical composition (4.3.1)the most important properties with regard to the
cement-making process are:
Reactivity and kinetic behaviour
In many cement raw mixes, the minerals are in a stable condition with low free energy, and
therefore, a low reactivity. To produce clinker minerals much energy is needed to destroy the
structure of the raw materials and to form new structures (clinker minerals).
The following phenomena improve the reactivity of minerals:
impurities (atoms, ions, molecules) disturbing the ideal crystal lattice
lattice defects
They give the crystal structure a higher degree of disorder which is equal to a lower degree
of crystallinity:

ideal crystal real crystal glass

(ordered lattice) (partially disordered (strongly disordered
lattice) lattice)
degree of crystallinity

At room temperature conditions, a mineral or a mineral combination of raw mix is in a stable

condition To let a reaction take place, at least one condition pressure or temperature - has to
be changed. The crystal lattices of the minerals present in the raw mix have to be
disintegrated in the course of the clinkering process. This is best achieved by applying a high
temperature. The minerals thus become unstable. As there is always a tendency from
unstable towards stable conditions, reactions leading to a new equilibrium take place.
The equilibrium can be attained by e.g.:
modification changes of minerals
melting and evaporating reactions
chemical reactions between the different minerals with the formation of new minerals

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While the correct chemical raw mix composition is a requirement for the clinker phases, the
mineralogical characteristics of the mix determine how the reactions leading to these clinker
phases take place. Because of the broad variability of mineralogical properties, many
different paths of reaction exist (more details are given in section 10 concerning clinker
Hardness is defined as the resistance of a mineral to scratching. A scale of relative hardness
was introduced by Mohs. The Mohs scale contains 10 hardness classes each characterised
by specially selected minerals (refer Table 34, p.55 and Table 35, p.56
Other mineral properties are:
Cleavage and fracture
Electrical properties
Heat conductivity and heat expansion
Surface properties Determination of Minerals

For identification and quantification of minerals, the chemical analysis is usually combined
x-ray diffraction analysis
thermal analysis
light microscopy Minerals in Cement Raw Materials

Basically, a preliminary grouping of the minerals is accomplished by the chemical
Composition whereby the mineral formulae sometimes have to be idealised.
Calcite CaCO3 trigonal ) polymorphic
Aragonite CaCO3 orthorombic )
Aragonite and calcite are polymorphic modifications with an identical chemical Composition
but with different crystal lattices. Aragonite is formed in the warm and shallow sea. It is
unstable and transforms readily to calcite and can thus be found only in recently deposited
unconsolidated sediments.
Other carbonates are:
Magnesite MgCO3
Siderite FeCO3
Dolomite CaMg(CO3)2
Ankerite Ca(Mg, Fe)(CO3)2

Calcium sometimes may be substituted by significant amounts of other elements such as

Mg, Mn and Fe; for example: Mg-bearing calcite Ca1-xMgxCO3 (not identical with dolomite).
Carbonates have an excellent cleavage and a Mohs-hardness of 3 - 4.

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The lattice of all silicates are based on the SiO4-tetrahedron (Fig. 42 ). One Si-atom is
situated in the centre of the tetrahedron, whereas the four corners are occupied by oxygen

Fig. 42 Structure unit of Silicates: SiO4-Tetrahedron.

SiO4-tetrahedra can be combined in different ways (Fig. 43 - 46) leading to different silicate
single tetrahedron - nesosilicates : olivine and garnet groups
double tetrahedra - sorosilicates. : epidote group
rings - cyclosilicates : tourmaline, beryll
single and double chains - inosilicates pyroxene and amphibole groups
sheets - phyllosilicates: mica and clay mineral groups
framework - tectosilicates: feldspar group

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Fig. 43 Types of linkage of SiO4-Tetrahedra (single/double/rings).

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Fig. 44 Types of linkage of SiO4-Tetrahedra (chains - single/double).

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Fig. 45 Types of linkage of SiO4-Tetrahedra (Sheets).

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Fig. 46 Types of linkage of SiO4-Tetrahedra (Framework).

The fact that so many possibilities to combine the structural unit exist, may explain why the
silicate group contains a large number of different minerals (about 500). The Si of the SiO4-
tetrahedron may be replaced by Al; and nearly all silicate structures show the ability of
exchanging cations (Na, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Al, etc.). Within the structure of many of the resulting
lattices, there is free space left for different cations (e.g. Na, K, Ca, Al, Mg).
The amount of silicates in the earth's crust is estimated to be about 90 %.
As indicated on page 4/36, the group of silicates consists of several structural types such as:

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Feldspar Group
Feldspars are the most abundant of all minerals. They occur in almost all siliceous
components used in cement raw mixes. By alteration and weathering feldspars change into
clay minerals.
Most abundant feldspars are:
orthoclase KAlSi3O8
Alkali feldspar series
(K, Na) AlSi3O8 Albite NaAlSi3O8

Plagioclase series
(Na, Ca)(Si, Al)AlSi2O8 Anorthite CaAl2Si2O8
All feldspars show good cleavage and a Mohs-hardness of 6.
Clay Minerals and Micas
Clay minerals usually are the most important siliceous compounds of cement raw mixes.
Crystal lattices of clay minerals can be characterised as shown in Figs. 47 to 49.

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Fig. 47 Clay Mineral Structures (two-layer structures).

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Fig. 48 Clay Mineral Structures (three-layer structures).

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Fig. 49 Clay Mineral Structures (two and three-layer structures).

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The main structure unit is again the SiO4-tetrahedron. In addition, a new unit having the
shape of an octahedron appears. The centre of the octahedron is occupied by a cation (e.g.
Al, Mg), the corners by O or OH-Groups (structurally bound water). The structure of a clay
mineral may contain layers of Tetrahedra and octahedra and combinations of both structural
elements. The dimensions of the tetrahedral and the octahedra layers are very similar.
Composite tetrahedral-octahedral layers are readily formed leading to a two-layer structure.
Similarly, an octahedral layer sandwiched between two tetrahedral layers forms a three-layer
structure. Between these two-layer or three-layer packages different cations and/or H20-
molecules can be situated.
The many possibilities of combining the structural units are responsible for the existence of
numerous clay minerals.
The macro and microscopic appearance of clay minerals corresponds to the internal layer
structure (phyllosilicates). Properties which are very typical for clay minerals are explained
by the characteristics of their crystal lattice.
Relevant features of clay minerals are:
Water adsorption capability : the water is absorbed in three different ways:
in pores between single crystals and crystal Aggregates
directly on the surface as "adsorptive water" due to the dipole character of the H20-
molecule; this water particularly causes clay mineral properties such as plasticity and
as "interlayer water" between the two- or three-layer packages in the crystal lattice,
causing expansion of clay minerals.
Capability of ion exchange : the ions placed between the layers of the crystal lattice e.g.
Na+" K+, NE+, SO4--, Cl-, are easily exchangeable.
Thermal behaviour : of special interest are the temperatures of loss of water. Generally,
pore water, adsorbed water and interlayer water are set free at temperatures between
100 and 300 +C. The structurally bound water (OH-groups) is driven off in the range of
400 - 900C. Depending on the type of clay mine -1, the loss of the 'water types"
mentioned above occurs at defined temperatures or continuously in a certain
temperature range.
Important clay minerals and micas (see also Fig. 47 to 49) are:
Kaolinite group:
Kaolinite Al2Si2O5 (OH)4
Halloysite Al2Si2O5 (H2O)4
low plasticity, without inlayer cations
Mg2.5 (H2O)2(CH)Si4O10 . 2 H2O
properties partially similar to montmorillonite and vermiculite with ability to take up and retain
large quantities of water
Al2Si4O10 (OH)2 - x H2O
varieties with Na, K, Fe, Mg, etc., especially capable of exchanging ions, large content of
interlayer water possible, optimum plasticity therefore with water contents from 80 % up to
250 %, thixotropic behaviour of clay suspensions or slurries, capability of expansion

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Mg3Si4O10(OH)2 - x H2O
properties partially similar to those of montmorillonite, shows rapid and large expansion on
Illite (Hydromica):
(K, H2O)Al2AlSi3O10 (H2O, OH)2 usually poorly crystallised, plasticity can be high depending
on degree of crystallinity.
K(Mg, Fe)3 AlSi3O10 (OH)2
KAI2AlSi3O10 (OH)2 usually well crystallised, no plasticity.
Chlorite series:
(Mg, Fe, AL)6 (Al, Si)4O10 (OH)8
Mixed Layers are more or less regular combination of lattices of different clay minerals, e.g.
of illite-montmorillonite by combination of two- and three-layer structures. The properties are
usually close to those of montmorillonite.
SiO2 occurs in several polymorphic forms (see each of them being stable in different
temperature ranges under atmospheric pressure:
Low-Quartz < 573 triconal
High-Quartz 573 - 870c hexagonal
Tridymite 870 - 147 c hexagonal
Cristobalite 1470- 1715c isometric
Liquid >1715 c
Amongst the crystalline forms of SiO2, low-quartz is the most abundant modification with a
Mohs-hardness of 7, without cleavage and with conchoidal fracture. With the transformation
of quartz to tridymite and cristobalite, an increase in volume occurs. SiO2 also exists in a
more or less amorphous modification, which has been formed by gradual dehydration of
water containing silica-gel. This modification is known as:
Opal or Silex: SiO2 . x H2O with Mohs-hardness of 5 - 6
SiO2 also occurs in almost sub-microscopic and fibrous varieties which are known as:
Because of their fibrous structure, these varieties are very hard and tough.

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Hydroxides are formed at the earth's surface by weathering action under humid climatic
conditions. They occur in many sedimentary rocks. Common hydroxides are:
Gibbsite (Hydrargillite) Al(OH)3
Diaspore, Boehmite AlOOH
Goethite, Lepidocrocite FeOOH
Limonite FeOOH - n H2O
These minerals usually have a low degree of crystallinity and are quite reactive.
Some of the minerals of this group are present as minor components in many rocks. They
predominate in certain ores which sometimes are used as correctives in cement raw mixes.
Abundant oxides are:
Magnetite Fe3O4
Haematite Fe2O3
Ilmenite FeTiO3
The most abundant sulphide is:
Pyrite FeS2
which is frequently employed as Fe-corrective after roasting to oxide (pyrite ash or pyrite
Two naturally occurring sulphates are important:
Gypsum CaSO4 . 2 H20
Anhydrite CaSO4
They are added to the clinker to produce cement.

10.3.4 Rock Characteristics Definition
Rocks are combinations of one or more kinds of minerals being stable under given
conditions of pressure and temperature.
Equilibrium conditions exist between the minerals of a rock as well with respect to the
surrounding of the rock (conditions of low free energy). If the conditions change for some
reason, reactions towards a new equilibrium occur. This is possible in the system itself by
reactions between minerals present in the rock or by reactions with agents introduced to the
system from outside.

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In nature, reactions of this kind are involved in rock metamorphosis and weathering.
Metamorphosis can be schematised as follows:
Pressure P1 H2O Pressure P2
Temperature T1 CO2 Temperature T2

Rock A Rock B
Minerals a, b, c Minerals a, b, e, f
Chemical Chemical
Composition I Composition II

In the case of rock weathering, agents from outside are added to the system (water, air);
Pressure P1 H2O Pressure P3
Temperature T1 O2 Temperature T3

Rock A Rock C
Minerals a, b, c Minerals a, b, e, f
Chemical Chemical
Composition I Composition II

The process of clinker formation can be compared, to some extent, with rock
metamorphosis. Properties of Rocks

The more important rock characteristics to be considered in the course of cement production
chemical composition
type and condition of minerals building up the rock
grain size, distribution and geometrical Arrangement of the minerals (or of the rock
fragments) which can appear as rock compounds
as well. These features are summarised by the expression "rack texture'.
degree of consolidation

10.3.5 Physical Characteristics; Engineering Properties of Rocks

The physical properties of rocks are as important as the chemical and mineralogical
characteristics because they are determining factors in the choice of method and technique
of raw material exploitation, transportation, blending and comminution. They therefore affect
the manufacturing process. Density and Porosity

The term "specific weight" or density is used for the weight of a unit of volume of a
specimen, dried at 105C, excluding all pores.
The term "specific gravity" includes the-volume of the pores per unit of volume of a specimen
(Table 32).

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"Bulk density" refers to comminuted material, i.e. means weight per unit of volume.
"Porosity" or "pore volume" expresses the hollow space of pores and voids in percent.
Porosity (Table 32) as:
volume of pores
total volume
With regard to the sedimentary rocks, porosity depends largely on the amount of cementing
material present and the size, grading and packing of the granular constituents.
Other physical properties (e.g. strength) also depend on the porosity.

Table 32 Density and porosity of rocks

Rock Specific gravity Porosity

(density) g/cm %
Granite 2.5 -2.8 0.5 - 1.5
Diorite 2.6 -2.9 0.1 - 0.5
Gabbro 3.0 -3.1 0.1 - 0.2
Dolerite 3.0 -3.1 0.1 - 0.5
Rhyolite 2.4 -2.6 4-6
Andesite 2.2 -2.3 10 - 15
Basalt 2.8 -2.9 0.1 - 0.2
Tuff 2.8 -3.0 high
Sand (loose) 1.5 -2.0 25 - 50
Sandstone 2.0 -2.6 10 - 30
Shale 2.0 -2.4 10 - 30
Limestone 2.2 -2.6 5 - 20
Dolomite 2.5 -2.6 1-5
Marl 1.6 -2.6 5 - 30
Clay 1.5 -1.9 30 - 50
Claystone 1.8 -2.3 15 - 35
Gneiss 2.9 -3.0 0.5 - 1.5
Marble 2.6 -2.7 0.5 - 2
Quartzite 2.6 -2.7 0.1 - 0.5
Slate 2.6 -2.7 0.1 - 0.5 Water Absorption

Phenomena, such as consistency, plasticity, swelling, etc. are functions of porosity or water
absorption. Loose material absorbs considerably higher quantities of water than compact
material. The water absorption capability is increased significantly in the presence of clay
minerals. Three kinds of absorption are distinguished: pore water, water accumulation on
clay mineral surfaces ("adsorption water"), and water penetrating the clay mineral structure
("structural water"). The latter kind may lead to swelling. Water absorption of clay minerals

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from illite high crystallinity
Kaolinite high crystallinity
Kaolinite low crystallinity
illite low crystallinity
to Montmorillonite Rock Strength

Compressive strength increases with:
increasing content of minerals with high compressive strength potentials
increasing content of cementing matter (increasing degree of intergrowth of minerals)
decreasing grain size
and decreases with:
increasing amount of minerals with good cleavage
increasing porosity
increasing content of micro-joints
increasing degree of weathering
increasing moisture absorption capability
Table 33: shows same compressive strength for different rocks.

Table 33 Compressive strength of rocks

Rock type Compressive strength Valuation

kg/cm2 / N/mm2 (of compressive
Basalt > 2800 / > 280 very high
Diorite 1800 - 2800 / 180 - 280 high
Limestone 800 - 1800 / 80 - 180 medium
Porous Limestone 400 - 800 / 40 - 80 low
Chalk, Tuff,
Shale, Clay, < 400 - < 40 very low

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 153 Rock Hardness
There is no absolute Definition of the term "rock hardness". Today, the terms "hard rock" or
"soft rock" are occasionally used in practical fieldwork. Rock hardness is not only determined
by the mineral content but also by the degree of intergrowth of the individual minerals. It is
commonly expressed by the compressive strength.
The mineral hardness can be measured by means of the scratch method according to Mohs
(Tables 34 and 35).

Table 34 Hardness of most abundant minerals according to Mohs

Mineral Mohs scale Valuation

Quartz 7
Feldspar 6 "hard"
Pyroxene 6 minerals
Amphibole 6
Calcite 3
Dolomite 3.5 "soft"
Mica 3 minerals
Chlorite 2-3
Clay minerals 2

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Table 35 Hardness Scale


10.4.1 Chemical Parameters

A check-list for the assessment of a Potential cement raw material is given in Table 36,
comprising basic chemical features.

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Table 36 Check-list for potential cement raw material (chemical)

Components Parameters to Limits

be checked (guide lines)
Calcareous Carbonate > 80 %
materials as CaCO3 <4%
(limestone, MgO content <1%
etc.) SO3 content <1%
P2O5 content < 0.1 % *
Argillaceous Total alkali as depending on
materials Na2O equivalent cement type
(clay-marl) (Na2O + 0.66 > 10 %
K2O) <1%
Al2O3 content < 0.1 %
SO3 content
CL content

Correctives > 25 % (Tab. 22)

for aluminium Al2O3 content > 60%
(bauxite, laterite) Fe2O3 content <5%
for iron ore SO3 content >80 %
(pyrites ash) SiO2 content > 90%
for silicon CaCO3 content <2%
(quartz sand) MgO
(tab. 23) SO3 content > 35 %
* limit variable according to process

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In addition, the mineralogical characteristics have to be checked (Table 37).

Table 37 Check-list for Potential cement raw materials (mineralogical)

Components Parameters to Limits

be checked (guide lines)
Calcareous Calcite > 80%
materials Aragonite < 5%
(limestone, etc.) Dolomite < 5%
Argillaceous Clay minerals > 30%
(clay, marl)

10.4.2 Deleterious Constituents in Cement Raw Materials

"Deleterious constituents" are defined as components which:
adversely affect the quality or marketability of cement
appreciably increase production costs through difficulties in exploitation, reparation and
processing in the kiln
In fact, the limits established in Tables 36 and 37 are already referring to these constituents.
The major deleterious constituents (if occurring in higher amounts) are K20 and Na2O, MgO,
SO3, P2O5, CL, etc. In addition to these oxides, there are other, less important, deleterious
constituents including Cr2O3, Mn2O3, F, etc.
They are always present in small amounts and are usually not considered for the mix
calculation. If the concentration of certain minor and trace elements becomes too high,
components otherwise suitable for cement manufacturing have to be rejected or limited in
amount. Suddenly occurring difficulties in a plant very often are caused by an increase of the
content of some minor and trace elements in the raw mix. Most minor and trace elements
can have a deleterious effect on the production process as well as on the cement quality. On
the other hand, it is known that a small amount of such elements is necessary to stabilise
certain modifications of clinker minerals which are preferred to be present in an industrial
clinker. The maximum content of some of these elements having a well known deleterious
influence on the cement quality is limited by the specifications (e.g. MgO).
The following description gives a summarised survey of the most important minor elements
and of the influence they have:
The term 'alkalis" as used in the cement industry" refers to the oxides of potassium (K20) and
sodium (Na2O). Alkalis occur mainly in minerals (Tables 38, 39) which are components of
igneous rocks or their weathered products, such as clay and sandstone.

