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30 Days of Direct Selling Success

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30 Days of Direct Selling Success

Gloria Boyne
Janet Daniels
Mary McLoughlin
Dana Phillips
1 30 Days of Direct Selling Success

Promoting for Sales

By Janet Daniels

To create sales growth, it will

take having more team
members and more leaders
than you had last year, because
you will never sell MORE with
What are the benefits of
promoting more leaders?

Leaders recruit more. It is a fact that in every direct selling company the majority of the
recruiting is done by the leaders in the company.

Leaders sell more. It is a fact that leaders sell more personally than consultants.

Leaders stay longer. It makes sense that because leaders have more invested in the
company, they will stay longer. On average a leader stays up to 50% longer than a
consultant with no team.

Leaders are more engaged. Leaders attend more meetings, calls and company events
than those who do not have a team.

Promoting new leaders is the fastest way to create growth. Having a system in place will
assure that you will have new leaders promote consistently.

What is your system?

2 30 Days of Direct Selling Success

A Five Step Formula for Successful Promoting

By Janet Daniels

Here is a simple formula to promote more leaders. Make these steps an integral part of
your weekly activities and you will definitely grow your business.

1. Identify future leader leads every month.

The last week of the month, look at your reports and write down the names of
anyone youd like to promote.
Look for stars in sales or recruiting, newest team members, those who need
more income and anyone you see with potential or just plain likeability.

2. Make a contact.
Call each person on your list to set up an appointment to talk about it.
During the call:
o Connect small talk.
o Compliment them.
o Tell them why you are calling: The reason Im calling is, I want to talk to
you about what your Dreams and Goals are for this year and how (our
company) can help you achieve it.
o Offer dates and set the appointment. Meet in person if possible.

3. Share the benets and invite them to be a leader.

Find out what they want.
o What are the dreams and goals you have for yourself and family?
o Write them down
Share the benets of being a Leader. Keep it Simple.
Invite them to become a Leader and set a Promotion dates

4. Set the Action Plan.

ASK rst: Knowing the qualications we talked about, what are some action
steps you want to take within the next 7 days?
Write it down and add to it as needed.

5. Follow Up - the fortune is in the follow up.

Set time for the next follow up.
Stay in close contact and check progress daily.
Commit to your future leaders that you will match their efforts with yours and
together you will reach the nish line!

Ask yourself daily, If my Intention is to promote Leaders...where is my attention?

3 30 Days of Direct Selling Success

Advancing Leaders in Direct Sales

By Dana Phillips

Helping others get what they want and need is at the core of leadership. Helping others
will allow them to earn more income, experience more influence as leaders themselves,
and make leadership development part of their legacy. In addition to feeling great about
guiding others, you are rewarded for assisting others as they advance in your companys
career path.

Do you recognize the financial benefit in promoting leaders direct to you? There is an
old saying, three plus one sells more than one. Leaders personally sell more, stay in
business longer, and build a team.

Be intentional about promoting. Invite them to join you in leadership. Remember that
all team members can advance to leadership if they do the work.

Here is a checklist to assess your skills at advancing leaders.

I stress to my leaders the importance of working with future leaders

I keep a full pipeline of future leaders
I meet with my leaders on a monthly basis
I successfully leverage the talents of others
I have a plan for inspiring others to lead
I have a system for recognizing career advancement
My new leaders know how to work with a future leader
I use several methods to identify future leaders
I rotate meeting assignments
I consciously run my business so team members see my job as something
they can do
When I give a reward I make sure it is one that the recipient values
I recognize leader promotions at every meeting
I promote leaders consistently
I have a future leader program I use consistently
My leaders know how to invite others to leadership
My leaders let me know their training needs
I have a consistent program recognizing moving-up behavior
I frequently use Opportunity Events to support future leaders

When you consciously use a checklist, you cant do anything but put your attention on
your future leaders? What other ways do you use to remember to keep your focus on
the future?
4 30 Days of Direct Selling Success

Four Ways to Inspire People to Advance

By Dana Phillips

Leaders who want to develop more leaders are very aware of the power of inspiration.
Dont underestimate the power of your voice to inspire others to achieve more in their
business. Here a four ways you can incorporate inspiration for leadership advancement
in your direct selling team.

1. Celebrate advancement. Encourage promotions up the career path, and reward the
achievements of others publicly or in private. At every meeting, plan a time for
celebrating promotions on your team.

2. Who is next? Add an expectation that you will be promoting someone at every
meeting and ask, Who is next? You will begin to set an expectation that it is a natural
progression to keep moving up in your business and you will inspire others to be part of
the leadership circle. Celebrating every part of the career path will keep promotion
visible to everyone on your team. Expecting others to be next in line makes career
advancement part of the fabric of your team.

3. Create Incentives. Moving up the career path is rewarding in and of itself because of
all the perks and bonuses your company offers. To make it fun, or create synergy, offer
occasional incentives to your team to reward people for career advancement, like Put
Your Best Foot Forward, which rewards all promoting and promoted Leaders fun flip
flops to bring to National Conference. Or you may want to put in place an annual
recognition for those who have developed the most leaders on a team.

4. Share Stories of Success. Personal stories of the journey of leadership will inspire
others to see themselves promoting. Consider adding the personal story of each new
leader in your newsletter. Highlight leaders from a variety of walks of life and
personality styles in a Spotlight at your meetings.

These are just a few ways to inspire. We would love to hear from you! How do you
inspire others to advance to leadership roles in your organization?
5 30 Days of Direct Selling Success

Help New Leaders Help

Their Consultants
By Dana Phillips

You know the value of a new

Consultant attending training parties
whenever possible. Most likely, you
never go on a party alone. You take
new people with you at every chance.

New leaders dont always feel comfortable taking someone to their parties. Explain the
benefits of shadow parties to a new leader.

The new leader will create better rapport with the new person
The new leader will save valuable time by training while she is earning
The new Consultant will look at a party differently knowing that she will be
holding one herself
The new Consultant will learn some of the technical aspects, such as order
taking, taxes, and delivery information
The new Consultant will experience booking, recruiting, and hostess coaching

You can encourage the new leader with a little incentive for training their team. When a
new leader takes a Consultant on two training parties, reward her with a small gift:
sales aids, product samples, or gas cards are easy ways to build this important habit.

Create a simple form for her to email to you when she takes someone on two shadow
parties. It gives her an extra boost to create a habit for her career. Once she experiences
the benefits of training parties, she is much more to make shadow parties part of her
new Consultant systems.
6 30 Days of Direct Selling Success

Quick Steps to Promote

More Direct Selling
By Dana Phillips

Do you want to promote more

leaders? Here are eight quick steps
that will change your results right

1. Set five hours in your schedule to promote leaders.

2. Pick up the phone and invite someone to work with you on promoting
3. Make a list of potential team members with them.
4. Start making 3 way calls.
5. Set a time in the next five days to host a promoting party with her.
6. Talk to her every day and give her daily assignments.
7. Do this until she is promoted or has 3 strikes (you decide what those are)
8. Do 1-7 again.

The biggest problem I see is that leaders expect future leaders to know what to do and
they dont. This is radical equipping at its best and this new leader will work with her
people differently because you have worked with her.

I double dare you to do this for ten weeks.

7 30 Days of Direct Selling Success

The Complete Team

By Mary McLoughlin

Surround yourself with people who believe what you

believe and think differently. ~Scott Fay

Early in my days as a direct selling leader I thought success could only be created my
way. I achieved the trips, the company awards and earned all the free products. I knew
what and how to be a success, all I had to do was teach others to do the same, exactly
the same. After a few years as a leader, I began to experience some dissension among
the leaders. They began resisting my leadership and stopped working. It was not until
too late that I realized that I had neglected to recognize and honor the unique talents
and gifts they brought to the table. My way didnt work for them. Perhaps, their way
was even better. I learned to develop a well-rounded, complete team only after I
learned about me.

Discover what you do well. Take Strengthfinders 2.0, Standout or a DiSC profile*
Do more of what you do well.
Find others who do well what you dont.
Watch for people with strengths that will benefit the team and let them know
you need their gifts.
Honor each persons talents and gifts recognize who they are, not just what
they do
Create value for each gift, making every contribution important. I had to work
hard at this one, actually listing the different gifts and the benefits they provide.

Diversity adds strength and dimension to the team. Unity comes from belief. Who is
missing from your complete team? How will you fill the missing piece? Please share!!

*Contact Team Connections for information about taking a DiSC profile

8 30 Days of Direct Selling Success

Three Ways to Build Your

Direct Sales Business for the
Long Term
By Gloria Boyne

How do ordinary people become

extraordinary? Many times we hear a
success story which seems like they
became an overnight success. However, in
further study, we know it was many
weeks, months and even years of
consistent, never giving up attitude and
work. Oh, did I say work?

My question to you is how long do you

plan to be in your business? When you
build for the long-term, you look at your
business differently. Here are three keys to long-term staying power.

You approach your business with humility. It is so important to be humble enough to

learn the skills. You want to learn the core skills to do things the right way. The more
skillful you become in your business, the quicker you get results. School is never out for
the pro.

You are open and 100% dedicated. Yes, occasionally the family may be inconvenienced,
but if you worked for someone else your family would be inconvenienced most of the

You build on your consistent efforts. You sacrifice some short-term gains for long-term
ones. When your mission is in place, you will be more balanced. Just like learning to
become a gold medal athlete, it takes those 10,000 hours of input! Prepare yourself to
run the race mentally, physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually.

What skill will you work on to make the difference? What will you need to change?
9 30 Days of Direct Selling Success

Five Rock Solid Booking Ideas

By Gloria Boyne

Even a great idea doesnt work unless you

do. Anyone who is out of bookings is usually
not asking enough people. If one booking
method is difficult for you, then try another,
but try something! Remember the only way to build your business is to keep that date
book as full as possible!