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Table 38 Alkali sources in cement raw Materials

Rock type minerals Deleterious constituent

Igneous rocks
Granite Feldspars:
Rhyolite Albite 11.8 % Na2O
Diorite orthoclase 16.9 % K2O
Andesite 5.9 -8.3 % Na2O
Lava Micas:
Muscovite 1.8 % K2O
Biotite 10 -11 % K2O
Clay Feldspars as above
Shale Micas 10 - 11.8 % K2O
Sandstone Illite 5.5 % K2O
Alkalis may cause problems particularly in the kiln section, since they are volatilized quite
easily. Together with other volatile constituents, such as chlorine and sulphur, they may
cause build-ups in the form of rings, cloggings, etc. in kilns and preheaters. Furthermore, an
alkali content of > 0.6% (total alkali as Na2O equivalent) may react with the amorphous silica
present in some concrete aggregates producing alkali silica gels which have a great affinity
for water. The resulting osmotic pressures may cause disruption of concrete. On the other
hand, the initial strength development of concrete.
MgO is predominantly supplied by carbonatic raw materials such as dolomite and dolomite
limestone, but may also by present in argillaceous materials. Crystalline MgO, in the form of
periclase present in cement, tends to hydrate after setting, a condition which causes
excessive expansion and possible disruption of concrete. For this reason, MgO is limited to 5
- 6 % in cement. However, the activity of periclase is also a function of the cooling rate of the
cement clinker: slow cooling allows a large migration of ions and the subsequent
development of large periclase crystals; rapid cooling results in an significant proportion of
the MgO being frozen in various inactive solid solution.
SO3 is generally associated with gypsiferous carbonate sources or with pyrite-containing
materials. SO3 inhibits the volatilisation of the alkalis. It also requires - in form of SO2 -
special attention with respect to air pollution. Furthermore, SO3 (as gypsum) above a certain
optimum percentage causes a decrease in strength and an increase in expansion.
P2O5 is mainly found in carbonate components. Contents of >1 % P2O5 in cement reduce the
cement strength by raising the free lime content and combining with CaO in solid solution at
the expense of the C3S. Setting times are considerably affected as well.

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Chloride (Cl)
Chloride is mainly supplied by sedimentary rocks containing or contaminated by salt. In wet
preparation systems chloride attacks all metal installations; during burning it easily volatilizes
and causes clogging and plugging in kilns and preheaters. Chloride in concrete jeopardises
reinforcement by corroding.
Fluorine (F)
Fluorspar (CaF2) was in the past added to many cement raw mixes as a fluxing agent.
Although this material decreases the kiln reaction temperature, several undesirable effects -
as deterioration of refractory lining in kilns, increase of dusting of the clinker through a
tendency to convert -C2S to the -form, difficulties with setting times and a lowering of early
strengths - led to a considerable reduction of consumption in the cement industry. Aside
from those reasons, recent air pollution regulations prohibit the introduction of fluorides into
the atmosphere.
Manganese occurs normally as a constituent of corrective materials for iron deficiency. The
presence of larger quantities (> 2 %) may lead to a dark coloured clinker.
Chromium bearing cement may lead to the "chromium ekzema"; on the other hand it is
apparently possible to improve the cement strength to a certain extent by adding Cr2O3 -
bearing components to the raw mix ("doping of alite").
It is furthermore claimed that Cr2O3 could also affect the colour of cement.
Titanium reacts as fluxing agent decreasing the alite content and increasing the belite
content in clinker. It produces a darker cement colour, increases strength and retards initial

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Tab. 39 summarises the influence of some minor components.

Table 39 Mineralogy of major deleterious constituents in cement raw materials.

10.4.3 Assessment of Physical Properties General
The description of the relevant physical ("engineering") properties is given in 4.3.5. Basically,
limits or guidelines for physical properties can hardly be given. In practice, appropriate
process-technological methods have to be selected and adapted in order to permit optimum
A series of physical properties and their effects on various stages of the cement
manufacturing process are listed in Table 40. The influence of these properties is known
only very generally; it is almost impossible to express them quantitatively, because only a
few out of the total can be measured exactly.

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Table 40 Stages of Cement Manufacturing. Examples of Practical Experience

Quarrying operations
The content of "hard" minerals is important. Quartz being harder than steel has an abrasive
influence, mainly on drilling equipment. In cases of large quartz content and high rock
strength, drilling will progress slowly and abrasion will be high. Such a rock has a high "rock
The water content of the material to be quarried depends partially on the minerals present.
Clay minerals, especially montmorillonite, mixed layers, illite, absorb large amounts of water.
Clays thus have a high plasticity, they become adhesive, with more water slurry-like and dry
very slowly. Clogging of machinery results, and quarry drainage becomes a problem.
For crushing the rock strength has to be considered in the first place. It is rather the impact
resistance than the compressive strength which is important. Rocks having a high quartz
content and a high compressive strength may behave as brittle Materials during crushing,
whereas clay minerals containing rocks sometimes are better characterised to be elastic and
thus more difficult to crush.
As in all disintegration processes the formation of dust is a severe problem. This is
especially the case when quartz, feldspar and micas are present in large amounts (e.g. in
siliceous and related rocks), whereas the tendency of dust formation is much lower with clay
bearing rocks. Quartz dust of a certain fineness (<5 ) is the main cause of silicosis, a
disease that attacks people working for longer periods in a dust environment (quarries,
galleries, crusher buildings).

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Again rock strength and mineral hardness play a determining role for grinding. In addition,
the mineral grain size as compared to the raw meal fineness is influencing the grindability.
Raw meal particles may either be mineral or rock fragments. It is assumed that coarser
single minerals are disintegrated more easily, especially when the minerals have a good
cleavage (e.g. calcite), than rock pieces consisting of different very finely grained and
densely intergrown minerals. Quartz will contribute to the abrasion of the grinding
equipment-, but can also take part in the disintegration of softer minerals. Thus a difference
in mineral hardness can be an advantage.
Usually, the quartz content of coarser raw meal fractions is higher than in the fine fractions.
This fact can be utilised in cases where a limestone with a too high quartz content, e.g. silex
inclusions, has to be used.
Coating sometimes becomes a problem during grinding. Among many different reasons the
properties of micas and clay minerals - flaky shape, water content, plasticity - possibly
contribute to this problem. From experience it is known that coating also may appear when
aragonite is present in the raw material instead of calcite.
For raw mix preparation, homogeneity and variability of the raw mix components are of
paramount importance. Specific physical parameters become impotent when the most
suitable process has to be selected. The wet process is considered when the raw Materials
have a high water content. That can be especially the case in the presence of clay minerals
such as montmorillonite and illite absorbing large amounts of water. The viscosity of a slurry
depends strongly on the type of clay mineral present. If montmorillonite and other clay of
high plasticity are predominant, much more water is needed to get a slurry of sufficient flow
To produce nodules of sufficient strength for the Lepol process, plastic clay minerals have to
be present. Raw meals containing mainly quartz, feldspar and mica are hardly nodulizable
with a reasonable water content.
In the case of a dry kiln there are no severe restrictions to be mentioned in this stage of the
process. The question is always how much energy will have to be needed for raw material
The clinkering process
The reactivity of raw mix depends on the intensity of the contact between calcareous and
siliceous components which have to react together. In an argillacecus limestone both
components are tightly intergrown within the rock texture itself. If at the same time the
mineral grain size is well below the average grain size of the raw real, each particle contains
both components needed for reaction. This results in a high reactivity which is not greatly
influenced by the raw meal fineness. If the calcareous and the siliceous components occur in
different rocks or in coarse grained minerals, a much finer grinding and a very effective
homogenisation are essential for a goad reactivity.
Water bearing clay minerals react more readily than water free silicates such as quartz,
feldspar and mica, because their mineral lattices are already partially destroyed when the
carbonate starts to dissociate at about 600 - 700C and therefore in a more reactive
Poorly crystallised clay minerals and gel-like hydroxides having a low degree of crystallinity
have a higher reactivity than minerals with well defined crystal lattices. The same is true for
amorphous SiO2 (i.e. silex, opal) as compared with quartz.

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The exact knowledge of the mineralogical raw mix composition shows in which form minor
elements occur. Feldspar, mica and illite e.g. are the principal alkali bearing minerals. From
an illite raw mix the alkalis evaporate at lower temperatures than from a mix rich in feldspar.
Under certain conditions this fact should be considered in practice.
The tendency to form dust depends also on the mineralogy. Mixes with water free and well
crystallised silicates tend to develop more dust than clay mineral containing mixes.

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Chapter 7

Detailed Investigations of Raw Materials

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Detailed investigations of raw materials

1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................167
3. GEOTECHNICAL ASPECTS .........................................................................................169
3.1 Slope failures...........................................................................................................170
3.2 Overall slope stability ..............................................................................................173

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The overall investigations of raw materials have proved that one of the deposits investigated
is suitable for the purposes of clinker / cement production. Therefore, the proposed cement
plant is feasible. The last step of the investigations, known as detailed investigations of raw
materials, is carried out in order to define the selected deposit accurately in quantity and
quality. Once these detailed investigations have been completed, it is possible to 'construct'
a computer generated block model (CADE) and implement QSO Expert systems for medium
and long term planning.
The main tasks in this step are as follows:
Detailed drilling campaign in order to obtain the most accurate information with respect
to the geological structure, chemical behaviour and associated reserves of the deposit.
The drilling volume usually is in the order of between 1000 and 2000 m, whilst 300 to
1000 samples will be selected for chemical analysis.
Geotechnical data to assess the overall stability of the slopes, rock strength, fracture
patterns, groundwater circulation
Quarry layout and development concept is prepared by the mining engineer


A question asked frequently during the exploration stage of a deposit is: "how much drilling
is required to accurately describe the deposit and to achieve the required precision of results
The normal procedure is to apply geostatistics on the chemical data of the initial drilling
campaign. With the help of variograms, which are a measure of the spatial interdependence
of chemical characteristics between the drill holes, it is possible to determine the optimal drill
hole pattern.
Fig 1 is a graphic display of the relationship between possible errors of estimation and
number of drill holes, using a statistical and geostatistical approach. Two important
conclusions can be derived from this figure:
to achieve a required accuracy, the number of drill holes can be reduced significantly
using geostatistical methods
using geostatistical analyses on the same number of drill holes, the error of estimates is

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Fig. 1 Relationship between number of drill holes n and estimation error using
statistics (dashed line) and geostatistics.

n = N of drillholes e = error limit

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Fig. 2 Comparison of the errors associated to different sampling patterns.

Optimal grid design (spacing, regular, irregular, etc.) can be tested with the aim to minimise
the estimation errors in the interpretation of the data by kriging (Fig. 2)


In designing the quarry slopes, we are faced with two conflicting requirements. On the one
hand by steeping the slope, the stripping ratio waste / ore to be excavated is reduced and
recoverable reserves are increased. On the other hand, loss of life and serious damage to
property can result from failures induced by excessive steepening of particular slopes. A
compromise between steepness and economy has to be found for an economically safe
A practical solution is built up from the investigations of the following criteria:
Geological data: lithology (presence of thin intercalations of clay), geological mapping,
strike and dip of all types of planes and structures in the deposit

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Physical data: rock strength, cohesion, angle of friction
Groundwater conditions: the presence of groundwater in the rock mass surrounding an
open pit has a detrimental effect upon the mining programme for the following reasons:
water pressure reduces the stability of the slopes and increases the forces tending to
induce sliding
high moisture content in shales decrease the stability
Freezing of groundwater during winter can cause wedging in water-filled fissures due to
volume changes in the ice. Freezing of surface water on slopes can block drainage paths
resulting in a build-up of water pressure in the slope with a consequent decrease in stability.
Discharge of groundwater into an open pit gives rise to increased operating costs because
of: (a) the requirement to pump this water out, (b) also because of the difficulty of operating
heavy equipment on very wet ground and (c) increased wear / maintenance of in-pit
Liquefaction of overburden or waste tips can occur when water pressure within the
materials rises to the point where the uplift forces exceed the weight of the soil.
By far the most important effect of the presence of groundwater in a rock mass is the
reduction of stability resulting from water pressures within the discontinuities in the rock.

13.1 Slope failures

The following stability problems could be expected in an open pit quarry:
Plane failure occurs when a geological discontinuity, such as a bedding plane, strikes
parallel to the slope face and dips into the excavation at an angle greater than the angle of

Fig. 3 Plane Failure

Wedge failure (Fig. 4) occurs when two discontinuities strike obliquely across the slope
face and their line of intersection daylights in the slope face. The wedge of rock resting on
these discontinuities will slide down along the line of intersection, if the inclination of this line
is greater than the angle of friction.

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Fig. 4 Wedge Failure

Circular failure (Fig. 5) occurs when the materials are very weak. For example in a soil
slope, or when the rock mass is heavily jointed or broken, (waste rock dump). The failure will
be defined by a single discontinuity surface and will tend to follow a circular failure path.

Fig. 5 Circular Failure

Toppling (Fig. 6) occurs when the sub-vertical layers become unsteady and fall over.

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Fig. 6 Toppling

Weathering or deterioration of certain types of rock on exposure gives rise to a loosening

of a rock mass and the gradual accumulation of loose materials on the surface and at the
base of the slope.

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13.2 Overall slope stability
An estimate of safe slope angle is required for the calculation of ore to waste ratios and for
the pit layout. The only structural information, which may be available at this stage, is that
which has been obtained from diamond drill cores logging and from geological mapping and
structural measurements. Scant as this information may be, it does provide a basis for the
estimate of potential slope problems.
Slope height versus slope angle
In Figure 7 (after Hoek and Bray, 1981), the slope heights and corresponding slope angles in
materials classified as hard rock has been plotted. This plot shows that the highest and
steepest slopes, which have been successfully excavated, fall along a clear line shown in
dashes. This line gives a useful, practical guide to the highest and steepest slopes, which
can be contemplated for normal open pit mine planning. A steeper slope could only be
justified if a very comprehensive stability study shows that there is no risk of
indicating a massive slope failure.

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Fig. 7 Slope height versus slope angle (Hoek and Bray, 1981)

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Chapter 8

Environmental Aspects of Mining and Rehabilitation

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Environmental aspects of mining and rehabilitation

1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................177
2. ECOLOGY......................................................................................................................177
3. REHABILITATION OF QUARRIES ...............................................................................177
4. EXAMPLE OF REHABILITATION .................................................................................179
4.1 Landfill of the quarry "Brengraben", Switzerland...................................................179

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Cement manufacturing process has various impacts on the environment and the ecology.
For this reason, most countries impose strict legislation for environmental protection. It is
therefore essential to consult the environmental regulations when selecting potential raw
materials resources. Rehabilitation planning can be carried out with the help of the special
Holcim software, Quarry Engineering Design (QED). A clear presentation of the different
phases of minerals exploitation and quarry rehabilitation with 3D animation can be shown.

Ecology is defined as the relationship between nature (plants, animals), man and the
environment. The environment is the sum of all external forces or influences. Every plant
and animal exists within a unique and continually changing microenvironment. The
ecosystem is made up of three of ecological systems:
The ecosystem, being a balance or equilibrium of the existence and the interactions between
populations, has been disrupted by man causing a profound change of these balanced
In part, the quarrying activities can be disruptive, if not totally destructive to an ecosystem.
Apart from the more apparent effects of an anaesthetic pollution caused by dust and smoke,
there is also the local destruction of the flora and fauna. Usually, quarries are situated in
rocky outcrop areas, where the overburden is very thin. These areas are often the refuge of
various animals and specific plants.
What can be done do to minimise, divert or correct such disruptive effects of quarrying


Rehabilitation schemes as part of an exploration concept include the reincorporating of the
quarry area into the surrounding landscape, its re-cultivation with the purpose of creating an
integral ecosystem with a new function. The possibilities of utilising a worked-out quarry are
numerous. Apart from the most common utilisation in agriculture and forestry, it could also
serve for industrial purposes such as a site for a power plant or a refuse tipping site.

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Possibilities of utilisation of a work-out quarry are as follows:
Recreation areas: woods, ponds, rock garden
Scientific activities
Sanctuary (wild life)
Lakes, ponds
Sporting grounds
Tipping areas
Commercial/ industrial : storage area, traffic area, training area...
Experience has shown that a decision on the future utilisation of an exhausted quarry should
be made very early on in the project program. Terms of an agreement between the
exploiting company and the executive of public planning authorities must be drawn up and
In each individual case, local conditions will determine the choice of the rehabilitation
programme and accordingly the cost estimates including return of investment. In the
example described in table 1 which is an average case, the cost for rehabilitation is
approximatly $ 100'000 per ha or $10 per m2.

Table 1: Cost for quarry rehabilitation

Activities Cost in $/m2

Soil removal 1.00
Preparation of filling materials 1.00
0.3 m soil cover 2.00
0.35 m humus cover 2.00
Plants 1.00 -2.00
Wood 2.00
Spraying of slopes 1.00 - 2.00
Forestation 1.00

A rehabilitation or utilisation scheme is established after a thorough evaluation the most

important factors, namely geological conditions and the groundwater situation. In a second
stage, data on weather conditions, landscape planning, economy, need to be collected and

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There are many examples of recultivation / rehabilitation of quarries in many countries. One
such example is the problems caused as a result of uncontrolled landfill in Switzerland.

17.1 Landfill of the quarry "Brengraben", Switzerland

This state owned limestone quarry was exploited between 1930 and 1960 as raw materials
source for a cement plant. A thick overburden consisting of sand and conglomerate overlies
the suitable limestone resource. Exploitation of the limestone occurred on the flank of the
hill, leaving an exposed open-cut slope.
1960 to 1975. Once exploitation of limestone had ceased in 1960, the quarry was utilised as
a repository for demolition material and organic wastes. In 1975, as the quantity of waste
materials increased considerably, the local authorities decided it was necessary to establish
a waste management system.
In 1975, the situation was as follows :
deposition of materials of demolition materials (inert building rubble) was mixed with
other waste material. Uncontrolled waste waste deposition.
drainage system (cement pipes to collect the groundwater) was defective due to
aggressive water (high content in sulphate)
From 1975 onwards, the new project of landfill consisted of (Fig 1):
a new drainage system with gravel beds between waste layers and along the slopes of
the quarry
establishment of the final slope of the deposition materials in order to avoid slope failure
installation of a measurement system to determine compaction
cladding the external slope with soil and humus
a compactor
The price of the installation and the costs of the operation amounted to CHF110.- per cubic
meter of waste.

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Fig. 1 Cross-section of the landfill / quarry at Brengraben

Compacting was regular and there were no problems with the drainage installation.
For many years, this quarry was backfilled without any control of the quality of the materials
being dumped. With the result that the waste materials consisted of building rubble and other
disallowed products. For example :
domestic waste and detritus
scories of two chemical plants
excavation materials contaminated by acetate and acids
inert materials of demolition
However, in 1986 at the end of the landfill, groundwater investigations in the valley
confirmed that as a result of the migration of contaminated water out of Brengraben the
groundwater in the main valley was contaminated. Hazardous wastes are lixiviated by the
clean groundwater flowing thorough the overburden and limestone. This drainage water, or
deposition juice, flows into a small basin of decantation on the site before permeating back
into the groundwater system. This contaminated water contains heavy metals, which are
very dangerous to the health.
The groundwater is the potable water source for many villages in the area. Fig. 2 shows the
situation of the groundwater circulation. It was estimated that 45 l/minute of contaminated
water, which is not successfully collected in the drainage pipes, flowed into the valley.
A project to collect all the contaminated water was implemented. This involved construction
of a collection tunnel behind as well as an impermeable barrier in front of the repositry, in
order to prevent contaminated water flowing into the groundwater. The cost estimation
amounted to CHF40 - 60 Mio.
Early in 1990, signifcant gas emissions coming from the decomposition of organic materials
incommoded the people of the village near the old quarry. In order to collect this gas a
system of boreholes and pipes was installed. This consisted of a flow system for the gas
equipped with a ventilator, an analyser (continuous analysis of the gas) and a gas burner.
The quality of gas was not sufficiently good enough for commercial use (low methane).