Before you say that a new idea does not work, you should try it at least five times. Here
are some extra booking suggestions that may work for you. Why not use them to have
a booking contest for yourself, and book more presentations than ever! You can do it!

1. Learn and use the booking techniques in your manual. They really work!

2. Keep a list of all the people you know. Dont assume that one will say no ask!
You may be surprised!

3. Go through your customer list and make a list of people with birthdays this month.
Call each one and have her book a party so you and her friends can help her celebrate.
Take a wrapped gift, decorated cupcakes or cookies with you to the party! Your hostess
will love it!

4. Call customers and tell them youre in a contest and need a couple more parties to
win. (You are always in a contest!)

5. During your Company anniversary month, call your first hostess and book them for
a repeat party. Take a small anniversary gift to thank them again for helping you start
in your business.

Focus one week at a time. Ask yourself how many bookings do I have this week?

Which booking idea will you use today to make your business successful?
10 30 Days of Direct Selling Success

Eight Success Habits for Direct Sales Leaders

By Gloria Boyne

Have you ever thought What is it about successful people? What separates them from
the rest?

Here are some habits that I observed which stand out:

1. Have clarity in your goal and time frame. You cant hit a vacillating target! What
specifically are you after? When do you want it?

2. Create visuals that support your thoughts and dreams. Craft things like a goal poster
or a dream book. Make it clear in your mind.

3. Cite new affirmations. Make them in first person, present tense, active and results
oriented, e.g. I make 5 booking attempts daily; I select 3 women from each party to hear
about the opportunity.

4. Work from a weekly plan sheet and a 6 most important daily achievements list. If
your business is only left over or when you have time, you will become a hobby
entrepreneur (which is fine if that is your goal). If you want to grow, you must plan the
time that you will not compromise for working your business. Create the 6 most
important list before bed and prioritize it, taking items UN-done from the day and
adding them to tomorrow.

5. Track your activity on a sheet. IPAs (income producing activity) are the ones that
always produce results; more activity means more results. Tracking the activity forces
you to take an honest look at where the rubber meets the road so you can make
necessary adjustments to move forward.

6. Remain accountable to your coach, your mentor. You can quickly overcome your
challenges if you are communicating with someone who will support you.

7. Feed your mind daily with training from successful people. The sound of their voices
will charge you and excite you to become more exciting, more committed, more

8. Delegate tasks and activities that take you away from your goal. What can you pass
off to a child, spouse, or part-time paid helper? Constantly ask yourself, Is this
something that someone else could be doing? Is what I am about to do taking me
closer to my goal?
11 30 Days of Direct Selling Success

Four Steps to Recruiting Success

By Janet Daniels

Have you ever heard that Recruiting is the Answer? Its true! One thing I know for
sure is becoming a recruiting expert is the key to building the team of your dreams.
Learning the basics and developing consistency will make it happen for you! One of
those basics to become the expert in is holding 5 recruiting conversations every week. It
will change your business!

Heres the steps youll want to take to add recruiting conversations to your schedule:

Be Prepared: Each week, choose 2 days that you are going to recruit. Write them in
your planner in red because these are your Red Hot Recruiting Days. Block out the
amount of time you have on those days to make calls and have recruiting conversations.
(Make plans for the kidsget a babysitter if needed.) Make up 10 recruiting packs to
have in your car at all times.

Be Focused: Ask yourself every day, Who is going to join my team today? At a party,
focus on your guests and look for those youd love to have join your team. Everyone
there is a lead and deserves to hear about your opportunity.

Be Aware: Look for success qualities in everyone. Are they friendly, outgoing, listening,
humble, assertive, articulate, curious, having fun? Everyone has success qualities that
would make them a good consultant. Look for them and youll find them.

Be Open: Talk to each guest when you are completing their orders. Pay a sincere
compliment by saying something like Jen, I loved having you at the party tonight. You
are so friendly and I think youd be great in (name your business). Have you ever
thought about it? (Listen and let them know you hear her.) Follow-up by saying
something like Id love to set up a time to share more about it with you. Im going to be
out tomorrow and would love to meet with you. Ive got 10:00 or 1:00 open. Which is
best for you?

Remember Recruiting is a numbers game. The more recruiting conversations you

have, the more new team members youll have joining your team.

And the best part about it is that you are making a difference and changing peoples
lives with your opportunity!
12 30 Days of Direct Selling Success

Ten Tips for Keeping on Top of Time

By Gloria Boyne

Sometimes my ability to stay on top of my time seems to get away from me. I get so
busy working that I forget to do the planning pieces of time management to keep things
running smoothly.

Here are ten ideas that I use to stay on top of my time. They dont take time and have a
great snap-to-result effect for me.

1. Each night, list the six most important things you have to do the next day and do

2. Be flexible. If schedules are too rigid, you can bog down in worry about meeting each

3. Delete unmasked for activities. Talk to your husband and children. Ask them what
they expect of you instead of assuming what they expect.

4. Make decisions with no fear of failure.

5. Learn to say no to other peoples requests.

6. Dont always subordinate your time to your husbands

7. Dont doubt peoples feelings about you talk to them instead of worrying.

8. Dont be hypercritical of yourself -youre not perfect, so dont try to be.

9. Remember self-interest isnt selfish.

10. Form personal goals. Plan to do things that interest you and the chores will start to
take care of themselves.

In other words, think about time rather than just working through it! Please share.
What works for you to get instant time management results?
13 30 Days of Direct Selling Success

Five Key Attributes of Great

By Gloria Boyne

Leadership is one of those words that we all seem to struggle to find just the right mix of
great attributes to include. Some items are prescriptive (what wed like to see) and
some are descriptive (what we generally find). Here are my current five:

Leaders have integrity. Integrity is the most valuable and respected quality of
leadership. Always keep your word. Integrity is one of those cornerstone
concepts for me. Leaders without integrity tend to fall short on key aspects like
trustworthiness and transparency.
Leaders are becoming. Have you noticed that leaders never stand still? They are
always becoming something else. They choose to grow and, as a result, continue
to become the kind of leader that people will follow voluntarily. They are the
type of leader who attracts followers even if they have no title or position.
Leaders are solution oriented. Leaders think and talk about the solutions.
Followers think and talk about problems.
Leaders receive respect. Respect is a key determinate of high-performance
leadership. The leaders team may respect her because she gets results; maybe
its because she really cares; perhaps its because they see others respect her.
Whatever the case, respect often determines how well the team performs and
how satisfied they are with the results.
Leaders see unused capacity in others. Leaders have an ability to get
extraordinary achievement from ordinary people. They see people as capable of
so much more than what they are. Leaders see what can be rather than what is.
14 30 Days of Direct Selling Success

Seven Attributes of a Charismatic Individual

By Gloria Boyne

Think about the most charismatic person you know, and you will discover that he or she
has developed all of these traits. Some of them may have come naturally; others
possibly took a lot of concentrated effort. This list is not meant to be exhaustive. Rather,
these are some obvious traits that youll see.

Im willing to bet that with some practice, you can develop these characteristics, too!

1. Keep Smiling When you smile at people, you will make them feel good about
themselves, and they will appreciate you for it.

2. Try Not to Argue When you find yourself wanting to argue, say something like, go
on or I hear you. Charismatic people listen well, seek to understand, and they will
rarely opening contradict you.

3. Give at Least Three Compliments Every Day - It you do, youll be amazed at how
different people treat to you. It can be a comment about someones dress or personal
appearance. It can be as simple as, My, youre in a good mood today, or you did a
great job on that assignment.

4. Make an Effort to Physically Touch Three People Each Day Touch a co-worker, your
business associate or customer on the arm, pat her on the back, or give a friendly hug.
Your efforts at physical closeness will allow those around you to do the same.

5. Mirror the Positive Emotions of Those Around You - If someone is excited about her
new car, you should show excitement too. If theyre smiling as they tell you a story,
smile along with them.

6. Maintain Eye Contact When Someone is Speaking to You When you maintain eye
contact, it makes people feel as though you are really tuned in, listening and responsive.

7. Work on Your Sense of Humor - Try to tell one or two jokes a day. Charismatic people
make us feel good about ourselves by lightening the mood.

Which ones come naturally to you? Which ones will you make an effort to cultivate?
15 30 Days of Direct Selling Success

Coaching Questions to Get

your Team Engaged in the
By Neil Phillips

As a leader, we are often faced with team members who say they want success but are
not putting time into the business. Sometimes they think about the business all day,
but work the business very little. Here are some coaching questions that have worked
for other leaders.

What do you want to accomplish this month?

How will that feel?

How much time will that take?

When do you want to do it?

How committed are you to taking these steps?

What obstacles might get in your way?

What will you do if x gets in the way?

How will you celebrate your accomplishments?

How can we follow up?

16 30 Days of Direct Selling Success

Ten Hints for Working

with Difficult People
By Dana Phillips

I wish I had the definitive answer

for you. There were many times in
our direct selling career that I
responded to a difficult person in a
manner that makes me cringe to
remember it. Through the years, I
had some great mentors who did
teach me a lot about working with a difficult person. Here are some of the things I
learned along the way.

1. Dont take it personally. Their behavior speaks more about them than anyone
2. You cant change people, but you can change the way you respond to them.
3. Listen with the intent of understanding the person.
4. Difficult people usually work their way out of business in our profession.
Essentially they change or fire themselves.
5. Take the high road. Dont go down to their level.
6. Dont stick your head in the lions mouth. In other words, dont look for
opportunities to teach them a better way.
7. Use I feel instead of You need to or You make me feel.
8. Work to find something good about the person and accentuate the positive.
9. Find ways to agree with the difficult person. You could be right. Now what do
you want to do about it?
10. Sometimes the right answer is to not respond at all. And many times that is the
most difficult thing to do.
17 30 Days of Direct Selling Success

Who is On Your Team?