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Fig. 2 Hydrogeological model of the landfill of Brengraben

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Chapter 9

Project Management Raw Materials Surveys

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Significance of raw materials assessment in planning and
execution of a project

1. Exploration Procedure .................................................................................................184

2. THE HOLCIM APPROACH............................................................................................184
2.1 Desk Study ..............................................................................................................185
2.2 Preliminary Raw Material Prospecting ....................................................................186
2.3 Overall Raw Material Exploration ............................................................................186
2.4 Detailed Raw Material Exploration ..........................................................................186

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The following paragraphs describe a procedure developed specifically for the exploration of
cement raw material deposits. The proposed scheme is based on experience and modelled
after the needs of the cement and aggregate industry. Of course, every exploration project
requires modifications necessitated by local circumstances.
Basically, the scope and extent of every exploration procedure is governed by the following
series of criteria:
Scope of work
Status of geological knowledge of the area to be examined
Raw material-inherent characteristics: geological exposures, etc.
Time and financial resources available
Climatic conditions
Physiography and topography of the area


The Holcim approach to recognition and exploration of raw material deposits is to proceed
from a general basis to more detailed investigations (Fig. 65) continuously condensing the
mass of information down to the significant details only.

Fig. 65 The Holcim Approach

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 184

The procedural steps are defined with regard to their respective scope, extent, costs, time
required, reliability of results (error limits) and the development of risk (Fig. 66).

Fig. 66 Development of costs, time, reliability and risk during raw material

In practice, the proposed procedure entails the following scheme:

1) desk study
2) preliminary raw materials prospecting
3) overall raw materials exploration
4) detailed raw materials exploration

19.1 Desk Study

After the preceding activities (acquisition of the project, quotation, etc.) have been
completed, a fact finding study (or desk study) is conducted. The aim thereof is to acquire
and evaluate all available geological, chemical and topographical facts and documents in
order to generate a sound basis for subsequent investigation phases.

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19.2 Preliminary Raw Material Prospecting
An initial evaluation of potential cement raw material deposits, both with regards to quality
and quantity is based on existing geological maps and a suite of surface samples from the
regions or areas under consideration. If the quantity or quality does not meet the
preconditions set (ie. the results are negative), the whole project is either shelved or similar
investigations are initiated in other nearby regions.
Positive results, however, call for further, more thorough investigations in the promising
areas. In any case, after completion of this phase, the client is to decide whether or not
further investigations should be carried out.

19.3 Overall Raw Material Exploration

If by the above decision it was agreed to proceed, the next step would be the quantitative
and qualitative characterisation of potential raw material deposits in one to three areas per
raw mix component. Fresh representative raw material samples are collected from trench
and/or drilling sampling. Finally, the most suitable deposits of each component are selected
on the grounds of quantity, quality, accessibility, availability etc. The findings of this step of
the investigation ought to be detailed enough to assess the feasibility of the project with
regard to the raw material aspects.

19.4 Detailed Raw Material Exploration

After the decision - based on the overall feasibility of the project - to continue with the
investigations, the selected quarry area is thoroughly investigated by drilling and subsequent
quantitative and qualitative characterisation of the respective raw material areas.
In addition, a quarry exploitation scheme for all components is established.

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Fig. 67 Succession of Investigation Steps.

Note: The "Holcim" approach is described in detail in the following report:

Report MA 78/2581/E
"Procedure Manual for Raw Material Investigations"
Fig. 67 displays the above described procedure for a hypothetical case.

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The cost of raw material prospecting is very often perceived to be high. However it must be
stressed that inadequate or worse still inaccurate knowledge of the cement raw material
deposits will certainly create innumerable difficulties during the subsequent processing
stages (exploitation, preparation, processing, quality assurances).
It is obvious that the more complicated and less homogeneous a deposit is, the more
thoroughly it must be investigated and the higher the costs of prospecting and exploration
will be. This is especially true for low quality raw material deposits, which are situated far
from market areas.
Experience has shown that the costs of a comprehensive raw material exploration campaign
normally amounts to betweenUS $ 100'000 and US $ 300'000 excluding additional costs
possibly required for extra drilling and geophysical surveys. A vague relationship exists
between capacity, investment cost and costs for prospecting (Table 66):

Table 66: Cost of raw material prospecting versus investment costs

Plant capacity Investment Cost quota of raw

(tons of clinker costs in material prospecting
per year) mil (US$) (%) (US$)
500'000 80 0.4 - 0.6 or 400'000.--
1'000'000 150 0.3 - 0.5 or 600'000.--
2'000'000 250 0.2 - 0.4 or 750'000.--
aggregate plants 15 - 20 1.5 - 2 or 300'000.--
tons of aggregates

The above figures include drilling costs, geological surveying costs etc., although it is difficult
to make any general cost estimates, particularly of drilling costs, because the total length of
drilling, the characteristics of the material to be drilled, the anticipated depth of the drill holes,
water and power supply, transport and catering of drilling equipment and crew vary from one
case to the other. The drilling costs also differ between the various countries as Table 66 a

Table 66a: Cost of drilling for prospecting purposes

Country Cost: US $ per meter

Honduras 100 - 150
Libya 300 - 400
Switzerland 100 - 250
Australia 100 - 150
Saudi Arabia 100 - 200
Viet Nam 80 - 120

Volume of drilling required for exploration activities depends on the level of detail required.
On average the following drilling quantities should normally be considered:

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 188

Overall raw material exploration 1000 m

Detailed raw material exploration 1000 - 3000 m

A break-down of the drilling costs looks like this:
Components %
Labour 35.0
Lodging and wages for foremen 8.0
Transport on site 2.0
Drill bits 16.0
Repairs, maintenance and spares 5.0
Fuel and lubricants 3.5
Cement and rock bolts 4.5
Water supply 2.0
Annuities and depreciation 3.5
Rock samples handling and preparation *1.0
Concession royalties, licencing & surveying 9.0

Table 70 Factors Affecting the Quality of Drilling Results

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The term "projects" as used in this context comprises the tasks summarised in the following
Project Objectives of geologist
New cement plant/aggregate plant Location and evaluation of potential
("grass-root-project") raw material reserves
Extension of existing plant Verification of reserves, search for
(cement or aggregate) additional raw materials
Acquisition of existing Assessment of raw material reserves;
(cement or aggregate) & quarrying concept
Conversion of process mainly Technological assessment of
cement plants raw materials situation
Operational difficulties in existing Search for substituting materials:
plant & adaptation of quarrying concept
Manufacture of new cement types Location and evaluation of new
raw materials for cement type
Securing raw materials which are satisfactory with respect to quantity and quality, is the
main objective in all the above cases, but in particular for the conversion / extension projects
and "grass root" projects. A project could still be realised even if the market survey study
does not provide conclusive results, or the infrastructure and technical concept study is not
evaluated thoroughly enough. However, if the raw material investigations are not conducted
with sufficient care or if pertinent results are negative, the project as a whole would not be
Naturally, the raw material investigations (Table 72) are the very beginnings of a project and
forms part of the feasibility phase. The feasibility phase, which is the basis of the decision
whether or not a project should be continued, is followed by more detailed and specific
investigation, if the go-ahead is given (Table 72).
To assess cement raw material resources means to plan and conduct the necessary
investigations and to evaluate the obtained findings according to present objectives.

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Table 72 Raw Material investigation as part of a complete project

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Table 73 Synopsis of the phases of a project.

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Table 74 Exploration costs by method.

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Chapter 10

Case Study

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Case Study

The case study is not included here

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Chapter 11

Raw Materials Management

1. Raw Materials Management ...................................................................................... 202
2. QSO-Expert for WINDOWS........................................................................................ 212
3. Quarry Engineering and Design ............................................................................... 221
4. QuarryMaster - The new tool for daily production planning in the quarry ........... 233

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 201

Raw Materials Management

Clemens Mann, HMC/CTS/MT

1. THE NECESSITY of Raw Materials management.......................................................203

2. Holcims SYSTEM OF RAW MATERIALs Management..............................................204
2.1 Block model (CADE) ...............................................................................................204
2.2 Quarry Scheduling Optimisation (QSO) ..................................................................205
2.3 Quarry Engineering and Design (QED)...................................................................206
2.4 Production Scheduling (QuarryMaster) ...................................................................209
2.5 Applicability .............................................................................................................209
3. COST EFFECTIVENESS ...............................................................................................210

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The securing of raw materials, and their optimum utilisation, are essential factors for our
industry, and they represent strategic competitive advantages. It is therefore necessary to
have an effective and efficient system for the management of raw materials.
The general objectives of the management of raw materials are to ensure a continuous
supply of the required raw materials at lowest possible costs and over the longest possible
More than 20 years ago, Holcim commenced developing a computer-aided system for this
task, which consists of four main elements:
1) inventory of the raw material resources using a block model of the deposit(s) (CADE),
2) strategic long-term planning for optimum utilisation of raw materials (QSO-Expert),
3) quarry design and visualisation (QED) and
4) daily production scheduling (QuarryMaster).
Holcim now possess a complete cement specific planning system, ranging from exploration
to excavation, which has since been accepted as a high level tool in the industry.
The assessments carried out by Holcim resulted in total yearly savings of more than 100000
to over 1 million USD . This corresponds to savings of about 0.1 to 0.3 USD/t raw meal. This
result was achieved by reducing the waste removal and the costs of correctives, and by
increasing kiln OEE with a more uniform raw mix composition.


Raw materials are essential for our core business activities: production of cement and
aggregates production, and even though they may represent a relatively small part of the
total cement production cost, they can have a significant influence on the production cost
and product quality. Another important factor is that the raw materials are not renewable,
and new, suitable deposits are of limited availability. Therefore, securing of raw materials
supply and their optimum utilisation are of essential for our industry, and offer a strategic
competitive advantage. Without prudent, forward-looking planning, not only the profitability,
but also the medium and long-term position of a cement manufacturer are placed at risk.
Raw material planning itself is exposed to continuously increasing requirements. The cement
industry has now attained such a level of complexity where cost-effective planning and
production is no longer possible without the use of computerised tools.
The increasing complexity in the field of securing and providing raw materials for cement is
caused largely by the following factors:
higher raw material demand by larger kiln capacities, with
ever stricter quality specifications for raw mix composition
more complex raw mix compositions (alternative raw materials and fuels)
greatly increasing environmental regulations,
continuously rising costs, and
growing number of cement types and rapidly changing product specifications.
All of which necessitate the accurate evaluation of the deposit and reliable planning of the
exploitation. Because of the large amount of data from exploration and production, which
must be processed continuously, and the large number of requirements and constraints
which must be taken into account, computerised tools are essential.

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 203

For these reasons, Holcim started to develop and apply a computer-aided system for the
management of raw materials more than 20 years ago. Deposit modelling systems were
introduced in 1977, followed by QSO (quarry scheduling optimisation) in 1982. The latest
development in this system is QuarryMaster launched in 1998, which is a tool for daily
production scheduling.


In order to fulfill the objectives
of securing a constant and continuous supply of raw materials for the plant, and at the
same time
the cost-effective utilisation of the available raw materials, i.e. with the lowest possible
costs over the longest possible life
in the best possible way, the Holcim system consists of four main elements:
an accurate inventory of the raw material resources using a model of the deposit
strategic medium and long-term plan for optimum raw material utilisation (QSO-Expert),
quarry design and visualisation of quarry development (QED) and
daily production planning (QuarryMaster).
The gradual development of combined application of the modules, has also lead to an array
of instruments which provide efficient and optimum solutions to the problems listed above,
ranging from strategic long-term planning to daily production planning. The most frequent
questions about the characteristics and benefits of the most important modules will be dealt
with in the following sections.

23.1 Block model (CADE)

The object of calculating deposit or block models is to obtain an objective, reliable, and
reproducible description of the deposit. A block model is a complete three-dimensional
description of a deposit (Fig. 1). To calculate the model, the deposit is subdivided into a
large number of small blocks. Each block represents a quantity of quarried material
corresponding to a week or a month's production. Based on drillings and other exploration
data, interpolation methods are used to assign the contents and other parameters to each
block. In other words, a variety of information such as drill results, geological investigations,
geochemical and geophysical results, etc., are converted into the best possible consistent
description of the deposit.

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Fig. 1 Block model of a clay deposit.

The resulting block model is an accurate inventory of the deposit, which describes the
expected quality and quantity for each point (block). It now represents one of the most
effective instruments for raw material evaluation.

23.2 Quarry Scheduling Optimisation (QSO)

The block model only describes the state of the deposit and, in particular, the raw material
reserves. The next question is: how this given deposit may be used in the best possible
way? To answer this question, QSO is used to calculate geological and raw mix reserves
whilst considering different raw mix requirements and different corrective materials. In this
way, the influence of different raw mix compositions on the utilisation of the deposit can be
investigated, and finally long and medium-term exploitation plans can be developed. QSO
uses in-built operations research techniques to determine the optimum solution. For the
optimisation procedure, QSO considers not only the chemical raw mix requirements, but also
mining rules, which are specified by the user. This results in chemically correct and
technically feasible mine plans.
The first practical application for a Holcim group company took place as early as 1982. The
ideas developed at that time, and the results achieved, were encouraging and showed the
direction to be followed. The application of these methods was, however, relatively
expensive as it required large computers and well-trained personnel. Due to the fact that
QSO is a planning tool frequently used on-site, the breakthrough happened in 1985 because

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of the wider spread use of PCs. QSO is now in its fourth generation, which is known as
QSO-Expert for Windows.

Fig. 2 Example of a typical QSO-Expert screen.

23.3 Quarry Engineering and Design (QED)

In addition to the optimum raw mix composition, some technical design features for the
quarry have to be determined. These are bench height, berm width, general mining strategy
(e.g. top to bottom) and mining method (e.g. truck haulage, in-pit crushing or glory hole
QED also includes the integration of these technical features in the quarry plans, such as
haul roads, ramps, dewatering ponds, waste dumps etc. In this way, the optimum long-term
mining strategy is transferred into detailed technical quarry plans.

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 206

Fig. 3 Haul road design for a quarry.

In order to obtain a mining permit for a deposit, it is of utmost importance to show what the
future appearance of the quarry will be. Therefore, mine plans representing the future quarry
development are elaborated with QSO. These plans are then transformed into photo-realistic
3D-views using the technique of digital terrain modelling, whereby the appearance of the
quarry at any given time can be realistically shown, refer the proposed quarrying plan (Fig.
4). For this task, special commercial CAD programmes and animation software are used.
With such detailed representations of the quarry, it is possible for the authorities, and more
important for the public, to visualise the quarry development in an easily understandable
The same technique can also be used to analyse the visual impact of the quarry on the
surroundings. The aim of such a visibility analysis is to achieve the increasing objective of
blending the quarry as inconspicuously as possible into the landscape.

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Fig. 4 Three-dimensional representation of the development of a quarry.

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23.4 Production Scheduling (QuarryMaster)
The most uniform raw mix with the correct chemical composition is essential for an efficient
plant operation and a high product quality. Using QSO, the optimum long-term strategy is
determined and long and medium-term mine plans are developed. The shortest time is
normally not less than one year due to the size of the blocks. However, for daily operations,
it is necessary that production for a much shorter period of time fulfills the process
requirements. That means every preblending pile, respectively the quarry production for
every day, has to be within the limits. For this very purpose QuarryMaster was developed. It
is a tool for daily or weekly production planning in the quarry.
QuarryMaster assists the quarry manager in deciding how many tons have to be mined from
which blast in order to produce the correct raw mix, with the given equipment and manpower
whilst staying in line with the long-term mine plan. QuarryMaster is based on a digital terrain
model of the quarry, which means the quarry topography can be represented in all
necessary details.
Short-term planning or production scheduling requires more accurate data with respect to
the raw material situation. The average values from the block model, which are adequate for
long and medium-term planning, are not sufficiently reliable. The daily fluctuations require
special consideration, which now necessitate a more detailed database. Therefore, analyses
data from blasthole dust, sampling stations, or cross-belt analysers are used for production
QuarryMaster is an important tool for quality control. In fact, it represents the first step in a
modern production process, as the raw mix quality must be planned at the very beginning,
which means right in the quarry. There is a strong interaction between production scheduling
and quality control, and the use of QuarryMaster ensures the link between planning and
Taken as a whole, it provides uninterrupted co-ordination from deposit evaluation right up to
excavation planning, and production control and quality checking. Nowadays, this is a
precondition to ensure the required quality and quantity of a product over a fairly long period,
with lowest possible daily fluctuations. At the same time best possible use of the available
raw material reserves is made.

23.5 Applicability
From a mathematical point of view, the calculation of optimum excavation plans is a
demanding task. Calculation of the block models is also a computationally intensive
undertaking, which is not at all simple. Twenty years ago, it was necessary to have large and
expensive scientific computers and well-trained personnel.
Nowadays, with the powerful low-cost PCs, most of these tasks can be carried out in close
proximity to the operation by the quarry personnel themselves. The drill hole databank, the
block model, and the excavation planning are prepared by experts, and QSO-Expert and the
QuarryMaster are implemented on-site. After a relatively short training phase (1 2 weeks)
the quarry personnel can operate and use the tools to their full extent.
It is important to remember that in addition to the high level of appropriate software products,
one of the success factors in implementing raw material planning systems is experience.
Proof of Holcim's expertise in this field is given with the successful completion of more than
150 projects, which have been carried out using computer aided raw material planning. The
present software system can be described as having been developed "by a cement
manufacturer for a cement manufacturer".

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Under the continuously mounting pressure of costs, the question of cost savings using
computer-aided raw material planning arises with increasing regularity. In addition to the
indirect benefits - such as, better and more reliable knowledge about the deposit, rapid and
optimum results in evaluation and planning, quantification of risks, evaluation of different
scenarios - the main interest lies in the measurable savings in production costs. Estimates
carried out by Holcim in the past showed potential annual savings of up to a few hundred
thousand USD in various situations. Relative to one tonne of raw mix this normally means
cost savings of 10 - 30 cents. These were achieved by reductions in the quantity of
overburden and in the costs of correctives consumption, and through increased OEE of the
kiln because of a more uniform raw mix composition.
The costs of implementing a computer-aided raw materials management programme amount
to between USD 100,000-200,000. Bearing in mind the above mentioned cost savings of
10-30c/tonne of raw material consumed, a payback period of 1-2 years more than justifies
the initial investment. So far, over 150 international projects have been carried out for
cement lime and aggregate producers all over the world.