By Mary McLoughlin

Everyone on my team is a hobbyist.

They love the meetings; they just wont put anything into action.

I love my people; I just wish they would work!

The forlorn cries of the direct selling leader, do any of them sound familiar? Did you
know that you can create a team by design? It is all about the marketing. Which
qualities are you advertising? When you present your opportunity, is it the real story or
a candy coated version? In my early years as a leader and sponsor, I often sounded like

Its a simple business, just purchase a kit, call a few friends to schedule parties
and you will be off and running, booking parties from parties.
Whenever you share your products with friends and family, the products will sell
themselves; soon you will have some wonderful residual income from all the
auto-shipments. All you have to do is find three people who each find three

What happens when the friends say no? Or when the first five customers cancel their
auto-shipments? Or when it takes more than five phone calls to secure a booking? Your
team doubts. Their belief in the company, in you as a leader and themselves is
diminished. And so is their trust. The workers on my team increased as I learned to
share this way:

This is a simple business; we book, sell and recruit. It is simple, yet not always
The top people in our company make amazing incomes because they were
willing to do what it takes. They invested in themselves, their customers and
their team. Now they are reaping the rewards.
Direct selling is an adventure in personal and professional development in which
you actually make money. Those who are willing to learn and grow are the ones
who create success. It takes time, some hard work and stretching. The rewards
can be bigger than you can imagine.

As I learned to present an honest look at my business, always sharing whats possible

along with the cost, the people who joined the team came on board ready to work.
18 30 Days of Direct Selling Success

We Stand United!
By Mary McLoughlin

A united team stands out and stands up!

Their united belief and integrity stand out,
they stand up for and stand by each other.
Everyone feels valued, cared for and a
member of the team. Try out a few of
these practical ideas to build unity on your

Bring your leaders together (or your entire team if its small) and find the
collective beliefs of the team. Create a team creed or motto. Something that
each member will know and honor. It can be a short list of the team principles or
a motto. Give this to each new member on the team and read it at every
Create a team name and/or logo.
Wear team t-shirts, bandanas or pins at National Events.
Choose a team charity, or support a variety of charities. Donate time together as
a team.
Have fun together, dont always be about business.
Create traditions.
o Make a big deal of promotions and do it the same way every time.
o Have a sign or symbol for negative attitudes. The entire team will support
An Eeyore and a Tigger puppet.
A touch to the elbow for a negative talk.
A private Facebook Team Page.
19 30 Days of Direct Selling Success

Does Your Team

Believe What You
By Mary McLoughlin

What do you believe? Could

you put it in writing in a list
of no more than ten bullet
points? Is it clear to you?
How do you communicate
what you believe to your team?

These were the questions asked by my first coach. She challenged me to come up with
ten things that I believe. It wasnt all that easy. Once I did, she challenged me to write
them up and include them in every one of my sponsoring packets. WOW, I wasnt all
that sure I wanted to put myself out there to just anyone. I did it anyway and it changed

A strong team is one where people feel they belong. The people who began joining the
team felt a sense of belonging from the first day. They knew what I believed and came
to my team because they believed the way I believe. It created an immediate bond and
a standard for the behavior of the team. People felt respected and safe in being
themselves and working toward their business goals, so they worked! The team
meetings were cohesive and fun. It was easy to set team goals and meet them.

What do you believe? What is most important to you? Take some time and write it
down. Once you do, start to live by what you believe. Who you are is who you attract,
John C Maxwells Law of Magnetism, will go into effect and soon your entire team will
believe and do just like you!
20 30 Days of Direct Selling Success

Create a Dynamic Direct Sales Meeting!

By Gloria Boyne

Is your attendance for your success/business trainings increasing or dwindling? Are you
a leader who doesnt want to see whats not working? Perhaps you are thinking There
are no weeds in my garden!!! Maybe you are the one who is uncomfortable with
change; you operate with the motto if its not broke, dont fix it. Times have changed!

In the world of communication overload texting, email, voice mail, teleconference and
instant messaging meetings might seem unnecessary or old fashion. However, your
meetings still remain your best opportunity to bring your team together for a common
purpose. This is the time to meet for presentations, trainings, recognition and
motivation. Direct
Selling is a relationship
business. It provides
the opportunity for the
team to get together
to share good news,
learn new techniques,
be recognized for their
achievements and be
stronger and better in
their business.

Everyones time is
precious and you will
want to maximize the
effectiveness of your meetings by creating a duplicable planning formula. The
enthusiasm of your team members will exponentially increase when they know they are
leveraging the investment of their time to reap a bounty of rewards.