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Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 211
QSO-Expert for WINDOWS
Quarry Scheduling Optimisation
Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques

1. OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................................213
2. THE METHODS BEHIND QSO-EXPERT ......................................................................213
3. QSO-EXPERT IN PRACTICE ........................................................................................214
3.1 Graphical User Interface .........................................................................................214
4. EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 1 TO 4 ...........................................................................215
5. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................219

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 212

QSO-Expert represents the most recent innovation in deposit evaluation, mining simulation
and production planning. The two main objectives of applying QSO-Expert are:
secure a steady supply of raw materials from the quarry to the clinker production units
economic utilisation of the raw material sources, in most cases this means at minimum
cost and maximum lifetime.
By means of improved planning, the problem of waste minimisation can be better dealt with,
and capacity of mining equipment and their constant load level can be better optimised, as
can mining and transport logistics, etc. to mention only the most important factors.


It is important to realise that QSO-Expert is not only concerned with the chemical raw mix
requirements. Mining technical and logistical questions can likewise be considered, or may
even be the prime objective.
This is due to a novel approach, the combination of conventional numerical optimisation
methods with symbolic and heuristic techniques of Artificial Intelligence. A powerful user
interface under the WINDOWS environment facilitates easy computation and evaluation of
various planning tasks. The results can be interpreted "at a glance", thanks to compact
graphical visualisation.
Besides the comprehensive graphical capabilities, the essential innovation is the previously
mentioned combination of numerical and heuristic methods.
Computation of solutions, which are chemically optimal and technically feasible with as little
user interaction as possible, can be a tedious task, when only numerical methods are
employed. Theoretically speaking, there are purely numerical solutions, however,
computationally intractable on the PC of today. Hence, to solve the problem - computation of
chemically optimal and technically feasible plans - in an elegant way, heuristics
(''experiences and rules) must be conceived.
Utilising a heuristic approach potential mining areas are selected (i.e. taken into
consideration for mining) and evaluated by means of numerics. The best solution is
accepted. Based on it the next solution is computed etc. In practice, this represents
individual stages of mining progress, the quarry schedule.
Without going into further technical detail: The solutions achieved represent the chemical
optimum, whilst mining technical feasibility is warranted. The activity of a human expert is
emulated, and in many respects even exceeded. For example in:
simultaneous consideration of several chemical variables
special evaluation of mining areas
quick computation of technically feasible plans
reproducibility of results and appropriate reasoning.
It should be stressed, that it is not an uncontrolled, fully automatic quarry scheduling that is
desired, but an efficient support of the human expert. Tedious, repetitive routine is
eliminated, complex chemical and special relations are understood correctly and managed

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 213

In particular, QSO-Expert offers the following possibilities.
1) Block Model content: all chemical variables and block states are displayed in form of
coloured block maps in an impressive and clearly arranged manner.
2) Geological (in-place) reserves can be calculated quickly in all detail for the total deposit
or parts of it.
3) Computation of reserves in terms of raw mix, under consideration of eventual
without mining technical restrictions (chemically optimal)
with mining technical restrictions (chemically and technically feasible) and the option
to permit waste, if necessary.
4) Development of medium to long-term mining plans.
5) Using blast hole dust analysis data or other continuous production data, short-term
production planning on a daily to weekly basis can be achieved. The build-up of batch
type or continuous preblending beds can be planned and controlled.

3.1 Graphical User Interface

QSO-Expert is a software package according to the WINDOWS standard. Fig. 1 to 4 show
the user interface and provide some additional detail to QSO-Expert in practice (see above).
What are the main differences between QSO-Expert (from 1989) and QSO-Expert for
Windows (from 1995)?
Some new features and benefits are:
simplified programme handling; fully mouse driven
compatibility with WINDOWS environment (e.g. direct printing on a large variety of
better waste handling (optimisation of waste treatment; maintaining constant stripping
widely improved block model display (blockmaps to scale; cross-sections; perspective
views; display of world co-ordinates and topographical features)
quick on-line help (context sensitive help utility)
block models of up to 16'000 blocks can be dealt with, better control of quarry scheduling
due to additional advanced mining rules.
QSO-Expert represents the latest state-of-the-art by its combination of Artificial Intelligence
with Linear Programming, utilising the advantages of both methods.

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 214


Figure 1:

A certain level of the deposit is represented as a coloured block map. Each square
symbolises in this case a block of 60 x 60 x 10 m3. The colours display the lime saturation.
Reddish and yellowish colours represent high grades, greenish and bluish ones low grades.
Any variable which is contained in the block model can be shown. Thus, the deposit
inventory is displayed in an impressive and easily understandable way.
The "Planning" menu is opened and allows the selection of various activities such as:
definition of product (raw mix) requirements, specification of mining rules and constraints,
checking mining feasibility, computing optimal deposit utilisation strategies, planning actual
quarry schedules and doing short-term production scheduling by building-up a pre-blending

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 215

Figure 2: The Deposit in Perspective View

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Spectators view the deposit from a specified viewpoint. They see the distribution of LS not
only on the surface, but also along the cross sections. A very attractive way to provide in-
sight into often complex deposit conditions.

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Figure 3: Results of a Scheduling Run

This figure shows the results of a scheduling run. The window "mix offered" describes the
geological reserves on level 6 (left window). The right window "optimiser" describes
chemistry and maximum quantity of the raw mix achieved. Quantities of the required
correctives (clay, iron-ore and sand, etc.) are reported as well. The dotted blocks (left
window) are the blocks which have to be mined to achieve the reported raw mix.

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 218

Figure 4: Short-term Planning

Each column in the left window represents a mining face, each red block represents blasted
material, known in quality and quantity. There are 50 blasts with 355'000 tons of material
(window "mix offered"). The four blocks marked with a black dot plus some correctives result
in 33'000 t of raw mix in the desired quality, corresponding to the capacity of one
preblending bed.

QSO-Expert runs on PCs with Intel 386 or 486 processors (with arithmetic coprocessor), 4
MB RAM, colour display (VGA) and an A4 colour plotter. Operating system is MS-
WINDOWS 3.1 or higher.

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 219

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 220
Quarry Engineering and Design

Clemens Mann MT/CTS/HMC.

1. Introduction...................................................................................................................222
2. QUARRY DESIGN .........................................................................................................222
2.1 Maximum Final Depth .............................................................................................223
2.2 Overall Slope Angle for Final Pit walls ....................................................................223
2.3 Bench Height...........................................................................................................224
3. Quarry Engineering ......................................................................................................225
3.1 Quarry System ........................................................................................................225
3.1.1 Ripping .............................................................................................................225
3.1.2 Dozing ..............................................................................................................226
3.1.3 In-Pit Crushing .................................................................................................227
3.1.4 Glory hole.........................................................................................................228
3.2 Haul road design .....................................................................................................228
3.2.1 Grade ...............................................................................................................229
3.2.2 Width ................................................................................................................229
3.2.3 Location............................................................................................................229
3.2.4 Safety ...............................................................................................................229
3.2.5 Calculation of truck capacity ............................................................................229
3.3 Dewatering ..............................................................................................................229
4. Visualisation of quarry development..........................................................................230
5. Conclusion ....................................................................................................................231
6. REFERENCES ...............................................................................................................232

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 221

With QSO-Expert a global strategy for the optimum utilisation of the deposit can be selected.
Based on that strategy long term mine plans (periods of 10, 5 or single years) are developed
to investigate how the exploitation should proceed so that the optimum strategy can be
fulfilled period per period. These QSO plans are then transferred into topographical maps
showing the quarry development.
The objectives of Quarry Engineering and Design (QED) can be summarised as follows:
to set up a technical design for the quarry
to generate topographical maps of the quarry development
to include important technical features especially haul roads, dumps, dewatering
systems and
to visualise the quarry development in a most realistic way.

QED also includes engineering work of the quarry planning such

selection of a quarry system
haul road design
dewatering concept

The quarry plans show the future development of the quarry in all necessary detail. They are
used for
strategic decisions (acquisition of property, location of crushers, construction of haul
roads and waste dumps, investment for mobile equipment).
control of exploitation progress
environmental related planning (rehabilitation, visibility analysis, etc.) and
the mining permission procedure.

Before starting with the development of long-term mine plans, some basic design features
for the quarry have to be set up. The design features determine the geometrical shape of the
quarry. The main parameters are:
quarry limits
maximum final depth
overall slope angle
bench height

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 222

2.1 Maximum Final Depth
The maximum final depth is limited by the surface outline of the mining area, the maximum
overall slope angle and the minimum width of the pit bottom (Fig.1). The surface outline of
the mining area is generally restricted by external factors such as the concession or
permission area, property limits and public installations like roads, railways, power lines etc.
Fig. 1: Quarry limits and maximum final depth

From the aspect of mining cost, the final depth is often limited down to:
the level of the crusher location to avoid up-hill haulage with the loaded trucks or
the level of the dewatering drain to avoid pumping.
The final pit depth can also be limited by the authorities (protection of ground water

2.2 Overall Slope Angle for Final Pit walls

The overall slope angle is the angle between a horizontal and a line that joins the toe of the
bottom bench and the top edge of the quarry.
Why is the maximum slope angle for the final pit walls so important? It has a great impact
on the economy of the entire project. The steeper the angle the less overburden to be
removed, or the greater the amount of reserves to be mined within given surface boundaries.
As the slope angle becomes steeper so the risk of slope failure increases.

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 223

The stability of a slope is defined as a safety factor:

Sum of resisting forces

Factor of safety =
Sum of moving forces

The resisting forces depend on the friction angle and the cohesion of the material. As a first
estimation, we calculate, for the final pit walls in limestone quarries, an overall slope angle in
the range of 50 to 60. Depending on the exact geological conditions (joints and fissures)
and the influence of water, the maximum angle can be lower or higher. Different types of
rock have different stabilities. Therefore, a severe geotechnical study is recommended to
determine the overall slope angle. This is also most relevant for the waste dump.
Slope angle for a bench system during quarry operation is normally much lower than the
final angle because a certain bench width is required for the manoeuvrability of the mobile

2.3 Bench Height

The bench height is one of the most important design parameters of a quarry, because it
strongly influences all sectors of the mining operation. Therefore, the selection of the correct
bench height is an important task for the planning engineer, in order to optimise the quarry
Of course the bench height has to be selected in accordance with mining laws or safety
regulations which limit, in many countries, the bench height to a certain maximum (e.g.
Switzerland 40 m).
Quarry and pit operators often have divergent views about bench height; while some favour
high benches from 20 to 30 m, others feel very strongly that bench height should be
designed from 10 to 15 m.
Lower bench height has the following advantages:
greater selectivity of rock excavation
greater drillhole accuracy
higher penetration rates over the hole

Their disadvantages are:

construction and maintenance of more benches
more pre-stripping at lower working slope angle
greater difference of haulage level for down-hill haulage
limited to a certain drillhole size
more drill down time for shifting the drill rig
more subdrilling
more boulders from the top of the benches
higher consumption of detonators

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A general value of the optimum bench height which is valid for all quarries can not be
calculated. The suitable bench height has to be selected individually for each case.
However, experience in recent years has shown that in our industry there is a tendency to
lower benches with a height of about 10 to 15 m.

QED also includes engineering work for quarry planning such as
selection of a quarry system
haul road design
dewatering concept

3.1 Quarry System

In our quarries, we have in most cases a system which consists of a drilling/blasting and a
loader/truck operation. Sometimes the quarry planning requires also the selection of a
different mining system. Because the mining system has a strong influence on the way in
which the quarry can be developed and what quality can be produced, it can not be selected
without considering the quality aspects.

3.1.1 Ripping
As an alternative to a drilling/blasting operation ripping can be used in soft rock (Fig.2).
Ripping has the advantages of
no permit, transport, storage and handling of explosives are necessary
no ground vibrations, no air blast occur
no specially trained personnel required and
a continuous operation
The main question is: Can the rock be ripped? As a rule of thumb it can be stated that
material up to a seismic velocity of 2.000 m/s is rippable, but other factors such as fractures
and weaknesses, weathering, stratification and brittleness are also very important.
A rock mechanic analysis, a geological site investigation and a seismic analysis may give
good indications, but only a site test can prove the rippability of the rock. Finally, a cost
comparison has to show whether ripping provides cost benefits.

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 225

Fig. 2: Dozer with ripper

3.1.2 Dozing
Normally the haul road leads to all benches, so that the rock can be loaded and transported
from each bench. As an alternative, the muckpile is pushed by a dozer over the crest of the
bench and then loaded at the pit bottom into trucks.
The advantages of this method are that the haulage distances and the required number of
trucks are reduced, and the construction of a wide haul road to the upper benches is not
necessary. This results in low mining costs. The disadvantages are: reduced safety, poor
quality control by segregation, selective mining is difficult, less flexibility in face advance,
more dust and more fines.

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 226

3.1.3 In-Pit Crushing
Haulage in the quarry is normally done by large trucks. The alternative is a combination of
an in-pit crusher and conveyor belt.
While a truck system offer:
high flexibility
high availability
low initial investment
it has relatively high operating costs due to:
high energy consumption
each truck needs an operator
high maintenance effort (engine, tyres, brakes etc.)
Furthermore trucks necessitate the construction of a wide and smooth haul road, and are
less safe, particularly at night and with poor weather conditions.
For this reason, many large scale open pit mines have installed in-pit crushing systems in
recent years, to reduce their truck fleets and haulage costs.
There are several kinds of in-pit crushing systems:
fully mobile system which is fed directly at the face (Fig.3)
semi-mobile system which is fed by wheel loaders (Fig.4)
semi-mobile system which is fed by trucks
If a stationary crusher is used, the location of the installation is of primary importance, as it
determines the quarry operation over a long period of time.

Fig. 3: Fully mobile crusher loaded by face shovel

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 227

Fig. 4: Semi-mobile crusher loaded by wheel loaders

3.1.4 Glory hole

Should the deposit be located in steep mountains or rough terrain, it is sometimes very
difficult or even impossible to construct a haul road or a conveyor belt to transport the rock to
the plant. In such cases, the glory hole concept is used, which consists of a vertical shaft
and a tunnel.
The crusher can be installed as a semi-mobile crusher on top of the glory hole or as a fixed
installation at the base of the hole. In the second case, a larger hole diameter is necessary.
The glory hole concept requires a large investment costs for the construction of the shaft and
the tunnel.

3.2 Haul road design

The design and condition of the haul road is very important for the efficiency of the truck
haulage operation. In a quarry with a truck system, about 50% of the mining costs are
haulage costs. Therefore, optimised truck haulage plays an important role. Assuming mining
costs of 2 USD / t and a 5 % reduction in haulage costs with an improved road design, cost
savings of 50.000 USD per year for a typical quarry with a yearly production of 1 Mio. T can
be realised.
There are three main parameters in design of haul roads:

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 228

3.2.1 Grade
Generally, the best road grade lies in the range of 8 - 12 % for regular rear-dump trucks.
Where climatic conditions are severe (excessive snow or rain) the tendency is to reduce the
grade. Articulated haul trucks can work in severe terrain conditions, and can cope with
steeper grades (25%).

3.2.2 Width
The width of the haul road should be 3 - 3.5 times that of the truck width to allow safe two
lane truck traffic. The space required for the installation of protection berms and drains must
also be added to the total width of the haul road.

3.2.3 Location
Location of the haul road is perhaps the most difficult part. The final haul road should be
established as soon as possible to avoid construction of temporary roads, and the line of the
haul road should result in short haulage distances. A good practice is to align the haul road
along a final slope, because the haul road design influences the long-term planning, both of
which must be made in accordance with each other.
When deciding on the location of the haul road, it is also important to position the road
relative to the usable / waste contact. The haul road width normally exceeds final berm
width, and consequently if the haul road is positioned in such a way that no reserves are to
be lost, then additional waste has to be removed. The alternative is to select a location on
usable reserves so that no additional waste removal is required. The positioning of the road
will be a compromise that balances additional costs for waste removal against losses on
Sharp and steep curves on the road should be avoided as they reduce the travelling speed
and increase wear and tear on tyres and chassis. Curves should be designed with a super-
elevation to counter balance the centrifugal force.

3.2.4 Safety
Safety is an important factor on haul road design. When planning curves and hills, emphasis
has to be laid on good visibility along the haulage route. The trucks should be able to stop
within the range of visibility (Fig. 11). On long, steep haul roads break failures have to be
reckoned with, leading the down-hill traffic lane on the hill side of the road. Middle berms or
emergency exits are preventative measures against fatal accidents.

3.2.5 Calculation of truck capacity

Once the profile of the haul road has been established, the average cycle time can be
calculated and the required number of trucks for a given production rate can be determined.

3.3 Dewatering
In areas with significant rainfall, dewatering is important for a safe and efficient quarry
operation. Therefore, a good quarry design has to include a dewatering concept. That
means the benches need a slight inclination in such a way that the water runs off in a certain
direction from where it can be drained off to the quarry sump.
The drains and the sump must be designed with sufficient capacity to handle maximum
expected rainfall.

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 229

A quarry is not a static, but a dynamic structure that greatly affects the appearance of the
surrounding area. Excellent planning is required today to cope with this continual change.
In recent years, an increased sensitivity by the public to the field of environmental protection
has resulted in approval procedures becoming increasingly difficult. A submission for
granting an extension of a mining licence can be helped by accurate computer based 3-D
quarry models and easy-to-understand illustrations. These provide detailed insight for all
steps of the quarry development, from the opening to the final recultivation. Visual displays
of the quarry make operational and environmental related planning fully transparent. In
particular the effectiveness of any measures for environmental protection can be clearly
demonstrated. This accords well with the environmental policies of many cement
manufacturers, and also saves time in the face of proliferating regulations and ever-lengthier
licencing procedures.

Fig. 5 Aerial view of a quarry. Clearly visible are the position of the crusher
(small quarry, top left), the access road and the quarry wall with a height
of up to 250m.

Fig. 6 Quarry at ground-level view. The main issues and the camouflage wall
are visible.

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 230

Fig. 7 This view is achieved using a combination of computer simulation and
the current appearance of a landscape using photomontage.

Figure 5 Shows an aerial view of a quarry. This perspective is particularly suited for the
clarification of excavation concepts, from an operational viewpoint. Clearly visible in the
figure are the position of the crusher ('small quarry' top left), the access road and, in
particular, the impressive quarry wall with a height of up to 250m.

Figure 6: Shows another quarry. Unlike the first example, this is a normal ground-level view.
Here the main issues are visibility and the camouflage wall. These topics chiefly interest
authorities and the general public.

Figure 7: Is a view achieved by a combination of computer simulation and the current

appearance of the landscape using photomontage.
This is the same quarry as in Figure 5. In this project, the authorities and the general public
are taking a close and critical look at the environmental impact, so the prospects for an
excavation licence are being studied using 3-D modelling and photo-realistic visualisations.

It must be emphasised that all visual presentations are based on exact plans, which are
accurate in every detail. These plans are based on CADE (Computer Aided Deposit
Evaluation) and QSO (Quarry Scheduling Optimisation)'. They optimally satisfy long and
short-term objectives. The objectives are steady supply of good-quality raw materials, with
maximum deposit utilisation and lowest possible production cost.
QED as a further technique allows 3-D modelling and visualisation of the quarry
development. With the method of QED, the planning becomes clear and easily
understandable - clear and understandable for both the expert and the general public.
The final decision on further investments (for example for a detailed drilling campaign) will
not be reached until later, after the prospects for an excavation licence are positive.