Having your meetings follow a similar format and conducting them with a consistently
high level of enthusiasm and professionalism, you set the stage for your team future
leaders to successfully duplicate your formula. From the welcome to opportunity
testimonials to education with challenges and incentives add up the minutes and make
sure you do not exceed your planned meeting time.
21 30 Days of Direct Selling Success

Four Tips to Make Your Conference Calls Work

By Janet Daniels

Have you ever hosted a conference call and when you hung up, you thought, That
didnt go well. Deep inside you knew the call didnt go as well as you wanted. Its
happened to many a Leader and you can do something about it.

Your conference calls are a very important part of your communication with your team
or clients. Each time you plan a call, ask yourself, What do I want my listeners to
THINKFEELand DO when they get off the call?

Here are four tips to help you plan great calls:

Have a Specific Objective. Identify the goal of the call. Is this a training call? If so,
keep it to one training topic and cover it thoroughly. Is this a call to give information
i.e. sharing the new monthly promotions? If so, keep it to sharing them and giving a
few ideas how to use the promotions to build their business for the month. Is this a
call to share the benefits of moving up to a new Career Level
Be Prepared. Take time to plan the callits great to be able to y by the seat of
your pants in many areas of your business. When you do a conference call with
team members or clients, its important to respect their time and give them value
for the time theyve invested in being on the call. When youre prepared and have
practiced what youll say, the call will be focused and will deliver more in the time
allotted. Many leaders nd that by writing out what theyll say on the call that they
are more comfortable and confident. It also helps keep the call with in the time
Have Guest Speakers. Invite others to be guest speakers When you have 2 or more
voices on the call, it makes it easier to listen to and keeps your listeners from tuning
out because they are listening to the same voice for the entire call. Be sure to invite
guests who are experienced in speaking on conference calls and are credible in the
topic you are sharing. Everyone likes to hear from someone whos leading by
Keep it Simple. Have you ever been on a call listening to a speaker who is sharing so
many ideas so fast that you can hardly keep up? Its hard to retain much of the call
or even know where to start when you hang up. Its important to stay focused by
taking time to cover the topic. Give your listeners a process or steps to follow and
close with a FUN challenge that will encourage them to take action right away.
22 30 Days of Direct Selling Success

Recruiting After the Party

By Janet Daniels

How many times have you heard from your team members, I dont have any recruit
leads? I have no one who wants to join our team. As a leader, you know that recruit
leads are everywhere, especially at parties. You know that every guest is a recruit lead
until all possibilities about joining your business are explored with her.

If every guest at a party is a valuable warm lead, how do you encourage your team
members to offer them all the opportunities that your business provides?

There was a time in my career when I was that team member who thought I had no
recruit leads. My leader challenged me to call every guest to find out their interest level
in joining the business within 48 hours after the party.

Guests that I judged as having no interest ended up joining. Others, who I thought were
interested, werent. I learned a valuable lesson: when I judged, I was more likely to be
wrong than right. If I had not committed to talking to every guest, I would have missed
some great team members.

Here are four steps you can use to train your team to make the calls:

1. Introduce yourself
Hi Lori, this is Janet with ________. We met at Sues party last night. Is this a good
time to talk?

2. Tell the purpose of call

Thank you so much for coming to the party. (Pay compliment) I can tell you like to have
fun and I enjoyed having you there. Can you tell me what you liked the most about the

3. Share the benefits of starting a business

Thats why I wanted to touch base with you today. I think youd be great doing that I
do. Our business has so many benefits and Id really like to share some information with

4. Set the date (make it soon)

It will only take about 20-30 minutes for me to share the benefits. I have some time
tomorrow. Would 11 or 12 work better for you? Is there a coffee shop close to you
where we could meet?
23 30 Days of Direct Selling Success

When Your Team is Out of Leads

By Janet Daniels

Are you hearing from your Team that they have no leadsno one to call? It may be time
to work with them to update their contact list.

Here are three Steps you can take with them to get started:

1. Begin with their warm market. These are people they know and like. Show them how
to create a new FRANKS list. Have them write down names and numbers without
judging who would be interested or not.

F = Friends
R = Relatives
A = Acquaintances
N = Neighbors
K = Kids Connections
S = Spouse Connections

2. Train your team how to work a cool market. They dont know these people yet. They
meet them when theyre out-and-about. Ask your team some questions that will help
them identify new leads.

Is that check out or sales person friendly? Compliment her and get her name and
number so you can talk to her more about your business.
Are you impressed by the people you do business with every day? Be aware of
those who work in cleaners, grocery stores, restaurants, beauty salons, etc. who
are customer friendly. Compliment them, get their name, and get their number
so you can talk to them about your business.

3. Show them how to block out time. Everyone needs time on their calendar for a
Power Hour (time to make calls) each day.

Challenge them to have 50 names on their contact list by next week. Having a list ready
to call, adding names to it consistently and blocking time to make calls are the first steps
to creating the business they desire.
24 30 Days of Direct Selling Success

Developing your Success Qualities as a Sales Leader

By Janet Daniels

The other day, I came across my books by John Maxwell. To me, he is the ultimate
expert in leadership development. Finding his books reminded me of the impact he
had on my own development.