To bring raw materials management into operation the following steps have to carried out:
The general layout of the quarry and a suitable mining procedure has to be determined.
A long-term strategy for the quarry development has to be defined, which is guided by
the optimum use of the deposit.
More detailed periodical quarry plans have to be developed and transferred into detailed
technical quarry maps.

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 231

Photorealistic perspective views of the quarry development are produced to support the
permitting process
Today, integrated computerised tools are used for digital terrain modelling, volume
calculations and drawing of topographical maps. With the tendency to large scale operations
and increasing environmental awareness, the necessity for reliable and detailed quarry
planning becomes increasingly evident.

BAUMGARTNER W., Computerised raw materials management - developments and
progress. World Cement, Vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 207-213 (1990).

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 232

QuarryMaster - The new tool for daily production planning in the

Michael Honerkamp and Clemens Mann MT/CTS/HMC

1. Introduction...................................................................................................................234
2. The tasks of a Quarry Manager ...................................................................................234
3. Requirements for the new planning tool ....................................................................234
4. Holcim's QuarryMaster ................................................................................................235
5. Benefits .........................................................................................................................239
6. QuarryMaster and Cross-Belt- Analyser ....................................................................240

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 233

Every production manager knows the benefits which are derived from a uniform raw mix with
the correct chemical composition. A proper raw mix allows you to increase kiln production, to
produce a good clinker quality, and to reduce your energy consumption etc. Therefore, the
performance of the quarry operation is an essential factor for the performance of the whole
cement plant and has a significant influence on your total operating costs.

The ultimate aim of production scheduling in the quarry is to produce a raw mix, which fulfills
perfectly the requirements of the process. Due to the generally very complex nature of our
natural deposits, this is a difficult task. But how can an integrated computerised planning tool
help us to get closer to this target?


First, let us take a closer look at the tasks of a Quarry Manager.
He has to achieve three main targets:
All exploitation has to be in-line with the long-term objectives in order to make optimal
use of the deposit. This target is quite often neglected and leads to high additional costs.
He has to provide the plant with the required production in such a way that all pre-
blending piles fullfill the quality requirements.
The mining operation has to be cost efficient.

The essential factor required to achieve all of these objectives at the same time, is proper
production planning.


From the tasks of a Quarry Manager, we derive the requirements for an integrated planning
It has to include all necessary data: quarry topography, quality data, and equipment.
Long-term plans have to be followed.
The raw mix requirements have to be fulfilled.
Equipment utilisation has to be optimised.

Furthermore, we require that the tool be easy-to-use in order to avoid additional working

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QuarryMaster works on a complete 3D digital terrain model of the quarry. The quarry
topography can be represented accurately with all necessary details, and the quarry can be
visualised from any viewpoint (Fig. 1).

Fig.1: 3D view of the quarry

The user defines the blasts interactively with the mouse on the screen in the same way as
he would do with a pen on a map (Fig. 2). After blasting, the topography is automatically
updated, and so the model always shows the actual state of the quarry. Quality data from
blastholes or other samples are automatically imported from the laboratory. They can be
assigned to the blast simply with a click of the mouse, the tonnages and the chemistry of the
blasts are calculated automatically (Fig. 3).

Fig.2: Definition of blast outline

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Fig.3: Calculation of blast chemistry and tonnage

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The computer determines the optimum production plan from the different blasts, so that the
raw mix requirements are fulfilled (Fig. 4). In addition, operational requirements are
considered in the programme, because a specific loader and the cycle times of the different
truck types can be assigned to each blast. The user has the option to investigate different
scenarios for a number of preblending beds in advance, so that he can assure the
production targets not only for the next preblending bed but also for a longer period.

Fig.4: Optimisation of production schedule

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When defining the next blast, QuarryMaster provides two sources of information: First of all
the long-term planning is visualised, e.g. the plan for the next year, and secondly all past
blasthole samples with their chemical information are available. This gives the Quarry
Manager a clear indication of the quality to be expected and enables him to decide "Where
to blast next"?

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QuarryMaster enables you to produce a uniform and correct raw mix at the best point -
right in the quarry.

Complex raw mix composition can be produced because the system is able to control
multiple quality parameters simultaneously as well as the use of several correctives.

With an accurate, computer controlled crusher feed, the correctives consumption can be
reduced, which results in significant cost savings.

By maximising the productivity of the mobile equipment, operational costs can be


Due to the fact that the working hours required to fill a preblending pile can be
minimised, there is more flexibility in the quarry operation.

Because the progress of the quarry development is continuously monitored, it is much

easier to keep the excavation in-line with the strategic long-term plan.

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A Cross-Belt-Analyser analyses the quality of the material, which is already on the

preblending bed. It just analyses what has been mined. QuarryMaster tells where to mine
next in order to achieve the right mix. With a Cross-Belt-Analyser it is neither possible to plan
several preblending piles ahead nor is it possible to control a long-term mine plan.
Furthermore, a Cross-Belt-Analyser also requires a large investment and additional technical

However, a Cross-Belt-Analyser provides very accurate and reliable information about the
quality of the material already mined. So the Cross-Belt-Analyser can be used as an on-line
control instrument for production plans developed by the QuarryMaster. When QuarryMaster
is combined with a Cross-Belt-Analyser they work together as a rapid control loop and allow
the production of preblending piles right on the set point (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5: Modern control of a preblending pile using QuarryMaster

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Chapter 12

Basic Cement Chemistry

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 242


1. CHEMICAL FORMULAE ...............................................................................................244

2. MINERALOGICAL COMPOSITION...............................................................................245
3.1 Titration ...................................................................................................................245
3.2 Lime Saturation .......................................................................................................246
3.3 Silica Ratio ..............................................................................................................246
3.4 Alumina Ratio ..........................................................................................................246
3.5 Na2O-equivalent ......................................................................................................247
4. CONTENT OF CLINKER MINERALS ACCORDING TO BOGUE ................................247
4.1 Applied for ...............................................................................................................247
8. EXERCISE FOR CALCULATION ..................................................................................250

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 243

Elemental composition in weight percentage. By convention, the elements are expressed in
form of their oxides (exception: Cl, F).

Table 1 Usual sequence of elements in cement analysis:

Limestone Clinker
L.o.l.1 42.2 0.24
SiO2 1.9 22.7
Al2O3 0.81 5.7
Fe2O3 0.52 1.9
CaO 52.2 66.0
MgO 1.4 2.0
SO3 0.56 0.33
K2O 0.22 0.74
Na2O 0.08 0.09
TiO2 0.05 0.18
Mn2O3 0.02 0.03
P2O5 0.01 0.05
Cl 0.01 0.01
loss on ignition, e.g. at 1050C
mainly due to H2O, CO2

The chemical formula indicates the elements occurring in a chemical compound:
for a molecular compound, type and absolute number of elements in a molecule are
H2O O2 C6H6
water oxygen benzene
for a mineralogical compound, type and relative number of elements are given
SiO2 CaO CaCO3 Ca3SiO5
quartz lime calcite alite
Note: In mineralogical compounds, the elements need not necessarily occur in simple
numerical ratios (impurities, solid solution)
in the cement chemistry, shorthands are often used:
CaO SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 SO3 H2O

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 244

C3S for Ca3SiO5 (alite)
C2S for Ca2SiO4 (belite)
C3A for Ca3Al2O6 (aluminate)
C4AF for Ca4Al2Fe2O10 (ferrite)


Table Composition of a material, expressed in weight-percentage of the

occurring minerals
Calcite CaCO3 90%
Dolomite CaMg(C03)2 5%
Quartz SiO2 5%

Alite C3S 58%
Belite C2S 23%
Aluminate C3A 9%
Ferrite C4AF 7%
Periclase MgO 1%
Arcanite K2SO4 1%
Free lime CaO 1%

Table Difference between chemical and mineralogical composition:

Mineralogical comp. Chemical comp.
Calcite CaCO3 90% L.O.I.(C02) 40,0%
Dolomite CaMg(C03)2 5% SiO2 5,0%
Quartz SiO2 5% CaO 53,9%
MgO 1,1%
(simplified, minor elements not included)


9.1 Titration
Content of carbonates as determined by acid-base titration, expressed as CaCO3
% Titration = 1.786 CaO + 2.48 MgO
Applied for:
Raw Meal

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 245

9.2 Lime Saturation

CaO x100
2.80SiO2 + 1.18Al 2O3 + 0.65Fe2O3
2.8SiO2 + 1.2 Al 2O3 + 0.65Fe2O3
The LS is a measure to which extent the CaO-richest compounds C3S, C3A and C4AF can
be formed without the necessary presence of free lime. At LS > 100, free lime will
unavoidably be present after burning.
Applied for:
Raw meal
Cement: neat OPC only
CaO = CaOtotal - 0 7 SO3
Usual range in clinker: 85 - 100
Note: The influence of MgO can be accounted for
(CaO + 0.75MgO )x100
2.80SiO2 + 1.18 Al 2O3 + 0.65Fe2O3
max. 2 % MgO may be introduced in formula (not applied in cement specifications)

9.3 Silica Ratio

SR =
Al 2O3 + Fe2O3
Applied for
Siliceous-argillaceous raw components
Raw meal
Usual range in clinker: 1.8 - 3.6

9.4 Alumina Ratio

Al 2O3
Applied for
Siliceous-argillaceous raw components
Raw meal

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 246

Usual range in clinker: 1 - 3

9.5 Na2O-equivalent
Total alkali content, expressed as Na2O
Na2O-equivalent = Na2O ~ 0.658 K2O
Note: Limit for low alkali cement
Na2O-equiv. s 0.6 %
Applied for Clinker


Percentage content of clinker minerals, assuming that chemical equilibrium is attaint, and
that no impurities are present
C3S = 4.07CaO - 7.6SiO2 - 6.73Al2O3 - 1.43Fe2O3
C2S = 8.6SiO2 + 5.07Al2O3 + 1.08Fe2O3 - 3.07CaO
or 2.87SiO2 - 0.754C3S
C3A = 2.65Al2O3 - 1.69Fe2O3
C4AF = 3.04Fe2O3
In reality, the mineralogical composition of industrial clinkers differs to some extent from that
calculated according to Bogue.

10.1 Applied for

OPC only (excl. blended cements)
correction for CaO in CaSO4:
CaO = Catot - 0 70 SO3
For ASTM: TiO2 and P2O5 to be added to Al2O3
CaO can be corrected for "CaSO4" or for free lime, depending on objective of


C3S Contributes to early and late strength (1 d - ...)

Increases heat of hydration
C2S Contributes to late strength (28 d - ...)
C3A Contributes to early strength (1 - 3 d)
Increases heat of hydration
Impairs resistance to sulphate attack
C4AF Little effect

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Type I Portland
no restrictions regarding clinker minerals
Type II Portland with moderate sulphate resistance
C3A max. 8 %
Type III Portland with high early strength
C3A max. 15 %
Type IV Portland with low heat of hydration
C3S max. 35 %
C2S min 40%
C3A max. 7 %
Type V Portland with high sulphate resistance
C3A max. 5.0 %
C4AF + 2 C3A max. 25 %
C4AF + C2F max. 25 %


The following relationships are calculated for simplified clinker compositions, i.e. only
containing the main elements SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, CaO

Fig: Clinker Minerals as Function of LS

SR=2.5 AR=1.5

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 248

Fig: Clinker Minerals as Function of SR
LS=95 AR=1.5

Fig: Clinker Minerals as Function of AR

LS=95 SR=2.5

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 249

Raw Mix Potential clinker composition
L.o.l. 35.1 ..........
SiO2 14.3 ..........
Al2O3 3.6 ..........
Fe2O3 2.0 ..........
CaO 42.0 ..........
MgO 1.8 ..........
SO3 0.25 ..........
K2O 0.63 ..........
Na2O 0.22 ..........
TiO2 0.17 ..........
Mn2O3 0.10 ..........
P2O5 0.06 ..........
Cl 0.01 ..........

Titration ..........
LS .......... ..........
SR .......... ..........
AR .......... ..........

Na2O-equiv. ..........
C3S ..........
C2S ..........
C3A ..........
C4AF ..........

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Chapter 13

Mix Design
1. MIX DESIGN ................................................................................................................ 252
2. Program for Optimal Raw Mix Design...................................................................... 270

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1. GENERAL ......................................................................................................................253
2. DEFINITION OF CRITERIA FOR MIX CALCULATION.................................................253
3. PRINCIPLES AND METHODS OF MIX PROPORTIONING..........................................256
3.1 X-Pattern .................................................................................................................256
3.2 Manual Calculation..................................................................................................257
3.3 Graphical Methods ..................................................................................................257
3.4 Programmable Calculator........................................................................................257
3.5 Computer Optimisation............................................................................................257
4. PRINCIPLES OF RAW MIX ASSESSMENT .................................................................262
4.1 Mix Type..................................................................................................................263
4.2 Comparison of Raw Mix with Standard Specifications ............................................263
4.3 Assessment of the Mineralogical Composition of Cement Raw Mixes. ..................265
4.4 Assessment of Raw Mixes with regard to Cement Production and Choice of Process
4.5 Evaluation of Laboratory Test Results ....................................................................267

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 252

A raw mix design comprises not only raw mix proportioning but also considerations of such
factors as standard specifications of the cement types to be produced, the market situation
and the available process installations.

The selection of criteria is dictated by the standard specifications.

Designing raw mixes does not only involve the proportioning (calculation) but includes an
evaluation of the obtained results. The latter involves optimisation with respect to costs and


Any type of cement has to conform to the individual cement standards of a particular
country. Standards (standard specifications) normally include chemical specifications for
clinker and cement. Together with the physical and strength requirements, they guarantee a
suitable quality potential for the respective cement type.
With regard to the raw material aspects only the chemical requirements are significant:
Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 253
In other words: the product specifications dictate the clinker/cement quality which in turn
dictates the chemical composition of the raw mix and finally the selection of the raw material
The above sequence can also be reversed: an existing raw material configuration with little
freedom as to the proportioning of the raw mix, may permit the manufacture of only one
particular type of clinker.

Table 41 Influence of chemical requirements on raw materials

Chemical Influence on raw material

min. SO3 Rejection of SO3-bearing components
(e.g.) gypsum-containing shale)
min. MgO Rejection of MgO-bearing components
(e.g. dolomitic limestone)
min. Alkali Selection of raw material with low alkali-content
min. C3A Selection of components with very low alumina
content and / or high iron content

Table 41 shows the influence of chemical requirements on the choice of raw materials.

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The following chemical criteria are normally used as a basis for raw mix proportioning (Table
42; on clinker basis):

Table 42 Chemical criteria for raw mix proportioning

The proportioning of raw mixes for ordinary Portland cement is mostly based on the following
specific criteria:
Lime standard or lime or saturation factor (or C3S)
Silica ratio
Alumina ratio

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 255

As Table 42 indicates, ratios are the preferred chemical criteria for proportioning since they
offer the advantage of expressing the main and most important chemical parameters such
as SiO2, Al203, Fe2O3 and CaO in one single figure.
Other important criteria such as type and composition of fuels should not be overlooked.
Coal ash as a combustion product of coal, for instance, has to be analysed quantitatively
and qualitatively and should be treated as an individual raw material component. Fuel oil has
to be considered as a potential carrier of sulphur, etc.
Additional criteria which could have bearing on the mix proportioning refer to performance
characteristics, e.g.:
minimum dust emission
burnability and coating properties
extreme components which affect machine performance
or to economic factors, e.g.:
maximum overall economy
easy and simple operations
minimum number of components
However, performance characteristics in particular can normally be controlled regarding the
"normal" chemical requirements for cement raw mixes. The economic factors, on the other
hand, are of the same significance as the chemical requirements.


Proportioning (calculation) of potential cement raw mixes can be accomplished by various

17.1 X-Pattern
The x-pattern represents a linear estimation of two raw material components by selecting the
anticipated titration value (total carbonate content) of the potential raw mix as basis.

or as a numerical example.

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 256

The potential raw mix with a titration value of 76% would thus consist of:
lim estone 68.3 3.69
= =
claystone 18.5 1
limestone 78,6 %
claystone 21,3 %
The resulting analysis of the raw mix has to be checked with regard to the requirements of
the standard specifications.

17.2 Manual Calculation

There are a number of mathematical methods for two and three-component systems.
Formulas are not complicated but comprise a large number of steps. The method of manual
calculation as such is outdated.

17.3 Graphical Methods

These methods require preparatory work (manual calculations) for the determination of the
relevant figures which are the basis for the construction of the diagrams and graphs.
Graphical methods represent a rather archaic stage of mix proportioning.

17.4 Programmable Calculator

Programmable calculators normally produce one solution (out of possibly several).
Obviously, this method is the best way to obtain a quick solution.

17.5 Computer Optimisation

It provides the optimum of a series of possible solutions considering the price factors as
variables. If the available raw materials cannot meet the specified requirements for the raw
mix, an approximate and an exact solution considering the missing constituents are
produced (Tables 43 - 47).

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 257

Note: Mix calculations are normally based on dry raw materials. In practice, the natural
moisture contents of the raw material components have to be considered too. This may
entail alterations of the original mix proportions.

Table 43

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Table 44

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Table 45

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Table 46

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Table 47


Basically, evaluation and assessment of raw material components (4.4) and raw mixes refer
to the same principles. The only difference exists in the immediate comparison of the
chemical composition of a raw mix with the standard specifications of the products for which
it is intended.

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 262

18.1 Mix Type
The possible combinations of different rocks used in raw mixes can be classified as mix
types. Important varieties are:
Argillaceous limestone (marl) having the composition of a natural cement. An optimum
homogenisation is realised in the rack texture itself. The reactions can easily take place
even with a coarsely grained raw mix.
The same rock in a metamorphic condition contains well crystallised silicates instead of
clay minerals. Under otherwise similar conditions, the reactivity is lower than in the first
case and there is a high probability that dust formation will occur in the preparation and
burning process.
Contrary to the above cases is the combination of pure limestone with pure clay. To get a
close contact between lime and silicate, both components have to be ground finely and
homogenised intensively. Depending on the type of clay minerals, the mixes can be
more or less reactive,
A further mix type is the combination of relatively pure limestone, argillaceous limestone
and sandstone. Quartz introduced by the sandstone will decrease the grindability and the
burnability to some extent. Problems may occur when less reactive minerals are present
in the other two components.
Rock combinations actually used can easily be related to this series of mix types. The
situation becomes more complicated when additions like pyrite ash, iron ore or bauxite are

18.2 Comparison of Raw Mix with Standard Specifications

Any raw mix composition has to be compared with the locally applied standard specifications
in order to evaluate potential conformity. As an example, Table 48 compares two analyses of
typical Portland cements with the ASTM-specifications for the five main types of Portland
cement, whereby these types are designated as follows:
Type I Ordinary Portland cement
Type II Moderate sulphate resistance or
moderate heat of hydration
Type III High early strength
Type IV Low heat of hydration
Type V High sulphate resistance

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 263

Table 48 Raw mix composition and specification.
clinker chemical requirements according to
composition ASTM specifications for type:
Loss on 0.43 0.69 <3.0 <3.0 <3.0 <2.5 <3.0
SiO2 20.8 22.8 >21.0
Al2O3 6.0 3.8 <6.0
Fe2O3 2.5 4.4 <6.0
CaO 66.7 65.2
MgO 1.4 2.2 <6.0 <6.0 <6.0 <6.0 <6.0
So3 * 0.52 0.16 <3.0 <3.5 <3.0 <3.5 <4.0 <2.3 <2.3
K2O 0.80 0.39
NA2O 0.20 0.30
Mn2O3 0.50 0.05
P2O5 0.16 0.07
TiO2 0.27 0.26
Cl 0.01 0.01
Total 99.84 100.33
Silica 2.4 2.9
Alumina 2.4 0.9
Lime 99.6 93.4
C3S 59.9 65.1 <35
C2S 14.4 16.2 >40
C3A 11.7 2.8 <8 <15 <7 <5
C4AF 7.6 12.7 <20 **

* depending on C3A content ** C4AF + 2 C3A

It is obvious in Table 48 that mix I conforms to the specifications for type I (ordinary Portland
cement) and type III (high early strength), but not for the other types.
Mix II conforms to all cement types except type IV (low heat of hydration).
If a composition of a potential raw mix does not meet the specifications for a particular type
of cement, the following measures have to be weighed:
Modification of proportioning criteria (lime saturation factor, silica ratio, C3A- or Al2O3
content, etc.)
Selection of necessary corrective materials (silica sand, etc.)
Replacement of components (replacement of an alumina rich claystone by a silica-rich
material for production of ASTM type IV and V cements, etc.)
Replacement of the selected fuel type or fuel quality (coal with little ash instead of coal
with a high ash content, if the coal ash composition becomes a critically influencing
parameter, etc.)

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 264

Influence of minor ("deleterious") elements
The main influencing effect of the so-called deleterious constituents or elements on
preparation and production is discussed in chapter 4.4.2. The following deals only with limits
and effects of these constituents in the cement raw mix. Under normal circumstances, the
following ranges and limits are to be expected:

Table 49 Deleterious constituents in cement raw mixes

deleterious "normal" range limits remarks

constituents % %
(clinker basis) (clinker basis)
K20 0,5 - 0,8 0,6 for low-alkali
Na2O 0,2 - 0,4 as Na2O clinker
MgO 1-3 5-6 according to local
SO3 0,2 - 1,0 1 - 1,5 higher SO3 in
clinker reduces
quantity of
gypsum to be
P2O5 0,0 .. - 0,3 0,5 - 0,8
Cl 0,01 - 0,03 depending on and
(0,01 - 0,1) determining the
F 0,01 - 0,1 air pollution
Cr2O3 0,01 - 0,04 dermatitis
Fe2O3 3-5 0,3 for white cement

These limits should not be regarded as isolated figures but rather as part of a multi-
component system (including contributions from the fuel). Particular attention should be
given to the systems of:
K2O ----- Na2O ----- SO3
K2O ----- Na2O ----- Cl
whereby an effort should be made to achieve equalised alkali sulphur balance in order to
prevent problems in the kiln system.
Only a few deleterious constituents are limited by specifications, e.g. the MgO and the total
alkali-content (for low-alkali clinker). The others are not specified (limited) but practical
experience with processing and quality requirements of the product (clinker/cement) dictate
their quantitative limits.

18.3 Assessment of the Mineralogical Composition of Cement Raw Mixes.

A routinely performed assessment of a raw mix includes as a very important part the
examination of the mineralogical composition (Table 50).

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 265

Table 50 Mineralogical assessment of raw mix

Minerals Effects on technology

Aragonite (CaCO3) dry grinding coating in the mill and high
power consumption
Quartz (SiO2) grinding abrasion, wear and high
power consumption
burning impairs burnability
Feldspar burning impairs burnability,
low reactivity
Clay minerals:
Montmorillonite preparation water absorption,
Illite stickiness
Kaolinite burning improved burnability
Chlorite dust production reduced dust prod.
Mica coating properties facilitates coating
Minerals of good reactivity low, require more energy for
crystallinity transformation
Minerals of low reactivity high, less energy necessary for
crystallinity transformation

18.4 Assessment of Raw Mixes with regard to Cement Production and Choice of
As discussed previously, the properties of the raw materials, i.e. raw mixes, largely influence
the choice of process in general, and the various stages of production. Tables 51 and 52
indicate the most significant relations and functions.

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 266

Table 51 Significance of raw mix properties in cement production. (Compare also
Table 51 p. 5/3 referring to raw material properties).

Aspects of Raw mix properties

Quarrying see Table 40
Slurry preparation clay mineral content, fineness
Drying clay mineral content, porosity
Homogenising chemical and mineralogical variability
Nodulising clay mineral content
Dewatering clay mineral, slurry characteristics(filtration)
Burnability mineralogical composition, fineness,
degree of weathering, intergrowth
and size of rock fragments
Dust formation mineralogical composition
Coating formation chemical composition

It becomes obvious that the clay mineral content is of paramount importance form many
aspects of production.

Table 52 Summarises the most important raw mix properties influencing the
choice of process.

Raw mix Related features WET DRY

moisture clay mineral content, high low
content porosity
plasticity, clay mineral content high low
homogeneity chemical, physical and poor high
mineralogical variability
chemical chemical composition high low
characteristics regarding alkalis,. sulphur,
chloride, etc. (contents)

Table 52 only summarises raw mix aspects. However, other factors, e.g.
seasonal fluctuations of moisture content
transport, haulage etc.
are, of course, also determining factors in the choice of process.

18.5 Evaluation of Laboratory Test Results

The steps which are regarded as the final part of a mix design, are preparation, examination
and evaluation of test results produced in a laboratory.
Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 267
18.5.1 Preparation
The proper preparation of laboratory raw mixes for testing is the prerequisite for reliable test
results and subsequent evaluation.
It is as important as sampling and it should, therefore, be emphasised that both these
processes have to be carried out under observation of strictly defined rules and controls.

18.5.2 Significance of Laboratory Investigations

The characteristics and behaviour of a cement raw material or mix during the various stages
of production can never be predicted on the basis of the test results and findings of
laboratory investigations alone. Laboratory testing has the disadvantage that many
influencing and technologically important parameters such as kiln atmosphere, industrial
preparation, etc., can be neither simulated nor reproduced on a laboratory scale. Laboratory
produced test results, however, permit the recognition and interpretation of tendencies,
whereby a broad variety of individual findings assures a more reliable final evaluation. It is
thus recommendable to conduct a series of tests, the results of which can be used to
support and control each individual finding. For instance, when the filtration properties of a
cement slurry have to be assessed, mineralogical/chemical investigations grain size
distribution tests, rheological tests on slurry and specific filtration tests should be conducted
rather than a specific filtration test only. The same idea is applicable for all the other
assessments of technological properties such as burnability characteristics, grindability
properties, etc.
In order to guarantee that the laboratory results correspond as closely as possible to the
findings of industrial practice, the design of the laboratory testing methods and other aspects
such as limits, reproducibility, etc. should periodically be checked and compared.

18.5.3 Summary of Laboratory Tests

The following tests are available and normally applied in the cement industry (Table 53).

Table 53 Laboratory tests

Material aspects Test designation Limits, reproducibility,

practice relevance
Stickiness soil tests
Burnability burnability test tendencies only, but
good practice relevance
Grindability grindability test quantitative estimate of
kWh/t requirements
Volatility of circulating volatility test quantitative estimate of
elements primary volatility in
various atmospheres
Coating behaviour coating test tendencies only,
brick selection acceptable practice
Filterability filtration test, testing of quantitative estimate of
slurry rheology key-factors quantitative
assessment of rheology
Nodulisability granulation test, tendencies only, practice
thermo-shock test relevance acceptable
strength test

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 268

Normally these technological tests are supported by:
chemical analysis (highly accurate)
mineralogical analysis (semi-quantitative)
grain-size analysis (accurate)

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 269

Program for Optimal Raw Mix Design

1. MIXOPT..........................................................................................................................271
1.1 OPTIMAL RAW MIX DESIGN ON PERSONAL COMPUTER.................................271
2. PROGRAM FOR OPTIMAL RAW MIX DESIGN............................................................271
2.1 FACILITIES .............................................................................................................271

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 270



MIXOPT is a comprehensive program for the optimal design of raw mixes and determination
of product characteristics. It is tailored to the specific needs of the cement industry and offers
a wide range of applications in the field of raw meal preparation and product design:
Up to 9 components may be included to determine a raw mix of desired characteristics.
Fixed values or ranges may be set for chemical (e.g. Na2O-equivalent) and mineralogical
(e.g. C3A) constraints of product characteristics.
The component quantities can also be restricted. This might be necessary in case of
limited availability or for fuel ash.
Lowest cost product is determined within given product constraints if costs of
components are entered
Alternatively to cost optimisation, optimisation or minimisation of a particular chemical
component is possible.
Blending of materials or determination of raw meal, clinker and cement characteristics
can be accomplished apart from raw mix optimisations.
Program includes data base and print facilities.
Typical MIXOPT applications are illustrated on the following pages.
The knowledge required to operate the programs can quickly be acquired. Dialogue, window
menu selection, and user's help facilities make it very user-friendly. Previous computer
knowledge is not required.
The program or further information is provided by:
Holcim Group Support Ltd.
Technical Centre Materials Division
5113 Holderbank
Holcim Group Support Ltd.
2310 Lakeshore Road W.
Canada LSJ 1K2


Raw Max

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 271

Fixed Value or Range for Product Constraints of:
Limitation of Component Concentrations
Input Specification such as:
Reference to Moist or Dry Components
Product Constraints (e.g. for different clinker types)
Calculated Product
Single Mix Design
Compilation of Mixes
Insertion and Copying Mode
Title Specification
File Clearing

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 272

Fig. 1 Blending of Components.

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Fig. 2 Product Characteristics.

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Fig. 3 Mix Optimisation.

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 275

Fig. 4 Compilation of Results.

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Fig. 5 Storage of Data, Constraints and Results.

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Chapter 14

Slurry Preparation
1. Rheology 'Slurry preparation' ....................................................................................... 279
2. Materials Technology Slurry preparation ..................................................................... 300

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 278

Rheology 'Slurry preparation'

1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................280
1.1 Ideal solids ..............................................................................................................281
1.2 Liquids .....................................................................................................................281
2. LAW OF VISCOSITY .....................................................................................................283
2.1 Shear stress ............................................................................................................283
2.2 Shear rate................................................................................................................283
2.3 Dynamic viscosity....................................................................................................284
2.4 Kinematic viscosity ..................................................................................................284
3. FLOW AND VISCOSITY CURVES ................................................................................285
3.1 Viscosity parameters ...............................................................................................285
3.2 Flow Curve ..............................................................................................................285
3.3 Viscosity Curve........................................................................................................287
4. SUBSTANCES ...............................................................................................................288
4.1 Newtonian liquids ....................................................................................................288
4.2 Non-Newtonian liquids ............................................................................................288
4.3 Rheonexy ................................................................................................................294
5. BOUNDARY CONDITIONS ...........................................................................................295
5.1 Laminar flow ............................................................................................................295
5.2 Steady state flow .....................................................................................................295
5.3 No slippage .............................................................................................................295
5.4 Samples must be homogeneous.............................................................................295
5.5 No chemical or physical changes in the sample during testing...............................295
5.6 No elasticity .............................................................................................................295
6. ROTATIONAL VISCOMETERS .....................................................................................297
6.1 Indication of different models ..................................................................................297

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 279

Additional Information to Cement Course Lection "Slurry preparation"

Several aspects to describe the slurry properties are known, some of them are mentioned
Flow behaviour
In this paper the aspects of rheology are considered. Rheology describes the deformation of
a body under the influence of stresses.
Ideal solids deform elastically. The energy of deformation is fully recovered when the
stresses are removed.

Ideal fluids deform irreversibly - they flow. The energy of deformation is dissipated into the
fluids in the form of heat, and it cannot be recovered just by releasing stresses.

Real bodies are neither ideal solids nor ideal fluids.

Only a few liquids of technical or practical importance come in their behaviour close to ideal
liquids. The majority of liquids show rheologically a behaviour that classifies them to a
region between the liquids and the solids: they are in varying extents both elastic and
viscous and may therefore be named "viscoelastic".

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 280

3.1 Ideal solids

Ideal Solids subjected to shear stresses react with strain.

The Youngs modulus in this equation is a correlating factor linked mainly to the chemical-
physical nature of the solid involved. It defines the resistance of the solid against

3.2 Liquids
The resistance of a fluid against any irreversible positional change of its volume elements is
called viscosity. To maintain flow in a fluid, energy must be added continuously.
Viscometry deals specifically with the measurement of the flow behaviour of liquids including
those showing a viscoelastic behaviour.

3.2.1 Flow Models

Shear induced flow in liquids can occur in 4 model cases: Flow between two parallel flat plates

One plate moves and the other is stationary.

Flow between two parallel flat plates

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 281 Flow in the annular gap between two concentric cylinders
One of the two is assumed to be stationary while the other can rotate. This flow can be
understood as the displacement of concentric layers sitting inside of each other. A Flow of
this type is realised in rotational viscometers with coaxial cylinder sensor systems.

Flow in the annular gap between two concentric cylinders Flow through pipes

A difference of pressure between their in and outlets forces the liquid to flow with a parabolic
flow speed distribution across the diameter. This resembles a telescopic displacement of
tube-like liquid layers sliding over each other.

Flow through pipes Flow between tow parallel plates or between a come and a plate
When one of the two is stationary and the other rotates. This model resembles twisting a roll
of coins causing coins to be displaced by a small angle with respect to adjacent coins. This
type of flow is realised in rotational viscometers with plate/plate or cone/Plate sensor

Flow between two parallel plates or between a come and a plate

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 282

To measure the viscosity of liquids requires first the definition of the parameters which are
involved in the flow. Then one has to find suitable test conditions which allow the
measurement of flow properties objectively and reproducibly.
Isaac Newton was the first to find the basic law of viscometry describing the flow behaviour
of an ideal liquid:

The parallel plate model helps to define both shear stress and shear rate:

4.1 Shear stress

A force F applied to an area A being the interface between the upper plate and the liquid
underneath leads to a flow in the liquid layer. The velocity of flow that can be maintained for
a given force will be controlled by the internal resistance of the liquid, i.e. by its viscosity.
F(force ) N
= = Pa(Pascal )
A(area ) m 2

4.2 Shear rate

The shear stress causes the liquid to flow in a special pattern. A maximum flow speed
Vmax. will be found at the upper boundary.

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 283

The speed drops across the gap size y down to Vmin = 0 at the lower boundary contacting the
stationary plate. Laminar flow means that infinitesimally thin liquid layers slide on top of
each other, similar to cards in a deck-of-cards. One laminar layer is then displaced with
respect to the adjacent ones by a fraction of the total displacement encountered in the liquid
between both plates.
In its general form the shear rate D is defined by a differential:
m / s 1 1
D= = [s ]
m s
In case of a linear speed drop across the gap the differential in the equation above can be
approximated by
D= max [S 1 ]

4.3 Dynamic viscosity

Solving above equation for the dynamic viscosity gives:

= 2 s=[Pas ]
The unit of dynamic viscosity is the "Pascal-second" [PA x s]. Often used is also the unit
"milli Pascal x second" [mPa x s].
1 Pa x s = 1000 mPa x s
It is worthwhile noting that the previously widely used units of "cementPoise" (cP) of the
dynamic viscosity are interchangeable with the (mPa x s).
1 mPa x s = 1 cP
Typical viscosity values at 20 C:
Substance mPa x s
petrol 0,65
water 1,0
mercury 1,5
blood (at 27C) 4 - 15
honey 104
bitumen 108

4.4 Kinematic viscosity

When Newtonian liquids are tested by means of capillary viscometers, viscosity is
determined in units of kinematic viscosity v. The force of gravity is acting as the force driving
the liquid sample through the capillary. The density of the sample is one other additional

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 284

Kinematic viscosity v and dynamic viscosity are linked:


mm 2
v = Kinematic viscosity given in the units of
Former units of kinematic viscosity were:
"Stokes" [St] or "centi Stokes" [cSt].
1 St = 100 cSt.
mm 2
1 =1cSt
=density (kg / m 3 )


5.1 Viscosity parameters

Viscosity describing the physical property of a liquid to resist shear induced flow may depend
on up to 5 independent parameters:
= f (S, T, P, D, t)
(S) This parameter denotes the physical-chemical nature of a substance being the primary
influence on viscosity, i.e. whether the liquid is water, oil, honey, etc.
(T) This parameter is linked to the temperature of the substance. Viscosity is heavily
influenced by changes of temperature. As an example: The viscosity of mineral oils drops
typically by 10% for a temperature increase of only 1C.
(P) This parameter "Pressure" is not experienced as often as the previous ones. Pressure
compresses fluids and thus increased intermolecular resistance. Liquids are compressible
under the influence of very high pressures - similar to gases but very much less. Increases
of pressure tend to increase the viscosity.
(D) Parameter "shear rate D" is a decisive factor influencing the viscosity of very many
liquids. Increasing shear rates may decrease or increase the viscosity.
(t) Parameter "time" denotes the phenomenon that the viscosity of some substances, usually
dispersions, depends on the previous shear history, i.e. on the length of time the substance
was subjected to continuous shear or was allowed to rest before being tested.

5.2 Flow Curve

The correlation between shear stress and shear rate defining the flow behaviour of a liquid is
graphically displayed in a diagram of on the ordinate and D on the abscissa. This diagram
is called the "Flow Curve".
The most simple type of a flow curve is shown below. The viscosity is assumed to be
constant and independent of D.

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 285

Simple Flow Curve

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5.3 Viscosity Curve
Another diagram is very common: is plotted versus D. This diagram is called the "Viscosity

Viscosity Curve

Viscosity measurements lead always first to the flow curve. Its results can then be
rearranged mathematically to allow plotting the corresponding viscosity curve. The different
types of flow curves have their counterparts in types of viscosity curves.

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 287


6.1 Newtonian liquids

Newton assumed that the graphical equivalent of his equation for an ideal liquid would be a
straight line starting at the origin of the flow curve and would climb with a slope of an angle
. Any point on this line defined pairs of values for and D. Dividing one by the other gives a
value of . This value can also be defined as the tangent of the angle .
Because the flow curve for an ideal liquid is straight, the ratio of all pairs of and D-values
belonging to this line is a constant. This means, that is not effected by changes of shear
rate. All liquids for which this statement is true are called "Newtonian".
Examples: water, mineral oils, bitumen, molasses, etc.

6.2 Non-Newtonian liquids

All other liquids not showing this simple "ideal" flow behaviour are called "non-Newtonian".
They outnumber the ideal liquids by far.

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 288

Flow and Viscosity Curves for non-newtonian liquids

6.2.1 Pseudoasticity
Very many liquids show drastic viscosity decreases when the shear rates are increased from
low to high levels.
Technically this can mean that for a given force or pressure more material can be made to
flow, or the energy can be reduced to sustain a given flow rate. Materials which are thinning
due to increasing shear rates are called "pseudoplastic". Very many substances such as
emulsions, suspensions, or dispersions belong to this group. Mechanism Leading to Pseudoplasticity Entropy effect

Many liquid products that seem homogeneous throughout are in fact composed of several
ingredients: particles of irregular shape or droplets of one liquid are dispersed in another
liquid. On the other hand there are polymer solutions with long entangled and looping
molecular chains. At rest all of these materials will maintain an irregular internal order and
correspondingly a sizable internal resistance against flow, i.e. a high viscosity.