As I glanced through the books, I found notes, thoughts and comments I had written in
the margins many years ago! As a new leader, learning about these qualities, I was
overwhelmed. I had a lot of work to do! I look at them today and realize theres still
more work to do. What I do know is that developing our success qualities is a journey
that continues throughout our live.

According to Maxwell in his book, 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader, these are the
success qualities that are essential to building strong Leaders. Here are thoughts on
three of them.


Vision leads the Leader. You can only achieve what you can see. Vision paints the picture
of what you want for yourself, your family, your business and your life. If you havent
done so in a while, take time during the next few weeks to create the vision of what you
want for your life. Write it down, fine tune it, even draw a picture of it and hang it
where you can see it daily. Your vision has to come from within and taking time to do
these things clarifies it for you.


People do not follow uncommitted Leaders. Commitment is getting up one more time
than you fall down, its keeping on even though your strength is gone, and its leaving
your own comfort to make life better for others. True commitment inspires and attracts
people and is the key to Leadership.

Positive Attitude

Attitude is a choice. It determines how you act. It attracts people to you because who-
you-are is who-you-attract. Your people reflect you. If you need a check up from the
neck up, feed yourself by reading positive books, inspirational quotes or listening to
motivational CDs. Achieve a positive goal every day and keep positive visuals around
you. The thing that separates good leaders from great ones is attitude. Stay positive!
25 30 Days of Direct Selling Success

Teach Your Team to Run a Business: Part One

By Mary McLoughlin

How often have you heard, Treat your business like a business and it will make you
money. Treat your business like a hobby and it will cost you money.? Many new direct
sellers come into the profession without business experience. Where will they learn to
turn their passion for the products into a real business? They look to you, their leader,
for guidance: what are you teaching them?

Take a look at your new consultant training, are you teaching beyond book, sell and
recruit? Do words like invest, plan, systems, income producing and return on investment
appear? Do you discuss money?

As leaders, by integrating business language and practices into training from day one,
we begin to create a business mind set and culture on our teams. As more team
members think like business owners, higher incomes and promotions will follow. When
people make money, they tend to stick around longer.

Where to begin? I like to start with invest. Invest is a broad business concept that

Invest time
Invest money
Invest in self

A good place to start integrating the concept of invest is right at the recruiting interview.
Instead of asking, How much time do you have to spend on your business, try How
much time do you have to invest in your business. When we think spend, we think give
up, when we think invest we think return. Substitute money and self for time and ask
the same questions. Soon the concept of investing will become part of your team

The goal becomes learning to leverage your investment for the greatest return.
Whether that is learning to invest:

time on the high impact priorities

money in inventory for a fixed profit
time and money in personal development (self) for more effectiveness and

The result will be leveraging your resources for greater results investment!
26 30 Days of Direct Selling Success

Teach Your Team to Run a Business: Part Two

By Mary McLoughlin

Treat your business like a business and it will make you money. Treat your business like
a hobby and it will cost you money.

Plan your work and work your plan is one of my husbands favorite mantras. It seems
so simple, yet as direct sellers, sometimes we find it hard to accomplish. There are so
many fun distractions, everything from family to exciting new ideas and projects. And
what exactly is a plan anyway?

A business plan is simply a declaration of the results you intend to achieve, the actions
and resources you intend to put in place to achieve these results and the time frame
within which you plan to achieve the results. Pretty simple, huh? Oh, and did I mention
that it is in writing?

What would happen to your results and the results of each team member if they had a
written business plan? This little thing you do starts to sound more like a business,
doesnt it?

To create a team of planners, begin at the beginning or should I say the end?

At your new consultant training, after presenting the how to book, sell and
recruit, end with what is your plan for moving forward? Have them write it
down. You might even include a handout titled my business plan.
During one on one goal setting sessions, help each team member turn their
SMART goal into a business plan.
At the end of each meeting, conference call or training, ask what is your plan for
moving forward/implementing what you just learned. A good follow up question
might be, how does this support your business plan? (Their big picture plan)

Remember to ask, what are you willing to invest to achieve your plan?

Using the language of business, terms like invest and business plan, will also help those
outside the direct selling profession see us as business owners. A definite benefit when
talking to spouses and financial planners!

Business Plan Bonus: The IRS sees the existence of a business plan as evidence of intent
to make a profit important if you were ever to get audited!
27 30 Days of Direct Selling Success

Teach Your Team to Run a Business: Part Three

By Mary McLoughlin

How do you create order and routine in your business? Do you follow a system or rely
on your talent to wing it? While trusting your talent and instinct may appear to be the
easiest way to run your business, others will be challenged to duplicate your method of

A business plan for a strong direct sales business includes duplication. In order for
others to create the same success you have they must know what you do and how you
do it. Creating and sharing systems is the key to strong duplication.