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 289

With increasing shear rates matchstick like particles suspended in the liquid will be turned
lengthwise into the direction of the flow. Chaintype molecules in a melt or in a solution can
disentangle, stretch, and orient parallel to the driving force. Particle or molecular alignments
allow particles and molecules to slip past each other more easily and this shows up as
reduces viscosity. Disintegration
Shear can also induce irregular lumps of aggregated primary filler particles to break up and
this also helps a material with such a filler to flow faster at a given shear stress. Reversibility
For most liquid materials the shear thinning effect is reversible - often with some time lag -
i.e. the liquids regain their original high viscosity when the shearing is slowed down or is
even terminated: the chain-type molecules return to their natural state of non-orientation,
deformed droplets return to ball-shape and the aggregates reform due to the Brownian

Reversibility of shear thinning effect

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 290

Shear thinning of pseudoplastic liquids is not uniform over the range of very low to very high
shear rates:

Non-Uniform Shear thinning of pseudoplastic liquids

At the low shear rate range the Brownian movement of molecules keeps all molecules or
particles at random in spite of initial effects of shear orientation. At very low shear rates
pseudoplastic liquids behave similarly to Newtonian liquids having a defined viscosity
independent of shear rate. Then follows a shear rate change when the shear rate induced
molecular or particle orientation by far exceeds the randomising effect of the Brownian
movement: the viscosity drops drastically. Finally the viscosity approaches a finite level.
Going to even higher shear rates cannot cause further shear thinning: The optimum of
perfect orientation has already been reached. In the low and in the high shear rate ranges -
called the first and second Newtonian ranges - the viscosity even of non-Newtonian liquids is
more or less independent of shear rate.

6.2.2 Dilatancy
There is one other type of material characterised by a shear rate dependent viscosity:
"dilatant" substances increase their viscosity whenever shear rates increase.

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 291

Dilatant flow behaviour is found for example in highly concentrated suspensions in which
solid particles are mixed with liquids such as plasticizers. The particles are densely packed
and the amount of plasticizer added is just sufficient to fill the voids between the particles. At
rest or at low coating speeds the plasticizer fully lubricates the particles surfaces and thus
allows an easy positional change of particles when forces are applied: this suspension
behaves as a liquid at low shear rates. At higher shear rates particles will wedge others
apart causing a general volume increase of the plastisol. At this stage the plasticizer's share
of the total volume decreases. No longer being sufficient to fill all voids and to keep particle
surfaces fully lubricated the plastisol becomes more viscous.
Dilatancy in liquids is rare.

6.2.3 Plasticity
It describes pseudoplastic liquids which additionally feature a yield point. Plastic liquids can
be classified with good reasoning to belong to both liquids and solids. They are mostly
dispersions which at rest can build up an intermolecular/interparticle network of binding
forces (polar forces, van der Waals forces, etc.). These forces restrict positional change of
volume elements and give the substance a solid character with an infinitely high viscosity.
Forces acting from outside, if smaller than those forming the network, will deform the shape
of this solid substance elastically. Only when the outside forces become so big that they can
overcome the network forces - surpass the threshold shear stress calls "yield point" - does
the network collapse. Volume elements can now change positions irreversibly: the solid
turns into a flowing liquid.
Typical substances showing yield points: oil well drilling muds, greases, lipstick masses,
toothpastes. Plastic liquids have flow curves which intercept the ordinate not at the origin,
but the yield point level of 0.

6.2.4 Thixotropy
This term describes a rheological phenomenon of great industrial importance. It calls for
some explanations in simplified terms of an otherwise often very complex molecular of
particle interaction:
In pseudoplastic liquids thinning under the influence of increasing shear depended mainly on
the particle/molecular orientation or alignment in the direction of flow. This orientation will
again be lost just as fast as orientation came about in the first place.
Plotting a flow curve with a uniformly increasing shear rate - the "up curve" - one will find that
the "down-curve" plotted with uniformly decreasing shear rates will just be superimposed on
the "up-curve".
In the flow curve the "up-curve" is no longer directly underneath the "down-curve".

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 292

Flow and Viscosity Curves demonstrating Thixotropy

The hysteresis now encountered between these two curves surrounds an area "A" that
defines the magnitude of this property called thixotropy. This area has the dimension of
"energy" related to the volume of the sample sheared which indicates that energy is required
to break down the thixotropic structure. Mechanism
It is typical for many dispersions that they not only show this potential for orientation but
additionally for a particle/molecule-inter-action. This will lead to bonds creating a three-
dimensional network structure which is often calls a "gel". In comparison to the forces within
particles or molecules, these bonds - they are often hydrogen or ionic bonds - are relatively
weak: they rupture easily, when the dispersions is subjected to shear over an extended
period of time.

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 293

Thixotropy Mechanism

When the network is disrupted the viscosity drops until it asymptotically reaches the lowest
possible level for a given constant shear rate. This minimum viscosity level describes the
"sol"-status of the dispersion. A thixotropic liquid is defined by its potential to have its
structure reformed, when the substance is allowed to rest for an extended period of time.
The change of a gel to a sol and of a sol to a gel is reproducible any number of times.

6.3 Rheonexy
Rheopective liquids are characterised by a viscosity increase related to the duration of
shear. When these liquids are allowed to rest they will recover the original - i.e. the low -
viscosity level. Rheopexy and thixotropy are opposite flow properties.

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 294

The mathematical treatment of the physical problem of a fluid being deformed under the
influence of forces will lead to very complex differential equations which in their general form
cannot be solved. The problem can only lead to an acceptable mathematical solution when
test conditions are kept within the framework of these restrictions the Newton's law of
viscometry is valid.
The measurement of viscosity requires test conditions providing:

7.1 Laminar flow

The applied shear must lead only to laminar flow. In as much as laminar flow prevents
exchange of volume elements between layers samples must be homogeneous to start with.
A homogenising effect on heterogeneous samples during testing cannot be expected or

7.2 Steady state flow

In Newton's law of viscometry the shear stress applied was correlated to shear rate. The
shear stress meant was the one that was just sufficient to sustain a constant flow rate. The
additional energy required to accelerate or to decelerate the flow cannot be accounted for in
the equation.

7.3 No slippage
The shear stress applied must be transmitted from the moving plate across the liquid
boundary layer into the liquid. In case that adherence between the moving plate and the
liquid is insufficient to transmit the shear stress - the moving plate slips above the non-
moving liquid sample - any test results will be meaningless. Problems with slippage often
arise with fats and greases.

7.4 Samples must be homogeneous

This requirement means that the sample must react to shear uniformly throughout. If
samples are dispersions or suspensions then all ingredients, droplets, or bubbles have to be
very small with respect to the thickness of the liquid layer sheared.
In viscometry really homogeneous samples are rare. If dispersions are considered
homogeneous because every volume element contains an identical share of all the
ingredients, then problems can still occur when the increasing shear encountered during the
measurements leads to phase separation, i.e. the dispersion separates into a liquid and a
solid layer.

7.5 No chemical or physical changes in the sample during testing

Changes due to processes such as hardening or degradation would be secondary influences
on viscosity.

7.6 No elasticity
Samples should be purely viscous. Very many samples such as polymer melts or polymer
solutions show a viscous and an elastic response to shear stresses or shear rates. When
the latter becomes sizable test results can no longer be evaluated in terms of viscosity.

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 295

Comparison between Viscous and Elastic Liquids

In rotational viscometers with coaxial cylinder sensor systems for some samples the elastic
response to shear may be so great as to "suck" all the substance out of the annular gap.
Elasticity is a characteristic property of a sample which cannot be subdued by any means.
When measuring the viscosity of viscoelastic samples, the maximum of shear rate must be
limited to keep the normal stresses from becoming too large so that they ruin the test results.

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 296


8.1 Indication of different models

The principle of rotational viscometers with coaxial cylinder sensor systems and with cone-
and-plate sensor systems allows the design of excellent and versatile absolute viscometers.
The range of rotational viscometers on the world market varies widely in sophistication and
in price. The rheological criteria and boundary conditions mentioned before are being used
to grade types of instruments and explain design features and resulting areas of application.
One might imagine that the coaxial cylinder sensor systems for rotational viscometers result
from bending both flat plates of the Newton's parallel-plate-model into an inner and outer
cyliner. A liquid sample filling the annular gap between the two cylinders can be exposed to
shear. Conditions will lead to laminar flow and allow a mathematical treatment of the

8.1.1 Preselect: t look for D

The inner or the outer cylinder is subjected to a defined shear stress or a defined torque
while the other cylinder is held at rest. One can now measure the rate of rotation or shear
rate resulting.

8.1.2 Preselect D: look for t

The inner or the outer cylinder rotates at a defined rotational speed while the other cylinder
is held at rest. One can now measure the resulting shear stress or torque. This is the most
common design for rotational viscometers. This type of viscometers can come in two
versions: Searle system

The inner cylinder - often called the "rotor" - rotates at a defined speed. The outer cylinder -
often called the "cup" - is held at rest. The rotating inner cylinder forces the liquid in the
annular gap to flow. The resistance of the liquid being sheared between the stationary and
rotating boundaries results in a viscosity related torque working on the inner cylinder which
counteracts the torque provided by the drive motor. A torque sensing element - normally a
spring that twists as the result of the torque -. is placed between the drive motor and the
shaft of the inner cylinder. The twist of the torque spring is a direct measure of the viscosity
of the sample tested.
Most viscometer models made world-wide are Searle types. One reason for this tendency is
that the good temperature control required for viscosity measurements is more easily
accomplished when the outer cylinder does not rotate. Searle type viscometers are limited
when low viscous samples have to be tested at high rotor speed. Centrifugal forces affecting
the liquid can turn laminar flow to non-laminar flow and eventually to a fully developed

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 297

Searle Viscometers Couette system

The outer cylinder rotates at a defined speed. It forces the liquid sample in the annular gap
to flow. The resistance of the liquid against being sheared transmits a viscosity related
torque onto the inner cylinder, which would induce it also to rotate. This torque is measured
by determining just what counteracting torque is required to hold the inner cylinder at stand
still. Couette type viscometers are more stable with respect to centrifugal forces.

Couette Viscometers

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 298

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 299
Materials Technology Slurry preparation

Memorandum Nr.: NlA 92/41 /E

Author: A. Edlinger
Date: April 24, 1992 (tg)
Order Nr.: 3026

1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................301
2. RHEOLOGY ...................................................................................................................303
2.1 Types of viscosity ....................................................................................................310
2.2 Slurry Thinners ........................................................................................................316
2.3 Viscosimetry ............................................................................................................319
3. PRODUCTION COST ANALYSIS .................................................................................322
3.1 Technical functions..................................................................................................323
3.2 Optimisation ............................................................................................................329

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 300

Slurry preparation has technically and economically an influence in the so-called "Wet
Process" and "Semi-wet" Process of clinker burning.
Economical Considerations
The Holcim Group operates about 1/3 wet process of all plants world-wide (about 70 plants).
Subject of "Slurry preparation" therefore, has an outstanding importance on the economical
situation of the whole group.
It is anticipated that optimisation and automatic control of slurry properties will reduce the
water content at a minimum of 5% slurry as a long time average. The reduction will be in the
range of 5%, as a long-term.
A reduction of 5% slurry water content saves about 400 kJ/kg cli. For the production of 11
Mio t of clinker per year this translates into a total reduction of 150'000 t coal per year which
means about 10 Mio US$ saving potential per year for the whole group.
Wet Process
The wet process in the cement industry consists of finely grinding the raw materials, such as
limestone, marl and clay with water in ball mills.
The fine slurry thus formed, which usually contains between 30 - 40% water, is then dried
during the subsequent burning process in a long "wet" kiln in the so-called Chain zone".
A typical plant layout (Milburn Cement, New Zealand) is shown in the following picture:

Fig. 1 Milburn Cement Plant.

In a wet-process kiln, a reduction in slurry moisture results in a reduction in heat use, and
since both the amount of water vapour and the amount of combustion products are

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 301

decreased, this also results in lower exhaust fan power use. The water content of the slurry
also influences the demand on pumping energy.
As a result of price increase in the past years of various types of energy carriers such as oil
and coal, great efforts are being made to use as little water as possible in the grinding of raw
A minimum amount of water must be added because the slurry is transported by pumps and
must therefore, demonstrate a sufficient flowability.
Process features
The advantages of the wet and semi-wet process are:
low investment (fixed costs)
simple and stabile process
good compatibility with waste burning
higher uniformity and quality of clinker
simple operation and maintenance of the kiln.
The disadvantage is of course the higher thermal energy demand compared with the dry
Slurry thinning
There are several possibilities for reducing slurry moisture while still maintaining pumpability.
The most commonly used method is the addition of small amounts of viscosity-reducing
agents. Other possibilities include carbonating the slurry with kiln exhaust gas, coarser
grinding of the raw, material, preheating the slurry and, if alternative raw material is
available, substituting shale for clay.
Target values
Slurry preparation controls following items:
Heat consumption due to water evaporation
Consumption of mechanical energy due to
evaporated steam and waste gas ventilation
pumping the raw slurry, etc.
Dimensioning of Piping/Filtration processes
Evaluation of pumping system
Filtration (semi-wet process)

Several aspects to describe the slurry properties are known, some important ones are
mentioned below:
Water content
Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 302
Flow behaviour
Specific grinding energy

Rheology is the discipline describing the most important slurry property in a qualitative and
quantitative manner.
There are off-line (laboratory) and on-line (process control) methods available.
Rheology describes the deformation of a body under the influence of stresses.
Ideal solids deform elastically. The energy of deformation is fully recovered when the
stresses are removed.

Ideal fluids deform irreversibly - they flow. The energy of deformation is dissipated into the
fluids in the form of heat, and it cannot be recovered just by releasing stresses.

Real bodies are neither ideal solids nor ideal fluids.

In their behaviour only a few liquids of technical or practical importance come close to ideal
liquids. The majority of liquids show rheologically a behaviour that classifies them to a region
between the liquids and the solids: they are in varying extents both elastic and viscous and
may there-fore, be named "viscoelastic".
The resistance of a fluid against any irreversible positional change of its volume elements is
called viscosity. To maintain flow in a fluid, energy must be added continuously.
Viscometry deals specifically with the measurement of the flow behaviour of liquids including
those showing a viscoelastic behaviour.
Definition Viscosity
To measure the viscosity of liquids requires first the definition of the parameters which are
involved in the flow. Then one has to find suitable test conditions which allow the
measurement of flow properties objectively and reproducibly.

Isaac Newton was the first to find the basic law of viscosity describing the flow behaviour of
an ideal liquid:

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 303

= Viscosity
= Shear stress
D = Shear rate

The parallel plate model helps to define both shear stress and shear rate:

Fig. 2 Shear rates.

Shear stress
A force F applied to an area A being the interface between the upper plate and the liquid
underneath leads to a flow in the liquid layer. The velocity of flow that can be maintained for
a given force will be controlled by the internal resistance of the liquid, i.e. by its viscosity.
F (force ) N
= = =Pa(Pascal )
A(area ) m 2
Shear rate
The shear stress r causes the liquid to flow in a special pattern. A maximum flow speed Vmax
will be found at the upper boundary.

The speed drops across the gap size y down to Vmin = 0 at the lower boundary contacting the
stationary plate. Laminar flow means that infinitesimally thin liquid layers slide on top of each
other, similar to cards in a deck-of-cards. One laminar layer is then displaced with respect to
the adjacent ones by a fraction of the total displacement encountered in the liquid between
both plates.
In its general form the shear rate D is defined by a differential:
m / s 1 1
D= = [s ]
m s
In case of a linear speed drop across the gap the differential in the equation above can be
approximated by

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 304

D= max [S 1 ]
Dynamic viscosity
Solving above equation for the dynamic viscosity gives:
= = 2 s=[Pas ]
D m
The unit of dynamic viscosity is the "Pascal-second" [Pa x s].
Viscosity Parameters
The viscosity of a slurry is a function of various factors
Viscosity describing the physical property of a liquid to resist shear induced flow may depend
on up to 5 independent parameters:
= f (S, T, P, D, t)
(S) This most important parameter denotes the physical-chemical nature of a substance
being the primary influence on viscosity (see also next pages "Material parameter").
(T) This parameter is linked to the temperature of the suspension. Viscosity is heavily
influenced by changes of temperature.
(P) This parameter npressure" is not experienced as often as the previous ones. Pressure
compresses fluids and thus increase intermolecular re-sistance. Liquids are compressible
under the influence of very high pressures - similar to gases but very much less. Increases
of pressure tend to increase the viscosity.
(D) Parameter Ushear rate D" is a decisive factor influencing the viscosity of many liquids.
Increasing shear rates may decrease or increase the viscosity.
(t) Parameter "time" denotes the phenomenon that the viscosity of some sub-stances,
usually dispersions, depends on the previous shear history, i.e. on the length of time the
substance was subjected to continuous shear or was allowed to rest before being tested.

Material Parameter (S)

These parameter (S) is to be differentiated into the following sub-parameters:
A) Water Content
Approximately 30% of all Holcim-Group plants (corresponding to approximately 35% of the
total clinker production) are employing the wet-process for cement manufacture.

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 305

Fig. 3 Water content.

Generally it can be pointed out that the higher the water content, the lower the viscosity.
There are little restrictions with respect to the quality of the utilised water, i.e. water of many
origin/source and quality can be used, such as:
tap water
industrial water/industrial waste liquids
sewage water
slightly brackish water.
The only quality aspects which have to be controlled are:
content of corrosive elements (C1, 0 )
contents of harmful or poisoneous elements with regard to process, product and waste
gases (C1, F, B, organic substances, etc.)
content of smelling compounds in the waste water, etc.

B) Slurry Fineness
The fineness of slurry fluctuates in a wide range as demonstrated in the following diagram:

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Fig. 4 Slurry Fineness.

The coarser the slurry fineness, the lower the viscosity.

On the average, cement raw slurries have the following fineness characteristics:

mesh sieve Micron Wet Process Dry Process

R 900 200 1 - 6% 0.5 - 2%
R 4900 90 5 - 30% 5 - 25%

C) Water content and Plastic clay

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The relationship between slurry water-content and quantity of plastic clay minerals of some
25 cement plants, is displayed in the following figure which indicates the inter-dependence of
these two parameters.

Fig. 5 Water content and Plastic clay.

The replacement of clay minerals, for instance with fly ash of thermal power plants, can
reduce the water content significant by increased slurry flowability.
Other factors such as degree of fineness and grain size distribution of the raw mix, etc., also
influence the slurry water-content, but the plastic clay mineral-content seems to be

Viscosity Diagrams
Flow Curve
Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 308
The correlation between shear stress and shear rate defining the flow behaviour of a liquid is
graphically displayed in a diagram of T on the ordinate and D on the abscissa. This diagram
is called the "Flow Curve".
The most simple type of a flow curve is shown below. The viscosity is assumed to be
constant and independent of D.

Fig. 6 Flow Curve.

Viscosity Curve
Another diagram is very common: is plotted versus D. This diagram is cal-led the "
Viscosity Curve":

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Fig. 7 Viscosity Curve.

Viscosity measurements lead always first to the flow curve. Its results can then be
rearranged mathematically to allow plotting the corresponding viscosity curve. The different
types of flow curves have their counterparts in types of viscosity curves.

10.1 Types of viscosity

Newtonian liquids
Newton assumed that the graphical equivalent of his equation for an ideal liquid would be a
straight line starting at the origin of the flow curve and would climb with a slope of an angle
. Any point on this line defined pairs of values for and D. Dividing one by the other gives a
value of n. This value can also be defined as the tangent of the angle .
Because the flow curve for an ideal liquid is straight, the ratio of all pairs of and D-values
belonging to this line is a constant. This means, that n is not effected by changes of shear
rate. All liquids for which this statement is true are called "Newtonian.
Examples: water, mineral oils, bitumen, molasses, etc.

Non-Newtonian liquids
All other liquids not showing this simple "ideal" flow behaviour are called ''non-Newtonian.
They outnumber the ideal liquids by far.

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Fig. 8 Non-Newtonian liquids.

A) Pseudoplasticity
Many liquids show drastic viscosity decreases when the shear rates are increased from low
to high levels.
Technically this can mean that for a given force or pressure, more material can be made to
flow or the energy can be reduced to sustain a given flow rate. Materials which are thinning
due to increasing shear rates are called "pseudoplastic. Substances such as emulsions,
suspensions, or dispersions belong to this group.
Shear thinning of pseudoplastic liquids is not uniform over the range of very low to very high
shear rates:

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Fig. 9 Pseudoplasticity.

At the low shear rate range the Brownian movement of molecules keeps all molecules or
particles at random in spite of initial effects of shear orientation. At very low shear rates
pseudoplastic liquids behave similarly to Newtonian liquids having a defined viscosity
independent of shear rate. Then follows a shear rate change when the shear rate induced
molecular or particle orientation by far exceeds the randomising effect of the Brownian
movement: the viscosity drops drastically. Finally the viscosity approaches a finite level.
Going to even higher shear rates cannot cause further shear thinning: The optimum of
perfect orientation has already been reached. In the low and high shear rate ranges - called
the first and second Newtonian ranges - the viscosity even of non-Newtonian liquids is more
or less independent of shear rate.
B) Dilatancy

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There is one other type of material characterised by a shear rate dependent viscosity:
dilatant" substances increase their viscosity whenever shear rates increase.
Dilatant flow behaviour is found for example in highly concentrated suspensions in which
solid particles are mixed with liquids (sand slurry). The particles are densely packed and the
amount of liquid added is just sufficient to fill the voids between the particles. At rest or at low
coating speeds the liquid fully lubricates the particles surfaces and thus allows an easy
positional change of particles when forces are applied: this suspension behaves as a liquid
at low shear rates. At higher shear rates particles will wedge others apart causing a general
volume increase. At this stage the liquids share of the total volume decreases. No longer
being sufficient to fill all voids and to keep particle surfaces fully lubricated the slurry
becomes more viscous.
Dilatancy in liquids is rare.
C) Plasticity
It describes pseudoplastic liquids which additionally feature a yield point.
Plastic liquids can be classified with good reasoning to belong to both liquids and solids.
They are mostly dispersions which at rest can build up an intermolecular/interparticle
network of binding forces (polar forces, van der Waals forces, etc.). These forces restrict
positional change of volume elements and give the substance a solid character with an
infinitely high viscosity. Forces acting from outside, if smaller than those forming the network,
will deform the shape of this solid substance elastically. Only when the outside forces
become so big that they can overcome the network forces - surpass the threshold shear
stress calls "yield point" - does the network collapse. Volume elements can now change
positions irreversibly: the solid turns into a flowing liquid. Plastic liquids have flow curves
which intercept the ordinate not at the origin, but the yield point level of o.
D) Thixotropy
This term describes a rheological phenomenon of great industrial importance in the cement
industry. It calls for some explanations in simplified terms of an otherwise often very complex
molecular of particle interaction:
In pseudoplastic liquids thinning under the influence of increasing shear depended mainly on
the particle/molecular orientation or alignment in the direction of flow. This orientation will
again be lost just as fast as orientation came about in the first place.
Plotting a flow curve with a uniformly increasing shear rate - the "up-curve" - one will find that
the "down-curve" plotted with uniformly decreasing shear rates will just be superimposed on
the "up-curve".
In the flow curve the "up-curve" is no longer directly underneath the down-curve.

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Fig. 10 Thixotropy.

The hysteresis now encountered between these two curves surrounds an area A" that
defines the magnitude of this property called thixotropy. This area has the dimension of
"energy" related to the volume of the sample sheared, which indicates that energy is
required to break down the thixotropic structure.

It is typical for many dispersions that they not only show this potential for orientation but
additionally for a particle/molecule-inter-action. This will lead to bonds creating a three-
dimensional network structure which is often called a "gel". In comparison to the forces
within particles or molecules, these bonds - they are often hydrogen or ionic bonds - are
relatively weak: they rupture easily, when the dispersions are subjected to shear over an
extended period of time.

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Fig. 11 Mechanism.

When the network is disrupted the viscosity drops until it asymptotically reaches the lowest
possible level for a given constant shear rate. This minimum viscosity level describes the
"sol"-status of the dispersion. A thixotropic liquid is defined by its potential to have its
structure reformed, when the substance is allowed to rest for an extended period of time.
The change of a gel to a sol and of a sol to a gel is reproducible any number of times.
E) Rheopexy
Rheopective liquids are characterised by a viscosity increase related to the duration of
shear. When these liquids are allowed to rest they will recover the original - i.e. the low -
viscosity level. Rheopexy and thixotropy are opposite flow properties.
Slurry Flow Curve
A typical cement raw slurry flow curve is shown below.
This curve clearly demonstrates the plastic thixotrope characteristics of a typical cement raw

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Fig. 12 Slurry Flow Curve.

10.2 Slurry Thinners

Very small additions of thinning agents have a marked reducing effect on the water content
of a slurry. However, a minimum fluidity and thus a minimum pumpability of the slurry should
be maintained, in order to prevent difficulties with thickening of slurry in the chain system.
Normally, the yield values of pumpable raw slurry range between 30 and 60 Pa with a
respective slurry water-content of 32 to 38%.
For a better understanding of the mechanism of slurry thinning effect, one of the many
interaction models is explained:

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Fig. 13 Slurry Thinners.

The slurry particles consists of small flat plates. The areas are occupied with negative
electronic change, the corners are positively charged. Stable electrostatic bridges between
areas and corners reduces the flowability of the slurry .
Negatively charged thinners (e.g. polyelectrolyts) forms a protective layer around the
positively charged particle corners and lowers the slurry viscosity. In case of overdossage or
wrong evaluated thinner the opposite effect can occur: the polyelectrolyte forms bridges
between the particles and increase the stickiness of the slurry (flocculation).

Single thinning agents

Sodium salts Phosphates

hydroxide sodium or potassium metaphosphate
carbonate mono-sodium phosphate
monovinyl-sulfonate all-sodium phosphate
carboxylmethyl-cellulose tri-sodium phosphate
chloride sodium hexametaphosphate
oxalate sodium pyrophosphate
fluoride polyphosphoric acids
silicate (water glass)

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Vegetable decomposition Sulfite lye, lignin-sulfonate
peat and "boggy components" sulfite lye
peat extract sulfite alcohol slop
sulfite spirit slop
tanning substances (extracts)
calcium ligno-sulfonate

Surfactants with acidic groups Organic acid salts

Polyacid salts citrate
polysilicic acids tartrate
polymolybdenic acids
polyborophosphoric acids

Carbon dioxide
Combinations of thinning agents
Phosphates + sodium or calcium salts
phosphate + sodium carbonate
phosphate + sodium hydroxide
phosphate + calcium hydroxide
Water glass + soluble salts of humic or lignic acid
Citrate + tartrate
Carbon dioxide + sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP)
Triethanolamine + gallic acid
Sulfite lye + soda
Experience with Slurry Thinning
From tests on thinning of both industrial and laboratory raw slurries, the following conclusion
can be drawn :
A large number of thinning agents produce the desired effect.
Not every thinning agent is suited for every type of slurry.
Under certain conditions, a combination of thinning agents added as a mixture or
successively produce a better effect than one single thinning agent.
The actual effect of a thinning agent for specific conditions cannot be predicted in
advance so that tests in laboratory and in plant have to be conducted (synergism-effect,
Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 318
The adding quantities vary from case to case.
The water reduction usually varies in absolute terms between 2 and 7%.
Slurries with an initial water content between 33 and 43% have been most frequently
treated with thinners.
The mineralogical composition of a raw slurry plays an important role.
The pH value may be a decisive factor determining the thinning effect.
Due to local availability and for economical reasons, the most frequently used thinners
are soda, water glass, STPP, sulfite lye and lignin-sulfonate.
The fineness of a raw slurry is of little or no importance as regards the action of the
The existing kiln systems usually require no adaptations with regard to chains and filters
provided that the water content of the slurry remains above 33 - 35%. However, some
plant adaptations are usually necessary, if the water content of thinned industrial raw
slurries is low (30 - 33%).
Under certain conditions, piston pumps should be installed instead of centrifugal pumps
and as many bends as possible should be eliminated from the slurry piping, especially if
the cement raw slurry shows rheopexic behaviour.
For each % of water saved. 60 - 100 kJ are economised during the burning process.
A sequential addition is important for a combination of thinners. First of all, a thinner
must be added to adjust the pH and once this effect is reached, a second thinner can be
added; afterwards, a third thinning agent can be used if necessary. If all of the thinners
are added at the same time and place, generally the effect is not the same as with a
sequential addition.

The use of a thinner should be economical, that is, the price of a thinner plays a decisive role
(see also chapter "Cost Analysis). It also has to be taken into consideration that specific
thinners are, or should be preferred depending on the country or location of the plant
(molasses from the sugar industry, sulfite lye from the paper mills).

10.3 Viscosimetry
Laboratory methods
Target of the laboratory investigation is the reduction of the water content and/or the
reduction of the yield value (f1 to f2) and the viscosity (71 to 22). A target could also be to
decrease the slurry water content and to keep yield value and viscosity constant.

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 319

Fig. 14 Laboratory methods.

As mentioned before, reduction of the water content leads to lower thermal and mechanical
energy demand, reduction of yield value and viscosity to better pumpability and dewatering
property (half wet process).
For the purpose of optimizing the slurry viscosity it is indicated to make trials with different
thinner admixtures, concentrations, retention time and temperature levels in the laboratory.
Recent developed method of statistical experimental planning helps to minimise laboratory
work drastically.

The main 6 influencing parameters to investigate are

- water content of slurry
- thinner quality
- thinner concentration
- quality of raw material (depending on clinker quality)
- retention time
- slurry temperature

The target is to find out a quantitative relationship between viscosity and above mentioned
parameters. The assumption of 3 experimental level of above 6 influencing parameters
36 = 729 experiments

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This number is, of course, unacceptably high. By application of statistic methods 45 relevant
experiments can be evaluated.
After the experiments are done, the quantitative relationship is generated by a regression
function. This regression function leads to the optimum parameter constellation and can also
be implemented into a PLC ("Model! based Process Control ") .
Rotational Viscosimeter
The instrument of the laboratory investigation is the so-called "Rotational Viscosimeter".
State of the art is the automated unit.
The principle of rotational viscometers with coaxial cylinder sensor systems and with cone-
and-plate sensor systems allows the design of excel-lent and versatile absolute viscometers.
The range of rotational viscometers on the world market varies widely in sophistication and
in price. The rheological criteria mentioned before are being used to grade types of
instruments and explain design features and resulting areas of application.
One might imagine that the coaxial cylinder sensor systems for rotational viscometers result
from bending both flat plates of the Newton's parallel-plate-model into an inner and outer
cylinder. A liquid sample filling the annular gap between the two cylinders can be exposed to
shear. Conditions will lead to laminar flow and allow a mathematical treatment of the
Two alternatives are open to turn the above geometry into an absolute viscometer:
a) Preselect : look for D

The inner or the outer cylinder is subjected to a defined shear stress or a defined torque
while the other cylinder is held at rest. One can now measure the rate of rotation or shear
rate resulting.
b) Preselect D: look for
c) The inner or the outer cylinder rotates at a defined rotational speed while the other
cylinder is held at rest. One can now measure the resulting shear stress or torque. This
is the most common design for rotational viscometers.

d) This type of viscometer can come in two versions:

Searle system

The inner cylinder - often called the "rotor - rotates at a defined speed. The outer
cylinder - often called the "cup" is held at rest. The rotating inner cylinder forces
the slurry in the annular gap to flow. The resistance of the slurry being sheared
between the stationary and rotating boundaries results in a viscosity related
torque working on the inner cylinder which counteracts the torque provided by the
drive motor. A torque sensing element - normally a spring that twists as the result
of the torque - is placed between the drive motor and the shaft of the inner
cylinder. The twist of the torque spring is a direct measure of the viscosity of the
slurry tested.

Most viscometer models made world-wide are Searle types. One reason for this
tendency is that the good temperature control required for viscosity
measurements is more easily accomplished when the outer cylinder does not
rotate. Searle type viscometers are limited when low viscous samples have to be

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 321

tested at high rotor speeds. Centrifugal forces affecting the liquid can turn laminar
flow to non-laminar flow and eventually to a fully developed turbulence.

Fig. 15 Searle System.

Couette system

The outer cylinder rotates at a defined speed. It forces the slurry sample in the
annular gap to flow. The resistance of the slurry being sheard, transmits a
viscosity related torque onto the inner cylinder, which would induce it also to
rotate. This torque is measured by determining just what counteracting torque is
required to hold the inner cylinder at stand still. Couette type viscometers are
more stable with respect to centrifugal forces.

Fig. 16 Couette System.


Basic is to describe the process in mathematical "Cost Analysis" is to find out the minimum
of all specific costs as a function of the raw slurry water content (viscosity).
Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 322
1) In a first step a qualitative technical relationship has to be established. This relationship
describes the demand on thermal and mechanical energy in function of the water content
(viscosity) of the raw slurry.
2) The technical functions are to be evaluated with the specific factor prices, resulting in
Partial Variable Cost Functions".
3) The addition of the "Partial Variable Cost Functions" gives the a Total Variable Cost
4) The minimum of the "Total Variable Cost Function" shows the optimum water content
5) To evaluate new investments it is possible to combine the "Total Variable Cost Function"
with a II Fixed Cost Function" to a "Total Cost Function" .

11.1 Technical functions

Several important aspects of slurry preparation are seen in a wet/semi-wet plant. Some of
them are:
Pumping energy demand
Waste gas ventilation demand
Pump evaluation
Filtration energy demand
Thermal energy (enthalpy) demand
As examples short, simplified overviews are given. Basic consideration is to show the
specific energy demands as a function of the raw slurry water content.

11.1.1 Piping system

There are several parameters known with regard to flow resistivity of a piping system:
length of piping
diameter of piping (flow-velocity)
inner surface quality of piping
amount and design quality of bends, valves, fittings, ducts
In a simplified form the approach to achieve the flow resistivity function is shown on a simple
pipe piece:

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Fig. 17 Simple pipe.

First step is to outnumber the "Reynols Number" Re


Second step is to evaluate the friction number as a function of Re a quality of the pipe
surface (d/k). The following diagram also shows the interface between laminar and turbulent

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Fig. 18 Laminar and Turbulent Flow.

In the laminar flow zone no relation between pipe surface quality and resistivity number
exists, whereas the influence in the turbulent flow zone increase drastically.
In the laminar flow zone the simplified approach to evaluate the flow resistivity number is
possible by applying the "Hagen Poiseulle's low":
With the flow resistivity number it is easily possible to compute the pressure drop of a
simplified piping system as follows:

1 v2
Pr essuredrop=
d 2g
Pressure drops results from flow resistivities, elevation differences (geodatical) and velocity
difference between input and output of the piping system.

Total pressure drop

L V2 v 2 V( ou ) V( IN )
+ 2g + 2g

With this relationship the function of "Pressure drop" depending on slurry viscosity (water
content) can be given quantitatively:

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Fig. 19 Pressure Drop.

11.1.2 Pump evaluation

As shown before, the pressure drop of a piping system depends on viscosity () and on
velocity (v):

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Fig. 20 Viscosity against Velocity.

Viscosity and Velocity depends on water content of slurry, so the following relation can be

Fig. 21 Water content.

Curve parameter is Water Content of Cement Raw Slurry

Pump power demand = p x Q* (Production)
Qualitatively the correlation before show the influence of Water Content Viscosity to the
Pump power demand. To evaluate the optimum pump, the pump characteristic in relation to
the efficiency must be known:

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 327

Fig. 22 Optimisation.

Q* production, pump efficiency and pump characteristic dictates the pump evaluation and
the power demand. The area "A" represents the pumping power demand, the value has to
be minimised.
This consideration leads to a complex, multivariable optimisation. It is worthwhile doing it in
face of the great saving potential of investment cost and mechanical energy.

11.1.3 Filtration
Filtration is defined as a "solid - liquid - separation - technique", i.e. separation of a cement
raw slurry into a liquid phase (the filtrate) and a solid phase (filter cake) with the aid of a filter
which can only be penetrated by liquids. This process is applied in the so called "semi-wet
Kozeny - Carmans law
1 p E3 A
Q *= k 2
S (1 E ) e

k System constant
A Filtration Area
S Specific surface of solids
E Porosity
The equation demonstrates that - in order to achieve a short filtration time - the working
pressure (P) should be high (up to 25 bar uncle' industrial conditions), the total filter area
large (up to 100 plates per filter press), porosity as high as possible, but the viscosity low.

11.1.4 Thermal Energy Demand

The main reason to decrease the raw slurry water content is to reduce the thermal energy
demand of the drying phase prior the clinker burning in the wet kiln. The simple function
show the linear relationship between water content and thermal evaporation enthalpy:

Cement Manufacturing Course Version 2005 Volume 1 - Page 328

[H 2O ] 10
H= Fcli 2450[kJ / kgcli ]
1 [H 2O ]
H Specific Evaporation Enthalpy
[H2O] Water Content of Slurry (%)
fcli Clinker Conversion Factor

11.1.5 Exhaust Fan Energy

The simplified relationship between demand on mechanical exhaust fan energy and water
content of raw slurry is shown below. Pressure drop through kiln varies between 100 - 150
mm WG, the kiln is coal fired (25'000 kJ/kg). Fan efficiency = 0.8, no oxygen content of
waste gas.

Fig. 23 Exhaust Fan Energy.

11.2 Optimisation
The given technical functions are now to be evaluated by the specific prices in order to get
This means the multiplication of specific demands with the specific prices of
Pumping energy
Thermal energy
Exhaust fan energy
Qualitatively the Cost-Function" is shown in relation to the water content of the slurry

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Fig. 24 Cost Function.

The addition of all specific cost functions leads to the "Total Cost Function". This function
has the minimum point (optimum operational point) of course on the lowest operation cost.
On this point of the function the economical best water content of the slurry is to find.

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