System: A set of detailed methods, procedures and routines created to carry out a
specific activity, perform a duty, or solve a problem.

Detailed Methods

The first step in creating systems is to document your methods. How do you accomplish
success? What specifically do you do when you make a follow up call, coach a host or
conduct a recruiting interview? Begin with a leaders notebook, creating a section for
each part of your business and write down exactly what you do to accomplish success in
that area. Include the language or scripts you use, the systems that help you track and
the resources you rely on. Keep adding to the pages as you adapt your methods.


As you document your methods, you will see series of actions emerge that you take to
complete success in an area. For instance, after an event you may organize your leads,
prioritize and then follow up. You may first email, then call, then send mail. If you do
this every time with your event follow up, its a procedure.


How often and the order that you complete these procedures is a routine. Do you
schedule this on your calendar? How often, what day of the week, what week of the
month, what hours of the day? Be sure to add this information as you write up your

Detailed Methods + Procedures + Routines = Systems = Duplication. Systems free you

from uncertainty about how to train others for success. They are easily understood,
implemented and duplicated.
28 30 Days of Direct Selling Success

Teach Your Team to Run a

Business: Part Four
By Mary McLoughlin

Treat your business like a business

and it will make you money. Treat your
business like a hobby and it will cost
you money.

How do you decide to prioritize your

time and activities? Do items that produce income rate higher than ones that dont?
How do you encourage your team to spend more time on activities that will give them
the highest return on their investment?

You and your team do want to make money in your businesses, unless you admit its a
hobby. (And I am quite certain very few do!) Teaching your team to spend the majority
of their business time on Income Producing Activities (IPA) is what will create the
highest return on their investment. (ROI) Go ahead, start at the beginning; teach IPA and
ROI at new consultant training. Use these words as part of your everyday language.
Soon everyone will be thinking about how they spend their time in terms of how it
impacts their paychecks.

Take it up a notch and keep teaching them what activities produce income. Yes, creating
flyers, invitations and elaborate displays may be fun and attract some interest, but its
sharing them with a person that brings in revenue. A good rule, activities that involve
people almost always are income producing.

A friend of mine, Cindy Johnson, reviewed her daily task list and put a $ sign beside each
item that produced income. She completed these first every day and consistently
earned 6 figures +.

What are the top income producing activities in your business? Make a list. Better yet,
involve your team in creating the list and challenge each other to complete at least one
item every day. What the return on time and money invested grow. Remember, those
who make money stay in the business!
29 30 Days of Direct Selling Success

Teach Your Team to Run a

Business: Part Five
By Mary McLoughlin

Treat your business like a business and it will

make you money. Treat your business like a
hobby and it will cost you money.

Money doesnt grow on trees. A penny saved is

a penny earned. Money is the root of all evil.

What do you believe about money? It will show

up in your business. Did your past lead you to believe there is too little money or plenty?
Are you free with money or do you hold it tight?

What people believe about money can greatly impact how money flows into and
through a business. How do you help your team explore what they believe about
money? Start with one of the statements above. Ask what is between the lines. After
you have explored several money messages, discuss how they may be limiting personal
success around money. Remind your team that they are in control and can make
different choices about their money beliefs.

Money Management

Add a money management section to your leaders notebook. Document how you
manage your business money and teach your team. Keep it simple, start with teaching
them to open a separate checking account for business and to deposit ALL their
revenue/commissions to this account, pay all their business bills from this account and
then pay themselves. They will quickly realize just how much money they are making
and where they are spending money in their business. They will be very happy you
taught them this one simple money management strategy at tax time! Help them see
that the same budgeting skills they use to run their home and family apply to their

Money Multiplication

We began with the word invest and we end here. As you and your team invest your time
& money well and invest wisely in yourself, begin early to save and invest for the future.
You will have the resources to weather any ups and downs in your business and a plan
for a secure future.
30 30 Days of Direct Selling Success

Five Tips to Good

Decision Making
By Dana Phillips

As a direct selling leader,

you are called to make
decisions every day. You
may be the type of
person who makes
decisions quickly. You
may struggle to make a
decision or avoid making
a decision until it is

Once you establish an acceptable pattern for your decision making style, you will find
peace of mind, consistency, and forward progress.

Here are five tips to support your decision making

1. Decide what you want. This sounds simple, but often we dont make decisions
based on what we want in the end. Think about where you want to end up based
on this decision.
2. Consider the pros and cons. There is a lot of clarity in simply writing down the
possible positive and negative consequences of your choice.
3. Use empathy. Most of our decisions affect someone, so pause and put yourself
in the shoes of the people this decision might affect.
4. Weigh the impact. See if you can picture the impact of your decision. Are you
setting a precedent? Is it consistent with decisions you have made before?
5. Check for alignment. Think about your decision in light of your compass. Is the
decision in line with your values, goals, or do you have to justify your decision?

These quick tools are handy reminders to support you when you are faced with a
decision. Using these five touch points can give you clarity, consistency, and wisdom in
your decision making.

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